Bloons hacked version

Golden Age Minecraft

2016.12.18 05:36 CeresOverPluto Golden Age Minecraft

For old Minecraft users to reminisce, share, and make stuff for anything and everything leading up until official release 1.2.5!

2016.08.01 08:41 BonerSoup696969 For people who have hacked their PokemonGo

Instead of getting trashed on the PokemonGo subreddit trying to ask questions about your hacked version, just do it here!

2015.12.04 00:19 Samewhiterabbits PopcornTime CE - The New Official Popcorn Time Fork - the official popcorn time for your browser with a new lightweight design, chromecast & subtitle support, no CAM releases, only HD videos, no ads or popups and autoplay mode by default

2024.05.21 21:49 Spandex_Etiano DEBATE: BIG TECH NEEDS MAJOR DISRUPTION

DISCLAIMER: This is a RANT that's going here as someone who just graduated from SOA, and I'm sure there's discourse that's already been going on for a while around what I have to say that I'm just new to it but what I have to say just feels urgent to shout at a bunch of people, but specifically people who might be receptive/interested in taking action on it/at least thinking through it and debating it. SO while there might be a better space for this post, we'll see what moderators and anyone else on here might think.
As title states. IMO Big Tech has really truly gotten out of hand in controlling and having influence over every aspect of human culture and society globally; way, WAY too much power. I think this is real bad and a lot of us aren't vibing with it, and we should be trying to disrupt Big Tech's power.
This conversation about AI in music/Spotify sparked a march larger chain of thought in me about something that I took for granted but didn't realize the scope of. Across nearly every industry, Big Tech is running mass/macro culture into the ground. Movie studios don't take risks on things because all profits rely on streaming services (no more Blockbuster rentals to make up box office losses). All forms of media, entertainment, even journalism or information, the whole game of content--
I don't know if anyone else has felt this way, but I feel like the algorithms feeding me content every day don't even work at hacking my lizard brain anymore like they used to; I mean most of the shit they show me on social media and other apps these days just doesn't hold my attention or interest me any more. It feels like, no offense STEM peeps, your services and function in society and humanity is vital, but seems like fueled by the structures of capitalism, a bunch of STEM peeps in Silicon Valley thought they could reduce the human spirit to math and engineering, and the feeling I have of cultural stagnation seems to me to prove the overstep of Tech Companies incentivized to grow ceaselessly with no greater reason than higher stock prices.
Has anyone else not felt like art and culture has been kind of stagnant lately? Art and culture has been taken over my tech companies and on the macro level, shit is just bad an uninspired and I feel like we're all really in need of many kinds of revolution, but also one that's more a humanistic creative artistic and cultural revolution.
Does Tech really need to just keep advancing? I'm not convinced humanity is doomed unless Tech companies just keep expanding and exploding and completely shifting the entire nature of the human experience in a single human lifetime. I'm not convinced that's necessary or inevitable. I'm not anti-tech either, but I think the version we've gotten of monopolized capitalist tech corps turning our digital commons into a deeply surveilled Digital Disney World is not inevitable.
I'm speculating here, but I'm day-dreaming about young creatives, inspired STEM peeps, perhaps even some of YOU, who might be trying to figure out how to make new decentralized internet, how to create more new micro internet culture. Create hardware systems that people can access and allows them to communicate with other people in different ways than devices created by corporations; DEI software and hardware not owned and controllled by corporations, almost a vision of anarchist tech, with clever people using the comms systems already in place to let the masses know and teach them about these new spaces forming on new internets and new systems that massive corps can't control. Make virtual meeting spaces and modes of communication that aren't owned by Musk, Bezos, and Zuck.
I know shit like this already exists and it immediately gets targeted (and i'm sure sometimes fairly when it's actually used by criminals and terrorists)--but I believe the right people are clever enough to design something that could be innocent and benign enough to really break through and disrupt the monopoly of the tech corps.
We can do better tech, better internet, and we can disrupt the power of these tech companies, because a handful of these assholes have just been going to town on human civilization for the last decade and these mfs need to be put in their place. I don't believe we have to inevitably plow into a cyberpunk dystopia; I think the last few months on campus should have everyone here in agreement that if enough people feel strongly enough about something and choose to resist it together, things can happen.
submitted by Spandex_Etiano to columbia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:22 Additional_Fee_6703 Classic Skyblock (New)

