Manual for alpha 9500ml

Sony Alpha Cameras: FE/E Mount, A Mount, & legacy Minolta welcome here!

2011.05.18 17:26 torode Sony Alpha Cameras: FE/E Mount, A Mount, & legacy Minolta welcome here!

Reddit's most popular camera brand-specific subreddit! We are an unofficial community of users of the Sony Alpha brand and related gear: Sony E Mount, Sony A Mount, legacy Minolta cameras, RX cameras, lenses, flashes, photoshare, and discussion.

2011.11.01 20:16 Vahz MechWarrior Online

The official reddit for MechWarrior Online.

2016.12.24 20:36 smayonak Get the latest Acer Switch Alpha 12 news, driver updates, and warranty info!

If you, like myself, decided to buy an Acer Switch Alpha based on its low price and 2-year international warranty, this subreddit is for you! We've rounded up all the resources dealing with the Switch Alpha's bizarrely long warranty, bugs, driver updates, its weak stylus loop, and more! We're DESPERATELY looking for a tear-down or repair manual. If you can contribute, please do!

2024.05.16 02:40 firefighter_raven Last Charge of the Roanoke

The Terran Union Heavy Cruiser, Roanoke, had spent the last 6 months raiding Naalx supply lines in the Flores sector.
They were finally returning to Terran Space for some much-needed refit and some R&R. But first, they were stopping at the Bateri space station orbiting Emsar IV.
She would be meeting a Terran Union squadron to escort her prizes back to the Couster system. 4 freighters, a massive ore hauler, and a damaged Naalx corvette that answered a distress call sooner than expected.
The Roanoke was one of the new Grenville class heavy cruisers, faster and more heavily armed than the other heavy cruiser classes operating as part of a Terran Union fleet.
They were designed as solo raiders able to operate deep in enemy space, raiding enemy supply lines and facilities.
Their design included several newly developed systems, including a new style of radiator for dumping excess heat.
At 500 m long and painted black as night, she was very intimidating to see on visual screens and even more so at close range. Her CrCoNi (chromium, cobalt, and nickel) hull was covered in 12” of ablative armor covered in a black laser-resistant material able to reduce the effectiveness of enemy sensors and target locks.
The experimental Baxter radiators efficiently released excess heat into space but still left them exposed to radiation detection sensors.
Captain Josef Král had been hand-picked to command the Roanoke when she came into service 18 months ago. He was a popular officer with 20 years of combat experience on just about every ship in the Terran Union’s navy.

He’d also provided technical assistance during its design phase so his familiarity with the ship made him the best choice for putting the ship through her paces. This would be the very first voyage behind enemy lines as a raider.
And it’d been a rousing success, hitting targets deep in Naalx space as reprisal for Naalxian raids on Terran border colonies. The First Naalx-Terran war had devastated both species and left them vulnerable to outside forces. The war wasn’t won so much as winding down to a series of raids and counter-raiding. A gentleman’s agreement to prevent raids and border skirmishes from turning into another full-scale war and the earlier consequences.
And Captain Král was very good at approaching that line in the sand without going over it. Several centuries earlier he’d have been a Privateer sailing the oceans on Earth.
This even led to the revival of the old pirate movies of the 20th century but Captain Král preferred likening it to the submarine warfare of the first half of the 20th century. That didn’t stop his crew from giving him a robot parrot.
He claims to hate it but everyone knows he’s been teaching it his extensive vocabulary of curse words, in dozens of languages, that he loved it.
And if you call him out on him walking around with it on his shoulder, he’ll claim he was just humoring the crew.
Captain Král was relieved to see the Terran squadron had arrived before him and ordered his little fleet to dock. It would be good to be able to get off the ship and move around without weapons.
As Captain Král exited the ship, he was surprised to see Commodore Allen waiting for him. It’d been several years since he last saw his friend and previous XO. Taking his prerogative as a Captain, he skipped the formalities, shook hands, and gave Commodore Allen a friendly slap on the back.
“Mike? What the hell are you doing here? This is escort job is for a Lt. to do” He asked
“I was in the neighborhood and volunteered. I wanted to see this new ship of yours and it’s been too long since we got a drink together.” Mike replied
Captain Král took a glance back to his ship and wasn’t surprised to see his current XO, Lt. Commander Nana Ricci had the resupply well in hand.
With a big grin, Captain Král said, “Let me see to my guests and we can see if we can scandalize the ratings like we used to.”
Captain Král approached the waiting station manager. The Bateri bowed in the formal greeting of her people. Not having the tentacles needed to return the bow, he just saluted her.
“Greetings Captain Král of the Terrans, how may we be of service?” The Bateri asked.
“Greetings Ananu of the Bateri. We request the use of your services,” he replied, finishing the ritual greeting.
“I see you returned successful in your raiding,” Ananu said, “How many bunks will you need?”
Unsurprised that the Bateri knew his mission, he replied “ 72 bunks with 3 more for your med bay, if you have the room.”
One of the most important functions provided by the Bateri was allowing for the return of captives taken in raids. This helped to keep things calmer by freely releasing captives to limit the amount of bad blood created during the raids and conflicts.
Crates of supplies, ammo, missiles, and the various other things needed to keep the ship functioning were being transferred from the smaller Terran ships. With her weapon complement being only slightly smaller than a battleship, she could go through a lot of ammunition. Even without being in serious combat, he liked to run frequent gunnery drills. Some Captains would just let their tactical computers handle operating the weapon systems and just have the gunnery crews handle reloads. But some hard lessons taught him that having the gunnery crews able to take direct control, as needed, was essential. He preferred to use up as much ammunition as needed during training to save lives later in combat.
Seeing everything in hand, he walked back to join his friend for a drink. They caught up on the doings of old friends and Mike’s family, toasts to fallen comrades, and eventually to the Roanoke.
‘How did she operate on her first long-range mission?” Mike asked
Taking a moment to organize his thoughts, Captain Král took a sip of his drink. “She handled better than expected. The new engine behaved itself, surprising for being just off the drawing board, the Baxters were damn efficient.”
Taking another sip before continuing, “ We didn’t use the torpedoes or the turreted railguns in combat but the rest performed as expected. That Corvette didn’t stand a chance so we didn’t get a full test of all the combat systems.”
“Going by the number of munitions I brought with me, you’d think I was resupplying a battleship” Mike joked
“Just about,” Captain Král chuckled. “During the design phase, I had to argue for such an increase of armament.” “It seemed to take forever for them to get it through their thick skulls that we’d be out there all alone and couldn’t call for reinforcements.” “So I convinced them to put the 2 particle beam systems in the bow of the ship and give me the 4 torpedo tubes. They had no problem with the pair at the bow but they couldn’t figure out why I wanted a pair aft. I swear I thought about launching them out of a tube.”

“At least they were starting to get it when I up-gunned the turrets to carry two large railguns. They did get upset at wanting to put on a turret in the middle of the ventral side but were relieved I left the other turret on the dorsal side ahead of the command structures”
Commodore Allen asked,” From the glimpse I got as you docked, it looked like you doubled the usual weapon systems?”
“She still has them 10 secondary batteries but I went with dual medium railguns for them” Captain Král replied, “ I put 4 of the quad-mounted autocannons on each side of the ship.”
“ It should let us save wear and tear on the railguns when we catch unarmed ships or against incoming fighters.”
“ I understand and it also saves on missiles, which with 4 heavy and 8 medium is a lot of missiles to carry.” Commodore Allen replied.
“I’ve also heard you were running tests on a more powerful deflector array to do more than just protect against radiation and small debris. Like maybe actual shields that would work on anything smaller than a battleship?”
“Yeah but not with any success,” Captain Král answered, “Anytime we tried to go past the standard low-power output, it played hell with our sensors.”
It was at that moment when Captain Král’s wrist communicator beeped for his attention.
“Just a second Mike,” he said as he keyed the communicator. “ Král, go ahead”
The sound of Lt. Commander Ricci’s voice came through the speaker, “ Priority message from the bridge Captain.”
“ What is the message?” Captain Král asked, not liking the way Ricci’s voice sounded worried
“ Sensor buoy reports large Naalx fleet dropping out of FTL, 2 million km out,” Ricci reported
Commodore Allen gave Captain Král the same concerned look that he was sure was on his face. “How many?” The captain asked
Ricci hesitated for a moment before answering “37 ships with more arriving every couple of minutes.”
Commodore Allen swore
Captain Král looked at his friend, “How long until you get your crews and get out of here?”
Commodore Allen thought for a moment, “ Maybe 20 minutes at the minimum.”
Captain Král muttered to himself, “They’ll be here before that.”
Both men got up, signaled to any of their personnel in the bar, and started out the door. “I’ll buy you the time but I’ll need to undock as soon as I get aboard my ship, maybe I can catch them off-guard. “ Captain Král
Commodore Allen replied, “That’s a suicide mission, there are too many for one ship to handle”
“Yeah, I know, old friend but if I don’t then we all die.” Captain Král explained, “ Do me a favor, I’m going to send you my non-essential personnel, take them and those still on the station with you. Get them home.”
Reaching the hatch to the docking bay, both men stopped to shake hands. “Of course, Josef.” Commodore Allen replied, “But if anyone can find a way out of it, it’s you, my friend.”
After a final salute, both men parted ways to reach their ship. As Captain Král jogged down the docking bay, he sent orders for Ricci to send all non-essential personnel to Commodore Allen and asked if they had sufficient hands to man all combat stations.
Ricci’s reply reassured him, “ Aye Sir, most of the crew on the station are from the 2nd watch, and the few people from the first watch are non-essential.”
“Be ready to launch as soon as I get aboard.” He ordered.
He passed several members of his crew, en route to join Commodore Allen. He stopped to return their salute. At the disappointed look in their eyes, he told them. “I know you don’t want to leave the ship but the Commodore needs some real sailors to get out on time. You know how those logistic guys are. They’ll get lost trying to find their own bridge”
That look reassured them and after a final salute, they headed down the dock to join Commodore Allen
Captain Král reached the cargo ramp and started up it, calling Ricci and telling her to shove off and he’d be on the bridge shortly.
He sprinted down the corridor, leaping over the lower lips of the vacuum-tight doors.
“Captain on the Bridge!” rang out from one of the bridge techs. Aside from the guards and his XO, the rest of the bridge crew kept working. Nodding his approval at their knowing when to discard ceremony for action. He walked over toward his console before speaking.
“What do we have, Lt. Commander?”
Turning to face him, Captain Král could see just how worried she was. “Current count is 48 ships.” Touching the console’s keys to bring up a list of ships before continuing, “ 18 capital ships and a mix of sub-caps, still trying to ID them.”
“They’re just maintaining position for now.” Ricci finished, her voice slightly puzzled.
“They’re waiting for something or someone,” Captain Král answered the unasked question.
“How many crew did we leave behind?”
“641, Sir” the XO replied
“ Helm, are we clear of the station's shielding?”
“Almost Sir,” The helmsman answered.
“Thank you.” Captain Král returned.
Turning to another tech, he said, “Sound Battlestations”

“Sir,” one of his sensor techs spoke up, “We have 2 more ships arriving.”
“ Thank you, Ensign.” Captain Král returned
“What class are they?” Lt Commander Ricci asked
After looking at her monitor again the tech replied, “1 heavy cruiser and something much bigger, waiting for the computer to ID it.”
Captain Král moved to look over the tech’s shoulder before standing up and facing his XO.
“Fleet Command Ship” he informed the tech and his XO.
Lt. Commander Ricci replied, “What the hell is one doing out here?”
“Good Question.” he answered, “And now that the players are on the field, the game can begin.”
Bringing up the sensor information to his console, Captain Král pointed at the enemy fleet. “They haven’t begun to deploy into battle formation yet.”
“That could be our chance.” Raising his head to look at his XO. “If we jump now we can land close and surprise them. After we land, we drive into the center of their formation and head for that big bastard.” He explained
“But Sir, We haven’t fully tested the jump drive!” the XO exclaimed
“No time like the present, “ Captain Král joked

“We’ll let the railguns and autocannon crews pick targets of opportunity, while we engage the command ship with our particle cannons, heavy railguns, and torpedoes,” he stated
“What about its point defense system, won’t it pick off the torps?” the XO asked
“We’re going to launch all the Hammerheads at it. It should overwhelm the system and let the torps through.” He answered before continuing, “I’m going to save the heavy missiles for now.”
“You’ll need to calculate the launch time of the Hammerheads to hit the point defense system as close to the time for the torpedoes to sneak through.” he ordered, “ But not so far they take out the Hammerheads too soon and let them hit the torps but not so close they set them off either.”
Looking at his XO, “You better get down to tactical Nana, this is going to get ugly, and it’s best we split up.” Captain Král commanded
Exchanging salutes, Ricci simply replied “Aye Sir.” and started for the hatch. Just before stepping through, she turned and said, “Good Luck, Sir.
“What’s the status of the Commodore’s squad?” Captain Král asked
One of his communication techs spoke up, “ They need 10 more minutes”
“Let me know the minute they are clear.” Captain Král ordered
Captain Král turned to comms tech and ordered, “Intraship comms if you please ensign”
“Aye sir” the tech replied before turning to his console and speaking into the mic,” Now hear this, Now hear this. Message from the Captain.”
“ Well folks, this isn’t the fight I wanted but this is the fight we got” Captain Král started
“ I’m sure you’ve heard scuttlebutt about the situation but here it is. We are facing a superior force numbering 49 ships. And we need to give the Commodore’s squadron time to go to FTL and get the hell out of here.” he paused before continuing, “ The plan is to mix it up with the enemy at close range. They aren’t in battle formation yet so we can hurt them.”
“Good luck and let’s make them regret fucking with the Roanoke.”
The sounds of cheers came back over the speakers.
“Helm, are we clear of the station shielding?” the Captain asked
At the affirmative given by the helmsmen, he just nodded
Touching a button on his console, he asked, “Are you in place XO?”
“Aye Sir.” the Lt. Commander replied
“ As soon as we land, be ready to open up with the dual and quad mounts.” He ordered
The XO replied with an affirmative.
“Helm, at my command, jump between 25-50 km to the starboard of the fleet.”
“As soon as we land, hard to port and get us in the middle of them. Be ready for rapid maneuvers, maybe we can throw off their laser battery tracking systems. Might let us survive a little longer” Captain Král ordered. “Aye Sir” the helmsman replied
Taking a quick look around to make sure his crew was ready, he turned back to wait for the signal the jump drive was ready.
At the signal, he ordered “Jump”
He felt the ship lurch forward and shudder. It took less than 5 seconds to jump from the station to within the targeted range, but it felt like forever.
And then they were less than 5 km from an enemy battleship.
“Oh shit!” exclaimed the helmsman and steered to avoid it. Captain Král hid a moment of panic with a joke, “ Someone make note that the jump drive targeting system needs work.”
His joke brought a chuckle from his crew and got them back to focus on the taste.
Stabbing a button on his console, he ordered “XO, fire secondary batteries,”
There was nothing to see or hear from the massive volleys of the secondary batteries coming to life. But he knew the gun crews were already raining devastation on enemy warships. “Helm, Hard to Port!” he ordered, not tearing his view away from the main viewscreen.
Captain Král looked at his console at the images sent to the bridge from the various gun cameras.
He could see the flashes of light from projectiles hitting their shields. He watched as other high-velocity projectiles punched through their hulls. He could just make out the impact of the explosive-tipped slugs fired by the autocannons.
Captain Král turned back to the main viewscreen. “Hard to starboard!”
“Head for that big son of a bitch!” he ordered
The Naalx were slow to respond but they began to return fire with some trying to gain some distance to clear the line of fire of other ships. The helmsman’s evasive maneuvers were also giving the enemy’s gunners fits from repeated misses.
But the damage sensors on the armor told of an increasing number of hits as the Naalx began to respond in an organized manner. The resistance coating reduced the damage from the Naalx laser batteries but didn’t completely nullify it. “Helm, get me a clear shot at the command ship.” the Captain ordered
A bright flash to starboard marked the death of an enemy cruiser. Status reports listed 2 sub-capitals holed and venting atmosphere. Dead or damaged, they were out of the fight.
One capital ship was dead in space with another missing its bow.
5 down too damn many to go The captain muttered
He watched and waited, ignoring damage alarms and the occasional shudder as shots began to get through the armor and explosively decompress a compartment when they penetrated the hull.
He finally saw what he wanted, an unobstructed line of fire to the command ship.
His finger smashed down on the console button. “ XO, Launch Torpedoes. Take the gloves off the main batteries. Drop the hammer!”
He watched the glitter of the particle beams as they bridged the gap between the Roanoke and the Naalx ship. In a moment, he caught sight of the torpedoes' thrusters as they left the tubes and picked up momentum. Holes and brief explosions marked the impact of his weapons. But the sheer volume of Naalxian fire was beginning to take its toll. The armor was failing or had failed in over a dozen spots. 3 autocannon and 1 railgun mount were out of commission.
2 minutes after they launched the torpedoes, the sight of more than 100 Hammerhead missiles was marked by the flare of their drives. Another volley of Hammerheads was launched the moment new missiles were lifted into the racks.
Captain Král called down to tactical, “XO, hold off on another volley for hammerheads.”
Checking his console, “Launch Shrikes at targets of opportunity with no shields, rear tubes target enemy capital ships and hope those torpedoes get through.” he ordered.
Multiple small explosions let him know the point defense systems were taking on the Hammerheads. And a moment later, a pair of massive explosions told him the nuclear-tipped torpedoes had hit their target.
“Captain, The Commodore’s squadron has escaped.” one of his techs announced.
“Thank you,” he answered
“Distance to command ship?” he asked
“ 250 km Sir” was the reply
“Helm, continue advancing on the command ship and pass her on our port side. We’ll give her a broadside and go to FTL after we clear.”
A tech from the damage control position spoke up, “Captain! FTL is down and jump drive is destroyed”
“Ahh hell’ cried the Captain.
“Damage report!” he ordered
“ Ventral turret destroyed, railgun mounts 2 and 5 destroyed, mount 9 damaged but functional. Autocannon mounts 11,13, 23 and 25 destroyed. Hammerhead launchers 3 and 8 destroyed.” The tech checked the screen before continuing, “ Explosive decompressions on decks 3 and 5. Explosive decompression in Med Bay. Ablative armor badly damaged and penetrated in around 20 spots. Engine #3 is down. Power unstable in many areas of the ship”
“FTL down, engineering needs an hour to fix. The jump drive is destroyed. Long-range comms are down” The tech finished.
“Casualty reports!” Captain Král ordered
A different tech replied, “249 dead, roughly 800 wounded with 327 too injured to fight.”
“Thank you.” he returned. Doing the math in his head he had just over 1300 combat effective and 482 of those were his Marines, the other 18 were left behind.
After thinking a moment, “Helm, same course as before but since we can’t go to FTL, circle to the aft of the command ship and lessen the incoming fire for the moment”
Looking over to the comms tech, “ Get me the chief engineer on the horn.”
Tapping the switch on the console, he called down to tactical. “ XO, I’m taking us around to the aft of the command ship and play peek-a-boo.”
“We’ll pass on her port side and I want a broadside from all batteries that can hit it and launch half the Shrikes we have left at it.”
“After we get to their rear, target enemy aft batteries, I want them all hunks of twisted metal.” Captain Král ordered
“Aye Sir.” Lt. Commander Ricci replied. “Ammo count update Sir.”
“Go ahead,” he replied
“Only the two forward tubes are loaded, aft tubes empty, railgun and autocannon are down to 30%. Dorsal turret is at 10% but they are working on transferring surviving ammo from the Ventral turret.
We can launch 4 more full racks of Shrikes and 5+ Hammerheads.” She finished
“Understood. Thank you” Captain Král replied
“Captain, Chief Engineer on the line” a tech relayed
“Route it to my console,” he ordered
“ I need you to place charges on the computer core, all the experimental equipment, engines, and fire suppression control. If we go down, I don’t want them getting a damn thing but blood and pain.”
“Aye Sir.” The Chief replied.

Captain Král turned back to watch as the Roanoke passed the command ship to port. He watched as massive explosions rippled across the enemy flank and dorsal surface. They were too close for the point defense to pick off the majority of the Shrikes.
As the Roanoke got behind and slightly below the enemy command ship, she slowed and allowed her surviving batteries to silence the command ship's aft batteries.
Captain Král called down to tactical, “XO, fire half our remaining hammerheads into her engines.”
“Affirmative,” replied the XO
Captain Král watched as the hammerheads impacted the command ship’s engines and saw the thrust nozzles dim as the engines went offline. The enemy batteries stopped firing and she began to drift.
“Helm, get us 500 km from the command ship and line up to fire our last 2 avalanche torpedoes.” Captain Král ordered
“Aye Sir, 500km bow towards the enemy” the helmsman repeated
The Captain called down to tactical ” Nana, We’re positioning the ship to line up the front tubes and we’re going to kill that bastard. Stay on the line and fire on my order.”
“Aye Sir, we’re ready.” The XO answered
“Helm?” Captain Král asked
“ 3 seconds Captain.” the helmsman replied
Captain Král watched and as soon as he got the angle he wanted, “Fire Torpedoes!” he commanded
The whole bridge crew watched and waited for the impact. Both torpedoes struck amidships and tore massive holes in the hull. As they watched, lines of explosions traveled across the hull and began to rip the ship in half. The bridge crew let out a yell and the rest of the ship after the Captain had the information broadcast over the intercom.

“ Helm, get us the hell out of here. Maybe we can outrun the bigger ships and buy time to fix the FTL.” Captain Král ordered
But before the helmsman could act, there was a massive jolt.
“What the hell?” he yelled
A tech answered, “ We were rammed by a Naalx cruiser and several smaller ships are closing in.“
But instead of ramming the Roanoke, they launched breeching pods.
His finger stabbed down to open the intercom. “ All hands, Prepare to Repel Boarders! Security teams, tactical will relay their access position. “ He ordered
He pulled out his sidearm and checked that it was ready. Several other techs did the same, while his security detachment moved to defensive positions to watch the hatch.
“Target those pods!” Captain Král ordered but he didn’t need to say it, his gunnery crews were on it. Here and there a brief flash of light marked the destruction of a pod.

