Facebook happy birthday messages with music notes

Uplifting News

2012.05.16 02:49 razorsheldon Uplifting News

A place to read and share positive and uplifting, feel good news stories.

2014.08.20 03:57 BirthdayNotes Find Your Birthdate on Currency

BirthdayNotes is designed to help people find their birthdate, anniversary date, wedding date, and dates of historical importance in the serial numbers of paper money.

2015.09.30 08:50 AlpCow Happy Birthday Card

Happy Birthday Card to send to friends. Happy Birthday Video Cards. Musical Happy Birthday Cards. Happy Birthday Videos. Birthday Greeting Cards. Happy Birthday Song Cards. Rock Happy Birthday Song Card. Happy Birthday To You!

2024.05.14 05:54 InfamousIndividual32 Any ENTJs who feel like they're behind in life?

I'm 24F, but I turn 25 tomorrow. Cracking thr code of the human personality is a passion of mine, and today I was taking the sociotype.com test and got ILI (associated with INTP), with a 93% chance of being LIE (ENTJ). Ultimately LIE resonated with me more when comparing the descriptions, though I did heavily relate to the assertion that ILI goes back nostalgically to the same games/movies/etc. for the emotional high they elicit. I like what's familiar, or at least seems in line with previous experiences where I felt excited and happy.
I feel like that's why I'm lagging behind.
In childhood I had big dreams of success, of turning 18 and heading to a big city to pursue a career in acting or music. Somehow I got it into my head I wasn't "cut out" for such a life though, partly because I was never allowed to choose who I associated myself with as a teenager. Everyone else I knew was a homeschooled shut in escaping into fantasy to escape from their overbearing religious families, and I in turn did the same, escaping into my head rather than forming a concise plan for seizing control of my own future in the physical realm. Even my mother seemed frustrated with me when I was a newborn adult of 18, awkward and self-deprecating to the point my loathe to the idea of a mediocre, ineffectual life became something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I find myself almost romantically fascinated with my childhood, when I had more potential than I probably do now, fewer mental health issues, and more drive to go beyond where I came from and become a success. I'm celebrating my birthday eve by hanging out in my room, in a house I share with my dad and siblings, doing craft projects and playing old Y2K computer games. I still have no college degree (though I'm a certified web developer according to the local community college and several years of experience), but have applied for aid, and intend to go back this fall no matter how I feel about it. The existential pain that comes with comfortable stagnation will far outweigh the existential pain of being a struggling college student in my mid 20s. Here's to the future, ENTJ brothers, sisters and assorted humanoids. Let's grab this beeyotch full force.
submitted by InfamousIndividual32 to entj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:53 CryingOrangee My birthday today

First of all, happy birthday to me... It's 11:49pm as I'm typing this so my birthday is almost over... my bestfriends forgot, my close friends, my dad, and my siblings all forgot. Over half of the happy birthdays I've gotten (around 8) had to do with me reminding them.
My coworkers said happy birthday to me but somehow my coworker who doesn't like me made it about his wife because we have the same birthday. He then proceeded to tell us what he was doing for his wife.
I'm not saying I'm expecting some great big parade but I go all put for my friends birthdays, paragraphs, voice messages, calling them at 12am exactly and I don't get squat. But my mom texted me happy birthday so that was cool.
I just can't with people, it's sad that the people who remembered are people who I'm not even close with.
submitted by CryingOrangee to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:51 Throwaway_10_1827 Sharing - so happy tonight

I’m so damn happy today. One of the crazy things I do is check my WH social media accounts. Sometimes from his device so I can see messages and stuff, but lately there hasn’t been anything. Like nothing. Not even reacting to things I find questionable on his meme pages. I don’t like doing this because it feels intrusive and there’s been nothing for several months.
But yet I still check in what I consider non-intrusive ways. Number of friends on Facebook. Number of followers/following on insta. Does it increase/decrease? Check for likes/reactions/comments on meme pages that post questionable content. Back before this happened I’d find it funny. Not anymore. I know checking this just posses me off more so I try not to check too often.
Anyway - nothing weird has showed up. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then this weekend, I noticed our mutuals went down by one. Whatever. Someone decided they didn’t like what I post or didn’t want to be my friend. Who cares. Then - his friend count on Facebook went down by one. Hmm. Ok. Whatever. Then today I realized, the one friend that was dropped was the young woman who he had his weird/inappropriate relationship with!!! OMG. So happy. Now I kinda want to know who unfriended who. But - It doesn’t really matter. One less connection.
For clarity - they never had a PA. She’s like 20 years younger and they were never alone together. They had some sort of weird texting relationship and he bragged about her to his one friend who behaves like a child. Honestly I think he had a crush on her. And was trying to impress his friend by saying he had this younger woman hitting him up. And it was a huge ego stroke.
It’s a longer story, but I didn’t make him go NC. I just brought what he said about her to light. He was embarrassed and apologized. She was dismissive saying it would never happen. They spoke a few times after I brought everything to light, but their contact fizzled out. And today I noticed the FB friendship ended. Now, just waiting for the unfollowing on instagram.
Just thought I’d share a minor victory (which feels major today) with the group. Sometimes you don’t have to do anything at all and small victories occur. Wishing you all happiness and peace tonight.
submitted by Throwaway_10_1827 to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:51 skyeky_ [M4A] A Friendly Spirit Haunting Your Apartment Needs Your Help to Pass on [PT1] [Bittersweet] [Ghost Speaker]

The listener accidentally calls on a surprisingly polite spirit, and the listener tries to help him pass on
Monetization is okay! No major changes to the script though, if you are wondering about something in that regard please feel free to message me! Let me know if you intend to fill this script and leave me your channel so I can keep an eye out, or post the video and send me a link! Always super happy to see people's hard work! ^-^
[Scene opens with some ambient spooky music, and the sound of a ouija board piece scratching on the board, writing something out. Some sort of sound like a phasing in or out of energy or something as the ghost appears]
Ghost: Oh- uh, hello there!
[Sound of the board and piece falling on the floor, followed by a thud]
Ghost: Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you! Are you alright? You didn’t hit your head, did you?
Listener: ….
Ghost: Huh? What do you mean who am I? You already asked if anyone was here! I said yes, and then spelled out my name for you! Remember? This just happened! Maybe you did hit your head…
Listener: ….
Ghost: Oh- well how did you think it was moving on its own then?
Listener: ….
Ghost: Magnets…? Sorry, no. There are probably some spirit boards that are fake, but this one is genuine! It was mine, a long time ago. I was hoping you’d find it eventually when you first moved in here.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Yes, this was my apartment. This was my room, in fact. I was glad you were the one to end up sleeping in here and not your roommate. You seem more in tune with the other side. By the way, love the decor! Some of it is definitely mine, I was glad you put it back up! Most people don’t decorate their rooms with the possessions of long deceased inhabitants that they found in storage boxes in the back of a walk-in closet, haha. I used to live here with my mom, I’m guessing when I died, she couldn’t stand to take some of my things with her. She was superstitious, so she never liked ‘occult’ related things. Although turns out she was right, so I guess she earned an I told you so. Too bad she left before I could get her to notice me. Most people can’t perceive me at all, and well, no one lived in this unit for a long time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: How did I die? My my, that’s an awfully forward question. To tell you the truth though, I don’t remember. The last thing I remember is watching tv in the living room, but I don’t know how much time passed between my last memory, and my death. I know for sure I died here though, I haven’t been able to leave this place. I haven’t even been able to go out into the main hall.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Ah, it’s not all bad! I can still turn the tv on, so there’s that at least! Uh- sorry, a-about your power bill… Ahem anyway, I seem to have this weird… attunement I want to say, to certain things. I don’t know how it works, electromagnetic waves maybe? I didn’t pay much attention in high school science. Or- high school in general, really.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Oh, I don’t know why I’m still here. Unfinished business, I guess? I don’t know, most spirits are angry, vengeful psychos because they got murdered or something. I don’t even know how I died, and life wasn’t all that great either, so I don’t really have anything to be angry about. I mean I miss my mom, sure, but I know my grandparents would take care of her, and she has some brothers and sisters and really great friends.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Aha, no, no girlfriends. No boyfriends, either. No friends, at least not close ones. No one to really miss me, besides my mom. I’ll admit, it does get a bit lonely from time to time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: You… want to help me? Well- that’s really sweet and all, but I don’t even know why I’m still here… where would we even start?
Listener: ….
Ghost: When did I die… I’m not totally sure. My sense of time isn’t great anymore, maybe twenty years ago or so? Things have changed so much, at least what I can see from the window. I’d say a long time.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Obituaries… that’s not a bad idea! At least gives you a place to start! Are you-... sure you want to help me with this? I feel like I’m putting you out, I only wanted to talk to you and say hello, but you’re going out of your way to do something kind for me.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Well, okay, if you’re sure then, thank you! Just one question- how long are you going to leave the creepy music playing? I’m not spooky enough to warrant that. Am I?
[Music stops abruptly]
Ghost: [The ghost laughs] You totally forgot about your mood ambience, huh? Do you like music? I did too. Not too many good ghostly radio stations these days though, haha… but anyway! I think you’ll be able to see me from now on, I sense some sort of… connection with you now through the spirit board. As long as nothing happens to it, I think you’ll be able to see and hear me from now on! I don’t think your roommate will though, so that probably works out for the best.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Thank you, so much… I actually feel kind of hopeful about not being trapped in this tiny apartment for the rest of… well, forever. I finally have a chance. That means a lot to me. I thought you might not be afraid of me, given your apparent interest in spirits, but this is even better than I could have hoped for.
Listener: ….
Ghost: I’m glad to see you’re so enthusiastic, but don’t you think you should be getting to bed? Your schedule on the fridge says you work at 7 tomorrow, and it’s past 11.
Listener: ….
Ghost: Of course! I’m dead, not blind! I can check your schedule just as easily as you can! It was nice knowing when people were going to be here and when they weren’t. I… actually paid really close attention to it. Alright, no more distractions! Get to sleep, or you’ll be totally exhausted for the first day of our investigation tomorrow!
[Listener turns off a lamp and gets into bed]
Ghost: Goodnight. And again… thank you. You’re committing more time to me than I deserve.
Part 2 coming soon!
submitted by skyeky_ to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:45 throwRAstarlights my best friend told someone about my r*pe and i f24 don’t know how to forgive her f22. any advice?

