Love phrases in latin

The Latin Language

2008.08.27 07:36 The Latin Language

This is a community for discussions related to the Latin language.

2011.06.03 22:55 Howlinghound What's The Word: For when you can't think of the word you need

Welcome to whatstheword, a community where users help each other to come up with the [perfect, best, ideal, most suitable] word or phrase. Earn community karma by submitting a comment that OP indicates solves their post.

2012.09.07 04:25 Marijuana Enthusiasts!

Despite the name, we're all about trees! Yes, the large woody plants that grow in the ground. Thank you for visiting! ☺️🌳🌲 --Do you have a tree health question? Please see these POSTING GUIDELINES for effective posting in the tree subs:

2024.05.14 05:02 plethoraofpleths All we are really doing is running in slow motion

Need some help exploring this. I've been going through some very tough experiences, in particular, last week my adult daughter had a drug overdose, and underwent being held in psychiatric care. My parents are also doing poorly, and my other daughter who moved across the country for her job (about 2 months ago) is very homesick. I also lost some friends at work a couple weeks ago from layoffs, it's a very small company and I'm subject to losing my jobs soon as well --I absolutely love this job and have close bonds with my coworkers.
Over the course of the past few weeks I've been attending my support groups, unbeknownst to me these events were going to be in my life. For some reason in group last night I realized I am feeling more atheist than agnostic and having a hard time tapping into my spiritual self.
I had a dream last night and all I recall was waking up after a guy passing by said to me "all we're really doing is running in slow motion." I then awoke, feeling very much hinged on this phrase. I could not go back to sleep, I kept thinking what does this mean?
I've had prophetic dreams from time to time in my life, which still I don't understand. Similar dreams where something that I hear or see jolts me out of sleep and only to carry the significance with me.
I'm stumped on this one, is this a common saying? What does this phase convey?
My evaluation is maybe this means as humans we often deeply exert ourselves to getting somewhere, but the universe has already determined our fates, so while we chase a desire, it's really in timeline of what the cosmos has determined for us.
submitted by plethoraofpleths to mysticism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:58 kittengirl173 Anyone else dislike "alterhuman" as an umbrella term?

I've seen alterhuman instead of otherkin used more and more as an umbrella term for our community. Does anyone else feel dysphoric by this? I know some therians still identify as human, but I don't. I am not a human. Why is the word for my identity then have the word human in it?
Granted, "alter" in Latin literally means other, so one could interpret it as "other than human," but that would be like calling trans women altermen, which would be super dysphoric to me as a trans girl.
I totally get some people feel the term describes them and love it, but I just wish otherkin stayed as the main umbrella term.
submitted by kittengirl173 to Therian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:46 KatPaws11 Whyyyy are people so selfish?!?!?

Seriously, I've never really cared for most people.. but ironically, the more I distance myself, the more I despise them.. you can actually see even more when you stand back and observe from afar.
I remember when my ex used to tell me that I was too kind, too loyal, too loving.. I couldn't understand how there could be too much of a good thing but I get it now.. he meant most people aren't worth giving those things to.
I would say seriously most of the people that I know and have met in my entire life are selfish, manipulative, egotistical, pathetic excuses for human beings and a few of them actually mean well.. some don't even realize how much they suck.. they're actually oblivious, which makes me pity them but despise them even more.
The phrase "my blood is boiling" literally comes from moments like this because my blood feels like it's boiling just from my frustration and anger over these complete wastes of space.
Three fucking hours straight this bitch didn't shut the fuck up, no matter how many fucking times I asked her nicely to shut the fuck up, no matter how many times I told her that she was triggering me with the things she was saying.
I swear some people get sick enjoyments out of pushing other people's buttons.. either that or she's so oblivious and so selfish that she was more worried about satisfying her own need for bullshit over respecting my feelings and boundaries.
Three fucking hours I gave her (who the fuck talks for 3 hours straight anyway?!?) and eventually, I bounced without a goodbye.. she's lucky she didn't get a fuck you along with it. Do people actually enjoy being obnoxious?!? I'm just not understanding.
What part of .. "Hey girl, I'm sorry but this is something I can't talk about right now because it's really upsetting for me" did she not understand?!? Maybe she would have understood, "YO BITCH, SHUT THE FUCK UP"
FUCK.. they say "it's not the people, it's how you respond to them.." I say BULLSHIT.. if your energy is shit, you're going to make me react and treat you like you are shit.
If you're lucky enough to find that 1 person who isn't using you for something, they just appreciate your time and energy and no words have to be spoken, even if it's a parent or family member.. that's like finding a rare gem, so cherish and appreciate that person.. if you're fortunate enough to know more than one genuine person, then you better start showing gratitude to this universe because that's rare AF (but they are probably closet serial killers)
Imma stick with my animals..
submitted by KatPaws11 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 Amber-duz-Spanish 300 Hour Check-in Level 4

