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2012.05.01 16:11 cezinho Job Search Hacks

Forget traditional job searching - improve your odds with good tips, tricks and tactics that help you stand out.

2009.02.05 05:16 Make Money

A place to discuss ways to make money.

2013.07.05 03:45 StickleyMan Nature Gifs


2024.05.14 21:50 L4zy_R1ce A Rant about Generative AI

First, I want to state, I am ok with students using Generative AI, LLMs, ChatGPT... whatever, as long as they use correctly. Taking a prompt, copying it into ChatGPT, and then copying and pasting the output into an assignment is not using AI correctly.
AI tools are an amazing starting place for writing - but a terrible place to end.
If I were to ask you what the relationship is between Underwater Basket Weaving and the Phases of the Moon - I would expect some weird and crazy answers. ChatGPT says: "Underwater basket weaving and the phases of the moon are not related in any scientific or traditional sense. However..." followed by listing out Cultural Practices, Metaphorical Connections, and Creative Interpretation. Great! These are starting points for research! But the words you put down on paper, the thoughts, and the ideas, have to come from you!
Read up on Cultural Practices related to Underwater Basket Weaving - see if there is a connection to Cultural Practices on Lunar Phases! Maybe you'll find out the Aztecs had a robust weaving industry that worshipped the Moon! During the New Moon they had to hide their weaving from the Moon, but they couldn't stop weaving, so they started doing it underwater! (Side Note: This would make a great writing prompt for a short story).
Read up on the Metaphorical Connections! ChatGPT talks about patience, cyclality, and hidden depth. Again, cool starting point, but a terrible place to stop! As a student being asked this rediculous question, I expect you to go delve into these ideas and not place them before me like a masterpiece of minimalism. Now that ChatGPT has presented the ideas, the student has to delve into them and make them personal to them.
*Deep Breath*
I relate LLMs to Wikipedia for research.
Wikipedia is not a citeable source - however, it is a good starting place when it comes to topics that you don't know a lot about. Read up on it, get some general knowledge, then go to the bottom and look at their sources. Trace the research back to its origin as much as you can. Use what you learned to ask further questions that you can research on your own outside of Wikipedia. If one of their sources is a really good source, get a copy, make your own opinion, and write about that.
But please, please, please... write your own words. I don't care if it's a summary, of a summary, of a summary at this point. Because if you write something in your own words, I know that you have at least thought about it.
submitted by L4zy_R1ce to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:49 wabisuki I broke my own rules.

Disclaimer: This is another one of my epic novels. Consider yourself warned.
Rule #1: Don't tell anyone at work. Rule #2: Don't write about work.
Somehow the boss and I got onto the topic of protein the other day... one thing lead to another... and before I could stop my lips, they spilled the tea. I at least managed to leave the MJ part out. Admittedly, it felt a bit like lying to the priest in the confessional (wouldn't be the first time that's happened)... except, this was on Zoom and we could see each other's faces.
Fortunately, I've lost enough weight now that the revelation was met with a raised eyebrow and a "WOW!" rather than the more typical.. "Really? Again? Until when? Lunchtime?". He's seen this rodeo before - more than a few times - so I really couldn't have blamed him if that would've been his response.
So far, he's been right EVERY. TIME.
And then he asked what my goal weight was. I should've known better.
"What? No! That's too much. You're such a big girl!"
Yes... Yes I am... but recent discoveries would indicate otherwise. (see my post EVERYDAY IS AN ADVENTURE for more information)
My goal weight is... ambitious.
While I would be the first to admit that my goal weight seems rather far fetched, based on my current weight. I didn't just pull it out of thin air. It was important to me that I set a goal that was anchored to something tangible - even if it seemed ambitious.
So, just before I started MJ in January 2024, I had a DEXA scan done. If you're not familiar with what a DEXA scan is, in the most simplest of terms, it's essentially a low radiation x-ray that scans your entire body and will calculate your body composition. You're provided with a report that will outline for you how much bone you have, how much lean mass you have (meaning muscle, connective tissue, organs, etc.), and how much fat you have. It takes it even one step further and provide a reasonable estimate of how much subaqueous fat you have (the annoying but tolerable fat) versus the amount of visceral fat you have (the evil fat twin you'd gladly give up for adoption).
So, knowing what my CURRENT lean body mass is under this fluffy quilt I walk around in, I could use that information to figure out what my "ideal" weight should be. How did I do that? Well, LEAN BODY MASS + 24% BODY FAT. Why 24%? Well, based on what I could estimate from guidelines online, 24% seemed to fit the mid-range of what would be considered 'healthy' for a woman of my age and height. So with a little basic math, I came to a number that is now my goal weight.
And yes, I'm perfectly prepared to settle on a much higher weight if, somewhere along this journey I discover a point where I'm actually comfortable in my own skin <-- Ha! Ha! That would be a first!
Plus, thanks to this subreddit, there is at least one person out there that started at a similar weight to me, same height as me, and is maintaining her weight within a range I had calculate. And she has the pictures to prove it! So, there is evidence that my end game is not entirely a made up fantasy. Thankfully, Cautious-Freedom-199 has been very open in sharing her personal journey, and it is her willingness and courage to share this part of herself that has made it possible for me to even imagine the possibilities.
So why am I having to defend myself?
Well, it's human nature.... and I have to keep reminding myself of that. Everyone will always have an opinion about something. We all do it. But what is important, is to recognize the intent. The intention, in this case, was not to harm me or ill will. Clearly, he has a point of reference, that he can relate to. And the number I stated, didn't align with his point of reference. And that's okay.
But still... suddenly I found myself having to justify my goal weight to him. A number, I'm not even convinced myself is based in reality. While I'm cautiously optimistic about the future, there's still a big part of me that has seated herself on the sidelines with her giant bowl of popcorn and strawberry twizzlers, keeping herself entertained with all of the replays of past colossal failures, while she waits, with eager anticipation, for the latest feature failure to premier.
My saving grace is that I'm a little bit of a nerd. I research the most mundane random curiosities, just for entertainment purposes - and also to help inform myself. Health, nutrition, weight loss all happen to be some of the mundane random curiosities I've obsessed over - for MANY YEARS. All in an effort to try and understand where all these little f*** fat cells came from, why they picked MY BODY of all places, and why every other cell in my body knows to DIE - skin cells die... brain cells die... muscle cells die... but for some reason, these fat little f*** fat cells convinced God to grant them eternal life. And with my luck, these little f*** will end up following me into the afterlife and I'll be fat there too - for eternity. My point is, when I find myself in situations like this, talking to someone who knows less about the topic at hand than I do... my super power is to literally bury them with information. More than they ever would want to know. And I don't stop, until they BEG me to.
Credibility is King!
If you're going to put any part of yourself out there, it pays to arm yourself with a few fun facts and have some tangible evidence to back up your rationalization, AND present in a way that is relatable to the personal your talking to. Nothing lends more credibility to what you're saying than sounding like the leading authority. In other words, it's hard to argue with someone who knows their shit. So when I explained how I came up with my goal weight, whether he agreed with it or not, it didn't matter. He could see that there was a methodology behind it, it was based on facts, and presented in a way that allowed him to understand there was strong logical evidence to support that number.
While this won't work in every situation - some people are just an ignorant stick in the mud - and you can't fix stupid, so don't waste your time even trying. Usually, if your audience is of reasonable intelligence and reasonably open-minded, and capable of having a respectful and rational discussion, then you at least have a fighting chance that they'll recognize that whatever your perspective is, has merit and isn't just complete bullshit. They may still chose to disagree - and that's okay. It's not your job to convince anyone that you're right and they're wrong. And so long as everyone agrees to respectfully disagree and leave it at that - there's nothing wrong with it.
Only time will tell....
He could actually be right.
I certainly don't know if I'm right.
And it doesn't matter.
But there are boundaries.
I did leave a key detail out of my discussion with him. Mounjaro. That was not by accident. And that's because I know there is a public perception of GLP-1 medications that is very misguided and misinformed and it is not a mountain I'm prepared to die on anytime soon. I don't know if he's even heard of these medications. It's quite possible he knows nothing about them. But it doesn't matter. This is a small detail I choose to keep close to my chest. Maybe, once I've reached my goal weight, I'll be more open about it. But no sooner than that, and it may well remain something that is on a 'need to know basis only' and most people won't ever need to know.
One thing I know for sure, and has proven itself time and time again, is that someone who has never had a significant weight problem their entire life CANNOT possibly relate to someone who has. They cannot process the distinction. They equate their struggles to lose 10-20-30 lbs to be the same as someone trying to lose 100-200-300 lbs. It's NOT the same. It's a different war on a different battle field with different rules. And I've learned that it's a losing battle to try and convince anyone just how different it is.
There was a podcast I recently watched on YouTube on PeterAttiaMD 's channel talking with Layne Norton. Layne explains why two people - one who has been lean their whole life - the other, fat their whole life - can both try to lose 20lbs and how the deck is stacked against the fat person vs. the lean person. I don't recall the specifics off hand and don't want misquote - but if this is of interest then maybe hunt through those interviews. If I can find it - I'll post it in the comments. But it was definitely an Aha! moment for me when he explained it. Sometimes, you hear someone explain the science and you suddenly feel vindicated.
So how did my conversation end with the boss?
Well, it ended with him asking me how many calories he should be eating per day, how much protein he should have, and then me calculating out his TDEE, caloric target, and macro ratios so that he can start on his own weight loss journey tomorrow. šŸ˜‰
< scroll credits >
submitted by wabisuki to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:49 Playernotcopper List of questions from a Arm Board Miner

Fair warning for the dumbest rig Iā€™ve made work yet.
I recently was able to make an Orange Pi 5 have an advance monero gui wallet with a local node and right now Iā€™m figuring out if Iā€™m even connected to p2pool. I couldnā€™t find a aarch gupax so I couldnā€™t do it the easy way and even though this sounds dumb, I donā€™t want to use the GUI wallet to mine p2pool. After 3 days of the external usb wifi dongle disconnecting and me replugging it to get back on the network, making my room cold to help the tiny fan (yes singular) to cool my pi, and attempting and failing to automate a process where if the pi fails it would restart and auto start 3 terminals for xmrig, monerod, and p2pool node, I have a few questions.
Thank you for reading and judging.
submitted by Playernotcopper to MoneroMining [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:48 tvchannelmiser Lead My First Writer's Room!

