Nausea and dizziness

Social Anxiety

2009.07.10 15:56 crovoh Social Anxiety

Distress in social situations, causing impaired functioning in daily life. Triggered by perceived or actual scrutiny from others. Physical symptoms may include: blushing, excess sweating, trembling, palpitations, and nausea, stammering, along, rapid speech, panic attacks.. Introversion and shyness (personality characteristics) are not social anxiety (mental distress). Socially anxious people may be shy/introverted, but shy/introverted people do not necessarily have social anxiety

2014.05.05 12:40 LadyAbraxus Lexapro

A community for those prescribed Lexapro or Cipralex, also known as Escitalopram. Please be positive and supportive. [> If you are feeling suicidal call 1-800-273-8255. If you need emergency medical attention call 911. [> Read all the rules before posting the first time, and please do not ask for medical advice, contact your doctor or psychiatrist.

2020.03.14 01:56 the1andonlyjoja /r/COVID-19Positive

A safe space for people who are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Share your stories, experiences, answer questions and vent!

2024.05.16 08:13 FeanixFlame Anyone else with this go through surgery of any kind where you were wide awake?

Due to neglect from my parents, failing to get me to dentist appointments in school, I had what I feel is probably the worst day of my life...
(TW for mention/details of surgery, hospital stuff, vomiting, and more unpleasant stuff)
Had to wake up super early to go out of town to an oral surgeon, they had to see me almost an hour late because the X-ray machine was down, the topical numbing stuff was probably the most vile tasting thing I've ever tasted, then after waiting long enough that it basically wore off, I got like, ten different injections to numb my mouth and gums and such. Was one of the most painful experiences I've ever had.
Then, I had to sit there for like, 45 minutes, maybe an hour, as they jabbed, dig out, twisted, pulled, yanked, broke, cut, and otherwise removed the remaining eight or nine teeth I had on top. Every jab, every clank off my teeth, the cracking, breaking, and crushing of my teeth, the intense pressure being exerted on my skull as they were forcibly removed... One tooth basically exploded, and I saw some of my blood hit the surgeons face mask...
They sewed up the smaller holes as they went. By the time I was done, I was a massive ball of anxiety. Even though I didn't feel any pain for the most part, the anticipation, all the feelings and sensations, it was just... So much...
They sent me off, and after driving to the ferry, and then maybe a half hour after getting off the ferry, I started to feel nauseous and sick. My arms and legs started going numb. I was getting dizzy.
I'd had some issues with the gauze they gave me, and I wasn't able to hold it for an hour like they wanted me to. I couldn't keep it in place because of the teeth I was missing on the bottom row. So I'd had all this blood pooling in my mouth for over an hour.
Eventually I started panicking a bit, and I had to have my sister who was driving take me to the nearest emergency room. Then I had to wait like two hours in one of the most uncomfortable places I've ever been, while the numbing started to fade and my gums continued to bleed and the pain started to come into play...
There were two different people I'm pretty sure were experiencing some kind of drug withdrawal. One was curling up in different chairs, throwing up several times into a bag, and unfortunately he also made a mess of the chairs he'd sat in.
Then a cop brought in some girl who kept calling out to people that I don't think were there. Then randomly start crying, stop just as fast, etc.
Eventually I got to be seen, they figured out my blood sugar wasn't low like I'd thought. (One of the meds I take can cause it to drop) I was basically dehydrated, dealing with anxiety, and the numbing stuff they used also used an adrenaline thing which was making everything worse.
So they said they'd give me some meds to help with everything and send me on my way. Another half hour or so later, I got everything and I was on my way home.
Unfortunately, that isn't the end of my terrible day... As I'd had all that blood continuously pooling up, I was inadvertently swallowing a bunch of it without realizing, as my mouth was numb and I couldn't entirely control everything at the time.
I'd felt a little better when we got on the road again, but then everything started to come back, all the anxious feelings, the nausea, the numbness in my arms and legs.
I had to tell my sister to pull over, and I basically fell out of the car to my hands and knees and started throwing up a wonderful mixture of blood, spit, and water. It was excruciating...
Eventually I managed to settle down... My arms and legs were still shaking, but after cleaning up we were back on the road. Unfortunately... By the time we'd made it basically back to town, I had to stop again...
This time I was throwing up this awful brown liquid, which I assume was more blood and stomach bile, which is just as pleasant as it sounds... My sister had to stop at Walmart on the way back because her kid needed baby formula, and that's the only place in town that has the kind her baby drinks.
So I had to have her call a friend of mine to meet us there so he could take me home. She was also getting me some stuff I could have without needing to chew, like applesauce, yogurt, etc. but I didn't wanna risk throwing up in the store, and I didn't wanna sit and wait in the car feeling miserable either.
Thankfully, that was pretty much the last of it. One of the spots on my gums is still bleeding a little bit, but it's settled down for the most part. The pain in my gums has also thankfully gone away thanks to some ibuprofen. At least as long as I'm not messing with anything. My cheeks and lip actually hurt more than my gums tbh... Probably due to the fact my upper lip was swollen to the point that my nostrils were almost closed off as well for a bit.
But because of everything else, I basically had to throw out the shirt I was wearing because I couldn't keep from spilling blood on it. As a nice little cherry on top I guess... (Or maybe it's the fact that my birthday is tomorrow šŸ™ƒ)
This was without a doubt, the worst day I've ever had. I still need to have a couple more teeth put, and I refuse to go through that again. I'm going to tell them I need to be put under to do it, or I'm telling them to do fillings and crowns instead of pulling them.
I feel like this whole ordeal was traumatizing in a way I didn't know was possible tbh... Obviously everyone gets nervous with stuff like the dentist, but I think this has genuinely ruined my ability to go to the dentist anymore.
This past year I've been trying to get my life together, take care of myself, etc, because I decided that I actually want to live. I want to be happy. And I'm taking steps to do that. But God if this didn't make me second guess everything all day...
submitted by FeanixFlame to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:09 MamaRed80 Looking for medical studies about blood pressure

