Irish xmas jokes

Irish Jokes

2015.05.01 00:35 Tiddleywanksofcum Irish Jokes

A sub-Reddit dedicated to Irish humor, story telling and jokes.

2019.02.08 03:09 Irish History Memes

A subreddit for sharing memes related to Irish history.

2012.05.15 11:19 Craic - Irish humour.

Careful now. A place for having the craic!

2024.06.09 23:13 waterb0ttle78 Tired of being lame, help me become an "attractive" person

I'm 4 months off from turning 30. The pandemic did a lot of damage to me including ending a long-term, sexless relationship, losing social skills, hurting my career, gaining more weight even though I was already pretty overweight. Post-pandemic, life started getting better & I'm at the age where people are starting to settle down. I just came back from a friend's wedding where I irish exited most events to go back to my hotel room and outside some small talk, didn't really meet new people. That being said, I've been already taking steps to making my life better these past year but I need to kick it into another level. I'm just looking for every & any practical advice of what you find attractive in a guy just so I can be a better person (potentially return to who I was before)
The good: - I have a stable career, got laid off twice from my tech jobs but am very financially responsible & literate and will go back to making good money once economy starts improving. Live on my own. - Very funny. I am pretty cautious about what jokes I can say but have attracted many girls who say sense of humor is my best trait - Good EQ. Have done my therapy, don't really have baggage or toxic traits. Every always comments on my kindness & going the extra mile. - Have a "personality" - I actually do a lot of different things (travel, make music, photography, streetwear, recently stream on twitch, watch soccer & other sports) - Experience in relationships. I have had a long term relationships, I've also dated women who I think are 10/10 and I think people could be surprised on how I attracted them.
The bad: - Confidence when it comes to women. I may have asked girls in the past if I could buy them a drink at a club but have never cold approached a woman anywhere (at least as what I can remember) - Shyness / socially stunted. I was a very life of the party person in the past, my birthdays would be 10-15 different friend groups coming together, things changed post pandemic. Have a hard time socializing around new people, I realized I didn't even introduce myself (hi, my name is...) to anyone at the wedding - Feel physically bad. Get rejected based on race sometimes, based on physical appearance (I have wide shoulders, 5'10 but def overweight. I go to the gym regularly now and people have been commenting on my weight loss), have been losing my hair for 10 years now, not bald but thin hair, etc. I look at myself in the mirror or in pictures and kind of am disgusted by myself. - Chip on my shoulder when it comes to my dry spell. In college I was regularly hooking up with people off tinder, started a relationship with my college sweetheart but she said she wanted to wait till marriage (together almost 4 years), post pandemic I haven't really done much beside a few times (never sex though). I thought about hiring a SW just to get it out of my head.
submitted by waterb0ttle78 to CallHerDaddy [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:19 Potatoskewer22 24[M4F] UK/Online - Searching for the "one" isn't easy but hey! She's out there somewhere, and patience is a virtue! Or.... something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming šŸ˜‚)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Œ I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on šŸ¤·
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently šŸ˜… so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no šŸ˜­ but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a mustšŸ—暟‘)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:18 Potatoskewer22 [24/M] - Searching for the girl who's the "one" isn't easy but hey! Patience is a virtue..... or something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming šŸ˜‚)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Œ I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on šŸ¤·
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently šŸ˜… so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no šŸ˜­ but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a mustšŸ—暟‘)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:47 Know_You_Its_Not_Who I am beyond fucked.

I have nothing for Irish (Ordinary), i bombed the oral and have never gotten above 25% in 5th or 6th year. I managed to get merit in the junior cert because I had an amazing teacher who actually got me interested in the language.
My irish teacher for 5th and 6th is awful, she was gone for half of 5th year and we were stuck with subs who didnā€™t do anything half the time. In 6th year there was an irish class that came after lunch and before religion, which mean a lot of people left at lunch that day.
This lead to her just not teaching and telling us to pretend weā€™re doing something incase someone walked by on those days.
On the days she was in she went on tangents about other stuff unrelated to irish or put on TG4.
She only started properly putting up notes on the board at the last few months, even then they were awful and she just got offended if I or anyone asked her to slow down or explain something. She would give out to us saying ā€œwell i explained it alreadyā€.
My classes main joke after the random times she walks out to talk to another teacher is ā€œweā€™re all failing arenā€™t we?ā€
Does anyone have notes they can send me for ordinary irish? I really wanna pass it or get a close to pass score. Please
submitted by Know_You_Its_Not_Who to leavingcert [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:56 MomentHaunting9858 Lego Hidden Side: A New Generation: Skinner and Bones

This is one clown who doesn't joke around.
Anomaly Type: Ghost
Bones: A dark-green ghost with a fedora, a tattered tuxedo, a black tie, yellow eyes, a cigarette, two ghostly tails coming from his feet, and wields a pistol and a wrench.
Skinner: A light-yellow ghost with an Irish tweed hat, a white shirt, green eyes, suspenders, short sleeves, sideburns, and wields a shotgun.
Type: Wild and Envy
Rank: 1
Abilities: Invisibility, Gloom Wall (Skinner), Gloombrella (Bones)
Haunt Spot: Newbury Shopping District
Homeworld: the Hidden Side
Former Occupation: Mobsters
Cause of Death: Unknown
Bio: These two were one of the most dangerous duos in town back in the 70's. This heinous aggression won't stop now though, since they're back from The Hidden Side.
submitted by MomentHaunting9858 to HiddenSide [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:52 DrMux Anti-Americanism is just another form of American Exceptionalism.

EDIT: For those too lazy to read the post, I'm not advocating for American imperialism here.
Lemme preface this by saying no, I don't think America is the Greatest Nation On Earthtm . Honestly I don't think such a thing exists because every country, every group of people, has its problems and its things to celebrate.
I also want to say that Americans do have a fairly unique culture of essentialism - there's some "essence" of being American, there's some "essence" in your heritage that makes you Irish or English or Chinese or whatever. This is silly.
But then you look at things like ShitAmericansSay and you see this same sort of essentialism flipped on its head. Being American is some sort of metaphysical curse that transcends who you actually are as a person and assigns you qualities that you can't escape even if those qualities don't remotely describe you.
I am fat, lazy, dumb, loud, etc.
Uniquely so, because I'm American.
Exceptionalism is, at its core, just taking that essentialism and applying it as some kind of unique modifier that only those of essential Americanism possess. It's ridiculous. Being American does not alter my fundamental traits as a human being. Sure, my environment and culture shape who I am, but that's influence, not essence.
There's no difference between someone saying America is uniquely great and someone saying America is uniquely bad. Whether it's a pedestal or a pit, assigning those qualities to individuals based on preconceived notions just perpetuates the notion that Americans are somehow fundamentally different.
We're not. We're still people. Just like any other group of people. So rather than discuss the virtues or vices of an entire group of people, maybe we can look at actual things that specific actors do. Yes, American imperialism is bad. So is Russian imperialism. I am no more responsible for drones gunning down civilians than a little old babushka is responsible for shelling Ukrainians.
Or, if we can't escape the trap of essentialism and exceptionalism, let's at least apply them fairly based on actual observation.
So next time you apply stereotypes based on my nationality, you better hope I don't succumb to my stupidity by accidentally running over you with my mobility scooter whilst guzzling down a bucket of KFC. This is a joke, not a threat.
submitted by DrMux to TrueUnpopularOpinion [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:39 Potatoskewer22 [24/M] - Searching for the "one" isn't easy or quick but hey! Patience is a virtue..... or something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming šŸ˜‚)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Œ I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on šŸ¤·
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently šŸ˜… so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no šŸ˜­ but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a mustšŸ—暟‘)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:39 Potatoskewer22 24[M4F] UK/Online - Searching for the "one" isn't quick or easy but hey! Patience is a virtue..... or something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming šŸ˜‚)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Œ I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on šŸ¤·
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently šŸ˜… so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no šŸ˜­ but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a mustšŸ—暟‘)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:00 fear_mac_tire Is Irelands culture of emmigration something to be proud of or ashamed of ?

Why do we not refer to the Irish abroad as "Diaspora" nearly as much as other groups ? Seems we are happy to claim successful people of Irish decent, but less so the average Joe. Personally feel quite proud when a lot of people want to consider themselves Irish.
Ps many of you ever consider "emmigrating" (i joke) to the North. Gives me a fluttery fealing when I see a southern reg in Belfast.
submitted by fear_mac_tire to ireland [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:56 franbridgerton A brief history of the Michaela rumour

