Coordinates quadrant i worksheets

Praise the sun!

2017.06.23 18:19 MagmusCivcraft Praise the sun!

The Kingdom of Verda is a growing kingdom on the Civclassic Minecraft server.

2024.06.06 21:52 eliownsnoobs Surface velocity of a held object with respect to an external reference point: Robot Math

Hey everyone, I am developing some code for a robot and I am not having great luck solving some of the required math. I was hoping that someone here may be able to point me to an answer?
The goal is to find the surface velocity of a held part with respect to a fixed external point (a glue applicator). The part is held by a robot and manipulated about the glue applicator. The specific geometry of the part is unknown, however the part is essentially traced during process as the applicator must be held a specific distance away from the part. I want to know the surface speed of the part below the applicator in order to output the correct amount of glue at the correct rate.
I know the location of the applicator in Cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z) and I know the current position of the robot's tool center point (a configured position for the robot's part holding tool) in Cartesian coordinates as well (X, Y, Z, RX, RY, RZ). The information is given in mm and Rad.
The included image is a 2D representation of the problem made in CAD with this information: TCP@0 = (X = 0 mm, Y= 0 mm, Z = 0 mm, RX= 0 Rad, RY = 0 Rad, RZ= 0 Rad) TCP@1 = (X = -10 mm, Y= 15 mm, Z = 0 mm, RX= 0, RY = 0, RZ= 0.52 Rad) Ext Ref = (X = 50 mm, Y = 5 mm, Z = 0 mm) For this math I will be taking a sample of the robots position every 10ms.
The shape of the part in the example is an oval however the geometry of the actual part is unknown. The blue line is the dimension that I believe I need to calculate. According to the CAD program this line is 43.26mm long.
I'd like to be able to solve this problem in 3 dimensions with compounding movements also (translational and rotational in up to all dimensions). I'm not sure how much angle quadrants will play into this also? Like I will need the product of all movements but if I can just represent the motion in one dimension like pictured then I can probably skip that step?
So far I have tried a separate method with some perpendicular velocity calc's but to not much luck.
If you have some insight I'd greatly appreciate the help and if I need to clarify something please let me know.
Example Motion
submitted by eliownsnoobs to askmath [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:55 r1haiden MH services endless cycle

Hi all, i’m mainly here to vent my situation and feelings, but also after some advice on what i can do as i’m feeling so stuck - i’ll give some context in to the situation.
I’m 23, been under MH services since i was 10. i have diagnosed autism, adhd, bipolar type 2 and severe ocd. i didn’t start any therapy until 2023, not even CBT (so you can imagine how complex and severe my OCD is). i’ve had various different input over the years, from hospital admissions, crisis team, i had 3 care-coordinators/lead practitioners but had my LP/Care-Co removed in 2022 and never had one since, since 2023 i’ve been working with a psychologist who has basically taken over the roll as my LP/Care-co, we’ve done some therapy work, it’s not exactly structured therapy programme more just worksheets on mental filters, anxiety management, how thoughts work and such that i haven’t really found beneficial as i don’t know how to apply worksheets to reality, as well as im very aware my OCD isn’t logical, but that doesn’t stop the compulsions and anxiety and no anxiety techniques work because the anxiety techniques ironically become a compulsion too, particularly breathing techniques because of also having sensorimotor OCD.
this takes me up to currently - i’ve just had 3/4 weeks under the crisis team who suddenly discharged me with support plan in place last friday, leaving me all weekend with no support despite them knowing i cannot attend A&E because of my OCD and autism. my psychologist told them not to discharge me suddenly because of my autism and inability to cope with change, especially when it’s sudden. they didn’t listen to this and despite me feeling incredibly suicidal, they still went ahead and done it when i attended what i thought was just a general appt with the crisis team. they even said “we know you’re feeling worse, so it’s probably weird for you that we’re discharging you, but we feel the CMHT will know how to support you better”, this couldn’t be further from the truth, my psychologist referred me to the crisis team because i needed that help, they were supposed to do a medication review but never did, they were constantly changing my appts without warning and never followed the plan that was put in place when i was first referred to them. my psychologist no longer knows how to help me and i’m on the verge of a hospital admission which i know will only escalate the situation because hospital is not ideal for someone with autism and OCD.
My OCD contains many variations and i have multiple “subtypes”, my worst being fears of contamination. i struggle to eat because everything feels contaminated, obsessively washing my hands, putting my hands in bleach, not being able to have people in my home, struggling going outside. i also have horrific intrusive thoughts that make me have to things in sets of 4, constantly checking light switches/door handles/plug sockets, etc. i’m just completely drained and can’t see anyway out. i can’t afford private treatment and i just don’t know what else is out there that i could possibly access on the NHS? it’s clear they have no understanding of my autism too and the constant change, etc is making things even harder to cope with.
I’m based in west sussex if this helps at all with suggestions, i know there’s some national OCD treatment centres on the NHS, but i know my mh team would be very reluctant to refer me there.
submitted by r1haiden to MentalHealthUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 01:28 petrus4 Haca and Haronac Abari: Two strange planets in a strange system

system:Ugillig, Euclid's Delta (northeast) quadrant.
galactic-coordinates:RUPP:0A5A:007E:017F:00DA. Planet 3 of 4.
This one belongs in the "Weird Shit" category. I know this screenshot is dark and murky, but that's just how this planet rolls.
So earlier this morning, I was semi-aimlessly warping around Euclid, as you do. I've got a couple of gold mines now, and I noticed that they're usually Exotic biomes, in type O/blue sun systems with the two letters "pf" in the system type string. That gave me the idea of having a look at a few other star types. Ugillig, the system which Haca is in, is a red sun system.
Haca first caught my eye when, after scanning it, the phrase "Stellar corruption detected," came up in the description. I've never encountered that before, but a Google search told me that it indicated a planet with larger flora and mineral deposits than usual. That sounded good, so I landed to have a closer look. The next thing I noticed were some steeper mountains than I think I'd ever seen before. When finding the hotspot co-ords above, I actually had to cut a hole in the side of the mountain to give myself a place to stand; I kept slipping down otherwise.
After doing a mineral scan, the next surprise was a phosphorus mine. Only a C class, sure, but it was the first phosphorus mine I've ever encountered in the game, and the above ground deposit I found was also generous. At that point, although there wasn't enough there to justify a base computer, Haca had earned a place in my stargate address file. While looking for the power hotspot, I heard a loud crashing sound and saw a giant flying centipede go past me, as well.
But it was the next part that really made this planet stand out. In order to get the gate address, I summoned my roamer, and used the scanner to find the alien monolith. I got a message that there was none on the planet. Then I realised that there was no space station in this system, and no dominant species. No dominant species meant no type of offering to make at the monolith, which meant no gate address. But I've been playing this game for long enough, that I knew there was more than one way to skin that cat. I put down a signal booster, wrote down the hexidecimal address, went to a space station in another system, portalled back to my Euclid gate base, used the translator, and went through the gate. Then I was reminded that the hex address is only for the star system itself; the text prefix is for the individual planet, but that doesn't translate into which planet it is in the system. So I had to go to the first two planets in the system before I got to Haca, and the first planet was a real charmer. Permafrost with Hateful sentinels.
The fourth planet in the system, Heronac Abari, is also even weirder than Haca. It's a Redacted Planet. It has these giant rock spikes that are thick enough that it was tricky finding a place to land. Mineral deposits are Phosphorus and Activated Cadmium. The asteroids between the two seem to have lots of platinum as well, for anyone who wants some.
Enjoy these two. I recommend some good weed while exploring them, if you have any.
submitted by petrus4 to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:00 The_Fallen_1 [THJVerse] Arcane Starfarers - ep 3.3 - The kill zone