Most of my life I had a blood pressure that averaged 80-90 on the top number and 40-60 on the bottom. No symptoms, no problems. I was healthy and active and ate a healthy diet. I still eat healthy, but I am a smoker.
Now hereā€™s where it gets confusing for the doctors. Once my blood pressure started to inch up little by little, I began to have symptoms that seemed to be heart failure. Even had several blood tests show something the heart releases when itā€™s failing. After 10 years I finally have what is a ā€œnormalā€ blood pressure for most people and I keep having heart failure symptoms.
Every night when I lie down my heart rhythm goes out of whack, heavy breathing and pounding heart after the rhythm straightens out, with heavy sweating. This also happens during the day and has begun causing me to pass out. I actually smashed my face into pavement one day and shattered an eye socket and fractured my forehead and lost a good chunk of cartilage from my nose because I passed out and went over like a bowling pin. Nausea, vomiting, headaches, dizziness, extreme fatigue, what I call hot flashes (though Iā€™m much too young and am not in menopause), My vision changes from day to day. I have been wearing glasses my whole life and now sometimes they work and other times I see better without them. Especially up close. My abdomen and legs stay so swollen I can barely eat or walk due to the pain.
My primary care doctor noticed my blood pressure was changing. But she knew I needed the water pills until I could see a cardiologist. She did caution me and told me to only take them every 3 days because I tend to have low blood pressure and water pills lower blood pressure. It was a concern. Well, I immediately felt about 50% better. Both the frequency and severity of my symptoms decreased.
My cardiologist said this:
Why would she put you on water pills?
Me: well because of how swollen I am with water retention.
Him: well you probably have (condition in my legs where the vessels stretch and blood flow gets messed up or stops) we will do the procedures for that. As for the water retention, your heart isnā€™t strong enough to pull the water out of your system the way it should. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with your heart
Me: that makes no sense (has ultrasound and confirms vessel condition in legs and has 4 procedures done) cardiologist releases me and says I should be fine now. No change including in leg swelling.
My primary then represcribes the water pills and adds a beta blocker. Diagnosis: high blood pressure. Frequency of symptoms reduced by 60%. Severity of symptoms reduced by 80%. Havenā€™t passed out since or had dizziness or nausea and vomiting. Headaches have been minimal. Eyesight is still a bit wonky.
Primary care doctor moves to another state. New primary care doctor thinks I and my previous doctor are insane and that my ā€œnormalā€ blood pressure is fine and my other symptoms are my imagination. Now Iā€™ve been without meds for an entire month and Iā€™m worried.
Are there ANY studies or doctors who have experience with a person whose normal blood pressure is low and high blood pressure reads as normal? Iā€™m desperate at this point. Iā€™m way too young to die of a heart attack or stroke and leave behind 3 kids without a mom. Iā€™m only 44.
Edit. About 3 years ago I suddenly found that everything I ate or drank, even water, was like eating straight salt. I now canā€™t stand the taste of salt and canā€™t have it in any of my food. I lost 60 lbs in 8 weeks without changing anything. I have an extremely healthy diet, am very active (I teach 3rd grade, am a trauma recovery coach, and walk 3 miles with my daughter 3 times a week), Iā€™m a light smoker (5-8 a day), not diabetic, healthy checkups, normal cholesterol and all that. The only thing Iā€™ve ever had an issue with was my thyroid. I had 7 rapidly growing nodules that eventually stopped growing but havenā€™t been checked in 3 years since the radiologist said it was no longer necessary. All nodules were looked at through sonogram or ultrasound and biopsies every 2 years for 15 years. No kidney issues that Iā€™m aware of. And NO the cardiologist and other doctors have NOT done ANY tests other than blood and CT scans to check my heart. They refuse. Yes I have good insurance. Family history includes mitral valve failure, mitral regurgitation, and non specific heart attack. Without the water pills I weigh about 240 lbs, with them I stay around 170.
submitted by MamaRed80 to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 06:31 SnowBrilliant9068 8 Ways To Sober Up From Being Too High From Medical Marijuana [Just In Case]