300 Hour Check-in Level 4
I really lost momentum during Level 3. Tho I kept with it eventually, a few extended weekend trips and a 9 day roadtrip to Florida knocked me off my motivation game. My goal is (was) 1000 hours in one year (by December 31st). I’m disappointed I now have to reassess that goal. But hey, 300 hours! No one can take that away from me.
Dreaming Spanish videos I still sort by easy and watch them first. The videos are around early 50’s now. I do scroll down and hit some 60’s now and then. Still mostly comprehensible. If not I stop and go back. Español Con Juan has been a big help. Very entertaining. Hola Spanish is enjoyable but the forced captions are distracting. Españolistos podcast has been great. Cuéntame podcast is almost painfully easy to follow now. So I usually save that for when I’m driving. Lightspeed Spanish I love! Both podcast and YouTube videos.
Once upon a time I spoke more Spanish than I understood which was very little. I would impress myself by learning phrases I needed to get through my job. But now it seems the more I understand, the less I’m able to speak. Now that I know what words are by knowing roots, I just don’t know how to use them properly. Previously I felt that I would be happy just to be able to get my point across. But no more. I don’t want to sound ridiculous. I’ll just keep listening until the speech comes naturally.
My biggest challenge with listening is that even though I’m comprehending , I still have to hang on every single word being said. It’s painful and tedious. My mind tends to wander. Plus, if I hear a group of words that don’t make immediate sense, my brain just stops and tries to translate. Whether or not I eventually understand, the video has gone on. Of course I can rewind. And I do. But when will I stop having to hear every single word individually to understand. I don’t hear words in English. I hear sentences.
Now reading! I can read pretty quickly. But I don’t count that towards hours of input. Should I !? I don’t think I will since my biggest obstacle is listening comprehension.
So, 300 down and 300 more to reach the next level. This feels impossible but you are all an inspiration! Please keep sharing your success stories and tips!!
Amber, Dallas
submitted by Amber-duz-Spanish to dreamingspanish [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:15 Wheres_my_echo What is love...?

Earlier this year I got advice from someone much older and (in many ways) wiser than me. The context isn't important, and the exact phrasing eludes me, but the gist was this:
Before you get married or otherwise commit to someone long-term, you both need to be able to define what love is to you.
He told me that to him, love was having and raising kids. To me, that makes exactly zero sense; not because I don't want kids, though that is true, but because I can't comprehend "love" being a goal. What happens when your kids grow up and move out? Do you find a new goal to use as the "definition" of love?
Well, it turns out, he married a woman who he knew would be a good mom, and now with two kids, the oldest graduating high school in the next few years, he's pretty miserable.
This is something I'd been thinking about for a long time, though maybe not in so many words. Love, to me, is a commitment to growth and to building something together as long as you're with someone. Love, to me, is asking "where do you see yourself and us in 5 years, and how can we work together toward a shared vision?" until you die. God, that might be the most Capricorn thing I have ever said.
And I realize that might sound similar to love being a goal, but for me, it feels like a process or a lifestyle. The goals aren't predetermined and concrete. They're constantly evolving and more about finding the motivation behind where you want to go, because if you know why you want something, it isn't the end of the world when you don't get it exactly, as long as your "why" is satisfied.
I'm not sure what my point is here. I think I was going to talk about my past experiences, but honestly? They're in my past for a reason. I've been healing so much, and I'm so ready to move ahead. No more talking about the past, unless we're getting to know each other and our triggers. I'm actively trying to live in the present more.
So instead, what does love mean to someone as beautifully complex and seemingly contradictory as you? What does love mean to the devil's advocate who observes and analyzes everything so thoroughly?
Oh, and speaking of observational skills, you were very slick today, trying to disguise where your eyes settled when you were drinking your water. I wonder how many times you've caught me doing something similar...
Until tomorrow, you dead-serious goofball.
submitted by Wheres_my_echo to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:44 Lysimachiakis Biweekly Telephone Game v3 (590)

This is a game of borrowing and loaning words! To give our conlangs a more naturalistic flair, this game can help us get realistic loans into our language by giving us an artificial-ish "world" to pull words from!
The Telephone Game will be posted every Monday and Friday, hopefully.


1) Post a word in your language, with IPA and a definition.
Note: try to show your word inflected, as it would appear in a typical sentence. This can be the source of many interesting borrowings in natlangs (like how so many Arabic words were borrowed with the definite article fossilized onto it! algebra, alcohol, etc.)
2) Respond to a post by adapting the word to your language's phonology, and consider shifting the meaning of the word a bit!
3) Sometimes, you may see an interesting phrase or construction in a language. Instead of adopting the word as a loan word, you are welcome to calque the phrase -- for example, taking skyscraper by using your language's native words for sky and scraper. If you do this, please label the post at the start as Calque so people don't get confused about your path of adopting/loaning.
Last Time...

Boreal Tokétok by impishDullahan

᚛ᚁᚐᚈᚄᚁ᚜ Setrs [ˈse˦.tʀ̩̊s] n. Freshwater mussel. Cognate with littoral ssetéşşe [səˈte.ʃə] and insular sèteh [s̟ɛ́.têx].
᚛ᚁᚐᚖᚈᚄᚁ᚜ Sétrs [ˈse˨˦.tʀ̩̊s] n. Mussel bed. Cognate with littoral assetéş [ˈa.sə.teʃ].
Be well
Peace, Love, & Conlanging ❤️
submitted by Lysimachiakis to conlangs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:41 from_chaos My (34F) boyfriend (35M) told me on Mother's Day that he doesn't want me to have his child because of the way I parent my daughter after 2 years. How do I break this news to my 6 year old?