in april 2033, i was r*ped. i woke up the next morning and ran to my shower and broke down into tears. and i called my best friend that i’ve been like sisters with for the past 10 years. she offered to take me to the hospital and all that. she was there for me despite all of what she had going on to.
anyway, one night best friend and another long time friend invited me out and i decided it could be nice to have some girl time. so i go. we go back to best friends apartment. she ends up getting a phone call from her abusive ex girlfriend (another long time friend, actually) and it kills the vibe. she ignores the call. she starts missing her mom (she passed away) in this time of need so we (me and our other friend that invited me out) do our best to comfort her.
i end up getting a call from her ex girlfriend and i decide to take the call outside while my friend is still trying to comfort best friend. (best friend told me to take the call). anyway, the abusive ex girlfriend and i are talking and eventually she throws it in my face that i was r*ped (just a night or so before this). i was in shock. she threw it back in my face in perfect detail what happened to me. i was so hurt. i hang up the phone and go back inside. i’m really angry but i see my best friend still in shambles. i decide to let it go for now.
when the night ended, i went home. and the next morning she texted me and i replied, making sure she’s okay. then i finally asked her why would she tell someone… especially someone that i am not a fan of about my r*pe. her justification was that she was going to have abusive ex girlfriends brothers “handle” the situation. still, im not having it. then she goes and starts spinning things back on me, saying that im judgmental about her ex and it makes me upset that she’s deflecting.
i end up blocking her and abusive ex girlfriend and moving on with life the best i can. and by moving on, i mean pretending that i was never SA’d. pretending i didn’t have my space and privacy invaded. pretending i was not raped by someone i trusted and has my trust broken by another person that i trusted.
1 year later; may 2024, i downloaded snapchat to do my annual proof of life post and i see a message from her. the message says something to the effect of “hi, you dont have to respond. just wanted to say i’ve been thinking about you. love you and happy early birthday.”
i don’t know how to feel. her message actually made me more upset. i broke down about this to another friend of mine.
has anyone ever been through something similar? how did things turn out?
submitted by throwRAstarlights to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:44 courtingdisaster Presenting the evidence: 17 May 2024

Presenting the evidence: 17 May 2024
Come one, come all, we're clooowning again! 🤡
Thanks to u/1DMod for posting the Jimmy Fallon video that led to me to start to connect the dots that other creators have noticed. Long story short, we're clowning for Stockholm N1 (maybe even night ✌️ as well), buckle up clowns!


First things first, May 17 is ✌️ fortnights after the release of TTPD on April 19. We know that Taylor is still throwing up peace signs which seems unnecessary if it only ever meant that there was a second part of TTPD. I think it's an indication that we haven't completely cracked that egg yet.
This photo was necessary for the post, ok

National/International Day Of

While these days aren't necessarily solid proof of anything, Taylor did release TTPD on Poetry & The Creative Mind Day and also released the ME! music video (ME! Out now!) on Lesbian Visibility Day so I think it's definitely worth investigating.
Let's have a look at the holidays for May 17 that could be relevant:
  • Endangered Species Day - anyone remember the ✌️ trips to the zoo while in Sydney...? We also have the big cat imagery on her new 1989 outfit to consider. If you haven't read this incredible post by u/Funny-Barnacle1291, I'd urge you to stop clowning with me (just for a moment) and go and read it. Taylor's TikTok bio still reads, "this is pretty much just a cat account" which could be a surface level meaning of her posting videos of her cats, but we know miss Feline Enthusiast herself loves a layered meaning. She also compared herself to feeling, "a lot like being a tiger in a wildlife enclosure" in the Lover diaries she released (pictured below).
TNT at Sydney Zoo Paris N4 TikTok bio Lover diaries comparing herself to a tiger Sydney Zoo
  • National Pizza Party Day - I know I am personally still haunted by her Stephen Colbert interview on 13 April 2021. The interview starts with Colbert talking about Taylor's Versions and also talking about how he believes the song "Hey Stephen" is about him. What surprise song did we get on guitar Paris N3..? Important to note that this interview also talks about him "waiting tables on the lunch shift at Scoozi, an Italian restaurant in the River North area of Chicago, that, by the way, serves a really incredible slice of pizza." Taylor also goes on to say that the song is actually about Stephen King and Taylor then says "The Dark Tower series changed my life, plus The Shining, The Stand and don't even get me started on his short stories... Absolutely luminescent." This interview is obviously very strange and likely filled with easter eggs. We know that her mention of the River North area of Chicago was also the location of one of the TTPD murals that went up ahead of release.
No... This is pizza
ME! Out soon 😉
  • National Graduation Tassel Day - Taylor was awarded with an honorary doctorate at NYU in 2022. We know that her speech at this event was littered with Midnights easter eggs including lyrics to Labyrinth and You're On Your Own Kid. I wonder what other easter eggs are hidden in this speech...? Here's a link to the video and you can also read the full transcript here. I'm not going to do any further digging into this one right now, just presenting it as evidence but please feel free to note anything of importance in the comments.
Dr Taylor Alison Swift
These chemicals hit me like whiiiiite wiiiiine

Direct 17/5 easter eggs

  • Tokyo N3 - One of the surprise songs during Tokyo N3 was "The Outside". This excellent video by Kristen (underthepink7 - go follow her, she's amazing) goes into some additional easter eggs that I'm not going to go into here but definitely worth a watch (which also connects to "Down Bad"). What I do want to talk about though is what Taylor said when she introduced the song. Here's a video of the performance including her speech beforehand where she says, "this song is 175 years old." At the time most people thought that it was an egg for number of days leading us to 2 August 2024. It could still be referring to this however I'm starting to believe it's related to the date.
  • Date format - Before we go any further, it's important to note that the date format in Europe (where the Eras Tour currently is) goes DD/MM/YY. This is why I think the 175 could be a date as that equates to May 17 in Europe.
  • Tokyo N4 - On 10 February 2024, the surprise songs in Tokyo were "Come In With The Rain" (track 17) and "You're On Your Own, Kid" (track 5), another 175 and in this case it's specifically 17/5.
  • Anti Hero music video - There's been some really interesting analysis that I've seen on Twitter where the timestamps in Taylor's recent music videos appear to be lining up with the date of things happening in real life. Underthepink7 and Kiturakk on Twitter have pointed out some interesting connections to the numbers 175 in the Anti Hero, Bejeweled and Willow music videos. I'll admit this could be considered a bit of a stretch but what if I told you none of it was accidental...
Is Taylor using timestamps in her self-directed music videos to refer to dates in real life?

Important days in history

These could be nothing, could be something, still worth noting.
Important events in history that may be important to Taylor

Important days in Taylor's history

  • "Bad Blood" music video premiered at the Billboard Awards
  • Entertainment Weekly where Taylor is on the cover with a rainbow pin and gravestone that says "I tried" is published
  • City of Lover concert (i.e. Taylor's Lover concert performed in Paris) airs on ABC for the first time
I think we're about to recreate her sparkling summer


  • 88th show - Taylor made a point to let everyone know that Paris N4 was the 87th show of the tour. Yes 87 is Travis' number but what if it was also to let everyone know that Stockholm will feature both her 88th and 89th shows? Obviously 89 is an important number to her however last year we saw Taylor embracing double dates (5/5 Speak Now TV announcement, 7/7 Speak Now TV release - there's probably others, that's all I remember off the top of my head) so I don't think it's a stretch to say that the 88th show would hold significance to her. I saw this thread on Twitter yesterday regarding "portal dates" and while obviously this is referring to dates, I can see "portal shows" being potentially noteworthy. Following on from this, Kristen has highlighted some Taylor Nation tweets that include the words "17" or "May" with one of those tweets being posted on 8/8 (while quoting "Betty" of all songs...) which Kristen notes is the karmic number representing resurrection and regeneration (tweets pictured below).
Deep portal, time travel
Is Karma boutta pop-up unannounced...?
  • Beyoncé - The Renaissance World Tour kicked off on 10 May 2023 in Stockholm at the very same stadium that Taylor is performing in next weekend. To me it would make sense to start a tour named Renaissance in Italy, where the Renaissance originated not in Stockholm... We've seen Taylor and Beyoncé supporting each other a lot in the last year and Beyoncé's producer recently said, "let's just say she's on the approach of shocking the world." We know she's on her own three-act journey at the moment (complete with queer-flagging in her shows and her own Biyoncé rumours) so I don't think this quote is directly related to Cowboy Carter but potentially regarding the culmination of her arc. Is it possible that her arc lines up with Taylor's creating a supernova that will change the industry forever?
Taylor & Bey supporting each other at their respective film premieres, a literal pride flag on the Renaissance Tour (it's actually just Chiefs colours, phew!)
  • Taylor recorded songs in Stockholm - Kristen notes that many of Taylor's important singles were recorded in Stockholm including "I Knew You Were Trouble", "Shake It Off", "Blank Space", "Bad Blood", "Ready For It" and "New Romantics". Perhaps this city holds a special place in her heart?
  • One Direction - paging u/1DMod to go into more detail here however noting that One Direction has a song called "Stockholm Syndrome" and the lyrics are very interesting indeed ("I used the light to guide me home"). Checkout this recent post by u/1DMod regarding the possible Larry connections to TTPD.
  • Friends Arena - The stadium in Stockholm is called the Friends Arena. Taylor had a Friends pin on her jacket on the Entertainment Weekly cover. Was this stadium always supposed to play an important role? Kristen also notes that the opening ceremony took place on 27 October 2012 (obviously 27 October is the day that 1989 was released, both times) and

New Romantics

Kristen, who I have referenced in nearly every part in this post (again, she's amazing, go follow her), has a mass coming-out theory that she has dubbed the New Romantics. I highly recommend checking out her content on Twitter and TikTok and she's also recently launched a podcast that you can read more about here for a lottttttt more information on this theory. Essentially the theory is that a large number of artists in the entertainment industry are queer and are working together as a "safety in numbers" type approach to coming out of the closet and potentially changing the industry in a monumental way.
Let's have a look at some players that are relevant to either 17 May or Stockholm (or both in one person's case!):
  • Zayn - This is the person who is relevant to both 17 May and Stockholm! Obviously he was part of One Direction who I spoke about above as having a song titled "Stockholm Syndrome". Did you know his new album "The Closet" "The Room Under The Stairs" is being released this Friday, May 17? Again, I'll leave this to u/1DMod any additional relevant information as this is not my area of expertise but from what I understand, all members have their own queer rumours.
  • Billie Eilish - Recently out as a girl kisser, Billie Eilish is also releasing an album on this day titled "Hit Me Hard and Soft" featuring a song called "Lunch" that would leave even the most homophobic Swiftie unable to defend her queerness if released by Taylor.
  • Madison Beer - Madison is out as bi. Her tour, The Spinnin Tour, began 24 February 2024 in Stockholm (a different venue though).

