Anyconnect pcf files

icecube2 complains about alchrity cu pcf

2024.05.07 22:20 real_pm100 icecube2 complains about alchrity cu pcf

it says
Warning: pin CLK doesn't exists in the package CB132. ignoring the set_io command on line 2 of file C:/work/alchrity_cu/hack/cu.pcf Warning: pin RST doesn't exists in the package CB132. ignoring the set_io command on line 4 of file C:/work/alchrity_cu/hack/cu.pcf Warning: pin LED[7] doesn't exists in the package CB132. ignoring the set_io command on line 6 of file C:/work/alchrity_cu/hack/cu.pcf Warning: pin LED[6] doesn't exists in the package CB132. ignoring the set_io command on line 7 of file C:/work/alchrity_cu/hack/cu.pcf Warning: pin LED[5] doesn't exists in the package CB132. ignoring the set_io command on line 8 of file C:/work/alchrity_cu/hack/cu.pcf .. 
pcf file
# Clock set_io -nowarn CLK P7 # Reset set_io -nowarn RST P8 # Onboard LEDs, bottom to top set_io -nowarn LED[7] J11 set_io -nowarn LED[6] K11 set_io -nowarn LED[5] K12 set_io -nowarn LED[4] K14 set_io -nowarn LED[3] L12 set_io -nowarn LED[2] L14 set_io -nowarn LED[1] M12 set_io -nowarn LED[0] N14 
file works fine with yosys
submitted by real_pm100 to FPGA [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 00:57 andy238_y shader compilation failed

i just installed anomaly custom, changed a few setting and got a crash with shader compilation erorr. Now i cant even launch the game pls help
the log: * Detected CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10100F CPU @ 3.60GHz [GenuineIntel], F6/M5/S3, 3597.00 mhz, 32-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT
* CPU cores/threads: 4/8
Found commandline file!
Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
File System Ready...
FS: 67518 files cached 71 archives, 13510Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 0.783903 sec
'xrCore' build 8950, Aug 9 2023
-----loading d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\configs\system.ltx [2]
X-Ray Monolith v1.5.2
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\crouch_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\fusker.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\head_shot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\headlamp\headlamp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\headlamp\rifle_headlamp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\item_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\item_use_fast.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\item_use_slow.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\jump_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\landing_crp1.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\landing_crp2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\lean_left_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\lean_right_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\move_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\sprint_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\stand_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\low1.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\low2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\low3.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\low4.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\med1.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\med2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\med3.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\med4.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\strong1.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\strong2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\strong3.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\switch\strong4.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\tired_crp.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\_ak74_eft_ins_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\_ak74_eft_ins_shoot_aim.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\_toz106_reload_2rnd.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\_toz106_reload_4rnd_fullstock.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\_toz106_reload_empty_2rnd.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\_toz106_reload_empty_4rnd_fullstock.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_idle_bore.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_vgrip_idle_bore.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_vgrip_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_vgrip_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak105_sp_vgrip_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak12_mono_ins_vgrip_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak12_mono_ins_vgrip_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak12_mono_ins_vgrip_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_beard_eft_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_beard_eft_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_beard_eft_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_gl_off.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_gl_on.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_idle_bore.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_reload_gl.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_reload_w_gl.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_vgrip_idle_bore.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_vgrip_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_vgrip_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\ak74_eft_ins_vgrip_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak101_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak103_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak103_shoot_gl.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak105_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak74_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak74_shoot_scoped_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak74_shootgl_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak74_shootgl_w_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak74m_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak74m_shoot_gl.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_akm_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_akm_shootgl_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_akm_shootgl_w_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_akms_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_aks74_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_aks74_shootgl_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_aks74_shootgl_w_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_aks74u_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_aps_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_cz52_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_kiparis_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_mak_shoot1_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_mak_shoot2_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_mak_shoot3_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_mosin_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_r870_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_rpk74_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_rpk_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_sks_shoot_arms.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_svt40_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_svt40_shoot1.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_svt40_shoot2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_tt33_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\dvl_10_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\dvl_10_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\fal_aus_eft_ins_bore.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\fal_aus_eft_ins_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\fal_aus_eft_ins_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\fal_aus_eft_ins_shoot.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\fal_aus_eft_ins_shoot_aim.anm'
gamedata: ... 63558 more ...
Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
Available render modes[1]:
command line "d:\games\anomaly custom\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" -smap1536 -prefetch_sounds
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[d:/games/anomaly custom\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats
* [win32]: free[137434229612 K], reserved[4415900 K], committed[307896 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[66175 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[65157 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
dir[1]=D:\Games\Anomaly Custom\
dir[2]=D:\Games\Anomaly Custom\bin\
CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft
devices OpenAL Soft
SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
  1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
Executing config-script "d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"...
[d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
! Unknown command: g_end_modif
! Unknown command: g_firepos
! Unknown command: g_god
! Unknown command: g_unlimitedammo
! Unknown command: log_missing_ini
! Unknown command: ph_gravity
! Unknown command: rs_borderless
! Unknown command: rs_fullscreen
[d:/games/anomaly custom\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 524296 kb, 38848 lines, 13820 bpl
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_7.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_7.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_6.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_8.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_8.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\geiger_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\detectors\new folder\geiger_6.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_11.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_15.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_10.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_9.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_12.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_12.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_14.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_8.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_6.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_13.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_16.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_7.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimin\aimin_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_11.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_10.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_15.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_14.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_13.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_8.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_7.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_17.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_6.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_9.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\aimout\aimout_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_10.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_14.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_6.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_11.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_15.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_12.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_7.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_16.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_17.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_13.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_9.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponlower_sweeten\aimout_8.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_12.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_6.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_11.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_15.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_10.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_13.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_14.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_7.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_9.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\gear_foley\weaponraise_sweeten\aimin_8.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\music\_anomaly_ilya_ponomarenko_day_one - copy.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\music\hospital.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\music\ui_menu_background.ogg
! Warning: Invalid source rate: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\eft\dist_5.ogg
! Warning: Invalid source rate: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\eft\far_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\frag1\new\close_distance_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\frag1\new\close_distance_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\frag1\new\close_distance_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\frag1\new\close_distance_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\huge\distance_shock_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\huge\distance_shock_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_boom\mono\huge\distance_shock_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\deagle\far_distance.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\l96\close_distance.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rem_700\rem_700_close_bass_1_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rem_700\rem_700_close_hifi_2_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rem_700\rem_700_close_hifi_1_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rem_700\rem_700_close_noise_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rem_700\rem_700_close_noise_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\tail_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\echo_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\echo_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\echo_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\echo_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\tail_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\tail_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\rpg\tail_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\sg552\close_distance.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\svt40\far_distance.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\trg\far_distance.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\tt33\far_distance.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\mono\type63\far_distance.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sv98\close_3.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sv98\close_4.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sv98\close_2.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\_gunfire\stereo\sv98\close_1.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\bm16\bm16_reload_l.ogg
! Missing ogg-comment, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\bm16\bm16_reload_lr.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_2-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_4-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_3-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_6-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_2-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_medium_10-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_6-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_3-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_5-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_5-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_7-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_mixed_-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_4-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_mixed_-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_medium_10-04.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_medium_10-03.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_medium_10-01.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\shared\debris\stereo_mixed\debris_surround_light_7-02.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_2.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_6.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_3.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_5.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_4.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_7.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\explosions\modular_model\special\thermite\core_det_hifi_8.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\handling\mosin\bolt_new.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\handling\sv_98\sv98_bolt_after_shooting1.ogg
! Invalid ogg-comment version, file: d:/games/anomaly custom\gamedata\sounds\weapons\taz_ported\deagle\far_distance.ogg
Finished creating 21889 sound sources. Duration: 781 ms
! sound: OpenAL: Can't create source. Error: Out of Memory.
! SOUND: OpenAL: Max targets - 256
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:10DE]-[device:2187]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 SUPER
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 3
* Texture memory: 3930 M
* GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24
* NVidia MGPU: Logical(1), Physical(1)
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 4096K
* DIB created: 512K
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* Managed textures disabled
! d:/games/anomaly custom\appdata\shaders_cache\r4\\1536111100110000001000100000110231113010201000000
! error: (1,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'screenspace_common.h'
submitted by andy238_y to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 19:59 netnoober Terrible windows file copy/iPerf speeds on SD-Wan Spoke and AnyConnect users

Terrible windows file copy/iPerf speeds on SD-Wan Spoke and AnyConnect users
HI all, trying to track down an issue where our SD-Wan spoke users are only getting between 1 and 3.5Mbps file copy speeds when trying to copy something from or to the server on our Hub. I've disabled all AMP/IDP/Umbrella settings to debug. Running a speed test shows 150-200Mbps down/50Mbps up. Packet capture shows a ton of NBSS Continuation Message (but no 'out of order' errors). The Hub is running a MX-95 and spoke MX-68. Both are on fiber connections 1Gb symmetrical. Not using any traffic shaping. We are using tunnel all mode as we need all traffic to exit the hub. File copy speeds on the LAN are totally fine (1-200Mbps). Iperf spoke<->hub shows the same degraded speed. Every once in a while when I've been testing, the file copy speed will start out around 6-8Mbps, but invariably very shortly will drop back down to 1-3Mbps (averaging closer to 1.2Mbps). Both MX-95 and MX-68 are running 18.208 (was happening before this upgrade as well).
Usage charts all show well under the 1Gb connections; only have about 25 users all told--only 8 at the SD-Wan spoke location.
Latency over the last day averages 15ms steadily. 3-4 .25ms jitter spikes, 0% Loss, MOS average 4.1. No bandwidth limits are set, traffic shaping rules are disabled.
The same machine that is experiencing the slow file copy speeds shows speed test at 140Mbps down and 20Mbps up:

speed test
I've also tried "tuning" SMB as it talks about here: which unfortunately didn't help at all.
Any ideas what I might try or even where or how to look for why this is happening to me would be much appreciated.
submitted by netnoober to meraki [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 08:54 CoolLinuxuser4w9 Some characters on an svgz file only render in firefox

