Can adderall be used to make meth

The Netherlands

2009.06.20 08:04 blinkin The Netherlands

Welcome to /Netherlands! Only English should be used for posts and comments. This rule is in place to ensure that an ample audience can freely discuss life in the Netherlands under a widely-spoken common tongue. Furthermore, content and discussions should contain topics concerning daily life in the Netherlands. See rules for more information. Sincerely,

2011.04.24 01:26 Deli1181 Judge redditors based solely on a picture

Tell Redditors who you think they are based on their picture.

2009.12.16 06:28 luckytopher Porsche

A place for Porsche owners and enthusiasts.

2024.05.14 23:06 DaikonImmediate788 competition prep tips

i’ve decided to register for one (maybe two) aerial competitions this year for silks and lyra. i still consider myself a beginner, but will be competing in the more intermediate categories due to there being such heavy restrictions in the beginner categories and my skill level being above those. i’ve decided to do my own choreography, although i know it will be difficult, it’s something i’m really confident about. my main question is- has anyone put together and competed with a routine that you only practice about once a week? i do silks/lyra 4-5 times a week, but my studio only has one open aerial day that i’m available for, so besides the classes i take, i could only really work on my routine once a week during the open aerial time. i’m in an apartment and have no space for my own apparatuses so that’s not an option. the competitions i’m looking at doing aren’t for at least 5-6 months, so i have plenty of time, but am worried i might not make a lot of progress with or be able to remember my routine if i only work on it once a week AND if i can’t practice it for about a week before the actual competitions (i go to open aerial on monday and the competitions would be on weekends). any tips/advice?
submitted by DaikonImmediate788 to Aerials [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:06 TheeCamilo How can I make a webpage viewable offline, and have it automatically update when on WiFi on an Android tablet?

Hello, We have purchased a number of Samsung Galaxy A9+ tablets at my workplace that we'd like to use outside of our office without Wifi. We could not properly set up shortcuts using the Android apps (Microsoft 365, OneDrive) which is why we've set up shortcuts to the SharePoint web pages. These shortcuts specifically link to Excel files in SharePoint.
We'd like to take these tablets out of the office, and so I'd like to set them up with the following two requirements in mind:
  1. We want these files to be available offline so that we can access them when we do not have internet.
  2. We would like these files to update with any changed information when they are back at our office and connected to WiFi.
Any help or suggestions you can offer is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
submitted by TheeCamilo to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:05 Karbonized_ need help choosing wich city should i chose for studies.

Hello everyone, i am student thats planning to study in europe for next fall, the problem im facing is that i can chose either rome, paris, or pisa, i was strongly concidering paris since i know french and it would be easier to find a job, and i have familly there wich is nice, but the costs of living are outragous and the city isnt that nice to live in, then rome wich is a beautifull city where rents is still relatively high but not as high as paris, but i dont speak italian so finding a job would be quiet hard, and finally pisa, where cost of life is quite low compared to the other ones, but i will have to go trough a foundation year. PLEASE HELP ME MAKE A CHOICE
submitted by Karbonized_ to University [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:57 FRuatrated_101 This is an update
We talked about a lot of things. I didn't know how she actually felt. She told me how she hated me for belittling and talking to her that way I do. She told me there is resentment because I keep rubbing that she is missing out. She mentioned she loves me and wants to come home but she wants to make sure she is making to right choice for her and the kids. I know I did her wrong and I'm going to prove to her that I can. I talked and listened, she listened to my concerns and everything.
I did apply for a job for evs at her job. It would be evenings 3-11pm. Maybe this is what we both need and to help her with financial matters.
Overall, it went good and I'm hopeful. I just have to keep working hard.
submitted by FRuatrated_101 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:53 clickingkeyboards Help needed from Poland based engineers :)

Hey there folks,
I'm an expat Software Engineer in Poland, and would like to ask some questions regarding the processes about residence card validity and creating a personal company for conducting business with a different EU country from Poland.
Basically, I have a temporary residence card which will expire on February 2025. I'm employed by a company, which handled all of my relocation matters including the residence card. We also did apply for the renewal of the card couple months ago and I'm waiting for it to be processed. Just to add a detail, I do have a statement saying "dostęp do rynku pracy" in my current card.
Everything is quite easy and simple at this point, but here's the part that makes me puzzled.
I'm currently talking with a Berlin based company for a possible role. They might offer me remote work from Poland until February 2025, as I have to be here due to my studies.
As far as I know, they'd like to make me a contractor, and probably I need to open a personal company which I can then create monthly invoices for them, get the payment, hire an accountant, and do the bookkeeping for taxes and all.
Here are my questions considering the context above:
Thanks in advance!
submitted by clickingkeyboards to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:49 joemama9966 desperately need help LOL

hi!! so i think that i have really severe social anxiety. at the age of 13, i COMPLETELY stopped speaking to anyone that wasn't family. it spiraled from there, and at 15, now when im in public, i can't make eye contact, and when i try to speak it literally gets stuck in my throat and i physically cant get the words out. I will not eat in public, im afraid to laugh or smile, i cover my face a lot of the time. I have no friends and i haven't since i was 12. i have one online friend and im so terrified of speaking to her. when i try, i feel like the responses i give come off as weird or rude. i don't get social cues, and i always try to keep my body completely still. i even feel awkward around my own family who i used to be very close with. I think it may have something to do with losing all of my close friends in a short span of time and completely losing all self esteem.
i am supposed to be getting a job at an ice cream shop but it requires me to speak to people, and also handle food which is extremely difficult for me because of my anxiety and eating disorder.
is there anything i can do to stop this?
submitted by joemama9966 to socialanxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 JeremiahSD The Character AI Alternative for Movie Fans - sceneXtras

Hey everyone,
Most of us spend a huge chunk of our time in passive, one-way consumption. SceneXtras changes that. We’re tackling the engagement gap for those of us obsessed with characters and their stories.
We get what makes watching movies and TV special—the emotional bond with the characters.
Other platforms like Character AI and Replika have done some cool stuff with AI chats, but they miss the magic of tying these interactions back to the original stories.
We’re taking things further by focusing on enhancing the viewing experience. Imagine chatting with your favorite characters right while you think if a question before, during and after viewing.
Picture this:
We’ve started with a Chrome extension, but we will primarily need beta testers for our new web version(mobile only). Your feedback will be key in making this awesome.
We’re a small, passionate team, and we know this can be something amazing with your help.
Join our Discord to get the beta link:
Check us out at
submitted by JeremiahSD to alphaandbetausers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:29 Sir_Girard Gustavo DeLuca: To Rossi's

