Happy birthday text art for facebook

fuck alegria art

2020.11.20 18:13 Dyspherein fuck alegria art

This sub is for people who hate the art style Alegria [Corporate Memphis], most commonly used in Facebook, Google, Youtube, and other big tech firms. It is meant to be expressive and happy but it's fucking ugly the rules reddit.com/fuckalegriaart/about/rules/ Sub icon created by u/MagnumAm00 -thank you!

2013.09.18 16:56 ivari r/kancolle - 40K members and beyond!

A subreddit for the Japanese game about cute WW2 ships fighting cute evil not-WW2 ships.

2008.12.20 03:35 Internet as an art

Internet as an art

2024.05.14 21:21 Responsible-Fig-1623 AITA For Making My Husband Christmas Eve Dinner because I didn’t Like my MIL’s Christmas Menu

I’m not a regular Reddit user so I hope I’m doing this right. I have wanted to tell Charlotte this story for so long. A little background first. My MIL is my husband’s stepmother. His real mother “disappeared “ when he was 5 years old and has never been found. Everyone knows that his dad murdered her, even the police but there’s never been enough evidence to convict him. He married my MIL, who he was dating at the time of my husband’s mom’s disappearance. They had a child then later divorced. I’ve gotten along with my MIL, her daughter and husband since we met and they ushered me into the family with open arms.
So one Christmas a few years ago, they wanted to have brunch for Christmas. My husband and I both wanted a traditional Christmas meal. So I asked her politely if we could just go over there the next day to do a present exchange. She said absolutely not. I said ok, that’s fine, we’ll be there.
I have trouble with depression. I have been on medication since my early 20s. I have 2 stepdaughters from my husband’s first marriage. They were 12 and 14 when we met. That year was particularly hard for me because they were grown up and had jobs. So no more Christmas vacation with them to play with all the fun presents they got. No making Christmas goodies and gingerbread houses with. No one to trim the trim with. No one to watch Christmas movies with, etc.
So I really wasn’t feeling the Christmas spirit that year to begin with. I thought I had come up with the perfect solution for the food situation that would make everyone happy. I made a full spread Christmas dinner at the last minute on Christmas Eve at my own house for me and my husband. I posted a pic of the food to Facebook and wished everyone a Merry Christmas, which I do every year.
When I got to my SIL house the next day, I thought everything was fine. Then my MIL got there. Everything was not fine. She said she saw my Facebook post. “That was a final F U to me wasn’t it?”, she asked. I said,”Absolutely not! I would never do that. (Hubby) wanted Christmas dinner. I made him Christmas dinner. It had nothing to do with you. And I always post Merry Christmas to Facebook with pics of dinner. “. “Oh, ok”, she said.
Later, someone was walking around with a video camera and I said something about not wanting to be on video, quietly to my husband but my MIL overheard. She had a camera for still pics and said, “Oh, I won’t post them on Facebook “. I said, “Oh, I don’t care about that.”
The rest of the day went fine. I don’t remember when I posted it but sometime during those 2 days I posted “Worst Christmas Ever”. I didn’t elaborate and I was thinking about not having kids to celebrate Christmas with anymore when I wrote that. It had absolutely nothing to do with my MIL family or what had happened with the Christmas meal situation.
On the way home I was looking at Facebook when I see a reply from my MIL sister who I have never met. Apparently, my MIL had told her about the whole thing and she decided to chew me out on my Facebook for being ungrateful and telling me how much her family loved me. So I replied that I didn’t say anything about them. Then my SIL chimed in with the fact that I didn’t invite my stepdaughters to my house for Christmas Eve dinner. #1She couldn’t have known that unless she asked them. #2 They don’t eat that kind of food. At Christmas they eat rolls and deviled eggs without the filling. One of them eats ham, the other one gets her own chicken. They don’t eat what I cook.
The next day I see pics of the festivities on Facebook without me and my husband so I said, “Where are me and (hubby)?” “You said you didn’t want to be in any pictures. “. “No, I didn’t. I said video. “. At this, my SIL makes a text chat group with me, my husband, her and her mom. She lays out everything as she thinks it’s unfolded over the past few days. (Side note: Because of losing his mom at 5 years old and hearing it happen outside his bedroom window, he has learning disabilities which has made him functionally illiterate. There’s no way he’s gonna read a long text thread and his sister knows that!). So, then I explain my side, including what was just a misunderstanding about the pictures. Then my MIL says to me, who DID NOT start this crap, BTW, “Too much drama mamma. “. So I said, “You wanna talk about drama?! You’re the reason my husband’s real mom is dead. “. She refuses to speak to me. I even apologized. She’s such a coward that she won’t even talk to her “son”. My husband said to me because I was upset that I had ruined his relationship with his “mom”“When we got married, we became one. If they stab you in the back, they stab me in the back. “.
This woman hates his ex-wife because she cheated on him. She even believes that one of his daughters isn’t his. (She is. ) But one Thanksgiving, I was uninvited to dinner at their hours because she was going to be there. My husband was though. He didn’t go.
submitted by Responsible-Fig-1623 to CharlotteDobreFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:20 JinglesDingles 32F UK looking for friends

Just as the title says.
I’ve just turned 32, I’m married and we have a toddler. Life’s pretty great, we have a nice house, car, I’m studying at university. The only thing missing is some nice friends.
I enjoy a good debate, philosophical or just general chit chat. My music taste ranges from indie to metal. I love reading though I haven’t had time to read in ages as toddlers, work and studying is keeping me quite busy. I like to play games such as house flipper (boring I know) and walking simulators. I also enjoy house decor and DIYing. Currently also trying to work on my physique and become a bit more athletic. Not really big on TV unless it’s an amazing series then I love to binge watch.
I’m not originally from the UK but have lived here for around 13 years now. Family lives in different countries so not having much social contact through them and it can feel quite isolating!
I’m happy to exchange texts/chats etc, preferably with people around my own age.
No creepy people or people looking for hookups or whatever. I’m married and not interested in anything but platonic friendships!
Feel free to DM me.
submitted by JinglesDingles to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:19 MalMarie [Browser] [2016-2018] Text based choice Adventure Game with Looping elements.

Platform(s): Free Web Browser
Genre: Text-based Choice Adventure
Estimated year of release: I think I played it around 2016-2018 give or take
Graphics/art style: Purely text
Notable characters:
When you first wake up you meet your dorm roommate. They looked depressed and looked like they've been through a lot which is apparently out of the ordinary. And they said something weird like how nothing matters and you won't remember anyway. But after your first death, they looked happy and well like they usually do and denied knowing anything when questioned It's implied that they stuck on a loop first but it somehow passed to you.
Notable gameplay mechanics: I remember that it's just text with options given to you. No inventory or anything.
Other details:
Okay, stay with me because this post might be a bit rambly and my English sucks. So, I think I remember it starting with us waking up in our dorm room and seeing our roommate depressed. We had to go and choose one of 3 things to study. I remember two of them being a warrioknight, and the other magic-based, but I can't remember the other one. We go through life when a war breaks out, depending on the choices we either escape or die. Then we wake up at the start of the game but our memories remain. We have to try and stop the end of the world and stuff or they have to relive it again. You can befriend and romance (?) the characters and it's pretty emotional in some parts. Depending on your choices at the beginning of the game, you can either participate in the war itself as a warrior. Or you can even try and run away to live the rest of your life in peace. But no matter what you do, the loops keep repeating. We can use our memories to try and stop bad things from happening, or the other way around. A specific plot point I can remember is that in one timeline I decided to run away and live the rest of my life in peace because I was sick of looping. Eventually, the end of the world starts and I die again. The end of the words happens when a giant ball of fire appears in the sky. I'm unsure if it's the sun or something else. There's also a plot where the enemy tries to sneak in invasive flowers. Plants? ( I'm not sure but it was bad) via trade and we know that it would be bad for the city because it happened in the previous timeline. So we were like "Oh no, don't take those" but the guards don't take us seriously cause we're a stranger and can't explain why the carts are bad. But in another timeline, we were knowledgeable in science and stuff so we were able to convince the guards why they're bad and we saved the city.
I'm googling this game nonstop and it's driving me insane. I also might be misremembering some details so if you know a game similar to this feel free to comment! Thank you.
submitted by MalMarie to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:19 RefrigeratorPlenty34 Just came to mind

Denise is the kind of person who would expect everyone to text her wishing her a good day, and a happy birthday to Erin.. she is also the kind of person who would be upset if they didn’t lol…
submitted by RefrigeratorPlenty34 to d_rex1984snark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:18 NotQuiteRealityFF Lights Over Montgomery County Collector's Bluray

Lights Over Montgomery County Collector's Bluray
Hey all,
Late last year I started a found footage physical media company called Not Quite Reality (bonus points if you can name the movie reference). It's been a slow and bumpy start but things finally feel like they're picking up!
So far I've released a standard DVD of The Who Incident, and both a Collector's and Standard bluray of Mothman. I plan to focus on low budget titles and work directly with indie directors to make sure they get paid for their work. For my third release, I'm putting out a special Evidence Files Cut of Lights Over Montgomery County. I have multiple other titles lined up for future releases.
If you're unfamiliar, Lights Over Montgomery County can best be described as a sort of homage to the homemade SOV films of the 80's - a sci-fi plot full of gory practical effects - that also shares themes and styles of movies like The McPherson Tape or WNUF Halloween Special.
(It's also available for free on Tubi for anybody that wants to check it out before buying)
My goal with Not Quite Reality is to focus on quality menus, collector's packaging, and bonus features. I also plan on expanding the merch beyond just art prints and posters in the near future. For now I'm handmaking everything on BD-R, but I eventually hope to grow big enough to be a fully-fledged boutique label with larger and more frequent titles.
Even if this type of stuff isn't your thing, I'd still appreciate you giving my Facebook page and website a look, and follow if it's something you'd be interested in keeping up with!
submitted by NotQuiteRealityFF to foundfootage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:18 Sweet-Adhesiveness38 Is it a turn off for men to date a woman who hasn’t attended college?

