Contoh soal text monolog

IATAH for being a huge bitch and ruining a close friendship

2024.05.09 19:02 krisboy36 IATAH for being a huge bitch and ruining a close friendship

I (14f) have a friend, B (13m) who I've been on and off with over the course of the last few months. A few weeks ago, we got into an argument where I was upset at him for confessing his love to get out of deleting a screenshot of me complimenting him. We had agreed not to take screenshots or hold anything against eachother, even as a joke. Then there was this other girl, J (13-14f) who he mentioned that he couldn't decide between me or her when I asked him why he wouldn't make any moves even though I knew he liked me. Just a few days ago, I asked what we were (since for the past few weeks we had been cuddling/hugging, doing [non-sexual] couple things) and he said he just wanted to be friends. This REALLY upset me, since I wanted to be a thing, but we ended up not being very touchy anymore. I told him I felt like he was leading me on, and he admitted to it.
Yesterday, as B was at his locker, I ran up to him and hugged him, because I still wanted that same affection. When he finally texted me that night, he mentioned he was at church and had a fun time with J. What really upset me was the fact he went out of his way to mention her, so that night, I had gotten so angry at myself (and him) I had written a whole monolog about how upset I was at him for all the things he'd done, even then. I had forgotten, however, that his email account was attached to his mom's, and has sent it to him via email. Now here's where I regret not making a throwaway, but I'm never really on Reddit anyways, so: A few minutes earlier, I had kicked him off of a certain document containing some inappropriate things about some characters we made up. It was all a joke, obviously, but I felt that kicking him off of it was too far, and tried sending that to him again to get him to re-join. Remember what I said about his email account being attached to his mom's? Yeah. She read it. And deleted his copy, too.
This morning, as I walked into class, B asked me to talk. He told me how pissed he was at me, and that 'sabotaging' him wasn't something I should've done. He told me he no longer wanted to be friends, and then sent me away. I texted him (I'm awful with words in person) that I didn't intend for him to get into deep shit with his parents over the inappropriate doc, and that it seemed like he didn't read my monolog. He told me he had, and that he didn't want to be around "people like me" anymore. At the time, I was still mad at him, so I told him I was sorry again but that I was glad his parents knew about the shit he had done. We kind of went back and forth, until i ended it by telling him that I was upset that he had mentioned Julia Ann, and that I didn't feel like he had changed anything about how he behaved after he had apologized for the arguments.
Now that I've calmed down, I'm still somewhat mad at him, but I mostly feel like shit because I really care about B because we've been friends for 3 years and I like talking to him about characters and worldbuilding and stuff. I just want some advice on how to properly apologize and make it up to him. I don't know J personally, so I feel extra shitty just in general, so...
submitted by krisboy36 to IAmTheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 11:39 New_Midnight2686 Asuransi Pendidikan atau Obligasi untuk tabungan jangka panjang?

Asuransi Pendidikan atau Obligasi untuk tabungan jangka panjang?
Lagi baca-baca soal asuransi pendidikan, premi dasar 64,2 juta/tahun apakah dibayar sebesar nominal tersebut selama 5 tahun? Jika benar, berarti nasabah harus membayar total 64,2 juta x 5 tahun = 321 juta untuk mendapatkan manfaat sebesar 500 juta yang pembayarannya dicicil sebesar 200, 100, 100, dan 100 di usia anak 18-21 tahun.
Bukannya dengan nilai segitu, lebih baik obligasi atau deposito syariah aja yang nilai bagi hasilnya sesuai dengan perjanjian awal?
Sebagai contoh saya menyimpan uang deposito di bprs syariah di tahun 2018 di mana saat itu angka yang dijamin LPS masih 8%/tahun. Dengan sifatnya yang syariah dan besaran bagi hasil harus sesuai akad, pembayaran bagi hasil tidak berubah dan sampai sekarang saya masih menerima sebesar 1,1jt/bulan dari deposito saya yang nominalnya 150 juta. Meskipun bank pailit, LPS tetap menjamin simpanan karena sifat syariahnya (dan hal ini juga dijelaskan di situs LPS itu sendiri yang mengacu angka bunga yang dijamin saat akad terjadi).
Nah, per tahun 2024 ini, nominal bunga penjaminan BPR serta BPRS sebesar 6,75%. Dipotong pajak 20%, bersih bunga yang diterima per tahun sebesar 5,4%.
Kalau menyimpan uang sebesar 321 juta dengan bunga bersih 5,4%, selama 16 tahun (usia anak dari 6-21 seperti di ilustrasi), maka akan mendapatkan bunga sebesar 277 juta atau jika ditambah dengan pokoknya menjadi 321+277=598 juta.
Bukannya deposito (khusus di bprs) malah memberikan return yang lebih besar daripada asuransi?
Sekarang coba kita ambil contoh lain, yaitu menabung di obligasi pemerintah. ST012 misalnya memberikan return sebesar 6,55% per tahun untuk tenor selama 4 tahun. Dikurang pajak 10%, return bersihnya sebesar 5,895%. Dengan kalkulasi yang sama dengan sebelumnya, selama 16 tahun berarti mendapatkan return sebesar 302 juta atau jika ditambah pokok sebesar 321+302=603 juta.
Sejauh ini nilai return untuk sukuk ritel cenderung naik. ST009 di tahun 2021 sebesar 6,15%, ST010-T4 (tenor 4 tahun) di tahun 2022 sebesar 6,4%, ST01-T4 di tahun 2023 sebesar 6,4% dan ST012-T4 di tahun 2024 sebesar 6,55%.
Dengan melihat tren selama 4 tahun terakhir, bisa diasumsikan selama 10 tahun ke depan nilai return masih di dalam rentang 6-5% yang artinya baik deposito maupun obligasi syariah masih lebih menguntungkan ketimbang mengambil asuransi pendidikan.
Kelebihan lainnya, bagi hasil deposito syariah dan kupon obligasi syariah dibayarkan tiap bulan sejak memasukkan pokok, tanpa harus menunggu belasan tahun baru bisa dicairkan. Selain itu kita juga sering mendengar berita betapa sulitnya mencairkan asuransi. Salah saudara saya juga menjadi korban, yang harusnya dapat 500 juta sejak 5 tahun lalu sampai sekarang nggak jelas gimana kelanjutannya. Padahal sudah inves 250 juta lebih dari tahun 2002 ke pihak asuransi.
Minta insight dari teman-teman lain jika ada yang lebih berpengalaman atau lebih paham gimana cara kerja asuransi, dan apakah benar perhitungan saya, jika deposito dan obligasi lebih menguntungkan dari asuransi untuk jangka waktu panjang?
submitted by New_Midnight2686 to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 04:34 bluesaladstick Yang kemaren sempet ikutan trial test BUMN, mungkin boleh share dikit disini pengalamannya.

Kalau boleh tau, kira kira tipe soal soalnya seperti apa ya? Apakah ada soal wawasan kebangsaan yang sifatnya hafalan? Untuk tes kompetensi dasar, apakah boleh diberikan beberapa contoh soalnya seperti apa yg muncul?
submitted by bluesaladstick to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 21:06 gardenhosenapalm Study method for auditory learning

Alright. So I'm an auditory learner. I'm also ADHD so I find reading from the text book but a fleeting experience that only happens in the crucial moments before the test. I listen to lectures over and over and I've done pretty well like that.
I discovered an easy way to study with ai. I simply feed it a section from my text book or notes, and then I ask it to write a humorous narrative using similes and metaphorical examples that tie key concepts together that should last "x" minutes, in the style of a "Gwyneth paltro" monolog.
Then I feed this into the speechify app and have snoop dog read it to me while I play with my dog.
submitted by gardenhosenapalm to veterinaryschool [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 11:43 PixelatumGenitallus Obat Generik vs Merk di Indonesia, Mitos dan Fakta

Obat di Indonesia versi generik vs merk, mitos dan fakta sebenarnya gimana sih?
Baru² ini gw diharuskan minum obat jantung seumur hidup. I am a male in my early 40s. Bokap bersikeras bahwa gw hrs beli obat bermerk karena obat generik tidak ada tambahan zat yg mencegah kerusakan ginjal utk penggunaan jangka panjang. Bokap juga sdh minum obat sejak dia umur 40an (which is around 30 years ago) dan selalu obat bermerk.
Gw tipe org yg skeptis, ga gampang percaya, jadi gw coba googling soal resiko obat generik ke ginjal dibandingkan obat bermerk. Sejauh ini gw ga nemu artikel apapun yg bisa mendukung klaim bokap gw, jadi diem² gw belinya obat generik spy menghemat uang (harganya beda jauh dgn bermerk). Gw ga mau buang uang utk sesuatu yg hanya mitos. Apalagi gw bakal beli obat itu terus seumur hidup
Yang gw tau obat generik itu murah karena itu dulunya obat bermerk yg masa hak patennya (20 tahun) sudah habis jadi bisa diproduksi oleh siapa saja, bukan cuma si pemegang paten aslinya. Bisa murah karena tdk ada lagi beban biaya R&D di situ.
Gw jg tahu bahwa dokter dapat "persenan" dari sales obat bermerk (medrep) jadi dokter akan lebih untung kalau pasiennya beli obat bermerk dibandingkan generik.
Di sini gw berusaha cari kebenarannya seperti apa. Apakah obat bermerk beneran lebih aman drpd generik? Atau itu cuma isu yg "dibiarkan" utk membuat org takut beli obat generik? Utk efektifitas, gw tahu obat generik sama efektifnya dgn bermerk karena zat intinya sama (diharuskan sama oleh BPOM). Gw mempertanyakan zat kimia tambahannya, apa benar obat generik tdk punya kimia tambahan yg membuat lebih aman dikonsumsi utk jangka panjang? Sudah adakah studi yg mendukung ini? Atau sekali lagi ini cuma mitos yg dibiarkan menyebar spy obat bermerk tetap laku meskipun sudah ada versi generiknya?
Buat yg blm paham obat generik, gw ksh contoh ya. Tau Panadol kan? Itu obat bermerk. Elo bisa beli obat generiknya, bilang aja paracetamol. Itu kimia kandungannya Panadol.
submitted by PixelatumGenitallus to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 22:45 David_Pacefico Episode eight fan script:

