Cute things to wake your boyfriend up to


2013.10.17 06:20 Jamaicandeathmetal yesyesyesyesno

For when things go wrong

2012.08.10 19:54 OrangePrototype MadeMeSmile

Welcome! /MadeMeSmile is a place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. A generally uplifting subreddit.

2013.11.20 22:18 IAMmojo DiWHY

Ever try fixing things on your own? Didn't come out the way they were supposed to? Do you stand there questioning your whole life? If so, post your results here to DiWHY (Pronounced: Dee Eye WHY). Where shitty projects from DIY live prosperously. If at any time you feel that a specific post isn't living up to the sub (be gentle as this is a humor sub, not meant to be taken seriously), please feel free to report (give exact reason) and let your voice be heard with downvotes and comments.

2024.05.14 22:09 Weak-Seaworthiness58 Body language

Has anyone noticed she will scratch/rub her neck or her nose anytime she says something where she's obviously insecure.
In her Q&A's especially you notice when she says "I've had lots of people asking the same thing" and queue the neck rub which tells me no she hasn't and either she wants to inflate how important she seems OR she wanted to answer that question and maybe no one even asked.
The other time I notice it coming up a lot is in reference to Dahmer. Anytime she mentions something "cute" or "sweet" he's done, or things that very obviously aren't true you can see those insecurities show in her body language.
I've found it interesting & I'd say now I've mentioned it a) you'll notice it more and b) she'll start to edit them out (hello Michel we know you're reading this your husband is an awful match for you)
submitted by Weak-Seaworthiness58 to micheljanseYT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 TailungFu [A COMPREHENSIVE TINNITUS AND POOR POSTURE TREATMENT PLAN] help for those with tinnitus caused by TMJ/poor posture.

i have:
Background: sit a lot on pc, didn't exercise much for years. Speculate tinnitus has been caused by poor posture or TMJ.
I've had tinnitus and some of above issues for 4 years, and i think below is the only thing thats been helping lately although might be too soon to say, however gonna share anyway coz so far it has 100% helped me with jaw clicking that i had for many years, a long with back of head clicking noises and is helping with my posture.
note -
When it comes to tinnitus i believe it has helped, however unsure if it will continue helping it or if its just a placebo effect; same for hearing sensitivity.
----- working out twice a week or every other day.
Taking breaks every 60 mins from computer, to do following stretches OR stand up!:
so every 60 mins, u either stand up for an hour, or do the stretches, i personally stand up every hour and sometimes when going to sit back down i do a stretch. Do what you prefer best and suits you.
Note- when standing take note of your posture, such as your feet pointing outwards when standing, this is a sign of duck feet and correct the feet to be straight and aligned.
----- jaw stretch
throughout the day i simply open my mouth as wide as possible, like use all your face and mouth to open, and simply rotate my head around (look left, right, up and down), but dont over do the rotating head part whilst u have mouth open, just look around a bit, left right, up, etc.
Note - i dont have any jaw pain, my tmj could just be muscular and may differ from your tmj, so whether this may be of help to u idk. I noticed that sitting posture influences the back of head cracking noises and jaw clicking.
----- results after 1-2 days.
ive only done this for 1-2 days so very early to say, but i tell you what, it has done the following:
----- results after 5 or so days.
notes -- things may continue to improve if i remain consistent with the routine, i will update later if i am able to stay motivated with my workouts lol
sharing this anyway coz it probably will help someone out here struggling with finding something to help their tinnitus, tmj and poor posture.
----- notes for sitting on pc
----- notes for sleeping
submitted by TailungFu to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:04 Mammoth_Land_6818 AITA/Advice

I, F26, never thought I would have to write on here. I am a single parent of a toddler. (Dad is not in the picture at all)
I have 2 order step sisters, and over the past 2 years things have got a little rocky, and I just can't wrap my head around it. I am going to try to put both stories in here, because I have a baby shower to attend, in less than 3 weeks. We will call the oldest sister, X, and the other sister Y.
So Y, got married in September 2022, long story short, her best friend told my sister I was talking rudely about her, and my sister believed her. I asked my mom multiple times if I HAD to attend the wedding, and she said no. So I already didn't want to go, I was not in the wedding, I was going through stuff at home, and she didn't want my ex boyfriend there. I reached out and told her I would not want any pictures taken of me or my kid, and she got mad and started saying I was a horrible mom for doing that to my kid. Which really made me not want to go, so I didn't.
We stopped talking for months. Fast forward to April, our grandma has a 70th birthday party. Which I also didn't plan on going, (I'm not close to my mom's side of the family) and even then, I had remember right when the party started, which is about a 30 minute drive, I had slept late that day because I was up all night with my SICK kid, so I wsd very much tired. So sister X sent me a LONG paragraph, after the party, 2 pages long, stating that "the least I could do is show up to a party since I constantly drop my kid off with the grandma) which I found weird because when she's in town, she drops her kid off there? Plus I pay my cousin. Anyways, the message went on to say "I never thought you would grow up to be such a sh*tty person" and "your kid is going to grow up to hate you so much for this" "you are just jealous of me and Y" then she made a comment about my cousin (who us no longer here) comparing his death to my parenting? I still don't understand.
Okay so sister Y has apologize since then, but after telling me how horrible of a mom I am and that "it's sad someone with no kids can tell you're failing as a mom" but whatever, I'm grown enough to hear your apology and show up for my mom's sake. Sister X has not apologized, and my mom tells me she will never plan on apologizing so I just need to accept it.
So, AITA for not wanting to be around either of my sisters? And AITA for keeping my toddler away from both of my sisters? Also, please send advice about this baby shower I have to attend and face both of my sisters šŸ˜©
submitted by Mammoth_Land_6818 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:01 sun4moon My 18 year old is suddenly very entitled.

As many people in North America did on Sunday, we celebrated Motherā€™s Day. We stayed in, my husband, daughter and stepson, and watched movies and had snacks. The day was pretty relaxed and comfortable. Syepson had to go back to his moms for supper, my husband took him late afternoon. Then my husband and I made a big family dinner and his parents and our oldest son and his girlfriend came to enjoy with us. Motherā€™s Day has always been a strange day for me. Iā€™ve always said all I want is to have a chill day with my family and enjoy each others company. There has not been one single year that has happened. In the past, my oldest son was usually bent on ruining the day for me some how. He would do things like sleep all day, say he forgot or just not even acknowledge the event. It was really hurtful and my oldest daughter, now 18, used to hey so upset with him when he behaved this way.
So this year, I was hoping for a miracle. As I said, the day went well and the evening was set up to be really good too. Everyone was chatting and supper turned out amazing, no bickering or snippy remarks between my in laws, the kids all seemed to want to be around, it was kinda perfect.
Now, in our house weā€™ve always had the rule that if you didnā€™t cook you help clean up. Fairly standard practice from what I canā€™t tell, compared to other families we know. Itā€™s never even been a question, just get to it and many hands make light work.
Apparently all the kids just forgot that was a thing. Everyone left, just walked by my husband who stepped up to do the washing and didnā€™t give it a second thought. I followed the kids out to the front street and did an exaggerated shrug, got their attention and told them I was disappointed they were just leaving everything for us. This was no small dinner, it took several days of prep to brine and smoke the delicious turkey we served. Even after chasing them out to object, they both just drove away. Since I had already confronted them together I decided to discuss my issue with each of them separately. Since my son is out in his own now, I wasnā€™t as hard on him.
But hereā€™s the thing, my daughter lives here full time and does nothing at all to help anymore. She was often at work in the evenings or with her boyfriend, until just recently when she stared a 9-5, so she didnā€™t have supper at home often. Because of her schedule, I would bring her dinner every night she works, making sure she had at least one decent meal a day. I didnā€™t expect her to come home at 9 pm and clean up, only to help out when sheā€™s home. Now sheā€™s home for supper most nights but still doesnā€™t lift a finger without being asked. And the attitude when she does have to pitch in is atrocious.
Now back to Motherā€™s Day, when I confronted my daughter I told her I was disappointed in the both of them. I told her her behaviour has been selfish and that I need her to start participating around the house. She refused to come home to talk that night. Monday she texted me to tell me she was coming over after work. That put me off further, you donā€™t come over to your own house. Her language made me feel like she doesnā€™t appreciate the free and supportive roof over her head. When we talked Monday evening my disappointment turned into anger and hurt. This kid had the audacity to say that having to help with dishes is me treating her like staff.
I am beside myself in the massive failure I feel about that. She grew up in a divided family situation but has two sets of parents to lean on and grow from. Her stepmother is a control freak and as a result, my daughter didnā€™t have chores over there. I knew that but made my expectation clear about our home, from the start. I just feel so helpless in this situation. If anyone has any advice or reminiscence of their own teenzilla, Iā€™d love to hear it.
submitted by sun4moon to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Belinder_Odhi Operation: Due Date Doom scroll.

