What store sells snapback hats


2012.04.04 01:15 DiscoDonkey Supreme

/Supremeclothing is for anything and everything made by Supreme.

2012.01.17 17:46 licenseplate Ent-made merchandise for the /r/trees community


2011.09.22 04:54 Yandere Anime Figures: A subreddit for anime figure collecting

A subreddit for the discussion of figures from anime, manga, and Japanese-style media.

2024.05.14 03:34 IntentionalChaos214 We made my ex's live in girlfriend think he was a gay drag queen.

I am now older (43f) and wiser and far more subtle in my petty revenge ...but, at this time? I was younger (21) angry, petty, spurred on my an equally petty friend (22f then), and he deserved it.
I had a get together for Halloween with a few friends. It was the usual early 20s social situation with drinks, cards and tequila shots. (I know... I know.)
A guy I had previously had a fling with (truly nothing serious--he was just tall, cute as all hell and had adorable dimples but our personalities didn't mesh) was invited as a friend. No big deal.
Card game turned into Texas Hold Em and bizarre dares after you were out of poker chips. My "ex" was losing BADLY. What started as us daring him to strip somehow escalated to him running outside, nude and in 2 feet of snow, to the pond behind the apartment buildings to acquire a cup of water... and then escalated to him going, in VERY sloppy drag, to the grocery store to buy an eggplant, lube, and condoms.
Now... this is all ridiculous already. (Tequila is a bad decision, kids!) A truly memorable but insane night that can ONLY be survived or created in your early 20s.
My friend (who spurred me on) and him began flirting and things escalated a bit between them. There were photos of him in drag taken, and photos of him with my friend as well.
They made plans to see a movie a couple days later after a few calls...
He never showed up and then ghosted her.
Could we have blown it off and moved on?
Did we?
Hell freaking no.
We did a bit of online stalking and found out he not only HAD A GIRLFRIEND but was LIVING with her! (Where do these people find the time for this... and how do you NOT ask questions when your man doesn't come home?!)
We hatched a plan.
We took the photos and printed them... of him in drag flirting with my friend, nude with the cup, and doing lap dances on guys in drag.
We sent them, 1 by 1 in an order telling a story... every other day... by mail... to his girlfriend.
Did we stop there?
We signed him up for drag clothing catalogs and sex toys created especially for gay men. We sent him about $200 worth of the ost bizarre "eggplant" items we could find including straws, a hat that sort of resembled a punishment shaped Pope hat, etc.
After 2 weeks of those packages... that we made sure would be delivered when HE was gone and SHE was home (bit addressed to him and, in quotes, his goofy name from that night) we did 1 more thing...
20 lbs of the most powder fine glitter we could find in a glitter bomb.
She dumped him within a month... and he's a cheater to this day in his relationships.
The lesson?
Don't cheat... and don't piss off 2 petty women at the same time.
submitted by IntentionalChaos214 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:31 Historical_Rock_6516 How should I go about limiting my time on Skyrim so I can focus more on a career change?

I've been stocking groceries for 25 years. Stocking these 40 count waters is really starting to do a number on my back. My last vacation i noticed sitting in my car for 30 minutes my back would start to get stiff and after an hour I would have constant pains in my lower back.
I used to not have that problem, but now I'm 44 and keep getting so stiff from doing water everyday. I don't know how I will be able to continue to do this throughout my 50's and 60's.
Over the years I thought about working with computers and really interested in getting into IT. The problem is I've been addicted to gaming my whole life since the 1980's till now.
My current addiction is Skyrim. I've been playing it for around a year and before that it was fallout 4. I keep telling myself I will limit my gaming time, but then I keep telling myself its going to take that much longer to complete everything.
By completing everything i mean by doing all completable quests including all guild quest's, main quest's, dlc quest's, modable area's like wymstooth, forgotton city, armorous questlines. Plus leveling all skills to get to max level while legend all of them to earn enough skill points to learn everything, have all the houses build, including the mod ones, learning all spells, learning all dragon shouts, ect. Doing all of this without fast travel and taking my time without doing any exploits. Oh and completing the dragonborn museum in solitude which has over 2000 items that can be displayed. Doing all these while focusing on one thing at a time.
Also I horde everything all minable points, all alchemy ingredients. I have two followers which I store everything on since they have infinite inventory space. I then sell all weapons and armors while saving up all the ores, ingredients, at least one of each enchanted item along with one of every other item so I can store all of this stuff in the dragonborn museum at some point.
Of course I had an itch to start a new character and now trying to do all this all over again.
Well at least now I just started walking and running while learning some warm up exercises and cooldown exercises which will get me out of the house early in the mourning, but then once I'm done I shower and then back to Skyrim every day. It is just limiting my time each day on it which is irritating me.
The reason I started to want a change is because I've tried to go to college several time over the years and can't seem to focus and never finished. Hopefully exercising daily will help me focus more if I do decide to go back to school. I just can't seem to let Skyrim go even though I've done almost everything already once over the years just never with the same character.
I've thought about majoring in Computer Science and becoming either a database admin or a network admin or something along those lines. I know If I go back to school and continue to work full time I will never seem to change careers. Have had the same job for 25 years and feeling stuck.
You think in time I will learn to let my gaming addiction go and not have the urge to start again? Should I try to limit my time on Skyrim to my days off or maybe don't play it on my days off and get out and explore the town?
I really don't know what would be best at this point. I'm just a completeness and have never done everything on one character. I'm starting to feel like this is a pipe dream that will never happen.
submitted by Historical_Rock_6516 to StopGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:26 Insano313 (late) RSD Haul First time

Well this was my very first year participating in the madness lol. Out of 300+ Releases , Honestly only 2 were MUST haves for me which were , My Life With The Thrill Kill- Kult Kooler Than Jesus EP.
With 11.5x11.5 blotter sheet Limited to 775 & & Garbage - Lie to Me EP. Limited to 3k
Luckily I was able to get those among the rest. Gotta admit Alot of stress & anxiety comes with this day. It's completely turned into something else which I do not know how it was before but I've heard it was a much better environment, with more actual music fans & that type of crowd etc not the people scared to even say what vinyl there getting or straight lie to u in the face about it lol anyways ended up spending $370 on all these SMH plus 1 more Olivia (not pictured).
My only regrets are falling for the resale hype buying the Noah koan BS , honestly was just trying 2 justify spending so much. since I did everything ALMOST right though I figured I'd try to get one for resale & those things won't even sell for face value! šŸ¤£. That kid completely conned RSD by releasing the album 2 days later after he was the #1 selling artist prior so they FLOODED RSD 24 with 30k releases that were ALL bought from him) Republic (including the EP) but that was 15k x $39 that could have went to the local record store on a normal release aka a huge part of what the whole thing is about keeping them in business instead Noah koan was #1 this year again according to Billboard.com so there marketing obviously worked even i fell for it loll. So I guess I'm stuck with that haha but other than that the only things I wanted that I could not get were DELORES OREDION are you listening Dio Zoetrope Black Sabbath Paranoid UK RSD Tricky Angels with Dirty Faces RSD UK Noel Gallagher Lil peep & Dead or Alive.
But id say I did good this year and I'm excited for Black Friday just hoping the list will be better this year.
submitted by Insano313 to RecordStoreDay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:40 blkfire48 AITA for buying something that I knew someone else really wanted?

I just moved to a new state for an internship and Iā€™m trying to furnish my room. As a young college student (19F) I donā€™t really have an excess of money to spend so I went to a discount store nearby in search of furniture. Upon walking in my eyes were immediately drawn to this bright orange desk chair in great condition for only $10! I quickly fell in love so I grabbed the chair and pushed it around with me as I looked for other things.
At one point an employee pulled me aside and told me to ā€œkeep an eye on the chair cause someone might try and snag it.ā€ I assumed she was joking so I laughed and moved on. I did make the mistake of leaving the chair unattended while looking at some of the extra discounted items, but when I returned I saw the same employee MOVING the chair! I ran up to confront her and she said she was ā€œjust moving it out of the wayā€ (the chair was tucked in a corner, NOT IN THE WAY). I laughed it off and passive aggressively thanked her before making sure the chair was in my sight at ALL times.
She watched me the rest of the time I was there and when I went to check out she was conveniently at the register right next to the one I was at. She was sharing with her coworker (at a volume just loud enough for me to hear) how she has been needing a chair just like the one I found and how she works a lot, has children, isnā€™t doing well financially, and how itā€™s so frustrating to ā€œwatch people who can probably afford new items come to the discount store and buy all the good thingsā€ (her words). I did start to feel bad a bit cause even though Iā€™m not super wealthy like she assumed, I would be okay without the chair. Iā€™ll admit that I do have a bean bag chair I brought from home that I could use as a place to sit while doing homework. I almost caved and gave the employee the chair until the lady checking me out informed me that she couldnā€™t sell me the chair because there was no barcode price sticker on it.
Thatā€™s when I knew something was up cause the selling point of the chair for me was the fact that it was $10! How could I have known that if there was not a price on the chair?? So I looked around like a crazy person for the barcode sticker until the employee who previously tried to steal my chair *magically* found the sticker. When I tell you I was LIVID. I completed the purchase and marched out with my stuff without offering the employee a thank you for ā€œfinding my stickerā€.
Now that Iā€™ve had time to sit back and reflect I do feel bad about how I behaved while leaving. Yes what she did wasnā€™t cool, but she was an older lady who probably does work a lot and is doing her best to provide for her family, and Iā€™m a college student whoā€™s only gonna be here for a half a year then Iā€™ll probably have to sell the chair when I go home. I genuinely love the chair Iā€™m just not pleased by how I got it. I kind of bought it out of spite.
submitted by blkfire48 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:11 Bitter_Definition932 Grocery store wahlburgers

I gotta say, marky mark and Donnie sell some good patties. They're the best ones my grocery store sells. Which is probably sad, but what can you do?
submitted by Bitter_Definition932 to grilling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 Next_Butterfly_3687 Best birthday gift I ever gave my best friend.

