Ota blackberry 9700 theme bounce

I can't get sleep training to work

2024.05.13 17:04 Peaceinthewind I can't get sleep training to work

I read Precious Little Sleep and tried their method that's basically Ferber at 7 months old. Baby plateued at crying for 10-15 minutes when put down. After a whole month, it was still at 10-15 minutes. Around 2-5 night wakeups, I would feed at two of them but did let baby cry back to sleep if not one of the two feeding times.
I did the same wind down routine for naps but only difference was a bounced to sleep at the end because PLS said it's important when sleep training for them to get good sleep during the day and they won't get confused by naps being different than at night. PLS said wait until baby can sleep independently before tackling naps. So that's what I did.
Then at 8mo baby got sick and so I was constantly using the snot sucker and bouncing or feeding to sleep for comfort. At 8.5 months baby got better and we started the PLS method all over again. It's been 3 weeks (baby is now 9 mo) and it still takes 10-25 minutes for baby to stop crying and fall asleep. Naptimes have been fussier too.
What should I try to tweak or do differently? Should I also try to use the incremental checkins method for naps like we did with bedtime even though bedtime is not accomplished yet? Are some babies just so stubborn that sleep training doesn't work for them?
Our bedtime/nap wind down routine for context. It takes about 15 minutes. - Put on jammies/sleep sack - Baby on mama's lap while reading the same 5 bed-themed board books in the same order - Baby in arms while pulling down blackout shades. We say "Goodnight trees" to the window where there are trees outside and "Goodnight garden" to the window looking out to our garden. Baby likes to "help" close the shades with mama - Turn on sound machine and red light - Sing the same lullaby - If nap, bounce while walking around the room singing the lullaby and then transfer when asleep - If bedtime, after one verse of lullaby, set down, say "Good night [name]. I love you. I'll see you in the morning." Then give a kiss and leave the room.
submitted by Peaceinthewind to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:13 kebmpb [USA-GA] [H] NVIDIA Quadro P2200, i7-10700 x2, i7-9700 x2, i5-9400f x1, i5-7400 x1, i5-6400 x1, Blackberry Key2 LE [W] Local Cash, PayPal **ALL OBO**

Computer hardware is used and pulled from working systems.
Blackberry is used but in flawless condition. Unlocked to any carrier.
Quadro SOLD
i7-10700 -$155/each
i7-9700 -$125/each
i5-9400f -$50/each
i5-7400 -$30
i5-6400 -$20
Blackberry -$250
submitted by kebmpb to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:49 Redhood101101 How does one best run a Ravenloft Anthology campaign?

I adore Ravenloft and all its theming and idea so much. My friend got me the 5E Ravenloft book and we played Strahd a few years ago. I’ve been itching to return to the domains and have been kicking the idea of running an anthology style game, with the same party bouncing between different domains and getting little samples of each one.
How would one run this though? Most of the domains seem fairly low level so I feel like past level 6 or so dark lords would become a cake walk.
I also don’t want my game to feel like “dark lord assassination simulator” but I thought the only way to escape a domain was to defeat the dark lord.
submitted by Redhood101101 to ravenloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:44 softtechhubus Google Ads Campaigns: A Beginner's Guide to Success

Google Ads Campaigns: A Beginner's Guide to Success

Google Ads Campaigns: A Beginner's Guide to Success

Google Ads, formerly known as AdWords, is one of the most powerful marketing tools available for driving traffic and sales to a website or app. However, without the proper planning and strategy, campaigns can fail to meet business goals or be a waste of budget. This comprehensive guide will provide new Google Ads users with everything they need to know to set up successful campaigns from the very beginning.

Understanding the Basics of Google Ads

Before diving into campaign setup and management, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of some key Google Ads concepts and terminology. Let's briefly cover the basics.

Search vs. Display Networks

Google Ads has two main advertising networks - Search and Display. The Search Network shows your ads to people searching for related terms on Google Search and partner websites. The Display Network serves ads across millions of websites and apps based on people's interests and browsing behaviors. Most new advertisers start with search campaigns.

Campaigns, Ad Groups & Ads

A Google Ads account contains campaigns that each target a specific goal like increasing website clicks or sales. Within each campaign are ad groups that cluster ads around similar themes or products. Lastly, individual ads are the text, headlines and landing pages that users will see and click. Multiple campaigns can run at once to test different targeting or creative elements.

Keywords & Match Types

Keywords are the trigger words that determine when your ads will be shown. There are three match types that control keyword targeting - Broad, Phrase and Exact. Broad is the most loose and can show for variations, Phrase looks for the words together, and Exact requires an exact match to the keyword. Testing various match types is important.

Quality Score & Bidding

Google determines an ad's quality based on multiple factors like ad relevance, landing page experience, and ClickThroughRate (CTR). Ads with high quality scores may show more often for less cost. Bidding controls what you pay each time an ad is clicked or landed on. You can bid manually or let bids be optimized automatically based on campaign goals and performance.

Setting Up Your First Google Ads Campaign

Now that the essentials are covered, it's time to get started setting up the actual campaigns. Careful planning and goal-setting at this stage will lay the foundation for success.

Define Clear Campaign Objectives

Before doing anything in the interface, take time to clearly define the goals of this first campaign. Are you looking to generate website traffic, leads, sales, app installs, etc.? Be as specific as possible with what success looks like, such as "500 new subscribers by month end." Clearly defined goals allow for better measurements later on.

Choose an Appropriate Campaign Type

Google Ads has different campaign types optimized for various goals. Most new advertisers start with a Search campaign to get traffic from keyword searches. However, other options like Shopping (for ecommerce), App Promotion (for mobile apps), or Video Action (for Youtube) campaigns could be more suitable depending on your business. Choose the type aligned with your main objective.

Set a Realistic Budget & Schedule

It's crucial to allocate an appropriate budget based on your goals and financial means. Many experts recommend starting with $500/month or less initially while testing different strategies. You can always increase spending later once campaigns are optimized. Also determine a schedule, such as keeping campaigns active daily from 9am to 7pm. Budget and schedule form the core parameters of your campaigns.

Perform Competitive Research

Spend time analyzing your competitors' Google Ads to understand strategies that work well. Carefully examine their keywords, ads, and how highly they rank for various searches related to your business. Take notes on creative elements like headlines, descriptions and landing pages that performed well for them. This insight will help create better performing campaigns faster.

Select & Target Keywords

With goals and budget defined, it's time to choose the keywords or phrases that will trigger your ads. Start by brainstorming all relevant keywords for your business and products. Then prioritize your list based on volume, competitiveness and match to your offerings. You can import lists of keywords to target at once instead of adding one by one. Test various match types as well.

Setting Up Your Structured Campaign

Now that planning is complete, it's time to build out the actual campaign structure within Google Ads. Carefully following these steps will ensure it is properly optimized for success from the start.

Create the Campaign

In Google Ads, click "Campaigns" then "New Campaign" to get started. Give it a descriptive name aligned to your objective and set the campaign type selected during planning, such as Search. Choose your daily budget and schedule based on the parameters set earlier. Make sure to activate the campaign before proceeding.

Build Ad Groups

Ad groups allow organizing your ads by themes under the main campaign. Follow the 80/20 rule - focus ad groups on products or services generating 80% of revenue or interest. Give each group a self-explanatory name based on focus. Import or add the relevant keyword lists, applying appropriate match types based on volume and competition insights noted during planning.

Create Text Ads

Now it's time to write compelling ads within each group. Most new advertisers start with 1-2 line text ads as they are simplest. Carefully craft headlines that are short, highlight benefits clearly, and contain targeted keywords. Write descriptions that further explain what you offer and why customers need it now. Be sure to include a strong call-to-action for the desired goal.

Develop Landing Pages

The landing page experience greatly impacts whether searches convert into leads or sales. Create optimized pages for each ad or ad group with descriptions and features matching exactly what was promoted. Add clear calls-to-action and forms aligned to the set objective. Test various page layouts to see which perform best at capturing details from searchers. Ensure pages load fast on all devices.

Analyze & Improve

Now is the time to analyze performance data and make any necessary adjustments. Check search term reports to see keywords driving most value. Refine targeting based on what's working versus wasting budget. Tweak ad copy, landing pages or bids based on user behavior signals. Continually A/B test new creative or strategic elements. The optimization process is ongoing as you gain more insights from user interactions.

Advanced Strategies for Improved Results

With some data and experience under your belt, it's time to expand into more advanced tactics to further improve results. But take these steps gradually after mastering the fundamentals.

Optimize Landing Page Experience

Landing page UX greatly influences performance and conversion rates. Test page layouts, additional value propositions, mobile optimization and speed. Integrate retargeting pixels for re-engaging visitors. Carefully craft relevant copy and calls-to-action based on user search behaviors. Use analytics to continually improve key metrics like bounce rates and time on site.

Leverage Dynamic Keyword Insertion

To boost relevance and performance of keywords targeting longer-tail, lower-volume searches, leverage Dynamic Keyword Insertion (DKI) to automatically insert the searched keyword into the ad copy or landing page dynamically. This improves relevance and boosts CTRs for those keywords. Test DKI in split-tests against generic ads.

Expand to Target Placements

While keyword research should remain the priority, expanding targeting to include specific placements like the Google Display Network can drive additional value when optimized properly. Use placement targeting to promote to audiences most aligned with your business across relevant affiliate sites, blogs and apps based on their interests and behaviors. Analyze placement performance to refine targeting.

Try Enhanced Campaign Features

Google regularly rolls out new campaign features to help optimize results. Some worth exploring once campaigns are optimized include Smart Bidding to let algorithms automate bids, Maximize Conversions bidding strategy for lead/sales goals, App Campaigns for mobile apps, or Discovery ads format for standalone images/videos. Test carefully to see results for your business needs.

Analyze Using Advanced Segments

Google provides powerful filters to segment and analyze user behavior data in granular ways. Leverage segments like devices, locations, keywords, audiences and more to evaluate what tactics work best for specific buckets of searchers. For example, split-test ads that perform better on mobile versus desktop or target international vs domestic traffic differently.

Continually Test New Creative Elements

As campaign data grows over time, continually test new creative strategies in A/B experiments against existing top performers. This includes iterating headline/ad formats like long-vs-short headlines or one- vs two-line ads. Also test new landing page layouts, features, retargeting creatives or ad extensions. Learning never stops - data from testing reveals constant opportunities for optimization.

Measuring Success and Ongoing Optimization

With a well-structured campaign in place and data gaining, it's time to introduce measurements and optimize continually based on insights. Data-driven refinement is key to long term success on Google Ads.

Define Clear Key Performance Metrics

Decide on the top 3-5 metrics that define success for your campaign objective like leads, conversions, ROI etc. Closely track these metrics over time using Google Ads reports or your analytics system. Set benchmarks or target monthly increases. Continually optimize towards improving the metrics that matter most.

Analyze Performance Regularly

Dive deep into campaign, ad group and keyword performance reports at least weekly. Identify top and underperforming elements to scale up winners and refine losers. Evaluate CPC, CTR, CR, ROAS data. Use annotations and filters to make sense of large account data. Analyze over specific time windows like weekends vs weekdays.

Continually Test New Variables

There are always aspects of your campaigns not yet fully optimized through testing. Try modifying keywords, bids, match types, landing pages, creative formats and more to find incremental gains. Gradually test bolder changes like new targeting strategies or budget allocation over time as confidence grows with data. Continual testing leads to perpetual optimization.

Monitor External Factors

Your campaigns don't operate in a vacuum - external factors like seasonality, trends, competitors' strategies and more can influence performance heavily. Stay on top of changes like popular search terms or competitors bidding activity that may require nimble counter-strategy adaptations. Build sufficient budget flexibility to respond when needed.
I would recommend that You Enroll in Alison's free “Master the Fundamentals for Google Ads” course here to quickly set up profitable Google Ads campaigns using step-by-step guidance.

Consult Industry Experts for Reviews

Consider periodically bringing in Google Ads experts for fresh unbiased audits and reviews of your account structure and strategies. They can identify inefficient practices or opportunities being missed due to blindspots. Their expertise across countless advertiser accounts ensures your optimization approach remains industry leading. Major changes still require tests but audits highlight test-worthy ideas.

Spread Optimization Across Devices

As consumer behaviors change, ensure campaigns, creatives, and landing pages are optimized across all devices including mobile, tablets, and desktop. Split-testing is especially important to determine what tactics lead to the highest conversion rates across each device type. Landing page layouts may need customization too. Monitor device performance closely.
In summary, learning, testing, refining and ongoing optimization should be the long-term mindset for any successful Google Ads campaign manager. Data-based decision making and consistent refinement will lead to maximum results over time within changing market dynamics. Continuous improvement is key.
I would recommend that You Enroll in Alison's free “Master the Fundamentals for Google Ads” course here to quickly set up profitable Google Ads campaigns using step-by-step guidance.
Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through these links, I may earn a commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products or services that I have personally used and believe will add value to my readers. Your support through these links helps me keep providing valuable content. Thank you for your support!
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:51 xtremexavier15 TMA 6

