Itchy skin on face

A subreddit for fans of Lush Cosmetics!

2012.03.15 11:08 laurenbeth A subreddit for fans of Lush Cosmetics!

A fan made and moderated community for Lush Cosmetics and everything related, we are not officially involved with, affiliated with or moderated by Lush Cosmetics in any way. The nicest little smelling corner of Reddit you’ll find.

2014.07.03 00:49 stufstuf A UK-centric skincare subreddit.

A UK focused skincare subreddit.

2012.01.05 04:08 For anything and everything having to deal with skin!


2024.05.14 12:55 SilentDrifterOne „I’m sorry that…“

I need to preface two things:
First, I’m not a native English speaker. I’m German (yeah, from the land of beer, Bretzel and no funny jokes). I learned a bit in school (wasn’t good at it) but the most through gaming, music, movies and reading. So this might be just a language thing I don’t (want) to get.
Second, I’m not saying „Don’t say this shit!“. If it works and feels coherent for you have at it. It’s about my reaction to these kinds of phrasings.
Good? Good.
Let’s go!
„I’m sorry this happened to you.“
Oh okay, thanks I guess? What was your part in it? What did you do?
„I’m sorry they did this to you. They shouldn’t have.“
Dam right, they shouldn’t. So what are you sorry about? What did you do?
„I’m sorry you’re going through all this. You deserve better.“
Why am I feeling I need to comfort you and you don’t comfort me.
And what has this to do with deserving anything?
But I NEEDED a shitload of everything. We all did.
Safety, stability, love and care, support, guidance, healthy boundaries, enough to eat, play and more.
Someone who hugs us, says that everything will be alright and that was/is with us every step along the way.
That’s what unconditional love is all about. If you or anyone of us (still) thinks we needed to deserve it, you were set up for failure. As a child it’s a double bind. We couldn’t deserve (meaning „work for it“) anything (not that we still tried anyway), but we needed a whole lot more than we got. If you weren’t loved unconditionally you weren’t loved at all.
In German we have a word. It’s called „fremdschämen“. It means feeling ashamed on behalf of another person which doesn’t feel ashamed or not ashamed enough. When it happens, it happens mostly involuntarily. Maybe you watch a movie and one of the characters does/says something so atrocious/unspeakable/laughable you just have to avoid looking at or hearing it. Or you read/hear of somebody’s experiences, some horrible or sad shit and can really empathize (or so you feel/think) with it. But then you get all hot and bothered and you just. need. to put it. out. there.
„I’m sorry...BLUARRRRRRRG.“ *cough, cough*...*wipes his chin*
That’s „fremdschämen“.
You are not sorry, because there is no reason to be. You didn’t do anything.
You feel ashamed because another person did something or something happened and was totally out of your control and you (still try to) feel one way or the other responsible for it (that’s what children try to do too).
Because somebody has to...right? They never did. But your are not like them, nonono. You carry all the burden and then some. You are not like them. Because what would happen if nobody else felt sorry for that shit? When nobody else would take responsibility for it?
I’m not sorry to say I don’t feel comforted or understood by „I’m sorry/I feel sorry...yadayada, blablabla.“.
I just feel angry, livid with it. A part of me just wants to bash your face into a wall.
It feels superficial, fake, empty too.
And my anger is not really about you personally. It’s about the fact that you’re still playing/being the scapegoat, just on another level with a different person (you don’t even know) and it makes my skin crawl.
Don’t feel sorry for me. Try to be (more?) compassionate.
Be sad about it and say that. Be angry on behalf and with me and scream that. Cry with me or for me, even if I can’t/aren’t able to. If you feel joyful share that. If you have nothing to say or don’t know how, write that (or ask). A noble silence (with an expressive face) is also always appreciated. Or maybe just a hug.
But don’t feel sorry ever again for something YOU DIDN’T DO!
They did and should (and won’t).
And I won’t either.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by SilentDrifterOne to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:52 lil_sparrow_ I don't look horrific in the morning

It's crazy, 6am and no makeup and only brushed out my hair and I actually feel okay about how I look getting out of bed. I don't look exhausted, swollen, blotchy, sunken, and dead inside anymore. No more unwashed makeup smeared on my face, monstrous bags, and dead skin... I quit drinking at the end of January, and my body is healing and reflecting my inner peace. My skin looks healthy, my eyes have life again and look bright, and my color is back to normal.
Seeing physical proof of your recovery is indescribable, and it's pushing me to not let go. You don't realize how sick you truly are until you're on the other side. IWNDWYT.
Edit: Rereading it, woah! I'm actually consistently up and about even with nothing to do at 6 am now in sobriety. I'm about to go on a walk. 😊
submitted by lil_sparrow_ to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:47 moon-frogz Severe flare, should I use topical steroids?

I’m currently going through the worst flare which started in October last year. I’ve had eczema since being a child but this is the lowest I’ve felt with it for a long time - I don’t want to leave the house, I can’t sleep and my performance at work is on the decline because I can’t focus and frankly I don’t have the energy. Luckily I work from home so that is my main saving grace at the moment. I just came back off my honeymoon and spent a decent chunk of it crying about my skin.
I have it all over my face, neck, arms, hands and back - so pretty much completely upper half. I have been on prednisolone twice, once in December and once in April, both were 4 week gradual tapers. I was on this for my wedding, but it didn’t really suppress the flare as well as I was expecting, so I was still flared on my wedding day. I have also been on antibiotics (flucloxacillin) twice in the period between October and May for skin infection. I have also used topical steroids on the first taper.
I’ve now tapered off the prednisolone and my skin has gone absolutely haywire as expected, the first time I tapered off the prednisolone I was never able to recover and was still flaring massively. I’m at my wits end with it all and don’t really know where to go from here. I thought it could be TSW so haven’t been using topical steroids for a few months but have been using sudacrem and fuscidic acid to keep any infection at bay. I’ve also been taking probiotics, antihistamines and collagen tablets to help. I’ve tried Dead Sea salt baths but it made me itchier and I’ve got some stuff for bleach baths but need to wait for my skin to heal a little bit more first. I have a dermatologist who keeps trying to give me more topical steroids but I feel my skin has worsened significantly since using the topical steroids and oral steroids. I am due to have patch testing in a few weeks to see what my triggers might be.
In terms of support, my partner and family have been really supportive but I don’t feel like they can truly understand. I don’t feel like people at work take it seriously either when I tell them or how debilitating it can be.
The point I’m at now is wondering if I should go back to the topical steroids to see if they might help - I’m completely torn on whether to believe I’m going through TSW or just a really bad eczema flare. I’d love to get a second opinion from people experiencing something similar, so would be great to hear what you think
submitted by moon-frogz to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:43 CurzedRocks33 Help, dermatica tret and oily skin

So I was given my dermatica formula which is:
Tretinoin 0.05%/ Niacinamide 4%/ Clindamycin 1% Lotion
This is my 4th week of using and I use every other night. My skin seems to handle the tret well, slight peeling but only noticeable with makeup on. I immediately noticed an improvement in acne, i tend to break out around my chin and jawline and everything cleared up in the first week, I didn’t have one active spot on my face, then at week 3 things changed, I’m slightly breaking out in places I didn’t even get acne before like my cheeks and neck but it’s not too bad and makeup covers it so I’m not too bothered about that it’s more that my skin texture is awful, it’s gone super oily with larger pores and I don’t know if it’s the formula or if it’s the other products I’m using alongside it.
My skin is oily with occasional hormonal breakouts.
My routine is: Am The inkey list salyclic acid cleanser, 20% niaciamide, omega water cream moisturiser. Same for PM on non tret nights but on tret nights I just use tret and the moisturiser.
I exfoliate once a week on a non tret night to try combat the peeling.
Is there something I’m doing wrong? I just want nice skin 😞 I feel like it was easier to deal with the breakouts than this oilyness.
submitted by CurzedRocks33 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:38 erukami I thought I had dyshidrosis, it was a fungal infection (tinea/ringworm)

