Contoh naskah bahasa indonesia

Cerita Pendek

2014.07.29 15:04 inuandjaime Cerita Pendek


2024.05.13 18:35 tersxin Malaysia berdikari

Sudan tiba masa untuk Malaysia jadi berdikari dan independent dan kurang bergantung kepada negara luar..Ini bukan pasal Bangsa tetapi Malaysia.Aku tak cakap tentang dasar negara,tetapi kita sebagai rakyat perlu cuba berusaha untuk menjadi berdiri di atas kaki sendiri kerana ia boleh membela nasib kita pada masa hadapan kerana bertepatan dengan cita rasa tersendiri..Contoh,kereta import terlalu mahal di Malaysia padahal murah di negara asal mereka.Malaysia pernah menjadi negara OG bila membuat satu bangunan terrtinggi dunia pada suatu masa..Kekuatan kita datang dari kebolehan untuk berdikari..Sedia maklum negara yang beljaar berdikari menjadi kuasa kuat seperti Jepun dan’s about time young blood..Kerja bagi maruah dan kuasa kerana Negara berdikari yang mengikut Islam boleh menjamin keamanan dan kesejahteraan,walaupun kau bukan Islam,kau juga akan dapat manfaatnya berbanding negara yang tidak beragama
Kelebihan berdikari -(Produk lebih mesra Muslim dan lebih murah -Tidak memerlukan buruh luar terlalu ramai sehingga menggadai keamanan negara) -(Membuat produk seperti filem atau baju bersesuaian dengan budaya tempatan tanpa budaya lucah) -(Lebih banyak bahan ilmu bahasa Melayu membolehkan minda masyarakat bertambah maju) -(Boleh memberi suara dan kesan di pentas dunia apabila berlaku ketidakadilan seperti Palestin) -(Kualiti dan kebersihan yang baik kerana rakyat Malaysia pembersih integriti disebabkan agama Islam dan budaya) -(Menjaga keamanan negara Malaysia yang tidak keras dan heartless seperti negara lain seperti India atau negara barat) -(Agama dan budaya dapat dilindungi) -(Setiap negara mempunyai keistimewaan tersendiri,dan ia dapat dilindungi) -(Mendorong rakyat Malaysia untuk bertanggungjawab atas nasib sendiri dan tidak lemah kerana mengharapkan orang lain) -(Keyakinan yang tinggi dan tidak rendah diri bersama bangsa lain diri sama tinggi duduk sama rendah seprti Us atau Jepun atau Korea)
Ini semua tidak akan dicapai tanpa kesedaran terlebih dahulu untuk menjadi berdikari dan kuat menentang anasir dan masalah
submitted by tersxin to NegarakuMalaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:41 sumpitsakit apalah BPJS pake daily limit dikira barang grinding gitu

apalah BPJS pake daily limit dikira barang grinding gitu submitted by sumpitsakit to ondonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:38 Pritteto apalah BPJS pake daily limit dikira barang grinding gitu

apalah BPJS pake daily limit dikira barang grinding gitu submitted by Pritteto to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:21 pinoygamerph MPL Philippines Season 13 is set to launch Bahasa Indonesia Livestream

MPL Philippines Season 13 is set to launch Bahasa Indonesia Livestream submitted by pinoygamerph to pinoygamer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:40 twindigital 3 Perbedaan Flyer dan Brosur yang Penting Diingat

3 Perbedaan Flyer dan Brosur yang Penting Diingat
Perbedaan flyer dan brosur cukup signifikan. Baik flyer dan brosur sama-sama merupakan kebutuhan promosi cetak dalam bentuk kertas. Kedua produk ini kerap dianggap sama, meski sebenarnya berbeda.
Lalu, apa saja perbedaan tersebut? Mari temukan jawabannya di bawah ini!

Apa Persamaan Flyer dan Brosur?

Flyer dan brosur sama-sama berfungsi sebagai media promosi. Keduanya digunakan untuk mempromosikan merek, acara, atau produk tertentu.
Materi cetak dinilai menarik bagi pemilik usaha kecil dan pemula karena merupakan alat pemasaran yang efisien dan ekonomis. Oleh karena itu, banyak pelaku usaha memilih flyer dan brosur untuk materi pemasaran dan branding produk.

Perbedaan Flyer dan Brosur

Selain kartu nama, flyer dan brosur adalah dua media promosi cetak yang paling populer. Apa perbedaan dari brosur dan flyer? Mari kita uraikan bersama perbedaan keduanya.

Apa Itu Flyer?

