Mix sudafed and klonopin

Safe decongestant while taking Adderall?

2024.05.14 18:46 Objective-Elk-1660 Safe decongestant while taking Adderall?

Good morning!
Last few days I've had nausea from my post-nasal drip. I feel like there's an endless supply of mucus draining into my throat, stomach, and back of mouth and it's making me want to vomit. I was going to pick up some Sudafed (not PE) during lunch, then I read that it's not a good idea to mix it with adderall.
I take 20mg IR 2x a day.
Any suggestions?
submitted by Objective-Elk-1660 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:14 Pichael_the_lurker Recently diagnosed. In a horrible mixed episode and unsure of what to do.

I've been suffering with anxiety and depression my whole life. It would always come in episodes and they were usually short lived. I was put on zoloft as a teenager and functioned very well for many years. I went on and off it until I decided to stop psych meds altogether. I was also on a klonopin and had to wean off that. For the last 8 years I've been unmedicated. I would get very bad episodes that would last a few days to months. I thought I just had anxiety. It turns out that what I was experiencing was "agitated depression" or a mixed episodes. They could happen randomly or be triggered by stress or most often a drug reaction. I get delusional anxiety and feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, my thoughts race, I am hyperparanoid, I hate everything, can't eat or sleep. I feel worthless and daydream about dying.
I didn't know what these were until now. I only get mixed episodes. I never feel euphoric mania or straight up depression its always mixed.
I reached out to try to get help but the last 3 drugs I've tried all threw me into a worse episode. (Buspar, celexa, and now lamictal) lamictal was 3 weeks ago and had caused the worst episode of my life which I'm still in. I
Idk what to do. Do I go to inpatient? Do I take an antipsychotic? (Never tried one but I'm very scared to) Do I try to get on benzos and zoloft again because it helped befoe? Do I just wait it out and try to not self destruct?
What will inpatient be like? Can they stabilize me quickly or am I stuck there for weeks?
submitted by Pichael_the_lurker to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:08 sickecell Prodromal schizophrenia?

Hi. I would like to apologize if I make any spelling mistakes or something, I'm not a native english speaker. I would also like to ask you all to read this entirely, please. I'm very worried I might be developing schizophrenia.
First of all, I would like to state that I'm a 20 year old female who's on the autism spectrum, and also that my grandfather had schizophrenia.
Ok, so in november 2023 I was feeling extremely depressed. I have always been depressed since the age of thirteen, but things were getting worse last year.
I had been smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol for a while. I used to drink every weekend and smoke a lot, too. In my entire life, I smoked weed for more or less than fifty times, if I had to guess. The majority of these times I got paranoia, around three or four times I got delirium, and also had panick attacks, but I kept smoking it because there were moments where it was a good experience rather than a bad one. I also snorted cocaine three times.
December 2023 was my breakdown. I was smoking cigarettes one day and then I started to dissociate. I started staring at the walls and suddenly I couldn't move. Not literally, i knew that I could've, But I didn't. It happened for about 30 minutes. Everything seemed more lively, I could smell things and hear things better, even though I felt like nothing was real. I knew that something wasn't right, and I knew what despersonalization and derealization was. Then I finally stood up I went to sleep, but when I woke up I was still dissociating. Then I tried to eat, but the food was hard to swallow. I'm not gonna specify any further because it would be too much to read, but it kept going like this for some hours.
The next days I got into a psychotic break. Actually, it was the beggining of a psychotic episode. Suddenly, I was scared of everything. I was scared of my room, of the objects, the furniture in the house, and I know this sounds ridiculous, but everything seemed off. I couldn't sleep at night because i was so terrified. I tried to sleep in my parents bedroom, but I couldn't either. My friend sent me a picture of her in the mirror. I thought she was holding a knife, even though it was just her phone. My mother was driving at night and I was in the car with her, the people's faces just looked scary. It was like there was a shadow beneath everyone's eyes. I don't know if I can explain it properly, but I didn't had autidory hallucinations, and I was also aware of the situation. I was scared of everything, but I knew it was irrational. It lasted about four days until I got to a psychiatrist and he prescribed me Olanzapine and Risperidone. Everything calmed down.
Now, I'm going to tell you what's happening in the moment. I hadn't been normal since the psychotic break. At the moment I'm taking Aripiprazole and Desvenlafaxine, and I just feel so empty inside. I've never been this depressed before. It's just a big, big void. I'm kinda apathetic towards the things that I used to enjoy, and sad most of the time. It's a mix of apathy and sadness, if I had to say. I used to read everyday. Now I can't even open a book. I used to play guitar, now I don't. I'm having sleep disturbances too. Every single day I wake up two or three times, even though I'm taking Klonopin. No positive schizophrenia symptoms so far.
I don't know what's going on. I've been through two psychiatrists and a neurologist. They're trying to figure out if it's major depression with psychotic features, or if it's something else. What do you all think? Please answer me. Am I on the prodomal phase of schizophrenia?
submitted by sickecell to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:23 sickecell Prodromal schizophrenia?

Hi. I would like to apologize if I make any spelling mistakes or something, I'm not a native english speaker. I would also like to ask you all to read this entirely, please. I'm very worried I might be developing schizophrenia.
First of all, I would like to state that I'm a 20 year old female who's on the autism spectrum, and also that my grandfather had schizophrenia.
Ok, so in november 2023 I was feeling extremely depressed. I have always been depressed since the age of thirteen, but things were getting worse last year.
I had been smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol for a while. I used to drink every weekend and smoke a lot, too. In my entire life, I smoked weed for more or less than fifty times, if I had to guess. The majority of these times I got paranoia, around three or four times I got delirium, and also had panick attacks, but I kept smoking it because there were moments where it was a good experience rather than a bad one. I also snorted cocaine three times.
December 2023 was my breakdown. I was smoking cigarettes one day and then I started to dissociate. I started staring at the walls and suddenly I couldn't move. Not literally, i knew that I could've, But I didn't. It happened for about 30 minutes. Everything seemed more lively, I could smell things and hear things better, even though I felt like nothing was real. I knew that something wasn't right, and I knew what despersonalization and derealization was. Then I finally stood up I went to sleep, but when I woke up I was still dissociating. Then I tried to eat, but the food was hard to swallow. I'm not gonna specify any further because it would be too much to read, but it kept going like this for some hours.
The next days I got into a psychotic break. Actually, it was the beggining of a psychotic episode. Suddenly, I was scared of everything. I was scared of my room, of the objects, the furniture in the house, and I know this sounds ridiculous, but everything seemed off. I couldn't sleep at night because i was so terrified. I tried to sleep in my parents bedroom, but I couldn't either. My friend sent me a picture of her in the mirror. I thought she was holding a knife, even though it was just her phone. My mother was driving at night and I was in the car with her, the people's faces just looked scary. It was like there was a shadow beneath everyone's eyes. I don't know if I can explain it properly, but I didn't had autidory hallucinations, and I was also aware of the situation. I was scared of everything, but I knew it was irrational. It lasted about four days until I got to a psychiatrist and he prescribed me Olanzapine and Risperidone. Everything calmed down.
Now, I'm going to tell you what's happening in the moment. I hadn't been normal since the psychotic break. At the moment I'm taking Aripiprazole and Desvenlafaxine, and I just feel so empty inside. I've never been this depressed before. It's just a big, big void. I'm kinda apathetic towards the things that I used to enjoy, and sad most of the time. It's a mix of apathy and sadness, if I had to say. I used to read everyday. Now I can't even open a book. I used to play guitar, now I don't. I'm having sleep disturbances too. Every single day I wake up two or three times, even though I'm taking Klonopin. No positive schizophrenia symptoms so far.
I don't know what's going on. I've been through two psychiatrists and a neurologist. They're trying to figure out if it's major depression with psychotic features, or if it's something else. What do you all think? Please answer me. Am I on the prodomal phase of schizophrenia?
submitted by sickecell to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:13 sickecell Prodromal schizophrenia?

