S expensive cars

Expensive Cars

2011.10.19 10:52 alltechnews Expensive Cars


2018.03.23 03:43 pianoflames The Cars of Infowars

For all cars with crazy messages and/or stickers. These are the rides of the warriors of information.

2008.03.20 20:49 r/Cars - For Car Enthusiasts

Cars is the largest automotive enthusiast community on the Internet. We're Reddit's central hub for vehicle-related discussion, industry news, reviews, projects, DIY guides, advice, stories, and more.

2024.05.16 07:16 Bulky-Nail2307 General Post

Hi all just wanted to better introduce myself. I (f/25) left a longterm abusive relationship in January, and moved into a room in a boarding house type of thing. I couldn’t afford it along with school payments and regular bills (car payment, insurance(s), etc). I had to choose which thing to eliminate and the only bill that wouldn’t completely upend my life if I abandoned it was rent. I live in NJ and, with the influx of tourists choosing permanent housing here, the cost of living (of even just shelter) is WAY over the line of ridiculous. I have been homeless before here, and I have lived in my car before here, so I figured I’d go back to car living. I always sort of missed it.
It’s been about a month back in my car now. I rotate where I sleep four nights a week in the town I grew up in. Two of the spots are legal overnight parking locations. Two are in the middle of the woods. I completely seal my back seat (I drive a sedan) and leave the front part of the car “open” or viewable. This way, I look like a regular car parked with no one inside. I started out with all these window shields and such, but I thought it started to look to obvious. This way is much better. And allows me more inconspicuous peep holes so I feel like I can observe my surroundings better.
The other nights of the week I sleep at a cheap motel I have always utilized.
When I park I spend about ten minutes on set up and I do not leave my car. I make sure I go back and forth to my trunk and get stuff ready for the next day somewhere else, that I’m not sleeping at. I charge my phone all day so by the time I sleep it is good to go. I keep some self defense items stashed in the back with me. I also never use a flashlight once I’m at my location.
I work in restaurants so I eat at work usually, and when I don’t I eat nonperishables. In my trunk I have a three bag system. One with food. One with clothes. And one with all my bedding. Plus an extra small bag for dirty laundry which I do once a week for like 6 bucks.
This is the first time I’m living in my car sober. I’ll have five years sober in a few days. Honestly, it is the best decision I could’ve made. I’m leaving NJ in a couple months. I work a lot, have a regular gym regimen (and shower there). I read a lot of the day, or write. And it is peaceful to have quiet space to myself for really the first time in my life. I have lived on the streets and the street smarts have never left my brain. So that’s a plus too.
Anyway just wanted to say hi, and thank this forum for all the helpful advice and tips and general support. You guys all rule! 🌸
submitted by Bulky-Nail2307 to urbancarliving [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:14 Lil_Woman AITA. I don’t want my boyfriend to be near one of his friends unless I’m with him.

I (17F) and my boyfriend (17M) have been together for almost a year. A little backstory about me: my mum kicked me out when I was 16, I had been living with a mates grandmother but ended up moving in with my partners sister and sil, he moved in with me. When we found out we were pregnant, I hid the test under my pillow. His neice (18F) and her friend (17F) (which is also his friend. They’d known her for years but they had a falling out and only recently started getting close again.) came into my room to look for something and found the test, they’re friend took a photo and sent it to his family and since they found out, his sil has been saying I should get an abortion. (I don’t have anything against abortions, I just personally won’t get one.)
Their friend Sarah and his niece Matilda (obviously not their real names for privacy reasons.)
I had a family dinner on Friday to celebrate my brothers birthday. One of the messaged me and asked to not bring my partner as he just wanted family there which is fair and even if he didn’t care, my partner wouldn’t have wanted to come anyways as he never wants to come to any of my family events but always wants me ti go to his family events. That night Sarah and Matilda were going bowling and my partner wanted to go with them. I said okay. They left at 5pm and the family dinner started at 6pm so I obviously left after them. I got back around 9pm (I told my family I was pregnant and they were quite rude about it) so I asked him to come back as he’d been gone for 3hrs and he was done bowling. He said no because he still wanted to hang out with them and he said he wanted “me time”. I checked his location and saw he was at a lookout (I had been telling him for months that I wanted to be the first to go to the lookouts with him) and they filmed a TikTok on Sarah’s phone (he never films TikTok’s with me) I obviously was getting mad and told him to get back, instead the went golfing. He came back around 11:30 and I was furious as I was begging him to come back the entire time and I was upset they didn’t want to invite me (they drove past the place we live multiple times) to come and film the TikTok with then it even go golfing. He kept saying he didn’t have to come back so early (mind you, anytime I went out with friends or family I had to be back before 6pm otherwise he’d get pissy and give me the silent treatment.)
About 3 days later, we had an argument and he screamed in my face, I started crying and his sil told him to stop and she took him for a drive. I rang my mum to come get me (we were on good terms as I still wanted to see my little sister.) when I got back he was telling me he was going to sleep in Matilda’s room, I was saying no because it was the night Sarah was also sleeping in there and I didn’t want him to be sleeping in the same bed as another female. They would’ve been sleeping next to each other and in his sleep he likes to cuddle up to the person next to him so I didn’t want him cuddling up to her. He kept saying “I want some me time.” And I said back “you had me time with them on Friday, you don’t always need some me time with them.” And to that he told me that no matter what I said, he wouldn’t be changing his mind. After 3hrs I said “if you do this, I don’t think this can continue.” He said he would still be sleeping in there. Later that night he didn’t end up sleeping in there, he came into our room and slept with me.
The day after, I went to mum mums as my little sister (3F) wanted to have a sleep over. He messages me saying “Okay and I’m gonna go to net ball with Sarah but I will be snapping you every time you snap me I promise please trust me xx” I said no ask I wasn’t comfortable with just him going with her alone. He went anyways and he wasn’t snapping me everytime I snapped him, he’d reply like 5mins after I sent it and I kept getting angry as he was just in the car. They went to the game and while he was there, I told him I don’t want him watching her play and when they get in the car, I said I want him to sit in the back as I wasn’t comfortable with him sitting next to her. He kept saying no and he’s sitting in the front. I kept saying “so you’re really going to sit next to her knowing it’s going to make me uncomfortable.” He said yes and I was mad. Later that night I told him to ring me and he said “I just want some me time.” I said no because he’s been having a lot of “me time.” This week (he’s never said he’s wanted me time before. It’s only been this past week and it’s always been after he hangs out with her.)
(Btw, I’m only a few weeks pregnant but I’m constantly feeling insecure and hating the way my body looks. He also knows I have really bad trust issues as in the past as soon as I’ve trusted a partner with someone they told me not to worry about, I’d get cheated on so I didn’t want to make the same mistake again as I really want to be with him. And he also has to keep telling Sarah about the things happening in our relationship like idk why, I don’t even tell my bsf but I’m asking redit now as Idk if I’m just over thinking or if this is a red flag.)
submitted by Lil_Woman to u/Lil_Woman [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:13 Direct-Knee-3384 30 [M4M] #Online United States - Looking for my life partner.

