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2017.10.02 04:09 hunters144 Golden Kamuy

A subreddit all about the manga and anime "Golden Kamuy" by Noda Satoru.

2013.07.19 23:41 asweetlegend Yakuza Games

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2014.09.09 20:45 josetavares Apple Music

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2024.05.15 14:47 Many-Warning1719 My F18 boyfriend M18 used to make fun of me with his friends. It’s been awhile, but is it still worth it to reconsider the relationship?

I had this long-standing issue with my boyfriend where he would use bigoted words and phrases to joke with his friends and i would repeatedly ask him to reevaluate the use of these words and ask him to stop. He never actually had any biases against the groups he would make insensitive jokes about but he did it for shock humor. This deeply bothered me as he was contributing on a small scale to the stereotypes and discrimination of these people. I have to say I seriously asked him to stop about 3-4 times and would casually mention it quite often.
Eventually this all culminated in a family trip I went on with him and his family. I impulsively decided to ask about if he’d made any progress with his vocabulary, and he admitted that he had been lying to me and never even attempted to change his behavior. I sobbed for hours and honestly looking back I would have ended the relationship if it werent for us having to see each other the remaining 3 days of the trip.
A lot of time has passed and he changed his behavior and I’m pretty sure he definitively stopped making offensive jokes, but i was looking through his old texts (with his permission) and found out that back then, he was not only lying to me, but also making fun of me with his friends. For example, one conversation i saw was along the lines of this:
His friends: is (my name) there?
My boyfriend: Nope!
(and then him and all his friends would make racist jokes)
Even though the problem has been resolved, seeing this has just opened new wounds and I’m slightly put off by the idea of even seeing him right now. It just hurts that he’d laugh at me like that while acting like he loved me. It makes me feel like he never took me seriously and makes me doubt that he even does now. Is it even worth talking about? It’s such old business and there isn’t even anything he could do about it because it’s in the past. I feel like it would be stupid to break up with him over this at this point.
Otherwise our relationship is pretty good. I don’t feel negative feelings when I’m with him and we get into an occasional argument but nothing that serious. He’s very loving but the biggest issue is that he’s very avoidant of his issues, and I think that included his hesitancy to change his vocabulary. Right now I’m having a similar issue with him where he keeps putting off attending therapy despite my repeated asking of him to. Should we break up? Should we take a break? Should i give him an ultimatum? Should I wait a little longer? I don’t know.
For context we have been together for about a year and a half and the argument we had on that family trip was 6 months ago.
TLDR: My boyfriend lied to be about trying to fix his behavior and made fun of me with his friends, but since changed his behavior. I’m just now realizing how messed up his behavior was and reconsidering our relationship.
submitted by Many-Warning1719 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:46 Prestigious_Cut9510 MB on a power trip

I’ve been nannying for about a year. I’m a full time student in my final year of study so signed up to help NF four days a week after school. However they expect a lot of me, especially as I’m not working full time. One of the 3 NK’s has autism and pretty severe ADHD, making him VERY difficult, however, I’ve built a pretty strong relationship and trust with him over the past year. Both the parents are very successful, in high paying jobs. MB was nice at first although a bit intense, however over the past few months she has become more and more passive aggressive. When she’s working from home she will directly undermine my authority. For example, if one of the kids is being difficult and she hears me enforcing punishment (which she has told me to do) such as taking away their iPad or giving time out until homework is complete, she will pull NK aside and bribe them with sweets - which makes me the bad guy and her the good guy. Recently NP’s discovered that NK (11) has being lying about his homework, and as of 2 days ago she created a whole new set of rules for me to enforce - all of this was communicated over text and I honestly had very little information on what had happened. MB also seems to use very harsh discipline when I’m not there as NK is essentially terrified of her. Basically I’ve been put in a very difficult spot where she has undermined all my authority so NK sees me as a friend more than a caregiver and doesn’t respect my authority at all (I’m also 19 which doesn’t help). Today after 1 day of implementing this extensive list of rules, she sent me a very passive aggressive text “reiterating” the rules which she believed I had not implemented. She said NK had not done his homework and they had had a horrible time trying to get him to do it (if they can’t I’m not sure how they expect me to be able to) When I politely responded explaining that I had been strict with him but was lacking communication about what was expected of him, she replied back basically accusing NK of being a manipulator and liar, and apologised for him being so difficult to shift the blame off her. She also basically ignores me when I’m there and treats me like ‘the help’. I want to confront her and say I don’t feel that I’m being respected enough, or receiving the communication I need to be in the loop. Is she out of line or am I being dramatic?
submitted by Prestigious_Cut9510 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:45 kittycatcuddles666 AITAH for not wanting my stepdaughter to wear a particular shirt?

My husband (early 30s) had a kid when he was a teenager, my SD (14f). He was a single parent until I (early 30s) came into the picture about 7 years ago. I stepped up and filled a "mom" role, and my SD now calls me one of her parents. I'm listed with the school as a parent and do everything a blood-related parent would do. SD's bio-mom only visits about once per year, if that, and occasionally talks to SD through text message.
My husband and I are generally on the same page when it comes to parenting. We give SD $50/week for an allowance, have chore expectations that include cleaning the cat litter and taking out the trash, and expect her home after school by 5pm unless she arranges for a later time with us. The main point of contention in our relationship is the clothes SD wears to school. For context, we have no rules about what she wears inside the house, but outside of the house she has to look like she's wearing bottoms (she was into a style where shirts were longer than the shorts/skirt worn underneath), she has to dress appropriately for the weather (coats in the winter, etc.), and she can't have visible underwear. Everything else is free game.
SD doesn't often wear clothes that I think are inappropriate. However, there is one shirt I bought for her that has become a huge source of argument between my husband and I. It's a black, backless, crop top t-shirt almost identical to this one: https://www.amazon.com/Coloquin-Women-Sleeve-Ribbed-Backless/dp/B0CFVJXH36 . When I bought it, I didn't realize that it was backless. I discussed the shirt with her after it arrived and told her that I wasn't comfortable with her wearing it outside of the house unless she layered it with a cami so that her bra wasn't showing. She agreed, and my husband also had subsequent conversations with her about the shirt when she wanted to wear it out the house.
This year SD started high school and has been wearing the shirt to school with nothing but a black lace bra underneath. Because the shirt is backless, the entire back side of the bra is visible. My stance has remained the same - she can wear the shirt at home any way she wants or she can wear it out of the house if she wears it in a way that does not expose her bra. My husband's stance seems to have evolved, though. He now believes that limiting SD's style will lead to resentment and a poor relationship, and that it's not a big deal because that's the style these days. He had a similar stance when SD wanted to start wearing corsets to school as an accessory.
I have a few concerns with SD wearing this shirt. First, I think that my husband and I should be teaching SD the importance of dressing for different contexts. Regardless of how ridiculous it is, people treat others differently based on their appearance and whether that appearance aligns with societal expectations for the given situation. For example, there's technically nothing wrong with wearing ripped jeans, Docs, and a Metallica shirt to visit grandparents but that doesn't mean it's the right time and place for them (speaking from experience). I think that SD should be learning how to dress in a way that expresses her sense of style in different contexts during a time in her life where the consequences for not doing so are minor. She's not risking losing a job, for example.
Second, having been a teenage girl, I know that adult men see teenagers dressed in certain ways as an invitation. I don't want to put SD at risk simply because of the clothes she wears. While it's true that men being creepy is never a kid's fault, and that those situations can arise regardless of what someone is wearing, I also know society is incredibly patriarchal and gives a lot of leeway to men - especially if their targets are dressed in a way they perceive as provocative. SD has already experienced some trauma in this department (we have had her in therapy already) and I don't want her to have heightened chances of experiencing this again. The risk v. reward balancing test leans too heavy towards risk, in my opinion, when wearing backless shirts that expose half of the lace bra she's wearing.
Finally, and somewhat related to my first concern, just because the school doesn't say anything does not mean the shirt is appropriate. SD's school has *no* dress code, and so students are free to wear whatever they want. I'm generally in favor of this, as I think schools overpolice girls while giving boys next-to-no rules about what to wear. However, just because there is no dress code does not mean that all clothes are equal. For example, I've worked at jobs without dress codes but I still would not have been able to wear a leather harness over my clothes without risking a write-up (something that SD has expressed an interest in). There's a value in learning how to operate when there aren't clearly defined boundaries that cannot be crossed. Not every situation is suitable for taking fashion risks, and school is, unfortunately, one of those places where it's best to err on the side of caution.
AMITAH here for not wanting SD to wear this shirt to school with a lace bra?
submitted by kittycatcuddles666 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:35 reddit_lss_2 New Poll for 15/5/2024 08:34:17

