Torus mandibularis

Noticeable shadowing in the x ray regio 35

2024.05.03 10:09 fuckthefinanclsystem Noticeable shadowing in the x ray regio 35

Noticeable shadowing in the x ray regio 35
Does somebody know what that noticeable shadowing in the X-ray regio 35 is? The patient has no complaints, no torus mandibularis visible on intraoral inspection. Existing for years, no tendency for spreading. Is this an exostosis? What are your suspicions?
submitted by fuckthefinanclsystem to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 16:52 Branseed Torus mandibularis and singing? Should I go through surgery?

I have a Torus mandibularis which is a bone-like formation inside my mouth. I realized I can't really have my tongue flat or lower because that's in the way. I will link an image as reference (mine is similar to this)
I know I can remove it surgically. Should I do it? How much does that affect my singing? When I started singing I already had that so I have no idea if taking that off will make it better for me to sing.
submitted by Branseed to singing [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 15:22 pedalplay84 Is this torus mandibularis? Hardish bump in my lower mouth.

Is this torus mandibularis? Hardish bump in my lower mouth.
A few weeks back, I felt a cut in my lower mouth. Over the next week or so the cut healed, but left a bump. I do grind my teeth at night, and after some research torus mandibularis kept coming up, especially under images. I am 39 years old, drink beer regularly, use ZYN (nicotine punches, not tobacco). Any thoughts, should I worry?

submitted by pedalplay84 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 18:10 Ellsaroo Looks like a bit of my torus mandibularis just.....came out

After posting about a random piece of bone coming out of my gum. Seems part of my torus just decided to leave the building.
Due to the issues it was causing me when the piece of bone was coming out (it came out in over a number of weeks, with larges bit earlier this week) I've been referred to the NHS dental hospital to see if i need treatment.
Google isn't being particularly helpful at telling me about similar cases. Maybe it's just a thing that sometimes happens.
submitted by Ellsaroo to askadentist [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 15:54 Responsible-Meal4066 Torus mandibularis

Good afternoon,
Have any of the dentists in the group seen torus mandibularis? Did the patient have to undergo surgery? Is it an easy surgery?
submitted by Responsible-Meal4066 to Toothfully [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 15:53 Responsible-Meal4066 Torus mandibularis

Good afternoon,
Have any of the dentists in the group seen torus mandibularis? Did the patient have to undergo surgery? Is it an easy surgery?
submitted by Responsible-Meal4066 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 17:03 bs2k2_point_0 Healing and type for Torus mandibularis

First time poster here. I’ve known I’ve needed dentures for awhile. But I’ve put them off as long as possible due to my age, and cost. However, I’m fast approaching the point of no return where I’ll have no choice but to have full dentures.
I still have a good number of teeth/crowns that will need to be pulled (20+). I also have always been a tooth grinder / clencher in my sleep, and a bad one at that. I clench and grind so hard that I have some pretty awful bone growths (Torus mandibularis? if I have the right term?) around the lower jaw on the inside, which I’m told will interfere with being able to wear a denture without implant supports on the bottom, and my dentist is recommending bone grafts as well due to my age. The grinding is so bad I’ve worn down flat all of the remaining crowns on my molars within just a few years. So I definitely need something that won’t break down so quickly, or can withstand the pressure.
I work an office job that allows 50/50 wfh. Realistically from your experience, how long should I expect to be off from work after the initial extractions so I can plan? I am taking a decent amount of time off for a new baby due in a few months, so I need to plan accordingly for this procedure, not only for my job, but also to still be able to support my wife and new child. With my issues of grinding and clenching, what type would you recommend is best for me? Permanent? The implant supported kind that comes out at night? Any particular materials? I’m only in my 40’s, so longevity is important.
Thank you all for your advice, and I look forward to smiling again with you all
submitted by bs2k2_point_0 to dentures [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 01:39 nakedokie67 The wrong treatment

