Baby presents from aunt

Freddie Gangsta Gibbs

2011.04.27 20:46 ShAd0wMaN Freddie Gangsta Gibbs

Freddie Gibbs (Fredrick Tipton) is a gangsta rapper from Gary, Indiana. After being signed to Interscope Records in 2006, Freddie recorded his debut studio album under the label. Gibbs later signed with Jeezy's CTE World. Freddie then formed his own label, ESGN and released his debut studio album of the same name in June 2013 after leaving CTE. He has gone on to release four solo studio albums, as well as two collaborative albums with Madlib as MadGibbs and ten mixtapes in total.

2011.05.25 04:04 Avalon81204 Taking the journey to parenthood together.

This group is for anyone trying for a baby! Come discuss fertility, sex, conception, and learn all about how your body works!

2022.04.07 15:28 largesemi thebabyhbo

An eight-episode horror comedy limited series co-production with SKY, and produced by SISTER (Chernobyl, Landscapers) and Proverbial Pictures, The Baby presents a darkly funny, raw examination of motherhood, from the perspective of a woman who doesn’t want to be one.

2024.06.09 12:49 Competitive_Air9189 I cannot work with her. Please help.

Okay settle in folks because this is a very weird one and I need your advice. A couple of years ago, I got into a relationship with a man with kids who had 50/50 custody. I had no kids at the time. I met them shortly into the relationship (his wishes, not my idea but admittedly thought it was good to see if it could even work. Why invest years with someone if the kids don’t like you?) and anyways we formed a pretty good bond. Everything was going along great! I took on a “motherly” role (more like a fun aunt) with his kids, mainly the younger one, and shared in cooking duties, cleaning, sometimes dropping them off to school etc. I spent a couple of nights there per week but didn’t officially move in as we value our own space. A couple of months into this arrangement, my partner finds out that his ex aka the mother of his children, works at my workplace in head office (I work for a very large organisation). I didn’t know her, we hadn’t met before as we didn’t have any crossover and she began working there during Covid. I have been at my workplace for 10 years. She’s not problematic and we laughed it off when we finally met as a funny coincidence. What are the chances?! I wanted to keep it to ourselves as I don’t like my private info being out there; unfortunately she confided in a colleague of mine but in a very “oh what a coincidence!” kind of way, making light of the situation. I wasn’t happy about it but once she said it, the words couldn’t be taken back so there was nothing I could do. Now…. Fast forward to 2023. I accidentally fell pregnant with my first baby and well, it’s been nothing short of a nightmare. I had my baby and my now ex-partner basically did not help me take care of our child. He very much favours his first two children and resents me and our baby for his life being difficult, having no time to himself anymore with 3 kids etc. He never altered his non-formal custody agreement that he has with her to accommodate the newest family member and I was left many nights caring for the baby without any support. She was aware that I was having a baby and was very congratulatory etc as she has moved on herself. But doesn’t seem to care whether sick kids are coming around an unvaccinated newborn or make it somewhat easier for me to get some more support. She didn’t even allow me a week without the kids to recover from my c-section. It has been an absolute shit show of a relationship and the worst time for me as a new mum. This is where things get really tough. I’m due back at work next year and due to “budget cuts”, I am now expected to work closely with this woman, a woman who not only shares the same man as the father of her kids which is weird enough but actually gets the invested father version! He is not invested with our child and it’s now been a few weeks since he even saw him. He doesn’t contribute to his expenses, he doesn’t buy nappies or milk or allow me time to myself to even get to a yoga class or shop without the baby. I am doing 100% of the parenting and am completely resentful of this fact. Yes, I love being a mum but this is not what I signed up for, especially as I had put so much effort into his children. But all this aside…. I have to now work with this woman and I know I won’t be able to. It will trigger me up the wazoo. I have adhd and am a pretty sensitive and emotional being. If I spoke to my workplace about it, can I refuse to work alongside her? Or will they just tell me to get another job? What do I do? Please help & thank you for reading.
submitted by Competitive_Air9189 to AusLegal [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - June 09, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
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Seriously? You are the language police now?

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submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:56 Ashamed-Math-2092 Hypercompetent Quirkless Villain Deku except he's got no delusions of doing the right thing, no righteous cause. He's just doing it for the evulz.

Doing it for the quirkless? Nope.
Heroes bad because yadda yadda corruption whatever? Doesn't matter, a good Villain needs a good Hero. Who cares what they do in their spare time?
Fix society in his own way? Nah.
Izuku is essentially comically evil. He is the guy who wakes up in the morning and goes "Yeah, I'm evil". At whatever point he wanted to start his villain career, his first villainous act is to sedate his mother and cut off all her limbs until she's just a head who can somehow still survive, and put her in the fridge with an ipad detailing his villainous deeds on the news.
He has no "standards", whatever those could be.
Overhaul is torturing some kid to make his bullets? BASED. How can I help?
That grape kid on TV latching onto some girl with a lecherous look on his face? Oooh, that has potential.
Moonfish and his cannibalism? Gross, not something he'd do himself, but pretty cool.
There are things he wouldn't personally do himself, like cannibalism, sexual crime, very icky torture like stabbing eyeballs with needles but he feels no disgust for the thought of the acts themselves, the "How can someone do this to another human being!?" that most normal people have.
Basically his only redeeming trait is the ability to play nice with others. He doesn't want to get backstabbed and so the thought is that the other guy doesn't either.
At some point, he gives shelter to Muscular after he killed the Water Hose Duo. They quickly got along like a house on fire, essentially a very cursed Yuji/Todo dynamic. At some point, they recruit Moonfish before the LoV can, and Izuku has a weird ability to be able to control Moonfish. Muscular finds himself being in the very peculiar position of being the "sane" one in the trio, between Midoriya experimenting with a new atrocity every now and then, like sewing 2 babies together into a soccer ball and getting Muscular to play with him and Moonfish's cannibalism.
Izuku is oddly cheery, and looks too happy, which contrasts with the vile acts he does. He doesn't try and be edgy, give grand speeches, nothing like that. He's quite similar to his canon self around season 4 to 5 in that regard, except a bit more confident. His favoured villain clothes are a shirt that has the kanji for "villain" written on it.
He gets an alliance with the LoV around canon. He likes Tomura initially, but as he starts to get a "righteous cause" going on, he loses interest.
He kill steals from Stain by killing Iida first.
He gets to Kota first and kicks him around before letting Muscular get the total family wipeout, a proud tear in his eye.
Ironically, his attempt to deliver a "You and I aren't so different, Mineta" to try and get him to become a villain results in Mineta getting a wake up call and slowly becoming a great Hero.
He doesn't exactly betray the Hassakai directly, but he slightly greases the wheels for the Heroes to rescue Eri. Why? To kidnap her from her sanctuary at UA and deliver her to his good friend Kyudai "War Crimes" Garaki as a birthday present of course!
submitted by Ashamed-Math-2092 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:47 Thick-Local-1514 AITAH for hating my older brother

Hi, throwaway because this is my first time writing. I (22F) have resentment towards my brother (30M)
I never was close with my brother nor was I ever dependent on him. We are 8 years apart and out of 5 kids we were #1 and #4. Back round: I am the only girl and he never saw me as someone who can do things like the boys. I remember one time were he told me that I could play with him if I didn't cry (which I agree with), but then was a time were I was in middle school, and he was in college. I walked into our house all my older brothers were around the table with my mom sad, and I asked my mom about buying me soda for a party I went to go to for a friend, but it made them unhappy. I played it off and went to my room when my mom called me down to argue with me about the soda. My older brother showed up and pushed me against the kitchen counter and called me a bunch of names and just making a circus out of the whole thing. When I begged my mom to get him off of me all she could do was to do a non-enthusiastic voice that didn't get him off of me and I had to tell him to get off of me and get physical, run upstairs and call my best friend at the time. I never recovered from this. My dad was on a business trip, so I don't even know if my dad knows this happened and why I was grounded, (never knew why I was grounded, when I asked my mom smiled and closed my bedroom door). I just apologized and never talked to them for a whole year. Until my dad made me talk to my mom and she tried to make me feel bad for the things she had put me through, throughout childhood.
Now, my daughter is about to turn two and a few years ago I knew I wasn't going to rely on anyone to buy things for my daughter instead of me and my boyfriend. Yes he is the father of my child, and we were childhood friends, turned lovers. My whole family knew him as a kid. The grandparents of my child were pestering me so I canceled the baby shower and after that, even though I already felt less, my parents decided to make me feel even more less if that was even possible.
One day I went over to my parents with fast food in hand (pregnant af) because they found a crib that I would like.
Reverse a week to when I told my mom (at the bar I work at) that I was looking at cribs I found on market place cause I was funding my kid on my low income and my boyfriend's spare money he had with a house we bought. She told me "You shouldn't be looking on there you need something that will last, how about I buy you one," I told her okay and said, "I am looking for a wooden crib, not a white, grey, blue, or pink crib. A wooden one." She said okay. I then repeated the same thing to my dad and he said okay.
Back to the situation, I show up and my mom showed me a Facebook ad of a white crib. I am baffeled and said I don't want a white crib, she said I know wooden cribs were expensive, I then question market place and she said they were cheaper there. I get taken back because this thing was less than $100 and during the pandemic this was a good price, but not for what I would want in my house (wooden trim and doors).
My boyfriend and dad make a joke about a white crib so I say, "i'm done with this conversation." and try to keep eating my food. I know my levels of patience and they don't and my mom would want anything to look like the victim. My mom tells me to look at a crib, I repeat myself I'm done with this conversation. She goes over and over again even after my mom switched to a wooden crib and kept repeating myself. It wasn't until my mom gave up and said, "I guess you don't want a crib then," I was 6 months pregnant. So I said, " I guess I'll buy my f-ing own then." she then walked away to her room. When she did I wasn't hungry then and went to throw away my food, and my dad told me don't talk to her that way, and all I could do was look at him surprised and say, "Who tells a pregnant woman 'I guess you don't want a crib then,'. He didn't have a response and I went off on him and told him I had a boundry. I knew when I had enough and they didn't. I drew a line in the sand and they walked all over it because they wanted me to just get over it, but i am done and I was leaving. He said okay. I went home crying and then thought to myself my child deserved more and bought a $200 crib (more than my 2 week paycheck) off of Wayfair.
The next day I was happy to be pregnant as a 20 year old and wanting to buy paint for her bedroom when I received a phone call from my oldest brother. I was weirded out since we don't talk, and I answered. It was a 10 second phone call of him cussing and insulting me for 'yelling at our mother' when I responded "hold on" all he said was no and hung up. Knowing it was my mother I called her and asked her what she said and she said she didn't talk to him only his wife so I said she needs to fix this because it wasn't a big deal. She said she would. we hung up and I called my other sister in law (across the country who is married to my second older brother) she said that my mom made me seem as I was a spoiled brat even though I working at 12 years old and paying for myself and my friends to even going to the movies with me. I even bought Christmas presents starting that age. My 2SIL was the person who told me what was going on with my uncle (substance abuse turned transplant, yes I believe I am a black sheep. I am the last to know when a family member is dying or getting married." While talking to her, I get a text from my older brother uninviting me from my nephews birthday party. I start crying while texting my mom what happened and all she could tell me was " i didn't want to argue with him." So I sent a screenshot of what my brother said and left it at that. Didn't talk to my family for whole 2 weeks and got a "take back what I said" from my 30 year old brother. Atia?
Was I being spoiled or naive?
Edit: when I was talking to 2SIL I learned my parents actually bought the crib but never told me so or showed me the physical crib
submitted by Thick-Local-1514 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:38 ThrowRA-Variation764 Thoughts on where you wish the characters had ended up going and general opinions on them.

I have several thoughts about where they all ended up so I’m just gonna dump them all here:
Jay and Gloria: Love them, they grew closer and more in love. Jay went from being a homophobic and xenophobic AH to an amazing involved husband, father, and grandfather. Gloria didn’t have too much development but the support Jay gave her in realizing aging is okay was adorable to see, and I always loved her. Other than being an overbearing mom but she definitely starting to let go.
Manny: He was cute in the beginning but became an insufferable snob. Though i do applaud his relationship development with Jay he needs some more growing up to do but we haven’t seen that (yet🤞).
Joe: He was funny but there wasn’t much substance to his character as he was so young.
Cam: I do not like him. Throughout the show he was always “woe is me” and acted as if he knew what was best for everyone else. In the end he got everything he wanted at the sacrifice almost everything Mitch had wanted. He was not a good husband or father to Lily once she got older.
Mitchel: I like him well enough, he is a supportive husband. However he gave up wayyyy too much for Cam. In a stark contrast, he was also not very involved with Lily, why on earth they decided on adopting another baby is beyond me.
Lily: Her childhood moments were hilarious, and the moody snarky teen she became is not uncommon, particularly in her situation. Her dads did not pay her much attention as they were constantly super involved in their own lives once she grew up. Wish I got to see more of her.
Baby boy: I forgot his name, his whole character felt like an add on.
Claire: I did like seeing her develop from a sorta depressed stay at home mom, to a driven and capable career woman. I don’t think the career itself was too important, but joining the business did help her bond with Jay. What she needed was to feel confident and capable again, and that’s what she got. Her reaction to Haley and Dylan ending up together and whatnot was hypocritical as she was in Haley’s shoes once. I do understand looking at a bad reflection of yourself is uncomfortable but she could have been less judgmental. She was not a good parent to Alex, never tried to understand her and didn’t really look out for her as “oh she has good grades so she’s fine”. They didn’t show too much of her relationship with Luke but I do wish she’d have stopped being so hung up on college for him. Her relationship with Phil definitely grew over the years and it was good to see.
Phil: I hated him in the beginning. His constant ogling of Gloria was insanely uncomfortable, and it went on for far too long. It took another guy pointing out how amazing Claire is for him to get she’s great, though it still happened occasionally. The ‘wow I see what they mean by pregnant women glow’ when Claire had given him 3 kids was revolting. I am glad their relationship got better and he became a better husband. He was always a good father, very present for his kids, and I do like that he looked out for Alex, even when she didn’t think she needed it.
Haley: I get she was supposed to mirror her mother by going from irresponsible and ‘crazy’ to a sensible mom, but I wish her path had gone differently. Her relationship with Andy let her grow more into adulthood but she should not have ended up with him, that relationship was built on cheating, a terrible foundation, it wouldn’t have gone the distance. Dylan is a nice guy but he is almost like a step back from the progress she made, not because he’s a bad guy, but he stayed as basically the same character with little development. I will give him credit for being a supportive and involved dad to the twins. The future I feel Haley would’ve thrived in was as a single traveling photographer. She enjoyed fun and freedom, after being in so many tumultuous relationships I could see her thriving otherwise.
Alex: She grew up as a stereotypical middle child, always overlooked by her family. However her intelligence gave her an ego that both protected her and harmed her. Thinking herself better than her family allowed her to be okay in her situation, but that extended to everyone so it didn’t let her make friends easily. It definitely helped when she went to college and had to realize the people there are just as smart or smarter than her, but it didn’t help her much afterwards. I have to say I wish she ended up with the firefighter. He was so kind and supportive, not as intelligent as her sure but I think she needed that in her life, to show her ‘dumb’ people are human and productive too. Her possibly ending up with Arvin was something I hated. He is some who overlooked her and dated her sister. Not only did he date Haley, they broke up because he was embarrassed of Haley for being ‘dumb’. The only thing that relationship could do for Alex is further divide her from her family and common people.
Luke: He grew up as such a happy energetic kid. His lack of interest in academia was visible to everyone. I don’t know why everyone was shocked he wasn’t getting into colleges. Alternative routes would have been a better option to present to him, and I loved his medical system idea and wish he’d gone that way. His going off to college instead did not make sense to me and I can see him dropping out to pursue something else instead.
submitted by ThrowRA-Variation764 to Modern_Family [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:11 AbrocomaBest4072 About VAWC

Hello Im 29M, A little background muna, I was about 10-11 yrs old when our dad left us and never return, Then jump to present My aunt sa Father side nag msg sakin sa FB about our father is now in jail due to our mom filed a case against him (VAWC)back in 2015.. now nagmamakaawa sila na kausapin nmin sila at tulungan with alot of guilt tripping.. So from here anu pa dapat gawin nmin, should we negotiate like let him pay us or should we talk to them at all?? and what other things can we do..Pwede ba nmin sya makuhaan ng sustento na dapat ibinigay nya noon sakin na super late na?? may nasabi sya noon na naghihintay sya ng mana nya...
Salamat po sa sagot
submitted by AbrocomaBest4072 to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 ames449 It’s happening! IUI tomorrow!