"That's a load of bull!" Gus burst out, his laughter bouncing off the cozy walls of the small diner.
"Yeah, Tony. That's not how it went down at all," Vinny chimed in, a grin spreading across his face.
Tony leaned back in his chair, swirling the ice in his glass. "Alright, then spill the beans. What really happened?"
Gus shot Tony a playful glare, trying to stifle his laughter. "Come on, Tony, I'm not playing your game."
Tony chuckled, shaking his head. "You're a real character, Gus. Vinny, what's the scoop?"
"We got ourselves another Rossi problem," Vinny sighed.
Gus sat up straight, a frown creasing his forehead. "Rossi again? How much did he stiff us for this time?"
"The whole damn tab," Vinny replied, his expression grim.
Gus slammed his hand on the table. "The whole thing?"
He glanced around the diner, his mind racing. "Tony, get the car ready."
Tony quickly finished his drink and rose from his seat to fetch the car keys.
"Sammy!" Gus called out over his shoulder.
A tall, sharply dressed man hurried over to their table.
"You got a smoke?" Gus asked, his voice calm despite the urgency in his demeanor.
Sammy reached into his pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. With a nod, he offered it to Gus.
Gus took a cigarette, then hesitated before accepting another. "Thanks," he muttered, tucking them into his shirt pocket.
"You're welcome, Gus," Sammy replied before heading back to the counter.
"Can't stand that guy," Gus murmured. "Talks like he's got a screw loose." Despite his annoyance, he chuckled softly, though a sharp pain shot through his side.
"Let's get moving. Tony's waiting," Gus declared, pushing himself up from the table.
As Gus and Vinny exited the diner, they found Tony waiting by the rear driver's door, already open for Gus. Gus climbed into the car while Vinny walked around to the passenger seat.
"Why can't Rossi just pay what he owes?" Gus grumbled, pulling a cigarette from his shirt pocket and placing it between his lips. "I'm not asking for the world."
Gus patted his pockets, searching for a lighter. "Vinny, got a light?"
Vinny reached behind the seat to retrieve a lighter and flicked it, igniting Gus's cigarette.
"Thanks," Gus muttered, taking a few puffs.
"Maybe business is slow for him?" Tony offered as he pulled away from the curb.
"All year?" Gus shot back, disbelief evident in his tone.
Tony fell silent, his focus on navigating the streets.
"I don't want to have to resort to drastic measures," Gus admitted, exhaling a cloud of smoke. "I've always liked Rossi... but he's not leaving me much choice."
"What else can you do?" Vinny asked, his voice tinged with concern.
Gus remained silent, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside the window, lost in thought.
"Remember Beans?" Gus asked the car, his voice carrying a tinge of nostalgia.
"Beans?" Tony echoed, trying to jog his memory.
"Tall guy, slick hair? Used to run with Sonny's crew back in the day..." Gus prompted, eyes fixed on the road ahead.
"Oh yeah, Beans. I remember him now. What about him?" Tony recalled.
"Beans had a brother named Larry," Gus continued, taking a drag from his cigarette. "Larry owes me twenty grand as of yesterday."
Tony's expression softened. "Oh, I see."
"Anyway, Beans fell off a boat a few years back," Gus added casually, his tone belying the gravity of the situation.
"Oh," Tony murmured, understanding the unspoken implications.
"I heard Little Larry moved out to Minnesota or something after Beans passed," Vinny chimed in from the passenger seat.
"Yeah, he did. But he's making a return trip for his sister's wedding," Gus explained.
"Vicky's getting married?" Tony asked, surprised.
"No, not Vicky. The other one," Gus clarified, a hint of amusement in his voice.
Vinny twisted around in his seat to gauge Gus's expression, realizing he wasn't joking.
"Who's the unlucky groom?" Tony inquired, intrigued.
"Some hotshot lawyer from Manhattan," Gus replied, his tone dripping with disdain.
"When's the wedding?" Vinny inquired, breaking the momentary silence.
"Today," Gus replied tersely.
"We're here," Tony announced, pulling the car to a stop in front of a quaint flower shop.
"What's the plan?" Vinny turned to Gus, anticipation evident in his voice.
"First, we deal with this Rossi mess..." Gus began, only to be interrupted by Tony.
"And what's the plan for that?" Tony interjected, his tone expectant.
Gus paused, considering his words carefully.
"Let's go," Gus declared, swinging the car door open and stepping out onto the street, with Tony and Vinny following suit.
submitted by Sir_Girard to QuillandPen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:26 Comfortable_Sun7015 What could be the reason?

6 months ago, I became friends on Facebook with a lovely girl from my country, India. We used to speak very rarely, like twice a month for just 5 minutes, as I was often busy sharing memes on my wall. Gradually, she started reacting to every post I shared, and our conversations increased to 4 or 5 times a month.
One day, I asked for her phone number, which she promptly gave me. Despite becoming WhatsApp friends, I didn't message her until my birthday the next month when she called me, and we spoke for an hour. Eventually, I started developing feelings for her and confessed my feelings, surprising her. However, she expressed hesitance about relationships, citing a serious breakup from two years prior.
Afterward, she began ignoring me, and when I asked what was wrong, she claimed to be unwell. Feeling frustrated, I unfriended her on Facebook and blocked her on WhatsApp. Despite this, she sent a food recipe video to my Facebook messenger.
After unblocking her on WhatsApp, I wrote her a beautiful poem, and she responded positively, expressing happiness. However, she resumed ignoring me afterward. Feeling frustrated, I decided to express my feelings, stating that I felt I wasn't the one she was looking for, and suggested we should part ways. She replied, "What can I say? I want you to succeed in your life."
I didn't respond, and it's been two weeks since I blocked her on WhatsApp (though not on Facebook), where I still see her online frequently. Despite this, I refrain from messaging her.
submitted by Comfortable_Sun7015 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:23 happyhusband1992 Receive a €30/30$/£23 BONUS with the purchase of a Meta Quest

