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2008.01.26 07:07 /r/space: news, articles and discussion

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2017.05.16 23:34 Lovecraft Country

Lovecraft Country is a drama horror television series based on Matt Ruff's novel of the same name. It is airing on HBO. The series is developed by Misha Green and produced by Monkeypaw Productions (Jordan Peele), Bad Robot Productions (J.J. Abrams), and Warner Bros.

2008.01.25 17:01 Kreddit, the KDE Community on Reddit

KDE is an international community creating free and open source software. Visit our main page to know more: ----- This is not a technical support forum. Please visit for user support. ----- This is not a bug tracker. Please visit to report bugs.

2024.05.29 04:38 stickerstacker Ideas?

When I was 16, my paternal grandmother gave me a gorgeous hard-bound copy of Jane Eyre as a gift.
I’m heartbroken to report that I lost the book, along with many other treasures over the years. I hadn’t even come close to reading it.
I wasn’t able to participate meaningfully in school because I had undiagnosed ADHD. I was basically on another planet and I remember being very confused by the gift. I was gracious but I didn’t get the joke.
A few years ago I listened to the audio book and I was absolutely haunted by the gesture. Just flooded. Turns out there was a ton of secret adultery happening by her sons (my father and my uncle) that i didn’t find out until much later.
Anyway why do you think someone would give their teenage granddaughter Jane Eyre as a sweet sixteen? Any opinions? Thoughts? 👀
submitted by stickerstacker to JaneEyre [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:34 marshjams FOR SALE: 1st Year Books

FOR SALE: 1st Year Books
Helloo! I’m selling some of my 1st year books 🎀
submitted by marshjams to amvians [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:31 322241837 what was the most out-of-touch thing a therapist said to you that it's hilarious in hindsight?

I wanted this to be a discussion thread for anecdotes but it turned into a very long rant instead, oops.
I'll start off with saying that something I've observed through years of navigating The System™ as a former CPS kid, is that:
  1. Therapists all seem to operate from a baseline wherein all your problems exist in a perfectly compartmentalized vacuum. A lot of what is practiced in the majority of psychotherapy modalities (the only ones I haven't done are ECT/TMS because I draw a hard line at lobotomy-once-removed. I was also greenlit for ketamine infusions but I'm fucking sick of drugs robbing me of my senses.) can only work for extremely specific problems on extremely specific types of people.
  2. It is up to the therapist to decide what your "big T" and "small T" traumas are, and all interactions will be structured off their perception and therefore biases. They often dismiss their clients' concerns, and always deflect with varying degrees of hostility when confronted.
  3. They can't actually help you in any material capacity and may even be detrimental when you already have adequate insight into your issues and viable solutions in your own best interest.
  4. The profession in itself is a neoliberalist non-solution to societal ills. They are always most preoccupied with getting you to Do The Work™ (i.e. societal assimilation), and any ideologies or personalities that deviate from their dominant cultural accepted narrative is vilified. Per bread and circuses, it will always be in the best interest of the ruling class to do whatever will keep the masses zombified into subservience and thus only ever manufacture problems and sell partial solutions that cause more problems. Something, something, imagine Sisyphus happy...
  5. To quote Jenny Holzer, "Abuse of power comes as no surprise." The nature of vulnerable sector professions is that they unfortunately will draw in high achievers who (sub)consciously live for power dynamics. Those who are able to remain in the profession long term and not burn out, anyway. Some of the worst people I've personally met have been varying flavors of medical professionals, and that says a lot given that I was physically/psychologically tortured and sexually abused by my father for most of my life.
But yeah anyway, some of the shit that therapists have said with me still haunts me but in a "hahaha what the fuck" kind of way lmao.
There was one who said to me in earnest that I need to "stop listening to Coldplay and reading about climate change" when I expressed I don't see any reasons that I should participate in a collapsing society.
Another suggested that "it might help to get a grocery buggy" after disclosing that I hate being reliant on my abusive relatives for most of my essential needs because of lack of money/physical & mental capacity, in full view of her Burberry coat and BMW parked outside the window.
A few not worth mentioning would always either project their own relationship with ethnic immigrant parents onto me with bullshit like "our parents raised us the best they could" (OMG I didn't know I had a long lost sibling that they raised in secret!!! /s), or they would get obnoxiously fixated on some aspect that doesn't impact me the way they almost wanted it to? As if I would be easier for them to deal with if I was their uni textbook case study, rather than a real person with a messy background.
Most infuriatingly, my autism specialist, with a PhD in social work, kept insisting that I "belong in a university setting". She is a uni lecturer herself, and it was mostly because she personally found me "the most intruiging client [she's] had", on top of my full psych eval reporting an approximate IQ of 136.
I literally failed certain portions when it came to visual-spatial, motor, and interpersonal attributes. IQ is so bullshit anyway because it doesn't take into account how someone was raised whatsoever. Fucking duh you're going to have a "vastly superior" verbal quotient if your parents never socialized with you, left you with books as company while expecting you to be their translator.
No matter how hard I tried to drill home that I have irreparable academic trauma, never done well in any sort of academic setting in the first place, and knowing what my own limitations are, the autism specialist would chalk it up to "learned helplessness, because clearly [I] have sooo much untapped potential".
And it's not like I haven't tried everything everyone's suggested on my own terms, and came to the conclusions I have? Why the fuck would I want to embody society's idea of a failure and make my own life harder??? I am the least masochistic person I know lol, it's like none of them ever understood anything I had to say. They'll just say these things like there's a magic formula that will somehow guarantee a good life for everyone, when the reality is that not even people who don't have significant impairments, can't all "make it".
The most fucked part is that for all they bellow about Theory of Mind™ til their face turns blue, they are hilariously self-unaware that they can preach these things because every damn person I've known who's been able to achieve a MSW is naturally "high octane" and/or lives an immensely privileged life in some way or another. And it just so happens that everyone in their immediate circle is just like that, too. So from a physiological standpoint, they are ironically incapable of understanding why their clients are seemingly "helpless", which...well, kind of proves point 5 of my therapy theories lol. If they really wanted to make the world a better place, they would start by, IDK, radical reform of societal structure to render their profession obsolete--just saying ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, if you've tried everything under the sun and none of it has worked out, it's because we live in a philosophical hell simulation, not because there is anything inherently wrong with you. You are the highest authority on your own experiences, and literally everything is normal. All the physics and philosophy throughout history can't reach consensus whether or not "objective reality" exists, so all that really matters is whatever matters most to you.
I wish these were affirmations I came across long before I was spiritually declawed for being an "unsympathetic" traumatized kid. Thank you for reading if you've made it this far, and I hope you've made some of your own peace wherever you are.
submitted by 322241837 to therapycritical [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:28 freeppt7 Elevate your presentations with our 25-page PowerPoint template designed specifically for procurement businesses. Featuring a sophisticated golden circular line background and a creative design, this template is perfect for business reports, work summaries, plans, product marketing, …

Elevate your presentations with our 25-page PowerPoint template designed specifically for procurement businesses. Featuring a sophisticated golden circular line background and a creative design, this template is perfect for business reports, work summaries, plans, product marketing, … submitted by freeppt7 to u/freeppt7 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:24 dailyunjin first year books & notes for sale !

first year books & notes for sale !
send a dm if interested ! notes are available as well
submitted by dailyunjin to amvians [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:21 smolderingember <5% Interview Rate

I have 8+ years of experience in commercial real estate lending. Naturally, my applications have been almost exclusively originations and underwriting roles, with a small amount of asset management applications as well. I've applied to 200+ roles over the last 6 months and only interviewed at 3 firms. One firm didn't email me back after 2 rounds of interviews (5 individual interviews). Two others interviewed me (3 interviews and 8 interviews, respectively) and offered roles different from the ones I applied for. I turned down those offers as they were obvious bait and switch postings and I have no desire to work for liars.
Undoubtedly, CRE is suffering from a downturn. But at this point, I can't help but think I'm being discriminated against because of my ethnic name and face. Please let me know what I can improve and how I can address this discrimination.
submitted by smolderingember to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:20 GameFreak4Daze 20/PC/CST Looking for chill people to play games and hangout!

Hey! I'm from Canada I'm looking to expand my friend circle and I'm hoping to find more genuine friends to play or chill with on discord and hopefully become long term friends!. I'm a variety gamer I play a lot of games on pc depending on my mood and wouldn't mind getting into new ones either if we connect!.
I would prefer if you are chill and non toxic because I only play games for fun and not a competitive gamer at all. I like to laugh and have a good time and don't really care if I lose the game the only thing that matters to me is that everyone is having fun but don't get me wrong I'm always trying my best to win haha. the game genres I'm into are Story based coop games, adventure, survival, horror, sandbox, party games, fighting, fps, rpg. I won't lie though I mainly play pve games as of right now but I play some pvp games from time to time it just depends if I like it or not. I love playing goofy indie games too.
I have work during the week so I get on in the evenings but on the weekends I'm off so I have a lot of time so I get on the afternoons and can play longer. I'm kind of a night owl and will stay up for long hours depending on how much fun we're having.
A few non gaming things I'm into are horror, true crime documentarys, wrestling, reading, writing sci fi, marvel, dc. I'm also down to just chill in vc and watch stuff it doesn't have to be games 24/7 if you want and we could stream our games, movies, shows.
A little about me is that I'm a extrovert and I have a pretty loud mouth so once I get to know you it will probably be hard to shut me up lol and I'll try and keep the conversation as cool and interesting as possible but if you're a introvert I don't mind having a quiet vc :). I get scared pretty easily I'm ngl so I'll probably get spooked sometimes in horror games so sorry about that lol. I like to joke around whenever we're in a bad situation in a game just to keep things light hearted. I think I'm pretty funny but sometimes my jokes can come off as cringy lmao. I might roast you here and there but it's all in good fun so don't take it personal feel free to roast me back XD. I'm active most days so I'm usaully down to play or just hangout in a vc. I'm a pretty open book once we get to know eachother and I'll put effort into the friendship as long as you're willing to do the same. I don't judge so everyone is welcome!. :D
Now finally on to the games list!
Current favourite games
Left 4 Dead 2
Cod zombies(all of them)
Terraria both modded and vanilla
Tekkken 8
Street fighter 6
Other games I'm willing to play
Don't Starve Together
Project Zomboid
The Elder Scrolls Online
Stardew Vally
Dead By Daylight
Risk of Rain 2
The Outlast Trials
Lethal Company
Escape the Backrooms
Killing Floor 2
Remnant 2
Halo Mcc
Like I said I'm a variety gamer so the list might change a bit often but I love trying out new games I also don't mind buying new games as long as your willing to teach me it lol.
Lastly I will say is that you please be 18+ and preferably in north america just so ping and timezones aren't a issue. Please have atleast 2 or 3 games that I got because I don't really like sticking to just 1 game unless it's new or we're both really into it. If I sound cool to you at all feel free to DM me and please tell me about yourself instead of just saying "hi" as its hard to connect with people who don't say much about themselves. I Look forward to seeing you all and thanks for reading! :)
submitted by GameFreak4Daze to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:17 Lost-Entrepreneur439 qBittorent's website says Catalina is the minimum macOS version, as you can see here, this is not true, it works on Mojave as well (and I'd assume also High Sierra, as it's quite similar to Mojave app support wise). How would i report this so the website can be corrected?

qBittorent's website says Catalina is the minimum macOS version, as you can see here, this is not true, it works on Mojave as well (and I'd assume also High Sierra, as it's quite similar to Mojave app support wise). How would i report this so the website can be corrected? submitted by Lost-Entrepreneur439 to qBittorrent [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:10 RegulusWhiteDwarf I have made another legacy! My fanart appeared first when you search "too perfect to last"

I have made another legacy! My fanart appeared first when you search submitted by RegulusWhiteDwarf to OMORI [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:09 Storms_Wrath The Human Artificial Hivemind Part 518: A Falling Tower