The logo's 'D' transitioned the scene back to the studio, the shot showing all the former cast members on stage – the six losers on the right, the three guests on the left, and the two hosts in the center.
"Welcome back to the Aftermath show!" Damien said happily to the audience as they gave their applause. "We're currently talking with Izzy about herself and her time on the show!" The crowd cheered.
"Now it's time for Izzy to play Truth or Hammer!" Priya announced and turned to the quirky guest. "Season two started off so well for you. Where did things go wrong?"
“I think it was when I turned down that secret alliance with Chef,” Izzy dropped, causing everyone to gasp.
Damien looked up at the hammer and saw that it didn't lower down at all. “Chef actually tried to form a secret alliance with you?”
“Uh-huh. He said he'd help me win this thing if I shared the money with him,” Izzy answered.
“Whoa,” Geoff spoke out in surprise.
“Totally did not expect that,” Eva added.
Damien then heard something in his earpiece. “Hey, I think we've got a never-before-seen clip!” he mentioned as the camera panned up to the television.
After the static played out, the footage featured Chef and Izzy standing next to a trailer on the film lot. “I'll help you man up and win this thing. We split the prize money fifty-fifty,” Chef negotiated.
Chef held out his hand for a handshake, prompting Izzy to karate kick him out of view as an intern holding a clipboard watched from the background.
“Oh, I don't think so!” Izzy declined the offer, the intern becoming scared as the clip ended.
The shot focused on the hosts shocked by what they saw. “Wow!” Priya said.
“I can't believe Chef did that!” Damien commented.
“The impact was big though!” Priya mentioned as the part of Izzy kicking Chef in the chest was zoomed in and a circle was drawn around Izzy's foot. “Check that out!”
The clip now moved in slow motion as Chef flew away while Izzy bounced away from her impact, causing the camera to focus on the scared-looking intern.
“I'd advise that intern to run away!” Damien said while the intern's head was circled on, earning laughter from the audience.
“I would never hurt that intern,” Izzy claimed, and she back flipped in order to avoid the swinging hammer. “Whoa! Nearly got me that time.” The next shot showed the same intern watching from afar dropping his clipboard and running away due to what Izzy said.
“So then what happened after?” Priya asked Izzy.
“My guess is Chef went and made a demon deal with Brick,” Izzy theorized. “Yeah, I think Chef threw the acting challenge with Justin so Brick's team won and I lost. But, hey, what do I know?”
"Apparently, a lot," Priya remarked.
"How about we hear from another viewer now?" Damien looked down at the display in front of him. "Gluepunks350 asks, "Do you think Brick will get busted?"”
“Well, I don't know about Brick, but I busted my arm once. Yeah, look, now I'm double jointed.” Izzy bent her left arm backwards. “I'm doing it! Backwards!”
Damien felt weirded out. "I think we should move on to our next guest."
"Correct," Priya nodded as the camera panned back up to the hanging television. "Trent being here is quite surprising," she said as footage began to play of Trent talking to Geoff about the latter's tooth and him talking about the sleeping arrangements. "He is a Season 1 fan favorite after all."
"I agree with that," Damien said as the footage moved on to the guitarist offering Sky his toast. "Although he did start to slip up around episode two after seeing Sky and Chase become friends," he continued over Sky picking Chase for her team and Trent looking shocked.
"Not wanting to lose his girlfriend and the game, Trent tried depending on luck, and when that didn't work, he opted to throw the challenges in order to let Sky win thanks to Justin's advice on making her happy," Priya said over Trent attempting to put nine flags on his team's sandcastle, and then purposely tripping over a stick and being talked to by Justin.
“Luckily, Sky was not blind to Trent's subtle attempts to lose deliberately,” Damien spoke as the footage showed Sky getting annoyed over Trent's compliments and him throwing the rope to the ground and then the two of them talking to each other after bathing in a barrel, “and after a much needed talk, the two were able to resolve their problems.”
"Despite all this, Justin was able to gather enough votes to target Trent, and in the end, Trent's time on the show was over!" Priya finished, the clips of Justin talking to the girls about Trent's actions and the guitarist walking into the limo being played.
"Our next guest took down a serial killer and once got poisoned by a blowfish,” Damien recapped. “Please welcome Trent!"
The Aftermath theme played and applause issued from the audience as Trent walked onstage with a smile and his guitar in hand.
“We're live on the TDA Aftermath with Trent, everyone!” Priya announced while Trent waved for the camera and sat down next to Izzy.
“So what happened, Trent?” Damien got the interview started.
“At the start of the season, things were going great until Sky and I were split on different teams,” Trent delved in. “Then she and Chase started hanging out.”
“Jealousy can be quite common,” Topher muttered.
“True,” Sam agreed.
“Then the competition set in,” Trent resumed.
“We know there's something else,” Damien reminded.
“You mean, how stressful things got?” Trent answered.
“Yeah, and no. It mostly applies to you,” Priya stated. “Be careful how you answer this, because a humongous hammer can come down and knock you out of that couch!”
The musician was intrigued by this news before continuing. “Uh, I guess somewhere I decided Sky was more important than the money,” Trent said, and the hammer not coming down proved his honesty.
“I'm surprised you're being really cool with losing out on a million dollars,” Priya said.
“It's Trent. What else did you expect?” Damien told his girlfriend.
“I guess I just lost my game,” Trent sighed. “Really let my team down. Sorry, Grips,” he apologized to the camera, making the audience aww.
“I have to ask you about the number nine thing. Check it out,” Damien pointed up at the television, which was in static before fading to the clips.
“That's right. Nine turrets, nine doors,” Trent instructed as Brick and Jasmine poured more sand.
“Remember, nine of everything!” Trent added in, much to his teammates’ bother.
Sky's attention was caught by the number of sticks he carried. "Not to interrupt," she started to say, "but you're carrying nine sticks."
The focus was now back on Trent. “Dudes, there's a lot more to my number than it being luck!” he protested.
“You did depend on it for challenges because you wanted to win,” Gwen brought up.
“The number nine thing has nothing to do with Sky or the competition,” Trent debunked. “I had this toy train my granddad gave me as a kid. Right before he died. One of the wheels fell off, so there were only nine. I was devastated. So my mom told me nine was now my lucky number.”
After Trent finished his story, the camera showed shots of the hosts, the other guests, and the Peanut Gallery all reacting with sadness.
“Have you ever told Sky about this?” Katie asked.
“She is still your girlfriend,” Sadie pointed out.
“I haven't had time to, but I'll make good on my word,” Trent promised, and the audience applauded for him.
“We've got a lot of emails here,” Priya checked the display. “Snowgirl writes, "Trent, what kind of girl are you not into?"”
“Simple. They'd either have to be stalkers or the kind of girls that'd do anything to humiliate people for no reason,” Trent claimed.
"How about we check in on our web cams?" Damien suggested, leaning over to check the display in front of him. "We've got Ginger from Sudbury," he said before the camera pulled out enough to show the monitor, which flashed from static to a feed of a geeky young white girl with large glasses and her red hair in pigtails. "Hey Ginger!" Damien greeted as the young girl waved.
"Trent, I'd love it if you went psycho crazy over me!" the girl squealed.
“Side note, you've been getting a lot of admirers ever since you got eliminated,” Damien told Trent.
"Uh, yeah," Trent said uneasily.
"Thanks, Ginger," Priya said as Ginger waved once more and her feed cut to static. "We also have Steve," she looked at her display, "the...Yeti? From Vancouver!"
The static on the monitor cut away to show none other than Sasquatchanakwa, or at least something that looked very much like it. "Uh, how's it going?" Priya asked awkwardly.
"Chris McLean," the yeti began to say in a deep and growling voice before it faded into something much more familiar, "is the best host ever! How'd you get your own show?" He leaned towards the camera angrily, his long white teeth bared. "You stink!"
"Yo Chris," Chef's voice said from the yeti's end. "If I wanted to take a hot tub by myself, I-" The yeti smiled sheepishly. "Oh! You on the webcam?"
"Chris?" the two hosts asked in bewilderment as the audience roared in laughter.
Chef then got next to Chris. “Don't believe a word Izzy says,” he advised. “Girl's crazy.”
Priya and Damien looked at each other before the former spoke. "Now it's time for a segment that we like to call, 'That's Gonna Leave a Mark!'"
The crowd cheered as a short introduction was played with clips of various contestants getting hurt throughout the seasons scrolling across a sunburst pattern in a manner similar to part of the Gilded Chris ceremony introduction, albeit with a different theme tune.
Damien sighed happily as the shot cut back to him and Priya. "I do not miss getting humiliated."
"Here's what all of you didn't get to see on the show!" Priya looked back up as the television descended, and cut to the first in a series of clips set to a campy tune comprised primarily of a tuba, drums, and whistling.
The first clip showed Justin and Izzy walking backstage in their costumes during the acting challenge. Just then, a headlight fell and clubbed Justin on the head. "Looks like it's lights out for Justin," Damien said as the crowd laughed and a circle was drawn around the impact.
A bout of static heralded the second clip, in which Eva and Geoff were running through the beach set during the monster movie challenge. "This is a good one," Priya said as the monster stomped across the screen and left Eva and Geoff shaped holes on the ground, earning more laughter.
The third clip focused on Millie patting the sand castle for support until something bit her. She pulled her hand out and saw a crab pinched to her finger. "Ooh!" the hosts winced as a circle was drawn around the crab.
Next was a shot of Anne Maria twirling her lasso around. She threw it forward, but it got wrapped around her legs and pulled her down. "I don't even know what to draw for this," Priya laughed.
The next clip began to play. It consisted of nothing more than Mama Alien Chef walking forward with determination only to slip and fall on a pile of his own slime, his gun flying off-screen before a few shots rained back down on the fallen cook.
"Now that's gonna leave a mark," Damien said as Chef was circled and the scene cut back to the set. "With what's been happening," he said after a bit more laughing, "I am so glad I'm not competing."
“Do you guys think I could sing a song?” Trent asked Damien and Priya and held his guitar. “It's something I wrote after I left the show.”
“I'm not going to stop you,” Priya shrugged.
Trent strummed a beat to start his song, and the Peanut Gallery, Damien, Priya, Izzy, Geoff, and Eva listened attentively.
“We'll be separated for a couple of days,
And I know inside our heads our love stays.
I know I'll be okay, but I also know I'll be in a bad mood…
If I didn't show how much I love you…
And you love me too.”
When the song ended, the audience applauded and cheered heavily for Trent. “Sky, I want you to know that I'll be watching and rooting for you here,” he gave a shout out to his girlfriend, earning an 'Aww' from the audience.
"Now that is true love if I do say so myself," Priya gushed heavily with her arm on Damien's shoulder.
"Don't forget that ours is just as strong, if not more," Damien teased before he leaned in and kissed Priya, the audience oohing as the beginnings of a familiar tune began to play in the background.
“Could we get that hammer out here?” Izzy asked playfully and spoke to the camera. “I guess that's a wrap. Priya and Damien will see you next time!”
"You've got that right," Damien said as the kiss was broken and the Aftermath theme began to play.
"We've got a huge season coming up!" Priya added.
"And we'll be joining you again for another Aftermath!" Damien continued.
"Don't forget to follow Chris next time," Priya said with a smile, "for the next dramatically thrilling episode of Total! Drama! Action!" The audience cheered wildly, and another quick jingle played as the scene cut to the show's title card, the block letters gleaming one last time before fading to black.
(Roll the Credits)
(Bonus Clip)
The scene showed Izzy and Trent inside of the green room. Trent was in the middle of playing on his guitar and Izzy was helping herself to more food.
“So I gotta ask,” Trent said suddenly. “How come you didn't mind being called by your real name instead of “E-Scope”?”
Izzy stopped stuffing herself with crackers as soon as the question was asked. “Say what?”
“I'm talking about how the whole time you were competing, you'd act bratty because you weren't called by the name you wanted to be referred to as,” Trent pointed out.
“Well, I was repeatedly told that it was getting old and grating,” Izzy explained. “That kinda bummed me out cause I just wanted everyone to find it funny.”
“And they didn't,” Trent responded. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Izzy shrugged. “I'm not going to change my personality entirely, but the alter-egos should be taken down a notch. So about those secret admirers...”
“I don't even want to delve into those when I already have a loving girlfriend thank you very much,” Trent finished their conversation.
“Right,” Izzy nodded and returned back to her binge eating.
Eva - 14th
Geoff - 14th
Izzy - 12th
Trent - 11th
Killer Grips: Anne Maria, Brick, Jasmine, Justin, Millie
Screaming Gaffers: Chase, MK, Ripper, Scott, Sky
submitted by xtremexavier15 to u/xtremexavier15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:49 TheDisturbedSloth Day 2 Brainstorming Ideas

Day 2 Brainstorming Ideas
It is Sunday today, we spent a bunch of time out of the house in the Chihuly Garden and Museum of Pop Art in Seattle. I think it's always good to visit places where you can get inspired. Just being in Chihuly made me want to go back home to canvas and paint.
Anyway, with the game-to-be I spent probably 30-45 minutes:
I visited the develop.games again and checked out the game design document, I'll read it more tomorrow. I always find documentation of thoughts helpful, and working in corp, a good whitepaper just always gets my blood running :D
I also set up a Figma board to brainstorm game ideas. At the moment I have 4 thoughts, I'll figure out which one to pursue more later. If you have any comments to them, let me know.
First idea board for games that I could make
Anxiety Game - a story like "RPG" that runs through day/week of a life of a person with anxiety. This topic is close to me because lately I've been dealing with a lot more anxiety and I'm curious if this can be made into a game.
Something Mario-like - not much more thought yet, but generally, I'm thinking, what would be fun to replace in Mario story - like what "theme" could you switch to, and what characters would be there then? I'll see if I come with some fun ideas.
Break Out - that one I thought about yesterday when falling asleep. I'm trying to to imagine a "new" way to solve maze. Like how can you make it more fun to solve the maze, that it would not only Involve finding the way out, but also some other mechanic when moving the "character" from the maze. I am thinking of one old game I used to play, where you bounce ball of the sliding platform to destroy a mass of squares above, can't figure out what that game was.
Corporate Escape - I kind of feel like a game with similar theme must exist already. Something about a person trying to escape corporate world and having to find obstacles such as fear, golden handcuffs, peer pressure, societal expectations, scorning look from parents :D
Anyway, not much "tangible" progress, I don't have any graphics or lines of code. But at least I'm moving forward, I guess.
Oh, there was this exposition in the MoPOP with the stop-motion movies from LAIKA studio. That was inspiring - it might be an interesting style choice for a game, stop motion.
Game completion (%): 0
Time spent (h): 3
submitted by TheDisturbedSloth to DisturbedSlothGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:36 FiercePokerFace The Mystery of the Gone Maid of Honor