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2024.05.15 14:34 Puzzleheaded-Rub3122 My bipolar friend blocked me because I told them that they made me feel uncomfortable

I’m sharing this because I really wanna know what You would do in my place, whether I did the right thing and can I be mad at my friend
English isn’t my first language, sorry for any mistakes (kinda long text? mentions of selfharm, SA) I hope I explained my situation clearly. If any points are unclear, ask me
Today, my friend sent a photo of selfharm on Telegram in the morning, but they didn't write anything else (it was just a photo) and we didn’t communicate for several weeks. I was slightly confused when I saw the photo, even though they could have just sent photos of their sh in the middle of our conversation many times earlier and I always tried to comfort them. But I think what they did today is too much. They said to me that they have bipolar disorder and I understand that in this way, people with mental illnesses want to receive support
However, when I wanted to get support from him, as I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, which I wrote to him about on another messenger a several weeks ago, he read my messages and did not respond. Besides, he did not congratulate me on my birthday, which was the day before yesterday, but he remembers the date exactly I think? since a few months ago he asked me about it. (Ok I know that’s a dumb reason to be resent but still that a little bit hurt me, also I bought them ps5 because they asked me to buy it for them many times so I did it, though I was saving money for a gift for myself)
Generally we've been friends for 3 years and he was a very good person and I love them as a friend, but about 6 months he's been acting weird, for example, he joked about sex when i told them that i was almost sa’d and he could made jokes about my insecurities. I told my friends about them and they said that I should to stop communicating with them, as their behavior seemed very annoying to them. But I don’t blame them for their disorder because they are most likely just having a manic period
Although I still decided to message him that his sudden photo of sh made me feel uncomfortable. In response, he messaged “Ok” and cleared the chat for both (that means the chat is cleared for me too) and blocked me. I regret that I messaged to him about this, as I still appreciated our friendship, because earlier they really was the sweetest friend who always lifted my mood. I want to apologize to them but I can't get in touch with them in any way :(
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Rub3122 to mentalillness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:33 reddit_lss_2 Original post test for 15/5/2024 08:33:14

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2024.05.15 14:32 Vincentsmom95 This week has been weird and I need to share it

Hey guys!! Been a fan for a long time, I love watching the show! Never really catch your lives because its night here, but I watch it the next day, however long those are, also love the comments and the engagement this community has!
So, I am in a mooooood today, and I feel like sharing my week, mostly because I recieved some texts I feel like should be read and made fun of (sorry if that sounds mean)
I am an anthropologist (29f) doing my doctorate and I have been doing fieldwork, which means i meet a lot of people, and I ask them to introduce me to other people. Due to the context i am working on, this means i meet a lot of older males (i work with fishing communities). they are usually very nice, very sweet and respectful, treat me as a daughter or grandaughter even, some add me on facebook. I have gotten close over the years with some, especially a 87 year old friend whom i call frequently just to check up on him, just as an example
two weeks ago i met this fisherman (48M) who i created a good friendship with, we became close, and he asked for my number so we can arrange lunch with his dad. great! Also it became clear from the beginning that this person is very in need to chat. Which is great since i am a quiet person, but we are talking full monologues. Almost never did this person ask something about me, or if he did he would interrupt. Which is fine, i dont give many details unless i am asked. this might sound weird but it is important to establish trust. Last week i spent my whole week in the field. The conversation also evolved to him complaining about his marriage, since the wife is drunk. I said something about being a clear pattern since his mother was also an alcoholic and he now thinks im some sort of psyquiatrist, even called me late at night one day to complain she was drunk. I should not have picked up the phone, I know
So a few months ago i was invited from a foreign university to attend a writting retreat with other academics, financed by this university, which is a great opportunity. I even sold my taylor swift eras tour concert because i decided to attend this retreat and had my plane tickets already
BUT MY VISA WAS DENIED. and i am now pissed at life and trying to figure it out. also this weekend had a funeral for another fisher friend who was 73 , so i havent been in the right headspace maybe thats why i am making this crazier than it is, you'll be the judge
This fisher (48M) was with me when i got the visa email last week, so that situation in my life he knows about
But i am teaching a class tomorrow, and dealing with this visa thing so I haven't been to the field this week (today is wednesday). And i got these texts from the fisher (i am going to translate them AND KEEPING THE DOTS)
Keep in mind he texted me something about drinking tea and i ignored him because it was sunday and he got mad btw. these were send yesterday
"May i know whats up with you? hello..." (didnt respond) "I just missed you... You havent said anything....thats all.... oh well....I guess i got used to you..... you're right.... forget it... it's fine... kiss"
my response: "you're right? forget it?" what? I am working
"You're right...... im sorry.... I thought about you 500 times today, and I know how you must be busy and worried... but i thought you might want to talk to be.... get it off your chest... I was wrong... its fine... I won't bother you....take care..."
I MEAN WHAT sounds like a 15 year old insecure boyfriend, this man has a wife and two kids and hasnt met me longer than two weeks
and the dots, wtf
I will start focusing on other people on my friendwork, this is crazy
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest and wish me luck with... well, life
submitted by Vincentsmom95 to okopshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:31 daniabear How difficult is it to find a spouse

I'm a 25 year-old Muslim woman who lives in a country that has a very diverse religious culture and society, so half the majority are Muslim of both sects, half are Christians, and some others are druze etc..
In my community a lot of the Muslims drink and party and do a lot of haram things, so I never do get along with them. When we start texting all these red flags pop up and so I quickly stop replying back to them because I know I wouldn't want a person like that in my life, epecially not a future husband (example: I know a lot of them have sex and some even add me on their private story where they post themselves partying and drinking). But, when I do get along with people, it's the Christians who don't drink or have tattoos or party or do "haram" things etc... so therein lies the problem.
I can't be with Muslims who do all those haram things, and I can't be with Chrsitians coz of the religious differnece, and the druze people are kinda in the middle coz they call themselves Muslim but they're not really.
How hard can it be to find a pious Muslim religious man? It seems like it is getting harder and harder.
submitted by daniabear to Muslim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 CouponTheMovie How to use document with rules to evaluate user input

Hello! I'm trying to figure out how to use a document's content to perform analysis on user input. For example, if I have a document full of state educational standards, I'd like to know which standard is appropriate for user input.
For example - if the input is "I can read a comic book, but I make some mistakes", I'd like the output to be "According to the document, I would classify this as a novice reading activity".
RAG doesn't seem like the right approach for this one since I'm not asking questions about the document, and instead I'm using it for analysis rules. It seems like I'd need to put the entirety of the text of the doc into the prompt. While the doc is short, it's still a lot of the same tokens used repeatedly. As a programmer, that repetition drives me nuts.
I'm using an OpenAI Assistant for this at the moment, but I don't think that solution scales (and it is kind of slow, how it works with runs).
Any advice would be more than welcome! :)
submitted by CouponTheMovie to learnmachinelearning [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:26 reddit_lss_2 New Poll for 15/5/2024 12:25:40

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2024.05.15 14:24 lssqa3433 Test for Text PDS UI for 15/5/2024 12:23:40

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2024.05.15 14:23 lssqa3433 Multiple post test for 15/5/2024 12:21:55 #2

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2024.05.15 14:22 lssqa3433 Multiple post test for 15/5/2024 12:21:55 #1

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2024.05.15 14:21 Mountain_Video9303 Why do i make up extreme lies? am i a pathological liar?