Here is an image of how the file looks on firefox
And here is an image on how it looks on everything else
My installed fonts:
/usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSerifItalic.otf: FreeSerif:style=Italic,курсивен,cursiva,kurzíva,kursiv,Λειψίας,Kursivoitu,Italique,Dőlt,Corsivo,Cursief,kursywa,Itálico,cursiv,Курсив,ตัวเอียง,İtalik,kursif,Ležeče,kursīvs,kursivas,nghiêng,Etzana,तिरछा /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSerifBoldItalic.otf: FreeSerif:style=Bold Italic,получерен курсивен,negreta cursiva,tučné kurzíva,fed kursiv,Fett-Kursiv,Negrita Cursiva,Lihavoitu Kursivoi,Gras Italique,Félkövér dőlt,Grassetto Corsivo,Vet Cursief,Halvfet Kursiv,Pogrubiona kursywa,Negrito Itálico,gros cursiv,Обычный Курсив,Tučná kurzíva,Fet Kursiv,ตัวเอียงหนา,Kalın İtalik,huruf tebal kursif,жирний курсив,Polkrepko Pežeče,treknais kursīvs,pusjuodis kursyvas,nghiêng đậm,Lodi etzana,धृष्ट-तिरछा /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSerif-Italic.ttf: Liberation Serif:style=Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-BlackIt.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Black:style=Black Italic,Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Upright.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Semibold /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-LightIt.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Light:style=Light Italic,Italic /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf: Liberation Sans:style=Bold /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Bold.ttf: Liberation Mono:style=Bold /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Upright.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Medium /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeMonoOblique.otf: FreeMono:style=Oblique,наклонен,cursiva,kurzíva,kursiv,Πλάγια,Kursivoitu,Italique,Dőlt,Corsivo,Cursief,Kursywa,Itálico,oblic,Курсив,İtalik,huruf miring,похилий,ležeče,slīpraksts,pasvirasis,nghiêng,Etzana,तिरछा /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Italic.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Medium Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Bold.otf: Source Code Pro:style=Bold /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Upright.otf: SourceCodeVF /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSerif.otf: FreeSerif:style=Regular,нормален,normal,obyčejné,Mittel,µεσαία,Normaali,Normál,Normale,Gemiddeld,odmiana zwykła,Обычный,Normálne,ปกติ,menengah,прямій,Navadno,vidējs,normalusis,عادی,vừa,Arrunta,सामान्य /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSansBold.otf: FreeSans:style=Bold,получерен,negreta,tučné,fed,Fett,Έντονα,Negrita,Lihavoitu,Gras,Félkövér,Grassetto,Vet,Halvfet,Pogrubiony,Negrito,gros,Полужирный,Fet,Kalın,huruf tebal,жирний,Krepko,treknraksts,pusjuodis,đậm,Lodia,धृष्ट /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Regular.otf: Source Code Pro:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Italic.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Semibold Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Medium.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Medium:style=Medium,Regular /usshare/fonts/cantarell/Cantarell-VF.otf: Cantarell:style=Bold /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Upright.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Black /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-MediumIt.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Medium:style=Medium Italic,Italic /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSerif-BoldItalic.ttf: Liberation Serif:style=Bold Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Italic.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Black Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Italic.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Bold Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Light.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Light:style=Light,Regular /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Italic.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Light Italic /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf: Liberation Serif:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSerif-Bold.ttf: Liberation Serif:style=Bold /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Italic.ttf: Liberation Mono:style=Italic /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSans.otf: FreeSans:style=Regular,нормален,Normal,obyčejné,Mittel,µεσαία,Normaali,Normál,Medio,Gemiddeld,Odmiana Zwykła,Обычный,Normálne,menengah,прямій,Navadno,vidējs,normalusis,vừa,Arrunta,सामान्य /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf: Liberation Sans:style=Bold Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Italic.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Italic /usshare/fonts/cantarell/Cantarell-VF.otf: Cantarell:style=Light /usshare/fonts/cantarell/Cantarell-VF.otf: Cantarell:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Black.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Black:style=Black,Regular /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-ExtraLight.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro ExtraLight:style=ExtraLight,Regular /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeMonoBoldOblique.otf: FreeMono:style=Bold Oblique,получерен наклонен,Negreta cursiva,tučné kurzíva,fed kursiv,Fett-Kursiv,Έντονα Πλάγια,Negrita Cursiva,Lihavoitu Kursivoi,Gras Italique,Félkövér dőlt,Grassetto Corsivo,Vet Cursief,Halvfet Kursiv,Pogrubiona kursywa,Negrito Itálico,gros oblic,Полужирный Курсив,Tučná kurzíva,Fet Kursiv,Kalın İtalik,huruf tebal miring,жирний похилий,polkrepko ležeče,treknais slīpraksts,pusjuodis pasvirasis,Lodi etzana,धृष्ट-तिरछा /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSansOblique.otf: FreeSans:style=Oblique,наклонен,negreta cursiva,kurzíva,kursiv,Πλάγια,Cursiva,Kursivoitu,Italique,Dőlt,Corsivo,Cursief,kursywa,Itálico,oblic,Курсив,İtalik,huruf miring,похилий,Ležeče,slīpraksts,pasvirasis,nghiêng,Etzana,तिरछा /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Upright.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Bold /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-BoldIt.otf: Source Code Pro:style=Bold Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-ExtraLightIt.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro ExtraLight:style=ExtraLight Italic,Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Italic.otf: SourceCodeVF /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeMonoBold.otf: FreeMono:style=Bold,получерен,negreta,tučné,fed,Fett,Έντονα,Negrita,Lihavoitu,Gras,Félkövér,Grassetto,Vet,Halvfet,Pogrubiony,Negrito,gros,Полужирный,Fet,Kalın,huruf tebal,жирний,polkrepko,treknraksts,pusjuodis,đậm,Lodia,धृष्ट /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf: Liberation Mono:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/cantarell/Cantarell-VF.otf: Cantarell /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Upright.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/cantarell/Cantarell-VF.otf: Cantarell:style=Extra Bold /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-SemiboldIt.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Semibold:style=Semibold Italic,Italic /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeMono.otf: FreeMono:style=Regular,нормален,normal,obyčejné,Standard,µεσαία,Normaali,Normál,Normale,Standaard,Normalny,Обычный,Normálne,menengah,прямій,navadno,vidējs,normalusis,thường,Arrunta,सामान्य /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSansBoldOblique.otf: FreeSans:style=Bold Oblique,получерен наклонен,negreta cursiva,tučné kurzíva,fed kursiv,Fett-Kursiv,Έντονη Πλάγια,Negrita Cursiva,Lihavoitu Kursivoi,Gras Italique,Félkövér dőlt,Grassetto Corsivo,Vet Cursief,Halvfet Kursiv,Pogrubiona kursywa,Negrito Itálico,gros oblic,Обычный Курсив,Tučná kurzíva,Fet Kursiv,Kalın İtalik,huruf tebal miring,жирний похилий,polkrepko ležeče,treknais slīpraksts,pusjuodis pasvirasis,nghiêng đậm,Lodi etzana,धृष्ट-तिरछा /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Italic.ttf: Liberation Sans:style=Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodeVF-Upright.otf: SourceCodeVF:style=Light /usshare/fonts/cantarell/Cantarell-VF.otf: Cantarell:style=Thin /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationMono-BoldItalic.ttf: Liberation Mono:style=Bold Italic /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-It.otf: Source Code Pro:style=Italic /usshare/fonts/noto/NotoColorEmoji.ttf: Noto Color Emoji:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf: Liberation Sans:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/adobe-source-code-pro/SourceCodePro-Semibold.otf: Source Code Pro,Source Code Pro Semibold:style=Semibold,Regular /usshare/fonts/misc/mtx.pcf: mtx:style=Regular /usshare/fonts/gnu-free/FreeSerifBold.otf: FreeSerif:style=Bold,получерен,negreta,tučné,fed,Fett,Negrita,Lihavoitu,Gras,Félkövér,Grassetto,Vet,Halvfet,Pogrubiony,Negrito,gros,Обычный,Fet,ตัวหนา,Kalın,huruf tebal,жирний,Polkrepko,treknraksts,pusjuodis,ضخیم,đậm,Lodia,धृष्ट 
I have also uploaded the original file here in case it is useful (for some reason, downloading this on firefox made it look worse than on both pictures and gave a file with a different hash, but downloading the file with wget it was fine)
I am on arch linux, in case this is relevant
submitted by CoolLinuxuser4w9 to linux4noobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 08:42 Available_Video7803 problem with cisco anyconnect

Hello, I have been using opensuse user since January and things were going very smoothly. I use it on my laptop (Asus Rog Zypherus m16 2022) for work. I had installed in on a second nvme.
  1. I have to use cisco anyconnect to login the university HPC server. Recently it stopped working and give this error "Authentication failed due to problem verifying server certificate", this pops up after the login dialog box would open to supply username and password for duo authentication. I have tried downloading the pem certificate file and place them in correct fodlers but it does not seem to work.
2) When I tried to update the software and system using the software center it gave me some error. So I update using terminal and zypper commands and that worked. But now there is still some update in the software center, and when I click download it gives me this error:
"nothing provides '' needed by the to be installed libgoa-backend-1_0-1-3.40.0-2.1.i586 the to be installed libcholmod3-3.0.14-42.1.i586 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided the to be installed libumfpack5-5.7.8-42.1.i586 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided the to be installed pkcs11-helper-1.25.1-3.1.i586 requires 'libpkcs11-helper1 = 1.25.1', but this requirement cannot be provided"
3) I have also noticed that I do not have access to my Downlaods and Documents folder. I was able to fix the Downloads folder by right and change permission, but for the Documents folder in my home directory, it says root is the owner.
Thank you for any help in advance
submitted by Available_Video7803 to linux4noobs [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 02:12 Available_Video7803 Cisco Anyconnect not working along with some other issues

Cisco Anyconnect not working along with some other issues
Hello, I have been using opensuse user since January and things were going very smoothly. I use it on my laptop (Asus Rog Zypherus m16 2022) for work. I had installed in on a second nvme.
1) I have to use cisco anyconnect to login the university HPC server. Recently it stopped working and give this error "Authentication failed due to problem verifying server certificate", this pops up after the login dialog box would open to supply username and password for duo authentication. I have tried downloading the pem certificate file and place them in correct fodlers but it does not seem to work.
2) When I tried to update the software and system using the software center it gave me some error. So I update using terminal and zypper commands and that worked. But now there is still some update in the software center, and when I click download it gives me this error:
"nothing provides '' needed by the to be installed libgoa-backend-1_0-1-3.40.0-2.1.i586 the to be installed libcholmod3-3.0.14-42.1.i586 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided the to be installed libumfpack5-5.7.8-42.1.i586 requires '', but this requirement cannot be provided the to be installed pkcs11-helper-1.25.1-3.1.i586 requires 'libpkcs11-helper1 = 1.25.1', but this requirement cannot be provided"
3) I have also noticed that I do not have access to my Downlaods and Documents folder. I was able to fix the Downloads folder by right and change permission, but for the Documents folder in my home directory, it says root is the owner.
Thank you for any help in advance
submitted by Available_Video7803 to openSUSE [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 13:46 MarkedMatt Mentioned characters.

