Extreme moshi monster cheats

Meth addicted spouse and Paranoid

2024.05.15 10:22 Clean_Revolution843 Meth addicted spouse and Paranoid

My spouse is currently 42 Days sober out of rehab, and I am so proud! So many positive changes, and I can see his heart, its an amazing feeling. Unfortunately I was under the misguided impression that when he became sober, he would be completely out of the “psychosis” and realize that what he had been accusing me of, was just bizarre and not true. Yet here we sit, trying to show each other love, yet I know in the back of his mind, he legitimately believes he caught me in MULTIPLE porn video’s(which he sent to me while I was working), sleeping with his family members, male and female, ages ranging from high school, up to 50’s…strangers, all the neighbors…you name it, he accused me of it. Even when these women look nothing like me and they are covering their eyes. So i guess my question isn’t why he feels this way, because I’ve read about all i could read about drug induced psychosis…but more a question as to maybe how long, or is this idea going to stay planted forever? He refuses to watch the video’s he sent me before going to rehab. I had kept them as my “proof” per se that they weren’t me, but he believes he will just be triggered by watching them because he is afraid he will still “see me” in them, even though I have never done such a thing in my life, and 110% those women are not me. In my mind I’m thinking, what better solution to the problem, than to watch the videos with sober eyes and realize they aren’t me, wouldn’t that be a damn relief, for the both of us? Obviously not a relief if his brain could truly cause him to picture my face on other peoples bodies, but of course I’m not thinking of that, when I know that no way in hell these people are me, just like I cant possibly understand where he is coming from, he cannot see perspective from my side either, when this is quite literally reality versus drug induced psychosis… Has anyone experienced this situation? I cannot help but to feel offended by these accusations, and the strong desire to prove my innocence. What I cannot seem to get on board with, is the idea that he needs to just be able to deal with “my cheating” “accept it” and be able to “move on”…because that is offensive to my sensibilities. I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS ACTualLY BETRAYED…so those resentments and feelings of a need for forgivingness belong to me, how can I watch someone try to “get over, and be okay with” something I never did…that cannot be the best solution to the problem, because for the rest of our lives, can he then claim to be triggered by the fact that I had cheated on him, even if only in his head, and I must feel some sort of pity for him, and treat the situation delicately like I have anything to be sorry for, and feel empathy for him? Selfishly I am speaking now, but those feelings of betrayal belong to me, I am the one who is destroyed inside, lacking confidence, feeling like I wasn’t enough, but does the success of his recovery process mean that I must make myself small once again and allow him to believe that he is working on forgiveness for my actions? That is such a damn hard pill to swallow…although, I would do it, I just want there to be another answer. He cheated on me multiple times over multiple years, so I’m aware that he may be projecting his own insecurities onto me because of his guilt, and I need to be sensitive to the fact that what happened in his head was very real to him…but how do I maneuver around the ideas put into his head when he was experiencing psychosis, now that his brain is healing and he is sober? I hoped that there would just be a “TADAAA” moment when he was sober, that he would finally see what I had been seeing this whole time, but is that too much to hope for? I have stayed by his side, and tried to be his strongest supporter, I have tried to take on all child and financial responsibilities, and I am emotionally wore out…yet I must be met with questions about WHERE the money to do the supporting is coming from…because it couldn’t possibly be the job that I’ve maintained…while being alone to take care of the child a majority of his life, and making sure I drove all the way across the state whenever I was allowed to visit at rehab. I cannot help but to feel anger when I am struggling so much and fighting for what I know my reality is, yet trying to be supportive for him, barely getting sleep, and continuing to go to work…and then be accused of getting money from anywhere but the job that my bank account and paystubs can verify. I love him more than he will ever know, but my anger that he would accuse me of such things, is starting to be replaced by sadness. I do not necessarily want to feel sorry for him, because I know this is not fair to me, but how can I not have empathy for the person I love so much, that actually feels somewhat broken hearted, even if not because of my true actions…? To look into the eyes of someone you love, and know that this isn’t just a game, that they are feeling true pain, based on facts that have become so real to them in their head…it breaks my heart, even though I have no guilt to carry, as I have never been unfaithful. I wanted to be mad for the longest time, but it hurts different when you know that scenes, and photos, and voices were actually playing over in their heads, and they actually feel they were betrayed…how do we prepare ourselves for situations like this? He was absolutely awful to me when he was high, accused me of every disgusting act, with strangers, his family, anyone. I was called every name in the book, but I just tried to research what this drug was doing to him, I felt knowledge could help me to separate my feelings from myself so I could just try to understand what was going on, and because deaf and numb to how he was making me feel. I already know that I struggle with depression, insecurity, and an unhealthy need to belong and be desired by my partner, so I had to go to extreme lengths to prove I cared, and a lot of those lengths compromised me, and they were at my expense, because I am not okay, but I focus on him and his recovery so that I don’t have to deal with those feelings for now. I felt I owed it to our 4 year old son, to try and help his father, and I also selfishly believed that I deserved a good man, after all the ****, it was my turn to be happy, and I had chosen his…God had chosen him to lead my family, so i wasn’t going to give up on him. How do I now not feel like I have to spend every moment feeling I have to try and prove something that never happened? I know what infidelity did to me, to my very core, I am not okay, a large part due to the fact that I still could never imagine flirting with another man, let alone having sex with them, it makes me sick, that’s how ridiculously faithful I am in my heart, and mind…that my body would never do what he was able to do to me. I have to try and tell myself, although I know it isn’t true, he doesn’t, and what if he is feeling the same way in his gut, that I feel because of actions he actually took? Is this a life sentence? How long does reality take to set back in, or are the memories that occurred during psychosis permanent?? Is this a problem that now sits as a dark shadow over our relationship, that he must “deal with”…or is there hope that a day comes where that paranoia and delusional thinking gets exposed, and clear thinking can prove to himself that what he thought was true, never was? I want an epiphany…not just acceptance from him, I want him to know absolutely that I didn’t deserve his behaviors and that I have always been true and stood right there, I need a miracle… I cannot picture a happy future with someone who feels they must forgive me for something that I didn’t do, that specific something being my largest daily struggle, trying not to think of that her, that woman who came like a tornado through me, she destroyed any sort of positive thinking I had started accumulating towards myself, anything good I felt I had to offer, and sense of confidence I may have built in myself when I fell in love with him, gone… the moment I realized that I wasn’t enough, over ,and over, and over again…the thought of that infidelity tears my stomach up when I have to think about it, so if some storyline is playing in his head, and he feels betrayed… if we are both that hurt, how does our story end, if sobriety doesn’t mean clear eyes on the same situation?
submitted by Clean_Revolution843 to AddictionAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:21 Clean_Revolution843 Meth Addict paranoid

My spouse is currently 42 Days sober out of rehab, and I am so proud! So many positive changes, and I can see his heart, its an amazing feeling. Unfortunately I was under the misguided impression that when he became sober, he would be completely out of the “psychosis” and realize that what he had been accusing me of, was just bizarre and not true. Yet here we sit, trying to show each other love, yet I know in the back of his mind, he legitimately believes he caught me in MULTIPLE porn video’s(which he sent to me while I was working), sleeping with his family members, male and female, ages ranging from high school, up to 50’s…strangers, all the neighbors…you name it, he accused me of it. Even when these women look nothing like me and they are covering their eyes. So i guess my question isn’t why he feels this way, because I’ve read about all i could read about drug induced psychosis…but more a question as to maybe how long, or is this idea going to stay planted forever? He refuses to watch the video’s he sent me before going to rehab. I had kept them as my “proof” per se that they weren’t me, but he believes he will just be triggered by watching them because he is afraid he will still “see me” in them, even though I have never done such a thing in my life, and 110% those women are not me. In my mind I’m thinking, what better solution to the problem, than to watch the videos with sober eyes and realize they aren’t me, wouldn’t that be a damn relief, for the both of us? Obviously not a relief if his brain could truly cause him to picture my face on other peoples bodies, but of course I’m not thinking of that, when I know that no way in hell these people are me, just like I cant possibly understand where he is coming from, he cannot see perspective from my side either, when this is quite literally reality versus drug induced psychosis… Has anyone experienced this situation? I cannot help but to feel offended by these accusations, and the strong desire to prove my innocence. What I cannot seem to get on board with, is the idea that he needs to just be able to deal with “my cheating” “accept it” and be able to “move on”…because that is offensive to my sensibilities. I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS ACTualLY BETRAYED…so those resentments and feelings of a need for forgivingness belong to me, how can I watch someone try to “get over, and be okay with” something I never did…that cannot be the best solution to the problem, because for the rest of our lives, can he then claim to be triggered by the fact that I had cheated on him, even if only in his head, and I must feel some sort of pity for him, and treat the situation delicately like I have anything to be sorry for, and feel empathy for him? Selfishly I am speaking now, but those feelings of betrayal belong to me, I am the one who is destroyed inside, lacking confidence, feeling like I wasn’t enough, but does the success of his recovery process mean that I must make myself small once again and allow him to believe that he is working on forgiveness for my actions? That is such a damn hard pill to swallow…although, I would do it, I just want there to be another answer. He cheated on me multiple times over multiple years, so I’m aware that he may be projecting his own insecurities onto me because of his guilt, and I need to be sensitive to the fact that what happened in his head was very real to him…but how do I maneuver around the ideas put into his head when he was experiencing psychosis, now that his brain is healing and he is sober? I hoped that there would just be a “TADAAA” moment when he was sober, that he would finally see what I had been seeing this whole time, but is that too much to hope for? I have stayed by his side, and tried to be his strongest supporter, I have tried to take on all child and financial responsibilities, and I am emotionally wore out…yet I must be met with questions about WHERE the money to do the supporting is coming from…because it couldn’t possibly be the job that I’ve maintained…while being alone to take care of the child a majority of his life, and making sure I drove all the way across the state whenever I was allowed to visit at rehab. I cannot help but to feel anger when I am struggling so much and fighting for what I know my reality is, yet trying to be supportive for him, barely getting sleep, and continuing to go to work…and then be accused of getting money from anywhere but the job that my bank account and paystubs can verify. I love him more than he will ever know, but my anger that he would accuse me of such things, is starting to be replaced by sadness. I do not necessarily want to feel sorry for him, because I know this is not fair to me, but how can I not have empathy for the person I love so much, that actually feels somewhat broken hearted, even if not because of my true actions…? To look into the eyes of someone you love, and know that this isn’t just a game, that they are feeling true pain, based on facts that have become so real to them in their head…it breaks my heart, even though I have no guilt to carry, as I have never been unfaithful. I wanted to be mad for the longest time, but it hurts different when you know that scenes, and photos, and voices were actually playing over in their heads, and they actually feel they were betrayed…how do we prepare ourselves for situations like this? He was absolutely awful to me when he was high, accused me of every disgusting act, with strangers, his family, anyone. I was called every name in the book, but I just tried to research what this drug was doing to him, I felt knowledge could help me to separate my feelings from myself so I could just try to understand what was going on, and because deaf and numb to how he was making me feel. I already know that I struggle with depression, insecurity, and an unhealthy need to belong and be desired by my partner, so I had to go to extreme lengths to prove I cared, and a lot of those lengths compromised me, and they were at my expense, because I am not okay, but I focus on him and his recovery so that I don’t have to deal with those feelings for now. I felt I owed it to our 4 year old son, to try and help his father, and I also selfishly believed that I deserved a good man, after all the ****, it was my turn to be happy, and I had chosen his…God had chosen him to lead my family, so i wasn’t going to give up on him. How do I now not feel like I have to spend every moment feeling I have to try and prove something that never happened? I know what infidelity did to me, to my very core, I am not okay, a large part due to the fact that I still could never imagine flirting with another man, let alone having sex with them, it makes me sick, that’s how ridiculously faithful I am in my heart, and mind…that my body would never do what he was able to do to me. I have to try and tell myself, although I know it isn’t true, he doesn’t, and what if he is feeling the same way in his gut, that I feel because of actions he actually took? Is this a life sentence? How long does reality take to set back in, or are the memories that occurred during psychosis permanent?? Is this a problem that now sits as a dark shadow over our relationship, that he must “deal with”…or is there hope that a day comes where that paranoia and delusional thinking gets exposed, and clear thinking can prove to himself that what he thought was true, never was? I want an epiphany…not just acceptance from him, I want him to know absolutely that I didn’t deserve his behaviors and that I have always been true and stood right there, I need a miracle… I cannot picture a happy future with someone who feels they must forgive me for something that I didn’t do, that specific something being my largest daily struggle, trying not to think of that her, that woman who came like a tornado through me, she destroyed any sort of positive thinking I had started accumulating towards myself, anything good I felt I had to offer, and sense of confidence I may have built in myself when I fell in love with him, gone… the moment I realized that I wasn’t enough, over ,and over, and over again…the thought of that infidelity tears my stomach up when I have to think about it, so if some storyline is playing in his head, and he feels betrayed… if we are both that hurt, how does our story end, if sobriety doesn’t mean clear eyes on the same situation?
submitted by Clean_Revolution843 to AddictionCounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:13 HopefulHustler9 Today was a dark day.