Operation: Due Date Doom scroll.
Yo scholars! Listen up because this tired freshman is here to preach the gospel of online assignment help. Let's face it, sometimes the universe throws a pop quiz shaped like a meteor right at your GPA. That's when you gotta call in the big guns ā€“ online assignment services.
But here's the thing, folks ā€“ not all heroes wear capes (or write essays). You gotta find a service that respects the hustle. We're talking lightning-fast turnaround times, people! No more last-minute panics, refreshing your inbox like a hawk on Red Bull.
Imagine this: you wake up in a cold sweat, convinced you missed the deadline by, like, a week. But then you check your email, and BAM! Your perfectly crafted research paper is chilling there, ready to impress Professor Know-It-All. Mic drop
So, the next time you're drowning in deadlines, don't settle for websites that leave you hanging by a thread. Find a service that prioritizes speed, quality, and your sanity. Because seriously, who needs the extra stress when there's a world of knowledge (and caffeine) waiting to be explored
submitted by Belinder_Odhi to Compliant_papers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Safe-Host-3582 AIW For cutting off my old friend group?

This happened a couple of months ago, but I figured I'd bring it up again since it's relevant. I've never really wrote down, and processed everything. I'm currently 23 F, and I used to work at a restaurant. The guy that had gotten me the job. Was a good friend of mine. Who I had known for years. Everything started out great. The envirnoment was fun, and I felt appreciated. I had a small friend group at the time. Consisting of me, the guy that got me my job, my gay bff, my best friend, and her bf. Whom I had known for years we were all very close. Prior to me getting this job me, and my girl bff were having a rough time. Her, and bf were going through it at the time. Sometimes she would take it out on me. Calling me idiot whenever she got drunk. Acting sloppy whenever we went out. One night I couldn't take her berating. So I figured it would be best for us to take a break since she was clearly going through it. I was trying to better myself at the time, and I couldn't take it. So we got in a fight that night, and I voiced my concerns about her hurtful behavior. I dropped her off at home. I stopped talking to her. Small time skip. I had been working at my job prior to us fighting things were great. The work was a simple 9-5, and life was fun. I met a couple friends at my new job. But I was still semi upset after just fighting with my girl best friend. So some days I spent upset. We were really close, and she had been there for me. Eventually I started to crush on the guy who had gotten me my part-time job. He would call me, and he was pretty cute. Ngl I was crushing pretty hard. He had broken up with his gf, and I saw this as my chance. We'll come back to this. So a couple of months go by. See were all very close friends. So eventually my gay bsf started to work with us too. Life was extremely fun at work. I had just become a shift lead, and I got to work with cool people it was great. So back to me having a crush on my friend. One of the nights I guess he found out that I liked him, and he asked me did I have a crush on him. I told him yes, but I've never had a bf before so I doubled back immediately after, because I was embarrassed. The next time I saw him was incredibly awkward, because he had rejected me prior. He also said he wanted to remain friends. So I agreed. Well he instantly switched up on me after that. Whenever I would ask to hang out he was always busy. He started to treat me like I didn't exist. And when he did ask me to hangout he always made sure to flirt with other women in front of me I guess he wanted me to take a hint, and I did. Him,and his ex gf were having problems, and everyone in the store knew about it including me, because he was notorious gossip among the other employees. Heck the whole work plaza was pretty close so everyone knew everyone. But one day I felt particularly bad for him, and I assumed we were still friends. So I drew him two little chibi's that said cheer up, and to test my luck I kissed the paper. Idk at the time I thought it would be cute.Well I instantly regretted that decision, because the next day word had gotten around. My gay bff texted me saying why did I draw that. I lied, and told him it was him, and his ex. And that kissing notes was my trademark. It was an obvious lie. Apparently he was saying to all of our other friends that I was obsessed with him. And every girl that he brings to work at that job starts to have a crush on him. But I liked him before that so he was very wrong. And we had been friends for years. So I was very surprised. Well after that I stopped talking to him. Because I was embarrassed. Was it really so wrong for me to give a cute note to the guy I was crushing on? Now to my gay bsf at the time we were really close. After I fought with my gbsf he had been my only friend at the time. When he started working there things changed however. I was the one stuck giving him rides home. But I did so out of love, because I really did love him like family. However, his behavior began to change. Always irritable, acting entitled, and miserable whenever we went out. And eventually I felt under appreciated so I stopped giving him rides. And his mood turned from sweet to sour. Work shifts with him, and my ex crush were unbearable you could imagine. And everyone at my job eventually stopped asking me to hang out only them. They had parties, and stopped inviting me. It was , an extremely low time for me. And to top it all off I found out that my gay bsf, and my ex crush were having threesomes behind my back. Apparently he told everyone after I confessed to him. And my gay bsf at the time was advocating for us to reconcile. Knowing I would be made a fool of. I cut him off socially, but I still had to see all of them at work. Back to my girl bsf, she had just started posting Only fans content. And eventually my gay friend, my ex crush, and his ex all started posting content together. I have nothing against OF models, but to sleep with the guy you knew your bf was trying to talk to is fucked right? Idk because she knew I was crushing on him . When we had our big fight I had already told him prior. After finding out about their secret orgy sex parties I cut all of them off. I gave them all their stuff back. And the tv my ex crush gave me, I dropped it off at his house, and quit my job. My gay bsf berated me the next day calling me a psycho bitch, and a pig. For not taking a hint. My ex girl bsf went on her spam social media the next day, and typed up a paragraph about me that I didn't bother to read. I blocked all of them, and started my new part-time job. She had also begun to copy every little thing I did. If I changed my hair color, she would also. If I went to a certain location she did the same. I found it all rather strange, because she was the one who had treated me like garbage at one point so I didn't understand. Well eventually time moved on. She's getting married now, and I haven't spoken to any of them. Was it wrong for me to feel hurt by all of this? Was I over reacting in the situation. Because I believe that some are them, are trying to come back, and apologize. They say they want to be part of my life again, but I feel like they just want to bully me.
submitted by Safe-Host-3582 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 jayyybrah1 [28M] looking for fun and witty banter

Hi! Itā€™s already so nice to meet you if youā€™re here reading this, so why not say hi back in my DMā€™s!
A bit about me; Iā€™m 6ā€™1, athletic build with short and wavy brown hair, brown eyes and white/ olive skin from Australia!
I enjoy a lot of different things so Iā€™m most likely not limited to this list below but a few of the things that come to mind are; the beach, gym, anime, board and video games, cooking, reading, movie nights in and adventure days out!
Chat to me about anything Iā€™m into or even let me know what youā€™re into! I love learning new things and enjoy chatting about passions other people have (I just like seeing their eyes light up) but make it fun!
I enjoy meeting people who are witty, flirty and enjoy having banter go back and forth! Be sassy and bold, I like the challenge and will 100% reciprocate! Just make sure you match the energy.
Ultimately Iā€™m looking for great conversations about lots of different things, learning about you and how your days are going! Telling you that youā€™re cute for over sharing your hobbies with me and playful banter mixed through!
I wonā€™t go into much more detail as thatā€™s the whole point of reaching out! Message me and we can potentially move to discord if we hit it off! Xx
submitted by jayyybrah1 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 jayyybrah1 28 [m4f] looking for fun and witty banter

Hi! Itā€™s already so nice to meet you if youā€™re here reading this, so why not say hi back in my DMā€™s!
A bit about me; Iā€™m 6ā€™1, athletic build with short and wavy brown hair, brown eyes and white/ olive skin from Australia!
I enjoy a lot of different things so Iā€™m most likely not limited to this list below but a few of the things that come to mind are; the beach, gym, anime, board and video games, cooking, reading, movie nights in and adventure days out!
Chat to me about anything Iā€™m into or even let me know what youā€™re into! I love learning new things and enjoy chatting about passions other people have (I just like seeing their eyes light up) but make it fun!
I enjoy meeting people who are witty, flirty and enjoy having banter go back and forth! Be sassy and bold, I like the challenge and will 100% reciprocate! Just make sure you match the energy.
Ultimately Iā€™m looking for great conversations about lots of different things, learning about you and how your days are going! Telling you that youā€™re cute for over sharing your hobbies with me and playful banter mixed through!
I wonā€™t go into much more detail as thatā€™s the whole point of reaching out! Message me and we can potentially move to discord if we hit it off! Xx
submitted by jayyybrah1 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:53 softsuppleandweak It's taken a while - and many stages - to realize how I've gotten to where I am now..