I’m having my first iui tomorrow and I’m excited but also terrified. I’ve never felt such a rush of conflicting emotions! I’m guessing the fear and the elation are both normal. I feel sick, eager to see what is going to happen and already not looking forward to the TWW. Ironically, tomorrow is also my 40th birthday. This is not how I expected to spend it, but I can’t help but think the timing is a positive thing. I believe in fate and things happening at the right time. It seems like a bit of a sign that my ovulation has happened in a way that coincides with my birthday. I’m trying not to be too hopeful, but also not let negative thoughts creep in. I’ve been reading a lot of things about fertility at 40 so while I was thinking it would be an impossible feat I have a far more confident approach now. Still, I would be lying if I said that still wasn’t in the back of my mind. Luckily I’m off out tonight with my family for my birthday so some distraction from thinking about it all night! Let’s hope my birthday present this year is a sticky embryo and my first step to having a baby!
submitted by ames449 to SingleMothersbyChoice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:37 ObscureDolphinPotato My Dog Says Goodbye (Heartwarming)

This is a more wholesome story, and the one that made me begin to have a bit of belief in the paranormal.
Years and years ago, when I was still a little dolphinpotato, I experienced my first loss of a family member; a dog who had been in my family’s life since before I was born. When I first came home, he became jealous of me, and so was given to my grandparents to care for. He was resilient, but one day his body began to fail him, so he was unfortunately put down.
Later, my parents got a cat, who I grew to see as a sibling (and he acted like one, too, lol). He was a little grey tuxedo who was affectionate, but usually only tolerated a few pets before getting overstimulated. Let’s call him Ash.
Now, we can get onto the story.
I was lying in bed one night, only about a week after the dog’s loss. My parents had given me a picture of him to look at, and I was on my side, staring at it. Tears were running down my face, and I was being as quiet as possible as I mourned.
It was late, and I was quite young. I didn’t want to wake anyone. Despite knowing that my parents would happily have comforted me, I still didn’t want to bother them.
I heard creaking of little paws on carpet.
Ash would commonly come into my room when I was still awake, late at night. I would leave my door open, just because I felt more comfortable that way, and it had the added benefit of allowing any furry friends (Ash) entrance whenever they desired.
Ash had the loudest engine purr I’ve heard in my life, and loved affection when everyone else was asleep, but was usually silent when he entered. On any given night, only the squeaking of boards under carpet announced his arrival.
I sat up and turned to watch him enter.
The doorway was empty.
I still thought I heard small feet brushing against carpet, and just assumed I missed seeing him enter. My bed was large enough - and Ash small enough - that he could disappear behind the end of the bed frame, and I still wouldn’t be able to see him without crawling to the end.
I turned to face the other side of the bed and looked down in the hope of catching him rounding the corner, clicking my tongue to urge him to join me faster.
Pawsteps, but no cat. They halted when they reached the side I had been waiting Ash to arrive at, and I watched the emptiness, there for a few moments.
Nothing changed.
I was more confused than anything, chalking it up to my mind playing tricks on me. I had, after all, had a moment where I swear I had heard a voice wish me “good night, OP”, one night from my doorway. Nobody was there, and it wasn’t a voice I had recognized. That had frightened me. I was just glad this wasn’t a scary auditory hallucination.
I spent a few moments, contemplating, and just as I turned to lay on my back and began to return to my mourning, I felt something.
As though a small creature had stepped upon my sheets, there was a slight weight in the blankets next to my ankles. I don’t remember if I felt any distinct paws, but I do remember the pressure settling on my lower legs, below my knees.
It all collected in a little round lump, as though a small creature had curled up on my legs.
I laid there, for a few moments, questioning if I was really feeling something. Would this sensation go away if I checked what it was? Maybe it was Ash, and he had come up from the opposite side? It wasn’t unheard of. But, again, I swore I heard the carpet shuffling on the side I had been facing, prior.
Carefully, I lifted myself up to sit. The pressure didn’t change. It didn’t leave, or re-adjust. It remained there.
With no body to accompany it.
I even leaned forward as far as I could to ensure I wasn’t just seeing things. There was no cat. There weren’t any other small animals in my home. I was alone, in my bed.
I had no reasonable, scientific explanation for what I was feeling. I couldn’t rationalize it.
I quickly recalled that I had been mourning all night. That I couldn’t sleep. I used to watch a lot of ghost hunting shows. I was fascinated by them, but never knew if I believed in ghosts or not. I was convinced by the shows I watched, but I was a child, and far less skeptical, then. I was terrified of ghosts.
But this didn’t feel scary. This didn’t feel intimidating or dangerous.
I still believe that was our dog’s way of comforting me. He didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to me, in person. I was just too young to be present for that. My parents would never have let me (him being hooked up to machines would have been scary enough at that age, and still is for a vast amount of people).
I was still confused about one thing, though. How did he get up onto the bed? He was a small dog, and I don’t remember him ever being able to get up onto any of the furniture. He was always picked up and placed upon it, as far as I was aware.
I didn’t know this at the time, but later on, I learned that my grandparents had put a short 3-step-stool down next to their bed to allow him to climb up or down as he wished.
He had just taken a set of phantom steps up to curl up atop my legs.
He was saying that he loved me. That there were no hard feelings (despite me taking his place as “the baby of the family” early on). That he would always be there for me, and that it was all going to be okay. He was telling me goodbye.
All of this in the only way he knew how.
With the weight of a pup resting on my calves, and the thought of his love soothing my broken heart, I was finally able to drift off, hoping that he knew how much I loved and appreciated him, in turn.
(Christ. I’m tearing up remembering this, lol. It’s been years. I’m assuming that my emotions are getting to me because of the time I’m writing this. It’s way too late, lol.)
submitted by ObscureDolphinPotato to ParanormalEncounters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 ThrowAwayCreek867 I grew up as a monster. Now I exist as an adult with nobody in my life and I'm out of hope that my existence is good for anyone else.

Hey there, I hope this finds you well. Throw away for obvious reasons. This will most likely be long, and I apologize for that. I just have so much to say and nobody to listen. I dont know what to do. 28m if it matters.
I guess I'll start at the beginning. I was born to a single mom, my dad was in and out for a period of time but once i was around ten, he left completely. My mom did the best she could for me, but I think I was born with mental issues that have manifested over my life into a storm that I am losing control of. I have always been a heavier guy, not in a wheelchair but just built like an ox. I was always bullied and excluded, had very few friends, and none that ever stuck around for long. I have many aunts/uncles and cousins within my family, but they never really seemed to want me around. I was close with my grandparents and my mom, but otherwise was basically always alone and didnt have anyone. I never had a girlfriend or anything like that, and didnt even lose my virginity until I was around 24. I have always felt like a burden, and an afterthought, and disposable. So I had, and still have, a tendency to lash out.
I grew up bullied, and in turn, I'll admit, I bullied back. in my pre-teen years I saw myself and the world around me, and how I was treated. Half of me was sad, because even at that age, I could see that I shared a lot of similarities with.. Well, you know. "That guy". I was reclused, I was a loser, I had no friends and no ambitions for the future. I just.. existed. Anyone knew I was basically the creepy loner who tried to get attention and friends because I was lonely, but did this by acting out and trying to emotionally manipulate people into caring about me. I didnt know the difference between someone pitying me and someone genuinely caring about me, and I thought that even if it was pity, at least I was not just invisible anymore. acquaintances came into my life for short periods of time, but as I grew, so did my mental issues. Eventually it came to the point where it wasnt a question of "if" someone was going to leave, but "when". This made me sad, and over time that sadness turned to anger. Which leads to the other half of me, that eventually adopted a mentality of wanting to become this monster everyone seemed to think I was. I thought it was power. I thought it was giving myself some revenge for being mistreated. I thought at least if I was like this and didnt have anybody, then at least I would have a reason when I was left alone at the end of the day. I still didnt like it, but it was better than having the same thing happen when I was trying to be a good person and grow myself, and not be "that guy". I suppose you could say my mentality was "well, if I'm going to be outcast and hated anyways, I might as well become this monster everyone thinks I am." and went with it.
I started going to therapy of all sorts when I was in my preteens, and have been going off and on in some capacity my whole life. I was given heavy medications at that age, saw many different types of doctors, and basically reached a point where nobody knew what to do with me because I didnt know myself or what was wrong. I still really dont. Going through my later years of school, I became so frustratingly alone that I started letting people hurt me in the belief that it would make them like me and I could have friends. I let them hit me in school, whip me with zippers and things like that. slap me. throw rocks at me, and insult me. I could deal with it cause at the very least in the moments I wasnt being hurt, I was allowed to be in the group and have some kind of a "group of friends". Needless to say I never dated or had anyone interested in me.
Through all of my counselling and talks with doctors, I had a mountain of diagnosis's I recieved from different sources, all of which seemed to loosely relate to me and seem plausible, but over all I dont believe I ever got a concrete answer for what I am. We started with bipolar, which lead to depressed, anxious. CPTSD, BPD, e.t.c. As well, I believe now that I am somewhere on the spectrum. I've frustratingly been trying to just come to an understanding of what I am. all the doctors seemed to disagree and think something else was wrong with me, so I eventually would just give up because my suffering just seemed to be something nobody could help. To date, I believe that being on the spectrum, having BPD, and chronic depression/anxiety seem to be the diagnosis's that I feel fit the most.
After school I never went to college. I started working and went through more jobs than I could count, always repeating this cycle of shortlived employment, thriving, mentally sabotaging myself because I would overwork myself to have people at my job like me and hopefully find some kind of success, then lashing out and quitting when I couldnt find that feeling of peace in my heart that I thought a job could give me. I've had thousands in the bank and not a penny to my name, people treated me the same both ways and I was just always alone and incredibly depressed. I tried rekindling with my father and moved states for some fresh starts a couple of times, but it never worked. Leading us into the present day, I live at my mothers house with my stepdad. I'm almost 29 years old, am unemployed, have nothing and nobody. And.. I've become the person that ten year old me was afraid I'd become. I'm fairly trapped, as I dont have a car. so I cant find a new job. My only real existence is living in my room and rarely leaving it. I have a phone with zero contacts in it and I very truthfully have nobody to talk to these days.
I can completely see where I'm at, why I'm here, and why I've always been alone. As a person I really am hard to be around after a while. I've had few real relationships, none ever lasting more than maybe a month or two, a majority of them online. I would spoil and try to use money to at least keep someone interested in me, but.. well. I would always come to see how I was still just alone and letting myself be used in the process. Not that I blame anyone else for my actions or feelings, my whole life is my own fault. I just.. I dont know. I've gone to the ward a time or two and am legally considered a 5150 (or i think 5160? something thats like, worse I guess.) and I've waisted so much of my life just unsure of anything. Lost, afraid, and angry. I cant even blame anyone for not wanting me in their lives.. but I still wish I had someone to talk to.
I could honestly write probably 5 more of these getting into every corner of every detail, but.. well. This is all basically the gist of my life and where I'm at. I worry about my future, as I am basically on track to be homeless again at some point and lose any chance of making some kind of life for myself. The borrowed time I am on is running out, and I'm scared that I'm just too late to change. And too late to even figure out what to change. I feel like I've only ever wanted love and acceptance and for someone to see the good in me, but ultimately there really is none. And I dont know what to do. Even after my childhood where I managed to kill my heart and accept that I'd never be what anyone wanted.. I still find my heart feeling the hope that I tried so hard to get rid of. The hope and wondering of why, has always hurt more than being alone. I just wish I didnt have to deal with both of them at the same time anymore.
submitted by ThrowAwayCreek867 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:31 LukaCheshire umiep6