Hi. I would like to apologize if I make any spelling mistakes or something, I'm not a native english speaker. I would also like to ask you all to read this entirely, please. I'm very worried I might be developing schizophrenia.
First of all, I would like to state that I'm a 20 year old female who's on the autism spectrum, and also that my grandfather had schizophrenia.
Ok, so in november 2023 I was feeling extremely depressed. I have always been depressed since the age of thirteen, but things were getting worse last year.
I had been smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol for a while. I used to drink every weekend and smoke a lot, too. In my entire life, I smoked weed for more or less than fifty times, if I had to guess. The majority of these times I got paranoia, around three or four times I got delirium, and also had panick attacks, but I kept smoking it because there were moments where it was a good experience rather than a bad one. I also snorted cocaine three times.
December 2023 was my breakdown. I was smoking cigarettes one day and then I started to dissociate. I started staring at the walls and suddenly I couldn't move. Not literally, i knew that I could've, But I didn't. It happened for about 30 minutes. Everything seemed more lively, I could smell things and hear things better, even though I felt like nothing was real. I knew that something wasn't right, and I knew what despersonalization and derealization was. Then I finally stood up I went to sleep, but when I woke up I was still dissociating. Then I tried to eat, but the food was hard to swallow. I'm not gonna specify any further because it would be too much to read, but it kept going like this for some hours.
The next days I got into a psychotic break. Actually, it was the beggining of a psychotic episode. Suddenly, I was scared of everything. I was scared of my room, of the objects, the furniture in the house, and I know this sounds ridiculous, but everything seemed off. I couldn't sleep at night because i was so terrified. I tried to sleep in my parents bedroom, but I couldn't either. My friend sent me a picture of her in the mirror. I thought she was holding a knife, even though it was just her phone. My mother was driving at night and I was in the car with her, the people's faces just looked scary. It was like there was a shadow beneath everyone's eyes. I don't know if I can explain it properly, but I didn't had autidory hallucinations, and I was also aware of the situation. I was scared of everything, but I knew it was irrational. It lasted about four days until I got to a psychiatrist and he prescribed me Olanzapine and Risperidone. Everything calmed down.
Now, I'm going to tell you what's happening in the moment. I hadn't been normal since the psychotic break. At the moment I'm taking Aripiprazole and Desvenlafaxine, and I just feel so empty inside. I've never been this depressed before. It's just a big, big void. I'm kinda apathetic towards the things that I used to enjoy, and sad most of the time. It's a mix of apathy and sadness, if I had to say. I used to read everyday. Now I can't even open a book. I used to play guitar, now I don't. I'm having sleep disturbances too. Every single day I wake up two or three times, even though I'm taking Klonopin. No positive schizophrenia symptoms so far.
I don't know what's going on. I've been through two psychiatrists and a neurologist. They're trying to figure out if it's major depression with psychotic features, or if it's something else. What do you all think? Please answer me. Am I on the prodomal phase of schizophrenia?
submitted by sickecell to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:01 IndividualSociety186 Tips to gain weight on ADHD meds?

I started taking Vyvanse 70mg about 7 months ago and lost about 30 pounds. Due to the high price of Vyvanse, I asked my doctor to switch me to Adderall extended release 30mg.
I’ve always been small. I’m 5 foot two. I started out weighing 135 pounds and I weighed myself today and I am down to 97 pounds. I keep getting compliments about my weight loss and my body, but I did not want to lose this much weight.
My appetite is definitely suppressed and I have always been a high energy person, so naturally, I am always going going going. I had my last doctors appointment in February and at the time I weighed 107 pounds and my doctor told me “try not to lose weight.” Unfortunately, I’ve lost 10 more pounds and I see him on May 30th.
I’ve read that eventually your appetite does come back and one should eat at heavier in the evening once the medicine wears off so I will try that. I also ordered a high calorie protein powder so I’m going to start that as well today. The medicine really does help me focus and get things done so I don’t want to stop taking it or decrease the dosage. I read that people can lose a lot of weight due to misuse of the drug, but I am not miss using it.
I also take Prozac for depression as well as Klonopin for my anxiety. I’ve always had insomnia and was taking trazodone which really helped me sleep but unfortunately, it cannot be mixed with ADHD medication. I have a high tolerance for just about everything so lower doses do not help me.
I was just wondering if anyone has any other tips they would like to share to get my weight up and keep it up. I would appreciate any advice, please and thank you.
submitted by IndividualSociety186 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 11:48 mean_bean_queen Going into 24 hours of no drinking. Hopefully I stick to it this time!