There are several dramatic stories surrounding my wedding, but this one for sure takes the cake. I’m happily married for 7 years now, but every now and again I still get caught up in the mystery of WTF happened. Maybe ya’ll can give me some insight or perspective. This is going to be a long one, so buckle up)
So let me set the scene.
I had a childhood best friend, we’ll call her Lina, with whom we met when we were around 11 years old. We became friends at school and our families became friends as well, like we’d all go on trips, holidays and vacations and that sort of things. Unfortunately due to our parent's jobs we had to travel quite a bit, so after 3 years our families moved our separate ways, but we kept in contact. We wrote real paper letters to each other. And when internet became a thing we kept in touch on a regular basis. Later in life we found ourselves living in the same city so we reconnected. We’re both kind of introverted, but we met to hang out, and regularly talked online. I considered her my best friend, so when I got engaged I asked her to be my maid of honor.
Now, I’m not from US, in my part of the world it’s a really casual thing, basically she just had to accompany me on the wedding day, helping out during the photoshoot and carrying a bride’s SOS kit and that’s pretty much it. I didn’t require help with any planning or stuff like that, never meant for her to run any errands. I had a light steampunk theme to my wedding so she had to dress up and maybe buy her own dress or accessories to fit the theme, but they weren’t like a strict required list. The wedding was small - the reception was just 25 people on a boat restaurant. She agreed and seemed genuinely happy for me, she was there throughout my budding relationship and romance with my now husband and knew how important this whole thing was to me, especially when I have quite a rocky relationship with my side of the family, but that’s a whole other wedding drama.)
So I started planning. She wasn’t mostly involved although I bounced some ideas, shared photos of the prep. I think I asked her to help once, I had a big fight with my parents and needed someone to help me pick up my dress from the shop after alterations, she agreed but then something fell though and I had to do it myself, but that was a small hiccup I paid no mind. As the wedding day grew closer, she sent me pictures of different looks she picked out for the wedding, she was definitely getting ready to attend.
By our wedding schedule, the night before, she and I were supposed to move into my wedding hotel of choice (a historical castle venue), I didn’t have a bachelorette party so I thought we’d have like a slumber party with my friend, then on the day of my fiancee will arrive with the best man for a getting ready shoot and the wedding shoot, then we’d all go to the ceremony and finally to reception.
Then it gets weird. 2 days before the wedding, she texts me asking if my stylist would have time to do her hair. I checked with her and said yes, of course, I gave her my stylist’s contacts so they could sort the specifics out. 1 day before the wedding my stylist texts me that Lina hasn’t contacted her at all and she needed to know the specifics and stuff. I was fairly busy and I gave Lina’s contact to the stylist. After a while she lets me know that no one answers. I start to get worried as we’re supposed to check into the hotel this evening. I start calling and messaging Lina - she doesn’t answer. I start to panic. Eventually, literally hours before I have to leave for the hotel, my mother contacts Lina’s mother and finds out that she’s down with like a stomach flu or something (mind you, there is still literally no word from Lina at this point). After a while, I get a short text from her that she can’t make it. As if the wedding wasn’t stressful enough, I make last minute adjustments to our schedule and instead of a slumber party with my friend we just checked in with my fiancee the evening before and his best man arrived the next day to help us out through the day (seriously, gals, if you don’t have a gay best man in your party - get one!). I texted Lina in hopes that maybe she’d at least be able to make it for the official part, because I really wanted my best friend to be there on my special day, but she went radiosilent. On the wedding day she sent me a text with her best regards, didn’t call the day after or anything, just went radio silent.
The wedding was a blast, we had a lot of fun, and a lot of great photos, themed weddings in my country are not a widespread thing, we were on a lot of vendors’ portfolios for months, and our relatives still remember this day very fondly. I was caught up in all of it, not really having the time to process what happened with Lina, at that time I genuinely thought she was sick and felt bad for her missing out on everything. Almost immediately after the wedding, we went on our honeymoon to Italy, I didn’t get any word from her and started to think something was up, but still thought this was an unfortunate accident, I even bought her souvenirs…
When I returned from my honeymoon, she’s still radiosilent, this was already three weeks after the wedding. At this point I felt resentful, because the whole thing felt off. I called her, she didn’t pick up. I texted her asking if she was going to hide forever or what. She texted me something in the lines of - I’m busy now, I’ll contact you when I can, sure let’s meet.
Well, it’s been 7 years since then. She never called or texted back. The only message I ever got from her after that was a text on Forgiveness Sunday somewhere along the lines “Forgive me if I ever wronged you”. That was when I snapped and unfriended her on all my social media and blocked her everywhere. I didn’t block her number though in hopes that maybe one day she’d call and tell me what the hell happened. Looking back at this whole thing I really doubt she got sick, she just randomly decided she won’t show up the day before the wedding for whatever reason and then ghosted me. No explanation, no apology, no nothing. I don’t get it. We never had a fight, we were always on good terms. Thinking back, if the things were the other way around and for instance, I got sick the day before my friend’s wedding, I wouldn’t miss it for the world, I’d chug all the medicine out there and at least scramble myself to the ceremony.
Ok, even if you got sick so bad you couldn’t attend (and that happens, I get it) don’t you want to call your friend after, or find out how it went? Ask how the honeymoon went and stuff? Some people told me, like maybe she did’t want to be the maid of honor and couldn’t tell me, because she didn’t want to hurt my feelings, yeah, but like, disappearing on my wedding day wouldn’t? Weddings are not for everyone, that’s for sure, but why wait til literally the last minute to say you’re out? If she didn’t want to attend, why was she dress shopping and asking for my stylist to do her hair and then disappearing? This all puzzles me.
Since I unfollowed her, I don’t know much what’s going on in her life now. Her mom casually texts with my mom which sometimes also gets weird. Like recently she casually dropped something about Lina’s husband and my mom said something like, ‘Oh, I didn’t know Lina got married, you never told us, congrats!’ and Lina’s mom snapped and texted stuff like “Oh, and why should I’ve told you? You sound like you’re resentful, get a life”. I saw those texts and it’s bizarre. This kind of reaction makes the whole story even more sus. Eventually, I think, that maybe Lina was jealous that I was the first to get married or something, and at the same time I don’t think this was some kind of elaborate plot. People theorized over the years various things from “she wasn’t really your friend” to “what if she had a crush on you and didn’t want to watch you get married”. Honestly, I have no idea what to think. And I’m sad our relationship ended that way.
submitted by FiercePokerFace to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:35 EJC28 Vikings 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 10 - J.J. McCarthy, QB, Michigan:
NFL: The Vikings move up one spot to find their future at the quarterback position. McCarthy is a winner (SEE: 27-1 record as a starter at Michigan) and big-time playmaker with arm talent and athleticism. Head coach Kevin O’Connell routinely sets his quarterbacks up for success and it should be no different with McCarthy.
CBS Sports: C+. They had to fill the quarterback spot, so it makes sense to take McCarthy. I don’t love him as much as others do, but it will be interesting to see how Kevin O’Connell and gang will make it work.
ESPN: The Vikings had no Plan B in the first round. They knew they had to come away with a quarterback after letting Kirk Cousins depart via free agency. They set their initial sites on North Carolina's Drake Maye, who went to the Patriots at No. 3, before moving up one spot to No. 10 to make McCarthy the fifth quarterback taken in the draft. While McCarthy was not their first choice to succeed Cousins, the Vikings will put him into the best environment for success among any of the 2024 first-round quarterback class. He'll sit behind Sam Darnold, at least initially, while coach Kevin O'Connell applies his considerable quarterback development skills. McCarthy will also be in good hands with new quarterbacks coach Josh McCown. And when he does get on the field, McCarthy will have a terrific array of skill players around him, from wide receivers Justin Jefferson and Jordan Addison to running back Aaron Jones and tight end T.J. Hockenson.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Knows the lyrics to the MAS*H theme song.
Round 1, Pick 17 - Dallas Turner, DE, Alabama:
NFL: Turner played in a high-leverage scheme under Nick Saban, so he should fit well into Brian Flores’ unit in Minnesota. Adding an athletic freak like Turner with great first-step quickness, bend and burst is huge for a defense that’s always challenging the IQ of opposing QBs.
CBS Sports: A. Love this move to go get Turner. He will be the best edge player in this class. The Vikings have had a lot of success with edge players and he fits with what Brian Flores wants to do.
ESPN: The Vikings benefitted from the early run on quarterbacks, and the record number of 23 offensive players taken in the first round, to get one of the best defensive players in this draft. Turner will further revamp a Vikings defense that bid farewell to four starters during the spring and signed three others. While versatility is important in defensive coordinator Brian Flores' scheme, Turner said that the team's initial ask of him will be simple: "Start rushing the passer as soon as I get off the plane."
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: His browser homepage is the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Round 4, Pick 108 - Khyree Jackson, CB, Oregon:
NFL: Jackson is a later bloomer, having bounced around to several schools, and he'll turn 25 in training camp. But he has unusual length for a DB, at nearly 6-foot-4, and can be tried as a matchup piece for Brian Flores' defense.
CBS Sports: A. Alabama turned Oregon star. Reminds me of Xavien Howard as a prospect in that he’s a towering, physical CB with high highs and low lows. Tries to suffocate WRs at the line and reasonably effective doing so. Tackling is good. Quicker separators can get the best of fine. Precisely a Brian Flores type.
ESPN: The Vikings addressed the cornerback position after focusing on their front-seven during free agency. Jackson will be 25 when the season begins, but the team loved his height (nearly 6-foot-4), length (32 3/4 arm length) and instincts. The temptation is to consider him a multi-positional hybrid player at that size, but senior vice president of player personnel Ryan Grigson said: "We think he can be a hell of an outside corner." Jackson joins veteran Shaquill Griffin as the top two newcomers at the position.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Slept in a blanket fort throughout most of college.
Round 6, Pick 177 - Walter Rouse, OT, Oklahoma:
NFL: Rouse's run blocking is ahead of his pass protection, but the Sooners trusted him at left tackle more than former five-star recruit Cayden Green last year. Rouse has good experience at that spot and boasts ideal length, but he really hasn't played anywhere but left tackle and is a bit clunky in space.
CBS Sports: B. Classic Sooners blocker. Huge, clunky feet with plenty of power. Will torque defenders out of running lanes. Plays with strong grip strength. Not a tortoise getting out into space just won’t be a speciality in the NFL. Further ahead in pass protection but can be stretched beyond athletic limit by outside rushers.
ESPN: Rouse has extensive experience at left tackle, having started 52 games there during his college career at both Oklahoma and Stanford. He also showcased versatility at right tackle in the East-West Shrine Bowl, and that makes him a potentially valuable swing backup considering left tackle Christian Darrisaw has missed games for injuries in each of his three NFL seasons. Veteran David Quessenberry also re-signed after a year as the team's swing tackle.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: With the 1st pick of the 6th round, [team name] selects [positiion] [name].
Round 6, Pick 203 - Will Reichard, K, Alabama:
NFL: Our second specialist. Reichard is extremely accurate from 50 yards in, and he delivered a clutch 52-yarder in the Rose Bowl. With the new kickoff rules, Reichard's lack of booming leg strength might not be a problem, and playing more than half his games indoors also helps.
CBS Sports: C+. Multiple years of high-level accuracy, and his make percentage actually increased in each of three years. Big, not enormous leg. This is a need.
ESPN: Reichard has the inside track on replacing incumbent kicker Greg Joseph, who signed with the Packers as a free agent. O'Connell has said there will be a competition during training camp, and former XFL kicker John Parker Romo is already on the roster. But the Vikings were enamored with Reichard's field goal accuracy (6-for-7) in the pressure situations he faced in Alabama's playoff runs and believe he improved his kickoffs between 2022 and 2023 as well.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Played 2 seasons in Miami before realizing he was in Ohio.
Round 7, Pick 230 - Michael Jurgens, C, Wake Forest:
NFL: Jurgens probably has to make it as a center, lacking ideal power or movement skill. He's a bump-and-steer center who wins as much with his mind as with his physical gifts.
CBS Sports: B. Experienced center with reasonable burst off the line but no ability to sustain speed throughout the play. Power is there but can get overzealous and lunge, which hurts his balance and recovery ability. NFL-caliber size and length for the center spot.
ESPN: Jurgens was not invited to the combine or any all-star games, but senior vice president of personnel Ryan Grigson said the Vikings have been tracking him for several seasons. He was primarily a center but moved to guard during his final season at Wake Forest, proving to be "very productive," Grigson said. Proving that positional flexibility will be key for making the roster. The Vikings appear to be headed for a transition at left guard, where Blake Brandel -- a backup over the past few seasons -- is the favorite to start.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Dumped a garbage can of marbles down the stairs at school.
Round 7, Pick 232 - Levi Drake Rodriguez, DT, Texas A&M-Commerce:
NFL: He was playing at Southwestern Assemblies of God two years ago, so the leap in competition he'll face in the NFL will be significant. But his feisty, violent play style makes him intriguing.
CBS Sports: C+. Upfield rusher at defensive tackle who tends to make himself an easy target for interior blockers because of his high pad level and not always active hands. Showed some initial pass-rush plans but not a big counter type. Motor hums every play.
ESPN: Drake-Rodriguez came a long way to get drafted, something the Vikings considered heavily in their evaluation. He began his career playing football and baseball at Southwest Assemblies of God University, an NAIA school, and worked his way up. The Vikings loved his attitude during a visit and know "he doesn't take anything for granted" and "plays like a crazy man," according to senior vice president of personnel Ryan Grigson.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Has additional 8mm film from Dallas, not the Kennedy thing just birds.
submitted by EJC28 to minnesotavikings [link] [comments]


YA‘LL BETTER EXPLAIN WHY THE FUCK I GOT THIS AS A RESULT! submitted by CrysisFan2007 to cursedmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:04 scribblermendez A Critique of 'The Saint of Bright Doors' by Vajra Chandrasekera

