Stopped taking prometrium and no period

The bestest dogs of all

2012.01.02 16:27 wonrek The bestest dogs of all

for Labs , and lab mixes,

2008.03.24 01:04 /r/Forex Trading Community

Welcome to's Reddit Forex Trading Community! Here you can converse about trading ideas, strategies, trading psychology, and nearly everything in between! ---- We also have one of the largest forex chatrooms online! ---- /Forex is the official subreddit of, a trading forum run by professional traders. hosts and moderates our chatroom, and runs Volatility.RED as a resource site for traders.

2012.06.04 05:33 synaesthetist Ladies on Keto!

/xxketo is a subreddit dedicated to discussing a ketogenic diet from a female-identifying perspective

2024.05.16 04:40 lbandrew Broody hen adoption tips?

Broody hen adoption tips?
This is Olive - my favorite chicken. She’s almost 3 years old and has almost killed herself going broody at least twice, and goes broody like 3-4 times a year. I don’t have a rooster!
She’s been sitting for 21 days today.. no sign of stopping and she’s looking a bit rough. Lost a lot of weight. So.. tonight right before TSC closed, I bought 4 day old chicks. I put them under her successfully at about 9pm or so. She made angry broody noises but didn’t peck or anything and the chicks went right under her. It’s now 10:30pm and I went out to check and don’t see any chicks nor do I hear any peeps.. so I’m taking this as a good sign!!
A few questions:
Assuming all goes well… My coop is a bit small and I have roosts over the whole coop, except for nest boxes, so I can’t place food/water on the coop floor as they’ll get pooped in most likely. I have a ledge right outside the coop door that I placed chick food and water next to. Their regular watefeeder is in the covered run but I’m worried about the chicks going down the coop ramp. Will momma just automatically guide them down the ramp? Will they hurt themselves? Should I place chick food/water next to the hens normal spots or keep on the ledge? Then they might also fall off the ledge.. not sure what to do.
Also.. any general tips/things to look out for other than mom pecking them to death? Obviously will remove if that happens and I do have a backup brooder and all supplies.
Really hope this works, think she’ll make a great (but mean 😂 she’s top of the pecking order) momma!
submitted by lbandrew to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 PrincessDPRK Mods, please do not change settings unless discussed with me OR in the mod chat. Voting for sub changes/setting changes/perma banning users and removing content will be a new option.

If you want to add topic flairs/user flair that's totally okay.. accepting posts is obviously okay and helps me a lot, banning people for the day is okay if they broke rules (if you're unsure if it consists as rule breaking, please contact me)
But please stop changing the main subreddit settings.. Ex; Content allowed in the comments, Banning people permanently, making, changing or deleting rules, you know... Major changes that have a big impact on the sub and/or its members..
If you have a good idea for updates or changes to sub settings and configurations please discuss it with me if you want a straight away/immediate yes or no answer or in the mod chat if you wish to have a vote amongst all our mods instead of my word alone (which can take a couple days for a few mod's votes.)
Love you guys - Jang
submitted by PrincessDPRK to NorthKorean [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 LtlBeautifulCreature Remnants are all I am

I couldn’t care today. I tried. I watched myself fuck up, mistake after mistake again. The hours wasted away, disappearing by me, and I let them. I was defeated today, before the day ever began. Angry and violent and violet.
We’re cracking jokes and makin’ light, passing around comments about thriving in stress, in chaos, and opening up loopholes to bend inside. “Yes, but you love it” they say. As though this chaos and turbulence were something someone survived on rather instead, simply a mechanism of survival.
I’m stuck here again, forced to deal with my loneliness and neuroticism and pretending I’m alright. But every step I take is fake, another mask held up to the light. And I force myself through another day and force myself to put down another fight, and I seal away every impulsive action, every real thought, every broken promise and true desire and no matter how far I come… I’m on a simulated treadmill, stuck in front of a greenscreen played by my mind.
Can you please just stop trying so hard. I’m tired of feeling guilty, cause I lost all the care I once had. I let it all go. And I’m tired of pretending I’m not broken, standing in front of you, fooling you into believing it’s still worth the fight when all I’m ever doing is picking up pieces and gluing and patching and spray painting cracks in this foundation.
Distraction, distractions, distraction, I’m all out of distractions. And all that is left is some falsehood created making myself believe I could make it. Fake it till you make it. My skin, the walls, the colors in my room, my hair and clothes, the cups and plates and tiny silverware. I’m sick of it all and it’s place.
Don’t talk to me anymore, I don’t want to respond. I’m tired of acting like I have anything left to say. How shitty of me, to say too little to late but stay by your side because I’ve settled for something more than hate.
Too much time was wasted while I waved goodbye to dreams, too much time was wasted and I found other means. And now we talk of cutting back and making do so you can chase something too. But you wasted me away and I can’t sit here with nothings else but you. Still, I give it all, I compromise, sacrifice my truths and in the end, after it all, you still center on you.
I’m tired of being well, of being on, for another’s sake. Tired of always keeping the peace and playing it safe. I shed my layers, and shed my share of tears, I’ve lived in guilt for so long I don’t know how confidence tastes. I’m outgrown, overgrown, living past all stages of resentment, with nothing left to barter or bargain. But there’s too much grief for acceptance. Spent a lifetime hoping to help others and you all finally convinced me it was wasteful.
Here I am again, knowing I’m not okay, and though I’m sure someone would try to tell me otherwise, there’s nothing left to say. Because the hours escape me, and the minutes linger, and there is nothing I could really do. Anyways. I’ll still wake up tomorrow, and I’ll wish it wasn’t another day, and I’ll try my best to make it work, even though I gave up so many yesterdays. And inevitably you’ll remind me, every chance that I try to make it better, why I’m so defeated today.
"Slow down" they say, "take time, sleep and relax and play". But they never take a moment to see how the resting gets in the way. I’m done, don’t want this anymore, but it’s all idle threats, meaningless words rolling of shoulders cause, you know, don’t have the energy anymore.
submitted by LtlBeautifulCreature to ShrugLifeSyndicate [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:39 TheCarpetsRed Do I just give in for the money?

I'm in my early 40's with a young family. Me and my wife make good money and our income is upper middle class but living in HCOL so it's pretty much just an average joe that can't even afford to buy a house.
The first thing I did when I finished my degree is to have as little contact as possible with my family. No one in my family ever held a job for more than a few months. The last time they had a 9-5 job was over 10 years ago. However my parents are wealthy, they were entrepreneurs but then their business failed. The only thing that got them super rich now is because they invested all the money they had into real estates and held onto it. Plus they know how to legally do money laundering and so called "tax savings".
I keep as little contact with them as possible. Sometimes I don't see them for a few years but since I've got kids, they are try getting into my life. It never ends up good. I still get calls from them about once a month to tell me how useless I am for holding a job and not have my own business. I keep telling them, I'm the only one in the family that is normal and have held a white collar career ever since I graduated 20 years ago. Yet she keeps telling me that I'm wasting my potential. That I could be so much better and she is telling me that for my own good.
Around last year my mom got really sick and was very close to dying. I thought hey maybe a near death situation will change her. Yes for awhile I thought she did. However after she fully recovered, she went back to her usual. Calls me up and tell me my wife is a whore and is a worthless mother to my kids. She knows little to nothing about my wife. Doesn't even know her name because she is just so used to calling her slurs. When I call her out on it she just tells me she doesn't need to know my wife name because she is not important.
Despite how much I hate my mom. When I saw my mom in ICU and unconscious. It did break me and I keep going back to her. I've not had any financial aid from them since I finished school. In fact she is the one that borrows money from me from time to time. When I tell her 10k is a lot of money when you take into account of my net worth vs her net worth. She completely flips out and say she spent so much money raising us and this is the least I could do. Some nights when I get really high, I keep thinking she won't have much time left. I love my kids and I would do anything for them. If one day I'm on my deathbed, I would really hope my kids would come and see me. I wonder if she feels that way too. Then all it takes is talking to her for 5 mins on the phone and I'm like F that, she is not worth my time and money.
However here comes the issue. I got a young family to feed. Life is indeed hard with inflation and deep down I know money would make everything so easy. Though it would absolutely wreck my mental health as it means they will want to be part of my life. My wife says it's up to me but she really don't want any financial aid from my side of the family. She said we are self sufficient and rather be happy then be in debt to anyone. But it's still a lot of inheritance and I know I would most likely get nothing. Back when I didn't have a family to feed, I'm like sure I've signed the legal paper to forfeit any inheritance and to give the house they bought back. I really don't know what to do but I know that every time I reconnect with my mom, it never ever ends well. It might sound really dumb but at one point I thought hey, if I just slip in some edibles. Maybe it will stop her behaving like an a'hole.
On a slightly different subject. My siblings are all messed up. Sometimes I feel like I'm like that myself. I try to be perfect at everything I do and I can't stand it when people around me is not perfect or doing their best.
submitted by TheCarpetsRed to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 winelizabethadore Is Infidelity Cut and Dry? I feel so lost.