Ooof, you read that correctly. ON Mother's Day he felt that it would be the best time to tell me that I'm a terrible mother. Quick back story. I have a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. LONG story short, he is not involved in her life whatsoever. So, on my journey to find the one, she was priority number 1. Well, they hit it off instantly. Obviously she's a 4 year old and they have their quirks that can get under any and everyone's skin... but life goes on.
I'm Italian, raised Italian and alllll the disciple that comes with it. The short tempers, foul mouth, etc. My daughter happens to be my twin when it comes to her demeano personality. For this she is both blessed AND cursed.
SO, he is naturally a weird guy, my boyfriend. But, I embraced his quirks because we truly did have a connection unlike anyone I've had before almost instantly. We shared the same values, interests, drive and goals. It seemed too good to be true. We became best friends. We did everything together. As a little family of 3 we vacationed and went on so many adventures. We moved in together, we're building a house, we have 2 dogs and our life was just happy and comfortable.
Now, at our age... having the talk about marriage and growing your family is pertinent. We're on a bit of a time crunch so to speak. I never pressured but I would bring it up often enough. My younger brother just got married and a big thing was the family photos. My sister in law asked if I would like him to be with us in the photos. We are not engaged, but have spoken about it openly. We live together as a little family, so it's like we're married just not officially. I asked him MULTIPLE times, phrasing it as... "if you're SURE that it's us forever then absolutely be in the photos, if there's any doubt, I need to know so you can take a step back." These pictures are forever! So, I thought it was normal enough to request him to think about this and let me know. Well, quickly he responded, "I want to be in the pictures." So, he was. Now, a week later and he has decided that I'm a bad mom, he doesn't like the way I love, and that we need to break up.
I won't beg him to change his mind. We shouldn't have to. My daughter and I show him love, support and loyalty on a daily basis. We do not deserve this. We deserve the same love that we give out. So, I told him that I will slowly gather things from the house and take them over to my other property to live with my daughter. I don't want to completely uproot her from the life she knows and loves in an instant. I plan go gather items big and small over the course of a few days then have a sit down conversation explaining to her that the daddy she wanted him to be to her forever will not be happening. I want her to know that this was NOT my decision because I don't want her to have any hatred towards me for it.
Has anything similar happened to anyone? How to you break the news to a vulnerable child who craves the love and attention of a father figure. She truly believed that he was it. I did too. But, he is unable to love anyone other than himself. My heart is breaking for my little one.
Any advice welcome. Thank you for reading.
-A broken mommy who's still trying to figure it out
submitted by from_chaos to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:21 ConfettiUndersea 24M UK Looking for high effort connections

I’m looking to meet new people to chat with about anything that interests us. I’m primarily here to make friends but am open to the idea of something more if we hit it off.
I’m based in the UK, so talking to people in closer time zones would be easier. However, if you think we’d get along, please don’t let that stop you!
A bit about me and my hobbies:
Staying Active: I enjoy daily activities like hiking with my dog, playing sports with friends, and hitting the gym.
Music: My taste spans various genres including R&B, Afrobeats, Amapiano, Latin, and K-pop. I love experiencing live music at concerts, festivals, and raves. I’m also into music production.
Gaming: I’m quite the gamer and enjoy playing on my PC, Switch, and PS5. I mostly play League of Legends, Valorant, and Fortnite (I know, huge red flags!), but I’m open to trying just about anything.
Cosmetic Chemistry: I have a keen interest in dermatology and skincare formulation. The science behind how various ingredients interact with the skin fascinates me, and I aspire to become a dermatologist in the future.
For a physical description, I’m 185 cm with an average build. I’ve been told I resemble Diego Sans by strangers, which I take as a compliment!
I could go on, but I believe it’s best to leave some things for discovery. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I hope to hear from you soon!
submitted by ConfettiUndersea to gaydating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:18 ConfettiUndersea 24M Seeking New Friends and Potential Connections

I’m looking to meet new people to chat with about anything that interests us. I’m primarily here to make friends but am open to the idea of something more if we hit it off.
I’m based in the UK, so talking to people in closer time zones would be easier. However, if you think we’d get along, please don’t let that stop you!
A bit about me and my hobbies:
Staying Active: I enjoy daily activities like hiking with my dog, playing sports with friends, and hitting the gym.
Music: My taste spans various genres including R&B, Afrobeats, Amapiano, Latin, and K-pop. I love experiencing live music at concerts, festivals, and raves. I’m also into music production.
Gaming: I’m quite the gamer and enjoy playing on my PC, Switch, and PS5. I mostly play League of Legends, Valorant, and Fortnite (I know, huge red flags!), but I’m open to trying just about anything.
Cosmetic Chemistry: I have a keen interest in dermatology and skincare formulation. The science behind how various ingredients interact with the skin fascinates me, and I aspire to become a dermatologist in the future.
For a physical description, I’m 185 cm with an average build. I’ve been told I resemble Diego Sans by strangers, which I take as a compliment!
I could go on, but I believe it’s best to leave some things for discovery. Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and I hope to hear from you soon!
submitted by ConfettiUndersea to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:08 External_Ad_6570 3 years nang single and miss ko na magmahal uli.

Wala lang, as much as I enjoy my single and independent woman era, nakakamiss din pala to have someone to lean on. To genuinely love and be loved in return.
I was 21 when I broke up with my first love and I feel like it’s finally time to put myself out there. I’ve spent so much time na building myself up, focusing on myself. Gusto ko na talaga mageffort din to find someone kasi hindi na umuubra yung pagsstay ko sa bahay (wfh), and every weekends nagsstay lang din ako.
The problem is, di ko alam san makakameet ng tao. I know staying at home lowers my chances of meeting someone pero I don’t where to start. Pagod na rin ako sa phrase na “darating din yan” kasi 3 years na kong single and di pa talaga siya dumadating.
submitted by External_Ad_6570 to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:02 03gg4 A Meltdown (Maybe)