What I think happened was. 1967. November 29th. A baby is born on Rokkenjima and taken in by Kinzo Ushiromiya, still deep in his mourning of the Golden Witch Beatrice. As this baby grows up, Kinzo shapes their identity under his upbringing and they grow up with a very stunted sense of self. EIther as some sort of disguise or to give themselves more fulfillment, they assume the identity of a young maid named Shannon and a younger servant named Kanon. This helps them navigate their life on Rokkenjima fine until the larger Ushiromiya family enters the picture, specifically Battler, Jessica and George, whose love for them begins to pull their identity apart. After a conversation with a 12 year old Battler about the kind of woman he likes, and getting even closer with George and Jessica in the years after, this person is at a crossroads on whos wishes get to be fulfilled: Shannon’s, Kanon’s, or Beatrice’s, and this all comes to a head on October 4th, 1986, where they facilitate a series of murders as an internal competition and as a demonstration to the person who affected them the most: Battler Ushiromiya.
….I THINK. I didn’t have the epiphany I thought I would have, more like a slow slow realization when I began to piece together the early-suggested possibility that Shannon was behind the appearances of Beatrice that Maria sees, the weird status of Kanon’s body at the end of almost every twilight, how Kanon had to bail Battler out in the first place, and the Love Duel itself, Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice all being on equal footing within it, and why Shannon and Kanon’s (and Beatrice’s) love had to be mutually exclusive in the first place. Plus more little details like the 19 paces coinciding with the perceived 19 people on the island (family + Beato) and the 19 years since the master of the game had been born, the narration and several characters like Featherine saying that the solution to the previous question or to the logic error could be the key to the whole mystery and is a part of Beato’s heart (her identity). George’s reminiscence of Battler and Shannon as a 12 year old with Beato’s own reminiscence of it coinciding with it. The fact that Battler has literally never seen Kanon and Shannon in the same room and the mystery of how Battler saw Beatrice after the murders of the fourth game. But I think that Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice are all identities of one person, the 16th person after subtracting Kinzo, Kanon and Shannon from the initial 18, and that their disguises and faked deaths are the key to solving not just the logic error room, but the entire game and magic as a whole. Granted I don’t have *everything* figured out with this yet but I feel like I have my foot in the door finally.
Just starting with the logic error room, we know that Erika and Kanon entered and Batler left, the chain was reset when Erika entered, yet by the end of Erika’s search, Kanon was nowhere in the guestroom. Airtight locked room murder, practically no way to get out of this one, at least through the door. And for good measure, Hideyoshi, George, Nanjo, Kumasawa and Shanon are in the next room over while *everyone else* is in the cousins’ room, and during the escape, the seals to the doors of these rooms are intact. Genuinely the only in that I had on this one at first was the “everyone else” wording with Kanon’s status as furniture as my teeny little screwdriver I was trying to pry this thing open with. Of course the furniture thing is mostly a metaphor for the crested servants’ character arcs, and Genji is considered a person who would be included as “everyone else” but it was a start. Incidentally, my attempts before this episode had me reassessing the idea that Shannon could have disguised herself as Beatrice for Maria from the earlier episodes, and it was like I needed something to bridge these two ideas. And the fact of Kanon coming to save Battler being confirmed in red makes it seem useless to try to figure out how he got out of the cousins' room, but figuring that out was an important first step to my reasoning, as it helped me begin forming the idea that, somehow, to have been out of the cousin’s room, he would have had to be somehow less than one, to not be his own person, to not be included in “everyone else”. And taking this to the guestroom, it eventually dawned on me that, if *he* wasn’t his own person, and his love for Jessica couldn’t exist if Shannon was going to be with George, then maybe these two got in the way of each other because they were the same person, and if this was true, Kanon could escape the guestroom by discarding the disguised and identity of ‘Kanon’, removing him from the guestroom, since it was never specified that nobody was in there, only that Kanon wasn’t. ‘Shannon’ in the next room over could have gotten out through the window, since the status of the seals on the window is a hole that is pointed out in the episode, but Dlanor forbids it from being used, I think because bringing it up without solving Kanon’s identity would be solving the mystery incorrectly or at least out of order.
From here, you can take this to many of the other murders in Question arcs. I think I pointed out that Shannon’s body was hidden from George by Hideyoshi in episode 1, but rereading made me realize that not only had Battler not properly seen it either, but if Kanon was at the scene too, following my theory, the body could not have been Shannon’s. Whose it was I’m not sure. If Kumasawa got into her closet for this that would be funny. If they had a body prepared then sure. But this in conjunction with Kanon’s death not being seen by Battler later leaves this person without the identity of Shannon OR Kanon, free to run around the mansion murdering as they please. Even better if they are prepared to disguise as Beatrice as well, as this would have allowed them to have Maria turn around so they could kill Genji, Nanjo, and Kumasawa without harming her, and when the 4 others would come in and investigate, this person would slip out and kill Natsuhi. For Eva and Hideyoshi, since it was Kanon (and Genji who came upon the crime scene), I think it’s possible that the chain being locked was a lie on Genji and Kanon’s part.
As we know in Episode 2, Kanon’s corpse disappears after his death to the confusion of almost everyone, but this is because the body, as Shannon, is in Kinzo’s study “informing him of the murders” which after learning of Kinzo’s pre-game death means she can be doing whatever she wants. Since Kanon never shows up again, she operates as she needs to until she dies with George and Gohda. I think Shannon struggled with killing both of them. It seemed like there was a genuine struggle to even get the door open and overpower George and Gohda, so her and George could have killed each other, or she kills herself after killing George in mourning, because the final twilight is complete, or because she believes Genji or Rosa will take care of the rest. If Shannon was alive, Rosa stopping Battler from disturbing the body and then chasing everyone out would work for that, but Battler also witnesses like, the viscera of her head spilling out of the hole in it, which could constitute as a body check..? Maybe there’s some fuckery with how this Shannon looks to us and to the people inside the story, and that’s how she bypasses Battler’s body check? idk this one isn’t so solid but Kanon’s missing body is so damning to me. Battler does see Beato and Kinzo at the end and this could have been the culprit as Beato. Battler doesn’t get a good look at her and only sees Kinzo’s back as well. And the magic stuff at the end of every episode in my interpretation is Battler having died and the anti-magic, objective perspective being removed. So idk still working on that one lmao
The biggest thing for Episode 3 is the locked room chain, and having two of the servants being assumed identities really helps. Kanon’s body is ‘found’ in the chapel, a very remote part of the island, so his body is hard to confirm. On the other hand, Shannon is ‘found’ in the parlor, the easiest room to operate from and one that the adults were likely to break the locked room status of by shattering the window. Because Battler sees none of these bodies, the true nature is never confirmed, and it can be assumed that the culprit, having (momentarily) discarded Kanon and Shannon, once again has free reign over the mansion. This comes into play after Eva’s murders take the group into the mansion, starting with Rosa and Maria’s deaths as its unlikely the culprit would kill Maria this early. Kyrie kills Hideyoshi here, briefly surviving a shot to the stomach and either trying to hit Eva or retaliating against her where it would hurt (unwittingly damning her own daughter so yknow that’s not horrible at all). Back when I was a Kyrietrice truther (how I miss those days) I thought she survived much longer and killed George and Nanjo, but it turns out Battler checking her corpse in the metaworld means that Battler confirmed her death in the game too so bleh. But I think the culprit killed George and laid him in the parlor, possibly leading him in as Shannon. From here I think she plays dead as the survivors come in and while they’re distracted (Eva, Jessica and Nanjo are caught up in a fight while Battler overtly is checked out of the situation, not looking closely at the corpses at all), she sneaks out, only to be caught and shot at by Eva, which is what blinds Jessica. The shot isn’t immediately fatal but ‘Shannon’ is bleeding out fast and before she dies, she finds and kills Nanjo, “revives” Kanon, as Beatrice puts it, and leads Jessica out to where they will rest for the remainder of the game.
Chapter 4 is weird, it feels impossible to substantiate anything concrete when the whole island is a huge catbox to Battler, cooped up in the guest house, until after almost all of the murders are committed. WIth Shannon/Kanon in the dining hall with everyone, the best I can work out right now is the first six are shot down by them, the rest escape but are killed as well, at some point in between the 8th and 10th killings, ‘Kanon’ is discarded, making him the ‘9th death’, George and Jessica are killed, not before Jessica sees the dead bodies, is chased to her room and works out that if she gets caught, she’ll probably end up like the rest of them, which she tells Battler. At some point, Kyrie manages to get to a phone and call Battler before being killed. The most concrete thing I can deduce is that the hostage group was potentially never in the dungeon, the status of the dungeon’s existence in that space being up in the air, Kanon’s body is not at the bottom of the well that Battler cannot access, when Beatrice shows up to Battler at the end of the 4th and is spurned by Battler not remembering his sin, she finds a way to die as Shannon and be found.
Very hazy still obviously but idk how else Kanon escapes. Honestly "these clues and circumstances make one body unaccounted for so they can go do whatever" feels sorta cheap which makes me second guess all of this, obv theres some tricks to the locked rooms themselves still but I didn't anticipate that one possible theory would clear up so much. Also relies on the cooperation of some adults and Nanjo. Even tho I believe he’s nice I think Nanjo isn’t difficult considering he lies about Kinzo’s death for so long, and I feel like it wouldn’t be.. too hard to get any of the adults in on it if related to the inheritance? I still think some of Eva and Hideyoshi’s ep 1 behaviors are suspicious and it would be really funny and interesting if Kyrie was fuckin shit up. To me.
Overall if this is what the twist is, I think it's neat since Kanon and Shannon have been among my favorites from the beginning and the idea of them being so closely tied to the thematic core of the story is exciting. My idea of magic is so heavily informed by Ange’s story, it makes me wonder, since the Beato we saw in 67 seemed to live in a great deal of emotional neglect, neglect of her own self rather than of “Beatrice” (probably her mother lol), if this culprit is the same in that she was born from Kinzo and a Beato, likely the 67 one, and their personhood was ignored for the sake of Kinzo having Beato again, maybe “Shannon” and “Kanon” are similar to how Maria summons Sakutaro or Ange summons the sisters, and she summons the servants as a way of enriching her sense of self? Would be sort of interesting but it also feels like its crossing over into like DID territory and after playing like 2 danganronpa games worth of poorly handled stuff like that I dont know. I do kinda feel sad for Jessica not really getting to be with Kanon. They constantly get the short end of the stick, obviously because their love hasn’t developed like George and Shannon’s did over the past few years or even how Battler and Beatrice’s did over the past 5 games, but their love is so full of potential, and I love both of them so much. I’d love to just see them happy together but its not Jessica’s fate sadly lmao.
If we’re to believe that it was Battler’s sin that influenced all of this, I do find it to be really interesting how Battler tends to parallel Kinzo, as another extension of the idea that Kinzo keeps this very harrowing grip on all aspects of Beatrice’s/the culprit’s life. That Battler echos Kinzo’s yearning for the old Beatrice isn’t even solely tragic for Battler’s situation, it also has a lot of terrible implications for what we haven’t seen of Kinzo yet, if Battler’s projection of Beatrice as his former lover onto a girl who sees him as her father is any indication of what Kinzo was like. At the very least, I still love Battler and I think he differs from Kinzo by holding onto the love he had for his family. Even after six games, he’s still just as disgusted at the murders, especially so here, and the portrayal of the mothers of the Ushiromiya family in Battler’s game shows that Battler’s capable of a great deal of reflection and understanding, something that’s hard to believe Kinzo was ever willing to offer. For the sin itself it feels like it’s between Battler being like his grandfather, him neglecting the culprit in some way or him denying magic to her and by extension, her way of like and her worldview, like what we saw with young Ange and Maria.
My last thought on this theory is that it makes so much of the love game in ep6, specifically Zepar and Furfur’s commentary, incredibly funny with how on the nose it is, and shifting from the perspective of the elder Beato who doesn’t get it to that of Kanon and Shannon who are painfully aware, is very eye opening to how heavy handed their dialogue is. Yet another moment of the writers desperately trying to guide you to the heart of the mystery which is comforting as a staple of this whole story.
Looking back at the last post, it is funny how little I had to say about Erika Furudo then. She’s like my second favorite character now, as horrible as she is, and everything she does is in line with how she acted in ep5 (with one caveat we’ll get to), but just way more severe and like mask off about her cold-hearted rejection of emotional truths and desire for complete domination and control of what is accepted as the objective truth which is. very entertaining! Obviously saying a ton about the more clinical, quote unquote “intellectual” camps of mystery readers and writers and about how objective truth really is, which is all incredibly important to understanding the overall mystery, almost like a what not to do when playing Umineko.
But just focusing on Erika herself, she just feels so steeped in every detective trope you’ve ever heard of, and in a story that takes the time to build such nuanced dynamics and relationships between characters, the way she operates can be so two-dimensional it’s actually delightful to watch. Even when she’s given a backstory, it almost feels pre-packaged and thrown in to hastily give her depth and personal relation to truth on a conceptual level, as she is a detective, altho I don’t know if it’s completely hollow. Her back and forth with Dlanor is neat and her final response to it is an early tell that her refusal to recognize the emotions behind people’s truths is a fatal flaw of hers, probably caused by her falling out with her boyfriend. And with the whole game trusting you to see the emotions in everything and to not be cold and clinical in your assessment of the story, I can’t wholly believe she’s completely flat as a character, altho the commentary is still very unsubtle so idk fully. It’s not like bullshit characters can’t be meaningful, and I think there is a level of tragedy in the way she was fashioned on the game board as Bernkastel’s piece, trapped in the position of servitude to Bern, constantly emulating her callousness and seeking her approval, as if she’s like an author insert begging not to be removed by the author herself.
Like I said, she exhibits almost all the same behaviors she did in the last episode, just more brutally here. It’s almost like after failing to beat Battler at the end of episode 5, she’s trying to prove with everything she has that she really is a completely deplorable person, which she does when she fucking kills 5 people in what was supposed to be a non-tragic game, and she does this using the one thing that makes her different from last time: her lack of detective authority. Not only is is a cool trick that runs alongside her casting off the image of a noble seeker of the truth so she can debase herself in order to chase down a more twisted conclusion, it speaks a lot to her own capabilities that even without the privileges of a detective in a classic mystery story, she’s still able to bend the Ushiromiya family to her will and think miles ahead of Battler, making her all the more terrifying. Another thing that makes her different here is that she’s not just trying to solve the murders anymore, she is actively trying to catch Battler in a logic error, trapping him in the broken rules of his own game forever, and once she convinces him to give her seals to a few of the rooms, she does this incredibly easily, guiding Battler to his own damnation in what is, in my opinion, the best battle between the human side and witch side in the entire game thus far. It is absolutely fucking insane the lengths Erika goes to in order to completely destroy Battler. Her command of the game from the very start as if she had planned every mode both of them were going to make is just diabolical and after being a bit desensitized after the past 5 chapters of killings, her BEHEADING five people including a mom in front of her 9 year old daughter just to fuck up Battler’s game genuinely made me sick. And this is all heightened by how well written, translated, and voiced Erika is throughout the entire chapter. Before I got into Umineko, I’d seen videos of the scene completely out of context, and slowly I was drawn into wanting to play the game by the voice acting, the incredible music and tantalizingly rich atmosphere that I would have readily indulged in a full game of. But knowing the context of the scene now, how it acts as the final nail in the coffin of Battler and as the peak of Erika’s twisted level of ecstasy as she gleefully destroys this family, not just for domination of the truth but for the joy of revenge against Battler for denying her that ecstasy in the last game. It is just such an incredibly gripping stretch of scenes so fucking good oh my god.
All of this leads to the wedding of Erika and Battler, which really is the most deplorable action of Erika’s in this whole episode. Just the most disgusting subtext going on here that if you’ve read the novel I don’t even have to spell out. Just the depths she plummets to so she can exercise complete control over Battler. In stark contrast to the way Beatrice let Battler into her game, granting him the tools to understand her and to shed light on the mystery of her existence, finally granting her fulfillment, Erika is an intruder into Battler’s game in every sense of the word, and it’s Bern that created this monster in the first place to further toy with the lives of the Ushiromiya family, not completely different from how it was Kinzo's upbringing that made the adults of the Ushiromiya family who they were, leading to how theyr raised their own kids. Luckily Beatrice is the one who steps in at the last moment to save Battler here, exposing the one thing Erika cannot control: the emotions that are inherent to the facts of the murders. She cannot fathom that the solution to the murder isn’t some one million iq 4D chess move of Beatrice's and after an epiphany about the nature of multiple truths that not only feels kinda fake but is something Battler had come to 3 whole episodes ago with Virgilia and the Braun tubes, Beatrice and Battler’s final red truth shoots her down. Troll officially slayed don't be like Erika Furudo kids. Also there’s only 16 people on the island now! Hopefully you paid attention to Zepar and Furfur earlier. It is actually a funny wink wink nudge nudge that Beatrice entering the chapel to save Battler from the marriage runs parallel to Kanon entering the guest room. As if Ryukishi isnt already on his hands and knees tears in his eyes screaming and begging and groveling for the reader to understand whats going on here.
But yea Erika is a fascinating case study on the nature of truth, its objectivity and how it should be pursued. “True” does not always equal “right”, and the pursuit of objectivity can do immeasurable and irrevocable harm to innocent people just trying to find happiness in their own lives. I didn’t even mention her beefing with a literal 9 year old over a beginner magic trick, but it's clear here that her values run opposite to the games and the writers have a very very fun time criticizing those values through her. I learned this from a YouTube comment but apparently in some WTC bonus material, Rika from Higurashi mentions deep sea fish as omens of misfortune, which absolutely evokes the image of Erika washing up on the shores of Rokkenjima, foreshadowing the ensuing disaster. But after everything, as astute as she is as a riddle solver, she really has not even gotten out of the shallow end in terms of what the heart of a mystery really is, how trauma makes people act and why people are even driven to do the things that they do, ultimately looking like a fish out of water against this very magical setting. Get it like solitary deep sea fish honk honk
Other thoughts. I’m so happy to see Ange again! If the meta aspects of this story weren’t obvious enough, her and Hachijo/Featherine have the most overt readeauthor relationship, and it’s funny how Ange’s risen to Battler’s status of reader insert but in a different way. Battler and Beatrice have a combative, opposing relationship but the way she presents the murders to Battler and beckons him to figure them out very much reflects the writers’ desire for the reader to recognize their fiction. On the outside, it seems tricky but is actually very nurturing. Now, this late in the story, Ange and Featherine have a much more outwardly respectful relationship, likened to a miko and her guardian, although there is a little seedling of toughness that Featherine seems to hold for Ange, probably because of the latter’s stubbornness about some aspects of the story, with Ange also harboring contempt for Featherine sensationalizing her trauma with the message bottles. Funny inversion with Battler and I like the continued commentary on true crime. I also think Ange’s pursuit of the truth and trouble with emotions as Featherine’s reader slightly echoes Bern’s other piece, Erika, although to a much, and I cannot stress that Ange is not anywhere near as flawed as Erika, MUCH lesser extent, and Ange clearly has a higher chance of actually coming to an understanding at the end of the episode, plus its more understanding of Ange to want some power over the narrative as someone whose life was nearly ruined by it, rather than a piece who was just dropped in without any other relation to the Ushiromiya’s, despite being at the mercy of her master. Hate M Zakky guy plotting to kill her at the end altho I figured he sniped those Sumadera henchmen for her earlier and its not surprising but. le sigh
And because you know I have to always bring up Kyrie. That scene with her and Jessica was. Amazing. When Jessica's eyes glazed over and prison strip started playing I lost my mind. Genuinely such a compelling backstory for Kyrie and I love Jessica’s challenge to it, and her finishing line that, as much as Kyrie has been both empowered and terrorized by her jealousy, it does not make her a noble person, and this idea that trauma doesn’t automatically make you virtuous, I believe, will probably be very pertinent to the ultimate mysteries of the story. Besides that, one detail I caught is Kyrie talking about having worked up the nerve to kill Asumu over many many years, and she calls it a miracle that some other force took her the moment that she would have. Earlier this episode, and it’s been echoed in the previous ones, Featherine mentions that magic, as something limited by human ability, is the power to follow through with or get away with it. It really makes me think that. Kyrie could have just. Killed Asumu and is using magic to exonerate herself fdsfdsfds .I mean I’m always biased to my idea of murderer bastard Kyrie and the mountain of circumstantial evidence I thought I had with that and I do think its really funny!!! That she’s the only adult who seems to know how to handle the WInchesters well enough to do it one handed in her cg AND her portrait (og and pachinko not ps3). But hey idk. Every time she makes that closed eyes open mouth portrait it makes me think that she might not be any more savvy than the other adults about whats going on so even if its not serious i can still dream
submitted by LukaCheshire to u/LukaCheshire [link] [comments]