My husband and I have been together for almost twenty years. We have been married for 11 years. We have 3 young daughters. I wouldn't have called our life together perfect, but we were solid, from my perspective. We never had a dead bedroom. We didn't get to go on dates as often as we liked, but we always had a great time together.
Background info: our kids have health issues. I have a sleep disorder that causes my brain to skip normal REM cycles. I am constantly exhausted. I often feel asleep with our children at night, which was upsetting to my husband. He didn't understand how by their bedtime I truly could not read to them without falling asleep in their beds. (I am on a new medication and for the first time, I am able to function somewhat normally, so this is less of an issue now.) My husband has a very unusual work schedule, so he is often awake into the night alone.
In late December 2023, my husband had a major depressive episode. He experienced disassociation, etc. It was incredibly troubling. I did my best to be a supportive partner. I helped him to rest and carried as much of the load of our family and home life as possible. I encouraged him to start therapy, which he did in January.
Mid-January, I went out with my sister for a short while. I was nervous leaving my husband and the kids. I thought he might have a lot of anxiety and depression. He told me I needed to go so that he could try to live normally. His therapist urged him to do so.
During our night away, I received an email from my husband telling me he no longer wanted to be married. He told me he loved me. He said I was the perfect woman for him, and the best mom he could ever imagine to our kids. Basically, it's not you, it's me.
When I got home, I was a wreck. I cried. He apologized. He said he didn't mean what he said, but that he just didn't know what was wrong with him. He said he just needed to go to therapy and sort himself out. He acted really cold and distant.
I asked him if there were things about our marriage that he felt were lacking. He told me he often felt alone. I asked him if he would be willing to work on this. He agreed, but he refused to commit himself fully to repairing our marriage. We began spending more time together. As always, it was good when we were together. We laughed. We had fun. Sex was good. But he felt strangely disconnected. Honestly, it was so embarrassing to be trying so hard to make my own husband love me back.
The truth trickled out bit by bit. Once a week he would meet up with his best friend. They would work out and then have a beer and catch up somewhere. After some time, my husband started becoming attracted to the bartender at the place they were going. And it was mutual. He even went alone more than once to sit at the bar while she worked.
He reached a point where he convinced himself that I didn't love him, and that our marriage was hopeless. He began daydreaming about some future life with this bartender. These daydreams were not sexual in nature. They were about going on getaways, dates, and snuggling on the couch watching shows together. (Honestly, this was so much more hurtful than if he'd have been daydreaming about sex.)
He had been telling his therapist about all of this, but I had no idea. While I was pouring my everything into trying to fix our marriage, he was still going to the bar to sit and hang out in her presence.
Finally, it reached a boiling point when the bartender realized that he was married. I'm not sure how she missed his wedding ring. He swears he wore it, but who knows if that is the truth. Apparently, she heard him taking about me and our kids with our mutual friend. She was indignant about him never having told her he was married. He realized he had crossed a line if she was so bothered that he was married.
He swears up and down that their interactions never left that bar. There was no physical touch. There was no texting. He never asked her out.
But he carried on a daydream relationship with another woman. He told me he didn't want to be married. When things were at their worst, he told me he was going to stay somewhere else to figure things out. That day I know he searched for her online.
I had to tell our kids that their daddy was moving out for a while. It was awful. He risked everything. He came so close to destroying our family to take a chance with a woman he hardly knew. I no longer feel the security I used to feel.
He talked to his therapist, and she suggested that these daydreams might be his mind's way of escaping reality. She said that he has always wanted to do these things with me, but that he had convinced himself that it was impossible, so maybe he had replaced me with a substitute in his mind. She suggested he ponder that.
When he did, he said it made perfect sense. He said that he met this girl in the middle of a horrible mental crisis and the depths of depression and loneliness. He said she gave him some attention and he liked it. He said he couldn't understand why he couldn't stop thinking about her and the guilt had been eating him alive. He said that she is not even the type of person he would ever consider being in a relationship with. He knew the whole time it didn't make sense, but he felt out of his mind.
He swears that since he had the epiphany that what he really wanted was to have that fulfilling relationship with me, his head has been on straight. He says that he is as sure that he loves me and always will as he is that he needs to breathe air.
We are trying to reconcile. Things have come a long way. He is extremely remorseful. He is willing to do anything to help rebuild trust. He says this is the worst thing he has ever done in his life, and that it will always be his biggest regret, hurting me so badly. He is trying so hard to demonstrate his love in meaningful ways.
But I'm still hurt. I'm still lost. And there is a part of me that doesn't understand why. In marital counseling, my husband often points out that he didn't actually cheat. But I feel like this was some sort of infidelity. I guess I don't know. I look up infidelity resources, and the advice feels like it applies in many cases.
(He doesn't make that clarification to dodge responsibility, but he says that he says he feels it is an important distinction. He says that he made these awful choices because of his mental state, and that he fully owns them, but that he did stop himself from taking things further than they went because he is knew deep down that this things were not who he really was or what he really wanted.)
If this doesn't apply, I really apologize for posting in this sub. If it does, please help me figure out how to move forward? It has been months, and I cry every day. I am deeply depressed. My heart is just so badly broken. I wish this never happened. I wish he had just come to me and told me about his needs. I would have done anything in my power to bring him peace, happiness, and make him feel loved and content. I want to feel safe with him again. I want to trust that he will always love me, and that in his heart of hearts, he loved me even then, but there is this awful feeling in my heart that just won't go away.
submitted by winelizabethadore to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:38 2cool4ashe "THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING!! THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING!!" A post in /r/Ohio about highway driving etiquette veers into controversy when commenters argue about the 'correct' way to utilize the left lane.

For those of you who don't live in the US, the typical driving etiquette on highways is generally to drive in the right lane when driving the speed limit (or to match traffic), and to drive in the left lane when accelerating and passing cars.
So OOP makes a PSA thread in Ohio to address driving grievances they've noticed while living in Ohio:
It’s been 15 years since I moved to Ohio and I’ve held my tongue long enough. Far too many of you need to hear this.
God damn. I have never driven in a state with more left lane campers !it’s unreal how many are oblivious to this.
If you are not consistently passing someone on the right of you. Move out of the left lane
If someone is on ur ass you aren’t driving fast enough. Move out of the left lane.
It doesn’t matter if you are driving the speed limit move out of the left lane.
It’s not hard. And if everyone abides by this principle it actually increases the flow of traffic and saves everybody time.
Check your mirrors regularly and Move the fuck over.
You now have the tools to not be that dumb asshole holding everyone up.
Thanks in advance.
Although the OOP is rather succinct, Ohioians have plenty to say. Commenters will be abbreviated as C1, C2, C3, etc.
C1: All I’m saying is it’s not worth getting that angry about it. I don’t camp out in the high speed lane. You don’t have to do 90 all the time on the highway. Just calm down and enjoy the ride. There is no reason to be an ass. You’ll get to your destination just fine and in a better mood if you just give up that fight. C2: Nah people have places to be and they don't shouldn't have to deal with grandma who doesn't care about anyone else's time but her own, get out of the way and let people who are going faster than you pass you C1: Leave earlier then, allow yourself time to deal with every day frustrations. C2: You must be the grandma who can't understand that not everyone has the same time she does C1: Tell yourself whatever you need to so you can feel better about yourself. C2: People have places to be granny C3: Eat a dick, and while you're doing that, move the fuck out of the way. You have no right to impede others travels.
This redditor gets peeved when people ride his ass:
C1: My only issue with this (because I agree) is that if I am passing someone slower than the person riding my ass would prefer I will take issue with them riding my ass and then go out of my way to not accommodate their desires. Stay back and I will move over once I have passed. Ride my ass and you will be stuck for much longer than you like. C2: If there is someone riding your ass and you're in the passing lane, you're the asshole, not them. It shouldn't take long to pass a car and move out of the lane. C1: Nope. If I'm going 70 and passing someone and someone comes up on my ass going 90 they are going to have to wait until I finish passing. If they wait without riding my ass, no problem. If they do not, they can get stuffed. C2: So creating a dangerous situation for other drivers on the highway is OK when you feel the pathetically petty need to try to get back at another driver because they got a little too close to you?
Again, it shouldn't take long to pass someone, and you should be watching your rear view mirrors for faster moving traffic before you even get into the passing lane. If you can't get out of the lane before another car is on your ass, again, you're the one in the wrong. People who suck at driving are the ones who make your argument. C1: Nah, I just can’t stand tailgaters so I’m not going to reward their aggressive behavior. Give me 10 seconds to pass and stay off my ass. You aren’t entitled to never hit your brakes C2: Then you're a shitty driver for two reasons (at least, there are probably more)
1.) You can't conceptionally understand the concept that you are the one creating the situation causing the tailgating. If you're not in the passing lane and someone is tailgating you, then you have reason to be upset. But if you're in the passing lane you're the one in the wrong spot.
2.) You take things that happen on the highway personally. Just get the fuck out of the way and go on with your day. Trying to get petty revenge moving at high rates of speed in vehicles weighing over a ton is just stupid. C1: Nah, tailgating is a choice, and it’s against the law. Slow down, let me pass the slower moving driver and safety get over into the right lane when I’ve completed passing. If I’m legally passing in the left lane, you have no business tailgating me. Slow down C3: Turn in your license. You’re a dog shit driver C4: Wait so the person who is passing someone at 70 mph and then getting over is creating the dangerous situation while the 90mph ass rider who can't wait the few seconds it takes for the slower car to pass someone is not? You have it backwards my friend.
This redditor explains their genius strategy of passing left lane slow drivers by taking the right lane:
C1: Don't get upset. Just get in the right lane and burn past everyone. Sometimes you will have to slow down because people only enter the highway at about 40 MPH, but they will get in the left lane in a few seconds, leaving the right lane clear for your cruising pleasure. C2: You joke, but this is exactly how the Ohio Turnpike is. Three lanes and the right lane is always empty. It has, by necessity, become the real passing lane.
And it never fails, merging on you'll be behind somebody who seems perfectly content that they got to the end of the ramp at 45 MPH while the one vehicle actually using the right lane -- always a semi -- is barreling down the road and approaching at 75+. So you either have to come to a complete stop at the end of the ramp to yield because the jackass going 45 will barely make it in front of the semi and you won't, or floor it at the last second and get into the middle lane ASAP.
Another redditor says you can't complain about driving etiquette if you're speeding:
C1: I'll add one, if you're egregiously speeding you don't get to complain about anyone else on the road. C2: Agree. If anyone flies up and tailgates me while I'm going 15 over, we're now going to go the speed limit until they back off. C3: Nice work Deputy. Thanks for keeping the roads safe by being roadblock to other drivers C2: No problem. I really hope you don't get in a horrific car accident because you decide to speed instead of leave earlier! C4: Ummm, yeah. So why are you going 15 miles over? Are you late for something? C2: If I'm passing someone in the left lane, as is being discussed in the original post, I try to keep moving a bit faster. Would you rather people go the speed limit in the left lane? Something tells me you'd complain about that too. C4: No, I’m solidly in the camp of following the Rules of the Road. Efficiency and predictability. Purposefully blocking traffic causes frustration, which causes people to do stupid things, which causes accidents. Swallow your pride and move over for any traffic faster than you no matter how fast you are going. C5 [to C3's roadblock comment]: You're being a danger to everyone. You can't complain when you're already being that stupid. C1: The danger wouldn't be there had the person not been egregiously speeding, ergo the blame falls on them. C6: You are exactly the reason drivers in this state have this reputation. Your poor decisions are yours and yours alone. Two wrongs don't make a right, and your attitude is part of the problem. C1: I'm not defending blocking traffic. Never once did I say that. Your inability to comprehend what you've read is the only problem here atm.
Yet another redditor declares the OOP's rant to be moot:
C1: You worry about stupid shit. OOP: Its been proven to reduce accidents and save time. Just because ur too stupid to understand that doesn’t make it stupid. C1: Find more important things to worry about. C2: Found the asshole who doesn't know how to drive🖕 C1: Found the dipshit with nothing better to do than whine about traffic. C2: Nothing better to do because I'm stuck behind a Sunday driver. Seriously though it's a hazard, stay out of the left lane!
OOP did comment on a few other things, but at some point, they edited the post with this:
Edit: Lots of hurt butts in the comments. If You are in anything but agreement with me then, well, ur dumb. But for the sake of civilize discussion and higher learning let’s let the dumb dumbs, and dummy dumb nincompoops answer for themselves. Please tell us why it’s ok for you to be able to camp your two brain cells in the left lane and make me late for my cats soccer game?
For those of you that think my anger is silly and unjustified, my friend just nearly had her life taken from her in an accident with someone trying to get around a lane camper that as backing up traffic.
Yes this exists everywhere but Ohio particularly bad. Am I wrong for wanting Ohio to suck a little less?
This thread is still getting new comments, so feel free to browse it for more speedy takes!
submitted by 2cool4ashe to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:35 Brave-Wolverine-6189 I am the abuser and I want to change.