“XO, fire all remaining missiles. Pick your targets,” he commanded “All batteries, open fire.”
He left the tac net open to track the status of the enemy boarding parties.
He listened to the cacophony of noises coming over the tac net.
“Security team alpha to section 7, level 3. Bravo team section 2 level 1, Charlie team section 12, level 5” Lt. Commander Ricci ordered.
“There’s too many, fall back to position 2…” an unidentified voice ordered
Another voice firmly stated, “Hold your ground, nothing gets past us.”
“Theta team down, a handful of Naalx heading for engineering!” a panicked voice exclaimed
And dozens of others just like it, always with the sound of combat in the background.
“Captain, more breaching pods en route!” a tech exclaimed
“Get me the Chief Engineer!” the Captain ordered
At the Chief Engineer’s response, he ordered “Detonate all sabotage charges except the main computer. Set that one on a manual trigger at my console with a 20-minute timer as a backup. And then set the reactors to overload, we’re not going to hold the ship much longer. And set a charge to breach the hull and decompress Engineering as soon as you are clear”
“Affirmative, Captain. She was a good ship” the Chief replied
Turning to his bridge crew, “Give the order to abandon ship. Have all the pods head for the station.”
The Captain called tactical, “Lt. Commander Ricci, all hands abandon ship. Get as many of them home as you can.”
“ I understand, Sir.” She answered, “I’ll see you at the station.” she said hopefully
“I'm afraid not, Nana. I’m the Captain and I’m going down with my ship.” he stated, “And someone needs to make sure they can’t shut down the overload.”
“Transfer all fire controls to my station and get the hell out of here.”
“Aye Sir, It’s been an honor” the XO replied
“The honor is all mine. You are going to make an excellent Captain. Goodbye my friend” Captain Král finished.
His bridge crew tried to convince him to go with them but he declined and ordered security to get them into the escape pods.
Then he sat and watched as his consoles began reporting each pod as it launched. He also kept an eye on his sensors and concentrated fire on any Naalx ship that was moving to intercept the pods. They knew better than to fire on them but nothing said they couldn’t capture them.
He also prepared a probe with all the ship logs and combat data and fired it toward human-held territory. It would run silently until it exited the system and then begin broadcasting a coded signal for pickup.
He was dismayed at how few pods had left the ship and regretted so many young lives had been cut short.
As he saw the last pod clear the battlefield, he sat back for a moment and then triggered the charge on the main computer.
A hard pounding came from the other side of the hatchway. But there wasn’t enough power to open it. He guessed the pinging on the door was them firing their lasers and trying to blast it open.
He wondered if it would work but a huge rumble, a bright flash, interrupted, and the long career of Captain Král was finally over.
News of the Roanoke’s final battle flashed across news channels on hundreds of worlds. Her courageous and foolhardy charge at a superior force. The damage she did to the Naalx fleet before her destruction. How, of the 1859 members of the crew that went into the battle, only 108 survived.
The videos taken from both sides during the battle played over and over again.
How the Naalx picked up all the escape pods and released them on the station immediately.
And even recovered the bodies of any human they found while gathering their dead.
Naalx losses were the command ship, 2 capital ships, 9 sub-capitals destroyed, and a dozen other vessels damaged in one form or another. Naalx casualties were over 50,000 dead
Only the Naalx’s immense respect for courage, audacity, and bravery in the face of danger kept the skirmish from blowing up into a war.
The Naalx rendered full military honors as they turned the Human dead over to Lt. Commander Ricci.
The Captain Král, A Grenville-class cruiser, was launched 2 years later. Captain Nana Ricci in command.
Authors note- I hope you enjoyed this story. It's based on a historical event. Which according to an idiot on youtube is plagiarism.
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submitted by firefighter_raven to HFY [link] [comments]

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2024.05.15 18:06 DrDoritosMD [Stargate and GATE Inspired] Manifest Fantasy Chapter 16: Power Play (Part 1)

Author’s Note:
If you enjoy the story so far, please consider upvoting and commenting! These go a long way in helping the story reach a larger audience. (Also, reddit removes all my formatting for some reason so if you want a fully formatted read, check out my story on RoyalRoad)
READ 2 WEEKS AHEAD: Season Finale Chapter 17 is now available for Tier 2 Manifest Fantasy Patrons and higher!
Three, two, one... execute.
Ron peeked around the corner, his M4E1 Carl Gustaf already loaded with standard HEAT rounds. The rest of Alpha Team stacked up behind him or behind Ryan, who was on the other side of the doorway. Through the opening, they could see a nightmarish tangle of webs and egg sacs, with the skittering shapes of Spiranids lurking in the shadows in the far corners of the room.
The Queen was positioned in the center of the room, completely exposed by a cluster of eggs. Henry watched as Ron leveled his Gustaf, taking aim at the Queen while they stayed along the wall to ensure Ron’s backblast was clear. It should have been an easy kill, but a flicker of movement caught Henry’s eye.
A blob of white flew across his vision, smacking into Ron just as he fired his weapon. The thick strands of webbing bypassed Kelmithus’ shielding and wrapped around him, sending him flying back a couple of meters. He landed on his back, his body and launcher completely stuck to the floor by the condensed silk.
Around the same time, the Gustaf’s projectile struck the Queen’s abdomen section. The resulting blast tore through its exoskeleton but was far from a fatal blow. The Queen shrieked, a sound far deeper than Henry expected.
“Fuck!” Ron shouted, struggling to break free from the webbing.
Henry exhaled. They were a man down, but helping him had to wait; the not-dead Queen and its minions took precedence. It would be great if he had another launcher in his own Holding Bag, but that was something he’d have to bring up to Chief Cole later. Henry tossed his grenades into the room, the pops mingling with the screeches of injured Spiranids. Ryan struck simultaneously, throwing his own collection into the mix. Like firecrackers, the explosives were violent but short-lived.
As the chaos subsided, Henry pushed in. Raising his shotgun, he tore through a Spiranid that pounced at him, its carcass smoldering from the white phosphorous. Beside him, Isaac, Ryan, and Dr. Anderson’s shots rang out, tearing through their own sectors of fire.
Almost immediately upon their entry, the Queen surged forward with terrifying speed. It reared its head back like it was about to vomit, mandibles covered in a sick, yellowish color. Henry recognized immediately what it was trying to do. “Acid, move!”
Henry dove away from his previous position, taking a shot at another Spiranid that had taken the opportunity to jump at him while its master was preparing to attack. He narrowly escaped the lethal spray as it jetted toward him. The acid splattered on the ground where they had stood not even a second before, sizzling fiercely as it corroded the thick webbing sprawled across the floor. He noticed as he ran that, rather curiously, the acid was simply puddling on the floor. There was no damage to the floor itself, but if it could tear apart high-quality monster silk just like that, he didn’t want to find out what it could do to an envirosuit.
Henry glanced back after blasting apart his third Spiranid. His teammates were fine – Ryan helping him keep the Queen’s attention, Sera already on her way to Ron, and the others taking care of the smaller Spiranids. He tried to get a quick headcount of how many Spiranids they’d already eliminated. Between their guns, Kelmithus’ magic, and the grenades, he estimated they had killed at least a dozen so far. Solid progress, but the fact that they weren’t able to take out the Queen with their first strike was an issue.
Henry rolled to his left as the Queen pounced on his previous position. It was fucking fast, like a Goliath birdeater but scaled up – and with nasty abilities that really shouldn’t belong on a creature like this. He recovered quickly and took aim, firing point-blank into its thorax. The white phosphorous pellets hissed as they burned into its exoskeleton, forcing it back.
Beside him, Ryan’s shotgun boomed. He struck the Queen’s legs, which seemed to be more fragile than the thick exoskeleton surrounding the head and thorax. The pellets bit into the chitin, likely striking a nerve as evidenced by the leg’s subsequent buckling and collapse. It was a lucky shot – one that he doubted they could repeat four or five more times.
“Sera, use my knife! Here, right here!” Ron called out.
Sera’s sword must’ve been too large to effectively cut through the webbing. They had to hurry up. He and Ryan had been dodging the Queen’s attacks, but mostly by a hair’s breadth. All it took was one lucky hit from the Queen to put them out of commission, possibly for good. “Sera, status on Ron?”
“One minute!” she responded.
Damn. That was one minute later than he’d hoped. Reacting instinctively, Henry noted the Queen raising one of its legs – a sure sign of it preparing for another attack. The Queen struck again, this time cleaving the air with the leg, aiming to corral him into a predictable escape route. As its leg swept through the air, Henry caught sight of the Queen rearing its head back in a grotesque mimicry of a snake about to strike – another acid attack.
Anticipating the monster’s strategy, Henry feinted to the right, a move he hoped would mislead it about his true intentions. As the Queen’s head followed his feint, Henry twisted sharply, scraping against the rough ground. With a powerful push from his legs, he launched backward just as the Queen unleashed its attack.
Acid spewed forth in a wide arc, splattering where he had just been. The corrosive globs almost instantly melted the webbing on the floor, collecting into pools. And there was the second issue. The longer this fight dragged on, the less room they’d have to maneuver.
Henry unloaded into the creature’s compound eyes before tossing a flashbang near its legs. The creature staggered backward, blinded in both its eyes and its sensory hairs. Henry used the precious few seconds he bought to reload his weapon and check up on his team. “Yen, sitrep?”
“Stragglers neutralized; we’re moving to you now.”
Automatic gunfire erupted as Isaac and Dr. Anderson joined the fight against the Queen, dumping their mags on the creature’s head. The 6.8mm seemed to penetrate well, but he could say the same if they fought an elephant; the Spiranid Queen was simply too large for the relatively small caliber rounds to have any effect besides pissing it off.
The Queen lunged again, its legs surrounding him from all sides. There was only one way out, and it was through the belly of the beast. Henry rushed forward, ducking under the Queen’s mandibles as he slid underneath its abdomen. He fired his shotgun as quickly as he could, unloading pellets into the beast’s underbelly. The white phosphorous scorched the softer flesh, drawing a shriek of pain from the massive creature.
As the Queen writhed under the relentless assault, Ryan and the others seized the moment to reload their weapons and reposition. They poured everything they had into the creature’s cephalothorax, bluish ichor oozing from the hundreds of new wounds that they opened up. Yet, it was like chipping away at a mountain – it simply wasn’t enough. The creature thrashed around violently in response; Henry knew it was only a matter of time before it landed a hit on someone.
And land a hit it did. With a terrifying swiftness, one of its massive legs slammed into Henry’s chest, launching him backward. The shield Kelmithus cast on him flickered as it absorbed the brunt of the impact. He crashed into an egg sac by the entrance – its membrane ruptured on impact, drenching him in a sticky, corrosive slime. The sac provided little cushion, and he hit the ground hard, the breath knocked out of him.
Pain flared across Henry’s chest where the Queen’s leg had struck him. Gasping for breath and battling the encroaching blackness in his vision, he instinctively checked his envirosuit. He started with the areas he could see, glancing down at his chest. It was visibly deformed, dented but not quite a gash.
Still intact, thank goodness. No breach, but another hit like that would be disastrous. He breathed a sigh of relief, his chest hurting like hell as he did so. He checked his sides and back. Parts of his suit were covered in slime from the egg sac. It didn’t seem as corrosive as the Queen’s acid, but it was still a hazard. Quickly, he swiped at it, removing as much as possible with his gloved hands to prevent further damage.
He forced himself up, grabbing his shotgun from the floor. The Queen was already barreling toward him, the damn monster not letting up. He didn’t have time to make a run for it; he needed to jump to one side or the other, and the timing needed to be perfect. Just as the Queen’s shadow engulfed him, the air turned icy cold, frost creeping up on his visor.
Ice formed from thin air, spearing up from the ground and piercing through the Queen’s legs. The spikes rooted the beast in place. Not one to waste an opportunity, Henry dashed away from the entrance, firing at the immobilized giant spider as he linked up with the others.
“Sera?” Henry asked again.
Sera’s voice came in strained. “Almost…” Then, with a triumphant shout, she announced the word Henry had been desperate to hear. “Done!”
“Owens!” Henry said, risking a glance back.
Ron had already grabbed his Gustaf and was in the process of loading another HEAT round. “On it!”
Henry grinned. It was a relief, to be sure. With Ron free and back in the fight, the odds had just tipped heavily in their favor. The Queen was tough, but it wasn’t invincible; they just needed an opening.
Given the damage the Queen sustained to its body, Henry couldn’t imagine it being in peak fighting condition. Even in its weakened state, though, it still had the capability to dodge Ron’s attack, and it seemed to be saving its web ability for that very inevitability.
“Take out the legs!” Henry ordered.
They combined their fire on the left legs, since Ryan managed to break one of them earlier. He heard a crack that might’ve been the chitin giving way or the leg snapping, but it was hard to tell. He was just about to chalk it up to the prevailing gunfire around them, but then he saw it: a brief stumble. The Queen recovered quickly, but it was clear to Henry that it wouldn’t be able to manage any more damage to its legs.
Then, he noticed a blur in his peripheral vision to his right, moving so fast his eyes could barely keep up. Shit, he was certain he kept track of the Queen’s movements. With the existing damage to his envirosuit, he’d be completely fucked. He braced himself for another impact, but it never came.
As he focused harder on the blur, he caught a glimpse of a flash of light that could only be one thing – Sera’s sword, And, just like a flash of lightning, she had already cleared the vicinity of the Queen. The Queen’s foreleg seemed to simply vanish, severed so cleanly that it took a moment for the beast to realize what had happened. When it did, it let out a screech of pain, its balance faltering as it tried to adapt to the sudden change.
While Henry focused on taking out another leg from the left side, Sera had already shifted to her next target. Their assault was brutal: white phosphorus pellets and hard-hitting 6.8mm on one side, ice magic and skilled swordsmanship on the other. And to think, they managed to inflict all this damage by the time Ron completed his reload.
“Clear the way!” Ron called out, his Gustaf aimed right at the Queen’s head.
Henry jumped back, watching as Kelmithus conjured another set of ice spikes to root the beast again, in case the five obliterated legs weren’t enough to keep it down. The Queen thrashed against the icy bonds, its remaining legs slashing through the air in a frenzied bid for freedom. It spat acid – a tactic that would’ve worked effectively on most other materials, but instead simply got diluted with the melting ice. Even as the acid reacted with the ice, the spikes held firm, anchoring the beast in place like steel cables.
Henry’s heart pounded in his ears. Come on, Owens, he urged silently. Take the shot.
As if on cue, Ron pulled the trigger. The Gustaf bucked in his hands as the HEAT round streaked towards its target. Henry barely had time to brace himself before the explosion hit, the shockwave slamming into him and nearly toppling him over. He staggered back, gazing into the settling dust.
When the smoke cleared, the Queen’s head was obliterated – replaced by a gory mess of shattered chitin and pulverized flesh. Blood sprayed from the gaping hole, covering the ground in a pale blue hue. The creature’s body convulsed, its remaining legs scrabbling weakly at their surroundings.
A surge of triumph washed over Henry, but it was fleeting. From the corner of his eye, he locked on to a glimpse of movement. One of the Queen’s legs continued to spasmodically jerk around and spray the ground with blue ichor. He raised his shotgun in a nonchalant motion and blasted the errant limb, watching as it shuddered and went still.
Sera stepped up, her sword barely catching the light as she jammed it into what was left of the Queen’s thorax. A sharp twist, and it was over. She then yanked the blade from the carcass, her grip shifting subtly along the hilt. As she flicked the sword, frost swiftly coated the ichor clinging to the metal. The frozen debris was flung off, hitting the ground and shattering like glass.
He glanced down at his Holding Bag. Damn, the fight took out most of his shells. Swapping out his shotgun for his M7, he turned to his team and took stock of their condition. It seemed everyone had mostly gone unscathed, only debris and dirt scarring their envirosuits. Well, except for himself and Ron. “Think we’re gonna have to start calling you pinata now,” Henry said, clapping his friend on the shoulder.
Ron scoffed. “Yeah? Says the runner-up,” he said, tapping the dent on Henry’s envirosuit. “Better ‘pinata’ than ‘roadkill’, though. But seriously, what’s next? Don’t even know where to start.”
The room was empty, save for the debris strewn about and the singular obelisk standing in the center of the room. He didn’t notice it earlier, but as he got closer, he realized that the obelisk emitted a faint light that barely escaped the canopy of webs. He looked it up and down before turning to the others. “Only one place to start. Let’s clear out the webs, see what’s hiding below.”
“Doc, Kel, clear out the eggs. Hayes, Sera, see if the Queen’s got anything useful. Everyone else focus on the webs,” Henry ordered.
Ron drew his knife and started slicing through the dense cobwebs. “Hey, what y’all think the Queen’s Tier is?”
Isaac paused to consider. “Eh, Tier 8, probably. Minotaur boss and Rillifane boss were both Tier 8, so I’d say the spider’s around the same level.”
“Well, the resilience of the specimen isn’t a definitive measure of the Tier,” Dr. Anderson pointed out. “It’s quite possible that we merely had the most suitable tools at hand in this particular encounter.”
“The scholar speaks truly,” Sera agreed. “There is nary a defining criterion; defense is but one of many that are considered by the Guild. Were it so simple, Kelmithus and I would have attained Tier 9 ere now.”
“So, what do you think the Queen is, then? Tier 7 maybe?” Ron asked.
Henry shook his head. Tier 7 didn’t seem accurate. Using his knife to scrape some of the webbing off his glove, he voiced, “Spiranids are weak in general, but are classified as Tier 5 or higher because of their traps, ambush tactics, numbers, and abilities. Archers can use Wind Snipe and mages can use wide-area spellcasting, but they can’t reliably penetrate the exoskeleton’s armor. If anything, this is probably on the lower end of Tier 9.”
“Tier 9, huh?” Isaac muttered.
Sera smiled as she stood back. She stuffed a frost-covered gland into her holding bag and paused from her work as she chimed in, “Hmm… how keen. I expected nothing less from the first Tier 6 entrants in Eldralore’s history! It shows plain why the Guild did so swiftly raise you.”
“Hah,” Henry chuckled. It was an amusing thought, but… “Say, ya think we can get to Tier 7 after this?”
Sera’s eyebrows shot up. “Tier 7? A mark of no slight merit. What have you achieved since attaining Tier 6?”
Henry reached to scratch his chin, then cursed softly as his glove thudded against his visor. “Well, we took down a Rillifane pack, a Sentinel Lindwyrm, and now this primal Spiranid Queen. That’s not too shabby, eh?”
“Firm victories,” Sera admitted, “but advancement weighs more than battle alone. The Guild also considers quest difficulty, knowledge gained therefrom, and impact – in other words, glory.”
“The Baranthurian Ruins,” Dr. Anderson blurted, taking the words out of Henry’s mouth. He turned to Kelmithus, who approached them after confirming that the eggs had been cleared out. “Surely, working with the Sanctum Arcanum must be quite the honour. The Guild holds their quests with high esteem, wouldn’t you say?”
Kelmithus nodded, burning a clump of disposed webs on the ground. “True as that may be, advancement oft hinges upon the cumulative experience of dozens of quests.”
“Well, ain’t no small feats for us lately,” Ryan remarked. “The quest to the Baranthurian ruins, what was it, Tier 8? Yeah, that was Tier 8. Sentinel Lindwyrm? Hell, Tier Nine. That there beast?” Ryan pointed his gun at the carcass of the Spiranid Queen. “Tier 9 as well.”
Ron interjected, “Plus we’ve been helping out along the way, like those villagers, and taking on quests others won’t touch. Honestly, the Hardale quest should be pretty weighty too, considering the Nobian shenanigans.”
Sera hummed, mulling over Alpha Team’s experiences. The fact that most of their quests at Tier 6 had essentially been Tier 7 quests or higher in difficulty was probably unheard of in the Guild. Not only that, but they’d been able to complete these difficult quests successfully. Hell, with flying colors, even. That had to count for something.
Henry looked over at Sera, stepping back as he allowed Kelmithus to dispose of the webs that he had cleared out. “So, whaddya think? Based on what we’ve done, you think we got a shot at Tier 7?”
Sera looked up at the ceiling as she weighed her response. “Ehh, you’ve a strong case. Alas, it’s Taldren’s call to make. His favor seems yours, though; I wager he’ll agree.”
Henry grinned. Moving up meant they could have access to more quests. Naturally, that also meant better rewards and in turn, access to some truly magical equipment. “Good to hear. Guess we’ll see to it once we get back to Eldralore. Now, we should probably –”
A soft glow of light gradually lit up the room, interrupting Henry mid-sentence. He squinted, readying his weapon. The light came from the walls and ceiling, illuminating the once-dark chamber. The obelisk, now free of webs, now hummed… healthily? It wasn’t like he had a manual to tell him if this was a good or bad development, but judging from the facility’s reaction, it must’ve worked.
Henry glanced at his HUD. The temperature readings were rising, too. The icy chill from Kelmithus’ magic rapidly dissipated as the environmental controls kicked in. “Well, looks like we’ve done all we can here. Let’s head back to the containment cell room and see if we can find anything else of interest.”
– – –
Outskirts of GB-2, Grenden Forest
Carvus Alnect Virelius narrowed his gaze toward the brightening sky, his eyes cutting through the retreating mist that had long veiled the forest’s canopy. This unprecedented clarity above the ruins was strange. After centuries cloaked in an impenetrable fog, why did the skies clear now?
The Umber Vicearch’s mind worked like a whetstone, sharpening the fragments of reports from his scouts, cryptic as they were. The recent skirmish, occurring concurrently with the lifting fog, could not be mere happenstance. Regardless of the answer, the unexpected fold presented a welcome complexity to test his mettle.
He set his thoughts aside as the sound of footsteps approached.
“Leuarch Eldreyn reporting, milord,” one of his men said. “We’ve word from Serarch Trelian.”
Carvus gave him a nod to continue.
Eldreyn relayed the news. “The scouts espy traces of battle: a fallen Sentinel Lindwyrm and two carriages left abandoned near the cave’s entrance. The land bears scars from some form of magic, strewn with strange metal tubes and other objects unknown to us. Save for the Lindwyrm, no other bodies are to be found. What are your commands, milord?”
Carvus took a deep breath. No other bodies? Two carriages? That such a formidable creature was felled with no apparent casualties among their ranks suggested a small but extraordinarily capable force. Each member was no doubt Tier 7 at the least. The limited number of carriages implied a party not larger than ten. But… what could the metal objects mean?
Powerful though they might be, could such a small group withstand his numbers? Carvus entertained the thought briefly. No, direct confrontation would be unwise. The site bore secrets too vital to squander on rash gambles. Better to maneuver them into a position where the only viable option would be to comply with his demands.
“Hold our position, Lornus,” Carvus commanded. While he preferred the safety of their hidden vantage in the forest, the intrigue of Trelian’s findings – the slain Lindwyrm – was too compelling to ignore. “The contents of Trelian’s report compel our own investigation. Lead us, that we might see for ourselves.”
“As you command, milord.”
It was a short walk to the clearing. As they reached the treeline, Carvus held up a hand, signaling his men to halt – they should go no further than the cover of the forest. The aftermath of the battle lay evident before them. The massive form of the Sentinel Lindwyrm sprawled near the far side of the clearing, its outline murky at a distance.
Carvus squinted, adjusting his position slightly for a better view. He felt his jaw drop, a lapse in composure that surprised even him. Yet, who could fault him? The beast lay nearly torn asunder, its massive body riddled with gaping, jagged wounds that no sword or arrow could inflict. Indeed, not even traditional siege weapons or combat spells could inflict such damage.
The destructive capability of fyric powder was well-known to him – he had seen its use in adamantite mines. The wounds on the Lindwyrm, however, spoke of a force of another Tier entirely. Where fyric powder might clear a path through a stubborn boulder, the agent used against the Sentinel Lindwyrm seemed capable of obliterating several boulders at once, perhaps even an entire cliffside.
Turning his attention from the ravaged beast, he scanned the battlefield. Among the chaos, his eyes caught the glint of metal – strange tubes scattered about, all some lighter shade of bronze. The craters were blackened and littered with debris: shards of metal mixed with wires. This was clearly no ordinary skirmish.
He moved closer to the tree line, cautiously examining the unfamiliar objects. The metal tubes bore no resemblance to any weapons known to Nobian forces. However, their presence here implied that somehow, these objects were related to the catastrophic wounds on the Lindwyrm.
Near the cave’s entrance, two metal carriages lay abandoned. Their exteriors were marred by dirt and marked with an array of dents that appeared to be from the Lindwyrm’s armored tail. The carriages, in style and make, aligned with reports of American machines observed by their Umbercari in distant Eldralore. Mounted atop each was a long cylinder. As foreign as they were, he could tell they were weapons – ones capable of unleashing formidable destruction.
Adventurers throughout the ages had ventured here, all repelled by the formidable Lindwyrm that long guarded these grounds. Had it been folly to devote their resources to the conquest of their neighbors, rather than to mastering and exploiting this site? Such questions surpassed his station, yet irrespective of the answers, the Emperor would surely take no pleasure in learning that he had allowed Americans to plunder the Gatebuilder’s secrets.
Carvus turned to Lornus. “Bid our scouts to investigate the cave.” As Leuarch Eldreyn departed to carry out the orders, he beckoned to one of his serarchs. “Bring me one of those metal tubes. I wish to examine it.”
He sat on a rock, watching the light bend around the man’s form until he vanished from sight. The serarch then adjusted the temperature around his body, matching it to that of the forest. Were it not for the subtle shifts in the man’s mana as he held the spells, Carvus would have surely lost track of him.
The serarch made his way forth, passing through the trees and into the clearing beyond. With haste, he seized upon one of the tubes that lay scattered about, and then, as quick as he had come, he turned and made his way back to the forest’s edge. When at last he returned, Carvus stood up and held out his hand.
The tube, lighter than its solidity might have portended, was chill to the touch and was marked by a patina that showed clear signs of bending. He tried to bend it with his fingers, but the metal resisted. Even when he used magic to strengthen himself, it yielded naught but scant impression. What could have possibly moved the metal?
Looking closely, he noticed that the metal wasn’t bronze, as he had first thought. Though bearing a hue akin to bronze, it was of a kind unfamiliar to him. The surface was engraved with American script – characters and sequences that held little meaning to him. Yet, to deem the letters ‘engraved’ would be to err; it was as if they were imprinted with a craftsmanship nary a smith could rival.
He turned it over in his hands, his eyes drawn to a circular groove near the base. Examining both ends, Carvus noted the open end was distorted as if a great force had expelled something from within – an insight into his previous question. The other end was sealed, marked by a small, precise indentation. He held it up, aligning it with a similarly sized hole in a nearby tree.
This was no common weapon. As a trebuchet releases its load, so too must this tube have hurled its own projectile. It gave him an idea. What if one were to use an adamantite tube with fyric powder, place a keen arrowhead atop, and ignite the mixture below? Would it rival a standard Wind Snipe combined with physical enhancement magic?
Carvus’ thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out to him. “Milord.”
“Hm?” He looked up, finding the face of Leuarch Franus. “What is it, Martano?”
He hesitated, as if second-guessing his words. “The… The Lindwyrm… The men grow restless, milord. They wish to claim the spoils of this battle – the Sentinel Lindwyrm’s materials are prized in many a lore. And these carriages, would it not profit us to salvage what we can? They may hold more secrets – or riches.”
He turned the leuarch’s words over in his mind as he would a well-worn coin. In truth, the idea held merit. Even the smallest measure of a Lindwyrm’s blood was a treasure beyond compare – to say nothing of the other materials, sought after by alchemists and smiths alike. That the Americans had forgone harvest was a curious thing indeed. Could it be that they were ignorant of the creature’s true worth? Or perhaps, had they found something more valuable?
And then there were the carriages, gleaming in the sun like ripe fruit waiting to be plucked. If they could but glean some understanding of how the Americans had so deftly slain a beast of the Lindwyrm’s standing, it would surely prove a boon to the Empire’s own martial pursuits. Perhaps, armed with such knowledge, they might at last gain the upper hand against the accursed Sonarans.
Carvus cast his gaze once more upon the clearing, then turned to face Martano. “Aye,” he said. “Let it be so.”
Yet, as he made to step forth, a low, droning sound beckoned his attention – a buzzing hum that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. The unfamiliar noise compelled him to halt. He raised his hand, stopping his men as he searched for the noise. He tilted his head skyward, squinting as he beheld a strange sight: a winged thing hanging in the air above the clearing, like an animal circling its prey. As the sunlight reflected off its surface, it became evident to him that this was no creature of flesh, but a machine – much like the metal carriages.
“Hold,” Carvus ordered. “We dare not venture forth.”
Martano stepped forward, doubt and confusion etched across his face. “But, milord, if we shroud ourselves in invisibility, surely they cannot see us.”
Carvus shook his head. “Nay; recall the umbercari we sent to infiltrate the Duke’s mansion. They, too, thought themselves hidden, yet were somehow discovered. We know not what sorcery that flying machine might possess, and we cannot risk exposing ourselves.”
Before Martano could respond or venture any further protest, the scouts returned, led by Serarch Trelian. The search bowed his head before providing his report, “Milord, the cave lies empty, and the Lindwyrm’s nest remains untouched. We discovered footprints leading to a great sealed door, which we believe to be the entrance to the ruins.”
Carvus nodded. The Americans had ventured forth and left the loot behind for a reason. He thought back to a fortress that the Empire once sacrificed to encircle the forces of the now-conquered Kingdom of Durenelle. “So be it. Let us abandon these lesser spoils. As our adversaries have forgone these spoils in pursuit of greater gains, so must we sacrifice Straltus.”
submitted by DrDoritosMD to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:09 ArashiNoShad0w A series of really unfortunate events

