California articles of incorporation template

the r/California subreddit — for all things Californian

2008.04.14 11:56 the r/California subreddit — for all things Californian

The subreddit for the Golden State of California -- for news and info on what's happening all across the state.

2010.09.15 10:16 Northern California Subreddit

Subreddit for all things Northern California

2009.03.21 19:57 California's Central Valley

California's Central Valley Subreddit!

2024.05.14 22:15 Soninetz SimpleTexting vs. TextMagic: In-Depth Comparison Ever?

SimpleTexting vs. TextMagic: In-Depth Comparison Ever?
Did you know that text messages have an open rate of over 98%? When it comes to business communication, choosing the right platform, especially mobile platforms, is crucial for businesses. SimpleTexting and TextMagic are two popular options that offer unique features and benefits. In this comparison, we'll delve into the key highlights, strengths, and weaknesses of each service, helping businesses make an informed decision for their needs. From pricing to functionality, key highlights, email, customer support, and bulk SMS software, we'll break down the differences between SimpleTexting and TextMagic so you can choose the best fit for your communication strategy.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Choosing the Right Messaging Service
    • Evaluate your specific needs, compare key highlights and customer support to choose the service plan that best aligns with your goals.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions
    • Consider not just the initial costs but also long-term expenses to ensure you are getting the most value for your money.
  • MMS Messaging Advantage
    • Leverage the power of multimedia messaging to engage your audience with visually appealing content.
  • Advanced Features and Tools
    • Explore the advanced features offered by each service, platform, or software to enhance your messaging campaigns and reach your audience more effectively.
  • User Feedback and Reviews
    • Pay attention to user feedback and reviews to understand real-world experiences and make an informed decision based on others' perspectives.

Choosing the Right Messaging Service

Pricing Options

SimpleTexting offers flexible pricing plans based on the number of contacts you have, starting at $25 per month. TextMagic, on the other hand, provides pay-as-you-go options with rates varying by country, as a software platform.
When considering SimpleTexting software, keep in mind that additional features like keywords and dedicated numbers may come at an extra cost. In contrast, TextMagic includes these features in their standard pricing.
Simplify your workflow with SimpleTexting! Get started with our free trial and see how our built-in automation features can save you time and effort. ⏱️

Ease of Use

Both services boast user-friendly interfaces, but SimpleTexting stands out for its intuitive platform suitable for beginners. Meanwhile, TextMagic offers advanced functionalities that cater to more experienced users.
  • SimpleTexting: Beginner-friendly interface.
  • TextMagic: Advanced features for experienced users.

Customer Support

For those prioritizing customer service, SimpleTexting shines with phone support during business hours. Conversely, TextMagic primarily offers email support with extended response times.

Cost-Effective Solutions


SimpleTexting offers various pricing plans starting from $25 per month for 500 credits, with additional charges for extra credits. TextMagic, on the other hand, provides a pay-as-you-go option where you only pay for the messages you send.
SimpleTexting's tiered pricing structure allows businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their specific needs and budget constraints. In contrast, TextMagic's flexible payment model enables users to control costs based on their messaging volume.

Features vs. Costs

When comparing SimpleTexting and TextMagic, it's crucial to consider the balance between features and costs. While SimpleTexting may offer more advanced features in its higher-priced plans, TextMagic's straightforward pricing appeals to budget-conscious users.
Both services have their strengths in terms of cost-effectiveness. SimpleTexting's feature-rich plans cater to businesses looking for comprehensive messaging solutions, while TextMagic's transparent pricing is attractive for those seeking a no-frills approach.

MMS Messaging Advantage

Multimedia Benefits

SimpleTexting provides a significant advantage over TextMagic through its support for Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). With MMS, users can send not only text but also multimedia content like images, videos, and audio files. This feature enhances communication by allowing businesses to engage customers with visually appealing content.

Enhanced Engagement

By incorporating multimedia elements into messages, SimpleTexting enables businesses to create more engaging and interactive communication with their audience. Visual content tends to capture attention more effectively than plain text, leading to higher engagement rates and improved brand visibility.

Increased Conversion Rates

The use of multimedia in messaging has been shown to boost conversion rates for businesses. By leveraging MMS capabilities, companies can deliver compelling visuals that drive customer actions. Whether it's showcasing products through images or providing video demonstrations, SimpleTexting empowers businesses to enhance their marketing strategies and achieve better results.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Advanced Features and Tools

Integration Capabilities

SimpleTexting offers seamless integration with popular platforms like Zapier, allowing users to connect their texting campaigns with various apps. This feature enables automation and streamlines workflows for enhanced efficiency.
On the other hand, TextMagic provides robust API documentation for developers, facilitating custom integrations with internal systems or third-party applications. This flexibility caters to businesses with specific integration requirements.

Analytics and Reporting

Both SimpleTexting and TextMagic offer detailed analytics tools to track campaign performance. SimpleTexting provides real-time insights into open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement metrics. Conversely, TextMagic offers in-depth reporting on delivery statuses, replies, and opt-out rates.

Two-Way Communication

With SimpleTexting, users can engage in interactive conversations through two-way messaging capabilities. This feature allows businesses to gather feedback, answer customer queries promptly, and build stronger relationships.
Similarly, TextMagic supports two-way communication, enabling recipients to respond directly to messages. This functionality enhances customer engagement and facilitates seamless communication between businesses and their audience.

User Feedback and Reviews

Customer Satisfaction

Users praise simpletexting for its user-friendly interface, making it easy to navigate and set up campaigns quickly. The platform's robust analytics tools also receive positive feedback for providing valuable insights into campaign performance.
On the other hand, some users find textmagic's interface slightly less intuitive compared to simpletexting. However, textmagic excels in customer support, with many users highlighting the quick response times and helpful assistance provided by their team.

Pricing Comparison

  • simpletexting is often favored for its transparent pricing structure, allowing users to easily understand costs and choose the best plan for their needs.
  • In contrast, some users find textmagic's pricing model a bit complex, with additional charges for certain features that are included in simpletexting's plans.

Reliability and Performance

Both platforms are known for their reliability, ensuring that messages are delivered promptly without delays or errors. Users appreciate this consistency as it helps maintain effective communication with their audience.

Final Remarks

In weighing SimpleTexting against TextMagic, you've seen the key aspects to consider. From cost-effectiveness and MMS advantages to advanced features and user feedback, both platforms offer distinct benefits. Now, armed with this knowledge, you can confidently select the messaging service that best aligns with your needs.
Choose wisely based on your priorities and objectives. Your selection between SimpleTexting and TextMagic will significantly impact your communication strategy. Make an informed decision to leverage the power of SMS marketing effectively.
Streamline your communication with SimpleTexting's automation tools! Sign up for a free trial now and start sending out-of-office texts effortlessly. 📲

Frequently Asked Questions

Which factors should I consider when choosing between SimpleTexting and TextMagic?

When choosing between SimpleTexting and TextMagic, consider factors like pricing, features, ease of use, customer support, and scalability. Evaluate your specific needs to determine which platform aligns best with your messaging goals.

Are there significant cost differences between SimpleTexting and TextMagic?

SimpleTexting and TextMagic offer different pricing structures based on usage volume and features required. It's essential to compare plans, considering factors like message volume, additional services needed, and any potential overage charges to determine the most cost-effective option for your business.

How does MMS messaging benefit my business when using SimpleTexting or TextMagic?

MMS messaging allows you to send multimedia content like images, videos, and audio files along with text messages. This can enhance engagement, convey information more effectively, and create a more interactive experience for your audience when using either SimpleTexting or TextMagic.

What advanced features and tools are offered by SimpleTexting and TextMagic?

Both platforms offer advanced features such as automation tools, contact segmentation, analytics reporting, API integrations, scheduled messages, two-way messaging capabilities, and customizable templates. These tools can streamline your messaging campaigns, improve efficiency, and enhance overall communication effectiveness.

How can user feedback and reviews help me decide between SimpleTexting and TextMagic?

User feedback and reviews provide valuable insights into the user experience with both platforms. By analyzing testimonials, ratings, case studies, and reviews from current users of SimpleTexting and TextMagic, you can gain a better understanding of each platform's strengths and weaknesses to make an informed decision based on real-world experiences.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 stationary_transient The State of Football "Journalism"

For quite a while now I've been watching the standards slip, and more recently it seems they're so far gone that almost every article from every source that comes up in my feed is basically the same content re-hashed from one of 4 or 5 templates that could have been thrown together by a rudimentary LLM.
The worst offenders I've personally noticed are probably Football London, Goal, Football 365, and TalkSport, but I'm sure there are plenty of other examples.
It's like there's a shitty 5 part formula they all follow:
  1. Clickbait title. This will be something like "POCHETTINO SACK DECISION MADE, TOP REPLACEMENT CANDIDATES ANNOUNCED". It's okay if this title is a complete lie and doesn't reflect reality in any way; that doesn't matter.
  2. First paragraph of the article is just the title again really, but it's worded slightly differently this time and a bit longer.
  3. Second paragraph is, for some reason, basically a different version of the first paragraph. Now that we've read the same basic statement 3 times in 3 slightly different ways, we're ready to get into the real meat of it...
  4. Now we have several more paragraphs where we basically rehash the last 6-8 articles about the same topic that we've already published in the last 2 months. These paragraphs won't actually connect to the title in a meaningful way. Maybe we talk about how bad Poch has done this year for a few paragraphs, then a paragraph or two about other managers that have expressed an interest in coaching Chelsea or been mentioned by a Chelsea player at some point in their lives.
  5. The final 2 paragraphs are where things get interesting, because now we find out that the referenced "POCHETTINO SACK DECISION MADE" was just some random pundit (or even a random fan) on Twitter who posted "Poch has to go after that game," and the "TOP REPLACEMENTS ANNOUNCED" are always Jose Mourinho or Zinedane Zidane (or whichever legendary managers are not currently employed). None of this content ever reflected a situation that exists in reality where a sack decision has been made and a club is lining up replacements. This entire article was pure bullshit, but you've already come this far.
This same formula is used regardless of the topic; I can't count the number of times I've read the headline "MBAPPE TO REAL MADRID CONFIRMED" in the last year and it is still not confirmed as of this moment, but because someone somewhere posted on Twitter that Mbappe's agent was outside of Real Madrid's sporting director's second-cousin's roommate's house at 3 AM we get 50 articles with "MBAPPED TO REAL MADRID CONFIRMED" in the title.
Are there any sources that don't do this? I'm about ready to start my own at this point.
submitted by stationary_transient to football [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 Soninetz SimpleTexting Demo: Explore Dashboard

SimpleTexting Demo: Explore Dashboard
Want to revolutionize your communication game? A simpletexting demo is all you need. Dive into a world where seamless messaging meets efficiency. Witness firsthand how this tool can elevate your business interactions, customer service, and streamline your processes. Say goodbye to communication barriers and hello to a new era of connectivity. Ready to unlock the power of simpletexting?
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize the Dashboard: Familiarize yourself with the SimpleTexting dashboard to efficiently manage your campaigns and messages.
  • Craft Effective Campaigns: Follow the steps outlined in the article to set up impactful campaigns that resonate with your audience.
  • Enhance Message Effectiveness: Implement the tips provided to enhance the quality and impact of your messages for better engagement.
  • Prioritize Compliance: Manage your contacts and ensure compliance with regulations to maintain a positive reputation and avoid penalties.
  • Maximize Communication Tools: Explore and leverage the various communication tools, such as sms, message, customer service, and keyword within SimpleTexting for seamless and effective interactions with your audience.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly revisit the dashboard features and campaign setup guidelines to stay up-to-date and make the most of SimpleTexting's capabilities.

Exploring the Dashboard


The SimpleTexting demo provides a comprehensive data collection tool for businesses. By clicking through the dashboard, users can enhance their website experience.


Users can easily access different sections like Keywords, Adding Contacts, and the Inbox. This allows for seamless management of contacts and messages.
Streamline your communication with SimpleTexting's automation tools! Sign up for a free trial now and start sending out-of-office texts effortlessly. 📲

Features Showcased

The demo showcases essential features such as auto-confirmation messages and link shorteners. These tools help streamline communication processes for businesses.

Setting Up Your Campaign

Creating Campaigns

To start your campaign, navigate to the dashboard and select the "Create Campaign" option. Enter your desired marketing message and choose relevant keywords to trigger automated responses. Customizing messages based on user responses can significantly enhance campaign engagement.

Managing Contacts

Importing contacts is crucial for successful campaigns. Utilize the platform's tools to organize contacts into specific lists for targeted messaging. By categorizing contacts based on demographics or behaviors, you can tailor campaigns for better results.

Enhancing Messages

Incorporating images in your text messages can boost campaign performance. Upload visually appealing images that resonate with your audience to increase engagement rates. Track link clicks within messages to analyze campaign effectiveness and optimize future messaging strategies.

Enhancing Your Messages

MMS Messaging

MMS messaging allows you to display multimedia content in your messages, such as images, videos, and audio clips. This feature enhances the visual appeal of your texts.
Custom Fields Utilize custom fields to personalize messages based on collected information about your contacts. Tailoring messages increases engagement and fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

Targeted Texts with Keywords

Send targeted, personalized texts to contacts using keywords and custom fields. This feature enables you to create specific campaigns tailored to individual preferences and behaviors.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Managing Contacts and Compliance

Adding and Sorting Contacts

Contacts can be easily added to the platform through manual entry, CSV upload, or integration with CRM systems. Once added, they can be sorted into lists based on demographics, behavior, or engagement levels for targeted messaging.

Ensuring Compliance

The platform is equipped with robust compliance features to safeguard customer privacy. It automatically manages opt-ins, opt-outs, and ensures adherence to regulations governing the use of personal information and identifiable data in SMS marketing campaigns.

Engaging with Customers

Through the inbox feature, businesses can initiate two-way conversations with customers. This allows for personalized responses to queries, feedback, or support requests, enhancing the overall customer service experience.

Navigating Communication Tools

Inbox Feature

When using SimpleTexting's demo, the inbox feature facilitates two-way communication with customers. It allows for seamless interaction, ensuring prompt responses and effective engagement.

Subscriber Growth Tools

Discover a range of tools within SimpleTexting that aid in gaining new subscribers and business growth. These tools are designed to streamline the process and enhance user experience.

Support Options

Explore the various support options offered by SimpleTexting, including phone assistance, email support, and live chat services. These avenues ensure that users receive timely help whenever needed.

Final Remarks

You've now gained insights into SimpleTexting's dashboard, campaign setup, message enhancement, contact management, and communication tools. By mastering these features, you're well-equipped to maximize your text marketing efforts. Take advantage of the platform's capabilities to engage your audience effectively and drive results for your business. Whether it's crafting compelling messages or ensuring compliance with regulations, SimpleTexting offers you the tools to succeed in your marketing campaigns.
Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of SimpleTexting's functionalities, it's time to put your knowledge into action. Dive into the platform, experiment with different strategies, and monitor the outcomes closely. By leveraging all that SimpleTexting has to offer, you can elevate your marketing initiatives and achieve your goals efficiently. Start implementing what you've learned today and witness the impact on your campaigns!
Take control of your messaging strategy with SimpleTexting! Sign up now for a free trial and add emojis to your texts without hassle. 😊

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I access the SimpleTexting demo dashboard?

To access the SimpleTexting demo dashboard, visit the official website and look for the "Demo" or "Try it Now" option. Click on the link to explore the features and functionalities of the platform.

What steps are involved in setting up a campaign on SimpleTexting?

Setting up a campaign on SimpleTexting involves creating a new campaign, defining your target audience, crafting engaging messages, scheduling message delivery, and tracking campaign performance through analytics provided by the platform.

How can I enhance my messages using SimpleTexting?

You can enhance your messages on SimpleTexting by personalizing content, including multimedia elements like images or videos, utilizing emojis to add visual appeal, incorporating strong call-to-action phrases, and optimizing message length for maximum impact and engagement.

How does SimpleTexting help in managing contacts and ensuring compliance?

SimpleTexting provides tools to organize contacts into segmented lists, automate opt-in and opt-out processes to ensure compliance with regulations like TCPA and GDPR, maintain detailed contact records for each subscriber, and enable easy management of contact preferences.

What communication tools are available on SimpleTexting for effective navigation?