This is a very long story. I 19m was with my ex gf 19f for about a year back in high school. Things didn’t end so well, I loved her so much but she ended up going on a spring break trip with my friends and they kept it secret from me. She cheated on me with one of my close friends and I was absolutely destroyed and I still am a little today. I wouldn’t wish that pain on my worst enemy it truly was the most painful thing I ever experienced it still haunts me till this day. I couldn’t stand to talk or look at her so I had to leave I wanted to try and make it work but it was all too much, once the suicidal ideations started to come I had to go my mental health was completely destroyed. I spent the next 2 years in complete grief of the relationship because I really did love her so much and she loved me too she was just a broken person at the time and she had genuine remorse for what she did. 2 years later we end up at the same college and suprise suprise we are still in love with each other. I was enjoying my night at the local underage college bar and she came up to me, I don’t even remember what she said all I remember thinking to myself was god I missed u. We had a wonderful night stayed up till the sun came up talking and reminiscing about all the good times. I was very confused though as I have hidden these feelings deep inside me because the pain she put me through was just so overwhelming at times and I didn’t know how to feel and it turned me angry. 2 weeks go by me n her are practically inseparable, constantly texting and sneaking away from our roommates on school nights to see each other. It was nice the chemistry was still there it was like it never left. But then one night at the bar I was really drunk. I felt vengeful and I wanted to piss her off I went to the closet girl who gave me the eyes and smooched her right infront of my woman. She did not like this obviously, when we went to meet up after closing time she was very upset with me. Idk how it all happened but the arguing got intense as I started to speak to her in a way I never have before. I told her she was nothing but sex to me and that I kissed that girl because I felt like it and she slapped me. I can’t believe I’m saying this but my response was a very hard slap back. A slap I would use on a man. I still remember how she held her face after thay and it still didn’t make me stop I continued to push her on the ground and knock the wind out of her and I really scared her and myself once I sobered up. It was all a blur but I can only imagine how bad it truly was. I felt awful and couldn’t even look at myself the next day. Next weekend comes around long story short it happened again she forgave me both times and we continued seeing each other it never happened again after that I swore to myself it never will. I was raised right but I was abused as child but my father never hit my mother and taught me to never lay my hands on a woman no matter what. Idk how I let this happend how I let all that anger build in me for years and that’s how I took it out. I’ll never forgive myself especially because how deep our connection is. Recently she let me know what I did has really been taking a tole on her and I understand. I want to change for her I want her to see it will never happens again. I want my life with this women but it might be far too late. What do I do I’ve given her space to feel the emotions she needs to feel but I want to make this right. Even if it means we can’t be together anymore I just want her to know it was never her fault and that this was all a product of how poorly I been treating my mental health over the years. I assured her this but I don’t think she believes me. Help me please whay do I say or do. She wants to talk about it in person when she is ready.
submitted by Brave-Wolverine-6189 to domesticviolence [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:33 midnightcoding5 Welcome

Hi all! Thanks for stopping by. So, many people have questions about medical coding. It can be confusing to learn, even if you are taking coding classes. My goal with this subreddit is just to teach people about medical coding. It really is a great field to get into and you can go a long way with it.
Just a little bit about me--I am a medical coding instructor and I have the CPC, COC and the Approved Instructor certifications from AAPC. I plan on posting a few times a week. I encourage anyone who has a question about coding to post it. There is no such thing as a stupid question :) To learn more about me please see my website
submitted by midnightcoding5 to MedicalCodingClass [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:32 Andre3000RPI Yahoo Morning Briefing

April's big inflation reveal: The meme trade has been a fun diversion, but the serious business is here: the April Consumer Price Index reading is set for release at 8:30 a.m. ET. Prices rose 0.4% over the prior month, matching March's pace and bringing the annual inflation rate down to 3.4%. Stripping out food and energy costs, economists expect core inflation fell to 3.6% annually in April, which would be the slowest pace in about three years. ‌
Biden hits China with tariffs: The White House announced a suite of new tariffs on Chinese goods on Tuesday, with a key focus on EVs. In an interview with Yahoo Finance, President Biden painted cheap goods flooding the market — subsidized by the Chinese government — as an attempt to "put everybody else out of business and then they take over." Biden also said he expects China to retaliate but that the trade conflict would be manageable. ‌
GameStop and AMC continue to surge: GameStop followed Monday's 74% gain with a 62% surge Tuesday as the company continues to ride the recent meme stock rally. AMC also saw a second day of gains, finishing Tuesday 33% higher after gaining 80% Monday. Shrewdly, the company disclosed it raised $250 million issuing stock after Monday's pop. ‌
Google's new search: Google unveiled a new way of googling at its I/O conference that, yes, involves a lot of AI. The biggest overhaul to its search engine in years will integrate its AI engine to provide complex answers to queries — with citations. This time, we hope they're real. Users will also be able to perform compound searches for more targeted results without resorting to googling multiple times. For example, the ability to search for "a gym that offers discounts for new members — and how far it is from where I live." ‌
Powell plays down PPI: Fed Chair Jerome Powell provided a timely response to Tuesday's hotter-than-expected headline number for the Producer Price Index, speaking from a panel in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Powell downplayed the hot overall number, pointing at the mixed data and backward revisions. Still, the central bank head again stressed a need to be patient and "let restrictive policy do its work." What we're watching Morning Brief is written and edited by Ethan Wolff-Mann. For the web version, click here. Follow all the action throughout the day on Yahoo Finance and on the Yahoo Finance app.
GameStop’s 'Roaring Kitty' surge doesn’t mean meme stock rally has legs. ‌ Vanguard appoints BlackRock veteran Salim Ramji as next CEO. ‌ Justice Department says Boeing violated 737 Max crash settlement. ‌ ️ Musk ordered to resume testimony in SEC Twitter probe. ‌ 3M shareholders vote down executives' pay packages. ‌ Biden expects China to retaliate to new tariffs. Here's what that might look like. ‌ Why Biden's tariffs on Chinese EVs will have little immediate impact on the US auto market What we're reading AD • SPONSORED BY SMART ASSETHave This Much Money? You May Want a Financial AdvisorMoney can't buy happiness, but research finds that if you have this much in household assets, hiring a financial advisor could potentially help. Just how much money do you need? Find out here.
Today's Takeaway is by Jared Blikre, Markets Reporter ‌ Meme stocks survived another volatility-fueled session Tuesday. ‌ Taking a page from the 2021 playbook, GameStop and AMC Entertainment led the charge. ‌ Both meme stalwarts notched gains over 74% Monday and had further doubled their share prices on the open Tuesday — only to sell off most of the day into the close. Nevertheless, after dozens of volatility halts GameStop closed the day up 62% while AMC jumped by 30%.‌ Amid some gentle coaxing by Keith Gill (aka Roaring Kitty), a slew of names familiar to Reddit boards followed — companies like Koss, Tupperware, Virgin Galactic, Hertz, and BlackBerry. ‌ But while the explosion in volatility rightfully invites comparisons to the well-known 2021 saga that played out on Reddit and across US stock exchanges, 2024 is already proving to be quite different. ‌ This year, Wall Street is driving the bus. ‌
Vanda Research crunched the numbers and reported in a note to clients that GameStop and AMC have only seen a fraction of the inflows experienced in early 2021. Flows into these names at the peak of the early 2021 frenzy were over four times Monday's volume. ‌ "Do we think more retail traders can jump in on the trend in the coming days? Yes. Do we think this is a repeat of 2021? No, and the chances we reach that stage are low," said Vanda. ‌ Without glancing at a single stock chart, it's easy to point out that 2021 was likely a historical aberration fueled by bored recipients of pandemic stimulus checks. ‌ Wall Street was caught flat-footed. Hedge funds like Melvin Capital were obliterated. ‌ But institutional investors learned from the 2021 episode and are better prepared now, argues Vanda. ‌ "Quant/hedge funds are much better equipped to handle these situations nowadays," Vanda senior vice president Marco Iachini noted. "If anything, we believe the chances that they participate along with retail in the squeeze but also lean against and then exit these trades ahead of retail traders are high." ‌
As of Monday's close, the portion of share turnover in GameStop attributable to retail investors averaged 7% over the prior five days — and that number was only slightly higher for AMC. In 2021, the averages and spikes were materially higher, indicating much greater participation by retail traders. ‌ Data in the options market confirms a similar story. ‌ But the biggest difference this year might just be the lack of one single, coherent narrative like the meme story that captured headlines in 2021. ‌ Only last week, we wrote about the recent resurgence of volatility in meme names. "In a critical break from prior trading epochs, much of the recent meme stock volatility is being fueled by material news and fundamentals, like earnings, as opposed to Reddit posts," we wrote. Why the 2024 meme stock action is much tamer than 2021 — so far Indeed, our (unofficial) Yahoo Finance meme stock heat map reveals impressive returns over the last two days that are mostly green across the board. But aside from GameStop and AMC, these daily returns are decidedly not triple digits as they were three years ago. ‌ In fact, the bigger names on this list — like Coinbase, Carvana, and Palantir — have been making their gains the old-fashioned way: around earnings and bitcoin fundamentals.
How much Wednesday's inflation print surprises economists — up or down — will be of particular importance during Wednesday's trading day. ‌ But analyzing market action from CPI release days back to May 2023's print, the equity research team at Goldman Sachs led by David Kostin found that "interest rate sensitive pockets of the equity market typically experience particularly large moves on CPI days regardless of the magnitude of the surprise." Chart of the day As seen in the chart above, non-profitable tech and the small-cap Russell 2000 index (^RUT) have moved significantly more depending on where the inflation print lands over the past year. ‌ — Josh Schafer, Markets Reporter
Wednesday ‌ ‌ ‌ Thursday ‌ ‌ ‌ Friday ‌ ‌ Earnings and economic calendar Economic data: Consumer Price Index, month-over-month, April (+0.4% expected, +0.4% previously); Core CPI, month-over-month, April (+0.3% expected, +0.4% previously); CPI, year-over-year, April (+3.4% expected, +3.5% previously); Core CPI, year-over-year, April (+3.6% expected, +3.8% previously); Real average hourly earnings, year-over-year, April (+0.6% previously); MBA Mortgage Applications, week ending May 10 (+2.6%); Retail sales, month-over-month, April (+0.4% expected, +0.7% previously); Retail sales ex auto and gas, April (+0.1% expected, +1% previously); NAHB housing market index, May (51 expected, 51 previously)
Earnings: Cisco, Dole,, Super League Economic data: Initial jobless claims, week ending May 11 (233,000 previously); Housing starts month-over-month, April (8.6% expected, -14.7% prior); Building permits month-over-month, April (+1.6% expected, -3.7% prior); Philadelphia Business Outlook, May (8.7 expected, 15.5 prior); Import prices, month-over-month, April (+0.2% expected, +0.4% previously); Export prices, month-over-month, April (+0.2% expected, +0.3% previously); Industrial production, month-over-month, April (+0.2% expected, +0.4% previously)
Earnings: Walmart, Applied Materials, Baidu,, John Deere, Take-Two Interactive, Under Armour Economic data: Leading index, April (-0.2% expected, -0.3% previously) Earnings: No notable earnings.
submitted by Andre3000RPI to DeercreekvolsBlog [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:32 Skemy00 15mos PP, 5 months pregnant - severe anxiety

