Welding logo generator


2009.03.27 02:48 nickmcclendon ambigrams

Ambigrams found on the internet or made by fellow redditors! Ambigrams are lettering designs that can be read (either as the same word or a different word) in multiple orientations, often right-side up and upside down, but there are many other types! Feel free to post your designs looking for feedback or to show off a finished product, post questions or commission requests, or just talk about your favorite ambigrams!

2017.01.15 18:51 RoelRotti is a challenge to create a logo every day of the year 2017 from random generated words

The subreddit dedicated to the random words logo challenge: to create a logo from random generated words every day of the year 2017. Motivate yourself to become more skilled, more creative and more awesome every day! Post your own work, tips, recommendations etc. Example word generator: https://randomwordgenerator.com/

2012.06.16 22:19 A Safe Haven for Trans Feminine People

A subreddit devoted to transgender issues pertaining to male-to-female or trans feminine people. If you have an article you like, or a worry to talk about, or you just want to vent a bit about trans life, then we're here!

2024.05.14 16:09 Rangerborn14 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pymysql'

I've been running a code that generates a login page for a desktop app. By logging in succesfully, the user would be sent to the main UI of the app ("Mainwin.py"). However, everytime I tried to log in, it gives me an error about 'pymysql' not being found, even though I already have it installed. The error is caused by a file named "actividad.py", which is used to show what user has been using the app lately:
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QTableWidget, QTableWidgetItem import pymysql class ActividadWindow(QDialog): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Actividad de Usuarios") self.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 300) # Ajusta el tamaño según tus necesidades self.layout = QVBoxLayout() self.tableWidget = QTableWidget() self.layout.addWidget(self.tableWidget) self.setLayout(self.layout) # Conectar a la base de datos y cargar datos en la tabla self.cargar_datos() def cargar_datos(self): conexion = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='password', database='test') cursor = conexion.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM actividad") datos = cursor.fetchall() self.tableWidget.setRowCount(len(datos)) self.tableWidget.setColumnCount(len(datos[0])) encabezados = [description[0] for description in cursor.description] self.tableWidget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(encabezados) for fila, dato_fila in enumerate(datos): for columna, dato in enumerate(dato_fila): self.tableWidget.setItem(fila, columna, QTableWidgetItem(str(dato))) conexion.close() 
What's strange is that when I run the "Mainwin.py" file, it all runs smoothly. It's only when I run from the login page code that the error is happening. Here's the code of the login page for reference:
from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk from tkinter import messagebox import pymysql import subprocess import psutil from datetime import datetime windows=Tk() windows.title('AquaSense Login') windows.geometry('490x240+500+100') # windows.resizable(0,0) #forgot password def forgot_password(): windows.destroy() import forgotpassword #Button Definition process def create_one(): windows.destroy() import Registration2 def login(): if idEntry.get() == '' or passwdEntry.get() == '': messagebox.showerror('Alert', 'Please enter all entry fields!') else: db = pymysql.connect(host='', user='root', password='password', database='test') cur = db.cursor() queryActi = 'use testP' cur.execute(queryActi) queryActi='create table if not exists Actividad (actId int auto_increment primary key not null, userId int,FOREIGN KEY (userId) REFERENCES personaldata(id),fecha DATETIME) ' \ cur.execute(queryActi) query = 'select * FROM personaldata where passwrd=%s AND username=%s' cur.execute(query, (passwdEntry.get(),idEntry.get(),)) roles = cur.fetchone() if roles == None: messagebox.showerror('Alert!', 'Incorrect username or password') return else: login_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') user_id = roles[0] # Assuming the ID is the first column in personaldata table insert_query = 'insert into Actividad (userId, fecha) VALUES ( %s, %s)' cur.execute(insert_query, (user_id, login_time)) db.commit() messagebox.showinfo('success', 'Login Successful') # clear screen idEntry.delete(0, END) passwdEntry.delete(0, END) main_running = False for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if 'Mainwin.py' in proc.name(): main_running = True break if not main_running: # Launch the PyQt main page script using subprocess subprocess.Popen(['python', 'Mainwin.py']) # Close the original tkinter login window windows.destroy() #username def on_entry(e): idEntry.delete(0, END) def on_password(e): name=idEntry.get() if name == '': idEntry.insert(0,'username') #password def on_enter(e): passwdEntry.delete(0, END) def on_Leave(e): password = passwdEntry.get() if password == '': passwdEntry.insert(0, 'password') #for hiding data on the entry fields by clicking on the check box def show(): passwdEntry.configure(show='*') check.configure(command=hide, text='') def hide(): passwdEntry.configure(show='') check.configure(command=show, text='') frame=Frame(windows, width=700, height=400, bg='light blue') frame.place(x=0,y=0) LogoImage=PhotoImage(file= r'C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\user (1).png') idlabel=Label(frame, text='Nombre', fg='black', image=LogoImage, compound=LEFT, bg='light blue', font=('Calibre', 14, 'bold')) idlabel.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20, padx=1) passwordImage=PhotoImage(file= r'C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\padlock.png') passwdlabel=Label(frame, image=passwordImage, compound=LEFT,fg='black', bg='light blue', text=' Contraseña', font=('Calibre', 14, 'bold')) passwdlabel.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=10, padx=3) passwdlabel.place(x=10, y=70) idEntry=Entry(frame, width=39, bd=3) idEntry.grid(row=1,column=2,columnspan=2, padx=57) passwdEntry=Entry(frame, width=39, bd=3) passwdEntry.grid(row=3, column=2, columnspan=2) #application of erasable text on the entry fields idEntry.insert(0, "username") idEntry.bind('', on_entry) idEntry.bind('', on_password) passwdEntry.insert(0, "password") passwdEntry.bind('', on_enter) passwdEntry.bind('', on_Leave) #btn loginbtn=Button(frame, text='LOGIN', bg='#7f7fff', pady=10, width=23,fg='white', font=('open sans', 9, 'bold'), cursor='hand2', border=0, borderwidth=5, command=login) loginbtn.grid(row=9, columnspan=5, pady=30) donthaveacctLabel=Label(frame, text='¿No tienes una cuenta?', fg='black', bg='light blue', pady=4, font=('Calibre', 9, 'bold')) donthaveacctLabel.place(y=150) createnewacct = Button(frame, width=15, text='Registrate', border=0, bg='white', cursor='hand2', fg='black', font=('Calibre', 8, 'bold'), command=create_one) createnewacct.place(x=10, y=179) forgtpw=Button(frame, text='¿Olvidaste la contraseña?', fg='black',border=0, cursor='hand2', bg='light blue', font=('Calibre', 9, 'bold'), command=forgot_password) forgtpw.place(x=310,y=102) check = Checkbutton(frame, text='', command=show, bg='light blue') check.place(x=440, y=83) ico = Image.open(r'C:\Users\UserPC\Downloads\Personal_Registration_Form-main\Personal_Registration_Form\icon (1).png') photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(ico) windows.wm_iconphoto(False, photo) windows.resizable(False,False) windows.mainloop() 
Anyone knows what's causing this?
submitted by Rangerborn14 to learnpython [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:32 doshimpexindia Revolution in Fusion: The Versatility of Stainless Steel Welded Pipes and Tubes