Clear Sky
Shaggy Alex, Lesha Homeboy and Moldey. Can be mentioned by random Cordon Loner NPCs.
"I'm taking it easy after the last looting trip. We went almost all the way to the Barrier and set up some defenses against the beasts that are flowing in from the center. We had a great team - Shaggy Alex, Lesha Homeboy, Moldey - all bang-up fellas. I picked up some nice lot, sold it for a good chunk of green and decided to take a break. This is as nice a place to relax as any." - Random Loner NPC
Additional proof:
Kolyan. Can be mentioned by Garbage bandit NPCs.
"A few days back Kolyan and his pals got hit by an emission, so now someone else is wearing his boots if you know what I mean. See, that's what you get for wandering out of the base. Stick to the camp and you'll be safe."
Additional proof:
Freshy. Mentioned by Wild Napr.
"Piss off, dude, life's bad enough as it is. The weather is shit, there's no loot to be had, bandits and mutants got all the best places covered... Even if you get lucky and dig up something decent, you ain't gonna get it past the Garbage. Someone will damn sure confiscate it, and on top of all of that Freshy and the boys have gone missing."
Additional proof:
After that dialogue, Scar can accept Napr's sidequest. Freshy's dead body will never be found, though. Conversation between Scar and Napr:
Scar: You know, I visited that camp and didn't see a single living soul there. Just piles of bodies, torn to shreds.
Wild Napr: "Shit...them too! Some beast is roaming the Garbage at night, killing everyone who's not well-armed, which is us - diggers. So far there hasn't been even a single survivor to tell us about it. Damn this shitty digger existence of ours..."
Additional proof:
Another dialogue of Napr:
"Listen, Freshy and his boys got torn to shreds, may they rest in peace...But I still need that PDA real bad. Bring it to me, please?"
Additional proof:
Kirill nicknamed "Spotty". Mentioned by bandit technician Limpid.
"Frankly, I couldn't give a shit about what's going on. So long as there's enough work (and drink!) to go around - it's all good. My life might be crap, but it's too late to change it now. So why should I cram my head full of useless gossip? I mean, all sorts of shit happens around here. You met Kirill yet? He's the lad with the spotty face - we even call him Spotty. Well, if you ain't seen him he's probably at the bottom of a bottle somewhere. Anyway, I spotted Spotty going outside the base a few times. I figured the boy's got himself a stash where he hides the loot he don't feel like sharing after raids. Others noticed it too, and it got to Yoga one way or another. He summoned Spotty and ordered him to give up the stash. Spotty was like: "Boss, I ain't no rat, I swear..." so he went and showed him. Turns out the lad picked up a wounded Chernobyl puppy and was feeding him scraps, 'cause he had no one else to talk to - the boys didn't think too much of him. Anyways, Yoga got real pissed about the whole thing - shot the puppy, Spotty got a bad beating and lost his cut. Man, that's life..."
Additional proof:
Chef. Mentioned by Yoga (It's a different Chef tho. Don't think that it's the same Chef from Shadow of Chernobyl):
"There's only one thing I care about: where the jarheads or some other cocksuckers are gonna attack us from. I couldn't give two shits about nothin' else, except maybe the emissions and stalkers fighting the military, 'cause those are things we can profit from. Anyways, let me tell you a little story. There used to be this loser around here - we called him Chef. That wasn't 'cause he was a cook, it's just he could spot a meat grinder, one of the shittiest anomalies around here, from a hundred paces away. He started getting real cocky, saying he's saving us from certain death but his cut don't get any juicier. The little bitch needed a reminder of who's the boss around here, so I called him in, lamped him one between the eyes, and broke that cocksucker's fingers while he was out of it. Then I got my boys to blindfold him and take him to a good spot. I figured if he walks a hundred paces and stays alive I'll let him go on living and cleaning my boots. Well, he found himself his beloved meat grinder to step into and that was the end of Chef. The moral of the story is: mess with me and you'll be mince."
Additional proof:
Mitya Big Ears. Can be mentioned by Loner NPCs at the Garbage.
"I've been here for ages trying to find something more valuable than an old can of meat. No luck so far, but Mitya Big Ears over there found a conveyor motor and some oiled bearings right next to where I was working. That's a good find alright, would be even better if he could find someone to sell them to! Ha-ha! Ah well, I'll dig up something handy soon enough."
Additional proof:
Serega. Can be mentioned by Dark Valley Freedomer NPCs in "Return item: Serega's guitar" sidequest
"Someone stole Serega's guitar, can you imagine that? He's the only one who can play the guitar around here, and he does it well too, unlike the rest of them. We figured out who the thief is real quick but the cocksucker hid it someplace. Bring that guitar back 'cause Serega refuses to play any other, OK?"
Additional proof:
Description of that Guitar:
"A note made on the handle of this guitar with a ball-point pen indicates that it was a gift to someone called Serega from his girlfriend."
Additional proof:
Asuber Brothers. Can be mentioned by Ashot and random Garbage bandits.
Ashot: "Well, I have my suppliers, but I don't share that info with anyone. I got enough problems as it is: my kindness will be the end of me. I'm good to people, polite to my clients, and the selection of goods in my shop is better than in a supermarket. On top of that, the prices are real low, like a winter sale in May, so I'm a popular trader in the Zone. Not with everyone though. The Asubers brothers from the black market added me to their little black list 'cause I'm a competitor. You know the reward they put on my head? You could vacation for a year with a new girl every night on that much cash! A couple of fellas around here liked the Asubers' offer...and the vultures liked the taste of their flesh too. The boys around here keep me safe, and I'm no wimp either."
Additional proof:
Random Bandit NPC: "Ah, what the hell - I'll tell you all about it. The local boss' name is Yoga, and he's the authority around here. Got his own den at the base all full of expensive stuff. Then there's Borov - he's the barkeep and a real aristocrat-wannabe. Further up is Agroprom, that's where the stalker rabble and the Duty boys defend us from monsters, hehe. If you go the other way, that's where folks peddle their stuff on the black market. The market offers more variety come nighttime, but more dangers as well, the biggest being the Asubers brothers. Farther that way you'll find Freedom in the Dark Valley."
Additional proof:
Girl called Leska. Mentioned by Orest.
"I'm just your average Joe, no different from anyone else. I've always been a rolling stone though. When I was ten I took off for China to study Shaolin martial arts. They took us off the freightliner three days later, and my dad gave me a real good thrashing. When I got older I spent all my time travelling - hitchhiked across Europe, spent a winter with chukchas. Then the Zone emerged. At the time I was friends with one girl Leska - also a thrill-seeker, like me. Well, she thought we were friends, though I felt a little different... Anyway, one day I was looking for Leska and some friends told me she'd gone to the Zone. Right away I get my things, grab a pistol with some rubber bullets and head straight here. I made it thanks to all my travelling experience. I spent months searching for her, carrying her photo and showing it to everybody. Finally a stalker told me some international troops apprehended Leska with some pretty boy near the Zone's border. Gave the two a lecture and sent them home. So, I thought, God bless you, Leska, God bless. I didn't go back home then. And now I'm just kind of stuck to the Zone."
Additional proof:
Iroquois. Mentioned by Agroprom trader Thrush.
"A few of our guys were bringing their loot back to base, passing through the Garbage. Just walking on the fringes - you know how that place is. And all of a sudden some bandits jump out a hundred feet from them and go, "We got you, shitheads, now put your guns down and turn over your loot!" The group leader, Iroquois, says, "Why don't you come and take it from us!" Then he starts blasting and the group starts rushing from tree to tree, with the bandits after them. And so they zigzagged their way to Agroprom, where our guys gave the bandits a warm welcome. Now we're keeping these gents in custody, but don't really know what to do with them."
Additional proof:
Ivan. Mentioned in a voice message of stalker from Lost Party Group.
"Aaaaa, my head... my head is killing me, I can't think straight!.. Ivan... attacked us all of a sudden... aaaa... the voices in my head, the damn psy-emission... at least we managed to get the documents... all we need to do is get them to Sakharov... Crap, the dogs are on our trail... I don't want to... noooooooo... oh God!"
Additional proof:
Vitka. Mentioned by Semyon Lambee.
"How did I end up here? Same as always, I was assigned here. I thought they'd send me to a unit close to my town, but they sent me to the Zone. Here you can forget about writing letters or going on vacation. Well, during the day it's your typical service: orders, marching, saluting... but come nighttime you better start praying, 'cause it gets real scary. Say they send you out to guard the perimeter at night, and you keep hearing howling... closer and closer. Sometimes you even see the beast. I've gone gray from that shit... and the older soldiers are complete dicks - they wake you up at night and tell you to go get them vodka. I don't care if they kill me, but I ain't taking a step outside the base at night after that one time... Vitka, a guy that was drafted here along with me, did what they asked and they found him in the morning, all blue with eyes the size of APC wheels... he got so scared his heart ruptured and he died on the spot..."
Additional proof:
Belly. We can hear his and Valerian's chatter. He'll contact Valerian first. His voice message:
"Valerian, this is Belly! Is it true that you're getting the stalkers together?"
Additional video proof: (Start watching from 12:23. It's not my video btw)
Goblin. He'll be contacted by Valerian first.
"Hey, Goblin! What's new over there?"
Additional video proof: (Start watching from 13:24)
Vasiliy. Mentioned by Valerian.
"Vasiliy remember how you promised to get me some shooters?"
Shadow of Chernobyl
Otter. Can be mentioned by Cordon and Dark Valley loner NPCs.
"Yeah, it is kind of sad, after all. Just the other day Otter died, absolutely for nothing. Just can't believe it...and you haven't ever heard about Otter, have you? Well, he was practically a professor - here from the very first year, he knew the Zone like the back of his hand...and then like that out of the blue! There are some real experienced stalkers out there, but the Zone still takes them. There are others who end up going back to the Big Land." - Random Cordon Loner
Additional proof:
"A week ago Otter burned out on the Scorcher. I'd make sense if it was some yellow-bellied rookie - but he's been a stalker many years. They say he was even on Strelok's team. And then all of a sudden..." - Random Dark Valley Loner.
Additional proof:
Irokez. Can be mentioned by Rostok Dutyers.
"Right now, stalker, this place is safe, and we're trying to keep it that way. There are many people here: some who've made it their home and don't go beyond the surrounding area, others who are preparing for yet another raid. Such a shame that Irokez didn't come back. He loved to set rookies like yourself on the way of the righteous."
Additional proof:
Bruiser. Mentioned in additional description of "Get information about Strelok" task
"Bruiser writes to Seriy: Mole and Co dug up Strelok's stash at the Institute. Find out what's going on. Seriy to Bruiser: They'll go to the Bar afterwards anyway so I'll just wait for them on the way at the Garbage."
Additional proof:
Bruise and Loop. Both mentioned in PDA entry called "The hatch into heaven."
"Now, having dough and having lots of dough, that’s two different things… You think moolah is easy to get? No fucking way! For buckshee you only cop it here with something fugly or get popped by a stalker… You’ve got to use your noddle. You’ve got to use your noddle over there, and even better over here. Roughnecks don’t last long around here. Ain't gonna go far if all you got is rats in the attic… Anyway, here’s how it was. The three of us, the late Bruise and Loop, were rambling across the farmstead, to take a shortcut. All of a sudden we see some bloke hotfooting our way. So we lay low. The bloke is walking right by us, totally unawares. And the guys all tiny, and hauling this huge sack along. The subgun hanging at the ready, we’d be stuffed with lead at the drop of a hat. So Bruise says to me, why don’t we shake him up some, see what he’s got over there? And I says, quiet you moron, watch where he’s about to stow away the loot! … Well.. Suddenly, the bloke vanishes into thin air! We didn’t see a damn thing! Alright, so we sit and wait. He pops up in ‘bout 20 minutes. And while he’s standing there, shaking off dust, Loop sneaks up behind and blasts half his head off. So him and Bruise start frisking this guy, he had a royal bulletproof vest, and a fanny pack, too… I had to piss so I walked off, I knew the guys would always give me my share, so no prob. All of a sudden - KABOOM! Turns out that nerd had his vest all wired so it would blow up if someone tried to take it off. I buzzed off right away, who knows who’s gonna show up for the gun shot and the explosion… Went back there a month later. Not a bone left of Loop, Bruise and that bloke. Nada. So I reckoned where he could’ve dived into the ruins, and crawled in there myself… Passed three rooms, zilch! Suddenly I see a bunch of beds piled up in one corner. What the heck are they all doing there? Started taking them apart. And what do I see in there? Holy cats, a hatch! So I lift it up and turn on my flashlight. Good grief, I’m in heaven!.. Well, what I saw there is my business… I didn’t come off the loser. But think of it, had I dragged my feet, I would’ve been dead already or running around barefoot and slobbering, as some do…"
Additional proof:
"Imagine this - they found our Mikluha! And the guys that were with him also survived. They sneaked past the braineraser, and then spent a month just killing time, couldn't get back out." - Random Freedom NPC
Additional proof:
"We found a hero - the main guy from Freedom. Everyone thought that he went back to the Big Land, but actually he took a small team and somehow made it past the scorcher. Now there's a man." - Random Loner NPC
Additional proof:
"In the formerly inaccessible zone one of the Freedom detachments was discovered. How did they manage to get through unharmed and then survive a few weeks here? Can't even imagine. I guess we underestimated these guys." - Random Duty NPC
Additional proof:
"I don't get one thing: how could the members of the Freedom faction hold out for a month here? Do they have invisible cloaks or something? There's no way!"
"Did you understand what's going on here? Well I just gained new respect for Mikluha! Imagine - to survive four weeks in this crap, and not to lose any of your guys either!"
Chubko, Strizh, Kruchelnikov, Maksimenko. All these characters are mentioned in PDA entry called "Investigation Report"
"Investigation report. For official use only.
To SBU Colonel V.M. Kruchelnikov head of project "TRUTH".
From Captain D.F. Maksimenko, commander of "Search-2" group.
Our group consisting of 3 investigators and a squad of SBU Special Forces conducted searched at Agroprom, the former Research Institute for agriculture on radiation-affected soil, from 12.05.2012 to 25.05.2012. Most of the equipment and documentation was missing however the few things we were able to find allow us to come to the following conclusion: over the period from 2005 to 2008, the Institute did not conduct any research in its official fields of study. All the results of its "work" sent to the Ministry of Agriculture were falsified. Simultaneously, the Institute's management, specifically Petr Danilovich Strizh, continued to receive state financing, equipment and consumables and transferred them to a laboratory designated X18 using forged consignment notes, which provided cover for the operation by indicating that the materials were being transferred to an auxiliary facility for experiments. X18 appears to be a code name adopted by the group of people implicated in this affair, since our database contains no mention of this laboratory. Judging by the analysis of the documents we found, this laboratory is located within an hour's drive from the Institute.
It is likely to be a clandestine facility so I would request the involvement of our analytical department. The lab's field of research is not clear and available documents contain no helpful information in this regard but do make references to the infamous professor Chubko and also mention some "Group". It is my firm belief that we have come to the end of the line and the analytical department will now have plenty of work to do.
Attached is an archived file containing consignment notes for consumable materials and equipment transferred to some auxiliary facility and an extract from correspondence between Strizh and Chubko.
Captain D.F. Maksimenko 26.05.2012
Letter #1
To professor V.M. Chubko From P.D. Strizh, Head of Agroprom Research Institute, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences.
Dear Vadim Mikhailovich,
As agreed, I am sending the next batch of consumable materials and equipment to our experimental facility to help you with your research, which is so essential for agriculture. I arranged financing for the experiments by describing them as pilot experiments in fields studied by the Institute so there won't be any problems with the Ministry. How are the experiments progressing? I am still deeply impressed by what you showed me last time.
Sincerely yours, P.D. Strizh
Letter #2
DAS To P.D. Strizh
Please accept my gratitute, Petr Danilovich, we've received everything. My team is very impressed with the laser spectrometer - if not for you, it would take me eons to acquire this model through my channels. Of course the Ministry of Agriculture will be happy to receive OUR really made an old man laugh with that one! The experiments are continuing normally and the things you saw last time are dwarfed by our latest achievements. You should visit more often - I am always happy to see you and it's only an hour's drive to our "experimental facility" as you called it :)
I almost forgot, I have news for you: next Monday I will be discussing your candidacy with the Group. I think they will support me.
Sincerely yours, professor V.M. Chubko
Letter #3
To professor V.M. Chubko From P.D. Strizh, Head of Agroprom Research Institute, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Dear Vadim Mikhailovich,
thank you for your trust. I am touched and will do my best to prove you right. I think it is every scientist's dreams to take part in such an experiment and I will be absolutely delighted to be accepted into the Group.
Sincerely yours, P.D. Strizh
P.S. I managed to get two of the latest Japanese broadband oscilloscopes from the Ministry and will send them over at the earliest opportunity."
Additional proof: (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3. Last Part)
Call of Pripyat
Tolyan. Mentiond by Sultan.
"Where do I begin... I guess it goes back to high school. I had a good buddy, a best friend, if you will. We hung out together, smoking, drinking and whatnot. Only he wanted more and more thrills. He got into drugs: some weed at first, then smach and then coke, when he started getting some coin. I told him, "You gotta get off this shit, Tolyan, before it's too late." But he didn't listen. He scored some bad shit one day and that was that. I found his dealers and got even for my buddy... Got my picture took and all hell broke loose - the slammer, the gang fights, the shiv in the belly... Got out, started a business, got busted again... When I got out again, I left all that shit behind and set my sights on the Zone. Spent a couple months toughing it out, then got promoted. So now I'm in charge here, upholding the local law."
Additional proof:
Lenya. Mentioned by Shulga.
"That's a boring story and there's no heroism involved. As soon as the Zone appeared, Lenya, a friend of mine, decided to come here and check it out. I was a field officer at the time and Lenya was in the intelligence service. Now, we weren't suckers or anything, but we ended up in a real mess. We crawled for hours, wounded and bleeding, until finally Duty picked us up. I made it, Lenya didn't. I had no friends in the Zone, so I decided to stick around here, with Duty. Plus, I've had a thing against the Zone ever since."
Additional proof:
Didenko, Slavin, Vlasov, Valov and Nazarenku. All these characters are mentioned in "Internal order No. 423" and "Order No. 562" documents.
Description of "Internal order No. 423" document:
"Top Secret. Order from Colonel P.P. Slavin. In accordance with this order, members of chemical protection unit # 423 are to be familiarized with the following information: 1. Keys to the container with Perin B3 chemical solution are held by Colonel P.P. Slavin (key A) and Lieutenant Colonel K.S. Vlasov (Key B). 2. Convoy order starting from the front: Deputy unit commander’s vehicle, escort vehicle # 8, APC # 1, transportation vehicle # 1, APC # 3, escort vehicle # 2, unit commander’s (P.P. Slavin) vehicle. Copies of the order to be handed to Lieutenant Colonel K.S. Vlasov and Senior Lieutenant R.B. Nazarenku."
Additional proof:
Description of "Order No. 562" document:
"Top Secret. Order # 562 of the HQ commander responsible for the security of object # 1 R. Yu. Didenko. Chemical Protection Unit # 423: relocate from sector B103 to sector A19 to conduct field testing of Perin B3 chemical solution in near combat conditions. Colonel P.P. Slavin, unit commander, is responsible for conducting the tests. Lieutenant Colonel K.S. Valov, deputy unit commander, is responsible for transportation and security."
Additional proof:

submitted by MarkedMatt to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 10:07 Mi1anovic AnyConnect

I have a problem with Cisco AnyConnect VPN but it's related to a single computer only. Everything is working just fine as long as I am doing regular things. However when I increase network load (copying files through RDP, browsing through google maps on RDP, checking massive docker logs on Ubuntu) I am disconnected from VPN with connection failure error (image of the error below).
This is not happening on other computers using the same VPN account, OS version, AnyConnect version.
I tried to reinstall Cisco AnyConnect VPN, I installed newest OS updates and drivers. I am using Win11 as the OS from which I am realizing the connection. I ran sfc /scannow but it seems to be ok. It seems like something is wrong with my OS but I really really don't want to reinstall the whole OS because that's work for at least 2 days.
Any ideas someone please? I would be thankful.
submitted by Mi1anovic to Cisco [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:34 TheSameAnonButWorse Can anyone tell me what this Wrye Bash error means? I can't find it anywhere online

Can anyone tell me what this Wrye Bash error means? I can't find it anywhere online
For context, I'm trying to import a face from one save file to another. Everything goes well right up until I click import, but instead of it saying "Face Imported", it gives me this. This occurs with other save files, too. It's obvious that I'm missing something fundamental, but being a noob, I have no idea what it could be.
submitted by TheSameAnonButWorse to oblivionmods [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 18:58 The_Earning_Secrets Monetizing Your Creativity: Building a Profitable Business on Redbubble

In the digital age, creative individuals have more opportunities than ever to monetize their talents and reach a global audience. Redbubble is one such platform that empowers artists, designers, and creators to showcase their work and sell a wide range of products, from apparel and accessories to home decor and stationery. In this article, we'll explore how you can leverage Redbubble to turn your creativity into a lucrative business.
Understanding Redbubble
Redbubble is an online marketplace that connects independent artists and designers with customers seeking unique and personalized products. The platform allows creators to upload their artwork and designs to be printed on various merchandise, including clothing, stickers, phone cases, wall art, and more. Redbubble handles the production, printing, shipping, and customer service, allowing creators to focus on what they do best: creating.
Getting Started as a Creator
Becoming a creator on Redbubble is free and straightforward. You can sign up for an account on the Redbubble website and start uploading your artwork immediately. Redbubble accepts a wide range of file formats, including JPEG, PNG, and GIF, making it easy to showcase your designs. Once uploaded, you can customize your products, set your prices, and create collections to organize your artwork.
Showcasing Your Artwork
The key to success on Redbubble is creating eye-catching and marketable artwork that resonates with your target audience. Whether you're a graphic designer, illustrator, photographer, or painter, Redbubble offers a platform to showcase your unique style and creativity. Consider the latest trends, popular themes, and niche markets when creating your artwork to maximize its appeal to potential buyers.
Leveraging Product Diversity
Redbubble offers a diverse range of products that can feature your artwork, allowing you to cater to different preferences and tastes. From apparel items like t-shirts, hoodies, and leggings to home decor items like throw pillows, tapestries, and mugs, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with different product types and designs to see what resonates best with your audience and drives sales.
Promoting Your Products
While Redbubble handles the technical aspects of printing and shipping, it's up to you to promote your products and drive traffic to your Redbubble storefront. Utilize social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to showcase your artwork, engage with your audience, and drive potential buyers to your Redbubble shop. Consider collaborating with influencers, participating in online communities, and leveraging hashtags to expand your reach and attract new customers.
Earning Revenue on Redbubble
Redbubble operates on a print-on-demand model, meaning products are only produced when a customer places an order. As a creator, you earn a commission on each sale based on the markup you set for your products. While Redbubble sets the base prices for products, you have the flexibility to adjust your markup to maximize your earnings. Focus on creating high-quality artwork, optimizing your product listings, and promoting your products to increase your chances of success on Redbubble.
Redbubble offers a unique opportunity for artists, designers, and creators to monetize their creativity and build a profitable business online. By showcasing your artwork, leveraging product diversity, promoting your products, and providing exceptional customer service, you can establish a successful presence on Redbubble and turn your passion into a sustainable source of income. Whether you're a seasoned artist or an aspiring designer, Redbubble provides a platform for you to share your talents with the world and connect with like-minded individuals who appreciate your unique vision.
submitted by The_Earning_Secrets to u/The_Earning_Secrets [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 00:56 M0UNTAIN_MANN Shader compilation failed, check your log file for additional information.

Currently running the following:
Escape From Pripyat
Beefs NVG's
Atmposherics Anomaly
A.D.E.G.A 1.5.3 part 1 & 2.

Every time i attempt to launch the game I receive "shader compilation failed, check your log file for additional information."

The log file states the following:

* CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT
* CPU cores/threads: 8/16

Found commandline file!
Initializing File System...
using fs-ltx fsgame.ltx
File System Ready...
FS: 77429 files cached 70 archives, 15845Kb memory used.
Init FileSystem 14.304195 sec
'xrCore' build 9179, Mar 26 2024

Modded exes version 20240326

Game started: 26.03.2024 19:39:02.394

-----loading c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'up_sect_fourtc_vssk', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_better_upgrades_weapons.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'wpn_mosin_snd_silncer_shot', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_blindside_reanim.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'up_sect_fourte_vssk', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_better_upgrades_weapons.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'up_sect_fourtf_vssk', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_better_upgrades_weapons.ltx
-----loading c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'up_sect_fourtc_vssk', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_better_upgrades_weapons.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'wpn_mosin_snd_silncer_shot', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_blindside_reanim.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'up_sect_fourte_vssk', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_better_upgrades_weapons.ltx
!!!DLTX ERROR Attemped to override section 'up_sect_fourtf_vssk', which doesn't exist. Ensure that a base section with the same name is loaded first. Check this file and its DLTX mods: c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\system.ltx, mod file mod_system_better_upgrades_weapons.ltx
X-Ray Monolith v1.5.2
gamedata: 'anims\alcohol.ppe'
gamedata: 'anims\arena.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\bas_nightvision_1.ppe'
gamedata: 'anims\bas_nightvision_2.ppe'
gamedata: 'anims\bas_nightvision_3.ppe'
gamedata: 'anims\benchmarks\marsh_benchmark.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\blur_bhs.ppe'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\cam_shift.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\crouch_forward_long.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\crouch_forward_medium.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\crouch_forward_short.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\crouch_forward_short_alt.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\down.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\fejk.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\actor_move\jump.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\arena.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\drunk.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_00.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_1.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_100.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_20.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_40.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_60.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\earthquake_80.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\fatigue.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\idle.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\item_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\item_use_fast.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\item_use_slow.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\antirad_hands_eat_invtrans.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\antirad_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\aptechka_hands_eat_invtrans.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\aptechka_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\banka_1_hands_eat_invtrans.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\banka_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\bint_hands_eat_alt_1_invtrans.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\bint_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\butilka_steklo_1_hands_eat_alt_1_invtrans.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\butilka_steklo_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\eat_hleb_d_use_h.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\eat_kolbasa_d_use_h.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\eat_rat_d_use_h.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\eat_tushonka_d_use_h.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\gasmask.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\harvest_gather_meat_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\harvest_lean_down_main.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\harvest_lean_down_main_headbob.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\harvest_skin_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\harvest_success_hands_eat.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\pickup.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\tabletki_1_hands_eat_invtrans.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\tabletki_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\torch.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\vodka_hands_eat_invtrans.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\items_use\vodka_use.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\jump.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\landing.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\landing2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\scope_shake.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\shell_shock.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\shock.ppe'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\surge_01.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\surge_02.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\transfer_outfit.ppe'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_a3_augmented_unjam.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_9mm_inspect.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_9mm_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_9mm_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_9mm_unjam.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_inspect_2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_augmented_unjam.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_thales_inspect.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_thales_reload.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_thales_reload_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\aug_thales_unjam.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_draw_vssk_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_holster_vssk_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_knife_attack_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_knife_attack_hands1.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_knife_attack_hands2.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_knife_draw_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_knife_holster_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_knife_stab_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_magcheck_vssk_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_magcheck_vssk_nomag_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_reload_vssk_hands_alt.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_reload_vssk_hands_empty.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_shoot_vssk_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_unjam_vssk_empty_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\barry_unjam_vssk_hands.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\binoc_bore.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\binoc_draw.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\binoc_sprint.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\binoc_walk.anm'
gamedata: 'anims\camera_effects\weapon\blnd_ak101_shoot.anm'
gamedata: ... 73209 more ...
Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
Available render modes[1]:
command line "c:\stalkeranomaly\bin\anomalydx11avx.exe" c:\stalkeranomaly -smap1536
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[c:/stalkeranomaly\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [x-ray]: Full Memory Stats
* [win32]: free[137434198416 K], reserved[4436452 K], committed[318540 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: process heap[97246 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[113408 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: enumerate devices...
SOUND: OpenAL: EnumerationExtension Present
CleanDeviceSpecifierList OpenAL Soft
devices OpenAL Soft
SOUND: OpenAL: system default SndDevice name is
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
  1. OpenAL Soft, Spec Version 1.1 eax[0] efx[no] xram[no]
Executing config-script "c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx"...
[c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\rspec_default.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx"...
[c:/stalkeranomaly\gamedata\configs\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
[c:/stalkeranomaly\appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: Selected device is OpenAL Soft
* sound: EAX 2.0 extension: absent
* sound: EAX 2.0 deferred: absent
* sound : cache: 524296 kb, 38848 lines, 13820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:731F]: AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 3
* Texture memory: 6103 M
* GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 4096K
* DIB created: 512K
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* Managed textures disabled
THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 39
THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 40 [4]
THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 40, correct size = 37
THM chunk 2072 fixed, wrong size = 41, correct size = 40
! c:/stalkeranomaly\appdata\shaders_cache\r4\\15361111001100000000001000001012110000102801000000
! error: common_functions.h(43,34): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type
common_functions.h(63,2): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type
common_functions.h(68,49): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type
common_functions.h(100,2): warning X3206: implicit truncation of vector type
pbr_brdf.h(67,11): error X3004: undeclared identifier 'SRGBToLinear'
pbr_brdf.h(185,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'pbr_brdf_blinn.h'

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by M0UNTAIN_MANN to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 12:33 TheDestroyer000 STALKER Lost Alpha v1.4007 DC crashing on starting New Game