Some background, I’m going on a date to get drinks soon with a guy and even though we haven’t texted each other a lot yet because I’d prefer to get to know him in person, we seem to have quite a bit in common and have hit it off. However he went to uni and I have not. I took a few classes but ended after a semester because I have awful anxiety with certain things (like college, for example). I’m completely happy with my decision and I work at a bank with the hopes of working my way up a little in the company a little eventually.
I guess I’m just really nervous that when he hears I didn’t ever get a degree, he’ll no longer be interested, and am curious to know what other guys would think. I’ll add on to say that I’m quite extroverted and don’t find my lack of going to college to have affected my social skills, I’m just lacking much education from a college. :)
submitted by Sweet-Adhesiveness38 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:17 Main_Perception_9916 I snapped and ruined my exes life and kind of regret it…

It may have been a long time coming, but I still feel kind of awful about it.
We were together for 10 months, and it was the best and worst relationship I’ve ever been in, but it was really just doomed from the start. When I first met him I was in a loveless marriage, and he was in a loveless relationship with someone he had a kid with. In my marriage we were together for 6 years, but the love had been gone for the last years. His relationship with his bm had been 3 years, but she had been continuously cheating. So, we ended up running away together. But his bm still lives at his parents house with his kid because she has no where else to go…?
The relationship started out intensely both physically and emotionally and neither of us were looking back.. at first, I guess. Until after about 3 months when she told him that she was 6 months pregnant, and he started being insecure about me being friends with mostly guys, and being a generally friendly person. I told him we can work through it together and I started changing how I interacted with people and who I interacted with that made him uncomfortable, and he started being in closer contact with her. It wasn’t long until he broke up with me the first time(1) and kicked me out of the apartment we lived in. We get back together within a couple of days. Only for him to leave me again (2) after about a month when I started noticing he was messaging her more and more while he was at work. We ended up getting back together the next night. But then I started getting anxieties. And I started to spiral asking for reassurance that he isn’t going to get back together with his ex and that it wasn’t something had to worry about with the new baby coming soon - and instead of reassurance he made me seem like I was being crazy for even questioning it and breaking up with me again (3). We ended up playing games together after 2 days and began talking about getting back together again, but he tells me he slept with her and is still in love with her, but in love with me too and convinces me to allow him to date both of us. Then I would live back at our apartment, and he would only be living at his parents with her for a bit to help take care of the newborn.
So he started staying there while I would stay back alone. He would see me every couple of days or so for a few hours, but never more than that. Then he started cancelling plans left and right, sometimes because he just didn’t feel like it… After the 3rd day or so of him cancelling plans last second I started losing it. I was getting ready to see him, excited. He said that he needed a minute because he was arguing with his bm then he just stopped replying. I called about 37 times then everything started going straight to voicemail, green text, and no replies on SC or Discord. After 6 hours I was fully convinced he left me for good. So I was going to cope for a night and be gone in the morning, but I did something bad. I went on tinder and sent each of my matches the same copy and paste “let’s hook up” messages. These back and forth messages went on for about 2 hours when he suddenly texted me saying he fell asleep. Then he suddenly showed up at the apartment happy and giddy. That’s when he saw me put my phone down and asked me for it. I said no at first then eventually confessed and gave him the phone. He was really upset.. and told me he was coming over to tell me that she was making him choose between me and her, and that he was choosing me. He then decided to forgive me and take me to get my things from my ex-husbands house and told me that things are going to be different this time.
Unfortunately they were different in the worst kind of way. Neither of us trusted each other anymore and he began crossing every boundary I had. Sleeping in the same bed as her still and being overly too friendly, and I sat by quietly thinking it was what I deserved. Eventually that blew up to him leaving me once again (4) time. I started packing, but I needed more boxes so he came by with them. We ended up hooking up and he ended up telling me he slept with her again. We were back together and moved back in within a day. But the issues still remained that he was crossing my boundaries. Eventually I ended up pregnant after 3 months. After a month I began to miscarry, and during it instead of being with me through it he went to his parents house and told me she needed his car, but didn’t come home until late. And then once again, someone I used to have a crush with messaged me out of the blue and I didn’t really reject him when he started hitting on me.
He then broke up with me the second day of the miscarriage, and then found out about the guy who was hitting on me a day or so later after the breakup. Unfortunately, we still had to live together.
Valentine’s Day he brings me flowers and balloons and cookies, but goes to his parents to spend the night with her. And on the weekend he takes me out for Valentine’s Day and I go through his phone for the first time in months. Turns out he’s been trying to get back together with her and getting rejected from before I was even pregnant. I decided to forgive him I guess like he forgave me. Eventually it turned into him leaving me (5) saying he can’t stand me and has always wanted to be back with her. So he moved back to his parents. A week later he comes back saying he resents her. And we got back together again. After about a month we both moved out. I went back home and so did he at his parent’s house, sleeping in the guest room. Things were good for about two weeks until he left me again (6).
He told he’s been trying to get back with her but she’s been with someone else for the last 5 months. We end up talking again and seeing each other again, but this time he keeps me blocked on everything but our cell and Snapchat. And of course after 2 weeks he stops talking to him again (7). And within a few days we’re talking again. He comes over and spends the night and everything is good until the weekend. We make plans for a hotel and for the weekend, but when Friday comes along im stuck waiting for him to show up. And then 9:45 pm I still get no reply. (8) And I just snap… I message his bm. And I tell her everything. That we slept together in her truck, the shit he’s talked, that he told me we were soulmates 3 days ago, and that he showed me their sex videos.
And we never spoke again. He just blocked me and it’s been 4 days (the longest we’ve gone without talking) and honestly the guilt is eating me alive. My friends tell me that he deserved to be exposed, but I feel awful about it.
submitted by Main_Perception_9916 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:17 Half_knight_K The problem I have with Anti AI people

I don’t mind if people don’t like AI. Everyone has their opinions. It just bugs me when they spew and spread out the clearly wrong information.
Then classic Reddit hive mind just downvotes anyone who dared to correct them.
I hate when people are against something yet didn’t ever bother to learn or read about it at all. Like. If you are gonna hate something, at least do it properly. Hate it due to actual info and not something you think you know. Then say to those who do know they are wrong.
Just had a conversation where someone said I “clearly” didn’t know what I was talking about. As if I didn’t spend 2 years studying this.
Can someone tell me, how do AI image generators work?
Cause all I’ve seen from anti ai people is them saying “oh. It takes images then cuts them apart and puts them together.” Which I know isn’t true at all. Yet I get people hating on me for saying it.
(Also can someone come and define “machine learning”?
Cause someone anti ai told me that “it’s not called machine learning cause it learns like a human. That’s moronic.” Cause. Pretty sure it does.)
(Also. Am I wrong? Cause I said in response to that:
“Tell me this. How does a human learn? Through failure and adapting. Through recognition of patterns and links.
That’s what “machine learning” is. A system of machines that can learn from data and unseen data. The more it experiences, the more it adapts and learns. Through trial and error.
Thus. Producing predictions and results using data given. And adapting to unseen data. Random events. Etc. It is a system in ai, specifically designed to learn from data it is given. Growing better with every change, every test, every new piece of info that is given.
It uses algorithm and to recognize patterns and links in data. Then it makes a predication/result based upon these. In this case, links to phrases in the prompts given, to examples it already was given prior. Which it then stored to use again.
Like us. Humans recognize patterns. We make connections. It’s how we learn. How did you learn to read English? Someone came and correlated to you, words to what you saw. Then you as a human, began to do this on your own. It’s how we learn other languages, linking different words, ones we know, and ones that mean the same thing in another language. Or in the case of art. We, see pictures of art, we see how they are made, see these connections and patterns then do it ourselves. (How do you know you are seeing a device when you replied to me? Someone once told you, or you saw someone say, “this is a device for communication” or anything of a similar meaning.)
Main difference is. Humans become self dependent on learning. We learn on our own. An AI, is fed information to learn from, by us. Albeit. Ai Mainly, (currently) through text and visual imprints.
Machine learning also comes in many forms. Learning differently like us. Supervision. We tell it the patterns. Semi supervised, we tell it then leave it be to recognize the pattern, unsupervised, where it will need to learn to recognize patterns it’s own.
Like a human. Some need supervision at the beginning to see the patterns and link stuff. Some, need less support. And some don’t.
We humans do this. We take in information through our sense and act accordingly after recognizing how others do so. Then making a decision from it.
Take a kid. They did something wrong, but they through it was right from learning from others. Eg. They see their parents make something or use tools, etc. but they have not learnt the dangers. As such, they mimic the behavior based on what they know. When they do it wrong, their parents tell them It’s wrong, then if they do it again, they take into account what the parent said. (Mostly. AIs are more restrictive than that. But that’s the gist.) ——“
Is this very wrong? Cause that’s what I learned over the last 2 years of me studying this. But I want to be sure. (I checked Google too. And it seems right. But wanted to check here too.)
submitted by Half_knight_K to DefendingAIArt [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:15 Unusual_Muffin9783 Why do I (19F) always feel like my bf (20M) is cheating on me even though he doesn't give me a reason to think so??