I tried to write this post once already but then Chrome died on me and I lost it. However, I'm seeing the same things being said and debunked anew every day and I want to get facts straight about when and how the Michaela rumour was born and eventually gained traction.
Disclaimer: this isn't meant to say the rumour is accurate or not, just to chronicle where it's coming from so everyone can make up their own mind. It probably won't be as thorough as the one I wrote a few days ago, but I'll still try to give the possible explanations in one sense or the other every time we get news.
February 2023: photos and videos leak from the Bridgerton house set in Greenwich. The set is super protected as usual but we still get the first material in which we see Victor Alli and find out John Stirling was cast. Images are blurry and don't show much, essentially we more or less see Eloise, Francesca and John get into a carriage presumably to leave for Scotland as the Bridgertons appear to be gathered to say goodbye. This is a video and most videos you'll see will be like this one. In one of them we can see a black or brown woman in purple, her face is never seen. UnBoxPhD, presumably the person who took videos and photos, appears to think it's lady Violet or even a maid. The actress who plays Eloise's maid is indeed set to return for part 2 of the season and owns a cape that might be the one we see here but it's true the white bits can't be spotted in the video. Some Simone Ashley fans are convinced it's Kate (some tweets about it are here), though I'm not sure I can agree now that we've seen she barely wears purple in season 3 anymore. At this stage and from this particular set of images, to my knowledge, no one seems to presume this lady is a Stirling, aside for a comment or two possibly identifying as John's mother. Later, some fans (myself included) will theorise it could be a sister. There are two important Stirling women in WHWW, John's mother Janet and Michael's mother Helen: the sister theory is based on the possibility of the show turning a mother into a sister in order to give the ever-brooding Michael a confidante to talk to. This theory is not important yet, but I'll leave it here.
February 2023 part 2: it's with another set of photos and videos that the madness begins. A woman is seen in one of the carriages. Or rather, there are TWO women in one of the carriages: one is a light skinned black woman, the other a redhead with hair identical to Penelope's, but only the black one is seen by most people. Both are in modern clothes and jewelry such as zipped sweaters and hoop earrings. Because of the angle the videos and photos are taken from, most people ignore or possibly don't see the redhead at all and begin to speculate on who the black girl is. If you click on the links, you'll see both on youtube and on reddit a comment will say, at least one of them as a joke, that it could be Michael (youtube) and "John's cousin Michelle" (reddit). I guess they're getting the idea from Twitter, where you can see that "Michaela" is already popular, I'm not sure how seriously, especially among a bunch of Brazilian fans in the quote to this tweet. My two cents: the two women are crew, likely stand-ins for Penelope and a light-skinned black woman (Madame Delacroix? Alice? The Queen?) and they're either chillin' or testing light and stuff for the moment their respective characters will be in the carriage. The carriage itself is the Bridgertons' (reference) and by this point Penelope *is* a Bridgerton who might use the family carriage with whomever she wants. However, this is where the Michaela theory is born. In one or two of the quote retweets, Masali's name is already being made and it's still as early as February 2023! It's at this stage that Masali and Michaela begin to be conflated, even though there's still some confusion as to who Masali is effectively playing between Sophie and Michaela herself.
March 2023: a reddit user posts about Masali Baduza, saying they noticed that this up-and-coming actress has followed and is being followed back by Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte people and theorising that she could be Sophie. Like I mentioned, they're not the first person to think of Masali, since in one or two of the "Michaela" quote retweets her name is also made. That's probably the reason why one of the comments to this post goes "Chaos theory: What if she's... Michaela Stirling??", but it's still a fairly isolated voice at the moment. Interestingly, though, many comments flat out say this must be a Stirling. Again, the only two Stirling women in WHWW are middle aged mothers, and yet many people are quick to jump to the conclusion that this young black woman is more likely to be a character that doesn't exist than she's likely to be Sophie Becket. I say this because to this day I'm convinced Michaela was also invented by racists who don't want Sophie to be black. The comments to any social media post referring to Masali as a possible Sophie will prove this beyond any doubt.
December 2023: in a discussion about Sophie's fancastings, a casting call is posted by a semi-regular and seemingly reliable twitter user (won't be posting the link because I don't want this person to be bombarded by direct messages on my account, sorry). It allegedly went up in December 2022 and was looking for a black actress to play a "huge role" that will "appear in one episode of the current series" (series is the equivalent of season in UK) and go on "to be leading the next". The actress was also required to be available for the entirety of 2023 (at the time, they wouldn't have known of the strikes). So far, so good. The code name for the character is Molly, which can both be reminiscent of Michael? Michelle? or Sophie (essentially same vowel sounds). Molly is described as devilishly charming, quick witted, but secretly soft and caring, and also in her heart of hearts sad because she didn't find the right person. Now, does this sound like Michael? Yes (and somebody will notice as much, later). On the other hand, if you were doing a secretive casting for a hit show and essentially announcing you're introducing the next lead earlier than expected, would you describe the character you're actually looking for and let it end up out there? It could simply and easily be a decoy. In any case, to my knowledge, this is generally welcomed as a casting for Sophie and the theory that Masali Baduza is playing her gets stronger and more popular, especially on Twitter. Masali did, after all, begin to follow Bridgerton people a couple months after the casting call allegedly went up.
April 2024: Jess Brownell says she wants to add queer stories to Bridgerton. She doesn't actually say it will be a Bridgerton, however most people, including the press, think either of Benedict or a side character. Queer Cressida theories blossom. But Francesca does enter the "who's the queer character" debate, based on the Michaela rumour. People start to suggest, watching promos, that "she's hiding something" (her sexuality?). The fact that Brownell (who is a queer woman herself) confirmed Bridgerton will have lgbtq character is seen as validation of fan theories, including this one.
April 2024 part 2: this is where the "I have friends" madness officially begins as episodes 1-4 approach. I personally believe this is as an important milestone for the Michaela rumour as the carriage photos were back in February 2023, except it's entirely more irrational and difficult to control or keep track of because if you could go and look at set photos and see for yourself, with "leaks" from "friends" all you can do is believe these strangers from the Internet. Alleged leakers begin to say Francesca doesn't marry John for love (we also discussed this in this sub). Some of these leakers seem confused in that they appear to think John's name isn't actually John, but some of the "sources" do say half consistent things so the fact that Francesca may not love John appears plausible and feeds into the idea that Fran doesn't like man at all. We know now it's not true, but how do you kill an idea? It is also worth noticing, because it will become more important later, that one of the sources who "have a friend" is a supporter of gender bent Michael and keeps telling everyone that she wants Francesca to be queer.
May 2024: The "I have friends" creek joins reddit and someone posts about a "mutual friend" who "works on set" having told them "we're getting queer Fran". I personally believe this particular creek is more like actually the same user making and deleting accounts on a regular basis only to post about Michaela and trying to infer from set photos and rumours that she does in fact exist.
Post 16 May 2024: "Leaks" are now everywhere. There are Twitter users who have "reliable sources" and "friends at Netflix", "friends who work on tv" and so on, each stan apparently having a friend who will risk breaking the embargo to tell them secrets and watched the last two episodes as soon at the first 4 were dropped. Tumblogs such as antipolin have anonymous asks saying things on a regular basis. Tweets saying Francesca will be confirmed as bisexual in Part 2 make hundreds of likes. Source? They all know someone.The most egregious case of "I have friends" is probably, let's call them A., on tumblr and it's their "leaks" that I will talk about in more detail because it's the case I know best. A. says they have a friend who works for an Irish newspaper and watched the season to review it. They apparently got spoilers "on the phone" from this journalist. One of the spoilers is that "Michael is now Michaela", there's a moment, it's not lingered on much, but Michaela is John's sister. Her name is definitely Michaela, A. says. Once somebody makes them notice Michael is John's cousin, A. replies that their friend might not have read the book, maybe Michaela wasn't mentioned as a cousin exactly and the friend could have come to the wrong conclusion. Except a few replies later A. says they, as in A. and not the journalist friend, have clips and hope to share them eventually. Asked about when Michaela is introduced, they vaguely replie she's in episodes 7-8. Asked about who plays Michaela, A. says they "think" the name is Masali, if they remember correctly, as referred by their journalist friend. Adds that they can't be sure themselves because they don't know and never saw Masali. Except if you go through their tumblr you'll find a weeks-old post reblogging a screenshot of Masali being rumoured to Sophie with A.'s own addition (which I can no longer find now) saying they "firmly believe" Masali is playing Michael Stirling and they're still hoping for an Asian Sophie. So they have long thought and theorised about Masali and her role, but they've never seen her, even though they even reblogged a photo of her. Add this to the contradiction in their scene report and the fact that we later learned John was openly defined an only child on the show, it's obvious A. lied at least about some things. Did they also lie about the journalist friend and Masali? My two cents are, A. read about the theory, knew about the black woman on set and the possibility of her being a sister, read about the casting call speaking of a girl with Michael's personality appearing on one episode of season 3 and leading the next, came to "firmly believe" it's all real (also because they want Sophie to be Asian), which is why they sound so confident that the leaks they post will turn out to be accurate, especially since they're all pretty vague. Other users here will be able to tell you more lies or inconsistent stuff they said. In any case, I'm also pretty sure that A., or someone who read and believed them, is the source of Cassie Moran's episode 7-8 insta-tiktok spoilers (the sister bit is certainly telling): CM herself will admit to not knowing if her source told her the truth. I also personally believe most people who "have sources" online simply believe that Michaela exists due to the "evidence" we already got, which is why they seem so sure of what they say and don't fear that they will be outed as liars (after all, they can always blame their sources).
May 22, 2024: after a couple of recent interviews where he clearly mentioned Michael and talked about him in male pronouns, Victor Alli switches to the neutral "cousin" and "they-them" in an interview with Decider. Does that mean anything? We don't know. To my knowledge, the actresses playing Cressida and Eloise speak of their perspective LIs in neutral terms, and we literally already met El's male endgame. Victor would have shot his scenes with "Michaela" more than one year ago, so he won't have learned about her between 16 and 22 May. More likely he just got the same PR memo as everyone else, only a little later. Still, the interview is spread all over the internet and especially Twitter as confirmation that Michael will be a woman. Yet another account who "has a source" announces that yes, Michael was gender bent and they have been "sitting on this tea for months". Like I said, it's not more reliable than people quoting the February 2023 tweets, it's just many more than before and harder to fact-check.
My conclusion: I believe Michael might very well have been genderbent. The casting call sounds sus and we still don't know who the woman in purple is. I simply don't believe we should take this twitter-tumblr sources as reliable sources because they're not. Even if A. said something accurare, they could have taken the info from someone else (like they did with the Polin audio post). Most of these people have white/Asian fan castings for Sophie and/or support the gender bending of Michael or Sophie, so they likely read every hint with biased glasses. 13 June is now super close and we'll know something soon.
Thanks for reading, if you've come so far!
submitted by franbridgerton to FranchaelStirling [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:09 SharkEva My wife wants to raise our 1 year old and our newborn as twins.

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/SupremeSmile posting in TwoHotTakes
Ongoing as per OOP
Thanks to u/Separate_Kick3186 for finding this BORU
1 update - Medium
Original - 1st June 2024
Update - 6th June 2024

My wife wants to raise our 1 year old and our newborn as twins.

A few weeks ago, my second son was born. He was somehow born on the exact day my 1-year old was born. I thought this was just a neat coincidence, and joked about how much money we would save on birthday parties.
My wife however is taking it a lot more seriously. Sheā€™s set on the idea of raising our two boys as twins. Sheā€™s always wanted twins and she said the fact that they were born on the same day is a sign from God.
She says if they were raised as the same age they would be able to go to school together, having each others backs and believes that they would be closer as twins rather than siblings.
I told her Iā€™d rather not psychologically torture my son for the rest of his life, but sheā€™s adamant that we will tell him when he grows up and itā€™s only so he can be closer to his brother now.
I also brought up that they clearly do not look the same age, and she says by the time theyā€™re 1 and 2, no one will be able to tell the difference.
Does she have any sort of point?


Sorry but this is ridiculous. Why set yourself up to constantly lie to your kids? One will think he is much more advanced and the other more behind than the other and end up resenting each other and you. Donā€™t underestimate the importance of honesty has on child development and security.
And another thingā€¦. No one else will keep this lie up. Family and friends will point out the inaccuracy and cause further resentment.
OOP: Brought up this point with her. Her entire familyā€™s on her side, this is what theyā€™ve all been praying for apparently. I donā€™t know what to do.

The difference between a one and a two year old is astronomical. Has your wife met small children before?

And people get mad/wonder why children's ages are referred to by month until they turn 2. The milestones are set for a reason.

As the mother of twins, your wife needs meds. The developmental rate for children this young is going to blow her twin fantasy to smithereens, unless she purposely plans to stunt the older kid's developmental progress... I think you need to get your wife some therapy, so she can get over this unrealistic fantasy she has, because she is going to damage your kids.

Hijacking top comment because I was born only 54 weeks after my sister and everyone thought we were twins and I was the slow twin. My parents didnā€™t do this to me but didnā€™t correct people either and it seriously messed with my confidence. Donā€™t let you wife do this to your child.

Update - 5 days later

The kids are safe and are with me. My wife for the time being has gone to her family house. A lot has happened in the past few days that has me questioning my entire relationship with her.
Firstly I want to make some things clear from my previous post.
She planned for my 1-year-old to delay joining kindergarten by a year. So there wouldnā€™t be a ā€œbehindā€ child, but rather one whoā€™s at an average level and one whoā€™s slightly advanced for his age.
People have pointed out that for this to work, all of our friends and family would have to be in on it. Her family completely supports her, and also believes this to be a gift from God.
My family on the other hand live states away. Weā€™ve just recently moved here so the only friends we know are my wifeā€™s childhood friends from when she used to live here.
My wife has had episodes before. When we had my first son, there would be days when Iā€™d come back home from work with the baby crying in hunger bc my wife couldnā€™t get out of bed. Weā€™ve been to therapy and even moved closer to her family so she could have some support.
But this goes beyond any previous episodes.
I told her that I wouldnā€™t put up with it. This only works if everyone is on it, and I made it clear Iā€™d never be in on it. She can dress them up in matching outfits, and even call them Irish twins, but if she ever implies itā€™s anything more than that Iā€™d shut it down.
This did not go over well. She yelled at me for denying her of her God-given blessing. That she would divorce me and raise the kids on her own if she had to.
That scared me, and I told her she had to leave. Now. She wanted to take the kids with her but I refused. I mightā€™ve overreacted but I was thinking about the safety of the kids first and foremost.
That was last night. Iā€™ve been taking care of the kids and have been contemplating what to do next.
I understand my wife isnā€™t in the proper mental state currently. Iā€™ve brought up going to the doctors and therapy multiple times. But how do you convince someone that they need help when their entire family and friends support their delusions?
I canā€™t keep the kids away from her forever. Her family and friends are blowing up my phone. Where do I go from here?
TLDR: My wife is insistent on raising them as twins. Her friends and family are all willing to support her, and sheā€™s threatened to divorce me to raise the kids this way.


Call an attorney pronto. I would also call a psychologist if you can and try to get help for yourself in how to navigate her delusions and also get records going for yourself, that this is going on and you are seeking help.
But definitely call the attorney. Also, look up recording permission in your state and try to get her on tape because this is something that when you tell them is hard to believe. You know what I mean, if you told me this, I would think no way. Or even get her going on text. She knows that's documentation, and you don't have to tell her she's being recorded. Text and voicemail are two places you don't have to tell them. Some states you don't when recording. Protect those children.

Inform the midwife/ Gynaecologist/ medical professional who was involved in the birth of the baby. If this is some sort of post partum depression or psychosis, they can asses that and get her more help.