I'm going to be upfront; the one thing truly stopping me from saying I am autistic with full certainty is my lack of an official diagnosis, despite having the knowledge that one does not need to be diagnosed to be autistic. I'm almost entirely certain after about 8 or so years of consideration. I'm attempting to seek a diagnosis not only for personal validation though, but also to have something concrete to give to my parents. For now, I consider myself self-diagnosed, though I've given my psychiatrist a 20 page document detailing why I believe I would benefit from a proper evaluation as well as all of the experiences and the collection of traits I have that I attribute to being autistic.
For some background: I am 20 and AFAB, transmasc but presenting as female due to not being out of the closet. I am Vietnamese and part of the first generation in my family to be born in America. My parents and grandparents were born and raised in Vietnam, and thus were raised with a very different culture surrounding things such as mental health and disability compared to the information I've had access to growing up in the US. I still live with my parents and am struggling with already diagnosed mental health issues including major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, unspecified ADHD, and an unspecified trauma disorder. Because of the language and cultural barrier, my parents are really only aware of the depression in name, and the ADHD they understand even less. They are trying their best, though my dad hasn't looked at any of the resources I've sent him about ADHD or autism in my attempts to help him understand better.
On my dad in particular: he has always been the kind to believe in toughing things out and simply trying harder. Over the years he has grown to be more understanding, especially as my mental health issues grew to degrees that became harder to hide, but we have a history in terms of what I'm about to describe re: my very recent meltdown.
The day before Mother's Day, my dad sprung up on me without warning that me and my younger brother were going over to our paternal grandparents' house to wish our grandmother a happy Mother's Day. This immediately upset me not because I didn't want to go, but because I hadn't had the time to mentally prepare myself for the shift in my routine—I had only done so for the actual date of Mother's Day. I've asked my family before that I am told ahead of time when plans to go out of the house where I'm involved are made, preferably at least a day beforehand. Unfortunately, my family is comprised of very spontaneous people who tend to make plans on the fly.
I made it clear I was fairly upset about not being told ahead of time to my mother, who thanked me when I got up to get ready to go. Something about being thanked for this was the final nail in the coffin for the upset that was gripping me. I think it was the idea that she knew full well that I was attempting to set aside my own comforts(? for lack of a better term) for the sake of family normality; something that I've had to do often.
I had a quiet breakdown in the bathroom while I washed myself, which came with the annoyance of how snotty tears would make you. Very annoying when bowing your head to wash your hair. I've had practice locking myself in the bathroom to have my breakdowns in a private place where I couldn't be walked in on and then questioned, because I always knew that I could never explain why I was having such a disproportionate reaction, especially given the cultural barrier. It would all seem stupid, immature, selfish, spoiled, and an overreaction. My plan was to cry it out in the shower and come back out after composing myself so we could leave. Tried and true method. I bit the back of my hands—to stifle my crying, to give myself a physical sensation to ground myself with, some combination of those two. It helped only a little bit.
As it turns out, there was a lot of baggage behind this upset outside of just this one incident. There is a very long-running pattern in which I must sacrifice my comfort or suck up my complaints in order to appease whatever my parents have decided to do, or whatever I was expected to do.
Sometimes it was their obsession with taking billions of family pictures—I vividly recall one instance where I was horribly upset about having to wear a dress, especially for the sole sake of driving to some flower field just to take pretty family pictures of which we have thousands. I was much younger at the time, maybe 14, and was expressing my upset in the only somewhat acceptable way I could, i.e. being incredibly grumpy. Eventually my dad blew up at me for being spoiled and various other things while I cried in the back of the car, my mother and younger brother dead silent. He drove to cool off. We did not talk about it ever again afterward.
Sometimes it was school-related. When I was around 11, I was struggling to complete an assignment for school for reasons I couldn't articulate, and honestly still can't. It was simple, and it was a drawing assignment, and I absolutely adored traditional art. But I was simply Stuck on some part, and was working myself into an anxious mess up until midnight. I was terrified of getting bad grades, of not meeting the expectations of people I considered authority figures, such as teachers. So much so that I wanted to stay home. And knowing I had no "proper" excuse, I tried to use a different one when I asked to stay home for that one day: menstrual cramps. I was told to see how I was doing in the morning.
In the morning I still said I wished to stay home from school due to cramps. After a lot of deliberation with my mother, she relented and allowed me to stay home. Despite the fact that I had gotten what I wanted, I was already horribly upset. Looking back on it, I think it was the fact that I had to fight so hard to stay home for just one day. It was upsetting that my visible upset wasn't enough. It was upsetting that they weren't just getting it.
I had a breakdown in the bathroom (there's a trend here as you can see) and slammed my arm against the heater in there so many times that I ended up with horrible bruising on the back of my arm the days after. My family members knocked on the door because people needed to get ready, and that only made me more upset—couldn't they hear me crying? Didn't they care? When I finally came out and crawled up into the upper bunk, my dad came in and started yelling at me.
Your average stuff, things like, "If I had a stomachache I wouldn't just be able to not go to work." I blocked a lot of it out of my memory, but most of the time I was under the covers crying while he engaged in a one-sided shouting match with me. Eventually my mother came in and gently asked me to stop crying, and to stop making my father mad.