SimpleTexting offers a variety of communication tools such as two-way messaging for interactive conversations with customers, autoresponders for instant replies to incoming messages, scheduled messaging for timely campaigns, link tracking to monitor click-through rates, and inbox management for streamlined communication.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:44 Soninetz Softr Reviews: Is this the Top Website Building Picks?

Softr Reviews: Is this the Top Website Building Picks?
Looking for honest Softr reviews from a free trial reviewer source to make an informed decision? Wondering if this platform is the right fit for your needs? Dive into this comprehensive guide where we break down all you need to know about Softr. From features and pricing to pros and cons, we've got you covered. Discover how Softr can help you create stunning websites and web apps without coding hassles. Ready to explore the possibilities with Softr? Let's unravel the truth behind the buzz.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Softr offers a user-friendly platform: With drag-and-drop functionality and customizable templates, Softr makes it easy for users to create websites and web apps without extensive coding knowledge.
  • Consider your specific needs: Evaluate Softr's features in relation to your project requirements and software to ensure it aligns with your goals, capabilities, product, pros, and support.
  • Pros outweigh cons: While Softr may have limitations, its strengths like rapid development and affordability make it a viable option for many users.
  • Explore alternatives: Research other software platforms similar to Softr to find the best fit for your product if Softr's features do not fully meet your needs.
  • Trial period advantage: Test Softr's software functionality and determine if it suits your project before committing, weighing the pros and cons.
  • Community support: Engage with Softr's community forums or support channels for assistance and guidance when using the platform.

Key Features of Softr

Drag-and-Drop Interface

Softr offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that simplifies the website creation process. Users can easily place elements and customize their websites without any coding knowledge.

Pre-Built Templates

Users can use Softr's pre-built templates to kickstart their website development journey. These templates are designed professionally, ensuring a sleek and modern look for any type of website.
Dive into the world of beautiful data visualization with Softr. Sign up for your free trial now!

Simplified Website Development

With Softr's various features, users can streamline the website development process. From integrations to custom forms, Softr provides tools that cater to different website needs.
  • Pros:
    • Easy-to-use interface for beginners.
    • Quick setup with pre-designed templates.
    • Diverse features for customization.
  • Cons:
    • Limited advanced customization options.
    • Some features may require technical knowledge for optimal usage.

Evaluating Softr's Usability

Integration Ease

Softr offers seamless integration with third-party services, simplifying the process for users. The functionality allows for effortless incorporation of various tools and widgets to enhance website capabilities.
Customization Flexibility Users, even those with limited coding knowledge, can easily customize their websites on Softr. The platform provides a user-friendly interface that enables quick modifications without the need for extensive coding skills.

SEO Optimization Tools

For individuals looking to boost their website visibility, Softr offers a range of SEO optimization tools. These tools are designed to help improve search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to discover the website.
  • Streamlined integration with third-party services
  • Easy customization options without advanced coding skills required

Pros and Cons of Softr


Softr stands out for its simplicity and user-friendliness, making it an ideal choice for beginners and non-technical users. The platform offers a seamless experience with intuitive drag-and-drop features, enabling users to create websites or web apps without any coding knowledge.
Users appreciate Softr's template library, which provides a wide range of professionally designed templates that can be easily customized to suit individual needs. This feature saves time and effort, allowing users to quickly launch their projects.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial


One drawback of Softr is its limited scalability, particularly for complex projects requiring advanced functionalities. Developers may find the platform restrictive in terms of customization options and integrations, hindering the ability to create highly tailored solutions.
Another downside is the lack of support for dynamic and conditional forms, essential for building interactive and data-driven websites. This limitation can be frustrating for users looking to create more sophisticated web applications with advanced form functionalities.

Softr Alternatives

No-Code Platforms

When exploring alternative options to Softr, consider popular no-code platforms like Webflow and Wix. These platforms offer intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces for website development.
Webflow stands out for its advanced customization features, making it ideal for users seeking more design flexibility. On the other hand, Wix is known for its user-friendly interface and a wide range of templates suitable for various businesses.

Free Version Comparison

For those looking for a free version of website building tools, Carrd and Google Sites are noteworthy alternatives to Softr. Carrd provides a simple yet elegant solution for single-page websites, while Google Sites offers easy integration with other Google services.
When comparing these platforms with Softr's free version, evaluate factors such as template variety, customization options, and integrations to determine the best fit for your project.

Specialized Platforms

If you require specialized functionalities beyond standard website building, consider Bubble and Adalo as platforms offering robust capabilities for web application development. Bubble allows users to create complex web applications without coding knowledge, while Adalo focuses on mobile app development with seamless backend integration.
Evaluate your specific needs carefully when choosing among these alternatives to ensure that the platform aligns with your project requirements.


You've explored the key features, usability, pros and cons of Softr, and even considered some alternatives. Now armed with this information, you're better equipped to make an informed decision based on your specific needs. Whether you prioritize ease of use, customization options, or integrations, Softr's strengths and weaknesses are clear.
As you continue your journey to find the perfect website builder for your project, remember that the best choice is one that aligns with your goals and vision. Take into account what matters most to you and test out different platforms if needed. Your website is a crucial tool for success, so investing time now to find the right fit will pay off in the long run.
Ready to level up your data game? Try Softr for free and create amazing portals or tools effortlessly!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of Softr?

tr offers intuitive drag-and-drop functionality, customizable templates, seamless integrations, and powerful data management tools. It allows users to create websites, web apps, and client portals without any coding skills.

Is Softr user-friendly?

Yes, Softr is designed with a user-centric approach, making it easy for beginners to create professional websites effortlessly. The platform's intuitive interface and step-by-step guides ensure a smooth user experience.

What are the pros and cons of using Softr?

Pros: Quick website development, no coding required, flexible design options. Cons: Limited customization compared to traditional web development platforms, may not suit complex projects requiring extensive functionalities.

Are there any alternatives to Softr?

Yes, there are alternatives to Softr such as Webflow, Bubble, Carrd, and WordPress. Each platform offers unique features and caters to different user requirements in terms of complexity and customization options.

How does Softr stand out from its competitors?

tr stands out by providing a balance between simplicity and functionality. It offers an easy-to-use platform for building various types of web projects while still allowing for some level of customization and integration capabilities.
Useful Links:
  1. Softr LifeTime Deal
  2. Softr Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 Soninetz SimpleTexting Free Trial: Maximize SMS Marketing for Small Businesses

SimpleTexting Free Trial: Maximize SMS Marketing for Small Businesses
Looking to explore the world of SimpleTexting with a free trial? Dive into the realm of efficient communication and seamless marketing strategies. With SimpleTexting's free trial, experience firsthand how this platform with custom integrations can revolutionize your outreach efforts. Unleash the power of SMS marketing with text analytics, customization, and custom integrations to engage with your audience like never before. Join the ranks of satisfied users who have harnessed the potential of SimpleTexting to elevate their businesses.
Discover the simplicity and effectiveness of SimpleTexting's free trial today. Elevate your marketing game, connect with your audience effortlessly, and witness the impact firsthand. Take the first step towards unlocking a new level of communication prowess with SimpleTexting's intuitive platform.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Texting is Essential: Utilize texting for small businesses as it offers a direct and effective way to reach customers.
  • SimpleTexting Success: Learn from SimpleTexting's ten years of experience in the industry to enhance your marketing strategies.
  • Powerful Marketing Tools: Leverage key features provided by SimpleTexting to boost your marketing campaigns and engage with your audience effectively.
  • SMS for Business Growth: Implement SMS marketing to transform and grow your business by connecting with customers in a personalized manner.
  • Compliance Matters: Ensure compliance with SMS marketing regulations to build trust with your audience and avoid legal issues.
  • Start Your Free Trial: Take action today by signing up for a free trial with SimpleTexting to experience the benefits firsthand.

Why Texting Wins for Small Businesses

Instant Engagement

Small businesses can implement texting to achieve instant engagement with their customers. By sending quick and concise messages, they can grab attention effectively.
Texting allows businesses to reach customers directly on their mobile devices, ensuring that the message is promptly seen and responded to. This real-time communication helps in addressing customer queries promptly.
Ready to level up your customer engagement? Try SimpleTexting for free and automate your welcome messages today! 🚀

Boost Response Rates

By utilizing texting, small businesses can significantly boost customer response rates. Compared to emails or phone calls, texts have a higher open rate, leading to quicker responses from customers.
The convenience of receiving a text message enables customers to respond promptly without much effort. This immediacy in communication enhances customer interaction and satisfaction, ultimately benefiting the business.

Personalized Communication

Small businesses can leverage texting for personalized and direct communication with their customers. By tailoring messages according to individual preferences or purchase history, businesses can create a more engaging and customized experience.
Personalized texts make customers feel valued and appreciated, leading to stronger relationships and increased loyalty towards the business.

Unpacking SimpleTexting's Decade of Success

Growth Trajectory

Over the last ten years, SimpleTexting has seen exponential growth, expanding its user base and services. From a modest beginning to processing millions of text messages monthly, the company has truly evolved.

Milestones Achieved

SimpleTexting hit a significant milestone in 2016 by launching its free trial offer, allowing businesses to test their platform without commitment. This move revolutionized how companies approach SMS marketing.

Core Values

Driven by innovation and customer-centricity, SimpleTexting prioritizes user experience and reliability. Their commitment to providing seamless communication solutions has been a cornerstone of their success.

Impact on Businesses

The impact of SimpleTexting on businesses cannot be overstated. By offering an intuitive platform for reaching customers via text, they have empowered countless enterprises to enhance their marketing strategies.

Future Outlook

As SimpleTexting continues to innovate and adapt to changing market demands, the future looks promising for both the company and its users. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, they are poised for sustained success.

Key Features That Empower Your Marketing


SimpleTexting offers robust analytics tools that provide valuable insights into your SMS campaigns. Track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to optimize your marketing strategies.


With SimpleTexting, you can personalize messages based on customer preferences. Tailor your texts with names, locations, or other relevant information to create a more engaging experience for your audience.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial


Utilize SimpleTexting's automation features to streamline communication and enhance customer engagement. Set up automated responses, drip campaigns, and scheduled messages to nurture leads and drive conversions effectively.


The platform offers seamless integrations with various tools and platforms to simplify your workflow. From CRM systems to e-commerce platforms, SimpleTexting ensures smooth data flow and enhanced functionality for your marketing efforts.

Customer Support

Benefit from reliable customer support through SimpleTexting's help center. Get assistance with setting up campaigns, troubleshooting issues, or exploring advanced features to maximize the platform's potential.

Transforming Businesses with SMS

Revolutionize Communication

SMS has the power to revolutionize how companies communicate with their customers. It offers a direct and personal way to reach audiences instantly.
Businesses can leverage SMS to send promotional offers, updates, and important alerts to their customers, ensuring timely communication.

Real-Life Examples

  • A clothing company increased its sales by 30% by sending out SMS promotions.
  • An online store saw a 20% rise in customer engagement after implementing an SMS marketing strategy.
These examples highlight the tangible benefits of incorporating SMS into business communication strategies.

Scalability for All Sizes

  • Small businesses can use SMS to engage with customers on a personal level without a significant investment.
  • Large corporations utilize SMS campaigns to reach a wide audience efficiently and cost-effectively.
The scalability of SMS marketing makes it a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes to enhance customer engagement and drive sales.

Navigating SMS Marketing Compliance


Compliance with inbox regulations is crucial in SMS marketing to avoid legal issues and maintain customer trust.
SimpleTexting's focus on compliance ensures that users can send messages confidently without worrying about violating any laws.

SimpleTexting's Solutions

SimpleTexting provides users with tools like automated compliance checks and opt-out management features to streamline the compliance process.
Users can easily manage their subscriber lists, ensuring that they have the necessary consent to send messages, thus staying compliant with regulations.

Simplifying Compliance Processes

With SimpleTexting, users can access templates for compliance-related messages, making it easier to draft messages that meet legal requirements.
The platform offers resources and guides to help users understand and navigate the complex landscape of SMS marketing regulations.

Closing Thoughts

You've seen how texting can revolutionize your small business. SimpleTexting's success speaks volumes about the power of SMS marketing. By leveraging its key features, you can transform your marketing strategies and ensure compliance effortlessly. Embrace the future of business communication with SMS today.
Ready to take your marketing to new heights? Sign up for SimpleTexting's free trial now and witness firsthand the difference it can make for your business.
Unlock the power of behavior-based texts with SimpleTexting! Start your free trial today and see how easy it is to personalize your messages. 🎯

Frequently Asked Questions

How can SMS marketing benefit small businesses?

SMS marketing offers direct and instant communication with customers, increasing engagement and driving sales. It is cost-effective, has high open rates, and allows for personalized messaging to build customer relationships effectively.

What makes SimpleTexting stand out in the market?

SimpleTexting stands out due to its decade-long experience, user-friendly interface, robust features like autoresponders and contact segmentation, excellent customer support, and compliance with SMS marketing regulations.

Is there a free trial available for SimpleTexting?

Yes, SimpleTexting offers a free trial period for new users. You can sign up easily on their website to explore the platform's features and see how it can benefit your business before committing to a subscription.

How does SMS marketing help in ensuring compliance with regulations?

SMS marketing platforms like SimpleTexting provide tools for opt-in/opt-out management, message templates for compliance, and automated features that ensure adherence to regulations like TCPA and GDPR, safeguarding your business from legal issues.

Can SMS marketing be integrated with other marketing strategies?

Yes, SMS marketing can be seamlessly integrated with other strategies such as email marketing or social media campaigns. By combining channels, businesses can create cohesive omnichannel experiences that enhance customer engagement and drive better results.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 2002LuvAbbaLuvU "Future plans: have computers do most of central nervous system, such as thalamus, auditory cortex, visual cortices, homunculus, to parse 2gbps of video (suchas 1024*1280@60fps) to output text at close to 2kbps"