This is probably going to be in the top 5 best books I read in 2024. I read this as a library book, but I intend to buy the hardback next time I visit a store.
I have the feeling my enjoyment won't be a very common opinion. This book has layers. And to be honest, I don't fully understand this book. I don't know about castes, as an example, so some of this book went over my head.
Before we begin, do you have a book which needs editing? Do you want to read more reviews? Here is a link: The Rest of My In Depth Reviews
This book is steeped in Southern Asian culture, a culture I'm not a part of. I'm writing this review in good faith, but I'm well aware I'm approaching this from a place of ignorance. So as you read this, please give me the benefit of the doubt if I make any mistakes.
This novel is a cultural critique of how a Buddhist society can use Buddhism as a cudgel to legitimize control and oppress minorities.
At the same time this book has a surreal bent. The main antagonist, 'The Perfect and Kind,' has reality warping power. Here's a spoiler: at one point, the protagonist is about to assassinate 'The Perfect and Kind.' To survive the assassination attempt, 'The Perfect and Kind' rewrites the events of the prior three days to prevent the assassination from ever happening. This is just the tip of the spear in terms of how weird this book is.
I really enjoyed this book, and was never bored. Now that said, the book only kicks into high-gear about halfway through. Before the halfway point, it is a traditional rebellion against authority story; after the halfway point, it becomes a surreal rebellion.
If you like traditional Western fight-scene focused fantasy novels, this book will not provide that. This book is more focused on how governments use violence against their people; violence is the tool of the enemy in this book, not the heroes.
To put this review/study in proper context, you must know my starting point.
Just being honest with ya'll, when I heard this was nominated for a Hugo I assumed it would be a bad book; I read last year's Hugo slate and they left me underwhelmed. (Yeah, I know how shallow that sounds. But I bounced off HARD from last year's slate and especially last year's drama.)
I was pleasantly surprised upon reading 'The Saint of Bright Doors.' It's actually good!
In the Buddhist tradition, when the Buddha began his spiritual journey he abandoned his wife and child. For the Buddha to find personal enlightenment, he had to renounce all worldly attachments, including family. His son was such a fetter.
'The Saint of Bright Doors' is about a man named Fetter, the abandoned son of a living god called 'The Perfect and Kind.' Fetter now wants to kill his father 'The Perfect and Kind' in revenge for being abandoned as a child.
This book is about the complicated relationship people can have with Buddhism. In the West, we like to think of Buddhism as a nonviolent religion; in truth, Buddhists are as capable of violence as anyone else. This book features castes, needlessly bureaucratic government, religious abuse, and a police state... with 'The Perfect and Kind' (aka the Buddha) being able to meddle with and control all of it. The author is from Sri Lanka, where Buddhist monks play an active role in politics; I'm just guessing that in some way frustration with the status quo in Sri Lanka informed the writing of this novel.
On top of it all is a heaping-helping of magical realism.
At one point, the protagonist is imprisoned for a crime, and he's sent to a prison which (I think) is loosely based on a bureaucratic vision of a Buddhist hellish afterlife. What follows is a surreal, Kafka-esque sequence of bureaucratic madness. The protagonist doesn't even know why he's imprisoned... indeed, no one imprisoned knows why they're in Hell/prison. It's never explained why Fetter was sent to Hell, and that's the point. In Buddhism, everything is empty of meaning, even death; spiritually, this imprisonment is pointless. It also represents a government system run amok, repressing people merely to save face without making anyone actually safer.
The sequence in hell/prison reminded me of Josiah Bancrof's 'Books of Babel,' where characters enter the tower of Babel on vacation, and in order to climb the tower you have to join the culture of the locals in the tower and act as the locals act to progress. No one in the tower of Babel understands how or why the tower exists, just as no one in this book understands why the hell/prison in 'The Saint of Bright Doors' is as baffling in the way it is.
Even after Fetter escapes prison, he's not truly escaped; the vicissitudes of samsara follows him back to Luriat, for Luriat's police state is just another layer of imprisonment. He realizes that even though he escaped the physical prison, he'll never escape the spiritual prison, for the entire world is a prison. Fetter tries to escape suffering by escaping prison, and it doesn't work. Suffering follows him out.
It was with this realization that this book came into it's own. When he realized he'd always be entrapped in a prison of his father's creation, it became more necessary than ever to fight and rebel against his father.
Some of the reviews I read for this book claim that this book is listless, where Fetter goes from one random adventure to another without a solid link between them. This time in prison is one such 'listless' adventure. I think they're wrong about it being 'listless.'
'The Perfect and Kind' is this book's antagonist, but I wouldn't call him evil. The author is very careful to point out that 'The Perfect and Kind' rejects all forms of duality; thus, evil simply doesn't apply to him because 'good and evil' are a duality. If we reject duality, we must simply assume his actions are performed because of simple human ambition.
'The Perfect and Kind' becomes the antagonist because the government of the city use his religion as a rallying cry to justify pogroms, mass-imprisonment, and censoring dissent. Even the clergy of 'The Perfect and Kind' religion take part in the chaos.
Fetter's Mother is a secondary antagonist. The Mother-of-Glory is the jilted lover left behind by 'The Perfect and Kind' when he became a renunciate monk; she swore revenge and raised Fetter from a young age to be an assassin and kill his father. She is justified in her rage: 'The Perfect and Kind' learned her culture's traditional magics, and learned them better than anyone who had come before. He used those magics to become a god, dumped her, and then rewrote reality so no one would ever know that's how he ascended.
Fetter himself is emotionally repressed. After escaping his mother's death cult, he's joined a support group for Almost-Chosen Ones, trying to gain his own agency away from his towering destiny. He and his friends lead a rebellion against the status quo, trying to topple the oppressive government.
I liked how Fetter felt a pull towards both parents: I don't know if the author intended to write a Daoist character, but I saw his parents as opposite poles. His mother is very Yang: she's frequently quoted as saying 'change only comes through directed violence.' His father is very Yin: 'The Perfect and Kind' prefers to solve problems by indirect means, such as discussion or manipulation. (My goodness, their marriage must have been a mess.)
Fetter defeats BOTH parents after he learned BOTH of their strengths: he used his mother's rage to lead the revolt, while he used his father's emotional stability to not be washed away in the madness of the cycles of violence which eternally rip Luriat apart. That is a solid character arc.
And yet, the story seems to hold Fetter at an emotional arm's length. I personally feel like the story did a decent job of exploring Fetter's emotionality, but I wanted the book to explore his emotions a bit more. His love story in particular felt underdeveloped.
The first half of the book was devoted to a growing rebellion against the repressive government of Luriat, while Fetter is desperately rejecting his destiny of killing his father. In the second half, 'The Perfect and Kind' moves to Luriat and takes over it's repressive government. Now Fetter must kill his father to save Luriat and fulfill his destiny, whether he likes it or not.
The first half of the book feels 'normal' (aka, not slipstream), while the addition of 'The Perfect and Kind' in the second half of the book makes the book feel 'weird,' as the very fabric of narrative reality begins to break down. This 'weirdness' gives the book an uneven texture while reading. This uneven texture isn't necessarily a bad thing! Indeed, I wish the author leaned it the uneven texture more. More on this later, when I discuss setting.
The book had minimal tension. At one point important named characters begin to die, and I was left unmoved. I think the author wanted to evoke sadness in the reader when important named characters began to die, but I was so emotionally detached from the characters in this book that I didn't feel sadness.
(You know how I said 'I wanted the book to explore his emotions a bit more' above? The book didn't do enough to sell me on those emotions, and the tension suffered because of it. At least for me.)
Additionally, the whole slipstream-y-ness of this book added a further layer of detachment to the book. This book was so 'anything goes' when it comes to 'cause and effect' that I was left questioning whether or not dead characters were actually dead, or if they would come back. This narrative played by it's own rules, for both good and ill.
And it's fine if this book doesn't have cutthroat tension. Not all books have to have world-ending stakes.
One thing I liked was how the death of 'The Perfect and Kind' does NOT solve the city's problems. Yes, 'The Perfect and Kind' was meddling with events in an effort to consolidate his power, however human nature was always the problem. Luriat had problems before he arrived, and will still have problems after his death, because suffering is the default state of the universe.
The author successfully used foreshadowing to set up and pay off several prophesies. I like pointing out when an author successfully uses foreshadowing, because so many don't.
I liked the authorial voice of this book. It is very pretty. Here's a link to the goodreads quotation page for a taste of some of it.
As for theme, this book exists in a Buddhist context, but strikes me as being counter-cultural to the Buddhist message. I dunno, I'm Western so I don't feel expert enough to speak as an authority on how this book should be interpreted. But the Buddha is the bad guy in this.
If I'm reading this book right, I think this book re-enacts the life of the Shakyamuni Buddha, but told from his son's perspective. But it also adds a queer lens: not only is Fetter gay, but 'The Perfect and Kind' and the Mother-of-Glory both have same sex lovers. It also adds a modern lens, with computers and bureaucratic governments and social media. It also adds a decolonialist lens; 'The Perfect and Kind' conquered Luriat and the hinterlands. This conquest upset the local Mother, whose entire culture was subsumed and forgotten.
If I'm reading this book right, this book engages with Buddhism as a historical entity and local custom, as opposed to it's theology. It doesn't engage with the Eightfold Path or the Four Noble Truths, but instead looks at how the clerics and monks of the religion can lead pogroms and persecutions. The book isn't wrong to be so jaded; right now Sri Lanka is going through some stuff, and Buddhist monks are playing a political role on both sides. It must be disheartening to see your religion tearing itself apart like that.
This books is a very interstitial. Fetter is the biracial child in a city where you get categorized according to race. He's stuck in-between loyalty to his warring parents and their warring philosophical worldviews. Queerness is innately interstitial. And the theme of doors opening to nowhere is innately interstitial.
The city of Luriat is a character in and of itself. It is located on a magical confluence, where reality never seems to quite stay pinned down. There exist Bright Doors in Luriat; doors which open into almost-was worlds which once existed but are now forgotten. A harsh and nonsensical bureaucracy has taken control of the city of Luriat, to clamp-down on the wild magics and diseases which wash through the place regularly... though in actual practice, the bureaucracy is used by factions to punish their enemies without cause. I'd compare it to 'The City and the City' by China Mieville.
The culture of people in Luriat changes on a whim, and the protagonist can never be quite certain it changed because of the constant reality warping or because he simply missed out on the newest social media wave.
I liked how the author used the surreal, dreamlike feel of Luriat as a metaphor to discuss the rapid-fire nature of cultural developments on places like Twitter, though I don't know if that was deliberate by the author or if I'm just reading into things. The setting is intentionally confusing, and it's wonderful. Luriat is a vibrant megalopolis, which refuses to be pinned down.
NOW THAT SAID, it could have been better. This book constantly cites castes and races are at the heart of the various conflicts in the story: what races were these, what castes are these? How do they relate to one another? The book points out multiple factions of Kings and Queens. Who are they? Gimme answers.
Now imagine if the narrative described these castes and factions in the first half of the novel. When reality starts changing, the reader would feel those changes all the more intensely. What if caste A represses caste B in the first timeline, only for caste B to repress caste A in the second timeline? Because the book never explored the details of the conflicts in question, when they changed it wasn't impactful.
If you've played Bioshock Infinite, there is a sequence when timelines begin to merge, when a Theocratic Conservative government loses power to a Worker's Rebellion a la the Haitian Revolution. I wanted a dramatic moment like that to happen in 'Saint of Bright Doors,' when it seems like the whole world changes in the blink of the eye. I feel like the book could have done more with the whole retroactive reality warping thing.
And finally, I have to complement how the author used the topic of architecture to discuss Luriat's history. By discussing different construction styles, this gave Luriat a feeling of timeless depth. A lot of fantasy books I read feel a bit skin-deep, with only a little bit of history; Luriat feels like it's been around for A WHILE. I liked that.
I listened to the audiobook. The audiobook narrator was VERY GOOD... however, this book is confusing. I had to back up and re-listen to segments more than once to make sure I understood was was going on. I suggest you read a paper or ebook version of this book; it might help with the clarity. Also, the prose is beautiful enough that reading it with your eyes might help you savor it more.
As an author, I want to improve my own writing/editing skills. To that end, I like to learn lessons from every story I read. Here's what I learned from this story:
Here's a link to all the lessons I've previously learned.
submitted by scribblermendez to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:16 Brime_Time OGG #7: Chapel Hill Golf Course

Welcome back to the Ohio Golf Guide. See my first post here: https://www.reddit.com/OhioGolf/comments/19eq5na/ogg_ohio_golf_guide_first_postsample/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3
If you'd like to request a course for review, leave it below.
Here's my latest review:
Course/Location/Par: Chapel Hill Golf Club/Mount Vernon/72
Length/Rating/Slope: White 6034 (68.9/121) Blue 6351 (70.3/123) Black 6856 (72.9/125)
Architect: Barry Serafin
Walkability: It’s a challenging walk, but doable. The biggest issue is that holes 13-17 are across a road and you’d have a long walk to get over there. In general, I’d recommend a golf cart.
Course Layout: Hinted at in the name, the course is built upon a hilltop. The course has a great balance to its layout between hilly, open holes and flatter holes that tighten up a bit. I wouldn’t say that this course has an overarching theme, but most of the holes are interesting and nothing feels gimmicky.
Conditions: Stellar. I played it in April 2024 and the greens are always spectacular here. Fairways and rough are well manicured. The grounds crew here pays attention to detail, and it shows. The bunkers even have sand!
Amenities: The biggest drawback is that the driving range was recently removed. I believe it’s due to some sort of dispute with the church that the range was nearby. Doesn’t sound like they wanted to love thy neighbor anymore. Now there are some hitting nets setup outside the clubhouse to warm up. Speaking of the clubhouse, it is expansive and has a good food and merch selection. Also has a projector setup inside usually playing whatever sport is on TV.
Value: This is one of the best values in central OH, and maybe the state at large. Can usually be played for $40-50 and a round after 2PM can be had for around $35. They also offer unlimited golf sometimes on the weekends for a flat fee that includes food and drink. It’s unmatched value.
Pace of Play: Can be slow sometimes if it’s crowded due to the challenging nature of the course, but it’s not a huge problem in my opinion.
Difficulty: I think it’s a tougher course than the rating and slope would have you believe. There are opportunities to lose a ball everywhere, and the hilly terrain leads to some big bounces offline. It hits the sweet spot well between anger inducing difficulty and a walk in the park.
Favorite Hole (s): 14 is my favorite hole on the course by far. It’s a par 5 with a downhill blind tee shot. Hit towards the radio tower off the tee to find the fairway. From there, you’ll likely have a layup but with the right wind you can take on the green. The green is down a hill and protected by a creek in front.
Least Favorites Hole(s):
8 is probably only bad if you play it from the black tees like I did. From there, it’s a 240 yard par 3 that seemingly is always straight into the wind. I don’t get paid enough playing to need that in my life.
11 is a long par 4 with a narrow tee shot that presents woods to the left and a big hill to the right. Even with a good tee shot you’ll be left with a long iron to an elevated green that has OB deep. The elevated green is very tough to hold due to the forced long iron approach shot.
Overall Rating: Chapel hill is a fantastic public course if you find yourself out that way. Good value and conditions lead to this being a favorite on my personal rankings list. 4/5 buckeyes.
submitted by Brime_Time to OhioGolf [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:00 skym16 [WTS] Tenny faceted wooden Traveller pen, Fine Writing International Scepter LE Vanilla Sky, Vintage Sailor 1911L Soft-medium 14K nib Chinkin Cranes, Price Drop on Vintage Maki e platinum 3776 Moon Flower

Verification and photos
Continuing to destash pens from my collection. Prices include tracked international shipping from Hong Kong (takes 1-2 weeks to deliver), for EMS/speedpost options please add 45usd. Payment with paypal G+S, please comment in the thread before PMing. Feel free to ask for more information or photos.
PRICE DROP on platinum 3776
ON HOLD Rare vintage platinum 3776, togidashi maki- e moon flower - Asking 735 usd 650 usd , or offers welcome
Photo of pen , video of pen
Condition B, very good condition for a vintage pen. Relatively rare to find on the second hand market as well. Comes with a 14K Fine nib (see writing sample video here) This older nib has some bounce when pressure is applied compared to the stiffness of the modern nib, but I don't consider it to be flex. Pencil like feedback. It's one of the older 3776 models with an ebonite feed and snap cap. Accepts cartridge but doesn't seem to accept the platinum converter. Pilot cartridge might work with these older models but I never tried it myself with ink. The pattern on the barrel is done in togidashi maki e (gold) which is smooth to the touch, with some accents of gold in the flowers. The crescent moon on the cap is done in silver hira - maki e which has oxidised over time which is why it appears a dark grey but i think it adds to the overall theme of the design. For more photos, see album linked above.
Sold Tenny Traveller Fountain Pen Rosewood, Fine Schmidt nib. Condition A1. Asking 95usd OBO More photos
Metal cap and wooden faceted (octagon) barrel in rosewood. Comes with fabric pen sleeve. Pen sleeve photo
Numbered 132/150 Muze 2020 1st anniversary pen Engrave on Cap finial
Sold Fine writing international Scepter model Limited edition. Numbered 24/100 ( number engraved on pump button ) Muze 4th anniversary pen. Medium steel nib (jowo) Condition A2. Asking 120USD OBO Scroll down to see more photos
Pen is a button/vac fill with a blind cap on the end of the barrel to access the pump filler (see photo )
ON HOLD Sailor 1911L with chinkin carved cranes and waves. Asking 395usd OBO. Link to more photos
Nib photo
Older 1911L model with old style large 14K soft-medium nib (hard to find) Condition B due to age of the pen, and some corrosion at the metal ring next to the nib, but functions normally. The S-M nib does have a nice bounce to it and I find it a joy to write with. Can provide writing sample if needed. The outside of the pen including the clip and metal trims are in excellent condition. Video of pen
Thanks for looking!
submitted by skym16 to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:32 Initial-Mountain9409 Does this look like ASD/ADHD at all, or just trauma?

For context, I have a history of OCD, starting around 10 years old (starting off strong with the co-morbidities rate) and quiet BPD starting around age 20. (Estimation on both of those.) I grew up with parents who also had trauma and are entirely emotionally immature, causing emotional/psychological/financial abuse and emotional neglect.
My working theories are that my father possibly has ADHD and narcissistic traits, as he explains being exactly like a family member of ours who seems to exhibit ADHD traits, as a child, and therefore they family member is perfectly normal. The ADHD would explain his self-proclaimed constant energy and the pile of projects he begins and abandons. This could also be a reason feeding his episodes of spontaneous rage. (or maybe he’s ~just~ abusive.)
My mother (who had some extra spicy trauma including drug use during pregnancy from her mother) which seems to have led to learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia. She is easily fooled, consistently does not understand/feels defensive about coming off as rude when “not trying to be” as she says, some sensory issues, and frankly some borderline tendencies to blow up and then tell you how much she loves you. (I unfortunately know these feelings all too well.) She also says that she feels she deals with hyper empathy. (Ironic, but go off sis, maybe she does.) She has a hard time with idioms when they aren’t the common everyday ones and even those she seems to ~slightly~ be off on.
My family has several autistic children on my father’s side and mother’s side. Until now, I would absolutely not had expected anyone in my family to be autistic.
Here are my traits that I find a little fishy to all co-exist.
My mother reports this about my early childhood:
When I did the CAST assessment with her about myself as a young child, I scored a 19 out of 31, “indicating possibly AS or related social-communication difficulties.”
My AQ score is 117.
Compensation subtotal:33 Masking subtotal:43 Assimilation subtotal:41
And my RAADS-R score is 114.
Language subtotal: 6 Social relatedness subtotal: 56 Sensory/motor subtotal: 27 Circumscribed interests subtotal: 25
I have heard that people with trauma can score as high. My CAT-Q score is
My Aspie quiz score was 133 of 200. (98% probability of being atypical/nd)
The reasons I find myself gravitating towards the possibility of autism/adhd are:
I’m too tired to continue this list at the moment, but… does any of this come off as more than trauma/bpd/ocd?? Am I just… insane? Are all of these disorders combined enough to make someone feel insane? I am so very genuinely asking this because I am at my wits end and I need answers. I don’t… feel autistic that way I knew I was borderline.
I always identified autistic traits in my friends but not myself until now that I’m really searching for an answer.
submitted by Initial-Mountain9409 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:29 Initial-Mountain9409 Does this look like Autism or just CPTSD?