Revolution in Fusion: The Versatility of Stainless Steel Welded Pipes and Tubes
In today’s age of fusion, which is creating a revolution is running exceptionally well on fusion power nearing reality in the energy sector which utilizes stainless steel pipes and tubes for their strength, durability, and resistance to extreme temperatures, making them ideal for containing the immense heat and pressure generated by nuclear fusion.
The transition from raw materials to a functioning fusion reactor necessitates a robust infrastructure, which is facilitated by buttweld pipe fittings and threaded pipe fittings.
Building the Dream: The Role of Pipe Fittings
The reactor’s pipes, carrying superheated plasma and coolant, are intricately connected using high-quality pipe fittings for a secure, leak-proof system.
Buttweld pipe fittings in Sirpur form permanent, pressure-tight joints, ideal for high-pressure environments. They are strong and convenient for non-critical sections, while twisted fittings screw onto pipe threads for a reliable seal.
Threaded pipe fittings in Sirpur, fittings provide a convenient solution for non-critical sections, screwing onto pipe threads to ensure a reliable seal.
The Unsung Hero: Flanges
How can we forget to talk about flanges? These are flat and circular discs with holes in the center bolted onto the end of pipes which allows for easy connection and disconnection. At Doshi Impex India we provide a premium quality supplier for flanges in Mumbai which is crucial for reactor maintenance and inspection.
Stainless Steel: The Metal of Choice
Stainless steel is one of the most used metals for fusion reactors in India.
Here are some of its key advantages:
Corrosion Resistance: Stainless steel involves highly reactive elements. The corrosion resistance ensures the integrity of the piping system and helps to prevent leaks and potential contamination.
High-Temperature Resistance: Stainless steel is known to generate extensive heat that helps to maintain its strength at extreme temperatures which makes it the most demanded metal in the market.
Stainless Steel is Versatile: Steel is available in various grades which is customized for specific applications.
Sirpur to the Stars: A Look Ahead
Cities like Sirpur are changing as a result of the fast progress in fusion energy, which has built a strong supply chain for premium pipes, fittings, and flanges and opened the door for more developments in the metal market.
The Future is Bright
The potential of fusion power is limitless. It provides a low-impact, clean, sustainable energy source for the environment. The fundamental elements of this exciting future are stainless steel welded pipes and tubes, supported by a cast of fittings and flanges. Stainless steel’s adaptability and durability will be demonstrated by the complex system of pipes inside these reactors as we get closer to attaining practical fusion power.
Reach out to Doshi Impex India right now if you’re prepared to grow your import/export company!

Resource link: https://doshiimpexindia.com/revolution-in-fusion-the-versatility-of-stainless-steel-welded-pipes-and-tubes/

submitted by doshimpexindia to u/doshimpexindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:00 jvc72 Leatt Corporation[PNK:LEAT] Financials Q1/2024



Period: Q1/2024
Filling Date: 2024-05-13
Revenue: $10.61M
Gross Profit: $4.01M (37.76%)
Result: $-790 557 (ebitda)
EPS: $-0.130
Outstanding Shares: 6.22M
Cash: 13.53M
Debt: 1.55M
Financial Score - Altman: 8.57
Financial Score - Piotroski: 4.00
Leatt Corporation's price movement correlates with the following stocks:
Ticker Correlation --- ---
Summary Of Last Earnings call:
In the first quarter of 2024, Leatt Corporation reported a 19% decrease in total global revenues compared to the same period in 2023, primarily driven by a decrease in sales to distributors. However, consumer direct and dealer direct sales showed solid improvement, with the recently launched Adventure (ADV) line of products generating promising initial shipments. Despite industry challenges, Leatt remains optimistic about future growth, profitability, and shareholder value due to their expanding product portfolio, financial stability, and growing multichannel sales organization.
The company's focus on stabilizing inventory levels, improving margins, and strategic hiring of new talent, particularly in the US market, positions them well for continued growth. Efforts to develop the ADV line have been successful, with plans to release additional products like boots and gloves in the near future. Despite challenges in certain regions and product categories, Leatt's strong financial position, innovative products, and dedicated team of sales and marketing professionals give them confidence in their ability to return to sustained growth.
Company Description:
Leatt Corporation designs, develops, markets, and distributes personal protective equipment for participants of motor sports and leisure activities worldwide. The company offers Leatt-Brace system, an injection molded neck protection system designed to prevent injuries to the cervical spine and neck. It also provides helmets for head and brain protection; and body armor range, including chest protectors, full upper body protectors, upper body protection vests, back protectors, knee braces, knee and elbow guards, impact shorts and cooling vests, off-road motorcycle boots, and mountain biking shoes. In addition, the company offers other products, parts, and accessories, such as goggles; toolbelt, duffel, gear, helmet, and hydration bags; casual clothing and caps; hats; and apparels that comprises jackets, jerseys, pants, shorts, socks, and gloves, as well as aftermarket support products. Further, it acts as the original equipment manufacturer for neck braces sold by other brands. The company's products are used by riders of motorcycles, bicycles, snowmobiles, and ATVs, as well as motor racing cars and other helmeted sports. It sells its products to customers through a network of distributors and retailers; and through its online store at leatt.com. The company was formerly known as Treadzone, Inc. and changed its name to Leatt Corporation in May 2005. The company was founded in 2001 and is headquartered in Durbanville, South Africa.
Full fundamentals fundamentals for LEAT here.
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:00 Honestly_ Not just EA Sports: *All* NCAA college football game covers & athletes, including Sony's NCAA GameBreaker, Sega Sports, and a few others

