First day poem audio kindergarten

Zen Habits

2008.08.26 23:08 Zen Habits

Welcome to Zen Habits. Here we encourage simple and practical wisdom on relaxation, meditation, and serenity. This is a place to discuss your stories, techniques, share insights and habits that you use in the pursuit of peace and contentment.

2014.03.13 17:54 garyp714 Original Content Poetry

A place for sharing your original work. Please read the rules before posting. Sister sub to Poetry & ThePoetryWorkshop

2011.03.02 06:21 Game Audio

***Game Audio*** For those interested in the craft of making sound / audio for games. This could encompass music, sound design, voice and just plain ol' middleware! Ask about about Unity and Unreal game engines, FMOD, WWISE, Max and more.

2024.06.09 10:10 67856788899 The Void is calling me... I'm considering NVDL; all-or-nothing

I've seen the light...
There will be red at first, but in two years, I'll be at a profit.
I have 44 shr of NVDA rn, and I didnt intend to sell for at least a year. I bought them four days ago, so I'll only pay $300 in taxes for selling.
I predict that in one year, NVDIA will increase 45%, worst-case-scenario, and the year after that, 30% worst-case. Thats 88.5% (1.45*1.30).
But with NVDL...
Also, the last time they had a quarter of negative returns was in 2009.
Tell my mother, I love her...
submitted by 67856788899 to NVDA_Stock [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:09 Ok-Road4331 Entering Grad School with Cognitive Difficulties

I got accepted to grad school! I managed to do my whole application during the months when I was going through an extreme first MS attack and fighting for diagnosis in a disjointed medical system. I’m proud that I even applied when I did.
It’s a public policy program that will require a lot of reading and remembering things. Recently Ive noticed issues with my processing and retention of details, attention span during reading(I also have ADHD, but this seems different), and longer term memory in general.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll need to approach learning differently in order to succeed, since I don’t think I can rely on my memory anymore. This means that the days of chaotically written notes, cramming and disorganized paper writing methods are behind me. To make up for my worsening memory, I think I’ll need to structure my notes to be like a guide designed for easy information retrieval and possibly reminding myself of how things link more broadly.
I don’t know how I’ll fare with the reading and recall required for seminars.
I plan to open a file with my school’s accessibility center, but I don’t know what accommodations I’ll need yet. I have a feeling I might need some unique accommodations, like access to a thesaurus for example, since I have recall issues with basic words.
Does anyone have experience, advice or tips?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Ok-Road4331 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:08 Billbob2003 Where to hold 1-on-1 audition?

Hi, just asking here for some advice.
I'm currently in the pre-production of my first short film - and I'm coasting on goodwill and a shoestring budget.
So far, I've got a place to shoot it, a sound guy, a lighting guy, DOP and have maybe cast 60% of the film. Yesterday, I rented a small studio and held many auditions. I have 3 more people who have expressed interest in my film and would like to conduct interviews, but renting that place cost me quite a bit of money. I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice on where to host these auditions, as the shoot date is approaching and I think it is unlikely to co-ordinate them to one day, and would rather work around their availiblity.
Furthermore, I am based in Tokyo, so if anyone knows any good, cheap/free, places to hold the auditions here, please let me know, I am assuming that it should not take more than 15 minutes per person.
Much thanks :)
submitted by Billbob2003 to Filmmakers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:08 Fast_Hold5211 Finally after much hassle I figured it out and got the 3 piece cranks on this bike.. victory ✌️ my first 3 piece crank bmx setup

Finally after much hassle I figured it out and got the 3 piece cranks on this bike.. victory ✌️ my first 3 piece crank bmx setup
You guys wouldn’t believe how long it took me to get these cranks on right if I told you… just know it was days of back bending hammer swinging frustrating screw ups but now they’re on and the bike feels absolutely amazing. So much more sturdy. I just feel steadier on my bike now while riding. First 3 piece I’ve had and I’ll admit I did not realize just what I was missing. Now I see why everyone kept saying get a 3 piece crank. I was a new rider so I didn’t see a need for it yet but it seems to make a huge difference just in the way the bike rides so it was worth it. I feel so much better now that my blue bike is back on the road ! 👍😄 onto bigger and better things from here
submitted by Fast_Hold5211 to bmx [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 Greenie1O2 Speculating .3 levels part 3