Okay so firstly - my bf and I have dated in the past but broke up because he would lie about little things (not like a major lie or cheating or anything - when we dated he was super loyal) and also our friends caused a lot of mistrust between us by stirring up drama (made fake dms of me saying i love you to another guy and the same for him and sent each other). I think I might have a few trust issues from that but he's been reassuring me and helping me work on them.
We got back together and have been together for almost a year now and I don't think he's ever breached my trust as such. He is generally a very quiet guy who does keep to himself and I'm the opposite so sometimes I get bugged when I don't know everything. He doesn't lie to me but there are times where he just doesn't tell me things - like he forgot/thought it wasn't important etc and that makes me question if he's hiding things from me.
Recently, I had issues with his ex following him on insta and everything but we managed to sort that out and he cut off all contact with her her - it took some time because his friends were involved and shit just got very messy as his ex made a huge scene about it and all his friends went against him for that. Anyways he still made our relationship public to them and told them that he was dating me.
Other than that this guy does everything for me and i mean EVERYTHING - he's trying to get good relations with my family so that they like him for me, supports and cares for me a lot, and just makes me happy in general - he's practically my dream guy. His family also likes me a lot. He never says no to anything I ask him to and always tries his best to meet my needs.
His only issue is academics and I know he struggles with that. He recently mentioned that he was studying with a female friend of his and my anxiety just got triggered because I was like what if he's cheating on me with her? There's absolutely no signs of it at all because there's no difference in his behaviour as such and he's pretty much been the same, only a lot more busier than usual due to exams - but he still takes a bit of time out everyday to text or call me. He normally doesn't talk to girls/has a lot of female friends, he's mostly around guys so this just felt weird to me... Especially since he's gone for hours and hours at the library with her - it just makes me anxiety worse even though I know he's studying all day.
I just don't know why my mind just immediately goes there when I know he isn't the kind to do such a thing...
TLDR: Bf's so nice to me and makes me really happy but upon the mention of his female study partner I get triggered and wonder if he's cheating.
submitted by Unusual_Muffin9783 to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:15 Faithhal Unveiling the Best Website to Catch a Cheater: Safeguarding Trust in Relationships

In today's digital age, fidelity and trust are constantly put to the test. The rise of social media, dating apps, and online communication has made it easier for individuals to stray from their committed relationships. However, with technological advancements come innovative solutions. Among these solutions, one stands out as a beacon of hope for those seeking to uncover infidelity: the best website to catch a cheater.
Gone are the days of relying solely on intuition or hiring costly private investigators. With the advent of specialized online platforms, individuals now have access to powerful tools that can help them uncover the truth and protect their relationships.
So, what makes the best website to catch a cheater stand out from the rest? Firstly, it offers a comprehensive range of services designed to cater to different needs and suspicions. Whether you're concerned about your partner's online activities, suspicious text messages, or questionable social media interactions, these websites provide a variety of tools to help you gather evidence discreetly.
Moreover, the best websites prioritize user privacy and security, ensuring that your investigations remain confidential. From encrypted communication channels to secure payment gateways, these platforms employ state-of-the-art technology to safeguard your information and identity.
One of the most valuable features of these websites is their user-friendly interface. You don't need to be a tech-savvy sleuth to navigate through the tools and gather the evidence you need. With simple instructions and intuitive design, anyone can use these platforms to uncover the truth behind their partner's behavior.
Furthermore, the best websites to catch a cheater often offer additional resources and support to help individuals cope with the emotional fallout of infidelity. From expert advice on relationship counseling to community forums where users can share their experiences, these platforms strive to provide holistic support to those navigating the complexities of trust and betrayal.
For more>> Best website to catch a cheater
Of course, it's important to approach the use of these websites with caution and ethical considerations. While uncovering infidelity can be devastating, it's essential to weigh the consequences and consider the possibility of reconciliation before taking any drastic actions.
In conclusion, the best website to catch a cheater represents a beacon of hope for those grappling with doubts and suspicions in their relationships. By harnessing the power of technology and innovation, these platforms empower individuals to uncover the truth and make informed decisions about their future. However, it's crucial to remember that trust is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, and while these tools can provide clarity, ultimately, it's up to individuals to nurture and protect the bonds of trust and fidelity.
submitted by Faithhal to u/Faithhal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:14 inwhichzeegoesinsane I’m done running away.

I’m not gonna cry about not playing the game better. He almost cut me off from the pieces I needed to work with; I’ll never let him do that again.
I’m taking my career into my own freakin' hands. 😄
And you - even if you’re not a slice of the life-pie now…
the next few blocks will have trace elements of me-prioritizing-you, because the best me was the one who lay the groundwork for Us regardless of what you did, including push him away in fear or anger.
(It’s okay, by the way. I understand; you needed me to at the time and I didn’t. You haven’t ruined it, nothing is broken. Even back then he suspected what I now know, what you might’ve been feeling, and I can ask you someday.)
But - I go at my speed, and this train will have to come around again. The Plan is coming into sight; I might need to cut myself off for a while to focus it.
I’m gonna save the freakin’ world. It only sounds lofty because others can’t see the plan yet.
It actually makes perfect sense, with the technology we have. The art and science of displaying convincing information on screens. (You get it, right? Consider the effect Nicky Case had on you.)
Art and Science. But better yet, technology, tools, means. All we want is the ability to organize effectively.
I’ll do that - starting with our people, our values. I’ll leverage a private-corp to give people stuff to do in a post-scarcity-working world; our folks will be looked after. They won’t have to be sad, or feel inadequate; feel useless, because of this world’s goddamn assbackwards priorities telling them they’re worthless.
I’ll build it. TS, NF, I’ll capture the corps’ deflevels themselves. Answer the open questions people have at the highest levels, bridge the gap of responsible resource allocation.
Find the people who see the forest not the trees; figure out HOW, not WHY NOT.
I’ll show everyone. And whichever side of the fence you’re on - to me, doesn’t even matter anymore. I have my plan.
:eyes watering, but not crying. Shining:
Today, I’m Him. And I’ll stay like this for as long as I can; but someday, it won’t take me remembering this train of thought for me to focus. It’ll simply be the entirety of "me".
And maybe then, someday, I can convince you too; ask you to hop the fence from Doubt into Belief; or maybe then, you’ll have been right, and I’ll find a person and you’ll do (whatever makes you happy, I won’t prescribe companionship if it’s not what you want. /o).
But I won’t ask you believe in me, wait for me. In order to grow into my best self, be my best self… i need conversations like the one I had just this morning.
Sure, I can only do a little now. But even with the little I can do now… I can do anything.
It’s like Zee’ll say, someday.
Just because I have no powers, doesn’t mean I’m powerless.
Besides, I have more than a few. And skills and a story to build yet, a move to plan, and a corporate game to play, and a New Life to live. :cracks knuckles:
(Sure, I’m spending another life on the same level; but I hacked the game. The backgrounds and powerups’ll be different. I’ll break the ceiling yet. 😁)
Take care, Bee. I’ll send you what I sent my team: 🫶
Those of them I’m still working with. 😁
submitted by inwhichzeegoesinsane to u/inwhichzeegoesinsane [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:13 Fine-Ad8727 Mixed signals/Manipulation talking stage?

Alrightyyy. Some context. It's been two months of this guy and I talking., and I am noticing some red flags. I'm not big on dating, I'm pretty introverted and feel secure in myself, but we met and talked for a bit and we both have a crush on eachother. I can't quite put my finger on it, but he tries to bait me with phrases and it feels as if he is purposefully testing me for my reaction and it's getting old, fast. An example is he kept bringing up another woman he finds attractive. I kinda just brushed it off but then eventually told him I started to feel a tad insecure about it. He acknowledged my feelings respectfully, and then goes back to mentioning how he would make our future relationship poly for her an hour later. Another thing is he tended to rush for the seggual stuff first, which I would set boundaries and he would follow with overstepping those boundaries and then going "I know you like it/I see your body wants it too/You're sending mixed signals." Which is true. I was sending mixed signals, so, I stuck with my values and kept it strictly platonic for now.
Another example is he gave me his hat and I expressed how thankful and happy I am to wear it because we both know we like eachother and I appreciate the hat and take care of it. He takes it back yesterday out of nowhere because I was being corny and goes "The more corny you are, the longer I keep it." And he kept it for a bit. I wasn't bothered by it, it's his hat, but it's the behavior that's odd. He then calls me boasting about having the hat and needing it for his outside work. Later, I was like "Okay, that's good! If you need it more, keep it." And he turns around and hands it back to me and goes "No, you keep it." And I'm like "What? You need it, though. I have other hats." And he goes "No, I didn't need it. Keep it." And I go "You're confusing me." and he goes "No, you're confusing ME. Just keep it. Why are you being so weird about it? I want you to have it." I have on idea what is going on.
One last example would be a conversation him and I had a couple weeks ago about his phrases he says to try and get me to react. I told him it felt like he was playing mind games with me and I did not appreciate it. He denied he was doing that and got mad at me and mentioned all the good things he's done for me recently. I thought that was unfair and ended the conversation there. He then comes back and apologizes and admits to baiting me and trying to get a reaction. I told him to just communicate with me and stop doing this.
He says some odd things like "I know what mood your in all the time, I can analyze you, and if you change behavior, I'll analyze that too." And he often wants to know who I am texting, glances over my shoulder to see my phone, and sometimes just grabs it outright. When I express I'm not okay with these things, he downplays it.
I often feel as if I'm crazy or I'm over reacting to this? Because that's how he treats it, but, something feels off. I don't think this is healthy and I need some advice. Thank you!!!
submitted by Fine-Ad8727 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:11 Sweet-Count2557 Best Beaches Near Charlotte Nc