Extreme spinal pain from a crappy bed and bad alcohol induced sleep.
Still not as painful as the hate from the mother of my child.
When all your hard work, efforts and life changes go unseen.
You ask what’s the point… when someone tries to convince you of that horrible picture they paint of you, yet everyone else thinks you’ve got a heart of gold.
Who am I? A nice person like everyone else thinks, or the monster the person I spend most of my time with says I am.
I don’t know.
What I do know, I love her more than she will ever love me.
But nobody could ever love her more than she loves herself.
A life in ruins, so many upset souls, all because I chased this one soul more than any before it… lost it all, one big bad bet.
This may be hell on earth.
Pray for me and those who understand it from experience.
Lord hear me, lord graciously hear my pleas.
submitted by HopefulHustler9 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:00 Over-Boysenberry16 Speedrunning takes away from the soul of the game.

Before you downvote or gripe or complain, yes i know this is just my opinion, I'm not saying it's objectively correct or a fact, it's just the way that I feel and I'm surprised more people don't feel this way too, especially speedrunners and people who watch them
I know this is probably going to be very unpopular but it's just my opinion and obviously others dont feel the same, but speedrunning a game is destroying its value. To start I'll play devils advocate and say if you're speedrunning a game you obviously love it enough to put that much time into it
but when you're speedrunning a game like lets say, dark souls for instance, you are so far from the joy and wonder of when you first played the game. you ignore all of the npcs, you kill the nice ones because of whatever loot that shaves off 5s, you do glitches that break immersion and remind you its a game.
Think about the first time you play some sort of fantasy game or rpg, or even subsequent playthroughs. How it feels like a whole new world you just stepped into, all of the magic and wonder and curiosity. You care about the characters, the story, the overall world that you're in. Thousands of hours and lots of peoples imagination went into making that. But when you get to the point where you're just abusing mechanics, ESPECIALLY glitched speedruns, it sucks the soul away out of the game.
Another example could be amnesia the bunker. I've speedrun that game myself and I'm close to the world record for glitchless at 14 minutes (wr is 12) and after spending the time doing that, it made me realise how shallow and unenjoyable it felt. When I played the game the first few times it was scary, tense, eerie. I was scared of the monster in the game. I always took the time to read the notes and explore every little corner and detail. It made me think a lot about the fear of being in the main characters situation, the horrors of war, the philosophy and story of the game. But then you start speedrunning it and all of that just goes out of the window because you're just thinking of what items and necessities you need to beat the game - and there lies the problem. You shuck the game of everything that made it special and just take the bare essentials of what's needed to beat it. It feels like taking a multivitamin and a protein shake instead of eating a delicately handmade meal.
I know it's a weird rant but I'm just wondering if anyone else feels the same. It just kind of sucks out the joy for me.
It's been on my mind because my favourite game of all time, Dark Souls, is a game I've played literally hundreds of times since release, it's my comfort game, and my go-to game when I'm bored or not feeling well. And I've always played it like a beginner every time. I always stop to get every item, double check every corner, do all the NPC quests. But today for the first time I tried one of the speedrun routes and it just felt miserable and sad so I stopped playing on that file and made a new one. Then I watched some guy on youtube do it and he goes and kills the nice/cool characters, makes his character look just really silly and stupid and goofy which takes away from the somber tone of the game, and trivializes fights that are supposed to be epic battles by being extremely overleveled or abusing exploits/OP weapons.
Idk, I just think it's pretty lame. I don't mind that people like it but I will never ever understand it
UNLESS, big cavaet: if it's a game like some sonic game or mario or something where the goal is really clear and the story is kind of not really there, then it makes way more sense to just do it as fast as possible. Speedrunning some games just makes sense. but speedrunning games that are meant to have an atmosphere to them like dark souls, resident evil, silent hill, hollow knight etc... just feels wrong.
Anyone have any thoughts on this? Do you agree? Are you able to speedrun and retain immersion and still go back and play with a sense of wonder?
submitted by Over-Boysenberry16 to truegaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:59 cool_fox ρ𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 [modded]{pvp}{survival}{factions}

Dark cataclysmic events have set players on a path to rediscover technology and embrace the sprawling expanse of magic,
Penumbralcraft elevates the modded experience with a survival PvP experience combined with the ultimate builders toolset. The server is a rules-lite environment and full pvp full loot full raiding, whether in faction versus faction wars or in a solo quest for dominance. Technology is structured along a progressive recipe tree but the smart and crafty can quickly reach a gilded space age if they try.
if you liked what Rust did for pvp but miss the creative freedom of minecraft then look no further.
Curseforge modpack - Penumbralcraft
Server IP: Recommended memory: 12Gb Minecraft version 1.20.1 Forge is required: forge 47.2.32 Java 17 requiredpenumbralcraft.ddns.net:25685 
🌌 Eldritch Exploration: Traverse a landscape altered by otherworldly forces. explore outer space. break through to horrific dimensions
🏗️ Extreme Engineering: Build grandiose edifices with industrial might. Craft gunpowder weaponry, assemble ominous airships, and construct siege engines to rip through gigantic bases.
🔮 Arcane Power: Delve into the depths of magic where occult spells and forbidden sorcery reign. Extract energy from the living through the dark arts of Blood Magic or make deals with various factions for immense power.
🗡️ Creature Collection: Amass a formidable array of monstrous beings and constructs to establish and secure your dominion. Equip your hired minions and recruits or train your cosmic monsters.
Server IP: penumbralcraft.ddns.net:25685
submitted by cool_fox to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:58 cool_fox ρ𝖊𝖓𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 [modded][pvp][survival][factions]

Dark cataclysmic events have set players on a path to rediscover technology and embrace the sprawling expanse of magic,
Penumbralcraft elevates the modded experience with a survival PvP experience combined with the ultimate builders toolset. The server is a rules-lite environment and full pvp full loot full raiding, whether in faction versus faction wars or in a solo quest for dominance. Technology is structured along a progressive recipe tree but the smart and crafty can quickly reach a gilded space age if they try.
if you liked what Rust did for pvp but miss the creative freedom of minecraft then look no further.
Curseforge modpack - Penumbralcraft
Server IP: Recommended memory: 12Gb Minecraft version 1.20.1 Forge is required: forge 47.2.32 Java 17 requiredpenumbralcraft.ddns.net:25685 
🌌 Eldritch Exploration: Traverse a landscape altered by otherworldly forces. explore outer space. break through to horrific dimensions
🏗️ Extreme Engineering: Build grandiose edifices with industrial might. Craft gunpowder weaponry, assemble ominous airships, and construct siege engines to rip through gigantic bases.
🔮 Arcane Power: Delve into the depths of magic where occult spells and forbidden sorcery reign. Extract energy from the living through the dark arts of Blood Magic or make deals with various factions for immense power.
🗡️ Creature Collection: Amass a formidable array of monstrous beings and constructs to establish and secure your dominion. Equip your hired minions and recruits or train your cosmic monsters.
Server IP: penumbralcraft.ddns.net:25685
submitted by cool_fox to feedthebeastservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:56 InsaneComicBooker Wizards...Nine? A proposal

UNMARKED SPOILERS BELOW, I will sadly go into spoiler territorry so often the post would look like a bad SCP Foundation article if I tried to black out every single one.
First thing I thought upon finding out about the Wizard Three in Sigil was to notice an opportunitty to include more iconic characters. As we learned more about their role I noticed several complaints about them. Like, "why are we having epic level NPCs relegating the work to mid-level party"? Or "isn't Tasha evil? What is she doing here?" Or "how the hell did Kas fool Tasha, who knows Mordekainen very well?". And so an idea to fix these issues all at once presented itself to me.
In this version of adventure, the PCs are summonned not by Wizard Three, but Wizard Nine. Nine iconic, high-level wizards or other magic users from across D&D worlds or even beyond. They were all summonned to Sigil, to each tap into one of Outer Planes of appriopriate aligment and channel that power into Wish, so the Will of the entire multiverse wishes of Vecna's death. Once it fails, the wizards realize it means one of them must nto be who they claim, possibly an agent of Vecna. So they immediatelly lock themselves in Sanctuary - only PCs can enter and leave because they weren't i nthe room doing the casting of that super Wish. And every time they return with next piece of the Rod, they find Wizards in most disfunctional game of Among Us ever, often probably erupting into violence - this is nine geniuses working AGAINST each other as everyone suspects everyone.
Now, you could keep the original reveal, where Mordekainen is the imposter. If you do, I would advocate against bringing any magic users who know him, like Tasha, Elminster, Storm Silverhand or Dalamar the Dark. If you decide to change the imposter's identity, you can happily bring in some of them, but I would avoid those who know each other (so if you want Elminster, then no Mordekainen or Dalamar).
Evil characters can work with this group because of several reasons, which they should be open about. They may vary from "You think I don't realize Vecna is going to screw ME over alongside everyone else", through "uppity gods need to be put in their place, especially this one" to "I would love what the guy is promising to do to all creation, but I'm not bending my knee to NOBODY!".
Below is a list of proposed characters to use from as many worlds I could think of. I will be comign back to this post to add more names and more worlds with further research, potentially going even beyond strictly D&D settings. You ca drop your own suggestions, I will happily add them to the list with next edit. All requirements are that the character is able to cast 9th level spells, if you have any notes for potential DM willing to use them, please provide them as well.
Eberron - I noticed most of suggestions for Eberron are of evil variety, due to the setting's lack of high-level heroic NPCs (with two exceptions that cannot leave their seats of power), but we'll work with what we have
Exandria (Critical Role) - I noticed most Exandria characters don't reach this high level - even Circle of Brass from Calamity were level 15. However, I found two options to provide a bit of fanservice for any critters at your table, both Chaotic Good:
Krynn (Dragonlance)
Magic the Gathering - there are many worlds in this franchise, but they're often very shallow, so I will group this stuff together.
Mystara - one of my beloved classic worlds, poses an issue because it never conformed to classic 9-types aligment, isntead opting for lawful (defined as "altruistic") and chaotic ("selfish"). A rare exception, 2e book Glantri: Kingdom of Magic, was a big help here.
Oearth (Greyhawk)
Toril (Forgotten Realms)
Domains of Dread (Ravenloft) - I put this one last because of unique use we could have out of Domaind of Dread in this campaign. You see, we know that characterstrapped in Demiplane of Dread cannot leave that easily, they need Dark Powers' permission. And Dark Powers are backing up Kas. I have also seen multiple complaints how both main antagonists of this campaign - Vecna nad Kas - are absent from most of it, with many ideas being thrown around about having Kas as an active rival that competes for pieces of the Rod. It occured to me that he may play that role, while we still have an impostor - another character trapped in Demiplane of Dread could be working with Kas and the Dark Powers in exchange for their freedom. This way we could even allow PCs to sherlock holmes who the traitor is between collecting different pieces of the Rod, and still can have Kas show up with hordes of monsters to steal the Rod later. All that matters is they do not impersonate a character of the same aligment. Here are some candidates for this role:
That's for now, but rest assured, I shall be returning to this post to update it with more characters, potentially more campaign worlds even. Your suggestions whom to add are always welcome.
submitted by InsaneComicBooker to VecnaEveofRuin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:33 ZacbeardsPirates Crazy Run with 1 Star Lillia

