Bruno 1540 stairlift

Most popular Stairlift in Canada

2024.01.19 18:16 101Mobility23 Most popular Stairlift in Canada

Most popular Stairlift in Canada
Use Bruno stair lifts to go up and down your stairs safely.
Setting the standard for stair lift design and dependability, there's a Bruno stair lift for every budget and space. Bruno straight stairlifts are the most popular American-made stairlifts on the market, while Bruno handcrafted curved stairlifts are renown for impeccable quality and a smooth ride.
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2023.03.27 00:06 khevinconh Simulaciones fotográficas de varios personajes de la historia de Costa Rica, realizadas con ayuda de Inteligencia Artifical (Stable Diffussion 1.5).

Simulaciones fotográficas de varios personajes de la historia de Costa Rica, realizadas con ayuda de Inteligencia Artifical (Stable Diffussion 1.5).
Simulaciones fotográficas realizadas por el suscrito con Stable Diffussion 1.5 de varios personajes históricos costarricenses:
- Juan Vázquez de Coronado fue un conquistador español que participó en varias expediciones en América Central entre 1540 y 1565, ocupando cargos de adelantado y gobernante colonial en Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua y Costa Rica1. Se lo recuerda principalmente como conquistador de Costa Rica, una provincia del Imperio español que en esa época se consideraba la más austral e inhóspita. Su acción conquistadora costarricense se caracterizó por su sentido humanitario y su habilidad para negociar y formar alianzas con los reyes indígenas. En 1562, Juan Vázquez de Coronado, alcalde mayor de Nicaragua, recorrió los cuatro costados del territorio costarricense y participó en dos expediciones, la primera, penetrando en Guanacaste desde Nicaragua, hasta Garcimuñoz, luego Quepos y Coto, en el Pacífico Central. Terminó siendo alcalde mayor de Costa Rica y Nueva Cartago ese año. En 1564 fundó la ciudad de Cartago, que pobló con los antiguos habitantes de Garcimuñoz. Para consolidar jurídicamente sus conquistas, Coronado se trasladó a España. Tras entrevistarse con Felipe II obtuvo el título de adelantado de Costa Rica y licencia para proseguir sus expediciones. Antes de regresar a su gobernación, pasó por Salamanca y otras ciudades castellanas, reclutando artesanos, campesinos y nobles como futuros colonos. Desgraciadamente, la nave en que viajaba rumbo a Costa Rica naufragó en octubre de 1565.
Juan Vásquez de Coronado.
- Juan Rafael Mora Porras fue un comerciante y político costarricense que fue presidente de la República durante tres periodos consecutivos. Fue muy hábil en los negocios y la política, logró importantes avances en la historia de Costa Rica. Se le reconoce especialmente el mérito de haber conducido al país a la victoria sobre los filibusteros encabezados por William Walker, en la Campaña Nacional de 1856-1857. Es considerado un libertador y héroe nacional.
Juan Rafael Mora Porras.
- José Joaquín Mora Porras fue un político y militar costarricense, hermano de de Juan Rafael Mora Porras. Fue diputado y comandante de la plaza de San José de Costa Rica. Durante la Campaña Nacional de 1856-1857 que enfrentó a las naciones centroamericanas contra los filibusteros de William Walker, fue uno de los principales líderes militares.
Jose Joaquín Mora Porras.

- Tomás Guardia Gutiérrez fue un militar y expresidente costarricense que gobernó el país en dos períodos: el primero entre 1870 y 1876, y el segundo entre 1877 y 1882. Fue el líder del golpe de Estado contra el presidente Jesús Jiménez Zamora en 1870 y promulgó la Constitución de 1871. Participó en la guerra contra el filibustero William Walker en 1856-1857 y murió por causas naturales en Alajuela en 1882
Tomás Guardia Gutierrez.

- José María Cañas fue un militar salvadoreño que participó en la defensa de Costa Rica contra los filibusteros de William Walker en 1856-1857. Fue el comandante del ejército costarricense y el cuñado del presidente Juan Rafael Mora Porras. José María Cañas fue el comandante del Ejército Expedicionario Costarricense que combatió a los filibusteros en Nicaragua. Fue uno de los principales estrategas en casi todas las batallas, especialmente en la de Rivas. Ambos fueron fusilados en Puntarenas en 1860.
Jose María Cañas Escamilla.

- Francisca Carrasco nació en 1816 en Taras, Cartago, en el seno de una familia de mestizos y mulatos. A pesar de enviudar en sus tres matrimonios, participó activamente en la política y la defensa de su país contra las amenazas externas. Carrasco fue una de las pocas mujeres que se unió al ejército nacional para combatir a los filibusteros liderados por William Walker en la Campaña Nacional de 1856-1857. Se destacó por su coraje y habilidad con el rifle en la Batalla de Rivas, donde resultó herida. Recibió varias condecoraciones por su servicio a la patria, convirtiéndose en un ícono de la lucha por la libertad en Costa Rica. Carrasco falleció en 1890 en San José, dejando un legado de valor y determinación para las generaciones futuras
Francisca Carrasco.

- José María Castro Madriz fue un político, abogado, filósofo y diplomático costarricense, y fundador de la República de Costa Rica. Se desempeñó como el segundo y último jefe del Estado de Costa Rica de 1847 a 1848, así como el primer presidente de la misma de 1848 a 1849 y nuevamente de 1866 a 1868. De pensamiento liberal, era un profundo creyente de las virtudes de la ilustración y la libertad de prensa. Fue la primera persona condecorada como benemérito de la patria, en 1847.
Jose María Castro Madriz.

- Braulio Carrillo Colina (Cartago, Costa Rica, 20 de marzo de 1800 - San Salvador, El Salvador, 15 de mayo de 1845) fue un abogado, comerciante y político costarricense. Fue jefe de Estado de Costa Rica en dos períodos: el primero electo democráticamente entre 1835 y 1837, y el segundo como gobernante de facto entre 1838 y 1842. Creó el primer Código Civil y se estableció el peso como unidad monetaria.
Braulio Carrillo Colina.