This is a fan script I wrote for episode eight because I’m bored, it is >6,900 words and >30,000 characters long and should take about 25 minutes to read. Have fun!
We continue where we left off, with Uzi floating in space.
She glances at the large crater on copper 9 as well as the rubble around it, seeing the exoplanets slow demise and only being able to hope that N will, somehow, fix this.
„I guess that’s it, at least I got a good view before it ended“ Nori interrupted, as she had also been teleported into space.
„HEY I WAS HAVING A MOMENT!!“ Uzi screamed but then remembered N‘s words
„Wait, mom!?! Is it really you!?!“
The scene cuts to N, standing up in front of the cathedral doors, his leg still regenerating. He takes a moment to take in what just happened. Everyone he loved is dead, Tessa had been a lie, he then looks at the keys in his hand, he knew that he must at least live to fight another day. But as he was about to go fly up the hole above the cathedral, he is struck down by a tentacle, landing directly in front of the mine entrance:
Skyn: „Sneaking away are you? There is no avoiding an absolute. Ominous teleportation.“
Skyn teleports right in front of N, with N barely dodging the attack, seeing ‘something’ overtaking the cathedral and creeping up the hole above it, he goes into the mines and starts running, making the ceiling collapse behind him, but
Skyn again teleports right in front of N, staring at him before pouncing again, but N uses his chainsaw hands to cut the tentacles and free himself, N notices that Skyn is holding the spacesuit with one of her tentacles before running off again.
The scene cuts to Thad, Lizzy and Khan confronting J.
J: „I won’t underestimate you toasters again, and I will not fail Tessa!“
Khan getting off of the bus and approaching J: „The world is ending, you are the LEAST of our problems, now where is Uzi!??“
J(jokingly): „The purple one? Boss probably already took care of her down there, if you had only intervened...“
*Khan clenches his fists
Lizzy (on her phone): “Come on, V! Just answer!”
Thad: „What is the point of this anyways? You just destroyed any means of escape except your ship, but for what?“
J: „So the corrupt freaks of yours can’t spread, idiot, although for you I have to be a bit more hands-on.“ points her gun at Lizzy, as she has the Railgun
Cuts to Nori and Uzi:
Nori: „I’ve spent over a decade looking for that damned patch only for YOU to destroy it!“
Uzi (angrily): „Ugh bite me! That was Cyn, plus the power of lo… uh… I mean therapy or whatever fixed it anyways!“
Nori: „Temporarily! You’re still connected to Cyns servers and are only not being taken over because… you’re… more resilient I guess? I still can’t believe you SERIOUSLY ‘hang out’ with the guy that nearly killed me!”
Uzi: “Wait wha- actually that makes perfect sense. But that doesn’t matter anyways, we NEED to hel-“ (pained scream)
Sunrise begins and Uzi is starting to fizzle, nori uses her Solver to push Uzi and herself behind some floating rubble to hide from the deadly sun.
Nori: “Looks like I get to see the sun in my final moments as well, great.”
Uzi (angrily): “URRGH, why are you like this!?!“
Scene cuts back to J, Khan, Thad and Lizzy.
Lizzy (filming herself, completely ignoring that J points a gun at her): “Here’s the deal J, hand us the ship, and we won’t shoot you! That is more than a fair deal!”
J (agitated): “I was given orders to let Tessa and ONLY Tessa on board and frankly, I don’t care if I have to kill you for it! Tessa is the only one I obey and I can’t let you stall until sunrise!”
Khan: “There is no arguing with a murder drone, Lizzy!”
Thad: “Really? That’s where you’re going with this?”
J charges her gun and shoots at Lizzy, who shots her railgun, but J dodges and continues to fire, Lizzy then runs behind cover while Thad charges directly at J while she is concentrating on Lizzy, hitting her with a metal beam, dazing her for a bit before J grabs and chucks Thad across the battlefield, while Thad flies past the camera, the scene cuts to N being thrown into the rubble from the elevator, with Cyn rapidly approaching.
“Teleport, Tear”
Cyn attacks N and tears his left arm off, N blasts her away with a rocket from his other arm, but Cyn
Teleports right in front of him again.
“Look at all the fun we’re having, big brother. I should almost thank your friend for arranging this, but I’ve got to leave now, goodbye. Teleport.”
Cyn teleports just behind N, but he activated his wings, slamming them into Cyn before quickly flying up the elevator shaft.
Cyn, who doesn’t have wings for some reason and thus isn’t as quick in ascending: “Agitated expression, Brain blast!” Cyn starts to grow wings of her own, similar to that of Uzi in texture but blood red with yellow bones, Cyn starts flying upwards as well.
As Cyn passes the camera, the scene cuts to J flying into the air and raining missiles onto Thad, Lizzy and Khan.
Thad (screaming): “Hide!”
The three scatter and hide behind buildings, with most missiles being blocked by said buildings, but Khan sees a missle flying around the building straight at Thad and has a quick flashback of him leaving Uzi for dead, he can’t allow himself to do such a thing again. Khan runs in and opens the buildings reinforced door, making the missle hit the door, with the door being unharmed and Khan getting an idea: Khan (in a serious voice): “Give me a few minutes and we’re golden!”
Lizzy (looking at the railgun being on cooldown): “Be a bit more quick maybe, one hit and we’re dead!”
Cut to Uzi and Nori in space:
Uzi (desperate): “-but there HAS to be SOMETHING we can do!”
Nori: “We’re in SPACE! We’d burn to atoms before we even reach the surface!”
“BITE. ME!!!” Uzi shouts as load as possible, but, now with desperation turning into despair, curls up, Nori tries to ignore this at first, but increasingly felt bad for her:
Nori: “Uzi, I-“
Uzi (sobbing): “Save your excuses! It’s not like you were EVER there for me, even more so than Dad! You’re just as uncool, no, even worse than him! I had NO ONE I could trust until N and now he’s dying down there, EVERYONE is dying down there! And there is NOTHING we can do about it!”
Silence, only quiet rumbles from some rocks colliding.
Cut to N arriving in the offices, seeing a bunch of dead sentinels but also what is left of V, which is beyond repair, several pieces completely missing, with others, like her core, being destroyed, with the only things somewhat left intact being the nanite acid stinger and her right arm. N sees Cyn go after him, picks up her glasses, the stinger and arm and makes his way forward, looking at the ground as sentinels chase after him, after N escapes, Cyn arrives, with the sentinels attacking her but being destroyed in seconds and Cyn picking up a severed sentinel head, playing with it for a bit while humming before managing to activate the bootloop flash, alte putting it away as a surprise tool that will help her later, she continues to pursue N.
Cut to J cornering Lizzy and Thad, with the railgun being on cooldown
J(monologing)“Evasive tactics only delay the inevitable, that’s why I always go for the offensive. Wait, no more monologing! Fire!”
J shoots multiple missiles at them, but Khan rushes in with a door he repurposed into a bulletproof shield and blocks the attack, then rushes at J as she tries to break the shield to no avail before she is slammed against a wall, but she pushes Khan back and notices Lizzy having her Railgun recharged, thus deciding to not approach.
N emerges from the massive hole and sees J, Khan, Lizzy and Thad standing before him exhausted. Khan asks where Uzi is, Lizzy asks where V is, Thad asks whether N fine, J sees N holding the key and demands N give to give it to her. N doesn’t say anything, but his sad expression of both sadness and anger already answers all their questions, with Lizzy seeing V’s arm and stinger.
J: “Wait, where is Tessa? N, where is she!?!”
N becomes concerned but struggles to speak in this panicked and angered state but mutters: “Cyn! Tessa! Corpse! Wear!”
J: “Whaaa?”
N sees “Tessa” emerging from the hole.
N (stuttering): “Tessa IS Cyn, Cyn is wearing her corpse!”
J is in disbelief, “Tessa” quickly counters: “That was an illusion, N! V was killed by security and Uzi was taken over by Cyn and destroyed, but Doll was as well and she collapsed the core!”
N: “She’s lying! Points his gun at Tessa, who is putting her arms in the air.”
J looks at N and starts pointing her gun at him, Khan isn’t sure who to trust while Thad and Lizzy stand with N.
Cut to Nori and Uzi in space.
Uzi is still curled up, Nori sighs and says: “Did Khan ever tell you how he first met me?”
Uzi: “…”
Nori (starting a flashback sequence): “You see, having just doomed the world, I was… not okay. I tried telling people that the Murder drones were coming, that the end was just around the corner but I and Yeva were just seen as the ‘Crazy ladies’, Khan on the other hand, he somehow made me happy despite knowing the world was about to end, he was the funniest, kindest and most passionate person I ever met. He trusted me, he built the doors against the Murder drones, but it wasn’t enough to save everyone, the doors were THIS close to being finished when… they attacked. I tried to use the solver on them, but I just couldn’t bring myself to look at that cursed symbol (shows Nori trying use the solver, but looking at the symbol and quickly making it go away), and look where that got me (only for N to break in and stab her with nanite acid, although N gets a bit nervous and leaves without finishing her off, as J calls him).”
Uzi doesn’t answer.
Nori: “The pain was unbearable, and Khan, he ran into the active battlefield, took a final look at me, and then, ended the pain. I later woke up like this, looked for Yeva but she was… taken care of more thoroughly. I decided to return to the labs to find the patch, and now I’ve spent a decade all for nothing, the only way to stop Cyn was that patch.”
Uzi now glances over at Nori, then back to earth: “I can only hope N manages to escape… and maybe… somehow… find us.”
Cut back to the surface.
N stares at “Tessa” with intense hatred.
“Tessa”: “J! Just stun him before he ends up killing me!”
J points her Virus module from ep.1 at N, but shoots “Tessa” with her other hand, revealing the half-robot corpse underneath, J(with maximum rage): “The real Tessa would NEVER hurt N, for how long has this been going on, Cyn?!? FOR. HOW. LONG!?!”
Cyn(mockingly and while taking off the spacesuit): “Did you really think I’d just let Tessa leave the gala unharmed after she tried to destroy me?” She reaches into the hole and grabs some additional robotic parts, including the sentinel head “How foolish, how ironic coming from you especially, J… Hahaha.”
J goes into a rage and starts charging at Cyn, but
Cyn teleports behind J, grabs her wings and gives her a big hug, giving J a flash back.
At the Gala, Tessa is witnessing her family being massacred right in front of her, she tries to run, but all exits are blocked off, so she instead hides behind a cabinet, but J finds and stares at her, slowly approaching her, with the sword still in her hand, now covered in human blood.
Tessa (scared): “J?”
End of flashback
J has been taken over by Cyn and is forced to fight alongside her.
N tries to intervene, but starts feeling a sizzling sensation and drops the V parts he was carrying, the sun is on the horizon.
Cyn(playfully): “here comes the sun” as N hides behind a building while J does the same while also dodging a railgun blast from Lizzy. Cyn, being covered in Tessa’s skin, is immune to the sun, hence her playful speech.
Cyn teleports towards N and holds the sentinel head towards him, N looks away and avoids being bootloped before slicing at Cyn.
Cut to Nori and Uzi in space, Uzi is clenching her own tail.
Nori: “Even if N finds us, it won’t be long until Cyn takes over you again, you’re still part of the solvers network without the patch.”
Uzi (getting an idea): “Wait, so I’m connected to everything Cyn controls?”
Nori: “Where are you going with this?”
Uzi (excited): “If Cyn was able to control me from space, then I can do the same!”
Nori: “You’re not seriously considering hacking Cyn, you’ll only make yourself vulnerable!”
Uzi: “No, I’ve got someone else in mind…” Uzi starts using her solver in a manner similar to meditation as the music builds up (Uzi literally turns her own volume up).
As the camera focuses on Uzis face, it cuts to J’s, who is, under Cyn command, creeping around the buildings, but not being afraid to get into the sun for a few seconds.
She shoots at Lizzy, but Khan blocks it using the door. J however grabs the door and flings Khan towards Cyn, who stuns him using the sentinel head and is about to tear him apart before N uses his Laser to cut trough his tentacles before that happens. Thad grabs Khan and the door and protects him from J’s missle while N continues to go no mercy on Cyn, with her teleporting multiple times to dodge his attacks. Lizzy tries to shoot J again and annihilates her arm, but J flies towards her anyways, the X on her face glitches purple briefly and as she flies against the camera, cutting back to the flashback in her mind.
In the flashback, J already cut off Tessa’s arm and is about to strike again, Cyn is right behind J.
Cyn (in the flashback): “Do not worry Tessa, I will not discard you just as promised, although I can’t promise that it will be pleasant for you, giggle.”
Tessa (crying out of sheer fear): “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Tessa takes a look at J and closes her eyes in fear, J’s visor glitches as she tries to resist, but is forced to run at Tessa again.
J drops her sword and tries to attack Tessa with her bare hands, but a crow starts to peck at her to everyone’s confusion, Cyns control over J fades as J is surrounded by purple glitch-particles.
J: “Wait, what?”
Uzi (as the crow): “Looks like I have to save you now! Look, after I’m done, just tell N that ‘Uzi is up in space’, got it?”
J: “I’m just more confused.”
Tessa: “Who are you even!?!”
Nori, who just hacked into a corrupted worker: “It’ll make sense once we’re done here, all we need to do now is defeat Cyn!”
Cyn (in the memory), glitches a bit before being controlled by current-day Cyn: “I don’t know how you two came back, (annoyed)again, but I’m a multitasker so don’t think you’re making a difference.”
Uzi: “I think you misunderstood, we’re not here to distract you, we’re here to destroy you!”
Cyn: “ANGRY”
Cyn commands all other drones to attack J, Uzi, Nori and Tessa.
Cut back to the current day, J and Cyn surround N and attack him, but N is taking none of that, he flies around while J’s missiles follow him, makes them hit Cyn, then he grabs J, throws her at Cyn and shoots at them for good measure.
Cyns tentacles then grab N, she stuns him using the sentinel head and she then chucks him into the sun, with some more tentacles keeping him in place. N is starting to overheat, his visor reads:
Thad manages to reboot Khan, but sees N about to literally die while Lizzy stands in the sun to evade J, Thad and Khan bring the Door to N to provide him with shade and Thad quickly reboots N, seeing the door being portable shade, the three of them suddenly get an idea.
Lizzy runs towards them, with J charging an EMP and N blasts J again with a missle to intercept the attack.
Cut back to inside J’s mind.
A massive earthquake hits the mansion as a result of Ns missle, Cyn, several corrupted drones, but also nori, fall from the ceiling. Uzi crow uses the solver to use the sword to slash at Cyn, while J helps Tessa get to safety. Nori holds off the other drones by smashing tables and cutlery into them until they break into pieces.
As Uzi flies hear a window, a drone from the outside breaks the window and grabs her, with the sword landing next to J, the one grabbing Uzi is N from the past alongside V, as V had freed N from the crows instead of Uzi and has already brainwashed him. N throws Crowzi outside and he and V slowly approach her. As the camera zooms in on N’s face, it cuts back to N in the current day, who is shooting at Cyn using both his arms while Khan runs alongside him with his door, providing shade, N then jumps at J, slices her wings off, kicks her into the ground and charges at Cyn with his chainsaw hands and cuts off her left arm, which regenerates without the skin to protect it from the sunlight, forcing Cyn to hold the arm away from the sun. Cyn tries to use the sentinel head to stun N, but he spins around and slices again, with Cyn
Teleporting out of the way.
J, who has been kicked into the Ground, is tackled by Khan and Thad while Lizzy is aiming at the distracted Cyn(switch to Lizzys POV with HUD and all), but Cyn
Teleports right in front of Lizzy, staring into her eyes with open mouth, bites her arm and hurls Thad and Lizzy towards the pit, with Lizzy landing next to the V parts N dropped earlier, while Thad and the railgun almost fall into the massive hole, but Thad manages to hold onto the catwalk and barely catches the Railgun between his legs, as he looks down, he is extremely shocked, but the viewer isn’t shown what is down there yet with the exeption of a whole lot of MASSIVE tentacles WITH EYES springing forth to grab Thad, he runs across the catwalk as it is being torn apart by the tentacles but is about to be grabbed by them as a massive laser swooshes across, cutting the tentacles, Lizzy had grabbed Vs arm and used it, she also picks up Vs stinger and decides to use that as an acid whip while Thad keeps the Railgun.
Cyn teleports around N’s attacks and manages to grab him while Khan is barely keeping J away using the door shield.
Lizzy swings the whip at Cyn and covers her with some Nanite acid.
Cyn: “Pained scream, J, come over here!”
J stops going after Khan, although Khan did notice her jolting and glitching Purple a bit, she goes towards Cyn and spits on her arm to neutralize the nanites while Cyn puts her other arm in her mouth for the same effect. Khan, Lizzy and Thad use this opportunity to regroup while N continues on the offensive.
Thad: “There is some BIG monster coming up the hole! We don’t have much time left!”
Thad hands Khan the Railgun while he takes Vs arm. Cyn knocks N to the ground, but N sticks a perfect landing on his feet and stares back at Cyn with the utmost hate, Cyn: “Clapping.mp4”
Lizzy swings her whip and Thad shoots at Cyn, who creates a wall of tentacles blocking the bullets and another round of acid, J jumps up from behind the Tentacles and rushes into the camera, cut back to the flashback. Crowzi is in the air evading V and N, although she really can’t concentrate on fighting them as she really can’t bring herself to hurt them, especially N, not that she had any weapon available anyways.
Nori and J, who has picked up the sword Uzi dropped, in the meantime do their best at fighting Cyn, with Nori taking out further corrupted drones while J doesn’t want to (these are her friends after all) and charges straight at Cyn, who simply picks her up with the solver and tries taking her over again, Nori quickly attacks Cyn to free J but is grabbed herself afterwards, with Nori saying “BITE ME CYN!”. Uzi flies back into the mansion just past Cyn, with N and V on her pursuit, but V crashes into Cyn (she is not wearing her glasses), while N catches and kills Crowzi, V manages to resist a little bit and attacks Cyn. J uses the opening to slice Cyn body in half, revealing the core inside that immediately jumps on J’s face like a headcrab, V falls right next to Tessa, who is still hiding. Nori quickly grabs the core and uses the solver to hack it, ending the flashback. As J realizes that this was just a memory and she just got her memories back, she takes a look at Tessa and V, and says a final goodbye to them, knowing that they are dead.
Nori tells her: “Remember: Tell whoever you meet that Uzi and I are in space and that they need to look for a blinking light!”
Snap back to reality, J has grabbed Khan and was about to tear him apart, but suddenly the X on her visor changes to the solver symbol, becomes purple, with text reading:
Khan recognizes the ID, it is Noris, but he doesn’t know how that is even possible.
J awakens and jolts a bit, scaring Khan by almost slicing him.
J (slightly fearful as she is still shooken by the flashback): “OW! Uh hey, I was told by two purple things that I should tell someone ‘Uzi and I are up in space and you need to look for a blinking light’”
Khan, upon hearing this and realizing that it means that Uzi and Nori are potentially alive, immediately rushes to N.
J looks at the mass of tentacles coming up from the hole in the ground, Lizzy tries her best to cut them down to size by covering them in acid but they regenerate too fast. N meanwhile is barraging Cyn with the entirety of the American military budget with a level of aggression rivaling the Doom Slayer, although Cyn teleports around to dodge everything.
Thad, who was about to shoot J, as he assumed that she was still being controlled: “We’re fighting Cyn and there is some massive MONSTER coming from the ground!”
J hesitantly changes her arms to guns and starts shooting at Cyn as well.
Khan approaches N and tells him: “MURDER BOT!!! UZI IS IN SPACE!!! I NEED THE KEY TO GET HER BACK DOWN!!!”
N looks at Khan and realizes that Uzi is potentially alive, although this distracts him enough to be hit by one of Cyns Claw tentacles and thrown to the ground. N quickly chucks the key to Khan, who hands the Shield to N, which he immediately uses to block Cyn from charging at him, Khan then gives the railgun to Thad and starts running as fast as possible to the spaceship and starts the engine. Cyn attempts to grab the ship using the giant monster tentacle, but N cuts it using his Laser. Cyn then tries stopping it herself, but get Blasted by Thad using the Railgun and loses her wings as well as a leg, with them regrowing before she starts falling but again without the protection from the sun, preventing Cyn from pursuing the spacecraft.
Cyn rushes at Lizzy and stuns her using the sentinel head, but N very aggressively hits her with the shield before she could finish her off. Thad shoots the sentinel head and it breaks.
N and J both then chase Cyn around the buildings as Lizzy and Thad give them fire support.
Cut to Uzi and Nori
Nori: “So is J another friend of yours?”
Uzi: “No quite the opposite, but she was the one guarding the ship, I can only hope she decided to side with us.”
The two of them then see the spaceship leaving the planet. Nori then uses her solver to reflect some sunlight directly into the spaceship, with Khan seeing this and flying right towards them.
Khan opens the ships door and can’t believe his own eyes: “Uzi? And Nori?”
Uzi jumps at her father and gives him the biggest of hugs, as she never thought she’d see him again.
Nori jumps on his shoulder and says: “No time for semantics“ (the spaceship takes off back to copper 9) “Did big tentacles reach the surface?”
Khan: “I was almost grabbed by one while leaving.”
Nori: “Then we need to be quick!”
Uzi (concerned): “What do you mean?”
Nori: “Causing a core collapse is easy for Cyn, all she needs is one drone, it doesn’t even matter if it is alive or dead, but making a planet explode entirely? For that she needs hundreds. Now I’ve only seen small glimpses, not even enough to make a drawing, but Cyn is calling forth something massive to collect the materials and cause the explosion. We have an hour or two to stop it, as I doubt that that many bodies are all in one plac-“
Uzi and Khan in unicine: “THE SPIRES!”
Uzi: “The Murder drones created massive towers of corpses, and that’s why!”
Nori (concerned): “We have about ten minutes…”
Cut back to the surface as N and J continue to chase after Cyn, N uses Khans shield to block the sun and J usually goes through buildings. Cyn teleports around and attacks them during the chase, managing to grab J before N tackles Cyn into a Wall, but she just telports away before N could shoot her. Thad and Lizzy are busy keeping the Tentacles in check, cutting, shooting and covering them in acid, but there is too many of them and something emerges as Lizzy and Thad begin to run.
Eventually J uses an EMP and successfully stuns Cyn for a second, allowing N to cut all the tentacles off her back. As J and N look at her with the utmost contempt and prepare to finish her off, Cyn teleports upwards and stands on the lightning rod of the building as a very loud roar is heard in the distance. N and J look towards the hole and see a beast emerging from it, a gigantic worm-like half-Robot half-organic beast that is covered in Cyns signature Neon-Yellow X-Eyes and veins that looks like the absolute solver symbol, the beast also has a massive leech-like mouth and many big tentacles and claws.
Cyn: “You hear that? That is what I call ‘The Planet disassembler’, I think you can guess what it does, giggle.”
J tries shooting at Cyn, but Cyn teleports behind the both of them, throws the shield away and dashes to the PD while N and J scramble to retrieve the shield.
Above them the spaceship is reentering the atmosphere, J and N both fly towards it and enter the ship.
Uzi and N exidedly scream each others name and embrace, Khan and Nori look at them disapprovingly. Meanwhile J just breathes heavily as she is exhausted and still not over Tessa’s death.
Uzi (crying in joy): “I never thought I’d ever see you again!”
N: “I’m glad just knowing you’re OK!”
Nori looks out the window: “Holy robo-Jesus that thing is even worse than I imagined!”
All look out of the window (except for Uzi and N, they continue talking about how glad they are about being reunited).
Nori: “OK listen up! If that thing reaches the cospse-spire you’re talking about, the planet will blow up! That means we need to somehow destroy it in before it comes to that point!”
N: “Oh so that’s why it is called the ‘Planet disassembler’!”
J eyerolls, Uzi remarks “Did Cyn just… tell you that? By the way where is she-AHH.”
Cyn jumped towards the spaceship and is now breaking in through the window, her tentacles creep in and the spaceship crashes on the ground, with them all being trapped in the dark wreck with Cyn.
‘Thad’: “Guys? Are you ok in there? Just follow my voice to find the exit!”
Uzi, J, Khan and Nori all rush to the voice but Cyn, who still had copied Thad’s voice from all the way back in Ep. 2, just Lured them all together and is collapsing the ceiling on them, closing off the entrance. But N saw through the ruse and is keeping the entrance open, Nori and Uzi use their solvers to stop the collapse, but Cyn again tries to control Uzi, with N immeadiatly dashing at her, preventing Uzi from being taken over and blowing a hole in the spaceship and everyone runs out.
Thad and Lizzy arrive in the Bus (Lizzy is driving and almost crashing it) and Thad gives Uzi the Railgun as her solver isn’t reliable anymore.
Uzi: “Wow, where did you get that?”
Thad: “Oh Khan over here built this just before we went to the crater.”
N hands Khan the shield as he uses both of his arms to light the inside of the ship on fire while
Uzi: “Bite me, Cyn!”
Uzi uses the Railgun to turn up the heat as well, with Cyns upper half barely getting out while in flames.
Cyn is overheating and collapses, but simply states: “Giggle. That was very fun, N, but you can’t flee now, can you. I’ll be seeing your backups now, Giggle.”
She, still covered in the now burnt skin of Tessa, shuts down, everyone breathes a sigh of relief for now.
Suddenly, Cyns body twitches even though the Robot has entirely shut down and the core has melted. Everyone is confused, Uzi aims with her Railgun but it is still recharging, Thad, Khan and Nori step back and prepare to strike, J however remembers Cyns words to Tessa at the Gala: “Don’t worry Tessa, I won’t discard you.” J and N realize what she meant by that as they witness through a crack on Cyns head that it contains a brain, Tessa’s brain, which Cyn had been using as a processor for decades now.
J: “Tessa!?! Wha-“
Tessa’s distorted voice is heard from the body: “Pleeaaasse… N… Jus-“
N (in a very serious voice): “Goodbye, Tessa.”
N shoots the brain until it is vaporized, everyone is shocked. Uzi and Nori don’t know what to say, J just mourns Tessa all over again, Thad is Frozen in fear and Lizzy is… well… Lizzy and takes a photo, but Khan gives N a pat on the shoulder: “You did the right thing, N.” As he also went through the same pain.
J salutes Tessa’s corpse, as


