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A place to explore the Christian tradition called Anabaptism.

2013.08.19 20:07 Last-Socratic A place to explore the Christian tradition called Anabaptism.

This is a place to share about Anabaptist related movements worldwide and discuss Anabaptist beliefs and practices. This tradition, historically, comes out of the part of the Reformation known as the Radical Reformation. Millions of Christians worldwide are involved with traditions and denominations descended from or influenced by the Anabaptists including Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Baptists, certain Brethren traditions and denominations, and many more expressions.

2017.05.12 08:40 magmatome The Sims Mobile

Sul Sul, Simmer! This subreddit is for discussing The Sims Mobile, a mobile life simulation game in The Sims series! Please read our rules before contributing and check out our FAQ page to see if your question has been answered. We hope you enjoy your time here! Dag Dag.

2024.06.09 07:53 tempmailgenerator Mastering Email Validation with Regular Expressions in Google Apps Script

Unlocking the Power of Regular Expressions

Email validation is a critical component of modern web applications, ensuring that user input meets specific formatting criteria before processing. Regular expressions (regex) serve as a powerful tool in this validation process, offering a flexible and efficient means to match patterns within text. In the context of Google Apps Script, a platform that extends Google apps and allows for automation and integration, regex plays a pivotal role in parsing and validating email addresses collected from various sources, such as Google Sheets.
However, the transition of regex patterns from testing environments, like Regex101, to implementation in Google Apps Script can sometimes unveil discrepancies. This is often due to differences in the regex engine or the way the script handles string processing and matching. Understanding these nuances is key to effectively using regex for email validation in Google Apps Script, ensuring that valid email addresses are correctly identified and invalid ones are filtered out, thereby enhancing the integrity and reliability of the application.
Command Description
getRange() Retrieves the range of cells from the Google Sheet specified by the A1 notation or by the row and column numbers.
getValues() Returns the values of the selected range as a two-dimensional array.
map() Creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
filter() Creates a new array with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
new RegExp() Creates a new regular expression object for matching text with a pattern.
test() Executes a search for a match between a regular expression and a specified string. Returns true or false.
console.log() Outputs a message to the web console.

Navigating the Challenges of Regex in Email Validation

Implementing email validation through regular expressions (regex) in Google Apps Script poses unique challenges and intricacies. Regular expressions provide a powerful and flexible method for matching strings of text, such as email addresses, against a defined pattern. The essence of using regex for email validation in Google Apps Script lies in its ability to ensure that data entered by users conforms to a standard format, thereby reducing errors and ensuring the reliability of the data collected. However, the transition from testing a regex pattern in an environment like Regex101 to implementing it in a Google Apps Script environment can reveal unexpected discrepancies. These differences often stem from variations in regex engines across platforms and the specific syntax nuances that each environment requires.
Furthermore, the debugging process in Google Apps Script for regex-based validation requires a thorough understanding of the script’s execution context and how it interacts with Google Sheets. The script's ability to read and process data from a sheet, apply a regex pattern, and filter out invalid email addresses hinges on a precise understanding of Google Apps Script’s capabilities and limitations. Developers must also pay close attention to the regular expression itself, ensuring it is both strict enough to validate email addresses effectively and flexible enough to accommodate the wide variety of email formats in use. Addressing these challenges is critical for creating robust and reliable applications that leverage Google Apps Script for email validation and other data processing tasks.

Correcting Regex for Email Validation

Scripting in Google Apps
const recipientList = paramSheet.getRange('C2:C').getValues() .map(cell => cell[0]) .filter(cell => new RegExp('^[\\w.%+-]+@[\\w.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$').test(cell)); function test() { console.log(recipientList); } 

Debugging Email Validation

Application Script Debugging
const regexPattern = new RegExp('^[\\w.%+-]+@[\\w.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$'); const validateEmail = (email) => regexPattern.test(email); const filteredEmails = recipientList.filter(validateEmail); function logFilteredEmails() { console.log(filteredEmails); } 

Enhancing Data Integrity with Advanced Email Validation Techniques

Email validation is an essential aspect of data integrity and user management in web and application development. The complexity of accurately validating email addresses cannot be understated, as it involves more than just checking for the presence of an "@" symbol and a domain. Advanced email validation techniques, particularly when implemented in Google Apps Script, provide a robust solution for ensuring that user input is not only formatted correctly but also viable. These techniques often involve a combination of regex patterns that are sophisticated enough to catch common errors and edge cases, such as domain typos, forbidden characters, and the overall structure of the email address.
Moreover, the efficacy of these validation techniques directly impacts the user experience and the operational efficiency of applications. By employing comprehensive validation logic, developers can significantly reduce bounce rates associated with invalid email addresses, enhance the security of user data, and streamline communication channels. However, crafting and refining these regex patterns requires a deep understanding of both the theoretical aspects of regular expressions and the practical nuances of their implementation in specific environments like Google Apps Script. As such, developers must continually update their knowledge and techniques to keep pace with evolving email standards and best practices in validation.

FAQs: Email Validation Insights

  1. Question: What is the basic structure of a regex for email validation?
  2. Answer: A basic regex pattern for email validation typically includes characters for the username part, an "@" symbol, and domain parts with a period separator and a domain extension.
  3. Question: Why do regex patterns vary between testing environments and Google Apps Script?
  4. Answer: Regex patterns can vary due to differences in the regex engine or syntax interpretation between the testing environments and Google Apps Script's JavaScript engine.
  5. Question: How can I test my regex pattern for email validation?
  6. Answer: You can test your regex pattern using online tools like Regex101, which provides real-time matching feedback and explanation for regex patterns.
  7. Question: What are the limitations of using regex for email validation in Google Apps Script?
  8. Answer: Limitations include potential discrepancies in regex engine behavior, the complexity of accurately matching all valid email addresses without false positives, and performance considerations for large datasets.
  9. Question: How do I ensure my email validation regex is up to date?
  10. Answer: Regularly review and update your regex patterns in response to changes in email address conventions and standards, and test them against a wide range of email examples.
  11. Question: Can regex validate the existence of an email domain?
  12. Answer: Regex can check the format of the domain in an email address but cannot verify its existence or the ability to receive emails. This requires additional verification steps.
  13. Question: What common mistakes should be avoided in email regex validation?
  14. Answer: Common mistakes include overly strict patterns that reject valid emails, forgetting to escape special characters, and not accounting for new domain extensions.
  15. Question: How does Google Apps Script handle regex differently from other environments?
  16. Answer: Google Apps Script uses JavaScript's regex engine, which may have slight differences in implementation or supported features compared to other environments or languages.
  17. Question: What is the impact of incorrect email validation?
  18. Answer: Incorrect email validation can lead to user frustration, undelivered communications, and potentially, lost customers or users.
  19. Question: How can email validation be integrated into Google Apps Script?
  20. Answer: Email validation can be integrated by using regex within custom functions that process user input or data retrieved from Google Sheets or other sources.

Encapsulating Insights on Regex and Email Validation

Through the lens of Google Apps Script, the journey of mastering email validation using regular expressions unfolds as both a challenge and an opportunity for developers. This exploration has highlighted the nuanced dance between theory and application, where regex serves as the bridge between user input and data integrity. The intricacies of regex patterns demand a keen understanding and a meticulous approach to ensure that validation processes are both inclusive and exclusive in just the right measures. The discussion around common pitfalls, the variability of regex engines, and the importance of testing and updating validation logic underscores a larger narrative about the evolving nature of web standards and developer practices. As we navigate through the complexities of email validation, the lessons learned extend beyond syntax and scripts, touching on the broader themes of user experience, data security, and the relentless pursuit of technological excellence. In essence, the art of email validation through regex within Google Apps Script encapsulates a microcosm of the broader discipline of software development, where attention to detail, continuous learning, and adaptability stand as the pillars of success.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 07:24 cyclorphan Is it still possible to deploy oVirt on non-CentOS Stream hosts?

I understand Redhat is not really developing this any further, but I have spent hours going over documentation and almost none of it works with oVirt 4.5.5. I can't seem to find a way to define storage in hosted-engine --deploy --4 . It crashes complaining that it can't find a variable about a local disk that I have no clear way to define or fix. Here is the error (one of several that say the same thing):
2024-06-08 21:56:04,806-0400 DEBUG otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils._process_output:109 ignored: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'local_vm_disk_path' is undefined. 'local_vm_disk_path' is undefined\n\nThe error appears to be in '/usshare/ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ovirt/ovirt/roles/hosted_engine_setup/tasks/clean_local_storage_pools.yml': line 16, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n changed_when: true\n - name: Destroy local storage-pool {{ local_vm_disk_path.split('/')[5] }}\n ^ here\nWe could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with\nmissing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they\nstart a value. For instance:\n\n with_items:\n - {{ foo }}\n\nShould be written as:\n\n with_items:\n - \"{{ foo }}\"\n"}
Surely there is a way to configure this? I tried to use the instructions and code but they and the previous version are looking for a YML file I don't see anywhere, on my system or online. Error, including missing file:
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /etc/ansible/hosts with yaml plugin: Unable to retrieve file contents Could not find or access '/root/ovirt-ansible-
collection/roles/hosted_engine_setup/examples/he_deployment.json' on the Ansible Controller. If you are using a module and expect the file to exist on the
remote, see the remote_src option
Surely somebody has been able to make this work - with thousands of system engineers and CIOs ditching CentOS Stream for fully stable releases (I'm not saying Stream isn't stable, but it is ridiculous to expect people used to one of the most tested and vetted operating systems on Earth (RHEL and most derivatives) to stick with an OS that is more staging/QA.
I can't find any documentation about this that actually works. I'm happy to mess with config or YML files if I can actually find information on what is missing or what I'm doing wrong. Please advise.
submitted by cyclorphan to ovirt [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:52 jogarz Annie gets way too much hate: a character analysis

I recently finished the series for the first time, and I loved it. I've been getting involved with discussions online about the series, though, and some common opinions have struck me as a little strange.
One of these is the very virulent hatred I've noticed towards Annie Leonhart. Out of the three "warrior trio" characters, Annie seems to trigger the most animus among fans. I've seen her called a "psychopath", "sociopath", "sadist", "irredeemable", and a whole lot of worse things.
I don't think these descriptions are accurate or fair. Annie isn't any morally worse than Reiner or Berthold, and is probably a better person than Eren, who I've noticed a lot of people going to bat for. If we look at Annie's entire story, we see a character with a horrible childhood who reluctantly commits some terrible crimes, but also displays an underlying compassionate and remorseful side.
1. Background
Let's look at Annie's backstory. She was abandoned by her birth parents as an infant and adopted by Mr. Leonhart. Mr. Leonhart seems to have show Annie very little fatherly affection, instead training Annie into a living weapon so that she could enter the Warrior Program and give him a comfortable life. Considering this upbringing, it shouldn't be any surprise that Annie became a cynical, even nihilistic girl who saw no value in life. She even states that she put no value on her own life.
Before she got shipped off to war, however, her adoptive father broke down sobbing, apologizing to her and begging for her to come home alive. As far as we are aware, this is the first time in her entire life that Annie ever received any kind of love. So once again, it shouldn't be surprising that Annie became centered on the goal of returning to her father. Even though he abused her, her father was still the only person in her life who had shown her any affection, and I think she craved a return to that affection.
2. Annie during Paradis Operation
After Marcel dies, Annie wants to cut the operation short and return home, but is coerced into continuing by Reiner. Infiltrating the military, Annie deliberately tries to avoid becoming attached to her fellow cadets. Despite this, she seems to bond with them, teaching Eren hand-to-hand, commending Armin's courage, and risking her life during the battle of Trost to save Connie and Jean.
During the battle, Reiner coerces Annie into killing Marco to keep their cover, threatening her and her father if she doesn't go through with her. Annie is very distraught about this and breaks down crying in a rare show of emotion.
The "Lost Girls: Wall Sina" OVA shows Annie investigating a disappearance as a favor to Hitch. She agrees to the favor for pragmatic reasons, but ends up doing more than necessary, solving the case and performing a few compassionate acts along the way.
During the mission to capture Eren, Annie ruthlessly kills a large number of scouts. However, she doesn't really target any scouts who don't get in her way, and even spares Armin's life twice. After being crippled by Levi and failing the mission, she breaks down crying.
When Armin approaches Annie, allegedly to ask for her help, Annie asks Armin "do I look like a good person to you?" which suggests Annie still has low self-worth. Annie nonetheless agrees to help when Armin says not helping would make her a "bad person" in his eyes. When Annie is trapped, she lets out a laugh of relief, saying she was "glad she could be a good person for Armin", but fights back anyway. After being defeated, Annie freezes herself in a crystal so she can preserve her wish to eventually return to her dad.
3. Annie post-Timeskip
Annie is conscious for the entire four years she is frozen in the crystal, an experience which must have been absolutely torturous. Her only tethers to reality during this time are Armin and Hitch, who visit her regularly to speak with her. Annie has a lot of time to reflect during this time, and seems to become more empathetic, acknowledging that everyone has someone who matters to them like how her father matters to her. Nonetheless, she still can't give up her attachment to her father, expressing that she'd commit her crimes again if she could return to him.
Annie is freed after four years and immediately learns that Eren plans to slaughter her father along with 95%+ of the human race. Annie joins the Alliance in order to stop Eren. During this arc she is extremely reasonable. She points out to the Scouts that Eren will likely need to be killed, and they need to be willing to at least allow that to happen, but would be happy if they could find another way. Prior to the attack on the port, she correctly points out that taking the flying boat without violence will be impossible. Nonetheless, she says it would be unfair to make the Scouts kill their former comrades and says they can stay out of it if they want.
When Eren destroys Liberio, Annie breaks down completely. Believing her father is dead, her entire reason for continuing to fight is gone. In her subsequent conversation with Armin, Annie once again expresses low self-worth. Annie calls herself a monster and assumes the only reason Armin came to speak with her is because he wanted to build bridges with an enemy. Armin denies this, saying he spoke with her because he wanted to see her.
Annie makes amends with Reiner and promises to protect Falco and Gabi while the rest of the group go to fight Eren. Annie quickly seems to regret the decision not to fight, however. When Falco unlocks his flight powers, him, Gabi, and Annie rush to the aid of the rest of the Alliance. In the final battle, Annie plays an important role stopping Eren and, in the process, saving hundreds of millions of live. Years later, she, along with several other members of the Alliance, travel to Paradis on a mission to build peace. Some members of the Alliance fear a trap, but Annie promises that if that's the case, she won't go down without a fight.
4. Annie's Allegedly Disordered Personality
Having outlined Annie's story, let's discuss some of the accusations thrown at her in more detail.
Annie's personality is frequently misevaluated by fans. As stated before, I've seen a lot of people calling he a psychopath, a sociopath, or a sadist. I don't think any of these descriptions are accurate.
Now, psychopathy, sociopathy, and sadism, despite being frequently used in casual discussion, are not actual medical diagnoses. That is not to say that these personality phenomena do not exist, but there is no consensus among psychologists that they represent distinct disorders that can be given clear definitions. That said, popular definitions of these phenomena often overlap with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).
Now, I'm not a psychologist, but let's quickly look if Annie displays any of the common symptoms of ASPD:
Overall, Annie does not consistently display any of the symptoms associated with ASPD. Again, I am not a psychologist, but I feel confident saying that Annie does not have ASPD. By extension, I don't think Annie is a psychopath or sociopath, either.
Annie is also not a sadist. It is true that Annie seems to enjoy fighting- Eren talks about how she would light up during sparring sessions, and Annie also seems somewhat exhilarated during the fight against the Scouts. There is a difference, however, between enjoying a fight and enjoying inflicting pain. Fighting can be quite exhilarating, especially when you're as good as it as Annie is. It's the same reason people enjoy fencing, or martial arts, or even tug of war.
As stated before, Annie doesn't really seem to go out of her way to kill people- she really only hurts those who get in the way of her goals. Given her power, one would think she would be more murder-happy if she was a sadist. As a child, she does smoosh a grasshopper, but displays no enthusiasm doing so, which suggests she's more desensitized to hurting others than excited by it. Even so, Annie displays a look of shock and horror when Eren pushes her into a crowd of people in Stohess, and clearly agonizes over killing Marco. This is the opposite of sadistic behavior.
5. The Myth of "Remorseless Annie"
One of the most persistent myths spread by Annie critics is that she feels no remorse for what she has done. They often point to the line Annie says to Hitch after she's reawakened, that she would "do it all again" if she could be with her father.
This line needs to be put in context, both within Annie's story and within the themes of the story as a whole. The idea that people are dependent upon something- a "slave" to it- is one of the most prevalent ideas in the series, and is present with many different characters. In this context, Annie is a slave to her desire to return to her father. Just as Armin and Mikasa did terrible things for Eren, Annie did terrible things for her father.
This does not mean she feels no guilt for what she's done, because she clearly does. When she's forced to kill Marco, she breaks down crying. After the battle of Trost, she's seen dead-eyed and apologizing to corpses. She's visibly horrified by dead civilians in Stohess. She tells Hitch that she shouldn't be forgiven for all the things that she's done. During the campfire scene, she's clearly upset when confessing her role in Marco's death. On the boat speaking to Armin, she calls herself a monster.
Annie is clearly torn up inside about a lot of the horrible things she's done. Her saying "she'd do them again" to Hitch is more a statement of resignation about how hopeless she believes she is than a lack of remorse.
6. Conclusion
Despite her terrible upbringing, cynical worldview, and determination to remain detached, Annie displays a compassionate side that seems to surprise even herself.
In some respects, I think this is the "real" Annie. Due to her circumstances, Annie tries very hard to avoid becoming attached to others. But despite that, Annie wants to help others deep down. This is why in the end, despite believing that her father, the person she fought for all her life, is dead, Annie ultimately returns to help save the Alliance and the rest of the world.
Annie doesn't want to care about others; she wishes she was the remorseless, detached killing machine some fans think she is. If she was, things would be easier for her. But despite Annie's wishes, she does care. And I think the essence of Annie's character is ultimately her overcoming this desire for detachment and finally accepting that she does want to do the right thing.
submitted by jogarz to ShingekiNoKyojin [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:48 ranc1 Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds

Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds
Quick recap. We can see the complex social anxiety trauma as a rollercoaster map. The rollercoaster wagons are where our inner parts, our inner children sit during the ride. The rollercoaster tracks is the autopilot ride during the socialization. Outer elements like clouds and bad weather are external elements that influence quality of our ride. Rollercoaster loops are effects of social anxiety like physical symptoms. And repeating the ride is Repetition compulsion.
Wagons (carts) are composed of: ♦MASKING
While external elements are composed of: ♦INNER CRITIC
These interact with each other - external elements influence our thoughts and pattern of thinking (wagons). In a sketch, it would look like this:
Rollercoaster as social anxiety analogy.
When I started to create the rollercoaster analogy I did not see the connection at first. This was apparent to me only when the sketch was finished. Let's examine the external factors.
First of all, CBT is ignoring the external factors. CBT explains social anxiety as our personal defect - and our own responsibility - CBT explains that we can "cure" social anxiety if we only have will power. Unfortunately - this easy approach does not work in real life and this CBT explanation only adds to more trauma and shame.
This CBT approach of blaming the individual for social anxiety is called Dispositional attribution: Dispositional attribution is a phrase in personality psychology that refers to the tendency to assign responsibility for others' behaviors due to their inherent characteristics, such as their motives, beliefs or personality, rather than the external influences, such as the individual's environment or culture.
When we take a holistic perspective, when we take into consideration external factors, then this is called Situational attribution: the ascription of one's own or another's behavior, an event, or an outcome to causes outside the person concerned, such as luck, pressure from other people, or external circumstances. Also called environmental attribution; external attribution.
It is important to note at this point - that I am not telling that we need to blame other people for our social anxiety. Neither that we need to control and manipulate other people to become healthy and sane in order for us to become healthy, too. We cannot change other people - sick, mentally ill people with personality disorders will hardly likely ever change, they can't. They are trapped inside their fantasy and they refuse to grow up.
When we try to change other people, this is called Alloplastic defense: Alloplastic adaptation: The subject tries to change the situation, i.e. the external environment.
When we try to change ourselves, in order to fit in into groupthink herd mentality, this is called Autoplastic adaptation: Autoplastic adaptation is a form of adaptation where the subject attempts to change itself when faced with a difficult situation.
What I am saying that we do not change other people, and that we do not change ourselves too. My approach in social anxiety is education and learning about what is troubling us - in order to have self compassion for ourselves and to understand that our problems, issues, hang-ups, isolation, panic, self-hatred - all stem from exposure to abnormal sick people. And due to exposure to mentally ill people in childhood - we never learned how to handle difficult people or how to develop our persona. Instead - we put ourselves aside in order to please and fix and soothe the mentally ill people around us. So our only job here is to take well-being away from parasites and into our own hands - that we take care of our own needs in order to filter out toxic people and form solid, firm interdependent connections with healthy individuals. With ACE and ACoA - we will tend to fuse and connect with toxic people - because this is where we feel normal and "ourselves", when we please others and when we are around hysterical people who always create drama and problems out of nothing.
My conclusion about social anxiety after examining all the evidence - is that social anxiety stems from the external source: toxic people. The put us into state of defense, and we resort to dysfunctional coping mechanisms. The fact that we are in defensive mode is a sign that we are fighting against the virus. Fighting against intrusive parasitical predatory personalities will keep us in emotional dysregulation and away from Ventral Vagal (feeling safe around other people). Exposure to hostile antagonistic personalities will "naturally" form the inner critic inside us - as internalized voice of discipline, we will end up with toxic shame (feeling inept and unworthy at our core) and general apathy - the passive immobile attitude of isolation and avoidance: 'why try in life' anyway. Exposed to toxic people over long period of time we will develop persona of emotional reactivity. And this corresponds to narcissistic abuse - death of 1000 cuts.
External elements are:
♦INNER CRITIC Even though it is called "inner" - this recording stuck in loop was recorded in our childhood when we were around parents who did not mirror our needs, we were emotionally neglected. Instead of love and interest we received the discipline and message that we are only accepted and validated when we are silent, when we make no problems, when we try hard to please others and when we make no mistakes or any kind of disturbance. A parent with undiagnosed untreated Aspergers will display all characteristic of narcissistic parent with additional flavor: hysteria regarding time and being punctual, hysteria regarding loud sounds, hysteria regarding creating or doing anything unusual and not foreseen. So of course, in childhood when the child is supposed to learn through mistakes and to be loud and to make noise - trying to survive with adult who is 5 year old spoiled selfish egocentric toddler trapped in adult body will result with us introjecting this adult toddler's voice inside our head. Inner critic - even though it is internalized voice - the voice comes from the external element: abuser(s). Inner critic is like Trojan Horse inside our mind implanted by toxic people. Broken record that was programmed in our mind to play itself on loop replay. But it does not feel like external. Without reading the psychology books - this inner voice will be easily mislabeled as our conscience or general feeling of anxiety and unease, that we are doing something wrong no matter how much we try to avoid making mistakes. That whatever we did - was wrong. And whatever we will do - it will never be good enough. The inner critic will influence hence our Self - our persona, our personality. And with trauma - we do not have our true identity inside us. We have coping mechanisms and make-shift persona that serves only to avoid danger and criticism - so inner critic is influencing our false self. Schizoid empty core. Basically this means we will lack leadership and taking charge of our ship, our inner GPS will be in the hands of inner critic and toxic people around us whom we will worship as our gods and police who approves anything about our choices in life. CBT does not explain this. CBT explains us that we lack confidence and social anxiety coaches will try to tell us that we need to develop self-esteem - without taking into consideration that we do not have the house of Self to host the self esteem or self worth in the first place. And nobody explained this fact - that we lack the Self - we lack Identity - we lack Persona, our own likes and dislikes, our anger, our disagreements, our needs - they are gone - these are not inside us. When we start to build our true likes and dislikes, when we allow ourselves to be angry at unfair people, when we start to disagree and when we take care of our well being - we will start to build our Persona. And then the inner critic and toxic people will not harm us in such extent as now - it would be like having a solid house when there is storm outside. Now we are out in the cold and we try to hide below someone's larmieeaves, or someone else's umbrella. Nobody told us to have our own umbrella and to build our own house inside to dwell for ourselves - so that we do not seek external validation from the others. Nobody told us that expressing anger and acknowledging the anger is what we need to do - it does not take much to build our inner house, there is no hard science in it. This is why narcissists and psychopaths use anger a lot. They understand at some level that this provides them confidence - however the difference here is that agenda of anti-social personalities is to harm and control other people. With social anxiety - our agenda is normal and healthy: to resolve issues, to find peace and harmony and to live in harmony with others, Ventral Vagal. Predatory personalities are looking for supply - they are unable to build the solid house inside since they reject vulnerable parts of themselves, which they see as weak, inept, shameful, sissy, feminine, gay, abnormal and sick. This self hatred and self rejection keeps them mentally ill, and they choose to build fake superior self in order to seek admiration from other people. Which of course is dysfunctional and cannot function. Our purpose in life is to be authentic and to contribute to society, to help each other and to chisel/sculpture each other in better people (Michelangelo Phenomena). Narcissists on the other hand believe in Crab mentality (to pull other people down), greed and accumulating money and to exert/exercise power in order to command the others. When we grew up with selfish egocentric angry people (5 year old toddlers trapped in adult body) - we will learn to hate our own anger and to push it down - since we would be punished repeatedly for showing our own anger - which narcissists cannot tolerate in others, even in children. Anger means boundaries and end of ruling domain and narcissists see this as threat to their existence. So in ACE and ACoA - our anger will be destroyed first. And without anger we won't be able to build our true authentic persona, personality or identity.
■DOUBLE BINDING This external element is gaslighting. Always finding faults with facts and reality. This dualism leads to self-pathology that gives birth to inner critic and toxic shame. Leads to wrong decisions, leads to self sabotage. It is control, manipulation, misrepresentation, misdiagnosis, bias, lies, stigma. I made a list of double binding examples on my blog and I've made topic here at reddit. Closely connected to double binding/dualism is concept called Hyper-cognition: "Bias toward what is known may lead to wrong and delayed diagnoses that bring harmful consequences". This is what is happening in CBT, when social anxiety is explained as cognitive distortion problem. When we lack any kind of diagnosis at all is called Hypo-cognition (hypocognition (uncountable) (psychology, linguistics) Inability to discuss or process a concept because of lacking a word for it.). Another example of hyper-cognition is when abused, traumatized women are quickly diagnosed as BPD because 1) symptoms of complex trauma are the same as in DSM for BPD - hypercognition - and DSM is missing the concept of Complex Trauma to make distinction in the first place - hypocognition. 2) it is easier to throw a shaming diagnosis on someone in order to shut him up than to actually do the deep work and see what is really going on. Narcissists and psychopaths use dualism a lot - this is how they keep being trapped in their confirmation bias and their justification and rationalization of their criminal acts. Instead of taking responsibility - they will use blame of someone's errors or lack of education or insight as their fault for any problem that happens. And if the target has no self inside, no education in the psychology or matter at hand, it is easy to end up feeling toxic guilt and toxic shame for being the "wrong". Double binding will lead to dysregulation - we will be emotionally dysregulated. CBT both does not recognize neither dualism nor dysregulation. I never heard this two concepts in billions of self-help books that I read or countless CBT articles about social anxiety. This video explains amazingly problem with double binding:
Unlike gaslighting and double binds which stop the moment we cut our abusers out of our lives, shame can persist long after we've ditched our abusers. Even after their death.
Because the coping technique is in itself a source of shame, it can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle. Shame provokes the coping technique which in turn provokes more shame. One of the most twisted kinds of shame instilled in targets of abuse is the shame of sticking up for yourself.
🟥 malignant shame
Let me fetch an example of dualism from my blog -
On one corner we have: to be free means to be lacking constitutive identity (Ortega) at the other side there is: DSM personality disorder
Where is the truth? Who holds the Book of truth? Who is the authority and power to tell us what is true?
In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma is a thought experiment intended to demonstrate the theoretical impossibility of proving any truth, even in the fields of logic and mathematics, without appealing to accepted assumptions Münchhausen trilemma (wiki)
● TOXIC SHAME Toxic shaming comes from the external source: mentally ill people. Any person who is toxically ashaming other person - is a sign that the accusations come from unbalanced person. There has to be some kind of distortion and abnormality in anyone who is acting like wounded animal and trying to mentally destroy the other person - it is no different than physical assault. With toxic shame we end up with chronic burden, where we cannot relax at all, we are in state of hypervigilance and walking on egg shelves, but it is not depression - it is caused by hysterical person. We end up with desire to be perfect and superior - and narcissism is build on severe toxic shame. We end up avoiding someone's criticism and we try defensive mechanisms in order to pre-emptively avoid someone's attack. Toxic shaming will influence our toxic shame wagon, placeholder of our thought patterns which we will carry along on rollercoaster ride (socialization). I see Toxic shame and Inner critic as the two most powerful factors that skew and distort our sense of security - and we end up with what appears as social anxiety symptoms. We cannot control other people to stop shaming us. People who shame us - believe that we are the toxic. They see us as a threat. They believe that we are doing something to threaten their standard of living. So no wonder that we will end up silent, with self-censorship and making ourselves small and invisible and we will avoid social situations - because we are not narcissists. We do not want to harm other people, we do not want them to feel hurt or abused. I see Sam Vaknin Nothingness concept and Dr Ramani Radical acceptance - as the only available cure for toxic shame stemming from other people. Sam Vaknin concept tells us that we understand how our life is not enmeshed with others and that other people's anger is their own responsibility contained inside their own world - which we cannot enmesh with even if we try to trauma bond with others. We simply cannot enter into other person's mind and their perception of the world - there is a barrier between us and other people, which philosopher Kant discovered 200 year ago.
For Kant, what is external to us is external to space and time also, and can never be known as a thing-in-itself. DK THE PHILOSOPHY BOOK
Dr Ramani talks about Radical acceptance - as understanding that we are okay with toxic people being toxic - in order to pull our focus and resources away from toxic people - and that we invest the same energy into our well being and our goals in life. It is understanding that toxic people will hurt and harm us and they will be painful - but the difference is that we no longer linger on their drama and baiting. As soon as we try to understand or fix or help toxic people - we end up in Shared Fantasy with them, without us being aware that we are inside someone's fantasy and their delusion.
♦ ABUSE This is very overt external element - it includes when toxic people blame us - and toxic people are pathological liars and successful manipulators. Their glib charm as Halo Effect will allow other people (witnesses) to believe them rather than us. Abuse is DARVO - toxic people will never admit being wrong and they will always deflect the problem onto others. Abuse is also Mate crime. With social anxiety - when we are insecure about who we are and our anger is suppressed - we will attract toxic people who will exploit our time, money, energy and focus. The abuse will influence our Masking. We will try hard to either please the abuser with people pleasing and fawning - in order that they do not seriously harm us. Or we will enter into battles with them - where they will use our anger as proof that we are abnormal and sick and that they are innocent victims.
■ PAST TRAUMA Flashbacks. Being triggered. CBT does not talk about this issue at all. I first learned about this only 3 years ago when I started to research social anxiety from deeper resources that led me to the discovery of CPTSD. Past trauma is ACE and ACoA. There is online quick test for ACE. Trauma will influence our HSP aspect. It will make unclear whether we are too sensitive so we experience trauma as trauma - or the trauma itself cause us to be hypersensitive to the abuse.
● TOXIC PEOPLE I deliberately make separation from the Abuse and Toxic people. Toxic people do not wear sign toxic on their forehead. All toxic people will appear as angels due to glib charm - in order to secure supply from other people. Toxic people will scan our needs - and offer them for cheap in order to hook us up. The only way to handle them is to allow them to be toxic. We cannot change them. We need to focus on our life and cut or minimize exposure to toxic people as much as possible. Toxic people will deliberately trigger pain and trauma as coercive control manipulation to paralyze the victim with shaming and criticism. When someone is angry at me I feel RSD: and it is automatic belief that my values are worthless, that I am not allowed to speak, or do what I like and that I am not equal to other people and must behave as slave, victim and lower class citizen by being quiet and servile and non-assuming. This is where masking and people pleasing kicks in coupled with revenge fantasy and rancour and making the offender my central focus and me as victim that must be atoned and I need to make the offender like me and accept me and validate me – in any way possible, including not showing my anger and not telling my side of story for the fear of offending the offender. Or later on – when offender makes the mistake that I am not allowed to point it out and cause them same cruelty back by talking facts about their mistakes. Offender is bunch of nobody – great for feedback, learning from mistakes, but their ad hominem arguments are irrelevant. Toxic people influence our rollercoaster wagon cart of Toxic duty, and toxic responsibility. We end up with toxic shame and toxic guilt and we believe in their double binding, in their explanation of reality and their truth - and then we feel duty and responsibility to run their virus program or else. Toxic people will punish us if we do not fawn to them. They will punish us if we are not sad or hysterical or frightened. If they are in any place of power - they will use this against us in order to control us. Toxic people seek control and manipulation - this is how they feel good inside, by creating coercive control. They will bait us and use honeymoon period to keep us hooked like on drugs. We need education in narcissistic abuse and recognizing the red flags.
From my own experience I know this is true - with social anxiety trauma - we never learned the red flags. We were raised in toxic ambient and with toxic people around us who were bad models for us in our formative years. Instead of validation and unconditional love we learned the opposite: to be invalidated and that we must earn love and appreciation and validation from others and beg for it from others. That we must perform circus tricks and then and only then perhaps be rewarded with small percentage of mirroring and validation from them. We will believe this is normal way of interacting with others - and it is no wonder that we have social anxiety now.
Up next, I would explore the mess - the loops inside the rollercoaster of social anxiety and then analyze what happens to us when we are not aware of the rollercoaster at all. When we lack the education in psychology and we have no words to describe what is happening to us. Lisa Romano calls this living below the veil of consciousness and I love that term - because we will operate with the veil over our eyes.
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:02 DustScoundrel Let the Man Cook: A CIG Apologia

So, I want to preface this by saying this was originally a reply to another post critiquing CIG's development cycle - partially. Then, I realize what I was really replying to were the multitude of posts I've seen over the last weeks discussing different issues with the development and the game's state more broadly. There have been, without fail, regular posts, complaints, and questions about where the game's at and why things are a certain way.
Just some background: I only started following the game around 2021, so I definitely don't have the same historical traumas other players might express regarding the game. However, given that a true immersive space sim has been one of my greatest hopes in a game and my "meh" experience with Starfield (no hate, just didn't like it as much), I've followed SC's development pretty closely.
In that time, I've listened to a lot of voices both within and beyond the community. There have been many legitimate critiques, a decent amount of salt, and some pretty neat insights. This represents a synthesis of those voices and my views on where things are at regarding the game. My overall tl;dr: I think the game's moving at a decent clip and is working to fulfill its promises.
This post is aimed (an will undoubtedly fail to stem the tide of) those many posts I've seen over the last couple of months. You might disagree, but I hope you enjoy the read anything.

Starting Off: CIG in the Industry Ecosystem

Something folks need to realize when they're discussing a company like CIG is that it's a significant departure from most game companies in terms of its goals, organization, and history. It has similarities and differences with numerous other studios and publishers but is also unique in its execution.
To better illustrate this, I will try to draw comparisons to other studios in the industry. For example, given the size and intended scope, it might be fair to compare CIG to large publishers such as Blizzard or Ubisoft. It's a large publishing company with significant assets, a large team, and a stated goal to develop two AAA games. However, there are several important differences. First, we must understand that most large, well-known studios today had significant history and development leading up to their AAA releases.
Consider Larian studios. Prior to Baldur's Gate 3, it had a decades-long history developing the Divinity Series. Bethesda had several games before Morrowind, which I would consider their first foray into AAA game territory, to say nothing of Oblivion, Skryim, the Fallout Series, or Starfield. Ubisoft had the Tom Clancy series and Assassin's Creed, expanding on the scope of each subsequent game. Blizzard, of course, had Warcrafts 1 and 2 before Warcraft 3 and Starcraft. All of this represents substantial institutional expertise and memory. Teams and administrative sections with years of experience working together, using tools, developing workflows and assets, etc. Remember that Starfield had an eight-year development process - backed up by a company with almost half a century of experience.
CIG had none of that in its inception. It had to build its teams and organization from the ground up. It needed to find the right tools, then the right workflow for those tools. Hell, it needed to develop its own internal roadmap, to say nothing of its work with the larger public. It would be unfathomable that the company would not make mistakes in its organizational process or work with the fanbase. Consider, by way of example, what happened to John Romero when he left iD to open his own studio and develop his magnum opus... Daikatana (suck it down).

