Goodnight sayings in chinese

Motivation and Mood (1 month post stroke)

2024.05.24 00:33 look_who_it_isnt Motivation and Mood (1 month post stroke)

My Mom had an Ischemic stroke on the left side of her brain a little over a month ago. She spent a week in the hospital, then three weeks in acute rehab, and now she's home with us.
Before the stroke, she was physically weak and partially disabled (used a cane to walk short distances, needed a wheelchair for long ones), mostly because she had a few bouts with illnesses that had her bedbound at times and she never fully recovered from. Still, she was always as independent as possible and fully capable of taking care of herself. She's also a very smart lady who's always been very chatty and loved playing games, doing puzzles, solving mysteries, reading, studying history... all kinds of intellectual hobbies and pursuits.
The stroke left her with right-sided neglect and weakness - and exacerbated the weakness and disability she already had. She now uses a wheelchair everywhere and needs help with even the most basic tasks. She also has Expressive Aphasia and has a hard time saying much more than "yes/no/maybe" and simple greetings/sentiments (I love you, Goodnight, etc). The speech therapists who worked with her assured us that her understanding is good and her intelligence hasn't been affected by the stroke, but since the stroke, she seems only able to handle short, simple conversations (almost entirely one-sided) and doesn't show any interest in any kind of activities. She mostly just watches what's going on around her, watches TV, or stares at nothing. In spite of all this, her mood is... really, really good. Honestly, she seems more content/peaceful than she seemed in her daily life before the stroke - most likely because stress was a major factor in her having the stroke in the first place, and we're making sure all of the sources of stress are not present now. She's also suffered from OCD her whole life and that seems to be... absent? I'm not sure how that works, but am planning on asking her neurologist at our next visit with him.
The main problem we have with my mom right now is with her motivation to keep working with at home exercises. She works well with therapists; she's a gold star student, so to speak - she clearly gets into a "I have to do it, so I'll do it" mind-set and usually completes whatever tasks she's given to do. Still, she makes it clear to the therapists (and to us) that she does not like the sessions and would rather not do them. At home... She expects us to let her get away with just not doing anything. She doesn't like being told what to do by us (she's always "worn the pants" in the family in every way) and she doesn't see our directions as anything she "has" to do. If we push her, she gets angry. We've tried making things "fun" - but she shows little to no interest and as soon as anything gets difficult for her, she just stops doing it and gets upset if it's pushed.
Ultimately, my mom just seems kind of... blissfully content to continue on as she is, despite the fact that being so is contrary to everything we've ever known about her and the fact that caring for her in such a state is not sustainable for us long term (it's just me (45f, autistic) and my dad (67m, getting older every day and still working to support us all).
Is there anything we can do to help motivate my mom and get her to want to work on getting better? Or do we have to "force" it on her? Is that even morally right to do?
submitted by look_who_it_isnt to stroke [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:25 Jay__Bee Anniversary went poorly and now I can't stop spiraling

I'm sorry for a long vent. TL;DR in the end.
So my bf forgot about our first anniversary. Two days ago he casually informed me that he will be going back home (he is currently staying with me) after Wednesday and for the rest of the week, because he needed to do some housework with his father. I got upset, but said nothing.
This morning I passively aggressively gave him his gift. I mean, I did my very best to do it nonchalantly, but I admit that I wanted him to feel bad, I really did. The gift wasn't anything fancy, but I also made a card myself, both were referencing things about our relationship, so it was a very personal gift. His reaction was underwhelming, he didn't give any comment, asked what's the occasion and when I told him just said "thank you" and "see you tomorrow", and went off to work.
Later he texted me that he thought the anniversary was on Saturday. Even if it's true, I don't see how does it change anything, since he wasn't going to see me on Saturday anyway. Then he asked if he could come today. "Don't you have stuff to do at home," I asked, and he said that his dad apparently canceled. I told him to do as he sees fit.
I spent most of the day alone doing chores, in the evening he showed up with some last-minute candy and socks, which were wrong size. I said thank you and that it was not necessary as he wasn't obligated to give me something in return. He said he wanted to because he wanted to make me happy on such a day. I just smiled bitterly but I wanted to scream. He says stuff like that, but he didn't even know about this fucking day until, well, today. He ordered pizza and the rest of the day was the same as any other ordinary day, we just watched something. It was uncomfortable, I was cold and distant and avoided eye contact, and he was quiet and tongue-tied, he is always that way when he knows he fucked up. Then he went to bed early, and I didn't kiss him goodnight.
I want to stop feeling upset, but I just can't. I hate how it went down. I hate that we wasted our first ever anniversary like this. I hate that I poured my soul into that fucking stupid card. I hate that he only showed up because his dad canceled the plans, otherwise I would be alone. I'm not even sure anymore that being alone would be worse.
He usually is very thoughtful and caring, he does a lot for me, I don't even know why I am so heartbroken about the stupid anniversary. He knows he fucked up, he tried to do something, I want it to be enough for me to calm down, but it is not. I hate that I'm feeling it but I don't know how to stop. It's like I'm incapable to see reason now. I think I need some time alone to get over today, but I don't know how to tell him this without making him sad and guilty. If anyone has any advice, please tell me, I'm spiraling here.
TL;DR: bf forgot anniversary and made plans, they got canceled, he bought me something last minute and came, I know that he knows he fucked up but I can't stop feeling upset
submitted by Jay__Bee to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:10 doktorapplejuice What are some cities with great skylines that never get brought up?