With the EA Sports College Football 25 cover being released this Thursday, I thought it would be interesting to look back at all covers — and not just the EA covers, but the athletes featured on covers of rival games by Sony, Sega, and other competitors.
Competition is a good thing. Putting these in chronological order takes me back to the era where there were options (I bought my first game in the '90s, and played a lot of 2k2).
If you count the 2 players that are identifiable off of "College Football USA 96" there have been 36 cover athletes across 34 editions of college football games (plus an active coach, mascot, two band members, and an unidentified player)
This post is going to look cleaner in "old" view. You can swap the "www" with "old" in the URL or just click here.
Year Publisher Game Title (image) Cover Athlete (wiki) Heisman? Formats Notes
1993 EA Sports Bill Walsh College Football STAN Coach Bill Walsh N/A Sega Genesis, SNES, Sega CD No licenses so generic names/logos
1994 EA Sports Bill Walsh College Football '95 STAN Coach Bill Walsh N/A Sega Genesis Schools licensed now
1994 Mindscape NCAA Football NCAA Logo over generic players N/A Sega Genesis, SNES
1994 Sega Sports College Football's National Championship ND Notre Dame Stadium N/A Sega Genesis
1995 EA Sports College Football USA 96 KSU¦MICH¦FSU¦WIS¦USC "Generic" photos* No Sega Genesis see below*
1995 Sega Sports College Football's National Championship II COL Folsom Field No Sega Genesis
1996 EA Sports College Football USA 97 NEB QB Tommie Frazier No Sega Genesis, SNES 1st true cover athlete
1996 Sony NCAA Football Gamebreaker OSU RB Eddie George HEISMAN! PS1 1st Heisman winner on cover
1997 EA Sports NCAA Football 98 FLA QB Danny Wuerffel HEISMAN! PS1, PC
1997 Sony NCAA Gamebreaker 98 FSU RB Warrick Dunn No PS1
1998 EA Sports NCAA Football 99 MICH CB Charles Woodson HEISMAN! PS1, PC 1st of 2 defensive players ever
1998 Sony NCAA GameBreaker 99 NEB QB Scott Frost No PS1 1st future head coach
1999 EA Sports NCAA Football 2000 TEX RB Ricky Williams HEISMAN! PS1
1999 Sony NCAA GameBreaker 2000 UCLA QB Cade McNown No PS1
2000 EA Sports NCAA Football 2001 ALA RB Shaun Alexander No PS1
2000 Sony NCAA GameBreaker 2001 WIS RB Ron Dayne HEISMAN! PS1, PS2 1st 6th generation console game
2001 EA Sports NCAA Football 2002 FSU QB Chris Weinke HEISMAN! PS2
2001 Sega Sports NCAA College Football 2K2 PUR QB Drew Brees No DC
2002 EA Sports NCAA Football 2003 ORE QB Joey Harrington No PS2, GC, Xbox
2002 Sony NCAA GameBreaker 2003 MIA RB Clinton Portis No PS2 [Sony skipped 2002]
2002 Sega Sports NCAA College Football 2K3 NEB QB Eric Crouch HEISMAN! PS2, GC, Xbox
2003 EA Sports NCAA Football 2004 USC QB Carson Palmer HEISMAN! PS2, GC, Xbox, N-Gage 1st handheld on Nokia's disastrous system
2003 Sony NCAA GameBreaker 2004 PSU RB Larry Johnson No PS2
2004 EA Sports NCAA Football 2005 PITT WR Larry Fitzgerald No PS2, GC, Xbox
2005 EA Sports NCAA Football 06 MICH WR Desmond Howard PS2, Xbox 1991's Heisman
2006 EA Sports NCAA Football 07 USC RB Reggie Bush HEISMAN! PS2, Xbox, 360, PSP
2007 EA Sports NCAA Football 08 BOISE QB Jared Zabransky No 360, PS3, PS2, Xbox
2007 Aspyr Black College Football: BCFX: The Xperience Generic player, cheerleader, drum major No PC, 360 (2009) HBCU teams
2008 EA Sports NCAA Football 09 CAL WR DeSean Jackson No PS2 Multi-cover
2008 EA Sports NCAA Football 09 BC QB Matt Ryan No PS3 Multi-cover
2008 EA Sports NCAA Football 09 WVU FB Owen Schmitt No PSP Multi-cover
2008 EA Sports NCAA Football 09 MSU mascot Sparty No Wii Multi-cover
2008 EA Sports NCAA Football 09 ARK RB Darren McFadden No 360 Multi-cover
2009 EA Sports NCAA Football 10 TEX LB Brian Orakpo No PS2 Multi-cover; 2 of 2 defenders
2009 EA Sports NCAA Football 10 UTAH QB Brian Johnson No PS3 Multi-cover
2009 EA Sports NCAA Football 10 USC QB Mark Sanchez No PSP Multi-cover
2009 EA Sports NCAA Football 10 TTU WR Michael Crabtree No 360 Multi-cover
2010 EA Sports NCAA Football 11 FLA QB Tim Tebow HEISMAN! PS3, 360, PS2, iOS
2011 EA Sports NCAA Football 12 ALA RB Mark Ingram II HEISMAN! PS3, 360 Fan-vote cover athlete
2012 EA Sports NCAA Football 13 BAY QB Robert Griffin III & OKST RB Barry Sanders YES! PS3, 360 Fan-vote for older athlete
2013 EA Sports NCAA Football 14 MICH Denard Robinson No PS3, 360 Fan-vote cover athlete
2024 EA Sports EA Sports College Football 25 TBD TBD PS5, Xbox Series X/S
*Photos on College Football USA 96 cover are USC Trojan drum major, a Wisconsin band member, unidentified Florida State player (zoomed in on helmet), but also easily identified K-State WR Kevin Lockett & Michigan RB Tim Biakabutuk (both played in '95 season after this came out)

Various developers:

EA Sports's developers:
  • High Score Productions (1993: Genesis, Sega CD; 1994-96)
  • Visual Concepts (1993: SNES)
  • Tiburon Entertainment (1997-98), bought/renamed EA Tiburon (1999-2013), renamed EA Orlando (2024)
  • Exient Entertainment (2003: N-Gage)
Sega Sports's developers:
  • BlueSky Software (1994-95) [developers of Joe Montana series]
  • Visual Concepts & Avalanche Software (2001-02) [NFL 2K & NFL Blitz, respectively]
Sony Computer Entertainment America's developers:
  • Sony Interactive Studios America (1996-97), renamed Red Zone Interactive (1998-99), renamed 989 Studios (2000)
Aspyr Media's developer:
  • Nerjyzed Entertainment (2007: Windows; 2009: 360)

Further notes:

Bill Walsh was picked because there was an early-theme of having big names on sports video games.
  • EA actually started this back when they were the cool, bad boy of games in the 1980s (I'm that old, they packaged their games like records and put photos of their programmers that made them look like musicians on the back) with the pioneering PC game One on One: Dr. J vs. Larry Bird (1983), later updated to Jordan vs. Bird: One on One (1988).
  • Nintendo got into it by localizing Punch-Out! as Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (1987) for NES. EA brought out John Madden Football (1988) for PC.
  • Sega was wild about this when they launched the Genesis with Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf (1989), Tommy Lasorda Baseball (1989), Pat Riley Basketball (1990), Joe Montana Football (1991).
  • 1993: Bill Walsh! There even was an EA Coach K college hoops game.
Bill Walsh may have got the cover curse:
  • While he had retired from the San Francisco 49ers on top, after winning his 3rd Super Bowl, he had only returned to the Farm for a year when he was picked (he had a good first tenure in the 70s before jumping to the 49ers).
  • In 1992 he took the Cardinal to a Blockbuster Bowl win and a #9 rank. Signed this deal for EA.
  • After the first game came out he had two bad seasons and re-retired for good.
The progression of teams is fun to see.
  • 1993: the top 24 college football teams from 1992 + 24 of the all-time greatest teams since 1978. The teams were unlicensed so they used city and state names, especially where similar to their real names (e.g. Michigan). But you got some fun results like a spirited game of "South Bend, IN" vs "Raleigh, NC"
  • 1994: 36 Division I-A teams, but the bowls were still not included: Instead we get Maple Bowl, Palm Bowl, Pecan Bowl, and Redwood Bowl
  • 1995: first version to feature all (108 at the time) Division l-A teams, the real bowl games like Orange, Sugar, Fiesta, and Rose. Includes older names but also the Pacific Tigers, which actually dropped football before the game was released.
The rights to the title "NCAA" license wasn't obtained by EA until 1998 (as you can see there was an earlier one-off by Mindscape). Its ability to use the NCAA's brands in the the football game was actually the secondary result of a licensing deal intended primarily for an EA "March Madness" basketball game.
submitted by Honestly_ to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:02 Mkyhhd U.S. bans Russian uranium imports

Joselow, Maxine. The Washington Post; Washington, D.C.. 14 May 2024: A.18. Publisher logo. Links to publisher website, opened in a new window.

Move aimed at punishing Moscow and boosting domestic nuc sector

President Biden on Monday evening signed a bipartisan bill prohibiting Russian imports of enriched uranium, the main fuel used by nuc power plants, a move intended to cut off one of the last significant flows of money from the United States to Russia amid the war in Ukraine.

Congress took swift action to ban Russian oil and gas imports a month after the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. But sanctions on uranium imports have taken much longer, in part because Russia supplies roughly 20 percent of U.S. nuc fuel, leading some lawmakers to fear disruptions to the nation's 93 nuc reactors.

"It's kind of ridiculous that it took as long as it did to get to this stage," said Scott Melbye, executive vice president of mining company Uranium Energy and president of the Uranium Producers of America, a trade group. "But we're just glad that we got here."

American companies pay around $1 billion a year for enriched uranium from Rosatom, Russia's state nuc power conglomerate. These payments have continued even after documents revealed last year that Rosatom had been working to supply the Russian arms industry with components, technology and raw materials for missile fuel.

