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2015.03.10 21:43 RenegadeAI NovaLauncher

The highly customizable, performance driven, home screen.

2022.06.11 22:05 LumaHodl TwerkersInternational - The home of real booty shaking on reddit

Welcome to TwerkersInternational. This is a subreddit dedicated to twerking and other forms of sexy booty focussed dance styles. This sub emphasizes the dancing aspect and intends to showcase sexy dancers from across the globe, shaking it to a variety of different music genres. This place is more dance and music focussed than other twerk subs, so if you are looking for more than just a few seconds of wiggling around, this is the place to be. Credit for subreddit icon: ale_camara

2015.02.04 03:27 famoushippopotamus D&D Creative Resources & Worldbuilding. For DMs. By DMs.

/DnDBehindTheScreen is a subreddit for Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters to trade tools, guides and resources. A growing archive of hundreds of years of D&D experience, all in one place! Welcome Wanderer!

2024.06.09 17:56 eco-microwave Episode 66 came out 7 months ago. idk what to say.

Episode 66 came out 7 months ago. idk what to say. submitted by eco-microwave to skibiditoilet [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:43 Emotional-Minimum-12 Game running well just closing suddenly with a dump detailing access violation - any help is appreciated!

Hi there! any help would be appreciated!
VRChat running well just closing suddenly with a dump detailing access violation. This is a recurring issue, and though I've tried a lot (and at several times thought it was solved) it's not only gotten worse, it's genuinely close to unusable for me to do the things I need to (I do CamOp).
Most of the crashes happen within the first 5-10 minutes of joining a world, if not during the “Connecting…” screen, and they appear as the application simply closing (no little VRChat is crashing window, the VRC window itself just pops out of existence). The dump file usually states
"Exception Code: 0xc0000005,
Exception Information: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access."
Running a VS debug natively usually results in an “Exception Unhandled: Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFAA38038D8 (UnityPlayer.dll) in crash.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x000001FFFFFFFF00.” message popping up for me.
I really need help here in diagnosing the problem and solving it.
For context, I have a very strong PC built mostly, to be honest, for Unity and VR. Also, I haven't done any manual overclocking. The game runs fine on basically any settings but sometimes it randomly shuts down. This is very frequent now.
The specs: i9 14900K - RTX 4090 OG OC (ASUS TUV) - 4x16 GB DDR5 Corsair RAM (6000) - ROG STRIX Z790-H Motherboard - Corsair RM1000x 1000 W 80+ Gold PSU - NZXT Kraken Z63 Liquid CPU Cooler
As I've said, I've tried a lot to fix this, keep in mind, I did my best with all these things, but I'm no expert, so it's not impossible I did imperfect tests here or there that I just didn't realize weren't done correctly, I hope that's not the case, but, I wanted to say as much.
Without further ado, here's what I've tried:
Clearing Cashe, in and out of VRC, restarting my Game/Steam/PC/…, running the game with nothing else running.
I reinstalled everything several times, making sure they were clean installs (from what I can tell anyhow). Meaning: VRChat, SteamVR, Steam, Windows, Drivers, BIOS, all that jazz.
Of course, I also went ahead and made sure to verify the game files (and SteamVR files,…) in Steam.
Originally I thought it was possibly a memory issue, so I ran Memtest several times, both through Windows and BIOS.
I ran Driver Verifier, sfc/scannow, some Windows Defender full scans, and the like and resolved any and all issues I found there.
I changed from win10 to win11, because at that point, I was willing to give just about anything a go, and who knows? Maybe an OS change would help? But, sadly, the Windows Gods weren't on my side that day.
I've changed my drives around: I thought, maybe, I had some corrupted files or old files somewhere, and just removed a lot of my old drives, and reformatted the remaining ones.
I've tried using different versions of my NVIDIA Graphics drivers, (not a lot of versions just backing up one version and the like, but they were all clean installs from the ground up (I used DDU to fully remove my old drivers)).
Since a permissions Error is what is posted, I made sure to try to run any and all involved apps as admin, and changing around permissions in that sense to nothing.
After some googling, I found a few other people had something very similar happen to them on games with EAC. Basically, their dump file also posted a permissions error. Their advice was to fully remove the game and EAC including removing anything related to them in Registry Editor, so I tried that, fully removed it all, and did a clean install: still no change.
I also rebuilt my PC changing out some components: switching around RAM during that first phase where I thought it was a RAM issue, changing out all power supply cables (I had custom ones from cable mod installed originally, so, in case any component wasn't happy about that i switched em out).
(at this point I'd like to add, that next to nothing else I run is really experiencing issues other than VRC. Sometimes my Unity Crashes when uploading certain avatars to VRChat specifically, which is odd, but maybe a separate issue, and is something I haven't tested for as excessively, so it may be largely resolved, though, I don't wanna jinx it either. Of some note, sometimes my SteamVR crashes in VRChat, but this is a rare issue and I've chalked it up to a separate bug so far, and it's hard to test for because it's less frequent).
Disabling Additional Drivers like Asus's Aura Completely (from BIOS/…)
Neither Event Viewer nor Reliability Monitor have made me any smarter about this Issue either, but, that might be User Error as, frankly, they are a little intimidating haha. Any advice on what to look out for is appreciated!
At several points, I've suspected basically any part of my PC build of being to blame for this random bug, so I've run a lot of stress tests, but not really found anything conclusive myself, and the specificity of the issue makes me feel like it may just be software instead? unclear on that, but, all remaining drives (after removing my old ones during bug testing) are SSDs so doing a check on them the way you would an HDD seems redundant to me, if you have advice on testing for that, please do let me know.
I've also made sure to limit power usage in settings everywhere and the like, trying to make sure it's not the PSU being too weak. But I'm pretty sure that it isn't an issue. Temperatures seem to be at reasonable limits as well, and the crashes often happen with neither the CPU nor the GPU at over 70%.
I've also tried changing the VRC launch settings (in part because that's part of Furality CamOp mandatory settings) to focus on performance cores and limit FPS with “-screen-width 1920 -screen-height 1080 --fps=60 --affinity=0xFFFF”. Regardless of if this is used, I still crash.
I probably forgot a few of the things I've tried to do here, just by nature of how many there are, but, from my memory, this should cover most things.
Thank you for your time!
submitted by Emotional-Minimum-12 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:38 THEGoDLiKeMIKE 2024 highland directional controls and touch screen DPR is actually terrible.