  1. Around 8 years old, I dressed up in a ballet outfit with my sister and her next-door neighbour girlfriend. Pictures included (thanks, mom).
  2. Around 10 years old, I prayed every single night for God (sad tears included) to make me a woman. I was developing "breasts," even though the rest of my body was slim. I started to see myself as "different " than the rest of my friends. I grew up in a predominantly female-led household and saw the world through a sensitive, soft lense. I was becoming the caregiver, maternal role in my friendship circle.
  3. Around the age of 12, I used to play "bum doctor" with best friend (involved pulling down pants and bending over, while the other pretended to give a needle). I found myself initiating this game a good deal more than him. At this age, there was still a young naivete to this, and I wasn't aware it was "strange."
  4. Around age 14, "on a dare," I dressed up with (a different) best friends mother's clothing. His mother was away at work, we hand-picked items, right down to the underwear, and got changed together in the bathroom. I changed behind the shower curtain as I was too shy and very embarrassed how my breasts completely filled out the (lactating) bra.
  5. Around this time, I started to experiment with dressing up in my mother's nighties, as well as both of my sisters clothes. There were little pockets of free time to do this, and everything just felt "right"; like all the dots connected.
  6. Around age 16, I started getting into porn. I was a late developer, as far as sex drive goes. Started off as regular guy/girl porn, then I quickly became interested in the "anal" category. I found myself very turned on by the cock scenes, but not the rest of the male body. I was attracted to the female body, but in a way that I wanted to "be" the female. The idea of making love to a man put my stomach into knots.
  7. This "kink" grew and grew, unbeknownst to my family and friends. I was a very late developer, and all my friends had girlfriend's around this time.
  8. I discovered my sisters had toys, and became rather infatuated with them (insert shameful secrets). The idea of being in a submissive role, the idea of a "male" becoming the one who receives - rather than gives, ignited a very deep switch in my brain. It just felt right, natural.
  9. I started to become brave enough to buy porn DVD's from the local convenience store - but was very embarrassed, as the same owner basically watched me grow up from a kid to this point. I started to buy exclusively DVD's that featured anal. Finally, it took everything in me to one day buy a trans DVD, and I made a pathetically awkward excuse to the owner of how I was buying it as a joke birthday present for my friend. Oh, the shame.
  10. I started watching the DVD's, imagining myself as the trans women, and essentially worshipping cock, worshipping men. I had little "sexual" desire at this point to be a male role with any future girlfriends. Still, the idea of men's abs, lips, thighs, arms, butt, etc still turned my stomach into knots. Although, in the very very back of my mind, I think I was starting to consider it.
  11. I discovered Marijuana and beer around the age of 18, and would cut loose at my friends house (the same friend that I tried his mother's clothes on). He would occasionally put on porn (on mute) later into the evening, and meanwhile we were listening to music / playing guitar, etc. I started to sexually become interested in him. It was slways kind of there, but now with the porn playing, and being able to feel those feelings at the same time, I became sort of turned on by him. More so the idea of getting high and then becoming his submissive plaything. There were moments where iI could tell he was imagining the same, but - spoler alert - I never did (as i was way too shy to pursue it) but that only made the infatuation to be a submissive plaything for men even stronger.
  12. I started talking to a girl online, and after almost four years of talking and developing a friendship, we decided to meet. I was 23 years old at this point. Fast forward, I became her boyfriend and when we were camping, she had just started showing signs of spotting (on her period), so we were just playing around - I was very nervous, especially because i was expected to be the dominant one. Next thing I knew, I had lost my virginity to her. But here's the kicker - it was from anal.
  13. Curiosity got the best of me, and I started to seek out the validation and attention from men online. I accidentally left my browser open one night, and she saw everything. There was a big blow up, and she was calling me gay. We were both living at my parents' house at the time, and I'm pretty sure they must have overheard it. We made amends, and I confessed to her that I think I was bi and just needed to understand better. We played around with a strap-on quite often, and I also discovered chastity. Chastity became something of an excuse to not have to be the dominant one. I honestly felt more natural being the one receiving anal vs. penetrating a woman. We ended up mutually breaking up when I was 28. We are still best friends to this day.
  14. I started to think of the man's body, beyond just his penis. I don't know if it was just due to exposure in films, but the right kind of stomach (slightly hairy, soft, but strong "dad" abs) as well as strong hands and forearms started to turn me on. When I would see older men in real life with any of these attributes, a switch went off in my head and I realized that I was turned on by them, and would start to imagine more than just sucking his cock, or receiving anal. I would imagine first kissing his stomach as a show of affection or adoration before taking him into my mouth. I was starting to imagine holding onto his strong arms and pulling his body closer, deeper into me. Maybe softly kissing his fingers, even playfully biting them.
  15. I use reddit now, as a means to try and find Mr. Right. It is sort of an unwritten understanding with my partner now that I "explore" myself on reddit, but I don't share any of the details. Perhaps there will come a stage where I'm more open about it.
  16. Sometimes, I can imagine myself in a gay relationship, but there would be very specific parameters - I would be the submissive one. I would be expected to present as femme as often as possible. I would be the stereotypical "housewife" (cooking, baking, cleaning, being sexually ready at all times, nurturing the husband). Ideally, I would be in chastity 24/7, or have complete disregard toward my penis until it just learns to remain soft on its own (maybe still getting nocturnal emmisions at night). The idea of worshipping and submitting to his body gives me butterflies. And this is a BIG one --- if he knows how to treat me and our chemistry is right, I would maybe even allow him to kiss me.
  17. As far as porn goes, I now watch different genres for different purposes. Lesbian porn: Imagining myself as one of the "girls" and the other girl is just like me. Genetically born a male, but identifies strongly as a "girl". I imagine that we are playing while Daddy is away or that we're just playing for his amusement. He never let's us orgasm unless he tells us to, and he makes sure that there is a strong, imprinting, humiliating aspect to our orgasms - so that each time, we go deeper into our roles and can no longer deny who we are. Trans porn: obviously imagining myself as the trans pornstar, being taken forcefully by a real man. Having no Fouts about my sexuality. Hypno porn: This pushes me past any of my self-doubt and encourages me to not only drop my defenses but also to accept my fate. Everything I fear, I learn to entertain and even embrace when I'm watching the right kind of hypno porn. Finally gay porn: if I have refrained from cumming for over two months, then my mind really goes to that "desperate" place. Ideally, one man is the Dom, and is masculine, but cute. Not the kind of man who "acts" manly, but just naturally is - confident, smart, strong, manipulative. The other male is the more femme type, but not overly. Still a male (not trans) - soft, gentle, body made to receive, ass is more like a pussy, no hesitation to kiss, to play with his own soft cock, to suck his own fingers while looking at his Daddy in the eyes, gripping onto his Daddys hips, pulling him closer, moaning his name, fully accepting his place.
Going forward: I would love to have both a female and male partner. Essentially, to be a cuck to my wife, and only allowed to please her with my mouth - never with my penis (unless after an instructed orgasm, knowing that I'd be too soft to be able to penetrate her). I would only be able to make love to him, and my wife would enjoy watching, and would taunt me, encouraging me to go deeper each time. I would sleep with her each night, wearing something soft and silky, and we may kiss or fondle, or she may get me to eat her out (even if Daddy's cum is inside her still). Some nights she would either sneak off into Daddy's bedroom to sleep with him, or just openly sleep there, leaving me in bed alone some nights. I would hear them making love, but I would be locked in chastity, unable to cum. I'm encouraged at all times to play with my ass (aka my pussy) with either my fingers, a dildo or butt plug, so as to keep me constantly ready and make sure I'm always aroused - and aware of feeling empty if something isn't inside of me at any given time.
I want to be in a safe, loving, encouraging and open relationship where everyone is happy and their needs are met. I'm not sure if I'd classify myself as bi or gay. Definitely not straight. The idea of exploring these limits are what gives me life.
submitted by softsuppleandweak to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:52 Zealousideal-Ant-910 I'm getting over you

I feel like I'm finally getting over you. I don't feel the sadness when you walk past my window, head down, when you used to look up, smile just for me, and wave. I can be in the same room as you, without my heart throbbing in my chest, and stopping to catch my breath. I catch your scent in the hallways, and it no longer arouses that warm rush between my thighs. I can look into your eyes, only just, without imagining our bodies, skin to skin, sharing a single breath. I can wake up in the morning, relieved that my mind doesn't immediately think of you, and my heart no longer whispers it's loss before my alarm bell rings. I can feel the joy in life , without the obsession of needing you so badly. I can finally see your flaws, the drinking, the avoidant dance you played with me, where you gave me just enough to believe there may be something between us, only to crush my dreams when you told me 'its just not a run away into the sunset moment for me'. I see your trauma, your pain, the work you need to do to rise up and heal. All of this is true, I'm getting over you. The sad thing is, given half a chance, I'd undo all this progress if it meant I could have just one evening to be by your side.
submitted by Zealousideal-Ant-910 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:51 cccanaryyy My first beekeeping experience has been ruined.

