Importance b1 of vitamin

Alcoholic Wet Brain or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

2016.07.06 20:35 rboymtj Alcoholic Wet Brain or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

A place for people to discuss Wet Brain/Wernicke-Korsakoff. Feel free to share links or tell your story.

2012.06.24 04:34 zapff PlantBasedDiet - Whole Food Plant Based Diet subreddit (WFPBD)

Home of the Whole Food Plant Based Diet (WFPB)! A whole-food plant-based, low-fat diet could reverse heart disease and diabetes.

2013.06.09 23:47 Weaselbrott natural remedies to life's ailments

A place to share knowledge, experiences, diets and lifestyles to help prevent, treat and cure life's ailments; the natural way.

2024.05.22 04:56 ferdinandp25 any accurate alternatives out there for vitamin/mineral testing?

i don’t do well with a lot of blood work because i have a condition that causes low blood volume and blood draws just drain me and my immune system. looking for a safer alternative for me. i figured maybe someone in this sub would have a rec. i’ve heard of the micronutrient testing or hair mineral analysis, but are those accurate enough? i have issues with my GI and eating so i’d really like to rule out any deficiencies that may be making my conditions worse. conventional medicine isn’t making that very easy for me and my doctors don’t seem to think it is important. i have POTS and ME/CFS, which make me bedridden. just testing a couple of vitamins cost me 18 vials of blood and set me back months, and i didn’t get nearly enough of the info i needed. just basic things like D E and B12. i suspect i may have deficiencies that are going overlooked and will never get tested for. any help appreciate. thanks!!
submitted by ferdinandp25 to AlternativeHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:29 Apart_Young_5272 Is eating Indian food healthy?

Eating Indian food can be healthy, but it depends on the specific dishes and how they are prepared. Traditional Indian cuisine is rich in a variety of ingredients and spices that offer numerous health benefits. Here are some aspects to consider:
  1. Spices and Herbs : Indian food is known for its use of spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and ginger, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric, for instance, contains curcumin, which has been studied for its potential to reduce inflammation and improve brain function.
  2. Legumes and Lentils : Many Indian dishes feature legumes and lentils, which are excellent sources of plant-based protein, fiber, and essential nutrients. These can help with digestive health and maintaining stable blood sugar levels.
  3. Vegetables : Indian cuisine often includes a variety of vegetables, which provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Dishes like sabzi (vegetable curry) and sambar (a lentil-based vegetable stew) are examples of vegetable-rich options.
  4. Fermented Foods : Indian cuisine includes fermented foods like idli and dosa, which are made from fermented rice and lentils. Fermented foods can be beneficial for gut health due to their probiotic content.
  5. Healthy Fats : Traditional Indian cooking uses oils like mustard oil, coconut oil, and ghee. While ghee (clarified butter) is high in saturated fats, it also contains butyrate, which may promote gut health. It's important to use these fats in moderation.
However, there are some factors to watch out for:
  1. High-Calorie and High-Fat Dishes : Some Indian dishes can be high in calories and fats, especially those that are deep-fried (e.g., samosas, pakoras) or cream-based (e.g., butter chicken, korma). These should be eaten in moderation.
  2. Refined Carbohydrates : White rice and naan are staples in Indian cuisine, but they are refined carbohydrates that can spike blood sugar levels. Opting for whole grain alternatives like brown rice or whole wheat roti can be healthier.
  3. Portion Sizes : Indian meals can be quite rich and hearty, so portion control is important to avoid overeating.
  4. Salt and Sugar : Some Indian dishes and condiments can be high in salt (e.g., pickles, chutneys) or sugar (e.g., desserts like gulab jamun). It's best to consume these in moderation.
In conclusion, Indian food can be part of a healthy diet if you choose dishes that are rich in vegetables, legumes, and lean proteins, and are mindful of portion sizes and cooking methods.
submitted by Apart_Young_5272 to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:15 ljmarchetti Low Vitamin B6

I’ve been very fatigued with brain fog so when I had my routine blood work done, i asked my doctor to add in some vitamin labs. It showed that my vitamin b6 was low at 16 (ref range 20-125 nmol/L). My doctor didn’t say much about it and reading online it seems pretty rare to have that particular vitamin be low. My diet isn’t great though but I’m not overweight (5’1 female 125 lbs) I’m trying to figure out how much to take to supplement the b6 but from what from I’ve read, it says taking too much can cause nerve damage? How much should I be taking in a vitamin form? Can low B6 impact energy levels? I don’t have any explanation for how I’m feeling and the rest of my labs were fine except for RBC low -4.10 (rr 4.30-5.50) and creatinine was barely low - .58 (rr .60-1.30). Vitamins normal- B12 - 262 (rr 200-912) D - 52 (rr 30-100) B1- 101 (rr 64-201) B2 - 12 (rr 5-50) Any insight would be much appreciated!
submitted by ljmarchetti to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:42 Tough-Translator-776 The Ultimate Guide to Beard Growth Kits for Healthy Facial Hair

Achieving a lush, thick beard is a goal many aspire to, but it requires more than just patience. Enter the beard growth kit, a comprehensive solution packed with essential tools and products designed to promote healthy beard growth and overcome common challenges like patchy beards and slow hair growth.

Understanding Beard Growth Kits

A beard growth kit is a curated collection of products aimed at stimulating hair follicles and nourishing the skin underneath. These kits typically include beard growth oil, beard balm, beard wash, and a beard comb. Each component plays a vital role in ensuring optimal conditions for beard growth. The combination of these products helps in maintaining a healthy beard, reducing irritation, and promoting even growth across the face.

Key Components of a Beard Growth Kit

Beard Growth Oil

Beard growth oil is a cornerstone of any beard care routine. Formulated with natural oils such as coconut oil, castor oil, and sweet almond oil, it nourishes hair follicles, promoting thicker and stronger facial hair growth. Beard oils often contain essential nutrients like biotin and vitamin E, which are crucial for hair health. Regular application can soften the beard, making it more manageable and reducing split ends.

Beard Balm and Beard Wash

Beard balm and beard wash are essential for maintaining a clean and moisturized beard. Beard wash helps remove dirt, excess oil, and bacteria from the beard and the skin underneath, while beard balm provides conditioning and styling benefits. These products often contain natural ingredients that nourish and protect the beard, ensuring it remains healthy and hydrated.

The Role of Beard Growth Tools

Beard Growth Roller

A beard growth roller, also known as a derma roller, is a tool designed to stimulate hair follicles by increasing blood flow to the beard area. Using light pressure, the roller creates micro-injuries on the skin, prompting the body's natural healing response. This process can enhance hair growth and improve the overall appearance of the beard. It’s essential to use a beard roller cleanser to keep the tool clean and free from bacteria.

Beard Comb and Beard Shampoo

A beard comb is an indispensable tool for any beard care kit. It helps in detangling the beard, distributing oils evenly, and training the hair to grow in the desired direction. Beard shampoo, on the other hand, is formulated specifically for facial hair and the sensitive skin underneath. It cleanses without stripping natural oils, ensuring the beard remains soft and manageable.

The Benefits of Using Beard Growth Kits

Promoting Healthy Beard Growth

Regular use of beard growth kits can lead to noticeable improvements in beard density and health. The combination of nourishing oils, stimulating tools, and cleansing products creates an optimal environment for hair growth. Natural ingredients like peppermint and biotin play a significant role in stimulating hair follicles and promoting thicker beard growth.

Addressing Common Beard Issues

Beard growth kits are particularly effective in addressing common beard problems such as patchy beards and slow hair growth. By providing the necessary nutrients and maintaining a clean, hydrated environment, these kits can help fill in gaps and encourage more uniform growth. Clinical studies have shown that consistent use of these products can lead to significant improvements in beard fullness and thickness.

Achieving the Most Growth

For the best results, it's crucial to follow a regular beard care routine. Taking progress pictures can help track the improvements and provide motivation. Most growth can be observed within weeks, but it's important to remain patient and consistent. Many beard growth kits offer a growth guarantee, promising a full refund if customers are not satisfied with the results. This makes the purchase risk-free, allowing you to cancel anytime if the desired growth is not achieved.


Investing in a high-quality beard growth kit can make a substantial difference in your beard's appearance and health. Whether you're dealing with a patchy beard, aiming for a thicker beard, or simply want to maintain a healthy facial hair growth routine, these kits provide all the necessary tools and products. Embrace the journey to a fuller, more impressive beard with confidence, knowing that you have the best resources at your disposal.
submitted by Tough-Translator-776 to u/Tough-Translator-776 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:15 sillygoose14456838 existential ocd? help!!

hi! i also posted this in ocd subreddits but they aren’t nearly as active and i could really use some help and advice.
here it is!!
Hi! I’m a 21F and have had OCD since about 8th grade. I also have Panic Attacks and Anxiety. I was on Lexapro for about a year, then got off in October. This is important because I’ve heard getting off can make anxiety and everything else 10x worse once you hit that 4-6 month mark. I have had a mix of Harm, Relationship, Religious, Existential, Health, etc OCD, basically my whole life. I also had a weird hyperawareness of being in first person, and everything looking like teeny tiny particles in 8th grade, not sure how it went away. I had a small period of time Freshman-Sophmore year of high school where I somehow managed to forget I had OCD?? Miss that tbh.
Anyways, starting about three months ago my anxiety started to SKY rocket. For context, my bf came back from a 7 month deployment, so that caused some weird stress/ excitement. I also had a VERY social life during, aka I was drinking steadily. It was during this I was getting off meds too, then fully off by December of last year. I had/ now have horrible panic, guilt, OCD, fear of living day to day because I had no idea what was/ is going on. I tried everything, cutting alcohol, confessing, vitamins, working out. The whole shabang. It never really went away. I had about one “normal week” because I had a super stressful situation occur that I think drew my attention away, but anyways, it came back full force and 10x worse. Basically, I have been in a constant state of derealization and hyper aware of my existence for the whole three months but SO powerful the last three weeks. Like WAY too aware. Here are what most of my thoughts are now: •••”Other people experience this too. What if I am the only real person though? So everything people say to help is fake and so are they.” •••’’What if I am truly alone?” •••’’Am I going to feel like this forever because I really don’t want to.” •••”No one else sees in first person and I am the only existing being.”
The first person view reaaalllllyyyy gets me and the thought of being truly alone, and everyone being fake. I get that that is just how it “is” but for some reason my brain isn’t taking that answer. I am so scared of everything now, of existing, of feeling this. I don’t get why it is happening to me. I know DR can come from high anxiety, and when that high anxiety started, I had just hit the four month mark of being off my meds. (Heard that anxiety symptoms after getting off meds can come back 10x worse after a while too) I just want to go back to being happy again. I’m starting back Lexapro soon (within the week) but I want this to go away. I want to love the life I had three months ago. Anyone else feel anything similar? Especially the fear of first person?
To leave this off, a youtuber who has went through something similar said this quote and it is me to a T. “I was so afraid of dying and death, but so unwanting to living like this.”
Also, I am doing ERP, plus starting that medication soon. I have been trying the acceptance of uncertainty and “so what?” thinking. I still hate this. I am a prisoner of my own mind, and existence. I used to love life and love and sadness and adventure and turmoil but it’s like a flip switched.
submitted by sillygoose14456838 to Anxietyhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 02:00 sillygoose14456838 existential ocd? help!

