Bhabi badli story

My perspective on nice guys as a “bad guy”

2024.06.10 01:38 needquickie My perspective on nice guys as a “bad guy”

My perspective on nice guys as the "bad guy"
I just wanted to make this post to give some perspective from the perspective of the “bad guy” on why it failed for a “nice guy” so that people here can learn from it. I am in the role of the “bad guy” in this situation but I don’t believe myself to actually be a stereotypical bad guy.
I met a girl in college in one of my classes. We hung out first in group settings with mutual friends from the class before moving onto hanging out one on one. We slowly got closer and within the next few months, eventually became a couple. During that time, the nice guy was pursuing her as well. He had known her for at least half a decade at this point being friends, but he had feelings for her and was trying to make moves. He bought her expensive and personalized gifts, and would constantly invite her to one on one activities/dinner. From outsiders and his pov, it looked like he was doing everything right. He was a complete gentleman going above and beyond, yet she picked a “bad guy” over him.
Imo, the biggest downside of being too nice of a guy is that you never break through the surface. Even though they had hung out one on one and talked for years, he was never able to get truly personal. He never bantered, never joked harshly, never pushed on personal subjects or events, never asked for more than he needed, etc. People might call this being “too boring”, but it was more so that the close intimate bond wasn’t truly there. On the other hand, I bantered with her, made cruel and mean jokes, asked her really personal questions that no one else did before, etc which lead to an intimate type of bond with her. The other big thing was he did not make any real declaration of pursuing her. He never flirted, never asked to go on a date, never talked to her about relationships at all, etc. All he did was ask her to one on one dinners. It felt like he was trying to be too much of a patient gentleman who did not push anything forward out of respect. This just added to how he was unable to go beyond the surface level.
These are just what I learned and noticed about what it means to be “too nice”. There is obviously much more to it and to the story, but hopefully this can give some insight. Feel free to ask any questions and I will try and answer.
submitted by needquickie to FA30plus [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:38 DirectorUsuals any short games to play while waiitng for elden ring dlc release in 10 days?

Hey there! I'm on the hunt for some short games to pass the time during my 9-day break. Work's been exhausting, and I'm just about ready to crash for a nap. Recently, I finished playing King Arthur Legion IX, a neat turn-based tactical game. It's a shorter experience, but I enjoyed it, especially with the undead Roman soldier twist compared to their previous title, King Arthur Knight's Tale.
In case you're wondering, I've already tackled all the FromSoftware games and similar Souls-like titles, including Crab Souls, which was surprisingly good. Team Ninja's games, like Rise of Ronin, are also in my completed list. Now, I'm eagerly awaiting the upcoming games showcased during events like the PC Gaming Show, but it's too bad they're far away. Thankfully, Steam's Next Fest demo drops tomorrow, offering a chance to sample some potentially great short games.
I recently finished Wuthering Waves, and while it's not bad, I'm itching for the next story update. In the meantime, it's become my go-to alongside Genshin Impact. The recent 4.7 update for Genshin has been meh; I only liked Clorinde's story more, though. Also, I've been hooked on Star Wars: Hunters lately; it's quickly become my preferred multiplayer game over the likes of Valorant, League of Legends, and even Overwatch 2.
When it comes to single-player experiences, I gravitate towards roguelikes and visual novels, especially the shorter ones. Alongside Genshin and Honkai: Star Rail, I'm always on the lookout for new titles. As for platforms, I mainly stick to PC gaming, although I do own a PS5 and a Switch. My PS5 sees action solely for Stellar Blade.
submitted by DirectorUsuals to Eldenring [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:37 cyberpenguin808 Need a book where the MMC fucks up and then genuinely apologizes

I'm so fucking mad rn. I just stayed up all night reading a reverse harem book. The MMCs fuck up and when the FMC brings up how it hurts her, they just kind of minimize it and blow it off. There are a few times where it shows that the MMCs feel bad about it, but they never voice that to her! Fuck I couldn't even read the smutty bits because I was so mad at the MMCs. Like bitch don't fuck them! Ugh I'ma be mad at them for the rest of my life tbh.
I need help guys, I need stories with GENUINE APOLOGIES 😭
submitted by cyberpenguin808 to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:36 Fabulous_Mud_2789 [Multiple Games] Plats 65-67!

[Multiple Games] Plats 65-67!
Been in the process of moving, and playing long games is always there, I took some time to get some shorter platinums. The third one is actually one I did in the evening after moving! With all the sales, I was making a lot of impulse purchase on cute, simple games on my wishlist, and these are all of them besides Holy Potato! After this, I'll be posting Shenmue, maybe Shenmue 2 if I can keep my focus long enough lol. Gonna give 3 some time to cook to emulate the fans experience of the wait, since this is my first run.
List preceding my thoughts:
65: Bird Game+
66: Gris
67: Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion
Bird Game was basically a flash game, and that isn't bad, but it's just a runneinfinite runner for better and worse; the art style is what it's coasting on, and in my opinion, I liked it enough to play through the whole game, and am considering Hard Mode for fun. Very laid back honestly, and simple plat if you're looking for that. If you have a means to play your games portably, it's fantastic for that.
Gris is, in the exact same vein as Bird Game, coasting on its art style. It's a lovely, if not very simple Metroidvania, but the impact is all in art design and music scoring. Wish there was more to it is my main issue, as it really deserved some extra runtime, even though I understand thematically, the story had to end where it did. Even if it were just more puzzles or something. Some art games really get me excited about the possibility of games, but I didn't really get that feeling with Gris, and that's disappointing, because it had the framework for it.
Turnip Boy was an echo of the last half line for Gris. It was a really unique story, presented incredibly cute, but it didn't feel like it filled the framework it set forth as much as it could. Maybe the sequel does that (will have to hop on Steam or Switch for that one sadly) but it doesn't here. The game itself, removed from wantonness, and just like with Gris in regards to wantonness, all of them otherwise, is that they are lovely and incredibly simple games, that don't push too much out of the box but what they do is a good evening spent.
submitted by Fabulous_Mud_2789 to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:35 Informal-March7788 $100 for a piercing is too much

Where I live it’s $70-$100 for a piercing other than your eaface, while you can get tools to pierce yourself online for $10. I understand the complications you can get from a bad piercing, my thing is that going to a professional does not keep you safe from complications, and if you want multiple piercings the cost adds up fast. A lot of the risk of piercings comes from how well you take care of it at home, which the piercer has no control over. There are also endless stories online of piercings rejecting or being placed incorrectly even if done by a professional. I understand this is an unpopular opinion because if it wasn’t piercers would go out of business, but I’d rather take the slightly higher risk to my health and do my piercings myself if it means saving $390 on the piercings I have planned (not including the expected 20% tip lmfao).
submitted by Informal-March7788 to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:34 Ok-Speaker8733 Is my BF (20M) overreacting about me (19F) forgetting our anniversary?

So long story short, my boyfriend and I were on the way to the beach and I started talking about the day we became official. It comes up a lot and we always recount all the details down to what we ate that day. I brought up how we are approaching a year together and I said, “the 24th of August is coming up!”. He then tells me that isn’t the right day, so I say, “the 22nd?” He says no. I was thinking of my college move in/orientation dates most likely since that’s been on my mind. Then I say, “the 10th?”. And he replies, “no, it’s the 11th”. I laugh and tell him that I’m terrible with dates, but I could’ve sworn it was the 24th. So, I check my calendar where I set reminders for each month we are together, and sure enough it’s the 11th. I tell him he’s right and I can barely remember the date of my mom’s birthday either so it’s nothing personal, that’s just why I use a calendar. However, his mood completely shifts. Maybe I’m ignorant, but I thought he was upset that we were going to the beach (because he’s not the biggest fan). I try to make conversation with him to bring up the mood because I really wanted to have a fun day together (we are long distance so I like to make the most of our time spent) and he won’t engage in conversation with me. He talks quietly, sounding irritated, and uses one word answers. Again, maybe I was being stupid, but I ask if he’s tired to see why he was acting like this all of the sudden and he says yes, so I leave him alone until we get to the beach. When his behavior and obvious irritation towards me doesn’t improve, I finally ask him, “did I do something?” and he responds with, “actually yes. I can’t believe you forgot the date of our anniversary and now I understand why I am the first person to text happy anniversary on the 11th each month.” I said sorry, but added that I felt he could’ve communicated that differently. I also followed up saying that I didn’t realize we had to say something every single month. Obviously 6 months and a year are big milestones to recognize and I already had started planning for our one year. I felt like he was angry and implying that I didn’t care about our relationship enough, but he said that wasn’t the case and he wasn’t angry, just disappointed. I started crying because I felt really bad, but I also felt like this was a crazy battle to fight. I told him I understand how it’s important to him, but for me personally, an anniversary is a yearly thing and it isn’t all that significant to me when I feel as if I’ve known him all my life. He wanted to move on, but it’s been bothering me since. Should I have responded differently?
submitted by Ok-Speaker8733 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:33 Bloodbath-Slayer Amiya's module description