Funding and Ownership

A second factor that differentiates CIG is that it's a private company. Others, such as Ubisoft and Sega, are publicly traded or held by parent companies. This means that CIG has to approach funding from a radically different perspective than its contemporaries. There's no venture capital injections, no investments, and no parent publishing support. In its place, CIG won the proverbial lottery and seized on crowd-funding at the precise moment it was in the public zeitgeist. That gave them seed funding, but as the game's scope has increased, they need additional funding to support development. That's where ship sales come in.
In a sense, we can consider these in the same vein as microtransactions. They are digital assets purchased to allow certain capacities inside the game. However, they represent a significant difference from, say, Clash of Clans or Diablo IV. In the first sense, the ships are not Pay-to-Win or even really Pay-to-Play. The only ship you seriously need to get started in the game is a decent starter package ship, which tends to run between $40-90. Pretty much every other practical ship can be purchased in-game.
Admittedly, they do sell much more expensive ships, but these are not necessary to enjoy all the game's features. You can earn your way - fairly easily - to most of the ships in the game. The ships sell because people want to buy them, but not having them doesn't limit the game experience. Hell, you can try most of them out during the free fly events to see if you actually want them. I think the most problematic element that needs to be addressed are backfilling the early concept ships, though that requires proper integration and leads to my next point...
Even compared to when I first started in 2021, the ship release process appears to have improved, with CIG stepping back from releasing ships that are unfinished or that do not fit into the game yet. Their last few ships, such as the Vulture and Cutter, were all released alongside more feature-complete gameplay loops that allowed the ships to be used at their full capacity. Even the upcoming capital ships represent a release with more comprehensive engineering gameplay.
As a private company, they can take the time to develop elements as they need to. A public company like Sega or Ubisoft is beholden to its investors, and there are numerous predictable examples of its outcomes. Games like Cities Skylines 2, Battlefield 2142, Homeworld 3, Company of Heroes 3, the CoD series, and Redfall all represent, I argue, games released too soon due to publisher pressure. As the industry has been discussing lately, games like BG3, Animal Well, and Dave the Diver are all successful because the developers had time to cook. This is my speculation, but I believe that large publishers tried to seize on a quick-development, iterative release schedule as occurred with various sports franchises and the CoD series because it is profitable. Those, however, represent pretty terrible end products.

Interaction with the Player Base

The final element represents, I think, CIG's history. I think that it's entirely understandable that people would have some hard feelings about SC's early development. For all the reasons above, it sounds like CIG made some missteps in its process. It's also trying to manage the monumental challenge of a completely public development process. To compare, even BG3's early access process started in beta, when most of the features were already developed. It already had an engine. It was nearly feature-complete.
To compare, CIG developed its engine from scratch, and is still getting the last elements online. Every time it brings in a new system or feature, things break. From a development view, it doesn't make sense to focus on fixing some issues if you're going to have to do it all over again when the next system switches on. At the same time, because they have a public development process, they have to balance their resources and try to ensure the game is enjoyably playable. It's an unenviable position to be in, especially because the scope of their game really shows. I think a lot of frustration from players stems from being able to see what should be possible but isn't - at least not yet.
From what I gather, a significant issue in the early development was how the company communicated with its player base. I understand there was a lot of over-promising and under-delivering, alongside a lack of transparency about certain elements. Combined with the early ship release philosophy, the company finding its legs, and the nature of an alpha product, I can totally see how they'd alienate some folks.
From what I can tell, it looks like they're trying to make up for those issues. They've scaled back their promises to what's reasonable, have changed their ship release philosophy, are communicating with the community, and are regularly releasing substantial updates. To me, that represents a dynamic and active company. We might be able to compare this to games like Skull & Bones, Duke Nukem Forever, or Redfall. In each of these examples, development releases were chaotic and sporadic, publisher interference deeply fucked with the process, and communication was often severely lacking. Hell, there are a ton of small games I've followed that lack several of the positive markers I've noted. None of this is to say CIG is perfect by any stretch, but to me they're operating well within the boundaries of a healthy development cycle.

Conclusion: Chill, and a Special Note about Master Modes

The Internet's memory is long and (mostly) permanent. There's a lot of articles out there that have discussed controversies around CIG, such as whether it's vaporware, a scam, or predatory. I think that recent releases, along with the changing pattern of the company, show that it's sincerely trying to do right by its players. That doesn't mean there isn't room for disagreement about design choices; case in point: Master Modes.
There is controversy about this design choice because it represents a significant departure from what players had come to be used to. Personally, I don't think we have enough long-term information about how the system will play out to accurately judge it, and that's part of the process of the alpha - figuring that out. At the same time, the master modes are also emblematic of my argument above: CIG is doing things, trying things out, and improving on processes. Forward movement is occurring, and at an increasing pace.
I remember the disaster that was the 3.18 release. I have heard the stories about what free fly events were like in the past. The 3.23 release was the smoothest I've played the game in a long time, and that's with duper ships and Invictus stressing the servers. And we're already moving to the new release and everything that comes with that. To close, I implore you, dear readers: Let CIG cook.
submitted by DustScoundrel to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:11 drowsyprof Attempting to compile an Exploding Dice math document (I am bad at math)

There is lots of scattered stuff I've found on math as it relates to exploding dice. I've been trying to re-learn a lot of mathematics that I've forgotten over the years and wrap my head around exploding dice averages and probabilities. I wanted to compile some of it for anyone else that is looking for it. I think it would be really cool to create a concise document containing the math people frequently have interest in. This is anything but concise, but I am working with my own lack of ability at the moment so this is a work-in-progress. It's really just an idea for later as from my own personal experience it can be pretty frustrating searching around numerous posts for different but related formulas on exploding dice, with no one central reference.

Fun SWADE math that I've broken down myself

Less common math stuff
Just defining some things that may or may not look familiar to everyone. (Especially b/c I'm a programmer, not a mathematician, so I may be using different symbols)
Probability of beating target t with a single die of size n
Let's talk about how to calculate the odds of success for a single exploding die.
First, the odds of success without exploding dice. On a d4, that would be 100% for 1, 75% for 2, 50% for 3, 25% for 4. We can think of the odds of success here as how many results are less than the target number. This can be represented as 1 - ((t-1) / n). Let's break this down.
Now let's factor in the exploding die. The chance of a die exploding is 1/n per roll, since exactly one result on the roll will explode.
Assuming a d4 is being rolled against target number 6, we know that we need to roll a 4 and then a 2.
How can we do this generically? Well, let's think of it like this: we need to multiple the odds of the final roll by 1/n (odds of explosion) a number of times equal to the number of explosions needed to reach t. With a d4 and t=9, for instance, we need to explode twice. So we would multiply the final roll's odds by the odds of explosion twice. If you haven't realized, that is just using an exponent.
So we're looking at ((1/n) ^ x) * (1 - ((y-1) / n)) where x is the number of explosions and y is the target number for the final roll. (Not to be confused with t which is the overall target) But how do we define x and y in terms of our original variables?
The number of explosions needed is just how many instances of n can be subtracted from t. You may have noticed that means we can divide to get this number. Ex: 9/4 would give 2.25, indicating we need 2 explosions. We can ignore the decimal, the remainder only matters for the final target number. So we will "floor" the result. (round down)
Now, how do we get the target number of the final roll? Well, we can calculate the remainder after division with modulo: y = t%n... Not quite. See, using d4 as an example, modulo will give us a value between 0 and 3, indicating the remainder. But we ideally would like a value between 1 and 4 indicating the final target number. We can correct this by subtracting 1 from t initially, then adding 1 to the modulo result. For most numbers this will be the same as just doing the modulo but it will correct 0s to become n (4 in our example) so long as we aren't attempting a target number that is 0 or negative. (8 becomes 7, modulo to 3, add back to 4... normally 8%4 would just be 0) So our final result to get y is:
When we put it all together, we get this: ((1/n) ^ (floor(t / n))) * (1 - (( (((t-1) % n) + 1) - 1) / n)).... Almost. If you start using this, you'll notice a glitch we've created here. Namely, when we hit the multiples of n. Let's look at d4 again. When we try target number 4, the result will be way off from .25. That is because we don't actually need an explosion yet until we reach 5, but our x calculation earlier would suggest we need 1 explosion at this point and would thus be multiplying .25 for a single explosion by .25 as the final target number. The correction is simple, just subtract 1 from t when determining how many explosions are needed so that it doesn't go up until we are 1 above a multiple of n.
Example: n=4 (d4), t=6
Example: n=6 (d6), t=18
Probability of beating target t with one of multiple dice of sizes na, nb, nc, ... (wild dice)
To determine the odds of success, it is actually easier to determine the odds that none of the dice will succeed and subtract that from 100%. This is because in order to combine those odds together (odds of not succeeding for each die) we can just multiply them together. Let's assume that P(n) represents that entire formula we did earlier for probability of a single die so that we don't have to keep re-writing it, where we will replace n with one of the more specific na, nb, ... values.
Example: t=10, na=4 (d4), nb=6 (d6, wild die)

Things I'm still working on learning/explaining

Probability of beating target t with multiple dice of sizes na, nb, ... added together (damage dice)
I haven't figured this one out yet. I am bad at math. I will update this when I do. It is complicated to me because the curves aren't really linear when combining dice. (see the d12 vs 2d6 debates) I have simulated it and know for instance that d4+d6 vs 10 comes out to something near 26% just when running tens of thousands of rolls. But I can't figure out a formula behind that. I need to emphasize that I am terrible at math.
Average of an exploding die roll
This is weird, right? Because exploding dice can generate infinite results. But you can still get a simple mathematical average because the odds of getting larger results still trends down towards 0%, even if it never reaches 0%. I am not well-versed enough in this to do a full explanation, but for the curious the result is this:
I found the answer here. (They use different variables than I do so that could be confusing if you read this post right after reading the stuff above) There is also a small bit of calculus (I see a dy/dx notation in there) which I was once good at, but have not used in so many years that I remember little else other than the notation.
Example: d6:
Average of multiple exploding dice added together
Literally just add them together. Average of 2d6 exploding is 8.4. :)
submitted by drowsyprof to savageworlds [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:30 magewinter Statement on a recent University of Liechtenstein academic study

Hey all, Mage here speaking on behalf of the wow mod team.
Five months ago, researchers from the University of Liechtenstein conducted an academic survey on our subreddit as well as other subreddits relating to MMORPG's. We allow academic surveys under certain conditions, and these conditions were met by this specific study.
We would like to express our disapproval of not only the way this survey was conducted but also of the conclusions drawn in the findings.
The findings of this survey appear to shed light on a worrying prevalence of online communities facilitating Attribute Inference Attacks. This is the message from the researchers that we received today:
Dear all,
we are the researchers who have distributed a survey in this community a few months ago and would like to thank you for your contribution.
As our full paper has been accepted to IEEE CoG 2024, we can finally present our main findings which are summarised here:
If you are interested, you can access the full paper here:
As you may have figured out by now, the primary intention behind our survey was not to learn about your demographics, game experience or preferences. In fact, we were evaluating the exposure of certain games' communities to Attribute Inference Attacks.
Our results indicate that Attribute Inference Attacks pose a subtle threat to the online gaming ecosystem. The abovementioned resources elaborate why that is, how we investigated such a threat, and what players can do in order to protect their privacy.
We appreciate your contribution to this project and remain available for any inquiries.
Best regards, Linus and Giovanni
The findings criticise the fact that we allowed such a survey to be hosted on our forum, as the information could be used to violate users' privacy. We take great issue with this conclusion for a number of reasons.
Firstly, we checked the content of the survey before approval. When these surveys were initially posted five months ago, users in other subreddits raised concerns about why the survey was asking for gamertags. This was not as much of a concern for WoW users, as the survey asked for information on characters rather than accounts.
Secondly, the very context of this survey devalues their entire conclusion. Though this study raises important notes about the potential harm of sharing information to those who may use it against you, we do our best as a moderation team to ensure that only legitimate studies (as this was) are allowed to be posted on our Subreddit.
Our criticism of the survey's findings is that although they have identified a potential hazard in communities that allow any surveys to be posted, they have not accommodated for the variable of communities which vet such surveys to ensure legitimacy.
On WoW, for a survey to be posted, we require a contact email provided from the university (which was given in the survey) and assurance that this information is collected only for academic purposes (again, provided: "Disclaimer: All data that you provide will only be used for scientific purposes and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. We will not share or sell your data to anyone. Furthermore, the questionnaire is fully anonymous. Finally, you will always be allowed to "skip" certain questions (should you decide not to answer).")
We are disappointed in the way this survey was conducted, and do not believe the findings are useful given the circumstances surrounding how the information was gathered.
With this being said, we are sharing these findings as a PSA that it is important to be aware of the information you are sharing online, and to be aware of ways in which your data could be used against you.
If you as the userbase have any feedback on how we can further protect the privacy of our users, please send us a modmail
To conclude, in our opinion, the only thing this research proves is that WoW is a helpful community that likes to offer support to academics who are interested in improving the landscape of online gaming and the WoW community as a whole.
Edit: removed email address of academic researcher - though this was initially included as it is publicly available information.
submitted by magewinter to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:15 kenUdigitt Novel Chapter 429

Disclaimer: I do not speak Korean. This is purely translated by machine with a lot of cleanup afterward. With that in mind, I am open to criticism to improve these translations. Enjoy!

Chapter 429

「Shall we move in that direction now?」

The moment the press conference concluded, Shao Shen, the acting head of security, approached with this query. I nodded in affirmation.

"Let's do that. You know where he is?"

「Yes, I know. Let's go then.」

Guided by Shao Shen, a phalanx of security guards formed a protective circle around me and we commenced a slow march.

Meanwhile, pandemonium erupted outside our orderly formation. A tide of broadcasters armed with cameras and microphones surged towards us.

「Mr. Jin! Is it true that you are friends with His Royal Highness Prince Felix?」

「Jin-san! Jin-san!」

You're the real nuisance, buddy. [Note: the character for "san" in Korean phonetically sounds similar to the word for "nuisance" and "troublemaker".]

Even though we had just had the press conference, journalists from various countries clung on. Luckily, they could not break through the barrier of the Hunter security guards.

Well, there was one particularly tenacious reporter who managed to thrust a microphone in front of me.

"Mr. Jin Tae-Kyung! As a fellow Korean, just one interview please..."

There are always such people wherever you go.

"Ah, yes. Since we're both Korean, please step aside."

I was about to breeze past him when I halted, struck by a wave of recognition. I gestured for Shao Shen to allow the journalist through.

"Just a moment. Are you with DAS Patch?"


"Yeah, you are. You published an article about me, right?"

"No, that's not true."

Right, that fucking guy.

This was the journalist who had once branded me as 'single since birth' in a viral article. Since then, searching my name online invariably brought up 'Jin Tae-Kyung, forever alone' as a related search term.


Bewildered by the Korean exchange, Shao Shen looked puzzled.

「Yes, Hyung.」

"Suppress him."


With a firm nod, Shao Shen seized the DAS Patch journalist's wrist.

「Sir, I will now confiscate your balance.」

"Wait, just a moment!"

The commotion had escalated beyond control. The journalist, caught in a surge of force, was hurled into the air, landing amidst the crowd with a crash that sent cameras splintering across the ground. A cacophony of multilingual expletives rained down like a storm.

Witnessing this babel of curses, I couldn't help but marvel.

"We truly live in a global village."


"No, never mind. Let's keep moving."

As the police intervened, the crowd parted, opening a pathway.

With the crowd's eyes on me and security tight, I made my way to the designated meeting spot — a suite in a five-star hotel reserved for VVIPs.


「Oh, Jin. You arrived sooner than I expected?」

Magic Johnson, who had been intently studying something, rose to greet me with a warm smile.

His giant hand clapped my shoulder as he guided me to a seat.

「So, how did the press conference go?」

He obviously hadn't seen it. Accepting the beer he offered, I shrugged.

"So-so. I just answered the questions the best I could and ended it in 30 minutes."

「Haha. The journalists must not have liked that much.」

"They probably like me much more than they like you, since I at least held a press conference."

Magic Johnson had vanished into his quarters as soon as the conflict concluded.

Unlike other S-rank Hunters like Fei Chen and Prince Felix, he had become a recluse, to the extent that rumors of his death were circulating.

His only recent public interaction had been a cryptic update on his official SNS account.

I am researching something new.

It is as mysterious and magnificent as the victory we have just achieved.

Most people probably didn't understand what that meant and dismissed the message, but I was among the few who understood the depths of his new venture.

"So, how did it turn out?"

Magic Johnson's lips twitched slightly as he replied,


"Oh, you were able to do it."

「Did I say that?」

"You're not hiding your smile very well."

「I'm not? Not at all?」

What do you mean, not at all?

As his eyes brimmed with anticipation, I couldn't suppress a chuckle.

"You didn't even like this task at first."

「How do you know that when you weren't here? Did Choi tell you that?」

"Who else? Right now, it's just me, you, and Mr. Choi who know this secret."

「Oh. Well there's something wrong in what Choi told you.」

"Something wrong?"

「Yes. It wasn't that I disliked this task.」

Magic Johnson, having downed a 500ml can of beer in a single gulp, adopted a more grave demeanor.

「I was trying to destroy it.」


「No joke. Imagine if you were in my shoes back then. I almost blew the room to pieces.」

"If it were me, I would have destroyed the hotel."