While these two incidents and the others like them happened years ago, they were defining moments in my life and inform how I handle conflict (as in: I don't) and how I go about expressing my struggles (as in: rarely, and often with great shame). Standing in the shower and being unable to not think about these things, I spiraled further. It felt like I was being swallowed by my emotions. I don't know if angry or sad or upset really capture what I was feeling properly. My thoughts were like a car with its brakes cut, going at breakneck speeds on the highway.
By the time I was done with my shower I still wasn't composed. As it turns out, when you abuse a coping mechanism that relies on repression as long as I did, it stops working at some point. There was just too much to try and hide. More hand biting happened along with some hitting my head with my fists. So I sat in my room, and eventually my mom came in and saw my face. Unsurprisingly she didn't acknowledge the fact that I had clearly been crying—instead, with a soft voice, like she was coaxing a small child into doing something vaguely unpleasant, she told me, "Come on, let's go." And I'm sure that's how she was seeing me at that point. An oppositional, defiant child. I struggle not to see myself in that way, and still have been trying to unpack how much shame I feel when things like this happen.
My crying started up again because my tear ducts really don't like listening to me, and I asked somewhat incredulously, "You're still going to make me go?" In retrospect, it probably sounded bratty. Here I was, 20 years old, complaining about being "made" to go somewhere.
It took maybe a couple of seconds for my mom to decide to just let me stay home instead.
Once everyone was out, I had the loudest cry I'd ever experienced in my life. I'd never had the opportunity to, and so it just kind of... came out once the house was silent. I think I might've wailed. And then I promptly shut the hell up once I heard my [maternal] grandmother coming back upstairs. She passed by my room, asked why I didn't go (not noticing the state of my face, maybe due to eyesight). I gave a non-answer and she made some exasperated remark that I don't know how to translate into English. It nearly set me off again, knowing how inconvenient I was, how tired they all were of me and my antics.
I had a headache for the next 20 or so hours, which I knew would happen based on past experiences with breakdowns as emotionally taxing as this one. I'd also predicted during the whole thing that the next day I would be pretty nonfunctional, which I was unfortunately also right about. Whenever these things happen it throws my entire week off. It's upsettingly debilitating. Two days later, I'm somewhat functional, but the whole thing disrupted my... everything. I have an exam that I had planned to study for during the days I was busy trying to get myself back together emotionally. The headache actually came back, and is sitting with me nicely while I type this. Hey there.
The day immediately after, Mother's Day: I was pretty fearful the entire time. Mostly of what my dad was going to do. Best case scenario, he'd come into my room and we could have an open dialogue and communicate about what happened. Worst case scenario, he'd regress and revert back to how he'd been like years ago, screaming at me for my incompetence, my selfishness, my refusal to cooperate with the smallest things despite all our family does for me. After a little bit I had to add on a third possibility: that he would simply go about like nothing happened, which he has also done before. Generally though, I wasn't optimistic about my chances here. I learned through this that I absolutely don't trust him to handle my larger, more intrusive, more ugly issues with grace.
He's been ignoring my existence since my little meltdown. No hellos, good mornings, not even looking at me. He's talking with everyone else as normal. I've been keeping my head down and can really only assume that he's angry with me as I'd expected and based on what I know about him/understand in terms of his personality through prior experience.
While I could give benefit of the doubt and say he may be attempting to give me space, he's the kind of person who you can tell when he's angry. It's something we share. And it's truly more likely that he's upset about me throwing what looked to him like a shitfit over something small and inconsequential, refusing to do something as simple as a visit to make his mothemy paternal grandmother to give Mother's Day gifts. And I didn't get my propensity for avoiding communication and unpleasant conversations at all costs from nowhere, so. Here we are.
I still don't really know if what I had was an autistic meltdown or a "standard" emotional breakdown, whatever that even looks like. I think I'm used to framing my behaviors with neurotypical language, and often language that isn't too kind to myself. So on top of venting a bit, I also wanted to get an outside perspective, and see whether my breakdown sounded similar to any other autistic peoples' experiences with meltdowns.
If there's any advice out there to give in terms of my relationship with my dad, that would also be appreciated. I love my family, but it all hurts, and this has also made me realize that I may have a lot more trauma to unpack surrounding my family than I've acknowledged.
I've been considering getting a physical copy of Sincerely, Your Autistic Child to annotate and highlight certain sections, putting sticky tabs on chapters I find relevant, and providing definitions for words I know he hasn't come across before, to give to him and ask him to at least attempt to read those bits. The more bitter and angry part of me, the part that are tired of having to be the one to accommodate for everything interpersonally, just wants to go up to him and tell him the reason I never go to him when I'm upset is because I'm scared. To tell him exactly what all those times he yelled at me did to my ability to self-advocate, to tell him what all those times my emotions and emotional well being were devalued did to my self-esteem. That the "interpersonally submissive" phrase from my 40 page psych report has roots in the way he raised me entirely on obedience, and how I am still learning that I am allowed to say no in all sorts of contexts. Maybe I can do both of these things, and probably when he isn't pretending I don't exist, and when I feel less like I'll fall to bits the moment I open my mouth in his direction. I'll likely try and avoid using language that outright blames him for the sake of maintaining a good relationship whenever the talk comes around.
I'm still trying to accept the fact that I might need more support than I allowed myself to think. I only recently found out that truly voicing that I'm having academic trouble is something that brings me so much shame that tears spring up in my eyes—going to the Disability Support Services office on my campus made me far more emotional and nervous than I'd expected. With how I'm navigating my own self-acceptance, I don't know how I'm going to get my family to accept that I'm not the "normal" child I know they still wished I was.
submitted by 03gg4 to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:48 danielweir “Sing the entire soul”

