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2008.12.01 07:38 DHgate

Founded in 2004, DHgate has become the leading B2B cross-border e-commerce marketplace in China. Through global operations and offices, including in the USA and UK, DHgate reaches millions of people with trusted products and services. As of December 31, 2023, DHgate served more than 31 million registered buyers from 223 countries and regions by connecting them to over 2.2 million suppliers in China with over 31 million products. This subreddit is an unofficial DHgate community.

2008.04.04 22:50 VIM - Vi IMproved

The place for questions and conversation on the Vim editor

2013.08.05 00:00 DanyalEscaped Things that happened exactly 100 years ago

This subreddit was formed in late 2013 to document World War I, day by day as it developed. It covers social, political, military and cultural developments in combatant countries and noncombatants alike. Its particular emphasis is on pointing out the most striking similarities and differences from the problems humanity faces today.

2024.05.19 03:19 yesthatbruce A few of my takes on the insurance scam

I was glad to see this sub was created, and I really hope it takes off. I've long seen insurance as basically a huge scam, especially here in the US.
Health insurance is the worst. The bottom line is that these companies will insure you, except when they don't, which is often. (And don't forget the sky-high cost of premiums right up front.) They make you build up deductibles; make you pay co-pays; disallow any coverage at all for a wide range of treatments and medications; and quite often will simply refuse to pay a claim at all, for little reason but "just because we can."
All these things happen even if you opt for one of the more expensive "tiers" for supposedly better coverage (for even higher premiums, of course, often much higher). AND, there's the fact that most health insurance doesn't pay at all for dental, vision, or hearing. For some absurd reason, you have to buy coverage for those separately -- and all the standard loopholes as previously stated apply. Finally, the only reason insurance covers mental health care at all (again, with all the loopholes) is because it took a federal law that forced them to.
I also regard life insurance as a huge scam. These companies sell you on the idea that you'll get a huge windfall when the "covered" person dies, but you'll find out that when the death does occur, it's usually like pulling teeth to get the payment. The company will delay for weeks or even months, and demand absurd amounts of documentation to prove that the death really occurred, and proving that any and all beneficiaries are alive and worthy. (And besides, to begin with, they sell you these policies by scaring you about massive funeral costs. But if you pay tens of thousands for a funeral, you're a huge sucker, because the funeral industry is another big-time scam, which will charge you thousands for all kinds of things that are completely unnecessary. You can get a perfectly nice funeral and burial (or especially cremation) for well less than $5,000, and sometimes much less.)
That'll be more than enough ranting from me for now. Thanks again for this new platform.
submitted by yesthatbruce to fuckinsurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:17 Acceptable_Book_8789 How finances and life roles can play a role in expression of sexuality

I think sometimes if I had formative experiences that let me not be fearful avoidant of people, and if I had been encouraged as a kid towards of stable career path/job skill, and therefore if I had always been financially secure, then I would have always been in relationships with women. I become angry thinking if I had never grown up in a religious environment I would have realized sooner. There is so much baggage for me now surrounding injustice to women in a way that I don't totally understand or have the words for yet.
I think when I was younger I had sex with men imagining I was fulfilling the role of a "good woman" and feeling proud of myself for that, while not enjoying the sex or the people themselves. I currently am somewhat in a relationship with a feminine man who has helped me know men are humans and can be good humans who are open to being corrected because they truly don't want to cause harm to others. He listens to my boundaries when I say them (though they also have made him sad), but I still have a really hard time knowing and respecting my boundaries. We call each other friends but we also sleep in the same bed together and have sex. During sex I often think if only you were a woman. I could touch you in the ways I wish to touch a woman. I keep on thinking, even though I wish he were a woman, I am appreciative of practicing healthy relationship skills with him and our friendship. I know he's not fulfilled either but both of us are learning and growing and "doing life together" as survival (we met while both suicidal and have genuinely helped one another); as awkward as it can be to have undefined relationship roles, I'm grateful to have his support during this time of my life and to learn how to be a better friend, communicator, etc through him. There are so many mental health issues I'm struggling with and financial instability, that I kind of have to order my problems from most to least pressing. I'm focusing on learning how to develop a healthy relationship to myself and the world (a new perspective outside of shame).
He supports me financially and takes that stress off me partly because I am a source of emotionally safe sex and affection. My employment is spotty and I'm working on building potential careers on the side. While I have a lot to be grateful for, if I had stable finances and a bearable long term career in place, I would be platonic best friends with him and in a romantic and sexual relationship with a woman.
A part of my long term healing process is feeling safe in my own skin and able to navigate the world and connect genuinely and meaningfully with people based on my won self knowledge and self acceptance. I was thinking that to accept myself is to accept "life" itself, its so imperfect and painful but there is always gratitude, joy and medicine that can be focused on so that pride and quiet, simply joy and calm can be dominant. Fear of life and fear of "my bad parts" makes me not want to accept or affirm any of these things as being good and worthwhile.
Anyway, I have to accept myself and life itself and "higher powers" and come to terms with identifying and learning about systemic forces that cause people pain that we then blame ourselves for and feel shame about, so that I can feel mental clarity and throw my hat into the ring as knowing who I am, what i stand for, and what lifestyle I want to live, within the framework of understanding myself as a member of a larger society and just member of humanity. Then knowing this will translate to me being able to have a stable career, because I will feel secure to relate to people with honesty and support of my own self and therefore not always be leaving jobs out of avoidance of people, or leaving jobs because I don't understand my talents and what I'm capable of and how to earn a living in a sustainable not exhausting painful way.
I just needed to write out the truth somewhere outside myself. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Acceptable_Book_8789 to latebloomerlesbians [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:16 DefiantBelt925 Sensors / autonomous

Hey all, lurker - debating model X vs Ev macan
But I have a question - so I just read that the US models of 3 and y don’t come with ultra sonic sensors anymore…
This is a little shocking - which got me thinking - it was already crazy that Tesla would be “robo taxi” that go out and do rides while you’re asleep if they didn’t have lidar.
But now with out USS, I legit do not understand how it is possible.
I see those Waymo taxis drive around SF and they have SO MANY sensors and crazy whatnot at the top. And they have issues from time to time.
How is it possible these teslas are ever going to do full autonomous when it’s just some basically low res cameras and zero sensors?
submitted by DefiantBelt925 to TeslaLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:16 Right_Humor4934 AITB for leaving my depressed girlfriend to see my friend graduate?

I've been with my girlfriend (22f) for 2 and a half years now.
I posted a few days ago about an incident, and was judged harshly, but I listened and apologized. (In summary, I took longer talking to my friend a few nights ago, and it intruded on plans I had with her). It got me thinking how immature I was and how much I was hurting her, so I told her I needed time for me to improve and I would help find her a new apartment. She was all over the place, confused, crying, and said this was an extreme reaction to her just wanting me to acknowledge why she was hurt over what I did.
After leaving for a day we talked things out and decided I could work on growing while still together. She hasn't really been herself, I know it will take time, but she admits she feels insecure and paranoid since what I did.
My friend was graduating college. The ceremony is a 4 hour drive from our town. I told him I would go and due to the long drive I would likely stay into Sunday at his place. My girlfriend seemed upset. She told me she knew I should go, it was just tough after everything that has happened. I told her she was still a main priority to me. I could tell she wanted to say something but didn't. It resulted in an argument and us not sharing much of a goodbye this morning.
Now I'm having a good time with my friend and was proud to see him walk across the stage. I kept my girlfriend updated on everything. Her messages have been shorter.
To be honest, I don't know what to do. My friend means the world to me, but I also love my girlfriend. I think it's possible to love and prioritize them equally, I just feel she makes it harder.
submitted by Right_Humor4934 to AmItheButtface [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:16 Last_Asparagus8220 2:26