Hi, I'm 23 years old and have tried going sober numerous times. My addictions, including not only alcohol, but benzos, weed, and even uppers and psychedelics, were very, very bad— really from ages 16-21 I suffered the worst of it. A lot of factors lead to the excessive abuse, but it was terrible. So many times I blacked out. So many times I was a bad partner, bad friend because of my lack of control. I was a loose cannon that was hurting everything and everyone in my path.
I lost my grandmother when I was 21, and it was an absolutely awful thing to witness. She had helped raise me so I was very close with her, and her death was.. very dramatic. I witnessed all of it since I was living with her, and I will never get over seeing her lying dead on the floor. The screaming and sobbing from my family... It was all very sudden.
I remember all of that, but not what happened after. This was from genuine shock, I know, but I spiraled and only a day later I got arrested with a DUI after a man drove off the road to avoid hitting me head on. He broke his back in the process. I lost my license.
I haven't gotten it back since in simple fear of what happened because of my own grief. The fact I could do this to a stranger with a little girl and a wife. The fact I affected someone so drastically that I didn't even know.
So, I tried going sober. I had tried before my 21st birthday since I was drowning handles of whiskey within days of each other. But it didn't stick. After my grandmother's death and my arrest, I tried again. It did last about a month, but I fell into the cycle again.
And here I am now. A 23 year old woman who is sleeping on my aunt's couch and was drinking about four times a week excessively, and taking Klonopins thinking it was alright since I "had control" over it. Thinking I needed alcohol before I hung out with friends, or a Klonopin in the morning and evening to alleviate my stress levels (which I didn't even have a prescription for since I don't have health insurance). Drinking and mixing the two because I had less of a hangover that way, and made my drinking more "fun." (Half of the time I ended up crying.)
The final nail in the coffin was a few days ago. I'll spare all of you the dramatic details, but I ended up taking 3 1mg Klonopins about four hours apart from each other during a drinking binge that lasted all night— until 7am— and ended up severely damaging friendships I had with two people who actually were very nice to me in the process. I said some nasty things in the group chat, really just self sabotaging myself at this point— and now even my other friends haven't been speaking with me. I understand why they aren't.
The point is, after waking up and feeling generally out of it and deathly, the immense shame and guilt came flooding through. That's behavior I pulled years ago. That's what old me used to do. That wasn't me now, so why did I fall to this state again? I wasn't doing as bad as before my grandmother died, and my grandfather just passed last October, but I really thought it was a good thing I hadn't done anything else other than drink regularly and take a few benzos during the day rather than completely and utterly spiraling into chaos— into the person I was before. The person I became again the other night despite it all.
...I thought I had a good handle on it, but I just.. can't be that cool person who can have a few glasses of wine at the party and be okay. No, I'll want the whole bottle and more. Some people are just not built for drinking, and I'm one of them. A bit of my breakdown was probably caused by the increasing realization (and not just shock and denial) of my grandfather's death, I'm sure, among numerous issues in my life; but I am so tired of not having a clear head on my shoulders to deal with these troubles. So tired of just existing every day without ever even living.
I want to be the kind and sweet natured person I know I can be. The one I usually am whenever I am not "other me." I want to be fun and bubbly without having to rely on any substance, and I want to not lash out or cry when I am too drunk to think rationally.
I want to be a well rounded, stable individual who you can depend on, trust, respect, and even look up to. I want to be the kind of person I'd look up to. So here we are again. I know it's a journey, but I'm ready. I'll keep fighting for as long as I live if that's what it takes.
I've downloaded the app "I Am Sober." I'm trying to look into affordable therapy. I've also stopped taking Klonopins, and eventually want to cut vaping and (maybe) caffeine out all together.
I've told my partner of my plans, and he's super supportive of me. He struggles with drinking as well, and he's going to try with me. Hopefully it sticks for the both of us, but I am really fighting for myself, now. I don't ever want to feel like that insecure, tortured, angry, and fragile little girl I once was again— the one who would hurt people who loved her and made all the wrong choices running from her own sadness and demons.
I am so sorry for this novel of a rant, but going into full day one to tackle the second, I feel hopeful of finding myself again. My true self. Getting back into my hobbies. Continuing to build my savings up until I can move out. Eventually, one day, having enough confidence and strength to try for my licenses again.
So it's nice to meet you, everyone, and thank you if you've read this far and read my story. I have no idea what that acronym means at the end of some of your posts, but I like the sound of it. IWNDWYT. Grandma, Papa, Coby, Harley.. all I've lost in the past, I'm sorry you aren't here to see me trying, but I'm going to try and really live for you, now, and for myself. Much love, everyone.
submitted by mean_bean_queen to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:04 misskunty 4 Weeks Post-Op DJS for Underbite and Crossbite (LeFort 1 in 3 pieces and BSSO)