Have you been there too! In the feeling, when you lit the perfect joint, took a deliciously, expertly-timed dab, and munched on your favorite snack. Then after a while, those dank feeling starts to come up and you end up thinking, "dude, am I going to be dead"? No, it's just the moment when your realize, "I'm too high".
Maybe the edible kicked in a hour to two later. Perhaps you tried the brownie to impress the new girl in the group. Or ripped the bong too hard or too long. Perhaps you just landed your hands on some tried concentrates. No matter what you case is, in case you get just a bit too high, here's how to come back from the edge of greening out.
Common symptoms of being too high:-
  1. Anxiety
  2. Nausea
  3. Dizziness
  4. Panic
  5. Paranoia
  6. Confusion
  7. Excessive Perspirations
Ok, without any further delay, let's cover the 8 ways to sober up from weed high.
Tip #1: Don't Panic
Remember how much you took, and what's the average duration of the effects. Most symptoms of 'greening out' (doing too much cannabis) will dissipate within a couple of hours max. Plus there won't be any effects beyond the little feeling of disorganizations and grogginess. In this case, contrary to what you may have heard, there is no report of cannabis overdose.
  1. Drink Water & Light Snacks
Next, the essence of sobering up lies in keeping yourself hydrations, and hydration is the essence of sobering up. No matter weather you prefer water or juice, ensure that it's a nice cold beverage that will help you to combat dry mount and also allows you to focus on simple things.
  1. Know Your 'Threshold'
In case you are preparing for a cannabis session, then ensure to consider your tolerance level. When you know that more two puffs from a joint will make you anxious, or more than two gummies of 10mg gummy each puts you on a couch lock then don't exceed this limit. This will help you to avoid the uncomfortable situation.
  1. Chew Black Peppercorns
When you find yourself combating paranoia and anxiety, then a simple ingredient found in the kitchen and restaurant may help. Yes, you can find back peppercorns in almost every kitchen. While it's not exactly the scientific method to come back from weed high. But, it works!
  1. Keep Calm & Rest
To ground yourself, you can find a calm, quiet place without a lot of distraction and stimuli. A place where you can rest and breathe deeply. Now take deep full breathes in through your nose and out through your mouth. Imagine a dark cloud going out when you exhale.
Sometimes sleeping it off can also be the best alternative to stop a strong high making your uncomfortable. Once you've have found that zen area, next lie down and relax yourself.
  1. Go for a Walk
So, in case, you can't turn off your brain then try changing the scenery. Add some fresh air to get your blood pumping one more time. Also, just remember to stay close to your immediate surroundings and bring a buddy - avoid wandering alone. And, avoid walking in case you are feeling too woozy.
  1. Take a shower
In case its' feasible for you, then take a nice cold shower. Bath is the way help you relax while you wait for the effects to fade away naturally. Again this is not a scientific method but it works!
  1. Distract Yourself
Lastly, in case, all of the above activities fail to bring your back, then DISTRACT YOURSELF. We suggest that you:
  1. Watch a funny cartoon
  2. Listen to your favorite album
  3. Play a video game
  4. Talk to your friends
  5. Snuggle with your significant other
  6. Eat something delicious
  7. Go on a supervised errand
Now knowing now that feeling of high can differ significantly from a smoking, vaping, or dabbing high. And, it also depends on individual chemistry.
In the end, you can try some CBD to counter the effect of smoking too much medical marijuana.
submitted by SnowBrilliant9068 to MedicalMarihuanaCard [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:42 Alternative-Bell8421 Do anyone feel nausea and dizziness after nuss 2days post op? What helped you in such case?

submitted by Alternative-Bell8421 to PectusExcavatum [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:15 RequirementNew269 How many triptans is actually too much?

I wasnā€™t told about triptan overuse when I went from 2-25MMD and took 17-30 triptans a month for 3 months.
Then my pcp told me about rebounds and MOH. Iā€™ve since started a preventative and tried to get 3 more preventative scripts that have all been denied by insurance. (Iā€™m working through the meds & processes)
Iā€™m convinced triptan overuse has given me (hopefully semi) permanent migraine damage and have been trying to be VERY careful about taking them. (I do have a history of migraines and my mother has been daily chronic since my age)
For 2 months I have not taken them more than 3 days in a row. But 50% of the time I have to take them 2-3 days in a row. The longest time I go between triptan doses is 3 days, but itā€™s mostly 2 days. (I have yet to get a four day break) Iā€™m still in pain during those days but try not to take a triptan. (Or ibuprofen in case thatā€™s causing MOH) from what Iā€™ve read- this is generally the Triptan requirements to have a better chance at preventing MOH
My doctor sent a neurologist referral to a few neuros I researched with headache fellowships but it will likely be months until I get in.
I said something like, ā€œI donā€™t think I am getting rebounds because I know what they were like before I started being conservative- and it seems different.ā€ She just responded with, ā€œIā€™m certain if you are taking 9 doses a month that you are getting rebounds and might need to go through a withdrawal period that will be uncomfortableā€
What is your experience with rebounds? From what I have read, rebounds are pretty mandatory after 10+ doses but I didnā€™t think 9 would ā€œcertainlyā€ give me rebounds too.
Has anyone actually done a ā€œtriptan withdrawalā€ while chronic with 25+ MMD? What was that like?
Ubrelvy worked for 2 weeks and then didnā€™t but I havnt taken it in maybe 4 months and was desperate during a period migraine and took it in addition to a triptan on my 3rd consecutive triptan day & it did seem to help. I asked her for another ubrelvy script but that might take a week because Iā€™m currently trying to scam my way into a cgrp preventative and insurance doesnā€™t want to pay but has an abortive limit on nurtec for 18pills in 24 days so Iā€™m thinking I could get that covered over the emaglity they denied (ubrelvy was approved easily and quickly) but I have to go through that before picking up ubrelvy because they def wonā€™t give me nurtec in the same month as ubrelvy.
To clarify why I donā€™t think they are rebounds- MOH felt like a 3-4 level dull headache that pop up 24hrs after dose and persist for 24+ hrs while these feel like I might have a rebound for a day and I donā€™t take anything for it, then it passes, and then Iā€™ll get new pain that comes with light sensitivity, smell sensitivity, nausea, brain fog, dizziness, and gross motor difficulty- which is a migraine and because 75% of my migraines used to last 5+ days, I will take a triptan to hopefully abort it.
submitted by RequirementNew269 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:31 Melodii_17 My period lasted only 1 day!