My whole life i have lied about things big and small but ive never had any intentions behind lying, such as to manipulate people or to get attention ect.. (this might be a long read but it’s all important info)
It started of as small things like in elementary school we were watching a video about professional bastekballers, i lied and said one of them was my cousin. I didn’t do it to get attention i just did and i don’t know why. (Obviously no one believed me)
One time in elementary, i was scratched by my dog and sent a picture of it to my friend saying “My dog scratched me” but in those quotes, implying that i SH. (It looked like if u scratch urself w ur fingernail) they obviously got very upset and our friendship ended,,not before me messaging her on PINTEREST apologising. I don’t know why i did that i just did it without any thoughts of “i shouldn’t send this” it was just impulsive/reflex. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Then i started to lie more frequently e.g., if someone asked me a question like “ Have you ever done..{insert topic},or have u ever watched {insert topic}” i would respond w a lie. Those are just examples because i can’t remember every single lie i’ve told especially small ones. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As i’ve gotten older, i’m 19 now. I’ve lied about more extreme things.
I can’t remember much of my childhood, only “core” memories that randomly pop up in my mind; but i don’t have a concept of time w these memories,, idk how old i was when they happened. if i see a picture or if someone in my family mentions a story i can then remember it but only with the detail they provide.
For some background information, i have been verbally abused by my mother and she has suffered with depression and ‘manic??’ episodes my whole life.
When i was younger our relationship was very bad (still is) and we would get into yelling matches almost every day. These were me being yelled at for doing normal things a CHILD would do such as, sleeping in on accident, forgetting to bring something to school ect. And practically any chance she would get to have an argument with me.
She would scream things like “Your worthless, your useless , your a b*tch and ungrateful child, your fucked in the head” ect. She would say things along those lines to me almost every day for several years of my life. I couldn’t give you an age timeline as i can’t remember how old i was when it started happening.
I also have an older brother who’s always have a good relationship w my mum, she only treats me like this (i’m austisic and i’ve been told that’s why we “clash”) My mum was physically abused as a child and homeless around my age. She definitely hasn’t “healed” from it and still doesn’t know how to regulate her emotions and communicate effectively. My dad excuses her behaviour when i try to talk about how it has affected me by saying “it’s the depression, or the way her childhood was and she tries to be better!, she regrets what she says to me and loves me so much” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now to probably the worst lie i’ve told. I need to tell some background info tho for it to make sense! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It all happened when i was on 🍃 and at a park with a group of people,, two of my close friends, let’s call them G & B, G’s boyfriend J. 4 guys friends w J including K who G worked with and i was “close with” for 6 months. i will try not to go into lots of detail bcoz if i did this post would be super long.
K was very manipulative towards me, well that is what my two friends G & B would tell me. I could provide screenshots of me and K’s conversations but i won’t, to protect privacy. Me and B hung out with K a few times to sesh and i would talk to K frequently on snap mostly about mental health related things.
He let me vent and explain how i felt and would give me advice as he was older, more experienced and struggled himself. I had a crush on him, he didn’t like me back but we stayed friends.
I discovered i didn’t actually like him and it was just Limerance. We had lots of arguments i can’t remember what about bcoz there was so many. One i remember was he dropped my friend B because she had BPD like him but “didn’t try to manage herself”; not related to that, i started to feel a sense of “hatred” towards B and the way they treated me as a friend in certain situations. I would complain abt them to K often and K would tell me to drop B. i did this while i was still best friends with B.
Me and B’ friendship almost ended because K told them to like get a grip and manage their BPD and treat me better. I liked to B and told them “i’ve never told K anything bad abt them only abt one situation which i’m over and i told u i told K. “ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary of it all i’m no longer friends w K and no one ik has been for a good 7-8 months. I will include some “quotes” they said to me in one our last convo (there was another situation after this but if i include it’ll be too long) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “I know that to you, you genuinely think all of the stuff you said was happening is, that's how mental illness works cos i was the same” ; “This is so funny that you think it's somehow my responsibility to control your emotions and attachments”
“You just expect me to cut u off and somehow manage ur attachment for you, you need to manage ur own attachments” ; “You usually accuse me of things unjustly but i've done that to ppl before when i was your age so i understood” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After some thought i realise that K might’ve been right about me and my friends were (partially) wrong abt him being manipulative and a bad person. Yes they’ve seen the texts and conversations and the quotes above.
It’s eating at me that i acted this way towards K because it’s embarrassing.
I have to end this story here because it’ll get to long even tho i want to include it all!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back to the park. We were all talking abt life events that have happened to us and i told everyone there that i “had a huge secret ive never told anyone”.
“When i was a young child my dad told my mum to get bread out of the freezer to defrost and then make my sandwich for school. When my dad had left my mum complained and started yelling at me because I’m old enough to make my own goddam food. It got heated and she threw the loaf of bread at this glass cabinet i was next to, the glass shattered everywhere and cut my foot. i started to cry and scream, which made her angrier. She picked up a shard and tried to un*live me.” i won’t go into detail of the last bit of the lie i said.
Now this did actually happen apart form the very last bit. When i was telling this lie i didn’t have any intentions behind making it up. It just all came to me and out of my mouth as i was saying it,, kinda like i was read a book and just continuing to read.
I understand that this isn’t something to be lied about. I knew i was lying when i said it/after. I cannot tell people that it is a lie especially because i am still friends with G & B. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last week i had a conversation with B about it as i mentioned i think i want to start going to therapy.
My reason for wanting to start therapy (this isn’t the only reason why i want to go and not the only time i’ve considered it) was that i got so annoyed by something my mum had done i was thinking everything would be better if she was just 💀. And how i went spiraling wondering if i was a psychopath for thinking/imagining me doing it.
My friend told me that im not a psychopath because i wouldn’t m*rder my mother cold blooded and have no remorse. And something along the lines of she hasn’t done anything to drive me to do that. I brought up the “Incident” (the lie) and B asked me to say what happened again because they forgot.
I told it in the same detail as i did to them before but i said “it’s kinda uncomfortable to type” they said it’s okay i don’t have to ( keep in mind my friend has experienced very traumatic things and wouldn’t get uncomfortable with hearing) and you saying that it’s uncomfortable proves ur not a psychopath.
It wasn’t uncomfortable for me to say, i felt awkward because i knew i was lying again. I know that no one “normal” lies about things like this.
I most of the lies i’ve told especially this one because i have to live with this now for the rest of my life. Telling my friends the truth is not an option, i don’t know how they would react and i would end up with no friends, isolated and excluded from society around me. Maybe that is what i deserve because I’ve lied abt something so horrible and intricately aswell.
I’ve also lied about being SA, i have never falsely accused anyone. I told the lie without saying the “person” who did it because i “didn’t know”. I regret doing this and if i could go back and somehow pause the part of my brain that wires me to lie i would.
I don’t think i’m a psychopath, i have empathy for others,,atleast i think it do?? I tell my friends and family that i love them and display affection towards people. I’ve been in multiple romantic situationships but never a proper relationship.
The idea of cuddling with a partner, talking to them every day and doing lovey dovey couples stuff makes me uncomfortable and i would be awkward doing so.
I’ve always had to question if i actually liked/loved someone as i know the definition of loving someone and how it’s shown but i don’t know if i feel it. I don’t know how to tell if i feel love or how to tell if i like someone romantically.
I do have autism which can be linked with a lack of empathy. Now that i think about it i can’t tell if I’m empathetic. My dad had skin cancer and had to have reconstruction surgery for it, i didn’t feel sad at the possibility of him dying or from seeing him in the hospital bed.
When we visited him my other family members were crying or very emotional. It’s not that i wished he had cancer and died i just didn’t feel any sort of emotion toward it.
My best-friends, i love them dearly? if either of them died i would definitely be sad, but I’m not sure if my “feeling sad” is the “normal” like if they passed away i would miss them giving me advice, conversations, moments and hangouts together and the fact we couldn’t make anymore memories.
I feel a deep connection with animals and love to be in their presence. although when i was very young after seeing my mum always kick, punch or push my pets for their “bad behaviour “ when my cat broke something in my room i attempted to str*ngle it. I regret that deeply and would never do that ever again. Ever. If i had to chose between never doing that and erasing my existence i would.
I guess what i’m asking is if anyone who has similar experience of lying without knowing why or if anyone has any advice on what i should do please help!
I understand a therapist would be good to tell this all too but i am afraid of the consequences/admitting i lied about horrible things. I know that im a horrible person for doing this, i dont think better of myself for lying.
i would do absolutely anything to go back and have never told a lie.
If anyone can help me i would really appreciate it and definitely implement strategies to become a better person and hopefully never lie again.
If anyone has an idea of whats “Wrong with me” please share, be harsh, be honest, be mean if you want to. If there is “something wrong with me” i will definitely try to get professional help when i can or is there a much harder way to resolve “myself” on my own.
submitted by Mountain_Video9303 to psychopath [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:13 Ephine Patch 14.10 Bug Megathread

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Confirming the status of bugs and fixes on a new patch is also appreciated.