I thought I had dyshidrosis, it was a fungal infection (tinea/ringworm)
First and foremost, I am going to say that my situation is unique to me and I am not saying that what I am posting will apply to those reading. Nor am I saying replies on this subreddit are right or wrong. This is just sharing lessons learned in the case it may help others and is NOT medical advice. When it doubt, go read rule 2 of this sub.
TLDR: I thought I had dyshidrosis but I had a fungal infection that looked absolutely nothing like a fungal infection from existing pictures on the internet. Don't be me, go see a doctor for an official diagnosis if you haven't already.
Just to give a little background on me, I have never been diagnosed with any form of eczema or allergies but some of my family has. Additionally, I have had slightly itchy bumps and extremely dry skin on one of my fingers for a few years now and attributed it as dyshidrosis without getting a dermotologist to look at it (failure on my part, lesson learned).
This all changed in February, when I developed swelling and very itch bumps on two of my fingers and the little clusters of fluid filled spots spread across those fingers. I found this subreddit and started trying out things that worked for people here. I tried moisterizers, a different soap, avoiding overly hot water, and soaking/cold compressing my hands. Nothing worked and the clusters had spread to other fingers. Finally talked to a doctor about it (should have done this sooner, but not easy for my area and I idiotically decided to wait it out) through a virtual appointment and they prescribed a steroid cream. The cream looked like it was helping the first day I used it and then I quickly noticed something was not right. The spots had mostly kept to the sides of my fingers but were rapidly progressing towards my fingerprint on one of the initial fingers. Also, spots were appearing in random areas on the affected fingers.
During that, I also noticed this new spot that made me think fungal infection:
Hard to see, but that is a ring
That area had not been affected by the bumps or clusters prior to applying the cream. I consulted multiple pharmacists (no doctors available) about it and they told me I hadn't used the cream long enough to really see a good result. So I posted here:
I waited a few more days only to see continued spread and eventually major blisters, that continuously weeped, appeared on two of my fingers. I tried to find a doctor's appointment to no avail, so I went to talk to a pharmacist again and was told to continue the cream. I also posted here again:
If you gave me advice on either post, thank you for taking the time to respond. I greatly appreciate it.
I luckily landed an in-person appointment with a clinic that had just recently re-opened. Was told to stop the cream and that I probably had a bacterial infection. The doctor also took swabs for testing. I had explained the spread to the doctor and thought to voice my opinion about it being fungal, but I decided against it (I should have, lesson learned). Got a 10 day antibiotic and it quickly took care of the major blisters. It did not solve the clusters or swelling though and I wanted to talk to the doctor again, but was convinced to wait it out.
Towards the end of the antibiotic, I noticed the clusters were spreading again except in a circle pattern, my fingers were still swollen, and spots had started to appear on my other hand. Got another appointment with the same clinic and the doctor suspected it was a fungal infection caused by the bacterial infection (definitely the reverse). Got a 14 day anti-fungal cream prescription and thought that would be the end of this. 5 days later, the spreading didn't stop and I was not noticing any improvements. Decided against waiting it out and contacted the clinic for another follow-up. This time I got a stronger anti-fungal and steroid cream and it wiped out the infection within the recommended application period.
So I had a fungal infection for a little over 2.5 months. Here's some key lesson learned I am taking away from this situation:
  • If you haven't read rule 2 of this sub, read and remember that rule should apply not only to this sub but to the internet in general.
  • Don't wait to see a doctor if you haven't. If you can't afford it, perfectly understandable, but it is still best to see a doctor. I may have gotten to a solution sooner if I didn't wait a month at first.
  • Don't hesistate to voice your concerns to the doctor you see. If you do, be respectful about it. They're not infallible but they have far more knowledge an experience than you. I would have had this solved far sooner if I had.
  • If you feel something is wrong, don't hesitate to seek assistance. Even if you have to get a second opinion from another doctor. I knew the initial steroid cream was not working and yet I kept following instructions.
  • Ask your doctor what tests they are performing and what improvements should look like if they prescribe a medication. I never got results on the swab tests and didn't ask what I should look out for that would require an immediate follow-up. If I had asked what improvements should look like, I may have gotten the anti-fungal creams sooner.
A bit long and slightly off-topic, but I hope people learn from my mistakes.
submitted by erukami to Dyshidrosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:36 __frankly How can I improve my life using my chart?

How can I improve my life using my chart?
As a Scorpio, I know that transformation is one of my driving motivations. I have lost 60 lbs in a year and I am doing the difficult emotional work through therapy/groups etc. My dream is to find a job I can tolerate/enjoy and hold it down. A home is that is cozy, safe, and clean. Healthy, well-adjusted kids that can face the world head on. Find a partner willing to stick by my side despite the crazy (bc the non-crazy is pretty great). Most of all, I want to feel okay in my own skin and confident that I can hurdle the obstacles life throws.
Is there anything in my chart that can help me get to that place of strength? Anything I can work on, work towards? With all my heart I appreciate any help 🖤🖤🖤
submitted by __frankly to AskAstrologers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:32 BinkNBoink No sleep

Did anybody else get no sleep in the beginning of their journey?? Mossbergs mom here. He was whining so I went downstairs to see what was up, he was with me all weekend as my parents were off on a trip to the ocean. They came back today and to say the least he was VERY excited, he loves them so much. Well. It's 3 am where I am, I go down, let him out of his crate and ask what's up, he walks to the back door I need to pee stare. Okay let's go potty. Take hin out, he sniffs around, pees a little, starts checking out backyard stuff so I'm like nooo let's go inside it's creepy and dark. We go inside, I grab his kong and put steak bits in it and put him in the crate, and go upstairs. Not even 3 minutes after I get into bed I hear VIGOROUS. CRATE SHAKING NOISES. I BOLT downstairs. Hes fine. Was just itching his face, he's been itchy, fleas and allergies and what not. I go back upstairs. Before this, I heard bed scratching noises like paws hitting his bed pad. Ran downstairs Any little. Noise. Whine, creak I hear downstairs I'm down there in literally milliseconds. It's like I apparate into my living room. I get no sleep at night because of it. Especially on eventful days :( cause I know he was extra excited and or stressed. Plus it's Tuesday morning. 1 day from Wednesday. The incident day. Every time. It's just awful and it breaks my heart, I don't even know what'd I'd do if he was seizing And I don't want to wake my parents up each time i hear some crazy shit like the shaking crate from the itching cause I know they'll say it's fine, hes fine, why the hell did you wale me uplet us sleep, yadda yadda or it could go the complete opposite direction, I get ur scared, I know ur trying to help him. Etc. or something to that fact. Which, understandable they've had a very long weekend, they drove for like 6 hours, had to load a trailer etc, I get it. But I'm like man it's so heartbreaking and exhausting.. I just want to get my baby help and medication 😤🤧 I don't even know where to start. Told my dad I wanted ownership of him for my 21st, he said absolutley not. Which I don't understand why. I feel like im the only one doing research to help him. That also keeps me up, the copious amounts of research on meds, seizure types, cost, appointments, vets that are taking new patients because he doesn't have a primary. Diet changes, CBD, asking reddit over and over and over again. I feel so hopeless because he's in my dad's care, and start to doubt if I'd be any better for him cause it's so stressful. But he's my baby, and he doesn't deserve to be given up on because of his seizures. We don't even know what they're caused by, bro could be diabetic. Or hypoglycemic. (Twinsies, kind of) I'm trying to make the most out of our situation by doing fun things eith him more like hikes and walks. But past couple of days have been so hot I was scared to take him out in fear of overheating and seizing. I wouldn't be able to Cary bro back to the car, he's heavy. I'm.. well. Not in the best shape and my knees are weak. (Arms are heavy, moms spaghetti) Sorry I just needed to vent. My dad's makes jokes about limited time with him now, and how he's talking to someone who will euthanize "in home" and to say the least I'm disgusted. 🙄 I have my own opinions about how moss was raised and how I busted my ass for him, I asked my ex as well if I did more work or my dad with moss when he was a puppy and he said you for sure. Your dad's idea of doing stuff with him was telling you to do it and going in his room for hours on end. Which I'm still pissed about, and I was like sweet, nice to know I'm not crazy. And because I go across the water frequently right now, my parents have been using that as an excuse to not give me ownership as well. Where, if I had ownership, he could come with me in a pet friendly Airbnb. Or something idk, I'd actually be able to take home when I move. It's all just so frustrating. And the weirdest most fucked up situation I've been in. Sometimes I wish I had a normal family when it came to things with dogs and medical conditions, like idk a dad who cared more about the wellbeing of his animals? Who wasn't so dark and weird about shit like this? 😐 sorry for the rant but lord have mercy. 😕 I just want to get my dog help and I feel helpless until I finish orientation for this new job.
submitted by BinkNBoink to EpilepsyDogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:30 Disastrous_Special_2 [Oc][Art] Art I did for the party I’m DMing

