Funny stop smoking slogans


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2024.06.07 21:49 yinzergymgirl AITAH for thinking my new bf is fetishizing me?

I, a fat 28F, am worried this new relationship with 28M is too good to be true? Lots of red flags, but only from his past.
I lost my father in December, and I’ve been told it’s a red flag that I jumped into a relationship so fast, or that he jumped into one with me. He was in a 4 year relationship with someone he’s had a friendship with for 10 years and a relationship with for 4, up until January. Who he was still talking to as of February 15. Yes, I have proof of ALL of this.
Our relationship is only two/three months old. He said I love you 3 weeks in, and has been all over me, posting me on social media, and spending every moment with me. He seems very into my body, he loves that I cook for him, he loves having sex with me, and seems very into me. He calls me his love, and posted me on his social media for the first time this weekend. I’ve never been posted so quickly by someone, ever.
I found out recently, from both him and two VERY reliable sources, that he’s into plus size p**n. His mom is also fat, and he HATES his mother. Seems to have deep rooted mommy issues. His mom cheated on his dad, and his mom kind of caused a divide in his family.
I found out he also was in a 4 year relationship with someone not plus sized, who he was having sex with and telling her he loved her in February, and they only broke up in January. They were very serious. There was no cheating, and he broke up with her at the peak of his addiction. I fear it was out of shame/impulse
In his relationship 7 years ago, he punched a wall, and she kicked him out, after he was living with her and not paying for anything.
I also found out he was apparently horrible to his post recent ex, who is NOT plus sized, towards the end. He threatened to hit her and even put a dent in her car.
He has a history of sex, gambling, p*rn, weed, and alcohol ; but he has claimed to only smoke weed now and has “stopped” gambling after having gambled for 7 years. He has no life savings.
I am just feeling like there’s potential I’m the rebound, and that this is some sort of ego grab and sex thing for him. I do a lot of motherly things for him, like cook and take care of him; and I feel like that combined with his fat fetish thing, is a red flag. I know some men latch onto women they view as a downgrade for an ego boost and to mooch off of.
He is in fire school, and up until this point, has no life savings, and I think his last girlfriend paid for everything as well.
His previous girlfriend was a model, getting her doctorate in psych, younger, and all of his girlfriends have been thin and beautiful. I am hot and sexy, but I am fat.
I know men can gravitate to bigger woman to rebound to fulfill their needs temporarily, and I’m afraid especially with how fast things are moving, that’s what’s happening.
I feel like there’s a scenario where he goes back to his ex after his fire school is done, and is just using me as a temporary fix. I feel like posting someone and saying they love you so fast, after being with someone he could regret breaking up with.
Please, be honest. You will not hurt my feelings.
submitted by yinzergymgirl to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:48 N04- how i can see how much i've evolved when i look at my harry potter opinions through the ages

no cause i'm a huge harry potter fan and i used to HATE snape with all my heart. when i first read the books i was around 7-8 and i used to like harry best, i had a bit of a low opinion of hermione until the 3rd book, never really liked ron and couldn't stand draco. i thought dumbledore was cool but didn't really like sirius or remus.
i took the test and was a ravenclaw.
second time i read the saga, i liked hermione best for the 1-4 books, luna became my fav character after her first appearance, still hated snape, and i didn't like harry as much, even though i could relate to the high expectations that people had of him and feeling like you aren't wanted in your own house. i began to like sirius more as well and remus was one of my comfort characters back then.
read the saga three more times. i used to kinda hate slytherins and find hufflepuff ppl useless (i was violent w the huffies, sorry)
i knew most of the quotes by heart, could tell small details, yeah, HUGE HARRY POTTER NERD.
then when i was in middle school i was still obsessed with HP and in my last year of it, i read it all again. between 2020 and 2021, i took the house quiz many times, got ravenclaw each time. i got the full ravenclaw uniform for christmas including the robes, got the seven books in french and in english as well. i kinda liked voldemort but eh
i never really stopped liking harry potter, i just kinda weren't as much into it as before in the period between 2021 and summer 2023. then i got back into the fandom, reading the whole saga ANOTHER TIME.
and, well. back then i couldn't understand how someone could like snape/dislike dumbledore but i guess it's part of growing up to understand that.
luna is still one of my favs with draco, a complex character i learned to love, and snape, who's one of my BIGGEST comfort characters of all times. i also hate dumbledore so much more now. i took the house quiz again and i'm a slytherin AND a ravenclaw and i'm fine with it, now that i have grown up.
i can't stop comparing snape and harry about the fact that they were both lied to and used by dumbledore, led to the slaughter by him, and it makes me hate dumbledore.
the person i now relate to because of the expectations is draco, not harry anymore.
i don't exactly hate the golden trio, and like, harry is valid, ron is a kinda funny character when he isn't being annoying (my opinion)
i like the weasley family more, when i used to just be like "eh" about them before, and i love molly, she's so badass.
i think bellatrix is interesting
i despise lucius malfoy
i like narcissa
i don't like voldemort as much as i used to
while rereading, i spent more time analyzing draco and snape's behavior and past and was like "oooh yeah that makes sense". i also relate to them a lot.
the reason why i'm saying this here right now is that it hurts to relate to snape so much and i wish i could hug him...
anyway, how has your taste in hp characters evolved ?
submitted by N04- to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:47 Kupxr I’m not sure what to do or think at all