(First of all, this is not a rant, come have a laugh at my woes)
Yesterday, the game won. I've never seen a game actively want me to stop playing it, but that was because of something I did without knowing it would resust in the most frustrating 4 hours of my life in a game.
A little backstory: I only actively started playing during 3.23. Before that, I probably played around 6 or so hours, so there's a lot of things about the game that I don't know about. That being said...
As someone that likes trading in space sims, I started my day by doing that. I don't have a trading ship, but just before 3.23, someone gave me 2M credits so I've bought a Vulture. I took it because my alternative is a Mustang Alpha....
I've tried to go to Jumptown to buy some cargo, but couldn't make a route. I've got slightly frustrated until I realized it's not supposed to be a "know" place, you have to manually find it. After about half an hour looking and opening and closing the map dozens of time to see if I was going in the right direction, I found it, bought the mere 12 SCU of cargo and left to Brio's Breaker Yard, which wasn't far.
Before going that, I've managed to snag a Clean Up mission, which I went on and did in order to get some RMC. Managed to get 1.96 units, almost enough for 2 boxes.
I landed at BBY, but the computer didn't say "Landing complete". "Odd, but sound is usually wonky, so no biggie" I thought, right before heading to the terminal to sell the cargo, not knowing I had just triggered a chain reaction of annoying events.
I've sold the cargo as intended. Went back to the ship, to then realize I landed on top of a small rock, which tilted my ship to the front. As some of you may know, the ladder in the Vulture is not working lately apparently, so the only way to get in the ship is through the back through the cargo bay, buuuuut since it's tilted forward, the cargo bay is too high for me to each. I could open the cargo door, and with a running jump, I could hit my shoulds on the ramp, but the character doesn't actually grab it and pulls himself up, so I couldn't get in. I've tried getting up in the ship "arms" in the front as well, but nothing worked. Eventually I died of something while trying to get in, I think of dehydration.
Woke up at Grim Hex, claimed the Vulture back, went back to BBY to get my stuff (I had some nice armor and weapons). When arriving there, roughly 15 minutes after I died, I found my body there, and my "old" Vulture on top of the rock. Here, I've made the decision that would destroy my afternoon. "That ship has almost 2 units of RMC, I'm gonna shove it and use it instead. Almost 30K worth of material, can't pass it up" (I'm new and poor, don't judge, 30K is a lot for me). So that's what I did, I shoved it a bit, went down, got all my stuff from my body, and jumped into the old Vulture which had RMC on it, and went on my way to other clean up missions in order to get more RMC.
After waiting for a bit, I've managed to snag one. It was an Andromeda. No biggie, went there, everything went as expected. Then I managed to snag a Hammerhead clean up mission, which I know it's not possible to Fracture using the Vulture, but would give nice RMC.
Just before leaving the Andromeda, a bunch of red markers appeared on my HUD. Players? The police? That never happened before while doing these missions, but I knew law enforcers could arrive, at least on risky salvage missions. I never saw it happening on clean up missions.
I've got hit twice, but managed to jump away torwards the Hammerhead. I've noticed that my quantum drive was calibrating SUPER slowly now, presumably because of the missiles I got hit with. Annoying, but no biggie.
Arrived at the hammerhead, filled up in RMC, made 13 boxes, kept scraping it, another 13 boxes. "Holy crap, that's gonna be a NICE payout". I then tried to leave my ship to see if the HH had anything useful, but the "Open" prompt on the canopy wasn't showing. I thought maybe the missiles broke it somehow (Again, new to the game, don't know if that's a thing). I got worried because there wasn't enough space in the back to leave through the cargo door, but thinking it was because of the hits I took, landing and repairing the ship would fix it.
So on I went to Orison. As usual, it took me around 10 minutes to find the place where I was supposed to land, but eventually I found it.
Then I repaired and refueled my ship, only to see I still couldn't open the door.
"Crap... what now?", and to make things worse, my hydrations levels were on 28%. Not great.
Made my way through the back of the ship, trying everything I could to reach the "Open door" button and leave through the cargo door. Crouching, jumping, running, moving the boxes, anything I could do. After becoming one with the boxes a few times, I've reached the button and managed to press it, just to find out the door wouldn't open either and I was locked inside the ship.
"Oh FFS..." I thought, before complaining about it in chat. Some people recommended doing a power cycle on the ship and some other stuff, which required me to "unbug" my way back to the cockpit, which took a bit of time. I've created some new keybinds for stuff like Eject and Unlock all dors, but nothing was working. I couldn't open the outside doors of the ship. By that time, my hydration levels were at 9%.
I was pissed because I was going to miss a payout of roughly 400K because of a bug of some sort, so I rage pressed everything I could on my keyboard. hoping something would happen and I would show up outside the ship.
Now bear in mind - I'm using a big monitor (5120x1440), but since I only have a 3060, it's impossible to play on that resolution, so I was playing on 2560x1440 and keeping a steady 50-60 fps. On that "rage" where I pressed a bunch of keys, I've put the game on full screen, which bumped the resolution to the max and I wasn't managing to get it back down for some reason. When I finally did, the HDR on my monitor was all messed up. Game was fine, and the rest of the windows opened on the background was SUPER dark. To make things worse, game went down to the 20fps zone and wouldn't go back up.
On a last effort, I ran back to the cargo bay to do the same thing and press many keys. Miraculously, IT WORKED, and I was on the floor below my ship.
"OH YEAH LET'S GOOOOOO" I went, to then realize I couldn't run. I could hold Shift, my BPM would go up to the 180s, but my speed wouldn't change. Thought it was the mouse wheel thing, didn't work.
So there I was, not able to run, and playing with like 18fps. SLOWLY making my way to the TDD. Luckily I managed to buy a few drinks just outside the hangar so I wouldn't dehydrate.
I've arrived at the TDD, and lo and behold, my ship wasn't showing up on the terminal. Obviously I went "Pff, servers laggy as usual", so I've waited. And waited. And it wouldn't show up. "Maybe it's too far from the terminal and the game isn't detecting it?" (I never sold on Orison so I didn't know if that was the case), so I SLOOOOOWLY made my way back to the ship. Magically, the cargo door now worked as intended, and so did the canopy door when I checked a bit alter.
I then flew all the way to Area18. I've sold cargo on the TDD there before so I knew it would work. IT WOULD WORK, RIGHT?
I've arrived, managed to normally leave the ship, but was still crawling, both on my legs and in FPS. Again, made my way to the TDD aaaaand... the ship wasn't showing. Got more annoyed, crawled back to my ship.
"I'll try to sell it at Samson & Son's Salvage Center since it doesn't have a landing pad. Maybe it's bugged... on the cities"
Arrived there, ship wouldn't show up at the terminal either.
At this point, I've been wanting to leave the game for like 3 hours, but obviously not before selling all my cargo, so I was super frustrated.
Then it clicked - "Does the game consider this ship as stolen or something like that since I claimed another one, and that's why it's not showing up on the terminals?"
"Ok fine, I'll make my way back to Brio's Breaker Yard, maybe the Vulture I claimed is still there after 3ish hours. I'll just swap the cargo to it and then sell it there", since at this point I didn't want to make all the Orison thing again.
Arrived there, obviously my ship wasn't there. "Ok fine, I'll die here, claim ANOTHER Vulture, come here and THEN swap the cargo and sell it".
So I died, claimed another Vulture, hopped on it, went back to BBY, to find out my body wasn't nowhere to be seen.
At this point, I was extremely annoyed. "FINE, I'LL GO TO THE STATION AND BUY A MULTITOOL AND A TRACTOR BEAM ATTACHMENT AGAIN". Got up there, bought both, equipped both.
Got back in the ship, requested take off. Game immediatelly goes "You're trespassing. Leave in 20 seconds or your vehicle will be impounded, while slowly opening up the doors. I jam my way out of it out of sheer spite, and then the screen starts to fade out since the timer ran out, JUST as I cleared the landing zone in order to not be impounded.
Only for the game to remain completely black. I could open the menu, and see the options. I could fly the ship around and access the mobiglass, but those I couldn't see, because the screen was black.
As I'm about to explode in anger, I used Backspace to once again die and revive at Grim Hex since i have a multitool there, only to realize the screen still wouldn't go back to normal and would remain black, allowing me to do everything, but not allowing me to see anything.
I didn't even Alt + F4, i've straight up turned off my PC and took a cold shower, made some coffee and went to bed. I woke up still super angry, but that's life I guess.
TL;DR: I parked my ship wrong and got the most frustrating 4 hours of my life because I didn't know better.
submitted by ArashiNoShad0w to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:07 hec204 I have been updating AtlasLootClassic for Cata

Hello, apparently a bunch of people have been asking about the status of AtlasLoot for Cata as the original developer has been out of the game for a while.
Since I'm out of a job right now and have a lot of free time on my hands, I'm doing it. I've never developed WoW addons before, but I'm quickly learning and making good progress.
I'm working on it as much as I can (I've basically given up on Arch solves) but be patient for a fully working version! There is a lot of data to add/fix, manual data manipulation, and some reverse engineering to do. The original author did respond, and I'm waiting on him again for more info, but once it's READY it should be available on Curse and all the other usual places. No timeline for that atm, but I have put in many hours already. There's quite a lot of changes with Cataclysm so, again, please be patient and report any bugs on Github. Also, feel free to contribute if you'd like.
In the long term, I'd like to create a new addon sometime that replaces things like AtlasLoot. However, that would be a huge undertaking and something to think about. Something like the Dungeon Journal extended to be generalized across all areas of the game would be really nice imo.
Finally, the links and how to install it:
If you just download the Repo on Github you'll have a developer version and will get spammed with "X person sends version Y" messages in your chat window. So, I will regularly do new alpha releases here:
So go there if you want the latest and greatest with the newest changes/fixes.
Latest Direct Download (May 15th):
Unzip that and open the folder it creates, you will see a bunch of folders named 'AtlasLootClassic' and 'AtlasLootClassic_X' (one for each module), drag all of those folders into your addons folder which should be inside the WoW directory under '_classic_/Inferface/Addons/'
People have suggested to me to set up one of these: So, if you appreciate the work and want to help support my broke ass while I keep working on this, please feel free to buy me a coffee @
submitted by hec204 to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 featherwinglove I did it again, a new Trimps novelization (more faithful to story messages than the other one) Tightniks Run Zero