I’m currently 5 months pregnant with a beautiful 15m/o son. Postpartum wasn’t easy with him. My pregnancy was easy as well as my L&D. My son was an incredibly easy newborn, slept great, ate great, hardly cried. Despite all of that, postpartum hit me bad. I suffered with severe PPD, PPA, and creeping PPP. I was put on 50mg Zoloft at 6weeks pp and stopped between 8-9months pp. I felt completely back to my normal self, got pregnant 2 months later, and so far everything has been fine but suddenly it’s not.
I’ve never been without my son longer than 2 hours and it’s only been a handful of times. He’s been glued to my hip since birth, and that’s okay. I’ve never really minded it I guess. My parents will be watching him while I give birth, but I’m convinced they’re going to hurt him. Convinced he’s going to think I abandoned him. He’s never been without me, he’s not used to it. What if he can’t handle it and they get angry at him? I can’t even leave him with my husband now because what if he hurts him too? I’m scared to get gas alone because what if I’m carjacked and they take my son with them? The intrusive thoughts won’t stop. Horrible things happening to my son and I have no idea where the fuck they came from. They just won’t stop. I feel like I’m in constant fight or flight mode and I don’t know what to do. How am I supposed to focus on labor when I’m stressed about my son? Support and advice welcome. I just don’t know what’s happening to me.
submitted by Skemy00 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:32 Practical-Brief50 Am I manipulative or is he?

Hi, I’ve had a relationship where things have been pretty futile. I come from a dv relationship where I was strangled. Not this relationship.
We started dating and I got pregnant early on. He did not want to be a father and I gave him an option to leave and he didn’t.
He then told me he had thoughts of pushing me down the stairs while I was pregnant and I took this hard. He loves our son, very much and he is 4 now.
One night I had my friend and her boyfriend over and we came home and they wanted to meet our son. So I took them upstairs to see him. My partner at the time was asleep and his friend woke him up saying that “she brought a random dude upstairs to hold your son.” He came upstairs ready to fight and argue, I stepped in and asked him to stop. Now I remember him getting in my face buffing up his chest, and he said it got in his face. Either way face to face happened. I went fight or flight mode from my dv relationship and hit him and he kicked me back in self defense.
We talked about this and I thought it was over and done with. This was about 3 years ago.
Over time, I was a stay at home mom, while pregnant and taking care of my other son. He didn’t have a job that paid his bills. (We live at his dad’s for free) all we needed to buy was food and stuff for the kids. I took out student loans to pay for all of this, and I had a conversation with him where I felt like he was financially abusing me. He got really upset and I said just kidding, because I saw that. I wasn’t sure how to take it. Even though, I still buy everything in this house. He’ll pick up things only if I ask. He has a lot of debt and I offered to help pay and stuff to so we can save. I have a lot more money saved up than he does from my job, and he makes more than me now.
I’m sure I have said things with a harsh tone of voice, but I felt like he never listened. Which he now says, I never comforted him, was there for him when he needed it and I abuse him, manipulated him and gaslight him.
Three weeks ago I asked him why he doesn’t touch me or look at me. His response was I love you no matter what. He tried for a day or two to be affectionate. A couple days after is when he started calling me all these names. He stopped hugging, kissing anything and asked for space. I gave it to him. He told me if I hug him he’ll throw me off of him, he loves me but isn’t in love with me. That he has nothing to fix, and I am all at fault here. I have assumed responsibility and apologized. I cook him dinner every night and I have always taken care of both kids, taking them to and from school, homework and putting them to bed. He said that’s the bare minimum.
I thought maybe we can do couples therapy. He sat down for the 15 minute consultation with me, and said he would do it.
Now he’s saying it is his choice and if he so chooses to go to therapy and if I even say one thing wrong he’ll hang up and help me pack a bag.
Am I the manipulative abusive asshole?
submitted by Practical-Brief50 to Manipulation [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:31 Kraken-Writhing Final Breaths by Death

'You have lived too long. Rest.' -Death
Death, or rather, his avatar, is said to resemble the noble unicorns. It is said where his horn pierces, you never heal.
We aren't here to talk myths. I don't believe the aspects interfere. I saw the thing called Death. It was hardly supernatural, despite it's eyes. It was merely a lone unicorn that spoke like man. It tried to kill me, but I evaded it. 'Nobody escapes Death.' it said. Absurd.
It is a crafty beast. I have been following it. Sometimes it climbs the mountains, or delves into the sea. It's horn is always more bloody than before. It's copper eyes always seemed to be watching me.
It is uncanny, but hardly divine. If it were, I would surely be dead by now.
Sometimes it goes into a home. It walks out without a noise. Nobody screams. The villagers solemnly bury the body. Why does nobody care?
I hear him. He is in my head.
He says 'Death comes for all.'
How cliche. If only it weren't true.
He goes to the man.
"You have lived too long. Your body is fine; your soul is weary."
The man doesn't care. Equine copper eyes stare into his. I watch as he dies. Nobody cares.
I can't take it anymore. I have to stop this thing. I just saw it kill a king. He fought back. It wasn't his time, he claimed. He deserved to live. He gave up. He saw the inevitable and accepted it. Sometimes I worry- no. I mustn't.
His eyes. They see me. My time is here. He approaches as I write. Goodbye. Remember, life is temporary, as it should be.
submitted by Kraken-Writhing to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:28 Ok-Sport-239 How's this for a story idea?

So, I'm a new writer, and this my first every full scale story, and I wanted some opinions/recommendations on the idea. Keep in mind that these are just bits from my notes, and the idea is nowhere near complete.
So it's essentially a fantasy-action story with a tad bit of horror throw into the mix. The story surrounds this small town in the middle of the Maine wilderness that really shouldn't exist. Set in the year 2002, a young reporter-in-training follows his horrible boss into the town to write a story on the reported hauntings of the town, which is named "Eden". Within Eden lies a wellspring of dark magic so powerful that it causes the town to jump locations and even time periods every couple of months. Why? Well the idea in the works is that the Eden wellspring is the source of ALL dark magic, and it jumps spots so it can spread its influence in the past that it may cause terror in the present. (No, the wellspring can NOT go forward from the present. That would cause so many plotholes.) To add onto that every time the town jumps, it's residents are altered to believe that nothing has changed. Even the structures change to fit the culture of the area and time. Cars become carriages, guns become swords, modern American people become the people of that era, etc. The main cast ends up breaking the alteration spell, allowing them to travel with the town, without becoming altered, so they can put a stop to it, as they, plus one other, are the only ones who are not affected by the spell. The other is the sworn enemy of the town. A lone guardian who has been watching over the wellspring for thousands of years. This character is set to act as the mentor figure to the main cast, and his story will progress as the group uncovers his dark secret. That's what I have so far. As for the Wellspring Of Eden, I should mention that it's dark magic comes in the form of creating horrible monsters, some being derived from mythos, horror movies, and even cryptids. This is because, as I said before, the Wellspring Of Eden is supposed to be the source of all darkness in the world. I'm even toying with the idea of making it fully sentient, as that would probably help with the backstory I have set for it.
Anyway, that's the most important stuff of what I've written down so far. Is it a good idea, or should I scrap it? Any suggestions, ideas, questions, comments, concerns, criticisms?
submitted by Ok-Sport-239 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:28 Safe_Olive7382 Would you go back to this gym?

Social media is fake. All the glitters is not gold. That was my experience at this gym. After 4 months of working with them, I was ultimately unimpressed with the service I received. I started out the experience with a positive attitude, eager to work with them, and one thing after another soured my experience.
I was initially drawn to the gym because they are minority-owned, more affordable than other gyms offering group training classes, and the very impressive and beautiful physiques of the trainers on their IG. So I signed up for the New Year program, at the start of the year.
The program was, in my opinion, not worth the $500. For the 8-week program, the service was not very different from the team training, which is $154 per month. They advertised the program as also offering nutritional advice, and check-ins to measure progress (weight loss, body fat %, max reps for exercises, etc.). I followed up with one of trainers twice about receiving a meal plan, and he never sent it. They also never tracked our max reps. And while they promised they would track these metrics and offer the winner of the group a refund, it was never set up for anyone to win.
I ignored all of these things, initially, because I already have a meal plan which works for me, and really didn't expect a gym to give customers their money back. It's whatever they have to say, to get people in the door.
What first soured my experience, was one of trainers being highly aggressive, rude, and impatient in his tone toward me, during the first few weeks of the program. It was just me, him, and one other person, during one of the training sessions. Toward the end, I offered to take notes about my form, because I'm clumsy and I could sense his impending frustration. He then became very hostile with me, because I kept slipping during a kettlebell swing. I've been to 3 gyms, and no trainer has ever directed that type of aggression towards me. It be your own people. I had nothing but love for this trainer, would smile and greet him in the beginning. In efforts to make it a positive experience for myself, since I had already invested in the gym, I stopped attending his classes and just switched trainers.
Then, the gym decided to use our before and after photos for promotion on their IG, without asking first. There was no paperwork, where we signed away our rights away to photos or videos taken. They posted the photos for members to vote on a winner. I complained, they said they would take it down, and then didn't take it down. The attitude is to use people for promotion, charge a higher than usual price for the service, and then offer mediocre service.
When I reached out to the gym, to cancel after injuring my back by deadlifting too much weight during class, they were unresponsive for a week. I asked the front desk in person, was given a hard time, and deferred to the owner of the gym. Then, they responded that I could pause my membership for a month, but still charged me and never followed through. I had to contact my bank to dispute the charge.
There is also not enough parking for the people who go to the gym, and no AC, which is very uncomfortable in summer heat.
On a positive note, I did gain 3 pounds of muscle, learn proper form for some barbell exercises, and lessons were learned. Not everyone who worked at the gym was bad to work with. There were positive experiences. Would you back to this gym?
submitted by Safe_Olive7382 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:26 Sweet-Count2557 15 Secret Orlando Spots Kids Will Love