Hey. This is going to be rather long story, so if you aren’t feeling up to reading a bunch, just keep scrolling.
I will be using the letter Z in substitution for the girl’s name.
In 2021, I (18M) had a class with a girl (18F) who I thought was cute and liked her personality. I was very socially anxious and awkward back then, so we never really talked. She got a boyfriend, who I had mutually known for years before. I’ve always though he was weird. Not in a funny, quirky way, but in a creepy, strange way. I would see them together all the time and for the first few months she seemed very happy. As their relationship progressed, I noticed she began to seem less happy than usual and even uncomfortable at times. Remember, I was just watching from the sidelines.
Fast forward a year and a half: They eventually broke up. After breaking up, he did some very weird things. He came to her house in the middle of the night and terrorized her by banging on her walls until she let him in. Also, he left a card that says “for my wife” on her car at work one time.
Fast forward to January 2024: She followed me on instagram and we became extremely close extremely fast. I caught feelings for her so quickly. We hung out for the first time on March 1st. I hadn’t had that much fun in a very long time. We both had a genuinely amazing time. However, while we were hanging out, her ex just happened to be at the store we went to. At first, she didn’t want to go in, but then she said it’d be okay. (She didn’t know I had feelings for her at this point) I stayed close to her but let her do her own thing. I have never seen someone look so uncomfortable. Every time he walked closer to her she would back up.
Fast forward a couple weeks: I confessed my feelings for her, and she said she felt the same way about me, but that she isn’t looking for a relationship. I was, and am still, completely okay with that and have always been understanding of it and I made sure she knew that. As time went on, we would begin to hang out in school, she would sit in my car with me before school, we would talk all day every day, we would say good morning and goodnight every day/night, she gave me the nickname “bear” because she said I remind her of a cute bear, we would flirt with each other, I would start coming to some of her games. On April 9th, she had an away game that I went to. I drove her back to the school to get her car so that she didn’t have to wait on the bus. Before leaving, we talked for 10 minutes or so and she told me “come here,” I was thinking she was going to give me a hug. She grabbed my face and kissed me on the cheek. After that, she began to be really touchy with me. Add that with everything else, and it felt like we were together. Even people in school, including teachers, thought we were. May 3rd was our prom, we went together in a group, not as a couple. As I said before, I’m a tad bit socially awkward, so prom wasn’t really my thing, but it was nice to experience. Her and I left prom about 30 minutes early and we just walked around. We were having a great time, talking, laughing, taking funny pictures, and we held hands. It was genuinely the best night of my life. Then we went to after prom, and then out to eat. After we ate, I told her I had something for her. I went into my car and grabbed a Victorian puzzle letter I made for her. It wasn’t a love letter, it was a letter thanking her for being friends with me and always being there for me and that sort of stuff. I told her she doesn’t have to read it right now (she was feeling sick from the food) she said she’d read it when she gets home and told me to text her when I get home and we hugged goodbye. I got home around 2:45 AM and texted her. She called me at 2:55 and said “You know we aren’t dating, right? I read the letter.” I genuinely had no idea what to say, my heart sank when she said that. I mean of course I knew we weren’t actually together, even though it certainly felt like it. I ended up just saying “Yeah what do you mean?” with a little chuckle. She replied with “Okay I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I could hear it in her voice, she was uncomfortable with it. Right after the call, I texted her “I’m sorry I thought it was too much I should’ve just kept it.” She said “You’re all good I promise. It just felt really deep and I appreciate you being open and stuff.” I then said “Are you sure? I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.” She kept promising me that it was okay and that I did nothing wrong. Then we just talked about how great of a time we had that night and I said goodnight to her. Her reply to that was “I’m sorry, goodnight!” I asked her what is she sorry for. I waited a few minutes, no response. Then she posted on her second instagram account. The song she used was a song by i don’t like mirrors (very sad music if you aren’t familiar). The caption was “so upset guys.” I waited a few more minutes and then double texted. She responded a minute later with “Hi buddy I’m just ready for bed.” and “I’ll talk to you later, goodnight!!” For the first time since we became friends, I didn’t get a good morning text. We had began sharing each other’s location (her idea) in late March, I woke up and saw that she removed it. I texted her at 11:24 AM asking if she was okay. She was ignoring my text and I knew that. After 30 minutes of that, I texted her on imessage (We almost always used instagram to text) and said “We dont have to talk rn if you dont want to but could you just let me know if you’re alright please” she just reacted with a thumbs up. Another half hour later and she texted me back and said “Hi cooper,” I said “Hi Z” and she said “We can talk about it later, okay? I’m not mad or anything.” I apologized again, she told me I was all good and that she’ll talk to me later. 30 minutes later she sent me this: “After reading the letter, it left me really uncomfortable. There were a lot of aspects that made me feel really uneasy. It made me feel like it was a love letter and I didn’t like that. Like I’m glad I’ve made you feel more social and get out there but it just made me feel awkward too. I’m sure you put a lot of effort into it and that’s appreciated but overall, I just felt really uncomfortable” and “I honestly need space from this friendship for a while, I’m not mad or have any ill will towards you but I need space. I hope you do well!” I had been crying off and on ever since that phone call. I hadn’t slept, and wouldn’t sleep for the next few days either. When she said she needed space it genuinely broke my heart. It was so bad that my parents noticed, they’ve never noticed when I’ve been upset before. 6 hours later, I texted her “How long do you think a while is going to be?” She said she wasn’t sure, but she knew my mom was upset about it. After I told my mom what happened, she decided to unsend the pictures she took of me and Z before prom. The fact that she did that, pissed me off. We started talking about how I talked to my mom about the situation and she ended up asking to see what my mom said about it. I have never kept anything from her, but for the first time, I was hesitant because my mom said things like “you need a girl who’s more like you and not so extra” or something along those lines. Truthfully, my mom has absolutely no accurate perception of Z. She was completely blindly firing and attacking her. Why? I have no idea, but it didn’t help me at all.. nor Z. Before sending her the screenshots, I warned her and she said “You can tell me.” She didn’t really respond to any of the texts between me and my mom. We started talking about it all and she was kept telling me she’s not upset with me. We both kept apologizing. Me, for making her uncomfortable, and her, for how she reacted.
Recap for the next month: The next couple weeks were absurdly rough on me and very straining on what was left of our friendship. She has always known when I’m upset in some way or another. She would ask what’s wrong and I would talk about it. By “talk about it,” I mean I would talk about how confused and lost I felt with everything. We had went from being practically inseparable, to barely talking, dry texting, not saying goodnight or good morning, etc. We would still walk into school with each other, but she wouldn’t sit in my car with me before school. She wouldn’t tell me about her days. She would rarely text me first. It was very hard for me. So I would talk about that, and I never really got any clarity on it. It got so hard at one point, that I was on the verge of ending my life. Losing the closest friend I have ever had wasn’t just hard because of that alone. Losing her brought back a lot of terrible things I have been through and it all just hit me at once. Unfortunately, I decided to text her “What if I kill myself?” To sum it up, she talked me down. On my end, that conversation was absurdly manipulative. Not intentionally, but it certainly seemed manipulative from her position and I still feel terrible about it. For the next week and a half-ish, I was in an extremely depressive state and was only alive because I promised her I wouldn’t commit suicide. I still didn’t give up on trying to get some clarity about the whole thing. Unfortunately, AGAIN, the way I went about it made her feel guilty. Again, not my intentions at all. On May 23rd, she finally opened up about it. This is how I learned about the way I had been making her feel through this entire situation. After that conversation, I did some serious self reflecting. I finally got some clarity and it truly made me happy. I still have my ups and downs of course, but since then, I have been good in general. However, during those downs, she would notice and ask me what was wrong. I started hesitating each time she would ask, because I didn’t want to make her feel guilty. Each time, she would assure me it wouldn’t though. It felt like this hopeless loop. She knows what’s wrong, she knows it makes her feel guilty, she asks anyways, I hesitate, she assures me, I talk about it, she feels upset or guilty. That’s was how it was for 4 straight days. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that it would be better to bury my feelings about her. I’m not saying I would bury them in the sense that I would just stop feeling the way I do, that’s not possible. But I would stop expressing them to her. I suggested it a few times and she would say “No we don’t have to bury it” and “I know you can’t bury it, I know you.” On May 27th she asked if I was okay and I told her “Not really but it’s alright” (I can’t lie to her, I lied once and it was about how I was doing and I hated it) she asked me what was up. I said “Idk, am I burying this stuff or not?” And she said “Nvm.” I have never seen her say “Nvm” before. Then, I said: “Okay please don’t do that, I just feel like when we talk about how I feel about what happened it never goes well. I’m not trying to be like weird about this, but if I really am going to not talk about it then I just won’t be able to talk about how I really feel sometimes. Idk, maybe we can think of some other solution to this because I don’t want to make you feel weird when I say I’m not okay and then can’t tell you why. I don’t want that to bring on any guilt or anything.” After 13 minutes, no response. I texted again and said “Z, I’m not upset with you or mad at you if you think I am.” After another 15 minutes, no response. I then asked “How can I fix this?” and she said “We’re fine, I’m just dozing off.” She hates the word fine because in text, people typically aren’t actually fine when they say they are. I completely removed that word from my vocabulary, and now she uses it. I asked if she really means it and she said “Yeah” then “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, sleep well.” The next morning, she walked right past my car and went into school without me. She had never done that before. We clearly weren’t “fine.” I didn’t say anything about it and just let it be. Realistically, it was killing me. For the first time since 2nd grade, I