Just from my personal experience this just ain't it. Legitimately considering downgrading to a 2023.
The directionals seem to get jammed or somewhat stuck. Not broken but obnoxious and dangerous. What would even be the potential fix if I tried to get them to address it?
Also Drive/Park/Reverse on the screen was a cool idea but every one out of lets say 100 times it doesn't take the full input to switch from reverse to drive or vice versa. I'm lucky to have caught it each time and never gone more than an inch in the wrong direction but I fear the day is coming that I give someone or something a little love tap because I thought I was going the other way.
submitted by THEGoDLiKeMIKE to TeslaModel3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:36 cheesePurse Help for new Micra Owner: short steam wand & low coffee load

Hey all, Just got my new Micra after upgrading from an ECM Mechanika Slim. I'm new to the sub as well. Loving the Micra so far, but there are a couple areas that aren't quite working out for me so far ...
  1. On the ECM, I used a ridge-less 18g ICM bracket and would use the full 18g with a 1.0mm puck screen without issue. I'm using the same basket and finding I can only handle about 16g on the Micra without denting the puck screen due to the Micra's group head screw. The bed height of the grounds is quite low, so ideally I'd be able to load more coffee. I see Normcore offers a puck screen with a hole in the center designed to avoid the screw, but this seems like it would create a path of low resistance for the water to flow through. The alternative would be to get a larger basket and dose more. Any thoughts?
  2. I drink a lot of cortados. As such, I don't need to steam too much milk at one time, although with the short steam wand length, I'm finding it very difficult to steam the milk properly without using way more milk that I need in my 12oz pitcher. I tried a 6oz pitcher, but find the small diameter hard to work with. Any ideas how to optimize without wasting so much milk?
Thanks so much!
submitted by cheesePurse to LaMarzocco [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:33 herrwoland After months of designing, buying parts, and trial & error finally finished it and got it to work!

After months of designing, buying parts, and trial & error finally finished it and got it to work!
3D printed body with old Assyrian and Persian thenes. Using an orange pi 5 plus and 14x18650 batteries. Stereo speakers under the keyboard get pretty loud. Weights about 2.200kg. It doesn't fully fit when the screen is closed due to some miss calculation on the hinges, need to fix that and also and then I will make all the designs open source. Other problem is with the power supply, used a power bank that supports fast charging but it will cut off the power for a second when the charger is connected. Needs to be replaced with charger and supply circuits but I'm so burnt out, I'll do it in a few months and besides the system runs for 10-12h on full charge and then I charge it overnight. Let me know what you think! :)
submitted by herrwoland to cyberDeck [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:32 Hoennker After five months, I finally finished Gintama: here's my take.

So, the long journey just ended and I'm a little bit sad, as you can imagine: so I wanted to share my opinion about the anime but, instead of writing a long wall of text, I decided to let some tierlist that I just made speak for me.
Among the group D, there might be some characters that I just didn't recognize by that image.
Well, Gintama has a lot of fun characters. I don't know if it's an unpopular opinion or not, but the main trio is not among my favourites: Sougo is a total beast, a complete character that I enjoyed both when he was serious and when he was comical and I loved his friendly-rivalry relationship with Kagura; Shinsuke was probably the best written character for me and I equally loved all the S-tier people there, even tough Hedoro has a special place in my heart: my boy deserved way more screen time (I'd say he must be protected at all costs, but let's be honest: he was probably the strongest character in the entire anime after Utsuro).
Gintoki was great, I really liked him most of the time (especially in his serious moments) and I liked Kagura even more but I truly could never really like Shinpachi: God, I swear I tried really hard to like him, but sometimes I felt he was just irritating and I feel like he could have been written way better by the writer.
I never skipped any opening or ending in every episode and, in the end, the more I listened to almost all of them, the more I liked them. The ones in the D rank are the ones that I really couldn't enjoy and felt they were boring or not interesting enough; the ones in the S and A ranks are all on rotation on my Spotify playlist since I listened to them for the first time: I can't count how many times I listened to the full version of Togenkyo Alien, they didn't need to go so hard on that opening.
I never gave much attention on the openings and endings of the Yorinuki series, so I don't have a strong opinion on them, except for the first one that I kinda liked.
THE peak was the Shogun assassination arc and nothing else comes close, but the Four Devas and Courtesan of a Nation left me speechless too: basically perfection to me and made me love Gintama more and more. I was disappointed by the final arc, because I even felt a bit bored watching some episodes and I never was hungry of more and more episodes like when I was watching the arcs on Peak and S tier: I wasn't impressed by the final enemies and I never truly liked Utsuro for some reasons I can't still explain; I liked some moments of the final war, but overall I was disappointed and made me think: "Oh, well, the destination wasn't that great, but the journey was fantastic". The final movie was good tho.
About the comical episodes: I really loved or liked about 70% of them, Gintama gave me a lot of laughs but there were moments where I found really hard to keep watching; especially in the 150-200 episodes block, I remember I often felt disappointed and bored. The worst arc for me is probably the Monkey Hunter one: I clearly remember I couldn't wait for it to be over.
Gintama gave me laughs in some very intense and stressed months of my life and I was happy to have two or three episode of it to watch in the end of the day. I know a lot of people here say this anime is their favourite one, but for me it's just a good anime to watch but far from being perfect. I'll probably rewatch it againg, maybe skipping those arcs that I truly didn't like, so my opinions could change in the future.
Thanks for the attention, now I just need some advice to fill the void.
submitted by Hoennker to Gintama [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:30 IntrovertMoTown1 My mostly ICUE driven battlestation

My mostly ICUE driven battlestation
My current battlestation in my PC gaming/spare bedroom. I call it my blue is soothing battlestation. I wish my phone's camera was better at accurately recording light. The color is off. Oh well. Most LED and that's most by a WIDE margin, is being run off of Corsair's ICUE. What isn't is the first neon rope above the mini fridge. Little lava lamp under the TV. G 815 keyboard. (How I got low profile fully backlit "pudding" keycaps for it here) G 502 X Plus mouse. Extended mousepad. Wall Hexigons. Wall lights above the black light Tool banner. All other LED including the 2 other lava lamps I modded LED rings into, the 2 desktop lamps under the portable AC. (Those had RGBW LED strips I yanked and replaced with ARGB strips.) As well as the 24v neon rope above the TV. (If any are interested in how to get 12 and 24v products to work off of Corsair's 5v controllers, I did a write up here.) lol I've made soooo many Corsair adapter cables which is actually fairly easy to do and drops the price to around only around a couple bucks per adapter. I'm happy with how things have turned out.
Full PC specs.
Anidees AI Crystal XL Pro case
Z490 Asrock Taichi MOBO
I7 10700K
32GB Crucial 3600 Mhz DDR4
Gigabyte Aorus Master 3080 TI
2 TB Adata M.2
2 TB Kingston M.2
1 TB Samsung Evo SSD
ASUS Xonar Essence STX sound card. (lol Yes it's "ancient" but it's still WAY better than the onboard sound despite the MOBO being Asrock's 2020 flagship. It has audiophile quality parts)
240 Arctic Liquid Freezer II AIO
Corsair RM850X PSU
I forget the Chinese brand, 5 inch touch screen HDMI sensor panel.
23 fans in total. 2 120 Arctic. 8 120 Corsair LL and 2 140 QL. 2 little Noctua 60mm on the outside on the empty PCIe slots and over the vertical GPU vents. 3 140 Noctua Chromax. 1 140 Nocuta Redux 1500. The rest are 120 Noctua Redux 1700.
Sound is Sennheiser 598 headphones. Mic is a magnetic attachable Antlion Modmic. (I only stick it on the Senns when I need it.)
Cablemod extensions on the 24 pin and the 2 8 pin EPS.
For the lighting in the PC.
8 Corsair LL and 2 QL
4 400mm Phantek neon strips
6 400mm Airgoo neon strips
Infinity mirror I had made up at Aliexpress. (Was going to be the sound card's backplate but I decided to side mount it instead.)
Thermaltake Pacific R1 RAM cover
Galax AIO vest
3 8 pin Lian Li strimer
Single 12v RGB LED "bubble" GPU brace
And finally, 1 partridge in a pear tree..... :)
Lighting mode running on everything except the fans is Alex Krastev's Aquamarine profile only the colors are modded to blue and white. Fans are running ICUE's pong mode.
These are all my Corsair controllers. 10 of the Lighting Node Pros are mounted outside the PC under the desk. Their power is from an old 650W PSU from an old PC. It was too underpowered for this build so I figured I might as well put it to use. USB is ran to hubs and then to the back of the PC. lol It's suuuuuch a rat's nest down there but it's "managed" enough that you can't see anything unless you lean down there at least. Or at least it was. I have to clean up the back again. I cut a bunch of zip ties off when I recently moved the 2 lava lamps. The jumper needed to fool the PSU into thinking it's getting a case's power signal is ran to a switch I mounted on the desktop. So I don't have to reach down there to turn it off and on.
submitted by IntrovertMoTown1 to Corsair [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:19 The_Silver_Avenger Doctor Who Magazine #604 - Russell T Davies - Doctor Who's showrunner writes exclusively for DWM... This issue Russell is writing from the eye of the Doctor Who publicity storm as it takes the TARDIS to The Big Apple!