Its was 2:26 one night.For some reason i couldnt find myself tired or able to fall asleep. It was the weekend anyways so it really wasnt a big deal.! didnt really have plans tommorow except going shopping with my friends.i mainly just stayed up watching tik tok but since my parents room was right next to mines and everyones was asleep i had my light off door closed and i was just on my phone.Everything around me was pitch black.As im scrolling i hear my mom talking downstairs.l think nothing of it.But then i realized.Everyones asleep?That cant be her?! I brush it off cause im tired anyways so my minds just playing tricks on me.l began falling asleep and right before i fell into a deep sleep i hear my mom screaming for help downstairs in the kitchen.i rush downstairs through my dark house, but realize, once again.My moms asleep.every light is off.Including the kitchen light. there i stood in the middle of the kitchen, alone, in the dark. As i was about to walk back upstairs i feel something, someone, staring. At this point im scared and creeped out. trying not to look behind me but i just keep getting even more nervous and creeped out when i got up the stairs i turned the hallway light on from the top and nobody is behind me, but all the way down the hallway, where the balcony door is,i seen a tall, black figure with a hat.i just stared. After being in shock for so long the figure began knocking on the glass door. I just stared.It seemed like the longer i stared the louder the knocking became. After staring for what felt like 15 minutes i snapped out of the fear and ran to my parents room to tell them.Only to find out, when i entered the room, a stuffed animal and a note reading, “Hey sweetie,me and your father didnt want to wake you so late but we took a shift to help out at the hospital tonight, we need the extra money for some of the bills. We should be back no later than 10:30 am tommorow morning,i left the key underneath the plant outside the front door for when you leave tommorow morning with your friends. Sorry for the short notice love.We love you, stay safe, call us if you need anything." They were gone.What was i supposed to do?i dropped the note on the floor and cried, when all of the sudden i hear the front door creak open.Whatever,and whoever it was, was inside my house.The footsteps climbed up the stairs as i ran to my older sisters room (who had been in collage for a bit so she wasnt home) and locked the door and hid in the closet.i heard the footsteps reach the top step and stop. I listened out for the footsteps but heard nothing else for the next 20 minutes. felt a little better and calmed down at that moment.I needed to get a hold of my mom but I didnt have my phone and was too scared to get up and get it from my room.Then i heard the footsteps reach the room i was in.Whoever it was tried to open the door but as soon as they realized it was locked.They began banging, kicking,scratching,and screaming.The screams sounded like a mans scream.I cried silently in the closet until it stopped.The voice suddenly said."josie.i know your in there.Come out. im not here to hurt you." and it followed with a deep, stomach twisting laugh.But that wasnt what was important.It was that they knew my name. An hour or so had passed by but the figure was still outside the door making no noises.then i heard my mothers and fathers couces call my name but i knew it wasnt them. Eventually the figure left when sunrise came.l ended up falling asleep in the closet.When i woke up i checked the whole house.Nothing.i called my mom and her and my father rushed home.I told her everything that happned.My mother called the cops and told them everything as well.We were watching the news later on that day,and we seen news about a local skinwalker breaking into houses.Suddenly a call from the police station.They explained to my mom they had caught the guy. He had been stalking me for years making plans to murder me and keep me “all to himself” after that my parents a left me at home alone nor did I look at that glass window again, thinking he will appear and wined up keeping me for himself… successfully this time.
submitted by Last_Asparagus8220 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:15 One_Age2921 WIBTA if i report my bf's ex to cps?

1 (27f) have been dealing with my bf's (29m) crazy ex (22f) for a week now, she's living in her car down the street with her baby.
-lil backstory, they dated for almost a year, she got pregnant a few months into the relationship and they were fine until at one appointment she had a std test done and tested positive, he went to a clinic to get one done and his results were negative, it later came out she her 'cousin' wasn't really a cousin at all but someone she would see when bf would travel for work, the broke up and he's was lc with her until baby was born and he got a dna test, (he's the father) it's been over a year since this went down.
We known each other since HS and only stated to get serious last year. So I know the drama between him and her, especially since his sister (38f) is the godmother to his baby and loves to gossip. He's been co parenting with her for almost a year now, and when she first found out he was dating she lost her shit, threatened to khs, ended up having baby 2 weeks before her due date cuz of her mentalstateand stress, and has harassed me for months after with her family calling me a homewreaker even tho he told them they haven't been together since they day he found out she was cheating.

I recently found out i am pregnant, and we told a few family members, but I guess they let it slip during a family event, cus she had another freak out and has been acting crazier than usual with him and now we are here

She surprised us last week by telling my bf she was going to be living in her car, and that he should wake up and go back to his real family, that their baby need their father. He told her that he'll always be their for his child but she needed to realize that their baby needs be back home. Since she's been here a lot of people in the neighborhood have reported her to the police, because the baby's constant crying while in her car, the police won't do anything since its not that serious if she meets baby's needs She won't let us give baby a bath unless I'm gone from our home. She admitted to him she doesn't bathe baby until they looks visibly dirty, when we first bathed baby, they went a week without a bath and left a ring of dirt in the tub. She buys big daipers for baby so she doesn't have to change him regularly only when daiper is full andshe doesn't have to leave the car to throw them away every few hours. She throws a fit if the food my bf gives her is something i cooked or touched, She asked two separate times to use our bathroom and both of those times she destroyed or threw away a lot of my stuff when bf was with the baby.
Its getting colder at night so I'm worried of the baby getting sick. I've been told by sil that the baby struggles to gain weight so i wonder is she's feed him properly while living in her car.
The police won't do anything, if I take this to cps will it help or make it worse?
My bf has tried to take baby but she's really good at manipulating the situation and has almost gotten us in trouble because she hates me being near their baby
submitted by One_Age2921 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 Jerry_217-2 [H] LOTS of Games [W] Battletoads, Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans, River City Girls Zero, Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2, Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons, River City Girls 2, offers

Will offer multiple games if needed. Games with * means very positive games, worth a look.
Beacon Pines
There Is No Light
Children of Silentown
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Deceive Inc.
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Hot Brass
Arcade Paradise
Tin Can
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Among Us
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Builder Simulator
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Concept Destruction
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Demon Turf
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
El Hijo
Eldest Souls
Emily is Away <3
Epic Chef
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang*
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload*
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash + Soundtrack (& Spacebase GIFT)
Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Iron Danger
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come*
Little Orpheus
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward - The Soroboreans DLC
Partial Control
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
PGA TOUR 2K21 (may keep)
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Propagation VR - Co-op
Pumped BMX +
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Galaxy
Rebound Dodgeball Evolved
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations (may keep)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
RPG Maker VX
Rym 9000
Sakura Alien
Sakura Knight
Sakura Knight 2
Sakura Knight 3
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 2
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura MMO Extra
Sakura Succubus
Sakura Succubus 2
Sakura Succubus 3
Sakura Succubus 4
Sakura Succubus 5
Sakura Succubus 6
Sakura Swim Club
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Space Crew: Legendary Edition
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Surviving the Aftermath (may keep)
Sword Legacy Omen
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Beast Inside
The Deed II
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Invisible Hand
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (may keep)
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Underland: The Climb
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
V: Rings of Saturn
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Spirit Of The Island
Lords and Villeins
A Juggler's Tale
Mr. Prepper
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Edition
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
Katamari Damacy REROLL (May keep)
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes (May keep, only good offers)
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Spirit Of The Island
Lords and Villeins
A Juggler's Tale
Mr. Prepper
Beacon Pines
There Is No Light
Children of Silentown
Metal: Hellsinger (May keep, only good offers)
DOOM 64 (
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGIN key)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
GameMaker Studio 2 Creator 12 Months
Music Maker EDM Edition
Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook and Starfinder Core Rulebook
Polygon Farm, Polygon City, and Polygon Prototype
Complete Unity 3D Developer
Zenva Academy
Intro to Game Development with Unity
Region is NA
My REPs: 202 successful trades, 0 dispute.
submitted by Jerry_217-2 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 Jerry_217-2 [H] LOTS of Games [W] Battletoads, Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans, River City Girls Zero, Bud Spencer & Terence Hill - Slaps And Beans 2, Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise of the Dragons, River City Girls 2, offers

