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2014.02.03 23:29 mr_bag Dogs with Jobs

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2012.03.20 02:46 rack88 Pro-Right Elon Musk

Following Elon and his companies

2015.06.06 21:01 RoonilWazilbob Nearly Impossible Odds

Nearly impossible feats of achievement, those with great degree of difficulty or incredible odds.

2024.06.09 12:00 AutoModerator Weekly Reminder: Rules and FAQ - June 09, 2024 (Now with updates!)

Below you will find a weekly reminder of our Rules and partial FAQ. It's definitely a long read, but it's worth your time, especially if you are new to the community, or dropping by as a result of a link you found elsewhere. We periodically revise our rules, this weekly notice will help keep you informed of any changes made.
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FAQ - About the Rules

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What about being kind to the kids?

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But OP asked if they were an asshole?!

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Seriously? You are the language police now?

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What do you mean by No Trolling? I was just...

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Who gets to define what is considered asshattery?

FAQ - Sub Questions

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submitted by AutoModerator to stepparents [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:24 OwnFaithlessness7221 Capital gains tax question

I've got a situation that I've struggling to understand how to deal with and Skatteverket's website doesn't really help me unfortunately.
I'm a Brit that owns 10% of a company in the UK. The company was set up in late 2020 and when I lived in the UK I was an employ of it and am one of the founders. For context, there is another foundeemployee in the UK but the remaining 80% of the company is owned by a Swedish company.
I then moved to Sweden in the middle of 2022 and now formally work for the parent company, but my responsibilities are the same with respect to the UK company and I still own 10% of the shares.
This year, the parent company wants to buy out myself and the other founder and we have negotiated a price for this.
So my question is "what am I liable for in terms of capital gains tax?" Things that I've read suggest that I could be liable for capital gains on any overseas income earned whilst I have been resident in Sweden, however much/most of the growth of the company took place before I moved out here. The rules seem to only apply for assets bought/sold oversees whilst I've been in Sweden and not what I already owned before I moved into the country.
Is it possible that no tax is due in Sweden at all but I need to declare it under UK rules? I'm totally out of the UK system now but I guess that could change. Indeed that would be preferable as reading the HMRC rules it sounds like the deduction would only be 10% as I'm one of the founders, whereas in Sweden it might be 30%!!
Or maybe I need to somehow estimate the growth before and after, and pay a proportion of tax in both? No idea how I'd work that out!
submitted by OwnFaithlessness7221 to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 JustMakingForTOMT Body #1 – An Analysis of the Titanic’s “Other” Unknown Child (LONG POST)

**Trigger warning for in-depth discussion of the deaths and bodies of children*\*
Many of you probably know the story of the Unknown Child, or Body #4 – the body of a baby boy recovered from the sea shortly after the sinking of the Titanic and buried in Halifax’s Fairview Cemetery. Unidentified for years, he was speculated to be either Gosta Palsson or Eugene Rice, tentatively identified with DNA analysis as Eino Panula in 2002, and definitively identified through improved DNA testing in 2007 as Sidney Goodwin. The Unknown Child has come to represent all the young lives who were lost in the disaster.
However, much less well-known is the mystery of Body #1. Pulled from the icy Atlantic on April 21st 1912 by the cable ship Mackay Bennett, the body of an approximately 10-12-year-old boy was the first of 337 Titanic victims to be recovered. Officially, Body #1 was identified as Walter John van Billiard, a 9-year-old third-class boy who perished along with his father Austin and 10-year-old brother James William. He was buried next to his father, whose body was also recovered, in the Whitemarsh Union Cemetery of Zion Lutheran Church, Flourtown, Pennsylvania. However, doubt has always lingered among Titanic researchers and enthusiasts over the true identity of the body. In this post, I’ll examine the case for and against the body’s identification as Walter Van Billiard, investigate some other possibilities for its identity, and summarize my findings.
A few disclaimers: firstly, I’m not a professional, just someone who’s been interested in the Titanic (and specifically its child/teen passengers) for a long time.
Secondly, although I’ve never seen a detailed write-up on Body #1 before, others have discussed this topic and arrived at similar conclusions as mine, so I’m not breaking any entirely new ground here.
Finally, this post isn’t meant to disrespect or offend any of the Van Billiard family or to shatter the idea of a father and son resting beside each other. I’m just trying to take a critical look at the identification of Body #1 and suggest some alternate possibilities.
Approximately 115 Titanic passengers and crew under the age of 18 were lost, and very few of their bodies were ever found. In attempting to identify one of them, I hope to honour them all.

Part I: The Van Billiards

Walter and James van Billiard (photo here) were the two eldest sons of Austin Blyler van Billiard and Maude Murray. One or both boys had been born in Paris, France, but spent most of their lives in Africa, where the family was engaged in diamond mining. By April 1912, the Van Billiards had had four more children and wanted to return to Austin’s family in North Wales, Pennsylvania. They travelled to London, where Maude fell ill. It was decided that she would stay there with her parents and her four youngest children to recuperate, while Austin would take James and Walter ahead to America. Austin’s parents had never met any of their grandchildren before, and he wanted them to spend Easter together. Tragically, they booked third-class on the RMS Titanic, and the rest is history. No survivor accounts mention the Van Billiards by name, so it is unknown how they passed their time on the ship or how exactly they met their ends. A newspaper article (Daily Home News, April 23rd 1912) suggests the boys may have refused to leave their father, but it’s equally likely they simply arrived on deck too late to have the option of boarding a lifeboat.
What is known is that two bodies purported to be members of the Van Billiard family were later recovered and sent to Austin’s relatives in Pennsylvania for burial. Body #255, that of an approximately 40-year-old man with a dark red beard and moustache, was identified as Austin. Body #1, allegedly young Walter, was described as such:
No. 1 – MALE – ESTIMATED AGE. – 10-12. – HAIR. LIGHT.
CLOTHING – Overcoat, grey; one grey coat; one blue coat; grey woolen jersey; white shirt; grey knickers; black stockings; black boots
EFFECTS – Purse containing few Danish coins and ring; two handkerchiefs marked “A”.
Probably Third Class.
Furthermore, the “Inventory of the property found on the body of the late W. VanBilliard” adds that the purse also contained one United States cent and “three wooden disks.” This document can be viewed online at the Nova Scotia Archives website. Interestingly, “Unable to identify from clothing or effects” has been written across the middle of the page in pencil. Further down, it says “Remains shipped. See #255.”
Right off the bat, it's unclear why Body #1 was identified as that of 9-year-old Walter, as opposed to 10-year-old James – or, in fact, why a connection with the Van Billiards was made at all. The Philadelphia Inquirer of May 8th 1912, reporting on the arrival of the bodies in Pennsylvania, states that identification was made “through the Red Cross Society and papers found on their persons.” However, no such papers are mentioned among the effects found on either body, despite this being common practice for the descriptions of Titanic victims’ bodies.
It is also noteworthy that no member of the Van Billiard family was reported as having identified or even viewed the bodies. Identification would, of course, have taken place at Halifax, where the recovered bodies were brought before being buried there or forwarded elsewhere, and I could find absolutely nothing to suggest that any Van Billiard travelled to Halifax to view them. The North American newspaper of May 8th 1912 states quite clearly that Austin’s father, Burgess James van Billiard, was in Pennsylvania when the bodies arrived. Maude and the other children were still in England, and in fact would not make the trip to America until February 1913, almost a full year after the disaster.
Moreover, it must be remembered that none of the Van Billiard family members in America had ever seen their grandsons. They may have seen photographs of them, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’d be able to identify a body which had spent six days floating in the freezing ocean. There are stories from other maritime disasters of the era, such as the General Slocum (1904), the Eastland (1915), and the Princess Sophia (1918) of children’s bodies being misidentified (or dubiously identified), even by close relatives. Therefore, even if Burgess van Billiard or another family member had seen Body #1, would that have conclusively proven that it was Walter (or James)? Or would it simply be a case of a grief-stricken human being clinging to the belief that their loved one was one of the few recovered from an icy grave?
According to Judith Geller’s Titanic: Women and Children First, “popular reports” of the time stated that Austin’s body was found with Walter’s clasped to his chest. However, as she goes on to state, this was not the case. This can be seen plainly from the numbers of the bodies, which were assigned in the order that they were retrieved. Body #1 was recovered on April 21st, while Body #255 would not have been picked up until April 25th, according to the diary of Mackay Bennett crewman Clifford Crease. Therefore, identification of Body #1 cannot have been made by its proximity to Austin Van Billiard.
The effects found upon Body #1 also do nothing to prove, or even suggest, that the body was that of Walter Van Billiard. It is true that the handkerchiefs marked “A” could have belonged to Austin, but “A” could stand for many other names of those on board the Titanic. The Danish coins are a tantalizing clue, but none of the Van Billiard family was known to have lived in or visited Denmark. (Of course, it’s possible that the coins could have been misidentified – perhaps they were actually Belgian or Boer, as the Van Billiards lived in both the Belgian Congo and South Africa; or Dutch, as Austin Van Billiard is known to have visited Amsterdam shortly before embarking on the Titanic. (Perhaps the “A” handkerchief was a souvenir from the city?) However, these are only theories.)
It has never been conclusively accepted by Titanic researchers and enthusiasts that Body #1 is that of Walter Van Billiard. Walter’s entry on Encyclopedia Titanica contains the footnote: “Because of the effects recovered with the body there has to be some doubt over the authenticity of the identification.” Similarly, Women and Children First states that “the body might in fact have easily been that of another Third Class boy.” That book’s section on the Van Billiards ends with the somber observation that “a monument to [the] husband and two sons … stands in the Whitemarsh Union Cemetery, but only two (and perhaps one) of them lie beneath it.” Whether or not Walter van Billiard was truly Body #1, one hopes that this (mis?)identification brought some solace to his surviving family members.

Part II: Other Possibilities

With it being established that there is no conclusive proof that body #1 belonged to either of the Van Billiard boys, let us examine other possibilities. I have assembled a list of all male Titanic victims between the ages of 8 and 14 whose bodies were never found. The reason for extending this range is that the estimated ages given to bodies were not always entirely accurate. For example, the body of 12-year-old William Sage was estimated to be 14, the body of 16-year-old Rossmore Abbott was estimated as 22, and the body of 17-year-old Ernest Price was estimated as 26.
Our candidates are:
  1. Eugene Joseph Abbott, 13
  2. Filip Oscar Asplund, 13
  3. Clarence Gustaf Hugo Asplund, 9
  4. William Neal Thomas Ford, 14
  5. Charles Edward Goodwin, 14
  6. William Frederick Goodwin, 13
  7. Harold Victor Goodwin, 10
  8. Frederick William Hopkins, 14
  9. Husayn Mahmud Husayn Ibrahim, 11
  10. William Andrew Johnston, 8
  11. Albert Rice, 10
  12. George Rice, 8
  13. Betros Seman, 10
  14. Karl Thorsten Skoog, 11
  15. George Frederick Sweet, 14
  16. William Albert Watson, 14
A few possibilities can be easily excluded from this list:
Several more possibilities can be marked as unlikely, if not ruled out entirely:
Our list is thus reduced to:
  1. Eugene Joseph Abbott, 13
  2. Filip Oscar Asplund, 13
  3. Clarence Gustaf Hugo Asplund, 9
  4. William Neal Thomas Ford, 14
  5. William Andrew Johnston, 8
  6. Albert Rice, 10
  7. George Rice, 8
Now, let us look at each of these boys in turn and examine the evidence for and against them being Body #1.
Eugene Joseph Abbott:
William Neal Thomas Ford:
Little is known about Ford, an English youth emigrating to the USA with his extended family and a family friend. None of their bodies are known to have been recovered (although they may be among the unidentified). He has no known connection to the letter A or to the nation of Denmark. Therefore, I see him as among the most unlikely of these boys to be Body #1.
William Andrew Johnston:
William Johnston, a cousin of William Ford, is a slightly more likely candidate for two reasons. Firstly, his father’s name (and his own middle name) was Andrew, providing a connection to the letter A. Secondly, in the one photo of him provided by the Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge,* he appears to have had light hair.
Albert and George Rice:
Filip and Clarence Asplund:
I believe the Asplund boys are the strongest possible candidates for body #1, due to the following evidence:
If I had to choose between the two Asplund boys for the true identity of body #1, I would suggest that it was 9½ year old Clarence, rather than 13-year-old Filip, due to the fact that those identifying the body clearly deemed it likely to belong to a 9-year-old. However, I think either boy is a likely option.

Part III: Conclusion

None of this is to say that I think the body couldn’t have been one of the Van Billiard boys. After all, there had to be *something* that caused Walter Van Billiard to be singled out amongst all the other possible candidates. Any of the clues I pointed out in this post may have been red herrings.
Maybe the “A” handkerchiefs were a parting gift from a friend whose first or last name started with that letter, or a souvenir of some city the boy had visited. Maybe the Danish coins were simply picked up off the deck, or given to this boy by a Danish passenger for whom he had done a favor. Maybe the age estimate was far off, and the boy was actually a tall 7-year-old or a very young-looking 15-year-old. Maybe Walter really is resting alongside his father in Union Cemetery, Flourtown, Pennsylvania. In the end, unless DNA analysis is ever done, we will never know the true identity of body #1.
My personal ranking of likelihood, out of all the boys examined, is:
  1. Clarence or Filip Asplund (in that order), aged 9 and 13
  2. Walter or James Van Billiard, aged 9 and 10
  3. Eugene Abbott, aged 13
  4. Albert or George Rice (in that order), aged 10 and 8
  5. William Andrew Johnston, aged 8
  6. William Neal Thomas Ford, aged 14
  7. Harold, William, or Charles Goodwin (in that order), aged 10, 13, and 14 – I might even bump Harold (and possibly William) up higher than William Ford due to their younger age.
  8. Frederick Hopkins or William Watson, aged 14
  9. George Frederick Sweet, aged 14 (almost 15)
  10. Husayn Ibrahim, aged 11, or Betros Seman, aged 10
  11. Anthony William Sage, aged 12 – borderline impossible as Will Sage’s ticket was found on body #67, meaning that was almost certainly him. Perhaps an onboard friend of his had stolen his ticket as a prank, or they had switched tickets to keep as mementoes of each other, but I find this quite unlikely.
  12. Karl Thorsten Skoog, aged 11 – impossible; his missing or prosthetic leg would certainly have been noted.
The true tragedy of Body #1 is the fact that there are so many possible candidates for its identification. In memory of all these boys and their families who were lost on the morning of April 15th 1912.
\I have some doubts about the veracity of some photographs from the Titanic Pigeon Forge Museum, but the vast majority of the photos I've seen from there are genuine. I can elaborate further in the comments if anyone is interested.)
submitted by JustMakingForTOMT to titanic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:28 Fun_Yak3615 Creating a Comprehensive ANKI French Deck / Personal Journey

Creating a Comprehensive ANKI French Deck / Personal Journey
This will be an ongoing journal type thing until I get to approximately B2 in my target language (French) with the goal of making a systematic process as I go along that is comprehensive via only ANKI. I will be doing this in real time, but also retrospectively making improvements so that when I finish, the process will be much more efficient for the next person (as well as for myself for any future languages).
Every 20 hours of ANKI study time, I will take a mock exam to track my progress. The mock exams will go up in level as I pass the previous levels. I have just done my second A1 mock exam at hour 60 (the first was at hour 40). At 80 hours, I will probably do both A1 (to get over 90) and GCSE Foundation to see where I stand on harder stuff.
Below is a visual representation I like of hours to level. The expected amount of hours for each level (A1, A2, etc.) is based on what I've found online. For mocks, A1 is using DELF, A2 onward I will use the UK system as they have easily accessible up-to-date mocks. For A1 I am only taking the Oral and Writing Comprehension sections as they are easily graded solo. For the UK ones, I plan on maybe adding the writing section and grading via the help of GPT using their grading rubric.
The "Contextual Learning" (probably should be named Comprehensible Input) above so far has only been watching a series in French with English subtitles (6 hours). It was pretty much useless in my opinion and I will not be doing that again. I think it only gets useful in the more advanced forms.
Black is guideline - Blue is my result - Lower is better
Note on Mocks:
A1: Mock 1: Barely understood any of the oral. I did not follow the rule of only 2 repeats of the audio, and so my score is actually higher than it should be. Was basically answering off 1-word understandings here and there. Was actually surprised to get a passing score. Note that this process does not put any emphasis on learning things that come up in exams (specific useful vocab like numbers, times, seasons, etc. or topics/sentences likely to be used in basic conversation), which will result in poor early scoring that catches up later on (in theory).
A1: Mock 2: Again, oral was pretty poor. They speak much quicker in these than what GoogleTranslate outputs and with much stronger accents. Again, I didn't stick to the 2 repeat limit for audios. The written section was much easier. I got 2 wrong simply because I rushed reading one section (Should have scored 94% overall, with 2 wrong in oral and none wrong in written). Next time I take a mock, I'll take it much more seriously. No phone, no multi-tasking and go over every question twice (I did this whole mock in 30 minutes despite the 50-minute allocation and repeating audio more than you're supposed to).
So these are the main methods I'm using (with the expressed goal of trying to stick with ANKI throughout):
Grammar-translation method Spaced Repetition
Things I may need or complementary methods:
Transfer method - May be useful at the same time in the early days when you're just trying to get a feel. Comprehensible Input - So my main reluctance here is it's not time efficient. It is fantastic for ease of learning, i.e. you can grind the hours needed for learning without burnout or boredom (actually have fun), but the time spent to progress made isn't great overall. There are people on DreamingSpanish with 1500 hours under their belt at B1-B2 level. That's a lot of hours to get to that level. I may have absolutely no choice but to include it at some point, though, given the limitations of the audio in my current method. AI will probably fix all that soon. One caveat, this inefficiency might be due to HOW people are using their comprehensible input rather than simply the default state of the method. Shadowing - No idea how effective this is.
I'm going to try to be succinct in my presentation of what I've done so far, starting with the current, up-to-date process:
  1. I look up frequency lists and learn vocab according to their order.
  2. I start with verbs as the basis of sentence creation. Each conjugation gets a sentence. (Currently only simple present, decided by a rough frequency list of tenses). Each sentence tries to introduce a new vocab word (based on frequency lists and with the ultimate goal of 3+ representations) on top of the verb itself. For irregular verbs, each conjugation is repeated twice because it doesn't follow normal rules.
  3. I introduce individual words as their own cards only after they have been learned via sentences (IE represented 3 times). This is primarily to memorize the genders, but also as a basic supplementation.
  4. Each word and each sentence has an accompanying audio. It's currently GoogleTranslate because it's free. An obvious improvement would be to use more advanced AI and different voices.
  5. When I answer a card in French, I answer by writing in the sentence and saying it out loud at the same time. ANKI highlights in red what doesn't match with the answer. When I answer the English side of a card, I only say it out loud (I'm not learning how to write English, am I).
  6. I always mark a card as correct when it's in the learning phase until the graduation mark. This is a new change because my accuracy has been too low and I think it's more efficient this new way.
  7. The spacing is 20s, 1m, 3m, 9m, 1d (graduation)
  8. I sometimes mark a card as correct if the mistake is very small or if it's just because I misread.
Mistakes I've made that I'm still fixing:
  1. Making the sentences too complicated. (Pretty obvious why this slows the process)
  2. Not sticking to one tense at a time. (I still have some sentences that are just random tenses and they don't stick as well in isolation)
  3. Introducing individual words as translations before they have been learned in context (much slower to learn for tiny words)
  4. Over representing certain verbs and certain vocab (less efficient and can even confuse you sometimes).
Improvements/focus for the next 20 hours:
  1. Audio only cards. (removing the visual aid to improve oral comprehension and pronunciation - may not be enough)
  2. Introduce compound past and simple past (probably won't get to more tenses)
  3. Introduce grammatical rules to cards when they show up (Some rules are not obvious enough to efficiently learn from context alone (making it hard to remember certain sentences because you don't understand the underlying rule of why it's not a direct translation from English - I'm not sure how I'll go about this yet)
Improving the process:
  1. Continue fixing the mistakes from above (lots of old cards still have issues)
  2. Each card has an ID number representing when it was made. I need to go back and add a secondary ID number for when it *should* have been introduced after retrospective analysis so that the next person (or me when I apply it to a new language) gets a better ordering of the introduction of vocab, grammar, and concepts.
All feedback is welcome.
submitted by Fun_Yak3615 to French [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 08:04 Scipio1319 Is there a connection between Mists of Pandaria and The War Within?