I recently lead my first writer's room as a head writer! I've been working on a personal project for a while and when we finally got backed and financed, it was crazy! I don't have enough experience to be a showrunner, so we hired someone else. However, being in a writer's room and not just a PA was mind blowing. It kinda felt like knowing how to swim, but now it's my first time in the deep end. I'm sure there are more experienced people on this subreddit with better advice, but I just want to talk about what I learned.
Context: Even though I can't say which show it is right now, I can say that it is for cable and is a 13 episode, half-hour drama. Including myself, there were seven writers.

1: Don't be afraid to redo the pilot!

My showrunner really showed his experience by pointing out the flaws in the pilot, not based on the telling of the story in the pilot, but the pay offs we wanted to happen later in the series.

2: Confidence, confidence, confidence!

I talked about it with one of my producers and she encouraged me to just do the best I can. After all, you can't really be wrong or mess up something that doesn't really exist yet. The writer's room was really a place for everyone to just figure out what was going on and the first season is always full of experimentation. As my confidence grew, I was able to talk about my characters and core themes with a lot more depth, like I had when I was talking to myself. This made everything way easier to write and had I just had the confidence from the beginning, I feel like we wouldn't have started off so slow.

3: Lean on everyone's specialty.

4: Try new stuff till it sticks.

Even after we got everything off of index cards, sat down and wrote the scripts, there were holes and weaknesses in the season that wasn't as obvious before. Always looking at the big picture and the pay offs we wanted was key. Don't be afraid to try something new if you think it can improve the script or season, no matter what stage.

5: Communication

Other times when people were "too quiet", he made sure to make those writers give opinions on the topic at hand. Sometimes they had ideas they thought were stupid, but actually were really great.

6: Be friends

7: Check the ego at the door

We are scheduled to start shooting the pilot later this year, so I can't wait to see what happens next. It's far from over and there's a lot that still needs to happen before it even goes to screening, so I hope everything works out! If you have had any experiences in writer's rooms or advice, I'd love to hear it! I just thought I'd share this. Happy writing!
submitted by tvchannelmiser to Screenwriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:48 CattleElectronic3222 Could this girl be interested in me(based on these hints)?

Hi everyone.I started liking a girl and I need some advice from anyone that can tell surely if a girl is not straight :) cause I havenā€™t really had any romantic experience so far and I donā€™t know if Iā€™m just being delulu or if sheā€™s actually interested in me. To keep the identities private,Iā€™m gonna name myself Y, my friend that introduced me to this girl X,this girl Z and her friend W. Itā€™s gonna be quite a long post.
A month and a half ago X introduced me to a classmate of hers(Z) and we both had very good first impressions of each other.I instantly thought that she was really pretty and funny.We were in a group setting and she told me ā€œIā€™m going to remember you bcs X is always talking about how cool you areā€.After we all went home,my friend messaged me to tell me that Z said that Iā€™m very good looking.Since that day X started making fun of her about me,like telling her ā€œShould we bring Y to calm you down?ā€ when sheā€™s mad and stuff like that,and she reacts good, X told me she says ā€œshe wouldnt dislike itā€ whenever she makes jokes about me and her. X once called her to hang out with us since we were in the same city(we live in different places but still pretty close) and Z told her that sheā€™s ā€œnervous because of meā€ and she wonā€™t come.And whenever X asks her to hang out with us, she asks if Iā€™m the one that wants her to come.
After a month we finally met again,at the gas station.She was with a friend of hers(W)that went inside to buy something, and I went to talk to her. I asked her about when will we hang out again.Later she told X that she thought I was being flirty with her and I made a flirty face when I asked her that.Then,when she left with W, they were making fun of the situation and she was saying stuff like ā€œHow would it be if Y liked me?ā€ Everything good so far,but then she stopped liking my instagram stories(she used to like everything I was posting).
Then when X hanged out with her again,I asked her to ask Z if sheā€™s disturbed by me or the fact that she thinks Iā€™m flirting with her(X told her not to think that Iā€™m doing that).Z said that she really doesnā€™t mind because Iā€™m pretty and Iā€™m cool,and she said something like ā€œIf Y likes me,I feel bad for her because sheā€™s so pretty and such a good person and look at meā€¦she deserves someone betterā€ā€¦now maybe Iā€™m delulu and sheā€™s just a good person butā€¦I just donā€™t think a straight girl would say something like that.Then I came to hang out with them too and I talked to her about it too. X said Z never really talks to boys as the other girls do and one time another friend of Z told her (in a judgy manner) ā€œmaybe you like girls,thatā€™s why you never talk to boysā€,and Z didnā€™t say anything.
Z has this friend W,I only know her a little but I donā€™t really like her.X and others told me sheā€™s a pick me and she influences Z a lot, sheā€™s very manipulative and X told me W might be pursuing her to talk to boys and do whatever she is doing as well.And the truth is that Z acts completely different when sheā€™s with W vs. when sheā€™s with us alone.Last time I hanged out with her she put her arm around my shoulder and was just really nice. Then,this weekend, me and a bunch of friends went to a restaurant where Wā€™s sisterā€™s birthday was taking place(and ofc Z was there).She hugged 2 of my friends but she didnā€™t even say hi to me.Then for the whole night she ignored me,whenever we almost made eye contact she looked other way,and whenever I would leave she would come where I was sitting. She might just be avoiding to hang out with me when Wā€™s there so W wouldnā€™t judge her,but I also thoughtā€¦if we talked and she said that everythingā€™s cool between us and she said she likes me (as a person) numerous times,then she would just hang out with me casually,in a friendly manner,like she did with my friends this weekend.There wouldnā€™t be any reason for her to ignore me,unless she lowkey feels something for me.Or maybe sheā€™s ignoring me on purpose to intrigue me.
Anyway,I find the whole situation very fishy.What do yā€™all think?
submitted by CattleElectronic3222 to WLW [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 Ace0fBats Making my own book about my special interest! (any advice welcome!)

Roughly 2 years ago I became incredibly fascinated by bats and everything they do. I started writing both general facts and detailed document on my laptop (notion). I painted some that I found pretty or especially interesting and bought all books i could find!
After about 1 year this special interest faded because the way i "interacted" with it felt dull to me... But I still get super happy when I see a bat, or someone mentions bats in any way during my day. I just absolutely adore them!!! I think I want to write a book about this special interest of mine, not only about bat facts but also about how they've helped me get through life, what they mean to me. I don't plan on publishing, because I am not a professional by any means, just an obsessed 18 year old lol.
Would this be a good idea? And if so, are there any question or topics (etc) that I should include in this book? I'm open for all suggestions!!! Also if you've done something like this please share your experience with me, i'd love to hear all about it!
submitted by Ace0fBats to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 dragonshouter The shaman of Muck returns( end of spirit conflict sub event)