I’m DMing a homebrew campaign based on the verge of the ressurrection of a Death King, so the players need to eventually face him before he is able to fully conquer the world. For now they are trying to power up them selves with some bettle experience and powerful itens. The general lore of the world is:
The northern kingdom of Valicent was so large that it occupied the entire continent, separated and isolated from many by the vast sapphire ocean that surrounded it. King Alent Ruviolol III brought his kingdom to its most exquisite era, filled with riches, military power and a happy population even surrounded by the pale cold of his kingdom. Other kingdoms have already tried to invade his kingdom, but many were always stopped before approaching the capital, in front of the chain walls that extended throughout the territory, a construction that many questioned if it was really made by mortal hands. When Alent was old, his son Veldor, overcome by envy, took his father's life to ascend the throne prematurely, throwing his body into the largest river on the continent. Even through the action of regicide, he still ascended the throne due to his undeniable magical power. However, the traitorous son's reign did not last more than a fortnight, when his father emerged from the Válic River as an undead, something never seen before in this world. His son didn't consider it urgent at first, just sending a group of elite guards to put an end to the problem. However, the dead old man cut up the flesh of his enemies like it was nothing, and added the scythes as his new Dead Subjects, starting his undead army, creatures with rotting skin and even skeletons of people long dead. As the king headed towards the capital, his army grew like an uncontrolled disease, with Alent displaying incomparable strength with his sword. Everyone knows the rest of the story, the Dead King decimated the capital and reaped his son and eventually almost the entire continent was killed by the incomparable strength of this decrepit, tireless army. Only Angharad, the strongest adventurer of her time, truly stood against the Dead King, perishing in combat but saving thousands of lives.
submitted by Disastrous_Special_2 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:29 BryanTheBIsSilent Picked up The Fatip Piccolo Open Comb for a Steal, Totally Changed my Idea About Certain Aspects of Shaving

Picked up The Fatip Piccolo Open Comb for a Steal, Totally Changed my Idea About Certain Aspects of Shaving
Found this little guy on Amazon for 13 euro, this being my 3rd razor purchase and my 1st open comb razor. I read about how "aggressive" it was and was a little apprehensive about trying it out(my experience is with an R89, The Legione, and a Gillette Slim Adjustable). I had shaved only 1 day prior, so I figured I would go ATG immediately because how little hair I had (baby face, patchy, low grit sand paper like hair). Put in a fresh Lord Super Chrome and Wow. Just wow. I realized immediately I have been approaching shaving wrong, and that with how angular my jaw and neck is, that aggressive razors are much better because they tend to cut at a wider angle, which is great if you have a nice jawline and angular Adam's apple. This also ment when going back over my troublesome spots, it cut even more hair. Normally I have lots of irritation on my neck even using a safety razor (my neck was 1000x more fucked up with cartridges), but I basically had none. So if anyone is turned off about the idea of aggressive razors for sensitive skin, don't, try one and it might work wonders. I am now thinking about get an R41, are there any other "aggressive" razors I should check out?
submitted by BryanTheBIsSilent to wicked_edge [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:24 OutThere_2044 My town's pine forest has a secret... [Part 1]