Allows all uses.
For the most new sources, use programs such as Bash or Termux to run this:
git clone cd SubStack/cxx && ls 
Pull requests should goto:
cxx/ClassResultList.cxx has correspondances to neocortex. which is what humans use as databases. cxx/VirusAnalysis.cxx + cxx/ConversationCns.cxx has some correspondances to Broca's area (produces language through recursive processes), Wernicke’s area (parses languages through recursive processes), plus hippocampus (integration to the neocortex + imagination through various regions). cxx/ClassCns.cxx (HSOM + apxr_run) is just templates for general-purpose emulations of neural mass. has some equivalences to how visual cortex + Broca's area + hippocampus synthesizes visual outputs (from text inputs.) To have autonomous robots produce all goods for us [ ] would require visual cortex (parses inputs from photoreceptors) + auditory cortex (parses inputs from malleus + cortical homunculus (parses inputs from touch sensors) + thalamus (merges information from various classes of sensors, thus the robot balances + produces maps)) + hippocampus (uses outputs from sensors to setup neocortex, plus, runs inverses this for synthesis of new scenarios) + Wernicke's region/Broca's regions (recursive language processes)
Just as a human who watches a video performs the following tasks: Retinal nervous tissue has raw photons as inputs, and compresses such into splines + edges + motion vectors (close to how computers produce splines through edge detection plus do motion estimation, which is what the most advanced traditional codecs such as x264 do to compress) passes millions/billions of those (through optic nerves) to the V1 visual cortex (as opposed to just dump those to a .mp4, which is what computers do), which groups those to produce more abstract, sparse, compressed forms (close to a simulator's meshes / textures / animations), passes those to V1 visual cortex, which synthesizes those into more abstract datums (such as a simulator's specific instances of individual humans, tools, or houses), and passes the most abstract (from V2 visual cortex) plus complex (from V1 visual cortex) to hippocampus (which performs temporary storage tasks while active, and, at rest, encodes this to neocortex). Just as humans can use the neocortex's stored resources for synthesis of new animations/visuals, so too could artificial central nervous systems (run on CPU or GPU) setup synapses to allow to compress gigabytes of visuals from videos into a few kilobytes of text (the hippocampus has dual uses, so can expand the compressed "text" back to good visuals).
That was the simple version; humans also have layers of various auditory cortex tissues, so that sound compresses, plus a thalamus (which merges your various senses, thus the hippocampus has both audio+visual to access and compress, which, for a computer, would be as if you could all speech + lip motions down to the subtitles (.ass)).
Sources:, Neuroscience for Dummies plus various such books
Not sure if the articles[1][2] are about this, but if not, could produce this for us if someone sponsors.
Because the pages do not list compression ratios, have doubts, but if someone has done this, won't waste resources to produce what someone else has. Expected compression ratios: parse 2gbps of video (suchas 1024*1280@60fps) to output text at close to 2kbps, and should allow to reproduce the original with small losses.Allows all uses.
For the most new sources, use programs such as Bash or Termux to run this:
git clone cd SubStack/cxx && ls
cxx/ClassResultList.cxx has correspondances to neocortex. which is what humans use as databases. cxx/VirusAnalysis.cxx + cxx/ConversationCns.cxx has some correspondances to Broca's area (produces language through recursive processes), Wernicke’s area (parses languages through recursive processes), plus hippocampus (integration to the neocortex + imagination through various regions). cxx/ClassCns.cxx (HSOM + apxr_run) is just templates for general-purpose emulations of neural mass. has some equivalences to how visual cortex + Broca's area + hippocampus synthesizes visual outputs (from text inputs.) To have autonomous robots produce all goods for us [ ] would require visual cortex (parses inputs from photoreceptors) + auditory cortex (parses inputs from malleus + cortical homunculus (parses inputs from touch sensors) + thalamus (merges information from various classes of sensors, thus the robot balances + produces maps) + hippocampus (uses outputs from sensors to setup neocortex, plus, runs inverses this for synthesis of new scenarios) + Wernicke's region/Broca's regions (recursive language processes)
Just as a human who watches a video performs the following tasks: Retinal nervous tissue has raw photons as inputs, and compresses such into splines + edges + motion vectors (close to how computers produce splines through edge detection plus do motion estimation, which is what the most advanced traditional codecs such as x264 do to compress) passes millions/billions of those (through optic nerves) to the V1 visual cortex (as opposed to just dump those to a .mp4, which is what computers do), which groups those to produce more abstract, sparse, compressed forms (close to a simulator's meshes / textures / animations), passes those to V1 visual cortex, which synthesizes those into more abstract datums (such as a simulator's specific instances of individual humans, tools, or houses), and passes the most abstract (from V2 visual cortex) plus complex (from V1 visual cortex) to hippocampus (which performs temporary storage tasks while active, and, at rest, encodes this to neocortex). Just as humans can use the neocortex's stored resources for synthesis of new animations/visuals, so too could artificial central nervous systems (run on CPU or GPU) setup synapses to allow to compress gigabytes of visuals from videos into a few kilobytes of text (the hippocampus has dual uses, so can expand the compressed "text" back to good visuals).
That was the simple version; humans also have layers of various auditory cortex tissues, so that sound compresses, plus a thalamus (which merges your various senses, thus the hippocampus has both audio+visual to access and compress, which, for a computer, would be as if you could all speech + lip motions down to the subtitles (.ass)).
Sources:, Neuroscience for Dummies plus various such books
Not sure if the articles[1][2] are about this, but if not, could produce this for us if someone sponsors.
[1] A Computationally Efficient Neural Video Compression Accelerator Based on a Sparse CNN-Transformer Hybrid Network
[2] Advances In Video Compression System Using Deep Neural Network: A Review And Case Studies
Because the pages do not list compression ratios, have doubts, but if someone has done this, won't waste resources to produce what someone else has. Expected compression ratios: parse inputs of 1024*1280@60fps (2.6gbps), output text at a few kbps, reproduce originals from text (with small losses.)
submitted by 2002LuvAbbaLuvU to Serious [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 tempmailgenerator Troubleshooting Sendmail Issues in Django Projects

Tackling Email Delivery Problems in Django

When developing web applications with Django, integrating email functionalities is often crucial for features like user registration, password resets, and confirmation notifications. However, developers sometimes encounter challenges where Django fails to send these emails, leading to disrupted user experiences and potential security risks. This issue not only hampers the reliability of the application but also affects the trust users place in the platform. Understanding the common pitfalls and configurations necessary for Django's email backend is the first step towards resolving such problems.
Several factors can contribute to these sending issues, including incorrect SMTP server settings, firewall restrictions, or problems with the email service provider. Additionally, Django's sendmail configuration requires careful attention to ensure compatibility with the hosting environment and the email service being used. This introduction aims to guide developers through the process of diagnosing and fixing email delivery issues within their Django projects. By addressing these challenges head-on, developers can ensure that their applications maintain high levels of functionality and user satisfaction.
Command / Configuration Description
EMAIL_BACKEND Specifies the backend to use for sending emails. For SMTP, use 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'.
EMAIL_HOST The hostname of the email server.
EMAIL_PORT The port of the email server (typically 587 for TLS).
EMAIL_USE_TLS Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server. This is usually True.
EMAIL_HOST_USER The username to use for the SMTP server.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The password to use for the SMTP server.

Solving Email Delivery Issues in Django Applications

When a Django project fails to send confirmation emails, it's a signal to dive into the underlying email configuration and troubleshoot potential issues. The Django framework provides robust support for sending emails through various backends, including SMTP, console, file-based, and in-memory backends. Understanding these backends and their appropriate use cases is crucial. For instance, the SMTP backend is widely used for production environments, requiring accurate settings such as the host, port, use of TLS or SSL, and authentication credentials. Misconfiguration in any of these parameters can lead to failure in email delivery. Developers must ensure that these settings align with their email service provider's requirements, which might involve additional steps like setting up SPF or DKIM records to improve email deliverability and avoid being flagged as spam.
Beyond configuration, the Django environment plays a significant role in email functionality. Issues like a blocked SMTP port by the hosting provider or an improperly configured Django email backend can prevent emails from being sent. It's also essential to consider the use of asynchronous task queues like Celery to manage email sending, especially for high-volume applications. This approach not only enhances performance by offloading email sending to a background process but also adds resilience, as it can retry failed email sending attempts. By meticulously reviewing these aspects and applying best practices, developers can significantly improve the reliability of email delivery in their Django projects, ensuring critical communications reach their intended recipients.

Configuring Django Email Settings

Django Framework Setup
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your_email_password' 

Ensuring Email Deliverability in Django Projects

Effective email communication is a cornerstone of user interaction within Django applications, necessitating a reliable email delivery system. The Django framework accommodates this need with a flexible emailing setup, allowing developers to configure email backends that suit their project's requirements. However, ensuring the deliverability of these emails involves more than just configuring SMTP settings correctly. It requires an understanding of email protocols, adherence to best practices in email sending, and sometimes, navigating through the complexities of email deliverability issues. Factors such as the selection of a reputable email service provider, proper authentication methods (like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records), and monitoring email bounce rates are critical. These elements help in establishing the legitimacy of the emails being sent, which is crucial for avoiding spam filters and ensuring that emails reach their intended recipients.
Moreover, Django developers must be proactive in handling potential email delivery issues by implementing feedback loops with email service providers, using email validation services to clean lists, and carefully crafting email content to avoid triggers that commonly lead to spam classification. Additionally, understanding the nuances of transactional versus marketing emails, and segregating them appropriately, can significantly impact deliverability. By taking a comprehensive approach to email setup and monitoring within Django projects, developers can minimize issues related to email sending failures, thereby enhancing user engagement and trust in the application.

Common Questions on Email Sending in Django

  1. Question: Why are my Django emails going to spam?
  2. Answer: Emails from Django applications may land in spam due to issues like misconfiguration of email settings, lack of proper email authentication records (SPF, DKIM, DMARC), or content that triggers spam filters. Ensuring correct configuration and establishing a good sender reputation can help.
  3. Question: How do I use Gmail to send emails in Django?
  4. Answer: To send emails through Gmail in Django, configure the EMAIL_BACKEND setting to use Django's SMTP backend, and set the EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, EMAIL_HOST_USER, and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD settings to match Gmail's SMTP server details. Additionally, enable access for less secure apps in your Gmail account or use app-specific passwords if two-factor authentication is enabled.
  5. Question: How can I test email sending in Django during development?
  6. Answer: For testing emails in Django, use the console or file-based backend by setting EMAIL_BACKEND to 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' or 'django.core.mail.backends.filebased.EmailBackend', respectively. This allows you to view email output in the console or write it to a specified file without sending real emails.
  7. Question: Can Django send asynchronous emails?
  8. Answer: Yes, Django can send emails asynchronously by using Celery with Django to offload email sending to background tasks. This approach improves performance and user experience by not blocking the request-response cycle for email operations.
  9. Question: What is the best practice for managing email templates in Django?
  10. Answer: The best practice for managing email templates in Django is to use Django's template system to create reusable HTML or text templates for emails. This approach allows for dynamic content generation and easy maintenance of email layouts and styles.

Mastering Email Delivery in Django

Ensuring the reliable delivery of emails in Django applications is paramount for maintaining user trust and engagement. This article has navigated through the complexities of configuring Django's email system, highlighting the importance of correct SMTP settings, authentication techniques, and the use of asynchronous tasks for efficient email processing. Developers are encouraged to adopt a holistic approach towards email management, incorporating best practices such as monitoring deliverability, using email validation services, and carefully crafting email content. By addressing these aspects, developers can significantly reduce the chances of email delivery issues, thus enhancing the overall user experience. As Django continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest email handling techniques will be crucial for developers aiming to create robust and user-friendly web applications.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:49 carminehk Beginning to think of a final project for my masters and want to work with LoRa

In my masters program, i have done research on LoRa Wan and really like the concept of its function. I am now moving on to the end of my program and starting to think of project ideas for the upcoming project i will need to work on. i am still a year out and just want to see if my idea is anything before i spend time on some outrageous idea.
my idea is to build out a small scale lora network in my lab and then work to move some sort of security protocols into it to create a secure operational network. i understand the limitations in networking per loras operation but thinking if i could create a secure file sharing network or something similar. being with its focus in iot even if i could create an ecrypted network across lora for operations.
this may already be something since i only have the logical knowledge from my research. where can i get devices or setup my own whether its arduinos or raspberry pis to create the network and incorporate devices? any articles or sites are greatly appreciated as this is just a concept i thought of.
submitted by carminehk to Lora [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:32 sudosussudio This is the best story about soil erosion since Dune

As someone who studied agriculture in college, I really appreciated how this game incorporated soil science into the story. I play a lot of farming games and really never expect any degree of realism. But I was really surprised that Sandrock's story was grounded in the real issue of desertification. The solution being soil stabilization through tree plantings (very light vague spoiler) is very much a real thing (see Mongolia's 1 million trees project for example). It's rare I see these subjects in fiction, besides Dune, which was inspired by Frank Hebert's reporting on soil stabilization projects.
This makes me think that the devs/writers must have researched these subjects. The best part is they turned a subject that many people see as boring into a fun and engaging story.
Of course most of the algae stuff was science fiction, but scientists IRL are researching the use of algae to improve soil. And biocrusts are also a real thing too!
Anyway, NGL I totally bought this game for Logan/Fang but now I'm going to recommend it to all my ag school friends. Unless they are busy with real farming that is (I was more like Qi and stuck with computers).
submitted by sudosussudio to MyTimeAtSandrock [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:01 twiddledee31 6 Common LLC Setup Mistakes You MUST Avoid!

Starting a new business involves important decisions that can significantly impact the future of your venture.
Setting up your LLC is one of these areas.
Failure to navigate this process effectively can result in costly setbacks, both in terms of time and finances.
Here are six crucial mistakes to avoid:

1. Choosing The Wrong Entity

Selecting the appropriate type of LLC lays the foundation for your business's financial and operational framework.
Single-member, multi-member, and S-Corp classifications offer distinct advantages and considerations.
A single-member LLC provides simplicity in paperwork while ensuring liability protection.
Conversely, opting for an S-Corp designation entails different tax obligations, potentially offering tax-saving opportunities for higher earners.
Understanding the nuances of each entity type is paramount.
Seeking guidance from seasoned professionals can illuminate the optimal choice tailored to your business needs and goals.
NOTE: The LLC service I recommended that gives the most hands on assistance with this is ZenBusiness, (affiliate link). The team there are great for giving advice on exactly how to navigate the various steps to forming your LLC, or S-Corp.

2. Incorporating in the Wrong State

Deciding where to incorporate your business involves weighing legal, financial, and administrative factors.
While certain states like Delaware and Wyoming offer enticing legal and tax incentives, they may not be conducive to the needs of smaller enterprises or solo entrepreneurs.
Incorporating out of state may lead to increased paperwork, fees, and regulatory complexities, offsetting potential benefits.
Prioritize practicality and compliance by assessing the requirements of your home state and consulting legal counsel to navigate any jurisdictional considerations effectively.

3. Forgetting to Keep Your LLC Compliant

Establishing an LLC marks the beginning rather than the culmination of your compliance obligations.
Maintaining regulatory adherence safeguards against risks such as piercing the corporate veil and personal liability exposure.
Vigilance in areas such as using the business name consistently, fulfilling annual reporting requirements, and segregating business finances from personal funds is imperative.
Engage with legal professionals or regulatory authorities to stay abreast of compliance obligations and fortify your business's legal standing.

4. Incorporating Without Required Licenses

Securing requisite licenses and permits is a prerequisite for conducting business lawfully in many industries and jurisdictions.
Failure to obtain mandated licenses can result in penalties and operational disruptions.
Whether at the local, state, or federal level, thorough due diligence is necessary to identify and fulfill licensing requirements pertinent to your business activities.
Prioritize regulatory compliance by proactively acquiring the necessary licenses and permits, thereby mitigating legal and financial risks.

5. Failing to Get the Right Kind of Legal Assistance

While self-filing an LLC may suffice for straightforward cases, complex scenarios demand expert legal guidance.
Collaborating with legal professionals ensures comprehensive understanding and adherence to legal obligations, particularly in multi-state operations or partnership arrangements.
The upfront investment in legal counsel can yield invaluable dividends by preempting potential disputes or regulatory oversights.
Explore avenues for legal assistance, such as specialized services or legal consultations, to safeguard your business's legal integrity and mitigate future liabilities.

6. Using Random Legal Documents Found Online

The proliferation of online resources offers convenience and accessibility in various facets of business management.
However, indiscriminate adoption of generic legal documents poses inherent risks.
Templates sourced from the internet may lack specificity or fail to address unique circumstances, potentially leading to contractual ambiguities or disputes.
Exercise prudence by scrutinizing online templates and supplementing them with professional legal review when necessary.
Customizing legal documents to align with your business's specific requirements enhances clarity and mitigates legal uncertainties.
submitted by twiddledee31 to LLChat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:45 shanem Not Cooking with Gas in the District: Healthy Homes Act and Oyster Oyster weigh in

More and more evidence is coming out that Natural/Methane Gas in the home is harmful to human health and especially to children. This is on top of its harmful impacts to Climate Change.
In the District:
the Healthy Home Acts was enacted by the council though the Mayor has excluded it from the budget. This would help 30k low income households switch off gas appliances. The Sierra Club is organizing petitioning the mayor to support it.
Otherwise the gas industry is stepping up promoting gas through the restaurant industry, however locally Oyster Oyster's Rob Rubba (Michelin star, James Beard award winner) talks induction cooking in the industry and at Oyster Oyster in City Cast
submitted by shanem to washingtondc [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 nuggetsofchicken The GND Expanded Universe and what people get wrong about NDAs

