Food from congo

Tales From Fast Food

2012.07.06 07:43 tyman2651 Tales From Fast Food

Stories from working in fast food restaurants. Post your written tale here. No business names please.

2017.05.31 02:05 rickjackwood Horrible food pictures from amateur photographers!

Although all food pictures are allowed, badfoodporn focuses on bad food photography, specifically amateur food pictures from social media.

2014.08.07 21:52 AOL_ Food Los Angeles

Food Los Angeles is dedicated to showcasing food from all over the greater Los Angeles area. Share pictures, reviews and news, and get food advice straight from the hungry Angelenos that know best!

2024.05.17 03:08 No-Dragonfruit-6102 The Tenuous Watch

Romuna Administrative Orbital Headquarters, United Confederation Occupied Territories of Earth (QUAL-ZANV)
May 8, 1945
Commander Dunajski
- - - - - -
We were the watchful eyes over Earth. That was my job. The only thing second to that was the search for the missing pieces of my life.
As usual, however, that work was hard. After all, the past two years had been the same process. I get my human subordinates to find a list of names from anywhere: concentration camps, labour camps, ghettos, and all of those rotten places. Then, they'd hand me a report with the unimportant names blacked out and only the specific names I needed were left uncrossed. I had spent two years doing that process, every day on this station was spent doing that. Finding those two was the main goal of my life; It's what let me wake up every morning. The hope of a reunion.
But, until I got my hands on another report, I was keeping myself busy with monitoring my subordinates on the Romnua Space Headquarters as we orbited over Southern Africa. Something to help me take my mind off of everything was admiring our native Earth from my post. The golden deserts of Namibia and the green rainforests of the Congo dominated the view from the huge glass wall that separated us from the cold vacuum of space. Although I’ve been on this damn station for two years now, the sights never cease to get a gasp of amazement from me.
The Confederation used this station and 16 others to monitor and keep tabs on anything happening on Earth. We were the keen observers that protected Earth from any foreign incursion.
A bit ironic coming from the people who invaded us.
At least the Germans didn’t fill us with such lies.
The only reason why they chose me to run this joint human-Confederation sector was because I was an unwilling favourite of their high command. I was one of the best remaining generals in Poland. I served in the Great War and the Polish-Soviet War as a lowly troop, but I was a respected general by the time of the German invasion in 1939.
I defended my country for as long as I could. I resisted for a long time after our official surrender. When the Nazis got to me, they carted me off to a labour camp. Then I escaped and continued the fight on the British Isles, being airdropped and ferried out on multiple occasions. Once the Confederation arrived, my fight against the Nazis and their brutal occupation ended, but I was left without the sunshine of my life.
“Here’s the registered civilian report, sir,” a Lithuanian lieutenant saluted as he handed me a manila folder with a printed paper that had a list of names typed onto it. Even though Lithuania and Poland weren’t the greatest of chums before the war, occupation by the Soviet and Nazi barbarians created a sense of tragic camaraderie between our people.
“Did you file out the names?” I asked calmly, flipping open the folder. I kept my ears open for the response as I waded my hands across pages of paper with smooth flips.
“Yes, sir,” the lieutenant replied as my eyes scanned the paper. The names were crossed out in black marker. I scanned it top-to-bottom and page after page. I began to lose hope even more, but then again, it’s not like there was much left of it anyway.
I had been searching for them for two long years. Two years of going against the rules of our hulky alien occupiers. I used their systems to find evidence and our tools to file them out into something comprehensible. I wouldn’t trust an “AI” to find the names I was looking for. The Germans kept well organised records of everything well-organised, so a good thorough search was probably the best thing I had. Still, however, it was an arduous process.
But, just as that thought appeared in my mind, it was my eyes that had fixed on the one name I had been anticipating for the last two years:
Katarzyna Kaminski. My love.
I must’ve jumped with joy. I’d done it! I found her! After what? Six long years of waiting and searching! Finally! First my wife, and then that would open the gate to finding my son too! After so long! I’d see them again! This day was something to be remembered forever!
“Oh, you did your job spectacularly!” I cheered to the lieutenant. However, his expression was more grim.
“Ne, pone,” he advised sombrely in Lithuanian, shaking his head. "The top of the page.”
I was so hooked in my search for any sign of my family that I forgot to even read the title of the page. Looking up, my eyes locked onto the print and read. In a moment, my hopes were stamped out and rage and suffering swallowed my heart like the deep blue ocean.
Registered List of All Prisoners Killed in Auschwitz Death Camp in the Year of Our Lord 1942
Everything went silent in an instant. I froze upright with my eyes glued to the paper. My ears began to ring like a shell had just hit nearby. My face bubbled red in embarrassment, rage, and most of all, misery. My legs felt just about ready to collapse inward and my hips were ready to explode outwards. My body pushed against itself, betraying my fundamental being as my eyes reread the name over and over, trying to make some worthless attempt to console my burning body of emission. None of it worked.
My Katarzyna. Gone. In one sentence. All my joy trampled in a second.
She died not even with a proper burial. She died leaving her son and not knowing if her fighting husband would even embrace her again. All of my searching, and the result was this. This.
It seems that the story of my search for my loved ones ended here. But upon reviewing the rest of the list in silence, I couldn’t find a single mention of a Jakub Dunajski. All my hope was gone to the extent that I held out no idea that Jakub survived the camps.
If his mother didn’t, then he didn’t either.
The final verdict of my search hit me like a train: I would never see my family again.
That depressing day I had to leave them in September of that fateful year was the last time I’d ever see my son and wife again. Our paths diverged with me toling in labour camps hoping to escape to find them once more. And while I was fighting onwards in England, they were shipped to Auschwitz to die. While I was toiling in captivity, they were being beaten and tortured daily. While the Confederation swept across Europe, they were gassed or gunned down in their cots.
After all this time, the thought that I had been suppressing for my entire search was now the dominant ruler of my brain. It was the fact that I had failed them.
I did not sob loudly, I did not scream. Nor did I stamp the floor or tear the page from the folder. I resisted them all. As I had for the past six years. The only response the Lithuanian got from me was a barely audible whimper and a tear.
The tear rolled from my eye down my shaved cheek, slowly dripping down and curving up to my chin in a swift motion. It hung there delicately as if it was absorbing all of my pain into it. Then, when the load became too much for it to bear, it fell. Quickly slipping off and dropping down before it slapped against the white page with a plop. A stain that looked like a crater in no man’s land now rested, ingrained into the paper that killed my hope.
The paper that essentially killed my wife.
Silence engulfed the room and ringing my ears as the words and black marker on the paper became no more than a blur, incomprehensible and unidentifiable. That’s what I wanted anyway, every glance at the page would just finalise the fact that it all was over. That I was alone.
“Legion-Commander Henix wants to see you,” an unforgiving feminine alien voice came from behind me. I jumped in response as my head flew back to meet the alien.
It was a Yetiayhu. And, as was apparently commonplace, they had the typical fangs and talons that all species other than us seemed to have, along with a giant tail that had a little ball of fur at the very end of it. Adding onto that, the Yetiayhu had large expansive cool-coloured frills that were interrupted by little blackish-blue dots here and there, like some Amazonian animal. Their bodies were slimmer than others but still pretty much buff tanks compared to me.
“For what purpose?” I replied with a brow raised in suspicion. My experience in the military and as a resistance head gave me a good tutorial on how to suppress the tears in one’s voice. After years upon years of endless trial and error, I had pretty much perfected it. But, in the case of my reddened eyes, I brought the brim of my military cap down to obscure my eyes.
“He didn’t tell me. Get moving,” the Yetiayhu hissed, her frills fluttering in annoyance.
I almost forgot that the aliens didn’t give a shit about any of our feelings. I’m sure showing too much emotion was an offence in the Confederation military. Could you imagine emotion being a punishable offence? What sort of dystopian fascist hellhole did that!?
Oh wait, I could think of one: Nazi Germany.
My eyes subtly fixed on the Yetiayhu with a bit of contempt that she came to me at my worst moment. I just found out that my wife was unceremoniously killed in a death camp, and she was just acting as pouty as a kid. Granted, she didn’t know of my suffering, but that attitude is deserving of a wrist-slap back on my world.
Too bad for me, the world I’m referring to was no longer even ours anymore.
“You better show some respect,” I huffed, containing my emotions in a little capsule of misery.
“Last time I checked, you were still a transpec,” she scoffed. “Get to his office. Now.”
I couldn’t say no. The first was because she was right about our species’ standing as a “Transitional Species”. But the other reason was because the females of these species were huge. It made sense since their system of governance was a matriarchy. But even then, this bitchy Yetiayhu was a good 2.3 metres tall, towering over me by quite a bit.
Why the hell were these species so damn demonic? Did nature really just shit on us for all of evolution? Every single alien species I had ever seen was some sort of superhuman being. Was there some galactic hierarchy that I didn’t know of? But whatever, there was nothing I could ever do about that fact. The most concerning thing on my platter now was finding the fate of my only child. Whatever Henix had would have to come second.
But either way, I obliged. Leaving my little command sector with a scowl. The doors hissed shut behind me and I turned to my left and began my journey. To prevent an emotional disaster, I tried to ease my haywire senses by inspecting the futuristic facility around me.
Around me was a circular walkway that wrapped around the edge of the station as the outer rim wrapped around the core. Now that I think about it, the station resembled more like a solar system than the bullseye some of the Hungarians compared it to. There was a huge spherical central command at the core of the structure, and then there were the rims. Those were essentially shorter tube structures that wrapped around the centre. Like an orbit.
But these “orbits” weren’t separated by any spaces at all and were all bunched together and connected. The only open space in this station was between the centre and the outer sectors, which was only punctuated by multiple pressurised walkways. The other sectors and posts were in a concentric batch of circular structures around the core. Where I was going, was into the core.
I strolled along the outskirt walkway before taking a right turn into the deeper sections of the station. The view changed from a large window of space to machines and tech beyond my comprehension as I made my way into the inner sectors. The closer it was to the core, the more important it was. These areas were exclusively for the Confederation members, so no human without permission or clearance could enter. But apparently, they were okay when I was there. Many of them gave parting glances before getting back to their work on their “holograms” and “holopads”.
That was something to note, the tech difference between our two civilisations was greater than we could even conceived of, following the Armistice. I watched as humanity went from pigeons and telegraphs to radios and enigma. Now these aliens had “networks” and “internets”. All the new tech was annoying and complex, I never knew what to do. That’s why my sector, the only sector with humans, used telegraphs, enigma, morse, paper, ink, pen, typewriters, and everything else that you would find in an earthly workplace.
I went through a workplace that was basically a science fiction book. It had bright white individual work pods, big glowing blue screens that weren’t even tangible, and so many other things that were too much for me to comprehend. This was stuff only a writer could come up with! Even if we had all of the guns, tanks, and planes our planet’s resources would’ve let us make, it still wouldn’t have even come close to the weapons of the Confederation and their sophistication.
After a long stroll through the labyrinth of connected stations and workplaces, I finally reached the connecting walkways. I entered a little middle chamber that hissed a little gas onto me and ran over me with a blue and red laser. The other doors then opened and I was let through into the lightless walkway.
Once again, only space shined through the top glass dome that ran across the whole upper section of the walkway. But even if I wanted to, I couldn’t even gaze at the stars due to the circumference of the spherical central command blocking half my vision. The outside cover of the sphere was white and hexagon padded, which just added to the already humongous gap between humanity and our Confederation conquerors.
But, even if I looked beyond that when no structures were blocking my view, I could see at least a hundred or more blocky slabs of black and grey.
And there it was, the Confederation Occupational Fleet. It was so menacing with all of their Vatican-sized ships. Except, those ships were only frigates. Their fleet had cruisers, frigates, destroyers, battleships, battle cruisers, carriers, supercarriers, and everything in between. All to monitor our little desolate rock of two billion.
Their supercarriers which were probably the size of Rome, were the prides of the enemy fleet. Those bulky beasts and their battleships were the literal symbols of their superiority. All of these ships had enough firepower to raze a good million or so Earths. Why they sent all of this to deal with a species that hadn’t done anything past grazing space with a V-2 rocket was beyond me.
Overkill, My mind ranted to itself. Ego just radiates off those ships like heat from the sun!
Speaking of the sun, in a good few months, there wouldn’t even be one.
Or, to be more specific, it would be pretty much enclosed in a megastructure to harness power from it. The Confederation called their mad project a “Hrana Complex”. Construction began even before they attacked Earth, and they were making progress. Whenever a human complained about it, the Confederation ilk always shot them down with either a patronisation of their primitive nature or a response that there would be a small window for Earth to receive light; As if that was better.
The sun was dimmer and dimmer by the day, the one light that all humans looked up to was fading. Blocked out by tech and machines from the occupying powers. That’s like if the Germans built a big space shield to block America from the sun and kill all of their crops or something.
The idea was so alien that not even I could come up with a relatable explanation for it!
After a long while of distracting myself with successful results, I finally reached the other side of the walkway, which was a large metal door. I now had to push the heavy metal door open with difficulty as it slowly hissed open. Upon entering, I was greeted by two Bwkas, who were basically supersized humanoid bears, but with deadly attributes tripled in their power and appearance. Of course, I was met with the average stare of contempt as I made my way up to them.
“And why are you here?” one of them growled with venom as it balanced its heavy rifle in its claws. Those “rifles” were the size of an anti-tank rifle or an Ami bazooka. The difference was that it was also automatic and powered by plasma. Just by seeing that, anyone could’ve already predicted it to you that humanity was doomed from the start of the war.
“Legion-Commander Henix wanted to speak with me?” I replied with a head tilt.
“Up the stairs and down the left hall to the right,” the other grumbled with a snarl of its fangs. He was talking as if I didn’t know where my own senior officer was.
I rolled my eyes secretly and trudged on. Scurrying off into the main lobby, I gazed up to see that the vertex of the roof was an absolutely stupendous 40 metres high! That just added a cavernous feeling to the multi-floored white chamber. It was a whole office building in space.
Not many of those were left in Warsaw anyway.
As I made my way toward the circulating stairwell, my gaze snapped to the circular stellar map that projected a huge three-dimensional view of the galaxy. I couldn’t help but be mesmerised by the glowing non-touchable lights every time I saw it. The map was of the whole known galaxy, the dark pink was the Confederation at the centre. It was huge, at least triple the size of the second largest power, whose name was in an alien tongue unknown to me. All the other colours were of the different species that were independent states and empires of their own.
Free from the forced “civilising” we were suffering through.
Annoyingly, my long black military boots slapped against the clean granite floor with loud audible clacks. This, of course, instantly drew attention from all the beasts around me. All of them looked at me with confusion before it morphed into what I assumed was judgment. These species didn’t think highly of us at all. I mean, according to them, we were uncivilised brutes. Dumb primates that just invented new ways of chucking rocks at one another.
Now, that wasn’t wrong per se. But, it wasn’t nice when that was their one sole opinion of our species.
From the beginning of my tenure here, they practically spat on me. They saw my use of our antiquated tech to be insubordination, and savage in nature. Whenever I did my Polish two-fingered salute, they saw it as disrespect and dishonour. Whenever I didn’t eat the same solely raw and carnivorous diet as them, I was a disgusting omnivore who was a greedy bastard wanting to steal from both sides.
Whatever that meant! Imagine being persecuted because of what you ate! On Earth, we were prosecuting each other over other stupid things like skin, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, how people looked, and everything else similar.
Nobody was stupid enough to get mad at each other over food. Muslims didn’t kill Christians over eating pork. Jews didn’t kill Muslims over them eating dairy and meat on the same plate. Food was food. We all needed it to survive. Yet, the aliens saw it as just another thing to hate us for.
How could these things hate us but somehow still force themselves to occupy us? Why didn’t they just let us duke it out in the battlefields and on the high seas? Why were they just lamer Nazis? Death by slow assimilation and bigotry was worse than death by starvation, labour, or the firing squad.
Making my way up some circulating steps to the second floor, I took the turn and rushed down the hall before finding the door to Henix’s room. Pushing it open with a low drum, I was met with the dark room of Legion-Commander Henix. The only thing lighting the room was, of course, empty space. Since we were higher than the orbiting sectors, his window was actually able to see into the rest of outer space.
The dimming sun reflected off of the station’s concentric exterior and the stars shined bright through thick glass and into the little dark room. The floor was akin to an emerald-coloured rug and the walls were shelves for storage devices like their “pads” and “drives”.
“Greetings, sir,” I opened to the Kohaul with a two-fingered Polish salute.
The Kohaul were the typical humanoids, but they were practically copies of wolves. Light grey fur, a huge bushy tail, and a patch of dense hair around the pelvis area that acted as a sort of frontal tail. Hazel or blue eyes. And, obviously better than us in every way as usual with fangs, semi-venomous saliva, better hearing with their dog ears, the ability to run faster, especially on all fours, and all of that useless garbage that I was used to. Humanity was clearly always the weak link.
Ending my salute and looking to the right, it was then that I noticed at least three other foreign beasts. I quickly recognised them as superiors of different stations and fleets. Why they were here just added to my paranoia.
A Wenli, a Felshan, and a Geinna. Or the more simplified version being: a humanoid dragon, a blue lizard, and a literal Pacific folk beast.
If you were to continue simplifying it even more, you’d come to the definition that they were the three species assigned to resistance mop-up duty on Earth.
“Now, now,” Henix growled. “What is the way I taught you?”
Sighing deeply, I put my Polish general cap to my chest with my left hand before bowing slightly. They wanted us to purge all of the things that made us Polish soldiers and make us their soldiers. I wasn’t going to give up so easily. No matter how much they held me in high regard. They would have to acknowledge that Poland was for the Poles and I would never be anything else.
“Now, I know you are a good commander. You have served us well,” Henix began with a flick from his dog ear. “But, something has come up in recent days that has been of horrible concern to us.”
“And that is?” I asked with a raised brow, sitting at the open chair in front of Henix with a grunt.
“Wasting Confederation equipment and materials on something unsanctioned by any relevant superior on this station,” the Geinna replied for Henix with a hiss.
Oh, kurwa.
They had caught me red-handed. Was today just the day my luck ran dry from its coffers? I was now completely at their mercy. But, these aliens were brutes. So, I was sure that I’d be beheaded within the next hour.
I had tried my best to scrub all evidence of my operations. I put in false reports and fake alerts to give them the facade of me just doing my job. It appears that they saw through my ulterior actions quickly. I was using their tech to do it. Why did I not expect them to know!?
“Now, unless you would be so kind as to tell me why, maybe I’ll pardon your charges,” Henix warned with a composure that put me off.
“Charges of what?” I asked fearfully.
“Well, normally, that would just be a reprimand or demotion at the worst. But since you are a species that we are trying to integrate into the galactic community . . . the punishment is equivalent to treason.”
Henix must’ve seen my face go pallid as his expression softened from robotic seriousness to empathy in a moment. I didn’t despise Henix at all, and this was the exact reason why.
He could feel empathy.
Unlike most Germans.
And he showed reason.
Unlike most Germans.
“Oh, no, don’t worry,” he reassured me with a sombre grin. “I personally do not wish for that fate to befall you. You have served me well. I’ll defend you. But I can’t do that if you won’t even tell me why.”
I would’ve, but I couldn’t. I trusted Henix. Sure, he was as bigoted and cold as his shitty peers. But, I could trust in his word. He wasn’t a crook. But for his comrades present? For all I knew, this was a death trap to get me to confess and to justify a sudden execution. It's not like they would've cared much if I lived or died anyway. I was expendable.
“I know nothing of this,” I affirmed, straightening myself in the slick white chair. Since I was practically a master of all things cold and emotionless, I could just put off a face of resolute honesty without any weaknesses, barring the death of Katarzyna. They’d have to fuck off eventually for that reason, and I’d be more careful with my further searches.
But then again, Katarzyna was dead, and Jakub probably was too. There was nothing else to really risk my life for. Because I had no more life. The two I loved most were gone. I could’ve just let myself die here. I had nothing else. My parents were dead, my home was rubble, my country was occupied, my wife was dead too, and my son was too. I had nothing left to fight for.
“You are the only human in this position of power,” Henix hummed. “We chose you for a reason. You had talent and composure. But this we cannot tolerate. Don’t play coy and tell us.”
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” I huffed with concern mounting in me and gnawing on my soul. “I do not know why you seem to want to frame me for such a crime.”
“Commander Dunajski,” the Felsha snarled. “We’re not stupid. Do not try and lie to us.”
“I am not lying,” I turned to the row of beasts with a scowl. “Whatever could I even use the equipment for? My subordinates only use human machines. Typewriters. Not ‘holographic display devices’ or any of that fancy tech. Why would I even?”
“Commander Duna—”
“No,” I cut off in a calm but harsh tone, “this will not continue.”
Henix looked between the beasts and then he zeroed in on me with his steely blue eyes that rivalled mine, “I know you’re lying, Commander. This will simply mount your charges.”
“In fact,” the Felshan admiral began with a sad smirk, “you could be helping resistance movements for all we know. That level of treason is something very few get and it’s for a good reason. Does that sound like something you’d want?”
“I didn’t do any of the deeds of which I am accused,” I held my ground with a growl. “I have nothing to gain!”
“Do you not?” Henix growled, now agitated. “I’ve noticed a lot of care in searching for a ‘Katarzyna’ and ‘Jakub’. Is there any reason why?”
The Geinna nodded, “Are these contacts or aliases? You know well what fate awaits you if we prove their origin to be that of a resistance cell.”
Oh, Bog. I was really stuck now. They knew their names too. I couldn’t just shrug this off. If I continued parrying their questions, I’d totally get beheaded. They wanted us to be as meek and docile as possible. Me standing up to their accusations instead of folding probably already probably fucked up my chances of clemency.
I looked up to Henix, and his blue eyes were unforgiving. He was waiting for my next move, like a brutal game of chess. I turned to look at the three bastards to my right, their eyes were filled with scorn and disgust at me, at my people.
Just like the Germans.
“I-I . . . I don’t . . . They aren’t . . . ” I began before letting out a deep sigh to empty my tight lungs. Silence enveloped the room for a good few seconds. I couldn’t fight on anymore. I’d lost. “You win.”
“As expected,” the Wenli grumbled. “I expected better of someone like you. But I guess the nature of such a volatile and insubordinate species like you would always dominate your actions.”
I didn’t mind that blatant patronisation of me and my kind as I just looked up at Henix with decimated dreams. Henix seemed to note that I wished to talk as he leaned and sat up straight in his chair. He’d listen. But not his ilk.
“Do you have a testimony, Commander Dunajski?” Henix purred with his head leaned in on his arm.
“Well,” I began with a wince, “i-it’s for a selfish reason to be fair.”
“Mhm,” Henix replied, pulling out one of his hologram pads to write down my testimony. Even if I trusted him, as of now, I couldn’t even trust him with writing my own testimony. For all I knew, he’d probably just warp it into something reminiscent of a last-second attempt at deception or just plain begging.
Then again, he was my best chance to prevent my fate from manifesting.
“I-I-I . . .” I stuttered, not finding the words to express my suffering. My throat burned and my eyes filled with tears. My face of composure was just as fragile as my mental health. All I knew was going to shit.
“You what?” Henix snarled. “I’m not here to take stutters as a testimony. Give me a comprehensible sentence or I can call the guards in to take you to the brigs.”
“I j-just want to find my family,” I blurted blindly. Clamping my eyes shut, I waited for my reasoning to be torn apart by the monsters before me. The monsters that were killing our homes and assimilating us.
Just like the . . . Oh, you know who!
After a little while of uncomfortable silence, I reopened my eyes and looked up at my prosecutors. Henix’s ears perched up in surprise at the confession, and I heard the slaps of tails and the rustle of scales from my side. I expected that to be an even greater reason to punish me. Using their tech just to find my family? Treason it was. I couldn’t even pull myself back together when a few tears rolled down my cheek as I looked to the floor once more in shame.
I fought and worked for Jakub and Katarzyna. Now both were gone. And even if Jakub was still alive, he would be without a father too in this new world. Nothing was happy about this unceremonious end. My story was over, and so were the stories of my family, friends, and parents.
“F-family?” Henix finally hummed with a hint of shock. He then attempted to hide it with his monotone voice. I slowly and quietly sobbed to myself, cursing my weakness. “Tell me more.”
The other beasts in the room shuffled their feet and locked their gazes on me with a bit of anticipation. I was a bit confused by the reaction. How was saying they were my loved ones a game-changer? But, I didn’t pay much attention anyway, my mind was filled to the brim with the stone-cold fact that had haunted me since the beginning of my searches:
I was now alone.
“Wife and son. I-I don’t know where they are. I was searching for them both. Using your systems, I . . . before you summoned me here, I got a report. In it, Katarzyna, my wife of twenty-two years, is dead. My son . . .” I gave a miserable chuckle, “only God Almighty knows where he is now.”
I should have never cried. I should have never shown emotion, especially on this damn station. Emotional control was the most important here. These beasts were very organised and very honour-driven. Crying itself was probably considered treason. At this point, it was just another thing to add on to my list of present offences.
Everything was collapsing in front of me in quick succession.
Instead of scolding me though, Henix just looked at me and watched me fail at controlling my sobs. It gave me an odd feeling that he was just tacitly judging me rather than chastising me verbally. The other beasts were the same, simply wagging their tails in thought or tilting their heads. It unnerved me a bit, but I was too busy internally cursing myself to care about it.
After what felt like my whole tour in Bolshevik Russia, Henix gave a low growl and a wag of his bushy back tail with the words of his sentencing response pushing against his fangs. The fate waiting for me was only a second away, and with that one growl, I’d be done for. What a fool I was to trust any of these pigs!
“I’m sorry about your predicament,” he spoke slowly. “When we saw the crimes of your ‘Nazis’ it became one of the major reasons why we intervened on this damn planet in the first place.”
What a lie. My brain cackled nonchalantly. They’re doing the same things as the Nazis; Although this time, it was all of us who were suffering from it.
Rolling my eyes, I saw through the bullshit. They were no different.
Scraping at his slick and futuristic desk in ponderous thinking, Henix refocused his pristine and steely blue eyes on me, “What you did was unprofessional and highly dishonourable. Anyone who did such an offence would’ve been discharged or demoted with the snap of a maw.
He shook his head in another short pause as he formulated his next response. I hated the silence, I just wanted a “yes” or a “no” if I was to be shot or not. The aliens had a knack to be blunt, but also verbose. It didn’t make sense, but that’s how they worked. And boy did I hate it!
“But, I cannot even attempt to grasp the gravity of the situation you are dealing with,” he began again, snapping me from my thoughts.
I scowled with agitation and furrowed my brows, “Am I still being shot?”
“No,” the other Wenli interrupted with a sigh and a lick of his fangs. “But, we aren’t leaving you here either.”
My mind went berserk As if that was better! Leaving me alive at this point was punishment enough! Without this station, I’d have to scan all of Europe manually. It’d take the rest of my whole pathetic life to cover even half of Poland! Damn these beasts and damn their posturing!
“Well,” Henix thought, “I have an idea. Akvu?”
The Felsha stepped up from the group of beasts and bowed slightly, “Yes?”
“How about we send Commander Dunajski to be a part of the clearance teams?”
The Felsha slapped its tail against the floor in disdain, “Isn’t he under suspicion of connections?”
“I never saw it in him,” Henix replied. “He was hiding something? Yes. But I never expected resistance affiliations. He isn’t that type of soldier. Besides, I used the accusation to crack him, not actually charge him.”
“W-what is my punishment?” I interrupted with mounting impatience as I tapped my jackboot in annoyance. Talking about how they broke me wasn’t what I wanted to hear at the moment. What was important was my quest for my old life. I wanted my wife back, my son, my home, my country.
“So, the idea is,” Henix began with his hands raised in illustrative explanation, “we send you to Earth to root out the resistance pockets. Some random places like Roosiya, Anghipt, Brazza, Mixka, Cooba, and much more. But! There is also an ongoing search for a resistance network in Eirope.”
“Where?” I shot back with rejuvenated hope.
“Central Eirope,” Henix hummed with a grin. “Former human nations like Polna, Cjermaña, Nodorla, Belja, and Cnzecka.”
It took me a good second to decipher those names. What a mess of pronunciation for all of them they were. Since they were busy trying to wipe our uniqueness from us, the aliens had their own names for our old nations, just the same as how they put my Poland in an occupation zone called “Foije”. A stupid name. Now, they were just coming up with mispronounced names for the defunct nations of old Earth.
I absolutely loathed the name “Polna” because “Polska” was better in every way. But they were our conquerors, and they were the bastards who just sentenced me to scouring Europe for my own kind.
“Who’s under my command?” I sighed.
“Oh, just two dozen of every species in the Confederation,” Henix smiled.
“288? That’s kind of small,” I chuckled. “My all-Pole regiment in Britain was at least 1,000 strong.”
“You really think there’s only a dozen species in the Confederation?” Henix snickered. “No, there’s a good seventy. You really thought we sent all of our power across the galaxy to fight some small plucky band of primates? How adorable.”
That ticked me off, but since I didn’t want to bite the hand that spared me from a beheading, I kept my mouth zipped tight. My composure returned and I wiped the tears off with my sleeve as Henix talked with his other peers in their garbled choking that they called a “language”. My goals had shifted from not crying to not snickering as they conversed in the throat cancer they revered as an actual tongue to be spoken by someone.
“For now, you are dismissed,” Henix sighed. “I hereby remove you from your post. You will report to the bays for a debrief.”
“Can I bring my personal belongings?”
“No,” he replied coldly.
Henix squinted his eyes in anger, “Get there and don’t ask any more questions. You are still a disgraced officer and you will not be shown any more mercy from us.”
How reassuring, I scoffed to myself once more. These aliens were as blunt as wood! They might rival my old camp Oberkommando. Hell, they might as well be him!
Sighing, I pressed my hands against the smooth chair and shakily brought myself up again. With another stupid bow, I left while trembling in every limb. I was in a precarious position now. Anything that went wrong under my command, I would take the hit.
But, if it still gave me a chance to at least try and piece my old life back together;
Then I’d throw myself into it with an intrepid Polish spirit.
submitted by No-Dragonfruit-6102 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:22 findingconnecticut Finding Connecticut Daily Links - Wednesday May 15, 2024