I’m the type of person to value transparency and open communication. It can save a lot of time and energy. I’m looking for someone around my age or younger. I’ll start with sharing a little about my personality and interests and then will go to the more deep and logistical side of things.
Quality time, whether it’s sitting and talking, going for a walk, or watching a movie, is important to me. Also, a simple life with few possessions and obligations is something I’m looking for. So, a small apartment without children would be ideal. I’m not even looking to own a car since walking is cheaper and healthier.
I’m passionate about technology, especially when it’s something that helps society as a whole. I also like spending time with nature.
Physically, although I’ve been called “cute” and “adorable” by some, I’m a big guy and should lose about half my body weight. If you are turned off by a guy who is that large, then you might want to continue your search. In addition, my mental health is poor. I’m seeing a therapist and have been trying my best to improve, but it is certain my mental health will impact our relationship (both positively and negatively).
I’m located in the United States and have a small income.
Although I’m open to moving to another country, it is complicated both due to my low income and various immigration policies. Therefore, it’s best if you are in the United States or have a path to citizenship that doesn’t involve my help. If you’d want me to go to your country, we would need to explore the options available, but it would be a huge logistical and financial challenge.
submitted by Direct-Knee-3384 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:12 4rjfdkfkjrkjklk395t9 Fed Strategy: Consumer or Investing Focus?

Hello AskEconomics,
I recently viewed Vox’s video titled “Why can’t prices stay the same?” and had some thoughts/questions.
When describing the inflation cycle and the Fed’s reasoning for keeping a 2% target, their explanation is entirely consumer-focused. They say that with inflation, people expect their large purchases to become more expensive, which encourages them to buy now. This, in turn, leads to companies making more and being able to hire more workers who now have more money to spend.
I don’t know how much of this is inaccurate, but I will say I have never personally heard of someone rushing to buy their new appliance or car because next year's model will be more expensive.
Anyway, I’ve always had it explained to me from the banks’/investors’/business perspective, where they have stacks of money saved, and inflation encourages them to invest it in a variety of ways.
I understand both can be true, so my question is: what is the Fed focusing more on when considering inflation? Is it more about encouraging consumers to buy now to avoid paying more later, or is it more to encourage investment, with the downstream effect of raising prices on consumers?
submitted by 4rjfdkfkjrkjklk395t9 to AskEconomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:10 Jdojcmm Battery time. AGM or standard for me?

It’s a 2011 RX 350. 180k miles. I intend to keep the car as long as possible.
Most of my driving is highway, but our interstates are shitty. Have had 2 folks I know warranty batteries recently and have been told the roads likely didn’t help the batteries live past warranty.
I’m between two choices: standard old sealed lead acid, east penn/deka. Likely from batteries plus. Or go AGM. Likely from same.
Current battery is an oreilly 3 year replacement that went in back in 2020. Tested fine recently but I’m probably best to start deciding what I want.
What would you guys pick? Will the AGM outlast the SLA here, in a state with mild winters and hellish summers?
We use AGM in a lot of specialized lift equipment where I work but they are abused.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Jdojcmm to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:09 ooopsididitagai AITA if I rat out my neighbors?

Hello Reddit! I always try to be nice to everyone. I’m a bit of a people pleaser. Especially with neighbors, as no one wants to live next to someone they are always fighting with. So next door is a rental house. Not looked after, and always attracts the same trashy people. I try to be nice, but, well, the people are usually pretty trashy. So I know the street in front of my house is fair game. The people park in front of my house (I don’t like looking at their run down vehicles all day, but there’s nothing I can do). Sometimes I have to park 4 houses down and haul my kids and groceries because they take more space than they need. I’ve asked them to move about 3 times so that I can get a delivery, move a trailer, etc. The last time they said aggressively said they don’t have to move, and didn’t. (They’re technically right I guess, but not very considerate).
So now there is a parking ban for street sweeping . It’s potentially a $250/car fine. They have no driveway parking, so I doubt they will move and the gravel in front of my house won’t get cleaned up. My kids like to ride bikes and play hockey there, so I’d like it cleaned.
AITA if I rat them out? Will they suspect it is me and retaliate as our last issue was 2 weeks ago, or will they assume the city is just ticketing everyone?
submitted by ooopsididitagai to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:09 Ok_Charity_588 Switching jobs