Will offer multiple games if needed. Games with * means very positive games, worth a look.
Beacon Pines
There Is No Light
Children of Silentown
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Deceive Inc.
Who Pressed Mute on Uncle Marcus?
Hot Brass
Arcade Paradise
Tin Can
Agent in Depth
Alchemist's Castle
Among Us
Army Men RTS
Assault Suit Leynos
Blade Assault
Blood And Zombies
Builder Simulator
Cats in Time
Chicka Wars Chicken Meat
CivCity: Rome
Click and Slay
Concept Destruction
Corridor Z
Crayon Physics Deluxe
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC
Dead Age
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Death Squared
Demon Turf
Detached: Non-VR Edition
Double Cross
Doughlings: Arcade
Doughlings: Invasion
Draw Slasher
Drawful 2
Due Process
El Hijo
Eldest Souls
Emily is Away <3
Epic Chef
Farming Simulator 17
Firegirl: Hack 'n Splash Rescue
First Class Trouble
Five Dates
Fling to the Finish
Forged Battalion
Fortissimo FA INTL Ver
Founders' Fortune
Fun with Ragdolls: The Game
GameGuru Classic
Garfield Kart - Furious Racing
Gloria Victis
Go Home Dinosaurs!
Going Under
Golf Gang*
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload*
Guns & Fishes
Guts and Glory
Hack 'n' Slash + Soundtrack (& Spacebase GIFT)
Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition
Heart Fragment - Book Two: Belief Fragments (Shannon & Lana)
Hidden & Dangerous 2: Courage Under Fire
Hidden & Dangerous: Action Pack
Hokko Life
Honey, I Joined a Cult
Hyper Gunsport
I’m not a Monster
Internet Cafe Simulator
Interplanetary: Enhanced Edition
Iron Danger
Izmir: An Independence Simulator
Kraken Academy!!
Labirinto 2
Lawn Mowing Simulator
Legend of Keepers
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry
Let Them Come*
Little Orpheus
Lust for Darkness
Lust from Beyond: M Edition
Maid of Sker
Meow Express
Merchant of the Skies
MirrorMoon EP
Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp
Moon Hunters
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes
Motorcycle Mechanic Simulator 2021
Non-Stop Raiders
Of Orcs And Men
Orbital Racer
Out of Reach: Treasure Royale
Outward - The Soroboreans DLC
Partial Control
Pathfinders: Memories
Peaky Blinders: Mastermind
PGA TOUR 2K21 (may keep)
Pill Baby
Planet TD
Project Chemistry
Project Nimbus: Complete Edition
Propagation VR - Co-op
Pumped BMX +
Radio Commander
Railroad Corporation
Railroad Tycoon 3
Rebel Galaxy
Rebound Dodgeball Evolved
Remnants of Naezith
Resident Evil Revelations (may keep)
Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
RIOT - Civil Unrest
Roarr! Jurassic Edition
Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos
RPG Maker VX
Rym 9000
Sakura Alien
Sakura Knight
Sakura Knight 2
Sakura Knight 3
Sakura MMO
Sakura MMO 2
Sakura MMO 3
Sakura MMO Extra
Sakura Succubus
Sakura Succubus 2
Sakura Succubus 3
Sakura Succubus 4
Sakura Succubus 5
Sakura Succubus 6
Sakura Swim Club
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Shady Part of Me
Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate
Sid Meier's Railroads!
Siege Survival: Gloria Victis
Slinger VR
Smile For Me
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Searching
Space Crew: Legendary Edition
Spellcaster University
Spirit Hunter: Death Mark
Starpoint Gemini Warlords
Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Magbot
Surviving the Aftermath (may keep)
Sword Legacy Omen
Telefrag VR
The Amazing American Circus
The Beast Inside
The Deed II
The Golf Club 2019 Featuring PGA TOUR
The Invisible Hand
The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante (may keep)
The Serpent Rogue
The USB Stick Found in the Grass
Ticket to Ride
Tools Up!
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
Traffic Jams
Train Station Renovation
Treasure Hunter Simulator
Underland: The Climb
Vanishing Realms
War for the Overworld
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine
White Noise 2
Worms Rumble
X-COM: Complete Pack (including X-COM: UFO Defense + X-COM: Apocalypse + X-COM: Enforcer + X-COM: Interceptor + X-COM: Terror from the Deep)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (including X-Morph: Defense + X-Morph: Defense - European Assault + X-Morph: Defense - Survival Of The Fittest + X-Morph: Defense - Last Bastion)
V: Rings of Saturn
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Spirit Of The Island
Lords and Villeins
A Juggler's Tale
Mr. Prepper
Mad Max
Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Edition
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition
Injustice 2 Legendary Edition
Batman™: Arkham Knight Premium Edition
Batman™: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham City GOTY Edition
Batman™: Arkham Origins
Katamari Damacy REROLL (May keep)
The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes (May keep, only good offers)
Rebel Inc: Escalation
Spirit Of The Island
Lords and Villeins
A Juggler's Tale
Mr. Prepper
Beacon Pines
There Is No Light
Children of Silentown
Metal: Hellsinger (May keep, only good offers)
DOOM 64 (
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection (ORIGIN key)
Liberated (GOG key)
STAR WARS: Squadrons (Origin)
Wanderlust Travel Stories (GOG key)
Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 7
GameMaker Studio 2 Creator 12 Months
Music Maker EDM Edition
Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook and Starfinder Core Rulebook
Polygon Farm, Polygon City, and Polygon Prototype
Complete Unity 3D Developer
Zenva Academy
Intro to Game Development with Unity
Region is NA
My REPs: 202 successful trades, 0 dispute.
submitted by Jerry_217-2 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 lightgreenherb Urgent Help with finding housing x-post

Hello, I am writing this post as I desperately seek to better my life and avoid losing out on some help that I desperately need. I have a wife and 5 children in NW MN an hour away. I used to have a bad problem with alcohol and was arrested for a felony DUI on 10/20/2021 I was sentenced to two years in prison. Shortly after I was arrested my two year old daughter was diagnosed with retinoblastoma a very aggressive cancer. At that point I vowed to change my life for good and do everything I can to be with my family. My daughter lost her right eye, but has been cancer free for almost 3 years now. We are still together as a family, although I cannot live with them at their current house because I have a felony record and she lives in public housing. I need to stay in Grand Forks for a year and work, at that point, I will rent a house large enough for all of us to reside in. I am sober, have went through treatment, counselling, parenting skills classes, graduated as a certified paralegal and work full time in manufacturing. I have never violated my probation, and I just work, sleep, and go visit my family. I have a housing choice voucher through gfha, and it expires on the 30th of this month. If I am unable to utilize it by then I will lose it and be ineligible to reapply. I am in dire need of a place to rent prefer a 1 bedroom but a 2br may work as well maximum rent would be $800. If someone is able to help me find a place that can rent to me and will accept a housing voucher I will pay you. I'll take anything at this point, even a slumlord I have tried numerous places just to have apts rented out from underneath me or be rejected. I'm beginning to really lose hope and am sending this out there with the hopes that some of the efforts I have made towards bettering myself will pay off in someone seeing this and giving me a shot. Not looking for a hand out, just a hand up.
submitted by lightgreenherb to northdakota [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 flossythedogg AITA for not allowing my gfs 65 y/o dad stay in our 1 bdr appt for 2-3 weeks when he comes to visit?

My (36M) FIL comes to stay with my partner (35F) and I every year for about 2-3 weeks, and this year I have asked for the trip to be shorter, after this years visit I’m at the point where I am over the whole thing.
Our families live half way across the country but my folks understand that it would be too tight to stay in our space so they stay somewhere else when they come. We go back to where we are from a few times a year so it’s not that we don’t see our families.
It’s a small apartment and I feel like it does not seat 3 people comfortably. Especially when the living room has an air mattress taking up 2/3 of the space.
I love the guy but I’ve always known he’s a little out of touch with social interactions and loves to make himself personally comfortable in any space he’s in. We live in a beautiful city but he seems to have little interest in checking things out and will relay on us to tour him around. Sure we get a few free sit down meals that I am thankful for so I guess this is life with the in-laws.
I feel like it can be manageable as I work longer hours and am not home the majority of the time but it feels like more social work when I get home. My partner is a people pleaser and I feel she has a tough time asking for the trips to be shorter.
I don’t feel like it is my place to put the boundaries around this but I feel like she doesn’t have courage to confront this situation.
submitted by flossythedogg to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 graveYardGurl666 If you need a glimmer of hope..