The bipartisan bill will ban uranium imports from Moscow beginning 90 days after its enactment. It will provide waivers until 2028 for utilities that would be forced to shut down nuc reactors once Russian supplies are cut off. The bill also frees up $2.7 billion passed in previous legislation to build out the domestic uranium processing industry.

"This new law reestablishes America's leadership in the nuc sector," national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement Monday. "It will help secure our energy sector for generations to come."

The bill passed the House in December, but it had stalled for months in the Senate, where Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) had blocked the measure over unrelated disputes. In a development that surprised some observers, Cruz dropped his opposition last month, and the measure then passed the Senate by unanimous consent, meaning no senators objected to it.

"Russia's chokehold on America's uranium supply is coming to an end," Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a bill sponsor, said on the Senate floor on Wednesday. "[Russian President Vladimir] Putin's war machine has now lost one of its cash cows. America is finally starting to take back our nucl energy security as well as our energy future."

Officials at the Energy Department and the National Security Council had discussed the possibility of taking executive action to ban Russian uranium imports if Congress did not act, Bloomberg News reported.

Biden has set an ambitious goal of reaching 100 percent clean electricity by 2035. Nuc reactors generate more than half of emissions-free electricity in the United States, and supporters say they can play a key role in the country's transition away from fossil fuels.

Yet the U.S. nucl power industry has recently faced financial challenges, including spiraling costs of the new modular designs it is testing. Those difficulties may continue even after companies are no longer reliant on imported uranium.

The United States' dependence on Russian uranium dates back to a 1993 nuc disarmament program soon after the Cold War ended. Under the program, dubbed Megatons to Megawatts, the United States bought 500 metric tons of uranium from dismantled Russian nuclear warheads and converted it to nuclear reactor fuel.

At the time, many policymakers in Washington hailed the deal as a win-win: Moscow got desperately needed cash in exchange for giving U.S. utilities cheap fuel and placating arms-control advocates. But today, some experts say the program had the unintended consequence of delivering such inexpensive Russian fuel that U.S. and European companies struggled to compete.

More than two years after Russia invaded Ukraine, the United States largely lacks its own uranium enrichment capacity. The nuc energy company TerraPower, which was founded by Bill Gates, has been forced to delay the opening of a new nuclear plant by at least two years, in part because it has pledged not to use Russian enriched uranium.

The new legislation could help. It unlocks $2.7 billion in funding for domestic uranium enrichment that Congress conditionally approved in a spending bill last year.

The funding could allow the company Centrus to expand its enrichment facility in Ohio with "thousands of additional centrifuges to replace Russian imports with American production," spokeswoman Lindsey Geisler said in an email.

Jeff Navin, director of external affairs for TerraPower, which has signed an agreement with Centrus to collaborate on fueling its Natrium reactor in Wyoming, said in an email that the funding is "expected to spur job creation, technological advancement and boost the U.S. nuc ndustry's global competitiveness."

In August, Biden established a new national monument near the Grand Canyon, putting the site off-limits to future uranium mining. The move did not affect an existing uranium mine owned by Energy Fuels, which recently ramped up work as growing demand and global instability pushed uranium prices higher.

Though some environmentalists support nuc power, others say there are cheaper options and have voiced concerns that the country lacks a long-term plan for storage of nuclear waste. Still others have warned that radioactive dust from uranium mining could contaminate the drinking water of nearby communities.

Asked about these concerns, Curtis Moore, senior vice president of marketing and corporate development at Energy Fuels, said modern environmental regulations have made uranium mining much safer over the last half-century. He said the company's mine near the Grand Canyon poses "zero" risk to water supplies.

"To oppose modern uranium mining is akin to opposing electric vehicles today because cars in the '50s didn't have seat belts," Moore said. "It's really shortsighted. Uranium is absolutely essential to the fight against climate change."
submitted by Mkyhhd to energy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:49 Soninetz Surveysparrow vs Surveymonkey: Which One wins..Comparison

Surveysparrow vs Surveymonkey: Which One wins..Comparison
Looking to revolutionize your survey experience but torn between Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey? Check user reviews for customer satisfaction. Which platform will elevate your data collection game and provide the best value for your business needs? Dive into this comparison to uncover the features, pricing, reviews, analysis, and customer experience of both tools. Make an informed decision that aligns with your survey goals and maximizes efficiency. Are you ready to discover which survey tool will take your feedback processes for customers and organizations to the next level?
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When choosing between Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey, consider the key features each platform offers, such as ease of use, customization options, and reporting capabilities.
  • Understand the common use cases for each survey tool to determine which aligns best with your specific needs, whether it's collecting customer feedback, conducting market research, or evaluating employee satisfaction.
  • Take user ratings and reviews from customers into account to gauge user satisfaction and get insights into the strengths and weaknesses of Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey.
  • Compare the pricing plans of both platforms to find the one that fits your budget while still providing the necessary features and support.
  • Keep in mind that the decision between Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey should be based on your unique requirements and goals to ensure you select the most suitable survey tool for your projects.
  • By evaluating key features, use cases, user feedback, and pricing plans, you can make an informed choice between Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey that best suits your surveying needs.

Key Features Overview

Customization Options

Surveysparrow offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to create surveys that align with their branding. From color schemes to logos, personalizing the survey experience is seamless.
On the other hand, Surveymonkey also provides extensive customization features, enabling users to tailor surveys to their specific needs. This includes adding images, videos, and customizing themes for a professional touch.
Unleash the power of exceptional customer experiences! Dive into SurveySparrow's free trial and take your business to new heights! 🌈

Question Types

Both platforms support various question types, including multiple-choice, rating scales, and open-ended questions. This versatility ensures that users can gather diverse feedback effectively.

Integration Capabilities

Surveysparrow integrates seamlessly with popular tools like Zapier and Slack, streamlining data collection and analysis processes. This enhances workflow efficiency for users across different platforms.
Conversely, Surveymonkey offers a robust set of integration capabilities, connecting with tools such as Salesforce and Google Sheets. This enables users to sync survey data with their existing systems effortlessly.

Common Use Cases

Business Surveys

Surveysparrow is ideal for small businesses due to its affordable pricing plans and user-friendly interface. On the other hand, Surveymonkey caters well to large enterprises with its advanced features and customization options.

Customer Feedback

For collecting customer feedback, Surveysparrow's conversational surveys offer a more engaging experience, while Surveymonkey's robust analytics tools provide in-depth insights.

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When it comes to conducting employee satisfaction surveys, Surveysparrow's automation features streamline the process, whereas Surveymonkey's extensive question library allows for detailed feedback collection.

User Ratings and Reviews


Surveysparrow has garnered positive feedback from users for its user-friendly interface and easy customization options. Users appreciate its simplicity in creating surveys without the need for extensive training. The platform's interactive survey designs have also been praised for engaging respondents effectively.
  • Simple to use
  • User-friendly interface
  • Interactive survey designs
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial


Surveymonkey, on the other hand, is known for its comprehensive features and robust analytics tools. Users value the platform's ability to generate detailed reports and analyze data efficiently. Surveymonkey offers a wide range of survey distribution options, allowing users to reach their target audience effectively.
  • Comprehensive features
  • Robust analytics tools
  • Wide survey distribution options
Both platforms have received acclaim for their customer support services, with users highlighting the prompt responses and helpful guidance provided by their support teams. However, some users have raised concerns about occasional glitches in the survey creation process on both platforms.

Pricing Plans Comparison

Features Offered

  • Offers a free plan with basic features.
  • Provides paid plans starting at $19 per month.
  • Includes features like question branching and analytics.
  • Offers a free plan with limited questions and responses.
  • Paid plans start at $25 per month.
  • Provides advanced features like survey logic and custom branding.