15 Secret Orlando Spots Kids Will Love
15 Secret Orlando Spots Kids Will Love Imagine a tapestry of hidden wonders, woven into the vibrant fabric of Orlando. Amidst the towering theme park attractions and bustling tourist hotspots, lie 15 secret spots that hold the key to unforgettable adventures for kids.These hidden gems, like buried treasure waiting to be discovered, offer a world beyond the ordinary. From exploring the wonders of nature to embarking on whimsical fairy trails, each spot holds its own enchanting story.As we unravel the secrets of Orlando, join us on a journey that will ignite your child's imagination and leave them yearning for more.Key TakeawaysOrlando offers a variety of secret spots that are perfect for families with kids.These hidden gems provide unique experiences and off-the-beaten-path attractions.Families can create lasting memories by exploring these secret spots in Orlando.There are activities available for all ages, ensuring that everyone in the family can have fun.Lake Apopka Wildlife DriveLet's buckle up and embark on a wild adventure at Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive! Are you ready to discover a secret spot in Orlando that's perfect for nature lovers? Well, look no further because Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive is the place to be! This hidden gem offers an incredible opportunity to explore the natural beauty of Florida while enjoying some freedom in the great outdoors.One of the highlights of Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive is the wildlife photography opportunities it provides. As you drive through the park, keep your camera ready because you never know what you might encounter. From majestic birds soaring through the sky to adorable animals roaming around, there are plenty of chances to capture stunning photographs. So, bring your camera and let your creativity soar!Bird watching and nature exploration are also popular activities at Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. With over 360 species of birds in the area, it's a bird lover's paradise. Grab a pair of binoculars and get ready to spot some feathered friends. From colorful songbirds to graceful wading birds, there's always something exciting to see. Don't forget to bring a field guide to help you identify the different species you come across.Showcase of CitrusAfter our wild adventure at Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, we're ready to explore another hidden gem in Orlando: the Showcase of Citrus! At this family-friendly destination, you can enjoy a variety of citrus activities and explore enchanted gardens.Here are some of the highlights:Take a citrus tour: Hop aboard a monster truck and embark on a guided tour through the groves of citrus trees. Learn about different types of citrus fruits and even pick your own oranges straight from the trees! It's a hands-on experience that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for these delicious fruits.Feed the animals: The Showcase of Citrus isn't just about citrus trees; it's also home to a wide range of animals. From friendly goats and llamas to exotic birds and emus, you can get up close and personal with these fascinating creatures. Don't forget to bring some animal feed along – they'll love you for it!Explore the gardens: Wander through the enchanted gardens and discover a hidden oasis filled with vibrant flowers and lush greenery. Let your imagination run wild as you explore secret pathways, uncover hidden nooks, and marvel at the natural beauty around you. It's the perfect place to relax and soak in the peaceful atmosphere.Enjoy a picnic: After all the exploring, find a cozy spot in the shade and enjoy a picnic with your family. Bring along your favorite snacks and beverages, spread out a blanket, and savor the fresh air and beautiful surroundings. It's a great way to recharge and make lasting memories.The Showcase of Citrus is a truly magical place where you can have fun, learn something new, and connect with nature. So, grab your family and embark on a citrus-filled adventure in Orlando!Winter Park Scenic Boat TourThe Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour is a must-do activity for families visiting Orlando. It's a fantastic way to explore the beautiful lakes and canals of Winter Park and learn about the local wildlife and history. Hop aboard one of the charming pontoon boats and prepare for an adventure!Boat tour highlights include cruising through the tranquil lakes, gliding under picturesque bridges, and marveling at the stunning mansions that line the shores. As you glide along, keep your eyes peeled for various wildlife like turtles, birds, and even alligators. Your knowledgeable tour guide will provide interesting facts and stories about the area, making the experience both educational and fun.The best time to visit the Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour is during the cooler months when the weather is pleasant and wildlife is more active. Spring and fall are particularly great seasons to enjoy the tour, as the temperatures are mild and the scenery is vibrant.Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the breathtaking views and adorable wildlife you'll encounter along the way. And if you're lucky, you might even spot a playful otter or a graceful swan!Cassadaga Fairy TrailExploring the Cassadaga Fairy Trail is like stepping into a magical world filled with enchanting creatures and whimsical surprises. As we wandered along the trail, we discovered so many hidden wonders that delighted our imaginations.Here are a few things we loved about the Cassadaga Fairy Trail:Fairy Houses: Throughout the trail, we encountered tiny houses built for fairies. These adorable little homes were made from natural materials like twigs, leaves, and moss. Each one was unique and seemed to have its own special charm.Fairy Doors: As we continued our adventure, we noticed tiny doors scattered along the trail. These doors were so small that only fairies could fit through them. We couldn't help but wonder what magical worlds lay behind those doors.Fairy Gardens: The Cassadaga Fairy Trail is also home to beautiful fairy gardens. These miniature landscapes were filled with colorful flowers, tiny bridges, and even miniature ponds. It was like stepping into a world where fairies tended to their own little gardens.Nature's Magic: The trail itself is nestled in a lush forest, adding to the enchantment. The sunlight filtering through the trees created a dreamy atmosphere, and we felt like we were truly in a fairy tale.If you're looking for even more adventure, make sure to visit the nearby Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. This scenic drive takes you through a stunning landscape where you can spot various birds, alligators, and other wildlife. It's a great opportunity to learn about nature and see animals in their natural habitat.Kraft Azalea GardenAs we entered Kraft Azalea Garden, a magical oasis awaited us, filled with vibrant colors and breathtaking scenery. The Kraft Azalea Garden is located in Winter Park, Florida, and it's a hidden gem that both kids and adults will love. This enchanting garden is the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse yourself in nature's beauty.One of the best ways to explore Kraft Azalea Garden is by taking a Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour. These tours allow you to see the garden from a different perspective as you cruise along the tranquil waters of Lake Maitland. You'll be able to admire the azalea bushes in full bloom, as well as other native plants and wildlife that call this garden home.The highlight of the Kraft Azalea Garden is the towering cypress trees that line the shores of the lake. These majestic trees create a sense of wonder and provide shade on hot sunny days. You can take a leisurely stroll along the pathways, or find a cozy spot to have a picnic with your family. Don't forget to bring a blanket and your favorite snacks!If you're feeling adventurous, you can also rent a kayak or paddleboard and explore the lake at your own pace. This is a great way to get up close and personal with nature while enjoying some fun water activities. Just make sure to follow all safety guidelines and wear a life jacket.Whether you're a nature enthusiast or just looking for a peaceful place to relax, Kraft Azalea Garden is a must-visit spot in Orlando. So grab your family and embark on a magical adventure in this hidden oasis of beauty and tranquility.Wekiva IslandAfter our enchanting visit to Kraft Azalea Garden, we were eager to continue our exploration of secret spots in Orlando, and we couldn't wait to discover the wonders of Wekiva Island.Located in Longwood, Wekiva Island is a hidden gem that offers a wide range of outdoor activities for kids to enjoy.Here are four reasons why Wekiva Island is a must-visit destination:Outdoor activities at Wekiva Island: Whether your child loves swimming, canoeing, or paddleboarding, they'll find plenty of opportunities to have fun in the sun at Wekiva Island. The crystal clear waters of the Wekiva River are perfect for cooling off on a hot day, and the sandy beach is ideal for building sandcastles and playing games.Nature and wildlife at Wekiva Island: One of the highlights of Wekiva Island is its abundant wildlife. Kids can spot various species of birds, turtles, and even alligators as they explore the island. They can also learn about the importance of conservation and protecting the natural environment.Picnic spots and playgrounds: Wekiva Island provides several picnic areas where families can enjoy a delicious outdoor meal surrounded by nature. There are also playgrounds where kids can climb, slide, and swing to their heart's content.Outdoor movies and live music: In the evenings, Wekiva Island transforms into a magical place where families can watch movies under the stars or listen to live music performances. It's the perfect way to end a day of adventure and create lasting memories.At Wekiva Island, kids can embrace the freedom of being outdoors, connect with nature, and make unforgettable experiences. So pack your sunscreen, grab your swimsuits, and get ready for an unforgettable day at Wekiva Island!Nunan Butterfly GardenNunan Butterfly Garden is a magical place filled with colorful butterflies fluttering through lush gardens and enchanting pathways. It's a place where you can learn about the amazing world of butterflies while enjoying the beauty of nature. At Nunan Butterfly Garden, they're dedicated to conservation efforts and have educational programs that teach kids about the importance of protecting these delicate creatures.One of the highlights of Nunan Butterfly Garden is the native butterfly species that you can see up close. From the striking Monarch butterflies to the vibrant Swallowtails, there are so many different types of butterflies to discover. You can watch them as they land on flowers, sip nectar, and gracefully take flight. It's an experience that will leave you in awe of these incredible creatures.If you're interested in creating your own butterfly garden at home, Nunan Butterfly Garden also offers butterfly gardening tips. They can teach you which plants to choose to attract butterflies and provide them with a habitat. You'll learn how to create a welcoming environment for these beautiful insects and help support their populations.Inflatable Water ParksOne of the most exciting and fun-filled attractions for kids in Orlando are the inflatable water parks. These outdoor water play areas are a blast for children of all ages.Here are four reasons why inflatable water parks are a must-visit when you're in Orlando:Endless Water Fun: Inflatable water parks offer a wide variety of water activities that will keep kids entertained for hours. From giant water slides to obstacle courses and splash pads, there's never a dull moment at these parks. Kids can slide down slippery slides, jump on trampolines, and dive into pools of refreshing water.Safe and Supervised: Inflatable water parks prioritize safety and provide a supervised environment for kids to play. Trained lifeguards are always on duty, ensuring that children can enjoy their time in the water without any worries. Parents can relax knowing that their little ones are in good hands.Perfect for Hot Days: Orlando can get pretty hot, especially during the summer months. Inflatable water parks provide the perfect escape from the heat. Kids can cool off and have a splashing good time while enjoying the refreshing water. It's the ultimate way to beat the Florida heat!Active Outdoor Fun: Inflatable water parks offer a unique opportunity for kids to engage in active outdoor play. Instead of being cooped up indoors, children can run, jump, and slide in the great outdoors. It's a fantastic way to promote physical activity and keep kids active and healthy.Citrus TowerIf you're looking for a unique and exciting adventure in Orlando, make sure to visit the Citrus Tower. This iconic landmark offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area and is a must-see attraction for both kids and adults alike. The Citrus Tower stands tall at 226 feet and provides a panoramic view of the beautiful citrus groves, lakes, and rolling hills of Central Florida. It's a sight that you won't want to miss!To help you plan your visit to the Citrus Tower, here is a table with some important information:Citrus TowerLocationClermont, FLHeight226 feetBest Time to Visit Citrus TowerClear, sunny daysAdmission$10 for adults, $6 for childrenActivitiesObservation deck, gift shopThe best time to visit the Citrus Tower is on clear, sunny days when you can fully appreciate the breathtaking views from the observation deck. You'll be able to see for miles and take in the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the memories!In addition to the observation deck, the Citrus Tower also has a gift shop where you can find unique souvenirs to remember your visit. From citrus-themed merchandise to locally made crafts, there's something for everyone to enjoy.The Wizard of Oz MuseumThe Wizard of Oz Museum in Cape Canaveral is a magical and enchanting destination that will transport you and your kids into the whimsical world of Dorothy, Toto, and their friends. This hidden gem is filled with unique experiences that will surely delight both young and old. Here are four reasons why you should visit the Wizard of Oz Museum:Immerse Yourself in the Story: As you step inside the museum, you'll be greeted by life-sized statues of your favorite characters from the iconic movie. From the yellow brick road to the Emerald City, every corner of the museum is designed to make you feel like you've entered the Land of Oz.Explore Memorabilia: The museum houses an impressive collection of memorabilia, including costumes, props, and even Judy Garland's original ruby slippers. Kids will love seeing these iconic items up close and personal, and adults will appreciate the opportunity to relive the magic of the movie.Interactive Exhibits: The museum offers interactive exhibits that allow visitors to engage with the story of The Wizard of Oz. From a tornado simulator to a chance to try on different character costumes, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Educational Opportunities: The Wizard of Oz Museum also provides educational programs for schools and groups. Kids can learn about the history of the movie, the making of the film, and the impact it has had on popular culture.Dinosaur WorldGet ready to travel back in time and walk among the dinosaurs at Dinosaur World in Plant City, a prehistoric paradise that will ignite your kids' imagination and fascination with these magnificent creatures. Dinosaur World is an outdoor adventure park where you can experience the thrill of being surrounded by life-sized dinosaurs. As you explore the park, you'll encounter over 200 life-sized replicas of dinosaurs, from the towering T-Rex to the gentle Brachiosaurus.At Dinosaur World, there are plenty of activities to keep your little adventurers entertained. Check out the interactive fossil dig site, where kids can dig for their own fossils and learn about ancient fossils. Take a walk on the Dino Trail and discover interesting facts about different dinosaur species. Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the awe-inspiring moments!Here is a table to give you a better idea of what Dinosaur World has to offer:Outdoor Adventure ActivitiesAge RangeDescriptionFossil Dig Site3 and upExcavate fossils like a real paleontologist!Dino Trail5 and upLearn about different dinosaur species.Dino Playground2 and upClimb, slide, and play on dinosaur-themed equipment.Fossil Museum6 and upExplore a collection of real dinosaur fossils.Jurassic River Ride8 and upTake a thrilling rafting adventure through the Jurassic period.Dinosaur World is not only educational but also a whole lot of fun. So grab your hat, put on your explorer boots, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure at Dinosaur World!Bok Tower GardensBok Tower Gardens is a magical place where nature and music come together to create a truly enchanting experience for visitors of all ages. As you step into the gardens, you'll be surrounded by breathtaking botanical wonders that will leave you in awe. But Bok Tower Gardens is more than just a beautiful place to visit. It's also a hub of conservation efforts, working tirelessly to protect and preserve the natural world.Here are four reasons why Bok Tower Gardens is a must-visit spot in Orlando:Conservation efforts: Bok Tower Gardens is committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainability. They've implemented various initiatives like water conservation, recycling, and wildlife habitat restoration. By visiting the gardens, you're supporting their mission and contributing to the preservation of our planet.Botanical wonders: The gardens are home to an incredible variety of plants and flowers from all around the world. From vibrant orchids to towering palm trees, you'll be amazed by the diversity of botanical wonders that thrive in this serene setting. Take a leisurely stroll through the gardens and discover the beauty of nature up close.Musical melodies: As you explore the gardens, you'll be serenaded by the melodious tones of the Singing Tower. This iconic landmark houses one of the world's finest carillons, a musical instrument comprised of bells played by a keyboard. Don't miss the opportunity to attend a live carillon concert and let the music transport you to another world.Family-friendly activities: Bok Tower Gardens offers a range of activities that are perfect for families. Kids can participate in nature-themed scavenger hunts, interactive workshops, and educational programs. They can also unleash their creativity at the Children's Garden, where they can play, explore, and learn about the wonders of nature.Bok Tower Gardens is a hidden gem that combines conservation efforts, botanical wonders, and musical melodies to create an unforgettable experience for everyone. So, pack your sense of adventure and get ready to embark on a journey into the heart of nature at Bok Tower Gardens.Old Sugar Mill Pancake HouseLocated in De Leon Springs, the Old Sugar Mill Pancake House is a delightful breakfast spot that will satisfy your cravings for delicious pancakes in a unique and historic setting. When you step inside this hidden treasure, you'll feel like you've traveled back in time. The restaurant is housed in a building that was once a sugar mill, with its rustic charm and cozy atmosphere.Now, let's talk about the star of the show: the pancakes! The Old Sugar Mill Pancake House serves up some of the most mouthwatering pancakes you'll ever taste. From classic buttermilk pancakes to creative flavors like chocolate chip and blueberry, there's something for everyone. And don't forget to try their famous apple pancakes, made with fresh apples and sprinkled with cinnamon. They're simply divine!But it's not just the pancakes that make this place special. The Old Sugar Mill Pancake House also offers toppings galore, from whipped cream and syrup to fresh fruit and nuts. You can truly customize your pancake masterpiece and make it your own.And let's not forget about the setting. The Old Sugar Mill Pancake House is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a bubbling spring, making it the perfect spot for a leisurely breakfast with your family. After you've enjoyed your pancakes, take a stroll around the grounds and discover the beauty of De Leon Springs.The Disney Collection at Orlando Public LibraryAfter indulging in a delightful breakfast at the Old Sugar Mill Pancake House, our next hidden gem in Orlando takes us to the magical world of Disney at the Orlando Public Library. This library isn't your ordinary library - it houses a special collection dedicated to all things Disney!Here are four reasons why visiting The Disney Collection at Orlando Public Library is a must for kids:Education and Entertainment: Libraries are known for their vast collection of books, and The Disney Collection is no exception. Kids can dive into the world of Disney through books, magazines, and DVDs, expanding their knowledge and imagination. They can also enjoy interactive exhibits and storytimes that bring their favorite Disney characters to life.Disney's Impact on Popular Culture: Disney has had a huge impact on popular culture, and this collection allows kids to explore the history and influence of Disney in a fun and engaging way. They can learn about the creation of beloved characters like Mickey Mouse, the making of iconic Disney movies, and the evolution of Disney theme parks.Creative Inspiration: The Disney Collection at Orlando Public Library is a treasure trove of inspiration for young artists and writers. Kids can browse through concept art, storyboards, and behind-the-scenes materials to see how Disney movies are made. This can spark their creativity and encourage them to create their own stories and artwork.Community and Connection: Libraries aren't just about books, they're also about building a sense of community. The Disney Collection at Orlando Public Library is a place where Disney fans of all ages can come together, share their love for Disney, and connect with like-minded individuals. It's a place where friendships can be formed and memories can be made.Alaska Farms Goat YogaIf you're looking for a unique and fun activity in Orlando, look no further than Alaska Farms Goat Yoga. Imagine doing yoga poses while adorable goats roam around you. It's a fantastic way to spend time with your family and enjoy the benefits of yoga. Goat yoga is becoming increasingly popular because it combines the relaxation of yoga with the joy of interacting with animals. Here are some reasons why you should give goat yoga a try:Goat Yoga BenefitsGoat Yoga LocationsFun FactsRelieves StressAlaska FarmsGoats areImproves FlexibilityOrlandonatural climbersBoosts Moodand love to exploreEnhances Concentrationtheir surroundingsConnects with Natureand interact with peopleAlaska Farms in Orlando is one of the best places to experience goat yoga. They offer classes for all ages and skill levels, so everyone can join in on the fun. The farm is a beautiful and peaceful setting, perfect for a relaxing yoga session. As you practice your poses, the goats will wander around, curiously observing and sometimes even joining in on the action. It's guaranteed to make you smile and laugh throughout the entire session.Not only is goat yoga a great way to exercise and connect with animals, but it also has many health benefits. It can help relieve stress, improve flexibility, boost your mood, enhance concentration, and create a deeper connection with nature. Plus, goats are naturally curious and fun-loving creatures, making them the perfect companions for a yoga session.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Can I Access Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive?To access Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive, you can easily find parking at the entrance.Once you're there, get ready for an exciting adventure! This hidden gem in Orlando is a paradise for nature lovers.You'll have the chance to see a variety of wildlife, including birds, alligators, and more. Take your time driving along the scenic route and keep your eyes peeled for amazing sightings.Don't forget to bring your camera to capture the magic of Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive!What Can I Expect to See at the Showcase of Citrus?At the Showcase of Citrus, you can expect to see a vibrant citrus grove with rows and rows of juicy oranges and grapefruits. The smell of the citrus fills the air as you explore the farm.Kids can enjoy activities like picking their own fruit, taking a ride on a monster truck, or even feeding the friendly animals on the farm. It's a fun and interactive experience that the whole family will enjoy.Is the Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour Suitable for Young Children?The Winter Park boat tour is a great option for young children to enjoy in Orlando. It offers a scenic and relaxing experience on the water, where kids can learn about the local wildlife and history of the area.However, if you're looking for alternatives, there are plenty of other kid-friendly spots in Orlando, such as the Lake Eola Swan Boats or the Stanley Pond Adventure Farm. These places offer fun and interactive activities that cater to all ages.Are There Any Age Restrictions for the Cassadaga Fairy Trail?Are there any age restrictions for the Cassadaga Fairy Trail?Well, let me tell you, it's a magical place that kids of all ages will adore! There are no specific age restrictions, so everyone can enjoy the enchanting walk through the fairy-filled woods.And speaking of kid-friendly adventures, the Winter Park Scenic Boat Tour is perfect for young children. They'll love cruising along the beautiful canals and spotting wildlife.What Is the Best Time to Visit Kraft Azalea Garden?The best time to visit Kraft Azalea Garden for the popular photo spots is during the spring when the azaleas are in full bloom.The garden is a beautiful and serene place to capture stunning photos with your family. With its picturesque pathways, vibrant flowers, and scenic lake views, it's no wonder why Kraft Azalea Garden is a favorite spot for photographers and nature lovers alike.Don't forget to bring your camera and capture lasting memories in this hidden gem of Orlando.ConclusionIn conclusion, Orlando is a treasure trove of hidden gems for kids to explore. From the majestic wildlife at Lake Apopka to the enchanting Fairy Trail in Cassadaga, there are endless adventures waiting to be discovered.So, gather your family, embrace the excitement, and embark on a journey that will leave you with unforgettable memories. Orlando's secret spots are ready to be explored, so let's go on an extraordinary expedition of fun and fascination!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:26 rememberwerestardust Ever since my abusive ex left me, life lost all meaning