Yet, the room and the hotel remained unscathed, a testament to Magic Johnson being a 'Grand Mage.'

Mages, driven by an innate curiosity, delve into the unknown, and a Grand Mage, at the pinnacle of both power and knowledge, embodies this trait profoundly.

He had embraced the proposal concerning this unprecedented venture.

「After hearing Choi's explanation and seeing it myself, I couldn't believe it. This is really...」

His words trailed off as he gazed absently at the other end of the room. Then he abruptly shook his head.

「No. This isn't right. You should check it out yourself.」

"Good thing. I thought I was going to die waiting."

Setting aside my half-empty can, I strode confidently across the expansive suite.

"Is it here?"

Magic Johnson nodded. It’s not surprising for an S-rank Hunter sensitive to the flow of energy to notice something odd in this space.

「That's right. You can really feel it?」

"At this level, it's really hard not to notice."

To an untrained observer, the area appeared ordinary. However, upon entering the room, I had instantly discerned its true nature.

This space was shielded by a spell that obscured all sound and vision.

「Wait a moment. I'll remove the magic...」

Whoosh, screech!

Magic Johnson's words were abruptly cut off, his expression shifting to one of surprise.

My hand, radiating with Protective Qi, swept through the air, effortlessly severing the layers of spells he had woven.

「Jin. What did you...?」

Thanks to opening my middle dantian during the fight with the Arch Lich, I could now see the patterns of Qi.

Such feats had become routine for me, so I offered no further explanation and simply focused forward.

With the spell dissolved, the fabric of space unfolded, revealing a figure concealed behind it.

"Ah, eh, ee, oh, oo. Hello. Thank you. Let's cook some rice. I love kimchi."

A blonde foreigner, meticulously practicing Korean in front of a full-length mirror while clutching an object, spun around at the sight of my reflection.

A brief, practiced smile flickered across his face, reminiscent of a seasoned actor.

"You've finally arrived, wicked human."

Look at this guy, getting the pronunciation exactly right.

For a moment, I contemplated punching him, but I chuckled and responded instead.

"Have you gotten handsomer since we last saw each other?"

The blonde foreigner, the Skeleton King, replied with a smug voice.

"You've gotten uglier since we last saw each other."


"Squid-faced human." [Note: squid is a Korean slang for "ugly guy".]

"...... You damn bastard."

Where on earth did this guy learn Korean?

* * *

「Hmm. Indeed, it's beautiful. There's no evidence of incongruity.」

Magic Johnson chuckled with satisfaction, echoing a top-tier plastic surgeon from Gangnam.

「Even looking at it again, it's a masterpiece of the era. I must be the first mage in human history to carve magic circles onto the bones of a living Named Monster, right?」

It was more than mere self-congratulation; it was the stark reality.

The radiant blonde hair, the eerily luminous golden eyes, and a stature of 190 cm — all meticulously crafted to the finest detail, including just the right amount of body hair.

Beyond that, the defined muscles, visible veins, and every subtle biological response to each breath or gulp.

Only upon intense scrutiny could one detect the abnormality; the Skeleton King appeared utterly human.

"...... Wow, it actually worked."

I had proposed the idea on a whim, thinking, 'What’s the worst that could happen?' but never anticipated such a flawless transformation.

I was just about to touch his blonde hair when...


The Skeleton King stepped back, fixing me with a haughty look.

"Keep your dirty hands off me. You'll ruin my hair."


"Will you take responsibility if I go bald?"

This bastard is totally human now...

Dumbfounded, I couldn't muster a response. The Skeleton King, unfazed by my silence, admired his reflection in the mirror and smiled smugly.

"Hmm. Super handsome."

"......Where did you learn to talk like that?"

"From the internet."

"The internet?"

"Yes. I watched it intensely for a week."

"You don't happen to have a phone, do you?"

"That kind human over there bought me one. Thanks, Johnson."

Magic Johnson, having used a translation spell, grinned, evidently satisfied.

「Here's to a successful new start, Mr. King.」

「Thanks, Johnson.」

When did he learn basic English conversation?

I turned to confront Magic Johnson.

"Did you really buy him a phone?"

「Come on, Jin. What's the problem? My youngest daughter is five and she uses a smartphone.」

"That's your daughter, Johnson, but this is the Skeleton King."

"Wait. Wicked human. Sorry to interrupt this conversation, but I must say this."

The Skeleton King cut in with a serious expression.

"From now on, call me Stone-King." [Note: I'm not sure what reference the author is making here, but Stone-King is a direct translation of the Korean characters, which were even used phonetically to sound like "Stone-King" in English.]

"What bullshit is this? Do you want me to stone you?"

"It's my new name. Stone King. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA..."

I muttered, feeling a headache coming on.

"Should I just kill you now?"

"Are you planning to kill an American citizen?"

"Who's an American citizen, you idiot?"

"Sooner or later, I could acquire American nationality."

"You ought to be writing a web novel on KakaoPage with lines like that. Who says this kind of bullshit?"

Magic Johnson bashfully lifted his hand.

「Jin, with my connections, it's entirely possible...」


The absurdity nearly drove me to madness.

Clutching my throbbing forehead, I turned to Magic Johnson.

"Excuse me, Johnson."


"What I asked for through Mr. Choi was just to make him look like a human."

「Ah, of course. It was his desperate request, wasn't it?」

This whole scenario had unfolded shortly after my awakening, spurred by the Skeleton King’s vehement demands.

He had lamented about the oppressive confines of the Inventory where he’d been held.

Given his crucial role in the battle, his request seemed reasonable from the perspectives of both Mr. Choi and myself.

'He had protected Mr. Choi and Shao Shen during the battle with Lei Fei, and it was also thanks to him that I was able to defeat the Arch Lich.'

It was about time I reciprocated the Skeleton King’s efforts.

Additionally, having him in a human guise would simplify many things.

No longer would we need to conceal his true form, and he could even secure a contract with the Peace Guild.


"The appearance I described was that of an Asian, wasn't it? No matter how many foreigners there are in Korea, they still stand out. Especially with looks like this."

Before Magic Johnson could respond, the Skeleton King spoke up assertively.

"I asked for it to be changed."

"What? Why?"

"I saw it on the internet. Handsome white men are popular everywhere in the world."

"......And why does that matter?"

"I’d like to try dating."

"Oh, my God."

Magic Johnson offered a consoling pat on my shoulder, which was heavy with the weight of exasperated sighs.

「It's okay, Jin.」

"What do you mean, it's okay? Do you know how scary social media is these days? What if netizens find out and say he's not born in Atlanta, Georgia, but is a native of the demon world? Does that even make sense? Why would you agree to such a request, Johnson?"

「I wanted to create a face that I'd enjoy looking at.」


「That face is my ideal type.」

No, fuck...

Just then, a comment that shredded my last thread of patience reached my ears.

"Do you think it's unfair, squid-face?"

"Hey, you damn bastard!"


In an instant, I lunged and landed a solid punch atop his head.

He groaned, blood gushing from his mouth — likely because he had bitten his tongue.

Blood, really? Was this yet another trick of magic? It was impressively executed.

"Die! Die!"

"Ack! Argh!"

The melee escalated as our hefty figures tumbled across the room, plunging it into chaos.

During the scuffle, a desk was upended, its collapse sending a cascade of documents Magic Johnson had been reviewing flying across my face.

"Wait, stop! Wicked human! I can't see anything!"

"You need to correct your manners today..."

But then, I froze.

Among the papers smothering my face, I spotted patterns — strange yet familiar.

'This is...'

I left the Skeleton King floundering as I stood and seized the sheet emblazoned with the pattern.


Without a doubt.

It was indeed the pattern I had seen in Sichuan.

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submitted by kenUdigitt to u/kenUdigitt [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:11 SaxManSteve The state of our education system is much worse than you think [In-Depth]

We all know just how bad our public schools have become, just look at all the recent teacher adjacent posts that often end up on our subreddit 1,2,3,4.
Educators, teachers, parents, researchers, and students accurately point out to a number of variables contributing to the deterioration of the quality of public education. Major ones include:
But I argue that even if we found a way to address all the above we would still be left with an education system that is wholly un-equipped to impart the next generation with the skills, the knowledge, and the vision of the future needed for our civilization to successfully overcome the challenges that will be thrown its way as the great unraveling takes place.

Historical background on the origins of mass-schooling systems

Before i get into what i think are the root problems with our education system, I think it's important to have a look back at history and understand where our current education system came from. Without turning this into an askhistory thread, the education system that dominates america and the vast majority of the world is based on the prussian education system. Basically, the Prussian model was the first serious attempt at creating an educational system that was compulsory for everyone within a nation, which stood in contrast to the mainly religious and village-based education systems that existed prior that, where education was more decentralized and tailored to the needs of local population.
The motivating reasons for creating this compulsory national schooling system are diverse. Part of it came from the enlightenment-era humanist figures within the prussian state who believed in the moral good that came with making education, especially liberal education, more accessible to the masses, but a larger part of the motivation came from the ruling elites and their desire to maintain control over the population by instilling a nationalist sense of obedience and a deference to authority figures. This isn't just speculation, there's lots of historical records showing that this was an explicit goal of the Prussian state. For example, Johann Felbiger, a prussian goverment minister who was heavily involved in advising Frederick II on the new compulsory national education system argued that the main goal of the education system should be to foster "loyalty, obedience, and devotion to the King" (Melton 2002, page 186). According to Melton, the peasant rebellions of the 1740s–1750s were the primary reason that motivated the king’s interest in creating this national compulsory education.
The point i'm making is that contrary to popular belief the function of the education system as we know it today isnt to create a well-educated, creative, citizenry capable of critical thinking like was imagined by enlightenment humanists such as Humboldt. Instead, the primary function of national compulsory education systems is to serve the goals of those in governing positions, whether that be kings, dictators, autocrats, corporate CEOs, prime ministers, ect, to prevent the population from developing the cultural toolset to criticize and challenge dominant institutions of power.
Things like the pledge of allegiance, and signing the national anthem are quite explicit attempts at promoting loyalty to the state, but the prussian system excels at fostering a sense of obedience to authority through all the implicit messages it sends to students. For example, the huge emphasis on testing + grading ends up signaling to students that what's important isn't to think critically and independently about things, but rather what's important is to follow directives from authority figures and to do as you are told, because when you do this you receive the best grades. The more time you spend doing rote memorization of what your teachers tell you to study, the more you succeed in the system, and the more time you spend thinking deeply/creatively about the subject matter content the worse you do on tests.
Having gone through grad school, I always found it hilarious that all the top research universities are deeply aware of just how terrible the public educational system is at fostering a productive environment for real learning. All the best universities structure their programs in complete opposition to the prussian model, they intentionally create a culture where challenging your professors is actively encouraged, learning occurs mainly via roundtable style seminars (instead of predominately via the lecture model), learning occurs via doing instead of testing, learning outside the classroom is heavily encouraged, involving the greater community in your learning is encouraged, even the literal physical design of the best universities are done in ways to maximize spontaneous social interactions by creating lots of 3rd spaces where people are free to be "moved by external leisure or internal pressures toward learning and research.”, as Humbolt said about what education should be about. I'm sure the others here who have gone through grad school know what im talking about. I'd even say that a feature shared by productive and successful grad students is the ability to unlearn all the implicit ways of knowing taught to you throughout high school and even in the first half of an undergrad degree.

Our education system can't keep afloat if people start questioning the validity of the progress narrative

As I've established above, public education systems worldwide are modeled after the prussian education system, which aimed to instill in citizens a sense of obedience to authority. This approach was designed to minimize the risk of popular uprisings that could challenge the power of those in governance positions.
For the last 200 years this education model has had its issues but for the most part it managed to survive thanks to the carbon pulse and the age of constant economic growth that accompanied it. With the huge influx in public funding coming in from the massive energy surplus that fossil fuels introduced, lots of the core issues intrinsic to the prussian model where basically kept at bay by throwing trillions of dollars at the educational system (and even then only achieving very marginal improvements). The issues with the education system were also kept at bay because for the most part, the cultural zeitgeist around the myth of progress was true (atleast in the developing world). What I mean is that the dominant narrative about future expectations that you were told in school mostly turned out to be true. This shouldn't be overlooked when it comes to understanding the crisis unfolding in our schools today. Psychologically people need to be able to ground themselves in a narrative that affords them a certain level of stability. It's easy to overlook the issues with the prussian education system when at the end of the day most people irrespective of how well they do in school can expect a rising quality of life, affordable housing, and good paying jobs. People can tolerate a certain amount of authoritarianism and come to respect it if they know that at the end of the day if you do what you are told you will be rewarded for it.
Young people today know that the school system and the adults are lying to them about what the future holds. The buffer that the progress narrative once provided to grease the wheels of the whole system is quickly evaporating. Kids are now constantly put in a position that maximizes cognitive dissonance between the values they are taught in school and the reality they know to be true around them. This type of generalized sociological crisis, is precisely what is captured by the term "metacrisis".
This is why i think the solutions to fix our education system run much deeper than simply a discussion about teacher salary, class size, or funding inequities. The issues run to the spiritual core of what education means, what it's for, and who is meant to benefit from it? As long as we avoid trying to answer those questions when thinking about reforming our education system we will keep failing future generations.

No Child Left Behind shows just how far off the deep end we are

Here's a concrete example that illustrates just how far off the deep end we are when it comes to not only reforming our education system but also just being able to accurately assess the problems in the first place. Take the now infamous "No Child Left Behind Act", one of the most significant educational reforms in the US since the G.I bill. No child left behind? sounds good right? So what did the bill aim to reform? What did the goverment identify as being the most pressing educational issue in deep need of reform?... The major concern was the that America's economic security would be threatened if nothing was done to boost school performance (this meant increasing grades) in the face of increasing international competition....
As most educators know, in practice what happened is that this "reform" just ended up doubling down on all the worst aspects of the prussian system. It increased the emphasis on testing, leaving even less time for teachers to foster creative learning environments, and instead incentivized teachers to become mere tutors to help students learn the best tricks to achieve high scores on standardized test so that they can get a good college placement. This is the type of outcome you would expect of an education system that prioritizes valuing technical capacities (scoring high on your ability to memorize the periodic table) over capacities like being able to make sense of the world, or being able to find meaning and purpose in life.

The last domino to fall: Genuine teacherly authority

The worst part of all this is that apart form the carbon pulse, and the credible trust people had in the progress narrative, we are now losing the only other thing that held up our modern education system together: which is the value that truly exceptional teachers brought to the table. These amazing teachers were the only vehicles that allowed for those rare moments where meaning, life-purpose, and sense-making were informally introduced to the curriculum despite the fundemental logic of the prussian system working agaisnt it. We all know just how important these teachers were in the education system. Just ask people what their best memories of high school were. You are likely to hear many stories about that one teacher who changed their lives, that one teacher who was able to truly connect with them on a deep level and gain their trust. That one teacher who taught them invaluable life skills that motivated them to keep going despite all the forces working agaisnt them.
Those teachers are mostly all gone from the public school system, even the most dedicated and hard working teacher can only take in so much abuse, they can only be devalued for so long before they give up and move on to greener pastures. This is where we are. This is the situation teachers have been warning us about in recent years. Today millions of kids are going through an educational system where even the teachers are abandoning them. The social fabric won't be able to handle this for much longer. Civilizations that abandon their youth will collapse.
People who look at the situation honestly really shouldn't be surprised by the increasing lawlessness in classrooms, the decrease in literacy, and the mental health crisis in youth. Someone who looks at the situation superficially might conclude that we need to go down the strongmen route and force students to respect teachers. But again, those magical moments where students and teachers form a genuine bond that allows for deep learning can only be fostered in an environment where students have a reason to value the knowledge that the teacher possesses. When students realize that the way to succeed through the education system is by learning how to memorize information and how to cheat without getting caught, students no longer have the incentive to value the teacher for the knowledge they have related to their domain of expertise. As soon as schools lose the capacity to produce a relationship between students and teachers built on genuine respect and trust, where deeper, more vulnerable, and more meaningful conversations can be had, you lose the capacity to impart the knowledge required to not only maintain industrial civilizational structures, but more critically you lose all hopes of being able to teach future generations the skills and knowledge they will need throughout the great unraveling.

Nothing hurts more than being abandonned

Just try to place yourself in the shoes of a 14-year-old entering high school. You've been told repeatedly that your generation is suffering from a mental health crisis with suicide rates up almost 200%. You are repeatedly told that this is most likely caused by social media corporations having free-reign to design apps that directly abuse your under-developed limbic system to more easily hijack your reward system and create unwanted addictions that make you depressed. Despite this you notice that the adults of the world who are supposed to be protecting you from harm are not only failing to regulate these social media corporations but even your school administration can't even be bothered to enforce their own policies that prohibit smartphones from being used in class. Even worse, you come home after school and you notice that even your parents dont even bother imposing restrictions on phone use at home. This is the type of day-to-day environement that a majority of kids experience. Obviously, they are gonna start to internalize that the crucial institutions responsible for their wellbeing are actively abdicating on their responsibily to care for them and to prepare them for the future. In this environement it is quite logical to expect students to reciprocate with the same lack of respect shown to them by the institutions. You can make the same argument for a bunch of other issues our society is completely failing to adress, like the climate crisis. The kids aren't stupid they know we are failing them. And this is what hurts them. Nothing hurts more than knowing that those who are meant to care for your well-being end up abandoning you.
And so all this begs the question, how will our education system be able to cope in the age of the great unraveling? What happens when the ecological, economic, geopolitical, and energy crises become so severe that teachers are no longer able to imbue a sense of legitamacy to their authority when the curriculum they are forced to teach becomes so detached from the reality that encompasses the expectations students have about their future? Will those in positions of power allow radical reforms to the educational system to take place in order to ensure that future generations are equipped with the knowledge and skill sets required to thrive in a low-energy, simplified, and de-globalized civilization? Or will elite panic lead them to double down and further cement efforts to preserve the system as it is, with it's focus on piting students agaisnt each other via mass testing, prioritizing a cirriculum that instills dangerous expectations about the future, and a system that increasingly abandons millions of it's youth in a deep crisis of meaning and loneliness. I think i know the direction we are going, but hopefully i'm proven wrong.
submitted by SaxManSteve to collapse [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 14:24 amzonestepusa How To Select The Best Amazon Shipping Option For Your Product?