[OC Intro: The game is modded to increase basic jobs cost, seasonal events are disabled. Much of the crash details are based on NASA/SP-2008-565 Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report recommendations especially Chapter 3 "Occupant Protection".]
The ship is without power, and Tightniks can't run the radar much without draining the batteries. He has only a few minutes of APU power left, goes over the best clearing he can find, and radars it. It varies by only a few feet from the aerodynamic glideslope there. He spots it out on the cameras and circles to go after that spot. He's only at two hundred feet now. With one hand on the stick, he uses the other to open the pressure equalization valve on the side hatch, then at one hundred feet, gets it undogged. Depending on how much damage he's going to get, it's less likely to be stuck closed and trap him. The dynamic vacuum this pulls in the cockpit rips most of the survival pack data cards from that rack and scatters them across the landscape. Crap, I'm gonna need those! Refocusing on surviving the next few seconds, he turns on the radar for the final approach, takes a last look around, then straight ahead at his forward camera and PFD, he clicks his HANS and shoulder strap locks in; after that, he can barely move, but that now is better than dying in this crash with a broken neck. He's a decent pilot and brings up the flare gently. Bringing up the alpha on this delta-winged ship, he balloons a little, but keeps the nose going up and restores a zero aerodynamic sink rate just above the highest terrain indicated by the radar altimeter. The ship bumps a little in the ground effect, and he can see the radar altitude cycling irregularly up and down about five feet at a time. Rougher than it looked from higher up! The body flap protecting the dead engines hits first, and the nose comes rapidly down. It hits, the screens go blank, and Tightniks is surrounded by airbags, some lifting his feet from the rudder petals and his hand from the control stick. It's blinding, it's disorienting, it's noisy, and, to his relief, it's long! It takes several seconds before the crashing cockpit stops moving. How many times did he flip over? Did he go sideways and roll? Am I rightside up? Are we really stopped on the ground? The airbags deflate, and he can move his arms. He gets his restraints loose and inspects himself. "Uck!" he says out loud (without the 'f'). No broken bones. His pressure suit can take his blood pressure. 116/81, pulse 112, blood oxygen 99 reads off on his left arm, I'll friggin' take it!
The ship is amazingly intact from what he can tell. He can't get any readings. The systems test meter seems to be working, but can't find any voltages anywhere. The ship seems to be completely dead. Behind him, 10 passenger seats are all surrounded by airbags and the back of the cabin ends in some sort of dirt-and-gravel and there's a bit of daylight seeping in around the edges. He was the only one on board, though, so their deployment was mostly academic (they might have stiffened the structure a little during the crash, but that's probably trivial.) Tightniks gets out of his spacesuit. The air on this planet is actually breathable. He gets the hatch open, steps outside and-
"A green shimmer erupts then disappears, and you hit the ground."
The human emerges from the glowing green mist and hits the ground. Groans. Pushes against that ground, trying to get back up. Where am I? What's my name? I remember nothing. Aren't babies born naked? He's got a dark blue button-down shirt on. A uniform? A shoulder patch. Gets up, looks around. I feel really heavy. I'm not that fat, am I? He picks up a small stone from the ground, this also feels heavier than it should. He rises to his feet and holds it out somewhat (he's unable to fully extend his arm) and lets it go. The stone hits the ground near his feet quickly and with remarkable speed. It's the gravity, it's greater than it is on- ...where am I from? This is- ...not my home planet? "Oooh..."
"Ka?" it says.
What is that? It's cute, at least.
It is not tame. He has no hope of catching it on foot. The creature seems to like the berries. Maybe if I gather some of those into one place and set some kind of trap...
33s: First trap.
I got one! The human lumbers up to the trap and gets the catch open. Do you bite? It doesn't matter much to me; I'm so friggin' screwed.
It doesn't. It looks at the human with a sense of wonder, actually. A blink and tilt of the head. Seems almost to be asking, Is it you? My purpose? My savior? Once out of the trap, which is totally wrecked, he has to make a new one from scratch, it follows him around like a imprinted hatchling bird.
Wiry little fella, you are. You're going to need some bulking up to do anything useful. The- ...'trimp', I guess... The trimp seems just barely able to feed itself. The human lets him into the broken ship's intact cabin, and it curls up comfortably in a passenger seat for a nap.
1m03s: Second trap.
"Apparently the Trimps breed if they're not working. Doesn't look pleasant."
What are they doing?
The trimps appear to be androgynous, and these two have paired off in the back of the ship. They're holding something carefully within a few hours, feeding it berries, grass, and- ...corundum.
Corundum?? Whatever that is, it isn't a baby.
1m35s: Third trap.
Only it IS a baby! The third trimp he trapped immediately joined the other two in raising it. They have a strange diet of food the human has found compatible with his own body, but they also eat rocks! They're careful to crush and sort aluminate minerals from silcate ones and only eat aluminate. Actually, they don't eat aluminate, they're only feeding it to the baby.
2m06s: Fourth trap.
All four are raising the same child, who is just starting to toddle. It seems these fellas have alumina or maybe even aluminum bones. The human takes a nap and wakes to find the first child grown up and they're starting to raise a second child, all five of them.
2m46s: Huts.
The human found a working bit of electronics. He calls it a pad, but maybe it's more like a smartphone. It has plans for two residential structures. The first, the smaller one, he can build right away, but the second one needs something called "drywall", and he has to figure out how to make that before he can build it. Huts and houses, apparently.
3m13s: 10 pop, full, first farmer.
The trimp he trained to farm and make paper took an incredible 50 units of food to get bulked up to do the work, and now it's not participating in rearing the child. But less than an hour after the trimp started farming and pulping, the child was out on its own, and the trimps did not start another. The ten seats on the ship were all full. Well, eleven counting the one up front that the human sleeps in. The pilot starts exploring the area.
3m28s: Battle.
Wait, what are you do-
The hostile roars and charges at the human, but one of his trimps jumps in front of him with a stick and they fight. It started right when the human got far enough away from the ship that the hostile non-trimps away from the ship began to regard him as leaving his own territory. After the trimp defeats the first enemy, it continues after other hostiles.
3m53s: Shield I in Z1c5.
The human is easily able to recover the loot in the territory cleared by the fighting trimp. Then he sees something glinting in the- That can't be! What the heck is that? It's a data card that fits his pad. It quite clearly regards trimp combat. He gets it loaded into his pad and studies it. I can do this, it just takes some wood. He returns to the ship to discover that they had already started on a new child before the fighter had even expired in battle. The human concentrates on his research.
4m38s: Mskel in Z1c11 defeated.
The remains of this one seem rather white and shiny. It's titanium! This enemy had titanium bones! He'll store them away. They'll be useful someday, I'm sure.
5m52s: Dagger I in Z1c20.
Where are these data cards coming from? The human wonders as he loads this one into his pad, It's for a weapon it calls a dagger. He blinks. I don't know what a dagger is. I'll take your word for it, data card. Needs metal. He has gathered some, but ore is plentiful. He can just dig and smelt it whenever he wants. For now, I'll continue researching.
6m18s: Arable in Z1c21.
It's an old cave that trimps like to live in. Why weren't they able to live there before? How could these friendly critters be confined to only the exact spot where THAT thing, he looks back where he came from, not remembering that he piloted the wrecked ship to its current resting place, crashed? This is really strange. I'll let them fill up this cave before advancing further. Wait, what about defenses? The hostiles never try to reclaim territory that they've lost, so he stops worrying about that fairly quickly.
8m22s: First hut is 0.3% first ever AP.
The trimps seem fairly easy to please in terms of living quarters. Two move into his first hut and start raising a child. The human has his tent, uniform, and the heater pilfered from his space suit. Not much of a mud fan.
9m59s: Miners in Z1c30.
Oh, what's on this data card? Sl3niw? Oh, I'm holding the pad upside down. Miners. I can teach trimps how to mine ores and smelt met- 200 units of food? Each job is getting more expensive to train a trimp for. He puts his bee nickels to his eyes and spots another data card probably 10 enemies away. "Sc"? Does that means science? I can teach trimps to do science??
13m57s: Scientists in Z1c40.
Due to the expense of training trimps, the human couldn't afford to build them shields until now, he's got Sh1-3 made for the fighter to capture the science training data card. 14m02s: One head went into that turtlimp shell, that of his fighter, but two came out: his fighter still has his head on, and he managed to get the turtlimp's head off. It rushes off after the deadly penguimp in the next cell. The shields are not doing all that much good, actually, but they're better than nothing. The human picks up and loads the science data card and- Holy runny sugar-free fudge crap! 1000 food units, but it'll endow them with the ability to speak. Good. I'm getting bored with no one to talk to.
14m28s: Bloodlust purchased and AutoFight enabled (that delay after getting it is an effect of jacking up the job cost.)
As the human buries this expired little trimp warrior, he comes to the sobering realization that he has more trimp graves in his growing trimp colony than he does live trimps. And yet they seem more hopeful now than before I got to know any of them. They seem to think I'm the solution to all their problems or- Those two look east somberly, then notice that he's watching them and smile back and wave at him. problem that is specific, but very, very huge for them. [The only reason I say 'east' is because that's right on a map, and the game advances right across a row, then up. I might say 'northeast' on occasion for that reason.]
20m47s: Z1c73, Miners taken.
Are you my new mining foreman? The trimp who took to the mining training has dark brown fur that lays flat on its head. It's unusual in not having any bits that stick out from its head, ahoge or whatever. This one is relatively quiet, and while it has assimilated the mining and smelting knowledge, it needs to bulk up to do any mining. Smelting is relatively easy, and getting a strong natural draft going in a furnace is almost trivial with the increased gravity. This trimp builds furnaces like nothing. And likes to nap in holes it digs right on the spot; it's weird that way. [Puchim@s Yukipo, and furnaces are not explicit in Trimps.]
21m58s: Farming in Z1c80.
The resourcing "books" are not data cards but paper scrolls, apparently lost to the trimps. It seems that they were civilized in the recent past and some calamity swept over the planet to reduce them to this. Did I have something to do with it? Amnesia sucks harder than a Dyson- ...what's a Dyson? Whatever, it sucks. This disaster happening just before I crash in the only spot with trimps still alive would be a seriously crazy coincidence! Something is really, really wrong about all this. [The author has not sought or received product placement permission or fee from Dyson Technology Ltd. or any resellers of their stuff, just they literally suck balls and made my favorite vacuum cleaner.]
23m50s: Builder in Z1c90.
They've rescued an, I dunno, gelding trimp? It just started to build a shed around the piled lumber I left to build one. It's really slow compared to me, and just banged its thumb, but it is super cute with that long reddish head fur. That particular trimp is also fascinated with pink ribbons and likes to decorate its head fur with them. Because of its inherent inability to participate in rearing children, it isn't counted in the population. [Puchim@s Io, builder on the basis of Iori seen building in 1x10.]
26m02s: Zone 2, 44 pop, 5.5s RC with Z0/1.
It's some sort of tactical manual - tactical coordination. Coordination! He's starting to sort out some trimpese on the research he has done so far. It needs a lot of metal, so they won't be able to implement it for some time. Hopefully, they're still good one at a time, but these enemies seem to be getting bigger as we go along. Uh oh!
27m33s: Gym in Z2c5.
It's some sort of training dojo or sporting arena. The human examines the ruins, I think I can back-engineer drawings for this, get one built, and see what happens.
29m02s: 1g, 47 pop, 10.8s RC with Z1/2.
The two fighting trimps now with their gym and coordination are dodging and blocking enthusiastically, and making much faster ground against the bad guys then a little while ago when it was just one trimp fighting at a time and unable to avoid the enemy hitting back.
40m46s: Fresh turkimp in Z2c74, 63 pop, 7.9s RC, Sh1-10, Da1-5, Bo1-3, Ma1-3, Hm1-3, 6g.
Oh, wow, the laborers seem really hot after this turkimp. He cooks it up and tries a slice. It's really awesome! I have to work alongside his laboring trimps to share it, but I'm getting used to the gravity now. That scroll we found back in Z2c10 really helped. Trimps' techniques and appliances for handicapped individuals, and I'm really handicapped in this higher gravity. He joins the woodcutters with the turkimp; they're the most numerous resource laborer right now, building more gyms, enough that the block/dodge ability of the fighting trimps is almost caught up to the enemy's ability to cause damage.
43m15s: Zone 3, 63 pop, 7.9s RC with Z1/2.
I'm neglecting my science and trimp scientists are really expensive. Curiously, that grey-haired one can't speak all that well, only says "Tai" and "Shijou", but it can write and draw like nobody's business. It's the only scientist so far. [Puchim@s Takanya: Online references probably still claim that she can utter the first two syllables of any word, but she can actually utter only the first two kana syllables of someone's name, most often the given name of basis human Takane Shijou, who also has that habit. (All the utterances of the puchidoru are based on the speech foibles of their basis humans except maybe Piyopiyo, where I haven't seen anything match up so far.)]
47m32s: Finally, we can make drywall and houses. 59m30s: Z3c77, 94 pop, 7.8s RC.
Oh, those poor things are really struggling up at the front. These trimps are enthusiastic and know no fear, but I still feel like telling them to stop for a while. I don't have the heart to keep them from trying while they're still doing some damage.
1h05m24s: Zone 4, 107 pop, 9.3s RC with Z3/4. 1h15m26s: Zone 5, 120 pop, 8.2s RC with Z3/4.
"What is that?" the human asks. He has three scientists. His first does all the writing, but the other two can actually speak. One of them hops up on a rock spire beside the human to reach his eye level.
At the next ridge line, over the lowest and most passable gap in the terrain, this really mean looking hovering sausage monster.
"I dunno," the scientist trimp shrugs, "But it's making me hungry. Looks like a perfectly cooked frankfurter from here." [John Morell's dubious dirigibles.]
"Oh, yeah," the human nods, "that's a blimp."
"A blimp?" the trimp tilts its head quizzically at the human, "How could you know?"
"I wish I could tell you, little buddy," the human extends his arm braces to descend the pass on the side of the zone boundary in the boss enemy's direction, then grunts, "Let's go kill it."
1h16m11s: Z1c9, 120 pop, 10.3s RC with Z4/5. 1h33m34s: Zone 6, 151 pop, 7.4s RC with Z4/5.
1h33m54s: TP in Z1c3.
"What's this?" the human asks, having picked up the little square document with the curling corners.
"Oh," the hungry scientist looks at it, "It's a garden path, follow me."
"You want to lead me down the garden path?" the human says.
"Yeah," the scientist says.
"Are you kidding?" the human asks.
"No," says the other scientist, "We don't get human humor. Listen, these fighters can't go, let them wear themselves out here, then we'll take the next group through this garden."
"Okay," the human nods, watching two more trimps join the fray as he issues the Z5 coordination orders, "they're doing pretty well after all that block training research we just wrapped up." [That's a common artifact, even in normal games, Z5 Traintacular combines with many gyms, enough population to add several trainers, affording Blockmaster, which is expensive on a run zero, plus a break on Tion Z5, a 40% all-stat increase. I don't think Zach designed it into the game on purpose, it just worked out this way.]
1h34m07s: 151 pop, 10.5s RC with Z5/7. 1h37m44s: Drop from Z6c39, TP for 3.
"Now we have these access map frags we can use to route through the old trimpopoli," the scientist explains, "Atlimpis for food, Morimpa for gems, Everimp for metal, and Impazon for wood."
"What about the garden?" the human asks.
"Well, we got lucky with Tricky Paradise," the scientist says, "but you can randomize the route and maybe get lucky. What's with that look?"
"Somehow, I'm remembering 'frag' as something that blew up with deadly pieces," the human says. [Different video games - ones with better graphics and worse gameplay O(>▽<)O]
1h39m59s: Blues back up to the top on series I...
"Tai, Tai!" the first ever trimp scientist stops the human just before he upgrades the mace and dagger to Mk.6 and Mk. 8 respectively. It has a note for him.
"Why do you keep calling me that?" the human asks, "Do you think that's my name?"
"Shijou, Shijou," it nods as though to indicate, I KNOW it is. Then it proffers its note again. The human takes it and reads, "Don't upgrade the first row equipment right now."
"Why not?" the human asks.
"Shijou," it points at the end of the mapped route, where there's a scroll sticking out of the thistles.
2h24m07s: Zone 8, 224 pop, 12.2s RC with Z7/12.
"Your settlement is getting crowded, there's Trimps in the streets, and you're taking heat. You feel a sudden strong desire to create a map, though you're not quite sure how that would help."
2h49m10s: Zone 9, 357 pop, 9.5s RC with Z8/15.
"You can't shake the feeling that you've been here before. Déjà-vu?"
The trimps really seem to like the new high capacity mansions, and the village has rapidly expanded since they started building them.
"There's something familiar about this," the human says.
"Tai," the grey one that writes clings to his arm and shows him a note that says, "Don't give up now."
"We must persist," says the yellow one has found a foothold it can grab onto and grabs the human's shoulder gently, "If you give up to early, we'll never solve this. You'll be stuck here forever."
The human puts his hand over the trimp's paw on his shoulders, then looks at him, "I can die, too."
"No, you can't," the trimp says quietly, "Please don't test that, tall one."
"Death is just another path..." he remembers.
"Gan," the grey one squeaks. [That's the first two kana syllables of "Gandalf"]
" that we all must take," the human continues, "The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it-"
"A green mist," the yellow trimp interrupts, "flash of fire, we're all gone and our progress forgotten. The wandering stars return to that day, and you again crash that ship- ...a little better every time."
"Wait," the human looks around, "have I been here before?"
"I-" the yellow trimp tries in futility to share what little it knows, "...or... somebody got just a little coolant into the-"
"Into the what?"
"This side up," the grey one's note says.
"Into the that," the yellow one points at the note, "It really helped. You- ...I don't think we've ever had mansions before."
Well, of course they didn't have mansions before. That was one of my ship's data cards. How did it get way out here? Will anything start to make sense?
3h02m13s: Zone 10, 387 pop, 8.7s RC with Z8/15; '28s: 11.1s RC with Z9/19. 3h16m41s: Tough snimp after food book, L10 rand dept from lo-hi-med 118/25/96, 4 Items.
"That's twice our frags led us to gem-rich Moria," the human says.
"Morimpa," the new red trimp scientist corrects, there now being 5 scientists. [There'd be more if there were more turkimp.]
"The question is how do we use all these gems?" the human looks at the village zoning plans again, "I like those mansions and all, but they use hardly any gems compared to, well-" he gestures at the pile of over two dozen thousand gems they've gathered, "-that! And still a lot of wood and lumber."
"I think there's something," the yellow one sighs, "I wish I knew more."
Quite some time later, after they're done looting that route for equipment plans, the trimps are again advancing through Zone 10, and he hears it.
"Tai?" the grey one wonders.
"Where are you going?" the yellow one asks.
"To the farm," the human answers.
"Whatever for?" the red one seems exasperated.
"Shijou?" the grey one sighs, then looks at the fighting front. It's been around long enough to remember, "Shijou!"
"You guys already get so much to eat this doesn't do you much good," the human explains.
3h32m33s: L11 112/35/78 rand sea, dropped from Z11c6 with disband, 4.
"What's wrong?" the red one asks.
The human comforts one of the wounded. Once trimps start into a zone fight, they have to finish before they bleed out. He's really bothered making them desert in front of that second turkimp. "They had a lot left in them," he sighs, rubbing his eyes, "but we can't keep that much dead turkimp at once, we have to leave it alive to use up all of this one."
"Shijou," the grey one presents a note, "We need this map right away, anyway. Don't worry about it, Tightniks."
"Tightniks?" he looks at the grey one, "Is that me? How do you know?"
"Tai," the grey one points at the top of the human's left breast pocket.
"Ah, crud," the yellow one curls its tail around in front of itself as trimps do when they're embarrassed, "Is that really a name tag?"
The human hadn't even noticed it since the green flash blew up his memory as he was stepping out of the ship.
4h04m22s: Block (sub-8h AP is only 0.3%), taking it, 504 pop, 9.8s RC with Z10/24.
It's a pretty thick book about using shields for block instead of hit points. The pad has the stats analysis. Sh3-1 is only giving us 9% of our hit points. Turning to his trimp scientists, he says, "It seems to me to be worth it."
"Let's," the yellow one nods.
"Shijou," it hands him a note, "It scales badly, but that won't matter for a long time. I think there's a way to undo it before it matters."
"Doing it." The human takes out his pad and starts scanning.
4h29m05s: L14 rand moun 137/26/80 is really good for a lo-hi-med. 4h30m52s: Hotels.
"Ah," the yellow one says, "I knew there was something. That must be it."
5h08m09s: L15 lo-hi-hi rand gard 129/28/82 (just got explorers). 5h09m32s: Picked up Wall.
"Dam," the human says.
"Damn?" the red one chuckles.
"No," the human says, "Earthen wall dam; it's a thing that makes artificial lakes by holding rivers back."
"Lakes?" the yellow one asks, "Rivers?"
"Oh yeah," the human says, "This planet doesn't have enough rain for those..."
5h48m21: Leaving Wall from about c70 to fetch Tion Z15.
"You can't resume the map from the same point if you start another," the human reads the grey one's note.
"We can go back to the same point on that route if we hold there and finish Zone 15, right?" Tightniks asks.
"Shijou!" it seems to be saying yes.
"Yes," the yellow one adds, "but we're out of Series III upgrades, and you need a fresh map route to start up Series IV."
"We should be okay," Tightniks says, "but if we have to start it over, I don't see that being a big deal." As they advance through the rest of Zone 15, Tightniks resumes his usual duties at the research desk instead building and running traps like he was before.
The trimps seem hopeful at this decision.
5h49m10s: Fresh turkimp. 5h50m16s: Zone 16, 1071 pop, 13.4s RC with Z15/75, 13m43s turkimp (skel in c1.)
"Z:16 Seriously? Another Blimp so soon?"
"So," Tightniks lowers his bee nickels and looks at the red one, "is it going to be boss fights at the end of every zone from now on?"
"Hmm," the red trimp looks up past the human at some random rock spire or cloud.
"Well?" the human persists.
"Yup," he says.
"Hmph," Tightniks grabs a Sw3-1 of the rack and advances towards the front, "Before then, we have another Mister Titanium."
"What does he like about skeletimps?" the red one asks the grey one as the human marches off.
"Shijou?" the grey one seems just as confused by that.
"He's not going back to the ship, and he's not getting himself killed," the yellow one smiles, "so I'll take it."
"Hey guys, go for the mortar!" the human suggests to his 75 fighting trimps in the Wall's boss fight.
"I can tell from your bedtime stories that you're used to the artillery in that other place," the yellow one gripes, "but fighting works differently here, there's no artillery."
And the human instantly collapses laughing, the scientists a little worried he might have injured himself in the planet's severe gravity. But he's okay, at least physically, "Mortar is the stuff between the bricks, fellas. That's is a brickimp, right?"
5h59m18s: Wall, 1076 pop, 13.3s RC, 1% AP for sub-8h finish, first L16 roll good 156/35/84 moun, 10 for the metal.
Beyond the Wall was a more edenic section of the trimpolis ruins, doubling the production of the lumberjacks. The trimps are actually really happy with the mode of all of the laborers moving between the three big jobs, along with the turkimp, except for the foremen specialized at leading the job. It isn't enough to boost their productivity, but the human goes to them with trays of sandwiches.
6h06m52s: 50 map run 0.3% AP...
6h19m13s: Zone 17, 1141 pop, 16.0s RC with Z16/94, no turkimp.
"Z:17 You climb a large cliff and look out over the new Zone. Red dirt, scorched ground, and devastation. Is that a Dragimp flying around out there?!"
"Hmm," the human surveys the new zone with his bee nickels, "Looks like crap. Any ideas?"
"You're the idea man," the yellow one groans.
"Set the map flag," he puts his bee nickels away, "We'll run a depth for practice and to load up on gems for more hotels."
"Righto," the red one gets to work.
6h44m34s: First DCP. (Draglimp Care Package; I refuse to call it a tribute.)
"Oh," the human says, "It's tame now, so it brings back gems in exchange for food?" He looks at his gaping scientists, "That's what it looks like, huh? Guys? Yo!"
"Tai..." the grey one sighs.
Draglimp, the dragimp imprinted on Tightniks, lands beside the human, drops some gems at his feet, and accepts some scratching behind its horns before diving into the food bowl.
"You tamed a dragimp???" Grey's note says.
"Well," the yellow one huffs, "I guess that happened."
8h18m53s: L20 depth of 154/27/79.
"Mapping up here?" the red one half closes one eye and tilts his head.
"Yeah," the human says while fitting together the depth map fragments, "With the coordination book not right at the end, we have an extra mark of coordination to take advantage of. Let's take our housing up to 2000 or so, shall we?"
"Okay," the yellow one says from a pile of logs, "What's all the wood for?" They had been collecting it for days now.
"The series upgrades follow a rather specific pattern," Tightniks explains, "Just on the other side of this blimp is Zone 21, where we should be able to find the Shield series V, right?"
"Shijou!" the grey one nods.
8h56m17s: 1% AP for 100 map runs, leaving it, 1751 pop, 24.8s RC with Z20/232. 8h56m54s: Zone 21...
"Ooooookay," Tightniks growls, "There is something off about this thing."
"Shijou?" the grey one looks at the yellow one with concern about their human starship pilot friend.
The human stoops, picks up the little green gem on the ridge between Zone 20 and 21, looks at it, huffs, and asks, "Any idea where this comes from?"
"Err..." the red one seems hesitant to say, "I think you made it."
"Really?" the human huffs, "How could that be?" Then he tosses it at Red, "See if anything reacts to it. It might be radioactive, so we should take turns to minimize exposure."
"Really?" Red's holding it now, "What makes you say that?"
"Because I'm pissed off for no reason I can figure out," the human says, "I think it's coming from that."
"Frags," the red one says quickly, "I think it's arranging a route. You're good with maps," it tosses the gem to the grey scientist.
"Shijou," the grey one says hopefully, and has a map drawn within a few minutes. [Whether it looks like the one in Puchim@s 1x61 is anyone's guess. That one annoyed me as well as Chihya.]
9h02m37s: L21 moun first roll was a decent 160/26/84. 9h21m00s: Starting run 5 of that map...
Tightniks had taken his anger out on some food and wood to build about 8000 traps. Now he's leaning against a rock spire in his increasingly tattered uniform. A nap begins, perhaps unintentionally.
Wild trimps are examining the pile, finding it unwelcoming, and also finding no place in the town, just mill about. It looks like they want to help.
"Ku?" it's a blue trimp, probably a farmer waiting for stuff to grow, climbs up on the rock spire the human is leaning against, starts patting him on the head, "Ku. Ku ku." [Puchim@s Chihya.]
9h23m09s: Still working that lap...
Tightniks wakes up from that nap, and the grey one is standing there. "Shijou," it says with a note of concern, although not much of one. The note it holds says, "It wasn't me."
"Oh, what wasn't you, buddy?" He stretches out a bit, feeling somewhat refreshed. It feels like somebody washed his face and hair while he was sleeping.
The grey one is also holding a small mirror, apparently broken off from a larger mirror and with the sharp edges filed down to make the edges safe.
The human takes it from the grey trimp and holds it in front of his face to discover that somebody has bound up all his hair into about twenty little pigtails. He touches them with his other hand to confirm. "Eh, whatever." He hands the mirror back and goes back to sleep. [Puchim@s Koamimami.]
9h30m08s: The following run...
"He's not throwing stuff every which way yet," the yellow one whispers to the red one, watching the human snoozing with his pad on his knee.
"You remember that, too?" the red one asks.
"'Remember'?" the yellow one turns to face the red one, "I s'pose that's better than imagining it."
"I remember it, too," the grey one says via a playing card sized note.
"If we're stuck in a time loop," the yellow one sighs, "maybe this cycle will be different."
"Tai..." the grey one admires him for a moment. Then thumbs in the direction of the mountain, "Heh, Shijou!" it laughs.
9h35m58s: Run 8, c9 of that map.
The scientists nap and take notes, and meditate and take notes, and draw stuff. The grey one often storyboards for the other nine because it's the best at drawing stuff. They have come up with a list, and most probably "order" (they're debating whether their ranking means "order" (sequence of things happening over the various loops) or "frequency" (what proportion of previous loops they have happened in). But they've come up with this, from first (or perhaps most often) to most recent (or perhaps least often):
- The ship crashes (they're pretty sure that happens every loop) - The human builds huts - The human teaches some of his trimps to speak and do science - The human builds houses - The human makes maps - The human builds mansions - The human blows up and gets himself killed somewhere around Z17 to Z21, often on a dragimp - The human only recently/occasionally builds hotels - The human only recently/rarely tamed a dragimp - The human only recently/rarely maps the Dimension of Anger
They're all agreed that that they have never finished the Dimension of Anger. What they are not all agreed on is that they've never done this conference to figure out whether they're in a time loop or what that might mean. [See also Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Cause and Effect" ...which was sort of a time loop but they weren't going back in time. It's very interesting, but its meta makes no sense - no one ever went looking for the Bozeman in 80 years? No one who went looking for the Bozeman also got stuck? No one noticed the passage of time outside the little area of space where the not-quite-a-time-loop was happening? Errr... sci-fi writers, don't be half-assed about your time loops, lmao! Be like Harold Ramis- ...what am I saying?? (That would be Groundhog Day, which grafted a time loop into a romcom; there are no other sci-fi elements. But it was a full-blown time loop and not half-assed like "Cause and Effect".)]
9h54m06s: Dropped from Z21c95...
I think it would be a bad idea to bypass that green area, as much as I'd rather not face it. Both his domesticated trimps, which are breeding up a new group of fighters, and the wild trimps he has decided just now not to open the traps for, stare at him and point in that direction. He shoulders a huge Shield V-3 and grabs an Mace IV-2 as well and announces, "We're doing it." Thus equipped, he marches off into the Dimension of Anger.
10h27m53s: Taking Pi4-2; recently had taken Pa4-2...
The group at the front had expired, and the snimp in DoAc95 glares at the advancing colony of trimps, which had halted only because of it. It refuses to counterattack the vulnerable colony and its human, instead snorting and huffing, waiting for the next bunch of 232 fighting trimps to come in range.
Tightniks runs along the line of traps, releasing the recently tamed trimps, singing a song that he doesn't remember the meaning of, that he doesn't remember was crafted by an ethnically Chinese guy out of an African language, and later mastered by two caucasians over the internet before they ever met in person. "Baba yetu yetu uliye, mbinguni yetu yetu amina..." because it just happened to be stuck in his head. [Because the Doylian author decided on a whim to. Christopher Tin got it into Civilization IV and at the time (2010 July), I made the best video for it on YouTube, which got subsequently blown to shreds when Peter Hollens and Malukah re-recorded the song from scratch in their own voices and instruments in 2014, pity with no English translation, the purpose of my video.]
Noticing the last batch of metal he needs coming out of the furnace, he waves the waiting grey scientist to fire up the forge [to use the term properly and not as the game does], for it was time to wrap up the forging dies for the Spetum IV, Mark 2 pike heads.
"Shijou!" the grey one cheers, setting aside a snack that looks like maybe ramen, and starts jumping up and down on the bellows handle.
It takes a while for the human to chip out the tip in the two halves of the forging die, and then polish it, and then heat it up in the forge, and then quench it, inspect it, and put it into service crafting thousands of new pike heads for the fighting trimps.
But only one second passed on the map frame clock (10h27m54s) four cells behind that snimp, in the case being brooded over by this huge, and if it's honest, rather concerned megablimp.
10h35m45: Portal PB, 45 He, 4.247 He/hr, 1891 pop, 22.7s RC with Z20/232, no turkimp.
The last head of the map's boss monster goes limp as one of the fighting trimps' mace heads bounces of it, and the huge thing settles on its tail, resting on the package that seems to be the prize of this map. And there's a popping sound, and then something mechanical.
Is that a scroll compressor? Tightniks looks at the package. The deflating monster's lifting envelope material drapes over everything underneath it. "Red, Shijou!" he snaps and points, "roll up that side of it. Keep this part from sucking down on the extractor nozzle!"
All ten of the scientists jump in, literally, pushing the gas in the bag towards the compressor. Tightniks as well, rolling up the front.
Until he kicks, and nearly trips over, a smaller package that might be the explanation for the reason why the center of the monster's defense seemed to be a little away from the big package he could see. It's in the right place, he realizes. He gets it uncovered and reads stenciled-and-sprayed block letters on it:
Perhaps the Dimension of Anger is so named because of the rage suddenly rising up in Tightniks' throat. It isn't so much as the free-floating aggression suddenly has an answer, there is definitely a fresh batch of rage and anger as he grips the nearest Mace IV, Mark 3 with both hands and gets it over his shoulder, its target obviously this object, anger at the realization he screams at the top of his lungs, "We are stuck in a mutha FAH-king time loop!!" His swing begins. [Tightniks almost never cusses, unlike Snugniks.]
submitted by featherwinglove to Trimps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:49 LHCGreg [USA] [H]PayPal [W](NES/FC, SMS, Genesis, SNES/SFC, N64, PS1, PS2, GB, GBC, GBA) games WITH manuals and loose manuals, list inside