My mind isn’t very clear and I do not know how to express myself fully, nor do I know where to start.
My ex was 28 at the time we met, I was 19. Still a baby and still very immature, but a child in the eyes of a 28yo, or so it should be. Now that I am pushing 27 myself, it’s crazy to think what this man has done to me. I loved him so deeply, but the cheating and gaslighting and leaving me during the lowest period of my life absolutely broke me. It’s hard to grasp all of it but I had to admit myself into the psych ward.
Something in me snapped.
And then my friend killed herself, and my other friend did euthanasia, and I got tinnitus, and had lots of unwinding trauma to do, and friends got married and life went on, but for me time somehow stopped.
I don’t want my ex back, and I have had extensive therapy ever since, had new relationships, have done my fair share of fuckups and lessons and have become the grown adult I am today. I am proud for how I manage my emotions and for how stable I have become again.
But I cannot seem to find any meaning in life anymore. Because… there is none. I have no job because I don’t find meaning in having one and I see life as a transition to the end.
My IQ is 130 and it makes it very hard for me to not overanalyse everything.
How can one attach meaning to a life that is so meaningless and choose to be an absurdist every day & dance in this void knowing it will all end and nothing will have mattered? How can one save themselves choosing life?
submitted by rememberwerestardust to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:25 Capable-Angle-914 Am I wrong for telling my brother he’s the reason I have trust issues and that I don’t think he can make up for lost time?