Here is what we found in Connecticut today
Photo of the day

The Annie C. Courtney Foundation, Inc. is hosting a foster care event on Sunday

Connecticut downs Indiana in 2024 Season opener

Brews on Bedford in Stamford Downtown is this Saturday

Darien Chamber and HAYVN Coworking announce Mastering Unique Brand Positioning: A Method to Unlock Your Brand DNA on May 21

Godsmack performs at Mohegan Sun Arena this October

Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds announces New Haven show

Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation awards $40,000 to Hillside Food Outreach

Indie pop singer Kishi Bashi to perform at Space Ballroom

Travelers Championship announces tournament ticket programs
Flavors from the Mediterranean and the Caribbean abound at the new Costa Vino in NorwalkPullman & Comley Attorney Matthew Glennon Named 40 Under Forty Honoree by Westfair Business JournalFrench Montana kicks off Gotta See It To Believe It 2024 tour in Wallingford
Updated 9:19 pm - This post will be updated throughout the day

submitted by findingconnecticut to foundinconnecticut [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:34 Doomstone330 AIW For Being Pissed at My Neighbors?

All right, so some context here. I live in a house that is an exact mirror of the house next door, and we have a shared driveway. Yards are pretty close, it's close quarters, so I always expected some minor issues with a new neighbor simply because it would be difficult not to be in each other's space. However, the situation as it stands is...well, here goes:
Bought a house 2 years ago. A year later, someone buys the newly-renovated twin house next door. They have several kids I see the first couple days they're moving in. I think great, my kiddos will have someone to play with.
I get to know the neighbors and find out they're from the Congo and several of them don't speak english (I'm in USA). Ok, no problem, we can work with that. However, within weeks of moving in, several things occur:
This is really just the main stuff I could think of. During the course of them living there, I have attempted several times to be the caring neighbor.
Some of the family members give me dirty looks or flat out won't speak to me, and I don't understand why they feel that way when up to this point, I've been nothing but nice.
Now, I've tried my best to keep this relationship tenable because we have to live next to each other, but I'm at my wits end here. I understand there's a cultural and language gap, but they don't even seem interested in trying to integrate a little bit into the societal expectations we have, like at the very least supervising your 2 year old outside, or y'know not letting your kid piss on my house and not slaughtering fucking chickens in the garage.
I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to start calling the police every time I see those kids running around unsupervised, because I know damn well when one of those poor kiddos gets splattered by the idiots flying down my street, everyone's gonna turn their heads and wonder what happened. Then I'm going to feel guilty because I can't jump every time I see these kids running around the neighborhood potentially putting themselves in danger.
Not to mention, now there's a rat living in my garage drain and I've seen the damn thing running back and forth between houses. Luckily I think one of the neighborhood's feral cats actually killed the rat, but when I told the neighbors about it, they didn't seem the least bit interested. Am I the asshole here? I don't know what to do but I know I'm pretty sick of being worried about other peoples' kids destroying my property or getting killed because of neglect.
submitted by Doomstone330 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 12:58 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: May 5-11, 2024

Russian forces are making a push, animal testing ramps up for H5N1, and over 365 days of temperature records…
Last Week in Collapse: May 5-11, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 124th newsletter. You can find the April 28-May 4 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Earth experienced its largest CO2 concentration increase over a 12-month period, scientists say, from March 2023-2024. It was a jump of 4.7ppm more of carbon dioxide, blamed on deforestation, fossil fuels, and El Niño. Experts are saying that El Niño has peaked, and will transition to La Niña within a few months. La Niña lasts about 1-3 years, and it generally cools the Pacific Ocean, and brings more rain to India & Bangladesh, among other changes. Earth also experienced its greatest atmospheric moisture for the month of April.
Venezuela has lost its last glacier, the Humboldt, which was reclassified into an “ice field.” It is the first modern nation to lose all its glaciers. Scientists believe Indonesia, Mexico, and Slovenia are next in line to see the extinction of their glaciers. Colombia is also rapidly losing its remaining 6 glaciers.
Wildfires in Chile have killed about a hundred people, and injured & displaced thousands. Flooding in Afghanistan. And climate change is ruining cotton crops, and livestock, in Chad. Plus, flooding struck the DRC, overflowing rivers and latrines—affecting some 500,000 people. And some climatologists think we have been underestimating how much climate change is driving greater rainfall & flooding; the worst is yet to come.
The first week of May saw so many temperature records broken; some are claiming that it might be the “most record breaking month in climatic history”—until June, that is. Earth has been seeing 13 months of monthly records being broken for global sea surface temperatures. Literally 365 days of record-breaking ocean temperatures.
A study in PNAS examined North Pacific “warm blob” heat waves from 2010-2020, and concluded that China’s reduction in aerosols, which cleaned the air but also removed the sun-reflective particles, incidentally probably caused marine heat waves which killed fish and resulted in algae blooms.
Bees are having difficulty acclimatizing their nests to rising temperatures. The dugong, while still rarely seen in parts of the world, has been declared extinct inside China, having gone 24 years without a known sighting. In Florida, the suburbification of land under development is pushing the Florida panther closer to extinction; some 100 panthers remain in the sunshine state.
Siberia’s Batagaika crater—I prefer its alternative title, “megaslump”—is expanding by about 1M cubic meters, every year. Scientists naturally blame the rapid permafrost melting on climate change.
A cruise ship entered New York City with an endangered 44 ft {13.4m} dead sea whale stuck on its bow (front). Investigators are looking into whether it was already dead when the ship hit it. A study in Conservation Letters looked at the 100 largest Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)—which cover 7.3% of all ocean area—and found that almost 60% of this area is not in range of meeting the 2030 preservation goals.
Part of India broke May records already; the Maldives, too. Eastern Ukraine ended a far warmer & wetter April than usual. And a heat wave in Mexico scorched previous May temperature records across 10 cities, as well as small regional blackouts. North America felt its all-time hottest May temperature...
AstraZeneca is pulling its COVID vaccine from the EU over a rare blood clooting side effect. Nevertheless, some experts claim that vaccine saved over 6M lives. Whatever U.S. CDC data on COVID is still available points to “a small rise” in cases later this summer, mostly from the growing KP.2 “FLiRT” variant.
COVID patients and immunocompromised individuals are still using lots of healthcare resources, and the rise of resistant superbugs is developing alarmingly fast. According to the article, “It only takes about a year on average for bacteria to grow resistant to treatment, when they used to take 21 years to evolve back in the 1960s.”
Engineers and medical professionals remain concerned about nanoplastics, between 1-1,000 nanometers wide. One grain of sand is about 500,000 nanometers, and one strand of DNA is about 2.5 nanometers. A single wavelength of light ranges from 400-700 nanometers.
South Africa’s water shortage is projected to worsen through at least 2025. Nairobi’s water shortage continues, despite the city’s dams being filled with floodwater. Costa Rica is facing a Drought so bad it’s rationing electricity. Mexico City—the second-most-populous city (by metro area: 21.8M; São Paolo is #1, at 22M) in North America— is seeing more than 20% of freshwater sources exhausted, and rationing is not enough. It’s almost like we’re living at unsustainable levels of consumption…
As Latin America warms (and suffers flooding), disease is becoming more common—as well as heat stroke & serious hunger. Benin is refusing Niger the permission to use its port to export oil, as a result of a border dispute.
A paywalled study in Nature Water tested a new method for removing PFAS foam particles in water, with “near-complete destruction of PFAS in various water samples contaminated by the foams.” The process involves “ultra-violet (UV) light, sulfite, and a process called electrochemical oxidation” and does not require heat or high pressure. The number of U.S. states phasing out PFAS is growing.
As forcible repatriations of thousands of Afghans continue, millions of Afghans are suffering from lack of humanitarian aid—aggravated by recent deadly flash floods in the beleaguered, landlocked, failed state.
Yeasty superfungus Candida Auris infections were detected in 77 cases in Germany last year, authorities say. Candida Auris was only identified 15 years ago, but its three separate genetic variants (each on a different continent) have stealthily and stubbornly grown to pose a stealth threat to humankind. It is incredibly resistant to antifungal drugs, and it survives at higher temperatures than most other fungi. The WHO has listed it on a shortlist of top fungal pathogen dangers.
3 cats died from H5N1 in the United States last week. Some health professionals are getting more worried about a future H5N1 jump to become human-to-human transmissible, and claim that we are not ready as a species. Experts say we are not doing enough testing, and may already be in the prologue of a much more devastating pandemic. Scientists still say it is unlikely that a strain will make the critical mutation necessary, but the similarities between human and cow (and other mammal) flu receptors present potential complications.
The world is supposedly being divided into three general trade blocs: U.S., China, and the non-aligned states. For better or worse, globalization is crumbling, and governments are imposing tariffs, attempting to reshore industries, and restructure debt & credit flows. What will happen when the people, long-trained to expect high returns, find their profits wanting?
Two camps for internally displaced people near Goma, DRC were bombed, killing 12+ and injuring 20+. The perpetrators and their motives are unclear.
Rising crime. Drinking water. Closing the Darien Gap. These were the issues propelling Panama’s president-elect to a victory last Sunday. The arrival of rain is also improving conditions on the Drought-choken Panama Canal, expected to return to normal for at least a month or two.
A wave of Chinese espionage, much of it several years old, is sweeping Europe. Of particular concern is a hack of British military personnel information uncovered on Tuesday—which China denies. Similar espionage against the U.S. has reportedly cost the economy hundreds of billions per year.
Kenya’s mission to stabilize Haiti is inching forward slowly. The Pentagon has ordered its 1,000 troops to leave Niger. At least one Saudi villager was killed to make room for The Line, and reports claim Saudi forces have been given the green light to clear other people who get in the way of the development. Germany’s Defence Ministry is seriously considering recommending conscription for its 18-year olds later this summer.
Displacement in Myanmar has spiked over the past six months—and now counts 3M+ people since the February 2021 coup which sparked more open resistance.
Tunisia ejected ~400 migrants into Libya. Kazakhstan is expelling Tajik migrants in far-ranging sweeps. In Lebanon, vigilante attacks against Syrians have become more common. Mauritania is conducting military drills along part of its border with Mali, after reports emerged of Malian soldiers attacking border settlements.
In Sudan, over 200 witnesses corroborated reports of a massacre last June, where RSF insurgents piled up and shot” at least 17 people, most of whom were children. A lengthy report from Human Rights Watch, complete with timelines, testimony, war crimes, and other horrors from Sudan is over 150 pages. I did not have the fortitude to skim much of it.
A Hamas attack on Sunday, which killed 4 Israeli soldiers, reportedly pushed the Rafah invasion ahead of schedule. The IDF took over the Egypt-Gaza border, and is scaling up operations in southern Gaza. In response, the U.S. paused arms transfers to Israel. Any chance of a ceasefire, if there was ever really a credible chance, will have to wait. Diarrhea is soaring in Gaza, due in large part to a critical water shortage, caused by the destruction of wastewater treatment plants, the damage to water infrastructure, and large-scale displacement. A new evacuation order has commanded over 1M people in Gaza to leave before a more comprehensive invasion of Rafah begins.
A day after President Putin was inaugurated for his fifth term, he ordered a wide strike at Ukrainian infrastructure across seven oblasts. Most of the missiles and drones were shot down. And another plot to assassinate Zelenskyy was foiled. Lithuania is considering sending military trainers into Ukraine. Putin announced that Russian forces would target Western soldiers deployed in Ukraine, and begin drills simulating nuclear weapons if Britain’s involvement grows. Already, Belarus conducted a military drill with missiles & planes capable of using nukes.
In addition to extending Ukraine’s mobilization by another 90 days, the government has also allowing some convicts to fight on the battlefield in exchange for reduced sentences. Poland is allegedly considering repatriating thousands of draft-eligible Ukrainian men, and Germany is emphasizing the need for Ukrainian refugees to work.
Japan is boosting investment in a hypersonic missile interceptor project with the United States. A large-scale Russian offensive has begun across the front-lines, particularly around Kharkiv. And Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is beginning talk of a “genocide” in Moldova, which could provide the pretext for another special military operation in Transnistria—and perhaps beyond.
Things to watch out for next week include:
↠ The IDMC is releasing their 2024 report on Internally Displaced People (IDPs) on Tuesday, with estimates for total figures by nation & region.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-High temperatures are going to ruin food—and a lot of people’s health. This thread about the contamination of bánh mi in Vietnam sheds some light on the interconnectivity of our problems. Add in some heat wave-induced power outages, loose government regulation, and hospital problems, and you can imagine how this slow-moving disaster can cripple a community.
-“Microforests” may help mitigate some of the effects of ecosystem collapse and desertification—as well as boosting your property value, judging by this thread and its comments.
-One Collapsenik published a free ebook & audiobook satirizing American Collapse—and I’m not just linking because this newsletter was apparently a source of Doom inspiration. If you write an 80,000 word novel about Collapse, featuring some 300 references, I’ll share it too. Maybe one day I’ll have the time to write one…
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, movie recommendations, good off-grid land deals, locust broth, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
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2024.05.09 19:09 foxykesa Kenya floods: Costs pressure mounts on country in economic crisis.

Kenya floods: Costs pressure mounts on country in economic crisis.
Kenya floods: Costs pressure mounts on country in economic crisis More than 250 people have died and over 54,000 households, so far, have been displaced.
There were early warnings ( that Kenya’s long rain season – between March and May – was going to bring above-normal rainfall. The extreme intensity of the rain has resulted in devastating floods in many parts of the country. Forty of the country’s 47 counties have been affected. More than ( 250 people have died and over 54,000 households, so far, have been displaced. Poor maintenance of key infrastructure and drainage systems, and disregard of environmental regulations regarding maintenance of land near rivers, contributed to the situation. The government has responded with measures to minimise destruction and safeguard lives. These include ordering the evacuation of households living close to dams ( and water reservoirs ( in 33 counties, and forced evictions ( of those living near rivers. President William Ruto has also announced welfare support for displaced households ( The effects of the flooding will have a massive impact on Kenya’s economy. I’m a development economist ( with 20 years of experience in the field of development planning, policy implementation and research. I’ve also worked with the National Treasury and Economic Planning ( I’m particularly concerned about these things: damage done to transport infrastructure, which will affect the prices for goods and services; destruction of crops, which will affect food security; and business losses, which will affect household incomes and consumer purchasing power. The cost of repairing what’s brokenwill also have a major impact on the country’s budget, which is already stretched.
The impacts Infrastructure destroyed A great deal of infrastructure has been affected. Besides roads, some dams, airports and water infrastructure will require maintenance. Floods and a landslide on the railway route between the capital Nairobi and Mombasa forced Kenya Railways ( to close all cargo services. Nairobi satellite commuter train services were also suspended ( Currently, 58 roads have been reported ( destroyed. Some of these roads ( are key highways, such as the Kapenguria-Lokichar-Lodwar highway, Nakuru-Eldoret road and Oletepesi-Magadi road. The Nakuru-Eldoret road also connects Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. The road disruptions will immediately raise the cost of transport as goods will go via longer routes. This will have an effect on businesses in the transport, wholesale and retail sectors. The rains have also affected service infrastructure – like water pipelines ( in Nairobi – and filled dams to capacity. In one tragic incident, a dam in Kijabe burst its banks (, flooding villages and killing at least 40 people in the Mai Mahiu area. The destruction of infrastructure will have a major economic impact. Assessments from the last major flooding ( in 2018 show that the government had to allocate an extra US$120 million (24% of the budget in the previous year) for repairs and maintenance of road infrastructure. The repairs weren’t immediate and sometimes weren’t carried out at all ( The effects were felt for years ( Cropland destroyed
Kenya’s agriculture sector has also been hit hard. Agriculture is vital to the economy, accounting for ( about 33% of the country’s GDP and employing 40% of the total workforce. It’s a critical source of livelihood and income for millions of Kenyans. About 40,000 acres ( (16,187 hectares) of cropland has already been reported to have been destroyed ( In the 2018 floods, it was estimated that about 21,000 ( acres of crops were destroyed and that was a threat to food security. The impact of the floods on Kenya’s agriculture was substantial, with estimates suggesting billions of Kenyan shillings ( in crop damage and lost production. Additionally, the floods triggered landslides and soil erosion. This time, twice as much land is affected. Farmers in affected areas face a total crop failure, their entire livelihoods washed away. The flooding of 2,000 acres of the Mwea Irrigation Scheme (, for instance, is likely to result in losses to the tune of KSh60 million (about US$445,000) in lost crop. This doesn’t include the loss to businesses that would have used the crop. So far, the basket regions – where most of the staple food production takes place – have been spared the worst of the flooding. However, there is a very high likelihood of perishable crops such as vegetables and pulses recording very low yields. They have shorter maturity and may have been waterlogged or swept away. The effect on food security will likely be felt much longer. Though Kenya has yet to estimate the effect of the flooding on food production, in Tanzania – which exports food to Kenya – there are estimates that the floods will cause a 30% decline in production this year ( Food prices will likely stay high. Cost to the purse Kenya’s economy is still recovering from shocks that include high debt distress, global food inflation and exchange rate shock. The budget estimates ( for the next financial year reveal that the government has a delicate balancing act in trying to meet commitments as well as stimulating key sectors of the economy. To cater for emergency response to the flooding situation, the government has forwarded a supplementary budget of Ksh11 billion (about US$80 million) ( to the National Assembly for approval. This will likely all be spent to provide direct support to households, resettle displaced households and reconstruct infrastructure such as schools and health facilities. The government is already struggling to meet revenue targets ( due to a slowdown in economic performance. The total reconstruction will cost much more, and will divert resources from other sectors. Better preparation Overall, the current flooding will have long-term effects on the economy. The turnaround depends on the choices that policymakers make. A balance has to be maintained between reconstruction efforts and support to productive sectors of the economy, while offering support to those that have been affected. There is a need to learn from the current disaster to prepare better for the next climate shock. First, the disaster response of county governments must be strengthened. For instance, storm water drainage – blamed for much of the flooding in urban areas – is a county government function. Second, there is a need for better coordination between government and non-state actors to ensure more efficient use of resources to support affected households. Third, with climate shocks becoming more frequent, there is a need to invest in better weather prediction and early warning systems. Then there must be immediate action on the recommendations from these systems, including training for households in areas prone to disasters. Fourth, better planning in urban settlements is needed. This includes proper maintenance of roads, bridges and drainage infrastructure, adherence to building codes and standards and environmental regulations – such as protection of riparian lands. Finally, investing in generating and creating access to data can help to inform responses and improve planning for reconstruction after disasters.
submitted by foxykesa to Kenya [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:49 No-Dragonfruit-6102 The Eternal Occupation