Flyer biasanya berupa lembaran cetak tunggal yang tidak dilipat. Lembaran flyer biasanya dicetak datar atau persegi panjang. Umumnya flyer hanya dicetak dengan metode cetak 1 sisi saja.
Berapa ukuran standar flyer? Jawabannya 8,5 x 11 cm. Ukuran ini dipilih untuk menghemat biaya. FYI, kalau di Twin Digital, kamu bisa cetak custom ukuran flyer sesuai kebutuhan kamu.
Flyer juga biasanya dicetak dengan tajam dan berwarna. Dengan begitu, secara visual flyer dapat memberitahu pembaca tentang apa yang ingin disampaikan dalam flyer. Cetakan flyer Twin Digital pasti terjamin kualitasnya. Kami akan memberikan opsi harga paling bersahabat untuk kamu.

Apa Itu Brosur?

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), brosur diartikan sebagai bahan informasi tertulis mengenai suatu masalah yang disusun secara bersistem. Brosur biasanya berupa cetakan yang terdiri dari beberapa halaman.
Isi brosur kebanyakan menginformasikan mengenai suatu produk, perusahaan, atau organisasi tertentu. Metode cetak 2 sisi atau bolak balik selalu menjadi pilihan metode cetak terbaik untuk brosur.
Jika flyer tidak dilipat, brosur selalu memiliki lipatan dari 2 lipatan hingga 3 lipatan. Ukuran brosur pun cukup variatif, namun kebanyakan berukuran A5 atau lebih besar. Jenis kertas yang dipilih haruslah tebal dan berkualitas tinggi.
Jadi dapat disimpulkan, perbedaan flyer dan brosur antara lain dari jumlah cetakan, metode cetak dan lipat, serta ukuran yang berbeda. Dengan semua perbedaan tersebut, harga brosur lebih mahal dibanding dengan harga flyer.

Cetak Brosur dan Flyer Terbaik di Jakarta

Mau cetak brosur atau flyer dengan harga bersahabat? Brosur dan flyer memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, tetapi keduanya adalah media promosi yang penting bagi bisnis.
Jika kamu memiliki pertanyaan tambahan tentang brosur atau flyer, hubungi Twin Digital. Kami dapat membantu kamu dengan ide, desain, dan tata letak karya kamu. Tertarik melakukan cetak brosur dan flyer? Dapatkan penawaran harga terbaik di sini!

Temukan Twin Digital di:

Situs Web: Situs Blog : Facebook. : Instagram: Tiktok: Shopee: twindigitalprinting dan twin_creative Tokopedia: twin digital dan digital printing indonesia
submitted by twindigital to u/twindigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 5.7 Kāmasutta: Sensual Pleasures

AN 5.7 Kāmasutta: Sensual Pleasures
“Bhikkhus, beings for the most part are captivated by sensual pleasures. When a clansman has forsaken the sickle and carrying-pole and gone forth from the household life into homelessness, he can be described as a clansman who has gone forth out of faith. For what reason? Sensual pleasures, whether of this or that kind, can be obtained by a youth. Inferior sensual pleasures, middling sensual pleasures, and superior sensual pleasures are all reckoned simply as sensual pleasures.
“Suppose a young infant boy, ignorant, lying on his back, were to put a stick or pebble in his mouth because of his nurse’s heedlessness. His nurse would quickly attend to him and try to take it out. If she could not quickly take it out, she would brace the boy’s head with her left hand and, hooking a finger of her right hand, she would take it out even if she had to draw blood. For what reason? There would be some distress for the boy—this I don’t deny—but the nurse has to do so for his good and welfare, out of compassion for him. However, when the boy has grown up and has enough sense, the nurse would be unconcerned about him, thinking: ‘The boy can now look after himself. He won’t be heedless.’
“So too, so long as a bhikkhu is still not accomplished in faith in cultivating wholesome qualities, in a sense of shame in cultivating wholesome qualities, in moral dread in cultivating wholesome qualities, in energy in cultivating wholesome qualities, and in wisdom in cultivating wholesome qualities, I must still look after him. But when that bhikkhu is accomplished in faith in cultivating wholesome qualities … accomplished in wisdom in cultivating wholesome qualities, then I am unconcerned about him, thinking: ‘The bhikkhu can now look after himself. He won’t be heedless.’”
Read this translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 5.7 Kāmasutta: Sensual Pleasures_by Bhikkhu Bodhi on Or read a different translation on or Or _listen on or Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Français, Bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
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submitted by dailySuttaBot to dailySutta [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:33 feliscatusholic New language (Bahasa Indonesia) has been added to Kagurabachi on Mangaplus 🇮🇩

New language (Bahasa Indonesia) has been added to Kagurabachi on Mangaplus 🇮🇩 submitted by feliscatusholic to Kagurabachi [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:46 stormy001 The Official Approved Names for Star and Exoplanet by the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach / NameExoWorlds: List of The Origins of Names from ASEAN