- Pacífica Fernández Oreamuno fue la Primera Dama de Costa Rica y esposa del presidente José María Castro Madriz. Nació en San José, Costa Rica, el 23 de agosto de 1828. Fue hija de Manuel Fernández Chacón, Jefe de Estado de Costa Rica en 1835, y Dolores Oreamuno Muñoz de la Trinidad. Pacífica Fernández Oreamuno es muy reconocida en la historia de Costa Rica por su proeza. Fue la diseñadora en la génesis de la bandera tricolor costarricense, inspirada en la francesa. La bandera diseñada por Pacífica Fernández Oreamuno se izó por primera vez el 12 de noviembre de 1848.
Pacífica Fernandez Oreamuno.

- Carlos Durán Cartín (San José, 12 de noviembre de 1852 - 23 de noviembre de 1924) fue un médico y político costarricense. Fue tercer designado en ejercicio interino de la Presidencia de la República entre 1889 y 1890. Además, fundó el Sanatorio Durán y el Asilo Chapuí para personas con problemas mentales.
Carlos Durán Cartín.

- Bruno Carranza Ramírez fue un médico, periodista y político costarricense que se desempeñó como el séptimo presidente de la República de Costa Rica del 27 de abril al 9 de agosto de 1870, con el título de Jefe Provisorio de la República, luego del golpe de Estado de Tomás Guardia Gutiérrez contra Jesús Jiménez Zamora. Carranza fue inspector general de Vacuna y presidente del Protomedicato. Marchó a Nicaragua como médico militar durante la guerra contra los filibusteros de William Walker en 1856.
Bruno Carranza.
- Juan Mora Fernández fue un comerciante, maestro y político costarricense que fue el primer jefe de Estado de Costa Rica tras la proclamación de la independencia. Fue reelegido en dos ocasiones y guio al recién surgido Estado de Costa Rica en tres períodos (1824 - 1825, 1825 - 1829 y 1829 - 1833)
Juan Mora Fernandez.

- Bernardo Soto Alfaro fue un hacendado, comerciante, abogado, militar y político costarricense. Fue el 14.º presidente de la República de Costa Rica, ocupando el cargo de 1885 a 1889. Durante su gobierno se dictó la Ley General de Educación en 1886 y se fundó el Liceo de Costa Rica en 1887, El Colegio de Señoritas en 1888 y el Instituto de Alajuela.
Bernardo Soto Alfaro.
- José Rafael de Gallegos y Alvarado (Cartago, 31 de octubre de 1784 - San José, 14 de agosto de 1850) fue un hacendado, comerciante y político costarricense. Fue jefe de Estado de Costa Rica en dos ocasiones (1833-1835 y 1845-1846). En 1849 fue declarado Benemérito de la Patria.
Jose Rafael Gallegos Alvarado.

- Próspero Fernández fue un militar y político costarricense que fue presidente de la República entre 1882 y 1885. Fue el sucesor del general Tomás Guardia, a quien ayudó en el golpe de Estado de 1870. Durante su gobierno, impulsó la enseñanza laica obligatoria, la redacción de los códigos civil, militar y fiscal, y la construcción del ferrocarril al Atlántico. Murió en Atenas en 1885 por una enfermedad renal.
Prospero Fernandez Oreamuno.
- Florencio del Castillo (Ujarrás, Cartago, 1784 - Oaxaca, 1834) fue un clérigo y político costarricense. Realizó sus estudios teológicos y sacerdotales en el Seminario de León de Nicaragua, donde fue ordenado sacerdote y ejerció también como profesor. Se distinguió por impulsar la educación en Costa Rica durante la época colonial. Fue diputado a Cortes y diputado al Congreso de México y consejero imperial. . Murió en la ciudad de Oaxaca el 2 de noviembre de 1834 a la edad de cincuenta y seis años, siendo gobernador de la diócesis.
Florencio del Castillo.

- Emilia Solórzano, por su parte, fue la esposa de Tomás Guardia, presidente de Costa Rica en dos períodos entre 1870 y 1882. Nació en Alajuela en 1835 y murió en San José en 1914. Fue una gran benefactora de Costa Rica y la primera mujer declarada Benemérita de la Patria por su influencia en la abolición de la pena de muerte en el país.
Emilia Solorzano Alfaro.

- Rafael Yglesias Castro fue un político, empresario y comerciante costarricense que se desempeñó como presidente de la República de Costa Rica de 1894 a 1902 en dos periodos consecutivos. Fue yerno de José Maria Castro Madriz, quien también fue presidente de Costa Rica en dos ocasiones. Durante su gobierno, impulsó varias obras de progreso, como la reforma monetaria que creó el colón como moneda nacional, la construcción del ferrocarril al Pacífico, el Teatro Nacional, y la firma de tratados fronterizos con Nicaragua y Colombia. Fue declarado Benemérito de la Patria en 1981.
Rafael Yglesias Castro.

- Vicente Herrera Zeledón fue un político, abogado y juez costarricense que se desempeñó como presidente provisorio de la República de Costa Rica del 30 de julio de 1876 al 23 de septiembre de 1877. Nació en San José el 20 de enero de 1821 y se graduó de bachiller en filosofía en la Casa de Enseñanza de Santo Tomás en 1839. Luego viajó a Guatemala, donde obtuvo el doctorado en leyes en la Universidad de San Carlos Borromeo en 1849. Se caracterizó por su ideología conservadora y su cercanía con la Iglesia Católica, de la cual fue secretario del Cabildo Eclesiástico. Además, fue presidente de la Junta de Caridad de San José y colaboró con la construcción del Hospital San Juan de Dios. Llegó a la presidencia tras el golpe de Estado contra Aniceto Esquivel Sáenz, liderado por el general Tomás Guardia Gutiérrez, quien lo designó como presidente provisorio. Durante su gobierno se promulgó una nueva Constitución Política que establecía el sufragio censitario, el matrimonio civil y la libertad de cultos. También se iniciaron obras públicas como el ferrocarril al Atlántico y se impulsó la educación primaria y secundaria. En septiembre de 1877, Guardia Gutiérrez lo destituyó y asumió nuevamente el poder. Herrera Zeledón se exilió en El Salvador y luego regresó a Costa Rica, donde falleció el 10 de noviembre de 1888.
Vicente Herrera Zeledón.