Theories as to what exactly is coming

  • TTPD: Part 3 - I recently made a post presenting the evidence on a potential third part to TTPD. In this post the majority of the evidence was just related to the "3s" that have been prevalent lately however there were also some "5s" which led us to believe something was happening 5/3. I've since had a couple of thoughts that maybe the "3/5" is related to her 35th birthday this year. I strongly believe she'll be out by her birthday at the latest if not ON her birthday, but I digress.
  • Karma - After the fiery (Chiefs) colours we saw displayed in Paris, I'm not sure how you could be a Karma-denier at this point to be honest! If you haven't already, check out this amazing post from yesterday by (Dr Bryanlicious2 homewrecker) u/clydelogan. Their post discuses the numerology surrounding the number 8 that I referred to earlier however could this all be pointing us to the 88th show instead of a particular date...? Also if you are somehow still a Karma-denier, I recommend reading this collobarative post that is constantly being added to.
Karma is REAL
  • Coming Out - I personally don't believe she would come out during a show in Stockholm, however it's worth at least noting as a possibility. It would mean that she was "out" before Pride Month 😉 She did just sing "Begin Again" as a surprise song in Paris N4 - is she beginning again as her authentic self at the very next show?
  • Book - The creator of the video that u/1DMod initially posted believes that Taylor is announcing a book on 17 May 2024 with it to be released on 21 October 2024. I'm not going to go into this theory in detail however if you are interested in finding out more about what they have to say, here are a couple of videos of theirs (video 1, video 2, video 3).
Is this another easter egg that she laid 3 years ago?

In Summation

Something is happening in Stockholm.
I don't know what exactly but it is THE ONE to watch. I'll be there talking smack in the megathread and keeping an eye out for any new Chiefs colours.
See you there, clowns! Who's clowning with me?! 🤡🤡🤡
submitted by courtingdisaster to GaylorSwift [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:37 Firm-Character-677 4yrs LDR delulu lang ba ako or may future (medyo mahaba)

Hi I just wanna share my LDR story cuz I can't really judge clearly right now without being biased. I'm already attached to him given na naka abot na kami ng 4years and my mind seems to justify him. We broke up last May 5 lang.
Anyways, I'm 23F, filipino and he's 23M, indian.
Ps. Medyo mahaba hahaha
So, we met on a MMORPG last summer of 2020. We started talking on DC and I usually don't get interested to ppl I met online but his attack was kinda different. He asked about my GPA and I was like wow concern sa grado baka matino. Ganern. Online classes are still on going that time so we usually talk more at night. And it wasn't just some small talks but quality talks. About life ganern, interests and views on different things. We don't usually agree but we both talk so deeply about it kaya nagkasundo.
Fast forward, ako talaga ang unang naattached. And I already know that time (which was only months after we first talked) na wala kaming patutunguhan. He wasn't that attached to the point of considering me on his future. But still, I didn't mind. Wala pa din naman akong plano sumabak sa relationship irl. NBSB pero may mga manliligaw. So ayun, nagpatuloy sa kalandian habang nanonotice ko na na medyo may katotohanan na sa mga "I love you" nya. We've been so wholesome na rin. Been into different kind of games like Dragon Raja, 8ball, COC, at halos lahat na yata ng games sa play store na subukan na. Hindi naman ako gamer tbh ML lang talaga yung game na nilalaro ko tyaka yung MMORPG na yun. But anyways to make the story short, sa 4 years na yun marami na ring away. Let's say every year may pinag aawayan talaga. He was talking to girls on DC even tho it wasn't that malicious but still. We started there too😆 iyan yung issue sa let's say 2-3 yrs ig. Pero di naman sobrang dami mga like 2 months lng out of 12. Then last year, he greeted his ex of 2yrs a happy birthday. Tbh nung unang year wala lang sa akin. On our 2nd year when I found out, I told him to stop cuz I didn't like it. Last year was kinda diff cuz he greeted her a belated birthday mga atiiih. Belated hahahaha the care to greet even though it was alrdy late di ba. So nag away ulit. Ilang beses na rin sya nag ask ng chances sa 4yrs na Yan. Like super sincere to the point na hindi ka niya tatantanan ng message mapa DC, tele, WhatsApp or insta. Ilang beses na rin sya umiyak dahil sa situation namin like sa LDR, to say sorry, dahil sa different beliefs and all. I told him that we should wait until 26 to decide if pwede na iuwi sa kasalan hahaha ganun kalala ang love and patience ko mga bhiee. He agreed too cuz by that time, we will be mature enough to decide considering na di pa sya secured sa job that time. And to conclude kasi napahaba na, for me, our love was real and very wholesome I might not show it through this forum but yeah, it was. But the thing is, last 1st week of May I kinda tested him saying that, "this is probably the lowest point of my life" cuz currently we're having some financial problem cuz of hospitalization and he knew it. But guess what, he ignored that msg. I told him goodnight right after kasi mukhang Wala talaga syang plano mag reply and guess what, he replied. "Sorry Im kinda busy, you can sleep tho" okay I understand. Busy sya. But girl diba? Am I wrong tho? Did I just assume stuffs? Pero I decided to end it right after. I deleted my msged abt that lowest point shi and he innocently asked if I want to explain why I was breaking up with him. And I told him no need. Cuz bakit pa? I've had my answer. And si kuya sabi niya, I kinda know why and it's rlly hard that I can't do anything about it. Pero why not console me? Pero mali ba ako? I need your wisdom masyado nang biased utak ko. So ayun wala na talaga. Kala ko mabilis lang mag move on since online lang pero iba rin talaga pag naattached na haha. Was I wrong tho or did I saved myself. Anyways, graduation na nxt year so focus nlang muna sa studies ngayon.
submitted by Firm-Character-677 to adultingph [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:35 WayneEnterpriseX I (26M) caught my girlfriend (23F) in a web-of-lies. What should I do?

I (26M) caught my girlfriend (23F) in a web-of-lies.
I'm extremely devasted and my mind is clouded as I write this, but I have caught my girlfriend (23F), with which we have been dating for 6 years in a web-of-lies 3 Times in our dating period.
She has left me in my lowest point.
In the beginning of our releationship I caught her deleting a messages on her Iphone. I then confronted her and she told me that she deleted those messages because I would get the wrong impression of them and would end the releationship. She told me that she was scared to lose me, as I'm jealous of other males, which in fact is true, but I think my feelings were right all along.
I forgot the content of the message.
I let it slide, since we were in the beginning of our releationship (Maybe 1-2 years into it) and I also wasn't faithful at that time. I have even shared this with her at some points of the releationship, as I'm honest. The thing is that she said that she loves me so much that she would never do such a thing to me.
Slowly - I let my guard down, as she was with me during very hard moments in my life, where she could have easily left. As I let my guard down - I started adoring her and the thought of other girls started to dissappear.
She was extremely sweet, innocent and loving. No matter what I did - she was always there for me to support me and was always on my side.
I started focusing more on work, we were seeing each other everyday and everything was flourishing, but I never stopped being envious when she came with me at a disco/bar with friends or where there were other males.
I always felt as she had an eye out for some of them and always felt like I didn't satisfy her completely, as she had previously made remarks about our sexual encounters, which were above regular.
I slowly started to trust her more, as she continiously gained my trust by her action. Meanwhile I was 100% focused on my businesses and success.
She was working in a kid's playground and selling cakes. I was always there and supporting her.
As my success progressed - we started to go out on world trips on the most beautiful places and fell deeply in love (or so I thought)
4 years had passed by. She was still good an innocent (or so I thought).
On the 4th year - I made a project that made me life-changing money. I took her in Dubai with my whole family and spent a fortune to please them. Unfortunately - she was not happy there, I felt like she didn't support me at that moment. She didn't care what I did, she didn't care about my success. She tells me 'This is your success, not mine' 'This is your money, not mine' I told her I want to buy a house for us and she said 'This will be your house'
I then fell into an emotional pit, because everything I do is to support my family and create one wit her.
I got extremely mad, this feeling didn't fade away. I wanted to end it with her, because she didn't acknowledge anything.
The summer was approaching, we got into a fight over something (I Think I caught her again) - We separated for a month, she started crying and was working the whole month. - I went on a vacation with friends, where I cheated on her (Only kissing) and started approaching other girls. But while doing all this - My girlfriend never left my mind, I was extremely sad that I ended it with her.
I opened up her Instagram Account and saw on her story how she is on vacation with two good girls from her work and one baby (She was lonely by the looks of it and extremely sad)
I got back from the vacation and started working things out with her, I took her on a vaction, we had a bonding there, but something didn't feel right... She seemed sad.
I started gambling on crypto futures... I lost 20% of my networth... I got extremely mad.
We went back in our country and then I took her on another trip. I bought her everything she wanted, I took her everywhere she wanted, I did everything to please her. My focus at that time was entirely on her.
She wanted to go in the casino - we went. I lost money, but gave her, since she wanted to stack an amount for a nose operation.
(Not because the nose was broken or something, but because she wanted to look better)
Business started getting bad, my income vanished.....
I started trading more in order to get back to my previous amounts...
I lost it almost all.. I had 1 reserve fund which was locked and I waited a couple of months to take the funds out. She was there with me even when I lost.
She finished her operation.
I got the reserve fund. I started trading, I made half the amount back. She wanted me to buy her a car - I did. I bought a land as well, on which I wanted to start building our house.
After all that - I lost all my funds again...
She had been constantly in a fight with her parents and wanted to move out.
I had one small income left - with all the funds I had, I rented an apartment for 6 months.
During those 6 months - I focused on working, but was losing due to my gambling habbit.
She got a new job. She started going out with friends. Sexual intercourse decreased by a lot.
I told her that I don't like her going out till 6 AM in the morning. This just isn't right with me, so I got suspicious.
I hacked her laptop... she saw a notification and rushed to the house... I was able to see a lot of things, but it appears - she was deleting evidence, so I asked her to give her phone. - She gave it to me.
Unfortunately - I knew how to see deleted messages on an Iphone. I saw only one message, the content was:
'Don't message me anywhere again.'
I got filled with rage and we had a fight. She was fighting with me to get her phone back. I gave it and told her I want to end it.
As he was a famous greek singer - I was able to analyze when he had concerts and saw that on those dates - she had been visitng those concerts...
3 Days later - we talked and worked it out.... I was madly in love with her at this point. She told me that she arranges stages for him. (It's related to her new job)
My gambling habits were in full force. I lost a lot of money and couldn't afford a rent of a high-cost, so I told her - Let's move out to my mother's place and in the next 1 year I will make sure that I succeed again. (My mother isn't living inside the house, but my brother is)
She agreed roughly. So we moved and I started working, but unfortunately - The money I felt I was making was not enough, not nearly enough to buy an aparatament or build our house. She was acting kind, innocent.
I went out on a birthday party and my friend created a circumstance, where I would sleep with a girl next to me. I knew she really liked me and hooked up. We were going to have intercourse, but as I did anything - my girlfriend was on my mind and I couldn't bring myself to do anything other than kisses... I just couldn't.
She started going out with friends again. She was going nightclubbing with them, but assurred me - she was doing it for her own fun.
She was meanwhile stacking money to get a boob-job done. - She did it, made her boobs bigger. She assurred me that she was doing it for her own fun.
6 months have passed. - I stopped gambling, but she told me that she doesn't like my house, doesn't like that I'm living with my brother and she doesn't see a future with me.
She told me she would leave and go in her cousin's apartament, but he doesn't want me there.
I told her that I want to break up with her, because she doesn't want to be with me at my lowest point. I told her that she probably wants to leave the house to go out nightclubbing and find someone better than me. She felt offended (Or so It seemed), but I think that was the truth. She told me that she wants to have kids with me, she loves me, etc.
The next day: She goes out of city without telling me anything about her location. At night: she goes in a nightclub with her friends + other males.
I ask her in 2 AM - 'Where are you right now'? She comes in and out of 'Online' status. and at 4 AM I notice a follower increase on her Instagram, she follows him back - I send her a video and ask who the f is that? She responds 'What do you want', 'This is an old friend', 'Stop being envious'
I get extremely angry and stop responding. The next day I check the live photos of the nightclub and pray to god to give me a sign that I'm not delusional and exactly the next photo - She is on the same table, with the same guy, with her friends and other males. She told me she was sleeping.
1 Day passes - she starts messaging me and sending me photos with the quote 'Let's promise we will never leave each other and fix everything when things go wrong.' 2 Day passes - she starts messaging me, so I show her that I don't want to talk with her. 3 Day passes - no one messages. 4th day she messages me: "Are we breaking up?" and I told her "Do you think I want to be with someone, who constantly lies to me, goes out nightclubbing and adds some r*tards in Instagram?" She told me - "First of all - I'm not lying about anyhing" Then I ask her - "Why have you added this person in 4 AM in the morning"? She replies: "I have had him for some time now, he is an old friend" I told her that I monitor her followers and know if he is old or new" I told her that she looks like trash in my eyes at this point and she got angry She told me she isn't obligated to tell me anything and she hasn't added him in 4 AM, she will not be repeating her self.
I ask her: - Can you tell me where were you at that time (The night that this happened) ? She tells me: - Like every night - at home. I sent her a photo of the live nightclub photo where she is with him, her friends and other male friends. I tell her 'I hope this is gives you an answer for everything' 'My girlfriend died a long time ago' She starts sending laughing emojis and says: "It's good, right?" "You killed her more likely and made her what she is today" I tell her "It's possible" She responds "As you can see - he is with his girlfriend, DON'T THINK WRONG THINGS OF ME" I told her: "Don't explain yourself" "This was my last question." She is now telling: "This is a driver of... and some time ago my friend hooked up with him, this is from where I added him, I haven't added him now" I told her: "I don't think anything of you." She responds "The last two years you have not thought of me anyway" WHICH IS NOT TRUE. I tell her "I wish you all the best, I hope you find what you are looking for" She responds "Me too, be happy" I respond "I have only one question left" "When did my girl die?" She reponds "You can always contact me if you need any help" I respond: "Thank you, but I don't think of searching for contacting you anymore" She asks: "Which is your girl?" I respond "The good girl that loved me and was always with me or was this just a product of my imagination? Be honest" She said: "Whatever you feel like" I respond "Okay, good night" Then I forward the message "You can always contact me for help" and I say: "I really loved you and will miss you" She reponds: "I will never stop loving you. There is no way to stop loving a person with which you have been in a releationship for 6 years" "Good night, I will not upset myself anymore" I ask her "Why would you do this to me?" She ask "What did I do to you?" I told her "It's pointless to say, I have a lot more information that on the photo" She says "We were in this town for a doctor checkup, after that we went to a nightclub and accidentially met them (The person and his male friends)" I ask her "Will you stop with the lying?" She says "I'm telling you" I respond "Good night"
Now my question is:
I'm a sucker for her love. Maybe I'm just in love with the old her. I have never loved any girl as much as I love her. I feel absolutely terrible. Maybe part of this was my fault. Maybe it was my fault that she became like this..
What do I do from here? I don't think I will ever love a person this way.. I wanted her to carry my children and raise a family with her.
submitted by WayneEnterpriseX to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:32 sw0 ARC Music Festival 2024 (and after parties) -- Buy/Sell/Trade Megathread