Hello :)
Are you a new Quest user looking to save some money? If so, you are in luck! By using a referral link when purchasing your Oculus Quest 2 or 3, both you and the link creator can receive a complimentary €30/30$/£23 from MetaQuest!
Here is how it works:
  1. Purchase an Oculus Quest 2 or 3 from any retailer.
  2. Use my referral link:
  3. Activate your Quest 2 or 3 headset.
Already activated your headset? No worries! Here is what to do next:
  1. Open the Oculus app on your phone.
  2. Navigate to Devices and connect to your headset if not already connected.
  3. Select Advanced Settings.
  4. Choose Factory Reset.
  5. Use my referral link:
  6. Reactivate your Quest 2 or 3 headset.
Please note: Factory reset and reactivation must be completed within a week of activation.
Thank you, everyone!
submitted by happyhusband1992 to MetaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:22 Soninetz 10 Navan Competitors: Best Alternatives for Businesses

10 Navan Competitors: Best Alternatives for Businesses
In the competitive landscape of Navan's market, staying ahead of rivals, competitors, and different business sizes is crucial. Understanding what sets Navan apart from its competitors can be the key to success. By analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of Navan against its competitors, businesses can strategize effectively. Identifying opportunities for growth and areas for improvement is essential for Navan to thrive in this dynamic market environment. Stay tuned as we delve into the world of Navan's competitors, target market, company, finance team, and uncover strategies for navigating this challenging terrain.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Business Size: When exploring alternatives to Navan, take into account the sizes of your business and target market to choose a solution that aligns with your specific needs and scalability.
  • Evaluate Features and Integrations: Prioritize platforms that offer key features and integrations that are essential for your business operations, such as CRM tools, analytics capabilities, and marketing automation.
  • Seek User-Friendly Solutions: Opt for alternatives that are user-friendly and easy to navigate, ensuring a smooth transition for your team members and maximizing productivity.
  • Request Demos and Trials: Before committing to a new software, request demos and trials from potential alternatives to experience firsthand how the platform functions and if it meets your requirements.
  • Review Customer Feedback: Take the time to review customer feedback and testimonials to gain insights into the real-world experiences of businesses similar to yours that have adopted the alternative solutions.
  • Plan for Implementation: Develop a comprehensive implementation plan for the new software, including training sessions for your staff, data migration strategies, and a timeline for the transition process.

Exploring Navan Alternatives

Zoho Expense

Zoho Expense provides robust travel and expense management features. It offers seamless integration with other Zoho applications for efficient data flow and software management. The platform allows for easy tracking of expenses and simplifies the reimbursement process.
Simplify your corporate travel and expense management today with Navan! Get started with our free trial now! 🌟


Automated travel management solutions are the forte of myBiz as an alternative to Navan. It streamlines the entire process, from booking tickets to managing itineraries and expenses. With its user-friendly interface and expense management software, myBiz ensures a hassle-free travel experience for employees.


Itilite stands out by offering a comprehensive Business Travel & Expense management software solution with enough information and integrations compared to Navan. It provides detailed insights into travel spending patterns, enough information, and helps in optimizing costs effectively. The platform also integrates AI-driven tools for smarter decision-making.

Best Picks for Small Businesses


Circula stands out in Europe as an all-in-one app for expenses, travel expenses, credit cards, and employee benefits. It offers a comprehensive software solution for small businesses looking to streamline their expense management processes efficiently and provides enough information. The app caters to the needs of businesses of all sizes, providing a user-friendly interface and robust features.


Roomex is a purpose-built travel platform designed specifically for small businesses. It offers a seamless solution for managing travel expenses effectively, allowing businesses to book accommodations and track expenses conveniently. Roomex caters to the unique requirements of small businesses, helping them save time and money on business travel.


Payhawk provides a spend management solution tailored for small businesses to control employee spend efficiently. With its intuitive interface and advanced features, Payhawk simplifies expense tracking and management, enabling businesses to optimize their spending and achieve significant savings. The software is designed to meet the specific needs of small businesses, offering a cost-effective solution for expense management.

Top Choices for Medium-sized Companies

Zoho Expense

Zoho Expense offers multi-level approval, spend rules, and analytics benefits for medium-sized companies. The platform streamlines expense management processes efficiently.


Expensya effectively automates spend management for medium-sized companies, catering to various company sizes. It simplifies expense tracking and reimbursement procedures.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial


Roomex stands out as a top choice for medium-sized companies due to its features that facilitate accommodation booking, consolidate spend seamlessly, and manage expense. The platform enhances corporate travel experiences for employees.
  1. Benefits of Zoho Expense:
    • Streamlined expense management
    • Multi-level approval system
    • Detailed analytics for better financial insights
  2. Advantages of Expensya:
    • Automation of spend management tasks
    • Simplified expense tracking processes
    • Efficient reimbursement procedures
  3. Key Features of Roomex:
    • Seamless accommodation booking process
    • Consolidation of spend for cost-efficiency
    • Enhanced corporate travel experiences for employees

Features and Integrations Overview

Zoho Expense

Zoho Expense offers a comprehensive suite of features for businesses, including travel booking, expense reporting, and card reconciliation. These features are designed to provide enhanced control over business spend.


myBiz stands out by providing automated travel management solutions with seamless integrations. This approach ensures efficient onboarding processes for companies, enhancing overall visibility and productivity.


Payhawk excels in its integration capabilities, offering features like reimbursement of mileage, per diem claims, and out-of-pocket spend tracking. These integrations streamline expense management processes, providing a seamless experience for users.

Final Remarks

You've now explored various alternatives to Navan, from small business favorites to top choices for medium-sized companies. Understanding the features and integrations of each option can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs. Remember to prioritize scalability, user-friendliness, and value for money when selecting a solution for your company's growth.
As you continue your search for the perfect software, consider scheduling demos, reading user reviews, and seeking recommendations from industry peers. Making a well-informed choice now can save you time and resources in the long run. Keep evaluating your options based on what matters most to your business, and you'll soon find the ideal platform to streamline your operations and drive success.
Ready to take control of your corporate expenses? Try Navan, the top-rated super app loved by users everywhere! Sign up for your free trial today! 💼

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key factors to consider when exploring Navan alternatives?