Crazy Run with 1 Star Lillia
Tldr; Lillia goes super sayan and decimates Thresh
I decided to try the Collector of Souls adventure with my 1 star Lillia since I just got her to level 20 and was trying out a new build with the guardian orb. I've been liking her since she came out and the ability to have two of them on the field to abuse the snooze into skirmishers blade. I really didn't think I was even going to complete it being a 1 star, especially with only getting the created card reduction to start, which is decent but not great, but again, wanted to test out the guardian orb on the centaur.
And then the luck started going out of control.
I didn't realize how strong the base build was. Guardian orb triggering more than once is already powerful, but when it goes off multiple times in a turn? Things get nutty. I'd often end up with the mana deposit item on Lillia, turning her into a buffing, killing, mana printer. Although things were still risky as they were getting settup, taking a lot of damage having to wait until turn 3 to start popping off.
These feeling of hope mixed with fear carried me through the first few fights, barely scraping through as each encounter felt if the dream team came a turn later, we were cooked. Then I lucked into the early smooth soloist, risking it over the shop and hoping for something, anything that could help me pull through against Tryndamere and his merry band of annoying unkillable clowns. There it is, sharing is caring. That is the game right there. Tyrndamere pack it up, you don't want to embarras yourself.
After I beat Tyrndamere and saw it. Evolution. The ultimate combo. We were going to go galactic on stats, especially with the sleeping dragon making sure new units got just as swole. Things couldn't get better, how can you improve on perfection? I'll tell you.
Power Riff for Lillia.
Oh such a simple thing, cheating out our monster turn 1 so that she can start devouring the opponent was the final nail in Thresh's coffin. No fear that the first few turns might put us too far behind or getting run over mid settup, only carnage. By turn 4 I was no longer trying to win, but see how high I could fly. The black cleaver double and doubled and doubled until Lillia reached her final form, a demon with 2147483647/2147483647. And scout. And double strike.
I stopped to wonder what I've created, a beast that obliterates itself over and over again in the pursuit of power, no longer the innocent forest dweller it once was. Have I defied God? Then I unleashed the final blow, an attack so destructive Goku showed up to challenge Lillia to a fight
submitted by ZacbeardsPirates to PathofChampions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:56 sunshine9966 How can I move on from a person '33M' who dumped me '33F' after 5 years of engagement and MARRIED someone else?

We have been in a relationship for 10 years, 5 years into our relationship, he proposed to me and I said yes. He promised the world to me, we were each other's everything. I'm a doctor, and was accepted into Opthalmology which is extremely competitive to get into. However, I sacrificed getting into Opthalmology because I wanted to stay close to him because he moved to Europe for a job, so I ended up getting a Master's degree in hospital administration. I moved close to where he was, learned a new language, started to build a life there so we could get married that year. After preparing for our wedding and booking everything, 4 months prior to the wedding, I caught him going out with another girl from his work, it turned out that he was going out with her for quite some time and I didn't know. I went crazy, and after talking to him about and even forgiving him, he broke up with me, saying that I didn't achieve enough goals to be with him, and that I was always depressed and that the new girl at least 'smiled' more. What hurt me more is that his mother didn't consider this as cheating; she said that if I was good enough for him, he wouldn't have went with this other girl (all of that after 5 years of engagement and having a strong relationship with his family). They all dumped me, after sacrificing four years of my life learning a new language, leaving Opthalmology, and getting ready to marry the 'man of my dreams'. Fast forward to now, that girl he cheated on me with dumped him a year after, then he '34 M' met another girl '27 F' , and MARRIED her within three months, they made the biggest wedding (bigger than our planned wedding), buys her the most expensive clothes (he never did that for me), travelled to so many places together, and now I learned she's pregnant with his child. And oh, two years into their marriage, she still has no job, and sits around at home all day.
We always talked about how our children would be like and even picked out names for them, we dreamed of our future together as husband and wife, and now this woman he married stole everything away from me and is now pregnant. I'm back in Opthalmology school but I still cannot get over this, how I wasted all my twenties and early 30's for a man who dumped me on the phone after years of engagement and family relationships. I'm still in the worst pain possible and am in more pain learning that she's pregnant. How can I tolerate all of this happening to me, I'm a ruined person because of him. How do I move on from this?
submitted by sunshine9966 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:31 Prize-Dinner-7418 AITA for getting drunk and turning off my phone