Book 1/ Book 2
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As the Spectre jumped into the system, her sensors immediately picked up the growing swarm of allied ships, as well as the large number of wormholes growing in size across the system. The bright blue star in the centre of the system gave everything a hue, painting the otherwise white moon the Spectre had used to jump in a light blue, including the recently abandoned mining equipment that was set up on its surface.
"Welcome to the Bergeni system," Affinity announced. "I suggest moving up or down on the system's plane to avoid getting caught by fire, as it's going to come from all sides, though mostly from quadrant three."
"Hannah'rah, get us high above the star," Milla quickly ordered.
"Yes, Ma'am," Hannah'rah replied as the Spectre rapidly repositioned.
"I want us ready to respond to any priority target asap. The faster we take out their strongest offensive capabilities, the sooner we ensure victory. Hardbrooks, start doing whatever EWar operations you believe will provide the most benefit. You've got some new scripts, put them to use."
"Yes, Ma'am," Daniel replied.
"First enemy ships are about to enter the system. Beginning attack," Affinity announced as thousands of her ships began to open up with laser and plasma weapons, saturating the opening of a wormhole as a stream of hot scrap emerged, until a dreadnought entered the system, soaking up enough of the damage to allow hundreds of other ships to enter before its shields failed, quickly followed by its hull.
More and more ships began to flood in through the wormhole as the ships Affinity assigned it it had more and more of their fire drawn by ships that had already entered, but instead of assigning more ships, she focussed her attention on the other wormholes as ships began to approach the mouths of even more of them. Storms of fire began to eviscerate those new ships as well, taking advantage of the choke points to take out as many as possible with little threat to herself.
One particular wormhole began to swell significantly more than the others, and Affinity immediately began to focus more fire on the wormhole. Milla anticipated a request and sat forward in her seat, ready to give out orders, watching as an enemy titan entered the system, effortlessly shrugging off all the fire laid upon it. Before Milla could issue an order, Affinity's ships cut their weapons for two seconds before resuming fire. The crew of the Spectre watched on confused, but as the gap in fire reached the titan, an antimana torpedo slammed into to side of the ship, destroying it in a fraction of a second, before the weapons fire from Affinity's ships continued to attack the ships that had managed to emerge from the wormhole after the titan.
"Around 11,000 ships destroyed to 600 lost," Affinity informed the crew. "Half the wormholes have breached, so the fighting is beginning to balance out."
"Just tell us where we're needed," Milla replied.
"I will do when you're the best ship to deal with a priority target," Affinity assured her. "Most of the ships that may cause me problems are yet to enter the system. Everything in the system right now is something I can deal with."
"Captain, I'm detecting something strange about some of the wormholes," Lieutenant Nermeng announced. "It looks like the drain hole effect is growing stronger. It's having some currently minimal but strange effects on the space around them."
"Affinity?" Milla asked.
"I'm speaking with Quentellia. They don't recognise it, but we are running through theories," Affinity replied. "What we do know is that ships are emerging faster from them now. I believe they're trying to push the wormholes beyond their limits to try and overwhelm my fire by giving me too many targets. I'm trying to simulate the consequences if they keep expanding."
"Do you want us to close any?"
"Maybe if they get too big. I don't want to do it now as I want them to attack this system as opposed to others I'm not as prepared for," she explained as the explosions in both fleets began to increase.
"I'm seeing rapidly increasing levels of radiation from the wormholes," Lieutenant Nermeng warned them. "Our shields will have no problem blocking it out, but if the system gets saturated, it could render it inhospitable, and there are three colonies in the system that a lot of people will want to return back to."
"I'm aware, but if the cost of stopping this assault without major loss of life is 50,000 empty homes, so be it. The amount of antimatter that's going to be reacting in this system as ships are destroyed is likely going to seal its fate anyway," Affinity told him. "We can't win without losing anything, so I'm just trying to make sure the losses are replaceable."
"Finally have their comms," Daniel announced, lifting his head up from the EWar controls on his chair. "I'm feeding them to you now, Affinity. Hopefully they might contain some clue as to what's going on."
"It's a mess," Affinity instantly declared. "They had no idea we had so many ships of a strength closer to theirs, and they're trying to figure out what's going on, as they didn't have the chance to send scouts ahead of them. We did force this fight to happen very early after all. They knew they were going to spring some sort of trap, but they thought they could overwhelm us with multiple battle sites, and when that didn't work, they thought they could just punch through, which isn't working for them either, and now they've committed their forces, they can't try any better tactics. I can see some people already speculating that a being like me exists, and it sounds like it's causing a mixture of fear and anger."
"So are they fleeing or are they more determined now?" Milla asked.
"I can't say, there's too much confusion. If fear takes hold, they'll likely flee, but if anger and their sense of duty take hold, this fight could drag out. Given how fear didn't break them when facing Quentellia who they perceived to be a monstrous threat to all life, I have a feeling this will turn out the same," Affinity explained. "On another note, all wormholes have now breached. I've also fired another wave of artillery at the ships waiting to enter the wormholes, so you don't have to worry about the consequences here."
"What are the numbers at now?"
"27,000 destroyed to 19,000 lost," Affinity replied.
"Next question, are we taking up valuable processing power by talking?"
"No, it's a tiny amount and it's all included in the VI resources of the Spectre. Most of my processing power is in my factories anyway, so it's not like losing ships is making me noticeably slower either," Affinity assured her.
"Ok, good, I'll probably keep asking for updates then," Milla told her. "If-"
"Dreadnaught emerging from the wormhole at coordinates 135,023, you're best suited to intercept," Affinity interrupted her.
"Confirmed, Spectre will intercept," Milla replied. "Hannah'rah?"
"On it," the Elf replied, already knowing the drill and warping over vaguely close to the rapidly growing fleet by the wormhole.
"I would coordinate another fire break when you're ready, but the last one I did resulted in anti-torpedo countermeasures, so you'll have to get the torpedo through the full barrage," Affinity warned Hannah'rah.
"Understood," she told her, repositioning the ship to find the optimal angle to attack from as the giant ship crested the wormhole.
"Double the strike distance from the wormhole as well. Whatever they're doing to them is going to make an explosion close to it more likely to close it, and I still want to keep them all open."
"Copy that," Hannah'rah replied as she made some adjustments.
As the barrage of fire from both sides steadily intensified, the Spectre steadily crept into position, preparing to launch her torpedoes. She waited as the dreadnaught continued its slow burn away from the wormhole, with the nose eventually crossing over the threshold, and the instant its midsection did as well, a single torpedo was launched and the Spectre warped away. The weapon slipped through the cracks in the enemy formation, relying on it's cloak to remain undetected as it followed a path that kept an enemy ship b between it and friendly fire as much as possible, before reaching the enemy dreadnaught and forcing its mana and antimana payload to react, destroying the target in and instant and sending out shrapnel at the ships around it, crippling and destroying many more.
"That's a kill," Affinity confirmed as the crew watched the remaining ships in the area fire their weapons around wildly in an attempt to hit the invisible ship that had already left. "Wormhole is still intact, and ships are still coming here. The explosion near the unstable portal has provided- We need to close them! Sending out orders to all Phantoms. Close the one you were just near when an opening presents itself."
"Hannah'rah," Milla called out.
"On it, Ma'am," the Elf replied as she studied the enemy's defensive fire.
"What did your simulations find?" Milla asked.
"It's complicated. Simply put, at the current rate of expansion, they will fully destabilise within 40 minutes, and when that happens, spacetime will be torn apart. That will destroy almost all of their ships for sure, but I predict there is a 14% chance it will force the star to go supernova. If the star was much older, it would be almost guaranteed. I also predict if that happens, a small neutron star is going to be formed in the process and then destroyed, spreading strange matter all over the place. The last thing we need is a bunch of strangelets in our space that will destroy anything they touch," Affinity explained.
"Are you ready to deal with the ships being diverted to other systems?"
"Yes, though not as ready as I'd like to be. This has to be done though," Affinity replied as she began to reposition some of her ships out of the system.
On the far side of the system, one of the wormholes slammed shut as an antimana weapon detonated inside of it, sending out a small shockwave that closed another wormhole in close proximity to it, though the effect didn't propagate any further. A wave of panic seemingly began to set into the Leshnat-trevarn ships as those that had just lost their reinforcing wormhole desperately turned tail and began to try an open one to leave the system to no effect. To Daniel and Affinity's surprise though, they saw a sudden spike in the enemy's comms, too much and too fast for Daniel to comprehend.
"Something is coming! Get away from everything!" Affinity shouted, causing Hannah'rah to immediately stop her attempt to close the wormhole and warped half the radius of the star system above their current position.
Seconds later, thousands upon thousands of Affinity's ships suddenly went dark as they were pancaked against a wall of invisible force, travelling across the system in a wave, directed at the bulk of her forces. Most of her ships made it out of the way, but not before over 50,000 of them had been snuffed out in an instant. The crew of the Spectre stared slack-jawed at the sudden destruction that had come seemingly out of nowhere.
"... Sensors are picking up nothing," Lieutenant Nermeng quietly announced.
"Was that caused by the wormhole closing?" Oprin asked.
"No, it's a fourth dimensional weapon," Affinity replied. "I can barely detect that anything happened, let alone where it came from. The worst part is that if the whole thing is shifted off axis, it could be on any one of their ships, even one of their corvettes."
"Can we detect it at all?" Daniel asked.
"Maybe in close proximity," Affinity virtually shrugged. "I haven't figured out how to make sensors for this, so all I've really got to go off is interference. I know the direction it came from, so I can work out a group of ships that we need to check. I'm requesting all Phantoms to assist aside from the CNS Shinigami as it hasn't had what I need installed yet, so it's closing the wormholes for you."
"Understood. Tell us what you want scanning," Milla replied.
"I've highlighted all potential candidates," Affinity told her as she updated the main screen. "We need to check all of their ships as even if we find something there could be more than one, but we know that one of these is going to be the ship that just launched that attack."
"Then let's go in and start scanning," Milla declared.
"I've highlighted an optimised search pattern, but staying safe is more important than following it," Affinity added as she added more information to the main display.
The Spectre warped back to the largest gathering of Leshnat-trevarn ships and slipped inside the larger gaps of their formation. She began to follow the rough path Affinity had provided, but found herself deviating often due to intense fire flooding some parts and proximity issues that might make them partially detectable through their cloak, but they continued on as more and more ships were confirmed clear and unhighlighted, along with other clusters of ships were the other Phantoms were invisibly scanning.
"I've got a hit on a remote access script," Daniel told Milla quietly so as to not distract Hannah'rah. "Nothing too impressive, just a scanning computer that's isolated from the rest of the destroyer, but I think I can get into their combat network with it."
"Thanks for the heads up, work with Affinity," Milla replied as she returned her attention back to the battlefield.
"Let me have a look at that," Affinity quietly told him. "... Interesting. I think I can make over half of their destroyers unable to differentiate between ours and their ships."
"I don't think that's the play here," Daniel told her. "They manually aim their weapons, so unless their gunners are absolute idiots, there will only be a few friendly fire incidents given the fleets aren't mixing, and then they know we can get into their systems. No, we should look for another vulnerability with it to get to something more important, or see if we can use their sensors to scan for their weapon. The latter might set off some alarms though, so we won't have much time, but it will result in far less effective ships."
"Good thing I can think and react extremely quickly. I can get into all of the vulnerable ships at the same time and do a mass scan almost in an instant. The only problem is that I don't know if their scanners can pick up fourth dimensional signatures."
"I'd say it's worth a try. It's probably the best option overall given our predicament."
"Ok, attempting… … … …. They're starting to react… … … …. Ok, I've been blocked out now, but I've detected eight ships with significant fourth dimensional signatures. All are cruisers, and are now being focussed on," Affinity told him as her ships aimed at the eight ships, boring their way through the collections of enemy ships in front of them.
"That's a lot of fire close to us," Milla commented, looking at the series of enemy ships being blown to pieces in rapid succession.
"I've identified the ships likely to have weapons. Please stay clear," Affinity replied, realising she forgot to warn everyone.
"Hannah'rah, get us out of their fleet," Milla ordered.
"Yes, Ma'am," Hannah'rah replied as she began to weave through the enemy fleet to the outside edge.
"Once we're out, take us-"
The Spectre jolted hard to one side as alarms started blaring, and the ship began to spin out of control as Hannah'rah rapidly tried to cancel out the rotation.
"Report!" Milla shouted.
"Debris from an exploding ship just hit us!" Lieutenant Breathain replied. "Shields are offline and we have a breach in the torpedo bay. Half our torpedoes are reporting as critically damaged! Four Aetheric shield nodes are offline, and our cloak is destabilising. Attempting to stabilise."
"Initiating emergency jump," Milla declared, thrusting herself back in her chair and concentrating hard.
"Engineering, can you do anything about the torpedoes?" Daniel asked over the comms.
"Lieutenant Felkira is currently investigating," Lieutenant Skvurtz replied.
"Keep us up to date," Daniel replied as the Spectre jumped with a purple flash, suddenly appearing on the far edge of the Deities private system outside of the Milky Way.
"Contact Harwood orbital, inform them of the situation," Milla ordered, shaking her head and rubbing her temples, attempting to stave off the backlash of the sudden difficult jump.
"Two warheads are unstable, I'm taking them off the ship," Lieutenant Felkira announced over the comms.
"Be careful," Daniel replied.
"Don't worry, I was," Lieutenant Felkira replied, rematerializing from a cloud of smoke on the bridge. "You're lucky you have me on board to just get rid of them like that."
"Where did you take them?" Milla asked.
"300 km away," the Shadow Wolf replied, looking at the main screen as a small cloud of mana-antimana explosions went off as the warheads destabilised. "Huh, the timing was much worse than I thought."
"Well, that's a relief. Get us back to the station and let's see what state the Spectre is in," Milla ordered.
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submitted by The_Fallen_1 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 04:55 guy_in_the_moon Alright what the fuck