was crying in class. I thought I was hiding it well, but I guess someone noticed. I guess they texted her and asked if I was okay or something, I’m not sure. Anyways, she texted me and asked why I was crying. By this time, I had fully set my mind to not talking about the situation between us, so I said “I was feeling sad, I’m okay now though.” I couldn’t really think of what to tell her, that’s the best I came up with. She asked if I wanted to talk about it, and I just said fuck it and decided to tell her that when she walked past me and into school without me, it made me really upset. Yes, that’s a small thing, but it’s about the principle of it. We walked into school together every single school day for almost 3 months and then after she told me “we’re fine,” she decided not to. She said it’s because she was just really excited to see one of her friends. I honestly still don’t see the correlation in that to this day. She then said “I just don’t feel social I guess?” That’s very contradictory, but whatever. I told her it was alright and that she doesn’t have to explain it. After this, she opened up about the situation more. She told me I’ve made her feel stupid and belittled with how I speak to her. When she said that, I felt more confused than I ever have in my life. It felt completely out of left field, totally random, it honestly felt made up to me. To this day, I still don’t know how I could have made her feel like that. I clarified that I’ve never purposefully made her feel belittled or stupid. I asked if it’s something in specific that I do/say and she just kept telling me “you just have to realize it.” She also told me: “I truly just think you like my empathy. I think that you’re just not used to having someone who genuinely listens to you and is willing to show you the affection I have” This also completely caught me off guard. Yes, I do love her empathy. Yes, I’m not used to having someone who genuinely understands and cares for me and my feelings. However, I love her for so much more than that. I then told her about all of the things I like her for. I have always been there for her, even when she doesn’t feel like talking, or when she’s being dry because she’s upset, or when she won’t tell me she’s upset even though I know she is. I have told her I will be by her side forever and always. I don’t say that sparingly, I genuinely meant that with all my heart, and to hear that she feels like I only like her for her empathy, breaks my heart. She told me it feels like I’m codependent on her and as if she’s just an outlet for when I’m feeling down. That isn’t farther from how I truly feel about her. After some more talking, I said this: “I don’t want you to feel belittled or drained or like I’m using you. I mean I know our friendship has been draining since after prom, it’s been draining for me too, and I know it’s on me. I’m over here constantly just in a state of confusion and because of that, you ask me whats wrong and its the same thing every time. I’m sure that probably makes you feel like I’m trying to guilt trip you by making it feel like it’s your fault. Those aren’t my intentions when I talk about this whole thing, my intentions are to just try and get some clarity on what happened. I’m sorry that that has come at the expense of your mental health, that’s terrible and I should be better with how I go about talking about it. This was never my intention and I genuinely apologize for making you feel like this. Our friendship means the world to me and I hope this can all get better. I’m going to try my hardest to be better in how I talk to you.” She responded with “Okie,” and I thanked her for giving me clarity on the situation. That was at 5:11 PM and we didn’t text again until I texted her at 11:43 PM and said goodnight, she was already asleep though. In the morning she reacted to it with a heart. That morning she went into school before I got there, it wasn’t totally abnormal, she had done it before so I didn’t read into it that much. I have two classes a day, my teacher for my second class on this day, is also her coach. So she would come to my class sometimes and we’d hang out. She did on this day too, surprisingly. I wasn’t sure if she was upset with me or not, so when I heard her come in the class and heard her talking to my teacher and other students I just sort of tuned it out. My anxiety was through the fucking roof. Eventually, she talked to me a bit and she seemed completely happy with me. After she talked to me, my anxiety got worse and I asked my teacher to go into the little side room because it’s quiet, colder, and darker in there. I sat in there just staring at the wall with my laptop open to pretend like I was doing the work. After 10ish minutes she came in and asked if I was okay. I told her I came in there because it’s colder, dark, and quiet, but I didn’t mention my anxiety. We talked for a few minutes and then she went back out. Since this day (May 29th) we have been back to how we were all of March and April. We don’t text as much still, and don’t say good morning, we occasionally say goodnight though. But outside of that, it’s been great. The last day of school was June 5th. From the 30th to the 5th, each school day, we hung out. She started sitting in my car with me in the mornings again. We started facetiming again, it’s been amazing. For the most part, since the 27th I have genuinely been doing better and focusing on myself more. I’ve come to the conclusion that I cannot dwell on the potential of what me and her can possibly be someday, or not be. On the 31st, we had a senior picnic (realistically just a shitty little cookout behind the school). We went together with another student from my class who we’re both cool with. We were together for some of it, but I let her do her own thing for most of the time. Incase you haven’t picked up on it by now, she’s a lot more popular and social than I am. Anyways, she asked me if I wanted to go back into class with her and of course I said yes. We went back into my teacher’s (her coach) class and we were listening to music together, laughing, having a great time and we were playing 2 player games together. Just having a good time. The entire time, she was very touchy with me. She was leaning her head on my chest, holding my arms, laying her head into me when I would make her laugh very hard. Her leg kept almost gravitating towards mine in a sense. My love language is physical touch and she is well aware of that. We eventually left and said goodbye and went home. She texted me a few hours later and said @I had fun today” and we both said that multiple times throughout the rest of the day. When I came to the conclusion of not dwelling on how we would end up, I also decided to give her a little space. I stopped texting first as much and began to let her come to me on her own time. She was working for the rest of this day and she texted me at 12:13 AM (our last text was 7:59 PM and before that it was 4:15 PM) and we just had some normal conversation. She didn’t text me at all Saturday (June 1st) until I texted her at 5:20 PM telling her I had just mowed our teacher’s grass. She was very dry, but I just tried to not read into it. She texted me at 12:58 AM and we had some normal conversation. Sunday morning she texted me first and we ended up facetiming before she had to leave to go to an event with some friends. We talked a lot on Sunday, the complete opposite of Saturday. Each school day until the last day, we hung out in my teachers class and each day she was very touchy with me and we had a great time every day. On the 4th, she came to the gym with me. It was the first time we hung out not in school in a long time. Just like any time we’ve hung out, I had the time of my life. After the gym, we walked around the grocery store and then we were just having fun playing around in the parking lot after that. We both had so much fun. When we hang out, it feels and looks like shit you see in coming of age movies. It’s amazing. On the last day of school, we hung out in my teacher’s class again. We got taco bell for us 3 and we picked it up together and brought it back to the school. We hung out for a few hours and then I had to leave. Yesterday, we went to the gym together again. Again, we had an amazing fucking time. While we were working out we were both making some sexual jokes. After the gym, we walked around the store again, then we went back to my car in the parking lot and were talking and listening to music. She told me to lean my seat back. She got on top of me and we started kissing. Honestly, I have never kissed anyone before. After 10 seconds-ish, she pulled away and was laughing because apparently I kept getting her chin my mouth. I truly don’t remember, I blacked out when it happened. She got off of me and then we were just talking and going through her camera roll on her phone. After 10 minutes or so, she said it’s about time for her to leave. Before she left she said “Well, we tried it. I’m sorry, I can’t do strings attached. But we tried, it was sweet. Forgive and forget” I assured her it was okay and laughed and said “forgive? forgive what?” Then we just said goodbye and that was that. After I got home sent her a song (we send songs to each other all the time) and she didn’t respond to it, but she said “Are you sure you’re okay?” Honestly, I am okay, but I’m just very confused on the “I can’t do strings attached” thing. I don’t really get it. We are extremely close, have an unbelievably amazing time together every time we’re around each other, and there’s an obvious attraction towards one another. But since I am okay, I told her “Lmaoo yeah I’m all good buddy” and then said “Are you okay with it?” We basically agreed to just not really talk about what happened in the car, and that’s okay I guess. She didn’t respond to it. We started having a little conversation. After that was done, I replied back to my “Are you okay with it?” text and asked again. She suddenly got very dry and said “Huh” then I clarified. She said “Yep” and I just said okay and “Well I’m gonna shower so if you text me and I don’t reply that’s why.” She just reacted to it with a heart. 34 minutes later I texted her asking if her teammates know I’m coming (Today she’s having a dinner with her team and she invited me to it on Wednesday when we were hanging out). She said “Nah I haven’t told em” and asked why. I said I was just wondering and I said “I hope they don’t mind,” she responded with “Idk.” It seems like she was upset, but maybe she was just tired. I’m not sure, but an hour later, (11:31 PM) I gave into the urge and said “You sure you’re alright buddy?” She opened it this morning, completely ignored it and instead sent me a song. We texted all morning like normal.
So, that’s that. That’s everything. Right now I am very confused and worried. Since I really didn’t exactly talk about it, I am genuinely in love with her. I have never felt so strongly about anyone, let alone anything in my entire life. Aside from everything I love about her, it feels like there’s something just pulling me towards her. I am wholeheartedly willing to wait my entire life for her, and I mean that. Also, when she gave me clarity, she told me her feelings for me were genuine and she said she means it wholeheartedly. She also said she sort of just lost feelings for me. However, after this past week or so, I do not believe that she doesn’t still have feelings for me. I can’t believe that with the way she looks at me, the way she talks to me, the way she acts around me, the way she touches me, the way she laughs at almost everything I say and do. I just simply cannot believe that. If anyone actually read all of this shit, I would love to hear any thoughts or advice you have.
TLDR: I am in the situationship of hell and not exactly sure what to feel, think, or do.
submitted by Kupxr to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:47 Dry-Thought7572 She stopped smoking weed cos she was smoking her supply so she’s a dealer now 🤣😳 I thought I had heard it all

