Will anxiety cause dark stool

The Original

2015.10.22 16:39 DigitalN The Original

For things too meirl for meirl What does “too meirl for meirl” even mean? A lot of things! It can be existential memes, slightly surreal but relatable memes, content akin to distressing memes or mental health related memes. What is **not** allowed? -Random shitposting/memes like you would see on okbuddyretard -Gore, NSFW material

2010.09.03 06:10 floppydrive ibs: it's a pain

ibs: it's a pain

2022.06.13 03:50 SubSnipper Dark & Darker

An Unforgiving Hardcore Fantasy Dungeon Adventure. Band together with your friends and use your courage, wits, and cunning to uncover mythical treasures, defeat gruesome monsters, while staying one step ahead of the other devious treasure-hunters.

2024.06.09 15:00 PoisonPanc4ke The Talos Incident: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Hangar Bay 2

Six days had passed since Aurelian's return to the Imperator Somnium. His wounds, tended with relentless dedication by High Lady Avicenna Ibn Sina, his personal physician, were nearly healed. Avicenna’s skilful hands had worked tirelessly to ensure the Emperor’s swift recovery. Archamus Cadwalder, now High Lord and Master of the Seraphim, remained a constant presence, never more than ten paces from his Liege unless commanded otherwise.
Both Aurelian and Cadwalder were heading to the ship's hangar bay to greet the returning Seraphim. "My Liege," Cadwalder spoke, breaking the silence that had settled between them, "forgive me, but I’m not sure the other Seraphim will take kindly to my appointment above them."
Aurelian paused, his left hand resting on the pommel of his blade. He traced his fingers along the cold, rounded steel, contemplating Cadwalder’s concern. "They are your brothers and sisters, and have been for many years. Perhaps... they might surprise you. Regardless, it is my command, and they will obey."
They continued walking, Cadwalder a few paces behind. The journey to the hangar bay was long, and they were only halfway there. As they passed, the ship's crew saluted them, either raising their fists to their chests or dropping to one knee. Aurelian acknowledged them with nods and smiles but did not break his stride. Their walk was mostly silent, the hum of life aboard the ship the only sound accompanying them.
After nearly an hour, they arrived at Hangar Bay 2. The space buzzed with activity: personnel rushed about, fuelling ships, performing pre-launch checks, and unloading cargo. Sparks flew from welding torches, and the magnetic thrum of fusion reactors filled the air. Voices rose and fell, commands being barked out and acknowledged. This bustling scene was just one small part of the grand machine that was the Imperator Somnium.
Aurelian and Cadwalder moved towards an empty landing pad, the crew and pilots saluting their Lord before resuming their duties. They stood apart from the commotion, a stark contrast in their imposing presence.
Aurelian, standing at 1.93 units tall according to Avicenna's recent examination, was a formidable figure. His well-built frame, olive skin, and stern demeanour commanded respect. His dark brown hair, shaved at the back and sides and plaited on top, was tied with leather straps and gold rings, a style from his homeworld. His black armour and red and black fur-lined cloak added to his imposing aura.
Beside him, Cadwalder, towering at 2.13 units, was even more physically imposing. His pale face bore six scars running down the right side from ear to cheekbone and a burn scar on his left temple. His head was shaved bald, and his stern face seemed perpetually on the edge of anger. His giant left hand rested on the pommel of an enormous greatsword, while a modified multitool was strapped to his right thigh. His long, pitch-black cloak trailed behind him as they walked.
As they reached the landing pad, a giant troop carrier in the black and gold colours of the Seraphim touched down. With a mechanical hiss, the rear ramp descended, and the hangar bay fell silent. The sound of giant armoured footsteps echoed as six Seraphim strode down the ramp. Clad in identical black armour with gold accents, their cloaks billowing behind them, they made their way towards Aurelian.
"My Liege," one of them spoke, dropping to one knee along with the others. "Your will is done. We received reports of your wounding en route back to the Somnium. We have failed you."
Aurelian watched them in silence for a moment before speaking. "You have failed no one, Deimos Malleus. You were carrying out my will across the stars. You did nothing I did not bid you to do."
The Seraphim remained kneeling, their discipline unwavering. The hangar bay resumed its activity, though quieter, not wishing to disturb the meeting. "Cadwalder, remove your helm."
"Sire," Cadwalder replied, the helmet releasing with a hiss to reveal his scarred face.
"You know this man well. He has been your brother in arms for many years. You have fought and bled together on many worlds in my name. And you have heard to reports, so it will come as no shock to you that without this man I would not be standing here today. And so, I have named him Archon of the Seraphim. Your leader, your Captain. Honour him."
Aurelian bid his Seraphim rise. Deimos looked at Cadwalder for several long seconds before stepping forward, their breastplates almost touching. "Archamus Cadwalder," Deimos said, almost a whisper, "thank you for performing the duty we were not here to. We are in your debt. And we welcome your appointment. Hail Archamus, Archon of the Seraphim."
The two clasped hands and saluted each other. Aurelian turned to depart, heading towards the massive doors at the rear of the hangar. Just as they neared the door, a ship came crashing into the hangar bay, the sound of screeching metal cutting through the air. Aurelian recognized it as one of the transport craft abandoned aboard the Talos.
"Seraphim," Aurelian commanded, "surround that craft."
"My Lord," a voice said, so weak it was barely a whisper, "I tried to make it to extraction. I tried. But—" With a heavy thud, the body to whom the voice belonged hit the metal deck of the craft.
Aurelian stepped forward, his Seraphim following suit, but he waved them to remain where they stood. He knelt beside the thin, unconscious woman on the craft, recognizing her as the comms adept from his search party. "Take her to the med bay," he ordered. "Tell them to put her in quarantine for the time being, but do not panic her." Two of the Seraphim immediately moved to carry out his command.
"Quarantine?" Deimos inquired.
"Yes, Deimos," Aurelian replied. "Archamus will explain what happened aboard the Talos, and you will understand the necessity of my command. We'll confer more once we're on the bridge"
Aurelian and the remaining Seraphim made their way to the exit of the hangar bay, their heavy armoured strides causing the deck beneath them to tremble.
submitted by PoisonPanc4ke to NMS_AurelianEmpire [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:00 Pixiegirls1102 Jamey Noel Faces 31 Felony Counts-Remains in Jail on $1.5 Million Dollar Bond