The Official Approved Names for Star and Exoplanet by the IAU Office for Astronomy Outreach / NameExoWorlds: List of The Origins of Names from ASEAN
Both star and planet received each a name by The IAU100 x NameExoWorlds contest in 2015, 2019, and 2022 making a pair of names connected by a common theme, which allows other planets, if discovered in future, to be named after the same theme.
These are the Approved Names from Southeast Asia:
2015: Thailand Star: Chalawan (47 Ursae Majoris) is a mythological crocodile king from a Thai folktale.
Exoplanet: Taphao Thong (47 Ursae Majoris b) is one of two sisters associated with the Thai folk tale of Chalawan.
Exoplanet: Taphao Kaew (47 Ursae Majoris c) is one of two sisters associated with the Thai folk tale of Chalawan.
2019: Brunei Star: Gumala (HD 179949) is a Malay word, which means a magic bezoar stone found in snakes, dragons, etc.
Exoplanet: Mastika (HD 179949 b) is a Malay word, which means a gem, precious stone, jewel or the prettiest, the most beautiful.
Indonesia Star: Dofida (HD 117618) means our star in Nias language.
Exoplanet: Noifasui (HD 117618 b) means revolve around in Nias language, derived from the word ifasui, meaning to revolve around, and no, indicating that the action occurred in the past and continued to the present time.
Malaysia Star: Intan (HD 20868) Intan means diamond in the Malay language (Bahasa Melayu), alluding to the shining of a star.
Exoplanet: Baiduri (HD 20868 b) means opal in Malay language (Bahasa Melayu), alluding to the mysterious beauty of the planet.
Myanmar Star: Ayeyarwady (HD 18742) is the largest and most important river in Myanmar.
Exoplanet: Bagan (HD 18742 b) is one of Myanmar's ancient cities that lies beside the Ayeyarwardy river.
Philippines Star: Aman Sinaya (WASP-34) is one of the two trinity deities of the Philippine's Tagalog mythology, and is the primordial deity of the ocean and protector of fisherman.
Exoplanet: Haik (WASP-34 b) is the successor of the primordial Aman Sinaya as the God of the Sea of the Philippine's Tagalog mythology
Singapore Star: Parumleo (WASP-32) is a Latin term for little lion, symbolising Singapore's struggle for independence.
Exoplanet: Viculus (WASP-32 b) is a Latin term for little village, embodying the spirit of the Singaporean people.
Thailand Star: Chao Phraya (WASP-50) is the great river of Thailand.
Exoplanet: Mae Ping (WASP-50 b) is one of the tributaries of Thailand's great river Chao Phraya.
2022: Thailand Star: Kaewkosin / แก้วโกสินทร์ (GJ 3470) refers to the crystals of the Hindu deity Indra in the Thai language, alluding to the ancient belief that the stars were gemstones.
Exoplanet: Phailinsiam / ไพลินสยาม (GJ 3470 b) is the Thai term for the blue "Siamese Sapphire", alluding to the detection of Rayleigh scattering in the planet’s atmosphere – suggestive of blue skies.
Source 2
submitted by stormy001 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:39 nocturnavi VCT 2024 — Pacific Stage 1 / Playoffs — Grand Final / Live Discussion Thread


VCT Pacific is one of four international leagues where teams play to qualify for Masters and Champions. It features partnered teams from Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Oceania. Stage 1 qualifies teams for Masters Shanghai.
Coverage: Liquipedia THESPIKE
Official Information: Website VCT Pacific 2024 Stage 1 and Stage 2 VCT Pacific
General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies Global Contract Database subreddit guide to VALORANT Esports
Pacific League:


Match JST/KST (Japan/Korean Standard Time - tournament time zone) EDT (US Eastern Daylight Time) CEST (Central European Summer Time) IST (Indian Standard Time) ICT (Indochina Time) PHT (Philippine Standard Time) AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
Paper Rex vs Gen.G 17:00 04:00 10:00 13:30 15:00 16:00 18:00
See here for times in your area


Broadcast Talent

Host Commentators & Analysts
Victoria "Chubbyninja" Cheng Seth "Achilios" King
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
Darwell "Asurai" Llerena
William "chobra" Cho
Brendan "valdes" Valdes
Kentrell "heyimquack" Kwek
See Liquipedia for talent from non-English streams

Stage 1 Format


Group Alpha

Team Record
Gen.G 3-2
Team Secret 3-3
T1 2-4
Global Esports 2-4
BLEED Esports 1-5

Group Omega

Team Record
DRX 5-0
Paper Rex 4-1
Talon Esports 4-1
Rex Regum Qeon 3-2
DetonatioN FocusMe 1-4
submitted by nocturnavi to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:02 ElectricalAssist5282 KINGPRO88: Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024 Online Resmi Terbaru Paling Populer

KINGPRO88: Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024 Online Resmi Terbaru Paling Populer
KINGPRO88 Agen Judi Bola Euro 2024, Bandar Bola Euro 2024 KINGPRO88, KINGPRO88 Situs Judi Bola Euro 2024, Situs Taruhan Parlay Euro 2024 KINGPRO88, KINGPRO88 Bandar Judi Bola Euro 2024 Resmi Di Indonesia
KINGPRO88: Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024 Online Resmi Terbaru Paling Populer – Yang pada awal kegunaannya disediakan oleh KINGPRO88 yaitu untuk dapat langsung berinteraksi dengan para pemain KINGPRO88 Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024 apabila ada terjadi komplain ataupun berbagai masalah seputaran tentang KINGPRO88, akan tetapi dikarenakan KINGPRO88 Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024 adalah situs internasional yang terbesar di kawasan Asia dan juga Eropa.
Maka penggunakan bahasa di dalam KINGPRO88 Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024 dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang kita sendiri penggunaan bahasa Inggris masih minim dan masih belum terbiasa oleh masyarakat Indonesia kita sendiri.
Link Daftar Disini..!!