Alright what the fuck we gotta settle the score here, NARRATOR: (Black screen with text; The sound of buzzing bees can be heard) According to all known laws of aviation, : there is no way a bee should be able to fly. : Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. : The bee, of course, flies anyway : because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. BARRY BENSON: (Barry is picking out a shirt) Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. : Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. JANET BENSON: Barry! Breakfast is ready! BARRY: Coming! : Hang on a second. (Barry uses his antenna like a phone) : Hello? ADAM FLAYMAN:
(Through phone) - Barry? BARRY: - Adam? ADAM: - Can you believe this is happening? BARRY: - I can't. I'll pick you up. (Barry flies down the stairs) : MARTIN BENSON: Looking sharp. JANET: Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. BARRY: Sorry. I'm excited. MARTIN: Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. : A perfect report card, all B's. JANET: Very proud. (Rubs Barry's hair) BARRY= Ma! I got a thing going here. JANET: - You got lint on your fuzz. BARRY: - Ow! That's me!
JANET: - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! (Barry flies out the door) JANET: Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! (Barry drives through the hive,and is waved at by Adam who is reading a newspaper) BARRY== - Hey, Adam. ADAM: - Hey, Barry. (Adam gets in Barry's car) : - Is that fuzz gel? BARRY: - A little. Special day, graduation. ADAM: Never thought I'd make it. (Barry pulls away from the house and continues driving) BARRY: Three days grade school, three days high school... ADAM: Those were awkward. BARRY: Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. ADAM== You did come back different. (Barry and Adam pass by Artie, who is jogging) ARTIE: - Hi, Barry!
BARRY: - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. ADAM: - Hear about Frankie? BARRY: - Yeah. ADAM== - You going to the funeral? BARRY: - No, I'm not going to his funeral. : Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. : Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. ADAM: I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. (The car does a barrel roll on the loop-shaped bridge and lands on the highway) : I love this incorporating an amusement park into our regular day. BARRY: I guess that's why they say we don't need vacations. (Barry parallel parks the car and together they fly over the graduating students) Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. (Barry and Adam sit down and put on their hats) : - Well, Adam, today we are men.
ADAM: - We are! BARRY= - Bee-men. =ADAM= - Amen! BARRY AND ADAM: Hallelujah! (Barry and Adam both have a happy spasm) ANNOUNCER: Students, faculty, distinguished bees, : please welcome Dean Buzzwell. DEAN BUZZWELL: Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... : ...9: : That concludes our ceremonies. : And begins your career at Honex Industries! ADAM: Will we pick our job today? (Adam and Barry get into a tour bus) BARRY= I heard it's just orientation. (Tour buses rise out of the ground and the students are automatically loaded into the buses) TOUR GUIDE: Heads up! Here we go.
ANNOUNCER: Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. BARRY: - Wonder what it'll be like? ADAM: - A little scary. TOUR GUIDE== Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco : and a part of the Hexagon Group. Barry: This is it! BARRY AND ADAM: Wow. BARRY: Wow. (The bus drives down a road an on either side are the Bee's massive complicated Honey-making machines) TOUR GUIDE: We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life : to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. : Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. : Our top-secret formula : is automatically color-corrected,
scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured : into this soothing sweet syrup : with its distinctive golden glow you know as... EVERYONE ON BUS: Honey! (The guide has been collecting honey into a bottle and she throws it into the crowd on the bus and it is caught by a girl in the back) ADAM: - That girl was hot. BARRY: - She's my cousin! ADAM== - She is? BARRY: - Yes, we're all cousins. ADAM: - Right. You're right. TOUR GUIDE: - At Honex, we constantly strive : to improve every aspect of bee existence. : These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. (The bus passes by a Bee wearing a helmet who is being smashed into the ground with fly-swatters, newspapers and boots. He lifts a thumbs up but you can hear him groan) : ADAM==
What's the difference? TOUR GUIDE: You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off : in 27 million years. BARRY: (Upset) So you'll just work us to death? : We'll sure try. (Everyone on the bus laughs except Barry. Barry and Adam are walking back home together) ADAM: Wow! That blew my mind! BARRY: "What's the difference?" How can you say that? : One job forever? That's an insane choice to have to make. ADAM: I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life. BARRY: But, Adam, how could they never have told us that? ADAM: Why would you question anything? We're bees. : We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth.
BARRY: You ever think maybe things work a little too well here? ADAM: Like what? Give me one example. (Barry and Adam stop walking and it is revealed to the audience that hundreds of cars are speeding by and narrowly missing them in perfect unison) BARRY: I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about. ANNOUNCER: Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. BARRY: Wait a second. Check it out. (The Pollen jocks fly in, circle around and landing in line) : - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks! ADAM: - Wow. : I've never seen them this close. BARRY: They know what it's like outside the hive. ADAM: Yeah, but some don't come back. GIRL BEES: - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! (The Pollen Jocks hook up their backpacks to machines that pump the nectar to trucks, which drive away)
LOU LO DUVA: You guys did great! : You're monsters! You're sky freaks! I love it! (Punching the Pollen Jocks in joy) I love it! ADAM: - I wonder where they were. BARRY: - I don't know. : Their day's not planned. : Outside the hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what. : You can't just decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that. ADAM== Right. (Barry and Adam are covered in some pollen that floated off of the Pollen Jocks) BARRY: Look at that. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime. ADAM: It's just a status symbol. Bees make too much of it. BARRY: Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it. (Barry waves at 2 girls standing a little away from them)
ADAM== Those ladies? Aren't they our cousins too? BARRY: Distant. Distant. POLLEN JOCK #1: Look at these two. POLLEN JOCK #2: - Couple of Hive Harrys. POLLEN JOCK #1: - Let's have fun with them. GIRL BEE #1: It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock. BARRY: Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom! : He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me! (Slaps Adam with his hand to represent his scenario) GIRL BEE #2: - Oh, my! BARRY: - I never thought I'd knock him out. GIRL BEE #1: (Looking at Adam) What were you doing during this? ADAM: Obviously I was trying to alert the authorities. BARRY: I can autograph that.
(The pollen jocks walk up to Barry and Adam, they pretend that Barry and Adam really are pollen jocks.) POLLEN JOCK #1: A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades? BARRY: Yeah. Gusty. POLLEN JOCK #1: We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow. BARRY: - Six miles, huh? ADAM: - Barry! POLLEN JOCK #2: A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it. BARRY: - Maybe I am. ADAM: - You are not! POLLEN JOCK #1: We're going 0900 at J-Gate. : What do you think, buzzy-boy? Are you bee enough? BARRY: I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means. (The scene cuts to Barry looking out on the hive-city from his balcony at night) MARTIN:
Hey, Honex! BARRY: Dad, you surprised me. MARTIN: You decide what you're interested in? BARRY: - Well, there's a lot of choices. - But you only get one. : Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day? MARTIN: Son, let me tell you about stirring. : You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around. : You get yourself into a rhythm. It's a beautiful thing. BARRY: You know, Dad, the more I think about it, : maybe the honey field just isn't right for me. MARTIN: You were thinking of what, making balloon animals? : That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger. :
Janet, your son's not sure he wants to go into honey! JANET: - Barry, you are so funny sometimes. BARRY: - I'm not trying to be funny. MARTIN: You're not funny! You're going into honey. Our son, the stirrer! JANET: - You're gonna be a stirrer? BARRY: - No one's listening to me! MARTIN: Wait till you see the sticks I have. BARRY: I could say anything right now. I'm gonna get an ant tattoo! (Barry's parents don't listen to him and continue to ramble on) MARTIN: Let's open some honey and celebrate! BARRY: Maybe I'll pierce my thorax. Shave my antennae. : Shack up with a grasshopper. Get a gold tooth and call everybody "dawg"! JANET: I'm so proud. (The scene cuts to Barry and Adam waiting in line to get a job) ADAM: - We're starting work today!
BARRY: - Today's the day. ADAM: Come on! All the good jobs will be gone. BARRY: Yeah, right. JOB LISTER: Pollen counting, stunt bee, pouring, stirrer, front desk, hair removal... BEE IN FRONT OF LINE: - Is it still available? JOB LISTER: - Hang on. Two left! : One of them's yours! Congratulations! Step to the side. ADAM: - What'd you get? BEE IN FRONT OF LINE: - Picking crud out. Stellar! (He walks away) ADAM: Wow! JOB LISTER: Couple of newbies? ADAM: Yes, sir! Our first day! We are ready! JOB LISTER: Make your choice. (Adam and Barry look up at the job board. There are hundreds of constantly changing panels that contain available or unavailable jobs. It looks very confusing)
ADAM: - You want to go first? BARRY: - No, you go. ADAM: Oh, my. What's available? JOB LISTER: Restroom attendant's open, not for the reason you think. ADAM: - Any chance of getting the Krelman? JOB LISTER: - Sure, you're on. (Puts the Krelman finger-hat on Adam's head) (Suddenly the sign for Krelman closes out) : I'm sorry, the Krelman just closed out. (Takes Adam's hat off) Wax monkey's always open. ADAM: The Krelman opened up again. : What happened? JOB LISTER: A bee died. Makes an opening. See? He's dead. Another dead one. : Deady. Deadified. Two more dead. : Dead from the neck up. Dead from the neck down. That's life!
ADAM: Oh, this is so hard! (Barry remembers what the Pollen Jock offered him and he flies off) Heating, cooling, stunt bee, pourer, stirrer, : humming, inspector number seven, lint coordinator, stripe supervisor, : mite wrangler. Barry, what do you think I should... Barry? (Adam turns around and sees Barry flying away) : Barry! POLLEN JOCK: All right, we've got the sunflower patch in quadrant nine... ADAM: (Through phone) What happened to you? Where are you? BARRY: - I'm going out. ADAM: - Out? Out where? BARRY: - Out there. ADAM: - Oh, no! BARRY: I have to, before I go to work for the rest of my life. ADAM:
You're gonna die! You're crazy! (Barry hangs up) Hello? POLLEN JOCK #2: Another call coming in. : If anyone's feeling brave, there's a Korean deli on 83rd : that gets their roses today. BARRY: Hey, guys. POLLEN JOCK #1 == - Look at that. POLLEN JOCK #2: - Isn't that the kid we saw yesterday? LOU LO DUVA: Hold it, son, flight deck's restricted. POLLEN JOCK #1: It's OK, Lou. We're gonna take him up. (Puts hand on Barry's shoulder) LOU LO DUVA: (To Barry) Really? Feeling lucky, are you? BEE WITH CLIPBOARD: (To Barry) Sign here, here. Just initial that. : - Thank you. LOU LO DUVA: - OK. : You got a rain advisory today, :
and as you all know, bees cannot fly in rain. : So be careful. As always, watch your brooms, : hockey sticks, dogs, birds, bears and bats. : Also, I got a couple of reports of root beer being poured on us. : Murphy's in a home because of it, babbling like a cicada! BARRY: - That's awful. LOU LO DUVA: (Still talking through megaphone) - And a reminder for you rookies, : bee law number one, absolutely no talking to humans! : All right, launch positions! POLLEN JOCKS: (The Pollen Jocks run into formation) : Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! LOU LU DUVA: Black and yellow! POLLEN JOCKS:
Hello! POLLEN JOCK #1: (To Barry)You ready for this, hot shot? BARRY: Yeah. Yeah, bring it on. POLLEN JOCK's: Wind, check. : - Antennae, check. - Nectar pack, check. : - Wings, check. - Stinger, check. BARRY: Scared out of my shorts, check. LOU LO DUVA: OK, ladies, : let's move it out! : Pound those petunias, you striped stem-suckers! : All of you, drain those flowers! (The pollen jocks fly out of the hive) BARRY: Wow! I'm out! : I can't believe I'm out! : So blue.
: I feel so fast and free! : Box kite! (Barry flies through the kite) : Wow! : Flowers! (A pollen jock puts on some high tech goggles that shows flowers similar to heat sink goggles.) POLLEN JOCK: This is Blue Leader. We have roses visual. : Bring it around 30 degrees and hold. : Roses! POLLEN JOCK #1: 30 degrees, roger. Bringing it around. : Stand to the side, kid. It's got a bit of a kick. (The pollen jock fires a high-tech gun at the flower, shooting tubes that suck up the nectar from the flower and collects it into a pouch on the gun) BARRY: That is one nectar collector! POLLEN JOCK #1== - Ever see pollination up close? BARRY: - No, sir. POLLEN JOCK #1:
(Barry and the Pollen jock fly over the field, the pollen jock sprinkles pollen as he goes) : I pick up some pollen here, sprinkle it over here. Maybe a dash over there, : a pinch on that one. See that? It's a little bit of magic. BARRY: That's amazing. Why do we do that? POLLEN JOCK #1: That's pollen power. More pollen, more flowers, more nectar, more honey for us. BARRY: Cool. POLLEN JOCK #1: I'm picking up a lot of bright yellow. could be daisies. Don't we need those? POLLEN JOCK #2: Copy that visual. : Wait. One of these flowers seems to be on the move. POLLEN JOCK #1: Say again? You're reporting a moving flower? POLLEN JOCK #2: Affirmative. (The Pollen jocks land near the "flowers" which, to the audience are obviously just tennis balls) KEN: (In the distance) That was on the line!
POLLEN JOCK #1: This is the coolest. What is it? POLLEN JOCK #2: I don't know, but I'm loving this color. : It smells good. Not like a flower, but I like it. POLLEN JOCK #1: Yeah, fuzzy. (Sticks his hand on the ball but it gets stuck) POLLEN JOCK #3== Chemical-y. (The pollen jock finally gets his hand free from the tennis ball) POLLEN JOCK #1: Careful, guys. It's a little grabby. (The pollen jocks turn around and see Barry lying his entire body on top of one of the tennis balls) POLLEN JOCK #2: My sweet lord of bees! POLLEN JOCK #3: Candy-brain, get off there! POLLEN JOCK #1: (Pointing upwards) Problem! (A human hand reaches down and grabs the tennis ball that Barry is stuck to) BARRY: - Guys! POLLEN JOCK #2: - This could be bad. POLLEN JOCK #3: Affirmative. (Vanessa Bloome starts bouncing the tennis ball, not knowing Barry is stick to it)
BARRY== Very close. : Gonna hurt. : Mama's little boy. (Barry is being hit back and forth by two humans playing tennis. He is still stuck to the ball) POLLEN JOCK #1: You are way out of position, rookie! KEN: Coming in at you like a MISSILE! (Barry flies past the pollen jocks, still stuck to the ball) BARRY: (In slow motion) Help me! POLLEN JOCK #2: I don't think these are flowers. POLLEN JOCK #3: - Should we tell him? POLLEN JOCK #1: - I think he knows. BARRY: What is this?! KEN: Match point! : You can start packing up, honey, because you're about to EAT IT! (A pollen jock coughs which confused Ken and he hits the ball the wrong way with Barry stuck to it and it goes flying into the city) BARRY:
Yowser! (Barry bounces around town and gets stuck in the engine of a car. He flies into the air conditioner and sees a bug that was frozen in there) BARRY: Ew, gross. (The man driving the car turns on the air conditioner which blows Barry into the car) GIRL IN CAR: There's a bee in the car! : - Do something! DAD DRIVING CAR: - I'm driving! BABY GIRL: (Waving at Barry) - Hi, bee. (Barry smiles and waves at the baby girl) GUY IN BACK OF CAR: - He's back here! : He's going to sting me! GIRL IN CAR: Nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Freeze! (Barry freezes as well, hovering in the middle of the car) : GRANDMA IN CAR== He blinked! (The grandma whips out some bee-spray and sprays everywhere in the car, climbing into the front seat, still trying to spray Barry) GIRL IN CAR: Spray him, Granny! DAD DRIVING THE CAR: What are you doing?! (Barry escapes the car through the air conditioner and is flying high above
the ground, safe.) BARRY: Wow... the tension level out here is unbelievable. (Barry sees that storm clouds are gathering and he can see rain clouds moving into this direction)
So seriously what the fuck man
submitted by guy_in_the_moon to haruhicirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 00:13 smartybrome List of FREE and Best Selling Discounted Courses

Udemy Free Courses for 25 May 2024

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submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 00:13 smartybrome List of FREE and Best Selling Discounted Courses

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submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 18:01 ProfessorProveIt "attendance policy modification"

This is regarding student accessibility, or it might still be called disability services in some places. I am disabled myself, so this is not me hating on the disabled or the utility of these services in general.
Also some background: I teach a 5-week summer course. This is a condensed version of the same course taught in the fall and spring. At the beginning of this semester, a student requested a list of accommodations: extended time on assessments, special recording software, etc. These accommodations were nothing I haven't seen before.
The new thing, which I have never seen before, is that this student has requested an "attendance policy modification." I pushed back on this when I was first notified, saying that this is a five-week course. They have some assignment every day, whether it's a quiz, exam, recitation worksheet with the TA, or combination. Further, I only get 72 hours following the day of the final exam to post final grades in this course. Disabled or not, we all only have the same five weeks.
Today is the day of our first midterm, and I was notified in an email that this student WILL be using their attendance policy modification, in order to miss today's exam. They WILL be re-taking the exam, on Tuesday, during class time, and they WILL be missing next Tuesday's assignments in order to do so. Furthermore, failure to respond to this unilateral demand on me, means that I agree to comply.
This email was sent less than an hour before the test start time. I actually physically called the office, and apparently my earlier objection to the unreasonable accommodation meant nothing. This student has the unilateral right to demand to miss any and all accommodations in a five week course. I have zero recourse.
I did reply to the email and pushed back, but it doesn't matter. The student and the student's accessibility coordinator are not there. This student will be expecting to take their makeup exam at a time and day of their choosing and I have no choice but to write and grade a special exam just for this one person. And I was given less than an hour's notice that I would be doing all of this extra unpaid work. I am most disturbed by the "Silence equals consent" provision from the Accessibility email.
I am not getting paid enough to deal with this shit.
submitted by ProfessorProveIt to Professors [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:25 Hisbejeneb Am I an INTJ or ENTJ?

