Producers of driving simulators in china

Temple of Steppers

2020.05.30 12:47 axiom_stepper Temple of Steppers

STEPPERS DUB discussion and promotion of UK style steppers DUB

2021.06.07 14:22 Snoo_73630 POETTechnologiesInc

Discussion on POET Technologies Inc. The Company's unrivaled opto-electronics fab process platform enables unprecedented improvements in energy efficiency, component cost and size in the production of smart optical components, the engines driving applications ranging from data centers to consumer products. POET has global operations in Canada, US, Singapore and China. Tickers: TSX.V - PTK / Nasdaq CM - POET / Frankfurt - R14.F

2015.07.04 16:54 lughnasadh Discussion of futurology related business opportunities

Discussion of futurology related business opportunities.

2024.04.29 00:05 cosmiconspiracy thrust into a PM position, not a clue what i’m doing

industry is pharma manufacturing
i went from a temp to a permanent employee. i’m under quality’s payroll but supply chain is “borrowing” me.
the same director of supply chain manages IT, and all the enterprise software projects (think ERP, LIMS, QMS, artwork, engineering, literally everything) got handed over to IT. ON TOP of the ongoing effort to implement our ERP at a new site whose assets we just acquired to launch an entirely new product line AND get the infrastructure up at two new sites (one for business ops, one for just warehouse).
it’s an insane project portfolio to hand off to a department of THREE people and yes they have an IT manager who is the project lead, but he is way too swamped and honestly not experienced with admin side of things so they’re using me as….a project coordinator? i guess?
essentially they made it seem like they just need someone to take notes at meetings and schedule follow ups and coordinate stuff. but no it’s become increasingly clear that i’m managing the timelines, producing a gantt chart, delegating action items, driving the projects forward, etc. bc the company simply doesn’t have enough actual PMs to give one to IT plus we are working with a VERY aggressive timeline
with stakes so high i do not understand why they’re depending on me, someone with no experience at this company, in pharma, IT, or with managing a project. ZERO. i have a chem degree and worked as a compounder in personal care CMOs.
i’m in over my head and have spend the weekend researching PM methodologies. i would love any crash courses/resources specifically for pharma manufacturing and IT/personal advice on how to handle all this. i work two jobs outside of this so i’m even debating telling them “hey you can’t borrow me, i’m going to transition to the role offered to me in quality as planned” bc at this company i personally believe PMing is a thankless job. the timelines are chronically damn near impossible
submitted by cosmiconspiracy to projectmanagement [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:47 Highbrow68 Gaggia Classic Pro for beginner?

Okay, so I have been doing a bit of deep diving into which espresso machine I want as my first machine, and I ~believe~ that I've come to the conclusion that I'll purchase the Gaggia Classic Pro. The main driving factors for this decision are the relatively low capital investment on the stock machine, as well as the future ability to mod and bring the machine to an end-level capability. So, my questions are:
If I purchase this machine, and decide to not mod it for a period of time, will I, a novice "barista" / espresso enthusiast, be able to pull consistent and quality shots with doing a minimal amount of work? By minimal amount of work, the effort I'd be expecting is tracking my pull time, ratio of been to espresso mass, tamping consistency, and grind size. I work full-time and do part time schooling, so available energy levels may be low for another year, and I just want to make sure that even without investing many hours running down the gaggiuno rabbit hole that I can produce quality shots.
Are there any cheap/must-have mods that I could install right away that would improve my experience with the GCP?
If this is not a good machine for my intent, is there a different machine that has adjustable/moddable capabilities still in an entry-level price range?
submitted by Highbrow68 to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:40 mesty_the_bestie [in progress] I need Funk arrangers/producers to own my shit

Does anyone do this anymore? Like, invest time in a project in order to maybe make a name for themselves or for clout or even money probably on copyright alone? I know, "probably" sounds like a long shot but I dunno maybe my stuff would work out for you. I am talking doing a contract before any work is done of course, but the reality is I am not the best producearranger around and I want a classic Disco/Funk sound and that means analog instruments and that means collaboration. Maybe this can be done with a NuFunk idea, but I dunno. Sorry about the quality of the recordings- I am homeless and don't have equipment now to record anything professionally, but I can get an interface soon I think if anyone is wanting to be serious. I don't know how this sub works, its my first time sorry- I have about 40 songs, and about 14 recorded on soundcloud.
(this last one isn't finished)
Thank yous <3
submitted by mesty_the_bestie to BedroomBands [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:25 MerMerCC [PC][2000-2014] Horror game about men looking for girl in abandoned town

Hi i'm looking for a horror game produced between 2000 and 2014 for the PC platform where we play a man who drives a car through a foggy road. He finds a girl with a teddy bear and decides to drive her home. Once he has driven her home he notices that the girl has left the teddy bear in his car, he backtracks to give the teddy bear to the girl but he can't find her close to where he left her. He decides to find her in the town he drove her to. It turns out that the town is abandoned and there are pictures painted by the girl lying everywhere. The pictures show the deaths of individuals including who used to live in the city and the main character, who dies in a traffic accident. I remember that the prist died by jupming of the flaming tower and lending on the fence.
submitted by MerMerCC to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:22 The_Persian_Cat Antarctica, 2064

Antarctica, 2064 submitted by The_Persian_Cat to ImaginaryPropaganda [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:57 Jeff5704 CONEs and Buckets of the ancestors 🪣🗼

CONEs and Buckets of the ancestors 🪣🗼
The depiction of a man holding a Cone and Bucket has ancient origins and is found in various cultures throughout history. While interpretations may vary depending on the cultural context, symbolism, and religious beliefs of the civilization, several common themes and representations have been identified.
The significance of a Bucket held by the figure in depictions alongside Cone varies across cultures and historical contexts. These are some interpretations and symbolic meanings associated with Bucket:
Symbol of Abundance and Fertility: In many ancient cultures, Bucket held by the figure represents abundance, fertility, and prosperity. It is often depicted filled with grains, fruits, or other agricultural produce, symbolizing the bounty of the harvest and the blessings of nature. The presence of a Bucket suggests a connection to the earth and agricultural practices, emphasizing the importance of agriculture in sustaining life and ensuring prosperity.
Container of Sacred Offerings: A Bucket may also serve as a container for sacred offerings or ritual items used in religious ceremonies and sacrifices. In religious contexts, offerings such as grains, fruits, flowers, and other symbolic items are often placed in containers and presented to gods, goddesses, or spiritual beings as acts of worship and devotion. The figure holding a Bucket may be depicted as a priest or intermediary between humans and the divine, offering gifts and prayers on behalf of the community.
Symbol of Spiritual Enlightenment: In some interpretations, Bucket symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and the quest for knowledge. Just as Cone is associated with the pineal gland, often referred to as the "third eye" in spiritual traditions, Bucket may represent the receptacle for storing and carrying divine wisdom and insights. The figure holding a Bucket may be portrayed as a sage, teacher, or spiritual guide, offering guidance and enlightenment to seekers on the path of spiritual growth and self-discovery.
Metaphor for Life's Journey: Bucket can also be seen as a metaphor for life's journey and the experiences accumulated along the way. It may symbolize the collection of memories, lessons, and treasures gathered throughout one's lifetime, reflecting the richness and diversity of human existence. The figure holding a Bucket may be depicted as a traveler or pilgrim, carrying with them the essentials needed for the journey and embracing the adventures and challenges that lie ahead.
Overall, a Bucket held by the figure in depictions alongside Cone adds depth and layers of symbolism to the imagery, conveying themes of abundance, spirituality, wisdom, and the human experience. Its interpretation may vary depending on the cultural, religious, and artistic context in which it appears, but it serves as a potent symbol of the interconnectedness of humanity with the natural world and the divine.
Ancient Mesopotamia: In Mesopotamian civilizations such as Sumer, Assyria, and Babylon, Cone was often associated with fertility, abundance, and divine protection. It symbolized the sacred and the divine, often appearing in religious rituals and temple decorations. Cone was sometimes depicted in the hands of deities or priests as a symbol of their connection to the divine and their role as intermediaries between gods and humans.
Ancient Egypt: In ancient Egyptian mythology, Cone was associated with regeneration, resurrection, and eternal life. It was often linked to Osiris, the god of the afterlife, who was depicted holding a crook and flail in one hand and a Cone or lotus flower in the other. The Cone represented the cyclical nature of life, death, and rebirth, as well as the promise of immortality in the afterlife.
Ancient Greece and Rome: In Greek and Roman mythology, the Cone was a symbol of Dionysus (Bacchus), the god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. Dionysus was often depicted carrying a thyrsus, a staff topped with a Cone, during religious rituals and celebrations. The Cone symbolized abundance, vitality, and the intoxicating power of nature. Additionally, in the Vatican City, a colossal bronze sculpture of a Cone, known as the "Pigna," stands as a symbol of fertility and regeneration.
Early Christianity: With the spread of Christianity, the symbolism of Cone evolved to represent spiritual enlightenment, divine wisdom, and the eternal soul. In Christian art and iconography, the Cone often appears in depictions of saints, angels, and religious figures, serving as a metaphor for the enlightenment of the soul and the promise of salvation.
Ancient Near East and Asia: In various cultures across the ancient Near East and Asia, including Persia, India, and China, the Cone held similar symbolic meanings related to fertility, vitality, and spiritual enlightenment. It was often associated with gods, goddesses, and mythological beings, as well as with sacred trees and plants revered for their mystical properties.
Cone and Bucket reflect the universal themes of fertility, abundance, regeneration, and spiritual enlightenment found in cultures worldwide throughout history. The symbolism of the Cone continues to be interpreted and celebrated in diverse cultural, religious, and artistic contexts, serving as a timeless symbol of the enduring mysteries of life, nature, and the divine.
submitted by Jeff5704 to Bucketheads [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:30 TheRainandFire Thank You RoosterTeeth