i posted this on the ocd forum but just joined here. wanted to get some comfort. i feel so ungrounded because my brain has been saying “no matter what anyone says, you are alone, they are fale, and everything is fake.”
here it goes!! :
Hi! I’m a 21F and have had OCD since about 8th grade. I also have Panic Attacks and Anxiety. I was on Lexapro for about a year, then got off in October. This is important because I’ve heard getting off can make anxiety and everything else 10x worse once you hit that 4-6 month mark. I have had a mix of Harm, Relationship, Religious, Existential, Health, etc OCD, basically my whole life. I also had a weird hyperawareness of being in first person, and everything looking like teeny tiny particles in 8th grade, not sure how it went away. I had a small period of time Freshman-Sophmore year of high school where I somehow managed to forget I had OCD?? Miss that tbh.
Anyways, starting about three months ago my anxiety started to SKY rocket. For context, my bf came back from a 7 month deployment, so that caused some weird stress/ excitement. I also had a VERY social life during, aka I was drinking steadily. It was during this I was getting off meds too, then fully off by December of last year. I had/ now have horrible panic, guilt, OCD, fear of living day to day because I had no idea what was/ is going on. I tried everything, cutting alcohol, confessing, vitamins, working out. The whole shabang. It never really went away. I had about one “normal week” because I had a super stressful situation occur that I think drew my attention away, but anyways, it came back full force and 10x worse. Basically, I have been in a constant state of derealization and hyper aware of my existence for the whole three months but SO powerful the last three weeks. Like WAY too aware. Here are what most of my thoughts are now: •••”Other people experience this too. What if I am the only real person though? So everything people say to help is fake and so are they.” •••’’What if I am truly alone?” •••’’Am I going to feel like this forever because I really don’t want to.” •••”No one else sees in first person and I am the only existing being.”
The first person view reaaalllllyyyy gets me and the thought of being truly alone, and everyone being fake. I get that that is just how it “is” but for some reason my brain isn’t taking that answer. I am so scared of everything now, of existing, of feeling this. I don’t get why it is happening to me. I know DR can come from high anxiety, and when that high anxiety started, I had just hit the four month mark of being off my meds. (Heard that anxiety symptoms after getting off meds can come back 10x worse after a while too) I just want to go back to being happy again. I’m starting back Lexapro soon (within the week) but I want this to go away. I want to love the life I had three months ago. Anyone else feel anything similar? Especially the fear of first person?
To leave this off, a youtuber who has went through something similar said this quote and it is me to a T. “I was so afraid of dying and death, but so unwanting to living like this.”
Also, I am doing ERP, plus starting that medication soon. I have been trying the acceptance of uncertainty and “so what?” thinking. I still hate this. I am a prisoner of my own mind, and existence. I used to love life and love and sadness and adventure and turmoil but it’s like a flip switched.
submitted by sillygoose14456838 to ExistentialOCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:54 midnightmush 2003 Volkswagen Golf, 2L L4 8V, 01M 4A transmission

2003 Volkswagen Golf, 2L L4 8V, 01M 4A transmission
2003 Volkswagen Golf, 2L L4 8V, 01M 4A transmission
This is a very condensed version of my nightmare project of fixing our golf, which is our daily driver. I might include some random pics from throughout the process. If I do they'll be in chronological order. I AM NOT AN EXPERT OR A MECHANIC. I've worked on my own vehicles and worked in the auto industry for some years but I am not a technician nor do I think I am one 😬
This.. this is a tale best told around a moonlight campfire.. for it shall strike fear into anyone who hears it.. 😦
Here's a rundown of all the work done recently on the vehicle : • New power brake booster • New master cylinder • New rotors X4 • New pads front and back • New calipers X4 • New hose / soft lines on calipers X4 • New ABS sensors X4 • New brake light switch • Miscellaneous things like bulbs, wipers, air filter, cabin air filter, oil filter, oil change, gas cap, etc • Replaced all 7 solenoids in transmission, filter, gasket, etc etc
Previous issue that created the need for the work : • 3 calipers seized. 2 pistons seized, 1 E-brake lever on caliper seized, 1 caliper bleeder threads disintegrated. • Everything was / is VERY rusty. • I sanded / resurfaced all brackets etc. After replacing all pads, rotors, calipers, the brakes were dragging. Would kill the speed immediately after letting off gas. • Replaced the hoses / soft lines, all ABS sensors, and new brake light switch. • Brakes still dragging 🤬 • Then replaced the master cylinder and booster. I had some difficulty adjusting the pushrod in the new booster, trying to adjust brake engagement distance because the aftermarket part was different size and shape than stock. Aftermarket was 2 piece adjustable, stock was 1 piece non-adjustable. Finally got it set correctly! • The car still feels sluggish and won't shift out of third gear. Bring the car to the dealership to get the computer relearned and Throttle Position Adjustment but lo and behold it turns out one of the solenoids in the transmission is stuck open and guess what systems that specific solenoid impacts? B1 and B2 braking 😑 this car has been a fucking nightmare. 😭🤬😵‍💫 • IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ANYONE THAT READS THIS!!!!!! • IF YOU DISCONNECT YOUR BATTERY, OR YOUR BATTERY IS 100% DEAD AND NO POWER IS GOING TO THE ECM, THE COMPUTER WILL FORGET ALL OF ITS BASIC OPERATIONAL VALUES AND REQUIRES A TRIP TO THE DEALER OR ACCESS TO VAGCOM/VCDS TO RELEARN THE COMPUTER AND PERFORM THROTTLE POSITION ADJUSTMENT. • DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR BATTERY WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THIS AND BEING PREPARED TO DEAL WITH IT. DO NOT BE LIKE ME AND LEARN THIS AFTER THE FACT. • Speaking of electronics, the fuel filler door switch in the driver door MELTED!? And caused all of the interior lights to stay on 100% of the time repeatedly killing the battery.. Let me tell you.. That took awhile to track down 😑 I posted some pics of the switch in an earlier post. • previous owner "installed" a sound system that I discovered was held together with nothing more than electrical tape.. I mean I guess it worked for awhile..? So I cut, stripped, and connected all wires myself. • Then I replaced all 7 of the solenoids in the transmission, new filter, new gasket, and fancy German fluid. • Replacing the solenoids was probably one of the easiest things I did on the vehicle 🥴 apparently these transmissions are shit and the solenoids always fail so if that happen to you its fairly doable yourself. • The way that I have seen the fill process for the transmission described has been.. confusing.. it seems like different people have different opinions or processes to fill it but this is the easiest explanation I can think of for it : • I drained approximately 3.5 Litres of ATF, so pour in 3.5 Litres of new ATF. • Turn on engine, let engine idle for a couple minutes in Park. • With parking brake set, and foot on brakes, shift through the gears for a couple minutes each on each gear at a time, from top to bottom, P-1-P. • WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING and in Park go back under the car and take out the drain plug from the transmission pan. • If there are no drips, there is not enough fluid yet, KEEP THE DRAIN PLUG OFF and pour in more ATF through the fill port until you see ATF start to drip out of the drain plug hole. Put drain plug back in and close fill port. Wipe pan for any spillage so you can tell if there are leaks, go for a drive. • If the fluid is a steady stream out of the drain plug hole, there is too much fluid, wait until the stream turns into a "glug" and put drain plug back in and close fill port. Wipe pan for any spillage so you can tell if there are leaks, go for a drive. • If the fluid is a "glug" out of the drain plug hole, put drain plug back in and close fill port. Wipe pan for any spillage so you can tell if there are leaks, go for a drive. • So I took the car for a drive today and and I'll need to go onto the highways to make sure but from my small drive the car was shifting!!!!!! YAY!!! WOOOOOO!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 • Many many many MANY hours of pain and work went into this and it took about 1.5 months of not having our only vehicle driveable. • I am very very very lucky to have some friends in my life, one of who has an Electric Kona, and still has their old car parked at their home. They have let me and my partner borrow their Kona so I'm able to get to work and get groceries etc etc while they drive their old car as their daily. He is genuinely a life saver and has helped us out in some of the worst times in our lives so none of this would have been possible without his help. So thank you Cory!! • After all of this I have personal beef with Volkswagen and I keep saying to my friends / family that at this point I either never want to work on a VW ever again, OR, start a business doing it 🤣 I've had to adjust the brake booster push rod so many times I think I could do it with my eyes closed 🤬🥴 • Hopefully some of this info helps someone at some point.. it has been a very very long and painful process with lots of learning and research required so I hope my pain can help someone else! • I'll sleep better tonight I know that much 😍
submitted by midnightmush to Volkswagen [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:49 sillygoose14456838 existential hyperawareness and derealization: anyone else?