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises it’s importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to entj [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:19 Hisbejeneb I’ve been trying to figure out what my type is. I would really appreciate some help.

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises it’s importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to typeme [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:15 Hisbejeneb I’m trying to discover my type and I think I might be an INTJ. Would anyone be willing to help?

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises it’s importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to intj [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 15:25 Hisbejeneb Would really appreciate some insight from the community. Thx

• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
-I am a 17 year old male from England and I’m currently studying philosophy, sociology and ancient history at college.
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
-I was diagnosed with autism at age 12.
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
-I am an only child and lived in a secular family consisting of just me, my mum and my dad. Both of them were very laid back regarding discipline. One thing that could be said is that they gave me too much unconditional love, especially my mother. This, in turn, resulted in them not really teaching me important life skills and independence for fear of putting me in harms way. Thus, in the past 2 years I’ve had a bit of an awaking and have become hyper independent to remedy the lack of life skills and lessons taught during my early childhood.
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
-My ideal employment, realistically, would be a teacher. I really like the idea of taking on a task and being able to enforce original methods to attain the best possible results. That process is the general principle behind a lot of my interests and teaching is a job where it is present.
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
-I Would feel refreshed. I get really tired when I’m around people. I think that may come from the fact that I tend to put on an act when I’m interacting with others in order to make them like me. This is a favourable result as the more people you are on good terms with, the more likely they are to be a potential asset to your life as opposed to a possible hinderance.
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
-I enjoy topics that are synthesised with progressing my main goal(s). For example, I enjoy learning about mbti because it is a component of my main goal to understand myself and thus can help me achieve happiness more effectively as I believe this is the main assignment of life.
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
-I would consider my pursuits of curiosity to be loosely filtered through what may be useful to attaining a personal goal and I don’t often get carried away with ideas that have no overall importance to it. I say loosely because I can’t be certain what will be of importance to my pursuits, so for this reason I sometimes stray a from things that I know will be personally beneficial in the long term for things that could be useful, by virtue of the interconnectedness of everything.
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
-I would really like to take on a leadership position. I think I would be good at figuring out solutions and assigning them to people based on an overall objective. However I do not think I’d be very good at leadership in practice. This is because I’m not very quick at making decisions. Thus, my leadership style would be less about leadership and more being a personal adviser to members of a team to ensure they are all going in the same direction.
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
-I don’t feel as though I’m very physically coordinated. I often have to focus on my environment and my movement at the expense of deeper thought. I’ve never really resonated with the popular notion that walks are therapeutic and thought provoking. For me, they are stressful and prohibit any other thoughts than the ones related to keeping my movement and environment in check.
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
-I enjoy art that operates under the pretence that art is a language. I like art that communicates meaning. The reason why I like this type of art at all when it just seems like, if communication is the primary source of my investment, I should just focus on objective language rather than something as convoluted and prone to misinterpretation as art. To this I say, art elicits emotion and creates an immediate reason to care about the message. Thus, making the point carry to greater extent.
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
-Most of my time is devoted to figuring out how to get to a desirable destination in the future. By the same token, the present is also very important to me as it is paramount to the aforementioned goal. The past is the timeframe I spend the least time thinking about when I’m happy. It’s not that I don’t consciously recognise it’s value in being a possible example for the future, it’s just not something I have a propensity to think about. I really only dwell on the past when I’m feeling down.
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
-My main reason for helping someone echoes an above mentioned sentiment. I would really only help someone to build good will with them, because it lowers the chances they will be a destructive force in your life. Moreover, they are indebted to you for a time which is always handy.
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
-The primary system of logic I use is what has utility to achieving a goal. I’m not too bothered about logic for logics sake. I don’t live in the details of subjects and thus don’t care about the underlying logic, just what has the most personal utility.
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
-They are both really important to me. I like to see results. I always feel unfulfilled by the notion; I probably could achieve x and therefore there’s no point in doing y. I might switch to this mindset if I’m burned out as a coping mechanism for me not being able to express my desire to be productive. But that just emphasises its importance to me if I’m willing to change my beliefs to avoid the sadness brought about by unproductivity. However, I may procrastinate out of a fear of failure but the task tends to plays on my mind and I don’t find it easy to get distracted from it, even when I’m not doing it.
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
-I control others implicitly by acting overly polite and sometimes resort to people pleasing to gain favour with them. This helps with the fact that I’m pretty dependent on what others think of me and their perceptions of me often supersede or coexist with my own beliefs and observations about myself, even if I can logically reason reason them to be erroneous judgements.
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
-As mentioned in the desired career question, I enjoy hobbies that revolve around implementing original strategies to attain a desirable outcome. Because of this, I enjoy strategy games such total war and chess. once again, as mentioned previously another reason why I enjoy some hobbies is because they contribute to a larger goal. Such as my interest for mbti because, it allows me to understand myself, so I know how best to attain happiness and in turn, fulfil what I consider to be the primary objective of life in its most general form.
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
-I prefer to have a plan before action. I like to feel as though most things have been decided beforehand and I’m just reading off a to do list written by past me.
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
-My professional aspirations are a means to an end. I want to get a job that I enjoy, is stable and provides an income, in the hope that I can stop thinking so much about it and can focus on the more personal aspects of life. Like figuring out how best to achieve happiness after I’ve stabilised my external life.
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
-I really fear upsetting people. Partly because I’m scared of how they will react. Especially in ways that could de-stabilise my life. Moreover, as I mentioned previously, I unfortunately have a propensity to need gratification from others and if I upset people I might begin to feel insecure in myself. A lot of what I do can be chalked up to an attempt to attain the admiration of others. I also fear not being able to make my plans and goals come into fruition.
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
-The highs in my life often involve a dedication to a goal that gets me up every day. I’ll constantly be excited to get one step closer to achieving it. The goal when I’m happy revolves around a more thought out desire for the long term. Furthermore, this is accompanied by a disregard for the appearance of things. In these times I just focus on the character of things and perceive things through a lenses of principles and ideas. Moreover, the type of gratification I seek revolves around my capacity to think.
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
-By contrast, my lows are aimless at best and destructive at worst. When Im considering the future in these moments I tend to forget about happiness and in turn have a bleak outlook on the future. This leads me to being generally quite unproductive. My gratification seeking becomes much more shallow aswell. It tends to revolve more around appearance and wanting others to view me as attractive. As a result of this I developed anorexia as a byproduct of trying to look more attractive in a period of stress. Moreover, it gave me something to control as I feel an excessive need to do this when I’m stressed.
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
-I do daydream, Though not as much as I used to. When I daydream it’s usually to test how something I wish to do might go if I were to do it.
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
-I would consider the main reason for my beliefs again and make updates to it that would eventually trickle down to actionable changes. If I didn’t manage to find any faults in my beliefs and principles of conduct I would keep my goal the same and think about things I could do to achieve it.
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
-It usually takes me a little while to come to a decision, particularly if it has long term consequences, as I like to look at the external factors and see if they would suit me internally and/or if it would be beneficial to me in the future. Once I’ve come to a decision on a matter, ideologically I think it is best to stick to it because you can maximise the benefits that a particular path can provide. However, if the evidence changes and it contradicts the original reason for making the decision I will change my mind.
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
-It usually takes me a while to figure out my emotions. They often appear feint and undefined even though I know there’s something there. When I felt really down for months I couldn’t seem to validate my own emotions. To remedy this I tried to keep a journal collecting statistics including whether I cried, how many times? For how long? Have you self harmed in any way? this created a picture from which I could derive a conclusion. However, I have recently begun to value emotions much more than I did. Previously, I would’ve consciously neglected them. However, ever since I developed anorexia and had a really long period of time where I felt negative emotions I realise how powerful they are and how they must be utilised in your favour otherwise life wouldn’t be worth living.
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
-This is something I do quite often with people I’m not acquainted with, as I value the utility of a social connection more than convincing a few people of my beliefs. However, it happens less with people who I know well enough to comfortably make the assertion that an ideological disagreement wouldn’t jeopardise the relationship.
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
-I avoid rule breaking that could lead to excessive repercussions. Since I purvey my conduct with the main intention of long term personal fulfilment some consequences that impede this mean that I generally obey rules. However if the consequences are avoidable and/or inconsequential I have no problem breaking those rules. Like cheating in exams for example.
submitted by Hisbejeneb to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 21:04 S-Man_The_Greatt ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR: Maximum licensed number of demo users already reached.

Hi folks,
I've been using Ansys Student 2023 R2 for about 2 weeks, and now when I try to solve a system, the analysis fails no mater what I do.
When I click "get results" and go to the "Solver output" page, I get this error:
ANSYS LICENSE MANAGER ERROR: Maximum licensed number of demo users already reached.
*** ERROR - ANSYS license not available.
The weird thing is that I was able to solve the same static structural system last week, but for a few days now, I cannot for the life of me get anything to solve. I've tired different file types, and even tried to solve the same system I solved successfully before, but to no luck. I tried restarting my computer but that didn't help.
I did some googling of that error but to no avail. Any help would be much appreciated.
submitted by S-Man_The_Greatt to ANSYS [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:03 yanny77 The Rider's Quadrant Fic Exchange

fourthwing and The Rider's Quadrant Discord Server are partnering to host a fanfic exchange as part of the first anniversary celebrations.
Link to the Event
Link to Sign Up
Link to Event Tumblr
Link to RQ Discord Server

The Details

Welcome to the Rider's Quadrant Exchange Cadet!
To celebrate one year of Fourth Wing, we're hosting A Gift Exchange in conjunction with The Rider's Quadrant Discord Server. This exchange is not focused on any specific ship, character, or theme and is open to writers of all experiences, interests, and skill levels. We're just here to make new friends and share our love for The Empyrean world created by Rebecca Yarros.
Sign-up will run through the end of May and reveals will be posted August 1st.
Follow along with us on Tumblr and be sure to tag us when you post your final piece. We will reblog your work and create a master list of all the participants/fics.


  1. You must be 18+ to Participate
  2. Fics are required to be a minimum of 3,000 words
  3. This should be a new piece written specifically for your giftee. Please try to accommodate as many of their requests as you can.
  4. Check in on July 1st and post final August 1st. You can check in via our tumblr, discord, or by emailing [](
  5. If any issues arise, writers must notify event planners (whether it’s scheduling conflict, writers block, troubleshooting etc)
  6. Please appropriately tag your fics based on audience, ships, characters, category, warnings, and themes.
  7. All fics should be written in English for this exchange
  8. Fics must be added to the collection when completed
  9. If you are on tumblr, mention rq-gift-exchange when you post your fic and use the tag #2024 RQ Gift Exchange
This is the first fic exchange we are hosting for Fourth Wing and we are still learning the ins and outs of the process. We reserve the right to update the rules as needed throughout the event.