Jamey Noel - Former Sheriff - Known from 60 Days In
Hearing adding extra charges and increased bail https://youtu.be/DPiT77dAFnw?si=sWQetKTaRUkMVf1H
Probable Cause Affidavit https://www.scribd.com/document/683360341/Probable-Cause-Affidavit
Full Contempt Hearing https://youtu.be/AdRVTQ7kDxE?si=g-v_ue9qSqy37U9i
For those who are fans of 60 Days In, or who have watched episodes of it from Clark County Jail, you will remember former Sheriff Jamey Noel.
Noel, his wife, and his daughter were all charged and his wife and daughter were out on bail. Credit cards in the name of Utica Volunteer Fire Company were used by both the wife and daughter. Misty and Kasey Noel are facing multiple felony charges for theft and tax evasion. Kasey Noel was arrested in March on nine felony charges, including five counts of theft and four counts of tax evasion. Search warrants in the corruption case of Jamey Noel indicate his daughter charged more than $100,000 to the Utica Volunteer Fire Department and New Chapel EMS. According to the detailed charges, Kasey Noel purchased clothing, tanning, cosmetics, manicure and pedicure services, food, tickets, trips, alcohol, utilities, vaping products, gas, Netflix, and items from Amazon. The charges occurred between October 2018 and September 2023, totaling $108,660.59.
The Indiana State Police, which is investigating the case, reported in November that Noel has been charged with one count of Level 5 felony corrupt business influence; two counts of Level 5 felony theft; three counts of Level 6 felony theft; four counts of Level 6 felony ghost employment; four counts of Level 6 felony. Mr. Noel was also charged with contempt of court after firearms were found in his house after another search warrant. The judge had allowed him to keep one shotgun in his possession. The judge gave Jamey Noel….60 Days in for his contempt. His bail has also risen to $1.5 million, the amount that the judge assessed was the amount of money he had stolen from the county. Mr. Noel remains in jail unable to meet his bond.
Noel now faces 31 felony counts including theft, fraud, and tax evasion. An audit revealed that there were multiple business names used for Utica Township Volunteer Fire and New Chapel Ems. Which made it harder to track public funds.
Scotty Maples is currently the Sheriff of Clark County.
submitted by Pixiegirls1102 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:00 DarkKirby14 Mario Kart: Super Circuit #6: Extra Mushroom Cup

hello everyone, DarkKirby14 here and with me here today is the next edition of Mario Kart: Super Circuit. Today we will begin the Extra Cups in this game which saw all the SNES tracks come back starting with the Extra Mushroom Cup. Mario is up first
playthrough to this point: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4019v4jZh_l-LzVv-eiLYeUOSJ3Z8jID
submitted by DarkKirby14 to LetsPlayVideos [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:59 Ok_Compote_4100 I did something horrible

CONTENT WARNING: SA, suicide, violence, animal abuse 🚫
English is my second language so I apologize for any grammatical errors.
I’m not entirely sure why I’m writing this, maybe it’s a desperate attempt at salvation, a selfish effort to offload my guilt onto these lines and out of my body. Or perhaps it’s because I need confirmation of what a terrible person I am and how I should live the rest of my life accordingly.
For context, I was born into a very dysfunctional family. My parents’ marriage was doomed from the start. My father was a violent alcoholic, and my mother was emotionally fragile, providing motherly care with cold and unfeeling hands. I grew up with domestic violence at home and severe bullying at school. My father was extremely violent and frequently drove under the influence with my siblings and me in the car. He was also often verging on inappropriate behavior towards us.
I was SA’ed for the first time at 13. At 14, after four reports to the local authorities and two suicide attempts, I was finally placed in foster care. I ended up in an institution where I started using drugs, leading to addiction. This resulted in my involvement in very bad environments, leading to another SA at 15 and yet another at 17. My drug use escalated to the point where I began prostituting myself at 15. The authorities gradually gave up on me and my reckless behavior, placing me in my own apartment at 17, which only worsened my addiction.
One night, I took far too many drugs and became extremely ill, vomiting and lying on the ground, unresponsive. My vision blurred, and I temporarily lost my sight and my hearing. Lying there, I thought I was going to die. I had lost all control over my body and senses. It felt surreal, lying there in what I once thought was my immortality. But I made it through the night, and the next morning, everything had changed.
My entire personality seemed to shift. It felt as if something had changed in my brain. I became incredibly aggressive. Despite everything, I had never been aggressive before. I was always calm, a pushover who couldn’t set boundaries. I had never experienced intense anger until that day. I destroyed my entire apartment. The urge to hit things was immense and gave me intense satisfaction, which only intensified when I ran out of drugs, which was often. At this point, I was 17 years old.
I also became extremely paranoid. I had episodes where I would lie on the floor, hyperventilating for hours as the world spun around me. I would hit myself in the head repeatedly, almost wanting to tear my hair out. There was only peace when I got my drugs. Then everything stood still, and nothing hurt anymore. I also started hearing voices and seeing things. Now to the point. I just want to stop here and stop writing.
I found myself in many bad environments, including a friend of mine and his family living on a farm. We all did drugs together. The family had many animals, including dogs. In hindsight, it’s clear they were forcibly breeding dogs to sell them to the highest bidder. One day, while at the farm, high on drugs, the mother placed a puppy in my lap and said I could buy him. She said that It seemed like just what I needed. He was a half-German Shepherd, half-Pitbull mix. I took him home. I was selfish, wanting a puppy, a best friend, a relationship.
I had Chino for four months. I tried to do my best for him. I bought toys, food, and a bed for him. I briefly read online about what to do and what not to do. But I was ultimately completely unprepared for the task. It was the stupidest decision and absolutely terrible conditions for a puppy.
It ended up with me hitting him. It didn't take long before I had one of my blackouts where I became incredibly aggressive. In the four months I had him, I hit him multiple times. If he chewed my debit card, preventing me from getting money for drugs, or if he had an accident indoors—these were all normal situations to face when raising a puppy. He was afraid of me. There was nothing safe for him in that home. Although I cared for him, my version of love was completely twisted. To Chino, I became what my parents were to me.
After having Chino for 1-2 months, I turned 18, resulting in the authorities evicting me from my apartment. The system that had supported me my whole life suddenly didn’t care. It felt like an additional betrayal. I became homeless with Chino. I slept on the streets, feeling utterly lost and alone in the world. I was a broken person who had long since drowned, and I selfishly dragged Chino down with me.
After four months with Chino, I decided I couldn’t care for him the way he deserved. No matter how sick it sounds, I really did love him. I loved him, and I hurt him. I found an animal shelter that took in dogs for a fee. It was a place that provided the right training and ensured they went to the right families. I took him there and saw him for the last time being led into the shelter, distracted by a toy from one of the handlers. I broke down completely but also felt relieved. I called the shelter periodically in the following months to check on him. He had been affected by everything he had been through. He was understimulated and clearly traumatized. But fortunately, they found him a family in the countryside with several large dogs. It was the best news in the world.
Today, I am 26 years old. I am studying at university. I am completely clean and free from all drugs. I live in my own apartment, have a boyfriend, and have no contact with my biological parents. But I am haunted. Chino haunts me, or rather, it is my actions that do. The better I get, the more I can feel and sense, and the more I feel my overwhelming guilt. I think of Chino when I lie in bed at night. When I find myself laughing and actually being happy with my life. A part of my humanity disappeared with Chino, a humanity that vanished by my own actions, and I will never get it back. Never. Of all the things I have experienced, these actions are the worst that have ever happened to me. I love animals, but every time I see a dog or find myself looking at a cute dog, a stone forms in my heart. I don’t feel like I deserve to be happy. I feel selfish even trying to move on. A part of me desperately wants to forget it. I look at other people who have never harmed anyone and think how blessed they are without knowing it. I feel like a horrible person.
I am unsure if I should tell my boyfriend. I feel like he has the right to know the kind of person he is with, even tho I am not like this anymore at all. Should I tell him? I have lost all my aggression today after many years of therapy. I had apparently developed a severe psychosis that lasted for several years. I also stopped hearing voices and the paranoia vanished completely. My psychosis also led to intense social anxiety, and today I constantly fear hurting others, that I will lose all control over my body and harm others. I no longer trust myself or my body. In a way, I understand why my parents never admitted what they had done because it is unbearable to live with. Knowing you have forever tainted the world with your actions and that there is nothing you can do to take it back.
No matter how good I am today and how many good deeds I do, I will never be able to take it back. It has become my legacy and my eternal curse.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
submitted by Ok_Compote_4100 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:58 DarkKeeper2569 Doppelgangers vs Neighbors (Part 9)