3.3 The Spider And The Fly
"The skittering of many legs haunt the harvesting grounds at night, these leafcutters will need to be vigilant"
This level takes place in a wide open clearing with lots of harvesting patches spread throughout. The map is 1.5 times bigger than in 3.1.
Challenge mode is available as phorid flies.
The mission begins - this leaf cutter ant queen has dug out a small burrow near a vast rainforest clearing. With abundant vegetation nearby, the colony's harvesting operations are sure to be bountiful.
There is an underground chamber that must be dug out before excavating the entrance. It contains a gigantic tarantula molt.
You dig out the underground chamber - the ants have excavated the burrow of Theraphosa Blondi, the Goliath birdeater, these gargantuan spiders live in hollow cavities under the leaf litter and are so large that they have been known to capture and devour small birds. The colony is fortunate, this burrow is abandoned, occupied only by the discarded skin of its previous inhabitant.
You dig to the surface - although the birdeater has forfeited her previous burrow, she may still remain in this area, the nearby tree hollows provide perfect ambush spots for capturing prey, the colony must choose their foraging paths wisely.
The map is large and flat, the saplings are mostly growing opposite of your nest, you need to travel large distances to harvest leaves.
There are four trees on the edges of the map, each one has a hole at the base that leads to an underground system, the inside of which is covered by spider webs that slow down ants. during the day, the tarantula could be hiding in any of these holes. During the night, it emerges to hunt, roaming the clearing and killing anything that crosses it's path.
The birdeater tarantula is a titan, only slightly smaller than the bullfrog. Each bite executes an ant, it can run away at low health. It's the fastest creature in the game.
You enter any of the empty tree hollows for the first time - a scouting party of attas has uncovered one of the birdeater's ambush spots, and it appears to have been used recently. The walls are covered in thick webs that make movement difficult. Thankfully the spider isn't present, for now.
You enter an occupied burrow for the first time - the ants have entered the tarantulas nest! Sending the intrusion, it runs out to face the soldiers.
You encounter the tarantula on the surface for the first time - the harvesting trail has been disrupted by the birdeater tarantula. Out on the hunt tonight, she won't shy away from the buffet of prey conveniently exposed on the surface. If the ants do not possess the numbers to drive it away they should retreat while they still can.
Once you have encountered the tarantula for the first time the objective appears - eliminate the birdeater
The objective appears - with their nighttime harvest being cut short by the birdeater's hunt, this colony has little chance to grow and flourish. The only obstacle standing in their way is the spiders rule over the clearing, it must be eliminated.
You drive away the spider - feeling momentarily overwhelmed, the birdeater has decided to retreat into her burrow to heal. The ants should stockpile vegetation while they can, she won't be gone forever.
When encountered in one of her burrows, the spider has double the attack speed and all ants are slowed by the web, making her much more difficult to engage.
On the third night, the Goliath birdeater invades your nest and only leaves after killing the queen.
The tarantula enters your nest - the birdeater tarantula has followed one of the harvesting trails into the nest! Driven by hunger, she bulldozes through the nest tunnels, this could mean extinction for the colony!
Crab spiders hide on the leaves of plants and have different colours depending on what plant they are on. They insta-kill any ant that walks to the leave on which they are ambushed (Except for majors). They sometimes switch plants.
You get ambushed by a crab spider on a leaf - a harvesting worker has been subdued by misumenia vata, a crab spider. similarly to certain reptiles, this master of ambush can change color to blend in with its surroundings. Once prey enters striking distance, the spider swiftly incapacitates it with a single venomous bite.
You encounter a crab spider on the ground - a crab spider has rushed into the trail. Out on open terrain and with no ambush spot in sight, it will likely be made short work of by the soldiers.
At night, poison frogs roam the clearing, any ant that touches them will be poisoned and will inevitably die. they can consume ants to heal themselves and hop away at low health.
You encounter a poison frog - an ant has been snatched away by an Amazonian poison frog, their name is well earned and the leaf cutters should think twice about engaging such a foe. With It's bright coloration warning the jungle predators of the potency of its venom even the birdeater gives them a wide berth.
Bullet ants roam the forest floor in small packs.
You encounter bullet ants - the leafcutter have encountered a scouting party of bullet ants, paraponera clavata. These fierce warriors are equipped with powerfull stingers and a pair of deadly slicing jaws, and the attas have encroached on their territory.
You encounter the tarantula on the surface again - hungry once again, the birdeater wrecks havoc on the attas harvesting trail and slaughters tens of workers in the ongoing panic.
You win by killing the tarantula - it's exoskeleton mauled by the sharp Atta mandibles, the Goliath birdeater could no longer hold out. It's mangled body will serve as a warning to all jungle invertebrates. The rainforest belongs to the leafcutters.
You lose to the tarantula - as the Goliath birdeater dug up the nest, it was only a matter of time before she sunk her fangs into the queen, paralysing her and sucking out her liquified innards. Unable to stand up to this monster, the colony will wither away and disappear from this clearing.
Night falls - the sky darkens, and the tarantula emerges from her lair to hunt. The leafcutters must harvest with caution.
Day arrives - as the sun's first morning rays shine over the canopy, the birdeater retreats into her cool burrow to digest the nights catch. She will be back soon.
submitted by Greenie1O2 to eotu [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 dizzy24h I 19F am not on the same page with my 20M boyfriend on marriage, how do I deal with this?