Q: I'm not on discord. Can I still participate? A: Sure! Being part of the Discord group is a lot of fun, but we recognize it's not for everyone. If you're not on Discord, you can follow along on Tumblr. AO3, or Reddit.
Q: Can I join the discord? A: Yes! We'd love to have you. The discord is open to all cadets ages 18+. Join here!
Q: Can fics be smutty? A: Yes, we do allow smut in this gift exchange, but it's absolutely not required. If you would prefer not to write or read smut, you can indicate this during sign-up by selecting "General Audiences" or "Teen and Up audiences" in the ratings section.
Q; Do fics have to be ship-based? A: Nope! If you're more interested in platonic relationships, you can indicate this in the category section on your sign-up form.
Q: What should I put in the description section? A: This is entirely up to you. You can help your gifter get to know you by talking about what you like to read about in fics, favorite tropes, why you love a certain character, other interests, etc.. Basically, this is your opportunity to help your partner tailor your gift to you.
Q: How do I contact the event coordinators? A: Via email: [](, Tumblr, or Discord. On Discord, you may ping the Executive Officer - Fic Exchange role in the fanfic channel or DM yanny.flynnserra, TheWrittenMaze, alexandia03, or sarahjekyll directly.
Q: I am not a writer. Can I submit art, mood boards, or playlists instead? A: For this first exchange, we're going to focus primarily on fics (to help us get our feet wet). You are more than welcome to supplement your fic with playlists and mood boards! Also, anyone can be a writer! If this is your first time writing (or if you just need some reassurance) reach out to the event team and we can help brainstorm, provide feedback, copy edits, etc.. You don't have to be an expert to participate in the exchange.
Q: Can you add [insert ship here] to the sign-up form? A: Yes, of course! Just let us know what you want us to add.
Q: Do I need an AO3 account to participate? A: Yes, unfortunately. However, our sign up is open until May 31st and if you request an account you should get your invite before the deadline. If for some reason your invite doesn’t come in time, let us know and we’ll figure out a way to get you involved.
Q: Do these fics have to be a one shot? I tend to write shorter chapters. A: Nope! Our 3k word goal is just a guideline and can absolutely be met over multiple chapters. If you’re working on something longer, take your time. You only need to have the first installment posted by the deadline.
Q: Can I edit my registration once I’ve submitted? A: Yes, of course! Click the “edit sign up” button at the top of the collection
submitted by yanny77 to fourthwing [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 02:40 SnooDoggos3848 University of Toronto First Year Engineering Guide

Hi everyone, current 2T7 ECE here. I thought I would make a quick post on a guide to first year engineering, listing out all the stuff I wish I knew before coming to university. The first semester portion is applicable to all engineering disciplines, the second semester portion would be more useful to ECEs, T1, Indie and Mechs.
First Semester Courses:
MAT186: This was by far the hardest course for me and the entire cohort (C average). Even though I knew all the concepts of the course beforehand (through AP Calc BC and A-levels) this was my worst course. The reason for this was because the course focuses on testing theory (your understanding of the nitty gritty) rather than on computation. My advice for this course would be to make sure you work on written hw with friends (impossible to do alone), and do every single tutorial worksheet (exam questions are exactly like tutorial worksheets). Sean Upall was the course coordinator, and even thought I didnt like his lectures, I think it prepares you the most for the final exam.
MAT188: This was my favourite course even though it probably took up most of my time. This course was completely new to me, which is why I took a lot more time understanding the Pre class essentials. There is a lot of "theory" in this course, which will take a while to learn, so spend a good amount of time understanding and learning the PCEs. One reccomendation to make this process of learning faster is to watch 3blue1browns essence of linear algebra series. Watch the video corresponding to the upcoming weeks concepts before reading the PCEs. Written HW was hard (not as hard as calculus) so do it with friends, the gateway exams are a bit of a joke since you can retake them, and if you practice them enough you realize theres a pattern in the answers. Midterms and Final exams actually test at an appropriate level, so as long you have a strong grasp of the concepts you will be fine. If professor Cameillia is teaching the course go for her lectures, she is by far the best (she is also the course coordinator).
CIV100: This was a very interesting course, it needs a lot of practice of past papers. Literally you'll need to grill through past papers in order to succeed in this course. The final exam is such that there are 5 questions and you have 30 mins per question. Each quesition is quite hard which makes the exam very time pressured, so again PRACTICE. The quizzes in this course are dependant on your lecturer, some profs give easy quizzes whilst others give hard ones, this is out of your control. In my opinion the best lecturer was Professor Merjan, she was probably the best lecturer I've had in my time here at UOFT. The only problem is that she teaches the course in a different timeline than other profs, so you probably cant change lecturers cuz quiz material is different between different profs.
APS110: As an ECE I still dont know why I had to take this course. Overall, it was taught quite well. Scott Ramsay is the best lecturer for this course, although basically everything he says is already in the textbook (which is why I did not attend lectures). The Textbook is more than enough for this course. The Final exam for our batch was quite difficult compared to past year exams, but I think I did well because I practiced quite a few past papers.
APS111: Contraty to public opinion, I thought this was one of the most fun and useful courses in first semester. I had quite a sh*t team, but managed. Make sure you look at the rubrics for each assignment before you start writing. Also the way this course works is that you have to submit individual and group assignments which are essentially these long documents. Because they are doucments, they are marked in a qualitative way as there is no right answer per se. Make sure you bombard the person who is correcting the assignment with questions so that you nail exactly what they are looking for.
Second semester courses
MAT187: This is calculus two and it was much better than Calc one. Professor Camelia was the course coordinator, so just like MAT188 the exams were all at an appropriate level. Written HWs again requires help from friends. I mainly studies for this course using the PCEs, and practiced the tutorial worksheets. Some of my friends used the textbook, but I dont think its really required. The best prof for this course is any lecture seciton containing Camelia.
MIE100: For some reason, our year was probably the first year in a long time where the exams for this course were not insanely difficult. They were all at an appropriate level, apparently because they wanted to increase the number of people going into mech eng 💀💀. I found professor Sinclair to be quite good, a lot of people liked Howard Ho as well (trust in Howard Ho). The Wiley plus questions are useful to do to keep up with concepts, but the difficulty of the questions in wiley was way harder than the exam questions, so I wouldnt say its a must to do them ethically.
APS105: Great course. If you have a background in coding, this course will be a breeze at least up until reading week, you'll have to spend more time on it after that. The course is such that 30% of your grade is from labs, so make sure you do them well. the other 70 percent is from exams, which are at an appropriate level once again. Just make sure that you do a lot of past papers as practice. Professor Emara is by far the best, and is amazing if you are new to programming. If you have experience, reading the textbook (Snefru) is more than enough to understand the content.
ECE110: In our batch, while I didnt find the exams difficult, the batch's average after the second midterm was about 51%. After the final exam, they curved the course up quite a bit, I think the average is now a B, also an easy final exam helped out. The first half of this course is more theoretical (electrostatics and electromagnetism) and the second half is circuit analysis. Make sure you do all the Wiley Plus questions for this course, as sometimes they ask the same questions in exams. All the lecturers for this course are pretty bad, but Professor Mojahedis notes are legendary (in my opinion), other people didnt like them because it explained the concepts using proofs. Other profs notes would just state the formula.
APS112: Continuation of APS111. My team was much better this time. Same advice for this course, as APS111. Also make sure you're on top of things because it goes by much quicker in this course as there are way more assignments. Nothing really much to say to be honest, the midterm was a bit screwed up because there are multiple right answers and you have to choose the best one.
Overall for grades, dont worry too much. As long as you get around an 80 for exams and get all the free marks for assignments you'll be on track for at least an 80+ in the course. Remember that university isnt just about studies though, try and indulge into extracurriculars and be social.
Design teams: UOFT has a plehora of design teams for you to choose from. Some design teams are better than others, but the only way that you will actually get deep into the design teams is if you put in the work. Beg leads for tasks, and do them to demonstrate interest. You can also demonstrate interest by doing really menial tasks as well. The point is you need to make sure the leads know you are willing to do tasks, and have showcased that you are worth giving the tasks to. Overtime, depending on the design team you may have to make a choice between grades and the team, thats up to you. Grades dont matter much unless you want to do a masters degree.
Clubs: For these try getting a lead position, a lot of them offer positions in the summer so make sure you follow them on instagram (e.g. engineers without borders, IEEE, etc). Again, you get what you put in to the club.
Intramurals: I loved playing intramurals at UOFT. However, the team that you play for depends on the people you know. For e.g. the SKULE team isnt great for soccer, and if you want to join a better team then you need to know someone on that team. So try networking lol.
Social life:
This was something that I personally struggled with at least initially at UOFT. I gave way too much time to studies, which really isnt worth it. UOFT is way easier than people make it out to be (I'm not being arrogant, and I'm not someone who's gifted in intellegence). As long as you manage your time, you will be fine. Anyway in first year most people would go to frats, and I would reccomend trying it out at least once. Go in the first weeks of school as thats the easiest time, and will also allow you to make new friends. Make sure to know a lot of people, at least at the surface level at the start, as that will make things easier for you in the long run and will also help you find the people you like to hang out with.
Summer after first year:
In my opinion do research if you want work experience, then step up to an internship next summer. If you want to relax thats a good option as well, just try doing some courses and build up some skills for sure.
submitted by SnooDoggos3848 to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 07:38 CupcakeSecure4094 Seeking assistance with homography for a 360 x 180 degree camera image to a flat floor plan.

Seeking assistance with homography for a 360 x 180 degree camera image to a flat floor plan.
I'm attempting to map a coordinates grid from a camera image to a floor plan. I've made several attempts at using homography - mapping each quadrant separately and averaging the positions.
I don't have the camera lens properties.
My next attempt will be manually marking around 30 correlated positions and interpolating between the known points, but are there any other methodologies I can try?
Any suggestions will be very much appreciated. :)
Here's the grid on the FOV image. This is my source data - so someone on grid 425 is near the center of the image.
I need to show that person on the floor plan.
Some pixel correlation points.
If possible some methodology or code (any language) to determine the location of every grid reference on the floor plan.
submitted by CupcakeSecure4094 to 3Blue1Brown [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:07 raychan0318 gregmat quant question
Please explain. I get only get A after testing multiple values ?
And is there another way to do this rather than testing random points? If trial and error is the only, what would be a methodical way of going about this?
submitted by raychan0318 to GRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:56 EsotericaBaphy Dragonball Rework Ideas