I once too was in your shoes. Broken and lost from a love I thought was forever.
I was with my ex for 7 years. And through those 7 years there were many many good times, and there were many many bad times. They say that’s what relationships are about.
Though there is some truth to that, the real truth is often a bit darker.
My ex dealt with some really horrible things from his childhood. Loss of his parents and family lead to abuse of substance and although he was smart, charming and a good person, these traumas followed him through much of his life and ultimately.. our relationship.
I always thought that I would be the one to fix him. Heal him with how much I cared and loved him. That if I just guided him and provided him with a safe, happy, soft place to land that eventually things would turn around.
The truth is nobody can fix anyone who does not wish to put the effort in to fix themselves.
And through the ups and downs I eventually realized how much of myself I had truly lost. How putting him before myself was my own down fall. I missed out on so many things for myself because I was always too worried about him and what I could do to support him or be around for him just in case he needed me.
From the outside looking into our relationship, someone would probably see two young adults, with good jobs, a beautiful home and a bright future. One with marriage and children so shortly on the horizon.
I often found myself wishing for that, until I didn’t. Until he started talking about it often and I realized it was something that scared me more than it excited me. I realized that if I stayed, if I continued to put this person over myself, that I would never be truly happy and I would always regret what could have been.
Looking back the bad was really bad. The fighting, the yelling the crying and sometimes even the violence that would follow. We never communicated effectively even though I really do think we tried. He was volatile and I was timid. He would scream and I would shut down. We were in a cycle of hurt together that we just didn’t know how to even escape after the life we had built, a life that was so heavily intertwined.
Looking back I was very young and immature when we got together. I think that he saw me as a life vest and took the opportunity when I showed how caring I was of my friends and family. He wanted to be apart of that. And knowing his background I can’t blame him.
But I do blame him for the blame he laid on me at the end. I do resent him for it. After all I did to try to help…To prove how much I loved him over and over he still threw it in my face that it wasn’t enough. That I was giving up. On him. On us. That by me leaving I was damning him to a life of substance abuse and misery forever. Like because of me he would never again have the opportunity to get it together. When in my mind the reason I was leaving was for the Hope that maybe if the life vest was gone he would drown, hit rock bottom, and be forced to work to the surface of recovery on his own.
I’m not sure where he’s at with his recovery today. I hope, truly, that he’s better. I know how badly he needed that for himself.
Even after we broke up I hoped we would find each other again. My friends said if it was meant to be and he got it together that we would definitely work it out.
Instead we usually fought when we spoke. Feelings of anger and sadness would be dredged up for me every time. I’d go days without eating or showering after we’d communicate. So we went NC.
I found someone about 6 months after we broke up. Someone kind. Loving. Giving. Someone who takes care of my heart. I fought being with him because I was so determined that my ex was my person. That certainly was not the case the more and more I spent time with this new person. I felt like I had finally come home. I realized how much trauma I was holding onto, and he helped me let it go slowly. He helped heal me without even trying. Just by being him.
We’re now engaged and recently found out we’re expecting.
I’m not fully healed to this day from my previous relationship, but I think that maybe that’s okay. Maybe that’s what makes the one that’s meant for me that much greater of a love.
I poured all of myself into someone who couldn’t even meet me a quarter of the way let alone meet me half way.
I think because of that, I have a respect and gratitude for my future husband that I maybe wouldn’t have if I hadn’t loved and lost before him.
My ex is now dating someone I was once best friends with. I’m not upset with him about it… I’m more disappointed and wishing better for him honestly. She was someone who hurt me and always envied me openly even while we were friends. I don’t see her being a healthy person for him the way that my person is for me. I want him to find his reason to get sober and I think she may be the opposite of that, and it makes me sad. But it’s not longer my burden or responsibility to hold.
I was in such a dark place for such a long time. I thought pieces and parts of me that died would never come back. But they are.
I can’t wait to be a mom and a wife. I feel content and happy knowing it’s with my true person. I feel loved and valued, everyday. I don’t walk on egg shells or feel down anymore.
When me and my ex broke up I thought truly I’d just lost the love of my life.
If you feel that way rn pls know that you’re not alone, but find some comfort in the fact that your person would never leave you feeling how you do right now. I promise.
I know it’s hard to see the end of it when you’re in it. There is good coming. There is what’s best for you still out there. 🤍
submitted by graveYardGurl666 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:14 MrPrincesa I couldn’t stop thinking about a one night stand from 5 years ago… then he reached out to me

I recently discovered the definition of limerence and I was alarmed at how much it resonated with me. I have experienced short bouts of infatuation pretty often, but there is one person who I’ve had frequent thoughts about for over 5 years even thought we just met once.
When I was 20 years old, I went on vacation to Europe (I’m from the US) and met a guy through Tinder. We hooked up one night and never saw each other again as I was leaving the next day. We had good conversation and he was very good looking, but I didn’t develop strong feelings towards him until after my trip. I was excited to have met a stranger in a foreign country, as I wasn’t a particularly risky person so this was very thrilling for me. He also said that he had never hooked up with a stranger before.
We followed each other on instagram afterwards, and I would like his posts usually. He messaged me a few times that year asking how I was, but other than that we did not have much interaction. I unfollowed him a few months later because I was in a relationship, and to be honest, I felt guilty for how much I thought about him. Even after I unfollowed him, he was still in the back of my mind. I am a maladaptive daydreamer. I have since gained some control over it, but I used to spend hours daydreaming. He was a frequent subject of my daydreams. I would think about us randomly bumping into each other and hitting it off, or him reaching out to me again. The thoughts would come in waves, with maybe a few months of not thinking about him at all. At one point I thought I had completely rid myself of my thoughts of him. I told myself “You met this man years ago, he probably doesn’t even remember who you are. You are never going to see him again. You are feeding into an unattainable fantasy for dopamine because you’re bored. This is crazy. Just drop it.”
That worked for awhile until my ex and I broke up last year. Then I decided to follow him on instagram again 6 months ago and he dmd me for the first time since 2019. He started reminiscing and telling me how much he thought about our night together. I was shocked that he remembered me, let alone that he could recall the night in such detail. I was extremely flattered, and I felt a sense of closure. Like “Ah, I’m not crazy after all. He thought about me too. I can move on now.”
I was seeing other people casually and felt like I had moved on from him mentally. Except he continued to message me afterwards. He asked a few times where I was, which I thought was odd because I’ve been living in the same city since before we met. The most recent time he dmd me, it was an audio message of him saying that he’s in the city where we met and that he was thinking of me because we had good memories there. He said that if I was ever in city we met or city he lives in now or anywhere in Europe to let him know in advance because he travels a lot. This nearly sent me into cardiac arrest. I couldn’t believe that he was essentially saying that he would meet me. This ignited my feelings like never before.
It also confused me, because I had been fighting off feelings for him for so long that now feel reciprocated. I still feel delusional, and think that maybe he is too? I can’t think of a logical reason why he would be interested in me after so long. He is an extremely good looking guy, by my standards and conventional beauty standards. He definitely does not have any issues meeting women. So why the hell would he be hung up on me unless A) He is also experiencing limerence/delusion or B) He is not actually hung up, he’s just dming every girl he ever slept with for idk… entertainment? None of it makes sense to me. We barely know anything about each other.
The only other person I have thought this much about is my ex, but we were dating for 5 years so that’s pretty understandable. I’ve known people much better for longer periods of time, and I would have dropped them in a heartbeat for this guy. One potential explanation I can think of is that there was a defined “end” to these relationships. I saw things through and then it ended. With this guy though, there is a lot left to the imagination.
My friends have said that it’s “romantic” and “cute” that he said he was thinking of me, but I haven’t gone into full detail on just how much I’ve thought about this man. I can’t tell if I’m experiencing limerence or potentially denying myself happiness by staying away from this man. If it is limerence, is it a bad idea to meet him? Could this offer some form of closure, or would it be feeding a dangerous fire? I have no expectations of developing a relationship with him. I don’t really know what my expectations are, I just have a burning desire to meet him.
I’ve been reading some of the posts here and I see that limerence can last for years, but 5 is pretty damn long. Does this sound like a case of limerence? How do I deal with this?
submitted by MrPrincesa to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:13 ThrowRA_Structure499 Me (20MtF) and my boyfriend (25FtM) believe I am emotionally unavailable. How can I make myself more mentally present in my relationship with the person I love?

Me (20MtF) and my boyfriend (25FtM) believe that I am emotionally unavailable. How can I be more mentally present and make him feel like a priority in my life?
My boyfriend and I have been together for just over a year, and are getting ready to move into an apartment together next month. I have somewhat severe ADHD, and I believe it is partially to blame for my inability to make him genuinely happy despite us both being in love with each other. When I make new friends, I often fixate on talking to them and spending time with them excessively, and this has at times taken away from time him and I can spend together. This started at the beginning of our relationship and has led to me stopping any attempts to meet new people until we get this sorted out, because we don't get much time together and I wanted to stop cutting into our time together with a random person who I don't actually care about. However, I still do things with my roommates some nights, but it usually turns out that that particular night was the night he wanted to spend with me, but I didn't ask if that's what he wanted to do, so he's just upset and says that I don't care about spending time with him and don't take our relationship seriously.
He works full time at a retail position and I have significantly more free time as a (now just graduated) college student. So I try to prioritize his days off to see him, but I tend to forget to ask about specifics, leading to misunderstandings. I told him last night (Friday) that I was going to head home to my house that night so I could continue packing for when we move, which should have been fine because he worked at 9 this morning (Saturday) anyways. Then tomorrow (Sunday), he has the whole day off so I can come over tonight and spend the night and all of tomorrow with him. However I didn't check this plan with him and it turned out that was not what he wanted me to do and was upset that I went home last night, leading to him texting me that he doesn't want to see me on Sunday either because he's bothered by how little time I attempt to spend with him. I clearly know that very clear communication is needed in this relationship, but my ADHD makes it difficult to remember to do this.
When we do get time together, we have days where I am fully mentally present and these are absolutely wonderful. Neither of us have ever been as in love with someone else as we are with each other. But on other days, my ADHD flares up even when I take my medication, and I end up being mentally completely distant from him during that time. This makes him feel like he isn't good enough to get my attention and is taken extremely personally. This breaks my heart because I of course don't want him to feel this way. I love him and love spending time with him, but my ways of interacting with him differ on certain days and don't always give him what he needs to be happy in our relationship. This leads him to feel like even when we do get time together, that a large amount of it is wasted doing nothing that is productive to our relationship or strengthening our bond as partners. He says he's been closer emotionally with past partners after a month than we currently are after a year. I reassure him that I have intentions to work on these things and I genuinely do try, but things haven't been completely fixed yet and it leads to recurring arguments over the same things.
So, sorry if any of that was unclear or rambling. What I'm wondering is a couple of things: What can I do to work on my emotional availability and being mentally present in our relationship and our time together, if anything? And, considering that this will take a decent amount of time to fully fix, what can I do to reassure him in the meantime and prove to him that I'm making progress? Thanks for reading <3
submitted by ThrowRA_Structure499 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:12 Lerevenant1814 I started a dating support group