IP Address:
Many years ago, skyblock was the number one gamemode in minecraft. Now, it’s a wasteland. The few servers left are overly complex, have pointless features, have a /shop where everything can be bought for pennies, and only donors or the admin's friends can get ahead.
Bountycraft fixes this. This is a classic-style skyblock server. Based largely on my experience playing Skyblock as a little kid a decade ago.
This server is authentic, simple and fair. Offering the skyblock plugin, the iconic original island, and chestshop for a player-run economy. That's it.
There's no pay-to-win, no endless spam, GUIs or tutorials, no ranks, no admin shops that kill the economy, no kits, no crates, no spawned-in items, and so on. It's not easy, everything has to done by the players themselves
Built by players who experienced skyblock at it's best, for a new generation of islanders.
Bountycraft is a tribute and a successor to the golden-era of Skyblock servers. Skyblock as it's meant to be.
It's rustic and rough around the edges, that's on purpose and how it should be. I’m hoping to create a chilled out, friendly environment, where you can be as competitive or casual as you want.
RULES -> No hacking, cheating, exploits, hateful language, bullying, toxicity... basically don't be a dick. That pretty much covers it but more detailed rules can be found ingame. Fairness is going to be paramount on here, so you can be assured that players caught cheating will just be banned immediately.
You cannot buy ANYTHING at spawn or an adminshop. If you want something, you have to get it yourself or find a player who will sell it to you. The economy is setup to be built and handled by the players themselves, you can make your own shops and there's a place at the spawn for players to advertize their own private shops or businesses.
PvP is off by default, but each player can toggle it on/off if they want to PvP on an island or make their own arenas
It started a week ago today, a few people have started playing, but it would be nice to get a small community. If you want to play proper skyblock in a fair, equal, friendly environment, come check it out =)
submitted by Additional_Fee_6703 to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:21 Additional_Fee_6703 Hardcore Skyblock (New)

IP Address:
Many years ago, skyblock was the number one gamemode in minecraft. Now, it’s a wasteland. The few servers left are overly complex, have pointless features, have a /shop where everything can be bought for pennies, and only donors or the admin's friends can get ahead.
Bountycraft fixes this. This is a classic-style skyblock server. Based largely on my experience playing Skyblock as a little kid a decade ago.
This server is authentic, simple and fair. Offering the skyblock plugin, the iconic original island, and chestshop for a player-run economy. That's it.
There's no pay-to-win, no endless spam, GUIs or tutorials, no ranks, no admin shops that kill the economy, no kits, no crates, no spawned-in items, and so on. It's not easy, everything has to done by the players themselves
Built by players who experienced skyblock at it's best, for a new generation of islanders.
Bountycraft is a tribute and a successor to the golden-era of Skyblock servers. Skyblock as it's meant to be.
It's rustic and rough around the edges, that's on purpose and how it should be. I’m hoping to create a chilled out, friendly environment, where you can be as competitive or casual as you want.
RULES -> No hacking, cheating, exploits, hateful language, bullying, toxicity... basically don't be a dick. That pretty much covers it but more detailed rules can be found ingame. Fairness is going to be paramount on here, so you can be assured that players caught cheating will just be banned immediately.
You cannot buy ANYTHING at spawn or an adminshop. If you want something, you have to get it yourself or find a player who will sell it to you. The economy is setup to be built and handled by the players themselves, you can make your own shops and there's a place at the spawn for players to advertize their own private shops or businesses.
PvP is off by default, but each player can toggle it on/off if they want to PvP on an island or make their own arenas
It started a week ago today, a few people have started playing, but it would be nice to get a small community. If you want to play proper skyblock in a fair, equal, friendly environment, come check it out =)
submitted by Additional_Fee_6703 to MinecraftJavaServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:47 FreshlyBakedBunz What are, in YOUR opinion (not just blind "meta" regurgitation), the 4 objectively best survivor perks in the game?