4 Weeks Post-Op DJS for Underbite and Crossbite (LeFort 1 in 3 pieces and BSSO)
THIS IS GOING TO BE A VERY LENGTHY POST. TLDR: My jaw surgery journey pre-op and my experience so far after 4 weeks post-op; this has been a crazy, tough time so far, but it really does get better ! Also sharing my tips on what has helped me at the very end.
Hello ! I’ve (25F/NB) been so excited to finally post on this subreddit for some time now. Ever since I was 8 years old, I was told I could get surgery to fix my underbite, so it’s been a loooong time coming after spending the majority of my life with insecurities from being bullied, not being able to bite down on food properly, poor tongue posture, some speech issues, and pain and discomfort with my TMJ.
When I was 15, I got braces done by a dentist and my mum and I started to look for clinics and surgeons to do my surgery. We didn’t really have great insurance throughout those years, so it was very difficult to get this process going. And by the time I was 20, I had to get my braces off because it was difficult maintaining the health of my teeth (definitely my own fault). I then got myself a full-time job during covid and got my own insurance, but I was reluctant to start the journey all over again in finding a surgeon and I knew I would have to have braces again. Eventually, I found another job with amazing benefits and I started braces again in January 2022. I was told that getting me ready for surgery would just take 12-18 months, and I was stoked ! You could imagine my disappointment whenever that 12 month mark came around and I still wasn’t ready. My orthodontist told me my previous dentist did a great job at making my teeth look good for how severe my underbite was, but they were so beyond the position needed for surgery. It was a rough time and I’m sure many of y’all can understand the insecurity of having braces not as a teenager. Especially when braces was making my bite even worse. Closer to second half of 2023, I told my orthodontist that I wanted to be ready for surgery before the year ends and this was because I’m a college student and althought keeping my job was mainly to keep my benefits, it was getting in the way of getting me closer to graduating. By December 2023, she told me I was ready (finally) !! I got to have a consultation with my surgeon, but after taking more pictures and x-rays, I was told there was another adjustment to be made in order for the Le Fort osteotomy to work with less risk of complications (my maxilla was quite narrow and we needed to make spaces between my teeth where they would make the breaks). Fast forward a little bit to January 2024 and I got a call to set my surgery date ! I wasn’t even upset that the soonest we could get me on that operating table would be in April, because it all was finally happening. My surgery happened April 5th, 2024 :)
I just want to let anyone know who is looking to get this surgery done that this is the most difficult and painful experience I have ever been through in my entire 25 years of living. I spent A LOT of time researching what this surgery was (don’t make the mistake of watching videos like I did lol), finding out what and how I can eat, the timeline of healing, basically everything under the sun about jaw surgery ! But absolutely none of that could have prepared me for the mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion of that first week. My older sister (36F) had this surgery when she was a teenager, but told me she couldn’t remember how hard it was because it was so long ago (about 20 years ago). Even now as I’m drafting this at exactly 2 weeks post op, the first week is a bit of a blur, but I’m so grateful for it to be over.
The procedure began at around 7:30AM and I was out of surgery sometime around 4:00PM. I was really out of it due to coming out of anesthesia so I’m not entirely sure this was the exact time, but I was told the entire process (not the procedure itself) would take approximately 9 hours. Prior to the surgery, my surgeon told me that he doesn’t typically wire his patients shut and it would be a rare chance if I had to be. I was relieved to hear this but my surprise, I woke up wired shut. I felt very saddened by this as I was mostly expecting to not be wired shut, and my surgeon seemed saddened by this too. He let me know that he really tried his best to avoid wiring me shut but unfortunately, my mandible had a bad split on the left side and I would have to be wired shut for about 4 weeks. Being wired shut is no joke !! The first night in the hospital, I was in so much pain and discomfort that I didn’t want to try eating anything, let alone drink any water. I could barely sleep and needed pain meds around the clock. Communicating solely through my notes app because I couldn’t speak a word was tiring. I would have that call button right next to me at the ready. I’d get a wave of relief whenever I hear that automatic hand sanitizer dispenser sound, and I’d already be lifting up my arm to have the nurse check my blood pressure before they even say anything to me. I was also so incredibly swollen; out of every jaw surgery post I’ve seen on here, I think I take the cake for the most swelling ever post-surgery. Many doctors and nurses took great care of me, I felt that I was in good hands. I didn’t think I wasn’t going to be ready or comfortable enough to go home after the first night, so I opted to stay another night for pain management. Initially, I was not experiencing the congestion that I was told to be prepared for, but I had a lot of nosebleeds (which was expected as well) and I needed to be on oxygen because my levels were consistently dropping. I pushed myself to drink more water and get food in my system by trying some of the chicken broth, tomato bisque, and juice but it was tough. Using a syringe was scary at first because I didn’t know how fragile my mouth or teeth would be, but I managed to get used to it after a couple of tries. One of the doctors urged me to drink the Boost drink but I was really hesitant due to the fact that I avoid dairy, especially whey protein, like the plague (it makes my hormonal acne flare up). I eventually forced myself to drink some of it if it meant I could gain some of my strength back to go home, but it ultimately made my tummy so rumbly the rest of my stay at the hospital and I felt so much more uncomfortable (didn’t even think that was possible). I was encouraged to also take walks to help with the swelling, so I did a few laps on my floor with my IV pole. After the second night of less pain and being able to drink at least 1L of water and some more broth, they said I was ready if I’d like to be discharged.
The first week being home was rough. I didn’t want to be bothered because I was so tired and uncomfortable. Taking Motrin every 4-6 hours to mitigate my pain, taking Oxycodone to sleep because I couldn’t sleep through a single night, then the dreaded congestion starting around day 7-8 that gave me immense anxiety because I just couldn’t breathe at all, and everything I drank spilling out of my mouth made me feel defeated and full of regret. Around days 5-6, I was having some bloody discharge coming out of my left eye and I was spooked. I needed steroid cream for the swelling in my lips but was advised to stop using it after a week, and thankfully my lips stopped being crusty by day 8 (Aquaphor is THAT girl !!) I don’t think I stopped being miserable until about day 10. At this point of drafting this post (day 16), I feel soooo much better ! I never knew how obstructed my breathing was prior to surgery until my congestion cleared and it feels like I can take in so much more air through my nose.
At this moment of writing on day 26, I’m now able to sip foods now ! Have been for probably a week now and I’m still using the squeeze bottles I got, after the syringes were driving me insane, but without the squeeze tip. It’s easier to sip from something that has a smaller mouth since there is still some spillage, but I’ve learned that I really have to thin out my food for it to go through my teeth. It’s so much nicer now that I don’t have to take my time as much anymore because it’s a whole lot easier in comparison to before ! I had my check-in with my surgeon and after looking at my x-ray, he doesn’t think I can be unwired just yet, but the wires and splint are both finally coming off at exactly 40 days post-op (5/15)! I think that has been the worst part of this entire recovery process so far and I know most people love food, but my love for food is so strong that I torture myself daily by watching food and eating videos lol. I also have dreams of eating almost every night. I knew that I couldn’t get my hopes up with getting unwired at 4 weeks (learning to do this as a jaw surgery patient is so important), but I’m just beyond grateful that I can finally see the light. The left side with the bad split is more swollen than the right side due to the bone grafting (also feels harder) but my surgeon said it can take a couple of more months to see this go down. But I’m just happy I’m not as swollen as I was in the early days. The numbness seems to have gotten slightly better; also said this will take time. I get tingly, sometimes tiny sharp pain around my mouth and chin, but nothing bothersome. I’ve read this subreddit a lot for advice and just plain curiosity of other’s timeline of progress, but all I’ve taken away is that everyone’s situation can be vastly different. I hope if you’re someone preparing for surgery or going through recovery (and you’ve read this far), just know that you are not alone !!
• Do not get your hopes up about anything, or you will be stuck being miserable or disappointed. Reading this subreddit can be really helpful, but everyone has different situations and healing times, and your best resource will be your surgeon.
• Eat as many times in a day as you can, especially if you are wired shut. This was so hard to do at first and I lost 10lbs the first week, but I’ve maintained the weight I’ve gotten to because it does get easier to eat. Condiment squeeze bottles are so much better than a syringe, and a blender and fine-mesh strainer will be your besties. My diet has basically been just: - OWYN protein shakes (11.15oz carton is 200 calories and 32g of plant-based protein) - blended up soups (congee, japanese curry tomato soup) with a ton of chicken and bone broth (bone broth has more calories than regular chicken broth) to thin it out - fruit smoothies with water, almond milk, and Orgain organic 50 superfoods plant-based protein powder.
• Get a pill crusher and liquid vitamins/supplements. I believe my vitamins have really helped me with my swelling and healing. I’ve been taking - liquid mix of calcium, magnesium glycinate, and D3 (can help with bone formation and muscle tension; magnesium + d3 has been an amazing combo for my anxiety even pre-surgery) - zinc gluconate (for acne by puritan’s pride, but also great for immune support) - probiotic (orgain protein powder also has prebiotics, great for your gut while on antibiotics) - i’ve just gotten a liquid vitamin E and powdered vitamin C supplement to mix with my smoothies and water, as recommended by my surgeon for the remaining swelling.
• Take a walk daily if allowed to! This will help so much for not only swelling, but also your mental health, and if you are a gymrat or are active in general like myself. I walk a mile a day at least, but do as much as your body can. * Use a humidifier for congestion and talk to your doctor about using sudafed or benadryl (they make liquid ones for children) if you cannot sleep.
• Keep napkins and toilet paper on deck at all times. I stopped drooling a ton by the end of week 2, but it’s always good to have something to wipe yourself with nearby always.
• If you are self-conscious or prone to body/facial dysmorphia, try your best not to look in the mirror too much. How you look for the first few weeks (and I’ve even heard for the next 6 months) is not what you’ll look like forever ! For the amount of swelling I’ve had, I was so scared but I know that it will settle with time (and this was a major, invasive surgery !)
• Be patient, journal, reach out to friends and family, and know that this insane recovery process will only be a small fraction of your life. I didn’t understand when people on this subreddit expressed feeling regretful in the beginning, but it hit me like a truck as soon as I came to. It’s been 28 days and I’m finally starting to feel normal, and I feel happy to just acknowledge the strength I have to have gone through with this. It will all be okay !
I hope I covered everything but if there are any questions y’all have, feel free to ask because I would love to discuss !!
submitted by misskunty to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 14:37 poop_nacho I took .25 klonopin last night around midnight, and I just took 25mg pregabalin this morning around 8am. I feel super slow and brain dead