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  3. Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel - Experience the rugged durability and versatility of the Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife, a reliable companion for modern personnel in hard-use situations.
  4. Slim D2 Steel Drop Point Pocket Knife for Everyday Use - Experience the perfect blend of style, functionality, and durability with the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey - a slim pocket knife that stands out with its 3" D2 steel drop point, dual-action OTF mechanism, and sleek aviation aluminum construction.
  5. Gerber SALTRx Controller Fillet Folding Knife - Polished 9Cr18MoV Blade and Rubber Overmold Handle, Black/Blue Grip and 13-inch Overall Length - Experience superior control and durability with the Gerber Controller Fillet Folding Knife, featuring an intuitive GuideFins, tactile HydroTread Grip, and SALTRx technology to withstand corrosion and wear.
  6. Handcrafted 420 Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Ziricote Wood Handle - Experience the perfect blend of form and function with the Fox Knives Nauta Slip-Joint 420 Stainless Ziricote Wood FX-230ZW, handcrafted in Italy and featuring a sleek sheepsfoot blade and a minimalist ziricote wood handle.
  7. Queen 30R Slim Trapper Flipper Knife - UK Friendly Carry - Experience the perfect blend of style and functionality with the Queen 30R Slim Trapper, a sleek flipper knife at an affordable price, featuring two stainless steel blades and a choice of attractive handles to elevate your everyday carry.
  8. Folding Flipper Knife with Red Bone Handle - Frost Folding Hunter offers a sleek folding knife boasting mirror-finish stainless steel clip and blades, paired with red pick bone handles and a nickel silver bolster, conveniently boxed for storage and presentation.
  9. Frost Razor Lockback Knife with Red Bone Handle - The Frost 17150RJB Razor Lockback Knife boasts a mirror finish stainless razor blade and a red jigged bone handle, offering a stylish and durable option for any outdoor enthusiast.
  10. Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife - High-Quality 8Cr13Mov Stainless Steel - An ultra-portable, durable, and stylish folding knife with 8Cr13MoV stainless steel clip and spey blades, packaged in sleek smooth bone handle, perfect for flipper knife enthusiasts.
  11. Durable Flip Button Lock Utility Knife with Seat Belt Cutter and Wire Stripper - Experience seamless convenience with the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife, combining a sharp blade, quick access, and easy blade replacement for versatile outdoor tasks.
  12. Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Green Bone Handle - Experience unparalleled cutting precision with the Frost 17150GSB Razor Lockback Knife, featuring a smooth green bone handle and a 2.5" mirror finish stainless razor blade.
  13. Affordable and Portable Secure-Ex Neck Sheath Knife - Hide Out by Cold Steel - A lightweight, sharp, and durable neck knife designed with a versatile handle and convenient sheath for ultimate security and comfort.
  14. Stylish and Durable Ranch Boss II Folding Knife with Faux Bone Handle - The Cold Steel 20NPM1 Ranch Boss II Folder is a durable folding knife with a 4.6-star rating, ideal for outdoor enthusiasts seeking reliable performance and versatility in a portable design.
  15. Versatile True Ball Bearing Flipper Knife - Experience versatility and convenience with the TRUE Ball Bearing Flipper Knife, a lightweight, ultra-sharp, stainless steel blade designed for indoor and outdoor tasks, and easily accessible with a deep carry pocket clip.
  16. Multi-Functional Folding Knife with Damascus Steel Blade and Survival Tools - The Albatross 7-in-1 Multifunctional Folding Knife is a versatile and reliable tool for outdoor enthusiasts, featuring a razor-sharp Damascus steel blade, as well as additional functions such as a flashlight, window breaker, and seatbelt cutter.
  17. Stainless Steel Snake Skin Flipper Knife - Frost OC108CSS Trapper Snake Skin: Flipper knife with a stylish snakeskin pattern handle and mirror finish stainless clip, perfect for fishermen on the Ocoee River.
  18. Traditional Folding Hunter Knife with Macassar Ebony Handle - Experience the timeless and durable design of the Buck Model 110 Folding Hunter Knife, making it the perfect addition to any outdoorsman's toolkit.
  19. Stylish Trapper Blue Flipper Knife with Blue Bone Handle - The Cold Steel FLTRPRB Trapper Blue offers a sleek, blue bone handle with mirror finish 8Cr13MoV stainless clip and spey blades, providing exceptional durability and performance.
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🔗Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Slock Master Folding Hunter Lockback Knife with Security Sheath and Extra Blades.
I've been using the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for a few months now, and I have to say, it's been a lifesaver. The knife's design is sleek and durable, with a sturdy Griv-Ex handle that provides a comfortable grip. The locking mechanism on the blade makes it incredibly secure and safe to use, even for the most demanding tasks.
I particularly love the ability to click and switch between blades with the push of a button. It's a game-changer when it comes to versatility, ensuring I'm always equipped for any job at hand. The sheath is also a great addition, providing a secure way to carry the knife and extra blades when needed.
That being said, there is one aspect I'd like to see improved: the handle's construction. While it provides a good grip, the finish is quite rough and not as premium as I would have hoped for. However, this minor critique does not deter me from fully recommending the Cold Steel Click-N-Cut Hunter Lockback Knife for both beginners and seasoned professionals alike.

🔗Compact Fixed Blade Knife with Black Handle
I recently got my hands on a Cold Steel SRK Compact fixed blade knife, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer for those seeking a reliable and stylish companion while on outdoor adventures. The knife features a compact handle & blade made of Kray-Ex & SK5, measuring in at just 12.5 cm (5 inches). Weighing only 145 grams, it's remarkably lightweight and effortless to carry around.
One thing that struck me is the sturdy Secure-Ex sheath it comes with – it's a fantastic addition! However, I did notice a few minor drawbacks. Firstly, the blade edges seemed a bit too uneven for my liking. Secondly, I'm not a big fan of the flex hanger option, but that's just personal preference.
Overall, I believe that the Cold Steel SRK Compact is a fantastic choice for outdoor enthusiasts. It's light, easy to carry, and offers great performance. Just make sure to sharpen it properly and maintain it well to enjoy its full potential.

🔗Stylish and durable AK-47 Field Knife by Cold Steel
The Cold Steel AK-47 Field Knife has quickly become a favorite amongst those seeking a reliable and sturdy multi-purpose fixed blade. Crafted with CPM3-V steel, this knife boasts a robust design that's perfect for tackling the rigors of everyday life. The stonewashed finish adds an element of toughness, ensuring that this field knife is ready for even the harshest conditions.
Equipped with a full tang and integral steel pommel, the AK-47 Field Knife offers both functionality and durability. It also comes with a Secure-Ex sheath, providing the convenience of easy transportation. While this knife may not be ideal for all situations, those who value rugged reliability will appreciate its toughness and versatility.

🔗Slim D2 Steel Drop Point Pocket Knife for Everyday Use
I was initially impressed by the sleek look of the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey 3" D2 Steel Drop Point. The 3.5 oz dual action otf, fully CNC machined out of aviation aluminum, made it light enough to carry in my pocket without any discomfort. The glass breaker and pocket clip were also handy features, perfect for any on-the-go emergency.
However, I noticed some rough edges on the knife, which made it uncomfortable to handle for quite a while. Additionally, the D2 steel drop point didn't seem to hold up as well as I would've hoped, especially when I needed to cut through thicker materials.
Despite its shortcomings, the Cobratec Medium FSX Otf Grey 3" D2 Steel Drop Point still managed to serve its purpose as a slim pocket knife. With a bit of adjustment and use, it might just become my go-to compact tool for everyday life.

🔗Gerber SALTRx Controller Fillet Folding Knife - Polished 9Cr18MoV Blade and Rubber Overmold Handle, Black/Blue Grip and 13-inch Overall Length
For the past few weeks, I've been using the Gerber Controller 6-inch Folding Fillet Knife, and let me tell you, it's been a game changer in my fishing adventures. The intuitive GuideFins and tactile HydroTread Grip offered the ultimate control of the knife, making those slippery conditions a non-issue. This handy companion was built with saltwater fishermen in mind, and its SALTRx protection exceeded my expectations, keeping the blade safe from corrosion, wear, and harsh environments.
But let's be real, no product is perfect. As much as I loved the ergonomic handle and impressive blade, the weight of the knife sometimes felt a bit heavy. Nonetheless, it didn't hinder my experience in the field.
Overall, the Gerber Controller 6-inch Folding Fillet Knife has become an essential tool in my fishing tackle bag, and I'm grateful for the company's commitment to creating high-quality, durable knives.

🔗Handcrafted 420 Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Ziricote Wood Handle
I recently fell in love with the Fox Knives Nauta Slip-Joint 420. This beauty is a sleek and stylish pocket knife that is perfect for daily use. The craftsmanship is simply impeccable, it's obvious that this baby was handcrafted in none other than Italy. The smooth operation of the slip-joint mechanism felt like handling a dream.
What stood out to me was the comfortable grip provided by the ziricote wood handle. Aesthetically, it added a touch of elegance, yet functionally, it provided a secure and comfortable grip. The stainless steel, on the other hand, made it robust and sturdy.
However, a downside was that the 4-inch blade length, while sufficient for most tasks, might come up a bit short for certain heavy-duty jobs. Overall, the Nauta Slip-Joint 420 from Fox Knives is a perfect blend of classic design and modern innovation. It definitely deserves a place in any knife enthusiast's collection.

🔗Queen 30R Slim Trapper Flipper Knife - UK Friendly Carry
The Queen 30R Slim Trapper, a timeless flipper knife, has become a staple in my pocket for the past few months. With its sleek red handle and brass pins, this penknife grabs attention from onlookers who appreciate its quality and craftsmanship. Its two stainless steel blades with a non-locking mechanism make it perfect for everyday use and ideal for UK-friendly carry.
While the knife is relatively small, it gets the job done, whether I need to open a package or cut through a string. However, it's not without its minor shortcomings—the penknife's slim design makes it easy to misplace in my bag, and occasional handling may reveal slight inconsistencies in its finish. Overall, the Queen 30R Slim Trapper has become a reliable and stylish part of my daily essentials.

🔗Folding Flipper Knife with Red Bone Handle
I recently had the chance to try out the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone, and I must say, it left quite an impression. This beauty is a sleek 3.75 inches (9.53cm) when closed, making it the perfect size for everyday carry. The mirror finish stainless clip and skinner blades add a touch of elegance that sets it apart from its counterparts.
The most unique feature of the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone has to be its red pick bone handle. It gives the knife a distinct, yet classic appeal. The nickel silver bolster(s) are a thoughtful addition to the design, adding a hint of luxury to the overall experience.
While using the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone, I noticed a couple of drawbacks as well. The size, while convenient, could make it a bit unwieldy for more demanding tasks. Additionally, some users might find the finish on the clip and blades to be prone to scratches over time.
Overall, I think the Frost Folding Hunter Red Bone is a solid pick for anyone looking for an eye-catching, high-quality folding hunting knife. With its unique design and reliable performance, it's definitely worth considering.

