Heart walk team names

Manchester City: Pride In Battle

2010.08.14 19:47 Kllian Manchester City: Pride In Battle

For fans of Manchester City Football Club. Come hang out and discuss all things City.

2017.05.22 19:52 deltagear WalkAway

WalkAway showcases reasons why people are leaving the Left in droves. The Left is the ideology of the insane, lawless, immoral, and violent. Look no further than here to see why. This public forum is unaffiliated with the official WalkAway campaign. Walking away? Tell us your story and use the "My #WalkAway Story" text post flair.

2021.07.05 16:38 ibuiltamurderbot Libs of Reddit

LibsOfReddit is a community to discuss the lying, hypocrisy, logical fallacies, racism, and general douchbaggery of leftists and liberals and public figures they idolize. Redact sub and user names even if it's your own.

2024.05.15 13:52 littlebirdieb33 Kennel Cough: Multi-Dog Household

Species: Canine 1. Chip: 6 yo Male, Choc Lab, intact(scheduled neuter 5/23/24) Kennel Cough Confirmed on 5/9/24, All vaccines updated Aug.2023 Antibiotic and steroid- I’m out of town and don’t have Rx names, think one is Doxycycline?
  1. Ringo: 8yo Male, Dachshund,altered,coughing and mild lethargy beginning 5/14/2024, All vaccines updated Aug. 2024
  2. CeCe: 7 yo female, Cocker Spaniel, in tact, no current symptoms, All vaccines updated Aug.2023
  3. Honey: Approx 6 yo female, Shih tzu/Yorkie/Pom, Pregnant rescue at approx 18 mths-limited early history-altered, occasional history of GI upset/infection-severe neurological reaction to antibiotic, emergency proptosis repair Jan.2023, (playing w Ringo-dachshund) required round the clock care during recovery, refused food, water, unwilling to walk, depressed, lethargy, Made full recovery with no noted vision loss, However, she did begin to show symptoms of mild tracheal collapse(? ) which I first contributed to irritation from sedation, she has continued to occasionally “honk” but not persistent or indicative of medical intervention, basically, common breed occurrence.
Details: Our Choc Lab escaped from our privacy fence back yard on Thurs, May 2. All of our dogs wear riveted ID plate collars and on Wed May 1, Chip’s plate broke off. My husband ask me to go to get temporary hang ID the following day after an appt. Left appt for home to get daughters who would not miss trip to pet store. Dogs are crated when we leave our house, so it was when we went to crate them, we discovered Chip was gone. Knowing he didn’t have an ID, I immediately checked community FB and I was relieved to see that he had been found less than one block from our home and taken to our local shelter. The post had been made ab 2 hrs prior and I immediately drove across town to get him. His intake and discharge from shelter was less than 3 hrs. Exactly one week later, he began making a gagging like sound which overnight, evolved into classic kennel cough symptoms, along with what I feared was severe lethargy. Vet confirmed kennel cough, prescribed Rx and Chip made me look like an idiot bc he suddenly felt great riding in car and receiving love from vet office. He is taking 2 tab of antibiotic morn/night and steroid q 8hrs. He has greatly improved. At his appt I asked ab other dog’s exposure and was advised to call if became symptomatic.m Last night, Ringo (8yo dachshund) began honking/rasping and we will be calling vet as soon as they open. My question/concern I’m hoping you will answer is whether or not it is advisable to proceed to ask for prophylactic antibiotics for our other two dogs? I am very concerned that Honey, with her history of illness and brachiocephalic (poor) breeding is at a higher risk for severe complications. She doesn’t tolerate changes to routine and she also doesn’t tolerate anyone but our immediate family. She will refuse food and water if I’m away from home and has bouts of diarrhea that immediately resolve on my return. I mention this bc I have been out of town since Monday and I’m concerned that stress will increase the chance that she gets sick too. (I will be home this afternoon.) Should I ask for antibiotic for her? Is she at a higher risk for complications due to being brachiocephalic? What are the warnings for her?As of right now, CeCe (7 yo Cocker) isn’t showing symptoms and hopefully that will remain the same.
Thank you in advance if you spared your time to read and reply. After Honey’s emergency last year, I’m always fighting worse case scenario in the back of my mind, worried they’ll be sick, injured or worse. I appreciate you.
submitted by littlebirdieb33 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:49 EmoSlimes The Dreaded No-to-Low Slime Ban

In the whimsical world of slime enthusiasts, there exists a fate worse than an over-activated batch: the self-imposed slime ban. Whether it's driven by budget constraints, the desperate need to declutter, or simply the desire to prevent total slime overload, going on a low- to no-slime diet can feel like the end of days. Picture it: your once vibrant world of stretchy, squishy goodness reduced to a barren wasteland. But fear not, for I am here to guide you through this dramatic ordeal. Brace yourself, though; the journey ahead is not for the faint of heart, but it is one we must all walk one day.
1. Playing with the Slime You Already Have
Ah, the initial stage of the ban. You stand before your glorious collection, a dragon surveying its hoard. "No need to worry," you tell yourself. "I have plenty of slime." You start with the classics, the old favorites that never let you down. You stretch, squish, and poke, reveling in the familiar textures and scents. But soon, the euphoria fades. You realize you're rationing your slimes, treating each session like it's your last meal before the guillotine. Every stretch feels bittersweet, every poke a reminder of the dwindling days ahead.
2. Making Your Own Slime
Desperation sets in. "DIY," you think, clutching at straws. You scour your house for ingredients: shampoo, baking soda, glue—anything that might come together into that beloved goo. The kitchen becomes a mad scientist's lab, complete with frantic mixing and questionable experiments. Some attempts fail spectacularly, leaving you with sticky hands and a ruined mixing bowl. Others succeed, but it's not the same. You stare at your homemade slime, proud yet hollow. It's like eating a cake made of sawdust—it fills the void, but it's not the real thing. (I have a great guide here.)
3. Designing Virtual Slimes
The digital age offers a glimmer of hope. You download slime apps, creating virtual masterpieces with the swipe of a finger. It's oddly satisfying, watching your screen fill with glittery, gooey creations. But there's no tactile joy, no sensory delight. It's like looking at a photo of food when you're starving—beautiful, but ultimately unfulfilling. Still, you persist, crafting digital slimes at all hours, your eyes glazing over as you chase the phantom sensations.
4. Starting a Slime Bartering System
Your social circle becomes your lifeline. You propose trades, offering up prized possessions in exchange for slime. A rare book here, a cherished trinket there—nothing is off-limits. Friends and acquaintances look at you with a mix of pity and amusement, but some take the bait. You find yourself with new slimes, each one a brief oasis in your desert of deprivation. But the trades come with their own costs, and soon your shelves are empty, save for the slimes.
5. Begging for Slime
Pride be damned, you resort to begging. You compose heartfelt pleas, sending them to friends, family, even strangers on the internet. "Please," you write, "I just need a little slime to get through the day." The responses vary—some sympathetic, some mocking. A few kind souls send you small amounts, their generosity a beacon of hope. But it’s never enough. The hunger gnaws at you, relentless and unyielding.
6. Playing with Pretend Slime
Madness looms on the horizon. You find yourself pretending—imagining slimes that aren’t there. You close your eyes and describe them in excruciating detail, picturing every color, texture, and scent. You stretch invisible slimes, poke at thin air, your mind clinging to the ghostly sensations. It's a temporary balm, a fleeting escape. But reality always crashes back in, leaving you more desperate than before.
7. Begging for Slime Again
If at first you don’t succeed, beg, beg again. Persistence is key, my friends. Ask nicely, and maybe someone will take pity on you and share their precious slime. Try different approaches: poetic pleas, heartfelt letters, or even over-the-top dramatic monologues about your dire situation. The more creative, the better. Sometimes, the third time’s the charm. Don’t be afraid to ask for slime from every possible source. Your persistence might just pay off.
8. Keeping a Slime-Less Journal
You turn to writing, chronicling your ordeal in a slime-less journal. Each day, you document the cravings, the dreams, the near-misses. The pages fill with angst and longing, your words dripping with melodrama. You draw pictures, tape in scraps of failed DIY slimes, create a tangible testament to your suffering. It’s therapeutic, in a way, a way to process the madness. But it also solidifies your obsession, turning your journey into a saga of epic proportions.
9. Joining a Slime Support Group
Misery loves company. You find fellow sufferers, forming a support group of the slime-deprived. Together, you share stories, vent frustrations, and offer solace. Virtual meetings become your lifeline, each session a cathartic release. You bond over your shared struggle, finding strength in numbers. But the group also feeds your obsession, each member a mirror reflecting your own desperation.
10. Complaining About It on slime
Reddit is the perfect place to vent your frustrations. Head over to slime and share your woes with the community. Post dramatic rants, share memes about your slime-less existence, and seek advice from fellow slime lovers. Sometimes, a good rant is all you need to feel a bit better. Plus, you might find some empathetic souls who are willing to share their own tips and tricks for surviving the slime ban.
11. Casting a Magic Spell
In your darkest hour, you turn to the arcane. You gather candles, draw circles, and chant incantations, hoping to summon slime from the ether. It’s a mix of desperation and whimsy, a last-ditch effort to conjure relief. The rituals become elaborate, theatrical performances that blur the line between sanity and insanity. You laugh at the absurdity, but part of you truly believes in the magic.
12. Planning a Slime Heist
Delusion takes hold. You scheme, plot, and plan an elaborate slime heist. Blueprints cover your walls, your mind consumed with the minutiae of the perfect crime. You envision breaking into stores, raiding friends' stashes, even sneaking into slime conventions. It’s a fantasy, a thrilling diversion from your torment. The line between reality and fiction blurs, your heist becoming an epic tale of rebellion.
13. Begging for Slime Again
You circle back to begging, now with a fervor that borders on mania. You leave no stone unturned, no contact unasked. You compose dramatic letters, stage impassioned speeches, and flood social media with your pleas. The world watches, amused and bewildered by your relentless pursuit. But amidst the laughter, slivers of hope appear—small packages, anonymous gifts, glimmers of slime in the darkness.
14. Forgetting the Ban
Alright, it's been long enough. Buy some slime.
submitted by EmoSlimes to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:48 Captain_Jace Full guard Because I'm Bad