Hey, im a psych nurse practitioner. I commented on your last post too. I dont know the full story of course but from what im hearing this is postpartum psychosis with religious preoccupation. You need to go to the magistrates office and tell her she is a harm to others (the kids) they will get a TDO (temporary hold order) and she will be admitted to a psych ward for 72hrs (might be slightly different for where you live) this is your best bet on getting her quick stabilized treatment and then further follow up outpatient

Is this a cult? If all these people are on the wife's side, even though this is nuts, there's got to be something going on in the background.
OOP: This is a genuine question but what are some warning signs of a cult? I was never religious and my wife always said she was raised religiously but never practiced after she left home. I assumed she had some sort of traumatic experience with religion and thatā€™s why she never brings it up. This was up until the birth of my son, who she fully believed would be twins until the ultrasound. She suddenly became super religious and got back into contact with her family and old friends, even getting us to move states to be with them. Sheā€™s always mentioned that her mother wanted her to have twins, which at the time didnā€™t sound as weird as it does now.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:43 Potatoskewer22 24 [M4F] UK/Online - Searching for the "one" isn't easy but hey! Patience is a virtue.... or something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming šŸ˜‚)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Œ I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on šŸ¤·
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently šŸ˜… so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no šŸ˜­ but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a mustšŸ—暟‘)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:42 Potatoskewer22 [24/M] - Searching for the "one" isn't easy but hey! Patience is a virtue..... or something like that

You know what they say, if at first you don't succeed....... ehhhh something or another. You get the point!
(P.S. pictures of me on my profile)
Searching for the "one" isnt easy, but what can we do aye? First things first, to throw some random bits of info out there about me! (Info dump incoming šŸ˜‚)
I'm 24 and biracial! Half Irish and half African/northern Indian, and I'm living in the UK!
I'm approximately 6'0"-6'1" in height and id say an average/kept build. I also have somewhat long-ish hair for a guy, going near my shoulders, it's naturally straight! I also have a well kept somewhat shorter and neat beard :) I also have very fair skin. I guess I took physically more from one side of my heritage šŸ˜‚šŸ¤Œ I'm also a Muslim lad! So just putting that out there too for the sake of it.
I do enjoy binging on junk food but between my high metabolism and my physically active job working as an electrician (which I'm trying to fully establish myself in) I tend to never put any weight on šŸ¤·
So! What am I looking for? Well it's a long shot. I'd like to imagine something like the female version of myself. My other half. Someone I find attractive, kind, easy going, fun to get along with, can hold a conversation without making it feel like a one sided effort and chore. Etc!
Important note!!!
IF you are not from the UK. Be aware relocating doesn't appear to be an option for me currently šŸ˜… so bear that in mind please. I am open to a potential long distance but again. There's that.
I guess I'm the hopeless romantic type. Fantasising about soulmates, something real, serious, natural and everything great. Is that easy to obtain these days? Bruh. HECK no šŸ˜­ but can a guy try? Well, here's to hoping I suppose. Guess only time will tell
Anyone between the ages of 20 - 29 is welcome! (Won't go lower than 20! But I may go higher than 29) Anyone who wants to actually get to know each other and dreams about something sincere and real! (With some fun stupidity and jokes thrown in there of course, that banter is a mustšŸ—暟‘)
I like a woman with a little bit of confidence ya know? Probably one of the most attractive personality traits, who can hold a conversation and engage with the other person you know? Nothing more off putting than someone who gives single worded dead replies lol
Here's a bit more about me. My hobbies! my hobbies are various. I'd argue I'm an ambivert. Though my main hobbies lean towards something a little more introverted. You have hiking and the likes as well as going out with friends and driving around at night with them, but then you also have gaming which is a huge hobby of mine!! Well probably the thing I do most consistently
So yeah! There's my shot being let out. I'd say I consider myself to be an honest and open book and would like someone who is open, honest and genuine in the same way!
Oh! And my preferred platform is Snap! Though I have one or two other things (:
So. Here's to hoping!
submitted by Potatoskewer22 to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 08:19 sonnytapman Hidden Aspect Speculation

Something I loved about the first Hades were the Hidden Aspects of each weapon. They referenced different folklore, had cool alternate play styles, and were fun world building. Well, hopefully they return for the second game, and if they do, I have a few ideas on what they could be.
Staff: Aspect of Merlin
So Merlin is sort of the great grandfather of our idea of wizardry, which could be fitting. The playstyle would be more ranged focused with possible elemental properties. However, Iā€™m not totally sold on this particular aspect. For one, drawing on Arthurian Lore again seems a little repetitive. I think the only other choice that comes to mind immediately would be Moses, and maybe the aspect is based on the different plagues.
Either way, the activation phrase could be something along the lines of ā€œI see you in the hands of a trusted advisor,ā€ referencing Merlinā€™s role as an advisor in King Arthurā€™s Court.
Twin Blades: Aspect of Kali
I REFUSE to budge on this one. You could give me a million other suggestions for this, and I will always respond with ā€œYeah sure, but Kali is always depicted with the exact Sickle Sword thatā€™s used for the Twin Blades.ā€ As for how the aspect would play, I think this could be this gameā€™s version of Guan Yu, lowering your HP but giving you a reliable healing method, based on how Kaliā€™s most famous legend involves her sucking blood.
And speaking of that, the activation phrase could be ā€œI see you cut through a battlefield of blood,ā€ in reference to Kaliā€™s battle against Raktabija.
Axe: Aspect of Bunyan
Look, I know. Thereā€™s plenty of other mythological axe users out there, from Chacc of Mayan mythology, to GobĆ”n Saor of Irish Mythology. But I live in Michigan, and Paul Bunyanā€™s the closest we have to a mythological figure here, so let me have this.
Jokes aside, picking just one mythological axe is tough. But I opted for the most unique one out of them all. It being a woodsmanā€™s axe, itā€™s be better for chopping, so probably a faster attack speed but a smaller area of effect.
The activation phrase would be ā€œI see you resting next to a blue steeheifer, after a day of hard work.ā€ I couldnā€™t figure out if Babe, Bunyanā€™s ox companion that turned blue from the freezing snow, was male or female, but itā€™s not too big of a deal.
Torches: Aspect of Zhulong
Look, this one was really hard. Itā€™s probably best to use this particular aspect as a sort of overall reference to the Dancing Dragons you see at Chinese festivals. And as such, the aspect could just look like that, with Melonie holding the head of it by herself. As opposed to the more mid range focus of the normal torches, this aspect would be focused on continual damage up close, with fire coming from the dragonā€™s mouth, and growing in intensity as time goes on.
The activation phrase could be ā€œI see you, on the top of Mount Bell, casting light on the Ninefold Darkness.ā€ This is two separate references. The part about Mount Bell is from ā€œThe Classic of the Regions Beyond the Seas: The North,ā€ while the Ninefold Darkness is from ā€œThe Classic of the Great Wilderness: The North,ā€ both of which are part of the ā€œClassic of Mountains and Seas.ā€
Skull: Aspect of Calavera
Aka, the Sugar Skull! Sugar skulls are used in Mexico during Dios de los Muertos, or The Day of the Dead. Is it really mythological? No. But the next idea I had was The Aspect of Yorick, and I donā€™t think I consider the works of Shakespeare mythological.
As for play style, the Aspect of Calavera could be a couple things. My immediate thought was to make it a rapid fire Skull with lower damage. But the more interesting idea is to make it a shotgun. Something that fire at a middle range, as opposed to the long range of the Melonie Aspect, or the close range of Medea.
And for the activation phrase, it could go something like ā€œI see you, up and down the streets, being offered to the dead.ā€
Okay so I know I joked about the Aspect of Yorick just in the last section, but an amazing idea came to me.
Yorick was in another game with a heavy mythology basis, that being the Castlevania series. In Dawn of Sorrow in particular, youā€™re able to throw Yorickā€™s head, and then kick it into enemies.
So what if the Aspect of Yorick only had one shot in the chamber, but when it collides, it returns to where it fired from. If you dash or sprint into it before it hits the ground, it bounces to the next enemy, gaining like, one or two points of damage every time you do it.
And also the activation phrase could be funny. ā€œI see you, and alas, I knew you.ā€
Anyways, thatā€™s all for me. If you have ideas for other hidden aspects, Iā€™d love to hear about them.
submitted by sonnytapman to HadesTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:45 wrenawild Brand new fan with some questions.

I hope this is allowed here and I'm not bothering anyone!
I just started watching this show for the first time about two weeks ago, so I'm brand new to everything Star Trek. I started a house-sitting job and when I arrived the TV was on playing TNG, to keep the dogs company while alone. It was on some cable channel, I thought it was playing the whole series but I think it was just one season, playing on loop. I left it playing as background noise while settling in, then while cooking dinner. It caught my eye, and I kept watching all night, and I could not stop watching for the next week! I love it so so much! I have never watched much Star Trek before but have seen little pieces and tons of pop culture references. It's wonderful for so many reasons, I love the way they handle everything, the way they treat each other, and how much you learn. Almost every episode I was moved to tears by the end, from the plot to how logical, loving and progressive it is. No capitalism? Complete bodily autonomy? When something weird happens to one of them they all believe it, at their word. šŸ„¹ They help each other. It introduces mysteries and actually solves them straightforward without dumb explanations or a deus ex machina. I still don't know what season I was watching over and over when I was there, but there was Picard stuck in the simulation of a past society and spent years there, but it was like a memory in the end?, Data loses his memory and radioactivates a society (I did not know he was immortal and really thought he died) and Worf goes in a different dimension and falls in love with Commander Troi? Are they actually a thing later on? I like them together. And the Barclay episode with the embarrassing holodeck! Waayyyy too real lol. Amazing season, if it was just one season. I'm so excited to have found this, I want to say someone should have told me how great it was but I know they have. šŸ˜… After about a week the channel switched to a repeating season of the OG show, I was bummed but it was enjoyable, really campy so kinda funny but I like the new one better.
Since then I started at the pilot and I'm almost done with Season 2 (EP 19 now) and I can tell the first couple of seasons weren't as refined as later seasons but it's still amazing. It's funny to see Worfs little business haircut when later it's long and more natural looking. And how in the pilot they weren't sure of the costume direction yet and there were some short skirts and beehive hairdos like the 70s show.
As a newbie I was wondering if I could share some thoughts and ask some questions that might be hard to articulate to search engine but veteran fans might know way better? I'm okay with spoilers I guess, the show is so old so I don't think I have the right, but thankfully I know so little the references I see here don't make much sense yet.
Do they say how old Wesley Crusher is? Do they have an ensign who's like 16? I feel like that's pushing the rules of the show universe if he's so young he can't live on his own but works for them. But what a little cutie, I knew he was on the show but have only seen him on Leverage much older.
Why was Dr. Crusher replaced with Pulaski? I didn't like her at first but I really do now! I assume the actress needed to take a break, since Pulaski is listed as a guest star, but would love to know the inside scoop. Preggers? A movie deal? I'm hoping she comes back by Season 3, I miss her.
When I started watching whatever season it was Worf was the security officer and I didn't realize he didn't start out that way. When I started watching from the pilot I was like who tf is this blonde lady? I did find out later Tasha was going to die (because of this subreddit lol) but it was still sad, I wasn't expecting it season one, but her eulogy was beautiful. I feel like they were beyond their time, having like an internet troll personality killing her off. Does anyone know if she quit or was written off for any reason? Was she not getting a good reception, or just less popular than Worf?
Q is annoying AF and I'm not really interested in those episodes. I wanna smack him. I was hoping to not have many of those but I see he's involved with the Borg plotline so prob a lot more in the future. No questions about that, just complaining lol.
There haven't shown a male Vulcan yet, only the ladies, and they look so pretty, I was delighted to see that after only knowing Spock. But why no males, is it because of the Spock character or will there be some later?
Deanna Troi has an accent I don't think was there in that later season, kinda nasally, is she Spanish? If it was something she tried early on because she's an alien then cool, but it wasn't her OG accent and they anglicized her, was it? That's kind of a bummer if so. Love her doing more in the later season than just being sexy feel things lady. The show teaches about emotional intelligence and problem solving too, my heart!
Riker looks so much like Shatner in season 1!! All tan and shaven. Was he supposed to be the lead? Can't be a coincidence they got a guy looking like Shatners son, but then they changed his look and I wonder if there was more to that. Either way he's more awesome than I'd thought he'd be, the exchange program with the Klingons was badass, and the line he used on the Irish lady, "Haven't you ever seen a woman before?" "I thought I had." šŸ˜ Smooth lol
Love how Data starts unmasking after they vote to give him human rights šŸ˜„ Like the actor could relax and do more human mannerisms. He is so precious. But did I miss the thing between him and Tasha in a previous episode, or was that they only time they referenced it?! How did I miss that, Picard seemed to know about it. I saw a post here recently joking about them but I thought it was like a fan thing. If she hadn't died would she be in trouble? Do they ever go into that?
Was that Billy Pilgrim in the episode with the lying warp salesmen and the alien that could phase stuff?? So many cool guest stars on this show.
Is Deanna's moms eyes all black, like she's wearing those contacts, or am I looking too hard? Just noticed that watching last episode.
I loved how they solved the Casino Royale thing but did they ever say how the NASA astronauts got that far out in the first place? That seemed to be the OG mystery before they got trapped there and they only resolved the escape plot.
I cannot believe how many actors, plot points, set/costume design, tech, everything, has been the OG for so much of what I see today. Instead of Simpsons did it first! It should be Star Trek did it!
If anyone can help with the inside info about all this thank you very much. I'm so happy I discovered this show, it was so random that I found it, I thank the universe for lining up like that because I haven't found media I liked this much overall in forever. I feel like a different person now in a more positive way. Looking forward to seeing the rest of it. Hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Edit: Thanks to everyone who answered, I really appreciate it, I had no idea how to find out a lot of that behind the scenes stuff. Now I know I have so much more to look forward to and I'm even happier I found this.
(Deanna Trois eyes are black too, can't believe I missed that but she pulls it off way better than her mom, she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen!)
submitted by wrenawild to TNG [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 12:52 stevenchamp45 Irish American culture: is drinking and celebrating at funerals a thing for you guys too?