What's this?: Each month in Doctor Who Magazine they have a column by Russell T Davies (formerly 'Letter from the Showrunner', before that 'Production Notes') - a column by someone involved in the production of Doctor Who, and normally in the form of either the showrunner writing pieces about writing Doctor Who or the showrunner answering reader-submitted questions. Because these pieces and questions have often been used as a source for blogs to write misleading stories, they started being typed up for /gallifrey.
Hey thanks for doing this! Now I don't have to buy it: Yes you do, otherwise you'll be missing out on: in-depth previews of the four episodes of the new series (73 Yards, Dot and Bubble, Rogue, The Legend of Ruby Sunday); an interview with Jonathan Groff (Rogue); behind-the-scenes set reports from Space Babies, The Devil's Chord and Boom; an interview with Steven Moffat; a feature on the script-to-screen process behind the effects in Space Babies; a deconstruction of "The Rescue"; the first part of DWM's Fifteenth Doctor comic-strip "The Hans of Fear"; reviews for all of this month's DVD/CD/Book releases and EVEN MORE.
It's available physically in shops and digitally via!
Want an archive of the previous Production Notes that have been posted on /gallifrey?: Follow this link.
I am writing this in New York! It's the Doctor Who press junket (definition of junket: a sweet milky pudding, or a promotional trip, discuss). This is how it works. We're put in a hotel, me, Ncuti, Millie, plus their agents, with fleets of publicists. We all have a chocolate TARDIS in our rooms, to welcome us! (And none of this comes out of the licence fee, don't worry.) Then an entire floor of the hotel is set aside; there's a room of food, which ends up untouched because we're so busy, plus rooms with cameras in, one for each of us. (You've seen these rooms on every bit of publicity made in the last 20 years, usually a dark curtain with the logo in the background, often with Alison Hammond nearby. I wish! We want Allison!) And there's another room where, for half an hour every day, Ncuti and Millie and me are brought together to face a zoomful of journalists, 20 faces in boxes, all staring at us. This is my least favourite half hour of the day; Ncuti and Millie look beautiful, I look like the Werthers Original Grandpa.
Then it's back to our individual rooms. I sit there, on camera. Sometimes a journalist will come to sit opposite me, but most appear on camera, from Spain, from Berlin, from Rio. And it's fast! The PR in charge tells them 'You have six minutes.' Once in a while, it's 'You have nine minutes' and I wonder what Faustian pact has gained them the extra time. Once a day, someone has 15 minutes and I think this must be a Pulitzer winner!
This amounts to, on average, 28 interviews every day. 48 if you include that zoom. Over three days that's 144. It's dizzying! The thing is: you're encouraged to repeat yourself. Or you'd go mad. No one has 144 different anecdotes. At the same time, you're encouraged to, as the PR speak has it, 'Bring your roses.' I hooted at that phrase, but I've come to like it. It means, give out gifts. Have certain stories that you can choose for each journalist; that's for you, that's for you, that's for you. And now and again, if you really like an interviewer: have the bunch!
It becomes a mad blur. I repeat. I forget I've repeated and repeat again. I act, I try to make every story sound new. Sometimes I lie. Sometimes I bait. An imp in my mind still wants to find 144 stories - isn't that my job?! - so while I talk, a searchlight in my head is sweeping those dark corners for treasures. I'm in a freefall of words and find myself saying things I haven't thought about for years. Lots of journalists ask about The Devil's Chord, how the expensive copyright on Beatles tracks inspired my idea to have Maestro taking music away, but then suddenly, one afternoon (is it afternoon? The windows are still curtained, we are cocooned) I find myself saying, "It's Peer Gynt." A pause. "Oh?" "Yes, it's Act IV of Peer Gynt, the tumbleweeds appear and tell Peter: We are the songs, you should have sung us. A thousand times, you stifled and strangled us. In the mine of your heart, we've lain and waited, we were never summoned. Curse you, curse you." A pause. A silence. Then. "So what was it like to work with Jinkx Monsoon?!"
But that's true, that's what inspired Maestro draining Timothy Drake's heart. Where do you get your ideas from? Ibsen! Somehow the blur of words has woken that fact from its hiding place.
On and on it goes, and it's knackering - though I'm not complaining, I love this stuff because I think it's important. We want Doctor Who in every headline across the world. So onwards, onwards!
Then suddenly, oh faithful DWM reader, it all comes full circle. Out of the blue, one journalist - I'm sorry, I can't remember, was it Eric? - finishes his six minutes. "Thank you, bye!" But then he says quickly, "I just wanted to say..."
Argh, hurry up, the switchover from one interviewer to another is fast! It's brutal! You're on a bobsleigh, Eric, you've got about eight seconds! What?!
"I just wanted to say thank you for your page in Doctor Who Magazine."
"Oh. Wait! What? This page?"
"If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have got into journalism, I wouldn't be doing this job today."
"Really? Gosh! But how - ?"
"Well, because - "
"Hi, this is Amber from HotSpike in Chile! What was it like to work with Jinkx Monsoon?!"
Gone. Eric. If it was Eric. Goodbye.
But what a lovely thing to say. No one's ever said that before. And I reckon there's a chance that Eric might still be reading, so...
Thank you. Hugely. Thank you.
"Amber, we had so much fun! Like Ibsen says..."
submitted by The_Silver_Avenger to gallifrey [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:14 waitingonawait On June 3rd Berkshire Hathaway traded for 185$ per share and halted some stocks including GameStop. Something is telling me there are more BRK.A shares than should exist.

On June 3rd Berkshire Hathaway traded for 185$ per share and halted some stocks including GameStop. Something is telling me there are more BRK.A shares than should exist.

Berkshire Hathaway is an Indicator of GME Spikes. Is Warren Buffet the Final Boss?