Best Beaches Near Charlotte Nc
Best Beaches Near Charlotte Nc Are you dreaming of a sandy oasis near Charlotte, North Carolina? Well, buckle up and join us on a virtual beach tour!As beach enthusiasts ourselves, we've scoured the area to bring you the best beaches.From the tranquil shores of Lake Norman to the pristine waters of Wrightsville Beach and the peaceful vibes of Atlantic Beach, we've got you covered.So grab your shades and get ready for a beach adventure like no other!Key TakeawaysLake Norman is the closest nice beach to Charlotte and offers a mix of business centers and relaxing escapes.Wrightsville Beach is known for its pristine waters and complete amenities, making it a great option for beachgoers.Atlantic Beach offers a peaceful and less crowded beach alternative, perfect for those seeking tranquility.Lake Wylie provides a serene picnic and family time, with activities such as boating, fishing, and parks available.Lake Beaches in Charlotte AreaWe have extensively reviewed the lake beaches in the Charlotte area, including Lake Norman and Lake Wylie, and found them to be highly recommended for their family-friendliness, safety, amenities, water quality, and accessibility.These lake beaches near Charlotte, NC offer a perfect getaway for families seeking relaxation and outdoor fun.Lake Norman, located in Cornelius, provides a picturesque setting with its clear blue waters and sandy shores. With a rating of 4/5 for family-friendliness, safety, amenities, water quality, and accessibility, Lake Norman offers something for everyone. Families can enjoy swimming, picnicking, and building sandcastles on its family-friendly beaches. Boating and fishing activities are also available, making it a great option for water enthusiasts.Lake Wylie, situated in Rock Hill, is another fantastic option for beachgoers in the Charlotte area. With a rating of 4/5 across all categories, Lake Wylie offers a peaceful and safe environment for families. The beaches here are well-maintained and provide ample space for relaxation and recreation. Visitors can enjoy swimming, kayaking, and paddleboarding in its calm waters. The lake also offers parks and picnic areas, providing additional amenities for families to enjoy.Overall, these lake beaches in the Charlotte area are highly recommended for their family-friendly atmosphere, safety measures, amenities, water quality, and accessibility. Whether you're looking for a relaxing day by the water or an exciting outdoor adventure, Lake Norman and Lake Wylie are the best beaches near Charlotte, NC to fulfill your desires.Ocean Beaches in North CarolinaLet's explore the beautiful ocean beaches in North Carolina and discover their family-friendliness, safety, amenities, water quality, and accessibility. When it comes to the distance between Charlotte and the beach, many people wonder how far it is. Well, the good news is that there are several stunning beaches that are within a few hours' drive from Charlotte.One popular beach destination is Wrightsville Beach, which is approximately 215 miles east of Charlotte. Known for its family-friendliness and beautiful shoreline, Wrightsville Beach offers a wide range of amenities, including lifeguards, restrooms, and parking facilities. The water quality here is excellent, making it a perfect spot for swimming and enjoying water activities.Another beach worth mentioning is Atlantic Beach, which is located approximately 290 miles east of Charlotte. This beach offers a peaceful and less crowded alternative to some of the more popular tourist destinations. It boasts clean waters, soft sands, and a variety of amenities such as beachfront rentals, restaurants, and shops.If you're looking for a closer beach option, Emerald Isle is situated on the same barrier island as Atlantic Beach and is approximately 285 miles east of Charlotte. This family-oriented beach offers stunning white sand, clear blue waters, and an abundance of beach amenities. It's also home to excellent family resorts, providing a perfect setting for a fun-filled vacation.Outer Banks: A Coastal ParadiseWe frequently dream about visiting the Outer Banks, a coastal paradise known for its beautiful beaches and rich history. The Outer Banks is located on North Carolina's eastern coast and consists of a 200-mile string of barrier islands. It offers more than 100 miles of shoreline, making it a haven for beach lovers. But what sets the Outer Banks apart from other beach destinations? Let's take a closer look:Outer BanksOther BeachesNatural BeautyStunning beachesBeautiful beachesRich HistoryCivil War battlegroundsHistorical sitesUnique GeographyBarrier islandsIsland experiencesWater ActivitiesSurfing, fishingKayaking, sailing, fishingFamily-Friendliness4/54/5Safety4/54/5Amenities4/54/5Water Quality4/54/5Accessibility4/54/5The Outer Banks offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and history. Whether you want to relax on the beach, explore historical sites, or engage in water activities, the Outer Banks has it all. And with its family-friendly atmosphere and high safety ratings, it's an ideal destination for a memorable vacation. So, if you're looking for a coastal paradise with beautiful beaches and a rich history, the Outer Banks should be at the top of your travel bucket list.Other Ocean Beaches Worth ExploringThere are several other ocean beaches worth exploring, such as Emerald Isle and Kure Beach, which offer stunning white sand and clear blue waters. These beaches provide a perfect setting for a family vacation or a relaxing getaway.Here are five other ocean beaches that are definitely worth exploring:Emerald Isle: Situated on the same barrier island as Atlantic Beach, Emerald Isle offers stunning white sand and clear blue waters. It's a family-oriented beach destination with an abundance of beach amenities and excellent family resorts.Kure Beach: Located at Pleasure Island, Kure Beach boasts a beautiful and well-maintained shoreline. It's the perfect setting for family vacations and outdoor concerts. The vibrant community spirit is evident with art shows and farmers markets. Plus, it's in close proximity to Fort Fisher State Recreation Area and Historic Site.Ocean Isle Beach: As the southernmost barrier island in North Carolina, Ocean Isle Beach spans seven miles along the Atlantic. It features powder white sand and clean water. This small seaside town offers museums, seafood restaurants, and summer activities planned for kids.Carolina Beach: Known as a vibrant beach town, Carolina Beach has a wide coastline and is the best beach for swimming near Charlotte. With lifeguards on duty and calm waves, it's perfect for families. The beach boardwalk offers amusement park rides and food stands, and the nearby state park features trails with carnivorous plants.Bald Head Island: Located in North Carolina, Bald Head Island offers a unique island experience. With beautiful beaches and nature preserves, it's a haven for nature lovers. Limited development and commercialization create a serene atmosphere, and the island is accessible only by ferry or private boat.These ocean beaches provide a variety of experiences, from family-friendly amenities to serene natural beauty. Whether you're looking for a fun-filled vacation or a peaceful escape, these beaches near Charlotte, NC have something for everyone.Beaches Beyond North Carolina: Nearby OptionsExploring beaches beyond North Carolina, we discovered nearby options with stunning white sand and clear blue waters. One such option is Hilton Head Island, a historic resort city in South Carolina. With its 12 scenic miles of shoreline, Hilton Head offers a variety of beach activities for everyone to enjoy. Coligny Beach Park is particularly safe for kids, and there's even a museum and wildlife refuge to explore.Another nearby option is Myrtle Beach, the tourist hub of the Grand Strand. This 60-mile string of nice beaches is an iconic destination for all generations. Families can enjoy water parks and amusement parks for some fun in the sun. And when you're done with the beach, there are plenty of cultural spots to explore.If you're looking for a quieter and more serene atmosphere, Folly Beach, located just south of Charleston, is the perfect choice. This charming beach offers a peaceful escape and is ideal for beach and camping adventures. You can even go on eco-tours to explore the estuaries and marshlands or take a boat ride to watch dolphins.Lastly, for a unique island experience, Bald Head Island in North Carolina is worth a visit. With its beautiful beaches and nature preserves, this island is a haven for nature lovers. The limited development and commercialization make it a peaceful retreat, and it's only accessible by ferry or private boat.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Popular Water Activities Available at Lake Norman and Lake Wylie?At Lake Norman and Lake Wylie, there are plenty of popular water activities to enjoy. From boating and fishing to kayaking and swimming, these lakes offer something for everyone. Whether you want to relax on a pontoon boat or explore the calm waters on a paddleboard, the options are endless.Both lakes also have parks and picnic areas, making them perfect for a fun-filled day with family and friends. So grab your sunscreen and get ready for some water-filled adventures!Are There Any Historical Sites or Landmarks to Visit Near Wrightsville Beach and Atlantic Beach?Yes, there are historical sites and landmarks to visit near Wrightsville Beach and Atlantic Beach.Wrightsville Beach is home to Fort Fisher State Historic Site, which played a significant role in the Civil War. It offers guided tours and exhibits to explore the area's rich history.Atlantic Beach is close to the Fort Macon State Park, which features a well-preserved Civil War-era fort and offers educational programs and exhibits.Both beaches offer a perfect blend of beach relaxation and cultural exploration.Are There Any Restrictions or Regulations for Beachgoers at the Outer Banks?When it comes to the Outer Banks, beachgoers will be happy to know that there are certain restrictions and regulations in place to ensure everyone's safety and enjoyment.For example, driving on the beach is only allowed in certain areas and during specific times.There are also rules regarding beach fires, camping, and pets.It's important to check with local authorities or visit the official Outer Banks website for the most up-to-date information on these regulations.What Are Some Unique Features or Attractions of Emerald Isle and Kure Beach?Emerald Isle and Kure Beach have some unique features and attractions.Emerald Isle is situated on the same barrier island as Atlantic Beach and offers stunning white sand and clear blue waters. It's known for its family-oriented amenities and abundance of beach amenities.Kure Beach, located at Pleasure Island, boasts a beautiful and well-maintained shoreline. It's the perfect setting for family vacations and outdoor concerts. The vibrant community spirit with art shows and farmers markets adds to its charm.What Are Some Family-Friendly Activities or Attractions Near Ocean Isle Beach and Carolina Beach?When it comes to family-friendly activities near Ocean Isle Beach and Carolina Beach, there are plenty of options to keep everyone entertained.At Ocean Isle Beach, you can enjoy summer activities planned specifically for kids, such as sandcastle building competitions and beach games.Carolina Beach, on the other hand, offers a vibrant beach town atmosphere with a wide coastline for swimming. You can also explore the beach boardwalk with amusement park rides and food stands or visit the nearby state park featuring trails with carnivorous plants.ConclusionAnd there you have it, folks! We've taken you on a virtual tour of the best beaches near Charlotte, NC.From the tranquil lakeshores to the breathtaking ocean vistas, there's a beach for everyone's taste.So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and embark on a beach adventure like no other. With our insider tips and comprehensive rating system, you're sure to create unforgettable memories.So don't wait, grab your flip flops and head to the beaches near Charlotte for a truly epic getaway!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:11 andrgyny Do you personally use or recommend Advantage+ creative enhancements?