First Previous Wiki
Penny gazed at the quartet of Elders. They were all wearing the merchandise she remembered from the last Judgment, which was exceedingly awkward. Mainly because they were wearing shirts with her face on them. But it was also oddly endearing, in a way. Until now, she hadn't seen too many Elders that were on her side.
Elders that weren't just Kashaunta or the familiar faces she already knew, like Spentha or Rho and Sai, actually showing appreciation of her, felt odd. Even if these ones went a little too far in it.
"You're even more beautiful in person, Liberator," one said.
"Uh, thanks. I appreciate that. I'm glad that you all like me. Rho and Sai told me that you all are interested in something I can give you?"
"Yeah. Maybe a short interview? We won't be like that airhead reporter. We'll ask the good questions."
"Yep, we will."
"Right then," Penny said. "Well, I'm glad to meet you."
"Thank you. Now that we're here, we'd like to know how you plan on taking care of the gang leaders."
"Well, presumably by imprisoning them. I don't think they deserve to die, even if others do. I'll leave that decision up to Justicar and his various judges in the criminal system."
Penny didn't like having to lie blatantly. She wanted to kill the slavers quite brutally, but doing that was a bad idea right now. Saying it also was a bad idea, for a similar reason. And Justicar's system was worryingly preferential to Elders, from what she'd looked up after the meeting with Pundacrawla.
"Aren't you worried that the Judges won't give proper justice?"
"I trust Justicar to do everything that is necessary."
Another lie. Justicar would do whatever he could to maintain his image. Hopefully, that wouldn't be at the cost of the Alliance's very existence.
"Got it. By the way, what's it like being human? Walking on only two legs. It seems kind of unstable. Do you fall a lot?"
A genuine curiosity from them was another breath of fresh air. It was the kind of question a quadruped would definitely ask, which put her more at ease about the nature of what they were trying to do. Even more than their evident support of her, with all the merch they were wearing. Penny felt a smile crack at the corners of her lips, unbidden.
"Not really. We can use our arms to steady ourselves pretty well. Obviously it's not as easy to balance on our two legs as it is with your four, but it's still good enough. In fact, the sprinters in the Olympics use all four limbs, since running as fast as possible also requires pumping our arms. As for what it's like to be human, it's hard to describe. For many of us, it will feel colder or warmer than Sprilnav would feel in the same temperatures, due to thinner skin. Our eyesight is more frontal than yours, given our lack of snouts, so our blindspots are a lot bigger. Our feet require shoes for rough ground, and we heal slower than you by around 20%. We can't really clack our jaws to the scale that you can, though we can make them meet."
Penny bared her teeth, showing as she opened and closed her mouth. It was nice to be able to talk about things like this.
"The Olympics?" one of them asked.
"It's a competition about athletics," Penny said. "Running, jumping, throwing, diving, swimming, skiing, snowboarding, and a lot of sports. There's specific divisions, too. Like how there's a 100 meter dash, 200 meter dash, 400 meter dash, and even an 800 meter dash for those with high levels of psychic energy. Though really, psychic energy and genetic editing have been messing with the events for a while now. And there's a Winter, Summer, and Space Olympics, each with different sorts of events. They move from city to city, though the Space Olympics are pretty much always on either Luna, Ceres, or Mercury. There's a lot more information out there on various events, but it's an old cultural practice revered by the entire species. Even more so since Phoebe's increased the prize pools for everyone."
"How does your species handle space in general? I know that you guys did things way differently before First Contact."
"We did. Mining companies kept tight control on all asteroid mining, while nations controlled planets like Earth and Mars and large planetary bodies like Luna. Supposedly, a few people planned for a cloud city on Venus, but we couldn't risk having such a vulnerable population because they'd have to rely on giant balloons to survive. That would probably be the least secure way to live, given the existence of rogue organizations and all that.
As for spaceships, most of them since we really colonized Luna come equipped with spacesuit bays, zero gravity water and food packs, oxygen tanks, emergency seats, specialized anti-micrometeorite hulls, and radiation shielding. A lot of the older military ships also were equipped with big radiators until World War Three, when it all became masses of drone warfare, with the big ships kept mainly for cargo and lanes where mass drone control was impossible.
Once the Vinarii came and we got shields, we started building big again. After all, it provided a huge number of jobs, and in the post-war economies, especially with VIs in place, a lot of people needed work. But we still go and do asteroid and moon mining, star lifting, and energy gathering. We built an orbital ring around Mercury, the closest planet to Sol, to help with all of that. It doubles as a production hub, too. Now, it's all in more systems and with a lot more friends."
"Speaking of aliens, what theory does your people have on why so many creatures resemble one another? Our jaws are adapted for hard shelled creatures, and we're told that many planets have oddly similar variations of those."
She guessed what they were getting at.
It is odd, isn't it? Nilnacrawla observed.
Perhaps that is another one of the Source's whims, Penny thought.
A few of the Elders made exclamations of shock.
"You even have a word for them that directly translates!"
Penny chuckled. "Yeah, carcinization is a bit of a meme in the science community. But I've heard the most mainstream theories since the First Contact are that the Source itself is uncreative. It has a certain template of creatures which it largely doesn't alter, though it can take in inputs from beings close to it, perhaps even influencing them."
"Influencing them?"
"Yes. Modern depictions of wendigoes, folkloric creatures from North America, a continent on Earth, are shockingly similar to the Knowers in appearance. The internet depictions of them in particular like to emphasize canine qualities, and often show them with skulls visible directly, and with dark brown or black fur. Recent depictions, as in the past 300 years, differ from their original appearances quite significantly, with the canine characteristics in particular being enhanced.
We have sorted through all known images of these creatures and found roughly 80% similarity with the Knowers and tens of thousands of images that are literally exactly the same as Knowers. The ones we searched all came before World War Three, far before even the First Contact with the Vinarii, much less the Knowers who were entirely underground at the time due to the radiation of their home star. We believe that the Source managed to influence this facet of human culture with the actual existence of a real creature.
Other examples exist, like how the Trikkec look very similar to Komodo Dragons, Vinarii look very similar to insects known as a mantis, and the Acuarfar look exactly like insects known as wasps with the single exception of their furry snouts and green instead of yellow markings. The Sprilnav species itself shares high amounts of similarity with a fictional species known as Elites in early 2000s culture, particularly with your jaws, though you all have red skin instead of grey or brown.
The Junyli, Dreedeen, and the wanderers are the main species without high amounts of appearance in our cultures at some point. This correlates with the idea of the Source being the influencer, as their predecessors all were used to fight it. Many species of the galaxy look like parts of our culture or Earth's creatures. The proximity of these examples makes this far more suspicious than if they were across the galaxy.
But since they existed first, the only answer must be that the Source brought the influence to us first and planted the ideas in our heads. As for the ones which look like Earth creatures, all of them are old enough evolutionary branches that copying from them to Earth makes more sense. Though the references centering around the early 2000s is quite odd, it is also roughly when the internet came into wide existence, so it is also possible the Source gave the ideas a push so they would propagate, for an unknown reason. Like if it seeded the ideas that propagated across the early global network Humanity used."
"Hmm. Fascinating. We've seen evidence of the 'seeding' process among some historical nations near the galactic region of Earth before. So the Source re-uses and alters depictions of life and also life itself?"
"Maybe," Penny said. "Unless the Source is more directly tied to life than we think. There's a conceptual Death, but no conceptual Life. Isn't that odd?"
"Conceptual Life died in the Source war."
How did that really work, though? Penny asked Nilnacrawla.
Imagine a conceptual being. A few of the Progenitors, as well as Narvravarana, went up to try to harvest its power. It refused, and Narvravarana used its unique abilities to try and force the deal.
Why was your civilization like this?
Excess and greed, partly. But we couldn't really do much more expansion. Vertical expansion also had its limits if we wanted to remain relevant for the remaining lifespan of the universe. So Narvravarana, along with a few of the greatest rulers and leaders of Sprilnav society, started looking to other dimensional planes. They figured it was best not to let the problem get too much worse. Or at least, that is what they say. I believe it was to harvest more resources to use against our surrounding enemies.
You didn't have any allies? Penny asked.
At that time, all the powers of the universe were enemies. All the allies eventually merged through millions of years of normalization. We happened to get on the universal stage the earliest, so other civilizations we encountered had little choice but to surrender their independence. Some fought, others didn't, but the outcome was the same.
That seems terrible.
It was, though the other universal civilizations were no better. Some of them just exterminated all alien life they found that couldn't fight back. In that sense, the pre-war Sprilnav civilization was one of the greatest, and that's why I fought for them. Obviously, I'm biased in that regard, though.
Thanks for telling me, father.
No problem, Penny.
She refocused back on the conversation at hand.
"But a thing cannot be alive if it dies. The concept of life doesn't work that way. So maybe the Source just... took in the concept of life? Or absorbed it into whatever psychic energy really is, considering that it's responsible for all of our existence?"
"That's so crazy it might actually be true," one of the Elders said. "You're incredible, Penny."
"Uh, thanks. You're all pretty great too." Her eyes drifted to the images of herself on their clothing. She couldn't really help it.
"I have a question for you."
"Do you know what I'm fighting for?"
"I assume since you're asking it here, you don't just want a one word answer," an Elder said. "I would say yes, and for the liberation of the Sprilnav from the stain of slavery. Though going deeper into your history, you have also fought for other species, either in wars or just generally moving around. It does look aimless, mostly, since the galaxy's so big. But I'm sure you've got a way through that."
"In some way. Part of why I'm here isn't just about my people. It was at first, I admit that. But as I have lived here, on Justicar, for days and weeks, I've seen you less as alien. It makes it easier for sympathy and easier to break out of simple mindsets. So far, there are many problems, but there are distinct pieces. The first is that many people want to uphold slavery. I'm not sure why, but they do. It isn't profitable, and it isn't moral. Robots are cheaper in every way, and don't need food or water.
That means it's illogical or emotional. So I could try and solve the problem with violence alone, but it won't be addressing the cause, only the symptoms. I need to get to the heart of the matter. And I think it has to do with Elders' memories and the gradual woes they have accumulated going through life. I don't want to tear that away or drug them into believing they're fine. I want to find a way to outlet that productively. The second part I have identified is scale. The galaxy is enormous, and your species is incredibly numerous. I could fight planet by planet for the rest of my life, and liberation would still be difficult.
That also means I'd need a better way of doing things. Maybe an economic or political incentive. Emotional reasons will not work permanently, nor will logic, since we are in this situation. I have found several ways to address this. Sadly, since the gangs are likely monitoring this feed, I can't just outright say my strategy. All I can ask you all to do is to believe. Believe that I have a solution, and that I and those who stand with me are working on it. Believe in me because I believe in you."
None of the Elders questioned or ridiculed her words. Most of it was because they were fans of her. But one of them, an Elder named Rahautiti, had a distinct glint in his eye. Their gazes met only momentarily, but Penny could tell he knew.
And so she appeared in the mindscape, even as they concluded the interview, which would be the first of many. It was a ploy to just talk about human culture and ideals a bit more, to get it out there. Because the hivemind's theory was correct.
In the universe, ideas had power. That power could be weaponized against those who previously stood to gain. The first part of it was the image: Nova as an unbeatable bastion. Lecalicus as the Beast, a monster capable of star-crushing rage. Twilight as... whatever she did. Penny wasn't really familiar with the Progenitor's image too much, and the various names, like the Silent Night or the Smiling Darkness, were just so unbelievably edgy she cringed every time she recalled them.
But Rahautiti understood so she moved her mindscape avatar to see him.
"Hello again, Penny. I am no threat."
"I know. I'm glad that your group is led by someone as capable as you, as well as the other groups you dabble within."
"Who discovered it?"
"Phoebe. You met with Ezeonwha, and the android wanted to ensure you weren't a way for Yasihaut to kill him."
"Yeah. We did get approached about that, actually. We're supposed to kill Ezeonwha when you walk into the Judgment hall. Of course, we won't do this, and she won't be able to retaliate against us easily while there."
"Thank you for your honesty, Elder," Penny said. "It seems I'm in your debt."
"Nonsense. 2,839. That is the number of children I have had. 2,626. That is the number of children of mine which were enslaved. The remaining 213 died in unrelated incidents, with nearly half of those involving slavers killing them. I remember all of their names, and all of their faces, Penny. I want all the slavers in this universe dead."
"I cannot achieve that."
"You cannot," Rahautiti agreed. "Not with my help or even that of Kashaunta and Lecalicus. And certainly not right now. I have not lived this long to be incapable of compromise or patchwork solutions. You show great promise. I understand your aversion to killing and the circumstantial reason why you are not doing so now. I will not grow upset if you do not resume killing when the Judgment ends. Nor do I harbor a grudge against you for the speeding space entity you left outside the room to avoid uncomfortable publicity. You are incredibly young.
A sliver of a life. But you are strong, and you are mature. That sliver of your lifespan already outshines all I could do with a trillion more years, Penny. You are right in that this isn't something you can punch your way through. Trauma is part of why slavery still exists, despite it being a wholly unjust reason for the Elders to make such a sport of it. I am sure you know the story of the war, with a great hero in your head and Kashaunta at your side. My line of work is what I started to help you. Every thought about you being the Liberator, every eye that glances on you freeing slaves, helps you to gather conceptual energy. My talent happens to be great enough to sense the Pact of Blades you have, as well. If you want, I can teach you how to hide the mark on your soul and your mind."
"I would like that, yes," Penny said. "And thank you for being so reasonable. I will ask Kashaunta to protect you from what consequences come for refusing the offer on Ezeonwha."
"There are going to be attacks on him, you know. Him and your ship."
Penny felt an odd feeling in her soul. Cardi's power flared around him, and she squinted at the sky. She just barely saw a sliver of a tentacle. Most would have mistaken it for a normal speeding space entity. But here? On Justicar, with Exile obviously not being the cause?
Only one being would cause that. Fate.
Given the subject of their conversation, it was obvious what was going on.
Penny tapped Rahautiti's jaw, adding a thin mark of conceptual power so she could easily find him again. She focused on the conceptual mark she'd left on Ezeonwha. A twinge of conceptual energy came from it. It was accompanied by various impressions, like fear, pain, and acceptance.
"I have to go," Penny said. "I will be back later. Displace."
She appeared next to the 102nd Visitor Welcome Office but not next to Ezeonwha. It was carnage everywhere she looked.
"Champion!" an unknown Elder yelled. "I am Elder Na-"
Her rising fury surged, and it took all she had not to dismember him. The distant thought of the Judgment stayed her hands, though only just.
Penny's fist collided with the Elder's jaw at twice the speed of sound. A piece of his jaws flew free. Bone fragments hit the ground behind him. Hundreds of soldiers fired on her, and she slammed them to the ground with pure will. Penny tore their guns away and sent them each to pummel the Elder in front of her with as much brutality as she could. His powerful armor wasn't as capable of defense against physical attacks as it was against her psychic energy, and so he fell.
"You... cannot save him," the Elder spat. Fields of psychic suppression fell upon her, reducing her power.
"Manipulation through Determination," Penny growled. "De-"
No! Nilnacrawla said. Do not kill him! Not yet!
"What goes up will go down."
Air hardened around the Elder and accelerated rapidly.
The Elder smashed into the shield five miles above with a speed just slow enough that he wouldn't die. He fell from it and then hit it again at a more modest speed. He'd bounce on that until the Guides came to get him.
But Penny had another target. One she had to save instead of attack.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
High Judge Tassidonia awoke to the sound of explosions. He grabbed his swords, his main gun, and the personal shield he reserved for only the most dire occasions. The sky was erupting in war all around him, and buildings were already falling nearby. The spires of skyscrapers rained down upon the entrances to the Underground, crushing thousands of fleeing Sprilnav under their wide impacts.
His implant identified members of the gangs nearby, making their way to his home.
"Retribution Cycle!" Tassidonia cried. A hidden door opened, and he boarded a small hovercraft that sported a high amount of defensive and offensive technology, a gift from Justicar for dealing with all that he had related to the Judgment. Only this time, he wouldn't be on the next one. But already, the destruction was spreading.
Micro-missiles rained upon friend and foe alike. Several detonated against the layered shields. The mounted turrets on the side of his hoverbike shot lasers into the enemies his implant identified.
"Elder Tassidonia!" an Elder cried nearby. "For the crime of defying the will of-"
Tassidonia called his fury to bear. He rammed his mind into the enemy Elder, disorienting her. She reeled, about to attack, when a thick laser smashed into her chest. It pushed her against the wall, and Tassidonia kept the pressure up until her body melted. He listened to her screams impassively, occasionally sending blasts from his gun at the gangs when their members started to stray too close.
The thick red beam did its work within twenty pulses. His swords began to float beside him, keeping pace as he sped away from his home. The entire apartment complex shuddered and began to lean, its foundation being destroyed by some effect below. Tassidonia abandoned it with only minor regret. He'd known this moment would come. Everything he needed was already with him.
He linked into the Guide network, directing squadrons to attack the breaches he'd identified. Orbital strikes fell upon them in quick succession. Thick beams of light pierced through the lower planetary shields from orbital platforms, their guns honing in on Justicar's enemies. Tassidonia's implant was linked to the grid as well. So when he eyed buildings occupied with too many gang members, orbital strikes fell on them a few pulses later.
Fire and plasma rained all around him. Explosions and smoke blossomed all around him. More missiles fell from his hovercraft. A fighter ship appeared beside him, its simple stealth revealing itself to his eyes. Tassidonia waited for the pilot chamber to open, and his craft stowed itself behind him when he got in. It was fully equipped, so soon, Tassidonia was in full control of a weapon of war.
His first order of business was detecting the gangs' most fortified areas. He peppered those bases in shield-weakening mines, followed by bunker-buster missiles. Several anti-air turrets hit him, but his shields prevented them from taking him down. He dropped three high-end Butcher Androids into the fray of the largest battles.
One of the adjacent fighter wings in the separate shield sector dropped a nuke. At that moment, Tassidonia made a decision.
Whatever insanity was going on right now wasn't worth staying here on his own. He turned his ship upward, narrowly avoiding nearly fifty missiles shot from another gang fortress, which was really just the lower floors of a supermarket. Thick slabs of concrete were being set up by androids and slaves from the Underground. All he could do was watch from above and attempt to mark those that might be a problem.
Justicar's Grand Fleet was moving in, though only the carriers and their escorts were doing anything of any scale. The armies were mobilizing, and it seemed that war had finally broken out. Justicar, while isolated due to the Judgment, would have to win a war that threatened to topple his rule entirely.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Ezeonwha woke when the walls around him shuddered.
An earthquake?
Groggily, he activated the lights in the room. Phoebe's android was charging in the wall. Her limbs swayed with the motion. The walls shuddered again, and the lights went out. Thin, tiny cracks spread in the walls, increasing his worry factors massively. His implant notified him that this wasn't a dream. Distant screams reached his ears, and he went to the window.
Hordes of Sprilnav were running on the ground, tripping over each other to escape. He heard the thump of footsteps approaching from outside. The android activated, standing up.
"Move away from the doo-"
An explosion tossed him across the room. A Sprilnav carrying some sort of mouth weapon faded into view for a moment, smoke recalibrating the stealth field. And then he was gone. Phoebe smashed into the Sprilnav, her fists pummeling the assassin faster than Ezeonwha could comprehend.
Phoebe's arms turned into swords, and she stabbed the Sprilnav at least fifty times in a single pulse. She turned to grab him, but before she reached him, a second explosion sent him flying out of the now-shattered window.
The massive skyscraper loomed large, and he saw the ground beneath it ripple. Dull thumps sounded from below, and large, circular caverns opened beneath the 102nd Visitor Welcome Office. The whole building started to list forward, and Ezeonwha frantically activated his emergency personal shield as he started falling faster and faster. A bullet hit the shield. And then a second one. Gunshots echoed out in the distance, and he saw other Sprilnav falling from broken windows in the falling skyscraper. Gunfire erupted on the streets as Guides engaged a growing army of attackers bubbling up from basements of shops and businesses.
He saw spurts of blood exit the Sprilnav nearest him, bullets tearing holes through the woman's body. Piercing screams surrounded him, a terrible chorus that reminded him of the worst wars he'd fought in. But here, his training could do nothing. She was already dead, and he knew that he was the target of this whole attack. His eyes watered, and Ezeonwha felt so powerless. So useless.
A Corrector emerged from the side of the tilting skyscraper, eyes fixed on Ezeonwha. Then he looked down. Somehow, Ezeonwha knew when the orders had been sent. He knew that it was Astipra in the distance, a jetpack on his shoulders burning a thick flame beneath him.
Astipra looked back at the building and flew toward it. Ezeonwha felt the wind rushing past the shield as pressure. Astipra, far above, vaporized falling chunks of the skyscraper with blasts from his arm cannons. He pressed back against the skyscraper, the jetpack going into overdrive. The metal bent inward, and the groaning and twisting structure continued its fall. Blasts of light from Astipra again vaporized the set of falling chunks.
"Penny," he said. It was almost a prayer, really. His desperate mind was scrambling for whatever it could get. "Please, save me!"
He didn't know if she could hear him. Logically, it was impossible. And in a battle such as this, unlikely as well. Rippling explosions erupted across the facade of the falling skyscraper as rockets struck it. More explosions bloomed as lasers from distant police vehicles, Guides, and Astipra destroyed more of the fast-flying missiles and rockets. They pounded on the world around him, a horde of madness threatening to break his brain. He could feel the wind and gravity equalize as he reached terminal velocity.
And all he could see was the world descending into war around him. The 102nd Visitor Welcome Office continued to slump and lean against Astipra's best efforts. More bullets hit Ezeonwha's personal shield, and peppered the Guides moving over to save him. Air ambulances were shot from the sky. Even small fighter crafts were shot down by powerful ground lasers. EMPs thumped, disabling all the higher functions of his implant before he could think to use it.
A much larger explosion bloomed out, and Ezeonwha followed the rocket's trail to an Elder on the ground, standing in the wreckage surrounding a sudden tunnel opening. The Elder stared at him in glee, and he lined up another shot. Two Guides fell upon the Elder, who flew up using a jetpack to cut them in half with his sword. A hard light hologram lifted a large gun, pointing at Ezeonwha as he fell.
His eyes widened. Ezeonwha did everything he could. He angled his legs and arms. He pushed at the air. He even hefted the meager psychic energy he had, struggling with all his soul to escape the death he could feel was coming to him.
Guides swarmed beyond the shield appearing, while gang soldiers died by the hundreds to carpet bombing. Personal shields sprang up to block the explosions, and the Elder had survived. A thick red laser cut one of the fighters in half from the smoke. Above him, the collapsing facade of the skyscraper consumed Astipra entirely, though large gouts of plasma and thick explosions emerged from within. He could survive if it fell upon him, but Ezonwha could not.
Penny materialized far below, closer to the field of battle. A sweeping wave of gang members began disappearing. A bullet smashed into her head and her stomach, detonating in bright explosions. A personal shield flared and disappeared. Missiles and lasers slammed into Penny by the thousands as psychic energy gathered. A constant roll of words fell from her tongue, but without his implant, they were not translated.
Missiles crumbled into dust. Lasers impacted raw space in front of Penny before bending down and back to their origins, destroying automated turrets. Bullets still hit Penny and the Guides by the thousands, firing too quickly and densely for her to entirely block. But the large ordnance from the gangs continued to work against them.
Penny looked around, confusion evident on her face. But amidst the thousands of wounded and dead Sprilnav falling from the broken windows, Ezeonwha was hidden too well.
Shattering glass could be constantly heard, and he could feel the distant screams in his soul. A bullet smashed into his personal shield again, disabling it. A pulse later, he lost feeling in his legs.
He tried to reach out to her mind, but the war in the mindscape was equally intense. Too many Elders and Guides battling it out along with various suppression artifacts made it all impossible. He could sense Penny's influence, but couldn't directly reach her.
He let out a breath, knowing it to be the final one.
I'm sorry, Penny, Ezeonwha thought.
I wish you luck in the Judgment, and I am sorry I caused this to happen to you.
Penny finally appeared in front of him, eyes wide-
Blood erupted. A searing pain in his head told him his implant had just shorted out. And in the mindscape, he saw a mental attack heading for him, its brutal power evident. He closed his eyes.
submitted by Storms_Wrath to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:07 apehasreturned Booking the AEW World Title in 2024 - Part Two: The Master