So, as of late I've been trying out a bunch of heroes to find who I want to main based on a few criteria. Mostly, what fits my play style and how much fun do I have doing it. Immersion is a big one too. But I'm trying to be flexible on that. But I've was a Viking since release with the exception of a few seasons here and there where I wanted to play with a friend and take territories together ya know? But I have full intentions on siding with the faction my main comes from.
Right now, my top contenders are Warlord, Conqueror, Shugoki, and Jorm. But I've found I prefer heroes with a full guard stance because, quite frankly, my reaction time is bad and so it's easier to just guard in one direction every time and block everything. And I prefer heavies because of their survivability and I only like objective game modes and playing for the objectives rather than kills and stuff (I've won so many games solely because I just sat on a point. No one even showed up lol)
So, I have a few questions about some of the other full guard heroes. Namely
Black Prior Valkyrie (though immersion is hard with female gender locked heroes. Hard to look at a female hero and go "this is me" ya know? But again, trying to be flexible) Kyoshin
Not so keen on Varangian Guard or Aramusha because their full guard has to be timed well.
Mainly, are they worth it? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How do they play?
Keep in mind some things I really like about the ones I'm playing now
Warlord: of course his full block stance, even though he's a "defensive" hero I can play him super aggressive. His headbutt is fantastic at dealing with turtles.
Conqueror: basically everything I said about Warlord. I love his infinite chain which is unblockable when they're heavy. The only thing I DONT like about him is his attacks are slow so I just get parried all day if I don't play SUPER defensive. And I prefer aggression.
Shugoki: it's the hugs. Delayed unblockable heavies are good and all, but giving a guy a hug and throwing him on the ground while my team wrecks him for 80% of his HP is great.
Jorm: Jorm is more of a "I want to get good with him" hero. The aggressiveness of Warlord and the disabling abilities of Shugoki, plus an infinite chain if I use his zone right. He's got everything except that full guard stance. So with him it's more that I want to get better at blocking, parrying, and feinting and then get good with him
submitted by Captain_Jace to forhonor [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:48 SadDragonfruit8293 Ghost lady

This story was told to me by a friend at work and i was oked to use it
As a young boy in elementary school, I used to visit the old lady down the road all the time. Her name was Mrs. Jenkins, and she lived alone in a small, quaint house at the end of the street.
Whenever I walked by, I would see her sitting by the window, surrounded by all sorts of knick-knacks and trinkets.
I always loved looking at the treasures she had on display in her window. There were delicate porcelain figurines, colorful glass ornaments, and shiny baubles that caught the light just right. Mrs. Jenkins would smile and wave at me as I passed by, inviting me to come inside and chat.
I would spend hours listening to her stories and gazing at her collection of oddities. She had a knack for weaving tales of adventure and intrigue, making me feel like I was part of a fantastical world. Mrs. Jenkins was like a grandmother to me, and I cherished the moments we shared together.
But one day, Mrs. Jenkins was no longer there. I knocked on her door, but no one answered. Even her nicknacks were gone like thay were never there everything was gone
I asked the neighbors if they had seen her, but they said she had been gone for quite some time. Confused and saddened, I turned to my grandmother for answers.
It was then that my grandmother told me the truth - Mrs. Jenkins had passed away over four years ago. No one had lived in that house since her death, and yet I had been visiting her all this time. My heart sank as I realized that the old lady I had grown so fond of was nothing more than a ghost, a figment of my imagination.
I couldn't believe it. How could I have been so blind? But as I looked back on my memories with Mrs. Jenkins, I realized that she had brought me comfort and joy when I needed it most. She may have been a ghost, but she had a kind and gentle spirit that touched my heart in ways I never thought possible.
I continued to visit the old lady's house, even though I knew she wasn't really there. I would sit on her porch and talk to the empty air, sharing my thoughts and dreams with the memory of Mrs. Jenkins. Though she may have been gone, her presence lingered like a warm embrace, guiding me through the ups and downs of growing up.
In the end, I learned that sometimes the most precious relationships are the ones that transcend time and space. Mrs. Jenkins may have been a ghost, but she was more real to me than anyone else. And for that, I will always be grateful for the time we shared together.
I have a YouTube channel you could check out this story and more from reddit https://youtube.com/@the_messenger_?si=a4pvIa_WAy3ilokO
Delete if this isnt ok i will repost without the link
submitted by SadDragonfruit8293 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:46 Just_Fix_Today JustFixToday: Elevating Home Renovation and Handyman Services in Alpharetta

JustFixToday: Elevating Home Renovation and Handyman Services in Alpharetta
Handyman Services In Alpharetta
As the bustling city of Alpharetta continues to evolve, the demand for top-tier remodeling and handyman services has never been higher. Amidst the multitude of options available, JustFixToday emerges as a beacon of excellence, showcasing a unique blend of expertise, craftsmanship, customer-centric values, and community engagement that sets it apart as the premier choice for all your home improvement needs in Alpharetta.
  1. Unmatched Expertise and Experience
JustFixToday boasts a team of seasoned professionals with a rich tapestry of experience in the home remodeling and handyman industry. Their collective expertise spans a diverse array of services, ranging from intricate kitchen and bathroom renovations to seamless flooring installations and meticulous painting projects. Each member of the JustFixToday team brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to the table, ensuring that every project is executed with precision and finesse.
  1. Commitment to Quality Craftsmanship
At the core of JustFixToday's ethos is an unwavering dedication to quality craftsmanship. Whether you seek a comprehensive home renovation or minor handyman services, JustFixToday approaches each task with a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence. From the selection of premium materials to the execution of intricate design elements, the team at JustFixToday leaves no stone unturned in delivering superior workmanship that elevates the aesthetics and functionality of your living space.
  1. Customer-Centric Approach
Central to JustFixToday's success is its customer-centric philosophy, which places the client at the heart of every project. By prioritizing open communication, transparent processes, and collaborative decision-making, JustFixToday ensures that the client's vision is not only realized but surpassed. From the initial consultation to the final walkthrough, the team at JustFixToday remains dedicated to meeting and exceeding the client's expectations, fostering a relationship built on trust, integrity, and mutual respect.
  1. Comprehensive Service Offerings
One of the hallmarks of JustFixToday is its comprehensive suite of remodeling and handyman services, tailored to meet the diverse needs of Alpharetta residents. Whether you require a minor repair, a major renovation, or a complete home transformation, JustFixToday offers a full spectrum of services designed to bring your vision to life. From concept development to project completion, JustFixToday leverages its expertise and resources to deliver seamless results that transform your living space into a reflection of your unique style and preferences.
  1. Active Community Engagement
Beyond its exceptional services, JustFixToday is deeply embedded in the fabric of the Alpharetta community, actively participating in local initiatives and charitable projects. By giving back to the community that has supported its growth, JustFixToday underscores its commitment to social responsibility and community engagement, embodying a holistic approach to business that extends beyond mere transactions to meaningful relationships and lasting impact.
In conclusion, JustFixToday stands as a paragon of excellence in the realm of home remodeling and handyman services in Alpharetta. Through its unwavering commitment to expertise, quality craftsmanship, customer-centric values, comprehensive service offerings, and active community engagement, JustFixToday has carved a niche for itself as the go-to destination for discerning homeowners seeking unparalleled home improvement solutions.
Whether you envision a stunning kitchen renovation, a luxurious bathroom remodel, or seamless handyman services, JustFixToday is your trusted partner in realizing your dream home. Experience the JustFixToday difference today and embark on a transformative journey toward a more beautiful and functional living space that exceeds your expectations and enriches your daily life.
Visit JustFixToday's Official Website and embark on your home improvement journey with a partner you can trust.
Unlock the true potential of your living space with JustFixToday—where craftsmanship meets excellence and your vision becomes a reality.
Article Writer -
Zain Khan ( Brand Management Certified - University of London )
Connect with me on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dmarketingzain
submitted by Just_Fix_Today to u/Just_Fix_Today [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:44 shaneka69 LIBRA ZODIAC PREDICTIONS MAY 2024


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:44 RevolutionaryCod3553 Firing vs Corrective action