Now I've been to my fair share of funerals, for a lot of people, it's always a very somber event, the tone is morbid with the whole way through, and they're typically relatively brief, under 2 hours, and everybody goes on about there day, a very somber tone overall.
But with my family and other family friends around us, and many I know, particularly the people of Irish-American culture, the actual funeral usually lasts about half an hour, whole thing is very light-hearted with a lot of laughs and a lot of people cracking jokes, and after the service everybody will go to the basement or the "lobby" area and mingle for about an hour, after which everybody will slowly make their way out to the parking lot, the older people start opening beers and the younger people start lighting joints, and within the very parking lot of the funeral home you would mistake it for a wedding venue, that will typically go on for three or four hours until the host eventually tells us it's time to leave, at which point there will be an after-party, and everyone will be partying all night. It seems a stark difference to what most people experience with funerals, I was wondering if anyone here had similar experiences? If you ask me, this is the way to go, because it's portrayed as a celebration of life instead of a mourning of death
submitted by stevenchamp45 to IrishAncestry [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 22:01 chanma50 'Bad Boys: Ride Or Die' Review Thread

I will continue to update this post as reviews come in.
Rotten Tomatoes: Fresh
Critics Consensus: Will Smith and Martin Lawrence remain good company even when Bad Boys strains to up the ante, proving there's still life left in this high-octane franchise.
Score Number of Reviews Average Rating
All Critics 64% 172 6.00/10
Top Critics 56% 41 5.60/10
Metacritic: 54 (45 Reviews)
Sample Reviews:
We like our movie junk food amped and familiar. In that light, what could be more comforting than watching the two stars of ā€œRide or Dieā€ trash-talk each other with the kind of deep-dish disgruntled conviction it takes 29 years to build up? - Owen Gleiberman, Variety
If the slap caused a reassessment of Smith as a movie star, ā€œRide or Dieā€ is the kind of the tailor-made vehicle that reminds you there havenā€™t been many better male American action stars in the last few decades. 2.5/4 - Jake Coyle, Associated Press
Itā€™s a thin tapestry of lore with some interesting creative embellishments, but without any real interest in character, it feels flimsy and disposable. You could do worse, but you could certainly do better. 2/4 - Katie Walsh, Tribune News Service
While many Hollywood franchises are flailing, Bad Boys instead enjoys a renewed relevance thanks to revved-up emotional stakes and a couple of old favorites still at the top of their game. 3/4 - Brian Truitt, USA Today
ā€œBad Boys: Ride or Dieā€ throws everything at the wall, and much of it sticks. - Robert Daniels, New York Times
There are other ways to approach a movie like this. How about making it funny when itā€™s trying to be? ā€œRide or Dieā€ makes you pathetically grateful for any comic impulse. 1.5/4 - Michael Phillips, Chicago Tribune
Cameras zip and whirl and twirl around a room, but the results are rarely exciting because the action itself doesn't have any meaning or consequence. It's all sizzle and no meat. C - Adam Graham, Detroit News
Lots of gunfights, ridiculous stunts (with some killer drone camera work), and just enough emotional pull to give this movie some substance ā€” although not much. 3/5 - Kaely Monahan, Arizona Republic
The plotā€™s believability is stretched to the point of emaciation, even for this series. The comedy, which arrives on cue every other scene, is pained. And the action is now a fully cribbed and inferior sizzle reel of Bayā€™s greatest hits. - Barry Hertz, Globe and Mail
[Will Smith] is still a very formidable actor and it could be that PR redemption lies in serious work. Pending that though, the Bad Boys are still providing innocent amusement. 3/5 - Peter Bradshaw, Guardian
Bad Boys: Ride or Die has learned a few valuable lessons from the Fast & Furious franchise -- dumb and loud, executed with right enthusiasm, can feel like a warm hug. 3/5 - Clarisse Loughrey, Independent (UK)
Still, in the summer movie context it is nothing short of magnificent. 4/5 - Kevin Maher, Times (UK)
Thereā€™s a refreshing level of loose-cannon silliness throughout, even if Smith has to straight-man his way through it all like a felon in handcuffs. Lawrence, never a world-beater at comic timing, lands more of his business than you might expect. 3/5 - Tim Robey, Daily Telegraph (UK)
The new film places a huge array of brash, unlikable characters in a giant biscuit tin, shakes it until their heads crack and flings them towards garishly lit permanent nightmare. 2/5 - Donald Clarke, Irish Times
The result has that calculated, tired feel about it, with a few moments of kinetic action but not enough to make the film play like anything more than a relic. - Brian Lowry,
The plot is nonsensical, the grenade-dodging stunts are even more nonsensical, and the internal logic is non-existent... But the film is fun enough in its chaotic, grungy, rough and ready way. 2/5 - Nicholas Barber,
Scruffy and overstuffed, but contagiously good-natured. And frankly more films need to feature showdowns at abandoned alligator-themed amusement parks. 3/5 - Nick De Semlyen, Empire Magazine
Collateral damage is often played for giggles -- life is pretty cheap in this world, unless you're one of the good/bad boys. Yet, as with their previous adventures, the two headline stars still have enough charisma together to see this through. 3/5 - Anna Smith, Total Film
A rehash thatā€”in the interest of staving off franchise death for a little while longerā€”could stand to learn a few new tricks. - Nick Schager, The Daily Beast
Despite everything thatā€™s crammed into this one, itā€™s still nothing without Mike and Marcus. And despite everything that Smith has been through since the previous installment, he and Lawrence will always be our bad boys. B- - David Ehrlich, indieWire
Rotten score. Ride or Die plays out like it might be preparing us to let go of its big-name legacy leads. 2.5/4 - Justin Clark, Slant Magazine
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence look like theyā€™d rather be anywhere else, and that feeling is infectious. - Alonso Duralde, The Film Verdict
ā€™90s-style action is alive and well. 6/10 - Matt Singer, ScreenCrush
Fans of the franchise are sure to lap it up, others will wish this had been given more of a chance to be properly funny. 3/5 - Linda Marric, HeyUGuys
Whatā€™cha going to do? Youā€™re going to go see this silly summer movie because it has Will Smith, Martin Lawrence, a lot of winks and in-jokes, and some eye-popping chases and explosions. B - Nell Minow, Movie Mom
This Summer, the world's favorite Bad Boys are back with their iconic mix of edge-of-your seat action and outrageous comedy but this time with a twist: Miami's finest are now on the run.
DIRECTED BY: Adil & Bilall
WRITTEN BY: Chris Bremner, Will Beall
PRODUCED BY: Jerry Bruckheimer, Will Smith, Chad Oman, Doug Belgrad
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Barry Waldman, Mike Stenson, James Lassiter, Jon Mone, Chris Bremner, Martin Lawrence
EDITED BY: Asaf Eisenberg, Dan Lebental
MUSIC BY: Lorne Balfe
CASTING BY: Lindsay Graham, Mary Vernieu
RUNTIME: 110 Minutes
RELEASE DATE: June 7, 2024
submitted by chanma50 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:09 Impressive-Roof-3426 AITAH for saying ā€œnoā€ to an audience member?

I (30F) am a stand-up comedian by night, and have accumulated some success. So much so that a larger more successful comedian invited me to open for him in my hometown.
Everything was going well until the crowd work portion of my set. I asked an audience member in the front row where she was from and she answered in the thickest southern accent Iā€™ve ever heard that her and her father (who she pointed to and was cringing) were Scottish. This took place in Edinburgh, Scotland and I myself am Scottish. I said ā€œnoā€ and made a couple of jokes about Americans who claim Scottish and Irish nationality when really their 4x great grandparentā€™s dogā€™s hamster was from Scotland. People laughed (including them) and I did some more crowd work and moved on.
When the clip went up on social media I received hundreds of comments claiming I bullied her and I donā€™t understand American culture. Now I canā€™t stop thinking about if I was in the wrong. Was I TAH here?
submitted by Impressive-Roof-3426 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:54 King_Of_BlackMarsh 10 issues into the Atom

Right so spoilers for an 80 year old comic series but:
Over the past few days I came into possessing copies of some of the All-American comics run from the 40s and, because he tickled my fancy, I decided to read the first ten adventures of The Atom (and a few All-Star issues too) and I might as well say I thought just to get my brain straight; the atom was the best hero of the run. Or, rather, his stories were the most entertaining to me.
One flaw that permeates the early Golden Age a lot is that because we're before the age of supervillains (least at DC) the stories can get very...very repetitive. The structure is basically "HERO is on his way, CRIME happens via GANG, HERO gets prompted to action and beats up GANG, joke about LOVE INTEREST not knowing that SECRET IDENTITY is HERO, Stan Lee leads us into the stamps page". And that's fine but at some point you gotta wonder why it's even different gangs that GL or Dr Midnite are going after. It might as well just be the same maffia doing the crime month to month.
And that's why the supporting cast is so fricking important here. Id argue they're more important than the hero to keep things interesting. And Al Pratt had the best one in All-American Comics, least for the first dozen issues. Mary James is hilariously spiteful, constantly ragging on the little guy every issue. Joe is a real good dude and his concern for "Oh shit did I create a monster?" is nice to see and I appreciate the goodness of two men coming together to make each other better. Then the various mooks at college kinda give me spiderman vibes in how they're just regular kids going about their day (ragging on Al of course) and with crime happening around them for some reason.
And of course the hero is important too and Al is a damn good one. Beside that he kinda breaks with the masculine archetypes that you'd think the 40s of all time periods would lean into, his costume is amazing (and really goofy at times) with an unmistakable "strong man" aesthetic to it that of course fits the Atom, he's really funny when he leans into the mockery with an ironic wink, he's very selfless in that he doesn't let his reputation get to him, and I gave him a thick Spanish accent which I found funny (even tho he's probably meant to be Irish). As well his gimmick (I'm short) Is both distinctive and not like... Cripplingly dumb. Dr Midnite? Blind... Except in the dark... Except. He has goggles so he's not blind at all! Green Lantern? Anything but metal can harm him so he's knocked out every issue but the goons just keep shooting bullets at him. And don't get me started with Sargos. Basically, he's not infuriating to read and his strength means he's actually visually interesting to read since it's this tiny figure punching up, leaping, SWINGING a whole lot, and because he doesn't have a magic drug or ring when he's saving his girl from falling into a pit of molten steel I can actually worry that he'll not make it.
Also, he doesn't have a Doiby. I like Doiby. He's adorable. But he's also the scrappy doo of the entire book.
Also the artist, Bill O'connor, is really good at drawing the environment for Al so you can get a clear idea of what's going on (sudden materialisation of a city not withstanding) and you're thinking with the Atom for what he should do next. "Al broke some handle cords before? Oh in this panel those were near the window that he appeared in, so he'll use them to swing at the enemy!" or "Before and during the jump into the molten steel there's a metal cord and hook going down, of course he'll use that to save himself in the nick" etc. Idk, when a lot of the other stories take place in a colorful void it's nice to see.
Soooo yeah, I enjoyed the Atom a lot more than I did his contemporaries and I think he deserves more love if only for that. Where's my "Al Pratt: The Atom!" mini, dc?!
Side notes: He's like 19. Hes a child. I love that. All-Star Comics #4 is an insult to its medium and it should've never seen print. Dr Midnite fell off his chair so Daredevil could run. Hop Harrigan was somebody's special interest child and I've learned more about avian history than anyone should. Dextrose is the sugar your body directly uses for energy. And the Red Tornado is the hero of the neighbourhood.
Thank you for my waffling
submitted by King_Of_BlackMarsh to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 02:15 mojomarm Part 2 Trailer - Second by Second (ish) breakdown