Just when you think you know how Amazon’s selling works, they add a new service or product that is hard to understand. When people buy things on Amazon, they now have more shipping choices to choose from.
People who need to get something quickly can use Prime Now because Prime 2-day shipping is so convenient and cheap. Subscribe and Save lets them save money on things they need often, and Prime Pantry lets them buy grocery items.
Amazon is still trying to become the one-stop shop for almost all of your shopping needs by adding more shipping choices and product types. The more people who look at your goods on Amazon, the better for you as a seller.
You need to offer the shipping options that customers want, though, if you want to stay competitive on the market and get people to choose you. Things can get confusing when there are so many choices.
This is a list of the main shipping choices that all Amazon sellers should know about. As a seller, you can choose how your items are shipped.

Amazon’s Shipping Options

Premium Shipping

There are many shipping choices we’ll talk about that are only available to Prime members. But not all Amazon buyers or sellers can join Prime. Even if a customer doesn’t qualify for Amazon Prime, sellers with a good reputation can still offer faster shipping choices. Some choices for premium shipping are:
People who have been selling on Amazon for more than 90 days can use special shipping. You can set prices for each choice based on how much you think it will cost. You must actually send those orders in on time; that’s the big catch.
Assume the customer pays for shipping in one day but doesn’t get their item for two or three days. After that, you won’t be able to offer premium service anymore.

Amazon Subscribe And Save

Subscription and Save is another interesting choice that you can use without Prime. Like toiletries or dog food, Subscribe and Save works for things that people are likely to buy more of on a daily basis.
In return for having several eligible items sent at the same time and at the same discount every time, it offers free shipping and a discount.
This programme is open to all FBA sellers who want to add their goods. For any monthly delivery of at least five goods, the discount goes up from 5% to 15%. So, customers have an even better reason to buy products that are qualified for Subscribe and Save when they shop.
You will probably get more sales as a result, but they will cost a little less because you are part of the programme. You have to do your best to keep at least 85% of your goods in stock if you join the Subscribe and Save programme.

Amazon Prime Shipping Options

Nearly two-thirds of all Amazon users have Amazon Prime. This means that for most of your Amazon customers, Prime and its shipping choices are the best ones.
If you want to use Prime shipping choices, most sellers will have to pick a seller option that lets Amazon handle shipping (and charges extra for the right to do so). We’ll go into more detail about the ways you can get your goods listed as Prime below.

Free Two-Day Shipping

Amazon’s famous free two-day shipping is the first and most common way for Prime users to get their packages shipped. All kinds of products can use this. Free fast shipping is something that Prime users don’t think about.
When they know they can get something quickly and for free, they are even more likely to choose it. You can expect your sales to go up if you choose a seller choice that lets your products be eligible for Prime.

Business Prime Shipping

Premier membership is open to more than just people. Companies that have an Amazon Business account can also get free shipping within two days. When you have one of these accounts, Amazon prime shipping works pretty much the same way it does for Prime members.

Amazon Prime Pantry

You can get non-perishable groceries through Amazon Prime Pantry. It could be a good way to ship your food, drinks, household goods, toiletries, or health and fitness products.
One flat $5.99 shipping fee applies to all Prime Pantry orders right now. That suggests that all the items in the Prime Pantry programme need to be kept in the opposite building. As a result, Amazon can put them all in one box every time an order comes in.
Amazon just recently said they are going to put their Prime Pantry prices on a subscription basis. Users who use the new system on a daily basis can pay $5 a month to get free shipping on Primary Pantry items. In contrast, people who choose not to subscribe pay an extra $8 for each box they buy.
They’re sent out one to four days after being bought. For obvious reasons, that means the Prime Pantry programme doesn’t make sense for some types of groceries. For example, meat or produce would need special packaging and faster shipping. Those things work better with our last two choices.

Amazon Prime Now

Amazon Prime Now does more than just guarantee two-day service. A lot of things will be available to Prime users with free two-hour shipping. Unfortunately, Prime Now is only offered in some places right now. To many amazon listing images, this choice is available.
Consumer goods like fruits and vegetables, dairy items, electronics, and clothes are all in this category. Similar to the other Prime shipping choices, this one usually only works for items that Amazon stores and delivers themselves.
It helps them make sure they can send the product by the due date. In the Prime Now programme, sellers can’t pick to be promoted. For example, if you pick the right Amazon seller choice, Amazon may choose to sell your items that way.

Amazon Fresh

One of the newest ways to ship from Amazon, this service is still only available in some places. Amazon Fresh is only for delivering groceries.
When Amazon bought Whole Foods earlier this year, it was clear that they wanted to do more food delivery. They are most likely to use Amazon Fresh more than Prime Pantry or Prime Now to do this.
Customers who are Prime members and are ready to pay an extra $14.99 a month can only get Amazon Fresh. But sellers can take part in Amazon Fresh in a way that is different from most other Prime choices.
This is because the kinds of things that come with Amazon Fresh wouldn’t be kept in a building like most other goods are. To have their goods in Amazon Fresh, food and grocery sellers who want to take part must apply to be accepted to the Amazon Local Market.

Amazon’s Seller Options

These are the different ways that your relationship with Amazon can look when you sell things there. There are even more things to think about than just Fulfillment by Merchant vs. Fulfillment by Amazon.

Fulfilled By Merchant (Fbm)

Businesses that see Amazon mostly as a marketing tool—another place where customers can find their products—should use FBM. If you want to sell something, FBM gives you the most power over the process.
Even though you put your items on Amazon, you still have to store them until they are sold. After that, you pack it up and send it to the customer by yourself. You are also in charge of any customer service or returns that come up.
You’re really at a loss when it comes to shipping choices, though. Folks who sell on FBM can offer both standard shipping and premium shipping choices if they are in good standing (as explained above). But on Amazon, those choices will never look as good to buyers as Prime shipping.

Fulfilled By Amazon (Fba)

Those popular Prime shipping choices are available to most sellers through FBA. You send Amazon your goods, and they store them in their center and pack and ship the orders. Following your Amazon listing images on the site, they do most of the work.
For this option, it is easiest for your items to be qualified for Prime shipping, but you will have to pay extra for Amazon to do some of the work. Definitely includes Prime’s two-day shipping. Depending on the item, this could also mean Prime Pantry or Prime Now. There are some kinds of products that may also be eligible for Subscribe and Save.
For most Amazon buyers, FBA and FBM will be the main options. In this case, FBA is the best way to get your goods Prime status. However, there are a few other choices that buyers may want to think about.

Seller Fulfilled Prime (Sfp)

Selling on Amazon for a long time and having their own warehouses to store their goods is one way for sellers to get SFP.
To be accepted into the programme, SFP sellers had to show that they could always send products when they said they would.
To stay approved, they have to keep showing that skill throughout the programme. This could be the best way to get the private label without having to pay Amazon fees for storage that you can handle yourself.
A lot of sellers who try SFP find that the fees they save by storing their own goods don’t cover the cost of offering 2-day shipping on their own. Sometimes, SFP is a good business idea. It’s a good way for some brands to keep more in-house while still getting the valuable Prime badge on their ads.

Fba Onsite

Within the FBA range, FBA Onsite falls between FBA and SFP. A few Amazon sellers can use this newer choice right now. Eventually, more people may be able to use it, though. Unlike SFP, FBA location lets sellers get Prime shipping and keep their own stock in-house.
You can use Amazon’s tools and shipping network, though. They take over some parts of the fulfilment process.
Basically, Amazon will start to use your warehouse like an Amazon warehouse, which will save them money on storage costs. The seller saves money on shipping costs and many of the fees they would normally charge for fulfillment.

Amazon Seller Central

The invitation-only Amazon Seller Central programme goes even further than FBA and SFP for brands that sell their own goods. These are called “first-party sellers.” Your main option is to become an Amazon seller.
Their goods are bought in large quantities from you. So, they put the Amazon listing images on their website and take care of orders. As Amazon grows, your job gets smaller, even more so than with the other choices. They will take care of everything else; all you have to do is ship them its goods.
Customers are more likely to sell your goods once they have bought them. For this reason, it should be listed with the best shipping choices for its type. Plus, you might have to offer your goods for less than what you charge on your own website.
Amazon could become your main competitor if you sell your goods to them to handle. They could even offer lower prices than you can. Still, the amount of sales some businesses will get from this choice may make the possible risks worth it.

Shipping With Amazon (Swa)

Most Amazon sellers can’t ship items through Amazon just yet, but the company has said that they will start letting sellers in some places do so later this year. When sellers use SWA, they can keep their stock but let Amazon ship the items when customers place orders on the site.
In other words, Amazon will come to the business, pick up the items that need to be shipped, and take them to the customer themselves, just like UPS or FedEx.
This choice takes on the hardest part of meeting Amazon’s strict shipping standards for sellers who want the Prime badge but don’t want to pay all the fulfillment fees. It also gives businesses that don’t have warehouses that qualify for SFP or FBA Onsite the choice to still use it.
If this option works well in the cities where it is tested, Amazon may make it available to all sellers across the country. They may even start to offer shipping services to sellers who aren’t Amazon to compete with UPS and FedEx for the bigger shipping market.
SFP was just introduced by Amazon last year, but they’ve already added FBA location and now SWA to the services they offer. By the end of 2018, who knows what other shipping and fulfillment choices will be out there?

How Should You Charge For Shipping?

After picking the best seller shipping method or mix of methods for your business, you need to decide how much to charge for shipping.
With the Fulfillment by Merchant choice, sellers can usually charge for shipping, but with the Seller Fulfilled Prime plan, they have to offer free same-day or two-day delivery. For the first option, here are three ways to charge for shipping on Amazon.

Charge A Flat Rate

If you want to charge a flat rate, you simply don’t change the amount you charge. If yours doesn’t change, you might want to charge the same shipping fee for all orders, no matter how they are shipped or where they are sent.
You just need to figure out how much shipping for all of your sales costs on average and set that as your flat rate. Rates can also change based on things like the size, weight, or distance of the order.

Use Real-Time Shipping Rates

You should use real-time shipping rates. If your shipping rates change a lot, you may want to use different rates for each order. At checkout, you can see the shipping cost based on your shipping company’s real-time rates for each order. People will know how much their shipping costs before they pay.

Free Shipping

As an extra bonus for people who buy from you, you can offer free shipping. You can do this by adding the cost of shipping to the item’s total price. It’s also possible to decide how much a customer has to spend to get free shipping.
One example is that people who buy more than $300 will not have to pay for shipping. Make sure the price you set won’t cut into your earnings. With this delivery method, you are more likely to make sales and get customers to come back because everyone likes free stuff.
Choose the best shipping method or mix of methods for your business. The next step is to decide how much to charge for shipping.
If a seller chooses Fulfillment by Merchant, they can usually charge for shipping. But if they choose Seller Fulfilled Prime, they have to offer free same-day or two-day delivery.

What’s Premium Shipping For Non-Amazon Sellers?

Not only Amazon offers premium service. Any brand can copy it and offer customers faster shipping choices on their own online store. You can usually do this by working with a third-party logistics (3PL) company that has the network, scale, and store fulfillment services you need.
Online shopping usually includes two-day shipping, but a good shipping experience is more than just fast delivery times. It’s also about giving your customers a great unboxing experience every time.
This goes above and beyond what was expected for product delivery, gives your customers the best chance to see your brand in person, making them more likely to order from you again.

The 2 Elements Of Premium Shipping

The whole experience of buying your high-end goods should feel special. Consider the following things if you want to make the shipping process more enjoyable.


When a customer gets your products, the first thing they see is the product packaging. Your buyers will get your items in Amazon-branded boxes if you sell on Amazon and let them handle fulfillment.
Customers will only be able to connect with your company if they interact with the protective packaging or information tags on your products.
Custom packing is now an important way to make your brand stand out even if you’re not selling on Amazon. Check out branded boxes or poly mailers if you want to give your customers more than just plain packages and dunnage.
Try using eco-friendly packaging if your business is built on caring for the environment. Adding marketing inserts and stickers to the package for example can help make shipping more enjoyable.

Shipping Speed

Every carrier offers choices for faster shipping. Overnight and two-day shipping are the two most popular types of premium shipping.

Find the Best Freight Forwarders

It would be great if international shipping was easier for Amazon private label sellers, but it’s not. Large, heavy packages that need to be shipped by sea or air can have a lot of problems, like delays in clearing customs or damaged cargo.
We recommend hiring a freight forwarder to handle the whole process so that your goods get from the plant to an Amazon fulfillment center safely and on time.

They Handle The Whole Package

As long as you pay the freight forwarder and fill out some papers, you don’t have to do much that involves the shipment. A capable forwarder will make sure that your package arrives at its final location legally, safely, and quickly.
As each package moves through the system, forwarders know what to expect. Should you attempt to complete this task by yourself, you might overlook an important step that could lead to the loss, seizure, or delay of your product.

Forwarder Expertise Covers All Shipping Elements

The last thing you want to do after working hard to find good Amazon listing images and a trustworthy supplier is deal with shipping companies, government agencies, and other logistics problems. From start to finish, goods forwarders know everything there is to know about shipping.

They Can Promise To Protect Your Package

Many things can go wrong when sending goods across borders, especially by sea. This is true even when you use a goods forwarder. Make sure the moving company you pick offers cargo insurance. This will protect your goods even more if something goes wrong while they’re being shipped.

Getting Through Customs

Clearing customs is probably the most important reason to hire a goods forwarder. If your goods get stuck in customs, it could take weeks or even months longer for your order to arrive.

FBA Shipping Errors and How to Fix Them

Do you remember sending something to the wrong Amazon fulfillment center? And ended up running out of stock because you used regular air freight instead of express shipping?
Amazon FBA shipping can be hard. Numerous issues can arise, including picking the incorrect freight forwarding company, goods not arriving on time, and problems adhering to Amazon’s shipping rules.
Improper shipping can cause delivery or check-in delays, canceled shipping plans, and even stock-outs, and fixing these problems can eat away at your profits in a big way.

Longer Lead Times

No matter what shipping method you choose, you need to know your supplier’s lead time in order to keep accurate records of your sales and inventory levels. You will need to keep more units in stock if it takes your provider longer to fill your orders.
It’s important not to wish your lead times away so much that you don’t plan for any delays that might happen. Also, longer lead times can make it harder to plan your cash flow and inventory when you have seasonal items or want to use hot new marketing strategies that could bring in a lot more sales.
Let’s say your provider can’t meet your deadline. Then you might need to use an express shipping service to get some or all of your goods to the recipient faster. Make sure you have some extra stock on hand in case of delays or run-outs.

Under-Ordering or Over-Ordering

Keep a close eye on how you plan your supplies and make predictions. If managing several spreadsheets makes you more likely to make mistakes, you might want to use software to automate your Amazon inventory forecasting so that you can restock more accurately and quickly.
Once you’ve set up a good way to get your data and organize it, you can quickly find your stockout trends (days with very few sales) and sales spikes that you can take out of your future calculations. You will keep making the same mistake of under-ordering if you keep taking into account things like the days you’re out of stock.

Not Planning for Chinese Blackout Days

Aside from messing up shipping plans, production schedules, and wait times, Chinese holidays like Chinese New Year and Golden Week can also:

Failure to Get Insurance for Your Cargo

Having products for a month stuck in a truck halfway around the world is a terrible situation. One way to get paid and reimbursed quickly in this situation is to insure your packages. Making sure that your insurance covers shipping delays is important for these kinds of problems.
Unlike regular Carrier Liability, which only protects you if your things are lost or damaged by the carrier, this adds another layer of defense.
If you want to get your shipment covered at a price you can afford, talk to a third-party logistics company or marine insurance agent.

Bottom Line

If you have access to real-time data and exact calculations, you can lower your risk of mistakes like over-ordering, running out of stock, and not being able to see your inventory, which can be damaging. Correct use can greatly lower the mistakes connected with sending to Amazon FBA.
Stop the confusion! Learn how to select the best Amazon shipping option based on your product and business goals.
Ship smarter, not harder with AMZ One Step
submitted by amzonestepusa to u/amzonestepusa [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 13:47 adabaste919 How Much water need to cook jasmine rice?

Cooking jasmine rice requires the right water-to-rice ratio to achieve the perfect texture. Generally, for jasmine rice, the standard ratio is:

Water to Jasmine Rice Ratio

Basic Steps for Cooking Jasmine Rice

  1. Measure the Rice: Measure the amount of jasmine rice you want to cook.
  2. Rinse the Rice: Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear. This helps remove excess starch and prevents the rice from becoming too sticky.
  3. Measure the Water: Use 1.5 cups of water for every 1 cup of jasmine rice.
  4. Combine and Boil: Combine the rice and water in a pot and bring it to a boil.
  5. Simmer: Once it starts boiling, reduce the heat to low, cover the pot, and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes, or until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender.
  6. Let It Rest: Remove the pot from heat and let it sit covered for about 5 minutes. Fluff the rice with a fork before serving.

Online Calculation Tool

For a more precise calculation based on the specific amount of rice and other variables, you can use an online tool like This website allows you to calculate the exact water needed for cooking jasmine rice by entering some basic information.