There's been much discussion, both on the podcast and on this sub, about the extent to which those involved in the Playboy inner and outer circle were subject to NDAs. Most recently, Crystal has been criticized by Marston and HB for supposedly obtaining NDAs near the end of Hef's life and "silencing" his close friend. I think there is some fundamental misunderstandings about NDAs and what their role might be in this story.
Who am I? I am a silly little lawyer, practicing in California, and I love the intersection of law and popular culture. I wrote a journal article in law school about NDAs and the MeToo movement but sure as hell didn't try to get it published, so I've done deep dives into this topic but I am by no means an expert. I do love to learn, however, so if anyone has expertise in this area and wants to correct me or add onto any of this I would greatly appreciate it.
What is an NDA?
A non-disclosure agreement or an "NDA" refers to the broad spectrum of contractual agreements where the terms of the agreement bind at least one party from communicating about a pre-determined topic. Basically, a contract that makes at least someone keep quiet about something.
A contract requires (amongst other things) consideration by both parties. This means both parties have to give and take something for the contract to be valid. A contract, or an NDA, cannot just be a piece of paper where someone promises to do something. There has to be something in it for both sides.
Consideration, most commonly, takes the form of money. I pay you X, so you will do Y. But it can also be in the form of permission to engage in a certain activity. For example, I did an escape room once that had an NDA clause in the waiver so that people wouldn't go blabbing about how to solve the room once they were done. In exchange for getting to do the room, I agreed to the NDA. If I didn't want to agree to those terms, I could just not do the escape room.
The terms of the contract have to be reasonably balanced. You can't pay one cent for someone to agree to give you their firstborn child. Courts generally aren't in the business of scrutinizing the fairness of terms of contracts unless there's something grossly egregious about them, but it still has to make some modicum of sense.
Misunderstanding #1 - Anyone who signs an NDA is a victim being silenced by the other party.
This seems to be the assumption that HB and Marston are operating off of. There's this notion that Crystal forced all of Hef's circle to sign NDAs near the end of his life and now they're being silenced because of it.
First, you can't just have people sign NDAs and expect them to be enforceable. If Crystal did get NDAs from Hef's circle later in life, they had to have been paid consideration for it. Either Crystal offered them a sum of money (which they accepted) or the NDA was a requisite to partake in movie night, buffet dinner, etc. Either way, those who signed NDAs did so with an acceptance of what would be offered in exchange.
Obviously, there's argument that most people don't really understand the contracts they sign and wouldn't agree to them if they understood what they were giving up. But Hef's inner circle? These are people who have been in the entertainment industry for years, if not decades; these are people who have money to hire a lawyer, if not already have a lawyer on speed-dial. I am skeptical that if Dickie Bann was handed an NDA before entering the mansion for movie night he would've just signed it blindly.
Let's also consider the fact that the value of one's ability to speak out is inherently subjective. The criticism of an NDA assumes that the right to speak on a matter is something otherwise desired by the person agreeing to the NDA. It's easy to wonder why a victim would ever agree to an NDA and be prevented from speaking out about their experience. Frankly, before MeToo and the rise of social media, most victims of traumatic experiences were more inclined to speak less about their abuse than to go public. If you're a victim, and you already have no reason to speak to the public about your trauma, getting a significant payout to remain silent is actually a pretty solid deal.
Hef's friends are not victims by any means. But they showed a great amount of loyalty to him and the Playboy brand for decades before his death. I am incredibly skeptical of the notion that Hef's friends, but for some NDA, would have otherwise planned on ratting him out and showing the world that his health was declining.
The value of silence is subjective. Someone signing an NDA does not necessarily mean they are now restricted from publicly communicating something major. It very well might mean they just now have a legal obligation to do the thing that they would have done otherwise.
If, somehow, Crystal had been able to get Hef's friends to sign NDAs, I do not think that it influenced their behavior enough from what would have otherwise been that anyone needs to be that concerned about it. If it did, great, they probably got a great payout from it.
Misunderstanding #2 - NDAs are counter-intuitive to free speech and Hef would have never stood for them
As I'm sure many of you are aware, the First Amendment protection of free speech refers to the government's ability to restrict speech. Someone choosing to sign an NDA is not the same as the government preventing your broadcast from reaching its desired audiences. Someone choosing to not enter a private preschool with an AR-47 has nothing to do with their Second Amendment rights. The free speech that Hef specifically was known for advocating for had to do with censorship at the hands of the government from the broadcast of "obscene" content.
Maybe Bridget meant just the general philosophical idea of "free speech," which you would hope her masters in communication would have taught her to clarify the difference between. Regardles, remember, NDAs require consideration. This is not just ruthless silencing of innocent people who'd love to speak out about how awful Crystal is. These are wealthy, if not also highly educated, people in Hef's inner circle who, if they signed an NDA, surely understand the gravity (or lack thereof) of what they're agreeing to.
Likewise, I don't think Hef was against the idea of an NDA. Holly speculated that Hef wouldn't have required NDAs for those going into the bedroom because it would have given them a second to think about their decision. There's probably truth to this, but courts are also -very- reluctant to enforce any contracts that seem as though they would implicitly be authorizing sex in exchange for money. Also keep in mind the limited opportunities for women at that time to "speak out" if they even wanted to share about what happened in the bedroom. Hef probably would've loved for the public to hear what happened. There wasn't social media or the same understanding of power dynamics as there are these days. Who is someone who went into the bedroom and didn't sign an NDA and had a horrible time going to go to?
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that Holly said she signed an NDA to work at the studio. This is perfectly reasonable. Anyone who is on a salary or signed a contract with an employer probably has signed off on an NDA clause and are currently bound by it. You couldn't keep something like who the Playmate of the Year was under wraps without some strict confidentiality provisions. The Playboy empire could not exist if there was some kind of blanket rule against NDAs.
Additionally, part of the allure of the mansion parties, per the podcast, were that no outside cameras were permitted inside. You're really gonna rag on someone not wanting a bunch of shitty iPhone shots of a man in his dying days, meanwhile you're singing the praises of exclusive parties that for decades wouldn't let people take and share photos of the event?
I am fully confident that Hef did not have issues with NDAs for business purposes, and certainly did not see that as contradicting his stance on free speech. In the podcast they said the mansion staff signed NDAs as part of their employment contracts There are countless examples of the Playboy company trying to silence people in Secrets of Playboy. Hef made it very clear that his stance was that free speech was important when it could help his bottom line. Anything else was negotiable.
Misunderstanding #3 - If someone signs an NDA it's automatically enforceable/If an NDA is unenforceable that will be obvious from the get go
To play devil's advocate to myself, I will say that whether an NDA is enforceable by a court of law and whether the parties abide by the terms are two separate issues. In many cases, a contract may not hold up in court if someone seeks to litigate over alleged violation of the terms. Most contracts don't get litigated over let alone actually get a final determination of their enforceability by a Court.
I will say that there's possibility that Crystal had people sign NDAs that were shotty but that the signers didn't understand that the NDAs weren't legitimate and so they still complied with the terms of the contract. (for example, often those waivers you sign for various activities wouldn't hold up in court, but people think they do, which precludes a lot of people from even considering bringing a claim) But this goes back to the type of people who would be signing these NDAs who otherwise might have access to sensitive information about Hef or the company. These are not girls coming out to do test shoots or the larger guest list at the mansion parties. These are people who are wealthy, powerful, and educated and would not be duped by the idea that merely signing an NDA with ridiculous terms would mean the contract is enforceable. Or perhaps they just didn't give a fuck enough about blabbing so there was no reason for them to even question the NDA that would stop them from saying something they weren't playing on saying.
Not a misunderstanding but one closing note in defense of these hypothetical NDAs - The power of speech for the average person has increased exponentially in the digital and social media age. HB acknowledge that the mansion parties were unique from anything currently because there weren't the same tools we have now to disseminate information. I think it's sort of an apples and oranges comparison in terms of confidentiality to compare the vibes of the buffet movie nights from the early 2000s to the 2010s, not even taking into account the nature of Hef's health.
I think Bridget talked about how a lot of screen contracts didn't allow for residuals from streaming services because they literally hadn't existed then. By the time smartphones and social media were ubiquotus I don't think Hef really gave that much of a care about protecting his or the brand's image. Hef never had a policy or strategy to address social media because it just wasn't even a problem for him to consider, not because he had some absolutely stance on letting anyone who came to the mansion say whatever they wanted about it to the masses.
Ok, I think that's all I have for now. Happy to talk about this or debate this more, but wanted to clear some things up since I feel like this drama with Crystal and allegations about NDAs is going to come up in the near future.
submitted by nuggetsofchicken to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:40 De_Noir Where could I find any boilerplate articles of incorporation for a SARL-S

As stated in the title I am right now looking to establish a SARL-S and I am looking for a sample articles of incorporation that I could use. Thank you for any suggestions (German preferred but I can also do French / Lux).
submitted by De_Noir to Luxembourg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:00 DaleDenton08 The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1906, or the Northern Pacific War.

The Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1906, or the Northern Pacific War.
The Russo-Japanese War, also known as the Northern Pacific War, was fought between the Japanese Empire and an alliance of the Russian Empire and Republic of California from 1904 to 1906 over rival imperial ambitions in Manchuria and the northern pacific ocean. The major theaters were in the Liaodong Peninsula and Mukden in Southern Manchuria, the Sea of Japan and the Hawaiian archipelago. Russia sought a second warm-water port nearer to the mainland both for maritime trade and to exert influence over the Qing dynasty of China. Vladivostok remained ice-free and operational only during the summer, while their ports in Hawaii were over 6,800 kilometers away. Port Arthur, a naval base in Liaodong Province leased to Russia by Qing China from 1897, was operational year round and closer to their territorial ambitions.
Conflicts with the Empire of Japan arose, who also sought to expand their sphere of influence over East Asia and saw the emerging Russian threat as hostile. After negotiations broke down in 1904, hostilities began shortly after. Initially, the Republic of California, allied economically and diplomatically with Russia, had refused to join the conflict on the other side of the Pacific. This opinion within the government and populace changed when three divisions of Japanese naval infantry invaded the colony of Hawaii.
This is a part of a timeline where the United States failed during the Constitutional Crisis of 1787, where the states failed to agree on a new, amended articles of confederation and the country dissolved into a series of squabbling nations. The Republic of California, relatively new to the world scene but prosperous due to trade, and sporting a large naval power, came to be nearly a century later during the massive rebellions under the regime of Centralist Mexico. Despite their relatively strong military presence and ties to Western Europe through trade, they wish to avoid another major conflict. They had previously fought the Republic of Texas-Rio Grande over the territory of Utah several times, where thousands died for the land on both sides. With the corpotacracy Hudson Bay Company Oregon Territory above them and Third Mexico Empire below, California sought an alliance with Imperial Russia, who wished to expand their colonial territory into the pacific. This was accomplished with a joint conquest of Hawaii between the two nations, solidifying their alliance and establish the first successful Russian colony in the Pacific. Due to the Empire’s ties to the European powers, the Republic found itself thrust onto the world stage, gaining international recognition unlike their neighbors.
This is just the first part of the project I’ve been working on. I’m planning on expanding the lore with more posts on the Carlist Kingdom of Florida, Grand Tribal Confederation, and the status of Europe leading up to the 20th century.
submitted by DaleDenton08 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:31 Alarmed_Mistake_9999 How dangerous is the Luconia/Kasawari/South China Sea situation? What is the Malaysian perspective on China's violations of your EEZ? Why does China behave this way?

Hello, American here. I have not been to Malaysia, so I understandably lack your local context. Pre-emptive apologies for any misunderstandings.
My question is about the South China Sea dispute, specifically around the disputed oil and gas fields. The recent article in American media laid out the US perspective of the dispute, but didn't seem to incorporate your local perspective.
Therefore, how dangerous is this dispute and the regular bullying from Chinese coast guards? It is obviously highly illegal to claim natural resources so close to your shores, which makes me believe that China is doing this bad behavior as bullying tactic to show Malaysia who's boss and ensure Malaysia's ultimate vassalage to China. Maybe you have another explanation.
Is there a real fear that China could escalate its bad behavior and say, use water cannons or even use overt military force to kick out out of your EEZ and thus start a serious international conflict? Or is this kind of talk just, as your Prime Minister Anwar claims, all hype meant to demonize China?
Finally, do you believe that Malaysia should continue to balance between Beijing and Washington, or follow the Philippines and align fully with the USA?
I am intrigued to hear the answers of Malaysians!
submitted by Alarmed_Mistake_9999 to malaysia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:28 andreabaker2 Robert Adams was Robert Spiegel, and there is a huge history.