Customization Options

  • Allows custom branding on all plans.
  • Offers white-labeling options for a professional look.
  • Provides customization of survey themes and templates.
  • Limited customization on the free plan.
  • Advanced customization available on paid plans.


  • Integrates with popular tools like Zapier and Slack.
  • Seamless integration with CRM systems for data synchronization.
  • Extensive integration options with third-party apps.

Support Services

  • Offers 24/7 customer support via chat and email.
  • Provides email support during business hours only.


You've now explored the key features, common use cases, user ratings, and pricing plans of Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey. Both platforms offer unique benefits tailored to different needs. Surveysparrow stands out for its user-friendly interface and conversational surveys, while Surveymonkey excels in its robust analytics and customization options. Consider your specific requirements to determine which platform aligns best with your goals.
Make an informed decision based on your priorities and objectives. Whether you prioritize ease of use, advanced analytics, or cost-effectiveness, both Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey have something valuable to offer. Choose the platform that resonates most with your needs and start creating impactful surveys today.
Level up your customer experience game! Get started with SurveySparrow's free trial today and watch your business flourish! 🌟

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey?

Surveysparrow offers conversational surveys, NPS surveys, offline surveys, and more. Surveymonkey provides customizable survey templates, data analysis tools, integration options, and advanced reporting features.

How can businesses use Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey?

Businesses can utilize Surveysparrow for customer feedback collection, employee engagement surveys, market research, and event feedback. Surveymonkey is suitable for customer satisfaction surveys, employee evaluations, academic research, and product feedback gathering.

What do users say about Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey?

Users appreciate Surveysparrow for its user-friendly interface, conversational survey approach, customer support. Surveymonkey users value its extensive template library, robust analytics tools, scalability options.

What are the pricing plans comparison between Surveysparrow and Surveymonkey?

Surveysparrow offers flexible pricing starting from $19 per month with a free plan available. Surveymonkey provides various plans starting from $25 per month with a free basic plan but includes limitations on responses and features.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:12 Potential-Arm-327 Gen 5 shiny starter problems

Hi! First of all my inglish is not good at all so apologies for that.
I am doing RNG in all generations but when I have reached 5 and I try to get a shiny starter it still never works, I have tried in b/w and in b/w2 and I have not been able to in any of them. I have followed im a blisey's guides on YouTube and some other youtubers, I have done everything they say: I have my profile made and calibrated in both games with their most common timers that I have taken, and all the other values ​​are fine too. The problem is that when I go to RNG reporter I put my profile that I want in this case the BW one I go to 5 gen time finder I put the year and month that I want, the min and max advances that I want in this case 0 because I don't want to do advances to find my shiny frame and I put the PIDRNG method and gift pokemon, I hit generate and give me different results and I choose the one I want. I put the seed on the main page of RNG reporter and I hit calculate initial PIDRNG frame and Likewise, everything seems fine and agrees with the time finder. I open adjacent seed tool and put my profile, +3 seconds just in case it doesn't come out the first time, min frame 0 and max frame 5 for the same reason I put the date that time finder gives me and the PIDRNG method and gift pokemon I give it to generate and everything agrees with the rest so I get ready to put the seconds in eon timer and the date in the DS. I simultaneously press start in eon timer and confirm the date and time in the DS, I wait for eon timer to start the game, I don't touch any key because that's how I have it in my profile until the star of the gamefreak logo appears and from there I repeatedly press the A key until I get the starter. I do the two fights and I see the nature of it when it stops. To my surprise, nature does not match anything in the adjacent seed tool, no matter how many extra seconds or frames I put in, although some match nature, I know that this is not my starter, because I have tried it so many times that I have given up and I have saved the game with the starter, I have extracted the sav with checkpoint and I have opened it with pkhex to see the pokemon info and when I see the PID I look for it in adjacent tool seed or time finder, none of them match. I have searched for it with a margin of 200 timer0 up and down and with a margin of 500 frames as well, I have searched for it among millions of results that it gives me and ordering it by PID and none of it still matches the PID of my starter, any idea that am I doing wrong? If I could find the PID I would know what I was doing wrong but I can't even find it, the only thing I can think of is my ds or cartridge are bad or idk maybe one of the values ​​in my profile like vcount vframe or gxstat is wrong but it surprises me because I have verified it several times and it always gives me the same ones results. Btw I'm not using a ds fat just a ds lite, 3.0.0 eon timer, 10.3.4 RNG reporter and 4.1.2 pokefinder. Thanks all for your time in advance!
submitted by Potential-Arm-327 to pokemonrng [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:32 FullDrive3332 Lenovo Legion Slim 5 (2024) or Lenovo Legion Pro 5 (2023) ?

Hi there :)
I need your help since my knowledge about computers is pretty basic and I need to make a decision. I am product designer and would use the computer for 3d modelling, rendering and some adobe programs. I am on a budget and I think Lenovo a good choose. I am between these 2 options:
  1. Lenovo Legion Slim 5 - 9th generation (2024) with the following configurations:
  1. Lenovo Legion Pro 5 - 8th generation (2023)
From what I heard the pro has a better performance but the battery with the HX processor is not the best.
I also check the Legion Pro 5 9th generation 2024, but the model I can afford only comes with the GeForce RTX™ 4060 and Intel® Core™ i7-14700HX Prozessor. Is it worth it ?
And the i also heard that the slim model don't have the same performance as the pro ( becase is "slimmer", but the difference on weight and size is minimal)
Base on these references which one do you think i a better fit for the job I need to do and why ? or do you have also other good suggestions budget friendly ? ( below the 2000€ )
Another concern is if it can be upgraded in the future and what. Do you know a bit more about this and what can be upgraded CPU and GPU ? I think the Slim model 2024 can't be upgraded since pieces are welded. Is it true ?
huge thank you for your help !
submitted by FullDrive3332 to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:12 ridion3D u/Kaidan-Alenko is my alt-account. I will be using this account for everything 3D printing and electronics related from now on.

The logo is AI-generated. The AI itself came up with the idea of merging "ID" and "IO", which I think is pretty clever.
submitted by ridion3D to u/ridion3D [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:10 monotvtv Best Online Work Ideas

Hey everyone,
With the continuous growth of remote work, I wanted to share some of the best online work ideas for 2024. Whether you're looking to start a side hustle or transition to full-time online work, here are some opportunities to consider:
  1. Freelance Writing and Editing: If you have a knack for words, freelance writing and editing can be a lucrative option. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer offer numerous gigs in various niches.
  2. Virtual Assistant: Many businesses and entrepreneurs need help with administrative tasks. As a virtual assistant, you can manage emails, schedule appointments, and handle other tasks remotely.
  3. Online Tutoring and Teaching: With the rise of online education, platforms like VIPKid, Teachable, and Coursera offer opportunities to teach various subjects to students worldwide.
  4. Social Media Management: Companies and individuals are always looking for help managing their social media presence. If you're good at creating engaging content and growing online communities, this might be for you.
  5. Graphic Design: If you have a talent for design, you can offer services like logo creation, web design, and more on platforms like 99designs or Canva.
  6. E-commerce: Starting an online store through platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or Amazon can be a great way to sell products, whether they are handmade crafts, vintage items, or dropshipping goods.
  7. Content Creation: With platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok, content creation has become a viable career path. If you have a passion or expertise in a particular area, creating videos or streams can attract a large audience and generate income through ads and sponsorships.
  8. Affiliate Marketing: By promoting products and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral links, you can make money through your blog, social media, or website.
  9. Online Surveys and Market Research: While not the most lucrative option, participating in online surveys and market research studies can provide some extra income. Websites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie are popular choices.
  10. Software Development and IT Services: If you have skills in coding or IT, there are many remote job opportunities in software development, cybersecurity, and tech support.
  11. Online Coaching and Consulting: If you have expertise in a particular field, offering coaching or consulting services online can be highly profitable. Platforms like Clarity.fm and Coach.me can help you get started.
  12. Digital Marketing: Helping businesses grow their online presence through SEO, PPC, email marketing, and other digital strategies is in high demand. Many companies prefer hiring remote digital marketers.
  13. Remote Customer Service: Companies are increasingly hiring remote customer service representatives. If you have good communication skills and enjoy helping people, this could be a good fit.
  14. Stock Photography and Videography: If you enjoy photography or videography, selling your work on platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, and Getty Images can be a great way to earn passive income.
submitted by monotvtv to BestBusiness_ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:43 JessLector Last 7 days jobs for you - (38 New Jobs) from evirtualassistants.com

