How do i know my medical billing is correct

Skincare Addiction - Not a Dermatology Clinic!

2016.08.16 13:04 Skincare Addiction - Not a Dermatology Clinic!

This sub is a relaxed community to discuss skincare products and routines. Do NOT ask us to diagnose your acne/skin condition or advise on how to treat it. This is not a dermatology clinic!

2009.01.30 19:41 Dividend Investing

A community by and for dividend growth investors. Let's make money together!

2010.02.19 17:00 sketchampm Rabbits: the intelligent, loving, and often misunderstood pet

/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.

2024.05.14 09:59 Peonies67 I need advice/insights if we should continue online learning for remainder of high school.

I need advice or insights. In February we decided to transistion our 15 year old son (sophomore) from in class to Accellus. He was struggling with having friends and his grades were tanking. Previous to HS, he always had A grades without much effort and had friends and mostly been a fairly well like and adjusted kid. We got him counseling and he now takes a medication and is thriving in feelings about himself and in life in general. You can even tell he's different if you hadn't seen him for awhile.
Here is my concern, should we make him go back to school in the fall? He doesn't want to, but I don't think online learning at home for the next 2 years will serve.him well going into adulthood.
For those who did this kind of learning at home, how did you cope as an adult? Did you pursue a post secondary education? Did your world get really small and then you found out life was different outside your home amd have trouble coping? Did you feel like you missed out or felt cheated out of your youth by learning at home?
For context my husband and I work full time jobs so he is at home alone quite a bit which he says he does not mind. He has about 3 to 4 hours of school work per day.
You can see my concerns. School is more than just learning subjects online. On one hand he's doing great but I don't know what I don't know. For context he has 2 older brothers who graduated from the high school he was attending. They are both 10 and 15 years older than him.
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses.
submitted by Peonies67 to homeschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:56 callum3214 How to cancel a car insurance policy them re open with the same company for cheaper

I don't know if this is the correct place for this question but I'm very confused. So I am currently with admiral platinum for my car insurance. I have been for 3months now and I am paying £133 a month. However I just done the same quote on compare the meerkat .comes and have found a quote for £93 a month which I'm happy with. But it is with admiral platinum again. How do I go about this. Do I cancel what I have now then open the new quote of £93?
submitted by callum3214 to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:55 throwra-3-5-9 My (28M) girlfriend (25F) accused me of stringing her along when I changed my mind about wanting children?

When my girlfriend and I got together one of the initial things we discussed were children. We both wanted two children in the future. We said we'd likely look to start a family when my girlfriend is in her early 30s (She was 23 when we discussed this and is 25 now, I am 28 now).
Since then we've been on a few holidays abroad and there's a long list of places we want to visit and there's a lot I want to experience. Obviously with work and money, we can't really do a lot of it each year. We're managing between 1 and 2 trips abroad each year (we live in the UK).
Recently I've been thinking about everything we said we want to do and experience and to tick everything off the list it will take a long time. I've also been thinking about the cost of living and while me and my girlfriend are in full time jobs, neither of them are highly paid.
My gfs job will never go above £30k a year and minds will never go above £45k. With paying for rent, bills, savings, holidays etc we don't have a lot left over at the end and having a child would likely be a struggle financially.
That doesn't seem as appealing to me as it did originally and I'd rather go down the list of places I want to visit and see as much of the world as possible. I told my girlfriend I wanted to talk and she asked what it was about.
I told her I no longer think I wanted children and told her the reasons mentioned above. She asked if I was sure and I said while I'm not 100% certain, I am still pretty sure.
She then asked what it meant for us and I said that obviously I'd love to do everything together but I know she wants children so it might mean it is the end for us.
She accused me of stringing her along and lying to her from the start about wanting children and trying to pressure her to stay and give up on the idea of having children which isn't true. She just kept repeating that I have been stringing her along and expecting her to give up on wanting children. How would you handle this?
tl;dr Originally my girlfriend and I said we wanted two children. Recently I've started doubting whether I want children at all for a few different reasons. When I told my girlfriend she accused me of stringing her along and lying to her and expecting her to change her mind about wanting children.
submitted by throwra-3-5-9 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:53 tamperingwithme Teacher bullying baby

So I'm an ECE student currently doing work experience in a center that has ages 6months to 5 years. I'm gonna be vague for privacy but a teacher in the room I'm in (under 15 months) was making rude comments about a child's looks due to their medical condition and comparing them to an "ugly" cartoon character and only referred to that child as that characters name and not their actual name. I think she was trying to make a joke and I know the child didn't understand but I was very uncomfortable and don't think this is acceptable practice.
I'm unsure how to approach this as a student, should I contact my university and ask how to approach this? Talk to management? Make an anonymous complaint? I'm not sure so any advice would be greatly appreciated
submitted by tamperingwithme to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:49 Not_Neptune I [20tF] have wronged and hurt my best friend [25F], but I don't know what should comes next an apology.

Tl;dr : I've hurt my best friend of 2 years but I don't know what comes next an apology or what are the steps to rebuild a relationship. It's the first time something like that ever happened in my life and I'm really lost on what to do overall, how to face the situation, and, ultimately make amends.  
So, for context, 2 weeks ago my best friends put me up for a night because I had a medical appointment but no way to easily return to my house the same day. She was deeply sick – which required for her to visit emergency services the day before – but I didn't even bother to take some news of her and ask her how was she. Then I went to her house like nothing happened instead of canceling my visit, which could have been possible – I knew other people who could've helped me.  
I don't know what went through my mind but that was really stupid, I feel so ashamed of what I did I can't even describe it.  
I apologise about my behaviour a week after, I knew I did something very bad and I wanted to do it properly, but I didn't even apologise for the rights things ! I wasn't aware of how bad I hurt her and what I've done, so instead of apologising about not canceling and not taking news of her, I apologised for coming late or doing to much noises in the morning... She had to explain herself what I did wrong which didn't lessen my shame.  
Thus, in her response she explained to me how bad I hurt her and what I did wrong. Then she said that she forgave me but she'll need some time to herself (especially far frome me), process her disappointment and how inconsiderate and selfish I was. (Which I totally understand, I don't think less about myself at all.)  
Here I am now, waiting for her to comeback, but I really don't know what comes next after an apology ? How are de supposed to move on ? To be honest, I feel unworthy of her forgiveness, I'm so afraid of hurting her again I feel like throwing up. I don't even know why she doesn't hate me as much as I hate myself. I didn't even noticed I hurt her, how can I prevent doing something similar in the futur ? I'm terrified, I don't want something like that to ever happen again...  
But in the other side, refusing her forgiveness is like a million times worse. I don't know if that's the right mindset but I will do everything I can to "proof" her – and myself – that she made the right decisions.  
Besides, I feel like a terrible impostor with my other friends, as if they are not seeing the real me. How would they act if they knew what horrible things I've done ? I feel like I should tell them all what happened so then they can decide wether they want to stay friends with someone like me or not. That's the first time something like that happened in my life and I'm really unsure of what to do ; what are the steps to rebuild our relationships ? How can I ever tell her again that I love her and that she means the world to me when my actions speaks the contrary ? I'm so ashamed of myself I want to crawl in a cave and to never come out again.
submitted by Not_Neptune to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:49 ProdigiousDonut7194 Timing belt help

Timing belt help
Hi all, I have a 1984 Nissan 300ZX Z31 and am changing the timing belt. This is my first time doing a timing belt on a car and have followed the procedure based on the Haynes manual and the FSM.
I believe I have put the engine at TDC for cylinder 1 correctly but I now have an issue where it does not seem like the R3 cam gear lines up with the mark on the rear timing belt cover. The mark on the L3 cam gear and the crankshaft gear look to me like they are lining up correctly.
Since this is my first time doing the timing belt, and knowing that it is an interference engine, I want to make sure I am doing it right. Should the R3 cam gear be lining up with the mark on the rear cover? And if so, how can I fix the fact that it isn't at the moment.
Thanks for any help in advance
submitted by ProdigiousDonut7194 to 300zx [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:47 CuriousAnachronism 24 [M4M] Germany/Europe/Online - Fiat iustitia, et pereat mundus


Hello and welcome to my post. I will subdivide this into two large parts. One will cover my thoughts, feelings, my hopes and dreams...While the other will tell you the specifics of how I pass the time, what topics interest me, what passions do I posses. I believe that at the end of this leap into my inner world, you dear reader, will have all the necessary information to judge whether we are compatible or not.