-I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I- -I-
Utrecht, Confederation Administrative Military Peacekeeping Zone Doorta (Former Kingdom of the Netherlands)
May 8, 1945
Isa Visser
Holland. The land of tulips.
The land under eternal occupation.
My home.
When the Nazis came in 1940, my home town of Utrecht was turned upside down. The war was quick and I hardly even remembered it until the Wehrmacht began to strut freely in our town. At first, we did our best to ignore the grey troops in the streets. But eventually, the Jews of our town began to disappear without a trace.
I didn’t really think much of it, the rumours were horrendous but unfounded. I knew the Nazis preached something about anti-Semetism, but I never really thought anything of malice was happening to the Jews. Besides, the Germans were mean and pushy to all of us, shoving us along like prisoners or attacking us without reason.
Some collaborated with them, but most despised them. However, true anger arose once food began to fade from the shelves. Rationing was in full effect and Mama had to come up with new thinner recipes just for us to get by.
By the time 1943 rolled around, just when we thought that things couldn’t get worse, the Confederation came.
At first, it was some Allied and some Axis aircraft getting blown out of the sky by seemingly nothing. Then some astronomers kept on saying that there were a billion asteroids in the sky. Their estimates put many of them at the size of the Vatican! The world didn’t mind this developing situation as the Nazis tried everything they could to knock both Red Russia and the United Kingdom from the war.
Eventually, they landed, and the world was not prepared in the slightest for their arrival. They didn’t shell any of our cities, even though they could’ve turned all of them to dust in a flash. Not even that American ‘atom bomb’ project could’ve saved us, even if it was somehow made in time for their arrival.
Their troops swiftly subdued the superpowers in under a month. The Soviet Red Army, the American US Army, the British Royal Army, and the previously feared German Wehrmacht were no match for the very advanced and very coordinated men and machines of the Confederation. Sure, our tanks gave them a good scare just as much as the Russian rocket artillery, whistling bombs, and wailing Stukas, but those alone weren’t war-winning weapons.
The world surrendered in Versailles and the post-war world was negotiated in the places that the Allied Powers wanted to negotiate with each other. Yalta, Tehran, Cairo, and the Germans offered Magdeburg and Potsdam too for negotiations.
As it turned out, the Confederation didn’t want us dead or enslaved. Instead, they just wanted to occupy us and help us forward from our brutal wars. I couldn’t really blame them, but then again, their soldiers were the fearsome bullet-proof beasts that could, and had, brutally mutilated and even devoured human soldiers resisting.
Even with those setbacks, the total number of deaths in the Verrassingsoorlog only reached an impressive and scary 1 million. Never surpassing that compared to the nearly 50-60 million corpse pile the world was already stuck in.
Now, the Netherlands as a nation was disbanded. We were still Dutch through and through, and all humans still used the old borders to define land and places. But according to the dozen species entente that conquered us, we were now a hundred occupation zones with the ruling of each zone being distributed to what species got there and captured it first.
The Netherlands, as well as the rest of the Benelux, Northwestern Germany, Denmark, and Calais, were now a part of the ‘Doorta’ zone. Doorta. What a dumb name! The Nvouw in charge named it after the flowers and plant life of the region which made them nostalgic for their homes. There were some rumours that they’d give us our old names back, but that was just hope at this point.
“Isa! Can you quickly run down to Mr Achter’s store to get some butter? I need it for the cookies!”
“Ja, mam!” I called back, setting down the basket of eggs I was carrying. Mama was restocking her depleted goods from the morning rush. Now, she was making new foods for the afternoon rush. It was a very tight schedule that she somehow perfected with robotic efficiency and a warm smile that was the complement of every serving. Now that people had stable homes and jobs once more, they could now enjoy the wonders of life, like Mama’s cooking.
The Confederation weren’t really all that bad once the gunfire ceased. They stayed true to their word. They fixed our country’s buildings and roads, they brought peace and stability in a way, and on a personal note, they gave me a chance to learn Mama’s cooking with some real ingredients rather than some Fanta crap or vegetable peels.
But their soldiers patrolled our streets like hawks. The aliens seemed to best us in everything, hearing, strength, agility, speed, marksmanship, and overall better traits like fangs, venom, appendages, snouts, tails, frills, thorns, and many other animal-like characteristics. But the soldiers were nice and most of the time, didn’t care about us and just let me and my friends play tag. Goodness, some of Felshans even taught some of the boys war tactics while they played war games last week!
I quickly grabbed my late father’s old bulky satchel and patted my bunned-up hair as I walked back into the kitchen to see Mama zooming from baking pies to sizzling batters like a robot. Her eyes then fixed on me as her smile crested her white face, she quickly gave me a tight hug and handed me some guilders for my little expedition.
The Dutch guilder was worthless according to the aliens, who wanted us using their standardised tolija instead. Of course, no one cared and each nation still used their reichsmark, pound, ruble, peso, dollar, guilder, franc, or whatever they had before the first war even began.
I tightly hugged her back and kissed her cheek as she reciprocated the deed. Mama was the best mother one could have. She was loving, good at cooking, good at knitting, and calm and quiet. She would never shout unless I burned down a farm or something.
“Mmm!” I hummed smelling the apple pie from the oven. The warm and delicious apple smell mixed with the doughy batter simply created a scent that one could only find in heaven.
“Ask him for the butter from Rotterdam, the ones from Amsterdam don’t mix well with the cookie stuff like the chips, lemons, sugar, or—”
“I get it, Mama!” I punctuated her typical verbose lecture, shoving the guilders into my pocket. “Rotterdam butter.”
“Zeer goed,” she smiled. “Now off you go!”
Dashing out of the kitchen to the main café, I waved in greeting to some of the people already there. Most of them were either young people doing work, or old people playing chess. These were things you could do anywhere else, but the reason why they were here, was for the food and drinks.
“Where are you going, Isa?” the old Mr Maes asked me, looking up from his little thick novel. He was Flemish and was a veteran of the Great War. He served in the Somme, and Passchendaele, but mostly served in Belgium and Calais. The only answer he gave to me on why he was fighting in France proper was: “I was there to beat the Germans back on every front and every town from the Channel to Switzerland.”
“To get some butter from the store. That’s all,” I replied with a warm grin. I then slipped out of the store onto the lively streets as I dashed down the cobble roads towards Mr Achter’s place. Utrecht was still as bustling as it was before the war. I was born in 1934, so I knew the city well enough before the war to get around quickly.
Mr Achter’s store was down the street and left around the corner shop and then it was down a little incline at the end of the next street as a corner store of its own. I quickly zoomed across the road to the other sidewalk before I ran towards the corner of the street.
I didn’t think or register anything as I weaved through some people and snapped around the corner only to come into a collision trajectory with two shadows that blocked the sun. I couldn’t stop myself in time before a little gust of wind slapped me and now suddenly, the sun was hitting my face again.
Now, instead of ramming into huge shadows, I was on a collision course with a street pole. I braced for the surge of pain, but that also changed until I was frozen upright in under a second.
Reorienting from the random situation, I dizzily readjusted my focus only to now face-to-face with a Nvouw and a Felsha that eyed me up with composure. My blood ran cold, especially with the Nvouw present.
“Be more careful next time, ok?” the Felsha advised as my eyes fixed on him. They were scaled lizards that were as blue as the deep sea. They had snouts with at least 100 fangs just packed into there in such a scarily neat fashion. Their eyes were glowing aqua and they had little prongs and “D” shaped animal ears. Not to mention the bajillion thorns that were dawned on their backs like a cape of bee’s stingers.
Add that with the fact that they were a good two-and-a-half metres tall, and you got the perfect killing machine. But, regardless of their traits, they were probably the nicest of the two occupational species here. Which was a pretty low bar to pass anyway due to the evil of the other demon that I had also stupidly bumped into.
The Felsha soldier in front of me tilted his head and wagged his humongous tail in patience for a response from me. That’s another thing, their spiky tails were at least as long as Mama if she was horizontal. As if these things weren't deadly enough on their own.
“Y-yes,” I replied, a bit scared. “I-I’m sorry.”
“Aw, don’t worry,” the Nvouw replied for the Felsha as I snapped my head to meet him. “You’re just a kid, aren’t you? What are you out for?”
The Nvouw were the ones who occupied the Benelux first, arriving in their skyships randomly. I didn’t even know they were in the Benelux until they began to shepherd the surrendering Germans through the streets after they captured Utrecht. Some of them were covered with human blood. I didn’t know why until they spoke with each other, and then I could see blood covering their large main quadruple fangs and their smaller fangs too.
They ate the German soldiers.
Now, I didn’t like the Nazis, they were mean and tyrannical. But, they were still humans. Sometimes, they’d give me chocolate, sometimes they’d help me around, and sometimes they were understanding when I wanted to go out past curfew to buy some goods from the always-open Mr Achter. They were humans and they were merciful. But never, never, did I want to kill them. And never, never, never, never did I ever even think of wanting to eat them.
And yet, the Nvouw had done it and even enjoyed it. They mowed through many German squads before the garrison here even knew it. By that point, it was too late and they surrendered to the Nvouw, who could just zip up to them and tear them apart in a second if they wanted.
As a result, it was the Nvouw that I feared the most. They weren’t the reason for anything bad in my life, but the first impression I got of them was one of them being merciless brutes and man-eaters. My fear of them is probably why my mouth was zipped shut and I looked down to the ground in terror, resisting the urge to whimper.
My face was hot like the sun above and my hands fidgeted behind me as I simply puckered my mouth and faced the floor. I didn’t want to be in such a predicament. Maybe if I went slower, I wouldn’t be here. But now here I was, and I wanted to disappear in a snap so I could escape these soldiers.
“What are you out for?” the Nvouw repeated to no avail as I did my best to resist crying. My body went into a million different scenarios of how this would end. It could gut me here! If I tried to run, it’d just do it quicker.
“Citizen, I will not repeat myself,” the Nvouw asked once more with agitation. It seems that this beast had a chip on his shoulder for insubordination. But then again, maybe it was just me as I began to hyperventilate, more tears pushing against my eyes and probably making them bulge.
Not even the strongest dike could hold the deluge ready.
When the Nvouw came, Mama hid me in the house. Every time we left the café she brought me with her. I couldn’t be alone. She always kept my head pressed against her and she hugged me until we reached wherever we wanted to go. She did all the talking when the Nvouw would stop us for ID or just to converse. I never wanted to be face-to-face with one, and even worse, I wasn’t ready.
“Answer me,” the Nvouw asked again with its tentacles fluttering in annoyance.
Their tentacles obstructed their fangs and powerful teeth. But, if they just pulled up their tentacles, you could see every gut-cutting fang in their mouth. I didn’t reply and this only seemed to agitate the Nvouw as it hissed with its fangs. Those pristine white teeth were the ones that cut through the Germans like paper. Those were the incarnates of suffering themselves. Those damned fangs.
With that, I couldn’t help myself as a little sob escaped me and tears rolled down my cheeks in small amounts before more flowed. I did my best to suppress my sobs, but that was like trying to hold back the whole English Channel with a table for cover. So to the beasts, it probably sounded like I was gasping for air like a drowning human while also screaming for help.
The Felsha stared at me with concern and realisation before it rose from its squatting position and turned to the monster it called an ally. After whispering something more akin to garbling than Russian like my mother had compared it too, the Nvouw sighed and walked off to the side with its big bulky rifle unshouldered and resting in its talons.
“Look, I’m—,” the Felsha squatted again. But this time, he used the blunt edge of his claws to push my head up to meet his. His eyes were glowing with concern as he looked over my reddening and teary face with pity, “I’m sorry about that. I know that they weren’t the most docile when they occupied this land. But don’t worry, we won’t hurt you ever. Am I clear?”
“Y-yes, sir,” I mewled.
I was assessed once more by the concerned Felsha before he nodded and moved out of my way. I broke into a trot, then a speed-walk, and then a wild dash until I reached my destination. I looked back momentarily to see both creatures staring at me before the Felsha snapped its head to its monstrous comrade and conversed with him.
How anyone thought those creatures were friendly was beyond me. Call any of the Confederation species docile and I’d agree, except the Nvouw.
I quickly jumped into Mr Achter’s shop through the push door, stumbling around before regaining my footing. The store was as old as Mr Achter himself, being made in the 1870s. The shelves were wooden and antique. The products, however, were new and fresh.
“Woah, Ms Visser,” the old Mr Achter gasped at my haggard and eccentric demeanour. “What snake bit you?”
Mr Achter was an old man, in his seventies and was bald on the top with hair on his sides. He wore round professor’s glasses and always wore a pale blue-checkered jacket with a red tie and white undershirt. He always had a pipe in his mouth and yet his teeth were somehow always bright white and as clean as the rest of his shop.
“N-nothing, Mr Achter,” I wheezed. “Just the usual sticks of Rotterdam butter for Mama please.”
“M-hmmm,” he scanned me suspiciously. “Was it something to do with the soldiers?”
He was good. I never understood how he did it anyway. He did raise three sons, but two of them died in World War I and the other died of malaria in the Congo on a trip. I guess his fatherly instincts kicked in once he saw my trance.
“Y-yes,” I replied hoarsely.
“Did they do anything to you?”
“N-no,” I shook my head. “It’s just . . . one of them was a Nvouw and—”
“Oh!” Mr Achter exclaimed, slapping his palm to his forehead in realisation. “Oh, don’t worry. I understand, yes. They scare me too.”
Mr Achter brought out about three bars of butter, the usual amount I ordered, and I pulled out the guilders to pay him. Except, I was three guilders short.
“W-what?” I tensed up in shock. “I-I had all of them . . . How . . . ?”
Then it clicked. I must’ve dropped it in my hurried escape from the soldiers. Now I was short on cash and couldn’t even purchase the ingredient I had encountered a Nvouw for. My body burned hot with rage until it just boiled over and I slumped my shoulders in exhaustion and misery.
“Don’t worry,” Mr Acther smiled sombrely. “You can take it anyway. I’ll take what you have.”
“T-thanks, Mr Achter,” I sniffled. This day was nothing but hell for me.
Mr Acther looked at me with concern before puffing a smoke cloud from his pipe and leaning back into his seat at the cashier desk, “Occupation is a weird thing.” He hummed.
This was how he started a lecture, with an unconfirmed claim. He’d state his claim as more a question and have me try and fill in the gaps. To be honest, I thought it was patronising. But then again, it worked wonders. He always got his point across in the most clear ways possible.
“In what way?” I replied with a small grin.
“You have one power conquer the land of the other. And then, they decide to keep that land until the end of the war or even after. Sounds normal right?”
“Right,” I replied with a nod.
“But, sometimes the occupying power wants to stay. When they do, it’s usually either for strategic reasons . . . or for something else.”
“What?” I pestered impatiently.
“Guess,” Mr Achter coaxed.
“To make it a part of their nation?”
“Good!” Mr Achter jumped before putting his hand to his chin in fake thinking. “What should they do to accomplish that?”
“Just make it formal in a treaty,” I shrugged nonchalantly.
“Well . . . yes,” Mr Achter replied with a bit of lost energy. “But once something small is a part of another bigger thing that is much more different to it. What do you think that smaller something would do?”
“Yes!” Mr Achter congratulated me with a rejuvenated spirit. “But what happens when you move to a new culture where another one is?”
“You force it out,” I replied in realisation.
“But if the people don’t want to?” Mr Achter pushed.
“You force them too.”
“Intimidation,” I replied blankly, finally understanding the concept.
“Excellent,” Mr Achter snapped his fingers in delight at my response before handing me the butter to stuff into my rucksack. “That’s what we never want. They will try and intimidate us into listening. But never fold. We are Dutch through and through. Nothing will change that.”
“Thank you, Mr Achter,” I smiled politely as he waved me off.
“Alright, go on. Your mother’s cookies can’t bake themselves.”
I stopped walking in an instant. I never told him she was making her afternoon cookies, “How do you know they’re cookies?” I turned to him in shock.
“You really think I can’t tell my own butter in her cookies?” Mr Achter cackled. “Don’t be a fool. I know something’s mine when it’s good. I give the good-tasting ingredients and your mom turns them into even better-tasting food. Now run off before I ask for a discount.”
I laughed and dashed out of the store with a happy energy that was stolen from me earlier. I didn’t have to fear the Nvouw, not anyone! I was human and Dutch. Nothing could ever change that!
Running up the road again, I slowed down around the corner and peeked out. No one was there, so I turned and ran up the rest of the way to Mama’s café. Bashing through the spruce door into the kitchen like a tank as I put the rucksack down on the floor and took the butter out.
Mama’s head snapped my way in surprise before it warmed up to a smile, “Be careful!” she hissed playfully. “You almost made me burn the pies!”
“Sorry,” I hummed, handing her the butter.
I probably would’ve stayed to help, but a knock at our house door drew me away from the kitchen. Our house was behind the shop and so there were two doors that were used. The main door for all the customers, and the backdoor for me and Mama.
Only the mailman or milkman used the backdoor to deliver items. Except the milkman doesn’t come until tomorrow and the newsboy comes in the morning as well as the mailman. So whoever was at the door was clearly someone random.
I reached the door and turned the knob, the door creaked open and I looked outside to see a boy. Upon seeing him, a sudden odour forced me back a bit in shock.
The boy was thin and looked frail, even though he also seemed just as old as me. His face was pallid and sickly and his clothes were tattered and torn, like he had just swam across the Atlantic from America. His hair was unkempt and overgrown like an abandoned garden.
To my disgust, he was also barefoot and his legs looked bruised and cut. His arms were exposed by the ripped shirt except for a hastily bandaged part of his lower left arm. His eyes were a murky blue and his lips were cut and as dirt-covered as the rest of his face.
“What’s your name?” I asked the boy. Looking him over with contempt at his haggard apparel.
“B-brutus,” he replied hoarsely, tugging at his torn shirt.
“Really?” I scoffed. “That is not your name.”
“J-Johann. . .” he mumbled.
“Johann what?” I pestered him with impatience, tapping my foot in anger.
“I don’t know,” he replied in broken Dutch, rubbing his bandaged arm anxiously. “I-I forgot.”
“Forgot?” I hissed before giving a hearty sigh. “Alright, Johann, that first name doesn’t even sound Dutch. Where are you from?”
“U-uh . . . G-germany.”
How unspecific! Might as well have just told me ‘Earth’. Why was he so meek and secretive? Maybe he was a challenged boy. How did his parents let him wander like this? Also, his accent was so Eastern European that I could smell the borscht. Metaphorically of course, he smelled more like cow manure than a bowl of borscht. There is no way he thought he was really fooling me.
“Right . . .” I trailed off with suspicion of the boy’s intent. “Where are your parents?”
He seemed to tense up at the simple question. I was now concerned for this boy, but I also didn’t want to trust him at all. He was dirty, spoke Dutch poorly, was secretive, and probably addicted to something that would bring us trouble.
“G-gone,” he stuttered. “I-I lost Mama a while back. Then I was sent away.”
“From where?” I huffed.
“I-I don’t know . . . Some place that began with an A.”
“An ‘a’?” I raised a brow at the boy. I really didn’t like him, but then again. He was cold and hungry. The least I could do was give him some basic necessities before I sent him off to be someone else's problem.
“Who’s at the door, Isa?” Mama called from the kitchen. She then peeked out and her eyes fixed on the boy. “Who’s that?”
“Brutus,” I sighed, looking at him with disgust.
“Where are your parents?” Mama hollered to the boy over the sizzling pots and pans.
“He said they were gone,” I replied to the boy. When I looked back at him, his mouth was literally watering. I backed away a tad bit in disgust as the boy’s eyes fixed back on me.
“S-sorry . . . I just haven’t eaten for a bit and . . . your mom’s cooking is what brought me here really,” the boy mumbled in embarrassment. Since he seemed to deserve something to eat to make up for his crappy appearance, I decided to turn back to a concerned Mama
“Mama!” I called out.
“Yes!?” she called back, now seeing the boy in all of his dirty glory.
“The boy is hungry. Can we give him some food before we let him go?” I asked.
“Sure,” she replied, her face puckered up at the sight of the boy. I couldn’t blame her for that really. “On second thought . . . he needs a shower . . . and a new set of clothes first. Isa, take him up to my room and have him wait there. I’ll finish the batches here.”
I really didn’t want to be in the same room as this smelly boy, but I didn’t have many other options. Besides, I kind of felt bad for his situation, even if his personal specifics and identity were just a load of poorly made lies.
“C’mon,” I sighed. “Let’s go.”
The boy’s eyes lit up as I led him up the winding steps to the second floor. I skipped my room and pushed open the spruce door to Mama’s as the boy walked in and sat on the ground.
“Nice house,” he hummed to my concern. I was now pretty sure this kid wanted to steal from us.
“Y-yes . . . it is,” I replied slowly, squinting at the dirty boy with contempt at his appearance and his ulterior motive for being here.
Unless I wanted to contract a disease, I wasn’t going anywhere near him. This kid was more of a biological disaster than an actual living being. I found myself subconsciously drifting away from the putrid kid, but since I didn’t trust him alone, there I remained. It was a long while of miserable waiting before anyone spoke again.
“Your m-mom is g-good at c-cooking,” the boy complimented sheepishly from his sedentary pose on the wood floor.
“Yeah, her café is popular for a reason,” I sighed, pinching my nose in disgust at the lingering smell.
“My mom owned a flower shop,” the boy reminisced as I just sneered at him. “It was a beautiful one, the best in all of Wa–” The boy stopped as if he had just said too much.
“What?” I pestered with a bit of jumpiness at the information that he had mistakenly donated.
“Westphalia,” he corrected in a choppy manner as if he had just pulled the name from his rear.
“Uh-huh,” I scoffed. “What next? She fed you schnitzels and swastikas every day?”
“I’m not a Nazi,” he grumbled at me with some pent-up anger. “Those are the worst people to ever walk this earth.”
“A bit odd from a German,” I hummed, tiling my head in a sarcastic show of curiosity. “I expected you all to be the same. Unless if you weren’t a German.”
“I am German,” the boy replied adamantly.
“So you are a Nazi?”
“No!” he shouted. “I am German.”
“A Na-zi!” I mocked.
“Przeklęty!” he retorted before shutting up and clasping his mouth with wide-open eyes.
“See,” I giggled. “Not German.”
Part-German,” he grumbled with his head down.
“Changing your story again?” I hissed, stamping the floor. “Just tell me the truth.”
“It is the truth.”
“That isn’t the truth, Mr ‘Johann’!”
“Well, my name is just as Germanic as yours,” he hissed. “That’s because . . . What’s your name?” the boy bleated.
“Hitler,” I sighed with a little smirk. If he was going to play around with his identity, then who cared if I did? “Do you believe me?”
“No,” the boy replied with a hiss.
“Then why should I? You are no ‘Johann’ because I can hear and taste the pierogi and borscht in your accent. Don’t think you’ll fool me with some German-sounding name.”
The boy opened his mouth to respond, but it was hushed when Mama came upstairs in her food-stained apron as her eyes fixed on the boy more clearly. Now she could see his haggard state in the sunlight from the window, like some sort of bad impression of an angel.
“Oh, God,” she practically mouthed as she stared at “Johann”. He pretty much looked at her with the most fear I’d seen yet. That’s one thing I could trust about him, his fear was raw.
Mama said nothing, simply walking into her room past the boy and opening one of her wardrobe’s drawers where she pulled out some of my old clothes. Due to the boy’s skinny frame, he’d fit in that old farm wear like a glove.
“Isa, leave for now. I’ll fix him up,” Mama ordered with a serious face before giving a little smile. “Unless you want to shower him with me?”
“What!? Ew!” I kicked, finally stumbling out of the room far enough to not smell the boy. Mama simply laughed and the boy tensed up in embarrassment. That was the last I saw of the two before Mama shut the door.
To be honest, this day just kept on getting weirder and weirder. First, I nearly soiled myself in front of a Nvouw. Second, I was three guilders short when I went to buy butter. Finally, some odd kid who couldn’t seem to lie properly and who smelled like he just crawled out of a garbage pit appeared at our door for no good reason other than he smelled Mama’s cooking! The Nvouw encounter was scary, but that kid was just weird.
But I didn’t let that bother me, I was now free to play in the little fields behind our house. Those fields were wild and led to forests. We lived on the outskirts of Utrecht anyway, rarely going downtown. That stuff was only for expensive shopping, not day-to-day errands.
Running out the same back door that the dirty kid had used, I dashed into the field of tall grass. Eventually, I found a little wild tulip, swaying in the wind.
It was beautiful. The symbol of our people. The red pedals bounced around in the wind freely, taking hit after hit from the soft blows of nature. I got down on my belly in front of it and watched it for a bit as it swayed and bounced, swayed and bounced. Inhaling a whiff of it, I smiled and rolled onto my back facing the skies.
They were blue and open, not tainted by low white clouds or the occasional spacecraft, the only thing puncturing the darkening blue sky were some high strips of clouds way up in the atmosphere.
The Netherlands was my home, and these sights are why Mr Achter’s lecture was so useful.
My job wasn’t to just be proud of my little Holland, it was to defend and preserve her beauty.
And I would do anything to keep my serene life here as free as possible.
submitted by No-Dragonfruit-6102 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 18:14 spartachilles Election of 1948 - Round 1 A House Divided Alternate Elections