I ended up buying a house at the edge of this town.... before i knew all the bullshit that was goin' on around here. Got bored and went down to the local sheriff Jack and asked about an opening, Didn't even fill out an application, got the job on the spot. For the first few months it was the usual, speeding tickets, drunk and disorderly, normal shit right? Well... let the fuckery commence....
I had been a deputy for 7 months when one of the local farmers called in and reported he had some animals killed last night and wanted someone to come out to his house. John Nixon was a 60 year old farmer who lived by himself. His wife passed away years ago, but he never remarried and they never had kids. We met one day at the local tackle shop. Me being new in town, he took me to some of the good fishin' spots. The man was a huge military history buff and would always ask about my time in. I thought I knew him personally, so i took the call.
As I rolled up to the gate on his property, I saw John standing at the gate with a shotgun. " Hey john, can I ask why you are standing there with that cannon in your hands?" No response, he just stared at me. "John! put that damn shotgun down!!" I yelled. Its like he snapped to out of a trance. "Mason, i need you to come round the back side of the house to the barn, now!" he snapped.
"OK, OK, let me get outta the car and grab some gear." I said opening the car door. While i was grabbing my gear, John was standing there with his eyes scanning the tree line. "Come on mason! you need to see this!" He said heading towards the back. I closed the trunk and started walking over in his direction.
"So what the hell is going on that's got you walking around here with that damn bazooka?" No response, he just keeps walking and scanning the tree line. We finally got to the back of his house where the barn is. It looked like a horror movie in that pen.
"What the fuck happened here!?!" I said covering my mouth. There were pieces of chickens and goats everywhere, a few pigs looked like they had been filleted. "Its back mason, after all these years" John mumbled. "John what the hell are you talking about? what did this?" I asked.
John took his eyes off the tree line and looked me dead in the face. "Your not from here so you dont know." "Know what man? what are you saying?" I asked getting annoyed now. "Years ago this same thing happened to a few guys I know. All of their livestock had been killed. Not killed and eatin', just killed. It got people 'round here up in arms. Well, a few of us got together and decieded we were gonna look for whatever did it" he said. "What the hell are you telling me john?" I interrupted. "There were four of us. We were young, thought we were bullet proof. We went out into the woods one morning, determined to find the damn thing that had been killing our animals.
Tommy was the first to say something. "Hey, did you guys hear that?". The rest of us didnt hear a thing, so we kept moving. We got about three miles deep into the old pine forest at the edge of town. Will was the next to say something, "WHAT THE FUCK?!" he yelled out while looking down at the mud. We ran over to where he was standing to find him wide eyed. "I dont know what the actual fuck did this, but we..we need to go and I mean right fucking now!!!" he said pointing. This track was huge, at least 14 inches long with huge claws. Gerald spoke up "Let's fuckin' go guys!!".
We started back tracking out of the area, when we were stopped cold in our tracks, we all heard it this time. It was coming from everywhere and nowhere at the same damn time. A sickening, shrieking laugh was coming from all around us. We panicked and starting runnin'. As soon as we did that, whatever was making that noise centered as if right behind us, and it was coming fast, ungodly fast" John said eyeing the remains of a chicken that was torn apart.
"We were about a mile from the trucks when I heard a thud and a scream, when i looked back Gerald wasn't there. Will and tommy were right behind me, terror all over their faces. Tommy pulled his pistol and started shooting backwards. Only one shot rang out before something tackled him and Will. I stopped, raising my rifle, but they had already been torn apart. It was seconds, and they were in shreds" John said.
"Mason, what i saw standing over their shredded bodies has haunted me since then. The fucking thing was nine feet tall, shaped like a man, but not. Its skin, or or scales was a mixture of black and grey and it looked slimy. It looked like a damn bodybuilder with hugh claw like hands. Its head was massive, with what looked like horns coming from the jaw to around the chin. Its eyes, glowed bright green in the middle of the fucking day, and it had a mouth full of fucked up jagged teeth." He said lowering his head.
"I jus.. just stood there, waitng for my turn. This thing paced back and fourth, staring at me, with this creepy damn smile. It looked down at Will and Tommy, then it looked back up at me. My heart almost stopped when it pointed and shook its head at me. It started making that shrieking laugh as it grabbed what was left of my friends in each giant claw and walked off into the woods, still fucking laughing. I fell to my knees as it vanished into the trees."
I stood there, thinking he lost his damn mind. John had stopped talking, he had this way off look in his eyes. "John..., john.., JOHN!!" his eyes snapped back to mine. "So what are you telling me? A nine foot creature with claws killed your friends and animals?!" I half mocked. "Yea.... thats what i'm telling you. Its back for me, i know it." "What makes you think it was this thing you say killed your friends? It could have been coyotes" I asked " I know mason, i heard that same horrible shrieking laugh in the woods behind the barn last night."
Now I’ve heard some real bullshit in my time, especially during my time in the contracting field... But this was the most out there shit I had ever heard.
"Alright, alright... let's just take a big ass step backwards. I need to wrap my head around all of this." I said takin a deep breath. John laid the shotgun down to his side. "I'm telling you the truth mason. i'm too old and tired to lie about shit" he said shrugging. I looked deep into this man’s eyes. When I did, I saw something that told me this was the absolute truth as he knew it. " You haven’t given me any reason to doubt you... but fuck man... this is hard to swallow. I need proof John, that's the way this works." A look of frustration washed over his weathered face.
"Proof?! you want proof huh? follow me" John groaned.
He started walking towards the tress behind the barn. As we got closer to the trees, I started to smell rusty copper. Blood I thought out loud. John raised his shotgun as we walked closer. That damn gun had to be illegal, but this wasn’t the time for that. Him raising that gun made me a lil' uneasy, so I pulled my Glock 9mm out and flipped the safety off.
John owned about 90 acres, most of it unkept. A lot of the land was behind the barn which butted up to a state forest. We took about 12 steps into the wood line when the smell of death hit me like a brick. "I'm taking you to where I heard the noise coming from last night... your PROOF is out there Mason" He said with a slight edge to it.
We walked almost a hundred yards into the woods when john stopped in front of a tree. It looked twisted and warped all the way to its top. I stepped around John and saw huge claw marks cut deep all the way around the base of the tree, it's hard to even call it that. "What the hell is this?" I said looking up. "This is a marker, it's territory starts here" John replied. I looked at john like he was crazy, which at this point I thought he was. "This thing travels throughout these woods. I've found five more of these trees in our town" he said putting a hand on the tree.
"This isn’t telling me anything John, just that you've got a weird ass tree on your property" I said back to him. "Do you hear that?" So we could move this mess forward, I stopped talking and just listened. I hadn't noticed that during our walk into the woods it had got quiet, and I mean not one sound. " What the hell? where did all the animals go?" I asked looking around. "They're scared mason... you should be too. Let's get back to the house."
We turned and started making our way out of the woods. We were damn near the tree line when I heard a snap. I turned around, gun raised to see a black streak dart back deeper into the woods. "What the fuck was that?!" All John said was "we need to leave, now!" We turned and started sprinting the rest of the way out of the woods. I was surprised at how fast john was for an old man. We got all the way back to my patrol car. "I don't know what that was, but I don't think you should stay here tonight John. Pack some stuff and come to my place" I said pointing my gun at the trees. John just let out a sigh as if frustrated and defeated.
"You weren't listenin'. The pine forest, these trees, it’s all connected. I’m talkin’ bout before this area was even inhabited by native peoples. This fucking thing has been around for a very long time. I have been looking into this since that day, I had to find out what it was and if it can be killed" he tried to explain. The whole time john was talking I had my eyes and weapon pointed at the trees. " You can put that down mason, it just wanted you to know it's here" He said.
"John, I to need process this shit. I've never seen or heard anything like this and to be straight with you, I’m at a loss right now" I said opening the trunk. "I get it, I get it. The sheriff jack was a deputy back then. When you see him... tell him I said the dark is here..." And with that, he just turned his back and walked back into his house not saying another word.
I got back in the car and sat there. Looking at the treeline. After a few minutes I went back to the station. I must've walked in with that universal what the fuck look on my face, because Cathy the clerk asked what was wrong with me. I told her I was fine and asked if she had seen the sheriff? "Yeah, he is in the gun cage. Are you sure you’re ok Mason?" She asked again.
"Yeah, I'm good, just need to talk to Jack." I started walking towards the back of the building, when Jack came around the corner. "Hey mason, what's up?" he says walking up to me. "I just got back from John's house." The look on his face completely changed. "He had a bunch of animals killed last night. It looked like a slaughterhouse. He told me to tell you the dark was back?" I told him noticing his reaction.
Jack stiffened up and not saying a word gestured for me to follow him towards the back security door. We headed towards the back and out the door. Jack had stopped to make sure the door was secure then pointed at his truck and said "get in."
After getting in he looked over "I need some coffee" then started the truck up and headed west out of the parking lot towards the coffee shop. He ordered a large black coffee with extra sugar then asked if I wanted one. "I'll take a small black, no sugar." We pulled out and headed east back past the station. We ended up driving towards the edge of the county. "What's going on and why are we heading way the hell out here?" I looked at jack and said.
Jack just took a long sip of his coffee then placed it back in the holder.
After a long breath "You want some answers about what happened at Johns' house... I’m sure he told you about a few other things about this town... well we're gonna go get you some answers" He said looking at a black sedan passing in the opposite direction. "Aight so, like you mason, I’m not from here either. I was a trooper in New York for a few years before I came down here. I resigned after a call to an old couple’s house" He said reaching for his cup. "My partner Jake and I responded to what was thought to be an animal attack. We were the first on the scene, having been a couple miles away lookin' for speeders.
When we rolled up an older woman came running over to the cruiser. She had a panicked look on her face and just kept repeating "they're dead, they're dead!!" We hopped out and sat her in the back of the car then asked what happened. "I...I... came over to talk to gloria and... and I saw the door open. I walked in yelling her and Alan’s name, but they didn't answer... I found them upstairs... it's horrible!!" She said sobbing. Jake and I drew our weapons and started making the move inside. Like the witness said the front door was open, so we moved in. It smelled like sulfur and blood when we entered. We started clearing rooms. The first floor was clear, so we made our way up the steps.
The smell was overpowering now. We cleared the bathroom, and the two smaller rooms were clear also. The door to the master bedroom was slightly opened. I motioned to Jake and we hit the door.... it looked like some movie shit!! I kid you not. Jake turned and went back into the hallway and threw up. I stepped into the room and... listen I had never seen anything like this before" Jack stammered out.
"These two people were in shreds on the bed, they're insides had been yanked out and thrown around the fucking room. After looking at the bodies I noticed these huge claw marks in the wall, I’m talking if Andre the giant had had a Krueger glove. I stepped back out of the room and radioed to dispatch that we needed more units. I walked back to the front door where Jake was standing hunched over looking out of it.
Parked outside were 3 black SUVs and a black sedan. I counted 11 men dressed in black tactical military gear, some with a type of rifle I had never seen before, but you could tell it was large caliber. The rest with SMG weapons. When i looked over towards the patrol car, one of the men had the door opened and was talking to the witness. He saw us and started our way. He was dressed in all black too and carried what looked like a desert eagle in a chest holster.
When he got closer I got a better look at him. He looked to be in his late 40's with salt and pepper colored hair and a big ass scar that ran down the right side of his face. He got about ten feet from the steps "We appreciate the assistance, but you are no longer needed" He said in deep voice. As he is saying this, one of the other guys escorts the witness out of our car and into the back of that sedan.
The guy started walking away from us "Who are you? and what the fuck is going on?" I yelled at him. He turned with a look on his face that you only see in movies then took a few steps towards us. "Your command has been informed and you are to leave now!" He said raising his hand up towards that holstered pistol. Jake looked at me and shook his head "fuck it, let's go, let them deal with that mess upstairs" he said still coughing then started heading towards the car. I followed him down the steps... looking this guy up and down, checking out the vehicles... for anything that might tell me who we were dealing with.
The only thing I saw was on the assholes uniform... there was a patch on his shoulder. It was an all-black diamond with a weird looking black M in the middle on it. The guy stared us down until we were in the car driving away. He had that pistol in his hand and the other men starting moving into the house. Jake and I didn’t say a word until the radio squawked and we were told to head back to the barracks.
When we got there, we were told to report to the troop commander’s office. Commander Thompson was sitting in his office along with a man in a nice 2-piece suit. The man in the suit stood there quietly while Thompson told us that we never responded to any call out to that farmhouse, and that this was the first and only time he would say it. With that, he dismissed us and and we walked out. The shit didn’t sit well with me, and I ended up resigning a few months later.
I came down here and then that shit in the woods happened. I was on the scene, I saw the claw marks. They looked just like the ones in New York, and the same damn trucks showed up with different personnel. I knew just to shut up and walk away, and after making that choice I have had a pretty good career here." he finished grabbing his cup out of the holder.
My brain was in overdrive. I was just about to completely question bomb jack when he said, "We're here." He pulled off onto this overgrown driveway and drove for about a quarter mile. We pulled up to an old two-story house that looked like it was in ruins... but the lights were on. "Where the hell are we?" I asked As the last word of that question left my mouth, the front door of the house opened... standing in the doorway was a old man, dressed in weathered black clothing. Jack leaned over to me "You wanted answers... well.... there they are."
submitted by OutThere_2044 to libraryofshadows [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:22 king_ganja1301 I turned into the pale man who haunted me as a child.