Hi! I’m a 21F and have had OCD since about 8th grade. I also have Panic Attacks and Anxiety. I was on Lexapro for about a year, then got off in October. This is important because I’ve heard getting off can make anxiety and everything else 10x worse once you hit that 4-6 month mark. I have had a mix of Harm, Relationship, Religious, Existential, Health, etc OCD, basically my whole life. I also had a weird hyperawareness of being in first person, and everything looking like teeny tiny particles in 8th grade, not sure how it went away. I had a small period of time Freshman-Sophmore year of high school where I somehow managed to forget I had OCD?? Miss that tbh.
Anyways, starting about three months ago my anxiety started to SKY rocket. For context, my bf came back from a 7 month deployment, so that caused some weird stress/ excitement. I also had a VERY social life during, aka I was drinking steadily. It was during this I was getting off meds too, then fully off by December of last year. I had/ now have horrible panic, guilt, OCD, fear of living day to day because I had no idea what was/ is going on. I tried everything, cutting alcohol, confessing, vitamins, working out. The whole shabang. It never really went away. I had about one “normal week” because I had a super stressful situation occur that I think drew my attention away, but anyways, it came back full force and 10x worse. Basically, I have been in a constant state of derealization and hyper aware of my existence for the whole three months but SO powerful the last three weeks. Like WAY too aware. Here are what most of my thoughts are now: •••”Other people experience this too. What if I am the only real person though? So everything people say to help is fake and so are they.” •••’’What if I am truly alone?” •••’’Am I going to feel like this forever because I really don’t want to.” •••”No one else sees in first person and I am the only existing being.”
The first person view reaaalllllyyyy gets me and the thought of being truly alone, and everyone being fake. I get that that is just how it “is” but for some reason my brain isn’t taking that answer. I am so scared of everything now, of existing, of feeling this. I don’t get why it is happening to me. I know DR can come from high anxiety, and when that high anxiety started, I had just hit the four month mark of being off my meds. (Heard that anxiety symptoms after getting off meds can come back 10x worse after a while too) I just want to go back to being happy again. I’m starting back Lexapro soon (within the week) but I want this to go away. I want to love the life I had three months ago. Anyone else feel anything similar? Especially the fear of first person?
To leave this off, a youtuber who has went through something similar said this quote and it is me to a T. “I was so afraid of dying and death, but so unwanting to living like this.”
Also, I am doing ERP, plus starting that medication soon. I have been trying the acceptance of uncertainty and “so what?” thinking. I still hate this. I am a prisoner of my own mind, and existence. I used to love life and love and sadness and adventure and turmoil but it’s like a flip switched.
submitted by sillygoose14456838 to OCD [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:48 midnightmush 2003 Volkswagen Golf, 2L L4 8V, 01M 4A transmission

2003 Volkswagen Golf, 2L L4 8V, 01M 4A transmission
2003 Volkswagen Golf, 2L L4 8V, 01M 4A transmission
This is a very condensed version of my nightmare project of fixing our golf, which is our daily driver. I might include some random pics from throughout the process. If I do they'll be in chronological order. I AM NOT AN EXPERT OR A MECHANIC. I've worked on my own vehicles and worked in the auto industry for some years but I am not a technician nor do I think I am one 😬
This.. this is a tale best told around a moonlight campfire.. for it shall strike fear into anyone who hears it.. 😦
Here's a rundown of all the work done recently on the vehicle : • New power brake booster • New master cylinder • New rotors X4 • New pads front and back • New calipers X4 • New hose / soft lines on calipers X4 • New ABS sensors X4 • New brake light switch • Miscellaneous things like bulbs, wipers, air filter, cabin air filter, oil filter, oil change, gas cap, etc • Replaced all 7 solenoids in transmission, filter, gasket, etc etc
Previous issue that created the need for the work : • 3 calipers seized. 2 pistons seized, 1 E-brake lever on caliper seized, 1 caliper bleeder threads disintegrated. • Everything was / is VERY rusty. • I sanded / resurfaced all brackets etc. After replacing all pads, rotors, calipers, the brakes were dragging. Would kill the speed immediately after letting off gas. • Replaced the hoses / soft lines, all ABS sensors, and new brake light switch. • Brakes still dragging 🤬 • Then replaced the master cylinder and booster. I had some difficulty adjusting the pushrod in the new booster, trying to adjust brake engagement distance because the aftermarket part was different size and shape than stock. Aftermarket was 2 piece adjustable, stock was 1 piece non-adjustable. Finally got it set correctly! • The car still feels sluggish and won't shift out of third gear. Bring the car to the dealership to get the computer relearned and Throttle Position Adjustment but lo and behold it turns out one of the solenoids in the transmission is stuck open and guess what systems that specific solenoid impacts? B1 and B2 braking 😑 this car has been a fucking nightmare. 😭🤬😵‍💫 • IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ANYONE THAT READS THIS!!!!!! • IF YOU DISCONNECT YOUR BATTERY, OR YOUR BATTERY IS 100% DEAD AND NO POWER IS GOING TO THE ECM, THE COMPUTER WILL FORGET ALL OF ITS BASIC OPERATIONAL VALUES AND REQUIRES A TRIP TO THE DEALER OR ACCESS TO VAGCOM/VCDS TO RELEARN THE COMPUTER AND PERFORM THROTTLE POSITION ADJUSTMENT. • DO NOT DISCONNECT YOUR BATTERY WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THIS AND BEING PREPARED TO DEAL WITH IT. DO NOT BE LIKE ME AND LEARN THIS AFTER THE FACT. • Speaking of electronics, the fuel filler door switch in the driver door MELTED!? And caused all of the interior lights to stay on 100% of the time repeatedly killing the battery.. Let me tell you.. That took awhile to track down 😑 I posted some pics of the switch in an earlier post. • previous owner "installed" a sound system that I discovered was held together with nothing more than electrical tape.. I mean I guess it worked for awhile..? So I cut, stripped, and connected all wires myself. • Then I replaced all 7 of the solenoids in the transmission, new filter, new gasket, and fancy German fluid. • Replacing the solenoids was probably one of the easiest things I did on the vehicle 🥴 apparently these transmissions are shit and the solenoids always fail so if that happen to you its fairly doable yourself. • The way that I have seen the fill process for the transmission described has been.. confusing.. it seems like different people have different opinions or processes to fill it but this is the easiest explanation I can think of for it : • I drained approximately 3.5 Litres of ATF, so pour in 3.5 Litres of new ATF. • Turn on engine, let engine idle for a couple minutes in Park. • With parking brake set, and foot on brakes, shift through the gears for a couple minutes each on each gear at a time, from top to bottom, P-1-P. • WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING and in Park go back under the car and take out the drain plug from the transmission pan. • If there are no drips, there is not enough fluid yet, KEEP THE DRAIN PLUG OFF and pour in more ATF through the fill port until you see ATF start to drip out of the drain plug hole. Put drain plug back in and close fill port. Wipe pan for any spillage so you can tell if there are leaks, go for a drive. • If the fluid is a steady stream out of the drain plug hole, there is too much fluid, wait until the stream turns into a "glug" and put drain plug back in and close fill port. Wipe pan for any spillage so you can tell if there are leaks, go for a drive. • If the fluid is a "glug" out of the drain plug hole, put drain plug back in and close fill port. Wipe pan for any spillage so you can tell if there are leaks, go for a drive. • So I took the car for a drive today and and I'll need to go onto the highways to make sure but from my small drive the car was shifting!!!!!! YAY!!! WOOOOOO!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 • Many many many MANY hours of pain and work went into this and it took about 1.5 months of not having our only vehicle driveable. • I am very very very lucky to have some friends in my life, one of who has an Electric Kona, and still has their old car parked at their home. They have let me and my partner borrow their Kona so I'm able to get to work and get groceries etc etc while they drive their old car as their daily. He is genuinely a life saver and has helped us out in some of the worst times in our lives so none of this would have been possible without his help. So thank you Cory!! • After all of this I have personal beef with Volkswagen and I keep saying to my friends / family that at this point I either never want to work on a VW ever again, OR, start a business doing it 🤣 I've had to adjust the brake booster push rod so many times I think I could do it with my eyes closed 🤬🥴 • Hopefully some of this info helps someone at some point.. it has been a very very long and painful process with lots of learning and research required so I hope my pain can help someone else! • I'll sleep better tonight I know that much 😍
submitted by midnightmush to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:14 peccatophobia Just getting started and I'm at a tipping point.

Just getting started and I'm at a tipping point.
I cannot find a good way to learn Go. I'm a pretty descent chess player because I've received a bit of personal instruction from a great chess player and mostly because of the online tools that have helped me to learn.
Are there any tools like this for Go? I'd really like the ability to rewind a game and the ability to see who's winning (to help me spot mistakes and figure out why they are mistakes). is the closest I've found because I can review a game after it's done, but it's missing doing the same during a game and letting me rewind.
I'll give an example of what I'm looking for from
Here's a game of chess where I can:
  1. Play against various levels of AI
  2. See whose winning wi the black/white bar on the left
  3. Undo a move and try out "what if I had played that differently"
  4. Gives me hints about where to play next (not that important)
In this case, black is about to move b1-h1 check. The bar on the right will sky-rocket towards white. This helps a new player see that it was a big mistake of a move. This helps learning.
submitted by peccatophobia to baduk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:43 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

What is Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a weight loss supplement. Its formula contains an optimal combination of natural ingredients, plant extracts and herbs that work together to benefit your overall health.
This formula targets the root cause of the weight gain problem and helps users improve their metabolism and lose weight quickly.
The natural blend in Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic comprises eight ingredients that promote healthy weight loss and balanced living. The ingredients in this powdered weight loss supplement are all natural and have undergone extensive testing to ensure that they are safe and effective.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic uses a meticulously crafted tropical formula to promote weight loss and improve overall health. Its ingredients target the root causes of unexplained weight gain, including blue light exposure and non-REM sleep disorders. They boost metabolism and encourage fat burning, helping you achieve your dream body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic manufacturers describe this supplement as a simple and effective weight loss solution. You can lose weight without dieting or significant exercise by taking formula daily.
The creators of this formula claim that you can continue to eat your favourite foods, avoid counting calories, and avoid strenuous exercise – all while losing weight.
Sumatra Tonic testimonials also allude to how users use the Sumatra oral powder formula to support healthy blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
It would help if you were sceptical whenever a nutritional supplement claims to lead to significant weight loss without much effort or dieting. Asking whether the Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic scam is real makes it interesting whether this is a fake weight loss supplement or a legitimate food.
Many Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic reviews by users are a satisfied chorus, praising this tonic for helping them achieve their weight loss goals naturally and organically. This is unlike other weight loss products that can often lead to health complications if not used properly or long-term. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is made from a powerful blend of eight meticulously selected natural ingredients that help stimulate fat burning, improve sleep quality and boost overall energy levels.