Iā€™ve had an interest in honey bees for years, so I know more about them than the average person. Two weeks ago we had a swarm at work and I found a company to come remove them for free. The guy was great. Very social and excited about bees. We (my three coworkers and I) talked with him for a while and he told me I know a lot about bees and I should be a beekeeper. I lit up. I asked someone in the past to mentor me but he didnā€™t respond and I just left it at that so I leapt at this opportunity. Immediately when we went inside, the guys told me he was shamelessly checking me out. This came as a surprise to me because I usually notice these things but I didnā€™t this day and for some reason I thought he was gay.
Either way I liked him and his outgoing personality and last Sunday I met him for my first day of learning. It was fantastic. Heā€™s extremely knowledgeable and a great teacher. He was encouraging and thorough. He let me use one of his suits. 98% of our conversation was bee related. We decided we would meet on Sundays to beekeep.
The parts that werenā€™t about bees were this. He told me about his land, how he used to hunt (I asked), and about his dog. He asked how old I was (Iā€™m 31) and told me he thought I was 24, 25 at most. At one point he did say something along the lines of ā€œyouā€™d think Iā€™d be able to find a womanā€ when discussing all of the different hobbies he has. He told me about a friend from work who was married, so ā€œthere was never anything weird or inappropriate,ā€ but his friendship with her made him realize he was lonely and missing companionship. He also mentioned being on Christian mingle. He also said in the summer it gets hot under the suit and I might end up ā€œwearing something skimpierā€ to protect against the heat. I took note of all of this but didnā€™t jump to any conclusions.
On Monday (yesterday) I told my coworkers about it. I left out everything in the last paragraph. They expressed their mistrust again. He actually came by again on Monday to collect the queen (he had accidentally left her behind, and there were a couple hundred bees clumped around her). I knew he was coming because we had agreed he would come get them if they were still there.
He texted me a little on Monday and called me around 730p. I didnā€™t answer. Today he texted me first thing in the morning. ā€œGood morning my up and coming protege. How are you today?ā€ I donā€™t like talking to anyone everyday so this struck me as weird but innocent. I read it as a lonely older guy (heā€™s 60) whoā€™s excited to teach someone younger about his niche hobby.
Today, my coworkers brought it back up and said they donā€™t think I should go back over there. They talked about it for like half an hour. I tried to defend him as best I could and reassure them that I would be cautious. They said if I go back, I need to bring my gun (Iā€™m not doing that). An hour later he called me, knowing Iā€™m at work, and greeted me with ā€œhello my little kitty.ā€ My stomach dropped. He told me about some bee stuff and said ā€œI wish you had some time, I need to learn your lifestyle.ā€ I told him Sundays are really my only day and he said ā€œwow, you really have that much going on?ā€ I said these days, yes and he said ā€œis your boyfriend really that demanding?ā€
And just like that, itā€™s ruined. Iā€™ll find another mentor but Iā€™m just so disappointed. I have to trust my gut on this. I donā€™t understand why you would see someone half your age- your daughters age- and interested in your hobby turned business and display over familiar and borderline possessive behavior. Why would he ruin it?
submitted by cccanaryyy to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:51 ThrowRAneedfood AITA for telling my parents my sister had an abortion?

I (23F) was having dinner with my family the other day, and we were talking about some extended family we hadn't heard from in a long time. During the discussion, my mom informed us that one of our cousins had to get an abortion because she has a history of eclampsia and there was a big chance of her not making it if she decided to carry the baby to term. She almost died last time she was pregnant. She told us to call her and ask how sheā€™s doing and if we could do anything for her. My sister (26f) objected heavily, basically saying that abortion is a crime and that all of us allowing it to happen are basically helping her sin and killing babies. Now, we are all religious in my family but are also very pro-choice. My parents especially raised us on the principles of "your body, your choice." One of the things my dad always says is: "Do not judge anyone because you feel like your beliefs are better than others. Theyā€™re not."
Now, my sister was not always like that; she did believe in no sex before marriage, but without slut-shaming, she was not exactly living by those principles. She got pregnant a few years ago with her boyfriend, and she was so afraid that people would shame her because she did the deed in private while telling everyone in public that she was as pure as a saint, that she decided to get an abortion. She didnā€™t tell anyone, but I found out because her then-boyfriend was the brother of one of my friends. And she told me. That was 5 years ago, and I had not told anyone until last week at the dinner.
It really was not intentional, but during the argument, when she said we were all helping my cousin kill a baby, I laughed and said something along the lines of "well thatā€™s rich coming from you." As soon as I said it, she turned white, and my parents kind of picked up on it and asked me to explain myself. I told them. She got an abortion 5 years ago but still acts like she never heard of sex. That she is a hypocrite that flaunts her high moral ground, looking down on us, speaking of sins that she herself did.
My parents asked her if it was true, and she just sat there mute for I donā€™t know how long. They asked me if I could leave so they could speak to her without my presence. I have not heard from her since then, but my mom called me the day after, and she was very upset at me because it was not my place to tell. So, AITA?
submitted by ThrowRAneedfood to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:50 throuuughawayaccount I (28m) found out my (30f) girlfriend had a casual sexual relationship with someone she both works with and lives in the same apartment building as. I'm really struggling not to ruminate about it.

So for context, we only started dating about 3 months ago but things have been going really, really great. She's been kinder to me than anyone I've dated before and she's always been upfront and honest with me about things. I don't need to ask, she tells me the things she thinks I have a right to know. I've felt really happy and cared for and I've felt like I really trust her. So this is not a matter of trust.
However, the other day one of the guys living on her floor said good morning to us as we were leaving the apartment together, and she looked terrified for a moment. I asked what was wrong and she told me that he used to constantly ask her for sex and she used to repeatedly say no but he never respected it, that he would make moves on her in the workplace too and she would give out to him for being so disrespectful, but that on two occasions she hooked up with him while feeling really down and when she needed to "feel wanted", then regretted it afterwards. She told me that once she met me, she told him she didn't want to maintain active contact with him, but that he made contact again both in work and via text to tell her she could always "take shelter" in his room if she wanted and added "you can bring your boyfriend too", which she said infuriated her and made her lose all respect for him.
I didn't ask for any of this information, she confessed herself immediately after the encounter, and she said she was trying to find the best way to tell me about this. She also told me she had no feelings for him at all, which I believe, but this honestly makes it harder for me to understand. She has told me about her past sexual relationships without me asking and in every other case she had feelings for the guy, so I didn't think twice about it, but she claimed this guy was the sole exception which I think was meant to reassure me. But all I can think about is the fact that she slept with him multiple times despite the fact that they work together, live in rooms across from each other, that he was repeatedly disrespectful to her, and that she had no feelings for him.
This doesn't really make any sense to me and seems very out of character for her as she's someone I see as having high standards when it comes to how others treat her. Why would she maintain contact despite the disrespect? Why would she risk her job, home, and risk complicating future relationships for the sake of having sex with this guy? Why would it happen twice, and so recently too (the last time was shortly before we met), if she regretted it? Why is he so casually friendly and making such strange comments?
All of these details have left me ruminating excessively about their history and how I may encounter him any time I visit or leave her apartment, etc. I can't get these thoughts and images out of my head, even though I have no jealousy at all about any of her other past relationships that she shared all the details of. But something about this is really bothering me and making me feel miserable. I don't think it's a matter of trust as I do trust her not to cheat. It's not a matter of insecurity or feeling inadequate either. But I don't quite know what it is.
I personally have never had casual sex despite many opportunities because I always wanted to reserve sexual intimacy for relationships and avoid drama or hurting people, so it's possible that her actions just make me worry we have different views of sex. For me, it's really tied to feelings. I wouldn't want to end the relationship over different views of sex in either case, but it's possible that I'm feeling this way because it suggests a difference between us that I wasn't cognizant of before.
Regardless, I need to overcome this and I don't want to be distant with her because I am feeling so down about it. It's not fair to her and she's being nothing but incredibly kind to me. While the relationship is new, we've spent a lot of time together too and she has been consistently loving and considerate. What can I do to overcome or at least understand these feelings, and how can I navigate this situation so she doesn't get hurt or upset by me being emotionally distant while processing my feelings?
Tl;dr: My amazing new girlfriend told me, without me asking, that she previously (before we met) hooked up with a coworker who lives in her apartment on two occasions, despite the fact that she had rejected him countless times before and he never respected her saying no. I'm really struggling not to ruminate about it, but I'm not entirely sure why I'm so upset. I don't want my feelings to damage the relationship and need help understanding them.
submitted by throuuughawayaccount to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:49 Relative-Whole-2105 Passed after a crazy few months!