Just like the title says, I can enter the game menu, everything is working there normally, but as soon as I press New Game, it starts loading, gets up until "Synchronizing game resources" then it crashes.
I tried all the graphic options possible, nothing fixed this.
Here are my specs: RX6700 XT
I5 12400F
32GB 3200MHZ
512GB M2 Drive

And here is the xray crash log: * Detected CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400F [GenuineIntel], F6/M7/S5, 2496.00 mhz, 17-clk 'rdtsc'
* CPU features: RDTSC, MMX, SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HTT
* CPU cores/threads: 6/12

Initializing Engine...
Starting INPUT device...
Loading DLL: xrRender_R2.dll
Loading DLL: xrRender_R3.dll
refCount:m_pAdapter 1
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
[appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
Loading DLL: xrRender_R4.dll
Loading DLL: xrGame.dll
* [win32]: free[3839772 K], reserved[190300 K], committed[164168 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[0 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[21439 K], process heap[21439 K], game lua[0 K], render[0 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[8499 K], smem[0 K]
SOUND: OpenAL: All available devices:
  1. Generic Software, spec. 1.1 (default)
  2. Generic Software on Speakers (High Definition Audio Device), spec. 1.1
  3. Generic Software on 3 - B23T-6 LED (2- AMD High Definition Audio Device), spec. 1.1
  4. Generic Software on Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (High Definition Audio Device), spec. 1.1
  5. Generic Software on 5 - B23T-6 LED (2- AMD High Definition Audio Device), spec. 1.1
Executing config-script "gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "user.ltx"...
Executing config-script "gamedata\config\rspec_minimum.ltx"...
! Unknown command: r1_detail_textures
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r__detail_density'
~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.1800,0.4000]
! Unknown command: r__geometry_lod
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'rs_vis_distance'
~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.7000,1.5000]
[gamedata\config\rspec_minimum.ltx] successfully loaded.
Executing config-script "gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx"...
[gamedata\config\default_controls.ltx] successfully loaded.
! Unknown command: ph_gravity
! Unknown command: r1_detail_textures
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r3_water_refl_range'
~ Valid arguments: float value in range [600.0000,1000.0000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r__detail_density'
~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.1800,0.4000]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'r__detail_radius'
~ Valid arguments: integer value in range [45,150]
~ Invalid syntax in call to 'rs_vis_distance'
~ Valid arguments: float value in range [0.7000,1.5000]
[appdata\user.ltx] successfully loaded.
SOUND: Selected device is Generic Software
* SOUND: EAX extension: present
* SOUND: EAX deferred: present
* sound : cache: 65537 kb, 4856 lines, 13820 bpl
Starting RENDER device...
* GPU [vendor:1002]-[device:73DF]: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT
* GPU driver type: hardware
* CREATE: DeviceREF: 3
* Texture memory: 3072 M
* Direct3D feature level used: 11.0
* GPU shading: vs(0/4.0/40), ps(0/4.0/40)
* GPU vertex cache: unrecognized, 24
* NVAPI is missing.
* Starting rendering as 2-GPU.
* DVB created: 4096K
* DIB created: 512K
* Reading Textures:LTX
* Reading Textures:THM: Count of .thm files: = 1475
* Reading Textures:MINI LTX: Count of .ltx files in Textures: = 66
* HWDST/PCF supported and used
* Managed textures disabled
- r__tf_aniso 1
- r2_tf_mipbias 0.
Script debugger succesfully restarted.
Starting engine...
---Engine is freezed, saving log
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* [win32]: free[3529420 K], reserved[245280 K], committed[419540 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[80 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[137085 K], process heap[137085 K], game lua[3372 K], render[138 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[7794 K], smem[0 K]
"d:\s.t.a.l.k.e.r. - lost alpha dc\bins\xr_3da.exe" -noprefetch -nospawncheck
* phase time: 1 ms
* phase cmem: 146077 K
$ Frame [45984]; : Game_Start: Engine ver. Release(7762), Game:
$ Frame [45984]; : level_weathers:initing level_weathers
$ Frame [45984]; : surge_manager:surge_manager inited
$ Frame [45984]; : stalker_network:initing stalker_network
$ Frame [45984]; : garbage_cleaner:init
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* phase time: 112 ms
* phase cmem: 152115 K
* phase time: 2 ms
* phase cmem: 152115 K
* Creating new game...
* Loading spawn registry...
* 26453 spawn points are successfully loaded

New game arts spawning: zone_buzz_strong_noart -> af_baloon, total arts = 353
$ Frame [45986]; : Game_Init: Ver=[] Build=[7235] MemUsage=[19170.512]kB
$ Frame [45986]; : GameTime=[07:40:00] Map(19)=[la01_escape]
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 37982 objects are successfully saved
* Writing Store...
$ Frame [45986]; : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
$ Frame [45986]; : save_storehouse: size=[3]/[34]bytes : Build=[7235]
$ Frame [45986]; : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Game all.sav is successfully saved to file 'appdata\savedgames\all.sav'
* New game is successfully created!
* phase time: 7158 ms
* phase cmem: 213917 K
* phase time: 11 ms
* phase cmem: 214246 K
* client : connection accepted - <>
* phase time: 2 ms
* phase cmem: 214295 K
* phase time: 7 ms
* phase cmem: 219391 K
* phase time: 68 ms
* phase cmem: 282392 K
* phase time: 952 ms
* phase cmem: 361976 K
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 36682 verts, 1146 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65532 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 63865 verts, 1995 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65512 verts, 2047 Kb
* [Loading VB] 20330 verts, 635 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 451317 indices, 881 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65533 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65534 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 65535 verts, 767 Kb
* [Loading VB] 26622 verts, 311 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 1048575 indices, 2047 Kb
* [Loading IB] 865962 indices, 1691 Kb
* phase time: 163 ms
* phase cmem: 375190 K
* phase time: 18 ms
* phase cmem: 382706 K
* [DETAILS] VertexConsts(256), Batch(61)
* [DETAILS] 62098 v(20), 40565 p
* [DETAILS] Batch(61), VB(1212K), IB(237K)
* phase time: 113 ms
* phase cmem: 393041 K
* Loading HOM: gamedata\levels\la01_escape\level.hom
* phase time: 10 ms
* phase cmem: 394645 K
* phase time: 18 ms
* phase cmem: 391754 K
- Game configuring : Started
- Game configuring : Finished
* phase time: 21 ms
* phase cmem: 411747 K
---Engine is freezed, saving log
* Log file has been saved successfully!
---Engine is freezed, saving log
* Log file has been saved successfully!
---Engine is freezed, saving log
* Log file has been saved successfully!
---Engine is freezed, saving log
* Log file has been saved successfully!
---Engine is freezed, saving log
* Log file has been saved successfully!
* t-report - base: 1953, 432959 K
* t-report - lmap: 30, 30723 K
* phase time: 38065 ms
* phase cmem: 357881 K
* phase time: 764 ms
* phase cmem: 359881 K
* phase time: 5 ms
* phase cmem: 359832 K
* [win32]: free[2934896 K], reserved[219592 K], committed[1039752 K]
* [ D3D ]: textures[482013 K]
* [x-ray]: crt heap[359832 K], process heap[359832 K], game lua[58045 K], render[184 K]
* [x-ray]: economy: strings[13682 K], smem[1302 K]
[error]Expression : ai().script_engine().functor("ui_main_menu.main_menu_check", lua_func)
[error]Function : CActor::Load
[error]File : Actor.cpp
[error]Line : 452
[error]Description : Cheats only for real gays. Delete this shit!

I cut off some parts since it was too long to post this. Did anyone encounter this error??
submitted by TheDestroyer000 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 11:30 Busbyuk Anyconnect license 25 x 1 year

I installed 2 x 25 x 1 year Anyconnect licenses onto two ASA's last year. I've just purchased another 25 x 3 year license as I've realised it's coming up to renew.
However when I look on both ASA's it shows the current Anyconnect license is perpetual. I believe the Cisco ASA doesn't validate it but my query is will it stop working after the expiry? Do i still need to load the 3 year license onto the ASA's or can I just keep the purchase on my Cisco portal as proof of purchase?
I'm wondering if it's rebooted if it checks the license file then and will show as expired once it runs out? thanks
submitted by Busbyuk to networking [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 00:23 Gloomy_Narwhal_1962 what output is being outputted and which MOSI pin is outputting data?

Hi all, I am relatively new to verilog coding and right now I am currently going through the examples of slave SPI provided in Git Hub. I was trying to check what output this code is giving but got confused about what this code is outputting. I assumed initially that it was a counter that is getting outputted through the MISO pin but after going through the code I don't think that is what is happening.
 SPI_TRANSMIT: begin spi_adr <= SPI_ADDR_SPITXDR; if(counter_send == 0) begin spi_dati <= 8'b01000000; end else begin spi_dati <= data_to_send; end 
I think the above code is responsible for outputting the data through SPI but I am confused about what exactly it is outputting.
Another confusion was through which pin it was outputting. Upon checking the.SB_SPI IP there were two pins for MOSI, but I was confused about which one the code was using.
.MO(spi_mosi), .SI(SPI_MOSI), 
I also reviewed the io.pcf file located in the common folder on GitHub. However, it only provided information about the configured I/O pins for SPI
#spi set_io SPI_SS 16 set_io SPI_SCK 15 set_io SPI_MOSI 17 set_io SPI_MISO 14 
I attempted to inspect the MISO pin using an oscilloscope, but I only saw a bunch of noise, without any clear signal. This led me to suspect that one of the two MOSI pins might be transmitting data instead. However, I'm uncertain about how to identify the other MOSI pin since there's no available information on it. Could anyone help me out with this?
submitted by Gloomy_Narwhal_1962 to FPGA [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 14:32 D-Ribose Installing Real Time Clock on a Rasberry Pi Zero


thank you for your support guys. I had to reinstall the operating system due to me messing up some ssh stuff and now it works. the problem also might have been that I didn't add the dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,pcf8523 to the end of the file but somewhere in the middle (don't know if this makes a difference)
Original post:
I am following this Guide to install a PCF 8523 Real Time Clock on my Rasberry Pi Zero
my /boot/config.txt has the following lines
original: dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d
new: dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d,i2c-rtc,pcf8523
I then rebooted the device, but despite that the output of sudo i2cdetect -y 1 is still 68 and not UU.
I tried my best to search for this issue, but I can't find any information on it or even know what I am looking at.
Can anyone help please?
Edit 1: Wiring
Edit 2: attempted sudo hwclock --show --verbose
hwclock from util-linux 2.33.1
System Time: 1709479174.702769
Trying to open: /dev/rtc0
Trying to open: /dev/rtc
Trying to open: /dev/misc/rtc
No usable clock interface found.
hwclock: Cannot access the Hardware Clock via any known method.
submitted by D-Ribose to raspberry_pi [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 04:08 BestWarthog9626 Upload speed drop to 0 Mbps randomly but download speed are unaffected.