How Does Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Work?

This formula is a fat-burning product that works from the inside out to help users address the root cause of weight gain. Even while sleeping, you can still lose a few pounds because your metabolism will be activated. Sumatra Tonic contains several weight-loss ingredients that enhance the body’s ability to burn excess fat and calories, helping with weight loss.
In a world where weight loss supplements and solutions are plentiful, Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a breakthrough solution promoting a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. It’s a tropical formula meticulously crafted to protect natural health and wellness, boost energy, promote restful sleep, limit inflammation and brighten skin.
The unique blend of tonic ingredients has proven to have a transformational effect on many users, allowing them to achieve visible results quickly.
Sumatra supplements stimulate your metabolism and encourage fat burning to achieve weight loss results. It also helps you build lean muscle mass, a key component in healthy weight control. It contains a powerful blend of ingredients, including Humulus lupulus and black cohosh. These plants have been used for years to relieve menopausal symptoms in women. At the same time, hibiscus reduces cravings for junk food and promotes a calorie deficit.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic also nourishes your skin from within, resulting in brighter and healthier skin. It includes lutein, a natural vitamin A form that protects against harmful high-energy light waves such as UV rays and promotes cell repair.
The prebiotic fibre, inulin, promotes a healthy gut microbiome and provides the nutrients your skin needs to look radiant and bright.
Chronic inflammation is a leading cause of weight gain and various health conditions. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains ingredients such as berberine and lutein that support a healthy inflammatory response. This helps prevent toxic fat buildup and protects the body’s major organs from damage.
The formula of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic also includes ingredients known for their anti-inflammatory properties and may improve sleep. Additionally, this herb promotes balanced hormone levels and healthy menopausal symptoms in women.
The unique blend of organic ingredients in Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic works in tandem to promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Users regularly report increased energy levels and a renewed sense of vitality, helping them tackle daily tasks and assignments more efficiently and consistently. Many people also report improved sleep quality, allowing them to wake up refreshed and energized.

What Are The Ingredients of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

You can quickly notice excellent results in just 21 days that support healthy weight loss with a combination of five potent plant extracts. And here is the detailed list of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Benefits of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic will undoubtedly provide you with numerous health benefits thanks to the pure and natural ingredients in this formula, and you should read on to learn about some of them:
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can support weight loss.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can promote fat burn in the body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can provide increased energy levels.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can increase metabolism speed.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can provide the beneficial nutrients for the body.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can work to burn belly fat.

PROS of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is prepared in a unique formula to provide the following health benefits:

Are there any Side Effects of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a dietary formula derived from natural and organic sources. To date, there have been no important adverse effects associated with the use of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic.
However, it’s important to recognize that individual responses to dietary products can vary. If you experience any unfavorable effects while using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic, please consult a healthcare professional.

How To Take Sumatra Tonic?

Every bottle of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic contains enough powder for 30 servings. Take one serving per day, using the provided spoon to measure. The recommended dosage is one scoop of the powder with water and drink every day before you sleep.
This will naturally adapt to your body and generate graduate results. It also helps detoxify your gut, boosts the growth of beneficial bacteria, and promotes healthy digestion. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is also recommended.
But some people who take Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic lose weight faster than they hoped, and if that’s the case for you, take half a scoop per day instead of a full scoop.


In conclusion, I highly recommend you prefer Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic! This supplement acts as the best weight loss supplement out there.
It helps you lose weight by combining plant extracts, herbs, vitamins, and nutrients your body requires to burn fat. Sumatra Slim belly Tonic is super powerful, and it tastes delicious.
I’m confident this Sumatra Slim belly Tonic will ultimately help offer you many health benefits. Trust me! In just days, you will look and feel sexy and fabulous in your health.
This formula doesn’t contain harmful and toxic chemicals like preservatives, fillers, or additives. So you need not worry about any side effects.
If you’re unsatisfied with your results, you can ask for a refund. This product comes with a full 100% money-back guarantee. No questions asked.
submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:16 aita_shlongushubby AITAH for telling my (28M) wife (30F) to choose me or her sister (26F) after she went behind my back to get her sister married to my friend and illegally immigrate to the US?

I’m gonna lay out the whole context here, and it’s 2 years long so bear with me. A TL;DR isn’t really possible as there’s so much important context to whether or not IATA.
We’ve been married almost 10 years and she’s from overseas. She came here through our marriage. We were happy and doing extremely well for ourselves.
The problem started to 2 years ago. My friends wedding. Afterward we went out and then went to another friends house to continue partying. At the party one of the wedding guests started having a pity party about how he’s depressed because all these happy couples are around and he’s single.
For context. This guy is weird. He’s disrespectful to women, capitalizes on captive audiences (waitresses most often), and is overall a loser. He’s got a good job but that’s about it.
My wife, listens to his sob story and says “I have a sister!” and immediately starts FaceTiming her sister. This is something I’ve said isn’t okay. We’re not tinder, and we’re not matchmakers.
Beyond that her sister has a history of treating her poorly. She constantly told my wife she’s stupid growing up, well into adulthood. She blocked my wife for a whole year because my wife called her and told her not to go on boats with men she doesn’t know. Told my wife to live like she doesn’t have a sister. For a whole year I consoled my wife a couple times a week.
Anyways we were both drunk and with people so I’m not gonna start a fight right there. I figure I’ll talk to her about it maturely later. So I do. In the meantime, I switch to speaking Arabic with her sister and tell her this isn’t okay and isn’t what she wants.
Her and my wife to this day claim I was happy and supportive. They claim I was too drunk to remember. But there’s a few things wrong with this. I drove home, I take drinking and driving VERY seriously and would never, ever do it. In fact, if I know I’ve drank too much, I’ll hand my keys to a friend before the liquor starts hitting, just to avoid any possibility of making that bad decision.
Secondly, I switched to Arabic. I’m white. Arabic is a language I learned. When I speak it, I speak it very, very deliberately and remember the conversations perfectly. I know exactly what I said.
Anyways, when I talk to my wife later, I’m told how it’s wrong to prevent her from helping her sister and how her sister really likes this guy. A guy she talked to for 5 minutes. I told her it’s wrong to think of it as “helping” her sister in the first place and that her sister is a grown woman who can find her own partner.
So my wife says “okay I’ll tell my sister to stop talking to him”. That was the end of it. Or so I thought.
A few weeks later I’m at a different event and this guy let it slip they’re still talking. Immediately I’m upset and text my wife about how she lied to me.
She said her sister was really falling in love with this guy and separating them would be wrong. She said she did tell her sis to block him but when her sis went into a depression she told her she can unblock him and talk to him, behind my back.
Upset I told her we need to talk about going behind my back and how disrespectful of my boundaries this whole ordeal was. She said “it’s okay I’ll tell her to block him again”.
Over. Or so I thought for the next few months. A few months later I again am at an event with this guy and this time he’s smart enough to lie about them talking. But I’m a salesman and a bullshitter. You can’t bullshit me unless I trust you. I knew immediately he was lying but I let it go. I did ask my wife and she said no they’re not talking. So I believed her.
Well, a year and a half goes by. In that time her sister and her fought about how her sister could come to the US. We said we’d help her but it’s a lengthy process. At the time I had little animosity toward her sister and would’ve loved to see her come here and be near my wife again. She wasn’t happy with that and said it takes too long. This is her sister’s mindset.
Anyway. Her sister gets a B1 visa in the meantime, temporary business visitor and wants to come visit my wife. Lies through her teeth about her intentions to the immigration officer, telling them she wants to stay 90 days. They approve her for 60.
So we file for an extension ASAP so she can visit for 3 months. Staying with us the whole time. I wanted her to have fun on her visit so I arrange for my friends and I to go out. This guy shows up. She talked to him and told him our plans.
Immediately they disappear into the casino and come back holding hands and all kinds of PDA. I’m fuming because I know she’s a conniving word I won’t say here. I don’t say anything though and we go through the night and I let it go so I can have fun.
The next day he’s picking her up from my house and they’re out for the whole day. The next time my wife is off work, same story. Well, I thought you were here to visit her? And that’s where I put my foot down.
I got told it was wrong to try and control her, wrong to try and separate them, etc. etc. etc. Finally she blocks his number and he calls from a separate number. I turn off her SIM card because I’m not gonna support her going behind my back in my own home. He calls me and tells me he really loves her and just wishes I’d accept it.
I tell him very plainly I will never, ever accept it because it all stemmed from him, her, and my wife going behind my back. Primarily my wife, as she’s the only one of the three I should be able to trust is telling me the truth.
At this point, I feel as if my wife had an emotional affair, although it’s with her own family. She repeatedly chose to go behind my back, against a boundary I had told her repeatedly before this situation at my friend’s wedding after party ever transpired. If that’s not an emotional affair, I don’t know what is.
So I tell him bluntly to not call me anymore and I’m not going to change my stance, and his feelings don’t mean shit to me. He started to give me a sob story about how we’re friends and he I should be happy for him and I cut him off and told him to save his breath.
My wife is upset at me for how I talked to him. Another emotional affair. Trying to protect the feelings of this dude.
The next day, while my wife is at work I’m eating lunch at our dinner table and studying schoolwork her sister comes to the table and starts talking to me about this guy asking if I talked to him and I tell her plainly I did and what I told him.
She goes into a story about how she really loves him, she’s an adult woman and I shouldn’t be intervening etc. I told her I agree I shouldn’t ever have been involved and neither should my wife. I told her to save her breath with any talk of her feelings because I don’t care. She started crying telling me I’m cruel etc.
I told her at this point I’m done being nice. I’ve been lied to for 2 years and it’s over. I’m done being my laid back self and I’ve been pushed repeatedly and I’m standing up for my marriage and my boundaries.
I did turn her SIM card back on so she could call my wife and I, her hosts.
The next morning I wake up to my wife in tears calling me to her sisters room. Her sister is bawling her eyes out and packing her bags to go home. I talk her sister into coming for a car ride with my wife and I to talk things out.
Immediately in the car my wife starts berating her sister about how she’s selling her for a man and a whole host of other things. I calm my wife down and tell her that’s not okay to say to her sister. Because against what they thought I don’t want and would’ve never wanted this to cause a separation between them. I know how much my wife values family.
In the car her sister tells me she really loves this guy and that she can see them being a family one day etc. etc. etc. I tell her plainly don’t ever bring him around my house, if they do marry and have kids, don’t ever bring them around my house, and don’t consider me her brother in law because I will never do anything for her again after she goes home.
My wife is shocked, she’s shocked and they both wonder how I could be so cruel. I said I’m over it. I’m over hearing about this guy, I’m over being used, and I will never again trust her. She said she understands and resumes talking to this guy.
A few days later we’re in the car going to a family event with my family and I get asked if he can come. I said no, very politely. I said no, he’s not part of my family. I was told how terrible I am, and my wife and her sister both jump out of my car in a bad part of Chicago, an area neither of them know.
My wife calls my family and tells them I kicked them out of the car. So my family starts blowing up my phone screaming at me. Once I explained the situation my family said they’ll come pick them up but I hung around and kept driving by to make sure they were okay. Eventually my wife calls me and says they’ll get in.
So I pull over and they open the doors and my wife goes “I’m scared I don’t feel comfortable getting in the car with you”. So I drive away pissed off. This is a 85,000 car in a bad part of the city where carjackings happen every other day.
I go park somewhere but keep an eye on them to make sure they stay safe. A homeless guy passed them and my wife calls me to come get her. So I do and we go home.
Again her sister packs her shit and cries that she’s going home. I tell her to relax, sleep on it and we’ll talk in the morning. She does eventually and in the morning she decides she’ll stay.
A week goes by and I hear nothing about this guy from her. My friends and I all joked about him and made light fun of him. He caught wind of it and cried to my wife’s sister who told my wife, who came to me and aggressively told me to stop and leave them both alone. I got pissed off because this was a private convo between me and my friends and if he heard it and got his feelings hurt it’s on him.
This spiraled into a huge argument with me, my wife, and her sister. In the argument I asked her sister plainly if she planned to leave at the 90 day mark. She said no.
So I kicked her out of our house. Her and my wife went for a walk and I yelled out the front door to get her shit to the curb before the walk before I do, because if she doesn’t do it herself it’ll be thrown on the wet ground. They both thought I was joking before then I assume. Her sister comes in and packs her stuff and gets out. I said if you plan on staying here illegally it won’t be in my house. If the choose is between here or the streets, it’ll be the streets.
She went to stay with the boyfriend and his parents. His parents must not have liked her too much because within a couple weeks they made them both move out.
This was in January of this year.
Since then, I’ve been repeatedly goaded into accepting this. My wife has tried to get me to visit her sister, etc.
It came to a head recently at a wedding we went to for another friend. Her sister and this guy were there. I didn’t say a word to either one the entire night and all was fine.
Except my wife spent the whole night at their table because he wouldn’t dance or do anything to have fun. She can’t handle the idea that her sister might find something she doesn’t like about this guy. She has to be there just in case the relationship goes on life support.
This pisses me off, obviously. She’s more invested in their relationship than she’s been in ours for the past 2 years. Grown adults.
Well, today she was going to her sisters house. She had 2 bags. An ulta bag and a discovery bag. I asked what that is, and she said it’s for her sister. She pulled out taco shells and said it’s just small stuff she wants her to try. But I could see through the bag and saw beauty products. I’m not an idiot.
I looked in when she went to the bathroom and saw a fucking armoire full of shit. I looked at the receipt. $300. I was fucking livid.
I continued getting ready for work and said “her husband can’t buy her that?”. It’s confrontational, yes. But I said it politely, and was open to talking about it.
I get met with immediately hostility. I never raised my voice but I made it very clear I wasn’t being nice about this or anything anymore.
I told her “maybe she could pay you back and find you a new husband”. I’m going to give her a choice. Me or her sister now. Because this has gotten fucking ridiculous.
We pay for her to come here. She hired an immigration lawyer apparently, but doesn’t have money to pay me back for the flight or even pay for the Ubers they take or anything. My wife is trying to make up for this losers shortcomings. He’s too much of an idiot to see that her sister is using him.
By the way, this isn’t her first fiance. It’s not even her first western fiance. She’s been engaged to at least 3 different guys. One from France, another from Belgium, and a third from Canada before this guy. She was looking to immigrate. He’s a fucking idiot though so, oh well.
My wife’s sister is very materialistic. My wife is fortunately down to earth but is so far up her sisters ass because she thinks if she doesn’t do everything her sister wants that her sister will cut her from her life again. Which is exactly what would happen.
I told her that’s on her sister. I’m not asking her to never talk to her sister. I’m asking her to stop treating her sister like she’s a child and putting their relationship before ours. Stop bending over backwards for a grown woman who will throw you away the moment you’re inconvenient.
But it’ll never happen it seems and it’s the reason I’m strongly considering divorcing her. I’m over this fucking shit. Oh, and by the way, my wife claims that she’s scared of me etc. now when she tells the story to other people.
I have never and would never hit my wife. I’ve never given her any reason to be afraid of me. So to put that out there on me is absolutely fucking bullshit and I’ve lost all trust in her.
submitted by aita_shlongushubby to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 Michaelcycle13 B9 Deficiency that needs B12