Usually pregabalin gives me a little bit of pep and gets me going sociably, but right now I just feel really slow and dumb, which is not good because I’m meeting up with some family later today.
Fuck this sucks. I wish I would’ve just stuck with one or the other. Both of them together just totally zombifies me and I didn’t realize it.
Any advice to “sober” me up would be great. I’m hoping the klonopin will be leaving my system shortly but idk. I read it can last up to 24 hours. All I can think of is to take some adderall or drink caffeine. I don’t want to throw more drugs into the mix before meeting up with family though, but maybe I need it to balance me out.
Edit: Yes I know, I’m very sensitive to these medications for some reason.
submitted by poop_nacho to pregabalin [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 17:01 Petapredatoe Latuda and Depakote

Has anyone here taken or are currently on the mix of latuda and Depakote? I've been looking into the best treatments for bipolar and this combo keeps coming up. I'm already on latuda. I cannot take what is a truly therapeutic does for myself because it causes akathasia and part of dyskinesia. So I'm on a dose that's not as effective for me as it could be. I'm currently also on Wellbutrin, Gabapentin for mood stabilization and anxiety, Metropolol for anxiety, Latuda for bipolar, Ritalin , and Klonopin as needed.
I have bipolar disorder. Through the years the psychiatrist that I've seen can't agree on which type I have because when I manic it's severe and when I'm depressive it's severe. I also have seasonal depression and live in a state where it rains and is gray outside nine months out of the year. I have generalized anxiety, OCD, ADHD, I'm autistic, and depersonalization disorder. Yeah I know, that's like a whole slew of the DSM-5 and I'm sure there's more that exist that I haven't been diagnosed with. It's like the more that's wrong with you the more there is going to be wrong with you
Anyways, I wanted to know if anyone here has had success on the combo of Latuda and depakote. Did you take one before the other? Or did you start both of them at the same time? If you took Depakote by itself before taking Latuda what were your side effects? What are your side effects taking both Depakote and Latuda together?
I'm not doing well at all, I'm barely holding it together both at home and at work. I'm relying on intermittent FMLA in order to keep my job because I can't go to work everyday or even stay at work the whole day. Thank God my son is a teenager and can help around the house and doesn't need someone for all his needs. But I can't keep living life this way, and I don't want to keep living life this way. I need a desperate change.
submitted by Petapredatoe to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 08:47 anchordwn Coming to terms with the fact I’m addicted to downers and don’t know what to do

I never considered myself an addict. Ever. I always viewed addicts as people who could not stay away from hardcore drugs, like coke or heroin or things like that. I’ve held jobs. I don’t buy off the street. So I never really thought about it that way. I don’t have a specific thing, I’m an addict to the entire family of downers, even OTC things or things you wouldn’t typically think of when you think “drug addiction”. I have recently realized this over the weekend after some sobering conversations with friends.
My daily intake includes any combination of the following:
I don’t know what it is. I feel wired if I’m not on any of these. My anxiety hits an all time high every day, it’s like it’s trying to top itself. I do have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and a chronic pain condition from a car accident, so these help with those. I realized it on Friday that I may have a problem. I woke up (from a melatonin induced sleep), immediatley took tramadol, and when that wore off I switched to benadryl. Fell asleep. woke up in a panic, two xans down. Repeat every day with a different combo of above.
I feel like I wouldn’t be able to be taken seriously at a rehab or NA, since half of these are over the counter meds that you can’t really be addicted to. I’m less addicted to the pills themselves, but the feeling of being relaxed that it gives me. I like sleeping all day. Probably have depression. I get drug tested for work but none of these pop, and I have rxs for everything else. But I think if I went somewhere I may lose my job.
Don’t want to be laughed out of an NA meeting where these people have serious rock bottom addictions but I do need help and I don’t know what to do
submitted by anchordwn to AddictionAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 18:27 EternalRainDance Please I need help

Dear Reader. I live in Europe, the country of Italy. I am not from the richest family, I have been addicted to benzodiazapines for 4 years and for the last half a year it has been possible to get oxycodone for free. My family has been catching me having problems with both substances, they think I am lowering the dosage of klonopin, slowly as prescribed by the doctor. I actually use 7-14 80mg oxycodone tablets, mixed with clinopin and xanax. I am asking for help from you who knows of an organisation or community where people can seek help in these situations, I live in the Abruzzio region. I know that no one can help me unless I want to help myself, but I am very much asking if anyone has information to share it as soon as possible, I feel that I may not wake up after another impulsive use of these substances, which is happening more and more often. Please readers help me!!!
submitted by EternalRainDance to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 14:14 chrrycoloredfunk Took 0.5mg Klonopin for anxiety 72 hours ago, is it safe to have a drink?

Hi! As the title says, I’m prescribed 0.5mg of clonazepam to take as needed for panic attacks. I ended up having to take one for a flight on Friday at 5PM EST and it’s now Monday morning.
I’m going to be at a social gathering today (so it would be 72 hours after the last dose) and am wondering if it would be safe to have a couple drinks. I saw some mixed info online saying that you need to wait 5-9 days for the medication to leave your system. I really don’t feel any effects of the Klonopin by now but am scared to have a drink in fear of some kind of interaction that would be dangerous. If anyone could weigh in on this, I’d really appreciate it!
submitted by chrrycoloredfunk to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 20:28 GloomyAd123 Severe anxiety/sickness/lethargy initiating and starting SSRI/SNRI in this case Fluoxetine/Prozac