- Julio Acosta García fue un diplomático y político costarricense, y 24.° Presidente de la República entre 1920 y 1924. Nació en San Ramón el 23 de mayo de 1872 y falleció en San José el 6 de septiembre de 1954. Fue ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del presidente Alfredo González Flores y se convirtió en uno de los principales líderes del movimiento popular contra el dictador Federico Tinoco Granados, quien lo había destituido en 1917. En 1919 invadió el país con un ejército rebelde y obligó a Tinoco a abandonar el poder. Ese mismo año fue elegido presidente de la República con el apoyo popular. Durante su presidencia, creó la Oficina de Control y la Caja de Conversión, sancionó la ley de casas baratas, enfrentó una guerra contra Panamá por cuestiones fronterizas e ingresó a Costa Rica en la Sociedad de Naciones. También impulsó la educación, la agricultura, el comercio y las obras públicas. Terminado su mandato, fue sucedido por Ricardo Jiménez Oreamuno en 1924.. Posteriormente ocupó otros cargos públicos y diplomáticos, como canciller de Costa Rica entre 1944 y 1948 y participante en la creación de las Naciones Unidas en 1945.
Julio Acosta García.

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2023.03.07 16:51 homeabilitystore Bruno Elan Stair Lift Home Ability Store

To buy Bruno Elan Stair Lift or any other stair lift that is made-in-America, visit Home Ability Store in Jacksonville. With several advanced features built-in, our Bruno Elan Stairlift option blends style and functionality.
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2022.07.25 04:58 HairLooks_ The History of Barbering

The History of Barbering

Barbering is one of the oldest professions in history, and there is more to its story than cutting hair alone. I became interested in this topic after reading an article published by the History Channel titled "Why are barber poles red, white and blue?". The article shares that "barber pole’s colors are a legacy of a long-gone era when people went to barbers not just for a haircut or shave but also for bloodletting and other medical procedures". On the pole, the red represented blood, the white bandages, and the blue veins.
You can see a timeline of how the barber-surgeon profession evolved into the 18th century on my original blog post.
According to the Encyclopedia of Medical History by Roderick E. McGrew, barbers who offered medical services were referred to as "barber-surgeons", and along with trimming hair they also "bled, cupped, leeched, gave enemas [and] pulled teeth". These procedures were recognized by physicians during the Middle Ages, but deemed too menial for doctors to perform. This led to monks, who often cared for the sick at monasteries, to start conducting surgical procedures. Barbers frequently worked at monasteries because Roman Catholic clergymen were required to remove their facial hair per a papal decree in 1092 (2). Monks would borrow the barbers' sharp instruments, which eventually led to barbers offering surgical services themselves (2).
As you can imagine, this raised many questions about who was qualified to provide medical procedures. Should only university trained professionals facilitate them? Was apprenticeship training enough? Should one person be allowed to cut hair, conduct dental work and perform surgery? The debate unfolded in different ways across Europe. ​ Southern France, Spain and Italy In these regions, barber-surgeons saw their status constantly fluctuate from revered “knowledge healer” to “medical conman”. Their relevance to healthcare didn't receive much recognition because medicine and surgery were never treated as separate professions. In 1254, Bruno da Longobucco, an Italian physician who wrote on surgery, complained about barbers performing phlebotomies and scarifications (1). It was the first public sign of physicians' dissent towards other professions encroaching on the market for medical services.
Northern France Demand for surgical services in this region became so high that it required an abundance of surgeons to meet it (1). Barber-surgeons were able to respond to the demand faster than university graduates because they had no formal certification process in place before entering the field. Many physicians felt the skill and training required to practice medicine was threatened by the number of barber-surgeons performing surgeries, so some medical facilities started banning operations to distinguish doctors from surgeons (1). Despite this, France legitimized the barber-surgeon field by establishing the College de St Cosme (Côme) in 1210, which taught both physicians and surgeons in Paris. However, on campus there was still an issue of class between the faculty teaching each subject. Professors who wore long-robes were physicians entitled to conduct surgeries, while those who wore short robes still needed to pass certain exams and apprenticeship hours to do so. In quiet rebellion, the short robed faculty members partnered with barber-surgeons outside of the college, and began teaching them anatomy lessons in exchange for their sworn allegiance to the short robed division of the school. In 1499, barber-surgeons sought more autonomy, mainly in the form of demonstrations via their own cadavers (1). A power struggle ensued, with the short robed division of the college withdrawing their support. The short robed faculty eventually acquiesced to the long robed faculty in 1660, essentially acknowledging physicians' superiority over the surgical profession at the time. Outside of universities, the number of barber-surgeons continued to rise, but the quality of their services deteriorated without access to proper schooling (1).
England Similar to France, physicians in England initially disliked surgeries. A surgeons guild was created in 1368 that joined forces with physicians in 1421 (1). Despite this, the Guild of the Barbers of London received a charter from Edward the IV himself in 1462. This likely elevated the barber-surgeon's class and seniority enough to influence a future partnership between the Guild of Surgeons and the Company of Barbers in 1540, which together became the United Barber-Surgeon Company (1). This organization lasted for over two centuries, until 1745, when England also saw barbers and surgeons part ways as the need for university education in medicine gained social approval. At this time surgeons formed the Royal College of Surgeons, which is still operating today (8).
The Barber-surgeon Historical Relationship Still Referenced in 2022
Recently California passed bill SB 803, which changes several aspects of barbering and cosmetology licenses for the state. You can still see the historical barber-surgeon relationship referenced at the beginning of the bill. Below is an excerpt from page one, where SB 803 appears to be removing that reference from the Barbering and Cosmetology Act along with the State Board's duty to report on it.
​(2) The [Barbering and Cosmetology Act] requires the board to conduct certain reviews and report its findings and recommendations as prescribed by November 1, 2018. The act provides that it confers no authority to practice medicine or surgery. This bill would delete that obsolete report requirement. The bill would prohibit the practice of medicine from being performed by, or offered by, a licensee under the act without being authorized and licensed to perform that act pursuant to a license obtained in accordance with some other provision of law.
​Timeline Sources (1) 'Encyclopedia of Medical History' (1985) Internet Archive. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (2) ‘Hairdresser’ (2011) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (3) ‘Ambroise Paré’ (2020) Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (4) ‘Barber surgeon’ (2011) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (5) Nix, E. (2018). ‘Why are barber poles red, white and blue?’, History Stories, 22 August. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (6) ‘Black Death’ (2020) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (7) 'History of the Company' (2014) The Worshipful Company of Barbers. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (8) ‘Royal College of Surgeons of England’ (2020) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 7 October 2020).
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2022.06.30 19:23 HairLooks_ The History of Barbering