TW: Alcoholism, drug addiction, violence, suicidal ideation, sex abuse
This is going to be a LLLLLOOONNNNGGGGG one. This story goes back quite a way, but yesterday was the tenth anniversary of the ending to this story and I'm feeling it, still got some guilt about everything that happened, wondering what I could have done differently and I just want to vent it out and hope to get some closure from it.
This story started in 2010.
Characters in this story (names are fake, duh!):
Background and intro
I had known Stephanie for many years and we had the kind of friendship that made her BFs and my GFs uncomfortable to put it lightly. We had never crossed that boundary and I wouldn't consider us in the friendzone, we were just friend, but the kind of friend where she would sit on my lap with her arms around my neck or her head on my shoulder.
At the start of 2010, Stephanie met her then boyfriend, Stephen. He tolerated me and my friendship with Stephanie because I also had a gf back then. She liked Stephanie, wasn't at all jealous of my friendship with her, so he didn't deem me too suspicious. Then my gf and I broke up for reasons unimportant and all hell broke loose for Stephen. He became convinced that I would try and steal Stephanie from him. He insisted that Stephanie introduce me to her female friends or female friends of his. Thus began what I called the year of the 50 blind dates. It was probably closer to 20, but still I like saying the year of 50 blind dates. Most of them were unremarkable and never went beyond the first date. There are some fun stories in there if anyone wants to hear them eventually!
In July of that year, I had to switch gears because I had to focus up and study for a professional exam for a certification important to my career. This exam required close to 600-800 hours of study over a 3-4 month period. So I hunkered down, told Stephanie to stop the blind dates for now because I had to focus on that. She respected my wishes and, other a text here or there, we went low contact for the last two months before the exam.
Except for one fateful night in September. Her birthday was in September and she always threw these big bashes at her house. She would throw a big pool party that started around noon and would go on to the wee hours of the morning. I knew she would harass me to go to her party, so I made some quick math and figured I would lose more energy and time trying to dodge her calls, texts and most likely visits at my place than by just going to the party itself. So when she called me to ask, I just said: "Okay I'll go to your damn party, now git." I texted her I would get there in the evening probably around 8. She texted back "Great, can't wait. Now study, bitch!"
So I ultimately get there around 8PM. Basically everybody is already drunk off their gourd. Stephanie sees me, squeals in excitement and runs to me in her bikini and just jumps in the air and slams into me, wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist and gives me a big hug. I hug her back and just keep walking back to the pool where she had started, carrying her with me. I just duck my head around hers and say hi to Stephen, who just glares at me.
She drops back down and I give her her gift. We chat for a few seconds and says "There's beer in the fridge and food in the dining room." I told her I'd be right back.
I go inside and grab a beer from the fridge. I head to the dining room and the table is against the wall with a buffet of sandwiches, tomato pizza, salads, etc. I grab a plate and start putting food on it. I was focused on the task because I was starving. I barely noticed, sitting at the end of the table one of the most stunning woman I have ever seen. I just see her in my peripheral vision and I do a quick double take, quick glance at her and back to the food. I do that a second time. And finally a third time. At that point she is just straight up staring at me and I can't help but chuckle and whisper under my breath "Subtle Guy, sub-tle".
Thankfully she starts laughing too, saving me some embarassment. I look at her and greet her. She says "Hi, I'm Maryse and I'm guessing you're Guy?" I just nod and we start talking. At that point, I just thought I have no shot with her, she's so far out of my league that I'm just gonna talk to her until she sees one of the "models" hanging out by the pool and ditches me for him.
So I'm not feeling like I'm playing for anything, so I'm just myself and not nervous, just talking to her as I would any friend. We chat and she laughs at all my jokes, she gets all my cultural references. She never gets up or ditches me. The plate of food I had made and the beer I had gotten are sitting on the table next to me untouched, I was too busy with the convo to think about food or beer anymore.
After what felt like only 20-30 minutes, Stephanie comes in and tells me, fake grumpy: "So that's where you disappeared to. I invite my best friend to a party and he spends the whole night talking to someone else." I laugh and go: "What do you mean the whole night? I haven't been here that long." She says "Dude, it's 2AM. You've been here for 6 hours..." My jaw dropped and I just said: "Wow, time flies when you're having fun." Maryse chimes in, with a big smile: "It sure does!" That made me happy as you can imagine.
Now I was a little stuck because where Stephanie lived, there's no night service for the bus and the subway had been closed for an hour or so. I figured I would cab it. So I turn to Maryse and tell her: "It was absolutely lovely to meet you and I enjoyed our conversation very much." She says that she did too. I continued with "At the moment, my schedule is incredibly hectic. I'm basically working full-time, studying full-time and sleeping part-time. So I don't have a lot of free time, but if she was interested, whatever little free time I had, I would love to call her or text her to keep on getting to know her."
I see Stephanie in the backgroudnd, looking like a proud mama at how smooth that came out, knowing I was always anything but smooth with women, as proven by the string of blind dates! Maryse has a big smile and we exchange numbers. I go to Stephanie to wish her a happy birthday again. While I'm talking to her, my phone buzzes with a text from Maryse: "Just checking!"
I asked Stephanie "What's the best cab company to call in this area?" Maryse chimes in: "Where do you live?" I tell her where I lived and she goes "It's on the way to where I live, I can give you a ride if you want." Stephanie raised an eyebrow in surprise. I learned later, she did it because it absolutely was not on the way to her place, like, at all. I say that I would love that as it would give us a chance to keep talking.
We get in her car, driving to my place. We talk, she asks me what I'm studying as I hadn't mentioned it earlier. I tell her all about the boring maths I had to study. Much too quickly, we get to my place. She parks in front of my building and we keep talking. At some point, I tell her: "Normally, this is where I would try to "trick" you into coming up to my place..." She interrupts me: "You wouldn't need to trick me. I'm willing and able!"
I tell her that "As tempting as that sounds, I know who I am and I know that if you come up and things proceed to where they're going, I'm not going to be able to study for the rest of the month. I have a kind of obsessive mind and when I find someone or something I like, I can push everything else to the side in favor of that. So to make sure I can still focus on my studying, I have to go up by myself."
She looks at me, a little disappointed but then says, half-jokingly: "We don't have to go up, there's a backseat right there!" We laugh and I give her a kiss and wish her a good night. I managed to stay strong and go back to my condo. Damn it, why did I have to stay strong!!!
My exam was at the beginning of november. During the month of october, we texted a bunch of times and talked on the phone. We went for coffee a couple of times and dinner once. She respected my boundaries and never pushed for more, which I appreciated but also hated at the same time, if that makes sense. The exam came and it was a monster of a Friday. I slept for basically 18 hours after the exam as the adrenalin dropped and my system crashed.
I texted her when I woke up at around 1PM. She was working at the clothing store Stephanie owned. She said "I'm off at 5PM, wanna meet me." I said: "Duh! Why do you think I'm texting? ;)" So I met her at the store downtown. I asked if she wanted to grab a drink, go for dinner, or what. She proposed going to her place and getting some take out. Stephanie who was closing the store at that moment, came up to us and said: "Hey, so what are we doing?" I said: "WE, that is Maryse and I, are going to her place and getting some takeout. Bye!" I'm sure you'll understand when I tell you that no food was ever ordered that night!
Thus followed a whirlwind month of November where any free time we had was spent together, and I wasn't going to complain!
The troubles
By the start of december, things were still going great with us. One saturday night, we were having dinner at a restaurant and I mention that this coming Friday is my office Christmas party, that it's employees only, so we wouln't see each other that night. She tells me: "Oh sure, that's fine! It'll give me a chance to go see some girlfriends I've been neglecting lately." I said "Great! BTW I also got us a reservation at [this great restaurant she had mentioned a few times] for next Saturday, so we could go there and I'll tell you all about my party and you can tell me all about her night with the girls!"
That was settled, I thought. I was wrong. On Thursday, we had spent the evening together at her place and I was about to leave to go back to my place. She tells me: "So are you coming to meet me at the store tomorrow or do I go to your place?" I reminded her: "Neither, tomorrow is my office Christmas party and we won't see each other tomorrow." She said: "Oh right, I forgot." I asked her if she had made plans with her friends like she had mentioned last saturday. She said that they were all busy tomorrow and weren't available.
She suggested "If your party is boring, maybe you could come meet me." I retorted that it wasn't going to be, knowing who was going to be there.
"Yeah but what if?"
"But it won't"
"But what IFFFFFF?" she kept insisting and I kept saying no. After what felt like 30 minutes of that (probably only 2-3 minutes in reality), I had enough and just said to end the argument: "Okay, if it's boring, I'll come. but it won't be." She said: "Cool" with a big smile on her face. I came to learn that that smile meant "Challenge accepted".
The following night, my colleague and I were pregaming in a conference room before leaving for the party proper and my phone buzzes. Maryse was wishing me a good party. I replied. She texted me again. I replied. She texted again, but I was in a conversation with a colleague so I didn't reply or even look at the phone. My phone buzzes again. Still talking, and didn't want to be rude to my colleague. Another buzz. I just kept talking. Phone buzzes differently, she was now calling because I hadn't answered her texts.
"Why aren't you replying to my texts?"
"Hey, sorry, was talking to my colleague Patrick."
"What? you don't want to talk to me?"
"I am talking to you now."
"Why didn't you reply to my texts?"
"Because it would have been rude to my colleague to pull my phone out while talking to him."
"But you're talking to me now."
"Because I thought something was wrong, maybe it was an emergency."
"I wanted to talk to you, that's all."
"Well, gotta go back to the party. Talk to you later."
She kept texting and if I didn't reply right away, she would call after two or three missed texts. After about 2 hours of this, I stopped answering the texts. When she called back, I asked her: "Aren't you supposed to be working?" which started another round of guilt-tripping of "why are you asking me this? you don't want to talk to me?" At that point I had had enough and wanted to enjoy my party. I remembered that the Blackberry (no shaming old tech!) I had had an annoying feature, but I was hoping to put it to good use at that moment.
Whenever the battery would get really low, like less than 1%, it would let out an ear-piercing BEEP for about 3 seconds, reminiding you to charge it and giving you a heart attack all at the same time. It would do that even when you were in silent mode. It had happened a few days earlier when I was with Maryse. I figured, if I press a button on the Blackberry, it would make a beep too that could be heard through the phone. So while I was talking to Maryse, I pressed my thumb on the space bar for a good 3 seconds and sputtered; "what... the .... what?" trying to put on a somewhat believable performance.
She asked what that noise was and I tell her that it was my blackberry letting me know I was low battery and it might shut off any second. I told her "Listen I'm gonna wish you a good night, I'm having a good time at my party so I'll see you tomorrow at 5PM to go spend our evening together. I hope you have a good....." and hung up mid-sentence. I promptly shut my phone off and went back to the party. I concede that I may be a bit of an AH for that move.
The party was great, I got drunk much quicker than I expected owing to the fact that I hadn't had a drink in over two months because Maryse didn't drink so I didn't either when we were together, and we were always together. At 1AM, I went home and passed out on my bed.
This is another place where I may have been an AH. I didn't turn my cell phone back on and I unplugged my home line too, because I wanted to sleep the deep sleep of the drunkard. I woke up at around 1:30 PM, not knowing it was already too late. In my mind, I was meeting Maryse at 5PM to go out on the town that night. Maryse had other ideas as you'll see.
So like I said, I woke up at 1:30PM and was sticky with alcohol sweat, so I went straight for the shower to get clean again. While in the shower, my stomach grumbled with hunger and I started daydreaming of bacon and eggs. That pushed me out of the shower right quick. I dried myself off quickly, tied the towel around my waist and went to the fridge. No bacon.... booo. Looked at the egg compartment... no eggs... booo again. Okay then, how about a cream cheese bagel. No cream cheese, damn it. Look in the pantry, no bagels.... god. I was starting to get angry. Okay, cereals then. I pick up the cereal box, that mofo was empty and I get mad: "who's the idiot who puts the empty box back in the pantry?" I remembered I live alone.
I close the fridge dejected and see the grocery list stuck on the fridge, taunting me with everything I wanted to eat for breakfast written on it. But I felt like if I went to the grocery store hungry as I Was, I'm just gonna pay 600$ and not get one single healthy thing to eat. I then remembered there's a restaurant next to the grocery store that serves breakfast until 3PM. I get excited! I get dressed quickly, grab my wallet and keys, put my boots on, my coat on, wrap my scarf, my tuque and my gloves and go to the restaurant. If you notice, I didn't mention my phone in there.
I get to the restaurant and confirm that they still have breakfast and get even more excited when she confirms it. I order the "heart attack", at least that's how I nicknamed it: 3 eggs, 3 servings of bacon, 2 sausages, and, I guess to give one peace of mind, fruit (or to be precise, one single solitary slice of orange). Now that the food is ordered and coming I figured I would check if I have any messages. I pat the pocket where my phone always is. No phone. uh-oh. I start clutching evert pocket, no luck.
I wonder if I should go back home after the meal before going to the grocery store and decide against it, it would be too long a detour. So I scarf my breakfast down, rush through the grocery store. I get home and set my bags down in front of the fridge. I go pick up my blackberry. I turn it back on. The little tape icon tells me there are messages on my voicemail, at that time there were no red dots with a number in it to tell you how many.
I connect to the voicemail while starting to put the groceries away. The little automated voice tells me "You have 25 new messages." I pull the phone away from my ear, look at it in disbelief as if saying: "are you f'ing kidding me?" So I press 1 to start playing the messages.
Remember: Maryse knew I was at a party with a dead phone, no chargers and I probably wouldn't get home until 1AM. From 6:30PM, when my phone died, to 11:34 PM, when she went to sleep she left me 9 messages. BTW I know she went to sleep at 11:34PM because she left me a message saying "it's 11:34PM and I'm going to bed. Thinking of you." The 9 messages were in the same vein. These are the salient details, but the messages were all much longer.
She woke up at 7:15 the following day, I'll let you guess how I know that tidbit of information! She left me 5 more messages like those from the day before: 7:15 woke up. 7:35 going to take a shower. 7:55 out of the shower. 8:25 getting ready to leave for work 8:50 walking out of the subway to go to the store.
She leaves me another message at 9 that was different. She sounded very excited as if she had had the best idea in the world: "Hey it's 9AM, I'm about to start my shift. I know we're only supposed to meet after my shift, but what if you came and met me for lunch so you could tell me all about your party." I just did my best Scooby-Doo "Ruh-Roh" and chuckled that I blew that, not thinking the calamity that was awaiting me.
Another couple of messages to talk logistics: "I could take my lunch at 12 or 12:30, let me know which you prefer." "I'm taking my lunch at 12:30"
A slightly worried message: "It's 11:15 and you stil have not said if you were coming or not, are you okay?"
The first bomb goes off and I knew I was in trouble then: "Where are you? We're supposed to meet for lunch and you still haven't given me any sign of life, you're not answering your home phone either, what happened?" Reminder: we were not supposed to meet for lunch, she suggested doing so a couple of hours earlier and I never agreed to anything. I guess she told her colleagues I would meet her for lunch and it was now fact and could perhaps make her look bad in front of her colleagues.
The second bomb drops: "It's almost noon now, WHERE ARE YOU? Stephanie says you're probably sleeping off your drunk, but I don't believe her. I'm sure you got yourself a slut and cheated on me. Didn't you? didn't you, you asshole." Stephanie knows me very well, but that wasn't enough for Maryse it seems.
Ensued four more messages from 12:30 to 1:15, where she starts sounding more and more drunk and accusatory, spewing more attacks like in the message above. At that point I already knew it was over, there was no coming back from that. I can understand having trust issues, but that was nuclear. I don't tolerate jealousy because of horrible experiences with a couple of jealous toxic exes.
A final message comes in, and it's a different voice, that of my best friend being more than a little angry: "Hey Guy, listen, Maryse tells me you had a Christmas party yesterday, so I'm guessing you're sleeping off your drunk, still. But call me when you get this. I put Maryse, who's f'ing drunk, in the backstore so she can dry off and "do inventory". She can't be on the sales floor obviously and I just don't feel safe sending her home in the state she's in. Call me to tell me how you want to handle this."
At that point I had finished putting away my groceries and had put my boots and my coat on and was making my way to the subway to go to the store. I call Stephanie and tell her I got the messages and I was coming. She was right, I was sleeping off my drunk and had just woke up (didn't feel the need to mention the breakfast and grocery store). I ask her if she knows what I'm gonna do when I get there. She says that she knows and understands. She knows my bad history.
When I get out of the subway, I call her again before getting to the store. I ask her how she wants me to do this. It's her store and I don't want to create drama in front of her customers. Does she want me to wait outside and she tells Maryse to meet me in the street or do I go in the store and she takes me to the backstore and I do it there? She says to come to the store.
I walk in the store and every saleswomen on the floor looks at me and gives me the biggest case of the stink-eye. They only have Maryse's side of the story, so they think I did all these horrible things. I see Stephanie in the middle of the store and I walk towards her. She shakes her head and points me towards the cash register. I look over there and see Julia, a salesperson that I've known for a couple of years and really like, who also happens to be the biggest gossip in the store. I understand what Stephanie is trying to do. She's gonna make me tell her my story in front of Julia so Julia can spread the "good news" to the other employees and rehabilitate my name possibly.
So I get to the register and say Hi to Julia. She barely acknoledges me. Steph joins me. She asks me:
"How are you?"
"I was better an hour ago, before I listened to those voicemails. I had gone to our office party last night, had a great night, got drunk off my ass, got home at around 2 and woke up around 2."
Julia asks "Maryse told us you were supposed to meet her for lunch."
"No we weren't. I have a reservation for tonight at XYZ restaurant. I was supposed to take the day to do errands, stuff around the condo and meet her here at closing time. She suggested that it could be fun if I came at lunchtime to meet her, but that was never the plan."
Julia asks again "But why didn't you answer your phone?"
"It ran out of battery last night during the party and when I got home, I was so drunk that I forgot to plug it back in. I only plugged it when I woke up at 2. That's when the messages came in."
Julia asks "She says she tried calling your home line and you didn't answer and your machine didn't kick in."
"Yeah, that one's my fault, I knew I wanted to sleep and telemarketers have a habit of calling me early saturday mornings so I didn't want to be awoken by a call for a rug cleaning service, so I unplugged it yesterday morning, knowing I would be drunk when I got home and forget and be angry if I was awakened by a telemarketer."
Julia gave me a hint of a smile, showing me she was starting to believe me. She asked me a few more questions and then she asked what I was gonna do. I told her that whatever I'll do, I would tell Maryse first.
I looked at Stephanie and said: "Can you open the back store so I can go see her?" So we went to the backstore. As we reached the door, it swung opened and out popped Maryse, looking absolutely terrifying, I actually jumped back when I saw her. Her usual perfect makeup was completely smeared, her mascara streaking down her cheeks from the crying. Her hair was disheveled. She was a mess. Apparently, she had had enough of waiting back there and was planning on leaving the store to go home and had put her coat and boots on.
When she saw me, she went into an unhinged rant about me being an asshole for cheating on her, me not being great in bed, me not treating her right, etc. I let her vent everything she had to say, I looked at Stephanie and apologized for creating such a scene in her store. I tell Maryse we should go outside and talk in private. She keeps on yelling, but when I grab her hand to lead her outside, she follows.
When we get outside, her anger had started to wane a little, or maybe just her energy. I was able to talk to her to explain everything, how I had gotten drunk, had overslept (alone) and woke up at 2PM. I reminded her that we were only supposed to meet at 5PM not for lunch. The anger was leaving her and a smile almost appeared on her face. Through all of this I was being very calm and patient with her, which she interpreted as me not being mad at her. I then said in a firmer tone: "However..." and let it hang for a second.
The beginning smile vanished. I continued: "When you accused me of cheating on you, that broke me. That triggered memories of toxic exes who would always accuse me of cheating, not trusting me when I would tell them where I was, snooping on me, stalking me. Because of those experiences, I have a zero tolerance policy for jealousy. I told her that if she was behaving like after only two months of dating, it didn't bode well for the future and I have to protect myself."
At that, the tears started again and she just turned and ran/waddled away. I told her to wait, but she didn't hear me. I turned towards the entrance of the store to see basically all the employees and customers milling around the door trying to catch the drama. I went back inside to talk to my best friend. The mood had definitely changed and no one was giving me the stink eye anymore, but I didn't really care. I was just sad that it had ended, but proud of myself for having stood up for myself.
So AITA for getting drunk and keeping my phone turned off?
There is a lot more to this story and if you want to learn what happened afterwards, then read on.
The immediate aftermath
So I went back inside the store and talked to Stephanie. I told her that I had a reserrvation for XX restaurant and if she wanted to go with Stephen, she could take it, I wasn't in the mood for a dinner. She said "I already have plans for tonight, but thanks for offering." Julia said she would go with me if I wanted, but I just said that I wasn't in the mood to go out. I just wanted to crash and eat a pizza and get into a food coma.
Stephanie said she didn't feel comfortable leaving me by myself and I should join them at her house. They were having friends over to play board games and it could at least distract me a little. I said why not. So brimming with enthusiasm, I went to play bored games. I left early as I wasn't in the mood. I was feeling a little better, but still a bit down. I thanked Stephanie for the invite and left. I got home and just passed out on the bed.
I woke up at around 7AM the next morning and I saw along the corners of the window the tell-tale signs of a snow-drift and got excited as it was the first snow of the season. I pushed the curtains aside and looked on to see a beautiful white carpet outside. It was early enough that very few cars had marred the whiteness. I was admiring it when I noticed that, against the red bricks of the building across the street, there was a pink blotch. As I focused, the blotch became human shaped and I cleared my eyes enough to realize that it was Maryse and she was raising her cell phone to her ear.
On cue, my phone rings. I pick it up. Still sounding drunk, she asks me if we can speak. I ask her to give me five minutes to get dressed and I'll meet her down there. She asks why she can't come up. I say that I'm not sure I want her in my apartment. She says that it's cold out. I say: "Good, then this will be quick."
I get dressed and meet her outside. I'm still bleary-eyed from having woken up 5 minutes ago, but I try to get my wits together. I tell her that we're going to walk to the subway. It 's a 10-minute walk normally, but with her drunkenness, it might take 15-20 minutes. That's how long she has to tell me what she wants to tell me.
She wants to apologize for accusing me of cheating on her. She says she knows I'm a great guy and... I may be the A-hole at this point too, but I start to drift off in my little bubble and start daydreaming about, if I go back to bed, would there still be some residual heat or would it be cold? I could take a hot shower and warm the bed that way. I could still hear her in the background making excuses, saying how she had been cheated on, but I wasn't really listening.
During the daydreaming I notice it got quite quiet. I look on my left and she's not there, I turn around she's a good 5-6 steps behind me looking angry and she says: "you're not listening" I just say: "when you're right, you're right." I tell her that I understand she's been hurt too in the past, and I hope she can work to resolve her issues, but I was done and I'm going back to bed. I was a bit harsh there, but I was tired and still down.
I walk past her and get maybe 10 paces past her when I hear a scream coming from her. I turn around and I see her messing with something inside her coat. She pulls out a chef's knife with like an 8-inch blade. That wakes me the fuck up. Byebye bleary eyes, hello wakefulness. better than a cup of coffee or a red bull I tell you!
So she's got the knife, she's screaming something that I can't quite understand. She gets quiet and then she charges at me with the knife. If I'm being honest I could have stayed where I was and she probably would have missed me anyways, but someone charges at me with a knife, I'm gonna nope out of there. I take a massive side step and once she gets to where I was and realizes that I'm no longer there, she turns her head towards me and says heyyyyy.
At that point, I have a moment of clarity and see what's gonna happen. She's drunk running one way and looking another, I know she's gonna trip. As I predicted, she stumbled over her feet and starts falling to the ground. I start praying to god and anybody who would listen: "Please don't let her cut herself. I don't want to have to explain this to the doctors, EMTs and nurses. I don't want her drunk ass deciding to take revenge on me by saying I did it."
Thankfully, she winds up in a sitting position on the sidewalk holding the knife up and it was clean. Thank god for small miracles. She starts crying and, other moment of clarity, I know she's gonna turn the knife on herself now. I jump towards her and I realize I was right, the knife starts moving towards her left wrist. I tackle her, grab her right wrist and twist it so she drops the knife. I pick the knife back up and put it in my pocket. She looks at me crying and says: "Why did you stop me?"
I pick her up and take her back to my building. In my building there was a couch in the lobby, so I take her there and I sit her down and plop myself next to her. I look at her and wonder out loud: "What am I gonna do with you? What can I do?"
She goes: "Just let me go, I'll be good." I tell her that's not going to happen. I realize I have three options and I give her the three options.
"So here's the choice I give you.
1- I pull out my phone, call 911 and tell them about the attempted murder back there and they send the police to arrest you. I don't want to do that because that could derail your life and not get you the help you need. Besides, they might not do anything anyway as it's your word against mine.
2= I pull out my phone, call 911 and tell them about the attempted suicide back there and that you need to be placed on a 72 hour hold. I could do that, but at the same time, again it's my word against yours, so maybe they don't believe me.
3- I'm gonna hazard a guess here. From what I've seen, you have alcohol problems. So I'm gonna guess you were in AA, had been sober for a while, I want to say 6 months, maybe less, when we met."
She confirms my guess.
"alright so option 3, I'm guessing you had a sponsor in AA." she nods "we call them up and tell them about your relapse and what happened this morning. Can they come get you and take care of you?"
She takes her phone out and picks a contact and calls. She hands me the phone. Someone answers and I explain the situation. They said they were coming right away. I give them my address, they get here 15 minutes later. Maryse had fallen asleep in the meantime, so I wake her up gently and help her to the car. Off she went.
I went back to my apartment and just crashed back to sleep.
A month later
Mid-january, my phone rings and I see Maryse's number on there. I send her to voice mail. Another call. Voicemail again. 5 minutes later, Private number calling. "Gee I wonder who that could be." Voicemail once more.
Afterwards, I didn't get any unidentified callers for a little over a week. One afternoon, I was at work and my phone rings and it's a number I do not recognize. I pick up.
"Hi, is this Guy?"
"Yes, to whom am I speaking?"
"This is Hannah, Maryse's sponsor. we spoke last month." I started fearing the worst.
"Yes, I remember. How can I help you?"
"Maryse tried to reach you last week and you rejected the calls. I think it could help Maryse if you listened to what she had to say. You're obviously not obligated to entertain her, but I think despite everything that happened, you still care about her or you would not have called me that morning."
"You are right, I do still care about Maryse. I'm just not sure how good it would be for her to meet me this soon after everything that happened. I understand wanting to work through the 9th step and making amends, but..." She interrupts me.
"So you know about the steps."
"Yes I have friends in the program. which is how I could guess that she was in the program too that morning."
"You know it's important."
"I know. I know. How about this: we meet in public at a cafe, you would have to be there. Not necessarily at the table with us, but nearby in case she needs help, in case meeting me causes her pain. Tell her I promise to be in a more receptive mood than I was that morning."
So we make an appointment for that saturday afternoon.
I get to the coffee shop. She's already there, and so is her sponsor. I realize happily that she's not wearing makeup. I say happily because that means she understands that this is not a date, but something serious. She's still stunningly beautiful, and I feel sad almost right away.
I grab a coffee and go join her at the table.
"Hey" I say,
"Hey. So this is gonna be uncomfortable, but thank you for agreeing to meet me and for coming, I appreciate it more than you know. I'm sure you heard I quit the store."
"I have, I'm sorry about that, I hope you didn't do it just because of me."
"No, I needed time to focus on myself for now."
She proceeds to tell me about how I wasn't far off with my guess. She had been sober 4 months when we met. Now she had 39 days. She tells me that in AA, if you are single, they recommend not dating anyone new for at least the first year of your sobriety as it can cause issues, similar to what happened with us. I was like her "drug" and as long as I was available, she could get her fix. But the moment I wasn't available all hell broke loose, and that is what led her back to drinking that day.
I told her I'm glad to see her back sober again this quickly and I hope she can get all the help she needs from it. I ask her if she wants to talk to me about her drinking.
She starts to share a story about how she started drinking at around 11 years old. When puberty hit her, she got into a deep depression because the sexual feelings she was starting to feel were triggering responses. As a child she had been abused by two of her uncles repeatedly and her parents never believed her. They accused her of trying to make herself interesting. That was until they caught one of those uncles red-handed.
They finally believed and took the necessary steps to protect their daughter. But they were poor and they couldn't afford therapy. So she never really got help for it. At 11, she started self medicating the depression with alcohol. When alcohol wasn't enough, she added drugs.
At that point, I was full on crying. She asked me if I wanted her to stop. I told her that she doesn't have to stop. That the tears are there because that was one more thing we had in common. I was also a survivor of sexual assault as a child. In my case, it wasn't a family member, it was only a stranger, so it only happened once. But I also self-medicated with alcohol at the onset of puberty, switching to drugs later on too. I was lucky to avoid the pitfalls of addiction, but I was still dealing with my demons, slowly making peace with them.
So there we were, sitting at a coffee shop, both crying and holding each other. I tell her that I think it's great she's getting help for her alcoholism and addicion, but was she doing anything to help with the underlying issue, the original trauma? She said no, she couldn't afford therapy. I tell her that I am a member of a survivors group and if she is interested, I could get her into a meeting and perhaps learn to heal that part of herself too.
She said that she could give it a try. I tell her I have to talk to the other members to know if I can bring someone new and I would let her know. If they said yes, we would go to her first meeting together, I would introduce her and then we would coordinate so that I never went to meetings where she was. I wanted to do that because I wanted her first few meetings to be about healing and I didn't want our own history to be intertwined or mixed in with that.
After that, we left both feeling content and, while not necesarily happy, at peace if you will. Later on, I contacted Stephanie who was one of the "pillars" of the support group (that's how we met) to ask her if it was okay for me to bring in a new member to the group. She said sure. She asked if it was anyone she knew. I told her she would have to meet her at the meeting if she decides to come.
We were having a meeting the following day. I called Maryse, told her the time and place, and she said she would be there. She came to the group meeting and was shocked to see Stephanie there but Stephanie kinda guessed that it was Maryse I was referring to.
I introduce her, we start sharing stories, talking about how we're feeling, etc. The meeting was good and Maryse liked the vibe. So for the first six months after that, I never saw Maryse and we planned which meeting we would be attending to ensure we didn't cross paths. She started feeling much better.
After maybe 2 and a half years, she finally felt ready and she started dating again. She met someone and she fell for him. They were together for about six months, she looked happy. Unfortunately after about six months, she caught him cheating on her. We tried supporting her, being good friends, cursing his name, doing all the things we could to make sure she didn't relapse. But on April 5th 2014, she ODed on heroin. She was hospitalized for 2 weeks after that.
Hannah took her in and she set up a room for Maryse. She was still in a fragile state, so a group of her friends and I started taking turns watching over Maryse, making sure there was always at least one person there with her to keep her company.
Despite our vigilance, on May 14th 2014, when Hannah was out running a quick errand, she was gone maybe 15 minutes tops, Maryse found a way to cut her wrists and she died. We found a note saying that "the OD was not an accident, and neither was that. Thanks for everything you did for me. I love you all, but I can't do this anymore."
It feels good to write that story (I'll just ignore the fat tears rolling down my face!). Thanks for reading this far and sorry for the long story, I just started writing and couldn't stop. I apologize if it was a bit of a bummer.
submitted by Prize-Dinner-7418 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:27 Eastern_Camera_2222 I can't shake the feeling that I have nothing to live for.