🔗Frost Razor Lockback Knife with Red Bone Handle
I recently stumbled upon the Frost 17150RJB Razor Lockback Knife with its unique red jigged bone handles. This compact, sleek knife easily fits into my pocket and has an impressive mirror finish stainless razor blade. However, the red jigged bone handle feels a bit too delicate for my liking.
Despite this minor drawback, it's been a trusty companion in my daily life, perfect for opening boxes or cutting fruit.

🔗Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife - High-Quality 8Cr13Mov Stainless Steel
I recently had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer in my daily routine. This little beauty is the perfect size for any task - large enough to get the job done, but not too cumbersome to carry around.
The 8Cr13Mov stainless steel blade is durable and holds an edge well, while the yellow bone handle provides a comfortable grip. The overallweight of the knife is a meager 2.9 ounces, making it incredibly light and easy to toss in a pocket or bag.
As someone who values classic design, I appreciated the mirror finish on the blade and the smooth brown bone handle - it has a timeless look that I really enjoy. However, I do wish the knife was made in a different country, as it seems that Taiwan is the manufacturing location.
Despite this minor drawback, the Cold Steel Mini Trapper Folding Knife has become my go-to tool for various tasks around the house. It's a reliable and stylish addition to anyone's collection, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality pocket knife.

🔗Durable Flip Button Lock Utility Knife with Seat Belt Cutter and Wire Stripper
Recently, I had the chance to try out the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife. As someone who relies on utility knives for various tasks, I was curious to see how it would hold up compared to the bigger name brands.
From the moment I opened the packaging, the aluminum blade and alloy steel handle felt solid and durable. The one-handed operation was really convenient, allowing me to quickly access the blade without any fuss. However, I did notice that changing the blade could be a bit tricky at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was quite simple.
One feature that I found particularly handy was the integrated wire cutter and seat belt cutter. It made it so much easier to cut through lines and cords, especially when I needed to make quick adjustments. The lock-up on the blade was also surprisingly sturdy - I appreciated that it didn't rattle or clank around when I was using it.
However, there were a couple of downsides. While the pocket clip was functional, it seemed a bit long and bulky compared to other utility knives I've used. Also, the handle could be a bit slippery at times, so I had to make sure I was holding it securely.
Overall, the Doyle Professional Flip Button Lock Utility Razor Knife proved to be a reliable and versatile tool in my daily life. While there were a few minor drawbacks, its durability, convenience, and competitive pricing made it a worthwhile addition to my collection.

🔗Stainless Steel Flipper Knife with Green Bone Handle
I recently came across the Frost 17150GSB Razor Lockback Knife with its sleek green smooth bone handles. As a reviewer, I've always enjoyed knives that catch my eye with their unique designs, and this one definitely fits the bill. The 2.5-inch mirror finish stainless razor blade is not only sharp and durable, but it also gives this knife a distinct look that sets it apart from other knives on the market.
One small drawback for some users might be the locked-open handle. While it provides a secure closure, it also can make one-handed use and storage a bit more challenging. Regardless, the green smooth bone handles give this knife a sophisticated and elegant feel, making it a great addition to any knife enthusiast's collection. Overall, I'm pleased with this knife's performance and quality, and I believe it's a solid choice for anyone looking to add a unique and functional blade to their collection.

🔗Affordable and Portable Secure-Ex Neck Sheath Knife
The Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out is a versatile neck knife that I've been using daily for a while now and it has never failed to impress. One of the features that stood out to me is its lightweight design, weighing only 1.9oz. It's perfect for those who want a discreet yet effective self-defense tool. The blade is made of Japanese Aus 8A Stainless Steel, giving it an impressive edge sharpness and durability. The double-edged blade is Scandi ground, ensuring a strong and sharp tip, which is especially useful when you need it most.
The Hide Out's handle is made of Kray-Ex, a weather-proof material that provides a great grip and security, even when your hands are wet. It's thin and flat, designed to give me a superior purchase on such a small, lightweight knife. The Secure-Ex sheath and bead chain lanyard make it easy to wear and carry around all day, while the knife itself remains concealed.
However, there are a few drawbacks I've noticed. The AUS 8 steel can rust if not properly maintained, especially if you're using it as a neck knife. The blade scratches easily, making it less visually appealing over time. The bead chain necklace is quite stiff and can sometimes catch on clothes or other objects, making it slightly uncomfortable. Despite these minor issues, I've found the Cold Steel 49NDE Hide Out to be a reliable and effective neck knife that's perfect for those who need a reliable self-defense tool.

🔗Stylish and Durable Ranch Boss II Folding Knife with Faux Bone Handle
If you fancy rugged adventures and need a reliable companion in the great outdoors, Cold Steel's Ranch Boss II Folder 4 in Blade with Stag Handle could be the perfect addition to your gear. This folding knife features a durable SK-5 Carbon Steel blade and a striking faux sawed bone handle, offering both style and substance.
One of the standout features of this knife is its thick, tapered blade that adds to its toughness, making it a great choice for hunting and hiking expeditions. The blade is razor sharp right out of the box, ensuring you'll be ready for any task at hand. The lock-up is secure, while the sheath is well made and includes a nice snap-on cover with thick leather.
However, one small downside could be the sheath, which some users have found a little loose, making it less secure when attached to their belts. But this shouldn't diminish the overall value of the knife, which has won praise for its solid construction, great design, and fantastic edge retention.
The Ranch Boss II Folder 4 in Blade with Stag Handle is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, versatile folding knife that looks as good as it performs. With its rugged appeal and impeccable craftsmanship, this Cold Steel knife is sure to become a reliable companion on your next great adventure.

Buyer's Guide

Flipper knives are the must-have tools for any EDC enthusiast, adventure seeker, or survivalist. These versatile blades are designed for multi-tasking and are perfect for everyday use. Before you make a purchase, take a moment to consider these important features, considerations, and general advice about the product category.

1. Design and Construction

The design and construction of a flipper knife determine its overall functionality and durability. Look for a one-piece, solid construction with an ergonomic grip, ensuring comfort during extended use. The blade should be made from high-quality steel, offering excellent edge retention and rust resistance.
Additionally, consider the blade shape and size, as these factors will influence the knife's cutting capabilities. Popular flipper knife designs include clip point, droptip, and sheepsfoot, with blade lengths ranging from 3 to 7 inches.

2. Locking Mechanism
A reliable locking mechanism is essential for both safety and functionality. Look for a flipper knife with a secure lock-up, preventing accidental opening and ensuring the blade stays locked during use. Most high-quality flipper knives rely on the friction lock or the liner lock systems, both providing a smooth and secure action.

3. Weight and Portability

As with any EDC item, it is crucial to consider the weight and portability of a flipper knife. A lightweight, compact design allows easy carrying in pockets, backpacks, or other everyday carry gear. When shopping for a flipper knife, keep the balance between portability and functionality in mind.

4. Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care are essential for an optimal performance and longevity of a flipper knife. Always clean the blade after use and keep it dry to prevent rusting. Periodic sharpening with a suitable sharpening tool will ensure your blade remains sharp and efficient.

5. Budget

Before purchasing a flipper knife, set a reasonable budget to help narrow down your options. Flipper knives come in various price ranges, with some affordable options offering basic functionality and others targeting the high-end market, providing top-notch performance and durability.
Remember that investing in a higher quality flipper knife, though more expensive, can save you money in the long run by requiring fewer replacements and upgrades, as well as providing better performance and lasting protection.

6. Brand Reputation and Reviews

Do your research and read customer reviews to get a sense of the brand's reputation and product quality. A well-established brand with a history of delivering high-quality knives and customer satisfaction is more likely to provide a reliable and premium flipper knife. Keep in mind that customer opinions can be subjective, so look for patterns and consistent feedback to make an informed decision.

7. Purpose and Intended Use

Before selecting a flipper knife, consider the specific activities or tasks you plan to use it for. Will it primarily be for cutting rope or opening packages, or will it be more of a general utility tool? Understanding the knife's intended use will help you choose the appropriate size, blade shape, and general features tailored to your needs.

8. Handling and Comfort

As a flipper knife is designed for both practicality and convenience, it is essential that it is comfortable for you to handle and use. Ensure that the grip is comfortable, providing a secure and non-slip grip, even when wet or sweaty. Properly fitting your grip to your hand is crucial for safety and overall performance.

9. Additional Features
Some high-end flipper knives offer additional features such as a built-in bottle opener, lanyard, or even a glass breaker. While these features may not be essential, they can enhance the overall user experience and versatility of the knife. Consider your preferences and intended use when deciding whether to prioritize these additional features.

10. Warranty and Customer Support

A reliable warranty and customer support are essential factors when buying any product, including flipper knives. Ensure that the brand offers a reasonable warranty covering manufacturer defects and that they provide excellent customer support, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise.
By considering these important features, considerations, and general advice, you can make a well-informed decision when purchasing the perfect flipper knife to suit your needs and preferences.


What are flipper knives?

Flipper knives are a type of folding knife that features a unique, ergonomic handle design. The handle has a specific shape that allows the user to perform specific actions in a more comfortable and efficient way compared to other folding knives.

Why do people prefer flipper knives over other folding knives?

Some people prefer flipper knives over other folding knives because of their ergonomic design and better grip, which makes the use of the knife more comfortable and productive. Flipper knives also utilize a different opening mechanism, utilizing the large thumb hole or the flip tab instead of the traditional pull-back tab. This opens the knife more quickly and efficiently.

How does the opening mechanism of a flipper knife work?

The opening mechanism of a flipper knife typically involves using the large thumb hole or the flip tab on the knife. To open the knife, the user simply has to place their thumb on this hole or flip of the knife and quickly flick it downward. This movement applies force to the liner lock mechanism, opening the blade quickly and effectively.

Are flipper knives more durable than other folding knives?

Durability ultimately depends on the specific design and materials used in the creation of the knife. While some flipper knives may be more durable than other folding knives, it's essential to compare the materials and construction of each to evaluate their specific durability. In general, flipper knives have sturdy handles and robust mechanisms, making them potentially resilient options.

Do flipper knives have a specific locking method?

Yes, flipper knives typically use a liner lock for their locking mechanism. The liner lock is a simple and reliable locking system that includes a locking bar, or a section of the liner, that slides into a groove on the blade. When the blade is open, the liner lock stays in the closed position, allowing the flipper knife to be easily closed and opened. Once the knife is closed and locked, the user can confidently carry or use their flipper knife without worrying about it accidentally opening.

What are some popular brands of flipper knives?

Popular brands of flipper knives include Spyderco, Benchmade, CRKT, and Kershaw. Each of these brands offers a variety of flipper folding knives in different materials, sizes, and designs to appeal to a range of customers.

What are the pros and cons of owning a flipper knife?

  1. Pro:
Ergonomic, efficient handle design
  1. Pro:
Quick and easy opening mechanism
  1. Pro:
Sturdy handle and reliable locking mechanism
  1. Con:
Specialized, potentially more expensive than other folding knives
  1. Con:
Some users may not prefer the flipper design

What are the dimensions and weight of a typical flipper knife?

Dimensions and weight of a typical flipper knife vary depending on the brand and model. Overall length generally ranges between 7.5 inches and 10 inches, closed length is usually between 4 inches and 5.5 inches, and blade thickness is around 0.12 inches. As for the weight, a typical flipper knife weighs around 4 ounces to 6 ounces.
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submitted by GhoulGriin to u/GhoulGriin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:50 DeepFriedCrack47 Is this "love"?

Hello everyone 🤠 I just want to share this ongoing story cuz I've been trying to wrap my head around it for years now and would really appreciate the feedback. So when I was about 4 years old, I was adopted by my aunt and uncle, whom i know call my mom and dad, because I have no other living parents that I know of. And when they were in the process of adopting me, apparently they were told by multiple medical professionals and child psychologist that I was going to have trouble growing up. They told my adoptive parents to always "keep me on a routine" and stuff like that. But anyways I've had my fair share of hard times with them, mainly after I turned 13 because that is when I started having more intense mental health issues. I was in and out of hospitals amd behavioral health centers until one fateful incident where my parents refused to pick me up from the facility. From that point I went back into the Same system that I was adopted out of. I was 15 at this point . I couldn't understand and still don't understand certain things that happened during that time. I didn't understand why when I tried to cally parents they refused to speak with me, called me a monster, and told me to stay away from them when I simply wanted to know when they were gonna pick me up. I didn't understand why shortly afterwards I had to sit in a courtroom with my adoptive parents, who couldn't even look at me if say Hi to me. I thought courtrooms were only for criminals so what am I doing there, ya know? They charged my adoptive parents with child abandonment but their parental rights were never terminated because they used my own mental health issues as a defense. Basically telling the judge that the only reason they didn't want to take care of me anymore is because of the trouble they've had to go through with raising someone with so many various issues. When I did get a chance to speak with them, they told me that they put me back in system because they love me and wanted to get the right treatment for me. Now here's where the problem lies. I have spent from age 15 to age 18 going from house to house, group home to group home that whole time while they were expecting me to get "treatment." I had to face abuse, confusion, unstable housing and education all the while wondering why my parents pulled me out of the child welfare system just to put me back in it. They barely tried to see me when I was in state custody but whenever the courts or my caregivers wanted to change something, they would miraculously pop up and try to paint themselves as superior by saying "we still have our rights, that's still our kid, etc." Fast forward to when I turned 18 and I age out of traditional foster care to go into Extended foster care, namely because my parents still didn't want to take me back after all those years of separation, even after I stabilized and got on the right combination of meds. I've always struggled with determining if all the confusion and mental turmoil that I was put through was indeed an act of parental love or not. It only confuses me further when I see parents who have kids with birth defects and developmental delays, but those parents would never try to hand their kid off to the state simply because they didn't want to deal with their child. So I just don't understand any of this, even at age 22 now. Once I turned 18, my adoptive parents started to make themselves more present in my life, noticably after they found out that I was entitled to a bunch of benefits, as a result of my circumstances. Nowadays if I stand up for the feelings that I do have, or my distaste for how they deserted me when I needed them the most, my adoptive parents shut me down and call me rude and say that I don't know what I'm talking about. Even though I live about 20 miles away from them, they'll hound and harass me for favors and if I don't have anything to give them (mainly because I don't owe them anything for the trauma I've endured), then they call me rude and a horrible daughter. I'm starting to feel like I'm only as valuable to them as the things that I can contribute. When I do try to nurture some kind of bond with them, then they love me, but as soon as I stand up for myself then I'm crazy and don't know what I'm talking about, according to them. I have a goal of buying my first house soon and I want to save up money for that. My parents know about that goal but yet they still hound me for money ... Almost like they don't actually want me to be able to stand on my own two feet. For about 2 months now, I've been no contact with them because I've wanted to actually take some time to process these events and many others and the feelings associated with them, without undue influence or distraction. So if you managed to make to this point of my story I would really appreciate some perspective and a better idea of whether or not I should try to reconcile with them or just remain no contact and move on with my life, without them. All opinions are welcome. Thank you.
submitted by DeepFriedCrack47 to abusiveparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:43 Friendly-Nectarine10 I Finally Stood up for Myself