After the 4th day ish of starting Prozac 20mg I developed a nasty anxiety feeling. Worth noting I didn’t start this medication for anxiety and do not usually get that sort of anxiety. I just felt horrible, weird, weak. Scared.
Now I do have adhd aswell and take dexamphetamine/dexedrine. However I have taken this for years and never had side effects plus, I didn’t even have my normal dose. Much less. So having said that although I’m sure it’s not the dexamphetamine alone of course / I don’t think this is a good mix. If ur ever going to mix, start with VERY low dose of fluoxetine. Maybe even 10mg. I do think it’s a thing that adhd + ssri need to start smaller from my experience !! Whether or not medicated.
Now to the extreme anxiety I felt by day 4, I got the nightmares night 3 and it was downhill from there. I woke like I was so tired despite sleeping a lot (which btw I never do) and in like another world , then by like 3pm comes the intense ssri initiation anxiety. Of course I will NOT be taking this damn shit again and if I ever was to start again any antidepressant I would even start lower than a normal dose. Honestly.
Anyway how I dealt with the intense feelings Propranolol - about 40mg - lowered heart rate down made it initially very easy (do check this is safe for you though) Water - No caffeine No other liver enzyme inhibitor that acts on the same Walk if you can bare going outside (I couldn’t) Mild yoga Hot shower Last resort - Benzo if needed - klonopin/clonazepam 0.5mg seems to be safest in this case. I have also heard buspirone in combination helps - I can’t remember exactly
Hope no one has reaction like this but if you do hope this helps. I have had side effect reaction in past before actually with other snri/ssri prev, just even taken alone. So I think people like me are common!
If anyone has any more tips on how to flush out fluoxetine /ssris/ and lower anxiety induced by them add ur top tips :-)
submitted by GloomyAd123 to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 17:59 StankFace24 Starting lamotragine

So, I am not officially diagnosed with epilepsy, I’m diagnosed with PNES, but my nuero read the last 3 hospital reports I’ve had and doesn’t think certain seizures I have are consistent with PNES. I’ve had 2 in the last 2 months that I vomited during and aspirated and needed airway management/suctioning and another that caused a sustained heart rate of 180-210 for hours in the ER observation unit until after several Ativan shots. My EEGs and VEEG came back clean, but she’s concerned I’m having a “mix” and the only ones I’ve had for the EEG/VEEG are psychogenic. She says that FLE/TLE can be really hard to diagnose without EMU testing (which isn’t accessible for me) because sometimes I guess the seizures start below where the EEG can see it? Not sure, but that’s mostly what she’s concerned about.
To be safe, she has prescribed lamotragine. She says best case they control any possible epileptic seizures, and may stabilize my mood and prevent PNES. I’m coming off of Zoloft because it caused me to develop self injurious symptoms and thoughts. I’m also on Gabapentin and Klonopin.
I’m obviously aware of the rash, I had to sign a paper and stuff saying that I’ll get emergency care if I develop SJS symptoms, but I’m curious. What’s your experience like on lamotragine? Good and bad is welcome, just want to see what I’m in for.
submitted by StankFace24 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 04:48 No-Kangaroo2213 Backdoor Playah?

Karl's latest theory is that John's kink is sucking a dude off before he goes live and then trying to hold the dude's load in his mouth for the entire show. Occassionally we see it drip out and just assume it is spit and not hot, steamy man goo.
John often talks about how torn up his asshole is, dripping blood and staining sheets.
Stutjo is obsessed with other dude's cocks, their look, size, length, etc.
Klonopin and alcohol in high doses mimics the effect of certain date rape drugs. Knowing John freely mixes klonopin and booze is there a chance he is trying a little kinky gay play with the Canoga Park boys?
submitted by No-Kangaroo2213 to DabblersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 03:14 forkysrevenge Any advice?

hey everyone, i’ve written on this forum one time before about how my boyfriend was going through a very intense bipolar episode and wasn’t sure what to do and wondering if i should leave him.
an update on that: i made the decision to stay with him and he reached out to his doctor to let them know that the medication wasn’t working. he was able to get new medication that seemed to work except it made his anxiety skyrocket. the doctor then prescribed him klonopin and he started taking that. he’s only been taking it for about 2 almost 3 weeks and i’ve recently noticed that he might be abusing that medication and mixing it with alcohol. he takes one in the morning and then out of the blue, take another 2 in the middle of the day when he’s only supposed to take 1 a day. the only reason i know he’s mixing it with alcohol is because i can smell it on his breath when he’s around me and about to take the medication. i’ve asked him about it already and of course, he denies it. he has addiction issues and will abuse anything that will numb him. i’ve already mentioned that this can’t continue because i will leave him and he begged me to stay so he can show me that he can change but it feels like nothing will. at least not until he can get his addiction issues under control. i’m not sure how to confront him about abusing his medication and drinking while taking them. could this be another manic episode? what should i do? should i email his doctor over the concerns i have? he’s doing this stuff at work and i know he will lose his job if this continues. the anxiety and stress is eating at me and i feel like i have no idea how to help him.
UPDATE!!!: he was actually cheating on me ever since he started his medication 😊what i did to deserve that? who knows. he never wanted to get better and blamed me for his cheating. i hope he rots.
submitted by forkysrevenge to family_of_bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 10:28 JKO1962 Why John is always breathing heavy ...

Depressed breathing or difficulty breathing is a dangerous side effect of mixing alcohol and Klonopin.

submitted by JKO1962 to DabblersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 03:19 toocoolfor_you Advice/Am I actually Bipolar?