I’m wondering how I might say this. Translate and ChatGPT both say different things. I want to convey in simple phrase the idea of putting all facets of one’s soul into song. It’s kind of like “let the entire soul sing”. One possibility I got was Tashir Kol HaNeshama תשיר כל הנשמה Does that work? If not, what might work better? I love the term Kol HaNeshama so if that can be used that would be great. This is meant to be poetic so following the most common usage is not important.
submitted by danielweir to hebrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:48 LastSyllabub2003 Did you notice?

Did you notice?
On Roses outfit series, there's a latin proverb embroidered on the choker "eruere quasi dammula de manu et quasi avis de insidiis aucupis" A latin proverb that means, more or less "Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler"
To be nimble, to be elusive in a game made of fast combats is quite a reason to be.
I love these small touches of class.
submitted by LastSyllabub2003 to stellarblade [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:31 MisdiagnosedGlee Can anyone help me translate English to Latin?

My friend and his adult daughter want to get matching tattoos, and he asked me to design the lettering. They're huge fans of The Crow and they want a phrase from the movie "it can't rain all the time" in Latin as part of the tattoo. I was hoping someone could post a photo or direct me to a website where I could learn this, as I don't speak/write Latin but I want this to be grammatically correct, and possibly using correct Latin lettering to boot. I have not studied Latin nor do I know enough about the base grammar to figure this out myself, so hopefully someone here can help me.
submitted by MisdiagnosedGlee to language [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:12 EmeraldOptic [TOMT][Music][Early 2000s] Probably the hardest song to find…

So, I was born in the last 90s so I grew up in the early 2000s in Canada. Watching a lot of tv I had my usual programs, like treehouse and the family channel. I’m not sure what channel it was on but I feel like it was on a kids channel, or I’m not sure how I would’ve seen this music video. I didn’t watch muchmusic unless my sister put it on.
However, there was this music video with brightly coloured clothes and I think a Spanish/Latin American vibe though, I think they were singing in English. Everyone had bright clothes and there was a group of people but there was a main male and female singer. I don’t think they were singing to each other like a love song cause they were looking at the camera a lot. But there was a shed they were dancing in and around and singing. I remember my mom walking in and saying that I was inappropriate and she thought I should change the channel. But I don’t know why it wasn’t appropriate. It seemed like just some happy dancing and singing.
If I had to guess an approximate year I’d say around 2004-2005 ish
(In all honestly I’m sorry I don’t have a lot of details, it’s been so long it might be a dream lol)
submitted by EmeraldOptic to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:03 ZookeepergameDry2783 Technically still English!

Technically still English!
I’ve been writing in my phonetic alphabet for around a year now. I keep my dream journal in the regular latin alphabet, so I can flip through and sort dreams from reality quickly. I love to write thoughts, songs, journal entries, and anything else I can get down onto a page!
submitted by ZookeepergameDry2783 to Handwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:53 DepartureHonest7948 The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!

CMM.World &
The Great Harvest is here. Christ's Mandate for Missions and CMMTheology build strong, organic relationships globally as we worship, grow and equip together. Like Joshua and Caleb and the Apostle Paul, we see with faith what He sees in each person (to help each reach fullness), group (many streams and backgrounds in unity) and nations (sheep vs. goat nations). Our passion is to love, connect, equip and send with the simplicity, fullness, and power of the Gospel.
The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence! Inbox
By CMM.World - November 10, 2022
Dear Mighty One,
I see the Lord's eye upon us we discover by revelation the 'new thing' He is doing in our lives and of those of us who, beyond the present darkness, gaze into His eyes. The 'tuning fork' of Yahweh is orchestrating the sons and daughters of our living God in growing holy remnant unity to withstand as we stand with Him fearlessly in the boldness of the faith of God in this hour. Egypt is behind us, and the covenantal promises and prophetic words we have received (1 Tim. 1:18) empower us by His Holy Spirit to advance in warfare, humbly growing in the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

Yesterday as I encouraged some friends, I said, 'stay in the blissful extravagance of His presence.' Today I saw in Psalm 34 His eyes are upon us in vs. 8 & 9 and v:15 about the 'uncompromisingly righteous.' We are to be holy as He is holy. That leaves no room for any more compromise or seeking to please man or the traditions of men, being free of the fear of man, the religious spirit, and any demonic activity. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Lord, help us understand by revelation to walk in all the authority we have been given by Jesus Christ.
Psalm 34:8-9 'O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. O fear the Lord, you His saints [revere and worship Him]! For there is no want to those who truly revere and worship Him with godly fear.'
v. 15 'The eyes of the Lord are toward the [uncompromisingly] righteous and His ears are open to their cry.'
Chuck Pierce shared this amazing word from Penny Jackson that is right on for this season:
May YOUR November be full of Thanksgiving and Praise for you and yours as YOU enjoy The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!
Thank you for praying for CMM and all your fellow CMM Global Family worldwide. Pray for all the missionaries, schools, and students in CMM College of Theology in the US, Ecuador, Canada, Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Thailand.
Pray for the new wells and the living water and safe water recently drilled or soon to be drilled in Tanzania, India, Malawi, and Pakistan.
Pray for our upcoming Christmas gift campaigns to bless children and youth in many nations. Many of them are precious, beautiful children (orphans). As the Lord leads, pray about giving any amount to bless dear CMM children this Christmas.
Pray for each other, dear friends. We all know we each need prayers going up to Heaven for all those on the front lines. We each are on the front lines!
Please pray for me as I speak tomorrow online to a crusade with 8,000 expected to attend in Pakistan. In December, I will speak at conferences in Liberia and Kenya with fellow CMM Ordained ministers Robert Bimba (Liberia), Tom Omukhobero, and Daniel and Christine Oyoko (Kenya).
We are working on plans and trips for 2023. If you would like to have some of our awesome CMM family speakers for a conference in your area or would like to join or lead a missions trip, we would love to hook you up with dear friends in many nations.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Louis Blom of Judea Harvest as Associate Director of Missions at CMM. This strategic alliance multiplies the efforts and impact in building the Kingdom of our God, for His glory.