Hello Everyone. This is 100% a true story.
I thought this would be a good story to share here as it deals with getting petty revenge on someone who was being transphobic and a horrible person. This is a long story but the ending is worth it.
This story takes place back in 2020 and was just reminded of it by one of my best Friends lets call her "Hannah". Hannah and I had a mutual friend, lets call him Zack. I at the time was just starting to come out as trans. This plays a part later.
Zack and I were friends after I meet him throw an EX, the EX was a good man but I am the type of person that does not do well being friends with EXs but was trying because this EX was a good person. This in the end also I keep talking to Zack and at time thought he was a good guy.
Anyway it was late in fall when Zack brought up moving into together due to I was having a hard time with my family and only had a dorm to live in. During this time he also brought up that he had a friend, Hannah, that was also looking for a place to live as her home life was not great either. I said I would have to her first before I said yes to anything. Hannah was on the same page as me and wanted to meet me first too.
So one day Invited them both over to the dorm I was living in, as if anything went wrong the College I was at had great police (had meet many of them during the time I was at college) this made me feel safer meeting new people. Hannah and Zack came over and me and Hannah hit it off well to the point you would have thought we had been friends for years. There were many times her and I would hang out without Zack, which he never liked. Red flag right there. Due to this I started to see the cracks in Zack's shell.
He was very passive of Hannah to almost boyfriend level. Which got worries after I came out as Transgender. Red flag number 2. He would also try to one up me and say things underhanded about me being trans. Now I am a huge werewolf geek and the underhanded things would be like "I will never be an alpha" or shit like that. Now I never called myself an alpha or anything like that. He also said that I would never have a man's mindsight. I never told Hannah any of this because I wanted to stay her friend and do to my trust problems thought she would take his side so that is all my fault.
One night I was talking to Hannah not sharing everything but told her Zack was pissing me off. She had known him longer then I did. She said that it could be do to his religious background and that could be why he was being a ass. That is when she opened up to me about something.
Turned out they where Friends with benefits. Zack was always wanting to make things more then that but Hannah had been hurt bad by an EX, like almost killed. So she did not trust getting back into any relationship. But felt she was safe with him and thought of slowly building up to a relationship. However she also spilled all the tea on him in bed, and I mean all the TEA!
So lets jump forward a few months to Hannah's Birthday. Zack wanted to host it the first night and then she would spend the next night with me. Hannah was going a hard time with family during this time so we planned a Birthday weekend for her. Turns out Zack invited her over for night before so she would be over one night without me so they could be the Birthday *GIGGITYY*. Well as many people know there is something that happens to most women once a month. Yes, Hannah was on her period. To her defense she did not know what Zack was planning for the night she thought he was just being nice because she got into a fight with her family.
So the next day comes around and they pick me up as I did not have a car. Everything seemed off as Hannah's mood was not normal. I wanted to ask what was up but also thought it was because of the fight with her family so I just wanted to make her happy. The day goes on and we are playing her fav video game. She went to bed early which I thought was odd as the two of us are night owls. I asked Zack what was going on. He said nothing but I could tell he was lying but dropped it.
The next day we get to mail in our city as planned and well Zack was doing something and it was just Hannah and I alone. That is when she told me what was going on between them. Apparently Zack was mad because Hannah did not SLEEP with her the night before I showed up. I was pissed, but then she keep going and he keep pushing and begging for it. to the point that when she said she was on her period he just said "THEY COULD PUT A TOWEL DOWN".
That was it for me I was done playing nice to Zack and started to think of ways to tell him how much of a pig he was. I am the type of person where three stracks your out. Hannah and I are huge nerds and you could say she is some where between punk and goth. So we told Zack we where going to Spencer's. Zack said he was going to go to another store as he hated this store. You see in the frount of Spencer's is a nerd, punk and goth best dream, as for the back of the store is full of sex toys and other adult themed things. Knowing this I told Hannah to pick out something she wanted for her birthday anything, and I would get it for her.
Well Hannah was looking at new pricings and wallets I headed to the back of the store to get some goodies for Zack. I payed for the stuff all without Hannah knowing. Best part the store has black bags that you can't see throw due to the things they sell. After I walked up to Hannah and I bought the things she wanted all to her protest. So she told me she would by lunch witch I agreed too because as friends we hate to feel like we are using each other even on holidays.
We left the store and went to the food court and ordered food. Once we sat down Hannah texted Zack where we were. That is when she looked at the large bag I had gotten and she asked me what I had gotten. I handed the bag and told her it was for Zack. The grin on her face was the best thing that I have seen. You see Hannah is also a very petty person and she very much approved of what I had gotten for Zack.
Zack showed up some time later and we planned to go back to his house so she could her car and her stuff to come to my place for the night. That is when the "gift" was given to Zack. I was putting Hannah's stuff in her car for her and wish I could have seen his face when he first opened bag.
You see when I am hurt I get petty but if you upset someone close to me I get PETTY. In the bag he found a large bag of candy and a few lollypop DICKS. But it gets better, I also got him a female blow up doll. There was also two cards. the first said "Congrats on your new girlfriend" which I signed alone and the other said "suck a mountain of dicks" which we both signed.
The next thing I know Hannah is walking out with the biggest grin on her face. With him storming after her when he saw me he said I was just mad that I would never be a "true man". Hannah turned on her heels but before she could do anything I yelled back "he would never be bigger then my pinky finger". He looked so mad and red. Hannah got in her car, we drove off and never looked back.
This may have been to far but I regret nothing.
Hannah says it was the best birthday gift anyone has ever gotten her due to his face he made when he saw all his new goodies. Hannah and I are still great friends to this day and know we have each others backs on anything.
submitted by Next_Butterfly_3687 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:08 HealingHerbalsStore Beware of RoadTrip Gummies 4-ACO-DMT Laced (& bad public response)

Wanted to draw attention more to this brand since they are fairly popular and sold in many stores . Theses tests recently came forward showing they have nothing but 4-aco-dmt in it and no amanita . We did before reaching out to them confirm they do sell knock off packaging ges online that people could replicate these and put who knows what in them . So We approached them and messaged them in a very civil manor asking if its possible that people are counterfeiting and possibly adding other compounds to it if they are considering anything to help combat counterfeits testing bad, a possible scratch and scan or something like that . We were responded to by being blocked .
Which we believe adds to the validity that this not being the case of counterfeits in the market that they are in fact knowingly mislabeling it . We know this is commonly happening with a lot of amanita gummies except for a small bit of reputable brands, but we still wanted to call attention to this possibly damming evidence. And wanted to share for possible harm reduction purposes as well as the consumer has the right to know what they are taking
submitted by HealingHerbalsStore to AmanitaMuscaria [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:59 ForkShoeSpoon A Complete Guide to Maximizing M-Stats and Beating the Ocean City Boardwalk Games (without Shadow Taint)

Quick and Dirty: So long as you get Pep Talk by completing the first four dream quests, AND install Ye Olde Chemicker on Plunkett Street, you can get 15/15/15 on day 6 and beat the Ocean City Boardwalk games (Dream Cat not required). The rough outline: You get +2/+2/+2 from Ocean City perks and Charlestown State Pen perks, +1/+1/+1 from any number of hat and pants combos, +1/+1/+1 from the Monster Club sash, +1/+1/+1 from a Noble Elixir from Ye Olde Chemicker, +1/+1/+1 from the devil's food cake (throw a hot link down the H***hole), +1/+1/+1 from your choice of liquor and your bonus from the electrified orb, +1/+1/+1 from your Pep Talk perk and choice of cat, +1 to Moxie from a new set of teeth, +1 to Muscle from Chiropractic, +1 to mysticality from the statue of you, +1/+1/+1 from losing and getting Angry, Contemplative, and Aloof effects.
Beating the Ocean City Boardwalk games requires a minimum of 15/15/15 Mus/Mys/Mox stats. This is missable--it is possible to lock yourself out of being able to achieve such high stats. However, there are multiple ways to get your M-stats this high, meaning even if you miss one route to 15/15/15, another is likely still open. I wanted to make a quick guide about not only how to purely maximize stats, but the different options available to get yourself to 15/15/15.

Always Possible Stat Boosts

On any save file, 13/13/13 should be achievable. Here's how:
Those, which I assume most folks who made it through chapter 1 know about, bring you to 6/6/6. Potions, alcohol, and food will also easily net you +1, +1, +2 to your choice of stats (you can get higher boosts from food and potions, but they are unique and/or missable), bringing you to around 7/8/7. Then:
This brings us to 10/10/10. To get to 13/13/13:
So, this will get you to +13/+13/+13 fairly hassle free. But that still leaves us 6 points shy of victory. Thankfully, there are myriad ways to reach that final number (and beyond)

Bridging the final +6 gap

All of the following is content you can lock yourself out of, sometimes pretty easily, sometimes pretty early in the game. The good news is, there are so many options, it's likely a path to 15/15/15 still exists on your save file unless you've reached the very late game and aren't lucky.


You can get an additional +4 from Dream-related events.


This makes for a maximal +2 from better clothes.


There are a number of food options to grant more than +1 to your M-stats, granting a maximal additional +2 to your M-stats overall.


Potion options are comparatively limited, but can grant an additional +2.