So... i decided to search for medic Amiya's module description, and i used google translator to understant what it was saying and it describes a lot of this, possibly saying what next events will happen in main story.
Of course, don't expect some sentences to be written correctly.
Kal'tsit stayed at the door of the command room for a while.
"Doctor Kal'tsit?" Someone in the room spotted her first.
The girl raised her head at the conference table. Even though she tried hard to let Kal'tsit see her, most of her face was blocked by the pile of documents in front of her, with only the tips of her furry ears exposed.
"The head of the Leitanian caravan did not object to the terms of cooperation." Kal'tsit approached and picked up the documents scattered on the table. "However, this does not mean that they will accept it completely."
"Well, during the negotiation, although their tone was very polite, the way they looked at me... well, cold and fierce." The girl frowned, as if she was still feeling the remaining hostility around her.
"Try to..."
"Try not to be disturbed by other people's emotions, especially bad emotions. I understand." The girl smiled, "Don't worry. Mantra's team is already monitoring them. Mr. Logos said that if they dare to do bad things to Rhodes Island, their hands will be frozen to their staffs before they take action."
Logos probably deliberately controlled the rhetoric and reduced the negative portrayal of the effect of the spell. The other operators are still adapting to this new young leader. They often subconsciously regard her as the child who needed protection in the past. But everyone who thinks so will soon be shocked by the meticulousness and competence shown by this eleven-year-old child.
Amiya is growing up rapidly. The sleeves of the dress she ordered three months ago are no longer long enough. Not to mention her mind. For a while, Kal'tsit felt that the Amiya she saw every day was different from the day before. Is there something wrong with her perception of time, or is the influence of the "Demon King" still not fully controlled?
"Doctor Kal'tsit..." Amiya's voice became smaller and thinner, "I dreamed again."
"...What kind of dream?"
"I dreamed of...a person. She sat side by side with me, held my hand, and said a lot of things to me. Some were from my past, and some were things I hadn't experienced yet."
"The future?"
"Well...maybe. In a very large, mobile city with high iron walls. The war broke out, and many people...especially the Sarkaz, died. Black stones grew everywhere."
"The person who said these words..."
"She was so sad, so sad. However, she was very strong and didn't cry all the time. She said she wouldn't give up, and the future would definitely be better."
Kal'tsit reached out to the girl. In the past year, they didn't often talk about the people who left. Amiya might still need some comfort. "It's normal to miss someone, Amiya. You don't have to suppress your feelings for Theresa."
"Ah... I really miss Miss Theresa, I miss her very much. But the person I saw was not her." Amiya opened her eyes wide, "Doctor Kal'tsit, I think the person I saw in my dream was myself."
Kal'tsit was slightly surprised, and Amiya hugged her first.
"I'm hungry after talking for so long." The girl shook Kal'tsit's hand pitifully, and ran out of the command room while talking, "Isn't it time to accompany me for dinner?
"What should I eat... How about bean stew? Mr. Scout said that it will taste sweeter after adding carrots...
"Wow, it turns out that the temperature in Ursus is so low now... Will people who don't move feel cold?
"Doctor Kal'tsit... Doctor..."
Kal'tsit held Amiya's hand and walked, and couldn't help thinking--
Kal's work is good. It turns out that this corridor is so bright.
Now, this slightly suggests what to expect next:
  1. the timeskip between act.2 and act.3 will now be 3 whole years, due to the description "17 year old girl", and Amiya was last recorded to be 14 years old (talking about heavy burdens for a 14 year old).
  2. It appears that we should expect to see Ursus as our next destination, which kinda makes sense bc Rhodes island is still fighting for the infected people, but who knows.
  3. Amiya's nightmare may possibly be Civilight Eterna's warning about the second coming of the observers, perhaps using the previous arrival as an example of how bad things will be, and how she must act to at least survive she and her beloved ones.
  4. It is rethorical this last one, but it slightly suggests that kazdel is now more stable and amiya can still go and stay for brief moments to Rhodes island, which is kinda obvious, but at least it makes you think that things are going manageable for amiya.
submitted by Bloodbath-Slayer to arknights [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 Electrical-Candy-347 Boyfriend wants a kid. I'm leaving him

I know a lot of people are gonna say I'm the asshole and that he deserves better and maybe they're right but I need to tell my story. I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm a little drunk and English isn't my first language.
I (F21) met my boyfriend (M35) well now ex boyfriend at a photoshoot where he was the photographer and I was his model. Please don't comment on our age difference, it never mattered to me. I've always been super mature especially since I've been on my own since I was seventeen.
Ive never wanted kids. I made that decision since I was young. I don't wanna hear the "you'll change your mind, when you get older" I won't. I don't want my body to change, I don't wanna have to deal with my body getting bigger, I don't wanna have to give up my freedom and my job because let's be honest here women's careers so go down after they have kids. My independence means a lot to me and I don't wanna lose that.
My ex however is the exact opposite. He wanted a family and even though I always made it clear to him that I don't want that he didn't mind.
But ever since he turned thirty five back in January things started to change. He started to give me ultimatums about having kids and he said he at least wanted to try, I begrudgingly agreed. I went off birth control but quickly went back on for many reasons, when I went off it I got insanely depressed, my skin got really bad and my periods came back when I told him that I needed to get back on he kept on argued and told me that he needs to start having kids now because he isn't getting any younger. I don't mind being the provider of our relationship. I love my job and I love being able to spoil the man I love but my job isn't possible while pregnant and while I'm post partum and someone is gonna need to work to keep up with the stuff I pay for.
I understood but he currently lost his job as a photographer and I'm the breadwinner. I make a lot of money so I can support the two of us. I tried to explain to him that I will not have a child until he gets a job that makes more or the same amount as me because I like my lifestyle and I don't wanna my "child" to suffer in poverty like I had too.
He finally agreed and I decided to get an IUD just incase. I didn't tell him, which yes is a bitchy move but I honestly don't care. We are not married and I don't owe to tell him that.
During this time he would start getting really controlling about the outfits I could wear, the photoshoots I could do and so many parts of my life like friends and how many parties I could go to, if I ever I said no he'd say I was crossing his boundaries.
Yesterday everything blew up more then I could imagine. I came back home late from a long photoshoot to my boyfriend sitting on the couch angrily starring at me. He started to yell about how I'm whore and a liar because I booked the UID appointment without his permission and I reminded him of a our deal that he needs to get a high paying job and that when he threw a empty bear can at my direction saying that I don't need to remind how I'm doing better then him because I decided to whore myself for money.
That's when I had enough and I told him that he doesn't need to stay with me and that I'm sure he can find any woman out there who will be more than happy to have kids with a low salary. He responded by throwing a black box at me that had a small ring in it saying that I lost the opportunity to get married. I told him that we both agreed that we didn't want to get married and he just screamed as a response. I won't go into detail about what happened next but we went from arguing to him being on top of me, no, it wasn't rape. I could've said no and I'm stupid that I'd didn't. I just felt scared and weak and I'm so sorry that I didn't say no, and in his defense he was high and drunk so he probably had no idea what he was doing..
By the time I woke up this morning I knew I had enough. I knew that I couldn't stay here anymore. I try never to have too many stuff as I never knew when I needed to run so I just grabbed my bag with all of stuff and took my cat with a few of her favorite food and toys, called up my friend so I she could take my other car and now we're both this in secret cabin he doesn't know about so I don't think he'll be able to find.
For I don't know what to do. I know I won't get any sympathy and I know I don't deserve any. I am a liar and I did waste his time. Thank you if you read this far and I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense..I'll try my best to answer any questions. Thanks for reading. Bye
submitted by Electrical-Candy-347 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 Matt7ian I’VE STARTED GETTING RESULTS