Hello all, first time poster here.
I’ve had some thoughts and questions that might be really out there because I’m not an expert with the lore but it’s been on my mind for a while now. But here we go.
Okay, so Remix was obviously made as a business decision (this is not to hate on Remix, because I love it) to entice players to stay subscribed until the launch of TWW. However, my thought was, why choose MoP? At first I thought it just made sense because it was an awesome expansion with a ton of unique rewards that really don’t exist anywhere else in the game (I.e. cloud serpents) I know, I know, all expansions have unique rewards but MoP really had a super unique theme IMO that isn’t really close to any other xpac.
With that being said, I still feel like there was an another crucial reason that they chose MoP. It might have been just coincidence or convenience, but I think it ties into the World Soul Saga as a whole. This was an opportunity for some potential foreshadowing by letting players (veteran and new) re-experience the lore of this expansion that might lead into some important plot points of the WSS.
Below are points I’ve listed that I believe tie MoP and TWW/ WSS together:
  1. Y’Shaarj
- as we know, Y’Shaarj was the main antagonist of MoP (debatable still, Garrosh was the one we fought though he was ultimately corrupted by the heart) - Y’Shaarj was the greatest of the old gods according to some - According to chronicles, Aman Thul ripped Y’Shaarj out of Azeroth, leaving behind its heart. My theory here is that the Black Blood we see in Azj’Kahet is not Azeroth’s corrupted blood, but in fact Y’Shaarj’s blood left behind from that cataclysmic event. That’s what eventually turned the aqir located there into Nerubians. - There is mural that has been posted around from Alpha that looks very similar to the ones from the Klaxi in reference to Y’Shaarj. Ever 100% confirmed, but very probable. 
  1. Xal’atath
    • There is still not a lot we know about Xal I’ll admit
    • Theory: Xal’atath (the blade) was made from a claw of Y’Shaarj. I can’t back this up with evidence, but I’ve heard it mentioned numerous times.
    • We know Xal has a strong connection with the void.
  2. The Dark Heart and Galakdrond
    • We know Iridikron infused Galakrond’s essence within the heart, who was the greatest most terrifying of all proto dragons. Is that essence powerful enough to create a new “Heart of Y’Shaarj”?
    • As far as I have read, not much is known of Galakrond and his creation or birth. All that is known that it is the “progenitor or dragon kind”. Could Galakrond been a spawn or creation of an Old God, particularly Y’Shaarj?
  3. Geography and Ra-Den
    • the Klaxi, Qiraji, and now Nerubians all appear on the south west portion of Azeroth. The Southern part of Kalimdor, Western Pandaria, and now Khaz’Algar positioned right in between those two continents. Could that be the ancient residing space of Y’Shaarj?
    • Obviously we have the Nerubians in Northrend but I believe that will play an important part in The Last Titan.
    • Ra or Ra-Den was the Titan keeper in charge of the southern portions of Azeroth.
    • Ra was in charge of Uldum and the Vale which is where both portals to Ny’Alotha opened, where we confront N’Zoth. This is another connection with Y’Shaarj and Xal. [see below]
    • While the geography of it all might sound insignificant, I believe it was intentional.
  4. BfA and MoP
    • There is a subtle link here between between Y’Shaarj and N’Zoth with Xal’atath being the bridge. We know Xal strikes a deal with N’Zoth to free her “spirit” from the blade. This is based on the assumption that while the Old Gods fought with each other in ancient times, that they are now begrudgingly in league with each other to survive. I assume Xal’atath (either a servant of Y’Shaarj or a fragment of Y’Shaarj itself) was able to convince N’Zoth to make a deal because “N’Zoth is the weakest of the four old gods” according to her.
  5. Loose ends
    • Locus-Walker How does the Locus-Walker recognize Xal’atath almost immediately?
    • Archmage Drenden This might not matter at all, and it might have been a super convenient plot point for Metzen, but where did Drenden go all those years ago, and how is he welcome back to the Kirin’Tor so quickly?
I believe Xal’atath is trying to do one of three things:
There are so many possible outcomes from what I have listed out here but I think one thing is clear in my mind: MoP Remix was not just a coincidence. I think it was intentional and we are going to see it play out in one way or another in the World Soul Saga. It’s very exciting and I can’t wait to hear what y’all think.
*this is my first time posting here and I’m really not a lore expert or historian but very passionate about the game. I hope y’all give this an honest response. Disagreement is of course encouraged but I don’t want to cause any animosity here.
submitted by Scipio1319 to warcraftlore [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:57 Count-Daring243 Best Flag Gun Safe

Best Flag Gun Safe
Welcome to our comprehensive review on the Flag Gun Safe, a top-quality choice for gun owners who value elegance, function, and security. In this roundup, we'll explore the unique features that make this flag gun safe stand out from its competitors while also providing you with valuable information to help you make a well-informed decision. Sit back, relax, and get ready to discover why Flag Gun Safe is the perfect choice for your gun storage needs.

The Top 12 Best Flag Gun Safe

  1. Secure Gun Safe with 28 Gun Capacity and 30-Minute Fire Protection - Secure your guns and valuables with the Stealth EGS28 Essential Gun Safe, featuring a high-security electronic lock, 28-gun capacity, molle door panel organizer, and 30-minute fire protection.
  2. Durable 23-Gun Storage Safe with American Flag Detailing - The Browning BF23E Gun Safe features a spacious capacity for up to 23 long guns, with a solid steel construction and a stylish American Flag design, perfect for gun enthusiasts seeking secure and organized storage with a touch of patriotism.
  3. Customizable Wall-Mount Pistol Safe - Securely store and organize your tactical gear with the V-Line Tactical Closet Vault, a sturdy, CA DOJ-approved in-wall safe made in the USA for both home and standard firearms.
  4. Patriot Flag Concealment Case - The Patriot Flag Concealment Case combines military pride with storage practicality, offering a solid wood case, secure VELCRO straps, and a lockable compartment for your handgun, all under the guise of a patriotic flag display.
  5. MicroVault Portable Standard Gun Safe: Easy Access, Durable Protection - The GunVault Micro Vault Flag Edition (MV500F) offers a unique and stylish design, high-strength lock mechanism, and an exceptional 20-gauge steel case, making it an ideal compact solution for securely storing and transporting your handgun anywhere.
  6. Large USA-Made Concealment Flag with Gun Compartments - Securely conceal your valuables with the American Furniture Classics Large American Hybrid Flag - a premium wall hanging gun concealment featuring two locking hidden compartments with customizable foam linings and a high-quality safety lock.
  7. Large American Flag Wall Hanging Gun Concealment with Hidden Compartments - Securely store your valuables with the American Furniture Classics Model LRG2COMP, a large wooden concealment flag design with two hidden, customizable, and magnetic-lock compartments.
  8. Mini American Flag Wall Display - Concealed Safety Lock and Compact Design - Securely conceal your handgun with the smallest American flag concealment case, featuring a high-quality hidden safety lock and built from top-quality solid wood and wood veneers.
  9. Tracker Safe 12 Gun Safe with Fire Resistant Protection and Mechanical Lock - Secure and spacious, the Tracker Safe M12 Gun Safe boasts a 13-gun capacity with a 60-minute fire rating, mechanical/dial lock, and internal electrical outlet, perfect for protecting your firearms and other valuables.
  10. Secure 30-Gun Home Safe with Glossy Burgundy Finish - The Flag 30 Gun & Home Safe is a 1,400F-rated, 12-gauge steel safe with adjustable interior storage up to 30 long guns, ideal for securing your valuable firearms and personal items.
  11. Reliable Flag Gun Safe with 25 Gun Capacity - The Surelock SLS-FRE25 Flag 25 Gun Safe offers unparalleled security, protection, and organization for your valuable long guns and ammunition, making it an essential addition to any home or security system.
  12. Patriot 50 Flag Gun Safe with 75 min Fire Rating - Protect your precious firearms and valuables with the Liberty Patriot 50 Gun Safe, offering UL Listed security and increased fire protection, perfect for avid gun enthusiasts and collectors.
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🔗Secure Gun Safe with 28 Gun Capacity and 30-Minute Fire Protection
I recently had the opportunity to try the Stealth EGS28 Essential Gun Safe Flag Safe and I must say, it's quite impressive. The safe has a 28 gun capacity, which means it can securely hold more than the usual amount of firearms. With its sturdy construction and 30-minute fire protection, this safe ensures not only the safety of your guns but also your valuables.
The safe has an electronic lock with a million possible combinations and is protected by a hardplate and relocker. This added security feature is especially useful when you're concerned about a potential break-in. The fire protection is crucial, too. The intumescent door seal expands to keep smoke out during a fire, ensuring the contents are safe and secure.
What really stands out is the convenience. The safe includes an electrical outlet kit with 3 outlets and 2 USB slots, which means you can charge your electronics inside the safe. The stealthy design, featuring a black 3-spoke handle and flat black finish, is a nice touch too, adding a covert and classy look to the safe.
The installation process is straightforward. Stealth provides four bolt-down holes and mounting hardware in case you want to secure the safe to the floor. This peace of mind is invaluable, especially if you live in an area prone to burglaries.
Overall, the Stealth EGS28 Essential Gun Safe Flag Safe is well-worth the investment for anyone looking to protect their firearms and valuables. It's sturdy, secure, and has an added level of convenience. The one downside is the size. You need to be sure you have the necessary space for this safe, but once you do, it's a fantastic choice. Highly recommended!

🔗Durable 23-Gun Storage Safe with American Flag Detailing
Well, I've been using the Browning BF23E Gun Safe for some time now, and let me tell you, it's genuinely a game-changer. From the moment I installed it, I noticed the sturdiness and the robust feel of the 12-gauge steel body. Its Force Deflector Locking System gives me peace of mind knowing that my firearms are well-protected.
One of the things that really stood out to me about this safe was how spacious it is inside. I was able to fit in all my long guns and even more smaller items on the standard DPX quick access barrel rack and shelving. Additionally, the sewn-in pistol pouches on the black carpet door panel are a nice touch for keeping my handguns organized.
The Browning BF23E Gun Safe's exterior also deserves a mention. The Hammer Gray textured finish with black hardware gives it a really sleek look that blends perfectly with my home décor.
However, there's one thing that I wished was a little different - the wiggly floor. Although it sits securely on the floor with the use of oversized body washers, it would have been great if the floor was a bit sturdier. It still serves its purpose, but a little more rigidity would elevate the whole experience.
All in all, I'm extremely happy with my Browning BF23E Gun Safe. It provides excellent protection for my firearms and is stylish enough to not seem out of place in my home. If you're in the market for a trustworthy gun safe that can hold up to 23 long guns, this is definitely worth considering.

🔗Customizable Wall-Mount Pistol Safe
I recently had the chance to try out the V-Line Tactical In-Wall Safe, and I must admit, it's quite a nifty little product. The build quality is top-notch – it's made in the USA and the door is 14-gauge steel, which is nice and sturdy. I particularly liked the powder-coated tactical black finish – it just adds a touch of class to the whole thing.
One of the standout features of this safe is the three-point locking system with steel deadbolts that directly engage the vault frame. It's an added layer of security that I really appreciate. The wall-mounted design also allows for some clever use of the interior space. The Molle board possibilities offer a versatile solution for storing tactical gear, and the optional kits and shelves provide even more flexibility.
However, the locking mechanism could use some improvement. It's a simplex push-button lock, which is fine, but the metal components look a bit flimsy. I'm not sure how secure it would feel compared to a sturdier combination lock.
Another thing to note is that it didn't come with all the screws needed for installation. That might not be a deal-breaker for a lot of users, but it would definitely be worth mentioning.
Despite a few minor drawbacks, I'm pretty happy with the V-Line Tactical In-Wall Safe. It's a solid product that offers a convenient and secure way to store your tactical gear.

🔗Patriot Flag Concealment Case
Salute to service - show your patriotism with the Patriot Flag Concealment Case. This beautifully crafted wooden case not only displays your military flag proudly, but also doubles as a discreet storage case for your handgun. The included VELCRO straps keep your flag secure, and the magnetically latched front panel with a key lock promises added security.
One user's father served with the 90th Seabees during World War II, and they were thrilled with how the case showcased their patriotism. However, some customers found that the case was too small for a standard US burial flag, so please check dimensions to ensure compatibility. A few reviewers also reported minor assembly issues upon arrival, but overall, the build quality received praise.
The Patriot Flag Concealment Case provides a stylish and functional way to both honor your country and conceal your valuables, making it a must-have addition to your home or office.

🔗MicroVault Portable Standard Gun Safe: Easy Access, Durable Protection
I've been using the GunVault Micro Vault Portable Standard Gun Safe (MV500F) for a while now, and I must say it's been quite a game-changer. The unique exterior design, featuring a flag motif, instantly adds a touch of style to my portable case. It's compact enough to fit inside my briefcase or backpack, yet spacious enough to securely hold my handgun and other valuable items.
The high-strength lock mechanism reassures me that my belongings are safe from prying hands. The 20-gauge steel housing provides exceptional strength and durability, giving me peace of mind wherever I go. The soft foam interior also plays a crucial role in protecting my items from scratches and scuffs during transport.
One feature that I absolutely adore is its patented No-Eyes Keypad, allowing me to access my gun safe with ease, even in low light conditions. This illuminated keypad with over 12 million user-selectable access codes truly sets it apart from traditional locks. Plus, the audio feedback and stealth mode option add an extra layer of security.
The gun safe is also TSA airline rated, so transporting it on flight won't be a problem. The only issue I've encountered is that the lock sometimes has trouble recognizing the correct code, but it's a minor inconvenience compared to the benefits.
Overall, the GunVault Micro Vault Portable Standard Gun Safe has significantly improved my experience of keeping my firearm secure and within reach at all times. It's a reliable tool that provides both convenience and protection.

🔗Large USA-Made Concealment Flag with Gun Compartments
I recently had the chance to add a touch of patriotism to my home decor with the American Furniture Classics Large American Hybrid Flag Burnished with the We The People Logo Wall Hanging Gun Concealment. Not only is it a beautiful addition to my space, but it also offers a practical solution for those who need to conceal valuables.
The standout features for me were the hidden safety style lock that opens with a magnetic key, and its easy installation on the wall with just conventional screws. The flag itself is built using top-quality locally sourced solid wood and wood veneers, creating a sturdy and durable piece that adds a touch of elegance to any room.
However, I did notice a few areas where it could be improved. The hidden compartments could be a bit larger to accommodate more items, and the door could be a bit more quiet when opening and closing. Overall, I'm quite happy with my purchase and have found it to be a great blend of style and functionality.

🔗Large American Flag Wall Hanging Gun Concealment with Hidden Compartments
I recently added the American Furniture Classics Large American Flag Wall Hanging Gun Concealment to my home decor, and let me tell you, it's a real beauty. This impressive piece boasts not only its patriotic design but also hidden safety style locks that open with a magnetic key. I was particularly impressed by the construction, crafted from top-quality solid wood and wood veneers sourced locally.
However, its practicality is also noteworthy. The hidden compartments, lined with Kaizen closed cell foam, can easily be adjusted to fit various items, from handguns to knives. The magnetic safety locks and the gas strut on the lower door make it both user-friendly and reliable. Although it requires conventional screws for hanging on the wall, the process is simple, and it blends effortlessly with any interior.
While I appreciate the craftsmanship and functionality of this wall hanging gun concealment, it would be great if it came with additional accessories or customization options. Apart from that, it's a solid addition to any home, providing both aesthetic appeal and practical security.

🔗Mini American Flag Wall Display - Concealed Safety Lock and Compact Design
I recently got my hands on the American Furniture Classics Model MINIRWB Mini American Flag Wall Display with Hidden, Locking Gun Concealment, and I must say, it's a fantastic little piece of furniture. It's small, but packs a punch with its hidden safety lock that's opened by a magnetic key. This clever design makes it one of the most secure options in their lineup.
The installation is a breeze; all you need are some conventional screws, and it hangs easily on the wall. Kudos to the team behind this product for using top-quality, locally sourced solid wood and wood veneers, which adds a touch of elegance to the piece. And the best part? It takes up very little wall space while providing ample storage for your handguns and accessories.
However, the only downside I found was that the dimensions might be a bit tricky to work with if you don’t have enough space on your wall. But overall, it’s a fantastic American Flag Concealment Case that's well worth the investment.