As always:
Disclaimer: Tickets are technically non-transferable as per the festival. This thread is simply a community resource; you assume all risk & responsibility for buying or selling tickets with others here.
All tickets for sale must have a price listed. All tickets must be listed at **face value** (i.e. the original price you bought it for) or lower. If your ticket has been sold, please edit your listing to mark it as sold or delete your comment. If you are interested in buying a seller's ticket, please DM them. Do not negotiate on the thread. Do not list your contact methods (phone number, IG, Facebook) publicly. Wait until you get to the DM phase to share that information. Let's use some common sense here and not doxx ourselves. 
Any listings breaking any of these rules will be removed.
If you suspect someone is scamming, please message the ARCMusicFestival Mod Team directly so that we can take action swiftly: https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/ARCMusicFestival.
Paypal Goods & Services is highly recommended.
Guys, i'm getting messages of users getting scammed.
Strainedjugular using the number (419)359-4243 and Venmo accounts @cmack274 @colecopeland @deehughes96 @Timothy-Green-350 @Jenorice-Jones @Stalana-Hutton @Hlb03 @Dianejackson2012 @BriannaJ92 @Breshiya-Madison @gabioconnell
Link from last years buy sell megathread
submitted by sw0 to ARCMusicFestival [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:27 MaidCatBoyEnthusiast My story

Warning: This is extremely long
I am writing this because I need to make it known my love for this girl. And there needs to be something in the world that shows my love. All the hours of sleep I have lost for this girl, who I will call Eve, were for naught and I need there to be something tangible of what we had. This is my story of her.
I first met Eve at a volunteer event for an see organization we both went to, 4 days of 5 hours of volunteering. I thought she was beautiful and I wanted to ask her out. As we were leaving on the very last day I asked. I told her I enjoyed talking to her and thought she was cool, I asked if she would want to hang out sometime. I was elated. I thought she had given me her number romantically. I was so happy that day, I had never felt such joy. I was potentially going to be in a relationship with this amazing and beautiful woman. I texted her that night, and we talked some. The next day I asked her on a date, if she wanted to go to a local aquarium with me. She told me that she had a boyfriend. My soul was crushed, I felt myself die a bit. I physically felt my joy leave, everything was gray again. I had fallen in love with her over the simple act of her giving me her phone number. I have longed for female connection and affection for so long that even a slight show of something that could be considered as romance made me adore her. And that shows how fucked up I am. I made some more small talk, nothing much. I tried to play it off as “oh yea that’s cool”, perhaps I could salvage a friendship for now, and wait until she did not have a boyfriend. I asked her if she wanted to do paintball for my Birthday, she couldn’t because her sister got injured as a kid from it. For the next 3 months I mourned. I was sad, I had fallen in love with this beautiful girl, but could not even attempt to be with her. Then in November I saw her at another event, I was so scared. I was too afraid to make contact with her. I saw her and was terrified, of scorn, of disgust. I was embarrassed. She walked past me once and I said hi, as a friend, but no response, perhaps she did not hear me. I avoided her for the next few hours. Eventually during a raffle at the end we made eye contact. It was very brief, barely a second. I looked away so fast. She was so breathtaking. Now I knew that she knew I was there, and she knew I knew she was there. I went home without any more contact. The next months were the same, sadness. Mourning the relationship I (thought I) almost had. Every day I thought about her. Every single day. Not 3 hours could pass without her crossing my mind. At night I would look at her on Instagram. Look at her pictures, it was nothing creepy, I just admired her beauty and longed for her. I saw her boyfriend, he was ugly and fat. I do not mean to be rude or hate, but she could do better. I am ugly, but I take care of myself, I was jealous of him. One day she posted her Junior prom pics with him, she was so beautiful. One day when I went to admire her pictures, I noticed something. She had taken his name from her bio, and deleted all her posts. They had broken up. I was elated, perhaps I had a chance. I needed to see her again, establish connection. I went to an event where she was going, I saw her, I tried to find a chance to say hello but we were all so busy and split into different groups, I didn’t get a chance. As the event ended it was late. It was dark and in a not desirable area of town, Eve was leaving and my mom was going to accompany her to her car and called me over to accompany her. I walked out and was with them, Eve was so beautiful, her smile made me melt inside. We made some small talk between the three of us as we walked for a minute or two, and then she got in her car and left. I was angry at myself and my situation, I should have talked to her more, put myself out there. I was beating myself up for it the rest of my time there and the ride home. But when I got home I was overjoyed, while I drove Eve had texted me. She said it was nice to see me at an event again, with a smiley face. We talked for a bit, texting back and forth. I was so happy to be talking to her again, and SHE initiated it. Mind you this is on the 8th of February. For the next week or so we texted, not a ton. She was busy, however I have noticed she uses that as an excuse to not reply, more on that later. Come Valentine’s Day it was nearing Junior Prom at my school, I had dreams of bringing her to it. I was hoping to try and do something in person with her and some friends over the weekend, where I could ask in person. However, on Valentine’s Day she posted on her Instagram story a gift she had received from a secret admirer. I was scared I would lose my opportunity, now I had competition. This rushed me. I called her that evening, I told her I wanted to ask in person but saw her story and felt rushed, i asked if she wanted to go to our Junior prom with me. She said that she wasn’t sure, and wanted a few days to get back to me. A few days later she responded, she could not go. She said that she was talking to someone else pretty seriously and didn’t want to go for that reason. I accepted this with grace, I respect her decision. Exactly one month later I ran into her at an event. We talked a bit, we worked by each other this time. She mentioned when we talked with some others as a group that she was going on a spring break trip to California. After the event ended and we had gone home I texted her later that evening. I said it was nice seeing her, and I hoped she enjoyed her break. She responded, I was scared she wouldn’t. Throughout all of this I have held an underlying belief she is weirded out by me, or wants me to screw off, I had asked her out twice, maybe I am just a creep to her. But she did respond. We talked for the next few days, she still took a long time to respond, over 12 hours usually. I get you’re busy, but let’s be honest, everyone checks their phone in that time. On the morning of break when my family was driving off for ours I got a text from her. She sent me sunrise pics from her trip she was on, and said she would send some more. We texted back and forth a bit then, and she said I should send her pics of my trip. I was so happy, she had sent me pictures and asked I send some. While they weren’t pictures of HER, they were still beautiful sunrise pics, and SHE sent them to me first. Over the course of spring break we talked, there was a large time difference so most of it was sending picture, asking or telling something, and responding to previous texts. But one day we were both sat down and we texted back and forth for a straight hour. She was giving me her time and attention, I felt as if she enjoyed talking to me. When break ended however it changed. She took more and more time to respond, hours to days. She said she was busy, but I knew the truth, you can check your phone over the course of 2-3 days and respond. I felt hurt and confused. She has given me so much time and we had talked so much over break but now I was being ghosted. I couldn’t take it anymore. I wrote her a long text, telling her how I felt about her and what we had going on. How she was the most beautiful woman in the world and how I love talking to her, and also how I was getting mixed signals for her. She responded and told me that at first she was texting for friendliness but began to like me as we talked, she said she would text me before her friends and that must mean something subconsciously. She was flattered and admired my persistence in asking her out, now she was open to going out with me to test the waters. I was overjoyed. However I am moving overseas, about 3 months from when this happened, and I told her that. Very unfortunate that when I get my chance it is cut short. We talked more, and planned a date. She never did tell me why she didn’t respond. It was wonderful, we talked a lot. Of course it was awkward at times, but it got better as it went. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was breathtaking, she had makeup on, but she looks even prettier without it. We talked about all sorts of things, and it all made me like her more. Same passion we wanted to go to college for, both love animals, both believe the same stuff. When the date ended, we went our separate ways. That has since been the last time I have seen her. When I got home she texted me she had a good time, I was so incredibly happy to see that. I hadn’t weirded her out, she hadn’t found me too unattractive to date. One day I posted a pic of me after winning a sports championship along with some others of my team on my story. I have never posted a pic of myself because I am self conscious, this was the first. She viewed my stories, and the only one she gave a like was of me. That made me feel so special, she liked the picture of ME. I was happy, we were still texting, she still took a while to reply, usually a day, but I was happy because I was going on dates with her. During the midst of planning a second, she stopped replying for a few days. When I was touring a college I got the message. She had felt nothing romantic on our date, only platonic. She enjoyed it she said, but felt no feelings for me. She wanted to go out again to solidify these feelings, and give me another chance but because I was moving she didn’t want to potentially start a relationship we would end in 2 months. She said she didn’t want to lead me on. I was heartbroken. I love her. This was the final nail in the coffin, it was over. We would not work out. I replied to her, said thank you for the honesty and wished her luck with life. I have been left on read. I don’t expect anything else, but a reply, a thank you for understanding, anything would be nice. I don’t want it to end. Any connection I can have with her I wanted. I don’t understand, I thought she liked me? While she did say she thought she had feelings, I understand that she may have changed how she felt after going out, but why would she do what she did? Why would she tell me she had a good time it she didn’t think it would work? I feel as if that just got my hopes up. It put me under the impression she liked me too. And why would she like my picture if she did not LIKE me? I am confused m, and I am sad. My situationship with her is done, and any contact is as well. I miss her, I want to be with her. I don’t understand what to do now. For the past year she has been my purpose. I have improved myself for her, cried for her, tried at life for her. Now I have nothing, no purpose. How can I go on when I have no purpose. She was my driving factor for all I did. I am empty now. I write this because I need people to know. I cannot let all I felt for her go unknown. I need to express my love for her somehow, it must be known, it not to her then to you all. I can not let all we had, even if it was really nothing for her and to outside perspective, it was so much to me. And a message I leave for her, if by some miracle she stumbled upon this and recognizes these events. Eve, I love you. I know that it is not reciprocated. I am sorry for loving you, when we together had so little. You are the most beautiful girl in the world, your heart is pure and your mind is sharp. Although I can not be with you I hold no hard feelings. I am not angry, because your feelings are valid, even if they are not what I wish you felt. I hope whatever happens to you in life you excel. I hope you find someone you love that loves you like I do. I will never forget you. Thank you for the chance you gave me, and your honesty and clear communication. Goodbye.
submitted by MaidCatBoyEnthusiast to sadposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:26 friendlyladybugs 23F, looking for people to talk to!