"Can't imagine Buffett just helping wall street 'pals'. I mean, Lehman and AIG did go to him in 2008, but he said no to both, because he wasn't interested in making a risky commitment like that. Bailing out shorts by risking his own stock strikes me as nothing BUT risky.
I guess it's possible on a truly conspiratorial scale, but I personally don't think Buffet's on either side of this debacle directly.
BRK being pumped by hedge funds to meet collateral, though? That I'd absolutely believe."
"Brk.A is +3000 AH, with a couple trades pushing it up to 468,880 no reasons for AH trades to go past the already ATH.
these Form T after hour trades also seem to predict a GME Spike.
happened about a week before nov 3rd gme run.
happened a couple of weeks before May run."
Notice how the volume has been ramping up this last year.
Notice the rise starting april 30th. One day later...
Here is the week before's OTC data for BRK.A. Just wanna include it because Robinhood makes another appearance.
submitted by waitingonawait to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:05 Watson8008 Windowed Discord on Launch

My discord has been launching on start up in a windowed setting and i dont know how to make it launch on full screen, can someone help?
submitted by Watson8008 to discordapp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:04 Annalouiz Best IPTV Service Provider for Reliable TV Streaming

Best IPTV Service Provider for Reliable TV Streaming
I've always loved watching TV. And over time, Best IPTV Service Provider , I've seen how we watch our shows change. One big change is IPTV or Internet Protocol Television. It's making our TV time way better. By 2024, more people will choose IPTV over cable. S&P Global Market Intelligence says it will have over 33.7% of the market. Why? Because it's easy to use, flexible, and has lots of shows.
Are you into sports, movies, or just flipping through channels? Finding the best IPTV service iptv provide can change the game for you. The IPTV Subscriber Market report looks at what's happening in the world of IPTV. It talks about trends and what to look out for. With so many choices, it's important to pick what fits you best.
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A colorful and vibrant screen displaying various channels and shows with a smooth and uninterrupted streaming experience. The IPTV logo should be present in the corner of the screen, adding to the modern and high-tech feel of the image. The overall design should convey reliability, efficiency, and convenience.

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Today, many IPTV services stand out, each with its special perks. CetIPTV has a vast channel selection and top-notch streaming. IPTVRockers offers varied entertainment and a smooth platform. If you love sports, IPTVPick shines with its sports programs. SwapIPTV, however, focuses on content from around the world, perfect for diverse preferences.

Comparing Features and Pricing

Providers vary greatly in what they offer and cost. VisualiseTv boasts 24,000+ live channels and 120,000 movies in stunning quality. CetIPTV has premium channels, movies, and PPV options. HONEY BEE IPTV gives over 21,000 channels and a full money-back deal. CatchON TV provides 20,000+ channels, VODs, and promises a 99% uptime. KEMO IPTV's annual $65 plan includes 20,000+ channels and more what is the best iptv service provider

User Reviews and Ratings

User feedback is crucial in choosing the right IPTV service. Many services let users try them free, up to 7 days, to get a feel and leave feedback. Legal IPTV offerings can be found on platforms like Amazon and Google Play, showing they're safe and real. But, unverified services bring legal and security risks, so using a VPN is smart for safety.

Unverified IPTV Services: Risks and Legalities

The IPTV industry is growing fast. It's expected to beat cable TV by 2024 as the top choice for multichannel households. But, there are dangers with unverified IPTV services. They raise big legal and safety concerns.
These unverified services aren't in popular app stores. They seem cheaper than legal options. But, they might not have the right to stream content. This can lead to legal issues and risks like data theft. They may also violate your internet service's terms.
The laws around IPTV are getting stricter. The UK's Digital Economy Act of 2017 means up to 10 years in jail for illegal IPTV. In the US, the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act makes streaming felonious. Operators of these services could face up to 10 years behind bars.
When choosing an IPTV service, look at the subscription cost and payment method. Check the content and streaming quality. Also, see if they have ads, good customer support, and official apps. This is key to knowing if the service is legal and trustworthy. Go for services you can find in official app stores to stay safe and legal.

Setting Up Your IPTV Service

Getting ready to explore IPTV needs some steps for a smooth experience. We'll talk about what's important when starting your IPTV journey.

Internet Speed Requirements

For IPTV to work well, you must have a fast internet connection. You need about 25Mbps for watching live channels in full-HD without interruptions. If you want to watch in 4K or need SD quality, you'll need more speed. Over 75Mbps might be needed for excellent 4K quality.

Compatible Devices

Using a device that can handle IPTV well is key. Android systems or Amazon Fire Stick are great options. They make it easy and convenient to watch various IPTV apps and services.

Installing the IPTV App

Getting your IPTV set up means picking a provider, getting their plan, and putting the app on your device. After logging in, you can start watching live channels and on-demand shows. It's usually simple, with instructions from your provider to help.

Enhancing Your IPTV Experience

Getting more from your IPTV means personalizing it to your liking. You can do this by using a VPN for extra security or by picking only the channels you enjoy. Accessing parental controls is another useful way to customize your experience. We'll look into each of these ideas.

Using a VPN for IPTV

A VPN, though not always a must, adds a layer of protection. It encrypts your internet use and protects your privacy. It can also let you watch shows from other countries by bypassing their viewing restrictions.

Customizing Channel Lists

Customizing your channel list can turn your IPTV experience into just what you want. You get to pick the channels you love. This is especially handy with a lot of channels. Some services even offer guides to help you find what you're looking for easily.

Parental Controls and Restrictions

IPTV services make it easy to keep your kids away from shows they shouldn't watch. You can set controls to block certain content and manage when they watch. This keeps the whole family's viewing safe and enjoyable.

IPTV vs. Traditional Cable TV: The Future of Television

Many have turned to IPTV and satellite bundles for their TV needs. IPTV provides Live, Time-Shifted, and Video on Demand services. It tends to be cheaper than cable or satellite TV. This is because IPTV services offer various affordable plans.
IPTV lets you do more than watch TV. You can pause, rewind, and fast-forward live shows. There's on-demand content and shows picked just for you. The future for IPTV looks bright. More and more people will switch to it from traditional TV. This is because it's flexible, offers lots of shows, and saves money. Technology will make IPTV even better. We'll get smoother streaming, quicker starts, and more cool features. Plus, we'll have more shows to pick from, including ones from around the world and special ones just for you.
For years, cable and satellite TV have been the main way we watch TV. But now, IPTV is making a mark. It's a cheaper and more adjustable option. IPTV is known for clear, reliable shows with less waiting and in high definition. Over-the-Top (OTT) services let you watch on different gadgets and save money. IPTV even has cool features like DVR, pausing live shows, and guides. OTT is great for its unique, top-notch shows.
The TV world is changing fast. Soon, IPTV and OTT will blend in with smart homes. It will be easy to pick what to watch with your voice. Also, things like 5G and better internet will make TV even more amazing.
Live TelevisionVideo on Demand (VOD)Time-Shifted TV Subscription-Based Services (SVOD)Ad-Supported Services (AVOD)Transactional Services (TVOD)
Generally more expensive due to bundling with other services and hardware requirements More cost-effective and accessible on a variety of devices compared to IPTV
Boasts quality and reliability due to managed networks, resulting in minimal buffering and high-definition quality streaming Offers flexibility in viewing, accessibility on multiple devices, and cost-effectiveness
Presents interactive features like DVR, pausing live TV, and interactive program guides Known for producing high-quality original content not found on traditional TV
Services are tied to specific locations and devices, limiting mobility compared to OTT services Might require multiple subscriptions for desired content, leading to content fragmentation
The future looks bright for TV. IPTV and OTT will get even better with new technology.