Patch notes

Patch 14.6 Patch 14.7 Patch 14.8 Patch 14.9 Patch 14.10
Below is a continuous list of currently identified bugs:
Description Details Link Patch Status
Tactician's Crowns sometimes bench your entire board Seems to be related to Tactician's Crowns Link Link 14.6 Fixed 14.7
Call to Chaos rewards are different from whats stated Text bugs Link 14.6 Fixed 14.7
Senna cast fizzles if her target dies during her cast Have Senna's target die as she hits full mana. The spell will be cast at the dead unit's location. (May be the expected behavior) Link 14.6 Fixed 14.8
Wandering Vendor can spawn with 2 Zz'rot, but only 1 voidling spawns Either 2 should spawn or Vendors should only generate with 1 Zz'rot Link 14.6 Unique item now
Kayle revival sometimes stops fights entirely Link Clip 14.6 May be fixed 14.8 (can no longer revive tentacle)
Yone skill stopped from casting after getting ulted by Udyr Yone had QSS Link Youtube 14.6 May be fixed 14.8
Rakan ulted multiple times in succession Did not have to wait for mana to regen before ulting. Link 14.6
Masterwork Upgrade can cause a unit to become unsellable Use it on a unit with an item mid-fight Link 14.6 Fixed 14.9
If you get a free roll from Primatic Reroll and wait til the next round, the free reroll is wasted May be intended? Link 14.6
Hwei's artist bench slot counter can overflow from 9 to 0. Place a component anvil on it to stall the counter Link 14.6
If you get Udyr encounter while you have an armory up you can block your shop Happens if you fail to select a item in time Link 14.6
Unit vanished from board as combat starts May be related to Caretaker's Ally Link 14.6
Recombobulator missed a unit Happened during randomized augment timing portal Link 14.6 May be fixed 14.8
Pick of the Litter only granted 1 unit Bag sizes? Link 14.6
Its possible to stack Kayle and Target Dummy on the same hex Link 14.6
Temporary items from encounters can turn into permanent Support Anvils with Fine Vintage Link 14.7 No longer possible but may still exist
Tactician's Crowns can be reforged May require Trash to Treasure 14.7
After casting, if Yone's original hex is occupied when he is supposed to return, he can bug out Link 14.7
Lucky Ricochet extra bounce may be bugged sometimes Link 14.7
Instant huge damage Not sure! Link Clip Clip 14.6
Slammin' sometimes doesn't work No items on item bench or unit bench 14.6
Yone and Udyr could CC through Quicksilver Fixed 14.8
Build a Pal gives 3 2 star 1 costs, and the orbs can turn into gold if your bench is full Either give a 3 star straight up or don't turn into gold if your bench is full 14.7
Teemo sometimes cancels an AA after casting Link 14.8
Stage 5 PVE dragon didn't drop an item after being killed. Maybe due to being killed by Lissandera? Link 14.8
If you roll while travelling to another player's board, your board isn't considered when determining what units show up in your shop For example, a unit you 3 starred can appear. Maybe this could also apply to things like Headliners Link
Temporal Hwei from Lilia encounter can't duplicate units on your bench The bench slot is highlighted Link 14.8
Sett's Fated effect applies omnivamp to item damage as well Put a Sunfire Cape on Thresh and watch Youtube 14.8 Fixed and adjusted 14.9
Little Buddies doesn't apply to Xayah or Rakan The bonuses show up when they are on the bench Link 14.8
Nautilus sometimes ults towards sideline units (the other of Xayah/Rakan) Sometimes he ults backwards too? Link 14.8
Entire lobby couldn't use items Game ID included Link 14.8
Using Masterwork Upgrade on a unit then removing its items will give you the radiant item for free 14.8 Fixed 14.9
If Xayah and Rakan have Accomplice's Gloves and roll a Zz'rot, you can have two voidspawns Change their form during planning phase Link 14.8
Carousel not respecting unit pools A 10th Hwei shows up on carousel Link Clip 14.8
During portal selection, you can step off a portal option right as picking starts; if the picker selects someone who's not standing on a portal, there will be no portal ("nil_name") Link 14.9
submitted by Ephine to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:12 Adeptus_Gedeon Few Lovecraftian inspirations from real life and beliefs (mainly for RPG)