Many blessings and shalom from us all here at the home office and around the world.
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submitted by DepartureHonest7948 to CMMworldMissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:30 LazerBeetleInMyShoe Type Me Based on My Answers to the Proust Questionnaire

I only answered like 2/3 of the questions btw.
submitted by LazerBeetleInMyShoe to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:14 Mysterious-Eye-8103 Conversation topics with Ukrainians

I'm shortly due to meet a Ukrainian in a semi professional setting, and want to make the conversation easy going. What should we talk about, or avoid talking about?
I'd love to visit Ukraine one day, so I can talk genuinely about that, but my knowledge of Ukrainian geography is informed mainly by recent news coverage, so I don't want to appear a bit of a fraud.
I know she's a bit of a linguist, so I can bring that up, but I'm not a linguist at all. (Although happy to learn a few phrases in advance if it will help - I know a few pointless Russian phrases already, which I know she speaks so I can make a joke of that.) I don't know much else about her, and she knows very little about me.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Mysterious-Eye-8103 to Ukrainian [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:00 hereliesLydia Why Firefly ≠ Titania (Spoilers for 2.3 relic lore descriptions)

DISCLAIMER: This theory uses text from the leaked 2.3 relics, Firefly's signature light cone, the current Glamoth planar relics, and relevant lines from dialogue in the story. I'll do my best to cite my sources for everything!
Let's get down to business! Who, or what, is Titania exactly?
According to both planar relics, she's the "Empress". That's about the only thing they agree on though, because the sphere describes her as a benevolent ruler who brought civilization to Glamoth's outer colonies, while the rope actually tells us that she's got no power (but I think they mean political power, since it also claims she telepathically commanded the Iron Cavalry and that seems kinda powerful), and that the ruling council created her in response to the Swarm's attack. Here's a longer excerpt from the rope's description:
"In the dreams that these warriors are woven into, the sole meaning of their existence is to guard Titania and her 'empire'. In their short lives, they studied, fought, received the Empress' commands, faced the enemy fearlessly, and died with honor."
It's pretty damning evidence that "empire" is written in quotation marks like this in most of these relics, and I've got theories about what kind of state Glamoth was (cough cough. Interstellar colonizers, cough), but that's another discussion. What matters here is that Titania definitely isn't a real Empress. Maybe she's a puppet ruler, or a symbol but not a person, or even some kind of war tactic AI skynet situation to direct troops, or whatever floats your boat.
I don't think she's Firefly, though. IMO it'd be a little tacky to get another identity reveal after Sam, but I wouldn't be making this post if I didn't have a stronger argument than that. Before 2.2, there were a lot of theories about her identity as Sam, the Stellaron Hunter... specifically theories that wanted to separate that identity from "Firefly", either by claiming Sam might be an AI or a second personality, or by claiming that Firefly is an ordinary girl (or Titania) who found the armor and decided to wear it. Lemme go over my counterarguments for both these points, and then I'll get to my own theory.
After her first "death" to the meme, Black Swan helps us investigate what Firefly was doing in the hotel, and a certain line of dialogue raised many questions. To quote:
Firefly: "Let's get going..."
(Here Black Swan proposes that she's with another person)
Firefly: "Why did you...!? This isn't what we agreed on..."
(Here Black Swan proposes that somebody betrayed her)
Firefly: "Mecha...!? Why..."
(Here Black Swan points out it's weird of her to say 'mecha')
Thing is, Black Swan's memory magic never shows us this second person, so we can only assume she's talking to the armor, right? Except... we've never seen her and Sam in the same place together. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's actually pretty big proof here. When she transforms into Sam, or back out of Firefly, the armor just appears and disappears in a bunch of flames. Of course it's probably that her transforming device is the reason why, but even without it there's a line in Genshin that could explain this too. In one of the Traveler's profile voicelines, Paimon confirms that weapons and personal items simply appearing out of nowhere is a regular thing that happens in-universe, and it's likely HSR uses this same rule. I don't think there's any hard evidence to suggest the armor even exists physically until she uses her transforming device, so we can rule out this mystery person being Sam.
IMO, it was probably more like an upset reaction to somebody else who brought up the 'mecha' thing first. Maybe something like this:
???: "Sorry Firefly, you can't go off-script. You have to activate your mecha."
Firefly: "Mecha...!? Why..."
It could've been Silver Wolf on the phone, or maybe even Elio, but it doesn't really matter.
Another thing I've seen people argue is that her personality when we first meet Firefly in Golden Hour just doesn't match up with Sam. Voicelines from the Stellaron Hunters, dialogue from SW visiting the Express, and one of Blade's story chapters all describe him as the ruthless and cold-blooded muscle of the group, which is very different from the sweetheart tour guide we met. I think people can't understand how these two versions of her coexist, but they're not mutually exclusive at all. What if Sam's efficiency is because she dislikes being a weapon, and wants to get her jobs over with quickly? What if her mission in Penacony is Firefly's first chance to actually explore herself as "Firefly", without her scripts asking her to cause destruction? It's not like she's living a double life, more like she's still in the process of growing into her actual self. Maybe texting us stickers from Blade's phone was a baby step for her to experiment, since TB hadn't met Sam yet and she could be less serious, or maybe her armor's fingers have trouble typing, who even knows?? I think the "inconsistencies" in her behavior can be explained pretty easily once you realize she's still figuring herself out, y'know?
There's also tons of dialogue before and after her reveal that implies she's pretty familiar with combat, too. Her accurate description of Sampo is the obvious one (that man is NOT 5'9 though), but she also mentions that a baseball bat isn't an efficient weapon, and later in the story if you picked the Hanu trial for the auditions thing, she complains about not having her armor, brings up that it'll be hard for her to let go of the bazooka, and compares Hanu's rocket launcher to something called the "Soaring Locust II" (some kind of weapon attachment for her armor maybe?), so it's pretty clear that she's not a stranger to fighting. I don't think she's just some ordinary girl who picked up the mecha.