For context, I have a history of OCD, starting around 10 years old (starting off strong with the co-morbidities rate) and quiet BPD starting around age 20. (Estimation on both of those.) I grew up with parents who also had trauma and are entirely emotionally immature, causing emotional/psychological/financial abuse and emotional neglect. My working theories are that my father possibly has ADHD and narcissistic traits, as he explains being exactly like a family member of ours who seems to exhibit ADHD traits, as a child, and therefore they family member is perfectly normal. The ADHD would explain his self-proclaimed constant energy and the pile of projects he begins and abandons. This could also be a reason feeding his episodes of spontaneous rage. (or maybe he’s ~just~ abusive.) My mother (who had some extra spicy trauma including drug use during pregnancy from her mother) which seems to have led to learning disabilities such as dyslexia and dyscalculia. She is easily fooled, consistently does not understand/feels defensive about coming off as rude when “not trying to be” as she says, some sensory issues, and frankly some borderline tendencies to blow up and then tell you how much she loves you. (I unfortunately know these feelings all too well.) She also says that she feels she deals with hyper empathy. (Ironic, but go off sis, maybe she does.) She has a hard time with idioms when they aren’t the common everyday ones and even those she seems to ~slightly~ be off on. My family has several autistic children on my father’s side and mother’s side. Until now, I would absolutely not had expected anyone in my family to be autistic. Here are my traits that I find a little fishy to all co-exist. My mother reports this about my early childhood: I did not like people or being around people & I hid that anxiety well. (Still do.) I spoke earlier than my siblings, and in general. I was an advanced reader, and was reading before kindergarten. (Stopped reading as much around 12 because I lost all attention span/ability to focus on it. Most an audiobook type of person now.) When I started school I seemed more anxious and stimming behaviors, such as leg bouncing seemed to occur. She reports no difficulty with transitions. (However, as an adult I feel I do need extra time to move from task to task.) Uncomfortable with hugging and touching other people. (Yep) I was “mature for my age.” “An old woman in a child’s body.” (Sigh) I would seem to be off in my own little world. I would try to control play with friends and become upset if they didn’t play how I wanted to. (I remember as a child feeling as if I was “hosting” my friend like an adult with a guest and after a few hours I felt tired of doing so.) I would constantly call to get picked up from the sleepover and was most comfortable being home. I would enjoy a friends company but after a few hours I was happy to say goodbye to my gist. I seemed relieved when they were gone. I was stuck to my mother’s side. I couldn’t really tolerate the heat or loud noises (I would/do cover my ears.) I was possessive of my things. I would cry when I was angry. (Included because she fails to remember any “meltdowns” only this and possibly shutdowns.) I was very clumsy. I couldn’t tolerate tight clothing. I did have an interest in running water in the bath and sinks. (I asked her this because I heard it’s a thing. lol) I seemed to dislike the sensation of brushing my teeth. I’d have my name called multiple times and would not respond. I would focus intensely on activities. I would talk non-stop or I would be very quiet. I would want the same baby doll from the store every single time. I had 20+ of the exact same baby doll, and for a lot of them I would give them names and write it on the back of their heads. 😭😭 I seemed to internalize/shut down instead of externalize or throw fits. I generally only kept one friend at a time. I was very shy. I also stayed around adults. I tended to follow my sister around, (and I often do still, at all family social events, even to the bathroom.) My interests dominated the conversation. For me, this was the high school musical to twilight pipeline. I had everything themes twilight that I possibly could. Blankets, popcorn buckets, candy boxes (gifts from teachers who saw me as the child who was obsessed with twilight)(my classmates also saw me that way), etc and etc. I made scrapbooks and saved stickers and tattoos and even knew where they were filming the next movies. (rio.) I asked a lot of questions When I did the CAST assessment with her about myself as a young child, I scored a 19 out of 31, “indicating possibly AS or related social-communication difficulties.” My AQ score is 117. Compensation subtotal:33 Masking subtotal:43 Assimilation subtotal:41 And my RAADS-R score is 114. Language subtotal: 6 Social relatedness subtotal: 56 Sensory/motor subtotal: 27 Circumscribed interests subtotal: 25 I have heard that people with trauma can score as high. My CAT-Q score is My Aspie quiz score was 133 of 200. (98% probability of being atypical/nd) The reasons I find myself gravitating towards the possibility of autism/adhd are: several undiagnosed autistic presenting friends and romantic partners (that’s suspicious) constant movement (stim-like, but socially accepted behaviors) such as constantly moving my feet (especially when more stimulated) or swaying in place while I stand, or twirling/playing with my hair. a lifetime of hyper sensitivity/hyper empathy. Ex: Not being able to watch a show without mentally preparing for its contents to affect my emotions in a way that seems not to happen to NT people. Constantly feeling misunderstood, seeking not to offend people yet somehow always saying the wrong thing or coming off the wrong way when speaking on sensitive subjects. I can read social cues, frankly, too well. This seems to conflict with ASD. Yet, I find myself feeling as if everyone else knows what to do and say while I don’t. I constantly ask questions to confirm what I believe is being asked of me or to confirm how a person is feeling. It’s like, I know, but I do have to double-check. I generally tend to read off someone’s vibe as not being interested in what I’m saying, but then they say they are, so I keep talking. Life long intensity. I may come off as too excited to be new friends with someone. Usually I end friendships prematurely by asking to trauma dump right away (because I genuinely find it interesting to talk about trauma) and even checking in throughout the conversation, yet then find that person never speaking to me again <3 Special interests. I feel intensely about psychology. I could talk about mental illness for hours. Even going on this several day binge so far of Autism/ADHD/Trauma content trying to get to the bottom of it all, it’s like there’s this excited energy in my chest. Even when I’ve seemed to drive myself almost insane by the amount of information I’m taking in and the amount of time I’m spending on it, I still like doing it. Even if I start to focus on something else, my mind comes right back. I just got out of my stardew valley fixation after weeks of playing every single day all day and finishing the entire game, eating up all the lore, and getting the achievements. Monopolizing/oversharing/hyperverbal. Again, I can’t help but tell practical strangers (as long as they have a good vibe) everything about me and my trauma. My issue is that, again, I find trauma interesting. I also just… find it most natural to be an open book. When people say “it’s okay to keep your own secrets” I just… don’t… want to…? Which causes some issues I think when it comes to people liking me or not or thinking I’m weird or not. I also would prefer to never shut up. I love talking. I conceptualize my feelings better verbally, even speaking to myself when I’m super conflicted about something or I’m overwhelmed and trying to identify my feelings. I consciously have to tell myself to give my conversation partners a turn, especially when I’m feeling particularly chatty. A life long curiosity. Why? Why do people do what they do? Why do they react the ways they do? Why do they handle situations the way they do? I remember being a small child and mentioning the concept of (morbid topic for my age) and why people dealt with it the way they did. I always find myself looking for the reason why, even to questions that may not have one, I cannot accept there is no answer. (This whole post being an example.) I consistently use metaphors to describe the way I’m feeling to other people. Sometimes they don’t really get why - but it’s what feels most meaningful and accurate to me. Feeling like I’m not inherently feminine enough, which feels like it’s goes into the territory of gendeautism. I know that I do identify with being a woman, but… it’s like I’m just a blob or a I’m a ying-yang of feminine and masculine, and it upsets me that the masculine is in there because it discredits what little femininity I do feel. Decision making paralysis. Huge issues with executive dysfunction Collecting traits and sayings and ways of speaking not to be “normal” but because I just wanted that trait to use for myself. Like, I’m a collection of little things I see other people do that I like or think are interesting. The feeling of masking. Always feeling like I’m pretending to be normal. Having the running inner monologue of “I’m just like you, I swear! I also know how to live a human, productive and healthy life!” (Now picture me rocking back and forth in a corner) Having a job means not having a life. I cannot both have a job and do household chores and take care of myself. I cannot fully explain this, but it’s like every bit of my energy is sucked into having a job and ~being a person who has a job.~ By the time I’m home or I have a day off, I have absolutely no physical energy to spare and barely any mental energy. I take almost any take on anything at face value. If you seem sure, I believe you. The only things I can’t be shook on are moral values. But, every time else, while I both have this distrust and learned skepticism, my natural reaction is to fully take in the opinion as fact. While I both fear and distrust people from my experiences, I also just am naturally trusting and gullible in nature. Being gullible was a huge issue for me as a child, before I learned skepticism. A feeling of energy in my body often that I feel like I just need to quietly scream out or shake out. Like my mind is on vibrate Not having routine makes me wanna 💀 but the concept of having too much makes me feel suffocated. Perfectionism, ex: feeling like I have to do it JUST right, like cleaning fully or not at all, which leads to a lot of not at all. -when a boundary is not said in direct cut language I have a tendency to not understand where they start and end or cross them without intending to. This caused a lot of issues with my last romantic relationship. -also have a very hard time conceptualizing setting my own boundaries but that could be trauma yknow. -lifelong anxiety, intense emotions, losing everything, procrastination that’s frankly unhealthy, etc I’m too tired to continue this list at the moment, but… does any of this come off as more than trauma/bpd/ocd?? Am I just… insane? Are all of these disorders combined enough to make someone feel insane? I am so very genuinely asking this because I am at my wits end and I need answers. I don’t… feel autistic that way I knew I was borderline. I always identified autistic traits in my friends but not myself until now that I’m really searching for an answer.
submitted by Initial-Mountain9409 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:11 Equivalent_Net WSIB: Games where you can lose the battle but win the war

So let me explain what I mean here. In most games, if you ever lose, you're pretty much instantly put into a total failure state. Wiped in an RPG? Game Over. Out of health in an action game? Back to the checkpoint with you. Lose a critical building in an RTS? Mission failed. Now obviously this isn't a bad design choice at all and most games thrive on it, but I'm looking for something different. A game (I'm open on genre) where you can, say, get greedy on a dungeon dive, get wiped out, but you can send in another crew or something to try again, maybe even recover your lost characters or items. But - and this is a big but - not through the game ever forcing you to take an major arbitrary L through the plot.
Some examples of what I'm thinking of:
And a point to the other side, games like Dark Souls aren't really an example since while you are expected to recover after frequent failure, that failure never significantly advances the game state, you just keep doing the same thing hopefully in a better way.
So what are your favourite games that let you keep playing and recover from failure? Looking for PC, Switch, and PS5 suggestions personally, but open to hearing any of your favourites!
submitted by Equivalent_Net to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:46 YodaTime29 Is this a good build? [4070 TI Super]

Hello everyone! This is my first time building a PC. I am avid gamer (1-2 hours a day) and have been using my brothers PC (3070), my laptop (2018 Dell Xps 15), PS5 - just want a PC so I have one console to game on.
1. What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games (ex: resolution, FPS, settings) or programs you will be using.
2. What is your maximum PRE-TAX budget before rebates and shipping?
3. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
4. What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ex: toweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
5. If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? How old are they? Brands and models are appreciated.
6. Will you be overclocking (ex: CPU/GPU/RAM)? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line?
7. Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSDs, mass HDDs, Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, VR, VirtualLink, tensor cores, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc.)
8. Do you have any specific case preferences (ex: mITX/mATX/mid-towefull-tower sizes, styles, colours, window or not, LED lighting, etc.), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
9. Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget?
10. Will you be upgrading this PC in the future (ie: will you swap out better parts later on or will you build an entirely new tower later)? If so, when?
11. Do you have a brand preference? (ex: AMD/Intel for CPUs, AMD/NVIDIA for video cards, etc.)
12. Extra info or particulars:
Thank you for any help in advance!
submitted by YodaTime29 to bapccanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:46 YodaTime29 Is this a good build? [4070 TI Super]

Hello everyone! This is my first time building a PC. I am avid gamer (1-2 hours a day) and have been using my brothers PC (3070), my laptop (2018 Dell Xps 15), PS5 - just want a PC so I have one console to game on.
1. What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games (ex: resolution, FPS, settings) or programs you will be using.
2. What is your maximum PRE-TAX budget before rebates and shipping?
3. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.
4. What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ex: toweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc)
5. If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? How old are they? Brands and models are appreciated.
6. Will you be overclocking (ex: CPU/GPU/RAM)? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line?
7. Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSDs, mass HDDs, Wi-Fi / Bluetooth, VR, VirtualLink, tensor cores, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc.)
8. Do you have any specific case preferences (ex: mITX/mATX/mid-towefull-tower sizes, styles, colours, window or not, LED lighting, etc.), or a particular color theme preference for the components?
9. Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget?
10. Will you be upgrading this PC in the future (ie: will you swap out better parts later on or will you build an entirely new tower later)? If so, when?
11. Do you have a brand preference? (ex: AMD/Intel for CPUs, AMD/NVIDIA for video cards, etc.)
12. Extra info or particulars:
Thank you for any help in advance!
submitted by YodaTime29 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:20 SlimeSpree REVIEW with pics! Slime Sweetpea & Jaden's Craft Shack (the QUEEN of Xtra thick T&G!)