Dragon Ball Rework Ideas
To preface: This is mainly a bunch of mental notes and what I recall from conversations I've had with people concerning an AU project I may work on... I consider myself a fan of DB, but over the years I have drifted away from the modern stuff. I may catch the newest movie but that's about it. Despite this, I just let loose on the topic of a rework, sending walls of text to people randomly when I get an idea. To supplement myself I have started to read DB from the beginning, refreshing myself on details and whatnot, and keeping track of stuff like characters, locations, items, techniques, etc just for personal reference. With that out of the way I should probably get to the actual ideas...
I'll start off with ki and related systems: Taking inspiration from stuff like chakra points and mind field theories. Basically, all living things have ki points throughout their body; lying on/within vital organs and the primary joints. Connected via ki channels, and assisted in regulation by the "Threads of Preservation", which are mapped onto the lymph system. The ki points spread throughout the body generate an aura that can indicate one's physical health, but can also be utilized to enhance one's presence and the impact of melee attacks. Situated on the brain, is a ki point that generates the mind aura that can indicate mental health/state and is the center of psychic abilities; being more "malleable" than the bodily aura, it can be cast out like fishing rod or net to grab things and link one's mind to another. When these auras are used in tandem, one is able to fly. It can be pictured as the bodily aura being used to suspend yourself, manipulating the air around you, while the mind aura pulls/pushes you away from things. To use ki directly, your own life energy, it is imperative to have a moderate ability to visualize things; as using ki relies on moving it through your system. In the case of a beam attack, it is energy from ki points, through the interconnecting channels, to the ends of your extremities and out at a frequency/intensity that is destructive. Healing is done by a similar process but at a much more game output, with the intent of transferring it to another person's system. Stuff like ki balls and discs are released from the body, and then guided by the mental aura; unless released and just let fly on its own. To strengthen one's abilities with ki, mental exercises can help, plus general physical training to build mind-muscle connections/control and flexibility. Strenuous physical activity also widens the channels between ki points, allowing for easier flow. Ki points can be expanded, but some people are unfortunately born with smaller ki points, limiting their potential storage and output. These people often fall back on different methods of combat, or if they retain a sizable brain ki point, focus on psychic abilities and training. The art of shapeshifting, demonstrated by characters like Oolong and Puar, is a rare affinity. Wherein a person can manipulate the structure of their ki system, altering their appearance as their body conforms to the new configuration. This process is not permanent, lest the shapeshifter has great force of will, since the structure of one's ki system will always want to return to its natural/stable state. As forcing the channels to lengthen or shorten, does not come without strain.
I think that's all I really have regarding ki, so I'm gonna move on to some world details...
World: I'm not quite a fan of planet busters and universe shakers, at a certain point it gets boring and tedious. To majorly pull back the scale, the world I envision is a singular vast plane of ocean, with great continents and islands scattered about them (the whole world shaking would only really occur if multiple Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction were fighting at once). Split into quadrants, monitored by the kais who help council "Kami", the medium between Heaven and the Earthly realm, as well as the appointed authority of said realm. Probably selected/voted on by the kais, who judge for a mortal's moral character, wisdom, and connection to the realm; the operating Kami can take on disciples who will be strongly considered as a candidate for the next Kami. Below Kami then are the angels, heaven-born beings who are born when positive energy rises up from the Earthly realm and clumps together. Solidifying into humanoid forms that have an innate sense of justice, and will unflinchingly carry out actions in the name of that justice. Perfect to be linked to Gods of Destructions, who are mortals, the strongest of their respective regions, that are appointed to keep the "destructive balance" in check; possessing an aura that can influence the occurrence of natural disasters and the like. As well tasked with cutting down threats to their region as a whole. The one who is in charge of coordinating and pairing Gods of Destructions with Angels is the Grand Minister. Making sure each of them have personalities that go well together. The Angels and Gods of Destruction are not weak by any measure, but simply appointed to a role with different qualifications, that put them below other beings in this universal hierarchy. With that said, Gods of Destructions take on disciples too, which will be candidates for their master's positions. Ultimately relying on the choice of Kami and the decision of the Kais. Above Kami, is another medium of Heaven and Earth, King Yemma who is of the Oni. A race created by the Kais and Supreme Kais to keep souls in check and operate the systems of heaven. King Yemma himself is both the strongest of the Oni, as well as the most wise, assuring him the role of "Judge of Souls" and "the guardian of the gate". Above Yemma are the Kais, led by Grand Kai who is the mediator between the lesser and Supreme Kais, the tiebreaker for decisions involving Earth, and the host of heavenly events/contests. Above him are the Supreme Kais who rule over the quadrants of Heaven, and answer to the absolute authority of this world— Grand Supreme Kai... I'm not personally a fan of Zeno, so I opted to omit him. I can see his appeal but he just doesn't feel right to me as the top of the ladder.
Bringing things down— way way down, below the Earthly Realm is the realm of Demons. Formerly a dark abyss before the demon Kais, born from the rotten fruit of the Kaiju trees that birth the core people, the first people that devised the Earth and the Heavens, were cast down there; because of their malicious tendencies. With their vast power they gave the abyss form and like their counterparts, created life, utilizing the negative energy which sinks down into their realm. They wait until their demonic legions are great enough to wage war on Earth and Heaven. Until then, they counsel the "Emperor" of the realm, the strongest of all demons who has a majority of the clans under his dominion. All beings except angels can convert into demons, via a ritual of renouncing the good within them to take on a more monstrous form. This action has great effects even on one's progeny (like the majority of Demon King/Chief Piccolo's offspring)...
I think that's all the major stuff regarding the world and its Hierarchy. Guess I'll clarify some things here, such as I previously mentioned the Earthly Realm is a singular plane. Meaning such things as Planet Namek and Planet Vegeta, are now islands/archipelagos far out from their mainlands (but still greatly far from other major land masses). To the point that their existence has become legend, such as talk of the mighty warrior race that bear resemblance to humans but with the tails of monkeys~ that sort of thing.
Other tangents: Speaking of the Saiyans, I want them of course to be strong though, but more in the sense that they recover quickly and have heightened instincts in regards to battle, learning new techniques relatively quickly. I actually want them to be somewhat stunted in the art of ki, primarily relying on their raw strength. As well as following very harsh and strict practices of training and diet. To the point, in this universe, if you put an alternate Goku and Vegeta next to each other, due to Goku's more relaxed and carefree approach he'd appear more filled out though still with a solid physique of course. Vegeta on the other hand would be cut/shredded to an extreme point, but as the story would go... As Vegeta gets accustomed to life on the mainland and starts to question his culture, initially sickened by Goku's indulgence, eventually gains an appreciation for the food provided by Bulma. Allowing Vegeta to fill out his frame a bit more and gain an appreciation for mainland cuisine.
To touch on Oozaru and Super Saiyan, the transformations associated with the Saiyans— I'd like them to have different utilizations. Oozaru being a symbol of the old culture, raw power and killer instinct being greatly valued. While Super Saiyan would be the symbol of a new way, one with a better balance between the body and mind. The Oozaru outclasses Super Saiyan in pure strength, but being less mobile (making it very difficult to fly and move without destroying things), limiting ki usage, and affecting the mind of the Saiyan. While the Super Saiyan promotes developing one's mind alongside their body. Its origin lies in ancient Saiyan mystic practices, relating to the harnessing of one's power. One group created the fake moon technique that would allow them to turn Oozaru at any time and help them train to control it. While the other, less prominent group were able to achieve the state of Super Saiyan. Due to the extensive work that would be required to inspire ki use among the Saiyans, it never caught on, remaining as a legend for years to come. The moon technique winning out while Super Saiyan faded, kept alive in some circles because of the mystique but unaware of what one would need to acquire that kind of form. Which leads into the irony of doing the exact opposite of what the traditional Saiyans do. Focusing just on their bodies and fighting, instead of the simple pleasures of life and growing one's connection to the world. Encapsulated in Goku, a Saiyan raised by a human and trained by others to seek strength but also enjoy the life he is living. A side note related to that - I'm picturing a semi-funny sequence where Vegeta is trying to ask around, talking with Goku's friends and family about what his life was like. Trying to figure out the key to Super Saiyan but just getting more frustrated. On the form itself, I've devised a branching scheme to it. With the base super Saiyan being a balanced refinement of the body. While the graded forms would be strength specialization with the working names “Buffed" and "Maxed". Super Saiyan 2 being the speed specialization, with the working named Charged. Super Saiyan 3 being the ki specialization, with the working name "Flow" (get it, because ki flow and his flowing hair). All of them would have different uses instead of being a linear progression of power, and with all their own drawbacks. The obvious being the graded forms losing mobility, but making them very dangerous once they get their hands on you. Vegeta would be drawn to these forms, falling back on his own Saiyan sensibilities; Trunks supporting his dad as he would be open to the possibility, unaware of the limits of Super Saiyan. While Goku and Gohan would be focused on speed specialization. I think it would be cool if these specializations could work together instead of one outright outclassing the other. For example one person could lead Cell with speed into an ambush, where he can be overpowered physically. Moving into Flow, going with the fact it's easier to use when dead, that's because the dead don't have a physical body to keep running with ki. In the afterlife, that is all you are, a battery of ki, but with a body, some ki is required to maintain the body and its functions. The form majorly improves output, opening one's channels to their limit, but if one is not careful they can easily expend too much ki... The sorta odd one out in this case is Super Saiyan 4, which relies on the Oozaru form of course. Diverting the transformation so that they remain in a more compact form. However, this form kinda acts like a cross between strength and speed specialization, with the drawback that it messes with the mind. Making it easy for a Saiyan to forget exactly what they are doing, lashing out any chance they get (even at allies), and forgetting about mercy. Goku and Vegeta see potential in this form, but are wary. Best case scenario they are facing an opponent one on one, away from a crowd, that they have no qualms with killing.
To touch on Super Saiyan God, I have to touch on Beerus, who instead of coming to Earth somewhat randomly from what I recall. He is instead visiting the Saiyans and other Z Fighters, with the intention of recruiting disciples. Pretending to go rogue, in order to make it feel like they are in a dire situation and will fight with all they have. After evaluating all their strengths, he relents and invites those he deems have great potential/likelihood of succeeding him to his temple to perform a ritual of transferring divine ki... As I'm not a fan of the original Super Saiyan God ritual and its legend. Just feels weird to have two coinciding legends, but one has more obvious relevance. So instead, Beerus would remark that he has heard of Saiyans being candidates in the past but is curious what these "new age Saiyans" are capable of. Training them to achieve their godly state (red), that can act as an alternate to their base form, which they would eventually be able to incorporate with Super Saiyan. Thus becoming Super Saiyan Gods (blue) in that sense.
The recruitment narrative would also reframe the tournament between Beerus and Champa, as teachers testing their disciples against one another.
I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do with Ultra Instinct & Ego + Beast yet, and I'm not caught up on Super as I indicated at the beginning. But I do have some closing additions...
On time Travel, there are a couple instances such as in the early series, later in the Android + Cell Saga, and that one weird Bardock special. But to tie them together I have devised the presence of general time distorting items. Which in the case of the early series and Bardock, those would be handled with the items as they naturally occur. You touch them and they bring you to a certain time, usually related to the location it is found (though in the case of Bardock, it wouldn't be him sent back, and the village would be destroyed regardless the item would just give someone the chance to make a timeline in which it was saved), but your actions would just create a new timeline. While you would be returned to your own as if nothing happened, even if you "die" while in contact with the item, it's more akin to a simulation where you would wake up afterward near the item. Bulma however would acquire one of these items and make it the core of the time machine used by Trunks, directing its effect to specific times.
On Frieza and his golden form, I imagined if he attained it while in the afterlife instead of after his revival. The reason he runs into the stamina issue is because he only used it without a physical body, similar to how there is less of an issue of ki in the afterlife, there is no stamina/ki going toward the maintenance of your body. I'm also sort of scratching out his black form because I find it boring— replacing it with the idea that his golden form is a cocoon for a subsequent form. Which he would realize is a way to conduct the demon conversion ritual. Going through with it, he would emerge in a new demonic form. Not fully confident in that idea but it's there. But I am a bit more confident in restructuring Frieza's forms, making his impish form his original form. To remove the redundancy of making so many forms to restrict himself and just have his race be naturally very adaptive. His second form would then be strength focused, his third would be speed, his fourth would be balanced, while his full power form would act in a similar way to the grade 2.
Broly, he's a Saiyan mutant. Which causes him behavioral issues and enhanced power progression. Paragus would put the device on him to make him more passive and restrict him. The device developed by Paragus and a technologically advanced race (Cheelai's in my verse, which would lead to her and Broly meeting), would help Paragus establish his own regime, attracting wayward Saiyans to conquer in his name now that Island Vegeta was destroyed and the prince is nowhere to be found. His super Saiyan form, due to his mutation, is triggered by desperation (to not displease his father) and anger instead of a greater aspiration/need. The years of being controlled by his father, essentially splitting his personality. All of his passive traits remained in his base form, while all the violent and sadistic tendencies welled up in his super Saiyan form.
Fusion, I don't think that needs to be altered much. Off the top of my head it would probably require two people matching their auras instead of power levels for the dance; synchronizing them long enough so their bodies and minds can merge temporarily.
Feel free to ask questions, I didn't cover absolutely everything ofc, so any questions, thoughts, and questions would be appreciated.
submitted by EsotericaBaphy to dbz [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 04:45 Scaredog21 Going to try and find all violations of the Prime Directive Part 3 Middle of Voyager

Someone asked how many violations there were in the entire star trek series. So far I've watched 14 season of Star Trek. That's all of Deep Space 9, Lower Decks, over half of Voyager, and some TNG.
First I'm going to try to explain the Prime Directive. The rule is the Federation cannot interfere with non-federation races. The first part is the Federation cannot get involved in developing species that are underdeveloped and haven't created warp technology or discovered any alien races, Federation officers need to keep their very existence a secret from the aliens. Violating this can jeopardize the development of the species and culture and is known as Cultural Contamination.
The second part is more complicated and requires the Federation refraining from the uninvited manipulating of the internal affairs of a non-federation group, or partisan aid of legitimate non-federation groups.
There's probably a better explanation, but it's really a vibe over a written rule.
I did Lower Decks here. Counted 5 violations.
I also did Deep Space 9 here and here Counted 14 Prime Directive Violations.
I did the start of Voyager here and counted 9 violations.
For this one I'm going to list the violations in the middle of Voyager and make a reference of any noteworthy incidents that are worth mentioning.
Season 2 Episode 23) No violation. The Voyager crew investigate a planet suffering from an ice age. A prerecorded message tells them to stay away and that a restoration effort will commence 15 years from the message being recorded. The crew investigate the planet when it is apparent the message is 4 years after the deadline.
Season 2 E26- Season 3 E1) Prime Directive Violation. The crew of the Voyager is contacted by Kazon agent/rogue former starfleet officeObsidian Order spy, Seska requesting rescue and that her baby is in distress. The interference with Kazon affairs would be a Prime Directive Violation had Seska not been in possession of Chakotay's child (The actual paternity of the child is irrelevant). The Kazon-Nistrim Sect is able to take over the ship and eject the crew of the Voyager on an alien world with the exceptions of Tom Paris who is traveling on a shuttle and Ensign Lon Suder who is hiding on Voyager while coordinating a counter insurgency with the EMHP Doctor. The Voyager crew are stranded on an alien world with primitive humanoids. Any encounter with the primitive humanoids would be a Cultural Contamination Prime Directive Violation, but the crew stranded on the planet and are stripped of all technology that would have allowed them to avoid the violation. Cultural Contamination is the act where an advanced civilization interferes with a pre-warp civilization. In the instance where cultural contamination reaches a point where the civilization is certain of the existence of advanced alien worlds future Cultural Contamination becomes irrelevant. Primitive people encountering alien life forms is not necessarily an instance where future Cultural Contamination is negated. Chakotay's tribe encountered aliens who were mistaken for spirits, speculation of alien activities were reported and confirmed to be true ranging from the 1930s abductions to the 1947 Roswell incident, but Earth's First Contact was in 2063. Thus continuous Cultural Contaminations can occur. Tom Paris exposing the primitive aliens to the Voyager and leaving the remains of Ensign Hogan's remains jeopardized the future development of the planet.
E2) Prime Directive Violation. Captain Sulu while commanding the USS Excelsior launches an invasion of the Klingon homeworld, Kronos to rescue Captain Kirk and Doctor McCoy.
E3) No Violation. Ensign Harry Kim and Lieutenant Tom Paris are arrested for a terrorist attack with a conviction that relied on forged evidence while visiting the planet Akritiri. Captain Janeway investigated the attack and discovered the Open Sky terrorists responsible. Captain Janeway does not shift the balance of power between the two factions and manages to rescue Tom and Kim covertly.
E4) No violation. Voyager only violated the Swarm's space.
E5) Prime Directive Violation. Voyager encountered a primitive world where the religious figures from legend, the two sages are actually two Ferengi scamming the people. The crew of the Voyager convince the people of the primitive world to depose the Ferengi. Captain Janeway argued the Ferengi, Arridor and Kol were stranded because of the negligence of Starfleet personnel in their previous appearance in TNG Season 3 Episode 8, The Price.
E6) No violation. Chief Engineer Torres is subjected to psychic visions from a Enaran, Korenna Mirell regarding the Enaran government's genocide of the Regressive faction. The idea the Enarans genocide should be ignored when memories were transferred to Torres telepathically before Korenna Mirell's suspicious death is absurd.
E10) No violation. Kes may have participated in the assassination of the leader Ilari, a coup against the planet's government, and forced a member of the royal family into an arranged marriage with her, but she was possessed by the former leader of Ilari, Tieran.
E11) No violation. Captain Janeway is kidnapped by Q (played by John De Lancie) after the death of Q (Gerrit Graham) because of a civil war in the Q Continuum that threatened the region of space.
E13) No violation. Morale Officer Neelix participated in an illicit sale of a controlled substance on a space station on the border of the Nekrit Expanse and later participated in a sting operation against the illegitimate Kolaati drug traders.
E16) No violation. Voyager travels to a planet inhabited by the Sakari people while looking for Gallicite. The Sakari went to almost every length possible to conceal their existence on the planet so no claim of trespassing can reasonably be made against Voyager. Note: The first Borg Drone seen in the series is identified on the planet and confirms the presence of Borg in the Delta Quadrant.
E17) No violation. A borg invasion on the Alpha Quadrant during the Battle of Wolf 359 results in numerous residents of the Alpha Quadrant being assimilated and transported to the Delta Quadrant. After the Borg Cube the Alpha Quadrant residents is disabled the residents regain their individuality and set up factions on an alien world. Doctor Riley Frazier is a science officer who was serving on the USS Roosevelt during the battle and formed the faction the New Cooperative. Her status of a Federation Science Officer is implied to be nullified as she is now exclusively a member of the New Cooperative. Her actions as a member is not a violation and when it is established the New Cooperative is a hive mind using Borg technology they use their hive mind to heal an injured Commander Chakotay by linking up with his mind. The New Cooperative request Chakotay tamper with a disabled Borg Cube to establish a link between all factions on the planet. After an attack on the New Cooperative the hive mind forces Chakotay to establish the link against his will.
E19) Prime Directive Violation. The Voyager participates in defending a Nezu colony world from asteroids. The Voyager crew has every right to participate in providing aid for a natural disaster. After an investigation of the asteroids it is determined the asteroids are actually a coordinated assault on the planet by the Etanian Order. Captain Janeway explicitly takes up arms and sides with the Nezu during the conflict.
*Season 3 E26- Season 4 E1) Voyager encounters Borg Space and discovers the Borg are at war with a race of alien from another universe known as Species 8472. Captain Janeway discovers a means of modifying the Borg's nanomachines used in assimilation to defeat Species 8472. Captain Janeway makes a decision to aid the Borg in exchange for safe travel.
That is 5 Prime Directive Violations in the middle of Voyager and 14 in the entire series.
submitted by Scaredog21 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:56 UofTComputerEngineer My thoughts (and tips) on every course I took so far (UofT Computer Engineering)