I turned into the pale man who haunted me as a child - previous post
I morphed into the presence that haunted me
This is the 2nd dream I've had of myself turning into an evil entity
The first dream I had when I was 17, 2 years ago. I was sleeping and woke up on my back to see myself sitting on my desk at the end of my room. All the lights in my room where on and it felt safe. I spoke with myself about things I don't remember and we laughed. Then this figure who was me kept laughing and laughing and the room got darker and darker with only a red light that seemed to radiate on the figures face. I lunged at it and threw it to the floor and we fought and it started clawing at me and blood covered my hands and face
I ran to my parents and they dismissed me acting like I wasn't even there. I woke up bed. It was a false awakening.
I turned over and closed my eyes only to open them to be standing in front of an old hospital and a voice calling me as i rose into the air and I started crying and saying NO until the voice dropped me. I felt my knees ache and the dirt under my hands. I looked at my hands and saw the blood from the previous dream mixed with the dirt from the ground on my hands.
I woke up ONCE AGAIN and just tried to steady my breathing. I opened my eyes to be standing in an empty field with a single tree I just closed my eyes and when I woke up this time I was covered in sweat. I walked to my parents room and i just cried and cried while my mom held me and I asked her if this was reality
I managed to get past these dreams and sort of accept that I'll never understand them.
The problem is last night I had a dream in a similar vain. I saw myself. It looked as though I was staring at myself in a mirror. He was laughing and looking at me as well. His skin slowly started to go bleach white and his hair grew and grew until it covered his eyes and he just kept laughing and smiling.
I woke up in a cold sweat and ran to my mom and she calmed me down.
I know this dream sounds silly and normally at my big age I'd laugh it off and go back to bed. The problem is that I've seen that man before. The man I became in my dream.
When I was younger I was at a church camp and I went inside the church alone to get something while everyone was outside. I saw a man with bleach white skin and long hair laughing and calling to me. They found me inside and said I had been seizing. Haven't had a seizure before or since.
It's like when I see myself in these dreams, it's as if I'm being lured into a false sense of security and when I drop my guard this thing that appears as me, the person I'm most comfortable with, it reveals itself. It feels like a completely separate being to myself.
I'm worried if this means something and I really hope it doesn't. My friend thinks something is either trying to scare me or trying to posses me. My mom thinks something has been attached to me since I was younger and I'm just a bit worried and scared.
A comment by a user who said he had a similar experience with the pale man
submitted by king_ganja1301 to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:19 ArtNo6572 Almost completely clear-finally!

After over one year of a terrible eczema outbreak that went from my eyelids, lips, and face all the way down to my knees, and kept getting worse and worse, I am finally almost clear.
Offering this as a few months ago in January, I literally wanted to rip my skin off. This forum was so helpful in just venting and knowing it was not just happening to me.
Here’s what I did. I hope it will help others.
I think the flareup was kicked off, by an extremely stressful period in my life. I did not at first realize it was eczema, especially on my face and used other products. Which aggravated it. When I finally figured it out, I went to dermatologist who prescribed various steroids.
Steroids help for a while, but after a couple of weeks, I would stop and the eczema would come raging back.
In November and December of last year it got much worse. It also started to look different and show up in even more places. I couldn’t sleep bc of the itching and the lack of sleep made it worse. I started feeling sick all the time, was exhausted, and completely demoralized. Instead of little patchy flakes, I was covered with welty red rashes that looked horrifying, and were itchy with no respite. Nothing seemed to work, including steroids. Some of the patches were weeping, and I felt like a monster from a movie.
In late January my GP suggested seeing an allergist/immunologist who suggested bleach baths. Instead of doing the bleach bath, I used hypochlorous spray and it was nothing short of miraculous. I didn’t even need steroids anymore. It stopped the itching almost instantaneously. They also did a patch test for allergens. Which came back with five things, one of which was in my shampoo. They also prescribed Opzelura as instead of steroids.
I switched to all super hypoallergenic products for everything that touches my skin - shampoo, conditioner, laundry detergent. I would spray the welts 3 to 5 times a day with a hypochlorous spray. I moisturized 2 to 3 times a day with hypoallergenic eczema moisturizer, usually cerave. I also used Opzelara typically two times a day.
After two months of this, I saw a lot of improvement. But still some occasional new patches, I contacted the doctor who said to up the Opzelura to three times a day and moisturize as much as possible.
Now, two more months later, I am almost entirely clear. I only use hypochlorous spray now maybe 2 to 3 times a week if I have an itchy new patch. The welts are gone. The facial eczema is finally gone. It does feel like it could potentially come back, and I’m going to continue with all of the super hypoallergenic products. I haven’t used steroids at all since I saw this new doctor. Opzelura has helped enormously, although I feel like the hypochlorous and switching products were also equally effective.
While I’m a little on the edge of feeling like I could have another flareup, after one year of feeling like I am not covered with welts makes me almost tearful with joy.
Offering this to this community because I was so miserable. And I know how it feels. Stick with it. The regimen and not touching anything to your body that’s not hypoallergenic kind of sucks but it does work. Some of the products are not the cheapest on the market for sure, but it is well worth it to feel like I can live in my own skin.
If you can, get a patch test to identify allergens that might have developed. I asked a couple of other doctors and they said it’s pretty common to develop allergies in midlife. Your immune system starts to wear down and stress also does contribute. I also have an auto immune disorder which contributes further. Knowing this is an allergy which can be treated was also somewhat empowering.
Stick with it, try different things, and know there can be some relief after a while. This forum had unbelievably great advice. I quit seeing dermatologists because I got more effective solutions from the internet.
I hope this helps someone.
submitted by ArtNo6572 to eczema [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:16 aishwarya00 Gummy Vitamins Market: Profiling Top Key Players and Their Strategies

Gummy Vitamins Market: Profiling Top Key Players and Their Strategies
Profiling Top Key Players and Their Strategies
Top key players in the gummy vitamins market, including Vitafusion, Nature’s Way, and Garden of Life, employ various strategies to maintain their market position. These strategies include continuous product innovation, strategic partnerships, and targeted marketing campaigns. For instance, Vitafusion focuses on research-driven formulations and appealing packaging to attract a broad consumer base. Nature’s Way emphasizes natural and organic ingredients, catering to health-conscious consumers. Garden of Life integrates sustainability into its brand ethos, appealing to environmentally conscious buyers. Profiling these key players demonstrates how diverse approaches, from product development to branding, contribute to their success in the competitive gummy vitamins market.
The gummy vitamins market is experiencing robust growth, driven by increasing consumer preference for convenient and enjoyable dietary supplements, the rising trend of health and wellness, and the growing awareness of nutritional deficiencies. Gummy vitamins offer an attractive alternative to traditional pills and capsules, particularly appealing to children, the elderly, and individuals with pill fatigue. The Global Gummy Vitamins Market is forecasted to expand at a CAGR of 6.2% and thereby increase from US$3.7 Bn 2024 to US$6.8 Bn by the end of 2031.
Market Drivers:
  • Rising Health and Wellness Trend: The global shift towards healthier lifestyles and the increasing focus on preventive healthcare drive the demand for dietary supplements, including gummy vitamins. Consumers are more health-conscious, seeking products that support overall well-being, boost immunity, and address specific nutritional needs.
  • Convenience and Palatability: Gummy vitamins offer a convenient and enjoyable way to consume essential nutrients. Their appealing taste, ease of consumption, and absence of swallowing difficulties make them particularly popular among children, older adults, and those who dislike traditional supplement forms.
  • Marketing and Innovation: Aggressive marketing campaigns and innovative product developments enhance the appeal of gummy vitamins. Manufacturers invest in new flavors, formulations, and functional benefits, such as energy-boosting, immune-support, and beauty-enhancing gummies, to attract a broad consumer base.
Market Restraints:
  • Sugar Content and Health Concerns: The sugar content in gummy vitamins raises health concerns, particularly for diabetic and health-conscious consumers. The presence of artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners may also deter some consumers from opting for gummy supplements, impacting market growth.
  • Limited Nutrient Variety: Gummy vitamins may not accommodate all types of nutrients due to formulation challenges. Some vitamins and minerals are difficult to incorporate into gummy form while maintaining stability and efficacy, limiting the range of available nutrients compared to traditional supplements.
  • Regulatory Challenges: The gummy vitamins market faces stringent regulatory standards and compliance requirements regarding health claims, labeling, and product safety. Navigating these regulations can be complex and may pose barriers to market entry and product development.
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Market Opportunities:
  • Sugar-Free and Natural Formulations: Manufacturers can capitalize on the growing demand for healthier alternatives by developing sugar-free, natural, and organic gummy vitamins. These formulations cater to health-conscious consumers and those with dietary restrictions, expanding the market reach.
  • Personalized Nutrition: The trend towards personalized nutrition offers significant growth opportunities. Customized gummy vitamins tailored to individual health needs, lifestyle preferences, and genetic profiles can attract consumers seeking personalized wellness solutions.
  • Emerging Markets Expansion: Emerging economies, with rising disposable incomes and increasing health awareness, represent untapped opportunities for market expansion. Strategic market entry, localization efforts, and affordable product offerings can unlock growth potential in regions such as Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Africa.
Market Segmentations:
By Product Type:
  • Single Vitamins
  • Multivitamins
  • Probiotic Vitamins
By Source:
  • Plant Based
  • Animal Based
By Packaging Type:
  • Bottle & Jars
  • Stand Up Pouches
  • Misc.
By End User:
  • Children
  • Adults
By Distribution Channel:
  • Direct Sales
  • Modern Trade
  • Convenience Stores
  • Departmental Store
  • Specialty Store
  • Drug Stores/Pharmacies
  • Online Retailers
By Region:
  • North America
  • Latin America
  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia & Oceania
  • Middle East & Africa
Regional Market Dynamics:
North America: The North American gummy vitamins market is driven by high health awareness, a well-established supplement industry, and a strong preference for convenient health solutions. Market players focus on product innovation, expanding retail presence, and strategic marketing to capture a significant market share.
Europe: Europe showcases a mature gummy vitamins market with increasing consumer interest in natural and organic supplements. Manufacturers emphasize clean-label products, transparency, and adherence to stringent EU regulations to cater to health-conscious European consumers.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific region emerges as a high-growth market for gummy vitamins, fueled by rapid urbanization, rising disposable incomes, and increasing health awareness. Market players leverage digital marketing, e-commerce platforms, and localized product offerings to target diverse consumer segments across the region.
Key Players:
The gummy vitamins market features a diverse array of players, from established brands to innovative startups. Some prominent players include:
  • GlaxoSmithKline
  • Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Unilever
  • Nestle
  • Bayer AG
  • Santa Cruz Nutritionals
  • SmartyPants Vitamins
  • Pharmavite LLC
  • Taura Natural Ingredients
  • The Clorox Company
  • ZanonVitamec
  • Novomins Nutrition
  • TopGum Industries Ltd.
  • Zanonvitamec
Market Trends & Latest Developments:
  • Functional Benefits and Ingredients: Market trends favor gummy vitamins enriched with functional ingredients such as probiotics, collagen, and adaptogens, offering targeted health benefits like gut health, skin vitality, and stress relief.
  • Sustainability Initiatives: Manufacturers are increasingly adopting sustainable practices, including eco-friendly packaging, sourcing sustainable ingredients, and reducing carbon footprints to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
  • Technological Advancements: Advances in gummy production technology enable better nutrient stability, enhanced flavor profiles, and innovative shapes and textures, improving product appeal and consumer experience.
Future Trends and Outlook:
  • Enhanced Nutrient Delivery: Future gummy vitamins may incorporate advanced nutrient delivery systems, such as encapsulation technology, to improve bioavailability and ensure optimal nutrient absorption.
  • AI and Personalization: Artificial intelligence and data analytics may drive personalized nutrition trends, offering consumers customized gummy vitamin solutions based on their unique health data and preferences.
  • Holistic Health Solutions: The market may see a rise in holistic health solutions, integrating gummy vitamins with wellness programs, fitness apps, and health monitoring devices to provide comprehensive health and wellness support.
In conclusion, the gummy vitamins market presents lucrative opportunities for innovation, personalization, and market expansion, driven by evolving consumer preferences, health trends, and regional dynamics. Market players must navigate regulatory challenges, address health concerns, and embrace emerging trends to capitalize on growth prospects and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic global gummy vitamins market landscape.
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submitted by aishwarya00 to u/aishwarya00 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:15 Ok-Alps-2842 The mystery of Sam the Sandown Clown