Right, some of these points might have been discussed on the main thread, and I'm sorry mods for not posting on there but this is just too damn long for a reply and it won't let me post.
0:01 - Ooo, that's a very dark background for the city skyline? Maybe sunrise from the way the light is starting to creep in? Or is it a metaphor for the whole stepping into the light thing? It's definitely setting a darker tone than the part 1 trailer though. We've got angsty ahoy coming (and I couldn't be happier)
0:02 - That's the Feathertington carriage methinks from the footman driving it. Given we know Pen & Colin have already got to Bridgerton House, I'm assuming this is them taking Pen home after. Unless ......
0:05 - Pen's in her absolute element here. The trailer is being sneaky and wanting you to think she's writing the edition for the following day, but she's got her cape on and the engagement ring. So methinks this is where she's off to the printers and Colin catches her later. Also, nothing like working to a late deadline Pen - she's still writing the damn edition. Plus, she's in a Feathertington coach so surely the footmen must know she's LW otherwise what the hell do they think she's doing traipsing off a printer in a dodgy bit of London Town every other nightā€½ Now thinking the shot of the carriage from just before is linked to this as well. God, we're only 5 seconds in and this is PACKED with stuff already.
0:07 - This shot of Bridgerton House is really interesting. Yes it's nighttime so it's darker, but the framing of Pen & Colin walking up the steps through the gate feels a little creepy. The wisteria over the door kind of add to that vibe too. We know from the teaser trailer they use the wonky camera angles to show Pen's unease but I feel it's creeping in here too. Really interesting choice given Bridgerton House is normally shown as a place of warmth and light. Also, I can't help but think Pen's going to be a bit chilly without a cape or coat and those exposed arms - I'm middle aged and can't help the urge to scream 'PUT A COAT ON'. Unless she's still flushed from getting frisky in the carraige a few minutes before of course.
0:10 - There's those wonky camera angles again! My God they don't half look adorable holding hands like that though. Colin's got hold of her and there's no way he's letting go. Pen's starting to look anxious already - I don't think it's cus of LW yet, she's just a bit overwhelmed at EVERYTHING she's been through in the past hour or so. Time for the obligatory finger check as well - you better have wiped your hand at this point Mr Bridgerton cus you're grasping onto your fiancee with THAT hand.
0:11 - What exactly are Violet, Francesca and Hyacinth gazing at in the corner? They're nowhere near the window so not snooping - are they nattering over something to do with John gift to Fran? Colin's clearly stepped quite a bit into the room at some point and Pen's further back - has she frozen a bit at the enormity of all this? Really hoping as well that Colin actually announces the engagement, as opposed the V, F & H working it out as the trailer is leaning towards without the audio. Also, Hyacinth's eye mask is a work of genius. I want one. Badly.
0:14 - I know a lot of people aren't exactly fans of Eloise right now but to suddenly find out of NOWHERE that your brother and your ex-best mate are now engaged must be a shock. On the other hand if she actually paid attention when Colin bust into the Pebling dance at that ball and Cressida ran off, she might have had a tiny inkling.
0:15 - Is that Greg just behind Violet? Is he wearing some kind of nightgown himself? No idea why I find this hilarious cus that's probably what teenage boys wore back then but it's tickled me for no good reason.
0:16 - Pen's clinging on to that hug from Violet for dear life. Is that the maternal love she felt she never got from Portia? (I loves me some Portia btw - she's such a complex person and we need more grey characters like her on TV)
0:17 - Kind of tickled Marcus actually knows who Colin and Penelope are to be honest given he's not been back in society long. Why does he even think it's worth anything of note?
0:18 - Benedict finding out in bed with Lady T is hilarious. The way his jaw drops is just A+. Also Lady T is a fox - not new news obviously but worth commenting on. Pen must have pulled one hell of an all-nighter though after having to announce the engagement to the Bridgertons and then writing up all the details in LW before getting it to the printers. Total night shift Queen.
0:20 - Prudence and Philippa spitting their tea out is genius. Obviously there's a chance the trailer is making this out to be for something else but I think this one's legit. Finch's giggle is adorable. So pleased we've got to see a bit more of him this series.
0:21 - Portia's in shock. Don't blame her to be honest. She's gone from thinking Pen's about to be Lady Debling and helping her run the estate while Debbers is off doing his thing (whether Pen wanted that help or not), to seeing the proposal never happen, then being put in her place by Pen (and starting to feel guilty if her expression in Ep4 is anything to go by) to waking up the next morning to find Pen IS actually engaged after all. And to a Bridgerton no less. Unless timings went Pen's way though, she's clearly not bothered to check where her youngest got to last night. REALLY hoping they show Pen walking down to breakfast the next morning while the rest of the family are still digesting the news from LW. Could that be a comedy scene? like the engagement one in the book
0:24 - 'Who needs fresh air when there is fresh gossip'. Too damn right Lady D!
0:25 - I'm guessing Charlotte's smirk then sudden drop in expression is to do with LW possibly writing about Francesca officially binning off Lord Samadani for John. If it is this, thenthen kudos to Pen for actually spotting that at the ball when you were shitting yourself about accepting a proposal without love and then getting fingerbanged by and engaged to the love of your life that same evening. She's a better woman than me.
0:29 - The fact that they've got Pen, Portia and the rest of the Featheringtons walking by a carriage is hilarious. Yes it's not THAT carriage but the symbolism of Portia not knowing just what went down in one of those bad boys between her youngest and Colin is glorious. Pen's wearing another lilac dress - opening herself up to love and starting to believe it's realā€½
0:30 - Ooooo, its a green and lilac dress - STUNNING. Chucking in a the green for Polin and lilac at the same timeā€½ Give those costume designers a raise. Also, I'm a sucker for a plain bodice on Pen - she really pulls it off. Portia could not be peacocking more if she tried. Evidenced by the comment about 'OUR' upcoming nuptials instead of 'YOUR' upcoming nuptials. Good luck with your mother-in-law Colin.....
0:31 - POLIN IN A CHURCH!!!! It's been far too long in this trailer since we saw them together. Yes 15 seconds is too long a wait. Guessing they've had the bahns read or something so maybe fairly early/mid ep 5.
0:33 - Oh this chat between them is going to break me. This is the point where she tells him she's always loved himā€½! I can't cope. She's starting to be honest with him about her heart - such a vulnerable step to take even if you are engaged by this point. You just need to push a bit more Pen but at least it's a start.
0:34 - Colin's smile as he's listening to her confession. SWOON.
0:34- THAT DANCE!!!!! If this is the equivalent of Berkley Square from the books then I'll take it. Gladly. They're just so damn gorgeous. I know we've seen the still of this, but it makes my heart soar seeing it as a real moving image.
0:35 - Colin's bloody beaming as she spins around. Oh boy. Yes shit is going to go down at some point, but they'll come back to this without too much kerfuffle. The fact he doesn't have to lift his arm very high for her to spin under is just perfect - that height difference is everything.
0:36 - Oh Christ. That embrace between them and the way Colin is bringing their combined hands to his heart - it's just perfect. Oh to be young and hopelessly in love.
0:38 - So we're back to stuff from the teaser trailer with Pen & Eloise's confrontation in the corridor after the announcement to the family. Don't get me wrong, Pen absolutely needs to tell Colin about LW instead of trying to hide it, but bloody hell Eloise now may not be quite the time to bring it up. Pen's been backwards and forwards this evening more than a sodding pendulum on a clock and you know she was Debbers official girl just a few hours ago so you've can't play dumb on that score. Give. Her. Chance. To. Breathe. Not sure when Colin's run off too at this point either - from the look on his face most of the evening, I'm surprised he remembered how to let go of Pen's hand.
0:39 - Finding the lighting in all the engagement-annoucement-Bridgerton-House scenes interesting too. Yes it's night so there's a lot less light, but it doesn't seem as inviting as it normally does in the daytime - again, is this alluding to Pen's unease?
0:40 - 'He will find out'. The way Eloise's voice rises in pitch on the 'out' is reaaaaally interesting to me. It almost sounds as though she's panicking more for Pen's secret being discovered and being concerned for her, as opposed to being pissed off at her brother being lied to. If it was the latter, I'd expect the inflection on the 'out' to be lower.
0:41 - Kanthony are back! Greg's still in a sling! (Seriously is that sling going to come into play at any point cus it seems a bit random otherwise). Colin is open-necked and in a dark shirt - YES PLEASE! (Pirate coat aside which I fear has lost itself at the bottom of Colin's wardrobe following his need to no longer be shag-about-Colin, this look is by far my favourite on Colin. Beyond sexy).
0:42 - See. Colin in love, wearing that dark outfitā€½ HOT. I have shown extreme amounts of self-composure not to lick my computer screen at this point.
0:43 - Interesting choice to have Anthony and Benedict on one side of the table, facing against Colin on the other. Almost like they are questioning him as opposed to the chat in Will's bar in ep 1 when they were all on a different side of the table. Also, we're back in the study again as production need to make the most of the cash they've spent on that new set.
0:45 - The ring!!!!! I know there's some debate about whether this is actually Violet's ring or just a very similar copy. I couldn't care less - it's beautiful and it's Pen's and it's everything to see Colin propose properly. It's about the only bit of propriety he's ever managed with her at this point so at least he did it with something meaningful. Sweet that he does it at her house too. My guess would be this is the morning after the carriage - hopefully after Pen's come down to meet the family following their reaction at 0:20? We might not get the comedy proposal scene from the book but hoping for the odd joke at Portia, Pru and Philippa's reaction to it maybe? Also, Pen's in another green/lilac dress but more green on this one. Maybe to symbolise how new this all is as opposed to the promenade at 0:30 where she's a bit more settled as a fiancee? That first love lilac is only beginning to creep through here.
0:46 - New house!!! Controversial opinion here but I'm not a massive fan of that teal/green colour - it's quite dark. And this is coming from someone who has a teal wall in their dining room at home. It'll grow on me though - it's Polin's so I'm bound to love it. Pen's updo at the back is by far the best hair she's had yet. Utterly stunning. Not sure why but the boxes and random furniture lying around as they're moving in is a little funny to me. I can't get the image of regency style furniture movers bundling cardboard boxes around and swearing about a sofa that won't fit through a doorway (having flashbacks to my own houses moves - it wasn't pretty)
0:48 - Before we get onto the 'mirror' of it all - these are the same clothes they're wearing in the Bridgerton carriage from the teaser trailer, where Pen was holding Colin's arm and they were discussing something about LW. God they looked so loved up and adorable there. This is just peak happy Polin isn't itā€½ There's a little blink from Pen here as though she's anxious. PRAISE THAT WOMAN LIKE THE GODDESS SHE IS COLIN.