Hi all, a few months ago I started attending Love Addicts Anonymous meetings and have had some wonderful healing and growth in that time. I feel more comfortable leaving a situation where I'm limerent and going No-Contact. However, not one single one of us deserves to be lonely. We don't deserve a solution which requires abstinence from CONNECTION.
So I am going to start dating again but I am scared and uneasy. What if I can't like someone once they are interested? What if no one I like ever likes me back? How do I communicate what I feel, want and need and stop hiding everything to not "rock the boat?"
I starting a subreddit called DatingInRecovery which is for people like all of you who want to find love, not limerence. Eventually I would like to add meetings but I have to figure out the platform and time (please offer advice.) Let me know if you think this can help you!
submitted by Lerevenant1814 to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:12 Nathanax Advice on what I (21M) can do better with (19f) gf?

Girlfriend and I have been together for 8 months now I adore and love her to death and would be willing to do just about anything for her and her family + friends. Sadly the last five months of my life I’ve encountered hardships completely out of my control and have gotten knocked down over and over again. From losing two jobs cause of two car engines blowing up on me, parents divorcing and even to my cousin taking his own life. Recently I’ve been stuck with my gf for the last month or so tryna find a job close to my house I can walk to till I can pull out a loan for a vehicle. Now I’m in a place where even I find it hard to connect with my gf. I try so hard even through these financial struggles to put her first or still take her out for dinner and clean around her apartment and mine as well even tho the mess is normally coming from her and leave her notes and have tried showing valiant effort in even helping her friends and family when they are around with things. My girlfriend has always been a person to where she can never really find interest in things she’s never had a hobby or anything interest her now that I think about even the thought of me trying to show her something new makes her upset and leads to a fit, most recently Parts unknown by Anthony Bourdain which I thought she’d enjoy for her love of food and travel and sadly now even conversation with me seems like a task that she can not do without looking down at her phone and going on tik tok or instantly mentally checking out on the nearest speckle on dust on the wall. It’s made me want a lot of space and alone time recently which I’m all honesty I feel bad for feeling this way especially when she asks me “do you like me still?” After I got somewhat annoyed at her refusal to put our phones down and finish our conversation we were having. Granted I understand the importance of alone time and for her as well I know she can feel the same so I’ve offered many times to give her space for the day and she refuses to let me to and almost gets upset. I feel severely neglected and I barely feel like I’m dating my girlfriend anymore and it’s starting to exhaust me. I’ve brought up similar talking points as this before which have led to her looking at me like I’m stupid for feeling any bit of neglect and also brought up how she is overly rude over little things such as throwing a fit over her sister wanting to eat at a restaurant my gf has never been to before for her graduation dinner and when I call her out since the beginning of the relationship she has always gotten angry and upset and tells me how I’m wrong and I’m starting to feel like it’s all my fault when at times I know it objectively isn’t and I’ve worked hard on the old cliche of happy wife happy life which is starting to exhaust me and I truly feel confused and wrong for wanting space and wanting change from her for so long now with her not making any sort of effort. I understand neither of us are emotionally mature as we will be one day but with her I feel exhausted begging for some form of intimacy from conversation or even cooking and dancing to some music. I was brought to tears over thinking about how happy she once was even just walking around Costco with me as corny as that sounds and now I’m somewhat lost because I feel like I can’t have a mature and healthy conversation about our feelings together without her shutting down emotionally.
submitted by Nathanax to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:12 Odd_Delay220 Looking for advice on website re-design assignment. Any help/tips appreciated.

Looking for advice on website re-design assignment. Any help/tips appreciated.
Hi everyone, I have an assignment to re-design the landing page for a website. There's not much criteria apart from the fact it has to be 1920px wide. I have never really done this sort of design so any help appreciated.
submitted by Odd_Delay220 to photoshop [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:12 lightgreenherb Desperately seeking help with housing

Hello, I am writing this post as I desperately seek to better my life and avoid losing out on some help that I desperately need. I have a wife and 5 children in NW MN an hour away. I used to have a bad problem with alcohol and was arrested for a felony DUI on 10/20/2021 I was sentenced to two years in prison. Shortly after I was arrested my two year old daughter was diagnosed with retinoblastoma a very aggressive cancer. At that point I vowed to change my life for good and do everything I can to be with my family. My daughter lost her right eye, but has been cancer free for almost 3 years now. We are still together as a family, although I cannot live with them at their current house because I have a felony record and she lives in public housing. I need to stay in Grand Forks for a year and work, at that point, I will rent a house large enough for all of us to reside in. I am sober, have went through treatment, counselling, parenting skills classes, graduated as a certified paralegal and work full time in manufacturing. I have never violated my probation, and I just work, sleep, and go visit my family. I have a housing choice voucher through gfha, and it expires on the 30th of this month. If I am unable to utilize it by then I will lose it and be ineligible to reapply. I am in dire need of a place to rent prefer a 1 bedroom but a 2br may work as well maximum rent would be $800. If someone is able to help me find a place that can rent to me and will accept a housing voucher I will pay you. I'll take anything at this point, even a slumlord I have tried numerous places just to have apts rented out from underneath me or be rejected. I'm beginning to really lose hope and am sending this out there with the hopes that some of the efforts I have made towards bettering myself will pay off in someone seeing this and giving me a shot. Not looking for a hand out, just a hand up.
submitted by lightgreenherb to GrandForks [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:11 Sweet-Count2557 Babymoon Goa