Booking the AEW World Title in 2024 - Part Two: The Master
Part One Here!
We pick up following Blood and Guts, where AEW Champion Swerve Strickland led his team to victory over the Elite. It’s been an insanely brutal and bloody reign for Swerve so far, and with enemies and allies alike climbing the ladder towards a shot at the gold, he’s starting to grow slightly paranoid. With a second trip to Wembley approaching, the talk of the town is who’s going to win the Owen and go for AEW’s top title at Wembley - if Swerve even makes it there, the fans knowing that his wars of attrition are leaving him worse for wear with each passing defence.
Road to All In London
The lineup for the Owen is being narrowed down coming out of Blood and Guts, with MJF, Jay White, Bryan Danielson, Will Ospreay, Darby Allin, Hangman Page, Konosuke Takeshita and Katsuyori Shibata all in the running. With blockbuster match after blockbuster match being fought to determine the finalists for Calgary, we eventually come down to two: MJF and Will Ospreay, set on a collision course for the ages.
Swerve’s troubles don’t end there, though - after leaving the Mogul Embassy, his old allies smell blood in the water, and the EVPs are all too happy to make Strickland’s life more miserable by announcing a title match with Brian Cage for the Dynamite opener in Alberta’s largest city.
AEW World Title: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Brian Cage
Cage gets a good showing in here, using his remarkable athleticism to nearly put the champion away early, but once Swerve gets rolling, it’s clear that there are levels to this game. The Machine goes for a Liger Bomb, Swerve reversing into a hurricanrana to leave him prone for a HOUSE CALL, FOLLOWED BY A SWERVE STOMP! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Swerve Strickland def. Brian Cage (11:51) to retain the AEW World Title
After the bout, Swerve’s handed his title, and he keeps it hugged tight to his chest as he grabs a microphone. He says everyone’s been working their asses off around him to try and take this from him, but the champion promises he’s not afraid. He welcomes the challenge, because there ain’t nobody like Swerve Strickland in SWERVE’S HOUSE. He says he’s looking forward to seeing who comes out on top in the main event, and heads off backstage to watch it with Prince Nana.
Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Final: MJF vs. Will Ospreay
This gets a lot of time, with no limit on a tournament final. Let them cook. MJF is in worse shape than Ospreay, having been flung straight into a tournament after a series of surgeries left him held together with duct tape, but Ospreay’s in a worse headspace, his typical unending confidence hampered by a few narrow wins en route to the final. However, it’s two spectacular in-ring talents, and they go ham in pursuit of victory, MJF wanting to headline Wembley for the second straight year and Ospreay looking to win the AEW World Title in a stadium in his home country. The back-and-forth gives way to MJF getting control, working the arm extensively to warm Ospreay up for the Salt of the Earth. However, an appearance by Adam Cole gives an unknowing Ospreay the opportunity to turn the tables with a handstand reversal to a Heatseeker, following it with a Hidden Blade for two. Ospreay considers working on the shoulder, MJF crying out in agony with each blow to the surgically repaired joint, and eventually, Will has him in perfect position for the Storm Driver 93. He knows MJF’s neck and shoulder are in such a state that this would be an automatic victory, but he hesitates just long enough for MJF to roll him up… ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! MJF grabs the arm to go for a Salt of the Earth, Ospreay rolling him back into a pin of his own, followed by another HIDDEN BLADE! STORMBREAKER! ONE! TWO! THREE! OSPREAY’S GOING TO WEMBLEY!
Will Ospreay def. MJF (31:02) to win the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament
Out comes Swerve, standing toe to toe with his challenger as confetti falls around them. Ospreay leans on his trophy, grabbing a microphone as it becomes rapidly apparent his confidence is back. He says that All In is on the horizon, and last time AEW was at Wembley Stadium, he won as an outsider… yet Swerve lost. Now, Ospreay’s in AEW full time, mowing through all the competition, and now it’s time that the Kingpin get a shot at the crown. Swerve chuckles before his smile turns into a sneer, growling under his breath that Ospreay will have to kill him to take the AEW Title away - and he’s seen that despite being called the Assassin, he can’t do that.
The next week on Dynamite, Ospreay and Swerve are scheduled for a face to face promo in the ring, the title match official for All In. It’s electric as they stand opposite one another in the squared circle, trading some quick verbal barbs that they both brush off before getting down to brass tacks, Swerve holding the microphone and beginning to speak.
“Will, you’re impressive, man. You can be as athletic as the day is long, but it’s not ‘heavy is the body that wears the crown,’ it’s ‘heavy is the head,’ and there ain’t nobody like me. This is a mental game, and you don’t have what it takes there. You blew yourself up and broke your own neck when you went for the IWGP Title. You were betrayed by the Don Callis Family and somehow didn’t see it coming. You were beaten on your home turf by your sworn enemy because you got in your own head. You had the win of a lifetime against Bryan, and then you felt so bad about it that you neutered your arsenal. You don’t have what it takes… in your head or in your guts. There’s only one head fit for this crown, and it’s mine.”
Ospreay scoffs, trying to keep his cool, but he doesn’t wait long before grabbing the microphone out of Swerve’s hand to an “oooh,” from the crowd.
“Ain’t nobody like you, bruv? How dare you talk down to me. How dare you condescend me, belittle me, you arrogant bastard? I came here to AEW and started taking heads, just like I did in Japan, and there were people there just like you. People who said ‘ah, he’s not got it in him to be the next big gaijin. He’ll never be the champion,’ and now there’s you, saying I don’t have what it takes because I don’t have the mentality. YOU don’t have the mentality to do what I do. To fly from the UK to here twice a week, to raise a family, to spend a whole career an ocean away from home, to wear the crown on your head that says you’re the greatest wrestler on Earth. Nobody’s done that but ME, and when that championship’s fastened around my waist, mate, it’s going to prove what everyone already knows - that Will Ospreay’s on another level, and Swerve Strickland… he’s punching up.”
Now it’s Strickland’s turn to try and keep a lid on his anger, stepping toe to toe with his challenger and holding the title inches from his face. He tells Ospreay to listen close, before saying that the years of hard work Ospreay put in everywhere but home aren’t gonna be enough to help. He’s gonna be in front of his family, he’s gonna be in front of his friends, he’s gonna be in front of his people, and he’s going to let them all down, because he’s an impressive athlete, but he’s not the guy. Finally, Ospreay snaps, throwing a SHORT HEADBUTT, AND NOW BOTH MEN ARE THROWING FISTS! IT’S UTTER BEDLAM! The bell starts ringing to try and encourage them to break it up, but neither man is stepping down now, furiously exchanging blows as security rushes to the ring to divide them. Swerve grabs the championship, hoisting it high as he spits venom at Ospreay, the challenger spewing a string of words that probably won’t make air. They keep trying to break free and take another swing, commentary asking what on Earth they’ll do when they’re finally let loose at Wembley Stadium, pride and the promotion’s top prize on the line.
Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Will Ospreay
All In London
Wembley Stadium is packed to the gills as All In goes on the air, and they’re fit to burst as the first theme they hear is that of the Commonwealth Kingpin. Justin Roberts announces that our opening match is for the AEW World Title, and Ospreay receives plenty of fanfare and fireworks as he makes his way to the ring, looking more motivated than ever. He’s clearly jonesing in the ring, eagerly awaiting Swerve’s arrival as his compatriots cheer him on… and then Chaka Khan hits. Strickland may be in enemy territory, but the crowd can't help but sing. Oozing charisma as he enters the squared circle, the AEW Champion seems more than ready to put the Assassin down, the electric crowd letting both men soak in the moment as the bell rings. HERE WE GO! SWERVE VS. OSPREAY, LIVE FROM WEMBLEY, AEW TITLE ON THE LINE!
AEW World Title: Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Will Ospreay
From the bell, Strickland and Ospreay are exchanging words as they gravitate towards one another, Ospreay calling for a lockup. They settle into a collar and elbow, Ospreay using his size to his advantage to try and muscle Swerve into the ropes, but Strickland reversing the momentum to cinch in a side headlock. Will still drives Swerve into the ropes, eventually breaking free and whipping Strickland across the ring, the champion building up speed as he ducks a clothesline attempt from the challenger and nails a Tijeras to send Ospreay flying. Ospreay’s quickly back up to his feet, Swerve attempting a slip behind for a German Suplex, but Will countering with a headlock takeover, kipping up and throwing a superkick that’s narrowly avoided by Swerve, who drops flat to his back, picking Ospreay’s leg and floating into a handstand to bring Ospreay down with a headscissors. Will kips up once more to break free, Swerve scrambling to stand up before OSPREAY THROWS A HIDDEN BLADE, SWERVE DIVING OUT OF THE WAY AT THE LAST MOMENT BEFORE CATASTROPHE! Strickland quickly pivots as Will looks to get to his feet, attempting a HOUSE CALL, BUT NOW IT’S OSPREAY’S TURN TO DODGE AS BOTH MEN END UP STANDING!
Gritting his teeth, Swerve goes for another lockup with Ospreay, this time quickly kicking him in the gut for a snapmare, cinching in a chinlock to talk some smack. The Aerial Assassin lands a few elbows to the body as he strives to get back to his feet, finally breaking free before being grounded again by a Tijeras from Swerve. Strickland grabs hold of his challenger again, Ospreay furiously backpedaling into the corner to avoid a lifting inverted DDT, only for Swerve to send him through the ropes for a HANGING NECKBREAKER! Ospreay rolls out to the apron instinctively, Swerve kicking out one of his legs and stepping through the middle rope to SLINGSHOT INTO A DDT ON THE APRON, BUT OSPREAY HANDSPRINGS STRAIGHT TO HIS FEET ON THE FLOOR! Strickland gets cocky, thinking he landed the shot, and turns around to see Ospreay charging at his legs. Swerve leaps up, still on the apron as Will overshoots, the champion pivoting for an APRON PUMP KICK, OSPREAY DUCKING IT AND LEAPING BACK ONTO THE APRON! SWERVE TURNS AROUND ONCE AGAIN… AND OSPREAY FLIES IN WITH AN APRON OSCUTTER! Tumbling to the floor, Swerve tries to get to his senses and figure out how he came out on the rough end of the sequence on the apron, but Ospreay gives him no time to think with a ROBINSON SPECIAL OFF THE APRON, STRAIGHT THROUGH THE BACK OF HIS HEAD! He props Swerve against the barricade, chopping him across the chest before scrambling to the top rope for a SKY TWISTER PRESS TO THE OUTSIDE - ONLY FOR SWERVE TO AVOID IT, NAILING OSPREAY WITH A GERMAN SUPLEX ONTO THE FLOOR!
With Ospreay stunned, Strickland slides back in to break the count, measuring his man before effortlessly delivering a FOSBURY FLOP OUT TO RINGSIDE, WIPING OUT THE CHALLENGER! Turning the tables on Ospreay, now it’s Swerve’s turn to lay in some chops against the barricade, only for Will to dump him over the barrier and into the crowd. He follows it up with a hook kick over the guardrail to stagger the champion, running the length of ringside and LAUNCHING HIMSELF STRAIGHT INTO A PUMP KICK FROM THE CHAMPION! Swerve hops up onto the barricade, grabbing hold of Ospreay in a front facelock before MUSCLING HIM UP AND OVER WITH A BRAINBUSTER, OFF OF THE BARRICADE AND RIGHT DOWN ONTO THE FLOOR AT RINGSIDE! He rushes to roll Will back between the ropes, hooking both legs… ONE! TWO! TH-NOOO! Swerve jumps to the middle rope to deliver a diving European Uppercut to the back of the head before Ospreay can quite get to his feet, following it up with a DISCUS LARIAT! The assault on the head is relentless, Swerve looking for a DDT before being driven into the ropes, Will trying to earn a momentary reprieve. Instead, Strickland pummels him with Muay Thai knees to the body, heaving him up for a LIGER BOMB! ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT ONCE MORE! Swerve lets out a frustrated roar, deadlift Ospreay up to attempt another powerbomb, but Ospreay manages to drop to the apron for a gamengiri, followed by a PIP PIP CHEERIO! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Desperate to keep momentum on his side, Ospreay quickly delivers a rolling elbow, following it up with a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX, BUT SWERVE RIGHT BACK UP TO HIS FEET, NAILING A GERMAN! He swivels around, only to see Ospreay landed on his feet, BOTH MEN THROWING HIGH KICKS BEFORE COLLAPSING TO THE CANVAS!
Wembley rallies behind Ospreay as both men struggle to get to their feet, barely stirring before the challenger begins pounding the mat, leaning back onto his hands for a kip-up before Swerve simply spins to punt him in the face and bring him back to the mat. Strickland rises to his feet, looking for the House Call, but OSPREAY HAS NONE OF IT, CATCHING THE LEG FOR A STYLES CLASH! ONE! TWO! THR-NOO! Following through, Ospreay attempts a Hidden Blade, Swerve ducking it before rushing towards his opponent and INTO A SPANISH FLY FOR A NEARFALL! Ospreay grabs the back of Swerve’s head, paying him back for the focused assault with a flurry of Kawada Kicks to the face, followed by an attempt at a delayed vertical suplex, Strickland floating over and landing on his feet. The champion runs the ropes, Ospreay stopping him in his tracks with a dropsault and an enziguri, continuously building momentum with a STUNDOG MILLIONAIRE TO FINALLY DROP SWERVE TO HIS BACK! Unleashing a war cry, Ospreay has a gleam in his eyes as he looks towards the top turnbuckle, dragging himself through the ropes to the apron before clambering up to the high rent district, turning his back to Swerve for another SKY TWISTER PRESS, SWERVE ONCE AGAIN ROLLING IN TOWARDS THE TURNBUCKLES… BUT OSPREAY ROLLS STRAIGHT THROUGH TO HIS FEET! Strickland flashes his grill to the camera in the corner with a smile, Ospreay looming behind him before BLASTING STRAIGHT THROUGH HIM WITH A HIDDEN BLADE! ONE! TWO! THRE-SWERVE POWERS OUT!
It’s been just over fifteen minutes of insanity as Ospreay smells blood in the water, knowing if he connects with a Stormbreaker, he can wrap this up. However, that certainty would only be cemented if he were to nail a Storm Driver 93, but he refuses to go to such lengths, hooking the arms… BUT SWERVE COUNTERS WITH A BACK BODY DROP, ONLY FOR OSPREAY TO LAND ON HIS FEET! HE BREAKS INTO A SPRINT, REBOUNDING OFF THE ROPES FOR A SPRINGBOARD OSCUTTER - STRAIGHT INTO A HOUSE CALL! SWERVE INTERCEPTED HIM! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! Strickland can’t believe it, but he’s got Ospreay dead to rights, spinning him around into position for a Tombstone. Strickland looks to the hard cam, a smug sneer on his face as OSPREAY REVERSES WITH A SEGA MEGA DRIVER, SPIKING HIM DOWN ON HIS HEAD! ONE! TWO! THRE-NOOOO! Ospreay is in disbelief, even a tribute to Mad Kurt not being enough to put Swerve down, but he’s staying on the ball as he hooks Swerve’s arms to go for a STORMBREAKER, ONLY FOR SWERVE TO FLOAT OVER FOR A LIFTING INVERTED DDT! Will’s rally wasn’t enough to get him out of trouble, and STRICKLAND FOLLOWS IT UP WITH A SECOND HOUSE CALL! SWERVE IMMEDIATELY ON THE ATTACK ONCE MORE, POSITIONING OSPREAY FOR A JML DRIVER… BUT WILL CLEARS HIS HEAD, COUNTERING WITH A POISON RANA! SWERVE UP TO HIS KNEES, BUT OSPREAY FOLLOWS IT WITH A SPRINGBOARD OSCUTTER! HIDDEN BLADE TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL, AND NOW… STORMBREAKER! ONE! TWO! THREE! WILL OSPREAY IS THE AEW WORLD CHAMPION!
Will Ospreay def. Swerve Strickland (20:10) to win the AEW World Title
Later in the night, Kazuchika Okada defeats Kenny Omega to win their fifth encounter, establishing himself firmly as the Number One Contender to the AEW World Title, giving the new champion only two weeks to prepare to face off with one of his greatest foes - a foe he’s only managed to beat cleanly once, while falling to the Rainmaker eight times.
Road to All Out
Ospreay gets to celebrate on Dynamite, cutting a promo saying he’s geared up to finally put this to bed. He says he’s glad he’s starting his title reign like this, because he’s certain he can beat Okada, and he’ll not have to worry about the spectre looming over him anymore. Every time there was a title on the line, every time the stakes were high, he failed against the Rainmaker - but the stakes were high at Wembley, and he won. He proved Swerve Strickland wrong, and now it’s time to prove Kazuchika Okada wrong. Out steps the Rainmaker, taking the EVP Elevator up onto the stage to say that Ospreay has already proven him wrong; he thought, years ago, that Ospreay was a talent worthy of being in Okada’s stable of CHAOS, and Ospreay proved him wrong when he betrayed his leader, only for Okada to beat the brakes off him at the Tokyo Dome. Okada says that Ospreay should be all too familiar with Okada being the top champion, the Ace, and he plans to finally bring that vision to AEW by restoring the world to its natural order and beating the Aerial Assassin for a ninth time. The Rainmaker’s ego is peaking, having avenged his loss to Kenny Omega just a few days prior, and he says that Omega’s a taller mountain to climb than Ospreay. However, he says he’s sure there’ll be room in the Elite’s ranks for Ospreay, should he come to his senses and want to fall back in line behind the Rainmaker. Ospreay declares that at All Out, he’ll prove to Okada and the world that he’s eclipsed the onetime Ace, while Okada insists that Omega was just the beginning - in just a few days, it’ll be time for the Rainmaker Era to start back up.
All Out
With All In having just occurred recently, All Out is a package deal with the Wembley show, ensuring a huge audience for what’s certain to be an all-timer main event between the Rainmaker and the Assassin. Both men want to walk out with the gold more than anything in the world, making an already personal rivalry all the more exciting as the coin drops for the last match of the night. Okada appears in a new robe, debuted two weeks prior at Wembley, and as he rises from the Elite Elevator, he’s looking more daunting than ever. There’s only one feud the man had ever lost, and he’d just avenged it against Kenny Omega - this is the most dangerous he’s ever been, and as Will Ospreay makes his way to the ring, Okada doesn’t even turn to face him. The champion is furious, but the challenger sees him as a formality standing between him and another epic World Title reign, refusing to even acknowledge him as they’re both introduced by Justin Roberts. They head to their respective corners, and THE BELL RINGS! IT’S OKADA AND OSPREAY, WORLD TITLE ON THE LINE!