This post sucks to write.
My boyfriend is my first real love, I’ve had casual flings and “exes” in the past who have never given me the amount of attention and love my boyfriend has. He’s planned amazing dates and been there for me for a lot, however we haven’t been together for longer than 9 months. We’ve made serious plans about marriage and seeing a potential future with each other.
He is about to graduate as a full time active duty Marine. That means we have been apart for two, going on three months, with no contact other than two letters. He has written me more than he’s written his parents or anything else, and he has been very successful during bootcamp, winning drill competitions, promoted to the guide of his platoon, doing phenomenal on his physical tests, etc. We met at the same recruiting center before I told him I decided I was going to go army, which was okay with him, however we quickly realized that we would never get stationed together if I was full time active duty.
We both agreed we would follow each other wherever we went, made retirement plans and all, however, he says he wanted to wait a year or two before marrying me to “see if it lasts”. We have great chemistry, he’s already seen my best and worst, he’s seen that I am a self sufficient provider for myself paying my own bills and working full time, and says he’s very proud of me.
I know I want to be with him forever, but I feel that he needs to decide whether he is going to marry me or not when he gets home so that I can know whether or not to enlist in the reserves or full time active duty and not put all my future eggs in a basket for someone that is unsure of me. The only reason I would go to the reserves is so that I could live wherever he is stationed, we would get free housing if we are married, and I would be able to work part time while also tending to our home comfort, cooking, cleaning etc. Otherwise, I would be full time active duty so that I could get my own housing and other benefits situated without having to accommodate being in the same place as a partner.
When he gets home, he will only be here for 10 days. I want to enjoy my time with him and love him as I always have, but I’m fearful of displaying affection and intimacy to someone who isn’t going to be around me for long as our relationship may come to an end.
How do I prepare for this or handle this situation? Is it really as simple as having a conversation and ripping the bandage off? How long do I wait to have this conversation, and how should I go about bringing it up, tone and all? I want to marry him I don’t want to go years of dating and searching when I feel I’ve found my person. If he rejects me, should I just enjoy our final moments before parting ways forever, or do I just cut it off right away? I love him.
TLDR; my boyfriend wants to wait a year or two of long distance before marrying me and it is holding up my career path, and he only comes home for 10 days, I don’t know how to discuss it
submitted by dizzy24h to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 BudgetFailure Query on Schengen Visa Application to Switzerland while starting from France and Ending trip in Italy

As the tile says, I am planning a family trip in the month of September where I will be starting from Paris staying there for 3 nights then go to Switzerland spend 3-4 nights and last 5 days in Italy before I fly back to India from Rome.
I have already taken visa slot from Switzerland Consulate, which is scheduled in July and I am curious if I should just go ahead with the above plan? Given the exit and entry are not from Switzerland, I believe there could be high chances that it can get rejected, so I am thinking to change it to 3 nights in Paris 6 nights in Switzerland and 3 nights in Italy, does that reduce the chances of rejection significantly?
I will have all the paperwork in place so that should not be a problem. I would like to get thoughts from this community to ensure that my visa does not get rejected.
Please note that is the first time I am applying for Shenzhen Visa, but we all have individual visas from other countries, so it's not the first time that we are travelling outside of India.
submitted by BudgetFailure to SchengenVisa [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 kittykatyoda Hamstring feels weird? please help