Hey guys.
I self diagnosed. A long time ago. Very stupid. Anyways. I thought initially it was a B12 deficiency. Took tons of B12 sublingually with Folate. Ended up in some pretty bad bad places. Wasn't until I switched it around that I noticed the relief, strength, skin sensation, rigidity, libido, sleep, etc. Okay. B9. Not B12. I also suffer from Post Orgasm Illness which is basically another B9 Deficiency problem. Key word: ACTIVATED B9 problem. Essentially my methylation is bad. Anyways. I for the life of me cannot find a good dosage that lands me in a place that feels right. I'm using Folinic Acid right now for the B9, but I am wondering if I should switch over to methylfolate.
I realize I have no issue with digesting B12 from capsules, and boy, they can work quite effectively I get into some dreamy places with the capsules. I am familiar with the methylation process of activating vitamin b9, it relies on genes and cofactors like B2, B6, and then B12 to fully activate.
I've already taken the fully active version methyltetrahydrofolic acid, and got the relief. Problem is there's a bunch of other important things that happen while activating B9 like converting Serine to Glycine, etc, that taking the final form of B9 cannot go back on and help. So I would like to take a different form. Methyltetrahydrofolate, the second to last form. I don't know. Just doesn't work well for me. I'm pretty lost in all of this. Just experimenting in my room.

submitted by Michaelcycle13 to B12_Deficiency [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:59 Sad-Bluebird-5538 Guide to get a healthy vegan diet

Hi! I just finished the book "how to argue with a meat eater" from ed winters [btw huge recommendation, well written] and especially the chapter "The Amateur Nutritionist" at the end of the book arose some questions.
He explains why many claims of lack of nutritions vegans are supposed to have are either not true or not due to the fact being vegan. He proceeds to list many plants who have given nutritions and how many omnivores actually lack the same or different kinds of nutritions.
I then began to wonder if I am eating well enough and thus have all the nutritions I need. Do I need more supplements? What kind of food should I add to my daily/weekly consumption? Of course you stumble upon things like legumes, Vitamins B12 and D, iron, calcium, omega-3 and others. But I never saw a complete list and even less a guide how to gain all these nutritions.
So my question is: do you guys have any (book) tips where you 1. get a detailed overview on which nutritions are important, less important and how often we need to get those. 2. a "guide" on what to eat and what plants/which food has which nutritions and how much of it. Further which of these do I need to supplement or which ones are easier to supplement than getting by eating lots of specific foods?
I am just a little aimless in my way to a healthy diet and would be greatful for any kind of guide.
submitted by Sad-Bluebird-5538 to vegan [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:30 SilasTheSavage CMV: If you think that kicking stray cats for fun is wrong, then you should think that buying factory farmed meat in the way most people do is wrong