I have an employee who really truly just needs to be let go due to emotional outbursts, unprofessionalism towards customers, consistent tardiness, taking extended lunches etc. She has become very disruptive in our small office environment to the point where I can’t even stand to be in my office anymore and pretty much avoid her at all costs. She doesn’t receive feedback without an emotional response and is just overall emotionally immature (she is 45yrs old).
The angel on my shoulder believes I should give her opportunity after opportunity, but it’s to the point where everyone in the office can’t bear to be around her. I don’t want to fire her and blindside her with this, but from a business standpoint, it’s the right thing to do. Give me your 2 cents! I will atatch the email I planned to send her today below. (Names redacted for privacy purposes)
Subject: Important Reminder: Phone Protocol, Time Management, and Professional Conduct
Hi ________
I wanted to address a few critical issues that need immediate attention and explain the importance of these matters.
  1. Phone Protocol: It is essential that your phone ringer remains on at all times and is never muted. As stated in your job description, you are responsible for handling all incoming calls regarding scheduling. With caller ID, it should be clear who is calling, especially if you've contacted them previously and left messages. I've noticed that -—-, ——-, and ——- frequently have to answer your calls and transfer them to you, which disrupts their workflow and efficiency. Moreover, it is imperative that you answer promptly when ——-, ——-, and ——— call you. They are extremely busy, and it is not acceptable for them to have to contact me to reach you or to leave their desks to find you because you are not answering your phone. Consistent phone availability is crucial to maintaining seamless communication and ensuring our operations run smoothly.
  2. Time Management: Starting immediately, you are required to clock in and out on ADP when you arrive at the office in the morning, when you take lunch, and when you leave for the day. While I have been somewhat lenient with minor tardiness, it has become a consistent and daily issue. Additionally, there have been instances where you’ve left early for appointments and did not make up the time as promised. Being punctual and accountable for your time is essential for maintaining fairness and productivity within the team. Clocking in and out will provide a clear record of your working hours and help ensure that your salaried position is justified by the hours you are contributing weekly. This accountability is crucial for our overall productivity and fairness to all employees.
  3. Customer Service: It is imperative to treat our customers with the utmost respect and kindness. Our customers are the backbone of our business, and their satisfaction is critical to our success. If a customer is upset, it is important to de-escalate the situation rather than becoming combative or defensive. Effective and empathetic communication can turn a negative experience into a positive one, fostering customer loyalty and enhancing our reputation. Handling difficult situations with professionalism and a calm demeanor reflects positively on our entire team and the company as a whole.
  4. Professional Conduct with Co-Workers: It is also essential to treat your co-workers with kindness and professionalism, especially when tagging people on ————. While there are often highly stressful situations, and it is okay to vent about these periodically among each other, it is unacceptable to act on these emotions in a disruptive manner. In your position, it is crucial that others feel comfortable approaching you regarding job-related matters. Displaying unprofessional behavior, such as being confrontational or overly critical, is not acceptable. Maintaining a respectful and supportive work environment is key to our collective success and fosters a positive, productive atmosphere.
If there is anything you need help with, such as clocking in and out or ensuring your phone ringer is turned up, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am here to support and assist you to ensure these processes are smooth and effective.
I would also like to see an action plan from you on how these issues will be addressed and the timeline by which they will be resolved. Please submit this plan to me by Friday 5/17.
Please address these issues immediately to ensure smooth operations and maintain our professional standards. Your cooperation and commitment to these areas are vital for the success of our team and the satisfaction of our customers.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.
Best regards, —————-
submitted by RevolutionaryCod3553 to managers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:44 ps_digitise_llp Digital Marketing Agency in Trichy

In the bustling cityscape of Trichy, amidst the array of businesses vying for digital visibility and success, one name stands out as the beacon of excellence — PS Digitise LLP. Renowned as the foremost digital marketing company in Trichy, PS Digitise LLP has carved a niche for itself through unparalleled expertise, innovative strategies, and unwavering commitment to client success.
At the heart of PS Digitise LLP’s success story lies a team of seasoned professionals driven by a passion for digital innovation. With a profound understanding of the digital landscape and its ever-evolving dynamics, the team at PS Digitise LLP crafts bespoke solutions tailored to meet the unique needs and objectives of each client. Whether it’s amplifying brand presence, driving targeted traffic, or maximizing conversions, PS Digitise LLP leaves no stone unturned in delivering results that exceed expectations.
What sets PS Digitise LLP apart is its holistic approach to digital marketing. From search engine optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to social media management and content marketing, PS Digitise LLP offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to foster unparalleled online growth. By leveraging the latest tools, technologies, and trends, the company ensures that its clients stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive digital landscape.
However, PS Digitise LLP’s commitment to excellence extends far beyond delivering exceptional results. The company prides itself on fostering long-term partnerships built on trust, transparency, and integrity. Every client collaboration is characterized by open communication, personalized attention, and a relentless focus on driving tangible business outcomes.
Moreover, PS Digitise LLP’s success stories speak volumes about its prowess in delivering transformative results. With a diverse portfolio of clients spanning various industries, including e-commerce, hospitality, healthcare, and beyond, the company has consistently demonstrated its ability to drive measurable ROI and fuel sustainable growth.
In addition to its client-centric approach, PS Digitise LLP is also deeply committed to staying at the forefront of industry trends and innovations. Through continuous learning, experimentation, and refinement, the company ensures that its strategies are always aligned with the latest best practices and emerging opportunities.
In conclusion, PS Digitise LLP stands as a shining example of excellence in the realm of digital marketing. With its unparalleled expertise, innovative solutions, and unwavering commitment to client success, the company continues to set the benchmark for digital excellence in Trichy and beyond. If you’re ready to unlock the full potential of your digital presence, look no further than PS Digitise LLP — your trusted partner for all things digital.
submitted by ps_digitise_llp to u/ps_digitise_llp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:42 gentlewindsolsol I ran a crokinole booth at a Korean children's event.