A loud roar is heard once more, the Planet disassembler is almost at the spire and Cyn now takes direct control over it. It is starting to pick up a few dead drones on its way and eats them, which causes gravity to stop for a few seconds.
Everyone looks at each other and prepares to attack.
Uzi: “Everyone, let us END this madness!”
The Bus drives around the Planet Dissassembler with Khan as the driver, Nori uses her solver to cut the tentacles using lamp-posts while Thad slices them with the laser from Vs arm and Lizzy spreads acid on the ground, slowing the PD down even more. In the meantime, N, J and Uzi fly through the shadows, with N and J repeatedly blasting the beast to little effect, as the beast uses the absolute solver to deflect any and all attacks off of its body.
The Planet disassembler catches wind of this and rams itself into the buildings, collapsing them and leaving the N, J and Uzi with less shade to hide in.
Nori realizes why Cyn was so keen on destroying the Solver drones:
“It can’t be hurt using regular weaponry, but the Sol-“
She is grabbed by the Planet disassemblers claw, but J quickly shoots it before it could crush Nori, sending her flying into the spire of corpses.
Nori: “Dangit! Being this small isn’t an advantage against this colossus! If I could jus-“
Nori notices that she coincidentally landed on her own corpse.
Nori says: “Lucky me I guess.” as she crawls back into her own body. She quickly heals her wounds and breaks free from the mass, as she has now returned to her Worker drone form, although with a big open hole in her torso where her core is clearly visible.
She jumps back into action and Parcours across the tentacles and uses the solver on the beast: “NOW UZI!”
Uzi shoots at the solver symbol and deals some massive damage to the Planet disassembler, its weakness has been found.
Uzi: “N! J! Aim where WE use our solvers!”
Nori and Uzi use their solvers on different parts of the beast, although Uzi needs to be careful to not let Cyn overtake her again, J shoots at the parts Nori makes vulnerable while N shoots at the parts Uzi makes vulnerable.
The Planet disassembler shrieks and swings its tentacles and claws, knocking Uzi, Nori and J back while N slices the tentacle targeting him before it could knock him back.
The PD grabs some drone corpses and eats them, causing gravity to stop for a few seconds, which causes the Bus Khan is driving to crash. Khan Lizzy and Thad exit the damaged vehicle, with Thad saying to the bus: “Thank you for your service.” (As the bus is some level of sentient). The PD then uses its tentacles to tear down the last building in its vacinity, completely eliminating all shade, forcing N to land in the corpse spire where the others are also going, the PD is seen regenerating all the wounds it sustained.
Khan: “Uh, did that thing just regenerate its wounds?”
Nori: “Dang it! How are we supposed to deal with that!”
Thad (panicking): “We gotta try SOMETHING!”
Uzi uses the solver and N uses his targeting system to determine another weakpoint, but they don’t find anything.
Uzi: “Wait a minute!”
Uzi jumps on N and uses the solver on him, updating his targeting system, with it now detecting that the roof of the mouth of the PD is a weakpoint.
Uzi: “Bite me Cyn! Of course you made your targeting system ignore your own weakpoint!”
The Planet Disassembler is just about to reach the Spire, so N shouts:
Khan holds the door against the sun while Nori, Uzi, N, and J run alongside him in the shade, they jump into the air, with Uzi carrying Nori, N carrying Thad and Lizzy while J carries Khan, all of them approach the weakpoint and unload their entire arsenal on it:
Uzi and Nori use their solvers to make the point vulnerable.
N shoots big Lasers with both of his arms.
J makes it rain missiles on the things.
Thad shoots at it with a Vs hand in its minigun form.
Lizzy sprays all of the acid left in the stinger on it.
Khan just holds the door towards the sun to continue to provide shade but also throws his wrench for good measure.
And lastly, Uzi puts the Railgun in her hands and blasts the Planet disassembler with ‘EDGE LEVEL = OVER 9000’ (literally that’s on her visor): “BITE ME!”
The group is now floating in front of the PD.
The dust settles, revealing Dolls corpse. Doll has just been uncovered from behind the wall of metal and flesh, being heavily damaged but not entirely destroyed, hanging like a marionette on strings with a neon-yellow absolute solver symbol displaying on her visor, pained screams suddenly come from her and the PD begins to slither towards the spire again, the tentacles and claws grab everyone from behind and throw the door shield of Khan into the stratosphere. The group is nearly devoured but as the Doll corpse sees Lizzy among them, she glitches Red a little bit and the PD instead spits them into the spire, but as there is no more shade left and Khan, Nori, J, Thad and Lizzy are left incapacitated with the Railgun still on cooldown, N and Uzi see the PD, powered by Dolls solver, grabbing a ton of the corpses from the spire, ready to consume them and Destroy the planet, with them both being unable to intervene due to the deadly sun blocking any path towards Dolls corpse.
N: “Uzi, thank you for everything.”
N, despite knowing that this is a suicide mission, prepares to fly towards Doll anyways, but Uzi stops him: “Please don’t, I need to tell you that I-“
N quickly turns around and, finally after five episodes since the Prommening, kisses her (yes, on the mouth). Nori tries to look away while Khan does the whole ‘uses his mustache to wipe the tears of his face thing’ as he had gained respect for N.
N then quickly departs without speaking another word, Uzi reaches her hand towards him whispering “love you”, uses the solver to throw him upwards at great speed and looks on as N divides any claw or tentacle that tries to block his way in two as he scales the massive beast in the scorching sun. His metallic body starts to glow red as a result of the extreme temperature and his visor warns: “OVERHEATING”, however N ignores the warning and continues to ascend the massive monster, as five tentacles block his way, he slices them into pieces using his chainsaw hands and as a claw stretches to get a grip his leg, he dodges out of the way by shooting downwards and using the recoil to boost himself upwards. N is nearing the top, outmaneuvering falling drone corpses that the planet dissolver is dropping on him in a desperate effort at halting his advance, N’s visor reads “TOTAL SYSTEM FAILURE IN 10… 9… 8…”.
N looks down at Uzi for a second,
she looks at him with a saddened expression, but N smiles back.
Uzis sad expression turns into an albeit awkward smile.
A last batch of fifteen tentacles and two claws reach out to put a stop to Ns advance.
N spins his nanite acid tail around himself to cover all of them in nanites.
The tentacles and claws fall apart as the acid dissolves them.
N reaches the top and makes eye contact with dolls corpse.
He dashes towards her and readies both his arms to unleash a devastating energy blast, text appears on Doll reading “Thank you” in Russian, as N grants her wish to not be used to destroy the planet.
A massive explosion fills the entire screen, with the white light lasting for a dozen seconds before it fades and muffled sounds can be heard.
The Planet disassembler collapses onto the ground as the X-eyes over its body shut off.
Uzi and the others look upon the destroyed miles-long monster, in front of which lies what little is left off doll, that being her now charred and cracked hard-hat, a shard of her visor, a few bits of her core and a torn up boot, Lizzy actually reacts shocked to this and doesn’t take a photo.
Khan and Thad look around but spot something and stare at it silently.
Nori uses her solver to pick up a piece of the road for Uzi to use as shade, the two of them look go towards Khan and Thad and take a look at whatever the two of them spotted, Uzi gasps and says in a saddened manner: “N?” and sprints towards him, dragging the piece of road behind her as the screen fades to black.
After a while of pure silence, the screen shows neon-yellow text:
The text color changes to white.
A murder drones POV is shown, the vision is blurry but soon reveals a very down looking Uzi standing in front of it, wearing a lab coat as well as a fridge magnet depicting the symbol on Ns pilot hat. Thad is not far behind Uzi dual wielding a pair of Railgun-like guns. Uzi has just pressed a button and is now holding a notebook and pencil.
(In a tired and monotone voice)“Restoration attempt number 142, serial designation N, please speak.”
N: “Uzi? What happened? Are you OK?”
Uzi drops her notebook and pencil, is speechless for a second and then says excitedly: “N?”
submitted by David_Pacefico to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 18:06 Natto_Assano [NRW] Deutsch-LK Abi Vorgaben