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Thank you eVirtualAssistants Team
submitted by JessLector to VirtualAssistants_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:39 Aryavarta38 White Label Travel Portal Development

White Label Travel Portal Development
What Is White Label Travel Portal Development?
A white-label travel portal is a website or platform that enables travel agents, tour operators, and other businesses to offer travel products and services to their customers under their own branding.
A white-label travel portal easily empowers the creation of customized tour packages that support every part of your customers' travel needs. With the enhancement of travel technology, various travel organizations spread widely across several travel products, seamlessly using white-label solutions.
A white-label travel portal can also be integrated with a third-party API, which allows us to easily incorporate travel inventory (rates and availability) from worldwide suppliers in a travel agent's travel portal to sell the flight, hotel, package, transfers, and activity online with faster response and up-to-date and dynamic travel data to improve the customer experience.
A white-label travel portal development company concentrates on creating visually appealing and user-friendly websites for travel agencies, providing a seamless user experience, and incorporating essential features for travel bookings into their white-label travel websites.
Why We Need White Label Travel Portal Development?
White-label travel portals typically include a range of features and tools that empower the travel agency or tour operator to handle and sell a wide variety of travel products, such as flights, hotels, car rentals, and tour packages.
Any travel agent, tour operator, and hospitality provider can take advantage of the white-label portal. It helps them book flights, hotel accommodations, tours, activities, and more. With a single dashboard that integrates all your tools into single place, you’ll be able to offer customers an easy booking experience with increased efficiency on your end.
One of the key features of a white-label travel portal is the ability to tailor the branding to match the travel agency's or tour operator’s branding. This includes the use of their logo, colour scheme, and other visual elements. This creates a seamless and consistent brand experience for clients, from the initial search to the booking confirmation.
It helps you concentrate on your brand and image and sell your services while simplifying the transformation process for your customers. It streamlines the travel agencies' tasks and makes services available to travelers.
The portal facilitates travel agents, tour operators, and web portal consolidators to sell, manage, and collaborate with their B2C customers and B2B partners and suppliers. It is a 100% web-based system.
Why White Label Solution Is Beneficial for Travel Agents and Tour Operators?
White-labelling is an effective way of reaching customers and increasing sales and ROI. The white label is very straightforward and easy to use. With white label integration, the website responds immediately with dynamic flight, rental car, hotel, and holiday packaging data, including rates and availability.
Implementing white label technology on your website works as an online travel agency, and white label booking engines will turn your website into an entire travel portal.
White-label travel solutions can empower a travel agent to earn a lot of revenue and facilitate their customers with outstanding services, all under the name of the customer brand. White-label travel solutions can also permit you to take advantage of your business's branding to offer a product without putting resources into innovation creation around the solution.
It helps you to concentrate on the brand, your image build-up, and selling your services while simplifying the transformation for your customers. It simplifies the work of travel agents and makes the services accessible to travelers.
Why Choose Travelopro White Label Travel Portal Development?
Choosing the right white-label travel portal for your travel agency is crucial for your business’s success. It helps to streamline the booking process, allowing you to deliver great user experiences. It also helps you reduce costs and increase efficiency.
Travelopro is truly a global travel technology company offering online enterprise white-label travel solutions that allow complete automation of travel companies in a cost-effective manner. We understand the essence of the travel industry and bring solutions that streamline the business processes of small to large travel agencies, tour operators, and car rental service providers.
We offer a range of technology products to enable travel agencies and suppliers with the right solutions and facilitate our clients with the right tools to help them provide an enhanced travel booking experience to their customers.
Under one roof, we provide a plethora of travel services to our customers, involving travel consolidators, travel suppliers, independent hotels, and car rentals. We help automate businesses and simplify the requirements of staff, corporate, B2B, B2C, and mobile bookings.
Our White Label solution enables agencies to setup their own branded B2B booking system, providing them with access to over 300,000 hotels globally at competitive rates. Start your online travel business instantly, without the need to engage expensive developers.
We influence the travel technology market with innovative business solutions and strive to be a one-stop shop for all your travel technology requirements. We at White Label develop travel portals that can generate monetary returns for you with every single click.
Through the white label solutions, the customer can get multiple inventory sources for their booking. Moreover, the dynamic packages can help boost the travel business as the travel products can be easily accessed by customers.
What Are the White Label Travel Portal Development Advantages for Businesses in The Travel and Tourism Industry?
· Faster Time-to-Market
· Cost-effective
· Scalability
· Reduced Technical Expertise Requirements
· Customization
· Access to Features and Services
· Maintenance and Support
· Established Reputation
· Risk Mitigation
· Focus on Core Business
· Compliance and Security
· Integration Opportunities
Our Specialized White Label Travel Portal Development Solutions
We provide you travel portal development service such as White Label Flight Booking System, White Label Hotel Booking System, White Label Car Booking System, White Label Cruise Booking System, White Label Transfer Booking System, White Label Sightseeing Booking System, White Label Activities Booking System, White Label Package Booking System, and more.
· White Label Hotel Booking System
· White Label Flight Booking System
· White Label Car Booking System
· White Label Cruise Booking System
· White Label Transfer Booking System
· White Label Sightseeing Booking System
· White Label Activities Booking System
· White Label Package Booking System
For more details, Pls visit our website:
submitted by Aryavarta38 to u/Aryavarta38 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:54 acornsales22 Unlocking Creativity: The Timeless Appeal of Rubber Stamps