This is what I posted on the board game community in Korea, and I'm also translating and posting it on Reddit!
The translation and text inspection took a long time, but I'm posting it because I think croquinol gamers from other countries will enjoy reading it.
(I don't know how to put pictures in between when writing on Reddit. If you're curious about pictures while reading, please visit the link below. You may not understand Korean, but pictures are visual information so they can be understood universally)
Not long ago in early May, I ran a croquinol booth for students and parents at a Children's Day event (it was held on the grounds of the University of Education)
The head of the school affairs department suggested, "I heard you like board games, do you want to run a booth?" so I thought very hard. Actually, it was bothersome.
In the end, I accepted because I wanted to make good memories with children as well as selling croquinol. At first, I thought it was easy to take a few croquinols and play a few rounds.
It wasn't long before I realized that the idea was very wrong. This is because there were so many things to consider operating the booth. The program should be organized in consideration of the number of users and the number of people visiting.
The arrangement of objects and the movement of people should also be considered. I shouldn't think, 'I'm done explaining the game to the students in moderation and watching them play.'
I have to think about the details. I thought about it until the day of operation and right before it started. Now that it's been decided so far, I'll have to recruit staff to run it together (this was the most difficult problem)
Finally, find out the products to give to the visiting children and purchase them, purchase notices to be installed in the booth, and other things necessary to proceed or make them
For two weeks, I spent a lot of time and energy thinking about and preparing for how to operate the booth. I thought a lot about what to give as the prize, but it was finally decided to go down
(1) Pokémon Key Chain Pokémon is definitely a successful IP!!
I decided it right away because it looked so pretty and the quality looked good. There were some that were really cheap, but the quality was really... It was a pity, so I put in more budget
(2) ritter sport chocolate It's economical because there are 200 in a pack I tried one to see if it's poisonous What????? This chocolate tastes pretty good...
(3) Crockinol Pencil (Steadler + Engrave) Originally, I didn't want to give pencils, but if I imprint them and give them to students, I thought they could remember croquinol for quite some time, so I made it meaningful.
If you look closely at the pencil, you can see the image of a disc bouncing with a finger. It took a long time to think of the word 'dream tree' in the engraved phrase. (Offered words: rookie, genius, child, master, king, god, etc.) Since there are no other people to help me, I planned and produced a lot of things by myself.... lol
I recruited the operating personnel as follows
Head of the school affairs department -> Recruit me (one-person planner and business manager): Let's compare and analyze croquinol sales and rest at home and then experience it. Decided
Me-> First cast (S teacher): A versatile teacher who has been in the next class since we met in the 6th grade this year He became interested after being introduced to Crockinol by me. Enjoying Crockinol at home with his wife. Canadian style. (He said he was doing it without giving it away.) After receiving a proposal from me, "I'll do all the preparations, so please come and let the children know the games without any burden," he decided to participate after much consideration. I'm playing with my kids in the classroom, and my croquinol skills are increasing rapidly. I'm planning to promote the entire 6th grade croquinol competition later.
Second cast (Teacher C): My younger brother who met as a manager and a staff member at my last school and became very close. The same person who said in an old article that he helped move the classroom!
Together, we played about 400 rounds of croquinol 1:1 match. He made a lot of mistakes in his early days, but after hundreds of editions, he became enlightened at some point. He has become quite a master.
His powerful shots made a lot of crazy scenes. Among them, he sent five discs of his opponent to a ditch at the same time. When he was asked by me to help him, he accepted without hesitation. (He is expected to participate in the next event.)
Third cast (Teacher K): I am a teacher from another region, and I am close to him because I got to know him in a club. She was the last to be recruited, and she suggested liter port chocolate and keychain among the product ideas. Pencils were also highly recommended when I was thinking about it.
Lastly, he volunteered after seeing me thinking about recruiting one more person.
She's the only teacher who doesn't have a croquinol, and she doesn't usually have a chance to train, so she's still a beginner's skill.
Rather, a person who is expected to revitalize the booth operation because of that. (If teachers do too well, all students lose.) For the record, she has a board gamer gene that can also play Arcnova board games.
※ In addition, there is a sad history of rejection and subtly falling over during the recruitment process.
And I started setting it up on the day!! Visit early with teacher C and install one croquinol on three tables in the tent
At first, I was worried because the table was in the shape of a rectangle, but I could put things here and there. If you put the croquinol at an angle on the table, it was possible to conduct a 2:2 team, so there was no problem.
After I finished setting up, I sat down for a bit and tried a croquinol test. Played without any problems. The shot was even better because I told them to cut their nails, including myself.
However, there was a lot of dust on the tables and chairs provided by the company, so I hurriedly cleaned them. The remaining two operators also narrowly joined, and a total of four people were matched.
After that, I had time to start operating the booth as a whole They're here...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The name of the booth was 'Gather up here if you're confident in flicking', but I think I drew some aggro. Other places looked healthy like making animal bracelets, but our booth was like, "You! Come if you're confident!"
The booth was originally planned like this Planning the rules of the game: - If you feel uncomfortable, you can stand and shoot freely - In the case of 1:1, the original use of the 1/4 shooting line based on North America and Canada, rather than the use of the 1/2 shooting line that changed the rules in Korean company Korea Board Games. - A student who is too young is forced to shoot with a line forward. Two places are experience seats and listen to and experience the rules 1:1 or 2:2 (Parents and friends can participate together) - The experience gift is one litre pot chocolate - Rule Description -> Shot Practice -> consists of a two-game friendly
If you have learned the rules through the experience, go to the challenge seat of one place and challenge 1:1 or 2:2 (you can also participate together) - If you win, you'll get a Pokémon keychain, even if you lose, you'll get a 1/3 chance of a keychain and a 2/3 chance of a pencil through a lottery - Using one chance card, we will proceed with two sets, and if the student draws or wins even one set, it will be considered a victory. - Re-challenge possible when you line up again The booth gradually gathered and filled the corner, and the line got longer
I repeated the explanation and game so wildly!
The first episode : Even though it was in the shade of the tent, the temperature was high, so the chocolate melted. The student said it melted, so I touched it and it was liquid! Unfortunately, we can't give these defective products to students, so we decided to go to the challenge seat without giving them away in the experience seat.
The second episode : Our classmates are here! I heard a voice saying, "Teacher!" and I can see the 6th grade girls in my class
Of course, we played the game. I tried to lose, but I thought that if I lost too much, the student would notice, so I made mistakes from time to time, but these guys made more mistakes!
It ended with me winning or drawing (I should have made it more clear and lost... lol) I said, "This is just an experience seat, so it doesn't matter, show your real skills in the challenge seat," and sent the girl to another corner
The third episode : People were buzzing that a very famous politician visited the booth next door. (He was Korea's presidential candidate.) I looked up and saw the face that I saw on screen Although I was curious, I had my day job as a board gamer, so I welcomed students and focused on explaining the rules. Later, I found out that he talked to a student who experienced our booth and passed by
The 4th episode : The booth operators were not given a separate lunch break! It was announced that they would take turns eating lunch boxes. There were quite a few people... and I barely had time to eat. One person will be in charge of one booth, and one person will take turns eating I'm the type to eat slowly while tasting the taste, but I didn't have much time to relax on this day, so I sat on the stand and came back in a hurry that I couldn't even feel the taste
The fifth episode : There are so many people, and especially in the case of the challenge seat, the waiting line is longer, so to solve the bottleneck, we decided to take both the place and challenge as an experience seat It was the same with the booth I was in. I don't know what this day is... I made more mistakes than usual and often missed shots because I was nervous dealing with children. Hahaha
The 6th episode : The operations staff at the next table said, "A kid came up with a challenge and beat me." He got the prize, of course But after that, the student was still in the viewing room and gave advice to other participating children, saying, "I win all of them," showing a lot of confidence Then the child triumphantly challenged the management staff again! He must have wanted to win again. What was the result? According to him, he showed the dignity of an adult with his skills to children Of course, he gave away a croquinol pencil this time!!
The 7th episode : I explained the rules so much that the script was automatically made "This game is a 150-year-old game of Canada known to have started in 1876.... "In Canada, it's a daily sport that many families have and play throughout their lives, from childhood to grandmothers and grandparents. The rules are simple: if you put it in here, it's 20 points, this is 15 points....." I can't remember how many times I repeated the script above! The eighth episode : There are people who waited for an hour to listen to it while organizing it I've already experienced it and moved to the challenge seat, but the challenge seat lines are too long... Did they feel like they were waiting for a long line in the amusement park... ㅠㅠ Parents were tired of waiting, so they asked to go to another booth, but the child said, "Since I've experienced it, I really want to try it. I want to take a Pokémon keychain!" and waited a lot. It must have been very boring for parents, but there was no other way. I thought the quality of the operation would be very low to just experience/challenge one game at a time 2 play experience + 2 play challenge was the minimum number of plays to feel a little croquinol
The ninth episode : After eating, I heard parents and children talking "This is where we play Alkagi. Shall we play Alkagi?" "Let's do it!" If you had written the booth title, "Who wants to play croquinol?" no one would know croquinol, so accessibility would have been low But when the title said "Alkkagi", I was proud of him coming in without any pressure
The 10th episode : The official closing time of the booth was 4 p.m At around 3:50 p.m., I took a breath and looked at other places, and some places had already withdrawn, and I was usually cleaning up, so the atmosphere was clear But our booth is still full It lasted beyond hours Is this the power of crocinol?
The 11th episode : Time has been deleted I was worried about what if time went by during that long time of operating the booth, but it was a mistake. We were so busy explaining and playing that we didn't have time to look at the clock, and when we came to our senses, it was a time when the end was imminent. I couldn't even go to the bathroom for five hours. Because it was hectic, the operation ended without a comparative analysis of 'Are many people visiting other booths? How popular is our booth?' (When I saw the photos and videos later, I could see that our booth was more crowded than other booths.)
The 12th episode : I tried a lot to react to it in my own way. I really complimented the kid every time he hit the disc. I exaggerated a little bit like I became a YouTuber and shouted a compliment chant out loud A young girl who looked like elementary 1 or 2 sat down (around 7-8 years old) I finished explaining the rules, and asked her to practice shooting a few times. After that, we started playing the game. The girl said she would do it first, and she took the first shot of her life's first game. It went straight into the center hole. There was applause from all around. I said, "Even I couldn't put it in at first. It's amazing." Congratulations on your best experience." She's made a lot of mistakes in play since then, but it doesn't matter at all! There's nothing more touching than the first shot of 20 The parents who were nearby filmed this scene and will cherish this meaningful moment for a long time
The 13th episode : There seemed to be something interesting to see other crocinol tables also clapping, wow, oh, oh From the perspective of planning, all these reactions are a gift
The 14th episode : There were a lot of spectators while explaining/playing There were a lot of comments about the rules of the game "You have to hit the disc when it's on the surface" "Oh!" A male parent was glad to hear that he knew croquinol "I knew this game since it came out last year. It was about 110 dollars, but I didn't buy it because it was expensive." (It's more expensive now. It's about $140)
The 15th episode : We allowed a re-challenge in the 'Beat the Teacher' section, caressing the hearts of children thirsty for crocinol Some students tried again 3 times (The challenge itself takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds for the first round, 3 minutes in total, so it doesn't take much.)
The 16th episode : After 4 p.m., I looked at the other booth thinking about when to organize it, and a boy who looked like a fourth grade in the challenge seat was doing very well Her parents were also amazed by it The accuracy of each step wasn't unusual He said he came back to try it out and do it again Looking at the game, he unfortunately lost to Teacher S by 5 points when he made a mistake of 2 turns in the second half Teacher S told the student. " Try it with that teacher. He's the best While sitting down, I asked, "Do you want me to do it with all my strength or not?" I laughed and asked At first, the student said, "Please be generous!" but later changed his words to "With full strength." "Haha, okay. I'll go with all my strength!" The student said he would attack first and tried an open shot and went straight into the center hole "Wow... does this make sense?" I also chased along the disc in the center hole. That's how I tried to hit my opponent's disc in Hogan's alley and accidentally wasted three turns. The result is that the student who leads by 15 points wins... The child liked it very much and came home with a light step with his parents "Thank you for your hard work. Bye!" When I looked at the playground with the back of my family leaving after saying hello, the sun was slowly heading down, scattering light everywhere and giving the lawn a cozy view What could be a more peaceful landscape. He must have felt really good on his way home. I thought he lost well
Finish writing : When I was in college, I ran a different kind of booth when I was the president of a club, but it was the first time I ran it this way in relation to board games.
At that time, there were a lot of club members and the space was very spacious, so the event was held comfortably, but the croquinol booth was operated in a very minimal condition: 1 tent, 3 tables, 3 croquinols, and 4 people in operation
Still, it ended successfully as it exceeded the time without an accident, so considering that it is the first operation under this condition, it should be considered a great success.
The operation of this croquinol booth was planned by myself and prepared for the program, so I have a lot of attachment.
I'm grateful to the three people who ran it together (they were dispatched from each elementary school publicly and privately). As expected, people are the most important.
I'm willing to do it again if I have to participate in the booth event another month this year or if I have to run it again next year. I think we can do it in a better way than now
For example, I dream of running a mini-contest by installing more tables. There's a mini trophy, and I think the kid who got it will really like it. (Of course we need a lot more people than we do now...!)
submitted by gentlewindsolsol to Crokinole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:42 Brave_Conference_974 Near Death Experiences