When it comes to the optimizations like relevant comments, image filter, music, text improvements, etc. I always opt out.
I’m curious about whether you all use them.
If you do use these enhancements, have you seen improvements to your ad results as Facebook suggested you would?
Also, let me know if you’re new to Facebook ads or if you’ve been using Facebook ads for a few years now.
submitted by andrgyny to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:07 Think-Jellyfish8769 Is it ok to ask for regular check ins/ space to talk 10+ years into R?

I’m 10 years + down the road with R and I’m struggling. I’d love to know how other long term Rs are getting on with issues like this one. Sorry if this is TMI or long.
We have lots that is going good for us, years 3-7 of R were amazing and I felt stronger than ever and in fact, after the tricky first 2 years, until this year I never regretted for a second deciding to R.
We did then hit a few bumps in the road with one of our kids over the last few years and I have been struggling with that because my WH cannot seem to communicate with me at all if conversations feel likely to be “difficult” for him. I work too but in a less financially lucrative role than him since we had the last kids (who were twins) so it tends to be me whose life is organised round his and the family’s needs.
In addition, I did not adjust well when after the pandemic quiet life, he returned to drinking while socialising at work and staying away from home in hotels for work more often. He had minimised this quite a lot after the affair as it was so strongly associated with opportunities he took to have sex with his AP. When he started doing it again it was a trigger for me and his response was one of despair - when would I ever get over this, he was a different man and would not do that again, he’s never good enough etc etc. I end up both apologising to him but also deeply resentful that somehow I’m in the wrong again.
He stopped drinking at work functions for a bit, started again and then stopped again but only because he felt forced to by me being upset, he was very clear that he shouldn’t need to do that. This has never made me happy or reassured me, I now feel pushed into this awful role of the controlling wife when I’m really looking for him to care enough about me not to actually want to drink at work when he’s staying away in a hotel.
I would rather he did what he wanted and we separated but he is very strongly against that and gets quite emotional and sad if I suggest we might both be happier. If I leave, it will be my “fault” at this point because he wants to stay together. Our children don’t know what happened because they were very young at the time and I don’t think that it would be helpful for them but that leaves us in a situation where everyone knows it is me that is unhappy now. I am also frightened to leave because my financial position is unprotected and I feel quite alone in the UK.
My family in NZ would help me but my children are teens/ young adults now so wouldn’t be happy to return to my home country with me. And, fool that I am, I love him, he’s my best friend, when things are good they’re great.
At Christmas we hit an all time low and for the first time I shouted at him in front of the kids about how I feel so abandoned when he can’t talk to me when I am struggling. I felt more and more disconnected from him and started the year in a terrible place crying, lonely and saying how suicidal I felt/ trying to tell him I needed his support with our kids. On that day he didn’t talk to me but he did sit with me and then he just never mentioned what I’d said again.
This is how he treats most of my outbursts of feeling - if I seem distressed enough he might stay with me for a bit of time but he won’t talk about it again unless I do. He might go off and do some random act of service so I kind of know he’s heard but it is hard to focus on that when I want him to talk with me.
Fast forward a week or two and my WH asked to bring a work colleague (also a BW) round on a Saturday for us to give her some emotional support because her mum was away for a fortnight and she was struggling looking after her toddlers by herself, he said she was having such a tough time. She had split up with her WH just before Christmas because he had been having an affair. She lives in her home city and is surrounded by friends and family who love and care for her. She came round and was chatting to me, telling me how it was for the best as they had been drifting apart for a while, that she had been set up with someone by a friend and they’d been texting/ had a date planned. She was not actually by herself, she was going over to her sisters to stay the night and to sit in a hot tub after she’d been at our place.
As I was sitting chatting with her and holding her baby, I had an almost outer body experience where I was at the same time looking down on us talking and also floating above comparing her situation with mine when I was there 12 years ago.
I was alone in a new city where I knew no one except my PIL who had made it clear as soon as we arrived that they didn’t want to offer me any practical support, I had four kids aged 5 and under, my support network of friends were all in the city where we had lived previously, I had lost my job in the move so that my husband could be closer to his parents/ pursue a better job in this city and my father was at the end of his life on the other side of the world a 24 hour flight away.
My husband then began an affair with a younger co-worker and had her round to our house to play with our babies and f*** in our bed while I was home in NZ visiting my family / my sick dad for three weeks. When I got back and discovered what had happened the same day I returned, I had absolutely no one to turn to and only my husband to rely on. He didn’t immediately choose me but thought about it for a few days. He’d planned to go travelling with this woman and had been playing happy families with my babies who weren’t even two years old yet - it felt like he’d been practicing to see whether she would make a good stepmother for them.
I thought about returning to my home, but our initial MC treated me like I was the one suggesting doing something awful to my WH and I never felt ok pursuing that then. My PIL and SIL were not unkind, but they had not supported me before so it was hard for me to turn to them in the circumstances. I had no one. It was the most terrible time of my life and I did try to take some pills one afternoon after drinking too much.
In the day we had his colleague round, I kept thinking, would I have stayed with him if I had been around family and friends. I was also so hurt that he could see her struggles and ask me to help her but not ask me if there was anything he could do to help me. Since then I seem to be locked in a trauma kind of response, crying, reliving stupid details I haven’t thought of in 10 years, checking AP’s work situation etc (pain shopping) and I haven’t slept through the night in months.
I have also been upset for a couple of years by the lack of communication between us as I associate him having had the affair in the first place as a response to my being low when I was in a new city/ had lost my job/ looked after our twins and a toddler on my own all day/ my dad being diagnosed with terminal cancer. He struggled to deal with how I was feeling and withdrew from me, found his AP who was more able to meet his needs/ fun to be around.
This is what emerged in MC, that he couldn’t cope with emotions due to FOO issues. This means I really struggle to voice my feelings in a way that gets me the support I need now because he has withdrawn from me over the last two years during issues with our child and I am fearful of being too much for him again. I know I do it badly, I wanted MC to help me learn better ways of communicating too, not just to deal with how he withdraws from me.
I asked my WH to go to therapy with me a couple of times over the last two years to deal with the communication issues but he didn’t want to do MC because he said he felt unprotected in the two sets of MC we had in the early days.
I have also asked him if we could try just checking in with each other once a week but he is always unwilling and there is always a reason but it boils down to he doesn’t want to do it. He has said it feels forced and as if he has to say something other than he’s fine. He has also said it’s too difficult with his work/ our lives to predict when he’s free. Most recently he has said he’s asked his friends but no one else has to do that. I have said it’s what I need, a regular space where we talk about how we are going. Our MC suggested it 10 years or so ago and I have never stopped wanting that or raising it. However, it’s like this thing in his mind that it would be negative or difficult so he just doesn’t do it except once or twice when things get difficult again. Which then reinforces that it is a negative space. There were a few times we did it a year or so ago where it felt companionable to me so I was devastated when he just stopped because work got difficult for him and needed all his attention.
I feel I am at the bottom of his priorities after the kids, work, meeting football team parents, his parents, work colleagues. Am I mad to ask for that space once a week for an hour together?
Also we have one day of full on intensive therapy planned (a compromise to fit his schedule/fears about traditional MC) and I hope to talk this through with him again there but I am starting to wonder if we are wasting our time/ money.
I don’t know if I’m looking for support or a wake up call but I’d love to hear from long term people in R who have faced similar issues.
submitted by Think-Jellyfish8769 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 Joshh170 Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8

Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8
Developer Turn 10 Studios has released Forza Motorsport Update 8, bringing substantial additions to the game, including new cars and content. Additionally, this new Forza Motorsport update includes several bug fixes for players on Xbox Series XS, PC via the Microsoft Store, and Steam.
In 2023, Forza Motorsport was released as a reboot of the popular subseries within the Forza sim racing franchise, developed by Turn 10 Studios and published by Xbox Game Studios. The game introduces significant technical advancements like real-time ray tracing, dynamic weather, and damage modeling. Forza Motorsport's initial reception was positive, particularly for its realism and online multiplayer modes.
One of the highlights of Forza Motorsport Update 8 is the introduction of Career Events, promising diverse experiences for players. These events include the Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour, which kicks off on May 15 and runs until June 26, offering enthusiasts the chance to immerse themselves in adrenaline-pumping racing action. Additionally, the update introduces various other events like Ginetta Juniors, Weekend Warriors, Kit Caterhams, and Track Toys, each with its unique challenges and rewards.
Furthermore, the inclusion of new vehicles in the Forza Motorsport car lineup will please car enthusiasts. Among these are the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 from the Track Toys Tour, the 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupe from the Open Class Tour, and spotlight cars such as the 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior, 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS, 2013 Caterham Superlight R500, and 2019 Elemental RP1. These cars not only expand the roster but also offer players exciting choices for their racing adventures.
Moreover, as with the previous Forza Motorsport patch, Update 8 brings significant improvements and bug fixes across various aspects of the game. Players can expect enhanced stability, refined gameplay mechanics, and optimizations for PC performance, including improved video memory usage and fixes for issues like screen flashing and controller disconnects.
In the Forza Motorsport multiplayer arena, Spec Series events were introduced, including the Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series and the Mazda Miata Spec Series, providing competitive racing opportunities for players looking to test their skills against others. The update also addresses car balancing, refining the performance of several vehicles in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series. Notable changes include adjustments to the engine torque, car mass, and downforce for cars like the 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. With ongoing updates like this one, Forza Motorsport continues to evolve, ensuring that players have a dynamic racing experience.
Forza Motorsport Update 8 Patch Notes
Version Number:
Xbox Series XS: 1.587.4035.0 PC (Microsoft Store): 1.587.4035.0 Steam: 1.587.4035.0 Game Content, Features and Events [All Platforms]
Career Events
Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Ginetta Juniors (Starts May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC) Weekend Warriors (Starts May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Kit Caterhams (Starts May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Track Toys (Starts June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC) Open Class Tour – 1960s Celebration (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) D Class Series C Class Series B Class Series A Class Series Reward Cars
Track Toys Tour: 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 Open Class Tour: 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupé
Spotlight Cars
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP Discount Cars
2014 BAC Mono (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) 2016 Lotus 3 Eleven (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 1996 Porsche 996 GT1 (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 1994 Mazda Miata (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2016 Brabham BT62 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Multiplayer Events
Spec Series
Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Early Factory Racecar Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Mazda Miata Spec Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Modern Factory Racecar Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Open Series
R Class Series and P Class Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) B Class Series and D Class Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) A Class Series and X Class Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) S Class Series and C Class Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Spotlight Series
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Rivals Events
Spec Division: Forza Touring Cars – Virginia International Raceway Full Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP: Mono a Mono – 2014 BAC Mono – Yas Marina South Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Celebrate Senna’s Legacy with McLaren – 2018 McLaren Senna – Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior – Brands Hatch Indy Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS – Mugello Club Circuit (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 – Grand Oak Club Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Elemental RP1 – Lime Rock Full Circuit (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Stability [All Platforms]
Fixed a game crash caused by quickly and repeatedly changing the number of Drivatar AI opponents in Free Play event setup. [1717959] Fixed an issue that occurred when exiting out of pre-race in Free Play quickly after switching cars or modifying the event setup would cause a soft lock in the loading screen. [1732080] Fixed a stability issue when the player would exit to Event Menu while on track in during a Test Drive. [1751335] Fixed an issue in which disconnecting and reconnecting a controller would prevent the player from progressing to the game menu. [1734977]
Improvements have been made to video memory usage on PC. Addressed an issue where the screen would flash white when players entered the My Cars menu. [1749202] Fixed an issue on Steam where you would repeatedly be shown the Self-Improvement achievement, even when you haven't unlocked it. [1738129] Fixed an issue on Steam where the Safety Star and Safety Superstar achievements would accumulate incorrect progress after a multiplayer race. [1738130] Fixed an issue where the player could not exit out of Career when hovering over event posters and pressing the right mouse button. [1717135] Fixed an issue where Exit Event messages could not be closed out using a Cancel Button (B Button/ESC Key/Right Mouse Click). [1717315] Selecting replays using the mouse no longer requires a double click. [1580893] We’ve made changes to how PC graphics settings are applied to ensure you are only prompted to restart the game when it is necessary. [1568770] Fixed an issue where the player is prompted to restart the game when only the ‘Show Framerate’ toggle has been modified. [1755225] Fixed a PC-specific issue where the game would crash when disconnecting a wheel and reconnecting with a controller in Featured Multiplayer. [1728706]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Increased the track material luminance to be more physically correct, improving the overall contrast and color saturation of the track. This affects newly released tracks as well as future track updates. Maple Valley has been refreshed with “Mobil 1 Presents Maple Valley” race day branding, which includes new track signage featuring Mobil 1. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Maple Valley track. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Mid-Ohio track. Fixed numerous areas across Mid-Ohio where textures were displayed at low resolution or stretched. Placed a barrier along the pit exit at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. To accommodate this change, leaderboards for this track have been reset. Fixed a couple zones at Brands Hatch that were missing or displaying broken skids. We’ve reset leaderboards for Le Mans track layouts following the changes made to this track in Update 7.
Cars [All Platforms]
2016 Ford Shelby GT350R: Fixed an issue where suspension couldn’t be tuned without the Drift Suspension upgrade. [1648500] 2013 McLaren P1: Fixed an issue where the aero wing wasn’t displaying its deployment animation when accelerating after braking for a turn. [1592856] 1992 Volkswagen Golf Gti 16v Mk2: Fixed an issue where the Analog speedometer did not match the telemetry. [1652263] Fixed an issue on select cars where the fog lights or reflectors would instead act as brake lights. This fix applies to the 1998 Toyota Supra RZ, 2003 Ford Focus RS and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. [1730279] [1731165]
Livery Editor[All Platforms]
Introduced a Vinyl Material tool to the Livery Editor which can be used to uniformly adjust all vinyl materials on a car from matte (non-reflective) to glossy (reflective). This includes a reset option to revert all vinyls to match car paint glossiness. Imported designs from Forza Horizon 5 using its similar feature will automatically inherit these values. When removing a livery from a vehicle, the color will now be reset to the default manufacturer color instead of the color when the player purchases it. [1731939] Adjusted the arrangement of hint buttons in Livery Editor at the bottom of the screen. [1741965] Fixed an issue in the Livery Editor where the save popup would not be shown when exiting after flipping a decal or creating a mask from a layer. [1739245] The 'Find Designs' menu is now accessible for rental cars when players try to open it from 'Design & Paint Menu' and 'Livery Mode Select' scenes. [1643182] Fixed an issue where the game was creating empty base model liveries. Forza base liveries will no longer be created and stored unless it's the current livery in use. [1551365] Added iconography to layers in the Livery Editor. The player can now see icons to indicate if it's a mask layer or a locked layer. [1370431] The background values (position, scale, color, etc.) will not change when the player is navigating through the lighting options panel. [1734187] Fixed issues when flipping the rotation of vinyls in the Livery Editor. [1728080] Fixed an issue to prevent zooming of camera if the mouse is over Livery Color Selector in all color modes (Normal, Manufacturer, Special) for consistency. [1721951] Addressed an issue where player brake calipers were displaying the wrong color instead of the expected special colors. [1712512] Fixed an issue in the Design & Paint menu where non-block color vinyl shapes ignored mask effects. [1630741]
Accessibility [All Platforms]
Screen Narrator now properly narrates the “Place in Car Bay” scene. [1738094] Screen Narrator will now read associated credit bonuses as part of the option value names on Free Play Advanced options which affect credits earned during the event. This change also fixes the display of the bonus percentages for all players. [1721875] Fixed intermittent failures of Screen Narrator to read the tab names in the Builders Cup Series Selection scene. [1721928] Screen Narrator now fully supports the “Series Standings” leaderboard scene accessed from the Builders Cup Event Setup scene. [1721944], [1657223] Screen Narrator now correctly reads the Driving Assists modal popup for new players during the initial races of Career mode. [1738064] Screen Narrator will now always correctly read the Data Out IP Address and Port settings in the Gameplay & HUD settings menu. [1667393] Fixed an issue with Screen Narrator reading DLC pack descriptions twice in Purchase Options menu. [1746587] Added descriptive text for the SoundCloud Driver Suit. [1708217] The Tune Setups menu is now fully narrated. [1709554]
Localization[All Platforms]
Fixed an issue where several words were not translated when using [sv-SE] (Swedish-Sweden) language. [1589182] Fixed an issue causing hint button text to exceed the text boundaries in several languages. [1711597] Fixed a typo in Screen Narrator voiceovers in [pt-BR] (Portuguese-Brazil) when viewing car info panels. [1712323] Fixed an issue that caused text to overlap in the Fuel & Tire setup screen when text size is set to largest, and the language is set to [fi-FI] (Finnish-Finland). [1749301] Fixed an issue where the word “Pause” is not translated in [ja-JP] (Japanese-Japan). [1749465] Fixed an issue where the word “Hardcore” is not translated in several languages. [1749471] Fixed an incorrect character in [zh-TW] (Taiwanese Mandarin-Taiwan) that caused Fuel & Tire menu categories to be mistranslated. [1749479]
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 tinyhousecellist city councillor invites my tiny home for vacation help and then evicts