I know there are a lot of these on here but I just wanted to share my thanks where I know some of the RT people might see it.
I first found Rooster Teeth when my friend somehow learned about Red vs Blue early in season 1 and started downloading the episodes onto a computer in the school computer lab for us to watch. I’ve been a fan ever since.
I feel confident in saying that no group, channel, service, or company has provided more hours of entertainment for me than RoosterTeeth has these past 21 years. I can’t even imagine how much of your stuff I have watched and listened to, and I doubt any company will be able to surpass it. I have laughed and smiled so much because of RT, and I know it has made my life better. RT podcasts have basically been the soundtrack for all of my driving for the past few years, and the website a frequently visited favorite for two decades. You all have been such a big part of my life for so long, I will never be able to thank you enough.
I wish I could go through and thank everyone individually but that would take forever so I’m going to limit myself to a small group.
The Founders: Thank you Geoff, Gus, Burnie, and Matt for creating this company. Not only did you create so many hilarious videos and podcasts but you are the reason for everyone else who would join RT. You brought us all together and gave us this awesome company. None of this incredible content happens without you. From RvB to RT shorts to a million other productions that you four have been a part of, you have created so much greatness. Thank you for sharing so much of your time and your lives with us, both the good and the bad. You are legends.
Achievement Hunter: Thank you to everyone who has been a member of Achievement Hunter, from the originals to the people who were only around for a short time. Every one of you made me laugh, everyone of you made a video better with your jokes and presence. I have never been one to care about achievements but this group with their let’s plays and live action shenanigans quickly became a favorite for me. There were a number of years where I watched literally every video that AH put out. You guys have provided me countless hours of great entertainment. Also a shout out to the support crew for everything you added behind the scenes to make AH better.
Michael - You are probably my favorite creator in RT and that is saying something cause there are so many hilarious and awesome people through the years. Your attitude and sense of humor helped create so much hilariousness. Play pals, Face Jam, Off Topic, and being a fan favorite on Survive Block Island, you have been a core part of so many incredible series. I hope you will keep making stuff for us to watch for years to come.
Larry - As someone who loves board games I want to thank you for bringing your passion for board games to AH and helping create the Let's Roll series. They included some of my absolute favorite videos in all of AH history. You were also awesome in any other video you made an appearance in.
Jack - Not only have you been a great part of AH and Inside Gaming over the years but I especially want to thank you for bringing Extra Life to RoosterTeeth. It quickly became a highlight of every year and you guys raised so much money for a great cause. You also just brought Extra Life to the attention of so many people, including myself. I am happy to say I did the 24 hour marathon to raise money in two different years, and the money I raised is something I am truly proud of. That only happened because of you. I’m sure there are countless others who have similar stories. You have made such a huge and positive impact on so many lives. Your heart and passion are an inspiration.
Chad - I have loved your work in Death Battle, Extra Life, RT Core, and your hilarious moments with AH, but I mostly want to thank you for one moment. You provided the most emotional moment in RT history for me when you called for a matching gift for your daughter's Extra Life donation. Seeing the massive response from everyone watching and how much it touched you was such a beautiful moment. It makes me emotional just thinking about it. Thank you for bringing that special moment to us.
Barbara - You have obviously done so much throughout your time in this company but I want to specifically thank you for creating Always Open. As a straight, cisgender man I was obviously not the target audience, but I definitely benefited from listening to your show. I had never had a place to listen to women and people different from myself having such open and honest conversations about everything from life to relationships to sex to mental health. The kind of things people just generally don’t talk about with people who aren’t like them. Your show legitimately taught me things and helped me better understand the people around me. Thank you for that.
Eric - You are basically the MVP of the last few years of RT in my opinion. I love every podcast you have been a part of, I loved watching you on Camp Betrayal. You seem to be able to get along with and have interesting conversations with anyone and everyone. I am so glad you became more than just a producer and let us get to know you and hear your thoughts on the crazy stuff happening on the podcasts around you. I hope I will be able to listen to you on podcasts for many more years. Also you are my wife’s favorite person in the company, I feel like that is worth mentioning.
I am going to stop myself there because I could keep doing these forever. There are so many people that have made RT special.
For 21 years now Rooster Teeth and the people in it have made my life better, or at least much happier and more full of laughter. You made a difference in my life, and in the lives of so many others. Thank you for everything, it has been a joy to be a tiny part of this incredible journey.
Rooster Teeth will be missed, but it will definitely not be forgotten.
Thank you.
submitted by TheRainandFire to roosterteeth [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:20 Economy-Alfalfa-2241 Culture clash? Are you avin a laugh?

I've seen this nasty little cockroach pushing its way out of the egg to join all the other cockroaches whose existence requires their host organisms' longevity. You all know I'm long and wordy, no foul if you pass on. But for my US friends this does actually upset me - apart from anything else, most of the world just want to do their thing but narratives like this from the 1%ers who are completely insulated from the realities of normal life are often how we get dragged into conflict.
Astonishing as it may seem to the Clunkers, the US and UK have been doing the do long before they came along and tAUghT uS hOW TO ConNecT, and we've all experienced some form of cultural clash because that's life. From next door's execrable musical taste to the annoying local kids to international companies with a million competing personal drives, we're experiencing it all the time. That's what "getting on with each other" means, it's not rocket surgery.
And I worked for a US corp. starting up their Euro leg here. All my colleagues came from the US office then we gradually employed so were in the intense phase where its all over the gaff, there are no systems in place and you just have to build up and iron out the wrinkles. Long days, hard work, no fixed roles...everything that everyone deals with on the reg in some form. And just as a peculiarity of my position, I'd be ringing the CEO at 2am his time or the FD would ring me round the clock at month end. It was a pressure-cooker that was a wonderful experience - it'd kill me now, but we've all walked that path too. I absolutely refuse to believe it was sooooooooo much oooo it were AWful for two people with the lightest workload powered by plebs like us. Quite literally, all they had to do was turn up. Servants, assistants, nannies, the poor sod who had to find and clean all the dummies (pacifiers) they spat out, absolutely everything was done for these two precious beings. Someone probably prizes open Dimwit's eyes, props him upright and removes the bong from his clutches. Tbh, someone probably reminds the thick twonk to breathe 🙄
And I HATE this narrative because it's a) not true and b) a complete accountability-opt-out, a fully prepared pre-whine for Clotface and rather a lot of punching-bags for Megdusa. ALL cultures can be dreadful - see: British tourists abroad 🙄 - but most people aren't. Those differences can be a conversational starter, a point of interest, they became funny memes for us but never once did I feel traumatised by these huge American bullies, not even the Big Boss at aaaargh o'clock. I don't recall feeling anything negative toward my American colleagues, they were great people I really enjoyed getting to know and I loved how straightforward they were in communications. Not ever rude or anywhere near it, just a clean chain of command with no faffing.
Yet the "dominant American" archetype (😈) is being resurrected with no context to it and it's so unbelievably wrong and unfair not only to Americans but to us. Are we so delicate that we require pretty-please-with-extra-sprinkles for every interaction? Are we like Victorian ladies who faint at the very *idea* of.....ew....Talking to Foreigners. I've said before I don't understand Muggin's astounding rudeness and lack of the most basic manners, because that's usually the grease that spins the wheels; Americans can charm the socks off you and this, in my experience as it widened, is their secret power-up. Of course there will be bullying or menacing individuals coffOursaintcoff but it's not the norm. *Nothing* about Mugsie is the norm, from her laziness to her rudeness to her astonishing hubris but somehow MSM has got on this train and it's all going to be tidied away as cultural clashes? How the hell have the rest of us managed to negotiate this perilous it even safe to talk to anyone from America without a bear suit? Some nob y'day (I think he used to work for that old fraud Fayed, which says a lot) was exclaiming that we're taken aback because you say "can I get..?" instead of "may I have...?" so all a big misunderstanding and help me sinners cos I just blew a gasket. To use an expression taken from Clotface himself "it's so unfair!!!!!" But it IS unfair. It's a ridiculous notion that, in this modern intermixed world, we can't get round these tiniest of irrelevancies and need to have a lie-down followed by a six-week holiday every time they had to interact with us disgusting proles. Can you *believe* she didn't even get paid for it (freehousefreeclothesfreecarsfreekidsfreejewelsfreelife) Um....we know it's a big ask but if you could possibly go to this kiddies film, pimp wifey out to Disney and slobber over Beyonce? It's an imposition of staggering proportions but the world neeeeeeeeds you...
Ever since Tsar Megda dropped on the UK all she's done is create division. We bin knew. But now we're stuffed because they protected us from the Big Bad World and now I might have to speak to people from other countries without their firm guidance? O noes, our saviours left inhale....I mean, I'm writing this and ANYONE could be seeing it from any country, any culture, any age. It's just a *terrifying* thought ooooo I could never. If you are reading this whilst being Not English, kindly stop until you have passed all vetting procedures, bought a bowler hat and know how to make a proper cup of tea.
We have an entire Commonwealth. We have multi-national companies with huge workforces at every level. We spent five years being bombed flat by the Axis powers then finished off the job with terrible town planning. We've been here awhile and we've taken in gigantic influxes over our history, whether the ravage-and-pillage version of old or the mutual alliances of today. We can cope. And you're not bullies. Or rude, ungracious, ill-kempt and boorish. You just sent us a duff one but you sure got a factory-(twenty)-second back so it's a draw. Its absolutely ludicrous for these two useless muppets to blame two entire countries for the fact they're useless muppets. Maybe it's me, but I find this line utterly contemptible and more division is the last thing this world needs. But we don't get to produce a complete Fail then squeeeeeeee it's all about MuRiCAn CulChuR when he's stupid enough to find another and embark on a concerted mission to go up the universe's backside. It's just so pathetic. Embarrassingly so.
Must admit tho, the all night thing gets a bit tedious. So I went to work for an Oz company. Spot the fatal flaw in that plan...
(And here's a hug 🤗 for all vile Americans. We'll drag you to civilisation eventually...)
submitted by Economy-Alfalfa-2241 to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:37 Belisaruis1 [DEVELOPMENT] Farmer-Labour Party Holding Up Its Name