What are some cities with great skylines that never get brought up?
Whenever the topic of great skylines comes up, it's always American Cities, Toronto/VancouveCalgary, London, Dubai, Tokyo, and a handful of the more well known Chinese cities.
So, what cities (and in order to get some variety, I'm going to say no American cities) that seem to get missed despite having great skylines? Bonus points for cities from countries that also rarely get represented in these kinds of posts.
For me, I rarely see Panama City brought up, despite (IMO) being a better version of Miami:
Baku, Azerbaijan is also pretty cool, IMO. Maybe not the most built-up, but the Flame Towers and the Baku TV Tower looming over everything is striking:
Kuwait City almost looks like something from Star Wars:
And I love Gold Coast, Australia. Crazy that a city of just over half a million has a skyline like that. Australia's tallest building is there:
submitted by doktorapplejuice to skyscrapers [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:01 DrunkandSingleGuy Baba will hit $100 next week

Hey everyone, especially to those rocking those empty Chinese bags! So, here's the scoop: Chinese stocks and companies are still raking in cash, despite everyone pretending they don't exist and the US trying to dunk on China every chance they get.
You all aware of the ridiculous amount of cash these guys are sitting on? When you buy Alibaba, you're basically buying money plus a side of business. Check out how Alibaba stocks were behaving on November 22, 2022 (yeah, switch to weekly candles, this ain't no one-day options game).
See that breakout and bounce back to support? That sharp jump to the next level? The situation we're in right now is a dead ringer for that.
Do a little experiment, compare, but who am I kidding? Everyone's too lazy to care, and it's not like this is memstock. So, if someone actually bothers to look, color me surprised.Honestly, I doubt anyone's reading this far, so might as well say something about mom. But anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that the price action this week is a mirror image of November 2022.
We've got a long weekend coming up on Monday, and I reckon China will wrap up its tantrum peacefully. We're not about to start World War III over here, throwing memes at each other.
And hey, don't forget about the buybacks.
I bet next week Alibaba finally breaks that $100 mark.
My position? I've got 42 calls with a strike of 100 expiring in August. Bought 17 of them today, because why not, right? 🤷‍♂️
submitted by DrunkandSingleGuy to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:59 rpvee Unauthorized ads on my account?

I just randomly noticed that there were several ads in Chinese created through my Facebook account, with a billing address in Los Angeles (I’m in NYC and don’t even speak Chinese). I deleted them, but it looks like they’ve made multiple $50 charges to run these ads. I don’t think the listed credit card is mine. The name listed on the card isn’t me, and the only unauthorized ad charge that I see in any of my credit cards and PayPal is one in March, that I reported, but PayPal, for some reason decided to refuse to refund. I’ve changed my password again.
What on earth is going on? I’m worried that the hundreds of dollars of these ads are still being charged to me somehow, even if I don’t see them listed in my card transactions.
And of course, naturally, when I go to report the transactions, I fill out all the info, and then get a screen that says “something went wrong”.
submitted by rpvee to FacebookAds [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:36 usuallyanxious101 Fear I cheated and don’t remember, though I remember everything else

I’ve had this ROCD theme a few times over the past 6 months - fear I cheated when under the influence but don’t remember. My partner is very lax on his boundaries. Okay with me hanging out with men (not cheating but spending time with them).
My most recent fear was with a colleague. I went out drinking with a few of them after a long day of work. Definitely had a bit too much to drink, and not enough to eat, but I remember all the big details of the evening. Like where we went, how much I had to drink, what we ate, playing games, eating leftovers at the hotel, paintings on the wall, etc. And having deep conversation about our relationships and whatnot. And then at one point, it was just 2 of us. Me and my colleague who is in a long term relationship. As it happened, he shared he’s interested in me and wouldn’t feel guilty if we did something, but wanted to be respectful. I don’t remember the entire conversation word for word, but remember me telling him I couldn’t cheat I have such bad catholic guilt, and that I’m happy despite some challenges in my relationship, and that we work together and I wouldn’t want to make anything awkward even if I was single. I remember certain things he said he admired about me, and I remember sharing some traumas of mine. I remember him being very respectful. Asking if he could put his arm around me (I declined) and if we could snuggle up for 30 seconds (I also declined). I remember him apologizing and saying he hopes things aren’t awkward now, and saying he’s going to head to his room and I said that sounds good and goodnight. I don’t recall any clothes coming off, any touching, any clothes needing to be put back on. Just sitting there next to each other for the duration of the time it was just the 2 of us. I remember being very clear about my boundaries. And I remember calling my boyfriend before going to bed, talking with another friend on the phone, setting my alarm for the morning.
For the record I have cheated (just a kiss but still) in a past relationship and felt immense guilt immediately after it happened.
And I remember even when I was single I have never forgotten hooking up with someone no matter how much I had to drink.
I even asked my colleague in the morning to confirm what happened that evening. He said nothing physical happened and I set very clear boundaries which he appreciated and he hopes he didn’t make me feel uncomfortable.
All facts considered I just can’t shake the thought that I cheated and don’t remember, since I don’t remember every single second of the evening. I just feel like if I was that clear on my boundaries, saying I have bad guilt and I don’t want to feel that ever again, and declining things like having an arm around me fully clothed and things so innocent, how could I possibly within the span of 30 minutes completely 180 and forget such a significant event when I remember so many other minute details of the evening?
TLDR- fear I cheated and don’t remember, even though all facts point to I did not and would not.
submitted by usuallyanxious101 to ROCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:28 Unusual-State1827 Many East Asian and Indian immigrants actually dislike the current mass immigration policies more than White Canadians.