🔗Tracker Safe 12 Gun Safe with Fire Resistant Protection and Mechanical Lock
I recently tried the Tracker Safe M12 Gun Safe and was impressed by its durability and practical features. The safe has a 13 long gun capacity, which is more than enough for my needs. One of the standout features is the internal door organizer and an internal outlet with plug ins and USB ports. This makes it easy to install and use safe accessories.
The safe is also equipped with attack-resistant external hinges, which allows the door to open 200 degrees. The interior is gray carpet with adjustable shelving, providing ample space for my firearms. The gun safe is designed with a mechanical/dial lock and has a 60-minute fire rating at 1200 degrees, ensuring the safety of your firearms in case of a fire.
However, I noticed that the interior shelving is not as customizable as I would have liked. Additionally, I discovered that some manufacturers exaggerate the number of guns a safe can hold, but overall, this safe was a great size and a great bang for the buck!

🔗Secure 30-Gun Home Safe with Glossy Burgundy Finish
The Surelock Flag 30 Gun & Home Safe has been a lifesaver for me. It's not just about the 30 gun capacity, but its exterior dimensions of 36" W x 25" D x 59" H and the adjustability of its interior with two gun racks and four shelves make it perfect for my needs. The glossy burgundy exterior and tan interior with black trim give it an elegant look, and the upgraded interior organizational door panel keeps all my smaller items secure.
However, it weighs an impressive 702 lbs, which might be a downside for those who want to move it around frequently. The SecuRam Basic Electronic Safe Lock and six active 1.25-inch steel bolts ensure maximum security, and the Lifetime Replacement Program gives me peace of mind.
I highly recommend the Surelock Flag 30 Gun & Home Safe for anyone who values their firearms and other valuables. It may be heavy, but it provides reliable protection, and its adjustability and organizational storage options make it a versatile choice for safekeeping.

🔗Reliable Flag Gun Safe with 25 Gun Capacity
As a proud gun owner and a dedicated defender of our nation's Second Amendment, I was thrilled to try out the Surelock SLS-FRE25 Flag 25 Gun Safe. It's securely crafted with 12-gauge steel and a 1-hour fire rating to ensure our valuables remain safe and protected during any unforeseen incidents.
The adjustable interior is a game-changer, allowing for optimal storage of up to 25 long guns, with two adjustable gun racks and four removable shelves. It's not just about functionality, though, as the upgraded interior organizational door panel with padded pistol pockets adds a sense of elegance and refinement.
The exterior design, featuring an American flag, is a proud testament to our love for our country, while the grey felt interior provides a touch of class with its sturdy and elegant appearance. The electronic lock in this gun safe ensures that only trusted individuals can access it - a feature that provides peace of mind.
A standout feature of this gun safe is its Lifetime Replacement Program, backed by Surelock Security. This level of commitment to customer satisfaction is a testament to their confidence in the product, giving every user a sense of security that they're well protected.
While this safe has many features worth applauding, its dimensions and weight might pose challenges for storage and mobility. However, the reassurance of maximum security it offers makes it a worthy investment for anyone serious about protecting their valued possessions. The True Flag Gun Safe has proven to be a reliable partner in my daily life, and a beacon of security for those important to me.

🔗Patriot 50 Flag Gun Safe with 75 min Fire Rating
Using the Liberty Patriot 50 Gun Safe in my daily life has been a breeze. The spacious interior allows me to store all my firearms alongside valuable accessories. I particularly appreciate the extra height and top storage shelf, which provides ample space for my collection.
The electronic lock works smoothly and is easy to operate. However, moving it was quite challenging due to its hefty weight.
It's a well-built safe, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to protect their belongings in style.

Buyer's Guide

When choosing a flag gun safe, it is essential to consider several factors to ensure you get the right product for your needs. This buyer's guide outlines some important aspects to consider when making a purchase.

Factors to Consider

  • Safety: The safety features of the flag gun safe are crucial. Look for models with bolts, latches, and other features that make it difficult for unauthorized individuals to access the contents of the safe.
  • Size: The size of the flag gun safe determines how many guns and related items it can hold. Measure the dimensions and interior space to ensure it can accommodate your collection.
  • Weight: A heavier flag gun safe is generally more secure, but it may also be more difficult to move around. Consider the weight capacity of the safe and the mobility option during purchase.
  • Construction Quality: Ensure the flag gun safe is made from durable materials that can withstand potential intrusion attempts. Look for high-quality steel or solid wood construction.
  • Additional Features: Some flag gun safes come with additional features such as dehumidifiers, lighting, and specialized shelving. Consider whether these features are crucial to your needs before making a decision.

Safety Considerations

While choosing a flag gun safe, safety should be one of your top priorities. A safe that cannot protect your guns and related items from theft and unauthorized access is not a good investment. Consider locks, hinges, door styles, and other safety features when making your decision.

Maintenance Tips

To ensure your flag gun safe stays in good condition for an extended period, it is essential to maintain it correctly. Clean the exterior and interior regularly and inspect the lock and bolting mechanisms to ensure they work correctly. Keep the environment inside the safe clean and dry, especially if you store ammunition or other sensitive items.
Choosing the right flag gun safe involves careful consideration of various factors, including safety, size, weight, construction quality, and additional features. Following the tips provided in this buyer's guide will help you make the best decision for your needs and ensure the safety and protection of your valuable flag guns and related items.


What is Flag Gun Safe?

Flag Gun Safe is a line of high-security gun safes designed with the flag emblem, offering a unique and stylish appearance while providing maximum protection for your firearms.

What are the main features of Flag Gun Safe?

  • Heavy-duty construction for maximum durability
  • Multiple locking mechanisms for enhanced security
  • Multiple storage compartments for different types of firearms
  • Customizable interior design to fit individual needs
  • Fire-resistant properties to protect firearms from damage

How do the multiple locking mechanisms work?

Flag Gun Safe uses a combination of mechanical and electronic locking systems. Mechanical locks include high-security tumblers and deadbolts, while electronic locks utilize a digital keypad or biometric scanner for added convenience and security.

Does Flag Gun Safe offer customization options?

Yes, Flag Gun Safe offers a variety of customization options, including different interior designs, racked or not racked storage, LED lighting, and shelving configurations. This ensures that the safe meets the specific needs of each user.

Why should I choose a Flag Gun Safe?

  • The unique flag emblem provides an attractive aesthetic
  • The heavy-duty construction and multiple locking mechanisms ensure top-tier security
  • The customizable interior design caters to individual preferences
  • The fire-resistant properties protect your firearms from damage

Are Flag Gun Safes easy to install?

Yes, Flag Gun Safes are designed with easy installation in mind. They come with all necessary hardware and clear installation instructions, making it simple for users to set them up in their homes or offices.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:51 bountyhunterhuntress 🥒Just a heads up for you Tabitha. All about your delusions and made up prophecy stories:🥒

🥒Most all the states require that you get a business license to operate any type of business, including a food business. For example, you need a permit to sell food from home in Arizona and New York. Even if your state doesn't require that you get a business license, your county or your city may require one and you better watch yourself because at this point you are now in the health hazard zone. In order fo sell your DING DANG NASTY ASS PICKLES correctly you would have to do alot more than just set in bed all day. 🥒
📍 Business license!! Most US states require that you get a business license to operate any type of business, including a FOOD business. For example, you need a permit to sell food from home in Arizona and New York. Even if your state doesn't require that you get a business license, your county or your city may require one.
📍 Sales privilege license!! AKA sales tax license. Most states require this license from businesses that sell retail goods and, thus, must collect sales tax. Most food items are exempt from state sales tax. However, many states still require that you obtain the license. THAT INCLUDES EVEM THE ONE'S YOU RECENTLY SAID YOU WERE SENSONG OFF AND NAMED ALL THE PEOPLE ON YOUR LIVE STREAM!
📍 Food handler's license!! This is an individual license, not a business license and each person who handles food in your business must pass a test about food safety and proper handling INCLUDING YOU TABITHA.
📍 Some type of kitchen inspection!! Every state requires that the kitchen where you make your (cottage food items) which in YOUR CASE TABITHA would be those unfinished pickles be inspected. However, every state goes about it somewhat differently. Common themes include no pets allowed in the kitchen area, adequate refrigeration and acceptable counter and flooring materials (e.g. no butcher block counters or carpeted floors).
📍 Zoning permit!! In many areas, you'll also need a variance or a permit from the local zoning board to operate a business from your home. No matter how big or small it is. Your homeowner's or condo association may also have an issue with your cottage food business. It's best to get approval from them before you start cooking.
📍 Food labeling! In addition to all of that, you'll need to create labels for each of your food products and it's contents that follow your state and city rules.
📍 Also I'll add one last detail for Tabitha: Each state has different laws about how food can be SHIPPED. But most importantly you have to have a STANDARD SHIPPING LICENSE for the states you’re doing business in to be able to ship any food. That means your pickles too.
🥒 This is for human consumption and it is not taken lightly due to people's HEALTH. We know you have none of that I have listed above. Therefore what you are doing IS NOT OKAY. Just like every other illegal ass way you have tried to get money off of people like raffling that you called entries for a drawing which is the sake damn thing as a raffle, and them also your THEFT BY DECEPTION. 🥒
🤬You are trying to hide your gift and fabricated life story under all these ideas and clearly it's not gonna work for you. Just admit you been lying all this time, get off your ass, and get a damn job. You haven't been in a burnout and you know how to do adult stuff just fine. Stop stealing other people's life stories and making it yours, and stop trying to use God as a way to target the good Christian folk when you are far from godly. I know SEVERAL adults that were late diagnosed and not a SINGLE ONE OF THEM ACTS LIKE YOU when it comes to how you use and talk about this autism diagnosis you can never prove. Hell those same real adults with some sort of autism diagnosis have some of the best work ethics I have ever seen. So I hope you know the entire internet talks about you and wants to cancel the shit out of you because.... WE ALL SEE YOU FOR WHAT YOU ARE TABITHA! YOUR A PREDATOR PREYING ON THE GOOD HEARTED PEOPLE FOR MONEY, AND A LYING PIECE OF SHIT. YOU WILL SAY AND TRY ANYTHING TO KEEP THIS LONG TERM VACATION OF YOURS GOING!! 🤬
😬And you know what's even more pathetically obvious about you? Thousands of people have watched you on the internet FOR YEARS collect money from others, while saying the same looped and regurgitate story for sympathy, and you have LITERALLY NOTHING TO SHOW FOR IT! YOU HAVEN'T DONE NOT A SINGLE THING TO BETTER YOURSELF OR YOUR SITUATION and we are all seeing it! This is why your time is about up and YOU know it too. 👏🏽
SINCERLY - 💋Kiss my ass! I can't wait to see this all come to an end and crash and burn!🔥
submitted by bountyhunterhuntress to hipeeharlee [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:40 DemolitionMatter Research does not show masculinity is harmful for men.

Feminists demonize masculinity and describe hypermasculinity as bad for men and deadly. Well, that's all bullshit. Being masculine actually can be a great thing for men.
In fact, research shows negative perceptions of masculinity is linked to worse mental health in men, and the phrase toxic masculinity could contribute to men perceiving masculinity that way. A meta-analysis of 58 studies from 1978 to 2021 found that while androgyny was the biggest protective factor against depression for both men and women, being undifferentiated (i.e.: normative) was the least likely to be a protective factor. Masculinity was a strong protective factor against depression for both men and women and femininity was slightly a protective factor against depression for women and both male and female college students, but that protective factor from femininity only began to emerge with the slow increase in the national education and income index from 1990 to 2019. However, as life expectancy has increased, this negative correlation between masculinity and depression has become less significant, but it's still moderately correlated and thus still a moderate protective factor against depression. They believe it's possible that back when life expectancies were lower, masculine people were less likely to admit to depression, but this might not be plausible given that masculinity was associated with less depression not only for men, but women, too, and women's feelings receive more empathy. The traits of masculinity measured include self-confidence, perseverance, standing up for oneself under pressure, competitiveness, independence, etc. Research has often overlooked that masculinity and femininity were positively correlated because social support and help seeking was labeled as feminine traits to be measured, and these traits were associated with a protection of a confident, masculine outlook backed up by social support and help seeking behaviors. Nonetheless, this doesn't mean men need to just get therapists. Men prefer doing something about the problem, whereas women prefer talking about the issue. Group therapy between men with goal-oriented tasks and activities tend to be more helpful for men than talk therapy and this is often due to evolutionary/biological reasons rather than socialization.
That can also be why masculine men don't seek social support alongside society being dismissive towards men suffering and these men dealing with society's mean gender roles toward men. It's not that they're refusing to get help when society offers help just to be manly. Femininity was measured as gentleness, helpfulness, etc. Among male college students, femininity was a protective factor against depression and was correlated positively with masculinity for this reason. People who scored low on both masculinity and femininity (undifferentiated) was more likely to be depressed. Androgynous people, however, were not actually androgynous. They scored high on both masculinity and femininity and I already elaborated on how they measured masculine and feminine traits and how they both help when these traits are combined together.
This study found that certain masculine traits, like winning or emotional control was associated with health benefits for men but other traits, like self-reliance, recklessness, playboy behavior, and power against women) were associated with health-risk behaviors. This study found men who perceived themselves as more masculine were far more likely to have better mental health, have better emotional control, have high high confidence, have high ability to take risks, be married, have a college degree, lack depression, have good relationship quality, have a good body image, be happy, be satisfied with life and be rich. They also were more likely to have been aggressive, take advantage of others, take charge, or enjoy fights. There's some negative aspects but far more positive aspects. Nonetheless, these men were talking about whether they view themselves as masculine rather than objective masculinity. This study found 4 categories: extreme hypermasculinity (characterized by medium dominance/aggression, somewhat higher sexual identity, and very high anti-femininity or devaluation of emotions), traditional masculine (characterized by medium dominance/aggression, and somewhat lower anti-femininity attitudes and somewhat lower sexual identity), traditional hypermasculine (characterized by higher dominance/aggression, higher sexual identity, and somewhat higher anti-feminine attitudes and somewhat higher devaluation of emotion), and non-hypermasculinity (low scores on all of those traits). Non-hypermasculine scored the lowest on hostility toward women and depression. Traditional hypermasculine and extreme hypermasculine scored higher on hostility toward women and depression. Traditional masculine men scored in the middle of the two measures. Extreme hypermasculine score higher on self esteem whereas the other 3 were similar on self-esteem. The traditional hypermasculine group had a disproportionate rate of fraternity members.

Handgrip strength associated with better life outcomes for men.

Men experience scored lower on fear, anxiety and emotional dependence than women, and the reason had to do with differences in physical strength.
Two studies found that differences in physical strength accounted for why men are less fearful or anxious than women. This study by Nicholas Kerry and Damian Murray found that because women score higher than men on neuroticism (a big 5 personality trait), it was due to differences in grip strength between men and women. They found that gender differences between men and women on the anxiety facet of Neuroticism was explained by differences in grip strength. This means that it did not account for differences in overall neuroticism, but the anxiety facet of neuroticism. This other study also found that the gender differences between men and women in anxiety were explained by grip strength differences. Cross-national research has shown that women in all countries scored higher than men on all 4 facets of emotionality, and the gender difference was bigger in rich, egalitarian countries except the honesty-humility facet. In a study of 1,399 undergraduates at 4 universities, the researchers found that grip strength accounted for more than half of the gender difference in fearfulness. In fact, the 8% of women who were stronger than the average man were less fearful than the 22% most fearful men. In two of the 5 samples, grip strength completely explained the gender experience, and when controlling for it, the gender difference was entirely gone. It did not explain the difference in sentimentality, but explained a considerable portion of the gender difference in anxiety and emotional dependence.
Handgrip strength tends to be evolutionarily beneficial for men.
Another finding is that differences in handgrip strength was correlated with promiscuity, shoulder-to-hip ratio, age at first intercourse, and aggressive behavior in men but not women when studying college students. In a meta-analysis, handgrip strength in men was correlated positively with facial attractiveness, self-perceived mate value, walking style attractiveness, dance quality attractiveness, hunting reputation (among hunter gatherers), number of sex partners, male typical body morphology (shoulder-to-hip ratio), self-reported popularity, number of children, self-reported aggression, self-perceived fighting ability and facial dominance/facial aggression. Handgrip strength in men was negatively correlated with being victimized by others and handgrip strength was associated with earlier age of first intercourse. This study found among Spanish teens that fighting ability and physical aggression were associated with each other for boys, but this relationship decreased with age. By late adolescence, fighting ability and anger become linked together for boys, which means their aggression strategy shifted from physical to nonphysical with age. Among late adolescent girls (ages 17/18), fighting ability and aggression have no association together.
Muscularity leads to better mental health for men.
A study of 9,000 adults had them squeeze a gripper to measure their maximum strength. For every additional 5kg that a man can grip, their risk of suicidal ideation decreases by 16%. A meta-analysis of 21 studies from 26 countries and past 80,000 participants found that muscular strength is associated with less depression among adults.

Jocks in high school and college tend to fare better in life, debunking the "peaked in high school" myth.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not the jocks who fare worse in life. It's the outcasts and bullying victims. A 2001 study found that young adults who were jocks in high school, despite higher levels of drinking, had less social isolation, lower suicide attempts, low depression and high self-esteem at age 24. The people who identified as the princess in high school (i.e.: popular girl) had neither worse nor better outcomes in life than others, but the smart people and jocks fared the best and criminal teens fared the worst. This study also found that sports involvement had more associated with drinking but better academic achievements, and that jocks and popular girls did not fare worse academically, and many went to college. The criminal students fared way worse than anyone else. Jocks also were more likely to be fit and in shape as adults, had better jobs in the future, earned more money as adults than band geeks and yearbook staff, and had lower self-harm or suicidality rates. College athletes also had better wellbeing and job success later in life, but less physical wellbeing if they played football/basketball, presumably due to concussions, joint issues, diabetes, etc. This study also found that college jocks earned more than their peers, including the nerds, and had more prestigious jobs, even if they came from socioeconomically diverse sports teams or joined teams with lower academic thresholds. The only disadvantage is they were slightly less likely to be picked for research/data analysis skills. Jocks in high school also self-harmed less and had less suicidality whereas teens in alternative subcultures (like goth, emo or punk) were more likely to self-harm or have suicidality. Middle school and high school jocks both had better grades, too. In fact, being an athlete without labeling oneself as a jock for boys was only associated with the winning masculine stereotype, whereas identifying as a jock was associated with most of the 5 masculine stereotypes measured (including being a playboy).