Sam the Sandown Clown is a mysterious entity witnessed by 2 children on the Isle of Wight in May 1973, the links below provide more detailed information, but the summary is simple: the children met a bizarre clown-entity who claimed to be All Colors Sam and they even spoke to him for quite some time, the entity's strange apperance and behavior stand out among humanoid sightings, he or any other being like him were never seen again, it's a case that deserves to be discussed once again.
Let's start with the appearance of the entity, he was very tall but not inhumanly so, his skin was paper-like and the colorful face and and the few digits on his hands and feet are very odd and it's to hard say if they were part of his face or it was part of a mask or helmet, his behavior is very strange but the children were able to communicate with him anyway.
He was a little clumsy and didn't write the sentence in the correct order, but he wasn't hostile and feared people, he also stopped the loud sound when he noticed the kids were scared, he was evasise to their questions and it stands out how he didn't wish to neither help nor harm the kids or other humans, he didn't seem to have many plans besides eating berries in a way that is too strange to make sense.
Keep in mind he's only called a clown because that's what he reminded the children of, but his similarity to a clown is rather superficial and his description vaguely reminds me of a doll too, we don't even know what was his real name as he said he wasn't actually named Sam, making me think he was actually calling the children Sam and his name really was simply All Colors.
His house and the machine he used to speak are a little unusual but nothing that couldn't exist in the early 70s when he was sighted, he said he had another base in the mainland but I'm unsure if he meant Great Britain or mainland Europe, it's also easy to miss the detail he said there were others like him, but none of them were ever sighted.
The remaining question is who or what was Sam? He could have been a lie made up by the children or perhaps a shared hallucination, he could have been somebody playing a prank on the kids or perhaps an abuser preying on them, but then we would have to wonder why he never tried to harm them when they were alone, another possibility is that he was a mentally ill hermit wearing a very unusual costume and that could explain his weird behavior and looks.
If he was a supernatural being, it stands to question what exacly he was, he vehemently denied being a ghost and I believe this is true, if we picture a ghost as a dead human I cannot think of any person acting so strange, still he claims to be kind of like a ghost in an odd sort of way, making me think he meant he was a supernatural being while not revealing what he truly was exactly.
It's been suggested he was an alien and his house was really an UFO, it could be true, but it was never seen flying despite having disappeared later, I've read suggestions he was a robot, if that is true, he was certainly not from Earth, because even over 50 years later we cannot build robots that look and act like him.
For some reason he reminds me somewhat of older accounts of fairy encounters, it makes me wonder if the kids didn't step into another reality by accident, or maybe it was Sam who stepped into our reality by accident and left later, of course there is no proof there is any truth to this sighting, but it's so unique and vaguely disturbing it's worthy of being remembered, for the children could have truly met something that wasn't quite human. Let's just be glad he didn't have a red balloon with him.
submitted by Ok-Alps-2842 to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:12 Goragdathous Can pinworms go in your ear/scalp

5’ 7
135 pounds
1 week long ordeal
No other medical issues but my house flooded recently and is adding to my stress, sleeplessness and mood
Currently take a daily 24 hour antihistamine
Hey everyone just a Hail Mary hoping for a response, so about a week and a half ago I felt something go into my ear it keeps up all night I flush my ear with water shake my head like crazy and I figure it will fix itself a crump probably rolled into it and got stuck. The next night I feel a small ball or sack below my ear I start pushing it and I am able to roll it up into my ear lobe I scratch it like crazy thinking it’s a tick or something adjacent that crawled under my skin it ends up bleeding and I go to the hospital thinking a bug is stuck in my ear and it biting me and bleeding me. The doctor looks and hears my whole story and says I have swimmers ear. I use the prescription ear drops he gave me and my ear definitely was infected and the ear drops remedy it after a few days. Still not 100% in one ear I feel the infection go to my other ear. It’s not nearly as bad as I didn’t scratch it but again the ear drops help although they both still feel plugged. But the crusty pus that my initial infection caused was solved. Another day 2 days pass, I have been taking lots of vitamins and eating and drinking well to hopefully help in my ear infection. The next day a week I believe since I went to the hospital my ears feel pretty normal, my anus is starting to itch however, I go to the bathroom a couple times to just wipe thinking nothing of it. As it gets to nighttime it starts really itching to the point where I stood on the bathroom counter spread my cheeks and looked at my anus through my legs. I find a pin worm on my asshole and touching it feels like the thing I scratched in my ear a week ago. I immediately go get the over the counter pinworm medicine pyrantel pamoate. Hours later I feel the paralyzing effect on the worms very uncomfortable and itchy. This is where I am now so my question is do I have pinworms in my ears and scalp or is it just an ear infection I got alongside pin worms.
TLDR can pinworms live in your eascalp and if so will pyrantel pamoate kill them all despite them not being on my anus.
If you read the whole thing thank you, my house flooded recently and this is a nightmare on top of that.
submitted by Goragdathous to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:11 Bonegirl06 Against Sunscreen Absolutism