Since I've started, I've known self care aka self heal is the highest tier survivor perk, as it inpliments an entire, always practical (albeit slow) mechanic, and have run it every game except for when I do gen or sneak themed loadouts. However now, it's pretty much become necessary for me, as I hate finding myself without it.
In addition, I'm sure many people would agree botany, aka +50% healing speed, to be a must have while using self care, not only to speed up self care but also for healing other survivors in a timely manner.
However, the third perk I find completely necessary comes from Jeff: Distortion. Anti wall hacks. What's worse than tunneling? Unearned tunneling right off the bat. The game is deadly hide and seek. Imagine if all games of hide and seek started off with you just knowing where the hiders are. It's the most obnoxious thing in the game (yes, even more obnoxious than trolls/throwers, because at least they can be easily reported with video proof and punished after the fact, where as everyone pretends instant wall hacks are just "skill" smh). But I digress. Distortion is the third, arguably first, best/most necessary perk in the game. The only downside is that you're gambling on the slot because there are a few casual killer players that don't use wall hack perks, but overall I find it much better to be safe than sorry.
Now perk number 4 is actually where I'm having the most trouble, and is the main reason I'm posting this question. What IS the fourth best survivor perk? Obviously there are many valid options. Deliverance is the first to come to mind. After all, who doesn't love a free self unhook? Although not guaranteed if you're the first one to go down or other players keep stealing your unhooks. Calm spirit can be good, like a lower budget version of distortion. Claudette's (she's stacked yall) third perk where you can see injured teammates auras is also very viable. There's also Unbreakable aka free self pick-up, for those obnoxious situations where everyone is left to bleed out, but that's rare. There are also the highly practical gen perks Prove Thyself (+10% speed each on same gen) and Deja Vu (see 3, +6% speed). That one perk that hides your scratch marks and blood after getting hit is good too. Lastly, there's the infamous Decisive Strike (free wiggle escape after high skill check), but I find it to be a waste unless facing ultra aggressive tunnelers since it only activates once and has a 60 second timer.
But, I guess if I had to pick the fourth best perk, it would ultimately have to go to left behind, bills perk that let's you see the hatch aura within 32 meters. Although throwers will unfortunately make use of this as well, that can't be helped (aside from reporting). As for me, it alleviates my stress when I see all 3 of my teammates are avoiding gens like the plague, but gives me hope that I can still win when we inevitably don't finish all the gens, if im lucky enough to be last one alive.
Let me know your guys' thoughts. Obviously these are opinions/preference, and I'd love to hear your guys' opinions, as long as they're actually yours and not just blind sheep meta regurgitation, lol.
submitted by FreshlyBakedBunz to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:30 AlexandreKingsworth sql injection help

sql injection help
i’m doing the sql injection fundamentals module . there’s a simple concept i don’t fully understand. i don’t understand how you can UNION select columns that aren’t there … like how come if you put ‘UNION select 1, database(), 3‘ it will “create” a cloumn 1 and 3 then show you the database of the database isn’t a column itself ??
submitted by AlexandreKingsworth to hackthebox [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:25 Ok-Damage3181 Hey guys i wanted to test all the items in TF2 using an old version of AIO hack but the game doesnt start anymore like in the older version of this hack do you guys have an working version ?

Thanks for the replies. i had this since 2019
submitted by Ok-Damage3181 to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:12 Additional_Fee_6703 Hardcore Skyblock [SMP] {New} {Classic-style}

IP Address:
Many years ago, skyblock was the number one gamemode in minecraft. Now, it’s a wasteland. The few servers left are overly complex, have pointless features, have a /shop where everything can be bought for pennies, and only donors or the admin's friends can get ahead.
Bountycraft fixes this. This is a classic-style skyblock server. Based largely on my experience playing Skyblock as a little kid a decade ago.
This server is authentic, simple and fair. Offering the skyblock plugin, the iconic original island, and chestshop for a player-run economy. That's it.
There's no pay-to-win, no endless spam, GUIs or tutorials, no ranks, no admin shops that kill the economy, no kits, no crates, no spawned-in items, and so on. It's not easy, everything has to done by the players themselves
Built by players who experienced skyblock at it's best, for a new generation of islanders.
Bountycraft is a tribute and a successor to the golden-era of Skyblock servers. Skyblock as it's meant to be.
It's rustic and rough around the edges, that's on purpose and how it should be. I’m hoping to create a chilled out, friendly environment, where you can be as competitive or casual as you want.
RULES -> No hacking, cheating, exploits, hateful language, bullying, toxicity... basically don't be a dick. That pretty much covers it but more detailed rules can be found ingame. Fairness is going to be paramount on here, so you can be assured that players caught cheating will just be banned immediately.
You cannot buy ANYTHING at spawn or an adminshop. If you want something, you have to get it yourself or find a player who will sell it to you. The economy is setup to be built and handled by the players themselves, you can make your own shops and there's a place at the spawn for players to advertize their own private shops or businesses.
PvP is off by default, but each player can toggle it on/off if they want to PvP on an island or make their own arenas
It started a week ago today, a few people have started playing, but it would be nice to get a small community. If you want to play proper skyblock in a fair, equal, friendly environment, come check it out =)
submitted by Additional_Fee_6703 to mcservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:59 bierkonig1999 i have a problem modding my 2ds xl and i need help fixing it,the troubleshoot page doesnt help

i tried moding my 2ds xl(it has 3ds system) but when i clicked the go go button the browser crashed
i followed this tutorial
i did everything right and i checked the version,what else can i do?
submitted by bierkonig1999 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:54 Unsolved_Virginity We Need Micro SD Card Slots Back