Hypermasculinity can be good for men. This doesn't mean we should force it on men or ridicule them for defying masculine traits, but we should not demonize masculinity either. Masculinity can be about being aggressive to protect others and be assertive and fighting back, or being able to handle life struggles (although we shouldn't condemn people if they continue to suffer due to their struggles in life), or being muscular, or being able to get a relationship. Nonetheless, men who fail to conform to these traits should not be ridiculed, and if they experience distress from being able to achieve these goals, we can help them figure out how to achieve them.
Masculinity is not necessarily about being a violent person in general or being a womanizer or being reckless or being mean.
submitted by DemolitionMatter to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:21 JBluHevn When I'm Pushed to Succeed I End Up Dissociating and Setting Myself Up to Fail

The highest honors I got in elementary school was 2nd honors in second grade. Our parents were always comparing us to the smart kids who were consistently in 1st and 2nd place on the honors list.
I wasn't able to duplicate my success after that quarter and it frustrated my parents. They were both consistent honor students as well in their youth and they couldn't understand why I wasn't performing well.
Their remedy was to have my mom tutor me in maths and science with a plastic ruler (she only struck my hand once though, every other slap was suffered by the desk) and frustrated screams at the ready if I couldn't memorize a science fact or get the right answers in division.
On top of that, since kindergarten, I was struggling with low-key bullying with my classmates calling me fat. I was taller than my age and bigger than them. I hated being called fat and being yelled at for being a slow runner during group games. It was true that I couldn't outrun kids smaller and lighter than me. I still feel horrible thinking about it.
Back to topic: one particularly stressful evening, I was shouted at for not being able to memorize a particular set of paragraphs for an upcoming test. It was bad enough that I was already sobbing at my study table. My flabbergasted mother told me I would not sleep until I had commited whatever that was to memory and gave me an hour. In that hour i was so distraught that I couldn't read anything through my tears and swollen eyelids.
When my mother returned to check on me I was still crying and she gave up and sent me to bed angrily.
After that night, I lost all motivation to excel. I would be content with an 80% grade (which in our country was considered average) or barely passing.
If I was motivated by myself, I could succeed, but whenever outside expectations or pressure showed up, I would fold.
I developed a strong dislike for studying science and mathematics. I preferred studying English, reading, writing, and art because they weren't as rigorous as STEM.
My teachers and professors noticed I had a lackadaisical attitude towards academics. I was intelligent enough, but not interested in honors at all.
This attitude has affected much of my life. Leading me to make bad decisions under pressure that have cost me a couple of jobs.
I found a job I adored as an art teacher in another country, but have struggled after the company that hired me fell apart after 5 years working for them. Bad business decisions on the part of the owner ended a job that made me feel fulfilled.
After a few years of struggling including a few more failures (still struggling for now) I'm a SAHM. In a way, I'm relieved to have that pressured to succeed off my shoulders. But when I see my classmates so and so successful and going on nice vacations, I feel some regret.
If you've read this far, thank you. This thought has been on my mind for years, and only now have I had the guts to type it out anywhere.
I'm breathing a bit easier now that I've got it off my chest.
submitted by JBluHevn to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:00 ReverseMod Daily Questions Megathread - June 09, 2024

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  1. LF Polarization
  2. Englighten I
  3. Enlighten II
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2024.06.09 06:40 Downtown_Dragonfly_7 The Book of Mormon in a High Castle - an alternate history thanks to ChatGPT

In an alternate history where Joseph Smith survived and continued to lead the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the trajectory of Mormon history diverged dramatically, leading to a series of events that culminated in a dystopian society influenced by both Japanese and German occupation.
Continued Leadership and Doctrinal Development
After narrowly escaping death, Joseph Smith doubled down on his efforts to consolidate power and expand his influence. While he preached a vision of Zion, a utopian society, his actions often contradicted his teachings. Smith's revelations became increasingly erratic, and his authoritarian leadership style led to growing dissent within the church.
Confrontation with Brigham Young and Splintering Factions
Brigham Young, initially one of Smith's loyal followers, grew disillusioned with Smith's leadership. Young's desire for a more militant and isolationist approach clashed with Smith's increasingly autocratic rule. The ideological rift led to a significant confrontation between Smith and Young, resulting in a schism.
Young and his followers, the "Youngites," splintered from the main body of the church, establishing separate settlements. These settlements adopted a more aggressive stance, often engaging in violent confrontations with local populations and federal authorities. The schism exposed the deep flaws within Smith's leadership and the instability of his utopian vision.
Polygamy and Social Structure
Smith's practice of polygamy became more controversial as he continued to marry multiple women, including young girls and already-married women. His actions, justified by his revelations, created significant internal conflict and public outrage. Despite efforts to regulate the practice, polygamy became a source of exploitation and abuse, further undermining Smith's credibility.
In contrast, Young and his followers continued to practice polygamy with even less restraint, leading to increased tension and conflict both within their communities and with outside authorities.
Race and Gender Relations
Smith's later revelations addressed race and gender relations, but his actions often fell short of his teachings. While he declared the equality of all races, racial restrictions persisted within the church. His progressive stance on gender roles also faced resistance, and women continued to struggle for meaningful participation in church leadership.
Young's faction maintained more traditional views on race and gender, contributing to their increasing isolation and the eventual decline of their influence.
War Between Factions
The tension between Smith's followers and the Youngites escalated into open conflict. The struggle for control over key territories in Utah and neighboring regions erupted into a full-scale war. Both factions mobilized their followers, leading to violent skirmishes and battles that devastated communities on both sides.
The internal Mormon war reached its peak in a brutal, decisive battle that saw the annihilation of Young's forces. Nearly a century passes with uneasy peace, However, the victory for Smith's followers was short-lived as a new, external threat emerged.
Invasion by Japanese and German Forces
Amid the chaos of the factional war, Japanese forces, seeking to expand their empire during the height of World War II, saw an opportunity in the fractured and vulnerable Mormon territories. Launching a surprise invasion, the Japanese army quickly overwhelmed the war-weary Mormon factions, bringing the entire region under their control.
Simultaneously, the Eastern half of the United States fell under the control of Nazi Germany. The Germans, having conquered Europe, set their sights on the Americas. By forming a pact with Japan, they divided the United States between them, with the Germans controlling the East and the Japanese the West.
The Japanese occupation was brutal. The invading forces suppressed all resistance with ruthless efficiency, executing leaders from both Mormon factions and imposing harsh martial law. The population was subjected to severe restrictions, forced labor, and cultural reprogramming.
Dystopian Society
Under Japanese rule, the remnants of the Mormon community were forced to adapt to a new, dystopian reality. The occupiers exploited the religious divisions, merging aspects of Smith's and Young's doctrines with elements of Shinto and Bushido to create a syncretic, oppressive state religion. This new religion, characterized by a rigid hierarchy and strict social control, became the foundation of the dystopian society.
Polygamy was strictly regulated by the state, used as a tool to control the population and reward loyalty. Racial equality, once a cornerstone of Smith's vision, was distorted to serve the occupiers' purposes, while gender roles became even more rigidly defined, with women relegated to subservient positions.
Education and independent thought were suppressed, with propaganda promoting the state's version of history and religion. Resistance was met with brutal repression, and the once vibrant and hopeful vision of Zion was replaced by a bleak, authoritarian regime.
German Influence and High Command
In the Eastern half of the United States, the German influence created a society based on Aryan supremacy and strict adherence to Nazi ideology. The German High Command established puppet governments and enforced their racial and social policies with brutal efficiency. The Eastern states became a mirror of occupied Europe, with concentration camps, forced labor, and pervasive surveillance.
Cultural Examples of German Influence
The German occupation brought a wave of cultural changes that deeply impacted the Mormon society in the East. German language and customs were imposed, with all public and private schools teaching in German. Traditional American holidays were replaced with Nazi celebrations, and Mormon religious practices were co-opted to fit the Nazi agenda.
Mormon doctrines were twisted to support Aryan supremacy, with scriptures selectively interpreted to justify racial hierarchy. The concept of "pure blood" became intertwined with religious purity, creating a hybrid ideology that combined the worst aspects of both belief systems.
Art and literature were strictly controlled, with only state-approved works allowed. German propaganda filled the airwaves, extolling the virtues of the Aryan race and the infallibility of the Führer. Monuments to Nazi leaders were erected alongside Mormon temples, symbolizing the forced union of the two ideologies.
International Isolation and Legacy
The dystopian Mormon state remained isolated from the rest of the world, its society a dark combination of religious dogma, military discipline, and authoritarian control. The legacy of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young was twisted beyond recognition, their teachings used to justify the harsh rule of the occupiers.
In the East, the German-controlled states fostered a climate of fear and repression, with a society rigidly divided along racial lines. The once united United States was a land of division and suffering, controlled by two of the most oppressive regimes in history.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
In the midst of this dystopian nightmare, a cosmic event occurred that changed everything. One day, a blinding light filled the sky, and a figure descended from the heavens. It was Jesus Christ, returning to Earth.
Jesus walked among the people, witnessing the twisted remnants of his teachings and the horrors inflicted by both the Japanese and German occupiers. He saw the suffering, the oppression, and the corruption that had taken root in the hearts of men.
But instead of bringing peace and redemption, Jesus' return heralded a new era of terror. His teachings, already distorted, were now used to justify even more extreme measures. Jesus demanded absolute obedience and loyalty, enforcing his rule with an iron fist. Those who opposed him were met with swift and brutal punishment.
A New Dark Age
Under Jesus' rule, the dystopian society plunged into an even deeper darkness. Theocratic laws were imposed with ruthless precision. Any dissent was crushed, and the people lived in constant fear of divine retribution. The occupiers, both Japanese and German, found in Jesus a powerful ally who amplified their control and oppression.
The population, once hopeful for salvation, found themselves yearning for the days of Joseph Smith. Smith, with all his flaws and contradictions, seemed almost benevolent in comparison to the tyrannical Jesus. The memories of Smith's teachings, though imperfect, became a source of nostalgia for a time when hope and reform seemed possible.
The Rebellion
In the shadows, a resistance movement began to form. Comprising disillusioned followers of Smith, Young, and other oppressed groups, the rebels sought to overthrow the tyrannical Jesus and his allied occupiers. The resistance was united by a common goal: to restore some semblance of the original vision of Zion, flawed as it was.
The rebellion was marked by fierce battles and acts of sabotage. The people, driven by their longing for a better past, fought with desperation. They reclaimed territories, freed prisoners, and slowly began to turn the tide against the oppressive regime.
Final Confrontation
The final confrontation took place in the heart of the dystopian capital, a city where monuments to Jesus, Japanese, and German rulers stood as symbols of oppression. The rebels, bolstered by their growing numbers and determination, launched an all-out assault.
As the city burned, Jesus himself confronted the leaders of the rebellion. The ensuing battle was epic, with divine power clashing against human will. In the end, the rebels managed to overpower Jesus, his defeat symbolizing the end of an era of tyranny.
A New Beginning
With the fall of Jesus and the withdrawal of Japanese and German forces, the survivors emerged from the ruins to rebuild their shattered society. The memory of Joseph Smith, once marred by his flaws, became a symbol of hope and resilience. His vision of Zion, though never perfect, provided a foundation upon which the people could rebuild.
The new society, born from the ashes of dystopia, embraced the lessons of the past. Equality, justice, and compassion became the guiding principles. The people worked together to create a world where the mistakes of history would not be repeated.
In this alternate history, the return of Jesus brought not peace, but further oppression, revealing the deep flaws in human interpretations of divine will. The eventual rebellion and overthrow of the tyrannical regime marked a new beginning, where the lessons of the past were used to build a better future.
submitted by Downtown_Dragonfly_7 to exmormon [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:22 Serious-Situation260 What is the best legal strategy for getting my niece out of my sister's care? Father is deceased. [New York]

I recently spent 2 weeks with my sister and niece in their home. It was great to be able to spend time with my niece because i hadn't seen her in a year and because she hardly gets any social interaction. The experience broke my heart at many points as the reality of my sister's strange lifestyle came into focus with each passing day. I spent a lot of time making lists and ordering household items & groceries via Walmart delivery. I didn't have a car while I was there but i was determined to stock the apartment with items that are normally found in a home and things that would make their life easier. I taught my niece how to cook a few things in the microwave, how to open doors with keys, I taught her the different coins (penny, nickle, dime, quarter), I got her taking showers instead of baths, brushing her teeth (she didnt know how to do it properly at all), bought her some clothes, hydrating and spending time outside each day. We played Truth or Dare, we prayed, we beat-boxed, we watched SpongeBob, we went to Lion Country Safari and we practiced swimming in the pool. At the end of the two weeks, when it was time for me to leave, it was painful for us both. We both knew that after I left, their life would revert to what is normal for them: Mom in bed all day on her phone and my niece ignored in the adjacent room, glued to her ipad.
My sister is mentally ill, but I am furious with her for disrespecting herself, her child and our family like this. There are multiple other family members who can and will help in taking care of my niece properly, but my sister refuses to let anyone help. On top of that, my sister is extremely rude, manipulative and psychotic. Shes been this way her whole life and she refuses to get treatment. Typical narcissist! My whole family has been forced to endure the abuse of my sister for about 25 years, sonwe are kind of desensitized to it generally, but lately it is apparent that her behavior has gotten even worse, and only now, after my 2 week visit, are the rest of the family members realizing exactly how depraved she has been acting as a parent, and we are all extremely concerned.
I don't care how hard it's going to be or what it's going to take but I'm going to fix this problem, and I'm committed to fixing this problem ASAP.
Please review this timeline of relevant events in order to come up with strategies for getting my niece into a healthy living situation:
Father of the child got a restraining order on my sister in 2016ish, while my sister was pregnant.
There were violent interactions between the mother and father. I'm not sure if any are documented in terms of police records.
1st CPS case [Oregon]: My sister had custody temporarily taken away directly after she gave birth. Why? Positive hospital drug test while pregnant, domestic violence incident while pregnant, the restraining order id imagine and ber behavior at the hospital when giving birth. I flew to the state they were in (Oregon) and served as a family supervisor for about 4 weeks, told CPS that my sister was a fit parent, and my sister got custody back.
2nd CPS Case [California]: My sister was supposed to return home to her daughter and the babysitter after a night out when the child was 1 year old or less. This resulted in a CPS investigation. My sister moved out of state before the investigation could be completed. Apparently this resulted in a warrant for her arrest in CA and maybe a few surrounding states. California CPS has tried to reach out to her and my family members many times over the years in an attempt to identify her location.
3rd & 4th CPS Cases [Florida]: About a month ago, 2 CPS reports were created for neglect, injury of the child and my sisters mental illness. My sister did not answer the door and pretended not to be home when DCF went there with the police. She then moved out of her apartment ASAP and out of the jurisdiction.
Other info:
My sister is now in New York where my father is an attorney. He has always enabled my sister's irresponsible behavior and also he is the one instructing her how to handle each CPS interaction. His awful advice has led to my sister and niece having to move around a lot because my sister and dad are very paranoid about people figuring out her location. My sister avoids doing things like taking my niece to the doctor or enrolling her in regular school for this reason. She also avoids therapy and mental evaluations for herself personally for this reason.
Both my sister and my niece (who is now 7) urgently need mental health evaluations. I took care of my niece for 2 weeks last month (before they went on the run) and my niece seemed to be experiencing visual hallucinations, "voices in her head telling her to do violence", & violent intrusive thoughts. She expressed the voices in her head comment verbatim to one of her teachers at the end of a Zoom meeting to assess her progress in school. She also expressed ideas of self harm frequently, as does my sister. My sister has seld diagnosed herself recently with borderline personality disorder and has decided to make it part of her "brand" as an aspiring TikToker. She is proud of it and openly refuses to get therapy or medication. She's also posted a threatening video recently on TikTok, telling someone that they need to "get their mom's gun because they are going to need it this week" when she comes to their town.
The guy my sister was dating recently petitioned for a TRO against my siater very recently as did his housemate.
When the first TRO was granted, the FBI called the Petitioner and asked if they could meet to discuss a matter involving my sister (apparently not CPS related but a separate criminal matter). The Petitioner was informed that there are BOLO (be on the lookout) alerts, whatever that means, for my sister in 3 US states, and that the TRO petition triggered something with NCIC which led to the fbi agent reaching out.
There's SO much more to this story but I'm trying to keep it as short as I can.
I'd say the other most relevant pieces of information are:
My mom and I are hell bent on getting my niece into a stable, safe situation, ideally under custody of my mom. My sister can get custody back if/when she meets the demands of a judge demonstrating that she is fit and able.
My dad has dug his heels in even deeper in his morally bankrupt plan to have my sister evade CPS forever. He has a lot of experience with family court matters as an attorney so I guess he thought in the beginning that my sister could utilize the tricks he knows about the system to circumvent it entirely. He didn't plan on me "turning against" my sister I suppose. So now it's like a family battle of my mom and I vs my siste and dad. (My parents are divorced)
Two days ago I found out that I have an eviction on my record and $6k+ in debt from a 2017 eviction in LA County under my name. I've never lived in LA or even California, but my sister has! I wrote to my dad saying basically, "this is obviously name-related. Do you happen to know anything about this?". His response was, 'sorry, that's just old landlord stuff from when niece's name was a little baby." His next message dorectly after this was "how are you?" my dad pretty much admitted right then and there that my sister used my identity to rent an apartment in order to move out of the jurisdiction of either her 1st or 2nd cps case. My dad's response also shows that he knew about this. From the "sorry" part, I confirmed my suspicion that this was all his idea.
I sent my sister and dad an email yesterday with a blank temporary custody agreement telling them that it would be a really great opportunity for my sister to sign over temp custody to my mom for the summer at least. I said that my other sibling would also be an acceptable candidate for custody, if they should so choose.
I also included the case information for the LA eviction & debt owed, careful to state that I was bringing this case to their attention as a totally separate matter.
I ended it with "I hope we can figure out this temporary custody issue voluntarily without court intervention"
My sister is not going to sign it but i figured I might as well throw it out there.
My sister has been living in FL for over a year and my niece participated in online school this past year thru florida but my sister gets her mail in NY (at my dad's place) and her health insurance for her and her kid are thru NY state. I bet my dad set things up this way so he could always say my sister is a NY state resident so that he can represent her in any legal proceedings.
I have researched florida options regarding conservatorship/guardianship/Custody. Going through florida would be the correct way to go but my dad is going to say she's a resident of NY, so it really depends on where the court proceedings start as far as I can tell, regarding what jurisdictioncis correct.
I'd like to wrap my head around the legal proceedings in NY that I, or my mom, or our other sibling, or a lawyer can initiate in order to achieve the goal, which is simply for my niece to be healthy and to thrive and to be safe.
submitted by Serious-Situation260 to FamilyLaw [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 06:22 PROOB1001 Rogue