This title is a bit long, but it is meant to pre-empt some of the nitpicky caveats I know people would come up with otherwise. I know that most people on Reddit (or at least on this sub) are vaguely moral subjectivists or error theorists (even though I don't think most have a worked out view, but more a vibe that morality at least isn't objective). This is the reason why I have phrased my title as a conditional in the way I have: IF you think x is wrong THEN you should think y is wrong. This avoids the inevitable "well, there is nothing really good or bad, it is all just people's preferences".
Secondly, I say buying factory farmed meat in the way most people do, because it avoids strange hyper-specific edge-cases like "what if I bought a package of meat right before closing, and asked the store manager whether they would order more meat if I bought this package", or something like that. When I say "in the way most people do", I mean going into a store, taking a package of factory farmed meat and buying it, no questions asked, or weird caveats added.
Now to the actual argument. First off, the conditions of factory farmed animals are very bad - far worse than being lives worth living. Consider chickens. Broiler chickens live in very crowded spaces (approx. 1 sqft. per chicken) and grow so fast that their limbs cannot keep up and they end up being in constant pain. They get chemical burns on their joints because they are living in their own shit which is high in ammonia. And they have their beaks removed so they don't peck each other because they're so stressed. Now ask yourself, if you had the choice at your deathbed to die and disappear, or to live a life as a factory farmed chicken and then die, which would you choose? I doubt many of you would choose living the life of the chicken. If so, then it isn't worth living in your judgement.
Furthermore, when you buy a package of meat you are causing animals to go through this suffering. You might object something like this: "When I buy a package of meat, it is highly unlikely that I will cause the shop to order more meat, causing factory farms to produce more meat. Thus, most of the time I am not causing more animals to suffer."
This argument doesn't work. Let's look at a simplified example: A shop orders chickens in stocks of 100. When they reach a certain limit in demand, they increase or decrease the amount of stocks they order, depending on whether demand has risen or fallen. You don't know how close they are to ordering a new stock, since you are buying meat like a regular person, and not asking how close they are. But you know that there is a 1/100 chance that your purchase will cause them to order a new stock. Furthermore, ordering a new stock involves ordering 100 more chickens. So on standard decision theory, the expected outcome of your buying a chicken is that one more chicken is ordered (100*1/100).
This is of course an idealized example, but it is how the meat industry works on average: A decrease in demand of x amount of meat packages will reduce the amount of meat packages produced by x on average, even if the industry isn't perfectly sensitive to demand.
So when you buy meat, the expected outcome of your action is that animals are harmed. The amount will be the total money value of the animal in question divided by the money value of the product you bought all multiplied by the amount of suffering of the animal. Likewise, when you kick a stray cat, you are causing it suffering.
Why are you causing these animals suffering?
In the case of the cat, it is for trivial pleasure. Likewise, in the case of meat, it is for pleasure. I think almost everyone who reads this would be able to stop eating meat at trivial cost to themselves. It might take a bit of getting used to, and you might have to order the slightly less tasty option, when going to a restaurant, but generally it would be of quite trivial cost.
The person going around kicking stray cats for fun could stop doing so at little cost to themselves too. They might have a little less fun in their life, but that is certainly outweighed by not kicking cats. We can even imagine that it is a big part of their life. They feel like it is a hobby, and they would have to spend a lot of effort to find a new thing to spend their time doing, and it would never be as fulfilling. Imagine you meet someone who is in the middle of beating a cat until it can barely walk, and you tell them to stop doing it. They then reply the above, that it would make them very sad, and be really inconvenient to them. Would you then answer "oh, of course then, carry on!"? Of course not.
It is not like it being for taste pleasure or nutritional convenience makes any difference either. Suppose it is discovered that the saliva of distressed cats is very tasty, and also high in c vitamin. You now come across the same person again, brutally beating a cat, and you stop them. They now say "oh, haven't you heard, distressed-cat saliva is very tasty and nutritional. And I can't be bothered to incorporate oranges into my diet, so I thought I might as well have some fun and beat this cat for its saliva". Would you now be okay with it?
But in the case where someone is beating a cat, they are hurting something which already exists. But the animals on factory farms wouldn't exist, if they weren't raised for meat. Okay, so imagine if instead of going out and beating cats on the street, the guy in question instead bred cats and kept them in small cages so he could beat them for fun, and perhaps even drink some of their tasty saliva. Is it okay now?
Perhaps the important thing is that you are not doing the killing yourself, but you are instead paying someone else to do it. So imagine instead that the person in question pays someone else to breed and beat cats, and to send videos of it to them so they can enjoy it, and perhaps even send some vials of distressed-cat saliva. Is it okay to pay a person to do that? No.
I doubt anyone actually thinks this, but someone might say "I don't care about factory farmed animal, but I do care about cats". This is why the example is kicking cats for fun. If you do it for fun, that means that you don't care about the cat - that is just stipulated into the example (or well not strictly, but it would be very strange to go around kicking cats for fun if you actually cared about them). You might think that that would mean that it is ok, since you by stipulation don't care, but then you reject the antecedent of my conditional, and so the argument isn't refuted. You might also think that someone cares about cats, and that makes it bad. But that is why I use stray cats - they don't have relationships with anyone. Perhaps someone cares about stray cats in general, without knowing about any particular stray cat. But people (including me) also care about animals in factory farms in general, without knowing about any particular animal.
Another objection one might raise is that crop production also kills animals - approx. 7.3 billion annually (which is less than a tenth of the amount killed in meat production, by the way). So vegans are equally killing animals for food! I will give you ten seconds to think about why this is a bad argument. (Hint: What do the animals killed for food eat?)
I think the actual reason why people are okay with buying factory farmed meat, but not kicking cats for fun is twofold: First off, we are much more used to buying meat than to beating cats. Secondly, it feels much less bad to buy meat than to beat a cat. But clearly neither of these are morally relevant differences. Something wrong doesn't become permissible when you are used to it. Likewise, it doesn't become permissible because it feels less bad.
I am sure there are many possible responses that I haven't adressed directly, but I want to encourage everyone to be a bit honest with themselves before they respond: Do I actually think that this is a plausible position, or am I only drawn to this because the alternative would be inconvenient for me? Would I also believe this principle if I applied it to other cases, or do I only find it plausible in the single example of factory farming?
submitted by SilasTheSavage to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:23 Inevitable-Shame-888 Ausbildung VS. University

Hello guys!
I have a pretty difficult situation, or maybe it's all in my head. I can't choose between two options: studying bachelor's in my home country or doing an Ausbildung in Germany. I don't like my country and want to migrate.
Doing Ferienjob at the moment, and kind of understand partially the lifestyle in DE. Although, my initial plan was to finish bachelor's (I need to study for 4 years Psychology, 1 year is finished), every summer go to Ferienjob and attend German courses. My goal country is Germany.
Is Ausbildung worse than studying in university in terms of pay and working conditions? I would love to look for Medical career if we're talking about Ausbildung (maybe office too, but something interesting), or Psychology if I would continue to study in my home country and process to go for Master's in DE.
I speak German, level A2-B1 (always working to speak better) and really understand how important it is to have a good German to be able to work here (at least to have more options). Please advise me if you've got any thoughts:)
I would love to know if having a bachelor's from a third-world country & going for Master's In DE really worth suffering, instead of just starting from zero to being able to integrate faster and thrive for a citizenship by doing an Ausbildung.
Thank you!
submitted by Inevitable-Shame-888 to germany [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:34 JulieG350Jgs Magnesium, Vitamin D3 and Potassium

Magnesium is important for:
Energy production. Blood pressure regulation. Normal heart rhythm. DNA and RNA creation. Bone structure development. Nervous system regulation. Insulin regulation ⬇️
Signs of Magnesium Deficiency
  1. Twitching Muscles (eyelids)
  2. Waking up between 2-3am. (high cortisol)
  3. Irritation (nervousness, low blood sugar)
  4. Heart Flutters (arrhythmias)
  5. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  6. Constipation (irregular bowel movements)
  7. Bone Pain (Osteopenia) 60% Magnesium in body is stored in the bones
  8. Stiff Joints (Arthritis)
  9. Anxiety (Stress) Magnesium + B1
  10. Chocolate Cravings (stress= adrenaline & cortisol response)
  11. Clawed Hands or Feet (Carpopedal Spasms=commonly in feet at bedtime)
  12. Muscle Cramps (spasms=calf muscle, back, neck/electrolyte imbalance)
  13. Asthma (Magnesium + Vit D3, K2 to improve asthma symptoms)
Only "1%" of Magnesium is stored in the blood, thereby making tests for Magnesium Deficiency null & void as 60% of the body's magnesium is stored INSIDE the bones. This is why Magnesium Deficiency is overlooked & ignored by doctors, resulting in billions of people living with Magnesium Deficiency.
75% of humanity has an "Invisible Deficiency" of Magnesium.
400-800mg daily supplementation is recommended for optimal health/reduction in Deficiency symptoms.
Causes of Magnesium Deficiency: 1. Grains 2. Fructose 3. Soda 4. Soil depletion 5. Emotional stress 6. Antacids , Diuretics, Pharmaceuticals 7. Deficiency in VitD=Sunshine exposure
To fix Deficiencies: Magnesium Glycinate supplements, 400-800mg daily, eat dark leafy green vegetables daily, use celtic sea salt (also add a pinch in daily Filtered drinking water) .. ⬇️
Magnesium is vital to support the energy required for the body, cells, organs, and DNA to prevent degenerative diseases that are responsible for chronic diseases and premature death. ⬇️
Magnesium Glycinate is an orally available magnesium salt of glycine. Magnesium activates over 600 enzymes and is essential for DNA and RNA synthesis, cellular repair, and maintaining the antioxidant status of the cell. Magnesium plays a key role in bone and muscle function and assists in the activation of vitamin D, which helps regulate calcium and phosphate homeostasis to influence the growth and maintenance of bones. ⬇️
Randomized Controlled Trial:
The effect of combined magnesium and vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D status, systemic inflammation, and blood pressure: A randomized double-blinded controlled trial
Poor vitamin D and magnesium status is observed in individuals who are overweight and obese (Owt/Ob) and is often associated with a heightened risk of cardiovascular disease. Magnesium is a cofactor that assists vitamin D metabolism. ⬇️
Safest, fewest ingredients available for Magnesium Glycinate ⬇️
Safest, fewest ingredients available for Vitamin D3 (1 year supply) ⬇️
Magnesium, D3, and potassium work synergistically, in tandem, for better absorption and better utilization in the body for optimal health benefits.
submitted by JulieG350Jgs to u/JulieG350Jgs [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:06 Least-Apricot8858 chance a Ukrainian who wants to apply to the us but is extremely scared😭

this might be a bit complicated because a lot of stuff is different from the system which is established in the us but i'd like to know my chances
currently in 10th grade (which is equivalent to junior year, a rising senior)
low-income, seeking full aid/scholarship
applying to film majofilm and tv production/film studies in some cases
dream/reach: nyu, lmu, bard, vassar, umiami
gpa: 11/12(i figured it would be ~3.9), in my country we don't have any APs, Honors etc.
i also study at a Canadian school online, my gpa there is ~85%, but i'm trying to make it at least 90%
i took SAT on may 4th and got 1290. i'm taking it again on june 1st and i'm planning to retake it in august or october until i get 1500+
  1. rhythmic gymnastics for 8 years, but i finished it 2 years ago. i have a second professional rank (idk how to call that), a ton of national awards
  2. competitive contemporary dance for 3 years. participant of world of dance ukraine 2023, team division (those are really prestigious dance competitions, international level), and semi finalist of world of dance ukraine 2024 team division (top 12). our team also won a $1000 scholarship for taking the 1st place on national level competition and 2 times we won the second place
  3. actor and assistant on the film set at the biggest film studio in Eastern Europe. i starred in a short film, and worked with a professional cameraman, screenwriter and director. i also visited a lot of meetings and workshops at that film studio
  4. freelancer, video editor. worked for clients from Eastern Europe and Canada for 1,5 years. edited videos in English, helped to improve their youtube channel
  5. volunteer tutor online. tutor kids from occupied territories, explain the school subjects to them, because it's really hard for kids to take school seriously because of war. i also tutor english and spanish
  6. school government, media committee. run the school's social media account, edit, film videos, etc. now something that is in progress:
  7. non-profit international organization, which runs 4 online clubs in 4 creative fields (creative writing/fashion/design and drawing/film and media).it is also a platform for international communication, creating and spreading opportunities for people interested in art. i'm a founder. however, i'm just starting it and looking for people, so it isn't really working yet
  8. international MUN enthusiast. i got a $1000 scholarship for CWMUN in emirates and going there in october. idk if it can be considered an activity, but i also participated in MUN in my city
  9. organizing film evenings and discussions in my city. that's also something i'm just starting
  10. Nobel internship. i registered for Nobel international online internship, but it's only starting at summer. i thought maybe once i finish a required course i can start my film club on that platform
11(?). i don't think it's really an activity but i've been to multiple international camps (in Ireland, Czech Republic and going to Canada this summer), which is like cultural exchange and stuff
i don't have any impressive awards though. i thought i would write about the $1000 CWMUN scholarship, maybe some dance awards. also i'm going to participate in the international online olympiad in English and Maths in August so hopefully i'll win something there. also i won a school video contest
i know that in film major portfolio is a really important part so i'll be working on that during the summer. i have a lot of short film ideas, but not a single scenario yet. i'll film one short film and try to make it as perfect as possible, because i know a short film is required to apply to most top film schools (like nyu)
additionally, i know Spanish (~B1-B2), and French (~A2)
i'm planning to write my ps essay on either rejection from FLEX exchange program and how it motivated me, or how i am a naturally extremely shy and interverted person but i had to overcome my fears to reach my goals
i know my application is kinda strange, cuz it has a lot of things mixed all together, and some things are not even started yet. i'm esp stressed about my portfolio
i would be really grateful to receive any kind of feedback or advice!
submitted by Least-Apricot8858 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:53 windexcocktail696969 NSI Tips