Am I over thinking this job switch? Currently making $22 an hour. Got offered a new job starting at $26 an hour + night premium of 10% and double time OT after 40 working 4 12hr shifts every holiday off. Biggest cons I can see currently is that it’s 1.5hr drive each way but have a buddy that is willing to car pool together. Math is about $100 in gas a week. Girlfriend doesn’t want me to take it because she won’t see me for 4 days and doesn’t want me driving that far everyday. Am I just going $$$ crazy and not thinking rationally?
submitted by Ok_Charity_588 to Machinists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:08 JosephHeitger Headlights in the rain

Piggybacking off of the post earlier about bright headlights:
I see way too many people driving around gray cars that blend in to the road, without lights on in the pouring rain. What bothers me the most though is that usually it’s the police doing it. Just turn them on when you start the car so you never have to worry about it.
Also piggybacking off my own post bitching:
Turn signals in roundabouts. I know they’re new in my area but I’ve only seen a handful of people signal to leave them. If you signal out then grandma won’t stop in the yield land fearing her reaction time.
submitted by JosephHeitger to Ohio [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:08 EducationalLibrary24 I lost my temper on a customer unfortunately (CAN)

I lost my sh*t on a customer last weekend
Last weekend I was working a French fry shift and this was right when lunch started. My manager had asked me to run outside to hand out a couple of orders that were taken at drive thru and there was about 5 orders that I had to hand out, and since there were so many bags of food in my hand I had to give them out to cars in a random order due to the fact I had the bags of food positioned weirdly so they won’t fall out of my hands. As soon as I stepped outside these two ladies in their car started yelling at me for their food and I told them to wait until till I get to their food. Every. Single. Car. I. Went. Too they were yelling at me and when I got down to the second last car they were still yelling at me even when I told them repeatedly to hold on and reassured them that I had their food and they were going to get. When I finally got to their car they were shouting at me about how I was going to everyone else’s car when they claimed “the were here first” and let me just say they were not the first car parked because if they were they would’ve been parked in the CORRECT spot😐 I go on and try explain to them why they were given their food last and they were still yelling at me so I got fed up and just tossed the bag at them and as I was walking away on of the ladies in the car called me a cnt and I turned around and gave her the finger, and she goes on to say “YOUR GONNA LOSE YOUR JOB B*CH” and I gave her the finger AGAIN with no regrets about it. She ends up coming inside saying she wants my name and my manager and we had a pretty heated exchange. After I cooled down the manager told me that no matter how upset a customer gets me I can’t flip them off which I think is stupid because I was standing up for myself after I was getting yelled at and being called out of my name TWICE or something so minor. I was already on the edge because I was working a very early shift and had a family emergency the day before so this was my final straw.
Anyways I still have my job and the wrote up a report about the whole situation ( sorry if this is so long😁)
submitted by EducationalLibrary24 to McDonaldsEmployees [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 Late-Dragonfruit3472 Car shops for windows tinting and oil change

Hi guys, i just bought the new car and looking for a shop to do the windows tinted. Which is the best shop for tinting and i am looking forward to do ceramic coating and finding a trustworthy oil change shop because mr lube is too expensive. Can you please recommend me best shops in the town which are trustworthy and budget friendly. Thanks
submitted by Late-Dragonfruit3472 to abbotsford [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:07 Erwinblackthorn The Time Vortex of Video Production