For the past few years the Progressive Party of Minnesota has been dictating policy via their centrist and hawkish attitude. They are the perfect middle ground party between the Republicans and the Farmer-Labourites. However, the Progressive push to increase industrial capacity for the production of war materials was capitalized by the FLP.
With the State Guard being established on January 1st of 1964, a final push for better heavy weapons is nearing adoption. The University of Minnesota's ROTC program and the School of Mechanical Engineering have been working together with Federal Ammunition to produce a new artillery piece and advanced in small arm support weapons. The 1964 pattern of weapons are already in field testing and show great promise.
However, the need for better techniques returns as the bottleneck for production. To that end, the FLP is providing a jobs-training program aimed at alleviating this shortcoming for the Minnesotan Arms Industry. The MAI will be the business collective that drives policy changes and coordinates with the Union Arsenals to make sure everything is done correctly and efficiently.
The Progressives welcomed such endeavours by the FLP, and in return offered to support increased electrification efforts for rural Minnesota. Even the Republicans were willing to back the proposal since many in that party have been shifting to the left as a necessity to get bills passed.
The final requirement was indicated by the Regional Council of the North Woods to have another arsenal planned for Duluth. Seeing as DSNY is already the principal naval and shipping for the Union, as well as the airfield atop Observation Hill in Duluth Heights, having the trifecta of an army base will complete the capacity of that area to provide the training and equipment for the State Guard.
As a nod to Greater Minnesota, which hasn't seen any military investment beyond anti-aircraft batteries, the next batch of arsenals will be located within their territory. The actions of the New Union of Iowa are concerning many residents and a desire to have military bases there is seen as a high priority once the current planning cycle ends.
submitted by Belisaruis1 to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:35 epistemophilelma Armodafinil.. not strong enough. Need advice.

Freshly 23F here. I am a 3rd grade teacher in the town over from where I live, and I have been on a daily dose of 250mg Armodafinil each morning for just over 4 years now. The dose not being strong enough has affected me for years, especially when occasionally commuting to and from my college that was 2 hours away from my home for four years, but it is becoming a much more persisting issue now that I have 29 kids under my supervision and I then have a 30 minute drive home each day (more like night.. first year teacher here lol).
I MUST caffeinate when I take my medicine in the morning and be done recaffeinating again no later than 1:00pm at the LATEST if I will make it through the last hours of the day without “sleep teaching” (as I call it). “Sleep teaching” is when I continue engaging in automatic behaviors while my brain literally halfway shuts off for a few minutes. I can still speak (typically clearly), move around the room, teach things and do work on the board accurately, but when I snap out of it again, I have no idea what just happened. It’s a total blackout when this happens. The first time, I literally ended up on the opposite side of the room when I snapped out of it and was horrified because I had no memory of getting there.
This also sometimes occurs without warning when driving home after a long day at school. Last week, I was almost home and had taken the highway. I was entering town and got in the right lane to turn and stopped at the red light. Someone honked at me, and I snapped out of it. I was to the RIGHT of the right turn lane on the shoulder of the road😭 My eyes and ears and basic reflexes work while I’m blacking out, but it’s like everything is so fuzzy and unclear when I try to immediately think back on what just happened after I snap out of it. **Please note, I do not begin driving if I do not feel fully awake. I nap at my desk after school before leaving, I stop and get a pop before beginning the drive if I feel iffy on making it home without another dose of caffeine, and I have people on standby more or less that always answer my calls if I need to talk to someone on the drive home. Sometimes, the sleepiness comes out of nowhere, though, and when I recognize it, attempting to call someone becomes more dangerous than just keeping my attention on the road and doing the best I can. I hate it. Functioning day-to-day like a normal person is impossible and feels so defeating.
I was hired in a strange situation at this school. Long story short, their teacher left in October, I began transitioning in November, and the room was mine when we returned from Christmas break. It’s strange because the school has literally zero information on me. They didn’t even know it was my birthday on my birthday, so they definitely don’t know my medical history. The year is almost over so I’m ready to tough it out the rest of the way, but it is so. Hard. To get through each day.
Does anyone know of any alternative medications I could try? Modafinil won’t cut it for me, and I began this journey on Adderall XR which ended up almost literally killing me due to developing a heart condition that caused me to pass out while driving in high school. I literally don’t know what other options I have. I’m on the highest dose of Armodafinil that is produced.
submitted by epistemophilelma to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:52 West-Thick GRomePow Theory of Everything (Housing)

GRomePow Theory of Everything (Housing)
So let's get few things out of the way, the 2008 housing collapse during the GFC (Great Financial Crisis) WAS NOT caused by subprime mortgages, it was caused by rampant US speculation in the housing market.
More specifically, it was PRIME BORROWER Speculation
Surprised? Wait it gets worse....
There is so much fraud in the US housing market that if you counted the homes being fraudulently purchased as Owner Occupied, it would increase the number of rental properties by 50%....5 0 %
So what? Those homes default at a rate 75% HIGHER than a typical rental. 7 5 %
Is there a housing shortage? No, but let's dig into the data.
There are more homes per capita than any point in US history. Yes, you read that correctly.
Google searches have hidden this chart and replaced it with some manipulated figure "Population Level"
I could beat up on that all day, but basically it's just another manipulated number by the government to tell a story they want you to hear.
One issue you have, and it is true, that we have fewer per home than nearly anytime in history and while that's true, its been this way since basically the 1990s.
Stimmies hypercharged this formation momentarily during covid
So let's just get it out of the way, before a recession, what does units to households look like:
This is where things start to get juicy. Demographics.
Its bad, not like China bad, not like Europe bad.....but bad.
How bad? Even the housing market said we have MILLIONS of homes in surplus without even realizing it. Lets dig in.
2008 ended a 40yr+ trajectory of 2.5m give or take Americans entering the labor force.
During this time there was a VERY small number of Americans dying relationally....BUT that number has been catching up.
The best part? This only gets worse until roughly 2035.....and never recovers (OK it could it they flood the border and maybe 20 years later)
BUT BUT BUT BUT, the housing industry said there's a housing shortage and you need to buy now or be priced out forever.
OK, lets take a look.
The National Multifamily Housing Council said we need 4.3 million homes by 2035 to meet demand for rental housing.
Problem? In 2023 the US Census REVISED their data (after the NMHC projection) to show they over projected by 14 MILLION people. One Four.....FOURTEEN MILLION
Divide that by 2.5 (household size) and we have a 1.3 MILLION home surplus.
Now this is a best case because many people leave their homes before death.
Oh but wait! It gets better.
We have more homes under construction than any time in history. 1.7m....more than during the population boom of the 1970s
"We didn't build enough after the GFC!" Yes that is true......but two questions.1
  1. Did we really need to?
  2. Where are we at now?
We covered 1 so let's look at #2
Yes we fell behind if you ONLY look at homes under construction.
Orange line being median homes under construction from 1977-Present
White moving average
Blue current under construction
Spoiler, we are caught up.
You should be here by now.....but let me help.
Did we even need historically average levels of building?
Basically no.
OK so given everything the actual eff did we get here.
Simple: payments
This is my Sistine Chapel, my Mona Lisa, the Theory of Everything: Humans value not in terms of price, but payment.
This explains it all, when the average moron can make a payment, they buy a house. Not only do they buy a house, but everyone they know does and it because a snowball......because people's stupidity is only surpassed by their drive to avoid actual work.
This theory came from John Wake's graph showing that housing payments always return to an affordable level....always. Except the Federal Reserve exacerbates the size of the swings.
With strong demographics this works and the Federal Reserve (all central banks) can keep the charade going on a VERY long time. Why? Because real estate is the ultimate ponzi scheme to.
Its needed to survive
Its an extreme leveraged long maturity payment that any moron can be persuaded into
Its subsidized AND guaranteed by the taxpayer
There's an ARMY of commissioned sales people to promote it
First the pros exploit the ponzi
Then everyone else.
So how did we get here?
Simple, think of lowering interest rates and printing money as Universal Basic Income for the rich.
After the the US defaulted on its debts in 1971, they were given a blank check to exploit the poor.
1st through money printing
Then through interest rate manipulation.
Here's Grantham to explain
Why hasn't it crashed yet?
Well since I'm out of images, I'll save timing for another day (but you can probably gather from the above)
submitted by West-Thick to REBubble [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:40 NoBorscht4U What else might I be missing?