The shaman of Muck returns( end of spirit conflict sub event)
NOTICE: This was taken from a group chat with the participants. u/AnActualCriminal , u/avamir , u/HalfDrowShaman , u/DragonWisper56 . That's why it is weirdly formated; I tried my best.
The party enters the spirit world, that land of infinite mist where concepts have form. Last time the group had discovered the location of the Exalted beacon and now they can see the spirits domain on the horizon(?). The domain of the of the spirit is a shining citadel made of crystal and marble. There are lines of silver and gold throughout the whole compound. Light radiates like miniature sun. In place of a sun or moon floats a giant metallic eye... watching. As the party arrive they notice something, there are no shadows in this realm
Crispin: *Crispin is jostled awake by Ichor and spills out onto the ground covered in tar.*
"Eugh. What? Oh yeah. Exalted Beacon. Shit tracks."
Riva: Riva seems... ill at ease, guarded.
Crispin: *Crispin looks at the giant metal eye for a bit too long.* He get's sunspots
Riva: "Don't look into the giant lights, imp." Riva lets out a loooonng sigh.
Agnur: Agnur weaves illusion around them it would be bad if they were spotted
Drow: *the drow casts soul shadow and light eater to give herself some magic sunglasses*
Riva: Riva just squints. "Do we attempt to kill everyone, or do you think there's a possibility of converting them back from... this?" She gestures vaguely.
Agnur: They took our friend, they made their choice
Riva: "I tend to agree with you. But at the same time... killing the zealous because of the new religion they picked up isn't the greatest look."10:33 AMRiva makes some... warding circle shades? and places them on her face.
Crispin: "Let's fucking defile this place. Stupid giant sexy eyes blinding me."
Riva: Riva grimaces at the whole "sexy eyes" thing. Ugh. "Works for me. Let's do this."
Agnur: regardless of sexing eyes how are we going to get in?
As the party walks up up to a tall wall around the citadel.
Drow: I can just walk up this
Crispin: "I can fly. Lookit."
*He does, in spite of his wings looking like one of those oil spill ducks from a Dawn ad.*
Drow: *the drow walks up the walls casually* *she makes it to the top and then shoots some ephemeral ropes out of her armor, tethering them to the wall*
Riva: Riva takes a rope and begins climbing up... in a manner like Adam West Batman, admittedly. But she isn't going to ask for a memory from Crispin so she can teleport up.
Agnur: Agnur climbs up
Ichor: *Ichor slorps up a rope with peculiar viscosity as Crispin lands at the top.*
The group looks over the wall
As they do they notice how...still it is. Nothing is out of place, there is no dirt or dust, no noise or bustle. Only silence except for a few sentries. Moving through the streets are some weird creature. It is like a shadow except shadows don't exist here. The aren't light however, just not shadows. Silver "shadows" will do for now; they stalk the streets. On top of towers however sit zealot priests in pale robes, watching
Drow: "sentries. Some kind of... Silver shadow monster..." "you wanna go in hot or cold guys?"
Crispin: "I can make a distraction. Gotta call in a debt though." *Crispin rattles a bag of teeth.*
Riva: "They don't seem to be tethered to the priest but they seem kinda similar to the undead type shadow. There is something soul adjacent about them. Probably touching you does some sort of damage to your spirit." "I wonder whether killing the priests would rid us of the... spirits."
Crispin: "Guys I think we're being too thinky here. These are order guys right? All this strategy plays right into their hands." *He rattles the bag again.* "C'moooooon."
Agnur: I mean it would give us some cover...
Drow: "why don't I just sneak ahead and try to grab one of those guys first" "just make sure I have backup"
Riva: "That works for me."
Drow: *the drow begins sneaking along the wall as best she can towards the nearest priest tower*
Ichor: *Ichor clings to the outside of the top of the wall, trailing behind Drow.*
Drow is able to sneak up the tower un-noticed. The guards are spaced out because they have a giant eye in the sky( literally). She gets behind the guy and hear muttered prayer. *the drow does a series of actions in rapid succession. First she creates a bubble of mute, then she taps the man on the back making him go blind and deaf, and finally she grips him by the neck and begins choking him out*
Drow: [do we want this guy alive or dead?]
[]= telepathic cummunication
Agnur: [he can't talk if he's dead. lets get information first]
Drow: [ok let me disable him...] *the drow touches two hands to the man's head and begins dripping horrors into his mind until he passes out from fear* [ok. What do you guys want to ask him?]
Agnur: [what the fuck is he and what does he do. we need to know how dangerous he is]
Crispin: [Where's our boy? And do these shitheads know we're coming for him?]
Drow: [ok! I'll try the normal way first, if he doesn't comply I'll kill him and ask his soul] *the drow creates an illusory similacrum of herself and places it inside the man's mind, she asks his inner consciousness the following questions and listens for his answers* "hey guy, who are you?"
"You will pay infidel!!! The great and glorious Exalted Beacon will end you! Their (he goes into like a thousand titles and compliment I am not writing) will force you to kneel before them. All shall kneel before them so sayth their loyal preist and servant Atticus!!!
Drow: what does this exalted Beacon look like
Exalted Beacon is beautiful a statuesque, thirty feet tall, being made of the most stunning marble, crystal and precious metal. Their voice is a chorus, their eyes are brilliant rubies. They have a mosaic halo of gold with eyes on it. They also float above the ground because they are to good to tred upon it. The rest is repetitive praise
Drow: *within the zealot's mind he sees the drow prance about, threatening him. Then he sees the exalted beacon launch a bolt of light through the sky, exploding the simulacrum of the drow**the exalted beacon stands tall in the distance and booms at him*"I have come to save my loyal servant" "tell me thy purpose servant, so I shall have it known"
(this is an illusion)
"Thank you my master! I am but a mere secondary sentry, but one of the ones that joined you willingly unlike those plebian villagers. ( he just continues blubbering thanks)
Drow: "good! And have you been enjoying the powers you have been granted? Describe your abilities to me, compare yourself to your cohort" "you have done well. If you are worhty I shall grant you more powers"
Thank you lord. You have granted me the ability to smite those in your name with radiant light. I could fight toe to toe with the lowest of mages. I am slightly above average amongst my cohort but I serve well enough guarding the domain. I am also tasked with commanding the Vestiges of Shadow you have given me. Like hounds of war they hunt down the non-believers and drain them of energy before I can bring them to you.
Drow: "I see. How goes your training with the vestiges of shadow? Tell me every relevant detail about them"
Riva: Riva waits expectantly for him to spill the beans.
Of course master. They are made from the shadows of your prisoners at the throne. Screaming you praises for all eternity. This torment shatters there soul to create these vestiges in place of their shadows. From then on they act as loyal servants and drain the disgusting essence of show from a persons being. Without you intervention a person could not survive long without it. That shadow needs to be replaced with your energy to remain among the living.
Drow: *the drow relays this information telepathically*
Riva: [ "I wonder if their shadows, and parts of their soul, can be returned to them." "Another idea. Can you mimic a vestige, Drow? We are terrible nonbelievers, and you could bring us to this being. Once we have a way of dispelling its power, of course."]
Drow: [yes, I should be able to mimic one][he also mentioned the eternal torment of the civilians was how they separated their souls to make the shadows][if we disrupt that maybe we can have them despawn without killing the guy]
Riva: ["He said he drained the non-believers of energy before bringing them to this being... so if we can get in, perhaps we can disrupt this ritualized torture, and perhaps that would rid us of the vestiges? And perhaps drain this being of power."]
Drow: [yes my thoughts exactly. Now, for the last question]"servant Atticus. Tell me where kyrgrin is now."
Your most hated prisoner? At he very center of the citadel where you can keep an eye on him.
Riva: After relaying the information telepathically, Riva might ask Drow to ask whether Krygin was being used as a power source. Perhaps word it as some sort of test for Atticus. "Remind me, my servant... What treatment is Krygin receiving?" (Or something along those lines)
No your holiness. The prisoner's magic is incompatible with ours. You bound him everyway you could so he couldn't conspire against you. You worried that killing him wouldn't be permanent enough for your plans. Wizards have escaped death before and that welp is harder to kill than a cockroach. He is to be bound until the universe ceases to exist.
Riva: Riva makes a quiet, "Hm." And considers.
Crispin: "Checks out. He's not a powerhouse but last we saw him a fucking bomb was turning him into a puddle. Krygin's hard to kill."
Agnur: It was a fucking black whole....I love that little guy
Riva: "If this being is using his power to bind Krygin personally, I wonder if disrupting his power will free Krygin. Now to figure out how to disrupt this being's power."
Agnur: I mean if we mess up the palace it could help, or at least distract it
Crispin: "They're spirits, yeah. Purity. Order. The grosser and more chaotic we are the better."
Agnur: should we call in crispin's debt
Riva: "Ah! Yes, that would... ha. That would definitely do it. Ha ha." She had neglected the symbolism of things. And if anyone could make a mess, it'd be Crispin.
Riva + drow: With the questions done, and Atticus disposed of, Team Kryginator decides to move closer to the goal. Using Drows abilities at illusion, she feigns being a Vestige bringing the group (who pretend to be tired so to look like their energy is drained), and move closer into the area where people are being kept. [now crispin!]
Crispin: *Crispin rips open the pouch the way he opens most things. Tearing it open upside down like a dysfunctional kindergarten with a bag of dorritos, completely ignoring the draw-string.* "Been playing a lot of poker in my down-time..." *Teeth clatter onto the ground. Dozens. Each one with a name in low Sylvan etched onto it. They transform into tiny pallid creatures with gangly limbs, dragonfly-like wings, and rows upon rows of needle-like teeth.*
"I've been winning." *The tooth fairies scatter, each one set on either harassing a guard or knocking over something expensive.*
The giant eye focuses on the distraction and the party feel the energy of the domain shift aggressively. The tooth fairies will likely be driven off but it will certainly distract everyone. Guards from across the citadel converge in this area. The group moves at a light jog; *Crispin strolls languidly until Ichor picks him up and moves at a better clip*
*the drow vestige leads the pack hoping that the other guardians will let her through* The party charges through the gates. The guardians are too distracted to pay close attention to the vestige and entourage
Agnur: Agnur cuts himself and draws runes of corruption on the wall ever once in a while. The runes cause the walls to pucker like wounds as the natural energies of this place try to fight off the intrusion.
Ichor: Ichor leaves a trail of tar
The party sees the prisoners as they reach the "throne room". It is like a giant colosseum like structure. The Exalted Beacon floats in the center eyes closed; it hasn't noticed you. Around the room are hundreds of people in various states of torture such as having silver bars impaling someone. The blood runs like rubies in here. It should be discussing but something makes it beautiful. All of them ar screaming praise and begging for release. The influence of this place is makes what should be discordant noise into a choir. Silver shadows prowl but currently accept you as prisoners.
Patrolling a silver shadows with priest overseeing them.
Drow: Drow sneaks behind a priest while invisible. *the drow tries to grab him and swiftly stab him in the heart. She plans on taking his form and turning him invisible simultaneously* A invisible body drops down quitly. *for now, the drow simply takes her post and waits for the right time to issue some more interesting commands*
Riva, Ichor and Crispin hide. Crispin is in the form of a rat
Agnur: Agnur activates his Teumessian pendant and starts sneaking around. when agnur reaches one he tries to club them to death as quietly as possible. His pendant warps fate so no one is looking; he bashes a mans brains in and tries to hide the body. He dies before he can scream
Crispin: *Crispin transforms, shrieking at the top if his lungs like a baby on fire, lugung at one if the priests. The shriek is pitched and sustained specifically to counteract the choire-like atmosphere of the room.* The blood sprays across the room.
Drow: Drow gives the shadows contradictory orders to confuse them
Riva: Riva concentrates, and draws a circle. Unlike the vast majority of ones she done, however, this is strangely... green? This is very much not her affinity, but she knows the basic forms. And from this circle, she calls on the Alseid clans of the Earthen planes. Unlike a fire elemental, she doesn't bind it to her will directly, but rather asks and *pressures*.*If successful, some of these looking dudes/dudettes/etc. bound from the circle. Riva would direct them to release the hostages, Unbinding them from Thews of Earth (silver), and heal them." The Alseids have a green glow which pushes against the natural energies of the citadel.
Asleids( nice earth elemental adjacent dudes)
The Exalted Beacon starts to wake from it's trance. As this is happening Agnur notices a false wall of crystal which he deduces Krygin is behind.
Agnur: Teleports over to the wall but finds no way of opening it.
Drow: *the drow continues concentrating on the shadows, trying to get them to help break more chains* *she drops her illusory shadow and instead creates a bubble of sensory deprivation around the exalted beacon* *trying to stall it's awakening*
The "shadows" help confused but do so. Some blink out of existence as they free the human they were made from.
Ichor: *Ichor spews themselves as much as possible. Spattering the room.*
Agnur: I summon bram and he starts hitting the wall with the force a earthquake. I impower him. The crystal starts to break but it accelerates the Beacons notice
Ichor: *Ichor readies to surge at the beacon like a geyser the instant it becomes aware. They're likely not strong enough but they can hold attention.*
Drow: "Someone get a big portal ready! We gotta get kyrgin and these civs out" *she mentions the civs to appease the others but does not care at all about them*
Agnur: Agnur takes bottled rage and pours it into bram to increase his attack power
A red glows around Bram and his blows triple in power. Soon the wall will break. The Beacon wakes and tears through the illusion and the halo flares! "Who intrudes on my domain"
Riva: Riva tries to portal the civilians out of the crumbling tower, back to somewhere outside where she's been before. It's a little strange in this realm, but she shuffles them out as quickly as she can. And has one of the Alseid's go out with them to try and heal the wounded and keep them moving. Riva gets ready to crank out a bigger gate for Krygin...
The civilians try to escape as quick as they can. Every peson saved seems to dim the Beacon's glow
Ichor: *Ichor surges forward and Crispin lights the tar with a firebolt. A geyser of flaming tar would slam into the Beacon like a locomotive.*
The Beacon slams against the other side of the room but grabs at Ichor. It's touch burns( though because Ichor likes fire it is more of an acidic burn) "Do you Challange a god!!"
Drow: *with all the civs freed, the drow releases her other illusions and pulls out her spell grenade launcher. She launches a ball of incendiary darkness at the pillar*
Agnur: I enhance the runes I places around the castle to weaken it
The darkness slams into the wall and it shatters and the walls shake as the walls start to corrupt
Ichor: "BalaNCE MUsT bE rEStOReD!!!" No one but Krygin really speaks primal tar, but that's what they say
Crispin: *Meanwhile Crispin is saying every swear word he knows at the top of his lungs. Every obscenity. Every vile act one can do to a hole. Fulness and impurity of another kind.*
As the smoke clears Krygin is revealed. Krygin "sits" boneless with silver chains around his wrist. He sits in a circle of salt surrounded by a circle of pure water.
Agnur: Agnur uses a piece of Sorrowsore to pollute the water
The Beacon begins shooting flashes of divine energy at Ichor while a translucent "reflection" of it appears before the rest of the group and punches the ground before disappearing
Drow: *the drow goes invisible and prepares to bolt. She leaves behind 3 illusory duplicates to continue fighting*
Ichor: *Ichor can't take much more. They try to hurl the Beacon into a wall and retreat. Too much Tar has been used up.*
The Beacon is slammed into the wall leaving a crater. The beacon begins to charge up a divine blast.
Riva: *Riva kind of... kicks some corpses over at him(Krygin)? Can he eat that? Us that to reconstitute himself? while she redirects the Alseids to poop on things, kick over the salt, and piss into the pure water.* *Kicks corpses at Krygin. She'll try and open a portal once he's able to... uh... move? Slither?*
As soon as Krygin can slither he slides forward a a burger on grease and swallows the corpses whole like a a snake. Bones shift under skin. He isn't 100% but he can walk now
Crispin: "I missed this repulsive fucker."
Drow: *the drow runs next to the portal and launches an ephemeral rope at kyrgin, grabbing and pulling him like a child down a slip and slide to the portal* *her other clones try to distract the beacon while she does"
Krygin: "Wait what?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
Several reflections of the beacon strike at illussions. Shattering the area around them
Ichor: *Ichor doesn't have time to grab a corpse. Headed for a portal. Crispin grabs some deer poop, ignites it, and throws it before fleeing.*
drow: *the drow grasps the weird slime creature they just saved and falls backwards through the portal like a trust fall*
Agnur: Agnur summons up all his rage greif and desperation from the past while and pours it into a curse. calling favors from fae, demon, spirit and monster he brings rot and decay to the pure. bram carries him out
Riva: *Riva keeps the portal open until everyone is out, then tries to snap it shut.
At the last second the beacon grabs the portal; not magically just pulling reality open but then Agnur's curse hits them like a truck. So hard in fact that a small piece of crystal fractures. The Beacons cries in pain and the portal closes.
Drow: Hey job well done guys. Where are we riva? *the drow immediately takes out some tea and begins sipping*.
They were in an Ithicar hospital.
Ichor: "LAWyeR. ArE yOU All rIGhT?!"
Krygin: Krygin shakily stands. "I'm ... free. I'm free. I'M FREE!!!!" He tries to jump for joy but hurts himself. He gives Ichor a goopy hug
Riva: Riva thanks the Alseid's in greek, and they make appropriate polite noises in their ungulate sorts of ways, and disappear.
Drow: Hey krygin, nice to meet you. I'm your savior, the Drow.
Krygin: The just looks at drow with the placid expression of a frog. "Sure, I'm used to dealing in favors"
Drow: *score, the drow thinks* Also Riva. You owe me too! The rest of you... We should get drinks later
Crispin: "Waaaaay ahead of ya." Pulls out a bottle of medical alcohol and drinks
Drow: *the drow taps his alcohol bottle with her tea vial*
Riva: "Sigh. I'll add it to the tab."
Krygin: "I... must... throw a feast!" "You are all invited!"
Riva: "Glad to see you back, Krygin."
Krygin: "I'm glad as well Riva
Crispin: "You just ate a corpse!"
Drow: Don't act like you've never eaten a corpse crispin. I know I have
Crispin: "Not a whole one! I'm small!"
Riva: "There is much to catch up on." Riva doesn't mention the Pact being mostly empty, and Krygin probably being the only one left to fill a position, EON, Belial's disappearance and reappearance, the assault on Lemarcia, etc. etc.
Krygin: (he needs to catch up on so much. He doesn't even know about sorrowsore!) "Yeah, I was gone for a long time"
Agnur: "we're just glad your back." He says as he rest a kind hand on Krygin's shoulder
El Fin
/uw Here's a big shout out to the players of this post! They were great. I can't belive Krygin's been gone for two months!!!! I was going crazy!!
Also not kidding about the feast. In a few hours of posting this.
submitted by dragonshouter to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 amandelenah Taking topamax for almost 3 months