SD card slot is very important for people that have used samsung for a long time.
  1. Immediate access to your files.
  2. No internet required.
  3. Hot swappable.
  4. Will not need a new phone if storage fails.
  5. No reliance on a 3rd party to keep the cloud storage running.
  6. No monthly subscription to access your files.
  7. No password needed.
  8. No one can hack into your SD storage and leak it's files on the web.
  9. Micro SD cards are more readily available than USB C Card readers or drives.
To the people saying SD cards are slower, I question wether they believe what they are saying. I know a lot of social media influencers say that, but I don't trust their opinion now and days, since it benefits their channel to only speak of good things about company decisions and not be critical. Those influencers opinions then trickle to the average consumer minds, gaslighting them to believe SD cards are inferior to the monthly subscription cloud storage.
On a more factual rebuttal, the speed of an SD card, to the phones internal storage, to the cloud storage is highly variable and not definitive. I switched to internal storage on my Note 20 Ultra, and compared it to my SD card. The difference was honestly unnoticeable. I don't believe there is any difference at all. I use samsung top tier sd card, btw.
This next part is my opinion;
I believe samsung is ditching the SD card to increase the sales in customers buying more expensive versions of their already expensive flagship phones. A 256 GB S24 ultra costs $1,299 USD, and a 1 TB S24 Ultra costs 1,659 USD. That's a $360 price difference.
Lets look at Micro SD card price points. A 256 GB Pro Plus (Top Tier) SD Card costs $30 USD. And a 1 TB San Disk Ultra Extreme Pro (Top Tier) costs $121 USD. That's a $91 difference.
Samsung is making $269 in profit per person by making fixed storage options if people opt for the 1 TB option, delivering the same quality storage as an SD card.
And the cloud storage being a monthly subscription keeps a steady revenue for Samsung. Samsung has their tracks covered to have customers pay more and keep paying for a feature that didn't need to be improved. Why not have fixed storage, Micro SD and Cloud storage as an option?
I believe this is a money scheme because they did the same thing for the headphone jack to boost their bluetooth lineup.
The Micro SD Card is far superior to consumers in terms of cost, reliability, ease of use, portability, compatibility, and adaptability. But no one is up in arms to AT LEAST have it as an option with the other storages.
The biggest issue is that people either don't care, or don't know what they can do to stop it, or Samsung is doing it either way because maybe the revenue has increased and Samsung feels there's no need to stop now.
submitted by Unsolved_Virginity to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:29 karabnp If you’re having trouble with Glam Bag’s choice item selection for June, there IS a way around it. What worked for me:

So, as I have seen others experience in reading around the internet, apparently the app is glitching and not letting member’s select their Glam Bag choice item for June 2024. A little hack I discovered a while back: when the app is glitching for whatever reason, I get on the web version of Ipsy’s site, and typically the glitch/problem isn’t there or is less problematic. Lots of these glitches are app related, and not always website related. Whenever the app is acting up, getting on the site and doing what I need to do there, typically works.
I have 1 BoxyCharm and 2 Glam Bag subscriptions on 2 different accounts. I was able to select my Glam Bag’s choice item on one account and then when I logged into my other account, when I tapped on the choice tab, it kept looping me out/back. I then immediately went to the web browser version of Ipsy, and I was easily able to make my second account’s Glam Bag choice item selection. I hope this helps!!💕
submitted by karabnp to IpsyIssues [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:21 Antemoo Student with Undocumented Parents (started during March+ paper application)