There are a couple unique effects that you can use which will last 1 day only

Bonus Guide to Liquors

-Tequila grants +1 to Muscle and Mysticality and can be found in the Mob Submarine in The Big Moist, but only if you accept the Mob's offer on day 2. - Whiskey grants +1 to Muscle and Moxie and can be found in the Moonshiner's Cave in The Big Moist. - Absinthe grants +1 to Mysticality and Moxie and is found in Rufus' Lab) at S.I.T.
Shoutout to this previous post by u/Mr_Lisreal, which already covers most of what's in this post. My motivation behind making this was primarily that the wiki does not do a good job of displaying potion effects in a browsable way, and it wasn't clear to me if it was possible to completely box yourself out of being able to complete the boardwalk games (to my eye it appears possible, but uncommon). I also wanted a guide out there for freaks like me who enjoy petting cats, and therefore don't want to lean on the dream cat boon because it deprives you of the joy of petting all the other cats in the game.
submitted by ForkShoeSpoon to ShadowsOverLoathing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:35 hellosaturn May 2024 Buy/Sell/Trade

Are you selling any lolita items? Do you have a loliable store?
Post links to your EGL Sales Community post, shop link, Facebook sales album, or Lacemarket profile along with pictures of the items you are selling. You can also post buying and trade requests. Please use the following markers at the top of your comment so that others can easily tell what you are looking for:
DS for Direct Sale
WTB for Wanting to Buy
WTT for Wanting to Trade
Feedback from eBay, Lacemarket, or EGL is highly recommended.
We will follow the same rules as Lacemarket and the EGL Comm Sales. Absolutely no print replicas, and non-Lolita items will be removed at the discretion of the moderators.
lolita and the mod team is not responsible for any sales or trades that occur through the Reddit platform. We encourage all transactions to go through a sale platform such as Lacemarket.
submitted by hellosaturn to Lolita [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:23 Aktoruk Aizen vs Kaden (Bleach vs Guardian Tales) ā€˜To Strike Down Those Aboveā€™. UPDATED/IMPROVED CONNECTIONS + update on Aktoruks future

Aizen vs Kaden (Bleach vs Guardian Tales) ā€˜To Strike Down Those Aboveā€™. UPDATED/IMPROVED CONNECTIONS + update on Aktoruks future

Real Talk, itā€™s a bit rough, so no shame in scrolling past. Go past the Spoiler warning for the stuff related to the MU.

Iā€™ve kept a lot hidden from my online persona, but Iā€™ll be honest for a moment. Currently, in a separate province, my mom is going for scans. Thereā€™s a very real chance that she has cancer, and the thought frankly destroys me.
Iā€™ve decided that Iā€™ll be taking a ā€˜breakā€™ after this post. I truly do adore this community, but personal things are just not doing great. I wish to avoid the risk of high emotions I am currently susceptible to. Iā€™ll probably be sticking around to lurk at times, but itā€™ll be low key.
I wished to make something more, and decided that making things smoother for the MU Iā€™m most proud of is a good way to leave things. When I return, I have many more projects planned. Scripts, MUā€™s, and even Scaling Scans. Look forward to that, while I do the opposite (of looking forward in general, Iā€™m excited for the projects).
Depending on the speed of things, I may know how things go at the end of this week. There are two cases. In the best case, I will be back shortly after this news. In the worst case, it may be multiple months before I return, should I return.
Thank you all in advance for reading, and thank you all for being cool people. Itā€™s been really helpful being able to take my mind off things, and I hope I can continue to make a fool of myself in all the best ways.

Absolutely massive spoilers for both Bleach and Guardian Tales. Only read if you are fine with that.

immediate Basic Core connections
-Villains -Villainous allies -Both From Asian (east) countries -Ancient beings in comparison to human lifespan, but not particularly for their species. -Yes, ā€˜enā€™ is the final part of their five-letter names. This is not something that should sell you on the matchup.
In Depth/Actually Good Connections
-Long-term threats in their respective series. Constant presences which utilize the protagonists as tests.
-While among the most powerful characters in their verse, intelligence is what makes them terrifying. Capable of manipulating their way into power, influence, and secrecy.
-Prior to a massive reveal, both are thought to be allies to the ā€˜good sideā€™ (Captain Aizen and Kaden the Hero), with the few who knew being ancient scientists that got locked away to prevent word from spreading.
-Their major goals involve utilizing an unknown power (Labose and the Hogyoku) which is made via mass sacrifice. Both would seemingly succeed in mastering this power, though it is purposefully left vague if they hold complete control.
-During the process of obtaining this power, both would infect others with a primary ā€˜diseaseā€™ of the series (Hollowfication and L-Bacteria). This includes characters of high power (Several Captains and Lieutenants and A Hero of the Champions Sword + A Dragon).
-Both have purposes for these actions which seem good in a skewed lens (Ending the existence of the Soul King and Preventing the Loop from Continuing). These events both involve a higher power (Potentially the highest in the series).
-But through a regular lens, these plans are fucked ways to handle the issues. This is due to issues with both characters mentality (Aizen was incapable of seeing others as equal to him and Kaden was burdened with hundreds-thousands of his past timelines).
-Their eventual ascension would first turn them into monstrous beings due to their views of power, but would both return to forms close to original at their strongest.
-Similarity in armies. Lorraine and Gin are both ā€˜right-handsā€™ with closed eyes, who would eventually attempt to overthrow when the ascension had already begun.
The Arracnars and L-Monsters are beings from the series that were manipulated by the characters. They would accept ā€˜powerā€™ which allowed them to be either pawns or tests.
-Opposites of their main/orginal world (SS and The Otherside) would be where their plans of action took place.
-Both utilize dimensional rifts to travel.
-They would be defeated by the ā€˜experimentalā€™ protagonists (Ichigo and The Guardian) which they had kept an eye on with interest to their plans.
-Both would end up aiding the protagonist against a further threat (Ywach and *The Fairies). While it is questionable whether this was simply due to shared interest or a show of empathy, both were ultimately good actions which saved the lives of many. *The Fairies do not currently have an official title.
-Bisecting/Permanently crippling others was used against Kaden (via Clara), while Aizen used it for his plan (Taking a SK piece from Rangiku when attempting to create a Hogyoku).
-Kaden truly believes himself to be doing a noble thing, while Aizen is aware that what he does is wrong (he just doesnā€™t care).
-Kaden shows genuine struggle to kill his old allies (Such as Erina), while Aizen has no issues harming his fellow captains and his Squads lieutenant.
Animation Potential:
Kaden holds this back due to GT being incredibly niche. Aizen has a wide variety of both sprite and 2d models to work with (DB has already used a sprite for him). While Kaden only has his ingame sprite, which does not fit Aizenā€™s.
In their simplest forms, both are not easy draws. In their monstrous forms, Aizen is a little more difficult and Kaden is horrid.
Kaden does have some stuff to work with for creation of a model (plenty of ingame art), but thatā€™s the issue, it would have to be fan-made.
Fight Potential:
-Army fight potential with Arrancars vs L-Monsters.
-End of army battle with Espada vs Laura, Morrian, and the L-Titans.
-Begin in base forms, simple sword fight. Kaden has his staff Repentance and Aizen has his Zanpakuto Kyoka Suigetsu. Both are capable in close-quarters combat.
Aizen will Utilize his Kido for an Advantage vs Kadenā€™s usage of Ice and Chains.
Kaden takes the upper hand, stabbing Aizen with Repentance. Only for it to be revealed that he was under Kyoka Suigetsu, and killed Clara (or an image of her, at least)
-First evolution: Cocoon Aizen vs First Phase Infected Kaden. Similar fighting style, Kaden focusing more on Chains, L-Flowers, and ice than before.
Honestly, the least interesting part of the fight, as both are similar to the first forms.
The one thing Iā€™ll give this is Gin and Lorraine both attempting to take them out would be best fit here. Gin vs Kaden and Lorraine vs Aizen. Theyā€™ll lose, but it gives a path to the next part.
-Second Evolution: Butterfly Aizen vs Second Phase Infected.
At this point both utilize a lot more of their ranged attacks. Itā€™s very much similar to the other evolutions though, just with more monstrous canvasā€™s.
At this point Kaden has a Labose realm that he utilizes, which can serve as a counter of some degree to Kyoka Suigetsu. Though it has an obvious weakness with the crystals, so Aizen has an actual out.
-Final Evolution: ā€˜Sealedā€™ Aizen vs Final Phase Kaden.
Both back to Human forms. Aizen being fused with his Zanpakuto means that itā€™s now fists vs Sword (Kaden is using the Disgraced Heroes Blade).
Both utilize ranged attacks. Kadenā€™s storms vs Aizens Kido.
While Iā€™m not sure whether it would technically work, Kaden using a dimension slash to break free of Kyoka Suigetsu would be sick.
-Death: Two ways.
Reaching the end of the fight, both combatants stand to look at each other. For a brief moment, they flash to their ā€˜goodā€™ forms. Captain Aizen and Kaden the Hero. Perhaps things could be different had their minds been in better spots.
Regardless, should Kaden win, he erases Aizen via Labose. Should Aizen win, he destroys Kaden with a Cero.