The digital age has changed how we watch TV. IPTV, or Internet Protocol Television, is now popular. It's a good choice instead of cable or satellite.
IPTV offers a lot of channels, from about 15 to over 54,000. It's also affordable, with prices between $15 to $30 a month. You can watch TV on smart TVs, phones, tablets, and more. This makes watching TV better for everyone.
In the USA, using legal IPTV services means you're watching content from licensed sources. This makes sure you're watching without any copyright issues. When choosing an IPTV service, think about the shows they offer, channels, price, and how they help you if you have a problem.
The way we watch TV is changing thanks to IPTV. Soon, more people will watch TV this way. It offers new features and an improved way to watch. Plus, it's all done the right way, making sure artists and creators are supported.


What is IPTV?

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. It brings TV shows and movies through the Internet to your devices. This is different from using cable or satellite dishes.

How does IPTV work?

To watch TV using IPTV, you need an internet connection. This connection sends TV shows to your device. You can watch IPTV on smart TVs, set-top boxes, or your phone.

What are the benefits of IPTV over traditional cable TV?

Unlike traditional TV, IPTV is more flexible and lets you choose what to watch when. You can see shows and movies from all over the world. Plus, it's often cheaper.

What should I consider when choosing an IPTV service provider?

When picking an IPTV service, think about what channels you can watch and how clear the picture is. Also, check if it works on your devices and how easy it is to use. Make sure they are a legal provider for your safety.

What are the risks of using unverified IPTV services?

Using IPTV services that are not verified can lead to legal troubles. They might not have the rights to show the content they stream. Although these services are cheap, they may not be safe or reliable.

What internet speed do I need for IPTV?

For watching live HD TV through IPTV, you should have around 25Mbps speed. High-speed internet is best to avoid pauses while watching.

What devices can I use to access IPTV services?

You can watch IPTV on many devices like smart TVs, set-top boxes, and mobile phones. This includes systems like Android or Amazon Fire Stick.

How important is customer support for an IPTV provider?

Good tech support and customer service are very important with IPTV. They can help you fix any problems you have while watching TV.
submitted by Annalouiz to u/Annalouiz [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:01 WhiteHawkeReborn "What is your Headcanon about this?" Day 68: Mugetsu & Gengetsu

Day guide
Welcome to Day 68 of WiyHat?. Today's topic is Mugetsu & Gengetsu, the "Maid" & "Demon" respectively.
Mugetsu's portrait from TH4

Gengetsu's portrait from TH4
They are the Extra stage bosses of Touhou 4: Lotus Land Story. Essentially, the protagonist...
  1. Infiltrates the "Dream World" (Different than the one from the main game itself).
  2. Gets confronted by Mugetsu.
  3. She claims to have created the Dream World herself.
  4. She gets beat up, then calls her sister, Gengetsu, to handle the protagonist
  5. Gengetsu says she and her sister together are basically one whole adult.
  6. And then she gets beat up too.
And that is literally the full extent of the "story" of Mugetsu and Gengetsu. Much like how he experimented with what the extra stage should be in TH2, ZUN was still working out what it should be in TH4, in this case being a venture into a world beyond that of the main story's...but it makes little sense as is and so is hard to assume it happened at all, as a result. This makes the Getsu sisters debatably canon, even within the PC-98 universe itself.
As far as each are concerned, all we know is that they're both demons, Mugetsu only dresses as a Maid and isn't actually one, and Gengetsu is known for having one of the most oppressive patterns in the franchise's history.
Basically, both Getsu sisters have "Timeout" phase, where if you try to timeout their patterns, you are punished with them starting to fire super fast extra bullets as they get closer to "timeout". But in Gengetsu's final attack, these "super fast bullets" are turned up to such an extreme that it is humanly impossible to dodge them.
This is delving into "Meta" and I'm going to be quite vague on the details, but while Gengetsu might have little presence in Touhou's lore, she actually has a bit of history outside of it: ZUN was a big fan of the Donpachi games back when he was making PC-98 Touhou, and he actually boasted about the sheer amount of bullets his game (TH4) could render at the time, specifically in reference to Gengetsu's final rage pattern, and how it was more than you'd see at once in Dodonpachi.
Well, surprisingly, the company behind the Donpachi games fired back in one of their following titles with a boss with an even more extreme pattern than Gengetsu's, as if to tell their fanboy that his flex wasn't that impressive to them.
Since ZUN's style of bullet patterns would become more "Flowery" and "Beautiful" with the following games, the type of patterns involving filling the screen with non-stop fast bullets like Gengetsu's would never be seen in Touhou again...except for TH19, because how broken it is.
Ah, while we're on the topic of patterns, Gengetsu is another one of the few characters who can use the "Master Spark", albeit on a much smaller level than Yuuka's. She's not that strongly associated with it, though.
So, given how little these two have, you'd think they would be completely forgotten by the fans, right?
Well, not quite. These two are sisters after all, and Touhou fans love sister-types (Rip Benben and Benben's sister). Fans who wanted to give them personalities basically just took their fanon interpretations of Remilia and Flan, and gave them to the Getsu sisters...well, moreso for Gengetsu, who is much more popular than Mugetsu.
Specifically, Gengetsu placed 118th, while Mugetsu placed 134th. For context: both of these placements are better than Yatsuhashi, and Gengetsu herself is more popular than Ichirin, a canon character who was playable in 3 whole games.
A lot of this is owed to Gengetsu's reputation for being one of the toughest EX bosses in the franchise and having a really cool theme, giving her some fame which her younger sister tags onto...but they're honestly not that hard, I think. Just defeat them before their patterns get stronger.
Oh, but if you're going for a pacifist run against them...good luck.
Well, regardless, with no potential reappearance in sight, these two are slowly fading into obscurity from canon...but fanon still keeps them in mind, with some fan artists like Noctiilio being big fans of them especially. What about you? Do you have a headcanon about them? Vote or comment below about it if so.
Mugetsu and Gengetsu are...
View Poll
submitted by WhiteHawkeReborn to touhou [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:58 SocketAtUFIFWorkshop Help getting it to work.