I’m repeating what I had uploaded to another Reddit but I’d like to hear everyone’s thoughts. I write quite a lot that’s just how I am lol.
I’m 22 M, and was diagnosed with bipolar 2 with depressive mode and mixed mania about 2 months ago. I’ve seemed to never present symptoms before I started having trouble sleeping in December. I started lexapro 5mg due to anxiety attacks I was having, and for 5 days I wasn’t able to sleep. I took half a trazadone to help me, I slept 4 hours.
I was prescribed klonopin and took it for 3 days half the pill. Then was good taking just 300mcg of extended release (XR) melatonin, for like about a week. It felt like the lexapro was working but then I had another anxiety relapse, followed by not sleeping for 3 days. Was prescribed lorazepam and bumped my dose up to 10mg. Slept for 6 days about 6 hours, felt fine during the day then started to not sleep well anymore the last 4 days. Anxiety was lower in some things but I was getting obsessive about sleep.
Because of what I’ve shared about my life being characterized by good periods and bad periods, sometimes with something triggering the bad ones (although it was just an overall unsatisfied feeling) I was diagnosed with bipolar 2, alongside with how I was having good weeks and bad weeks while on lexapro. Almost like a cycling. I had also shared that I was very sexually active and have had multiple partners or even been to group settings, sharing that maybe it was me making up for what I didn’t experience when I was younger or that it was just how I was socialized by gay culture to engage in hookups. I was told that was hyper sexuality. And that I was impulsive, despite not meeting up with just anybody but probably because I wouldn’t fully care about negative consequences with respect to dangers with meeting with someone I didn’t rlly know.
When I was feeling good I started going out again, meeting with friends, meeting up with guys to hook up. I think what triggered the good feeling was an older man who shared about his life at a temporary job I took and I admired his ambitions, how well put he seemed with his life. I applied for 2 credit cards, went to a trip to the beach. Blasted music while driving again. I felt normal. I felt great. I bought 2 bikes, I liked one more so I got a second one. Drove kinda far to get them individually. I was working again as a sub. My sleep was getting better. I had to stop because I started sleeping bad and feeling terrible throughout the day. I think the trigger was a kid that accused me of harassing him just for bumping into him by accident.
Once again bad sleep, feeling awful all day until night. I was just waiting to sleep even tho I wasn’t sleeping well. I tried being in the sun a lot, got blue light blocking amber glasses to use after about 6pm, tried experimenting with slightly higher low dose melatonin (was using it this whole time still), did all the sleep hygiene I could during all this. Since I was still taking lexapro, my psychiatrist suggested I started vraylar (1.5mg) alongside propranolol and then I was prescribed seroquel (25mg) for sleep (I was cutting it in half per her orders, i slept well 2 nights but once again returned to how I was waking up at 1am.
I started pacing around a lot after about a week of the vraylar, I’ve been feeling tired during the day and get tired after taking it. I’m not sure if I was feeling extra tired from the seroquel. I don’t think I got any side effects from that (except night sweats at first). But the day after I started it I’m not sure if I got into a depressive episode where I lost all interest in doing things I liked (playing video games, watching YouTube). But I was restless, wanting to pace around yet feeling super tired and like sleepy but not being able to sleep. This persistent sleep issue is what makes me think my diagnosis is true, but having spoken to family and friends they say they never would have guessed I had it and to ask for another opinion (though my psychologist also diagnosed me too).maybe it is just anxiety and depression, albeit a more treatment resistant one.
I’m told I have high impulsivity mainly, hyper sexuality as part of my hypomania. Not been told much about the depressive part. I never thought of them as episodes, like those good moments or bad moments. I never felt deep in the gutters only up until when I started taking vraylar. And I’ve never felt like invincible either, grandiose. Sure I’ve had my eras where I felt confident, would wear more provocative clothes and didn’t care what ppl thought about me (at this time I had taken setraline 50mg) but it never posed a problem. I do kinda remember spending over 3k I got from a scholarship to buy clothes and video games, headphones, etc but it didn’t feel like impulse buys.
I guess what I’m asking for is advice, comments, what your thoughts are? I’m feeling stuck. Everyday feels like it’s on repeat almost rn. Idk if the dopamine balancing effects of the vraylar and possibly seroquel are making me anedohnic too. I can’t handle the pacing back and forth I do. I can’t event play video games or watch videos without this desire to get up and pace. My thoughts race from one random thing to the next at times, not always something negative. I used to obsess negatively but haven’t rlly recently at least I don’t think I do, besides about my sleep or my diagnosis of being bipolar 2.
I rlly want to get back to working as a sub and get on with my life. I want to go out at night like I used sometimes. I used to sleep late like at 2am till like 9 to 10am, but recently I’ve been in bed (not sleeping all the time) from like 10pm to 10am. I’m tired all day even after sleeping. I’m also on sertraline (25mg), was on lexapro before. Switched about a week ago and feel less tired now. Sleeping slightly better.
submitted by toocoolfor_you to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 17:11 Broad-Ad1033 Sharing my spinal tap story actually being perimenopause