When looking for Navan alternatives, consider pricing, features, scalability, and customer support. Evaluate how well the alternative aligns with your business needs and growth plans.

Which alternatives are recommended as the best picks for small businesses?

For small businesses, top alternatives to Navan include Zoho Books, QuickBooks Online, and FreshBooks. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, essential accounting features, and affordable pricing plans tailored for small enterprises.

What are the top choices for medium-sized companies seeking Navan alternatives?

Medium-sized companies can benefit from platforms like Xero, Sage Intacct, and NetSuite as alternatives to Navan. These solutions provide advanced features, robust integrations, scalability options, and dedicated support suitable for mid-sized operations.

How can businesses benefit from exploring features and integrations overview of Navan competitors?

Understanding the features and integrations offered by Navan competitors allows businesses to make informed decisions based on their specific requirements. This analysis helps in finding a solution that not only meets current needs but also supports future growth and efficiency.

Are there any industry-specific considerations when evaluating Navan alternatives?

Yes, industry-specific considerations play a crucial role in selecting the right alternative. Factors such as compliance regulations, specialized features (like project management or inventory tracking), and integration capabilities with industry-specific tools should be taken into account during the evaluation process.
Useful Links:
  1. Navan LifeTime Deal
  2. Navan Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:17 makiden9 When you want to manipulate the perception of people, but you fail. ;)

When you want to manipulate the perception of people, but you fail. ;)
This famous and viral dress is the proof how the mind of people can be influenced easily.There are people that see blue and black and other people see white and gold. It's clear who sees "White and Gold" wants to manipulate the perception of the people to make them believe what they see is not true. Unfortunately these psychological games don't work easily on me. The dress has a material that made it to get with the use of the light. The true color are Black and Blue and you can see through Photoshop eyedropper tool, to fill your insecurity.The gold effect is just the light. The white is just the blue-light. In addition, when you take picture, it can happen to get a different color than reality. Like it can happen to have a different face, body and whatever is...Pictures are also the destruction of people self-esteem.Reality is not the Camera. Reality is not even the Mirror of your bathroom. Mirror is not Perfect.
However to prove my point, I am giving the codes of the color ...
submitted by makiden9 to u/makiden9 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:12 Siddharth-Abhimanyu Hello Hyderabad devs

Hey Hyderabad Devs,
Looking to explore opportunities in Hyderabad! I've heard walk-in interviews can be a good way to connect with companies directly.
For mid-level devs (around 2 years experience) are walk-ins still a viable option, especially for roles offering competitive packages (>30k per month)?
If so:
Any info from fellow developers would be useful :)
P.S. Share your walk-in experiences (good or bad) in the comments below!
submitted by Siddharth-Abhimanyu to hyderabad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:04 urolimetechno The Importance of 24/7 Support in Managed IT Services

It is now essential to have dependable IT assistance available around-the-clock in the fast-paced, always-on business world of today. There has never been a more pressing need for ongoing, uninterrupted IT operations, which makes providing 24/7 assistance an essential part of any successful IT strategy. Because we at Urolime Technologies recognize the critical role that round-the-clock assistance plays in our clients' success, we provide complete managed IT support services that are intended to keep your company operating efficiently at all times.
Why 24/7 Support is Essential
1. Minimizing Downtime
Downtime can be incredibly costly, both financially and in terms of customer trust and satisfaction. Whether it's a server failure, a network issue, or a cybersecurity threat, problems can arise at any time. Having access to 24/7 support ensures that any issues can be addressed immediately, minimizing downtime and keeping your business operational.
2. Enhancing Security
Cybersecurity threats don't adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule. With the rise of cyber attacks, having round-the-clock monitoring and support is essential for early detection and rapid response to potential threats. Managed IT support companies like Urolime Technologies provide continuous security monitoring to protect your business from attacks, ensuring your data and systems are always secure.
3. Supporting Remote Workforces
The shift to remote and hybrid work models has increased the need for reliable IT support at all hours. Employees working from different time zones or outside standard business hours need consistent access to IT support to remain productive. Our 24/7 managed IT support services ensure that your team can get the help they need, whenever they need it.

4. Maintaining Customer Satisfaction
In many industries, providing excellent customer service means being available around the clock. If your business operates globally or offers 24/7 customer support, your IT infrastructure must be equally available to support these operations. Continuous IT support helps you maintain high levels of customer satisfaction by ensuring your systems are always up and running.

5. Staying Ahead with Proactive Maintenance
Proactive maintenance and monitoring are key to preventing issues before they escalate. 24/7 support enables continuous system monitoring, allowing IT teams to identify and resolve potential problems before they impact your business operations. This proactive approach reduces the likelihood of unexpected outages and keeps your IT environment stable and efficient.

Benefits of Partnering with Urolime Technologies
At Urolime Technologies, we are committed to providing exceptional managed IT support services that go beyond just fixing issues. Our comprehensive 24/7 support ensures your business can operate smoothly and securely at all times. Here are some benefits of partnering with us:

Expertise and Experience
Our team of certified IT professionals has extensive experience in managing and supporting complex IT environments. We stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices to provide you with the highest level of service.
Customized Support Solutions
We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer tailored support solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you require full-time monitoring or occasional assistance, we have the right support plan for you.
Rapid Response Times
When an issue arises, our dedicated support team is ready to respond immediately. Our 24/7 service ensures that any problems are addressed swiftly, minimizing disruption to your business.
Comprehensive Security Measures
We prioritize the security of your IT infrastructure, providing continuous monitoring, threat detection, and rapid incident response to protect your business from cyber threats.
Cost-Effective Support
Outsourcing your IT support to Urolime Technologies can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house IT team. Our managed IT support services provide you with access to top-tier expertise and support at a fraction of the cost.
In the digital age, 24/7 IT support is a critical component for maintaining business continuity, security, and customer satisfaction. As one of the leading managed IT support companies, Urolime Technologies is dedicated to providing reliable, around-the-clock support to ensure your business stays ahead in a competitive landscape. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive managed IT support services and how we can help your business thrive.
For more information, visit our website or reach out to our team of experts. Let's work together to ensure your IT infrastructure is always secure, efficient, and ready to
submitted by urolimetechno to u/urolimetechno [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:59 Intelligent-Sky2695 My experience + EMOTIONS with aid access