0:49 - They've not actually moved in yet and they're going to go at it in the mirrorā€½ They are total horndogs and I love them for it. The fact we have this scene with Colin in his sexy dark outfit and Pen in an incredible dress is just perfect. Oooo - just spotted her hair is down more as Colin touches her across her mouth and just after as she leans into him touching her neck - has he unpinned her hair as wellā€½ This is sexy as f*ck already and they're still fully clothed. I know others have said it, but we just aren't going to be able to cope with this scene are weā€½ Horny jail for us all. Also, there's a quick glimpse of a steamy kiss as things are about to kick off. I have nothing of value to comment on this because my brain has melted at the thought of what's to come (Pen and Colin multiple times if they're lucky). Christ they know how to tease us don't theyā€½
0:50 - Oh that smirk from Colin answering his brothers back. I'm thinking that despite the trailer suggesting otherwise, this happens before Mirror. Anthony's in the same outfit as where Kanthony came back at 0:41 and Colin's still in a dark suit. So any shenanigans in Colin's mind are purely carriage related at this point. He's merely thinking about all the extra kinky shit they're going to get up to once they're married.
0:51 - glorious reaction shot from A&B - Anthony looks shocked while Benedict looks impressed and just nods along at the thought of Colin getting some before marriage. The pause before Colin says 'swiftly' is brilliant - leans a little into smug/flirty Colin from Ep1 but I'll happily take it.
0:52 - 'are you going to duel with your own brother?' Suck it Anthony! Do we need to remind you what you got up to with Kate in the garden? Yes it was in jest but god bless Ben for being on Polin's side.
0:55 - Lovely snigger from Colin as he finishes his drink. He doesn't need his brothers approval, but he clearly feels like he's respected more by them but the end of that conversation as opposed to the start. From the way he explained how it all happened quickly though, I doubt he actually gave any f*cks what they thought anyway.
0:56 - Engagement party! Yes I know Engagement Ball rolls off the tongue more but there ain't a band and no dancing so I refuse to acknowledge it as a full blown ball. (Accidental innuendo there)
0:58 - Lady T is next to Portia while she's making a toast. Surely there's no way Ben's invited her as his plus one, so how has she managed to wangle her way in? If she was a close family friend beforehand then surely there was no need for the whole introduction between her and Ben in Ep3 at the Innovations Ball. (Yes I know it's an old TV/film trope about guest characters randomly turning up a big events never to be seen again, but it gets on my nerves almost as much as clearly empty coffee cups being thrown around on screen as if they're full. My issue, not yours). That aside, love the colour combination on Portia's dress. And yes it is the match of the season. The match of the whole bloody show in my eyes.
0:59 - He's so bloody happy! That boy clearly can't stop grinning. If he's raising a toast to Pen at this point, are we getting a love declaration in front of everyone? I suspect there may be another one later on >! in line with the book where he goes full pelt on how much he worships her in the last chapter - I want this so much !<. Yes the carriage declaration was amazing but he hasn't actually said the word 'love' yet even if it's blindingly obvious from everything else he's doing that he's totally head over heels for our Pen. He HAS to say that little 4 letter word at some point v soon. Oh hang on. He might say it in the church. But I still want it here. I want love declarations that melt our souls at every available opportunity please. More randoms in the background behind Colin but I think I spot Alice too.
1:00 - John and Fran! Thinking they must be officially courting by this point. Oh and Lady T IS by Benedict after all. Coincidence?
1:00 - OK so El is clearly trying to stir the pot here massively, but she has got a bloody good point. YOU NEED TO TELL HIM ABOUT WHISTLEDOWN PEN. Cressida looks miserable in the background. Is she just annoyed that Pen got engaged first? Has she been betrothed to a miserable older guy by her Dad? A bit of both? The sleeves on her dress actually look reasonable by her standards. (Jesus, we're only a minute into this damn thing and I've already written a sodding essay.)
1:01 - I refuse to believe that Colin's slightly spooked expression is actually a reaction to El's toast - trailer shenanigans methinks. Good to see the BTS hair clip has been doing it's job properly as it's keeping his emotional support curl in place.
1:03 - Not trailer shenanigans at this point - it's just Pen thinking 'oh shit, El's going to drop me in it'. Full lilac dress for first love as we all know. Lacework on the bodice cannot be commended highly enough (yes I know I said I like plain bodices at 0:30 but that was for a day dress - you go full on fancy at your engagement bash please)
1:04 - I'm really liking all these corridor shots in Bridgerton House we're getting in Part 2. We've got so familiar with seeing the drawing room or hall for the previous 2 and half seasons, that there's something slightly odd and unfamiliar in seeing the rest of the house this way. It's such a clever trick show Pen's unease in a different visual manner. Top marks. We know the audio from Colin at this point is the bit from the teaser trailer before she faints.
1:05 - Have been trying to work out which room Pen is closing herself into with the dark wood doors behind her. At first glance, the bottom of the walls appears to be a pale blue which suggests somewhere at Bridgerton House, but the drawing room has a darker colour upper wall and the moulding doesn't match. The study is also wallpapered completely in the top half of the room so it's not there either. The pictures on the wall don't ring any bells either. I did wonder at one point if she'd run off back home as the decorated moulding on the top half of the wall seems too ornate for the Bridgertons and more of a Feathertington style but I can't match it to anything there either. Chances are it's at Bridgerton House if that's where the party is but it might be a new room? Girl is stressed eitherway. Methinks this is post faint.
1:06 - Christ alive Pen. You've been writing Whistledown for 3 years and sending Colin letters continuously the summer before so why have you suddenly forgot to write and got ink all over yourselfā€½ Looks like a v similar shot at 0:45 with the yellow sofa in the background so guessing Colin's spots her messy penmanship as he's putting the ring on her finger. Side note 10/10 for getting the correct sized ring on your first attempt Colin - it's clearly meant to be.
1:07 - His voice actually sounds really sweetly concerned when he asks 'what's all this ink?'. He just wants to protect her from those nasty quills and the stains they leave on his beloved. What a sweetheart.
1:09 - FFS SAKE PEN! Stop lying and just tell him about your inner boss-bitch alter-ego. That boy is down so bad he would just probably just worship how damn clever you are to run the whole ruddy city with your words. After the initial shock wore off obvs. On the other hand I loves me some angsty drama so keep your mouth shut Pen and let me watch in perverted horroglee as it all turns to shit in a later episode.
1:10 - Right, I've watched this bit a few times and I can't shake the feeling this might be a reshoot. Colin's hair just seems that little bit off again but not as much as some other scenes. I'm a bit 50/50 on this one. Back to the plot and I'm not sure if Colin doesn't quite believe Pen's alibi (she could have sold it better - never stumble over your words when lying Pen, it's basic stuff) or he's just being a loved up idiot with his mouth slightly open at this point.
1:11 - Oooooo - is this the study/library at Pen & Colin's new pad? I take back what I said earlier about that wall colour in their new gaff cus it's such a warm, embracing tone with the evening lighting and dark wood furniture. It's giving off really mature vibes which contrasts in a nice way against the fact Pen & Colin are still young. Pen's dress is lovely here too. Pen & El are clearly in evening dresses here but why are they at Chez Polin? Despite what the trailer wants us to believe, I don't think the whole LW reveal lasts past episode 6 but I could well be wrong as I've been actively avoiding leaked spoilers. On the other hand, if they are at their new house then the wedding must have happened by this point cus there's no way they could be living together before this surely?
1:12 - 'Until he knows the real you, he cannot possibly love you'. Again, completely impossible to argue against this El but we've got to Shondaland this story up and avoid doing the right thing for as long as possible so nothing's going to change for you - tough tits.
1:13 - Another lilac dress and excellent pouting from Miss Coughlan here. Can't help but think that Pen is about to royally put her foot in it here with whatever she's writing. A few interesting things lurking in the back of the room too. Again, it's at Polin's loveshack if the wall colour is anything to go by (seriously was there a rule in Regency times that every room had to have the same colouring throughout? I'd go mad if I had to repaint every sodding room in the house if I fancied a bit of change somewhere). I think this is their bedroom with the yellow(!) sheets on the bed in the background. And that means of course there's a BIG ASS MIRROR right next to it. Those freaks ain't stopping at one hookup watching themselves thank you very much. I also love the fact they have a desk in their room too cus writing is just so damn important to them. Overall though, it's got a very masculine feel to the room which surprises me a little for some reason.
1:14 - Oh. My heart's broken a little at Colin on the sofa. Has he been crying? Is this the scene from the interview he did a while back where he said he was meant to be angry in a Polin scene but ended up crying through tiredness and emotionā€½ I can already tell Luke is going to act the hell out of this. The positioning of the large pillow on the sofa to the left of the shot is really interesting too. It doesn't seem to fit with the decor of it being a cushion that belongs on that sofa, but looks a hell of lot more like a pillow. It's definitely giving the impression of someone's spent the night sleeping on the sofa but that clearly isn't happening in Regency times for a couple of Polin's status when instead they just have a spare room to go to. Similarly, the blue fabric to the right of the screen next to Colin seems out of place as well. Again, it's not a cushion so I'm wondering if this is maybe Pen's Irish Maid cape? Did it just get thrown there after an argument? He's clearly found out about LW and isn't happy. I know some people are worried about the implications of this scene, but I CANNOT wait. It's going to be so cathartic in the end and drama is everything to me. Luke and Nic will absolutely knock this out of the park.
1:15 - Oh that's a very sheepish Pen emerging into the room. Her pupils are so wide here too in anticipation of how she's going to have to deal with her betrayal of Colin's trust. Again, I cannot wait for this confrontation. They NEED it to happen to move forward. Again, based on absolutely nothing, I think this might be Ep 6. I am more than prepared to be proved wrong.
1:17 - 'Whistledown is power'. This is unsettles me slightly. Yes obviously it's great to see Pen doing so damn well for herself (boss-ass-bitch and all that) but the power you hold over everyone is absolutely NOT a reason to keep this from Colin. It's a slightly egotistical approach to the whole scenario that really doesn't show any of your good sides Pen. Drop this argument and sentiment immediately please. Onto other stuff from this scene, it seems to be the same one as from 1:11. Interesting that Pen and El seem to be on the same eye level here and it's giving the impression to me they're possibly sitting down. El also seems to be listening more to Pen as if she's taking her words in more, as opposed to the threats she's been dishing out so far. I wouldn't go so far as to say El is softening by this point, but there does seem to be a change in attitude here.
1:17 - There's a brief flash at the start of the dance (another freaking Polin dance - yes!) where you can see Lady D watching on over our gorgeous twosome while they spin, with a gigantic smile on her face. Yes it would have been amazing to see more Lady D/Pen interaction but I'll take what I can get at this point. You can also see Will and Alice next to her but they don't seem to be watching Polin so I've fallen out with them. There's a raised area too with Brimsley in the background and some ladies in waiting so Charlotte's about. Pen seems to be wearing the same dress and hairdo as the confrontation with El in 1:11 and the scene before so I take back the idea of that gorgeous study being at Pen & Colin's house. Get the details of the interior designer they used there Pen, cus that room styling would work perfectly back at yours.