Many East Asian and Indian immigrants actually dislike the current mass immigration policies more than White Canadians. submitted by Unusual-State1827 to CanadaHousing2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:15 Mama_Artist91 AITA or WIBTA for wanting to cut my mom out of my life for telling my dad about my upcoming divorce?

I really need some advice right now.
SO. I'm going through a divorce and I know people automatically assume it's going to be a nasty affair, but my soon-to-be ex-husband (I'll abbreviate with STBEH) and I are still on great terms to where we'll be remaining friends after the fact. We have a daughter that we're also going to co-parent together during this amicable, no-fault divorce. Where we live, for a no-fault divorce, we have to live apart for ONE YEAR before the divorce can be finalized which honestly is really stupid but whatever. It was a rough start (a lot of emotions, a lot of tears) but plenty of support and therapy has gone a long way toward processing this on all sides. My daughter's godmother is even involved to help clear any confusion which has been great.
BUT. On the other side of that coin, there's the nasty side of things. My family- and I mostly mean my mother.
She's been very salty and bitter about all this to the point of telling me hurtful untrue things about my STBEH and my daughter's godmother, it feels like she's been projecting her past trauma/divorces onto me, telling me how I "should be handling the divorce" and even went so far as to say 'you need to purge him from yours & your daughter's lives because you deserve better' like WTF? She's telling me to basically cut all contact WITH MY CHILD'S FATHER and basically alienate him from her which is practically illegal. Her father, who loves her so much he cries every time he says goodnight to her on the phone because we have to be apart for the year (he's currently living in another state no thanks to that stupid law). It doesn't help that my mom is also my next-door neighbor (literally walking distance) which has been a big help in when I need someone to look after my daughter while I have to work. Currently, my daughter is with her daddy (my STBEH) and her godmother and they're having a blast which makes me happy.
But, lately, she's been overstepping boundaries and with my therapy, I finally had the opportunity (and the courage) to stand up to her and set these boundaries regarding her nasty attitude towards my divorce and everyone involved.
Until this morning.
She sent me a text explaining that she told my dad about my divorce and claims he's not angry. Here's the problem: I set a boundary with my mom stating clear as day not to tell my dad until I was ready because my dad has a temper and I didn't want to set him off. When this first started, when she told me my sisters were asking questions, I simply told her "Just tell them, I'm going through a divorce" and that's it. But, what hurt me the most is the fact that he's known for a while now, and I don't know what all she told him regarding everything between me, my STBEH, and my daughter's godmother. For all I know, she could have fed him lies and now she's telling me to call him because she's guessing he wants to talk but I'm not in the right headspace for it. I'm still so PO'd at my mom for everything and it's always been very awkward talking with my dad whether it's in person or over the phone so me being in an angry headspace probably won't help either so I'm holding off on that for now.
Texting my dad doesn't help. He thinks I need to just get over being mad at my mom and just let them help with my situation when they've been divorced too. He's saying I'm too prideful and embarrassed to let anyone help with my divorce and even assumed that I'm wallowing in my misery when I told him that's not the case, but he's insisting and acting like he knows better than me when I wasn't comfortable with sharing details of my divorce just yet. I've already been low contact with my dad, and I fear I may have to go no contact with him after all this because it seems he's not listening either.
But as for this whole issue with my mom, AITA or WIBTA for wanting to cut my mom from me & my daughter's lives because she overstepped my boundaries regarding my divorce despite the fact that she's my next-door neighbor?
(I'll update more as it happens, for now I need to eat LOL)
submitted by Mama_Artist91 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:14 DM_ME_YOUR_HUSBANDO Nothing ever happens

Nothing ever happens submitted by DM_ME_YOUR_HUSBANDO to WhitePeopleTwitter [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:00 Tawseefrupani I got the green shit again