Part I
I am writing this in the hopes of finding something that I lack. Lately I have had this feeling, this tinge of melancholy within the dephts of my being, this yearning to find a kindred spirit, another Soul, much like mine, to form a bond with. Perhaps Loneliness is the right word for what is bothering me, but to use it seems to carry with it a connotation of ungratefulness. Ungratefulness for the people that I do have in my life, although none of them, of course, have the connection to me that I seek here.

I have found it increasingly necessary to seek in this Life a sort of purity of thought. What I mean is, I have began to undestand what ideas and concepts are ultimately compatible with my inner most Self, ergo what guidelines I have to follow to feel the most whole. Naturally I have likewise realised what I cannot add to my Self and what I will henceforth reject with all the power that I posses.

With this new context in mind, I now follow on the path of self improvement. I will now begin to mold my Self into my perfected idea of how the Self should be. This is certainly a significant undertaking, one that will not be easy to follow through on but one that I ultimately have to do. To me such context is essential. It is akin to a Guiding Star shining in the night. I will follow this Star for without it I am lost in the vast Darkness.

Looking back at my life, it was suboptimal, especially if one compares the way it molded me to how I will now mold myself. I suppose I must look on with a hint of regret at all that time which one might consider to be lost. Still... I try to stave off such decisively negative interpretations, after all, I have ultimately came to these conclusions. That means that somewhere along the line I had to have picked up on enough of such ideas for them to become so cemented in my consciousness. Well, either that or I was always like this, but in that case I can at least thank my life up to this point for not being able to supress such manifestations of my inner most Self.

To add to the topic of my life, I must admit that not all the battles have yet been won, not all the Demons vanquished, not every Mountain climbed. I want you to keep such things in mind when deciding whether or not to approach me. Many will shy away, I undestand that much, but the pursuit of true Companionship is just another such battle. Having said all that I do believe that being able to overcome hurdles together carries with it a certain appeal. That is to say, what's the fun in joining once the Game is already over?

I don't shy away from such challenges, perhaps to a fault. Certain troubles that I faced in the past carry with them a long shadow over my current health and well being. Still, I intend to change little in this regard other than the proficiency with which I will clash the current of my Will against the cliffs of Life.
Part II
In this part of my post I will tell you about my interests and hobbies, I will try to be thorough, commonality in this regard is rather important to build a relationship
History. I have had an interest in history for almost a decade now, it started back in school and developed from there. Well, now that I think about it one could argue that it started even earlier in my life as I liked watching the odd historic documentary or film aired on television but it wasn't regular back then, I never actively sought it out. I am mostly interested in European history in the period between the 18th-20th century but I sometimes branch out to other time periods and other parts of the world. I watch various channels related to history and read articles and sometimes books. I have recently got a few books on the German revolution of 1848/1849 and a historical magazine on the Thirty Years' War. Besides that I try to visit museums sometimes.
Literature. Especially old novels. I like to immerse myself in the Worlds of these books, I tend to read them while listening to thematically fitting music and take my time with them. One time you are following a troubled Youth in his quest for spiritual understanding of the world, another you see the aged and decrepit Doctor gambling his very Soul on the promises of abtaining satisfaction in earthy pleasures, then again your olfaction notices the most pleasant scent known to man even as the one eminating it has the appearance of a revolting Frog. These and many other stories open up to you once you decide to set foot into the literary World.
Languages. I know three, with one being a bit rusty. I am currently working intently on strengthening it. I believe that if I continue to apply myself in this regard then I should be able to finally conquer it. What language am I working on? Well, if you were to stack all the major works in it they would be as tall as a house... It is fun to go through different works in multiple languages, the same goes for film, games and such.
Games. I recently played Cyberpunk 2077. Well as recently as I played any major story centric game. Now that the dust has settled and the bugs mostly removed...It's not that bad. The main questline at least. Besides that I tried Fallout 76 (Very average, I'm dissapointed with what they made the "RPG" system) and I might give Deus Ex Manking Divided another spin (since it's somewhat similar to Cyberpunk when it comes to its aesthetics). Dark Souls is one of my favorite series, I still haven't beaten Elden Ring though. When it came out I wasn't in the right mindset to invest a hundred hours into it, with all those bosses and difficult locations. I think I'll only consider playing it if I am streaming it to someone. I am generally interested in either streaming games or having the person I am talking to stream them to me. To be specific I mean streaming to a single person while being on call. Besides that I'm a big fan of Paradox strategy games, especially Europa Universalis IV and Heats of Iron IV, I tend to only play single player since I find multiplayer with many people to be rather stressful but on the other hand I have nothing against a co-op game. I'm not the best player though, despite the ammount of hours I have in them. Another great game I would mention would be Dragon's Dogma. A very underrated RPG. I recently beat it again and it was an atmospheric and interesting experience. It is one of those games that feel like they have an endless ammount of depth and constant new secrets to discover.
Anime and Manga. In recent times my interest in them has waned but I still watch the occasional series here and there. Like Cyberpunk Edgerunners (Which I found to be rather mediocre) and the very good first season from the new arc of Bleach. Some of my favourite series include: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Death Note, Fate;Zero, Psycho Pass, Code Geass and Attack on Titan. I wouldn't mind if you were to introduce me to some new series, maybe based on the ones I mentioned. My favourite Manga is Berserk which I still follow, althought I am still not certain on the direction that the new author is taking. I suppose it really is a matter of contention whether a somewhat (or considerably warped) vision is better than an unfinished work. One could argue that a few novels remain unfinished and possess a macabre appeal to them as such.
Music. Classical music has a very special place in my heart. A few of my favourite pieces would be: Clair de Lune, Nocturne Op. 9 No.2, Devil's Trill Sonata, Danse Macabre, Valse Sentimentale, Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92: II. Alegreto (by Beethoven) and Suite from Swan Lake, Op. 20a: I. Scene. Moderato. There are more but these ones always invoke something in me when I listen to them. Besides Classical I also enjoy listening to Synthwave, old Western pop and J-pop, both modern and from the 20th century.
Esotericism. I am interested in things spiritual, mystical, magical and esoteric. I have read religios texts, magical grimoires, introductions to various schools of thought. It is interesting to me.
Hopefully I was able to cast the spotlight upon my inner World in a clear and unequivocal manner. I feel the need to add to the aforementioned that I am rather introverted, which means that I tend to dislike large social gatherings. I managed to condition myself to be able to endure the presense of large groups of people but it isn't something that I would seek out in most cases. Besides that I am neurodivergent and suffer from certain issues with mental health. I have to take medication to keep myself under control. They work well enough but certain days are harder than others. I respect the struggle that others have with mental health but in the context of a relationship I have my limits, no one with BDP for instance. I am also not looking for anything casual. I understand than one cannot demand depth and meaning from a conversation with an absolute stranger, that is akin to trying to build a sand castle right before the waves strike but I ask at least that you enter with a mindset that this might become something of significance. I also do want to say that I am completely Monogamous. My preference? The sickly, pale, intellectual who watches rain droplets slide down the window in Autumn. Lastly, if I enjoy the company of a person I tend to not want to let them go.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and have a good day. I ask that you send a DM instead of a chat and that you give your thoughts on my title in the opening of your message.
Goodbye...Or perhaps untill we meet again
submitted by CuriousAnachronism to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:45 anxiouscucumber_ About to get on a plane in about an hour and a bit (vent)