submitted by Dry-Thought7572 to GeordieJulieAskew [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 throwaway124235444 I'm not sure how to move forward. Should I stay, or should I hope he changes? 18F 18M

I have no idea if this relationship can move forward or not. We started off as a FWB situation in last year (JUL23) or so, went official around Dec 2023. Ever since then, he's been immature and extremely emotionally unintelligent, he cheated on me 3 months into the relationship during my birthday, (downloaded a dating app, got the girls snaps and wanked to their nudes) etc. as well as sending them pictures of himself and whatnot. I stayed, his explanation seemed sincere at the time and I could somewhat understand the reason. We were going through a rough patch and he believed we were going to end things so he jumped ahead to not get hurt. Shitty, inexcusable but - ok, I see. We then had a strict no-clubbing without your S/O rule which he broke a month after that after making me stay up until 3AM whilst he walked home & accidentally admitted he'd been clubbing with his friends. He also recently lied about starting up smoking again when we'd quit together 5 months ago. Also failed to plan our 6 month anniversary because he forgot after I begged him to because I always plan things. That, along with a bunch of things such as minor lying, lying about porn, lying about porn when I found it in his history, general shouting which he refuses to stop because it's "just what he's like with his friends" (he knows this triggers me, I have BPD - he also refused to acknowledge this until 4 months into the relationship when he finally decided to read up about it after I was begging for months).
However, I am happy around him generally - he's smart and kind when he wants to be. His family is lovely and when I'm with him, it's lovely - but I'm not sure what it'll be like when we go off to uni. I can't stand arguing over small or big things all the time because he has so little respect for me. If he cant grow up, and keeps promising to change with nothing to show for it - where does that leave me?
I don't know how to get through to him, I don't know how to help. I just want this to work out because I really love him and he's treated me better than anyone has.
submitted by throwaway124235444 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:41 Classic-Point6951 2018 Santa Fe 2.0t burning oil?

Hey guys! New to this subreddit and would appreciate any and all help.
I recently (4 days ago) purchased a beautiful 2018 Santa Fe Sport 2.0t ultimate from a very reputable dealership with only one owner and 65k miles. The CARFAX report was great with oil changes regularly.
Yesterday I pulled into my driveway (a very steep incline) and left my car idling for about 5 minutes to run in and grab something. Came out to thick white smoke POURING out of the exhaust and immediately moved it to flat level on the street and shut it off. I checked the oil level, exactly where it should be and perfectly clean, I also checked the coolant level, exactly where it should be and clean as well.
I noticed the smoke had a particularly oily smell, almost as if it was burning oil at idle. When I turned the car back on after about 10 minutes it was smoking at idle but ever so slightly, gave it a decent rev and it came out heavily with almost a hint of blue (hinting at burning oil), it also smelled like oil.
I took it to the dealer but since there is no check engine light, the oil is not low, and they could not replicate the smoking issue they said to just drive it unless the situation got worse.
It’s very weird because I have absolutely no loss of power, no check engine light, and no decrease in MPG. If I let my car idle on a flat surface, it’s perfectly fine! But if I start it up or let it idle on a steep incline, it starts smoking. I should add, the car NEVER smokes while driving. If I put the pedal down, no smoke. Stopped at a traffic light, no smoke.
I’m pretty confused and honestly just trying to see if anyone has had this issue or if anyone recommends any fixes such as maybe a fuel injector cleaning treatment or something like that.
submitted by Classic-Point6951 to HyundaiSantaFe [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 HesitantHoopoe Tired of criticism and haram police.

Hey guys, first time posting after a long time lurking.
I know I shouldn’t be coming on to make a post with heightened emotions but I wanted to hear about everyone’s experience with the ‘haram police’. I’m trying to sleep the stress off but the sleep isn’t taking me.
I want to start with that I’d like to think that I’m a good Muslim sister. I’m supportive and empathic and do my best to be a good friend. I pray my salah, fast, give zakat. I dress properly and do not wear revealing clothes, don’t drink, smoke, do drugs or go party etc, just shy and try to keep to myself but I am chatty icl maybe that’s my downfall.
I also don’t bark at people for doing haram because I feel it’s not my right you know? I probably have loads of flaws myself and point fingers to myself first and god forgive me for saying this but I wonder why our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters and hijabis are quick to make you feel like shit because you’re not an ultra conservative salafi?
I’ve been criticised growing up about EVERYTHING and sick to my core of it. I totally shut down with anxiety when I have to deal with this bs. How do you guys (if you do) deal with this kinda stuff? Does being “too liberal”, as I was told by a niqabi friend for talking to the cashier, equate to being haram?
What is ‘too’ liberal and what’s ‘too’ conservative? Where would we draw the line?
The hijab thing is what’s pissing me off right now. A few times during a walk in the city centre, I got some random dawah dude telling me to wear hijab. The hijabi aunties telling me to wear hijab. The hijabi sisters looking me up and down disgusted at me for not wearing hijab, while she’s wearing a turban style one with a tight ass abaya where I can see her buttcrack. Basically I’m an outsider to a club for not wearing hijab. I’ve isolated myself because of this and completely stopped making “sister friends“.
Then there’s the haram police. Recently in some prayer chat I’m in is being flooded with long paragraphs that sending emojis is haram. There’s always a new fatwah of something being haram. One of my salafi cousins pissing me off telling me I need a mahram for things she did too (moving out and partially umrah), for her everything is haram… and don’t get me started with the one hijabi friend we all have who gives you shit and haram police’s you for every little thing, like jokes you make and how you pray, only for her to one day take her hijab off and forget all of that above ^.
I’m in the uk. Epicentre of salafism where even the non Muslims, who know a little of Islam, question ‘why I’m not like them’. That I don’t wear hijab and why do I happily mingle with everyone etc. I understands this because for them, they’re curious and I’m the only Muslim they know personally and thus become the source of their information (I work in a white/ non Muslim dominated area).
I’m feeling super emotional and vulnerable so no hate pls, be nice. I understand this is coming off against hijabis and it’s not, I have some revert sister friends who struggle to wear it as they live in places where it’s tough so I support them. My real sadness is coming from the haram police because sometimes I can barely speak without their comments. For instance, I recently had something major happen to me and I mentioned that a week leading up to it, I sensed something was wrong. We all get intuitive feelings right? Then this *** brother tells me it’s haram to think like that and prophet said to be positive and such feelings yada yada yada.
I want some advice basically on how to navigate being in Europe with ultra conservative folk everywhere that’s now taking over the world. Not that it’s a bad thing but the constant belittling and criticism is getting to me. I feel sick and think that I’m in the wrong and if so, what do I do? I love Islam but the people … not so much.
Rant over, I hate ranting but I guess I need someone to give me a pat on the shoulder and tell me I’m not alone.
Gonna go cry to my mom now lol.
submitted by HesitantHoopoe to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:37 ResponsibleOil3289 Dors God Hear Prayers Uttered By Sinners/Sinners Prayer? Nope John 9:31