1:18 - Spinning and giggling while they dance. Are they TRYING to kill us with cuteness overload? The paler green colour of the walls makes me think this potentially a new ball from what we've seen in the teaser trailer so far. May reserve judgement on that one. No idea how this one plays out but my absolute guess would be maybe Pen leaves this ball early to get LW to the printers and this is the night that Colin catches her in the act. This is based on nothing other than the fact they're clearly so damn happy dancing together and that is a sin in Shondaland and must be punished immediately.
1:19 - So back to the night of the engagement ball and El is dolling out the ultimatum we know from the teaser trailer. Ep 5 Tick Tock written all over this. El's dress is very Cressida coded with the pink. At least the sleeves will fit through a doorway unlike half of Miss Cowper's wardrobe so she's not gone completely to the other side yet.
1:21 - I'm ignoring El here cus we know this is her watching Pen not tell Colin and getting antsy over it. Nothing new. What I can see is Portia in the corner by the fire chatting animatedly to Marcus. I don't believe for a second he's got eyes for anyone other than Violet but he's clearly a massive flirt and I wonder if Portia will try her luck and Lady D will spot this at the wrong moment, compunding her fears about her brother's womanising ways in the Ton and how it might hurt Mama B.
1:22 - Trailer shenanigans again. It's not Eloise about to drop a major truth bomb, it's Cressida claiming to be LW just before Pen faints. God, Pen and Colin really do look great together though don't they? Even in times of stress it's just so damn nice to actually see them TOGETHER as a couple. Sigh.
1:23 - Rank up that countdown/clock cliche people - Bridgerton isn't subtle with it's metaphors and it's just don't care.
1:25 - That's one hell of a chandelier. Imagine having to dust that bad boy *shudders*. Anyway I think this might be the bug ball from the red & gold pillars and Pen's blue dress that I think it the same one from a Netflix BTS thing a few weeks ago where we all lost it at how much she looked like Jessica Rabbit. Divine. Anyway, she's stood in the corner of this shot next to Portia with her obligatory massive fan. Can't spot anything else of note other than maybe Dankworth and Finch one pillar along. Not an immediate spot of Prudence or Philippa with them. Are they just too pregnant to be seen in public now?
1:26 - So this looks like where the Whistledowns are getting handed out by footmen at a ball. Pen is right there in the middle about to grab one from the top tray and it seems it's the same dress as the one she's wearing in 1:11 and 1:17/1:18. It's possibly Colin down to her right at a different group of people grabbing the paper but too hard to tell and I've been writing this for over 2 hours now so my concentration is slipping somewhat.
1:26 - Closeup of the LW edition. It's the same one from the teaser trailer where it says Cressida's name at the bottom. Also, how can people not tell it's a fake purely from the fact this is printed in landscape as opposed to portrait. It's right there people!
1:27 - Yeah, shit is starting to get serious now isn't it Pen. I wonder if her clearly running off at this point is actually the precursor to 1:11 where El is telling her to fess up again. Would make sense if the only other person that knows at the point (El) would follow her as she too knows Cressida is telling porkies. Looking forward to seeing how this cracks the Creloise friendship. My guess is Cressida doesn't actually know the truth at this point (and it just after the cash as we know from the teaser trailer), but El lets it slips by accident as she confronts Cressida about the claim.
1:28 - Ok so I take back what I said at 1:18 about this being a new ball, cus you can see that pale green (fab colour btw) behind the various flower prints on the wall. Colin's obviously getting suspicious about something to do with LW at this point, but I wonder if he's spotted El and Pen getting out of that room pretty damn quick to have the argument at 1:11. Except he's got the wrong end of the stick and still thinks it's his sister that's writing it and maybe thinks Pen's in the know. I don't think he knows it's Pen here but that's gut instinct.
1:29 - God Lord, this confrontation scene where Pen is unmasked in her Irish Maid outfit is going to be absolutely EVERYTHING. This has got the potential to be my favourite moment between them both in the whole damn show. Yes even more than the willow tree, carriage or mirror. Pen is so resolute in her need to be Whistledown at this point. Her determination to do what she needs to do is actually beautiful to see - she's a woman who has truly grown into her own being by this point, even if some may see Whistledown as somewhat shady. She is absolutely owning that side to herself and what it means to her here with Colin. Also, I've had a scan back and I don't think that hair clip she's wearing here has been spotted on another outfit so again, I think I'll have to backtrack on something I might have said earlier about her sneaking off from the ball in 1:18. God I hate being wrong.
1:30 - Seriously. Nic and Luke are going to destroy us with this scene. Absolutely knock us stone cold dead. It's really unnerving to see this level of anger from Colin. He's FURIOUS at this point and Luke's acting is incredible because not for a moment do I believe he's going to lash out and hurt Pen in anyway, but he's being utterly torn apart with the strength of his emotion. His eyes are wild with hurt.
1:31 - 'But what good am I to you?' Oh Colin. You poor, poor boy. The inflection in his voice while saying this just screams he feels worthless and without hope at not being able to do what he feels he must for Pen. It must be heart-wrenching for him to think he's found happiness and purpose in looking after Pen only for that seemingly to be ripped away and then be left utterly rudderless and adrift as he was whilst away over the summer. Only this time he's had a taste of what he thought happiness was with Pen. Christ this is going to hurt isn't it? I truly hope he doesn't take too long to realise that his purpose isn't to protect Pen, but to drop that hero complex and see that all he needs is to be loved by her instead. THAT is what he is meant for. Also, I'm changing my mind AGAIN and I reckon that this plays out a lot more like the book in that he does actually twig that Pen is Whistledown at the ball where the fake edition comes out. They then have that confrontation at their house as at 1:14 and he's left with the impression that she'll stop and let Cressida take the hit but actually Pen can't let go and puts out one more edition saying Cressida's talking shite - that's when Colin catches her in this scene and his anger is about her putting herself at risk physically in a dodgy part of town, but also with her reputation
1:32 - that weird flower display in the middle of the dancefloor looks like a Dalek from Doctor Who. I cannot get that image out of my head. Otherwise you can see Violet, Fran, Eloise and Colin to the right of the shot and Will, Alice and Lady D just in the top left hidden a bit by some out of focus flowers.
1:33 - Yes Fran and John are cute but THERE'S WEDDING POLIN DANCING AT THE SIDE OF THE SHOT!!!! Also, I don't know if the Irish side of the Feathertington family is actually canon or not, but given the 2 leprechauns that appear to be celebrating the wedding on the left, it refuse to accept any other scenario. Finch is also doing his thing and watching Polin with a massive smile on his face. He's just too good to be true that man. Also, is it just me but why do Polin seem to be at the side of room dancing anyway? It's their goddamn wedding so they need to be in the middle of every dance please and thank you.
1:35 - Awww, Anthony's in wuv watching Kate getting emotional at the wedding. Cute. Fran's massive shoulders on her jacket next to Kate are sending me slightly - it just makes Kate look like a small child sat between two grown ups. Simone's actually quite tall so how it's ended up framed like this I cannot comprehend. Also shout out the the MASSIVE rock that Lady D is wearing round her neck in the pew behind. That along with the earrings would probably be worth the same as the entirety of a small European country in 1815. No-one's going to out-bling our Agatha. Condolences to the beardy guy behind Marcus cus he's not going to see a single part of that wedding ceremony behind Lady D's hat either.
1:37 - Yeah, Benny Boy is going to get his heart broken isn't he? Getting more convinced by the second he's S4. Lady T is giving no f*cks about the fact she's brought along a new model to whatever ball they're at. Her look at the end of the shot just screams 'You knew what you were letting yourself in for .....' Looks like it's possibly the red & gold ball from 1:25 that feels like it might be Ep8?
1:39 - Marcus and Violet get to dance! You can just see El in the background and it's VERY hard to tell but I'd like to think she's got a smile on her face watching her Mama get some love for once. Again, think this is the red & gold ball.
1:40 - So that second shot of Pen hiding the Whistledown gubbins whilst looking at her ring is so melodramatic but I love it.
1:42 - The more I look at this scene, the more I spot. It's interesting enough to see Portia having a chat with Pen in her bedroom - was she about to have the 'talk' with her? (no need Portia - Colin's already more than covered the sex ed sides of things). Portia's holding a Whistledown though, and there's a stack more of them on the table in between. Has Portia twigged what Pen's been up to all these years? Did she walk in on Pen hiding her stuff away under the floorboards? Is that why she's then going on to give the spiel about Pen having to give up her dreams? She simply can't have a career as a married woman? The 'your duty is to cater to Mr Bridgerton's dreams' line has been spliced though - there's a clear cut just before Portia says dreams. I suspect the line in the show has that same gist though - a bit like the one where Colin asked Violet about friends to lovers in Ep3 was slightly different in the trailer to the show but had the same meaning behind it.
1:43 - Pen looks broken at the thought of having to give up her dreams. YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL PEN! But only if you tell Colin about LW first my love.
1:44 - So Pen's wearing the same (truly stunning) robe that she wore at 1:40 before she chucks the old Whistledowns on the fire. Does she get take out the old copies after staring at the ring and then decides to burn them cus she chooses Colin over LW? The little head lift before the throw is defiant. Again, Pen seems to be growing more resolute and definite about her actions as she's coming into her womanhood. Power is sexy on her (as long as you ignore the 1:17 comment - didn't like that) Most importantly though Pen, make damn sure Colin sees you in that outfit because he will devour you in seconds once he claps his eyes on it. It's possibly my new favourite Pen outfit - stylish and VERY sexy.
1:47 - LOVING the red wig on Charlotte. It goes brilliantly with the contrast of the emerald green and red of the dress. Still can't get over the weird flower tardis at the side.
1:47 - OK so I already know this is going to be my favourite Polin kiss. THIS is clearly the one they've been hinting at in promo about being inspired by Nick & Jess from New Girl. That already gives it a massive head start over anything else. Not only is Colin reaching for her face with both hands (swoon), but Pen is grabbing for him with the same urgency and need (double swoon), it comes after (I think) the confrontation from 1:30 which I think will be my favourite scene ever (triple swoon) AND Pen is wearing the Irish Maid outfit which I already know will be a major turn on for Colin and lead to role-play-ahoy in the bedroom (along with the Pirate Coat). Please call the emergency services because I am already dead. Throw in the passion, desire, need, want and every other charged emotion known to man and ...... YES. YES. YES. YES. THIS will be the moment that finally sends me off from this planet. They're sneaky little feckers giving us only the tiniest few frames of this in the promo but it's got me good.
I'm about to hit the character limit so will continue in the comments .......
(Edited for typos and grammar)
submitted by mojomarm to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 20:12 mansplanar 90 Funny Hinge Prompt Answers ā€“ Irresistible Profiles in 2024