What else might I be missing?
I have a fairly flat 3D print that keeps falling due to a "clog" at random times between layer 5 and 10. The clog, if that's even what the problem is, is never a bad one - I simply back the extruder out by 5mm then advance by 10, and it extrudes fine.
Here are the things I tried to mitigate this issue. Could I have missed something?
  • Replaced the filament with a fresh unopened spool
  • Replaced the nozzle
  • Switched to an all-metal hotend
  • Lowered retraction distance to 2mm (I'm using a direct-drive extruder with stock Ender 5 Plus motor)
  • Changed the PTFE tube and made sure its seated fully at the bottom of the hotend.
  • Bumped the temps up from 205° C to 210° C (which is the upper temp for that filament)
  • Placed the camera on it and noticed slight jitter in temps (+-3°C on an occasion) so just for a good measure I also disassembled, cleaned and PID-tuned the hotend (no help there), then went guns blazing, swapped the thermistor and once again PID-tuned it (with 20 cycles for a really good average).
  • Tried lowering the the grip on the filament, which then resulted in slippage.
  • Tried increasing the grip on the filament, which then resulted in extruder clicking again.
  • Dried the filament multiple times
  • Checked for filament snags along the way - everything is smooth as butter.
After the print failed again last night, I figured my extruder motor must be failing to produce enough pressure for whatever reason (can those things weaken over time?).
So I ordered a Micro Swiss extruder with a 3:1 gear ratio as the last ditch effort to pump the filament into the hotend with a power of a Howitzer cannon. It won't be arriving till Tuesday, but now I'm left thinking, could I have missed something less obvious?
submitted by NoBorscht4U to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:39 pbx1123 NEW ON HBO and MAX, ORIGINALS AND EXCLUSIVES IN MAY 2024

'Hacks' Season 3 (May 2)
Laughing its way to its third season, Max's comedy gold "Hacks" returns with another hilarious outing that sees Jean Smart's Deborah Vance at the top of her game. Her standup special that debuted at the end of the last season has driven her back into stardom and she's living life quite lavishly in Las Vegas. Meanwhile, her ex-comedy writer Ava (Hannah Einbinder) returns to Los Angeles in the hopes of finding a better role for her writing career.
This season will kick off a whole year following the duo's separation. Deborah and Ava will once more cross paths, finding new ways for both to grow together all with the good-natured hysterics baked in. "Hacks" season 3 corrals a total of nine episodes, with two of them landing on premiere night.
Premieres May 2 on Max
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'Turtles all the Way Down' (May 2)
Based upon John Green’s novel of the same name, “Turtles All the Way Down” follows the story of 16-year-old Aza Holmes (Isabela Merced), who struggles with anxiety and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Following a chance reconnection with her childhood crush, Aza’s life spirals into questions of love and happiness.
With a new lease on working through her mental illnesses, Aza decides to go on a quest in search of a fugitive billionaire with the help of her friend Daisy (Cree Cicchino). It’s unclear how much of the novel will find its way into the upcoming Max teen drama, but it’s sure to be packed with surprises and more than a few twists to keep fans guessing.
Premieres May 2 on Max
'The Iron Claw' (May 10)
The 2023 biopic out of A24 follows a family of wrestlers in the throes of a supposed curse. Named after the iconic "iron claw" move in-ring, "The Iron Claw" spans from 1979 to the 1990s as it depicts the attempted successes of Fritz Von Erich's sons.
Zac Efron leads the charge as Kevin Von Erich, the second oldest son and often narrator of the film. His enthusiasm and discipline are palpable as he describes a deep fondness for the sport of wrestling, but winning doesn't come easy. Over the course of the film, Kevin and his brothers have consistent fights with their father. This emotional turmoil is what drives the plot as the group tries to become household names in wrestling.
Falling into similar territory as "The Fighter" before it, "Iron Claw" is a fascinating tale of family and destiny. Although it might have been snubbed at the 2024 Oscars, it still came out on top as among the top 10 films via the National Board of Review.
Premieres May 10 on Max
'Pretty Little Liars: Summer School' (May 9)
“Pretty Little Liars” returns once more, this time taking up a completely new name following the 2022 hit “Original Sin.” This second season, aptly titled “Summer School,” will follow in the footsteps of its previous season, taking inspiration from the likes of “Midsommar” and “Texas Chainsaw Massacre.”
Millwood is once more steeped in a horrifying villain in the “Bloody Rose,” a knife-wielding, red-mask-donning killer that will “test every one of the girls,” claims showrunner Lindsay Calhoon Bring. New cast members joining the show include Antonio Cipriano as Johnny, Ava Capri as Jen, Noah Alexander Gerry as Christian, and Loretta Ables Sayre as Lola, all of whom will bring their own mysteries and plenty of lies to the table.
Premieres May 9
2024 NBA Playoffs
All of TNT Sports’ coverage of the 2024 NBA Playoffs throughout May — including live games, pregame and postgame coverage, and alternative viewing experiences — will be available to stream on Max’s B/R Sports Add-On.
Max’s B/R Sports Add-On will be the exclusive streaming home of the 2024 NBA Western Conference Finals.
Check local listings for matchups and game times.
2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs
All of TNT Sports’ coverage of the 2024 Stanley Cup Playoffs throughout May — including live games, pregame and postgame coverage — will be available to stream on Max’s B/R Sports Add-On.
Check local listings for matchups and game times.
MLB Tuesdays May 7 Houston Astros at New York Yankees, 7:00 p.m.
May 14 New York Yankees at Minnesota Twins, 7:30 p.m.
May 21 Atlanta Braves at Chicago Cubs, 7:30 p.m.
May 28 Los Angeles Dodgers at New York Mets, 7:00 p.m.
FIA World Endurance Championships May 10-11 TotalEnergies 6 Hours of Spa-Francorchamps (FP3, Qualifying & Race)
MotoGP May 10-12 Michelin® Grand Prix de France
May 24-26 Gran Premi Monster Energy de Catalunya 2024
Cycling May 4 GP Morbihan (Coupe de France)
May 4-26 Giro d’Italia
May 5 Elfstedenronde Tro-Bro Léon
May 9 Circuit of Wallonia
May 11 Tour of Finistère (Coupe de France)
May 14-19 4 Jours de Dunkerque
Bellator May 17 Bellator Champions Series Paris – Accor Arena
May 3 - 'Stop Making Sense' Newly restored in 4K to coincide with its 40th anniversary, the 1984 film was directed by renowned filmmaker Jonathan Demme and is considered by critics as the greatest concert film of all time. Stop Making Sense stars core band members David Byrne, Tina Weymouth, Chris Frantz, and Jerry Harrison along with Bernie Worrell, Alex Weir, Steve Scales, Lynn Mabry and Edna Holt. The live performance was shot over the course of three nights at Hollywood's Pantages Theater in December of 1983 and features Talking Heads' most memorable songs.
May 9 - 'Pretty Little Liars: Summer School' Following the harrowing events of "Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin,” our Pretty Little Liars face a fate worse than death - summer school. However, Millwood High isn’t the only thing getting in the way of their fun summer jobs and new, dreamy love interests. A new villain, who may or may not have a connection to A, has come to town and is going to put them all to the test.
May 10 - 'The Iron Claw' The true story of the inseparable Von Erich brothers, who made history in the intensely competitive world of professional wrestling in the early 1980s. Through tragedy and triumph, under the shadow of their domineering father and coach, the brothers seek larger-than-life immortality on the biggest stage in sports.
May 11 - 'NIKKI GLASER: SOMEDAY YOU'LL DIE' Taped late last year in front of a sold-out, lively audience at the Moore Theater in Seattle, Washington, Glaser dives into a wide range of topics that have further evolved her comedic prowess including why she doesn’t want kids, the harsh realities of aging, her sexual fantasies, and plans for her own death – all in her hilarious, unapologetic, and brutally honest style. NIKKI GLASER: SOMEDAY YOU’LL DIE showcases why Glaser is one of the funniest, and most fearless, comedians today.
May 20 - 'STAX: SOULSVILLE U.S.A' STAX: SOULSVILLE U.S.A tells the story of an underdog record label comprised of Black and white collaborators who ushered in the groundbreaking, industry-altering soul music of Otis Redding, Isaac Hayes, Booker T. & the M.G.’s, The Staple Singers, Sam & Dave and many others that defined a generation. Driven by instinct and defying the notion that Black artists needed to be “made marketable,” the Memphis-based label went from ultimate outsider to one of the most influential producers of Black music – finding its place inside the broader mainstream record industry. Stax became more than a record label; it transformed into a beacon of Black freedom. It is a quintessentially American story of an audacious group of individuals who dared to make their own music on their own terms creating an institution that has continued to help define our culture long after the label itself has gone. This is the story of Stax. As raw and honest as the sounds the label laid to vinyl.
May 29 - 'MOVIEPASS, MOVIECRASH' In a span of eight years, MoviePass went from being the fastest growing subscription service since Spotify to total bankruptcy, losing over $150 million in 2017 alone. MOVIEPASS, MOVIECRASH chronicles the company’s beginnings as an innovative movie ticketing model, exploring the visionary mission of its co-founders, its jaw-dropping early successes and its precipitous downfall caused by mismanagement and corporate greed
May 1
All About My Mother (1999)
Black Christmas (2019)
Crank (2006)
Crank: High Voltage (2009)
The Dead Don't Die (2019)
Don Jon (2013)
Eddie the Eagle (2016) The Edge (1997)
The Florida Project (2017)
Genius (2016)
Guy's Grocery Games, Season 35 (Food Network)
Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
Jack and the Beanstalk (1952)
Jersey Boys (2014)
The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
The Lighthouse (2019)
Mad Max (1979)
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
My 600-lb Life: Where Are They Now? (TLC)
Poltergeist (2015)
Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986)
Poltergeist III (1988)
Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
Sisters (2015) The Upside of Anger (2005)
Wild Mountain Thyme (2020)
Wonderland (2003)
May 2
Hacks, Season 3 (Max Original)
Selena + Restaurant, Season 1 (Food Network)
Six Is Not A Crowd (Felices Los 6), Season 1 (Max Original)
Turtles All the Way Down (Max Original)
May 3
Batwheels, Season 2B (Cartoon Network)
Stop Making Sense (A24 2023 Re-Release)
Teen Titans Go!, Season 8 (Cartoon Network)
Zillow Gone Wild, Season 1 (HGTV) May 4
America's Backyard Gold, Season 1 (Discovery Channel)
May 5
People Magazine Killer Investigates, Season 1 (ID)
May 6
Mini Beat Power Rockers, S4B
Next Baking Master: Paris, Season 1 (Food Network)
Yellowstone Wardens, Season 4 (Animal Planet)
May 7
Mecum Full Throttle: Houston TX 2024 (Motor Trend)
Outdaughtered, Season 10 (TLC)
May 8
In Pursuit with John Walsh, Season 5 (ID)
Stupid Pet Tricks, Season 1 (TBS)
May 9
Pretty Little Liars: Summer School (Max Original)
May 10
The Iron Claw (2023) (A24)
May 11
Nikki Glaser: Someday You’ll Die (HBO Original)
May 12
Expedition From Hell: The Lost Tapes (Discovery Channel)
Naked and Afraid XL, Season 10 (Discovery Channel)
May 13
SMILING FRIENDS, Season 2 (Adult Swim)
Summer Baking Championship, Season 2 (Food Network)
May 14
Doubling Down with the Derricos, Season 5 (TLC)
May 15
Botched Bariatrics, Season 1 (TLC)
Ghost Adventures, Season 28 (Discovery Channel)
Home Sweet Rome (2023) (Max Original)
Sleepless (2017)
May 16
Murder in the Heartland (ID)
May 17
My Lottery Dream Home, Season 15 (Discovery Channel)
May 18
Design Down Under, Season 2 (Magnolia Network)
May 19
Ciao House, Season 2 (Food Network)
May 20
Space Shuttle Columbia: The Final Flight, Limited Series (CNN Original Series)
STAX: Soulsville U.S.A (HBO Original)
May 21
Elephants vs. Man with Nick Paton Walsh (CNN Original)
Hell on Earth: The Verónica Case (La Mano En El Fuego) (Max Original)
May 22
Moonshiners: Master Distiller (Discovery Channel)
May 23
Last Chance Garage, Season 1 (Motor Trend)
Romário: The Guy (Romário: O Cara), Season 1 (Max Original)
Texas Metal's Loud and Lifted, Season 2 (Motor Trend)
Thirst with Shay Mitchell (Max Original)
May 24
Caught: Wild and Weird America (Discovery Channel)
Diary of an Old Home, Season 4 (Magnolia Network)
May 25
Mysteries of the Abandoned: Hidden America (Discovery Channel)
May 26
Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice
May 27
90 Day Fiancé: UK, Season 3
Two Guys Garage, Season 23 (Motor Trend)
May 29
Homicide Hunter: American Detective, Season 4 (ID)
MoviePass, MovieCrash (HBO Original)
Traces of Love (Evidências Do Amor) (Max Original)
May 30
Outchef'd, Season 3 (Food Network)
May 31
Gold Rush: Parker's Trail, Season 3 (Discovery Channel)
submitted by pbx1123 to WB_DC_news [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:35 EssenseOfMagic Daily Releases (April 27, 2024)