Hey! I've been taking topamax since March '24 and I want to share my experience, because searching things about side effects has helped me a lot, especially in the first weeks. I'm currently 19, and I have migraines since I'm 15; i have been searching the cause of my migraines since the very first time I had them, made all kind of exames you can imagine, and none of them show me nothing that was specifically causing the pain; plus, in the beging of this year, I had to be admitted to the hospital for some days, cause the pain was impossible to live with, and wouldn't go away. So, in March my doctor prescribed topamax 50 mg, and the two first weeks went really dope. I was dizzy, felling kinda drunk, very tired, forgetting my way home and several worlds. Oh, and soda tasted terrible, so life was really bad :( . After the end of the second week I started felling less dizzy and everything, and I had no migraine at all, but I started felling more anxious; in the begging of the fourth week, I started felling really depressed. Basically since this fourth week I re-started to feel migraines, but they are less strong, so if I take codeine, or even sometimes dipirona (yes my country have dipirona Brasil sil sil) , I could solve it; the problem is that the depression seamed to decrease around the middle of April, that was when I went back to my doctor, so I didn't tell him that it was something, because I was more focused on not having pain. Another week later this depression went back, and since then, aparrently it never goes away. I don't fell like doing anything, I'm always in a bad mood, I can't study or work if I don't put a super extra effort on that, I can't even do things I used to really enjoy doing before. Today, that's been two months and a half that I started taking topamax, I have mild migraines, but I am strongly depressed, always tired and in a bad mood - I need to make an effort to interact with people and not be an asshole to them-; people started noticing that I am losing weight, so I did noticed that too and I'm not sure that it's because I don't feel like eating cause I feel depressed, or it's just another side effect of the medicine, but that can be for both reasons. In this last few days I'm back to the light dizzy feelings again, so that's pretty boring too. I'll probably ask my doctor to cut it off, and search for some other treatment.
p.s.: that's the first time I'm writing such a big thing in English that is not an essay so I'm sorry about any mistake that might have had happened :)
submitted by amandelenah to Topamax [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:47 glockenschpellingbee 33 [M4F] #Ireland and #online. A little passionate sojourn away from the regular life on a stormy summer's night