Note: One thing I wish to do once I return is make a proper and studied look into uni Bleach. I do not think my speed debating did justice to what Iā€™m still certain one. But I need to ensure Iā€™m not on a path without bearing.
This was created with Uni Aizen in mind, and I know it a slippery slope, but this current debate is using that for the sake of storytelling a close fight. I understand that itā€™s flawed until/unless I come with the proof, but Iā€™ve opted to make this choice.
I will also be using the lower interpretation of Kaden (Universal rather than Mutli or higher). As the debate has an obvious winner in this case, regardless of where Aizen gets scaled.
Win Cons: Unlike a lot of Aizen Matchups, he actually has a loss condition that doesnā€™t rely on being stat-stomped. Labose has erasure capabilities, proving capable of wiping timelines completely. Kaden will need to weaken/overpower Aizen to manage this, but just in the same way someone would need to for a regular kill.
Kaden is limited in his rebirth, and unlike Aizen, is capable of dying once he reaches his peak. The longer the fight goes on, the better chance Aizen has of landing a killing blow.
I will not be considering the memories stored within the champions sword. While it would be a restoration of the Kaden that fought Aizen, it is reliant on a continuing loop (an outside force). If Aizen kills the body of the current timeline, that is absolutely close enough to be called a victory.
Strength: Aizen takes this due to affecting the three realms (3 Universes) while Kaden only affects 2. Itā€™s close, but Aizen just has a larger showing.
Durability: Same as Strength, as itā€™s a showing of 3 Universes to 2.
Speed: Likewise, the ability to nearly instantly affect 3 universes is higher than affecting 2, which means Aizen is presumably faster. Both have similar capabilities with dimensional travel and teleportation, so this is actually a close stat.
Experience: Both are centuries old at least, with all being dedicated to fighting or research. But Kaden has hundreds, if not thousands, of loops worth of memories as well. This is a wash for Kaden.
Intelligence: Tie, both not only show incredibly similar cognitive capability, but they both focus on manipulation. Thereā€™s nothing to show that either has a notable advantage.
Skill: For use of extended abilities, Aizenā€™s Kido and Kyoka Suigetsu is far more impressive than Kadenā€™s ice, chains, and Labose attacks. Kaden is far more impressive than Aizen, due to being a long-term swordsman primarily, and capable of beating primordial sword fighters. I give it a tie, but unlike for intel as itā€™s because they have a roughly equal amount of advantages, rather than being equal in everything.
Powers: Even with Labose having the potential to counter it, Aizen still has immortality. Kaden also has no good counters to mind fucks. Aizen takes this.
Weapons: Iā€™m treating this as ā€˜armyā€™, as itā€™s unfair to include the more power-like Kyoka Sugetsu. Likewise a tie, because Aizen has a more impressive variety of Arrancars, but Kaden utilizes his forces far more effectively. Aizen has no issue killing of valuable allies, but Kaden knows how to make only necessary sacrifices.
Winner: Should we utilize the prior sackings, Aizen wins. Heā€™ll need to be wary of Labose, a power that proves to be a risk to his immortality, but Kaden canā€™t take advantage of that unless he can get through Aizenā€™s incredible variety and Kyoka Suigetsu.
All Aizen needs to do is continue forcing Kaden on the back foot, eventually his evolution will peak and a kill becomes possible. Kaden wonā€™t be able to find a victory in 9/10 cases.
With mid-dif (due to Kaden having very possibly chances at victory), Aizen is the winner.
submitted by Aktoruk to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:15 ferinsy [BREAK MY CASE] Review of the new JP husbando game about corporative life with a fun musical Candy Crush gameplay

[BREAK MY CASE] Review of the new JP husbando game about corporative life with a fun musical Candy Crush gameplay
Always trying to bring new husbando games to the general public. Unfortunately, this time it's a Japanese-only one, but since it's a match 3 game, you can play it as a casual game, maybe?
So, coly inc. (Promise of Wizard, Stand My Heroes) has recently released their new game, Break My Case (ćƒ–ćƒ¬ć‚¤ć‚Æćƒžć‚¤ć‚±ćƒ¼ć‚¹). It's a joseimuke game (aimed towards women) where you're working with hot men, basically. I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese, but from the few chapters I've translated and judging the company's record, I guess the MC is probably a woman -- the only one in the whole game, talk about a male-centric work environment.


There are divided into 6 departments, and there are SEVERAL boys, like, too many (21 to be exact). There's one for everyone's taste (but ofc, it's Japan, so you know there are no black characters, and since it's a joseimuke, there are no muscly guys as well).
Anybody who knows idol games and other joseimukes (like Twisted Wonderland) might be used to this divide of different units, but this isn't that important. At the beginning of the game you have to choose a character to be awarded with a free SR card of him. This choice isn't really important and you can easily get those SR cards in the gacha (SR cards aren't the highest rarity).
The boys have beautifully done live2D animations in a couple of places, like their profiles, in the gameplay stages and in the story as well.
A quick overview of each department and their employees:
Main Office
Simulation Department
Watchdog Department
Negotiation Department
Special Affairs Department


The game has an interesting twist in the Candy Crush (match 3) formula: it's dynamic, a line will go through the board and you set up the matches as the line goes by. For a couple of rounds (until the song ends, marked by a Youtube-like line advancing at the bottom of the screen), the line will spawn at the beginning of the board (from left to right, but some challenge stages might have the line going around in different directions) and any matches it touches have the whole matching group removed from the board and new tiles are spawned in their places (the board doesn't "fall" like in Candy Crush, so you can't plan that much since it's random which are the next tiles to appear). Any tile that's matched in groups of 3, 4 or 5 (in line or in T-form) are removed from the board, so you can make matches on the go.
A bit of a breakdown about the gameplay mechanics:
  • You can't unite 2 groups (for instance, 2 groups of 3 in the same line don't make a group of 6, each move only results in one group of matching tiles).
  • If new tiles come up and you can match them in a group, they'll still be removed if the "walking line" barely touches any of the matching tiles (this makes the gameplay very frenetic and dynamic).
  • Once you move a tile and make a matching group, those tiles are locked until they're removed by the moving line.
  • Groups of 4 or 5 form a musical note tile (a single one with 4 matched, double if matched in T, and triple if matched in a line of 5), which is removed by the "walking line" to power up an ultimate skill that varies from each card and to raise the combo (more combos, more bonuses and items at the end of the level).
  • Other skills are present for each boy you bring to the level (you can bring 4 boys for each level --one of them being the leader with a leader advantage/skill--, and a support from friends or random people that'll help you with a boost).
It's one of those games with low stamina limits that only consume 1 stamina per stage. At the start, it's pretty okay, but I can see it being too little in the long run. You can stack up to 3 runs and you can skip stages once for every boy (in the daily grind section, so up to 21 times daily).
A screenshot of a match 3 stage. Notice the line is in the second to last column of tiles, and every tile lit up before the line is alreay matched (hende locked in place) waiting for the line to pass and remove them in the next round.


Gacha is what you expect from joseimukes: pretty greedy, but with hald decent rates at least. Some stuff to consider:
  • Cards have R, SR and SSR rarities.
  • Pity is 3% for SSR, 17% for SR and 80% for R cards.
  • There's at least one SR card guaranteed in each 10 pulls.
  • There's no pity for SSR cards, but there's a 200 pulls spark (through the shop).
  • There's 50/50 in limited banners (oh wow, I'm surprised).
  • There's no written indication of warranty on getting the featured card in your next SSR pull if you lose 50/50.
About the monetization, 10 pulls cost 500 gems, and there are no packs that sell that exact amount (an old trick so you always have gems left and you have to get more).485 gems cost 2.9k yen, and 870 gems cost 4.9k, for reference. There are discounted packs, though (limited time, of course, of course).
Oh, there are 2 pulling currencies: free and paid one. Atm, I can only see a special banner using paid currency (10 pulls guarantee a random SSR), and there's a discounted pull everyday using only 10 paid gems instead of 50). Max level of the cards are heavily reliant on dupes (5 more levels for each dupe, 1 + 4 dupes required). SSR has a max level of 60, SR max level is 45 and R is 30 (no dupes, add 20 for the max level with 4 dupes)
Generosity-wise, the game seems to be extremely stingy, with no events so far, and the game will rely only on events if there's any. For now, stages only offer 5 or 10 gems each, and story is level-locked. At least the starter events give a good amount of rewards, and you get a bit more than 30 pulls worthy of gems just for starting the game and an SSR ticket to play the gacha (random card). There was also a special b-day reward for one of the boys, and the 2nd day prize was 5 gacha tickets, but that reward was only available yesterday.
I'll leave some card images from now on just to make the article more pleasing to the eyes. SSR card.


I'm sorry, but like I said, I can't talk about the story and the lore too much. I've only read 3 or 4 chapters and it was pretty corporative-esque, I don't enjoy the theme at all, but I've been playing for 3 days now only because of the fun gameplay.
The game doesn't need a VPN to access and you can download it and play instantaneously through Qooapp or Taptap (links at the end). It also has a quality I don't often see in Japanese gachas: the UI is clean and minimalistic, and there isn't a lot of loading screens (although I've had a few disconnections, probably due to the distance I am from the main server in Japan). The live2D looks and feels modern and really fluid, and the songs are pretty cool (and a nice touch to integrate the new gimmicks to the old match 3 formula).
If you want to actually play the game and not be like me (super casual), a Twitter fan (@ aporia_eng) is translating stuff for the game, mainly new announcements and info on the characters (link at the end).
SSR card (birthday special)


Lack of English language aside, the game might be a good choice for husbando fans seeking for a new and interesting option. If you like a good story, you probably are beter with Tokyo Debunker (despite all the AI stuff and the cashgrab aspects), but if you want a different gameplay vibe, this game is accessible for anybody who've played any other Candy Crush-like game (and enjoys the genre).
It's a solid 7/10 game but probably a cheap thrill for those who don't speak Japanese and aren't really into the corporative theme.
I can only hope the game comes to global, it deserves to be a moderate success in Japan. But if you've reached this point also hoping about an English release, I'm sorry to crush your dreams, but coly inc. isn't known for localizing their games :(
SR card


  • Interesting gameplay;
  • Adds a twist to the match 3 (Candy Crush) genre;
  • High quality: live2D, great UI, few loading screens;
  • Generous starter rewards;
  • No geoblock.
  • Japanese only;
  • Theme might be too niche;
  • Apparently greedy in the long run (too early too judge, but it is what it is);
  • Dupes make a HUGE difference (it raises the max level, like Nikke).
Meow cat, please meow back (SR card).


Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.colyinc.breakMyCase
Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/%E3%83%96%E3%83%AC%E3%82%A4%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E3%82%B1%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9/id6472174407
Taptap: https://www.taptap.io/app/33653518
Qooapp: https://m-apps.qoo-app.com/en-US/app/23527
submitted by ferinsy to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:11 BrothelKun My detailed GB Road experience

Hi. I just needed to confess and share my experience visiting the brothels at GB road a couple of months ago. Firstly let me introduce myself, I am an person who never had a girlfriend and have low self esteem. I smoke alot of weed and sometimes rely on liquid courage to carry out tasks that get me anxiety. The only action I get are paid for. I am a sick man, you don't have to remind me. I should mention I am posting this from a new account, for obvious reasons.
Looking up GB road online, most of the posts about GB Road hold true. Maybe this post will help others who haven't but are thinking of making the trip there.
Firstly kotha 64, run by Nepalis is the safest brothel, that is true. No one is looking to activately rob you there. But getting there may not be the easiest, as I have unfortunately found out.
I always take the metro to Chawri Bazaar, exit via gate 3. You could take a rickshaw or an auto directly to 64, there are many lined up outside the metro. But I foot it instead. There is a small parallel road behind GB road. Around the day it is hectic and consists mostly of hardware stores. Around 8 in the evening, it is dark and and alot quieter as most businesses have closed for the day. I am not very sure but I believe the stores here are addressed as behind 45, 56 etc. Or it could just be the store number on that particular road. Either way I use them as reference to know what numbered kotha lies in front of it. I take the turn towards GB road when I am around 70 and make my way in reverse.
Incidentally, no pimp bothered me outside in GB road. The street is filled with genuine businessmen running genuine hardware stores. I hardly felt threatened. There was traffic on the road. It isn't hard to spot 64 if you take my route. The entrances of the kothas have cigrette stores opposite or besides them. But if you enter GB road from the direction opposite to what I have mentioned, let me warn you there are several falsely labelled 64s near 64. They are easy to identify as hookers usually sit outside near the entrance, trying to draw a naive guy in. I was once fooled into entering such dubious 64 and that's when it can get scary as once you have entered, the pimps and hookers crowd upon you and won't let you leave unless you take their service.
The pimp will always frisk you, searching your pockets hoping to find the secret cash you have hidden. They won't rob you of your mobile phone or other gadgets you have on, they are only interested in how much you have in your wallet. I unfortunately had around 3k with me, the pimp pocketed 1k and forced me inside a dingy room holding an older lady. I didn't want to do her so I tipped her a 100 and after 10 mins, she let me out. The pimp was waiting outside and asked me if I had tipped. I lied tipping ā‚¹10 and took the chance to ask him more about GB road. There are apparently no beautiful ladies from the north east or foreigners but there are Nepalis. He said he could arrange foreigners if I came back with 5k and asked me to leave the place immediately, shielding me from other pimps and hookers outside. Ofcourse, I never had the intention to trust him to fullfill his promise.
Now the real 64 has no one waiting outside. There is some Hindi written on the inner right wall saying "Yaha thukna mana hai" or something, I didn't bother reading as I hurriedly made my way inside. On my several visits I always noticed an elderly woman sitting on the floor begging shortly after entering. On the ground floor there were old fat hookers waiting but I ignored them and made my way upstairs. The first floor was mostly deserted but had some hookers sitting down looking bored. The second floor was similar but few of the girls looked pretty. On the third floor is where apparently where all the young good looking hookers are. I could never truly guess if any girl is underage. Even if I am a demon, I am no pedophile. I believe the ones with pimples on their cheeks are in their late teens. At first glance, I couldn't find anyone very pretty, so I made my way to the cornerstore in the floor where they were selling cigerettes and drinks.
There are small cornerstores at every floor. I believe the vendors also double as a pimps but they never bothered me. Cigerettes like Classic are sold at 30 each and soft drinks like a ā‚¹20 bottle at ā‚¹40. They also sell snacks but I wasn't interested. They had Tuborg premium which sell at ā‚¹300 but because I paid online, I had to shell out ā‚¹350. No one really bothered me. Every once in while, street vendors selling peanuts and small soft drinks would make their way inside. The brothel is also frequented by vendors selling cosmetic and apparel, they usually target the hookers. There was once a person with a note in English stating his plight trying to solicit donations from hookers and customers. He was shortly asked to leave by the cornerstore vendor. As for the use of phones, there are several posters saying no videography allowed. They never collect your phones but while I was texting, the fat old madam sitting by the door near the stairs scrolling instagram asked me to put my phone away.
As I sat waiting for a girl pretty enough for me to turn up, sipping my beer and smoking my cigerette, hookers at the floor would try to get my attention. Some eventually making their way across to sit next to me. They never really bothered me but waited in anticipation if I would pick them, eventually moving on and talking to the other hookers across the hall in Nepali. Ironically the speakers above would at times blast divine music, like you are currently at some holy place. The cornerstone vendopimp would also do short pujas in the evenings. I was even offered Kaju Barfi by a young chap who every once in while sweeps the floor littered by cigrette butts and empty bottles. Apparantly he passed some exam.
Now the hookers may sweet talk you in the hall, but inside the very small dark compartment containing a metal framed bed with a thin mattress on top and barely any space, they mean business. You pay first and then are asked to wait inside the room as the girl deposits the amount. They lay a small piece of cloth on top of the mattress, half strip down from the bottom and expect you to do them in missionary position, sometimes never exposing their breasts. They are rude if you make requests. Also I have read that they make you put on double condoms but in my case it was always single though they carried an extra. In kotha 64, they have never really asked me to tip but they do expect it. On the third floor, it costs ā‚¹450 a shot and you have 15 mins before someone knocks from outside asking you to hurry up. You could always pay more for more time.
There is a private room in the third floor, one with much more space, lighting and air-conditioned. Doing the deed in the room costs ā‚¹600 for one shot and about ā‚¹1400 (I forgot but around this range) for longer.
In this age of digital payments, one could go cashless but I imagine you'd have to pay extra.
Post coitus, they help you take off the condom and hurry you out in the hall after you've dressed. I take my time to collect myself, sex is draining particularly when you're the one doing all the pumping.
Now regarding the girls, I will just be brief. One of the quiet ones was very skilled and didn't complain much on my pestering. She eventually let me kiss and lick her and suck on her nipples after I had gotten her to cum. Of course, I tipped her good even though she never asked. Regarding my unsanitary actions, I know yuck, it's not much but I saw her taking her toiletries from the drawers underneath where we were sitting and heading to a room containing a mirrored wash basin and what I think is a small bathroom (a toilet perhaps? I just had a small peek). I picked her after she had returned, looking recently bathed. If you have been frequenting brothels as long as I have, you learn to spot infections and even though I am no expert, I haven't really noticed any on the girls at this floor. The Cornerstore vendopimp promises them to be infection free. I don't really trust him but I had tested myself last month because I had to donate blood. The girls also collectively sleep on the floor in the hall. The kothas close around 2am. When I asked what the small set of stairs going up behind the cornerstore on the third floor led to (I was curious about the 'Do not enter without permission' sign next to it), the vendor pimp replied "nothing, just the kitchen".
Another girl I did was very pretty. As she took her fee and headed to deposit the amount at the hands of the cornerstore pimp, I was flirting with the girl I mentioned earlier. Later, inside the room, she conveyed her frustration on my actions. She exposed her non existent tits but was rude throughout coitus. I didn't cum and ran out of time. She blamed me for being intoxicated. I shouldn't have booked the AC room for this one.
After getting out of the kotha, there are several auto rickshaws lined outside. In no mood to walk, I usually take one back to the metro. The autowallas usually charge me ā‚¹80-ā‚¹100, one tried to justify the charge for the ā‚¹50 they pay to park outside the kothas. They don't really ask any other questions if one is wondering. Only once was I shown disgust by an elderly person after exiting. I just brushed him off, he didn't look well off either.
Anyways, this has been my experience at GB road. Over the years I have visited brothels and massage spas across several states, including ones where brothel hookers aren't uptight about positions and requests.
I will someday return to Delhi and may visit GB road. If someone has experienced other kothas in GB road, please do share.
submitted by BrothelKun to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:46 Roekaine Nintendo World Championships NES Edition Deluxe Set Stock Checker

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submitted by Roekaine to StockChecker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:46 mistressmagick13 Laundry room vs. bed room home value

I currently have a 5 bed/3.5 bath three story house.
The third story is half unfinished attic, half bedroom with detached full bath. A sort of small pseudo-suite. My spouse works from home and currently uses it as a home office and work suite.
The second floor has the mastemain bedroom and mastemain full bath, two reasonably sized bedrooms with a Jack and Jill full bath, and a small bedroom not attached to anything. Itā€™s got a tiny closet thatā€™s barely usable. It was staged as a nursery when we bought it, because itā€™s mostly just big enough for a crib and rocking chair. Iā€™m currently using it as an exercise room with my bike and a yoga mat.
The first floor has the kitchen with a small attached walk through laundry-ish room. It opens on to our back porch, but itā€™s barely a room. Itā€™s basically a hallway with closet doors that are too small for the washer and dryer to fit in properly, so they just kind of stick out awkwardly as you walk past to get to the porch and back yard.
The kitchen was last updated in the 1990s. I would like to remodel it. I would like to take down the adjoining wall to the laundry space to open it up and have the kitchen open out to the back porch. It would let in more light and give us more kitchen space. But then my options for laundry would be to have it in the kitchen behind closet doors with no good place to actually store laundryā€¦ or to turn that tiny bedroom into a second floor laundry room.
From a value perspective would it make more sense to
1) Call the house a 4 bed/3.5 bath with a second floor laundry room 2) Keep the 5th bedroom, leave the laundry where itā€™s at / maybe make that hall a bit more functional, and renovate the kitchen at the size it is or 3. Keep the 5th bedroom, tear out the laundry/kitchen wall and incorporate a pantry/closet type area to hide the laundry in the kitchen
From a structural perspective, tearing out that wall is feasible. We had a structural engineer evaluate, and itā€™s non-load bearing with the major structural beam running perpendicular. Additionally, that small bedroom shares a wall with the master bath, and the third floor hot water heater is directly above it. So running the plumbing lines wouldnā€™t be too terribly difficult. Itā€™s also got an exterior wall that could easily vent the dryer.
So all the above options are possibilities. I just need to decide what I want. I fear losing the laundry space all together (option 3) is the worst of them, because a non-dedicated laundry space thatā€™s shared with the kitchen feels not ideal.
I donā€™t ever plan on having more than two kidsā€¦ so I donā€™t feel like I personally need a 5th bedroom, and a laundry room would be more useful to me there. But my spouse raises the very valid concern that with two kids, if we continue to keep one bedroom as an office, we really have no good guest bedrooms.
In terms of value when we go to sell (some day, not soon), what would generally be considered better - a larger kitchen with a dedicated second floor laundry room and 4 bedrooms? Or a smaller kitchen with a somewhat awkward first floor laundry hall, and 5 bedrooms?
submitted by mistressmagick13 to HomeImprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:40 runyoufreak Whatā€™s the deal with the police here ?