As many of you may have read, there is a case of two missing adopted kids in North Carolina, where remains have been found. The news has reported that their adoptive “mother” is Avantae Deven.
I’m a curious person and started digging up information on Avantae Deven when I first read the story in my news feed and could not believe what I was reading. It seemed like whomever this woman is must have be using an alias; Avantae Deven is not a name like Kim Jones or Mackenzie Smith.
The more I dug, the weirder it seemed to get. I found a property deed to a place in Sedona, Arizona, and figured out that whomever this Avantae person is, she at one point in time had owned a home together with someone named Nicole Adams. So I dug into who Nicole Adams was, and learned that she was the widow of a spiritual leader named Robert Adams. It appeared to me that there would be no way to identify who Avantae really was, unless I could also identify the true identity of Robert Adams.
I've done investigative work for many years, including skip tracing. I can conclusively state that there was absolutely no person actually named Robert Adams born in New York State on January 21, 1928. This is demonstrated by the New York Birth Index. I have combed the census records for 1930, 1940, and 1950, and cross-checked them against multiple databases, and am confident that nobody with the birth name of Robert Adams was born anywhere in the United States on January 21, 1928.
Moreover, there was absolutely no person with the true name of Robert Adams who died anywhere at all in the United States, let alone Sedona, Arizona, on March 2, 1997. This is demonstrated by the Social Security Death Index.
I began this research largely by performing exhaustive searches on the known addresses that are associated with Robert, his wife Leonie (who used to use the alias Nicole), and Avantae Deven (who turns out to be their daughter Michelle who began using the alias Avantae in the mid-1990’s or so). Most of the addresses are PO boxes. Those that are PO boxes are all *private* PO boxes, not PO boxes that one can rent from the United States Postal Service. To me, that spoke volumes. The family were clearly using aliases.
As I explain further below, I eventually determined that “Robert Adams” was Robert Spiegel, born 21 January 1932 in New York. “Nicole Adams” was actually Aileen Beverly Leonie Maxwell, born February 2, 1929, in Jamaica. “Avantae Deven” is actually their daughter, Michelle K. Spiegel, born on October 1, 1960, in California.
One of Robert’s many false stories about Robert’s life that my research has refuted is Robert’s claim that his mother was Jewish and his father was Catholic. That was a lie. Both of his parents were Jewish. It’s also interesting that he claimed that he was “raised Catholic.” There is absolutely nothing to suggest that. His mother always, in New York, lived in Jewish neighborhoods. Moreover, as will be discussed below, his parents had a Jewish wedding. It’s also downright absurd that he would tell people that he was “half Jewish.” If your mother’s Jewish, you are Jewish, pure and simple. Even if Robert’s father had truly been Catholic (which he wasn’t; his name was Samuel Spiegel and he immigrated to America in 1907, lived with his Jewish, Yiddish-speaking cousins, and spoke Yiddish himself), Robert would have been Jewish because the status of being a Jew comes from the mother. Robert’s mother’s name was Fannie (nee Fleisfeder) Spiegel. Fannie’s parents were Itzik Fleisfeder and Esther Libke (nee Rifkin) Fleisfeder. Esther’s parents were Mendel Rifkin and Sarah whose maiden name is lost to time and the disappearance of the shtetls. Robert’s claim to having had a Catholic father was utterly false, but is part and parcel of his ongoing compulsive daily lying about anything and everything.
Here is the story.
Kolomyia, formerly known as Kolomea, is a city currently located in the Western Ukraine.
On January 21, 1892 (the same year that Kolomea tallis1 workers went on strike for better pay and working conditions), Kolomea resident Rachel Katz, wife of Abraham Spiegel, gave birth to a son, who was given the name Schmuel.
On the date that Schmuel Spiegel entered the world, Kolomea was ruled by the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and almost half of the city’s residents were Jewish.
In June of 1907, fifteen-year-old Schmuel2 boarded the Zeeland, which sailed from Antwerp, Belgium, arriving at New York Harbor on June 18, 1907. The ship’s manifest states that Schmuel’s father had paid for his transport, and that Schmuel intended to reside with his father, Abe, in Brooklyn. Schmuel was granted entrance, and took up residence with his cousin Charles Fetner, who resided at 353 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, in Apartment A with his wife Jennie and their baby daughter Ettie. The sparse record that exists suggests that although Schmuel’s father was, indeed, named Abraham, Abraham lived and died in Europe, without immigrating to America.
The 1910 census describes Samuel’s cousin Charles as a carpenter, who had been married to housewife Jennie for six years, and a father of three children-- Ettie age four, Nathan age two, and baby Jacob, who was not even a year old. Eighteen-year-old Samuel was identified by profession as a “Foreman Sailmaker” in an industry described as “pocket-books.”
Three and a half years after being granted admission, on a bitterly cold winter day, January 4, 1911, Schmuel (now employed as a pocket-book maker, and having Anglicized his name to Samuel) signed and submitted his declaration to become a United States citizen. He stated, in that declaration, that he was born on January 21, 1892.
By 1915, Samuel had left his cousin’s abode and was residing as a lodger in the home of a widow named Rose Hammer, who lived with her two adolescent sons, Meyer and Louis, at 531 E. 5th Avenue; Samuel was now working as a “driver.”
Two years after the 1915 state census was taken, Samuel had moved back to Myrtle Avenue, but this time at building no. 849. On June 15, 2017, Samuel registered for the draft, and described himself as being a pocketbook maker, working for “A. Shoenfeld,” at 101 Crosby Street, New York. He was single. He stated, in his draft registration, that he was born on January 21, 1892.
A woman named Fruma Fleisfeder was born in Beltz, Bessarabia, sometime between July 1, 1893, and 1901, to Itzik Fleisfeder and Esther Lieba Rifkin. Fruma (not living up to her pious given name) provided different dates and years of birth to different authorities on different occasions, making it impossible at this point in time to know her true position in the birth order of her family. Regardless, Fruma, who began using the name Fanny upon her entrance to the United States, did have three brothers and a sister who also came to America-- Louis Fleisfeder who was born April 10, 1890, Max Irving Fleisfeder who used October 10, 1892 as his birthdate, Hersch (later known as Harry), whose official birthdate was December 15, 1901, and Sylvia who was born in approximately 1906.
On December 1, 1919, Fruma arrived in New York Harbor on the ship La Touraine, declaring her intention, at entry, to become a United States Citizen. The ship’s manifest describes her as five feet five inches tall, with fair hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion. The ship’s manifest states that she was, at that time, age 24. If that were correct, she would have been born in 1895.
Fruma (then going by Fanny) took up residence with her cousin Ethel (nee Ruchlin) and Ethel’s husband Samuel Steinberg, on 15th Street, Brooklyn. Soon thereafter, Ethel gave birth to her first child, a daughter named Theresa. The 1920 census states that Fanny was Russian, didn’t speak English but, rather, spoke Hebrew, and worked as a milliner in a millinery store. The 1920 census also states that Fanny was age 25, which lines up with her being age 24 in the prior year’s ship manifest.
Sam and Fanny married in Manhattan on January 24, 1925. Their marriage certificate (signed by each of them) identifies Sam as being age 32 (contradicting, by one year, his immigration records which would have placed him at age 33), and identifies Fanny as age 24, the same age that she had claimed to be six years prior, and also contradicting an immigration petition that she would file two decades in the future, which generally placed her birth year at the mid-point of 1893.
If Fanny’s immigration records (which included a petition with her signature on it) were correct, Fanny would also have been age 32 as of her marriage to Samuel, not age 24.
So did Fanny lie in her marriage certificate? Or did she lie in her immigration petition?
The marriage certificate identifies Sam as having been born in Kolomea, Austria, and his father being Abraham, and his mother being Rachel Katz. It identifies Fanny as having been born in Beltz, Russia, to a father named Isaac, and to a mother named Esther Rifkin.
The marriage certificate does not identify Fanny as having any profession, but identifies Sam as being a pocketbook maker.
Sam and Fannie were married at 125 E. 4th Street, Manhattan, a six-story apartment building with retail units on the ground floor that is now an expensive co-op, with three-bedroom units selling for over $900,000. Present-day real estate advertisements alternatively state that the building was built in 1894, 1903, and 1905.
The first name of the rabbi who officiated was Harry. His surname starts with Reid, but the remaining letters of his signature are illegible. Rabbi Harry identified his residence as 232 Broome Street, which, at the time, was a four-story mixed use building that, among other things, housed Chevrah Ahavath Zedek Anshei Jaskinover.
Witnesses to the marriage were Mayer Budmon and Samuel Steinberg.
Sam and Fanny’s existence was documented next in the 1925 New York State census by census. They were living at 205 S. 2nd Street. Samuel was still working as a “pocketbook maker.” Fanny was identified as a “housewife.”
Fanny was identified as age 25. This was in accordance with her age as stated on her marriage certificate, but not in accordance with her immigration documents or the 1920 census.
Sam was identified as being age 28, which conflicted with all prior records.
In 1930, the couple were again enumerated, this time in the Federal census. The enumerator, whose signature appears to be “Max Krahn” (or something like that) stated that he obtained the information on April 16, 1930.
Sam was identified as a “framer” of pocketbooks. He was identified as being 36 years of age, which conflicts by two years with the age that he provided to immigration authorities. Perhaps the enumerator was simply sloppy; Samuel was also incorrectly identified in the 1930 census as having been born in “Poland,” with parents who were both also born in “Poland,” notwithstanding other governmental records having identified him as being Austrian. The language he spoke? “Jewish,” according to the enumerator. Was that to mean Hebrew? Yiddish? Both?
Fannie was identified as age 30 (directly in conflict with the information she supplied in her immigration petition, which bears her signature) and as being “Russian,” with parents born in “Russia.” The 1930 census enumerator incorrectly wrote that her year of immigration was 1921. Fannie, too, was identified by the enumerator as speaking the “Jewish” language.
Although later records reflected that Sam and Fannie had a son named Irving who was born in 1926, Irving was not recorded in the 1930 census. Was he missed by the enumerator? Or was he a later-adopted son?
The couple also had a boarder, identified by the 1930 enumerator as one Esther “Larson,” age 40, born in Russia, and similarly a speaker of the “Jewish” language.
The New York Birth Index identifies a baby boy, Robert Spiegel, as one of many babies having been born in the city on January 21, 1932.
On May 21, 1936, Samuel committed suicide by hanging in the family residence, a tenement apartment located at 1168 Union Avenue, in the Bronx. Although, based upon the date of birth that Samuel used for official governmental purposes he was age 44, the death certificate stated that he was age 43.
Fannie engaged the Gordon Funeral Home to prepare him for burial.
Strangely, although Samuel’s headstone accurately identified him in Hebrew as Schmuel Spiegel, son of Avraham, it inexplicably incorrectly stated that he died at age 40.
Fannie of course knew her husband’s real age; both of them signed the marriage certificate that had Samuel’s correct age listed. Furthermore, Samuel had petitioned for citizenship in 1911, and stated that his date of birth was January 18, 1892.
Why would Fannie commission a headstone with a false age? Perhaps she, like her son, was a compulsive liar. Maybe that’s where Robert got it from.
The 1940 census has Fannie (identified as age 38), Robert (identified as age 8), and Fannie’s son/Robert’s brother, Irving Spiegel, age 13, as living with Fannie’s 72-year-old mother, Esther Fleisfeder, at 1537 Fulton Avenue, in the Bronx. Fannie and Esther were identified as widows. Esther was identified as “U” (unable to work), while Fannie was identified as engaged in housework. No source of income for the family was identified.
No explanation is obvious regarding where Irving was living in the census taken a decade previously. Was he adopted?
There is no “Irving Spiegel” listed in the New York Birth Index for either 1926 or 1927. There is an “Irving Spiegal” listed, who was born April 29, 1926. But he is not Irving Spiegel.
I initially thought that perhaps Irving might be one of the unnamed Baby Boy Spiegels born in New York in 1926 or 1927, and that he left the hospital unnamed because his parents were waiting for his bris before naming him. However, Robert left the hospital with the name Robert. Why wait until the bris to name one child, but not the other?
Slightly less than two years after she was enumerated in the 1940 census, Fannie’s mother Esther died, at home, at 1537 Fulton Avenue. The causes of death were “Coronary Thrombosis, Pulmonary Oedema Nephritis, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis.” Esther left this world on February 6, 1942, the same day that the W. L. Steed was torpedoed, shelled and sunk less than a hundred nautical miles east of the mouth of Delaware River by a German submarine.
She was buried at Mount Moriah Cemetery in Fairview, New Jersey, the same cemetery where her son-in-law Samuel was interred.
On November 12, 1943, Fannie, now residing at 1985 Bathgate Avenue, in the Bronx, petitioned for citizenship. She claimed, in that document bearing her signature, to be fifty years of age, meaning that if she was telling the truth, she would have been born in approximately 1893.
On January 19, 1948, Robert (having assumed a false date of birth, that being January 18, 1931), enlisted in the New York National Guard. On paper, he had turned age 17 the day before his enlistment. In reality, he would be turning age 16 two days after his enlistment.
On December 9, 1949, Robert was discharged from the national guard, apparently for having been AWOL.
The discharge document identifies his address as being 1985 Bathgate Avenue, New York City.
The 1950 census places Robert again at 1985 Bathgate Avenue, New York City. It correctly identifies him as age 18, and states that he worked as a shipping clerk for a newspaper company.
According to the 1950 census, Robert resided at the Bathgate Avenue address with his mother Fannie, who was purportedly still age 50 (seven years after she had previously claimed to immigration authorities to be age 50), and Robert’s brother Irving, age 24.
Irving was listed as unemployed and moreover, according to the census record, had not worked for the prior year. Fannie was employed full-time as a milliner in a hat factory.
Military records reflect that Irving J. Spiegel, born in 1926 and a resident of 1985 Bathgate Avenue, who had completed two years of high school education, had flown bomber planes over Germany during the war. In his military documents, Irving described himself as single, with two dependents.
On February 2, 1929, a baby girl given the name Aileen Beverly Leone Maxwell was born in Lucea, Hanover, Jamaica, to William Maxwell and Daisy (nee Tibbits) Maxwell. Her birth was registered by her parents.
In 1954, Robert Spiegel and Aileen Maxwell were married in New York City. Their marriage license was given License No. 10284.
The following year, the Kingston, Jamaica, Gleaner reported on June 6, 1955:
Miss Leonie Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell, was married recently in New York City to Mr. Robert Spiegel of the U.S.A. Both the bride and groom are students at the New York Institute of Dietetics. The bride left the island nearly two years ago for New York. Her wedding gown was chantilly lace and nylon tulle. The bodice was fashioned with a wide, scalloped neckline and elbow-length sleeves. Her three tier skirt of chantilly lace was over pleated nylon tulle. Her fingertip-length veil was adorned with pearls.
If the claim regarding the couple studying at the New York Institute of Dietetics was even true, their studies at this institution didn’t last long. In May of 1956, a number of advertisements bearing Robert’s photograph appeared in the Kingston, Jamaica Gleaner. The advertisements described Robert as a psychologist, author, lecturer, and “practitioner in auto suggestion,” and identified him as “Dr. J. Robert Spiegel.” Readers were invited to come meet Robert on May 21, 1956, at Record Plaza, where he would be autographing his “latest” “world-wide” 33 and 1/3 RPM record, “How to Stop Smoking in 7 days by Auto-Suggestion.”
On May 1, 1959, three residents of 1985 Bathgate Avenue, Bronx, New York, came through customs, having returned from a trip to Jamaica. They identified themselves as “Robert D. Spiegel” born in New York (in addition to giving himself a false middle initial, Robert neglected to complete the I-94-A fully, specifically by leaving his birthdate blank), “Leonie A. Spiegel” born in Jamaica on February 2, 1929, and their minor daughter, and “Sharon S. Spiegel,” born in New York. Someone also neglected to fully complete Sharon’s I-94-A, specifically by leaving her birthdate blank.
Leonie had taken Sharon to Jamaica two years earlier. There are no publicly available records pertaining to their outbound transport from the United States to Jamaica. There is, however, a record pertaining to their return to the United States. That publicly available record does not provide their address, but Sharon is identified as weighing 1 stone 5 pounds (a total of 19 pounds), and Leonie is identified as weighing six stone 5 pounds (89 pounds). Interestingly, Leonie used the name “Aileen Spiegel,” and the records assert that Aileen has no middle initial. Aileen was / is her true legal first name, but it is a lie to say that she has no middle initial.
Almost two years later, on January 5, 1958, the Kingston, Jamaica Gleaner reported:
Staying at the Tamarind Hotel are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Spiegel and daughter Sharon of Miami, Florida. Mrs. Spiegel is the former Leonie Maxwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxwell of Lucea and has been in the United States for several years. A welcome party in their honour was given last Saturday night by Messers. Horrace, Ray, and Dennis Maxwell, brothers of Mrs. Spiegel. It was a very enjoyable affair.
In 1963, roughly five years after their 1958 visit to Jamaica, Leonie petitioned for naturalization, in Louisiana. Although I am in possession of the index showing that she petitioned in 1963, I do not possess the petition itself. However, the fact that she petitioned for naturalization in Louisiana demonstrates that that at least she was residing in Louisiana at the time. Since she stated that she didn’t leave Robert’s side for over 40 years, presumably Robert, young Sharon, and also baby Michelle were living in Louisiana at that time.
People who knew Robert personally relate that he stated that Leonie was a Cayman Island heiress. She wasn’t. Not only was she not born in the Cayman Islands, Leonie’s father’s estate was litigated (with the judge ruling against her) long before Robert started telling people that his wife was a Cayman Islands heiress.
Leonie’s father did leave an estate, but not to her. On November 9, 1967, the Gleaner reported that the Supreme Court had upheld the will of the late William Josiah Maxwell, the father of Horrace, Ray, Dennis, and Leonie, and the husband of Daisy Maxwell, who had contended that William’s signature was a forgery and that the person to whom his estate had been bequeathed had exercised undue influence. The court disagreed. The article reported:
The estate, which one of the executors described as “a sizeable one,” included 112 acres of land at Paradise and three houses at Lucea, Hanover.
Robert apparently wasn’t banking on Leonie’s inheritance in any event. In May of 1966, advertisements appeared in the Houston Chronicle with Robert’s photo on them, selling a record that would purportedly assist people in stopping smoking in seven days. He identified himself as “Dr. J. Robert Spiegel.”
On page 55 of the November 15, 1969, San Antonio, Texas Express and News, was an advertisement stating:
Dr. J. Robert Spiegel of Houston, director and founder of the Science of the Mind Foundation there, is conducting Sunday evening meetings at 7:30 p.m. in the Sheraton Inn, 1400 Austin Hwy.
On page 4 of the July 10, 1970 edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram was a photograph of Robert, with a brief local news blurb:
GUEST – Dr. J Robert Spiegel of Houston, Science of Mind Foundation director, will speak at the 10:45 a.m. service tomorrow in First Church of Religious Science, 2001 6th Ave. His subject is “What Religious Science Teaches.”
On page 8 of the June 18, 1970 edition of the Houston Daily Cougar was this advertisement:
Teaching Aquarian Meditation For The New Age
Meets Every Sunday, 11:00 A.M. At The World Trade Center Auditorium
Houston, Texas
Aquarian Meditation Initiation for the first time offered through correspondence. For those sincere students wishing to bypass evolution and enter the 5th Kingdom. Initiation includes meditation technique, Mantra, how to "live” 24 hours a day, and much more. Write for application today:
P.O. Box 53328 Houston, Texas 052
From the Galveston Daily News, May 02, 1971, Pg. 31:
The 1972 Spiritual Community Guide lists Robert twice, in the San Diego area. First, on page 117, using his alias “J. Robert Spiegel”:
THE TEMPLE OF METAPHYSICAL ABUNDANCE. J. Robert Spiegel, 1118 Torrey Pines Rd., 92037. Teaches yoga, nutrition, ESP, metaphysics, psychology, mind control
Second, on page 124, in which he, as one might have predicted, was masquerading as some sort of medical man or scholar:
"AQUARIAN MEDITATION SOCIETY, U. S. Grant Hotel, Attn: Dr. Robert Spiegel, 453-7588"
Also in 1972, Volume 25 of San Diego Magazine published in November advertised gift certificates for the “Astrology Research Center.” “Give your loved one the gift of love. Only $50” said the advertisement. Where was this entity located? At 1118 Torrey Pines Road, the same address as Robert’s Temple of Metaphysical Abundance. The advertisement purported that person identified as “Lil Canaan” was the director. The telephone number was 459-6400.
In 2013, the San Diego Union Tribune published the obituary for Lillian Mulonas, who founded the La Jolla “Astrology Research Center.” At this point in time, unless Robert Adams’ only surviving daughter, Michelle/ Prentiss/ Avantae knows the answer and talks, we will not know what relationship, if any, existed between Robert’s Temple of Metaphysical Abundance and Lilian’s Astrology Research Center, both of which were located at 1118 Torrey Pines Road in 1972.
From the July 12, 1973, San Diego Reader:
Teachings of the Cosmic Way” meets Sundays, 11:00 a.m., U.S. Grant Hotel, Crystal Room. Free admission, refreshments served. Call 453-7588 for more information.
On page 51 of the June 29, 1974 edition of Phoenix’s Arizona Republic was the following advertisement:
Speaker from San Diego
Dr. J. Robert Spiegel from San Diego, a traveler and lecturer, will speak at 8 p.m., Friday in Universal Series Center, 4340 N. Seventh Ave., on the topic “Science of Being.”
He is the founder of the “Aquarian Meditation Society” in Jamaica and is founder and publisher of “Equinox,” a philosophical newspaper.
The family (Adams or Spiegel, however one might want to refer to them) have resided in (that I know of) New York, Miami, Jamaica, Louisiana, La Jolla, Los Angeles, Houston, New Mexico, Hawaii, Las Vegas, Scottsdale, Sedona, and a number of cities in North Carolina.
In at least the 1990’s, before he left for Sedona, Robert Adams used the address PO Box 7210, Jordan Avenue, D-30, Canoga Park, CA. He used that address on correspondence he wrote, and on at least one published document. Who else used that address? The data aggregators show that this address was also used by a Michelle K. Spiegel, and a person going by the name Leonie Maxwell. Michelle and Leonie also used other addresses associated with Robert, those being 1815 Willis Avenue Panorama City, and 21551 Burbank Boulevard, Woodland Hills.
The California Birth Index shows that Michelle K. Spiegel was born on October 1, 1960, in Los Angeles County, to a mother with the maiden name Maxwell.
In later life, Michelle used the addresses above that are associated with Robert and Leonie, as well as an address of 12004 Vanowen Street #14, North Hollywood. This is the same address at which Denniston Keith Maxwell, one of Leonie’s younger brothers, resided at, after his immigration to the United States. Denniston was one of Michelle’s uncles.
In a recent Facebook posting, Michelle/Avantae stated: “Never knew anything personal about said uncles, etc. Never asked, never cared.” Really? She shared an address with an uncle? Her uncle lived within a few minutes’ drive from her parents, and Michelle/Avantae never knew anything about him?
As an aside, Michelle/Avantae alleged (or admitted) that she “never cared” about anything personal regarding her uncles. If that is true, what does that tell us about Michelle/Avantae’s fundamental character? Antisocial? Psychopathic? Narcissistic in the extreme?
On August 2, 1996, Michelle, going by the name Avantae E. Deven, married Tyson Ruben Alvarez in Las Vegas. The two had addresses in common in Arizona, Nevada, and Montana.
Robert “Adams” died on or about March 2, 1997, in Sedona, Arizona.
Shortly after that, in the spring of 1997, “Nicole Adams” and “Avantae Deven” (both aliases; the correct legal names are Aileen Beverly Leonie Spiegel and Michelle K. Spiegel) purchased a home together in Sedona, on Navahopi Road. Shortly after the purchase, “Nicole” quit-claimed her portion to “Avantae.”
On July 17, 2001, Tyson, still married to “Avantae,” quit-claimed any interest in the Navahopi property to “Avantae,” and had the county recorder send the deed to “Avantae” in care of the Infinity Institute, at that time located at 9101 W. Sahara Ave. Suite 105 C29 (in other words, a private post box), in Las Vegas.
Avantae divorced Tyson in 2006. She had, by then, moved to North Carolina. She “served” Tyson via publication summons, claiming that she was unable to find him, despite his information being on multiple data aggregators.
You can go to various Facebook groups, and other sources, to pull up the documents that people have uncovered showing who is associated with the "Infinity Institute," and in what fashion, and also the addresses that they have used over the years.
In any event, this is the information regarding Robert that I think that people need to be aware of.
Why turn to a known liar and con man for spiritual guidance?
1A tallis is a prayer shawl.
2The ship’s manifest states that he was age 14, which conflicts by one year with what Samuel identified as his date of birth. These errors are not uncommon; his fare could have been purchased when he was age 14 and the records not updated.
submitted by andreabaker2 to RobertAdams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 tempmailgenerator Implementing Direct Email Functionality in Flutter via PHP