This is my third time doing FAFSA. I never had any issues doing it until now. I am going to be in my third year of college, hoping to finish community then transfer to uni during the Spring.
I started the application during late March unaware of how FAFSA changed. The question were easy and simple. But it's everything that happened after.
Neither of my parents have SSN. So when first trying to make them account I couldn't finish the process because it would send me back to make their accounts. Yes, I tried "hacks". Back arrow, different browser, different devices. Hence, I went to my financial aide office for help. They gave me the Attestion and Verification papers for both parents and a printed version of the FAFSA application.
Throughout April, I been trying to complete the FAFSA online application. My father has a foreign ID that we sent with a bill on the first of April. We couldn't sent anything for my mom because her only ID (foreign passport) expired on June 30 last year. We haven't received any response for my father and no advice on what to do with my mother. I been contacting FAFSA through April for answers and advice but didn't get any proper response and only got contradictory answers. None even gave a direct response on what to do with my mother who has no valid ID. My advisor tried (again) to make an account for my parents on their computer on late April and couldn't do it. One of the representatives told me that in order for the Atteation and Verification to work my parents already have an account to verify and told me to make one for them. I explained to them that I tried multiple times on different days and even my advisors tried but couldn't. That representative just repeated the same answer "try making them an account" with no help and no advice.
Hence, I sent a paper application and tracked it. It was recieved on April 28 and I still haven't got any news about it. Currently, it's May 21, so yeah maybe it is too soon to expect a response given how difficult the situation is. But as more time passes I get more anxiety. I read through online communities they won't process them until late May or early June.
I talked to FAFSA again today, since April, and the representative didn't give me a proper answer. All the other representatives reassured me that the paper form would take 2-3 weeks + another day for colleges to process. But this representative told me they won't process until later in the year and wouldn't clarify what they meant. They just kept repeating "later in the year" with no estimate or clarification on what exactly do they mean by "later in the year".
My parents of today (May 21), would contact the Spanish line on what to do. I recieved no help. No proper response. And only got contradictory answers and more questions.
I done the paper application form and got to its destination on April 28. I would be contacting my community college and expected university on what to do. I know some of y'all have done the paper applications because of the situation. If any news comes up particularly about my paper application I would update. In the meantime, I would still be trying the online application because at least I know it won't hurt my eligibility on the miracle chance my online application gets submitted.
I need advice on what to do. How do I complete the online application with Undocumented Parents. Do my parents already need an account for the Attestion and Verification to work? I tried making them an account because they don't have SSN I couldn't make them an account. My mother doesn't have any ID. I sent the paper application and got to its destination on April 28. I don't know what to do anymore.
submitted by Antemoo to FAFSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 17:16 mongushu The Fuzz Face Explorer Board - a learning rig for this popular fuzz circuit and a great way to demo new and unexplored transistors in a fuzz setting. Kits coming soon, feedback welcome.

The Fuzz Face Explorer Board - a learning rig for this popular fuzz circuit and a great way to demo new and unexplored transistors in a fuzz setting. Kits coming soon, feedback welcome.
Hey guys.
I've finally gotten around to finishing the Fuzz Face Explorer board that I've been tinkering with for a couple of months. And though it’s still early days, I really love using it, if I say so myself.
Similar to the Common Emitter Explorer Board that I shared with you guys in March, this board is meant to help you with a few things:
  1. It can help you explore the original Fuzz Face circuit in a neat and organized way. Jumper wire spaghetti be damned. Use some tried and true part numberesistor value combinations (I'd start here: and poke and prod and measure this thing until you get a feel for the push and pull of this circuit.
  2. Once you've gotten a feel for it with the standard part numbers and values, you can use this board to quickly hunt for and dial in ideal calibrations for any BJT transistor part numbers in your collection. Dig out a pair of transistors, check the datasheet (unless you want to just cowboy the thing and shoot form the hip), and tweak away as you try to dial in your fuzz.
  3. If you're feeling adventurous you may be able to tap any of the 5 test points (otherwise intended for measuring current flow at certain points in the circuit) to expand the circuit design by adding your own modifying elements, stages, etc. at these junctures. That’s more of a hacking route, but hacking is certainly in the spirit of what we’re all doing here, I think.
Like the Common Emitter Explorer Board that I shared, this tool features paperclip supported, multi-turn trimpots to let you dial in any resistance you want in the variable resistance places. The kit will include a trimpot adjustment tool too.
A new feature from the previous explorer board: Instead of needing to unplug and replug the trimpots each time you want to measure (like the original CE Explorer Board), I've simplified trimpot measurements by providing a toggle swtich at each one. Toggled for 'meter' (LED goes red) takes the trimpot out of circuit and connects it to your multimeter. Toggled back to 'active' puts the trimpot back in circuit (LED goes green).
For what it's worth I also made this same simplification on the CE Explorer Board in version 2 and now discounted the original. There's no LED indicator on the new CE explorer, but there are dpdt switches for each trimpot now to toggle it from 'in circuit' to 'meter'.
Anyway, I just ordered a production batch of PCBs (which has a few silkscreen updates and tweaks from what you see pictured here). I should have them and the kit components ready to ship in a week or two. I'll post again then too, I suspect.
Thanks for your time and as always, feedback is welcomed.
submitted by mongushu to diypedals [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:00 HONESTRUDY A Public Vanilla SMP With No Plugins. Rules: NO Hacks. IP: Version: 1.20.4 Discord to find a team: Classical survival on modern version that been up for 3 years. You can grief, explore, build with frends, ANYTHING! JOIN NOW.