As the title says I faced the issue again and idk what to do I've lost hope. I live in India currently but this was a Chinese AliExpress imported unit and I'm surprised they even took it in for repair the first time and now im facing it again. Will they fix it now again?
submitted by Tawseefrupani to oneplus [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:42 sly-as-a-fox482 i think it’s time to end things with my boyfriend

i’ve been with my boyfriend for almost a year now and it feels like there’s nothing there any more. by that i mean, it seems like we’ve both just become complacent and have been for the better part of a month now. i work a standard 9-5 and he works in hospitality so our schedules don’t always align too well. one thing i have noticed is that if i don’t make a suggestion to spend time together, we don’t see each other at all. i hardly know his schedule (it changes each week) so i never know when he’s free any more which makes it even more frustrating when he doesn’t ask about seeing me. we’ve spoken in the past about how i feel like there’s always this element of pressure on me to make decisions about everything; be it where we go for dinner, what movies we want to watch etc. it’s always me that has to decide. he made promises to do better and be better at making more decisions but after one date where he made a decision he reverted back to his old ways. i think back to when we first started dating and how different things were. i know every new relationship is always exciting and the honeymoon phase is a thing, but even small things like talking on the phone are becoming rarities and his texts are always so few and far in between it almost feels like he forgets i exist. almost every morning it’s me who sends the first text and every night i’m the first to say goodnight. i don’t think for a single second he’s cheating on me, i know his family would rat him out to me the second his eyes wondered. but it just feels like he just likes the idea of having a girlfriend so he isn’t alone more than he likes the idea of me being that girlfriend.
then there’s the issue of children and what our future is going to look like. we’re both in our early twenties so we don’t have any children. i’ve made it clear from pretty early on i don’t see a future where i have children of my own. i barely tolerate children in general and i’m self-aware enough to know i’m too self-destructive to ever be capable of giving a child the love and attention they need and deserve. my boyfriend, however, does want children. he sees himself in a house with a picket fence with two kids and two dogs. we had a pregnancy scare recently and before i found out it was negative i did tell him i would be getting rid of it if i was pregnant. he originally seemed on board with it because we’re still so young and we haven’t been dating for even a year yet. but then after the negative result he brought up the topic of children a lot more and seemed almost downcast we weren’t expecting. given the differences in opinion in that alone, i think i know i need to end things because it’s not fair on either of us to drag this out if we’re not going to see eye to eye on this. but i’m too selfish. i don’t like the alternative of being on my own if i do end things with him. i know i have plenty of friends and i wouldn’t truly be “alone” but i know i’d miss the intimacy of having a person to just rely on and be that source of reliability for them too. i think the other problem is i don’t want to be the “bad guy” and cause the break up. i know someone has to do it and i know it doesn’t necessarily have to be destructive, but the outcome is still going to be negative.
i don’t think there’s anybody in my life i can talk about all of this with.
submitted by sly-as-a-fox482 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:41 F00mper Digging utility trenches with an AliExpress backhoe on an L2350

How much reach am I going to need to do this kind of digging? Also, are there any special considerations I'll need to make to avoid damage to the tractor? I've read that frame reinforcement is sometimes done when backhoes are used, but I don't know if it's necessary
My old 2WD stick shift L2350 has a Chinese loader on it that suits my needs just fine. I live on about an acre, and have a 5-acre rental property. Wall-E (tractors name) has helped a lot with heavy lifting and general maintenance everywhere, and hasn't let me down
Here is the backhoe I'm looking at; specifically the LW-6, which says it needs 25HP, but I'm not looking to work at breakneck speed
Thank you in advance for your help
submitted by F00mper to kubota [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:33 balitiger13 Just a story from my youth about a pat on my back at night and swirls of colored dots.

I must’ve been somewhere 4 - 7 years old. My parents would lay me down to sleep and say goodnight. They would hug me and hang for a minute or two then leave.
I remember laying in bed stomach down and facing away from the door one night after they left.
I felt a firm touch on my back. I knew someone was there but my intuition told me not to look and I was freigntened. I sensed someone was. Checking if I was awake. I’m pretty sure I was shaking as a little boy with fear but pretended to be asleep. I didn’t move or look. I played asleep until I fell asleep.
I told my parents the next morning at the kitchen table. I said someone touched my back and I was scared. My mother said she did it. So I said, ok, touch my back now like you did last night. She tried but it wasn’t the same at all.
At night it was one forceful pat that almost jolted me. My mother’s pat at the table was way too gentle.
I forgot about this for decades. Anyway I know it’s silly but that’s my memory.
Separately, I also have many memories of watching colored dots hover above my bed in patterns. These didn’t take up my whole field of vision were only above me at night on occasion, around the same age. It’s not visual snow, I have that now, this was something different. It didn’t scare me and I thought it was fun.
Just felt like sharing my random stories. If you read this far thank you.
submitted by balitiger13 to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:22 TopRealz A sub-$10 EDC knife from Amazon …is it any good?