I am looking for the following. Do not message me without posting here first. DM's/chat messages without a post here will be ignored.
I'm also looking for PS1 memory cards.
Console Game Desired Condition
NES Amagon game+manual or manual only
NES Faria game+manual or manual only
NES Little Ninja Brothers game+manual or manual only
FC Battle City CIB
FC Choujin Sentai Jetman CIB
FC Crisis Force game only
FC Double Dragon II CIB
FC Layla CIB
FC Mitsume ga Tooru game only
FC Robocco Wars game only
FC Saiyuuki World CIB
FC Spartan X2 game only
FC Time Zone game only
SMS Castle of Illusion CIB
SMS Phantasy Star CIB
Genesis Air Buster CIB
Genesis Jammit box
SNES An American Tail: Fievel Goes West game+manual or manual only
SNES Hyper V-Ball game+manual or manual only
SNES Jetsons: Invasion of the Planet Pirates game+manual or manual only
SNES Lufia II game+manual or manual only
SNES The Mask game+manual or manual only
SNES Nosferatu game+manual or manual only
SNES Rise of the Phoenix game+manual or manual only
SNES Shien's Revenge game only
SNES Ultimate Fighter game+manual or manual only
SFC Battle Racers CIB
SFC Cyborg 009 CIB
SFC Edo no Kiba CIB
SFC Holy Umbrella CIB
SFC Laplace no Ma CIB
SFC Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together CIB, revision 2 only (can tell by a number in the part number on the manual or on the ROM chip)
PS1 Alundra CIB with map
PS1 Apocalypse CIB
PS1 Armored Core CIB
PS1 Castlevania: Symphony of the Night CIB
PS1 Clock Tower CIB
PS1 CTR: Crash Team Racing CIB
PS1 Croc 2 CIB
PS1 Disruptor CIB
PS1 Final Fantasy VII CIB
PS1 Future Cop LAPD CIB
PS1 G. Darius CIB
PS1 Gekioh Shooting King CIB
PS1 Ghost in the Shell CIB
PS1 Incredible Crisis CIB
PS1 Jet Moto CIB
PS1 Jumping Flash CIB
PS1 Medal of Honor CIB
PS1 Mega Man 8 CIB
PS1 Mega Man X4 CIB
PS1 Omega Boost CIB
PS1 Parappa the Rapper CIB
PS1 Powerslave CIB
PS1 Raiden Project CIB
PS1 Raycrisis CIB
PS1 Rayman CIB
PS1 Resident Evil Director's Cut CIB
PS1 Rising Zan CIB
PS1 Silent Hill CIB
PS1 Spyro 2 CIB
PS1 Star Ocean Second Story CIB
PS1 Street Fighter Alpha 3 CIB
PS1 Strider 2 CIB
PS1 Tales of Destiny CIB
PS1 Thunder Force V CIB
PS1 Vanark CIB
PS1 Wipeout XL CIB
PS1 WWF Smackdown 2 CIB
N64 Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine game+manual or manual only
N64 Rat Attack game+manual or manual only
N64 S.C.A.R.S game+manual or manual only
N64 Starcraft 64 game+manual or manual only
PS2 Amplitude CIB
PS2 Castlevania: Curse of Darkness CIB
PS2 Clock Tower 3 CIB
PS2 Darkwatch CIB
PS2 Drakan: The Ancients' Gates CIB
PS2 Frequency CIB
PS2 Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex CIB
PS2 Gitaroo Man CIB
PS2 God Hand CIB
PS2 God of War CIB
PS2 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus CIB
PS2 Gungrave CIB
PS2 Kinetica CIB
PS2 Mark of Kri CIB
PS2 Neo Contra CIB
PS2 Neopets: The Darkest Faerie CIB
PS2 Odin Sphere CIB
PS2 Onimusha 2 CIB
PS2 OutRun 2006 Coast 2 Coast CIB
PS2 Parappa the Rapper 2 CIB
PS2 Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy CIB
PS2 Psyconauts CIB
PS2 The Punisher CIB
PS2 Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando CIB
PS2 Red Star CIB
PS2 Samurai Western CIB
PS2 Skygunner CIB
PS2 Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus CIB
PS2 Twisted Metal Black CIB
PS2 Under the Skin CIB
PS2 Whiplash CIB
GB Aerostar game+manual or manual only
GB Bionic Commando game+manual or manual only
GB Kingdom Crusade game+manual or manual only
GB Kung Fu Master game+manual or manual only
GB Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue game+manual or manual only
JP GB Cave Noire CIB
JP GB Ikari no Yousai 2 CIB
JP GB Little Master CIB
JP GB Vattle Giuce CIB
GBC Motocross Maniacs 2 game+manual or manual only
PAL GBC Merlin game+manual or manual only
GBA Blender Bros game+manual or manual only
GBA Gekido Advance: Kintaro's Revenge game+manual or manual only
3DS Zero Time Dilemma CIB
submitted by LHCGreg to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:23 Gambit-Accepted Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas

Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas
Continuing this series on Battlegroup ideas, today is Wehr. Here are my DAK Ideas. To reiterate, I wanted to make these ideas thematic, different from existing battlegroups, unique and mostly historically accurate. Here I use the units that are already in the game files and propose how they could be implemented in an interesting way. Relic seem to have developed several bunker types which they intend to use, so when designing my battlegroups, I did it in a way where these bunker types were used but didn’t make the battlegroup Italian Coastal 2.0, rather fed into a larger idea. I introduce and expand a number of mechanics I have discussed in my other threads:
Central Idea: All in prevention, counter attack. Your opponent would have a hard time overwhelming you in one all in push. The left side of the tree consists of mostly callins and quick dispatch units for handling flanks quickly, the right side is more logistics themed with multiple reactionary abilities.
BMW R75: Not a lot to say here, similar to the DAK bike except with an MG 42. It could be made to have no reverse, like the Coh1 bike, that was a fun mechanic.
4-Man Pios: Again, self-explanatory.
Sd. Kfz. 251 Variants: This gives you access to other 251 variants, either by upgrading the 251 directly or by calling them in. I’ve chosen these 2 versions that I feel open up a lot more strategies, Mortar HT and Luft tier would be quite good, that tier lacks indirect. Pakwagen Panzer Gren tier would also be strong, as that tier lacks mobile AT. The ATHT would have the same AT performance as the Marder, but would have less HP and no lockdown ability.
Panzer III H: As a unit to add to Wehr’s roster, this makes a lot of sense on many levels. In terms of performance, this would be closer to the Crusader medium tank. In terms of the timing, it would arrive at the same time as the Stug and the Wirbel, but unlike both of those specialists, this would be a generalist for that timing.
Temporary Armour Assignment: This is exactly like the mechanic I described in my DAK designs. How it works is that this munitions only ability is used and a Stug, P4 pair arrive from off map. Neither unit requires fuel, manpower, upkeep or population. They benefit from all the upgrades that affect the normal version, ie vet and armoured skirts. You have direct control over them but after a set period of time, they will turn to AI control and leave. This makes them really good as a reactionary ability (your opponent is doing an all in) or as your own all-in, especially if you’re already maxed out on population. You’re especially incentivised to make risky plays with them as armour preservation is not so important. The number of use cases for this ability are so numerous that I won’t explain it anymore, it should be obvious how strong this is. I think to balance this out, it needs a heavy munitions cost and a long recharge timer.
AI Temporary Elephant Assignment: One of the questions I’ve been asking myself since Coh3 came out is how do you add heavy tanks to the game in such a way that it’s not frustrating to play against and doesn’t break it. Given that the game is set so much earlier in the war and a number of the factions don’t have ready access to tank destroyers like the SU-85 and the Jackson, you can’t simply throw in the Elephant and hope for the best. To be completely explicit, I don’t see how the US with their current roster are expected to deal with a Coh2 style heavy tank destroyer. However, in Halo Wars 2 Blitz game mode, how it works is that you can call in a Scarab and its an incredibly strong unit but after a certain period of time, it spontaneously explodes and the game returns to normal. Why wouldn’t something similar work for Coh3? The risk reward calculus of using it would be; can you get enough damage done in the period available to justify the expenditure? There are a few ways that this could be implemented, you could, for instance, give the player direct control over the Elephant but I’m in favour of doing this slightly differently. Like the Infantry Assault ability for the US Advanced Infantry Doc, I think this should be AI controlled, should be on attack move and should be targeted on a position. After the timer, the unit would drive off map. This way you get the power fantasy of using a heavy tank without the game breaking potential of a heavy tank camping for the entire game between 2 VPs and zoning out all tanks. The reason I prefer this method of implementation is 2 fold; the first is that counterplay is much simpler, you just avoid the area and wait for it to time out. The second is that it has that appeal of being somewhat like a mini campaign mission within the game, you have to defend the tank with your forces as it advances. Your opponent would be easily able to flank it if its on it’s own, but when you support it yourself its more potent. The one exception to this AI control that perhaps should be considered is allowing the player to control the tageting directly, You wouldn’t want the Elephant to shoot at some random infantry while your opponent moves double Archers into position. In terms of relative strength of the abilty, I think if it was implemented in this fashion, the Elephant ability wouldn’t be that strong. I feel direct control over a P4 and a Stug is much stronger than an AI controlled Elephant. To me this is the best way of getting heavy tanks into the game.
Logistics Field Officer: The right side of the tree very much has a logistics theme to it, starting with the officer. The Resource Priority ability works well with a variety of units, one could see this being handy in a situation where you want to increase the ROF of an MG, Mortar or Pak being extremely useful. Situations where you want to increase the ROF on a tank to help it win the engagement would also be strong. Speeding up the recharge on a Nebelwerfer would also be a common use. Source Replacements I could also see being a heavily used ability, either on the field or in base. Finally, given this battlegroup is munitions intensive, the Supervise Resource Extraction ability will allow you to increase your income like a cache does. You could even have some rush strat builds involving the officer, but unlike caches and trucks, the unit can be repurposed to do other things afterwards.
Panzerschreck Trailer: This is another type of trailer unit. I’ve talked about trailer units a few times in my other posts, but here is the rundown: My thinking with this is that its a brand new unit type, which loosely can be defined as a support weapon. How it works is that infantry squads can crew it, push it around, vehicles can tow it, etc. When in a position, it provides an aura which in this case recharges nearby snares faster. However, the unit shouldn't require pop cap and moreover, you can actually manually decrew it and it will still provide you the benefits. So for example, let's say it spawns in your base and you want to setup a strong point, you can crew it with a squad, wheel it over to a house near the frontline and then decrew it. Units within its vicinity would still be benefiting from the aura. When you want to move it, recrew it again, or tow it, to a new location. The beauty of this dynamic is that your opponents can steal these units from you like an ATG, so while they don't take up popcap and would be relatively cheap (say 100 to 150 manpower), you're still incentivised to protect them. You can also attack move them with AT guns etc, would be interesting to play around it. I think it would make for a fun dynamic, but would need to be coded from scratch. It also indirectly makes tow yet more useful. With this trailer specifically, it’s aura will recharge nearby snares faster, however squads can also collect a Panzerschrek from the trailer for a munitions cost. This Panzerschrek is timed, so after a duration the squad will drop it. This is going to really strong in situations where your opponent is doing an all in dive with light vehicles and/or tanks and you need to bolster your AT immediately to hold on. Picking up these Panzerschreks is not cheap, but it makes it much harder for your opponent to dive you and also allows you to go for low AT builds with this trailer as the backup. The way I see this until being used is wheeling it behind a hedge or building near your cutoff and running over to grab a Panzerschrek if its needed. Let’s say your opponent does a double M8 dive, your 2 Grens and a Panzergren pick up 3 schreks between them and your opponent is basically able to do nothing but wait for them to time out. This could buy you enough time to reach T4 or whatever else you were doing. It’s a tool that adds a lot of flexibility to your composition, but remember if you get forced off, your opponent can just steal it and then its your problem!
Weapon Stores: This gives your pios the ability to build Riegel mines but also Weapon Supply Bunkers. Now, the bunker has a straight forward aura that increases ROF of infantry and their grenade recharge times, but it also has another more expansive mechanic of temporary weapon upgrades. I’ve talked about this mechanic at great length in my Luftwaffe Field Division faction design, where the faction essentially revolves around that mechanic, but here I use a simplified version for a Wehr battlegroup. The TLDR is that infantry squads can pick up weapon packages from the bunker to either augment their current DPS or completely change the role of the squad for a short period. For instance, Jagers can pick up Beretta 38s to transform the squad from a mostly mid range unit, to a short range one. Grens can pick up G43s to improve their mid to long range performance and Pios can pick up an MG34. All the options are avialable to you. However, the upgrades are not timed, but depletable. This means that if the squad is not in combat, the upgrade duration doesn’t tick. You have to be in combat to expend the upgrade. The situations where something like this would come in useful are numerous, but to name a few; giving all your grens weapons at any point in the game, augmenting your jagers with MG34s, giving Stosstruppen Berettas so they become a close range powerhouse, or even double MGs. Relative to normal weapon upgrades, these upgrades are inefficient, but for rush strats they can be strong, as well as augmenting your units in the lategame with the extra munitions you have in the bank.
HE Shell Delivery: Improves the splash and anti infantry power of all your vehicles at the cost of penetration. This could be somewhat tricky to use, as your opponent will become aware of its activation immediately and will come in with their vehicles. But situations where your opponent has dug in with ATGs and AT infantry, this ability will be devastating.
Central Idea: Team weapon play, heavy fire power and artillery. Good for just battering your opponents head on.
SD-2 Line Drop: This is similar to the equivalent ability in Coh1, however the big difference is that you can customise the area where the mines will fall. For instance, you could do a relatively small field on a VP for 50 munitions, or you could do a large line of mines to completely block off a flank with mines. This flexibility allows you to employ the ability in a number of situations and adds some nuance to its employment. It terms of how this would work in game, I feel click and drag would be sufficient, the munitions cost being visible on the cursor. In the context of this battlegroup, it can block off the flanks of your team weapons.
Pre-Sighted Terrain: This feeds into that team weapon focused gameplay, having extra range on your Paks and MGs in an area is going to be really strong. You could even use it with Mortars and Nebels for an extra long range barrage.
7.5cm Flak 264/3(i) AA/AT: The Flak 264/3 is an Italian medium AA piece that fits into what I will refer to as the ‘premium anti tank gun’ category. Similar to how the MG42 and DSKH were premium MGs, this ATG will be better than your standard ATG, at a higher price point. On the scale of ATGs, this will lie between the Pak 40 and the Flak 36 in terms of raw firepower. The damage should be exactly as the Pak 40, however it should also benefit from 10 more range and also the ability to shoot down air. The drawback however is that it should be relatively slow to move, like a Pak 40 in camoflage mode. For small adjustments, this should be fine, but to move it across the map, it would be easier with a tow vehicle. This means there are tradeoffs with this option relative to the Pak 40, the situations where the Flak 264/3 would be better is when you don’t want to invest in a wirbel but still want AA on demand when you need it (2 of these should take down planes pretty quickly), or situations where you’re camping 2 VPs and don’t expect to have to move around much, allowing you to utilise the greater range. Paks are going to be better when you need to move around a lot and expect your opponent to invest in indirect fire.
Flakvierling 38: This gun is exactly as on the Wirbelwind, except it’s a team weapon. Relative to the Flak 30, this would have the advantage of suppression and probably better anti infantry performance. Perhaps starting with the same stats as the DAK Flak halftrack and going from there would be a good place to start.
28cm K5(E) Barrage: Heavy railway barrage, not much to say here.
7.5 cm IG 37: This is essentially work like the LeIG for DAK, it’s a later version of the same concept. Wehr don’t have anything like the Heavy Mortar equivalent and this would be it. This would be handy if you wanted to go Luft tier or tier 4 without having to tech to get Nebels.
Springer Remote Controlled Bombs: Conceptually, this is identical to the Goliath remote controlled bombs, except these bombs are twice the size and are significantly more dangerous as a result. For me, one distinction that could be made would be dialling up their effectiveness against your opponent’s base structures. One thing I feel Coh lacks are tools for crippling your opponent’s tech. Kane’s wrath has a plethora of units and abilities for exactly this purpose and their employment is great to use and even more exciting to watch. So the Spinger should be able to knock out 75% of the health of a base tier structure. So conceivably, you could get a 251, drive it over to or into the base, deploy a Springer and blow it up next to T4, finish it off with Paks or Stugs. This will reinforce that whole dimension of the game, camping on 2 VPs will be much easier to punish.
Sd.Ah. 57 Munitions Trailer: Another style of trailer, as discussed above. Here it would be used directly with team weapons to increase their ROF. It can also be used with indirect, so Rocket artillery would recharge faster. I feel the situations where this would be useful are fairly obvious but one extra way of making it interesting would be if it had an AOE explosion on death. So your opponent would be incentivised to move in with vehicles and target it down. They could also just steal it for themselves.
Wurfrahmen 40 UE (f): Standard rocket artillery. One question I would expect a Wehraboo to ask is ‘why this and not the Panzerwerfer?’. The way I see it, this only has 4 rockets, so its damage per barrage is less. This leaves scope to make the barrage recharge time shorter, meaning you need to micro it more, but also, its less of a wipe machine or do nothing unit. You can also give it a lower price and require less population. Looking at the Walking Stuka in Coh2, that unit either killed everything or missed and was largely a waste of resources and popcap. If you can have the same unit, but with less alpha damage, at a cheaper price and popcap, it should be more consistent over the course of a match. It would also be easier to fit into your composition and would see greater use as a result. This essentially is why I picked this unit. That and because its new and different.
AI Double Wespe Temp. Assignment: Like the Elephant assignment above, this is where double Wespe artillery pieces come onto the field and are controlled by the AI. They attack move to the target, shelling your opponent’s units within range. This ability should be much easier to employ, as they barrage from long range, but also they should be easier to counter (you can just dive them). Since we’re not using new vehicle models, it should be cheaper to develop and its different from the existing off-maps.
Central Idea: Long range engagements.
MGZ34 MG42 Scopes Upgrade: Simple upgrade, improves range and sight of MGs once they upgrade themselves for munitions.
AI Double Sniper Temp. Assignment: This is most similar to the Wespe ability I just described, except with 2 snipers. What this ability would be strong aganst would be team weapon camp and entrenched infantry, as well as guarding VPs in the lategame. What this ability would be pretty bad against would be an opponent with several light vehicles and tanks which can drive up and elminate the snipers in 5 seconds. Its not like the AI will dodge. This ability is augmented by the numerous sight abilities and units in this battlegroup.
Panzerbeobachtungswagen III: This is most similar to the 254 artillery observer for DAK, except where the abilities are largely air based. The unit has an MG, so it can be used to attack troops early on, but its mostly used for the focus sight ability in conjunction with tank destroyers and team weapons. The SD-2 Ground Burst drop I see being more like the M83 Cluster Mine drop from Coh2. The Ju-88 P-4 Heavy AT Strafe, is actually a 50mm cannon, so different from the JU-87 we have now by having more alpha damage.
Fritz X Guided Bomb Strike: This is probably most similar to the Stuka Dive Bomb in Coh2, however, the big difference is that you can manually guide it to the target. The inspiration for this are the Predator missiles from MW2, however in Coh3, the easiest way of implementing this to my mind is that the player has to keep the cursor where they want the bomb to land. However, if they don’t want to do this, as it prevents other micro, you double click and it will go to where it was last targeted. So the situations where you’d want to perform this micro are quite niche, basically when nothing else is happening for 5 seconds. I think a sensible decision should be to cut off direct control from the player 2 seconds before it hits the target, so its still possible to dodge but harder.
Nashorn Tank Destroyer: Not much to say here, its basically the Archer.
Grenadier K98k Scopes Upgrade: Not a lot to say here, range and sight augmentation for grens.
Ranged Bunker Options: Here we use some of the bunkers Relic has already invented. The mortar bunker is simple enough, but the Observation bunker is a bit more interesting. This emplacement should have a long line of sight, but it should be restricted to a narrow arc which can be refaced. This encourages active micro of the emplacement. It would be strong in matches where this is placed behind team weapons and artillery for spotting targets but would not detect flanks. Somewhat reminds me of the child’s game ‘Spotlight’.
Fusiliers: These are another unit that Grens can be swapped out for. Unlike Jagers and Panzergrens, this unit is purely focused on long range DPS. You could use Gebirgsjager here instead, I use Fusiliers as one of my other designs uses Gebirgsjager.
Range Adjustment: This unit ability increases the squad’s accuracy after each model drop to a maximum of 30%, 5% per model. I could imagine in most situations, this would be a simple DPS boost, but there would be situations where fighting low health squads where this would be especially strong. The same kind of logic applies to the ATG and Tank Destroyer ability, where everytime they land a shot while the ability is active, it increases their accuracy and ROF.
Focused Gunnery: A global sight and range buff for vehicles, at the cost of speed. This blends well with the other abilities in the battlegroup.
Central Idea: Area denial.
Grenadier & Pio Field Defences: Gives access to a number of build options. Panzer-Stabmine 43 AT Mines are a variation on normal mines, where the emphasis is placed on the heavy engine critical rather than the damage of the mine. So these mines would be relatively spammable, specialised against vehicles and would cause a heavy engine damage critical. The focus here is leaving your opponet’s vehicle stricken and being able to move in with your own vehicles to take it out. However, unlike say Riegel mines, it doesn’t do that much damage, so your opponent will have a much easier time of quickly repairing off the damage. It’s a variation on mines with its own drawbacks and strengths. However, the main structure you get access to is the Luftwaffe Relay Point. This emplacement can call in strafing runs within its vicinity, the AT strafe would be particularly strong if combined with the Stab mine as it would be far harder to dodge. The relay point though can also call in a variety of crate drops with different infantry buffs. Ammunition crates increase ROF, which is simple enough, but the Explosives Crate doubles the squads grenade ability the next time its used. For instance, Grens would throw 2 stick grenades for the price of 1 with a 0.5 second delay between each throw. Naturally, this is pretty strong and also munitions efficient, at the cost of extra micro. The mechanic could also be made to give squads that don’t normally have a grenade, a grenade. For example, it would be cool if Jagers/Pios got stick grenades after picking up one of these crates. I’m not sure what you would do with Stosstruppen, a bundle grenade assault? Sounds overpowered and incredibly fun. Double frangible sounds fine. Camouflage Crates give your squad moving camo for 60 seconds, so you could conceivably pick up this crate on the way to your opponent’s side of the map and use it to ambush or do all manner of things. One question that would need answering is whether or not is should be possible to stack these crate bonues, I could foresee camoed Panzergrenadiers with double bundle grenades being very very good. Perhaps the best way of soft nerfing this combination is to have a shared cooldown timer of 90 seconds on the crates, this should severely limit the number of times a player can get explosives and camo at the same time.
251/17 Halftrack: Exactly like Coh2.
Cannone Da 105/28 Howitzer Emplacement: A general howitzer emplacement, you could use the LeFH but this emplacement already exists.
Panzerturm IV: A mixed AT and anti infantry emplacement. This emplacement absolutely should take up pop cap but also have prioritise vehicles.
Bf109 WerferGranate 21 Rocket Strike: This would fire 4 rockets in unison, have fairly high alpha damage and flame dot damage. You would most use it against team weapons and infantry, especially in denying point caps, but potentially you could use it against vehicles, particularly if they hit a panzer stab mine, to cause them health damage and prevent them from being repaired.
Sd.kfz. 251/16 Flame Halftrack: Similar to the unit in Coh2, except you can also upgrade it with MGs. As a general comment, I feel this unit and flame weapons more generally should have bonus damage against base tech structures. Sneaking flame tanks into the base and burning down your opponent’s tech is so much fun in Kane’s wrath and I feel Coh3 would do well to capture some of that magic. So being able to burn down a tech structure in 30-45 seconds in would give this unit extra utility, currently it fees like the flame units lack flexibility relative to their autocannon equivalents.
Infantry Gestreckte Ladung: This ability is on infantry and it essentially is a grenade that sits between the Bundle Grenade and a Satchel charge on the spectrum. It would have the same damage as a bundle, but a longer fuse and shorter range. However, the charge would have bonus damage against emplacements, buildings and field defenses. The ideal use case would be against units behind sandbags and wire, as it would destroy them completely. Its much more likely to land than satchels, with its shorter fuse time, but is not as a good as bundle grenades which do the same damage with an even shorter fuse. So the bonus against field defences is the main advantage of the grenade. It goes without saying that this ability benefits from the Explosives crate from the other side of the tree.
Decima Squad Infiltration: This squad is most comparable to Stormtroopers in Coh2. You would largely use the squad to charge cutoffs and plant explosives on points, its going to be strong in VP wars. This squad has no camo out of the box but you can get that from the other side of the tree.
Communication Breakdown: This is activated in a circle zone and no off-maps can be used in it for the duration, nor do any global abilities like Designate Assault Position work there. There are many situations where something like this would be useful, for example, preventing someone from calling an off-map in during your assault, preventing an off-map being called in on a crucial VP in a close match. The main use I could see people using this is with their emplacements on the other side of the tree, preventing say bombing runs, etc.
In Deckung!: This abilly mixes well with a variety of the other abilities in the battlegroup. Getting cheaper grenades will allow you to spam them during the duration of the ability, if you combine that with the Explosives crates, it will be yet more efficient. 15 munitions Panzer Stab mines will be strong. The crucial thing with this ability is timing, as you need to use grenades and mines en masse to justify the initial munitions cost.
Other Unit DLC
As I discussed before, I think it would be a mistake for Relic not to include the substitute units feature. In terms of what units should be substitutable, this is what I feel makes sense:
Finally, as a general change, I feel we need to talk about the Pak 43. The Pak 43 is already in the game files and is presumably lined up for a battlegroup. I feel this unit should just be added to T4 so that stock Wehr has an answer to heavy tank spam (thinking about Matildas and Grants here). Wehr doesn’t have a great answer for dealing with heavy tanks, short of building 3 paks or several marders, neither of which are great from a faction design perspective. They come quite early, relatively, so improving their performance messes with the flow of the game and makes T4 less attractive, why bother going T4 if all the AT you need is in T2/T3? A Pak 43 in T4 has a pleasing symmetry between DAK, Brits and Wehr. If US got he M5 ATG (which they should), all factions would have this common tool. A number of players have been calling out for the Panther to be added to T4, I don’t think that’s the play here, as it would dominate so many other options. The situations where you would build a Pak 43 over a Panther are quite niche (look at Coh2), so having the more attractive unit in stock over the less attractive solution in a battlegroup, to me makes little sense. The Panther would also crowd out Flak 36 Emplacment play. However, the Pak 43 is easier to counter for your opponent, using indirect etc, while also giving you a reason to go for a battlegroup with Panther as the main attraction. Essentially what I’m getting at is that the Panther is too dominant of a unit to be in T4 and the Pak 43 should be there in its place.
submitted by Gambit-Accepted to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:14 Techn0-Viking Artesian Cloaks (FSMP cloak mod) suddenly not working on save with Legacy of the Dragonborn