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Daftar KINGPRO88, disini pada saat awalan pengenalan dengan KINGPRO88 pasti anda semua akan ingin melakukan taruhan disitus KINGPRO88 ajab daftar dan juga membuka akun id KINGPRO88 untuk dapat melakukan taruhan di situs KINGPRO88 Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024 .
Login KINGPRO88, disini apabila para pemain Sbobet338 yang telah mendaftar dan juga mendapatkan akun ID pasti yang bagi kesulitan mengakses dan login KINGPRO88 pastinya akan mempertanyakan caranya.
Deposit KINGPRO88, selanjutnya setelah mendapatkan akun ID dan telah melakukan login ke dalam permainan KINGPRO88 maka bagi para pemain yang mau melakukan taruhan pasti memerlukan kredit untuk dapat melakukan taruhan. Withdraw KINGPRO88, disini jika para pemain yang meraih kemenangan maka bisa tarik dana.
KINGPRO88 Agen Betting Bola Euro 2024, disini dapat dijelaskan kadang pada 1 partai olahraga semisal sepakbola terkadang terlihat di Live Score telah habis pertandingannya namun di situs KINGPRO88 masih belum terhitung taruhannya, maka kita dapat menanyakan langsung apakah partai tersebut telah batal atau bagaimana dan pihak KINGPRO88 akan menjelaskan mengenai pertandingan tersebut.
Selamat Mencoba, Semoga Beruntung Bosku..!!
View Poll
submitted by ElectricalAssist5282 to u/ElectricalAssist5282 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:42 dailySuttaBot AN 8.64 Gayāsīsasutta: At Gayā Head

AN 8.64 Gayāsīsasutta: At Gayā Head
[Note: In today’s selection we get a rare glimpse into the Buddha’s struggle for enlightenment. While it may not relate very directly to our own practice, it is important for us to have an idea of what the Buddha achieved.]
At one time the Buddha was staying near Gayā on Gayā Head. There the Buddha addressed the mendicants:
“Mendicants, before my awakening—when I was still not awake but intent on awakening—I perceived light but did not see forms.
Then it occurred to me, ‘What if I were to both perceive light and see forms? Then my knowledge and vision would become even more purified.’
So after some time, living alone, withdrawn, diligent, keen, and resolute, I perceived light and saw visions. But I didn’t associate with those deities, converse, or engage in discussion.
Then it occurred to me, ‘What if I were to perceive light and see forms; and associate with those deities, converse, and engage in discussion? Then my knowledge and vision would become even more purified.’
So after some time … I perceived light and saw visions. And I associated with those deities, conversed, and engaged in discussion. But I didn’t know which orders of gods those deities came from.
Then it occurred to me, ‘What if I were to perceive light and see forms; and associate with those deities, converse, and engage in discussion; and find out which orders of gods those deities come from? Then my knowledge and vision would become even more purified.’
So after some time … I perceived light and saw visions. And I associated with those deities … And I found out which orders of gods those deities came from. But I didn’t know what deeds caused those deities to be reborn there after passing away from here.
So after some time … I found out what deeds caused those deities to be reborn there after passing away from here. But I didn’t know what deeds caused those deities to have such food and such an experience of pleasure and pain.
So after some time … I found out what deeds caused those deities to have such food and such an experience of pleasure and pain. But I didn’t know that these deities have a life-span of such a length.
So after some time … I found out that these deities have a life-span of such a length. But I didn’t know whether or not I had previously lived together with those deities.
Then it occurred to me, ‘What if I were to perceive light and see forms; and associate with those deities, converse, and engage in discussion; and find out which orders of gods those deities come from; and what deeds caused those deities to be reborn there after passing away from here; and what deeds caused those deities to have such food and such an experience of pleasure and pain; and that these deities have a life-span of such a length; and whether or not I have previously lived together with those deities? Then my knowledge and vision would become even more purified.’
So after some time … I found out whether or not I have previously lived together with those deities.
As long as my knowledge and vision about the deities was not fully purified from these eight perspectives, I didn’t announce my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans.
But when my knowledge and vision about the deities was fully purified from these eight perspectives, I announced my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans. Knowledge and vision arose in me: ‘My freedom is unshakable; this is my last rebirth; now there’ll be no more future lives.’”
Read this translation of Aṅguttara Nikāya 8.64 Gayāsīsasutta: At Gayā Head_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or read a different translation on Or _listen on Or explore the Pali on
Or read a translation in Deutsch, বাংলা, Español, Bahasa Indonesia, 日本語, မြန်မာဘာသာ, Português, Русский, සිංහල, ไทย, Tiếng Việt, or 汉语. Learn how to find your language.
Signup to get these suttas in your email inbox every day:
submitted by dailySuttaBot to dailySutta [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:27 KaykeAlves How to learn Indonesian on your own?