(Please be mindful as this is my first post on this subreddit and on Reddit in general, all I do on this app is browse. Also I am rewriting and reposting this as I had accidentally posted my first draft without finishing what I was trying to say!!)
This is pretty long so I’ll put a TL:DR here
I was struggling with pain for a month and am currently overweight, saw Embarrassed-Tip-4749 post a few days ago on how they got results in 11 days and I was desperate, and now after 2 days of trying their method, I am now pain free and lost a little bit of weight!!
A couple days ago, this redditor (Embarrassed-Tip-4749) had posted on here saying how they had gotten results almost immediately after changing up their mindset, the way they listened to subliminals and the subliminals used.
I’ve been listening to subliminals for damn near a decade with minimal to no results, and I want to chalk that up to bad mindset, inconsistent listening, changing my playlist every other week, and just not having enough information with how I should be navigating this.
I’m here now because I followed a majority of what Embarrassed-Tip-4749 had explained and what had gotten them results so quickly.
So to explain my situation now, I’m was in pain, overweight (211 lbs), and damn near pre-diabetic (Thanks to my dads side of the family) ALONG WITH staying and living with mentally and emotionally abusive parents who still treat me like a child and a slave (I’m over 20). I’m taking loans and going to community college and have no job (I’m applying everywhere but none are reaching out to me, including fast food restaurants).
At the moment, I’m eyeing for the military (Air Force) but my dog had chewed up my passport when my mom had carelessly left it out so I’m in a bit of a huge pickle right now trying to renew it.
I’ve tried the military back in 2022 (Navy) but was separated due to injuries and was told to try again after 6 months. I’m healed now, but there is a problem with my hip.
For the past month I’ve had nothing but horrible pain on my right hip, to the point where it was difficult getting off of bed, standing up from a chair, and even just walking. And with wanting to go back to the military, I knew they would find something that’ll disqualify me and have me stay with my parents.
I tried my approach with subliminals again, ones for weight loss, good health and free of pain, and I was seeing results, but very slow and not too noticeable results that entire week.
The pain was still there, but I could walk a bit freely without feeling anything, but standing up from a chair or getting up from my bed was still a struggle.
I did lose weight, not a lot, but just 3 pounds that week.
I’ve tried meditating, but would always get distracted, I’ve tried SATS, but with how busy my day goes with school, taking care of my brothers, job applications and interviews and dealing with my parents, I sometimes forget to do it and just immediately fall asleep, I do my best with LOA every morning but I’ve been losing motivation because I haven’t been getting any results from that no matter how consistent I try to be.
I want to add that I’m in a much better mindset and emotional state than in my past because of how desperate I want to leave and live my own life away from my parents. I am happier, and now have something to look forward to. I try my best to not let my parents get to me because I know once I’m away, my life will be a whole lot better than what it is now.
And when I saw Embarrassed-Tip-4749’s post. I got desperate.
I followed through with everything but making my own subliminal and listening to their playlist (I had my own).
I felt like I was in a pretty good mindset, and with this routine of listening to all of those subliminals, the detachment along with focusing on them would help me.
I’m honestly crying right now, the feeling of being able to sit and lay down and get up without suffering is such a miracle to me right now.
For a month I’ve felt nothing but pain, pain I thought would never go away, pain I thought would pause my life, pain that felt like it’s been with me for YEARS.
And now it’s just GONE!!
When I tell you how GRATEFUL I am for Embarrassed-Tip-4749 because they had literally changed my life with their method. And I see a lot more hope with changing my life than before!!
I’m now going to add more in my playlist for attracting money and getting accepted to a job so that I’m able to pay for a new passport, preparing supplies for bootcamp (I’m going to a recruiters once I reach my weight in the 100’s), and paying for a new phone and phone bill.
I’m starting to get my documents in order because I just want to be prepared. My parents have made me financially dependent on them and I want to stop that.
All this just feels so surreal and it feels like I’m taking my next step for a new chapter in my life.
Thank you all for reading this far, and knowing my story. I hope I bring just as much motivation for you as what Embarrassed-Tip-4749 did for me.
And if anyone has any recommendations for attracting money subliminals please let me know!!
submitted by Matt7ian to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:31 Beginning_Bank9200 Progressive claims adjuster trainee

I have my final interview with progressive tomorrow for the claims adjuster trainee position in Pasadena, California. All i have been seeing online are horror stories about how bad it is. If anyone has any level headed, honest reviews or tips, it would be greatly appreciated. Should i give a shot or is it pretty much a guaranteed burnout and nightmare.
submitted by Beginning_Bank9200 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:30 Electrical-Candy-347 Boyfriend wants a kid. I'm leaving him

I know a lot of people are gonna say I'm the asshole and that he deserves better and maybe they're right but I need to tell my story. I'm sorry if this is confusing, I'm a little drunk and English isn't my first language.
I (F21) met my boyfriend (M35) well now ex boyfriend at a photoshoot where he was the photographer and I was his model. Please don't comment on our age difference, it never mattered to me. I've always been super mature especially since I've been on my own since I was seventeen.
Ive never wanted kids. I made that decision since I was young. I don't wanna hear the "you'll change your mind, when you get older" I won't. I don't want my body to change, I don't wanna have to deal with my body getting bigger, I don't wanna have to give up my freedom and my job because let's be honest here women's careers so go down after they have kids. My independence means a lot to me and I don't wanna lose that.
My ex however is the exact opposite. He wanted a family and even though I always made it clear to him that I don't want that he didn't mind.
But ever since he turned thirty five back in January things started to change. He started to give me ultimatums about having kids and he said he at least wanted to try, I begrudgingly agreed. I went off birth control but quickly went back on for many reasons, when I went off it I got insanely depressed, my skin got really bad and my periods came back when I told him that I needed to get back on he kept on argued and told me that he needs to start having kids now because he isn't getting any younger. I don't mind being the provider of our relationship. I love my job and I love being able to spoil the man I love but my job isn't possible while pregnant and while I'm post partum and someone is gonna need to work to keep up with the stuff I pay for.
I understood but he currently lost his job as a photographer and I'm the breadwinner. I make a lot of money so I can support the two of us. I tried to explain to him that I will not have a child until he gets a job that makes more or the same amount as me because I like my lifestyle and I don't wanna my "child" to suffer in poverty like I had too.
He finally agreed and I decided to get an IUD just incase. I didn't tell him, which yes is a bitchy move but I honestly don't care. We are not married and I don't owe to tell him that.
During this time he would start getting really controlling about the outfits I could wear, the photoshoots I could do and so many parts of my life like friends and how many parties I could go to, if I ever I said no he'd say I was crossing his boundaries.
Yesterday everything blew up more then I could imagine. I came back home late from a long photoshoot to my boyfriend sitting on the couch angrily starring at me. He started to yell about how I'm whore and a liar because I booked the UID appointment without his permission and I reminded him of a our deal that he needs to get a high paying job and that when he threw a empty bear can at my direction saying that I don't need to remind how I'm doing better then him because I decided to whore myself for money.
That's when I had enough and I told him that he doesn't need to stay with me and that I'm sure he can find any woman out there who will be more than happy to have kids with a low salary. He responded by throwing a black box at me that had a small ring in it saying that I lost the opportunity to get married. I told him that we both agreed that we didn't want to get married and he just screamed as a response. I won't go into detail about what happened next but we went from arguing to him being on top of me, no, it wasn't rape. I could've said no and I'm stupid that I'd didn't. I just felt scared and weak and I'm so sorry that I didn't say no, and in his defense he was high and drunk so he probably had no idea what he was doing..
By the time I woke up this morning I knew I had enough. I knew that I couldn't stay here anymore. I try never to have too many stuff as I never knew when I needed to run so I just grabbed my bag with all of stuff and took my cat with a few of her favorite food and toys, called up my friend so I she could take my other car and now we're both this in secret cabin he doesn't know about so I don't think he'll be able to find.
For I don't know what to do. I know I won't get any sympathy and I know I don't deserve any. I am a liar and I did waste his time. Thank you if you read this far and I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense..I'll try my best to answer any questions. Thanks for reading. Bye
submitted by Electrical-Candy-347 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:28 daph_- I was told someone will "0day" me

I just played a game of R6 and long story short me and another teammate got angry with eachother. He first asks if I know what Wireshark is and I do so I assumed he would ddos me (which he eventually did). Before I got booted, he said "finna 0day ur ass, I'll doxx u". I didn't think he was gonna until I was booted. Assuming he does actually "0day" me, how bad can it be and what could I do to prevent it?
submitted by daph_- to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:26 daph_- I was told someone will "0day" me

I just played a game of R6 and long story short me and another teammate got angry with each other. He first asks if I know what Wireshark is and I do so I assumed he would ddos me (which he eventually did). Before I got booted, he said "finna 0day ur ass, I'll doxx u". I didn't think he was gonna until I was booted. Assuming he does actually "0day" me, how bad can it be and what could I do to prevent it?
submitted by daph_- to cybersecurity_help [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:20 Weedaaaholic Midder - Should I gank sidelanes?