AEW World Title: Will Ospreay (c) vs. Kazuchika Okada
Both men are hesitant to open themselves up to a big counter in the early goings, especially given how well they know each other, so they try and psych each other out a different way - by waiting. The crowd greets them with a deafening reception as they slowly circle the centre of the ring, eventually meeting with a lockup that sees Okada immediately put his height to good use, bearing down on Ospreay with an attempt at a test of strength. He pushes Ospreay down to the mat, even getting his shoulders down for a moment, but the champion bridges up off the canvas. Okada jumps up and drives his legs down into Ospreay’s body, but Ospreay maintains the bridge with both men’s weight, Okada getting back up and shooting for a lateral press that gets a one count. Transitioning into a side headlock, Okada talks some smack, the Young Bucks supporting him at ringside while taunting the champion. However, Ospreay’s put on plenty of muscle mass over the years, making it all the easier for him to slowly make his way to his feet, twisting free and securing a side headlock of his own on the Rainmaker. Okada sends him into the ropes, Ospreay clinging to the top as Okada instinctively goes for a flapjack. Momentarily confused, Okada gives Will the opening to run in for a dropsault, attempting to follow it with an enziguri that’s ducked, Ospreay springing up… and into a flapjack, the inevitability of the Rainmaker’s plans coming to fruition putting the champion in a bad spot early.
Continuing with his somewhat lackadaisical pace, Okada keeps treating Ospreay like he’s not that big of a deal, shoving him into the corner for a double pat on the chest, followed by a stiff forearm across the jaw as the referee steps in. Ospreay lunges at him, Okada grabbing the arm for an Irish Whip into the opposite corner, rushing the champion with a big boot, but Ospreay SLINGSHOTS RIGHT OVER HIM, LANDING ON HIS FEET BEHIND THE RAINMAKER FOR A KICK TO THE HAMSTRING! Ospreay hones in with a swift roundhouse to Okada’s other leg, trying to take out his base, but Okada shrugs it off by catching the leg on a third kick attempt before driving his shoulder straight into the bridge of Ospreay’s nose, following it with a DDT that makes it look like Ospreay just died. The champion goes full scorpion, folding over himself like PAC as Okada grabs hold of the wrist to attempt an early Rainmaker. He gets Ospreay up to his feet, a smirk on his face as he winds him up, but Ospreay cuts through his grip with a sharp elbow before rolling Okada up with a victory roll reversal, straight into a DOUBLE STOMP TO THE GUT! Okada rolls right out of the ring and into the waiting arms of the Elite, Ospreay lining up to try and take him out with a dive before being halted by the Bucks, who leap into the way with their hands up. Ospreay shouts at them to move before going for it anyway, launching himself with a PESCADO, STRAIGHT INTO A BOOT TO THE STOMACH BY THE RAINMAKER! THE BUCKS GAVE HIM TIME TO RECOVER!
Taking advantage immediately, Okada sends Ospreay crashing into the barricade, Ospreay crying out before Okada sends him into the aisle on the crowd side of the barrier. He measures his man as he heads to the opposite end of ringside, the Bucks gassing him up as he takes a running start for a CROSSBODY OVER THE GUARDRAIL, LANDING ON HIS FEET AFTER TAKING OUT THE AERIAL ASSASSIN! Okada dusts himself off, his signature look of superiority clearer than ever as he drags Ospreay back to ringside, laying in a few boots to the body before spitefully laying in another DDT, this time on the floor. He breaks the count before continuing to pummel Ospreay at ringside, the Bucks taunting the champion with each consecutive shot he takes. Okada works over the champion’s neck, digging a knee into the back of it as he postures with his stablemates before securing a waistlock for a GERMAN SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR, BUT OSPREAY FLIPS OUT OF IT! He flings himself at Okada with a Hidden Blade attempt from behind, the seemingly omniscient Okada ducking at just the right moment before throwing a boot - but Ospreay’s just too quick, slipping under it and LAYING IN A HOOK KICK, FOLLOWED BY A BACK SUPLEX ON THE OUTSIDE TO THE RAINMAKER! Ospreay backs the Bucks away, threatening to put their faces through the back of their heads before sliding back into the ring and EFFORTLESSLY SOARING THROUGH THE AIR WITH A SKY TWISTER PRESS TO THE FLOOR! He sends Okada back between the ropes, following him with a PIP PIP CHEERIO, BUT OKADA CUTS HIM OFF AGAIN BY KICKING OUT THE ROPES! Ospreay is left hung up on the top, Okada turning him over for a DRAPING NECKBREAKER OFF THE TOP! ONE! TWO! THR-KICKOUT!
It’s been virtually all Okada thus far, and he continues to methodically wear Ospreay down with a targeted offensive on the neck of the AEW World Champion. Whenever Ospreay tries to get some momentum going, Okada’s able to reverse it, the style Ospreay honed in New Japan having paid dividends against plenty of other AEW talents, but not the man who defined the style for over a decade. Soon enough, Okada looks for the Rainmaker again, and Ospreay finds his opening by reversing it into a SPANISH FLY! ONE! TWO! KICKOUT! Ospreay looks like a bullet fired from a gun the second Okada’s constant pressure is taken off his shoulders, the champion bolting out to the apron to connect with a PIP PIP CHEERIO, NAILING IT BEFORE OKADA HAS TIME TO REALIZE WHAT HIT HIM! Okada tries to evacuate out the other side of the ring, but Ospreay’s having none of it, grabbing him by the trunks and pulling him back in for a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! ONE! TWO! TH-NOOO! Okada sits back up just in time for Ospreay to strike him with a standing round kick to the ear, filling the Rainmaker’s head with cobwebs before flattening him to the canvas with a superkick, finishing the sequence with a RUNNING SHOOTING STAR PRESS! ONE! TWO! THR-ANOTHER KICKOUT, BUT OSPREAY’S FINALLY GOTTEN CONTROL AWAY FROM THE CHALLENGER! With the Chicago crowd rallying behind him, Ospreay struggles to get to his feet, the twenty straight minutes of punishment taking a heavy toll on the champion. However, he’s certainly up before the stunned Okada, with the challenger still attempting to get his wits about him when Ospreay charges with a ROBINSON SPECIAL, STRAIGHT TO THE BASE OF THE SKULL! Okada gets to his feet on instinct alone, the Assassin positioning himself behind his prey and circling him before running the ropes for an OSCUTTER! ONE! TWO! THR-NOOO!
Ospreay unleashes some Kawada Kicks on the challenger, letting out his aggression before lighting him up with a flurry of chops, Okada attempting to stand on business and throw some of his own, only for Ospreay to obliterate him with a superkick. Okada is left leaning on the ropes, Ospreay beckoning him towards the centre of the ring before attempting a SHOTGUN DROPKICK, SENDING HIM STRAIGHT THROUGH TO THE APRON! With Okada prone, Ospreay looks for the OSCUTTER ON THE APRON, BUT OKADA CATCHES HIM IN A STRAITJACKET! He attempts a Straitjacket German Suplex on the apron, Ospreay avoiding catastrophe with a back headbutt to the bridge of the nose, followed by a stiff back elbow to send Okada tumbling to the floor. Ospreay vaults over the ropes to break the count, finding himself in the perfect spot for an old favourite as Okada gets to his feet at the base of the ramp. Measuring his man, Ospreay leaps into motion with a SASUKE SPECIAL, BUT OKADA CATCHES HIM! WHAT STRENGTH FROM THE RAINMAKER, AND NOW… OH MY GOD, A TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER ON THE FLOOR! Okada’s confidence is peaking, the Tombstone on the floor having been a hallmark of so many of his defining victories and none of his defeats. Knowing this, he rolls Ospreay straight back into the ring, the work on the neck having paid dividends as he immediately secures wrist control, hoisting Ospreay up into position for a RAIIIINMAKERRRRRR! HE GOT ALL OF IT! ONE! TWO! THRE-OSPREAY SOMEHOW LIFTS THE SHOULDER UP!
Frustrated, Okada hurls Ospreay’s lifeless corpse into the corner and simply starts stomping a mudhole in his face, grinding his boot into the champion’s features before the referee pulls him away. Okada bickers with the ref as the Bucks sneak up on each side of Ospreay, Will instinctively grabbing a hold of Matthew, who scrambles backwards. However, Will stays latched onto him, forming a fist around Matthew’s tie and being pulled through the ropes… ONLY FOR NICHOLAS TO SUPERKICK OSPREAY STRAIGHT INTO THE RING POST, SPARING HIS OLDER BROTHER! Blood begins to spill from the side of Ospreay’s head, dripping onto the ring post and ring skirt as it becomes clear he hit his head damn hard against the steel. Okada pushes past the referee and continues to beat Ospreay down, relishing each moment of offence as he sends the champion packing to the outside with a petulant boot to the side of the head. He rolls out to the floor, the Bucks handing him a bottle of water to cool himself off with after such a brutal match, and now Okada gets to admire the Elite’s handiwork as crimson teardrops start dotting ringside, a bloody mask obscuring Ospreay’s face. Okada keeps beating ass, commentary noting that this is now the longest we’ve seen these two duke it out for, nearly 40 minutes having elapsed. Excalibur notes Ospreay seems harder than ever to put down, but Okada’s showing the same sort of dominance he has in the past, with Schiavone sounding worried that it might just be a matter of time.
Looking to finally put an end to things, Okada starts raining closed fists on Ospreay’s head wound, hurling him into the timekeeper’s table. Eventually, he lays Ospreay out on it, clambering up with him before flipping off the camera and calling for another Tombstone. He flips Ospreay around… but Ospreay drops to the floor behind him, sweeping out Okada’s legs before nailing a CHEEKY NANDO’S AGAINST THE GUARDRAIL, LEAVING OKADA SPLAYED OUT ON THE TABLE! Ospreay scrambles towards the ring post, blood pouring down onto his chest as he makes the long climb up the turnbuckles for a FROG SPLASH THROUGH THE TABLE, AND THROUGH OKADA! The count was broken by him hitting the top rope, sparing both men the risk of being counted out as they lie their motionless. Chicago wills them to their feet, Ospreay sending Okada back into the ring before using the surge of energy and momentum to get the challenger up for a STORMBREAKER! HE GOT HIM! OSPREAY’S GONNA DO IT! Ospreay leaps atop Okada, grabbing the leg and leaning back into a deep cover, putting all his weight across the challenger’s shoulders… ONE! TWO! THRE-OKADA’S FOOT IS HOVERING OVER THE BOTTOM ROPE, OSPREAY TOO ENTHUSIASTIC WITH HIS PIN! The Bucks look like they’re about to have panic attacks as an exasperated, mentally battered Ospreay fights back tears, a fraction of an inch away from redemption. However, he knows he’s got control, so all he has to do is take this one home.
Both men are in deep waters now, and with both being renowned for their gas tanks, it’s clearly come down to a war of attrition, both men knowing that it’ll all come down to landing the one big move that’ll keep one of them down. They’ve both sustained plenty of damage, but as Ospreay staggers over to the downed Okada, he gets this look in his eyes - the look of a man who has the chance to do the funniest thing ever against a man he resents oh so much. Ospreay grabs Okada’s wrist, the crowd letting out an “oooh” as it becomes clear he’s going for his own parody of the Rainmaker, traditionally a ripcord Spanish Fly. Okada is on dream street as Ospreay positions him, pulling the wrist to whip Okada around… but the Rainmaker is still wise to Ospreay’s moveset, keeping an arm near his side to stop Ospreay from latching on for a Spanish Fly. However, he wasn’t wise enough, Ospreay digging into Kenny Omega’s toolkit with a RAIN TRIGGER, BLINDSIDING OKADA WITH A HUGE HIT HE DIDN’T SEE COMING! Okada falls into the ropes, trying to keep himself upright by keeping a firm grip on the top rope, only to be uprooted by a POISON RANA, OSPREAY SPIKING THE CHALLENGER RIGHT ON HIS HEAD! He stumbles to the corner, Okada looking to find his footing as he gets to his knees… AND EATS A HIDDEN BLADE STRAIGHT TO THE FACE, OSPREAY MOWING STRAIGHT THROUGH HIS CHALLENGER! ONE! TWO! THRE-OKADA GETS THE SHOULDER UP, AND THE GRUELLING BOUT CONTINUES!
Justin Roberts is starting to sound pretty nervous as he makes the 50 minute time call, informing both competitors that there’s only ten minutes left in their longest bout against one another to date. Ospreay crawls towards the ropes, driven by pure determination as he peels off his elbow pad, winding up for the Hidden Blade of a lifetime as Okada slowly starts to stir. Both men have taken each other’s biggest shots, but Okada’s in the champion’s sights now, Ospreay waiting until he’s in the perfect position before CHARGING AT FULL TILT INTO A DROPKICK FROM OKADA! Somehow, Okada’s still got pristine form this late into the match, but there’s no time to linger on his magnificence as he rises to his feet, dazed and confused, in desperate need of a dagger against Ospreay. He leans over to hook Ospreay’s wrist, calling for a second Rainmaker, and now he ripcords him in, ONLY FOR OSPREAY TO BLAST HIM WITH A HIDDEN BLADE TO THE FACE ONCE AGAIN ON THE REBOUND! Okada somehow keeps hold of Ospreay’s wrist, tumbling into the ropes and dragging the champion with him, gritting his teeth and letting out a primal roar before CLOBBERING OSPREAY WITH A SHORT ARM LARIAT, BRINGING THEM BOTH DOWN TO THE MAT! Ospreay gets the slightly better landing tactically, turned completely inside out and managing to drape an arm over… ONE! TWO! THRE-NOO! Okada’s kickout flips Ospreay onto his back, the Rainmaker now making an exhausted pinfall attempt… ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! WHAT’S IT GOING TO TAKE FOR ONE OF THESE MEN TO STAY DOWN?
Puddles of Ospreay’s blood stain the canvas as both men lie there, the unimaginable exhaustion washing over both of them as they fight to be the first man to a vertical base. Commentary discusses the importance of securing the upper hand at this moment, and somehow, it’s Ospreay who’s up first, although only by a matter of seconds. Okada decks him with a forearm, the Rainmaker doubled over trying to catch his breath, but Ospreay clocks him with one of his own, followed by a ROLLING ELBOW TO DROP OKADA TO A KNEE! Ospreay ponders a moment, considering going for a Storm Driver 93, and as Justin Roberts says there’s five minutes remaining, he goes for it. He hooks Okada’s arms in a butterfly, muscling him up off his feet… but Okada drops down to his knees, Ospreay too exhausted to lift 250 pounds into position if that 250 pounds is still fighting back. The champion knees Okada in the face before going for it again, but this time, Okada shifts his weight back and SWINGS OSPREAY OVER HIS OWN SHOULDER FOR AN AIR RAID CRASH NECKBREAKER! Ospreay goes down like a sack of potatoes, clutching the back of his neck in pure agony, unable to function properly as Okada scrapes him off the canvas and positions him for an EMPHATIC COBRA FLOWSION, DRIVING OSPREAY’S NECK INTO THE MAT ONCE AGAIN WITH A RESOUNDING THUD! The challenger rises to his feet behind his foe… AND SPREADS HIS ARMS, THE CAMERA ZOOMING OUT TO ENCOMPASS THE CHICAGO CROWD! OKADA HITS THE RAINMAKER POSE, AND HE’S READY TO STUNT ON OSPREAY ONCE MORE!
Ospreay’s in the perfect position for the Rainmaker, only a few minutes left on the clock, but both men’s movements have become lethargic and feeble after all they’ve been through. Matthew and Nicholas pound the mat to encourage Okada as he painstakingly leans over to latch on to Ospreay’s wrist, the champion fighting as best he can with a few back elbows, all of which miss the mark. Okada drives a forearm into the back of Ospreay’s neck, dropping him to his knees again before finally heaving him up for the Rainmaker, winding up… AND WHIZZING RIGHT BY OSPREAY, WHO COLLAPSES FROM EXHAUSTION! Okada falls in a heap behind him, but he’s still in better shape than Ospreay with moments remaining. With the last of his adrenaline, Okada scrambles up and picks Ospreay up once more, positioning him for a Rainmaker… BUT OSPREAY DUCKS, THIS TIME BREAKING INTO A SPRINT TO GET OUT OF THE WRISTLOCK! HE BOUNCES OFF THE ROPES, OKADA TOO TIRED TO SPIN AROUND IN TIME, AND NOW OSPREAY NAILS AN UNPROTECTED HIDDEN BLADE TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD! He’s got to roll him over, the seconds counting down as Ospreay simply digs his shoulder into the Rainmaker’s arm to slowly turn him onto his back, struggling to hook the leg… ONE! TWO! THRE-KICKOUT! OKADA GOT THE SHOULDER UP! Ospreay can’t believe it, fighting to get his feet under him, frantically attempting to hook Okada’s arms to get him into position for a Storm… ding ding ding.
Will Ospreay and Kazuchika Okada fought to a draw (60:00), for Ospreay to retain the AEW World Title
Road to WrestleDream
With Ospreay having been unable to put away the Rainmaker within an hour, it’s pretty clear that a rematch has to be on the horizon, but the question is where. Both Grand Slam and WrestleDream are coming up, and on Dynamite, Okada lays down the gauntlet for the PPV, saying that he intends to win the AEW Title at a show paying tribute to one of his idols in Antonio Inoki. However, Ospreay’s not off the hook until October just yet - Grand Slam still stands in the way, and a battle between two of his fantastic previous opponents is set to determine his challenger for the event. Those opponents? Swerve Strickland and MJF. In the end, MJF manages to pull out the win, securing a title challenge right next door to his home at Grand Slam. Ospreay walks in insecure, just as he did in the Owen Finals, but this time with good reason - his first title defence was hardly a successful one, and he might not even have the chance to make up for it if he doesn’t manage to put away the longest-reigning AEW World Champion ever, in their home state. The pressure’s on for the Assassin, and with challengers hounding him, all he can do is try and build momentum with wins week over week. He doesn’t bother trying to match MJF on the stick, the next challenger eviscerating the champion with promo after promo until the go-home show, where a fed up Ospreay simply snipes him with a Hidden Blade to cut him off. Grabbing the microphone, Will promises to prove the title belongs around his waist, telling MJF that he wants the same Max who dominated the AEW main event scene for over a year.
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2024.05.29 04:03 edgiscript [F4M] Play Time - Part 7 of the number of the final chapter [Kimchi Cat-Girl Speaker] [Hubby Human Listener] [Kimchi Gets Sick] [Reverse Comfort]