Warning: This will be a long post.
Growing up was weird. My mother’s side of the family was chill. My father’s side was a whole different story. Ultra religious, from the Caribbean, you get the gist. Everything I did while growing up, I did to please him and my family. Whenever I did do things “right”, he never praised me because “it’s what I’m supposed to do”. He only said things when I did things “wrong”.
I’m 22 now. Graduated college in April (the college I commuted to and from my home). I have aspirations of becoming a doctor. I always have. I met this wonderful guy that has treated me better than any other man in my life has…including my own father. Today I mustered up the courage to tell my father that I will be going on a 2 week vacation with my bf across the country.
This resulted in a 5 hour meltdown. He just had to complain about it to everyone in my immediate family. My one grandmother that was still around (maternal, who supports my decision), and my 2 aunts (paternal) who have been involved in everything while I was growing up. This resulted in my aunt saying how he should tell me to cancel the trip and if not I would not be allowed to return home. However, I know that he doesn’t have the balls to do that because if he kicks me out like that he will not be involved in those important milestones such as marriage and kids.
She also had to make a statement that if i do get pregnant they won’t allow me to abort the baby because “we don’t do that in our family”. Like cool, I didn’t know my body belongs to everyone else. The argument with my father ended with “do whatever you want, you’re an adult but I do not agree with it and I will not look at you and your bf the same way”. I am now the town wh0rě for simply wanting to go on a vacation with my boyfriend.
Even before all this situation unfolded and before I met my bf, I always knew that I would be leaving the house when I became older and it would not be able to go down without a fight. Long story short, I will be riding the wave, studying for the MCAT, going on that trip, applying for jobs, and then I will be moving out with my boyfriend right after I finish my exam. His father is supportive of us and he is willing to lend us his vacation home in another state until we are comfortable enough to get our own place. I will be applying to med school next year, and my bf will be applying to PhD programs.
My mother, brother, and grandmother are all on my side. I have told them about my plan and they agree and understand why I’m going to do this. My grandmother reiterated that if things would not work out after I move that I could always come back and live with her, which I am very grateful for. I know that when the time will come to tell my father, it will not be pretty. Whether he will want to contact me or not after I leave will be up to him, the ball will be in his court. But I know that my mother, grandmother, and brother will always want to talk to me and support me because they genuinely love me (unlike my father and his side of the family). I also have friends here that support me.
That is why I will be telling him the day I leave after all the exam crap is over, and my bf will be there in case anything were to escalate. My mother and brother say that even though they support my decision, they do not want to be be there, and be caught in the crossfire when I’ll tell him I will be leaving, which I understand. My bf couldn’t be here when I told him about the vacation because he is visiting his father. When I told him what happened on the phone, he said “Your dad is lucky that I’m not there because after hearing all this I’d get in my car, go to your house, and yank you out of that toxic environment”.
During the times that my father will be out of the house, I will be packing the things I will need for later on little by little (including important documents). I bought my phone with my own money, but he has been paying for the bill. I know that he won’t after I leave. Before I tell him about my departure, I will ensure that I take over my phone bill one way or another. I will find a job that includes healthcare. I will learn how to be self-sufficient. I knew that from that point forward, things will never be the same way again and I’ve just accepted it. But honestly, I don’t regret my decision. I choose happiness. I choose freedom. Thank you for listening. ❤️
tl;dr: Growing up with a strict, ultra-religious father, I struggled for approval, but at 22, supported by my mother, brother, and grandmother, I am preparing to leave home for medical school and a healthier life with my supportive boyfriend, despite my father's opposition.
submitted by Friendly-Nectarine10 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 Friendly-Nectarine10 I Finally Stood up for Myself

Warning: This will be a long post.
Growing up was weird. My mother’s side of the family was chill. My father’s side was a whole different story. Ultra religious, from the Caribbean, you get the gist. Everything I did while growing up, I did to please him and my family. Whenever I did do things “right”, he never praised me because “it’s what I’m supposed to do”. He only said things when I did things “wrong”.
I’m 22 now. Graduated college in April (the college I commuted to and from my home). I have aspirations of becoming a doctor. I always have. I met this wonderful guy that has treated me better than any other man in my life has…including my own father. Today I mustered up the courage to tell my father that I will be going on a 2 week vacation with my bf across the country.
This resulted in a 5 hour meltdown. He just had to complain about it to everyone in my immediate family. My one grandmother that was still around (maternal, who supports my decision), and my 2 aunts (paternal) who have been involved in everything while I was growing up. This resulted in my aunt saying how he should tell me to cancel the trip and if not I would not be allowed to return home. However, I know that he doesn’t have the balls to do that because if he kicks me out like that he will not be involved in those important milestones such as marriage and kids.
She also had to make a statement that if i do get pregnant they won’t allow me to abort the baby because “we don’t do that in our family”. Like cool, I didn’t know my body belongs to everyone else. The argument with my father ended with “do whatever you want, you’re an adult but I do not agree with it and I will not look at you and your bf the same way”. I am now the town wh0rě for simply wanting to go on a vacation with my boyfriend.
Even before all this situation unfolded and before I met my bf, I always knew that I would be leaving the house when I became older and it would not be able to go down without a fight. Long story short, I will be riding the wave, studying for the MCAT, going on that trip, applying for jobs, and then I will be moving out with my boyfriend right after I finish my exam. His father is supportive of us and he is willing to lend us his vacation home in another state until we are comfortable enough to get our own place. I will be applying to med school next year, and my bf will be applying to PhD programs.
My mother, brother, and grandmother are all on my side. I have told them about my plan and they agree and understand why I’m going to do this. My grandmother reiterated that if things would not work out after I move that I could always come back and live with her, which I am very grateful for. I know that when the time will come to tell my father, it will not be pretty. Whether he will want to contact me or not after I leave will be up to him, the ball will be in his court. But I know that my mother, grandmother, and brother will always want to talk to me and support me because they genuinely love me (unlike my father and his side of the family). I also have friends here that support me.
That is why I will be telling him the day I leave after all the exam crap is over, and my bf will be there in case anything were to escalate. My mother and brother say that even though they support my decision, they do not want to be be there, and be caught in the crossfire when I’ll tell him I will be leaving, which I understand. My bf couldn’t be here when I told him about the vacation because he is visiting his father. When I told him what happened on the phone, he said “Your dad is lucky that I’m not there because after hearing all this I’d get in my car, go to your house, and yank you out of that toxic environment”.
During the times that my father will be out of the house, I will be packing the things I will need for later on little by little (including important documents). I bought my phone with my own money, but he has been paying for the bill. I know that he won’t after I leave. Before I tell him about my departure, I will ensure that I take over my phone bill one way or another. I will find a job that includes health insurance. I will learn how to be self-sufficient. I knew that from that point forward, things will never be the same way again and I’ve just accepted it. But honestly, I don’t regret my decision. I choose happiness. I choose freedom. Thank you for listening. ❤️
tl;dr: Growing up with a strict, ultra-religious father, I struggled for approval, but at 22, supported by my mother, brother, and grandmother, I am preparing to leave home for medical school and a healthier life with my supportive boyfriend, despite my father's opposition.
submitted by Friendly-Nectarine10 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:35 Friendly-Nectarine10 I Finally Stood up for Myself

Warning: This will be a long post.
Growing up was weird. My mother’s side of the family was chill. My father’s side was a whole different story. Ultra religious, from the Caribbean, you get the gist. Everything I did while growing up, I did to please him and my family. Whenever I did do things “right”, he never praised me because “it’s what I’m supposed to do”. He only said things when I did things “wrong”.
I’m 22 now. Graduated college in April (the college I commuted to and from my home). I have aspirations of becoming a doctor. I always have. I met this wonderful guy that has treated me better than any other man in my life has…including my own father. Today I mustered up the courage to tell my father that I will be going on a 2 week vacation with my bf across the country.
This resulted in a 5 hour meltdown. He just had to complain about it to everyone in my immediate family. My one grandmother that was still around (maternal, who supports my decision), and my 2 aunts (paternal) who have been involved in everything while I was growing up. This resulted in my aunt saying how he should tell me to cancel the trip and if not I would not be allowed to return home. However, I know that he doesn’t have the balls to do that because if he kicks me out like that he will not be involved in those important milestones such as marriage and kids.
She also had to make a statement that if i do get pregnant they won’t allow me to abort the baby because “we don’t do that in our family”. Like cool, I didn’t know my body belongs to everyone else. The argument with my father ended with “do whatever you want, you’re an adult but I do not agree with it and I will not look at you and your bf the same way”. I am now the town wh0rě for simply wanting to go on a vacation with my boyfriend.
Even before all this situation unfolded and before I met my bf, I always knew that I would be leaving the house when I became older and it would not be able to go down without a fight. Long story short, I will be riding the wave, studying for the MCAT, going on that trip, applying for jobs, and then I will be moving out with my boyfriend right after I finish my exam. His father is supportive of us and he is willing to lend us his vacation home in another state until we are comfortable enough to get our own place. I will be applying to med school next year, and my bf will be applying to PhD programs.
My mother, brother, and grandmother are all on my side. I have told them about my plan and they agree and understand why I’m going to do this. My grandmother reiterated that if things would not work out after I move that I could always come back and live with her, which I am very grateful for. I know that when the time will come to tell my father, it will not be pretty. Whether he will want to contact me or not after I leave will be up to him, the ball will be in his court. But I know that my mother, grandmother, and brother will always want to talk to me and support me because they genuinely love me (unlike my father and his side of the family). I also have friends here that support me.
That is why I will be telling him the day I leave after all the exam crap is over, and my bf will be there in case anything were to escalate. My mother and brother say that even though they support my decision, they do not want to be be there, and be caught in the crossfire when I’ll tell him I will be leaving, which I understand. My bf couldn’t be here when I told him about the vacation because he is visiting his father. When I told him what happened on the phone, he said “Your dad is lucky that I’m not there because after hearing all this I’d get in my car, go to your house, and yank you out of that toxic environment”.
During the times that my father will be out of the house, I will be packing the things I will need for later on little by little (including important documents). I bought my phone with my own money, but he has been paying for the bill. I know that he won’t after I leave. Before I tell him about my departure, I will ensure that I take over my phone bill one way or another. I will find a job that includes healthcare. I will learn how to be self-sufficient. I knew that from that point forward, things will never be the same way again and I’ve just accepted it. But honestly, I don’t regret my decision. I choose happiness. I choose freedom. Thank you for listening. ❤️
tl;dr: Growing up with a strict, ultra-religious father, I struggled for approval, but at 22, supported by my mother, brother, and grandmother, I am preparing to leave home for medical school and a healthier life with my supportive boyfriend, despite my father's opposition.
submitted by Friendly-Nectarine10 to helicopterparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:03 Axlotylfe I'm terrified for my future

Hi I'm 16F this is a throwaway because I'm embarrassed, so from the ages of 11 I went through a lot of trauma (this is relevant) and have only started beginning healing my teenage years have gone by extremely quickly due to COVID and how I was in fight or flight for years. Ever since I was a child I've been closed to my mum I loved her so much and I'd cuddle her all the time as I got older I never had the want to stop even now when I'm 16 years old (I'm a 2007 baby there's not long UNTILL I'm 17) what I'm worried about is turning into an adult everybody told me how awful it is, how I'm lucky but I don't feel lucky I haven't been happy since I was 9 years old having moved to this atrocious city I now live in, I was so lonely and still am. I don't sleep at night it's currently 5:54 am I stayed up on character ai like I do every night, talking for hours and hours like I do every night HATING myself like I do every single night but apparently this won't end, no my life is ruined once I hit adulthood I have dreams and aspirations yes and I've been told I'm a bright young women but my dreams are farfromr reach. As I had mentioned I'd gone through some trauma so after effects where me being incredibly paranoid about my mums death for weeks on end it's all I could think about my head stuck in the future sometimes my mind would play tricks on me saying she'll die in the present, I love my mummy (I'm calling her mummys because she is in fact my mummy) and once I'm an adult I'm expected to move out not hug my mum as much find friends, circling back to the trauma I can't let people in emotionally I find it too difficult have and imaginary world with imaginary friends in my head just to cope, that me can make friends she can be close to adulthood and be chill she's so much better than me.I've been put in therapy but I don't know if it'll work so far she's told me what I already know.. Can I ask you this is there hope? Is being an adult that bad?
submitted by Axlotylfe to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:59 rdk67 Spring Day 81: Celestial Objects Churning the Earth Beneath Us