REVIEW with pics! Slime Sweetpea & Jaden's Craft Shack (the QUEEN of Xtra thick T&G!)
Back again with another review for you this fine Saturday night! Starting it off with:
Slime (Sally) Sweetpea
This was tricky slime to get hold of as this shop doesn’t ship to the U.K. I was able to purchase by getting a US PO Box with a company called Stackry, which I do recommend to my fellow British slimers. You can consolidate multiple orders and choose from many different shipping options to suit all budgets. It was very straightforward and fast to sign up.
Quite a wide variety of costs on this website from £9.00-18.00 for 8.5oz. They arrived well packaged in individual bubble wrap envelopes The double walled containers were plastic sealed around the rim of the lid. They have beautifully designed individual labels which are waterproof.
  • ASMR (DIY monster clay, pineapple scented)
A beautiful, fresh waft of sweet pineapple hit me when I opened the jar but what snatched my attention most, despite how lovely the scent was, was the crazy ass giant ear! LOL! What a super fun design! The clay was unfortunately pretty dried out but the base was extremely moist. I think it’s difficult to find a large, relatively airtight container for such a huge portion of clay. I did end up with quite a few unmixable dry lumps of “ear” in the base which I couldn't smoosh.
None the less it combined into a very soft, plush, light, airy, super matte, ultra stretchy butter texture. Very inflatable and velvety with no stickiness whatsoever. I do love this sort of holdable, chubby butter texture. It had quiet finger pokes and plenty of bubble pops. Massively inflatable with beautiful soft sizzles. After 10 minutes of mixing and play the lumps of clay was still present which was a slight shame.
The giant eat was quite a sigh to behold!
The combined texture was beautiful, the little lumps of dried clay that remained were a shame however.
  • RAWR (DIY snow butter, orange soda scented)
This was a lovely scent very much like orange soda. The cute teddybear clay was also a little bit dry but not as bad as the previous one. The base was extremely moist with a bit of a wet feel due to a little separation. It had a ton of resistance and very soft clicks that got much louder as it inflated, as well as big bubble pops. As it warmed it got super stretchy, fluffy and jiggly like a Japanese omelette. After inflation it assumed an ultra chubby, matte, moist texture. Very inflatable and dense with nice soft sizzles and mini bubble pops when you pressed down on it slowly. Lovely!
  • BROADWALK ICE CREAM (DIY clay/Sallybuttespun sugar, pink berries, whipped vanilla and cotton candy scented)
This looked so incredibly cute and whimsical set up. The scent was to die for and well described. The clay ice cream scoop was perfectly soft and moist. This was once again a little bit wet leaving a residue on my hands at first but quickly combined into a super chubby, ultra matte, dense, jiggly butter with big, farty bubble pops and nice clicky finger pokes. Tons of resistance which hangs around giving you a big old arm workout! It softens up and gets stretchier as you go. This is the famous Sallybutter texture which I was so excited to try. It is very much the quintessentially perfect butter in one of my favourite colours and scent profiles. Admittedly I have had very similar butter textures from quite a few other shops so I wouldn't say it was hugely unique to this maker. This slime was beautifully made, in every way pleasant to play with and a big win for me all round.
Sooo cute! This was a gorgeous slime assembled
What a great combination of charmps and sprinkles. A dream DIY for me, I'm still a big kid who loves pink! LOL!
In life this was a very matte slime, the reflection of my photography lights gave it much more of a shine.
I’ve read and heart a lot of glowing reviews about Slime Sweetpea and think it was just bad luck that some of the clays were dried out. I did shop between restocks so may have had slightly older pieces which could also explain why the bases were a little separated. It was still very good and the general aesthetic very visually delightful. I would buy a "Sallybutter" again for sure but only sparingly, likely concentrating on my very favourite scents/colours. 8.9/10
Jaden's Craft Shack Co (Etsy store, USA based)
Individual products Labels are gloss but not waterproof. Sent with a few nice candies and all individually bubble wrapped. £10.99-14.99 for 8oz (with 6oz also being available.)
I was recommended Jaden’s store when looking for ultra thick T&G by my slime buddy u/leesooim , a fellow reviewer who has such an extensive knowledge of where to look if you are looking for a certain type or texture of slime. I am so grateful for this as I have found one of my holy grail T&G stores in the way of Jaden’s! Read on…
  • ROOT BEER FLOAT (DIY clay/avalanche Dr Pepper scented)
I love root beer and this smells JUST like it! It also looks so amazingly mouthwatering, I love floats! The clay was nice, soft and gorgeous to squish into the base which was a beautiful, thick avalanche slime. It was non-sticky and beautifully activated. My only complaint is that the clay was a bit stuck to its container and hard to lift out without squishing it out of shape, a little paper slip or the like to prevent this issue would be a great future upgrade.
This slime was so beautifully thick, chewy and stretchy with lovely clicks. It was big, chubby slime that inflated a ton and had so much amazing resistance whilst stretching, with no ripping at all. My arms were killing me but I was loving it! Good pain LOL! This was a first class slime, a great texture that retains many T&G qualities such as large pops and clicks whilst being more of a chubby matte butter rather than a clay texture. My photography lights made it appear shinier than it was in life.
I cant still smell it just by looking at the pics!
  • CARNIVAL COTTON CANDY (floam, cotton candy and marshmallow scented)
Another absolutely gorgeous scent, I was getting notes of marshmallow and soft, sweet buttercream from it more so than the slightly acidic, sugary pop of cotton candy. The base was very thick and glossy and the colours delightful! This was just so pretty and whimsical with the soft blue base and pretty pink foam balls, perfectly activated again with a gorgeous stretch and massive resistance! This shop’s slimes will certainly give you an arm workout!
This was amazing on the ASMR sound front, absolutely exploding with crackles and bubble pops with barely any effort to create them! A couple of the balls escaped and bounced off into oblivion which is to be expected from such a thick, non-tacky texture. This is easily one of my favourite multifloams to date! Unfortunately I got so into it I did forget to take an after play shot, my apologies.
  • ITALIAN ICE CUSTARD (DIY clay/float) cherry icee scented)
This looked great but I wasn't so much a fan of the somewhat overpowering scent. It had notes of bitter almonds that didn’t grow on me but you can’t win them all and scents are highly subjective. Again, the clay was a little stuck in its pot and squished a bit when I attempted to get it out but was nonetheless a lovely, soft, quality clay. It combined with the jelly base to create a thick cloud creme texture which was again so beautifully stretchy and elastic, perfectly activated, super chubby and inflating, so DENSE and had tons of soft sizzles. This did get a tiny bit tacky later on as it reached maximum inflation and needed a little spritz of activator but it really didn’t take much to get it right back into the zone of perfectly compliant behaviour.
  • RAINBOWS AND BUBBLEGUM (thick and glossy)
This had a pretty faithful bubblegum scent which is not my thing but if you like bubblegum it is very accurate. This slime is as THICK as a thick and glossy can possibly get and that was EXACTLY what I was keenly seeking. It was pretty unreal, almost like a thick and stretchy shiny rubber! It needed warming up with sloooow pulls due to its mega resistance but that was its decision not mine LOL! This stuff determines the rate you go -not you- so just give in and submit to its dominating glory! 🤣 It felt utterly incredible with zero stickiness at any point.
It gladly provided me with HUGE crackles and pops. These were some of the loudest, snappiest and resonant bubble pops I’ve heard due to the intense thickness. This slime bought a whole new type of T&G experience my way and would tell many other T&G’s out there to hold its beer if they told it they were thick! haha!
  • Personal custom slime: RAINBOWS AND COTTON CANDY (T&G, cotton candy scented.)
I was so in love with Jaden’s unreal T&Gs that I asked her if she would make me a couple of custom slimes and she very kindly obliged. Jaden is a truly sweet and humble lady who first got into contact with me to thank me for my Etsy reviews, which was just such a nice thing to do! It’s always a very special feeling when a slime company you love makes you a custom slime and Jaden even put name labels on them, added the appropriate charms and shipped them over to me in the UK at lighting fast speed. I held off posting this review so I could add this extra slimes to it as I knew they'd be special!
I very much liked the scent of Jaden’s carnival cotton candy so I asked for a light blue slime in the identical scent. I was still getting a gorgeous marshmallow buttercream as with the floam above.
And yep, it was THIIIICK! Oh my gosh SO THICK! In fact it created a bubble pop in the first minute of play that was so damn loud that my ears hurt and literally rang for a while! I’m not kidding, these pops are LOUD! The finger clicks are fairly soft as it’s so thick/shiny and shiny/squeaky-textured that there isn’t the most moisture to give you loud clicks. After 10 minutes of play I found it held its glossy surface well and remained gorgeously thick and elastic.
Immediately upon removing from the container. You can see just how THICK and beautifully glossy this is.
Post play. Still super thick with a good bit of gloss remaining.
  • Custom slime: VANILLA ICE CREAM (T&G, vanilla scented)
Another of my dream scents for this perfect slime! This was a gorgeous, creamy and rich vanilla buttercream scent in a yummy vanilla soft serve shade which looked beautiful with the little rainbow sprinkles coming through as I stretched. There’s not much more I can tell you about Jaden‘s magnificent T&Gs other than the fact that the experience is even more sublime when they are crafted in your personal favourite colours and scents! There will never be a day in my slime collecting future where there aren't several Jaden T&Gs in my slime chiller (AKA slidge!) These will be a staple of mine going forward!
How cute is that little charm in this very pretty slime!
I had to reluctantly knock a few points off due to the lack of waterproofed labels, the clays sticking to their containers causing them to warp during extraction for assembly and the strong, off-putting cherry scent in one slime. Adult slimers may also find the range a little more child-centric with the loud poppin' colours and themes but I believe Jaden caters to kid's slime parties so understandably her themes will reflect her customer's preferences. I typically go for muted pastel tones and more delicate sweet scents than Jaden's Etsy range but I found the themes reminiscent of a joyful and fun-filled trip to the carnival as a kid, and quite cool from that perspective! Of course the fact Jaden was open to doing a custom order for me was a tremendous plus point and hugely appreciated!
I have heard a few reports that Jaden’s slime don’t last as long as some others but my original T&G purchases from her store are the same today as they were when I first received them a month ago, so far so good.
All in all, I am so thrilled and impressed with my experience with Jaden's Craft Shack! This is SUCH an underrated store and derves a lot more recognition! Be sure to check her out on Etsy! A well deserved 9.8/10
submitted by SlimeSpree to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 07:36 FarmerRemote9850 B612 v13.1.15 MOD APK (VIP Subscription Unlocked)

B612 v13.1.15 MOD APK (VIP Subscription Unlocked)
Name B612 AI Photo&Video Editor
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Genre Photography
Size 138MB
Version 13.1.15
MOD VIP Subscription Unlocked
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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B612, a photography app with a large selection of stickers, can be used to enhance your images. The application is free to use on various operating systems and mobile devices. When it comes to photo and video editing, B612 has you covered. We offer a variety of complimentary perks to help you celebrate every occasion in style. Every day, new and popular filters, effects, and stickers are added!


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You can photograph your entire day and then use filters and enhancements to edit it in real-time. Every day, new augmented reality effects and seasonal filters will be added. With the help of our “Smart Beauty” app, you can get personalized beauty advice based on your face shape. With the help of augmented reality cosmetics, users can easily achieve any desired look, from every day to on-trend.
You are in charge of cosmetics and aesthetics. With the device’s high resolution and night mode, you can take clear photos day or night. To record a hilarious scene, use the Gif Bounce function. Make a gif and send it to your friends for double the laughs! From pre-production to the final cut, we have access to over 500 different musical styles. Make a music video of your everyday activities. You can use a different audio source by simply extracting and replacing the audio track from your video.


Experiment with various filters and effects, ranging from nostalgic to emotionally contemporary. Make it feel exactly how you want it to. In-depth knowledge of color correction techniques and the ability to adjust colors accurately to emphasize subtleties using sophisticated tools such as professional curves, split tones, and HSL. To improve your daily shot, use portrait retouching with more natural results, body retouching, and hair color style.
Anyone can edit videos using many modern transitions, transitional effects, and music. Borders & Cropping makes it simple to crop and resize photos before uploading them to the web. You can personalize your images by using a variety of stickers and decorative text, and customized stickers can also be created and used.
submitted by FarmerRemote9850 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:57 Funny-Barnacle1291 The 1989 cheetah necklace, Untamed a lesbian memoir, and Taylor's next album

The 1989 cheetah necklace, Untamed a lesbian memoir, and Taylor's next album
This is a long post, please bear with me. I'll get to the most important part first, and then explore what it means. I may not get it all done in one!
For the Paris leg of the eras tour, Taylor has revealed new outfits for 1989 - for both nights so far, she has worn a big cat around her neck. Everyone has been wondering what kind of big cat necklace it is.
@/taylorswiftstyled included the outfit on instagram, indicating the necklace is a Roberto Cavalli big cat emblem necklace. One quick look at the Roberto Cavalli website and you'll see there is a huge big cat theme at the moment, most specifically: cheetah. Some screenshots.
There's also tiger jewellery (pictured) and snake jewellery (not pictured as from what I understand, snakes are a big part of roberto cavalli's iconography). However, Roberto Cavalli did create a couture capsule for Taylor and her iconic Eras snake reputation dress - more info here.
Now, Roberto Cavalli loves a big cat necklace - I've found leopard, panther and jaguar. However, cheetah is much harder to come by. This is the only example I have found, and notably it is men's. It's very similar to Taylor's. All the other big cat jewellery, including the tiger as above which I know many people wondered if the cat was a tiger, has black stones wheras the cheetah does not. Just black eyes, the same as Taylor's. So, Taylor's necklace isn't just any big cat: it's a cheetah.
This is important because of a very well-known lesbian memoir called Untamed, by Glennon Doyle. Glennon Doyle is the wife of the famous lesbian American football (soccer) player, Abby Wambach. Untamed is an amazing book and I encourage everyone to read it, by the way.
Taylor has known Abby since 2015 when she invited Abby and her teammates up onto the 1989 tour stage following their world cup win, and she then invited Abby to an after party where she remarked to Abby and Ina (Garten, gay icon, rumoured bearded relationship with her gay husband"), "Ina and Abby Wambach playing beer bong after one of my concerts, this must be THE best thing I've ever experienced". In 2020, Abby and Taylor exchanged these tweets.
These words were pointed out by u/No_Act3578 when I originally posted the idea that the necklace is a cheetah on the Paris N2 thread (and thankyou so much mods for inviting me to make a post!). I also want to credit @/underthepink7 on twitter who also posted the theory on tiktok which I and my partner saw when researching if it is a cheetah - both of us have read Untamed and our Gaylor senses were tingling since last night. I also want to credit my partner too who’s not on the sub 🧡
Now, here for the very important part.
Untamed, Glennon's book that Taylor credits as being a "huge help" to her in 2020, calling Glennon a "luminary" (a person who inspires or influences others), is a book about compulsory heterosexuality and coming out of the closet when you're deep in it. Glennon was still married to her now-ex husband when she met Abby. Untamed is about this, and it uses the metaphor of a cheetah in a cage to describe her sexuality and comphet. Glennon talks about being 'put' into a cage, and that she must work to free herself from this cage. Sound familiar?
She describes seeing a cheetah at the zoo as offering an ephiphany of sorts; the cheetah is behaving as they have been conditioned, thrown into a cage, just like Glennon has been conditioned to live and accept being in the cage of a heterosexual life. Glennon is the cheetah: she is in a cage, performing as society has conditioned her to, but her true self is queer. The book themes include self-discovery, liberation, and authenticity, challenging societal norms and expectations, and encourages readers to break free from what holds them back from living authentically. For the theylors, it does explore gender a bit too. It is, in essence, about embracing your most 'wild' heart, your 'untamed' heart, your queerest self. It is explicitly and unquestionably queer and lesbian.
So, what does this mean? How does this relate to TTPD Well, for TTPD, it's in the lyrics. Everywhere. It means Taylor is purposefully using cheetah imagery while having openly admitted to not just having read a book, but it having helped her in a very significant way during a hard time in her life. It was only released in 2020: she has been carving themes from the book into all of her albums since. It means she has very publicly resonated with a very queer story of comphet and queer sexuality, and then she has weaved it through her music, and she is easter egging it with a cheetah necklance for the 1989 era outfit (more on what this means later).
For TTPD, which I'm only going to deep-dive as I'd be here for days otherwise, Taylor in TTPD openly sings about 'the circus made me mean' (waolom) in contrast to mad woman 'you'll poke that bear till her claws come out'.
She sings about a whole circus of animals(!), some included animals are: tiger, horses and wild horses, vipers, wolves, lion, beast, albatross, jackals, dinosaurs, dragonflies (and golden retriever but, maybe a red herring?) and she also sings 'ditch the clowns get the crown' (the alchemy) in contrast to peace, 'there's robbers to the east, clowns to the west'. The Albatross is Taylor as the albatross, literally an animal, who destroys / ruins. Cassandra, 'so they filled my cell with snakes'.
She sings about performance: ICDIWABH, Florida!!!, WAOLOM, Clara Bow. So high school (yes, i'm putting it here lmao!).
She sings about cages, a lot, or alludes to them in the sense of being 'sent away' or asylums: Fortnight, Peter, Guilty as Sin? 'I keep my longings locked, in lowercase inside a vault', imgonnagetyouback 'whether i'm gonna flip you off or, pull you into the closet', fresh out the slammer, the prophecy (which itself is the cage, comphet, cisheteronormativity), Cassandra, and also the escapism of i hate it here with 'secret gardens in my mind' feels like it fits into this theme.
There are also a lot of themes of inauthenticity; Peter, MBOBHFT: 'my plastic smile', even toys in itself being her(?), 'i felt more when we played pretend than with all the kens cause he took me out of my box', 'queen of sand castles', Florida!!!, ICDIWABH, TSMWEL 'hung me on your wall, stabbed me with push pins, in public showed me off', Clara Bow, thanK you aIMee, i look in people's windows, The Black Dog 'my longings stay unspoken, and i may never open up the way I did for you' (you could also read this as being about the closet when compared to Guilty as Sin?
There are also songs about defying and being wild: Fresh out the slammer, BDILH, The Bolter (but something stops her being truly free),
I haven't deep-dived many lyrics nor done albums before TTPD because it just gets so long - I may do a seperate post linking back to this one at some point. A whole post could be dedicated to reading her mentions of cats through this lense. I will point to Robin, specifically, though. It is very, very common for Taylor to easter egg her next album in the last one or two songs of her current album. With that in mind, let's think about Robin, because it imo covers nearly every theme:
"Long may you reign You're an animal, you are bloodthirsty Out window panes talking utter nonsense You have no idea"
An animal in a zoo: 'window panes' are the window panes of the zoo cage which the animal is kept in, the public is kept safe from how they are 'bloodthirsty'; but more metaphorically, Taylor is the animal, hanging out of her cage 'talking utter nonsense' (aka, performing), in her bloodthirst for fame and to 'reign'. Linking this to other Robin theories, this is young, naive Taylor, who is hungry to make it big and doesn't realise as she is being lured into her cage [of window panes] as she hangs outside it. She has no idea what is to come.
"Strings tied to levers Slowed-down clocks tethered All this showmanship To keep it for you in sweetness"
Zoo cages are released via a lever: strings are attached to this lever for Taylor that she has to meet, in order for her to temporarily be released from her cage. Perhaps that the trajectory of her life slowed down when she realised these strings. The showmanship is the performance of the zoo and/or circus; it allows her to 'keep' her fame, money, through being 'sweet': aka tame.
"Way to go, tiger Higher and higher Wilder and lighter For you"
Her closeted wild authentic self, climbing higher and higher out of the cage, becoming wilder and lighter as it becomes more and more difficult for Taylor to meet the strings, to be the showman, to hide her true self, to show her authentic self into a cage. Her wild authentic self is the tiger; but her closeted self is the animal, dehumanised but also dehumanising by forcing herself (and being forced) to perform as a specific version of herself and caging her younger, true self.
"Long may you roar At your dinosaurs You're a just ruler Covered in mud, you look ridiculous And you have no idea"
Roaring at her elders(?). Dinosaurs makes me think of those older. Dinosaur could be her parents, music execs, but also herself. You're just a ruler is her younger self talking to her older self; she is a spectacle 'covered in mud' who looks ridiculous. Younger queer Taylor feels sorry for older closeted Taylor.
"Buried down deep and out of your reach, The secret we all vowed To keep it from you in sweetness"
Burying her queer self; the secret she vowed to keep in pursuit of her fame and success. This one is difficult for me to analyse to be honest, it has some themes that I struggle with - but in my opinion this is a very heavy verse. It screams trauma, to be quite honest. But it has themes of inauthenticity, of closets and cages.
"You got the dragonflies above your bed You have a favorite spot on the swing set You have no room in your dreams for regrets (You have no idea) The time will arrive for the cruel and the mean You'll learn to bounce back just like your trampoline But now we'll curtail your curiosity In sweetness"
This is very clear imagery of her younger, more innocent and queer self, who has no idea what her life has become in the pursuit of success. "But now we'll curtail your curiosity, in sweetness" to me, reads, as stifling out her queerness 'for the best'. It is made very clear here that what was 'in sweetness' was not. Dragonflies and swings and dreams gives the idea of freedom, of being wild and free, as opposed to Taylor now - closeted, caged, inauthentic, performing.
I think Robin probably highlights the most the idea Taylor could be drawing themes directly from Untamed by Glennon Doyle. The themes are incredibly prevalent, and following that up with The Manuscript is a deliberate choice: it has themes of lost youth, of knowing things too young and too soon, and again it's a song I can't personally deep dive too much atm unfortunately.
Finally, beyond her lyrics, there are some very overly obvious easter egg zoo themes going on. As u/courtingdisaster pointed out, Taylor randomly went to the zoo in Sydney in February multiple times. On this very sub, people pointed out how 'creepy' the photos were, as an example that stood out to me u/slowburn_23 said "Weird Tay being photographed inside a zoo when she uses so many gilded cage and birdcage images. Tay is basically a zoo animal in the mediasphere and she's in a literal zoo. Hm."
I think this was purposeful. Taylor went back again and took Travis. She went twice, once herself and once twice, two times in a row. This feels like easter egging for a two album drop at 2AM says my most clown self. It could also function as a countdown, 3, 2, 1, the 1 being Travis... and "meet me at midnight".
So in summary, Taylor's 1989 necklace is a cheetah. The fact that she is choosing to display this with her 1989 outfit specifically though, is very telling. If it's a brand new album, why not display it with TTPD outfits?
Because, call me a clown but, her next album is Karma, the lost album meant to come right after 1989. OR, there is another new album, which doesn't feature cheetahs, and Karma is the album we 'meet [her] at midnight' with, where she reveals her true self. The animal for Karma is a cheetah (karma is a cat, purring on my lap cause she loves me), which fits the era in which snakes became Reputation and in my opinion I think she has went back and looked at Karma, after reading Untamed, and started easter egging cheetahs along with other Karma easter eggs. Especially tonight's 1989 outfit with the orange top and purple to pink skirt, gold shoe and silver shoe.
I may lose you here, but please do read my previous post indicating the Karma easter egging that has been going on especially with the Paris leg of the tour. u/jossiesideways points out the "makeunder" going on with 1989 and prior in this post and isn't it interesting that tonight (N2) Paris's show, the t-shirt was "I Bet You Think About ME". Orange and pink, particularly orange, are the rumoured colours of Karma and Taylor has been going crazy with them in Paris.
I think TTPD is about her losing colour: but she is introducing orange "I was just getting colour back into my face" - which u/weirdrobotgirl points out is the colour of acceptance under colour theory in but i'm a cheerleader (posts here and here) - to allude to the idea she's beginning to come round to accepting herself. She is also still using yellow, which signifies closetness and sickness. Cheetahs vary from a light yellow to orange, which I feel signifies Karma very well - she is literally still keeping it closeted, and so it has a degree of sickness tainted by all the years of being 'locked inside a vault'.
I also want to point out that a cheetah, in dreams, signifies choosing to face the changes you want to make in your life which scare you. It also represents independence, persistence, adaptability, vulnerability and grace. Clown moment but cheetahs are thought to be the second most common gay animal, after lions.
So TLDR: Taylor's necklace is a cheetah, which links to the very well-known lesbian memoir called Untamed which Taylor herself said had been a "huge help" to her in 2020. There are themes all the way through TTPD and then back into Midnights and Folklore/Evermore (not explored) which highlight how she has been contending with ideas of circuses, animals, dehumanisation, vs autheniticity, wild and free, liberation, for a while now. The cheetah is an easter egg, as were her trips to Sydney zoo. Her next album could well be Karma, because of it being linked to the 1989 outfit - or it could be the midnight album.
That's it! Taylor's necklance is a cheetah and I think it means big things.
Thankyou for reading and thankyou again mods for inviting me to post!!
submitted by Funny-Barnacle1291 to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:00 No_Cookie3005 Games becomes unplayable when I switch video mode in game, restarting a level, checkpoint or loading a save