Over the past week I have noticed that one part of my hamstring feels almost like there is a lump. I have felt it and cant visibly see a lump and I dont think I can feel one. The muscle does feel a little bigger on that side than my other leg. But I cannot feel a distinct bump. But whenever I touch it it feels like pressure for a few minutes after and if I sit with my calf touching it it starts to feel weird almost like tight. It starts to bother me if I stretch it but it doesnt hurt it just feels tight almost like im flexing it. Im not sure if it could be related to me working out this week for the first time in a few years. I also pulled it 2 weeks ago but the pain went away after a day. Im scared I could have soft tissue sarcoma because thats what shows up when i look up my symptoms😭. I was also thinking maybe a muscle knot but Im not sure exactly how that feels. I was going to make a doctors appointment next week. I am 20 years old, female.
submitted by kittykatyoda to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 ObjectSufficient1100 Please tell me I'm not a bad person

My beautiful boy passed away from cancer in April 2024. He was miraculously 25 years of age and he was rescued from a shelter at the age of one. This boy was my heart and meant the world to me. From when he was 16 I nursed him through all his medical conditions for 9 years. I have always lived alone and effectively he was my child. In return he showed me all his love. My heart aches for him and you can imagine the life experiences he has shared with me in 24 years. I studied law, I paid off my mortgage, he shared my life and I live alone and so he was my absolute world. When he died I took one day from work and then the weekend, throwing myself into work after that I still haven't processed the grief. With an empty house without soul I decided to adopt a cat from a foster home. He was a black cat..the same as my heart...they were similar in looks. I adopted him and brought him home recently, 9 weeks after my loss. I thought I was ready. I wasn't. My new cat was beautiful and on the first night he slept on my bed with me. He was beautiful, cheeky and funny and he was 2 years old. I had him 2 days ...just 2 days...and decided I had made a mistake. This wasn't my boy. He was nervous, his stomach was unsettled,but brave and started to explore my small home and loved sitting in the window. If truth be known i went in to panic mode. This wasn't my boy. I had not grieved. Given time no doubt we would have formed a bond but I found myself looking at my lost boy's photo and actually saying sorry to him. The emotion was panic for the future for me, the betrayal I felt in my heart for my lost boy in trying to love another and my long hours as a lawyer where I possibly couldn't have allowed us the time to bond. I hadn't thought it through. I felt I had made the hugest mistake. I called the agency. They didn't really show any compassion and I felt like a bad person. They made me feel as though I hadn't tried hard or long enough. They asked if i had closed him off in a room to settle. I said no as it was clear from the first moment he wanted to explore. They blamed me. They are probably right but they allowed me to return him. I took him back in my car and he swaggered his little hips back in to the home without a care in the world. He didn't know me and hadn't even learned his name so I knew he would be ok. Still I feel like the most evil person in the world for what I've done. 2 days is all I gave him. My biggest mistake was choosing him as he looked very like my old boy. It wasn't my intention to replace him but I just love black cats. I do not feel as though I will ever be ready now ever again. My old boy was my child and my heart and I loved him so. I made a mistake and I hope you can all forgive me. At this time I don't feel as though I either want or deserve another cat again. I need my heart to mend.
submitted by ObjectSufficient1100 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 Shot-Ad850 A phase for marm1981 (image: Thought jack would like something like this as It huge things but in the background. First post on this Subreddit auido: Day 17 - Art By Trevor Henderson - Atmospheric Horror Month (October 2019))

A phase for marm1981 (image: Thought jack would like something like this as It huge things but in the background. First post on this Subreddit auido: Day 17 - Art By Trevor Henderson - Atmospheric Horror Month (October 2019)) submitted by Shot-Ad850 to mrincredibleuncanny [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 UomoCavallo21 My GF (F21) won’t say she loves me (M24) back anymore, break up on sight?