After much consideration, and planning, I am going to return to video production. When I began making videos on a weekly or monthly basis, I had plenty of free time due to the big coof. This was me learning things like scheduling, editing, how to make the microphone work, and I learned plenty through trial and error. There is a dramatic difference between my first videos and my recent ones because of this learning experience. But as I learned about how to make videos, I learned that I was wasting my time with them.
A LOT of time.
Whatever you’re thinking is a time waste for a video is not really it, unless you’ve been there and done that. During that time, I ruined my sleep schedule and would even pass up on small money opportunities, all because I thought my Youtube videos would send me into stardom. Plant a seed, watch it grow, that sort of thing. But, looking at my numbers, it was the exact opposite. Each video coming out, utilizing the keywords and subject matter as a reason to click, was essentially a false sense of activity.
Working on other people’s channels created even more false cases of activity, which created a false sense of justifying why I’m putting labor into something.
Like most artists, I was gaslighting myself into thinking that the time spent into a project was going to translate into a future income from something else. We always see these videos where it seems zero effort was put into it and it goes viral, not realizing that years of failing and group efforts were required to reach those results. And even then, a youtube video existing doesn’t cause a person to instantly gain money from that existence. I have a friend who made a viral video and he didn’t get anything from millions of views, because there was nothing to monetize. I have another friend who made a viral video, trying to recreate the magic, and nothing came of it after a year or two of trying.
Not only is it hard to receive results, but the amount of time it takes to attempt is ridiculous. I didn’t time myself, but if I knew how many hours were sunk into each video, I would probably pull out my balls in anger. The process of each video was a mess of:
  1. Writing down a script (takes more than an hour to write an hour of script)
  2. Recording the audio (takes more than an hour to record an hour)
  3. Editing the audio (takes about double the time of whatever its recorded)
  4. Making the thumbnail
  5. Making the avatar
  6. Collecting images
  7. Collecting video clips
  8. Making images and clips
  9. Editing through clips that are too long
  10. Adding sound effects
  11. Finding and adding music
  12. Waiting for it to render (usually this is where I go to do other things)
  13. Rendering it AGAIN through handbrake so it’s a smaller file (quicker than waiting for uploading a multi GB file)
  14. Uploading it across youtube, bitchute, and rumble
I don’t want to make this sound like I’m complaining, but this is the bare minimum effort that goes into a youtube video, not mentioning the details of how things are edited or the issues with troubleshooting. A lot of what ate up my time was realizing when things aren’t working way too late, such as how GIFs don’t register well and they slow down a larger project. Or better yet, how a large project slows down to a crawl and you have to render multiple segments separately in order to keep things running smoothly. My files, as organized as I tried to keep them, were unorganized as hell because I would set them up during production instead of before production. Then by the end of it, there would be something wrong that I would have to edit, remove, I forgot something, something vanished between saves, or even corrupted files because I moved something and didn’t realize it was part of something else.
Video editing is utter hell in the beginning, but it gets better after you look after your process and actually organize everything well.
I spent a night the other week changing up all of my files. I put them on my desktop, where I can easily access them, and away from my downloads. This is important because your downloads can be bogged down with anything you download, and eventually it becomes a massive mess of pictures, videos, game patches, or whatever else you’re downloading; all getting in the way of your actual project. You want your files to be files within files, and each file is marked clearly for its purpose and its direction. I had a million songs splayed out in different areas and couldn’t remember where they were, of course when I wanted them, all because they would get trapped in piles of other things I downloaded for later.
My file finding time is now only limited by the slowness of my computer acquiring it.
Audio began as a mess of me going through each line to make sure there was no extra noise, and having to fix anything that was too quiet or not full enough. Turns out I was making my audio way too maximized and wasting a lot of time on stuff that people wouldn’t even recognize as an issue. Now my audio mixing is done through OBS, already set up as a particular compression and volume that will stay in the acceptable range, with noise removal already set up.
My audio recording/editing time is closer to how long it takes to speak.
Developing each chapter card, clipping them together, having to find the font, typing everything out. These, along with getting sound effects working, took up too much time. What I did is make a plan to prepare all of these first, before anything else is added to the video, so that I know how many chapters there are. They don’t take that long to render, because of how short they are, and it takes way less time to do that than to shift gears at the end of the production day. Shifting gears every couple of minutes, that was wasting too much time, which is now changed to doing one specific task each session.
My “switching” time is removed, thus saving time.
Music was added in the beginning, as one of the first things. This was wrong to do, because of how many times I would want a clip where the music continues through it, only to realize that this continuation forced me to keep a massive background of editing history, which slows everything down through production. Adding music as the last bit, and after rendering, will save me minutes for every time I boot up the video editor, which saves hours over time when I’m going to have to go back and forth on video editing. My lifestyle only gives me an hour or two at a time to sit in front of the computer, and so editing will require less wait time for the process to warm up.
My rendering time will increase(as I go to do other things), but my waiting time will decrease.
Through my new process, I am also considering a different view of each video type. Recently, I saw a video about how kindle books are categorized between low, mid, and high content; related to how much effort it takes to make each one. My previous attempts were to, essentially, make high effort content as consistently as possible, which was going to be draining when these were events that came and went. Current news like Lindsay Ellis being stupid or DSP looking like a fool on Sidescrollers are incredibly time sensitive, which is why so many people stream these “news reports” instead of making high effort videos about them. And even if it was a long term type of video, we have to question if it REQUIRES that much effort to begin with.
My plans for the future are to measure how long I take with each session, what I get done, track down percentages, and measure what the longest steps are. Figuring out what’s causing a hold-up is the best way to prevent hold-ups, in the same way city builders (should) keep track of what’s causing traffic jams. Too many traffic jams? Get rid of cars or open more lanes. Keeping track of things is going to take minutes to save hours, which is something I should have practiced more on doing through my practicing year.
Videos are done with marketing in mind, because I don’t plan to make money from them. My “branding” is storytelling, art, art-related lolcows, and I guess that pesky culture war. People begged me to go fully political, but I think political is a step below philosophical, which is where I would rather go. I would rather explain the psychology and aesthetics of media, instead of repeating myself as to how offensive or woke something is. Yes, I make fun of Lindsay for being woke, but I explain why she is and where it comes from, which is something more important than some kind of drama farming that grifters do.
I would rather be a source of information than a pointless attack dog for someone above me, which is why I try to separate myself from the people who do such nonsense. I’m not with these movements, I don’t care to promote people I don’t care about, I’m not going to go easy on people just because “we’re on the same side”. Everyone gets made fun of or nobody gets made fun of, and I’m year of monkey, bitch. This monkey wants bananas and youtube is not going to supply any. But it supplies plenty of vines to swing around from, as I Donkey Kong my way from topic to topic.
Like anything else in life, videos need to be worth my time, meaning their expense needs to be dropped dramatically. Hour long, multi-hour long, these were excruciatingly hard to do. The next goal is to make sure everything is kept around 30min long, unless it’s going to be a bi-yearly 1 hour long video that will be the highlight of the year, which is where full book analysis videos come into play. The scripts for everything else will be written down as articles, with the better of the articles being made into low content videos.
Podcast style will be for low effort, being made weekly.
A new style will be for mid effort, which is where 30min of history or explanation is presented with video clips, being made monthly. Video game clips will be placed around here as well, unless they can be made bi-weekly.
And the classic, me in my room with my ASS computer, will be for the high content, for subjects that take far too long to make on a monthly basis.
This planning is still in the works, it’s an effort to create a strategy and a schedule for everything. The goal would be to place an hour a day per video, creating steps for each video, and using each other as progress reports for the bigger ones. It will be like placing smaller squares into bigger squares until the biggest square is complete, allowing me to visually determine my progress across such a subject. This is also a way for me to appear more productive, because content will be constantly coming out on a clear schedule. Only bad side about it is that this means 3 hours of my day are used for videos, and this won’t be possible for every day until content creation is my main job.
Before I can have this be a thing, it will be a slow, preemptive creation process, with smaller projects being made as my “short stories”, to then determine if I’m ready for a bigger “novel” of a project. And that’s how I have to approach video editing: the same way I would with storytelling. No more determining that length means better, or more time means more results. Now I’m going to obey the market, go for what’s expected of me, and react to feedback. If something doesn’t work, or doesn’t make a dent, I try something else.
I think that’s why people get mad at me, when they see that I am trying something else all the time. This is normal, but I’m told that I’m “an interloper” or “will never win” because I willingly give up on things that don’t work. Sorry, losers, but being unorganized and wasting my life is not worth it. I like money, and I like vaginas. If I wanted to be poor and wasting my life, I would have kept slamming my head against a wall and failing like most of what indie does.
And yes, the OPC reviews will be translated into videos, as well as my own short stories. I began as a crackpasta narrator, after all. I was thinking of putting a lot of radio drama production into my narrations, but I would want to keep them low effort until they start attracting all of the attention from their titles. A lot of people try to narrate their stories and they don’t make a spark anywhere with them. But as time goes on, and I get more videos under my belt, I could easily narrate for others, create a network, and get things going. It’s not that hard to get things working once you know what you’re doing.
The main time waste that we all fall for is chaotic activity and the lack of planning.
submitted by Erwinblackthorn to TDLH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:06 KnucklesRicci Are UK wages really this high now!?