Sorry this is long. It all hit me yesterday so it helps to write it out. I was answering someone why my peri symptoms led to a spinal tap. It shows how confusing the symptoms are. I was operating under the false assumption that my chronic illness issues would probably improve when my period stopped. No more PMS, heavy bleeding, & cramps.
I’m embarrassed I didn’t research more. I’m like Nancy Drew about my rare genetic condition, EDS. I thought it was getting much worse. I thought my Gyn would prepare me because we talked about heavy periods and my health getting worse. Stuff that I now know happens in peri menopause - heavy bleeding, migraines, tachycardia, hair loss. But Peri symptoms also overlap with a hundred other things. My recent blood panels were fine. No other changes.
Frankly, I was embarrassed to ask much about menopause because I already have medical issues and thought peri was a weird non clinical term. My period hadn’t stopped, so I neglected to go down the Peri rabbit hole. My Gyn said I coujd think about switching birth control when I asked if it was ok to stay on it but I look too young for menopause. Looks are deceiving. People with EDS have messed up skin that often makes them look younger.
This is going to sound crazy! Buckle up.
I started having severe, debilitating migraines a few years ago. My head would get hot and I struggled more & more being upright. Eventually I could not be upright very long. It triggered what I was told were orthostatic or tension headaches/migraines. I used to have sinus headaches but nothing like this.
I thought maybe it was from TMJ. I tried to treat the migraines & TMJ (unsuccessfully so far). I have to lie in the dark, can’t look at screens or even think clearly. Pure misery. It became daily. I had CT & MRI of the head/neck/sinuses & brain but nothing showed except pre existing TMJ & sinus issues. Some deterioration of the neck discs that the Dr says was age appropriate and normal with EDS. I got a neck brace to help keep my head up.
Also I can’t take most medications due to a genetic condition EDS - almost zero tolerance. Also I can’t tolerate alcohol. So treating anything with meds is usually not an option for me. And wine as a coping mechanism.
Suddenly my sinuses & nose would not stop running. I mean gushing clear fluid (not infected) like a faucet had been turned on. I went through boxes of tissues every week. It was insane and controlled my life. (Before I had too much dryness and nose bleeds! It was the exact opposite now.) Everyone thought it was allergies. I tried every allergy med, Sudafed, neti pot, you name it for several years. Nothing helped. Antihistamines made me a zombie.
When I ate, my nose would run so badly it was crazy. That was called gustatory rhinitis or Frey’s Syndrome and blamed possibly on the TMJ. There was no treatment except nose sprays that helped for an hour. I felt crazy. I had no idea what to do.
I started to feel dizzy all the time, my heart started racing uncontrollably whenever I stood up, my blood pressure would tank and I would feel like passing out. I got a 3 day heart monitor to confirm it was POTS. I already had a mild form of POTS, so I thought it just got much worse. I mean MUCH WORSE. Like now I’m officially disabled. I could not stand up long enough to do my dishes comfortably.
Nothing ever got better, it kept getting worse. I researched like hell and saw every doctor I could.
Finally ENTs recognized POTS + debilitating migraines + fluid coming out of my nose nonstop + having EDS (a connective tissue disease) turned out to be an exact dual diagnosis with CEREBROSPINAL FLUID LEAKS.
I was at my wit’s end with my head exploding and being largely homebound or bedbound so I agreed to test to rule it out. CSF leaks often don’t show up on CT or MRI of brain/spine and hadn’t for me. I thought why not rule out this terrifying thing after years of worry.
Testing for a CSF Leak required a spinal tap - which can also cause a new leak!!! But I was that desperate. Then the test showed nothing!!
At this point I was depressed AF and decided to take a break from medical appts and just try new medications from my EDS dr. They were all toxic to me of course. I was in bed drowning in snot (sorry) feeling sicker from all the meds I was trying. I took a break from it all and applied for a part time home aide through insurance. I was approved and started to research hiring someone.
Then the ENT suggested I had VASOMOTOR RHINITIS. It’s non allergic, idiopathic, just nonsense running of the nose. The solutions were like cryotherapy or crazy stuff that I did not want to risk. I prayed that one of the meds would work or I could adjust to the daily migraines and gross nose sprays, and learn to live with this hell and accept I’m now disabled for good.
Lying around watching YouTube or tv shows, I saw ads online for Veozah. Obviously it was targeted to my age demographic (xennial). It said it stops VASOMOTOR SYMPTOMS. That clicked with the VASOMOTOR RHINITIS. I immediately told my dr to try and get it (we are still battling insurance). I started researching and it said VMR can come with hormones from pregnancy or menopause!!
At that point, I took out my Nuvaring even though I was having heavy awful periods. Nuvaring helped regulate my periods and I used to tolerate it - it is low dose birth control. I needed to know if my hormones were causing the Vasomotor Rhinitis. (Nuvaring had worked for me for about a decade with none of these issues.)
THAT WAS IT!!! Taking out Nuvaring calmed the VMR down and in turn, the migraines lessened (they must have been from the start of Hot flashes & my sinuses overflowing). The POTS symptoms went back to mild or moderate like before. Having my Nuvaring in plus perimenopause was too much for my body to handle.
Of course, after being off Nuvaring, my periods stopped, horrible hot flashes started almost permanently and fatigue like I never experienced before. It’s very different and more acute from my usual chronic illness symptoms, which I used to be able to manage.
I should be grateful I don’t have a CSF Leak. Those groups on FB are absolutely devastating. It gave me perspective. Accepting my chronic illness had escalated was really hard, but it gave me more self acceptance.
Only it was perimenopause, plus staying on nuvaring exacerbating all my existing issues & causing more!
It’s so weird that no one ever suggested my symptoms could be related to perimenopause!! I told my Gyn what was going on too! They put it all in my chart.
Peri is also miserable, but at least the severe tachycardia slowed down and the migraines & VMR faucet in my sinuses too. Those were life ruining!! Now I know the mix of Peri hormones & nuvaring were making everything much worse & totally untreatable.
I have more hope now that maybe I am not permanently disabled! This all hit me at once yesterday. All these issues have gotten so much better since quitting nuvaring. The new issues suck too, but they answer why my health suddenly went down the toilet.
When I googled more, it says perimenopause can cause tachycardia or even POTS too. So it’s like my issues doubled? I still have mild POTS but I had it most of my life, I can handle it. Migraines seem to come with the peri territory but my headaches are not the kind where I’m blinded by light now. They seem to come with the hot flashes.
There were other signs. The hot head! I used to be freezing all the time. Sudden multiple food sensitivities & constant nausea. Dry skin, hair loss, worse adhd but I couldn’t take stimulants with the tachycardia. My AGE!! Forties! Just because I have a round face and stretchy skin doesn’t mean I’m young. I have been a mess.
Now I am sidelined being in a semi-permanent hot flash, foggy, and being super tired. But it’s way better than the other stuff & temporary???!. It’s shocking. Could Nuvaring cause all that combined with Peri? I guess so. POTS IS HORRIBLE. The tachycardia & low blood pressure were killing me. Nothing helped. Now it went away mostly. I get faint standing up for a minute but that’s normal for me - it’s back to manageable. My nose stopped running 24/7. I barely use tissues. Headache is mild and it’s more a brain fog. Maybe I can take ADHD meds again now that my heart is not racing 24/7.
Maybe I won’t be able to take a different birth control to cope, or even hormones, but Veozah might work. Maybe my hormones are tanking hard from recently stopping nuvaring. Maybe it’s not going to be forever.
submitted by Broad-Ad1033 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 15:05 MultiVerseAll Anything safe to take for anxiety for ex addict?

So some back story. I am type 1 diabetic and bi polar and with both of those things i get low energy at times, anxiety at others. And sometimes just the feeling of my sugar dropping, anxiety mixed with caffeine makes me jittery. I use to be able to drink 2 to 3 bangs a day and not get very jittery, but I also use to take 6 to 10 mg of klonopin a day, sometimes with ativan, sometimes with xanax, promethazine, codeine, hydrocodone, dxm. I was a poly drug user for years. Opiates from age 13 to 28 Benzos from 22 to 28.. I started to get clean in the start of the pandemic. Idk if its age, or years of abuse. But im almost always tired, I barely touch caffeine ( only matcha or yerba mate) or else the only effect i get is jitters, stomach pains And my anxiety flares up in certain situations ( like high blood sugar and having to drive a car with my reactions feeling slower) I'm wondering if there is anything safe I can take with my history. I dont like taking kava because it makes my appetite even lower and makes me feel not present. I cant smoke weed anymore, so I use edibles for sleep I sometimes get anxiety relief from lions mane, amanita muscaria , golden teachers I take some adaptogens ( ginseng with ginko, ashwaganda ) I take turmeric, magnesium , creatine , d3, zinc I eat raw honey, I exercise daily.. I dont really know what else I can do to try to feel less anxiety, less pain, more energy.
Sorry if this is hard to read, im unfocused and anxious
submitted by MultiVerseAll to NooTopics [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 17:30 Select-Scallion1837 How does Nardil's anxiolytic effect compare to benzos?

So I'm losing hope with medications, my doctor won't prescribe any benzos (I think, haven't straight up asked up but I've tried to infer) and I've tried over a dozen meds (SSRI's/Trazodone/Gabapentin etc). I'm kind of interested in Clomipramine and maybe Trimipramine (wikipedia page is intriguing). Also Nefazodone. But I am REALLY interested in Nardil tho but I'm on Vyvanse and I know usually stims can't be mixed with MAOI's and I wouldn't be willing to give my Vyvanse up... thoughts..?
Also, I'm currently on Lyrica 200mg 2x a day and it DEFINITELY helps but not enough to actually make me comfortable in public (maybe 30% or so reduction in anxiety). My doctor said we could probably increase the dose next appointment but I'm really tempted to bring up Librium. And the reason why is 5mg of Librium equals literally 1mg of Valium or 0.1mg of Klonopin so considering it's that tiny of a dose, as well as the half life being super long... maybe he'll consider it. Let me know and wish me luck my fellow walking panic attacks ❤
submitted by Select-Scallion1837 to Anxiety [link] [comments]