The article is intended primarily for Game Masters who play games in systems inspired by Lovecraft’s works, such as Call of Cthulhu or Delta Green. However, I hope that other fans of cosmic horror will also find something for themselves here. The interesting facts presented here may also be entertaining for people who do not know the work of The Loner of Providence, but some of the references may be unclear to them. The article contains several anecdotes – either from real history or from beliefs that exist in the real world, and suggestions on how they can be related to the Cthulhu mythology. So read about:
Invasion of the Sea Peoples
Ancient, super-advanced, fallen civilizations are one of the favorite motifs of fantasy. And truth be told, something similar happened in real history. Of course, in reality, the fallen civilizations did not have sci-fi supertechnology at their disposal, but their collapse still led to great destabilization. We are talking about the invasion of the so-called Sea Peoples, which took place at the turn of the 13th and 12th centuries BC. The Sea Peoples are mobile and warlike groups of people of unknown origin. They caused the collapse of several advanced cultures, including: Mycenaean and Hittite. Only the Egyptians managed to defeat them in a great battle. Well, the material for Lovecraftian inspiration is obvious. A mysterious army, coming out of nowhere, called the „Sea Peoples”, leading to the fall of the most powerful human civilizations at that time? Let us add that, according to some historians, the descendants of the Sea Peoples destroyed by the Egyptians were the Philistines. Yes, the same Philistines, one of whose main deities was the well-known Dagon to Lovecraftomaniacs… Deep Ones say hello. Let us also add that, according to Egyptian records, the tribes of the Sea Peoples had names such as Ekvesh, Teresh, Lucki, Sherden, Shekelesh, Tekel and Peleset. Sounds suitably dark, blasphemous and filthy? If we want to dig deeper, one of the pharaohs who ruled Egypt was Akhenaten – yes, that heretic who tried to replace the worship of traditional Egyptian gods with the religion of the Aten and who is very much liked by conspiracy theorists. Let’s add to the mix that Middle Eastern cultures had quite a negative attitude towards the sea as such. Babylonian Marduk had to defeat the giant monsters of Chaos – Apsu and Tiamat, personifications of fresh and salt waters, respectively. The Bible also contains traces of the myth about the fight between Yahweh and Leviathan, and the Book of Revelation, describing the new, ideal world, emphasizes that „I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.” Let’s assume that the players are researchers of an antiquity – historians, archaeologists, etc. They conduct research on the Sea Peoples. Of course, as common sense dictates, they assume that these were human warriors. However, as time goes on, more and more evidence appears that they were not completely human again, and the evidence of their monstrosity becomes increasingly difficult to put down to the demonization that Egyptian chroniclers used against their enemies… It becomes clear that an onslaught of inhuman and semi-human monsters came from the sea. , trying to conquer the world of that time. Moreover, after their defeat at the hands of the Egyptians, this species did not become extinct, but instead of open conquest it switched to cautious infiltration. Perhaps the Deep Ones have spies in academia who are tasked with eliminating historians who find the trail of truth…
Oh, one more interesting fact connecting the history of the Sea Peoples with Lovecraft. Well, as we know, HPL liked to use the term „Cyclopean” for huge, monumental buildings. At least he didn’t come up with it himself. Well, when the later (and at first more primitive) inhabitants, the Dorians, saw the ruins of destroyed castles left by the Mycenaean culture, they came to the conclusion that such huge buildings could not have been built by human hands, so they were probably the work of mythical giants – cyclopes.
Typhon – a classic but forgotten abomination
Modern works drawing on Greek mythology usually make Hades (completely senseless) or Kronos (a little more) the Big Bad, but they forget about Zeus’s greatest enemy – Typhon. After defeating the titans and then the gigants, the Olympian gods had to face the main boss on the way to dominating the world – Typhon. Here is an example of its description: It was larger than the largest mountains, its head touched the stars. When he stretched out his hands, one reached the eastern ends of the world and the other reached the western ends. Instead of fingers, he had a hundred dragon heads. From the waist down he had a tangle of vipers (yay, tentacles!) and wings at his shoulders. His eyes were shooting out flames. In other versions of the myth, Typhon was a flying, hundred-headed dragon. In any case – appearance and stature worthy of the Great Old One. Typhon attacked Olympus, and all the gods except Zeus fled in panic. The supreme god took up the fight… and lost it. Only in the second duel did he manage to defeat Typhon, but not kill him – he only imprisoned him, hitting him with Etna. In the sense of a mountain. A volcano – and volcanic activity is the result of Typhon’s anger, trying to break free. Typhon equaled the lord of heaven not only in strength, but in fertility. His wife was Echidna, about whom Hesiod wrote: „She also gave birth to another creature, invincible, huge, unlike neither men nor immortal gods, in a hollow cave – the divine violent Echidna, half a sharp-eyed young girl, with beautiful cheeks, half a huge snake, a great and powerful, spotted, cruel – in the depths of the holy land. This pair spawned many, if not most, of the monsters found in Greek mythology. Their offspring were very diverse and strange, as befits the spawn of enemies of the divine order, including: – Ladon, the hundred-headed dragon who never slept and guarded the apples that gave immortality, – Cerberus – we all know the dog guarding the gates of hell… but not all of us know that, according to some accounts, it had not three heads, but as many as 50, it was also covered with scales, and it had a snake by its tail… so what does this have to do with a dog? – Scylla – this lady inherited the most from the human, beautiful part of Echidna… at least initially, but eventually, as a result of various perturbations, she turned from a beautiful nymph to her siblings, becoming a six-headed sea beast, so hideous, according to Homer, that even the gods could not stand sight of her – she dwelt in a cave, from where she opened her mouth to devour the crews of ships, – Gorgons – I mean, those ladies with snake hair, not monstrous bulls. Medusa was one of them – the story that Athena turned her priestess into a monster as punishment for being raped by Poseidon is an invention of later poets, – Lernaean Hydra – a multi-headed monster with many reptilian or human heads. In place of each severed head, two others grew, and in addition, the main head was completely immortal – therefore, after chopping off the mortal heads, Heracles had to burn the stumps and bury the immortal, still hissing head underground. Hydra’s breath was poisonous. – various other creatures, such as the Sphinx, the dog Ortus, the Nemean Lion or the Chimera. Each of these descendants has the potential to be portrayed as an Eldritch abomination in its own right. To be precise – according to some accounts, the father of these creatures (and Echidna herself) was Typhon, but a monstrous, ancient (older than Poseidon) sea god, Phorcys. How to use Typhon? Well, Typhon clearly has the potential to be a Great Old One, imprisoned by… Nodens? Some other Elder God? Weak gods of humanity? Maybe his cult is trying to free him from Etna? What if he succeeds? What might distinguish Typhon from many other Great Old Ones? I would recommend focusing on his monster progenitor aspect – if he manages to reunite with Echidna, they will immediately start spawning various blasphemous beasts in series.
Jan Twardowski – the first man on the Moon
Jan (John) Twardowski, the hero of the legend, a Polish nobleman who allegedly sold his soul to the devil and became a sorcerer. Probably a historical figure, according to legend he lived in the 16th century and became famous for summoning the spirit of the deceased queen for King Sigismund Augustus. The ghost allegedly appeared in the mirror. This mirror is still kept in the church in Węgrów. According to legend, when the terms of the pact were fulfilled, devils came to kidnap Twardowski to hell. Interestingly, instead of taking the sorcerer’s soul after death, the most material demons appeared and grabbed Twardowski in order to kidnap him bodily, alive… and instead of heading towards the underground, which in legends is considered the traditional place of residence of demons and damned souls, they began to carry away up with him. At some point, Twardowski started singing religious songs, which caused the demons to escape, leaving him on the Moon, where he is said to have stayed ever since. Could the “demons” actually be extraterrestrials? Maybe mi-go? Maybe Twardowski was their agent and obtained secret knowledge and technology from them that gave him the fame of a sorcerer? As part of his studies, did he acquire knowledge of a system of sounds („religious songs”) that was able to drive away his masters when they decided that his usefulness on Earth had ended and it was time to transport him to a space base where he would be transformed into a brain in jar? Or was transportation to the Moon part of the deal from the beginning? Oh, one more interesting fact – according to legends, Twardowski used to use a rooster as a horse, which he enlarged with his magic. It’s easy to imagine an abomination that, in the eyes of laymen, might have resembled a large rooster… Examples of scenario hooks: – Twardowski’s secret mirror is still in the church in Węgrów. The local priest thinks it is just other „pagan” superstitions, but in fact it is a tool enabling contact with cosmic beings and higher realities. It may prove useful to players if they convince the priest to give it back or simply steal it. – Players are looking for Twardowski’s notes to gain knowledge about the „song” thanks to which he drove away mi-go (or other creatures that became the prototype of the „devils” from the legend). The so-called Twardowski’s „School” or „Cathedral” was located in a quarry near Kraków. In fact, at the end of the 19th century, during the construction of the church of St. Józef, a cave showing traces of alchemical experiments was discovered… And it was destroyed. But perhaps there is a second, secret laboratory under the cave that escaped destruction? And there lie Twardowski’s secrets… And again, potential obstacles may be placed by the local parish priest. But not only him. Maybe Twardowski’s legendary „rooster” lies dormant in the laboratory and was left by the sorcerer as a guard? – players are astronauts on the Moon. However, it turns out that someone lives here, someone who was not detected by previous expeditions and probes. Will Twardowski prove to be an ally in the fight against cosmic horrors? Or maybe their agent, or an independent villain? If he survived this long on the Moon thanks to blasphemous secrets, it’s possible that he had little humanity left…
The rest of the text is avalaible (of course, for free) here: https://adeptusrpg.wordpress.com/2024/05/13/some-lovecraftian-inspiration-form-real-life-and-beliefs/
submitted by Adeptus_Gedeon to Lovecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:03 ReasonableBeliefs In Defence of Vaishnavas, by case study of Shaiva (Veerashaiva denomination) Philosophy (Vishnu is inferior to Shiva and is even cursed by Shiva)