How to know Jasmine Rice Calculation

  1. Visit the Website: Go to
  2. Enter the Information: Enter the amount of jasmine rice you plan to cook.
  3. Calculate: The tool will provide the exact amount of water needed based on the entered information.
submitted by adabaste919 to whichseotools [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:54 StopCommentingUwU Why you SHOULD save your Crystal Solvents (Clearing up misinformation)

Why you SHOULD save your Crystal Solvents (Clearing up misinformation)
There has been a shocking amount of people recently stating, that using Crystal Solvents (Waveplates Refresh) doesn't reduce the total amounts of resources you get. However, those calculations often neglect the amount of Union XP you get on a daily routine. (that being 2000 XP from dailies, and 1800 XP from Waveplate regeneration).
For a very much simplified text example, we will look at a time frame of 30 Days, and imagine we have 40 Crystal Solvents. Per day, we get 2000 XP from dailies and 4x Rewards and 2000 XP* through natural Waveplates, but also 1x Reward and 500 XP per Crystal Solvent used. We are also SOL3 Phase 4 and 20.000 XP away from reaching SOL3 Phase 5.
*(The exact XP per 60 waveplates is 450 XP, so 1800 XP a day, but we will use 500 XP here for simplifications)
When not using Crystal Solvents, we get 20x Phase 4 rewards in the first 5 days, and then level up to Phase 5. For the other 25 days, we get 100x Phase 5 rewards, as well as 40x more Phase 5 rewards with Crystal Solvents.
So in total, we get 20x Phase 4 rewards, and 140x Phase 5 rewards.
When using Crystal Solvents, we first get our 4000 daily XP and then get 32x Phase 4 rewards and 8x Phase 5 rewards directly with Crystal Solvents (since we already level up after using 32 Crystal Solvents). For the rest of the 30 days, we then get 120x Phase 5 rewards with natural waveplates.
So in total, we get 32x Phase 4 rewards, and 128x Phase 5 rewards.
Saving Crystal Solvents is therefore definitly a more optimal method for getting resources.
To visualize this with proper numbers, here would be a graph comparing the "fast" [f(x)] method (using Crystal Solvents) in red, to the "slow" [s(x)] method (not using Crystal Solvents) in blue, in which the Y-Axis tells us how many "worse Phase" Rewards we would get before ascending in World Phase (Meaning Worse Rewards), and the X-Axis depending on how much XP is left until you reach said World Phase. the variable n represents how many Crystal Solvents you use in the "fast" method.

For Example. If you are 20.000 XP away from reaching Phase 5, you would in total get ~21 Phase 4 Rewards when not using Crystal Solvents, while getting ~37 Phase 4 Rewards when using Crystal Solvents. And because the total amount of Rewards you get in the method is the same, you want to optimise the rewards to have the LEAST amount of Phase 4 Rewards, so that you get the MOST amount of Phase 5+ Rewards. Basically, you want the number to be as low as possible... In this specific example, you would lose out on 80 Tuners in total when using all your Solvent Crystals.
Now, there is certainly some arguments to be had for still Ascending early anyway, that being getting Data Bank Level 20 early, and therefore being able to grind them earlier or just get more 5-Stars early. This will depend on what you value more.
I hope this wasn't too much maths and rather easily understandable :)
TL;DR: Just save your Crystal Solvents for after ascending in Phases
submitted by StopCommentingUwU to WutheringWavesGuide [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:43 StopCommentingUwU Why you SHOULD save your Crystal Solvents (Clearing up misinformation)

Why you SHOULD save your Crystal Solvents (Clearing up misinformation)
There has been a shocking amount of people recently stating, that using Crystal Solvents (Waveplates Refresh) doesn't reduce the total amounts of resources you get. However, those calculations often neglect the amount of Union XP you get on a daily routine. (that being 2000 XP from dailies, and 1800 XP from Waveplate regeneration).
For a very much simplified text example, we will look at a time frame of 30 Days, and imagine we have 40 Crystal Solvents. Per day, we get 2000 XP from dailies and 4x Rewards and 2000 XP* through natural Waveplates, but also 1x Reward and 500 XP per Crystal Solvent used. We are also SOL3 Phase 4 and 20.000 XP away from reaching SOL3 Phase 5.
*(The exact XP per 60 waveplates is 450 XP, so 1800 XP a day, but we will use 500 XP here for simplifications)
When not using Crystal Solvents, we get 20x Phase 4 rewards in the first 5 days, and then level up to Phase 5. For the other 25 days, we get 100x Phase 5 rewards, as well as 40x more Phase 5 rewards with Crystal Solvents.
So in total, we get 20x Phase 4 rewards, and 140x Phase 5 rewards.
When using Crystal Solvents, we first get our 4000 daily XP and then get 32x Phase 4 rewards and 8x Phase 5 rewards directly with Crystal Solvents (since we already level up after using 32 Crystal Solvents). For the rest of the 30 days, we then get 120x Phase 5 rewards with natural waveplates.
So in total, we get 32x Phase 4 rewards, and 128x Phase 5 rewards.
Saving Crystal Solvents is therefore definitly a more optimal method for getting resources.
To visualize this with proper numbers, here would be a graph comparing the "fast" [f(x)] method (using Crystal Solvents) in red, to the "slow" [s(x)] method (not using Crystal Solvents) in blue, in which the Y-Axis tells us how many "worse Phase" Rewards we would get before ascending in World Phase (Meaning Worse Rewards), and the X-Axis depending on how much XP is left until you reach said World Phase. the variable n represents how many Crystal Solvents you use in the "fast" method. Due to the Y-Axis representing the total amount of worse rewards, it's better the lower the graph is.
For Example. If you are 20.000 XP away from reaching Phase 5, you would in total get ~21 Phase 4 Rewards when not using Crystal Solvents, while getting ~37 Phase 4 Rewards when using Crystal Solvents. And because the total amount of Rewards you get in the method is the same, you want to optimise the rewards to have the LEAST amount of Phase 4 Rewards, so that you get the MOST amount of Phase 5+ Rewards. Basically, you want the number to be as low as possible... In this specific example, you would lose out on 80 Tuners in total when using all your Solvent Crystals.
Now, there is certainly some arguments to be had for still Ascending early anyway, that being getting Data Bank Level 20 early, and therefore being able to grind them earlier or just get more 5-Stars early. This will depend on what you value more.
I hope this wasn't too much maths and rather easily understandable :)
TL;DR: If you rather want ~3 days more of 80% 5-star drops, use your Solvent Crystals, if you rather want ~3 days worth more of Waveplates, try to save them.
submitted by StopCommentingUwU to WutheringWaves [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:43 McGoodGreen My personal 1st Edition Charizard story

My personal 1st Edition Charizard story
Not sure if personal tales are allowed or only linked articles. I spent a lot of time and energy making this for reddit but is a little lengthy for most subs. Hope people here can enjoy a good story, if a little longer than most.
My 1st Edition Base Set #4 Charizard Story.
I finally did it, I got it done. I successfully salvaged all of my old collection from when I was a young trainer. I got into Pokemon back when it first arrived to the states, I was literally 10 years old when Pokemon blew up everywhere.
I have a bunch of vintage Pokemon cards as a result, and my collection was rather comprehensive. I basically had a complete collection of Base Set through Team Rocket, all in 1st editions.
Recently I finished a big project. I had a very minty 1st Edition Base Set Charizard. I decided to bite the bullet and go through the Grading process with PSA. I am here to share with you the results, as well as my story. Hopefully it will illuminate the process and help others feel more confident about what they can or should do with their own Pokemon Card Collections.
I am going to break this whole thing down into sections so that those who only care about certain parts of the process can navigate better.
The Lore: Card and my backstory
The Awakening: The moment the community rescued me
The PSA Journey: How Grading fell into place
The PSA Scare: Lessons about the process
The Grade: Grade result and thoughts on how we got there.

The Lore:

As mentioned I got into Pokemon when I was 10 and the craze blew up in the US. My dad was a big wig with Toys'R'Us and so as a child I got access to a lot of cool promotional material and went to awesome prerelease events. A bunch of this material hyped me up for Pokemon before it even launched some of its best products, and I was hyped and eager for the show from a cool video my dad got about the whole thing, it was Team Rocket laying down some of the lore and their struggles they would go through in the show as they talked to The BOSS!
Of course I had the games, Red and Blue, one for me and my brother. But I also had a bunch of money saved for another obsession, POKEMON CARDS!
My Dad collected G.I Joes and Star Wars figures, my mom collected Beanie Babies, and so when I expressed interest in Collectible Cards they were more than happy to support me. Because my parents were collectors, I had good habits. I loved playing the Pokemon TCG but I knew better than to play with any of my 1st editions. My decks used duplicate cards from the unlimited prints of the series.
It also meant I got proper binders and thoughtful binder pagers that tried to avoid 3 ring binder issues, while still using 3 ring binders. This was an admitted weakness, but thankfully only a few common cards were subject to light damage from these rings, my binder pages gave enough room that they were relatively safe from the rings.
However, my other weakness was not using Penny Sleeves. Although the cards were kept away, they also did get shown off a handful of times. Charizard was always epic, and the card always sought after. So he got some time in the spotlight, but was always handled with care and after the Jungle series came out he was basically locked away from any showings as well, becoming a precious treasure kept in the dark.
After the Team Rocket series released for the Pokemon TCG I started to lose interest in playing. I had gotten a game boy version of the card game and it was FUN. But also burned me out after I was done. So I also stopped collecting around then. But I felt satiated. I had several complete collections, my brother even had his own full 1st Edition Base Set. I had pulled each card from a pack myself.
My parents helped me store the collection in secure containers and I stopped even admiring them a month or so later, my attention caught up in other serious matters.
My family and I moved to Arizona, and I knew where we kept the cards but never took them out. Eventually it was time for me to move to college and I knew better than to bring anything of serious value with me so I left my collection with my parents.
My parents ended up getting a divorce and split up, one staying in Arizona and one going to Texas. I was going through a bunch of my own drama and growth so I wasn't there to help split things up. I honestly had no idea where my collection was at this point but wasn't too worried.
It was my mom that thankfully had kept the collection in her mind. She went through a bunch of moves, as did my dad in Texas. Finally it was me though, that got some roots grounded and my life together, just took me until my late 20's. I recalled my old collection and asked my mom about it one day. She had to resort to her collection a few times for money, my brothers collection had become hers because he didn't care about Pokemon or the value of cards. Some of the best gems had been picked clean, no one giving her their fair value. I asked her if she knew where my collection was.
We tracked it down with my Dad in Texas, a blessing as the climate there helped keep the collection from any sort of damage. Although they had always been in a binder and always in secure containers, my biggest worry about the collection was the lack of climate control through out the years.
But as I picked through the collection, everything looked fantastic! I got my collection home and safely locked it away. However, I did nothing about it. I was scared of touching the cards or removing them from their binder. I had a grounded life but very little time to research the appropriate way to store or treat older cards and I decided if I couldn't do it right I would just keep them safe. I had taken a few pictures because an associate I knew had some serious cash and was interested in buying Charizard.
I took Charizard out of the binder, snapped some quick pictures, and gingerly put it back into safety. The associate tried to lowball me with an offer of a couple hundred bucks, said it wouldn't grade well, and we didn't do business.
I looked into what it might cost to grade Charizard with PSA, and at the time, the materials and website made it sound like in order to grade it, I would have to pay the costs of the value found for the highest grade just to get my card looked at. ((I would later find I was wrong about this)). But the highest grade for Charizard is worth hundreds of thousands. That would have made the grading fee almost $4000! That was not something I could afford just to see if the card would grade well, plus the idea of shipping such a valuable treasure terrified me. So I decided grading was out of my ability and forgot about the treasures as best I could. But I would wake up with night terrors sometimes and spend the rest of the night dreading things, was I making a mistake with my collection? Was it slowly getting even worse for wear? Did I have an opportunity I was wasting?
I had plenty else to fear in my world at the time so I never spent energy addressing these insecurities and anxieties regarding my collection. Five more years went by...

The Awakening:

Three months ago I was having a hard night. I was sifting through my phone and came across the few pictures I had taken of Charizard. I had the Reddit app, and normally I only use it for researching video game mechanics. But I was feeling inspired and confident in the reddit community. I had posted a picture of Charizard before on Instagram and Facebook but...those places are pretty dead! But when I posted my picture into Pokemoncardappraisal I was swarmed with positive advice and guidance! There were also plenty of private messages and I knew they weren't wise offers to take but I was floored just how much higher they still were than my previous experience being offered cash for this card.
Huge important lessons leveled up my brain here. We are talking about finally understanding toploaders, the metrics they judge a card over, how a card actually ages over time, how minty* my Charizard was and most importantly that PSA will upcharge you if they find your card to be more valuable than what you paid for.
I had been previously worried about things like "if I don't pay for the right service level, maybe they wont even give me a good grade" but knowing they would just ask for more money actually took a weight off my mind.
I ordered a bunch of penny sleeves and toploaders and began the slow and careful process of removing my precious gems from their former tombs and into proper protection that made it easier to display and store in a fancy new toploader chest. I took the time to carefully look over each card and try to assess what was worth sending in. The undisputable option still remained though, Charizard. Now that it was in a toploader it was much easier for me to scrutinize, and while putting it into the top loader I had a lot more knowledge under my belt and got a better idea of the condition. I also took a bunch more pictures to share.
The verdict was in, Charizard was valuable enough for the effort of a grade and in such stellar condition that it would be almost irresponsible to never try. I had the knowledge and experience to handle my gems responsibly and set to work making a plan.

The PSA Journey:

There were still serious concerns that had to be addressed. I had worked for both the Post Office and UPS, and I was not willing to risk shipping such a valuable card. Insurance doesn't work the way people think with shipping. You cannot just pay money and insure a stick for $10,000, have it get lost or damaged and then cash in on your claim. That would be insurance fraud.
These insurance companies will fight hard to avoid paying out in full. I have watched them fight bitterly against a $200 claim over a gold necklace that had receipts and everything to make value easy. But to these companies the value is always subjective and up for debate. So imagine the field day they would have over fighting an Ungraded Pokemon card!
Then there was the theft potential, so many extra hands and processes worried me a great deal and created nefarious opportunity, no matter how slim.
I tried asking PSA if they would allow me to do an in person drop off at their facility. But I was told I would have already had to have graded 3 - 5 cards with them before they even considered allowing me to use that option.
But there was a solution. I had never considered card shows or events. PSA has a newsletter you can sign up for that alerts you to upcoming events. I simply had to wait for one to appear in my area that allowed drop off or in person grading.
It only took a couple months and a card event cropped up an hour away from me. This was my chance. I prepared 33 of my best looking cards along with my Charizard and got ready.
This event had several advantages, one of which being a faster turn around time. Most importantly, according to PSA themselves, once you drop off a card at the event, THEIR insurance takes over right away! This meant not having to pay out money for shipping insurance through a carrier. It also means if you valued your card correctly and had documentation on the condition you would very realistically get a proper pay out as PSA understands cards and their value way more than your typical company. So if someone stole it or damaged it I could realistically be made more whole.
So all I had to do was fill out a Submission form on their website, but instead of packaging it for shipping I only had to bring my cards and paperwork, they were going to package it themselves and bring it back with them the next day on a plane to Headquarters.
So now the time came to make a big choice. *What level of service and insurance should I get? The service level dictates the insurance level. *
The service level called "Premium 3" costs $2,499. This service level gives an insurance value of $100,000, the next level is ((oddly)) called "Premium 5" which gives $250,000 insurance and costs $3,999. Charizard at a PSA 10 is worth around $250,000. I wasn't sure if my Charizard could get a 10, but this is where I run into a problem.
Ideally I wanted to insure it for the maximum value so that if something happened I could still be made whole. But keep in mind PSA does not refund your money if they determine your card isn't as valuable as you declared. They are happy to upcharge your costs to the correct value but if they determine the value to be lower you get nothing back. So I had to be very very confident in a 10 if I was to choose to insure it at this level, and at a cost of almost $4,000.
I couldn't do it. Couldn't afford it despite the potential, not at that high of a level.
So what I did was choose "Walk-Through" which has an insurance value of $10,000 and cost $500. Despite what the name implies, it does not mean you get to walk in your card to the facility. Just a name. $10,000 was enough insurance to cover the value of most Grades of Charizard, 1-7 are very comfortably under 10k in value. I could see some light wear on my Charizard, just the slightest of whitening on the back, and a small holo scratch that might be there but wasn't sure if it was a trick of the light or on the case. I was confident my chances of a 10 Grade were near zero but I also wasn't sure how harsh they were going to judge my vintage card. Word was vintage is graded pretty harshly. So I settled my hopes, insured it for $10,000, and dropped it off at the event with my other cards and paperwork.
They had cameras watching their every move, it was a very safe environment to drop off valuables. They were being tracked at every moment, and it was good to see. They made sure my paperwork was in order, that my cards were in a Rigid Card Saver I, and safely secured the goods before my eyes and gave me signed paperwork of who had processed me and all that.
I did not have to pay a cent to drop it off. They needed payment information when I filled out my online forms, but they do not charge you until they finish grading your card.
That was that. I had done it. I had finally dropped The Grail of all Pokemon Cards off on its journey to get graded and preserved. My anxiety levels lowered a bit, but were still high. There was a lot potentially riding on this.

The PSA Scare:

I feel it is important I mention I had been using the PSA App for everything up to this point. Charizard took a while to arrive in the database as received. I dropped it off on the 18th and received notice my other 32 cards were received on the 24th but not Charizard. It wasn't until the 28th that I finally saw progress in the App that Charizard was received. It makes sense that the different service levels are processed at different speeds, but I had thought since it all went in together it would be marked received together.
But no biggie, first little scare over, Charizard got there and is being tracked. But then the 31st arrives...
I look into the PSA App and see it is in the Grading stage, it passed research and identification no problem...and now there was a picture available. Now when you look at these pictures ON THE APP, you will just see a picture. But when you look at these pictures on a WEBSITE you get an important note that I did not get to see, that warns "Scans are taken inside of their holders" meaning what they had shipped in.
Now I wasn't aware of this fact since I was using the APP, and the scan of my Charizard looked AWFUL. And it very much looked like there was cardboard damage, like something had picked or poked my card. If there had been a warning in the APP like on the WEBSITE I would have easily concluded this was due to a bad scanner. But my service level also said I would get "Premium" high quality images so I trusted what my eyes were seeing.
I took to reddit to panic, seen here Look what PSA did to my Charizard and once again the community came in with fantastic advice and guidance on what they had gone through. They helped me realize it was a bad scan and that there was a warning about in on the website but not the app.
I am happy to report that since that scare I have received my card and physically confirmed in person that there was no damage, my card looks as clean as when I had sent it in.
I chose the most expensive shipping for returning to me called "Preferred shipping", which ended up being Fedex. They delivered it in the middle of the day, requiring a signature...but they did not ask for my name or require an ID.