Edgiscript: Kimchi's a little under the weather, so I'll tell you that this is where you can find info on monetization An Introdu ction To The Book That Is Me : ASMRScriptHaven ( and here's my library Masterlist for edgiscript : ASMRScriptHaven ( . That's all.
Kimchi: HAAAAAAAA!!!!
Edgiscript: EEEAAAAAAGGGHHHHH!!!! Kimchi? What the hell?
Kimchi: It's not that easy to make that interesting and fun, is it?
Edgiscript: I... was... so concerned about your health, that I... couldn't... spend any time to... make this fun.
Kimchi: Awwwwww. That's so sweet. Utter BS, but still sweet.
Part 6: [F4M] Play Time - 6 out of Checkmate [Kimchi Cat-Girl Speaker] [Hubby Human Listener] [Playing Board/Bored Games] [Rickety-Ass Stairs] [Colonel/Kernel] [You Sank My Battleship] [Give Me Back My Piece] : ASMRScriptHaven (

Part 7

Kimchi: (Singsong voice.) Hubbyyyyyyyy? Huuuuuubbyyyyyyyy? I’m coming to geeeeet youuuuuuuu.
(Snickers and giggles.) Ooh, you are so good at this. I love playing hide and seek with you so much. The park has so many good hiding spots, but out here, you don’t have the advantage of having everything smell like you. So… I can follow… your scent… to… HERE!
Hah, haaaaaah. I see you. You can run, and you can laugh, I love your laugh, but you can’t hide anymore. I’m almost on you. I’m going to POUNCE…
(Kimchi crashes in some leaves.)
Hubby, what are you doing? You came back to get me. You should have used that opportunity to get away. Now the hunt is over. That’s no fun.
Well, yeah, I missed. That’s what I meant. I missed, so why didn’t you keep running?
Yeah, I suppose I’ve never missed before, but, you know, it happens. Why didn’t you run?
Awwww, you were worried about me. Did you think I’d hurt myself? Well, thanks, hubby, but you don’t have to worry. Cats are invulnerable. I’ve got nine lives, remember? That means I can’t get hurt.
Does too mean that.
That’s right, there’s no point arguing with me. Why would you try to correct me when I’m right?
What d’ya mean, I don’t look so good?
(Sounding hurt.) I thought you thought I was pretty.
(Brightening up.) Oh, you do think I’m beautiful. You meant I look a little off.
In what way?
Why would you think that, silly? And why are there two of you all of a suddenly? All of a suggen. Sudden. Whatever.
No, I didn’t hit my head when I landed. What would I have hit my head on. There’s nothing but leaves here. I just… (Sneezes.)
Sorry, hubby. That came out of nowhere. I just… (Sneezes.)
No, I don’t know. Maybe allergies.
Nope, never had allergies before, but I can’t think of another reason why I might… (A few coughs.)
Whaaaaaaat? Sick? No way. Cats don’t get sick. That’s a silly human thing.
Cats do not get sick. I told you, cats are invulnertable.
Right, that’s what I said. Invulnerable. Geez, hubby. You’re thinking I’m sick, but you’re the one not hearing things properly.
Now, if you’ll stop being so silly and doing things like spinning in circles, we could get back to our game.
Don’t tell me you’re not spinning. You and the whole forest is doing it. I’m actually impressed. How did you manage to get the whole park to… ohhhhhh.
(Kimchi faints. When she wakes up, she’s in bed. She sounds a little groggy.)
Hubby? What happened? Why am I in bed? Where did the forest go?
Yes, the park. The grass, the trees, the leaves. Where did it go?
I did not pass out. I can fall asleep very quickly, but only when I’m trying. And I wasn’t trying.
I wanted to catch you. That’s our Saturday game. I get to hunt you in the morning and then I have the rest of the day to make you happy after I catch you.
I love being the hunter and you love being the prey. I love our Saturdays. You don’t have to go to work. I get to play with you all day. Now what happened?
No, no, hubby. I think you’re confused. I carry you when I catch you. You don’t carry me. You couldn’t have carried me all the way home.
No, hubby, it’s not that I think you’re not strong enough, it’s just that it doesn’t happen that way. I catch you. I carry you. I make you happy. Do you see the relationship here? Me to you. You’re getting it backwards. Now let me get up and…
(Kimchi tries to get up but stops right away. Sore, painful moans. Kimchi starts to sound a little groggier and now sounds a little stuffed up as well. If you want to cough at times, go ahead when you think it works.)
Ohhhh. Ohhh, OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH. My body hurts. Why does my body hurt?
What did you do to me? What did I do to me? Wait, did the forest do this to me? I didn’t know it could do that. I thought it liked me. What’s going on?
A fever? Pfft. Cats don’t get fevers.
No, I’m not dizzy, and I don’t have body aches. I’m a cat. We’re invulnershuble. Invernatable. Invlurt… We can’t get sick.
Of course I can say the word. I’ve said it before, many times. You’ve heard me say it.
I… just… don’t want to say it right now. That’s all. It has nothing to do with the fact that I’m dizzy and achy all over.
Oh, drat. You tricked me. Ok, fine, I’m a little dizzy, but that’s probably just because I crashed into those leaves.
Yes, those leaves. There were a lot of them. And they were really big. They ganged up on me. Why does the park not like me all of a sudden?
(Kimchi sounds even more stuffed up now.) No, my nose isn’t starting to run. Legs run. Noses sniff. Hubby, I think you’re the one who’s sick if you forgot that.
Oh, you mean I’m leaking. Yeah, you’re right. What’s this coming out of my nose?
Ewwww, that’s disgusting. How could that be?
What’s that? A Kleenex? What do I do with it?
Ok. (Blows nose.) WOW! Hubby, look at this. That came out of me. What’s going on?
And why am I naked with the air conditioner on? It’s freezing in here.
What? I can’t be in my pajamas and under the covers. It’s so cold, I…
Huh. I guess you’re right. Wow. How did I not know that? And why am I so cold?
Wait. What’s that? (Distrustful.) Hubbyyyyy, what is that?
Yes, that filthy, disgusting, vomit inducing, nasty goop that smells like you pulled it out of the garbage disposal. And why are you pouring some of it into a spoon?
You can’t be serious. There is no way I’m swallowing that.
You humans do it all the time? What, in the literal hell, is wrong with you? No wonder cats are superior in every way when you’re sabotaging yourself as a species by eating that filth.
You can call it medicine and good for me if you want, but I know better. And it doesn’t matter. I’m not sick.
(Kimchi gets a little panicky.)
Hubby? Where are you going?
(Quietly, afraid to admit the truth.) Well… yeah… I guess some chicken soup does sound kinda good right now. I suppose I’d like some. But only because I always like your chicken soup. It’s nummy.
If… if you wanted to make me some, I guess I’d eat it.
(Panicky.) Hubby? Wait. Don’t… don’t go.
Yes, I know the ingredients and the stove aren’t in here, but… I don’t want you to go.
I know you’re not leaving the apartment, but I don’t want you to go… anywhere. I… don’t want you to leave me.
No, please. I’m…
(Sweetly, tenderly, frightened.) I’m scared. Hubby… I’m scared. I’ve never felt like this before. I’m… sick. That means I could… I could die, right? What if you left, even for a minute, and I needed you. I think that… if you go… even for a little bit… I might…
(Long pause. Hubby walks to the dresser and opens a drawer to get something.)
Hubby, what is that? Why are you counting to ten?
You’re tying a bow on my wrist.
Yes, it is pretty. I like the color very much. You make a nice bow. I like it.
What? There was no hunt.
Oh, so that’s what the counting meant. You started a game, didn’t you? You caught me. You tied me… with this bow. And now you have to make me happy.
That’s right. Those are the rules.
(Pause. From now on, Kimchi sounds more and more tired, and gets quieter and quieter until she falls asleep.)
Yes, please. Climb into bed with me and hold me.
Thank you, hubby. You feel so warm. And your arms around me makes me feel safe.
I don’t like being sick. It makes me scared. I don’t want to die, hubby. I don’t want you to go away.
Ok. I guess you’re right. I can’t die with you here now because you have to make me happy, and being apart from you would make me sad.
Yes, that’s right. You have to make me happy. Those are the rules. And you are, hubby. You are making me very happy right now.
Oh, yes, hubby. Stroking my hair feels so good. I always like it when you pet me.
And scritch my ears. Just like that.
Yes, I like laying on your chest. Is it ok if I squeeze you?
Yes, that would make me happy.
That’s good. If I hold on tighter, you’re even warmer. How is that possible? Am I squeezing warmth out of you?
Hubby, thank you. You make me not scared. I love you, hubby. I love you. I’m so glad you’re mine.
No, I’m not yours. You’re mine.
Ok. I’m yours too.
Yes, that makes me happy.
No, I’m not going to fall asleep. I just like laying here with you.
So what if my eyes are closed. That means I’m comfortable.
Yes, I am a good hunter. I love to catch you and make you happy, because I love you.
But… I always wondered why you liked being the prey so much. Now I know. This is nice. You’re nice.
I like you taking care of me. I love you, hubby. I… love…
(Kimchi falls asleep.)
Part 8 next.
submitted by edgiscript to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:53 liter8media Critical Hit Hit News: TTRPG News, Reviews and Interviews

TTRPG news is undercovered as a whole. There are so many games coming out, and so few people are aware of them! There's also just the 'business' of the game itself. Whether it is the writers, the publishers, the actual players, or the people offering the tools to play games across the world, there is a myriad of stories to follow.
That's why I'm announcing Critical Hit News, a weekly digest of TTRPG news and reporting for your perusal. We want to help you see behind the dice and understand the people making your favorite games as well as find some of the cool new books, dice and other products for your next time around the table.
submitted by liter8media to rpgpromo [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:48 nainsra Recent Releases and Upcoming June Releases

Below is a list of some recent releases that are highly rated and some that will be released in June for your perusal. If you know of any other upcoming releases please post them in the comments!