I'm a 3k Pleb, I've always played mid, and this meta, more than most metas lately, ganking sidelanes seems bad in 9/10 games.
If I won my lane mid, chances are there is both more gold and XP for me if I stay mid.
If i lost my lane mid, chances are enemy sidelaner cores are same or higher level than me. If i try to gank chances are I'll die for it, even if the gank is succesfull, earning me even less gold AND xp than had I just stayed in my lost midlane.
If i do gank, and I won my lane, chances are that I lose my tower because no support goes mid to defend it.
If i do gank, and I won my lane, chances are that my sidelane, that I am not ganking, will lose / start feed because the support came mid to defend the tower.
And last but not least, The enemy midder will have a free lane while I am gone trying to gank.
So far, the only ganks that seem like "good ganks" are when I win my lane mid AND I find a BIG power-rune (haste,dd or arcane, depending on the hero).
I have to have killed the enemy midder first (so no rotation is required by the supports), get the big power rune (so my rotation basically holds twice my hero value), and not have TP on CD so i can TP back to the mid lane the moment the gank is over. (to minimize any potential loses)
Long story short, it seems that mid has become rather static.
The risk and tradeof from doing a gank, as a midder, in one of the sidelanes, seems like a bad gamble, unless the previous conditions are met.
Yes ofcourse I've had games where I lose mid just to go to a sidelane to gank and snowball back into the game, those games seem like exceptions and seem like they rely on bad play from the enemies (lacking map-awareness, vision etc) rather then being the "correct" play.
What am i missing here? Am i missing anything?
submitted by Weedaaaholic to learndota2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:19 misterflocka Should I sell my Uniden DFR9?

Long story short I bought a radar detector with my employee discount back when I worked in retail. It is a Uniden DFR9 and it’s a pretty solid unit. It will pick up very well with C/O.
I haven’t mounted it and my car since the mount is terrible and my car is a slow grocery getter. The speed limits in my area are obnoxiously low and I’ve only had 2 tickets (14mph and 17mph over on rural highways) in 6 years of driving. Was using Waze with both tickets and the state police made a u turn to pull me over. Local Sheriffs don’t care but the State Police are the worst in the country (known fact) when it comes to speeding. Heck, even my grandma has been ticketed. My state’s current governor was a strong advocate for keeping the national limit at 55 back when he was a senator. In those instances I wasn’t using the detector. Maybe would have saved me. Both tickets were dismissed with traffic school. Also the mount that came with it is terrible and it’s broken, I will have to hardwire and use a Blendmount if I want to actually get use out of it. The false K band signals are really annoying too. I haven’t used the detector in over a year.
I don’t want to acquire any more tickets and might just sell it. It’s annoying going the speed limit, but there’s things I can’t control that could happen, and I could be found responsible for a crash, even though I have the best touring tires and OEM brakes money can buy. I’ve never been in an at-fault accident in my 6 years of driving. There are many areas I never would speed out of respect as many of the people (old retired people with time on their hands) in my state call in to police and complain about speeders. I see them complaining all of the time on Nextdoor. Unfortunately they’re Americans too and their complaints are valid and should be heard. I’m a huge car guy but car accidents are a PITA (I’ve been in not at fault ones) and bad for everyone involved and I really like my $72/month insurance rate with a great company. Too many tickets/accidents and I’ll get dropped.
I’m either buying a Blendmount and hardwiring or just selling the thing. Not sure what to do. It’s really annoying checking the speed limit all of the time and where my speed stacks up to it. Also judges/prosecutors probably HATE detectors if I had to guess.
Just don’t go over 9mph over (that’s what my lawyer said) and sell this RD or hardwire?
submitted by misterflocka to radardetectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:11 FaithlessnessFew70 I need someone to talk to

My life is going throught some.hard times. I have two lovely children who I love, but now I find out that my wife regularly sexting with someone else. I feel like I was living my life in lie. I loved her, I play with suicide thoughts quite o lot now. Only reason why Im still here are my two little kids. Sorry my case isnt so bad in compare with others stories, but I dont have any friends to share my minds...... Sorry for my english
submitted by FaithlessnessFew70 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:10 Electronic-Arm-8962 Am I over reacting to how lokg she takes to reply?

I’m 27M she’s 26f.
I have a tendency to overthink but something feels a bit off with her. I’ve been on 3 dates with her over the period of 6 weeks. We had to pause for a month due to us both being away.
Recently we went on our third date and I felt it went well. We made out a bit. Had a laugh. Even after I left she text me a picture of a movie poster saying ‘next date?’
But then again she’s gone a bit cold. She’s never been very good at replying to texts. But it’s literally maybe one a day maximum. When she was on holiday she didn’t reply for the entire week. Unprompted she said she was sorry that her replies sucked so much and they’d be better when she’s back. But they barely have been. She uploads and watches my Instagram stories, but doesn’t reply.
I often end up feeling really stressed like she’s ghosted me. Then she replies
But this time I asked her how her weekend was and added at the end ‘shall we do something soon?’. She replied to the weekend part but not the do something. I followed up with that saying ‘is that a no to doing something?’ And she hasn’t replied in 24 hours. It’s not unusual for that. But it really puts me on edge.
Could it actually be that she’s just bad at texting? Or should I give up?
Tl;dr girl I’m seeing is really bad at replying to texts and I’m wondering if she’s just not interested
submitted by Electronic-Arm-8962 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:08 wleches Seeking advice on how to handle a friend who my dead best friend did not like