Been out of the UK for 8 years now but obviously still have close ties there and sometimes work with British companies via my job here abroad. This shocked me: my job in England in 2016 was a customer services advisor (on the phones) for a company that supplies financial products. I was on 17,000 a year. I have zero idea what’s a good wage back home now but the same job same company now is offering 23,000 a year. That feels like a lot for an ‘easy’ customer service role. Back in 2016 getting 23,000 at my age seemed way out of reach.
I know things are expensive now but is 23,000 really considered the standard wage for call center and entry level office jobs?
(Btw not saying this is a high wage but it’s still 7k more than it was 8 years ago for the same job)
submitted by KnucklesRicci to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:06 Ok-Chemistry4884 This call had some huge ups and down. Read below

This call had some huge ups and down. Read below
Downs : 1. Sa was the one who flirted with Ron on the balcony. As a Sa parasocial I am going to cope with her just being in her camera persona flirting type shi 2. Sa haven’t played Jason’s song by her own yet
Ups : 1. Sa and Jason slept together on the couch 2. Sa’s family glazes over and loves Jason a lot 3. Jason’s relatives thought she is his girlfriend and likes her. 4. They both have huge fanbase in Philippines 5. Sa gets called Jason’s hoe by some parasocials but she still f w Jason 6. She tried making the friends pay Jason back for some of the expenses because he tries to be the philanthropist
submitted by Ok-Chemistry4884 to jasontheweenie [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:05 Dry_Scar_1596 Amplifier and subs help

I’m new to car audio and I tried to learn but it’s soo confusing, I have a car that has a pre setup amplifier it’s the kenwood KAC-9105D max 1800w and I got a 2 12 inch subs for it a couple months ago and today it I found out it was blown, and I’m not sure what subs to get if anyone can recommend me 2 12inch subs that can work with my amp that would be great this is my first post ever. I just gave up on googling and turned to Reddit hopefully there is someone who got the same amp and know a good setup.
submitted by Dry_Scar_1596 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:05 Head_Opposite_5711 Bloqué relation / perdu