First of all, I am not native english so I apologize for further mistakes. We’ve been together for well over 2 years and we’ve been arguing pretty much 4 days a week for the last months. We’ve always suffered a lack of explicit love (gifts, hugs, compliments…) (still loving each other very much) because i’m not used to it. I grew up only seeing my parents argue and never show themselves love so I’ve struggled to learn that kind of love language required in a relationship. She recently told me that along with all the arguments (jealousy, too little commitment perceived) she’s also tired of this lack of love between us. I promised that I’d try to change but when I do, I never get something back from her. I’ve recently noticed that she’s been struggling to express her feelings for me and now she started avoiding the usual “I love you too” whenever I tell her goodnight. She has an exam due in 2 days and after that she’s going on a family trip for 2 weeks. I am expecting her to delay the break up until she comes back so that she won’t have to think about it while studying and during the trip. What am I supposed to do? Should I just prepare myself for breakup?
submitted by UomoCavallo21 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 FraterSerafim Reading all psalms, Christian meditation method

This is a reupload. I decided to delete the original post after discovering some old notes.
Reading all psalms, the method. Method used by Christians and Jews from all over the world. A great and powerful meditation with psalms.
Small story
The time when I discovered this method I did not know anything about prayer rules and had just completed a few cover to cover bible readings. This method laid the much needed foundation for hesychasm which I started practicing later on.
At first I was experimenting with the psalms by reading the same ones over and over again, sometimes read half of the psalms or the entire thing. What surprised me a lot was the amazing spiritual state that I got after reading the whole book. I compared the effects of reading random psalms with the full reading and the full reading far exceeded all other methods. Much higher spiritual effects, special states of mind, greater connection with divine. I added the whole psalm reading to my daily schedule and every morning completed a round, this took about 3 hours. The spiritual effects began to increase and the readings gave me stronger overall effect.
The effects got stronger and multiplied over and over again during some 100-300 readings. I figured that there has to be more to it and sometimes read the whole book twice, every morning and every evening. The readings now took about 2 hours. The more you read the faster you become but don't try to be too fast, you have to pay attention to the words! Now this new "prayer rule" felt incredibly hot, and quite overwhelming. The spiritual effects multiplied and reached a point where I felt like I could not continue, simply too much per day. I decided to do additional rounds every now and then. Sometimes read them through multiple times.
Reading all psalms
You need a bible of your choice, with a decent font size. A quiet place to read them. Start from the first and end with the last. After reading praise the Lord, show some gratitude and state your requests.
The more consecutive days this is done, the better the effects. Your connection to divine will start to increase in a rapid way.
The effects are very hot, it feels like blazing fire goes through you, heating up everything that stands in its path.
The reading is used by monastics and Jewish people, to increase spirituality and to have prayers and petitions answered. This method is very good.
What happens? The psalms raise and bring in a massive quantity of energy, you might not feel it so well right away but give it some time, eventually you will develop these senses. It may take a hundred readings, maybe more. Consistency, dedication and devotion are very important. You should do something daily.
If the reading is too much and spiritually you cannot handle it so well yet, then start by reading one of the psalm books per day, psalm book is divided into 5 "books". Book 1 (Psalms 1–41) Book 2 (Psalms 42–72) Book 3 (Psalms 73–89) Book 4 (Psalms 90–106) Book 5 (Psalms 107–150). Read one per day, either every morning or every evening.
There may be side effects such as feeling overloaded, slightly aggressive, irritated and there can be headaches. This is because you process an enormous amount of grace of god, energy. You have to find your own pace, know the limits, know yourself, gradually increase the numbers.
Now I stated earlier that it built a great foundation for hesychasm. How did my experience with the psalms help me? The whole bible is hot but certain parts of it have stronger effects, Torah, psalms, gospels and the letters. I've noticed that the psalms and gospels give the best effects. By working a lot with something as hot as the psalms you get more used to the grace of god thus moving on to hesychasm is much easier. Still, hesychasm is a much different topic and I will discuss it in a different post. I've already written a small guide.
Additional information
You can add your prayer requests after doing the reading, pray for what you want and need. Many people choose not to ask for anything as the Lord already knows what we need and want. You may however add your requests. The psalm method is very powerful for getting prayers and petitions answered.
You can pray for yourself and for others. The formula is simple, use the Orthodox baptislam name or full name of the person. Jewish people use the name and also the name of mother.
It is best to do the reading without breaking it, so everything in a single go. Opinions differ, some think it is very important to read all at once and others consider taking a break in between to be fine. You can even split it and read half of them in the morning and the rest later. You may split it into 3 4 or even 5 sessions.
submitted by FraterSerafim to FraterSerafim [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 sameed_a how to improve time management with first principles?