Kind of a random thing to post but NSI season is back and I know that this time last year I was searching for some tips. If anyone finds this I was the girl who broke both her legs in Charlie 1 last year cycle 3. Anyways, here are some super random tips for those of you about to go.
  1. Feminine supplies, you can bring your own and you SHOULD, what they supply are tampons and overnight pads, they will not take them from you if you bring your own. Also put your hairbrush, hair ties, and gel in a similar bag to grab. They took my bag with my stuff in them and I was stranded with 2 hair ties until we got to go to the recruit store.
  2. Bring a backpack, not a duffel, not a suitcase. Just trust.
  3. Wear a polo and khaki pants, if you have a unit polo and belt even better. My unit did not tell me that and it really sucked to stick out like a sore thumb. If you're a girl come with your hair done.
  4. If you have longer hair get a donut bun or bun twisties, I used both but much preferred the twisties. They will not issue supplies to do your hair.
  5. When you shower (if you're female or just dirty) grab your display towel and put it inside of your rack, then grab another towel from the rack and use them, you will be on your period for random times, if you stain your white towel you're screwed. Leave a tampon in until after you shower or whatever.
  6. You wash your waterbottles with bleach, they will taste like pool water. You're not drinking bleach you're fine. Really scrub the creases with a bleach papertowel if you can, mold will start to grow in them by week 2, and will make you more sick than you already are.
  7. You WILL get sick. Try and take 1,500mg of vitamin C every day for a week before hand.
  8. Try and get moleskin early your feet will be torn up, layer it on everyday BEFORE you get blisters.
  9. Get the shoe insoles and extra cough drops, drip drop, and hair gel from the recruit store.
  10. They don't use (a lot of) salt to cook the food, layer it on you'll start to pass out due to lack of electrolytes.
  11. ONLY PETTY OFFICERS ARE ALLOWED TO SEE CHITS, don't get bullied into anything else and don't do anything outside of your chit if you get issued one, they are orders from the medical officers.
  12. If you get allergy medication only take it at night, it will make you drowsy all day and fall asleep during classes.
  13. Fix your uniform and the organization of your rack at night.
  14. Learn to count before you go, you know who you are people who can't.
  15. Journal what you learn and your experience, you'll enjoy it afterwards.
  16. Just turn your brain off like 80% of the day, don't think too much into anything, it's good if the petty officers and MIDN don't know your name for being stupid.
  17. Try not to get pink eye or covid or foot fungus or strep or whatever candidate crud is floating around.
  18. Don't give up, I broke my legs (8 stress fractures on my left and six on my right from distance running pre-NSI and a bad accident at NSI) and I was out there doing fire fighting on 5,000mg of ibuprofen to pass, it's not that bad I promise. Let the Hooyah lobotomy happen. Enjoy being a boot while at NSI.
  19. Don't try and get your family to see graduation, let them travel for your commission, NSI graduation is lame, you get to see them for 15 mins and then get loaded on a bus right after to be shipped home anyways, but if they're close go for it.
  20. If you like keepsakes make a 'yearbook' I took a page off of my legal page and had all of my friends sign it on the last night, with words of encouragement/fun stuff. I framed it and love to see it and all the memories.
  21. If you're not good at something ask someone to teach you at night, people will help you if you ask. It's important that you know how to drill. You don't want to be the reason your division is smoked.
  22. For you nervous folks the gas chamber will be the easiest thing you do. Stress about it the least.
  23. When I was there they wrote the daily schedule on the fishbowl whiteboard every night for the next day, it's a nice way to be in the know. They also put the shit list up there.
That's all I can think of for now. Comment any other tips/questions :)
submitted by windexcocktail696969 to NROTC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:29 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 20 2024