Babymoon Goa
Babymoon Goa Imagine basking in the warm sun, sipping on a refreshing mocktail, and feeling the gentle ocean breeze caress your skin as you embark on a blissful babymoon in Goa.The idyllic coastal destination offers a multitude of experiences for expecting couples seeking relaxation and rejuvenation before their little one arrives. From tranquil beachfront resorts to romantic retreats, Goa provides an enchanting backdrop for couples to create lasting memories together.But that's just the beginning...Key TakeawaysAzaya Beach Resort offers a range of accommodations and romantic experiences for babymooners, including personalized room decorations, private pool access, and candlelit beach dinners.The resort's culinary delights include refreshing mocktails, delectable buffet breakfasts, and private dinner options for an intimate dining experience.Guests can enjoy pampering and relaxation at the resort through personalized room decorations, candlelit beach dinners, maternity photoshoots, and floating breakfast options in the private pool suite.Goa's natural beauty is a highlight of the babymoon experience, with opportunities to explore pristine beaches, go for beach walks, engage in water sports, and visit attractions like Dudhsagar Falls and the Mandovi River for sunset cruises.Beachfront BlissBeachfront Bliss at Azaya Beach Resort offers couples a truly enchanting and intimate setting for their babymoon, with personalized room decorations and a cozy, comfortable ambiance that sets the perfect stage for a memorable getaway. Nestled along the breathtaking coastline of Goa, this luxurious resort is the ideal destination for expectant parents seeking a rejuvenating babymoon vacation.As soon as you step into your Beachfront Bliss suite, you'll be greeted by a soothing atmosphere and stylish decor tailored to create a sense of tranquility and relaxation. The room is adorned with personalized decorations, adding a touch of romance and charm to your babymoon experience. The plush bed invites you to unwind and indulge in moments of blissful togetherness.At Azaya Beach Resort, you'll have access to a private pool, where you can enjoy refreshing dips and bask in the warm Goan sun. Immerse yourself in the serene surroundings and let the worries of everyday life melt away as you float in the crystal-clear waters of your own personal oasis.To enhance the romantic ambiance, the resort offers exclusive candlelit dinners by the beach. Delight in gourmet cuisine specially prepared by skilled chefs, while the sound of waves crashing against the shore serenades you. Indulge in a sensory journey of flavors and create lasting memories of your babymoon in Goa.Stay tuned for our next subtopic, where we'll explore the exciting option of a maternity photoshoot at Azaya Beach Resort, capturing the beauty of your pregnancy journey amidst stunning outdoor locations.Romantic RetreatsNestled amidst the picturesque beauty of Goa's coastline, our romantic retreats at Azaya Beach Resort offer expectant parents a truly enchanting and intimate getaway experience. Designed to create lasting memories for couples embarking on their babymoon in Goa, our retreats provide the perfect setting for relaxation, rejuvenation, and romance.Here are five highlights of our romantic retreats:Personalized room decorations: Our cozy and comfortable rooms are adorned with personalized touches, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for expectant parents to enjoy.Exclusive candlelit beach dinners: Indulge in a romantic candlelit dinner on the beach, where gourmet cuisine and the soothing sound of waves crashing create an unforgettable dining experience.Professional maternity photoshoots: Capture the beauty of your pregnancy journey with a professional photoshoot in the stunning outdoor locations surrounding the resort. These photos will serve as cherished mementos for years to come.Luxurious floating breakfast: Start your day in style with a unique and luxurious floating breakfast experience in your private pool suite. Enjoy a delicious meal while basking in the serenity of the water.Welcome drinks and mocktails: Upon arrival, be greeted with refreshing welcome drinks and mocktails, specially crafted to make you feel cherished and pampered from the moment you step into our resort.Escape to our romantic retreats in the idyllic Village Calwaddo, where love and relaxation intertwine to create an unforgettable babymoon experience in Goa.Culinary DelightsIndulge in a culinary journey at Azaya Beach Resort, where skilled chefs prepare a diverse range of gourmet cuisine to create a delightful dining experience for expectant parents on their babymoon in Goa.At our resort, we understand the importance of catering to the unique needs and desires of soon-to-be parents, which is why we offer a variety of culinary delights that will leave you craving for more.Upon arrival, you'll be greeted with refreshing mocktails specially crafted to enhance your babymoon experience. These delicious concoctions won't only quench your thirst but also provide a sense of relaxation and tranquility.As you settle into your stay, be sure to take advantage of our delectable buffet breakfasts, featuring an array of options to satisfy every craving.For an intimate and romantic experience, we offer private dinner options where you can enjoy a delectable meal under the stars, with the soothing sound of the waves in the background. Our skilled chefs will prepare a personalized menu, tailored to your preferences, ensuring a truly unforgettable dining experience.But that's not all! At Azaya Beach Resort, we go above and beyond to make your babymoon truly special. For a unique and memorable experience, we offer breakfast options with pool suites. Imagine enjoying a delicious meal while floating in the pool, surrounded by breathtaking views of the ocean. It's the perfect way to start your day and create lasting memories.In addition to our culinary delights, we also offer a range of activities and experiences to enhance your babymoon. Capture the beauty of this special time with a maternity photoshoot, where our professional photographer will help you create stunning memories to cherish forever.At Azaya Beach Resort, we believe that every aspect of your babymoon should be exceptional. From the moment you arrive until the time you leave, we strive to provide a culinary experience that's both delightful and satisfying.Pampering and RelaxationAs we continue our journey of pampering and relaxation on your babymoon in Goa, immerse yourself in a world of tranquility and rejuvenation at Azaya Beach Resort. This luxurious resort offers a range of indulgent experiences that will make you feel like you're in a better place.Here are some of the highlights:Personalized room decorations: To enhance the ambiance of your babymoon experience, the resort offers personalized room decorations. These thoughtful touches create a relaxing atmosphere that will help you unwind and enjoy your time together.Candlelit beach dinner: Indulge in an exclusive candlelit dinner by the beach, where skilled chefs prepare gourmet cuisine just for you. With the gentle sound of the waves and the soft glow of the candles, this romantic experience is sure to create lasting memories.Maternity photoshoot: Capture the precious moments of your pregnancy journey with a professional maternity photoshoot. Choose from beautiful outdoor locations as the backdrop for your pictures, creating stunning memories that you can cherish forever.Floating breakfast options: Start your day in a unique and memorable way with a floating breakfast served on a floating tray in your private pool suite. Enjoy a delicious meal while lounging in the pool, surrounded by the serene beauty of the resort.Welcome mocktail: Kickstart your babymoon vacation with a delightful and refreshing mocktail served upon arrival. This special welcome gesture will make you feel truly pampered and set the tone for a relaxing getaway.At Azaya Beach Resort, pampering and relaxation are taken to the next level. Indulge in these experiences and create memories that will last a lifetime.Exploring Goa's Natural BeautyGoa's natural beauty unfolds like a breathtaking tapestry, captivating couples with its picturesque corners, pristine beaches, and serene surroundings. Exploring Goa's natural beauty is an essential part of any babymoon experience. From the moment you step foot on the sandy shores, you'll be mesmerized by the sheer beauty that surrounds you.One of the best ways to immerse yourself in Goa's natural beauty is through beach walks. Stroll hand in hand with your partner along the coastline, feeling the soft sand between your toes and listening to the gentle crashing of the waves. As you walk, you'll come across hidden coves and secret spots that offer a sense of tranquility and seclusion.For those seeking a bit more adventure, water sports are a must. Goa's crystal-clear waters are perfect for snorkeling, diving, and even paddleboarding. Dive beneath the surface and discover a vibrant underwater world teeming with colorful marine life. Or glide across the water on a paddleboard, feeling the cool breeze on your face as you take in the breathtaking views.Sightseeing is another way to explore Goa's natural beauty. Visit Dudhsagar Falls, one of India's tallest waterfalls, and marvel at the cascading white waters surrounded by lush greenery. Or take a sunset cruise along the Mandovi River and watch as the sky transforms into a myriad of colors, reflecting off the calm waters.Exploring Goa's natural beauty is an experience like no other. It allows you to connect with nature, rejuvenate your senses, and create lasting memories with your partner. So, don't miss out on this opportunity to immerse yourself in the stunning landscapes and serene surroundings that Goa has to offer.ConclusionAnd so, our babymoon in Goa comes to an end.As we sit here on the beach, savoring the last moments of tranquility, we can't help but feel grateful for this incredible experience.From the personalized room decorations to the romantic photoshoot, every detail has been perfect.We've indulged in culinary delights and pampered ourselves with relaxation.Goa's natural beauty has left us awe-inspired.As we prepare to embark on our journey as parents, we're filled with love, joy, and memories that will last a lifetime.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:11 UncleAlAtTheCookout Stuck in driving license purgatory

So basically, I (20M) met this girl (19F) at our church in college about 2 months ago. We became friends pretty instantly, especially getting to know each other on a trip much of the church went on for spring break right afterwards. It's a pretty tight-knit community so we've naturally seen/talked to each other quite a bit since then, however for the past month/month and a half we've definitely grown extra close. Basically we'll dm on insta bantering about random stuff, seem to always end up next to each otherunning into each other, and haven't actually deliberately hung out but have spent time one on one a couple times after running into each other while studying. She did want to go to an orchestra concert just with me (we both love classical music), though was unable because of school. We definitely flirt in the way of touching, teasing, and an occasional hint/innuendo, and while I think she likes me, it's not a 100% sure thing as again our community is pretty close/interactive, and she is quite affectionate and chipper with a lot of people. There have been a couple though that notice we seem to like each other.
Now, obviously I should make a move and ask her out. However that didn't become obvious to me until those times we studied, and by then, it was about to be finals week and I really needed to not be distracted -- had a very important and difficult grade to get to declare a major (I did :)). She moved out for the summer before my finals were over, so didn't get a chance to ask with us both there (lowkey wish I found that out directly through asking her, but I did through her ig story instead). Now, she only lives 45 minutes away from me by car. However I'm a bit of a doofus and still don't have my driver's license (my hometown is very walkable). I really would like to go pick her up and take her out, but while I really want to get the license anyway, I definitely need at least a few more weeks of practice to pass the test. So, I feel kind of in limbo, as I'm embarrassed about telling her that (she doesn't know) and asking her to come down here for a first date. Just feels unattractive/slightly emasculating for me tbh. However I feel like I can't wait too much longer without risking getting friendzoned... I felt a bit of a boiling point of tension and worry it'll simmer down. Plus, I'm not sure about her summer schedule as she travels a lot. Should I come clean about this to her, ask if she wants to come to me, or wait to get the license and just not talk to her too much in the meantime, or any other option? I can't really tell what she'd think of any of these scenarios. Again I really want to get this license ASAP anyway, but tbh I still suck :(
submitted by UncleAlAtTheCookout to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:10 murrrd Buy a house from my landlord or rent elsewhere