There are times when I feel like my life is some sort of tv show that went on way too long, in terms of the plot, characters and motivation. If I was a viewer, I probably would have changed the channel ages ago, but all we can hope for in life is for a new chapter and new excitements down the line.
I've had a rough year in terms of things, personal and otherwise and in the spirit of wanting to take a little break from myself, I'm posting here in the hopes that someone else wouldn't mind a little break from the never ending face-pummeling brutality of the universe.
In the darkness of the night, I feel that affection, adoration and kindness shine out like a lighthouse, and such feelings and emotions remind us of the goodness of living. One of my favourite things that makes me feel good, that gives me purpose is a strong sense of caring and kindness in online chats and play. When I write with someone, a scene that has affection and passion and sensuality, I strive to weave sentences that feel like kisses, paragraphs that hold you like a pair of arms. Language evokes emotion and I want nothing more than to make someone else feel incredible. There's a vicarious happiness you feel in making someone else feel adored when you yourself rarely feel it.
So here I am, in the most highbrow call to flirty talk you'll see. But don't let the thesaurus on legs shtick fool you. I write with care, and affection but I'll also fun and passionate. Life, sex, music, art, passion. All threads of the same tapestry of expression and humanity, and it really is beautiful when we get a chance to step back and admire it all.
I know I'm not the only one out there, marinated in loneliness and craving a connection, and affection, and I'm writing this as much for you as for me. Maybe Sunday has been rotten and you want to be held. Maybe 2024 is a washout, and you'd like a reset. Maybe you're a goddess in waiting with few spotting the divinity in your day to day tasks. There's wonder out there, there's beauty and deights and we all deserve it too.
I'm 33, Irish, and ever so tired of being me, but I do have lots of good traits too. I'm tall, with big hands. I'm an expert of grabbing things off the top shelf, and I'm gentle despite my size. I'm more of a gentle bear than a grizzly, but you're in good hands, I promise :)
Let's weave passion, and laughter together. Affection and care, depravity and sensuality. Let's be creatures unshackled of the binds of our sadder lives and just enjoy some good for once. Come chat with me, and let us find the colour in the shadowy night, and the beacon of passion shining through to guide us to better shores.
submitted by glockenschpellingbee to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:46 AGM_GM SD in industry - Reebok Impact

SD in industry - Reebok Impact
I'm pretty confident this is using a tuned version of an early model of SD, based on my knowledge of the history of the company they're working with, and I think it's one of the best applications of AI art I've seen by a big brand. Basically, you connect with their account on insta, then you can dm them with images of whatever you like and a bot will take those images and run them through an image-to-image style converter, that I think is using SD, and turn them into sneaker designs. You can then fine tune and adjust the designs, and for $8 turn them into digital assets that you can download as 3D models to use in Roblox or Fortnite. You also have a chance at getting up to 50% off irl Reebok sneakers when you buy. I haven't won that, and I don't know what the odds are, but they say you can win it.
I've only actually bought a couple of pairs, but I've been playing with it a bunch and find it's really fun just turning pics I like into sneakers. I sometimes give it real pics and sometimes AI art I've made. I'm not actually using them in games or anything yet at this point, but I would love it if they made it possible to get real sneakers made with the designs and I would actually buy those.
Anyways, it's the most interesting application of AI art in consumer brands that I've seen, and it seems like a cool model to follow for anyone who's looking for ways to commercialize use of SD - taking people's images, running them through an image-to-image AI, and creating personalized products that blend AI art with a user's own content and memories.
These are a few examples of ones I've made.
submitted by AGM_GM to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:46 cloudgardener Iā€™m offering Album design for free

Heya- so I was going to design some album artwork for my illustration portfolio/ for fun; and I was thinking I may as well do it for people who donā€™t have album artwork rather than music that already has it.
So hit me up if you have an album / song you would like some artwork for (FOR FREE; but Iā€™m not promising to do it quickly).
Would be cool if you have an idea in mind of what you want. I will also be taking a decent amount of creative liberty just cause itā€™s more fun for me that way so not super rigid ideas are ideal.
submitted by cloudgardener to musicproduction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:45 TheDoomedHeretic 26[F4A] Wisconsin/Exclusively Online "Apathy is death." SIGNALIS enthusiast looking for RP partner, mostly for original universes, Star Wars, Anbennar, Dragon Age, and Cyberpunk; many others.

As the title says I'm searching for a RP partner for a number of fandoms as well as wholly original stories. I have writing samples pinned to my profile (there'll be one down below) and a number of prompts alongside them; I will require writing samples from my partners as well. Beyond that I lead a fairly sedentary and unadventurous life with most of my time being devoted to Diablo 4, Disco Elysium, and whatever time I spend at work as an Amazon Associate (I touch coardboard.) There's plenty of scatterbrained posts from my profile - I play Anbennar (Europa Universalis 4) regularly, Knights of the Old Republic theorizing, and Fallout.
As I mentioned before, please include a writing sample. Thanks.
The boar is not dead, though to all the other huntersā€™ senses it is. It lays motionless on its side within the sled, tied down by rope with two arrows sticking discordantly out of its hide like seams of broken bone. Frozen blood pools in the cracked stomach of the sled, collecting rather than leaking now that red ice has sealed the wood. Poison leaching out of the arrowheads keeps the boar docile, and its breathing so light that only Trapper can see. An ovate in too-thin robes shivers as she ties a garland of rosemary around the beastā€™s neck, murmuring prayers to the ancestors that they might find the kill worthy.
Winter has seized the land in its vise, its unending waves of cold and snow having transformed the Barony of Marlas into a crueler scape, one Trapper doesnā€™t quite recognize. Tranquility abounds along the driven snow, all through the clearing, hiding the buried world and the woes of man but unable to snuff them out. Trapper knows well what a mirage it is, the oppressive winters of his homeland no less savage than the bloodletting summers. The numbing cold does not soothe his aches, for he knows theyā€™ll be worse come morning, come the thaw. Too soon this clearing will melt, its river gone from white to red, the whole Septima Line thrust back to war.
Baron Orys refuses to yield to midnight season, to accept its peace, and so from his great warhorseā€™s saddle he brazenly belts out a mixture of drunken lyrics and commands, determined to master this hunt even if he does not partake. An entourage on horseback spreads out in his orbit, ranging from eager young footmen to grizzled junkers, all in varying states of inebriation at his command. Their braying is nearly louder than the houndsā€™, who hungrily stalk between the sled and the hole they pulled the boar out from. Teased by the hunt but yet unrewarded, theyā€™re too unruly to be kept in check by the kennel master.
On foot slog the unfortunates who actually have to take part in the hunt, Trapper among them. They huddle into their hemp canvas cloaks, glancing up at the moody afternoon sky threatening to crack open with another snowstorm. Dark clouds sweep in low from the south like a riptide, a single vast current swept in from the mountains already menacing the Oldwoods. Its furthest gales reach them as tongues of vengeful cold, flecks of whipped-up snow biting into Trapperā€™s exposed skin.
By the boarā€™s nest leans a typical Mallean, one of Trapperā€™s two erstwhile comrades. Sigorn is tall, pale, broad, with the close-set, wide-boned features of a commoner, and a shock of red hair grown out to protect against the elements. Beneath his cloak he proudly bears his blood-flecked armor, each dent a Darkman put into it a point of dear pride. Heā€™s not the only one, either, the clearing filled with dozens of youths whose first blooding ended in victory amid a blizzard. Baron Orys, deep into his cups after six days of nonstop celebration, saw a break in the storms and gladly called a hunt. When informed he could not go on account of his shattered knee - he simply grinned, and ordered himself tied to his saddle.
Trapper remembers the moment his lord fell from the saddle, burned into his nerves. The screaming of horses, skidding hooves catching on the frozen ground. On the edges of his vision a rider smashes into a branch in the din, others donā€™t move at all for fear of the blizzard. His spurs dig, his borrowed steed whines, and he races for his lord - only for another to reach him first.
ā€œWhat a woman.ā€ Sigorn sighs beside Trapper, craning his neck to look at one of their lordā€™s companions of honor. Susannah Oye, junker unlike the others, a pretty, willowy noblewoman well into motherhood, with the lean, ruthless look of a ranger. Her two poisoned arrows are what struck the boar down, and her pride curls off her body like steam. Sigornā€™s face cracks into exaggerated appreciation, and then he turns to their lordā€™s other honored companion. Another woman, this one as young as they are, haughtily-built and leering with none of Susannahā€™s refinement. Many of those looks are reserved for Trapper, forced to slog on foot as just another hunter. ā€œAnya too. I think she fancies you, eh?ā€
submitted by TheDoomedHeretic to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:45 Thewanderingmage357 Elemental associations to Goetic Spirits and other Infernal Beings?