So, long story short, itā€™s 12 at night. I just landed in Luxembourg and was looking to buy some cigarettes, the pos of the only store open was not working so I went to take out some money near the main police station in Luxembourg City. I know by experience that all around that police station itā€™s packed with dudes selling drugs (I have been asked numerous times around if I need something) though tonight it was pretty chill, no one around. Almost like a safe place to hang out.
While walking back to my hotel, I pass in front of that police station and three dudes wearing pimp clothes stop me and show me their police badge, they put me in a corner and tell me Ā« yeah we saw you went to take money at the atm where is the cocaine ? Ā»
I tell them I have nothing and then they proceed to check me like Iā€™m a criminal, emptying everything, body search and the whole thing.
Is that something usually happening when going to take some cash out at the atm in the night ? Is it actually illegal to hang out at night looking for cigarettes or using atms ? What is the legal basis here for a body search ? I wonā€™t even speak about the way they spoke to meā€¦ really like I was a freakin criminal. Should not they be more focused on those dudes selling drugs around instead of bothering random people using the atm ?
submitted by runyoufreak to Luxembourg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:37 lorazepamproblems The Connersā€”Satirical Fan Fiction Episode "Famine and Floods"

THE CONNERS: "Famine and Floods"
Scene 1: Conner Kitchen
Dan is sitting at the kitchen table.
Louise walks in.
Dan: Louise, me and the kids are hungry on account of there ainā€™t no food.
Louise: Look Dan, thereā€™s a can of beans right here in the pantry.
Dan: Me and the kids donā€™t want beans on account of we had beans last night.
Louise: Well, why donā€™t you send one of your kids down to the grocery store to pick something up.
Mark walks in.
Mark: Didnā€™t you hear? The grocery store shut down because of poverty.
Dan slams his fist on the table.
Dan: Damnā€™t! Lanford needed that grocery store! Itā€™s where we common folk got our food!
Darlene enters.
Darlene: This is the problem with corporate America. They come in and shut down all the local mom and pop stores and then run out of town at the first sign of trouble.
Jackie enters, Mark exits (not seen again the entire episode).
Jackie: Sheā€™s right. They call it FOOD DESERTS (said in a very long exaggerated voice). Yeah, pretty soon weā€™re gonna be slithering around like snakes trying to get water from a cactus.
Dan: This just ainā€™t right.
Louise: Well, rather than complaining, maybe we can do something. What if we all pitched in and started selling groceries at the hardware store?
Darlene: Thatā€™s a great idea. Itā€™ll be like the old days when people bought their groceries at the hardware store.
Ben: And I know a guy with a grocery warehouse whoā€™ll probably sell me groceries at half off.
Dan: Thatā€™s it! The Conners are in the grocery business and saving Lanford from starving.
Jackie: Well, some of us would probably starve a little sooner than others. Iā€™m just saying. And we could always eat MOM if we had to!
(Theme song.)
Scene 2: Olinsky's Hardware Store
Ben is standing at the hardware store counter.
Darlene enters.
Darlene: I just got a call from the villainous county grocery commissioner. He says we canā€™t sell groceries because we donā€™t have a permit. If we try to sell them anyway, heā€™ll shut down the entire hardware store and then you wonā€™t be able to support us on my lunch lady salary, Iā€™ll have to quit for another job, and Mark wonā€™t be able to go to college!
Ben: That totally blows.
Dan walks in from the back room.
Dan: Well, how much is this grocery permit?
Darlene: Itā€™s $500!
Dan: $500! Oh geez, thatā€™s the amount of money I've saved up to pay off the mortgage. But Lanford needs groceries, so...
Darlene: Dad, we canā€™t ask you to give up your dream of paying off the mortgage.
Harris enters.
Harris: Iā€™ll do it. Iā€™ll go to Chicago to turn tricks to earn the $500 so you all can sell groceries and Lanford doesnā€™t starve and Mom doesnā€™t have to quit her job and Mark can keep going to college.
Darlene: Harris, you donā€™t have to do this. But youā€™re sure you want to?
Harris: I mean, yeah, I guess so. Iā€™m not worth anything to the family anyway. I guess this is the only thing I can do to be any value in the world.
Darlene: You are such a good daughter.
Scene 3: Conner Family Room
Jackie: Has anyone noticed Harris acting a little differently lately?
Darlene: No, what do you mean?
Jackie: I donā€™t know. She seems just kind of down, you know. Not like her normal self.
Darlene: Weā€™re Conners. Something would be wrong if we werenā€™t a little down.
Jackie: No, Iā€™m serious this is different. Watch.
Jackie hits a catatonic Harris over the head with a football and she doesnā€™t move.
Darlene: Maybe youā€™re right. Iā€™ll take her down to the Urgent Care just to be safe.
Scene 4: Conner Family Room
Dan is on the edge of his seat as Darlene and Harris walk back in the house.
Dan: Well what did they say?
Darlene: Apparently the doctor says Harris is suffering post-traumatic stress disorder from her sex work in Chicago.
Dan: Is it serious?
Harris (with flat, matter of fact affect): The doctor says Iā€™ll be OK. He gave me a referral to a person who will help me with coping strategies for the irrational thoughts I have while Iā€™m selling my body.
Dan: Oh, thank God.
Scene 5: Conner Family Room
Ben enters.
Ben: Guys, I just heard on the radio. The first ever hurricane to hit Illinois is here NOW and itā€™s headed straight for Lanford.
Darlene: What are we going to do?
Louise: Dan, your kids need to grow up and learn how to face this hurricane on their own. Iā€™m going to be on the road for the next three weeks, and I wanted to watch Yellowstone with you tonight.
Dan: Kids, Louise is right. Itā€™s time you all faced this hurricane by yourselves.
Darlene: But thatā€™s not fair! Weā€™ve always faced things as a family.
Dan (winking): Well, Iā€™m putting my foot down. You all have to weather the storm by yourselves.
Louise: Oh, alright Dan. They can weather the hurricane with us.
Becky enters.
Becky: Sober life is so amazing. Colors are vibrant, I hear birds chirping in the morning, and Iā€™m present for Beverly Rose!
Darlene: Thatā€™s great. Did you hear, a hurricaneā€™s about to hit Lanford? Also I accidentally threw out that notebook you keep with your list of coping mechanisms for being an alcoholic. You didnā€™t need it right?
Beck: Umm, no, everything is OK. Iā€™ll be fine. Iā€™m just going to head to the basement.
Scene 6: Conner Basement
The Conners all walk down to the basement.
Dan: Becky, where are you? The hurricaneā€™s passed. Itā€™s all OK.
They find Becky lying face down next to a bottle of Vodka. Beverly Rose is teetering on the edge of a bookshelf.
Jackie: Oh, my god, this is bad.
Darlene: Becky, Becky, wake up. What are you doing?
Becky: It was just all too much. The hurricane and then I didnā€™t have my notebook of coping mechanisms.
Dan huffs in anger.
Dan: Donā€™t you get it Becky! It was never about that book of coping mechanisms! Canā€™t you see what Mark has done to you! Canā€™t you see heā€™s sending us these hurricanes and shutting down the grocery store from the beyond? Whenever thereā€™s a problem, canā€™t you see itā€™s Mark? What do I have to do to get through to you that Mark was Satanā€™s spawn and is cursing the town of Lanford from the pits of Hell?
Becky breaks down crying.
Jackie: Sheā€™s having a breakthrough. Her alcoholism is going into remission again.
Becky: Iā€™m cured everybody.
Everyone hugs Becky.
Dan: To celebrate, letā€™s go down to the Hardware Store to pick up some groceries for dinner! Brewskis are on me; I can punt on paying off the mortgage until next month.
Jackie: I donā€™t know, I was thinking about eating MOM!
submitted by lorazepamproblems to TheConners [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:25 solarmastet Your OC was walking through an abandoned store that sells....torture weapons for kids....when they see a person laying on the ground crying, three dead bodies surround them, 2 of them look to have been stabbed. But one looks to have died from blunt force trauma. What does your OC do

Your OC was walking through an abandoned store that sells....torture weapons for kids....when they see a person laying on the ground crying, three dead bodies surround them, 2 of them look to have been stabbed. But one looks to have died from blunt force trauma. What does your OC do submitted by solarmastet to OriginalCharacter_RP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:24 WasdCritics Lightyear Frontier