I realized that the reason my ex hurt me so badly is that I saw her as a salvation. Beta, low T, whatever, sure.
I did everything for her, baked, cooked, cleaned, adopted her cats, bought her a bike, a Stata license, tried to teach her how to drive, learned how to cook and bake cakes, drove her all over, helped with her personal debt, paid the rent, bought organic groceries, proofread and edited her papers, helped her read theorists she didn't understand, always took her to get ice cream or walk around the cattle fields whenever she wanted, bought her every book she wanted.
She was my only friend for years, I took a chance and moved across the continent with her, and then she began abusing me in any way possible: financially, ran up a ton of credit card and loan debt, emotionally, wouldn't let me make new friends, cut me off from my old friends, started fights with my department cohort, accused me of cheating constantly, get drunk and hit me, called me a fag, gay, ugly, barely a man, more than a few times told me to "just transition, you look like an infant anyway, it'll be no loss," called me a colonizer, shitty white man, mediocre white man, once tried slitting my throat and screaming that Marx wanted the subalterns to kill the parasites, meaning whites, meaning me, told me to kill myself every time I accomplished something and that everyone would be relieved, take my phone and call my family racist over text and instagram then delete the messages, search my phone for "evidence" of cheating or that I told anyone what happened, install Tinder on her phone randomly and swipe in front of my face, have me drive her to Topeka or Kansas City then get angry when I would ask if we could hang out closer.
Now I'm back home and I truly feel like I have nothing to live for.
Other than a hookup or two I haven't tried dating. I go lift and I feel like it's all vanity. I read a book and then I cry that I don't have any friends or children to talk about it with, I look at my body and I see a freak, I shoot myself with the meds I now depend on and feel like a monster that should have been thrown off of the cliffs of Taygetus, I write patches and maintain some software projects as a hobby and that feels futile and vapid, I ask my brother and sisters to hang out and they make plans without me because "I" called them racist from across the country for four years (btw now I know why they refused to visit even though I called up every month for them to come visit). I think about becoming a bitter old man in my 50's and wonder if I even want to know how bad things can get.
submitted by Eastern_Camera_2222 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:19 Hotpot-creations Short story - Mystery: Frostbite