I am a 16 year old girl and my brother is 27 years old. Growing up, it was mainly just me and my brother. My dad left shortly after I was born and my mom wasn’t around much. I know that my brother took all of the work to make sure that I was healthy and happy, and I can’t thank him enough for what he has done for me. He got a job at 15 to provide for us both while my mom was off doing God knows what. I was around 9 years old when my brother left for college at the age of 20. I remember he promised me that he would always come every weekend to check up on me and give me groceries for the week. For the first two years he kept true to his word. He would come by with food and hang out with me. I was lonely and sad without him, but I managed as best as I could for a child. It wasn’t until he met his girlfriend (now wife) that he changed. He stopped coming over as often, leaving me going hungry. I would text him, asking when he’d be back, and he would give me vague answers. I remember for two weeks I could only eat plan turkey sandwiches because that’s all I had to eat. Those vague answers soon turned into no answers. He would also make promises to me that he wouldn’t keep (e.g. buying me more food, clothes, money, etc.) I think I was around 12 or 13 when he stopped coming by entirely. He would no longer answer my texts and I would get no information about his life. He even had a kid when I was 14 that I didn’t even know about until a few days ago when he messaged me. I had honestly given up in ever contacting him again because it had been years since we last talked. He says that he wants to make up for lost time and that he misses me. I honestly felt so mad in that moment that I wanted to block him, but I didn’t. I instead agreed to meet with him. We met a few days later at the park we grew up nearby. He was there with his wife and son. When he saw me he got teary eyed and tried to hug me, but I pushed him away and told him I don’t like hugs anymore. He seemed hurt and that made me just the slightest bit happy. He started talking about what life was like in and after college and what he’s doing now. He said that now that I’m older he wants to be able to do more stuff with me that he missed out on. To put it bluntly, I went crazy on him. Here is a gist of what I said: “I’ve missed you a lot. I remember always turning on my phone to see if you had even responded to even one of my countless messages. For years I heard not one word out of you. I went hungry and dirty because you were no longer around. I get that you had to live your own life, but I didn’t know it included kicking me out of it. I was basically an orphan because Mom was never around. I was 13 when my period started and I didn’t have any money to buy what I needed. And why do you think that my texts randomly stopped one day? It’s because I have up on you. I gave up on you ever being able to care about me like you used to. Because of you I can’t trust people and what they promise me because I’m afraid they will leave me like you did. So I don’t care if you want to make up for lost time, and I don’t think you can because it’s your fault.” By the end of my rant he was crying and his wife was giving me the death stare. He started apologizing and saying that he didn’t know that was how I felt. I called BS because there is no way he never saw any of those texts I sent. After that I left and sobbed when I got home. I love my brother, I really do, but I don’t think it’s fair for him to try and come back like nothing happened.
submitted by Capable-Angle-914 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:24 yodabutter69 Does anybody have experience with intermittent fasting? Is it safe?

So I have had 3 seizures before. Over the course of 8 or so years. After the second one I started taking lamictal but the doctor was trying to switch me to something else, so we cut my lamictal dosage and half and I was supposed to be starting the other one. I don’t remember exactly what happened and yes maybe I am an idiot for not doing it right and I do feel dumb about it. But I was taking a less than therapeutic dose. 200 mg a day instead of 400. And I believe I was taking the 200XR. When I had the seizure the doc immediately did a blood test and found the level of lamotrigine in my body was not a therapeutic dose. I slowly increased my dosage to 400.
So now I take 400 mg, I have been tested and there is a therapeutic dose in my blood. I have not had any seizures since I started the proper dosage.
So after the second seizure is when I started the meds and about 2 years later I had another seizure. I was very sleep deprived, was mourning, hadn’t ate properly and was playing a music festival and it happened during my set. I say these bc they all can be factors.
Anyway it has been about 10 months since my last seizure. I have been gaining weight Ever since I can remember. I started an SSRI a while back that just made me gain more. I haven’t been able to go to the gym much bc I injured my wrist, I know I could still go but I want to play basketball and climb and not just sit on a machine the whole time. I want to be better at it but I am working towards getting more exercise.
The main problem with my diet is late at night. I will eat healthy all day and then at night I just want to eat trash and sugar sugar sugar. I have found that it is super effective for me to fast bc if I stop eating at a certain time I will consume no garbage and sugar that night bc I have already stopped eating.
My neuro said that keto or being in ketosis is effective in treating seizures and I have heard fasting is a big part of keto. My concern is that I did not have proper food in my body at the time of the last seizure. I am just wondering if intermittent fasting is ok or if it would put me more at risk for having a seizure. I know ketosis can achieved by the diet and or fasting. So kind of seems confusing.
I would appreciate any helpful or positive input.
Also side note in case it matters- I am also taking pantaprozale for acid reflux and recently started vyvanse again but am not taking it every day.
TIA! ❤️
submitted by yodabutter69 to Epilepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:24 Odd-Hand-2026 New Eurasia = magog / Masai when they hated them is prob was true at that time these mixes were prob new (same way i hate the ones now… its the fraud) I’m def NOT Blasian wayyyyy different estate. So when Chris BROWN prob said I’m not Asian its a joke.. I’m MORE asian..

their is no caucasian without a Asian.. a blasian is sex magic.. its an inferior race .. thats what they koreans prob didn’t like.. Labor class.. but understand the sea is important “lil faith” some soul and not to take from the sea all the time because the sea needs rest.. this is why fish of doom came up.. they need enough time to rest. it must rest or it cant replenish.. don’t bring AA , industry or chaos to the SEA.. if you wanna preserve this earth. Warning from nature was given.. i urge warning why because I don’t recommend any planets giving you refuge if you destroy this one.. their is no great figure of note who is fcking blasian.. you become apart of a tree for the ONE sent.. but in my case we only are from sea and old races of Natives that are or have been dying. Every race of people i am i only saw in pictures by the time I came they were dying out/gone. The Mystery of what it means. God has prepared a table in the presence of my enemies. NOT MY FRIEND MY ENEMIES. People not off you to stop their plans or ignorance.. The warning from God is to be careful to show hospitality for you may entertain angels in DISGUISE!! Also My ancestors look nothing like me in defilement (for the blend in…and we not talking that far back .. but those who stayed to their own people in SEA are actually oldest its why they richer than Major who’s fights ascension battles cost way more.. and dayum near impossible.. they usually get the inferior colbalt.. the Fake. But those you looking down upon from the Sea 🌊 this is the oldest group of Eurasians. (N ⚪️) (M ⚫️ 🙋🏽‍♀️) R = 🇮🇳 men (Y). Crazy rich Asians = SEA people.. they should not mix with anyone . Unless they trying come up and what be Asian major but it will be a different element (elemental) and a cost.. their is some new ones formed I posted one couple both parents are models.. they are in right order .. whatever they doing .. Asian major can not mix with anyone .. its the black Indian man Cushitic that mixed with Nymphs from the sea . Not no neegas .. AA’s bring Choas and destruction . This is not a good idea.. ID but be reclaimed in Saturn return..
submitted by Odd-Hand-2026 to TartarianAR [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:23 TysonSheaLee Starts with a handshake

Starts with a handshake
I always took pride in having a client for many years and once they started there family they trusted me with there kids hair also....
After a period of time the skill comes naturally so speed is irrelevant to work on... What takes time to develop is conversation.... Banter.... It's something that can absolutely be developed.... Over the years I have heard this is the hardest part.... One of the simplest starts to a new relationship with a client which I believe to be overlooked is the handshake...... Shake the hand of your client no matter the age.... Children think there big boys and part of a special club when they walk into the barbershop.... Adults look at it as a form of respect.... Don't call your client over like your herding sheep... Walk to them, introduce yourself and shake the damn hand!
submitted by TysonSheaLee to Barber [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:23 criwanku please give me advice

i’ve struggled with my sleep since i was a child i’ve heard all the stories from my parents about how awful i was as a child because i wouldn’t sleep and in my teenage years i spent my nights awake but would atleast be able to sleep during the day or the day after but now i’m going days without sleeping, regularly experiencing hallucinations and passing out , i’m loosing days of my memory , and it’s getting dangerous , the other day i was sat on the end of my bed and could smell that my candle had went out but got confused because i had no memory of lighting the candle and as i grabbed my phone i noticed a day had gone by and i had no idea . every time i’ve spoken to a doctor they don’t want to take me seriously i’ve been given multiple different antidepressants to try help my depression thinking that may be the reason and they never work , ive been given anti anxiety medication to try help that never works , i tried high strength melatonin and all that did was when i finally slept made my nightmares worst , i was even given diazepam and that didn’t do anything and the doctors have just given up and throw a course of zoplicone at me every other month when it gets seriously bad and not even those help . it’s really too much now and i don’t know how much more i can take of this . i’m sorry for rambling i was just wondering if anyone has been in a similar position and has any advice < 3 (i’ve also tried non medical things such as good sleep hygiene eg no screens eating n going to bed at a certain time and exercise and routine but none of that works , for a little bit awhile ago audio books and a weighted sleeping mask helped but that’s stopped working now )
submitted by criwanku to insomnia [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:23 Ok_Web_1877 Review: Dorky Girl GETS REVENGE On Hot Guy, What Happens Is Shocking