Lightyear Frontier, the first title from Frame Break, a Swedish game development studio, presents an open-world game in early access, in which the player piloting a Mecha must work to survive and revitalize the newly colonized planet, as well as uncover the secrets present in this unknown world.
The game offers a set of elements that broaden its scope and make it daring, to say the least, especially considering that it is the first game from an indie studio. After landing on the unknown planet, it is necessary to recover the Mecha and its various tools. Upon completing this brief tutorial, the player has their Mecha ready, which is basically a Mecha made for agricultural purposes in order to help colonize other planets by obtaining resources. At this point the player is introduced to the farm element of the game, the player must collect the alien plants from the planet and cultivate them in order to develop the agricultural land, along with this proposal is added the whole layer of managing a base with different structures and improvements for the Mecha. Finally, there is the element of the open world, which is eager for exploration in order to discover new resources and uncover the mysteries of the new environment.
The story of the game goes hand in hand with the main objective: upon entering the planet, the player needs to start a new life in the new world, and a big part of that life, apart from the little farm, is exploring the environment. Each time a new environment is cleared, the player learns a little more about the game's history through a personal AI that tells them why the space exploration mission took place and what the process was like. At the same time, there is a sealed door that has its seals unlocked according to each new environment that is rejuvenated. After the environments have been completely rejuvenated, the sealed door is opened and part of the world's secrets are revealed, along with a special ability for the mech. Unfortunately the story stops there, there is a sequel but it hasn't been produced yet, you'll have to wait for future updates and for the game to be officially released for it to be completed.
As for the farm part of the game, this is also essential to the story as a whole, it's not there as an extra element that takes up time without any purpose, because it's from the 5 tools that the player has in their mech that the process of cleaning up the environment takes place, especially with the plant watering tool and the harvester. The robotic watering can is used to remove harmful mud and the harvester is used to remove harmful weeds, so without both, the whole exploration element becomes meaningless. So where does the farm come in? Mud and weeds are more resistant in more advanced environments, so you need to upgrade the mech's tools so that these obstacles can be removed, and that's where the farm comes in, it's where the different constructions are made available and resources are obtained in order to improve the mecha. The Mecha's improvement site is also built at the base next to the buildings that process the different metals, woods and alien plants into oils to be used as improvements. In addition to the farm itself, exploration is important in the Mecha's evolution, since resources such as trees, stones, aluminum, copper and iron need to be collected from the environment. All these elements are there to make improvements to the Mecha possible, improvements that are not only essential for the game as a whole to continue, but are also important for more efficient maintenance of the plantation.
There are also other interesting elements such as the product store that appears daily on the player's farm, where you can sell and buy products to facilitate progression and partly reduce the need to grind. There's also the quest board, which offers tasks in exchange for money to be spent in the produce store. One element that has been developed that is a positive surprise are the random events on the plantation, which are basically two: the noxious bubbles that need to be popped with the water jet before they grow and explode, and the rain of noxious weeds, both of which can wipe out the player's plantation and both of which always occur in the morning and close to harvest day, for this reason the player is almost obliged to sleep in the house overnight, because if they don't and the random event occurs the next day, it's practically impossible to remedy the disaster on the plantation, so the element is used to limit exploration to an extent that the farm won't be abandoned, an excellent game design idea.
An impactful characterization of decoration in the gameplay has been developed by Frame Break in Lightyear Frontier, unlike other games, the work generously rewards the player for decorating the area of their residence. The different levels of housing allow for different degrees of bonuses, and these bonuses are incredible, such as the chance to increase the collection of resources, destroy objects more quickly with a ā€œcriticalā€ with the blade tool, or even increase the yield of the plantation. The fact is that the game has turned the element of customizing the house and its surroundings into an essential element of the gameplay, and it's an incredible way of encouraging the player to explore all the infinite decorations beyond ā€œI want to make my house prettyā€.
Aesthetically, the work has a pseudo-realism, where the playful mixes with the real and the cartoonish style takes over. It's an interesting mix and is in line with the model proposed by Frame Break, the exploration and colonization of a new planet. Graphically, the game is beautiful and presents almost no performance problems, with few bugs to be found.
In conclusion, Lightyear Frontier delivers the old and basic in a revamped form, not a bad thing for a small studio that has made great strides with its first work. Meca's idea draws attention to the game, which features exploration, base management, the creation of a farm, and a story with normal levels. There is nothing extraordinary or innovative about the basic structure of the game, but it is solid and very well interconnected, the elements of the work are interdependent, which generates continuous progression in all aspects of the work. In short, the work is characterized in this way: the basics done with care and dedication so that the homogeneity of the work is maintained, together with a dash of daring with a somewhat out-of-the-box idea.
submitted by WasdCritics to u/WasdCritics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:13 dreamer_at_heart Puzzles - The Journey Continues at Yodobashi Camera Multimedia in Kyoto and Osaka, Japan

Puzzles - The Journey Continues at Yodobashi Camera Multimedia in Kyoto and Osaka, Japan
Guys. GUYS. GUYSSSSS!!! Send help. I found more puzzles (more on that below.) There is too much choice and it is hurting my brain - I believe u/rtsgrl warned me of this. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« (and to an extent hurting my wallet, but honestly, I flew halfway around the world so whatā€™s a few more $ for puzzles?!)
Next in our series of ā€˜Puzzle Hunting in Japan - 2024 editionā€™, my posted pics are a combination of one company but in two cities - Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Kyoto in Kyoto and Yodobashi Camera Multimedia Umeda in Osaka. Similar to Bic Camera (please see my previous post), this place sells more than cameras. Camping gear, bicycles, alcohol, toys, cosmetics, TVs, you name it, they got it.
And what theyā€™ve got are over a dozen filled shelves of puzzles. These two places have the most variety of brands Iā€™ve seen yet! (Hence my lamentations about choice!) Apple One, Beverly, Yanoman, Epoch, and others I donā€™t even know the names of - all here. My only criticism would be that if youā€™re into the Art Crystal puzzles (at least the Studio Ghibli ones), there is a distinct lack of them compared to the Bic Camera store in Akihabara, Tokyo. But other than that, wow, youā€™d be hard pressed not to find at least half a dozen puzzles to fall in love with and haul home.
Iā€™ve got my work cut out for me. Please send me your thoughts and prayers. šŸ¤£
PS - special thanks to u/jigusou who had pointed me in the direction of Yodobashi Camera in another post!
submitted by dreamer_at_heart to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:12 Imaginary-Contract-6 Kill Bill Vol 2 (2007) The Sensical Cut

Kill Bill Vol 2 (2007) The Sensical Cut
Original Running Time: 137 mins FanEdits Running Time: 114 mins
Outline: Re-edited shot by shot, shots either trimmed or removed, and the sound/music reworked. The idea was to make a pacier, more kinetic & tightly edited version with dialogue more focused, more intense fights, and a faster pace in scenes, fights & dialogue to make a sequel that feels more in tone with the slick original Kill Bill movie.
The first Kill Bill made homage to many aspects of eastern cinema, from the wild Japanese style editing, to the over the top Hong Kong action movies, to the slower less over edited martial art movies of the 70s ...and it all worked together. That same energy I felt wasn't delivered in the sequel after the gory fun frantic energy of the original movie. But when it came out... Something was off about Kill Bill 2 for me. So i sat to rewatch it to work out what that was. The sequel felt (to me) like some of the dialogue wasn't as snappy, the pace far to slow, it lacked the vibrant energy the first one boasted, and scenes felt bloated. After the kinetic style of the first film (still incorporating great slower paced sequences like the death of O'Renn) The editing felt sloppy, with both the pace and edits feeling glacial at times. Some scenes (like Buddy at work, or with the gravedigging pal, felt less slickly scripted in comparison to the previous 4 movies by Mr Tarantino. The long walking shots to music felt like just that, long walking shots, rather than adding style or character atmosphere for the audience. The fights had weak continuity at times, as did some edits in other scenes, mostly michael madsens. I do love how this one is shot, I like the dialogue, and really enjoyed the training by the Sifu, but really... I rarely dig this out to watch, and if I do, I rarely finish it. The slow meandering intro, long pauses between dialogue, and often not adding tension or suspense, makes my mind begin to wonder during scenes, or friends i'm watching it with start to chat over it. So since I re-edited Kill Bill Vol. 1, I have been tinkering with this movie to try and make it feel more focused, have a more continuous pace, and for myself to create the worthy sequel to the first I felt wasn't delivered in 2004. Over the time of editing I realised that the scenes just all really badly needed a lot of tightening with smoother sound edits flowing together from one shot into another. ...Really I just wanted to see if I could make a cut I enjoyed more, & that I might watch more often in the future when i decide to dig out part 1. Hopefully you enjoy this different version of Kill Bill 2 as no scene, dialogue, or music montage is the same as the original version. People know the crack now, I keep what I think works and remove what I find doesn't (this is of course debatable, but hey, it's my edit) then I spend a few nights making the sound work so hopefully the edits are seamless.
Significant Changes:
  • Every shot has been trimmed if necessary (basically all of them) to help pacing/style/continuity, and the music reworked to smooth over the many changes to each sequence.
  • Recut opening wedding rehearsal. Dialogue removed. line by Samuel Jackson. lines from bill. The priest.
  • Recut Bill & Mr Blonde speaking at caravan. Removed dialogue on selling sword cost and Beatrix deserving to die too.
  • Recut Mr Blonde at work. cut Mr Blonde walking from truck to bar. Removed dialogue such as Stripper asking if she should leave, one of the days being scrubbed off the board, and about Mr Blondes hated hat, and Rockets end reaction. Trimmed/removed some tracking shots
  • Recut Mr Blonde arriving home and suspicious of his surroundings. Cut looking at his hat cross-eyed.
  • Recut Beatrix Coming up to door for revenge
  • Recut Mr Blonde talking at Beatrix and call to Elle. Dialogue Removed. Zoomed shot of Mr Blonde getting blood sat over him so you can't see the glass of blood thrown at his right side.
  • Recut Burial sequence. Dialogue removed such as Beatrix being sweet ass pussy, eyes burning. Recut Being nailed In. Recut Darness and Inside coffin.
  • Recut Bill and Beatrix at campfire.
  • Recut arriving at temple.
  • Recut meeting Sifu Pai Mei
  • Recut Beatrix & Pai Mei sword fight & Tiger Claw fight
  • Recut Training Montage.
  • Recut Rice Eating sequence.
  • Recut escaping coffin. Removed Beatrix asking for a glass of water.
  • Recut Elle Diving. Removed Elle pulling up at Mr Blondes. Removed Beatrix walking in desert. Recut transition to Beatrix watching Elle arrive at Mr Blondes. Inserted shot from removed sequence of Elle arriving at buds.
  • Recut Elle & Mr Blonde chat in trailer. Dialogue/shots removed.
  • Recut Snake Attack
  • Recut Elle speaking to Mr Blonde as he dies. Dialogue removed such as always wanting to use gargantuan in a sentence. Recut clearing up money and phonecall to Bill.
  • recut Elle & Beatrix fight. dialogue/shots removed.
  • Recut Sunset montage
  • Recut Beatrix meets Esteban (I should really google the spellings.) Dialogue Removed.
  • Recut Driving montage to Bills.
  • Recut Entering Bills. Removed a lot of Beatrix wondering about the lounge
  • Recut Beatrix finding Bill. Recut Beatrix puts child to bed. Dialogue removed.
  • Recut Bill and Beatrix chat. Dialogue removed
  • Recut Pregnancy assassination scene. Dialogue removed
  • Recut Bill & Beatrix fight.
  • Recut walking away montage
  • Recut character titles and more of Beatrix driving at end credits.
I may try to do an edit of both volumes as one movie (with sequences in probably a new order) and will just go with what feels right and if I can get something to work. As that may go on a backburner, or take some time, here is a cut of Vol. 2 to pair with my sensical cut of Vol. 1.
"Wakey Wakey ...Eggs & Bacey." (I may have removed the 2nd half of this quote in this edit)
I have done a version with the deleted scene reinserted and recut. This will be called the sensical cut extended.
submitted by Imaginary-Contract-6 to fanedits [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:00 PorcelainDalmatian Whistling Past The Graveyard