hii i’m katy, my 23rd birthday is next month, and i’m looking for someone to run away with 😭 just kidding… anyway message me i want to make new friends :) my interests are unicorns & music & more! message me to find outtt
submitted by friendlyladybugs to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:23 Extreme-Impression30 Ghosted my ghoster

Hey everyone, I know a lot of us in here have some anxiety about being ghosted so hopefully my story brings you all some satisfaction. I started dating this guy in October 2023 after getting out of a long term relationship. The first time we saw eachother we hit it off. After that, we saw eachother everyday for 2 weeks straight. Things were going good, he bought me roses & we went on dates, I enjoyed his company. fast forward we start getting into small misunderstandings. during our first little argument he ghosted me for two day, the argument also resulted because of his lack of communication. I ended up reaching out to him. After that we were okay for a while. Then we got into another small argument, he does the same thing… disappear. Now I also want to emphasize that these argument were so small, there’s no doubt in my mind that someone who is actually interested in you would try to work it out. but he disappears each and every time. he ended up breaking it off & I respected his wishes. 5 days after he broke it off he sends me a random video on Instagram, I ask him if he sent it by accident & he said no. I laughed at it and that was that. A couple days later he sends another video on Instagram, then he tells me he didn’t want to cut communication he was looking at it as “an extended period of cooling off”. Which was very weird to me because in the message he sent when he broke it off he stated “I think it’d be best if I just leave you alone because us talking is causing more harm than good” very dramatic, but I respected it nonetheless. So at this point I felt like he was trying to bullshit me & I expressed that to him respecfully. while I was happy inside that he reached out to me I was also insulted because I felt like he was playing with my feelings. I did really like him. after I expressed how I felt to him he said “alright” then that was it. didn’t hear from him for 2 months. during these two months I did think about him & I did wish things went differently. My birthday passed & he reached out to me a couple days after my birthday, I decided to give him another chance & we started dating again. we went on dates, he got me flowers. same shit he was doing before. It was going good and because we were already familiar with eachother there was already a sense of comfortability between us. I was actually happy to be in his presence again. I also did tell him that I don’t like the fact that he disappears whenever there’s a conflict. I tried to communicate openly. Things were going well, we talked on the phone, fell asleep on the phone most nights, & we were seeing eachother fairly enough. Then I started noticing little things. he was a bit intensive whenever I would tell him about conflicts going on in my life. He’d say things like “it’s not that serious” which I felt invalidated my feelings. he would take 3 hours to respond to my text message but would be posting constantly. I brushed this off at first because a lot of the times he is at work. Then it started happening a lot more frequently. One night I called him and he didn’t answer. he texted me and told me he just got out of the shower, I expected a call back. nothing, he also posts a story on IG but doesn’t respond to my text, at this point I was kinda getting the gist that he probably was losing interest. It sorta started feeling like I was playing hard to get rid of. I brought it up to him and then I said nevermind because I thought of how he’d disappear everytime there’s a conflict and I didn’t feel like going through that again. needless to say, he sends a paragraph & we go back & fourth for a bit. In one of his paragraphs he threw something in my face that I told him about when I was being vulnerable. I then end the argument and I take accountability for if I may have come off wrong and I also apologize. I then voice to him that I am a woman with feelings and the way he acts sometimes is a bit off putting. he never responds. for two weeks lol. (I literally should’ve saw it coming.) but here is the part where you all may get a bit of satisfaction. He hits me up on Instagram using the SAME tactic as before… after TWO WEEKS I left him on read. he’s still on read till the day. This happened a week ago. I feel like it’s so disrespectful when you put time into someone and you genuinely like them and they have no regard for you, your time, nor your effort. he has a lot of growing up to do & I will not be apart of that experience with him. I’m a genuine, loving person, & I won’t let people take advantage of me anymore. it’s hard & I do think about him at times. but he no longer lives rent free in my head. he is a very prideful person, so I know he’s mad at the fact that he didn’t get the chance to do the rejecting this time around.
Im sorry everyone this is long AS SHIT. I wanted to put in alot of detail. My bad if there’s typos
submitted by Extreme-Impression30 to ghosting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:06 No-Two-4678 Is this the forbidden friend zone?

So context - I am talking with a co-worker who we have been friends for nearly 2 years and we just click, we share almost everything and common and we always get on well and even other ppl at work said they seen it coming.. another back note is that they have just left a 3 year long distance relationship in which their partner was not a good person to them at all, it has been roughly a month since they broke up..
So it all started with us going together to one of their friends 21st bday party and this was my first time drinking alcohol so i kept it easy and had enough to enjoy the night but not enough to where i couldn't function etc however my co-worker had one too many and some of the stuff they did triggered my feelings.. as they were holding my hand, stroking it, begging me not to go home when they got in taxi (i just walked home as i felt like that was just the alcohol speaking) so i got home and just sat in my chair and just thought about it all and how WHAT IF you know so over the next few days i try and get some clarity to my thoughts and get some advice from other work staff and just under a week later when me and said co-worker finished our shift together (i walk them home) i told them how i felt and that i liked them etc to which i got told they would message me once they got home and showered.. so about half an hour or so passes and i receive the message, they said the feeling was mutual and that they even had a crush on me and this was even whilst they were with their ex which i was abit baffled on anyways we both talk more into the night happy days and then days pass of endless talking etc and about a week later i crashed at their place which was agreed too as we were gonna spend the day together, we chilled and watched stuff, played some games and went out into town and then on the night we just cuddled and nothing more as i wasn't sure what they were comfortable with yet.. i ended up going home later that day as they had said their social battery had died which i understood and told them it was ok and i went home (ofc i was sad there was little i could do).. again days pass and we are both ok talking away and then one day we were talking well and later on in the evening they went out with their friend to which it went abit downhill as that is when i got this
(my name) would you be mad if I said I wasn’t ready for a relationship yet cause honestly im really struggling with things like I know im not ready and I won’t be able to give you what you deserve in a relationship because I know im just not ready to jump into another one yet but I don’t wanna lose you I really love hanging out with you and sharing our interests together it’s been so fun 🙁 but at this point im just not ready cause even things like physical affection is freaking me out i can’t handle being this close to another person right now and I don’t wanna be leading you on further only to randomly back away out of fear im just really not ready for this right now
And pls don’t worry you did nothing at all to make me uncomfortable the other day but I know I need more time before im ready for something like this cause im still kind of a mess and not mentally ready yet

"i need space" message to which again i was accepting and understood as alot has happened in such short time, i sent words of encouragement etc and they followed up with this which is the message that makes me feel like i'm not going to make it

Thank you for all of that I promise you didn’t step over the line with anything at all i just realised that i really do need space right now and I know I can’t handle a relationship I can’t promise if or when I’ll be ready for a relationship anytime soon either, thank you for understanding !!

so right now i only share my shift today with them for 30 minutes other than that all of our shifts are different to each other that i won't see them for the rest of this week and i am on holiday next as it is my bday week so i have sent my last message and i said i won't message them anymore as it will clog their thoughts but i am always there if needed as i really don't want to lose them and they have said the same thing to me in that they don't want to lose me and that i make them so happy yada yada.. was this the right thing to do or not? so i'm essentially giving them 2 whole weeks to think about it all and if they don't come back to me by the end of that time even if it's just confirming we'd be no more than friends i will move on with life but i really have that feeling it will all work out over time, they are me as the opposite sex and i just love having someone i can share everything i love with someone.
Another note is that i have always played off of them in this and never forced them to do anything at all.. and one of the things that is confusing me about it all is that they have booked my bday off work as they wanted to spend time with me and they have also bought me gifts for my bday which i did tell them not too and that they alone were the best gift so i'm hoping after some time they figure out their needs?
my question is do you think i am never gonna have a chance or is there hope in all of this?
submitted by No-Two-4678 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:55 Triggerlocks AITAH for arguing with my wife over who’s responsible for Mother’s Day? We all are, but isn’t it for kids/children?