Passed after a crazy few months!
Managed to pass first time with 24 hours of lessons šŸ™Œ the whole process has been a bit of a whirlwind in all honesty. Here is my story :)
I took my theory test on the 25th Feb and booked a test available which at the time was 8th August. I told my instructor that I would like to find cancellations for a sooner date around June - July, and around 10 hours into my lessons he told me I was ready. Through some incredible luck one of his students didn't feel ready for their test so he asked me 2 weeks ago whether I was comfortable to switch and give it a go to which my reply was yeah sure what's the worst that could happen.
I had it in my head that I wouldn't be taking my practical for another few months until the change so naturally I was anxious when that time frame turned into two weeks. I was at a point where my brain no longer had to process the motions of actually driving the car which allowed me to focus more on signs and road markings. My biggest fear was roundabouts and speed changes which just so happens to be 90% of the area I did my test, my instructor was proper chill and always asked me what I wanted to work on at the start of each lesson so I really hammered down on lane discipline on roundabouts as I felt that If I was to fail it would be that!
I was nervous the night before my test but understood its natural to feel like it. I made sure to have a good night sleep and allowed myself time in the morning to properly wake up and spend a few hours to allow my breakfast to settle. When my instructor picked me up the nerves dissapeared and we went to a car park to do some menouvers.
I managed to read my examiner quite quickly and realised he would not be so social which was completely fine by me. We just had a bit of small talk but nothing more than that. The test really does fly by but I do remember turning the clock off mid test because I started clock watching instead of concentrating. I had prepared myself not to think drive perfectly but to think drive safely, a chauffeur for 40 minutes. Then all of a sudden we was back at the test centre and he was signing my certificate.
I drove to work where I am now writing this. Probably the most nerve wracking 10 minutes of my life but all I'm thinking now is, I'm just chauffeuring myself.
Its been a wild journey and I'm now in the process of feeling like I'm breaking the law which is the next thing I'm working on.
To anyone who has read this far, driving is a journey it doesn't stop after your test, believe in yourself and show confidence even when your not. If you can make the examiner feel safe you've won.
Best of luck, You can do this!
submitted by Relative-Whole-2105 to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 Numerous_Army_6022 Pills or nitrogen

I had a good life it felt like..good job, boyfriend, pet, I was happy. Everything changed in a second and now I donā€™t want to live. Itā€™s something that can never be undoneā€¦no amount of time could ever heal thisā€¦and the fact that others have gone through something similar and still canā€™t get over it over 10-20 years..I have no hope. I have no more love to give. I have no motivation to do anything. I havenā€™t showered or gone to work in 3 weeks. I havenā€™t cleaned my room. The only reason Iā€™d clean my room is to have it tidy before my body is picked up. I have anxiety, OCD, and depression. The agonizing pain when I wake up in the morning has lessened in intensity, however I still want to die. I get small panic attacks throughout the day. And I just canā€™t take it. I have this cute little kitten next to me however he doesnā€™t help at all and I will have to find someone to take care of him. Pills or helium/nitrogen? And if pills, which ones? Can I get them OTC?
submitted by Numerous_Army_6022 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 dragonshouter The shaman of Muck returns( end of spirit conflict sub event)