I is new here and am looking for help with my full upgrade on my Creality CR-10 v3. Before we get to far ahead, I am Mechanically and Electricitly (Intermediate) trained by Trade (15+ years) and currently studying Engineering, but lack knowledge in Computing and Programming. Ok, onto the show. I have recently received all the components that I wish to use for my upgrade from BTT, these are them: -BTT SKR MINI E3 V3.0, Control Board -BTT TFT35-E3 V3.0.1, Touch Screen -BIQU H2 V2S, Extruder -BIQU MicroProbe V2.0, Touch Probe -BTT SFS V2.0, Smart Filament Sensor Ie, All the Stepper Motors are still the OG but will be upgraded at a later date. I have ripped out all the old parts and have mocked up and connected everything on my work bench (ie, my work bench is insulated and staticly earthed). I can power everything on but unable to get anything to move or respond. I've tried going through all the BTT/BIQU manuals, guides, and also have look on their gitHub page (which got me talking like the Mad Hatter) for what to do with Troubleshooting and Firmware. So the main thing is that I can't get anything to run or respond and need help with troubleshooting and firmware configuration. Once I have got everything to work I will be making a custom enclosed, hosing wire looms and mounts for all the new components. So just need help getting to that point. Cheers in advance to anyone that can, you will he in my heart forever.
submitted by SocketAtUFIFWorkshop to BIGTREETECH [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:54 rocwurst The Cybertruck wins some and loses some

The Cybertruck wins some and loses some submitted by rocwurst to CyberStuck [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:53 MalibuDan Blue Fairy Godmother SL6 Text Guide (Bubble Size and Placement)

Blue Fairy Godmother SL6 Text Guide (Bubble Size and Placement) submitted by MalibuDan to TsumTsum [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:47 iZsaq Im Samsung user since S2, thinking of getting Vivo Fold 3, seems like a good device

Thinking of getting Vivo Fold 3 Pro, it seems real nice, but have a few Questions :
Been using Fold 3, 4, & now 5, So wondering what all I will be missing out
1) Any App like GoodLock on Vivo
2) Can we just Lock the Front Screen to Potrait, like we can with GoodLock & keep Inside Screen to Auto
3) Can we choose any App to open up, when we connect to Bluetooth Headphones, GoodLock - Routines
4) Will Excel Sheets work just like on Samsung
5) Any issues opening Apps in Full Screen
6) Will we able to do a FREE Full Cloud Back like in Samsung ☆
7) Can we download Themes & just Icons of Themes ?
8) Will we be able to change Back,Home,Multiple Icons like in NavStar in GoodLock
9) Will we able change Task Changer in SlimList, like we can with HomeUp in GoodLock
10) OneHand Operation & Routines features anything similar on Vivo
Is there a Developer Mode in Vivo ?
▪︎ Waiting to see a Video on Vivo 50w Wireless Charging vs Wire charging of Galaxy S24 Ultra / Fold 5, that would be interesting
▪︎ Would like to see the Screen in Sunlight, comparing to other Foldables or Phones
▪︎ Need to see Battery Drain Test vs other Phones
submitted by iZsaq to VivoXFold [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:46 colectiveinvention Nintendo e-shop on a infinite loading and no troubleshooting/workaround avaliable has solved.

I've been trying to fix my ''white screen problem'' for a whole day now. E-shop just stuck on a infinite loading screen.
NONE of the dozens upon dozens fixes avaliable out there has solved the problem.
Nintendo troublesooting does nothing. Change all the configurations of my router did nothing. I went with my Switch to a shopping mall 50km away from home for a public wifi and nothing.
And it gets better: my next solution now is to factory reset my switch. Had to buy a NSO subscription to backup my save files (through web browers of) but since theres info online that even that may not work at all, i have to buy another SD card to make a full backup of my backlog.
Anyone knows any other thing that can be done? Already in contact with Nintendo, but they take a full 4-5 days to answer back...
submitted by colectiveinvention to Switch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:41 HadjiChippoSafri EVENTS: What's On in Coventry this week (Monday 10th - Sunday 16th June)

⭐️ Featured image on this post is from: After The End Of History: British Working Class Photography 1989-2024 (Herbert Art Gallery & Museum)

🎨 Art & Exhibitions

Event Date Venue
BSL Gallery Tour with Olivier Jamin Sat 15th Jun 2pm Warwick Arts Centre
Exhibition On Screen: My National Gallery Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
After The End Of History: British Working Class Photography 1989-2024 Until 16th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Summer Exhibition Until 23rd Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Sent from Coventry Until 7th Jul Coventry Cathedral
Coventry's Jewish Community Until 30th Sep Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Picturing High Streets: Coventry - Tim Mills Until 3rd Nov Coventry Transport Museum
Collecting Coventry Until Apr 2025 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Dippy In Coventry: The Nation's Favourite Dinosaur Until Feb 2026 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Warwickshire's Jurassic Sea Until Feb 2026 Herbert Art Gallery & Museum

🎤 Comedy

Event Date Venue
Coventry Improv: Full of Beans Fri 14th Jun 4pm Coventry Transport Museum

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Family

Event Date Venue
Doze Under Dippy Sat 15th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Play Children's War Games Sat 15th Jun 11am The Blitz Museum
Big Gobs Puppet Project Until 15th Jun Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Family Sundays Until 23rd Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Mini Creatives Until 25th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Junior Drama Classes (5-7) Until 2nd Jul Belgrade Theatre
Junior Drama Classes (8-11) Until 3rd Jul Belgrade Theatre
Sensory Stories and Rhymes Until 16th Jul Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Mini Museum Engineers Play Until 28th Aug Coventry Transport Museum

🎥 Film

Event Date Venue
Blue Jean Fri 14th Jun 3pm Warwick Arts Centre
Beautiful Thing Fri 14th Jun 5:15pm Warwick Arts Centre
Pride (10th Anniversary) Fri 14th Jun 7:30pm Warwick Arts Centre
Young Woman and the Sea Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Rosalie Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Dead Don't Hurt Until 13th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Here Until 18th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Freud's Last Session Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Sasquatch Sunset Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
A House in Jerusalem Until 20th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Warwick Student Cinema Until 28th Jun University of Warwick

🍔 Food, Markets & Socials

Event Date Venue
Darts Tournament Tue 11th Jun 7pm Sky Blue Tavern
Open Mic: Words & Music Thu 13th Jun 6pm Warwick Arts Centre
Gallery Late x Warwick Pride Fri 14th Jun 6pm Warwick Arts Centre

🎵 Music

Event Date Venue
Lunchtime Concert Thu 13th Jun 1pm Warwick Arts Centre
Sink or Swim presents: Drahla + special guests Thu 13th Jun 7:30pm The Tin
The King's Voice Fri 14th Jun 7pm Rialto Plaza
Pulsar + Vertigo Flowers + Alys Rain Fri 14th Jun 7pm LTB Showrooms
Walk Right Back Fri 14th Jun 7:30pm Albany Theatre
The Mudsharks Fri 14th Jun 8pm Arches Venue
The Caroline Bomb Fri 14th Jun 8pm Commonground
Jake Edgar Sat 15th Jun 9pm LTB Showrooms
Summer Jams Until 22nd Jun HMV Empire
Jazz Fridays Until 28th Jun Warwick Arts Centre

🗣 Poetry, Writing & Talks

Event Date Venue
Cheddar Gorgeous In Conversation with Ibi Profane Fri 14th Jun 4pm Warwick Arts Centre

⚽️ Sport


🎭 Theatre & Performance

Event Date Venue
TSG Legally Blonde Thu 13th - Sat 15th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Eric Scutaro: Strike A Pose Fri 14th Jun 12:30pm Warwick Arts Centre
An Orphan's Dream Fri 14th Jun 7pm Albany Theatre