Hare Krishna. This post is to help educate those (some, not all) Smartas and Shaivas who lack knowledge about Hinduism, and who thus spread hatred against Vaishnavas.
Vaishnavas sometimes get attacked because Vaishnava denominations assert a difference between Shiva and Vishnu, and hold the position of Vishnu being greater than Shiva (in some way or another). We get hate by (some, not all) Smartas who think that ALL Hindus MUST hold to Hari-Hara Abheda (Oneness of Shiva and Vishnu), and also by (some, not all) Shaivas who falsely accuse us of hating Shiva. ISKCON especially gets attacked because they have the largest english language global presence among the Vaishnavas.
Criticism is fine, debate is normal, but we Vaishnavas face hatred and vitriol by those uneducated (some, not all) Smartas and Shaivas. We also face the false accusations that ONLY Vaishnavas do this (hold one to be superior to the other), but that is not true at all.
This post will show how a Shaiva Sampradaya, the Veerashaivas, do the exact same thing that Shaivas and Smartas (some, not all) accuse us of : Veerashaivas hold that Shiva is superior to Vishnu.
! Objection : You are using the wrong flair, you must use the criticism flair !
Rebuttal :
This is not a criticism. I am not criticising the Veerashaiva's philosophy. It's perfectly ok for different Hindu denominations to disagree. This post is to educate people that thinking one God is superior to another is perfectly acceptable in Hinduism.
It's an acceptable Hindu position to think that Shiva is superior or to think that Vishnu is superior or to think that neither is superior. All 3 of those positions are acceptable to have in Hinduism. None of them take you out of the Hindu fold. None of these positions is anti-Hindu or hateful.
This post is to educate those Smartas and Shaivas (some, not all), who hate Vaishnavas for holding Vishnu to be superior, who are uneducated that there are Shaivas do the same with Shiva.
This post is to spread knowledge about Hinduism in order to help end the hatred against Vaishnavas.
This post will use the Siddhanta Shikhamani, a Veerashaiva scripture, as evidence.
Note : I am NOT getting into the Veerashaiva vs Lingayata political debate. That is not relevant here. I have not spoken of Lingayatas. I am speaking ONLY of Veerashaivas in this post.
This post be divided into 4 sections :
  1. Acceptance of the Siddhanta Shikhamani by Veerashaivas.
  2. Veerashaivsim is the supreme interpretation of the Vedas according to Veerashaivas.
  3. Equating of Shiva to the Vedantic Brahman by Veerashaivas.
  4. Inferiority of Vishnu according to Veerashaivas.
Let us begin :
(1) Acceptance of the Siddhanta Shikhamani by Veerashaivas :
The Veerashaivas have 5 great peethas (panchapeethas), similar to how Smartas have their different Shankaracharya Mathas. The 5 Veerashaiva peethas are : Kedara, Kashi (Varanasi), Ujjain, Shrishail and Rambhapuri (Balehonnur).
Let's take even just 1 of the 5 peethas. For this example i will use Rambhapuri Peetha.
Source : https://www.rambhapuripeetha.org/
The peetha and it's jagadguru say very very clearly :
All these chronicles were collected by Sri Shivayogi Shivacharya and created the holy Sri Siddhanta Shikhamani Granth. This is the scripture of Veerashaivism today.
And they also say :
It goes without saying that Siddhanta Shikhamani, which is the crowning bead of valorisations, is always universal.
Thus the authenticity of the Siddhanta Shikhamani to the Veerashaivas is established through their own peethas and their own jagadgurus.
(2) Veerashaivsim is the supreme interpretation of the Vedas according to Veerashaivas.
A misconception some people have is that the Veerashaivas are not "Vedic", and that they don't accept accept the Vedas. This is false.
In the Siddhanta Shikhamani the sage Agastya asks Renuka to preach the Siddhanta that is expounded in the text. And in the question Agastya explicitly refers to it as the doctrine that is acceptable to the Vedas :
Hence I would like to hear from you the Siddhänta, which is acceptable to the Vedas. O omniscient one, please tell me the doctrine which is directly associated with Shiva, which is the means for attaining all rewards, which brings immediate achievement for the people, which is resorted to by all the best sages, which is not even smelt by the persons of illconduct, which is accepted by the knowers of Veda
And Renuka explicitly responds as follows, clearly stating that this Siddhanta of Shiva is the fullest following of the Vedas.
O Agastya, who is the lion among the sages and who is well versed in all the Ägamas, I shall tell you the Siddhanta which inculcates the knowledge of Shiva; listen to it with respect.
O Agastya, there are (many) Siddhanta which are well known, which differ according to aptitudes, which are associated with various practices and which propound various tenets.
Sankhya, Yoga, Pancharatra, Vedas and Pashupata, these are the Siddhanta which are quite authoritative and which should not be refuted with arguments.
O Great sage, among these, Sankhya, etc., Veda is predominant. The authoritativeness of these is decidedly on the ground that they follow Veda.
O sage, Pancharatra, Sankhya and Yoga are based on some parts of Veda, while Shaivasiddhanta is based on the entire Veda.
O great sage, compared to Sankhya, etc, which are based on some parts of Veda, the Shaivasiddhanta, which follows the entire Veda, is superior.
It goes onto say Vedas and this Siddhanta are the same doctrine
The Shivagama called Siddhanta is said to be acceptable to Veda because it advocates the Dharma that is taught in Veda and also because it opposes whatever that is outside or unacceptable to Veda.
Veda and Siddhanta are one because they propound the same doctrine. Authoritativeness of the two should always be grasped as similar by the learned.
And finally it talks of how the Veerashaiva doctrine is Supreme.
In the latter part of the great traditional lore called Siddhanta which starts with Kamika and which is taught by Shiva, the supreme doctrine of Veerashaiva is advocated.
Thus it is established that the Veerashaivas accept the Vedas and they they assert that the supreme fullest interpretation of the Vedas is their Veerashaiva philsophy, as indicated by their own scripture.
(3) Equating of Shiva to the Vedantic Brahman by Veerashaivas.
This one is very easy as it is one of the earliest verses in the Siddhanta Shikamani :
It talks of Shiva being the Brahman of the Vedanta
I salute the Supreme Shiva, whom the Vedanta philosophers call as the designation of Brahman and as the source of the world.
(4) Inferiority of Vishnu according to Veerashaivas.
And here we get to the crux of the matter.
It talks about Vishnu becoming bald and suffering 10 births due to insulting the devotees of Shiva
Having done wrong to two of my (Shiva) devotees called Bhagu and Shankukarna, Visnu became bald and suffered ten births (incarnations).
It talks about Vishnu being defeated by a devotee of Shiva (not even Shiva himself) and having his Sudarshana Chakra broken
Having fought against my (Shiva) devotee Dadhéca, in the past, Visnu suffered defeat with his disc having been broken.
And here references are made to the births of Vishnu, just so you are clear that it is talking about the same Vishnu, and that he is tormented under material afflictions and birth and death. This is indicative of Jeeva.
The great Visnu who took birth in the forms of fish., tortoise, boar, man-lion and man, suffered death.
Having been born in the castes such as Brahmana, etc., the being is tormented repeatedly by the heat of the great fire in the form of threefold afflictions.
Here again it talks of how affluences of Vishnu and Brahma are subject to waning and waxing, in other words they are subject to Samsara, they are NOT eternal. This is also indicative of Jeeva.
The Veeramaheshwara always considers with reason the affluences of Brahma, Visnu, etc., which are subject to waning and waxing, as similar to a straw of grass.
Here it talks of how Brahma and Visnu cannot understand Shiva
Who can understand that Linga (Shiva) which is of the nature of lustre and which even Brahma and Visnu could not decipher?
It talks about Vishnu and Brahman and Mahalakshmi and others serving Shiva.
Brahma, Visnu, Indra, etc., who had formed into rows adorning themselves with weapons, served all around him (Shiva), who had the authority of world-creation.
Mahalakshmi held for him (Shiva) the white umbrella which was of the form of white lotus, which was bright and which resembled the full moon.
So lets summarise this section :
  1. Vishnu was cursed by Shiva
  2. Vishnu suffered torment of material afflictions
  3. Vishnu suffered 10 births and deaths
  4. Vishnu was defeated and had is chakra broken by Shiva's devotee (not even by Shiva himself)
  5. Vishnu's affluence are waxing and waning like a staw of grass, so they are NOT eternal.
  6. Vishnu cannot understand Shiva
  7. Vishnu serves Shiva
Birth, death, suffering, torment, defeats, temporary and not eternal affluence, lack of understanding, these are all indicative of Samsara, indicative of Jeevas and NOT of God.
Thus it is clear that the Veerashaivas think of Vishnu as inferior to Shiva, as a Jeeva, and even cursed by Shiva.
Note : Even just 1 or 2 of these points would be sufficient to establish that the Veerashaivas think of Vishnu as inferior to Shiva. If there is any Veerashaiva (or anyone else) who disagrees with me, then please try to refute all 10 points using the Siddhanta Shikamani. I would be glad for any debate or knowledge sharing.
Conclusion :
I hope this shows people that difference between Shiva and Vishnu, superiority of one over the other, is also an acceptable position to hold in Hinduism, both among Vaishnavas AND among Shaivas as well.
Let's all learn to accept diversity of philosophy within the Sanatana Dharma.
Let's all learn to not spread hatred and vitriol against Vaishnavas or Shaivas, just because someone asserts that Vishnu or Shiva is superior to the other.
Let's all learn to not hate people who assert a difference between Shiva and Vishnu (in some way or another)
Let's all remember that : It's an acceptable Hindu position to think that Shiva is superior or to think that Vishnu is superior or to think that neither is superior. All 3 of those positions are acceptable to have in Hinduism. None of them take you out of the Hindu fold.
Hare Krishna.
submitted by ReasonableBeliefs to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:00 AutoModerator Wingman Wednesday - Find your Squadron - May 15, 2024

Welcome to Wingman Wednesday!

Looking for players to game with? Want to recruit for your squadron? We have a number of helpful resources to help you find a squad or a clan quickly. Please leave a comment below with your username, platform, region, and what you're looking for
Name: AcePilot001
Platform: PC
Region: NA
Looking For: An 18+ clan that plays mainly in the evenings. I work full time, so I'm not looking for anything hardcore; just a friendly group of people to hang out with.