A sub-$10 EDC knife from Amazon …is it any good?
What is it? - It's a stainless steel frame lock flipper ordered off Amazon that somehow reached my doorstep with tax and everything for under $10! It has caged ball bearings at the pivot and G-10 over much of the handle. The brand is listed as Kexmo on the site and on the box (which in my head I'm pronouncing 'Kee-Mo' but I suppose could also be Kay-Mo', otherwise I don't know how you'd say those letters in that order) but it features no branding on the knife itself,, and interestingly no other markings of any kind
The blade - is arguably the best feature of this knife. That’s good, because it's a knife and that's the part that does the knifing. The 2.99" blade features a trailing point, meaning the point rises above the spine of the blade. The 2.7mm/.011" thick stock is hollow ground to a nice thin edge that actually slices with the best of them. In fact it cuts nearly as well as the ultra-slicey Sencut Arc Blast. The grinds are clean with a nice swedge and some really excellent jimping. And both the belt-satin finish and knocked-down edges on the spine give it a quality feel. The factory edge was good and came razor sharp. But I keened it a little with a ceramic rod to give more 'bite' and will be re-edging it on my Lansky system as soon as it dulls
The steel - is good ol' 8C14MoV, which I say without a hint of irony. I've always liked AUS-8 or 8Cr as an everyday performer. And even seeing sub-$20 knives in D2 doesn't change the appeal in my opinion. Corrosion resistance is important, i v sharpenability is important. Not to mention that decent Chinese factory in 2024 can heat treat 8Cr to at least 58 Rockwell
The action - is plenty reliable on mine though I saw videos of it failing when the flipper tab wasn't given enough of a flick. There are dual thumbstuds in addition to the rear flipper. And like any knives that use this arrangement the detent has to be a compromise between being tuned for positive flipping and not being too firm for thumb deployment. I think they did a good job as both work with the thumbstud method being a touch to firm for my liking
I do recommend doing the first two things I did with this knife. 1) to apply a small amount of pivot lube and then 2) to adjust the pivot properly. This wasn't critical for the knife to work but definitely improved the action immediately and eliminated any hint of blade play. And though the action is now good I wouldn't exactly call it 'smooth', with there being a slight metallic hiss on opening and closing as the detent ball slowly wears a track into the blade finish
The design - is both attractively unique and has some clever touches that help it stand out. It's a fairly standard steel framelock in its construction but with partial G-10 scales. The scale on the lockbar side also serves as a robust overtravel stop (which may or may not make this a sub-frame lock knife?). There's also a milled G-10 backspacer that includes a lanyard hole. I was glad to see the lanyard hole implemented this way rather than just cut into the steel frame and left exposed (Elementum style). And while the partial scales leave a fair amount of steel frame exposed near the pivot, their placement provides a comfortable g with positive traction. Combine this with the cur handle and flipper-tab-as-guard and this knife is incredibly secure in hand
The fit and finish - specifically the finish on the handle, is a somewhat dated coarse satin grind wherever it isn't covered by G-10. It isn't ugly but leaves something to be desired for me. Additionally, satin finished 300series (soft) stainless steel is a magnet for both smudges and scratches of all kinds. And while it's possible to take the knife apart and re-finish them by sanding, your bog standard G-10 or FRN handle just isn't going to have these issues ..l will say however that the edges are nicely chamfered everywhere and even the lockbar cutout isn't as sharp as on my CRKT's The weight - ...substantial. Not that this is a tank, it's 4.4oz But for a 3" blade pocketknife it feels quite a bit heftier than the 3 and sub-3oz EDC folders that are pretty much ubiquitous nowadays. Basically, you're never going to forget that this is an all-steel framelock
The clip - is one you will immediately recognize. It’s the stainless steel deep-carry type found on a ton of knives from mainland China now, easily one of my favorite clip styles. I'm really glad to see it on a knife priced this low instead of one of those asymmetrical three-screw models that only provides tip-down shallow carry (yuck). This one is not flush to the scale, but it does use countersunk flat screws and it is both tip-up and reversible
The price - the one I paid at least, is bargain basement low. Low enough to raise suspicions about the quality of the product, which is largely why I was curious to get my hands on one. This piece however really is up to snuff, so it's very easy to recommend dropping the ten bucks. There are video reviews referring to this knife going for $25, which gather was its original price. I do think it's 'worth' that amount, but if I'm dropping $25 on a knife it'll be a Ganzo
submitted by TopRealz to knives [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:20 JuJuBeesss1 I just want a partner i can have to myself 😞

Brooo I’m so selfish asf! I just want someone who gets obsessed with me as I get obsessed with her. None of my recent relationships have fulfilled my needs and love languages which are just words of affirmation and quality time. I don’t even care if it’s long distance :/ (preferably us tho since I did very long distance before). I just want love and affection! I can respect both of us having our own friends and hobbies but maaan do I miss having a partner saying “hey I know your playing with your friends but I miss you 👉🏻👈🏻” or waking up to a message like “ good morning, I miss you after saying goodnight 👉🏻👈🏻🥺”. And having them ask me how my day is going and I would return the favor and she would be interested in my hobbies and I would also take a interest at her hobbies. We would play video games, watch movies together, share music, memes and be encouraging to each other
submitted by JuJuBeesss1 to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:18 MNLYYZYEG Love After Divorce/Divorced Singles 5 - Episode 3 - 240523

Divorced Singles 5 (돌싱글즈5) is on MBN/etc.
Newly single and ready to mingle, divorced men and women enter the Dolsing Village looking to date, cohabitate and find love again.
But this time it's for those born in the 1990s or MZ Generation.