After I was discharged from active duty I was evaluated and rated as 70% Disabled. While I was on active duty i had a sleep study and have obstructive sleep apnea. My blood oxygen saturation dropped to 67% during the test i wasnt prescribed a cpap. Insteadi was sent to an oral maxilofacial surgeon and after several visits and adjustments i went home with a dental device called somnident. It fits upper and lower teeth and pulls your lower jaw forward. I also grind my teeth in my sleep so this caused one problem. It would take at least two hours to get my bite straight the bext morning. I couldnt chew for a couple of hours. Then about 2 years later i had tori removed from my mouth, upper and lower if you don' know what it is google torus mandibularis these 4 bone cutting and removing operations obviously.changed the inside of my mouthand i was never given or offered any oyher treatmentfor my sleep apnea. That was all while still on active duty. Now 23 months ago i had a stroke. My neuro surgeon asked if i had apnea and asked why i wasnt using my cpap. I was never given one nor any other apnea remedy after my oral surgery. Shouldnt this be considered by any medical review if i file to increase my disability fromb79-100%? Youbcan dm me with replies since i domt come on here often
submitted by nakedokie67 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2023.09.01 23:09 jekkins31 Successful treatment without antibiotics?? Is it possible

I need some advice. Since the beginning of 2022, every time I get a cold, a sinus infection follows. I have kids, so I’m getting a cold every 2/3 months.
I went thru the same thing in 2012 when I was nanny (i guess kids are my downfall here)- got surgery to fix it and was infection free up until 2022.
My recent CT came up perfect, apparently I have a very clear and opened passage. What can be causing this to happen? And how can I treat it without taking antibiotics each time. Amoxicillin helps but I feel like a crazy person running to my ENT each time to stick a scope down my nose and prescribe me antibiotics. 3 rounds of amoxicillin and 1 z-pack in the past year. I hate it!!!!
Adding my CT results below. My ENT says it’s good, but Maybe someone else has experience with these “findings”.
FINDINGS: Comparison: 9/17/2013. Paranasal sinuses: Pneumatized paranasal sinuses are clear. Aifluid levels: None. Bony margins of sinuses: The left frontal sinus is undeveloped. The left maxillary sinus is hypoplastic. There has been partial ethmoidectomies. The right middle turbinate has been resected. The uncinate processes have been resected. Mastoids: Clear bilaterally. Orbital soft tissues: Intra orbital soft tissues are intact and symmetric. Orbital bones: Intact. Other bones: The nasal bones, zygomatic arches, pterygoid plates are intact. There remains mild torus palatinus. The temporal mandibular joints are intact. There is moderate torus mandibularis, series 601 image 2. Nasal septum: Deviated to the right. Nasal cavity & nasopharynx: No mass. Ostiomeatal units: Surgically wide open. The lamina papyracea, fovea ethmoidalis and cribriform plates are intact. Brain: No hydrocephalus or midline shift in this limited evaluation. IMPRESSION: The pneumatized paranasal sinuses remain clear. Postsurgical changes are redemonstrated with wide open ostiomeatal units. Again seen is a hypoplastic left maxillary sinus and aplasia of the left frontal sinus. Nasal septum remains deviated to the right. There remains mild torus palatinus. Now within the field-of-view is moderate torus mandibularis.
submitted by jekkins31 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2023.08.13 21:35 ledaveee Sharing what I do to manage my severe bruxism

Sharing for posterity, in case it helps others now or in future.
My bruxism (clenching more than grinding) is severe, has been for years and years. The tension headaches I would wake up with became debilitating (and went from once and awhile when I was younger to daily… which is when I knew I needed to do something). My mandible is also growing bone spurs caused by the extra pressure (exostosis and torus mandibularis).
I'm male, nearly 40 Edit: also adding that I’m 6’1/175lbs
Here's what I do to manage (but not completely eliminate) it:
-50 units botox each masseter (6 months now). I want to try more if the doctor will allow me. My masseter muscle shrunk in size within 3 months, so cosmetically I'm very happy. My face is MUCH thinner. But it alone did not stop my bruxing or headaches and so I had to try everything else you see below.
-Full coverage NTI mouthguard on upper teeth (ie, only lets my front teeth contact, and provides molars from touching). For a time I didn't wear it as it was also causing me headaches as it doesn't stop the clenching. But I'm getting used to it and I really want to stop my back teeth from clenching. It also stops me from biting my check lining in the night.
-400mg magnesium glycinate + 400 mg l-theanine + 10mg amitriptyline before bed
-edit: also just tried applying Volteran gel to my masseter
-Applying heat to the masseter
-Physiotherapy - dry needling (IMS) in traps, back of the neck, and masseter. I've also been doing back exercises to fix my bad posture
-Masseter stretches as found on youtube (this one is good:
-Made an effort to be mindful and completely stopped clenching during the day. Stopped chewing gum, and ice (a bad habit of mine). To help, I wear my nightguard during the day especially when working at the computer to stop mindless clenching and cheek biting.
-Minimize caffeine. Two cups of coffee in the morning, no caffeine after 11am to allow time for caffeine to leave my system
-Limit alcohol (love beer, but if I drink it I clench)
-edit: thought of one more. Proper sleep temperature. If my room is too cold at night, I clench
I tried sleeping on my back, but I would shift in the night and clench. So I sleep on my side and hope I stay in one position.
I invested in a good mattress. Pillow top firm. I have tried every pillow imaginable (cervical, buckwheat, feather, water) and nothing helped. I'm now using a $4 pillow from walmart.
My doctor said I should manage stress. That's hard. Plus I believe my problem is more genetic. I tried meditating, did not help. I tried some massage (thai massage, RMT), and while it felt good, it did not help the bruxing.
Any questions or other suggestions, let me know!
submitted by ledaveee to bruxism [link] [comments]