Today I am reviewing what I believe to be the most disappointing Dhar Mann video of all time. It had potential, I was invested... then Dhar Mann just completely fumbled it. Expect me to get more scathing and frustrated as this review goes on.
This is also a weird twilight zone moment because Azeem, who famously salvages bad Dhar Mann videos, is one of the main contributors to what made this video awful (His character I mean, not Azeem himself).
Our story begins in the school theatre. Auditions are happening, and our titular dorky girl, Julie (Cecily Dowd), nails it. She does so well, in fact, that the heads of the drama club close up all remaining auditions for that role. That's pretty fucking mean if you ask me. Next up is our titular hot guy, Chase, a jock who hates being a jock. His audition sucks, and the coaches tell him that he's not getting the role.
What the fuck is going on here? Cutting off an audition early is one thing, but outright telling somebody they're not getting the part??? This is like the inverse problem with the tryouts for Bookside's Football team I covered last week. Between this and dismissing all people who haven't auditioned for Julie's role yet, this is super unprofessional.
Disheartened, Chase goes to the back of the theatre to sit with his unnamed narc friends (Azeem Vecchio and Nathan Ing. Knowing that it's these two good actors in this role makes this video just...). We learn that Chase knows he sucks, but he needs to get a role, otherwise his dad will make him play baseball again. We get a namedrop of Chase's bitch of a girlfriend, who blew him off to go shopping. Julie comes by and gives her condolences to Chase. Once she walks away, the narc friends make fun of her, and Chase gets a call from Bitch bitching about shopping or some bullshit. She verbally abuses him and also insists that he sticks to baseball.
Wow, a sympathetic protagonist! This is rare in Dhar Mann. Chase is a good guy, but he's manipulated by an abusive dad and a controlling girlfriend. It doesn't help that his friends suck too.
We cut to lunchtime at school the next day, and typical Dhar Mann plot contrivances occur. The male lead (the role Chase tried out for) turned down the part because he got cast on Broadway... you didn't have to go that far for an excuse Dhar Mann lmao. Oh but the contrivance gets even worse, because apparently the directors are giving Julie full power over who the male lead will be... Excuse me?
Why are the directors letting some random student decide this? This is especially contrived considering we saw how unprofessional and absolutist they were earlier... what the fuck. Anyway, narc friends pressure Chase into doing yet another bad thing: manipulating Julie into casting him by pretending to be romantically interested. This is made even worse by the fact that Julie has had a crush on Chase since they were little. That's fucked up, narc friends. They at least made Chase sympathetic enough to understand why he went along with this.
I have to give it to Chase here, because he doesn't outright ask Julie for the role or even pressure her to give it to him. He approaches her asking to help him get better. He's sincere in his compliments to her about how great her singing and acting is. He gets her number, and they arrange to hangout and practice together. So far, Chase isn't in the wrong yet.
We cut to the next day, in the theatre, where Chase is auditioning by reading a scene with Julie. Once again, I have to give a Dhar Mann video credit on something. It's annoying how his videos always repeat the message of the video word for word, but here, the message is stated in a fictional play that these are reciting. That's a bit more clever if you ask me, and MUCH more tolerable. Nevertheless, the directors are not impressed with Chase. They ask to speak with Julie in private... why? They've already been so mean to Chase right to his face, why hold back now lmao. In any case, the directors really don't like Chase, and Julie, at least for a moment, begrudgingly resolves to tell him he's not getting the part.
Julie tries to let Chase down lightly, and this is where Chase finally enters "in the wrong" territory. In a last ditch effort to keep his shot at landing this role, he lies to Julie by telling her that he likes her. Leaning on somebody who likes you to improve at something? Sure. Having them help you audition with their endorsement? Fine. Lying to them to manipulate them into nepotism? That's wrong and messed up. He even lies to Julie and tells her that him and Bitch broke up. Unfortunately, Julie falls for all of this, and overrides the director's decision.
We cut to Chase hanging out with Bitch at some salon. She never shuts the fuck up until Chase mentions Julie in passing. Chase... buddy... you fuck up here... He tells Bitch about his master plan to manipulate Julie. Why do characters in Dhar Mann snitch on themselves so fucking much?!
Julie and Chase are reading lines that mimic their situation a little too closely. That in itself is fine, I just reaaaally hope that they don't break the 4th wall (and insult our intelligence) by acknowledging this. Chase and Julie start genuinely bonding and it's actually an immersive romance for once. They find out they have so much in common and we see a spark form. Even having watched this before, I genuinely forgot about Chase's plan. For the first time, ever, Chase is realizing that Bitch doesn't even remotely care about him the same way that Julie does.
For once, I actually enjoy a montage. The music actually fits, and we see a lot of cute romantic moments. It's so heartwarming, in a way that Dhar Mann videos fail to tug at my heartstrings. Like I said, I was sooooo invested in this video and it had so much potential.
We cut to the day of the show, and Chase's narc friends... oh, right, these clowns still exist... they sneak backstage and support Chase... sort of. They don't congratulate him on a job well done, they congratulate him on manipulating Julie and talk mad shit about her... like why don't you guys just fuck off and get a life already? They leave, and Julie walks, with a massive glowup! Literally every other Dhar Mann character glowup sucks except for this one. Not only are 99% of the now "hot" people at the very median of the bell-curve, but even IF they actually were that attractive, NOBODY reacts irl with the hyperbolic drooling that Dhar Mann characters do. This glow up works because they don't put Julie on a pedestal, nobody ogles her, and nobody suddenly acts really nice to her. It's a much more realistic, Chase tells her she's beautiful, and that's it.
Chase and Julie absolutely knock it out of the park on stage, and the crowd goes wild! This is the only time I recall getting shivers from a video in a Dhar Mann video. The chemistry is so real, for one and one time only in Dhar Mann! Backstage again, Chase and Julie share a romantic moment, but they're still in intermission, so Julie leaves momentarily.
We are at 17 minutes of this 22 minute video. It was good for 17 minutes. These last 5 minutes are all completely fucking downhill... Dhar Mann absolutely FUMBLED this video in the remaining time!!!!
I genuinely stopped writing and watching for a minute to brace myself for how enraged I am going to get from this point out...
Narc friends sneak back stage again and... how does this keep happening?! And sure they tell him he's awesome and all, which is new, but other than that, they give the EXACT FUCKING SAME exposition that they did before the play started. Even in the context of this story, why? Why do this again? Oh, and they don't just loudly announce Chase's plan quietly among themseleves, they fucking declare this shit so loud that the entire world can hear. Including Julie...
Julie is obviously devastated, but what's even worse is that the narc friends just fucking skedaddle. Some fucking friends, right? They seriously left Chase alone to endure Julie's wrath. Even IF they don't know that Chase developed genuine feelings for Julie, isn't it still in their best interest to help Chase so he doesn't have to play baseball again?! At the very very very very least, the friends should say something like "dont blame Chase! He's a good guy, this was all our idea and we put him up to it!" but no. They just take off. No retribution. No consequences. Nothing. Chase gets the entirety of the rage and the blame.
The whole "I was using you at first but grew to actually like you" trope is something common in Dhar Mann. Dhar has made complete assholes get off scot-free and have a happy ending. Here you have a genuine guy who made a mistake and knows it, and he gets the absolute worst of it.
Oh, it gets even worse though... because in another extreme coincidence, this is THE ONE AND ONLY TIME that Bitch decides to care about Chase's life, and show up backstage (HOW ARE SO MANY AUDIENCE MEMBERS GOING BACK DURING INTERMISSION???) to give PDA right in front of Julie. Bitch literally says right in front of Julie "Why is she crying? Did she find out you were just pretending to like her?" Like holy fuck this is overkill! You don't need to narc on Chase this goddamn much!
Despite everything I just said post the 17 minute mark... This video had one more chance for redemption. Dhar Mann could have, and came soooooo close to redeeming this mess... I have to brace myself once again.
In the second half of the show, Julie's tone is much more scathing, while Chase's is completely timid. Usually I hate when, in fiction, people resolve their conflicts on stage by "being themselves", but here... it works. Chase breaks character and gives a sincere, honest apology and plea for forgiveness. I know I've used this phrase a lot, but it is such a heartfelt moment. If any character in Dhar Mann ever deserved forgiveness and a second chance for being genuinely repentant, it is Chase. Hell, even the entire damn audience is rooting for Chase and wants Julie to forgive and embrace him!
20 minute mark. 2 minutes remain, and we just had another peak moment after a valley, so surely this video can't fuck it up... right?
Julie runs off stage and the director calls an impromptu intermission. But then we cut to the next day at school... What? No! You can't just not tell us what happened the rest of the night and what became of the show!
Chase goes up to Julie at her locker with a gift of their favorite food. Chase tells Julie that he broke up with Madison, much to Julie's indifference. Chase is wearing a "so you see..." backpack by the way... Dhar Mann was INTENT on ruining this video holy shit.
Julie tells Chase that she talked to the director and they have decided to recast Chase's rol- HUH?! What??? What the fuck do you mean recast his role?? They JUST HAD the show!!! What do you mean for the rest of the run? That's not how school plays work. And no, there's no bullshit about it just going on a few more days of this weekend, because Julie specifically says that she can't bring herself to dance with Chase EVERY weekend!
I started banging my head into my desk once Julie said "Did you not learn anything from the show? Like my character says: The truth doesn't cost you-" AHHHH fuck off. The one and only time you had a somewhat clever way of veiling the message of the video, you had to fuck it up Dhar Mann by having her just outright point to the intended message... Julie takes the food and walks away. The end.
...yes... that's actually how they decided to end this. What the fucking fuck? This is so incredibly anticlimactic and absolutely nothing is resolved. Chase is still under the abuse of his dad, his narc friends are off scot free, and Julie is still crushed. Dhar Mann has redeemed absolutely irredeemable scumbags and given happy endings to sociopaths, but Chase of all characters ends up with an EVEN SHITTIER life than how the video started?! This is even worse with the next suggested video being Anna from "Nerds Get Revenge on Cool Teens", an absolute fucking cunt of character who gets off scot-free and suffers no penalties for the shitty things she does INCLUDING USING SOMEBODY ROMANTICALLY, which she neither regrets nor suffers repercussions for. Just get the fuck out of my face already. Fuck this video, fuck the suggested video, and fuck Dhar Mann for ruining one of the only potentially good videos he ever made.
Sorry for how heated I got in this review. I can assure you that no other video even comes close to disappointing me on this level. It just... you know what, nevermind, I've said everything I need to say.
See you all next week for another review! Leave any recommendations below!
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