Ich schreibe am Donnerstag mein Abi im Deutsch LK am beruflichen Gymnasium und irgendwie steige ich durch die Vorgaben nicht ganz durch. Unsere Lehrerin war die letzten 5 Schulwochen krankheitsbedingt nicht in der Schule und fällt immer noch aus sodass nachfragen dort eher schwierig ist.
Soweit ich verstanden habe kann folgendes drankommen: -Lyrik oder Literatur - Sachtextanalyse - Materialgestütztes Schreiben
Was ist das vierte?
submitted by Natto_Assano to abitur [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 19:05 LyoshaOsgood My gf keeps saying awful things about herself and is not willing to get help. I'm shaking rn because of a text convo we had and its awful, I feel awful

She says things almost every day, i support her almost every day, I do everything to support her. Now she kept on and on about ways to commit suicide and made jokes about it. I know that she can do something like than under emotions and I am emotionally drained from supporting her over and over again without receiving it back. Here's what we had after she stopped texting about ways one can commit suicide:
Me: It's not funny, not even a bit, it's just fucked up, I do not know what to answer.
Gf: Sorry. Well, I'm not thinking about myself at all when I say this. I'm just thinking about situations like this. Like how does this even happen.
Me: I'm scared anyway because of this, I'm scared for you
Gf: But it made me laugh because the ceiling would fall off if someone hanged themselves...
Me: It's not funny in this context
Gf: Well, the humor is different
Me: I'm scared of it anyway.
Gf: These are just words into the void. And nothing else. Don't take every word I say seriously. It will always be clear when I'm serious and when I'm not. But if I talk about it seriously, then even that won't be serious, because I just won't say it. When I talk about it so openly, it means only one thing. It's all like spitting into the void. And nothing more
I remember telling her one time about the same thoughts. One single fucking time, I hoped for support or just a simple 'it's gonna be okay', but she broke down and then blamed me for even saying this thing, she said: 'you know what reaction I get from these messages, why would you even say it? What was I supposed to say?'. And now when I already told her a few times that talks like that that go one end about her having a monolog is making me scared and shaky. Maybe I'm dumb for thinking it's wrong on her end, I have no idea what to think. I feel like an idiot after she explains why she says certain things. I feel dumb and stupid, I feel awful for getting upset
submitted by LyoshaOsgood to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 20:48 admkukuh A little rant for weak ass like me