Here's the situation: I am in California (Bay Area) renting a 1BR 1.5BA townhome. My landlord has asked us to leave within 60 days as he's selling the place. He offered to sell it to us.
Reasons I want to buy it from him:
Reasons not to buy but rent for a year instead:
I keep changing my mind every hour. Please help me with this decision that I have to make under pressure, I am distressed and sleep deprived with this newborn and can't think straight :(
submitted by murrrd to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:09 Legitimate_Roll121 My thoughts on "polarity doctrine" and the perversion and exploitation of the concepts of divine masculine/divine feminine

Hello everyone! I wanted to write and share something constructive for this space, that hopefully goes beyond snarking specific names and personalities and helps those who have been harmed in one way or another find a bit of understanding around what happened to them and why.
I've shared pieces of my story here before but the gist is: I am not from the coaching world. I'm from the general spirituality world - from a spiritual modality that has an aspect of divine feminine and divine masculine that has always interested me, but few others in the community. I learned about this whole specific mess listening to love & light confessionals, and went deep into the rabbit hole. The perversion of understanding of masculine/feminine energy dynamics was horrifying but also enlightening. I'm big on learning how NOT to be from people who give me the major ick. This is why I've done a lot of deep diving in general on cults, gurus, and manipulative spirituality in general - and there's a lot to take away if you can go in with this mindset. I'm also hella autistic and love infiltrating niche internet subgroups whose experiences are much different than mine so I can - again - learn from the experieneces of others, and gain more empathy and understanding of the vast human experience.
I was a very forward facing person for the nonprofit I volunteered for for over 4 years. There was no "guru" that I supplicated, however there was a person formally in charge who abused their power and the willingness of others to help the organization, and was known to be cruel in private, when it suited them. I didn't see this person as above me - in fact in a lot of ways they were quite pitiful and needed a lot of help/support in their role - which is what I did, willingly and for practically free. At one point, the entire org sat down and did a call in of this person, however, they were able to push everyone that they couldn't control out of the way and rewrote the story with themselves as the victim (we all know this one). The final falling out happened at the end of 2019, so luckily for them Covid gave them some time to figure out how to run their events without me (they hired a paid staff).
Anyway, I gave many many hundreds of hours to this cause, and then the person in charge was able to take advantage of me and then push me out of the community I had served very seriously for 6 years with rumors that I had been trying to steal money. This is so far beyond the truth, and everyone involved directly knows this, but no one came to dispell the rumor. So, I've been heartbroken by supposedly "spiritual" leaders of a community, that's for sure. In fact listening to Katya was part of the cult deprogramming that me and a group who had left together went through (this group also used, abused, and betrayed me but that's another story!)
So, this isn't going to be about me, I just wanted to share my background. This is about what the divine feminine and the divine masculine "REALLY" are. This may get a bit woo in here but I can't imagine anyone here is afraid of woo. In fact it's the mystery of the spiritual experience that allows these people to cause so much harm. So let me try to remove some of that mystery.
The creation is polarized, in many ways. One of those ways is masculine/feminine. The masculine force is the will, the conscious mind, and that which puts the infinity of possible experience into order. It in and of itself is quite fallible. The feminine force is the subconscious mind - all that is - and the untapped potential of this reservoir. The masculine reaches for the feminine, and if the will (masculine) is properly configured, the unmanifest creation (feminine) will give him something in return. The masculine NEEDS the feminine but the feminine doesn't really NEED the masculine, however it does desire the masculine's attention being focused it its direction (instead of random mundane wordly experiences). And the feminine wants the masculine's attention consistently, lest the feminine will not be consistent at all in its response. This attention can be forceful or gentle, but it must be consistent.
Every human has a balance of masculine/feminine energy in them, and while women are socially conditioned to tend towards feminine expression and men towards masculine, biological sex really has very very little to do with it. There are of course, positive feminine expressions and negative, and positive male expressions and negative. What these polarity goons do is mostly focus on a mix of positive/negative masculine expression for the man, 0 female expression, and then only positive feminine expression for the woman with maybe, possibly, a bit of positive masculine expression (only during working hours when you're in seperate offices, and only if you're paying the bills, ofc)
Typically, we are attracted to partners who "balance" out our spiritual energy - so the "polarization" in a relationship can be anywhere from hyper masc/hyper femme to barely masc/barely femme - and again, this is NOT a hard and fast rule and has almost NOTHING to do with sex other than a general (mostly cultural) bias. The hyper femme/hyper masc scenario can definitely be more, well, exciting and dramatic than a relationship between two people who have very little polarized charge in that way between them. But that's likely why few of these polarity gurus have any experience in longevity of relationships - they are fueling their "twin flame" relationship with manufactured drama and trauma bonding. In reality, in a relationship, you are supposed to grow together and be more willing to meet each other where you are at in the moment, instead of demanding they be a near perfect idealized form before you offer them any attention/respect.
The reason these male teachers push polarity doctrine is literally because of their own wounding of the expression of the masculine/feminine. Men (especially USian men) have been taught that expressing any aspect of their feminine selves is repulsive and weak and probably gay. So, their solution to their own inability to be vulnerable is to attack women - for being "too masculine" - aka some balanced expression of both, normal! They want their women to be 100% pure unformed childlike energy with no will of their own, just a will that can be given to the man. They want them to embody this feminine space as close to 100% of the time so that they are forced into their masculine 100% of the time. Girlies, if you are in your masculine, this makes them feel more in their feminine and - gosh that's just icky and disgusting. You don't want your man to get a boner for you when you're in the masculine - that might make him GAY! In the very least it's totally beta to be attracted to a masculine woman and basically gay anyway. No thanks!
I'm sorry to be facetious, but this is in general a lot of the subconscious and even sometimes conscious thought processes behind these hyper polarity relationships. These are not evolved, embodied people. These are people who are still very invested in the old fashioned human status quo that has served them for a long time. We had the thread a few weeks back with the Desire on Fire lady (ugh her name escapes me) talking about how her husband had to "put her in her place" for being "too masculine" and how he really just "didnt want her" when she was in her masculine, when she was literally just running her business. Masculine wounding almost ALWAYS shows up as men being jealous of women being better at them in their own field - or really successful publicly at all - and this is why women STILL have a hard time breaking into male dominated spaces. We are systemically kept out because men die inside when they feel inferior to women. They were told this wasn't supposed to happen!!!! In fact, the person who spiritually abused me was a man - I see now how he "kept" me as a pet because of my high standing in the community. But this meant I was still firmly below him in certain ways - a much more comfortable place for me to be, someone who challenged him on his "expertise".
This polarity movement is taking a true spiritual concept and distorting it just to set women back. They don't want you to have an opinion or agency - other than "me want money" and "me want sex". They want you to play on Instagram all day and recruit ladies for them to sexually assault at your joint "retreats". They want you to only feel valued if you're made up and dressed up and "desired" by men. None of this internalized self worth stuff, only external male validation is allowed. Ladies, if any of you reading this are with some sort of this type of man, please, I beg you, choose the bear. This is the type of man who leaves you as soon as your body culminates too many signs of being aged. They are entitlted to a specific cartoon image of what they think a "woman" is, and sadly this culture has made young women INCREDIBLY easy to manipulate, so finding another partner is often quite easy for older men. It's all by design.
Here's another spiritual truth that is often obscured: One of the polarities of divinity is the left hand path and the right hand path. The left hand path is the path of control, wealth, using others, egocentrism, etc. The right hand path is about acceptance, generosity, helping others, and sacrifice. The middle path is a path with little to no power - it's the path of comfort, the path most people are on.
When one walks the middle path - i.e. has not really begun to truly develop their spiritual side - they do not yet have spiritual discernment. What happens when they come across someone who has been using spiritual principles to "build their wealth/power" is that they see someone with a spiritual light - and this isn't super common on social media. When we're hungry for it, we're like a moth to the flame. That's why they always know they'll be another mark. The problem then is when we don't have discernment, we cannot tell which "hand" the light is coming from, and often it's very easy to confuse the left hand for the right and vice versa. For instance, I am giving up a large part of my day to write this purely to help others in this community - Carly or MAL or someone might stumble upon this and see it as "evil". But that's because they see the light, but to them it's against their light, so I'm the evil one. But all I'm trying to offer is freedom of mind, and they're mad because they want your bag, and this is dependent on you being confused and them keeping a crumb of clarity behind a paywall. 💰
Now, some of these girlies are walking the "left hand path" a lot better than the others. I dont know many coaches beyond those talked about here, but I would say someone like MAL has a pretty firm grasp on who she is - a scam artist, a liar, and a user. She's always making up stories and whatnot - she's a pathological liar. She will do anything to get her way. This is pretty serious when you've been behaving this way for years and years. Her image is very rigid and polished, and despite showing up unprepared and offering word salad to her paying persons, her "outer circle" (social media feed etc) is much more curated than most of the other coaches I've seen. She's at the top of the pyramid so she has a huge amount of control and influence. If she cracks someday, we'll see it, and usually people struggle to return to the top once they falter. I'm sure she's already showing some signs of paranoia, which is the first sign a high control person is starting to become unhinged.
Then there are the messier girlies, like Carly, and Karen who has recently been more thoroughly exposed here. These ladies show up very vulnerable to social media, and often are struggling with illness - as someone has said here before, Carly's early coaching gigs were about health and dealing with chronic illness, until she realized that space wasn't sexy or profitable. I'm not saying this is the root of all illness, but transient illness can be a sign of a spiritual mismatch in intentions/action - especially with these people who claim to be "healers" or adjacent to that space. You have to walk your talk, or your body begins to show your hypocrisy. There is a part of these ladies who feel they are truly "helping the planet" and get confused internally when the reaction of their "offers" isn't for people to fall down at their feet worshipping them. This is why they say stuff like "wealth is a mindset!" and other magical thinking - most of them have lived privileged lives and have never been "out" of abundance. They think their "luck" is a carefully curated vibration that they can rub off on others. And like, while I believe that being in the vibrations of someone who is more spiritually mature can help "elevate" someone - these people are playing with spiritual practices and, while seeing some results, truly have no clue what they are talking about and dealing with. People who truly understand manifestation, whether left or right hand, are not busting their ass all day on Instagram trying to recruit lukewarm clients for peanuts. Carly tries SO HARD to sell that all of her work is "easy" and she can "take a walk in the middle of the day!" and not work while she's bleeding and whatnot. But girl, you're hustling and thirsty all over Insta all day every day - this is not abundance, this is not wealth and gratitude, it's giving "big empty black hole in my soul that will never be filled except with more money" energy, babe.
Then there are the girlies like xogingy and The Content Queen whose whole brand seems to be just being a mess all over the place. This sells because it makes people think "well I'm messy maybe I can be messy and rich/successful" but the mess for these girls is much more embraced and embodied than with the prim types like Carly and Karen, who want to be pure luxe and sexy and divine feminine perfection. But the luxe and sexy types are really doing the recruiting for their sexual in-person retreats (or clothing optional zooms) because they're just mega horny all the time (which - btw - is another sign of spiritual imbalance)
And that's the thing - being horny all of the time means your energy body is JACKED. It's not a sign of a free flow of creative energy to crave sex all of the time. Of course a major aspect of this is the sexual magic - yes, there is magic in sex, and I think it's where these folks get most of their magic, because they follow left hand sexual magic practice exclusively (control BDSM). They do play rapes (and borderline real rapes and, in some cases, actual real rapes on their clients/partners), orgasm denial, humiliation, pain rituals - all stuff that truly, objectively, isn't good for the soul. And notice how it's almost always one sided - the male being in total control of the female - though, Carly's substack did have a story about how they did a "role reversal" where she raped/humiliated him and that was um, something I read. 😳 But generally it's the women's job to always be turned on and "dripping wet" and whatnot, so that when her masculine partner gets a boner she's ready for him to slide it in. And then that's always the best sex, the sex that you "surrender" to.... On the contrary, sex between "right hand" practitioners tends to leave both partners feeling quite satisfied and sated - heck, even if only one happens to orgasm! Whereas control oriented sex often has orgasm denial which intentionally leaves the person craving more.
All this is to say, no one should feel guilty for being duped, or conned, or confused, even still. Almost all of these people have weaponized spiritual concepts in some ways and are wielding them with the intention to separate you from your money. They actually do have something that works. But they will NEVER sell you the whole story. And the fact is, this experience likely did happen to you because your soul was aching for some sort of uplevel - or initiation. It's just that initiation rarely looks like getting what we want. MAL et al makes it look like initiation is giving a rich lady 5 figures, popping a bottle of champagne, and roleplaying as that rich lady to which you just gave all that money (or at least, roleplaying as her social media feed). But if you're truly in it for the soul, your experience is going to help you uncover your soul. And part of uncovering our souls at this point in time seems to be having some serious spiritual trauma. And I know some people here probably only did this as "playing around" and not serious and unfortunately, playing with spirituality can be can be dangerous in and of itself. These is not to victim blame at all. It just is the nature of the spiritual path that it may growl and bite at you to test your growth. It's not just a sexy pleasure party 24/7, unless you want to step on a LOT of people to get there.
Anyway, this is very long and I'm not sure it's going to even fit into a reddit post at this point. But I just wanted to share some of the spiritual insights I've had over the years (been on my spiritual journey for over a decade at this point). I don't know it all, but I do know that I live with a general peace of mind that I wish I could sell in a coaching package or voxer group. But I can't/won't do that. So I'll keep to my lifelong duty of making longwinded, mega autistic posts on internet forums that might help a few people orient to a less painful or confused frame of mind, free of charge.
But on that note, before I finish, I'll offer my general spiritual advice: Firstly, take a short time every day to do some sort of sitting/meditation. Learning how to quiet the mind is a skill, and it's the first skill required to learn discernment. Once we can quiet the mind, we can start to learn which thoughts are our own and which thoughts we have absorbed from others - and if you haven't begun this process yet, you may be surprised to find out that the vast majority of your thoughts are actually just society, family, teachers, social media, advertising, etc etc, repeating in your mind and taking up valuable real estate. This is the real hurdle to "manifestation" - clearing away all the false desires that get in the way of our true desires. Subsequently, learning about chakras and tuning into my energy body has also given me a good base for insight and clarity that comes from within my own body.
Secondly, just try to think of others before yourself more often than not. Don't justify manipulating people for your own benefit. Oneness means you treat others how you want to be treated - in a gentle, and nurturing way. When we harm others, especially from a spiritual place, we perpetuate harm, and therefore accept that potential harmful treatment of ourselves. Treating others sincerely with reverence and respect, and setting boundaries so that we don't allow people to treat us with disrespect, is how we generate a reality that treats us with reverence and respect by default. A lot easier said than done, but it is possible.
Love and light to you all.
submitted by Legitimate_Roll121 to AshaeScumdara [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 03:08 FineHat3313 AITAH for “excluding” my best friend?