So I was reading this recently posted question from this very subreddit
and I was not aware that there were this many practitioners with elemental associations to Demonic practice. I tend heavily toward the Demonosophy side of things, being in part an armchair occultist in this particular field, studying as an extension to my Witchcraft practice. Most of my relevant experience is either as a religious pagan or magickian in other occult fields. I tend to do anywhere from several months to several years of research into a practice before I dive in to trying things...well, I do now. I learned a lot from the mistakes of my early practice and closed a lot of doors shortly after maturing into having any friggin idea of how to handle occult practice.
So here's my question. Among those of you who have elemental associations in your practice, how many of these associations with the elements are based on verifiably sources, and how much is UPG? I respect both, but in relation to Demons I have mostly book-learning and the odd encounter with them, so UPG in this field is rare for me. If it's UPG, how much of it is purely revelatory/experiential, and how much of it is "this make sense to me based on my observations" the same way most poisonous plants are considered Saturnian simply because they are poisonous and that made sense at the time of writing for most traditional associations? If you have found verifiable sources of practice within someone else's published works or similar, do you have a source you would recommend?
Much of my early practice (both of spirit work and in general) was around the elements and natural aspects, so to find this information might be a valuable foothold in further exploration for me. Thank you for any assistance you are willing to provide!
submitted by Thewanderingmage357 to DemonolatryPractices [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:44 Snake_snack Wandering spellblade, dripping or drowning?

Wandering spellblade, dripping or drowning?
better look
cool ass pose
I made this one way back and decided to post it here now, I think this is the best fit I've made and I'm still chasing this high
submitted by Snake_snack to EldenBling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:44 ObjectiveCabinet8 Long time ARPG player, new to LE. Trying to introduce a new player to the genre but having trouble enjoying the game. Just early story problems, or is there anything else i'm missing.

Greetings all, i'm a long term ARPG player (diablo2-4, POE, torchlight 1-2)
Decided to start last epoch because i have a friend who wants to get into the genre. POE was a bit too complex for them and i had heard good things about this game.
I've not yet completed the story, but i'm already having some concerns about the game, which have made it hard to enjoy it. I'll start by listing what i like and don't like, then ask if there are any conceptualization shifts i could make to enjoy it more.
  1. the crafting system seems cool and is fun, certainly unique
  2. it has decent build options for how simple the skilling is.
  3. it has some interesting mechanics i can already see so far.
  4. Its a simpler game without being diablo 4 simple, and there are some good QOL missing from other entries in the genre
Cons, in order of severity
1.the gifting system is simply antagonistic towards group play, considering i'm trying this game solely for the purpose of group play, this is a major con for me.
I realize that its to prevent RMT, but frankly i don't care because the negative impact of RMT in the games i have played is less then the negative impact of the gifting restrictions preventing effective co-op play with friends.
We don't have perfectly aligned schedules, and can't play online all the time. Resonance rates seem far too low to be useful as well. This is my most major complaint. Finding and crafting cool items for friends is half the fun of ARPGs in a group, and it seems gutted in this game.
  1. The mana starvation in the mana system, I get that the game devs want mana to not be trival, and to instead be a resource to manage but it just feels bad.
I get skills in order to cast them, not to sit around between casts waiting for mana to slowly recharge at a snails pace.
There seems to be little way to buff mana regen and max mana seems limited. There also seems to not be that much "management" as anything you do burns mana at frankly ridiculous rates for the effect you get.
negative mana is a bit of an interesting idea that mitigates some of the problem, but not to the extent that it feels good to play for me.
  1. the potion system. this is a minor gripe, but i hate running around to pick up potions. This was a mechanic back in diablo, and i get it, but its 2024. I like that there are not 5 potions like in poe, but i find myself annoyed constantly at both having to run mid fight for potions, and having potions consume themselves when i'm missing 4 hp, only to need them later. It just seems like a strictly worst system then the "charges on kill" system POE used.
  2. concerns about the end game, i'm not there yet, and the game is still young, so this is the least of the concerns, but it seems like end game content is pretty limited in variety. I simply expect this will cause me to end cycles a bit sooner then normal, but its not a big deal.
Are any of these cons simply leveling/story concerns that fade later in the game? Or should i expect these to remain throughout the game?
Posting both to get opinions from others to maybe give myself a different perspective, and provide some feedback about early impressions of the game.
submitted by ObjectiveCabinet8 to LastEpoch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 ewk What Faith-based Meditation really "practices" (and it's not Zen)

All faith-based meditation involves a technique

People who believe in sitting meditation as a part of their faith believe in a technique that must be learned properly. These people pay other people to "teach" them how to sit in a particular position and breathe and think a certain way, a way only known to the "qualified" meditation teachers.
These techniques are often described in books, like FukanZazenGi, and there is argument among the faithful about whether or not the technique is being done "correctly".
Faith in a technique is critical to all sitting meditation practices.
HUANGBO: Bodhidharma transmitted naught but the Dharma of the One Mind. He pointed directly to the truth that all sentient beings have always been of one substance with the Buddha. He did not follow any of those mistaken 'methods of attainment'.

All faith-based meditation involves a guru who invented the technique

In order to have a technique to put their faith in, people who believe in meditation have to get their technique from a reliable source of supernatural "wisdom". After all, nobody is going to take a technique seriously if some 2nd grader invented it, or the pot smokers down the block dreamed it up.
These meditation "gurus" often tell people that the technique is much older than the guru themselves, as is the case with vipassana and Zazen. Although scholars have debunked both of those claims of being "older traditions".
Having faith in a guru doesn't always mean these faith-based meditators even know the name of the guru who invented their technique... many get the technique from a religious text or a church of some kind, and take it on faith that a guru, a qualified guru, invented it... often because of "popular opinion" about the church being legit.
HUANGBO: He may be delighted by his discovery of some 'way to Enlightenment'; yet if you allow yourselves to be persuaded by him, YOU will experience no delight at all, but suffer both sorrow and disappointment. What have such thoughts as his to do with the study of Zen? Even if you do obtain from him some trifling 'method', it will only be a thought-constructed dharma having nothing to do with Zen. Thus, Bodhidharma sat rapt in meditation before a wall; he did not seek to lead people into having opinions.

All faith-based meditation is based on faith in "results", like prayer.

Aside from the fact that nowhere in Zen history is there any record of ANYBODY getting enlightened through meditation, there are no modern meditation practitioners who got enlightened through meditation. Believers are told to take in on faith that "good things will happen", which is the same exact scam that evangelical christians use to justify praying for a better life.
Zen Masters want to see concrete results for Zen study... precepts, public interviews, and knowledge of Zen teachings.
People who put their faith in faith-based meditation rarely know what sorts of results to expect; they just believe that it will make them better people.
Oddly enough, some of the worst people in American churcher history were faith-based "meditation masters" from Japan. These "masters" used their followers for sexual favors, took money for "teaching" that went nowhere, struggled privately with drug/alchohol problems that meditation seems to have made worse, and even claimed to have "enlightened" people who later turned out to be sex predators too.
There just aren't any supernatural results from meditation.
And any kind of breathing exercise will have the same physical benefits... just ask the marines:
HUANGBO: So long as you are concerned with 'by means of, you will always be depending on something false. When will you ever succeed in understanding? Instead of observing those who tell you to open wide both your hands like one who has nothing to lose, you waste your strength bragging about all sorts of things.