It's as the title says. I've been playing Skyrim for ages, and I have multiple saves separated by profiles in MO2. On all of them, I have FSMP and its requirements, it works perfectly, etc. Artesian Cloaks is fully functional on all saves and profiles, except for one. On all saves, FSMP is fully functional as well.
However I recently decided to get Legacy for the first time, I installed all the associated patches for it, loaded the game, and played. All FSMP mods work perfectly and beautifully on this profile and its saves, except for Artesian Cloaks. Everything else is fine, just not this mod.
I have run LOOT several times over, FNIS, I've changed my load order manually to move various patches around, and none of it works. Artesian Cloaks just outright does not seem to work with Legacy installed.
I've also tried to reinstall FSMP and all requirements, all cloaks, XP32, Artesian Cloaks, all patches, and so on, multiple times now. Still, Artesian Cloaks only works on saves that don't use Legacy, and it does not work on the one with Legacy.
Has anyone else encountered this issue, and if so, did you find a fix? If you found a fix, what was it?
Here's my modlist for the profile:
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. +Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul +Nature of the Wild Lands 2.0 +Nature of the Wild Lands - Riverwood Keep Patch +Lord of Coldharbour Armor and Harkon outfit replacer +SV Skjor NPC Replacer +Resplendent Armor and Greatsword SE textures +Resplendent Armor and Greatsword SE +Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches (Official) +Auriel's Armor (Ancient Falmer Armor) - Red +Legacy of the Dragonborn +XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended +Winter Is Coming SSE - Cloaks +Wildwood Echoes +Weapons Collection 3 +Weapons Collection 2 +Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor +Vivid Weathers - Definitive Edition +Vanilla hair remake +Vallaslin Face Tattoo's Warpaint +UIExtensions +True Ayleid Race +Thrones of Skyrim +The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns SSE Edition +The Grand Paladin - 2021 (Remake) +The Eyes of Beauty - Vampire Eyes SE +The Axe of the Nordic Kings (ENG and RUS) +The Art of Beard - New Facial Hairs +Tera Armors Collection Special Edition UUNP +Talos Housecarl Armor Pack +Talkative Dragons +Storm Knight's Legacy Armor +Starsight Eyes +Sound Record Distributor +Solitude Docks +SMP-NPC crash fix +SkyUI +SkySight Skins - Ultra HD Male Textures and Real Feet Meshes (4K2K HIGH) +Skyrim Unlimited Rings and Amulets SSE +Skyforge Weapons SSE +Shields Of Glory SE +Shields Of Glory - Temper Patch +SC - Barsaebic Ayleid Armor for Argonia +RS Children Overhaul +Royal Armory - New Artifacts +Rourken's Relics +Riverwood Keep SE patch +Riverwood Keep SE +Relentless +Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO SE +Realistic Water Two SE +Realistic Elven Children (Aymar and friends reimagined) +RDO - Skyrim Unofficial Patch +RDO - AFT Patch Final +Rainbows over Waterfalls +RaceMenu +RaceCompatibility with fixes for SSE +Prisoner cart fix SMIM -Prince and the Pauper SE patches +Practical Female Armors +powerofthree's Tweaks +powerofthree's Papyrus Extender +Paradise City for Vanilla Skyrim Special Edition +PapyrusUtil SE - Modders Scripting Utility Functions +Papyrus Tweaks NG +Outfit Manager +Obi's HeadHunter Armor 2K +Northern Armor Set +Nordic Adventurers Armor SSE +Niohoggr Warpaints +Neocatzeo's Resurrection Rod +My Home is Your Home +Multiple Marriages SSE +MultiCraft +More Bandit Camps SSE +Modern Brawl Bug Fix +Miraak - Dragonborn Follower SE +Lionheart - Johnskyrim +Legendary Alpha Shields 2 +Legendary Alpha Shields +KS Hairdos SSE +KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics) - Unisex +KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics) +Kirax_OVR_Draugr +Kirax_OVR_Collection_M +Kirax_LoA_Paladin_Platinum +Kirax_LoA_Berserker_Legendary_Frost +Kirax_Hair_Pack_M +Kirax_ACV_Thor +Kenokun's Warpaints +Kanjs War Horns +JS Armored Circlets SE +JContainers SE +Invisible Armors Enhanced +In the Shadow of the Crown - No Stone Unturned Alternative +Improved Eyes Skyrim +Immersive Weapons +Immersive Armors +Ilieh - Cry of the Damned +Hvergelmir's Aesthetics - Beards +Humanoid Vampires SE fix +Humanoid Vampires SE - Vampires use normal faces and Serana's eyes variant +Horse Armors SSE +Holy Templar Magic +High Poly Vanilla Hair +High Poly Head SV Beards +High Poly Head SE +Helmet Perk Remover +Hearthfire multiple adoptions - Now with custom home support for kids and spouse +HDT-SMP Physics Racemenu Hairs and Wigs Unisex - Male and Female - CBBE 3BA - BHUNP - HIMBO +Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE +Guard Dialogue Overhaul MCM +Glowtastic SSE +FSMPM - The FSMP MCM +Fortify Enchanting +Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE +Flying Mod Overhauled +Flying Mod Beta by porroone and Flying Mod Overhaul by Indefiance (Converted for SSE) +Flickering Sunlight Shadows Fix +Faster HDT-SMP +Face Discoloration Fix +Extended Guard Dialogue +Enchanting Freedom +Dwemer Spectres Special Edition +Dwemer Outfit - Morrowind Style +Dragon Wall Wisdom - Readable Dragon Walls +Dragon Priest armor SE port (original mod by Backsteepo) +Dragon Breath VFX Edit +Don't Show Headgears +Divine Cloaks +Distant Dragon Roars +DCR - King Crusader Mega Pack +DCR - King Crusader Heavy War Regalia +Dae's Titanblade - Standalone Dwarven Greatsword +Dae's Titanaxe - Standalone Battleaxe and Boss Fight +Crown Helmets Redux +Crash Logger SSE AE VR - PDB support +Crash Logger +Craftable Ayleid Items from Beyond Skyrim Bruma +Convenient Horses +ConsoleUtilSSE +Comfy Dwemer Beds +Cloaks of Skyrim SSE +Chillwind Depths CTD Fix +Cheeky Kids +Chapter II - Jeremy Soule Inspired Music +Celtic Music in Skyrim - SE +Castle Volkihar Rebuilt - SSE +Carry Weight Modifiers +Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- +Bulk Enchanting Redone +Body Paints patch +Body Paints 3 +Body Paints 2 +Body Paints +Blackreach Eerie Ambience +Beyond Skyrim - Wares of Tamriel SE +Beyond Skyrim - Bruma DLC Patch +Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Assets +Beyond Skyrim - Bruma +Better MessageBox Controls +Beards of Power +BDOR SAM Addon - Atanis +BDOR SAM Addon - Anemos +BDOR SAM Addon - Aker Guard +Base Object Swapper +Bandolier - Bags and Pouches Classic +Bandit Lines Expansion +Ayleid Lich Crown - Cut Content Restored (Anniversary Edition - The Cause) +Axe Of The Sea +Auriel's Quiver and Arrows - Gold and Argent Retexture +Auriel's Chapel Restored +Auriel's Bow - Gold and Argent Retexture +Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim +Armor of Hircine +ApachiiSkyHair SSE helmet wigs +ApachiiSkyHair SSE +Animated Wings Ultimate +Animated Ships Patches +Animated Ships +Ambient Warfare +Amazing Follower Tweaks SE +Alduin's Champion - a Boss Mod +Aetherium Armor and Weapons Compilation by lautasantenni +Aetherial Crown +Address Library for SKSE Plugins +Achievements Mods Enabler +[Kirax] BDOR 2024 Collection - Male -(ESL) Dwemer Dogs Companions SE *Creation Club: _ResourcePack *Creation Club: ccBGSSSE001-Fish *Creation Club: ccBGSSSE025-AdvDSGS *Creation Club: ccBGSSSE037-Curios *Creation Club: ccQDRSSE001-SurvivalMode *DLC: Dawnguard *DLC: Dragonborn *DLC: HearthFires *Unmanaged: anyonefollows2 *Unmanaged: ApachiiHairMales 
submitted by Techn0-Viking to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 MitsuhaKitsune Inpaint + Photoshop cause image saturation on each step

Inpaint + Photoshop cause image saturation on each step
I use StableDiffusion together with Photoshop to create my images, making manual edits and also using the inpaint option.
However, every time I follow this workflow and the image comes previously from Photoshop, the image values such as brightness, contrast, saturation and colors start to increase with each inpaint.
Which means that after several of these editions, the images tend to become saturated and show an intense pink tone, which also contaminates the colors.
I have the Stable Diffusion >> img2img >> Apply color correction to img2img results to match original colors option enabled, but this same problem still occurs.
Does anyone know how to solve it?
This is a example of how a edited image becomes oversaturated after several edits:
I try to fix it doing some finetune in Photoshop, but when I do like 4 or 5 edits become imposible to fix (atleast for me with my skills).
I set seed as -1 in recomendation of Ill_Membership5478, that not solve my concrete problem but now I discover that are causing this.
When I export with Photoshop, I choose PNG format to mantain quality, but the alpha layer (Transparent background) cause this bug on img2img and inpaint, disabling it solve the issue.
This affect to inpaint mask upload too, with the option enabled the mask didn't work as expected.
submitted by MitsuhaKitsune to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:48 ramtastic05 [USA-NY][H] LG Projector, Alienware Steam Machine, Router/Modems [W] PayPal, Cash, Trades

Re-posting again with some big price drops.
LG PH150B Projector- This has been used sparingly over the past 5 years. The resolution is 720p but it can display up to 1080p.
This projector does not have the ability to increase or decrease the screen size. The display gets bigger as you move farther away from the wall.
It does have a manual focus slider on the top.
I have always used this plugged in, but it looks like it still holds a charge, not sure how long. I also used the Bluetooth feature to connect to a soundbar as well, so it's an option if you need.
The remote and power cable are included. Specs on Amazon
Asking $80 shipped obo SOLD
Alienware Steam Machine - YELLOW LIGHT OF DEATH. Service Tag - 22W1M82 Note - This is the Steam Machine version not the Alpha with Windows. This came with Steam OS originally.
Specs according to the service tag:
This mini pc was used for several years for web browsing and streaming. But it recently got the yellow lights. I tried the CMOS battery method, but it didn't work.
Not sure what is wrong with it.
Selling AS-IS.
$45 shipped obo
Routers and Modems - 3 modems and 2 routers that have been sitting around for years.
Netgear CM500 Netgear WNR2000 Netgear N300 WNR2000 v5 Motorla SB6141 Motorla SB6121
Power cords included for all. Last time I checked they all work.
Asking $35 obo shipped for all.
Timestamps & Pics
Local is 14624
Comment here before sending a pm.
The trades I am interested in would be a GPD Win Mini or Aya Neo Flip (KB or DS) with 32 GB Ram and 7th gen or newer.
submitted by ramtastic05 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:14 Tschernoblyat Different Visuals because of Full Frame or APS-C?

Honestly i dont know how to find a proper title for this.
So as everybody noticed we had aurora way further south than usual and i obviously had to take photos because in southern Germany thats basically never happening again.
I went with my GFs Dad who is a photographer as well and this was the first time that we went shooting together. I know hes a lot better than me and his equipment is even better.
But now to my question. I used my Canon EOS R7 with my Tamron 24-70 2.4 and the pictures are great but theyre mostly red pinkish.
Her Dad is using some full frame sony alpha camera i believe with a 1.4 lens. I dont know exactly which camera and lens but his pictures of the exact same sky show green, blue, purple, red and pink colors.
Is that because of the larger sensor or how did that happen? As far as i know one of the things canon does good is colors but still his pictures were significantly more colorful.
Im not trying to start some sony vs canon war, im just curious if i did a mistake or its a technical question.
Also his live view on the sony was showing a bright image on the display and i had to be lucky to even be able to see a tree on which i could manually focus. I have simulation on but still i basically set my focus after every picture i took in Order to get i sharp.
Can someone explain? Since then i kinda crave a full frame Canon but i dont want to save for one as long as im not even sure if this was because of the sensor size.
Thanks already!
submitted by Tschernoblyat to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:39 turn2stormcrow Some AP Physics C Tips!

With the Physics C exams coming up in 2 days, I thought I'd share some tips. Feel free to give me some tips in return :)
Calculator Stuff:
  1. Store all the important constants on your calculator (G = 6.67E10-11, μ = 4πE-7, ε = 8.85E-12, electron mass = 9.11E-31, proton mass = 1.67E-27, k = 9E9, e = 1.6E-19). This is very important because it minimizes the chance of miscalculation and saves you a bit of time. Basically just type the value, then press the STO button, then press the alpha key and a button with the green letter you want.
  2. Don't forget to switch your calculator to degree mode before the exam. The test is a day after AP calc, so a lot of people will probably be in radians. In some cases you'll need radians (sometimes it's important for SHM and electrostatics) though, so keep that in mind too.
  3. When typing in exponents into your calculator, use the EE button (click on 2nd then the comma, then type the amount of times you want to multiply by 10). It's way easier than using the 10x button and manually typing out the exponent and minimizes the chance of mistakes.
  4. If you have a really big or small number that isn't automatically converted into scientific notation, instead of counting the digits, change the calculator mode to "SCI" and enter the answer again to get it in scientific notation. Don't forget to change back to normal when you're done.
General Strategies:
  1. Pay attention to what the FRQ is asking you to do. If it asks you to "determine" something and especially if it asks you to justify your numerical answer, usually you'll get full credit for writing just the answer down, and it's possible the answer is 0. If it asks you to find, calculate, or derive something, show all of your steps. And obviously don't put a negative number down if it asks for the magnitude.
  2. Pay attention to units for E&M (mechanics almost always has correct units given). If you write down the correct units for each numerical answer for an FRQ, sometimes you'll get a point just for that.
  3. Write the "correct" version of a formula when showing work. For example, don't say that flux = EA or flux = BL, instead say that it equals the integral of E dA or B ds. Similarly, don't use force equivalences (or any other equivalences for that matter) without explicitly saying F = ma (i.e. don't say ma = -kx without writing F = ma).
  4. Don't forget the negative signs (or do forget them if it asks for magnitude) for stuff like torque (for all clockwise torques), dU/dx, spring force, and potential difference. Sometimes the negative direction is up too for forces too depending on the context.
  5. If an MCQ has a wall of text or a complex pictorial representation, just skip it. Time is unbelievably scarce on this exam, so use it wisely.
  6. If you encounter a linearization (line of best fit) question (they appear on basically every recent exam year so you should definitely be prepared for it), write an equation in the form y = (m)x + b, and use this to analyze what would happen if one or more variables were changed (those questions pop up a lot with linearization problems). Make sure to use points on the line of best fit and not points given on the graph to calculate the slope, because if the points are far enough from the line
Annoying Equations to Derive that aren't on the equation sheet (you should know how to work backwards from most of these):
W = Δ K
W = -Δ U (for conservative forces)
W = Δ E (change in thermal energy, i.e. friction. Only applies to external work)
v = sqrt(GM/r) (derive from cons. of energy)
T = sqrt(4 π 2r3/GM) (derive from Kepler's Law & Newton's 2nd Law)
K = -0.5 * U (only for circular orbits, derive from subsitution)
E = 0.5 * U (only for circular orbits, derive from substitution)
U = U1 + U2 + ... (for gravitational potential energy)
E & M
U = U1 + U2 + ... (for a system of particles)
a = qE/m for a particle (derive from Newton's 2nd law)
E = 2kq/rl for an infinite line of charge (derive from Gauss's Law)
E = q/2Aε for an infinite plane of charge (derive from Gauss's Law)
E = q/Aε for parallel plates (derive from Gauss's Law)
Σ E = E1 + E2 + ...
I = I0e-t/RC for RC circuits (derive with Kirchoff's Loop Law diff eq)
Q = Q0e-t/RC for discharging RC circuits (derive with Kirchoff's Loop Law diff eq)
V = V0e-t/RC for discharging RC circuits (derive with Kirchoff's Loop Law diff eq)
Q = Q0(1 - e-t/RC) for charging RC circuits (derive with Kirchoff's Loop Law diff eq)
V = V0(1 - e-t/RC) for charging RC circuits (derive with Kirchoff's Loop Law diff eq)
B = μI/2πr for a wire (derive with Ampere's Law)
B = μI/4r for a semicircular loop (derive with Biot-Savart Law)
r = mv/qB for radius of curvature of a particle moving through a B field (derive with Newton's 2nd Law)
F = μl(I1I2)/2πd for force between parallel wires (derive from magnetic force on a wire)
ε = vLB (induced voltage for a moving loop, derive with definition of voltage or Faraday)
L = μN2A/l (inductance of a solenoid, derive from definition of inductance)
E = vB for a moving loop (derive from Newton's 2nd Law)
E = 0.5r dB/dt for a solenoid (derive from Faraday)
submitted by turn2stormcrow to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:16 KMan93 [USA] [H] Consoles/Games/Accessories Japanese Stuff, Nintendo, Playstation, Xbox, Sega [W] PayPal

Only accepting PayPal F&F
Bundles take priority
Shipping not included in listed price
As long as the package is light (first class), we can add $5 for shipping. If it's heavier then I'll have to calculate it out for you.
Consoles and Games are fully tested and working unless otherwise noted.
Pictures can be found at the top of each table.
Don't be afraid to shoot me an offer on anything, worst I can do is say no! Please comment before dm'ing!

Dualsense Shell and Assorted Buttons (Repro) Free with purchase
Gameboy Cartridge Shell - Blue (Repro) Free with purchase
Gameboy Cartridge Shell - Clear (Repro) Free with purchase
GBA Console Manual (Japanese) Free with purchase
PS2 System Manual - SCPH-79001 Free with purchase
Wii Stand - OEM Free with purchase

Amiibo - Metroid Dread 2 Pack 10 Sealed
Club Nintendo Mario and Friends Pin Badge Set 10 Pins were never used

Gameboy Color - Atomic Purple 60 X2
Gundam Char Red Gamecube 001 Console (Japanese) 550 shipped Modded with Picoboot (will play USA discs), BlueRetro bluetooth internal adapter and SD2SP2. Comes with CIB Gundam Special Disc, CIB Cosmic Red PS5 controller, black Gameboy Player, all hookups, and 1 OEM memory card. AV cable is seemingly unused and will come in its original box. I'll throw in an unopened 3rd party s-video cable and a couple Japanese games as well!
Indigo Gamecube 001 Console (Japanese) - Slightly discolored 90 shipped Xeno installed, will play USA discs. Fresh Date/time battery installed. Comes with all hookups, 1 OEM matching controller, 1 OEM memory card and 2 Japanese Gamecube games.
Black Gamecube 001 Console (Japanese) 100 shipped Xeno installed, will play USA discs. Fresh Date/time battery installed. Comes with all hookups, 1 OEM matching controller, 1 OEM memory card and 2 Japanese Gamecube games.
Black Gamecube 001 Console (Japanese) 100 shipped Xeno installed, will play USA discs. Fresh Date/time battery installed. New yellow LED installed. Comes with all hookups, 1 OEM matching controller, 1 OEM memory card and 2 Japanese Gamecube games.
Pokemon Zacian Zamazenta Switch Lite 200 shipped Probably used about 5 times total. CIB, great condition, comes with screen protector installed and white carrying case.
Xbox 360 Console 60 shipped 60gb external hdd with internal 4gb. All hookups, 2 OEM white wireless controllers (with black battery pack covers)
Sega Genesis Model 1 Console (High Definition) 50 shipped 1 Controller, power adapter and RF cable. Crack in case. I'll throw in the boxed Retro-Bit controller that I have listed below if you want it.

Kirby Dreamland 2 (Japanese) 5 Loose
Pokemon Red (Japanese) 10 Loose, new battery
Pokemon Red (Japanese) 65 CIB
Pokemon Yellow (Japanese) 65 CIB
Pokemon Silver (Japanese) 35 CIB
Pokemon Crystal (Japanese) 70 CIB
Puyo Puyo (Japanese) 10 CIB
Tamagotchi 2 (Japanese) 10 CIB

GBA to GameCube Link Cable (DOL-011) 15 X2
SMB3 e-Reader card 5 Super Mario Bros 3 - Super Leaf (Power-Up Card)

Klonoa Dream Champ Tournament (Japanese) 60 CIB. Fairly certain it is brand new.
Super Mario Bros. - Famicom Mini Series (Japanese) 15 CIB

Super Mario Bros. 10 Loose
Super Mario Bros. 3 10 Loose

SNES Controller 10
Super Famicom Controller 10

Mortal Kombat 2 10 Loose
Mortal Kombat 3 10 Loose
X-Men Mutant Apocalypse 15 Loose

Super Gameboy (Japanese) 12 Loose
Super Gameboy 2 (Japanese) 40 Loose
Dragonball Z Super Butoden (Japanese) 5 Loose
Final Fantasy IV (Japanese) 5 Loose
Front Mission: Gun Hazard (Japanese) 25 CIB
Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shogun (Japanese) 10 Loose
Kirby's Dreamland 3 (Japanese) 20 Loose
Magical Quest starring Mickey (Japanese) 5 Loose
Rockman's Soccer (Japanese) 10 Loose
Rockman X2 (Japanese) 15 Loose
Super Bomberman (Japanese) 5 Loose
Super Mario RPG (Japanese) 10 Loose
Super Momotaro Densetsu DX (Japanese) 5 Loose
Super Puyo Puyo 10 CIB
Wagyan Paradise (Japanese) 5 Loose
Yoshi's Island (Japanese) 10 Loose
Yoshi's Island (Japanese) 30 CIB
Yu Yu Hakusho (Japanese) 5 Loose

Mario Party 3 45 Loose
Rampage World Tour 15 Loose

Banjo Kazooie (Japanese) 5 Loose
Bomberman 64 (Japanese) 5 Loose
Donkey Kong 64 (Japanese) 5 Loose
Mario Kart 64 (Japanese) 10 Loose
Mario Tennis (Japanese) 5 Loose
Paper Mario (Japanese) 5 Loose
Pokemon Snap (Japanese) 5 Loose
Pokemon Stadium (Japanese) 5 Loose
Star Fox 64 (Japanese) 5 Loose
Yoshi's Story (Japanese) 5 Loose

Club Nintendo Memory Card - Half White/Half Blue 30
GameCube to GBA Link Cable (DOL-011) 15
Black Controller (Japanese) 50 CIB, new, open box.
White OEM Controller 60 Long cable
Emerald Blue OEM Controller 45
Indigo/Clear OEM Controller 20 Discolored
Indigo OEM Controller 25 X2
Black OEM Controller 25 X3
Silver OEM Controller 25 X5

Viewtiful Joe 15 Loose

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Japanese) 10 CIB
Mario Party 4 (Japanese) 10 CIB
Mario Party 5 (Japanese) 10 CIB
Mario Tennis (Japanese) 10 CIB
Mario Tennis (Japanese) 5 CIB, missing slipcover
Mega Man Network Transmission (Japanese) 10 CIB
Naruto: Clash of Ninja (Japanese) 5 CIB, missing slipcover
Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 (Japanese) 5 Game and case only
Naruto: Clash of Ninja 4 (Japanese) 5 CIB, missing slipcover
Naruto: Clash of Ninja 4 (Japanese) 10 CIB
SD Gundam Gashapon Wars (Japanese) 10 CIB
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Japanese) 15 CIB
Super Smash Bros (Japanese) 10 X2 - Game and case only

Klonoa 25 No manual
Wii Sports 15 CIB (sleeve)
Wii Sports Resort 15 CIB

Wipeout: Create & Crash 5 Game in Wii U case with game store artwork

Switch AC Adapter 10
Zelda Switch Lite Carrying Case 10

Castlevania Anniversary Collection (Bloodlines Edition, Limited Run) 70 Sealed

NCAA Football 13 15 CIB. Disc is scratched but I was able to start the game and play it.