For reference & a bit of a back story, I am 19 years old living in the United States. I know that sharing this experience with you all can be beneficial because I feel like a lot of women are going to feel so many emotions so not only am I going to tell you a bit about the way this impacted my body physically, I am going to share how I came to the conclusion that this is what is best for me and my life. I just want women to know you’re never alone in your emotions no matter what anyone is telling you/how you’re feeling. & if you’re looking for directions on how to properly receive the pills, this is not for you. I am just trying to share my personal experience :)
So, I found out that I was pregnant in the beginning of April. I know when I ovulate and I know when I had sex, so I was almost 4 weeks when I found out. I went through an entire process of emotions, including maybe thinking that this was meant to happen. In the beginning, I wouldn’t say I was excited. Just fucking terrified. For reference as well, I have borderline personality disorder which greatly affected my decision.
After weeks of back and forth with myself about what to do, I decided it was best that I should go through with abortion. As someone who grew up in not the best environment, I knew that my decision was right. I’m currently unmedicated, not in therapy and without a job. I may be crazy, but I have sense. My decision made all the sense and I knew it was right for me.
I ordered the pills after following every step through the process which was extremely simple. (Also thought I should mention that I do not live somewhere where abortion is legal AT ALL, which also terrified me. But after some reading, I found out how discreet this was, which made me feel tremendously better.)
I received the pills about 6ish days after I received the shipping information. April 30th, which is when I was 8 weeks & 3 days, I took the first pill which is the mifepristone. Within 24 hours I had no bleeding. Around the 24 hour mark I noticed a clear fluid on my underwear. I took 800mg ibuprofen 2 hours before I took this misoprostol. Put the 4 in my mouth for the 30 minutes. Around the 20 minute mark of having these in my mouth, I started feeling pretty severe back pain. Around 1 hr after these dissolved, I noticed some bleeding.
So now onto how these made me feel physically. About an hour and 30 minutes into this process, I was having diarrhea. I started to sweat pretty bad and was doubled over on the toilet from the cramps. I knew that they could be pretty severe but in all honesty nothing prepared me for this. I was crying because of how bad I felt. The whole time I was pretty nauseous but didn’t throw up until about the 6 hour mark. I tried to sleep it off but I just couldn’t. It hurt so bad and it all honesty I would compare it almost to kidney stone pain (I’ve had 4) I just laid on the bathroom floor crying. I took some more ibuprofen and Tylenol and slept for an hour. Woke up and felt slightly better and just made sure I ate and drank a shit ton of water. The cramps were still there but now felt like mild period cramps. After this I fell asleep for the night and when I woke up I physically felt fine. The cramps were a simple 2/10 for the pain.
I bled and had pretty bad clots for about 6 days. Day 7, I went to the bathroom and that’s when I saw the fetus on my bad. I’m not going to lie, this is pretty traumatic. Again I was almost 9 weeks along so if you know how a fetus develops, then you will know what I saw. I cried for a minute, took some deeps breaths and went to takes a nap. Woke up and felt better about this. Bled lightly for around 2 days after passing the fetus, so in total bled for around 9 days.
It’s been 2 weeks since taking this medicine and deciding to do this. Mentally, I feel much better than expected. In all honesty I feel nothing much more than relief because I know I made the right decision and choice for me. I was scared that I would feel regret, but I really don’t which kinda makes me feel shitty.
I decided to write this because I want you to know that you are making the right decision for you, and only you’re able to make that decision. Do not let anyone’s opinions deter you from doing what’s right for your well being. And just know, the physical pain is temporary.
With all love, I hope that this finds whoever needs it. You are loved, cared for and appreciated. If you are alone during this process and need someone to talk to or ask questions, I am here. And there are plenty of helpful resources as well.
Stay well and safe. <3
submitted by Intelligent-Sky2695 to abortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 dscarbon333 A note on "NDEs" in general perhaps; the accounts of which may be featured in many of the videos associated with this forum.

One may note some similarities and some recurring themes in NDEs etc., perhaps.
It is perhaps worth noting that it is possible that some NDE accounts if one will, are part of an individual's specific spiritual journey(though this may not be immediately obvious to either the individual recounting the NDE in question, nor to their "audience" who is "hearing" said "recounting" if one will, perhaps).
They who have/experienced the "NDE" in question, may interpret the NDE according to their semi-worldly perspective in such a way, from a certain perspective, as a sort of "means to an end", and the lessons learned in association with said NDE may serve as a potentially more niche than is immediately obvious potentially, "wisdom lesson" of sorts, via which to "guide"/"inspire" them in this specific incarnation etc.
Many NDEs would suggest that there are supernatural beings and or "Angels" which help and aid humans per se, or those "living as humans" during their "Earthly lives", regardless of broader themes discussed in said NDEs in general perhaps.
However, there are possible short-comings of some NDE accounts in that the individual may make statements/observations/recount "experiences" per se, which are potentially "specially-tailored" and "unique", in some way perhaps, to them, in a sense, and may experience said experience, and or learn from them(said "experiences"), whether consciously or unconsciously, in association with the way that their personal spiritual etc., "evolution" if one will, is being, in a sense, potentially "guided"/"led", and hence, one may want to be somewhat weary of drawing too many broad conclusions based on the topics discussed in some NDEs; in that said "lessons" whether direct/indirect, may be more "niche" than may be obvious, if one will, and may be specific stepping stones of wisdom/knowledge/awareness, if one will, that are designed for that specific individual who "had" said supposed experience, in said specific instances(specific NDEs) in question, at said specific time in their life, as opposed to a treatise in a sense, directly and or indirectly on broader spiritual themes/"truths", if one will.
E.G. it is possible that some NDE associated experiences may appear to be indicative of and or almost "definitive" regarding certain broader spiritual themes, to a specific individual who "had" said experience, but said experiences may have been in a sense "orchestrated"/"choreographed"/"arranged"/"organized" to appeabe perceived as such, in such a way, so as to facilitate the "perception", if one will, of a specific sort of spiritual-experience, so as to facilitate a specific spiritual learning experience/"correction" almost/"fore-guidance"/"encouragement"/"inspiration" that was appropriate for said specific individual, who may have experienced said specific NDE, in said specific moment in their life, in said specific potential "incarnation" in question, etc.,
Hence, in sum, perhaps, though NDEs may seem to at times cover quite "broad"/"vast" spiritual themes if one will, it is possible that the events "experienced" seemingly by some who may have had NDEs per se, may be more "niche" "specific" than would otherwise be immediately obvious to said individual, and hence as an observer of/ a listeneviewer of a recounting of an NDE one may be somewhat-mislead, potentially, by the otherwise reasonably inferred implications of the story being told(by the purported NDE experience), if one will. This(suggestion of "caution", if one will) may specifically pertain to broader spiritual topics as presented in any given NDE; as that experience may have been more "personalized" than may be immediately/superficially obvious. "Obvious", in regards to the perspective of either, for example, the experiencer or in regards to the perspective of those hearing etc., the recounting of the experiences, which may be supposedly associated with said supposed NDE-"event" etc., perhaps.
In short though NDEs may, often times, seem to covetouch on extremely broad and vast, if one will, spiritual themes, they are none the less, perhaps specific events that happened at specific times in a specific person's life, supposedly/potentially, and hence, just as various other kinds of events can be/may be sort of "choreographed"/"arranged"/"orchestrated" potentially, so as to facilitate a specific type of learning experience/situation/in regards to a specific individual/"observer" in question, according to their(said NDE-"experiencer") associated "sense of perception" and in turn in accordance with said NDE-experiencer's seeming "fate"/"destiny"/"life path", etc., if one will. In-turn, it is possible that that(said NDE in question) was a specific, much more nice-wisdom associated sort of learning-experience(than may be immediately obvious), and that, in turn, said there associated "wisdom" may have been "what that person "needed"/and or was "meant" to see/healearn, potentially, at that specific moment in their life, if one will, as a sort of "means to an end" along a "broadelonger(seemingly) journey" if one will, as opposed to necessarily being indicative-of, and or definitive in regards to "the truth", perhaps, regarding broadevaster spiritual themes if one will, etc.
submitted by dscarbon333 to AngelStoriesAndInfo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:51 Cute_Humming_Giraffe [NY] Apt complex of 5, have had roaches and bedbugs for 2.5 years, landlord has done the bare minimum to take care of it. Is it worth suing my landlord, or are there better options?