Female Male
Park Hyekyeong Son Minseong
Kang Saebom Shim Kyudeok
Baek Sujin Choi Jongkyu
Son Seah Kim Kyuon


  • Lee Hye-young
  • Lee Ji-hye (from S#arp group)
  • Yoo Se-yoon
  • Eun Ji-won (from Sechs Kies group)
  • Austin Kang


Divorced Singles (돌싱글즈) channel on Youtube:
The MBN Entertainment channel also uploads some of the teasers/clips/etc. earlier than the Divorced Singles channel:
Pre-release presentation with the panelists and PD:
Title Version
Divorced Singles 5 (돌싱글즈5) Episode 3 English Softsub 720p/1080p (~2.2GB/3.7GB/5.9GB:
Divorced Singles 5 (돌싱글즈5) Episode 3 English Hardsub 1080p (~2.4GB:

Discussion Threads

Divorced Singles 5 (돌싱글즈5) Discussion
E01, E02, E03
Here have some other (variety/reality/etc.) shows too:무한도전_season_1_english_subtitles/
Centralized post about Korean/Chinese/Japanese/et cetera variety shows and how to access them (with AI-generated/machine translation info, language learning, and other stuff):
As usual, these links will automatically expire after say 10 days or so (it's that website's current default policy), so definitely get them ASAP.
Title Version
I Am Solo (나는 SOLO) Season 1-3 New English Softsub 720p (~14.6GB:
I Am Solo (나는 SOLO) Season 1-3, New English subtitles only 720p (~3.4MB:
Title Version
Love Catcher Japan (ラブキャッチャージャパン) English Softsub 1080p (~16GB:
The Love Catcher Japan link will probably expire soon since it was initially shared around May 11, 2024 and often the links last around say 10 days but since several dozen people got it right now, it'll probably be automatically extended (don't know the algorithm, lol) by several days or a few more weeks.
For the Single's Inferno (솔로지옥) series fans, there's now a Chinese version of it, lol. Live and Love (势均力敌的我们) has 20 housemates (instead of the usual 10 or so) and ya that first episode focused more on the competition/survival/etc. aspect instead of actual dating, haha. Worth a try since the housemates are pretty chillax or cool from the get-go.
Title Version
Live and Love (势均力敌的我们) Episode 2 English Softsub 1080p (~1.7GB:
Don't forget the Tencent channel also has their official/etc. subtitles for Live and Love, though ya, it's still AI-generated or machine translation, but at least the dialogue is fixed a bit.
Live and Love (势均力敌的我们) Episode 2 Part 1:
Live and Love (势均力敌的我们) Episode 2 Part 2:
Title Version
Hao You Hao You Ai Season 2 (好友好有爱 第二季) Episode 7 English Softsub 1080p (~1.1GB:
By the way guys, Twinkle Love Season 4 (怦然心动20岁 第四季) has a great hilarious start. Same with Yes, I Do/I'm So Into You Season 5 (喜欢你我也是 第五季/喜欢你我也是5). So many Chinese dating shows these days airing at the same time, actually unreal. What an amazing first half of 2024 for dating/cohabitation/slice of life/etc. show fans, the shows are so good.
For Yes, I Do Season 5, they actually do some cooking preparation (seems these days it's less prioritized in other Korean/Chinese/etc. shows), and just wow, it's such a nice well-rounded cast in a slice of life expanse.
This is Yes, I Do Season 5 Episode 0 (pre-meeting, Chinese shows usually have this Episode 0 or housemates interacting before entering the house nowadays) from the iQIYI channel, it has AI/machine-translated English subtitles:
I'll have Yes, I Do Season 5 Episode 0 and Episode 1 ready later, fml, forgot it because I had to do Episode 245 of You Quiz on the Block last night:
And ya fam, Twinkle Love Season 4 has good official/propeetc. subtitles even if it's also like AI-generated and so on, since they have the indicators for who is speaking at that moment in time. Like to the left of the sentences or dialogue, they'll have the names of Shen Yue/沈月 (super famous Chinese actress from Meteor Garden, A Love So Beautiful, etc.) or say Sunnee/Yang Yunqing and so on. Usually the YOUKU channel will upload the latest episodes one week later, so Youtube viewers will be behind say one week, but at least they're getting decent/good subtitles, unlike most of other the WeTV/Tencent Video and iQIYI and so on shows, where it's clearly AI-generated or machine translation with barely a quick manual review by a human.
submitted by MNLYYZYEG to koreanvariety [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:10 Jayeflow Level 75 and beating my head against the wall when trying to decide what armor (non PA)to use.

I just hit level 75 and I’m currently running the Chinese stealth armor mainly because I just got it from a mission. I’m building a sneaky VATS rifleman build using a lever action suppressed and Fixer. Can someone lead me in a direction of armor (non PA) I should get with high damage and energy resistances. I know I need secret service armor but I found that out late and spent all my gold bullion so it’s going to take a while. Any help or suggestions? Also, mod suggestions are welcome as well.
Edit: I’m on PC, if anyone is willing to craft me some decent armor until I get enough bullion I wouldn’t say no. 😂
submitted by Jayeflow to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:41 ToasterMaid Some Chinese think USA is a supersized India

(Interesting article, some Chinese people find striking similarities between the US and India.)