I've recently completed my third year of computer engineering at UofT, and I wanted to share my thoughts on the courses I've taken. I hope this will be beneficial to incoming first, second, and third-year engineering students. My area of depth is 6 (Software) and my areas of breadth are 4 (Control) and 5 (Computer hardware/networks).
Difficulty: How hard it was to comprehend course material and/or complete practice problems accurately. Keep in mind that difficulty is subjective but I tried to eliminate personal bias and be as objective as possible.
Workload: The amount of work to complete outside of lectures (labs, assignments, homework, studying for tests/exams).
All engineers take the exact same courses in their first year first semester and similar ones in second semester. I took these courses in 2021 during covid so some information might be outdated.
First Year Semester 1:
APS100 Orientation to Engineering:
Difficulty: 1/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: N/A
There is no technical material in this course. All coursework consists of Ethics analysis, creating a schedule for time management, creating your resume, and discussion board participation. During tutorials, the TA typically asks behavioral questions to the class and covers slides pertaining to engineering principles, the learning environment, test readiness, and related topics.
APS110 Engineering Chemistry and Materials Science
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B
This course blends elements of chemistry, physics, and mathematics, requiring lots of formulas and memorization. The assignments and online quizzes were moderately difficult. Not sure if he’s still teaching but Scott Ramsay was a really good professor. Really enjoyed watching his video demonstrations.
APS111 Engineering Strategies and Practices I
Difficulty: 3/10 Workload: 6/10 (Variable) Course Average: B
Students are organized into groups of 5-6 and are assigned the task of developing a solution for a client, following the engineering design process. Success in this course heavily relies on your team. Throughout the semester, there are several milestones where you need to submit large reports with your team, making it crucial to have capable teammates. Many teams resorted to last-minute cramming the night before each milestone (not a good idea). Additionally, there are two peer reviews, so make sure you contribute to avoid being perceived as an unproductive member. In most cases, you don’t need to worry about this though. You’d likely all be good friends by that point (and give each other a perfect review).
CIV100 Mechanics
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 9/10 Course Average: C+
The consensus among most students in my year was that this was the toughest first year course. It's incredibly calculation heavy, with questions that may appear straightforward in theory but require multiple steps to solve. Even a minor error can screw up your entire calculation process. The assignments are extremely time-consuming, and the quizzes pose significant challenges. I suggest you work in a group for the assignments. Furthermore, both the final exam and midterm were exceptionally difficult.
MAT186 Calculus I
Difficulty: 4/10 Workload: 4/10 Course Average: B
If you’ve taken IB or AP this course will be a breeze. Even without that background, it's still relatively straightforward. Very little on integrals, mostly derivatives, rates of change, and graphs. PCEs and WebWorks were trivial, and the midterm and exam were easy.
MAT188 Linear Algebra
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B-
The majority of the course revolves around relatively straightforward operations on matrices and vectors. However, it does introduce abstract concepts like higher-order dimensions, which may require some deeper thinking to fully grasp. Webwork assignments were slightly more challenging compared to MAT186's, and completing assignments took a while. Once again, you should work with a partner or as a group. Pay attention in the MATLAB practicals because you’ll be using MATLAB pretty often in future courses.
First Year Semester 2:
APS105 Computer Fundamentals
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B-
If you’ve taken programming in high school, you will likely find this course very easy (2/10 difficulty). The course covers simple programming syntax, along with basic sorting algorithms, without delving into more advanced concepts beyond linked lists and binary trees. I do know many people who struggled though. I think that this was one of the more enjoyable courses of first year. Edit: perhaps not as easy as I described. Make sure to get programming experience in the summer before first year if you don’t already have it.
APS112 Engineering Strategies and Practices II
Difficulty: 5/10 Workload: 7/10 (Variable) Course Average: B+
This course is essentially a continuation of APS111, but with the added component of being assigned an actual client with a real-world problem statement. Each group works with a unique client, and at the end of the term, you present your final report directly to them, along with your supervisors. As with APS111, the quality of your team plays a crucial role in your success. Another thing to note is that unlike APS111, there were multiple individual assignments to complete on top of your team reports.
ECE110 Electrical Fundamentals
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 6/10 Course Average: C+
Definitely one of the harder first year courses. This course marks your introduction to circuits. Topics covered include capacitors, Ampere's law, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's laws, AC/DC circuits, magnetism, Thevenin and Norton equivalents, and more. The material is extensive and requires thorough understanding, as many future courses will build upon its concepts. Make sure that you understand the content well, given its foundational importance in subsequent courses.
ECE191 Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering
Difficulty: 0/10 Workload: 1/10 Course Average: N/A
Seminar course. You just need to show up to the lectures (one per week) and submit a 100-ish word report about what you learned.
MAT187 Calculus II
Difficulty: 6/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
The workload in this course is comparable to Calc I, but the content is more challenging (obviously). It delves deeper into integrals and introduces concepts like ordinary differential equations and polar coordinates. But again, you’ll manage just fine if you did decently in Calc 1, and especially if you’ve taken AP math or IB HL math.
MIE100 Dynamics
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload 4/10 Course Average: C+
I personally found this to be the most challenging course in first year, but it seems that most people disagree with me. It shares similarities with CIV100, but you’re instead dealing with dynamic systems (moving) rather than static ones (not moving). Some concepts may prove difficult to grasp initially. However, if you focus on memorizing the relevant formulas and understanding when to apply them, you should be okay. Expect an emphasis on physics in this course.
Second year was the worst (for ECE) and a very big step up from first year. If you struggled in first year, you better lock in for second year.
Second Year Semester 1:
ECE201 ECE Seminar Course
Difficulty: 0/10 Workload: 0/10 Course Average: N/A
Another seminar course, except you just need to attend 7/10 lectures to pass. Most students just scan their Tcard at the entrance then leave right after. The lectures are pretty useless except the Magellan one where they show you how to choose courses for 3rd and 4th year.
ECE212 Circuit Analysis
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 8/10 Course Average: B+
This course provides a deeper exploration of circuits, extending beyond circuit solving to include frequency and sinusoidal analysis. Questions tend to be long so careless errors will cost you. Personally, I found the labs challenging, particularly because they required working with oscilloscopes at a higher level than I was used to, and I could not for the life of me figure out how to use that thing.
ECE241 Digital Systems
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 8/10 Course Average: B-
This hardware course focuses on the foundation of hardware. A lot of the content is at the fundamental level so it’s not too hard to comprehend. However, the main challenge lies in learning Verilog, a hardware description language. I hate Verilog. All the labs are done using Verilog, and frustratingly, the course provides no instruction on the language, nor are there many helpful resources available online. This lack of guidance made what should have been straightforward labs much more difficult. Thankfully if you are in CE, you’ll never need to take another course with Verilog again. The midterm was easy but the final was borderline impossible.
ECE244 Programming Fundamentals
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B-
This course is the sequel to APS105, delving into more advanced concepts like pointers, constructors, polymorphism, and inheritance. Many of these topics may feel familiar if you have prior programming experience, particularly from high school. Consequently, if you're already proficient in programming, as many computer engineering students are, you should be able to navigate through this course well. The labs were generally manageable, although a couple of them were time-consuming.
MAT290 Advanced Engineering Mathematics
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload 8/10 Course Average: B
In this course, you’ll learn a lot of miscellaneous mathematical concepts that will be relevant in future courses. The goal is to establish a strong foundation to facilitate understanding in third and fourth-year courses. There is also a quiz every week. They were terrible from a time management standpoint, but as long as you spent 3-4 hours per week completing the assigned textbook questions, you should be alright since one (out of two) of the questions on the quiz is guaranteed to be an assigned textbook question (at least, that was the case when I took the course).
MAT291 Calculus III
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload 9/10 Course Average: B-
The entire workload comes from studying for those damn weekly quizzes, much like MAT290. Personally, I found it to be one of the most difficult courses I've ever taken. Think of calculus 2, but now everything is in three dimensions, encompassing concepts like surface integrals, flux integrals, and more. Additionally, the course introduces abstract topics that I still struggle to grasp. Balancing the demands of this course alongside everything else was an incredibly stressful experience.
Second Year Semester 2:
ECE216 Signals and Systems
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload:7/10 Course Average: C+
I think everyone hated this course. It was so poorly taught and the midterms felt haphazard and unpredictable. I relied on the power of BS to pass (worked surprisingly). Other than working with many graphs and MATLAB, I don’t remember much about this course because it was so uninteresting.
ECE221 Electric and Magnetic Fields
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
This course serves as an introduction to fields, while also expanding on the principles covered in ECE110. Many concepts build upon intuitive ideas, such as the repulsion of identical charges and attraction of opposite charges, which can make seemingly complex topics less intimidating. There are also many procedures that you need to know to solve specific types of questions. The labs are generally straightforward. You just need to follow the steps on the lab worksheet and answer a few simple questions from the TA.
ECE231 Intro to Electronics
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: C+
This course is basically circuit analysis but significantly harder. It combines everything you've learned about circuits thus far, introducing new topics on top of that foundation. There are so many new concepts to learn and the final pretty much tests you on all of them. I’ve encountered multiple scenarios where I saw two concepts that I thought were completely separate from each other being integrated into a single question on an exam. Also very calculation heavy. Despite my experience in this course, I must admit Khoman Fang was a great professor.
ECE243 Computer Organization
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 6/10 Course Average: B
This course is a direct continuation of ECE241, and surprisingly, I found it a lot more enjoyable than its prerequisite. The focus is on Assembly language programming, which I found to be way more understandable compared to Verilog. Assembly operates at a fundamental level, so you’re technically working with the most basic building blocks in programming. The labs often involved seemingly simple tasks like counting to 10 on a HEX display, but the nature of Assembly meant that achieving this could require hundreds of lines of code. I appreciated these labs as they provided a refreshing change from the usual programming tasks. Final and midterm exams were relatively easy.
ECE297 Software communication and design
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 9/10 (Variable) Course Average: B+
Despite the demanding workload, this course was one of my favorites. The main project involved collaborating in teams of three to develop a geographical information system (similar to Google Maps). Unlike other courses where teams are assigned, here you have the freedom to choose your own teammates. Starting off, your team is given only the OpenStreetMap database, and the APIs, granting you complete control over your project's design, functionality, and optimization. Performance enhancement and pathfinding algorithms were key components of the project. It's crucial for all team members to contribute effectively for success in this course; And trust me, this is not a one or two person project. To succeed in this course, all three members must be doing their share.
Third Year:
They say that third year is the easiest year for ECE, but that depends on what courses you choose. For me, it was only slightly easier than second year but still significantly harder than first year.
APS360 Fundamentals of Deep Learning
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload : 8/10 Course Average: B+
This course felt fundamentally very different compared to the other programming related courses. If you’re unfamiliar with deep learning, the content can be overwhelming but the inner workings behind AI are both fascinating and challenging to grasp. Fortunately, much of the coding in the course revolves around preparing data, setting up AI architectures, and training/testing models, rather than building an AI from scratch. While the labs are manageable, the final project can be very time consuming, particularly as training a single model can require hours or even days. Regarding this aspect, make sure you start early. Both the midterm and final exams were quite difficult.
ECE302 Probability and Applications
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: B-
The first half of this course is very straightforward. Just an introduction to probability. The second half is where the difficulty quickly ramps up. Make sure you don’t underestimate the second half of the course. I made the mistake of assuming the material was easy after performing well on both midterms (midterms were very easy), leading me to neglect the final third of the course so I flunked the final. FYI, our marks were determined solely by the 2 midterms and the final.
ECE344 Operating Systems
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 10/10 Course Average: B
This course had the most difficult and demanding labs I’ve ever seen in my life. They are due every two weeks and some of them took most students more than 15 hours to complete. I’ve seen people staying up all night in the GB computer rooms to finish these labs. One positive aspect of the course if Jon Eyolfson is your professor, is that all lectures are both recorded and live-streamed, allowing attendance in person, online synchronously, or asynchronously. But if you have Ding Yuan, good luck. I heard he is not only bad at teaching, but also makes you program an operating system from scratch. The course content is quite interesting and the Midterm and final exams were fair.
ECE345 Algorithms and Data Structures
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: B+
If you're one of those programming geniuses who have been doing Leetcode since like 3 years old, you’d have likely already learned all course content before you’ve even started the course. You could probably write midterm and final exams without attending any lectures. However, if you're not as experienced, attending every lecture, taking detailed notes, and staying focused is crucial. Personally speaking, some algorithms were incredibly difficult for me to grasp, while others were simple. Assignments typically include both coding and long-answer components, which can be time-consuming, but you can work with a partner.
TEP444 Positive Psychology for Engineers
Difficulty: 1/10 Workload: 3/10 Course Average: A-
This course overall was very enjoyable and a nice refreshing experience from the other technical courses. You go on excursions to various locations with your group and write reports. It's an excellent opportunity to expand your social circle and make new friends. If you aim for an A- grade (80-85), you can breeze through with minimal effort. However, achieving a higher grade (A or A+) would require significantly more work (like 5 times more, no joke), which is not worth the extra effort in my opinion.
CSC343 Introduction to Databases
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 10/10 Course Average: Unreleased
The content of this course is actually pretty interesting and is taught well. But the assignments were excessively time consuming. There are only three in total, but each one demanded such a significant investment of time to the point where I contemplated dropping the course altogether. You do work with a partner (going solo isn’t even an option if you want to complete the assignments) but even so, be prepared to invest 15-30 hours per person, per assignment (they also mark hard). Despite the workload, I do recommend taking this course because knowing SQL can substantially benefit you in the future. Just start the assignments early. On a positive note, the midterm and final were relatively straightforward.
ECE311 Introduction to Control Systems
Difficulty: 10/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: C+
This course didn't come with a heavy workload, consisting only of three labs and two midterms. However, I found the content to be very challenging. It felt like they condensed and combined every concept from every engineering math and physics course into one. Topics ranged from circuits and dynamics to Laplace transforms, matrices, Bode plots, and more. It didn’t help that Prof Scardovi didn’t record any lectures, has messy handwriting, and uses a damn chalkboard instead of modern technology like other profs do. The midterms and final were somewhat lenient compared to the lectures, but this course still ended up being my lowest mark.
ECE361 Computer networks I
Difficulty: 8/10 Workload: 9/10 Course Average: B
This course requires a lot of memorization compared to other courses. You’ll have to understand calculation processes but also memorize a lot of general knowledge about networks. A problem with this course is that some concepts that show up in tests are not adequately explained in lectures. By far the best way to study is to do past exams. Professor Valaee often recycles questions, sometimes even directly copying past midterms and finals (like he did in my cohort). Unlike other courses, there is no big assignment/lab for this course, but it makes up for it with quantity. There’s a quiz every week, a wireshark lab every 2 weeks, a programming lab every 2 weeks, and a midterm. The programming labs are already difficult by themselves, but this cumulative workload felt very overwhelming.
ECE472 Engineering Economics and Entrepreneurship
Difficulty: 7/10 Workload: 5/10 Course Average: B+
This is straight up an economics course, no engineering at all. You’ll learn about investments, equity, financing, and related areas. There are 4 quizzes throughout the semester, with quiz 3 (quiz 3 specifically) being by far the hardest (average in the 50s). Since you're able to bring your textbook to the quizzes and exam, my biggest tip is to write past quiz and exam solutions in your textbook, as there's a limited pool of questions, and new questions often resemble some kind of variation of past ones.
ECE421 Introduction to Machine Learning
Difficulty: 9/10 Workload: 7/10 Course Average: unreleased
While the course content itself may be challenging, surprisingly, the midterm and final exams were pretty easy. There's a slight discorrelation between the lecture material and what appears on the exams, but relying on past exams for preparation should be enough. The course leans heavily on mathematical concepts, much more so than APS360. The assignments were difficult and tedious but I recommend you work with others to complete it.
With that, I've covered my thoughts and tips for all the engineering courses I've completed. Transitioning into your next year in engineering, particularly if you’re transitioning from high school, can feel daunting. However, remember that you're not alone in this experience – many of your peers are facing similar challenges. If you need any more advice or have questions, feel free to reach out to me via DMs!
submitted by UofTComputerEngineer to UofT [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:56 SouLamPersonal [11th Grade Pre-Calc: Polar Function] We haven’t been taught polar function at all, but I want to understand it a bit.