Hi, I'm wondering if it would be worth to sue my landlord, and if so, whether I should get an attorney or go to small claims and represent myself. And yes, I am looking to move out. The rent I pay is unfortunately very competitive, so it's difficult.
Some (lengthy) background:
Over 2.5 years, several issues regarding pest infestation have occurred, in mostly chronological order: · Landlord failed to disclose previous and existing bedbug and roach infestation of apartment complex before signing lease · Landlord falsely claimed they send pest control at the end of every month · When finally sending pest control at my request, landlord failed to use pest control services in the worst-infested apartment, claiming the tenants "wouldn't let him come in"—this resulted in no change to the pest population · Reported infestation as still existing, landlord agreed to send pest control again to my apartment only, even after telling him this would not solve the issue—landlord failed to show up with pest control on scheduled day that I took off work and rearranged entire house for · Problem tenants with heaviest infestation were evicted, LL claimed to have pest control up there, but did not spray other apartments, causing their infestation to migrate to all other apartments. Additionally, skeptical, I called his pest control company to confirm the date he arranged with them, only to confirm with the receptionist he had not made any appointments with them in months. · Upon noticing heavier infestation in my house and lack of response to the issue as a whole, I bought my own household products to ward off roaches. It worked, but I noticed hundreds living in the back of my refrigerator, and asked landlord to dispose of it. Landlord at first claimed the fridge was the previous tenant's, implying it was not his responsibility. He agreed to replace my fridge, but what I received was a rusted, dirty, 20+-year-old fridge from someone's basement that had no insulation or back cover. · Roaches were seemingly eradicated (at least in my apartment); this was after a period of 2 years. However, this is mostly due to my diligence keeping up with my own apartment. Others are still infested, and mine could be reinfested at any point. · A few months ago, a new tenant moved in, and I overheard him and other tenant talking about bedbug infestation on his moving in—this was not reported by landlord to me as a tenant (and seemingly not to anyone else). Had to text landlord to ask for pest control. To my knowledge, he then did not have all apartments sprayed, only those that reported seeing bedbugs. · Within past few months, have reported seeing bedbugs to him three times; sent pest control twice. This third time, I complained that he needs to spray all apartments, as I will not let him deal with this the way he dealt with the roaches. Landlord then claimed pest control was a "courtesy" because he "did not bring them in" and the least stated he was "not responsible" despite the lease making no mention of this. Informed him of warranty of habitability laws and that I would seek legal options.
Additionally, several other minor issues as a pattern of negligence, in no particular order: · upon moving in, left entire apartment dirty and filled with garbage, including torn up couch filled with bugs (the latter was found out much later); did pay $100 for me to clean it up, but was the first in the pattern of negligence · failed to fix ceiling leak coming from upstairs tenant running unapproved washing machine · failed to repair holes and cracks in walls that were left by previous tenant, including two holes accidentally caused by myself that LL assured he would take care of · several issues with heat throughout 2.5 years that LL continues to try to fix himself, despite the fixes being temporary (some periods of 2-3 days of 63 degrees in house during the winter) · LL took several weeks to finish installing new outside door; to this day has not put insulation in the door · took 1.5 months to replace bathroom sink leaking into wall causing mold growth; still has not eliminated mold in wall, long-term results unknown · Replaced water line on sidewalk beside apartment exit, placed flimsy wooden board over it to avoid accidents, did not finish job for over a month · when requesting infested fridge to be removed, took several days, and sent two unknown men to retrieve it at 8pm without notice · requested removal of infested, beat-up couch left by previous tenant, never retrieved it; got tired of repeatedly asking him to do the same thing with no response · Regularly schedules a time to show up for repairs or other house related things and does not show up · Overall lack of response or communication in any matter, often will not hear back from LL about an issue and have to pester him for a response; does not answer or return phone calls 90% of the time · etc.
My goal is to seek some sort of repayment for the burdens experienced living here due to landlord's negligence. Most especially in his lack of adequate response and even outright lack of disclosure and dishonesty in handling pest infestation. I have attempted to sway him to change and be more responsive and have tried my best to be patient and work with him, always notifying him of issues as they arise and hoping he'll handle them. I feel that I am owed compensation by him for the nightmare of living here, and am not comfortable with or trusting of him to seek compensation directly from him.
submitted by Cute_Humming_Giraffe to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:38 majipark Putting AI to Work for People: ServiceNow’s x Idris Elba