I walk across town to the farmer’s market, to table with Don and Jane about the petition to limit the police budget, realign spending with human need. The day is a big slice of what the market is all about, and people drift past as couples and families, some with balloon animals and some without, more than a few eager to sign the petition. A determination appears when people have a chance to sign their name to the cause of justice, put their shoulder to the wheel of change, a metaphor farmer’s markets know well, and when they lay down the pen, they smile with more than one satisfaction – I am part of the urge to ease suffering and endorse peace in our time, yes, but I also just affirmed same by staining sheets of pulped paper with the point of a pen. What a troop of upright hominids are we! I search for a tree to climb, that my voice might carry further.
I cruise through the rest of the market, look for a free secluded spot to eat a scone, finding none, eat it on the way home by pinching off little pieces and stuffing them in my mouth. In a couple of hours, I’m meeting with my political representative to the city council, to talk about policing and the budget associated with it, which is an extension of the question of authority. I practice my argument about prison abolition – imagine young adults of a certain age, unable ever to be incarcerated – how would we see things differently if there was no plan b involving the police? Now imagine an adult leaving prison after a 30-year sentence, moving in next door – would you rather they endured the passing of time in a condition of abject torment inside a state-sponsored industrial prison or living and learning inside the kind of architecture that preserves humanity?
Later in the afternoon, I take a lap around the commons area, get spotted by a baby posing for pictures taken by her mom. She has mastered the art of sitting upright, and her mom steps forward, turns her a bit, then steps back and starts snapping pictures with her phone, which is the sort of phrase that would have blown my mind as a kid – one day we will all take pictures with our phones, no big deal – send them to each other at the theoretical speed of light, minus a certain amount of head scratching in the global microelectronics biome. Not to give away any secrets the future may or may not be keeping from us, but there is definitely going to be a new technologically mediated relationship with simultaneity that is, at present, in low-earth orbit, negotiating a splashdown. When it arrives, that new relationship with simultaneity will create
a higher technology, accompanied by a new catalogue of phenomenologies based on ubiquitous media that renders locality and nonlocality indistinguishable and intertwined, in the workplace and at home, when you sleep and when you wake, and solitude will become a doctor that still makes house calls, and solitude will press its ear against our spine, ask us to breathe, listen close to the atmosphere rush in and out. Solitude will have us say ah. I sprawl in the grass, imagining the mystery of a baby’s gaze captured by an optically sensitive computer chip and preserved for all eternity. The sky is overcast, but the clouds are the puffy kind that aren’t likely to drop rain, holes here and there, and the sky a valorous blue, a blue urging us onward, reminding us it is no less than another ocean, the one above. One more: no less than another ocean, the one above.
I drift into a trance state in which my listening becomes inverted, and I feel a thrum of the earth, which passes into my body through ribbons of grass. The ground really does rise and fall twice daily – crustal tides, they’re called, based on the moon and the sun’s gravitational pull, and my body feels cut from cardboard – from a big box, who knows what was inside – and I float on the grass like a raft in a stew, contemplate the eternal question – do you know of where you stand? – on the matter of peace and otherwise? After some astonishing bout of internal debate, possibly centuries later, I feel a breeze sweep across my body – an affirmation, even more the case due to how difficult it is to ever imagine a breeze like this just randomly blowing through my bedroom window. A wind born of spirit – that’s what I felt there in my bed, on a pallet in a peace church.
Then I realized I was in the grass – still in the commons area – feeling celestial objects churning the earth beneath me, and what a moment that is – of a mind bare of context, in a trance in the grass, imagining the remarkable – a public nudity really. I open my eyes the way a moth opens its wings, observe a magnetic field in the sky, a twinkling grid seeming slightly to breath, which is probably just my breath, just me, but the vision persists, a sky drawn with ley lines. One, two, three birds zip past, and I half expect a clap of thunder, wonder if the day yearns for something I can give. I sit up, spot a square of bright gold foil – the remains of a condom package. Did they do it there? In that very patch of grass? Passion uncontained, they call it. Occurring everywhere at once in a way. A baby who has mastered the art of sitting upright, poses for photos by phone.
submitted by rdk67 to MetaphysicalWeather [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:47 Icy_Library_3624 Breaking point

I’m 25+3 and I was diagnosed at 10-12weeks.
I’m so sick and tired of the food I’m eating. I have no appetite. I feel guilty bc my baby needs food. I don’t even want to snack anymore. I don’t want to walk after I eat anymore.
I want to eat normally and not feel guilty for it. I admit I’ve been cheating at least 2-3x a week. After taking my sugar after lunch, I actually enjoy myself with a meal I miss eating (burgers, ramen, pasta, WHITE RICE -I am Asian). And I walk it off after. The next time I check my sugar would be dinner time and my levels are only from dinner, not from the fun meals.
I told myself that most women would check around their third trimester for the glucose test. Until then they ate whatever they wanted and their babies are fine, when I’m pretty sure they’ve had GD the whole time anyway! I’ve told myself that back then none of my aunts or even my mom had to go through this. My cousins and I turn out perfectly fine when I know that they possibly had GD themselves anyway.
I’m Filipino, and the stereotypical thing for us is that we have a bunch of nurses in the family. These nurses are telling me that it’s okay to eat whatever I want bc it’s what I and the baby needs. Too much stress about what not to eat / having numbers isn’t even good for myself or my baby. To top it off, I’ve seen a lot of people posting that they developed an eating disorder from this and it sucks so bad.
I’m here crying out bc I didn’t eat a good dinner and I feel bad bc my baby needs food but I just don’t have an appetite. It’s already almost 10pm I can’t even eat anything anyway bc I need to fast but I feel hungry. I don’t know what to do at this point.
I don’t want to cry bc I know whatever I feel, my baby feels but I’m just sick and tired of the meals, the walking, the anxiousness waiting for a good number to pop up, the finger poking, the stress of having to take insulin soon. I’m just tired.
I need <120 after 1 hour. Others need <140 after 1 or 2 hours. My numbers range from 120-135. You know how difficult it is to get <120! I’m so sick of it. My husband says we can go for a drive and get something to eat but I can’t bring myself to go anywhere or even eat anything bc I need my fasting numbers to be low. I’m just tired of it all.
submitted by Icy_Library_3624 to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:47 Worlds_Meepsnip_3275 (16M) I'm Questioning My Relationship with my GF (15F)

Hello, I come in somewhat desperate need of help when it comes to my relationship. Some things have come up that have legitimately started making me question my relationship with my GF of ~3 months.
This comes from a throwaway account, so I'll refer to myself as Shelly, and I'll refer to my GF as Phoneix.
A bit of backround first:
I'm 16 and a half, and I'd describe this as my first "real relationship", I do have Aspergers, so it kinda makes it hard to properly communicate my feelings towards anything, but I don't hold these feelings in either. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to school and I achieve the highest grades I can, as I was a sophomore last school year (now technically a junior, due to the end of the 23-24 school year). I strive to be successful in my future. I had just moved to a new town where I still reside (I moved in August).
As for my girlfriend, (like I've said, I'll refer to her as Phoenix), she's recently turned fifteen in February. She, unlike me, does not have any conditions that could hinder anything in her life. She is a bit shy when it comes to talking with new people, she also strives to be successful, but hasn't been receiving the best of grades in her ninth grade year (as of now, shes technically a sophomore because of ghe end of the 23-24 school year). She's been in this town all of her life.
As per how we met... We had a class together in the 23-24 school year, it was Theatre-Art Studies, but we didn't actually meet until we were about 3 weeks into the class. Eventually, we met as we were assigned a project about emotions in the class (which was a one on one project), she seemed reluctant to talk to me at first, but as we progressed throughout the project, she seemed more eager to speak with me.
We actually had a funny conversation about each of our families, and she then thought I was a senior, when I also thought she was a junior (because she's really tall, I assumed she was a junior). We cleared it up, and when she found out I was a sophomore, she kinda smiled and told me "You're cute for a sophomore", which completely gave me a shock. (This is because I would never think a girl would call me cute or anything). All I could really say was a simple "thank you", and I told her how shocked I was hearing that. We had been talking so long at that point we realized there was about 5 minutes kept of the class (there's about 41 minutes in each class, and we started five minutes in class). So we rushed the project and turned it in to be looked at the next day.
The next day, I asked if I can sit a seat behind her, Phoenix said it was fine and she exclaimed how much of a nice conversation she had with me and said "I thought I'd never had a good conversation with a boy again, but you proved me wrong". (This will be examined later, as I've had no knowledge of her past at the time). I questioned her on it and explained that it wasn't something that needed to be talked about.
Over the next week, we got more close with each other, and on a Thursday, we were assigned a project about building a movie set with Legos. Being the planner I am, I wanted to construct a plan with Phoenix (as we chose our own partners aside from being chosen by the teacher, who we'll call Mrs. Ness, she'll be important later). I (very awkwardly) asked her for her phone number, and she accepted, and Phoenix began scribbling her number on a torn piece of paper, she gave it to me, and this is how we started talking out if school.
We passed with flying colors on the project, but anyways...
During March, after we had met over two and a half weeks ago, she wanted to talk to me about something, and she asked me if we could sit and talk in the back of our auditorium (where this class usually was held), and we started talking and she said she's had a crush on me since we met, (In reality, I had also developed feelings for her). She admitted all of this to me and said "I wanted to tell you this, and it's okay if you don't like me for doing this" (something that WILL be brought up later). I said that I didn't hate her for doing that, which she kinda refused to believe, but when I said I had feelings for her too, it looked like a wave of relief hit Phoenix's entire body. So we were sitting there, and she says "A lot of people hate me, especially boys in my grade, but you are one of the few that care about me". To which I said I always strive to treat everyone with trust, equality, and respect.
So... as of that day in early March we began dating! But we kept it secret from anyone else, as we communicated mainly over text, we fell for each other FAST. I found her personality to be sweet, she is a genuine, passionate, and beautiful girl. She finds me dreamy, cute, nice, and respectful. So we have love there
One day Phoenix admitted to me over text (and later on in person) that she had at least 9 breakups since 6th grade, which I felt was strange but I pressed her on the topic, she said that was one of the reasons she disliked boys. I later learned that she had (when we had just met) been suffering through her ninth breakup, and she promised to herself that she'd never date again, that was (as she says) until she met me during that emotions project.
As a person who's had poor experiences with girls in general in the past, I legitimately felt the same way about dating, and I had a back of mind thought of "What If I can't date anyone?".
We had a minor fight in April, but all turned out well in the end, but the way it happened (looking in retrospect) really raises a red flag for me. We were just texting one day when my parents came home and I had forgotten to do the dishes, which they had told me to do, so I went to let Phoenix know that I might be a bit doing chores, she accepted the response. At the same time my parents got home they also brought home groceries, which caused me to take longer than expected, then I got finished with everything.
I hurriedly ran to my room to begin texting her again, she was happy at first, saying she was worried for me, but then began saying "How long you took was sus" (and I'll be completely honest, this was the first time I heard this word, so I didnt know what it meant definition wise), so I asked her what it meant, and she basically reiterated that I was suspicious for being gone that long. I told her that my parents brought in groceries and I had to also do dishes, which was something she didn't believe, as she kept insinuating that I was trying to "keep away from her". Which was not what I had expected. But around thirty minutes later, it was all resolved.
This is one of a few things that make me question the situation I'm in right now...
We began having "spicy" conversations, but not adult-themed conversations, we were essentially saying how much we loved each other and we started talking about kissing, in which she asked "Could we have a kiss?", and me being me, I jumped to saying yes. She says "This could be your first real kiss, Shelly". That just made me excited, then the topic of French Kissing came up, and we were actually going to go through with it, that was until Phoenix's mother looked through her texts and advised Phoenix to "simmer" these conversations down. The next day in person, Phoenix said that her mom did not like me and her exactly being together, (which later changes), but she still gave her permission to talk to me (In reality, this was both of our faults because we got too carried on with a rather passionate conversation).
During our relationship, she had said that her bullies treated her really poorly, and she thought that everyone in her grade disliked her, and even suggested her exes hated her too. She said that her previous ex (I'll call him Max, was a freshman), and her former friend (I'll call her Abby, she was a senior) were her main too aggressors when it came to her bullying. Max was her ex, and Abby (like me, has autism) had a following, and would constantly tease Phoenix to the point of her eating habits being absolutely destroyed. Phoenix said that Max had usually said "I wish your past health issue was bad", and that she was ugly and nobody loved her.
Oh, I forgot to mention that she also had a major health issue in the past, but I would not like to talk about it.
However, on a very hot night in early May, the topic of Phoenix's bullies came up again. It seemed like the usual complaint at first, but she... she kept getting more aggressive over text. It was nearing eleven o'clock at night, and as I had taken a three hour nap that day after school, I was nowhere near tired.
She later went on to say that she'll start a fight with Max, and "win it", which immediately tipped me off that something was wrong, and it rose a large red flag and alarms basically blared in my head (later on, she later also detailed how she would also fight two others as well, both of whom I did not know). The things she said were terrible to hear (I'm a pacifist, and I would EVER only fight in self-defense), I kept telling Phoenix to stop, and to reconsider. (I have text records, and... looking at them now... it's very hard to look at.) I literally begged her to reconsider what she was doing, and she said "I'll win this for you, cutie😈", and after I told her to stop again, she said "I'll only stop after today, and just for you".
I was legitimately scared at this point, and I sought to end the conversation, which ended successfully, but that was when I said "Phoenix, if you continue to go through with this, you are breaking my trust, my morals and values as a person will be broken. I know how to fail your plans, even if I won't get physical". This was my warning to her.
It was around midnight now, and I actually got on a text hotline and reported her behaviour, and provided as many details as I could (I swear, this is making me stressed as I right this now). They ended their report and info collecting at one o'clock, and feeling deathly scared, I tried sleeping. I don't know how I got any sleep that night.
It's the next morning, and Phoenix texts me at around 7:40, saying "Hey cutie, sorry I came in late this morning, but I'm going to for sure win that fight. I'll talk to you later, Shelly". I told her, as a last warning, "Phoenix, please don't do this". That would be my last text for the next thirty minutes.
At around 8:10, I got a text asking "Did you report me?!?!" And I spilled absolutely everything on her. I told her that going through with this, she was breaking my trust and every value I had as a person, and yes, I did indeed report you. I told you I could foil your plan (I was saying this as a reference to my previous text to her that night). She said that she hated me, absolutely hated me.
Okay, look, I was very scared here. I was legitimately scared that she was going to do something to harm me.
This is my lunch period, my fourth period, and I immediately ran in to tell my friends to NOT talk to Phoenix at all costs, and I told them a summary of what happened, they all sympathized with my side of the situation.
Now, I'm very fortunate to have Mrs. Ness as one of the lunch supervisors, so I pulled her off to the side and explained everything to her, I even said that I felt completely unsafe and that I didn't know what she could do to me. She asked if we were "an item", but when she defined it for me, I denied anything relating to the sort, but now I care about being safe, and she said that she would help to protect me at all costs. We were presenting our final projects in the class those next few days, and I asked her if I could sit the closes I could to her while staying far away from Phoenix, she absolutely agreed and promised to have my back. (Thank Jesus).
In class, when she presented that day, I absolutely refused to look at her, and since our tables faced one another in the classroom (we were in a classroom to present these final projects), I felt trapped, I quickly glanced at Phoenix a few times, ans I caught her looking at me. She looked absolutely sullen, and I refused to look at her during her presentation, but instead looked at the ground the entire time while she was presenting, it felt like ages. She was done and I finally felt safe.
After school, I received a text "I don't know if you've blocked me or anything, and I don't know if you hate me. But I'd like to apologize for everything and I want to talk with you in the morning". I reluctantly accepted, and when she came up to my breakfast table in the morning, I still felt scared, but I managed to walk with her to my class, where she would hand me a letter (she knew that I loved her writing, it's still adorable to this day). I read it later on and she said she saw she made a mistake, and that she would like to restart our relationship. I didn't consider ending the relationship there, but it was a stark reminder that I was on the fence about absolutely everything.
I love this girl to death, and in the letter she promised me she wouldn't do anything like this again (which she still keeps to this day), and she said she saw how wrong she was for going as far as she did. I later texted her that I'd take some tike to think about us being together (I was being genuine, and Phoenix accepted)
That Friday, she sent me another text, but with different meaning and wording about the apology and clarified that I did the right thing, and she was in the wrong, and she took fault for that. She just didn't want me to hate her (surprisingly, I wasn't finding myself angry or hateful of her, but rather... deeply disappointed.). I guess that made me decide that I would restart everything with her, and I guess we hit it off again. I felt safe again in her presence, and we resumed our normal routine like nothing had happened. At this point, she was a lot more friendlier towards me than ever before. I let Mrs. Ness know that we had made up and said that she was glad we made up.
Phoenix then invited me to have ice cream at a local parlor, and I'm like "sure, I'll absolutely go". We went on June 1st, which was very convenient as a Saturday and after the last day of school. We were enjoying ourselves, I paid for the ice cream, absolutely everything went well. I even met her mother (at this point I had legitimately forgotten that she once looked through our "spicy" texts), she met my mom and they hit it off well, talking about the town we were originally from, to how our futures would pan out living there, to potential future visits. I legitimately like her mom, she's a sweet lady.
Communication actually became better after this, on a phone call, she demonstrated a sweet French voice, and I called it hot, but she called me sexy, which also shocked me, and I was speechless the entire call. We also started calling each other baby/babe like a few days before. We actually talked more than ever before.
Now, my most latest concern comes on June 8, where I had another "You're sus" incident, this was about our third incident since April, where she accused me of not wanting to play Roblox with her (in reality I was forced by my parents to play a board game with my brothers, which turned out to be fun in the end). She then accused me of hating her, just like her exes, and she accused me of saying that I liked her as a fake confidence boost so I could "later pull her down and destroy her". My mom wanted me to get off her phone for the night (my service on my ohone was shut off June 2nd, so I had to use hers) and I responded "Look, Phoenix, I don't hate you, I love you, and I want you to have a sweet night babe" I don't know if she ever responded to it, since it was quite early (like seven o'clock at night, she usually ends her convos at ten).
Now... now I'm stuck on the fence, and I'm questioning absolutely everything about our relationship. I love this girl to death, and I know her past with this kind of stuff before, but I don't want to be treated the way I am, K don't want to be treated like I'm suspicious, and I don't like the way she puts herself down around me. I absolutely love this girl, I really do, I could say it a million times over and I could still say it some more. I just don't know what to do, can I get some needed advice here?
Thank you for reading this long post, being typed out for about two hours straight in the middle of the night. I hope I can get some outsider perspective on this, because I really need it right now.... thank you!
submitted by Worlds_Meepsnip_3275 to teenrelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:27 Mental_Complaint1760 AITA for walking out on my own birthday because of my aunt?