I’m going back home for 2 days to sort out some paperwork that has to be done there and see my mother but god do I dislike flying.
My last return flight was in October and I was a mess both ways, I’m talking really high heart rate and literally sobbing for the entire takeoff and then some. I had worked myself up so badly I was having palpitations and felt so bad when we finally landed. These days I mostly avoid going anywhere that requires a flight unless I have to or someone convinces me to but it’s always traumatic.
Anyway I’ve mostly felt calm in the last 24hrs because I know I have to go and can’t cancel this as it’s not a holiday. Usually I always feel like I have the option to. However now I feel like I should be worried and concerned and research flight statistics and how it’s safe etc because if I don’t, if I relax too much, something will go badly. I know it’s not logical.
I’m flying from London uk to Denmark and it’s relatively short flight but the weather is rainy and there are dark clouds atm and the landings in Copenhagen are always so bumpy because it’s right by the sea and they do these sharp turns where you can see the water and the wing is pointed down and it FREAKS ME OUT.
Anyway I’m just ranting to get this out of my system hopefully. I just want for once in my lifetime to get on a plane and not care in a way I don’t care when I’m in a train or bus.
I’ve read SO much about how safe it is and what happens every step of the way but it’s hard to come to terms with all the what ifs. If not that then I get anxious about having a medical situation on board. If not that, what if a pilot does. If not that - what if some unprecedented thing happens. Ugh.
submitted by anxiouscucumber_ to fearofflying [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:41 TurbulentCare8561 ABYG for asking my ex boyfriend to re-home his adopted cats

My Ex-Boyfriend chose his adopted cats over his unborn child
My boyfriend (39) and I (29) decided to live together last year.
Everything seemed fine. Before he met me, he knew I had a 5-year-old child and that I wasn't married. He also had a cat. We moved in together, but he left his cat with his family.
In our new place, a stray cat started visiting us regularly, and we fed it often. I noticed he became attached to the stray, so we decided to adopt it to help him miss his cat less. I suggested we keep the cat indoors because my child often gets sick and got admitted a few times, but he got upset because the stray wasn’t used to living inside. So, I let it be even though the cat sometimes caught mice and climbed on the table. I'm not a cat person, but I tried to adjust.
When we started living together, I even adjusted my life and my son's needs. My son used to have S26 milk, but we had to switch to Bear Brand. Meanwhile, I saw my boyfriend ordering boxes of food and never buying new toys for my son ever. These red flags made me feel neglected and unimportant. We decided to merge all our salaries and split the bills. He managed the money and everything.
The stray cat gave birth to four kittens, and he was very excited and put in a lot of effort to take care of them. I wanted to rehome them because we were both busy as I have two jobs and a child to care for. We barely go out since there's a cats in our home, and he feels uneasy every time we go out for long periods.
As the kittens grew, they made a mess and smelled bad, especially during meals. The litter box besides our table. I couldn’t stand it. His behavior changed, and he told me he'd rehome them once they were older and no longer nursing. But when the time came, he showed no intention of doing so. When his sibling asked if we needed to adopt out the cats, he said he planned to keep them without consulting me.
I was shocked and we argued, making me feel like the bad guy.
Our relationship deteriorated, and every time I went downstairs, the smell made me angry. I felt like I had no say in our home. I told him that if he didn’t rehome the new cats, we would leave. I asked for at least two weeks to find a place and prepare the house I had bought. He responded, "The cats stay no matter what." That’s when I realized he chose the cats over us.
Three days after our conversation, we had a heated argument because the cats made a mess and smelled bad. He yelled at me, "When are you leaving?" He was furious. So, my child and I left immediately.
We moved far away. A few weeks later, he visited me in our new home and tried to reconcile, expressing regret for what happened. Despite everything, I loved him, so I gave him another chance. I decided to give it another try, hoping he might change his principles since we weren't living together anymore. He visited me once a week, but every time he was here, he constantly checked his phone to see how his cats were doing in CCTV. One time, while we were out grocery shopping, he seemed so rushed and preoccupied with his cats at home that it irritated me. At that time, I didn't know I was pregnant.
When I found out I was pregnant, I shared the news with him but kept my condition the same: he must rehome the cats and keep only one. He still refused. His plan was to live in my house while his cats stayed in his house. Instead of resolving things, he accused me of being an attention seeker and insecure. The stress has been overwhelming, and I've even experienced bleeding.
Also, my ex-boyfriend is quite tight on budget and has a lot of credit card debt that he is still paying off. I only found this out after we started living together. One reason I decided to live together was to help him financially. I also bought a house that I'm waiting to be turned over. I thought the additional expenses for the cats would be manageable if it was just one not 5, but with a baby on the way, it’s a different story. He is very firm in his decision. This has made me question everything even more.
So ABYG for asking my exbf to rehome his cats?
submitted by TurbulentCare8561 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:40 galaxydreamer25 AIO by thinking that what he did was wrong?