The Burning Witch 3: A Humorous Romantic Fantasy by Delemhach

Lady Katarina Ashowan is used to getting into trouble, but her latest muddle takes the cake. A moment’s weakness in her attraction to Eric Reyes, crown prince of Daxaria, has landed her in an unexpected marriage with the man . . . just as her father, Lord Finlay Ashowan, arrives in Troivack to check on his headstrong daughter. As if figuring out how to acclimate her father to her scandalous elopement isn’t bad enough, there are rumors of dangerous magical plots afoot at court—with Kat seemingly at the center of them all.
For one thing, the devil is still prowling around, with dubious intentions as to Kat’s powers. For another, an underground network of wrongdoers has been spreading a mysterious and addictive drug throughout both Troivack and Daxaria. And perhaps most concerning, a villainess is hiding in plain sight somewhere close to Kat and her best friend, Queen Alina, hoping to use them to strike at the devil. Now it’s up to Kat—with the help of her kitten familiar, Pina, as well as her friends and family—to untangle the twisted web of courtly and magical intrigue before her hurried honeymoon is cut short by deadly disaster . . .

The Runaway Mate: A Rejected Mate Shifter Romance (Shifters of the Three Rivers) By Kira Nightingale

After what he did, I never wanted to see my fated mate again…
Mai: Four years ago, Ryan Shaw broke my heart, tore it into little pieces and then stomped on it. Ryan is my fated mate, but when I saw him with another woman at the regional meet of all the Packs, I’d had enough. I finally told him what he meant to me, and being the jerk that he is, he rejected me in front of everyone.
Heartbroken, I ran, trying to get as far away from him and the memory of that night as possible. Except I’m on a roll with picking jerks. So now I’m on the run again and heading back to the one place I know I’ll be safe. My brilliant plan is to lie low, heal, and then take off someplace new to start again. But Ryan knows I’m here now, and he has very different ideas.
Ryan: Mai is back, and my wolf is going crazy. I’ll do anything to protect her. It won’t be easy with secret plots to take over our Pack, her abusive ex sniffing around, and Mai’s urge to run every time she sees me. But there’s no way I’m letting her go, not again.

Fastlander Fallen by T.S. Joyce

Ace has one last promise to fulfill.
His father has asked him to try to join one of the Crews of Damon’s Mountains. When the new Fastlander Crew starts accepting applicants, Ace puts his name in the hat on a whim. Will the new Alpha ever allow him to be a part of his Crew? Not if he finds out who he really is. Ace has been hiding a secret about his lineage since he was a child, and now the Fastlanders are getting way too close for comfort. And to add to the pressure, there’s a human coordinating the Crew’s interview process that has his animal’s attention. At first he thinks his animal is hunting her, but the more he gets to know her, the more he realizes she is important. Corey Gable just might be the glue of the Fastlanders, and she doesn’t even realize her part in the destiny of this Crew. The problem? It’s twofold. One, he cannot under any circumstances bond to a human, and two? His life is in a free fall, and he cannot drag her into what is about to happen. If she wants to live, she’s got to stay human, and stay away from the Fastlanders. And most importantly? She has to stay away from Ace.
Corey Gable has lost someone she loves.
Corey’s cousin, Hallie, has been consumed by her new life with the shifters of Damon’s Mountains, and she’s left Corey behind. The only way to maintain her relationship with her cousin is to get involved in her new life—the ups, the downs, all of it. When Corey is roped into helping with the interview process of creating the new Fastlanders Crew, there are definitely some interesting characters who want the invite. One of them is tall, dark, and mysterious, and there’s something about him that keeps drawing her in—but he has big warnings for her. She’s messing with a destiny that could be the end of her life as she knows it. She wants to heed his advice, truly she does, but there’s just something about the mysterious stranger. And the more she finds out about who he is, the more she thinks she couldn’t leave him alone if she tried.

Hellhounds and Angel Cakes by Zoe Chant

He’s supposed to be a rough, tough, terrifying hellhound. That's hard when you're covered in chihuahuas.
Henry’s used to everyone being afraid of him – being a hellhound has that effect on people. What he’s not used to is having every animal within a four-mile radius suddenly wanting to be his best friend. Pigeons roosting on your shoulder: annoying, but mostly harmless. The local moose population stampeding toward you in the hopes of a hug: somewhat more worrying.
There’s nothing for it but to escape to the mountains, where he can use his hellhound form to intimidate the local wildlife into leaving him alone. But a stop for one last piece of cake before heading into the wilderness leads him straight to his fated mate. He's over the moon... but how can he court her when every animal in town is trying to leap into his arms?
Travel journalist Luna was looking forward to this assignment: covering the first annual Girdwood Springs Food Festival, along with her trademark: Fillmore, the world's ugliest dog. Specifically, she was looking forward to sampling all the amazing, mouth-watering local delicacies.
But there's other delights to sample in Girdwood Springs – such as the mind-bogglingly gorgeous, hunky man who is now covered in cake, thanks to Fillmore. And who seems to be strangely popular with the local animal population.
Suddenly, writing her article is the last thing on her mind…

Wild Scottish Beauty by Tricia O'Malley

“She was sunshine to my storm clouds, and I wondered how the two could ever coexist.”
A chance job offer in Scotland gives Willow Barlowe an excuse to escape the predictable life her overly controlling brother, Miles, wants for her. Excited to start fresh as a fashion intern for the local kiltmaker, Willow lands in small town Loren Brae brimming with sunshine and hope.
Until she discovers that her new boss is none other than Ramsay McMillan, her brother’s best friend, and the grumpiest man this side of the Atlantic. Never mind the ghost Highland coo that haunts the castle, nor the supposedly bewitched waters of Loch Mirren, Willow refuses to work under Ramsay’s watchful eyes, certain he’s reporting back to her brother.
Ramsay Kilts is home to one of the last remaining traditional kiltmakers in Scotland, Ramsay McMillan. Loyalty, continuity, and tradition are important to Ramsay–as is his privacy. After a family betrayal, Ramsay keeps his walls up, running a veritable kilt empire with as minimum fuss as he can. Enter Willow Barlowe–his new intern, good friend’s little sister, and a veritable thorn in his side.
If the thorn is made of sunshine and sparkles that is.
As the two clash, Ramsay must decide if loyalty is really more important than love?

Devious Gods by Caroline Peckham

Callie: Ruin chases close on our heels and the price we have paid for a chance at our salvation is higher than any of us could have presumed.
I have claimed a love so brutal that I fear losing it might destroy not just me but the world I have fought so desperately to save.
The gods watch us more closely than ever, urging us to fulfil the task our destiny demands. We only have to make it to the end of this road, but I fear what we might find when we reach that final destination.
Montana: I am no longer the girl born to ruin and ash, but a woman set on a path of salvation with my heart in the clutches of a monster.
Our eyes are finally open to the true enemies of our kind and now that we have managed to unite against all odds, we are determined to see the games of the gods end.
Time is running out and fate calls our name on a tumultuous wind. Let’s pray that we can answer it before damnation claims us all.

The Throne of Honour and Blood by J Bree

In our arrogance, the high fae forgot everything that mattered.
I carved out a reputation as the Savage Prince for my brutality against witches, but unable to wield our magic, I couldn’t stop my kingdom from being torn apart by war and famine while the Fates demanded my patience.
The worst was still to come.
After almost a thousand years of waiting for my Fates-blessed mate, and thousands of witches dead by my hand, the Fates revealed their cruelest truth yet.
With silver eyes that sliced to the bone and a humility that defied all reason, the witch I’m bound to has tested every inch of my restraint, but that was only the beginning.
Everything I once knew as true has come into question.
Loyalties will be tested, treaties broken, treason committed, and only the strongest will survive.
I am Prince Soren Celestial.
The rightful heir to the throne of the Southern Lands.
Nothing will keep me from my Fates-blessed mate.
Not even her hatred for me.

Devourer of Men: A Captain Hook, Crocodile, and Wendy Darling Reimagining by Nikki St. Crowe

I have few friends and fewer allies. What I do have on the island of Everland is a lot of people who want me gone. So when the Crocodile and Captain Hook reappear in my life, I am in no mood. And worse, they’re unknowingly endangering themselves by asking for me by a name I long considered dead.
Now, not only do I have to save myself, I have to save the two men who I swore I would murder with my bare hands if I ever set eyes on them again considering they abandoned me.
Unfortunately for me, Roc and Hook have other plans, and when I find myself caught between them, I have to make a decision: risk my heart or risk my life?
Devourer of Men is a dark MMF romantasy fairytale retelling. Characters have been aged up for this darker, grittier version. For a full list of content warnings, please visit the author's website.

Bespelled (Bewitched Book 2) By Laura Thalassa

“Neither magic, nor time, can keep us apart. We are like the stars. Eternal.”
No one told witch Selene Bowers having a soul mate would be so difficult. Nor did they warn her that he might be a vengeful, ancient sorcerer who would frame her for murder, force her to remember a past life he swears she lived, and then coerce her into an unbreakable marriage pact. But that’s exactly what happens the night of the Samhain Ball, when Selene finds herself in a jail cell.
After waking from enchanted sleep, Memnon swore to discover why Selene betrayed him long ago. But when his soul mate’s memories return, the truth reveals something else entirely. Horrified by his own actions and desperate to make amends, Memnon offers Selene the unthinkable: a magic bond that will give her full control over his will. And Selene is desperate enough to accept it.
But other enemies still haunt Henbane Coven, Selene’s magical academy, and they’ve taken a keen interest in her. If she wants to stop them, she’ll need Memnon’s help. But partnering with the sorcerer is a tricky business, especially when he’s dead set on winning her heart. And that can’t happen…because the bond controlling him will break the moment she falls in love with him.

Beautiful Beast (Dragons of Viria) by Devyn Sinclair

Standing in front of a dragon means dying by fire, but the heart knows there’s more than one way to burn.
Humans and dragons are at war, and I am a pawn in the battle.
Princess of a dying land, my life is not my own, and a marriage to a vicious, dragon-hunting prince will save my people from deadly famine or death by fire.
But before I can vow my life to a monster, dragons drop screaming from the sky with a single aim. End the alliance. Kill me. I welcome the flames, relieved to burn instead of rot.
But the flames never come.
One look in the dragons' eyes, and they carry me away. Three dragons whose gaze burns with hunger and fills me with fire.
They're not what we were taught, and every passing day I learn more of the truth. Dragons are not the enemy we thought they were.
Still, one question remains: for centuries no one has stood before a dragon and survived. If these dragons were sent to kill me, why am I still alive?

Midlife Vampire Hunter (The Forty Proof Series Book 9) by Shannon Mayer

I had her in my arms, only to lose her moments later. Frantic doesn't even begin to describe my state of mind as I search for Bree.
That search takes me deep into my past and to a family home that I swore I would never return to.
To find Bree, I must face a queen I defied and a monster that wants my soul. All while being heckled by a demon-infested blade.
Goddess help me succeed.
Being abducted by a woman who is supposed to be dead, and weirdly looks a heck of a lot like me, is disturbing. Being told my death is needed to complete a wicked spell and that I'll be turned into a vampire? Even more disturbing.
I can't reach Crash or my friends. I have no idea where I am. My only ally? Alan. My ex-husband. Yup, you read that right,
The path to the end of my story is shadowed in fog, danger, and mystery, but I begin to see through it as the players and truth emerge. And that sight shows me that the sliver of hope is worth hanging onto, that my friends are with me even when I cannot see them, and that a future free of those who mean us harm is possible.
Even if it costs me more than I ever planned on paying


The Little Shop of Grand Curiosities by Iris Lake

Nepheli’s Little Shop of Grand Curiosities is the last scrap of magic left in the humdrum city of Elora as the Dreadful Mundane slowly takes over its residents’ hearts, and she is determined to preserve it any way she can. But when Apollo, a charming and mysterious traveler from the other side of the world, walks into her Shop, bringing her all kinds of trouble, Nepheli, for the first time in her life, is stolen away from the familiar wonders of her Curiosity Shop and is thrust into a dangerous world of lethal creatures and heartbreaking magic. As the two of them embark on a long journey of self-discovery, Nepheli will soon realize that the most curious things in life lie right beyond the reach of one’s comfort zone.
The Little Shop Of Grand Curiosities is a lighthearted fantasy romance about the true meaning of love, the power of empathy, and the unremitting yearning to be extraordinary as an act of rebellion against the mundaneness of the world.

Filthy Rich Fae by Geneva Lee

Cate Holloway knows the unspoken rule of New Orleans: avoid the powerful Gage crime family at all costs. Of course, that was before her brother got caught in their chaos. Now Cate has no choice but to confront the dark and forbidding prince of New Orleans himself and beg for her brother’s life. But Lachlan Gage is as lethal as he is beautiful…and the only currency he’s interested in is her soul.
Because Lachlan isn’t just some ruthless criminal. He’s fae. And he has his own secret reasons for binding her to him. Tricked and desperate, Cate is torn between humanity and the breathtaking Otherworld. A place filled with shadows and secrets, with members of each fae court plotting against her just as her captor’s motives for trapping her become more mysterious. And if she can’t break this sinister bargain in the next thirty days, she’ll be bound to the inscrutable yet infuriatingly tempting fae prince and his deadly world…forever.

The Princess and the Pack by Fallon English

Princess Ivy and Prince Cillian have been fated since birth. Ivy has always known that one day, she must leave her country to become not only Cillian’s bride, but Namara’s future Queen.
As an Omega and a princess, her life revolves around duty; not the dream that she harbors of life-altering love. Her station dictates she deny Nature’s call for a pack of her own. Instead, she must wed and settle for one - and only one - Alpha to preserve their pristine, royal bloodlines.
But fate has other plans in mind for Princess Ivy. Plans that involve not just her Betrothed, but his best friend and Ivy’s childhood nemesis - a nobleman, and the handsome son of the Royal Gardener.
Will societal expectations and tradition pull them apart? Or will Ivy and her Alphas take charge of their fate and give in to a love with the power to change the world?