Finally, there's an inconsistency between her and Sam when talking about dreams. On the balcony, Firefly describes her dream about the scorched earth and the sapling, while Sam outright says he was "born without the ability to 'dream'." Thanks to her upcoming light cone, we've got an answer to this problem:
"Dreams remained too distant for her, as she gazed into the infinite darkness. Even as she sensed her consciousness slipping away, her mind replayed the same lingering memories over and over again..."
I think the simplest solution is that Firefly's 'dream' was a metaphor to explain her wish to the Trailblazer, like a visualization to help her and others understand those feelings. The light cone kinda implies she doesn't dream at all, instead she relives her memories from being in the Glamoth military. The rest of that paragraph goes on to describe a Swarm attack and her fellow Cavalryman dying around her without anybody to honor their sacrifice, which is a memory she'd only have if she fought alongside them.
So dreaming isn't an issue anymore, and her two personalities aren't mutually exclusive, and she wasn't talking to her armor in the hotel. But I hear you, none of that really proves she isn't Titania, right? Because at least the Empress has the same origin as the Iron Cavalry pilots... And that's a good point, but I've got evidence against it too.
According to Firefly's drip marketing, she was "Born as a weapon", and is "afflicted with the agony of Entropy Loss Syndrome due to genetic modification.", both of which line up perfectly with our understanding of the Cavalry pilots so far. One leaked relic says "Identical-looking warriors were birthed from the incubators", the rope says "the ruling council threw down the gauntlet and resolved to alter the essence of humanity", and even Firefly herself says "[Sam] is the cradle of my vitality, and the meaning of my birth." when asked about it in Dreamflux Reef. These statements only make sense if Firefly is one of these lab-grown humans, and literally born to pilot her armor.
If you're still not convinced, that line about Entropy Loss gives us another clue: since it's due to genetic modification, that means her "altered essence" is what causes it, so how exactly is she different from a regular human? Another leaked relic says "The armor deeply synchronized its sensory organs with that of the pilot", which is very weird phrasing until you remember that Welt told us Sam has superhuman perception after we got SW's message. That ability kinda contradicts everything Firefly said about her condition, so what if her genetic modifications are meant for that "synchronization"? Maybe it's supposed to increase combat effectiveness with some kind of symbiotic relationship between her and the armor? It definitely plays into more mecha anime tropes (NGE comes to mind), which she's already got a crazy amount of, and might even explain why she's naked while wearing her armor.
When she calls Sam the "cradle of [her] vitality", she means it's literally the only way she can guarantee her Entropy Loss won't flare up and cause her to dissociate. The armor keeps her grounded and conscious, even though it might be extremely painful to use it, given how Adin Rudd in the English dub almost seems to grunt out his lines, and how her kit and the boss' kit both include HP-draining mechanics. This is also why she appreciates the Dreamscape so much, as she told us in her secret balcony spot that she's able to "listen, and see, and touch, and think, and understand whatever I want with my body", as opposed to doing these things with Sam instead. Her cutscene with Blade suggests that it's not impossible for her to exit the armor, but I'm guessing she can't do this for long stretches of time, or that it comes with a risk of having her Entropy Loss worsen. The "icy medical cabin" she mentioned turned out to be Sam, after all.
This one's a bit more subjective, but I'll die on this hill so I might as well include it as a final argument. I honestly think her narrative themes benefit more if she's a regular Iron Cavalryman than if she's Titania. Her story is about an experimental soldier born to be a weapon, living only to kill bugs by the orders of a fake Empress she swore loyalty to, and never having a chance to experience life as a regular young girl. It's about recovering from war trauma, overcoming a medical condition and physical disability, and finally discovering an identity for herself instead of being defined by her use to other people. I'm so in love with this character concept, and while I plan to bankrupt myself over this girl no matter what direction Hoyo picks, I've got my fingers crossed that I'm right about her because it would be so amazing to see that story come to life about a character who stole my heart like this. ^w^
In conclusion? Firefly ≠ Titania, and I believe it's a more cohesive, impactful, and beautiful story if she's a soldier instead of an Empress.
Thank you for reading!
P.S. I'd love to hear anybody's thoughts in the comments, whether they agree with some of my points, or if they've got arguments of their own! Just remember to be civil, because at the end of the day we're all Firefly enjoyers and everybody's ideas are valid until we get more official information about her! :D
submitted by hereliesLydia to FireflyMains [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:55 Cursed_Squire The pen is mightier than the sword.

There’s a lot of phrases that people just know but don’t know where they first heard it or why. But this one in particular.. rant about the complexity, the history or recorded truths of the authors intent.. but really? You know it was some starving scholar that never got appreciated for anything meaningful and was super jealous of their bigger stronger warrior brother and realistically this was just that starving scholars best punchline he ever came up with when his brother was teasing/bullying him and all the other tongue and quill pushers loved it so it stuck and some famous scholar just stole the phrase as his own and made it infamous.
submitted by Cursed_Squire to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:54 LeArquebusier The europoors are not the noble savages I envisioned

They are just as screen addicted and clueless about sharing public space as the worst Americans. Seems they eat like shit too and never drink water. The popular music is derivative of anglo rock or Latin styles. Michael Jordan jerseys are still everywhere in Barcelona even though the Olympics were 32 years ago.
I will say that the children love to play outside and college kids seem way less anxious (could be selection bias though).
submitted by LeArquebusier to redscarepod [link] [comments]