About a week ago my mother (75 years old) called me up and asked if I would go to The Rolling Stones concert in Vegas with her. She had bought two tickets, her and my father and she told me she wanted to attend but that my dad wasn’t feeling very well. He is on oxygen when he is at home. He has COPD, a lung disease, and cannot get around much. Since it was a chance to hang with my mom a day before Mother’s Day and see the Stones I said heck yeah!!
I had already mentioned to my wife that on Mother’s Day when I return, we should grill some steak and scallops and lounge out a bit… play it by ear. My wife mentioned that grilling probably wasn’t a great idea and that the oldest of our two kids, our daughter, would be heading to Europe about an hour after we return home from Vegas the day after the concert (Sunday the 12th).
Our youngest (18 years old son) accompanied me to Vegas to stay at the relatives while my mother and I went to the Stones concert.
The next morning, Mothers Day, I woke up at my parents house, texted my wife Happy Mothers Day before even jumping out of the covers. We had a family church obligation to attend to until about noon before traveling back home to see my daughter off to the airport to Europe.
Here is where the drama begins. With all the hubbub of the concert the night before, the relatives and grandma being around, my son doesn’t text or call my wife (his mom) HMD that morning. I didn’t get a text back immediately from my wife when I texted her at about 8 am, HMD… I figured I’d let her sleep in if that’s what she wanted to do. My son and I do our church thing, my wife finally responds to my text saying that they are packing and repacking for my daughters Europe trip and that they want the packing job to be right. When we finally get home late in the afternoon, I give her the present that I bought my wife (her favorite perfume that she is nearly out of) and my son gives her his present… (a note and a Pink Yeti mug I had actually bought my wife a week ago that I hadn’t given her yet, just in case one of the kids hadn’t gotten her a gift for Mother’s Day).
Side note… My wife is very big on gifts. She is a great gift giver and anticipates good gift receiving.
When I walked in home from traveling I could also smell that she was cooking something, and there was a salad on the table. I figured she planned something she wanted to have for dinner, since I had been with my own mother since the day before and she, my wife had been with our daughter having a fun girls time, watching movies, getting a mani/pedi, having pho… THIS WAS NOT THE CASE. I got the evil eye right away. She started talking snarky to me, saying snide remarks which in turn, much to my chagrin I returned the remarks. It’s been tit for tat for the last 24 hours. She said her Mother’s Day was ruined and that it was my fault. That I should have planned the day for her. The blame is all in my court.
Ugh… I feel like every birthday, anniversary, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Christmas… whatever day that retail America says I’m obligated to spend money to buy gifts… I’m not doing a good enough job. My wife buys our kids presents for Easter for hells sake. It’s too much. I don’t want anymore of it. Keep all the stupid gifts. It’s just the act of buying a thing and giving it. Its ridiculous.
Also… Am I supposed to be doting all over my wife on Mother’s Day with palm leaves and figs? If I am, I am. I just don’t see husbands doing all the work. I see kids…. Kids rubbing their moms back and making coupons for dishwashing and various chores. Kids taking care of moms and telling them what a great job they do raising them. In the arguments up to now, she is treating me like I am responsible for her Mother’s Day happiness and pointing at me saying she didn’t get what she wanted and that she didn’t have a good time. I can see how the husbands job is to orchestrate what the kids do for the moms but if I am wrong, I am wrong.
She is a great mom and I tell her that constantly. She knows I know that. I value her. My wife and I have a great relationship 99% of the time but this silly.
submitted by Triggerlocks to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 redmoonhawk I told my in laws how I feel, Now I am being blackmailed

Sorry in advance if I sound like I am rambling. This just happened a few hours ago and I am still crying.
For some background, I (30 f) messaged my SIL (32f) yesterday to wish her a happy Mother’s Day and to let her know I had a gift for her and a gift for my niece (6f) for my nieces up coming birthday. I always make the kids in the family something for their birthday since I am rather crafty and prefer to be more original.
My SIL, BIL, DH and I have had a rocky relationship for years. The past couple of years I have been keeping my distance as I do not feel welcome and because I am working on boundaries. There were some accusations (most founded) that they were on drugs. That is some crap I do not want around my kids. Yet, it is my “issues” that cause tension in the family because I have decided that my little nuclear family deserves rve some peace. I only bend a little bit if there is a party because the kids adore each other.
SIL told me that my niece is having a party and we were supposed to be invited. I told her that surprised me since my MIL said she had not heard of a party. She told me this when we discussed the gift I made my niece. It is an epoxy hummingbird hair clip. It took a lot of time to get right and I was quite proud of it.
SIL said BIL was supposed to extend invites to his side of the family. MIL showed me screenshots of the messages where he asked if my kids were coming (as usual) but no word of me.
SIL wrote a huge message saying BIL didn’t have a way to get a hold of me or my DH, and that of course we were invited as we are family.
It is important to note that they hold their children above our heads as a threat to take them away at the drop of a hat if things do not go their way. This has caused a lot of drama over the past 8 years. The past 2 of which I thought we were on bad terms. This was based on some comments the kids often made and the last time we said more than 2 words to each other it was a big fight.
I told SIL that it did not seem like BIL wanted me there for anything more than my kids and that I did not feel comfortable because the only person who even mentioned that I was welcome was SIL. I have gotten to the point where if I do not feel welcome I will not go. I suffer from Fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. And while I am doing better to take care of myself, things are still difficult.
I told SIL that it was ok, I don’t want to cause tension and I actually had plans to see my mom this weekend. My mom lives a couple of hours away and sometimes I get to see my brother. It is cathartic for all of us as my husband gets a break before and after work and I get my family time once or twice a month. We normally craft together and have our “crafting therapy” which is something I really need lately.
The last couple of times I went to my mom’s my son was with MIL and FIL. My mom had me promise that during the summer I would bring my son with me at least once a month. I think this is fair so I agreed.
My SIL wrote a long answer that she sent when I was taking a nap, (No sleep last night so my nerves are frayed) Honestly I have read it twice and have not retained much of the message.
During my nap I missed 2 calls from my MIL. Then I woke up to my MIL bursting into my bedroom, no we do not live with her; she drove to our house, pounded on our door, DH let her in. She barged into my room and started yelling at me. How could I tell SIL that the screenshots were sent to me? How could I tell her we talk? (Huh?) Do I know that SIL called MIL screaming about everything? Do I know FIL is on the phone in a screaming match with BIL? And the last one was that SIL told MIL that if I do not come to my nieces birthday then my MIL would not be allowed to see the kids again.
I woke up to all of this. My DH was trying to figure out what was going on or how to handle it.
Just as quick as MIL came, she turned around and left. I offered to show her exactly what I said, but no. All my fault.
I know this situation is all drama. This is the first time in 2 years that I tried to have an actual conversation with SIL. I tried to be honest, not even brutally, just honest about how I feel.
After MIL left, my kids came in my room and hugged me. They heard everything. What 6 and 3 year old needs to see their mom break down like that?
I called my mom and told her everything and that I started falling into the dark hole of depression again. I know I am exhausted both physically and emotionally. I just needed to get this out.
This is not the first time taking the kids away has been used as a manipulation tool but this time I am being blamed for it. IDK what to do. I just want to curl up into a ball and hide from everything. I want to see my family and to stop feeling like a pawn of this fucked up chess game. I need to remember I am the queen of my own set, tackling my own problems on my own board. I was finally getting to a good place. I just hope this crap does not derail my progress again.
Thank you for reading my rant
submitted by redmoonhawk to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:43 Leading-Positive2817 I just lost my girlfriend of 4 years and feel so empty.

So here’s the story. In 2018 I went through a horrible depression. Could not go outside or I would have a panic attack. I went got therapy and slowly started feeling better. I was on a dating app and match with her. She was cute and I am well not so confident. It was just supposed to be a hook up but it obviously did not turn out that way. She was a absolute alcoholic. Before she met me she would hang out with guys for alcohol. I being stupid and young gave her the same thing. We hooked up the second date and I felt in love. Stupidly I told her I love her and she said I love you. Our first bit was just us getting drunk and not giving two fucks. Then I kinda stoped wanting to do it cause my friends put some light in my head. But she was out of control. She would tell me she is not drunk but was absolutely gone. I would tell her please tell me the truth and she would not. It got really bad. I would time and time again say if you don’t fix this and get help then im done. But honestly in the back of my head I was too weak to lose her. It got to the point when she would steal it from my mom and I lost it on her. I sat her down and said im done if this continues I can’t be with you. And actually it worked. That was all in the first year. We would fight constantly. I would say im done to try and put fear into her. She would snap so quick I like to think im a good guy but she honestly brought the worst out in me. She would drink here and there but it was socially. Fast forward 3 years and we ended up getting a place. Things would be so good but when things where bad they where horrible. I was so lazy I would come home from work and just lay down. Not clean not take good care of myself. I think I was depressed but maybe didn’t realize it. She would be so good. But you say the wrong thing and it was so bad. The drinking gave me horrible trust issues and when I would ask her things she would be pissed at me. Saying “why don’t you trust me” and then I was the bad guy. I gave her so much. I would of done anything for her. The past couple months she has got back into drinking. She was honest with me. But she would get drunk probably every day. Finding reason to why. “My boss was too much today” “my pet died” I would try and help but one ear and out the other with her. Her problem was hard liquor I said we can drink but only on weekends. I hated her drinking hard liquor. So about a week ago now. I went to pick her up from her friends. And I could tell instantly she was drunk. I said “ your drunk how much did you drink” and she said “I only had 3 coolers” honestly I snapped cause it was getting out of hands. Her so called friend would allow her to get drunk at her place when she knows she is trying to not be a alcoholic. My friends would give me shit if I did something like that. And I’m great full for them. I said I’m done not meaning it trying to put fear hoping she would wake up. But this time she was done. Her friend probably gassed her up saying she does not need me. I begged her I apologized. I asked her if we can fix it and she just said no she has no more love for me. Side note I want to have kids someday soon and my believe was she would too I mean she would always say not right now and I said it’s no rush. But that night she just said she does not really want children. I was so fucking hurt. She lied. She was done . For 2 days I tried to fix it and all she would say is leave me alone. Then she went back to her parents. I would message her nonstop begging for another chance. She said give her space. She said we can talk in a couple days. I was relieved. Then one day she said she was going to come by. And if I could pick her up. I was out so I could not. When I came home a lot of stuff was gone. (Her stuff) so I messaged her I guess your done? And she said it’s not going to work out. Never gave me the chance to talk. I was so lost I would look at pictures of how happy we where and think of her with other people and get sick. I spammed her with messages begging but she would just ignore me. I made her feel like the winner even though she fucked it up. She was my first love. I thought she would be mine forever. But no. I’m scared that in 2 weeks from now she will try to get back together and I will be too weak to say no. BPD is not fun. And I’m so hurt rn. Everything I do I think about when it was with her. If you read all of this thank you. Sorry if grammar is not the best.
submitted by Leading-Positive2817 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:34 RabbidBison03 What is wrong with me?