Hi! Or whatever. The last time our teacher won! Mia. Against her liar of Doppel, Rotating Head Mia.
Today, it needs to be special bc our nice reporter will no make a reportage 'cause he's the one who will do a battle! Izaaaaaaaaaaaaaack vs his unhuman Doppel, Melting Man!
Let's do it! ( Note : OC is scared that the D.D.D is looking O-o )
View Poll
submitted by DarkKeeper2569 to thatsnotmyneighbor [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:57 Landscaping_Duty Lupus muscle pain/weakness? It feels like my muscles are fatigued after walking 10 feet.

Was only dx’d in March, so still getting settled. When flaring I’ve noticed I not only have tremendous joint pain but also muscle pain.
I would describe it as weakness or fatigue to an extent, I suppose. It’s sort of like any usage of my muscles causes them to burn like I’ve overused them and need an urgent break… except the minimum expenditure to elicit this symptom is like reaching up on my tip-toes for 15 seconds or walking up 4 individual steps.
Mildly embarrassing when I have to pass the dog leash to my husband and lean against something for a break when walking on the sidewalk. Like, do I need a cane or something? Lol.
Anyway, I filled a 5-day methylprednisolone dose pack a couple days ago and it seems to be helping but I imagine the relief will be temporary?
I’m only taking 200mg of hydroxychloroquine, but I think there’s a chance I’ll be starting something more soon since I’ve had no relief yet.
Is this for sure a lupus thing? It lines up with other symptom flares and the steroids help, so I assume so, but would love any insight from my lupie community💜
Has anyone experienced relief from muscle problems with any meds other than just steroids? Anything in particular I should push to try? My insurance doesn’t require any step therapy requirements before trying the newer treatments like Benlysta.
submitted by Landscaping_Duty to lupus [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:56 MechEng9911 Hyundai Paint and interior protection warranty

Hey guys, my car just arrived at the dealership, and I'm set to pick it up tomorrow. The dealership has offered me one of their packages for the paint and interior protection for $900. I know that typically these packages are a scam and super marked up, but from what they're telling me, it seems like it might be worth it. I figured I'd ask you guys for advice first.
The salesman told me that this paint protection plan comes with full exterior ceramic coating and a GUARANTEE of 7 years free of paint issues. Meaning any fading, swirling, peeling, or environmental paint issues caused by sap, bird poop, etc. would be completely covered by this guarantee. If any issues happen, they will fix my paint free or charge. Now, I had already planned on ceramic coating my car at a local shop that I know does an excellent job. I know this local shop would use an extremely high quality coating, and it would definitely protect my paint. I'm sure the ceramic coating the dealer is using is nowhere near as high quality. My question is, does it matter? Since they're offering that guarantee, does the quality of the coat matter anymore?
The other part of the deal is the interior protection. The interior protection covers the entire interior under a 10 year full warranty. This means that if I stain, rip, damage, or have any sort of issues with my interior like sun fading etc., they'll either repair or replace it, free. This warranty seems amazing. These seats are incredibly expensive, and not having to worry about damage to them seems like something definitely worth it. Not to mention it covers everything else in the interior as well.
These are both included in the $900 price. For comparison, my shop quoted me $750 for a 5 year ceramic coat, and while I know he does an excellent job, he doesn't have any sort of warranty like that really. Would it be worth it to go with Hyundai's paint protection plan and even if it's potentially lower quality, just rely on the warranties? Has anyone there opted for these plans? The way I see it, for an extra $150, I can get a full guarantee on my paint, and a full guarantee on my interior.
TLDR: is the Hyundai exterior and interior protection plan worth it for the warranties?
submitted by MechEng9911 to ElantraN [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:56 KeroMM4Gamez AITA for having a massive fight with my Friends