Hello, ladies. It is I, a rs male.
I would like to share very sensual, intimate thoughts from the anal recesses of my mind. The writing prompt being: times I thought I was going to die. We're all mortal, so let's face it, most of us have had some close calls. As a 34 year old male with a slightly balding hairline, let me tell you.
2017 late August. I was 27 at the beach, with my boogie board... I felt my feet lift off the ground and felt myself being pulled out by a rip current. Something not new to me but this time it was already "swim for your life right now, or get pulled out to sea and drown".
So, I took the boogie board wrist strap off (to swim better) and clenched it with my teeth. I pumped the backstroke diagonally to the shore line so hard I felt like my life was hanging from a thread. Literally, if I lost grip of the strap with my teeth I would lose my only life raft if I were to get pulled out to sea.
It felt like my life was the shore line. My death was towards the sea. Almost like an "Alice in Wonderland" ketamine trip, I felt my soul stretch to both sides and begin to thin out. The boogie board pulling into the sea was Hell trying to pull me into the blue darkness. The thread of the strap was my soul hymen. Like a loose tooth about to pop off. That moment of surreal thought, hoping some type of God would make this moment go away. It was very trippy.
I felt my foot touch ground after swimmimg for my life. Lost all my strength. Then walked back down the beach. It was traumatizing.
Ahem, anyways. My second near death experience happened last fall. Around mid October 2023. I was 33 years old. I got up the stairs into kitchen and when I smelled the cooked strawberry and oats cooked for breakfast, the smell was overwhelming. I did't feel right. Like the blood wasn't flowing into my head. Next thing I know, I am on the floor on my side convulsing, looking at myself like "oh shit, I'm having a seizure/heart attack or something". It was almost making me chuckle like simething tickled my funny bone nerve as I collapsed to the ground. Immediatwly realizing my body was fuckimg up was terrifying, so I waited out the convulsions that took 60 seconds again hoping some god wasnt going to kill me like this.
Of course nobody in my life knows of these experiences, or remembers to care. That's not while I'm letting you ladies know, I just... I don't know, wanted to try writing out my trauma like a rs girlie
submitted by Brave_Conference_974 to RSwritingclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:42 Responsible-Map-5465 Best love marriage specialist Astrologer

Best love marriage specialist Astrologer Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji indeed stands out as one of the best love marriage specialists in the field of astrology. With his profound knowledge of Vedic astrology and years of experience, he has helped countless individuals navigate the complexities of love and marriage. Here’s why Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is considered the best love marriage specialist:
Expertise in Vedic Astrology: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji has a deep understanding of Vedic astrology, an ancient Indian science that offers profound insights into human life and relationships. He utilizes this knowledge to analyze birth charts, planetary positions, and astrological influences to provide accurate predictions and effective remedies. Specialization in Love Marriages: Unlike many general astrologers, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji specializes specifically in love marriages. He understands the unique challenges faced by couples in love unions, such as parental opposition, cultural differences, and compatibility issues, and offers tailored solutions to address them. Compassionate Guidance: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji approaches his clients with empathy and compassion. He listens attentively to their concerns, respects their individual circumstances, and provides guidance with the utmost care and understanding. Effective Remedies: One of the hallmarks of Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s practice is the effectiveness of his remedies. Whether it’s recommending specific gemstones, performing puja rituals, or prescribing mantra chanting, his remedies have helped countless couples overcome obstacles and strengthen their bond. Proven Track Record: Over the years, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji has built a solid reputation for his accurate predictions and successful outcomes. Many satisfied clients have attested to the positive changes they’ve experienced in their love marriages after seeking guidance from him. Accessibility: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji ensures that his services are accessible to individuals from all walks of life. Whether you’re located in India or abroad, he offers consultations through various channels, including phone calls, video calls, and email, making it convenient for clients to seek his guidance. Ethical Practices: Integrity and ethics are paramount in Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s practice. He maintains the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality, ensuring that clients feel comfortable sharing their concerns and trust his guidance wholeheartedly. For these reasons and more, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is widely regarded as one of the best love marriage specialists in the field of astrology. His dedication to helping couples find happiness and harmony in their relationships has earned him the respect and admiration of clients worldwide.
Certainly! Here’s some additional information about Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji and his expertise as a love marriage specialist:
Personalized Approach: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji believes in providing personalized solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. He takes the time to understand the unique dynamics of every relationship and offers guidance accordingly, ensuring that his recommendations resonate with the individual circumstances of the couple. Holistic Perspective: In addition to his astrological expertise, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji adopts a holistic approach to love marriages. He considers various factors, including psychological, emotional, and spiritual aspects, to provide comprehensive guidance that addresses the root causes of any issues in the relationship. Continued Support: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji doesn’t just offer temporary solutions; he provides continued support to his clients throughout their journey. Whether it’s through follow-up consultations, regular check-ins, or ongoing guidance, he remains dedicated to helping couples overcome challenges and nurture their love for the long term. Educational Initiatives: Beyond his consultations, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is committed to empowering individuals with knowledge about love and relationships. He conducts workshops, seminars, and educational sessions to raise awareness about the dynamics of love marriages and equip people with tools to navigate them successfully. Respected Authority: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji is not only trusted by his clients but also respected within the astrological community. His insights and contributions to the field have earned him recognition as a leading authority on love marriages, and he is often sought after for his expertise by fellow astrologers and practitioners. Cultural Sensitivity: Given the diverse cultural landscape of India, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji approaches his practice with cultural sensitivity and respect for traditional values. Whether clients come from different backgrounds or follow different customs, he ensures that his guidance is inclusive and respectful of their cultural beliefs and practices. Positive Impact: The impact of Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s work extends beyond individual clients; it ripples through families and communities, fostering greater understanding, harmony, and love. His dedication to promoting healthy and fulfilling relationships has touched the lives of many, leaving a lasting legacy of positivity and transformation. Recognition and Awards: Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s contributions to the field of astrology have been recognized through various awards and accolades. His commitment to excellence and service has earned him the admiration of peers and clients alike, further solidifying his reputation as a preeminent love marriage specialist. Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s holistic approach, personalized guidance, and unwavering commitment to his clients make him a trusted ally for anyone seeking assistance with their love marriage. His profound insights, compassionate demeanor, and dedication to positive change have made a significant impact on countless lives, earning him the title of one of the foremost love marriage specialists in India.


Certainly! Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s services as a Love Marriage Specialist:
Q: What is a Love Marriage Specialist, and what services do they provide? A Love Marriage Specialist is an astrologer who specializes in addressing issues related to love relationships and marriages. They provide a range of services including compatibility analysis, resolving conflicts, overcoming parental opposition, and offering astrological remedies to strengthen the bond between couples. Q: How can Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji help me with my love marriage issues? Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji offers personalized guidance and remedies to address various challenges faced by couples in love marriages. Whether it’s resolving conflicts, gaining parental approval, or enhancing compatibility, he provides effective solutions based on astrological insights. Q: Is it necessary to believe in astrology for Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s services to work? While belief in astrology is not a prerequisite, having an open mind and willingness to explore astrological insights can enhance the effectiveness of the remedies suggested by Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji. Q: How accurate are the predictions and remedies provided by Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji? Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji’s predictions and remedies are based on extensive knowledge of Vedic astrology and years of experience. While outcomes may vary depending on individual circumstances, many clients have reported positive results and improvements in their love marriages after following his guidance. Q: Can I consult with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji if I’m located outside of India? Yes, Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji offers consultations to clients worldwide through various channels such as phone calls, video calls, and email. Regardless of your location, you can seek his guidance and assistance for your love marriage issues. Q: Are consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji confidential? Yes, consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji are strictly confidential. He respects the privacy of his clients and ensures that all personal information and discussions remain confidential. Q: How can I schedule a consultation with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji? To schedule a consultation with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, you can contact his office via phone, email, or visit his official website. His team will assist you in booking an appointment at a convenient time. Q: What are the fees for consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji? The fees for consultations with Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji may vary depending on the nature and duration of the session. However, his services are reasonably priced, ensuring accessibility to individuals from all walks of life. These FAQs provide valuable information for individuals considering seeking assistance from Astrologer Mukesh Pandit Ji, the Love Marriage Specialist. They address common queries about his services, consultation process, confidentiality, effectiveness of remedies, and accessibility.
submitted by Responsible-Map-5465 to u/Responsible-Map-5465 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:41 Howling77 T1 has not underperformed

I don’t know why people are shit talking T1 so much. They haven’t underperformed or underachieved. They might be the reigning World Champions, but they are not near the form they found against BLG at Worlds and onwards. They destroyed the playins, and won against G2, who btw is playing insanely well, and Caps is arguably the third best midlaner in the World and prob top 5-7 of all players. Caps has never been more dominant than he is now. He kept G2 and carried some games alone during the LEC playoffs. And then they lost to BLG, who is one of the best 2 teams in the World. And because one team does good, doesn’t mean the other does bad. Usually the good play from one team, makes the other team look bad. Like PSG who overperfomed by like 1000% against BLG,
but in the BLG v T1 you saw more good things from BLG, than bad things from T1.
The narrative is not always “the loosing team was terrible” just last Worlds Guma outperformed Ruler, but Ruler wasn’t bad, Guma was just better 😉
After G2 win against TES, I think it’s safe to safe they are level with T1, and BLG and Gen.G are above them. The pre tournament rankings are almost always wrong, and that is shown every international tournament. Gen.G last MSI and Worlds, BLG, JDG and G2 last Worlds. We had Weibo in the finals last year… just to name a few. But if you go through MSI and Worlds expectations through the years, the amount of let downs are insane.
Just by being T1 they underperform whenever they lose, but the narrative is tiring and getting boring. There is a serious lack of proper analysis of T1 game, because if they lose, it’s always “they bad”.
submitted by Howling77 to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:41 PersonR I’m struggling with the idea my dog is getting old