Game Group Stores Review
Bloons TD 6 ElAmigos Steam, Epic 97.37% (305.1k)
Heros Hour ElAmigos Steam, Epic 80.01% (4.6k)
Trailmakers Deluxe Edition ElAmigos -
Dwarf Fortress ElAmigos Steam 95.31% (25.5k)
Sword Art Online Last Recollection Ultimate Edition ElAmigos -
Quake II Enhanced Edition ElAmigos -
Parkitect ElAmigos Steam, GOG 94.49% (7.0k)
Gas Station Simulator P2P Steam, GOG, Epic 87.82% (21.7k)
PC Building Simulator P2P Steam 93.84% (49.8k)
We Are Football 2024 P2P Steam, GOG, Epic 81.66% (374)
Manor Lords P2P Steam, GOG, Epic 90.09% (13.1k)
Elven Rivers 5 Undersea Collectors Edition RAZOR -
Staffer Reborn TENOKE Steam 97.50% (78)
POOLS TENOKE Steam 96.13% (298)
Paranormal Observation TENOKE Steam, Epic 89.47% (34)
John Christian 3.0 TENOKE Steam 100.00% (13)
Jack Holmes Master of Puppets TENOKE Steam, GOG, Epic 83.33% (5)
Heavy Storm Shadow TENOKE Steam 76.49% (192)
Nordic Ashes Survivors of Ragnarok TENOKE Steam 87.66% (3.9k)
Update Group Stores Reviews
Thief.Simulator.2.Update.v1.25-TENOKE TENOKE Steam, GOG 91.38% (3.3k)
Reverse.Collapse.Code.Name.Bakery.Update.v1.0.4.3-TENOKE TENOKE Steam 72.45% (3.5k)
PARANORMASIGHT.The.Seven.Mysteries.of.Honjo.Update.v1.2-TENOKE TENOKE Steam 95.61% (2.5k)
Immortal.Life.Update.v1.0.15-TENOKE TENOKE Steam, Epic 80.62% (3.2k)
Doomsday.Paradise.Update.v1.3.2-TENOKE TENOKE Steam, Epic 91.09% (184)
Tintin.Reporter.Die.Zigarren.des.Pharaos.Update.5.MULTi12-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Epic -
REVEIL.Funhouse.Edition.Update.2.MULTi14-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Steam, GOG, Epic -
Remnant.II.Ultimate.Edition.Update.23.MULTi10-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Epic -
Pacific.Drive.Deluxe.Edition.Update.5.MULTi9-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Epic -
Lords.of.the.Fallen.2023.Deluxe.Edition.Update.38.MULTi12-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Horza.Verizon.5.Premium.Edition.Update.35.MULTi16-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Dying.Light.2.Stay.Human.Ultimate.Edition.ReRelease.Update.22.MULTi2-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Cities.Skylines.II.Ultimate.Edition.Update.10.MULTi12-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x -
Banishers.Ghosts.of.New.Eden.Update.2.MULTi10-x.X.RIDDICK.X.x x.X.RIDDICK.X.x Steam, Epic 86.51% (3.0k)
Q: When will [insert game name here] be cracked?
A: STOP! CrackWatch members are not psychic. Games get cracked by completely ANONYMOUS SCENE GROUPS who don't disclose their progress or plans to the general public so NO ONE knows WHEN and IF a certain game will be cracked.
Q: What are all these NFO thingies? Where do I download?
A: NFOs are text files included with game releases which contain information about the releases. CrackWatch only informs which games have been cracked. To download look for the releases on CS.RIN.RU's forum or torrent websites. Useful websites can be found in The Beginners Guide or PiratedGames's Mega Thread.
Q: WTF is Denuvo?
A: Denuvo is a Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology used to protect games from being cracked. Games that have Denuvo are harder to crack and usually take much longer. See Pinned Post for a list of Denuvo games.
Q: An update is out, but it includes the base game as well! Can I only download the update without redownloading the entire game?
A: Yes. CS.RIN.RU is your friend.
submitted by EssenseOfMagic to CrackWatch [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:17 FreddyCosine Type me based off of my taste in various things

Books - I'm a very avid reader of classic sci-fi; my favorite author of all time is Isaac Asimov. My favorite book is Robot Visions by the aforementioned. I also like Philip K. Dick and Douglas Adams which tie for my second-favorite authors. I'm also a fan of speculative fiction and fantasy such as Jorge Luis Borges and Franz Kafka. I also read various political and philosophical works as I find them to be quite stimulating.
Music - My music taste is rather varied. I love vaporwave and synthwave, but generally don't find a particular genre to be better than others, but rather specific songs themselves. My favorite songs of all time are Golden Brown by The Stranglers, A Whiter Shade of Pale by Procol Harum, After Dark by Mr. Kitty, Mort Garson's Plantasia (all of it), and Chamber of Reflection by Mac Demarco. My favorite artists are Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel, Weird Al Yankovic, Mild High Club, Elton John, and (somewhat malapropos to the rest of my music taste) 100 gecs.
Hobbies - My favorite hobby is writing; I write speculative sci-fi and fantasy as well as entries on numerous wikis. Specifically, I write on the Wikis for the Backrooms, FNAF, Minecraft, Spore, as well as contribute to RationalWiki and SCP wikidot. I also enjoy reading, game design, TTRPGs, amateur robotics (FIRST Robotics Competition), and video games (specifically making theories about my favorite games). I also like collecting various antiques, specifically electronics and appliances. I used to be a huge car person but have since grown out of it (although I still hope someday I can own a Delorean DMC-12).
Video games - My all-time favorite game is Spore. In addition to that, I love Minecraft and No Man's Sky. I have more hours on Goat Simulator than any reasonable person should and I'm weirdly proud of that. I also like games like BeamNG.Drive and Teardown, as well as Civ 6 and Tropico. I play TF2 and am an Engineer main.
Movies - My all-time favorite movie is The Neverending Story, followed closely by Back to the Future. I also like The Goonies. I especially like sci-fi movies from the 70s and 80s. I don't watch as much TV as I used to because I'd rather read, but do see new movies in theatres if I find them interesting.
Art - My favorite artists are M.C. Escher and Andy Warhol. I like surrealist art and am a big fan of weirdcore/dreamcore and vaporwave aesthetics. I have mentioned the Backrooms before, I love liminal spaces because they feel oddly serene to me. I do photography, specifically liminal spaces and stuff for the Backrooms wiki. I like 70s/80s architecture and aesthetics, especially scientific and concept illustrations from around that time, such as the art of Syd Mead.
Fields of Study - Biology, Public Health, Sociology, Philosophy, Government, Ecology and Environmental Science. I used to also like Engineering but realized I was not particularly good at it. I like mathematics as a subject but loathe the way it is taught and do not do well in math classes. I am interested in a career in biology either in academia or the public sector. My (unattainable) dream job is to be a World Health Organization epidemiologist.
Any thoughts? Commentary would be much appreciated.
submitted by FreddyCosine to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:45 Lord_Long_Rod Another Horrifying Hunter Biden Encounter!