Australia is a country of abundant sunshine, but the skin of most Australians is better adapted to gloomy England than the beaches of Brisbane. The country’s predominantly white population has by far the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, and for years the public-health establishment has warned residents about the dangers of ultraviolet light. A 1980s ad campaign advised Australians to “Slip, Slop, Slap”—if you had to go out in the sun, slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat. The only safe amount of sun was none at all.
Then, in 2023, a consortium of Australian public-health groups did something surprising: It issued new advice that takes careful account, for the first time, of the sun’s positive contributions. The advice itself may not seem revolutionary—experts now say that people at the lowest risk of skin cancer should spend ample time outdoors—but the idea at its core marked a radical departure from decades of public-health messaging. “Completely avoiding sun exposure is not optimal for health,” read the groups’ position statement, which extensively cites a growing body of research. Yes, UV rays cause skin cancer, but for some, too much shade can be just as harmful as too much sun.
une 2024 Issue
SCIENCE Against Sunscreen Absolutism Moderate sun exposure can be good for you. Why won’t American experts acknowledge that?
By Rowan Jacobsen Tanned skin with pale smiley face drawn on it Illustration by Gabriela Pesqueira. Source: Dimarik / Getty. MAY 10, 2024 SHARE & GIFT SAVE Listen to this article
Listen to more stories on Curio
Australia is a country of abundant sunshine, but the skin of most Australians is better adapted to gloomy England than the beaches of Brisbane. The country’s predominantly white population has by far the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, and for years the public-health establishment has warned residents about the dangers of ultraviolet light. A 1980s ad campaign advised Australians to “Slip, Slop, Slap”—if you had to go out in the sun, slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat. The only safe amount of sun was none at all.
Explore the June 2024 Issue Check out more from this issue and find your next story to read.
View More Then, in 2023, a consortium of Australian public-health groups did something surprising: It issued new advice that takes careful account, for the first time, of the sun’s positive contributions. The advice itself may not seem revolutionary—experts now say that people at the lowest risk of skin cancer should spend ample time outdoors—but the idea at its core marked a radical departure from decades of public-health messaging. “Completely avoiding sun exposure is not optimal for health,” read the groups’ position statement, which extensively cites a growing body of research. Yes, UV rays cause skin cancer, but for some, too much shade can be just as harmful as too much sun.
It’s long been known that sun exposure triggers vitamin D production in the skin, and that low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased rates of stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, depression, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. It was natural to assume that vitamin D was responsible for these outcomes. “Imagine a treatment that could build bones, strengthen the immune system and lower the risks of illnesses like diabetes, heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure and cancer,” The New York Times wrote in 2010. “Some research suggests that such a wonder treatment already exists. It’s vitamin D.” By 2020, more than one in six adults were on that wonder treatment in the form of daily supplements, which promise to deliver the sun’s benefits without its dangers.
une 2024 Issue
SCIENCE Against Sunscreen Absolutism Moderate sun exposure can be good for you. Why won’t American experts acknowledge that?
By Rowan Jacobsen Tanned skin with pale smiley face drawn on it Illustration by Gabriela Pesqueira. Source: Dimarik / Getty. MAY 10, 2024 SHARE & GIFT SAVE Listen to this article
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Australia is a country of abundant sunshine, but the skin of most Australians is better adapted to gloomy England than the beaches of Brisbane. The country’s predominantly white population has by far the world’s highest rate of skin cancer, and for years the public-health establishment has warned residents about the dangers of ultraviolet light. A 1980s ad campaign advised Australians to “Slip, Slop, Slap”—if you had to go out in the sun, slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen, and slap on a hat. The only safe amount of sun was none at all.
Explore the June 2024 Issue Check out more from this issue and find your next story to read.
View More Then, in 2023, a consortium of Australian public-health groups did something surprising: It issued new advice that takes careful account, for the first time, of the sun’s positive contributions. The advice itself may not seem revolutionary—experts now say that people at the lowest risk of skin cancer should spend ample time outdoors—but the idea at its core marked a radical departure from decades of public-health messaging. “Completely avoiding sun exposure is not optimal for health,” read the groups’ position statement, which extensively cites a growing body of research. Yes, UV rays cause skin cancer, but for some, too much shade can be just as harmful as too much sun.
It’s long been known that sun exposure triggers vitamin D production in the skin, and that low levels of vitamin D are associated with increased rates of stroke, heart attack, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, depression, osteoporosis, and many other diseases. It was natural to assume that vitamin D was responsible for these outcomes. “Imagine a treatment that could build bones, strengthen the immune system and lower the risks of illnesses like diabetes, heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure and cancer,” The New York Times wrote in 2010. “Some research suggests that such a wonder treatment already exists. It’s vitamin D.” By 2020, more than one in six adults were on that wonder treatment in the form of daily supplements, which promise to deliver the sun’s benefits without its dangers.
But sunlight in a pill has turned out to be a spectacular failure. In a large clinical trial that began in 2011, some 26,000 older adults were randomly assigned to receive either daily vitamin D pills or placebos, and were then followed for an average of five years. The study’s results were published in The New England Journal of Medicine two years ago. An accompanying editorial, with the headline “A Decisive Verdict on Vitamin D Supplementation,” noted that no benefits whatsoever had been found for any of the health conditions that the study tracked. “Vitamin D supplementation did not prevent cancer or cardiovascular disease, prevent falls, improve cognitive function, reduce atrial fibrillation, change body composition, reduce migraine frequency, improve stroke outcomes, decrease age-related macular degeneration, or reduce knee pain,” the journal said. “People should stop taking vitamin D supplements to prevent major diseases or extend life.”
Australia’s new guidance is in part a recognition of this reality. It’s also the result of our improved understanding of the disparate mechanisms through which sunlight affects health. Some of them are intuitive: Bright morning light, filtered through the eyes, helps regulate our circadian rhythms, improving energy, mood, and sleep. But the systemic effects of UV light operate through entirely different pathways that have been less well understood by the public, and even many health professionals. In recent years, that science has received more attention, strengthening conviction in sunlight’s possibly irreplaceable benefits. In 2019, an international collection of researchers issued a call to arms with the headline “Insufficient Sun Exposure Has Become a Real Public Health Problem.”
submitted by Bonegirl06 to atlanticdiscussions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:09 Ilikelanarelrey How to use can make marshmallow finish powder

I was wondering if I can put the canmake finish powder on my face with no foundation or base after my skincare routine to make my skin less greasy because my skin is really oily.Would it work and would I need to reapply during the day? Thanks
Pls pls post post post post post post post post post post post post post post post jerjifjd djjdkd. Djdidkdkdk d dkkdkd Ebene Jemens kekskd kekeke nwnwnw hehr ehdidk jeher
submitted by Ilikelanarelrey to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:08 king_ganja1301 I turned into the pale man who haunted me as a child - previous post
I morphed into the presence that haunted me
This is the 2nd dream I've had of myself turning into an evil entity
The first dream I had when I was 17, 2 years ago. I was sleeping and woke up on my back to see myself sitting on my desk at the end of my room. All the lights in my room where on and it felt safe. I spoke with myself about things I don't remember and we laughed. Then this figure who was me kept laughing and laughing and the room got darker and darker with only a red light that seemed to radiate on the figures face. I lunged at it and threw it to the floor and we fought and it started clawing at me and blood covered my hands and face
I ran to my parents and they dismissed me acting like I wasn't even there. I woke up bed. It was a false awakening.
I turned over and closed my eyes only to open them to be standing in front of an old hospital and a voice calling me as i rose into the air and I started crying and saying NO until the voice dropped me. I felt my knees ache and the dirt under my hands. I looked at my hands and saw the blood from the previous dream mixed with the dirt from the ground on my hands.
I woke up ONCE AGAIN and just tried to steady my breathing. I opened my eyes to be standing in an empty field with a single tree I just closed my eyes and when I woke up this time I was covered in sweat. I walked to my parents room and i just cried and cried while my mom held me and I asked her if this was reality
I managed to get past these dreams and sort of accept that I'll never understand them.
The problem is last night I had a dream in a similar vain. I saw myself. It looked as though I was staring at myself in a mirror. He was laughing and looking at me as well. His skin slowly started to go bleach white and his hair grew and grew until it covered his eyes and he just kept laughing and smiling.
I woke up in a cold sweat and ran to my mom and she calmed me down.
I know this dream sounds silly and normally at my big age I'd laugh it off and go back to bed. The problem is that I've seen that man before. The man I became in my dream.
When I was younger I was at a church camp and I went inside the church alone to get something while everyone was outside. I saw a man with bleach white skin and long hair laughing and calling to me. They found me inside and said I had been seizing. Haven't had a seizure before or since.
It's like when I see myself in these dreams, it's as if I'm being lured into a false sense of security and when I drop my guard this thing that appears as me, the person I'm most comfortable with, it reveals itself. It feels like a completely separate being to myself.
I'm worried if this means something and I really hope it doesn't. My friend thinks something is either trying to scare me or trying to posses me. My mom thinks something has been attached to me since I was younger and I'm just a bit worried and scared.
A comment by a user who said he had a similar experience with the pale man
submitted by king_ganja1301 to u/king_ganja1301 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:00 Gldfsh_vinillaCronch chapter fifteen