2023.07.22 05:11 polarbearspancakes Do you have torus mandibularis?

Just curious- how many of us suffering from tmj have torus mandibularis (bony growths on the inside of the lower jaw)?
View Poll
submitted by polarbearspancakes to TMJ [link] [comments]

2023.04.11 16:01 jekkins31 Ct results 10 years after sinus surgery

Ct results 10 years after sinus surgery
I’m attaching a pic of my recent ct results. I think it looks ok? No idea what hypoplastic and aplasia is though…
I’ve had a bad winter, 3 sinus infections, all after colds/viral…after being clear for 10 years. My ent said my sinuses are open, very little inflammation, there’s not a need for another surgery, and that my infections must be coming from allergies, even though I told him they come on right after a cold.
I currently have a cold, my right nostril is blocked. I’m dreading next week. At this point, I feel like I can’t have one without the other.
submitted by jekkins31 to Sinusitis [link] [comments]

2022.08.27 00:46 Impressive_Try_8788 Hard bump on floor of mouth. Possibly torus mandibularis?

So I only noticed this today and not sure honestly if I've had it long or all my life. I only paid attention today as I looked in my mouth because I've had issues with my teeth "popping" for lack of a better word. They just feel like they slightly shift back into place after eating or clamping down. That feeling has happened mainly on the side with the bump but also the opposite lower and upper side so I assume it's unrelated.
The bump itself is very hard and sticks out a bit towards the inside of the mouth. There is also a darker tint to the flesh around it that I think can be seen in the images. I don't drink or smoke in any way and as far as I know have no dental issues as of my last visit which I believe was about 2 years ago at this point. I do feel a slight pressure maybe is a good description around the canine on that side of the mouth on the outer jaw. It may honestly just be in my head or due to my tongue messing with that area because of the popping feeling lately.
I know going to the dentist is the main move here but due to some issues that may not be possible for a bit so I'm hoping to get any kind of answers or hard push to see a dentist ASAP if needed of course. Thanks in advance for any info.
EDIT: I do have issues grinding my teeth and clenching my jaw while awake and asleep. I've also been told I can sometimes actually make a quick and loud full on bite while asleep.
submitted by Impressive_Try_8788 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2022.06.19 16:56 DoppelgangerCabaret Torus mandibularis or something else (sorry for my gross stained teeth)?

Torus mandibularis or something else (sorry for my gross stained teeth)? submitted by DoppelgangerCabaret to askdentists [link] [comments]

2021.05.14 05:58 djvam Dose torus mandibularis result in gum lesions?

I have known I've had both inner torus mandibularis and the outer lower gumline (buccal exostosis?) for over a decade now. I was always told it presents no danger. Sadly I developed a chronic pain condition that results in jaw clenching (I wear a guard). The increased stress forces have caused my tori to grow exponentially this year in both the outer and inner lower gum lining below my teeth. Do they break through the gums and result in open wounds eventually? They are starting to get very sore and growing extremely large suddenly.
submitted by djvam to askdentists [link] [comments]

2021.05.12 12:17 Sparkles1304 Does anyone have torus mandibularis and does invisalign make it worse?