There are a lot of missing-nins and rogues in Naruto from all the different villages. As I have seen, many of them become independent mercenaries or join mercenary bands. This is an idea I shall be listing below-
Due to the raging civil war, many shinobi from Kirigakure flee the village and go rogue, forming a mercenary/pirate band. They are also joined by some Amegakure ninja whose country was devastated by the Second Great War, and some other rogues from various villages.
Suppose you've carefully observed the Naruto World map. In that case, you may see that the ocean Kirigakure sits upon is vital for trade, as it connects virtually all the northern countries (Lands of Earth, Lightning, Rice paddies, etc.) with the ports in the Southern Countries (Lands of Fire, Water, Wind, Rivers, many others). The villages refrain from using land routes due to the near-constant conflict and fear of brigands. I also propose this is why Kirigakure (Or the Land of Water as a whole) can maintain itself financially. Being islands, the country might not have any notable resources or industry aside from fishing, there isn't even good land for Farming like the Land of Fire.
Due to this, they have taken to mercantile activities. Taxing ships and convoys passing through their harbors surely generates massive revenue. Kirigakure ninjas might be used to extort foreign traders, but that isn't common.
Taking advantage of their former country's strategic location, the rogue group captures a small island on the nation's fringes amidst the raging civil war (hence nobody notices their activities -or acts upon them). They build ships and start attacking ships, capturing, destroying, or looting them. As the group's size increases, the activities also intensify. They even capture some other islands, the Land of Waves, an island belonging to Kumogakure, and an outpost on Whirlpool Island. Gato is a member of the organization, although not a shinobi. He is given reigns over the island and rules with an iron fist. The outpost on Whirlpool Island is intended to excavate the Uzushio ruins and potentially find some new sealing formulas. Konoha is currently recovering from the Kyubi rampage and thus overlooks this endeavor.
The capture of an island belonging to the Land of Lightning does trigger some retaliation from Kumo, who sends a platoon to recapture lost territory. However, they are driven back by the pirates. Recognizing so much effort isn't worth a small island, they form a pact with the pirates; giving them regular tribute in exchange for not attacking convoys of the Land of Lightning.
The pirates use ships of various sizes, usually small, which are designed to be fast and easily maneuverable. You might be wondering, 'They're shinobi, why do they have to use ships when they can walk on water?' Well, we must recognize the sheer expanse of the Naruto world, you're asking a shinobi to continuously run hundreds or even thousands of kilometers over water. Yes, they might have the stamina to walk the distance across nations, but it is unrealistic that an average ninja can walk/swim across oceans, given both his stamina and chakra is depleting quick. As such, the pirates only use ships to travel and use chakra when engaged in combat.
This piracy reaches a boiling point when the Daimyos and Kages recognize the hit their revenue and imports have taken, and decide to act upon it. The first to retaliate was Sunagakure who sent platoons into the Southern Ocean to protect convoys. As strong as Suna might be, they are COMPLETELY inexperienced with naval warfare, sending their shinobi in merchant ships. The pirate vessels are modified and result of the latest shipbuilding, making them faster, and tougher, and are fitted with various weapons. The majority of rogues belong to Kirigakure, as such their elemental affinity is water -decisive in a naval battle. The entire Suna platoon is wiped out; killed, captured, or drowned in the distant waters.
This is a hit on Suna's reputation and The Land of Wind's economy, as the pirates become bolder after their victory and start attacking coastal towns. This forces Sunagakure to garrison shinobi near the coast, stretching their logistics and already fragile economy.
The second nation to try is The Land of Earth, who have already started to consider using land routes. Another naval battle, another decisive pirate victory, but Iwagakure isn't one to give up. They send platoon after platoon, squad after squad, most of them defeated or repelled, and some managing to protect their designated vessels the entire way. The hidden stone village has iron resolve. The village's knuckleheadedness determination causes many losses to the pirates (although Iwagakure was also busy counting the dead) and their activities cease, for some time. Onoki considers this a victory.
The Land of Lightning recognizes the profits of this business and decides to take part. Kumogakure ninjas begin to join the raiding/pirate expeditions under the guise of rogues and bring considerable revenue to their village (60% of the loot is guaranteed to the group, and the rest shifts depending on how many Kumo ninjas participate. Still, considering their regular expeditions the income is huge). Pirate ships are allowed to dock in Kumogakure harbors, even resupplied under the guise of civilian ships.
It is only a matter of time before the pirates gain a spotlight on the world stage, and essentially give all the villages a common enemy. It is also inevitable that Kumogakure will make an enemy of the other villages if their dealings with the pirates continue. Can this cause a global coalition? Yes. Can this cause a world war? Maybe.
Author's notes XD
The entire purpose of this prompt is that I wanna see naval warfare in Naruto, which is evermore exciting with chakra and shinobi. Who knows? Maybe they'll develop cannons in this naval arms race. Any ideas and polishing is appreciated, what are your thoughts?
submitted by PROOB1001 to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:43 GenX2XADHD How to Write a Paper When You Have ADHD

Getting organized to sit down and write a major term paper is such a daunting task for us folks with ADHD. As a student I would have vague ideas of what I want to write, but lacked the executive function to get to the job done. I would stare at a blank Word doc, type a sentence, delete a sentence, repeat. Unexpected for a writing major, I know. Are you looking for a way to break out of this cycle?
May I present: the Index Card Method.
As a high school student in the 1990s, I was forced to use this method to write a ten page senior thesis. Nearly all senior level English classes in my school used this method. Prior to that year, I had seen students carrying around fat stacks of index cards, protecting them like their ability to graduate depended on them. It did. I begrudgingly followed this methodical approach even though it wasn't "the way I write." Ironically, I found it so helpful I continued using this method throughout college, and admittedly even in grad school 25 years later.
What is it?
It's a low-tech system of organizing your sources, topics, details, citations, and anything else that goes into your paper.
Why low-tech?
It is a hands-on process loaded with sensory actions. Physically handling and arranging the index cards helps me focus on a task. Filling out an index card and setting it aside and then picking up another FEELS productive. Seeing a growing pile of index cards as you move through the project LOOKS like productivity. These sensory activities boost my momentum.
The best part of this method is how it breaks down a mountain of a project into smaller tasks without requiring me to create a big plan before I can start working on it. The size of each task is literally the size of an index card. Plus, it is an opportunity to use those cool pens you bought the last time you said you would start journaling.
The Index Card Method cannot be done the night before a paper is due, at least I wouldn't try it anyway. If you don't like writing outlines or drafts, give this method a try - but if you're cramming, do give yourself a week to get it done.
How does it work?

Step 1: Cards

Get some 3x5 index cards. For a 10-page, double spaced paper, you will need around 300 cards.
Do not get 150 4x6 cards. They must be 3x5.
For this post, I will assume anyone following this method is using lined index cards. It does not matter if the cards are lined, but know that when I say "On the top line write..." I mean where the actual top line of the card would be. This also means you will be writing across width of the cards in landscape orientation, meaning a full line of text on a 3x5 card runs 5 inches, not 3 inches.
There are two simple, but vital rules to remember when creating cards.
  1. Only write on one side of the card. Leave the other side blank. You will need to see all of a card's contents at a quick glance.
  2. If you make a mistake on a card, immediately tear it in half so it doesn't get mixed up with the ones you want to keep.

Step 2: Thesis card

You will only have a thesis card if you are writing a thesis (argument) paper.
In the center of the top line of your thesis card, write "Thesis Statement."
Now write your thesis statement below that.

Step 3: Topic cards

In the center of the top line write "Topic." Below that, write the name of a topic related to your thesis statement.
Topics should be broad, written as one or two words. Create as many topic cards as you think you will need. You can always create more later, so don't get stuck on this part.
Example: topics related to a thesis on the healthcare industry may include: Insurance, Costs, Medicare, Medicaid, Prevention, Prescription Drugs, Hospitals, etc.

Step 4: First Layout

Spread out your topic cards on a table. Select the broadest topics and line them up in a row in the order in which you would like them in your paper. Now arrange the narrower topics in columns below the broad topics in the order that makes sense to you. Using the example of the healthcare industry in the previous step, "Costs" may be a broad topic with "Insurance" and "Prescription Drugs" listed beneath it.
Split a topic if you need to. "Costs" could also be split into "Consumer Costs" and "National Costs", then "Insurance" and "Prescription Drugs".
Don't expect to have a lot of topic cards at this point. You may only have one or two subtopics for each broad topic. This is fine. You can always add more as you go along.
Take a picture of your topic cards in this arrangement.
Congratulations, you just made an outline!
Now type it out. Title it "Preliminary Outline."

Step 5: Sources

Go find sources you would like to use for your paper. When you find a source you would like to use, create a bibliography card.

Step 6: Bibliography cards

In the center of the top line write "Bibliography".
In the upper left hand corner of the card on the top line, write the number "1", as it is your first Bibliography card. This is your source ID.
Now write the complete and proper reference of your source, formatted according to your citation style. Include doi links, if applicable. Where italic font is used in a citation, underline it on your card.
Open a new document file. Title it "References", "Works Cited", etc., depending on your citation style. Type out your bibliography cards in the order appropriate to your citation style. Most likely they will be alphabetical by author. As you find more sources and write out bibliography cards, add them to this document.
About citation styles:
A citation style is a way to reference your sources, specifically how you list them out and how you identify where you found a fact or quote.
If you are in highschool, your teacher will tell you how to write write and format sources and citations. If they don't, ask.
If you are an undergrad, most professors don't care which style you choose, but they want it consistent. If this is the case, I recommend using APA or MLA because they use simple, in-line citations.
If you are a graduate student, use the appropriate style for your field. If your reference style uses foot notes or end notes, please be aware you may need to create citation IDs later to help you stay organized.

Step 7: Read and Highlight

As you read through your sources, highlight anything that stands out to you that you may want to use in your paper.
This is where I would normally say it does not matter if your sources are printed or digital, but for many of us it does matter. Stepping away from technology is one the reasons I find this method so effective. I encourage you to print articles or photocopy sources when possible.
Your school likely has access to full-text articles online that can be downloaded as PDFs and printed later.
If your source is text from a website, right click on in the body of the text and select Print. When the print window pops up, select PDF (or Adobe PDF) as your printer. In the next pop up, select where you would like to store your file. Your source is now saved as a PDF. By the way, printing to a PDF is the easiest way to save a file while maintaining its formatting. Try it from any program. Now when you print it to paper, it will look like the PDF.

STEP 8: Detail cards

In the center of the top line write the topic related to the highlighted text. If you do not have a related topic card, make one.
In the upper left corner on the top line, write the source ID that matches the one on its respective bibliography card.
In the upper right corner on the top line of each card write the page number(s) from your source as "p 87" or "pp 87-88". If your source does not have page numbers, write your source's equivalent as it applies (act/scene numbers, time stamp, etc.). Look up a style reference guide for requirements.
Now in your own words, write about an area you highlighted. If you want to directly quote the article, make sure you use quotation marks. Otherwise, simply paraphrase it. Use complete sentences.
If you are copying a long quote and run out of room on a card, write the topic, source ID, and page number on another new card and continue writing your quote. In the bottom right corners write "1 of 2" and "2 of 2" respectively.
Create bibliography and detail cards for all your sources. Find more sources as needed. For a 10-page double spaced paper, expect to have around 150-200 detail cards.

Step 9: Second Layout

Lay out all of your topic cards in the same order as your preliminary outline, only this time line them all up in one row.
By this time you may also want to combine or eliminate topics because your project took a different direction from when you first wrote them. This is fine.
When you think you have enough detail cards, sort them into piles by topic. Now arrange your detail cards in columns under their topics in a way that makes sense to you.
Take a picture of all your cards in this arrangement.
Congratulations, you just layed out your final outline!

Step 10: Type Your Outline

Save a copy of your preliminary outline and title it "Final Outline." Fill in the text from the detail cards. Each detail card should be a separate bullet point on your outline. After typing out a detail card, add the citation at the end. You already know the source because you wrote the source number in the upper left hand corner of each card.
You should not have anything in your final outline that is not written down on an index card.

Step 11: First Draft

Save a copy of your final outline and name it "First Draft." Now arrange your bullet points into paragraphs. This is your draft.
Now print it . Proofread it. Ask a friend to proofread it. Mark it up and make any necessary changes on paper. Don't change any quoted text because quotes are ...well ...quotes.

Step 12: Final Copy

Save a copy of your First draft and name the file "Final Copy." Type the edits you handwrote on paper. I realize with today's technology a lot of proofreading and peer editing is done electronically. This is fine. If you're using Google Docs, be sure to use Suggestion Mode. If using Word, turn on Track Changes.
Your paper is done.
High school students, if your teacher doesn't think you've made enough changes between your draft and your final copy, hand over your stack of index cards, both outlines, and your highlighted sources. They will know you didn't use ChatGPT or copy someone else's work because you can't fake what you've just handed to them.
Edit: See my other post for a technique that harnesses your ADHD to help you organize a project or to present new ideas to a group.
submitted by GenX2XADHD to TwoXADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:25 KaiNightStorm Modern World Crisis - Destroyed Relationships, Destroyed families, Manipulated Economy, Transhumanism, 'Metacapitalism', Woke Agenda and NGOs

This deconstruction agenda - This comes from the elites, they are the ones pushing these agendas to the general public, it is social engineering. By modifying the behavior of men and women, they will be able to dominate societies more easily.
Promiscuity (Libido Dominandi - Read the Book by E. Michael Jones) + promotion of Hedonism + Corroded relationship between man and woman + Disintegrated families (they destroy the alienated cattle family, but theirs remains whole, with political-economic power through decades) + Destruction of Christianity + Ideological indoctrination in schools (so that the cattle only know what is useful for them to know - so that they do not offer opposition to the plans of the ruling elite - (Bill Gates - they really think there is a rich man concerned about the education of the cattle that he wants to dominate? - His success and social dominance depend on the failure and destruction of the people) + Propaganda passed through series, mainstream media and games (Soros invests in Activision Blizzard) + Deconstruction of cultural symbols that refer to a traditional past (or that may represent some value that they want to eliminate) = Facilitation of political dominance by an organized minority.
All the ruling elites have a dynastic mentality, while cattle families remain unstructured and chaotic, theirs remains firm and "traditional", because they know that the traditional family model is the best (and in fact the only way) to pass the power and money across generations. With this chaos, they will have an open field to pass their elitist reforms without the family structures of the lower classes wanting to interfere in decision-making. This is all about power, they don't really care about this "Wokeness", they just use it to dominate people. This crazy gender ideology and identitarianism are part of this chaos. It's the same people financing the same destructive agendas that completely undermine society, go to InfluenceWatch and also research who is involved with the creation and running of the UN (UNESCO and other aggregated crap), Fabian Society, Planned Parenthood, WEForum, SIECUS, World Government Summit and so on.
Warren Buffett has Malthusian ideas and funds abortion, especially for the poor
Mark Zuckerberg finances drug legalization and other metacapitalists are doing the same.
As a result, NPCs get into fruitless relationships that last 5 months and still acquire some trauma because they have a relationship with a slut or an addicted man. They end up completely devastated and without the generational power they could have had. "Don't have children" - Elon Musk has 11 children, Bill Gates (Microsoft and Xbox) has 3 children, George Soros has 5, Larry Fink (from BlackRock) has 3, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Threads and Metaverse) has 3 and Warren Buffett also has 3.
The Rothschild family gained their power when Mayer Rothschild sent each of his sons to a different part of Europe to lead banks in each of the respective countries that the patriarch chose. The same goes for other families of bankers and tycoons that dominate countries and determine the direction of the world for decades and centuries. Just look at the Arab families that dominate the East and the Traditional European clans. They want to ensure the consolidation of their own dynastic families.
Maybe most people (especially young hipsters and Millennial idiots) are so pathetic that they don't even care about having their lineage erased (since they won't have children) and in the end still leaving all their money to the state. As these people have no transcendental purpose, they prefer to 'throw themselves into the abyss'.
They managed to eliminate the basis that supported the style of society that allowed social ascension - this was a system that threatened the elite. Now without religion, traditional morals, healthy relationships in a marriage between a man and a woman and the accumulation of wealth, they can easily dominate the people, as individuals are atomized and without a protective structure, without family ties, these ties that previously allowed new 'clans' to emerge, the only clans allowed will be theirs. They will completely control science, the flow of information and the economy, as cattle will no longer be able to earn money due to automation and artificial intelligence controlled by them and used to manipulate the alienated.
With the advent of transhumanism and under-the-skin-surveillance, which Yuval Harari talks about so much, the dream of some elitists of determining who is born and who dies will finally be realized, and vulnerable groups will be eliminated (sub-Saharans). We will live in a Brave New World (Huxley) in which the entire destiny of people will be in the hands of some members of the elite, there will be a system of slavery completely legalized and accepted by cattle. It is widespread slavery.
They will create the rules of the game. To earn some income, the atomized individual will have to sell his soul to these elitists by placing chips in his own body (Ghost in The Shell style), pruning his free expression and fulfilling all the requirements to become an exemplary NPC. The companies of these trashy metacapitalists are already trying to control the behavior of employees even when they are at leisure outside the workplace, as happens in the Chinese companies.
This is “metacapitalism”, it is what elites have been promoting since the beginning of the 20th century. They finance everything that goes against Christian Civilization.
With the advent of transhumanism, the social credit system will strengthen, and will even encompass your thoughts and sensations. Imagine those crazy dictators like Kim Jong Un knowing people's emotional state and even their thoughts.
Read Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, Brave New Word and the books that Klaus Schwab and Yuval Harari wrote.
submitted by KaiNightStorm to JordanPeterson [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:18 SignificantSpirit253 The League of Extraordinary Fictional Gentlemen: CFB 25 Online Dynasty with a D&D Twist (Xbox Series S/X)