👉 What: ServiceNow, a leading enterprise software company, has launched a new campaign titled “Put AI to Work for People” created by BBDO. The campaign features the multitalented actor, philanthropist, and businessman Idris Elba as the ultimate CEO, investigating how AI can be leveraged to help people work better on the ServiceNow platform.
🔑Key Message: The campaign emphasizes the human-centric benefits of using AI to empower and assist people in their work. This campaign represents a strategic move by ServiceNow to build a strong brand identity that matches the company’s rapid growth and technological leadership. It also signals a broader industry shift towards humanizing AI and highlighting its potential to enhance, rather than replace, human capabilities in the workplace.
Credits: BBDO
submitted by majipark to TheMahazineAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 pixelape How Responding to Reviews Boosted My ASO and Led to Building an AI-Powered Review Management App

Hey fellow makers!
I wanted to share an experience that had a massive impact on my app’s performance and eventually led me to develop a tool that I believe can help many of us.
How Responding to Reviews Improved My ASO:
A while back, I noticed that the number of reviews and their responses were directly influencing my app's ranking on the Google Play Store. I decided to invest time in responding to each review thoughtfully, addressing concerns, and thanking users for their feedback. Here’s what happened:
  1. Improved Ratings: Many users updated their reviews with higher ratings after seeing that I took their feedback seriously and responded promptly.
  2. Better User Engagement: Users appreciated the personal touch and felt more connected to the app, leading to increased loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.
  3. Higher Visibility: The increased engagement and positive reviews helped improve my app’s ASO, making it more visible to potential users.
Building an AI-Powered Review Management App:
Despite the benefits, I found it challenging to keep up with the reviews manually, especially as my user base grew. I needed a cost-effective solution but couldn't find one that fit my budget. So, I took matters into my own hands and built a review management app that uses AI.
Interested in Testing?
If you're interested in trying out the app early and helping shape its future, please let me know! Your feedback would be invaluable as I continue to refine the tool to better serve our community.
Feel free to comment below or send me a message if you're up for testing or have any questions!
Thanks for reading, and happy making!
submitted by pixelape to AppBusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 tempmailgenerator Troubleshooting Sendmail Issues in Django Projects

Tackling Email Delivery Problems in Django

When developing web applications with Django, integrating email functionalities is often crucial for features like user registration, password resets, and confirmation notifications. However, developers sometimes encounter challenges where Django fails to send these emails, leading to disrupted user experiences and potential security risks. This issue not only hampers the reliability of the application but also affects the trust users place in the platform. Understanding the common pitfalls and configurations necessary for Django's email backend is the first step towards resolving such problems.
Several factors can contribute to these sending issues, including incorrect SMTP server settings, firewall restrictions, or problems with the email service provider. Additionally, Django's sendmail configuration requires careful attention to ensure compatibility with the hosting environment and the email service being used. This introduction aims to guide developers through the process of diagnosing and fixing email delivery issues within their Django projects. By addressing these challenges head-on, developers can ensure that their applications maintain high levels of functionality and user satisfaction.
Command / Configuration Description
EMAIL_BACKEND Specifies the backend to use for sending emails. For SMTP, use 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'.
EMAIL_HOST The hostname of the email server.
EMAIL_PORT The port of the email server (typically 587 for TLS).
EMAIL_USE_TLS Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server. This is usually True.
EMAIL_HOST_USER The username to use for the SMTP server.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD The password to use for the SMTP server.

Solving Email Delivery Issues in Django Applications

When a Django project fails to send confirmation emails, it's a signal to dive into the underlying email configuration and troubleshoot potential issues. The Django framework provides robust support for sending emails through various backends, including SMTP, console, file-based, and in-memory backends. Understanding these backends and their appropriate use cases is crucial. For instance, the SMTP backend is widely used for production environments, requiring accurate settings such as the host, port, use of TLS or SSL, and authentication credentials. Misconfiguration in any of these parameters can lead to failure in email delivery. Developers must ensure that these settings align with their email service provider's requirements, which might involve additional steps like setting up SPF or DKIM records to improve email deliverability and avoid being flagged as spam.
Beyond configuration, the Django environment plays a significant role in email functionality. Issues like a blocked SMTP port by the hosting provider or an improperly configured Django email backend can prevent emails from being sent. It's also essential to consider the use of asynchronous task queues like Celery to manage email sending, especially for high-volume applications. This approach not only enhances performance by offloading email sending to a background process but also adds resilience, as it can retry failed email sending attempts. By meticulously reviewing these aspects and applying best practices, developers can significantly improve the reliability of email delivery in their Django projects, ensuring critical communications reach their intended recipients.

Configuring Django Email Settings

Django Framework Setup
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend' EMAIL_HOST = '' EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_HOST_USER = '' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'your_email_password' 

Ensuring Email Deliverability in Django Projects

Effective email communication is a cornerstone of user interaction within Django applications, necessitating a reliable email delivery system. The Django framework accommodates this need with a flexible emailing setup, allowing developers to configure email backends that suit their project's requirements. However, ensuring the deliverability of these emails involves more than just configuring SMTP settings correctly. It requires an understanding of email protocols, adherence to best practices in email sending, and sometimes, navigating through the complexities of email deliverability issues. Factors such as the selection of a reputable email service provider, proper authentication methods (like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records), and monitoring email bounce rates are critical. These elements help in establishing the legitimacy of the emails being sent, which is crucial for avoiding spam filters and ensuring that emails reach their intended recipients.
Moreover, Django developers must be proactive in handling potential email delivery issues by implementing feedback loops with email service providers, using email validation services to clean lists, and carefully crafting email content to avoid triggers that commonly lead to spam classification. Additionally, understanding the nuances of transactional versus marketing emails, and segregating them appropriately, can significantly impact deliverability. By taking a comprehensive approach to email setup and monitoring within Django projects, developers can minimize issues related to email sending failures, thereby enhancing user engagement and trust in the application.