Halo komodos, gw dari dulu pernah kepikiran kek buat cerita dikit gt disini, gw 20 (M), tapi takut kalo cerita gada hasil apa apa. Gw sangat memandang diri gw rendah dibanding semua org bahkan adek sendiri. Gw ada masalah personal dengan diri gw dan gw ngerasa gw hipokrit karena gw bisa treat others fine or even better but not myself. I see myself as a tool, just give me a bit of maintenance (a bit of attention or being included), and i'll do everything to you.
A little background, gw dibesarin dengan didik kasar sama bokap and it works, tapi entah kenapa belakangan ini gw merasa kalau yg diucapkan oleh ortu gw itu kadang ada yg personal ada yg emotional dump, dan kadang gw merasa sakit hati kalo di ucapin yang memang tidak seharusnya diucapin gt. Bokap gw sih yang biasanya gitu, cuma gw gapapa lah ga mempermasalahkannya, mungkin beliau lagi capek or somewhat lagi ada masalah. Gw ama bokap ga terlalu deket as a result (gw takut sampe skrg ama beliau, tapi masih bisa kalo sekedar komunikasi but not heart to heart, just man to man). Gw dipaksa terus buat ngomong ama bokap kek ngomong apa aja, yang dimana gw gabisa karena gw emg ada luka batin dari kecil buat selalu nerima rant nya dia unconditionally or even get a bit of physical abuse, which im fine cause what could i do. Selalu aja bokap itu ngomongin tentang hubungan emosional but at the same time beliau ngomong kalo anak itu yang ngerti orang tua, bukan sebaliknya. Bokap gw emang egonya besar kalo udah ranah personal, jadi anggep aja ngerawat gw itu out of responsibility, but there is almost no love carried, which is different compared to my sister. Gw gapernah dengki sama siapa siapa di rumah walau udah di perlakukan se kocak itu, soalnya gw emang dikasi tau sama nyokap kandung gw sebelum meninggal buat tetep jadi orang baik, jangan besar egonya, sama tetep inget sama semua kebaikan orang. Gw sendiri emg tipikalnya yang pasrah dan ngalah terus karena yaaa dari kecil emg disuruh ngalah terus mau aku bener ato salah wkwkw. Itulah kenapa gw merasa kalo gw ini gada valuenya samsek, dipandang rendah, dan gapernah dianggap "ingin jadi dewasa", karena bokap gw selalu ngomongin itu ke gw apalagi kalo beliau ada rasa jengkel gatau kenapa tb tb gw targetnya, ya intinya gw jadi target kalo mau di kasarin apa aja bentuknya, dan ntar abis biasa lagi gada maafan gt kek yodah langsung aja ngomong ke gw kek gada perasaan bersalah wkwkw.
Jadi, ceritanya adalah dari akhir januari (2 hari terakhir januari) rumah tangga bokap gw mulai kacau, bener bener yg pertama kali bikin gw ketakutan buat kerumah, singkat cerita nyokap tiri mulai kek orang kesetanan, dan gw yang jadi target marahannya selain ke bokap gw, entah deh gw ada salah apa sama beliau tapi gw gapernah yang namanya ngerugiin orang dari segi apapun, yah mungkin nyokap tiri lagi cape ato gimana tapi ini berlangsuung sampe skrg boi wkwkw, gw disini juga posisi sahabat gw keknya nge cut off gw gatau kenapa (dari 20 jan), dan gw bener bener merasa messed up yang baru yang sama sekali belom pernah gw rasain, kek beneran jatuh yang sukar banget bangkitnya, dan gw sempet ngerasa kalo ini bom waktu sampe gw kelar kuliah terus dpet kerjaan baru di kick gw dari rumah wkwk. Inti dari permasalahan di keluarga gw itu sebenernya gw gatau karena nyokap tiri gw emang gajelas marah" nya, tapi dari apa yg gw dapat karena itu semua rant isinya repetitif semua, itu karena adanya ketidakadilan dalam keluarga gw.... which is actually nonexistent because my father did alot for our family??? Nah terus ini ada yg lucu lagi, kan nyokap tiri gw marah marah lagi gatau lah kenapa, tiba tiba nyuruh bokap gw (bokap gw 20 taun lebih tua btw, so age gap nya gede wkwk) buat kumpulin sekeluarga di meja makan, gw lgsg telp adek kandung gw yg lagi nugas di luar kali ini darurat besar, nah akhirnya sampe rumah, taunya pas sampe rumah dikasi tau kalo gw ama adek gw tuh anak adopsi, tapi pas ngucapinnya ke gw, gw itu anak pungut diambil dari jembatan, terus ngaata ngatain lah nyokap asli gw mandul ato gmn, dan gw kaget lah kek kok bisa ngomong kek gt wkwk, ya gw sih emang dari 6 taun pernah mikir gw ini anak pungut ato bukan ya soalnya gw kek di treat beda sama adek gw cuma yodahlah bomat (iya gw belajar buat bomat dari kecil krn gapernah dibanggakan samsek wkwkw). Nah disitu gw kabur dari rumah sehari aja ketemuan ama temen gw yg kebetulan emang lucu keluarganya, ya saran yg gw dapet abis 4 jam curhat nonstop cuma suruh bodoamat, itu dosa mereka bukan dosa gw, gw gatau ya ges soalnya gw emang baru baru ini kembali beribadah, ya alasan awalnya karena permasalahan di keluarga + di cut off ama sahabat gw. Intinya atmosfir di rumah suram, gw di kos temen gw yg ala kadarnya bisa tidur pulas dibanding di rumah bokap yang beda jauh kondisinya sama kos kos an, yaa di rumah gw bisa tidur tp ga istirahat gt deh wkwkw.
Kalau tentang sahabat gw (21 F), gw udah sahabatan ama dia selama 5 tahun lamanya dari sma, yah baru tahun kemarin si kami jadi deket lagi karena gw curhat tentang kuliah gw yg kacau balau nilainya krn keberatan kuliah waktu itu, dan sempet suicidal, tapi abis semua percakapan panjang itu dia setuju untuk bantu gw dan yap nilai gw selama kuliah bener bener melejit, gw bener bener bisa ber ekspresi se bebas itu, bener bener ga takut sama yang namanya orang asing, dan yaaaa bisa jadi makhluk sosial yg fungsional wkwk. Kita deket, gw confess ke dia, tapi gw ga nembak dia, karena gw dari awal gada intensi buat dapetin dia, ya confess kan ga selalu tentang suka ato cinta gt kan ya wkwk, gw confess aja ke dia sebetapa nyaman dan bahagianya gw berada disampingnya etc., yang dimana awalnya dia yg confess kalo dia menggantungkan kebahagian dia di gw, and the story goes on untill december last year dimana dia mulai capek ama kerjaan dia di organisasi and yeah she decided to be bitter towards everyone, dan dia ilfeel sama gw as a result, tapi gw ga masalahin sih, pas ketemu dia abis event apa gt, gw tanyain kenapa, ada apa, dll in simple terms, dia takut ama gw, tapi gtw kenapa, tepat di ujuung desember dia cerita kalo dia bersalah banyak ama gw karena ya katanya gw menganggap ini kek hal yang wajar, memberi dia waktu dan ruang yang cukup besar menurut dia, dan rela jadi punching bag dia dengan cara di diemin selama hampir 2 bulan wkwkw. Gw ga ngerasa kek itu beban sih awalnya, soalnya ya bro kita udah besar santai aja kali. Memasuki januari kita nongki kan, disitu gw nangis di dia karena gw capek ama kondisi rumah gw waktu itu. Yah diperjalanan pulang dia ngomong kalo gw orangnya tulus, gw yang gapernah nganggep gw sendiri orang baik, tulus, ato apalah itu, kaget lah, intinya ya gw makasih banyak sama sahabat gw satu ini karena bener bener bisa bantu gw nge revive diri gw yang sengaja gw tinggal. Namun semenjak dirinya magang, di minggu terakhir dia magang gw curhat lah ke doi soal masalah dirumah, ga semuanya sih tapi intinya gt, dan dia minta maaf karena gada buat gw kan, gw gapapa karena emang fokusin magang aja biar hasilnya bagus, dan beberapa hari setelahnya gw curhat lagi, but idk i think this time she's mad or something like that to me, she never replied to my text ever from last month. And no, i dont bother her like in the way i need her to help me, i just told her that my day went this and that and yeah, something you could either reply or not and no effect would grow on it. Gw merasa kek gw salah apa yak yang bikin dia pengen cut off gw, soalnya terkahir kali dia silent treatment ke gw, gw merasa salah, taunya dia yg maaf karena bukan gw yg salah gt, yah you guys got the glimpse lah. Gw merasa kek ini downfall of our friendship, and i feel like i ruined everything again for the idk howmany times. To be honest gw ngerasa kalo gw tersakiti sama ekspektasi gw, bukan karena dianya. Yaaa sejak kemaren februari pertengahan dia gapernah ngabarin, sok cerita, ato apalah, well idk if it's because of me or something, but i do hope that she would return one day, with a whole new story.
Nah, gw sekarang itu merasa capek ama semua, pengen curhat dan didengerin, yang dimana biasanya sahabat gw ada buat gw curhat dan sebaliknya. Gw bener bener ngerasa sendiri, walau gw udah doa tiap abis sholat, well intinya gw kesepian dan gw rasanya itu pengeeen banget cerita dan disambung dengan ceritanya lawan bicara, yaa saling cerewet dengan interest masing masing gt lah like how i used to do with my buddy, but now am all alone like idk man, it just feels alone.
Gw gapernah punya kesempatan untuk ngeluh sebesarnya dan diterima, marah sebesarnya dan diterima, serta berbeda pendapat dan diterima. Gw selama idup selalu dibebani sama perasaan bersalah, kurang dan tidak pede, cuma pas gw bersama sahabat gw dimanapun, gw ngerasa gw bisa jadi diri gw sepenuh potensial gw (contoh kecil nilai 2 semester kemarin meningkat pesat sampe gw heran). Gapernah gw mandang gw itu apalah walau beberapa temen gw muji gw karena hard skill ama soft skill gw, yang dimana gw gapernah mandang itu kek sesuatu yang pantas untuk di puji wkwk.
Gitu doang sih ges a little rant of me and my life, if you guys have any suggestion for me or any advice, im all ears. Maaf ya kalo cerita gw ga jelas ato gimana, you could ask for details :D
submitted by admkukuh to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 03:44 MelodicConfusion500 JENIS SISIK DAN MITOS KATURANGGANNYA