Have you ever heard those warnings about not grocery shopping when you're hungry? I found out the hard way why you need to heed them.
So, I'm standing in the supermarket on an empty stomach, and everything is so tempting. The seasonal pastries are shouting out my name, the chocolates are seducing me with their shiny wrappers, and the ice cream! Oh, the ice cream, my arch-nemesis. To make things worse, I'm not just hungry – I’m also in a rush, and my shopping list is buried somewhere in my unorganized bag.
In this situation, it would have been so easy to succumb to my urges and buy whatever I fancied, but as I was reaching out for the tempting tub of double chocolate chip ice cream, I remembered my commitment to 'first principles thinking'. I remember Elon Musk once explaining it as boiling things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there, instead of reasoning by analogy.
Without wasting another second, I pulled my hand back and focused on my goals – a healthy diet and saving money. I instantly realized that the ice cream and all the other junk food did not fit into these goals. They were just distractions, luring me away from what I wanted to achieve. And the disorganization? That was due to poor time management, making me rush and not think clearly about my decisions.
So, I decided to apply first principles thinking to my grocery shopping and time management. I began by identifying the basic truths – I needed to eat healthily and save money. Then, I asked myself, "What will help me achieve this?" The answer was simple – plan my meals, create a shopping list based on the plan, and stick to it.
Next, I used the same approach to tackle my time management issue. The fundamental truth was that I had the same 24 hours as everyone else. I reasoned up – if I could plan my day properly, prioritize tasks, and eliminate time wasters, I could manage my time more effectively.
It wasn't easy, and it took some discipline, but I managed to get my grocery shopping and time management under control. And the best part is, I didn't have to give up the foods I loved - I just had to make smarter choices.
P.S: Remember the time when I was lured by the flashy wrappers of the chocolates? And standing in the supermarket not knowing what to do? Yeah, that didn't exactly happen. But hey, I caught your attention, didn't I? That's the power of storytelling - now you know how practical 'first principles thinking' can be in real life. Who knows, maybe the next time you're tempted to buy that unhealthy snack, you'll remember this Reddit post and reconsider. Until then, stay disciplined, my friend!
submitted by sameed_a to mentalmodelscoach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:04 InfinityShrekIsToast Any tips for taming a wild pidgeon?

Good Moring I hope you're having a good day, may some one help me with this situation?
Recently I've found a crescent pigeon when I was walking back from school and it had a injury on its back and couldnt fly properly so I took it in, my older brother comes every 2 weeks so I place the pigeon in his bathroom and im giving the pigeon some time to heal.
My father asked me if I want to keep him or let go of him, being the kid I am I chose to keep him even though I have no information on pigeons and I been trying to tame it with different methods but I failed and the first thought I had is reddit.
I gave him food and some water and sat with for a couple minutes a day and I even tried hand feeding him but he just flies away, his favorite spot is on the toilet cover and he sits there all day and refuses to leave it unless hes hungry and all he does is throw his food on the ground.
Is there a special way or method that I have to use for this specific type of pigeon or a special food?
Thank you for taking your time.
submitted by InfinityShrekIsToast to PetPigeons [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:04 Effective_Care6520 Is there anything I can do to protect my cat?

I have to take my cat to the vet soon, ironically for what is probably an upper respiratory infection. I’m going to try to get the first appointment of the day and then ask the vet to mask with an offered N95, but I live in an apartment building so I’ll have to run my cat through a shared space and elevator. It SHOULD be early enough in the morning to avoid heavy traffic in the elevators, but I figured I should look into solutions here anyway. The receptionists barely register any information I tell them even about my cat so I‘ll have to make my masking request to the vet in person directly.
I thought about putting a mini air purifier into the cat carrier, but then I realized that would just pull in lots of dirty air and output very little clean air. Is there anything I can rig up to make the carrier more protective? Supplied air maybe?
submitted by Effective_Care6520 to ZeroCovidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:04 No-Sir6503 Time to take responsibility #6 231.00 lbs