Six years together. 2024 has been quite a year so far. My boyfriend has been out of work for almost 5 months, which is yearly occurrence since his main source of income is from doing gig work with a local transportation company. He has been applying to jobs with an out of date resume, he hasn't had that much luck in finding work. When I suggested taking on a temporary job at a grocery store or cafe to stay afloat until his main job starts up again, he became extremely upset and said that those jobs were beneath him.
In these past 5 months he has been playing video games, smoking weed in my bathroom, randomly leaving at all hours to hang out with his friends. He doesn't help with any chores, out of fear for my safety I purchased him a new phone when he broke his, paid for two months worth of phone bills, purchase work boots, and allowed him to shake me down for cash to buy weed.
Even though he tries to gaslight me but saying that this is first year that he hasn't been without work, it hasn't been. Every year since he quit his job during covid(2020)and moved into my apt. he has had periods of no work and very little to no money. He just games and smokes those months away. He berates me for not cooking or cleaning when I was working two jobs and he was working none. When he finally did get a new job thanks to his dad helping him, he refused to contribute financially even though he saw how physically and mentally exhausted I was from working 6 days a week. He said I didn't deserve help. He treats me terribly whenever I help him out. He has forced me to pay his taxes, give him one of my stimulus bills, buy him food. He becomes irate if things aren't exactly how he wants it. He loves to make plans only to cancel at the last minute and then gaslight me about it. He would refuse to go out with me to events but then drop everything to go hang out with his friends.
I always told him that if he can't contribute financially due to not having enough or having work, it's fine but he should contribute by doinf household chores. He refuses.
I think what is going on is that my mind is trying to protect me by compartmentalizing and lessen the gravity of the situation and of what occurred this past weekend. I see the signs of being in an abusive relationship but I don't fully believe that I am in one because it doesn't fit what we all have been told are the signs of an abusive relationship.
In February he pushed some storage bins into me, one of which broke and cut me in my back because I told his parents that he hadn't been working for the past two months.
This past weekend which we were walking through a soon to be closed mall, I had been recording the beautiful 80's/90's architecture when he said wait, I instinctively turned around and he was scratching himself. I laughed a little bit and turned back and continued walking. Since I had my phone in my hand he thought I had recorded him, he rushed down the hallway angrily asking me if I recorded him and to give him my phone. I said I didn't and kept walking,I was wearing a hoodie and he grabbed my hood and pulled, angrily telling me to give him my phone, I told him to let go that he was hurting me. I tried to keep on walking but he was still holding onto and pulling my hood. He then proceeds to try to grab the phone out of my hands. You know when someone tries to grab something out of your hands and both of you start grappling over the item, that's what happened. My phone is brand new and did not have a case yet and I was worried he would smash it into the ground. I know my personal safety is more important than a phone but I couldn't let go even if I wanted to, he had grabbed onto me and was in the process of pushing me into the wall when a guy rounded the corner.
He didn't step in nor call the police as far as I know. I took the opportunity to get away from my boyfriend as quickly as I could.
I ran to the train station, he kept on yelling at me "Are you really going to act like this", I didn't answer. My neck and throat burned from where his was pulling back on my hoodie. I started to cry. There was a lady who seemed to notice that something was going on and nodded her head in approval when she saw me rushing past to get into the station.
When he finally did catch up to me and when he texted and called me afterwards, he kept on blaming me for what happened. He said that I shouldn't have walked away from him when he grabbed onto my hood and that I should have told him that I was playing around and pretending to record him( which is what I said to placate him). When I said that he shouldn't have grabbed my hoodie and pulled he retorted with the so now it's my fault, as if I made him pull my hoodie and react like that.
I wanted to go home but I didn't have my keys on me, so I went down to a nearby marina and watched the boats for awhile.
I ultimately ended up at his parents house. I did not tell them what happened. In the past he would become enraged when he found out that I had told his sisters or mom about what was really going on, and would forbade me to either go to a family function or to say anything. His dad then proceeded to have a conversation about selling his house and giving us the proceeds to buy a house but we should have two kids. His parents have been pressuring me have a child with him even though we aren't married. I want to get married and have a small church wedding but according to my boyfriend I don't deserve a wedding. He also shared with us the importance that both people in a relationship need to contribute financially and pay bills, I told him he should tell that to his son, not me. It would be insanity to have a child with a man like him. I know that he will not change who he is if a child came along.
My friends are aware of the general situation (not of this latest incident), some of my family is aware of the general situation( I don't want them to worry and I don't want to bring unnecessary drama into their lives). His family is aware, one of his older sister's told me to call her for help when I wanted to end things with him and she would come over but when I actually did reach out to her, she said that I was an adult and would need to handle things on my own. I think she feigned concerned in order to get information to gossip with the rest of their family.
I am scared of him. Scared of how he would react if I stand firm in him needing to leave. Scared that he will harm my friends, family, himself and me. He has threaten suicide before. He has threaten to harm my pet. He has threaten to steal my mom's ashes. I have asked him to leave before and either he refuses or he simply ignores me.Him leaving is not that simple. He has nothing to lose yet at the same time everything to lose. He doesn't want to go back to his parents house because they will make him find a full time job and then won't let him do what he wants, he would have less freedom( couldn't smoke weed)...and those are his words not mine. He has never agreed to a break or even a temporary visit because he would "come back madder". He knows if he does leave, I will try to end things with him.
He comes across as a calm, chill guy when he is around my friends and family because he is high all or most of the time. That calm, chill guy is not who he really is. He is angry, volatile, and cruel. Yes, he has his moments of kindness(or niceness) and sweetness. Is it "nice" to have someone around to talk with, yes. Who seemingly care about when you will be back home, yes. but do those niceties outweigh everything else that has happened.
There is so much more that I could add to this post, but I am exhausted and I have blocked several incidents out. He constantly tries to gaslights me. He lied about his background and education. He has gotten physical several other times as well as verbally/emotionally. He has engaged in several sexting relationships, most notably with his ex Christy and his "friend" Lore. When I expressed how hurtful his cheating was he stated that is who he is, that he's the kind guy but since he didn't sleep with them, it's fine, it's not cheating. These girls also do not see anything wrong with what they have done.
I do not have any immediate family ie siblings or parents. Therefore, I cannot go and stay with family until he leaves or have a family member accompany me while he moves out. I do have extended family in the area but life has taught me that there is no guarantee that they will help you even if you desperately need it. It's the American way to find your own way out of problems and pull yourself up by your bootstraps ( I say this sarcastically).
The apt. is in my name and I'm pretty sure there is a clause in it that states that if there are domestic disturbances I would have to move out. As stated above I don't have anywhere else to go, so he must leave.
Sometimes I think that this is my lot in life and that I should just accept it. I find myself questioning if what happened on Saturday really is abuse or if it was just a misunderstanding that got a little bit out of hand. Sometimes I just don't know anymore.
submitted by galaxydreamer25 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:39 NorthUsername Do you ever recover after losing a soulmate? Please share your experience

My STBXW (30F) left me (35M) 1.5 months ago. We have been together for 6.5 years. No kids.
Our marriage didn't start as a fairy tale, but it kept improving for the first 5.5 years.
There was no cheating, physical or substance abuse.
We were very compatible on so many levels. Never got bored of each other, never ran out of things to talk about. Laughed a lot. Going through lockdown was a breeze, since we both really enjoyed spending time together. We were best friends, true soulmates.
I was confident and secure that this bond would last a lifetime... I knew in my heart, that I would never break it. But it didn't last a lifetime. This loss of innocence is very traumatic, I don't know how to trust someone again after a deep rejection like that.
We had different views and priorities in life, which was always a source of conflict, and both of us were really stubborn.
I can't say for sure, but I think that I was a good husband. Although maybe I wasn't, since good husbands don't get abandoned. I don't drink or smoke. I earned a pretty good salary, kept in shape, always supported her career beginnings, paid for food/going out/bills/rent all those years, always had time for her and for us, found and planned new activities for us. House chores, except cooking, were equally divided. I definitely wasn't perfect and there are many things that I wish I could have done better, especially in the last year or so.
We started arguing A LOT. After about 4-5 months, serious divorce talks started, and after another 2, she completely checked out and left. I pleaded, I begged, but that just convinced her of making the right choice and made it worse. I later realized that she has grieved the relationship in those months of arguing. We both hurt each other so much mentally during that time. I can't forgive myself. It's sad how many men only see the real problems when it is too late. 80% of divorces are initiated by the wife. I really saw what our problems were when she left, I tried discussing it, promising to change, which I really meant. But it was "too little, too late".
I feel so much guilt and shame. Received a lot of support from friends and family which I didn't expect.
After she left, she liked my FB posts and we chatted for two weeks. Then it quickly dried down to divorce proceedings. She blames me for destroying our relationship and ruining everything and says that she is the victim here. Maybe she is right? I'm so devastated that I think she is probably right. The only concern is that right before all that arguing started, she read about 5 books on "toxic relationships", "narcissists", "abusers", etc.
And in the last 2 months before leaving, she was reading a book "Why men love bit**es".
It's been 1.5 months now, and all I can think about for 90% of the day is her. I deeply feel that I will never find someone like her again. The though of death is on my mind every other day. If it wasn't for my mother, I would probably end it. Signed up for therapy in two days, it's going to be my first time.
I keep asking everyone for a recovery timeline, but everyone just says "that's very individual". The most common answer seems to be 6-18 months of this purgatory. Cried literally 10 times yesterday, and twice today already. I just don't know how to move on, and most importantly, I see no reason to move on, except to save my mother from the pain of seeing me suffer and fail at life.
Please, can you share your experiences? Have you really, truly considered someone your soulmate, your best friend, and then moved on? How long will I be in this purgatory? I do remember that I was sometimes unhappy in those years. But isn't everyone on some level, occasionally unhappy in a marriage? We don't live in a fairy tale, and that's normal, right? How do I know if I am putting her on a pedestal? Sorry for so many questions.
I still consider her a good person and wish her well, although I am devastated that she left me when I felt in my heart that we would overcome anything and I would never ever abandon her.
submitted by NorthUsername to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:38 AccountantKey4198 Who the fuck am I even