Hello. I encounter this issue with games like stray or carmageddon: max damage. I cannot change (lower) the resolution in stray because fps goes from ~40 down to ~10 and won't go back to normal, the same for some game animations or sometimes reloading a checkpoint (hit or miss). If i change the resolution again the image just freezes but i can hear the game running and i can still play it (with no video obviously).
Similiar things happens to carmageddon: max damage. I restart a level 4 or 5 times (more or less) and it starts to stutter a lot.
No difference using lutris wine runners (tried wine-ge 8.26 and lutris 7.2.2) or system wine 9.7 staging. The same using dxvk or vkd3d (stray dx11 or dx12). I cannot test nouveau or wined3d because they are just a slideshow.
I'm using artix linux xfce s6, but I tried it with mate and lxqt desktop too and other distros like devuan and MX linux.
This is the lutris -d output of stray (done a video mode switch):
Start monitoring process.
fsync: up and running.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely 1620.801:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_instance_apply_application_workarounds: Program name: "Stray-Win64-Shipping.exe" (hash: e540cd29d917c790) 1620.801:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_instance_apply_application_workarounds: Detected game Stray-Win64-Shipping.exe, adding shader quirks for specific shaders. 1620.801:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_instance_deduce_config_flags_from_environment: shader_cache is used, global_pipeline_cache is enforced. 1620.801:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_config_flags_init_once: VKD3D_CONFIG=''. 1620.802:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_get_vk_version: vkd3d-proton - applicationVersion: 2.12.0. 1620.802:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_instance_init: vkd3d-proton - build: 7460c70de0dff08. 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_memory_info_upload_hvv_memory_properties: Topology: Device heaps are split. Assuming small BAR situation. Using HOST_COHERENT only. 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_get_bindless_flags: Enabling fast paths for advanced ExecuteIndirect() graphics and compute. 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_get_bindless_flags: Device does not support VK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type (or VALVE). 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1620.927:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1620.930:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:d3d12_device_caps_init_shader_model: Enabling support for SM 6.6. 1620.930:00dc:00e0:fixme:vkd3d-proton:d3d12_device_caps_init_feature_options1: TotalLaneCount = 384, may be inaccurate. 1620.930:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_init_disk_cache: Remapping VKD3D_SHADER_CACHE to: vkd3d-proton.cache. 1620.930:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_init_disk_cache: Attempting to load disk cache from: vkd3d-proton.cache. 1620.931:00dc:01a0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_thread_main: Performing async setup of stream archive ... 1620.931:00dc:01a0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_merge: No write cache exists. No need to merge any disk caches. 1620.931:00dc:01a0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_initial_setup: Merging pipeline libraries took 0.203 ms. 1620.931:00dc:01a0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_initial_setup: Mapping read-only cache took 0.192 ms. 1620.931:00dc:01a0:info:vkd3d-proton:d3d12_pipeline_library_read_blob_stream_format: Device teardown request received, stopping parse early. 1620.931:00dc:01a0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_initial_setup: Parsing stream archive took 0.009 ms. 1620.931:00dc:01a0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_thread_main: Done performing async setup of stream archive. 1621.004:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_get_vk_version: vkd3d-proton - applicationVersion: 2.12.0. 1621.004:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_instance_init: vkd3d-proton - build: 7460c70de0dff08. 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_memory_info_upload_hvv_memory_properties: Topology: Device heaps are split. Assuming small BAR situation. Using HOST_COHERENT only. 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_get_bindless_flags: Enabling fast paths for advanced ExecuteIndirect() graphics and compute. 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_get_bindless_flags: Device does not support VK_EXT_mutable_descriptor_type (or VALVE). 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1621.125:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_bindless_state_add_binding: Device supports VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer! 1621.127:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:d3d12_device_caps_init_shader_model: Enabling support for SM 6.6. 1621.127:00dc:00e0:fixme:vkd3d-proton:d3d12_device_caps_init_feature_options1: TotalLaneCount = 384, may be inaccurate. 1621.127:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_init_disk_cache: Remapping VKD3D_SHADER_CACHE to: vkd3d-proton.cache. 1621.127:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_init_disk_cache: Attempting to load disk cache from: vkd3d-proton.cache. 1621.128:00dc:01a8:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_thread_main: Performing async setup of stream archive ... 1621.128:00dc:01a8:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_merge: No write cache exists. No need to merge any disk caches. 1621.128:00dc:01a8:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_initial_setup: Merging pipeline libraries took 0.220 ms. 1621.128:00dc:01a8:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_initial_setup: Mapping read-only cache took 0.358 ms. 1621.129:00dc:01a8:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_cache_initial_setup: Parsing stream archive took 0.596 ms. 1621.129:00dc:01a8:info:vkd3d-proton:vkd3d_pipeline_library_disk_thread_main: Done performing async setup of stream archive. 1621.288:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_init: Creating swapchain (1680 x 1050), BufferCount = 3. 1621.288:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_init_sync_objects: Ensure maximum latency of 3 frames with KHR_present_wait. 1621.290:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_init_waiter_thread: Enabling present wait path for frame latency. 1621.452:00dc:01b0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Got 3 swapchain images. 1621.552:00dc:01b0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Got 3 swapchain images. 1624.561:00dc:00e0:fixme:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_SetGammaControl: iface 00000000156b7680, NumControlPoints 1024, pControlPoints 0000000015684510 stub! 1624.685:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_ChangeProperties: Reallocating swapchain (1296 x 810), BufferCount = 3. 1624.826:00dc:01b0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Got 3 swapchain images. 1660.104:00dc:01b0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Got 3 swapchain images. 1660.187:00dc:01b0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Got 3 swapchain images. 1660.270:00dc:01b0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Got 3 swapchain images. 1660.416:00dc:01b0:err:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Failed to create swapchain, vr -2. 1660.530:00dc:00e0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_ChangeProperties: Reallocating swapchain (1280 x 800), BufferCount = 3. 1660.924:00dc:01b0:err:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Failed to create swapchain, vr -2. 1661.000:00dc:01b0:err:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Failed to create swapchain, vr -2. 1661.167:00dc:01b0:err:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Failed to create swapchain, vr -2. 1661.282:00dc:01b0:err:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Failed to create swapchain, vr -2. 1661.394:00dc:01b0:info:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_recreate_swapchain_in_present_task: Got 3 swapchain images. 1673.918:00dc:025c:fixme:vkd3d-proton:dxgi_vk_swap_chain_SetGammaControl: iface 00000000156b7680, NumControlPoints 0, pControlPoints 0000000000000000 stub! Monitored process exited
neofetch output:
OS: Artix Linux x86_64
Host: OptiPlex 7010 01
Kernel: 6.6.30-2-lts
Uptime: 22 mins
Packages: 1151 (pacman), 1 (dpkg)
Shell: bash 5.2.26
Resolution: 1680x1050
DE: Xfce 4.18
WM: Xfwm4
WM Theme: Default
Theme: Artix-dark [GTK2/3]
Icons: elementary [GTK2], matefaenzad
Terminal: xfce4-terminal
Terminal Font: Roboto Mono 11
CPU: Intel i5-3570 (4) @ 3.800GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030
Memory: 1656MiB / 7899MiB
this is extended system info from lutris submit issue report:
{ "comment": "ok", "system": { "nvidia_driver": { "vendor": "NVIDIA", "platform": "UNIX", "arch": "x86_64", "version": "550.78", "date": "Sun Apr 14 06:35:45 UTC 2024" }, "nvidia_gpus": [ { "Model": "NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030", "IRQ": "31", "GPU UUID": "GPU-a9f40c1b-31e2-6719-d8ad-bea93d6d43bf", "Video BIOS": "", "Bus Type": "PCIe", "DMA Size": "47 bits", "DMA Mask": "0x7fffffffffff", "Bus Location": "0000:01:00.0", "Device Minor": "0", "GPU Excluded": "No" } ], "gpus": [ { "DRIVER": "nvidia", "PCI_ID": "10DE:1D01", "PCI_SUBSYS_ID": "1458:375C", "PCI_CLASS": "30000", "PCI_SLOT_NAME": "0000:01:00.0", "MODALIAS": "pci:v000010DEd00001D01sv00001458sd0000375Cbc03sc00i00" }, { "DRIVER": "simple-framebuffer", "PCI_ID": "", "PCI_SUBSYS_ID": "", "MODALIAS": "platform:simple-framebuffer" } ], "env": { "SHELL": "/bin/bash", "SESSION_MANAGER": "local/optiplex7010-Artix:@/tmp/.ICE-unix/1221,unix/optiplex7010-Artix:/tmp/.ICE-unix/1221", "WINDOWID": "58720339", "COLORTERM": "truecolor", "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS": "/etc/xdg", "XDG_SESSION_PATH": "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManageSession0", "XDG_MENU_PREFIX": "xfce-", "LC_ADDRESS": "it_IT.UTF-8", "LC_NAME": "it_IT.UTF-8", "SSH_AUTH_SOCK": "/tmp/ssh-XXXXXX6BpJ0y/agent.1288", "DESKTOP_SESSION": "xfce", "LC_MONETARY": "it_IT.UTF-8", "SSH_AGENT_PID": "1289", "GTK_MODULES": "canberra-gtk-module:canberra-gtk-module", "XDG_SEAT": "seat0", "PWD": "/home/chuck", "LOGNAME": "chuck", "XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP": "xfce", "QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME": "gtk2", "XDG_SESSION_TYPE": "x11", "PANEL_GDK_CORE_DEVICE_EVENTS": "0", "XAUTHORITY": "/home/chuck/.Xauthority", "XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR": "/valib/lightdm-data/chuck", "QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE": "gtk", "MOTD_SHOWN": "pam", "HOME": "/home/chuck", "LC_PAPER": "it_IT.UTF-8", "LANG": "it_IT.UTF-8", "LS_COLORS": "no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=01;36:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:su=37;41:sg=30;43:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.sh=01;32:*.pl=01;32:*.py=01;32:*.tar=00;31:*.tgz=00;31:*.arj=00;31:*.taz=00;31:*.lzh=00;31:*.zip=00;31:*.z=00;31:*.Z=00;31:*.gz=00;31:*.bz2=00;31:*.bz=00;31:*.tbz2=00;31:*.xz=00;31:*.tz=00;31:*.deb=00;31:*.rpm=00;31:*.jar=00;31:*.rar=00;31:*.ace=00;31:*.zoo=00;31:*.cpio=00;31:*.7z=00;31:*.rz=00;31:*.zst=00;31:*.jpg=00;35:*.jpeg=00;35:*.gif=00;35:*.bmp=00;35:*.pbm=00;35:*.pgm=00;35:*.ppm=00;35:*.tga=00;35:*.xbm=00;35:*.xpm=00;35:*.tif=00;35:*.tiff=00;35:*.png=00;35:*.mng=00;35:*.pcx=00;35:*.mov=00;35:*.mpg=00;35:*.mpeg=00;35:*.m2v=00;35:*.mkv=00;35:*.ogm=00;35:*.mp4=00;35:*.m4v=00;35:*.mp4v=00;35:*.qt=00;35:*.wmv=00;35:*.asf=00;35:*.rm=00;35:*.rmvb=00;35:*.flc=00;35:*.flv=00;35:*.avi=00;35:*.fli=00;35:*.gl=00;35:*.dl=00;35:*.xcf=00;35:*.xwd=00;35:*.pdf=00;32:*.ps=00;32:*.txt=00;32:*.patch=00;32:*.diff=00;32:*.log=00;32:*.tex=00;32:*.doc=00;32:*.flac=00;35:*.mp3=00;35:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.aac=00;36:", "XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP": "XFCE", "VTE_VERSION": "7601", "XDG_SEAT_PATH": "/org/freedesktop/DisplayManageSeat0", "XDG_SESSION_CLASS": "user", "LC_IDENTIFICATION": "it_IT.UTF-8", "TERM": "xterm-256color", "USER": "chuck", "DISPLAY": ":0.0", "SHLVL": "1", "LC_TELEPHONE": "it_IT.UTF-8", "LC_MEASUREMENT": "it_IT.UTF-8", "XDG_VTNR": "7", "XDG_SESSION_ID": "1", "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR": "/run/use1000", "PS1": "\\[\\033[1;32;40m\\]\\h\\[\\033[0;37;40m\\]:\\[\\033[31;40m\\][\\[\\033[1;34;40m\\]\\u\\[\\033[0;31;40m\\]]\\[\\033[0;37;40m\\]:\\[\\033[35;40m\\]\\w\\[\\033[1;33;40m\\]$\\[\\033[0m\\] ", "DEBUGINFOD_URLS": "https://debuginfod.artixlinux.org ", "LC_TIME": "it_IT.UTF-8", "XDG_DATA_DIRS": "/uslocal/share:/usshare", "PATH": "/uslocal/bin:/usbin:/bin:/uslocal/sbin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/uslib/jvm/default/bin:/usbin/site_perl:/usbin/vendor_perl:/usbin/core_perl", "GDMSESSION": "xfce", "QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS": "-blink-settings=darkModeEnabled=true -enable-features=OverlayScrollbar,OverlayScrollbarFlashAfterAnyScrollUpdate,OverlayScrollbarFlashWhenMouseEnter", "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS": "unix:path=/tmp/dbus-ydDwJc2f2H,guid=f0b623dc2e386a2e60bcac4c663e6734", "MAIL": "/vaspool/mail/chuck", "LC_NUMERIC": "it_IT.UTF-8", "_": "/usbin/lutris", "WEBKIT_DISABLE_DMABUF_RENDERER": "1" }, "missing_libs": { "OPENGL": [ [], [] ], "VULKAN": [ [], [] ], "GNUTLS": [ [], [] ], "WINE": [ [], [] ], "GAMEMODE": [ [], [] ] }, "cpus": [ { "processor": "0", "vendor_id": "GenuineIntel", "cpu family": "6", "model": "58", "model name": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz", "stepping": "9", "microcode": "0x21", "cpu MHz": "1622.550", "cache size": "6144 KB", "physical id": "0", "siblings": "4", "core id": "0", "cpu cores": "4", "apicid": "0", "initial apicid": "0", "fpu": "yes", "fpu_exception": "yes", "cpuid level": "13", "wp": "yes", "flags": "fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 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"cpu MHz": "1596.372", "cache size": "6144 KB", "physical id": "0", "siblings": "4", "core id": "1", "cpu cores": "4", "apicid": "2", "initial apicid": "2", "fpu": "yes", "fpu_exception": "yes", "cpuid level": "13", "wp": "yes", "flags": "fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm cpuid_fault epb pti ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp tpr_shadow flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase smep erms xsaveopt dtherm ida arat pln pts vnmi md_clear flush_l1d", "vmx flags": "vnmi preemption_timer invvpid ept_x_only flexpriority tsc_offset vtpr mtf vapic ept vpid unrestricted_guest", "bugs": "cpu_meltdown spectre_v1 spectre_v2 spec_store_bypass l1tf mds swapgs itlb_multihit srbds mmio_unknown", "bogomips": "6786.95", "clflush size": "64", "cache_alignment": "64", "address sizes": "36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual", "power management": "" }, { "processor": "2", "vendor_id": "GenuineIntel", "cpu family": "6", "model": "58", "model name": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570 CPU @ 3.40GHz", "stepping": "9", "microcode": "0x21", "cpu MHz": "1656.561", "cache size": "6144 KB", "physical id": "0", "siblings": "4", "core id": "2", "cpu cores": "4", "apicid": "4", "initial apicid": "4", "fpu": "yes", "fpu_exception": "yes", "cpuid level": "13", "wp": "yes", "flags": "fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx smx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm cpuid_fault epb pti ssbd ibrs 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2024.05.10 20:32 GypsyMarvels UFT