Christianity of the hour is so deceived, perverted and polluted with false teachers from the pit of hell behind the pulpit, TV, radio, internet, and down the street. We see many bad fruits coming out from the churches from pedophiles, adulterous preachers and congregations, sex-crazed porn, sickness, idolators, fornicator, drunks, deceivers, con artists, etc. The list is endless. All the while, we are told we cannot stop sinning. The church is just as bad as the hospital lots of sick and dying people and they can't get a drop of the word of God for the saving and healing of the soul.
We have the other side behind the pulpit and congregation the psychotic and ungodly people who are looking for business contacts, your pocketbook, feeding your belly with food while trying to lure you into their church doctrine and church way of life. And the word of God is nowhere to be heard or found. Christians of the hour do not have a chance of getting saved.
When the church has lots of unbelief, vain deceit, sin, abominations, holidays, parties, perverted Bibles, ungodliness, unrighteousness, idols, camps, buses, Santa Claus gifts, lights and colours, Christmas trees, Easter bunny, easter eggs, Sunday School garbage, mother's day flowers, philosophy, psychology, divorce and remarriage, the doctrine of devils and seducing spirits, lies, misconceptions, wooden crosses, dramas, sports, comedians, celebrations, programs, socials, food and drink, bizarre, sales, youth clubs, dedications, funny prayers such as the sinner prayer etc. all this and no time for the bible just a verse here and winds of doctrines etc. No truth was preached except the preacher's lie of God lives in you and don't worry about a thing.
I have good news for you, I would start to worry as God does not hear the prayers of sinners John 9:31. If a sinner wants to repent and live righteously that is a different story. The church is not interested in giving up their pernicious ways and walking people to the gates of hell. When I was a sinner I did not know any better. It wasn't until one day I heard somebody read the King James bible I got convicted and God got ahold of me. I started to realize I was living the wrong way after rebelling against his words for years reading a perverted bible the NASV I won at Sunday School at my Presbyterian church not knowing anything. It wasn't until somebody started talking to me using a King James bible I got convicted and I started to develop a hunger and thirst for the bible words. The more I started reading my King James bible the more I could see I was not alright like my church said. Then one night, the Holy Ghost walked into my room and I heard a loud scream and a voice spoke and told me, "You are free from what you had. " It sure wasn't a fictional character called God the Holy Ghost that visited me but Jesus Christ the Son of God sent the Holy Ghost to put me on the straight and narrow. God the Son did not visit me another fictional character who never died for my sin or lived a day on the earth more or less has no verses or chapters in the bible. Today I am an ex-sinner saved by grace Romans 6:18, an ex-sinner is a righteous person as the words of Jesus Christ the Son of God are spirit and life John 6:63.
Amen, free from sin 27 years ago and the devil will try to tempt us and use his disciples from the church and from down the road to persuade me to follow his vain deceit to hell fire and brimstone. It pays to sin, it pays to serve the devil your wages or payment is called (death hell fire and brimstone) and not love. Jesus never preaches lies to set you free it is the truth found in his words that sets you free. We have to come out from among the churches that are keeping us in bondage and get into our bible. Most people want to stay to be a wort on a pickle instead of coming out from among them.
As an ex-sinner, I know my bible who Jesus is and who the devil is. All sin is of the devil 1st John 3:8 and all sinners will burn in a lake of fire and brimstone. Jesus told people in John 5:14and John 8:11 to "go and sin no more" Amen, Jesus is not Christmas, he is not easter, he is not this and that the church wants you to believe. Nope, he is every word of the Gospel of Christ the King James Bible. Those bible words clean you up and take sin right out of youJohn 15:3. Every preacher preached the unconditional love of God when I have good news, it is all 100% conditional. No such thing as the unconditional love of God Jesus never preached he loves everybody, ye preached he lives whosoever, the few, he that has ears to hear. God does not live everybody because everybody does not want to come to his love Jesus Christ the Son of God and not the Superstar like the church has him after a Hollywood movie gospel. Jesus was no superstar he was crucified and abandoned on the cross by God his Father as Jesus became sin for us 2nd Cor 5:21.
Amen, being a sinner, is it God's love only to be cast into hell fire after? Being a sinner is it God's life to be sick and remain sick? As a sinner, is it God's love to give you a strong delusion to believe a lie to be damned with? Nope. If God loves everybody why did he make a hell? If God lives everybody why the bible? If God loves everybody why did he send Jesus to the cross? If God loves everybody everybody why did he take me out of my sin? Come out from the church and lose from their doctrines. The sinner's prayer is a diabolical prayer made from the out of hell to deceive and bewitch you out of your salvation. No sinner's prayer in the bible as there is no prayer in the bible that can save anybody, no salvation in a prayer. There is salvation in the words of the Gospel of Christ Romans 1:16 for your soul. Going to church does not make you a child of God. Having your name on the church registry is not having your name in the Lamb's Book of Life. Going to church and listening to the lies misconceptions and out-of-context scriptures of the preacher and following their programs is not being saved.
Time to awake to righteousness and sin not before it is too late. For some, it may be already as there is a fine line drawn between you and Jesus Christ the Son of God. Where that line is or was it is between you and the Holy Ghost? When God has your number you better watch your step. One lie too many or one sin too many may be your last step or your last day on earth. You better start being a friend of Jesus instead of an enemy of God, who knows when God will shut your breath or will give you a reprobate mind to do something that will cause you to go insane or die? God is a killer unless we convert to Christ Jesus the Son of God and his words mankind and churches are under his wrath 1st Thess 1:9-10. It is not to late to either choose life and live or choose death hell fire and brimstone.
John 9:31] Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.
Isaiah 59:1] Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: [2] But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. [3] For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. [4] None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.
John 5:14] Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee.
Rev 1:4] John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; [5] And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood, [6] And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
1st John 3:4] Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. [5] And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. [6] Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him. [7] Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. [8] He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. [9] Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
1st Cor 6:9] Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, [10] Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. [11] And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
1st Cor 15:34] Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.
1st Thess 1:10] And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.
Deut 30:19] I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Proverbs 11:31] Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.
Ezekiel 18:[4] Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
Exodus 20:20] And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.
Romans 6:16] Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? [17] But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. [18] Being then made free from sin, ye became the servants of righteousness. [19] I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. [20] For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. [21] What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. [22] But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life. [23] For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
submitted by ResponsibleOil3289 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 ConnectInspector5955 AITAH

This is my first post so sorry in advance for any mistakes. I have adhd and anxiety so sometimes I smoke a thc vape pen. My parents have always said they didn’t care about it bc I am an adult in the US. This weekend me 19m and my dad who has always told me he didn’t care about the thc and that he smoked before. Blew up at me about using it at the casino me and him are at and told me that I had to stop smoking or get out of his house. AITAH
submitted by ConnectInspector5955 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:36 BillyCahstiganJr i dreamt that i smoked with Bob

it was so cool. we were sat on the floor of my dad's kitchen, we talked about how much we loved telecasters. he referred to them as "workhorse guitars". his grinder was like the dial you use to unlock a safe. he'd never smoked hash before so i rolled him a hash joint. not sure why i'm sharing but it was funny and pretty cool lmao
submitted by BillyCahstiganJr to bobdylan [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:35 Few_Ad7819 Going mental

This is going to be kind of long…
At 20, I got my first copper iud. I thought it was great. I could handle the extra bleeding etc, my skin was awful but it had been meh for most of my life anyways. At 25, I started having daily debilitating panic attacks. I stopped going in public, stopped doing things I love etc. I quit eating sugar, gluten and dairy. Tried therapy. Quit smoking and drinking. I lost 25 lbs from 24 years old to 25 years old. I was 5’ 10” and weighed 115 lbs. As a very last ditch effort, I got my IUD removed even though my doctor was INSISTENT that it wouldn’t help. Wouldn’t you know it? That was the last day I had a panic attack. Two weeks later, I was pregnant. Had baby. Put IUD back in, everything was fine - back to bleeding heavy etc but no panic attacks. 27-28 years old, I was experiencing mental fog like never before. I’ve always been a little quirky but this was next level. Doc says “oh that’s just because you’re a new mother”, I demanded to be tested for ADHD, she reluctantly agreed. Tested very high and was medicated. Fast forward to this year, the last year of my IUD. I am beyond bloated 24 hours a day, I am falling asleep all day everyday, my skin is terrible, my face is round, I am anxious/panic attacks again, my hainails are trash, nausea constantly, chronic constipation and the mental fog is ten-fold.
I’ve been researching, can’t find anything legitimate but just 100’s of personal tales complaining of the same. Does this sound like it could be my copper IUD? I’m starting to wonder if I even have ADHD. I feel crazy honestly. I’ve been trying to figure out what’s wrong with me for YEARS so naturally everyone around me thinks I’m a hypochondriac and I don’t feel comfortable bringing up ANOTHER thing it could possibly be. I’ve seen naturopaths, physiotherapists, masseuses, doctors, psychiatrists, therapists etc. Nothing ever helps.
submitted by Few_Ad7819 to CopperIUD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:25 uthrowaway1231232430 How do I fix this situation at school?