The Grade:

So now we come to the conclusion of my tale. After all this work, all this stress, all this community bolstering, hopes and dreams...what came of it? What was the result and what is my personal takeaway? Well if you check out the last few pictures I posted you will see my 1st Edition Base Set #4 Charizard graded as a PSA 8. PSA's website calculates the "PSA Price" for a Grade 8 Charizard as $10,600, with an "average price" listed as $11,104.50
So even though I paid for a service level that only handled cards up to a value of $10,000, and PSAs own price for a Grade 8 is listed as $10,600, I did not get upcharged. According to their rules, they could have upcharged me for the next service level above Walk-through. But despite going over, I was given mercy!
Since my card is now properly preserved I was able to take it out into the sunlight and give it a strong examination with strong light. Besides the whitening on the back, I also see a couple of holo scratches, although I do still have the slab in the plastic they wrap around it for shipping, so it could just be on that.
However, given these circumstances I find it fascinating that I still got an 8. Pouring over Grading posts and examining cards sent to PSA and judged by other users I thought for certain a vintage card like mine would be graded rather harshly, and that PSA would not miss a chance to upcharge me.
Overall I feel like I got away with a strong grade and was given plenty of grace, both in the value of the service and the flexibility the minor wear deducted from my grade. I have always maintained that the odds for 10 were almost in the negatives, it just wasn't given expert worship its whole life, just passionate respect and care. So knowing my card had a few minor flaws my expectations were steeled for at best a 9, thinking it would at least Grade above a 5. Hitting Grade 8 feels fantastic.
I feel like for getting this card myself as a child, and a pretty young one at that, and all the travel, moves and scares this card came out phenomenally. I am ecstatic that my super rare card is now ultra protected, authenticated, and sealed from a majority of dangers that worried me before.
I will happily continue using PSA, who has astounding customer service and a support center that contains questions and guidance about things I wasn't even aware I should consider or expect. The whole process can feel very overwhelming and it is absolutely one of those things that you have to just do a few times before it all starts clicking together in your head.
I am eager to see what my other 32 cards are going to grade as, and have high hopes after seeing what my Charizard ended up scoring, many of the cards I sent in were in even better condition. I look forward to slowly working towards upgrading my completed collections into graded completed collections, perhaps even entirely sequentially graded.
Feel free to ask me any questions you can think of, and I will happily answer. I owe a lot to the community for giving me the courage and inspiration to tackle this project despite the pitfalls and anxiety traps, to overcome all of the unknowns and do something worth while not just monetarily but to preserve a precious piece of Pokemon history!
Thank you for taking the time to read and experience my journey, I hope I have inspired confidence and passion in some of you, perhaps eased your own anxieties about partaking in the grading process, and to just continue enjoying this hobby we all love so much.
Speaking as a Pokemon fan and trainer thats been around from the very start of the fandom, that has gone from being an excited kid to an awe struck adult, it has been incredibly beautiful to see our community grow, to see the fandom blossom and expand into so many avenues and games that have brought unmeasured joy to so many of us. It is a delight to see the card game I loved so much has never slowed down and I cannot wait to continue sharing that love with new pokemon fans, my own children rapidly becoming strong trainers of their own.
Thanks for getting this far. Have a fantastic day Poke Pals.
submitted by McGoodGreen to longform [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 08:08 adulting4kids Adulting Hard!

  1. How do you perceive the role of technology in shaping your identity as you navigate the transition into adulthood?
  2. Describe a moment when a technological interaction made you feel deeply connected or disconnected from your sense of self.
  3. What does success mean to you in a society heavily influenced by technological advancements, and how does it align with your personal values?
  4. Reflect on the rituals you currently practice. How do they contribute to your well-being, and are there new rituals you'd like to establish as you step into adulthood?
  5. In what ways can spirituality coexist with technology in your life, and how might they complement each other on your journey to self-discovery?
  6. How do you stay grounded in a fast-paced, technology-centric world, and what practices contribute to your mental and emotional balance?
  7. Envision your ideal relationship with technology as you enter adulthood. How can it enhance your personal growth and self-awareness?
  8. Reflect on a moment when you felt a strong sense of purpose. How can technology be a tool for amplifying and manifesting that purpose in your adult life?
  9. Consider the impact of social media on your self-esteem and self-perception. How can you maintain a positive self-image in a digitally connected world?
  10. What values guide your decision-making as you transition into adulthood, and how do you stay true to these values in various aspects of your life
  11. Explore the intersection between nature and technology in your life. How can the natural world inspire and complement your technological experiences?
  12. Imagine your ideal day that balances technology use, self-care rituals, and spiritual exploration as you embark on your journey into adulthood. What does this day look like, and how does it make you feel?
  13. Reflect on the role of mindfulness in your daily routine. How can technology be integrated into mindfulness practices for enhanced self-awareness?
  14. How can you use technology as a tool for learning and expanding your knowledge, fostering a sense of continuous growth and development as you enter adulthood?
  15. Describe a moment when you felt a deep connection to your intuition. How can you nurture and trust your intuition in a world dominated by data and information?
  16. Explore the concept of balance in your life. How can you strike a balance between your digital life and the physical, fostering holistic well-being in adulthood?
  17. Consider the impact of technology on your relationships. How can you maintain authentic connections in a world where digital communication often prevails?
  18. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses in managing technology. How can you leverage your strengths and address your weaknesses for personal growth in adulthood?
  19. Imagine your future self. How do you envision the role of technology in shaping the person you aspire to become as you journey into adulthood?
  20. Reflect on the concept of "digital detox." How might periodic breaks from technology contribute to your overall well-being and self-discovery as an adult?
  21. How can you bring intention and awareness to your technology use for a more conscious and fulfilling life as you transition into adulthood?
  22. Explore the impact of social media on your self-expression. How can you authentically represent yourself in the digital space while embracing your uniqueness?
  23. Reflect on your response to failure in a digital context. How can setbacks be viewed as opportunities for growth and learning as you navigate adulthood in a technology-driven world?
  24. Consider the impact of technology on your creativity. How can digital tools enhance your creative expression and innovation as you step into adulthood?
  25. Reflect on the values embedded in the technology you use. How can aligning with these values contribute to a more meaningful and purposeful life as an adult?
  26. Explore the idea of digital minimalism. How can simplifying your digital life contribute to a clearer sense of self and purpose as you enter adulthood?
  27. Reflect on your relationship with time in a technology-driven society. How can you use technology to optimize your time for personal fulfillment and growth as an adult?
  28. Consider the impact of technology on your mental health. How can you use digital resources to foster resilience, self-care, and emotional well-being in adulthood?
  29. Reflect on the role of community in your life. How can technology be a tool for building and sustaining meaningful connections within your community as you navigate adulthood?
  30. Explore the concept of 'digital identity.' How does your online presence align with your authentic self, and what adjustments might enhance this alignment as you step into adulthood?
  31. Reflect on your digital consumption habits. How can you cultivate mindful media consumption to ensure that the information you engage with aligns with your values as an adult?
  32. Consider the impact of technology on your physical health. How can you incorporate movement and balance into your daily routine in a tech-driven world as you enter adulthood?
  33. Reflect on the impact of screen time on your well-being. How can you establish healthy boundaries to prevent technology from negatively affecting your physical and mental health in adulthood?
  34. Explore the concept of 'digital wanderlust.' How can technology be a tool for exploring new ideas, cultures, and perspectives, expanding your worldview as an adult?
  35. Reflect on the role of autonomy in your relationship with technology. How can you assert control over your digital life to align with your values and goals as you enter adulthood?
  36. Consider the impact of technology on your decision-making process. How can you use digital tools to enhance your decision-making skills and make informed choices as an adult?
  37. Reflect on the impact of technology on your financial well-being. How can digital tools be harnessed to manage finances, make informed decisions, and work towards financial goals as you enter adulthood?
  38. Explore the concept of 'digital legacy.' How can your online presence contribute positively to your legacy, leaving a meaningful impact on future generations as an adult?
  39. Reflect on the impact of technology on your sleep patterns. How can you establish a healthy digital bedtime routine to promote restful sleep and overall well-being as you navigate adulthood?
  40. Consider the role of self-compassion in the face of digital challenges. How can you be kind to yourself while navigating the complexities of technology in adulthood?
  41. Reflect on your response to societal expectations facilitated by technology. How can you navigate and redefine these expectations in alignment with your authentic self as you enter adulthood?
  42. Explore the concept of 'technological ethics.' How can your ethical considerations guide your interactions with technology in a responsible and mindful manner as an adult?
  43. Reflect on the role of trust in your online interactions. How can you build and foster trust in your digital relationships, both personal and professional, as you navigate adulthood?
  44. Consider the impact of technology on your environmental consciousness. How can you make informed digital choices that align with sustainability and ecological responsibility as an adult?
  45. Reflect on the values embedded in the technology you use. How can aligning with these values contribute to a more meaningful and purposeful life as an adult?
  46. Explore the concept of 'digital minimalism.' How can simplifying your digital life contribute to a clearer sense of self and purpose as you enter adulthood?
  47. Reflect on your response to societal expectations facilitated by technology. How can you navigate and redefine these expectations in alignment with your authentic self as you enter adulthood?
  48. Consider the impact of technology on your social skills. How can you balance digital interactions with face-to-face communication to nurture meaningful connections as an adult?
  49. Explore the concept of 'digital activism.' How can technology be a tool for promoting social change and advocating for causes that align with your values as you enter adulthood?
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 04:57 SpoonlessTable Changing a widget from a button press in another widget

Hey guys, very new to flutter here so please bear with me. Im trying to create an app where there will essentially be a grid of buttons (selection page) whichever one the user selects will direct the user back to the home page and a change will have been made corresponding to the button pressed.
I’ve ran into issues with every method i’ve tried / could find online. I tried making the selection page the child of the home page and used the setState method to update. The problem is they are never supposed to be on the screen at the same time, and i’m using MaterialPageRoute for that right now.
I’m not sure what to do exactly and I’d be happy to post the code, but is there any other better approaches to what i’m trying to do here? Provided package? Global variables? I feel like this shouldn’t be as hard as it has been to figure out.
EDIT: Here is all relevant code
class CalculationPage extends StatefulWidget { const CalculationPage({super.key}); @override _CalculationPage createState() => _CalculationPage(); } class _CalculationPage extends State { int? _cardChanging; int? _selectedCard = 0; void _update(int selectedCard) { setState(() => _selectedCard = selectedCard); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { String stringSelection = '$_selectedCard'; if (_selectedCard == null) { stringSelection = "0"; } return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Stack( children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0), child: Container( width: 600.0, height: 300.0, margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 40, left: 40, right: 40), decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color:, width: 0.0), borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.elliptical(600, 300)), color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 17, 97, 20), ), ), ), Positioned( right: 265, top: 175, child: InkWell( child: Container( child: Image.asset( 'lib/icons/$stringSelection.png', scale: 10, ), ), onTap: () { Navigator.push( context, MaterialPageRoute( builder: (context) => SelectCardPage( update: (int value) {}, ))); }, ), ), Offstage(child: SelectCardPage(update: _update)), ], ), ), ); } } class SelectCardPage extends StatelessWidget { final ValueChanged update; SelectCardPage({required this.update}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( body: Center( child: Stack(children: [ CustomScrollView( primary: false, slivers: [ SliverPadding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(20), sliver: SliverGrid.count( crossAxisSpacing: 10, mainAxisSpacing: 10, crossAxisCount: 4, children: [ Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), color:[100], child: const Text("He'd have you all unravel at the"), ), InkWell( child: Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8), child: Image.asset('lib/icons/1.png'), ), onTap: () { //CalculationPage(selectedCard: 1*/); update(1); Navigator.pop(context); }), 
submitted by SpoonlessTable to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:15 Tiffany-Hiraedu Best online essay writing Help Services 2024 Reddit Pay Someone to take my online essays for me Reddit online essay writers for Hire Reddit willing to pay to write my essay for me reddit Research Paper Helper Reddit Article writing Help Reddit Assignment Homework Test Quiz English Reddit

If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
  1. U.S. Citizenship Status: I have native-born U.S. citizenship status, an 100% authentic & natural U.S. American accent, and a verified New Jersey, USA residence. I can speak on the phone professionally in both perfect native U.S. English and fluent Canadian English.
  2. U.S. 212 Phone Number: I have a verified U.S. American business phone number with the prestigious 212 area code (212-380-1856 - Ext 3) that can both send & receive phone calls, texts, voicemails, photos, and website links.
  3. Social Media Verified: I have an active & verified online Presence with my name and contact info regularly showing up on all major search engines including: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  4. Professional Website: I have a professional, well-designed, well-written, 100% secure SEO-optimized WordPress business themed website: HiraEdu. com
  5. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  6. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  7. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  8. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  9. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods.
  10. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions.
  11. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions.
  12. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  13. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  14. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  15. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  16. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  17. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  18. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
If you are unable to pas your Online Exam, Assignment and couldn't handle online courses workload, get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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2024.06.07 23:04 Lazy-Citron-643 WGU Essay Writing Help Reddit Business Writing Help reddit Creative Essay Writing Help Reddit Critical Essay Writing Helper for Hire Reddit English Literature Helper Reddit Expository & Persuasive Essay Writing Help Reddit Fiction Help - Greek and Roman Philosophy Writing Helper Reddit

If you are unable to Pass your Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
I am very knowledgeable and proficient in assisting students in a wide range of mathematics classes. I can help students complete their homework assignments and other projects get an A on quizzes, tests, and exams (including proctored assessments) answer online discussion posts write essays & papers in MLA APA Chicago format and provide general overall academic help in each math course listed below:
If you are unable to Pass your Exams, Quizzes, Tests or Unable to Handle Homework Assignments or full course online, Get paid help from Online Helpers at Hiraedu!
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
As of 2021, I have tutored and helped students enrolled at the following U.S. universities community colleges county & city colleges schools for-profit institutions listed below in alphabetical order:
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
Contact Details for Hiraedu Helper:
WhatsApp: +1 (213) 594-5657
Call: +1 727 456 9641
Website: hiraedu. com
Email: [info@hiraedu](mailto:info@hiraedu). com
Discord ID: Hiraedu#4788
Telegram Username: Hiraedu
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2024.06.07 22:47 DisciplineNo1000 IPTV for International Channels: Best Services for Global Content

IPTV for International Channels: Best Services for Global Content
IPTV Trends
In today's digital age, accessing global content has never been easier. Whether you're looking to watch your favorite international sports, catch up on foreign news, or enjoy diverse cultural programming, IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) provides a seamless solution. But what exactly is IPTV, and which services are best for international channels? Let's dive in!

What is IPTV?

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television, a service that delivers television content over the internet instead of traditional satellite or cable formats. It's a game-changer for many because it allows users to access TV channels and on-demand content from around the world, anytime and anywhere, with just an internet connection.

Brief History of IPTV

The concept of IPTV dates back to the late 1990s when internet speeds started to improve, making it feasible to stream video content online. However, it wasn't until the mid-2000s that IPTV gained traction with advancements in broadband technology and the proliferation of smart devices.

How IPTV Works

IPTV uses a packet-switched network that transmits TV signals as data packets. Unlike traditional broadcasting methods, IPTV streams content directly to your device, which can be a smart TV, computer, tablet, or smartphone. This allows for interactive features such as pausing, rewinding, and on-demand viewing.

Advantages of IPTV for International Channels

Access to Diverse Content

One of the biggest perks of IPTV is the vast array of international channels available. Whether you're interested in Asian dramas, European sports, or African news, IPTV services provide an extensive selection to cater to diverse tastes.
For example, fans of Korean dramas can access the latest series as they air in South Korea, while sports enthusiasts can catch live broadcasts of European football matches. This variety ensures that there's something for everyone, no matter where they are in the world.


Compared to traditional cable or satellite TV, IPTV is often more affordable. Many services offer flexible subscription plans, so you only pay for the channels and features you want. This means you can tailor your subscription to your viewing habits, avoiding the need to pay for channels you never watch.
Moreover, the competition among IPTV providers often results in better deals and promotional offers, giving you more bang for your buck.

On-Demand Viewing

Missed your favorite show? No problem! IPTV services typically offer on-demand options, allowing you to watch your preferred programs at your convenience. This feature is particularly useful for international viewers who may be in different time zones than the content's country of origin.

High-Quality Streaming

With advancements in internet technology, IPTV services can deliver high-definition and even 4K streaming, ensuring you get a top-notch viewing experience. This quality is often superior to traditional broadcast methods, providing crystal-clear images and vibrant colors that enhance your viewing pleasure.

How to Choose the Best IPTV Service for International Channels

Selecting the right IPTV service can be overwhelming, but considering the following factors can help you make an informed decision:

Content Variety

Ensure the service offers a wide range of international channels and on-demand content that interests you. Some services specialize in specific regions or genres, so it's essential to choose one that aligns with your preferences.
For example, if you're a fan of Bollywood films, look for a service that offers a comprehensive library of Indian movies and TV shows. On the other hand, if you enjoy watching live sports from around the world, choose a provider known for its extensive sports coverage.

Reliability and Uptime

Look for services with high reliability and minimal downtime to enjoy uninterrupted viewing. Read reviews and testimonials to gauge the service's performance and ensure it meets your expectations.

User Interface and Ease of Use

A user-friendly interface enhances your viewing experience. Look for services that are easy to navigate and set up. Features like search functions, customizable playlists, and intuitive menus can make a significant difference in how much you enjoy using the service.

Pricing Plans

Compare pricing plans to find one that fits your budget. Consider whether the service offers a free trial or money-back guarantee, allowing you to test it out before committing long-term.

Customer Support

Reliable customer support is crucial for troubleshooting and ensuring a smooth experience. Check if the service offers 24/7 support and has a responsive helpdesk that can assist with any issues you may encounter.