Hello my name is melody and I'm 12 so here's the story So I got my period early and it supposed to be next month And also I had appointment for my doctor And I woke up at 10 O'clock for my appointment And I ate sandwich nutella and I was going to the bathroom But suddenly I felt dizziness and weak and I told my mom that I couldn't get up And she helped me to place a pad and I walked a Little to fast and then I got into my bed and also I felt nausea and Im scared to throw up because I have emetophobia Which means fear of vomiting and also my heart was beating to fast And also there was an plastic bag next to my bed and I don't want to look on the plastic because this will make nausea high so I was sitting like an ruler and then I burped and I still felt weak while on my period but my mom told me go to sleep again but I didn't say why because I felt very weak and not just that, that when I went to the bathroom there isn't an blood and weird thing is that, that my period was supposed to come on June 1 or something like that and I couldn't expcet that it will come early but when I went go to change my pad and went to the bathroom Again there isn't blood Is this normal?..
submitted by Melodii_17 to Periods [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:25 Xion96 Feel so sick after eating

Long story short, covid fucked my gut. Was on a protocol of oregano oil and many other supplements to kill sifo/sibo. Was on a limited diet of ground beef, lean steak and boiled veggies. Out of nowhere I started to react to the ground beef. My stool was green and smelt like cow manure, nausea, dizzy spells, fight/flight activation and worse anxiety. Had to stop eating it. Now just eating lamb and veggies but still get so sick afterwards. Ive tried chicken and beef but those are worse. I feel like I have covid about an hour after eating and it lasts a while. My heart pounds, ears get red, can barely move. I think it's a huge immflamation response. Did stool sample and I have 0 good bacteria. Working with a functional doctor to heal. He thinks it's leaky gut, I'm practically bedridden though, is leaky gut this bad?! I have an appointment with a reg gi for their opinion but it's a month away. Could this be something else or just a real bad case of leaky gut?
submitted by Xion96 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:56 EquivalentQuail6313 nausea, insomnia & restlessness

5'5 154lbs 18F im having difficulty sleeping at night along with nausea and restlessness. i keep tossing and turning + the heat is killing me since I don't have air conditioning in my room. i can only sleep after 6 or 7 in the morning and never before that no matter how hard I try. it's accompanied by really bad nausea and sometimes dizziness and headaches. I've been applying a cold wet cloth to my forehead to calm down but it only works for some minutes. pls can someone tell me what's wrong
submitted by EquivalentQuail6313 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:57 2pigeons Questions about symptoms

Hi all,
I grind my teeth at night for a few years now (sometimes chirping as I do and it wakes up my partner). I have the following symptoms and I was wondering if these are related, or due to something more serious.
  1. Dull headache with full feeling. Often there is pain around my jaw bones but also up into my temples and other parts of my head. Itā€™s both sides of the head often but sometimes more on one side.
  2. Dizziness that comes on suddenly or gradually depending on the day. This can last and define the whole day sometimes. Head feels wobbly.
  3. Trouble looking left to right suddenly (moving head side to side). Some dizziness episodes have been triggered by this.
  4. Nausea, regardless of lying down or sitting.
  5. Wobbly hands and feet sometimes.
  6. Tinnitus in left ear for almost 2 years now.
Any advice or confirmation from others about these symptoms would be greatly appreciated as my mind wanders to more serious issues often, and unfortunately itā€™s not so simple to get a brain scan here.
Thank you
submitted by 2pigeons to bruxism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:55 2pigeons Curious about symptoms