Exploring Email Integration in Flutter Apps

Integrating email functionality within Flutter applications offers a seamless way for users to communicate directly from their mobile or web applications. Flutter, being a versatile framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, provides developers with a plethora of options for incorporating external services such as email. This capability is especially crucial for apps requiring user verification, support communication, or the ability to send notifications directly to users' email addresses. By leveraging Flutter's robust ecosystem, developers can enhance user engagement and provide a more cohesive application experience.
On the other hand, PHP stands as a powerful server-side scripting language that's widely used for web development and can serve as a backend for sending emails. Combining PHP with Flutter enables developers to create a secure and efficient email sending mechanism. This integration allows for handling the email sending logic on the server side, thereby offloading the heavy lifting from the client application. It ensures that the email functionality is not only efficient but also secure, as it leverages PHP's advanced features for email delivery, including handling SMTP protocols and securing email content against potential vulnerabilities.
Command/Function Description
mail() Sends email from a PHP script
SMTP Configuration Server settings for sending email
Flutter Email Package Flutter package for sending emails

Enhancing Communication in Flutter Applications

Integrating direct email functionality into Flutter applications opens a new realm of possibilities for app developers and business owners. This feature is not just about sending messages; it's a strategic tool for enhancing user engagement, providing support, and facilitating transactions. For instance, a Flutter app that allows users to directly contact customer support or receive transactional emails without leaving the app significantly improves the user experience. This direct line of communication can be crucial for feedback collection, user retention, and even for marketing purposes. By implementing email functionalities, developers can craft personalized user journeys, send updates, or promotions directly to their users' inboxes, thereby fostering a stronger connection between the user and the application.
From a technical standpoint, the integration of email services within Flutter apps involves a combination of client-side and server-side operations. While Flutter provides the frontend interface, the backend, possibly powered by PHP, handles the actual email sending process. This separation of concerns not only makes the application more scalable but also enhances security by keeping sensitive information on the server side. Furthermore, it allows for more complex email functionalities to be implemented, such as automated emails triggered by specific user actions or scheduled newsletters. By leveraging these capabilities, developers can create more dynamic, responsive, and engaging applications that stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Email Sending Function in PHP

PHP Scripting

Flutter Email Integration

Flutter Development
import 'package:flutter_email_sendeflutter_email_sender.dart'; final Email email = Email( body: 'Email body', subject: 'Email subject', recipients: [''], cc: [''], bcc: [''], attachmentPaths: ['/path/to/'], isHTML: false, ); await FlutterEmailSender.send(email); 

Streamlining Email Capabilities in Flutter Apps

Implementing email functionality within Flutter applications offers a significant advantage, providing a direct and efficient communication channel between the app and its users. This feature can elevate the overall user experience, offering immediate access to support, information, and services directly through email. The integration facilitates various functionalities such as account verification, password resets, notifications, and promotional communications, which are essential components of modern mobile applications. It not only enhances user engagement but also supports a robust framework for personalization and targeted communication strategies.
The technical integration of email services in Flutter involves leveraging existing packages and server-side technologies like PHP for backend processing. This approach ensures a secure and scalable system for handling email operations, including sending and receiving emails, managing templates, and automating communication flows based on user actions or preferences. Moreover, the ability to incorporate advanced features, such as attachments, HTML content, and custom headers, allows developers to create a comprehensive email solution that can adapt to various business needs, making Flutter an even more versatile platform for app development.

FAQs on Email Integration in Flutter

  1. Question: Can Flutter apps send emails without opening a mail client?
  2. Answer: Yes, by using backend services like PHP to handle the email sending process, Flutter apps can send emails directly without requiring the user to open a mail client.
  3. Question: Is it secure to send emails from Flutter apps?
  4. Answer: Yes, when implemented correctly with secure backend services for email sending, it's secure. It's crucial to ensure data protection and privacy measures are in place.
  5. Question: How can I implement email functionality in my Flutter app?
  6. Answer: Implementing email functionality involves using Flutter packages for email sending and configuring a backend service (like PHP) to process and send emails.
  7. Question: Can I send emails with attachments from Flutter apps?
  8. Answer: Yes, emails with attachments can be sent from Flutter apps by handling attachment uploading and email sending on the server side.
  9. Question: How do I handle email templates in Flutter?
  10. Answer: Email templates are usually managed on the server side (e.g., PHP). The Flutter app can trigger emails based on user actions, and the server processes the template sending.
  11. Question: Can Flutter apps receive emails?
  12. Answer: Directly receiving emails within a Flutter app is not typical; instead, email interactions are usually managed through backend services.
  13. Question: What are the best practices for sending emails from Flutter apps?
  14. Answer: Best practices include using secure and reliable backend services, ensuring user data protection, and providing clear user consent for email communication.
  15. Question: How can I test email functionality in Flutter during development?
  16. Answer: Use testing and development services like Mailtrap to simulate email sending and receiving without spamming real users.
  17. Question: Are there any limitations to email integration in Flutter?
  18. Answer: The main limitations stem from the backend email service used (e.g., rate limits, security policies) rather than Flutter itself.
  19. Question: Can email functionality in Flutter be used for marketing purposes?
  20. Answer: Yes, with proper user consent and adherence to email marketing regulations, Flutter apps can utilize email for promotional communications.

Final Thoughts on Flutter's Email Integration Capabilities

Email integration within Flutter applications represents a pivotal enhancement in how developers can interact with their user base. By facilitating direct email communications through the app, developers unlock a myriad of functionalities that significantly contribute to the user experience. Whether it's for verification, support, or marketing purposes, the ability to send and manage emails directly can drive engagement, improve customer support, and boost the overall utility of the application. Moreover, the combination of Flutter's frontend flexibility and PHP's robust server-side processing offers a balanced approach to implementing these features securely and efficiently. As mobile applications continue to evolve, integrating such comprehensive communication tools will be crucial for developers looking to create more interactive, user-friendly experiences. This capability not only demonstrates the versatility of Flutter as a development platform but also highlights the importance of effective communication channels in the digital age.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:02 SocialDemocracies Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 4)

Megapost: A list of statements, press releases, and other sources reporting and expressing concern and criticism about Israel's war in Gaza and related aspects of the war. (Part 4)