  1. I am a Tiny home dweller who was seeking new parking spot. In August of 2024 I was approached via FB messenger by a couple with land in Port Hope. A visit was made by the couple to the tiny home at its then current location, and the couple loved it and the garden around it. We had coffee and a nice discussion. An invitation was extended by the couple to visit their new property, which was made. Upon visiting, and traveling the perimeter of the property, an offer was made by them to relocate my tiny home to their property. Their property survey was rolled out, and plans were discussed to possibly create a future Tiny Home village, as the wife had been an owner of a well-known resort in the past. At that time the husband produced his business card identifying himself as a City counsellor, on council for tiny homes. He then tells me I would be able to relocate my home with safety as he had much control over tiny homes as part of his work on council.
  2. This couple invited me to move my house to their farm. We met again at the property, and they told me that their main concern was their upcoming cruise holiday in December, and as long as I could guarantee this month of pet/horse care, and that I must install my home at my own expense and cost them nothing for this permanent/long term move, I had only to work the upcoming month at Christmas, future holidays, in attendance during emergencies, and seasonal gardening in exchange. They helped me get my home installation done on time so that they were able to leave for their vacation. I paid for all services installed, including my own hydro meter, for which I continue to pay monthly charges. I worked the holiday, and we exchanged many texts, photos and messages including photos of their new home build to keep them updated. All went well and they seemed happy for the condition of the horses, pets, and barn when they returned.
  3. Approx. two weeks after their return, they began changing their tone and harassing me with nasty messages, including eviction. I discovered the city councillor had left his position and is now a JP. He no longer has an interest in Tiny homes. They have messaged me with eviction for Sept 1. They have reminded me of their power in the community, and are harassing, threatening, and now blocking my road with boulders and stopping visitors to my home. The restricted access means I can no longer load my car for work. The threats and harassment are escalating.
Today I have contacted the police. If there are any experts in contract law or landlord tenant please comment. I have all payments and job exchanges in text + photo.
submitted by tinyhousecellist to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 Apprehensive_Mix1312 Relationship advice

Me M25 and her F25 have been together for almost 5 years now. Things were going fine until she recently started uni for her masters degree. We did our bachelors together, which is where we met.
She has made new friends at her college, most of them are guys. I had travelled for work, for about 2 months and once I was back I felt like her priorities had changed. Before she joined uni, I felt like the centre of her world, I loved being the only person for everything in her life, the first and last person she spoke to was me. Maybe some time I took her for granted in those days, but I was still a great boyfriend or atleast I hope I was. Because of cutlural norms we don't live together. Anyway, she started uni and made new friends, which I am happy she did, since she always wanted a large group of friends to go out with, to part with and things like that. She has become close to two guys from that group, whom she drinks often with. I am glad she is getting to do the things she never go to before. But I am starting to feel left out, we have started fighting a lot these past few months. Before that in the four years we were together we may have fought a countable number of times. These few months alone we have fought more than the previous years combined. We meet once a week for a few hours. I don't know when I became this insecure jealous git who overthinks every thing that goes on. I mentioned to her that I have felt left out and I don't feel like a priority anymore but she just got very defensive and made it out like I accused her of something. Its the fact that sometimes I feel like she would rather spend time with her friends (especially those 2 guys) than me. Recently I had gone out with her friends and I saw how she was with them, how much she loves her friend group and how much they mean to her. I feel like I filled a void in her life when she had no one and now that she has people to hang out with that I no longer serve a purpose in her life. We text throughout the day and talk on call at night, But on most days she is too sleepy when we are mid conversation, usually when I start talking about my day. I feel bad but its okay, she travels a fair amount and its given that she would be tired. I have tried being open and supportive of everything. I really do love her and I feel she loves me too, but not as much as. before. Please help.
submitted by Apprehensive_Mix1312 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:04 aerovistae Switched from League to Dota after 3 years, felt like writing up a comparison between the two