Most of you have probably seen the truly disastrous New York Times/Sienna swing state polls that came out this morning, that paint a dire picture for the ostriches in the Biden campaign. I understand dismissing polls from outlets like Rasmussen, because their entire polling operation is just a guy named Gary sitting behind a folding table in the lobby of the Rec Center at The Villages. But are we going to dismiss The New York Times? Are they part of the ā€œvast right wing conspiracyā€ now too? What about NBC, Washington Post, NPR, CBS et al? And virtually all of the polls are wrong? Bidenā€™s approval numbers? The ā€œwrong trackā€ numbers? Bidenā€™s confidence numbers? The economic poll numbers? Everything is wrong? Really? Now whoā€™s on ā€œEarth II?ā€
And then there are the numbers themselves. A traditional (+/- 3%) MOE means a 6-point swing. NYT has Trump at +13 in Nevada. Assuming that poll is off by a whopping 50%, heā€™s still beating the swing. Thatā€™s disastrous. 10 points in Georgia? Horrible. 7 points in both Michigan and Arizona? All outside the swing. Polling among traditionally Democrat voting groups are even less encouraging. Recent polling indicates 30% of Black men are considering voting for Trump. Suppose that survey is off by 50%, it still means 15% - which is disastrous for Biden. Donā€™t even get me started on the youth vote. Many people forget that not too long ago, the big prizes of Ohio (18 electoral votes) and Florida (29 electoral votes) were up for grabs. With those two states now firmly in the Red column, the Democrats have a very narrow gauntlet to run.
For some reason, whether itā€™s rose-colored optimism or just plain denial, weā€™re all supposed to act as if everything is fine. From Simon Rosenberg to Geoff Garin to Molly Jong Fast (who Iā€™m now calling Pauline Kael, Jr) weā€™re told not to worry. But you know things are bad when you watch turd-polishing Democrat operatives on cable news say things like:
ā€œWell, Anderson, when you look at exurban, lactose-intolerant, Latvian-American independents with three fingers, aged 37-39, Biden is +2 compared to 2020ā€¦ā€¦.ā€
My spleen is going to implode if I hear one more Democrat pundit say, ā€œDonā€™t worry, polls this far out fluctuate wildly.ā€ Yes, in a typical year they do. But this is no typical year. For the first time since 1892, two former presidents are running against each other, and that changes everything. Why pundits and campaign managers canā€™t seem to understand this is simply beyond me. Unless your comparisons are to the 1892 race, I donā€™t want to hear them. In a typical election year, polls move drastically in the last 6 months because the electorate is getting to know the challenger for the first time. Thatā€™s simply not the case this year.
Both these men are completely known quantities. Thereā€™s nothing left to discover. Both have run against each other before. Both have done the job of President before - very recently. Opinions are largely set. Thatā€™s why weā€™ve seen almost no movement in polls from 12 months out to 6 months out. Everything is baked. Trump killed one million Americans by ignoring COVID, staged a literal bloody coup attempt, was convicted of rape, defamation and a lifetime of financial fraud totaling almost half a billion dollars, and the needle didnā€™t move. If you think getting convicted of ā€œfalsifying business recordsā€ is going to move that needle, then Iā€™ve got some oceanfront condos in Nebraska to sell you. Heā€™s not going to jail. Short of him killing Kristi Noemā€™s other dog live on the Times Square Jumbo-Tron, Trumpā€™s numbers are fixed. Biden fares no better. Is he going to get younger over the next 6 months? Are we going to have sudden deflation that wipes out 3 years of price increases? Is the Fed going to cut rates by 5 points? Are the Israelis and Palestinians going to start holding hands and singing Kumbaya? In 6 months? There are no October Surprises coming, folks - so donā€™t count on one.
Thatā€™s why we need to take these polls extremely seriously - NOW. No more dismissing them. No more waiting around hoping theyā€™ll change. No more, ā€œJust wait until ā€œ______ā€ months out. No more whistling past the graveyard. Our task is different this cycle. Itā€™s not about persuading open minds, itā€™s about changing votersā€™ closed minds, which is a far more difficult and lengthy task. Here are a few ideas for starting that process now:
  1. LEAN HARD ON THE CONCEPT OF FREEDOM: Across the political spectrum most Americans share one core value: We like to be left alone. We donā€™t like busybodies (especially the government) telling us what we can and canā€™t do. We like our freedom. The GOP has already become the party of extremist, authoritarian busybodies, and their future plans are truly dystopian. We need to hang the entire partyā€™s authoritarian impulses around Trumpā€™s neck like an albatross. Book bans, IVF bans, abortion bans, protest bands, porn bans, voter suppression - these are not popular with the vast majority of Americans. We need to start portraying the GOP as the Handmaidā€™s Tale/SNL Church Lady/Nurse Ratchet figures that they are. (And itā€™s not hyperbole when itā€™s already happening in Red states coast to coast. We have plenty of ammo). The hallmark message of this campaign needs to be ā€œCreepy Republicans (mostly men) are obsessed with your bedroom and your bathroom.ā€ Do you want Ted Cruz in your OB/GYNā€™s exam room with you and your doctor? Because thatā€™s where weā€™re headed if you elect Trump/Republicans. Educate the hell out of Americans on Project 2025 and its Evangelical-based Puritanism. Thatā€™s a long, tough task that needs to begin NOW, not in October.
  2. EDUCATE PEOPLE ON BIDENā€™S ACHIEVEMENTS: This shouldnā€™t have to be our job, but sadly Biden has been sitting in an ivory tower for 3+ years, refusing to use the worldā€™s biggest bully pulpit to tout his own achievements. Add in a mainstream media that completely ignores him and itā€™s even worse. It might be too late. Read this truly stunning article from The Hill: 34% of Americans know NOTHING about the American Rescue Plan. 44% know NOTHING about the CHIPS Act. 24% know NOTHING about the Inflation Reduction Act. The infrastructure law fares no better, at 30% ignorance. 25% of the country thinks Biden is responsible for ending Roe V. Wade! Maybe educating them will pull a few percentage points our way, but itā€™s an uphill climb at this late date.
  3. PROMOTE THE HELL OUT OF RFK, JR: Iā€™ve been beating this drum for months now, and thankfully some Democrat operatives are starting to come around. RFK, Jr is one of the greatest gifts the Democrats have ever received, and they need to starting acting like it. Unlike Biden and Trump, he is the one candidate in this race that Americans are getting to know for the first time. And once they do, he pulls almost exclusively Trump voters. Kennedy has virtually no appeal to Democrats, once they get to know him and his policies. So educate them! Promote him! He is doing almost exclusively MAGA press, picking up almost exclusively MAGA endorsements, and taking almost exclusively MAGA positions. If you donā€™t believe me, please sign up for his emails. They are virtually indistinguishable from Trumpā€™s messaging. Go to one of his events - youā€™ll find almost entirely former Trump supporters. As people have gotten to know RFK, Jr. his polling as gone from pulling mostly Biden supporters, to mostly even, to pulling mostly Trump supporters. His brand of wacky, anti-vax conspiracy theorism is perfectly poised to keep 3rd-party-curious voters from returning to Trump. Trump and his MAGA surrogates have been stepping up their attacks on RFK Jr lately, because even they know it in their bones. The Democrats need to promote RFK, by using social media to micro-target the anti-vax, conspiracy theorist, tinfoil-hat crowd that would traditionally go back to Trump. Itā€™s a golden opportunity, and theyā€™re blowing it.
  4. STOP ACTNG LIKE ITā€™S 1982: Biden and his surrogates seem stuck in a time warp. Theyā€™re operating a campaign from a bygone era: Wait until the last few months, run some local TV ads with American flags and amber waves of grain, send out some junk mailers, pick up a union boss endorsement or two, get the local paper (if it even exists anymore) to endorse you, smile a lot, and kiss some babies. Meanwhile the GOP knows itā€™s in a fight for a knife in the mud. Trump is doing rallies - where are Bidenā€™s? Trump and his minions are savaging Biden on a minute-by-minute basis - where are Biden and his surrogates? Donā€™t wait to go for the jugular - do it now. And keep that shiv in Trumpā€™s neck for the next 6 months. Donā€™t worry about looking ā€œPresidentialā€ - worry about looking strong. Get creative and provocative with your dystopian ads. Scare people. Donā€™t worry about naysayers complaining that youā€™re exaggerating, because youā€™re not. Leverage social media - hard. Live in 2024. Embrace it. In other words - stop bringing a casserole to a knife fight.
None of these ideas may ultimately work, but we need to start the fight, and start it now.
submitted by PorcelainDalmatian to thebulwark [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:56 _Cainhurst_ PS store PAL/NTSC Versions?

I'm in Europe and i wanna play the ntsc version of the game (on ps4/5 - because of the 60hz speed up), can someone tell me what version they offer in the european store? I've read the includedlanguages are english, french, italian, german etc. so i assume they just sell the slower PAL version of Legend of Dragoon?!
submitted by _Cainhurst_ to legendofdragoon [link] [comments]