Long story! TW: death
TLDR: In 2021 my mom died, then in 2023, my closest friend died. Between then, I fell in love with my closest high school friend, it didn't work out. Now my high school best friend wants me to be the maid of honor to her wedding but my deceased best friend hated her because of how she treated me. She hid a relationship from me the year before. Looking for perspective/advice on how to best move forward.
So I'm a 27 yr old female, currently wrapping up my degree, all while recently coming out of the top 2 tragic events of my life. In late 2020, my Mother got diagnosed with terminal illness. I took off grad school and went home to be her primary caretaker. These were the most profound 6 months of my life. Her and I always got along, but she raised me to be independent, I left home at 18. This time brought us together closer than I thought possible, and for that I'm forever grateful.
My Dad cheated on her during the last months of her life. I still haven't fully forgiven my father for abandoning us during that time. He was completely absent, emotionally and physically. Never in my life did i have so much stress on my shoulders, but knowing that I was able to provide her the environment to pass in peace means everything to me. As crazy as it was, it has also made me more grateful than ever for my close friends since my family is dysfunctional.
During that time I basically lost contact with everyone except my closest friends. My high school best friend, Liz, was one of them. We always kept in touch throughout the years. Looking back, it was always me who was reaching out, always me who was going to visit her place, and I didn't mind the amount of one sided effort because she was always glad to see me and we always enjoy our time together. Liz lost her sister when we were 16. So, during the time I was taking care of my mom, she offered me some pieces of advice that I took to heart immensely. Her words are what kept me together during some of the toughest moments of that time, and although I had always looked up to her, since those moments I value her deeply. She's also one of the only friends I have who even met my mom.
I made a great friend in my first year of grad school, Ali. We clicked as besties immediately. He had lost his father early on in graduate school, and so when I lost my mother, he one of the few people I felt really understood me. Before and after I came back to graduate school, he was my anchor.ll
Over dinner with Ali in spring of 2022, I said I think I'm in love with Liz, and it wasn't the first time I'd had those thoughts over the years. Ali gave me practical advice: asking if I'm sure, what I'm going to do about it if anything, telling me I plan as if I'm expecting her to say no, and I totally agreed. I told him I wasn't even sure if I was making it all up in my head or not. Liz and I saw each other about once a year since high school, and maybe I was overhyping our perceived chemistry.
I ended up going home for a cousin's wedding and stayed at Liz's apartmemt for most of it. Liz has pretty much always been in back to back relationships since high school. It'd been a few months since Ali and I started talking about my feelings towards her. I told him everything about her, and by the end of the summer I had also told all my local friends, who supported me throughout all this.
Prior to that week, in a previous conversation, Liz said she wanted to end her then current relationship soon. But during that week, I just wanted to get my head straight so I just focused on having fun. I felt more sure of my feelings for her after our time together. At one point we talked about what we're looking for in long term partners, and I even felt like I fit the bill of what she was describing. On the last day before going to back to grad school though, she called me drunk and told me she wanted to confess something. I felt my heart stop, but then she said she wanted to marry her other best friend/roommate, Emily, in some years. I asked her for more info, but she just said she's drunk and hung up.
Emily and Liz had grown up together but Emily had moved out the area during high school and that's when I originally met Liz. Point being, I only know Emily through Liz. They had been living together since college, Emily also came out later in life, and I guess I thought that if something were to happen between them it would have already happened as they've been single under the same roof before. I also felt like me and Liz had a type of chemistry in our interactions that I never saw between her and Emily. After that week, I go back and tell Ali about the phone conversation. He tells me that it sounds like one of those "if we're both single by x age let's get married" type deals. After all, Liz was still dating someone else still, so I really just put it in the back of my mind.
Come Fall of 2023, around October, Liz and her previous partner split up. I asked Emily if her and Liz were getting married after all. Emily said that she didnt know if any that was serious, but, that if anything happens, that I'd be "the first to know".
We're all into cosplay. It's a hobby I got into through Liz. There is one convention that happens around valentines day every year. Liz asked me if I would go with her & her friend group, and I knew right away I wanted to use the oppertunity to confess to her. I figured until she tells me otherwise, I have a shot.
For context, anytime I would call Liz between the previous summer until I confessed, I would make an effort to pask her if she was interested in anyone else, even asking if she had lingering feelings for any exes from time to time. She never indicated even the slightest interest towards anyone (other than the drunk call). I have a side hustle in astrology, so a month or two after Liz's initial break up I told on our mutual friends I'd give them a free reading if they told me anything they know about Liz's love life. They said they didn't know anything, but that she always speaks highly of me, and rooted me on when I told her I'm confessing to Liz. I also told another one of our mutual friends, who spends more time with Liz, and they also cheered me on when I informed them of my intentions.
I took this confession very seriously. I thought my chances were looking good when not even a minute after new years, she called me. We went on about how much we mean to each other & how long we've known each other. Unfortunately, she forgot all about my birthday less thab 3 weeks later and that crushed me. It was really embarassing for me, becuase I always make sure to remember her birthday and have been sending her cards and gifts for years.
I started worrying that I had been putting this all in my head. In the weeks leading up to the convention, I asked her straight up what was going on: if her and Emily are dating. She told me "it's complicated" and said it's easier to talk about it person. I knew at that moment that my odds of her liking me were not good. She wouldn't tell me any more about it. I decided I was going through with the confession anyways, just for my own closure. I had been gearing up to this all year.
I made her a personalized valentines day gift box. I put things I knew she'd like in it, and 2 necklaces. One was one of those "besties" necklaces that comes in 2 peices for if she rejected me, and the other was a nice one with the first letter of her name on it. I had picked out a really beautiful card I thought she'd like when I visited Japan earlier that year, a country she wants to visit someday, and I wrote a heartfelt note telling her I love her, and we should talk about it. The convention happens the weekend after valentines day. I was going to fly in on thr 15th. I wanted to get the package to her on the holiday and then talk with her the next day, ideally.
Well... the weekend was really something. Her and Emily recently moved to a new apartment building so my package was left at the bottom of the stairs in the complex. The 1st night, I quietly snuck downstairs and moved the package into the apartment. The next day she sees it, and she yells "Hey Emily! OP got us something for valentines day!" I panicked and told her "its really just for you, you shouldn't open it now'". She took my panicking as me being bashful, insisted that its fine, her and Emily sat down in the living room to open it. I immediately took the card from her and threw it into her room, telling her not to read it.
Emily was visibly upset. She was apologizing for not getting Liz anything for valentines day. Liz loved everything I got her, which was sweet, and I think the bff necklace made the gift pass as nothing too suspicious in the moment. Emily kept saying how she needed to get Liz something now, and I just started texting my friend Ali figuring out what to do. He told me to talk to Emily one on one and find out what's up. So Emily and I go to run an errand together, and while at the car wash, I ask her if they are dating. She pauses and says "I don't know, I hope so" to which I almost screamed in frustration. I asked what she meant but did not get any more of a clear answer.
During the weekend, one of Liz's closest exes & I ended up talking. I asked them if they knew if anything was going on between Liz and Emily. They told me "no way" and laughed. When I told them that I wanted to confess to Liz, they said that they see me bring out the best in her, and that they're rooting for me. Liz, Emily & I shared a bed, with Liz in the middle. I usually hug my cat or a pillow at night and reflexively woke up having my hand on her waist. She teased me for it in the morning and I felt terrible/think I pushed a boundary too far.
We get back to Liz & Emily's apartment on Sunday. Liz finally reads the letter I wrote her while Emily is out and we have a talk. Liz tells me that she's sorry, that her and Emily are dating, but thanked me while apologizing. I was hurt and sort of pissed off by the whole thing because I dont understand what was so hard about telling me that over text weeks ago. I went outside to walk it off, Ali was the first person I called and cried to. It was a long night. The next day Liz had to work, so Emily took me to the airport. Emily seemed oblivious to my feelings for Liz she actually thanked me for being such a good friend and bringing them (Liz & Emily) together. I guess all my meddling got them to make it official. I told her I'm happy for them and said our goodbyes.
I had a lot of pent up emotions towards Liz following the trip. I typed out a timeline of events into a Google doc, because my confession clearly caught her off guard but I wanted her to know how much thought I had put into it.
She told me she'd call me to talk things over more, but then I didn't hear from her for an entire week. No text or anything. When I reached out, she told me she had simply forgot. I was hurt, but I appreciated the honesty. All that came out of this conversation was that we both value our friendship above all else. I told her I'd need time to get over this. She said she understood, but she then said that she was mad at me for "invading her privacy" by asking our mutual friends about her love life. I told her I find it weirder that she didnt tell anyone in her life about her feelings/relationship with Emily. I think it's normal to talk to your friends about personal things like that, she thinks otherwise. Talking with Ali and all my other friends after, they all told me they think she was crazy for not telling me or anyone else about their relationship. I told them I'm definitely taking a step back from our friendship. I was upset that she didnt feel like sharing any thoughts on of her situation with Emily to me over the past year. I probably called her once a month and check in with her, so I felt blindsided overall.
Fast forward to the end of the summer in 2023. One of Liz's exes, the one I spoke to during the convention, and I start casually flirting back and forth for a few weeks. This is Liz's ex from 2017, from over 4 relationships ago, for context. This is not a recent ex, and they're still good friends with each other so I didn't see a problem with it.
My sister was getting married over the summer. I had originally asked Liz to by my plus one before I confessed to her. She agreed, but I formally invited her and Emily to come since Liz does mean a lot to me and I wanted her there after it all.
When I looked out at the crowd during the wedding I didn't see them there. They showed up late, missed the ceremony, and when I walked them back to their car at the end of the night her ex's name came up organically in conversation. I told her I find them attractive, and I asked her for insight on them.
Liz flipped out. She said we wouldn't be a good match, but wouldn't elaborate why, and even Emily was joining in saying it's a bad idea without further reasoning. I just let it go, but I ended up staying with them later in the week for 2 nights. One night 1, Emily informed me that her and Liz were going to take a shower together and they did. I dont know why she felt the need to announce it to me, but I just took a long walk to ignore it. I dont know any couple that does that when having company over. The next day I asked Liz about her ex again, and told her it's nothing serious but wanted to know why she wouldnt tell me anything. Again, Liz was dodgy, she still seemed mad about the whole thing and said she didn't want to talk about it.
Here's where things take a turn. I get a phone call from her about a week later. She says that i was being "inconsiderate" of "her feelings" by talking to her ex, that I should know how bad that looks, and espeically considering "where I started" the year I "should know better". I was pissed off, becuase I don't think she considered my feelings at all that year. I something slong the lines of "What? You mean when I confessed to you 6 months ago? What do you want me to do! I've been dating around all summer, I've been trying to move on, and your ex knows that, so no one is left in the dark here. We're just casually talking it's not that serious." She called me back some days later, apparently after talking to her Dad she realized she was being jealous, and apologized. I said its alright, and I didn't ask for any clarification on what she meant. But by the end of it, she said that I really am her closest friend. She also said she wants to do better about opening up about her life.
Fast forward to December 3rd 2023. Ali dies, my whole world is flipped upside down... again. He was the closest friend I had.
All of my close friends were reaching out to offer me their condolences and support. I hear nothing from Liz all month. I was very hurt, because she definitely heard the news, liking a post I made about it. But she never reached out. I figured she must be going through her own thing, and tried not to think about it too hard. Well around the 19th she called me and we started catching up like normal. Key word: normal. She didn't indicate that anything big was happening in her life, at all (spoilers: there was!). When I brought up Ali passing, she apologized for not reaching out sooner and admitted that she forgot to, but meant to. I told he it's fine, I understand. Honestly though, that hurt. We talk for a grand total of 10 minutes. I asked her what's new, how things are going, how Emily is doing, all the usual. She says everything is buisness as usual.
Now 3 days later I get a text from her. She sent me a zoomed in picture of a ring in a box. No context, no follow up text, her hand/face is not in the photo, it looks like a Google stock image for all I, or anyone I've shown the photo to, can tell. It was the middle of the day and I just assumed she didn't mean to send it to me. Well around 5pm I open up Twitter and I see Emily posting that they're ENGAGED! I felt my heart drop. I didn't know what to think. Why wouldn't she bring this up when we talked 3 days ago? Why didn't she call today? Why was I finding out through social media?
I texted her congratulations, and threw in a 'why didn't you tell me!' She said she was waiting "for me to reply to the pic" that she sent. She then texts me "You're the maid of honor, just so you know". I was hurt beyond words. Espeically as her 'best friend', I don't understand why she wouldn't have said something to me earlier. I still had lingering feelings for her, but I support their relationship and want her to be happy in all.
However, I couldn't believe she would think that I would be OK with any of this. Considering that less than a year ago she didn't even know if she was dating her fiancé. I can't imagine proposing to someone without consulting my best friend. If any other friend told me they're getting engaged to someone they only dated for ~10 months at our age I'd be concerned. I get that they have lived together for a while, but romantic relationships are a whole different world in my view. My friends were even more pissed on my behalf, asking me if I even want to go to the wedding, or keep being her friend, considering the way she's been treating me.
I told her I wanted to call and talk about detials. She said she would call me the next day, but she never did. So I end up calling her a few days later on Christmas eve. After initial congrats, I started grilling her on why she wouldn't say anything to me as nicely as I could.
She said it's not her fault, that it was a spontaneous, spur of the moment decision. I told her you don't just a ring from nowhere. She said she was walking in the mall and saw this gorgeous ring on sale and just had to get it. She proposed to Emily while they were making dinner. I honestly felt mad on Emily's behalf, because if I knew my fiance got a ring on sale and proposed to me without much thought, I would be upset. She said that she was going to wait, but then decided it'd be better to ask before Emily went home for the holiday. I told her I needed to have a serious word with her, because none of this was OK with me.
I said that while I want to support her and be there on her wedding day, I can't believe she'd ask me (or tell me, really) to be the maid of honor considering I confessed my undying love for her less than a year ago. She said it's because I'm her best friend and that just pissed me off more. I told her that considering she didn't give me an inch of thought regarding Ali's death, forgot my birthday,, and didn't tell me she was going to propose, on what grounds are we best friends? I said I can't be the maid of honor, at least not right now, I told her I need a break away from all this. This sucked to hear right before the holiday. She said she understands and "not to worry" about it. I laughed and told her I'm still not 100% over her how, could she say something like that? But I told her it'll be fine.
She slowly got more upset as she realized how shitty of a friend she's been. Liz said she didn't think about it, she doesn't know why she didn't reach out to me sooner, that she's sorry for not telling me things and that she's so sorry.
When I asked her when they were looking to get married, she also said that they're not getting married for another 3 to 4 years. That hurt me badly too, because if that's true then why the hell did she have to propose now? I just felt like this was just a very raw wound to get carelessly re opened by my 'best friend', and to know that she has never been considerate enough to ever think about me made it that much worse.
It's been 6 months since. She called me on my birthday this year, with Emily on the phone too, and told me how she threw out the valentines day box I initially gave her. I don't think I expected her to keep it, but I don't know why she'd tell me this. They both said happy birthday and I got off the phone as quick as possible.
Since then it's been silent. I'm looking for advice on how to move forward from here. I'm not really sure where to put her in my life. She called me her best friend but has no regard for me, and although I miss her badly I'm starting to think that I have to let this friendship go. Her birthday is coming up soon, I usually call her but I don't know what I'd say to her right now. Since Ali passed I've been struggling to connect with people, and I'm lonlier than I ever thought possible. I could use a best friend again, but I think she'll hurt me again. Ali hated her after hearing about how she showered with Emily when I stayed over, and said I should forget about her until she apologizes/changes. I'm struggling to find peace on everything.
Do I even go to this eventual wedding? Her parents love me and know me well. Her Mom joked about us getting married when we were younger & says things like 'You're the favorite' when I'm talking to them. I'm scared they'll ask me why I'm not the maid of honor if I go. I doubt she's told them anything. I don't even know what she's told Emily. There is no date set yet, so I'm really just fretting and thinking in circles. Thank you to anyone who bothered to read the whole thing. It's taken me months just to be able to coherently journal it all out, lol. Saving up money for therapy.
submitted by wleches to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:07 Gjl89 Thank you