In the world of modern dating, where first impressions are made with a swipe and a clever quip, Hinge has done us a favor by revealing its top 25 prompts that are proven conversation starters. These arenā€™t just your run-of-the-mill icebreakers; theyā€™re strategic, finely-tuned gateways to showcasing your most intriguing self through funny Hinge prompt answers.
Logan Ury, the mastermind behind Hingeā€™s relationship science, underscores the winning combination of humor laced with a touch of vulnerability. Itā€™s about ditching the mundane one-liners for something that packs a punch ā€“ think less generic, more personal. Itā€™s your secret hobby, your unique quirk, that sets the stage for a connection thatā€™s as authentic as it is engaging.
In this spirit, we present a selection of funny hinge prompts that perfectly encapsulate this ethos. Each response is a crafted piece of your persona, inviting potential matches into a narrative thatā€™s as compelling as it is amusing.
Keep reading to discover how to make your profile not just seen, but remembered with the best Hinge prompt answers.
The Way to Win Me Over Is
In the wild and crazy game of love and connection, everyone has their unique quirks and preferences. This Hinge prompt invites a playful exploration of the little things that can make a big difference in winning someoneā€™s heart. From the lighthearted challenge of keeping a houseplant alive to the appreciation of good grammar, these funny Hinge prompt answers reveal a blend of humor, personal values, and the simple joys that matter in a relationship.
By proving you can keep a houseplant alive longer than I can.
By not judging my pizza topping choices, no matter how unconventional.
By being more excited about my dogā€™s birthday than mine.
By understanding that a good meme is worth a thousand words.
By knowing the difference between your and youā€™re.
My Simple Pleasures
Lifeā€™s small joys often hold the greatest appeal. Unlimited breadsticks? Yes, please! This Hinge prompt delves into the everyday moments and simple pleasures that bring happiness and contentment. Whether itā€™s the satisfaction of matching socks, the aroma of old books, or the blissful sound of someone else doing the dishes, these best Hinge prompts highlight the little things that make everyday life a bit more delightful.
Finding socks that match on the first try.
The smell of old books or new cars, depending on the day.
The sound of someone else doing the dishes.
The first sip of coffee in the morning, or the secondā€¦ or third.
I Go Crazy For
Excitement can be found in the most unexpected places. This prompt is all about those little things that unexpectedly bring joy and excitement. Have you ever opened your yogurt to find the lid completely clean? You know what Iā€™m talking about! These responses showcase the small, often overlooked moments that can brighten someoneā€™s day.
A well-organized spreadsheet.
Finding an extra fry at the bottom of the bag.
A perfectly executed high-five.
Together, We Could
Dreaming about potential adventures and shared activities is a wonderful way to imagine a future with someone. This prompt encourages playful and creative thinking about what two people could do together. Hypotheticals are a great way to get to know if you vibe with someone!
Start a two-person band, even if weā€™re both tone-deaf.
Create a food blog about our quest to find the best tacos.
Go on adventures, or just find different places to nap.
My Most Irrational Fear
We all have fears that might seem a bit irrational to others, but theyā€™re part of what makes us unique. Mineā€™s glazed ham, donā€™t ask. This prompt invites a light-hearted look at those fears. From the dread of accidental Zoom mishaps to the whimsical worry of judgmental seagulls, these funny Hinge prompt answers offer a humorous peek into the less serious anxieties that lurk in our minds.
Accidentally joining a Zoom call with my mic and camera on.
That seagulls are secretly judging me.
Being asked to do math without a calculator.
Weā€™ll Get Along If
Compatibility often hinges (ha!) on the small things that resonate between two people. This prompt is about identifying those little indicators of a good match. These funny Hinge prompt answers help paint a picture of what a harmonious relationship might look like.
You can appreciate a good pun, or at least pretend to.
You believe in the power of breakfast for dinner.
Iā€™m Looking For
In the search for a partner, itā€™s often the simple, everyday moments that matter most. This prompt asks what qualities or experiences someone values in a partner, and the responses highlight the desire for companionship in lifeā€™s small but meaningful adventures.
A partner in crime for late-night snack runs.
Someone who can turn a trip to the grocery store into an adventure.
Someone who believes that ā€˜sharing is caringā€™ applies strictly to fries and not to phone chargers.
This Year, I Really Want to
Setting goals, whether serious or humorous, is a part of personal growth and self-improvement. This prompt allows for a mix of earnest and playful aspirations for the year. From culinary ambitions to defeating that annoying green owl, these funny Hinge prompts provide insight into personal goals and the lighter side of ambition.
Learn how to cook something other than instant noodles.
Stop killing my houseplants (RIP little green buddies).
Learn a new language, but so far, all Iā€™ve mastered is fluent sarcasm.
I really want to start a fitness routine that involves runningā€¦ late to everything.
I really want to find out if the five-second rule applies to my New Yearā€™s resolutions.
Typical Sunday
Sundays can be a window into someoneā€™s personality and lifestyle. Are we a jogging family or a lounging one? This is super important, to me anyway. This prompt explores how one might typically spend their Sunday, offering a glimpse into their routine or lack thereof.
Debating whether to be productive or to give in to the call of the couch.
Trying to become a brunch connoisseur.
Searching for my lost motivation.
Engaging in a fierce battle with the snooze button.
Preparing for Monday by doing absolutely nothing.
A Life Goal of Mine
Life goals can range from the profound to the playfully silly. This prompt invites sharing aspirations that might be quirky, practical, or somewhere in between. These funny Hinge prompt answers showcase a variety of ambitions and the unique perspectives that shape them.
To host a dinner party where no one looks at their phone.
To learn how to parallel park.
Set a world record for the longest time avoiding laundry, currently training hard for this.
My Greatest Strength
Recognizing oneā€™s strengths is a key aspect of self-awareness. This prompt asks for a reflection on personal strengths, whether theyā€™re practical, humorous, or a bit of both. Be vulnerable here!
I can carry all the groceries in one trip, no matter the risk.
My patience, as tested by slow internet.
Making the perfect amount of pasta ā€“ said no one ever.
Dating Me is Like
Imagine the unexpected twists and turns of dating, where each day brings a new surprise. This prompt is all about drawing fun and quirky comparisons to the experience of dating someone. From the delight of an unexpected fast-food bonus to the evolving journey of a gym membership, these analogies paint a picture of a relationship filled with humor, surprise, and a touch of whimsy.
Finding an extra nugget in your fast-food order.
A mystery flavor lollipop ā€“ unexpected but delightful.
Having your own personal stand-up comedian.
Joining a new gym. At first, youā€™re not sure what youā€™ve signed up for, but eventually, you realize itā€™s beneficial for your heart.
Updating your software. It might take a while to adjust, but the new features are worth it!
Listening to your favorite song on repeat. Gets a little annoying, but itā€™s still your favorite song.
Iā€™m Convinced That
We all harbor some quirky beliefs or entertaining theories about the world around us. Ratatouille is my favorite documentary and you canā€™t convince me that Iā€™m wrong! In this prompt, the focus is on those amusing and out-of-the-box convictions that add color to our worldview. These funny Hinge prompt answers are a window into a playful and imaginative mind.
Aliens exist and theyā€™re avoiding Earth for a reason.
My pet has a secret life when Iā€™m not home.
My life is a reality show and everyoneā€™s in on it but me.
I can communicate with the squirrels in my yard.
I Want Someone Who
The search for a compatible partner often includes a wishlist of traits and qualities that resonate with us. Here, the prompt explores the lighter side of these desires, focusing on humorous and specific attributes that would make a partner ideal. From laughing at jokes to surviving IKEA trips (seriously, go there as early into a relationship as you can), these funny Hinge prompt answers highlight a yearning for a partner who shares a sense of humor and perspective on life.
Laughs at my jokes, even if itā€™s out of pity.
Can navigate a trip to IKEA without questioning our relationship or the meaning of life.
Can debate whether a burrito is just a sleeping bag for ground beef.
Recognizes that my cooking is so experimental, even the smoke alarm cheers me on.
Unusual Skills
Everyone has their own set of unique and sometimes bizarre talents. This prompt invites sharing those special skills that set us apart, be they practical, humorous, or downright peculiar. Bring your silliest self to the table.
Remembering useless facts but forgetting where I put my keys.
I can talk to animals. They donā€™t talk back, but still.
The Key to My Heart is
Unlocking someoneā€™s heart can often be about small gestures or shared interests. In this prompt, the focus is on those specific actions, qualities, or shared passions that strike a chord. Whether itā€™s culinary expertise, parking luck, or a shared fascination with dinosaurs, these funny Hinge prompt answers reveal the personal and often humorous keys to winning someone over.
Knowing the exact amount of garlic to add to a recipe ā€“ which is always more.
An uncanny ability to find the best parking spots.
Being able to name more dinosaurs than a 5-year-old.
A shared enthusiasm for making conspiracy theories about pigeons.
First Round is On Me If
Engaging in a playful challenge can add a spark of fun to any interaction. This prompt sets up a light-hearted contest or condition for earning a treat, inviting a playful engagement and revealing a fun-loving and competitive spirit. Who doesnā€™t love a friendly bet?
You can beat me in a thumb war, fair and square.
Your impression of a famous person is so bad, itā€™s good.
You can back into a parking space on the first try.
What If I Told You That
Revealing surprising or amusing aspects of oneself can be a great conversation starter. This prompt encourages sharing those quirky or unexpected parts of oneā€™s life, offering a glimpse into the funny and intriguing aspects of someoneā€™s personality.
I can cook a five-course meal, but canā€™t resist cereal for dinner.
Iā€™m the reigning champion of my familyā€™s annual ā€œUgly Sweaterā€ contest.
I hold the world record for the longest time spent avoiding the gym.
Iā€™m Weirdly Attracted To
Attraction often comes in unexpected forms, and this prompt delves into those peculiarities. Itā€™s about sharing what unconventional traits or behaviors one finds surprisingly appealing. These funny Hinge prompt answers highlight the unconventional and amusing aspects of attraction.
Anyone who can speak fluent gibberish.
Anyone who can plan an entire vacation around where weā€™re going to eat.
People who use rock-paper-scissors to make major life decisions.
My Love Language Is
Love languages can be as unique as the individuals who speak them. This question allows for a creative twist on the concept, inviting funny Hinge prompt answers that are a bit unconventional. Showcase your uniqueness here!
Competitive spooning.
Synchronized eye-rolling at social events.
Making an Irish exit together.
All I Ask is That You
In relationships, sometimes itā€™s the small requests or expectations that matter most. Whether itā€™s navigating roundabouts with ease or accepting quirky fashion choices, these funny answers reflect personal quirks and a desire for understanding and acceptance. Let your freak flag fly, man!
Can appreciate the art of a well-timed sarcastic comment.
Can navigate a roundabout without breaking into a cold sweat.
Donā€™t question my love for wearing socks with Birkenstocks.
Iā€™ll Fall for You If
Capturing someoneā€™s heart often involves a mix of charm, wit, and the right kind of quirks. This prompt delves into the playful and unique aspects that can spark a romantic interest. Discussing zombie apocalypse survival plans or showcasing balloon animal skills might just be the key to winning affection, you never know!
You have a plan to survive a zombie apocalypse thatā€™s as detailed as mine.
Youā€™re willing to engage in a heated debate about the best type of cheese.
You can outdo my talent for making balloon animals (I can make a snake and a worm).
I Wonā€™t Shut Up About
Passions and peculiar stories have a way of dominating our conversations. In this prompt, the focus is on those topics that are so captivating they turn into a monologue. It could be an unexpected participation in a marathon or the ongoing battle with fitted sheets, each tale is a window into personal enthusiasms.
The time I accidentally joined a marathon and actually ran some of it.
Starting a support group for people who canā€™t fold fitted sheets.
My plan to start a gym where the only exercise is jumping to conclusions.
My theory that avocados intentionally go bad the moment you look away.
The One Thing You Should Know About Me Is
A single, standout trait or fact can often encapsulate a personā€™s essence. This prompt seeks that nugget of self-awareness or humor that defines someone. It might be a claim to fame in procrastination or a self-awarded black belt in overthinking, each revelation is a snapshot of personality.
I have a PhD in procrastination and a masterā€™s in snackology.
Iā€™m an undefeated champion of imaginary arguments in the shower.
Iā€™m an aspiring wine connoisseur, but currently, Iā€™m just really good at drinking it.
I have a black belt in overthinking ā€“ itā€™s not official, but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™d be a grandmaster.
I Bet You Canā€™t
Challenges, especially those delivered with a wink and a smile, can be intriguing invitations for interaction. These funny Hinge prompt answers are about setting playful and engaging dares that reflect a personā€™s character. Navigating the neighborhood without getting lost or resisting the charm of dog videos might just be the playful test that sparks a connection.
Outdo my talent for getting lost in my own neighborhood.
Scroll past a dog video without stopping to watch ā€“ and if you can, Iā€™m not sure we can trust you.
Say ā€˜toy boatā€™ five times fast without sounding like youā€™ve had one too many.
submitted by mansplanar to MatchMeBro [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:28 Plus-Introduction347 Paulie... do your red flags go up?

Okay, I know when we discuss red flags Louis (or however it's spelled) is always waaaaay up there in discussion but I wanna discuss Paulie...
I understand he's Irish and potentially (probably) Catholic BUT does the Divorce thing bother you? At first with me it didn't but now him and Dolores seem to be getting serious and even Frank keeps bringing it up in a joking (but I suspect he's serious manner) how do you all feel?
Dolores doesn't want to discuss really cementing their future together until he gets divorced so why, after 2 or more year together is this not going forward? Why does he brush it off every time it is brought up?
I just watched episode 5 and Dolores is living in HIS house and pretty much has no idea where they are going no matter how much she makes out she's fine with the situation, the fact that Frank is committing to this other woman before Paulie is with her must be making her question her future, I get she has her own house she can go to but she's investing time in this man who I honestly don't think takes her or their relationship seriously, could just be me but I dunno. Also we know very little about him... or do we? What is there out there about him?
submitted by Plus-Introduction347 to rhonj [link] [comments]