Hunter called me at 8:30pm on a Thursday night. I worked for him as an IT guy for a while. Essentially, I was on payroll to delete all the illegal shit on his computer hard drives after Hunter used them. I also got him blow. It was a full time job.
So on that night I was already in the middle of wiping Hunter’s laptop for the day. It was the standard bullshit: dark web hooker and blow merchants, Porn Hub, sex toys, international communications with parties in China, Ukraine, and Romania, as well as with an unknown party called “Sweet Meat Pete”; assorted body parts, a letter he wrote to “J. Epstein”, and snuff films he downloaded. God help him if he ever took his laptop to anyone else. But, you know, he’s not THAT stupid.
So I get the call from Hunter on my cell phone. He is agitated and said he needed my help immediately. Apparently, he had gotten locked out of his “Barely Legal Thai Sluts” account mid jack-off and need my help. I shuddered at the thought of having to see Hunter’s dick again. But that just goes with working for Hunter Biden.
I could tell from Hunter’s voice that he was coked out of his mind. I hurried over to his place before he totally freaks out and kills someone again. It was a real emergency for him too, apparently, as he texted my phone 53 times during my 20 minute drive to his apartment.
The door to his flat was wide open when I arrived. I peeked inside, with much trepidation. There was Hunter, bare-assed naked on his couch and sticking a syringe needle into his erect penis. Out of my innate respect for humanity, I cry out, “Hunter!! What the hell are you DOING?!?!”
He looked up and at me, saying “Oh, hey buddy!!! What are you doing here? Ha ha!!” I asked him what he was doing. He told me he was shooting “Heaven” into his dick. I said, “Hunter, dude… Those stories are not real, man. You don’t get a better high doing that! You just get a sore dick!” Hunter asked, “what stories you talking about?!?”
Then things got worse. Hunter said, “Hey, man. Come over here and hold my dick still while I shoot it up. It keeps jumping around on me.” I didn’t want to do it, but the “Big Guy” was paying me really well to look after Hunter. I walked over to him on the couch with a sigh.
Hunter was jibber jabbering a mile a second. It sounded like he was having 2 separate and ongoing conversations going on simultaneously with two imaginary people. Then seamlessly he would transition to me. “Come on, man! Get a hold of that thing. I need to shoot up!!”, he said.
I looked at his throbbing member. It was disturbing, and not just for the obvious reason. It was pulsating and throbbing way too enthusiastically. It was spastically flopping around. I told Hunter that I thought I should call 911 and get him some medical attention. He replied, “Don’t be a pussy! Just grab that sucker and hold it still. Come on, man!!”
“Oh God”, I sighed. But I did as requested. I grabbed the thing firmly. I got to tell you, it was hard to hold that thing. I could not hold it still, but I managed to slow it down enough for Hunter to inject it. I suspect that Hunter already had enough blow in him to kill an elephant. I had never seen anything like this.
When Hunter extracted the needle from his Johnson, an intense stream of blood shot out from the incision opening. It shot all the way across the room and splattered onto a painting of a bowl of fruit that Hunter had painted. But the thing is, the stream did not stop! It kept draining his blood. It was a gushing crimson fountain.
I said, “Holy shit, Hunter!! We need to get you to the hospital!!” He responded calmly, “Nah. Just wrap your hands around it and hold it tight. It’s ok.” I was like “WHAT?!?” I noticed that he had a burning cigarette hanging from his blue lips. I had not even noticed that he lit one up.
Disturbingly, Hunter started losing consciousness. I was really worried now. There is no way he should be passing out after mainlining so much cocaine. “Hunter!! Wake up!!! You’re dying, man!! Don’t go to sleep, man!!!!! STAY AWAKE!!!!” I knew that if Hunter died in my hands the gravy train would end!!
Suddenly, Hunter’s eyes opened. He looked at me and said, “Dude, I just shot some H. Hold on tight. My life is in your hands now.” I was horrified. I pleaded with him to stay awake, but he did not.
I stayed all throughout the night, using my hands to keep pressure applied to Hunter’s penis so he would not bleed out. Every time I removed pressure to see if he was healing, a strong jet of blood shot across the room and splattered on the wall again. I note that his wang stayed hard the entire time. Hunter’s life was literally in my hands.
As an aside, I further note that at 4:33 am, five swarthy Spanish looking guys walked into the apartment and left a large bag of white power and something that looked like a shrunken voodoo head, took an envelope from the kitchen table, then left. None of them said a word, nor did they flinch at the sight of Hunter and I covered in blood with me holding Hunter’s ding-dong in my hands. Honestly, if they deal with Hunter, they have probably seen worse.
Hunter survived the night, thankfully. At some point I fell asleep. It appears that by that point the bleeding had stopped. Unfortunately, when I fell asleep I fell onto Hunter. See, to get through the entire night I spent most of the time on my knees at the edge of the couch. It was incredibly uncomfortable. By morning my legs were aching and I was exhausted.
Essentially what happened is that I fell asleep and my head flopped down on Hunter’s lap. I was awakened by the sound of Hunter raging at me. “GET THE FUCK OFF MY DICK, YOU HOMO!!!!”, he yelled, along with a steady stream of epithets and threats. I tried to explain to him what happened and that I saved his life. But he was having none of it.
Fortunately for me, all the drugs scrambled Hunter’s brain. He did not recognize me. He thought I was some vagrant who had broken into his place and sexually assaulted him in his sleep. I took the opportunity to get the fuck out of there. Hunter chased me to my car. He was still nude and he was waiving a gun around as he ran after me. Fortunately, nobody got hurt.
I continued servicing Hunter’s computers for several more months. Then he let me go for “financial reasons” about the time after he was ordered to pay child support. I told him to be careful with his laptops. He said, “Awe…It will be fine.”
submitted by Lord_Long_Rod to Sasquatch_Jihad [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:35 TallDarkAndHandsom3 Why low T can be the reason you’re losing hair.

I’ll cut to the chase: Hair loss can actually be a sign of low testosterone, and here’s why.
There’s an entire chain of hormones that come into play with this, but in order to keep things simple, testosterone converts into DHT and Estradiol (estrogen), in both men and women but to varying degrees. DHT is largely responsible for hair loss, yes. But how does estrogen play a role in this?
As the major antagonist to DHT, estrogen is the reason women have so much longer and thicker hair than men do, and why they experience much less hair issues in general.
So how does low testosterone equate to hair loss? If there’s not enough testosterone to aromatize (convert) into estrogen, then you might have low estrogen and low DHT.
This is why Finasteride is effective in (most) men (assuming they are producing enough testosterone). 5-AR’s job is to chemically reduce testosterone into DHT, and Finasteride prevents this conversion and allows testosterone to convert more into estrogen. But that implies enough testosterone production in the first place. That’s why some of the side effects of Finasteride include gynecomastia, increased sex drive (estrogen increases sex drive in the presence of testosterone), and longer hair. All related to estrogen.
But what happens when your body isn’t producing enough testosterone to begin with? You get nothing. Just more nasty side effects with none of the benefits. And this could explain the entire group of men who don’t respond to Finasteride at all. And to make things even more confusing, this explains why some men experience hair regrowth while on testosterone replacement (high aromatizers), while others experience hair loss (low aromatizers/higher DHT).
It’s not necessarily “genetics”: it’s what those genetics do to your hormone balance. And you can alter that balance. But you need enough testosterone to play with in the first place.
The answer to this problem is simple: increase your testosterone. You can either do this naturally, or unaturally, in conjunction with Finasteride. As an alternative, you can also apply estrogen cream in smaller amounts on your skin to antagonize DHT levels. It’s all a game of balance. The only reason I mention estrogen cream is because Finasteride can have some nasty side effects on neurosteroids, and low levels of neursteroids can cause issues stated by those who experience PFS (suicidal thoughts, depression, etc). If your DHT is too low, you’ll get these symptoms.
I did my best to make this post less of a shit show and more beginner friendly. But I hope it all makes sense.
submitted by TallDarkAndHandsom3 to MasculineManifesting [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:35 CardinalLeatherGoods Thoughts on if TRT is right for me?