Hi all,
I grind my teeth at night for a few years now (sometimes chirping as I do and it wakes up my partner). I have the following symptoms and I was wondering if these are related, or due to something more serious.
  1. Dull headache with full feeling. Often there is pain around my jaw bones but also up into my temples and other parts of my head. Itā€™s both sides of the head often but sometimes more on one side.
  2. Dizziness that comes on suddenly or gradually depending on the day. This can last and define the whole day sometimes. Head feels wobbly.
  3. Trouble looking left to right suddenly (moving head side to side). Some dizziness episodes have been triggered by this.
  4. Nausea, regardless of lying down or sitting.
  5. Wobbly hands and feet sometimes.
  6. Tinnitus in left ear for almost 2 years now.
Any advice or confirmation from others about these symptoms would be greatly appreciated as my mind wanders to more serious issues often, and unfortunately itā€™s not so simple to get a brain scan here.
Thank you
submitted by 2pigeons to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:15 xjupitermoonx Restarting the lex

Long story short, I was on Lexapro for ~5 years. I felt like it wasnā€™t working as well anymore so I got off, tried other meds, had awful experiences, and then went unmedicated.
Proceeded to have some of the worst days of my life off medication.
So now, Iā€™m back on. I used to take 20mg but now Iā€™m tapering back on at 5mg. Iā€™m on day 4 and I know it takes time but I feel awful. I was hoping I wouldnā€™t have side effects since I was on it before, but the nausea, dizziness, and headaches are killing me. I keep having to call off work or leave early.
Anyone else get off and then get back on? What was your experience?
submitted by xjupitermoonx to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 19:18 Beelay2169 Extreme Work Anxiety

I'm wanting to reach out and see if anyone deals with this as badly as I do.
I noticed my mental health decline in my junior year of high school. I was working and doing high school, along with dual enrollment courses. I burnt myself out very badly, my depression and anxiety became worse and I've been going to therapy ever since.
Therapy didn't help as much so I started taking medication and I've always had some type of reaction to it, prozac and those types would kill my stomach.(I've been on a lot of different medications, trying to find the right ones) Right now I take Buspar and wellbutrin with hydroxyzine as needed. Buspar doesn't feel like it's doing too much for me, wellbutrin makes me extremely dizzy and exhausted, hydroxyzine makes me tired too but I don't take it often, unless I can't sleep.
I currently work 2nd shift at an ER as a phlebotomist. I've had all types of jobs: Cashier, fast food, and production. Each and every job gave me some type of anxiety. The night before my shifts I am up and down, worrying when my alarm will go off, not getting good sleep. I get up and feel nausea, will gag, and eventually throw up. I shake while I get ready, cry, and hyperventilate. My whole body feels like it's ice cold and on fire.
When I get there and get settled some of the symptoms will go away, but some just arent as strong. I've thrown up/gagged at work. I shake while I'm there. My body still feels like it's on fire. These only subside when I leave or stay home.
I'm on my last leg at my current job because I've called out so much from my symptoms. My manager is aware of my issues. I've only been there since the end of January. If I don't have an income I risk my relationship. I only work 3 days a week, 10 hour shifts. I feel like I'm stuck in a loop. I've talked to so many people about this but I feel like some people just don't get it. I want to get some advice but I'm not sure if anyone can even help me.
TL;DR.. I get extreme work anxiety, to where my symptoms become physical. I can't quit or I risk my relationship. I'm on medication that doesn't seem to be helping, but have been on so many in the last year, I'm also in therapy. Advice? Help? Please.
submitted by Beelay2169 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:46 vanilla_wind Constant headache, nausea and dizzy feeling ?

Hi everyone. Iā€™m 26F, 165cm 59kgs. I got new glasses about a month ago and wore them. The prescription was the same but I got headaches and nausea from them. I figured whatever Iā€™ll continue to wear them and Iā€™ll adjust eventually.
2 weeks on the headaches and nausea were so severe that I had to take them off and return to my old glasses that I had no issues with. I thought that would be the end of it and the nausea and headaches would go. The prescription was the same anyway so I wasnā€™t sure why I had issues in the first place.
They ended up steadily increasing. The pain peaked over the weekend now I have low level pain, feeling of pressure in my forehead and a lot of nausea, carsick feeling. Iā€™ve taken paracetamol, ibuprofen, then migraine relief tablets containing codeine and none of them relieve the pain fully.
My biggest concern is the dizziness and nausea that is constant. I had my eyes rechecked and my ears looked at. My eyes had no changes but with my ears they said it looks like minor mucus behind the eardrum but not enough to cause my symptoms.
They gave me a decongestant to open up my sinuses. Nothing has helped with the nausea and pressure feeling. Initially I thought it was eye problems but thatā€™s been ruled out. Now mind is saying either itā€™s an ear problem or something sinister like a tumour. I feel stupid for being so worried about it but itā€™s constant discomfort and nausea, dull ache and pressure across my forehead and in my ears. Iā€™m probably making it worse with my worrying. Am I being stupid for wanting an MRI or CT scan ? Itā€™s only been a week of these constant symptoms.
Edit: no chance I am pregnant
submitted by vanilla_wind to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:52 OkAgent3180 I was thinking that I got no more anxiety....I was wrong