🛠 Workshops & Classes

Event Date Venue
Introduction to Suminagashi Paper Marbling with The Handcrafted Hen Sat 15th Jun 10:30am Herbert Art Gallery & Museum
Songwriting Until 25th Jun Warwick Arts Centre
Adult Acting Classes (Thursday) Until 4th Jul Belgrade Theatre
Adult Acting Classes (Friday) Until 5th Jul Belgrade Theatre
Any events that we've missed? Drop them in the comments below!
submitted by HadjiChippoSafri to coventry [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:36 BitXorBit Rail Vision ($RVSN): Full Steam Ahead

Companies that go public before reaching profitability can be harder to analyze. Investors are used to having net earnings performance as an initial screening tool, but when forming a view on an early-stage company, you have to look for other starting points. That scares some people away, but it also means that there’s plenty of space to find companies right at the start of their growth trajectory – and when you do, you’ll be thankful that you got in early.
One stock that fits this category is Rail Vision (RVSN), a NASDAQ-listed technology company that builds AI-powered sensors for trains. If you’re on the hunt for an interesting multibagger play, I’d say it fits the bill: the company itself has racked up impressive milestones over the past few months even while keeping expenses under control, and the stock price is sitting at an attractive entry point given what’s on the horizon. Intrigued? Read on…
Overview and Performance
Rail Vision was founded in 2016 and floated on the NASDAQ in 2022. It pretty much does what it says on the tin: AI-powered computer vision and smart sensors for railway vehicles, which can detect obstacles on the tracks ahead in any weather. This technology gets train much closer to being autonomous – think of Tesla’s self-driving cars, but for the railroads – and makes the operating companies less dependent on human train drivers, whose vision can be impaired in inclement weather. Essentially, the having the Rail Vision onboard improves passenger safety, reduces the chances of on-track collisions, and lowers the risk of a simple human error leading to a tragedy. They’re also a step towards removing the need for a driver entirely, which would have a significant impact on profitability.
Rail Vision’s stock hasn’t had as smooth a ride as the trains that use its technology: after floating above $20 in 2022, the price sagged for the rest of the year, before briefly approaching it’s the $17 mark in early 2023. Since then, in keeping with the general small-cap market sentiment as rates rose and even optimists became a little more sober, the stock has trended downwards, even flirting with the $1 floor at the start of January. At the end of that month RVSN exploded upwards, probably thanks to the announcement of a large private placement being closed, before reverting back to its previous $1-2 range.
Milestones this quarter
Whether closing new deals, opening up new markets, or building up its technological clout, it’s been full steam ahead for Rail Vision in 2024. In January, the company inked a supply contract with a major American rail outfit to supply its AI-based Switch Yard Systems; the first phase of the deal will run to $1,000,000, with the potential for the entire contract to generate up to $5,000,000. That was quickly followed by the March announcement of another US order for the Switch Yard System, this time from a major freight rail company. Rail Vision’s lifetime revenue to the end of 2023 was just $1.45 million, so it’s safe to say that these contracts signal a step change in the company’s execution of its go-to-market strategy.
Beyond the customer order book, Rail Vision has racked a series of other notable achievements in the past few months. Back in January, the company’s products received official certification for usage on the EU rail network – one of the largest in the world – covering its software, hardware equipment, fire protection and performance reliability. At the start of February, Rail Vision’s technology was awarded a patent in India, paving the way for the company to attack that market too. And in the same month, the company confirmed that it was joining NVIDIA Metropolis, an application framework administered by the GPU giant that gives AI and IoT companies access to a range of developer tools, supercharging the process of building and deploying computer vision technology.
The company’s latest financial statements show that it’s growing in all these areas from a solid foundation. For starters, 2023 saw Rail Vision post a Gross Profit margin of 57%, after recording a gross loss the year before, a clear sign that the fundamental product and manufacture model is robust. On the other side of the income statement, both R&D and G&A costs have stayed relative stable, showing that the company has maintained spending discipline. Overall, 2023 saw expenditure of around $11m, with only $142k of revenue recorded – but as mentioned above, the contracts that Rail Vision is signing are valued in the millions of dollars. With spending remaining stable, that spells a clear path either to profitability, or to increased cash availability for investment in further growth. Either way, the financials are set to look far healthier this year as the company starts booking serious revenue for the first time.
It's also worth mentioning that Rail Vision is in a healthy cash position too. Having ended 2023 with around $3m in the bank, the combination of January’s private placement issuance and the exercise of share warrants provided another $8m, meaning that even without taking revenue into account, the company already has the cash in hand to continue its current rate of investment into R&D and growth.
Backers and Market Context
Two macro market trends come into play for Rail Vision: the ever-increasing demand for more rail capacity and efficiency, given rising populations and growing environmental concerns, and the steady AI-ification of everything in the age of ChatGPT. Rail Vision has strategic investors on both sides. On the AI side, they’re 10% owned by Foresight Autonomous Holdings (FRSX), while the railway world is represented by Knorr-Bremse (KBX), a venerable Germany rail company that’s been around for more than a century.
Rail Vision is approaching a legacy, market with innovative technology, and has the strategic relationships to leverage on both sides. With the path opening up to start pursuing contracts in the EU and India alongside its existing deal-flow in the US and Middle East, Rail Vision is on track to start growing into an enormous market. At the same time, it’s often bracketed together with other AI and computer vision companies, some of which are servicing nascent industries that are far less large and established. That means that Rail Vision stands to benefit from the hype of the AI narrative, even though it’s not dependent upon it for traction – an appealing hybrid play combining long-term economic needs with the potential frothiness of an AI tech company.
Fundamentally, Rail Vision presents multiple appealing characteristics for a potential multibagger. The company isn’t quite pre-revenue, but its sales figures look set for a step change; it has the cash and strategic backers to execute its plan, and it’s opening up new potential markets across the world. For a long-term play, the current stock price looks like an incredibly attractive entry point. If you’ve got a shorter time horizon though, don’t discount it – there’s also scope for the price to be rapidly driven up by sentiment or major news, as has happened multiple times since the company floated.
To make the obvious joke: this is a high-speed train that looks likely to depart sooner rather than later. I’d suggest getting on board while you can…
submitted by BitXorBit to pennystocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:34 Ok_Machine_7229 Many mistakes were made. Need help.