Long ass post. No need to read just need to talk to someone. This is one of the only places I can. So thanks for letting me vent friends ✌️❤️
Big appointment at the transplant center I go to tomorrow. Been 2 years and 4 months since diagnosis. Been 2 years and 4 months since I've had a drink. If I'm being honest....this one scares me.
MRI to check on my tumors or lesions or hell spots or whatever they are. Got the call a little over a year ago telling me I had cancer. HCC. They scheduled ablation surgery immediately as a bridge to a transplant. That was a tough trip going there. The person that took me drinks. Quite a bit. Was my dad actually.
I couldn't afford a room so we stayed in one of the free rooms my center offers. Small room. I was a mess. Between what spironolactone did to me and HE I was not in a good place mentally. He brought bourbon and I kept smelling it. Infuriated me. Started to spiral. After hiding in the crazy small bathroom for a couple hours watching a Billy strings show online I couldn't take it. Walked to a store and bought a pack of smokes. Had a couple on the way back. He gets cold so when I got back to the room it was sweltering hot. Couldn't drink enough water to stay hydrated it felt like. Kept going outside to smoke. Stupid.
He stayed up, I tried to sleep. Still smelling booze. Somehow fell asleep in a fitful way. Bad nightmares. Remembering my hallucinations (which were truly terrible) from when I first turned yellow and went down, after shitting blood for like a year. When I woke up it was hot. Like Florida hot. Was covered in sweat. Took a shower...bathroom had no vent. Kept sweating. Shirt was wet when I finally went to the waiting room. They had taken my blood the night before and everything seemed fine. I must have had HE bc they were using an ultrasound to locate the tumors to determine the best route to zap them... and they looked....hungry? Idk. Scary. I had the crazy thought they were trying to harvest my organs for the black market.
Finally they got me in pre op. Took more blood as a formality to clear me for surgery. I had the IV for anesthesia in my arm. Was ready to go. The surgeon came in the room with a look on his face that was not a happy look. He told me my bilirubin had spiked among other things....and I wasn't healthy enough to survive the surgery.. told me to come back in a month and "try to be healthy" 🙄 they also gave me a PETH test bc they thought I had been drinking bc they smelled it....but it wasn't me that smelled like bourbon. Test was negative for booze.
On the drive home I accepted I was going to die. Had on sunglasses but they couldn't hide the tears rolling down my face. I did something I hadn't done in a long time. I prayed. Not for healing...but for forgiveness. I've never felt such agony as when I thought of the things I had done. As an addict I've stolen from loved ones....totalled 6 or 7 cars, I can't remember...I was a piece of shit. No ambition besides getting enough money to stay high and drunk. I repented....learned the true meaning of that word. And it devastated me.
But...then something happened...a peace I have never known but always searched for ran through my body like electricity. My tears of devastation turned to tears of joy. For the first time I didn't feel like I was talking to myself while praying. I was being actively listened to....and I was not alone and I was loved. Was no doubts....was a Fact in my mind. Still is.
I went back a month later in a much better headspace. This is already too long so I'll cut it short. But in the waiting room for the MRI this time to locate the tumors I prayed again. Again not for healing....but for if it was part of the plan...for Him to put his hand on my liver and show these people that miracles aren't a myth. They are every bit as possible now as they were thousands of years ago. The next day I went to the waiting room for surgery. They took me back and told me to wait for the doctor.
He came in with another strange look on his face and my stomach dropped. Like falling in a dream. He looked at me and said... we can't do the surgery 😞 I took a deep breath and said Just tell me. He smiled. Said we can't do the surgery because there isn't anything to operate on. They've shrunk from LI-RAD5s to a little under LI-RAD3s in 1 month. No longer classified as cancerous. Now...that could change. They've stuck at 3s without anymore shrinkage. If they do's not cancer. If they grow it is...but it's a slow growing cancer and there will be time. And if's okay...although it scares me. I already got all the confirmation I needed.
Im not trying to preach or push my faith on anyone. Just relating my story. And to say don't ever give up. Keep fighting until the last breath. Gratitude, love, and faith made all the difference for me. Thank you very much. For letting me be a part of this..our Island of misfit toys. You all have been instrumental in saving my life and my soul. So I mean it....thank you. I love yall. I really do. Keep up the good fight. If you made it this far, I'm sorry to have made you read all that lol. But appreciate being able to talk about it. So...hopefully not for the last time friends...✌️&❤️
submitted by Gjl89 to Cirrhosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:07 JayD8888 Daily Weapon Discussion Day 29: The LeMat Mark II