Bonjour, j’ai (H17) comme elle (f17) et comment dire, notre relation est assez compliquée du fait de plusieurs choses. Déjà commençons par le commencement, nous nous connaissons depuis la 5eme mais on a réellement commencé à beaucoup ce parler en 4eme (des nuits entières, presque tous les jours, ce qui est d’ailleurs tjr notre rythme quand nous nous parlons) ce qui a fait que j’ai commencé à développer certains sentiments amoureux envers elle. Nous avons matché ensemble extrêmement rapidement et nous avons une sorte de connexion extrêmement forte. Ayant une confiance un mois proche de 0 j’ai mis beaucoup de temps à lui avouer (je lui ai dit début seconde après une petite sortie tous les deux (ce qui était la première fois tout court)). Elle m’a avoué aussi avoir des sentiments pour moi depuis très longtemps aussi et qu’elle était très heureuse que je réponde enfin à ces signaux.
Cependant elle c’était mise en couple, le jour où je lui est dit elle m’a avouait aussi que j’était en gros son « vrai amour » et qu’elle aller faire ce qu’il fallait faire pour nous (je lui est dit que je comprenais que c’était dur je ne les pas forcer et je n’est rien dit à ce sujet sauf qu’elle aurais tjr mon soutient si elle avait besoin dans cette épreuve).
(Info importante son mec habite à Lille dcp il ce voit pendant 1 semaine chaque vacances scolaires) Un voyage était prévu pendant les vacances ce qui évidemment m’a inquiété mais elle me rassurait. La semaine venu et en revenant elle n’était plus là même quand partant. Elle est devenu plutôt distante (ce qui n’est littéralement jamais arrivé avant) jusqu’à ce qu’elle me dise plutôt froidement qu’on arrête de ce parler. J’accepte amèrement sans faire d’histoire car j’avais déjà « accepté » le fais de la perde le jour où je lui avait dit « je t’aime ».
Normalement une histoire normale ce serai finit la mais pas dans celle là.
Un mois plus tard je reçois un message d’elle, disant qu’elle pense tjr à moi, que je lui manque, qu’elle doute et qu’elle a besoin de moi car j’occupe sait penser. Je suis heureux, je commence à lui parler comme avant puis rebelote, vacances, voyage, reviens différente. Elle me laisse
Ce schéma c’est produit 5 fois (et oui pendant 1 ans). À la fin j’ai essayé de tourner la page et de lui dire honnêtement qu’elle me faisait du mal à faire ça. Nous nous sommes laissez 4 mois environ puis message de ça part. Même histoire sauf que je lui dit dès le départ que ça ne sert à rien de me parler si c’est pour faire ce qu’elle fais à chaque fois. Elle accepte, on ce reparle. (Chaque fois que nous nous parlions je proposé 1 sortie par exemple à ce moment là je lui avait proposé d’aller voir le nouveau ghibli sachant que nous adorons ces films tout les deux. Mais comme à chaque fois plus la date a proche plus elle devient hésitante et le jour J refuse. À chaque fois elle s’excuse mais ne donne pas de raison précise même si je sens qu’elle sens veut vrm. Vacances arrive, on ce laisse, comme d’habitude.
Jusqu’à récemment, elle revient un peu avant de partir disant qu’elle ne peut pas me laisser, qu’elle n’arrive pas à voir la vie sens moi et cette fois si, reste après être partie sans avoir changer. Cela fait 2 semaine que j’ai proposé qu’on ce voit sachant que (étant dans 2 établissement séparer) nos edt sont vrm différents) et que la semaine que j’ai proposé ne peut être que elle avant 6 semaines d’affilée et qu’elle correspond parfaitement pour ce voir et parler tranquillement, elle ne sait pas trop, évidemment je pense au pire, mais elle me rassure (en étant honnête cela ne change pas grand chose à ma peur).
Je ne sais pas quoi faire si encore une fois elle refuse. Et j’aimerai aussi savoir ce que vous auriez faits à ma place
submitted by Head_Opposite_5711 to AskMec [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:04 livelystrawberry Express priority not tracking

Priority Express shipping not arriving or scanned in
Hello everyone! I recently shipped off a package on Monday the 13th at my local USPS. First time ever actually sending a package off. I paid $31 for express shipping to arrive the next day Tuesday by 6pm. I received a receipt with tracking, but when I check tracking it says “Label created, not yet in system.” Which is odd bc I saw them take my package and tape the express form to it. Where I’m shipping it to isn’t that far either, probably about two hours from me in car. So I’m wondering if it’s lost or just going to arrive late?
submitted by livelystrawberry to usps_complaints [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:04 BlueberryT50 Zomato is getting expensive nowadays. They used to give on time delivery or free once but now they added priority delivery for more money. The gold membership also feels useless. What’s your take on this ?

Zomato is getting expensive nowadays. They used to give on time delivery or free once but now they added priority delivery for more money. The gold membership also feels useless. What’s your take on this ? submitted by BlueberryT50 to StartUpIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:03 GiraffeMetropolis tempted by 2017 carrera, but i have some concerns

it has 14 way seats ventilated and really nice big wheels on it but otherwise pretty base. 60k miles 74 price.
drove and handled great. paint and interior looked pretty new.
but some things had a worn out feel. like the seats would rub and squeak as they are adjusted, or pushed into the rear seats. the door closed nicely but felt like it dropped/had worn hinges. transmission was snappy in manual mode, but felt like it hunted around a bit before snapping into gear.
i would expect a 60k mile car to mostly feel brand new, and id want to put another 40-50k on it.
so what I’m asking is if all of this seems normal. I’ve only been able to compare it to a 2023 which definitely feels more solid but I know there’s been a lot of changes.
I may be perceiving where issues or transmission issues but the car is operating normally .
submitted by GiraffeMetropolis to Porsche [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:03 jauso123 Car overheating

Car overheating
02 Chevy Camaro 3.8 overheating after heavy raining overheats to about 234… but I believe it to be overheating because my car is loosing coolant somehow I drove through lots of big puddles water of water and now I have a coolant leak does this make any sense to you guys??(it’s leaking only from these two spots from what I know of) but I’m not really sure how big puddles could make this happen
submitted by jauso123 to mechanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:02 quikburn She’s leaving me because she messed up and I yelled at her for it.