I will give a lot of context of my situation, but I will try to make it as anonymous as possible (although, based on this, it is really easy to find me...). I won't try to justify, but rather explain the reasoning so you can understand it better. All of this is really embarrassing for me, but I'm so desperate that I feel like I need to tell you everything.
I, M23 non-citizen living in Europe in the process of acquiring citizenship, began my career around the Fall of 2021 as a Software Engineering Intern at a top 3 Password Manager company. I was 20yo at the time. I do not have a CS degree, but I had original personal projects that helped me during interviews. The fact that I failed a subject at school and couldn't join university was the trigger for a depression&anxiety (that had deeper reasons than just school failure) that I was in for over a year, and this new job sparked a joy inside me that I didn't experience during this time.
I was doing really great. After 4-5 months, I was offered a full-time Junior SWE position. I was even discharged from therapy. However, I was also interviewing for other companies as I didn't know if I'd make it into a full-time position. The offer came in as I passed Facebook interviews for a 3-month internship in London (I live in another country). I talked to my manager at the time, and he convinced me that it would be better to stay, as I had concerns about immigration & the fact that it didn't seem like Facebook had a long-term plan for me.
My salary as an intern was 24k€/year, remote. If I were to be full-time, I would be going into 32k€/year, remote.
Two weeks later, I also received feedback from another company, Company 2, B2B Fintech. I passed all the interviews for a remote Junior FE position. The salary was 72,8k€/year, but as a contractor, and I would be joining as an employee if I were to relocate to Paris. I discussed the matter with my parents, friends, and girlfriend, and I decided to take the offer. The company I was working at counter-offered for 45k€, but I didn't take it.
Then shit hit the fan.
Everything at work was fine, but I was going through a lot of stress at home. After roughly 2 months in this new company, I had two traumatic events outside work that put me into my first panic attack. Due to the high expectations I had for myself at this new job, I felt compelled to resign. I made up an excuse at midnight, wrote the resignation letter and sent it to my manager. He understood my situation and I left. I started to attend therapy sessions once more and took different medications as well.
I talked to colleagues at Company 1, and they accepted me back. One month later, I was back at my position, at 45k€. But things were different. I was giving my all, but I wasn't performing as well as I was before. My relationship with my girlfriend was getting worse, things at home were so tense, and responsibilities were piling up. My therapist thought (and she was right) that I was in the process of burnout. Closer to 6 months after my return, I was talking to my peers about taking a break, but I wasn't sure yet... Then the HR said I'd better take a sick leave because my performance was worse than before and this could trigger a PIP. I took the sick leave. 2 weeks weren't enough. The day I returned, I talked to HR again and I was surely going to PIP, so I told them I was not capable of doing more than I was already doing. I was exhausted. I resigned once more.
Two months later, I got another job at Company 3. I couldn't screw this up. 46k€, remote, I just had to go to Paris once a month. On the first day at this new job, I was so focused that I forgot to eat, and just noticed I was starving when my mom knocked on the door at 17h30 asking if I would eat something. I was dedicating 100% of my time to code.
On my first visit to the office, I had a great time, except for an interaction with a colleague that I really liked. He was asking about my story and I told him about my previous experiences. He said: "so you aren't going to leave us after 3 months, are you?". The voice tone was friendly, but I knew the concern was legit.
During my second visit to the office, I ran out of medication, so I was rationing the dose so I could make it until I was back home. I had a side project for a role-playing game, so I changed the whole BE & FE language & frameworks to match the Company 3 stack. I made a linkedin post to tell people I was practicing the stack after work hours on this project. On the next day, HR scheduled a meeting with my manager and asked me if I was founding a company, because that would clash against the non-competing clause in my contract, and that "Company 3 is the only entrepreneurship journey an employee should take".
Looking back, I understand the concern. In my mind, I was only sharing my RPG side project and showing commitment to improving, but they could not read my mind. I tried explaining that to my manager, and he suggested that instead of doing my side project, I could use those hours after work to solve more tasks from work, as my project would not give me any financial return. This whole thing made me feel horrible. I was so unstable due to medication and [sensitive information, trigger] that I thought of killing myself. I just didn't do it because I thought of my family, girlfriend and friends.
When I returned back home, I was worse. After two weeks I resigned, again. I made purchases with a credit card just so I could force myself to find a job to pay it later. My girlfriend also broke up with me, and lost contact with friends, so... I really asked my parents to stay in the hospital for rehab. I couldn't take it anymore. We searched for other therapists and they denied my hospitalization and we began working on my mental health again. They discovered that I have ADHD, alongside other childhood traumas...
After four months, I had an offer for an internship at Company 4. 21,6k€/year, but fully on-site in Paris. I had nothing to lose, so I went there. At the same time, it was my best and worst decision at the same time. It was good because I could prove to myself that I was a little bit stronger than I thought, but...
I began sharing a home with another 10 people (it was complete chaos, with a lot of fights between the people living there), taking 55% of my net salary (1380€/month) just for the rent, adding up to the interest payments I had, food, transportation, etc... I was basically paying to be able to do this internship. I couldn't pay the deposit for cheaper places. I decided I was going back home. I stood there for 6 months and, resigned and returned home.
Since then, I have taken some time to heal. Eventually, I had to stop therapy for some months as my parents had some financial issues (especially as they had to help me financially as well), but this month I will go back to it once more, thankfully. I tried job hunting, but either I couldn't pass the CV screening stage, or I failed during the process.
Right now, I'm doing some freelance for a LATAM client. I think will earn (as I don't have a contract or anything), 320€ a month.
I honestly feel like a kid. I made many mistakes and I feel like I've burnt bridges everywhere. If I weren't in the hustle from day one, I could've paid more attention to my health, to my ex, to my friends, and I wouldn't have made most of the decisions I did. I feel ashamed. I know part of the blame can be justified on the mental health issues I have, but I can't blame everything on it, I have my (the biggest) part of the blame as well.
I would like to have some advice on what to do. How to deal with this job hopping situation I have? My parents have a better financial condition now, so I'm going back to therapy and I'll be able to visit my home country. I have attached my CV, so you can have a look too and give me some advice on it. I also want to join the university next year and restart my social, professional, and academic life.
Thank you for your attention, this was really hard to share and I appreciate your time reading this.
submitted by Ok_Machine_7229 to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:27 Game-Draft How to prevent Escape key causing an exit of Fullscreen to Windowed in the actual build?

In the game build even though it launches under full screen, if the player presses escape... such as to bring up the game menu, it reverts to windowed mode and will not revert back if you ever press Escape again. Then if you were to exit then play the game again it will then start in windowed mode...and if you press escape it will switch to full screen. My game menu code does not mess with any resolution settings/modes. I feel like there is a build setting I am missing. I also tried removing the Escape key from the Cancel filed in the Input Manager.
Read something about it being a safety feature for WebGL but the build is Windows/Mac/Linux under build settings.
In short...I simply desire for the game to start in Fullscreen...and if the player presses escape...for it to remain in full screen without coding something in that if the player presses escape to always "switch" it back to that doesn't seem like it should be necessary.
Or is this just how it is and I should simply switch my game menu key to something other than escape.
Thanks in advance for educating me should anyone have a solution!
submitted by Game-Draft to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:27 NHKARMA There is NO abuse of teaming in FFA 💀

There is NO abuse of teaming in FFA 💀
5 Colossal squids and a Halibut teaming
And it is not the only team of the server... FFA is unplayable when you dont play a grabber or being solo.
Can't even run because of halibut, solo ffa gameplay boils down to constently avoid teams, that is not what I called a free for all...
Anti teaming system could be a sort of percentage slowly increasing when you see the same animals too much in your screen, then when the percentage is full you take slowness or damage.
this could apply uniquely when you are moving, to not disadvantage the people just chatting.
This system should not apply when in shipwreck or towards animals (leechs, animals in ray range...)
I repeat, teaming is a part of the game we all know that, i just wanna show you the regular abuse of it. 3 teamers is really okay but it shouldnt be allowed to team by 6 💀
submitted by NHKARMA to deeeepio [link] [comments]