A Rival of Hearts by Tessonja Odette

Two rival writers. One prestigious publishing contract. A bargain of hearts and seduction.
They say never bargain with the fae. They also say don’t get drunk on fae wine. Yet romance author Edwina Danforth has managed a blunder with both on her first visit to the infamous faelands. Now she's trapped in a magic-fueled bet she barely remembers with a man she’d be happier to forget. The terms? Whoever can bed the most lovers during their month-long dueling book tour wins a coveted publishing contract.
The win should be easy for Edwina. She’s known for penning scintillating tales of whirlwind romance. There’s just one her imagination vastly exceeds her bedroom experience. But when failure means plummeting her career back into obscurity, losing isn’t an option.
Her handsome fae rival, William Haywood, poses an even greater challenge. Not only are his looks as aggravatingly perfect as his track record behind closed doors, but he has his own reasons for playing to win, and he won’t go down without a fight. Unless, of course, it’s a different kind of going down. In that case, he’s fair game.
Edwina and William clash in a rivalry of romance. But what happens when their objects of desire…turn out to be each other?
submitted by nainsra to paranormalromance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:45 _CaptainBear_ Issue with fraudulent Three mobile charges

A bit of a long story but I just hope I can get any actual advice as it just seems like I've been going in circles at this point with nothing I can do except constantly lose money. All of this has/is happening in England.
The starting point is that in early April, my phone was robbed off me. I immediately reported this to the police, cancelled any associations with my bank with the phone, all the usual procedures. Most importantly, I informed my mobile network provider (Three) to disable my SIM immediately, to which they confirmed this. Around 2 weeks later I was able to get a new phone and a replacement SIM.
On 15/05 my bank account was charged ten times the amount of my normal phone bill. I checked my phone bill for the period 26/03 - 25/04 and found extra charges of £139.98 due to "TikTok coins" purchases via Google, through ThreePay method using my phone number. These occurred on 8/04 and 17/04. I never used "TikTok" before and do not even use Google playstore for apps as I use an iPhone. I raised this issue with Three to dispute the charges and ask for a refund, as well as a stop to any future 3rd party charges through ThreePay as I never opted into this. I was told by in-store staff that they are unable to do anything as it is a 3rd party charge, and that I had to go to the complaints team as well as contacting Google/TikTok myself. I contacted TikTok and Google but have not received any reply. The Three complaints service told me that they are unable to cancel ThreePay, and told me to contact Google. I stated clearly that I have never used Googleplay and would not use it in the future as I use an iPhone. I told the staff to note this down and confirmed they did so. My account was flagged for investigation and was told to wait for further updates while Three tried contacting Google. I was also told that any further 3rd party purchases would be flagged by Three and would not be authorised as this has happened to a previous customer before.
On 18/05, I was told by in-store staff that my old SIM should have stopped completely once a new card is/was activated, and in any case the old SIM should have stopped once disabled (soon after my phone was stolen).
On 20/05 I saw text messages from Googleplay confirming more TikTok coins purchased in real-time. I then immediately contacted the Three complaints team to which they confirmed that a further £92 was added to my phone bill for the next period (26/04 - 25/05), but I myself could not see this on my account. I asked for any evidence or documents confirming such charges but they claimed they were unable/refused to provide me with anything. They again referred me to Google and gave me an email address but my message was received with an error and unable to go through. Three claimed that Google had asked them to inform me to contact them, but have refused to give me written proof of this. On 27/05 I was called by Three who told me to cancel the payments from my Google account and to contact Google. I repeated the information that should have been noted down - that I do not even use Googleplay. I reconfirmed that this was noted down and was told to wait another 21 days for the investigation. On 28/05 more TikTok charges (£30.96) were added which I apparently cannot do anything about while Three continues to delay investigations.
I reported this to action fraud, and more recently to PSAuthority. But in the meantime, I do not want to continue to be charged by someone who is using my phone number for random purchases as I am a student and cannot afford to lose this much money. Is there really nothing that can be done to stop further 3rd party charges through ThreePay? I find this very hard to believe as the security levels are so low, otherwise it really seems like Three are in cahoots with these scammers. I would also appreciate any advice on who else to complain and raise this issue to and/or what I can even do in this situation.
submitted by _CaptainBear_ to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:44 PotentialUmpire1714 Connection to KPCU has not worked since Feb 1 2024 when KPCU updated their website; Xero says they're working on it and KPCU says Xero is lying

Xero tech support keeps telling me in email support that they are "working with KPCU to fix the bank feed." When I was in the branch today, KPCU staff said Xero is lying so I will keep paying them for the software, because Keypoint Credit Union doesn't collaborate with any third party software developers except Intuit/QuickBooks. They don't accept connections through Yodlee because it's a security risk and they feel that offering the QB deal should be enough for their customers.
I can't talk directly to anyone at Keypoint who understands what Xero is. It took over an hour today to convince them I am not just trying to get a login for a human bookkeeper. They keep telling me to "download the most current version of Xero" and when I tell them it is through my browser like Gmail instead of a standalone app like Zoom, they circle back to "we offer a discount on QuickBooks and this sounds like a you problem because you chose not to use QB."
I don't want to use QuickBooks because, even if Intuit wasn't a sleazy company that cheated US taxpayers out of the free tax prep they qualified for, dozens of people I know lost all their accounting data with a similar online QB for Etsy product. Intuit had no way to restore their data. They just shrugged and said users assumed the risk of potential data loss by agreeing to the terms of service.
I think I finally have the hang of Xero after 7 years, they seem to be good at not losing my data, and I don't think my bank gets to choose what software I use to run my business. I hate Chase Bank for numerous reasons, but I could move my business checking there and my bank transactions would import as smoothly as those from my Chase credit card that I keep because closing it would hurt my credit rating.
Xero has been able to reconnect the bank feed in the past, but since February they have been telling me they're working with KPCU and won't provide the data. Tech Support at KPCU said they were going to connect with developers at Xero, but ALL MY NOTES for these conversations have been deleted from my account at KPCU.
When I have downloaded bank transactions through the online banking and uploaded them to Xero, they lack full information that I need to correlate to transactions. KPCU says I need to talk to Xero on the phone, but they don't seem to offer that service.
Does anyone know how to solve this? Would it help to pay a Xero expert here in the US?
submitted by PotentialUmpire1714 to xero [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:42 ThrowRA_2380 Do I have a chance?

I'm wondering, even if I feel unqualified for the job, if it would be a good idea to apply. Due to my financial situation, I am trying to find a full-time job in my field of study as soon as possible. My dream is to become a director, so that would be my goal. I don't have my bachelor's degree yet, but I will graduate next year. I'm curious if I have a shot at securing this position. I have acquired all the necessary skills in school, but there are some areas where I lack experience. I have a brief resume of my experience and job requirements: (Also, English is my second language, so it's possible that there's a few mistakes in translation)

My Experiences

  1. Current Position:
    • Role: Budget Management Advisor (student position)
    • Duration: 2 years
    • Key Tasks: Implementing management accounting, mastering Microsoft Excel, developing budget analyses, training new employees, preparing revised budgets, analyzing variances, and creating efficiency procedures.
  2. Previous Position:
    • Role: Collective Insurance Technician (student position)
    • Key Tasks: Supervising data entry and validating payroll deductions for over 70,000 employees.
  3. Teaching Experience:
    • Role: Teaching Assistant for General Accounting
    • Duration: 1 year
    • Key Tasks: Correcting exams for the first accounting course of the bachelor's degree.
  4. Education:
    • Degree: Bachelor's in Business Administration - Concentration in Accounting
    • Current Status: Final year, part-time student aiming to graduate next year.
    • Future Plans: Obtain CPA designation.
    • Certifications: QuickBooks certified, brief experience with Acomba.
  5. Risk Management Skills:
    • Applied knowledge in operational risks and internal control efficiency.
    • Conducted a risk analysis for a factory and provided risk reduction solutions.

Job Requirements for Director of Finance

  1. Key Responsibilities:
    • Supervising team members.
    • Coordinating financial statements and budget production.
    • Ensuring financial information integrity and presenting monthly results.
    • Conducting financial analyses and management reports.
    • Optimizing business processes and internal controls.
    • Analyzing growth-related risk management.
    • Developing tools to improve processes.
    • Ensuring adherence to deadlines.
  2. Required Competencies:
    • Relevant experience in a similar role (1 year).
    • Degree in accounting (an asset).
    • Proficiency in software, including Office suite and Acomba (an asset).
    • Initiative, autonomy, and multitasking abilities.

Question for Advice

Based on my experiences and the job requirements, do you think I have a reasonable chance of securing the Director of Finance position? Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by ThrowRA_2380 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:41 EducationAlert5209 How to Remove PS and Install fresh

Hi All,
I cannot run any Get-MgBetaUser or Get-MgUser Pls help to resolve these issues.
$PSVersionTable Name Value ---- ----- PSVersion 5.1.22621.2506 PSEdition Desktop PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...} BuildVersion 10.0.22621.2506 CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000 WSManStackVersion 3.0 PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph Version Name Repository Description ------- ---- ---------- ----------- 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell module $env:PSModulePath -split ';' C:\Users\XXXX\OneDrive - XXXX\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules C:\Program Files\MicrosoftManagedDesktop\Powershell C:\Program Files\SharePoint Online Management Shell\ Get-Module Microsoft.Graph* -ListAvailable 
Directory: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
Manifest 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Applications {Add-MgApplicationKey, Add-MgApplicationPassword, Add-MgSe...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Authentication {Connect-MgGraph, Disconnect-MgGraph, Get-MgContext, Invok...
Manifest 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Applications {Add-MgBetaApplicationKey, Add-MgBetaApplicationPassword, ...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Bookings {Get-MgBetaBookingBusiness, Get-MgBetaBookingBusinessAppoi...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Calendar {Get-MgBetaGroupCalendar, Get-MgBetaGroupCalendarEvent, Ge...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.ChangeNotif... {Get-MgBetaSubscription, Invoke-MgBetaReauthorizeSubscript...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.CloudCommun... {Add-MgBetaCommunicationCallLargeGalleryView, Clear-MgBeta...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Compliance {Add-MgBetaComplianceEdiscoveryCaseCustodianHold, Add-MgBe...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.CrossDevice... {Get-MgBetaUserActivity, Get-MgBetaUserActivityCount, Get-...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... {Get-MgBetaAdminEdge, Get-MgBetaAdminEdgeInternetExplorerM...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... {Add-MgBetaDeviceManagementAndroidManagedStoreAccountEnter...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... {Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementApplePushNotificationCertificat...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... {Get-MgBetaDeviceManagementAndroidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentPro...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DeviceManag... {Compare-MgBetaDeviceManagementIntent, Compare-MgBetaDevic...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Clo... {Get-MgBetaPrint, Get-MgBetaPrintConnector, Get-MgBetaPrin...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Cor... {Clear-MgBetaDeviceAppManagementWindowsInformationProtecti...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Devices.Ser... {Get-MgBetaServiceAnnouncementHealthOverview, Get-MgBetaSe...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.DirectoryOb... {Confirm-MgBetaDirectoryObjectMemberGroup, Confirm-MgBetaD...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Education {Get-MgBetaEducationClass, Get-MgBetaEducationClassAssignm...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Files {Add-MgBetaDriveListContentTypeCopy, Add-MgBetaDriveListCo...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Financials {Get-MgBetaFinancial, Get-MgBetaFinancialCompany, Get-MgBe...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Groups {Add-MgBetaGroupDriveListContentTypeCopy, Add-MgBetaGroupD...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Di... {Add-MgBetaTenantRelationshipManagedTenantAlertUserInputLo...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Go... {Add-MgBetaAccessReviewDecision, Add-MgBetaAccessReviewIns...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Pa... {Get-MgBetaTenantRelationshipDelegatedAdminCustomer, Get-M...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Identity.Si... {Confirm-MgBetaInformationProtectionSignature, Confirm-MgB...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Mail {Get-MgBetaUserInferenceClassification, Get-MgBetaUserInfe...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.ManagedTenants {Get-MgBetaTenantRelationshipManagedTenant, Get-MgBetaTena...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Notes {Get-MgBetaGroupOnenoteNotebook, Get-MgBetaGroupOnenoteNot...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.People {Get-MgBetaUserActivityStatistics, Get-MgBetaUserAnalyticA...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.PersonalCon... {Get-MgBetaUserContact, Get-MgBetaUserContactCount, Get-Mg...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Planner {Get-MgBetaGroupPlanner, Get-MgBetaGroupPlannerPlan, Get-M...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Reports {Confirm-MgBetaAuditLogSignInCompromised, Confirm-MgBetaAu...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.SchemaExten... {Get-MgBetaSchemaExtension, Get-MgBetaSchemaExtensionCount...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Search {Add-MgBetaExternalConnectionItemActivity, Get-MgBetaExter...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Security {Add-MgBetaSecurityCaseEdiscoveryCaseCustodianHold, Add-Mg...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Sites {Add-MgBetaSite, Add-MgBetaSiteContentTypeCopy, Add-MgBeta...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Teams {Add-MgBetaChatMember, Add-MgBetaTeamChannelMember, Add-Mg...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users {Get-MgBetaUser, Get-MgBetaUserAppRoleAssignedResource, Ge...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users.Actions {Add-MgBetaUserChatMember, Add-MgBetaUserDriveListContentT...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users.Funct... {Export-MgBetaUserDeviceAndAppManagementData, Find-MgBetaU...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Beta.WindowsUpdates {Add-MgBetaWindowsUpdatesDeploymentAudienceExclusionMember...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Bookings {Get-MgBookingBusiness, Get-MgBookingBusinessAppointment, ...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Calendar {Get-MgGroupCalendar, Get-MgGroupCalendarEvent, Get-MgGrou...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.ChangeNotifications {Get-MgSubscription, Invoke-MgReauthorizeSubscription, New...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.CloudCommunications {Add-MgCommunicationCallLargeGalleryView, Clear-MgCommunic...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Compliance {Get-MgCompliance, Get-MgPrivacySubjectRightsRequest, Get-...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.CrossDeviceExper... {Get-MgUserActivity, Get-MgUserActivityCount, Get-MgUserAc...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement {Get-MgAdminEdge, Get-MgAdminEdgeInternetExplorerMode, Get...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... {Clear-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice, Disable-MgDeviceMa...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... {Get-MgDeviceManagementApplePushNotificationCertificate, G...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... {Get-MgDeviceManagementConditionalAccessSetting, Get-MgDev...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.DeviceManagement... {Confirm-MgDeviceManagementWindowsEnrollmentAutoDiscovery,...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Devices.CloudPrint {Get-MgPrint, Get-MgPrintConnector, Get-MgPrintConnectorCo...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Devices.Corporat... {Get-MgDeviceAppManagement, Get-MgDeviceAppManagementAndro...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Devices.ServiceA... {Get-MgServiceAnnouncementHealthOverview, Get-MgServiceAnn...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.DirectoryObjects {Confirm-MgDirectoryObjectMemberGroup, Confirm-MgDirectory...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Education {Get-MgEducationClass, Get-MgEducationClassAssignment, Get...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Files {Add-MgDriveListContentTypeCopy, Add-MgDriveListContentTyp...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Groups {Add-MgGroupDriveListContentTypeCopy, Add-MgGroupDriveList...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Directo... {Confirm-MgContactMemberGroup, Confirm-MgContactMemberObje...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Governance {Add-MgIdentityGovernanceAccessReviewDefinitionInstanceDec...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.Partner {Get-MgTenantRelationshipDelegatedAdminCustomer, Get-MgTen...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Identity.SignIns {Confirm-MgRiskyServicePrincipalCompromised, Confirm-MgRis...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Mail {Get-MgUserInferenceClassification, Get-MgUserInferenceCla...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Notes {Get-MgGroupOnenoteNotebook, Get-MgGroupOnenoteNotebookCou...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.People {Get-MgUserLastSharedMethodInsight, Get-MgUserPerson, Get-...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.PersonalContacts {Get-MgUserContact, Get-MgUserContactCount, Get-MgUserCont...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Planner {Get-MgGroupPlanner, Get-MgGroupPlannerPlan, Get-MgGroupPl...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Reports {Export-MgReportPartnerBillingReconciliationBilled, Export...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.SchemaExtensions {Get-MgSchemaExtension, Get-MgSchemaExtensionCount, New-Mg...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Search {Add-MgExternalConnectionItemActivity, Get-MgExternal, Get...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Security {Add-MgSecurityCaseEdiscoveryCaseCustodianHold, Add-MgSecu...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Sites {Add-MgSite, Add-MgSiteContentTypeCopy, Add-MgSiteContentT...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Teams {Add-MgChatMember, Add-MgTeamChannelMember, Add-MgTeamMemb...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Users {Get-MgUser, Get-MgUserCount, Get-MgUserCreatedObject, Get...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Users.Actions {Add-MgUserChatMember, Add-MgUserDriveListContentTypeCopy,...
Script 2.19.0 Microsoft.Graph.Users.Functions {Export-MgUserDeviceAndAppManagementData, Get-MgAllUserCha...
Get-MgBetaUser : The 'Get-MgBetaUser' command was found in the module 'Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users', but the module
could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users'.
At line:1 char:1
  • Get-MgBetaUser
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Get-MgBetaUser:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotAutoloadMatchingModule
Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users
Import-Module : Could not load file or assembly 'Azure.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=92742159e12e44c8' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
At line:1 char:1
  • Import-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Users
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Import-Module], FileNotFoundException
  • FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.IO.FileNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand
submitted by EducationAlert5209 to PowerShell [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:34 Moyashi0511 Concerned

So I've always had gi issues (literally was born with a partially paralyzed duadonem), and I had graves disease, so it's highly likely I could develop gp, I'm waiting to get back in with my gi doctor since he canceled all appointments and his schedule template is not open, but my primary is booked until July. I cannot keep anything down and have lost 7lbs in under a month. I'm at the er the second time this month for I.V. support, but is there anything else I can do? Liquids don't help, meal shakes don't help, less food more often doesn't help, less food less often doesn't help, soups don't help and I can only tolerate electrolyte drinks if I don't eat. I try not to take Zofran daily because I'm scared to take too much, but is there anything else I can do?
submitted by Moyashi0511 to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:34 JalepenoHotchip Interpretation of the end times