So I didn't really understand the rules to the fullest of extent so this may get taken down, but I guess imma still say it in case it actually is allowed.
This happened online which already may sound stupid but let me just explain, i know it may seem irrelevant but I need to put my mind to rest.
Me (17M) have a bunch of friends.
I mean over 50 online And we all talk In a regular basis there is no day where we haven't spoke in.
So we decided to make this big server to all talk in instead of being separated by GCs and get to know each other more.
So this and that and that happened and we had made this massive server that everyone was in eventually and even was counting by the days.
But eventually shit just started going downhill.
So to like try to justify myself I guess before giving both sides of the story .
Last two years have been a really rough patch for me. I dealt with self doubt and doubt from others and hate from my sister despite my attempt of getting close to her which kinda developed a little anger problem.
That will be important later.
So one day when we are on the Server me and my friends were talking . And I, due to my anger issues started starting arguments on a daily basis.
Over the stupidest things. I would eventually apologize cause I know what I did was wrong .
But I still hurt my friends nonetheless .
It became such a regular occurrence that eventually people just got done with it.
I got timed out.
Told no one liked me but like in a really harsh manner but I won't dwell on details.
To understand their rage put yourself in their shoes, always fighting over dumb stuff and being hurt by the use of swear words and stuff just because your "friend" feels like it. Which is what I told.
I never wanted to say I had anger issues cause that felt like a cheap get out of jail card.
So I would always chock it up to "wanting to cause chaos.
After that I decided to leave the server .
And take confinde in the only friend who actually decided to stick by my side even though I hurt them too and caused them stress on many occasions.
The next day I would be flooded with DMS being called out on how awful I was and me being a "manipulator" and them "seeing through my lies" ,which eventually dumbed down to me apologizing for the last time and never seeing them again, Plagues my mind everyday basically . My friend who stood by my side is still there.
True homie I appreciate him.
AITA for this situation.
submitted by KeroMM4Gamez to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:55 Turbulent_Pound4806 Sick of veteran hate

Please read this to the last, I mean it, I came in good faith and I am in no way advocating for anything conservative here.
I wanted to make this post to maybe inspire some people to take a more, civil stance when discussing things about service and former servicemen for a specified nation, and well, the US is a good example.
We leftists never side with war, we hated it with russia and ukraine, israel and palestine, the US and iraq, vietnman,and just any war that was not defensive basically. I want to mention though, that we have, a sick mindset, a hypocritical and an almost blind mindset, as we tend to disrespect people who came back from the claws of war.
No, I am not pulling the classic "respect veterans" type of talk, I am instead arguing for a more civil approach when you deal with this sort of stuff. We are not hate mongers who hate landlords, rich people and war veterans. We are supposedly advocates for peace and a place for everyone, and if you're gonna accuse every servicemen of being a fascist and a child murderer, then I would argue that you are missing the point, and well, you're kind of a dick.
My proposal to anyone reading this who gets heated when they hear the cursed phrase "thank you for your service", is that, instead, we could say "Glad that you are home".
Glad that you are home? Well, think about it. This phrase does not support the foreign affairs a country had, and thus you are not an advocate for war, you are instead displaying gratefulness that someone came home safe, because truth is, most soldiers just wanted that the second they saw the horrors.
A soldier is a guardian, and our problems are when a guardian is used to attack rather than guard. Let us not insult and disrespect the guardian, because we always need a guardian. I instead offer that we become more civil, and show gratitude that someone made it safe, while always and always acknowledging how unjust and disgusting the governmental act was to send guardians to become aggressors.
So far so good? Uh, no?
Well, no indeed. There is a point to be made, that is, most soldiers have a mindset that advocates for national interest, and most of them may call you a hippie for criticizing that, I mean, let's look at Vietnam.
People often say "thank you for your service" when someone talks about their experience, however, when you are an advocate for peace, you will not acknowledge this service as necessary, you'll instead call it as a waste of human life, as we got ourself somewhere we didn't need to, and ended up killing our own people and their people.
What you could do, instead of saying that the vets are fascists child murderers, which is a terrible terrible overgeneralization that has no basis, and even if most soldiers went voluntarily, it does not serve justice to the soldier's intentions and it generalizes every soldier as a war criminal, which is an unhealthy mindset.
I offer that we show gratitude that they are back home, while continuing to fight for the peaceful cause through protests.
It's more civil, more understanding and less jumpy and ridiculous, and uh, to frank with you, it makes people actually listen to us, which is what we are fighting for, for our voice to be heard, and we really want to appear as reasonable educated people who call for peace and harmony, and not as jumpy overheated online arguers right?
The change needs to start within, and this change involves us to be the bigger headed here, and realize that, just because someone doesn't share our view, no matter how morally low it is, resorting to disrespect should be the last on the list, and if you thought that peace was not the way for us to be heard, then you do you, but I just wanted to offer a chance that we show more humility and social decency when presenting ethics to an issue.
The ethical party needs to be loud and reasonable, not obnoxious and lousy.
submitted by Turbulent_Pound4806 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:54 TurbulentCatch4148 Abusive husband advice

Abusive husband advice
My husband sends me terrible texts when he is mad at me. He has a terrible anger and has hit me before. I left him and he of course said all the right things and I went back, later in life we got married. Well recently we went together on vacation and he just was so mean and controlling. Would tell me I should change my outfit cause I look fat. Or if I said I wanted to go to a place, he’d look at my outfit and say not in that. Even though what he’s wearing is literally t-shirt and shorts.
We got into a big fight and I told him if he talks to me again like I’m less than him I am divorcing. At first he didn’t care but once he saw I was serious he said he was sorry and said he completely agrees that he shouldn’t say these things. I said ok as it was literally one day into the vacation. Then I swear an hour after I was driving and he got upset with the way I was driving, I told him my reason, it really was just a tiny fight but he got mad and said he would punch me in the face give me a bloody nose. I even forgave that moment. Then the next two days were good and got along. Then we went to a city and went drinking. It was about 3am and we were getting food. Some random guys came up and said hi to both of us. Some how our conversation into a dumb political fight. My Husband was acting so rude to them and just was taking it to a next level fight. They ended up walking away cause of how he was talking(btw this is the first time I’ve seen him like this with random strangers, he’s usually good at making people think he’s the sweetest guy in the world). Then we were walking away he was so mad at me that I didn’t defend his side, he accused me of being racist because I’m white and they were white and he is Indian.( He says that a lot to about a lot of people. He even says his own friends are racist.) Then he said he was taking an Uber by himself to the hotel. And told me to figure out my own way. I only had 5% battery and it was 3:30am, I said you can’t do that! He started threatening to hit me. I used my phone to record because it really was getting scary he stopped talking for some time. Then he yelled once we got to a corner with no people and said get a way from me threw my phone. At that point I should have walked away but I really didn’t know what to do, we are in a city we don’t know and I have no battery. Plus he is my husband!!! I should feel safe with him. But alas I continued to follow him anyway and then he got pissed and back handed me. It really hurt but didn’t leave any mark. I then walked away, he came back and said we can go together. But the whole time he kept calling me racist. Well the next morning he acted like nothing happened. I called my dad when we wasn’t around and asked if I can stay at his house cause I was so sad. And once we came back home I packed up and left.
Now we are in back and forth texts of how could i fuck him over. I’m taking this to the extreme. Of course Americans wants to divorce. He’s not abusive he only did bad things. How can I pick out a few bad times vs all the good times. My parents are shit because they didn’t hear his side(even though he texted all of my family to pretty much say it was my fault and anyone would do that in his situation and essentially he threw his arm and I was there lol) and then he goes to the whole I’m sorry I will work on myself I don’t want us to be over. I’m just so sad.
The thing is if we got rid of the anger, we have a great relationship. Majority of our time is really fun. He’s super affectionate and will go out of his way at times to do things for me.
But all the anxiety and the controlling, the bashing, the violence. The threatening to leave me somewhere after stupid fights! I just am so done with it
I also want to include just a few of our random fight conversations cause he really is verbally abusive and it’s just wack sometimes. Sometimes our arguments are fine sometimes they are this. The one about Muslims was because he thinks I was defending Muslims for some reason in a conversation about religion. I also happen to have dated a guy whose family is Muslim. But I date guys who are not religious. So both my husband and the ex are not religious, so it doesn’t even matter. But in his head he came up with some weird scenario.
Anyway that’s it just venting and right now I’m at my dad’s and I just feel weird. The sad thing is I knew he was like this before we married. I almost left but I came back because maybe it wasn’t that bad he said he would change. Plus after such arguments the intensity of the moment goes away and it weirdly becomes forgivable for me.
I also just feel dumb and I know how sad and pitiful my insecurities look. We’ve been married for 1.5 years and to divorce so soon. I just feel so stupid.
Just need conversation with people who know maybe my situation
submitted by TurbulentCatch4148 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:54 Assassin457 Thank you.