The shaman of Muck returns( end of spirit conflict sub event)
NOTICE: This was taken from a group chat with the participants. u/AnActualCriminal , u/avamir , u/HalfDrowShaman , u/DragonWisper56 . That's why it is weirdly formated; I tried my best.
The party enters the spirit world, that land of infinite mist where concepts have form. Last time the group had discovered the location of the Exalted beacon and now they can see the spirits domain on the horizon(?). The domain of the of the spirit is a shining citadel made of crystal and marble. There are lines of silver and gold throughout the whole compound. Light radiates like miniature sun. In place of a sun or moon floats a giant metallic eye... watching. As the party arrive they notice something, there are no shadows in this realm
Crispin: *Crispin is jostled awake by Ichor and spills out onto the ground covered in tar.*
"Eugh. What? Oh yeah. Exalted Beacon. Shit tracks."
Riva: Riva seems... ill at ease, guarded.
Crispin: *Crispin looks at the giant metal eye for a bit too long.* He get's sunspots
Riva: "Don't look into the giant lights, imp." Riva lets out a loooonng sigh.
Agnur: Agnur weaves illusion around them it would be bad if they were spotted
Drow: *the drow casts soul shadow and light eater to give herself some magic sunglasses*
Riva: Riva just squints. "Do we attempt to kill everyone, or do you think there's a possibility of converting them back from... this?" She gestures vaguely.
Agnur: They took our friend, they made their choice
Riva: "I tend to agree with you. But at the same time... killing the zealous because of the new religion they picked up isn't the greatest look."10:33 AMRiva makes some... warding circle shades? and places them on her face.
Crispin: "Let's fucking defile this place. Stupid giant sexy eyes blinding me."
Riva: Riva grimaces at the whole "sexy eyes" thing. Ugh. "Works for me. Let's do this."
Agnur: regardless of sexing eyes how are we going to get in?
As the party walks up up to a tall wall around the citadel.
Drow: I can just walk up this
Crispin: "I can fly. Lookit."
*He does, in spite of his wings looking like one of those oil spill ducks from a Dawn ad.*
Drow: *the drow walks up the walls casually* *she makes it to the top and then shoots some ephemeral ropes out of her armor, tethering them to the wall*
Riva: Riva takes a rope and begins climbing up... in a manner like Adam West Batman, admittedly. But she isn't going to ask for a memory from Crispin so she can teleport up.
Agnur: Agnur climbs up
Ichor: *Ichor slorps up a rope with peculiar viscosity as Crispin lands at the top.*
The group looks over the wall
As they do they notice how...still it is. Nothing is out of place, there is no dirt or dust, no noise or bustle. Only silence except for a few sentries. Moving through the streets are some weird creature. It is like a shadow except shadows don't exist here. The aren't light however, just not shadows. Silver "shadows" will do for now; they stalk the streets. On top of towers however sit zealot priests in pale robes, watching
Drow: "sentries. Some kind of... Silver shadow monster..." "you wanna go in hot or cold guys?"
Crispin: "I can make a distraction. Gotta call in a debt though." *Crispin rattles a bag of teeth.*
Riva: "They don't seem to be tethered to the priest but they seem kinda similar to the undead type shadow. There is something soul adjacent about them. Probably touching you does some sort of damage to your spirit." "I wonder whether killing the priests would rid us of the... spirits."
Crispin: "Guys I think we're being too thinky here. These are order guys right? All this strategy plays right into their hands." *He rattles the bag again.* "C'moooooon."
Agnur: I mean it would give us some cover...
Drow: "why don't I just sneak ahead and try to grab one of those guys first" "just make sure I have backup"
Riva: "That works for me."
Drow: *the drow begins sneaking along the wall as best she can towards the nearest priest tower*
Ichor: *Ichor clings to the outside of the top of the wall, trailing behind Drow.*
Drow is able to sneak up the tower un-noticed. The guards are spaced out because they have a giant eye in the sky( literally). She gets behind the guy and hear muttered prayer. *the drow does a series of actions in rapid succession. First she creates a bubble of mute, then she taps the man on the back making him go blind and deaf, and finally she grips him by the neck and begins choking him out*
Drow: [do we want this guy alive or dead?]
[]= telepathic cummunication
Agnur: [he can't talk if he's dead. lets get information first]
Drow: [ok let me disable him...] *the drow touches two hands to the man's head and begins dripping horrors into his mind until he passes out from fear* [ok. What do you guys want to ask him?]
Agnur: [what the fuck is he and what does he do. we need to know how dangerous he is]
Crispin: [Where's our boy? And do these shitheads know we're coming for him?]
Drow: [ok! I'll try the normal way first, if he doesn't comply I'll kill him and ask his soul] *the drow creates an illusory similacrum of herself and places it inside the man's mind, she asks his inner consciousness the following questions and listens for his answers* "hey guy, who are you?"
"You will pay infidel!!! The great and glorious Exalted Beacon will end you! Their (he goes into like a thousand titles and compliment I am not writing) will force you to kneel before them. All shall kneel before them so sayth their loyal preist and servant Atticus!!!
Drow: what does this exalted Beacon look like
Exalted Beacon is beautiful a statuesque, thirty feet tall, being made of the most stunning marble, crystal and precious metal. Their voice is a chorus, their eyes are brilliant rubies. They have a mosaic halo of gold with eyes on it. They also float above the ground because they are to good to tred upon it. The rest is repetitive praise
Drow: *within the zealot's mind he sees the drow prance about, threatening him. Then he sees the exalted beacon launch a bolt of light through the sky, exploding the simulacrum of the drow**the exalted beacon stands tall in the distance and booms at him*"I have come to save my loyal servant" "tell me thy purpose servant, so I shall have it known"
(this is an illusion)
"Thank you my master! I am but a mere secondary sentry, but one of the ones that joined you willingly unlike those plebian villagers. ( he just continues blubbering thanks)
Drow: "good! And have you been enjoying the powers you have been granted? Describe your abilities to me, compare yourself to your cohort" "you have done well. If you are worhty I shall grant you more powers"
Thank you lord. You have granted me the ability to smite those in your name with radiant light. I could fight toe to toe with the lowest of mages. I am slightly above average amongst my cohort but I serve well enough guarding the domain. I am also tasked with commanding the Vestiges of Shadow you have given me. Like hounds of war they hunt down the non-believers and drain them of energy before I can bring them to you.
Drow: "I see. How goes your training with the vestiges of shadow? Tell me every relevant detail about them"
Riva: Riva waits expectantly for him to spill the beans.
Of course master. They are made from the shadows of your prisoners at the throne. Screaming you praises for all eternity. This torment shatters there soul to create these vestiges in place of their shadows. From then on they act as loyal servants and drain the disgusting essence of show from a persons being. Without you intervention a person could not survive long without it. That shadow needs to be replaced with your energy to remain among the living.
Drow: *the drow relays this information telepathically*
Riva: [ "I wonder if their shadows, and parts of their soul, can be returned to them." "Another idea. Can you mimic a vestige, Drow? We are terrible nonbelievers, and you could bring us to this being. Once we have a way of dispelling its power, of course."]
Drow: [yes, I should be able to mimic one][he also mentioned the eternal torment of the civilians was how they separated their souls to make the shadows][if we disrupt that maybe we can have them despawn without killing the guy]
Riva: ["He said he drained the non-believers of energy before bringing them to this being... so if we can get in, perhaps we can disrupt this ritualized torture, and perhaps that would rid us of the vestiges? And perhaps drain this being of power."]
Drow: [yes my thoughts exactly. Now, for the last question]"servant Atticus. Tell me where kyrgrin is now."
Your most hated prisoner? At he very center of the citadel where you can keep an eye on him.
Riva: After relaying the information telepathically, Riva might ask Drow to ask whether Krygin was being used as a power source. Perhaps word it as some sort of test for Atticus. "Remind me, my servant... What treatment is Krygin receiving?" (Or something along those lines)
No your holiness. The prisoner's magic is incompatible with ours. You bound him everyway you could so he couldn't conspire against you. You worried that killing him wouldn't be permanent enough for your plans. Wizards have escaped death before and that welp is harder to kill than a cockroach. He is to be bound until the universe ceases to exist.
Riva: Riva makes a quiet, "Hm." And considers.
Crispin: "Checks out. He's not a powerhouse but last we saw him a fucking bomb was turning him into a puddle. Krygin's hard to kill."
Agnur: It was a fucking black whole....I love that little guy
Riva: "If this being is using his power to bind Krygin personally, I wonder if disrupting his power will free Krygin. Now to figure out how to disrupt this being's power."
Agnur: I mean if we mess up the palace it could help, or at least distract it
Crispin: "They're spirits, yeah. Purity. Order. The grosser and more chaotic we are the better."
Agnur: should we call in crispin's debt
Riva: "Ah! Yes, that would... ha. That would definitely do it. Ha ha." She had neglected the symbolism of things. And if anyone could make a mess, it'd be Crispin.
Riva + drow: With the questions done, and Atticus disposed of, Team Kryginator decides to move closer to the goal. Using Drows abilities at illusion, she feigns being a Vestige bringing the group (who pretend to be tired so to look like their energy is drained), and move closer into the area where people are being kept. [now crispin!]
Crispin: *Crispin rips open the pouch the way he opens most things. Tearing it open upside down like a dysfunctional kindergarten with a bag of dorritos, completely ignoring the draw-string.* "Been playing a lot of poker in my down-time..." *Teeth clatter onto the ground. Dozens. Each one with a name in low Sylvan etched onto it. They transform into tiny pallid creatures with gangly limbs, dragonfly-like wings, and rows upon rows of needle-like teeth.*
"I've been winning." *The tooth fairies scatter, each one set on either harassing a guard or knocking over something expensive.*
The giant eye focuses on the distraction and the party feel the energy of the domain shift aggressively. The tooth fairies will likely be driven off but it will certainly distract everyone. Guards from across the citadel converge in this area. The group moves at a light jog; *Crispin strolls languidly until Ichor picks him up and moves at a better clip*
*the drow vestige leads the pack hoping that the other guardians will let her through* The party charges through the gates. The guardians are too distracted to pay close attention to the vestige and entourage
Agnur: Agnur cuts himself and draws runes of corruption on the wall ever once in a while. The runes cause the walls to pucker like wounds as the natural energies of this place try to fight off the intrusion.
Ichor: Ichor leaves a trail of tar
The party sees the prisoners as they reach the "throne room". It is like a giant colosseum like structure. The Exalted Beacon floats in the center eyes closed; it hasn't noticed you. Around the room are hundreds of people in various states of torture such as having silver bars impaling someone. The blood runs like rubies in here. It should be discussing but something makes it beautiful. All of them ar screaming praise and begging for release. The influence of this place is makes what should be discordant noise into a choir. Silver shadows prowl but currently accept you as prisoners.
Patrolling a silver shadows with priest overseeing them.
Drow: Drow sneaks behind a priest while invisible. *the drow tries to grab him and swiftly stab him in the heart. She plans on taking his form and turning him invisible simultaneously* A invisible body drops down quitly. *for now, the drow simply takes her post and waits for the right time to issue some more interesting commands*
Riva, Ichor and Crispin hide. Crispin is in the form of a rat
Agnur: Agnur activates his Teumessian pendant and starts sneaking around. when agnur reaches one he tries to club them to death as quietly as possible. His pendant warps fate so no one is looking; he bashes a mans brains in and tries to hide the body. He dies before he can scream
Crispin: *Crispin transforms, shrieking at the top if his lungs like a baby on fire, lugung at one if the priests. The shriek is pitched and sustained specifically to counteract the choire-like atmosphere of the room.* The blood sprays across the room.
Drow: Drow gives the shadows contradictory orders to confuse them
Riva: Riva concentrates, and draws a circle. Unlike the vast majority of ones she done, however, this is strangely... green? This is very much not her affinity, but she knows the basic forms. And from this circle, she calls on the Alseid clans of the Earthen planes. Unlike a fire elemental, she doesn't bind it to her will directly, but rather asks and *pressures*.*If successful, some of these looking dudes/dudettes/etc. bound from the circle. Riva would direct them to release the hostages, Unbinding them from Thews of Earth (silver), and heal them." The Alseids have a green glow which pushes against the natural energies of the citadel.
Asleids( nice earth elemental adjacent dudes)
The Exalted Beacon starts to wake from it's trance. As this is happening Agnur notices a false wall of crystal which he deduces Krygin is behind.
Agnur: Teleports over to the wall but finds no way of opening it.
Drow: *the drow continues concentrating on the shadows, trying to get them to help break more chains* *she drops her illusory shadow and instead creates a bubble of sensory deprivation around the exalted beacon* *trying to stall it's awakening*
The "shadows" help confused but do so. Some blink out of existence as they free the human they were made from.
Ichor: *Ichor spews themselves as much as possible. Spattering the room.*
Agnur: I summon bram and he starts hitting the wall with the force a earthquake. I impower him. The crystal starts to break but it accelerates the Beacons notice
Ichor: *Ichor readies to surge at the beacon like a geyser the instant it becomes aware. They're likely not strong enough but they can hold attention.*
Drow: "Someone get a big portal ready! We gotta get kyrgin and these civs out" *she mentions the civs to appease the others but does not care at all about them*
Agnur: Agnur takes bottled rage and pours it into bram to increase his attack power
A red glows around Bram and his blows triple in power. Soon the wall will break. The Beacon wakes and tears through the illusion and the halo flares! "Who intrudes on my domain"
Riva: Riva tries to portal the civilians out of the crumbling tower, back to somewhere outside where she's been before. It's a little strange in this realm, but she shuffles them out as quickly as she can. And has one of the Alseid's go out with them to try and heal the wounded and keep them moving. Riva gets ready to crank out a bigger gate for Krygin...
The civilians try to escape as quick as they can. Every peson saved seems to dim the Beacon's glow
Ichor: *Ichor surges forward and Crispin lights the tar with a firebolt. A geyser of flaming tar would slam into the Beacon like a locomotive.*
The Beacon slams against the other side of the room but grabs at Ichor. It's touch burns( though because Ichor likes fire it is more of an acidic burn) "Do you Challange a god!!"
Drow: *with all the civs freed, the drow releases her other illusions and pulls out her spell grenade launcher. She launches a ball of incendiary darkness at the pillar*
Agnur: I enhance the runes I places around the castle to weaken it
The darkness slams into the wall and it shatters and the walls shake as the walls start to corrupt
Ichor: "BalaNCE MUsT bE rEStOReD!!!" No one but Krygin really speaks primal tar, but that's what they say
Crispin: *Meanwhile Crispin is saying every swear word he knows at the top of his lungs. Every obscenity. Every vile act one can do to a hole. Fulness and impurity of another kind.*
As the smoke clears Krygin is revealed. Krygin "sits" boneless with silver chains around his wrist. He sits in a circle of salt surrounded by a circle of pure water.
Agnur: Agnur uses a piece of Sorrowsore to pollute the water
The Beacon begins shooting flashes of divine energy at Ichor while a translucent "reflection" of it appears before the rest of the group and punches the ground before disappearing
Drow: *the drow goes invisible and prepares to bolt. She leaves behind 3 illusory duplicates to continue fighting*
Ichor: *Ichor can't take much more. They try to hurl the Beacon into a wall and retreat. Too much Tar has been used up.*
The Beacon is slammed into the wall leaving a crater. The beacon begins to charge up a divine blast.
Riva: *Riva kind of... kicks some corpses over at him(Krygin)? Can he eat that? Us that to reconstitute himself? while she redirects the Alseids to poop on things, kick over the salt, and piss into the pure water.* *Kicks corpses at Krygin. She'll try and open a portal once he's able to... uh... move? Slither?*
As soon as Krygin can slither he slides forward a a burger on grease and swallows the corpses whole like a a snake. Bones shift under skin. He isn't 100% but he can walk now
Crispin: "I missed this repulsive fucker."
Drow: *the drow runs next to the portal and launches an ephemeral rope at kyrgin, grabbing and pulling him like a child down a slip and slide to the portal* *her other clones try to distract the beacon while she does"
Krygin: "Wait what?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Several reflections of the beacon strike at illussions. Shattering the area around them
Ichor: *Ichor doesn't have time to grab a corpse. Headed for a portal. Crispin grabs some deer poop, ignites it, and throws it before fleeing.*
drow: *the drow grasps the weird slime creature they just saved and falls backwards through the portal like a trust fall*
Agnur: Agnur summons up all his rage greif and desperation from the past while and pours it into a curse. calling favors from fae, demon, spirit and monster he brings rot and decay to the pure. bram carries him out
Riva: *Riva keeps the portal open until everyone is out, then tries to snap it shut.
At the last second the beacon grabs the portal; not magically just pulling reality open but then Agnur's curse hits them like a truck. So hard in fact that a small piece of crystal fractures. The Beacons cries in pain and the portal closes.
Drow: Hey job well done guys. Where are we riva? *the drow immediately takes out some tea and begins sipping*.
They were in an Ithicar hospital.
Ichor: "LAWyeR. ArE yOU All rIGhT?!"
Krygin: Krygin shakily stands. "I'm ... free. I'm free. I'M FREE!!!!" He tries to jump for joy but hurts himself. He gives Ichor a goopy hug
Riva: Riva thanks the Alseid's in greek, and they make appropriate polite noises in their ungulate sorts of ways, and disappear.
Drow: Hey krygin, nice to meet you. I'm your savior, the Drow.
Krygin: The just looks at drow with the placid expression of a frog. "Sure, I'm used to dealing in favors"
Drow: *score, the drow thinks* Also Riva. You owe me too! The rest of you... We should get drinks later
Crispin: "Waaaaay ahead of ya." Pulls out a bottle of medical alcohol and drinks
Drow: *the drow taps his alcohol bottle with her tea vial*
Riva: "Sigh. I'll add it to the tab."
Krygin: "I... must... throw a feast!" "You are all invited!"
Riva: "Glad to see you back, Krygin."
Krygin: "I'm glad as well Riva
Crispin: "You just ate a corpse!"
Drow: Don't act like you've never eaten a corpse crispin. I know I have
Crispin: "Not a whole one! I'm small!"
Riva: "There is much to catch up on." Riva doesn't mention the Pact being mostly empty, and Krygin probably being the only one left to fill a position, EON, Belial's disappearance and reappearance, the assault on Lemarcia, etc. etc.
Krygin: (he needs to catch up on so much. He doesn't even know about sorrowsore!) "Yeah, I was gone for a long time"
Agnur: "we're just glad your back." He says as he rest a kind hand on Krygin's shoulder
El Fin
/uw Here's a big shout out to the players of this post! They were great. I can't belive Krygin's been gone for two months!!!! I was going crazy!!
Also not kidding about the feast. In a few hours of posting this.
submitted by dragonshouter to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:44 No-Shine-170 Im struggling