Common Questions on Email Sending in Django

  1. Question: Why are my Django emails going to spam?
  2. Answer: Emails from Django applications may land in spam due to issues like misconfiguration of email settings, lack of proper email authentication records (SPF, DKIM, DMARC), or content that triggers spam filters. Ensuring correct configuration and establishing a good sender reputation can help.
  3. Question: How do I use Gmail to send emails in Django?
  4. Answer: To send emails through Gmail in Django, configure the EMAIL_BACKEND setting to use Django's SMTP backend, and set the EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, EMAIL_HOST_USER, and EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD settings to match Gmail's SMTP server details. Additionally, enable access for less secure apps in your Gmail account or use app-specific passwords if two-factor authentication is enabled.
  5. Question: How can I test email sending in Django during development?
  6. Answer: For testing emails in Django, use the console or file-based backend by setting EMAIL_BACKEND to 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend' or 'django.core.mail.backends.filebased.EmailBackend', respectively. This allows you to view email output in the console or write it to a specified file without sending real emails.
  7. Question: Can Django send asynchronous emails?
  8. Answer: Yes, Django can send emails asynchronously by using Celery with Django to offload email sending to background tasks. This approach improves performance and user experience by not blocking the request-response cycle for email operations.
  9. Question: What is the best practice for managing email templates in Django?
  10. Answer: The best practice for managing email templates in Django is to use Django's template system to create reusable HTML or text templates for emails. This approach allows for dynamic content generation and easy maintenance of email layouts and styles.

Mastering Email Delivery in Django

Ensuring the reliable delivery of emails in Django applications is paramount for maintaining user trust and engagement. This article has navigated through the complexities of configuring Django's email system, highlighting the importance of correct SMTP settings, authentication techniques, and the use of asynchronous tasks for efficient email processing. Developers are encouraged to adopt a holistic approach towards email management, incorporating best practices such as monitoring deliverability, using email validation services, and carefully crafting email content. By addressing these aspects, developers can significantly reduce the chances of email delivery issues, thus enhancing the overall user experience. As Django continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest email handling techniques will be crucial for developers aiming to create robust and user-friendly web applications.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:25 Cannabals Your New York Guide to the Top Cannabis Events of 2024!

Welcome to the vibrant community of CANNABALS, where we're dedicated to curating unforgettable experiences in New York's thriving cannabis scene. As the go-to lifestyle brand in the city, and manufactured by a team with more than 100 years of cannabis experience, at Cirona Labs, we're your ticket to a realm of energy, excitement, and exploration. Join us as we unveil the most anticipated events that are bringing cannabis enthusiasts together happening in the Big Apple in 2024.
Finger Lakes CannaMarket
Join us for an immersive pop-up social experience, the CannaMarket, showcasing a curated selection of NYS Cannabis and CBD-affiliated businesses and services. This event serves as a gathering ground for cannabis enthusiasts, professionals, cultivators, patients, and consumers to connect and network. As we navigate through the evolving landscape of cannabis acceptance, the CannaMarket aims to dispel the stigma and misinformation surrounding this valuable plant.
Location: Finger Lakes region, NY
Date: Multiple events throughout the year
Price: Mostly Free to attend, but online RSVP is highly encouraged. Further details regarding specific event pricing can be found on the official website.
New York City Cannabis Parade & Rally
Get ready to make a statement at the New York City Cannabis Parade & Rally. Join us as we march through the city streets, spreading joy, awareness, and advocacy at every turn. This event features a lineup of speakers, performers, elected officials, industry experts, activists, and a diverse musical ensemble. It serves as a platform for advocacy, education, and celebration within the cannabis community. After the parade, swing by our exclusive lounge for an after-party you won't forget.
Location: Begins on the East side of Broadway between 32nd Street and 33rd Street, New York City, NY
Date: May 4, 2024
Price: Free to attend. Further details can be found on the official website.
CWCBExpo is the premier cannabis business-to-business expo and conference on the East Coast. Since its inception in 2014, this event has served as a cornerstone for industry professionals, enthusiasts, and innovators. Held annually at the prestigious Javits Center in New York City since 2015, CWCBExpo brings together the brightest minds and most influential players in the cannabis and hemp sectors.
Location: Jacob Javits Convention Center, Hall 1C, New York, NY
Date: June 5 - 6, 2024
Price: Ticket prices range from $100 to $700 depending on early purchase and add-on events. Details can be found on the official website.
CannaCon Northeast
CannaCon is New York's premier cannabis cultivation event, paving the way for the region to become the next powerhouse in cannabis cultivation. Join industry growers and innovators from the northeast as we explore the latest trends, technologies, and opportunities in cannabis cultivation.*
Location: Jacob Javits Convention Center, New York, NY
Date: June 20-21, 2024
Price: Various ticket options will be available for purchase online. For ticketing inquiries, please contact Angela Grelle at [](
Join us at CannaCon Northeast as we come together to explore the future of cannabis cultivation in New York and beyond! Stay tuned for registration details and secure your spot at the forefront of the industry.
New York Cannabis & Hemp Convention
NECANN's New York Cannabis and Hemp Convention is the premier event for the Empire State's cannabis and hemp industry. Join us for a weekend of education, networking, and celebration as we come together to explore all that the cannabis world has to offer. Mark your calendars and secure your spot at the must-attend event of the year.
Date: October 25 - 26, 2024
Location: NYS Fairgrounds, Center of Progress Building, Syracuse, NY
Price: To be announced. Stay updated on ticket releases and prices on our official website.
At CANNABALS, we're more than just a brand—we're your guides to a world of cannabis excitement and adventure. Join us at our lounge, where the possibilities are endless and the vibes are always on point!
Source: KayaPush Blog - Top 2024 New York Cannabis Events.
submitted by Cannabals to u/Cannabals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:20 No_Seaweed2960 Can anyone help?

Can anyone help?
Ive tried salycilic acid/differin/adapalene/nizoral/head&shoulders/daktarin/I can't remember what else, washed with just water, used exfoliation/exfoliated less/exfoliated more, different moisturisers, no moisturiser, gel moisturiser, FA safe moisturiser, changing diet, cleaning pillowcases, getting more sleep. Is it likely an oral antifungal can work/would I be eligible to get prescribed one? I've had this 7 years and it's wrecking my mental health now 😭
submitted by No_Seaweed2960 to Fungalacne [link] [comments]