I'm 33 male non smoker no risk factor.4 years with anxiety, panick attacks and depresion.I lost my father 5 year ago from heart disse.Everything started 4 year ago with some sharp chest pain,back pain,arm pain and I was freaking that I have heart attack or some heart disease and i started to feel every body sensation and to have anxiety. I visited ER and couple of cardiologist,done numerous test and my heart was fine.They check everything and all tests were normal. I got advice to visit therapist.He diagnosed me with anxiety and depression and give me diazepam and escitalopram.I was two year on therapy then slowly lower my doses.I quit escitalopram 4 months ago,but I still have panick attacks.I take diazepam and after 1 hour I'm fine.Now without escitalopram I got my problem back .My hypochondria are back.Chest pains are back and even more intensive.I have pain in my left hand and my back,dizziness,nausea,chills.Every symptoms for heart attack.When I got this episode I take diazepam and after 1 hour I'm ok.My doc didn't want to hear me about heart tests again, cardiologist told me to not waste his time. I'm desperate and I struggle a lot.Right now I have anxiety attack(chest pain,back pain,dizzines,heartbeat,cold sweat).I got better while I'm writing this post but I know that tomorrow I will have another episode.Benzo and SSRI together give me 30 kg weight for the last 2 years.Anyone with similar anxiety?
submitted by OkAgent3180 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:25 FocusOk4371 Thinking I might have eds

Is it possible to have a low symptomatic version of eds? I watched lots of videos and related to many of the symptoms and experiences of people with EDS , except Iā€™m not overly hypermobile.
The symptoms/experiences I suspect are as follows:
Hand tremors, Hypermobile (but not severely), Sprained ankles constantly as a kid, Knee pain, Wrist pain as a child, Blue lips when cold / visible veins on faces (despite being olive skinned, Skin writing, Sore patches of skin (no rash or bite or lump), TMJ - jaw lock, Short sightedness from a young age, Unexplained nausea, Unexplained, Dizzyiness, Occasional fainting spells, Low leaning blood pressure, Constipation (recent), shiver as soon as im a little bit cold (even if not freezing)
None of my symptoms have been particularly difficult except the dizziness nausea and recently constipation. The hand tremors have always been weird but Iā€™ve never seen a doctor about it I consider myself a healthy and fit person in general.
I defo donā€™t feel or look sickly or fragile which I feel like is the medical signifiers that professionals look for.
submitted by FocusOk4371 to eds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:03 madbojosbabe Please help! Daughter has been sick for 4 weeks with sinus/stomach issues

Hello and TIA for any help!
So my 8 year old daughter started out with these symptoms 4 weeks ago: sinus pressure, nausea, headaches, dizziness. We waited about 4 days then I took her to her PCP who diagnosed a sinus infection and just said to do Flonase, Zyrtec (which we were already doing).
The nausea continued to worsen and she started having abdominal pain as well which caused her to miss a few days of school. I took her back to the doctor 2 weeks after her initial appointment. The doctor diagnosed constipation, treated the sinus infection with amoxicillin and said to give her prunes/prune juice. I suspected she'd need way more than that due to her symptoms so I gave her 5 doses of miralax throughout the morning, and she pooped 15-20x. Three days later we're at urgent care with suspected possible appendicitis. After an adb ultrasound and X-ray we are diagnosed with a belly FULL of stool, and given orders for a 3-day Miralax/senna cleanout with clear liquids.
After 2.5 days of this misery her poop looks like slightly cloudy pee (she was only having water and broth with miralax that day) so I let her eat applesauce and a small amount of gluten free pasta with olive oil. She tolerated dinner well but the next morning (yesterday) she was nauseous again after breakfast so I kept her home again and did liquids/BRAT foods.
Today she told me she had nausea and abd pain all night and couldn't sleep. She feels moderate pain all over her and (lower abd worse, especially LLQ), nausea and she's very dizzy. I'm afraid she's missing too much school but I can't send her like this. I'm starting to be doubtful it even is sinus issues because morning has helped her dizziness and headaches go away.
She's not faking symptoms because she enjoys school and she feels crappy even when doing something enjoyable like watching favorite movie. It's been 4 weeks of these symptoms with nothing helping. What else could it be that I should be watching for (differential diagnosis)?? She's not had a fever. I'm planning to go to urgent care again today probably for more imaging or blood work but any help would be appreciated!!
submitted by madbojosbabe to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:39 sleepingtime12 Tapentadol 100mg: Unlocking the Secrets of Potent Pain Relief

Tapentadol 100mg: Unlocking the Secrets of Potent Pain Relief
Understanding Tapentadol 100mg:
Tapentadol 100mg is a formidable weapon in the arsenal against pain. As an opioid analgesic, it operates by targeting the central nervous system to alter the perception and response to pain stimuli. Unlike traditional opioids, Tapentadol combines two mechanisms ā€“ mu-opioid receptor agonism and norepinephrine reuptake inhibition ā€“ offering a dual approach to pain management.