We are looking for 11 more users (for a total of 25) to run an online dynasty on Xbox Series S/X.
I'm a (wanna be) creative who loves NCAA Football and is excited for the new game as anyone. Like many people in this subreddit, I like to have head cannon and storylines for my players, assistant coaches, rivals, etc. During the early days of the pandemic, I joined up with an NCAA 14 OD for awhile where most of us made up funny coach names/personalities which we then used as our Discord server names.
As we came up on the new game's release this summer, in my boredom, I went about making up a coaching resume using real teams/players/stats for a two-person dynasty my friend from college and I will be doing. I genuinely had so much fun perusing NAIA, FCS, D2/D3 programs of the last decade or so to create a coherent backstory that I thought it would be fun to set up a bigger dynasty with more D&D character coaches.
For an example of what these would look like for each user, here is the one I'll be using:
Jessie Osteen (Air Raid/Tactician)
2015: Baylor, SA
2016: Texas Tech, GA
2017: Oklahoma, QC
2018: Oklahoma, OA
2019-20: HBU (FCS), OC/QB
2021: Stephenville HS (TX)
2022-23: DeSoto HS (TX)
2024: Sam Houston, OC/QB
Career highlights:
• ⁠As the black sheep of the Osteen dynasty, Jesse refused to enroll at Texas (the fam’s fav school), opting instead to go to Texas Tech to drink and shoot feral hogs with his friends for course credit. • ⁠Transferred to Baylor as a senior to serve as Student Assistant under Art Briles. • ⁠GA under Kliff Kingsbury for 2 years at Texas Tech. Stood next to Patrick Mahomes as he threw for 5000 yds with 53 total TDs in ‘16. • ⁠Pissed off the fam even more by going to arch rival Oklahoma. Quality Control then Offensive Analyst for Lincoln Riley at OU in ‘17 and ‘18 working as an assistant QB coach. ⁠• ⁠2017 - Baker Mayfield: Heisman, 4900 total yds, 49 TD ⁠• ⁠2018 - Kyler Murray: Heisman, 5300 total yds, 54 TDs. • ⁠OC at Houston Baptist. In 16 games, Bailey Zappe: 5600 passing yds, 50 TD passes to 16 INTs. In ‘20, lost at Texas Tech by 2. • ⁠Took 1st HC job at Stephenville HS in Texas in ‘21. Followed up previous coach's 6-6 record in 2020 with 16-0 perfect season capped off with a 4A Division 1 State Title. ⁠• ⁠QB Ryder Lambert: 133.4 QBR, 4,275 pass yds, 52 TD-8 INT, 64%; 831 rush yds, 11 TD ⁠• ⁠WR Coy Eakin: 93 catches, 2,140 rec yds, 31 TD; 231 rush yds, 4 TD (3-star Texas Tech commit) ⁠• ⁠WR Reece Elston: 94 catches, 1,352 rec yds, 11 TD • ⁠HC for national power DeSoto HS in TX. In ‘22 and ‘23, won 6A Division 1 State Titles. ⁠• ⁠QB DJ Bailey: 7700 pass yds, 98 TD to 6 INT, 600 rush yds, 10 TD in 2 years as starter (3-star Sam Houston State commit) ⁠• ⁠WR Johntay Cook (‘22 SR season): 85 catches, 1,530 rec yds, 22 TD (4-star Texas commit) • ⁠After compiling a 46-2 record and 3 State Titles in 3 years as a TX HS coach, took SHSU OC job and brought Bailey with him Position • ⁠Position Specialties: QB, TE • ⁠Favorite bands: AC/DC, Guns 'N Roses, Iron Maiden, Olivia Rodrigo • ⁠Aliases: El Bandito Gringo, Clit Eastwood, The Wang From Waco, The Prodigal Son, The Big O, The Lakewood Lobo, The Houston Habanero, Art Briles 6.0
Restrictions on coach resume:
• ⁠CANNOT be a current IRL FBS/NFL coach OR take on the specific resumes of current IRL FBS/NFL HCs (ex. CANNOT have been the OC at Indiana when Kalen DeBoer was, but CAN be a GA/analyst/position coach under him at that time to say you worked with Michael Penix) • ⁠Resume should make sense leading into being a low-level coordinator
I will send each person a list of questions to help them create a dynasty avatar including their fictional coach's name, coaching resume, backstory, personality, etc.) up until the game drops on July 19th. If you have any specific ideas such as the position your coach specializes in, the marquee coaches they have worked undesystem they run, or which NAIA/lower division school they got their start in coaching with, write it down.
Dynasty Rules:
• ⁠Heisman difficulty • ⁠6 minute quarters • ⁠Custom playbooks are allowed (cheese and game exploits not allowed) • ⁠Twice-a-week advance schedule • ⁠Start as coordinators with non-P5 programs who had losing records in 2023 (must be AAC, C-USA, MAC, or MWC) ⁠• ⁠AAC: Charlotte, East Carolina, Florida Atlantic, Navy, North Texas, Temple, Tulsa, UAB ⁠• ⁠C-USA: Florida International, Kennesaw State, Louisiana Tech, MTSU, Sam Houston, UTEP ⁠• ⁠MAC: Akron, Ball State, Buffalo, Central Michigan, Kent State, Western Michigan ⁠• ⁠MWC: Colorado State, Hawai'i, Nevada, New Mexico, San Diego State • ⁠Additional rules will be discussed/voted on as necessary by the whole squad once more details come out about settings, sliders, etc.
If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, I'd love to hear from you via DM so we can discuss. If you have an idea of how you want to design your coach, great! If not, I will gladly help you figure out the character based on the scheme you're plan on running, position specialties, etc.
On the eve of game's release, we'll have a reveal show via Discord introducing each coach. If there's anyone interested in joining who is also proficient in PhotoShop or AI art, please let me know as that will make our reveal show even better.
Our chatting and user-game coordination will also occur via Discord. Among the features that will make this dynasty unique:
Hall of Fame for user players: At the end of the career of any player on your team who you believe should be immortalized for their achievements on the field, you can nominate them for induction into our HoF to be voted on by all users. A two-thirds majority vote will land that player in our Discord channel HoF.
Annual awards show for user players/teams: On Week 12 of every season, I will send out a Google Form for the nominations of 15 categories like Offensive/Defensive Players of the Year, MVP, and Coach of the Year. At the conclusion of the season, ballots will be sent out (once again via Google Forms), tallied up, and winners revealed in our Awards Show. Winners will be recorded for posterity in another channel within our Discord.
If you're looking for a moderately-paced but active dynasty with a little pizzazz, please DM me with your gamertag, Discord username, and team selection. As the team picks come in, I will edit this post, adding in each one till all slot are filled.
Teams taken: Sam Houston State, Florida International, Hawai’i, Temple, East Carolina, Navy, UTEP, Florida Atlantic, Louisiana Tech, North Texas, Kennesaw State, Ball State, Charlotte, New Mexico
submitted by SignificantSpirit253 to FootballCoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:17 mrgarfieldthecat Please help rate my build for gaming + productivity.

Build Help/Ready:

What is your intended use for this build? The more details the better.
I'm working from home so this is for work + gaming, and I constantly switching between working and gaming all day so I usually just leave stuff running in the background. Some question that I need help with:
  1. Is 32GB DDR5 sufficient for my need? Currently my gig is 16GB DDR4 and I'm constantly running in to out of memory problem.
  2. Is RX6600 overkill for my use case? I'm not gonna update GPU in the future so I want it to last around 5 years and still be able to run games smoothly at the lowest setting.
  3. If RX6600 is overkill, should I get a cheaper one and spend more money on a better CPU than 13600KF?
  4. Should I worry about the motherboard? I'm getting he cheapest one I can find that supports the CPU
  5. Any other suggestion is welcome. Thanks.
What is your budget (ballpark is okay)?
Under $1000. But I'm in Asia so price and availability will vary greatly. My pick here are what are available in my country at the cheapest price.
Post a draft of your potential build here (specific parts please). Consider formatting your parts list. Don't ask to be spoonfed a build (read the rules!).
PCPartPicker Part List
Type Item Price
CPU Intel Core i5-13600KF 3.5 GHz 14-Core Processor -
CPU Cooler Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 SE ARGB 66.17 CFM CPU Cooler -
Motherboard Asus B760M-AYW WIFI Micro ATX LGA1700 Motherboard -
Memory Corsair Vengeance 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR5-5600 CL36 Memory -
Storage Western Digital Black SN850X 1 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 4.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive -
Video Card ASRock Challenger Radeon RX 6600 8 GB Video Card -
Case Corsair 4000D Airflow ATX Mid Tower Case -
Power Supply Corsair RM750x (2021) 750 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply -
Generated by PCPartPicker 2024-06-08 22:44 EDT-0400
Provide any additional details you wish below.
I'm planning to use this build for at least 5 years with no upgrades in between.
NOTE: You do not have to follow this format, but please be sure to answer these questions. Please do not ask to simply be given a build. You are welcome to delete this section.
submitted by mrgarfieldthecat to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:12 RrresearchIt Second hand clothes and training for Grand Tetons in late July

Newbie here, hello! I'll be summiting the Grand Tetons with Exum guides in late July, and I currently live in the Southwest where it's very hot and close to sea level. I've got a training plan (long walks, weighted walks, squats, step-ups, indoor climbing, etc) but can't really recreate what it's like to hike/scramble at altitude in the actual clothes I'll be wearing.
I will be using Exum's safety gear (harness, helmet, etc), but need to put together my wardrobe for 2 days of training at base + 1 day hike to Lower Saddle (5000 vertical feet; 9 miles; 6-8 hours) + 1 day summit and descent (12-16 hours; I believe this is via OS route).
I want to crowdsource some opinions since many of Exum's original clothing suggestions are expensive (e.g. Arc Teryx Squamish Hoody, Arc Teryx Alpha SL or Venta AR gloves). Here's what I already own or found for super cheap/used so far.
Owned/Bought used:
Bought new:
What would you take/leave from this list? What would you add (items that don't break the bank)? Thanks!
submitted by RrresearchIt to Mountaineering [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:59 healthmedicinet Health Daily News June 8 2024

DAY JUNE 8 2024


On TikTok and Instagram, people are “girl mossing”: lying on a forest floor, staring up at a leafy canopy or caressing moss. The United States National Forest Foundation even borrowed the term to kick off its 2024 Instagram account. Girl mossing recognizes a need to step away from the pressures of modern, urban life, promoting spending time in nature as a restorative practice. The fast pace and pressure of neoliberal capitalism take an enormous toll on well-being: not just personal, but social and planetary.


Artificial intelligence is going to transform how we date. The question is: will it be for better or worse? It’s already causing some real problems, especially related to “romance scams” and other fraud. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Used in the right way, AI can actually make dating better. It can help write profiles and find matches, provide dating advice and coaching and, if all else fails, become a date companion. I have spent the last few years studying the impact of technology, and especially AI, on our


“Tell me if you dance and I will tell you who you are!” A study led by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics (MPIEA) in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, has shown that both amateur and professional dancers are less neurotic than people who do not dance. They are also more agreeable, more open, and more extraverted.


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It’s often said we can’t control the weather. But what if the weather controls how and when we invest our money? More specifically, what if the skies control how much we’re willing to gamble in the stock market? New research by the University of South Australia has found a connection between pleasant weather conditions and higher investment in lottery-like stocks. Lottery-like stocks are cheap compared to other stocks and, like lottery tickets, they can be seen as an opportunity to make a substantial gain. However, the chance of a higher


Perceived unjust teacher behavior is strongly and positively associated with populist attitudes among children and adolescents. Populist attitudes consist of ideologies including anti-elitism, people-centrism, and a dualistic perception of good versus evil, and where the foundation of political decision-making should be based on the general will of the people. In contrast to the association with teacher behavior, the correlation between young people’s relationships with peers and the development of populist attitudes is less strong, and the correlation between young people’s relationships


New research shows how “microinclusions”—brief instances of positive treatment, especially from members of the dominant group—help women feel valued at work. Imagine your first day at a new job. You probably feel nervous, wondering how you’ll fit in with the team. It’s natural to worry if your co-workers will be supportive, or if they’ll take your contributions seriously. This experience is amplified for women in technology companies, who often face underrepresentation and


The working world can be a pitiless one, as competition in the marketplace can put significant pressures on employees. Relentless deadlines, shrinking resources and shifting priorities all take their toll on employees’ well-being and mental health. In my home country of Belgium, more than two thirds (66.4%) of individuals on disability for psychological reasons had cases related to depression or burn-out. These worrisome statistics reflect broader trends across OECD countries, where nearly half (47.6%) of workers with mental-health problems have been absent from the office in the past year, compared


Paid leave and employee well-being are the focus of a three-part policy series on family-friendly business practices put together by the Brown School’s Clark-Fox Policy Institute at Washington University in St. Louis. “Creating a family-friendly workplace benefits both employees and businesses,” said Gary Parker, associate dean for external affairs and director of the institute. “For employees, it enhances work-life balance and job satisfaction,” he said. “For businesses, it leads to higher retention rates, reduced absenteeism and improved productivity. Policies such as paid leave, flexible work arrangements


Donald Trump has recently doubled down on his derogatory depictions of undocumented migrants in his bid to win the 2024 presidential election. In an interview with Time magazine, published on April 30 2024, Trump referred to migrants as “criminals,” who “come in and they steal our jobs, and steal our wealth, and they steal our country.” Trump was especially disparaging towards migrants from China, who he said are a “major force that’s forming in our country.” In short, according to Trump, undocumented migration is “an invasion of our country.” Trump’s


Irritability is a common side effect of heat. When companies tout the simplicity of their products, they may unknowingly invite customer dissatisfaction, new University of Oregon research finds. For decades, “simpler is better” has been accepted as a universal truth in marketing. Nick Light, assistant professor of marketing at the UO’ Lundquist College of Business, has tested that assumption. He found that most consumers prefer offerings that appear to be easy to use and understand. However, trumpeting simplicity can have a hidden, costly downside. “When marketing convinces consumers that things


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Research is showing that many of our contemporary problems, such as the rising prevalence of mental health issues, are emerging from rapid technological advancement and modernisation. A theory that can help explain why we respond poorly to modern conditions, despite the choices, safety and other benefits they bring, is evolutionary mismatch. Mismatch happens when an evolved adaptation, either physical or psychological, becomes misaligned with the environment. Take moths and some species of nocturnal flies, for example. Because they have to navigate in the dark, they evolved to use the moon


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We live in a world where not everyone feels safe and respected, especially women. Sexual violence and abuse are significant global health issues. Intimate partner violence continues to be a problem in Canada. According to Statistics Canada, of the 117,093 victims of police-reported intimate partner violence in 2022, almost 80% were women and girls. More than half of women in the United States have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact. Given these high rates of sexual abuse, it is imperative that we improve upon what we currently know about violence


I became newly worried about the state of democracy when, a few years ago, my mother was elected president of her neighborhood garden club. Her election wasn’t my worry—far from it. At the time, I was trying to resolve a conflict on a large email group I had created. Someone, inevitably, was being a jerk on the internet. I had the power to remove them, but did I have the right? I realized that the garden club had in its bylaws something I had never seen in nearly all the


As the UK moves into a general election, a misinformed debate over the country’s climate transition and legally binding net zero targets risks further dividing people. Much of this debate in the UK focuses on the “cost” of net zero. For instance, energy secretary Claire Coutinho recently stated the government did not want a “net zero leviathan” to crush the nation’s “brilliant enterprise economy,” while the Labor Party had to backtrack on its own headline climate investment pledge, citing “affordability” and “fiscal rules.” But the true “cost” is tricky to


Sometimes when I read the newspapers, I think that going to a restaurant and leaving without paying has become something of an epidemic. My research into lying has taught me that the psychology behind acts of deception is often deeply complex. Let me start with a confession. I was guilty of dine and dash a very long time ago before it had a catchy name. I was in a group that hung about a chip shop at the turn-of-the-road in north Belfast, a poor and troubled area. I had a


In recent weeks, Southern Cryonics—the southern hemisphere’s only cryopreservation facility, located in rural New South Wales—announced it had successfully cryopreserved its first patient. There are only a handful of cryopreservation facilities across the globe—two in the United States, and one each in Russia, China, Australia and Switzerland. If the claims made on their websites and in the press are accurate, these facilities likely have no more than 600 patients in cryonic storage in total. Media reports however suggest interest in cryopreservation has risen since the onset of the COVID pandemic,


Engineers who received public welfare responsibility training in classes are more likely to consider the societal impact of technologies they design and to take action when concerns arise, according to a study by University of Michigan researchers published in The Journal of Engineering Education. While engineers are professionally obligated to protect the safety and well-being of those their technologies impact, the study found that nearly a third of U.S. practicing engineers have never received any training in public welfare


In 2004, a pair of economists published a landmark study to measure discrimination in the labor market. In the study, the researchers applied to real job openings with fictitious applicants but changed the applicant names to reflect a different gender or race. They found clear evidence of discrimination: White men and women received 50% more callbacks than Black men and women. More recently, Berkeley


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How can disaster response teams benefit from understanding how people most efficiently pick strawberries together, or how they choose the perfect ice cream shop with friends? All these scenarios are based on the very fundamental question of how and when human groups manage to adapt collectively to different circumstances. Two recent studies on collective dynamics by the Cluster of Excellence Science of Intelligence (SCIoI) in Berlin, Germany, lay the groundwork to promote better


Three proposals explaining the differential confidence. (A) Intuitively, one might assume that confidence in scientific entities (e.g., germs) is higher than confidence in religious entities (e.g., angels) because scientific entities are observable in principle whereas religious entities are not. (B) The Dual- Pathway Model proposes separate information pathways for scientific versus religious beliefs; belief in scientific entities is primarily driven by direct experience of causal outcomes whereas belief in religious entities is primarily driven by testimony. (C) Contrary to these two models, the Unified Model proposes that belief in both