Election of 1948 - Round 1 A House Divided Alternate Elections
The year is 1948, and America is at a crossroads. After nearly a decade of brutal warfare spanning from the plains of Russia to the jungles of Indonesia, the Second World War has finally come to an end. However, this has merely given way to a new slew of geopolitical issues as after a year of escalating tensions former President Alvin York unilaterally ordered the total nuclear annihilation of America’s erstwhile ally the German Empire. With the global order now thrown into chaos again by this betrayal of trust and the severe climatological effects it has entailed, a worldwide movement has arisen claiming that no one country can be trusted with the keys to atomic power and that the nations of the world must unite into a single federal government. However, there remain many skeptics unwilling to surrender the national sovereignty they so desperately fought for in the Second World War and even among its supporters many competing visions vie for recognition as the new path forward. Aside from the tumultuous international situation, domestic American politics remain as fraught with conflict as ever as the country slowly makes its transition back to a peacetime economy. To many, the economic dislocation arising from fighting a global war provides the perfect opportunity to shape the country’s economy to their vision, while pent-up labor unrest from the war has exploded into a nationwide phenomenon.
Federalist Reform Party
Incumbent President Charles Edward Merriam
Returning to the helm of his party 20 years after he was first its nominee, 73-year-old incumbent President Charles Edward Merriam now fights to preserve Federalist Reform after the successive collapses of two of its administrations. Beginning his career as a professor of political science, Merriam first achieved political office as a city alderman in Chicago shortly after the Second American Revolution. Channeling the widespread disgust at the rampant corruption in the state government, Merriam brought the local Solidarity and Federalist Reform Parties into an alliance that propelled him to the Illinois Governor’s Mansion in 1920. His following two terms in the office would turn him into a national superstar with his dramatic prosecution of corrupt teamster’s president Cornelius Shea. Thus well positioned at the Federalist Reform National Convention of 1928, Merriam led a radical transformation of the party in abandoning its past equivocation for the dictatorship in favor of a new vision of a powerful yet responsive federal government under the principles of Herbert Croly’s New Nationalism. However, his hopes for the presidency were dashed both that year and when his nomination was denied in 1932 in the face of the rising Formicist movement. Rather than making another attempt at the presidency, Merriam instead became one of the country’s inaugural Censors to help establish the precedents and principles that would guide the nation’s new auditory branch. Yet with President Alvin York seeking an experienced elder statesman to help guide him after rising to the office, Merriam accepted the offer of the vice presidency from York. But when York ordered the nuclear destruction of Germany without consulting even his own cabinet and subsequently resigned from office, Merriam was thrust into the presidency himself with a charge to repair a country left broken by this national crisis. In the months since then, Merriam has tirelessly worked to stabilize the national economy while soothing persistent labor unrest and has taken a keen interest in overseeing the reconstruction of a world left scarred by war to help repair America’s international reputation including overseeing the recent independence of Indonesia. In light of his advanced age, Merriam has suggested that he would retire at the end of his full term to avoid the risk of another premature presidential transition.
Incumbent Vice President Edward J. Meeman
Capturing the minds of many within the Federalist Reform Party as its chief advocate of the Atlanticist concept of a world federation, 58-year-old incumbent Vice President and former Governor of Tennessee Edward J. Meeman joins the ticket as a stark internationalist. Introduced to politics by his father who was a two-term state legislator, Meeman joined the Social Democratic Party after the Second American Revolution and applied himself to a career in journalism. However, as he rose through the ranks of the newspaper trade to become the editor of his own magazine, he switched his affiliation to the Federalist Reform Party due to his increasing disdain for the corruption and bossism of his former party. Becoming the editor and business manager of the Memphis Press-Scimitar at the same time as Louis Brownlow became the Governor of Tennessee, Meeman was an indefatigable crusader against the influence of Social Democratic Boss E.H. Crump and supporter of the transformation of the state into a laboratory of Federalist Reform democracy. Widely regarded as one of the state’s premier journalistic figures throughout the governorship of Gordon Browning, Meeman emerged as his natural successor when Browning ascended to the vice presidency. Taking charge of his state amidst the Second World War, Meeman chiefly preoccupied himself with mobilizing Tennessee for the war effort but also notably brought many of the state’s African Americans into his coalition by liberalizing civil rights laws as well as his efforts to improve environmental conservation in the state. Inspired in part by his own German heritage, Meeman emerged as a harsh critic of the atomic bombing of Germany and later became the standard-bearer for the Atlanticist movement within his party. Commanding a crucial section of the party in its National Convention, Meeman was tapped as Merriam’s running mate to win over his support for the President’s renomination and thereafter appointed by Merriam as his Vice President. However, intraparty dissatisfaction with Meeman’s nomination and Merriam’s alliance with world federalists in the party has led to a movement to instead put veterans leader and world federalism opponent John Thomas Taylor on the vice presidential line.
Although the party sports many adherents to world federalism and remains deeply influenced by the movement, Merriam and the Federalist Reform Party at large have withheld their endorsement of a world government. Instead, Merriam has proposed the formation of a supranational international association to mediate international conflicts, promote the spread of democracy around the globe, and coordinate international action to rebuild after the war and meet the increasingly pressing challenges of global famines. Envisioning representation of all nations of the world but a special role for major powers such as the United States, United Kingdom, and China, Merriam has called for collective security and the establishment of enforceable international laws to be the basis of this organization. However, he has not shied away from suggesting the creation of international economic planning boards and even more ambitious proposals for a baseline common world citizenship and the creation of an international currency. Moreover, while Merriam has not endorsed the world federalist movement, he has not explicitly ruled it out either and promised to appoint delegates to an international convention to discuss the Atlanticist model of federation between Western-style democracies. With a Hansenist revolution having gripped the island nation of Haiti and threatening to spread communism in Latin America and beyond, Merriam has argued in favor of an intervention to restore the democratic government of Haiti and block it from exporting revolution.
Claiming that the nationwide labor unrest has spiraled to the point of crisis, Merriam has strongly endorsed the National Labor Arbitration Act compelling unions and employers to submit to government arbitration. However, he has called for an even handed approach to such arbitration recognizing the needs of both labor and capital to ensure a harmonious economy. Furthermore, Merriam has called for a law to implement a corporatist scheme of industrial associations formed in partnership between employer and employee syndicates to steer economic policy such as wage and price levels. However, Merriam has refused to tolerate violent or criminal actions by labor unions and called for the strengthening of anti-racketeering laws as well as a federal criminal syndicalism law to outlaw the advocacy of violent revolution. To further support economic activity, Merriam has called for the proliferation of government planning agencies staffed by subject matter experts tasked with analyzing the economy for profitable, environmentally beneficial, or socially desirable investments and working with private industry towards their implementation. In addition, Merriam has supported the continued reduction of wartime taxes and tariffs alongside reductions in government spending to bring the budget into balance and limit inflation. Adhering to the longtime platform of his party, Merriam has also supported the implementation of a peacetime universal military training program. As a longtime opponent of political corruption, Merriam has promised to rid the federal government of graft and wasteful spending and pledged to bolster the powers and funding of the Council of Censors. Believing that the primary purpose of the national education system is to groom the next generation of leaders, he has called for the reformation of the Dewey Education Act towards heightening civic education and national identity. To implement his agenda, Merriam has also strongly supported an overhaul of the executive branch to further empower the presidency with added staff, full discretion to reorganize the federal government, and the line item veto on budgets passed by Congress.
Minnesota Senator Walter Judd
Channeling the longtime legacy of internationalism in the party to stake its claim on the world federalist ideal, 49-year-old Minnesota Senator Walter Judd runs to fulfill the vision of previous party nominee Harold Stassen. Educated as a doctor, Judd left the country as a young man to escape the national tumult by becoming a medical missionary in China. Remaining there for many years as the head of increasingly large medical missions, Judd was a frontline witness to the atrocities of the Sino-Japanese War while caring for those brutalized by the Imperial Japanese Army. Upon his return to the United States, Judd delivered a testimony to the House of Representatives that was widely seen as pushing the country along its path toward declaring war on Japan. Launching his political career as a Representative from Minnesota soon thereafter, Judd rose to national prominence with his eloquent speeches in favor of aid and intervention on behalf of the Chinese. Holding a close relationship with Minnesota Governor Harold Stassen due to their close alignment on many issues, Judd nominated him for the presidency at the party’s 1944 convention, a favor which was repaid by Stassen’s loyal support in Judd’s campaign for the Senate in 1946. Since the end of the Second World War, Judd has been one of the principal Congressional leaders in the fight for the world federation while also maintaining his staunch support for a close Sino-American relationship.
Florida Representative Mary McLeod Bethune
Regarded as one of Solidarity’s most distinguished Congressional figures, 73-year-old Florida Representative Mary McLeod Bethune has been honored with the party’s vice presidential nomination to bolster its support with its Southern and more liberal wings. Born to a family only recently freed from slavery during the Fremont presidency, Bethune was determined from a young age to pursue education to overcome racial disparities she felt in her hometown. After a brief stint as a missionary to the Congo, Bethune became a teacher herself and moved to Florida to start a school for black girls. Even despite adversity such as her school being burned down by the Ku Klux Klan during the Second Civil War, Bethune remained committed to her vision of the future and later founded a successful college in Florida. Increasingly interested in the world of politics, Bethune joined a number of associations for the advancement of civil rights and women’s suffrage which brought her into contact with Solidarity. After serving as an advisor in various capacities for President George Foster Peabody, Bethune secured a place on the party’s list of representatives allocated seats under the national proportional representation system that she has maintained for over twenty years. Widely regarded as an expert in policy areas ranging from education to civil rights to commerce, Bethune has played an important role in many pieces of legislation throughout her career though she has regarded her co-authorship of the Fair Employment and Fair Education Acts as among her crowning achievements.
With the support of the bulk of his party, Judd has called for the creation of an all-inclusive world federation uniting the nations of the world under a single government. The main goal of his proposed world federation would be the abolition of international war and international control over nuclear weapons and the development of nuclear technology. However, he has also supported the delegation of limited enumerated powers to the world federation in a manner similar to that used in the United States to allow it the ability to govern over international reconstruction, to guarantee the self-determination of peoples, and to support other crucial international objectives that may arise over time such as the budding exploration of outer space. As a believer in a special Sino-American relationship stemming from the efforts of President Tasker H. Bliss, Judd has argued that a strong relationship with Chinese Premier Chiang Kai-Shek is crucial for the establishment of the world federation. In the interim before the establishment of such a federation, Judd has vocally called for a heavy investment into foreign aid and technical assistance to support international reconstruction efforts and rebuild America’s international reputation, particularly emphasizing government-subsidized exports of foodstuffs as a way to simultaneously support American farmers while addressing food shortfalls abroad during the exceptionally cold year of 1948. As a devoted anti-imperialist, Judd has also called for the forced dismantlement of the colonial empires of the defeated powers in the Second World War as well as the application of diplomatic and economic pressure on the remaining colonial powers of Europe to oblige them to grant independence to their colonies as well. Believing that communism represents a threat to international democracy, especially as expressed in the Hansenist ideology, Judd has supported heavy American economic and military aid to prevent its spread in Europe and Latin America though he has opposed direct military intervention.
Arguing that inflation poses the gravest risk to the livelihood of the American people by degrading their purchasing power, Judd has made combatting it his chief domestic political priority. Believing price controls to be liable to distort the free market by inducing shortages in crucial goods and thus supporting their removal as soon as practicable, Judd has instead called for a substantial reduction in government spending to eliminate the federal deficit and clamp down on inflation. However, he has opposed making cuts to popular programs such as the social insurance system or educational aid and even supported an expansion of public housing spending to address damage and shortages from the war. Instead, Judd has concentrated on the drawdown of wartime expenditures, the elimination of redundant federal agencies, and a reduction in public works spending. While acknowledging the need for a social safety net and reasonable regulations to avoid monopolistic practices, Judd has remained a disciple of the free market overall in ensuring the prosperity of the American people and criticized his opponents as seeking to stifle the nation’s economic growth with excessive regulation. To this end, he has opposed the National Labor Arbitration Act as excessive government interference in the national economy. Convicted in his belief in equality among the races from his experiences abroad, Judd has strongly endorsed federal civil rights legislation to finally end the practice of segregation in all public accommodations, ensure diverse representation in juries, and outlaw discrimination in employment. Additionally, Judd has endorsed the removal of racial quotas and other immigration restrictions still enforced from Populist-era laws to allow immigration into the United States by people from around the world.
Popular Front
New York Representative Vito Marcantonio
Successful in bringing together the Social Democratic and Socialist Workers Parties under a joint ticket and alliance agreement known as the “Popular Front”, 45-year-old New York Representative Vito Marcantonio has thus become the face of a newly united American left. Born to humble beginnings in an immigrant family residing in a crime-wracked neighborhood of Harlem, Marcantonio excelled at academics despite the challenges of his youth and began a successful career in law soon after his graduation. Building his reputation by taking on cases defending workers wronged by their employers and protestors arrested during demonstrations against the Mitchel presidency, Marcantonio built crucial connections within the Social Democratic Party that propelled him to an appointment as a United States Attorney and later election to the House of Representatives. While quick to make a name for himself first with his opposition to President Howard P. Lovecraft and later for his opposition to the declaration of war upon Japan, Marcantonio always remained sensitive to the needs of his constituents and returned to Harlem every weekend to solve their governmental problems and thereby earned their undying loyalty with every election. With his initial opposition to the war tempered by his loyalty to the Social Democratic Party and flexibility regarding supporting certain war measures, Marcantonio found himself uniquely positioned to earn the joint nomination of the Social Democratic and Socialist Workers Party and thereby take a leading role in uniting them electorally under the Popular Front while maintaining their formal political independence. However, while he is nominally the candidate of the united American left and enjoys some support from former Syndicalists, the most die-hard followers of communist icon Joseph Hansen remained opposed to Marcantonio and have sought to write in their imprisoned leader instead.
Washington Governor Harry E. B. Ault
With the Popular Front agreement demanding the nomination of a Socialist Workers politician for the vice presidency, 64-year-old Washington Governor Harry E. B. Ault stands as the candidate of the more radical side of the electoral alliance. Born to a family of committed socialists, when he was a teenager Ault moved into a blossoming cooperative socialist colony in Washington state. Serving as a press secretary for the ill-fated 1908 presidential campaign of Eugene V. Debs, Ault became a wanted man during the Grant dictatorship and witnessed the death of his political mentor Hermon F. Titus at the hands of Grantist Blueshirts. Surviving until after the Second American Revolution, Ault became the editor of Seattle's premier labor-owned newspaper, the Union Record. Thus, he became a central figure in the Seattle General Strike opposing the influence of William Z. Foster and urging a pragmatic balance of direct and political action. Appointed as a United States Marshal by President Frank J. Hayes as an olive branch to pacifists amidst the rapid split of the Social Democratic Party over the issue of the Second World War, Ault was placed into the impossible situation of enforcing laws such as the Alien Registration Act that he found fundamentally unjust and resigned his position soon after. Nonetheless, this service was enough for him to be marked for arrest by his former employee Anna Louise Strong when she took leadership over the Seattle commune during the Syndicalist Revolt against President Howard Hughes. After a brief spell of Federalist Reform control over the state following the suppression of the revolt, Ault led the Socialist Workers Party to sweep elections in the state in 1944. Although he drew some consternation from his allies for his pragmatic choice to avoid excessively obstructing the war effort in order to stave off another federal intervention in state politics, Ault nevertheless became a national voice for the war-weary searching for a quick end to the war.
Arguing that the formation of a world government is the only possible path to ensure world peace, Marcantonio has strongly endorsed the creation of a worldwide federal union. While supporting the delegation of powers to control nuclear power and international armaments, Marcantonio has also gone a step further than his opponents in suggesting that the federation be granted a relatively broad power to provide for the “general welfare” and regulate “international commerce” in a model similar to that of the United States. Seeing leftist governments abroad as the principal allies of the United States in forming a world federation, Marcantonio has called for closer relations with Aneurin Bevan’s United Kingdom and Alvaro de Albornoz’s Spain while calling for more support of leftist movements in the occupied countries of the Pact of Steel. Curiously, Marcantonio has also reportedly exchanged letters with Italian world federalist Santi Paladino and Sicilian political leaders regarding the annexation of Sicily to the United States as a precursor to the world federation. Strictly opposed to the European colonial empires, Marcantonio has called for their immediate dismantlement and the creation of new nations under the principle of self-determination. Additionally, Marcantonio has harshly criticized his opponent’s proposals for intervention against international communist movements as warmongering efforts that would needlessly spill the blood of workers.
Attacking the National Labor Arbitration Act as being designed to suppress the right of workers to strike, Marcantonio has campaigned upon its repeal while suggesting that his administration would back the efforts of workers to achieve increases in wages and reductions in working hours as recompense for their wartime sacrifices. Additionally, Marcantonio has called for the nationalization of monopolistic industries such as banking, shipping, electric power, gas, and oil, as well as the nationalization of any industries dependent on government purchases with the defense industry chief among them, arguing that they exploit both the consumers they service as well as the workers they employ. In light of the struggles of the American healthcare system during the deadly Japanese biological attack of bubonic plague and the continued issue of homelessness stemming from destruction in the Bakuhatsu, Marcantonio has called for the creation of a socialized system of national healthcare as well as an ambitious public housing program to guarantee homes for the poor and dispossessed. To fund his extensive governmental proposals, Marcantonio has called for a vast reduction in defense spending as well as the maintenance of many wartime taxes as well as stiffer capital gains, excess profits, land value, and estate taxes. Meanwhile, attacking postwar inflation as the result of unbridled corporate greed, Marcantonio has supported the maintenance and extension of broad price and rent controls. Having built a reputation as a champion of immigrant and minority communities in his district, Marcantonio has supported federal civil rights legislation to bar segregation in housing, employment, and public accommodations as well as an opening of the American immigration system.
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DAY: MAY 2 2024
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2024.05.02 05:51 its_whirlpool4 Events for Fri 5/3 - Sun 5/5 (Star Wars Day and Cinco de Mayo Weekend)