The Versatility of Tapentadol 100mg:

This mighty medication isn't limited to a single type of pain. It's a versatile solution for various pain scenarios:
  • Acute Pain Relief: Tapentadol is often prescribed for acute pain episodes, providing rapid relief when you need it most.
  • Neuropathic Pain Management: Whether it's the tingling of diabetic neuropathy or the shooting pains of nerve damage, Tapentadol can help ease neuropathic discomfort.
  • Chronic Pain Support: Living with chronic pain conditions like osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia can be challenging, but Tapentadol offers sustained relief for ongoing battles.

Navigating Tapentadol 100mg Dosage:

Proper dosing is essential for effective pain management and safety:
  • Initial Dosage: The journey typically begins with a starting dose of 50mg to 100mg taken orally every 4 to 6 hours as needed.
  • Titration: Your healthcare provider may adjust the dosage based on your response and tolerance, gradually increasing or decreasing as necessary.
  • Maximum Limits: While Tapentadol can be a potent ally, it's crucial to adhere to prescribed limits, with a maximum daily dose not exceeding 700mg to avoid adverse effects.

Precautions and Sidekick Side Effects:

Every hero has its caveats, and Tapentadol is no exception:
  • Safety Measures: Before embarking on your Tapentadol journey, inform your healthcare provider of any pre-existing conditions, medications, or allergies to ensure safe usage.
  • Vigilance Required: Keep an eye out for common sidekick side effects like nausea, dizziness, or constipation. While mild, they can hinder your quest for comfort.
  • Watchful Guardianship: Serious side effects, such as respiratory depression or seizures, require immediate intervention. Stay vigilant and seek aid if any alarming symptoms arise.

Procuring Tapentadol 100mg Online:

In today's digital age, convenience reigns supreme. When seeking Tapentadol online, ensure you embark on your quest with reputable companions:
  • Trusted Allies: Platforms like SleepingTime to provide a sanctuary for purchasing Tapentadol online. Their user-friendly interface and comprehensive product information ensure a seamless experience.
  • Prescription Quest: Remember, the path to Tapentadol ownership begins with a prescription from a licensed healer. Obtain this sacred scroll before venturing forth into the online realm.


With Tapentadol 100mg by your side, the journey towards pain relief becomes more manageable. By understanding its mechanisms, dosages, precautions, and online procurement, you can embark on a quest toward a life with less discomfort. Remember, Tapentadol is a potent ally, but like any hero, it must be respected and used responsibly. Let Tapentadol guide you toward a brighter, pain-free horizon.
submitted by sleepingtime12 to u/sleepingtime12 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:22 throwaway_del_sium Is nausea/tiredness normal for vegans?

Hi! I'm 19F vegetarian who recently took the leap and is trying to become fully vegan (currently only honey is left). It's hard but i'm loving the journey and my cooking skills improved lol
However, i don't know if it's a coincidence or not, recently i've been feeling down, and super tired. I feel like hyperactive (i can't stay still, i wish i could punch a wall) but weak (can't punch said wall because my arm could evaporate, or something lol) and now i've got nausea too.
I'm used to eating a lot of veggies and legumes, so it can't be that. I'm actually feeling better after quitting milk, a lot lighter, no more bloating. But on the other hand i feel dizzy. Today i went to school and had to go out and eat sugar, from how energyless i felt, and when I get up, my vision blurs as if i am about to faint.
Maybe i am lacking some nutrients, but idk what it could be. I eat b12 through vitamin-enriched foods (like coconut milk) Or maybe it's unrelated. (I'm quite stressed as it's my last year of school, and we have the final exam being super hard, we study like crazy) my mum thinks it might be my medicines (i take escitalopram for anxiety, but i talked to my psychiatrist, and that med should make me feel focused and very "awake". I'm the opposite, distracted and sleepy..?)
EDIT: just visited my doctor and found out my heart rate is insanely low (57bpm) no wonder why i felt like fainting. I booked a blood test but it'll be in weeks.
submitted by throwaway_del_sium to AskVegans [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:48 Financial-Use682 33 weeks pregnant with sudden hearing loss.

So Iā€™m freaked out to say the least! I had a bit of a sore throat and went on an airplane. Was away for 3 nights and on my return flight my ears were popping so I rubbed it. Nothing out of the normal for me. However I lost complete hearing upon landing. Maybe before and I didnā€™t realize due to pressure. Had dizziness but was ok.
Woke up next morning so dizzy with nausea. Went to urgent care lady said ā€œfluid behind earā€ which just felt incorrect. Now about 36 hours later I got an appointment with ENT. He did the steroid shot in my ear. Didnā€™t prescribe the oral steroids due to pregnancy.
Overall, Iā€™ve been reading a lot of peoples experiences. It works- it doesnā€™t work. I am just feeling really low about this whole situation! Has this happened to any other pregnant mamas out there???
submitted by Financial-Use682 to MonoHearing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:12 drambikachestclinic Can anxiety or stress cause chest pain?