I DONT KNOW how to tell the difference between what is a normal baseline of positive satisfaction with life, and what is hypomania. It's really causing me distress. I feel the most "myself" when I'm apparently hypomanic. My episodes aren't super extreme, but it does happen. Honestly though, the depression is much more of a problem.
When I'm feeling grey, emotionless, and withdrawn, I feel like someone else took the reins of my brain. I miss my true self like a friend that I love and haven't gotten to hang out with in a while. I like myself and I'm good company to myself, when I'm feeling alright.
I have many flaws, mistakes, and regrets. but at my best, I am generally known in my friend group as a bubbly, vivacious, and fun person to hang out with. I'm "joie de vivre" in one of my friends' phone. When I am unable to be this version of myself, I hide away from the world. My friends love and support me no matter what, but I feel incapable of human interaction when I'm depressed. I have a positive outlook in general, I keep hope alive, I feel deep gratitude often... I do my best to not have pity parties, I try to take as good care of myself as i can to get through the darkness, I know I always do, somehow. It's still so scary and disheartening.
I don't know how to discern what is "normal" and what is hypomania. It's eating me up inside. Am I who I think I am? Will I only feel normal when I'm hypomanic? If I stay on this medication, will I always feel kinda grey and never have those magic moments feeling so happy and enthusiastic and playful? I miss having fun just because, for no reason, and making my friends laugh. I miss having a really wonderful day, instead of just normal days feeling rather nothing, even when I'm doing the activities I love. :( does anyone else feel like this? How do I deal with these feelings. I just want to be happy and feel like myself. I know I don't need to be happy every day, and it's ok that life is sometimes boring and mundane. I'm ok with that, but this empty feeling sucks ass.
I know it's not healthy, and I'm not going to stop taking my meds (Haven't missed a dose since 2021). but I almost feel like I would rather suffer through depression and also have those highs, than feel this dull way for the rest of my life. I miss my fun self who cracks me up every day, is full of ideas, makes creative projects, does sweet things for other people, writes music, does spontaneous things, sucks the marrow out of life. Resigning to a duller version of life feels like a death. I'd rather suffer and continue using it as fuel for my art. How do I accept this change :( I hate it.
submitted by AccountantKey4198 to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:26 Remarkable-Pen1287 Accused of stealing at store when I didn’t ? Please

I could use some advice please … I was at Whole Foods tonight at the self checkout. The first item that I scanned was a chapstick. I scanned it and then put it in my pocket because it was so small that it would fallen through. I should’ve used a small paper bag, but it felt like such a waste considering it’s just a tiny little item. I continued to scan my items and had someone come up to me .. She was very arrogant and rude and she said “ we know what you did we saw you put that in your pocket. We saw you clearly put that in your pocket.” Honestly, I was shocked because I’ve seen other people do that and they don’t normally make a big deal out of it if you scanned it. I get it though I was thoughtless. I just didn’t make much of it at the time which I definitely will now. I assume that if i scanned it then it was fine. I was holding it in my hand while moving the cart. I didn’t have it in my pocket to begin with. I said” i just did that because it’s really small and it’s going to fall through. I did scan it, though it was the first thjng that I scanned . Please look at the screen and see that I did scan it. “ She finally looked at the screen and insisted that she still didn’t see it on the screen when it was right in front of her face. I had to pull out the item to compare the bees shimmer “ bees shimmer chapstick “ and put the burt bee’s chapstick in front of the screen for her to finally get it. She just kept saying no no I don’t see it before that. I was like what the hell is wrong with this person?… like are they trying to give me a hard time… She went over to talk to other employees that are all group together watching everything from a far. I felt like I was a new museum exhibition on display. Based on the way they were acting it was obvious that she didn’t clear my name and tell them that I did scan it. It was mortifying honestly because I do my best to try me a good person and here I was being treated badly. I want to go back tomorrow and clear my name. I actually left to the car and then came babecause I wanted to explain to everyone I actually left and went to the car . I decided to go back in but they were closing. The girl at the door didn’t know what was going on anyway when I tried to explain what happened. As I was talking to her at the door, the woman that went at me in the first place was like power walking through the store to hear what I was saying to the woman at the door. I mean, she was practically running to us. I couldn’t believe it.,. I could just see that it was going to turn into a giant fight and I was already stressed out and in a lot of pain because I have fibromyalgia. I just didn’t want to deal with it and said I don’t appreciate how it was handled and left. I really don’t appreciate the way I was treated. I want to know what I should do? I was actually getting to know some people there and now it’s just depressing. I don’t like looking bad and I could tell she didn’t clearly correct what I was accused of. I mean she could have just explained that it was a misunderstanding. She could have said that I probably shouldn’t have put that in my pocket but that I did scan it first. Would you be upset about this too? Should I go and explain what happened ? They were looking at me really bad like it was the story of the year which is ridiculous. It was humiliating and upsetting. I always shop there and probably spent thousands of dollars by now. I had at least 25 items in my cart tonight. I don’t want to be known as a thief or attempted thief..😞 I could really use some advice right now…
submitted by Remarkable-Pen1287 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 sezz70 Will some claimants in the LCWRA not be given a review/re assessment due to severity of their condition?

Hi I read the below on the internet and was just wondering if it's true?
"There are no rules on how often you are reassessed. Usually, this is decided by the DWP medical service. If you are assessed as having LCWRA and having a 'severe, lifelong' disability or condition and are 'unlikely to ever be able to move into work', you will not be reassessed"
Does medical service mean that they do regular checks for updates on the claimants condition by contacting the GP or other medical professionals? I had a psychtrist and a CPN in the last few years so that shows my condition is serious but I know they couldn't of written me of as never ever being able to work again but actually encouraged me to volunteer. I haven't had a review yet or a renewal thankfully and not been asked for bank statements either and I claimed in 2021 and was in the psychriatric hospital at that time. Last year I rang UC and he said my claim was only for 18 months but there's a big back log that's why there's a delay so is it due to the delay or is there no reassessment and request for bank statements due to the severity of my condition?
submitted by sezz70 to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:23 nuntend0 Candor experience, first time. Dukasa pick up.