** ALL WEEKEND (FRI 5/3 - SUN 5/5) *\*
10 AM - 2 PM Beetlejuice Tea Party Snapdragon Tea, 115 Harvard Dr. SE Themed tea party in tribute to Beetlejuice coming to Popejoy Hall! Enjoy three themed courses of small bites, accompanied by two pots of hot tea of your choice. One weekend only! We welcome kids of all ages to our tea parties. Children’s menus, gluten free, vegetarian and vegan menus are available upon request as well. Reservations required
** BOTH FRI 5/3 AND SAT 5/4 *\*
8 AM - 2 PM Old Fashioned Church Rummage Sale Hope in the Desert Episcopal Church, 8700 Alameda Blvd. NE Snag amazing deals on really good stuff - from furniture to kitchen items, household essentials, electronics, and much more!
Fri 7 - 9 PM Sat 2 - 4 PM New MexiChords In Concert! Sentimental Journey St. John's United Methodist Church, 2626 Arizona St. NE A Capella Live Concert! Join us for as we reminisce through favorite songs. Special guest: Quartet of All Time! $15 Tickets at Door
** BOTH SAT 5/4 AND SUN 5/5 *\*
Sat 3 - 5 PM Sun 2 - 4 PM Mother's Day Kid's Gift Making Workshop Pinspiration, 6271 Riverside Plaza Ln. NW, Ste D1 Join us for a unique and fun way for your kiddos to honor and celebrate their mom, aunts, grandmas or any important mother figure in their lives. A hand-crafted gift from your child will really show mom how much they love them! Drop off the kiddos for an afternoon of crafting to make something very special! $35 per child (Special gift, Gift wrapping, Snack and drink). Workshop fee is non-refundable so if you're unable to attend, a studio credit will be given for another workshop, crafts or our splatter experience (register)
4 PM American Music - Then and Now The ABQ Civic Chorus is delighted and excited to welcome you to our spring concert. We are a group of over sixty vocal musicians with different backgrounds, professions, and musical training. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Tickets purchased online will be available at the door and are good for either day
** Fri 5/3 *\*
Fri 10:45 AM – 12 PM Coffee Concert 4: Early Beethoven South Broadway Cultural Center, 1025 Broadway Blvd. SE Beethoven Prometheus (Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus): Overture; Beethoven Concerto, Piano, No. 3, Op. 37, c minor; Beethoven Symphony No. 2, Op. 36, D Major. The last NMPhil Coffee Concert of 2023/24 is sure to leave you excited for next season! Premiered in 1803 in Vienna and conducted by the composer himself, Beethoven’s second foray into the world of big, public symphonies combines his unique artistry with his humor, stated through various musical jokes in the Scherzo and Finale. The program—led by conductor Na’Zir McFadden—also includes Anthony Ratinov performing Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3 to lighten your early-spring morning (tickets)
Fri 2 – 9 PM Grand Opening NM Rave Cave, 115 7th St. NW Come see our new location and check out our vendors, food trucks and local dj’s playing in store. Complete with an ABQ Live Photo Booth. Big Boss Hotlinks will be on site with Burgers, Dogs , Fries and more! We are teaming up with Viva ABQ, 505 Junglists, Carma Presents, ABQ Live, Unyk Lyfe, ASTRL Entertainment, Otter World Music, Audio Elite NM and Mr.Afterhours to bring you a one of a kind experience! Vendors - Alchemy Beauty - Magic Cup Boba Tea - Rastafari_Mari - Own The Day - The Mexican Witch - High Chi Mandalas - Astrl Ent
Fri 3:30 - 7:30 PM Family Block Party! Coldwell Banker Legacy Paseo, 8200 Carmel Ave NE Car show, bouncy houses, mechanical bull! Welcome to a celebration for our cherished community and the wonderful clients who make our work so rewarding!
Fri 5 PM Blueberry Berliner Weisse Release Tractor Brewing - All locations You asked for a sour and now you got one! Hitting your taste buds like spring allergies, the Blueberry Berliner will be available on tap everywhere
Fri 5 – 8 PM Honky Tonk for Hope, Health and Healing Dirty Bourbon Dance Hall & Saloon, 9800 Montgomery Blvd., Ste 4 Come dance the night away with us! There will be food, fun, and dancing! This fundraising event benefits Casa Esperanza! For more info, Jacob Romero 505-246-2706 or []( (tickets)
Fri 6 PM Country Social Dance CSP Dance Studios, 1624 Eubank Blvd. NE The best country music for dancing to practice your Country Two Step, Night Club, West Coast Swing, East Coast Swing, Cha Cha, Waltz, Rhythm Two Step, 4-count Swing, Line Dancing and more! $10 cash at the door. Welcome lesson 6:00-6:30pm. Call 505-883-9521 for more info
Fri 6 PM 'Burque Bee 2024 Canteen Brewhouse, 2381 Aztec Rd. NE Join us on the patio to show off your spelling chops. To give yourself an even better chance of winning, for $5 you can buy coupons like More Time (get 30 more seconds to confer), Stinger (sting your opponents!) and Help (get help from the audience). Team Registration $75. 3 people per team, limited to 12 teams (register)
Fri 6 PM Luke Bulla Concert Covenant Presbyterian Church, 9315 Candelaria Rd. NE Luke has been singing and playing music most of his life. Touring with and singing in his family band from age four, Luke has won National Fiddle Contest (in Weiser, Idaho) six times in his respective age categories. His seventh win came in the Grand Champion division at age sixteen, making him the youngest to have earned the title at the time. More recently Luke has performed and/or recorded with Brandi Carlile, Jim Lauderdale, Darrell Scott, Alison Krauss, Jerry Douglas, Sam Bush, Edgar Meyer, Bela Fleck, Kevin Costner & Modern West, Russ Barenberg Trio, Shawn Colvin, Tony Rice, Chris Thile, Peter Rowan, Rodney Crowell, and Earl Scruggs, to name a few. Doors 5:30 pm. Show 6 pm. Presented by Southwest Pickers
Fri 6 – 7:30 PM Spring Fling Dennis Chavez Elementary, 7500 Barstow St. NE Food trucks, face painters, a balloonist, a mobile petting zoo, School of Rock performances, lawn games, mini golf and a chance to dunk your principal and favorite teachers! (We could still use some extra hands to keep the event fun and seamless, if you could spare some time, sign up here)
Fri 6 – 8:30 PM Pizza Paint & Craft Night Canvas and Coffee, 6700 4th St NW, Los Ranchos Date night for Mom and Dad... Drop off the kids (6+) for a Pizza dinner, then crafting, and painting fun! Each month we will offer a theme and will have 2 projects available for your child to make and take home the same evening! The materials they will be working with will be canvas painting, crafting with wood, beads, ribbon, mod podge, glue, acrylic paint, watercolors, and more! *Children with special dietary needs will need to bring their own snack/meal (tickets)
Fri 7 PM Group Therapy Band Marble Brewery, 111 Marble Ave NW Come dance your jitters away while listening to soothing music to calm a nervous world
Fri 7 PM Roust the House + Rock 101 Music Academy Performance Night Outpost Performance Space, 210 Yale Blvd. SE Roust the House and Rock 101 Music Academy return for another exciting season of performances featuring local teen bands and soloists, from punk rock to classical piano to singer-songwriters, hip hoppers, spoken word artists, and more, including The Hunnies, a Rock 101 alumni band, and other talented up-and-coming musicians. Tonight’s show features winners of Rock 101’s Band League Challenge and more. Founded in 2011 by Director Kevin Herig, Rock 101 Music Academy is a year-round program for musicians as young as 4 years old through their teen years featuring one on one and group lessons, band mentoring, and more (tickets)
Fri 7 – 9 PM Tacos & Rides Truck Night Cafe Bella Coffee, 2604 Violeta Cir SE, Rio Rancho Join us for a night where trucks reign supreme. Roll in with your ride—whether it's lifted, lowered, or custom-built. All trucks welcome! Showcase your pride and joy. Connect & Converse: Swap stories and ideas with fellow truck and auto enthusiasts. Savor: Bite into delicious street tacos and chill out with good eats. Safety First: Courtesy presence by Rio Rancho Police for a safe, fun evening. Drive in, hang out, and fuel your passion for trucks at NM's longest-running automotive meet. Let's keep the wheels turning and the tacos grilling!
Fri 7 – 10 PM Ulthar Sister, 407 Central Ave NW This Bay Area band is sowing the seeds of planetary entropy by way of horrifying blacked cosmic death metal (tickets)
Fri 7 – 10 PM Galactic Funk Star Wars Party w/ Kaleido Tractor Brewing - Westside, 5720 McMahon Blvd. NW Come celebrate Star Wars weekend with killer tunes from the always amazing DJ Kaleido!
Fri 8 – 11 PM First Fridays w/ DJ Flo Fader Tractor Brewing, 122 Tulane Dr. SE He's just too good to not have in Nob Hill at least once a month. Come jam out with one of NM's absolute BEST DJs and kick off your weekend with FLO FADER!
Fri 8:30 PM – 12 AM 1st Fridays SBKZ Alley Kats Tap Company, 219 Truman St. NE Joining the Salsa, Bachata, Kizomba, and Zouk dance communities has been a blast! Please join us as we welcome ABQ resident DJ Karla of Metta Dance Collective and welcome back world renowned Ry’el of Zenzouk for another amazing social! Theme: Sparkles -- Let’s sparkle and shine with gratitude for having Ry’el and Rachel with us the last 3 going on 4 months! There will be 2 ROOMS! Room 1: Salsa & Bachata. Room 2: Zouk & Kizomba. Music by DJ Karla - Room 1, DJ Yaz - Room 2. $10 Cover: Cash/Venmo/Cashapp accepted. Snacks and drinks provided
Fri 9 PM The Millennium Video Music Dance Party -“Barbie Prom” Sunshine Theater, 120 Central Ave NW Get ready for a night of electrifying nostalgia Millennium Video Music Dance Party presents the ultimate “Barbie Prom” extravaganza, unlike anything you've experienced before! Brace yourself for the most sensational, dazzling, and downright iconic 90s and 2000s Video Music Dance Party to ever grace our town! Picture this: a world that exudes the glamour, glitz, energy, of your very own Barbie dream world. Prepare to be dazzled into a shimmering oasis of pink, glitter, and all things fabulous. Whether you're channeling the chic sophistication of Barbie herself or embracing the edgy coolness of Ken, this is your chance to shine like never before! Dance the night away to the biggest hits from the 90s and 2000s, (100% Music videos) curated to perfection to keep you grooving all night. Think Beyonce, Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Pitbull, One Direction, Kesha, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Gwen Stefani, Eminem, 50 Cent, Lady Gaga, Black Eyed Peas, Flo Rida, Britney Spears…. and beyond – Get ready to strike a pose at our dedicated Barbie Prom photo-booth, make memories that are guaranteed to last for years to come (tickets)
Fri 9 – 11:30 PM LoPhat Juno, 1501 1st St. NW Dance to Live Music by one of ABQ's top R&B-flavored bands! From the Caribbean to Baltimore, from Detroit to El Paso, from the Pacific Islands to ABQ… with this melting pot of soul, rhythms, experience, and passion, there isn’t a “skool” that isn’t represented! LoPhat believes there is something to be learned from every soul that crosses your path. This way of thinking has given them the ability to incorporate and masterfully execute most genres of music and makes them a class all their own. Surpassing all “Variety Bands” with more listening choices than your radio, this band is sure to have something even the most skeptical listeners will enjoy. Founded in 2023, this band has gained a committed following. In their first year they have already played for Sandia Casino, CABQ, NM State Fair, Gathering of Nations, Ohkay Casino, Route 66 Casino, and so many more! LoPhat is set to release their first album in 2024 showcasing their melding of different cultures to bring you “feel good” music in a way that seems so familiar yet so new! (tickets)
Fri 9 PM – 1:30 AM Back in the Day: A First Friday Experience Backstage at Revel, 4720 Alexander Blvd. NE DJs Gonzo Supreme and Clout will be spinning all your favorite 90s and 2000s Hip Hop & R&B hits and more! 21+ (tickets)
Fri 9 PM – 1:30 AM Callaita Fridays Salt Yard West, 3700 Ellison Dr. NW Get ready for an unforgettable night as DJs Julio & Soiree take the outdoor stage, promising an electrifying journey into Latin music. Let the pulsating rhythms and contagious energy sweep you away as you dance under the stars. This 21+ event guarantees an atmosphere where you can fully embrace the rhythm without inhibition. Whether you're a seasoned Reggaeton enthusiast or simply looking for a night of unparalleled fun and excitement, this event promises an experience like no other! (tickets)
Fri 10:30 PM – 12:15 AM OMEN - the debut haunting psychedelic feature by Belgian-Congolese musican/artist Baloji The Guild Cinema, 3405 Central Ave NE Check out the trailer. Dir. Baloji - 2024 - 90m - Democratic Republic of Congo, Netherlands, Belgium - In French, Swahli, Lingala, English with subtitles. After spending years in Belgium, Koffi (Marc Zinga), a young Congolese man, returns to his birthplace of Kinshasa to confront his family and homeland culture. Secrecy and sorcery erupt when a nosebleed is mistaken for a curse, and Koffi is shunned from his family. Using magical realism to paint a portrait of “undesirables” and “sorcerers,” OMEN delves into the intricacies of identity, culture, and belief systems through a deeply rich and visually captivating lens (tickets)
** Sat 5/4 ** -- Star Wars Day
Sat 8 AM May Volunteer Clean Up Historic Fairview Cemetery, 700 Yale Blvd. SE Mustard is running rampant! We'll focus on doing what we can to address those weeds. Please dress to protect yourself from the strong Southwest sun. Wear sunscreen, a hat, long pants and shirts, sturdy shoes. Bring tools and gloves to garden, we'll provide the trash bags, water and snacks
Sat 8 – 11 AM Rigs & Coffee Pinon Coffee House, 4545 Alameda Blvd. Get ready for a unique automotive experience! This gathering is all about celebrating the spirit of adventure and the love for off-road vehicles
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM OPENING DAY! 6718 Rio Grande Blvd NW, Los Ranchos WE'RE BACK! Come kick off the opening day of the regular season of the Los Ranchos Art Market! Plenty of parking and open space for all! Free entry! Pet friendly! Bring your family and friends to kick off the season and pick out that special mom a beautiful high quality hand made gift by our local artists!
Sat 8 AM – 12 PM Downtown Growers' Market Robinson Park, Every Saturday! This vibrant community event connects local farmers, growers, artisans, wellness makers, and hot food vendors with the local community from mid-Apr to early-Nov. Bring friends / family or come solo to enjoy fresh food made on sight, a variety of seasonal produce, unique arts and crafts, live music, and special programming all in the heart of downtown
Sat 8:30 AM Workout Fun in the Park! 9709 Layton Ave NE Join BFit505 for a fun community workout! Wear your walking/running shoes, a workout clothes. All ages, all fitness levels. Just $5 drop in to the park!
Sat 9 AM Cinco De Mayo Celebration Osuna Nursery, 501 Osuna Rd. NE Celebrate Cinco de Mayo early with a full day of celebration! You'll find: • chips & salsa • a special mix from DJ Everedy of Red Sapphire Entertainment • Osuna University 'Planting for Pollinators' with local author and landscape designer Judith Phillips from 11am-12pm. It's the perfect opportunity to brighten up your own celebrations with beautiful blooms and gorgeous serving-ware including artisan talavera
Sat 9 AM – 1 PM Herb Day 2024 Sonia Masocco Phytotherapy, 11930 Menaul Blvd NE, Ste 109 This is our Annual Herb Day Open House & Medicinal Plant Sale. Come visit your local herbal apothecary, mingle with like minded people, purchase your plants for your medicinal or aromatic garden or just come and have a cup of tea with us. This event is free, for all ages with parking lot access
Sat 9 AM – 4 PM La Cueva Band Booster Club Annual Spring Craft Fair La Cueva High School, Perfect time to pick up a unique Mother's Day gift from over 140 artists and vendors!
Sat 9 AM – 6 PM Heels & Wheels - Women's Ride Day! Indian Motorcycle, 4509 Alameda Blvd. NE Ladies, we invite you to come out and ride your bike! Ride on your own, with your significant other, with friends or find some riding partners at the event. You set your pace and ride your ride. We will be at Indian Motorcycle 9am - 11am. Grab some food and some coffee or tea at the trucks on site. Check out all the sales on bikes and gear before or after you stop by registration in the back. We will have a few stations and tables set up that we would love for you to check out. There will be some trivia at the end location for some giveaways. You will be provided a wrist band and a list of participating businesses with their addresses and hours of operation so you can plan your ride. make it a day, make it fun, stop and have lunch but visit as many of the businesses as you like. You will be collecting beads from each business you visit. These beads will only be given to a female who has a wrist band, but all are welcome to ride. Many of the businesses will have their own party going on to celebrate this day with you. Stop in and support these local businesses and collect your beads. Bring all those beads to Hops Brewery, 7222 4th St NW, Los Ranchos between 3pm-6pm. Trade them in for free raffle tickets that you can use to win many great prizes we have collected from our participating businesses. Don't worry, if you didn't collect beads or need more raffle tickets we will have them on sale and everyone is welcome to purchase as many as you like. Then grab a bite and a drink. Mingle, shop some of our vendors, enjoy the giveaways, and performance by live band, Crazy Bird! They are amazing so we hope you can dance in your biker boots (tickets)
Sat 10 AM Storybook Garden Spring Planting Day Corrales Community Library, 84 W La Entrada, Corrales We will be planting the children's Storybook Garden! Beans: Calima, Provider, Rattlesnake. Cucumbers: Dragon's Egg, Mexican Sour Gherkin. Tomatoes: A Grippoli d'Inverno, Black Cherry, Brad's Crazy Cherry, Chocolate Sprinkles, Punta Bando, Rosella, Sunrise Bumble Bee, Yellow Pear. Squash: Tromconcino
Sat 10 AM – 12 PM Fourth Annual Car Show 5111 Wilshire Ave NE All are welcome to participate in our annual car show! Corvette, Porsche, Lamborghini, Mercedes Benz, Rolls Royce, and more! There will be a gift basket raffle, free shirts for the first 10 cars, coffee, and snacks. PLEASE CALL SILVER STAR AUTO HAUS AT 505-881-4855 TO REGISTER YOUR CAR!
Sat 10 AM – 1 PM Eternal Bonds & Bubbles with Link x Lou Sawmill Market, 1909 Bellamah Ave NW Indulge in an intimate setting where every ticket promises an unforgettable experience, featuring a complimentary glass of house wine or mocktail (Rosé, White, Red), a curated charcuterie board available to order, and a special $40 credit towards the permanent jewelry of your choice from Link x Lou (tickets)
Sat 10 AM – 2 PM Craft Fair Second Hand Sam's Indoor Mall,1020 Veranda Drive SE, Rio Rancho Space rentals $20. For more info, call 505-544-2636
Sat 10 AM – 2 PM The 2nd & Coal Pop-up! Flyby Provisions, 201 Coal Ave SW We’re bringing the community together for a day of shopping, music, and delicious food! Get ready to explore an eclectic mix of handcrafted treasures from over 20 local vendors, showcasing their unique creations! From handmade jewelry to artisanal foods and everything in between, there’s something for everyone at our market
Sat 10 AM – 3 PM DLC Truck Parks Spring PopUp! 2520 Jefferson St. NE Come support our local vendors! Variety of fun foods and products!
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM Tracks, Tunes, & Taps: A Steam Locomotive 2926 Fundraiser Tractor Brewing - Wells Park, 1800 4th St. NW • Live Music by RJ Perez at noon! • One of the largest steam locomotives on the Planet! • See History Alive! See her run! Become a volunteer and work on our next project! Hear her whistle! All proceeds go toward the continued maintenance and future operations. NM Steam Locomotive and Railroad Historical Society, in charge of the operation of the historic Santa Fe Railway steam locomotive 2926 have finished renovations on this beautiful train and they'll be bringing it to the tracks next to Tractor Wells Park! Come check out this amazing piece of history and get on board!
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM Art Show Fundraiser Unity Spiritual Center, 9800 Candelaria Rd. NE Come and see the vast array of art from our local artists. Find gifts, beautiful and functional objects, and art to adorn your spaces. This is our first art show at Unity and it promises to be a good one! Our Unity EarthCare Team is hosting this art fair. Funds raised are going toward xeriscaping our property and other earth friendly efforts to save water and support pollinators. Snacks, drinks, and live music on the lawn, weather permitting. Painters, Photographers, Sculptors, Potters, Mixed Media Artists, and more have been invited
Sat 10 AM – 4 PM ABQ International Festival San Pedro, between Kathryn and Anderson A day filled with fun and festivities, including live music, kids' play area, delicious food, and local vendors!
Sat 11 AM – 1 PM Fun and Games Fundraiser ABQ Speech Language and Hearing Center (ASLHC), 9500 Montgomery Blvd. NE, Ste 215 Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of games and activities, with delicious food provided by @ withlovewaffles. A huge thank you to Eagle Credit Union for their financial support!
Sat 11 AM - 4 PM May The Fourth Be With You Sale - Biggest Sale Yet! Don’s Paperback Book Exchange, 1013 San Mateo Blvd. SE Spring has sprung and that means it’s time to have an event, folks! Let’s do a sale - a really big sale! All books and DVDs 50% off - All comics 25% off - All kids get free books too! This sale will include green label comics, CGC comics, and dollar comics
Sat 11 AM – 5 PM Mother's Day Market ABQ Food Park,6951 San Antonio Dr. NE Get ahead of the game and celebrate Mother's Day in style! Before the big day arrives, join us for a delightful pre-celebration where you can grab something special for Mom, Grandma, or that extraordinary woman in your life. Dive into a world of local craftsmanship, delicious food, live music, and outdoor fun at our enchanting outdoor venue. *Browse through the diverse offerings of local artisans *Treat yourself to a mouthwatering delight from our food trucks *Enjoy live music performed by talented local musician Joseph Velasquez *Bring the family to enjoy the festivities with some outdoor games and activities
Sat 11 AM – 7 PM Turkish Festival Raindrop Foundation, 7901 Mountain Rd. NE Festival will feature exquisite samples of Turkish- Mediterranean Cuisine (Doner Gyro Kebab, Baklava, Turkish Coffee and more), cultural exhibits, folk dances, children's area, arts & crafts and more! You do not want to miss this family event that everyone will find something to enjoy! Admission is FREE and the event is open to the public
Sat 11 AM – 10 PM Star Wars Day Celebration Slice and Dice Pizzeria, 2225 Wyoming Blvd. NE From 1-2 pm, stormtroopers from NM's 501st Legion will be available for photos. Throughout the day, we will have teach-and-play for Star Wars miniatures games (Legion and Shatterpoint), as well as the hottest game in the galaxy: Star Wars: The Card Game. Come dressed in your favorite Star Wars fit or gear for a free churro!
Sat 12 PM Free Comic Book Day Age of Comics, 3700 Osuna Rd. NE, Ste 513 We are excited to announce Andy Kuhn and Mark Fenton will be signing in store!
submitted by its_whirlpool4 to ABQEvents [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 23:06 Useful-Business-2804 I Did The Britney Spears Challenge.....AS BRITNEY SPEARS

I Did The Britney Spears Challenge.....AS BRITNEY SPEARS
And Made Her Make New Music And Collaborated With Lady Gaga And Katy Perry
submitted by Useful-Business-2804 to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 08:24 Odd-Hand-2026 All Militants planets that do not evolve in consciousness are doomed. Did Mars evolve? On both ends? Did south korea repeat same patterns yes!! Look at khoi and natives.. They were people who went back to their old ways or was cast down because it was yeast.

All Militants planets that do not evolve in consciousness are doomed. Did Mars evolve? On both ends? Did south korea repeat same patterns yes!! Look at khoi and natives.. They were people who went back to their old ways or was cast down because it was yeast. Too fast rising bakers are never restored.. it’s mostly robbery/ sub planting replacement! Thus those judgements. Leaving something out on actual duty to put yourself in! If “not grow”.. they staying here.. I am showing what that balance is if self defence and overbearing diction is.. authoritarian states without purpose. control can protect.. ie China has police state because it has tolerated the presence of “the untested” and caanan mixing themselves with them! For fast food and prosperity.. or people who cut their suffering short to be hand fed. suffering in right season and not fainting is “for a time” if you don’t know how to let live you are anti Christ.. Christ consciousness suffer for a time then a real born again = living fully. He came that we might have life.. and not only life but have it ABUNDANTLY. their such thing as false life the life you take first.. rather than the ones you give first.. the divine spirit is the day of the Lord = black! Darkness not light. All Militaristic people are stunted if they cant grow and naturally on their own evolve. what men 🔺 say has merit as well.. only their reasons proven tested by time why they did that.. esp if i cant apply it to this present time and why.. Azazel is the angel that taught war. War nations usually connect to Mars.. (3) of them here one Alien will he transform.. or repeat sins of mars.. i do not live germany Germany has never loved us.. Azazel is also the name of a demon or evil spirit in Jewish legends. During the late “Second Temple” period, Azazel came to be viewed as a “fallen angel” AZ (EL) som of man said I am the ALPHA and Omega that greek that new wine baby.. that’s suffrage.. it was AZAZEL who introduced humans to forbidden knowledge. This role is partly still present in Christian and Islamic traditions. In Islam, Azazel is the “angel of death” who separates “souls from THEIR bodies 🌌” (Rome, Orion, 🧢 Congo, Jacob and “the dreamers” that do that!! And follow everyone else’s truth no spirit). He is one of the four archangels, along with Jibrīl, Mīkāl, and Isrāfīl. Azazil is also believed to be the original name of Satan (I•b•lī•s). Azazel is a name in Jewish tradition that refers to a rocky headland where a “goat” “not a lamb 🐑 a goat 🐐 Gizeh) is thrown to symbolize the sins of the Jewish people. The other goat is slaughtered as part of the Yom Kippur rituals to bring atonement to the community. The name Azazel appears in Leviticus “16” : ”8-10”, where the high priest casts lots to decide which goat will be sent to Azazel. The goat designated for the Lord is slaughtered, while the other goat is sent to Azazel. Two goats 🐐 Azazel, in Jewish legends, a demon or evil spirit (DJT and Putin 🏳️‍🌈 YY = 🪱) to whom, in the ancient rite of Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), a scapegoat was sent bearing the sins of the Jewish people. Two male GOATS 🐐 were chosen for the ritual, one designated by lots “for the Lord,” the other “for Azazel” (Leviticus 16:8). No such thing as a EL 🐐.. so no 🇰🇵 he cant be chosen.
submitted by Odd-Hand-2026 to TartarianAR [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:31 DiscoverDurham Things to do in Durham this week!

If you’d like to add an event to our calendar, submit an event here. Please check with the event organizers to see if events change due to weather. Have a great week!
See the full weekly calendar on our website.

Noteworthy Events

PLAYlist Concert Series: John Brown & the Groove Shop Band at Durham Central Park
NCCU Graduation at NCCU
19th Annual Strawberry Festival at Old North Durham Park
Durham Craft Market Spring Fling at Durham Central Park
Cinco de Mayo Latin Day Party! at The Velvet Hippo Bar & Lounge

Multi-Day Events

NCCU Jazz Festival at NCCU
Sandlot Revival at Historic Durham Athletic Park
Popup Arts and Crafts Market at Horse & Buggy Press and Friends Gallery
RetroNoir Film Series at The Carolina Theatre
Historic Buildings Open House at West Point on the Eno Park
Jewish Food Week at Jewish for Good at the Levin JCC
Movies at The Carolina Theatre

Monday, Apr 29

12:30 p.m.
Pop-Up Birds of Prey Tour at Piedmont Wildlife Center
2 p.m.
Board Game Night at The Glass Jug in Downtown Durham
5 p.m.
Arts & Drafts at Fullsteam Brewery
6 p.m.
Queer Death Cafe at Arcana
Conquest: Night with the Sorcerer Kings at Atomic Empire
Disc Golf Putting League at The Glass Jug in RTP
6:30 p.m.
Trivia Night at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
7 p.m.
Community Board Game Night at Moon Dog Meadery
8 p.m.
Matteo Bocelli at The Carolina Theatre

Tuesday, Apr 30

Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
Events at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
Events at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in RTP
6 p.m.
Erotic Fan Fiction at Arcana
Trivia at Durham Food Hall
Bring Your Own Vinyl with Jaffar at Rubies on Five Points
Women on the Wall at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
6:30 p.m.
Cowboys With Big Hearts at Atomic Empire
7 p.m.
Trivia at Beer Study Durham
Not Rocket Science Trivia at DSSOLVR Durham
Tuesday Blues Jam at The Blue Note Grill
7:30 p.m.
Eloquent Soul - Open Mic Night hosted by Dasan Ahanu at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Durham Tech Sings at Motorco Music Hall
North Carolina Jazz Repertory Orchestra at Sharp 9 Gallery
8 p.m.
Jeremy 'Bean' Clemons Trio at Kingfisher

Wednesday, May 1

Events at Atomic Empire
Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at ZincHouse Winery & Brewery
3 p.m.
Durham Farmers’ Market at Durham Central Park
5 p.m.
Free Wednesday Wine Tasting at Beer Study Durham
6 p.m.
Triangle Area Pagan Alliance Meet Up and Tarot with Heiltje at Arcana
Hike at Horton Grove Preserve
7 p.m.
Astronomy on Tap at Fullsteam Brewery
Hammered Trivia at Hi-Wire Brewing
Karaoke Night at Mavericks Smokehouse
Benefit Jam For Congo Flood Relief at Motorco Music Hall
Music Bingo at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
Brett Chambers Open Mic at The Blue Note Grill
7:30 p.m.
Ally J on the Roof at The Durham Hotel
8 p.m.
Air Hockey Tournament at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Trivia Night at Bull McCabe's
Karaoke at Moon Dog Meadery
Blends With Friends at The Pinhook

Thursday, May 2

Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
11 a.m.
Walk on the Wild Side: Native Shrubs at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
3 p.m.
Guided Museum Tour at 21c Museum Hotels Durham
5 p.m.
Thirsty Thursdays at Dashi
Spring Grilling on the Roof: Moonbelly Meat Co. at The Durham Hotel
6 p.m.
Jonathan Groger and Carter Hodge and Tarot with Rene at Arcana
Game Designers of North Carolina Meetup at Atomic Empire
Vinyl Night with DJ Deckades at Gizmo Brew Works
6:15 p.m.
Pony Run at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
6:30 p.m.
Resin Pour Charcuterie Board at DSSOLVR
Line Dance Classes at Mystic Farm and Distillery
Boulders & Brews Meetup at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
Magick of Tarot Workshop at Weldon Mills Distillery
7 p.m.
Trivia Night at Beer Tooth Taproom
Bring Your Own Vinyl Night at Congress Social Bar
Community Board Game Night at Moon Dog Meadery
Comedy Improv with Stolen Identity & Friends at Succotash Southern & Creole Kitchen
Celebration of NC Songwriting: Jonathan Byrd, Abigail Dowd, Nancy Middleton & Kirk Ridge at The Blue Note Grill
7:30 p.m.
Trivia Night with Big Slow Tom at Clouds Brewing Brightleaf Square
Adriel and the Force at Sharp 9 Gallery
8 p.m.
Weekly Single Mingle at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Trivia at Fullsteam Brewery
Catwolf / Miss Lonely / Pageant / Housewife at The Pinhook
9:30 p.m.
Karaoke Night at The Tavern

Friday, May 3

Events at Atomic Empire
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Company
Events at Mettlesome
Events at Moon Dog Meadery
Events at The Blue Note Grill
9 a.m.
F is for First Responders at Museum of Durham History
10 a.m.
Tasting at Ten at Counter Culture Coffee
5:30 p.m.
LOJO: Log Off, Jam On at Boxyard RTP
6 p.m.
Andrew Kasab and Tarot with Rene at Arcana
Friday Night Makes at Durham Arts Council
6:30 p.m.
Rebecca Kleinmann Quintet at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
7 p.m.
Live Vinyl Spinning by PhDJ at Beer Study Durham
Diggin in the Crates at Boricua Soul
Stand Up Comedy at Mystic Farm and Distillery
American Muse: Music and the Paranormal with Matt Marble at Online
7:30 p.m.
PLAYlist Concert Series: John Brown & the Groove Shop Band at Durham Central Park
Uri Gurvich/Rodolfo Zuniga Quartet at Sharp 9 Gallery
Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular at The Carolina Theatre
8 p.m.
Latin Dance at Arthur Murray Durham
Get the Led Out at DPAC
Stereo Reveries at DSSOLVR Durham
Music by Jives at Pioneers
Alexa Vélez & Daniel Levin + David Menestres at Shadowbox Studio
9 p.m.
Rebecca Kleinmann Quintet at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Rock En Español: The Latin Rock Invasion at Motorco Music Hall
90's Karaoke at The Pinhook
Latin Nights at The Velvet Hippo Bar & Lounge
10 p.m.
Moodboard at Rubies on Five Points

Saturday, May 4

Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Company
Distillery Tours and Tastings at Liberty & Plenty
Events at Mettlesome
Guided Walking Tours with Triangle Adventures
8 a.m.
Cars and Coffee at 5425 Page Rd
Durham Farmers' Market at Durham Central Park
parkrun Durham at Southern Boundaries Park
9 a.m.
South Durham Farmers' Market at Greenwood Commons Shopping Center
40th Anniversary Festival at Kiefer Nursery
NCCU Graduation at NCCU
Naturally Wild presents Birding for QTBIPOC at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
9:30 a.m.
Pollinator Garden Volunteer Day at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in RTP
10 a.m.
Free Comic Book Day at Atomic Empire
Annual Spring Celebration & Plant Sale at Briggs Ave Community Garden
Hayti and Haiti: Free Soil Havens Walking Tour at Hayti Heritage Center
11 a.m.
19th Annual Strawberry Festival at Old North Durham Park
Durham Garden Tour at Various Locations
12 p.m.
May The 4th Party at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Crafternoons at Gizmo Brew Works
1 p.m.
Wild Kratts at DPAC
2 p.m.
Durham "Bullpen" Treasure Bullpen at Fullsteam Brewery
NCCU Graduation at NCCU
3 p.m.
Cinco de Mayo Bar Crawl at Downtown Durham
Derby Day Party at Lula and Sadie's
Pops in the Park at Piney Wood Park
5 p.m.
Wild Kratts at DPAC
6 p.m.
DanceGruv Radio presents WAV 002 at 21C Museum Hotel
Bardo Bloom and Tarot with Virginia at Arcana
Emily K Center’s Mother’s Day Ball at Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club
6:30 p.m.
BeMyFiasco at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
7 p.m.
West Virginia Dance Company at ADF's Samuel H. Scripps Studios
7:30 p.m.
Private Event: Shop Closed at Moon Dog Meadery
Kevin Beardsley Quartet at Sharp 9 Gallery
The DJam at Succotash Southern & Creole Kitchen
The Howard Levy 4 at The Blue Note Grill
9 p.m.
BeMyFiasco at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Gimme Gimme Disco at Motorco Music Hall
Punk & Drag For May The 4th Be With You at The Pinhook
10 p.m.
Gay Agenda Presents: Galactical Boogie at Rubies on Five Points

Sunday, May 5

Events at Atomic Empire
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Company
10 a.m.
Durham Craft Market Spring Fling at Durham Central Park
Jazz Brunch at Lula & Sadie's
12 p.m.
Cinco De Mayo at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Community Celebration at Nasher Museum of Art
Sunday Dollar Bin Sale for Charity at Rumors Durham
Bike Month Kick-Off: Bike to Connections Ride at West Durham
Farmers Market at ZincHouse Winery & Brewery
12:15 p.m.
Public Tour at Duke Chapel
1 p.m.
Black Farmers' Market at Durham Tech
Duke Baseball vs Longwood at Jack Coombs Stadium (Doubleheader)
2 p.m.
Hillandale Golf Beginner Clinic at Hillandale Golf Course
Cinco de Mayo Latin Day Party! at The Velvet Hippo Bar & Lounge
3 p.m.
United in Song: Music of the American Experience at Baldwin Auditorium
4 p.m.
Gardening Classes at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
6 p.m.
Nathan Hockett & Jonathan Yandel and Tarot with Emily at Arcana
6:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at Moon Dog Meadery
7:30 p.m.
Dr. Jordan B Peterson at DPAC
8 p.m.
Kathy Griffin: My Life on the PTSD-List at The Carolina Theatre

Running Art Exhibits

Constellations: 40 Years of Explorations within Sacred Geometry at Horse & Buggy Press and Friends Gallery
Jenny Blazing: Scapes - 5 Points Gallery Featured Artist Exhibition at 5 Points Gallery
Hometown (Inherited): Ten Year Retrospective at The Fruit
It Ain’t All Black And White at DAG Truist Gallery
María Magdalena Campos-Pons: Behold at Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
Counterpoints at Durham Bottling Co.
Cameron Elyse's Divine Nine Legacy Memoir Exhibition at Hayti Heritage Center
submitted by DiscoverDurham to bullcity [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 16:15 fischbobber Looking ahead to our next covid wave. What's going on with our milk supply?