Daily Weapon Discussion Day 29: The LeMat Mark II
Howdy Hunters!
Loved reading your stories with the Avto yesterday! Ive seen both ends of the spectrum which is nice to see. Today we are going to discuss something completely different though. The weird pistol with an underbarrel shotgun. The LeMat Mark 2.
The LeMat is a 1-slot 9 round cylinder revolver shooting compact ammo and it has a single shot underbarrel shotgun that you can access by swapping fire mode. The special ammo options consist of fmj and incendiary for the compact ammo and dragons breath, slugs and starshell for the shotgun. The Lemat is otherwise a jack of all trades pistol, bringing medium damage and cycle time, a bit higher recoil and pretty good velocity.
Pros: - A 9 round cylinder is quite nice and it allows you to keep shooting for longer than most other pistols - The ironsight is probably my favorite for any pistol. Its really clean and it feels easy to line up headshots. - Its a versatile weapon because of the shotgun. Giving you a backup one-shot option for when people get to close to you. - I mean look at that Brass Flower skin! Just look at it!!!
Cons: - Compact ammo has its limitations, even with fmj. Its nice to use at a medium and closer ranges, but you will notice a lesser performance when compared to the long and medium ammo pistols as well as the very quick firing compact ones. - It seems like it would be good for fanning with that 9 round cylinder and while its not terrible it is pretty lackluster compared to other pistols like the Scottfield swift, Pax Trueshot and Conversion pistol. The same applies for the duelies as well unfortunately. That is because the base spread is just too high. - This thing can get pretty expensive if you invest in special ammo comming in a base of 83 dollars. +50 for fmj which is basically mandatory and another 65 if you want to bring a slug. Thats a total of 198 for a pistol that isnt all that amazing in any particular role.
Im very conflicted about this pistol. I really want to like it, but it has a lot going against it. Its not the best for ranged shooting. That would be the uppercut or Trueshot. Its not the best close range pistol because it gets beat by the spitfire and the double action revolvers unless you can land that shotgun kill. Its not a good fanner or dual wielding pistol either. On top or that its pretty expensive if you upgrade to slugs, making it a tough sell for close to 200 dollars. I love the look of this gun though. It sounds cool as well and in practice its quite versatile, but its trying to be good at too many things and thus isnt great in any particular thing.
Lets talk about the compact ammo options. First is FMJ and this is basically the only option. Fmj on compact ammo is always amazing and its no different here. More penetration is great and more damage over distance is very much needed. Resupplying isnt so bad because you get quite a lot of compact ammo per box. The hit to velocity also isnt too bad. I would always take this ammo. No exceptions.
After reading that last paragraph you probably know whats comming next. Incendiary is very meh. The burning isnt really relevant for a weapon like this. Losing pen is horrible and losing out of fmj is even worse. I see no reason to ever pick this.
Onto the shotgun ammo now. First i will say a bit about the buckshot. The one tap range recently got buffed a bit to 6 meters. This is still very close though and its truely a last resort when someone is pushing you around a corner. This would be my default pick if i didnt want to pay extra for a slug.
Dragons breath is a meme. The one shot kill becomes an abysmal 3 meters at which point you are better off going for a melee. The burning also doesnt matter because after shooting you have an empty gun with the enemy in your face and you will be dead. For burning bodies also other options exist. Dont pick this.
Ah here we go again with the starshell... Do you want to pay 5 dollars to NOT have an underbarrel shotgun? Then this is the ammo for you. Otherwise just pretend that it doesnt exist like i do.
Slugs are actually quite interesting on the other hand! Recently the LeMat was standardized to match the barrel length of the handcannons which means slugs 1 tap up to the outer edge of 11 meters. That is quite a respectable range and it makes this underbarrel potentially very scary if you can hit those chest shots consistantly. You get 3 slugs with this weapon and you could potentially pool these with another slug shotgun which is pretty neat. They do cost another 65 Dollars however and push the price to 198. If you dont care about that then absolutely take slugs! Otherwise going with buckshot is probably fine as long as you realise the range limitation.
What to pair this with? A shotgun seems like a natural fit because of the ammo pooling and with fmj you can click heads at a respectable distance for ranged kills. At the same time you can also pair it with a rifle and rely on the Lemat to cover you at close range. Because you will be reliant on the shotgun in this example i would recommend bringing that slug every time. As you can see its quite a well rounded weapon and can be taken with a lot of stuff. As i said before its not going to be perfect in any role, but it will still be viable.
In terms of traits there are a couple things you could consider. Fanning is ok. I have a love hate relationship with this pistol and fanning. Its definitly not the best but if you value a couple extra shots then you can experiment with this. Ambidexterous is a possibility for duelies but i wouldnt recommend doing that. Its to inaccurate and the extra rounds dont really make up for it. Let alone the double shotguns that you can only hipfire in this mode. Its a big meme.
That was all i have to say on the LeMat. I feel like it needs a buff in some way to really find its niche in Hunt. Do you guys agree? and if so, what would you change? I would love to hear it. And as always. Happy hunting and until tomorrow!
Below you will find a table containing all previously covered weapons. (If you are on mobile swipe left to see the full table)
Compact Ammo Weapons Medium Ammo Weapons Long Ammo Weapons Shotguns Special Weapons
Nagant 1895 Revolver Caldwell Pax and Variants Berthier Mle 1892 Caldwell Rival Bomb Lance
Winfield M1873 and Variants Vetterli 71 Karabiner and Variants Mako 1895 Carbine Winfield 1893 Slate Nitro Express
Bornheim Match Drilling and Variants Springfield M1892 Krag Romero 77 and Variants Katana
Nagant M1895 Officer Carbine Dolch and Variants Caldwell Conversion Uppercut Specter 1882 Crossbow
Caldwell 92 New Army Springfield 1866 and Variants Martini-Henry IC1 Hunting Bow
Scottfield Model 3 and Variants Sparks LRR
Winfield M1876 Centennial and Variants Mosin-Nagant M1891 Avtomat
submitted by JayD8888 to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:05 potsandpan21 My aunt's shotgun wedding was PURE CHAOS