Hey! 🤚🏼
Long time lurker, first time poster.
Just wanted to share my experience with Candor and give a rough timeline of the process for me.
I chose this company because partner uses Candor and has not had any issues (apart from being prescribed an urban leaf mpod cart with no instructions on how to use or what battery to purchase…😫 we got there in the end thanks to google and YouTube lol)
I’ve seen a bunch of posts either loving or hating the service from these guys, this was my first time using them and I have to say I am pretty impressed. (I’ve previously dealt with alternaleaf who was my first prescriber, decided to change after my prescription expired as the service has gone downhill)
I do like that most of the contact is done via their website using a chat/messaging feature. Only time I had to speak to anyone was my dr consult. Took about 15 mins.
Main reason for MC use is chronic pain, anxiety & PTSD.
25/4/24 - signed up and completed the questionnaire
28/4/24 - message from nurse to verify details
3/5/24 - message from nurse to arrange dr consult
10/5/24 - booked consult
13/5/24 - had consult with dr
(could have got in way earlier than the 13th, there were appts available within 2/3 days however I chose to book in later in the month due to other commitments)
14/5/24 : 12:15pm - prescription available 12:30pm - order placed 3:40pm - identity verified by candor 4:15pm - order ready for pick up
The consult mainly consisted of the dr informing me on the products and brands they offer, verifying my personal and medical details, and a couple of questions. My TGA was pretty instant (could have been helped from previous MC prescription?) 🤔
You can have 4 THC products at one time. I chose 2 carts and 2 flowers, and a CBD oil. However there are a few more products in my catalogue I can take a look at, or you can send a message to the nurse or dr if you’d like to try/check out something else. I recommend cannareviews or catalyst to explore strains and read up on some products.
I chose the pick-up option rather than have it delivered, as I live close to some of their partner pharmacy/dispensaries. Had delivery issues in the past with alternaleaf, will only ever pick up now. Due to stock levels in the places near me, I chose Dukasa Compounding, who I know a lot of people have issues with… I was so pleasantly surprised with how quick they had my script ready to pick up considering I was a new patient, and it was 4 hours after placing the order!
After everything I had read about them I was really worried something would go wrong, so hopefully if you are in my shoes this post gives you some hope! 😊
My consult was $80 I had Dr Jin Byun who was super polite, friendly and happy to explain and answer any questions I had. So far would totally recommend!
Going to go and pick it up tomorrow. Have a great week everyone! 💨💨
submitted by nuntend0 to MedicalCannabisOz [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:20 Dyain_ I've played rdr2 so much I've started thinking in a country accent

I've been playing my 3rd playthrough for about 2 weeks now and I've been playing heavily. my goal is to 100 percent this save. this is probably the most ive put into a playthrough ever and im only on chapter 3. anyways my point is I've playing a stupid amount.
I swear to God I noticed this earlier today. I live in the Midwest so im already used to some of the country/southern terms being commonly used. I guess this made me susceptible? but I swear it's been worse lately, specificly my inner dialog. imagine a weird mix of Arthur and Bill talking and that's my inner dialog right noe. on top of that, when I'm alone I talk to myself a little bit. yknow, narrating a little but. and I swear I sound like uncle or hosea when I do that now.
I don't know how to feel about this. maybe I should take a break for a few days. I ain't to worrid since a similar thing happend when I watched a ton of British youtubers and it fixed itself after a bit.
submitted by Dyain_ to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:18 lostin_the_mix_MMCIX My Psychosis Story.

My most recent psychosis occurred due to a number of underlying reasons that I was dealing with over a 6-8 week period and was mostly delusional.
The lead up to it - I had just finished the largest engineering project that I had been working on for two years,. My wife and I were having a very difficult and stressful time, with disagreements all the time.
My body was yelling and screaming for help and I could feel it from deep down inside me. I went to see doctors and psychologists but it didn't do it for me.. A childhood friend then passed away and that tipped me over.. All of a sudden I was placing myself in my friends place and I had all these questions that I had for myself.
I took a few days off work in the hope that it would get better, however, as I returned I just felt exhausted and overcooked. That's when I started to lose it... Note that I wasn't doing any hard drugs at the time, nor was I drinking, but in that upleading week, I was having the occasional nitrous oxide (N20) cannisters.
I went to get my tarot cards read upon returning to work (first time). The lady who conducted the card reading told me to choose the cards when "I feel the energy above the deck".. I actually felt the cards drawing my hand closer to them. I received the following cards, all of which seemed were of major importance to me: (1) Stand your Ground, (2) Hope, (3) Foundation & Achievements, (4) Base Chakra, (5) The Waiting Game, (6) Third Eye Chakra, (7) Love Begins, (8) Spiritual Union, (9) Intuition, (10) Conquer & Defeat.
..That night I went for a walk, I saw a shooting star - it was the first time that I had seen one and was so beautiful. I rushed into tell my wife about the tarot cards and the shooting star.. we both broke down in tears. Later on that evening I would tune into Youtube, and learn more about finance, investing, life, philosophy and music - all of which were major interests in my life.
The next morning I woke up and got ready to go to work. I couldn't help myself but start crying when all of my songs came on. Notorious BIG - Juicy: "Born sinner, the opposite of a winner, remember when I used to eat sardines for dinner".. I had sardines for dinner growing up too, and I could literally taste my mothers sardine dish in my mouth while the song was playing... As I raced onto the highway, it felt as though I was so connected to everything. I rolled the windows down and felt the air around me...The number plates around me "8SAMA" - which I had a feeling that there was going to be a terrorist attack occurring in the not too distant future. "FX Silver" - I was speculating with precious metals back at that time and thought it was a sign that due to the terror attack, silver was going to increase in price. "IDK IDK" - I was listening to the song I don't know by Tion Wayne, Stormzy, etc. the night before my psychosis.. Everything around me was providing me with signs and nothing was a coincidence. It felt like I was enlightened or something?
I called my brother in the morning who lived abroad, he said that he was being overworked and stressed out. He wanted to head to New York for new years eve and I immediately told him not to go as something bad was going to happen. When I went back into the office, I felt as though there would be some kind of market correction before the terror event occured, so I tried to sell all of my crypto, the only problem was, when I entered all of my key seed phrases, one of them somehow disappeared and I could no longer access my crypto wallet. That was when everything cracked further.. I thought the government was onto me as I had put all the pieces of the puzzle together and started to warn people around me.
I grabbed my manager from the office and told him I needed to speak to them. I wanted to come clean with everything that had happened. During this time I felt at peace and in this blissful place. I was seeing visual signs of things from my past which were interacting with my present moment .. it felt like everything around me was staged. I came clean to the manager and told them that I had been struggling at work, and using drugs and alcohol to cope, I said that it also put so much strain on my relationship and my wife was going to leave me. At this time it felt like the police had wire tapped my manager and everything I was saying was going on record. I was trying to outsmart him with every question that they had for me and it was like I was playing 4d chess in my head. We spent close to 2.5 hours talking about my situation -at every stage I was waiting for when the popo were going to pop out and arrest me.
My wife had been contacted and came to pick me up. She took me back home, but while I went home I thought that our house had been bugged and wired. To me our neighbours were acting odd, and so many things were working in my head, I just didn't know how to relax and calm down. The next day I was taken to my parents place, and I initially started by doing a little bit of exercise, I still felt as though the police were after me and I had something to prove to the world. I then had a panic attack, where I legitimately felt as though I couldn't breathe, my wife and family rushed me to the emergency department at the hospital, and I was met with a psychiatrist who put me on a large dose of antipsychotic medication. Don't know where I'd be without my wife to support me through everything.
I then came back and rested. Slowly but surely I started to realise that I had just experienced a psychotic episode that lasted for several days. Following this event, I had a major depressive episode, which took months for me to recover, and approximately one year later I am in a better place mentally, but I am still not 100 %.
It turns out I have a family history of this sort of bullshit that nobody told me about, and being exposed to drugs and alcohol would only increase the risk of any symptoms. I've been off all the drugs and attempting to stop alcohol, and live a more holistic, natural life. Let's see what happens. For anyone dealing newly dealing with it or in the process of recovering, it gets better. Keep your head up.
If anyone else has a psychosis story or would like to open up about their feeling of oneness or connectedness, please do feel free to share below.
submitted by lostin_the_mix_MMCIX to Psychosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:17 Various_Bill125 Is chatgpt sufficient for assighment and permissable to use