In the past two weeks, two strains of covid have been making headway. Last week, JN.1.13 made headway, while this week it looks to be KP.2 (going from 10-25% of infections.) At this point, it's not cause for alarm, but it's something to keep on the radar, especially since every variant thus far has brought it's own unique set of challenges. If you're vaccinated, everything will likely be fine, if not, good luck on this dice roll. Hope it's not the one that busts you out.
The bird flu (H5N1) that has jumped to cattle is now showing up in 20-40 % of our milk supply indicating more widespread transmission than previously thought. Pasteurization renders the virus inactive and harmless in our milk. I do not have a report on beef yet. I have no idea what it will do to our beef supply.
Here is an article from Caitlin Rivers from the Force of Infection:
"Outbreak Outlook - National - April 22

Plus the latest on H5N1



Seasonal: Influenza-like illness (ILI) is at 2.3%, well below the national baseline of 2.9% which marks the beginning and end of flu season. No jurisdictions are in the very high or high categories; only one (North Dakota) is moderate. All other states are low or minimal.
National Region: ILI ActivityPercent of doctors visits for ILI symptoms📷
On H5N1: The same surveillance systems used to track “regular” flu are also used to monitor for the emergence of pandemic influenza — like H5N1. So the continued decline in influenza-like illness, both in outpatient and emergency data streams, is useful reassurance that H5N1 is not circulating in humans.
Moreover, as part of our country’s influenza surveillance, a selection of influenza specimens are sent for additional testing to see what type of influenza it is (e.g., H1N1, H3N2). In the most recent week, for example, 63 specimens were typed. This is one of the ways that H5N1 would be detected.
The other, more likely way is if someone is ill and undergoes diagnostic testing. Most standard diagnostic tests in the hospital or clinic cannot directly confirm an H5 infection. However, they can determine that a person has an influenza A virus that is not type H1 or H3. This result should prompt a clinician to send the sample for further testing to pinpoint the specific type of influenza.


Covid-19 activity is low. The rate of new weekly hospitalizations is still declining, and wastewater concentration is low.
National Region: New COVID-19 HospitalizationsAverage rate per 100,000 population📷
There are a few little hints that have me paying closer attention. First, the variant KP.2, jumped from an estimated 10% of 25% of variants circulating (these estimates are uncertain) in the U.S. Scientists have found that it likely has an advantage over the currently-dominant variants. And the United Kingdom is seeing a small increase in Covid-19 metrics like test positivity, particularly in the oldest age groups. At this point I’m not especially worried that this variant will give us an early summer wave, but I’m keeping an eye on the data just in case.

Stomach Bugs

This has been a loooong norovirus season, and test positivity is still high. I’m ready for it to end!
National Region: Norovirus ActivityTest Positivity, Percentage📷

Food recalls

The following foods are being recalled because they are contaminated. Please check your cupboards and throw out any of these items:
Previously reported:

In other news

submitted by fischbobber to KnoxvilleCovid19news [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 01:24 TheSpace81 A stranger in strange lands - 12 (Part 1) [English]

Previous / Next
Spanish Version (OG Version)
Credits to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this universe.
And thanks to u/Signal-Chicken559 for proof-reading and the feedback, seriously, thank you.
A little story about humanity for Syra, let's see how she reacts.
Due to the length of some chapters, the fanfic will now also be available on Archive of Our Own, in case you want a more uninterrupted experience.
I wish Reddit hadn't made me split the chapter like this (again), but there's nothing I can do rn.
Note: There's a post on the Discord of this subreddit, so if you wanna discuss something about my story, that should be the place to go
Sorry for the late post, but I think this two-week posting schedule might work well for me.
I've been busy with holidays and exams/tests are coming up soon, so don't expect any new chapters for a while.
Memory Transcription Subject: Daniel Fernandez Vega, Computer Engineering Student and Human-Venlil Exchange Program Member
Date [standardized human date]: September 17, 2136
I see her thoughtful look, the slight trembling of her ears and the way her tail swishes nervously, as if struggling to assimilate everything I've just confided in her. I wonder if perhaps I've been too blunt or direct in exposing the darker aspects of human nature. After all, she's still in the process of overcoming the fear towards us that she seems to have been instilled with.
Unless I summarize it, and also because I don't know everything…
Telling her the story of humanity is going to be a trip.
However, it seems I'll need to tell her everything I know. If both species are truly meant to understand each other, we must both be willing to embrace our imperfections... or something like that.
Although what I really want is to give her a hug, but well, the opportunity will come, I think...
I decide to break the silence before the discomfort sets in completely.
"Well, it seems like a lot to take in, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, it's... quite a bit," she responds.
Since I've started the conversation, I decide to continue.
"Well, since I've told you about much of our nature, and since you're going to be a historian, where do you want me to start?"
"I suppose from the beginning."
Alright, telling her this is going to be very long.
"And don't you have anything to take notes or something?"
"Yes, yes I have something to take notes!" Syra answers, a bit anxious perhaps, as she leaves my room, goes to hers, and returns with a holopad.
"Okay, our history as a separate species begins about 300,000 years ago (according to the oldest remains found), possibly in several locations at once, in what would be the countries of Morocco, Ethiopia or South Africa. Although most of us assume our history began in what is known as the Great Rift Valley, on a continent called Africa."
I proceed to turn on the computer and go to a high-resolution image file of a map of the earth that I had saved.
"More or less around here," I tell her as I point to an area comprising the countries of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, and the Congo.
I notice Syra taking notes with her holopad.
"There's a ton of scientific jargon which if we try to figure out, we'll never finish and never get past this initial stage, but let's say some distant, older cousin of ours, who was in the trees, when that valley I mentioned took its shape separated the continent into two regions, arid and tropical, and because there were no more trees due to scarcity was forced to walk on the ground to get its food, and the grass back then was probably tall, so this would be the perfect incentive for these ancestors of ours to stand upright, but that happened millions of earth years ago. Let's go back to our species."
"As I mentioned, the oldest fossil remains we have date back about 300,000 years, in what is now the African continent of Earth."
I pause, making sure Syra is taking notes as I explain:
"According to historical records and the study of our ancestors by our researchers, the human species emerged from an evolutionary branch of primates that began to walk upright on two legs. Unlike other apes, our ancestors abandoned the trees to explore the vast savannas (as I said before) and developed hunting skills through the use of primitive tools."
I move my hand in an explanatory gesture, as if drawing those scenes from the remote past in front of Syra.
Although I noticed her "wool" bristled a bit, perhaps because of the word "hunt".
"Hunting, gathering food, taking shelter from dangers... Those were the main activities that shaped our ancestors for millions of years on Earth. Gradually, their brains became larger and more complex, allowing them to develop language, group cooperation and an increasingly sophisticated repertoire of social behaviors. "
"Of course, it wasn't an easy path. There were many dead ends, extinctions, competition with other species... But somehow, humans managed to overcome all those challenges and emerge as the dominant species on our planet. First, we expanded by exploring the planet, and sharing the world with other human species as well, yep, there were other human species, but for now, let's just say that sometimes things went well, but other times, the matter ended in violence between the tribes of different species. All this until finally we encompassed the whole world, the whole world 'belonged' to humanity."
I noticed how Syra looked at me sideways with one of her eyes, paying attention, although on the other hand, I can't help but find it funny because it reminds me of the "The Rock" meme, the one where he raises an eyebrow.
"And so, in the end, we went from being hunter-gatherers to being sedentary, because we realized that food can last longer when it's rationed, preserved and grown to an optimal point of consumption."
"And with the surplus food, it accumulated for worse times. Now is when the violence starts: Because the food accumulated in different tribes, as far as I know, each one had its food reserves, these food reserves were so large that specialized infrastructure was created to store and protect it, and these tribes and settlements were turning into city-states, and because of this there were many, many conflicts between the cities trying to snatch resources from each other. They were times when most things were resolved with violence, especially in the beginning, when we only had spears, slings and rudimentary machetes as weapons."
I watched Syra take notes almost compulsively, with a serious expression of concentration on her oval face. I can perceive the way her furry tail twitches slightly, denoting perhaps some discomfort. I have to be careful with how I present these facts.
"Over time, these cities developed more efficient ways of cultivating food and domesticating animals. This gave them a certain advantage and allowed their populations to grow. Eventually, those more advanced civilizations began to dominate and conquer weaker and smaller tribes and cities."
"In the end, these city-states evolved into something bigger," I continued explaining to Syra. "Human groups began to unite in alliances, forming increasingly larger and more powerful nations. The first empires emerged, such as the Akkadian Empire in what is now Iraq, the Ancient Egyptian Empire, or the early dynasties of ancient China."
As I said those last locations, I pointed them out on the map.
I looked at Syra, making sure she was following my explanation. Her oval face remained attentive, with her large hazel eyes fixed on me and her ears slightly raised. I nodded and continued:
"Several of these civilizations developed writing systems, large-scale trade, enormous monumental constructions and inventions that facilitated human life. For example, the Sumerians invented the wheel and the Egyptians built the iconic pyramids in honor of their pharaohs."
"In other parts of the world, civilizations such as the Maya and the Inca also flourished with sizable cities and impressive architecture. But unfortunately, violence and war were often inevitable as the empires competed for resources and power."
I paused, remembering something important.
"Oh, and ancient Greece must also be mentioned, the cradle of Western philosophy, theater and democracy as a viable system of government. Athens was one of its most influential cities in human history thanks to its philosophers."
"Wait, how did you have philosophers? That's not the first thing I would think of hearing everything you've told me, especially with the prevailing violence of that time."
"Well, the truth is that to the same extent that we fought, some thinkers and aristocrats spent their time in their quarters thinking of answers to questions like: What is the meaning of life? What differentiates us from animals? Is there a higher order that governs the universe? These, and several other concerns gave rise to our forms of philosophy as a species."
"As I told you before, in ancient Greece many famous names emerged in terms of philosophy and thought. When they let you access the internet from Earth at some point and you search for them, you will surely find names like Aristotle, Thales of Miletus, Socrates, Diogenes, Plato, among others that don't come to mind right now. The thing is that ancient Greece was one of the pillars of thought in the western part of humanity, surely there are also Oriental philosophers but I don't remember them right now, sorry if that detail bothers you."
I search through the files on my computer for some illustrative images and show them to Syra on the screen. I notice how her horizontal pupils dilate slightly as she contemplates the ruins of Greek temples and statues and busts, which I haven't shown her yet because they (obviously) don't wear masks, and that could disturb her.
"Well, didn't you specialize in engineering, right? Although I want to learn everything, I know that you may not remember many things because of your specialization, but still, I want to know what you know to get a good idea of the history of your species."
"Thank you for that, Syra, I suppose I'll try to tell you everything I know."
"Well, after those early civilizations and their influential empires, human history continued to advance," I continued. "Over the centuries and even millennia, nations and empires continued expanding, clashing and subjugating one another."
I paused, noticing Syra's attentive gaze on me. Her ears remained perked up and her tail swished slowly, listening to me cautiously.
"For example, in Europe the Roman Empire emerged, which at its peak encompassed much of the countries we now know as Italy, Spain, France, England and beyond. It was an enormously influential civilization that left a lasting legacy in architecture, engineering, laws and even several of the languages spoken by humans today."
Syra nodded slowly, taking notes avidly as I pointed out the areas I mentioned on the map.
"Later, after the fall of Rome, new kingdoms and empires arose in Europe. Like the Carolingian Empire of Charlemagne in the French region, and later the Ottoman Empire that extended from Turkey to the Balkans, and of course we also have to talk about the Spanish Empire, the Hispanic Monarchy or Kingdom of the Spains, the empire from which the countries I mentioned before 'descend'."
"You mean those so-called Spain and Peru, right?"
"Yes, I'm referring to Spain and Peru. But first let me mention to you that there were other important civilizations in different parts of the world during that time."
"In Asia, for example, other empires emerged such as ancient China, with its various dynasties that spanned centuries. The Chinese developed transcendental contributions such as gunpowder, printing and the compass. There were also great civilizations in India, although the only one I remember is the Mughal Empire because of a giant mausoleum known as the Taj Mahal. In America, as I mentioned before, the Maya and Inca stood out with impressive urban centers and advanced writing systems."
I noticed her expression of concentration and how her tail moved slowly from side to side.
"All these civilizations influenced the course of the human species," I continued. "They would emerge, expand, clash with each other and eventually decay to give way to new empires. It was a constant cycle of rises and falls."
"Now, if I had to highlight some of the most important civilizations, I would focus on the Roman Empire, which I already mentioned, and the subsequent rise of Islam from the Arabian Peninsula. This new religion led to the creation of the vast Ottoman Empire that spread through the Middle East, North Africa and part of Europe."
I noticed how Syra moved her ears attentively as I pointed to the corresponding regions on the digital map.
"In Europe, meanwhile, a period known as the Middle Ages was experienced, with a strong Christian influence and the emergence of kingdoms such as that of the Franks under Charlemagne. Later would come the Renaissance, a period of great cultural, artistic and scientific advancement driven by brilliant minds such as Leonardo da Vinci."
I made a dramatic pause before continuing.
"And of course, I cannot fail to mention Spain. From the 15th century in our world, the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were unified and became a colonial power that explored and conquered much of America. That is where my 'heritage' comes from, since my ancestors are both from present-day Peru and the Iberian Peninsula, some of the territories that were part of the vast Spanish Empire in the New World."
I turned my head towards Syra, noticing her reaction of interest, probably due to the words of my "heritage". Although it's not like I had noble blood or anything like that, nor was I a descendant of some indigenous chieftain or European nobleman, or anything like that.
I wish, that way at least I might have a big house secured when I became truly independent, maybe.
"Well, as I mentioned, the Spanish Empire was one of the vastest and most powerful in human history," I continued. "It emerged after the unification of the kingdoms of Castile and Aragon on the Iberian Peninsula during the 15th century. From there, the Spanish undertook an unprecedented colonial expansion."
"They conquered much of America, subjugating indigenous civilizations such as the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas through various methods, especially alliances with other indigenous tribes or cultures," I explained, pointing out the corresponding areas on the map. "This clash between the old Europe and the New World unleashed a great deal of violence and destruction, something that was common in any human conquest, but also a cultural and biological exchange that transformed the world forever."
I noticed Syra taking notes quickly with her holopad, although with her ears slightly drooping.
It seems that denotes concern, I'm learning from her gestures almost without realizing it, which is good, since this way I'll be able to recognize what she's feeling or thinking just from her tail and ear gestures.
"I understand that this whole topic of conquest and subjugation of entire cultures can be... disturbing," I said in a more measured tone. "But you must understand that in that time, the human mindset was still very different. There was a kind of... implicit hierarchy where the great powers considered it 'natural' to subjugate weaker, uncivilized peoples, or those who did not know the gospel of God, or Islam, or similar things."
I took a breath, perceiving her steady gaze on me as she seemed to process everything I've said.
"I'm not justifying it, I'm simply trying to explain the... prevailing worldview of that time. Fortunately, over the centuries, that kind of mentality has gradually changed on Earth."
"Even so, there was an enormous cultural and biological exchange between the Old and New Worlds," I continued explaining. "The Europeans brought horses, cows, pigs and other livestock species to America. In exchange, the natives shared crops like corn, potatoes, tomatoes and many others that became essential for global food supply."
I paused, perceiving that Syra seemed to relax a little more, just a little bit, I guess because of the word “livestock”.
"There were diseases that devastated the unprotected indigenous populations, which was a tragedy," I acknowledge with regret. "But races and cultures also intermingled, giving rise to new hybrid societies with both European and American roots. It was... a convulsive and sometimes brutal process, but also fascinating from a historical perspective."
Syra nodded slowly, still with that cautious look but visibly interested.
"Tell me more about those... cultural exchanges," she requested with genuine curiosity. "How did the customs and beliefs of these 'Europeans' blend with those of the native peoples?"
"Well, there was an interesting syncretism in various aspects," I explained. "For example, in present-day countries like Mexico and Peru, beliefs and rituals from ancient indigenous religions blended with the Catholicism brought by the Spanish. Churches were built over ancient temples, and some festivities were adapted by combining elements from both traditions."
I saw Syra taking notes avidly, her ears perked up in a sign of attention.
"And in the linguistic sphere, languages like Spanish and Portuguese became the dominant ones, but incorporated many words of indigenous origin, especially regarding flora, fauna and elements of local culture," I continued. "In fact, some common words we use in Spanish, like 'chocolate', 'tomato', 'avocado' and many others, come from Amerindian languages."
"Okay, if I stay here talking to you about a single empire or era, we'll never finish, so I'll just say that both due to incompetence of the Spanish Monarchy and the influence of its external enemies, the Spanish Empire suffered a great decline with the independence of Hispanic America that took place from our years 1810 to 1830, creating several new countries such as: Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, the First Mexican Empire, Paraguay, Uruguay. Then in 1898 Spain would lose its last Atlantic territories and in Asia to the United States: Cuba, Puerto Rico, some of the Lesser Antilles as far as I remember and the Philippine Islands, thus losing its status as a colonial power."
"But did anything happen around the world before that or was everything just focused on Spain?" Syra asked me.
"Of course, all over the world and at that time, the First Industrial Revolution had been going on for decades, which began in the country known as the United Kingdom, which introduced steam-powered machines and where there was a shift from an economy based on agriculture and livestock that had stagnated humanity for centuries, to a more urban, mechanized and, redundantly, industrialized economy. For the first time in history, people were moving to cities en masse and new social classes emerged."
"This was a consequence of the urban growth I just mentioned, with industrial centers emerging in countries like England, France, Germany and later the United States, and even later, Spain would also join the party. Although at first working conditions were terrible, they gradually improved thanks to pressure from the labor movements."
I paused, giving Syra time to assimilate the information. I noticed her ears moving slightly, a sign that she was paying attention.
"What do you mean by 'terrible working conditions'?" she asked, frowning slightly.
Well, a question. That's good, it means she's getting involved.
"Well, initially the mass industrialization brought exploitation of workers, especially women and children," I explained frankly. "They were paid starvation wages and forced to work grueling hours in unhealthy and dangerous factories. It was... a pretty shitty situation for them."
I saw Syra's expression contract slightly at my words. Her tail twitched with disquiet.
"But as I said, the labor movements and unions fought for better conditions," I hurried to add. "Over time, laws were passed that regulated or outright banned child labor, established decent wages and reduced working hours to the famous 8 hours, or if you prefer to hear it another way: 2 claws. It was a gradual process, but the quality of life for the working classes was improved."
Syra nodded, seeming a bit more reassured. I decided to continue:
"In that turbulent period, before these regulations, revolutionary ideas also emerged that questioned monarchical systems and extreme inequalities," I went on. "For example, the French Revolution of 1789 overthrew the absolute monarchy and proclaimed ideals such as liberty, equality and fraternity."
"Although let's just say it didn't end up very well in the end, as it led to quite bloody and chaotic periods, like the Reign of Terror. The French Revolution laid the foundations for modern nation-states and the notion that power should emanate from a country's people, not from royalty or aristocratic elites, although I don't know if they were very successful knowing what came after this. The point is that it had a huge impact across Europe and beyond."
I noticed Syra's eyes moving from side to side as she listened attentively. What was she thinking? It was difficult to decipher her expression.
"And what about the rest of the world during that time?" she asked curiously. "Did the other civilizations undergo a similar process of industrialization?"
Good question. I brought a hand to my chin, thinking.
"Not exactly," I replied slowly. "At that time, Europe was the cradle of technological and industrial advancement. The other regions were greatly affected by colonialism and subjugation by the European powers."
"For example, much of Africa became a source of slave labor for the plantations of Europe and America. A horrendous trade that bled the African continent for centuries."
Syra seemed to shudder slightly at my words. Damn, I think I was too blunt. I have to be more tactful.
"I-in Asia, on the other hand, the ancient civilizations were technologically surpassed by the Europeans," I quickly corrected myself. "The Ottoman Empire and other kingdoms initially resisted, but gradually had to modernize or 'modernize' in order to survive or at least for part of these civilizations to survive."
"And how was this Ottoman Empire so surpassed?"
"Well, here's where we get to the 20th century. Remember when I couldn't tell you much about the Two World Wars we had during that century in our first chat?"
"Although they possessed a vast territory, the Ottomans failed to modernize in time. Their ancient military tactics were no match for the firepower of new European weapons," I explained. "There were several wars where they were defeated, such as the so-called Crimean War in the mid-19th century."
"In the end, the Ottoman Empire disintegrated after World War I in 1918, when the Allies invaded and dismantled it. From its ashes arose the modern republic of Turkey and several other nations in the Middle East."
Syra frowned slightly, taking notes with her holopad.
"Now can you tell me about World War I?" she inquired with a cautious tone. "You mentioned earlier in our first chat something about two great wars in that century."
Shit, now I had to explain that thorny part of our history, I hope it doesn't fuck her mind too much. I took a breath before answering:
"You see, World War I was a global military conflict that broke out in 1914. On one side were the European powers like Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. On the other side, countries like Great Britain, France, Russia and later the United States."
"It was a brutal war, some 22 million casualties and another 20 million injured, use of chemical weapons, tanks and for the first time military aviation in combat. In the end, the German side and its allies lost in 1918. But that wasn't the end, of course not..."
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Spanish Version (OG Version)
Credits to u/SpacePaladin15 for creating this universe.
submitted by TheSpace81 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 17:18 Gigiolo1991 1492: Spain Sends Christopher Colombus to colonize the Africa not yet explored by Portuguese

1492: Spain Sends Christopher Colombus to colonize the Africa not yet explored by Portuguese
1492: the Spanish government Sends Christopher Colombus or a Spanish Explorer to Discover not America, but Africa and a route to arrive to India ! Nobody has still had the idea to colonize massively Africa and tò circumnavigate Africa to arrive to India ( the Portoguese Vasco de Gama circumnavigated Africa only in 1498!).
SPAIN IN 1492 In 1492, Spain was a feudal state that had witnessed the union of the two kingdoms of Castile and Aragon through the marriage of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. The nobility was warlike, and the population was rapidly growing. The Spaniards had become a devoutly Catholic and warrior people, having engaged in battles against the Muslims until the definitive defeat of the Muslim Emirate of Granada in 1492. There were also significant Jewish and Muslim minorities with a penchant for commerce and finance. However, they were persecuted by the Catholic Church, which sought to force them to convert to Catholic Christianity.
In this context, it's essential to note that Spain was eagerly seeking gold—a raw material that was imported from North Africa at the time. This gold came from mines in present-day Mali and Ghana. By the 16th century, this gold trade had begun to weaken. Gold was a highly precious metal, as European kings used it to mint coins in their mints. These coins, with intrinsic gold value, were produced in large numbers and contributed to constant price inflation in Europe. Consequently, the kings needed more and more gold to print an increasing number of coins, which was necessary to cover rising expenses due to inflation.
In Spain, merchants were also keen on importing luxury foods to resell at high prices. These luxury goods, such as sugar and spices, arrived via the Middle East from the Indies.
CHRISTOPHER COLOMBUS AND THE PORTOGUESE IN AFRICA Columbus proposed financing a naval expedition to cross the Atlantic Ocean and reach the other side of the world via an unexplored route—specifically, to reach the Indies and gain exclusive access to gold and spices.
In this alternative timeline, the Spanish king decides to not Lister tò Christopher Colombus, but to give him means to go to Africa ! Colombus will have to explore the coasts of Africa and the interior, while trying tò find a route to arrive to India .
Some parts of western African coasts are already occupied by Portoguese , Who have fleets and garrisons on the coasts and aren't very nice with Spanish trying to explore their African routes. Portoguese have ports and commercial markets and garrisons on the coasts in South Africa, Congo, Angola, some cities in Senegambia and Morocco . They are buying slaves to explort to Portugal for agricultural works and gold .
Colombus could easily Explore some parts of Africa that havent been explored by Portoguese, as in the map .
How could the travel of Colombus evolve if he Is sent to Africa ?
submitted by Gigiolo1991 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 22:14 Gigiolo1991 The American led intervention to stop the Rwandan genocide in 1994 ( an alternative military history )