From an Indian perspective, the caste system in India is seen as better than the social structure in the USA.
Here's the thing: The so-called castes in India are largely linked to the professions people engage in. Brahmins handle religious rituals, Kshatriyas are responsible for warfare and administration, Vaishyas take care of agriculture, livestock, and commerce, while Shudras include farmers, higher-level servants, and artisans. Most of the time, these four groups stick to their roles.
At first glance: Doesn’t this prevent social mobility?
The caste system in Hinduism works like this: It specifies what each person should do. Brahmins recite religious texts, which serves to educate Kshatriyas and lower classes about morals. Kshatriyas, though in power, protect everyone and have a duty to assist lower castes. Vaishyas and Shudras handle transportation, agriculture, and services, freeing up time for the upper castes. Dalits deal with untouchable tasks like handling waste; if other castes handled garbage, it would disrupt the moral fabric of Hinduism.
High castes have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of lower castes. If the lower castes suffer and the high castes do nothing, it’s considered evil.
Looking at the USA from an Indian perspective: isn’t it also a kind of caste system?
Jews: Brahmins, responsible for education and cultural guidance. People say Brahmins in India have power, but in the USA, who dares to touch the Jews? The very existence of the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act says it all. There’s no special law for Brahmins in India.
Whites: Kshatriyas, in charge of administration and warfare.
Asians, Mexicans, and African Americans: Vaishyas and Shudras, handling technical and manual labor.
Sure, some Asians, Mexicans, and African Americans have become officials, but everyone knows who really holds the power: whites. India also has Dalit chief ministers; it’s not a big deal.
And illegal immigrants? Clearly, they are the untouchables. They’re allowed into the USA but are denied basic human rights.
Unlike India, the USA’s pseudo-caste system doesn’t have the concept of “upper castes being responsible for lower castes.” It’s a complete free-for-all. Yes, there are beggars on Indian streets because India is genuinely poor, but the beggars on American streets are people completely abandoned by society.
From this perspective, Indians might even feel morally superior. [Smirks]
submitted by ToasterMaid to China [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:40 HeadBoy9 Prison day #365 (Wednesday, May 22, 2024)

Today is my three hundred and sixty-fifth day holed up. One full calendar year of being here asking myself the same question others have been asking me: why did she finger you if you did nothing to her? As simple as that question is, that's what’s held me down here for 365. I believe it's a riddle life's thrown at me and I'm free to go home the day the answer is found, or the answer is deemed irrelevant, or someone decides to stop playing with me.
Until then, I'm left with jerking up at night, trying to figure the fuck why she said her teacher did. Did she actually say that? I was only told she said “her teacher” but how the devil am I even ever going to answer the question if I can't even be allowed to have her put it directly to me?. She couldn't have said that shit! I demand she says it to my face!
Laws are truly unfairly balanced. They protect some people and open up some others to possible exploitations by those protected by them or their handlers. Laws are often made to protect the weak but most times put those perceived as strong at their mercies, to be twisted and bent as they will. It's just unfair that all it takes for a girl/woman to ruin my life is just to say I had sex with her whether or not I did.
And that brings us back to the early question: if you're innocent, why did she name you of all the 7 billion people in the world? Fuck this question! How come this has been so hard to see? I'm her teacher, remember? And she's only a child of 8 and would think like a child. So of all the 7 billion people in the world, I'm probably her least liked person for making her life difficult with all the homeworks and hard arithmetics (duh!).
She probably thinks I hate her because she sees some of these other classmates scoring higher and getting better grades than her. And what better way to punish your least liked person? Hell, it's common to have children, when crying and asked what's wrong, point/name some innocent persons. Their only crime being that they (the children) know their names or just that they are in sight. This is the best I've come up with in 365 days of suffering and hard thinking in prison. And if it's not good enough, someone, anyone should please help me make sense of this before I lose my shit. 365 days of seeing shit is enough to make one lose his shit. No shit! Lolz.
So I talked about my betting system that ensures a win ⅔ of the time on Day #363, that system was tested and found to work. It paid! It was the final of the Europa Cup between Atalanta and Bayer Leverkusen today. Leverkusen was favored by all to win (guilty as charged!) but Atalanta pulled an amazing one and stole the day.
Technically it was a loss, yet we still made a 6% profit and the overall bet amount. Put another way, we lost yet the overall bet amount was returned with a 6% profit. By “we” I mean some cell members that found my system interesting and put up money for me to bet. Now the system is proven. I'm waiting for the UEFA Champions League final to go at it again. Sadly, I later lost a significant portion of their bet money when I got greedy and played live games with a portion. Now gradually winning it back. No worries. I got this shit down (using shit a lot today, ha!)
Tomorrow is Thursday and we already know what it is – Authority Day, late opening et all.
Goodnight Diary!
submitted by HeadBoy9 to PrisonDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:13 JAKAOEJ Alternative HSK test? It’s a scam