Xbox One Controller 15
Xbox One S Controller 20
Assassin's Creed Unity - Limited Edition 2 CIB
Doom 5 CIB
Dragonball Xenoverse 5 No inserts
Lego Dimensions 12 CIB
Mortal Kombat X 5 CIB
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice 25 CIB
Wolfenstein 2 4 CIB

One Piece Romance Dawn (Japanese) 10 Sealed

Gray Dualshock Controller 10
Gray Memory Card 5
Gray Memory Card with Game Sticker 15 X11, most come in official Sony protective case, various game stickers on these cards (Melty Lancer, Final Fantasy VII, Persona, Angel Graffiti, Bastard, Heroine Dream, Final Fantasy Tactics, Arc The Lad, Wizard's Harmony, Xenogears, Saga Frontier)
Light Gray Memory Card 10 for both X2
Emerald Memory Card 8 X3
Lemon Yellow (Clear Yellow) Memory Card with SD Gundam G Generation Sticker 15 Comes in official Sony protective case
Crimson Red (Clear Red) Memory Card with Devil May Cry Sticker 15 Comes in official Sony protective case
Emerald (Clear Green) Memory Card with Dragon Quest VII Sticker 15 Comes in official Sony protective case
Crystal White (Clear White) Memory Card with Chrono Cross Sticker 15 Comes in official Sony protective case
White Memory Card with Dragon Quest VII Sticker 15 Comes in official Sony protective case

Klonoa Door To Phantomile (Japanese) 25 CIB
Grand Theft Auto [Collector's Edition] 200 Sealed
Tekken 3 [Greatest Hits] 100 Sealed
Contra Adventure 15 Loose
Mortal Kombat Trilogy 20 Loose
Pocket Fighter 16 Loose with gutted manual
Ridge Racer Revolution 15 CIB
Street Fighter Alpha 3 12 X2, Loose
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo 15 Loose with gutted manual

Midnight Blue Controller 25
Black Controller 15 X2
Black Memory Card with FMCB Installed 10
Black Memory Card 5
Black Memory Cards with Various Game Stickers 10 X6 - Final Fantasy X, Ridge Racer, Dragon Quest VIII
White Memory Card 12
Island Blue Memory Card 10
Emerald Green Memory Card with Dragon Quest VIII Sticker 10 Looks like plastic is cracked near the screw holes
Crimson Red Memory Card 5 Has a little bit of damage on the front
Lemon Yellow Memory Card 15
Midnight Blue Memory Card 20 X2
Midnight Blue Memory Card with Battle Stadium DON Sticker 20
Zen Black (Clear) Memory Card 15
Fujiwork Memory Card 5 Pick from 6 different colors - Gold, Red, Teal, Blue
Kemco Memory Card 5 Pick from 4 different colors - White, Red, Teal, and Black
Hori Memory Card 5 Pick from 2 different colors - Clear Black/Clear, and White

.Hack Mutation Part 2 20 Boxed, no manual
Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 10 Boxed, no manual
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary (Greatest Hits) 10 CIB

Sixaxis Controller - Black 5
Playstation Eye 5
Playstation Move Controller 15
Rocksmith (Big Box with Cable) 25 CIB with cable

Red Dualshock 4 Controller 22
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon 2 (Classic Edition, Limited Run) 60 Sealed
Pocky and Rocky Reshrined 15 CIB

Retro-bit Super Retro Gen Controller 6 Boxed
6-Pak 5 Loose
Aaahh!! Real Monsters 15 CIB
Bubsy 10 Boxed, missing manual
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble 8 Boxed, missing manual
Decap Attack 15 Loose
Game Genie 20 Black label, comes with original manual. Loose
Game Genie 15 X2, gold label. Loose
Ghouls 'N Ghosts 25 Loose
Golden Axe II 16 Loose
Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA Playoffs 3 Loose
Pac Man 2 The New Adventures 8 Cardboard box, CIB
Sonic & Knuckles 20 Loose
Sonic the Hedgehog 10 Loose
Sonic the Hedgehog (Not for Resale) 10 Loose
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 8 Loose
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Not For Resale) 8 Loose
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 15 Loose
Spiderman Maximum Carnage 12 Loose
Super Monaco GP II 16 CIB
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 20 Loose
Vectorman 20 Cardboard box, no manual
X-Men 5 Loose

Caution Seaman 50 CIB, no mic
submitted by KMan93 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:56 Markbro89 [US-NY][H] Games (Genesis, Dreamcast, PS1, SNES, N64, Switch, 3DS) [W] Paypal

Sucessful Trades

Please Read First:

I do not sell Repros. I'm a collector and I only sell duplicate games I find.
Prices are firm for single items. Larger purchases may be negotiable.
Prices do not include shipping. I calculate exact shipping via USPS.


Item Details Price Console
Predator 2 Cart $22 Genesis
Streets of Rage Cart $20 Genesis
Super High Impact Cart $4 Genesis
Taz in Escape from Mars Cart $4 Genesis
Todd's Adventures in Slime World CiB $65 Genesis
Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio Cart $10 Genesis
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------
Alien Front Online CiB $34 Dreamcast
Atari Anniversary Edition CiB $13 Dreamcast
Biohazard Code: Veronica LE(Japan import) CiB $24 Dreamcast
Championship Surfer CiB $8 Dreamcast
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Vol 1 CiB $17 Dreamcast
Ms Pac-Man Maze Madness CiB $22 Dreamcast
Pier Solar CiB $78 Dreamcast
Quake III Arena Missing Manual $15 Dreamcast
Re-Volt CiB $28 Dreamcast
Seaman CiB (no mic) $57 Dreamcast
Sega GT CiB $17 Dreamcast
Tech Romancer CiB $154 Dreamcast
Tennis 2K2 CiB $13 Dreamcast
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------
Asteroids CiB $5 PS1
Air Combat CiB $11 PS1
Beast Wars: Transformers CiB $38 PS1
Bloody Roar CiB $62 PS1
Contra: Legacy of War CiB $19 PS1
Cool Boarders 3 CiB $7 PS1
Fade to Black CiB $12 PS1
The Final Round CiB $7 PS1
Jeremy McGrath Supercross '96 CiB $6 PS1
Madden 2000 CiB $5 PS1
Moto Racer CiB $9 PS1
Nascar 98 No manual $1 PS1
Nascar 98 CiB $8 PS1
NBA Live 2000 No manual $1 PS1
NFL Full Contact CiB $10 PS1
NHL Faceoff CiB $10 PS1
NHL Faceoff 97 CiB $8 PS1
ODT Demo CiB $6 PS1
Pizza Hut Demo disc 1 CiB $6 PS1
Playstation Interactive Demo 6 CiB $10 PS1
Resident Evil Director's Cut CiB $38 PS1
Resident Evil Survivor CiB $66 PS1
Resident Evil 2 CiB $61 PS1
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis CiB $63 PS1
Star Fighter CiB $12 PS1
Street Fighter Alpha 2 CiB $51 PS1
Test Drive Off-Road CiB $7 PS1
ToysRus Demo Disc CiB $10 PS1
Triple Play 97 CiB $9 PS1
Triple Play 98 CiB $4 PS1
Triple Play 99 CiB $6 PS1
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------
Megaman X Cart $30 SNES
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------
Diddy Kong RacingSOLD Cart $25 N64
The Legend of Zelda Majora's MaskSOLD pics Cart, Gold, Holographic $60 N64
The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time pics Cart $34 N64
Pokemon Snap Cart $22 N64
Pokemon StadiumSOLD Cart $25 N64
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------
Animal Crossing: New Leaf case only $6 3DS
The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D CiB $25 3DS
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon CiB $17 3DS
Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns CiB $32 3DS
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------
Animal Crossing: New Horizons case only $6 Switch
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild case only $6 Switch
Luigi's Mansion 3 case only $6 Switch
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate case only $6 Switch
Monster Hunter Rise case only $6 Switch
Rune Factory 4 Special CiB $20 Switch
----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --------


My Sucessful Trades Thread
submitted by Markbro89 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:36 lav_art1 Daily Crash

I read a lot of posts and everyone talks that continiuty is wrong. I tryed to delete this but it doesnt help(
EDIT: I tried reading through myself but I couldn't really find anything sadly.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Input byte array has wrong 4-byte ending unit at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode0( at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode( at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode( at gg.essential.util.SkinKt.propertyToSkin(skin.kt:22) at gg.essential.util.SkinKt.gameProfileToSkin(skin.kt:33) at net.minecraft.class_1071.handler$epc000$essential$instantSkinLoad( at net.minecraft.class_1071.method_4652( at net.minecraft.class_640.method_2969( at net.minecraft.class_640.method_2968( at net.minecraft.class_742.method_3117( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_4216( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_3931( at net.minecraft.class_922.redirect$zna000$entity_model_features$emf$getTextureRedirect( at net.minecraft.class_922.method_24302( at net.minecraft.class_922.method_4054( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_4215( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_3936( at net.minecraft.class_898.method_3954( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22977( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launchWithMainClass( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Head -- Thread: Render thread Stacktrace: at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode0( at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode( at java.base/java.util.Base64$Decoder.decode( at gg.essential.util.SkinKt.propertyToSkin(skin.kt:22) at gg.essential.util.SkinKt.gameProfileToSkin(skin.kt:33) at net.minecraft.class_1071.handler$epc000$essential$instantSkinLoad( at net.minecraft.class_1071.method_4652( at net.minecraft.class_640.method_2969( at net.minecraft.class_640.method_2968( at net.minecraft.class_742.method_3117( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_4216( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_3931( at net.minecraft.class_922.redirect$zna000$entity_model_features$emf$getTextureRedirect( at net.minecraft.class_922.method_24302( at net.minecraft.class_922.method_4054( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_4215( at net.minecraft.class_1007.method_3936( at net.minecraft.class_898.method_3954( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22977( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188( -- Entity being rendered -- Details: Entity Type: minecraft:player (net.minecraft.class_745) Entity ID: 241 Entity Name: §9§l§2§n§5§9§4§a Entity's Exact location: 291.50, 118.00, 2238.50 Entity's Block location: World: (291,118,2238), Section: (at 3,6,14 in 18,7,139; chunk contains blocks 288,-64,2224 to 303,319,2239), Region: (0,4; contains chunks 0,128 to 31,159, blocks 0,-64,2048 to 511,319,2559) Entity's Momentum: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 Entity's Passengers: [] Entity's Vehicle: null Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.class_898.method_3954( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22977( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launchWithMainClass( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( -- Renderer details -- Details: Assigned renderer: net.minecraft.class_1007@dfb4188 Location: 19.12,2.38,-24.20 - World: (19,2,-25), Section: (at 3,2,7 in 1,0,-2; chunk contains blocks 16,-64,-32 to 31,319,-17), Region: (0,-1; contains chunks 0,-32 to 31,-1, blocks 0,-64,-512 to 511,319,-1) Rotation: 135.0 Delta: 0.020000935 Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.class_898.method_3954( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22977( at net.minecraft.class_761.method_22710( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3188( at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launchWithMainClass( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( -- Affected level -- Details: All players: 3 total; [class_746['lav_art'/150376, l='ClientLevel', x=272.38, y=114.00, z=2262.42], class_745['Spacewolve_playz'/149192, l='ClientLevel', x=274.71, y=117.46, z=2244.53], class_745['§9§l§2§n§5§9§4§a'/241, l='ClientLevel', x=291.50, y=118.00, z=2238.50]] Chunk stats: 1024, 201 F: 3 L: 0 U: 27 Level dimension: minecraft:temp_world_141a5afb-17a7-47d9-96c6-6ddae95b0f9f Level spawn location: World: (8,-63,8), Section: (at 8,1,8 in 0,-4,0; chunk contains blocks 0,-64,0 to 15,319,15), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,-64,0 to 511,319,511) Level time: 3073869 game time, 1 day time Server brand: Yacht (Marina) Server type: Non-integrated multiplayer server Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.class_638.method_8538( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1587( at net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514( at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main( at at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch( at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launchWithMainClass( at org.multimc.onesix.OneSixLauncher.launch( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.listen( at org.multimc.EntryPoint.main( -- Last reload -- Details: Reload number: 2 Reload reason: manual Finished: Yes Packs: vanilla, fabric, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/, file/§4§lLow, file/BlueCrystall, file/, file/, server, replaymod_lang, essential -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.1 Operating System: Windows 11 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.10, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), Oracle Corporation Memory: 2791306136 bytes (2661 MiB) / 4294967296 bytes (4096 MiB) up to 13690208256 bytes (13056 MiB) CPUs: 6 Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10 Microarchitecture: Coffee Lake Frequency (GHz): 2.90 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 6 Number of logical CPUs: 6 Virtual memory max (MB): 48079.90 Virtual memory used (MB): 22771.94 Swap memory total (MB): 23552.00 Swap memory used (MB): 0.00 JVM Flags: 3 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xms4096m -Xmx13056m Fabric Mods: bettermounthud: Better Mount HUD 1.2.2 betterpingdisplay: Better Ping Display 1.1.1 blur: Blur (Fabric) 3.1.0 satin: Satin 1.13.0 bobby: Bobby 5.0.0 com_typesafe_config: config 1.4.2 fabric-api-base: Fabric API Base 0.4.29+b04edc7a82 fabric-command-api-v2: Fabric Command API (v2) 2.2.11+b3afc78b82 io_leangen_geantyref_geantyref: geantyref 1.3.13 org_spongepowered_configurate-core: configurate-core 4.1.2 org_spongepowered_configurate-hocon: configurate-hocon 4.1.2 c2me: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-base: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Base) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-client-uncapvd: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Client/Uncap View Distance) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-fixes-chunkio-threading-issues: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fixes/Chunk IO/Threading Issues) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-fixes-general-threading-issues: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fixes/General/Threading Issues) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-fixes-worldgen-threading-issues: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fixes/WorldGen/Threading Issues) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-fixes-worldgen-vanilla-bugs: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Fixes/WorldGen/Vanilla Bugs) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-notickvd: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (No Tick View Distance) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-opts-allocs: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Optimizations/Memory Allocations) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-opts-chunk-access: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Optimizations/Chunk Access) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-opts-chunkio: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Optimizations/Chunk IO) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-opts-math: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Optimizations/Math) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-opts-scheduling: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Optimizations/Scheduling) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-opts-worldgen-general: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Optimizations/General WorldGen) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-opts-worldgen-vanilla: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Optimizations/Vanilla WorldGen) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-rewrites-chunk-serializer: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Rewrites/Chunk Serializer) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-rewrites-chunkio: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Rewrites/Chunk IO) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-server-utils: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Server Utils) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-threading-chunkio: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Threading/WorldGen) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-threading-lighting: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Threading/Lighting) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 c2me-threading-worldgen: Concurrent Chunk Management Engine (Threading/WorldGen) 0.2.0+alpha.10.91 com_electronwill_night-config_core: core 3.6.5 com_electronwill_night-config_toml: toml 3.6.5 com_ibm_async_asyncutil: asyncutil 0.1.0 net_objecthunter_exp4j: exp4j 0.4.8 org_threadly_threadly: threadly 7.0 capes: Capes 1.5.2+1.20 chat_heads: Chat Heads 0.10.16 citresewn: CIT Resewn 1.1.3+1.20 citresewn-defaults: CIT Resewn: Defaults 1.1.3+1.20 cloth-config: Cloth Config v11 11.0.99 cloth-basic-math: cloth-basic-math 0.6.1 cmdkeybind: Command Macros 1.6.2-1.20 kyrptconfig: Kyrpt Config 1.5.4-1.20 continuity: Continuity 3.0.0-beta.2+1.20 debugify: Debugify 1.20.1+1.1 dynamicfps: Dynamic FPS 2.3.0 com_moandjiezana_toml_toml4j: toml4j 0.7.2 elementa: Elementa 647 emotecraft: Emotecraft bendy-lib: Bendy api 4.0.0 emotes-compat-rp: Emotecraft compatibility layer 1.0.2 entity_model_features: Entity Model Features 0.2.10 entity_texture_features: Entity Texture Features 4.4.4 org_apache_httpcomponents_httpmime: httpmime 4.5.10 entityculling: EntityCulling-Fabric 1.6.2-mc1.20 essential: Essential essential-container: essential-container 1.0.0 essential-loader: essential-loader 1.2.0 essential-dependencies: Essential Dependencies 0 fabric-language-kotlin: Fabric Language Kotlin 1.10.19+kotlin.1.9.23 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect: kotlin-reflect 1.9.23 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib: kotlin-stdlib 1.9.23 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7: kotlin-stdlib-jdk7 1.9.23 org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8: kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 1.9.23 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_atomicfu-jvm: atomicfu-jvm 0.23.2 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm: kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm 1.8.0 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8: kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8 1.8.0 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-datetime-jvm: kotlinx-datetime-jvm 0.5.0 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-cbor-jvm 1.6.3 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-core-jvm 1.6.3 org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm: kotlinx-serialization-json-jvm 1.6.3 fabric-api: Fabric API 0.83.1+1.20.1 fabric-api-lookup-api-v1: Fabric API Lookup API (v1) 1.6.34+4d8536c977 fabric-biome-api-v1: Fabric Biome API (v1) 13.0.10+b3afc78b77 fabric-block-api-v1: Fabric Block API (v1) 1.0.9+e022e5d177 fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1: Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1) 1.1.39+b3afc78b77 fabric-client-tags-api-v1: Fabric Client Tags 1.0.20+b3afc78b77 fabric-command-api-v1: Fabric Command API (v1) 1.2.32+f71b366f77 fabric-commands-v0: Fabric Commands (v0) 0.2.49+df3654b377 fabric-containers-v0: Fabric Containers (v0) 0.1.61+df3654b377 fabric-content-registries-v0: Fabric Content Registries (v0) 4.0.7+b3afc78b77 fabric-convention-tags-v1: Fabric Convention Tags 1.5.3+b3afc78b77 fabric-crash-report-info-v1: Fabric Crash Report Info (v1) 0.2.18+aeb40ebe77 fabric-data-generation-api-v1: Fabric Data Generation API (v1) 12.1.11+b3afc78b77 fabric-dimensions-v1: Fabric Dimensions API (v1) 2.1.51+b3afc78b77 fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.5.21+b3afc78b77 fabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.6.0+b3afc78b77 fabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.61+df3654b377 fabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.38+b04edc7a77 fabric-item-api-v1: Fabric Item API (v1) 2.1.26+b3afc78b77 fabric-item-group-api-v1: Fabric Item Group API (v1) 4.0.7+b3afc78b77 fabric-key-binding-api-v1: Fabric Key Binding API (v1) 1.0.36+fb8d95da77 fabric-keybindings-v0: Fabric Key Bindings (v0) 0.2.34+df3654b377 fabric-lifecycle-events-v1: Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1) 2.2.20+b3afc78b77 fabric-loot-api-v2: Fabric Loot API (v2) 1.1.37+b3afc78b77 fabric-loot-tables-v1: Fabric Loot Tables (v1) 1.1.41+9e7660c677 fabric-message-api-v1: Fabric Message API (v1) 5.1.6+b3afc78b77 fabric-mining-level-api-v1: Fabric Mining Level API (v1) 2.1.47+b3afc78b77 fabric-models-v0: Fabric Models (v0) 0.3.35+b3afc78b77 fabric-networking-api-v1: Fabric Networking API (v1) 1.3.8+b3afc78b77 fabric-networking-v0: Fabric Networking (v0) 0.3.48+df3654b377 fabric-object-builder-api-v1: Fabric Object Builder API (v1) 11.0.6+b3afc78b77 fabric-particles-v1: Fabric Particles (v1) 1.0.28+b3afc78b77 fabric-recipe-api-v1: Fabric Recipe API (v1) 1.0.18+b3afc78b77 fabric-registry-sync-v0: Fabric Registry Sync (v0) 2.2.6+b3afc78b77 fabric-renderer-api-v1: Fabric Renderer API (v1) 3.0.1+b3afc78b77 fabric-renderer-indigo: Fabric Renderer - Indigo 1.3.1+b3afc78b77 fabric-renderer-registries-v1: Fabric Renderer Registries (v1) 3.2.44+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1: Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1) 0.3.33+b3afc78b77 fabric-rendering-fluids-v1: Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1) 3.0.26+b3afc78b77 fabric-rendering-v0: Fabric Rendering (v0) 1.1.47+df3654b377 fabric-rendering-v1: Fabric Rendering (v1) 3.0.6+b3afc78b77 fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1: Fabric Resource Conditions API (v1) 2.3.5+ea08f9d877 fabric-resource-loader-v0: Fabric Resource Loader (v0) 0.11.7+f7923f6d77 fabric-screen-api-v1: Fabric Screen API (v1) 2.0.6+b3afc78b77 fabric-screen-handler-api-v1: Fabric Screen Handler API (v1) 1.3.27+b3afc78b77 fabric-sound-api-v1: Fabric Sound API (v1) 1.0.12+b3afc78b77 fabric-transfer-api-v1: Fabric Transfer API (v1) 3.2.2+b3afc78b77 fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1: Fabric Transitive Access Wideners (v1) 4.2.0+b3afc78b77 fabricloader: Fabric Loader 0.15.8 mixinextras: MixinExtras 0.3.5 fabricskyboxes: FabricSkyBoxes 0.7.1+mc1.20 fallingleaves: Falling Leaves 1.15.1+1.20.1 fastload: Fast Load 3.4.0 conditional-mixin: conditional mixin 0.3.2 fastload-119-0-1-2-compat: Fastload 1.19-0-1-2 Compatibility 3.4.0 fastload-1193-compat: Fastload 1.19.3 Compatibility 3.4.0 fastload-1194-compat: Fastload 1.19.4 Compat 3.4.0 fastload_fapi_forward: Fastload Fabric-api Forwarding 1.0.2 ferritecore: FerriteCore 6.0.0 firstperson: FirstpersonModel 2.2.3 fsb-interop: FabricSkyBoxes Interop 1.3.2+mc1.20-build.36 immediatelyfast: ImmediatelyFast 1.1.15+1.20.1 net_lenni0451_reflect: Reflect 1.1.0 indium: Indium 1.0.18+mc1.20 iris: Iris 1.6.4 io_github_douira_glsl-transformer: glsl-transformer 2.0.0-pre13 org_anarres_jcpp: jcpp 1.4.14 org_antlr_antlr4-runtime: antlr4-runtime 4.11.1 isxander-main-menu-credits: Main Menu Credits 1.1.2 java: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 17 languagereload: Language Reload 1.5.7+1.20 litematica: Litematica 0.15.0 litematica_printer: Litematica Printer 7.0.4 lithium: Lithium 0.11.2 malilib: MaLiLib 0.16.0 midnightlib: MidnightLib 1.4.1 minecraft: Minecraft 1.20.1 modmenu: Mod Menu 7.0.1 mousetweaks: Mouse Tweaks 2.25 nochatreports: No Chat Reports 1.20.1-v2.2.1 notenoughanimations: NotEnoughAnimations 1.6.4 optigui: OptiGUI 2.1.2 optiglue: OptiGlue 2.1.2-mc.1.19.3 org_apache_commons_commons-text: commons-text 1.10.0 org_ini4j_ini4j: ini4j 0.5.4 org_jetbrains_annotations: annotations 23.0.0 plasmovoice: Plasmo Voice 2.0.5 aopalliance_aopalliance: aopalliance 1.0 com_google_inject_guice: guice 5.0.1 fabric-permissions-api-v0: fabric-permissions-api 0.2-SNAPSHOT javax_inject_javax_inject: javax.inject 1 player-animator: Player Animator 1.0.2-rc1+1.20 puzzle: Puzzle 1.5.1+1.20 puzzle-base: Puzzle Base 1.5.1+1.20 puzzle-gui: Puzzle GUI 1.5.1+1.20 puzzle-models: Puzzle Models 1.5.1+1.20 puzzle-splashscreen: Puzzle Splash Screen 1.5.1+1.20 reeses-sodium-options: Reese's Sodium Options 1.5.1+mc1.20-build.74 replaymod: Replay Mod 1.20.1-2.6.13 shulkerboxtooltip: Shulker Box Tooltip 4.0.3+1.20 sodium: Sodium 0.4.10+build.27 sodium-extra: Sodium Extra 0.4.20+mc1.20-build.103 caffeineconfig: CaffeineConfig 1.1.0+1.17 crowdin-translate: CrowdinTranslate 1.4+1.19.3 starlight: Starlight 1.1.2+fabric.dbc156f universalcraft: UniversalCraft 337 viafabricplus: ViaFabricPlus 2.7.7 vigilance: Vigilance 297 visuality: Visuality 0.7.0+1.20 vmp: Very Many Players 0.2.0+beta.7.96 world-host: World Host 0.4.2 org_quiltmc_qup_json: json 0.2.0 xaerominimap: Xaero's Minimap 23.5.0 xaeroworldmap: Xaero's World Map 1.30.6 yet_another_config_lib_v3: YetAnotherConfigLib 3.0.1+1.20 com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-image: common-image 3.9.4 com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-io: common-io 3.9.4 com_twelvemonkeys_common_common-lang: common-lang 3.9.4 com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-core: imageio-core 3.9.4 com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-metadata: imageio-metadata 3.9.4 com_twelvemonkeys_imageio_imageio-webp: imageio-webp 3.9.4 yosbr: YOSBR 0.1.2 zoomify: Zoomify 2.10.0 com_akuleshov7_ktoml-core-jvm: ktoml-core-jvm 0.4.1 dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-core: settxi-core 2.10.6 dev_isxander_settxi_settxi-kotlinx-serialization: settxi-kotlinx-serialization 2.10.6 Loaded Shaderpack: (off) NEC status: No NEC detected Launched Version: 1.20.1 Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.1 SNAPSHOT Backend API: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 3.2.0 NVIDIA 552.22, NVIDIA Corporation Window size: 1920x1009 GL Caps: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.2 GL debug messages: Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fabric' Type: Client (map_client.txt) Graphics mode: fancy Resource Packs: vanilla, fabric, file/, file/ (incompatible), file/ (incompatible), file/ (incompatible), file/, file/§4§lLow, file/BlueCrystall, file/ (incompatible), file/ Current Language: ru_ru CPU: 6x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400F CPU @ 2.90GHz 
submitted by lav_art1 to fabricmc [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:41 Random-Red-Shirt Attempt on an ANTIPROTON and SURGICAL STRIKES build for the Shrike