Yes, anxiety and stress can cause chest pain. This type of chest pain is often referred to as non-cardiac chest pain and can mimic the symptoms of a heart attack. Here are some key points about anxiety- and stress-related chest pain:
How Anxiety and Stress Cause Chest Pain:
1. Muscle Tension:
2. Hyperventilation:
3. Increased Heart Rate:
4. Adrenaline Surge:
5. Gastrointestinal Issues:
Symptoms of Anxiety-Related Chest Pain
Differentiating Anxiety Chest Pain from Heart Pain
While anxiety-related chest pain can mimic cardiac chest pain, there are some differences:
- Cardiac Chest Pain:
- Anxiety Chest Pain:
What to Do If You Experience Chest Pain
1. Donā€™t Ignore It:
2. Calm Yourself:
3. Avoid Triggers:
4. Seek Professional Help:
5. Lifestyle Modifications:
When to Seek Immediate Help
Chest pain, regardless of the cause, warrants attention to rule out serious conditions and to manage symptoms effectively.
submitted by drambikachestclinic to u/drambikachestclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:10 SundayJan2017 Fluvoxamine Dosage

Fluvoxamine Dosage

Fluvoxamine Dosage

Fluvoxamine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) commonly prescribed to treat various mental health conditions, particularly obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). It is also sometimes used to manage anxiety disorders, including social anxiety disorder and panic disorder. The appropriate dosage of fluvoxamine can vary significantly based on the condition being treated, the patient's age, and their individual response to the medication.
Key Considerations for Fluvoxamine Dosage
Initial Dosage: Adults: For treating OCD, the typical starting dose for adults is 50 mg once daily at bedtime. For depression, the starting dose may range from 50 to 100 mg per day, taken either in a single dose or divided into two doses.
Children and Adolescents: For younger patients with OCD, the initial dose usually starts lower, at around 25 mg daily, and is gradually increased to minimize side effects.
Maintenance Dosage
  • Adults: The maintenance dose for adults can vary widely. For OCD, the dose often ranges between 100 to 300 mg per day, divided into two doses if necessary. For depression, the maintenance dose typically ranges from 100 to 200 mg per day.
  • Children and Adolescents: The maintenance dose for younger patients is generally lower than for adults and is carefully adjusted based on efficacy and tolerability.
Visit Swiss Chems Full Product List and Latest Coupon Code Here.
Swiss Chems Fluvoxamine, 3000 mg (50 mg / 60 capsules)
Maximum Dosage
  • Adults: The maximum recommended dose for adults is 300 mg per day.
  • Children and Adolescents: For children and adolescents, the maximum dose is typically set at 200 mg per day, but individual circumstances may warrant adjustments under medical supervision.
  • Special Considerations
  • Elderly Patients: Older adults may require lower doses and slower titration due to the increased risk of side effects and altered drug metabolism.
  • Liver Impairment: Patients with liver impairment may need lower doses due to decreased clearance of the drug from the body.
  • Drug Interactions: Fluvoxamine has a significant potential for drug interactions, particularly with other medications metabolized by the liver enzyme CYP1A2. Dose adjustments may be necessary to avoid adverse effects.
Administration Tips
  • Consistency: It is important to take fluvoxamine consistently at the same time each day to maintain stable blood levels.
  • With or Without Food: Fluvoxamine can be taken with or without food, but taking it with food may help reduce gastrointestinal side effects.
  • Gradual Dose Adjustments: Dosage adjustments should be made gradually, typically in increments of 25 to 50 mg, to minimize the risk of side effects and withdrawal symptoms.
Potential Side Effects
While fluvoxamine is generally well-tolerated, it can cause side effects, especially when starting the medication or adjusting the dose. Common side effects include nausea, headache, dizziness, insomnia, and dry mouth. More severe side effects, such as serotonin syndrome, can occur, particularly when fluvoxamine is combined with other serotonergic drugs. Therefore, close monitoring by a healthcare provider is essential.
Determining the correct dosage of fluvoxamine is a nuanced process that should be tailored to each individual's needs and medical condition. Regular consultations with a healthcare provider are crucial to ensure the medication is effective and to adjust the dosage as necessary. Adhering to prescribed guidelines and promptly reporting any side effects can help optimize treatment outcomes and enhance overall well-being.
Disclaimer: Not For Human Consumption.
Visit Swiss Chems Full Product List and Latest Coupon Code Here.
submitted by SundayJan2017 to swisschemsreviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:01 Ill_Pudding8069 Intermittent fasting if skipping a meal causes pain

Hello! Just checking people's experiences and tips as usual. I read here a lot that fasting/intermittent fasting is probably the best thing you can do to clear out your body from a food-given histamine dump (assuming it doesn't work if the dump is due to hormones or mold or other factors) - the issue being, personally if I delay or skip a meal I will have cramps, nausea, and dizziness (and crankiness) bad enough it can reach the point I won't even be able to stand long enough to get a snack (I call my husband in those cases).
So I was wondering: are there tricks or tips to being able to teach your body how to bear this and do it safely, or could it be that whatever root issue I have (idk, could be H. Pylori given it does cause a lot of pain if the stomach is empty) would make it a bad idea for me to keep trying and I should wait until I have a better overview on my root cause? Or are there perhaps tips and advice about fasting I may not know because it's not common knowledge? All that comes to my mind is "drink a lot, and when you eat add proteins as they will keep you full for longer."
submitted by Ill_Pudding8069 to HistamineIntolerance [link] [comments]