Im a 30 year old Male, 5'10" and 160lbs (kind of skinny fat). About a year and a half ago I feel like my body completely changed. I started gaining fat easier and noticed my stomach beggining to get fat, my sex drive was pretty much non existent, I feel like I could sleep all day long and is so hard to get up in the morning, I started having severe anxiety and panic attacks out of nowhere, and I have an unnatural patch of hair that stopped growing and won't come back (alopecia?). I told my doctor about all of this and he did an extensive blood panel test and said everything looked normal and put me on anxiety medication. He recently took me off anxiety medication and my anxiety has been a lot better, with somedays being a little higher but something I can deal with (felt like a zombie on the pills). I ended up ordering one of those at home T tests and my results were 315 and they said it was normal and I didn't need any TRT. Now to me that seems very low even though it's in the "normal range". I've read that a lot of people have anxiety issues with Low T because of extra cortisol being produced by the body and going on TRT helps with that? Is TRT something I should go on? What's the best way to go to a doctor and talk to them about it? I've heard a lot of PCP's won't put you on TRT
submitted by CardinalLeatherGoods to trt [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:34 SouthernNote5740 Unearthing Insights with Data Mining

I. Presentation
In the present information driven world, the sheer volume of data accessible presents both a test and an open door. Organizations, associations, and scientists are consistently looking for ways of removing significant bits of knowledge from the immense ocean of information. This is where information mining becomes possibly the most important factor. By using modern calculations and procedures, information mining permits us to uncover significant examples, patterns, and connections concealed inside enormous datasets.
A. Meaning of Information Mining
Information mining can be characterized as the most common way of finding examples, relationships, and bits of knowledge from enormous datasets utilizing different computational strategies. It includes removing information from crude information to uncover stowed away examples and connections that can be utilized to settle on informed choices.
B. Significance of Information Mining in The present Information Driven World
In the present hyper-associated world, information is being created at an extraordinary rate across different ventures and areas. From web-based entertainment communications and online exchanges to sensor information from Web of Things (IoT) gadgets, how much information being produced is faltering. Nonetheless, the genuine worth lies in the capacity to extricate noteworthy experiences from this information. Information mining assumes an essential part in such manner by empowering associations to examine and decipher huge measures of information to acquire an upper hand, further develop dynamic cycles, and drive development.
C. Outline of How Information Mining Gives Experiences into Huge Informational indexes
Information mining utilizes a scope of strategies and calculations to filter through huge datasets and recognize significant examples and connections. By utilizing AI calculations, measurable procedures, and information representation devices, information mining empowers experts to reveal stowed away bits of knowledge that may not be evident through conventional techniques for investigation.
II. The Course of Information Mining
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submitted by SouthernNote5740 to u/SouthernNote5740 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:25 FakeElectionMaker The Philippine Revolution of 1953 and Its Consequences

The Philippine Revolution of 1953 and Its Consequences
After 1949, the Revolution became a Cold War proxy war, as the Huks were backed by China while the United States supported the democratic government.
The communist rebels drew their support from rural communities in Luzon and to a lesser degree the Visayas, due to their promises of land reform and the nationalisation of strategic industries, both of which were implemented by Taruc and are in effect until today. They used guerrila tactics against the US-backed AFP, resulting in heavy casualties to the latter and the capture of most of Luzon by the time the Huks won.
After 1949, the government of the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong provided military aid, training and funding to the Hukbalahap, substantially strengthening their fighting capabilities, although much of this aid was intercepted before it could be used. The government of the United States, on the other hand, did not provide that level of aid due to its priority being the defeat of North Korea, which later developed strong ties with the Philippines; it was after the Korean War armistice when America provided a massive arms airlift of WWII surplus weapons to the AFP, keeping it afloat and a decent fighting force for over half a year, until the Philippine government's situation became insurmountable and it lost all popularity.
Land reform, which applied equally to all Philippine islands, was the communist government's most popular measure, and contributed to the cult of personality built by the Party around Luis Taruc.
After the revolution, a sizeable Philippine exile community developed, as many members of the traditional elite fled the country for the United States, Taiwan and Japan, with the support of the CIA, which sought to undermine a geopolitical foe. Several US politicians descend from these exiles, who attempted several unsuccessful uprisings, invasions and assassination attempts against Taruc.
In 1993, Taruc resigned from the presidency of the Philippines, and was succeeded by Benigno Aquino Jr.
Hardliners in the PCP criticized the moderation of the land reform, arguing for a Soviet model instead, but the cooperative policy still worked, and improved agricultural productivity and food security.
The property of landowners was confiscated without compensation and distributed to farm cooperatives, who were integrated into a national federation that exists to this day, albeit much smaller. Absentee and foreign land ownership was banned, and the government implemented a limit on the size of agricultural estates.
Luis Taruc developed a cult of personality that has lasted in the popular counsciousness to this day, with the president being referred to as the "Great Teacher" and artists mass-producing statues and portraits of him across the Philippines. Streets, buildings and airports were named after Taruc, although most of these names were changed after his death. In 1965, Taruc gave himself the position of Marshal of the Philippine Army after Douglas MacArthur's death, and started regularly wearing military uniforms in public.
Other policies taken after 1953 included nationalizing industry and banking, suppressing private small business, leaving the IMF, following a policy of trade protectionism, and implementing four-year national development plans in order to industrialize the Philippines. This succeeded and, by the time capitalist reforms were introduced, the archipelago was an industrial economy.
The NIAR still exists as a government agency, but is relatively powerless due to the state capitalist economy the country has followed since the 1990s.
By the time of the invasion, the PPRA had not received any equipment from other socialist countries, and its air force was limited to a few dozen P-51s and noncombat aircraft.
Taking advantage of this and purges of the PPRA carried out by Taruc, the Eisenhower administration began planning a naval landing on Mindanao, where support for the Communists was the weakest; the Hukbalahap had never reached the island during the Revolution, and many in its Muslim population were expected to oppose communism. They secretly obtained British permission to use their colonial territory for military purposes, as the Conservative administration feared the domino effect the Philippine Revolution could have on Malaya and Singapore.
Ten months after planning began, the 4,800 guerrilas led by Ferdinand Emanuel Edralin Marcos, a WWII veteran and fanatic anti-communist, and under the direction of leaders of the banned Nacionalista Party, landed in the city of Maco in southern Mindanao. They had been reinforced by bombing raids conducted by eight B-25 Mitchell bombers against airfields in Mindanao; although three bombers were shot down by P-51s, they still damaged several runways, which were not fixed by the time the rebels had been defeated.
On 21 February, the Soviet Union condemned the invasion, and started providing military aid, in the form of small arms and supplies, to the Philippines; the PRC, which had been even closer to its fellow Asian socialist state, soon followed suit. While this assistance could not be used in time, it boosted the defenders' morale, and from that day onwards, the PPRA pushed back until the NLA surrendered and Ferdinand Marcos fled back to Kuala Lumpur.
Given the endurance of the Democratic People's Republic of the Philippines, these show elections continue to be held to this day.
The Filipino National Liberation Front was initially composed of the Communist Party and several other nominally agrarian socialist, social democratic and democratic socialist parties, although some of them have been created and disbanded.
Luis Taruc Thought is a Marxist-Leninist ideology that claims to be adapted to Filipino conditions. It supports proletarian internationalism and socialist patriotism, state-driven industrialisation, and freedom of religion, as well as Third World liberation struggles and an independent foreign policy.
After 1959, the President of the Philippines – Luis Taruc – was elected by an extraordinary session of Congress every four years, and although congresspeople could abstain or vote for another candidate, this was almost never done. During the Philippine War of the 1960s, Taruc cancelled presidential elections and served as his own minister of defense, concentrating even more power on his hands.
The current President of the Philippines is Rodrigo Duterte.
After taking power, General Cantillo implemented socioeconomic and political reforms that weakened the M-26-7 and led it to surrender in January 1960.
Basing himself on the national syndicalism of Juan Perón and nationalist militarism of Marcos Perez Jiménez, Cantillo strenghtened labour unions, which came under government control, and cracked down on the gambling and prostitution industries, turning casinos into schools and brothels into hospitals, and repressing the Mafia. However, historians believe he made secret agreements with members of organized crime.
The Popular Socialist Party remained illegal, and Batista's repression of communists continued. On foreign policy, Cuba continued to be an ally of the United States, although its relationship with Trujillo's personal fiefdom, the Dominican Republic, was hostile from the start.
Cantillo became popular as Cuba recovered from the revolution and living standards gradually improved, and by 1960, his government had an iron grip on unions and the media, which were docile instruments of the caudillo. His election was a foregone conclusion, and happened with 90% of the vote, against the nominee of the conservative Democratic Party, which represented sectors formerly supportive of Batista.
The National Reconstruction Front coalition was composed of the Authentic and Orthodox parties, which hated each other but lost their power with the military junta, and Cantillo carried much of their populist program. After his election, the Junta was disbanded.
In 1960, Fidel Castro was also elected to the House of Representatives for the Orthodox Party. After founding the José Martí Democratic League, Castro was elected president for the Party in 1969, in a snap election triggered by Cantillo's resignation.
(The Sabah dispute did not involve Indonesia, so I got something wrong)
Between 1957 and 1961, the Philippines focused on expanding trade with the PRC and USSR in order to skirt the embargo, and boosting its military capabilities.
On the other hand, a wide variety of social programs were implemented, such as free breakfast for low-income schoolchildren, a minimum wage, farm mechanisation, free healthcare for the elderly and children, and a Philippine Housing Bank to build cheap housing. This made the DPR government very popular among the working class, although much of the middle class fled to the ROC and Japan, both of which were hostile to Taruc.
By 1973, Taruc was at the peak of his power and prestige, having repelled a full-scale invasion from the United States, and aligned with the Soviet Union and thrown Mao under the bus, but the war and strategic bombing from the SAC left the industrial base he had built in ruins; there was a lot to be done.
Throughout the 1960s, Cuba experienced an economic boom due to investment and aid from the United States, as well as the military government's social market economy policies.
Although issues with healthcare, education and housing were ignored, and Cuba's foreign debt increased, this boom allowed people in poverty to work stable jobs, and was based on tourism and Cuba's traditional plantation industries, although Volkswagen opened a production plant in Havana in 1962, bringing car making to the Caribbean island.
Cantillo was generally popular during that time, due to the economic development brought by his government, which it widely propagated through the radio, television and magazines. The media was censored and could not criticize the government, causing censors to find criative ways of bypassing censorship.
In 1963, Fidel Castro had his congressional mandate revoked for giving a speech criticizing the military junta. He was not imprisoned, but his political career was hurt and Castro had to practice law until running for Congress again in 1968; the following year, he took advantage of Cantillo's resignation to be elected President.
The following year, the president was reelected with 95% of the vote, facing token opposition from Democratic Party leader José Martínez. Elections during this period are widely seen as fraudulent.
Although issues with healthcare, education and housing were ignored, and Cuba's foreign debt increased, this boom allowed people in poverty to work stable jobs, and was based on tourism and Cuba's traditional plantation industries, although Volkswagen opened a production plant in Havana in 1962, bringing car making to the Caribbean island.
Cantillo was generally popular during that time, due to the economic development brought by his government, which it widely propagated through the radio, television and magazines. The media was censored and could not criticize the government, causing censors to find criative ways of bypassing censorship.
In 1963, Fidel Castro had his congressional mandate revoked for giving a speech criticizing the military junta. He was not imprisoned, but his political career was hurt and Castro had to practice law until running for Congress again in 1968; the following year, he took advantage of Cantillo's resignation to be elected President.
The following year, the president was reelected with 95% of the vote, facing token opposition from Democratic Party leader José Martínez. Elections during this period are widely seen as fraudulent.
He knew the Phillipines could not fight two wars at once, and one against the world's strongest power, and thus decided to disengage from the south in order to focus on the bigger threat.
From January 1963 to September 1964, PPRAAF Ilyushin Il-28 bomber aircraft attacked British military bases in Sarawak, and PPRAN ships landed hundreds of infiltrators in the northern shore of British Borneo, where they fought a low-intensity conflict against commonwealth troops.
The Phillipines, which planned to unite the three Malay states into "Maphilindo", opposed the formation of Malaysia and joined Indonesia in order to try to stop it. However, Taruc was a more pragmatic and competent leader than Sukarno, leading the country to remain in the United Nations and not overly escalate its participation.
After a naval incident in the western shore of the Philippines that was staged by United States forces so that LBJ wouldn't lose reelection due to appearing weak on communism, the United States Congress passed a revolution approving military action against the DPRP, and strategic bombers attacked Manila in order to kill Taruc and his generals, failing to do so but damaging key industrial plants and military infrastructure. Then American forces landed in 1965, initially succeeding.
Before the Phillipines withdrew, the alliance appeared to be winning the conflict, although Taruc redirected several units to fight the American aeronaval landings in Luzon.
Taruc knew the Phillipines could not fight two wars at once, and one against the world's strongest power, and thus decided to disengage from the south in order to focus on the bigger threat.
From January 1963 to September 1964, PPRAAF Ilyushin Il-28 bomber aircraft attacked British military bases in Sarawak, and PPRAN ships landed hundreds of infiltrators in the northern shore of British Borneo, where they fought a low-intensity conflict against commonwealth troops.
The Phillipines, which planned to unite the three Malay states into "Maphilindo", opposed the formation of Malaysia and joined Indonesia in order to try to stop it. However, Taruc was a more pragmatic and competent leader than Sukarno, leading the country to remain in the United Nations and not overly escalate its participation.
After a naval incident in the western shore of the Philippines that was staged by United States forces so that LBJ wouldn't lose reelection due to appearing weak on communism, the United States Congress passed a revolution approving military action against the DPRP, and strategic bombers attacked Manila in order to kill Taruc and his generals, failing to do so but damaging key industrial plants and military infrastructure. Then American forces landed in 1965, initially succeeding.
submitted by FakeElectionMaker to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:11 GreenSage-_- Liars On The Internet