Short story - Mystery: Frostbite
Image by Hotpot.ai
Frostbite Story and image by Hotpot AI
The small town of Silver City, nestled in a valley near the snowy Burro Mountain range of New Mexico, was known for its peaceful and idyllic surroundings. But for Grant County homicide detective Sergeant Sarah Tilson, it was anything but peaceful. She had been called in to investigate a series of unexplained deaths that had been occurring in the town over the past few weeks.
As Sarah walked through the snow-covered streets, she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach. The deaths seemed to be connected, but there was no apparent cause of death. The victims were all healthy adults, with no history of illness or trauma. It was as if they had simply dropped dead.
Sarah's investigation led her to the local Native American reservation, where she met with the tribal elder, Chief Running Bear. He told her a chilling tale of an ancient legend that had been passed down through generations. The legend spoke of a powerful spirit, known as the Wendigo, that roamed the mountains and preyed on unsuspecting victims.
At first, Sarah dismissed the legend as just a myth, but as she delved deeper into her investigation, she couldn't ignore the eerie coincidences. The victims had all been found with strange markings on their bodies, resembling the claw marks of a large animal. And each victim had been found in a state of extreme fear, as if they had seen something terrifying before they died.
Sarah's mind raced with the possibilities. Could there really be a mythical creature lurking in the mountains, preying on the people of Silver City? She couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to this case than meets the eye.
As she continued her investigation, Sarah found herself becoming more and more obsessed with the legend of the Wendigo. She spent countless hours researching and studying Native American folklore, determined to find a connection to the deaths in Silver City.
But the more she dug, the more she realized that the legend might not be just a myth after all. She uncovered reports of similar deaths in other small towns, all with the same markings and signs of extreme fear. And in each case, there were whispers of the Wendigo being responsible.
Sarah's mind was consumed with the legend, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched. She started to see glimpses of a large, shadowy figure in the woods surrounding the town. And every time she got close to a breakthrough in her investigation, something would happen to derail her progress.
But Sarah was determined to uncover the truth, no matter how terrifying it may be. She enlisted the help of a local historian, who revealed that the legend of the Wendigo was not just a story, but a warning. The Native Americans believed that the spirit was a manifestation of greed and gluttony, and those who fell victim to it were consumed by their own desires.
As Sarah pieced together the clues, she realized that the victims in Silver City were all connected in some way. They were all members of a secret society, known for their lavish parties and extravagant lifestyles. And as she delved deeper, she discovered that they were all involved in a land development project that would destroy the sacred land of the Native Americans.
It all started to make sense. The Wendigo was not just a mythical creature, but a symbol of the consequences of greed and destruction. And it seemed that the spirit was seeking revenge on those who had disrespected the land and its people.
Sarah knew that she had to act fast before more lives were lost. She gathered all the evidence she had collected and presented it to the town council, urging them to stop the land development project. But they refused to listen, dismissing her claims as mere superstition.
Determined to stop the Wendigo, Sarah took matters into her own hands. She ventured into the mountains, following the clues that had led her to the truth. And there, in a secluded cave, she came face to face with the creature itself.
But as she stood before the Wendigo, Sarah realized that it was not a monster, but a representation of the darkness within us all. And in a moment of clarity, she understood that the only way to defeat the Wendigo was to let go of her own desires and greed.
With a heavy heart, Sarah made the ultimate sacrifice, and the Wendigo disappeared into the night. The deaths in Silver City City stopped, and the town was once again at peace. But Sarah knew that the legend of the Wendigo would live on, a reminder of the consequences of our actions and the power of ancient myths.
As she returned to her normal life, Sarah couldn't help but wonder if the Wendigo was truly gone, or if it was just waiting for the next opportunity to strike. And she couldn't shake off the feeling that she had become a part of the legend herself.
submitted by Hotpot-creations to HotpotAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:59 That-Conversation288 AIO for telling my girlfriend she is insecure and has trust issues?

Hi everyone, To explain, I (22M) have been with my girlfriend (21F) for 2 years now. I love my girlfriend, this is our first adult relationship together, so a lot of these things were new to us during it. I don’t want to sound cocky but i’d like to think i’m a pretty handsome guy, and my girlfriend hates the fact that i’m attractive to other girls. She constantly compares herself to my exes and girls i’ve talked to in the past. Shes always been extremely jealous, she does not like me talking to other girls and or working with girls, constantly says i’m a flirt or that i have other gfs etc. Has told me that i’m probably hiding stuff from her or that I would cheat, Then she says it’s a joke which I know it’s not. She does not like me having any female friends either (which I don’t have any) and gets very upset if I do happen to talk to a female. She will full on ignore me and give me attitude and just be plain out disrespectful towards me as if I cheated on her. She also gets distant and bothered If I hang out with my guys for the night, even tho I never hit the bar or drink with them. One instance is I pulled up a famous singers page to play music, “you find her attractive don’t you?” I don’t answer this question because I know what it’s going to turn into and sure enough she starts probing and asking and asking and finally I just admitted. I had never seen her so upset, again she made it seem like I cheated on her she was furious. I kept trying to reassure her but she would push my arm away and say “ don’t touch me”. She ignored me for the whole night. I try to be as respectful as I can to her and respect our boundaries, but I feel like even that’s not enough After that I snapped and we got into an argument, where I told her she was insecure and had major trust issues. She said that was the meanest thing I could say to her. I really started to wonder what i’m doing wrong, and then I started to ask if it is even my fault ? Is this really what I want for myself? Now I’m here wondering if this behavior is normal in a relationship. I’ve never had a long term relationship up until this one so I wouldn’t know and I would really appreciate everyone’s input, I always try to make sure she is happy and i feel like i’m putting myself last because of it.
Am I overreacting or do I have a right to feel this way?
TLDR: Girlfriend constantly doubts me, thinks i’m cheating, gets extremely upset if i talk to another female and is disgusted that I think other women are attractive. AIO for telling her she’s insecure ?
submitted by That-Conversation288 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:47 abir_valg2718 Praise for Thraxas series by Martin Scott (for fans of Garrett PI)

Thraxas seems to be criminally obscure and underrated, so I thought I'd give it a shout. It's a mix of urban fantasy set in a high fantasy world, and a pulpy detective. Easy to read, short books, light, but not too light. It can be quite humorous at times, but I wouldn't classify it as comedic. If you enjoyed Garrett PI a great deal and wanted something similar - look no further. 12 books in total so far. It's semi-episodic, and the last book finishes an arc, so there's no real cliffhanger there.
Thraxas is a 40-something ex-senior investigator at the imperial palace who got booted due to having one drink too many at the wrong time. Now he's reduced to being a cheap private investigator who lives and operates out of a tavern in a poor part of the town near the harbour. Thraxas has an unlikely sidekick of sorts - Makri, who's a young quarter orc, quarter elf, half human woman, who had recently escaped orcish gladiator pits and has her eyes set on higher education, so she works as a barmaid to make money for the college (it makes more sense than it sounds like, trust me). The series is chiefly set in the city-state of Turai - it's extremely corrupt and it's currently plagued by a drug epidemic.
The book has lots of colourful characters - a disgraced sorcerer who got caught cheating while being in charge of keeping the chariot racing games honest, a creepy female assassin (according to Thraxas, anyway) who constantly keeps visiting Makri in the tavern, the city's most powerful sorceress is hopelessly addicted to a relatively mild drug which she takes to the next level by growing it herself via a special growing spell, and smoking copious amounts of it through a water pipe.
There's gambling, there's drinking, drugs, dead bodies, power hungry city officials, disgusting politics, riots, widespread corruption... But worry not, Thraxas, who is number one chariot at investigating (a self proclaimed one, admittedly), will not let you down. At least as long as he has copious amounts of food and beer in his belly.
Some shortcomings to keep in mind - like always, the first book is a little on the weaker side, however in this case I think the series gets into its stride straight from the second book. The last 4 books were self-published, and, unfortunately, have some proofreading issues. However, aside from this minor annoyance (and it depends on how you're sensitive to this sort of thing, it could be a non-issue to some), their overall quality on par with the rest. Likewise, the DIY look of the covers is a bit odd, but ultimately quite irrelevant, so don't be alarmed by that.
submitted by abir_valg2718 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:43 Leading_End_7274 Protest in PHOENIX ARIZONA to end cat torture in China

Protest in PHOENIX ARIZONA to end cat torture in China
Hello fellow cat lovers, I am posting here because I felt it would be a great place to seek out folks from Phoenix, Arizona who are interested in helping me organize a protest to bring awareness to cat torture gangs in China. I’ve never organized a protest before, however, I am extremely passionate about this cause and after the research I’ve done, the images and videos I’ve seen of these heinous acts, I can not stomach it any longer and will not stand by as millions of cats suffer and die at the hands of depraved monsters who are doing this. As you may know, China does not legislate animal protection laws. Therefor, people who are doing these things are not being punished or receiving justice. It is also virtually impossible for Chinese citizens to protest in their own country and are basically powerless to the depravity these faceless cowards are doing. I am currently compiling flyers with information on how to write the Chinese embassy, contacting Arizona representatives, and locally bringing awareness as much as I can but I need help. I fully believe if we work together we can make a huge difference. I will provide a website link for petitions and for more information on this matter, but please be warned of the images.
submitted by Leading_End_7274 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:40 doublydoubt Is it normal to occasionally steal stuff from stores?