I'm from Brazil (I speak Portuguese), I know a lot of English, I started learning Spanish and Chinese/Mandarin and now I'm interested in learning Indonesian, but I can't find many materials, Does anyone have any recommendations on how to study Bahasa Indonesia (apps, films/series/cartoons, music, Podcasts, YouTube channels)?
submitted by KaykeAlves to language [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:08 Most_Mechanic_4537 Installed my JBA UCAs along with The Life of JESUS

Installed my JBA UCAs along with The Life of JESUS
Installed them myself along with changing out my outer tie rod ends last night. Took about 3 and 1/2 hours and just got an alignment this morning.
submitted by Most_Mechanic_4537 to 4Runner [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:08 AE86Drifter86 whats this song

i assume this song is sung in bahasa indonesia
submitted by AE86Drifter86 to findthatsong [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:58 Opposite-Drawing-30 Roblox website issue

Roblox website issue
My Roblox website has been like this for the last few months, I kinda just ignored it but yk, roblox app sucks. So anyone have any idea of fixing this?
submitted by Opposite-Drawing-30 to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 09:01 nocturnavi VCT 2024 — Pacific Stage 1 / Playoffs — Lower Final / Live Discussion Thread


VCT Pacific is one of four international leagues where teams play to qualify for Masters and Champions. It features partnered teams from Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, South Asia, and Oceania. Stage 1 qualifies teams for Masters Shanghai.
Coverage: Liquipedia THESPIKE
Official Information: Website VCT Pacific 2024 Stage 1 and Stage 2 VCT Pacific
General Resources: VCT Rules and Policies Global Contract Database subreddit guide to VALORANT Esports
Pacific League:


Match JST/KST (Japan/Korean Standard Time - tournament time zone) EDT (US Eastern Daylight Time) CEST (Central European Summer Time) IST (Indian Standard Time) ICT (Indochina Time) PHT (Philippine Standard Time) AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
T1 vs Gen.G 17:00 04:00 10:00 13:30 15:00 16:00 18:00
See here for times in your area


Broadcast Talent

Host Commentators & Analysts
Victoria "Chubbyninja" Cheng Seth "Achilios" King
Mika "Mikafabs" Fabella Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
Darwell "Asurai" Llerena
William "chobra" Cho
Brendan "valdes" Valdes
Kentrell "heyimquack" Kwek
See Liquipedia for talent from non-English streams

Stage 1 Format


Group Alpha

Team Record
Gen.G 3-2
Team Secret 3-3
T1 2-4
Global Esports 2-4
BLEED Esports 1-5

Group Omega

Team Record
DRX 5-0
Paper Rex 4-1
Talon Esports 4-1
Rex Regum Qeon 3-2
DetonatioN FocusMe 1-4
submitted by nocturnavi to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 02:42 dailySuttaBot MN 81 From… Ghaṭikārasutta: With Ghaṭīkāra