Hi all,
I have made the decision to get invisalign, hope to start in a few months. It took me a while to get to the decision as I was worried about it making my gum recession worse but looking at all of your results I am going to give it a go
I have an appointment today to check a couple of very small bumps I noticed in my lower jaw under my tongue. I have a horrible sickening feeling they are torus mandibularis 😭 I am now worried that invisalign may make them grow bigger and wondered if anyone here has them and if they noticed a change in them following invisalign?
Tia for your help 😊
submitted by Sparkles1304 to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2019.10.20 07:13 onefourtygreenstream Mysterious boney bumps

22F, no medications, 5'3", 200lbs, non-smoker, no chronic or recent medical issues
A few months ago, a very small bump appeared on the inside of my jaw bone. My google-fu told me that it was a mild case of torus mandibularis. It's in the correct location. I stopped worrying about it.
I recently noticed a small boney bump, maybe a quarter of the size of a pea, on my right ring finger. It hasn't grown or shrunk in the past two weeks and doesn't hurt unless I put pressure on it. I typically wear a ring on that finger or the one next to it. I recently started doing jiu-jitsu, and have neglected to take the ring off on multiple occasions.
I'm not sure what the finger bump is, and I'm worried that it and the jaw bump aren't coincidences.
submitted by onefourtygreenstream to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2018.06.25 00:37 no1deawhatimdoing Extra teeth/bone in mouth?

Hi /dentistry, I have a quick question about my mom. She noticed these growths on the floor of her mouth. I'm a 3rd year medical student, so I had no clue. No pain or associated symptoms; 54 years old; medical history includes hypothyroidism; medications include a SSRI, levothyroxine, and liothyronine. A cursory google searched seemed like possibly torus mandibularis? No significant dentistry history, always sent home with "excellent home care."
submitted by no1deawhatimdoing to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2017.02.01 00:09 JascaDucato Sizeable, painless lump by first molar. Possible torus mandibularis?

Hello all. I am hoping somebody will be able to tell me if I am worrying too much about a lump I've had form on the inside of my gum: Image.
Just a couple of weeks ago I finished a course of antibiotics for Pericoronitis on the third molar, and so thought at first this was swelling related to a resurgence of that; I am no longer suffering from that infection, but this lump which formed after the infection remains.
It doesn't appear, to me at least, to be swelling of the gum; it's completely painless, and it seems to be 'hanging' slightly from the base of the tooth, rather than inflamed.
I am unsure what it is I'm dealing with exactly, and if I need to bring my scheduled check-up forward as a matter of urgency, so any assistance would be appreciated.
Many thanks, in advance.
submitted by JascaDucato to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2016.01.21 01:47 IRLConnectedThrwy Torus Mandibularis Removal

I'm prone to these, and I am aware that they are not a big deal.
But this one is sharp and causing me some pain, so I looked into having it removed.
And found out that my dental insurance plan thinks this should cost about $500-600, and will pay 90% of that. My dentist thinks it should cost $2K, and wants to charge me the difference.
Now, I get that some things are expensive, and if they are, they are. Okay.
But when two people work for me, and I ask them to tell me the market price of something, and one says "X", and the other says "4X", then one of them is giving me bad information.
So, who do I need to fire? My dentist, or my insurance plan?
submitted by IRLConnectedThrwy to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2015.09.12 20:17 sugarplumcow Is this a torus mandibularis or something else?
I have an appointment with my dentist, but it is not for three weeks. I have a hard lump on the inside of my jaw, behind my teeth. It's been there probably 4-5 months. What is freaking me out now is that it is taking on a bit of a purplish/whitish hue to it. If I press down directly on top of if, I get pressure on it and I also feel pressure directly under the teeth in front of it. The bottom of the lump is roundish and the top part where the purple is is a little flat.
I had thought it could be a torus mandibularis, but I can't find anything online that says they can exert pressure when touched or be purple in color. Now I'm scared it's something bad. Freaked out about cancer, of course. Can anyone provide any insight before my appointment?
Thank you all so much.
submitted by sugarplumcow to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2014.09.15 08:23 watermelonpickle Anybody else ever get bumps on the back side of their gums?

I've been trying to read up on this. It sounds like Torus mandibularis, but I'm not sure.
I just noticed it after dinner tonight, I had never noticed anything going on there before. If it doesn't heal up in a couple days I'm going to go see a dentist. It's on the left side, behind my teeth, by the pre-molars.
It doesn't seem like something caused by the dip, I've been dipping for a little less than a year, about 2 or 3 dips per day now. I change up where I put it and I take care of my mouth otherwise, brush twice daily, floss, mouth wash, etc.
What do y'all think?
submitted by watermelonpickle to DippingTobacco [link] [comments]