Shrike Antiproton Surgical Strikes build

I am struggling with fore weapon selection. This is for my Antiproton character and I want to stick to AP for my energy of choice here. But still want to fly this under Surgical Strikes.
Player Info --------------
Captain Name Aleena
Captain Faction Klingon
Captain Race Orion
Captain Profession Tactical
Primary Specialization Intelligence
Secondary Specialization Strategist

Skill Tree

    Engineering   Science   Tactical  
Lieutenant   Improved Hull Restoration Improved Hull Capacity Shield Restoration Shield Capacity Advanced Energy Weapon Training Improved Projectile Weapon Training
Lieutenant Commander   Improved EPS Flow Improved Impulse Expertise   Drain Expertise Advanced Targeting Expertise Advanced Defensive Manuvering
5 Points                
Commander   Hull Plating     Shield Hardness Advanced Weapon Amplification Advanced Weapon specialization'
15 Points              
    Ablative Hull Plating          
Captain     Offensive Subsystem Tuning   Advanced Long Range Targeting Advanced Hull Penetration Advanced Shield Penetration
25 Points            
Admiral   Warp Core Potential Engineering Readiness     Coordination Protocols Tactical Readiness
35 Points            
    Warp Core Efficency          
Total of 46 of 46 Points   Engineering Points: 14 Science Points: 7 Tactical Points: 25

Skill Tree Unlocks

Points to unlock Engineering Unlocks Science Unlocks Tactical Unlocks
Unlocks After 2 Training Manual: Mine Dispersal Pattern: Beta III Training Manual: Tactical Team III Training Manual: Cannon: Rapid Fire III
Unlocks After 5 Battery Expertise Sector Space Travel Speed Threat Control
Unlocks After 7 Training Manual: Attack Pattern: Omega III Training Manual: Mine Dispersal Pattern: Alpha III Training Manual: Torpedo: High Yield III
Unlocks After 10 Maximum Hull Capacity   Projectile Critical Chance
Unlocks After 12 Training Manual: Attack Pattern: Beta III Training Manual: Beam: Fire at Will III Training Manual: Cannon: Scatter Volley III
Unlocks After 15     Energy Critical Chance
Unlocks After 17     Training Manual: Torpedo: Spread III
Unlocks After 20     Accuracy
-------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Unlocks After 24 (Ultimate)     Focused Frenzy
Unlocks After 25 (Ultimate)     Frenzied Assault
Unlocks After 26 (Ultimate)      
Unlocks After 27 (Ultimate)      

Build Description

Basic Information Data
Ship Name IKS Revenge
Ship Class Shrike Intel Juggernaut (T6-X2)
Basic Information Component Notes
Fore Weapons: 5 Ba'ul Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons Any tips on fore weapons that are ANTIPROTON will be entertained 
  Ba'ul Antiproton Dual Beam Bank  
  Ba'ul Antiproton Beam Array my piloting skills suck so I'd like some beam arrays to help defray that
  Ba'ul Antiproton Beam Array  
  Dark Matter Quantum Torpedo Launcher Lorca set 1/2 - unsure if I should equip Ba'ul torp instead for the Ba'ul 3/3 bonus
-------------- -------------- --------------
Aft Weapons: 3 Omni-Directional Ba'ul Linked Sentry Antiproton Beam Array Ba'ul set 1/2
  Omni-Directional Antiproton Beam Array  
  Kinetic Cutting Beam Omega set 1/2 ...or should I equip a Ba'ul turret instead?
-------------- -------------- --------------
Deflector Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Colony Deflector
Impulse Engines Prevailing Innervated Impulse Engines Comp Rep
Warp Core Mycelial Harmonic Matter-Antimatter Core Disco Rep set 2/2
Shields Tilly's Review-Pending Modified Shield Disco Rep set 2/2
-------------- -------------- --------------
Devices Battery - Energy Amplifier  
  Temporal Negotiator  
  Kobayashi Maru Transponder  
  Deuterium Surplus  
-------------- -------------- --------------
Engineering Consoles: 4 Console - Universal - Portal Weapon I have a Shrike... there's no way I'm not gonna at least try to use this :)
  Console - Universal - Hull Image Refractors  
  Console - Universal - Crystalline Absorption Matrix  
  Console - Universal - Assimilated Module Omega set 2/2 ...unsure about this whole set
-------------- -------------- --------------
Science Consoles: 2 Console - Bioneural Infusion Circuits  
  Console - Tachyokinetic Converter  
-------------- -------------- --------------
Tactical Consoles: 5 Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter  
  Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter  
  Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter  
  Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter  
  Console - Tactical - Vulnerability Exploiter  
-------------- -------------- --------------
Universal Consoles: 2 Console - Universal - Ba'ul Linked Sentry Coordination Matrix Ba'ul set 2/2
Console - Tactical - Lorca's Custom Fire Controls Lorca set 2/2 ...should I get the torp to get 3/3?

Officers and Crew

Bridge Officer Information Power Notes
Officer 1: Commander (Tac/Intel) Kemocite Laced Weaponry I  
Trait: Superior Romulan Operative Torpedoes: Spread II  
  Override System Safeties III  
  Surgical Strikes III  
Officer 2: Lt. Commander (Eng/MW) Engineering Team I  
Trait: Engineered Soldier (Space) Narrow Sensor Bands II  
  Mixed Armaments Synergy II does this stack with Eclectic Collector of Armaments?
Officer 3: Lieutenant (Science) Hazard Emitters I  
Trait: Kentari Ferocity, Leadership, & Efficient Polarize Hull II  
Officer 4: Lt. Commander (Engineering) Emergency Power to Engines I  
Trait: Engineered Soldier (Space) Auxiliary Power to the Emergency Battery I  
  Emergency Power to Weapons III  
Officer 5: Ensign (Tactical) Distributed Targeting I  
Trait: Engineered Soldier (Space)    
Duty Officer Information Power Notes
Technician [SP] Recharge of bridge officer abilities reduced after Auxiliary to Battery  
Technician [SP] Recharge of bridge officer abilities reduced after Auxiliary to Battery  
Technician [SP] Recharge of bridge officer abilities reduced after Auxiliary to Battery  
Conn Officer [SP] Recharges Evasive Maneuvers when Emergency Power to Engines is activated  
Energy Weapons Officer [SP] Chance for stacking Crit Chance buff on firing Energy Weapons  
??? Ideas?  

Character, Reputation, and Starship Traits

Personal Space Traits Description Notes
Fleet Coordinator +2% All Damage per Team member (Self included), up to 10% These are from the previous build and I've never been happy with them. Any suggestions will be considered.
Operative +1% Critical Chance, +2% Critical Severity  
Accurate +10% Accuracy  
Beam Training +5% Beam Weapon Damage  
Projectile Training +5% Projectile Weapon Damage  
Innocuous +1.5% Critical Severity -25% Threat Generation  
Beam Barrage On activation of Beam ability to self: +2% All Beam Damage Bonus for 30 sec (Stacks up to 3 times)  
Bulkhead Technician +10% Maximum Hull Hit Points  
Elusive +10% Defense  
Techie +20 Hull Restoration (Improves Hull Healing) +20 Hull Regeneration (Improves Passive Hull Regeneration)  
Space Reputation Traits Description Obtained from
Chrono-Capacitor Array +7.5% Bridge Officer Ability Recharge Speed T2 Temporal
Enhanced Armor Penetration +5% Armor Penetration T2 Delta
Enhanced Shield Systems +10% Maximum Shield Capacity T2 Romulan
Precision +4% Critical Hit Chance T2 Romulan
Tyler's Duality +2.8% Critical Chance based on Hull Capacity T2 Discovery
Starship Traits Description Notes
Calm Before the Storm While this starship trait is slotted you will gain a stack of Calm every few seconds while in combat. Each stack of Calm grants a small amount of damage resistance. Exiting combat will clear all stacks of Calm. Once you have 10 stacks, all stacks of Calm are cleared and you gain the Storm buff. While under the effects of Storm, you will gain a buff to Bridge Officer Ability Recharge Speed and Weapon Firing Cycle Haste.  
Emergency Weapon Cycle Activating Emergency Power to Weapons provides a reduction in weapon power cost and grants a boost to weapon firing speed for the duration of Emergency Power to Weapons  
Super Charged Weapons Firing a torpedo will provide a stack of the Super Charged buff. This buff provides a boost to directed energy weapon damage, critical hit chance and critical severity for a short time. This buff stacks up to 3 times.  
Over-Powered and Over-Gunned Activating Beams: Fire at Will, Beam Overload, Cannon Rapid Fire, Cannon Scatter Volley, or Surgical Strikes improves weapon haste significantly for a short time.  
Eclectic Collector of Armaments Dealing damage with different kinds of weapons provides stacking bonuses to all Damage and to the Recharge Rate  
Vanguard Specialists All of the following Specialist Bridge Officer Abilities will have their Recharge Times reduced by 33% of their base recharge time, as well as having their maximum durations extended by 5 seconds:  
??? Ideas for trait #7?  
submitted by Random-Red-Shirt to stobuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:42 binu_2903 [EU-DE] [H] GMK Burgundy R2 base + icon mod and R3 add-on, GMK Dolch R5 base + hangul, Geonworks F1-88 Gray/Silver with bunch of extras, Owlab Voice Mini Crimson Red with matching keycaps, Artkey Sirius Off-white [W] Paypal, Wise, GMK 2019-2021, GMK Beige tones, DCS 9009 MX

Hi MM, cleaning my shelf a bit since I'm moving toward brighter themes. Prices are shipped within EU. For the rest of the world, add 10€ for keycaps and 35€ for F1-88 (~4.5kg).
GMK Burgundy R2 base + icon mod and R3 add-on 715€
GMK Dolch R5 base + hangul alpha 310€
Geonworks F1-88 Gray/Silver 900€
Owlab Voice Mini Crimson Red 75€ SOLD
Artkey Sirius Off-white 95€
I'm mainly after selling, but can do trade for:
Please post a comment before PM. Chats are not read. Thank you and have a nice day!
submitted by binu_2903 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:03 Nic_Cag3 [US-CA][H] Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Playstation 1, Sega Genesis, Saturn, etc. [W] PayPal

Playstation 3
SEGA Genesis Complete in box
SEGA Genesis Boxed, no manuals
Consoles, Accessories, Misc.
  • Please comment below if you'd like photos. Offers welcome.
  • Accepting PayPal G/S. Shipping cost separate (CONUS).
Thanks for looking!
submitted by Nic_Cag3 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:25 Big-Substance-1060 Alpha not updating its firmware

I had a new Alpha delivered through the post today. Got an email from Astrohaus saying that I need to update the firmware before using it. But... I can't seem to get it to update the firmware at all. The machine is currently on version 0.11.2. According to Astrohaus's website the new version is 1.12.3
I've tried letting the machine go to sleep, powering off, powering on, and also a manual check, but the machine says no update available. Wi-fi is working fine as I've written a few test documents and sent them via email. They also show up on Postbox.
So how do I get it to update? Why does it appear so difficult? Did they switch the servers off for the weekend?
submitted by Big-Substance-1060 to Astrohaus [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:11 rrpinokc Flx10 installed twice?

My system crashed during a gig last night (couple of random stutters, then BSOD) and I'm trying everything I can to fix the issue. While checking drivers, I see my flx10 in the device manager twice. Is this correct? The top one shows AlphaTheta as the manufacturer. The bottom shows (Generic USB Audio). Each has completely different driver numbers and dates. Also, in the AlphaTheta driver I see version with a date of 2/1/2023. Windows say this is the latest version. Pioneer website shows the latest driver as version 1.100 but a date of 23/Ma2023. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall this driver?
submitted by rrpinokc to PioneerDJ [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 12:16 JohannGoethe Monthly EAN synopsis Linguistics humor member (24 Apr A69/2024)

Monthly EAN synopsis Linguistics humor member (24 Apr A69/2024)
The semi-annual synopsis of EAN, by off and on EAN frequenter, made at linguisticshumor.
Highlighted text:
Full text:
It's a reference to the theories posted by the infamous u/JohannGoethe. It looks like something he made ✅, if it isn't really one. He has a habit of insulting anyone who doesn't agree with him (i.e. virtually everybody else).
Firstly, this user, who I don‘t recall insulting before, calls me “infamous”, and then accuses me of having the habit of insulting people. Wiktionary entry on the term infamous:
Having a bad 🚩reputation; disreputable 🚩; notorious 🚩; unpleasant 🚩 or evil 🚩; widely known, especially for something scornful 🚩.
This user, as we see, insults me with a six-red flag 🚩 implicitly loaded term, and then accuses me of habitually insulting people?
Secondly, for asserting the theory that the alphabetic languages derive from the Egyptian languages and that this can be decoded mathematically, I first get insulted by 75% or more the people I engage with. I’ve engaged with nearly every branch of the hard sciences and nearly every branch in the humanities, but the mindsets of the people in the field of ”linguistics“ are like on an entirely different planet, when it comes to basic dialogue and discussion?
Sometimes, I can get insulted by 20 to 40 or more people in one day. Just look at what happened the day I launched the Egymo sub, and posted an invite to the Linguistics Humor sub, 85+ negative comments, with some like the following getting 40+ upvotes:
jesus mf is crazy 💀 op owns a collection of like 20 subs
I get called a mother “fucking crazy person” for starting an etymology sub on reddit, because the former one is closed. And this is just your garden variety insult. I’ve seen these nearly weekly or monthly since alphanumerics opened.
My point is that, if someone insults me, I’m not going to just sit there and say: “oh, that is so nice of you. Thanks.”
His theories can be summed up as "Indo-European and Semitic languages are descendants of Egyptian because their writing systems ultimately derive from Egyptian hieroglyphs. PIE and proto-Semitic don't [aren’t] real because they weren't written.
This is correct. The only place PIE tongue and the Semitic tongue exist is: PIEland and ShemLand. The PIE-ists and Shem-ists have are afflicted with the same problem, namely that of theorizing about ”languages“ centuries before recorded script is attested.
In this method, you can pretty make up whatever theory you want, and even invent entire civilizations. Both are like little kids playing make believe in the sand box and telling the adults that their sand castles have real people in them, speaking a real language, that they just made up.
Every word can be broken down into a numerical value, which encodes information about Egyptian mythology."
Not every word, but the “core words“ that were anchored into the structure of the alphabet when it came into being or existence.
Take the names: chaos (χαος) [871], the word at the start of Greek cosmology, the source of Gaia and Ouranos, and aphros (αφρος) [871], meaning: “sea foam”, mixed with a cut off phallus 𓂸 [D52], aka the Osiris phallus, rescripted as the phallus of Ouranos, which is the status quo Etymo root of the name Aphrodite, i.e. she was said to have been born from this phallus foam, used to define the start or origin of the Greek pantheon, shown below:
Can the following, accordingly, be coincidence:
  • 871 = chaos (χαος)
  • 871 = aphros (αφρος)
Sure, it could be a coincidence? But given that there are only three names and two words used to start the Greek pantheon, shown above, when we find that two of the five words are based on the same number, we can be confident, to a good approximation, in assuming that there is an underlying method being used here.
The number 871 codes, in short, codes information, that we were previously in the dark about. We no longer have to read “etymology uncertain” or from PIEland or whatever nonsense we have been used to reading for the last 2K years.
Likewise, take the examples of such as Apollo and Hermes, shown below, as discussed at the new GodGeometry sub:
He also believes the set of Egyptian hieroglyphs from which most of the world's writing systems derive from is a completely different set from the ones that are agreed upon.
There is no “agreed upon” of list of Egyptian hieroglyphs that everyone agrees the alphabet letters are based on. The closest thing is the Wikipedia table of Phoenician alphabet letters table, which has the following two hiero-types to letter-types correct:
  • 𓊽 [R11] = Djed = Phoenician 𐤎‎ = Greek Xi, letter #15, value: 60
  • 𓃻 [E36] = Thoth baboon = Phoenician 𐤒 = Greek Q, letter #18, value: 90
On the E36 being the type behind letter Q, the only reason that this is in the Wikipedia table is because the Hebrew Q is called the “monkey” letter, in Hebrew language folklore. The EAN method, however, has verified that this is correct, on many levels.
The following is the decoding history of Greek xi:
  1. Berthold Ullman (28A/1927), in his figure one table, of his “The Origin and Development of the Alphabet”, showed the Greek xi [Ξ] as being based on the djed 𓊽.
  2. Thims (~A66/2021): (connected the djed with the 22º of axial tilt; lather he connected and or discerned that the djed is the ecliptic) pole.
  3. Thims (18 Apr A69/2024), determined that the djed 𓊽, is based on the four pillars of the palace of Biblos (Βιβλος) [314], which were made from the evergreen 🌲 tree that the 300 cubit chest ⚰️ of Osiris had turned into, thereafter being the “world tree” 🌲 or “axis mundi” (Latin) in all the Indian and European countries that Sesostris had conquered.
Ullman and I, here, both agree that Phoenician 𐤎 and Greek xi [Ξ] is based on the Egyptian djed, because it was proved to be so using EAN methods.
Apparently this stemmed from looking into the etymology of "thermodynamics",
That is part of the reason, i.e. I have been working on the etymo of the words: thermodynamics, chemistry, and physics, for close to two decades, but the bigger reason is that when the pandemic hit, the former programmer of the old wiki platform, aka WetPaint wiki originally, I was writing on had a baby and had to quite, at which point I had to manually migrate 5,376 articles, from to a new MediaWiki platform at, which is temp-down at the moment, but during which time the total number of articles increased to 6,200+ articles, meaning that I had begun to do ”deep etymology” of about a 1,000+ articles:
at which point, while simultaneously learning the new EAN method, based on the work of Kieren Barry and David Fideler, and therein realizing or rather beginning to ”see” the pre-Greek Egyptian roots of words, I decided to make the entire encyclopedia a Wikipedia + Wiktionary combined, and to put an etymology section on every page that was a word or term, particularly for the top 350 key terms:
  • Terms (350+ key terms; each article hyperlinked 50+ times) - Hmolpedia A66.
Compare the 5 May A67/2022 version of the article philosophy, wherein we can see an EAN etymo in the first paragraph:
As compared to the previous Hmolpedia A65 version, which has no etymo section:
Which we can compare to the present etymology section of the Wikipedia philosophy article:
We can also compare the philosophy entry from cite, which just ends with the “Beekes says it is unknown origin”:
When I get Hmolpedia back up, each article will have a standalone Etymo section, just like this, but will not end with “origin not certain“, ”ultimately“ from PIEland, or Beekes says its“pre-Greek”, etc.
Meaning that people could (or will soon) freely read a free encyclopedia wherein words were defined back to reality.
and he came up with the above theory because non-literate societies like PIE speakers can't possibly be the source of words for such sciencey concepts as thermodynamics.
No I did not come up with EAN owing to anything having to do with PIEland.
In fact, PIE etymologies, is something I have NEVER given any look to at all; I just considered it something stupid that linguists were doing on the side. It was only when I got into EAN that I began to realize just how deeply entrenched this theory is in the minds of MANY people. Eventually, I came to realize that I would have to over thrown this entire field.
When Hmolpedia gets back online, which will be soon, I will largely move off Reddit and get back to writing in the MediaWiki writing format, which is much faster, and more organized, and only occasionally post at Reddit, when I find an interesting article.
Lastly, once the 6+ volume EAN book set is published and finished, with free pdf-files for everyone, I can then just do EAN based etymos for every term in all languages, all reduced to their Egyptian glyph, number, or formula from which they derived, and just use one citation hyperlink to the 6-volume set. Problem solved!
Presently, to clarify, posting on reddit, which I basically do for the purposes of “mental notes” to the HumanChemThermo research project, is like playing a game of Whac-A-Mole:
  1. Post from: here.
submitted by JohannGoethe to Alphanumerics [link] [comments]