All of my life I have always been nice to girls, and I don't mean to get in their pants but because I either want a genuine relationship, or friendship. I make them laugh and they want to be around me, but Im always the last option, or Im ignored all together. Example I was talking to this girl. She was my friends ex, and we had great chemistry together. Like always understanding each other and making eachother laugh,all I asked to do was to see each other again since we hadn't seen eachother in a while so we could re-connect and she ghosted me. Only response I got back was a smiling emoji after I told her happy birthday.
I want to message her again, but I know she ptobably thinks I only want to get with her, because my other friend tried. I feel so pathetic. I have been improving my life. Im getting my depression under control and my weight, but yet it seems like no one will even give me a chance.
Im not gonna lie Im a Fat, Introverted person who some people think is annoying, but others tell me Im funny, Handsom, or "cute". I don't even know what to think anymore.
submitted by RabbidBison03 to whatswrongwithme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:23 spyder6776 Am I missing signs

There is a girl I run into pretty regularly through my job, she is a clerk at a store I deal with for work. I had always thought she was really attractive and sort of knew who she was just because we are near in age and live in a smaller area, but we never really formally met outside of that. I was pretty attracted to her but after checking some of her social media’s, I saw she had a boyfriend and kind of tried to get any ideas out of my head. I recently saw she broke up with that boyfriend and of course was a little happy about it and in a similar time frame (maybe a couple weeks after realizing) unexpectedly she added me on Snapchat. I had posted a picture of my dog on my story the same day she added me and the next day, she posted a dog on her story. Then my next trip into the store, she seemed kind of nervous while I delt with her (so was I) an didn’t say much out of the ordinary, then I left kind of feeling like I fucked up not taking it a little further. Then later in the day I ended up needing to make another trip in and she seemed to have more to say this time, it was just small talk really but she noted that I was back for a second time, was smiley and said have a great day and that was it. Now today I noticed she turned her snap location on for me while she was at work (it wasn’t on prior) and then she turned it back off after work. It seems like she wanted me to know she was there and visit, but I’m worried I’m just overthinking it because of how attracted to her I am, so I need some opinions. I really don’t want to go into the store and start speaking to her personally (instead of professionally) and make her feel uncomfortable (I’ve seen pleanty of dudes do this before and it’s weird) and I also don’t want to try sending her a message saying hello and get ignored because I will find it tough to go back into the store and I quite literally couldn’t work without going there. I’m only a few days into this dilemma and I’m sure time will do its thing but as for now I’m looking for opinions because I can’t sleep. What do you think ? Thanks to anyone who took the time to read
submitted by spyder6776 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 Reisende8 Relationship help - should I stay?

Dear Reddit community,
I need some relationship life advice.
I (23 female) am currently involved with a 27 (male) partner. I love him and he loves me, but I often wonder if our relationship is worth continuing. Half the time we are each others' best friend and lovers and we get along amazingly... however the other half of the time we argue over the stupidest things and the arguments go round and round in circles for a while (and I'm not joking, we argue SO fucking much). To give an example, just this past weekend I drove up to see him as well as celebrate his friends' family visiting from South America (we are long distance) and on the car ride there, I ask if we are staying in his motorhome he has there. He wouldn't give me a straight answer and I was wanting to know so that 1) we could save money instead of going to a hotel 2) we wouldn't have to worry about checkout times 3) I wanted to know where the hell I was driving to! Instead of giving me a straight answer about why he preferred to stay at a hotel, he went round in circles and got upset that I was asking. We eventually figured that argument out and it turns out he didn't want to stay in the motorhome because he still needed to clean it and he didn't want to welcome me in that kind of environment (the next day we went to his motorhome so I could help him organise).
That same night when we're celebrating his friend and her family, he starts smoking his friend's vape and is attached to it pretty much the whole night. Obviously it is his choice what he does with his body, but it sucks when your partner tells you he quite vaping/smoking and then as soon as he has the opportunity he picks it right back up again and blames his friends for his vaping problem. The group was playing some fun Brazilian music to dance to, and so I go up to my partner to ask him to dance with me and I playfully try to push the vape away from his hand (he was just sitting there vaping). I didn't slap his hand, I didn't forcefully take it away from him, I wasn't disrespectful in anyway - I was just trying to be playful and was hoping he would put it down and dance with me. I allowed my expectations to upset me. I was expecting/hoping that he would put it down and dance with me. Instead, he was like "not now babe" and reaches for another hit of nicotine. I got upset by this because we haven't seen each other in over a month, we only have a few hours together, and first he gets weird/upset about the motorhome thing and then it feels like he chooses spending time with the vape over dancing with the person he calls the love of his life. (and maybe I am overreacting with this particular situation, it just hurts watching him hurt his health like that then blame his friends and it feels like my partner has no self control when it comes to that kind of stuff).
That was Friday. On Sunday morning, his alarm went off at 6 am which of course also woke me up. He started getting up/moving around/making a bunch of noise, and I try asking him what's going on. No response. I ask again and I ask "Do we really need to be awake at 6?" because in my mind his flight back to his state isn't until the afternoon and I was the one taking him to the airport so do I need to start getting ready too?? like why are you up so early? can you please explain what is happening? Like the motorhome situation - in which he would not clearly explain what was going on - he just got mad at me saying I was tripping about the alarm and that I shouldn't ask him questions in that kind of tone of voice (what tone of voice?!?!?). He just started getting so upset that I asked if we needed to be up at that time and I was so confused by his response because it really didn't seem fair to me. When he got back in bed I did not want to be touched by him - I was so sad that I feel like I can't even ask my partner simple questions without him getting upset. He tried to go on explaining why I shouldn't ask questions like that and justifying his response. I get first thing in the morning after not much sleep people can be a little cranky, but dude to tell me I'm tripping and then evading my one question/getting defensive? not cool to me. After it's clear I'm not buying his response, he apologises and asks me to forgive his reaction, which I do and we're back to being fine. That day before dropping him at the airport, we drop off some his clothes we organised at the donation centre and then he realises he can't find his car or motorhome keys. so we spend the whole time before the airport with me driving him around to various locations to find his keys, we search my whole car, he has me search my entire bag... we can't find the fucking keys anywhere. But we were both like, no worries, they will show up somewhere. And we had a good time about it. No arguments, no complaints, he was grateful that I was helping him with his shit.
The next morning I find them in my car and I send him a picture with "omg babe, guess what I just found!" and instead of being relieved/happy that I found them, he BLAMES ME for not having seen the keys before. to be clear, I never once touched his motorhome keys. I had no idea until Sunday morning that we would even be looking for them. He blames ME for HIM losing HIS keys. I wouldn't take that shit from him. Then he went on saying that I need to "centre myself," that he has a right to feel the way he does blah blah, and sure he has a right to feel whatever he desires, but he has no right to blame me for anything! especially after I spent a good amount of time and fuel helping him do things he should've figured out on his own a long time ago and it is so easy to ship him the keys. not a big problem at all. and when I sent the key picture, he had a New York bottle opener on the keychain, and I was like "oh cool! Have you been to New York??" with the intention of getting to know my partner better - I think it's could he potentially took a trip there and I was asking in a light hearted way and his response (over voice message) was a sarcastic "yeah babe, I go there every weekend." Again, I don't understand this response. I don't understand why my question was so bad and why he felt like avoiding it? Maybe he was stressed about the whole key situation/ feeling jet lagged from the flight. But still. it sucked. I basically told him that I wouldn't take this shit from him that he cannot blame me and not take ownership of his own shit.
I just don't understand. I also have such a hard time leaving him. I tried before in the past - I felt pressured to move to Florida with him; he talked a lot about moving into together, having kids, etc etc and it was just moving too fast for me and I felt like I needed to leave because I can't give those things to him right now and it's not fair if that is something he wants and for me to stay in the relationship wanting different things at the moment. He convinces me to stay with him, saying he can wait for those things, but doesn't want to lose me. I stayed.
I'm just sooooo tired of these arguments! I'm tired of feeling like I can't ask basic questions without him getting upset. I'm tired of being made out to be the bad guy when I'm clearly not at fault. I'm tired of feeling like I acquiesce to him. I sometimes feel like he needs me more than I need him and I don't want to be his mother cleaning up after him/keeping track of his shit and then getting blamed when I don't know where HIS things are.
And we have silly arguments like this so much in the past too. I feel like maybe I'm deluding myself thinking that when we are together for longing periods of time that we won't argue so much - that it's the stress of travel that causes us to bicker. or that I'm holding on to the really good parts of the relationship where we make each other laugh so hard and we can meaningful conversations. I worry that if we do someday have kids that they won't be able to come to him without him getting upset/weird/non-communicative. *sigh* what do I do? I know I just talked about the arguments of this past weekend so this post feels a little biased. But I feel stuck. Part of feels like maybe I should leave him, but the other part of me sticks it out. Am I secretly addicted to the drama? Or maybe I don't have a strong enough will
submitted by Reisende8 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:01 Reisende8 Relationship Help - should I stay or go? 23/F with 27/M for one year relationship