Notes: This is a work that is currently in progress; please check back for updates. Titles have been edited to provide details.
Part 1 is here:
Part 2 is here:
Part 3 is here:
Refugee Council of Australia: Our Letter to the Prime Minister regarding the Israel and Gaza Crisis (April 26, 2024):
Statement in solidarity with student protests for Gaza [Signed by: US; 18 Million Rising; 198 methods; Adalah Justice Project; Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association; AF3IRM; Afghans For A Better Tomorrow; Al-Haq; Alliance of Baptists; American Baptist Churches USA; American Baptist Churches Palestine Israel Network; American Friends Service Committee; American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC); American Muslim Bar Association; American Muslim Community Foundation; American Muslims for Palestine (AMP); Americans for Justice in Palestine Action (AJP Action); Arab American Civic Council; Arab American Institute; Asian American Advocacy Fund; Better to Speak; Beyt Tikkun: A Synagogue without Walls; Black Lives of Unitarian Universalism (BLUU); Blue Future; Borderlands for Equity; Borderlands Resource Initiative; Breach Collective; Brooklyn For Peace; CAIR Action; CAIR California; CAIR Minnesota; CAIR Oklahoma; CAIR-WA; California Coalition for Women Prisoners; Cameroon American Council; Carceral Tech Resistance Network; Ceasefire Democrats; Ceasefire Now NJ; Center for Constitutional Rights; Center for Popular Democracy Action; Center for Protest Law & Litigation @ Partnership for Civil Justice Fund; Chicago Area Peace Action; Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy; Christians for a Free Palestine; Civic Ark; Civil Liberties Defense Center; Clockshop;; Communities United for Status & Protection (CUSP); Council on American-Islamic Relations; CWA-News Guild Local 38010; Defending Rights & Dissent; Delaware Democratic Socialists of America; Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights; Detention Watch Network; Disciples Palestine Israel Network; Diverse & Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM); Doctors Against Genocide; Dream Defenders; Dutch Scholars for Palestine; Eindhoven Students 4 Palestine; Emgage Action; En Conjunto; Episcopal Peace Fellowship-Palestine Israel Network; Faith for Black Lives; Faith in Texas; Fellowship of Reconciliation; Fight for the Future; For All; Freedom Farm Community; Freedom Oklahoma; Freedom To Thrive; Friends of Sabeel North America (FOSNA); Future Coalition; Gen-Z for Change; Gender Justice Action and Gender Justice; Get Free; Global Campaign to Reclaim People's Sovereignty, Dismantle Corporate Power & Stop Impunity; Green Mountain Solidarity With Palestine; Green New Deal Network; Greenpeace USA; Hawai'i for Palestine; Health Justice Commons; Helena (Montana) Service for Peace and Justice; Highlander Research and Education Center; Hindus for Human Rights; Historians for Peace and Democracy; Human Dignity Project (THDP); IfNotNow Movement; IfNotNow New Jersey; Immigrant Defense Project; Immigrant Justice Network; Immigrants Act Now; Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC); Indiana Center for Middle East Peace; Institute for Policy Studies New Internationalism Project; Interfaith Ceasefire; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network; International Mayan League; InterReligious Task Force on Central America; Iowans For Palestine; Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); Islamophobia Studies Center; Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); Jewish Voice for Peace; Jewish Voice for Peace-Hawai’i; Jews For Racial & Economic Justice (JFREJ); Just Foreign Policy; Justice Democrats; Just Futures Law; Justice for All; Kairos USA; Libyan American Alliance; LittleSis / Public Accountability Initiative; Living Water Inclusive Catholic Community; Long Island Progressive Coalition; Make the Road Nevada; Malaya Georgia; Massachusetts Peace Action; Mennonite Action; Mennonite Action WA; Migrant Roots Media; Minnesota Peace Project; Mondoweiss; Movement for Black Lives; MPower Change Action Fund; MSA West; Muslim Advocates; Muslim Community Network; Muslim Counterpublics Lab; Muslim Power Building Project; Muslims for Just Futures; Muslims for Progressive Values; National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA); National Domestic Workers Alliance Staff Union, CWA Local 1180; National Iranian American Council; National Lawyers Guild; National Lawyers Guild - St. Louis Chapter; National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR); National Partnership for New Americans; New Hampshire Veterans for Peace; New York City Veterans For Peace; The New Justice Project Minnesota; NH Peace Action; North American Students of Cooperation; No Separate Justice; North Carolina Peace Action; The Oakland Institute; Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity/Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth; Our Revolution; Palestine American League; Palestine Legal; Palestinian American Community Center; Palestinian American Organizations Network (PAON); Palestinian Feminist Collective; Partners for Palestine; Pax Christi New Jersey; Pax Christi New York State; Pax Christi Pacific Northwest; Pax Christi USA; Peace Action; Peace Action New York State; Peace, Justice, Sustainability NOW!; Pediatricians for Palestine; People’s Action; PeoplesHub; Poverty Project at the Institute for Policy Studies; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Presbyterian Peace Fellowship; Progressive Democrats of America (PDA); Project ANAR; Project South; Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice; Reparation Education Project; Reviving the Islamic Sisterhood for Empowerment; Rise for Palestine; Rising Majority; Rising Tide North America; Rochester Committee on Latin America; RootsAction Education Fund; Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre; Sacramento Regional Coalition for Palestinian Rights; Sound Vision; Starr King School for the Ministry; Students and Faculty for Justice in Palestine at the University of Hawai’i (SFJP); Sunrise Movement; Sur Legal Collaborative; TakeAction Minnesota; Tech Justice Law Project; The Gathering for Justice; The Hague Peace Projects; The Social Justice Center; The Uncommitted National Movement; The Whatcom Peace and Justice Center; Transnational Institute; UndocuBlack Network; Unitarian Universalist Association; Unitarian Universalist Church of the Larger Fellowship; Unitarian Universalist College of Social Justice; Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina; Unitarian Universalist Mass Action; Unitarian Universalist Peace Ministry Network; Unitarian Universalist Service Committee; Unitarian Universalist Young Adults for Climate Justice (UUYACJ); Unitarian Universalists for Justice in the Middle East; United Church of Christ Palestine Israel Network; United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR); United Voices for America; Until Freedom; US Campaign for Palestinian Rights; Veterans For Peace; We Are All America; Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club; Wind of the Spirit Immigrant Resource Center; Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press; Working Families Party; World BEYOND War; Young Democrats of America Black Caucus; Young Democrats of America Environmental Caucus; Youth Leadership Institute] (April 26-29, 2024): &
Tom Hurwitz: I was arrested protesting at Columbia in ’68. Today’s student encampments carry on a proud, brave tradition: Like the Vietnam War was nearly six decades ago, to many students, Israel’s assault on Gaza feels deeply personal (April 26, 2024):
‘We demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza’ – First Minister of Northern Ireland Michelle O’Neill tells major London demo (April 27, 2024):
Nineteen American Sociological Association Presidents Endorse the Resolution for Justice in Palestine (April 28, 2024): &
Robert Reich, former U.S. Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton: Brief thoughts on the wave of campus protests across America (April 28, 2024):
We’re Jewish students at Columbia arrested for protesting Israel’s war (April 28, 2024):
American Association of University Professors: In Defense of the Right to Free Speech and Peaceful Protest on University Campuses (April 29, 2024):
Anat Saragusti: Israeli media’s inevitable hysteria over U.S. campus protests: The media’s unbending self-censorship in covering Gaza has made Israelis incapable of seeing foreign criticism as anything other than antisemitism. (April 29, 2024):
Attorneys inside and outside the administration urge Biden to cut off arms to Israel: So far more than 90 lawyers have signed on to a legal letter alleging Israel’s conduct in Gaza violates U.S. and international law. (April 29, 2024):
Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention: Statement in Support of Students, Faulty at Columbia University (April 29, 2024):
Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders: "I'm hearing disturbing reports that students face suspension if they don’t end their peaceful protests in #Columbiauniversity in the USA. This is a clear violation of their right to peaceful assembly" (April 29, 2024):
Cas Mudde: Why are US campuses facing an orgy of state repression in the ‘land of the free’? The right has painted nonviolent protests against the war on Gaza as hotbeds of ‘woke’ terrorism. It’s a pretext for repression (April 30, 2024):
Joint letter to President Biden on humanitarian risk of Rafah operation in Gaza [Signed by:; ActionAid USA; Alliance of Baptists; American Friends of Combatants for Peace; American Friends Service Committee; Americares; Amnesty International USA; CARE; Charity & Security Network; Children in Conflict; Christian Aid; Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP); Center for American Progress; Center for Civilians in Conflict; Center for International Policy; Church World Service; DAWN; Demand Progress Education Fund; Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; Humanity & Inclusion; IM Swedish Development Partners; Indivisible; Islamic Relief USA; Islamic Relief Worldwide; KinderUSA; Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns; MedGlobal; Médecins du Monde / Doctors of the World International Network; Mennonite Central Committee; Middle East Democracy Center; Minnesota Peace Project; MoveOn; Nonviolent Peaceforce; Norwegian Refugee Council USA; Oxfam America; Pax Christi USA; Premiere Urgence Internationale; Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness; Refugees International; Save the Children US; SEIU; The Episcopal Church; The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP); The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society; Truman Center; Vento di Terra; Win Without War] (April 30, 2024):
Latino students are key part of pro-Palestine encampment protests (April 30, 2024):
Michael Gould-Wartofsky: Trump Is Wrong. Columbia Isn’t Anything Like Charlottesville: I survived the deadly violence in Charlottesville, and am now a postdoctoral research scholar at Columbia University. To compare the two is unwarranted—and unconscionable. (April 30, 2024):
United Church of Christ Officers issue statement amid ongoing unrest on college campuses; offer continued solidarity with partners and people in the Middle East (April 30, 2024):
United States of America: UN Human Rights Chief troubled by law enforcement actions against protesters at universities (April 30, 2024):
A Statement From Jewish Faculty, Staff, Students, and Alumni Regarding Indiana University's Treatment of Student Protesters ["Actions are being taken in our name, without our consent or request. Such actions, especially those by the administration, often directly contradict the facts we see daily on the ground at campus. We condemn the actions taken by the administration, ISP, and IUPD against the students protesting on Dunn Meadow."] (May 1, 2024):
Charles H.F. Davis III, Jude Paul Dizon, Jessica Hatrick, and Vanessa Miller: Police Repression Is the Problem, Not the Solution (May 1, 2024):
Comment from United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain on Mass Arrests of Anti-War Protestors (May 1, 2024):
Fellowship of Reconciliation Stands in Solidarity with the Students (May 1, 2024):
Juan González, Veteran of '68 Columbia Strike, Condemns University Leaders' Silence on Gaza Slaughter (May 1, 2024):
Mike Littwin: As a veteran of the ’60s campus unrest, I know the value of free speech: Despite what you may hear, most of today’s campus demonstrations, including the one at Auraria, are typically nonviolent. (May 1, 2024):
On Gaza, NY Catholic Worker community echoes Pope Francis: 'Please! Stop the war.' (May 1, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders: The billionaires who fund AIPAC are not only concerned about protecting Israel's actions in Gaza — they also want to protect corporate interests. That's why they are targeting progressive lawmakers who stand up for the working class and take on powerful special interests. (May 1, 2024):
Syriac Maronite Archbishops denounce military escalation in southern Lebanon, condemn Israeli actions in Gaza and West Bank (May 1, 2024):
The Democratic National Committee's College Democrats of America Slams Biden On Gaza And Backs Campus Protesters (May 1, 2024):
Tope Folarin, director of the Institute for Policy Studies: We Stand with the Students Protesting the Slaughter in Gaza (May 1, 2024):
'You are our hope': Palestinian students find strength in U.S. campus protests: “I feel proud that there is a group of students who feel what we feel now — and are helping and supporting us,” said Reem Musa Suleiman Abu Shinar, speaking to an NBC News crew in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza. (May 1, 2024):
Bernie Sanders in CNN interview: 'This may be Biden’s Vietnam' (May 2, 2024):
Catholic Relief Services representative for Gaza fears possible Rafah invasion (May 2, 2024):
‘Disgrace to diplomacy’: Bosnia accuses Israeli diplomat of genocide denial: Envoy to Serbia draws intense criticism for telling Russian media that calling 1995 Srebrenica massacre a genocide ‘diminishes the importance of that term’ (May 2, 2024):
Gazans thank US university protesters as Israel calls for students to be expelled (May 2, 2024):
Helen Benedict, professor of journalism at Columbia University: ‘US student protests seeking peace in Gaza are the new anti-Vietnam War movement’ (May 2, 2024):
Hundreds of U.S. Catholic leaders and laity sign letter urging Permanent Gaza Ceasefire and End to Injustice in Israel and Palestine (May 2, 2024): &
PREPARED REMARKS: Senator Bernie Sanders on the Nationwide Student Protests and the Ongoing Humanitarian Disaster in Gaza (May 2, 2024):
Recalling Civil Rights Era Abuses, Legal Defense Fund of the NAACP Roundly Condemns Rising Violations Against Peaceful Protesters and Calls for Immediate Federal Intervention ["Today, the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) issued a statement roundly and unequivocally condemning the rising civil and human rights violations against peaceful protesters across the U.S. and issued a letter calling for the Department of Justice (DOJ) to conduct an immediate investigation into the treatment of peaceful protesters" (May 2, 2024):
United Nations Development Programme: As war in Gaza enters seventh month, 1.74 million more Palestinians will be pushed into poverty across State of Palestine according to United Nations assessment: UNDP and ESCWA estimate more than two-decades reversal in human development— beyond earliest recorded levels of 2004. (May 2, 2024):
“Workers Have Power”: Thousands Rally in NYC for May Day, Call for Solidarity with Palestine (May 2, 2024):
A Message to the Protesters From Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.: A call to keep raising the tempests on campus over the Gazan horror. (May 3, 2024):
Association of Flight Attendants President Sara Nelson on Mass Arrest of Anti-War Protestors (May 3, 2024):
Rashid Khalidi, Professor of Arab Studies at Columbia University: Opposed to Genocide in Gaza, This Is the Conscience of a Nation Speaking Through Your Kids (May 3, 2024):
“This Militaristic Approach Has Been a Failure”: Meet Hala Rharrit, First U.S. Diplomat to Quit over Gaza (May 3, 2024):
Where pro-Palestinian university protests are happening around the world (May 3, 2024):
100-year-old Jewish activist Jules Rabin is speaking up again — this time about Gaza [In a podcast on the nonprofit news site VT Digger, Rabin referred to the tragedy unfolding in Gaza as “a piecemeal Holocaust.”] (May 4, 2024):
Israel will not agree to end the war with Hamas as part of any deal [“Israel will under no circumstances agree to the end of the war as part of an agreement to release our abductees," an Israeli official told ABC News on Saturday morning. "As the political echelon decided, the IDF will enter Rafah and destroy the remaining Hamas battalions there - whether or not there will be a temporary ceasefire for the release of our hostages."] (May 4, 2024):
Roseann "Chic" Canfora survived the 1970 Kent State shooting. Here's her message to student activists (May 4, 2024):
‘They’re sending a message’: harsh police tactics questioned amid US campus protest crackdowns (May 4, 2024):
Anton Boonzaier: As a South African during apartheid, I admire pro-Palestine protesters’ tenacity (May 5, 2024):
Committee to Protect Journalists condemns Israeli vote to shut down Al Jazeera; warns of alarming precedent (May 5, 2024):
Union workers join students in rallies Saturday calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza [More than 200 people attended the Maine Labor for Palestine and Maine Students for Palestine rally.] (May 5, 2024):
Oxfam reaction to Rafah evacuation order (May 6, 2024):
Patrick Gaspard, president of the Center for American Progress: American politicians forget: disruption and disorder are the point of protests: I have trespassed in peaceful protest. I have shut down government offices in civil disobedience. I have made the powerful uncomfortable. That’s the point (May 6, 2024):
Save the Children warns of deadly consequences for children following new relocation orders for families in Rafah (May 6, 2024):
The campus protesters for Gaza are making America great again: Readers on the demonstrations sweeping colleges and their hopes for the next generation. (May 6, 2024):
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF): There is ‘nowhere safe to go’ for the 600,000 children of Rafah, warns UNICEF: With hundreds of thousands of children in Rafah injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized or living with a disability, UNICEF calls for children to not be forcibly relocated, and the vital infrastructure on which children rely to be protected (May 6, 2024):
US campus protests of Israeli ‘genocide’ offer hope to students from Gaza (May 6, 2024):
Brant Rosen: We Tried to Bring Food Into Gaza—but Israel Blocked and Arrested Us: As Israel continues to starve the people of Gaza, a delegation of rabbis marched toward the Erez Crossing during Passover carrying sacks of flour and demanding a cease-fire. (May 6, 2024):
Catholic Workers Movement: After Arrests, Students Renew Call for Notre Dame to Follow Catholic Teaching on War, Investments (May 6, 2024):
Hala Rharrit, former State Department official: Biden’s militaristic policy in Gaza is a failure — diplomacy is the solution (May 6, 2024):
750+ Jewish Students Affirm Support for Pro-Palestine Campus Protests [In Response to Biden’s Speech, 750+ Jewish Students on 140+ Campuses Stand Against Israel's Rafah Invasion, Urge Jewish Institutional Action to Halt Gaza Assault] (May 7, 2024): &
American Friends Service Committee: T­h­e C­o­m­p­a­n­i­e­s P­r­o­f­i­t­i­n­g f­r­o­m I­s­r­a­e­l­’­s 2­0­2­3­-­2­0­2­4 A­t­t­a­c­k­s o­n G­a­z­a (Updated on May 7, 2024):
‘I am leaving for the unknown.’ Palestinians fleeing Rafah describe their fear and despair (May 7, 2024):
Kenneth Roth: Biden Should Not Stand in the Way of the ICC (May 7, 2024):
Letter by Ch. Lt Col (Ret.) Stephen Tillett to the Editor: Veteran Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 7, 2024):
Three Orange County medics describe wartime health care in Gaza: A once-modern string of hospitals has been reduced to desperate physicians and others relying on wits and luck. Most of their patients are children. (May 7, 2024):
ACLU’s national director of policy and government affairs Mike Zamore and ACLU senior policy counsel Kia Hamadanchy: A disturbing national security bill could silence nonprofits and college protests (May 8, 2024):
Al Jazeera shutdown in Israel spells 'dark day for democracy,' say media groups (May 8, 2024):
Blinken Says Israeli Units Accused of Serious Violations Have Done Enough to Avoid Sanctions. Experts and Insiders Disagree. (May 8, 2024):
Jeremy Brecher: Anti-Genocide Students Are Fulfilling Their Duty to Prevent War Crimes; Will You? (May 8, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Biden’s Hold on Bomb Delivery to Netanyahu’s Government (May 8, 2024):
The NYPD’s New Sizzle Reels Aren’t Just Dumb. They’re Dangerous. “This is copaganda, designed primarily to provide the mayor with political cover, but then also to show off the military might and alleged professionalism of the NYPD.” (May 8, 2024):
Haim Bresheeth-Žabner deplores the rot in Israeli society: 'Israel has turned into a Nazi society': The son of Holocaust survivors, Haim Bresheeth-Žabner believes the majority of Israel has been taught to normalise the occupation of Palestine (May 9, 2024):
‘It’s not human’: What a French doctor saw in Gaza as Israel invaded Rafah: When asked about the conditions of the hospitals he worked in, Dr. Zouhair Lahna is pained by the memories of the sick, wounded and dying. (May 9, 2024):
Japanese American Citizens League Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza (May 9, 2024):
Republicans Funded by Arms Industry Fume Over Biden Threat to Withhold Bombs From Israel (May 9, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Israel’s Threat to Attack Rafah (May 9, 2024):
Trapped in Rafah, I'm watching genocide unfold before my eyes: Gazan journalist Amjad Yaghi's eye-witness account in Rafah describes the horrors of Israel's ground invasion as Gazans desperately try to flee to safety. (May 9, 2024):
76 Universities in Spain Suspend Ties With Complicit Israeli Universities (May 10, 2024):
Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project: US Student Pro-Palestine Demonstrations Remain Overwhelmingly Peaceful (May 10, 2024):
Biden’s arms threat to Israel ‘better than nothing’ but too late, say U.S. officials who resigned over Gaza policy (May 10, 2024):
Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza must end’ – Sinn Féin Chairperson Declan Kearney tells Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine (May 10, 2024):
Rick Salutin: I protested at Columbia in 1968 and today’s campus protests give me hope (May 10, 2024):
Senator Bernie Sanders Statement on Rafah (May 10, 2024):
Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center (May 10, 2024):
U.S. medical volunteers in Rafah hospital say they've never seen a worse health crisis (May 10, 2024):
Pro-Israel website ramps up attacks on pro-Palestinian student protesters (May 11, 2024):
Sen. Lindsey Graham says Israel should do 'whatever' it has to while comparing the war in Gaza to Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The GOP senator compared Israel’s military operations to the U.S. dropping atomic bombs on Japan in World War II, saying, “Israel, do whatever you have to do.” (May 12, 2024):
‘Total outrage’: White House condemns Israeli settlers’ attack on Gaza aid trucks: Protesters block convoy, throw food into road and set fire to vehicles at Tarqumiya checkpoint near Hebron (May 13, 2024):
submitted by SocialDemocracies to Social_Democracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:44 Jade-The-Tiefling I'd like to know the psychology of why innocent/lighthearted characters becoming horrible monsters are so scary.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on why that is, or even guide me to any articles on the psychology of how that is. I am interested in topics such as the psychology of horror and I'm actually working on a video essay on Emesis Blue and how that type of horror is incorporated into the horror of the movie.
submitted by Jade-The-Tiefling to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:38 Unhappy_Focus_2229 Mistake on Articles of Incorporation

We have made a mistake while incorporating using Ownr.
In the Articles of Incorporation, Resident Canadians section is showing yes for an individual but realized now that field refers to not whether or not the person is a Canadian Resident but if the person is a Citizen or PR holder.
This person was the only owner and director. Now we can add someone else who is a Canadian Citizen to the board of directors to comply with the "minimum 25% of the board of directors must be Canadians" rule but our articles of incorporation are inaccurate.
How can we fix this? Does this make the company illegitimate? What are the issues that we might encounter in the future?
P.S. Company is in Ontario but incorporated federal.
submitted by Unhappy_Focus_2229 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:13 cartesi Cartesi DevSeed Grants - See What's Being Built!