We have only been having issues when Live streaming on Twitch. No issues occur when watching Netflix, no issues occur while I'm working throughout the day, no issues occur when playing online multiplayer games (when not also live streaming it to Twitch)
Devices: 2- identically built gaming Desktop PCs with Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.4046 (one for me and the other for my wife) 1- Work provided laptop 1- "Craigslist Special" PC also Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.4046 in the living room which we only use for watching TV / Movies / Youtube etc. (we only use this when not using the work laptop or gaming PCs) 2- Cell Phones on 5G wifi
Network Equipment / Hardware: -Netgear Nighthawk AX8 / CAX80-100NAS / AX6000 WiFi Cable Modem Router (Not ISP Provided, I purchased myself) -Gaming Computers are connected to the Netgear WiFi Cable Modem Router via Cat 6 Ethernet cable -(Laptop and both phones are on 5G wifi)
ISP: -Xfinity "Superfast" 800 Mbps plan (Coax Cable) w/ no data caps on the plan
History: I work from home (8AM - 7PM) using a company provided laptop which is connecting to my 5G wifi network using Cisco Anyconnect VPN to connect to my company's network. My wife live streams on Twitch using "OBS" from her Gaming Desktop PC at the same time that i am working from home with the VPN connection on the company laptop (8AM - 7PM). once i get off work we both Live Stream Together at the same time from our own gaming PCs. We have been able to do this for about 2 years or so with no issues (outside of occasional ISP maintenance / outages) and it has been working fine for us both with no issues on any of our devices. Things have been working great until Jan 25th 2024 when we had a local area outage that the ISP corrected within 24 hours.
Current Issue (Overview): Ever since that local area outage occurred and was resolved by the ISP (Im unsure if the outage is related to this issue, could be coincidence)we have started having issues with the Live Streams disconnecting mid live stream. UPLOAD speeds drops to "0" randomly for about 5-15 seconds then returns to normal upload speeds again on its own. The live stream on Twitch will re connect shortly after. There do not seem to be any rhyme or reason to these upload speed drops. one day it doesnt happen at all other days it happens every 10 - 40 minutes.
Current Issue (Detailed): The upload speed drops seem to only affect 1 device at a time, sometimes her PC will have the upload speeds drop to 0 forcing the live stream to disconnect for her leaving me still live and unaffexted, othertimes its the opposite and my PC will have the upload speeds drop to 0 forcing the live stream to disconnect. ********* The upload speed dropping to 0 does not occur on both PCs at the same time, it only occurs on one PC or the other. sometimes it will alternate between the two but never both affected at the same time. **********
Troubleshooting steps taken: by Xfinity Support: - 1st visit restarted Home Router and Replaced the coax cable that leads from our Modem / Router to the connection/ junction box by the street with a brand new coax cable - 2nd visit restarted Home Router and Replaced the entire junction box by the street and replaced the coax cable a second time to be safe. - 3rd visit a supervisor arrived to quality check the previous two techs that visited and confirmed that issue may be the router itself as all their speed tests are not finding any issues with the upload speeds dropping. (The upload speeds dropping to 0 conveniently did not occur while they were onsite so i dont think they would have detected it during those tests)
my Self Troubleshooting: - visually inspected ethernet cables and connections for physical damage and reseated them to the ethernet ports to confirm no loose connections - replaced modem/router with a brand new one (Same device brand / model just a new one in case the original one had started to break or something) - checked for updates (software and firmware) on both PCs and modem/Router - used Streamlabs instead of OBS - tested Live streams from living room PC instead of the gaming PCs - reset network stack by running the following commands:
Netsh winsock reset Netsh int up reset ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /flushdns (i've no idea what this means or does but by this time i was at my wits end and grabbing at straws with what google searches i could find to help the situation)
I'm ready to swap to another ISP at this point (ATT 2G Fiber up and down is available and is cheaper but no idea if it will have a chance to fix the issue or not.)
Thank you for taking the time to read this far, any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT * Added google drive links below for further details*
Task Manager View during the event
*this instance it didn't go completely to 0 but usually it does bottom out completely *
Buffer Bloat test results from waveform website
Speed test
**the events only last for about 5-10 seconds before returning to normal again so im having issues getting a speed test to run at the same time the events occur.
submitted by BestWarthog9626 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 14:10 InsulT91 Cisco AnyConnect issues on macOS using Intune

Hey everyone,
I got some issues with running Cisco AnyConnect 4.10 on our macOS fleet. I would like to highlight the same setup is working for my other tenant I am working at. Please find below the issue details:
The AnyConnect statistics show that the IPv4 DNS Protection Status is not available and the Settings\Network\Filters tab shows that the Cisco AnyConnect Content Filter is "Orange" status. The other weird thing I noticed is, in the /opt/cisco/anyconnect folder there is a file (acsockext.start) that keeps appearing and disappering every couple seconds.
If I uninstall the application and let Intune push it again, it is going to work as supposted to.
Running the cmd below also fix the issue, but it needs user password input which is not ideal.
/Applications/Cisco/Cisco\ AnyConnect\ Socket\\ AnyConnect\ Socket\ Filter -deactivateExt
Has anyone met this issue?
submitted by InsulT91 to Cisco [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 06:04 GrubKil Trying to import a particle and for some reason none of my particles I subbed to are here. Help?

Trying to import a particle and for some reason none of my particles I subbed to are here. Help? submitted by GrubKil to SFM [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 17:13 sadsushisketches made a new phone wallpaper last night :-)

made a new phone wallpaper last night :-) submitted by sadsushisketches to Vocaloid [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 23:39 Competitive-Ad1582 Get your grass (future airdrop too)

Get on early with this project that hopes to integrate everyone in the AI revolution.
What is Grass? 📷 Grass is a browser extension that lets users monetize their internet connection by selling unused network resources — by selling their “view of the internet.” But what exactly are these network resources, and what does “your view of the internet” mean? Think of it like this: Grass enables you to sell a product you didn’t even know you have. Defining Residential IP Proxies It all revolves around data. Say there’s an airline who wants to know what all of their competitors are charging for plane tickets. This data exists on public websites, but how can they gather it all, particularly when it could vary based on the location of the viewer? Or what if the same company paid for web advertising, and they want to see if their ads are showing up in all of the markets they paid to target? To capture this information from the public web, they need to access the internet from the public’s point of view — from as many sources as possible, in as many locations as possible. That’s where you come in. Every time you access the internet, you do it from a unique IP address, and a lot of what you see is tailored to your location. When you act as a residential IP proxy, it simply means that someone routes their internet traffic through your IP address, so they see the internet from your point of view. Then, they can use this view to scrape the web for whatever public data they may need. What does this look like in real terms? It looks like sharing your internet connection with someone else. Say you pay for a connection with a maximum download speed of 100 MB/s. If you’re only using 30 MB/s to download a file, that leaves 70 MB/s of “idle” bandwidth that isn’t being used at that moment. This is the bandwidth that companies will use to scrape the web from your IP address, and this is the resource you are already giving away, without knowing it. As tends to be the case with big data, this might not seem like much at first. How much would someone possibly pay to check a website from your IP address? Yet these numbers add up, as companies scrape ever more massive amounts of data in the name of market research each year. So if the acquisition of public web data is only becoming a larger and larger part of the business world, why are none of us seeing any rewards when our internet connections are the ones facilitating it? 2. The Residential Proxy Market Today Today, the market for residential IP proxies is dominated by a small number of highly centralized service providers. These companies function by creating massive proxy networks using residential IPs from all over the world, then selling their unused bandwidth to buyers like our airline from above. Typically, these networks will have a list of authenticated IP addresses that are whitelisted to be used by purchasers. Unfortunately, this is where the arrangement stops being fair to all parties. In the best case scenario, the addresses on this whitelist are added with the full consent of their owners. Permission is granted in exchange for some type of payment, and residential internet users can voluntarily sign up to sell their network resources (the unused bandwidth from the residential internet connection tied to their IP address.) Here’s the thing: even when residential internet users consent to participation, and even when they are compensated for their resources, the network is incentivized to pay them as little as possible to maximize their own profits. There’s very little competition to provide these proxy networks, and buyers and sellers have no possible way of connecting outside of them. Thus, the networks dictate the terms by which buyers and sellers engage with each other, universally deciding to charge buyers as much as possible and pay sellers as little as possible. In the worst case scenario, everyday internet users like yourself are cut out of the equation entirely. Whether you know it or not, many of the free apps you download have lines in their terms and conditions that sign you up to donate your unused bandwidth to proxy networks. This may help developers to monetize their products, and help proxy companies to recruit unwitting internet users, but you can bet that you’ll never see a penny of the proceeds. The end result? You are paying for a certain amount of bandwidth, and then when you don’t use it all, your ISP doesn’t refund the money. Instead, it is sold to someone else, and they don’t even cut you in on the deal! Obviously it’s not unfair to say that the existing landscape of the residential proxy industry falls somewhere between vaguely exploitative and outright unethical. But what can be done to address these problems and put network resources back in the hands of their rightful owners? 3. Introducing Grass Simply put, Grass is a decentralized alternative to the networks described above. It is a network sharing application that allows users to sell their unused bandwidth. Where existing networks are operated by exploitative middlemen who extract value from the parties exchanging resources, Grass is an equitable solution in which both sides have an active stake in the network. To individuals, it will appear as a web extension that is downloaded, left on, and forgotten about. It will do its work behind the scenes, helping others to acquire public web data in exchange for payment in the protocol’s native token. Through this token, two things will happen. One, tokenholders will accrue a portion of the fees collected by the network. Two, it will function as a governance token, allowing users to vote on important decisions about the direction of the protocol. By this system, individuals who were disenfranchised and exploited by centralized proxy networks will be given a stake and a say in the Wynd network. Compared to its centralized counterparts, Grass is: Ethical. These resources are already being sold out from under you, so Grass simply transfers the proceeds to their rightful owners. Democratic. By paying in tokens, Grass doesn’t just compensate you for your unused network resources — it compensates you with ownership of the network itself. Secure. There is an inherent danger in having a small number of companies control this infrastructure, which is mitigated by decentralization. Ultimately, Grass takes a more principled approach to this industry than the bad actors who lead the pack today. Like many use cases of blockchain technology, it creates a more equitable distribution of resources by doing away with the centralized control of networks, making the world more fair in the process.
submitted by Competitive-Ad1582 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.01.31 11:03 -Sidwho- Cisco Anyconnect distribution query?