Barbering is one of the oldest professions in history, and there is more to its story than cutting hair alone. I became interested in this topic after reading an article published by the History Channel titled "Why are barber poles red, white and blue?". The article shares that "barber pole’s colors are a legacy of a long-gone era when people went to barbers not just for a haircut or shave but also for bloodletting and other medical procedures". On the pole, the red represented blood, the white bandages, and the blue veins.
You can see a timeline of how the barber-surgeon profession evolved into the 18th century on my original blog post.
According to the Encyclopedia of Medical History by Roderick E. McGrew, barbers who offered medical services were referred to as "barber-surgeons", and along with trimming hair they also "bled, cupped, leeched, gave enemas [and] pulled teeth". These procedures were recognized by physicians during the Middle Ages, but deemed too menial for doctors to perform. This led to monks, who often cared for the sick at monasteries, to start conducting surgical procedures. Barbers frequently worked at monasteries because Roman Catholic clergymen were required to remove their facial hair per a papal decree in 1092 (2). Monks would borrow the barbers' sharp instruments, which eventually led to barbers offering surgical services themselves (2).
As you can imagine, this raised many questions about who was qualified to provide medical procedures. Should only university trained professionals facilitate them? Was apprenticeship training enough? Should one person be allowed to cut hair, conduct dental work and perform surgery? The debate unfolded in different ways across Europe. ​ Southern France, Spain and Italy In these regions, barber-surgeons saw their status constantly fluctuate from revered “knowledge healer” to “medical conman”. Their relevance to healthcare didn't receive much recognition because medicine and surgery were never treated as separate professions. In 1254, Bruno da Longobucco, an Italian physician who wrote on surgery, complained about barbers performing phlebotomies and scarifications (1). It was the first public sign of physicians' dissent towards other professions encroaching on the market for medical services.
Northern France Demand for surgical services in this region became so high that it required an abundance of surgeons to meet it (1). Barber-surgeons were able to respond to the demand faster than university graduates because they had no formal certification process in place before entering the field. Many physicians felt the skill and training required to practice medicine was threatened by the number of barber-surgeons performing surgeries, so some medical facilities started banning operations to distinguish doctors from surgeons (1). Despite this, France legitimized the barber-surgeon field by establishing the College de St Cosme (Côme) in 1210, which taught both physicians and surgeons in Paris. However, on campus there was still an issue of class between the faculty teaching each subject. Professors who wore long-robes were physicians entitled to conduct surgeries, while those who wore short robes still needed to pass certain exams and apprenticeship hours to do so. In quiet rebellion, the short robed faculty members partnered with barber-surgeons outside of the college, and began teaching them anatomy lessons in exchange for their sworn allegiance to the short robed division of the school. In 1499, barber-surgeons sought more autonomy, mainly in the form of demonstrations via their own cadavers (1). A power struggle ensued, with the short robed division of the college withdrawing their support. The short robed faculty eventually acquiesced to the long robed faculty in 1660, essentially acknowledging physicians' superiority over the surgical profession at the time. Outside of universities, the number of barber-surgeons continued to rise, but the quality of their services deteriorated without access to proper schooling (1).
England Similar to France, physicians in England initially disliked surgeries. A surgeons guild was created in 1368 that joined forces with physicians in 1421 (1). Despite this, the Guild of the Barbers of London received a charter from Edward the IV himself in 1462. This likely elevated the barber-surgeon's class and seniority enough to influence a future partnership between the Guild of Surgeons and the Company of Barbers in 1540, which together became the United Barber-Surgeon Company (1). This organization lasted for over two centuries, until 1745, when England also saw barbers and surgeons part ways as the need for university education in medicine gained social approval. At this time surgeons formed the Royal College of Surgeons, which is still operating today (8).
The Barber-surgeon Historical Relationship Still Referenced in 2022
Recently California passed bill SB 803, which changes several aspects of barbering and cosmetology licenses for the state. You can still see the historical barber-surgeon relationship referenced at the beginning of the bill. Below is an excerpt from page one, where SB 803 appears to be removing that reference from the Barbering and Cosmetology Act along with the State Board's duty to report on it.
​(2) The [Barbering and Cosmetology Act] requires the board to conduct certain reviews and report its findings and recommendations as prescribed by November 1, 2018. The act provides that it confers no authority to practice medicine or surgery. This bill would delete that obsolete report requirement. The bill would prohibit the practice of medicine from being performed by, or offered by, a licensee under the act without being authorized and licensed to perform that act pursuant to a license obtained in accordance with some other provision of law.
​Timeline Sources (1) 'Encyclopedia of Medical History' (1985) Internet Archive. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (2) ‘Hairdresser’ (2011) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (3) ‘Ambroise Paré’ (2020) Encyclopedia Britannica. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (4) ‘Barber surgeon’ (2011) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (5) Nix, E. (2018). ‘Why are barber poles red, white and blue?’, History Stories, 22 August. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (6) ‘Black Death’ (2020) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (7) 'History of the Company' (2014) The Worshipful Company of Barbers. Available at: (Accessed: 6 October 2020). (8) ‘Royal College of Surgeons of England’ (2020) Wikipedia. Available at: (Accessed: 7 October 2020).
submitted by HairLooks_ to Barber [link] [comments]

2021.11.01 11:49 research123123 Stair Lift Market Trends, Competitive Share and Forecasts 2018 - 2028