10 years. A decade-long journey. We've seen it all: the highs, the lows, the light, the dark, the happy, the sad. For most, these moments weren't just in Destiny, they were life-defining events external to this universe, but no matter what happened in our lives, Destiny was there. It wasn't all perfect, but that makes it so much better. Perfection is unachievable. If nothing else, that's the one thing we've learnt along this journey, what matters is how hard you try and what you do and accomplish. This game has been with me for a decade of my life. I remember the night that the Destiny 1 beta came out. I played for 30 minutes before bed since I had school the day after and in those 30 minutes I knew, I was in for quite the adventure, and boy was I right. I don't know if a game will be there with me for as long as Destiny was. It never felt like I was playing a character, it felt like I was in this universe, with these people, experiencing these things and killing my 37th God of the week.
Thank you, Bungie, those we've lost, regardless of circumstance, and those still here, working on the next big thing.
And to you, other Guardians out there, thank you for all the adventures we've had together, and for those yet to come.
To quote Cayde's final message, see you around, Guardians.
submitted by Assassin457 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:54 DoucheCanoe81 How will I know? 43F

How will I know when I’m starting premenopause? I have an IUD and haven’t had a period in 13 years. I won’t remove it for this reason. I think I’m starting to have hot flashes, but I have no idea since some of my other medical issues can cause them.
submitted by DoucheCanoe81 to Menopause [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:54 Crabiolo What do I do if my medication is causing me tons of anxiety on the way down?

I got diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed just 10mg of vyvanse on Tuesday, and started taking it Wednesday. That was probably my first mistake because yesterday was my sister's wedding.
All day I felt like I was trying to protect people from stress and heard a bunch of cats at the same time. I felt okay while doing it, I notice the vyvanse doesn't affect me dramatically during the day other than maybe suppressing executive dysfunction, which is plenty fine.
However, after the dinner and everything yesterday, around 9PM (so presumably as the vyvanse was wearing off) I just have this dread feeling in my stomach, like I'd been stabbed right in the gut. It was the worst anxiety I felt in a long time, and presumably for no reason. Like all that stress I had been protecting family members from hit me all at once.
I left the building and it got even worse, I keeled over bawling. Not like, tears of joy or anything, but a horrible feeling of despair and anxiety and dread. I couldn't even say goodbye to anyone, I had to leave right away. It was awful and I felt terrible but I couldn't compose myself to face anyone. When I got back to my hotel the anxiety took forever to leave.
I dunno. Nothing like this has ever happened before and the only thing I can think that could cause that is the vyvanse. Is that normal? Is it a red flag? It was stupid of me to start taking it so soon before an important event but nothing I had read about it mentioned anything like this. Do I keep taking it? Do I contact my psychiatrist?
submitted by Crabiolo to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:52 trust_me_br0o0 ANIMATION HELP PLEASE!

i am trying to add water drop on glass animation over my text but i am having a hard time. Can anyone with more experience help me out. I will really appreciate any help i can get thanks.
Here is my code so far.
     DARK RED    







submitted by trust_me_br0o0 to CodingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:52 FreeAsAbird33 Walking from DFW Terminal E to Hyatt Regency

Hi All. I have a super long couple of days of traveling which will culminate with my landing at DFW at 9pm next Sunday (God willing... but that's another topic). I had a free night to use at a category 4 Hyatt and this overnight layover was a perfect opportunity to cash it in.
I have searched and found some general directions about walking from terminal C to the Regency through a parking garage, but I'm hoping someone who is familiar with the trek can be a little more detailed... unless there really are signs right outside the terminal that are impossible to miss. I am normally a resourceful traveler, but I know I am going to be exhausted, it will likely be dark out, and I would prefer knowing how to make a beeline from the terminal to the Regency so I can get to bed ASAP.
submitted by FreeAsAbird33 to americanairlines [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:52 Fine-Masterpiece-570 Am I delusional