After playing League for ~3 years I decided to stop and learn a new game and now have been playing Dota for about 8 months. As I've been learning I've been comparing and contrasting them, and I felt like writing up my thoughts.
I'm not a high ranked player; I was emerald in League and I don't really played ranked in dota. It doesn't matter, since this post isn't about tactics/strategy or how to win-- I'm just talking about the differences between the mechanics of the two games and their clients.
Disclaimer, this is all about Soloqueue. Pro play is a different environment and many things are different. I'm just talking about the average player's experience.
In Dota's Favor:
  • Much better tools for learning. The tutorial is better. You're able to click other heroes to see their abilities in-game. The guide system to tell you what to buy and how to use it, as well as how to use your abilities. League does have recommended items and recommended order for ability-leveling, but the fact that you can choose between different guides for different roles in dota is huge, and the user-written text telling you when and how to use specific items for a hero is also majorly helpful.
  • The game is less punishing to learn than league, for a multitude of reasons. Don't get me wrong, it still has an enormous barrier to entry and a steep learning curve, but it's just less painful. If you haven't played both it's hard to relate. League has two 1v1 lanes and very little sustain - there's no couriers to bring you tangos and mangos. You have to walk, but missing even a little XP can be devastating, so leaving lane at all can end your lane for you. If you're new and you're laning against someone who isn't new, it is absolutely brutal and you basically cannot play the game. Everyone who ever learned League without prior moba experience remembers what it was like in those first couple months being alone in lane against people who have been playing for years - especially in top lane or mid lane - and just getting fucking demolished 1v1 and not even being able to play. That can happen in dota too, but it just doesn't happen as much by comparison. And while there are roaming supports in dota, there's no jungler role, a very stressful role which in league which often leads to that player being blamed for everything that goes wrong in a match.
  • Way, way, way more interesting items. There are so many active items in Dota, and they feel much more impactful. Having a tool like orchid malevolence or eul's is just enormously powerful. By comparison nearly every item in league is just a statstick. The only comparable items in league are Zhonya's Hourglass (kind of like a self-only Eul's) and Guardian Angel (literally Aegis - the resurrection effect isn't as game-changing in league as it is in dota). There's also a couple of items that give shields (damage barriers), but pretty much everything else is just....more damage, more armor, more health, more attack speed, etc. The item selection is just downright boring by comparison.
  • Way more beautiful map. It's not even close. Dota's map has so much going on. There's so many different places and different entities and landforms, and it's just beautiful. Trees, high ground, outposts, trails through the woods, a radiant side and a dire side, day/night cycle....League's map feels small, empty, and stale by comparison.
  • Fights are slower and longer in Dota. You last longer. You don't get one-shot as much. It's nice. It can be very frustrating in league being killed in a half second before you can do literally anything, over and over, game after game (if you get a bit unlucky and are playing a squishy champ/role and they have one or more assassins).
  • More team-oriented. Due to the prevalence of long-lasting debuffs from both items and hero abilities, no one person can really just solo carry to the same extent as in League. In my experience it's much less common to see someone 1v9 in Dota, and usually it's because the enemy team is just making stupid choices. In League it happens close to every other game.
  • Built-in voice chat. This actually does come in handy a lot. Hate not having it in league.
  • Turbo mode. This mode is just great. Wish league had it. Great for learning and testing and playing casually when you don't have time or interest in a serious game.
  • Not having to recall (teleport to base for hp/mana) is nice. More time spent out on the map playing. Having teleport constantly available lets you take part in more plays. Couriers are great. It's awesome having items shipped out to you instead of having to spend time retrieving them.
  • Better demo tool by far. League's practice tool is notoriously shitty. Being able to open the demo tool while you're waiting in queue in Dota is amazing. Can't do that in league.
  • The backpack is sick. Love being able to hold 3 additional items. Just gives you nice flexibility with consumables and components.
  • Neutral items. This just doesn't exist in league and I wish it did because these are really fun and cool.
  • Agh's shard and scepter, and the talent tree. None of these things exist in League and they add so much and make the game much more fun to progress through.
  • More late game avenues to spend gold. Buybacks, Agh's shard and blessing, edible moon shard, boots of travel 1 & 2, item sharing, etc etc. I realize it's fairly rare to reach that level of full build in ranked, but in low level games it's more common and especially in turbo and honestly it's just great to have stuff to spend the gold on. In league you hit the 6 item cap and that's it, any gold beyond that is mostly wasted. It feels bad.
  • On a related note, it's also really nice how the dota items are useful already at their not-yet-fully-built stage, like how Eul's is a crucial item that doesn't really NEED to be upgraded to Wind Waker, but optionally CAN be later when you have the gold and nothing of higher priority to spend it on anymore. In League you don't get effects like the active on Eul's until you've completed it into its final form (i.e. Wind Waker). This means that in League, with rare exception, you don't really have much choice but to fully finish items one by one, whereas in Dota it's the norm to only build the intermediate item and not FULLY complete it until super late game if at all.
  • The announcer saying "Holy SHIT" when you go on a 10 kill streak. I find this hilarious.
  • Better ability tooltips. When the talent tree adds +40 damage to a skill, that skill's text is updated to reflect that. I love this. League has a lot of little issues with incomplete tooltips that don't tell you the full story of how an ability works. You have to reference the wiki constantly. I have to reference it SOMETIMES in dota (like I had no idea why Pudge's E could completely block the damage from his W until I read on the wiki that the rot damage is divided into 5x per second, not 1 instance once per second), but in League I have to reference it pretty much...uh....ngl, constantly. Even as someone who has played it for thousands of hours. Feelsbad.
  • Better cosmetics store. League's just has a splash art image of a skin and a purchase button. You have to go to youtube to see how it actually looks, and you cannot try it out at all without buying it. The fact that Dota allows you to launch into the demo tool with any cosmetic is amazing and something League players would literally trade sexual favors for.
  • Cosmetics for things other than the heroes/champions themselves. In League you can only buy champion skins. In Dota you can buy cosmetics for the ancient, the towers, the creeps, the map, etc. None of that exists in League. We fucking WISH we could buy that kind of stuff. Riot are you listening?
In League's favor:
  • Better lore. It's not a contest really. League's champions all have names and stories that are placed front and center, whereas Dota hero names are kind of buried and infrequently referenced. They're more like archetypes than individuals with their own identities. I mean...there's LITERALLY a dude called "Anti-Mage." There's a dude on a bat and his name is Batrider. The videos and media around champion releases in league are just way cooler. Check out the fiddlesticks rework video on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNn2F39G-6s
  • WAYYYYY better champion animations and sound design. This is for me where League blows Dota out of the water. Go ult someone as Axe - he does a little hop and swing animation. Then check this out, the corresponding ultimate in League from Darius, at the 3min mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRu0IznjCSc There's really just nothing in Dota that feels like Jhin, or Ekko, or so many others. With rare exception, almost all the champions in league have aspects that FEEL amazing - great sound design / animations / feedback delays that are incredibly rewarding. Dota's heros are really fun to play and I'm having a great time, but if you put them side by side with a pretty large percent of League's cast, the animations of many of their abilities and movements just feel kinda flat and low-budget by comparison.
  • Cooler duels. Dueling is a big part of league and it doesn't seem to be such a big part of Dota by comparison. Whenever a fight starts, people teleport in and it becomes a teamfight, or someone disengages and gets away somehow using one of the many items like force staff or eul's. In league, two lanes are 1v1 and the jungler also often 1v1s, so there's a kind of constant dueling and it really lets you find fun ways to express skill and mastery. There's only one item that will get you out of a sticky situation instead of many, and only a portion of champions can reasonably build that item in the first place.
  • More 1v9 potential. Because there's so much less CC by comparison to dota, and champion counters aren't as hard as in dota, a single player can completely take over a game and win versus multiple opponents at once single-handedly. This can be really, really exciting and it's one of the high points of League that makes the game addictive.
  • Having to recall (teleport to base for mana/health/buy items) actually can be kinda nice too, by comparison. It lets you take a breather and just look over the state of the game while you walk back to lane.
  • Being able to see on the tab scoreboard what items and creep score people have is really, really nice. It's really fucking annoying in Dota having to click champion portraits to see what items they have, and if you click ANYTHING else it hides it again so you have to do it while standing still or moving in a straight line. Probably dota loyalists will say this is part of the skill of the game, but honestly imo it's just annoying/bad UI design that people sort of just got used to and became convinced was "part of the game."
  • Skillshots! In Dota most abilities are just unit targeted or AOE, while disjointing does exist, aiming isn't really as big a mechanic. There ARE abilities you have to aim, which in league we'd call skillshots, but they're far fewer. In league skillshots are kind of the norm, and aiming them and dodging them is a huge part of the game and it's fun to do so and makes you feel cool when you land them or dodge them. Having nearly everything be unit targeted isn't bad, it's just different, but it is something I enjoy a lot in League.
  • You can buy as many wards as you want. I hate having to share wards with the team in dota, and the store being out of them. I understand it's part of the game and managing that is part of the skill of dota, but I find it tedious and don't really enjoy it as a mechanic. Similarly, in League basic wards don't take up an inventory slot and instead get their own special slot like TP scrolls in Dota, which is really nice. It's pretty frustrating losing an inventory slot to wards.
  • Manaless champions. There are a couple dozen champions in League that don't use mana, and many people enjoy playing them. Dota doesn't really have that.
  • Simplicity. League has a smaller and simpler map, fewer mechanics, FAR fewer active item abilities, and more rigidity to its champion roles and how the game is played in soloqueue. Dota is kind of intimidating to learn from the sheer amount of stuff it has going on. Not everyone has the time or interest for it all.
  • Rotating game modes. ARAMs (all random all mid: a constant 5v5 teamfight on a map that only has one lane in the form of a bridge connecting the two teams' bases and nowhere else to go) are pretty great. Dota's modes seem to be a bit more static and homogenous, but idk, it's possible I just haven't been playing long enough yet?
  • Better champion skins, frankly. Some of League's skins are just amazing, and they ALL come with complete visual makeovers for all of the champion's abilities. While you can buy individual ability effect cosmetics in Dota, the options are somewhat limited by comparison. Any skin purchase in League will redo all the abilities to varying extents. Sometimes it's a small change, but higher-end skins make very significant changes. Dota does have some cool skins and a ton of cool minor cosmetics, but I would say League wins here.
On the whole I'd say there's more things to like about Dota than about League just in sheer quantity of bullet points, but I love both games and I think they're both really fun. If Dota improved their lore, their animations, and their tab screen and League improved their cosmetics store and their map and added neutral items, the talent tree, and agh's shard & scepter, I wouldn't really have any major complaints about either of them.
I think anyone who loves one game could potentially love the other one too and it's totally worth learning whichever one you don't already know, if you have the time. Obviously these games take a ton of time and most people barely have time for one let alone two. But if you're young especially, they're both really fun.
It's pretty hard for me to see eye-to-eye with the people who love one game and ferociously hate on the other - it seems childish and kind of empty. To not find one as fun as the other, sure, that's normal, but to expend energy hating the other one and constantly shitting on it, that just confuses me. You can have a favorite while still acknowledging the other as a comparably enjoyable game.
One final note - one of the things I found most interesting about comparing them is seeing which mechanics are normal in one game that would be overpowered in the other game.
In League there is a champion named Zilean whose ult is to enchant an ally such that if they die in the next 5 seconds they're resurrected - basically Aegis, but on a one minute cooldown, for anyone on your team who needs it. Zilean would likely have a >90% wr in dota.
But then in Dota Nature's Prophet's teleport has a 90s/60s/30s cooldown and he can access it from level one if he chooses to, and eventually has a talent that removes its cooldown completely. Meanwhile this exists in League as one of the strongest ults in the game and with one of the longest cooldowns of any champion ability. Nature's prophet would have a >90% wr in League.
submitted by aerovistae to DotA2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:03 gal_h Liberal Arts sucks

Edit: this is an individuallistic experience sharing and not in any sense a statistical analysis. Take what i. Im saying with the understanding that it was my own experience and in no way means that it is what is happening in general. Okay I know that in general all those subjects important to an extent and as a music student who am I to say which subjects are legitimate for college. I never been to America before, and I always thought that how Republicans engage with the college issue is goofy as shit. Until I enrolled to college... i kind of enjoyed my jazz program, but also as part of my degree, I needed to take some liberal arts classes. Let me tell you- the stigma of how Republicans portrays college is less ridiculous than what I observed. And I know that this is only my limited experience, but if it is common in other colleges, than no wonders that you have someone like finkelstein, or omer badar, or hamas piker. In one of my classes I argued with the teacher for 30 minutes on whether John Locke is a philosopher or not. After that he claimed that liberalism is all about slavery and misogyny because of some text of John Locke talking about slavery in a time where everyone enslaved. In another class, the teacher said awww in disgust, because we saw a musical full of white people (let me remind you that this is a medium popularized by mostly white people). In general some of the teachers particiant in the protests (which I think is illegal, not sure), and they even strike for it, while still having full-on salary.
I'm sorry but if this is acceptable in universities, than maybe Republicans weren't that wrong about universities. And I'm saying it as more leaning left person.
submitted by gal_h to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 Fabulous-Opinion6949 My (30F) boyfriend (30M) of six years didn't tell his mum it was my birthday. Now I'm feeling like he doesn't really care about me in a way I need him to. How do I approach this to improve our relationship?

So, I celebrated my birthday over the weekend with my friends, family and boyfriend. I realised I hadn't heard from his mum today and asked if she knew it was my birthday. My boyfriend said he wasn't sure. We had a discussion where I said I was disappointed that either his mum knew and didn't say anything, or he didn't tell her. They speak most days and I booked all of us a place to stay, so I find it very strange if he didn't mention our plans. We've been together for six years and my family are very considerate of him, we've been on many holidays together and exchange presents at Christmas etc. I tried explaining that I find it upsetting if he didn't bother mentioning it was my birthday, but he got defensive... it just feels like he doesn't care or at best, he's such a poor communicator.
This might small, but we're at a point now where I'm wondering if he can be the partner I need him to be to have a happy life together. I find it difficult that he never simply apologies for hurting me feelings, he'll just be dismissive or defend his behaviour. Would appreciate any perspective or advice.
submitted by Fabulous-Opinion6949 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 KhadaOrZorOrCody A small gift

I’m happy your girlfriend bought you flowers; you’re my best friend and I wanted you to be happy; I know no lady has ever bought you flowers before because you told me. So I texted her asking her to buy them for you, for your masters graduation. I was so happy as your best friend to see that smile on your face. I look forward to many more years as being your best friend; and I hope you marry that lady, she’s amazing for you!
submitted by KhadaOrZorOrCody to letters [link] [comments]