The Harmony of Energy: A Unifying Perspective on the Universe
An explanation of the universe is that it operates by one simple pattern. This is the movement of energy into a space, then reacting to the environment it currently occupies, and finally moving out of that space. Nothing escapes this pattern. There is no time limit for how long it takes energy to react to its environment before it leaves.
From the beginning, the universe was destined to evolve. It went from a singular entity containing all forms of energy as one unified energy, to the expanding universe of solid and fluid forms we know now. It did this by converting the one energy it was, into a distinct 2, negative and positive energy. As a singular entity, everything we know existed as a fluid form of energy. This energy as a singularity moved as one. It was unable to pass through each other due to its compacted state. It was more of a domino effect, where in order for something to move, the space in front had to be free. The conversion into a distinct 2, expanded space and created individual pieces able to pass by each other at varying frequencies.
As a singularity, the energy movement could have been a multitude of things. From the center, energy would be at its highest temperature and cast out to the edge of the entity where it is is coolest. At this point a wall containing everything forms. I think of this point as half the life of the energy cast out. It now coverts to what will be a negative form and returns to its source. Outside of this wall is a void where nothing exists. For our universe to function, energy must be present. The void is a place lack of any energy, unable to sustain life in any way, and viewed as the blackness of outer space.
Energy is the smallest unit anything can be. I choose the term energy instead of string while the two coincide. Energy in this respect, can be thought of in an individual form and as an electrical signature vibrating at a frequency. The oscillation is how positive energies move through the cooling effect of negative energy. In the beginning there was a vast amount of energy interacting and forming solid structures in the universe. As these structures formed, less energy was available. When energies do not interact, they bounce off each other which created a chaotic environment in the beginning. As time progressed, energies combined to create physical structures. This took away from the vast pool of fluid energy released in the beginning and gave the universe solid structures. Presently we have a stabilized universe and clear patterns can be observed.
There are many possible reasons why creation took place, but we are here as proof of the event. When creation did take place, energy learned how to pass through stationary space by causing the space itself to perform a new movement, the cartwheel. As a singularity, energy moved in more of a straight line, only able to move into a space that was already empty. The cartwheel allows for energy to coexist and move in all directions through a stationary space. I place a large wheel rotating that dictates which pole it is in. Along each arm of this large wheel are smaller wheels allowing varying frequencies to coexist in a single space. As energy moves through space it rarefies and decreases in temperature, I separate space as a box with a cartwheeling bar inside. These blocks are not all the same size and the bar fits accordingly. Every block needs to be 100% occupied by energy. When positive is released it occupies 99% of that block and negative occupies 1%. For every percentage drop of positive going away from its source, negative gains a percent heading back. The physical dimensions of the energies in a block must equal each other. So the 1% of negative is just as large ( if not slightly larger) and using the same amount of space as the 99% positive. This is due to the different speeds of energy. As energy transfers from one block to another, the process may be seen as a wave function, from this we get a specific frequency.
With different speeds of energy, the frequency of light would not be the fastest form of energy but possibly the fastest a solid natural structure can move. Illumination comes from energy slowing. Light comes from the smaller wheels and energy crashing against physical reality. It is energy being absorbed by an atom and reflecting what was not absorbed. It is energy slowing down to still be observed as a wave but right before it becomes a particle.
Energy, in its simplest form, is so small and fast we can’t detect it. It’s like having two things in one place. That’s more of a positive feature. As positive reduces itself, the conversion to negative begins to grow. As negative grows it becomes more powerful, although the same strength. It’s more like a larger net being able to grab more. Entropy is the reduction of positive as negative grows. The conversion of positive to negative states is due to positives ability to produce heat and stay in an individual form. Negative is considered as not producing heat or having an individual form but traveling at a pace relative to terminal velocity. The process can be reversed naturally, as is what happens with fusion, or influenced by external forces, like a microwave oven.
As the sun releases it’s positive energy, it is hot and pushes planets to their orbital tracks. The incoming energy of the universe towards the sun, can be thought of as negative, is cold and holds the planets in their tracks. At first, I only considered the positive push as a means of dictating orbital paths. I’ve reconsidered negatives influence and now use this as the basis for abnormal tracks.
I began this thought with magnetism being as is. As the idea developed, that opinion changed. I no longer view magnetism as an attraction of positive and negative, but rather positive and negative being the structure of things. Real attraction is frequency based and attracted to the higher vibration and smallest wave length. For every positive there is a negative field surrounding it. With that I began looking at things like this. Everything is attracted to the higher vibration of positive. Positive is attracted to positive but when the vibrations aren’t in order deflection occurs, because the larger wave pushes the smaller ahead. Negative is still attracted to positive but positive is not attracted to negative. (In this thought if positive and negative are equally attracted, everything would still be as one.) This accounts for gravitational pull gaining nearest a source of positive but not increasing in velocity.
Time is governed by the frequency it currently exists in. If the bar were to have notches on it, each notch would pass time differently. If we could stop the cartwheel, time would pause. Time is controlled by the amount of oscillations in the wave, or simply its frequency. Changing the frequency changes how time passes.
Atoms contain all four fundamental forces according to this thought. Those forces are the strong force, the weak force, gravity, and electromagnetism.
Energy is the building blocks of the universe. As a fluid form in space there are always two parts, positive and negative. Their parts always equal each other in size, not individual pieces. In the thought, positive is surrounded by negative keeping positive individualized. When two positive are able to bond a particle may form. I’ve thought about how this binding might occur. What I came up with is that a group of positive energy travels the universe and it’s internal parts are a even number. This group collides with another group of energy equaling odd parts internally and the total sum of the newly combined group equals a prime number. The prime number is important. As equal parts bounce off the extra piece from a prime didn’t know where to go and gets stuck In the middle acting as an anchor, while attracting the other parts to breach their negative shell and combine as one, converting the fluid energy as a piece of physical reality.
The strong force is the repulsion from negative electrons being attracted to and pressing against the nucleus. The reason why electrons don’t bond to protons is because of positive’s repulsion of negative, while negative’s attraction to positive is what holds the atom together. The weak force is the outgoing frequency created by the positive nucleus. Just as with the sun, energy congregates at the nucleus as an incoming source, it reacts to its environment and gets broken down, then leaves, perhaps as a form of radioactive decay. Gravity exists between the outer negative sphere of electrons exerting a pushing force against the positive pushing force of the nucleus, just as is with my description of the solar system. Within this zone may exist the beginnings of particles behaving in the same manner as planets in a solar system, but my guess is that this is a fluid zone.
The thought transfers from big to small easily.
I’ll try to give examples of how this thought of simplicity explains the entire universe.
As the universe began to take shape, the chaotic environment of energy bouncing here and there left some of the corners open from. As these corners sat, backhoes formed, attracting and absorbing the negative energy of the universe. As this happens more and more energy gathers until enough pressure is created that the negative energy shatters ( because it’s so large and slow with no way to turn) and converts to positive. The conversion is negative breaking apart into hot individual pieces and creating a star. The conversion is a learning experience as all pieces carry information. These pieces are now quickly converted and cast out at a rapid velocity slowing as they come into contact with negative. Positive pushes large bodies ( like a planet) away as the pull of negative brings these bodies toward the sun. From this we get a cosmic tug of war, where the planet settles on it’s orbital track. As the energy continues out it reaches the heliosphere. Once at the heliosphere some of the energy reverts to negative and is absorbed once again by the sun. The other escapes the bubble of the heliosphere and attaches to another source of energy ( like a different star) to continue its journey. A moon or disc are remnants from a planets creation making them attracted to the closer source of the planets hot core. By explanation in this article, a white hole is manifested as a sun or star.
Gravity can be explained in multiple ways by these thoughts. Gravity could be the same as is with the orbital planets with the exception that the frequency we orbit as people, is subterranean. For instance an atom is attracted to its like, bonding occurs and we may get a rock. Similar vibrations attract to each other and two separate rocks may bind together. While at the same time other frequencies simply pass through. Our bodies could be attracted to the core of earth but the vibrations of our bodies and the ground won’t allow binding because of the vibrations of energy and the negative field that surrounds our bodies verses the field surrounding the rock. At the same time the incoming energy from the cosmos could be pushing us down. Keep in mind that the outgoing energy from earth moves faster than the the incoming energy from the cosmos being absorbed by earth. (This is seen by the clouds creating that flat bottom while the tops are more sporadic.)
The Milky Way has a black hole at center. As the galaxy spirals towards the center, enough mass will be collected and may trigger the black hole to become a large star. When this happens the black hole will shed its outer shell to create the galaxy that spirals around it and the process begins again. As stated the opposite to a black hole is a white hole but we must consider why this phenomenon hasn’t yet been observed. Credited to this article, the explanation is that it has been observed but misunderstood. With the theme of balancing the universe, would a large star be surrounded by much smaller black holes. Would these smaller black holes feed the larger star by way of quantum bridge or worm hole and vice verse for smaller stars and larger black holes?
Here is a simplified version of this idea. Energy moves in and out of everything. It comes in as a negative and out as a positive. If energy were emitted from our sun it would come out at 99% strength and at a high frequency. At that same point in space is an equally sized negative but at 1 % strength, combined together the space is 100% filled. The reason for this is that positive moves much faster than negative as entropy has diminished the charge over time and the distance it’s traveled. As positive moves to its next side it loses a piece of itself, which is converted to negative. Now this spot is 98% + and 2% -. This is directly related to gravitational forces and time dilation. When positive energy reaches 50%, it has a certain probability of converting to negative energy, which is then attracted back to a positive source with a corresponding probability of being converted back to positive energy.
submitted by GypsyMarvels to u/GypsyMarvels [link] [comments]