A Public Vanilla SMP With No Plugins. Rules: NO Hacks. IP: Version: 1.20.4 Discord to find a team: Classical survival on modern version that been up for 3 years. You can grief, explore, build with frends, ANYTHING! JOIN NOW. submitted by HONESTRUDY to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:32 RaphaelFernandez2001 On May 21st, 2004, Kamen Rider Faiz (555): Paradise Lost - Director’s Cut Version (2003/2004) was released on DVD.

On May 21st, 2004, Kamen Rider Faiz (555): Paradise Lost - Director’s Cut Version (2003/2004) was released on DVD. submitted by RaphaelFernandez2001 to Tokusatsu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:50 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 21/05/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Arcade Paradise (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Calico (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Creatures Inc. (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Dark Forest (Indiegala Key)
Destroyer: The U-Boat Hunter (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Doodle Derby (HB Unrevealed Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Excive A-1000 (Indiegala Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
GAI Stops Auto: Right Version (Indiegala Key)
Gravityball/Space Hockey (DIG Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Legendary Eleven (DIG Key)
LifeZ - Survival (DIG Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mechs & Mercs: Black Talons (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Minute of Islands (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Paw Patrol: On A Roll (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Bots (DIG Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulstice (HB Unrevealed Key)
SPACE ACCIDENT (Indiegala Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Steel Vampire (Indiegala Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Vampire Survivors (Fanatical Unrevealed Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are (not always up to date) :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass * Rain World: Downpour
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:37 burningbun How is Berserk Musou?

Am thinking of getting a ps4 or pc version. while the ps4 is said to be hard to find and expensive i can get them at decent price.
However i am not a big fan of musou series as it always felt like mindless hack n slash.
However i really like Ken's Rage 1 because it was more technical and the punches and kicks really hits. The boss fights were epic but on higher difficulty the QRT session really kills me (failing it the boss recovers health and boss on high difficulties are challenging but fun).
I am wondering how does berserk play? reviews doesnt give high scores but i am ok with the celshade graphics, much better than dragonball celshades.
How many hours will it take to reach a point the game is enjoyable? Are the character stages long? In Kens rage other than the main stories we get to play each characters story.
submitted by burningbun to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:32 ArtistAmy420 Why is there a laser coming out of the scope?

Why is there a laser coming out of the scope? submitted by ArtistAmy420 to btd6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:06 caronix Google drive duplicates files

Several months ago I opened a spreadsheet that was shared and made a copy of it. Now google drive makes huncreds of the spreadsheet each day. I deleted all of them and removed my access to the shared version, but something is still triggering the duplicates to be created.
This spreadsheet was never saved locally on my devices, I don't back up files to drive automatically, and I'm not even accessing this spreadsheet or anything else in my drive when the copies are created.
Is this a malicious file? Was my account hacked? Has anyone else experienced this or know of ways to make it stop? I have to frequently go through and delete all the files because it is taking up all my remaining space under the 15gb plan.
submitted by caronix to googledocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:30 MrEDok UneasyVanilla [Semi-Anarchy] {1.20.4} {No Hacks} {No Reset}

UneasyVanilla - Vanilla Anarchy with NO Hacking.

UneasyVanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 10th of March 2020, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended. There are no gameplay-altering plugins, no teleportation, no sethome, no grief prevention, and no pre-determined economy. Griefing and raiding are permitted but using hacks/cheats is not.
Version: 1.20.4
Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you're seeking alliances, testing your skills, or taking on massive building projects, UneasyVanilla is the place for you!
submitted by MrEDok to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:03 ultima-lord TIL There's a Sonic Rom Hack that uses Totally Spies unreleased soundtrack. Here's a playlist I made of all the versions I've been able to find:

TIL There's a Sonic Rom Hack that uses Totally Spies unreleased soundtrack. Here's a playlist I made of all the versions I've been able to find: submitted by ultima-lord to TotallySpies [link] [comments]