A stairlift is used for transporting people over stairway who are unable or have problem with climbing the stairs. Such lifts are normally used by elderly people or patients. The stairlifts are installed on rails which are either straight or curved. A stairlift is typically an assembly of rail, seat and motor (A.C.or D.C). In terms of application, straight stair lift is used for single floor or multi floor buildings. Whilst, curved stairlift is mainly used for multistory building or house. Straight stairlifts are mainly made from extruded aluminum and curved stairs. Stairlifts are anticipated to capture the eyes of geriatric population owing to its outstanding features such as they can be folded while not in use. Curved rails are made from materials such as steel or aluminum and can come in various cross-sectional shapes as per the design and customization required. in terms of price, curved stairlifts are costlier when compared with straight stairlifts owing to more length of rail and high power of motor is required. The stairlifts are manufactured in parts and are installed as per the client’s requirements. The manufacturers take the whole responsibility of shipping the parts and stairlift installations. Apart from homes, stairlifts foresee a bright future in case of hill climbing. In the future instance, the global stairlift market is projected to grow with double digit CAGR during the forecast period.
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Stair Lift Market: Dynamics
Geriatric population or 65+ aged people having a problem with taking stairs and increasing the home aesthetics in some cases are the driving factors for the global market during the forecast period. Furthermore, increasing single family houses particularly in hilly area is projected to drive the market. In Europe, hip replacement cases are increasing day by day owing to increase the demand for stairlifts in near future.
Modern stair lifts can be found with a wide variety of features such as adjustable seat height, battery isolation switches, call stations, 'flip-up' rail, key switch, folding step, speed governor, seatbelt, soft start and soft stop. Introduction of IoT has also been a trending factor for the market.
Stair Lift Market Segmentation:
The global Stairlift market can be segmented on the basis of Rail Type:
The global stair lift market can be segment on the basis of Application:
The global stair lift market can be segment on the basis of Power Source:
Stair Lift Market: Regional Outlook
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North America is projected to dominate the global stairlift market owing to increasing demand from U.S. Europe is anticipated to second largest market for the global stair lift market. Furthermore, APAC is projected to grow with significant CAGR over the forecast period. Middle East and Africa in anticipated to grow with sluggish CAGR and China is anticipated to gain superior traction in the global market between the historical and forecast period.
Stair Lift Market: Key Players
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2021.10.22 18:43 uttam221 Global Stair Lifts Market Size, Share, Growth, Global Trends, Industry Analysis and Forecast to 2027

The global stairlifts market size is accounted to grow at a sustainable CAGR of over 6% during the forecast period 2021 to 2027. The increasing incidence of musculoskeletal disorders and the growing geriatric population globally are some major factors to drive the market growth. Furthermore, the rising prevalence of osteoarthritis and the increasing rate of obesity are further anticipated to boost the market over the forecast period. According to the information shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated that around 23% of adults were diagnosed with some kind of arthritis in the United States and it is expected to reach over 78 million by 2040.
The report titled "Stair Lifts Market - Global Trends, Market Share, Industry Size, Growth, Opportunities, and Forecast - 2020 – 2027" offers a holistic view of the Stair Lifts industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global Stair Lifts market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
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The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
Stair Lifts Market report summarizes the positive growth rate in upcoming years, and market size with competitive analysis. Our experts have analyzed the historical data to compare with the current market scenario to calculate the market growth in the coming years. The study provides an exhaustive report that includes an executive summary, scope, and forecast of the market.
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2021.10.07 00:55 DieHermetischeGarage Podcast-PlayList vom Mittwoch, 06.10.2021