Hi guys I'd like to start off by saying I'm leaving a lot of important details and parts out because I'm typing this on my phone and lowkey too lazy to explain everything in depth but obviously if you guys need a better explanation I'm always open to replying. Also this story might sound confusing so if there's any questions feel free to ask. Grammar also prob bad because I'm writing this at 4 am in the morning.
People in the story: I'm F, 18 Claire F, 19 Nina F, 18 Tiffany F, 19 Nina's boyfriend M, 18
Okay firstly, I'd like to start off with how we met.
(To be honest she is chronically on reddit too so she might or might not stumble across this post, but since meeting and getting to know her I've come to a shocking discovery that she doesnt really date people which makes me more attracted to her oddly enough)
For the sake of identity and anonymity I will be calling her Claire.
I met Claire through a friend who just happens to also be her bestfriend. We'll call her Nina. We're all first years in college and I met Nina through instagram lol. The lore of that goes deeper but to summarize it, over the summer before school started, a class page for incoming freshman was created so that people could connect, and find roomies. I saw that page as an opportunity to find potential friends that could match my interests. I stumbled across Nina's post and instantly knew I wanted to be her friend. Not in a weird, psycho, stalker way but I thought she was really pretty and her hobbies and interests were similar to mine. Summers passing and I have yet to reach out to her or messaged her, but we followed each other on instagram. That's when I saw Claire in her posts and stories, and Claire really caught me attention. She very beautifully, and her smile is very contagious. She has that natural beauty 'pretty' that just makes her so attractive. At first I didn't really think much of it because school hadn't started and I'm just tryna to enjoy my last summer before officially heading to college.
College rolls around and I finally move into my dorm, the first few weeks were light and I really enjoyed every orientation event. Weeks gone by and I still have never talked to Nina. I've made some friends along the way so I completely forgot about her. But during week 2 or 3 into the term I finally see her for the first time in real life, and next to her was Claire. At first I was too scared to approach them and say anything because they were walking in this big group of people heading into a resident hall. Me being oblivious and nosy, I go onto instagram and finally sent a message to Nina. The DMs were just like "omg I think I just saw you etc etc"
We finally get to talking on DMs but eventually the convo died after like 3 days. So I'm like damn, I don't know if this girl even wants to be friends with me. So I move on with my day. College is the time to go out and make connections too so I was heavily involved in clubs and events. I went to my very first club meeting around October, and standing in the center of the room I see Claire. Now at this point, Claire doesn't even know who I am or that I know Nina, but for some reason I felt like I know Claire. Again, I was too scared to approach her so I ended up leaving the meeting after it ended.
This all happened in fall term, so eventually I just forgot about both Claire and Nina. That was until winter term started, and I was enrolled in this one class. Coincidentally Nina was also in this class and that's how we officially met. (Final fucking ly) We ended up having the same hobbies, interested, etc. creepily we also share the same birthday and our best friends (Claire and my best friend we'll call her Tiffany) also share the same birthdays etc. Till this day we all think it's such weird coincidence but we jokingly call it an invisible string or whatever that theory is.
Back to the story, eventually we all become close around the end of winter term going into spring term (current term right now). Before, me and Claire would never hang out one on one, it always involved or included our other friend Nina and sometimes her boyfriend. And usually our hangouts consists of eating out, sports, studying, or video games. But lately, we've been doing more stuff together one on one and I seem to enjoy it a lot. We recently picked up a hobby of running. And we actually have a lot in common. My interests align more with Claire than with Nina and it's been obvious as the group is always on us for being so alike. Anywho, overtime i had developed a crush on Claire but it's not in a way where I'd date her it's more of an admiration way because I don't really date people and I kind of think relationships are gross lol which defeats the whole purpose of a crush or liking someone, but i genuinely like this girl but I can't seem to point a finger at why I'm feeling this way when I don't even like dating. To my surprise she is the same. From what Nina and her bf told me Claire isn't really about the dating life either. Anyways the story is probably getting confusing and you guys are like wtf, so idk this post might be a flop. Anyways, when me, Claire, Nina, and her boyfriend would hang out as a group Nina and her boyfriend would always tease us and say something about how I want to be like Claire or how Claire wants to be like me and they would bring up stuff like "you guys should just date each other since you guys want to be each other" and everytime I would deny and be like ew gross don't say that but deep down I high key liked the tease. At the same time I've never personally asked Claire or heard Claire come out hinting at her sexuality but Nina would say somethings and Claire would just sit there and laugh it off or agree. To be honest I'm scared to even ask Claire myself so I don't know. Anywho I've talk to my bsf tiffany about this and my bsf says Claire def give off gay, and me not wanting to assume I just brush it off and try not to assume or anything. So, now that me and Claire are starting to hang out on our own I feel like we've definitely got comfortable with each other. I would also like to add that we both hate physical touch but lately it just happens randomly where we would compare hand sizes and pay hand games like chopsticks or whatever it's called. I might be overthinking it and delusional but who knows. One night me and Claire go for a late night run and we stop to take a break in front of our schools memorial building. This building had a flight of stairs which lead to the front entrance so we walked up to find it locked so as we were walking down I missed a step and fell but not really, I lowkey hurted my ankle but that didn't stop us from finishing our run. When we finally made it back to our start point I went to sit on the field where I could lay down for a bit and just stretch my foot. Claire came beside me and we just listened to music together. She kept asking if I was okay and I reassured her but I could tell she was lowkey worried. Fast forward to the next day we go out to eat with Nina, her boyfriend, and in the car I was seated next to Claire and just the thought of her arm touching mine made me feel so at peace and comforting. After dinner we went back to my dorm and we all as a group took edibles and made slime high. At the end of our slime session I felt really tired but I wanted to stay awake to talk to them because we were having a convo about relationships and somehow the topic directed towards me was what is my type. I start yapping about how I don't really have a type blah blah and then Nina's boyfriend mention something about me liking white guys, and when that came out Claire's eyes widen and went "you like white guys like Tiffany too" (cause I once mentioned how my bsf tiffany is a Oxford study victim) and yeah so Claire got real questionable and started asking about me and my type and what my lore was. And about my relationships. And that's when I said I like people who are smarter than me (I did this on purpose because I know that Claire is extremely smart) so after I said that Nina's boyfriend was quick to his feet and said something along the lines of "wait Claire is literally smarter than you why don't you guys just date instead" and that's when I blurted out ew no that's weird. And all I saw Claire do was turn to me and stare directly at me. Almost like she was waiting for me to agree or say soemthing to reinforce that. Minutes go by and the convo kind of became awkward but we were still talking about relationships and what not. And everytime I swear when someone says something Claire would look at me first and wait for me to answer before she answers and that's just something that I noticed. Anyways I'm yapping just to yap right now I will end it here if you guys have questions or want a more in depth explanation just reply to this post. Surely I'm missing A LOT of details.
But yeah what do you guys think am I being delusional and weird, am I overthinking, or this girl might be interested in me
I forgot to mention, we recently started following each other on Spotify and one day after a lecture me and Claire both had she made me get this app called Airbuds where you can see what your friends are listening to etc. I didn't really know how to work the app but this one morning I woke up and opened the app I saw her recent listening activity and it was all songs from my playlist so i took a ss and sent it to her asking why she was listening to Taylor Swift LOLL cuz she doesn't listen to Taylor Swift and she said it's because she was stalking my playlists. And then the other night when we went running I told her to start a jam because she's always making me start one and as she opened up her Spotify I kid yall not I see my playlists in her recent listening activity and I was like shocked. Anywho she tried brushing it off saying it's because that's the playlist we normally listen to on our runs but that's not true because I don't play off those playlists when we run so it's kinda sus🫣. But yeah that's the end of the story I go sleep now.
submitted by Fine-Masterpiece-570 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:51 mrpooooopy What STD causes rash on inner thigh?