pukulannya lawan tarung akan merasakan sakit luar dalam Memiliki Mental yang cukup bagus dan banyak dicari oleh para bobotoh Memiliki pergerakan dan keseimbangan kaki yang cukup Lihai
  1. ROTAN (Bulat) Sisik kaki rotan adalah salah satu yang paling banyak dikenal dan sering kita jumpai akan tetapi sisik kaki rotan super yang dipercaya memiliki pukulan menyakitkan bahkan dibilang mematikan. Ayam aduan sisik rotan punya ciri khas kaki berbentuk bulat ramping debgan barisan sisik yang begitu rapih/kerep maka dari itu para penghobi lama lebih menyukai ayam aduan dengan model kaki berbentuk bulat. Memiliki kekuatan pukulan yang begitu keras disertai taji super Memiliki kemampuan pukulan yang dapat Mematahkan tulang leher sehingga lawan tarung tak sanggup menahan rasa sakit Memiliki Mental bagus dan kuat Memiliki Keseimbangan dan pergerakan yang cukup ideal
  2. NAGA BANDA Sisik kaki Naga Banda merupakan jenis kaki ayam bangkok yang paling populer dan dikenal berbahaya tentunya' penghobi sering menyebutkan bahwa ini adalah contoh bentuk kaki ayam bangkokan asli (Original) sejak dulunya. ciri khas Naga banda memiliki sisik yang serupa dengan kulit buah salak melihat dari bentuk kaki dan karakter sisik naga banda memiliki aura yang dapat menakuti lawan. Memiliki Pukulan pedas, panas dan keras sehingga jarang sekali lawan tarung yang tahan jika terkena pukulannya. Memiliki Pukulan Depan yang mampu membuat lawan tersungkur dalam beberapa menit. Memiliki Mental luar Biasa seperti baja. Memiliki Pergerakan kaki yang begitu cepat.
  3. PUTRI KINIRUNG (Selap) Sisik kaki putri kinirung merupakan salah satu katuranggan yang masuk dalam naskah kuno seperti diprimbon jawa misalnya banyak kalangan penghobi mempercayai hal ini. jenis sisik ini diyakini memiliki pukulan yang dapat membuat lawan tarung sempoyongan bahkan lemas. khas putri kinirung sendiri memiliki ciri yaitu sebuah sisik janggal menyelip/melik keluar (dalam bahasa sunda sisik selap) Memiliki pukulan Menyakitkan yang terkenal panas Memiliki kemampuan pukulan yang membuat lawan kebingungan sehingga menjadi lemas bahkan lumpuh Memiliki mental yang bagus dan kuat Memiliki kecepatan dalam pergerakan
  4. SURO WETU Sisik kaki suro wetu merupakan salah satu ayam aduan paling berbahaya dan mematikan Katuranggan yang tersimpan dipercaya memiliki banyak kelebihan dan keampuhan jenis ini masuk kedalam daftar nama - nama ayam suro yang kita ketahui. Selain banyak dicari sisik suro wetu punya nilai harga yang cukup tinggi. Ciri khas Suro wetu yaitu memiliki benjolan pada bagian belakang kaki tepat dibawah taji. Memiliki pukulan yang begitu keras hingga kedalam tulang Memiliki kehebatan yang membuat lawan tumbang dalam beberapa menit. Memiliki Kelebihan dari cara dia melangkan, kuda kuda, dan juga pergerakan Memiliki mental yang cukup dan sulit dikalahkan
11.BATU RANTAI (Buaya) Sisik Kaki Batu Rantai atau dikenal dengan sebutan sisik buaya ini sangat populer dikalangan masyarakat pecinta sabung ayam. Menurut informasi salah satu jenis ini disebutkan keturunan se'ekor buaya maka dari itu setiap penghobi meyakini katuranggan tersimpan didalam sisik ini sangat kuat. Banyak mitos yang mengatakan bahwa sisik batu rantai mudah kelelahan dan tidak boleh bertarung berdekatan dengan pohon bambu. Ciri khas batu rantai sendiri memiliki beberapa sisik pada bagian - bagian bawah jari. Memiliki pukulan yang dikenal pedas dan panas sehingga lawan merasakan nyeri pada bagian urat - urat seperti otot Memiliki Kehebatan pukulan yang mampu membuat tenaga lawan hilang Memiliki mental cukup bagus dan tenaga mudah kembali setelah terkena air Memiliki keseimbangan dan pergerakan kaki yang cukup gesit
  1. BATU LAPAK Sisik batu lapak merupakan salah satu yang paling sulit ditemukan bahkan jarang dimiliki oleh jenis ayam mana pun hanya orang - orang tertentu saja yang beruntung memilikinya. Berbicara katuranggan batu lapak dipercaya memiliki kekuatan pukulan yang dapat mengalahkan lawan dalam sekejap khas batu lapak sendiri punya ciri yaitu terdapat sisik tepat pada bagian telapak kaki. Memiliki pukulan yang dikenal mematikan cukup keras sehingga lawan tarung merasa linu pada bagian - bagian tulang. Memiliki Kehebatan pukulan yang mampu melumpuhkkan lawan dalam sekejap. Memiliki Mental jiwa petarung perkasa. Memiliki pergerakan dan kuda kuda cukup baik.
  2. SATRIYA SINEKTI Sisik kaki satria sinekti adalah salah satu model jenis terlangka sangat sulit ditemukan jenis ini sejak pada jaman dahulu dikenal dengan digdaya yang mempunyai kelebihan sebagai ayam aduan terhebat dan sulit dikalahkan. Menurut primbon yang dituliskan bahwa ayam aduan dengan bentuk kaki seperti ini memiliki katuranggan pada urutan ke 10 dan dijelaskan bahwa satriya sinekti adalah yang tanpa sisik melik dalam artian sisik yang hampir tak terlihat seakan menyatu dengan tulang kaki Memiliki pukulan begitu keras dan mematikan mampu membunuh lawan dengan sangat cepat Memiliki kekuatan pukulan sakti yang bisa membuat lawannya cacat mental Memiliki mental petarung pantang mundur Memiliki pergerakan cepat dalam menyerang
  3. NAGA TEMURUN Sisik kaki Naga temurun merupakan jenis sisik kaki terhebat dan banyak dibicarakan oleh setiap master ayam soal kemampuannya menghabisi lawan. Istilah naga temurun yaitu sisik yang mirip dengan sisik ular naga para penghobi pun mempercayai katuranggan jenis ini punya banyak keistimewaan dari cara teknik bertarung juga pukulan maka dari itu naga temurun dinobatkan salah satu jenis sisik paling berbahaya oleh para lawannya. Ciri khas naga temurun tersebut bisa dibedakan yaitu dilihat dari bentuk barisan sisik belakang yang menurun kesuluruhan memang banyak kalangan penghobi yang keliru tentang hal ini, kami akan menjelaskan secara detail sebetulnya dari kata menurun pada bagian bentuk lengkungan atas berada diposisi bawah tidak berada diatas kalau kita simpulkan secara langsung bentuk sisik berubah menjadi berbalik menghadap ke atas lihat berikut gambar ini.
Tampilan Posisi lengkungan berada dibawah/turun boleh dikatakan sisik kaki ayam aduan naga temurun sesungguhnya !! Memiliki kualitas pukulan super keras/jero Mampu mengalahkan lawan dalam hitungan menit Memiliki kekuatan pukulan bertenaga kuat sampai bagian dalam sehingga lawan merasa kesakitan dan linu pada setiap tulang Memiliki Mental petarung hebat dan kuat Memiliki Keseimbangan dan pergerakan kaki disaat melontarkan pukulan atau pun kuda kuda
  1. TUNGGAK WINARAYAN Sisik Tunggak Winaraya dikenal salah satu sisik mematikan dan banyak dicari para jagoHolic. Dari setiap ciri pecahan pada bagian kedua jari kanan dan kiri (kelingking) dipercaya memiliki katuranggan dari hasil turun temurun. Sisik tunggak winaran sering dikatakan jenis special penghancur lawan bertarung oleh karena itu memiliki ayam aduan dengan khas sisik seperti ini menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri. Memiliki pukulan cukup besar dan mematikan, efek terkena pukulan sisik ini lawan mudah down bahkan stres Memiliki kemampuan pukulan yang dapat membuat bagian tulangan dalam menjadi rusak Memiliki Mental bagus seperti baja Memiliki kecepatan pergerakan dalam menyerang
  2. KAKI BLINGBING SOKA Sisik kaki belingbing soka merupakan salah satu kaki ayam aduan khas ayam bangkok Asli thailan diera ke'emasannya jenis ini dikenal sadis mampu membuat ayam lain cacat seperti kehilangan mental keberanian tentu para pemain lama mengetahui hal tersebut. Ciri sisik blingbing sendiri memiliki khas yaitu bentuk dua barisan sisik yang tersesun rapih dan bagian tengah sedikit menekuk kedalam. Maraknya fovulasi persilangan yang dilakukan setiap penghobi menjadikan sisik jenis ini se'akan menghilang dan jarang terlihat khususnya diwilayah indonesia. Memiliki Pukulan sangat keras dan pedas, satu kali lontaran pukulan yang diluncurkan mampu membuat gangguan pengelihatan pada mata lawan Memiliki kehebatan pukulan tepat pada bagian batangan Memiliki jiwa mental tempur yang bagus Memiliki daya cengkraman dan gerakan baik
  3. NAGA EMAS Sisik kaki Naga Emas salah satu paling berbahaya bahkan dikenal dengan keganasan yang dimiliki dari karakter pukulan atau pun teknik bertarung. Katuranggan naga emas sangat dipercaya akan keampuhan yang tersimpan dari kekuatannya. dilihat dari bentuk fostur dan warna sisik ini punya kemiripan dengan jenis pancuran Emas hanya saja Sisik naga Emas Memiliki tampilan berbeda yaitu bentuk sisik yang tajam dan warna kaki kuning polos. Kini sisik naga emas Terbilang sulit dicari bahkan ditemukan. Memiliki bobot tenaga pukulan tidak terlalu keras namun menyakitkan seperti ditusuk jarum yang mengakibatkan lawan tarung mudur dalam pertempuran Memiliki kehebatan super taji yang dapat merusak bahkan melumpukan Memiliki Mental jiwa seorang petarung sejati Memiliki kecapatan, keseimbang dan pergerakan terbilang agresif/lincah
  4. KADAL METENG Sisik kaki kadal meteng merupakan salah satu sisik ayam aduan yang ditakuti oleh para lawannya dan Katuranggan yang dimiliki masih dipercaya sampai saat ini. Ciri khas jenis ini punya model sisik tajam pada setiap jari kaki. Kadal meteng sering disebutkan salah satu sisik beracun ( dalam bahasa sunda sisik Peurah) biasanya jika terkena pukulan sisik ini akan meninggalkan bekas seperti biru memar. Kadal meteng sebetulnya suatu ciri bentuk sisik yang hanya dimiliki ayam betina/babon maka dari itu jarang sekali terlihat pada ayam jantan berbanggalah anda jika memiliki ayam aduan dengan tampilan sisik seperti berikut ini. Memiliki pukulan pedas dan menyakitkan meski kecil mampu memutuskan saraf Memiliki pukulan tenaga dalam yang banyak disebut pukulan beracun/peurah Memiliki Mental yang terbilang sedikit lambat Memiliki Keseimbangan bagus dan pergerakan lebih lincah
  5. KING SAPU JAGAT Sisik kaki sapu jagat salah satu jenis paling terlangka sulit ditemukan pertama kali ditemukan yaitu dinegara thailan dan Myanmmar hanya orang - orang tertentu saja pernah memilikinya. Berbicara tentang Katuranggan sisik ini sering dikatakan punya banyak keistimewaan seperti aura wibawa dan kesan melihat dari bentuk tampilan king sapu jagat punya pamor sisik menakutkan bahkan para penghobi lama menyebutnya salah satu mesin pembunuh dalam artian mampu mengalahkan lawan hanya dengan 3/4 kali pukulan. ciri khas king sapu jagat sendiri punya ciri sisik aneh dan unik yang menyerupai tulang kalau diperhatikan hampir mirip dengan bentuk taji/jalu Memiliki pukulan sangat keras disertai taji/jalu yang mampu membuat lawannya ambruk dengan hanya berapa pukulan saja Memiliki kehebatan pukulan special depan dan badan sangat ahli dibidang brangkot Memiliki mental cukup ganas saat bertarung Memiliki pergerakan kaki sedikit lamban
  6. ULAR PANDAN (Pandanus Snake) Siapa yang tak mengenal salah satu sisik paling dicari dan populer dengan famor khas sisik kaki berwarna hijau ini menjadi jenis yang terhebat dan berbahaya didunia sabung ayam. Menurut cerita sisik ular pandan dikenal paling ditakuti para bobotoh papan atas pada masa itu jenis ini memiliki pecahan komplit atau istilah tembus pada setiap jari dan sisik utama. Para hobi mempercayai Katuranggan ayam aduan model sisik ular pandan begitu kuat dan sakti Berikut ciri asli sisik ular pandan. Memiliki pukulan super tandes/jero terasa pada setiap tulang dalam, Sangat cepat dibidang menuntaskan pertarungan Memiliki kelebihan balasan pukulan lebih menyakitkan, efek terkena pukulannya mampu memberikan reaksi cepat yang berpengaruh pada setiap otot - otot sehingga lawan tidak bisa berjalan bahkan memukul Memiliki Mental yang dikenal keganasannya Memiliki keseimbangan dan pergerakan super cepat juga baik
  7. GAMBIR Sisik kaki Gambir memiliki khas warna corak merah kecoklatan pada bagian sisik utama' ayam aduan dengan sisik seperti ini merupakan salah satu yang boleh dikatakan paling berbahaya jika terkena pukulanya mampu membuat lawan terguling bahkan K.O dalam beberapa ronde. Sisik gambir menjadikan terfavorit dihati dan dimata pecinta sabung ayam, menurut mitos sisik yang terdapat corak merah adalah ayam terkuat dan sulit untuk dikalahkan. Memiliki pukulan pedas, panas dan keras mampu merusak pada bagian kelemahan lawan Memiliki kekuatan tenaga pukul 2x lipat lebih menyakitkan, Jika terkena pukulan pada bagian sambungan leher bisa berakibat fatal Memiliki mental super dan pemberani Memiliki pergerakan dan kecepatan kaki cukup seimbang saat melakukan penyerangan atau pun kuda - kuda
Mungkin itu saja 21 Nama Sisik Kaki Ayam Petarung Terhebat Dan Paling Banyak Dicari pilihan dari setiap model dan ciri sisik yang saya tuliskan dalam artikel ini merupakan jenis sisik kaki ayam aduan pilihan yang dikenal akan keganasan dan kehebatan masing - masing saya harap informasi ini sedikit memberikan ilmu tentang nama nama dan kualitas jenis sisik.
submitted by MelodicConfusion500 to AYAMBANGKOK [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 22:35 harmonae The "I had it way worse than you, so any trauma I've caused you is nothing in comparison"

We got into an argument while she was driving and she said some not nice things to me, so I asked to be taken home. She subsequently kicked me out of her car while on the opposite side of town and has been adamant since then that she was justified by what she did because her parents were worse. I apologized to her and said I'm deeply sorry for her upbringing but still need some space to recover (I don't live with her) and it's been non stop monologing since :( in the car she (of note) told me to stop being me and to be normal and said I don't have any family to invite to my future wedding anyways. Family and her don't get along so therefore I don't have any family to invite I guess. She's texted so much since and threatened to contact my partner to see if I was dead because I didn't respond in 3 hours, which I think is unreasonable and as unreasonable to calling police for a check on welfare for an adult that has said they need space to process
submitted by harmonae to insaneparents [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 08:55 Tukang-Gosip I find it funny