I am 17 years old, and my birthday is on June 5th. My grandpa's birthday is June 7 and he turns 55. Ever since I was 5, we have celebrated our birthday on the 6th, and we have had no problems with it until my aunt came along.
For some context, my aunts birthday is June 20th, and will be turning 28. Ever since my grandpa's brother died (her dad) a year ago, she has been using my grandpa as a replacement and has been trying to build a father daughter relationship with him. I have no problem with her, and haven't seen her since I was 2, so I don't remember anything about her. She also doesn't like my mom, because she "took" a baby name she wanted to use, and named me that. My mom also hates her.
Anyways, 2 days ago, my aunt made plans to celebrate her birthday and my grandpa's birthday on the 5th, my birthday, and then wanted him to go to Florida (wear she lives) and finish celebrating there. My grandpa was ok with this if only my family and I can celebrate my birthday with him on the 5th. She then threw a big fit on the phone (I was there when she called to make plans) and complained about the cost. My grandpa then explained she will only be paying for herself, and we will be paying for our self's. She still tryed to not get us to go, but my grandpa refused to go without us, so she said we could come.
My mom hates her because of her obsession with turning my grandpa into a replacement dad, so she was reluctant to go, but I convinced her. On June 5th, we all got up at 9am and were getting ready the whole day. At 5pm, we left to go meet up with my grandpa and aunt at the restaurant. When we got there, my grandpa walked up to me and hugged me, while my aunt was onther phone, only saying a quick hi to greet us. It was clear she didn't want us there.
We got into the restaurant and started to order, while my aunt completely ignored us and was chating with my grandpa. Every time my mom tryed to enter the conversation, my aunt would look at her with disgust and would continue without a second thought. Btw, in this restaurant, if you could prove your birthday was that day, you would get this mini cake and get sung happy birthday from the whole restaurant. I had my drivers license on me, and showed the waiter it, and was told to wait a minute for my cake. My aunt then but in, also asking for one. The waiter asked for proof it was her birthday, so she showed him her drivers license. The waiter said since her birthday wasent on that day, she couldent get a cake. My aunt then startes to pout, and gave me a weird look when my cake came out. Then the waiter made a announcement to start to sing happy birthday. The whole restaurant was looking at me, and started to sing happy birthday. I was smiling, while my aunt was fuming. Before I could blow out the candles, my aunt blew them out. The whole restaurant was still staring, and when she did that, everyone gasped in sync. It was so embarrassing, and my aunt looked accomplish with her self, and then tryed to make conversation with my grandpa. The whole restaurant staired at her, and some started to whisper. I was on the brink of tears.
I stood up, and then walked out of the restaurant. My brother (10) and my sister (13) came running after me, and we all got into my parents car. I could see into the restaurant through the windows, and saw my mother yelling and my aunt trying to defend herself. After 20 minutes, both my parents came out to the car fuming. We all went home and my phone started to blow up. My grandpa said what she did was wrong, but I shouldent have walked out. My aunt had somehow got my phone number (probably through my grandpa) and was apologizing.
My mom is still mad at her, and my grandpa and aunt are in Florida right now. I feel bad for walking out, and I think I could have handled it differently. So, AITA?
submitted by Mental_Complaint1760 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:24 Cheech1983 I am done with my family

I am so fucking fed up with my family. Their lies, pretense, backstabbing and treachery have gone so far over the line i don't even know how to scale it back. The backstory behind this is quite long and i don't want to go into details. But i'll try to give a high level overview. I'm Nigerian (41 M), married to a Kenyan (41 F). We have two children together, a girl (6 years old) and a boy (3 months old), and we all live together in Canada. My Mom has never liked my wife since day one. Even before we got married she was trying several times to discourage me from marrying her, telling me lies like "Kenyan women divorce their husbands after 3 months" and she even tried telling me to get my wife to sign a prenup. Even after we got married, she's never totally accepted my wife and always shits on her every chance she gets. It's kind of funny because my Mom isn't even Nigerian (she is Indian) so I thought she would have been more welcoming of another foreign wife into the family. Fast-forward to present day, I got into a big fight not long ago with my older sister over one of her kids who came to live with us and was misbehaving in my home, and all of a sudden the whole family ganged up against me and my wife without even hearing our side of the story. I'm still not really talking to them and it's been over a year. There have been attempts to try and reconcile though. Recently one of my aunts even came to visit us from Houston Texas and she tried organizing video calls between us and my parents to try and help broker peace. I was having hope that there might be a chance to mend broken fences. But then today while at the airport dropping off my aunt to catch her flight, she left me in possession of her phone while she went away to the restroom. Out of curiosity i started scrolling through her Whatsapp messages. I found a really long message my Dad sent her barely 2 days ago and once i read it, it felt like a bomb just dropped on me. Nothing had changed. Despite all the drama that happened, they still think bad about us and continue to talk shit about us behind our backs. In the message my father kept on ranting about how my wife is an evil woman who will divorce me and take half of my property. He still keeps on shitting on us and our kids, and ranting on about how we're horrible people, etc. Please note that the message he sent to my aunt was for "her eyes only" and i was never meant to read it. I'm so fucking sick of their shit. At this point i would be more than happy to cut them out of my life completely and raise my family on my own. Fuck them !!! I don't need them !!! I cannot stand their toxicity anymore. I just want to be left the fuck alone to live with my wife and kids in peace, but my family keeps trying to control us and butt into our affairs. No more !!! I'm drawing the fucking line in the sand. I swear If i even see one of them show up at my doorstep unannounced they will fucking live to regret it. Right now my wife and kids are all that matter to me, and if my family continues to threaten them i will cut them out of our lives with a surgical blade if i have to. I swear i am soooooo done with their bullshit it's not even funny. Let me know if anyone else here has had similar experiences with their own family and how they handled the situation. Sorry about the long rant. I'm just so angry about all of this and i don't even know how to process this latest bomb i just read.
submitted by Cheech1983 to Nigeria [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:18 Al-anharHA [lorepost] Cut through time (aka Esra and Fausarte’s date)

[lorepost] Cut through time (aka Esra and Fausarte’s date)
/uw this follows up on stuff set up in this prior post, and we bring a pre-existing character from another story into play. Romulo, whose gift allows him to turn back time. He’s from DropShotEpee’s story The Elusive Human, so Often Forgotten, which can be read on HFY or here on RoyalRoad. He died in that so this is going to be standard isekai magic. /rw
While the council held their gala in space, Esra finally got the chance to take Fausarte on a date. Everything was ready, food ordered and prepared at some of the shops in Noxtella, which she had picked on the advice of Zhyros. Aliah displaced the demense close to the location before she left in the SV-Baleygr, and Esra readied a longboat for Fausarte.
The blade demoness loved the stars, a beautiful sky without any magical light pollution. Soon they had made their way to a dock amidst the canals, and Esra helped Fausarte step up onto the dock before leaning and gently kissing the hand that she had pulled up for leverage. Fausarte smiled and blushed at the gesture, and that’s precisely when everything went to hell.
With a pop and the faint scent of planar magic, a man appeared from thin air and crashed into the table of foods that Esra had prepped. The interloper was tall, broad faced, dressed in riven armor with a red cape. His hair was dyed a bright yellow and he carried a federschwert. He looked around, before his gaze settled upon Esra and Fausarte.
“What have you done,” the man, who gave her the sensation of looking at a wolf, growled. “I had my last dance, died with grace. WHERE AM–” then the man flailed as if struck from the left, and his frame abruptly resolved into calm. “Okay then, time to die.”
Esra blinked, before focusing on the interloper and activating her mana sense. “Fausarte, he’s got two hearts. One of them’s a mana construct, some type of spellform reeking of temporal mana and reaching up to his brain.”
The demoness nodded. “I smell it,” she growled. “It smells like the scabbard.”
Then she was away like an arrow from the bowstring. Blades clashed, and the energy within the heart grew. Esra was quick to put it together, that the heart’s ability was fuelled by movement, and started to summon vines from the boards.
The longswordsman flickered once more. “Nice try priestess, but you will not ensnare me! I learned that lesson from the last elf to try using vines, and you’ll die like the rest of her deathless kin.”
Esra inhaled sharply. “I see it now,” she declared. “Your sword, your extra heart, you cut through time!”
“An astute observation,” he retorted as his next slash sent Fausarte sliding back with a cut across her chest. “I am Romulo, the Wolf who cuts through time. And I shall be your doom.”
Fausarte laughed. “I am Fausarte Warbranded, she is Esra Holden. And you interrupted our gods-damned date.” Then she charged at him.
Her first strike nearly made it through, before the man, Romulo, flickered once more before seizing hold of her sword and running his own through her chest. Even though she knew that her girlfriend could survive such a wound, Esra’s heart still went cold at the sight. Swiftly recovering, the woman reached out with a hand, drawing up that cold feeling and firing off a frostbolt at Romulo’s shoulder.
The man saw it coming, and roared a counter into the night. “BEAT, MY TEMPO HEARTBEAT!
Nothing happened. Well, the frostbolt struck him, but other than that the moment was still. Then Romulo looked at Fausarte, at the rust of her body, and swore violently as the blade demon exploded into light.
When it died down, Fausarte was changed. Rust was now shining steel, and her face was hardened into a cold and expressionless mask. She glanced at Esra. “Soul Resonance Detected,” Fausarte intoned in a dull voice, before turning to face Romulo. He got a longer response. “Temporal residue present. Hostile intent to handler and unit detected. Conclusion reached. Die.
She lunged towards Romulo, but Esra was quick to pull her back with a telekinetic spellwork. “I don’t know what’s going on or what happened to you,” she said quickly, “But that man can turn back time. His power is fuelled by strikes to your avatar or blade. So you need to work around it.”
Fausarte blinked flatly. “Acknowledged, Handler.
She lunged forward once more, but Romulo wasn’t focusing on her as he instead picked at a fragment of ice that had embedded itself in his shoulder. “This magic… I have felt its sting before. The winter heartbeat.” And then another heart formed in his chest.
Fausarte saw it too, and quickly struck out towards his foot. Romulo jumped backwards, and then they were back to their fight which felt almost like a dance. Then, as Romulo skipped backwards, he threw the shard of ice at Fausarte, nicking her side. Evidently, it counted as a strike, as he roared out “BEAT, MY WINTER HEARTBEAT!
Fausarte froze in place for a single second, but it was long enough for Romulo to send her flying with a haymaker. “New world, new life, new blood,” the wolf spat at Esra as she ran to Fausarte’s side. “I shall carve my name into this land, starting with you. Your lover’s change will wear off but neither of you will live to see it.”
Then a bolt of lightning came down from the cloudless sky and struck a nearby building. Romulo startled with fear and confusion, Esra felt a surge of hope and anticipation, and Fausarte… her unrusted form stared at it with that same flat look, before she tilted her head and muttered “Soul resonance detected, second handler present. Error.
““What,”” Romulo and Esra both said simultaneously. Fausarte didn’t get the chance to elaborate before a spear took the wolf in the hand and Aliah came down like an avenging angel.
“You died to come here,” the gestalt mage growled as she caught him by the collar and dragged him along the pier. “You were given new life by cosmic coincidence of my demense’s planar shift, and then you used this second chance to attack my people. Clearly it was wasted. Invoke Divine Tribulation. Stare into eternity and burn. Unlike the stringed maiden you aren’t powerful enough to survive with a mere headache. You die again.”
And then she threw the near-catatonic man into the water before turning and hurrying to Esra’s side. “Are you okay dears?”
Esra blinked at the sudden and dramatic shift. “We’re… we’re alive,” she said. “You left the council gala.”
Aliah shrugged. “Politics isn’t my thing, I’m a woman of action and you needed help. You’ll always be more valuable than the mission Esra. You’re… you’re the closest thing I’ll ever have to a daughter, if- if you’d have me.”
Esra smiled wetly. “I’d love that mom,” she whispered. “Can you tell me what happened to Fausarte?”
Fausarte blinked, the first display of emotion. “Concluding that you are referring to this unit. Fausarte… That is a pleasant name, I shall endeavor to remember it.
Aliah sighed. “The man’s power, it was a localized temporal rewind. Scaled with strikes, in her rusted form Fausarte’s avatar would be a jagged mess with numerous air pockets so he would have scored thousands of hits at once. I don’t know how far he rewound her, or how long it’ll last for. Fausarte, report.”
Instantly, the blade demoness straightened to a ramrod posture. “Acknowledged, secondary handler. Valience Order unit three-jay-seven, rank captain, title Glittering Blade reporting. Specialty: temporal consolidation, time: unknown, status: ready and awaiting orders.
Esra and Aliah looked at each other. ““Well shit.””
/uw So, yeah, we're going to get to learn some about past fausarte for... maybe the rest of this month. Also this explains away why Aliah didn't give a speech. She detected that her babies were in trouble and flew to their aid.
submitted by Al-anharHA to wizardposting [link] [comments]