Cash is in crisis. In Australia, it’s now only used for 16% of in-person transactions, down from about 70% in 2007. The situation is so dire that on Monday, independent federal MP Andrew Gee introduced a private member’s bill that would force businesses to accept cash or else face big fines. The reality is that over the past decade, technological advancements have utterly transformed the way we pay for goods and services. Phones and smartwatches can now easily be used to pay by card, and buy-now-pay-later


The best graduation speeches dispense wisdom you find yourself returning to long after the graduation tassels are turned. Take the feel-good life advice in Baz Luhrmann’s song to a class that graduated 25 years ago. Only on a recent relisten did I realize it also captures one of the research-based strategies I teach for avoiding communication that backfires. The tip is hiding in plain sight in the song’s title, “Everybody’s Free (to Wear Sunscreen).” Communication aimed at promoting a certain behavior can have the opposite


The educational expansion of women has led to changes in the differences in educational level of men and women when looking for a partner. Research conducted by the UAB Center for Demographic Studies (CED-CERCA) has examined for the first time the role of discrepancies in gender role values and education among potential spouses. According to the study, about a third of women in favor of gender equality and with a higher education would not be able to find a homogamous male partner. The work is published in the journal Perspectives


In the global South, volunteer programs are framed by policymakers and scholars as an effective vehicle for empowering women living in poverty. But this narrative often rests on scant knowledge of the perspectives and experiences of a key set of local stakeholders: the volunteers. A new study co-authored by Yale anthropologist Catherine Panter-Brick addresses this knowledge gap by engaging with Syrian refugees and Jordanian women from poor households in Amman, Jordan,


In a study of social media activity prior to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, researchers at the University of Notre Dame say a sharp increase in politically salient imagery online—visual content designed to influence, dehumanize, manipulate and motivate audiences—was a predictor of the conflict. With collaborators at Colby College and Kennesaw State University, the researchers collected post history from a select group of 989 Russian milbloggers—a term used for “military bloggers”


Sexual violence prevention programs effectively change ideas and beliefs that underscore assaults, but show no evidence of reducing their actual occurrence, a new comprehensive analysis shows. The findings are published in Psychological Science in the Public Interest. Researchers led by behavioral scientist Roni Porat of Hebrew University challenge the assumption that changing people’s thoughts about sexual violence will change their actual behavior. They call on scientists to study more behavior-centered approaches to reducing sexual


New research featuring more than 24,000 people has found that having diverse groups of friends improves well-being and social cohesion, despite people’s tendency to gravitate towards people more similar to them. Led by researchers at the University of Birmingham and published in Psychological Science, the study used data from 24,726 adults from over 10,000 English neighborhoods to examine the composition of people’s social networks according to age, ethnicity, income, and education to understand the implications of homophily (preference for similar people) on social cohesion subjective well-being. Dr. Miguel Ramos, lead


A new Edith Cowan University (ECU) study has revealed that having a four-legged friend at Children’s Court significantly reduces stress and anxiety for young victims, witnesses, and their caregivers. ECU criminology researchers Dr. Suz Rock and Associate Professor Natalie Gately have published the first Australian study to evaluate the impact of introducing a justice facility dog to a Children’s Court. The study “Kids, Courts and Canines: Evaluating the Justice Facility Dog Program through a Therapeutic Lens


Lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience exclusion more frequently than heterosexual people. This is the finding of a recent study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin by researchers from the University of Basel and the RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. According to the study, people who are perceived as less gender-conforming are more frequently socially excluded. This could also affect heterosexual people if they deviate from traditional


As Jon Regardie wrote last year in Los Angeles Magazine, “Metro’s raison d’etre is to get hundreds of thousands of people each day across Southern California.” But the COVID-19 pandemic sent the numbers of riders plummeting to a low of 13%, and ridership still hasn’t fully rebounded. The reason may now be clear, thanks to the latest USC Dornsife LABarometer survey, conducted by the Center for Economic and Social Research (CESR) at the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences. The survey found that although public transportation ridership in


Generation Y, Gen Y, is commonly referred to as the millennial generation. It usually includes individuals born between the early 1980s and the mid-to-late 1990s or early 2000s. This generation follows Generation X and precedes Generation Z. The millennials, it is said, grew up during the transition to digital technology and the rise of the internet, and this has shaped their perspectives, behavior, and the way they use technology and media. They are often characterized as tech-savvy, adaptable, and socially conscious, with a strong affinity for social media and digital


Over the past century, the number of working women in Western countries has steadily increased. However, numerous studies show that it is still primarily women who have to manage the balancing act between parenthood and working life. Compared to fathers and childless women, mothers often have a less straightforward career path and face greater hurdles to career advancement. Little research has been done on what happens to women’s employment trajectories from midlife when childrearing efforts are


Many managers are currently seeking a balance between digital and face-to-face communication. A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland published in Information Technology & People shows that top IT industry managers have different views on when and for what purposes face-to-face communication in the workplace is needed. “Some top managers felt that all work tasks can be performed remotely with the help of digital communication. According to them, face-to-face communication is only necessary for maintaining interpersonal relationships and a sense of community,” says Doctoral Researcher Lotta Salin of


The competition for online attention in today’s news environment is fierce. High-quality news from credible sources must compete for attention with misinformation and a rapidly increasing amount of partisan content. How can a news organization stand out as a reputable and trustworthy outlet while driving readers to its site? The answer is simple: literally. According to research from Michigan State University, news readers engage more with simple writing, suggesting journalists should write simply—clearly and without ambiguity—to attract attention online. The study was published in the journal Science Advances. “Newsrooms want


When Twitter banned more than 70,000 traffickers of false information from its platform in the wake of the violence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the impact went beyond the silencing of those users. A study co-authored by UC Riverside public policy and political science scholars published in the journal Nature on June 5, found that the crackdown by Twitter (now called X after it was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk in late 2022) also significantly reduced the number of misinformation posts by users who stayed on the


Young people who have exited foster care generally fare better—in work, school and relationships—if they get consistent support from adults who care about them during their teen years. My research team reached these findings by interviewing 21 people, now in their late 20s, who had aged out of foster care when they turned 18, had spent time in foster care as children or grew up in families that had active child welfare cases. These young adults relayed the degree to which they received support from


Antarctica is the most inhospitable continent on earth. It’s dry, cold, and completely dark for months of the year. Edwardian explorers were some of the first to brave the Antarctic winter, developing new knowledge still drawn upon by scientists today. The Discovery expedition (1901–4) played a key role in the history of polar exploration. It was led by the Royal Navy commander Robert Falcon Scott, a pioneering polar explorer who died in 1912 after attempting to reach the south pole. The expedition’s third lieutenant was Ernest Shackleton, who led three


developing sustainable business models that are multi-actor networked for integrating them with agricultural innovation systems initiatives can enable a systemic approach for reducing food loss and value loss at the post-harvest


Yannick Kluch, a professor of recreation, sport and tourism at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, studies sport as a platform for promoting social justice. Kluch has worked with the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, U.S. Diving and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. He spoke with research editor Sharita Forrest about the history of Olympic athletes’ social justice protests and governing organizations’ efforts to avert them with Rule 50 of the Olympic Charter.


A study found support for the existence of a positive “cashless effect,” which is when consumers spend more when using cashless payment methods in comparison to cash. The study suggests the cashless effect leads people to spend more when purchasing products that are typically used to signal status, such as jewelry. However, the


If you are single and looking for a romantic partner, chances are that you have used a dating app. But the likelihood that others will like, or even see, your profile may depend on your race. Studies have found that all people on dating apps, regardless of their own race, are more likely to contact white people using the app. And all people using dating apps are least likely to contact African American women and Asian American men. Until recently, some popular apps, including OkCupid, Match, Hinge and Grindr, provided


University of Oregon psychologists are breaking down barriers to include underrepresented populations in research by bringing laboratories online. The researchers are trying to address a longstanding issue in psychology studies, which often rely on undergraduate students to volunteer as research subjects.


how often people visit and actively participate in local events and how this affects their sense of place or their connection to their community. A survey of almost 400 households in the state’s coastal council area of the City of Holdfast Bay found that people who frequently attend local events or participate as volunteers, organizers or exhibitors, have a stronger


“COVID-19 forced educators to adjust their educational best practices to an unfamiliar virtual classroom, and professional development was no different,” said Karen Jo Matsler, assistant professor in practice for UTeach at UTA


Integrating more natural features into city landscapes can play a crucial role in enhancing the mental well-being of residents. A study by Bangor University and Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, published in the scientific journal People and Nature, involved city dwellers and showed how paying visual attention to greenery, rather than human-made structures, can alleviate anxiety and enhance restorative feelings. The 117 urban residents who took part in the study, were guided on a


Companies in industries such as health care, technology and insurance have been found to advertise on misinformation websites, according to an analysis published in Nature. In a related experiment, consumers who were made aware that a company advertised on a misinformation website were likely to reject an offer of a gift voucher to spend with that company. The majority of digital advertisement placement on the internet is done via an algorithm-based distribution


why we associate risk-taking with males rather than females, from an evolutionary standpoint. Study author Hannah Goodman, from UWA’s School of Human Sciences, said researchers found men engaged in riskier behaviors when crossing a busy traffic intersection, supporting growing evidence that risk-taking is predominantly an androcentric behavior. “Males
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2024.06.09 04:29 Icy-Establishment209 PILOT

Project Africa, Meet: Project Eurasia
… Don’t settle for one continent, when you can run the length of two… or even The Three Americas.
What’s up, you extraordinary freaks of nature:
I hear Reddit is the place to make things happen.. A small task is afoot
Ultra marathoners: will no one best the King, Russ?
Or is he a generational talent?
This remarkable achievement left the world stunned and at least one person motivated to find those who are dedicated to match or exceed this accomplishment:
Shock the world: surmount these odds and rewrite the rulebook. I seek to ignite this pioneering spirit once more, to help contenders achieve the unthinkable…
I offer new stakes:
Shanghai to Lisbon (Yes, it is possible)

Similar objective; entirely different story.
I certainly acknowledge that this mission has the potential to become a groundbreaking documentary. I am very excited to watch as it unfolds its powerful message to the world.
Diluted by our own self-imposed limits, we humans are a remarkably capable species.. We’ve been doing this for hundreds of years.
Though I consider myself to be in phenomenal condition & an extreme limit pusher— I’m in no way capable like Russ and these others to endure that run— however, that’s not why I am compelled to write my first post in 29(M) years.
Russ & co. have set the bar high for the rest of the under-funded and highly “un”qualified lunatics.
They’ve shown there’s always room to redefine what’s “possible”..
At this moment I am seeking to assemble a capable and committed team to donate 8 or more months of their lives towards the task at hand. ⏳ that’s all— what else have we to do anyway?? Maintain the image we’ve spent our whole lives masquerading?
Or must we prefer to wait in line through Americas underfunded and overcrowded/ever-expansing parking lot system, inching our way towards the “American Dream” and ultimately that final day...
Which was the dream again?
Take your life back.
We intend to honor the world through impossible stories, still remaining to be experienced & uncovered: showcasing the grit, resilience, and sheer audacity of those who dare to undertake this relentless pursuit of the extraordinary—a journey that will leave us all forever changed.
Separate yourself from the crowd.
I believe us to be underestimating our opportunities and the great potential of this story: The Life changing ones, forget the instant global recognition coming on day one..
Here’s an opportunity to embrace and spread cultures,
The potential to make a difference in your life and that of others,
To transcend border.
As executive producer and logistics manager: I volunteer my leadership services and resourceful intuition/travel instinct, including the assistance of planning and organizing this expedition and routes associated. I will help assure the success, safety and effectiveness of the expedition.
Passionately-skilled as an adventurist, photojournalist & travel videographer, they tell me I have “it”. The goal isn’t monetary compensation, but instead— a global impact. The type of shit you’d do for free
Though Russ’ crew were not “professionals” by the Hollywood definition of the word, you’ll soon remember the power of a great story and a lens!
Furthermore, I’d have no hesitations documenting this expedition: offering a pivotal perspective behind the camera as well as a pen. Similarly, I’ve no objections to acting as director in such cases. I’d just prefer to focus more on the logistical side: I will recruit people better than me.
Show me the runner and I will do all I can to help turn this into reality. I’ve no choice now..
I live for the journey and its story, You can send us in a Toyota Corolla, I will accompany the runner on a bike, I don’t give a single fuck. This has to get done.
What I have:
What we need:
After sleeping on Russ, sponsors are ready & eager to jump on that next opportunity. Show the commitment. Fortunately, in this limelight we’re gifted with little resistance attaining their attention. The market is proven and it is susceptible to our impression.
Redbull, I don’t even like your shitty drinks— but isn’t this like exactly the opportunities you search for? You basically sell “ideas” in a liquid form.
Go pro? Where did you go?
A team makes all the difference, which is why I stress to possess the same desire, commitment and determination towards this goal- just as the “goal achiever” would.
It’s a story waiting to be told.
I will promptly, and without hesitation, quit TFOO my job and drop it all to buy a flight to Shanghai when a determined team is assembled for this. I swear on ALL mothers.
Proceeding forth:
Charitable causes provide the leverage. It seems to be the best course of action. (Y’all don’t understand how fuckin’ strong my wife is)
*It includes dangers beyond our preconception— tis not a death wish, but a once in a lifetime experience.
*Don't expect a cute vacation or comfort. A price to pay in order to break records and achieve the unthinkable. I for one do not wish to limit our possibilities on our search for the “impossible”.
*Burn the boats at shore, we’ve no choice but to succeed. 80% of the journey is adapting in the field, the other 20% is simply getting yourself there.
Eurasia carves its own path.
-Offering unique perspectives in new environments, with new culture, and new hurdles to overcome.
People love watching others achieve these goals; they feel they are right alongside you, similarly achieving theirs. After all, it is you who is in their pockets.
Through this triumph, we garner worldly attention, shedding the illusion of “borders”, connected— all cheering one person: united as one team. Isn’t a “movement” simply when a goal is achieved simultaneously by the whole?
What is evident is that the opportunity of its expanse hasn’t been fully explored, recognized and realized.
(Thanks for paving the way, Russ!)
You see, Eurasia is primed to happen.. The hints began to amass since Russ’ completion of the goal just nearly a month ago.. One might infer it’s on its way to be somewhat of a trend, but at the very least: a statement.
Must we sit out again? Project Earth is upon us:
*Alexander_campbell- currently walking the world now.
*Liamtheimpaler- biking from Alaska to Argentina.
*France: entirety biked.
*Germany: In the midst of being run.
*Lambros running Australia.
*Several are traveling the width of the US; one biking Alaska to Chile, others running barefoot?
*Katherine Lowrie ran the totality of South America. Over 17,000km with her husband.
***Countless in Asia.. but no runners..
(Edit): the list keeps expanding..
Perhaps this is an opportunity to compete for the finish line involving two or more teams? Fuck it, bring in the sport of competition for the great world race.
Dream big.
This your call to action
Understand the TREMENDOUS amount of work put into planning and ensuring the arrival of the goal— the athlete will also have to be physically prepared as well as mentally. But when the right pieces of the puzzle are brought together, we could do this ASAP.
May this message not fall on deaf ears — Our dreams remain as dreams until first action is taken. There’s no limit to our possibilities as a species. Let’s step into that world.
because i think that’s the whole point of this..
In this thread… offer your schemes, comments or productive critique:
If you aspire for something extraordinary and think you’re up for this task, come forth and tell us why you make a good fit. Hell, if you would even like to help fund or sponsor, I won’t stop you. Make your voice known.
Project_Eurasia is on Instagram, you can tell me I’m delusional there.
Let’s make it happen.
No "influencers".
No sellouts.
This message unto the realm of universal possibility. Awaiting to unfold and materialize as it will
and all it takes is a single moment to change everything.
. . . -Andy
submitted by Icy-Establishment209 to ProjectEurasia [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:24 thekermitderp Gilgo Beach killings: How Rex Heuermann's 'manifesto' became road map for investigators