Die gesamte Tages-PlayList
Sendung Titel
BR Kalenderblatt 06.10.2007 Jason Lewis umrundet die Welt allein mit Muskelkraft (1)
BR Wissen Der Philosoph Thomas Hobbes - Der Mensch ist dem Menschen ein Wolf (2)
BR Wissen Im Grunde gut? - Das Menschenbild im Wandel (3)
SWR Zeitwort 6.10.0891: Formosus wird Papst (4)
SWR Wissen Die 'Würde' des Menschen - Mehr als eine schöne Idee? (5)
WDR Zeitzeichen Bruno der Kartäuser, Ordensgründer (Geburtstag, 06.10.1101) (6)
WDR Hoerspiel Grande Randonnée - Maries Perspektive im 3D-Sound (7)
WDR Hoerspiel Grande Randonnée - Pauls Perspektive im 3D-Sound (8)
Zeit Titel wo min
05:23 Noch ein Trump-Enthüllungsbuch: Ex-Sprecherin Grisham warnt vor Comeback (Sarre, Claudia) DLF 3:30 ?
05:37 'Überwiegend weiße Männer': Studie zur Vielfalt im deutschen Fernsehen (Wollner, Anna) DRK 4:55 ?
05:40 Phänomen Boris Johnson - Premier mit Teflon-Qualitäten (Köhler, Imke) DLF 2:30 ?
05:48 Hass und Wut als Geschäftsmodell: Facebook-Whistleblowerin im US-Senat (Teichmann, Torsten) DLF 3:39 ?
05:52 Interview Ingrid Brodnig, Publizistin, Internetexpertin - Facebook regulieren? (Heinemann, Christoph) DLF 5:56 ?
06:37 Cannabis-Legalisierung - Justin Bieber verkauft Peaches-Joints (van de Weyer, Anke) DRN 5:11
06:50 Späte Prozesse gegen NS-Täter - die Sicht eines Überlebenden (Fagot, Richard) DRK 6:53 ?
07:07 Meteorologie - KI ermöglicht präzise Wettervorhersagen (Schulte, Martina) DRN 4:21
07:15 Interview mit Tilman Kuban, Junge Union, Vorsitzender, zu Vorsondierungen (Grieß, Thielko) DLF 9:23 ?
07:40 Machtkampf, Richtungsstreit, Selbstzerfleischung - quo vadis CDU? (Fischer, Lilli) DRK 7:48 ?
08:40 Das Wichtigste heute Morgen (Grieß, Thielko) DLF 4:44 ?
09:15 Niederlande - Ändern die Pandora Papers die Regierungsbildung? (Schweighöfer, Kerstin) DLF 6:24 ?
09:25 Zurück in die Türkei - Die Kinder der Gastarbeiter (Arslan, Burcu) DLF 4:30 ?
09:54 China will Abtreibungen stärker regulieren - Aktivistinnen alarmiert (Kirchner, Ruth) DLF 4:26 ?
10:26 'Der Duft der Kiefern' - Graphic Novel von Bianca Schaalburg (Voss, Regina) DRK 5:45 ?
11:46 Chinas Riesenflotte: Fischfang wie im 'Wilden Westen' (Herrberg, Anne) DLF 4:38 ?
11:48 Loblied der Widerstandskraft: Billy Bragg und 'The Million Things...' (Steeger, Goetz) DRK 5:42 ?
13:10 Kommt die Ampel? Interview mit Prof. Uwe Jun, Politikwissenschaftler (Engels, Silvia) DLF 6:12 ?
14:10 Gil Ofarim: 'Antisemitische Anfeindungen gibt es jeden Tag' (Podcast) (Ofarim, Gil) DRK 7:00 ?
15:05 Neue Filme 'Nowhere Special' / 'Hochwald' / 'The Guilty' (Albrecht, Jörg) DLF 5:42 ?
15:08 Preis mit Relevanz? Heute wird der 'Preis für Popkultur' in Berlin verliehen (Döring, Björn) DRK 9:36 ?
15:36 Der Fall Mockridge: 'Berichten und nicht richten' - Interview mit Annette Ramelsberger (Wellendorf, Sebastian) DLF 6:43 ?
15:40 Kolumne: ARD-Doku-Serie 'Kevin Kühnert und die SPD' (Dell, Matthias) DLF 4:15 ?
15:55 Acht Wochen 'RTL Direkt': Was ist aus der Info-Offensive geworden? (Borgers, Michael) DLF 5:56 ?
16:30 Bienen, Auszeichnung, Psychologie (Schäfer, Anneke) DRN 6:03
17:24 Pandora Papers - Druck auf Schweiz wächst (Hondl, Kathrin) DLF 3:05 ?
18:15 Söder und Laschet nach Ampel-Entscheidung uneinig (Hamberger, Katharina) DLF 3:13 ?
18:37 Gorillas - Warum der Bringdienst streikende Kuriere entlassen kann (Jahn, Thilo; Döbbelt, Johannes) DRN 5:30
19:12 Johnson-Rede zum Abschluss des Parteitages der Tories (Köhler, Imke) DLF 3:13 ?
22:03 Gute Onkels (Podcast) (.div.) DRK 55:31 ?
23:23 Interview/Die Ampel wird verhandelt/ Albrecht von Lucke, Publizist (Heinlein, Stefan) DLF 9:48
23:32 Ã-stereich: Ermittlungen gegen Kanzler Kurz (Verenkotte, Clemens) DLF 1:30
23:33 Morawiecki: EuGH-Urteil führe zu Justiz-'Chaos' (Pallokat, Jan) DLF 1:33
23:41 Filme der Woche: 'Titane', 'Hochwald' (Leweke, Anke) DRK 8:21 ?
23:47 Holocaust durch Kugeln - Steinmeier in der Ukraine (Adler, Sabine) DLF 3:06
(#) Info
(1) Steve und Jason wollten ein Zeichen setzen gegen die Zerstörung unseres Planeten: nur mit Muskelkraft die Welt umrunden! Ein Abenteuer, das 13 Jahre dauerte. Ihr etwa acht Meter langes Boot Moksha wurde mit Pedalantrieb angetrieben, und Steve legte darin ca. 74.842 Kilometer zurück.
(2) Kaum ein Werk der Staatsphilosophie ist für die Demokratien der Moderne so bestimmend wie die Schrift "Leviathan", erschienen 1651. Verfasst hat sie der britische Philosoph Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). "Der Mensch ist des Menschen Wolf", so lautet eine der spektakulären Thesen des Buches. Was aber meint er damit wirklich? (BR 2009)
(3) Ist der Mensch im Grunde gut oder schlecht? Eine Frage, die nicht nur die Philosophie seit Jahrhunderten beschäftigt. Letztlich dient ihre Beantwortung immer auch der Legitimation von Macht. Muss man den Mensch mit Regeln zähmen oder ihm Gelegenheit geben sein grundsätzlich kooperatives Wesen entfalten zu können?
(4) Nach einem kurzen Pontifikat stirbt Formosus. Neun Monate nach seinem Tod holt Nachfolger Papst Stefan ihn aus der Gruft und macht der Leiche wegen angeblicher Missbräuche den Prozess.
(5) "Die Würde des Menschen ist unantastbar", steht in den Verfassungen unserer westlichen Gesellschaften. Und aus diesem Grundsatz folgen konkrete politische Vorstellungen von einem Recht auf Wohnen, auf soziale Unterstützung, auf Asyl. In Krisenzeiten wie der Corona-Pandemie stellt sich die Frage nach der Menschenwürde. Bis wohin kann ein Staat Bürger in die Pflicht nehmen? Welche Grenze darf er nicht überschreiten? Von Anat Kalman.
(6) Stille! Schweigen! Gebet und Arbeit. Verständigung nur durch Zeichen und Zusammenkunft nur zur nächtlichen Stunde mit Gregorianischen Chorälen - so sind die Regeln des römisch-katholischen Kartäuserordens. Autorin: Marfa Heimbach
(7) •Horror in 3D-Sound• Ein Paar macht Wanderurlaub in der Wildnis und erlebt seltsame Dinge: Kann wirklich so viel gleichzeitig schiefgehen? Maries persönlicher (Horror-)Trip, am besten mit Kopfhörer hören. // Von Steffen Jahn / Dramaturgie: Gerrit Booms / WDR 2020
(8) •Horror in 3D-Sound• Frankreichs Alpen im Sommer hatte sich das Paar irgendwie anders vorgestellt - oder verlieren die beiden langsam den Verstand? Pauls merkwürdiger Wanderurlaub, am besten mit Kopfhörer hören. // Von Steffen Jahn / Dramaturgie: Gerrit Booms / WDR 2020
submitted by DieHermetischeGarage to DasOhrIstDerWeg [link] [comments]

2021.08.12 02:38 Oraclepr0 Thoughts on difficulty of my schedule.

Current incoming first-year here, I know you get these a lot, but wanted to to know whether my schedule looks doable for this fall. Mainly because I am taking a couple advanced math classes. Any tips/advice appreciated.