Cartesi DevSeed Grants - See What's Being Built!
The building isn’t stopping in the Cartesi ecosystem! Here’s what we got in the works for some categories, developed and funded via our Developer Advocacy Seed Grants (Fast-track grants for up to $5,000 USDC to complete your proposal within 4-6 weeks):
  • 4 onchain games
  • 7 dev tooling
  • 2 decentralized platforms & more!
Check them out below 👇
🗨️ Trust and Teach LLM: LLAMA2 in the Cartesi Machine allowing for a transparent and trusted way to generate data for reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) of LLMs.
👥 DAO Template Proposal: Using Sunodo to build a modular JavaScript framework for building DAOs on Cartesi.
🟦 Cartesi React Bootstrap Template: SQLite-based full-stack DApp template for React for quick and efficient development of Cartesi integrated projects.
🟦 JS Cartesi SDK: Creating an Isomorphic JS package to use with any visual library on browser or terminal.
🤖 Cartesi GoDot Toolchain: An optimized docker build for the Cartesi Godot Engine image, Github Actions workflow to keep up to date with the latest Godot Engine versions, and a well documented example project showing how to work with the Cartesi API within a Godot game.
🐷 Greedy Pig - Dice game with Cartesi: An interactive dice game suitable for events where participants can engage in a fun and exciting activity while demonstrating the implementation of off-chain logic using Cartesi tech.
⚔️ Nebula Duel: An onchain zero-player duel game built to incorporate the thrills of duels and combat with the joy and gains of DeFi.
🟦 Diplomacy on Cartesi: Recreating Diplomacy on Cartesi - an old strategy game where players compete to conquer Europe.
🎫 BlockTicket3: A decentralized ticketing platform using blockchain technology enabling users to create, list, and manage events.
👥 Peeps: Redefining Social Interactions with Cartesi A social media platform which brings the fusion of traditional micro-blogging with elements of blockchain's DeFi.
🪙 CarteZCash - A Private Transaction RollApp: CarteZcash takes the state transition code from Zcash and runs it as a Cartesi RollApp. The result is a rollup that can hold assets from L1 and allow them to be transacted with privately.
🕹️ Oware: Utilizing Cartesi, the project aims to deliver an immersive game environment where players can engage in AI-driven and user tournaments, underpinned by a dynamic digital economy.
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2024.05.14 17:05 kayakero Stochastic Oscillator – How does it work and how to use it in trading?

Stochastic Oscillator – How does it work and how to use it in trading?

What is the stochastic oscillator?

A stochastic oscillator chart allows you to identify momentum in the price of a financial asset. At the core of this indicator is the stochastic oscillator formula. What it does is compare the closing price of a security with the recent high and low prices. It then converts it to a figure between 0 and 100, which is the actual value of the stochastic oscillator.
Let's say you talk to two traders independently and ask them what the stochastic oscillator shows. You will most likely get two very different answers. On the one hand, the stochastic oscillator is an indicator of both up and down momentum. On the other hand, some traders may see it as an indicator of overbought and oversold prices. Both explanations are correct in theory. The fundamental difference lies in how you use the indicator within your investment strategy.
There are other factors to take into account. One of them is the period during which the low price and the high price are taken. You will need to research the ideal indicator settings for your particular trading method. Are you happy to opt for a flatter long-term trend? Alternatively, would you prefer a more sensitive short-term indicator that could alert you to short-term trading opportunities?
A brief history
There is some debate about the origins of the stochastic oscillator. Especially the %D indicators which we will cover later in this article. Many believe that C. Ralph Dystant was the original creator of the indicator. However, George C. Lane is perhaps more commonly credited with playing his role in popularizing it. The latter also introduced several tweaks and adjustments.
We can trace the stochastic oscillator itself back to the 1950s, when C. Ralph Dystant taught courses on the stock market. In these courses, his original focus was on commodities. The classes were one of the first to focus on charts, moving averages, and other indicators as a means of attempting to predict future price movements. By the way, George C. Lane supposedly started working for C Ralph Dystant in 1954. That was the same year that technical “guru” Roy Larson retired. It was a coincidence?
It would be fair to say that both C. Ralph Dystant, and George C. Lane, were integral to the creation of the stochastic oscillator indicator and the influence it still has on investors today. In many ways, the key to its success is its relative simplicity. The masterstroke introduced an easy-to-understand range between zero and 100. In the words of Kelly Johnson, former principal engineer at Lockheed Skunk Works, “keep it simple, stupid.” Many traders today refer to this quote as the KISS principle, because in English it would be “keep it simple, stupid.”
How does the stochastic oscillator work?
Now let's examine how the stochastic oscillator works. We'll also see how quickly you can adjust the sensitivity of the indicator. The basic concept behind the stochastic oscillator is momentum. It gives you the ability to monitor the price momentum of an asset. Doing so allows you to see if, compared to recent highs and lows, you are potentially oversold or overbought. However, therein lies a potential conundrum.

A simple example

What if we look at the S&P 500? The E-Mini S&P 500 futures contract is among the highest volume assets in the futures market. What will its momentum show us if we look at it? Imagine the example of shooting a rocket into the sky. It will not stop suddenly and return to earth immediately after running out of fuel. The fading momentum will continue to push you higher at a drastically decreasing speed. However, when the positive momentum finally ends, the rocket will spin and head toward the earth. As a result, you gain new momentum along the way. This is the idea behind the stochastic oscillator. Using the recent highs and lows, for comparison, you should be able to identify a change in momentum. That result should also be reflected in the graphs.
There is a general consensus that when stochastic oscillator levels fall below 20, it indicates that the asset is oversold. Meanwhile, if it moves above 80, that indicates that the asset is overbought. Let's take 50 as our average value. In theory, positive momentum is above the line, while negative momentum is below it. Although this is often the case, you should be on the lookout for potential false signals. Now let's go ahead and take a look at the ways to read and understand the Stochastic Oscillator indicator.

Stochastic Oscillator Formula and Calculation

In this section, we will look at the stochastic oscillator formula. We'll also point out which elements of the formula you can adjust to change the sensitivity. The formula is the following:
C = the most recent closing price
L14 = the lowest price traded during the last 14 trading sessions
H14 = the highest price traded during the last 14 trading sessions
%K = the current value of the stochastic indicator as a percentage
To give a practical example of how the indicator works, we will look at the S&P 500 index. This is the figure on which the E-mini S&P 500 futures contracts are based.
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 14 trading sessions = 3300
High point in the last 14 trading sessions = 3500
The calculation is as follows:
3490-3300/3500-3300 = 190/200
(190/200) x 100 = 95%


So, according to the Stochastic Oscillator indicator, the S&P 500 Index has strong momentum and is in possible “overbought” territory. Many people would classify this as the standard stochastic oscillator indicator calculation based on 14 trading sessions. However, what does the situation look like based on eight trading sessions?
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3400
High point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3500
3490-3400/3500-3400 = 90/100
(90/100) x 100 = 90%
Finally, what indication does the calculation with a 30-period moving average give us?
Current level = 3490
Low point in the last 30 trading sessions = 3200
High point in the last 8 trading sessions = 3500
3490-3200/3500-3200 = 290/300
(290/300) x 100 = 97%
The shorter the period in question, the more sensitive the formula will be to daily movements. The reason is that the difference between the maximum and minimum point should be relatively small, in theory.
In the three examples above, the S&P 500 index has strong momentum for 14 and 30 days. However, it is noticeably lower if you only look at it over 8 days. And, on the other hand, they all indicate a potentially overbought scenario.

How to read stochastic oscillator charts?

Next, let's take a look at two stochastic oscillator indicator charts. We will highlight some of the turning points that could have been beneficial for traders. The first chart is the traditional (fast) stochastic oscillator indicator with a smoother %D trend line based on the %K factor.
The second chart is what we call a “slow stochastic oscillator indicator”. It averages the index level over a longer period. Then we have the %D factor, which is based on the %K and gives an even smoother line.
The longer the period over which prices are examined, including high, low and current prices, the smoother the chart will be. However, there will be a significant delay. On the plus side, in many ways, this can help offset the short-term peaks and troughs that can sometimes tempt people to buy and sell when they shouldn't.

How to use the stochastic oscillator?

The key to using the stochastic oscillator is finding the time frame that best suits your investment strategy. Those looking for short-term trading will focus on relatively short periods, which can lead to somewhat volatile changes in the indicator. Those looking for confirmation of longer-term trends will extend the period in question. These graphs will be smoother and, due to the long delay, are not as susceptible to short-term changes.

What are the best and most accurate settings?

There are three variables to consider when looking at the stochastic oscillator setup, which are:
%K = based on the number of time periods used in the calculation
Slowdown = simple moving average (SMA) factor applied to %K
%D = %K moving average factor
As we mentioned earlier, the stochastic oscillator has three different types. Among them are:

The Fast Stochastic Oscillator (Traditional Indicator)

Fast %K = basic %K calculation for 14 periods
Fast %D = Fast Stochastic Oscillator Three-Period SMA %K

The slow stochastic oscillator

Slow %K = Fast %K expressed as three-period SMA
Slow %D = Slow %K three-period SMA

The Complete Stochastic Oscillator

%K full = %K fast smoothed over a period X SMA
Full %D = Full %K Period X SMA
The beauty of this system is the fact that all previous variations of the original indicator produce figures from 0 to 100. As a result, it is easy to compare and contrast the variation in the trend lines. The longer the periods in which you calculate the simple moving average, the smoother the line will be.
As we mentioned above, the simple fast stochastic oscillator will throw up many possible overbought and oversold positions. Some of them will inevitably be false signals. As you can see from the charts above, the Fast Stochastic Oscillator can be quite volatile, frequently trading above or below the 80 and 20 levels for a short period of time. On the same chart, you can see areas where the %D (SMA figure) is not as volatile and does not always fall below or move above the 80 or 20 levels like the Fast Stochastic Oscillator does.

Trading strategies with the stochastic oscillator

There are many ways you can use the stochastic oscillator indicator to open positions, close positions or even reduce your position if the chart is at a critical point.

Identifying overbought/oversold levels

As you will see in the chart below, there are a variety of very useful indicators that could have generated some significant gains. The first overbought indicator shows the Fast Stochastic Oscillator figure reaching the 80% level and then turning sharply downwards through the three-period SMA. These crossover points are considered by many to be strong indicators that momentum is shifting and the short-term trend may be about to reverse.
The second overbought position begins to emerge when the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA move above 80%. A move above 80% or below 20% should not necessarily be seen as a signal to sell or buy, but rather as an early warning that momentum may be about to change.
Many people prefer to wait for a sustained drop below 80% or move above 20% before reacting, thus eliminating a degree of volatility that can sometimes create false signals. This is where SMA lines can be very useful, smoother and less volatile, although you won't necessarily sell at the top due to the lag.
You can also see the two false overbought signals where the Fast Stochastic Oscillator figure and the SMA fell below 80. However, they reversed quite quickly when the momentum picked up again and the chart moved back into higher territory.
You will find that where there is a strong uptrend, which has not been broken, at some point there will be a pullback which can be an opportunity to buy into the weakness. This is the reason why the fast stochastic oscillator is more appropriate for day traders, or also for short-term traders.
Bullish/bearish divergence
There will be times when there is a bullish/bearish divergence between the actual chart and the stochastic oscillator indicator. As you can see with the chart below, the lowest point on the chart would indicate the possibility of a further decline. However, when you look at the stochastic oscillator indicator, the trend is moving in a different direction and is slightly bullish.
This may be an indication that the stock has bottomed and momentum may be about to change. One of the main signals to watch out for with this particular chart is the fast stochastic oscillator moving through the SMA line.
You are equally likely to see a reversal where the main chart indicates an intact uptrend, while the stochastic oscillator shows a slowdown in momentum and a turn towards a downtrend. These are some of the rarest trading signals, but they are very interesting, especially when you incorporate simple trend lines into price charts.

Price trend

The relationship between the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA is very important. As you can see in the chart below, the first section is dominated by the strong downtrend with the Fast Stochastic Oscillator and the SMA descending in parallel.
Then there is a bounce on the chart followed by a move into choppy waters with an obvious downtrend. As you will see, both indicators remain below the 20% level, indicating that the momentum is relatively weak. That is until the Fast Stochastic Oscillator breaks the SMA line towards the end of the choppy price action area.
This change in momentum is demonstrated by the uptrend, although it is not difficult to see where the momentum begins to fade above 80%. When the short-term trend line breaks through the SMA and falls below the 80% level, this indicates another change in the trend – a possible sell signal.

Advantages of using the stochastic oscillator

Momentum is very important when it comes to trading and there is no doubt that the stochastic oscillator indicator is a very useful tool. There are a number of advantages to consider which include: –

Sensitive to impulse change

The shorter the period during which the high, low and current price are compared, the more volatile the stochastic oscillator indicator will be. Using SMA trend lines can also create very strong buy/sell signals when the lines cross, especially above 80% and below 20%. This event would indicate that the short-term trend is changing and assuming it continues, a new trend will follow.

Opportunity to identify bullish/bearish divergence

Due to the way the Stochastic Oscillator indicator is calculated, you will sometimes see a divergence between the price chart and the indicator. While the price chart may indicate that a downtrend is still intact, the stochastic oscillator chart may already be identifying a change in momentum before the price changes. As you will see in the chart above, these can be powerful trading signals. How long you can wait to see if a new trend emerges will vary between traders. How brave are you?

The formula is flexible

The shorter the period in question, the more volatile the stochastic oscillator indicator will be. However, there is the possibility of identifying short-term trading opportunities. However, for those who have a longer-term investment strategy, they can extend the number of periods in question. This will flatten the line of the Fast and Volatile Stochastic Oscillator and give a smoother line, which can make it easier to identify any changes in long-term trends.

Risks and limitations of the indicator

As with any technical indicator, the stochastic oscillator is not immune to false signals and is probably best used in conjunction with other trading indicators. Risks and limitations include:

False signals

The shorter the period over which the fast stochastic oscillator is calculated, the more susceptible it is to extreme volatility. This can create numerous false signals, although the impact can be reduced by adding a simple moving average line.

Sideways Trading

The indicator works best when there is a new uptrend, a downtrend or perhaps a short, sharp period of consolidation before the trend re-emerges. During periods of sideways trading, this can create a relatively small gap between the high and low points, therefore creating sharp movements in the indicator on relatively small price movements.

SMA lines delay trend changes

Using longer periods to calculate %K and SMA trend lines can make it easier to identify changes in the trend. However, due to the delay, you may miss a significant element of a changing trend before you decide to buy or sell. You can adjust the variables of the full stochastic oscillator indicator to help you with your specific investment strategy, lengthening or shortening the periods and adjusting the SMA.

Stochastic Oscillator vs Other Indicators

The Stochastic Oscillator indicator is extremely flexible and you can adjust the periods and SMA variables to suit your trading plan. However, especially when looking at limited periods, there will be times when the indicator will create a false signal. Therefore, it is wise to consider other means of technical analysis to clarify whether a potential change in momentum indicated by the stochastic oscillator is also reflected elsewhere.

Stochastic Oscillator vs RSI

While it is true that you can use both the stochastic oscillator and the RSI (Relative Strength Index) to measure price momentum, they work on very different principles. The RSI measures potential overbought/oversold positions by comparing recent gains to recent losses. The idea behind the stochastic oscillator is based on the assumption that the current price should follow the current trend. When the current price moves against the trend, it can indicate a change in momentum and a possible buy/sell signal. So who wins the fight, the Stochastic Oscillator or the RSI?
If the two oscillators indicated the same trend, this would be a powerful signal for investors. For example, if the price of an asset moved towards the upper end of its recent high/low range, it would indicate positive momentum. Assuming that the RSI oscillator is also showing a relatively strong trend, this would reduce the chances of a false signal.

Stochastic Oscillator vs MACD

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) is a prominent momentum indicator, although it is very different from the stochastic oscillator indicator. The MACD is calculated by subtracting the 26-period exponential moving average from the 12-period exponential moving average. Many traders use the MACD technical indicator in conjunction with the stochastic oscillator, often looking for crossover points between the two.
Those who consider technical indicators from a distance might wonder why traders don't simply use three, four, five or more technical indicators together. The answer is simple: the time lag between different technical indicators can confuse the situation.
By the time several different indicators have “aligned”, you may end up missing the vast majority of the trend. There is nothing wrong with using a single technical indicator, but there are risks and false signals can and do occur.
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