Hi all, pretty torn here and looking for women’s perspective/opinion for a sanity check and considerations on how I should move forward. Looks long but I’ll try and make it an easy read 😅
Long story short, she keeps crossing my boundaries (to say it nicely). Over the years she has repeatedly had situations where she’s trying to get the attention of or flirt with other guys. It’s happened once every other year for over 10 years like she has a quota to meet. The most extreme cases were:
  1. Telling me she’s going out with 2 girlfriends. Later find out it was with a group of guys too but her friend was trying to hook up with one of people there. She swears she was just trying to watch out for her friend. Still lied. This was year one so whatever, I let it slide.
  2. We move in together. Go to buy couches and the salesman flirts with her. She’s asks for a better price and the guy says only if she’ll go to lunch with him. She ignores that comment and asks about other couches. Asks for a better price and says “you owe me lunch anyway”. She swears she was just playing along to get a deal. I say I don’t care, forget the deal, you should’ve told him you’re interested period. I try to let it go.
  3. We’re walking down the street to a restaurant. Someone she knows pulls up and parks their car right next to us. She flings my hand away walks a few steps towards the car and looks around twirls whatever trying to get this guys attention. I stood looking at her like I know what she’s doing. Tell her to cut it.
  4. We go to bar with friends. She sidebars conversations with my best friend’s girlfriend and guys approach them. When I go over, she tells me to go away because they’re having girl talk. I get mad, not wanting cause a scene, walk away but the “new guy friends” get to stay while they have girl talk. The keep getting drinks and she has her arm around someone now. I’m not letting this one go at all. She’s gone too far.
Now I know she won’t cheat. She’s just flirty and loves to be the center of attention in my opinion. I’m not an idiot and am experienced in relationships. Have walked away from cheats but nonetheless, she has gone too far.
When we talk about it, she isn’t apologetic at all. Defends herself to the end while acknowledging what I saw. Weird. When I try to tell her how this hurts me, we get into a fight because I start yelling when she defends herself. I get so frustrated because how could you defend yourself at all? I think only an apology would do. Defenses were it was the alcohol, I was just watching out for my friend, I didn’t know you would be bothered by it, you know I wouldn’t cheat get off my back. There’s no talk about apologies or making me feel better about respecting my boundaries.
Am I crazy or what? I feel like I’m not allowed to be pissed off about this after being patient for so long. I’m known among my family and friends to be the most loyal, patient, and understanding person they know. Yelling is uncharacteristic of me and this has brought my patience to an end. She acknowledges this. So after putting up with it for years, yelling about the straw that broke the camel’s back is making her leave. I’m not trying to save the relationship anymore. I’m wondering if I’m out of line. I think I deserve a pass here. Opinions appreciated. Thank you.
submitted by quikburn to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:02 TcTitan77 Me (30 M) and my Wife (26 F) have been separated for over a year. How do I move forward?