I have a peculiar question, so we have the any connect software package, license and what not. We now have a use case to use Jumpcloud as our MDM platform and we wanted to automate package installation which is simple enough.
The issues is Jumpcloud needs the packages hosted publically so simple use case again have a S3 bucket with public access (don't need a CDN), the question I have is are we allowed to publicly host Anyconnect? Is there any legal implications about public distribution in the rare case someone gets the URL link to download it.
I just want to make my back is covered and there is not legal concerns about this, just want to follow best practices and just generally be security conscious .
The workaround I had was having all the employees be in AWS IAM having a specific role and the batch script will push there credentials to allow access to that link via some method e.g. pushing the LDAP binded computer credentials via a batch script and it cross referencing it to the IAM role to allow access to that S3 bucket packages, and with that download the package files.
Am I being too secure?

submitted by -Sidwho- to Cisco [link] [comments]

2024.01.30 19:28 CantoScriptReform Classifying Cantonese as Chinese is overly simplified - Cantonese is a heavily sinicized Baakjyut descendent 【長文分析】粵語唔屬於漢語族群,而係百越語直系後裔?

Classifying Cantonese as Chinese is overly simplified - Cantonese is a heavily sinicized Baakjyut descendent 【長文分析】粵語唔屬於漢語族群,而係百越語直系後裔?
重點 1. 粵語底層有好大量壯侗語來源,而上層就好多漢語來源。通常受外語影響,上層容易變化,所以我推斷粵語上層係來自漢語借詞 ,而底層係固有成份。
  1. 粵語係壯侗語(亦即百越語)嘅後裔,但長期受中古漢語(約唐宋時期)影響,所以受到「漢化」。而壯語就漢化較淺。
  2. 壯語同粵語嘅分佈印証咗第二點。漢化主要係以華夏帝國嘅殖民城市番禺(廣州)為基地,沿珠江散播開去,同粵語分佈吻合。而交通不便嘅廣西山區,就係壯語天下。
  3. 雖然粵語唔係漢語,但漢化過程中接收咗大量漢語詞同讀音,將中古漢語嘅音韻保留咗。所以好易有錯覺,以為粵語就係古漢語。
  4. 至於漢語,由於華北平原無險可守,漢族周期性遭受北方遊牧民族侵入。我估呢種入侵早喺有歷史記載之前已經出現,而滿洲人就係最後一波。每次入侵都令漢語「胡化」,經歷多次之後變成官話/普通話。
有冇Linguistic高手賜教吓,或者語言文化愛好者都可以交流吓。 喺上個Post我提出咗粵語係經過漢化嘅壯侗語(百越語)。搵過網上資料後,我發現中國有位學者都論證過,粵語同壯語嘅嗱𠹌,幾值得參考。
呢度我會解釋漢化嘅意思先。為方便理解,我會用英語嘅Norman Conquest做對照。
餐桌法語pork/beef/mutton vs 農場日耳曼語pig/cow/sheep
而好多詞彙,英語係有「一義兩字」,同時有法語同日耳曼語嘅代表。好似liberty vs freedom, college vs school
  1. 所謂嘅白話文係以官話為基礎,語法同詞彙都唔係粵語嗰套。而普通話又係以官話為基礎。
  2. 學界狡猾咁稱呢種文體為書面語,令人冇察覺佢其實係外文。將兩種語言嘅差別,淡化成書面同口語嘅分別。
  3. 粵語當中大量嘅漢詞,同完善嘅文讀系統,都令到粵語人冇為意書面語/白話文係外文,以為只係文雅同粗俗嘅分別。
  4. 中英並行嘅教育,利用英文嘅「距離感」,凸顯中文嘅「親密感」,引導學生得出「英文係外語,中文係母語」嘅錯覺。
  5. 由於香港人好熟練咁用英文同中文兩種外文,嚟處理商業、文化、法律,所以好少人察覺有需要為粵語制定文字。
無論你同唔同意,歡迎指教。252#2sik6si2laa1•3 年前
上個post 我前兩個post提出咗粵語係受漢化嘅壯侗語。無論點樣,粵語有相當比例嘅壯侗成份,同官話不能溝通,係冇爭議。 跟住我要再講個顛覆傳統嘅觀點,就係香港嘅中文教育,本質上係外文教育。香港人一路學緊中英兩種外文,而粵語仍處於冇標準文字嘅史前狀態。 1. 所謂嘅白話文係以官話為基礎,語法同詞彙都唔係粵語嗰套。而普通話又係以官話為基礎。 2. 學界狡猾咁稱呢種文體為書面語,令人冇察覺佢其實係外文。將兩種語言嘅差別,淡化成書面同口語嘅分別。 3. 粵語當中大量嘅漢詞,同完善嘅文讀系統,都令到粵語人冇為意書面語/白話文係外文,以為只係文雅同粗俗嘅分別。 4. 中英並行嘅教育,利用英文嘅「距離感」,凸顯中文嘅「親密感」,引導學生得出「英文係外語,中文係母語」嘅錯覺。 5. 由於香港人好熟練咁用英文同中文兩種外文,嚟處理商業、文化、法律,所以好少人察覺有需要為粵語制定文字。 白話文為本嘅中文教育,就咁樣偽裝成本土語文,由上世紀開始騎劫咗香港嘅公共語文教育。 語法、詞彙、語音係語言三元素,中文教育首先改造咗語法、詞彙,最後「普教中」改埋語音,水到渠成,三部曲完美結束。 中文教育其實就係推普廢粵嘅準備階段,普通話亦係下個改造嘅準備階段,正如一國兩制係社會主義嘅準備階段,社會主義係共產主義嘅準備階段。 既然你接受學校只准你寫「懊惱」,不准你寫「閉翳」,咁又何妨將「蕃茄」改做「西紅杮」呢?由禁閉營搬去集中營,亦唔差幾多。 無論你同唔同意,歡迎指教。 上幾個post 講咗粵語唔屬於漢語,同埋中文/漢字實際上係外文,只不過粵語借用呢套文字嚟寫嘢咁解。
雖則話每種語言都各有特點,但其實佢哋嘅data base係有大細之分嘅。所謂data,係靠日積月累,將民族嘅傳統儲落嚟,同埋吸納其他語言嘅data,令訊息量不斷壯大。
例如英語個data base就大到無倫。古英語本身有歐陸日耳曼蠻族多神崇拜傳統(Harry Potter 嗰啲精靈巫師就喺呢度取材),去到英倫島嶼之後,接受拉丁文洗禮,𠹌通咗希羅文化,跟住又疊加維京人同法語人嘅input。而英國人本身善於航海,貿易耍家,四圍接觸新事物,工業革命走在潮流尖端,殖民事業行匀全球。所以英語做到世界語言係有道理。
試問用開256GB iphone,又點會肯轉128GB Huawei,重要上唔到雲端喎。 先前提到粵語個database大過普通話好多,而香港加入大英帝國,又使到粵語由英語呢個全球最大database度,輸入咗唔少好嘢。
上個post提到,Harry Potter入面啲巫師精靈,係源自蠻族多神崇拜。如果英語冇將呢套嘢,透過King Arthur and Merlin呢啲傳奇故事,同埋Halloween習俗保存落嚟,我肯定JK Rowling係寫唔出Harry Potter。 呢度就睇到,語言database點幫你搵到真銀,唔係得把口。
P.S. 粵語有撚、柒、尻、nin、閪、𢱑、捽、𦧺、砌、拮、chok、un、必(噴)、抆(拔)、黐立立、腍啤啤、攰lai lai 莫講話功夫片、恐怖片,連色情片,普通話都唔係對手啦。 【粵語入文分析】粵語嘅百越兄弟語言係點樣寫字嘅呢?

  1. 粵語屬壯侗語系,係一支漢化嘅百越語
  2. 長時間嘅漢化,令粵語可以同漢字大致對接,但並非完美對接
  3. 粵語比喻為千層酥,底層壯侗語,上層漢語,包含嘅訊息量超過普通話,亦超越漢字
  4. 粵語嘅強大訊息量為香港帶嚟好大利益,發展出現代城市文化
泰語 喺百越語後裔之中,泰語相當標青,我諗拍得住粵語,只係差香港話一個馬鼻。 泰語係行印度化方向,泰文用印度嘅帕拉瓦字母書寫,屬拼音文字。
寮語 寮族就喺泰族隔離,都係印度化嘅百越族。佢哋文字都係用帕拉瓦字母書寫。
壯語 壯語同粵語毗鄰而處,曾經都被視為漢語方言。古時壯文係借用漢字,再加埋好多自創壯字嚟寫。
侗語 侗族喺廣西、貴州一帶。好似壯族咁,佢哋都曾經參照漢字去製作侗字。

粵製漢字 之前提到有啲字係造嚟專畀粵語用,例如「𨋢」。理論上可以繼續造新字,直至填滿待字領域為止。
借同音字 搵同音字配落去,唔理個字本身意思。例如巴閉、腌尖、論盡。
「正」字 打括號,因為只係自稱正字,其實好多係格硬嚟,不知所謂。例如kik lik ka la, 佢哋話正字係虢礫緙嘞。點考究出嚟我唔知,我只知畀佢哋咁搞,粵語入文過多三百年都唔會成事。
拉丁化 唔使多講,好多人每日message都打緊。
注音 好多人知台灣有注音字母,但原來粵語都可以注音,而且係民國政府上世紀初專為粵語制訂。
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