Time to take responsibility #6 231.00 lbs
So I have just completed my first Week. I m finding it hard to remind myself that a five pound weight loss over one week is significant, That being said, My diet hasn't been strict and I haven't been to the gym everyday and completed my cardio mostly due to illness. So I am happy that I have a good result either way.
Goals for next week. I am going to increase my cardio. And make some adjustments do my workout strength training wise. I remember someone commented on my diet being too strict And I think they were right in saying, sir which I did anticipate. So I am going to change my diet a little to include some sweet things to allow me to snack to stop me Snacking anyway. My sleep has been absolutely terrible this week. Barely getting any more than 7 hours per day consistently.
I also realise that posting everyday is silly and weighing myself everyday. It's not going to give me consistent results, but it allows me to adjust my diet each day to ensure. I'm not eating too much when not strict.
submitted by No-Sir6503 to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:04 BackgroundFeature494 Potty train+playpen problems

My puppy(cavapoo named Claire) is in my home for nearly 5 days now and on the first day I tried to introduce the playpen to her(there was a bed, the food and water;I also fed her there; some toys and a pee pad underneath for security.She feel asleep and I thought this is way easier than I thought but after an hour or so she started aggressively biting and trying to break the playpen’s walls and door she even started destroying the “floor” of it.Then I knew I messed up really bad.Right now she doesn’t want to sleep there even if the door is open and the second I lock her she starts biting it really hard and I start to get worried about her absolute aggression in the behaviour she shows.I tried moving the bed out of the playpen near my bed-also failed she sleeps either on the floor or on my home slipper and when she wakes up this is her favourite biting toy.I put 2 pee pads inside the playpen and now she goes inside of she needs water, food or to pee.she sometimes does not pee or poop inside it but around it(like the blanket next to it)In the first few days there were pads next to my bed but she only peed on them and after a few days she stopped using them and peed or pooped in the playpen where were the other pads or on the floor.Please tell me if I really messed up and if I could train her to stay(hopefully sleep)in the playpen and if I am really a bad puppy owner that I can’t help doing the potty train right(I feel like I am in a very messed situation with her right now and would be thankful if someone helps me out)I am also a fist puppy owner so this whole thing is like very very new to me
submitted by BackgroundFeature494 to CavaPoo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:04 tiredlilbunny4444 worried about PhD program eligibility

seeking some advice + guidance, anything is appreciated!
i did undergrad at Berkeley and majored in public health and graduated 2023. i'm at UCLA now doing my MPH in HPM, a concentration i honestly chose completely on a whim without doing my research into what it entailed (obviously that is completely on me). i am finishing out my first year and am not a fan of the program / courses and don't feel like i have learned much of anything unfortunately.
that being said, i really want to apply to UCSF for their PhD program in computational precision health. be honest: did i shoot myself in the foot for my chances at getting into this program by doing my MPH in health policy and management? the program specifically says that applicants must have skills in three areas (1. math and stats, 2. programming, 3. basic and human biology). I am severely lacking in number 2 of that list, as my programming skills are just a poor grasp on R and Python (i had to take a few data science courses in undergrad for my degree).
any advice, guidance, or words of encouragement are greatly appreciated. i am honestly feeling really lost these days as i realize more and more that HPM was not the right choice for me (though i am grateful for learning that firsthand!). the CPH program sounds so incredibly interesting and I really want to move back to the bay area once i finish my MPH. i am just worried that i will not be an appealing applicant for the program. please help!
submitted by tiredlilbunny4444 to GraduateSchool [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:03 eddsworld_Tord_ how to get my cat to stop attacking my things?

to preference, I have alot of stuff, I don't mind when my cats knock over figures or setups or anything like that, easy to pick back up and have it knocked over again ten minutes later.
but recently what's been really bothering me is the fact that one of my cats (sundae) is dead set on taking down my posters. she's small, but she can easily reach them due to three of them being behind my bed - at first when she started attacking them i figured it meant she wanted to leave the room, fair i thought. i was wrong, its never that, she's not hungry and there's always water available, i have four self cleaning litter boxes, they're never messy and she has three siblings to play with.
so im just wondering, is she just trying to frustrate me? get my attention? ive thought about getting frames for them but i think all that would do is result in a frame to the face at 12 am. she's the only cat who does this and it genuinely upsets me after a long day :(
submitted by eddsworld_Tord_ to CatAdvice [link] [comments]