MN 81 From… Ghaṭikārasutta: With Ghaṭīkāra
[Note: This is just the beginning and end of a longer sutta. You can read the entire sutta here.]
So I have heard. At one time the Buddha was wandering in the land of the Kosalans together with a large Saṅgha of mendicants. Then the Buddha left the road, and at a certain spot he smiled.
Then Venerable Ānanda thought, “What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.”
So Ānanda arranged his robe over one shoulder, raised his joined palms toward the Buddha, and said, “What is the cause, what is the reason why the Buddha smiled? Realized Ones do not smile for no reason.”
“Once upon a time, Ānanda, there was a market town in this spot named Vebhaliṅga. It was successful and prosperous, populous, full of people. And Kassapa, a blessed one, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, lived supported by Vebhaliṅga. It was here, in fact, that he had his monastery, where he advised the mendicant Saṅgha while seated.”
Then Ānanda spread out his outer robe folded in four and said to the Buddha, “Well then, sir, may the Blessed One sit here! Then this piece of land will have been occupied by two perfected ones, fully awakened Buddhas.” The Buddha sat on the seat spread out. When he was seated he said to Venerable Ānanda:
“Once upon a time, Ānanda, there was a market town in this spot named Vebhaliṅga. It was successful and prosperous, populous, full of people. And Kassapa, a blessed one, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha, lived supported by Vebhaliṅga. It was here, in fact, that he had his monastery, where he advised the mendicant Saṅgha while seated.
The Buddha Kassapa had as chief supporter in Vebhaliṅga a potter named Ghaṭīkāra. Ghaṭīkāra had a dear friend named Jotipāla, a brahmin student. Then Ghaṭīkāra addressed Jotipāla, ‘Come, dear Jotipāla, let’s go to see the Blessed One Kassapa, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha. For I deem it holy to see that Blessed One.’
When he said this, Jotipāla said to him, ‘Enough, dear Ghaṭīkāra. What’s the use of seeing that shaveling, that fake ascetic?’
For a second time … and a third time, Ghaṭīkāra addressed Jotipāla, ‘Come, dear Jotipāla, let’s go to see the Blessed One Kassapa, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha. For I deem it holy to see that Blessed One.’
For a third time, Jotipāla said to him, ‘Enough, dear Ghaṭīkāra. What’s the use of seeing that shaveling, that fake ascetic?’
‘Well then, dear Jotipāla, let’s take some bathing cleanser and go to the river to bathe.’
‘Yes, dear,’ replied Jotipāla. So that’s what they did.
Then Ghaṭīkāra addressed Jotipāla, ‘Dear Jotipāla, the Buddha Kassapa’s monastery is not far away. Let’s go to see the Blessed One Kassapa, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha. For I deem it holy to see that Blessed One.’
When he said this, Jotipāla said to him, ‘Enough, dear Ghaṭīkāra. What’s the use of seeing that shaveling, that fake ascetic?’
For a second time … and a third time, Ghaṭīkāra addressed Jotipāla, ‘Dear Jotipāla, the Buddha Kassapa’s monastery is not far away. Let’s go to see the Blessed One Kassapa, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha. For I deem it holy to see that Blessed One.’
For a third time, Jotipāla said to him, ‘Enough, dear Ghaṭīkāra. What’s the use of seeing that shaveling, that fake ascetic?’
Then Ghaṭīkāra grabbed Jotipāla by the skirt-hem and said, ‘Dear Jotipāla, the Buddha Kassapa’s monastery is not far away. Let’s go to see the Blessed One Kassapa, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha. For I deem it holy to see that Blessed One.’
So Jotipāla undid his skirt-hem and said to Ghaṭīkāra, ‘Enough, dear Ghaṭīkāra. What’s the use of seeing that shaveling, that fake ascetic?’
Then Ghaṭīkāra grabbed Jotipāla by the hair of his freshly-washed head and said, ‘Dear Jotipāla, the Buddha Kassapa’s monastery is not far away. Let’s go to see the Blessed One Kassapa, the perfected one, the fully awakened Buddha. For I deem it holy to see that Blessed One.’
Then Jotipāla thought, ‘Oh, how incredible, how amazing, how this potter Ghaṭīkāra, though of low birth, should presume to grab me by the hair of my freshly-washed head! This must be no ordinary matter.’ He said to Ghaṭīkāra, ‘You’d even milk it to this extent, dear Ghaṭīkāra?’
‘I even milk it to this extent, dear Jotipāla. For that is how holy I deem it to see that Blessed One.’
‘Well then, dear Ghaṭīkāra, release me, we shall go.’
Then Ghaṭīkāra the potter and Jotipāla the brahmin student went to the Buddha Kassapa. Ghaṭīkāra bowed and sat down to one side, but Jotipāla exchanged greetings with the Buddha and sat down to one side.
Ghaṭīkāra said to the Buddha Kassapa, ‘Sir, this is my dear friend Jotipāla, a brahmin student. Please teach him the Dhamma.’ Then the Buddha Kassapa educated, encouraged, fired up, and inspired Ghaṭīkāra and Jotipāla with a Dhamma talk. Then they got up from their seat, bowed, and respectfully circled the Buddha Kassapa, keeping him on their right, before leaving.
Then Jotipāla said to Ghatīkāra, ‘Dear Ghaṭīkāra, you have heard this teaching, so why don’t you go forth from the lay life to homelessness?’
‘Don’t you know, dear Jotipāla, that I look after my blind old parents?’
‘Well then, dear Ghaṭīkāra, I shall go forth from the lay life to homelessness.’
Then Ghaṭīkāra and Jotipāla went to the Buddha Kassapa, bowed and sat down to one side. Ghaṭīkāra said to the Buddha Kassapa, ‘Sir, this is my dear friend Jotipāla, a brahmin student. Please give him the going forth.’ And Jotipāla the brahmin student received the going forth, the ordination in the Buddha’s presence.…

…Ānanda, you might think: ‘Surely the brahmin student Jotipāla must have been someone else at that time?’ But you should not see it like this. I myself was the student Jotipāla at that time.”
That is what the Buddha said. Satisfied, Venerable Ānanda was happy with what the Buddha said.
Read the entire translation of Majjhima Nikāya 81 Ghaṭikārasutta: With Ghaṭīkāra_by Bhikkhu Sujato on Or _listen on or Or explore the Pali on
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2024.05.11 01:25 tux_tor The best language.!