As stated above, we welcome clans to recruit in this thread. Simply share your clan info much in the same way you would player info, with your clan's name, platform, region, and a description of your clan. Please make sure you also specify any requirements, such as the use of voice chat, or age requirements.

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Discord is a free service that hosts persistent text/voice chat rooms. Our subreddit has its very own Partnered Discord Server with over 7,000 members, designed to help you find other like-minded Squadrons players. To join, simply click the link above, and follow the instructions in the #welcome channel
Keep in mind, the username you select when joining is temporary until you've secured it through the account settings, and added your email and password. Once you've joined you can view the chat via the website, downloadable client, or the mobile app.
submitted by AutoModerator to StarWarsSquadrons [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:56 Witty_Persimmon7133 universal text colour switching - Question from a Figma Noob

I am working in Figma - I have a site I'm styling for a client. Across the site I have a number of instances where I need different brand colours to be applied to the same text style. Body copy in both white + black for example. I'm looking for a way to simplify my ability to switch these colours universally across the project without having to go into each instance and change the colours one by one. Speed up my process while I experiment with different design solutions.
I'm sure there is a really simple solution for this - perhaps with variables? If anyone has tips for a noob like me that'd be cool. Thank you!
submitted by Witty_Persimmon7133 to FigmaDesign [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:45 Safe_Direction AT&T Numbersync with Apple Watch vs Samsung Watch

So I'm pretty sure the following is true, but if so, it needs to be better highlighted/ documented, so worth a potential duplicative post:
Background: I solely use my main cell phone number (area code 415), and completely disregard my watch's native cell # (random new area code).
Samsung: With numbersync activated for my cell # between my AT&T Samsung phone and Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, when my Samsung phone is powered off, I can still receive SMS msgs on that main 415 phone number on the watch. These text msgs sync with the phone eventually both ways (in theory-- sync isn't perfect, but not focused on bugs now).
Apple: I've read in a few places that when the iphone with the main number is powered off, your numbersync'd apple watch will not receive SMS's that were sent to the cell number . So in my use case, where I power-off my cell phone while I go for a run, or on vacation when I want to worry about keeping just one device charged and turn my phone off, I wouldn't receive texts on my watch. (as described here, for example: https://www.reddit.com/ATT/comments/q3dgkw/numbersynciphone/ )
If others could confirm this behavior, I'd appreciate it. I'm about to switch from samsung to Apple after about a decade of resisting that, and just want to go in eyes-open of the limitation, since numbersync is a big portion of the decision. Thx in advance.
submitted by Safe_Direction to ATT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:45 LifeInCuba Godot 3.5.3 - Option Button, can't select.

If my option button only has 1 item, it doesn't let me select it again and it selects the first item automatically. For example If I have a text set to option button, it won't change the text. It'll always show the default text of the node, even though first item is selected.
I'm simply connecting node "item_selected" signal like this :
func _on_OptionButton_item_selected(index): user_selection = player_wallet.get_child(index) 
What can I do without accessing to path of the selected item? or not setting a default text at all.
submitted by LifeInCuba to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:42 gentlewindsolsol I ran a crokinole booth at a Korean children's event.