Gilgo Beach killings: How Rex Heuermann's 'manifesto' became road map for investigators
By Nicole MilleNewsday. Pasted here in case you hit a pay wall.
Suspected Gilgo Beach serial killer Rex A. Heuermann thought he had long deleted what prosecutors called a “manifesto” on how to kill and avoid detection, a two-paged document littered with bone-chilling references to a “dump site” and burning clothes.
Under the ominous subheading of “body prep,” prosecutors said Heuermann listed “remove head and hands” and “package for transport.”
The existence of the “manifesto” was publicly disclosed Thursday as Heuermann was arraigned on two more murder counts. Prosecutors say evidence, including DNA, links Heuermann to victims Jessica Taylor, a 20-year-old sex worker and Poughkeepsie native living in Manhattan, and Sandra Costilla, a Queens resident who was 28 when she was killed and her body dumped in a field in North Sea.
Suffolk County District Attorney Ray Tierney on Friday called the “planning document” a major break in the case, telling Newsday in an exclusive interview that its contents prompted a second search of Heuermann’s home in Massapequa Park and the woods in Manorville where three of the victims were found.
The Microsoft Word document, created in 2000 and typed in all caps, was a “planning document” used by Heuermann to “methodically 'blueprint' and 'plan out' his 'kills,'” prosecutors said in a bail letter as part of a superseding indictment charging Heuermann with the killings of Costilla and Taylor, bringing the number of women whom Heuermann has been charged with killing to six.
“The Gilgo Homicide Task Force members believe that the totality of circumstances surrounding the HK Planning Document, including Heuermann's attempt to delete its existence, points to it as Heuermann's self-education and 'homework' on the topic of carrying out serial, sexual murder,” prosecutors said in the bail letter.
It was last July, after Heuermann was arrested outside the Fifth Avenue office of his midtown Manhattan architectural firm and charged in the killings of Melissa Barthelemy, Megan Waterman and Amber Costello, that authorities found the hard drive during a two-week-long search of Heuermann's home. Heuermann was later charged with killing Maureen Brainard-Barnes, who along with Barthelemy, Waterman and Costello are known as “The Gilgo Four.”
With mountains of other potential evidence to process from the search of the home and two nearby storage facilities, authorities recovered the document, which was thought to have been deleted by Heuermann, from a hard drive found in the basement only recently — on March 7 — during a computer forensic extraction method called “file carving.”
Tierney on Thursday identified the 60-year-old former architect, who has been living in virtual isolation in the Suffolk County Jail since his arrest last July 13, as a suspect in the killing of another Gilgo Beach victim — Valerie Mack, a 24-year-old New Jersey woman who disappeared in October 2000.
The prospect of a suspect indicted on six of the killings was almost unthinkable in the years since authorities found the first remains on Dec. 11, 2010, near Gilgo Beach.
Police had been searching for Shannan Gilbert, a New Jersey woman who was working as an escort and had disappeared after seeing a client in nearby Oak Beach in May 2010. In the following months, the remains of 10 people were found — eight women, one man and a female toddler. Gilbert’s remains were later found, but authorities ruled her death accidental.
Until Heuermann's arrest last year, the mystery of who killed 10 people — mostly sex workers — and dumped their bodies along Ocean Parkway had confounded federal, state and local investigators.
With the indictment of Heuermann in the killing of Costilla, who had not until recently been identified as a possible Gilgo Beach victim, the timeline of the case has broadened significantly. The other five victims were killed from 2007 to 2010, but Costilla was killed sometime in November 1993, suggesting that Heuermann began his alleged killing spree much earlier. On Friday, Tierney said there was anecdotal evidence that Costilla was engaged in sex work.
Their killings are detailed in the bail letter unveiled last week.
Two hunters discovered Costilla’s remains in a wooded area of Southampton on Nov. 20, 1993. A native of Trinidad and Tobago, she was living on Long Island and in Queens and Brooklyn before her disappearance and killing.
Costilla was found lying on her back with her arms outstretched over her head, and her shirt was pulled up over her torso and head, exposing her breasts, authorities said. Her naked legs were spread apart. She had several “sharp force” injuries to her face, torso, breasts, left thigh and vaginal area, authorities said. Three hairs were recovered from her remains — one found on her right arm, and two others from tape-lifts of two shirts that were above her head.
Those hairs were earlier tested against the DNA of convicted killer John Bittrolff, long suspected in Costilla’s killing, but he was excluded as a match.
Recent DNA testing comparing Heuermann’s mitochondrial and nuclear profiles to the hairs, could not exclude Heuermann as the provider of the hairs found on Costilla’s body.
“It is significant that two forensic laboratories have now independently determined that male hair recovered from the mutilated remains of Sandra Costilla is substantially more likely to have derived from a personal genetically identical to defendant Heuermann’s mitochondrial and nuclear profiles,” prosecutors said in the bail letter.
Further testing showed, according to prosecutors, that another of the pieces of hair found on Costilla’s remains “shares a common base at all compared positions” with a DNA sample provided by a woman who had lived with Heuermann before Costilla’s disappearance and killing. The woman, who authorities referred to only as “witness #3” in the bail letter, said she could not be excluded as the contributor of the hair found on Costilla.
That woman, whose relationship to Heuermann at the time has not been publicly shared, had been living with Heuermann since 1991 and moved out of their shared residence in September 1993 — about two months before Costilla disappeared and was killed, prosecutors said. Heuermann’s late mother had moved out of the home before the woman, prosecutors noted, without giving a time frame on the mother’s cohabitation with her son.
Prosecutors noted that Heuermann would have been living alone at the time Costilla was killed, giving him “unfettered time to executive his plans” without worrying about anyone coming home to discover a crime in progress.
That’s a theme that prosecutors have said runs through Heuermann’s alleged killing spree: Heuermann’s family was always vacationing out of state when he allegedly committed the killings. In the case of Taylor, prosecutors said, phone records and other documents indicate that Heuermann’s now-estranged wife Asa Ellerup and children were vacationing in Vermont when the young woman was killed.
Someone walking a dog found Taylor’s remains on July 26, 2003, just west of Halsey Manor Road in Manorville and called 911. Lying on her back with her legs bent beneath her, Taylor was decapitated and both of her arms had been severed below her elbows. A tattoo on Taylor’s torso had been “severely obliterated by a sharp object,” prosecutors said, adding that they believe that act, along with the dismemberment of her body, had been done by Heuermann to “inhibit” authorities from positively identifying her remains.
It wasn’t until some eight years later — on March 29, 2011 — that authorities found Taylor’s skull, hands and forearm along Ocean Parkway, just east of Gilgo Beach. Her remains were located less than a mile from where the Gilgo Four victims’ remains were discovered.
Taylor was last heard from on July 21, 2003 — five days before her partial remains were discovered. Police interviewed a witness who said on July 25, 2003, at about 10:30 p.m. they had seen a dark-colored Chevrolet pickup backed into the same wooded area where Taylor’s remains were later found.
Heuermann had owned a dark green 2002 Chevrolet Avalanche pickup during that time, investigators have said. And it was key to Heuermann’s initial arrest.
A New York State Police investigator assigned to the Gilgo Beach Task Force, using a database that can search for vehicles by make and model, first identified Heuermann as the owner of an Avalanche and a potential suspect on March 14, 2022.
A witness in Costello’s disappearance — her West Babylon roommate — also described to police a similar vehicle being driven by a man who was seen with Costello shortly before she was last seen alive.
Costello got a call from a burner phone purportedly used by Heuermann on Sept. 1, 2010, authorities have said. A man that investigators think was Heuermann, described by the witness as appearing like an “ogre” and seeking a paid sexual liaison, came inside the house, but she and others there executed a ruse to take his money, authorities said.
A man posing as her boyfriend showed up and the client said he was only her friend and left. But that same prospective customer contacted Costello the next night and she left with him — the witness telling authorities he saw the dark-colored Chevrolet Avalanche drive away from the home. That was the last time she was seen alive, authorities said.
Police did not appear to act on the witness statements at the time in either sighting of the distinctive-looking vehicle.
After Taylor’s partial remains were found, authorities said, Heuermann searched online for a new Chevrolet Avalanche in bright blue and white and attempted to delete the search.
DNA testing, according to prosecutors, links Heurmann to Taylor’s killing. Heuermann cannot be excluded as the contributor of a male human hair that was recovered from a surgical drape found under Taylor's remains, although 99.96% of the North American population can be, the bail letter said, adding that DNA analysis conducted by two separate labs had reached similar conclusions.
Heuermann is not charged in the killing of Valerie Mack, a sex worker who went missing in 2000, but for the first time Thursday, authorities linked Heuermann to her killing, noting that an analysis of Heuermann's electronic devices revealed a significant collection of violent, bondage and torture pornography, dating to 1994.
The images showed various abuse and mutilation that prosecutors said “notably and largely coincide with how the remains of Sandra Costilla, Jessica Taylor, and Valerie Mack were discovered,” the bail letter reads.
Authorities found Heuermann’s extensive porn collection after seizing more than 350 electronic devices from his home after he was arrested last year.
The HK Planning Document was among the items that piqued prosecutors’ interest. It prompted authorities to search multiple wooded areas in the Manorville area in April, though no new remains were found.
Prosecutors have studied the document and laid out their theories of what it all means. The document lists “finger prints and gloves” and “hair & fiber” as “problems.” Prosecutors said that section of the document appears to be a guide to avoiding apprehension. A section on “supplies,” which lists tarps/drop clothes, medical gloves and saw/cutting tools, are the supplies needed to carry out the killings, prosecutors said.
In another section, Heuermann wrote, according to prosecutors, “REMOVE ID MARKS,” which they argue is consistent with Heuermann’s alleged attempt to obscure Taylor’s tattoo. The document’s “BODY PREP” section, which also notes to “REMOVE HEAD AND HANDS,” clearly relates to the condition of Taylor’s and Mack’s remains, as both victims were decapitated and dismembered at their arms below their elbows, prosecutors said.
Some of the HK Planning Document has origins in the 1996 book written by former FBI special agent and profiler John Douglas entitled “Mind Hunter,” which explored serial killer profiling, prosecutors said, specifically graphic passages on sexual torture.
When authorities searched Heuermann’s home after his arrest, they found another of Douglas’ books: “The Cases That Haunt Us.”
submitted by thekermitderp to RexHeuermann [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:00 AutoModerator [NEWBIE CORNER] If You Are a New Rep Buyer or New Agent User, Please Read This Post PRIOR To Posting!

This thread will be posted by the automoderator every 48 hours at 6:00 PM PST.
Hi all,
This thread will attempt to limit the amount of low-effort posts we get in the subreddit. Yes, we all started somewhere at some point, and being new can be difficult and scary, but that is no excuse to not do any research and think that every question that pops into your head warrants a brand new post.
This post will initially be made by me, but will subsequently become a recurring automoderator thread.
Most questions can usually be answered with the following guides:
Basic, Commonly Used Replica Terms Defined (QC, GL, RL, Batch Names, Batch Tiering, etc)

Agent Basics

"I have never used an agent - how do I learn?"
In the current landscape, it is difficult to recommend any agents. Once an agent arises that seems trustworthy and efficient, a How-To Guide may be written. At this time, this group does not have a How-To Guide for agent purchases.
"How can I order this pair? The website (Weidian/Taobao) is in Chinese."
Web Browser's such as Apple's Safari or Google Chrome have built-in translation features that you can use to translate the page. Additionally, copy-pasting the link into an agent website translates the page for you.
"W2C?" "Do you have a link?"
I see these comments underneath posts at least daily, and I fear those of you commenting these things will not read this post either. All QC posts are mandated to have W2C links. All W2C links are either in the caption of the photos or in the comments section. Please check these two areas before posting "W2C?"
"I don't know what size to purchase"
If you've never ordered from an agent, you may not have ever referenced European sizing. Weidian listings are most commonly listed in EU sizing. I am a US 8.5, and that is an EU 42. Convert from your US or UK size to find the appropriate size! There are multiple size charts online, but the one I use myself is this one from N1k3.
In my experience, most shoes and batches are true to size, or at least fit like their retail counterparts. Order whatever size typically works for you in that silhouette. If it's your first time buying a certain silhouette, you can ask for insole measurements, though this isn't something I typically do.
"Wait - but X Middleman in another subreddit charges double the price for these! Am I being scammed by purchasing of Weidian?"
No, you are not being scammed. In short, middlemen do not produce pairs - they source them from the same places Weidian sellers do. Middlemen mark up the price as they are profiting off of user laziness and desire for maximum convenience, as well as providing usually faster UPS/FedEx shipping (a ~$55 value to the US). Some middlemen will lie and say Weidian is scamming you - this is not true. These sellers are simply trying to instill fear in ignorant, usually newer rep buyers in order to maintain business. These sellers also usually pay off other group moderators in order to be given the "trusted seller" status. This status was not earned, but bought. Keep this in mind when perusing other subreddits with weaker moderation.
As stated in my guide, batch is what matters, not seller. If you buy the same batch from a middleman as an agent, it will be the same exact quality. Please do not discuss overpriced middlemen from other groups here as that is against subreddit rules. Please try to do your own research on any outside information prior to bringing it into this subreddit as it may be unreliable. The only discussion regarding direct shipping allowed in the group is for Weidian sellers in the community as they offer the most competitive prices and have maintained a good reputation.
"I bought a pair in another subreddit from a middleman and want to know what they sent me! Can I post here asking for the batch identity?"
That is unfortunate that you purchased from a seller in another subreddit where sellers are not upheld to standards for transparency and putting the seller first. This group was not made to be a crutch to these other subreddits. We here encourage you to purchase from sellers who have gained their reputations organically, and who will be held to consequences if they breach that trust. You are welcome to post in other groups asking for batch identities, though that is not allowed here in order to maintain our ecosystem and not help maintain other, shadier subreddits.
"But middlemen said that if I use an agent, I can't get QC pictures or RL pairs?"
This is false and again, an attempt to keep your business and keep you from saving money. You can see all of the QC pictures in this group. Being able to GL or RL pairs depends on the listing. Certain sale listings or B-Grade listings are non-refundable, so you will get QC pictures, but you won't be able to return them except for severe circumstances (seller sent wrong shoe, seller sent wrong size).
"What is a B-Grade pair? How do they differ from regular products?"
B Grades or B Versions have imperfections that prevent the pairs from being sold at regular price - it’s impossible to know what imperfections will be present, though typically for top-tier batches, the imperfections are relatively minor. The flaws can range from scuffs to loose stitching, differences in tumbling to wrinkled leather. Sometimes, but not always, do the sellers state what types of flaws to expect on the pairs. I typically avoid any pairs where the sellers warn about mold, as that is not something I want to deal with or put on my feet.
"Well, do you recommend B-Grade products poncecatchemall?"
If you can’t tolerate minor flaws, do not purchase. These pairs are typically non-refundable. If you’re willing to compromise minor flaws that you’ll likely acquire rapidly anyway from wearing your shoe, pick the B-Grade pairs up and enjoy the discounted price - I personally recommend B products from top batches as I’m not bothered by imperfections that quickly come from wear.

QC Questions

"Which post flair should I use, Agent or DIRECT, and which price range should I select?"
Because the group will temporarily allow direct shipping from our Weidian sellers, QC Post Flairs were split for each price range into Agent Purchases and Direct Shipping Purchases. Please use the appropriate flair for how you purchased the item.
  1. If you are purchasing through an agent, use the QC Post Flair that captures the price of the shoe on the Weidian Listing. For example, a 470¥ pair of GX Batch Jordan 4s would use the Agent QC 400¥ - 499¥ flair.
  2. If you are purchasing the same GX Batch Jordan 4s pair directly from a Weidian seller, without an agent, you should use the DIRECT QC post flair that captures the total price (including direct shipping). If that GX Batch Jordan 4 pair comes out to $119 shipped, or 861¥ (470¥ + 390¥ Direct Shipping), you should use the DIRECT QC 800¥-899¥ post flair.
Using the appropriate flair helps keep the group organized (good for me) and more importantly, places prices in the direct view of all buyers in order to compare prices across sellers and ensure that no one seller is price gouging anybody (good for the community).
"Can I post screenshots of my QC pictures instead of downloading the pictures and posting the actual QC pictures?"
No. Posting screenshots of the QC photos reduces the picture resolution and makes actually providing any accurate QCs much more difficult. On your agent site, download the QC photos the agent has provided. Users should post the actual QC pictures with the appropriate title format.
"Wow, the pair I ordered using an agent looks like the colors are all off - why is that?"
Warehouse lighting is terrible and often distorts colors. You cannot QC color shades or saturations through warehouse lighting QC pics. Either 1) ask for natural lighting pictures (though not all agents do this) or 2) look up in-hand pictures of the batch you are purchasing, as in-hand pictures typically have better lighting. The latter tends to be easier unless it is a brand new batch on the market. Remember, colors typically do not vary within a batch. For example, all LJR TS1 Highs have a yellow midsole, and that does not change from pair to pair unless the batch is updated. The midsoles might picture differently among different agents or purchases, but they'll all look the same in person.
"I think I may have been bait and switched - what should I do?"
If you post asking if a pair you received is not what you purchased, your post must include specific reasoning as to why you believe that is so.
Acceptable reasoning includes specific characteristics of the shoe (leather cuts, wings logo placement, colors, etc) that differ from known pairs, different production dates from known pairs, sellers with confirmed recent history of bait and switch, etc. The most important part is to include some sort of reasoning. Posts without reasoning will be deleted, as these posts are typically made from newer members to the replica community, and the posts lead to unnecessary fearmongering and damage to seller reputations.
Please order a QC picture of the size tag so that we can see the production dates. Production dates on size tags can help rule out a batch identity. However, matching size tags does not guarantee a batch identity and requires some additional information. I order size tag pictures by asking my agent for additional "Detailed Photos" with the following statement in the request comment: "Complete picture of inner white size tag clearly showing both production dates."
"There are so many differing opinions! I don't know who to listen to. What do I do?
Being new in the rep game is hard - it is difficult to know who is a credible commenter, and who is not. For this reason, certain members in repweidiansneakers have been given User Flairs to distinguish them from the crowd as reputable, knowledgeable members of the community. They have earned their flairs, and if there are conflicting opinions on a QC, I personally would give their opinion more weight.
"What is the best batch for X shoe?"
Oftentimes, and especially for very popular shoes, these questions have already been asked and discussed in detail. Recommendations for navigating this are:
  1. Check poncecatchemall's batch guide if available
  2. If the shoe isn't listed on there, utilize the group's search bar to search for the shoe in question to look at QCs. You can also utilize the group's search bar to search by the Rep vs Retail Flair in order to see comparisons of batches on the market.
  3. You can also check the comments history of any of the group experts to see if they've discussed these shoes in the past.
These 3 methods answer most questions. Please do some research prior to making a new post.

Shipping Questions

"How much will it be to ship X amount of shoes using an agent?"
There are often too many variables to give a blanket answer. Which agent? Shipping to which country? Using which shipping method? The most optimal way to use an agent in terms of cost is to make a haul of at least 4kg in my opinion, which is about 3-4 pairs of shoes. Previously, I myself typically shipped out 8kg-10kg hauls using my agent through GD-EMS, the haul typically arrives in 2 weeks, and the shipping cost per shoe is usually around $30.
"How much should I declare for the value of my package for Customs?"
This varies by country. For the US, I declare $12/kg. For 10kg hauls, I thus declare $120. Other countries have different guidelines. Hopefully members from different countries can state what they declare for their hauls per kg in the comments.
"Is my package seized?"
Does your tracking say your package has been seized? If yes, then yes, your package has been seized. If no, then no, your package has not been seized. Patience is a virtue and is the name of the game. Read your tracking information. Whatever it says is what the current status of the package is. That is the purpose of tracking information.
"But my tracking information hasn't updated in 3 days? Should I panic?"
No. Again, patience is key.
"Should I post a generic picture of my boxed haul about to ship out with a corny caption?"


"Wow I saw a hilarious meme on another subreddit, can I post it here?"
No. Please keep the low-quality spam in other groups. Posting memes, "Fire up the rep machines" posts, or anything similar will result in a 14-day temporary ban from the group.
"I threw together a list of low-quality items in a spreadsheet and called it THE ULTIMATE FINDS LIST, just trying to get people to use my affiliate link for an agent - can I post it?"
Do not spam the group with low-quality "finds" spreadsheets. The majority of you doing this don't even know how to QC or make solid, informed recommendations. If you actually have good recommendations, I will make an exception. However, the majority of your "1:1 spreadsheets" are terrible, and thus are not allowed in this group.
submitted by AutoModerator to repweidiansneakers [link] [comments]