So I’ve been best friends with this one girl from school for a little over a year now and we’ve done so much together. We bonded over theater and have been in three soles together. To everyone else we seemed inseparable. A few weeks ago, she got into a show that she didn’t even audition for. She was invited to do it by the director. For context it was a cabaret style concert that everyone else in was an adult. My best friend is 14. She told me and would not shut up about it for the next few weeks until it was over. I was supportive but it got to a point where I just didn’t care about it. I could to go to it because I was away that weekend with other friends. After that she started calling the guy that I had a huge crush on for months prior her new “bestie” and fished about how they face timed every night and lost track of time and called for about 4 hours every night. I was upset but tried to keep my emotions from inferring with our friendship. Now this past week, I got invited to help out with a sports team that partners you up with a student with special needs and was told I would be great on the team and that they’d love to have me next year on their high school team. I was telling her at lunch because I was really excited about it. She didn’t care much about it and was very unenthusiastic. I later at lunch went to our school trainer because of an injury and was later told by my other friend who sits with us that my best friend was saying I would be terrible at it and that she deserved the opportunity more than me because she did one production with special needs people. I haven’t talked to her since I was told this information. Yesterday I had asked one of my other friends if my best friend had been talking anymore crap about me, and I was told that I’m the bad guy in this situation because I excluded her from the opportunity of doing something she had previously said she didn’t want to do, but now that I’m doing it she wants to all of a sudden be better than me at something. I think I did the right thing by cutting off the friendship because it was becoming toxic, but now I’m second guessing if I was in the wrong for being excited about something that was important to me. AITAH?
submitted by FineHat3313 to AITAH [link] [comments]