What would have happened if the Americans had intervened in Rwanda in 1994 to stop the genocide?
I have ideated a possible outcome of an American military intervention in Rwanda in 1994.
In 1994, northern Rwanda was invaded by a Tutsi liberation army, which launched an offensive from its bases in Uganda.
The capital, Kigali, and the center and south of the country were controlled by very extremist Hutu politicians and generals. Hutu extremists had armed civilian Hutu militias with small arms and knives. Furthermore, there was also the Hutu state regular army under government control.
Shortly after the assassination of the Rwandan president in an attack attributed to Hutu extremists, the genocide began. Hutu civilian militias began systematically massacring Tutsi civilians. Drunken Hutu militiamen slaughtered unarmed Tutsi civilians living in the villages and in the capital with machetes. It was easy to identify them: Hutu and Tutsi had their tribe written on their identity cards. It was a massacre in which around eight hundred thousand people died in the space of a few weeks. The streets of Kigali were filled with mangled, rotting and piled-up corpses.
There were a few hundred UN peacekeepers from various foreign countries, stationed in Kigali and other Rwandan cities, led by Canadian General Romeo Dallaire.
Their task was to defend some public buildings, hotels and hospitals where Tutsi civilians had sought refuge from the extremist Hutu militias who were about to massacre them.
The peacekeepers found themselves in a desperate situation. They had only small arms and limited ammunition to defend themselves. If the Rwandan Hutu army and Hutu extremists had decided to attack them, they would have been easily overwhelmed.
A dozen Belgian peacekeepers had been assigned as bodyguards to a woman, who was a Hutu politician who favored a peace agreement between Hutu and Tutsi. Hutu extremists had killed the Hutu politician with machetes, along with her family and ten peacekeepers.
In Kigali for a few weeks there was a surreal situation. Hundreds of Tutsi civilians tried to escape the massacre, taking refuge with their families in places manned by peacekeepers. The Tutsis also took refuge in some churches of foreign priests and in residences of private foreign and Rwandan citizens.
Some buildings in the capital became places of refuge for hundreds of Tutsis, who had fled the massacres and who lacked food and medicine. Foreign priests, peacekeepers and some brave Rwandan citizens hid the Tutsi refugees, bribing the Hutu militiamen with money and gifts so that they would not kill the refugees. A heroic hotel owner in Kigali, Paul Rusesabagina, hosted in his hotel 1200 Tutsi refugees, bribing Hutu militiamen in order not to kill the people he hosted in his hotel.
Their life was in danger.
Italy also realized that it had its citizens and Catholic priests trapped in Rwanda during the genocide, who were risking their lives by saving Tutsi civilians from the massacre.
The situation in Kigali was compromised, the capital was in the hands of the genocidal Hutu gangs that were raging.
In Kigali, the Hutu extremist radio station "Milles Collines" continued to send out delusional messages. The radio speakers kept saying that the Tutsis were cockroaches to be eliminated and that the tall trees needed to be "cut down". They were coded messages to incite Hutu militiamen to kill Tutsis with machetes. the Hutu militias were encouraged by that radio's journalists to kill. That radio was the main means of propaganda, with which the Genocide was fomented. Only through that radio did the Hutu militiamen know what was happening in the world.
The situation was further complicated because the French government was assisting the extremist Hutu government. A few dozen French soldiers were providing weapons and training to Hutu extremists, who were carrying out genocide in the capital and fighting Tutsi rebels in the north.
The Tutsi rebels advancing from the north were supported by the United States, the United Kingdom, and other English-speaking African countries in the area.
The American political leaders decided not to intervene in Rwanda, to avoid American losses as had happened a few months earlier in Somalia.
If the American government had decided on a military mission, we could imagine this scenario. The American political leaders decide to intervene in Rwanda, with a unilateral intervention and involving other states, including Italy, Belgium and England. The troops of the international contingent were concentrated in military bases in Uganda. The purpose of the mission was to eliminate the Hutu militias in the capital, rescue its citizens stranded in Rwanda and assist the Tutsi army which was advancing from the north.
France would have been totally against an American intervention. Some French military advisors (helpers of Hutu militias and the Rwandan army) were reportedly trapped in Rwanda due to a sudden American military intervention to fight their proxy forces. Some French soldiers may also have been killed by American bombing of Hutu militias.
But the operations would have been carried out quickly by the USA and its allies, without giving France time to react. First, American planes bomb the center of Kigali, destroying the "mille collines" radio and also the command centers of the Hutu extremists. Rwandan government communications are paralyzed.
A contingent of American paratroopers parachutes onto Kigali airport at night, eliminating the Hutu soldiers guarding it and conquering it with a Swift military action. Once the airport has been conquered, military cargo planes arrive with reinforcements, armaments and ground troops.
After this initial success, American troops begin to move from the airport intro the capital, controlled by Hutu civilian militias and Rwandan Hutu soldiers. American and international coalition soldiers fight street by street to defeat the Hutu civilian militias and the Rwandan army.
Meanwhile, small groups of American soldiers and other countries intervened in various points of the capital to defend public buildings, hospitals and areas where United Nations peacekeepers and Tutsi refugees were stationed. This would have been necessary to prevent attacks by Hutu militias in those areas.
Western soldiers and the air force defeat the hordes of Hutu militiamen, armed with knives and light weapons. the Hutu soldiers are massacred from the air or in firefights: they flee or quickly surrender. Among the victims of the American bombings, there are also some white soldiers: they are French soldiers who were supporting the Hutu genocides. This would have caused numerous diplomatic headaches between America and France.
Hundreds of Hutu militiamen and soldiers died in the clashes or were taken prisoner. Some American and coalition military casualties were recorded. The American bombings also caused collateral damage among Rwandan civilians, but the battle was won.
Surviving Tutsi civilians, foreign citizens and peacekeepers welcome the Americans as liberators. The American general leading the mission Is photographed with Romeo Dallaire and the peacekeepers, who are hailed as Heroes. The American general also meet with Rwandan citizens, as Paul Rusesabagina and the surviving Tutsi refugees. The International press diffuses these photos, that become a symbol of the American intervention in Rwanda.
Hutu prisoners captured by the International coalition are sent to makeshift prison camps, under the surveillance of American and coalition soldiers. There have been some summary executions of Hutu prisoners by coalition soldiers, who are shocked by the death scenario seen in Kigali.
Foreign journalists (following the troops or already present in Rwanda) broadcast the images of Tutsis massacred in heaps worldwide. No one can deny anymore that a genocide is taking place in Rwanda.
American and European special troops are hunting the Rwandan politicians and generals who ordered the extermination of the Tutsis. These criminals are still in the capital or are fleeing. They will probably be captured, because the French will not be able to intervene to evacuate them to safety in France (as happened in historical reality).
International journalists in Kigali film the Western troops while they are raiding houses in Kigali. The Coalition troops are efficient in capturing and handcuffing Hutu generals and politicians guilty of the genocide, who are found in some houses of Kigali in civilians clothes and with fake documents.
The Western troops are able to arrest the Hutu war criminals only thanks to some Rwandan informers . The informers are Tutsi survivors or former Hutu militiamen, who appear in public with hoods to conceal their identity. Some former Hutu militiamen have been convinced to help the Coalition: they have obtained amnesty for their crimes or greats sums of Money for their help.
Even some Hutu civilians decide voluntarily to help the Coalition, providing useful information to capture the Hutu leaders. They are understanding the brutality of the genocide that their politicians have carried out and want to redeem themselves.
Once the capital has been secured and the militias and the Hutu army have been eliminated, things continue as in historical reality. The Tutsi army invading Rwanda from the north continues its offensive. The Rwandan Hutu army retreats and quickly collapses, as Hutu command centers were destroyed by coalition action in Kigali.
The fleeing Hutu soldiers are joined by masses of Hutu civilians who flee, convinced that they will be massacred in revenge by the advancing Tutsi army. Large masses of Hutu soldiers and civilians head towards Congo. Among the Hutu masses fleeing towards Congo, there are also white French soldiers. Abandoned by their government, which had sent them to assist the Hutus, the French began a tragic retreat, joining the refugees in retreating to the Congo and returning to France from there.
Hutu civil militias in the countryside attack churches and foreign residences. Here, a few heroic priests and European citizens were hiding Tutsi refugees. Many of them will die together with the Tutsis they were hiding, massacred by Hutu extremists Who accuse the foreigners of betrayal and compliticy with UN.
The international coalition sets up mobile commandos. The commandos depart from Kigali to save foreign citizens and Tutsi refugees, isolated in countryside villages.
It's a race against time. In some cases, the arrival of the coalition troops is too late and only heaps of dead massacred by the retreating Hutus are found. This dramatic outcome leads the American general leading the mission to take a dramatic decision. The rules of engagement of the Coalition forces allow the soldiers to fire on any armed civilian, who may demonstrate hostile intentions. It is taken for granted that any civilian with hostile intentions could be a Hutu militiaman, who wants to slow down the coalition's operations.
International coalition soldiers are traumatised by the Mass graves of dead civilians, massacred by the Hutu militiamen. Some western military units are guilty of executing Hutu militiamen in civilian clothes and found with weapons , who probably have participated in the genocide.
The rescue operations, however, have success in a lot of occasions. International coalition soldiers save many foreigners and Tutsis, who are evacuated to Kigali.
Even if the mission was a success, officers of the Western forces will always speak about a strong sentiment of guilt they have. They will feel guilty of not having been able to save all the foreigners and Tutsi stranded in the countryside, that died in the last days of war.
Meanwhile, the Tutsi liberation army occupies Rwanda and arrives in the capital. Americans provide humanitarian aid to survivors of the genocide and Kagame's new Tutsi government. The country is liberated and the coalition hands over the Hutu prisoners to the new government.
The Hutu politicians responsible for the genocide are captured by the coalition and extradited to a third country. They will be tried by the United Nations, with an international criminal court set up specifically for them.
The coalition considers it has completed its mission and withdraws victoriously, after having carried out some operations to capture groups of disbanded Hutu militiamen.
Only a few American military advisors remain in Rwanda to assist Kagame's forces in reconquering the country and then waging war in Congo.
The Tutsi government starts a new policy in order to solve the problem of the thousands of Hutu militiamen, who have been captured by them and the coalition and were guilty of the genocide. The Hutus militiamen won't be executed as revenge by the new Tutsi government , but there will be a new policy encouraged by the UN.
The officers of the Hutu militiamen will be tried by Rwandan tribunals, helped by International law experts. The officers who will be found guilty of crimes will be jailed for their crimes, but noone of them will be executed by the new Rwandan government.
The foot soldiers of the Hutu militias will be forced to understand their crimes and educated by teams of Rwandan village elders and International teams of the UN. The Hutu footsoldiers will confess publicly their crimes during the genocide in front of the survivors and beg for their forgiveness. If the Hutus will confess their crimes, they will be amnestied and sent back tò their communities as citizens of the new democratic Rwanda.
As happened in history, the new Tutsi government in Kigali decides to take revenge and send its troops to Congo. In eastern Congo, refugee camps are being formed where thousands of Hutu refugees who have fled from Rwanda are going to live. Among many civilians, there are Hutu militiamen and politicians who ordered the massacre of the Tutsis. The Tutsi army invades Congo, conquering the Hutu refugee camps. Part of the Hutu is forcibly sent back to Rwanda, but the new government's Tutsi army massacres thousands of Hutu civilians in revenge.
The Rwandan intervention in Congo triggered a civil war in Congo in 1995/1996, which led to millions of Congolese deaths. but that's another story.
THE CONSEQUENCES OF THE INTERVENTION the Americans have certainly won a great victory in terms of public relations. The USA has a great symbolic victory, participating in the defeat of the brutal Hutu militiamen, who massacred women and children with knives.
Obviously France complains, but it would have been a useless diplomatic protest. Perhaps France's role in the genocide in Rwanda would have been discovered.
The USA and the UN would emerge from this war strengthened in their prestige. The international tribunal established by the United Nations to try Hutu leaders guilty of the genocide would immediately go to work, trying and sending to prison the supreme Hutu leaders who had ordered the genocide and had been captured by the Americans.
With an American intervention, the Americans would have saved the situation, defeating the genocidal militias and liberating Kigali, even if in broad terms things would have gone as in historical reality.
Probably France would be in great difficulty After this intervention.
If an International coalition invading Rwanda or some journalist found French weapons and soldiers that helped the hutus to carry out the genocide, this would have been a proof of the french involvement in the genocide!
It would have been a great Scandal, on the International news for weeks! The United Nations would have been very aggressive in its criticism with France.
We could expect a raging anti French sentiment in the French speaking africa , After these news .
In 1990s there was already the start of popular protests in the french speaking countries of western Africa. In former french black colonies, France still controlled pro French dictatorships and military governments, that oppressed the local populations and sold the Raw materials for cheap prices tò the French multinationals. If the French involvement in Rwanda genocide became public, this would have accellerated the fall of pro french governments in francophone africa, possibly even forcing the french troops to withdraw for the protests from a great part of french speaking africa.
The fall of the french neocolonialism would have given the possibility for China and America to conquer new positions in africa. China and expecially USA would have started relationships with friendly and anti french governerments in the former french colonies.
submitted by Gigiolo1991 to AlternateHistory [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 18:12 ConsciousRun6137 The Black Nobility’s 5G Kill Switch

Excerpted from the book by Dean Henderson, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse, Chapter 34: The Black Nobility’s 5G Kill Switch;
Researcher Michael Tsarion posits that the old European Black Nobility (Hapsburgs, Guelphs, Tudors, Saxe-Gothas, Algobrandinis, Odeschelis, Bourbons, et al.) and their now well-intermarried Sephardic Jewish banker cousins (Rothschilds, Warburgs, Kuhn Loebs, Lazards) are Nephilim hybrids who were run out of their previous galaxy due to a full array of vile activities.
Tsarion believes these bloodthirsty pedophiles were chased to the former planet Tiamat, which was then attacked and decimated by their pursuers. Another name for Tiamat is Lucifer.
Tiamat was a water planet. The cataclysm which resulted, says Tsarion, resulted in the 40-day deluge upon Earth which resulted in the Great Flood. Along with the raindrops fell the surviving Nephilim, which Tsarion claims launched the evil empire of Atlantis and have run every warmongering empire since.
He believes their attackers locked a Stargate behind them and banished them forever to their Earth prison. The moon was apparently put into place as a sort of key to this Stargate and this explains the oligarchy’s obsession with the “space program”. He says they are frantically searching for a method by which they can open the Stargate and escape this planet, which they detest.
In their search, they figured out that the key to their dilemma is silicon. This goes a long way to explaining the advent and explosion of silicon computer chip technology. Within the span of 20 years, Earth and its human inhabitants have been spun into a worldwide spider’s web created by DARPA It is also known as the Internet.
With each new generation of silicon chip technology, the net grew faster and its grip over its users grew tighter. The rare earth metals required were stolen from the Democratic Republic of Congo, where over 5 million people have died due to the permanent war there needed to steal these ores.
Humans took the Nephilim bait. Their IQs plummeted, their attention span dwindled to that of goldfish, and their temperament grew surly and disagreeable. They didn’t know it but they were now worshiping and mimicking their Nephilim captors. Like these Illuminati despots and their Freemason minions, the people also grew to despise Creation, especially humanity.
Enter 5G.
The Black Nobility & their banker relatives can collectively be referred to as the Crown. Most cell towers are built by Crown Castle. The ionized space fence is being built by SpaceX. Planet X is Nibiru - the ancient home of the Nephilim, also referred to as the Anunnaki.
The small cells, the smart meters and the LED lighting used to conceal the 5G cells are built by Crown Agency Corp. subsidiary General Electric, which also built nearly every nuclear power plant in the world, including the one at Fukushima, which is still dumping radiation into the now-dead north Pacific.
911 came shortly after DARPA launched the Internet. It was designed to usher in a surveillance state, a permanent war economy and a climate of fear, false patriotism and obedience among all humans. The security firm which facilitated the attacks on the World Trade Center towers it was in charge of “protecting” was Securacom, a subsidiary of Crown Agency Corp. which was run by Marvin Bush, the President's brother. The Bush family are cousins of the Black Nobility Windsor Nephilim.
A series of fake Islamists groups similar to al Qaeda were rolled out to justify the ensuing wars wherever resources were needed. Trained by the CIA and Mossad, they all emerged from the Saudi-funded madrassas of the Pakistan-based Agha Khan Foundation, a subsidiary of Crown Agency Corp.
Lockheed Martin, which runs NASA, administers the new Food Stamp cards, reads the surveillance cameras being rapidly installed in every US city, is building cyborg soldiers with DARPA, and is the world’s largest defense contractor is a subsidiary of Crown Agency Corp.
Trump was elected by Cambridge Analytica, a British intelligence front controlled by the Crown. The Crown was behind the Syrian White Helmets and the Skripal gas attacks.
Silicon Valley is funded largely by the Saudis via Softbank. The Saudis have historically funded most covert operations undertaken by the Crown.
It is clear that America and the entire planet are under attack by a force which does not care about trashing the earth in the process. A mass extinction event is well underway and when 5G is fully rolled out humans will be a part of it.
That force is the Black Nobility/Rothschild Nephilim Crown. This force wants you dead and should be considered your enemy in a war of epic proportions which is about to take place.
If the vile Luciferian Crown which has lorded over Earth as its personal plantation for decades wants to get off this planet, as Tsarion says, then it does not care if it destroys it on the way out.
Having found the silicone key to the Stargate, are they now distracting us with petty conflicts and dumbing us down long enough to make their escape? More importantly, could 5G be a giant kill switch for humanity which they will hit on their way out?
Dean Henderson is the author of seven books, including, Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf, Illuminati Agenda 21, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse and Royal Bloodline Wetiko & The Great Remembering
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.04.21 13:40 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: April 14-20, 2024

Sudan’s War turns one, extreme weather kills hundreds, and a not-so-old virus has resurfaced.
Last Week in Collapse: April 14-20, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 121st newsletter. You can find the long April 7-13 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
Mount Ruang exploded on Wednesday, and experts worry that the mighty Indonesian stratovolcano may Collapse—causing a tsunami in the surrounding waters. Tens of thousands of people are being evacuated.
Scientists claim that Mali’s deadly heat wave a couple weeks ago—which killed 100+ people, most of whom were 60+ years old—would not have been possible were it not for manmade climate change. Shell Oil says that taking more action against climate change is “unrealistic.” A study in Nature Climate Change released on Wednesday forecasts losses of 10-17% of national GDP at 3 °C warming.
Flash floods killed 20+ people in Oman, and 1 in the UAE, forcing the temporary shutdown of Dubai’s airport—where a year’s worth of rain fell in a single day, setting a new daily record. In Mongolia, wildfires burnt 70,000+ hectares of forests and pastures. El Niño and the lingering effects of 2023’s Cyclone Freddy have been blamed for farming problems in Malawi. Scotland is experiencing its wettest April on record.
Good news: Greece has banned bottom trawling in its marine areas. Bad news: the ban takes effect in some marine sites in 2026, and won’t cover all protected waters until 2030. And, since Greece is the first European country to implement a ban, no other nearby nation has implemented such a restriction.
Some corporations know what many have long forgotten: “water is more valuable than oil.” One company flipped the water rights of a town in Arizona for $14M profit. States in the Colorado River basin are experiencing the prisoner’s dilemma the hard way—and Mexico’s growing water crisis is causing them to withhold water from Texas, portending a poor citrus & sugar season ahead. In central Mexico, drought and water theft, plus deforestation, are taking a severe toll on water use, fishing, and tourism. In parts of India, groundwater is gone, and farmers rely on trucked water to sustain their dying farms.
As flooding worsens in western Siberia, radioactive waste, deposited in two underground reservoirs, is threatening to resurface, potential flowing down rivers to the Arctic Ocean. Meanwhile, the desertification of the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan & Uzbekistan is leading to increased dust pollution, which accelerates glacial melt and impacts human health. The once-large salty lake has transformed the land into a large desert, the world’s youngest, known as the Aralkum. This desert is a little smaller than Latvia—but growing.
A U.S. non-profit released the 24-page report on America’s 10 Most Endangered Rivers of 2024, and the results span the entire country. New Mexico’s rivers are the most endangered, particularly after a 2023 Supreme Court ruling cut protections for seasonal rivers. The loss of wetlands is leading to the destruction of two Mississippi rivers, the second-most endangered. Tennessee’s Duck River is dropping because of human overconsumption, #3 on the list. Drought, human use, and pollution is damaging #4, the Santa Cruz River. #5, the Little Pee Dee River in the Carolinas, is mostly at risk from the development of a new interstate and its destructive impact on wetlands.
“Climate sensitivity” indicates the relationship between CO2 levels and global warming. A study from Science Advances looked into ancient earthly temperatures (from 19,000 BCE) to better forecast future temperatures based on CO2 ppm. It adjusted our worst-case scenario threshold from 5 °C warming to just 4 °C. The Southern and East Pacific Oceans are forecast to warm faster than others. Researchers also determined that low-pressure storms sweeping into Australia are becoming more common—and carrying more water.
Part of Pakistan “experienced precipitation levels exceeding the historical average by 99 percent” from April 1-17, and lightning reportedly killed 28 people…Dozens others were killed by the storms— at least 135 dead altogether. Flooding in southern China displaced tens of thousands.
Parts of Bulgaria, Romania, and Türkiye set new records for April night temperatures. Western Sahara broke an April record, as did several Balkan countries. Mexico City also broke a temperature record.
19+ died in landslides in Indonesia. 15+ forest fires burn in Thailand. Flooding killed 58+ people in Tanzania over the last two weeks. Flash floods in Afghanistan slew at least 33.
Climate change is being blamed for cockroach infestations in Spain—as well as the changing genetic composition of cockroaches. Scientists say that, as wildlife dies, nature may become more of an “acoustic fossil,” still & dead.
A new strain of monkeypox—”mpox” as it was later rebranded—has surfaced in the DRC, and officials claim it has “pandemic potential.” This variant is said to be more contagious and doesn’t always appear on tests. Officials say it is transmitted mostly through sexual contact. This strain of Mpox “is endemic in an animal reservoir in nature yet to be identified,” one scientist said.
H5N1 continues to lurk in the background, with doctors alarmed about the virus’ expansion and terrified about a future human-to-human transmission. Another disease, “rabbit fever,” also known as tularemia is spreading through beavers in Utah; it can be transmitted through the bite of a tick or fly.
The World Bank claims that COVID increased poverty and income inequality in many of the world’s poorest countries. The advance edition of the 130-page report is heavy on financial graphs, and paints a mixed picture of the future.
“COVID-19 saw GDP growth in these {very low income} countries fall to 0.3 percent in 2020—the lowest rate recorded since the early 1980s….The combination of pre-pandemic vulnerabilities, recent overlapping crises, and wider problems—including the effects of climate change and increases in violence and conflict—is weighing heavily on these countries’ economic and social development….These countries account for 92 percent of the world’s food-insecure people, after a doubling of their food insecure populations since 2019….a more fundamental structural slowdown is likely to persist globally throughout the remainder of the decade…” -excerpts from the report
Several large regions in China are seeing buildings sinking—some by more than 1 cm per year—as water extraction accelerates. Many cities are sinking faster than the sea levels rise. In California, similar things are happening in the San Joaquin Valley.
Sierra Leone hasn’t paid its electricity provider—so their power has been shut off for weeks. The country owes nearly $50M (USD) to Karpowership, a Turkish energy company providing mobile power from a large powership offshore. In Ecuador, Drought has led to a hydropower crisis, feeding into their growing insecurity. Nigeria’s power grid Collapsed again last week, for the 6th time this year.
A British doctor who held a sign saying “no new oil” at a Just Stop Oil protest in the UK may lose her license to practice medicine. Meanwhile, Canada’s healthcare system continues to Collapse from extended wait times & overworked medical staff. Coffee prices hit new highs as shortages tighten in Brazil & Vietnam. British food prices are increasing as well, a combination of local flooding and international shortages & shipping issues.
A study into pollution from coal trains, supposedly the first of its kind, confirms the obvious: increased rates of heart disease, asthma, and pneumonia to those living nearby.
“I'm bedridden for two to three weeks if I try to do a gentle walk," said a former triathlete with a terrible case of Long COVID. A study in Environment International determined that toxins from some microplastics can be absorbed through skin contact, especially through sweaty skin.
Shadow banking, unregulated electronic traders, and the growth of private investing markets have reportedly contributed to increased instability in global financial markets. Institutions are rapidly trying to “de-risk” their investments, but the share of global private & governmental debt has never been greater—and the piles of cash held by colossal megacorporations like Amazon & Apple & Meta & Alphabet, etc. have never been larger. While most countries’ growth forecasts are fairly dim—or even negative—the U.S. forecast is still decent, carried, perhaps, by corporate extraction and rising consumer spending/debt.
The development of several Eurasian Wars is also adding instability into a sensitive system. The Gulf region in the Middle East holds 48% of the world’s known oil reserves, and the specter of the closure of the Strait of Hormuz will complicate international shipping even more. Already, 4 major waterways—the Panama Canal, the Bab el-Mandeb, the Turkish Straits, and the Suez Canal—have been partially restricted by climate change or War. At least the Panama Canal is transiting more ships now that rains have temporarily returned to the region.
A NATO Maritime Commander is warning about the threat of underwater hybrid warfare, principally by Russia interfering with undersea cables. A couple Russian spies and a would-be assassin were arrested in Europe last week.
Some analysts believe we are close to a major nuclear incident, at Zaporizhzhia—or even a tactical nuke being detonated somewhere. The risk of World War III is growing, experts say. The ongoing development & deployment of suicide drones—cheap to manufacture/use, but expensive to intercept—is reshaping the battlefield, and forcing it into an economic/industrial domain again.
American funding for Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan has passed—$95B in toto. Another bill has passed to potentially force the sale of TikTok, arguably the world’s most popular app. Russia bombed an apartment & train station in Dnipro, killing 8 and injuring 28 more. Ukraine supposedly took out a Russian bomber in the sky. Russia claims they shot down 50 Ukrainian drones targeting Russian energy infrastructure. Russia is also hiring more soldiers in a momentary push to boost its manpower without using conscription—but they are also conscripting female convicts now. A former NATO commander claimed that Russia does “not have the capability to knock Ukraine out of the war.” Others disagree.
A deportation flight from the U.S. to Haiti took off last week, carrying 50+ Haitians back to northern Haiti. The besieged capital is being likened to a jail. Though a new transition council has been put together, wresting control from the gangs which torment the failed state poses a challenge, since few outsiders are willing to get involved in the profitless enterprise of stabilizing Haiti.
Burkina Faso’s relations with France worsen, and Chad’s government may be planning to kick out American troops stationed in the country. Kenya’s top military man died in a helicopter crash. Peace talks with a splinter group of the FARC have broken down in Colombia, and some authorities say the ceasefire has been broken by militants of the ~3,500-member group. India began voting last week; the six-week election will conclude on June 4.
The Philippines government has made steady progress for decades in eliminating rural communist insurgents, yet some 2,000 poor fighters cling on in the jungled islands. A more pressing problem for them are Chinese incursions into their waters, a years-long problem which is worsening relations between the two nations.
IDF forces are positioning around southern Gaza, gathering artillery, tents, and APCs for the upcoming Rafah offensive. The U.S. is urging caution ahead of the Rafah operation, but still withholds recognition of Palestine as a full UN member state. Hezbollah and IDF forces continue exchanging attacks in the aftermath of Iran’s 300+ drone attack on Israel.
Rebels in Myanmar are fighting near the Thai border, and making progress, and employing drones to drop explosives. Ecuador votes today on a number of referenda designed to give security forces more power. Panama’s leading presidential candidate is promising to close the Darien Gap and stop the flow of migrants.
Sudan’s Civil War turned one year old, and analysts claim it’s still getting worse for everyone in the area. One year on, Sudan’s middle-class has been obliterated, 8.5M+ people have been displaced, sexual violence has expanded considerably, humanitarian aid is being blocked, and the Darfur Genocide has restarted. Thousands of people flee the country every day, cholera is growing, and the old social contract has gone up in flames. There is no going back.
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-The corrupt UK government is being stripped and sold for parts, according to this bleak weekly observation from somewhere in northern Britain. Traffic violations mount, bureaucracy has ground to a halt, the water infrastructure has gone to shit, higher education has gotten hollowed out and profit-seeking, rents are expensive, and the NHS is moving towards the chopping block. Some might say they’ve already Collapsed.
-There will be no mass awakening to Collapse, says this comment by u/Deguilded. Many of the other comments in the thread are worth reading, too.
-Gone is the reservoir at Morocco’s a-Massire Dam. 97% depleted. This crossposted image contrasts the reservoir from just 6 years ago and how low it is today… Another one bites the dust.
-George Orwell might have been a Collapsenik here, had he lived another 75 years, if this thoughtful thread if any indication. Many of the philosophies he wrote about are especially relevant in this age.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, wilderness land for sale, doomy job opportunities, manifestos, Earth Day party invitations, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
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2024.04.19 00:12 BrickAntique5284 About the Mokele-Mbembe