This is what I posted on the board game community in Korea, and I'm also translating and posting it on Reddit!
The translation and text inspection took a long time, but I'm posting it because I think croquinol gamers from other countries will enjoy reading it.
(I don't know how to put pictures in between when writing on Reddit. If you're curious about pictures while reading, please visit the link below. You may not understand Korean, but pictures are visual information so they can be understood universally)
Not long ago in early May, I ran a croquinol booth for students and parents at a Children's Day event (it was held on the grounds of the University of Education)
The head of the school affairs department suggested, "I heard you like board games, do you want to run a booth?" so I thought very hard. Actually, it was bothersome.
In the end, I accepted because I wanted to make good memories with children as well as selling croquinol. At first, I thought it was easy to take a few croquinols and play a few rounds.
It wasn't long before I realized that the idea was very wrong. This is because there were so many things to consider operating the booth. The program should be organized in consideration of the number of users and the number of people visiting.
The arrangement of objects and the movement of people should also be considered. I shouldn't think, 'I'm done explaining the game to the students in moderation and watching them play.'
I have to think about the details. I thought about it until the day of operation and right before it started. Now that it's been decided so far, I'll have to recruit staff to run it together (this was the most difficult problem)
Finally, find out the products to give to the visiting children and purchase them, purchase notices to be installed in the booth, and other things necessary to proceed or make them
For two weeks, I spent a lot of time and energy thinking about and preparing for how to operate the booth. I thought a lot about what to give as the prize, but it was finally decided to go down
(1) Pokémon Key Chain Pokémon is definitely a successful IP!!
I decided it right away because it looked so pretty and the quality looked good. There were some that were really cheap, but the quality was really... It was a pity, so I put in more budget
(2) ritter sport chocolate It's economical because there are 200 in a pack I tried one to see if it's poisonous What????? This chocolate tastes pretty good...
(3) Crockinol Pencil (Steadler + Engrave) Originally, I didn't want to give pencils, but if I imprint them and give them to students, I thought they could remember croquinol for quite some time, so I made it meaningful.
If you look closely at the pencil, you can see the image of a disc bouncing with a finger. (○ ● ☜) I made it using the basic characters on the keyboard. Haha.)
It took a long time to think of the word 'dream tree' in the engraved phrase. (Offered words: rookie, genius, child, master, king, god, etc.) Since there are no other people to help me, I planned and produced a lot of things by myself.... lol
I recruited the operating personnel as follows
Head of the school affairs department -> Recruit me (one-person planner and business manager): Let's compare and analyze croquinol sales and rest at home and then experience it. Decided
Me-> First cast (S teacher): A versatile teacher who has been in the next class since we met in the 6th grade this year He became interested after being introduced to Crockinol by me. Enjoying Crockinol at home with his wife. Canadian style. (He said he was doing it without giving it away.) After receiving a proposal from me, "I'll do all the preparations, so please come and let the children know the games without any burden," he decided to participate after much consideration. I'm playing with my kids in the classroom, and my croquinol skills are increasing rapidly. I'm planning to promote the entire 6th grade croquinol competition later.
Second cast (Teacher C): My younger brother who met as a manager and a staff member at my last school and became very close. The same person who said in an old article that he helped move the classroom!
Together, we played about 400 rounds of croquinol 1:1 match. He made a lot of mistakes in his early days, but after hundreds of editions, he became enlightened at some point. He has become quite a master.
His powerful shots made a lot of crazy scenes. Among them, he sent five discs of his opponent to a ditch at the same time. When he was asked by me to help him, he accepted without hesitation. (He is expected to participate in the next event.)
Third cast (Teacher K): I am a teacher from another region, and I am close to him because I got to know him in a club. She was the last to be recruited, and she suggested liter port chocolate and keychain among the product ideas. Pencils were also highly recommended when I was thinking about it.
Lastly, he volunteered after seeing me thinking about recruiting one more person.
She's the only teacher who doesn't have a croquinol, and she doesn't usually have a chance to train, so she's still a beginner's skill.
Rather, a person who is expected to revitalize the booth operation because of that. (If teachers do too well, all students lose.) For the record, she has a board gamer gene that can also play Arcnova board games.
※ In addition, there is a sad history of rejection and subtly falling over during the recruitment process.
And I started setting it up on the day!! Visit early with teacher C and install one croquinol on three tables in the tent
At first, I was worried because the table was in the shape of a rectangle, but I could put things here and there. If you put the croquinol at an angle on the table, it was possible to conduct a 2:2 team, so there was no problem.
After I finished setting up, I sat down for a bit and tried a croquinol test. Played without any problems. The shot was even better because I told them to cut their nails, including myself.
However, there was a lot of dust on the tables and chairs provided by the company, so I hurriedly cleaned them. The remaining two operators also narrowly joined, and a total of four people were matched.
After that, I had time to start operating the booth as a whole They're here...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The name of the booth was 'Gather up here if you're confident in flicking', but I think I drew some aggro. Other places looked healthy like making animal bracelets, but our booth was like, "You! Come if you're confident!"
The booth was originally planned like this Planning the rules of the game: - If you feel uncomfortable, you can stand and shoot freely - In the case of 1:1, the original use of the 1/4 shooting line based on North America and Canada, rather than the use of the 1/2 shooting line that changed the rules in Korean company Korea Board Games. - A student who is too young is forced to shoot with a line forward. Two places are experience seats and listen to and experience the rules 1:1 or 2:2 (Parents and friends can participate together) - The experience gift is one litre pot chocolate - Rule Description -> Shot Practice -> consists of a two-game friendly
If you have learned the rules through the experience, go to the challenge seat of one place and challenge 1:1 or 2:2 (you can also participate together) - If you win, you'll get a Pokémon keychain, even if you lose, you'll get a 1/3 chance of a keychain and a 2/3 chance of a pencil through a lottery - Using one chance card, we will proceed with two sets, and if the student draws or wins even one set, it will be considered a victory. - Re-challenge possible when you line up again The booth gradually gathered and filled the corner, and the line got longer
I repeated the explanation and game so wildly!
The first episode : Even though it was in the shade of the tent, the temperature was high, so the chocolate melted. The student said it melted, so I touched it and it was liquid! Unfortunately, we can't give these defective products to students, so we decided to go to the challenge seat without giving them away in the experience seat.
The second episode : Our classmates are here! I heard a voice saying, "Teacher!" and I can see the 6th grade girls in my class
Of course, we played the game. I tried to lose, but I thought that if I lost too much, the student would notice, so I made mistakes from time to time, but these guys made more mistakes!
It ended with me winning or drawing (I should have made it more clear and lost... lol) I said, "This is just an experience seat, so it doesn't matter, show your real skills in the challenge seat," and sent the girl to another corner
The third episode : People were buzzing that a very famous politician visited the booth next door. (He was Korea's presidential candidate.) I looked up and saw the face that I saw on screen Although I was curious, I had my day job as a board gamer, so I welcomed students and focused on explaining the rules. Later, I found out that he talked to a student who experienced our booth and passed by
The 4th episode : The booth operators were not given a separate lunch break! It was announced that they would take turns eating lunch boxes. There were quite a few people... and I barely had time to eat. One person will be in charge of one booth, and one person will take turns eating I'm the type to eat slowly while tasting the taste, but I didn't have much time to relax on this day, so I sat on the stand and came back in a hurry that I couldn't even feel the taste
The fifth episode : There are so many people, and especially in the case of the challenge seat, the waiting line is longer, so to solve the bottleneck, we decided to take both the place and challenge as an experience seat It was the same with the booth I was in. I don't know what this day is... I made more mistakes than usual and often missed shots because I was nervous dealing with children. Hahaha
The 6th episode : The operations staff at the next table said, "A kid came up with a challenge and beat me." He got the prize, of course But after that, the student was still in the viewing room and gave advice to other participating children, saying, "I win all of them," showing a lot of confidence Then the child triumphantly challenged the management staff again! He must have wanted to win again. What was the result? According to him, he showed the dignity of an adult with his skills to children Of course, he gave away a croquinol pencil this time!!
The 7th episode : I explained the rules so much that the script was automatically made "This game is a 150-year-old game of Canada known to have started in 1876.... "In Canada, it's a daily sport that many families have and play throughout their lives, from childhood to grandmothers and grandparents. The rules are simple: if you put it in here, it's 20 points, this is 15 points....." I can't remember how many times I repeated the script above! The eighth episode : There are people who waited for an hour to listen to it while organizing it I've already experienced it and moved to the challenge seat, but the challenge seat lines are too long... Did they feel like they were waiting for a long line in the amusement park... ㅠㅠ Parents were tired of waiting, so they asked to go to another booth, but the child said, "Since I've experienced it, I really want to try it. I want to take a Pokémon keychain!" and waited a lot. It must have been very boring for parents, but there was no other way. I thought the quality of the operation would be very low to just experience/challenge one game at a time 2 play experience + 2 play challenge was the minimum number of plays to feel a little croquinol
The ninth episode : After eating, I heard parents and children talking "This is where we play Alkagi(flicking). Shall we play Alkagi?" "Let's do it!"
If you had written the booth title, "Who wants to play croquinol?" no one would know croquinol, so accessibility would have been low But when the title said "Alkkagi", I was proud of him coming in without any pressure
The 10th episode : The official closing time of the booth was 4 p.m At around 3:50 p.m., I took a breath and looked at other places, and some places had already withdrawn, and I was usually cleaning up, so the atmosphere was clear But our booth is still full It lasted beyond hours Is this the power of crocinol?
The 11th episode : Time has been deleted I was worried about what if time went by during that long time of operating the booth, but it was a mistake. We were so busy explaining and playing that we didn't have time to look at the clock, and when we came to our senses, it was a time when the end was imminent. I couldn't even go to the bathroom for five hours. Because it was hectic, the operation ended without a comparative analysis of 'Are many people visiting other booths? How popular is our booth?' (When I saw the photos and videos later, I could see that our booth was more crowded than other booths.)
The 12th episode : I tried a lot to react to it in my own way. I really complimented the kid every time he hit the disc. I exaggerated a little bit like I became a YouTuber and shouted a compliment chant out loud A young girl who looked like elementary 1 or 2 sat down (around 7-8 years old) I finished explaining the rules, and asked her to practice shooting a few times. After that, we started playing the game. The girl said she would do it first, and she took the first shot of her life's first game. It went straight into the center hole. There was applause from all around. I said, "Even I couldn't put it in at first. It's amazing." Congratulations on your best experience." She's made a lot of mistakes in play since then, but it doesn't matter at all! There's nothing more touching than the first shot of 20 The parents who were nearby filmed this scene and will cherish this meaningful moment for a long time
The 13th episode : There seemed to be something interesting to see other crocinol tables also clapping, wow, oh, oh From the perspective of planning, all these reactions are a gift
The 14th episode : There were a lot of spectators while explaining/playing There were a lot of comments about the rules of the game "You have to hit the disc when it's on the surface" "Oh!" A male parent was glad to hear that he knew croquinol "I knew this game since it came out last year. It was about 110 dollars, but I didn't buy it because it was expensive." (It's more expensive now. It's about $140)
The 15th episode : We allowed a re-challenge in the 'Beat the Teacher' section, caressing the hearts of children thirsty for crocinol Some students tried again 3 times (The challenge itself takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds for the first round, 3 minutes in total, so it doesn't take much.)
The 16th episode : After 4 p.m., I looked at the other booth thinking about when to organize it, and a boy who looked like a fourth grade in the challenge seat was doing very well Her parents were also amazed by it The accuracy of each step wasn't unusual He said he came back to try it out and do it again Looking at the game, he unfortunately lost to Teacher S by 5 points when he made a mistake of 2 turns in the second half Teacher S told the student. " Try it with that teacher. He's the best While sitting down, I asked, "Do you want me to do it with all my strength or not?" I laughed and asked At first, the student said, "Please be generous!" but later changed his words to "With full strength." "Haha, okay. I'll go with all my strength!" The student said he would attack first and tried an open shot and went straight into the center hole "Wow... does this make sense?" I also chased along the disc in the center hole. That's how I tried to hit my opponent's disc in Hogan's alley and accidentally wasted three turns. The result is that the student who leads by 15 points wins... The child liked it very much and came home with a light step with his parents "Thank you for your hard work. Bye!" When I looked at the playground with the back of my family leaving after saying hello, the sun was slowly heading down, scattering light everywhere and giving the lawn a cozy view What could be a more peaceful landscape. He must have felt really good on his way home. I thought he lost well
Finish writing : When I was in college, I ran a different kind of booth when I was the president of a club, but it was the first time I ran it this way in relation to board games.
At that time, there were a lot of club members and the space was very spacious, so the event was held comfortably, but the croquinol booth was operated in a very minimal condition: 1 tent, 3 tables, 3 croquinols, and 4 people in operation
Still, it ended successfully as it exceeded the time without an accident, so considering that it is the first operation under this condition, it should be considered a great success.
The operation of this croquinol booth was planned by myself and prepared for the program, so I have a lot of attachment.
I'm grateful to the three people who ran it together (they were dispatched from each elementary school publicly and privately). As expected, people are the most important.
I'm willing to do it again if I have to participate in the booth event another month this year or if I have to run it again next year. I think we can do it in a better way than now
For example, I dream of running a mini-contest by installing more tables. There's a mini trophy, and I think the kid who got it will really like it. (Of course we need a lot more people than we do now...!)
submitted by gentlewindsolsol to Crokinole [link] [comments]