Top IPTV Services for International Channels

After extensive research, we've compiled a list of top IPTV services that excel in delivering international content. Let's take a closer look at each one:

IPTV Smarters


IPTV Smarters is renowned for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It supports multiple formats, including live TV, VOD, series, and catch-up TV. Additionally, it offers a multi-screen feature, allowing you to watch multiple channels simultaneously.


Pricing varies depending on the subscription plan, but it's generally affordable with options for monthly, quarterly, and yearly plans. Some providers even offer a lifetime plan, which can be a great investment for long-term users.

User Experience

Users appreciate the intuitive design and ease of use, making it a popular choice for both beginners and tech-savvy users. The app is available on various platforms, including iOS, Android, Windows, and macOS, ensuring compatibility with most devices.

Sling TV


Sling TV is a well-known service in the US that offers a range of international channels. It includes features like cloud DVR and multiple device support, allowing you to record and watch your favorite shows at your convenience.


Sling TV offers competitive pricing with various packages tailored to different regional content preferences. The "Sling International" add-on provides access to a wide range of international channels from different regions, including Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

User Experience

Sling TV's flexible packages and high-quality streaming make it a favorite among users seeking international content. The service is available on multiple devices, including smart TVs, streaming sticks, and gaming consoles, providing versatility in how you watch your content.

ExpressVPN with IPTV

Importance of VPN for IPTV

Using a VPN with IPTV is essential for bypassing geo-restrictions and ensuring privacy. ExpressVPN is a top choice due to its speed and reliability. A VPN can also help protect your data from potential security threats, adding an extra layer of safety to your streaming experience.

Features of ExpressVPN

ExpressVPN offers high-speed servers, robust security features, and a user-friendly interface. It has servers in over 90 countries, allowing you to access content from virtually anywhere in the world. Additionally, it offers 24/7 customer support and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

How to Use ExpressVPN with IPTV Trends

Setting up ExpressVPN with your IPTV service is straightforward. Simply install the VPN, connect to a server in the region you want to access, and enjoy unrestricted access to international content. This setup can be particularly useful for accessing content that is not available in your country due to licensing restrictions.

Pros and Cons of Using IPTV Trends for International Channels


  • Wide range of content
  • Cost-effective
  • On-demand viewing
  • High-quality streaming
  • Flexibility and convenience


  • Dependent on internet connection
  • Potential legal issues
  • May require technical setup
  • Variable content availability

Legal Considerations for Using IPTV Trends

Legality of IPTV in Different Countries

The legality of IPTV varies by country. Some countries have strict regulations, while others are more lenient. It's crucial to research and ensure you use a legal service. Using unauthorized IPTV services can lead to legal repercussions and compromise your data security.

How to Ensure You Are Using a Legal Service

Opt for reputable services that comply with copyright laws and offer licensed content. Avoid services that seem too good to be true, as they may operate illegally. Checking reviews and verifying the service's licensing can help ensure you are making a safe and legal choice.

Setting Up IPTV Trends for International Channels

Equipment Needed

You'll need a reliable internet connection, a compatible device (smart TV, computer, smartphone, or tablet), and possibly a VPN for accessing geo-restricted content. Additionally, a good router can help ensure a stable and fast connection.

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

  1. Choose an IPTV Trends subscription: Select a subscription from IPTV Trends service based on your needs.
  2. Sign Up and Subscribe: Create an account and choose a subscription plan.
  3. Download the App: Install the IPTV Trends app on your preferred device.
  4. Set Up the VPN: If using a VPN, install and configure it on your device.
  5. Log In and Start Watching: Log into your IPTV Trends app and start enjoying international channels.

Troubleshooting Common IPTV Issues

Buffering Problems

Buffering can be caused by slow internet speeds or high traffic on the IPTV service. Try restarting your device, reducing other internet activities, or upgrading your internet plan. Additionally, using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi can help improve stability.

Channel Availability Issues

If certain channels are unavailable, check if they are geo-restricted or if there are issues with the IPTV service. Using a VPN can help access restricted channels. Additionally, contacting customer support can provide insights into any service outages or maintenance work.

Streaming Quality Issues

Ensure you have a stable internet connection and consider adjusting the streaming quality settings in the app. High-definition streaming requires a faster internet speed. Closing other applications that are using bandwidth can also help improve streaming quality.

Future of IPTV for International Channels

Trends and Predictions

IPTV is set to grow with advancements in internet technology and increasing demand for diverse content. We can expect more interactive features and higher streaming quality. Innovations like AI-driven content recommendations and integration with smart home devices are likely to become more prevalent. For the latest updates on these trends, you can always check IPTV Trends for in-depth analysis and news.

Technological Advancements

Future developments may include more AI-driven content recommendations, integration with smart home devices, and improved user interfaces. Enhanced security measures and faster streaming technologies will also play a significant role in the evolution of IPTV. Stay updated with IPTV Trends to keep track of these advancements.


IPTV offers an excellent way to access international content with its vast selection, cost-effectiveness, and high-quality streaming. Whether you're a globe-trotting expat or simply a fan of international programming, there's an IPTV service that fits your needs. Remember to choose a reputable provider, consider using a VPN, and enjoy the world of global entertainment at your fingertips. For more insights and updates on IPTV services and technologies, visit IPTV Trends regularly.


What is IPTV?

IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television, a service that delivers TV content over the internet.

Is IPTV legal?

The legality of IPTV varies by country. Ensure you use reputable services that comply with copyright laws.

Can I watch local channels with IPTV?

Yes, many IPTV services offer local channels along with international content.

Do I need a VPN for IPTV?

Using a VPN can help bypass geo-restrictions and enhance your privacy while using IPTV.

What are the best IPTV services for international channels?

Top services include IPTV Smarters, Sling TV, and using ExpressVPN with your preferred IPTV provider.
submitted by DisciplineNo1000 to u/DisciplineNo1000 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:30 rocco2121 The Huge Catastrophe Seen In Meditation

I have a found a very interesting yet chilling article from a Falun Dafa practioner. The article is from 2011. He seemed to have predicted some of the things that are now just starting to occur. Poignant parts bolded out:
The Huge Catastrophe Seen in Meditation
The Dafa disciple Longlong saw the huge catastrophe during meditation and sending righteous thoughts. One year ago he already saw some scenes. Some other scenes manifested gradually and some were seen just recently. We didn’t write it down because we were afraid of leaking heavenly secrets. But recently we read some articles online about catastrophes. So we thought writing it down might be able to inspire or warn people.
Cultivators know that everything is predestined but meanwhile things are variable, especially now that human history has reached this critical moment between life and death. One thought of “Falun Dafa is good” can determine whether one lives or dies. But this time it is different: a being’s righteous or unrighteous thoughts toward Dafa will determine whether that being gets eternal life or is destroyed forever. Righteous thoughts toward Dafa are just that important!
In meditation, Longlong saw Master keep postponing and weakening the huge catastrophe and large-scale process of weeding out people. One time he saw Master overturned the hourglass, otherwise the huge catastrophe would have begun already. Another time Longlong saw Master move some sands back to the upper container.
Master extended the time for us so that Dafa disciples could have more time to save people and more time to cultivate; Master also extended people’s lives so that people could have opportunities to know the truth, break away from the control of the wicked Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and be saved by Dafa. There are so many things that should have already happened but they didn’t happen because Master endured it; there are many things that should have already ended but Master still left chances for beings. We just have no way to know the painstaking care Master has taken for us practitioners and sentient beings.
1. The ground cracking: the ground sinks to form huge holes; buildings and people fall into the holes. This has happened in many countries and it has been reported in the news. But the current scale is only at the initial stage.
2. Mudslides: mud buries houses, villages and people. This has happened in many countries and it’s been reported in the news. It is also at the initial stage.
3. Oil spills: it has already happened, but it’s not the end. It is predestined. The specific numbers can’t be disclosed and meanwhile it’s not necessary to disclose it. The beings in the ocean suffered, and people suffered as well.
4. Loss of direction: the four directions, east, west, south, north become messed up. Those who worship towards the east wouldn’t know which direction was east. Human beings will be lost in the world. GPS won’t work either. The earth will slope steeply in the universe, which will cause the glaciers in North Pole and South Pole to slide and become misplaced. Then the glaciers will melt. The sea level will rise and gush into cities. The deserts will become warm and humid. The forests will become cold and dry. The animals and plants in tropical and subtropical zones will suffer. In other words, hot places will become cold while cold places will become hot; dry places will become humid while humid places will become dry. When that happens many animals and plants will be eliminated.
5. Earthquake and tsunamis: tsunamis as tall as a several hundred meters will beat the shores. With the water melted from the glaciers, it will be enough to inundate many cities. When that happens, a lot of people will be eliminated.
6. Horrible pestilence: human beings, animals and plants will all be under this huge catastrophe. Wherever the pestilence goes, buildings will collapse. Streets, bridges, flowers and trees, as long as their karma is big, will be swallowed by a type of power and turned into sandy soil.
Among those who are infected by the pestilence, some will bleed from the nose, mouth and ears and die; some will pass out while walking. The doctors won’t be able to find out why and won’t be able to cure it. So many people will rush to hospitals in vain. Chanting “Falun Dafa is good” can save one’s life. People, please remember! This is the only way to be saved. Please try!
The death toll will be calculated in millions. It will happen not only in China but also in other countries. Through the third eye one can see viruses penetrate into the human body. One virus splits into two; two split into four, and so on. The splitting is very fast. Some viruses stay in the body and continue to split while others go into other bodies. Currently many people have been infected already. And the virus is still spreading. When the time is up, people around the world will hear the news that millions have died from the infection.
When the virus falls on a human body, that person feels nothing. When the virus passes by Dafa disciples, it is stopped by our energy field. But those sensitive disciples can feel something brushing their fine hair. Curiously, not only ordinary people but also some Dafa practitioners will be infected by the virus. Longlong saw Master take away the virus from the majority of Dafa disciples and lock the virus somewhere, but it didn’t happen for all the Dafa disciples. Here I would like to remind practitioners that cultivation is serious; the Fa rectification is serious. If a Dafa disciple doesn’t change their mind and doesn’t cultivate Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, anything that happens to ordinary people will happen to him. One day there will be no more opportunities left. Master is benevolent while Dafa is majestic.
In many dimensions the virus is a black color. But in a deeper dimension, the virus is white and composed of pure high energy gong. Since it is so bright, it looks black in other dimensions. Those people who are eliminated by the Gong are very bad and full of karma. From any perspective, they shouldn’t be saved. Some of them wear a human skin and look human.
Each elimination method is carried out by specific gods. At Longlong’s level, he saw dragons carrying out the heavenly tasks and shrimp soldiers and crab generals cooperating. He also saw a western Dafa practitioner manifest as a dragon in one dimension. In the human world, he was an army officer. But Longlong didn’t know his origin, which only Master knows.
When Longlong saw the catastrophe, he felt heartbroken. He saw some scenes in his dreams. He couldn’t bear to see because the scene was so miserable that he cried and woke up. Dafa disciples are saving people. But those dragons make floods and mudslide to bury people.
Aren’t the dragons righteous beings? When Longlong saw this, he knelt down and begged to Master that he was willing to shelter the sentient beings from the catastrophe. Master enlightened him: on one hand we need to save more people; on the other hand, those who can’t be saved need to be cleaned out. The universe can’t be polluted by garbage.
In the lectures Master said the large-scale process of weeding out people doesn’t have anything to do with good people or cultivators. Only bad people are weeded out.
My above enlightenment is only from my current cultivation level. So it may not be accurate. I hope ordinary people can wake up; I also hope those Dafa practitioners who still don’t meet Dafa’s requirements can wake up. I hope all Dafa disciples can: “Lose no time and save them, hurry up and tell them” (“Hurry Up And Tell Them”).
Original article:
submitted by rocco2121 to anonspropheticdream [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:39 PPumpkinEater69 NTA, NEET and Rank Inflations

12 February 2024, Monday. I wake up late, around 10 AM in the morning. My elder brother, who was sitting on the corner of my bed tells me that I had scored 97.2%ile. I thought he was joking with me, however I soon realized that it was a joke for all students. I checked my result and to my shock, he was right. I had scored 97.2%ile at 195 !! Soon I started looking for marks v/s percentile and found that 27S1 had 99%ile at ~240 !!. I realized how fucked up was that shift.
04 June 2024, Tuesday. A similar disaster struck fellow NEETards but this time the magnitude of tragedy was too high. Soon Twitter was trending, news outlet, etc. started to pick up the news. Amid these controversies NTA released it's response on 06 June 2024. But this might not be the end of the conversation.
Year Average Marks out of 720 of qualified candidates Minimum score to qualify in UR Category
2020 297.18 147
2021 286.13 138
2022 259.00 117
2023 279.41 137
2024 323.55 164
This was the data provided by NTA. From 2020 to 2022, there is a decrease in the avg. marks. This may due to the fact that students from 2022 batch had to attend classes online due to COVID-19 and hence the decrease. Same pattern is seen in minimum scores. A similar correlation might be seen in 2023 and 2024 where scores have been increased due to offline classes being conducted again. Also there are were many resources available for free for everyone online.
  1. NTA reported,
The loss of examination time was ascertained and such candidates were compensated with marks based on their answering efficiency and time lost, as per the mechanism/ formula established by the Hon’ble Apex Court, vide its judgment dated 13.06.2018 in W.P. 551 of 2018.
After searching the judgement for several minutes, I was able to found it here (or here). The method is on the page 12 or para. 8 of the judgement. Basically they are using "unitary method" to calculate revised scores. What they are doing is as follows:
1. Time available to student (v) 1. No. of questions attempted (w). 2. Find no of questions done per second (x=w/v). 3. Find amound of time in seconds which were lost by that candidate (y). 4. No. of extra que to compensate for time lost = (x*y) 5. No. of correctly answered questions (a). 6. No. of wrongly answered questions (b). 7. No. of correctly answered questions after normalisation = a'= (x*y) * (a/w). 8. No. of correctly answered questions after normalisation = b' = (x*y) * (b/w). 9. Score = (4*a')-(1*b') /* +4/-1 Marking Scheme */ 
(The table is just for illustration. It also seem to have +1/-0.25 marking scheme.)
Now there are several problems here.
2.1. How are they rounding up when any of the above variables is non integer?
If they are rounding up the final no. of correctly/wrongly attempted questions to their nearest integers and then calculating the score, then how on earth can anyone score 718 or 719? NTA is clearly lying on our face here if this is the case.
2.2. Does NTA drops the extra que when no. of questions attempted after normalisation exceeds 180?
e.g. A was given only given 2.5 hours instead of 3 hours for his NEET exam. Now he attempted 155 que within given time. NTA normalises his results by applying the formula above. Then no of que attempted by him becomes 186. But he can only attempt 180 que in the actual exam.
Also are those student also compensated if they had done 180 que? Seems like nitpicking but still.
2.3. A candidate can overscore by the above formula when they try to be highly efficient.
Besides that NTA didn't tell how much marks each student got after normalisation. Moreover many students on this sub, reported that their marks were less than what they had calculated. Others told that it may be due to normalisation. But your marks are not normalised. Only the one who lost time are compensated not you.
  1. The number of candidates who appeared in 2023 was 20,38,596, while the number of candidates who appeared in 2024 increased to 23,33,297. The increase in candidates naturally led to an increase in high scorers due to a larger pool of candidates.
But still the pool of students is not large enough to justify 67 toppers when we have only seen < 4 toppers in the previous years. An increase of 60+ toppers in one year is either due to malpractices or overly-simple paper. Moreover 6 toppers from the same centre sure raises some eyebrows. NTA should thoroughly investigate this matter. Also their answer sheets should be released in public domain to check their marks by ourselves. Here someone alleged that one of the topper did have some mistakes in her answer sheet but still managed to score 720. Is this due to compensation of marks ?
  1. Never have I ever seen NTA release the results prior to the mentioned date. It has delayed the results by a day or two but never have released result early. Besides, why do they released the results on the day when election results were being declared ? To distract the news media?
  2. Let me tell you a joke NTA's investigation against UFMs. They did not do anything against Basava Reddy, they are not going to do anything this time either.
It's a high time we unite as students and file RTIs to find our answers ,like how the compensation marks given to each student, along with the formula.

JEE Mains/NEET 2025 and Beyond

NTA did nothing when victims of 27 and 29 complained. They released a their statement and moved on. So did the students. I know because I was a victim. It's very likely this time again. They have released their statement. They are not doing anything and they will not do anything.
But after seeing the rank inflation WE CANNOT DENY that the competition and no. of student is actually increasing day by day. That might be what has happened this year. What we are seeing today, might be a glimpse of tomorrow. We all know how much of a blood bath next year is gonna be. With COVID gone and quality of online materials increase day by day, more students will have access to quality material, hence the quality of competition will surely increase. The more early you get out this battleground, the better your chances of survival will be. That's all I had to say.
Best of luck to all NEETards for your struggle.
Best of luck to all JEEtards for Sunday.
submitted by PPumpkinEater69 to JEENEETards [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:02 Lord_Sithek [PROJECT] Weather notification

Hi everybody
This is major upgrade to my weather notification project posted HERE.
NOTE: AutoNotification plugin needed
I've been testing 3 different weather providers and decided to create separate tasks for them because all have some advantages and disadvantages.
1) WeatherAPI
2) Open Meteo
3) OpenWeatherMap (both Current weather API and OneCall API)
When importing the project, user runs the launch task to select one of the provider and to insert own API key for the one selected (except Open Meteo, which doesn't require to use own API key). It's best to copy that key beforehand.
What improvements:
The notification is being created on device boot and updated every 15 minutes (assinged ID no. 99). Additionally you can refresh data by tapping on the notification. At 11.59 PM the array with all the temperatures during the day is being cleared.
Most probably the project can be improved, I'm open to suggestions. I just wouldn't want to include too many weather variables, I selected only those most important to me.
Have a nice day!
Download project from TaskerNet
submitted by Lord_Sithek to tasker [link] [comments]