The best language.!
Spanish is not the best language in the world. The best is the easiest to learn (Malay)...!
submitted by tux_tor to u/tux_tor [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:33 Financial_One5453 RokokBet - Dasar-dasar Komputer: Fondasi Teknologi yang Mengubah Dunia

RokokBet - Komputer telah menjadi salah satu teknologi paling penting dalam sejarah manusia, mengubah cara kita bekerja, berkomunikasi, dan hidup sehari-hari. Di balik kompleksitasnya, ada dasar-dasar yang mendasari operasi komputer modern. Mari kita jelajahi dasar-dasar komputer yang membentuk pondasi bagi teknologi yang kita nikmati hari ini.
1. Konsep Binari Pada dasarnya, komputer adalah mesin biner yang menggunakan sistem angka biner (0 dan 1) untuk melakukan semua operasinya. Konsep ini mendasari semua proses komputasi, mulai dari penyimpanan data hingga eksekusi program.
2. Perangkat Keras (Hardware) Perangkat keras adalah komponen fisik dari komputer yang meliputi CPU (Central Processing Unit), RAM (Random Access Memory), penyimpanan (hard drive atau SSD), dan perangkat input/output seperti keyboard, mouse, dan monitor. Ini adalah bagian-bagian yang secara fisik melakukan tugas-tugas komputasi.
3. Perangkat Lunak (Software) Perangkat lunak adalah program-program yang dijalankan oleh komputer untuk melakukan berbagai tugas. Ini termasuk sistem operasi (seperti Windows, macOS, atau Linux), aplikasi (seperti Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, atau Google Chrome), dan program-program utilitas yang mengelola operasi dasar komputer.
4. Sistem Operasi Sistem operasi adalah perangkat lunak yang mengelola sumber daya komputer dan menyediakan antarmuka antara pengguna dan perangkat keras. Ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menjalankan program, mengakses file, dan melakukan tugas-tugas lainnya dengan mudah. Contoh sistem operasi populer termasuk Windows, macOS, dan Linux.
5. Bahasa Pemrograman Bahasa pemrograman adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menulis program komputer. Ada berbagai macam bahasa pemrograman, mulai dari yang tingkat tinggi seperti Python dan Java, hingga yang tingkat rendah seperti C dan Assembly. Bahasa pemrograman memungkinkan pengembang untuk menginstruksikan komputer untuk melakukan tugas-tugas tertentu.
6. Algoritma Algoritma adalah serangkaian langkah-langkah terstruktur yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah atau melakukan tugas tertentu. Mereka membentuk dasar dari semua program komputer, memandu komputer melalui proses komputasi dari input ke output.
7. Jaringan Komputer Jaringan komputer memungkinkan komputer untuk terhubung satu sama lain dan berbagi sumber daya dan informasi. Ini adalah dasar dari internet dan memungkinkan komunikasi global dan akses ke berbagai layanan online.
Mengerti Dasar-dasar untuk Memahami Komputer Pemahaman dasar-dasar komputer adalah kunci untuk mengerti bagaimana teknologi ini bekerja dan bagaimana kita dapat memanfaatkannya untuk memecahkan masalah dan meningkatkan produktivitas. Dengan menguasai konsep-konsep dasar ini, kita dapat membuka potensi tak terbatas dari dunia komputer dan teknologi informasi.
submitted by Financial_One5453 to u/Financial_One5453 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 17:11 Morning_Seaa It's been like this for weeks

It's been like this for weeks
the app it self work until i interact with anything else. The web is like this. I've only tried clearing caches and cookies. god im just so bugged, please istg if this post gets removed because of some dumbass regulation im gonna be pissed
submitted by Morning_Seaa to RobloxHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 10:26 TexasBob101 Message from a Vietnam Vet