I’m struggling with the idea my dog is getting old
I got Athba when I completed plans for my suicide. That was over 6 years ago. The pictures are of her last walk in Saudi, and her first walk in the UK.
I stopped by a pet store (we don’t have rescues) to see if they had retrievers. I saw this husky curled up in the corner who looked like they needed just as much help as I did, I took a picture then and I don’t want to look for it. I wouldn’t have dreamed of owning a husky before seeing her. I asked to meet her and told my family “I feel like I was brought back to life.” 3 days later and I’m the proud owner of a husky, my first ever pet. We’ve been helping each other for the past 6 years. She was almost 1.5 years old at the time.
I planned my career and academic career around her. I wanted her to see and experience snow.
6 months ago I moved us all to the UK (from the Middle East) because it was 1) a shorter flight and 2) could have snow. I’m planning on getting my driver’s license with the sole goal of a road trip to the north next winter so she can experience snow.
Today, I bought her a pram because she can’t enjoy her walks anymore. She’ll be damned if I end them though, so the pram is a happy middle: she enjoys long walks and doesn’t have to exert effort. She does love her crate and does enjoy car rides, so I hope she enjoys pram rides too.
She’ll be 8 in August. I can’t make sense of her being 8 and old when 8 is such a small number.
I’ll be damned if I don’t get her to see snow this year, I won’t even rent a place to cut on costs. Just a car to get us to Scotland. She saw a smidge last December(?) and had the time of her life. I swear it wasn’t even an inch thick and she had a blast! We live in the south of wales so not much snow.
She’s gone through so much with me. I can’t cope with her being old. I had to go through my camera roll to get videos from the past for her gait analysis and God, we have had so much fun together.
Don’t get me started on getting her back home from the UK. I have a long postgraduate career ahead of me, but I’m also thinking of getting post docs as well seeing as it would offer me a chance to develop my research skills but MORE IMPORTANTLY would mean she doesn’t go through flights at an old age. I wish I had private jet rent money.
I’ve been crying all of yesterday and today. I’m getting closer to the day I lose her from the day I got her.
She’s a jerk, by the way. A complete ass, if you will. A spoilt brat who always gets her way because all she has to do is be. I love her, so much.
She loves swimming and playing in the water. And don’t get me started on when she discovered rivers! If I don’t unclip her fast enough she’ll just drag me in with her. Everyday is a swimming day for her. She loves sunbathing, she used to drive me mad about it back home but now she get to sunbathe uninterrupted because of the rarity of the sun here. She loves human food, but it has to be authentically Arabic or she won’t eat it. She’s learning to accept other cultures’ food.
She taught me so much. I was told to give her up because “first dog? FIRST PET? You’re not equipped enough.” I had to learn so much and change so much just to give her a full life. I love every minute of it.
She’s the love of my life. The absolute love of my life. She’s more than a heart or soul dog. She’s the dog who taught me everything I know about love.
submitted by PersonR to siberianhusky [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:39 Matrafajlo What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in New Jersey?

What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident in New Jersey?
Motorcycle accidents can be devastating, both physically and emotionally. If you've been involved in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey, knowing what steps to take next is crucial for protecting yourself legally and ensuring you receive the necessary medical attention. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps to take after a motorcycle accident in New Jersey.
1. Ensure Safety: The first priority after a motorcycle accident is to ensure safety. Move yourself and your bike out of the roadway if possible to prevent further accidents or injuries. Turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers, and if you're injured, try to stay still until help arrives.
2. Call 911: Regardless of the severity of the accident, it's essential to call 911 immediately. The police will document the accident scene, gather witness statements, and file a report, which will be crucial for insurance claims and legal proceedings.
3. Seek Medical Attention: Even if you don't think you're seriously injured, it's crucial to seek medical attention after a motorcycle accident. Adrenaline can mask pain, and some injuries, such as internal bleeding or concussions, may not be immediately apparent. Follow your doctor's recommendations for treatment and keep detailed records of your medical expenses.
4. Exchange Information: Exchange contact and insurance information with the other parties involved in the accident, including drivers, passengers, and witnesses. Be sure to get the names, phone numbers, addresses, license plate numbers, and insurance policy numbers of all parties.
5. Document the Scene: If you're physically able, take photos and videos of the accident scene, including damage to vehicles, road conditions, skid marks, and any traffic signs or signals. This evidence can be valuable for insurance claims and legal proceedings.
6. Notify Your Insurance Company: Report the accident to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with all the details of the accident and cooperate fully with their investigation. However, avoid admitting fault or making any statements that could be used against you later.
7. Consult with an Attorney: If you've been injured in a motorcycle accident, it's essential to consult with an experienced New Jersey motorcycle accident attorney. They can help protect your rights, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and pursue compensation for your injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Being involved in a motorcycle accident can be a traumatic experience, but knowing what to do in the aftermath can help protect your rights and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking the assistance of an experienced new jersey motorcycle accident attorney, you can navigate the complex legal process and focus on your recovery.
submitted by Matrafajlo to u/Matrafajlo [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:35 kez17ia untitled

I can’t write.
I can’t write at all. I would type words that pop up into my mind, then I’ll feel icky about it. Then it’d be gone in a flash with the power of my delete button. I used to think I’m a good writer, but it’s more like a phase where you feel so good about what you write. But growing out of it, you’ll look back and think, “What the f*ck is the thought process behind this fiasco?” That’s exactly how I feel about what I have written in the past.
I digress. I decided to start writing on this page here, 15th of May 2024 at 5-something PM in a cafe near school (class had just finished) because I feel like sh*t. Long story short, I have a man. My not-so-my-man man. It’s because we’re not really in any relationship to begin with, like, on paper, there are no statuses for us to settle with. It’s also important to mention how he was actually my crush whom I’ve liked since the start of sophomore year (he’s my senior). I don’t know if it’s because of how I’ve known him for roughly 17 years of my life or that he’s just so very smart. Maybe both. 2023 was rough for me because I fell in love with him but he didn’t even look at me. He’s kind, introverted, that polite and good-to-your-ma-and-everybody’s-ma kind of guy, and he’s just totally my type. Or my type is him. But everyone knew about it, my friends knew about it, his friends knew about it, he was the only clueless person during the episode.
2024 happened and we got close. April blessed me with the fact that he likes me back. “What if, I tell you, hypothetically, that I like you too. What would your response be?”
Best believe my heart rate spiked to 140 BPM.
Then we happened. Just like that. He said things me and my friends never really expected to hear him say. Like, are you serious, did Bonnie really say “God, I love you so much.” (Code name Bonnie, by the way. We call him that. Maybe one day I’ll tell you why) or am I on fentanyl right now? He’s sweet. He took me on dates. He was there when I lost the debating competition I truly believed I could win. He told me it’s okay. It’ll be okay. At the end, it’ll all be okay. And truly when he’s around, I am okay.
I don’t know when or why it started but we kind of fell off due to the fact that he stopped saying ‘I love you’ and bawling my eyes out because he left me hanging after making me wait became a weekly thing. He’s busy, I know of it, but it gets a little too painful for me to just continue my daily dilly-dallying after he left me without any ‘bye-bye’s or a kiss on the cheek. It occurred to me that, maybe, JUST maybe, I’ve liked him for so long and he doesn’t like me that much. I mean, whenever he’s around, Bonnie would rather talk to my male friends instead of me. He never really seeks after me. Never have I ever heard “Where’s Kiyo?” coming out of his mouth. True, most of the time we would be on the school ground, but, come on and talk to me. I am here.
Maybe it’s just the fact that he’s leaving for college soon (I am COUNTING my days because he, in fact, is leaving in DAYS) that makes me sad. Questions like “Do you not want to spend time with me before you go?” or “Do you even want to see me?” or “Will you miss me or will you miss me not?” would pop up in my head like, every 3 seconds (Can someone answer these questions for me by the way) and it’s— bothersome. I want to believe that he truly loves me. Again, I can’t help but doubt.
I really need to make up my mind and answer my own questions on what I’m actually worried about. I’ll continue in a bit. Girl’s gotta catch up the walking duration to an extra class at 7 PM (it’s 6:23).
Yours truly, Kiyo
submitted by kez17ia to u/kez17ia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:35 la_de_cha Well I Guess This Takes Away One Team Name Idea

Well I Guess This Takes Away One Team Name Idea
Now that the WNBA is using the Valkyries, which fits with the Warriors, the PWHL can’t use it for Minnesota. I know it wasn’t even a choice in the original copyright but it was being thrown around with fans.
submitted by la_de_cha to PWHL [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:33 adulting4kids Prompt Challenge Response