Just After starting my second year of college I wanted to know the rullings on how someone can do their assighments . There was a lot of speaking from my friends about how using chatgpt is cheating. I asked Pearson and they told me that it isn't cheating, that in an of it self is another lesson on not trusting ignorant people in life.
So after comming to realise that the exam boards ( I don't know about other exam boards)aren't testing your ability to search something on the Internet and collect data. (which is what I belived ) but rather they just want you to know the information ( that is correct off course )
People always say, this is cheating in your assighments and that is cheating. This is the type of response I got from a lot people I speak to . I think people have forgotten That crux of the question is what are they testing you on.
My problem is whether or not chatgpt is suffiencent to be used in universities and if it is prohibited . I highly belive i'am not the only one who struggles to get it to say things the way i want it to say.
I know this part is a bit of a curve ball but. I know that I have ADHD ( for many reasons) , I haven't gotten diagnosed yet. As much as I feel the urge to explain all the justifiable reasons because of me who lmight belive that I'am just saying this because 'i forget things' or generic things like that.
the people who are knolagable about this know why I've just mentioned adhd. I despise doing assighments Via diffrent websites. I have literally asked God for help before revising But without getting into it too much and to get back to topic. In essence I 'am mentioning this right now because I'am looking for alternatives
I don't know why but I have a feeling that there are going to be mean comments on this. So please spare me the negative energy if the intent to do so
And also my perants prohibit me from speaking to people online directly, other wise , I would love to have a conversation.
submitted by Various_Bill125 to school [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 sezz70 Will some claimants in the LCWRA group not be assessed again due to their condition being serious? As below says that it will be decided by the medical service

Hi I read the below on the internet and was just wondering if it's true?
"There are no rules on how often you are reassessed. Usually, this is decided by the DWP medical service. If you are assessed as having LCWRA and having a 'severe, lifelong' disability or condition and are 'unlikely to ever be able to move into work', you will not be reassessed"
Does medical service mean that they do regular checks for updates on the claimants condition by contacting the GP or other medical professionals? I had a psychtrist and a CPN in the last few years so that shows my condition is serious but I know they couldn't of written me of as never ever being able to work again. I haven't had a review yet or a renewal thankfully and I claimed in 2021 and was in the psychriatric hospital at that time. Last year I rang UC and he said there's a big back log that's why there's a delay so is it due to the delay or no reassessment due to the severity of my condition?
submitted by sezz70 to universalcredithelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 Kloudiikou 18 and need help with my situation

Hello po i just turned 18 this april and i wanna know the basics on how to apply and look for jobs (preferably call center) and stuff, im choosing to want to move out this early because of my family situation.
I dont want to live with my father anymore, hes like a grown man child. He asks us to do everythign thats so simple and that he can do himself and everyone in my family is so tired of his crap, when you dotn do what he want nag wawala sya and starts breaking stuff. My mom dosent want to leave him but shes scared that he'll do something to hurt us, my dad has very violent tendency's. My mom is so tired of his entitled mentally, we are like little servents to him na if hindi nagawa agad inuutos nya mag wawala sya and magagalit sya kay mommy if she dosent do the thing he asked her to do. Nag wawala din po sya pag walang na bibigay si mommy na pera sakanya.(Keep in mind po were a family of five and my momg min wage is 20 our electric bill is like 6k bc of my dad fishtanks that are contantly plugged with lights and stuff)
we only have 4 years left till the house is taken since at 60 mawawalan na si mommy ng trabaho and the house was offered to her by her work place and i dont want to leave qc because i want to keep in contact with my boyfriend and be able to see him and yes my dad doesn't know about him bc im scared of what he'll do to me and him :((
I dont know how to improve my situation other than leaving because i really am tired of his shit. I act as the oldest in this house and im the middle child i have 2 siblings and all of us are girls. My mom is the only one working and my dad has no job.
Please someone help me get started on finding a job or somethign to help me get money.
submitted by Kloudiikou to adviceph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 Arctelis Gifted Mac Donald’s Pressure Canner, Questions

So a while back I mentioned wanting to try out pressure canning to my dad, and he gifted me an old, cast aluminum dial gauge Mac Donald’s M16 pressure canner. He had no idea where he got it, he’s just had it for ages and has never used it.
All the parts are there, no obvious cracks or other damage that says it shouldn’t work and I’ve used it for water bathing jams. However, I do have some questions, having never used a pressure canner before.
Number One being, is this thing still safe to use with modern canning guidelines? The gauge goes up to 20psi before saying “caution” up to 30. Based off my altitude (595m/1950’) according to the charts I need 11lbs.
What can I do to test this thing, or just add water, heat, see if it seals and pray it doesn’t explode?
Pretty much every recipe I’ve looked at says, “add water according to manufacturer”. The pot itself has a plate that says refer to the manual. Well, I don’t have the manual, and Google has yet to yield more than parts, an add for someone selling a 1970’s Mac Donald canner, and a bunch of unrelated canners and listicles of “Top X pressure canners”, while of course trying to correct it to McDonald’s. Anyone know where I can find said manual, or is there a general rule of how much water to use per volume of the vessel?
Appreciate any input. Cheers.
submitted by Arctelis to Canning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 ClayKavalier Ned Grabavoy's Track Record