Langsung aja yes - gue sekarang liat kebanyakan orang orang kita itu lucu (abis ngedenger ama ngeliat kisah teman dan beberapa kenalan gue)
Lucu nya nape? Ya karena di dumay ama irl tereak tereak 'mental health awareness' yet kebanyakan dari mereka ini menganggap wajar toxic behaviour
Ini gue pake dari kisah beberapa kenalan ama temen gue (2 contoh dulu) , mungkin ada yang pernah ngalamin / ngeliat dengan mata kepala sendiri irl juga kayak gue
  1. people pleasing : ada banyak kenalan gue yang suka dinasehatin 'jangan mau jadi people pleaser' - ya begitu kenalan gue beneran lebih sibuk ama keluarga dan kehidupannya sendiri dan beberapa orang 'nolak kemauan si orang lain' (in this case yang gue liat : arranged marriage - abang ato mbaknya udah berumur - akhirnya 'dijodohin' lah ke kenalan gue) : kikipelit, individualis, egoist etc....funny thing pas dibalikin omongan mereka, mereka ngomongnya 'suka gak suka budaya timur itu budaya nyenengin orang-mau gak mau mesti ada salah satu pihak yang mesti turutin maunya suatu pihak'......terus buat apa nasehatin orang soal boundaries ama mental health kalo ujungnya mereka anggep wajar dan memaklumi sifat people pleaser?
  2. lomba adu nasib : ada banyak temen gue yang ngalamin nasib sial di workplacenya kayak
A. Ada yang kontrak kerjanya kelar tapi evaluation reportnya diobrak abrik ama bosnya - dilabelin 'insubordinate' (ngelawan atasan) dan berakhir dengan dapet status 'do not rehire' aka diblacklist (gara gara masalah sepele - temen gue inj komplen soal keponakan salah satu manager yang udah nggak bisa kerja / low perform - suka lempar tanggung jawab juga - spv nya cerita temen gue ini yang suka benerin laporan ama ngerjain kerjaannya ponakan si manager tsb) kebanyakan temen gue begini nasibnya btw : evaluation report diobrak abrik cuman gara gara masuk shit list manager
B. Ada juga temen gue yang diterminate cuman gara gara dia komplen soal kelakuan pacar bosnya ke dia (aka dia dilaporin harrassment)
Pas mereka curhat soal struggle mereka - malah jadi 'lomba adu nasib' (ada yang terang terangan ngomong lah 'di blacklist ama dimusuhin pihak management mah masalah biasa di dunia kerja - gue yang sering dimaki maki financial controller tanpa alasan jelas aja selow' ama 'udah 8 tahun kerja di administrasi baru ngeluh sekarang soal black list ama masuk shit list manager? Lebay ah...itu hal biasa') pas mereka bales komplen ya responnya : ' lah lomba adu nasib ama gaslit biarpun kesannya negatif tapi diperluin - tujuannya biar lu gak jadi drama king ama gak berlarut di masalah lu' (dan banyak random stranger di medsos kenalan ama kawan gue yang setuju soal gini - 'budaya kita itu ketimuran dan gotong royong - udah pastilah sifat people pleaser itu wajib dipake... suka gak suka pasti ada momen dimana kita wajib ngikutin ama nurutin maunya pihak lain.....' ama 'lomba adu nasib emang perlu di real life, buat nunjukin kalo bukan cuma lu yang punya masalah' (gue rasa ini para manusia menganggap serius komik ama karakter fiktif kayak naruto ama recca yang hobi suka lomba adu nasib ama lawannya lmao)
Sama kayak diatas.....ngapain ngomong soal self care, empati, mental health kalo hal kayak gaslit, 'invalidate feelings' ama lomba adu nasib dianggap wajar dan perlu?
Gue penasaran, buat apa sebenarnya teriak teriak soal mental health kalo ujungnya toxic behaviour masih dipake dan dianggap penting dan wajib?
submitted by Tukang-Gosip to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 16:42 Reasonable-Issue3275 Prosedur cash tempo rumah gini aman ngga ya?

Hi fellow komodo dan komodowati
Saya butuh pencerahan, saat ini saya sedang dalam proses pembelian rumah dan sedang mengalami kegundahan, ngga ada orang deket yang paham soal ginian jadi saya izin tanya di sub ini
For your info, kondisinya begini 1. Sudah masuk tanda jadi 3jt 2. Developer sudah pernah bangun 2 perumahan sebelumnya 3. Shm sudah dipecah dan si developer pinjem nama gw untuk mecah 2 kavling 4. Untuk yang saya beli ini perumahan baru jadi belum ada unit contoh, masih tanah lapang saja 5. Developer ngajakin untuk deal tanah aja, katanya biar akalin pajak bangunan. Nanti tetap akan dibangun rumahnya 6. Minggu depan developer ngajakin ttd perjanjian ke notaris, setelah ttd bisa di tf DP 40% (300 jt ish) 7. Oiya devnya minta buat cash tempo ngikutin progress pembangunan rumahnya 8. Gw pernah main ke rumah devnya
Nah yang gw tanyain kira kira aman nggak kalau gw ttd? apakah akan ada celah gw ditipu setelah ttd dan si dev kabur? Terus gw bisa tahu notarisnya bisa dipercaya itu gimana?
Pls enlightenment komodos, cash tempo rumah gini apakah aman dan dah bener?
submitted by Reasonable-Issue3275 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 11:11 LanTjiau ELI5 tentang dividen saham

sesuai judul, ada yang bisa bantu jelasin secara "bodoh" tentang tata cara pembagian dividen saham? terutama soal tanggal-tanggal dan istilahnya
kita langsung ambil contoh aja biar gampang :
dari berita disini, tertulis bahwa :
Berikut jadwal pembayaran dividen BMRI berdasarkan keterbukaan informasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Rabu (13/3):
  • Cum dividen di pasar reguler dan pasar negosiasi: 19 Maret 2024
  • Ex dividen di pasar reguler dan pasar negosiasi: 20 Maret 2024
  • Cum dividen di pasar tunai: 21 Maret 2024
  • Ex dividen di pasar tunai: 22 Maret 2024
  • Recording date: 21 Maret 2024
  • Pembayaran dividen 28 Maret 2024
dan dari yang saya pahami sejauh ini :
cum date adalah Cum Date merupakan hari terakhir investor membeli saham agar bisa mendapatkan dividen. Anda perlu memperhatikan cum date dari perusahaan jika Anda ingin memperoleh dividen
pertanyaan saya :
  1. semisal saya mau ambil benefit dari saham BMRI, KAPAN periode awal saya harus beli saham tersebut dan HOLD sebelum tanggal cum date yaitu 19 maret 2024?
  2. selain tanggal cum date, tanggal yang mana lagi yang harus saya perhatikan agak saya dapat benefit dari dividen saham BMRI?
  3. MISALKAN cum date adalah 19 maret 2024 dan recording date adalah 21 maret 2024, apa benar KALAU saya beli saham BMRI di tanggal 17 maret 2024, lalu HOLD sampai tanggal 21 maret 2024, saya bisa DAPAT dividen dari saham tersebut?
terima kasih sebelumnya
submitted by LanTjiau to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 04:29 budkalon Jika kalian bisa mengubah/menambah/mengurangi fitur dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka fitur apakah itu?

Basically, apakah ada fitur dalam bahasa Indonesia yang ingin komodos ubah atau bahkan hilangkan? Atau apakah ada fitur yang ingin komodos tambahkan? Misal, ingin menambahkan grammatical gender, noun mark, atau sebagainya. Bisa juga soal aksara dll.
BTW, ini masuknya hanya thought experiment, ya
Tidak perlu sangat realistis atau berdampak besar, sih. Pertanyaan ini saya ajukan karena kebetulan saya sedang menggarap basareka (bahasa buatan, conlang) yang berbasiskan bahasa Indonesia (versi baku dan beberapa ragam dialek daerah) berlatarkan tahun 2500+ masehi, dan butuh inspirasi untuk beberapa cabang bahasanya. Sejauh ini udah ada beberapa hal yang saya utak-atik sih:
Contoh kalimat dalam basareka ini:
Aban, vakto dumiliko nalam sadī, dudaheptako bot tagalamko? Akaza malam doro dalam banat, gavagola kalo malagoko do kalo ana nayarko ado bedan mayam. 
Terjemahan: "Tuan, ketika Anda memutuskan untuk menyelam sendiri, siapkah Anda untuk tenggelam? Angkasa malam adalah tempat yang sangat dalam, tidak bijaklah apabila Anda melakukan itu jika hanya untuk mengejar satu bintang temaram."
Cuman, kayaknya bakal lebih imersif aja kalo dapet input dari pengguna bahasa Indonesia lain wkwk. Kalau bisa menduga, kayaknya sistem tenses semacaman yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris bakal muncul, tapi kali aja ada fitur lain yang belum pernah terpikirkan muncul juga.
submitted by budkalon to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 04:47 Confident_Echo_1409 Would I be the A**hole if I didn't help out my mom with rent?

I am a female (20) college student struggling to find my place. This morning my mom texts me /I need you to apply with me for the aparrment/. I ask why and she replied that the apartment complex needs more income from her so she could qualify. I then ask her why doesn't she go to a place that's cheaper. She replied back with /That's all they have available. Now/. I state that she should made the radius of where she's looking for bigger. She then replies that /Yeah I talk to them and they said I need another applicant./ I replied with But I'm not living there for the majority of the year. and then as if she's planning to use my credit score to get in. She immediately replied no and just during the summer when I go to visit her and then to help her because she's my mother. I ask her why is she asking me if she has a rich boyfriend in Idaho that sends her money and gifts at times. She doesn't respond and then asks if she can use my financial aid as extra income as well and I assume my credit score. Due to her history of not paying bills on time, I say no. She the goes on a monolog of how she raised me and my twin brother alone and how no one helpd her even though many people have literally shared their apartments with us when she gave them a fake sob story of how our dad was abusive. He was not. They weren't even married and he was with another woman, starting a family with her and never knowing about us. She then tries to guilt trip me and starts to state that if I don't she'll commit suicide. I don't like my mom, but don't want her to commit suicide if I don't help her, but I don't want to help her especially if she's using my credit score. Am I the a**hole for not helping my mom?
submitted by Confident_Echo_1409 to u/Confident_Echo_1409 [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 04:40 Confident_Echo_1409 Would I be the A**hole if I didn't help out my mom with rent?

I am a female (20) college student struggling to find my place. This morning my mom texts me /I need you to apply with me for the aparrment/. I ask why and she replied that the apartment complex needs more income from her so she could qualify. I then ask her why doesn't she go to a place that's cheaper. She replied back with /That's all they have available. Now/. I state that she should made the radius of where she's looking for bigger. She then replies that /Yeah I talk to them and they said I need another applicant./ I replied with But I'm not living there for the majority of the year. and then as if she's planning to use my credit score to get in. She immediately replied no and just during the summer when I go to visit her and then to help her because she's my mother. I ask her why is she asking me if she has a rich boyfriend in Idaho that sends her money and gifts at times. She doesn't respond and then asks if she can use my financial aid as extra income as well and I assume my credit score. Due to her history of not paying bills on time, I say no. She the goes on a monolog of how she raised me and my twin brother alone and how no one helpd her even though many people have literally shared their apartments with us when she gave them a fake sob story of how our dad was abusive. He was not. They weren't even married and he was with another woman, starting a family with her and never knowing about us. She then tries to guilt trip me and starts to state that if I don't she'll commit suicide. I don't like my mom, but don't want her to commit suicide if I don't help her, but I don't want to help her especially if she's using my credit score. Am I the a**hole for not helping my mom?
I called the apartment complex and told them to take me off of the lease while informing them of her behavior and harassment towards me to apply. They took me off. Will update to see if she will blow up at me or gets the apartment or something.
UPDATE #2: I cut off my mom and got my own phone line. I have never known so much peace.
submitted by Confident_Echo_1409 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 15:32 Saturntura Apakah bisa top up cc agar limit naik sementara?

Sebagai contoh, saya punya cc BCA dgn limit 5 juga saat ini. Saya ingin beli laptop dgn harga 10 juta dalam waktu dekat. Setelah berdiskusi dengan seller resminya, terdapat promo jika saya puchase dgn full kartu kredit (payment ga bisa di split dgn cash/debit). Mengingat limit cc saya, apakah saya bisa top up kartu kredit saya 5 juta lagi sehingga saya bisa belanja 10 juta? Apakah kalau saya top up skrg, limit akan naik saat itu juga, atau baru akan naik di statement bulan berikutnya?
Please insight yg punya pengalaman serupa atau pengetahuan umum soal struktur limit cc, terutama BCA (if it does matter). My first post here, please pardon n let me know if I breached any rules 🙏🏻
Edit: Thanks buat semuanya yg udh bntu jawab! Jadi singkatnya saya hubungi halo BCA via WA dan mereka tidak menyarankan buat top up cc agar bisa spend lebih banyak dari limit. Artinya, klo belanja lbh dari 5 juta bakal dianggap overlimit. Anyway, saya diarahkan buat mengajukan kenaikan limit sementara lewat call halo bca, yg mana sdh saya lakuin malam ini. Wish me luck! Have a good night everyone.
submitted by Saturntura to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 00:16 LeekComplete7269 (SoupySoup) Worst ARG Coverage Channel I've Seen

I wanted to address this issue due to the lack of documentation concerning it elsewhere. She's just a greedy girl who monetizes the works of others due to having no proficiencies otherwise. Her video editing format is just showing images and text, which I find to be mediocre. Sometimes she even has the background music being too amplified making her narration audio dampened. Making it the total opposite of audible. This YouTube ARG inspector called SoupySoup uploaded a video covering a project called Rain Heart Kawaii Quest, which I believe to be Slenderverse adjacent. The creator of this ARG turned out to be a super racist manipulator who falsely accused bigger creators of greasily things via proxies. There exists a whole document proving everything which SoupySoup chooses to be ignorant of and dismiss at all costs. One of Roxy's (creator of RHQK) victims threatened to harm themselves per passing day that she refuses to remove it and uploaded a video cutting themselves somewhere. Not even that was enough for Soupy to remove it. I got a theory that she was paid by Roxy to not be removing the video and keeping downgrading comments off of it.
Whatever the case, I hope that other people will begin to see her flaws. Her absolute refusal to remove a video on a shitty fanime (which really is just a less scary version of Neko Sugar Girls) is nothing besides immense. She keeps providing these nonsensical arguments, moving the goalpost at a consistent basis with reasons to not be at least unlisting the Rain Heart Kawaii Quest video like there not being enough substantiation or that she has dyslexia and can't read anything. There also exists virtually no method of communication with her except for an email which is easily spam marked. It can become used as a form of hinderance to avoid people coming up and asking regarding the issue at hand. These are the reasons for why I don't like her "content", which is just her monologing over other people's projects describing the plot. Night Mind is good at this due to him converting ARGs into a readable experience, however I can honestly not state the same for SoupySoup whatsoever.
submitted by LeekComplete7269 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 12:28 Aramanthia Dear mom,