In January of 2023 my wife, I’ll call her S, left me. A bit of backstory because this is mostly my fault. Me and her moved from Florida to Washington 6 years ago for me to find better work. Her dad, brother and I were all best friends for a while and her dad was my boss that’s how I met her. We started dating in 2016 when I lived in Jacksonville and was attending welding school. When I moved back to my hometown I couldn’t find work and eventually went back to work with the company her dad worked at, I ran my own shop. I hated it I was so depressed I wanted to weld but she didn’t want me to because she’d be alone while I was on the road so I stayed. Her mom is a meth addict and is very violent and her dad is laid back as it gets but an alcoholic non the less. I was living with my parents at the time and one day her mom freaked out and tried to hit her, I stood up and defended her and her mom kicked her out of there house. Me and her lived with my parents ever since. Now that she lived at my parents house I had to basically force her to get a job because all she did was play sims and complain. Especially about me watching game of thrones because of the nudity. when I got home and I thought she needed some purpose. I only bring these thing up to put into perspective the things that I had to forgive and give up to be with her. One day my mom asks us if we’d like to move to Washington in hopes of a better life and she could attend college here. I was thrilled at the idea and she was at that moment too. As the date grew closer and I had already put my two weeks notice in she started getting cold feet. I explained to her that I was miserable at my job and had already given up welding and I was not passing up another opportunity whether she came or not. That ended in a fight but she said she wanted to come in the end. My mom emptied her retirement so we could rent a truck, drive up and have an apartment when we got there (my mom was already here) When got here we both immediately got jobs as a construction labor, making quite good money and her at a drugstore. This is where the problems really began. She started to become very withdrawn. She was not interested in anything sexual, and it began to wear on my confidence. I eventually got a job as an electrician making less money as an apprentice, but more overall when I turned out. Then Covid hit. I got fat and depressed, I got a lot from unemployment. So naturally, I began to drink more. Then I started dabbling in cocaine. Over time this became a problem, I began hiding it doing it on the weekends being out all night sometimes for multiple days. She caught me and I lied. My mental health was deteriorating quickly. I had already suffered with depression before, but this was something different. Her dad got diagnosed with stage bone cancer during this too. It was a rough time for both of us. At one point she told me she didn’t know if she wanted to get a divorce because she wanted to go back home to be with her dad if he died. Even though I understood this crushed me even more. During 2022 I was still somehow I was still somehow still managing to keep it together even with my addiction. She started attending college and work and college at the same time with stressing her out to the point where she was crying so I told her to quit her job and do college full-time. I paid for all of it. Financial burdens began to increase. My mental health dropped even lower. I became increasingly suicidal I thought about death every day. I talked about it every day. She would tell me she’s not a psychiatrist or therapist and that she couldn’t help me. She started hanging out with one of her friends from work and they started hanging out a lot towards the end of 2022. This part is extremely important. I started noticing things on her phone that pointed to her being interested in women like things in her algorithm for TikTok and YouTube. Stuff to do with being lesbian and coming out or bi. I asked her one day if that was something that was going on with her if she was interested in women. She told me no. A month later, she came to me and told me that she thought about it and it was something that she had been thinking about. I told her that it was OK and that it was something that I was willing to let her explore as long as we communicated. Then out of the blue one day again she tells me she didn’t mind if I slept with other women. Looking back this was a red flag at the time. I thought it was OK with it for being with someone else. It turns out I was not. Being a cocaine addict and an alcoholic pretty much plus the thought of her being with someone else started to grind my self-conscious. I became increasingly paranoid that she would leave me. One night fueled on cocaine. I got on her laptop and looked through all of her history all of it back years. And I saw she had to stop obsessing over a guy. Is it OK to have a crush on a guy at the gym while married. I confronted her with this information. And it turned into a huge she said I invaded her privacy which I did and still feel terrible for. And she said it was only a crush and nothing else. Our sex life had all the ground, and I was so hurt that she was attracted to someone else and couldn’t even begin to be attracted to me. One night at the beginning of January, maybe the first week or two I was trying to quit drinking and doing cocaine. I had maybe been a week in. It was the weekend and I didn’t want to be alone. I begged her to stay with me, but she went out with her friend. In retaliation, I suppose I went out with someone a friend of mine and got fucked up. We ended up going back to his place with some girls. There was no sex just making out and such. I don’t remember exactly what happened, but I freaked out and got taken home in a cop car. She was at her friends at this point I decided to commit suicide. I overdosed on muscle relaxers with my uncle to tell him bye. My uncle got it out of him that I had overdosed. He called my wife and her and the woman that she was hanging out with came to my house and I was taken to the hospital. I spent a whole week in the hospital. The whole time I was there she just seemed annoyed. She wanted to go back to her friends house and do homework for school. I got out and went back to work. I had to make up some school and the day I was there. I talked to another woman about how I could win her back because she said that she didn’t know if she wanted to be with me anymore. The girls suggested I take her out on a date and tell her how I was feeling and I did. That night while we were eating dinner, she told me that she had been sleeping with that girl the night I tried to commit suicide and other nights. She didn’t tell me she was afraid I would divorce. At first, I remain calm. But as the past, I started to become angry. at home I told her I was leaving to go stay at a friends house because we need to take a break. I started drinking heavily and told her to get the fuck out of my house and I hated her a bunch of other I started drinking heavily and told her to get the fuck out of my house and I hated her a bunch of other terrible things. I went completely off the rails she left with that girl to stay at her house. I bought a bunch of cocaine Adderall and alcohol and was determined to just do drugs until I died. I started self harming. I tried to commit suicide through carbon monoxide, overdose, and hanging. I ruined the house. I broke so many things kicked down doors shattered pictures. You should’ve seen it. It was disgusting. She came by to check on me because she was worried. I was going to kill myself. I can’t remember everything that I said to her, but I know I freaked out. I started throwing things and just being an absolute ass. it culminated her calling my parents. She told him everything. I should also note that during this time I was confused as well with everything going on in my head and thought maybe I would be by and gave a guy a blow job he also gave me one as well. It didn’t last long I wasn’t into it, but I told her the very next day. Had about three months before all this happened. She left again and my mom flew back from Florida. As I sobered up, I began to realize how I had acted. I went to work and immediately told my foreman that I needed to go to rehab. I went to rehab and started to feel better about two months after she had told me and I went to rehab and started to feel better. About two months since the split, we met up at a Starbucks to talk about us. She said that she didn’t think she could be with me anymore. After the way I had acted and all the lying with my addiction. I wanted her back so badly. I told her I’m sorry I was never worth it in a bunch of other stuff that was childish. She said I had acted like her mom and that she couldn’t deal with it. I totally did the yelling throwing things saying horrible things to her to put her down. Anyway, I went no contact with her the whole time she was still living with that girl. I relapsed after about four months. I got laid off from my job. In a few Coke, fueled rages on separate occasions, I would call her and beg her back and then yell at her when she didn’t want to. I called her with cancer and told him that she had cheated on me with a girl. They are very conservative and that was a horrible thing for me to do. So now the end of the tale. I’ve been in and out of sobriety now for this year and a half more in sobriety than out. I’m sober now I’m in AA and NA and feeling much better. Her dad died of cancer. She never told me I heard through a friend of a friend which really hurt me because me and him used to be best friends. Although I understand why she would not reach out to me. Neither me or her have filed the paperwork for the divorce. We just never talk. She has me blocked on Facebook and I don’t know her phone number and honestly right now. I don’t even know if I want to go through with the divorce or just keep working on healing. I’m so confused because I still love her but also I don’t want to be with her but I do. I think about her all the time. I don’t want to break no contact with her. We haven’t spoken in over nine months. I don’t want to open up the wounds for her. If anyone has read this far thank you. I’m typing on my phone so if everything seems rushed and a little sporadic, sorry. I would just like some advice on how maybe I could move forward stay sober and heal from all of this.
submitted by TcTitan77 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:01 keisal Concrete barrier or vehicle stopping options?

So I’m a first time home owner, just moved in a month ago. (In U.S.) I live in a small residential neighbourhood in between some busy city streets. The roads in my neighborhood are 25mph speed limit and have speed humps installed. I guess while I was at work today there was a pursuit of a stolen vehicle and the kids drove the car towards the T intersection on my corner lot and lost control. They crashed into my house, damaging gas lines and creating a large hole in the wall.
One of my neighbors came up to me and introduced herself and asked if I was ok. She told me she’s seen this happen to my house 3 other times over the years. I already have police, fire, city, and homeowners insurance involved. So now I’m sitting here wondering what in the world I can due to prevent this again in the future, I mean 4 times wtf. I’ll talk to the city about options but if they won’t help would it be possible for me to install a guard rail or concrete pylons or something in my yard to help slow down vehicles that veer off road? There’s no HOA and I don’t know all the city laws yet but just from living here for 15 years I can say they aren’t super strict. I think as long as I could disguise things with hedges or landscaping then nobody would care.
But my god. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to prevent this in the future? Any idea what kind of profession I would call to talk about options? Do guard rails work well or would concrete be a better option? Will they even install that kind of thing on residential property?
submitted by keisal to homeowners [link] [comments]