Dear Reddit community,
I need some relationship life advice.
I '23/F' am currently involved with a '27/M' partner for a year now. I love him and he loves me, but I often wonder if our relationship is worth continuing. Half the time we are each others' best friend and lovers and we get along amazingly... however the other half of the time we argue over the stupidest things and the arguments go round and round in circles for a while (and I'm not joking, we argue SO fucking much). To give an example, just this past weekend I drove up to see him as well as celebrate his friends' family visiting from South America (we are long distance) and on the car ride there, I ask if we are staying in his motorhome he has there. He wouldn't give me a straight answer and I was wanting to know so that 1) we could save money instead of going to a hotel 2) we wouldn't have to worry about checkout times 3) I wanted to know where the hell I was driving to! Instead of giving me a straight answer about why he preferred to stay at a hotel, he went round in circles and got upset that I was asking. We eventually figured that argument out and it turns out he didn't want to stay in the motorhome because he still needed to clean it and he didn't want to welcome me in that kind of environment (the next day we went to his motorhome so I could help him organise).
That same night when we're celebrating his friend and her family, he starts smoking his friend's vape and is attached to it pretty much the whole night. Obviously it is his choice what he does with his body, but it sucks when your partner tells you he quite vaping/smoking and then as soon as he has the opportunity he picks it right back up again and blames his friends for his vaping problem. The group was playing some fun Brazilian music to dance to, and so I go up to my partner to ask him to dance with me and I playfully try to push the vape away from his hand (he was just sitting there vaping). I didn't slap his hand, I didn't forcefully take it away from him, I wasn't disrespectful in anyway - I was just trying to be playful and was hoping he would put it down and dance with me. I allowed my expectations to upset me. I was expecting/hoping that he would put it down and dance with me. Instead, he was like "not now babe" and reaches for another hit of nicotine. I got upset by this because we haven't seen each other in over a month, we only have a few hours together, and first he gets weird/upset about the motorhome thing and then it feels like he chooses spending time with the vape over dancing with the person he calls the love of his life. (and maybe I am overreacting with this particular situation, it just hurts watching him hurt his health like that then blame his friends and it feels like my partner has no self control when it comes to that kind of stuff).
That was Friday. On Sunday morning, his alarm went off at 6 am which of course also woke me up. He started getting up/moving around/making a bunch of noise, and I try asking him what's going on. No response. I ask again and I ask "Do we really need to be awake at 6?" because in my mind his flight back to his state isn't until the afternoon and I was the one taking him to the airport so do I need to start getting ready too?? like why are you up so early? can you please explain what is happening? Like the motorhome situation - in which he would not clearly explain what was going on - he just got mad at me saying I was tripping about the alarm and that I shouldn't ask him questions in that kind of tone of voice (what tone of voice?!?!?). He just started getting so upset that I asked if we needed to be up at that time and I was so confused by his response because it really didn't seem fair to me. When he got back in bed I did not want to be touched by him - I was so sad that I feel like I can't even ask my partner simple questions without him getting upset. He tried to go on explaining why I shouldn't ask questions like that and justifying his response. I get first thing in the morning after not much sleep people can be a little cranky, but dude to tell me I'm tripping and then evading my one question/getting defensive? not cool to me. After it's clear I'm not buying his response, he apologises and asks me to forgive his reaction, which I do and we're back to being fine. That day before dropping him at the airport, we drop off some his clothes we organised at the donation centre and then he realises he can't find his car or motorhome keys. so we spend the whole time before the airport with me driving him around to various locations to find his keys, we search my whole car, he has me search my entire bag... we can't find the fucking keys anywhere. But we were both like, no worries, they will show up somewhere. And we had a good time about it. No arguments, no complaints, he was grateful that I was helping him with his shit.
The next morning I find them in my car and I send him a picture with "omg babe, guess what I just found!" and instead of being relieved/happy that I found them, he BLAMES ME for not having seen the keys before. to be clear, I never once touched his motorhome keys. I had no idea until Sunday morning that we would even be looking for them. He blames ME for HIM losing HIS keys. I wouldn't take that shit from him. Then he went on saying that I need to "centre myself," that he has a right to feel the way he does blah blah, and sure he has a right to feel whatever he desires, but he has no right to blame me for anything! especially after I spent a good amount of time and fuel helping him do things he should've figured out on his own a long time ago and it is so easy to ship him the keys. not a big problem at all. and when I sent the key picture, he had a New York bottle opener on the keychain, and I was like "oh cool! Have you been to New York??" with the intention of getting to know my partner better - I think it's could he potentially took a trip there and I was asking in a light hearted way and his response (over voice message) was a sarcastic "yeah babe, I go there every weekend." Again, I don't understand this response. I don't understand why my question was so bad and why he felt like avoiding it? Maybe he was stressed about the whole key situation/ feeling jet lagged from the flight. But still. it sucked. I basically told him that I wouldn't take this shit from him that he cannot blame me and not take ownership of his own shit.
I just don't understand. I also have such a hard time leaving him. I tried before in the past - I felt pressured to move to Florida with him; he talked a lot about moving into together, having kids, etc etc and it was just moving too fast for me and I felt like I needed to leave because I can't give those things to him right now and it's not fair if that is something he wants and for me to stay in the relationship wanting different things at the moment. He convinces me to stay with him, saying he can wait for those things, but doesn't want to lose me. I stayed.
I'm just sooooo tired of these arguments! I'm tired of feeling like I can't ask basic questions without him getting upset. I'm tired of being made out to be the bad guy when I'm clearly not at fault. I'm tired of feeling like I acquiesce to him. I sometimes feel like he needs me more than I need him and I don't want to be his mother cleaning up after him/keeping track of his shit and then getting blamed when I don't know where HIS things are.
And we have silly arguments like this so much in the past too. I feel like maybe I'm deluding myself thinking that when we are together for longing periods of time that we won't argue so much - that it's the stress of travel that causes us to bicker. or that I'm holding on to the really good parts of the relationship where we make each other laugh so hard and we can meaningful conversations.
I worry that if we do someday have kids that they won't be able to come to him without him getting upset/weird/non-communicative. *sigh* what do I do? I know I just talked about the arguments of this past weekend so this post feels a little biased. But I feel stuck. Part of feels like maybe I should leave him, but the other part of me sticks it out. Am I secretly addicted to the drama? Or maybe I don't have a strong enough will
submitted by Reisende8 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:38 Electrical-Ad-2922 I think my future MIL hates me - what do I do?

So for context -my partner and I have been dating for half a decade. Our relationship is strong and we are enjoying our time together immensely - he's the love of my life, my favourite laughing partner and just a really special human being I'm honoured to know so deeply. My MIL came accross as a strong personality but seemed delightful and embraced me at first. Over the last few years it has become suspected she has a personality disorder with her "incidents" and behaviour. My partner and I are planning on getting engaged this year and have had this timeline for a very long time. While this should be a very exciting time in my life - I am instead feeling worried, stressed, and down. This MIL is constantly bringing up the concepts of engagement, weddings, and babies at get-togethers which sure is fine but the thing is it feels like she makes an effort to leave me out of it. My partners brother is also proposing this year to his partner which have been dating a few years less than us (super happy for them). My partner also has another sibling that isn't planning on proposing anytime soon and is younger. I have a really good relationship with everyone else in the family including the father (says i'm like a daughter), the siblings, and the partners (we have become friends). My MIL is not only making the maintenance of these relationships hard, but she is making me feel like abolute crap on a consistent basis at family events with how she blatenly treats me poorly compared to others. Here's some examples:
-When the other sibling's partners arrive an excited voice and questions about work/life are had. Meanwhile, when I arrive it’s a short embrace with very little effort/interest in my life anymore unless it has to do with something that impacts my partner like whether we are going to my house this weekend.
Efforts I have made over the past few years that I think qualify me as a good DIL /her response:
Most recently:
I feel as though my family is treated as less important and I myself am treated as less worthy of engagement or marriage when I have tried my hardest to just be accepted and respected by their family. I have made many efforts to show my care and loyalty to their family but the events I used to look forward to have just turned into sour reminders of how vastly different I am treated.
Some of these things above I have cried, laughed, or both about. There are many more things she has done that have hurt me these past few years of our relationship which I haven't mentioned above by myself and my partner thought were unintentional at the time and not necesary to address. She has love bombed me before which has confused me and made me think i'm over reacting to feeling like she wasn't treating me well/ doesn't like me -but most recently its gotten to the point where I am crying when I get home from every family event because of how prominent her efforts to exclude and bellttle me are.
Me and my partner have great communication and have agreed on the implementation of boundaries such as increased distance if her behaviour progresses etc. and he has offered to say something but I am scared. No matter what, I will have to attend family get to-gethers and I am marrying into this family that I really do love. I get along with the siblings partners so well it's such a shame that her presence leads to her making me feel poorly around them because of how she acts/things she says. I have also suggested she gets more mental support but right now shes attending therapy alone where I don't think she is fully honesst about her incidents/treatment of others. My partner knows she is unwell and we are both upset and tired of this being a thing. I definitely don't want to be overly embraced and put on a pedestal but I think what shes doing currently takes more effort than just acknowledging me and treating me with an ounce of the kindness she gives the others. I am scared to get engaged after her reaction to hearing we have been ring shopping and I am also more scared about the concept of a wedding or having kids as I find she has a tendency to be controlling and I don't want my future kids to see their mom being treated like this or possibly be treated the same. That of course made my partner upset and now don't know where to go from here (hence me referring to reddit) but I know a life with this is not a happy one for me or my partner and I don't deserve it but I love the family and I do love her for who she may be when shes mentally more well and her perseverence in life.
submitted by Electrical-Ad-2922 to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]



Since we all know exactly who and what Spongebob is, I am going to do a Numerology decode.
When it comes to Numerology, there are many different things you can look into. I am going to look into the letters, patterns, and Numerology personality numbers.
SPONGEBOB has a personality #6. 6 is the number of compassion, work ethic, criticism, cleanliness, and productivity. In the funny show, we see that Spongebob is a workaholic. He has a 5 destiny number which shapes who you are overall. 5 is connected to youthfulness which explains the silliness of the Spongebob character. He is always laughing and doing things funny. The 5 energy indicates this. 5 also points to people, places, and things that are unique. He has an 8 soul urge which explains his undying ambition and creativity.
We can see that SPONGEBOB has 2 O's which has the numeric energy of 15 and numeric value of 6. 15 is the creative use of energy for productivity. Again, 6 is the number of routine, work ethic and productivity goes with this. This energy is not only his personality number, but also it is within his name. It's really in him.
SPONGEBOB HAS DOUBLE NUMERIC VALUES IN HIS NAME WHICH ARE, 7,6,5, AND 2. This explains why he is able to show his emotions and have moments of sensitivity(2). Very compassionate(2) but also childish and silly(5) and able to come up with plans that work(7). Since these #s has double influence, we must considered what they equal. 7 twice equals 14/5 which shows how he is responsible and can make work fun even though it is a duty(6). 6 twice equals 12/3 which shows his social skills, life, and creativity. Another youthful energy as well. 5 twice equals 10/1 which points to his bravery and capability to take action. 2 twice equals 4 which is home,family,responsibility, and structure on the home front and he would make everyone feel comfortable for the most part.
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submitted by shaneka69 to NumerologyPage [link] [comments]