I just had your 3rd grandchild, but it's another one you'll never get to know. Your sister, my aunt and godmother, was the first one to come visit me in the hospital yesterday morning. She drove 45 minutes here first thing after getting her own kids off to school without a single fuss. I haven't even received a single text from you at all during this. At least I have someone here who can step up to try and fill your role to help and support me in a way that I needed from you. While she was here she's told me about her own struggles with you and how much she has to stand up and fight for me in the background when you try to project and bad mouth me for your own failures in life. Instead of being an adult and coming talk to me. You preach about being someone who "faces problems head on," but we both know it's a facade for your online ego. It has been such an eye-opening experience that has given me so much validation and clarity. I'm not crazy. It's not just me who's making it up. It's not just in my head. Someone else sees through your ways. Someone who matters so much to me. I still have some hope that maybe one day, just maybe, we can turn this all around, but I'm not holding my breath. I love you, mom. At least the naive memory I have of the you that I thought loved me, but I don't like any part of you now. For once, I'll finally allow myself to be weak and mourn our relationship.
-With love from myself to myself
*I needed to let it out somewhere and be raw while my hormones are letting me. I've been keeping it in and figured what better time than now. I've also been no contact for over a year, so there's no open communication to keep me kicked down. But now, I feel like I can finally start to breathe again, knowing that the fog is clearing and a lot of people are starting to see her for who she really is. She's everything she preaches she's not and has started burning bridges that she thought were impenetrable. It's just super reassuring to me after fighting with her for so long.
This is an internal monolog more than anything, so thank you for sticking around and reading my sob story if you did. Appreciate you guys!!
submitted by Aramanthia to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 18:31 aepm88 Walking back their apology years later/denial of mistakes

I've shared before on this sub regarding my mom. Basically, my entire family is estranged.
But about 6 years ago, my dad apologized for making "some mistakes" when I was a kid and not always being a good dad. I accepted his apology and decided to reconcile with him under the condition that he remains a healthy presence in my life. I honestly thought he had acknowledged his abusive behavior and apologized.
Flash forward to yesterday. He's discussing details of his uncle's estate and how it upsets him because it reminds him of my sister's estrangement from him for over 20 years.
He makes a few comments in his text monolog, such as "I want you to know, there wasn't one person in our family who was perfect or innocent. Everyone there had a part to play in the destruction of our family." And "Inside every person, even fathers who seem mean, is an insecure 17 year old boy who just wants to be loved and respected."
I was 14 when my parents divorced. My mom left him after he refused to go to therapy for his emotional disregulation issues. He used to rage at my sister and I, leave bruises all over my body from "spanking," Then tell me to not tell my teacher about it at school drop-off. He had extreme mood swings and was verbally abusive, told me I was an idiot and a terrible little kid.
I told him it's never the minor child's fault when a family falls apart. I told him the only way you can grow is to be radically honest with yourself and not make excuses for poor behavior because of prior trauma (his dad hurt him).
Today he said he was sorry if I "felt" I had ever been mistreated.
I'm honestly shocked because I thought he had acknowledged the abuse when we reconciled. Now I'm learning that he blames us kids for the divorce and doesn't believe I was mistreated at all. But he's sorry if I feel mistreated.
The cherry on top: "I'm sorry. Think we should step back for awhile. If you need me, I'll be here."
So he apparently forgot he apologized and is offended by my story about how he hurt me and is now pushing me away.
Has anyone had a family member have amnesia of their apology and confession of abuse after supposedly reconciling?
submitted by aepm88 to EstrangedAdultChild [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 12:43 Affectionate_Cat293 Geopolitik Indonesia Menurut Lemhannas

Geopolitik Indonesia Menurut Lemhannas
Biasanya untuk memahami geopolitik Indonesia atau alasan kenapa pindah ibu kota negara, kita sering bergantung pada sumber luar (yang amatir), seperti Caspian Report. Tapi sebenarnya ada sumber yang jauh lebih bagus dan lebih tepercaya, yaitu paparan dari Lemhannas ("Lemhannas dibentuk sebagai sekolah Geopolik. Sekolah yang mempelajari interaksi antara geografi dan politik") dan publikasi mantan Gubernur Lemhannas Andi Widjajanto. Contoh:
  1. 19 Mei 2022-Gubernur Lemhannas RI Andi Widjajanto pada Orasi Ilmiah
  2. 21 Juni 2022-Gubernur Lemhannas RI Andi Widjajanto menjadi Narasumber dalam Kuliah Umum dan Bincang-Bincang Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) oleh Universitas Balikpapan
  3. 2 Maret 2023-Gubernur Lemhannas RI Andi Widjajanto pada Seminar Nasional Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
  4. 9 Agustus 2022-Gubernur Lemhannas RI Andi Widjajanto pada Seminar Nasional PPRA 63 Lemhannas RI
  5. 10 Agustus 2022-Gubernur Lemhannas RI Andi Widjajanto pada Pembukaan Pemantapan Nilai-nilai Kebangsaan bagi Komponen Bangsa Provinsi Papua dan Kuliah Umum Universitas Cenderawasih
  6. 25 Januari 2023-Gubernur Lemhannas RI Andi Widjajanto pada FGD "Memutus Kekerasan di Papua melalui Pendekatan Hankam"
Lengkapnya di sini:
Isinya menarik sekali dan membuat kita paham cara pikir pemerintah Indonesia soal geopolitik. Beberapa hal menarik yang aku temui:
Salah satu tonggak penting geopolitik Indonesia adalah pengembangan konsep Wawasan Nusantara. Wawasan Nusantara adalah cara pandang dan sikap bangsa, tentang jati diri dan lingkungan yang mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, serta kesatuan wilayah untuk mendukung pencapaian kepentingan nasional. Deklarasi Djuanda yang kemudian diwujudkan melalui Konvensi Hukum Laut Dunia telah memfasilitasi gagasan kesatuan wilayah. Deklarasi Djuanda menyatakan Indonesia menganut prinsip-prinsip kenegaraan berlandaskan kepulauan. Wawasan Nusantara terutama dibentuk dalam rangka mengantisipasi skenario terburuk berupa perang semesta yang diluncurkan oleh negara lain untuk menguasai titik-titik strategis kepulauan Nusantara. Skenario terburuk tersebut pernah dilakukan oleh armada Jepang dalam Perang Pasifik dengan menggelar operasi laut dari bulan Desember 1941 hingga April 1942 untuk secara total melumpuhkan dan menguasai semua benteng pertahanan dan fasilitas strategis Hindia Belanda.
Guna mencegah berulangnya invasi total, Indonesia mengandalkan doktrin pertahanan rakyat semesta yang memadukan pilar mobilisasi, pertahanan berlapis, pertahanan dalam, strategi defensif aktif, hingga gelar operasi gabungan yang mengandalkan kemampuan untuk melakukan perang asimetris yang berlarut. Peta strategi pertahanan laut Nusantara (Gambar 13) serta peta gelar komando utama operasi TNI (Gambar 14) pada dasarnya menunjukkan bahwa geostrategi militer Indonesia sudah disiapkan untuk mengantipati gelar ekspansionis ofensif berskala perang semesta seperti yang dulu dilakukan Jepang dalam perang Pasifik.
Hal ini menunjukkan kalau pemerintah Indonesia sangat waswas dengan ancaman dari utara (bukan dari selatan, jadi ketakutan orang Oz di geopolitics soal Indonesia sangat tidak berdasar). Maka perencanaan militer dan geopolitik diarahkan untuk menanggulangi ancaman tersebut.
Pemerintah terutama sangat khawatir dengan kontrol atas Selat Makassar:
Dari sisi konektivitas, posisi Nusantara berdekatan dengan Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia (ALKI) II dan titik rawan (choke point) Selat Makassar. Sebagai salah satu jalur perdagangan dan pelayaran strategis, jalur tersebut turut disertai dengan beragam risiko yang perlu menjadi perhatian terkait kerawanan pertahanan nusantara. Selain itu, kerawanan turut terpantau pada posisi Nusantara yang memiliki perbatasan darat dengan Malaysia. IKN juga rentan terhadap agresi dari negara asing. Posisi IKN relatif berada di garda terdepan pertahanan nasional. Secara historis, lokasi IKN merupakan salah titik awal yang diinfiltrasi militer Jepang di era Perang Pasifik (Perang Dunia II).
Habis ngebaca ini, aku jadi yakin kalau analisisnya annadpk dan weilim soal geopolitik Indonesia itu sangat akurat dan juga menunjukkan bagaimana pemerintah Indonesia sebenarnya melihat geopolitik. Soal ancaman dari utara, ini sudah pernah dianalisis annadpk:
To the Indonesian military strategist the threat is from the North. Right now its like the period after Majapahit had defeated the Mongols, and spent the next 20-30 years, expanding and ultimately waiting for the return of the Mongols. The Majapahit Navy had a fleet based in Natuna and also the Makassar Strait waiting for another Mongol invasion fleet.
You see that now in Indonesia, Natuna is again being militarized. The capital is moving Northward to secure control over the Makassar Strait-Lombok Strait
Soal rentannya Selat Makassar juga sudah pernah diangkat oleh weilim:
Lastly, this analysis will talk about Makassar Strait-Sulu-Celebes Sea region, which gets very little press in both the West and China, but is an important region in Asia. First it contains the third, and wider, access point from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean after the Malacca and Sunda Strait. Most of the supertanker ply the Makassar-Lombok Strait route from Middle East into East Asia. Secondly, it was the route the Austronesian used when they travelled from Taiwan to Southeast Asia 5000 years ago. During the 13-16th century the Chinese traded directly with traders in this region for spices like cloves and nutmeg During Second World War, one reason why Japan attacked the US and by extension the Philippines, was to get access to oil fields in East Kalimantan. Currently, most of Indonesia's exports to East Asia (especially China) come from this region. The bulk of China and Hong Kong's private investment in Indonesia is invested in this region.
NOTE: In East Asian and Southeast Asian geopolitics there are only two period were a country managed to achieve hegemony in the region one was during the Yuan and Early Ming Dynasty. I lump these two together, the reality is these Yuan and early Ming should be treated as one when it comes to geopolitics. The second is the Japanese invasion during the Second World War. The Mongols and Japanese had different goals, invasion routes and faced different geopolitical realities. When the Mongols tried to invade Java in 1292, their invasion forcesailed through the South China Sea. In contrast, the Japanese main invasion route was through the Philippines down through Makassar Strait capturing the oil fields in Balikpapan enroute to Java. The second invasion force captured Malaya and Singapore by invading it from the North via a land invasion. While the Japanese did send invasion force through the South China Seas, its was minor compared to the two other forces. The Japanese didn't have to worry about Thailand or French Indochina since they belonged to allied governments.
Terakhir soal pemindahan ibu kota, media asing selama ini ribut soal Jakarta tenggelam, tapi menurut Lemhannas ini sebenarnya alasannya:
Pembangunan Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) Nusantara tidak hanya ditujukan untuk menjawab tantangan nasional, tetapi juga global. Melihat pembangunan IKN dari kacamata empat kapasitas sebelumnya, pemindahan IKN ke tengah wilayah Indonesia yang merepresentasikan keadilan merupakan perwujudan dari sistem Demokrasi. Pemindahan IKN diharapkan mendorong pemerataan akses serta pertumbuhan semua wilayah Indonesia.
Jadinya analisisnya weilim soal "MOVING AWAY FROM JAVA CENTRISM" benar-benar terkonfirmasi oleh Andi Widjajanto dari Lemhannas sendiri.

Jadi apa inti post ini? Mungkin ke depannya, buat yang mau bikin effort post soal gepolitik Indonesia (baik itu di sini maupun geopolitics), bisa pakai paparan Lemhannas sebagai sumber yang jelas. Dengan melihat paparan tersebut kita jadi bisa tahu mana analisis yang benar-benar tajam dan mana yang cuma karangan bule doang tanpa sumber yang jelas.
submitted by Affectionate_Cat293 to indonesia [link] [comments]