Idk if this is the right place to post this but im doing it on a throwaway.
I (15M) was talking to this girl one day at a joint schools event (we go to different schools). I thought she was quite funny and nice to talk to so I got her number + snap. All good at this point. We texted on snap for a while and after about a week I worked up the courage to ask her out on a coffee date. She said yes. We met up and the date went really well, we talked about lots of things. Everything seemed fine at this point until the next day when i got to school. Had water thrown on me and someone shout 'P3DO!'. At this point I was confused until one of my friends pointed out that she was a freshman. Let me be clear. I had no clue, and even if i did know, I came to find out after asking her that the age gap was only 5 months.
Anyways, for weeks now ive been pushed, shoved, called a p3do, predator, "jail sentence waiting to happen". I want to ask two questions. a) Is there really something I did wrong here? b) how do i get this to stop?
submitted by uthrowaway1231232430 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 RS63_snake I said hi (a follow up to my previous post)

This is an update to my last post (link)
Tldr of last post : i like a girl that I take the bus with, last time we took the bus together, we bumped our legs, we both said sorry to each other, she said it with the cutest possible smile, we got out and we ended up walking in the same direction, i had 2 whole minutes of walking near her when I could have said hi but I was too anxious to and she entered her house before I could muster up the courage. But I found out she literally lives 5 houses away from mine.
Whew... Long tldr sorry.
So anyways I ended up seeing her again. I woke up at 8am, went out to check the mailbox and there she was at the bus stop right in front of my house. She took the bus 1 hour before I do in the morning. I didn't want to start a conversation as her bus was coming in a minute or two as I'd have to rush the conversation just to finish it before the bus comes.
So I just decided to wave and smile. I was so stressed at the sight of her that I couldn't even look at her. We made eye contact as I was searching my mail box and I came back, but the next twenty seconds or so was the most regret I've ever felt in my life so I went back, pretended like I was checking my mailbox again and slid in a wave and a smile. She smiled back !!! She probably did some gesture with her hand too but I was too stressed to notice anything beyond her smile. It was beautiful tho.
She probably noticed I was only checking my mailbox a second time so I can say hi to her tho. I'm a sh*t actor lol.
I haven't seen her again since yesterday, next time I'll see her, I'll definitely try to talk to her and introduce myself.
Funny thing is we don't even know each others names but we know where the other person lives and sleeps lol.
submitted by RS63_snake to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 GreninjaDeter I am really bored, so, I put Pokemon Reborn characters and Pokemon Insurgence characters together to see who would become friends.

Originally I wanted to do a VS fight inbetween characters, but then I realized powerscaling sucks, and putting characters from different fangames against one another in fights might be either really one sided or boring to figure out.
So I decided to see who would become friends if the cast of Pokemon Insurgence interacted with the cast of Pokemon Reborn.
I love both of these games and I did this only because I have kept combining both of these games together in my mind ever since I've first finished Reborn, I basically love these games too much for me to ever let go of them and I will forever find ways of combining the games together whenever I can.
I also did this post just for the fun of it so please don't try to chop my head off with an axe if you dislike some of the things I said here.
Of course I'll give some much needed context and background to each character in Insurgence so you guys can understand how I thought this out.


Orion is the first gym leader of the torren region, the fire/grass gym leader who specializes in a sun team, who was often bullied for being friends with a seemingly inanimate white rock, which later turned out to be Reshiram.
Orion here, I would imagine would get particularly well with Anna, due to the fact they are both rather young, and both have been rather made fun of or not be taken seriously in what they see or say.
Anna with her whole...............whole character and Orion with his rock. Due to these same reasons, I'd think he'd also get along with Luna.


Xavier is the second gym leader of pokemon Insurgence, a master in bug and poison types, with a mega beedrill as his ace, he doesn't really do a lot, he mostly just hangs around, and isn't really important to the plot, he is mostly just a layed back dude who loves nature and smokes marijuana, and was actually once a pokemon ranger before being a gym leader.
I'd think he'd get along well with Blake, maybe the 2 go for a smoke or 2, chill out, play some call of duty or something.
I'd also think he would get along with Laura due to both of them being rather big fans of nature.


Uhhhhhhh, a meat rider......ok East is the third gym leader in the game, and his only purpose, is to be loyal to a cult leader....and die after losing against the player character.....I'd think he'd get along well with El and that's about it.
Look, I'm one of the biggest pokemon insurgence fans, I played this game a minimum of 20 times, but this character gets 1 scene in the whole game before they die.


Harmony is the 4th gym leader of the game, a polite madam that specializes in Normal and Fairy types, in the game she appear to warn Orion before a cult tries to steal his white rock, and she herself is traumatized at seeing her father get turned into a deoxys hybrid by her previous friend who became a cult leader......Insurgence.
I would find her easily able to get along with Laura, due to both of them really matching in personalities, as well as her getting along well with Julia, Florinia, Amaria and Titania, since I do think she could REALLY get along just fine with all 4 of them.
I would also think she would get along with Adrienn due to both of them being fairy type leaders as well as.....genuinely nice people trying to do better.


Anastasia is the 5th gym leader of the torren region, specializing in steel and electric types, she is also known to do shady deals for MONEY!!!!! Yeah she made a Zekrom armor for a cult member to make his Zekrom stronger......yeah that's something that happens.
I'd honestly find her being able to get along well with Evelynn due to both of them being mechanics and both of them helping terrorists :DDDD (Although ones motive was way better than the others)


Diana is the 6th gym leader of torren, specializing in Ghost and Psychic types, being a lover to the 7th gym leader Calreath (before he dies). has a Cresselia, and is a sibling to the Cult leader Persephone, once you finish her quest in the post game, she stops being a gym leader and becomes a pokemon researcher alongside the regions professor.
Diana would most likely get along well with Shelly, due to the fact both took up pokemon studying in the future and both of them having rather shaky relationships with their Siblings.
Whilst I also see her befriending potentially Julia due to her personality wise not being too different from her dead lover.
I'd also think she might get along with Serra and reason it's just a gut feeling on this one.


Calreath is the 7th gym leader of the torren region, lover of Diana, being chosen by Manaphy, and specializing in electric, water and dragon types, dying only because the cult leader Zenith made him fall into the depths of the infernal base when he could.
Calreath as a personality is very joyful, very happy, i'd think he'd honestly get along well with a lot of people, I think Hardy, Julia, Terra, Lin, Blake and Cain might be some of the first characters I think off in this matter.....that would have been if he was ALIVE but woopsie daisies.


Adam is the final gym leader of insurgence, the dark type specialist, the prior augur (which meant the protector of the region, strongest trainer in the region, and chosen by Arceus to guide a crystal holding his power), he was also chosen by Hoopa and is the protagonists father.
Before the story starts, Adam was forced into a corner by The second augur, Jaern and Persephone into a dream realm, made up in his sons mind to keep him locked there, after which he almost died via having a Gengar use dream eater on his child to make them forget completely about him.
I'd think Adam would get along pretty well with Amethyst, for the reason that they are both the previous strongest trainer in their region.
I would also think he would get along well with Noel and Anastasia, probably seeing a bit of his own child within them, on that note I think he would also get along well with Radomus, probably being able to share the pain he had when his whole life fell apart together with Radomus.
I'd also think he might get along well with Lin! Both of them are fans of hydreigon (He has a mega Hydreigon on him), and Adam might be a good father figure for Lin!


Damian is the first rival in pokemon insurgence, starting out together with you as someone who was adopted, later in the game he gets chosen by Shaymin, helps defeat the second augur, gaining at least a bit of a backbone before losing it to his friend telling him his step mother was right about him (when she said he was just a child and he wasn't ready for a pokemon yet), gets abducted by the deoxys man previously mentioned, finds out his mother is Audrey, leader of the abyssal cult, sees his mother potentially die infront of his eyes, only to get told he's gonna make the world better, gets healed in the postgame, helps save his mother and finally decides he wants to help people.
Alright, first things first, I find him to be likely to become really good friends with Taka, not only due to the similarities, Taka being the son of Sol and Damian the son of Audrey, but also because they would just make good friends.
Other than that, I find him likely able to befriend Lumi and Evelynn, not through any particular reason I just really think he would, and perhaps he could also befriend Amaria, I feel like he would really be able to do that.


Nora is the second rival of the game, chosen by celebi at the start of her journey, going off on her friend telling him his step mother was right about him then immediately feeling remorse upon her actions, trying the whole game to fix this only to see her friend get infected with a Deoxys virus and disappear from her life, then proceed to become seemingly irrelevant for the rest of the game..........yup....she does nothing else........she's just there....
As a person she's likely to become friends with quite a lot of the characters in reborn, Anna, Noel, Shelly, Cain, Victoria, Luna, Sera, Heather (although that is debatable), since she really is quite friendly in the game just.,...kinda pushed aside after the 6th badge.


Jaern is the second augur, in the story he uses his reputation and political power as the second augur to make himself seem like an unkillable god when in reality he's weaker than Fern, he sacrifices the 3rd gym leader to summon rayquaza, only for him to suck ass at using the most broken pokemon in existence.
Honestly the only person that he might get along with would be Fern, but only to annoy one another.