Chapter fifteen
A wooden woman, whose hair was a mass of apple blossoms, stood in the center of the clearing, overseeing a bear ahead in the river as it caught fish.
The bear would sense magic and run off, so that didn’t concern her, but she had no fucking clue how to deal with a damn wooden woman! “Say lady, if I chop you up into little bits and pieces are you just gonna regrow and turn into a bunch more wooden women?” Tori’s voice echoed in the clearing twice before the woman snapped her head towards her and suddenly gained skin. It was weird, messed up and warped, skin though. Unsettling to the stomach. Neptori realized that A: dryads are friendly.
The thing lept at her with long keratin nails, opening its mouth to reveal rotted shark-like teeth and two front buck teeth. She swung with the ax but the creature only landed and lunged at her again. It now had a long bleeding gash running across its chest.
And B: whatever the fuck she was fighting, was not a fucking dryad!
Uneven seams ran spiderwebs along the creature's exposed skin. Its body was eerily similar to an Elves and she hated how it moved; like a spider approaching its next meal… caught in a web… She really hoped this thing was alone. Some primal part of her began to cool into a terrified calm. A sense that only fear could drive you to achieve. She held onto it as she deflected the creature again and swiped with the blade she had. She couldn’t use her magic, it was too unstable when she consciously used it… She couldn’t risk getting knocked out though because she had never measured how long that she’s passed out for, before her subconscious uses her magic.
“Fuck!” She screamed. This fucking thing! Its blood reeked like period sex and she was nauseated into blindness for a second too long. Her arm felt tingly and when she looked down at it, there was a bleeding bite mark and a stolen sleeve. That sleeve hung in the creature's maw like a trophy as it began to circle her, palms up and nails angled. She didn’t let it see her back, she turned in circles with it.
The long handle on the Ax let her rest it on the ground for a reprieve of its weight. The metal made a terrible sound in the dirt and rocks, scraping over roots as she turned. “What are you?” She whispered. “What are you?” It whispered back, mimicking the exact way she said it. She nearly cried out in terror but refrained from doing so in case that's what it fed on— words.
It leaped for her again and she jumped with it, meeting it midair and slicing up with the Ax. The slice only got through half of the many oily layers of skin bound and rotting beneath the top layer. Neptori nearly wretched at the sight and the smell and a dark gluey substance leaked from its half severed neck. She swung again before it could get up, its head rolling to the base of the oak tree beside a mass of grass and wildflowers. “Thank fucking gods!” She sighed, she rubbed her face and found it covered in sweat. Her arm was still bleeding, her nose and mouth as well since they had been hit at some point she didn’t recall.
“Fuck!” She cried out, as if that would change where she was and what she was doing. Why did she have to do this? She didn’t trust the queen even a little, no matter how much she really wanted to.
She rolled her neck, shoulders, ankles, took a breath and then started walking after the head. It had rolled into a perfectly circular ditch at the base of that tall tuft of grass and flowers. Wait… She crouched down and reached to pick it up, just grabbing the disgusting, soggy-noodle hair when a hand reached from the grass and pulled her in. Long, jagged nails sliced at her face and chest as she held its head away with her hands. Its skin felt like it was covered in worms and egg whites. But her hands came back stained as if by ink. When they slipped and lost her grip on its neck. She rolled to avoid the teeth but this creature seemed to be smarter, it rolled too, and its buck teeth grazed Neptoris neck before she was able to wrap grass and stems around its neck and hold it there. Its hands dug into her thighs and squeezed, leaching a shrieking scream from Neptori.
The thing laughed at her, even choked and scrambled as if it was from the grass… it sounded so familiar to a laugh that a Faerie would make…
A wash of fear so cold it numbed her, came crashing into the front of her mind. She felt the plants grow around the creature, engulfing it completely and tugging its root-covered shape into the earth. She held up a hand though and its struggling, screaming form stopped being buried.
A water droplet was sucked from the air and formed in the palm of her hand. A thought and it had become ice, sharp and jagged like the creature's nails; and flying right for the creature's neck. The ice struck true, severing the head in mostly one blow. It fell and dangled from but a seam in its skinsuit. A thought and the ice blade flew back towards her waiting hand, severing the last seam before melting back into water and floating around her head.
The water didn’t feel right to her magic as it held the water in the air. But then it splashed down onto her and she felt that disgusting black good residue!
“Shit! No! Nooo…” she couldn’t quite process what had happened, not as the FairyQueen suddenly appeared before her with both heads in her hands. The mass of grass and flowers and two headless bodies, they began to burn. “Why?”
“Because my enemies will be burned for crossing me, that is the price for it.” The queen was so utterly unphased. It made Neptoris stomach blanch and she erupted with vomit. Chunks of dried meat and hard cheese. It hurt to throw it up, and the thick mucus that came with it wasnt a better pleasure. “What next?”
“Well a party dear hero! You have earned it!”
submitted by Gldfsh_vinillaCronch to TheSongofKithandKin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:59 Which_Size9896 help with basic skincare routine

hello, i have never done a proper skincare routine before so i am actually clueless on what i need and how i should use my products. sorry for the upcoming stupid questions but i am genuinely confused and need help.
what i currently use now is the Hada Labo Gokujun Hyaluron Foaming Face Wash and apply the Hada Labo Gokujun Hyaluronic Lotion Moist (Light) whenever i remember to. some questions i have are:
  1. is the light lotion a toner? do i use it as a toner? if not, how do i use it? i went for a facial treatment today and the lady told me i should use a skincare routine that goes like: cleanser - toner - serum - another serum and i was so confused as to where my light lotion comes in in this routine
  2. so far i've done some research and i want to purchase the haruharu wonder toner and the skin1004 centella ampoule because i have mildly sensitive skin that is dry. the staff doing the facial treatment for me earlier also told me that i should avoid any products that are oily in nature, so i wanted to ask whether the products i am about to buy are oily in nature or not? and if i use the toner and the ampoule as serum, then at which juncture do i use my hada labo lotion?
submitted by Which_Size9896 to KoreanBeauty [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:56 princess_booz If Jela gon come for Gretchen saying nigga, she need to get Mariah and Ahna yt ass, too.

What’s wit these white hispanics(yea, because Hispanic ain’t a race)saying “nigga”? It’s so OBVIOUS Mariah is white but, Ahna also lying about being “light skin” is too much “I ain’t white, im light skin” in one show. Not only that but Ahna had the nerve to come for Sidney Starr on “bad vs wild” talkin bout sum “I ain’t fighting no niggas Sidney, Mangina”. Like bitch, how you gon be transphobic, when you tryna be transracial? How you gon say you and yo siblings “light skin”, when it’s pictures of them and they white asf? Make it, make sense. Ahna face be giving a titan from, the anime “attack on titan”.
submitted by princess_booz to BaddiesSouth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:47 king_ganja1301 I morphed into the presence that haunted me

This is the 2nd dream I've had of myself turning into an evil entity
The first dream I had when I was 17, 2 years ago. I was sleeping and woke up on my back to see myself sitting on my desk at the end of my room. All the lights in my room where on and it felt safe. I spoke with myself about things I don't remember and we laughed. Then this figure who was me kept laughing and laughing and the room got darker and darker with only a red light that seemed to radiate on the figures face. I lunged at it and threw it to the floor and we fought and it started clawing at me and blood covered my hands and face
I ran to my parents and they dismissed me acting like I wasn't even there. I woke up bed. It was a false awakening.
I turned over and closed my eyes only to open them to be standing in front of an old hospital and a voice calling me as i rose into the air and I started crying and saying NO until the voice dropped me. I felt my knees ache and the dirt under my hands. I looked at my hands and saw the blood from the previous dream mixed with the dirt from the ground on my hands.
I woke up ONCE AGAIN and just tried to steady my breathing. I opened my eyes to be standing in an empty field with a single tree I just closed my eyes and when I woke up this time I was covered in sweat. I walked to my parents room and i just cried and cried while my mom held me and I asked her if this was reality
I managed to get past these dreams and sort of accept that I'll never understand them.
The problem is last night I had a dream in a similar vain. I saw myself. It looked as though I was staring at myself in a mirror. He was laughing and looking at me as well. His skin slowly started to go bleach white and his hair grew and grew until it covered his eyes and he just kept laughing and smiling.
I woke up in a cold sweat and ran to my mom and she calmed me down.
I know this dream sounds silly and normally at my big age I'd laugh it off and go back to bed. The problem is that I've seen that man before. The man I became in my dream.
When I was younger I was at a church camp and I went inside the church alone to get something while everyone was outside. I saw a man with bleach white skin and long hair laughing and calling to me. They found me inside and said I had been seizing. Haven't had a seizure before or since.
It's like when I see myself in these dreams, it's as if I'm being lured into a false sense of security and when I drop my guard this thing that appears as me, the person I'm most comfortable with, it reveals itself. It feels like a completely separate being to myself.
I'm worried if this means something and I really hope it doesn't. My friend thinks something is either trying to scare me or trying to posses me. My mom thinks something has been attached to me since I was younger and I'm just a bit worried and scared.
submitted by king_ganja1301 to Dreams [link] [comments]