In zen, a person commented on an OP about the absolutely devastating essay released by Alan Cole this year (no links because I am shadowbanned) and I wanted to address some of their lies:
Yup I came to similar conclusions in the past few years, that Zen was not a more sophisticated version of Buddhism than had been seen before, but a populist every man dumbed down one. Which explains how it became so popular in China by 1250 AD. But I hadn't put all the pieces together like this author has. I think he is largely correct. Again, the trolls say that Zen wasn't about meditation, are right, but for the wrong reasons. The fantasy version in the sky didn't include meditation, but not what monks were actually doing in the temples, which is what matters more for any real historiography of the era. Claiming idealistic works of far out fiction represent history is just dead wrong.
Conclusion of paper here-
The above evidence would seem sufficient to portray Chan as a slowly evolving form of “fantasy Buddhism” that was knowingly deployed for various public relation reasons, from the early Tang dynasty onward. With even a modicum of close reading and contextualization, one can see that at each turn, Chan authors worked skillfully to give readers a sense for a transcendental form of Buddhism that, though always defined as the special Religions 2024, 15, 403 16 of 25 purview of the masters, was also held up for the faithful to appreciate and long for. In building this two‑tier format, there was always that work‑a‑day world of normal Buddhism, with sūtra recitation, meditation, and merit‑ making, etc. that served as the punching bag for that other kind of Buddhism that is completely impossible—that wondrous Buddhism of the masters who transmit perfect truth and mastery‑oftradition with no techniques at all, and are certainly free of dependence on the reality of Buddhism on the ground, with its various kinds of social, economic, and political entanglements. Thus, obviously, according to their literary profiles, the masters do not meditate on truths to realize them, or read and reflect on the sūtras to deeply comprehend them. Instead, they give each other total truth with a whack on the head, or a pithy comment out in the courtyard—techniques which are simply romanticized versions of that zapping that we saw so clearly in the earliest Chan texts. Flipping through the classic Song Chan texts, such as the Records of the Transmission of the Lamp from the Jingde Era, one sees over and over just this cliché: the masters move Buddhist truth forward with non‑Buddhist means, thereby rendering the final version of “real” tradition more exciting to behold, and yet also more private and forbidding
"What monks were actually doing in the temples" is a large central criticism of the Zen literature.
To pretend like this is the "real, lived" Zen is the EXACT sort of faux-scholarship that Cole is decimating in this scathing essay.
If one were to sketch a quick history of the field of Chan studies, it would seem that the arc of accepted knowledge in the field has a specific shape, whereby we have moved steadily away from treating Chan texts as reliable historical statements regarding actual events, discourses, and practices—as Dumoulin and others did—towards reading Chan texts as a kind of lightly fictionalized literature that, though at times unreliable for historical facts, still has to be considered innocent and earnest in terms of its intent; this was, in essence, how McRae and Faure proceeded in their research. The arguments I have presented here push one step further along this arc to read Chan texts as knowingly orchestrated fantasies, designed to produce specific reader effects that have little to do with the practice of real Buddhism, but nonetheless were shaped to produce certain outcomes that were seen as crucial for the viability of Buddhism in China. In short, I am arguing for a well-developed sense of irony and cunning in the production of Chan literature.
While the shape of this arc would suggest continuing movement towards a more critical assessment of Chan literature, in fact, here in 2024, it seems that many Chan scholars are still reluctant to let go of the historical reality of various claims in Chan literature, or, at the very least, want to continue assuming that there was a basic innocence to all the literary inventions. Within this uncertain paradigm, it is also clear that many scholars have not accepted that Chan and meditation, in China at least, had little to do with one another.
Zen is not about meditation.
The Zen record has been misrepresented.
Whether or not you agree with Cole's characterization of it, it is clear that scholars are seeing the "real Buddhism" of monks sitting like dopes in a monastery to be distinct from what Zen was talking about it.
"Fantasy" is not a derogatory term in this academic context, it is descriptive of the modality of Zen's literary operation.
This does not make Zen a "dumb" version of Buddhism, but quite the contrary.
The "real" Buddhism is the dumb Buddhism.
The elite / "actual" Buddhism is fantasy.
Interestingly, this seems to align with a lot of what the Zen texts and the Buddhists sutras discuss as the nature of the true Buddhism.
That would seem to suggest a little more to them than mere literary entertainment, but whether or not you buy that, it certainly doesn't make them "secretly" about meditation, as Cole so resoundingly eviscerates in this essay.
As he points out, to suggest as much is just plainly, stupid.
submitted by GreenSage-_- to zenjerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:05 akk2543 Did I Buy The Wrong Irons?

For overall context, I’m currently a ~25 handicap that has played sparingly over the past ten or so years, but averaged about 15 rounds a year the past four years. So I’m starting to play more, but still not scoring very good. I’ll generally have some good holes followed by some doubles and triples that blow up my score.
I’ve been interested in upgrading my bag since I had been using the same Golden Bear set I bought preowned 10-12 years ago when I started playing. I first upgraded my driver and got the Callaway Rogue, which has done me well (driving has been a strength of my game since I started). I wanted to upgrade my irons next and did a Callaway fitting. Between the Rogues and Paradyms, I hit the Paradyms the best. Based on my research, I saw that the Paradym Xs are the most forgiving of the Paradyms, which was a selling point for me as I wanted the newest technology while still having the extra forgiveness. I also had the opportunity to swing them five or so times at the lessons I take at 5iron and I hit them exceptionally better than my Golden Bears, so that gave me confidence in pulling the trigger on this big purchase.
I’ve now played three rounds with them and I feel like I’m not hitting them anywhere near as good as I did at 5iron and not as good as my old clubs. I’m mostly missing left or right, and the shots that are going straight are liners so they go far, but aren’t effective shots for what I’m looking for at that distance. I’m starting to worry that maybe I made the wrong purchase and should have went with even more forgiveness / cavity back (Rogues) even though I hit the Paradym Xs good on the simulator and they claim to have good forgiveness. Or maybe I’m just psyching myself out after only using them a few times. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by akk2543 to golf [link] [comments]