Audrey is the leader of the abyssal cult, mother of Damian, and is obsessed with raising the ocean levels due to a Tentacruel evolution that occured a long time ago when Kyogre was rampaging through hoenn.
As a character she might get along with possibly Serra due to both of them being parents (although one better than the other)
And Amaria only and only because she is a water type specialist


So on short, he's a cocky cult leader that worships groudon, that almost succeeded at taking over the region after selling people fake vaccine shots.....look the game finished in 2016-2017-2018, it was before covid, the developer is pro Vaccination ok? This was just an unfortunate plotline he wrote into the game.
But nah, I don't think anyone would be a fan of Zenith, like literally no one, this guy just sucks.


Persephone is the leader of the darkrai cult, she's responsible for the player losing their memory, she's the sister of Diana and is a bit insane in trying to catch Darkrai, and hating her sister due to the fact that Diana and Persephone, when they were young they were under the influence of Zenith, and were part of the Infernal cult, Diana leaving Persephone alone under Zenith's control and leaving Persephone to lose her mind and dying for revenge both on her sister and Zenith.
I feel like she might not be able to befriend...anyone, maybe just Sapphira because both of them are striven by the need to get back at those who hurt them, but nothing more.


Taen is the underling of Reukra, the leader of the perfection cult, he spent the majority of this game trying to make the original dragon and failed.
He might only and only be able to get along semi well with Sigmund, maybe finding respect in his experiments....which....if you were to get along with Sigmund, there might be something wrong with you.
Someone else he might find appreciation for is Evelynn, due to the fact she created the pulse machine, and so he would probably be very interested in how the machines work and how Evelynn made them, basically a worse Florina.


Reukra is the champion and leader of the perfection cult, he has only 1 thing keeping him forward in life, the search for perfection, he made delta pokemon (which in Insurgence are mostly man made variations of already existing pokemon, ex: a grimer made out of sand), he made mega evolutions, armors, tried with the original dragon, remade mewtwo, and almost succeded in finding the Perfect team.
As for who he would get along with, I think he might forge a friendship with Sol, Sol wanting a perfect world and him striving for perfection, it goes hand in hand.
Another one he might find enjoyment for is Lyn, not Lyn as in Lyn, but in Lyn the doll, most likely being fascinated by how she's able to win fights like that, studying her matches and seeing what he can try to do to have that synergy, that perfect team he's striving for.......when he doesn't know her matches are already decided to be won.

The Player

The player is the player..........they are likely to become good friends with everyone from reborn, most likely the doll as well

Quick Mentions

Gail - He is a protestor...he has a zygarde...he might get along with Sandy
Nyx - She is someone that tried to bring Giratina back to power (long story short instead of Arceus creating the universe, Giratina created it, Arceus overthrow them, took their power and Giratina was seen as the devil). she might be able to befriend Lyn...or maybe not since Giratina is pretty anti Arceus.
The E4 - They have no appearences in the game nor any major personalities to speak off, they...they are nothing, really.
King Vesryn - He's one of the first ever pokemon trainers, king of the Vesryn and Aroma regions, both of which are regions from pokemon Omicron and Zeta, another game that the developer, Suzerain, worked on, and he might get along with possibly Elias.
TheSuzerain - Ok this is technically cheating, but the developer suzerain, inserted himself within Insurgence as the character Suzerain, being one of the 8 timeless, which are really strong trainers across the pokemon verse (Cynthia, Steven stone, Red, Dawn, N, Alain, King Vesryn and Suzerain), but...due to both of them being technically self inserts...I would like to think Amethyst would get along with him :DDDD


Boredom does something to humans...I am one of them, this was done because for one...I just wanted to put my thoughts on this out in the open.
And second I was really bored, and thought this will be a fun time waster, and it was, be sure to tell me what you guys think, and enjoy your day.
submitted by GreninjaDeter to PokemonReborn [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:22 gekkun11 27 [M4R] Bandung/Jakarta/Online - Looking for friends to form circle or do some activities

Hi! I'm looking for new people with the same interest(s) to do activities together. All my IRL friends told me that I'm the most unapproachable and jutek person before they got to know me. Apparently, I turned out to be funny and extremely unpredictable according to them. Makes sense... I'm chronically insane I think. I live in Bandung but still visit Jakarta as much as I can each month to see my friends.
Some other things about me:
Currently looking for:
I've tried this R4R thing twice back then and it's always awkward and stopped after 1-3 interactions. So let's bond by hanging out before we jump right into the activities.
P.S. I'm also looking for something serious with someone since I'm done being a whore. I have a little expectation from a redditor but there's no harm in trying for you and me LOL.
submitted by gekkun11 to IndoR4R [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:21 StarDustJinx Nothing works and nothing gets better, no, it's not fully my fault, no, i don't have to justify myself to you and it's fucking selfish of you to try to keep me alive

Title. I'm so fucking sick and tired of having to prove people that geniunely nothing is getting better in my life and has absolutely no fucking chance of doing so. People either who don't know me, who straight up lies to me of things getting better and every SINGLE TIME it has gone worse. It was never good. It NEVER was.
I am born as the wrong gender, even doctors told them that i may be questioning my gender and they didn't fucking care . Thanks to them I never got the hormones or the therapy or the surgery I needed and my body torments me every single fucking day. I'm never comfortable on my own skin and it's too late for me to do things like bone structure changes with hormones or voice changing. I will never fucking pass thanks to them. Add that to the fact that I have ADHD and BPD (that got mistreated with wrong medicine so it got worse) also asthma. I can't even breathe properly.
They were also incredibly incompatible. They got divorced when I was 9 and I had to suffer as a source of they can take their hatred for each other. Both are gaslighting but my mom especially, along with being abusive. She constantly hit and attacked me, kicked me out of home and when i defended myself turned everyone in that family against me as if i'm the abuser. She fucking stalked me and made me so paranoid that i couldn't walk out of home and ruined an entire semester. My dad is always emotionally unavalabile. I always have to speak twice just for him to act like hes fucking listening.
The only friends group I had in my life (i was never accepted in the rest or just straight up got bullied) left me to die in 2021 because i was "in every drama" because i wanted to actively fix the fights that were happening. I'm sure nobody sees me as a human being, let alone a friend. Thanks to this and my mom stalking me I failed my college, the one thing in my life i actually achieved was GONE thanks to them, and because i couldn't bring myself to lose it i never quitted, so there's a big debt on me from that as well.
I was always broke, and i'm so fucking sick and tired of never having enough to eat. I hate that I can't afford emergency ward or medicine because my goverment's system decided to fuck me over and not let me change where i live currently from online (because of that i can't go to file i have no earnings so i can get cheap healthcare) and i can't afford two tickets. I can't get therapy. And to those who'll go "get a job, lol", nobody wants a college dropout trans person with no qualities and mental/physical health issues, especially in a country where they want me dead.
After all that, I only had my pc to occupy me. I did also recently started to learn coding, to get my life mended a bit and to move out from my terrible household. I also only had games as my only hobby (again, monetary issues lol). A game that I really wanted to play got out this week. Something I geniunely kept myself alive for. I even promised that after that I was going to fully commit to the coding.
Guess when did my pc decided to eat shit and die. And do you know the worst part? I can't fix it myself, after going everywhere i found out that it can't be fixed (for a reasonable price, they say "just get a different pc at this point"), I can't get any money by working or anything (see above), I can't even BEG for it, since my country has no proper way to send money.
All this happening in ONE WEEK. One week when I wanted it not to happen. I don't believe for a single second it's just a bad coincidence.
That's geniunely the final fucking straw for me. I don't care if it's stupid, selfish or fucking whatever. I can't have anything good going on in my life for a single day. And when I say this to say farewell to people the amount of downplaying, lying, avoiding, clowning I endure about it is just funny. People claim how it's "gonna get better" and then suggest stuff that's basically toxic positivity at it's worst (i've geniunely heard someone say "just steal a pc if it means that much to you"). People just want to fucking keep me alive because THEY want me to be around, or because THEY don't want to suffer or feel guilty of my suicide Nobody stops and fucking thinks what will happen to me if I stay alive. What other terrible shit I have to endure. They won't feel guilty about it. And they don't even fucking try to help about the situation. They just offer fake hopeful words and toxic positivity or yell at me for being selfish or dare me to kill myself.
I can't fucking take it anymore. I geniunely can't. Everything i do i end up at fault and when other people do wrong or even if i do nothing wrong i'm still the one at fault. I don't want to live in this fucking nightmare anymore. And I won't.
I'm killing myself and that's geniunely my final decision this time. I don't want to wake up in the morning and prepare myself to suffer something terrible every single fucking day. I don't want to be a miserable piece of shit every day, progresively worse one at that. I don't want to live a fucking life where my feelings thoughts and actions mean nothing.
submitted by StarDustJinx to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 Sea-Bunnies_Are_Cute Fruitloops