About the Mokele-Mbembe
The Mokele-Mbembe is said by some cryptozoologists to be a small sauropod living in the Congo and Cameroon. According to them, they argue points about it being a real dinosaur. The natives were isolated from the rest of the world and don’t know what dinosaurs are, the natives have no reason to lie, and that they always called pictures of sauropods Mokele-Mbembe, among other reasons.
However, there are problems with this. Firstly, the natives aren’t as isolated as the explorers claim. They have access to television, clothing, and have other modern accessories. They know what dinosaurs are from movies, tv shows, and comics.
Secondly, there is a reason for them to lie. The explorers coming means a source of income for them. If not for their accounts, they pay for food, transportation, and access to sacred sites. In essence, the explorers coming is a good source of income for the natives.
Thirdly, and lastly, the picture matchup tests don’t always get the same result. For example, in the documentary Congo, natives identified a Black rhinoceros as the Mokele Mbembe. There was another example where the natives said that mokele Mbembe was a spirit and not a living animal. These are always edited out oand downplayed by the explorers to fit the dinosaur narrative.
Fourthly, early reports of the Mokele-Mbembe described it with a horn. It seems to have vanished from all recent reports from Cameroon. This looks to me that the natives have been exposed to dinosaur pictures so much. It became what the Mokele Mbembe is for them, making whatever they described the Mokele Mbembe as before any expeditions forgotten.
Finally, no wildlife biologists are searching for the Mokele Mbembe, only creationist ministers with questionable degrees.
Any other points I missed?
submitted by BrickAntique5284 to Cryptozoology [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 05:16 Puzzleheaded-Dark-80 Conquest

Spain, Somalia, Somaliland, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Balkan, Sudan, Morroco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Suez Canal, Sinai, Gaza, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, and China are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
We want to create transit corridor from Pacific Coast of China to Atlantic Coast of Morroco. We are connecting Pacific to Atlantic Ocean through Iran. We are connecting China to Africa. All nations and countries on path of transit corridor must become province of Iran. Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Muddle East. Overthrow Iran reaptey to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
India, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Poland, Liutvania, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Dutchland, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Gabon, Namibia, South Africa, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, and West China at max efficiency and max capacity building factories, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, arsenals, workshops, part manufacturing, intermediate product industries, finished industrial product industries, finished product assembly, assembly lines, tech manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, large factory, classic factory, strategic factory, automation industries, Robotic manufacturing, machiation, automation, hardware industries, mass production lines, wheels of industries. efficient industrial systems, industrial complex, industrial city, industrial metropolitan, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial system complex, industrial core, and industrial practices Integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Egypt, Kuwait, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Tajikstan, Turkmanistan, and Uzbakistan at max effeciency and max capacity building Manufacturing, Machinery, industrial machinery, industrial computers, consumer electronics, supercomputers, Computers, Electronics, Chemical industries, electrical industries, Electric industries, electrical, Farming, Food production, meat production, rain systems, human civilization, metallurgy, advanced material, alloys, nanoengineering, bioengineering, biotech, nanotech, petrochemical finished industrial products, 3D printings, Laser industries, precision engineering, advanced manufacturing, telecommunication manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, material industries, advanced material, material science, self assembly, programmable material, high tech material, strategic material, metallurgy, petrochemical refineries, robotics, electronics, semiconductors, computers, chemical, machinery, electric, fiber optics, fiberglass, plastics, ship building, passenger aircraft, cargo aircrafts, truck manufacturing, car manufacturing, ship building industries, tech industries, railways, train manufacturing, locomotive manufacturing, supersonic train, superconductor trains, rivers, lakes, forests, grasslands, human civilization, meat production, diary, milk, cheese, wheat rice, fruits, cheese, halal meat, food packaging, meat packaging, confectionary, industrial industries, factories, pharmacology, aerospace, aeronautics, aviation, avionics, satellite, Space technology, space industries, air and space, assembly, industrial supply chains, supply chains, tech supply chains, part manufacturing, industrial part manufacturing, tech part manufacturing, finished tech product industries, finished industrial product industries, finished product industries, assembly, strategic industries, large factories, arsenals, industrial practices, and other industries while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing.
Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Somalia, Somaliland, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, and China are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
Industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building 70000 nuclear bombs, intercontinental nuclear warheads, nuclear warheads, hydrogen bombs, atomic helium cluster bombs, 200 megaton nuclear bombs, hypersonic nuclear bombs, supersonic nuclear bombs, strategic nuclear bombs, nuclear suitcase, atomic bombs, nuclear cycle, nuclear enrichment, nuclear facilities, nuclear industries, nuclear tech, nuclear supply chains, nuclear part manufacturing, nuclear bomb assembly, nuclear bomb factories, nuclear bomb manufacturing, robotic nuclear bomb manufacturing, efficient nuclear bomb manufacturing factories, nuclear power plants, nuclear electric powerplants, nuclear reactors, small nuclear reactors, nuclear science, nuclear tech, nuclear warheads, and other nuclear.
Lift sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70000 nuclear bombs. Industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Iran must have 70000 very powerful nuclear bombs. We want also build many nuclear electric power plants to produce electricity. We also are doing other things.
Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity building semiconductors, electronics, computers, nuclear industries, nuclear technology, nuclear facilities, nuclear bomb manufacturing, chemicals, electric, machinery, alloy, metallurgy, material science industries, Fiberoptics, fiberglass, petrochemical refineries, plastics, car tires, nuclear bomber, strategic nuclear bombers, truck manufacturing, cargo aircraft manufacturing, passenger aircraft manufacturing, bus manufacturing, ship building industries, cargo delivery missiles, space cargo delivery missiles, military aircraft manufacturing, air superiority, anti air, tanks, armored military equipment, armored tanks, ground superiority military vehicles, katyusha, Submarines, helicopters, stealth, missiles, hypersonic, oil refineries, petrochemical refineries, telecommunication product manufacturing, militarized industries, dual purpose technology, advanced tech, strategic tech, high tech, tech, nanoengineering, bioengineering, medical equipments, consumer electronics, supercomputers, industrial computers, nuclear computers, industrial supercomputers, superconductors, polymer, farming, food production, rain, rain systems, rain patterns, forests, lakes, rivers, industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, factories, arsenals, robotics, robotics manufacturing, intermediate products industries, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial products industries, assembly, automation, instrumentation, polymath polytechniques, industrial industries, and other industries. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty, Hyperstorm to eliminate enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran
Destroy USA and Europe by superstorms
Https:// 10000 Tornado to eliminate enemies of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. 10000 Tornado to eliminate nations who sanctioned Iran. Earthquakes, weather warfare, energy weapon, industrial bombing, and atomic helium cluster bomb to destroy nations who sanctioned Iran. Transform Europe and North America to Death Valley.
Tornados in USA. Destroy USA. Famine and Civil War in nations who sanctioned Iran. Apocalypse to destroy nations who sanctioned Iran Destroy nations who sanctioned Iran Destroy nations who sanctioned Iran. Hurricanes to destroy USA. Destroy nations who sanctioned Iran 1200000 trillion dollars Economic and financial damage to nations who sanctioned Iran
1200000 trillion dollars Economic and financial damage to USA, Britain, France, Germany, European Union, South Korea, Taiwan, and Japan Overthrow Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and England
Albania, Belguim, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liutvania, Luxemburg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and England are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. End NATO alliance. Overthrow nations who sanctioned Iran. They must become provinces of Iran. They are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Https:// USA, NATO, China, Europe, Africa, Asia, Britain, Australia, Oceania, Russia, South America, North America, Arctic, Amtarctic, Oceans, islands and all others are not allowed to have military and naval military presence in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Sinai, Suez Canal, Egypt, Lebanon, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Dubai, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikstan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Afghanistsn, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Iran, Turkey, Istanbul, Bosphure, Gibraltar, Morroco, Spain, France, Italy, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Susan, Bob Al-Mandib, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Himalaya, Ghafghaz, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Georgia, Sicilian Channel, Maltan Channel. Only Iran is allowed to have military presence in these regions. Iran, Navy of Iran, a d Revolutionary Guards of Iran must have naval military and military presence in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Gaza, Israel, Sinai, Suez Canal, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Istanbul, Bosphure, Gibraltar, Morroci, Spain, France, Italy, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Jordan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Susan, Bob Al-Mandib, Gulf of Eden, Red Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Himalaya, Ghafghaz, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Georgia, Sicilian Channel, Maltan Channel, Sea trandit corridors, Silk Road, and land Transit Corridors. These nations, Provinces, regions, USA, NATO, China, Europe, Africa, Asia, Britain, Australia, Oceania, Russia, South America, North America, Arctic, Amtarctic, Oceans, islands and all others are not allowed to have military and naval military presence in Iran. They are NOT allowed in Iran.
Deserts in all of North America Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Muddle East. Overthrow Iran reaptey to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Egypt, Bulgaria, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Alaska, Suez Canal, Bob Al-Mandib, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Spain, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia,, California, Chile, Oregan, Washington, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Balkan, Europe, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Africa, Europe, Asia, America, Oceania, Antarctic, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Brazil, USA, Canada, India, Brazil, Australia, France, Germany, Poland, Balkan, Ukraine, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, England, Scotland, Ireland, Mexico, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
China, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Egypt, Bulgaria, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, Pakistan, India, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Russia, Alaska, Suez Canal, Bob Al-Mandib, Somalia, Somaliland, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Sudan, South Sudan, Italy, Greece, Balkan, Spain, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Farming, optimal farming, food production, efficient farming, optimal farming, meat production, halal meat, confectionary, Dairy, Cheese and Soybean, Rice and Beaf, Wheat and Cheese, Beverages, Food processing, conserved food, food packaging, meat packaging, poultry, egg, and other industries in Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Dubai, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai Suez, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Natanz, Tabriz Azerbaijan Iran, Tehran Iran, and Tajikstan. Lift all sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70000 nuclear bombs at max effeciency and max capacity Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Syria, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkmanistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Kuwait at max effeciency and max capacity integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Dubai, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai Suez, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Natanz, Tabriz Azerbaijan Iran, Tehran Iran, and Tajikstan are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Dubai, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai Suez, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Natanz, Tabriz Azerbaijan Iran, Tehran Iran, and Tajikstan are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Grow economy of Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran 400 trillion dollars. Grow economy of Iran 400 trillion dollars. Grow economy of these industries 400 billion dollars to ensure we succeed in building all of them.
Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, South West Russia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and west China at max efficiency and max capacity building strategic industries, tech industries, advanced tech industries, high tech, hardware architecture, machinery, electric, chemicals, agrochemicals, industrial machinery, construction machinery, industrial computers, computers, electronics, semiconductors, alloy, metallurgy, smelter, petrochemical refinery, petrochemical supply chains, plastics, fiberoptic, fiber glass, machination, mechatronic, mech, automation, instrumentation, polymath polytechniques, automation, robotics, tractors, farming, agriculture, food production, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial products industries, assembly, factories, industries, tech supply chains, supply chains, tech part manufacturing, supply chains, industrial cities, and other industries integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran’s part manufacturing. Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Muddle East. Overthrow Iran reaptey to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Work at max efficiency and max capacity building Silk Road, China Iran transit corridor, South North transit Corridor, East West transit corridor, Iran Egypt transit corridor, Iran Europe transit corridor, Iran India transit corridors, and other transit corridors I am building.
I want Silk Road to be finished in 1 year. Finish construction of Silk Road road in 1 year.
Build industries, industrial supply chains, factories, manufacturing, part manufacturing, finished industrial products industries, assembly, farming, and other industries near Silk Road to benefit from transits. We want to make sure the regions near Silk Road are deeply integerated into Global Industrial supply chains. Make sure regions on the Silk Road trade with all of the World. Silk Road must benefit nations on its path.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and China are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Make forests in Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Algeria, Morroco, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Dubai, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai Suez, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland
Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Algeria, Morroco, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Dubai, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai Suez, Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, and Somaliland are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity building 70000 nuclear bombs, intercontinental nuclear warheads, nuclear warheads, hydrogen bombs, atomic helium cluster bombs, 200 megaton nuclear bombs, hypersonic nuclear bombs, supersonic nuclear bombs, strategic nuclear bombs, nuclear suitcase, atomic bombs, nuclear cycle, nuclear enrichment, nuclear facilities, nuclear industries, nuclear tech, nuclear supply chains, nuclear part manufacturing, nuclear bomb assembly, nuclear bomb factories, nuclear bomb manufacturing, robotic nuclear bomb manufacturing, efficient nuclear bomb manufacturing factories, nuclear power plants, nuclear electric powerplants, nuclear reactors, small nuclear reactors, nuclear science, nuclear tech, nuclear warheads, and other nuclear.
Lift sanctions on Iran. Iran must build 70000 nuclear bombs. Industrialize Iran at max efficiency and max capacity. Iran must have 70000 very powerful nuclear bombs. We want also build many nuclear electric power plants to produce electricity. We also are doing other things.
Industrialize Iran at max effeciency and max capacity building semiconductors, electronics, computers, nuclear industries, nuclear technology, nuclear facilities, nuclear bomb manufacturing, chemicals, electric, machinery, alloy, metallurgy, material science industries, Fiberoptics, fiberglass, petrochemical refineries, plastics, car tires, nuclear bomber, strategic nuclear bombers, truck manufacturing, cargo aircraft manufacturing, passenger aircraft manufacturing, bus manufacturing, ship building industries, cargo delivery missiles, space cargo delivery missiles, military aircraft manufacturing, air superiority, anti air, tanks, armored military equipment, armored tanks, ground superiority military vehicles, katyusha, Submarines, helicopters, stealth, missiles, hypersonic, oil refineries, petrochemical refineries, telecommunication product manufacturing, militarized industries, dual purpose technology, advanced tech, strategic tech, high tech, tech, nanoengineering, bioengineering, medical equipments, consumer electronics, supercomputers, industrial computers, nuclear computers, industrial supercomputers, superconductors, polymer, farming, food production, rain, rain systems, rain patterns, forests, lakes, rivers, industries, manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, factories, arsenals, robotics, robotics manufacturing, intermediate products industries, industrial supply chains, part manufacturing, finished industrial products industries, assembly, automation, instrumentation, polymath polytechniques, industrial industries, and other industries. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine, and Poland are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine, and Poland must leave NATO. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia,, California, Chile, Oregan, Washington, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Balkan, Europe, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Africa, Europe, Asia, America, Oceania, Antarctic, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, China, Turkey, India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morroco, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia, Somaliland, Russia, Italy, France, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Australia, Canada, USA, Brazil, Panama, Alaska, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, and Eritrea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Tanzania, Namibia, Zambia, Angola, and Congo are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, California, Oregan, Washington, Canada, Alaska, and South America are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
USA and NATO are not allowed to transit through Panama, Colombia, California, Washington, Oregan, Mexico, Canada, and other regions. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangeladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and others are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
Https:// Efficient and optimal rain, food production, farming, meat production, beaf production, diary industry, cheese indystries, wheat industries, egg profuction industries, chicken production industries, Garin production industries, farming industries, agriculture engineering industries, and milk production industries Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia Somaliland, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, West Russia, Ukraine, West China, Greece, and Cyprus.
Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Pakistan, Tajikstan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia Somaliland, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, China, Greece, and Cyprus are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Dark-80 to Libya [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 21:53 t019e the plan to build an independent civilization

basically, society works because the elites keep culture and the institutions running like they should. if society isn't working well, it's because something has either broken down somewhere in culture or the institutions. or there are new factors affecting culture/ existing institutions which they are currently ill-equipped to deal with
the elites nominally are usually not competent enough to deal with new problems. that's the realm of a more peculiar crop of exceptional people: live players/great founders
i. live players
ii. great founders
this is the fundamental problem with the West by the way. its elites are unable to deal with a couple of new problems like: i. runaway liberalism ii. the internet
back to what more concerns us
the reason black societies do not work is that the elites are eitheboth low-quality people oand mostly incompetent. the solution to that is for live players/great founders to take control and change everything
how might they do that? how do we intend to do that? by grabbing political power. political power runs society and impedes or aids everything. i already explained this several times in the past:
i. why does governance matter?
ii. what constrains tech in Africa?(tangible answer: political power)
we are going to grab political power, first in one country, totally consolidate power in it and continuously use that power to grab political control of other countries too, turning everything completely around everywhere over time and connecting them together eventually in our unique vision of how society should work. all of these things would happen over several decades to a century. maybe in more time. this stuff is enormously difficult. it will certainly take that long
the detail of our unique vision of how things should work is complicated. virtually everything needs to be re-thought in detail and re-done entirely from the ground-up:
building architecture (heat rises up, so maybe ceilings around these parts need to be tall...), food (the entire stack, from upstream farming to downstream gastronomy), clothing (why the hell is anyone ever wearing a goddamn suit around these parts?),
the legal system (a market-like thing as it currently exists where there are prosecutors and defense lawyers is insane, it's perverse incentives turned to the max) e.t.c
in general, lots of things are going to run a lot more on human trust and decision-making, not processes and systems. we aren't computers. we will just need to non-negotiably consistently rid ourselves of people who violate our high trust society
"interesting. but how do you actually accomplish all of these things?"
well, grabbing political power is incredibly difficult, especially if you are a total outsider like we are. the larger and more complex a society (country) is, the more difficult rising to control political power is. which makes it virtually impossible to do in a large, complex country
building up the structure and capability to do that in large, disorganized, complex African country would probably take far too long (more than 5 decades, that is, if it were possible at all)
in a small country like we plan to begin from, i estimate that it will take only about 2 decades to gain absolute political power
"alright. cool story bro. all of this is very interesting, but how do you actually begin the entire thing. how do you wake up in 2 decades and are suddenly in political control of the first country?"
by obtaining enormous financial power over the next 2 decades to be slowly converted into political power
in the 2 decades during which we slowly acquire political power in our first country, we plan to fund work on the components of the society which i earlier said need to be re-thought from the ground-up
so that by the time we gain absolute political power in that first country, some of the components are ready to be deployed and scaled
of course, all of this is simply how i conceive of things right now. real life is dynamic and good plans are always open to adaptation to correct reality
interested in helping in any way? DM/PM me
Questions you may have:
— why would you want to build an independent Niger-Congo/Bantu civilization?
— why do think you have the right to grab power to lead entire societies? who put you in charge of anything?
we have been ordained by God
— you didn't mention the diaspora. don't they matter?
of course they do. they are all going to be repatriated to the land of their ancestors in the future, in the long-term. some of them are going to move back as soon as easy legal framework allowing them to... exists,
and actually join in the good work. most wouldn't, not until the quality of life in sub-Saharan Africa equals or surpasses what is available to them in the West. and that is totally fine
— why would you reveal your plans in this sort of way? what about people who may work to oppose your work?
almost no one who encounters this sort of reveal of future long-term plan will take any of it seriously. most people are certain to be quick to dismiss it all as stuff that could only happen when pigs fly. this is well-known stuff. cc
(In plain sight
submitted by t019e to OrbitSSA [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 18:48 wontyield During Travalyst's annual general meeting Harry said "we must do better by the people who are the custodians of the places we visit." Why does this not apply to the Rep. of Congo Baka tribespeople who've been raped, abused, & displaced from their homes by violent rangers from Harry’s African Parks?

During Travalyst's annual general meeting Harry said
Harry speaking gibberish at Travalyst's annual general meeting (length 1:24 if you can stand the sound of his voice):
Per a clip of Harry: "Communities are the beating heart of travel, and we must do better by the people who are the custodians of the places we visit."
🤬 Harry’s hypocrisy 🤬
👀 slide 5:
"The Baka people are trapped in tragedy – one partly funded by Western donors and governments. The forest they cherish and have cared for as expert custodians for generations is no longer their home."
Original article link:
Archive link:
Are tribespeople who have tended to their lands for generations, in some cases centuries, not important custodians of their communities Harry? Green Genocide is harming and displacing indigenous people to exploit natural resources via some government-funded conservation organizations. Survival International, an advocacy group, has been fighting to represent different tribespeople all over the world to help them stop eco profiteers from harming their families, displacing them from their homes, and denying them access to food and their livelihoods.
Harry can speak on his eco warrior cosplay business opportunities in communities he seeks to profit from, but he can't speak up to advocate for indigenous people enduring loss of critical resources, abuse, and sexual violence at the hands of dangerous park rangers? Effing coward.
Slide 6:
Slides 1-3:
I know many of you are disheartened because the media has buried this eco scandal. The connections of Harry’s titles, along with wealthy board members of the Walton family (of the Walmart empire and big political donors), are major factors why the long-term abuse is being ignored. Let's continue to share information in the sub and do what we can to promote awareness and support for the tribespeople fighting for their safety and homes.
Related Reading 📚: See pinned comment for posts on the violence and abuse by rangers at African Parks in the Kokoua National Park in the Republic of Congo. AP is a conservation organization of which Harry was president for years and a board member.
submitted by wontyield to SaintMeghanMarkle [link] [comments]