Many people are calling for Ned's head lately.
I don't think he's been perfect. He has a positive reputation around the league at least as a person and businessperson. That doesn't mean he's a good scout.
I think it's important to separate hirings into categories one would attribute to the owner, the coach, or the general manager, even though it is reportedly a collaborative process and Paulson has to sign off on everything. It is also essential to note that different coaches have different systems, styles, strategies, and tactics. Players identified as having the skills, disposition, mentality, etc. for particular purposes under a particular coach may not work as well in different circumstances. For example, I'll suggest that having a slow right centerback isn't as much of a problem with a right fullback who can track back, central midfielders who can help cover, and an offense that defends higher, doesn't turn the ball over so often, and is effective in attack. Also, given the relatively sudden and unexpected departures of Porter and Wilkinson, and the transition periods between coaches and scouting/technical staff, it's important to note that there were times when there weren't people in particular roles and the styles, tactics, strategies, philosophies, etc. weren't clear or changed.
While I have no proof and Ned has expressed his enthusiasm for and confidence in Neville, I very much feel like Phil is Paulson's guy. It was said that he had a rapport with Paulson. I don't expect Ned to say anything publicly that isn't supportive. Maybe he actually believed Neville was the best candidate and maybe he still believes he's a good coach.
Using Wikipedia, I documented which players signed with the club or had their contracts extended while Ned was in different roles.
When he was promoted to Technical Director, he was specifically credited with scouting specific players. He's also credited with finalizing the deal with Evander in late 2022, after GW was fired but before he was officially GM. The rumor is that the deal was going to fall apart before Ned took over negotiations. I've italicized those players that Ned might have been involved in scouting, recruiting, signing, or extending who are still on the team. I've also indicated when I think it's pretty clear when a player was brought in by a coach because of some past association. I may be wrong about some and may have missed some. I know there is incomplete information but I only tried so hard. There are also situations where the player was technically signed to an extension in one year but it was effectively for the next season. The distinction between preseason and summer transfer window signings isn't always obvious. Also, many of these players were scouted for some time before a decision was made to sign them and an opportunity presented itself. For example, Wilkinson talked about wanting Lucas Melano for some time. I think Porter was big on him too. We had our eyes on Yimmi Chara for a long time too. Considering that, I'm not inclined to credit Ned with 2017 signings at all, and don't think he had much to do with the renewal or financial decisions until 2023.
Director of Scouting and Recruitment - November 2016
2017 Season
2018 Season
Technical Director - December 2018
2019 Season
2020 Season
2021 Season
2022 Season
General Manager - December 2023
October 2022 - GW Fired
2023 Season
2024 Season
Do we blame these guys going forward?
Jack Dodd - Technical Director - April 2023
Nacho Leblic - Director of Scouting - February 2024
With all of this info, I think we can blame Ned in whole or in part for the following current players being signed and / or having their contracts renewed:
  1. Rodriguez
  2. Evander
  3. Loría
  4. Williamson
  5. Moreno
  6. Mosquera
  7. McGraw
  8. Eric Miller
  9. Fogaça
  10. Antony
  11. Mora
  12. Diego Chara
  13. Araujo
  14. Paredes
  15. Ayala
  16. Mabiala
  17. Asprilla
  18. Kamal Miller
  19. Muse
  20. Crepeau
  21. Pantemis
  22. Sulte
  23. Zuparic
  24. Ikoba
  25. Bravo
Gee, that's the entire roster. Realistically though, I'm only crediting him for 2023 and maybe Rodriguez. He wasn't really GM until Evander at the end of 2022. GW, Paulson, Porter, Gio, and Neville all have had input and in many cases more authority in decision-making up to that point.
Which players came and went under Ned's watch should we not have signed or not let go?
And which players who are still on the roster just objectively suck and aren't MLS-level players? As starters or depth? Who doesn't even have any potential? Who has aged out? Who is good but doesn't fit the system? Who doesn't fit Neville's system but fit Gio's? Note: this is all in MLS-level terms.
  1. Rodriguez was great but is now just good and arguably doesn't fit the system. He's a second striker but we only play with one forward. I don't think the 4-4-2 we tried against Seattle was a good idea. Obviously, it didn't work. Maybe a diamond of Evander, Chara, Ayala, and Paredes. We'd need more defense to cover for Mosquera getting forward and Moreno tucking in. But I digress...
  2. Evander is good but poorly utilized and inconsistent. He plays to the level of his teammates. He's not a leader. Could he be great? Probably not as a 10. He's got flashes though, so I hope I'm wrong.
  3. Loría in my eyes isn't MLS level and hit his ceiling. I'll accept arguments that he's a good sub for the money.
  4. Williamson is good but oft-injured, and inconsistently plays to the level of his teammates.
  5. Moreno is inconsistent, sometimes played out of position, doesn't fit the system, but has potential. He takes chances, which I respect, but maybe doesn't have the best judgement. Maybe he can learn. I hope so. He tries. He's good. He could be great. He probably shouldn't be the starter all the time.
  6. Mosquera is a good winger but terrible fullback. Or maybe he's a good wingback but terrible fullback, depending on how you define the roles. Maybe he has potential. I increasingly doubt it. He doesn't seem to have the mentality for it. He's Alvas Powell 2.0. I'd love to be wrong. He tried last match. If he becomes a good fullback he'll be great overall.
  7. McGraw is good but terrible in the system, especially when Mosquera doesn't track back. He's just too slow and sometimes has poor judgement.
  8. Eric Miller is good as a sub right fullback and decent as a sub left fullback.
  9. Fogaça isn't good and has no potential. I'd love to be wrong. I like his workrate but he's not MLS quality and never will be.
  10. Antony is good, not great, and maybe has potential. His first touch is garbage, he's one-footed, and he doesn't make smart runs. He fast though. I don't think he can succeed on a shitty team like ours because he won't see the ball enough. Ideally, he'd understudy to a great winger and learn from them.
  11. Mora is surprisingly good. He's opportunistic. He's a leader. He's committed. He puts in effort. I still don't think he's a DP and I'd kind of prefer he was a subto an even better forward but it's hard to argue with success.
  12. Diego Chara. He's still very good. People who say he's lost a step are confusing his inability to cover everybody else's mistakes, and his own occasional lapses, with having lost it. He's barely lost anything. He'd look better on a team that wasn't absolute ass. It's sad for him.
  13. Araujo. I think he's good but just too slow for this system. His passing is good and he's good with the ball at his feet. His positioning and judgement seem fine, generally. I'd bet he'd look better on a better team too. I could say the same for some former centerbacks as well.
  14. Paredes. He's good. He's developed and grown on me. He's pretty consistent and generally puts in effort. He rarely pisses me off. I'd hoped he'd develop into a 6 but that's apparently not to be. I think he's hit his ceiling. He's a great rotator or sub. Not a star.
  15. Ayala. He's good. Could become great if he can stay healthy and get more development. I'm worried about his injury history. He's a bit small and can get pushed around a bit.
  16. Mabiala. He's just too old and slow now. Good dude. Maybe his last extension was too long. I think the tactics are especially bad for him but he wasn't good enough last season either. Father Time just caught up faster than we expected.
  17. Asprilla. Is he good? I don't think he really is. But his moments of sheer genius, his workrate, and his heart make him great. As a sub. Flare counts for a lot. I love it when Asprilla dazzles.
  18. Kamal Miller. He's good but too slow for the system.
  19. Muse. No idea man.
  20. Crepeau. He's great but we sure haven't given him a chance to be great for us yet.
  21. Pantemis. He's good and could be great.
  22. Sulte. I've only ever seen him be awful. I wish him the best but have no reason for optimism, especially since Muse came on.
  23. Zuparic. He's the best player in the league, obviously. He's good. Maybe he was great once. He's not good enough for the system at least. If Neville ever substantively changes tactics I think he could be solid for us again. Seems like his attitude may be a problem though. Who knows what to believe?
  24. Ikoba. Absolute mystery to me. I assume the worst from context clues. Wish him the best. I think he, Sulte, and all who came before underscore how wretched our academy system is. Who do we blame for that? Does it matter? I think it does. I'd love to develop cheap players we could sell to reinvest in the club.
  25. Bravo. He's great. He could be brilliant. He makes the occasional mistake but that's the price of greatness. He takes risks. He's a fighter too. Love this dude but he still gets underrated and shit on. We're so much better with him on the team. How often do we have good fullbacks, especially a left back. Him, Moreira, and Villafaña are kind of it, right? Farfan showed promise but bringing Jorge back stunted his prospects with us?
I think we are less than the sum of our parts. I don't think too many of our players are scrubs. We have too much invested in central midfield, centerback, and keeper. Central midfield was complicated by injuries and Chara's insane longevity. Our poor DP signings hurt our ability to move on from them in terms of timing and money. Ivacic was still on the books well into the last transfer window. Mabiala is taking up roster and cap space. Zuparic is questionable. McGraw and Araujo just don't seem to be good fits for the system that Neville is trying to implement. Kamal Miller isn't either but Neville doesn't realize that. I'll suggest that Mosquera not defending hurt the CBs last season too, along with the missing attacking DPs.
I don't know what we can realistically do about our problems near-term. I don't think Nevilleball works even with a right fullback who can defend and faster centerbacks. That would help. But the lack of off-the-ball movement, lack of ball progression through midfield, lack of creative runs, poor passing, low pressure, shitty zonal marking on set piece defending, not closing passing lanes, not stepping to the ball; not making incisive, line-splitting passes; not communicating, poor rotations, not making the final pass or taking shots in the box, passing back all the time, slow build-up, not covering the far post, injuries... It's a lot. Some of these problems predate Neville, so he ought to have accounted for them and adjusted accordingly. The FO has denied lack of talent is a problem. That leaves coaching and attitude or mentality. Attitude and mentality often come back to coaching IMHO.
submitted by ClayKavalier to timbers [link] [comments]