Welcome! ewk comment: It always astonishes me when I talk to people who quit the christian church because of "all the bs" who then jump right into faith-based quasi-prayer meditation.
Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
submitted by ewk to zen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 NKVale Balduran's Giantslayer Paladin Build w/ Variants & Damage Calculations

Hey all,
First post here, and it is a LONG one, so go easy on me. I am not a mathematician, and I am not seasoned like some of the other creators here, but I figured I'd share my favorite paladin build (for the casual 2H enjoyer) and the calculations (for any nerds like me) for a few variations focused around the Balduran's Giantslayer for Honor Mode.
Credit to u/Prestigious_Juice341 for inspiring me with all of their builds. Their old Oathbreaker build is what sent me down this rabbit hole and inspired the foundation of the Paladin variants.
Basics & My Favorite Variant
6 Vengeance Paladin > 4 GOO lock > 2 Fighter
Start Vengeance Paladin with 17 CHA, 10 STR, rest is up to you. I recommend 16 DEX. Use Hill Giant Strength from Ethyl until character level 9/Warlock level 3 when you can bind your weapon. You can also go 10 Paladin and respec at level 10 if you want 2 feats sooner and don't mind the respec.
Feats: Savage Attacker > Great Weapon Master
End Game Items:
Weapons: Balduran's Giantslayer; Deadshot
Helmet: Diadem of Arcane Synergy
Cloak: Cloak of Protection
Armor: Persistence/Helldusk
Gloves: Helldusk
Boots: Whatever you want here can work. Evasive probably ideal for frontline playstyle, but can also go nightwalkers or acrobat shoes if other classes prefer Evasive.
Amulet: Greater Health
Rings: Strange Conduit Ring & Risky Ring or Caustic Band (I prefer Risky)
Elixir: Hill Giant(early), Vigilance
Key Items to grab prior to BIS:
  • Weapons: Everburn Blade, Svartlebee's Woundseeker in Act 1; Halberd of Vigilance in Act 2
  • Adamantine Armor is my personal armor choice prior to Act 3
  • Crusher's Ring, Ring of Protection, Caustic Band, and Strange Conduit Ring are all available in Act 1
  • Disintegrating Nightwalkers will last you through to act 2.
  • Gloves of Belligerent Skies and Boots of Stormy Clamour are also good options for Act 1.
  • Grab amulet of the Harpers as soon as you enter Act 2 for free shield and WIS saving throws.
Playstyle: Hyper aggressive frontliner. Run at the strongest enemy, burst 'em down with big swings and big smites. Hex and Action surge late game for more big swings and bigger smites. You'll have advantage from Risky Ring & Crit Reduction from Deadshot + GOO Passive so you'll crit somewhat often with high damage rolls thanks to Savage Attacker.
For those who couldn't care less about numbers or the more powerful but less flavorful fighter variants, the guide ends here! Hope you like it!
Calculations and other Variants I toyed with
  • All variations use GWM and Savage Attacker
  • Not calculating for attack roll probability.
  • All variations use ability drain illithid power for permanent arcane synergy.
  • Honor Mode which means:
    • No pact weapon stacking
    • Must either take alert as 3rd feat or use a vigilance elixir. Could theoretically boost damage by ignoring this point, but I really value initiative in Act 3.
  • Base stats are 12 ST14 DEX/14 CON/20 CHA (17 + Mirror of loss/hag hair). Patriar's memory could net you an extra +1 in STR but requires luck and isn't a noticeable difference either way.
  • Not counting things other than whatā€™s listed (i.e. draconic weapon, weapon coatings, haste, etc.)
2d6(base weapon damage) + 1d4(Strange Conduit) + 1d6(hex) + 1d6(helldusk gloves) + 3d8 (level 2 divine smite) + 1d6 (hex proc from smite)
Total Dice: 5d6 (5-30) + 3d8 (3 ā€“ 24) + 1d4 (1-4) == 9 ā€“ 58 per swing

A) 8 Oathbreaker Paladin/4 Warlock -- most flavor, least damage
\* Pact Bound:*
3rd Feat = +2 CHA; Elixir = Vigilance
+3(enchantment) + 6(Char of 22) + 1(str of 12 giantslayer) + 6(aura of hate) + 6(arcane synergy)
Flat Damage Total: 22 + 10 (GWM) = 32
1st Turn Max Damage (2 swings ā€“ pact variant): 58 + 32 = 90 x 2 == 180
\* Not Pact BOUND:*
3rd Feat = Alert; Elixir = Cloud Giant Strength
+3(enchantment) + 8(STR of 27) + 8(str of 27 giantslayer) + 5(aura of hate) + 5(arcane synergy)
Flat Damage Total: 29 + 10 (GWM) = 39
1st Turn Max Damage (2 swings ā€“ non pact variant): 58 + 39 = 97 x 2 == 194

B) 6 Vengeance Paladin/2 Fighte4 GOO Lock ā€“ requires vigilance potion, gets action surge, keeps most of the flavor. Less Death Knight, more Vengeance Knight.
Total Dice: 9 ā€“ 58 per swing (level 2 smites)
Action Surge = 8 - 50 per swing (level 1 smites)
+3(enchantment) + 5(Char of 20) + 5(Inquisitor's Might) + 5(arcane synergy)
Flat Damage Total: 18 + 10 (GWM) = 28
1st Turn Max Damage (4 Swings) = (58+28) x 2 + (50+28) x 2 == 328
C) 11 Fighter ā€“ 1 Warlock loses smite and aura of hate, but gets action surge, hex, and 3 feats still which frees potion slot for 27 STR, and 20 CHA.
Total Dice: 8 - 52 subtracting smite results in 5 ā€“ 28
+3(enchantment) + 8(STR of 20) + 8(str of 27 giantslayer) + 5(arcane synergy)
Flat Damage Total: 24 + 10 (GWM) = 34
1st Turn Max Damage (6 Swings) = 28 + 34 = 62 x 6 == 372

D) 11 Fighter ā€“ 1 War Cleric: loses smite, loses hex, gets divine favor (1d4), gets another attack as a bonus action, and 3 feats still which frees potion slot for 27 STR, and 20 WISDOM ā€“ use hag haimirror of loss on WIS instead of CHA obviously.
Weapon Damage: 2d6
Extra Dice: 1d4(Strange Conduit) + 1d4(divine favor) + 1d6(helldusk gloves)
Total Dice: 3d6 (3-18) + 2d4 (2-8) == 5 ā€“ 26 per swing
+3(enchantment) + 8(STR of 20) + 8(str of 27 giantslayer) + 5(arcane synergy)
Flat Damage Total: 24 + 10 (GWM) = 34
1st Turn Max Damage (7 Swings) = 26 + 34 = 60 x 7 == 420

Conclusions & Comparisons:
Comparing the better Paladin variant vs the better Fighter Variant:
Total First Turn Damage Range for build B: 150 - 332
Total First Turn Damage Range for build D: 273 ā€“ 420
Both Fighter variants are stronger than the paladin variants with the war cleric version being the best option in terms of max damage in the 1st turn. That's without including BM bonuses as well, which just put it over the top and it's not even close. As seen above, it also has a higher first turn floor and, due to fighter's consistent 3 attacks and 2 more turns of war cleric extra attacks, it is far and away the best option past turn 1 when you consider smite spell slot fall-off. However, it lacks any flavor (in my own personal opinion). Also, prior to level 11, it's a lot closer in terms of consistent output as fighter doesn't have its 3rd attack or its war cleric charges while paladin still has smite.
I'm sure there are other ways to boost the damage in minor ways by sacrificing AC or funneling items that would be more useful on other builds, but I assume that DEX gloves are going to be better served on an SSB or Sorcerer, so I tried to somewhat account for that here.
Lastly, you could go 6 Sorc 6 Paladin and lose either a feat or the vigilance elixir, but that leaves out action surge as well. This would be better in longer fights and bring more utility than either of the Paladin variants, but it has far less first turn burst than builds B, C, or D.
If you're here, thanks for reading!
submitted by NKVale to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 malevolentuser Iā€™m really dumb

So ā€¦. Man this is hard to write.
Iā€™m about 80k in total debt (mortgage is in wifeā€™s name) between credit cards, car loan, and an unsecured loan that I previously got to consolidate some prior credit card debt. I make really good money for my area(157k in a low cost state) and I can pay the minimums, but Iā€™m not feeling like Iā€™m really making any headway.
I thought for a while I could just put all of my monthly bills into a credit card and pay it off every month with a little left over, but that strategy just doesnā€™t work for me. My first child is on the way and Iā€™m sick of only having an emergency fund for the next couple of months (12k) if something crazy happens. Realistically Iā€™m making the most money I ever have in my life but I donā€™t feel like I have much to show for it. Where do I start, Iā€™m clearly too dumb to manage this myself.
I have goodish credit (730) and donā€™t really want to give up my expensive car ($630/month for a convertible) but itā€™s feeling more and more like I should just bite the bullet and try to go down to one car, then try to snowball / avalanche plowing money into debt while eating virtually no takeout or restaurant food, then start over on savings.
submitted by malevolentuser to debtfree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 duhFaz How to keep even consistent temp for long smokes on classic joe 1

I'm trying to work my way towards longer, slower, smoking, but cannot seem to figure out how to get a consistent low temp for long periods of time. It seems even if I have the bottom intake barely open (talking half a finger) then the temp still just continuously and gradually increases. If I try and close it more than that, then the grill seemingly starts to cool.
How do people manage to get overnight cooks on these things without burning the meat to a crisp, or without the coals just getting snuffed out? I really want to get to the point that I can walk away for a few hours without fear of screwing up the whole cook! TIA
submitted by duhFaz to KamadoJoe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 lostlife27 Sometimes it seems like the only way to become financially independent is to become a scammer or ā€œget rich quick guruā€.