In honor of my parents' upcoming 24th anniversary and my aunt's 6th I am going to share the chaos we all experienced 6 years ago today.
To start off, I will say that my aunt is not known for making good decisions or having good judgement. She gets herself into sticky situations and then relies on my mom (her older sister) or my grandma to rescue her.
About 7 years ago, after a disastrous engagement that ended explosively, my aunt started dating a new guy. We'll call him A and my aunt M. They dated for about three months before my aunt got pregnant. She was in her mid-40s at the time, so it was definitely unexpected. A wasn't super happy (I'll touch on why later), but he stepped up and accepted that he was going to be a dad. They moved in together and M said she wanted to get married.
A is an elementary school principal and M worked for a small non-profit, so neither of them were making much money. But A bought a ring and proposed and they were making things work. Then M decided to officially introduce A to the rest of the family.
We all had dinner at my grandma's house and it was super awkward. A is a loud, blunt guy who says what's on his mind, and he wasn't fond of us. My aunt later explained to my mom and grandma why.
A's parents died when he was in his early teens and he and his sister lived with his aunt afterwards. She wasn't a good guardian and he was pretty miserable. His sister was also a disaster in her own right and he was ready to get away from them all. Now, my grandma raised my mom and aunt as a single mom since my mom was 9 and my aunt was 5(?) (I don't remember how much older my mom is... oops!) My great grandma and great aunt were closely involved too, and the five of them were all super close, and still are. (RIP Great Grandma). Apparently, A was jealous and resentful of how close M was with her family and he didn't want us in their future kids' life because it was unfair.
A didn't outright ban M from seeing us but he was very vocal in his displeasure. As you can imagine, this caused a lot of fights. But they went ahead with the wedding.
They decided to get married on the beach in our town. M is Jewish, so she rented a chuppah (this is important later). She booked a few hotel rooms at a beachside hotel so she had a place to get ready and so my grandpa and his partner (who were flying in from across the country), had a place to stay. My grandpa's partner can't walk very well so a room near the wedding spot was requested by my grandpa. (Yes, they could have just been driven there and dropped off. My grandpa just didn't think of it I guess.)
My mom's contribution to the wedding was to buy my aunt her bouquet, and to surprise her by flying in her best friend from college (who lives in Kazakhstan). Part 2 of the surprise went great. Part 1 did not.
And so, we get to the fun part of the story. (Note: my aunt is 6 months pregnant at the time of the wedding.)
The wedding is supposed to start just before sunset. We arrive, we go to the spot on the beach, we say "hi" to A, and we wait for things to start. My aunt's best friend (she can be known as K) surprised her in her hotel room as she was getting ready. They had a sweet reunion and then it was K's job to come out and let us know that M was about to come out.
So, K comes out to the beach. The music starts. Good. Great. There's just one problem. The officiant has disappeared.
The officiant, who was A's close friend, apparently had a really bad fungal infection on his foot and the sand was bothering him (and because it was a beach wedding, A and M wanted everyone to be barefoot). My dad and I went searching and we found him washing his foot in the sink in a bathroom block. Super gross. Since we were in a tourist-y area, there were several stores. So my dad ran to one and bought some overpriced tennis shoes for the officiant.
Okay. Problem solved. We go back to the beach. It's getting windy now, and my grandma is worried about the chuppah. So my mom, dad and brother go to hold it in place. But with the wind comes the smell of weed. While we were tracking down the officiant, A's sister has gotten tired of waiting and decided to smoke a joint.
K starts arguing with her and it gets heated. Meanwhile, my great aunt, who has leg and back issues, is starting to get tired and sore from standing for so long. My grandma is about to go find out where M is (because she was supposed to come out ages ago at this point). But finally, we see her come out.
She makes it about halfway to us before she realizes she forgot her bouquet. For some reason, whether it be pregnancy hormones or stress or just sheer emotion, she bursts into tears and refuses to continue walking. K sprints back to the hotel room to get it, hands it to her, unpauses the wedding march music, and things start moving again.
K has a weird look on her face at this point, but we figure "hey, we're all miserable now. don't judge her", so no one says anything. My aunt FINALLY gets to A, under the chuppah (which is still being held in place by the rest of my immediate family), and the ceremony begins. It's basically nighttime now, but luckily, the ceremony and the vows were short.
There is actually a lot more chaos, but this is already super long, so I will try to wrap it up. There are rules about being on the beach at night, which we wouldn't have had to deal with if things had happened in a timely fashion, but because they didn't, we did. As the officiant says "you may kiss the bride", a sheriff comes up to us. My mom steps away from the chuppah to explain the situation and he was actually very understanding. He told us we had 30 minutes to wrap up and was about to walk away as my mom and grandma thanked him profusely. But then he sees the joint in the sand.
In my state, marijuana is legal. Littering is not. And A's sister reeks of weed. So she starts getting a citation... and then the canopy on the chuppah blows away. We're all so exhausted that A just sighs and says "leave it". So we take the chuppah structure down and load it into my family's ancient pickup truck. A is trying to wrangle his sister now, who is furious about the citation. And my great aunt, who has those leg and back issues? She is now in extreme pain and we actually needed the sheriff's help to get her to the car.
So we get into our cars and start driving to the restaurant. Nobody wants to go, but we paid for it, so my grandma insisted. I, however, am autistic. And lucky little me was so close to a meltdown that my dad took me home.
Remember when I said K had a weird look on her face after fetching the bouquet? It was because she sprained her ankle running in the sand. And when she got out of the car at the restaurant, it buckled and she fell. She managed to hobble inside though.
Apparently the dinner went smoothly, but it did end with my grandpa having explosive diarrhea in the bathroom. And I honestly think that summed up the whole experience pretty well.
M and A are still married and have two sons. They still fight all the time and A only sees us when he has to, but they are both in therapy and my cousins are happy kids.
Sorry for the length of this, but if you read it, I hope you enjoyed the ride. It's still our family's best disaster story and I sincerely hope nothing beats it... for many reasons.
submitted by potsandpan21 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 01:03 Daigotsu Partial review: Magic Kingdom at War Vol. 1

I'm generally a big fan of Tao Wongs work, controversy aside. I was excited to see a new book. I Made it 25% of the way in before deciding to pass on this one.
Ultimately me finding our protagonist Matt unappealing prevented me from pushing further. It starts out with Matt getting fired for sticking to his work boundaries. But none of his coworkers seem to care about this and even Matt doesn't feel to bad about the situation. Lots can be dissected here but overall he didn't grab me, and then he agrees to essentially be isekaid with a bit of odd fetishing of others who might have also agreed.
Zap. The next new introduction and he's kind of an ass to those he's with. It gets bad when you look even a little bit deeper. Stripped of last names, borrowed bodies, the ass is now a "lord" with difference. But with a lack of communication/wonder. There is a whole unfashionablly tight pants on an old man that had me scratching my head.
Next we dive into the game like mechanics and "army" selection. There we get inconsistent world building. Historical cultures, yet not sentient, but only for humans before abandoning them for non-human options. The protagonist who wasn't even much of a gamer doesn't use his skills or smarts much in a very and waving selection process.
It all felt very incontinent with not quite understood stakes.
25% in there was little plot movement, understanding, antagonists, and appeal for the story. I was unsure of the promise setting up the book and shocked I'd already read a quarter of it.
I didn't get the vibe this might be ghost written, like I have when I read Krouts Lord January book. But it is such a drop off and I know some authors do that. So it wouldn't shock me.
1.5 of 5 stars. An unappealing mess from an author whose work I generally enjoy.
submitted by Daigotsu to litrpg [link] [comments]