DAY: MAY 20 2024

Why nightmares and ‘daymares’ could be early warning signs of autoimmune disease

An increase in nightmares and hallucinations—or ‘daymares’—could herald the onset of autoimmune diseases such as lupus, say an international team led by researchers at the University of Cambridge and King’s College London. The researchers argue that there must be greater recognition that these types of mental health and neurological symptoms can act as an early warning sign that an individual is approaching a “flare,” where their disease worsens for a period.
5-20-2024 Yoga and meditation-induced altered states of consciousness are common in the general population, study says
Yoga, mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, and other practices are gaining in popularity due to their potential to improve health and well-being. The effects of these practices are mostly positive and occasionally transformational, yet they are known to sometimes be associated with challenging altered states of consciousness. New research by a team including investigators from Massachusetts General Hospital reveals that altered states of consciousness associated with meditation practice are far more common than expected. Although many people reported positive outcomes, that were sometimes even considered transformational, from these experiences, for a substantial
5-20-2024 Examining the benefits of out-of-network care for pediatric moyamoya
Total in-episode expenses and resource use before the index surgery (preop) and including/after the surgery (postop). The comparisons are separated for analysis into (A) single institution cohorts (1 and 2) and (B) multi?institution cohorts (3 and 4). Moyamoya disease is a rare condition that affects the blood vessels in the brain, especially in children. Narrowing and blockage of vessels significantly increases the risk of stroke and requires surgical revascularization for treatment. Although research shows that outcomes of revascularization are better
5-20-2024 Study explores links between social media use, mental health and sleep quality
The more time you spend on social media, the greater the likelihood of having unpleasant social-media related dreams that cause distress, sleep disruption and impact our peace of mind. Flinders University’s Reza Shabahang says that the vast and rapid adoption of social media has the potential to influence various aspects of life, including the realm of dreaming. “As social media becomes increasingly intertwined with our lives, its impact extends beyond waking hours, and may influence our dreams,”
5-20-2024 How are asthma and heart health linked?
Although the heart and lungs are neighbors in your chest, people may think of them as separate entities with unrelated problems. But a growing body of evidence suggests that asthma—one of the most common lung disorders—is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Asthma is a serious chronic disease in which airways are inflamed, often in response to specific triggers. It affects about 25 million people in the U.S., including nearly 5 million children, causing millions of annual visits to doctors’ offices and emergency rooms. “We call these major changes
Trust in one’s physician drives positive health practices. In a scoping review, SUNY Poly Professor of Sociology Dr. Linda R. Weber discovered new developments in the measurement of trust, identified those measures of trust that have known reliability and validity, and compared those instruments’ conceptualizations, dimensions, and indicators. The paper is published in the journal PLOS ONE. Weber explains that 10 dimensions emerged from the study: fidelity, technical competence, communicative competence, interpersonal competence (i.e., caring), honesty, confidentiality, global, behavioral, fairness, and system trust/accountability. In addition, these findings provide the foundation
Living a busy, fast-paced life can make it hard to find the motivation to cook a healthy meal at home. However, learning some shortcuts in the kitchen can keep your healthy eating goals on track and help you avoid grazing on unhealthy snacks, grabbing the first thing you see in the fridge or going out for fast food. Why cook at home? Research shows that maintaining a healthy weight is challenging when you eat out too frequently. Restaurant portions often are super-sized
Menopause marks a significant transition for women, yet understanding its precursor, perimenopause, and its symptoms can be complex. Dr. Stephanie Faubion, director of Mayo Clinic’s Center for Women’s Health and medical director of The Menopause Society, says experiencing perimenopause and menopause can be confusing for some. She says it is not only patients who may find it confusing, but medical providers as well, due to lack of training in menopause management. “Menopause is defined by no menstrual cycle for a year,” says Dr. Faubion.
The American Pediatric Association recommends iron supplements to all healthy infants who breastfeed longer than four months, while its European counterpart, Society of Gastroenterology, Hepataology and Nutrition, does not recommend it. These deviating guidelines stimulated researchers to design a new study. Breastfeeding is strongly recommended, and the proportion of children are breastfed during the first half of life is high. The researchers wanted to determine whether breastfeeding babies could benefit from extra iron.
People with seasonal allergies often turn to over-the-counter and prescription medicines to relieve symptoms like coughing, sneezing, runny nose, congestion and itchy eyes, nose or throat. But they often aren’t aware that these meds—including antihistamines—have as much risk for potential side effects, drug interactions and overdose as other drugs. “All medicines have side effects associated with them even when they are taken appropriately and according to dosing directions on the label,”
If you buy your olive oil in bulk, you’ve likely been in for a shock in recent weeks. Major supermarkets have been selling olive oil for up to A$65 for a four-liter tin, and up to $26 for a 750 milliliter bottle. We’ve been hearing about the health benefits of olive oil for years. And many of us are adding it to salads, or baking and frying with it. But during a cost-of-living crisis, these high prices can put olive oil out of reach. Let’s take a look at why
5-20-2024 Researchers uncover biological trigger of early puberty
Heather Brenhouse, associate professor of psychology, says disrupting the caretaker relationship can really traumatize a child or a developing rodent. Credit: Ruby Wallau/Northeastern University New research conducted by the Brenhouse Lab reveals how early life adversity triggers early puberty and late-life anxiety, paving the way for potential interventions. The onset of puberty has been creeping downward for decades. In the United States, the average age of girls reaching puberty ranges from 8.8 to 10.3 years old. The early start of puberty, which is associated with many health risks, can be
5-20-2024 Bioluminescence and 3D-printed implants shed light on brain–spinal interactions
Brain-spinal cord duet’s neurodynamic symphony is now accessible to scientists via novel multi-organ implants. Credit: Dmitrijs Celinskis A sensory process such as pain is no ordinary phenomenon—it’s a symphony of neural and vascular interactions orchestrated by the brain and spinal cord. Attempting to dissect this symphony by focusing on a single region is like trying to understand a complex melody by listening to just one instrument. It’s incomplete, potentially misleading, and may result in erroneous conclusions. Enter the Carney Institute’s team of visionaries. Their mission? To develop tools that allow
5-20-2024 New thesis explores cancer treatment that can prevent relapse
. What is the main focus of your thesis? Relapse following initial treatment efficacy remains a major clinical challenge for many cancers. The focus of my thesis has been to explore the therapeutic impact of immune cells in patients with blood cancer (leukemia), by first investigating which cells
5-20-2024 New study reveals health and social benefits of car-free living
Participating in a three-week car-free challenge has enhanced the health and well-being of Oxford residents, according to research conducted by The University of Bath’s Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), in partnership with climate charity Possible and Low Carbon Oxford North (LCON), conducted this research project. After ditching their cars for three weeks, 10 out of the 12 drivers across Oxford who participated said they plan to continue with reduced car use beyond the project. The findings of this research project show that: Day-to-day transport emissions were slashed
5-20-2024 Research shows linked biological pathways driving skin inflammation
A certain biological pathway—a set of linked reactions in the body—drives the inflammation seen in the skin disease psoriasis, a new study finds. The work could lead to improved therapies for all inflammatory skin diseases, including atopic and allergic dermatitis and a type of boil called hidradenitis suppurativa, say the study authors. The findings are published in the journal Immunity. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to irritation and infection, but when out of control, it can lead to the reddish, flaky, itchy lesions that
5-20-2024 Prescription co-payments linked to more hospital admissions in New Zealand, study finds
A new study from researchers cautions that bringing back the $5 co-payment for prescription medicines could see a jump in hospital admissions. The study analyzed health data for 71,502 people and found those who didn’t pick up a prescription because they couldn’t afford the $5 fee had a 34% higher rate of being admitted to hospital.
5-20-2024 How a simulation is informing COVID-19 vaccine policy after our ‘return to normal’
As the saying goes “There is no such thing as normal” and this has been especially true after the pandemic. Before the emergence of the omicron COVID-19 variant, countries like the U.K. had high vaccination coverage along with widespread exposure to COVID-19 in the population. This combination of vaccine and infection-derived immunity is termed hybrid immunity and is different to vaccine immunity or infection immunity alone. In contrast, other countries, including Australia, New Zealand and those in the Western Pacific, had a very different pandemic experience.
5-20-2024 Researchers find intriguing connections between Alzheimer’s disease and other common conditions
A study has found that while some medical conditions appear to increase our likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease, others appear to decrease the odds. The study, led by Dr. Yijun (Nicholas) Pan and Dr. Liang Jin, analyzed data from 2,443 older Australians living in Melbourne or Perth who are part of the Australian Imaging, Biomarker and Lifestyle (AIBL) study, an internationally recognized cohort for dementia research. “We found anxiety and other neurological disorders are associated with increased likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease,” Dr. Pan said.
5-20-2024 Prepping autistic or sound-sensitive kids for cicada noise
As Chicagoans await the emergence of the cicadas, parents of children on the autism spectrum and/or who have sensitivities to sound can take a few steps to prepare for what is expected to be a loud summer. “Some children on the spectrum can struggle with loud or unexpected noises, such as toilets that automatically flush, fireworks around the Fourth of July or the emergence of a large number of cicadas,”
5-20-2024 Study highlights importance of screening for rare inherited iron metabolism defects
Over 40% of cases curated based on stringent clinical and laboratory criteria from the Indian subcontinent have an inherited iron metabolism defect on comprehensive genomic evaluation, report investigators in The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. Although iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent form of anemia globally,
5-20-2024 Study finds tyrosine kinase Csk promotes germinal center B cell survival and affinity maturation
The authors found that Csk (a tyrosine kinase that attenuates B cell receptor signaling) is required for germinal center maintenance and efficient antibody maturation. The immune system strikes a fine balance by identifying and neutralizing disease-causing agents while carefully avoiding destruction of healthy tissues and cells. Now, researchers from Japan have shed new light on one of the processes that helps train immune cells to act only against genuine threats.
5-20-2024 Significant gaps between science of obesity and the care patients receive, say experts
As research continues to produce evidence about the underlying causes of obesity and optimal strategies to treat and manage obesity have evolved, there are disparities in application of the latest scientific advances in the clinical care that people with obesity receive. Widespread adoption of current findings, consistency of care and expertise in obesity care varies by health care professional and institution.
5-20-2024 Improving online depression treatment
Symptom course of depression for individuals who dropped out of treatment and those who completed treatment. In the dropout group, there is an initial decrease in symptoms while the patients were still in treatment, which tapers off as they drop out. For completers, there is close to a linear change over time. This suggests there is a relation between the more that an individual continues to participate in ICBT and their depressive symptom improvement.
5-20-2024 Women face worse chronic kidney disease management in primary care
Women receive worse primary care-based chronic kidney disease (CKD) management than men, according to a research letter adult patients with CKD receiving primary care at 15 practices using electronic health record data to examine sex disparities in guideline-based CKD management
5-20-2024 Bisoprolol does not reduce exacerbations in at-risk COPD patients
For patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bisoprolol does not reduce the number of self-reported exacerbations treated with oral corticosteroids, antibiotics, or both, according to a study
5-20-2024 Anticancer potential of CLK kinase inhibitors 1C8 and GPS167 via EMT and antiviral immune response
The diheteroarylamide-based compound 1C8 and the aminothiazole carboxamide-related compound GPS167 inhibit the CLK kinases, and affect the proliferation of a broad range of cancer cell lines. A chemogenomic screen previously performed with GPS167 revealed that the depletion of components associated with mitotic spindle assembly altered
5-20-2024 Study sheds light on bacteria associated with pre-term birth
Researchers from North Carolina State University have found that multiple species of Gardnerella, bacteria sometimes associated with bacterial vaginosis (BV) and pre-term birth, can coexist in the same vaginal microbiome. The findings, published in mSystems, add to the emerging picture of Gardnerella’s effects on human health. Gardnerella is a group of anaerobic bacteria that are commonly found in the vaginal microbiome. Higher levels of the bacteria are a signature of BV and associated with higher risk of pre-term birth, but it is also found in women who have no sign
5-20-2024 New AI model uses federated learning for multi-organ segmentation based on medical image data
Researchers have successfully developed the technology that can accurately segment different body organs by effectively learning medical image data used for different purposes in different hospitals, which is expected to greatly contribute to the development of large-scale medical AI models in the future.
5-20-2024 Second Phase 3 clinical trial again shows dupilumab lessens disease in COPD patients with type 2 inflammation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with type 2 inflammation may soon gain access to a new drug—dupilumab—that showed rapid and sustained improvements in patients in a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial, researchers report in the New England Journal of Medicine. This monoclonal antibody is the first biologic shown to improve clinical outcomes in COPD. The data supporting the use of dupilumab in COPD will be reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration in June. The disease improvements—as measured by a significantly lower annualized rate of acute exacerbations
5-20-2024 New AI model uses federated learning for multi-organ segmentation based on medical image data
Researchers have successfully developed the technology that can accurately segment different body organs by effectively learning medical image data used for different purposes in different hospitals, which is expected to greatly contribute to the development of large-scale medical AI models in the future.
5-20-2024 Second Phase 3 clinical trial again shows dupilumab lessens disease in COPD patients with type 2 inflammation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with type 2 inflammation may soon gain access to a new drug—dupilumab—that showed rapid and sustained improvements in patients in a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial, researchers report in the New England Journal of Medicine. This monoclonal antibody is the first biologic shown to improve clinical outcomes in COPD. The data supporting the use of dupilumab in COPD will be reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration in June. The disease improvements—as measured by a significantly lower annualized rate of acute exacerbations
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:09 Maximum-Bug9485 Powdered Yerba Mate?

Powdered Yerba Mate?
Hi guys, can someone explain me about the different types of yerba mate? I see people using leaves, powders, pills..
Got a powdered form that says 25kcal for each 100gr (added the specsheet). But earlier I had a powder that said 200kcal each 100gr?
I see people using leaves, bomba's.. all kind of thing and I dont understand anything of it lol. Does someone know how much grams I need to use from this yerba mate?
submitted by Maximum-Bug9485 to yerbamate [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:59 Eddient 21M with AAG with severe atrophy and mild metaplasia

Just received this diagnosis a couple of days ago and I feel like my life is shattering. I have to mention I don't suffers from any important symptoms, apart from the occasional bloating and flatulence, I've simply came across this disease while studying in medschool, knowing I have Hashimoto's already so I went down this path of checking if I have AAG or not. And long story short the biopsy's result came back and I have stage 3 (out of 3) atrophy and stage 1 metaplasia (also out of 3) in the corpus, with the fundus and antrum seemingly healthy. On top of that, as if it weren't enough already, I also have H. pylori.
I talked to as many doctors as I could in such a limited timeframe and all of them suggested I take vitamin B12 shots for all my life (which wouldn't be a problem), and have regular screenings of my stomach to keep track of the atrophic and metaplasic progression.
What I'm most scared of, if you didn't guess already, is cancer. Stomach adenocarcinoma is one of the most violent and quickly-spreading types of cancer. Also being so young, 21, makes me think this disease has around 50 or so years to develop alongside me, which would give it more than enough time to take me out.
Has anyone here battled with AAG from such a young age as me? Any help? Any tips?
submitted by Eddient to Gastritis [link] [comments]