In today's digital age, where technology reigns supreme, there's something uniquely nostalgic and charming about the humble rubber stamp. From personalizing stationery to adding flair to crafts, rubber stamps have been a staple in creative endeavors for generations. In this blog post, we'll explore the enduring appeal of rubber stamps and their versatile applications in both personal and professional settings.
The History of Rubber Stamps:
Rubber stamps have a rich history that dates back to the mid-19th century. With the invention of vulcanized rubber by Charles Goodyear, the manufacturing process of rubber stamps became possible. Initially used for marking addresses and dates on documents, rubber stamps quickly evolved into a beloved tool for businesses, crafters, and hobbyists alike.
Versatility in Creativity:
One of the most remarkable aspects of rubber stamps is their versatility. Whether you're a seasoned crafter, a teacher, or a business professional, rubber stamps offer endless opportunities for creativity. From embellishing handmade cards and scrapbooks to adding logos and signatures to documents, the possibilities are truly limitless.
Personalization and Customization:
Rubber stamps provide a simple yet effective way to personalize and customize various items. With custom rubber stamps, you can add your name, address, or monogram to stationery, envelopes, and more. Additionally, businesses can use rubber stamps to imprint their logo or branding on packaging, business cards, and promotional materials, creating a professional and cohesive look.
Educational Tools:
Rubber stamps are also valuable educational tools for teachers and parents. They can be used to create engaging learning activities, reward systems, and visual aids for students of all ages. From marking assignments with encouraging messages to creating hands-on activities for learning, rubber stamps can make learning fun and interactive.
The Joy of Handcrafted Creations:
In today's digital world, there's something deeply satisfying about creating handcrafted items using rubber stamps. Whether you're making homemade gifts, party decorations, or artwork, the tactile experience of stamping adds an element of joy and authenticity to your creations. With a wide range of designs and styles available, you can let your imagination run wild and bring your ideas to life with rubber stamps.
In conclusion, rubber stamps continue to hold a special place in our hearts and homes, offering a timeless appeal that transcends generations. From their rich history to their versatile applications in creativity, rubber stamps inspire us to unleash our imagination and express ourselves in unique and meaningful ways. So why not add a stamp of creativity to your life today?
Whether you're a seasoned crafter, a teacher, or a business professional, rubber stamps offer endless opportunities for creativity and self-expression. Let your creativity soar with rubber stamps and discover the joy of handcrafted creations.
submitted by acornsales22 to u/acornsales22 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:31 PyTsRs I made a QR code API as a service with the most advanced features with 5-50x better price than the others for you

Hi, I'm Liam - the creator of QR-API.com that just launched on PH: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/qr-api-com.
Looking at existing QR code API solutions, I see that either they are too expensive - subscription plan only give you a few thousands requests per month, or too simple - no advanced styling for QR code. So, I decided to enhance the experience of QR code API to the next level: most powerful features and keep building, with 5-50x better price, no monthly subscription - pay credits for what you need.
Currently, the bellow features are working: - API for static QR code - Log, track and export report for API requests - Upload and manage logos - Multiple API keys, set specific limit quota for each key - Save QR code config as preset (template), make endpoint cleaner And I plan to bring more features: - Bulk QR codes generate - More advanced templates: QR code embeded in vCard, WiFi sticker,... - QR code reader - Nocode platforms integration
This is my first public indie product (actually the first is a bitly clone, but I don't think I will public it), I hope you can try it and give me feedback with free 1000 quota. Love to hear from you all.
PS: I have some discount for you, too: PH50OFF (first 10 purchases) and PH30OFF (first 50 purchases).
submitted by PyTsRs to SideProject [link] [comments]



Since we all know exactly who and what Spongebob is, I am going to do a Numerology decode.
When it comes to Numerology, there are many different things you can look into. I am going to look into the letters, patterns, and Numerology personality numbers.
SPONGEBOB has a personality #6. 6 is the number of compassion, work ethic, criticism, cleanliness, and productivity. In the funny show, we see that Spongebob is a workaholic. He has a 5 destiny number which shapes who you are overall. 5 is connected to youthfulness which explains the silliness of the Spongebob character. He is always laughing and doing things funny. The 5 energy indicates this. 5 also points to people, places, and things that are unique. He has an 8 soul urge which explains his undying ambition and creativity.
We can see that SPONGEBOB has 2 O's which has the numeric energy of 15 and numeric value of 6. 15 is the creative use of energy for productivity. Again, 6 is the number of routine, work ethic and productivity goes with this. This energy is not only his personality number, but also it is within his name. It's really in him.
SPONGEBOB HAS DOUBLE NUMERIC VALUES IN HIS NAME WHICH ARE, 7,6,5, AND 2. This explains why he is able to show his emotions and have moments of sensitivity(2). Very compassionate(2) but also childish and silly(5) and able to come up with plans that work(7). Since these #s has double influence, we must considered what they equal. 7 twice equals 14/5 which shows how he is responsible and can make work fun even though it is a duty(6). 6 twice equals 12/3 which shows his social skills, life, and creativity. Another youthful energy as well. 5 twice equals 10/1 which points to his bravery and capability to take action. 2 twice equals 4 which is home,family,responsibility, and structure on the home front and he would make everyone feel comfortable for the most part.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:22 belltestchamber UN38.3 Standard Requirements for Lithium Battery Production

UN 38.3 Standard Testing Items & Procedures

The UN 38.3 standard includes the following 8 detection items:
For lithium batteries or lithium battery packs, a total of 7 items of tests T1 → T5, T6, and T7 are required. However, for lithium battery cells, T1 → T5, T6 and T8 tests are required. Among them, T6, T7, and T8 tests need to use separate samples. And T1 → T5 test sequentially tests the same sample.

Comparison of UN 38.3 & International Standards

Compared with other international lithium battery standards, the temperature cycling conditions specified in the UN38.3 standard are more demanding and longer. Other international standard test items generally use separate samples for testing. However, the T1 → T5 test in the UN 38.3 standard tests the same sample in sequence. The previous test may have a negative impact on the next test, resulting in failure to pass the test. If the lithium battery submitted for inspection is tested for T1 → T5 in the UN 38.3 standard, there will be one item unqualified. Enterprises need to re-test UN3813 standard after process improvement, which will greatly extend the testing cycle.
It can be known from Table 1 that compared with the international standard IEC 62133, the high and low temperature exposure time of the temperature cycling item in the UN 38.3 standard is up to 6 hours, and the low temperature test temperature is -40 ± 2 ° C. The temperature cycle of the temperature cycle test is larger and the test cycle is longer. It is easier to cause the internal materials of the battery cell to decompose and generate gas. In the case of problems in the production process, when the gas generated during the temperature shock reaches a certain pressure, the gas is likely to leak from the weak point of the battery case or the internal seal, resulting in substandard phenomena such as gas leakage and liquid leakage.

Analysis of UN 38.3 Standard Test Results & Causes

First case

In the UN 38.3 standard, the lithium batteries tested in the temperature cycling project are fully charged (100% SOC). Therefore, when subjected to a long-term temperature shock, relatively serious side reactions may occur inside the battery, generating a large amount of gas. If there is a problem with the manufacturing process of the battery, when a certain amount of air pressure is accumulated, the gas and the electrolyte may leak from the gap in the case or the place where the solder is welded.
Problems in the manufacturing process may have the following conditions:
  1. The welding of the battery case and the cap is not firm and not sealed;
  2. There are missing welds, false welds and cracks, and welds have cracks, cracks, etc .;
  3. When the steel ball is sealed, the size of the steel ball is improper, and the material of the steel ball is different from that of the cap;
  4. The positive pole of the cap is not tightly riveted, and there is a gap;
  5. The elasticity of the insulating gasket is not suitable, it is not resistant to corrosion, and it is easy to age.
Problems such as mass loss, leakage, and exhaust during the UN 38.3 standard temperature cycle are mainly related to the manufacturing process. Anatomy of the leaked battery revealed that the battery was subjected to uneven force during assembly, which caused the internal insulation plate of the battery to deform, causing the battery to leak at the insulation plate.

Second Case

In addition, the test also found that some lithium batteries have no mass loss, no leakage, no exhaust, no disintegration, no cracking and no combustion after the temperature cycle test. However, due to the chemical reaction between the positive and negative electrode active materials and the electrolyte inside the battery during the temperature shock, a certain amount of gas was generated, which caused a bulging phenomenon during the test.
However, the swollen lithium battery is more difficult to pass the vibration test during the next high acceleration and long time vibration test. The battery is likely to produce gas leaks and leaks, resulting in excessive quality loss and ultimately failing the vibration test. This requires lithium battery manufacturers in the research and development stage, in addition to continuous improvement of electrical performance, but also must fully consider the adverse impact of temperature shock on lithium battery materials.
Starting with lithium battery materials, the stability of each chemical material at the test temperature specified in the temperature cycle of 75 ℃,-40 ℃, and the transition points between 75 ℃ and-40 ℃ was investigated. Find out which materials are liable to generate gas at the test temperature. Through a large number of experiments to improve the process of these materials, or to find other alternative materials, to seek a better balance between the electrical performance and safety performance of lithium batteries.