I seriously don't want to sound crazy but things are starting to make a lot of sense about the end times.
  1. War on a large scale: As someone currently In the military, I'm seeing more declassified Intel about countries declaring war and preparing troops for deployment. 23 countries are currently in conflicts at this very moment.
  2. Famine: Food shortages are becoming more common in parts of the world and over 10 famines have already been reported by the UNWFP in the following countries; Democratic Republic of congo,Afghanistan,Yemen,Syria,Sahel,South Sudan,Sudan,solmalia, northern Ethiopia, Haiti, and Palestine being the most recent.
  3. Great earthquakes: Either by Nuclear weapons or actual earthquakes, but the way Jesus describes it. "Earthquakes in one place after another" (Matthew 24:7; Luke 21:11) Nukes make the most sense in that description.
  4. Disease: according to Jesus, there would be epidemics of "terrible diseases" (Luke 21:11) 9 April 2024; first human case of Avian flu reported in the state of Texas, (unspecified region) United States. Not fear mongering, just stating data.
  5. Crime: increasing of lawlessness (Matthew 24:12).
6.Ruining of the earth (revelation 11:18) foretold of mankind "ruining the earth", which can be done in a myriad of ways. Bringing harm to the environment is one of them.
  1. Deteriorating Attitudes: Look at how reddit discusses ongoing conflicts, how X (former twitter) users have been renewed with uncontrolled hatred for one another without moderation. (2 Timothy 3:1-4) The Bible foretold of people being "unthankful, disloyal, not open to any agreement, without self control, without love of goodness, betrayers. Headstrong, puffed up with pride.
  2. Breakdown of the family: (2 Timothy 3:2, 3) Many people would have "no natural affection" for their family. We're currently experiencing declining birth rates due to longer life expectancy, but also to financial hardships among our young and older population.
  3. Diminished love of God: "The love of the greater number will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12). We are seeing more non believers and former believers abandoning their faiths due to hardship and animosity towards religion In general.
  4. Religious hypocrisy: (2 Timothy 3:5) the Bible foretold that people would appear to worship God but not truly live by his standards. Draw your own conclusions on that one.
  5. Increased understanding of Bible Prophecy: (Daniel 12:4) 4 "As for you, Daniel, Keep the words secret, and seal up the book until the time of the end. Many will rove about, and the true knowledge will become abundant" Perhaps the internet is what he may have been talking about?
  6. A global preaching work: (Matthew 24:14) "this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in an all inhabited earth".
  7. Widespread apathy and ridicule: (Matthew 24:37-39) Jesus foretold that people in general would ignore the overwhelming evidence of the approaching end. (2 Peter 3:3,4) "some would ridicule the evidence, dismissing it completely. Just look at how reddit reacts to not just Christians, but religion in general.
  8. All prophecies fullfilled: (Matthew 24:33) "Jesus said that the last days will be marked by the simultaneous fulfillment of all these prophecies, not just a few or even most of them.
Please people of reddit. Look over the evidence, do your research, put the clues together and find out how we can overcome this.
submitted by JalepenoHotchip to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:30 rosdeargg Toddler Son B3

Hi there! I have a son (2M) who will be 3 in the fall. He currently is diagnosed with acid reflux, eczema, and has a some sensory stuff that affects what he will eat. We are working with OT and speech and are on a waitlist for a feeding program.
He takes famoditine, a vitamin with iron, and has recently begun Claritin. We use hydrocortisone occasionally when his eczema flares.
Recently, he’s been looking a bit paler to me. He’s pale to start out with, but his dark circles and veins seem more prominent at times. He gets marbling in his legs randomly, even when the temperature doesn’t seem to be a factor, and has been having more rashes and dry skin on his shins, low back, behind, and neck. The rashes come and go. We haven’t changed anything in his diet or soaps or detergents. He also started to get little dots that almost look like keratosis across his nose that spreads to under his eyes. It’s not super noticeable unless he’s in certain lighting.
He was sick in early April, and in mid May his finger tips started to peel. I fell down a rabbit hole trying to figure out why, and saw stuff related to vitamin B3. I have Crohn’s disease, and know it can be low with Crohn’s, so asked the doctor to run it. We got the results but they are super confusing:
Under that, it says:
Due to the large variability in the metabolism of nicotinic acid, the dosing preparation used (immediate-release vs. extended release, and the mg doses used, the serum concentrations may range from less than 20 ng/mi to about 30,000 ng/mL. After oral administration of an immediate-release tablet, peak plasma concentrations occur in 4 to 5 hours. The plasma half-life of nicotinic acid is about one hour. In one study, fasting plasma concentrations were reported to be less than 20 ng/mL. In another study, it was reported that the administration of a single 1000 mg extended-release tablet resulted in mean nicotinic acid concentrations of less than 50 ng/mL.
Nicotinamide is a metabolite of nicotinic acid. Due to the large variability in the metabolism of nicotinic acid, plasma concentrations of this metabolite are variable. In one study, fasting plasma concentrations were reported to be approximately 40 ng/mL. In another study it was reported that the administration of a single 1000 mg of extended-release tablet of nicotinic acid resulted in a mean peak nicotinamide concentration of 400 ng/mL between 5 and 10 hours post dose, decreasing to about 100 ng/mL by 16 hours post dose.
I don’t get what any of this means, and I’m worrying given his food avoidance that he has low vitamin B3. Are these low?
He had a couple of other weird levels but this is the one I’m most worried about.
Thank you!
submitted by rosdeargg to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 03:30 Annabelle-Surely Large unreported bias about the Gaza war, whistleblow

Unfortunately it seems likely that the non-Muslims who comment on the Gaza war don't understand Islam, and that the Muslim commentators don't admit that they have a bias, meanwhile Islam in fact plays a role in the Gaza war. A relevant summary:
Muhammad started his own religion when he was forty and immediately came into conflict with the other religious people of his community, mostly polytheists and Jews. Muhammad became a war general and spent the next ten years of his life trying to kill off the other religions around him. He succeeded.
During this time, every day he in essence gave war pep-talks to his troops. As most of their fighting was against Jews, most of the war pep-talks were against Jews. His followers wrote down everything he said every day, mostly in the form of scraps of paper containing short segments. When he died, his followers swept these scraps of paper together to make first the Quran, then the Hadith, as there were thousands of these scraps of paper.
The entirety of the Islamic literature reads, therefore, like a slow, hypnotic rant against Jews, and also against Christians, against polytheists, against other now obscure and defeated religions, and against all non-Muslim "disbelievers" in general.
Mostly though, it focuses on Jews. The first two main chapters of the Quran in fact are about Jews: chapter 2 "The Cow", criticizing the Jews for once worshipping a golden calf, and chapter 3 "The Family of Imran (Moses)", meaning all of the Jews. There's not much difference between any of the Quran or Hadith chapters though; they all continue along mostly in the same way as the first two and are titled variously by the scant amounts of other concepts sometimes explored in the chapters. Mostly it's all a slow, hypnotic rant against all Jews and other non-believers.
If you don't believe any of this, check it for a first time. You'll be shocked. Islam is an inherently discriminatory religion toward Jews, and that's really the basis of the aggression that comes out of Gaza and other places toward them.
Most revelatory of all in this regard is the fact (if you check your history books) that the Ottoman Empire participated in attacking Britain and the allies in World War 1, and Britain won over them, obtaining what is today the Gaza, Israel, and West Bank areas. There was never any Jewish theft. Britain wanted to let the Jews move into that land afterward, and it was their choice to do so, as it was the Brits' land.
The Jews were met with immediate violence from the Muslims, whose religion tells them to attack Jews. It got worse. Sick of the violence, the Jews declared independence for their territory and formed a state. This was fair and appropriate. Immediately, large groups of Muslims combined armies to try to massacre the Jews. They were repelled.
It never stopped. The Muslims tried to combine armies and massacre the Jews again, in '67. They were repelled that time too.
Then in 2007 Gaza started the Gaza War against the Jews, and have fought it every day since, including today. They've been rocketing Israel constantly since 2007; October 7th was just a sort of culmination.
By the way, declaring independence and forming a state was the pattern set for and by every other territorial area that was formed out of the Ottoman Empire- resulting in every Middle Eastern state you see today- Israel did nothing different, and did not need a reason to do it- Gaza and the West Bank have always had the same ability, but have torn themselves apart fighting each other instead, while the world continues to wait on them. Also, they need to not form a government that declares war against Israel as part of its foundation. That’s the other reason they haven’t formed any real states yet. No one would stop them from doing so if they did it without any war declarations. The concept that anyone else in the world would somehow be able to give them a state is bogus.
The real problem will be solved when the world has a conversation with Islam, telling them to give up the part about cursing non-believers: approximately half the content of the Islamic religion. Then the Gazans can live non-aggressively with Jews next to them. So as well with the West Bank, Jordan/Iraq/Syria/Libya/Yemen/Iran, the twenty-or-so other nations that don't accept Israeli passports, etcetera.
Before any moderators, members of this site, or non-members of this site, try to get me banned or give me -100 karma points, insisting that I’m biased or that I’ve made this up: I challenge you to read or watch any summary of the life of Muhammad and the first ten years of Islam, then to read the first hundred pages of any English translation of the Quran, then to read the sub-chapter “Fighting Jews” of the chapter “Jihad” of the Al-Bukhari hadith book, then to read Gaza’s government charter “The Hamas Covenant”. If you put in a few minutes a day it’ll take you about two weeks. Don’t complain about me asking you to do this much research; it’s not much and it’s a bare minimum I can think of for you to check my work. Then you’re going to ask the same question I asked, “Why haven’t I heard of this from anyone or any side reporting on the Gaza war?” I believe the answer is several-fold: one is that there is simply a shocking lack of bothering to do much research by even those most vocal about the conflict. Two is that those who know about this know that no outsider asked for support of Gaza would sympathize with them if they knew about this. Three is that this stuff is outrageous, and no one wants to be the deliverer of that outrage, or get accused themselves of making this up. Four (and you’ll have to read to understand this) is that the believers are told in general to not trust disbelievers, which would include not telling them the truth. If you believed someone else was going to Hell, but that they didn’t know about it, would you tell them? They’re not gonna like hearing it; why tell them? Count the number of times Muhammad says all Jews and disbelievers are going to Hell in the Quran. You’ll lose count by about page 25 and it just keeps going like that.
All the resources mentioned are easily available online for free in pdf form or otherwise; just do a search for each, and youtube has lots of good videos on Muhammad’s life. I also highly recommend you watch overhead-battle-analysis-style videos (like Kings & Generals channel & similar) to review every single early battle of Islam, in order. You may also want to watch some on the first few battles of Abu Bakr also, the guy who picked up Muhammad’s war banner after him and carried on the violent conquest of the entire Arabian Peninsula, eradicating one by one what used to be a diverse array of now-extinct local religions. You could check out a copy of the Quran translated or order one, which I also recommend. I have Pickthall’s translation as a hard copy and I recommend it; I also used three different online Qurans and three different online Al-Bukhari hadiths (I wanted to make sure I wasn’t making any mistake by reading some bad translation; turned out nope they all read like that).
And before anyone says, well, that kind of stuff is said in the Bible too… First of all, find it; second of all, if it says that kind of stuff even a handful of times in the Bible, that’s different from Islam’s thousand times saying it, over and over again- it’s really a different sort of book.
I want to say last that the Muslims aren’t “like this”; rather, they’re told to be like this, by a high-pressure, demanding religion. They’re also told I’m sure, as for Gaza, by their friends, parents, neighbors, grandparents, local TV stations, and government, what is truly an altered version of history, wherein the Jews “stole” Palestine. They’re taught to distrust anything that the West says against that, because they’re taught to distrust disbelievers- of course the disbelievers would lie about this stuff- “hasbara”. The Jews “stole” Palestine, so, they’re “occupiers”. They don’t want to sound racist because they know discrimination is not tolerated in the disbelievers’ world, so they say “Zionists”, in place of “Jews”. Underneath it, they’re not saying much to the outside world- just enough and in just the right ways to sound presumably appropriate and reasonable, legitimate. It’s like a big game to try to get what they want (Jews expelled or killed), or, as discussed above, it's that they unfortunately don't know any better cause they've been lied to themselves. To the extent that anyone knows this stuff though and hasn't mentioned it, I would feel that we’ve been lied to and played for fools, and it makes me want to say screw the Squad, Sanders, and the campus protests... all right here on American soil!!!! I trust the vast majority of Muslims are not like this. I think they are too afraid though to voice any opposition to any of the Muslims who are hardcore about this stuff, of which Gaza and the West Bank have become the best examples- I told you to read the Hamas Covenant so I’ll trust you’ll do it; meanwhile I’ll add that the guy who ran the West Bank, Abbas, wrote his own dissertation as a youth on his conspiracy theory that the Jews “did the Holocaust to themselves, to create false international sympathy and a pretext for stealing Israel”, and he has continued to educate the West Bank’s people with this line of reasoning, making “Nakba day” into a sort of mockery of anyone else’s Holocaust remembrances. Meanwhile Iran continues determined to one day lead the eradication.
If you care about caring, do the right thing- help educate others on what’s really going on in Gaza. It’s bigger than the past few months, it’s bigger than October 7th, it’s even bigger than tens of thousands of casualties, and if we don’t do the right thing (demand and converse about how disbelievers have rights too), one day far in the future that total may be millions or billions. The time is now to resolve this between all of us, with words. Learn about and then be vocal about the unfairness of Islam. Demand rights. Have conversations.
To add to this goal, I offer the following:
I make this contract with Islam, whether they agree or not:
Disbelievers’ Bill of Rights:
  1. The disbelievers have rights too.
  2. The disbelievers have wonderful and diverse cultures of their own, that are not to be eradicated; Earth is good when its cultures are diverse and not homogenized.
  3. The disbelievers are not going to Hell for disbelieving Islam.
  4. The believers are not going to Paradise for eradicating the disbelievers.
  5. There will be no “final day” where all the Jews are killed.
  6. Jesus will not show up on the final day to personally kill all the Jews (Islamic eschatology).
  7. Disbelievers have the right to not be discriminated against or degraded by the believers. Any disbelievers neighboring believers are not to have rocks thrown at them, suicide attacks launched at them, rockets launched at them, rifles or pistols fired at them, etcetera.
  8. Disbelievers have the right to not tolerate any literature that discriminates against them or is derogatory or degrading toward them, or that advocates any sort of violence against them, or that proscribes any mistreatment of them.
Furthermore, I liberate all Muslims, with the following lines:
You don’t have to surrender to Islam, completely, if any of it seems wrong to you. For that matter, you can pick any religion, you can pick no religion, you can make up your own religion, you can institute your own renewal of Islam and start a new chapter on it; you can do anything you want on this planet, and no lightning bolt will strike you from anyone’s god. If the afterlife is real, then you’re going to it whether you believe in it or whether you disbelieve in it. If there’s Heaven and Hell, you’re going to Heaven for being a good person, Hell for being a bad person.
Also, Muhammad may have said that his teachings were “a Book”. However, Muhammad did not give any specifics instructions to make any book exactly in the fashion in which the Quran and Hadith and others (Kitube of Shia, Wahhabiism’s books, Salafist works etcetera) were made, and, I believe that Muhammad would have seen the error in making them in those exact ways- this would cause problems later- the format is too heavy on the disbelievers- it will someday make for a problematic relationship between different faiths- you should feel free to rearrange any and all verses, excluding as many as you like, reinterpreting any you like, to make any new Book that makes more sense for use as an every-day, all-time religious book: one that focuses on “the good stuff” and not the bad. Muhammad needed to rally an army every day. We don’t need that in our daily lives now that we’re all trying to put war away. This is the 21st century. Nine nations use nukes, and two of them are Muslim (Pakistan, Kazakhstan). We need to right now make decisions that will put away all war inclinations between us forever. If you don’t like my way of doing it, come up with something better and suggest it. I say we can do it by having a conversation where disbelievers stick up for themselves and believers listen.
And, I suggest this interpretation: perhaps Allah wanted to include a sort of test, within Islam, to separate hypocrites from believers- Allah included a bunch of stuff telling you that disbelievers are bad and to attack them. Maybe it’s to see who rejects that, to send them to Paradise, and to see who decides to act on it, to send them to Hell.
There is plenty of evidence that this is true in Gaza right now. Why would Allah punish them unless they were bad? They have relentlessly attacked Israel for years. Maybe this is Allah’s punishment.
Also, you are free to associate with disbelievers, at any time and place, whatever they’re saying at the time. You can date and intermarry with disbelievers if you like. Try not calling them disbelievers and you’ll have luck.
I also state that I am a learned scholar (college degree earned, floor-to-ceiling stacks of nonfiction books read, research published) and I am authorized to make fatwa (judgments) and to issue tafsir (commentary/interpretations on holy works).
As a warning to angry-comment-posters: you may find that I can back up with references and examples every point I’ve made! Watch out!
That being said, am I wrong about anything? Please tell me if I have anything wrong; I can only do so much research and then sweep it all together off the top of my head. Let me know. I’ll apologize if I get something wrong and perhaps adjust my thesis.
submitted by Annabelle-Surely to IsraelAndPalestine [link] [comments]