So gonna leave out a lot of more info just to be a little short about this.
So at my school I was wearing my aroace flag since it's pride month. (It wasn't getting in the way of anyone made sure of that) and this group of boys came up to me and (rather politely) asked me what the flag meant. So I told them. But after they asked "so why do fruitloops get an entire month but veterans get one day?!" And I tries to tell them "well no they do get an entire month too." But he just decided to be worse and said "no they don't stop making up lies fruitloop. Plus you can't say yer aroace that's stupid you just haven't met the right person or had sex yet"....
Dude like what the hell. I was being nice so staying calm i said "well do some research on yer point first about the veterans day stuff then come talk to me."
But after the group of boys left I realized he never said LGBT or any of that he was calling our community the fruitloops community.
I found that kinda funny.
submitted by Sea-Bunnies_Are_Cute to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:20 Worried-Lifeguard-71 AITAH for not wanting to talk to my friend?

I'm not sure if this post belongs here but when i was checking other rules of other convos it didn't belong but I really need answers.
A little back story I(17F) made a friend also (17F) at practice. We had already known each other but it was only in passing at school we weren't friends. We ended up joining a club together and thats when we started to get close. We would ride to practice together, have sleepovers together, the whole nine yards.
We ended up going on a trip together with a few other people and we were having a good time. Before the trip she had told me about a boy she met and how they got along really well. I was extremely excited for her because she looked happy.
Things were great on the trip we were having a good time and, I went to her room with another friend. We were laughing and we were having a good time is all I can really say if you get my drift. Next thing I know she blurts out that she was pregnant. Yes, pregnant. This wouldn't have been a problem had it not been for the amount of fun we were having.
I suddenly felt like I couldn't breathe and trying to make the situation better I asked what her plans were. She said she was going to keep it. I asked if she told anyone other than me and the other friend that was with us but she said no. The other friend (18F) said I should drop it and we could talk about it later.
I figured this was also a good idea and stopped talking about it but it was still on my mind.
To rewind from this I usually have premonitions in dreams but they're not immediate. Meaning they wont happen the next day. This is important to say because I had previously had a dream about me being in a hallway and the (17F) friend was trying to take pictures but my face was angry and confused. I saw it in the reflection before she snapped the picture and realized i needed to fix it and smile.
I then realized that this was the moment I had seen in my dream a month ago and that it was because she had told me this.
Before the trip she told me that she had gotten her cycle and asked me to check if she bled through because it was on her but not her jeans. These memories were flashing through my head after she told me she was pregnant. I asked her about it and she told me she lied. "I lied, I lied, I lied." Those words rang in my head so loud. She had lied to me. How far back did she begin to lie. This was one of the problems. I could care less about her being pregnant because that was something we could deal with we were friends after all. I would give her anything she needed.
The fact that she had been lying, it felt like she broke my trust. Like I was looking at a stranger. I didn't know what to think. Had the friendship been built off of lies was a big question for me. Some might say I was overthinking or overreacting but like I said we were having a good time. I was stuck with my thought in my room alone.
The second problem for me was that she is a smoker. Vapes and weed. The entire trip. She wanted to keep the baby but she was still using. That was all I could think about. When I was back to my senses I would tell her that she shouldn't do that because it wasn't ok. Implying that she had something to protect and take care of. All she would say was why. It was like she didn't care or didn't remember what she had told me. The rest of the trip I would give her snacks and food and try to keep her away from smoking. Some people said that was weird but I was just trying to help.
I started distancing myself from her because i needed time to process but I was still trying to be there for her. After the trip we all went home and i distanced from everyone. I felt I had no one to talk to about it. She ended up texting me saying it was a joke. My trust was already broken and I didn't know if I could believe anything she would say. Another one of our friends (17F) got us both on the phone and let her explain herself and she kept saying it was all a joke. I dropped it on the phone and said ok but, thats not how i really felt. The trust was already broken for me. I felt our relationship would never be the same. My anxiety had gotten so bad that i even decided to go to a different college because we were planning on being roommates. I just don't know what to do. It actually was a joke but I still don't know how to feel.
What do I do? AITA? Did I overreact? Was I thinking too much? How should I go about this?
submitted by Worried-Lifeguard-71 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 TheDude8000 What are some practical tools to take back control of my life?

I am a 24m who's struggled with various addictions over the course of the last ten years. I began smoking weed at 13, cigarettes at 15 and heavy alcohol use at 16. I was the kid who brought a water bottle of vodka into math just to see if I could get away with it, and nobody ever found out. I kept a handle of vodka behind the driver's seat of my car, etc. I have always been very "high functioning," in that I got good grades in high school, got into a very good college, and have since found a fair degree of success out of school. However, the habits that formed a decade ago have not gone away.
I get cross-faded every day, and recently at night, almost like a mantra, I tell myself to stop. That I am destroying my body, that it will catch up to me sooner than I think. I ask what will be the catalyst to change — a health scare? A destroyed relationship? And yet the next night I do the exact same thing.
The thing is, right now my life is pretty good by almost all objective measures. I'm in a healthy relationship with my girlfriend. I support myself financially, although I'm still on my dad's health insurance for another year or so. I have a group of smart, positive friends. And yet when it comes to drinking and smoking it's like my will power vanishes and the demon of habit takes control of my body. I don't know how to stop it.
I've gone through extensive periods of time of daily meditation, which helped me a lot, but I'm not in consistent practice right now. I go to the gym about four times a week. I don't sleep very well, usually going to bed around 3am and waking up around 9am. I also find my addictive tendencies finds other methods of achieving a dopamine rush — daily sports gambling, sometimes wasting full days playing video games, etc.
From the outside I look to be in a very positive, successful position for my age. Inside, I am struggling to stay afloat. I am looking for tools or actionable methods to help bring myself back to my best self. For example, I've tried making a daily schedule for myself in time blocks so that I can stay productive. The problem is I rarely stick to the schedule. I need to train my discipline, will power, something. Any thoughts? (Thank you for reading)
submitted by TheDude8000 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:16 No-Entrepreneur-1649 H Pylori treatment

Hi everyone, I had an endoscopy about a month ago and everything looked fine except that I got tested positive for H pylori.
I completed the triple treatment for two weeks and felt much better. But it relapsed within a week after which I did another week of the same treatment that ended yesterday.
I still have shortness of breath and some unease in my chest area when I eat.
I have completely stopped drinking and smoke because that triggers it massively for me.
Is this shortness of breath normal? The doc has now prescribed a month of antacids to me.
submitted by No-Entrepreneur-1649 to GERD [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 lumberjack786 24 [M4F] Germany - Looking for my someone 😊

Hey there! I am a 24-year-old guy, and I’m looking for my special someone
A little about me:
· Im an “Ausländer“ Living in Germany
· 5,8Ft or 1.77m tall and well built
· Currently pursuing my Masters and working part time
· Hobbies include: Football, Gym, Cooking & Baking, Travelling and Gaming
· I'm both introverted and extroverted and it depends on the people I'm with, once I get comfortable, I won’t stop talking xd
· Been learning German and can communicate very basically, would say I’m probably B1
Who I'm looking for:
· Someone between the ages of 18 to 27
· Kind, respectful, funny and enjoys flirting, and having good conversations
· Also, whose looking for a genuine connection!
· Has similar interests

You'll get a pic if you send one as well (I know attraction matters)
Honestly, I don't have much expectations, but you'll never know! Maybe it’s just a fun nice chat or something more :)
Also please send me more than a "hi".
submitted by lumberjack786 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 lazyfurnace 24 hours done!

submitted by lazyfurnace to stopsmoking [link] [comments]