Third Case

In another case, the lithium cell that swelled during the temperature cycle passed the subsequent vibration and shock tests. However, the large amount of gas generated internally during the temperature cycle adversely affects the welding parts around the shell. The pressure shock of the gas directly causes the welding strength to weaken in some areas. In the external short-circuit test after the impact test, the lithium single-cell battery rapidly heated up, and a large amount of gas continued to be generated inside the case. When the internal pressure of the shell rises to a certain value, the gas is released from the area where the welding strength becomes weak, causing the shell to rupture. As a result, the external short-circuit test cannot be passed.
The following test chambers are used in the standard UN 38.3:
submitted by belltestchamber to DGBELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:49 No-Power6858 Arcane knights.

Arcane knights deserve a buff. Mage armor should get a bit stronger, there should be an upgrade that makes it so that instead of hits getting rid of the armor, time does, like resilience from warriors. I know that mage barrier would just make you immortal, but with the work it takes to become a strong arcane knight, you're already incredibly strong. Arcane blade is already super powerful, but there should be different mage armors for when you become an arcane knight. Your only choices are endgame, even thuramiam plate is endgame because it requires you killing Valeran. I think there should be different mage armors, heres two ideas: (note: if I have another idea I'll make another post) (another note:yes, i dont know how to edit posts)
strengthened thuramiam plate. Found in the icemist underlevels at a randomly generated chest (they say, the Queen. Herself blessed this armor and gave it to a relative, since then, the relative has disappeared)(resistance is the same among all the armor in the set) chestplate: armor value:5 mana value:20 spirit resist:5 shock resist:5 fire resist:20. Leggings:same as chestplate Boots: armor value:4 mana value:10 gloves: armor value:3 mana value:5 (+1 strength) helmet: amor value:4 mana value:10 (+1 awareness) shield: armor value:4 health value:14 (+5 to all resistances) chances:helmet:12% gloves:6% leggings:3% boots:2.4% chestplate:1.68% shield: 0.1% gold: 100-1200:100% (when worn, the set looks like plate mail)
Defective thuramiam plate. Sold by basic merchants. (They say, when wearing this armor, it takes your powers)chestplate: armor value:2 mana value:-5 spirit resist:5 fire resist:5 cold resist:-5 leggings: same as chestplate. Gloves: armor value:1 mana value:-5 spirit resist:5 fire resist:5 cold resist-5 boots: amor value:2 (-1 agility) mana value:-5 ice resist:-5 helmet: armor value:1 (-1 awareness) mana value:-5 fire resist:5 ice resist:-5 (when worn set looks like chainmail)
Skill idea: arcane shield: "as an arcane knight, you've learned to hold heavier shields than bucklers" 5000g level 1: you can hold all shields and they gain +1 to their armor value (one skill point)level two: all shields gain two to their armor and an extra 10 to all your resistances when welding a shield ( two skill points) max level (yes there is only two levels to it)
Just cool ideas, maybe if someone decides to mod the game or something, anyways, what do you think of these ideas? For those who can barely read this because it's so cramped, I'm sorry.
submitted by No-Power6858 to ExiledKingdoms [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:27 nonacrina The fertilizer ad campaign is not an approved collaboration with Stardew Valley

Hi all! You may have seen the Miracle-Gro/Walmart ad campaign that seems to feature Stardew Valley. The ad is currently running on reddit, and has been posted several times to this subreddit.
We have been removing posts regarding this campaign, since we do not want to support visiblity of the advertisement and we have rules against AI-generated content. But we have now heard from u/ColitoCole; who works for ConcernedApe and has said the following:
"Hello everyone! Cole here, speaking on behalf of ConcernedApe and Stardew Valley. I want to clarify that we are not involved with this promotion in any way. We were not consulted about this so it was not something we approved or are participated in. I believe company who set this up (ThecePlay) was trying to focus on "farming games" or those with gardening involved, to match this promotion they are doing for Miracle Gro. Originally they used the Stardew Valley [logo] on the main page so we asked them to take it down, which they did. Hope that clears things up!"
Thanks to everyone who wanted to raise awareness of this—it successfully reached the people who needed to hear it! This post will be the only one we allow to remain up for discussion. Any further posts regarding the ad campaign will be removed for promotion/AI and redirected here. Thank you!
submitted by nonacrina to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:28 loicmc Help me find this shirt

Help me find this shirt
And understand what is up with the print. It almost look AI generated… But why ? I bought this shirt from a thrift store a couple years ago. I tried reverse image searching it on Google and some of the "logos" too but nothing came up.
submitted by loicmc to findfashion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:27 watkykjypoes23 Wanted to share these resources to protect your work from AI

You may have heard of the tools Nightshade and Glaze, but in case you haven’t, they’re tools that work defensively and offensively to protect your work from being scraped off the internet to train AI models. Both are made by the University of Chicago.
Glaze is a system designed to protect human artists by disrupting style mimicry. At a high level, Glaze works by understanding the AI models that are training on human art, and using machine learning algorithms, computing a set of minimal changes to artworks, such that it appears unchanged to human eyes, but appears to AI models like a dramatically different art style.
Nightshade works similarly as Glaze, but instead of a defense against style mimicry, it is designed as an offense tool to distort feature representations inside generative AI image models. Like Glaze, Nightshade is computed as a multi-objective optimization that minimizes visible changes to the original image. While human eyes see a shaded image that is largely unchanged from the original, the AI model sees a dramatically different composition in the image. For example, human eyes might see a shaded image of a cow in a green field largely unchanged, but an AI model might see a large leather purse lying in the grass.
Trained on a sufficient number of shaded images that include a cow, a model will become increasingly convinced cows have nice brown leathery handles and smooth side pockets with a zipper, and perhaps a lovely brand logo.
These models work most effectively the more people use them. Here’s some links to download or read more:
submitted by watkykjypoes23 to graphic_design [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:56 SuperIntHuman Build Yourself as a Social Media Manager and Beyond

Creating a simulation project is an excellent way for beginners in social media management (SMM) to build a portfolio and gain practical experience. Here's a detailed guide on setting up and managing a fictional business's social media as part of a simulation to demonstrate your capabilities as an SMM:
"For beginners not well-versed in graphic design and branding, focus on simple, achievable tasks using user-friendly tools like Canva."

Step 1: Choose a Business and Define Its Brand

Step 2: Create Brand Elements

Step 3: Develop a Social Media Strategy

Step 4: Create a Content Calendar

Step 5: Produce and Schedule Content

Step 6: Simulate Engagement and Analytics

Step 7: Evaluate and Adjust Your Strategy

Step 8: Compile Your Work Into a Portfolio

By following these steps, you can create a robust simulation of social media management for a fictional business. This can serve as a showcase of your skills and abilities in the field of social media management. This experience not only enhances your portfolio but also boosts your confidence when applying for real-world SMM positions or freelance opportunities.
submitted by SuperIntHuman to VirtualEmployeePH [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:39 yoursmombestfriend Is this a fake Studio Series 21 Starscream?

Is this a fake Studio Series 21 Starscream?
I ordered this from china and it didn’t come with the instructions to transform it ,no papers or anything. The whole box and figure has a weird smell to it too.
submitted by yoursmombestfriend to transformers [link] [comments]