I've been reading all the breakup advice. But it's mostly focused on what to do when someone else hurt you. "Your person wouldn't leave you" "they wouldn't hurt you" "make a list of bad things about them", etc.
I was the one who messed up tho. Royaly. And because of it I lost the one I wanted to spend my life with. The only person I felt I could be myself around. The guilt is eating at me and I think I deserve it. I want to be a better person and I want to move on. But I don't think I have the right to feel better. I'm stuck in a loop. She is starting to move on and it's killing me. Everything feels meaningless and the worst part is I did this to myself. Again. I messed up something so beautiful and of course it was me. I sabotage anything good for me.
I miss you, B. I wish I had loved you the right way. I dream about you everyday. You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about when I fall asleep. I held on to the sweater you gave me for hours yesterday. I imagined I was holding you again. I want to hear your voice again.
But I will probably never see you again and what's worse, it was my doing.
submitted by No-Shine-170 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:41 Queer_always My guide to Disneyland Paris for Disneyland Californians

Writing this for folks whose home park is OG Disneyland and are considering or planning a trip to DLP. Whether that's you or you're looking for advice in the opposite direction, feel free to AMA!
I wrote up some aspects of my trip in this post, for reference. For context, I visit Anaheim a few times a year for 2-3 days each -- sometimes alone, sometimes with others -- and have been to Walt Disney World a handful of times (mostly for a single day while visiting my in-laws in the Orlando area).
Stow yer weapons: this is gonna be long. I'll talk atmosphere, attractions, food and drinks, and tips geared toward this audience. (I won't cover shows or character greetings, since they're not really my thing.)
Disneyland Paris is widely regarded as the most beautiful of the castle parks, and I agree. The attention to detail is stunning, from the horticulture to the rock work to the stained glass in the castle. The land transitions are smooth and beautifully executed, and the park generally feels more deliberately planned (probably since it wasn't built in a year and haphazardly swapping parts for the next seventy, like DLCA).
The park is bigger than Anaheim's, probably close to Magic Kingdom size, so add a minute or two to your commute time when crossing from one end to the other.
Some can't-miss experiences and details unique to DLP (skipping the rides since I'll cover those next, but including walk-throughs):
Some comparisons and contrasts. Didn't ride everything (e.g. carousel, teacups, Autopia), so I'll just share notes on the ones I did.
Big Thunder: Best version I've been on, period. It's on an island, so you plunge in and out of the darkness to get there, and the seats are actually divided so you're not body-slamming the person next to you every time you careen around a corner. Don't sleep on the detail and theming! Only bummer: no goat trick.
Pirates: Great queue: caves and little sneak peeks into scenes. Caribbean themed instead of bayou, restaurant included. Different structure and order of scenes, and frankly sort of confusing (e.g. Jack Sparrow is on the treasure pile among the skeleton tableaux for his little monologue). The sword fighting scene is unique to DLP (I think).
Fantasyland dark rides: Pinocchio is almost exactly the same as in CA. Snow White is more like the pre-COVID version, but even creepier; it's definitely the most divergent from the current CA version. Peter Pan is close to its CA version, but feels slightly larger?
Small World: More granular Europe, cute America section, generally quite different in layout. White-clad finale is a fair with a Ferris wheel and such.
Haunted Mansion/Phantom Manor: Identical ride track and Doom Buggies, but totally different storyline and different tableaux, particularly at the finale, which is a Western town instead of a graveyard. They don't put scrims in front of the frontier town zombies, which makes them creepier somehow. It's a unique take and a must-do.
Space Mountain: This one blows ours out of the water. Catapult launch, several inversions, much faster and darker. Be aware they don't have pouches for your stuff and will instruct you to put it on the floor. I stepped on the strap of my bag because I was certain I was gonna lose it.
Star Tours: Identical, though one time I got narration in English and the other time in French. May be randomized?
Railroad: No primeval world but they do have their own Grand Canyon. Circle tour is a must; you cover completely different ground and get a great pano of the whole park. My train was in compartments rather than long cars.
Indiana Jones: This is not the Jeep tour by any stretch; it's an outdoor roller coster that rattled my teeth out of my head. Think an extreme version of Goofy's Sky School with the unbanked turns. KEEP YOUR HEAD BACK. And even then, don't be surprised if you get off with sore ears and a buzzy headache that last a few minutes.
Food and Drinks:
I talked extensively about this in my other post, so I'll just note a couple of comparisons.
General info/advice:
I have a lot of good news for Californians, because Paris is a cakewalk in comparison. I'm sure I hit a slower period, but it's so easy to go with the flow without playing nine-dimensional chess on your phone every three minutes.
I'm tired of typing, and you're doubtless tired of reading, but if you have questions about the Studios park, feel free to ask in the comments.
submitted by Queer_always to disneylandparis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:41 Resident_Media200 AITA for saying my birthday isn't about her?