In a world draped in veils of distant lore, She awakens to a realm lost in time's sway, A medieval era where tales still endure.
With each new dawn, the echoes reassure, A stranger in lands where empires once held sway, In a world draped in veils of distant lore.
Cast amidst ruins where echoes implore, Seeking solace in remnants of an ancient day, A medieval era where tales still endure.
She navigates mists where mysteries lure, Through shadows of castles where legends replay, In a world draped in veils of distant lore.
With each footfall, the past does assure, Whispers of an age in ruins' display, A medieval era where tales still endure.
In reverie lost, she seeks to secure Threads of history in the realm's array, In a world draped in veils of distant lore, A medieval era where tales still endure.
Amidst the echoes of time's persistent sway, She wanders through lands where legends convene, A world where empires once held their domain, Lost in the echoes of a time long past.
Past the ruins where ancient stories reign, Her steps echo through the silent terrain, In a timeless world where mysteries amass.
Amass the remnants of a forgotten age, A tapestry woven in history's dance, Whispers of tales in each hushed nuance, A world where empires once held their domain.
A domain where secrets of lore still maintain, Echoes reverberate, a silent refrain, In a world where the past and present glance, Past the ruins where ancient stories reign.
In this realm where time has taken its chance, She delves into echoes, seeking romance, Lost in a realm where memories remain, A world where empires once held their domain.
Through the realms where history intertwines, The labyrinth of echoes, a tangled vine, In whispers she seeks the knowledge confined, Past the ruins where ancient stories reign.
Reigning tales within ruins' domain, Her soul entwined in this ancient plane, In a world where time's threads intertwine, Where echoes of empires linger and twine.
🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🥷🪩🪩🪩🪩🪩🥷🥷🥷🥷 The story of the protagonist waking up in a distant future where civilization has regressed to a medieval era:
Through the veil of time, she walked with steadfast embrace, Her steps echoing in the silence of a forgotten age, Seeking clues in remnants of a world bewildered, A journey through landscapes where stories whispered, The past etched in ruins, where once grand structures stood, In her quest for answers, through the corridors of time.
Time, an ever-turning wheel, weaving tales of time, A world reborn, yet shrouded in a medieval embrace, Legends and myths carved where ancient stones stood, Revealing echoes of a once-vibrant age, In shadows of castles where whispers whispered, A traveler navigated realms bewildered.
Bewildered, yet determined, to unravel the tapestry of time, Seeking threads of truth within echoes whispered, In halls where echoes of the past held steadfast embrace, A chronicle of epochs lost to an enigmatic age, Resilient she stood, deciphering tales where ruins stood.
Where towers stood, now crumbling walls stood, A testament to the passing of civilizations bewildered, In a world transformed by the relentless march of time, A wanderer sought meaning in echoes whispered, Unraveling the fabric woven by the hands of an ancient age, Amidst the echoes, she sought solace in history's embrace.
Through the annals of time, where shadows stood, A traveler embraced the echoes of an age bewildered, Seeking truths in whispers lost to the winds of time.
🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️☄️🦄🦄🦄🦄 In a world draped in veils of distant lore, She awakens to a realm lost in time's sway, A medieval era where tales still endure.
With each new dawn, the echoes reassure, A stranger in lands where empires once held sway, In a world draped in veils of distant lore.
Cast amidst ruins where echoes implore, Seeking solace in remnants of an ancient day, A medieval era where tales still endure.
She navigates mists where mysteries lure, Through shadows of castles where legends replay, In a world draped in veils of distant lore.
With each footfall, the past does assure, Whispers of an age in ruins' display, A medieval era where tales still endure.
In reverie lost, she seeks to secure Threads of history in the realm's array, In a world draped in veils of distant lore, A medieval era where tales still endure.
Amidst the echoes of time's persistent sway, She wanders through lands where legends convene, A world where empires once held their domain, Lost in the echoes of a time long past.
Past the ruins where ancient stories reign, Her steps echo through the silent terrain, In a timeless world where mysteries amass.
Amass the remnants of a forgotten age, A tapestry woven in history's dance, Whispers of tales in each hushed nuance, A world where empires once held their domain.
A domain where secrets of lore still maintain, Echoes reverberate, a silent refrain, In a world where the past and present glance, Past the ruins where ancient stories reign.
In this realm where time has taken its chance, She delves into echoes, seeking romance, Lost in a realm where memories remain, A world where empires once held their domain.
Through the realms where history intertwines, The labyrinth of echoes, a tangled vine, In whispers she seeks the knowledge confined, Past the ruins where ancient stories reign.
Reigning tales within ruins' domain, Her soul entwined in this ancient plane, In a world where time's threads intertwine, Where echoes of empires linger and twine.
Through the veil of time, she walked with steadfast embrace, Her steps echoing in the silence of a forgotten age, Seeking clues in remnants of a world bewildered, A journey through landscapes where stories whispered, The past etched in ruins, where once grand structures stood, In her quest for answers, through the corridors of time.
Time, an ever-turning wheel, weaving tales of time, A world reborn, yet shrouded in a medieval embrace, Legends and myths carved where ancient stones stood, Revealing echoes of a once-vibrant age, In shadows of castles where whispers whispered, A traveler navigated realms bewildered.
Bewildered, yet determined, to unravel the tapestry of time, Seeking threads of truth within echoes whispered, In halls where echoes of the past held steadfast embrace, A chronicle of epochs lost to an enigmatic age, Resilient she stood, deciphering tales where ruins stood.
Where towers stood, now crumbling walls stood, A testament to the passing of civilizations bewildered, In a world transformed by the relentless march of time, A wanderer sought meaning in echoes whispered, Unraveling the fabric woven by the hands of an ancient age, Amidst the echoes, she sought solace in history's embrace.
Through the annals of time, where shadows stood, A traveler embraced the echoes of an age bewildered, Seeking truths in whispers lost to the winds of time. 🪂🪂🪂🪂🪂🪂🪂🪂🪂🌟🌟🌟🪂🪂🪂🪂
Through the veil of time, she walked with steadfast embrace, Her steps echoing in the silence of a forgotten age, Seeking clues in remnants of a world bewildered, A journey through landscapes where stories whispered, The past etched in ruins, where once grand structures stood, In her quest for answers, through the corridors of time.
Time, an ever-turning wheel, weaving tales of time, A world reborn, yet shrouded in a medieval embrace, Legends and myths carved where ancient stones stood, Revealing echoes of a once-vibrant age, In shadows of castles where whispers whispered, A traveler navigated realms bewildered.
Bewildered, yet determined, to unravel the tapestry of time, Seeking threads of truth within echoes whispered, In halls where echoes of the past held steadfast embrace, A chronicle of epochs lost to an enigmatic age, Resilient she stood, deciphering tales where ruins stood.
Where towers stood, now crumbling walls stood, A testament to the passing of civilizations bewildered, In a world transformed by the relentless march of time, A wanderer sought meaning in echoes whispered, Unraveling the fabric woven by the hands of an ancient age, Amidst the echoes, she sought solace in history's embrace.
Through the annals of time, where shadows stood, A traveler embraced the echoes of an age bewildered, Seeking truths in whispers lost to the winds of time.
In a world veiled by the mists of time's embrace, She woke to skies of amethyst hue, bewildered, An unfamiliar realm where echoes whispered, Her senses awoke to a land lost in time, Civilization regressed, a medieval age, Her heart racing, in a world unknown, she stood.
She stood amidst ruins, once towers proudly stood, Now cloaked in vines, a relic of time's embrace, A testament to bygone days, an ancient age, As she gazed upon the landscape, she felt bewildered, For all she knew had vanished in the sands of time, Leaving behind a world where whispers echoed.
Echoes of a past, in this new world echoed, Stories untold within the stones where they stood, Her mind grasped at remnants lost in time, A yearning to unravel history's embrace, For she, an outsider, felt utterly bewildered, Thrust into an era lost in the annals of age.
An age where knights once roamed, an age Where legends lingered, their tales echoed, In this realm of swords and shields, she stood, A stranger lost in a foreign land's embrace, Navigating mysteries that left her bewildered, Seeking answers shrouded in the veil of time.
Time, an enigmatic force, weaving tales of age, As she wandered through realms where echoes whispered, Lost in the currents of a world bewildered, Adapting to customs of an era's echoes, A stranger amidst an ancient land's embrace, Resilient she stood, in the ebb and flow of time.
In this distant future where echoes of age resonate, She stood, amidst a world bewildered, Seeking solace in a medieval realm's embrace, Navigating mysteries lost in the sands of time.
Lost in the maze of fragmented reveries, she seeks, Traversing corridors where memories loom unthreaded, Each remnant a whisper waiting to be reclaimed, Through the labyrinth of her mind, she roams, In search of the elusive key to solace, A puzzle of emotions yet untold.
In this landscape of recollections, some untold, She pieces together the fragments she seeks, Threads of nostalgia weaving a fabric for solace, Yet, the tapestry remains fragmented, unthreaded, With each step, a narrative within her roams, Yearning for completeness to reclaim.
Whispers of forgotten echoes to reclaim, Untangling the knots of narratives untold, Her spirit wanders, seeking where it roams, A yearning for coherence that she seeks, Yet, the memories remain scattered, unthreaded, A constant quest for tranquility, for solace.
Through the fissures of time, she seeks solace, Gathering remnants of her past to reclaim, The complex web of stories, still unthreaded, Secrets locked within memories yet untold, In the labyrinth of her mind, she seeks, Hoping for clarity as her spirit roams.
In dreams, her essence freely roams, Seeking serenity, a harbor of solace, A yearning to unveil what she seeks, To resurrect fragments of self to reclaim, To stitch together the narrative left untold, To mend the fabric of memories unthreaded.
In the recesses of her mind, stories unthreaded, Her spirit, an intrepid explorer, roams, A tapestry woven with narratives untold, A yearning heart seeking elusive solace, In the fragments, a story to reclaim, A quest for wholeness that she seeks.
In the labyrinth of memories unthreaded, her spirit roams, A tapestry of tales untold, seeking solace to reclaim, As she pieces together fragments, weaving the narrative she seeks.
In a world draped in veils of distant lore, She awakens to a realm lost in time's sway, A medieval era where tales still endure.
With each new dawn, the echoes reassure, A stranger in lands where empires once held sway, In a world draped in veils of distant lore.
Cast amidst ruins where echoes implore, Seeking solace in remnants of an ancient day, A medieval era where tales still endure.
She navigates mists where mysteries lure, Through shadows of castles where legends replay, In a world draped in veils of distant lore.
With each footfall, the past does assure, Whispers of an age in ruins' display, A medieval era where tales still endure.
In reverie lost, she seeks to secure Threads of history in the realm's array, In a world draped in veils of distant lore, A medieval era where tales still endure.
Amidst the echoes of time's persistent sway, She wanders through lands where legends convene, A world where empires once held their domain, Lost in the echoes of a time long past.
Past the ruins where ancient stories reign, Her steps echo through the silent terrain, In a timeless world where mysteries amass.
Amass the remnants of a forgotten age, A tapestry woven in history's dance, Whispers of tales in each hushed nuance, A world where empires once held their domain.
A domain where secrets of lore still maintain, Echoes reverberate, a silent refrain, In a world where the past and present glance, Past the ruins where ancient stories reign.
In this realm where time has taken its chance, She delves into echoes, seeking romance, Lost in a realm where memories remain, A world where empires once held their domain.
Through the realms where history intertwines, The labyrinth of echoes, a tangled vine, In whispers she seeks the knowledge confined, Past the ruins where ancient stories reign.
Reigning tales within ruins' domain, Her soul entwined in this ancient plane, In a world where time's threads intertwine, Where echoes of empires linger and twine.
Lost in the maze of fragmented reveries, she seeks, Traversing corridors where memories loom unthreaded, Each remnant a whisper waiting to be reclaimed, Through the labyrinth of her mind, she roams, In search of the elusive key to solace, A puzzle of emotions yet untold.
In this landscape of recollections, some untold, She pieces together the fragments she seeks, Threads of nostalgia weaving a fabric for solace, Yet, the tapestry remains fragmented, unthreaded, With each step, a narrative within her roams, Yearning for completeness to reclaim.
Whispers of forgotten echoes to reclaim, Untangling the knots of narratives untold, Her spirit wanders, seeking where it roams, A yearning for coherence that she seeks, Yet, the memories remain scattered, unthreaded, A constant quest for tranquility, for solace.
Through the fissures of time, she seeks solace, Gathering remnants of her past to reclaim, The complex web of stories, still unthreaded, Secrets locked within memories yet untold, In the labyrinth of her mind, she seeks, Hoping for clarity as her spirit roams.
In dreams, her essence freely roams, Seeking serenity, a harbor of solace, A yearning to unveil what she seeks, To resurrect fragments of self to reclaim, To stitch together the narrative left untold, To mend the fabric of memories unthreaded.
In the recesses of her mind, stories unthreaded, Her spirit, an intrepid explorer, roams, A tapestry woven with narratives untold, A yearning heart seeking elusive solace, In the fragments, a story to reclaim, A quest for wholeness that she seeks.
In the labyrinth of memories unthreaded, her spirit roams, A tapestry of tales untold, seeking solace to reclaim, As she pieces together fragments, weaving the narrative she seeks.
Whispers of laughter, a canvas painted in hues of forgotten moments. She becomes an archaeologist of her own past, an enigma seeking resonance within the echoes. Her heart throbs with untold stories buried beneath layers of amnesia. A seeker in pursuit of her elusive past, each fragment whispers its secrets in silent echoes. Fragments converge, yearning to weave a narrative thread that binds her existence. She pieces together shards of recollection, connecting fragments like constellations in a vast, starry sky. Amidst chaos, her journey is a symphony of forgotten melodies, a dance in the labyrinth of memories. Each step, an act of defiance against the amnesia that cloaks her history.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:32 Practical_Echo_1001 One simple way to make FF less reliant on HMC