How normal is it to occasionally steal stuff at stores? Specifically at self-checkout, where you pay for almost everything in your basket, but maybe don't scan a thing or two. I mean intentionally, not on accident.
My girlfriend and I had a disagreement recently because she went to the grocery store and did self checkout and didn't pay for a couple of things. She doesn't steal all the time, she said just on occasion, like once every couple months, if she thinks somethings overpriced maybe she'll just put it in her bag without scanning it. Or if shes spending $100 on other stuff, she wont scan a pack of gum or something like that.
I mean I *kinda* get it, I know that the stores aren't really hurting that much from the occasional $5 or $10 or $20 theft. I know that Target or Walmart or Whole Foods are our corporate overlords and fuck 'em. I know that stores account for shrinkage, and that those numbers are high so it must be common. But I kinda figured it was like a small percentage of the population that was stealing a lot. She seems to think like 90% of people are doing the same thing as her.
Maybe it's just me, but I was raised that stealing is wrong, no matter what. I don't care if something is overpriced, if I want it bad enough I'll pay for it and if I decide its not worth the price then I just won't put it in my cart. Something in me just recoils from the thought of stealing. I don't think I'm like a better person or have extremely high morals, I'm just a normal dude. I've cheated on homework and tests occasionally throughout high school and college without a second thought. I will admit, there has been a time or two where I legitimately forgot to scan something so ended up stealing, but I still felt bad about it. And I don't have a big problem with people stealing out of necessity, if they need to feed their family or whatever. But if I have means to pay, I'm gonna be paying for that shit, or else I'd just feel so guilty it would kinda ruin my day.
Am I the weird one??
submitted by doublydoubt to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:39 That-Conversation288 My girlfriend (20F) is disgusted by the idea I (22M) find other women attractive. Questioning if she wants to be with me because of it. What should I do?

Hi everyone, To explain, I have been with my girlfriend for 2 years now. I love my girlfriend, this is our first adult relationship together, so a lot of these things were new to us during it. I don’t want to sound cocky but i’d like to think i’m a pretty handsome guy, and my girlfriend hates the fact that i’m attractive to other girls. She constantly compares herself to my exes and girls i’ve talked to in the past. Shes always been extremely jealous, she does not like me talking to other girls and or working with girls, constantly says i’m a flirt or that i have other gfs etc. Has told me that i’m probably hiding stuff from her or that I would cheat, Then she says it’s a joke which I know it’s not. She does not like me having any female friends either (which I don’t have any) and gets very upset if I do happen to talk to a female. She will full on ignore me and give me attitude and just be plain out disrespectful towards me as if I cheated on her. She also gets distant and bothered If I hang out with my guys for the night, even tho I never hit the bar or drink with them. One instance is I pulled up a famous singers page to play music, “you find her attractive don’t you?” I don’t answer this question because I know what it’s going to turn into and sure enough she starts probing and asking and asking and finally I just admitted. I had never seen her so upset, again she made it seem like I cheated on her she was furious. I kept trying to reassure her but she would push my arm away and say “ don’t touch me”. She ignored me for the whole night. I try to be as respectful as I can to her and respect our boundaries, but I feel like even that’s not enough
After that I snapped and really started to wonder what i’m doing wrong, and then I started to ask if it is even my fault ? Is this really what I want for myself? Now I’m here wondering if this behavior is normal in a relationship. I’ve never had a long term relationship up until this one so I wouldn’t know and I would really appreciate everyone’s input, I always try to make sure she is happy and i feel like i’m putting myself last because of it.
What do you all think of this behavior?
TLDR: Girlfriend constantly doubts me, thinks i’m cheating, gets extremely upset if i talk to another female and is disgusted that I think other women are attractive.
submitted by That-Conversation288 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:21 Spirited_Wolf_3148 What was the "correct" way to find out about the 2nd task in the Triwizard Tournament?

We know that Harry got the information through Cedric's advice and Cedric got to know about the egg from Moody. And while we don't have any idea of how Krum and Fleur got to know about the egg, I think it is safe to assume they came to know it from Karkaroff and Maxime as well. But this wasn't really supposed to be how the tournament works though, right?
The teachers aren't supposed to be helping students, so there must have been some actual way from the clues to reach the idea of hearing the egg's voices below water. Otherwise, what was the point of giving the clue when they could have just had it like the first task where the contestants were supposed to have no idea.
The random idea of hearing a dragon egg underwater seems very fluky to arrive at without any hints. It became more of extreme luck than skill if that was really the case. Was the tournament actually dysfunctional such that cheating was the only legitimate way of finding out about the egg's message, or were there some real clues from the egg that Harry (and subsequently I as a reader) missed?
submitted by Spirited_Wolf_3148 to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:59 AnybodyAlert3403 Dynamons World v1.9.75 MOD APK (Unlimited Coins, Dusts, Discatches)

Dynamons World v1.9.75 MOD APK (Unlimited Coins, Dusts, Discatches)
Name Dynamons World
Publisher Azerion Casual
Genre Role Playing
Size 37MB
Version 1.9.75
MOD Unlimited Coins, Dusts, Discatches
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
Also Join us on telegram
Dynamons World contains an extremely large number of magical creatures. They are called Dynamon and have unique powers and appearances. Players need to collect them and participate in unique battles. The arena in this game is designed for many Dynamons to confront each other and ultimately win. Multiplayer matches give players a more realistic and stressful feeling than usual. The open world in the game also gives you many unique adventures to find the rarest and strongest pets. Try to become the most successful coach of all time.


The Battle Arena promotes competition between players in this game. Many players are mostly interested in the online multiplayer mode. They come here to seek friction, rewards, and the growth of the monsters they are training.
  • Worldwide Battles: Your opponents in this game are truly extremely diverse. Players will encounter players around the world seeking glory for themselves. They will fight in a real-time arena.
  • Compete Against the Best: The monsters in this game have extremely different powers. Each animal has a unique characteristic that represents a type of strategy. Only duels can reveal their strength.
  • Become a Champion: Players will climb the rankings with their monsters. Fighting with other players is an indispensable element. Don’t worry about losing matches. Experience helps you recognize your weaknesses and overcome them.


This monster will exist in the wild for players to find and conquer. They will be very wild and strong when in the wild. The journey to find and conquer them is a completely different story.
  • Unique Dynamons: A Dyno’s power corresponds to its environment. Therefore, players must first understand their strengths. Then, they must use their monsters to fight a solo match. Victory is conquered.
  • Unlock New Skills: Once you own them, you train them to maximize their power. Then, bring these beasts into the arena to unleash their potential.
  • Build the Ultimate Team: Once in battle, you can bring a few monsters with you so they can fight in turns. The battle will only end when all your monsters lose the ability to fight. That means that you must build a team with diverse and equal strengths.


Dynamons World is an open-world game in which you wander many places to become stronger day by day. Players must try their best to find the power to defeat their opponents. The close connection between you and the monsters will also increase coordination in combat. Sometimes, you still narrowly win when you fight with a weaker squad but have good coordination.
  • Expansive World: Many lands with different characteristics will gradually open up for players to explore. Each land will have a different theme; players can freely explore.
  • Uncover the Mystery: Each place has its secrets and story. You must engage in danger to discover and solve the difficulties here.
  • Complete Quests: Quests will continuously be delivered to your inbox. If you do them, you will receive many worthy rewards. Additionally, following quests will give you a path to the story behind everything.
  • Powerful Skills: Thanks to increasing levels, monsters will become stronger through combat. The higher the level, the more they will automatically unlock some special skills. However, they will only get stronger if they fight with opponents. Therefore, for a monster to become stronger, it must be released continuously.
  • Brilliant Tactics: No matter how strong the monsters are, we will lose if we let them fight without a precise plan. If all the monsters belong to one class and are countered by the opponent, you will lose. You must know all the characteristics to devise an accurate strategy before entering combat.
  • Strategic Customization: Besides a monster’s fixed skills, we have the right to make them more unique thanks to Skill Cards. This skill allows you to create unique combos that surprise your opponents. In addition, it partly compensates for loopholes in tactics.
submitted by AnybodyAlert3403 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:34 DocWatson42 SF/F: Monster Hunting/Ghost Busting

My lists are always being updated and expanded when new information comes in—what did I miss or am I unaware of (even if the thread predates my membership in Reddit), and what needs correction? Even (especially) if I get a subreddit or date wrong. (Note that, other than the quotation marks, the thread titles are "sic". I only change the quotation marks to match the standard usage (double to single, etc.) when I add my own quotation marks around the threads' titles.)
The lists are in absolute ascending chronological order by the posting date, and if need be the time of the initial post, down to the minute (or second, if required—there are several examples of this). The dates are in DD MMMM YYYY format per personal preference, and times are in US Eastern Time ("ET") since that's how they appear to me, and I'm not going to go to the trouble of converting to another time zone. They are also in twenty-four hour format, as that's what I prefer, and it saves the trouble and confusion of a.m. and p.m. Where the same user posts the same request to different subreddits, I note the user's name in order to indicate that I am aware of the duplication.
Thread lengths: longish (50–99 posts)/long (100–199 posts)/very long (200–299 posts)/extremely long (300–399 posts)/huge (400+ posts) (though not all threads are this strictly classified, especially ones before mid?-2023, though I am updating shorter lists as I repost them); they are in lower case to prevent their confusion with the name "Long" and are the first notation after a thread's information.
submitted by DocWatson42 to Recommend_A_Book [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:13 Im_just_a_petty_gurl AITA for dumping all of my friends for my boyfriend?