he recommended treatment will depend on the cause of the rash. Not all rashes will require intervention, as they may clear up independently.
When treatment is necessary, options include:
Several medications are available to treat a rash on the inner thigh, including:
antibiotics for some STDs and other infections
antifungals for cases of jock itch
antihistamines for itching
topical or oral steroids to decrease inflammation
Home remedies
Depending on the type of inner thigh rash, one or more of the following home remedies may help:
applying a cold compress
taking an oatmeal bath
using tea tree oil
using natural astringents
avoiding irritants and allergens
submitted by mrpooooopy to STDFacts [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:49 PlaneTemporary3796 Picking absurd fights.

Hello everyone, I was dumbed by an DA about 4 months ago and just now came across Attachment theories and I must say it’s helping giving me some closure and stopping the self blame that it was all my fault, which I was told. The way she would act was to pick fights over the most absurd things. Looking back it was usually after something happened that brought us very close. This could have been amazing sex, an intimate conversation, or moving in together. The conclusion of her argument was always “You do this cause you don’t care about me”. I’m honestly think that she may have miss communicated things so I would purposely not do what she wanted me to do. As an example, I picked her up from work and she had told me to “prepare the food”. I am a horrible cook and to me this just meant picking up ready to eat food, frozen meals etc. She threw a fit on how I took her for granted. I should add that i wasn’t working at the time and that she was supporting us. She would simply not except me saying that I did not understand what she meant. We went to couples therapy and the therapist assured her, that would have not known what she meant either. She voiced to him that she thought I was a narcissist, which I am so far the opposite of, it’s beyond absurd. He also told her that I am defiantly not that. When she got sick and needed brain surgery she kept accusing me out of absolute nowhere that “I was not concerned about the surgery”, when I went out of my way to littlery knock on doctors doors and begged them to see her, which I succeeded. (I am American but live in Germany and specialist sometimes have a 6months + wait) I once lost some cash and started crying cause I thought she would rip me to shreds, but the opposite happened. She was super kind and even the day after told about a story of having lost so much more due to not being carefull. We spent one year together, now broken up for 4 months. The argument that lead to us breaking up she now says she is glad I didn’t go along with. She basically overnight demanded to get her pregnant. I am now suspecting that this was also orchestrated because she was so obnoxious about it that she knew she would trigger me to leave. We recently had email contact where she said she was glad I didn go along with it so I asked her why are we broken up then.? No response. My question being is first of is this DA? I just recently came across Atachment theory and I think it’s explains everything but would still Like some reassurance. If yes, how can a person we has an IQ way above average, start such absurd fights and stick by that they were right ? And even when they admit they were wrong like I mentioned above which was an absolute rare, not see by admiting this very thing they don’t have a reason for breaking up with you. I feel like her actions were an extreme form of DA. Like she would must have felt we were getting too close and literly come up with the most absurd reasons to fight. How can one not be aware of what they are doing when it’s happening ? And how even in hindsight they don’t see their nonsense.? Will a DA usually be open to this “diagnosis “ of being a DA.? Or take offense to it it like a narcissist would if u called them out? She would be some emotionally distant also but the fights, which usually mir would leave to my mom for a few days was what really did it. The first 4 months were amazing and then hell started the night we moved into our place together. Will she likely take the suggestion that she is a DA to heart. Her childhood trauma was also exactly what would lead to becoming a DA.
submitted by PlaneTemporary3796 to Disorganized_Attach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:49 Direct-Caterpillar77 The woman who caused the death of my best friend just messaged me

I am not The OOP, OOP is [deleted]
The woman who caused the death of my best friend just messaged me.
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
TRIGGER WARNING: Accusations of sexual assault, suicide, depression, verbal abuse, harassment, death threats
Original Post - wayback machine Jan 6, 2023
My friend, Mark, killed himself 6 years ago because of a girl named Amy (a schoolmate) who accused him of SA. It caused him everything - his scholarship, most of his friends, and even most of his family members abandoned him. His own mother told him to die and burn in hell before going NC.
The only people who believed him were his dad and me. Why? Because the two of us were together all day playing video games in his dad's house (his parents are divorced) during the night Amy claimed that Mark attacked her. I was staying for a week in their house and the date Amy mentioned was the 2nd day of my stay.
Amy and Mark knew each other because they're both in the volleyball team of our university. She's not a classmate, she's not a friend, and she's not even an acquaintance.
According to the people I've previously talked to, Amy was involved in a girls-only night out with her dormmates. They've been having deep conversations and when Amy was asked if she ever had experience in being SA'd, she blurted out Mark's full name and a specific date and time.
After their night out, the other girls immediately spread this accusation all over Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, calling Mark a rapist. They even messaged some professors and the Dean of our Department.
Amy's family tried to press charges but the case was dropped after Mark's dad showed countless evidence proving Mark's whereabouts the entire day, including a video of me playing League of Legends (while he makes fun of me by being a shit player) taken by Mark himself that he posted on his Twitter during the exact time Amy claimed that Mark attacked her.
During all of this, Amy was nowhere to be found.
Of course, things didn't magically stop after proving that Mark was legally innocent.
After 6 months of enduring continuous violent harassment from Amy's family and her boyfriend, death threats both online and in person from schoolmates and neighbors, and being abandoned by almost everyone he loved, Mark took his own life in December 2, 2017.
People fucking celebrated his death because people still believed that he was a rapist.
It was one of the most painful experiences that I've ever had in my entire life. He was like a brother to me and he was one of the kindest and most awesome people that I know. The anger and the grief is still so freaking ripe in my heart even after years of therapy.
Yesterday, Amy messaged me after 6 years of silence.
The first thing she said? "I'm sorry."
She fucking admitted to randomly saying Mark's name because he was the first person she thought of. She panicked because she never had an experience in being SA'd and thought that she was "out of place" because most of the girls in that party had experienced SA before.
She told me that it was because she was "young and stupid." She justified herself by saying that she never thought that it would go out of hand because the other girls promised that their conversation would be a secret. She thought that Mark wouldn't be affected because they don't know each other and have very different social circles.
She was "too afraid" to say anything because her lie spread way too fucking much for her to control it. That was the reason why she wasn't nowhere to be found during those times where everything went to hell.
I asked her why she was telling me this and she told me that she had been feeling guilty for the past 6 years and thought that it was time for her to come clean because her therapist told her so.
Her family doesn't know. Her boyfriend (they've been together for 8 years now) doesn't know. Mark's family doesn't know. And all of the people who believed her didn't know. She only admitted it to me.
I'm so fucking angry that I can't even put it into words.
This woman killed my best friend and thinks that everything will be okay afterwards? She's the fucking reason a good person like Mark is now forever gone.
I haven't replied to her and I'm afraid that I would just say so many horrendous things to her. I don't want to tell Mark's dad because he's still going through grief and has spiraled deep into depression since Mark died.
I'm tempted to spread our conversation online, but I know that it would drag me down to the same level as her and her friends.
I fucking hate everything right now
submitted by Direct-Caterpillar77 to BestofNoUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:48 Mountain-Can-8981 Donate to Build a Mosque for Palestinian Refugees in Sheikh Zuweid: Provide a Spiritual Refuge