[11th Grade Pre-Calc: Polar Function] We haven’t been taught polar function at all, but I want to understand it a bit.
Sorry for the blurry screen.
F(theta)=4cos(2theta), domain is restricted 0
submitted by SouLamPersonal to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 05:03 Ixalite1 Low Tech Fleet (26c) War Report

Low Tech Fleet (26c) War Report
Strategic map as of 240507
In the early 24050s, the war between the Alturan Confederation and the Syndicate of Ammunjakke had been dragging on for many years, and a negotiated end was increasing in desirability. To this end, naval high command planned a pair of attacks on heavily invested sectors along the western border of the syndicate territory. Planned with not simply sufficient but overwhelming force, these attacks were aimed at bringing the syndicate back to the negotiating table.
Elusive Reality I (-267, -366)
Opposition: 29 warships
In preparation for the main battle, the Alturan navy decided to cut off the primary target from both retreat and reinforcement through the gate network. While the Syndicate had several methods of strategic travel, not the least of which was simple hyperspace jumping, the gates were significantly easier on the hardware and faster, particularly for logistical support. Notably, this sector included one of the few remaining Syndicate travel hub stations, capable of sending entire fleets directly into combat from the other side of the empire, or crucially, sending the entire fleet AWAY from the sector when the Alturans dropped the hammer.
The Cruiser Monarch along with a pair of point defense corvettes and the destroyer Tellville attacked, and were able to capture all four stations in the sector, as well as seven moderately damaged corvettes which had escaped from previous battles and were queued up at the repair dock. While the travel hub station software was dumped, as per standard practice, the station itself was captured mostly intact.
Transcendent Mines II (-268, -369)
Opposition: 47 warships, 1 flagship, 16 privateers Allies: 6 warships
This was designed by Alturan fleet command to be the ultimate battle to show off the ASN and force the syndicate back to the negotiating table. The idea was to bottle up the Syndicate forces around a target they could not let fall, make it the point of retreat for local defense forces all around, then hand the syndicate a defeat they could not possibly ignore. To this end, the Alturan Navy mustered nearly every ship they had at their disposal.
Fleet rallied at (-268, -368) before attack on Transcendent Mines II
Joining the attack were the cruisers Gungnir, Excalibur, Mjolnir, and Monarch. The Frigate Tellville and escort carrier Sheriff, and 4 squadrons of 3 corvettes of the C200 series, as well as the C100 Prototype. 19 ships in all.
Coordinating the battle with their allies in the Innawelle states, two more corvette squadrons were sent as escort.
This sector was a critical regional center for the Syndicate, housing the regional administration and military base, a turret factory as well as shipyard, repair facilities, equipment storage, and resource processing. The sector was also home to 5 other factories, as well as a cattle ranch and a casino.
The Monarch led the charge, escorted by a pair of corvettes and one of the squadrons from the Innawelle states. They quickly met stiff resistance in the form of nearly 20 corvettes, and rather than get fancy with them, called in the second and third waves.
As the battle progressed, it became clear that even the lightest-armed of the Alturan corvettes, the scout (d) variant was a match for any one of the syndicate ships. It was only when four or five of the hostiles joined forces that they proved a threat, even to the lighter combatants.
A single point defense corvette, the C206b, was destroyed by enemy action in this phase of the battle, separated from the cruiser she was escorting and surrounded by five enemy ships, she fought valiantly, but was eventually struck down by overwhelming numbers.
When all but the vestiges of the enemy fleet were destroyed, including their several fleets of privateers brought in in what could at best be an attempt to buy time, something changed. A much larger enemy ship appeared, with a power output estimated at that of an Alturan cruiser. The first ship to detect it was the scout corvette C211d, and in attempting to scan the newcomer, was itself destroyed.
Rather than risk further losses to the escort ships, fleet command ordered a withdrawal of all but the four cruisers, which could presumably take a punch or two on their powerful deflector shields. That was when the new heavy Syndicate craft revealed its purpose.
Upon detecting incoming heavy fire, such as that from a cannon or heavy bolt launcher, the new ship would teleport, semi-randomly out of the path of the incoming fire. This proved to be a most effective and troublesome defensive measure, as the majority of the fleet's firepower came from either long range cannons, short range mass drivers such as bolters, or the ever-reliable (but very slow) nuclear armed torpedo. The damage the weapons of the enemy ship could inflict was significant, but it was also clearly prioritizing defensive use of its teleportation system.
The remaining corvettes managed to fall back to the rally point, along with the frigate Tellville and escort carrier Sheriff. With just the four cruisers bombarding the enemy flagship, the battle for the sector seemed at a standstill as the cannon fire was seemingly easily evaded by the enemy, while the constant stream of threats kept it from getting within effective range of it's Syndicate built weaponry, which seemed to only have a range of a few kilometers.
The battle winning strategy came from captain Merkob of the Excalibur. He determined that the enemy vessel, advanced as it may be, did seem to have a maximum limit to the range of its teleportation. By launching full spreads of nuclear warheads in a saturation pattern, then firing cannons at the ship itself, the enemy flagship would be forced to jump into a location the missiles would be able to reach. While expensive, this tactic did pay off, and after seven cycles of saturating an area of space, firing cannons at the target, then guiding the missiles that were within range onto the ship, the enemy vessel was finally destroyed.
While the wreckage was severely damaged and badly irradiated, boarding crews from the Monarch managed to recover large samples of Xanion from the wreck, which seemed to have been used extensively in the ship to enable the erratic defensive teleportation method. Small samples of an extremely dense orange substance were also discovered, but the properties of this material are entirely unknown.
It is suspected that the Syndicate was pursuing any possible technological lead over the Confederacy, desperate for a counter to larger, more powerful ships the Alturans had built off the exploratory and deep space mining industry for the past few decades. Alturan scientists could think of numerous applications for deep space teleportation, besides simply moving the entire ship around, seemingly randomly. The current standing theory is that the teleportation is possible, maybe even easy, but difficult to target with any accuracy. Also, it seems that only things local to the teleporter can be moved, thus no teleportation of the missiles themselves. These theories and many more sparked great interest in the Alturan scientific community for months after the battle.
The desired result was attained: The syndicate did return to the negotiating table, but it looked like a long hard road to restore peace in the quadrant. Their initial bargaining position was return of all captured equipment and stations, and a direct payment of 1.8 million galactic credits in reparations. The answering offer of "leave us alone or we will bombard your capital from orbit" left a considerable gap between negotiating positions.
submitted by Ixalite1 to avorion [link] [comments]