Hi I'm 20F and this happened around 3 years ago. For proper context I will be explaining about my "friends" first. I'm sorry that this is a very longgghg one but I needed to get it out of my chest. Also forgive me for any grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language. I'll start with my 6 year long ex bestie Bee, in short she was a huge pick me. Since the beginning she used to insult me infront of boys to make herself look good. I didn't really realise it back then because I thought that's what friends do. She literally used to drag me around a bunch of boys and would call me fat, crooked legged and eagle nosed. Even my mom and my brother kept asking me to break the friendship but I was too afraid thinking I'll be alone. I always had her back though, she used to come to me crying if she's facing any issues in her life and I was there for her. I started my college around COVID time so the friends I made were through online meetings. Once we all met, we hit it off. It was really great!. My best friend in college was a guy named Shawn. We were really close and one day he came up to me and said "I like someone", me being me started investing who it could be. Then a girl named Penny from our friend group told me that Shawn had told her "someone likes you". I was like YESS I found it! And I did my part and now they are a couple. I was soo happy. After a month or so he came to me and said he wants to break up cuz she's too controlling and jealous and I took her side because I kinda understood her since he was still talking to his ex. It became too frequent though and I just told him do as you please. And one more important thing is her family is extremely strict like she can't even talk to a guy. So in college I used to sit in between them like they asked me to do that teachers don't doubt anything and complain to her parents. But the issue was I had to be around them the entire day and be ignored by them. I didn't mind at first but it got frustrating as time passed. I would try talking to them and they would just ignore me but they didn't want me to sit away from them either. The moment we walked out of college they would walk away from me leaving me alone. Next Anne and Chris. Mann are they messy. Anne had lots of boyfriends but we did not know it back then when we used to talk to her. Chris is a senior who proposed to Anne and she accepted it. One day a random guy texted me and asked me Anne's contact details and I refused to give it. He then sent me the photos of her kissing another guy. I blocked him and texted Anne about this and she accepted she was cheating on Chris. But Chris, Penny, Shawn and me were really close at this point. I told Chris about this and he confronted her, he said when she went to visit her hometown, she asked for a break and that's when the cheating happened and when she came back to City she dumped that guy from village and got back with Chris. Guess what, Anne went to Village again and she ghosted Chris. Chris started texting my then bestie Bee. I told both of them not to grow feelings towards eachother or to talk that much because I knew Chris only wanted to get back at Anne and whereas Bee would use Chris as timepass. I mean yeah it's their life but only I knew this about both of them. They were acting serious and both of them were my friends, i couldn't let them do this to eachother. Well they ignored me. They did complain about eachother a lottttt though and I gave the same advice to stop talking so much. Anne returned from her village and she got to know Chris is talking to Bee. She simply asked him to stop talking to Bee and he DID. He told Bee he doesn't want to talk to her and he texted me "I got my everything (Anne) so I don't need Bee anymore" Bee felt bad and I told her well atleast don't repeat it again because I know he will text you again and Anne will cheat on him again. In between all of this drama I met my boyfriend through a online game. I used to talk to him whenever Shawn and Penny were ignoring me and I stopped caring about them. And yes I had told them I felt very bad many times that they ignore me and for like 2 days when I was around them Penny would say "oh we should talk to her or she will feel bad" and then talk to me. It was embarrassing really. In short my boyfriend is a great guy who moved to my city. Mind you he was just 17 when he moved. He convinced his parents he needed to study in my City for ME. He made me realise how much more i deserved so I just stopped being bothered by my friends. I introduced all of them to eachother so they used to hang out without me as well. Penny asked Shawn to not to talk to me. Chris and Bee started talking again and Anne left Chris again. But both of them would constantly complain about eachother about how much they hate eachother. Another thing about Bee is the guys she was dating were usually my friends. Like I would introduce my friends to her and she would go snatch the boys up and would ask them not to talk to me. I didn't care because I wasn't attracted to those guys anyway. Once I told about my crush and she literally asked me "ask him to follow me hehe". I was like wtf no I can't ask him to do that. She followed him. He asked me "why is your friend following me and sent a message request" I told him the truth cuz I was just fed up with her. He blocked her lol. He told me not to have friends like her. Anyway she started texting my boyfriend as well. She used to say "when you come to City let's go out to eat, buy me that, buy me this blah blah blah". Little did she know I had his account and I knew she wasn't "busy" so she couldn't reply to me. She needed 2k because she borrowed it from her mom to give a random guy lol. He never returned it but she was crying so I asked my bf to lend her 1k for now. He told her "return to my gf in cash since my mom can see my transactions". She ghosted me after he gave her the money. I confronted Shawn and Penny. I told them I don't want to be their friend anymore because I was there for them always and whenever I texted them they would straight up ignore me. There were some rough words. I told Bee about this and I cried because I did share good moments with them. I also told her they are planning an outing for which they will invite Bee just to spite me and told her I'll feel very bad if u go. She went :). I just asked her to return the money asap and wanted to end it all. The thing is they hated eachother so why go and meet them when I am the one who is helping you when you are in need? Not just the money, I was standing up for her in so many occasions.
She said she can send the money online because she knew I can't say ok to that. I asked her cash she ignored me. I kept asking her decently. I got fed up and texted her mom asking the money and then Bee replied saying "don't act so cheap and text my mom" I'm like huh? If I'm cheap then what are you for taking the money and ghosting me? I told her I'm just asking what u owe me so give it. She said ik y you are asking, it's because I went out with them right, i didn't even know u would feel bad. I told her consider the money as charity and get lost. Blocked. Whereas Chris talked shit about my friend group so I fought with him and he said "you are a b'tch and you don't deserve anything". This happened before I broke friendship with Shawn and Penny and they never stood up for me. Shawn and Penny were beside me standing and seeing me arguing with Chris and said nothing. While the only reason I fought was for them. Funny because what happened later proved who deserves what. My boyfriend moved to City (nobody believed he would come). I topped my last 3 semesters(I was tutoring them during exams and wasted my time before. Now both of them were scoring Avg marks and Penny even cried in class after seeing her marks and mine). I got placed in a huge MNC Company (Chris being my senior was working as a janitor in a clinic, not to shame but just saying). Shawn and Penny apologised to me later on for talking to Bee after we broke out friendship because they realised the kind of person she is. Shawn also mentioned that she had asked him for money but he said no even though he had it lol. Chris and Bee were in a short toxic relationship until he dumped her again for Anne. Bee is also now with no real friends or no real boyfriend and was seeing hanging out with her sister on her bday(I used to take her to Cafes). I would have been with them if I hadn't met my Boyfriend. I don't regret the friendship because I did my part as much as I could. So AITA?
submitted by Im_just_a_petty_gurl to u/Im_just_a_petty_gurl [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:09 Im_just_a_petty_gurl AITA for dumping all of my friends for my boyfriend?

Hi I'm 20F and this happened around 3 years ago. For proper context I will be explaining about my "friends" first. I'm sorry that this is a very longgghg one but I needed to get it out of my chest. Also forgive me for any grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language.
Bee: I'll start with my 6 year long ex bestie Bee, in short she was a huge pick me. Since the beginning she used to insult me infront of boys to make herself look good. I didn't really realise it back then because I thought that's what friends do. She literally used to drag me around a bunch of boys and would call me fat, crooked legged and eagle nosed. Even my mom and my brother kept asking me to break the friendship but I was too afraid thinking I'll be alone. I always had her back though, she used to come to me crying if she's facing any issues in her life and I was there for her.
Shawn and Penny: I started my college around COVID time so the friends I made were through online meetings. Once we all met, we hit it off. It was really great!. My best friend in college was a guy named Shawn. We were really close and one day he came up to me and said "I like someone", me being me started investing who it could be.
Then a girl named Penny from our friend group told me that Shawn had told her "someone likes you". I was like YESS I found it! And I did my part and now they are a couple. I was soo happy.
After a month or so he came to me and said he wants to break up cuz she's too controlling and jealous and I took her side because I kinda understood her since he was still talking to his ex. And one more important thing is her family is extremely strict like she can't even talk to a guy. So in college I used to sit in between them like they asked me to do so that teachers don't doubt anything and complain to her parents.
But the issue was I had to be around them the entire day and be ignored by them. I didn't mind at first but it got frustrating as time passed. I would try talking to them and they would just ignore me but they didn't want me to sit away from them either. The moment we walked out of college they would walk away from me leaving me alone.
Anne and Chris: Mann are they messy. Anne had lots of boyfriends but we did not know it back then when we used to talk to her. Chris is a senior who proposed to Anne and she accepted it. One day a random guy texted me and asked me Anne's contact details and I refused to give it. He then sent me the photos of her kissing another guy. I blocked him and texted Anne about this and she accepted she was cheating on Chris.
But Chris, Penny, Shawn and me were really close at this point. I told Chris about this and he confronted her, he said when she went to visit her hometown, she asked for a break and that's when the cheating happened and when she came back to City she dumped that guy from village and got back with Chris.
Guess what, Anne went to her Village again and she ghosted Chris.
Chris started texting my then bestie Bee. I told both of them not to grow feelings towards eachother or to talk that much because I knew both their intentions weren't good. I mean yeah it's their life but They were acting serious and both of them were my friends, i couldn't let them do this to eachother. Well they ignored me. They did complain about eachother a lottttt though and I gave the same advice to stop talking so much.
Anne returned from her village and she got to know Chris is talking to Bee. She simply asked him to stop talking to Bee and he DID.
He told Bee he doesn't want to talk to her and he texted me "I got my everything (Anne) so I don't need Bee anymore" Bee felt bad and I told her well atleast don't repeat it again because I know he will text you again and Anne will cheat on him again.
My boyfriend: In between all of this drama I met my boyfriend through an online game. I used to talk to him whenever Shawn and Penny were ignoring me and I stopped caring about them.
And yes I had told them I felt very bad many times when they ignore me and for like 2 days when I was around them Penny would say "oh we should talk to her or she will feel bad" and then talk to me. It was embarrassing really.
In short my boyfriend is a great guy who moved to my city. Mind you he was just 17 when he moved. He convinced his parents he needed to study in my City for ME. He made me realise how much more i deserved so I just stopped being bothered by my friends. I introduced all of them to eachother so they used to hang out without me as well.
Penny asked Shawn to not to talk to me.
Chris and Bee started talking again and Anne left Chris again. But both of them would constantly complain about eachother about how much they hate eachother.
Another thing about Bee is the guys she was dating were usually my friends. Like I would introduce my friends to her and she would go snatch the boys up and would ask them not to talk to me. I didn't care because I wasn't attracted to those guys anyway. Once I told about my crush and she literally asked me "ask him to follow me hehe". I was like wtf no I can't ask him to do that. She followed him. He asked me "why is your friend following me and sent a message request" I told him the truth cuz I was just fed up with her. He blocked her lol. He told me not to have friends like her.
Anyway she started texting my boyfriend as well. She used to say "when you come to City let's go out to eat, buy me that, buy me this blah blah blah". Little did she know I had his account and I knew she wasn't "busy" so she couldn't reply to me.
She needed 2k because she borrowed it from her mom to give a random guy lol. He never returned it but she was crying so I asked my bf to lend her 1k for now. He told her "return to my gf in cash since my mom can see my transactions". She ghosted me after he gave her the money.
Friendship break:
I confronted Shawn and Penny. I told them I don't want to be their friend anymore, because I was there for them always and whenever I texted them they would straight up ignore me. There were some rough words.
I told Bee about this and I cried because I did share good moments with them. I also told her they are planning an outing for which they will invite Bee just to spite me and told her I'll feel very bad if u go. She went :). I just asked her to return the money asap and wanted to end it all. The thing is they hated eachother so why go and meet them when I am the one who is helping you when you are in need? Not just the money, I was standing up for her in so many occasions.
She said she can send the money online because she knew I can't say ok to that. I asked her cash she ignored me. I got fed up and texted her mom asking the money and then Bee replied saying "don't act so cheap and text my mom". I'm like huh? If I'm cheap then what are you for taking the money and ghosting me? I told her I'm just asking what u owe me so give it. She said "ik why you are asking, it's because I went out with them right, i didn't even know u would feel bad" Then I said "consider the money as charity and get lost". Blocked.
Whereas Chris talked shit about my friend group so I fought with him and he said "you are a b'tch and you don't deserve anything". This happened before I broke friendship with Shawn and Penny and they never stood up for me. Shawn and Penny were beside me standing and seeing me arguing with Chris and said nothing. While the only reason I fought was for them. Funny because what happened later proved who deserves what.
  1. My boyfriend moved to City (nobody believed he would come).
  2. I topped my last 3 semesters(I was tutoring them during exams and wasted my time before. Now both of them were scoring Avg marks and Penny even cried in class after seeing her marks and mine).
  3. I got placed in a huge MNC Company (Chris being my senior was working as a janitor in a clinic, not to shame the job but just saying for the words he told me).
  4. Shawn and Penny apologised to me later on for talking to Bee after we broke our friendship because they realised the kind of person she is.
  5. Shawn also mentioned that she had asked him for money but he said no even though he had it lol.
  6. Chris and Bee were in a short toxic relationship until he dumped her again for Anne.
  7. Bee is also now with no real friends or no real boyfriend and was seeing hanging out with her sister on her bday(I used to take her to Cafes and she's the type of person who loves lavish parties, not hanging out with her sister). I would have been with them if I hadn't met my Boyfriend. I don't regret the friendship because I did my part as much as I could.
EDIT: The reason I am asking if AITA is because all of them and few mutuals told me it was wrong of me to dump them just because I had a boyfriend now and should have kept working on the friendship like I used to do before
submitted by Im_just_a_petty_gurl to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]