For context my (F23) and siblings (NB25) mum likes to make every expirience about herself. Something bad happens to us, somethings worse happens to her. If we achive something (for example being the first person in our family to graduate college) it's only because she helped with learning disabilities etc. (She has other narcistic tendencies somehow everything relates to herself). And we both still live at home. Sorry I know it's a long one.
Now for the are we the aholes? The convercation started becasue she talked about my HS prom that was cancelled due to Covid years ago (in our country proms are a family ceramonial thing more like a graduation then a party for students) and about why she is traumatized about it and I have moved on. I then told her ''you have to stop putting your trauma on us''. And then she brings up my birthday a few months ago AGAIN. (Extra context when we were younger we had big parties (20+ kids) and we'd always both get presents and invite both friends - our b-days are months apart so 2 parties), she made a point of always making a cake that was over the top and recently we instead started doing drinks with a few friends and for my b-day go to our grandmas (her mom she refuses to be around) because my birthday falls around Easter. And this year I was busy graduating and working and didn't have time to go for some cake with her alone and I haven't cared about my cake for years and that has been a problem for 12 years cuz it takes her role away. This year I told her that it's my day and would prefer to go out with my boyfriend then her. She then started whishing my sibling ''happy you got a baby sister day'' and went on and on about how ''I robbed her of her I gave birth and gave life and became a mother day''.
And that brings us to today where out of nowhere she starts it up again and called aside from repeating everything added that I am selfish and only think about myself for saying my b-day is my day not her (as in she wants to be celebrated on my b-day) and my sibling for not wanting to be celebrated for getting a sister.
So are we the aholes for saying our b-days aren't about her?
PS. If this is confusing she often goes on random tangents, that's how prom became b-day. We can answer questions or ubdate if necesarry.
submitted by Resident_Media200 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:38 cleanbucket098 They don't deserve you one bit.

I saw him at uni and I have to keep seeing him. For some reason i didn't feel anything. I felt happy that I could see my friends but even more happy that he is someone I don't talk to anymore. I realised that if he really loved and cared about me he would've been with me. But the asshole that he is only cares about how much I could satisfy him and his needs. I got out of it. I am proud of myself for acting as if he doesn't exist. I've caught him stare at me couple of times but I never once looked into his eyes. Even though hearing his voice made me sick to stomach, i believe even that is out of disgust for the person that he is. I am so proud of myself!! 4 years down the drain but still at this very moment I feel happy and motivated even though the break up was a few weeks ago. The stuff that he said to me made it very easy for me to move on from him. I have such nice and supportive friends that made me realise that I deserve better. I really do. And one thing I know for sure is that you do too. You deserve the best. You deserve someone who will make you become something you've always thought you can't be. You deserve someone that will love you despite every mistake you make. You deserve someone who will keep their promises and stick by you and help you grow just as you help them.
If they hurt you and left you then it simply means that they're not for you. There's someone out there who's much better than them.
Fuck them. They're not worthy enough to be the reason why you dont believe in love and happiness anymore. They're not worthy of your tears or the pain that you go through. They're not worthy of your smiles or your giggles. They're nothing when compared to you. They're weak and cowards that cannot keep promises and stick to honesty. They don't deserve you. You will do far better than they will and they will watch you do that and regret ever leaving you.
He put his head down as I walked past him today. Did I do it? No. I am not like him. I don't betray, use or hurt people. He does. People like them are embarrassing, they clearly don't have the emotional maturity to understand that they're embarrassing themselves. Let them. We're better anyways. Don't cry for someone who might just be the most embarrassing person in the world. You're better than that. Wake tf up and go back to being yourself or make yourself someone even better than what you were before them and get your shit done. That's the only way out of this. If that's what you wantšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø
submitted by cleanbucket098 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:38 Narrow-Sun-4260 Silently wasting life away and i feel utterly screwed

I just hit 30 and it's amazing that I ended 2023 with a bang. Got to visit four different countries with my girlfriend of two years, left my toxic freelance job, and we also moved into a 120 sqm bungalow for cheap.
But as life has reminded time and time again with its brasch lessons - I am now faced with the enigma of me settling down abruptly, getting comfortable, and escaping what it has now set out for me to resolve.
I am exasperated. For me, hitting your 30s is basically just the same as hitting your 20s but with much fewer HP. As I learn to live and love my girl more and more each day, I often space out and become restless knowing that I wasn't ready for any of this.
You see, I gave into a girl who was broken for the longest time. During the episodes wherein she had to mourn and agonize for her misfortunes in life, she would bring me fastfood and sleep over my then apartment. Eventually, she confessed to me first and said that she never wanted to leave my side. Looking back, I was definitely soft but I was thinking I was ready for it - so the title of "boyfriend" was bestowed on me when she needed an answer.
The honeymoon period has long passed and we find ourselves knowing each other so well, that some minuscule things become huge deals but it happens the other way around as well. Though we grow so much from learning about each other, there are things about her that I definitely find difficult to back her up with. And it's not her fault for sure, but knowing this makes me feel like I shouldn't have been the one who consoled her in the first place.
I made a rash and dangerous choice - and now I'm robbed of valuable time with friends and family because she would have qualms with me spending time with them. I feel anxious dealing with my hobbies because as I become more invested on them, she would pick that I would lose time for her. Her anxieties and extreme fits would absolutely mean 3 to 4 hours of my time. Every honest-to-goodness important female in my life, my mom included, would be her enemy. Every guy friend I spend time with would make her feel like I am up to a ploy to cheat on her through them. It has gotten to a point that I would be a weekly cycle of me consoling her, arguing with her, begging her and even making love to her madly after exhausting exchanges. I feel like she's messed me up to a molecular level and I couldn't escape. Today I tried to insinuate that I am so tired of this and I am ready to deal with my fourth possible breakup, but we talked things out and made confusing love again thereafter. I didn't eat anything today and I pretended that it was because I'm trying out this obtuse fast I found on the internet.
On top of that salad, I also find myself working at a job that has seized to grow and is waiting to rot. They've lost interest in anybody's ideas and diabolically haven't been keeping true to their word - yesterday I found out that they weren't paying any of my government dues on time and I trusted on the fact that these were being paid quarterly. I have to deal with this mess too.
So how am I coping up you might wonder? The answer is I've given up. I have seized to see anybody outside of this house, abused a bunch of substances, pretended to be okay in front of socials, and I went back to playing video games mindlessly with the hopes of getting a dopamine spike or two. i even spent a good chunk of my savings trying to get a rare costume for the game im playing.
I understand that I am in a place where I shouldn't be comfortable with but I don't have the mind and energy to face anything. I am so lost but I don't feel desperate enough to ask for immediate help. This is my personal prayer to whoever is holding all of us in custody.
submitted by Narrow-Sun-4260 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 Animami__ Rituals or spell work for self love. Going through it. šŸ„²

Hello lovelies. Iā€™ve been having a very rough time these past 12 months and have never been more stressed in my life. I found out 10 months ago that my now ex husband was cheating. Divorce is finalizing soon. I was in college for nearly 6 years and have finally graduated after a lot of ups and downs. Iā€™m going through the process of selling my home and itā€™s been so stressful. But itā€™s nearly done.
Thankfully the universe has guided me and things are finally started to look up for me. But I just recently started a new birth control due to getting with my boyfriend, and it has caused a very bad hormonal acne flare up that I am having such a hard time dealing with mentally and physically. Itā€™s destroying my confidence which I usually have so much of.
I have a dermatologist appointment in a week. I need to show myself more love and kindness during this phase but Iā€™m struggling so much with negative self image.
What are some of your favorite rituals or spells that help you with gratitude and self love? I strongly believe in manifestation, positive speaking, and intentional spell work. I would love any help that yā€™all are willing to give. Even if itā€™s just kind words.
Blessed be.
submitted by Animami__ to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]