Assalamu Alaikum,
The Palestinian refugees in Sheikh Zuweid are in urgent need of a place for prayer and support. The situation in Sheikh Zuweid has become increasingly dire, especially after recent events. The existing mosques in the area were already overcrowded before October 7th, but the situation has since worsened significantly. These mosques can no longer accommodate the growing number of refugees who rely on these spaces not only for worship but also for community support and solidarity. The new mosque we aim to build will serve as a much-needed spiritual refuge and a center for communal activities, providing a sense of hope and belonging to the displaced families.
We've already purchased the land and started the foundation work for the mosque. However, we still need funds for construction materials to ensure the mosque is safe and sustainable, labor costs to hire skilled workers, essential amenities like water, electricity, and sanitation facilities, and the rental of construction equipment such as excavators and scaffolding.
The Palestinian refugees in Sheikh Zuweid have faced immense challenges and hardships. They have been forced to leave their homes and have lost many of the comforts and security they once had. A new mosque would not only provide a place of worship but also serve as a hub for community support, education, and social services. It would be a beacon of hope and a testament to the resilience and strength of the Palestinian people.
Every minute counts, and every donation can make a significant difference in the lives of these needy families. Your support in spreading the word and encouraging others to contribute would be immensely valuable. By working together, we can provide a better future for the Palestinian refugees in Sheikh Zuweid and offer them a place where they can find solace, support, and a sense of community.
Here is the link to the GoFundMe campaign for more details and to make a donation: https://www.gofundme.com/f/building-a-mosque-for-palestinian-refugees-in-sheikh-zuweid
The existing mosques were already overcrowded before October 7th. Now, the situation has worsened, making this new mosque essential for the community, which now primarily consists of Palestinian refugees. The new mosque will not only address the immediate needs for prayer space but also provide a platform for educational and social initiatives that can empower the community and improve their quality of life.
Thank you for considering our cause. Every contribution, no matter how small, brings us one step closer to achieving our goal and providing a much-needed place of worship and support for the Palestinian refugees in Sheikh Zuweid.
JazakAllah Khairan.
🌟 Donate here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/building-a-mosque-for-palestinian-refugees-in-sheikh-zuweid
submitted by Mountain-Can-8981 to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:48 BottleIndividual9579 How do I get control of my personal finances?

I have never been strong at financial management. I've realized my current approach is causing me a lot of stress and anxiety and is pretty ineffective.
I really want to get better control of my personal finances, especially in the areas of budgeting and managing expenses.
I do have an accountant who does my taxes and long term investments for retirement.
Two interrelated questions:
What's the best way to improve my general financial literacy? I don't have a ton of time so something short and focused would be ideal.
What's the best app for Canadians for budgeting and expense tracking? I have tried a couple free ones but not been totally satisfied. I need something simple, quick and ideally offer some time-saving automations. A small expense for an app would be well worth it to me.
Thank you all!
submitted by BottleIndividual9579 to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:48 NoSelection3947 Doctor Won’t write a note for accommodations.

Hi everyone, I’m not sure what to do at work. Has anyone dealt with this before?
Long story short, I work at a Pit facility and was taken off for 3 weeks because I was entering a wide aisle and a pallet hit my cage and threw me off the wire guidance. My facility has the LiDar, and RTLS system installed on the pits already. When I entered the wide aisle, I wasn’t going fast, and had eyes on path, I was able to pass by the incorrectly stowed pallet just up until my cage hit it and that’s when it threw me off the wire guidance. Some of the stuff on the pallet caught most of the items so not everything fell onto the floor. Right when that happened, I stopped and called for help on my scanner. Safety, AMs, and PA’s all agree it wasn’t my fault the pallet was stowed incorrectly. There was a whole investigation on it so I was not able to drive pit for 3 weeks and was working in pack.
This is my 3rd pit accident and when I was called for my retrain, I expressed to the learning trainer I’m not comfortable driving pit anymore because that accident caused me a lot of anxiety cause I was doing everything right, eyes on path and wearing correct PPE. The trainer said I can get a doctor’s note saying that my height caused me to get into these pit accidents bc I’m 4’9. (Yes I know i’m short) I do struggle to reach to answer the questions to login in the pit sometimes, but I never really thought about it. The trainer told me that’s usually one of the red flags that a person isn’t suitable for that process path, but then again they don’t discriminate on who can and who can’t drive the pit.
HR already knows about my case, and I was told I would be moved to the pack department since I’ve already been there and is only packed trained other than pit.
I messaged both my doctors expressing my concerns, about this is my 3rd accident, my struggle to reach the telemetry and ability to see while operating (I over extend and really have to look around me during stops and operation in general), and my anxiety going back to pit bc I was really startled when I was thrown off the wire guidance. However both of them refuse to write me a note for the accommodation. So I’m not sure what to do!! I never did the retrain for pit because the learned trainer says he can’t force me to do something I don’t feel comfortable doing. Ive been getting sent to pack everyday since I haven’t been retrained on pit. (Which I’m fine with bc i’ve grown to like pack)
I have screenshots of the doctor telling me being short (4’9) isn’t a underline medical condition, despite telling him I get bad body aches from over extending and over reaching, and the heavy harness I have to wear. 😭 All they tell me is to take it with HR and apply for workers comp, and join a union. But I don’t think I need workers comp for something that can be easily accommodated!
Anyone know what I should do?? Thanks for reading my long dilemma LOL. TIA!!
submitted by NoSelection3947 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]