If you are person outside of U.S or China, do not ever take the HSK test ONLINE from
They’re bunch of scammers. They make you pay for the test. They lead you on and then not inform of you test information and requirements beforehand. By the time you find out, it’s already too late. Test is non refundable in USD. Of course USD can be pricey for other countries.
I don’t have this issue since I’m a U.S citizen but I’ve seen many foreigners getting scammed without them realizing.
I don’t ever want to take from this website again. I’m asking for help to find another website to take HSK exam.
Here’s the ideal process.
  1. register and select test center online.
  2. Make you pay
  3. Receive confirmation email from Chinese website of your admission ticket number
  4. You’re supposed to receive extra emails about the test information from the test center that you choose
  5. Take the mock and real exam online
However the reality is this:
Let say you’re from Bangladesh and you chose Canada and a university as online test center. The Chinese website will send you a confirmation email to act like they approved you to take the test.
Then they ghost you and not send emails further. They don’t tell you of the exam time, software to download or anything steps required.
Then you emailed the test center and report to Chinese website asking what’s wrong. Then you ended up having no rely for weeks
Turns out Test takers must confirm to be at the local country of the registered test center when taking an IBT(At Home) on the day of the test. Which means if you’re not anywhere in Canada physically at the time you take the exam. You’re disqualified. No refund. You wasted a month of salary or large sum of money for this exam.
Of course they don’t communicate this issue to you when you registered the exam and act like you’re approved to take the test at the beginning.
You’re frustrated because you thought you’re approved to take the test because you receive test admission number however no information regarding exam date & time.
They have tons of communication issues. They didn’t inform me of technical requirements until a day before the mock exam. Which isn’t enough time for me to get new laptop.
submitted by JAKAOEJ to Chinese [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:05 weliveinasamaj We all know the difference between humans & livestock in our country.

We all know the difference between humans & livestock in our country. submitted by weliveinasamaj to DesiMeta [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:02 Beneficial_Gear5043 AITA for giving my kids something that my fiancé bought for himself?

I've been with my fiancé John for 6.5 years now. I have some older children from my previous marriage. Their dad passed when my youngest was 1. The kids are 14yo twin girls, 12yo boy and 9yo boy. My fiancé has no children.
In the 6.5 years that I have been with John he has developed a good bond with my children. They often call him dad (though not all the time). But one frequent hiccup in our relationship is his food/snack/drink quirks, which I consider selfish and ignorant. Like he will go to the store and buy him and I something and if the kids ask if he got them something, he will say no. Even if they are in the car with us there have been a few times in the past that he would get him and I a drink but not get the kids anything. He stopped doing that some years back however because I would just pass my drink back to my children and tell them to share it. He did it with good a few times as well, where he would get him and I something but not the kids. For instance, I would make pizza or something for the kids and John would decide he wanted Chinese take out and would go grab stuff and always come back with something for me as well but NEVER the children. I won't eat take out in front of my kids, so just like the car and drink thing, I would hand my food off to my kids and tell them to share it. Prior to doing this I had plenty of conversations with him about it and told him it bothered me. He said he didn't understand because the kids didn't need everything that we had. Which is true, they don't. But I'm also not going to eat or drink treats in front of my kids while they go without. To me, that's fucked up. But like I said, he stopped doing this because I would just give my stuff away and eventually, he started buying the kids drinks whenever he bought him and I something (when they were with us).
But lately he's going backwards again. It's been easily 4-5 years now since he was like this. But the other day he brought the younger two kids with him grocery shopping and those 2 kids came home with a drink and my husband handed me a drink. I asked if he had gotten anything for the older two kids and he said "no, they weren't with me". So I said "I wasn't either" and gave my drink to the older two kids. Or the other day he had gone to the store for me (with my $20) because I wanted a soda and I asked him to grab my kids Gatorade and water. He came home with two 12 packs. One case being for "me" and the other being for "him". No Gatorade, no water. The kids asked for one of the sodas and he said "no, those are mine". I asked if he used my money to buy it and he said "yes? And?" So I said, "okay, just wondering" and handed my kids one of "his" soda's (caffeine free root beer). He asked why I would do that and I said "I'm wondering why you are going backwards again and buying things for me and you only after I have specifically said I'm not okay with it." Now he's back on the argument of "the kids don't need everything that we have" and said that I'm spoiling them and that they are going to grow up entitled. My only issue with this is that I am not going to sit there and eat or drink any sort of treat (that I do not deserve or had worked for) in front of my children and tell them "nah, sorry bout your bad luck, this is mine". It's not happening. I'm not that type of parent and never will be and he's known that since day one. He doesn't pick fights about it or anything but I don't know. He still seems to think I'm wrong here. AITA?
ETA: it was my money. I won't tolerate the ignorance here. He's not financially responsible for my children. But when he uses my money to buy himself something but not my children, when I specifically said to, we have a problem. The bills are split 70/30. Me being the one who pays more. My kids aren't financially burdening him by any means and he's pulling from the joint account (80% my money) to buy these things for himself. My issue is not that he buys himself stuff with my money. If it weren't happening ALL the time, I wouldn't have an issue. But it's all the time. He says "the kids don't need anything". Well, neither does he. Neither do I. I'm not going to continuously eat treats in front of my children while they go without. I've told him this several times.
submitted by Beneficial_Gear5043 to AITAH [link] [comments]