Friends: I am an 83 year-young Vietnam Vet. 56-years ago this year I was 49,000 ft in the air over Vietnam in a B52 dropping 500 & 1,000 lb bombs on the Viet Cong in the 17th Parallel.
Today, I am trying to reach the survivors of that War and all other Wars we have fought AND all people around the World in the 208 Recognized Countries that will be Left Behind at the coming Rapture, described in the Holy Bible (1 Thessalonians 4:17: Then they who are alive, shall be caught up together into the clouds with them who remain, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we be ever with the Lord.), as when Jesus Christ will return to this earth to give Eternal Heavenly bodies to those that have died after accepting Him as their Personal Savior AND those who are still alive and have done the same.
There are an estimated 6 Billion of the 8 Billion people left in the entire World who have NOT accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, meaning that they do not believe that God, the Sovereign King and Creator of the entire Universe and beyond, sent His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to this Sin-Filled Earth 2,024 years ago to shed His Blood and die upon a wooden Cross in Jerusalem, Be buried in a Borrowed Tomb and be raised Back to Life again on the 3rd Day (Easter) by His Father, God) as PAYMENT for all of the sins of the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE IF:
1.) They would Believe upon Him as the Son of God; 2.) Accept Him as their personal Savior; 3.) Confess that they are a sinner, meaning that they have broken at least ONE of God's Ten Commandments; 4.) Repenting of their sins, i.e., changing their sinful-way of living and 5.) Giving Him total control of their lives,e.i., letting Him be the Pilot in charge of their lives.
Having done those 5 things, you are Spiritually "Born Again" enabling The Holy Spirit,(the 3rd Part of the Trinity of: The Father, Son and Holy Spirit) to Enter your Very Soul, Reserve your position in Heaven AND Write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life, where your name MUST be at the Rapture, for you to receive a Heavenly Body that will live Forever in Heaven.
Please read the 20th Chapter of Revelation in the Bible to see what happens to those who are "Left Behind" at the Rapture:
Below are "Icons" that will translate our nightly Blog:
into each of those 101 Languages telling those 6 Billion Souls who, as of right now, will be Left Behind at the Rapture.
The Blog will tell them in their own Language How to Get to Heaven!
If you know someone that only speaks one or more of those languages, PLEASE go to the Blog, depress the Icon for that Language and the ENTIRE Blog will be translated, then you can email it to that person or those people telling them HOW to get their Eternal, Heavenly Body, that will never get sick and will live FOREVER!
Eyeball-to-Eyeball: If YOU have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior, please do so immediately by Praying this Prayer to God The Father:
"Father God, I confess that I am a Sinner, I accept your Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as my Personal Savior, I repent of my sins and give You total Control of my Life, in Jesus' Name, Amen."
Welcome to your New Life, Completely Forgiven of ALL of your sins AND your Ticket, through Jesus Christ, to Eternal Life with Him.
Bob Lewis
Deutsche 简体中文) 中國傳統的) عربى Français Pilipino 日本人 Türk Afrikaans Nederlands Română русский Український አማርኛ Azərbaycan dili Euskara български Беларуская বাংলা Català Sugbuanon Corsu čeština Cymraeg dansk Ελληνικά English Esperanto Español Eestlane فارسی Suomalainen Gaeilge Gàidhlig na h-Alba Galego ગુજરાતી होउसा Ōlelo Hawaiʻi हिंदी Hmong Hrvatski Kreyòl ayisyen Magyar հայերեն Bosanski bahasa Indonesia Igbo ungverska Italiano עִברִית Wong jawa ქართველი Қазақ ខ្មែរ ಕನ್ನಡ 한국어 Kurdî Кыргызча Latine Lëtzebuergesch ລາວ Lietuvis Latvietis Malagasy Maori Македонски മലയാളം Монгол मराठी Bahasa Melayu Malti नेपाली norsk ଓଡିଆ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Polskie پښتو Português Kinyarwanda سنڌي සිංහල Slovák Slovenščina Faasamoa Shona Soomaali Shqiptare Српски Sundanis svenska Kiswahili தமிழ் తెలుగు Тоҷикӣ ไทย Türkmenler Татар ئۇيغۇر اردو O’zbek Tiếng Việt isiXhosa יידיש Yoruba Zul
submitted by TexasBob101 to PrayerTeam_amen [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:07 1412Elite Sebuah Postingan Internship Boeing untuk kandidat asal Indonesia

Sebuah Postingan Internship Boeing untuk kandidat asal Indonesia
Kemarin dapet postingan Internship opportunity dari Boeing buat daerah Jakarta/Indonesia. Walaupun gw ga butuh, gw iseng baca deskripsinya.
Oh ok pingin yang dari Jakarta (tapi maksudnya Indonesia juga kali ya..), quota cuman 2, ok lah... masih normal, agak sulit mungkin karena kompetitif.
Oh magangnya di CA, Amerika Serikat selama 3 bulan. Berarti bukan ecek-ecekan magangnya. Setidaknya kalau punya pengalaman magang ini di CV bakal bagus lah...
Kualifikasinya rada elit: GPA 3.5+ dengan pengalaman magang di tempat lain, di atas Skill Bahasa Inggris yang bagus. Maklumlah Internship di Boeing gitu... pasti demandnya tinggi karena nama Boeing masih ada prestige-nya. Pasti yang dicari yang bener-bener top graduate.
Tapi tunggu, apa ini...
Magang 3 Bulan tapi visa kerja ga disponsor?
Ditambah tempat tinggal mesti biayai sendiri, UNTUK TEMPAT TINGGAL DI WILAYAH GREATER L.A, CALIFORNIA. Belum kalimat terakhir: GAJI ditentukan berdasarkan standar Lokal (Jakarta) tidak berdasarkan Boeing US-Based payroll.
Boeing lagi ngelawak apa? Ini kesempatan Magang buat siapa? Orang Indonesia, atau orang Amerika yang kebetulan tinggal di Jakarta?
submitted by 1412Elite to indonesia [link] [comments]