A lot of people have been showing concern that Firefly can’t do damage without HMC so I came up with a compromise for her kit that is already stacked with self buff.
The answer is simple, she should just get her own Superbreak, not break damage like Boothill, but Superbreak. That but additionally, as a compromise, she will not be able to trigger HMC’s Superbreak.
Firstly, Break damage and Super break are different; Fire Break damage scaling on break effect and the enemy toughness while Super break scale on break effect and The toughness damage done by the Attacker, so if FF deal Superbreak she would be completely different from Boothill since their damage uses different formula.
This way she won’t be stuck with HMC and will have her own Damage instead of relying on HMC but also won’t be an immediate powercreep. Furthermore, in her Team with HMC everyone is basically a sub/Dps instead of just being a support so this change would make the team more balanced since even though Boothill can trigger Superbreak, he prefer Bronya over HMC and his team can’t use Gallagher all the time like FF’s team so there won’t be any Break Sub Dps in his team.
Another thing in her kit that should be changed is the Atk to Break effect requirement thing, I suggest something like Blade’s relic but in her base kit; like every time her Hp decrease or increase she gain 30% break effect max 2 stack lasting for 2 or 3 turn, this way there’s no requirement and her body and orb can be Hp or Def.
Her kit is already full of self buff contributing to Superbreak damage namely : weakness implant, def ignore, break efficiency, weakness broken damage increase but she also have other advantages with her having self heal, damage reduction and advance forward so if she did Her own break damage it would just blow Boothill out of the water but with her doing Superbreak without Triggering HMC’s Superbreak she’s much more balanced. She will not only be free from HMC, therefore have more flexible team but she’ll still be able to use Him/her to let her other teammates deal damage. And instead of being stuck with HMC, you could now use a debuffer, Bronya or any future break support to increase her damage.
If you’re still mad about her not being able to trigger HMC’s Superbreak then it show that you never cared about her being reliant on HMC, you just wanted her to Powercreep to feel better about pulling her. (─‿‿─)
submitted by Practical_Echo_1001 to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:32 Noccai_ Which of these two names is better for my fantasy race?

Hi, I'm a game developer who's been worldbuilding a fantasy world in which our games are set, and I have a bit of a dilemma...
Etinari vs Erdians
These are the two possible names I have created for one of our main races.
Problem is I can't choose! One day I'm team etinari, other day I'm team erdians.
The creatures in mind are essentially the elves of our world. Grey-skinned humanoids with biological immortality and proficiency in magic.
Which one of these names do you prefer?
submitted by Noccai_ to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 FroyAMMES Phoenix

Chapter One: Day One PART 2
I Stood from the ground as I saw everyone, including the SWAT team that came at me, dead...but why?? I can't remember Was I angry?? Was I scared?? Sad?? What happened to me?? And how did I do this?? I started walking towards the open wall beside me and looked and saw the area clear so immediately, running as fast as I could through the football field and I see a bunch of people staring from the road and houses in awe of the scenery of the school and can overhear people screaming "my kids are here" and another ."I saw it with my own eyes, it just blew up" I ran in a different direction and my mind was scattering all over of what was I gonna do...should I hide? Should I leave town?? And all of a sudden four black trucks pulled up and parked infront of me and men in armoured black suits jumped out and aimed guns at me. "Was this the government?" I thought to myself Then a man stepped out, he looked like the guys from a CSI Show, but he didn't look friendly, he was carrying thick metal cuffs and asking me to stop where I was.
"You...hold it right there" "Who .what going on" "You know exactly whats going on..YOU did this" "I'm sorry..I didn't.." "It's alright come with me and we can make this all better"
Then that feeling..the same feeling I had when I was in the school before I blacked out..came to me. Then..all of a sudden....it went dark..
...to be continued....
submitted by FroyAMMES to InterestingToRead [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:30 FamilyStoryteller We are Involved in a Criminal Case

It's June 2023, And I Was Staying The Night At My Cousin's House. Tommorow Was Eid Ul Adha, A Holiday For All The Muslims Like Me. So We Plan It To Celebrate At My Grandma's House That Was Only Like 5 Kilometers From My Cousin's House.
The Next Day, We Got To My Grandma's House, It Turns Out That Our Entire Family Was There! It Was Fun, We Pray At The Mosque, We Celebrate, Eat.. But Things Started To Get Weird When We Got Home From The Mosque.
The Mosque We Pick Was A Mosque Near My Grandma's House, So We Can Just Walk To Got There, But When We Got Home From There, We See Some Weird Man With A Hoodie Spray Painting A Wall And Burning A Really Big Mountain Bike. But Right After That, I Got A Spam Call From An Unknown Stranger.
Me And The Entire Family Was Forced To Stop At A Cafe Because We Realize That Someone Follows Us And I'm Pretty Sure He Was One Of The Guy With The Hoodie Burning The Bike Earlier..
We Try To Act Normally In The Cafe, But That Guy Still Following Us. So We Quickly Run To Out Grandma's House With Panic And We Immediately Lock The Door As Soon As We Got Home From There. It's Very Common To See People Like That In My City. In Fact Just 3 Days Before That Eid Ul Adha, We Got An Information That One Of Our Neighbor Has Just Gone Missing, Possibly Kidnapped By The Creepy Hoodie Guys. But No One Knows.
That Hoodie Man Is Still Chasing Us, But We Make A Plan And Our Family Was Escaping From The Backyard With Our Car, But 5 People Have A Mission To Stay In The House And Defend While My Cousin Is Bringing The Family To A Secure Place.
So He Picked Me, And 4 Of My Cousins (Let's Say Their Name Is Jack, Daud, Randy, And Sam)
And Yes, This Was As Dramatic As It Is, And I Even Record Footages Of The Hoodie Guy And We're Ready To Report To The Police About This Strange Guy At Our Yard.
Finally, We Got To Safe Place And Not Longer After That, We Came Back Home And Decides To Sleep Overnight In Our Grandma's House In Case Something Weird Happened.
Now In That Night, I Immediately Fell Asleep, But The Next Morning, Randy And Daud Said They Didn't Sleep And Hear A Footstep From The Attic, But They're Scared To Check So They Fell Asleep Too.
Also We Finally Reported Police About This Case And We Still Don't Get More Information About That Man Or Who He Is But.. Yeah..
submitted by FamilyStoryteller to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:28 Alielove30 213 is considered fat according to my husband(love him but he's an asswhole)

I'm 22 weeks and four days pregnant with our third child. And it's our third boy (his fifth because one he can't make girls and two he started having kids at 17). I work with one year olds as lead teacher five days a week and come home to deal with our 7 and four year old and walk the dog(pitbull and jack Russel mix). We were at the doctors yesterday hoping for a 3d ultrasound but she was sick so it got rescheduled for Friday. But yeah for the check up he noticed that the scale said 213 and when we got just a general ultra sound to check for heart beat and see our boy(he has big head and was sucking his thumb) and our doctor mentioned there's a lot of fluid Wich means I just need to watch the sugar. Him nagging in the background didn't help because before the doctor came back he said that women over 200 is too heavy for him. I've been with him for ten years. I was 197 before becoming pregnant and I'm 32 years old. He's 41. Only reason why he's skinny is because of IBS,high metabolism and he does security. I even told him with the way I work at my job the weight will go down and I'm not a gym person.
submitted by Alielove30 to u/Alielove30 [link] [comments]