First off, I hate myself and think Iā€™m a terrible person already, so I donā€™t care if it makes people hate me more. FFS if you were homeless everyone would hate you just for that, so why wouldnā€™t you want to go a route as such just to win and stop being a victim and away from all the a holes and the evils of the world. People get r word and k word out there. (Reddit doesnā€™t like these words, but theyā€™re not hard to figure out what they are).
Also, what many people consider a scam is sometimes technically legal. Like ā€œhow to get rich doing thisā€ courses. As long as you disclaim that results arenā€™t guaranteed, and that youā€™re just teaching ways that COULD make you rich, youā€™re committing no crime. In fact you might even help people. College is just as much as a scam as that, because degrees ā€œdonā€™t guarantee jobsā€, and many people now they there are TOO MANY degrees, so I guess there are more college graduates than there are jobs available.
Iā€™m so fed up with looking up ways to make money online and every result being a get rich quick guru, so maybe that IS the way, telling other people how to (POSSIBLY) get rich.
Itā€™s like the entire system is broken, capitalism/supply and demand, by design there HAS to be people in poverty, and SO MANY jobs REFUSE to pay a living wage (I even read about a grocery store that chose to close down instead of raising pay by $4 more an hour, so instead of paying employees more, they chose to stop making money completely, wtfh?
It seems like all these great promising opportunities come out but then they get over saturated, like GME and crypto and NFTs, they all seem pretty dead now.
Society respects rich frauds more than humble people struggling to survive anyway. And I rather be DEAD than homeless or in prison, or any type of isolation/imprisonment, even if the police rescue you youā€™re just going to end up homeless anyway, there are reasons victims of abuse stay and donā€™t leave.
AI is making life easier AND MORE FAIR, but people arenā€™t willing to pay as much if at all for something that they can themselves tell AI to do for little to no cost.
Iā€™m gonna be SO GLAD when self driving cars make human driving illegal, Iā€™ll VOTE FOR IT, then I can never be stranded or disqualified purely because I canā€™t safely and steady control a death machine surrounded by other death machines with police constantly watching to ruin your life even if you didnā€™t ruin anyone elseā€™s life.
Iā€™ll never understand how most people work better jobs for years and years (although supposedly most people DO experience getting fired at least once, maybe thatā€™s normal now) with all the psychological tricks and gaslighting and secret languages and communications they use to test you, and all the awkward focus on things that arenā€™t really that important.
But just in general despite all these itā€™s BS youā€™re not allowed to make more than a set amount per hour, AND not allowed to work either less, OR MORE hours than you want or need. Having to work more than 40 hours is kind of BS, but itā€™s also BS to not be able to GET 40 hours.
And lose your job lose your health insurance and then have to go into massive debt until your credit card is cut off and you go into withdrawal from 4+ meds and then end up in the ER with even more debt and the police might kill you and they send people to prison to be annually rapped itā€™s part of the prison punishment system.
But yeah people with the best ideas succeed average barely survive and disadvantaged suffer and die.
Theyā€™re never going to let me out of this because they know Iā€™ll sue them and get millions and THEYā€™LL go to prison and get annually rapped. If thatā€™s whatā€™s really going on, it would explain A LOT.
But idk how tf you be financially successful in modern day USA. All the opportunities for the untalented are quickly oversaturated and the market lose interest. I guess everyone just stuck wage slaving until the next thing? Maybe some have secret methods theyā€™re not sharing but most probably have nothing but the wage slaving until the next opportunity is created and released and they HOPEFULLY catch it before it takes off.
Like this ā€œgo to a job and do meaningless bs for less than a living wageā€ canā€™t be the only way the masses can access.
I stopped even writing fanfiction or anything really creative for enjoyment because im too worried about money. My parents want to retire in a few years and im already 28 now.
Theyā€™re now telling me I should look into applying for disability to supplement my job, solidifying Iā€™m a failure.
I donā€™t want to be a victim of my circumstances anymore, I lost most of my life already, my parents even told me that Iā€™m getting ā€œup in ageā€, all that ā€œyouā€™re young you have timeā€was worthless BS for me, the time passed and Iā€™ve barely been able to progress.
I rather be a con artist than a bum and/or a mooch off the taxpayers and/or be homeless, I rather be DEAD than those things.
I donā€™t understand why life is so hard, but it has become clear to me that itā€™s all a contest, and many must lose and suffer for less to win and succeed and thrive.
I just want to be able to generate income remotely and be left the hell alone from society, even without being homeless I rather be away from society, be left alone.
Most jobs donā€™t really benefit or attribute to society anyway.
There has to be something I can create that goes viral and somehow has advertising/marketing opportunitiesā€¦ā€¦.
But even if I did itā€™d probably be very cynical reflecting myself, but much of media is and people love it.
Hmm, Iā€™m honestly kind of waiting for AI to do more like generating VIDEO and editing and all that. But then everyone else will be using it and over saturating the market the likes history has never seen, it will be completely unprecedented.
But AI allows more people to create without all the technical requirements getting in the way.
Nobody even understands what the hell Iā€™m saying. I swear I really am on a different dimensional plane of existence.
submitted by lostlife27 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:42 Unlucky-Bid-8254 Being capable of hurting people

I would love to get the communities view on this concept Iā€™ll use two quotes to sum it up better than I could
ā€œBetter to be the samurai in a garden than a gardener In the middle of a warā€
ā€œIf you couldnā€™t harm a fly, you arenā€™t a good person you are just harmlessā€
Especially the second one is very interesting to me the idea that you need to be able to harm someone to make the fact you donā€™t harm people noble in a way. And if youā€™re weak itā€™s not out of choice but necessity that you have to be ā€œniceā€
This is a core concept i was brought up believing and still do but i would love to get some other opinions or know if a lot of people agree that would be cool as well
Edit: this is not just physical but harm in all meanings of the word
submitted by Unlucky-Bid-8254 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:41 Queer_always My guide to Disneyland Paris for Disneyland Californians

Writing this for folks whose home park is OG Disneyland and are considering or planning a trip to DLP. Whether that's you or you're looking for advice in the opposite direction, feel free to AMA!
I wrote up some aspects of my trip in this post, for reference. For context, I visit Anaheim a few times a year for 2-3 days each -- sometimes alone, sometimes with others -- and have been to Walt Disney World a handful of times (mostly for a single day while visiting my in-laws in the Orlando area).
Stow yer weapons: this is gonna be long. I'll talk atmosphere, attractions, food and drinks, and tips geared toward this audience. (I won't cover shows or character greetings, since they're not really my thing.)
Disneyland Paris is widely regarded as the most beautiful of the castle parks, and I agree. The attention to detail is stunning, from the horticulture to the rock work to the stained glass in the castle. The land transitions are smooth and beautifully executed, and the park generally feels more deliberately planned (probably since it wasn't built in a year and haphazardly swapping parts for the next seventy, like DLCA).
The park is bigger than Anaheim's, probably close to Magic Kingdom size, so add a minute or two to your commute time when crossing from one end to the other.
Some can't-miss experiences and details unique to DLP (skipping the rides since I'll cover those next, but including walk-throughs):
Some comparisons and contrasts. Didn't ride everything (e.g. carousel, teacups, Autopia), so I'll just share notes on the ones I did.
Big Thunder: Best version I've been on, period. It's on an island, so you plunge in and out of the darkness to get there, and the seats are actually divided so you're not body-slamming the person next to you every time you careen around a corner. Don't sleep on the detail and theming! Only bummer: no goat trick.
Pirates: Great queue: caves and little sneak peeks into scenes. Caribbean themed instead of bayou, restaurant included. Different structure and order of scenes, and frankly sort of confusing (e.g. Jack Sparrow is on the treasure pile among the skeleton tableaux for his little monologue). The sword fighting scene is unique to DLP (I think).
Fantasyland dark rides: Pinocchio is almost exactly the same as in CA. Snow White is more like the pre-COVID version, but even creepier; it's definitely the most divergent from the current CA version. Peter Pan is close to its CA version, but feels slightly larger?
Small World: More granular Europe, cute America section, generally quite different in layout. White-clad finale is a fair with a Ferris wheel and such.
Haunted Mansion/Phantom Manor: Identical ride track and Doom Buggies, but totally different storyline and different tableaux, particularly at the finale, which is a Western town instead of a graveyard. They don't put scrims in front of the frontier town zombies, which makes them creepier somehow. It's a unique take and a must-do.
Space Mountain: This one blows ours out of the water. Catapult launch, several inversions, much faster and darker. Be aware they don't have pouches for your stuff and will instruct you to put it on the floor. I stepped on the strap of my bag because I was certain I was gonna lose it.
Star Tours: Identical, though one time I got narration in English and the other time in French. May be randomized?
Railroad: No primeval world but they do have their own Grand Canyon. Circle tour is a must; you cover completely different ground and get a great pano of the whole park. My train was in compartments rather than long cars.
Indiana Jones: This is not the Jeep tour by any stretch; it's an outdoor roller coster that rattled my teeth out of my head. Think an extreme version of Goofy's Sky School with the unbanked turns. KEEP YOUR HEAD BACK. And even then, don't be surprised if you get off with sore ears and a buzzy headache that last a few minutes.
Food and Drinks:
I talked extensively about this in my other post, so I'll just note a couple of comparisons.
General info/advice:
I have a lot of good news for Californians, because Paris is a cakewalk in comparison. I'm sure I hit a slower period, but it's so easy to go with the flow without playing nine-dimensional chess on your phone every three minutes.
I'm tired of typing, and you're doubtless tired of reading, but if you have questions about the Studios park, feel free to ask in the comments.
submitted by Queer_always to disneylandparis [link] [comments]