I'm in arts/science with math/econ(finance if McIntire accepts) double major

EGMT 1530 with Jane Mikkelson
EGMT 1540 with “Staff”
ECON 2010 with Ken Elzinga
RELJ 3490 with Vanessa Ochs
MATH 3250 with Bruno Braga
MATH 3340 with David Sherman

Thank you. Highly appreciate it.
submitted by Oraclepr0 to UVA [link] [comments]

2021.06.20 12:20 Hyper--North List of Jewish Jesuits

List of Jewish Jesuits
Source List
For more info on jewish jesuits, visit this page: Jews Control The Jesuits (copied below)
Biographies – A · Abadia, Ambrosio · Abadia, Baltasar · Abram, Nicolas · Abreo, Francisco · Abreu, Gaspar de · Acevedo, Pedro Pablo de · Acosta, Bernardino de · Acosta, Cristóbal de · Acosta, Diego de · Acosta, Jerónimo de · Acosta, José de · Acuña, Pedro · Adelman, Balthasar · Aillon, Pedro · Alarcón, Diego de · Alburquerque, Diego de
· Alcalá, Juan de · Alcalá, Natalis · Alcaraz, Ferdinando de · Alcázar, Baltasar de · Alcázar, Baptista de · Alcázar, Luis del · Alcázar, Bartolomé · Alcáçova, Pedro de · Alemán, Alfonso · Alemán, Francisco · Almarza, Juan de · Almazán, Nicolas de · Almazán, Juan de · Almeida, Baltasar (1) · Almeida, Baltasar (2) · Almeida, Gaspar de · Almeida, Luis de · Almeyda, Baltasar · Alvarado, Pedro de · Álvares, Manuel · Álvarez, Baltasar · Álvarez, Diego · Álvarez, Gabriel · Álvarez, Jorge · Álvarez, Luis de Zafra · Anchieta Llarena, José de · Anchieta, Luis · Anrriques, Anrrique · Aragonia, Vicente de · Araújo, Gaspar de · Areda (Silveira), Diogo de · Arellano, Diego de · Arias Párraga, Franscisco de · Arias, Antonio · Avellaneda, Diego de · Ávila, Alonso (Basilio) de · Ávila Álvarez, Esteban · Azailla, Jerónimo · Azevedo, Ignacio de · Azor, Juan
Biographies – B · Baena, Diego de · Baeza, Juan Bautista de · Baptista, Vasco · Barma, Juan Bautista · Barreira, Baltasar · Barreto, João Nunes · Barreto, Melchior Nunes · Barul, Miguel · Barzana, Alonso de · Basto, Pedro de (Machado) · Bautista, Juan · Bautista, Francisco · Belo, Antonio · Berze (Berse, Barzeu, Barzaeus), Gaspar (Jasper) · Bobadilla (Alonso), Nicolas · Bonifacio, Juan · Bracamonte, Diego de · Bravo, Alfonso · Briones, Francisco de · Burgos, Miguel de · Bustamante, Bartolomé de
· Biographies – C
· Cabral, Francisco · Cabral, João · Cabral, João (2) · Cardoso, Cristofõm · Carneiro, Melchior Miguel
· Carrillo, Juan Bautista · Carvajal, Cristóbal de · Carvajal, Diego · Carvajal, Juan · Castrillo (González), Juan (Bautista) · Castro, Afonso de · Castro, Alonso de · Castro, Gaspar de · Castro, Juan de · Castro, Melchior de · Cavallar, Diego de · Cavallar, Gaspar de · Céspedes, Gregorio de · Céspedes, Velentín Antonio de · Cetina, Beltrán · Chalom, Antoine · Chalom, Pierre · Cipriano, Alfonso · Coelho, Gaspar · Córdoba, Antonio de · Coronel, Francisco · Coronel, Manuel · Coronel, Pedro · Cortinas, Miguel · Cotta, Jerónimo · Cotta, Juan de · Cot(t)a, Melchor · Chrestin, Pierre · Crespo (Crispus), Antonio · Critana, Antonio Francisco de · Cruz, Juan de la · Cruz (Logroño), Juan de la · Cuenca, Juan · Cysat, Johann Baptista Biographies – D · Del Rio (Delrio), Martin-Anton · Del Todesco, Giovanni Battista · Dias, Antonio · Dias, Baltasar · Doménech, Juan Jerónimo · Doménech, Pedro · Dos Santos, Bartolomeu · Dueñas, Bartolomeo de · Dueñas, Bernardo de · Dueñas, Gabriel de · Dueñas, Gaspar de · Dueñas, Juan de · Dueñas, Mateo de Biographies – E · Eguía, Diego de Jassu · Eliano (Romano), Giovanni Battista · Enríques, Enrique · Estrada, Antonio · Estrada, Francisco Biographies – F · Fernandes, Ambrósio · Fernandes, André · Fernandes, Antonio · Fernandes, Jorge · Fernandes, Manuel · Fernandes de Oviedo, Juan · Ferrão, Bartolomeu · Ferrer, Juan Bautista · Ferrer, Miguel · Ferrer, Pedro Pablo · Figueiredo, Cristovão de · Figueiredo, Melchor de · Figuera, Gaspar de la · Funes (Ortiz), Martin de Biographies – G · Gago, Baltasar · Galdames (Gualdames), Andrés (Gonzalo) · García, Baltasar · García, Juan · Girón de Alarcón, García · Góis, Gaspar de · Góis, Manuel de · Gomes, Antonio · Gomes, Manuel · Gómez, Francisco · Gómez, Francisco (2) · Gómez, Gaspar · Gómez, Pedro · Gonçalves, Gaspar · González Dávila, Gil · González, Juan Bautista · González, Gonzalo · Gracián y Morales, Baltasar · Guiraldo, Francisco · Guldin, Paul · Gurrea, Juan · Gutiérrez, Martín · Gutiérrez (Pinedanus), Alfonso · Guzmán, Diego de Biographies – H · Hemelman, Jorge · Henriques, Francisco · Heredia, Juan · Hernández, Gaspar · Herrera, Cristóbal de · Herrera Alemán, Francisco de · Herrera, Ludovico de · Hurtado, Gaspar · Hurtado, Juan · Hurtado, Melchor · Higuera, Jerónimo (Romano) de la Biographies – I · N/A Biographies – J · Jaén, Ferdinando de · Jaén, Juan de · Jerónimo, Juan Biographies –K · N/A Biographies –L · Labrador, José Sánchez · Laínez, Cristóbal · Laínez, Diego · Laínez, Marcos · Landino, Juan · Ledesma, Diego de · Ledesma, Valerio de · León, Cristóbal de · León, Francisco de · León, Juan · León, Pedro de · Levi, Mariano · Loarte, Baltasar de · Loarte, Gaspar de · Loarte, Juan de · Lobo, Alvaro · Lobo, Jeronimo · Lopes, Antonio · López, Gaspar · López, Gonzalo · López, Manuel · López de Hinojosos, Alonso · Lucena, Alfonso de · Lucena, Baltasar de · Lucena, João de · Lucena, Rodrigo de · Lugo, Francisco de · Lugo, Juan de Biographies –M · Madrid, Antonio de · Madrid, Fernando de · Madrid, Juan Bautista de · Madrid Sánchez, Cristóbal de · Maldonado, Juan de · Marco, Melchior · Mariana, Juan de · Marin, Antonio · Marin, Francisco · Marin, Juan · Medina, Miguel de · Meléndez Valdes, Gonzalo de · Melo, Baldassar · Mena, Rodrigo · Méndes, Pedro · Mendoza, Cristóbal de · Mendoza, Fernando de · Mendoza González, Fernando de · Mendoza (da Costa), Francisco de · Mendoza, Luis · Mentuato, Paolo · Mercado (Fernández), Pedro · Mercier (Mercerius), Gaspar · Miona, Manuel de · Miró, Diego · Molina, Diego de · Monteiro, Diogo · Montenegro, Pedro · Montes, Pedro de · Montoya Ruiz, Diego de · Montoya, Juan de · Morais (Morales), Gonzalo · Morais (Morales), Sebastião · Morales, Gabriel de · Moranta, Antonio de · Moranta, Jaime Jeróniomo de · Moura, Pedro de Biographies –N · Nadal Morey, Jerónimo · Narbona, Ferñao de · Navarro, Pedro · Nobrega, Miguel da · Nueros y Maynar, Bartolomé Pérez de · Núñez Castro, Alfonso de
Biographies –O · Oliveira (d’Oliver), Gabriel · Osorio, Juan · Oviedo, Andrés de · Oviedo, Juan Fernández de · Oviedo Ramirez, Juan de Biographies –P · Pacheco, Juan Bautista · Palma, Estéban de la · Palma, Ferdinando de la · Palma, Gabriel de la · Palma, Luis de la · Pareja, Diego · Parra, Pedro de Peña, Juan · Pereira, Gaspar · Perera, Benito · Pérez, Fernando · Pérez, Hurtado · Perpinyá, Luis · Perpinyá, Pedro Juan · Pietro di Gandía · Pinheiro, Lourenço · Piñas, Baltasar · Pinto, Andrés · Pisa, Alfonso de · Plaza, Juan de la · Polanco, Alonso de · Polanco, Francisco de · Polanco, Juan Alfonso de · Portocarrero, Francisco · Possevino, Alessandro · Possevino, Antonio · Pradanos, Juan de · Puerto, Gabriel Baptista del Biographies –Q · Quadros, Enrique de · Quaresma, Luis Biographies –R · Rabenstein, Johan · Ramiro, Alfonso · Ramiro (Remiro), Alfonso · Ramón, Pedro · Rebelo, Amador · Rhodes (Rueda), Alexandre de · Ribadeneira, Pedro de · Ribas, Alfonso · Ribas, Domingo · Ribera, Francisco de · Ribera, Juan Bautista de · Riera, Melchor · Riera (Bonaventura), Pedro · Riera, Rafael · Ripalda Martínez, Jerónimo de · Rodrigues, Gaspar · Rodrigues, Simão · Rodríguez, Alfonso · Rodríguez, Cristóbal · Rodríguez, Estéban · Román, Alfonso · Ruiz, Alonso · Ruiz, Gaspar · Ruiz, Pedro Biographies –S · Sá, Gaspar de · Sá, Manuel de · Saavedra, Pedro de · Salas, Pedro de · Salazar, Diego de · Salerno, Pietro · Salmerón, Alfonso · Salmerón, Baltasar · Salmerón, Diego de · Sánchez, Gaspar · Sánchez, Gaspar (2) · Sánchez, Juan Bautista · Sanches, Aires · Sande, Duarte de · San Pietro, Giovanni Battista · San Julián, José de · Santa Cruz, Diego de · Santa Cruz, Martín de · Santa Cruz, Pedro · Santacruz, Baltasar · Santacruz (Bruni), Bruno · Santa María, Felipe de · Santa María, Juan de · Santander, Antonio de · Santander, Jerónimo de · Santander, Luis (Diego) de · Santofimia, Baltasar de · Sedeño, Antonio · Sigüenza, Juan de · Silva, Pedro · Silvera, Cristóbal · Simoes, Gonçalo · Siracusa, Baldassare · Siracusa,Vincenzo · Solier, Hernando de · Soáres (Suárez), Cipriano · Soto, Juan Francisco · Soto, Lodovico · Sousa, João · Spes, Miguel · Suárez, Diego · Suárez de Toledo, Baltasar · Suárez de Toledo, Francisco · Sunyer, Francisco Biographies –T · Tablares, Pedro de · Talavera, Pedro de · Távora, Manuel de · Tercero, Pedro · Textor (Weber), Gaspar · Toledo Herrera, Francisco de · Tolosa, Inácio · Tonda, Vincencio · Torres, Baltasar de · Torres, Hernando de · Trancoso, Antonio · Trujillo, Francisco Biographies –U · N/A Biographies –V
· Valdés, Marcos · Valentia, Carlos de · Valentia, Gregorio de · Valladolid, Melchior de · Valles, Juan · Valpedrosa, Gaspar de · Valpedrosa, Melchor de · Vargas, Rodrigo · Vázquez, Dionisio · Vásquez, Francisco · Vaz, Antonio · Vaz, Diogo · Vaz, Gomes · Vaz, Gaspar · Veiga (Vega), Manuel da · Veneziano, Antonio · Ventimiglia, Giorgio · Vergara, Jerónimo · Vida, Rodrigo de · Villalobos, Alfonso · Vitoria, Diego · Vitoria, Juan · Vitoria, Juan Alonso de Biographies –W · N/A Biographies –X · Xuárez, Luis Biographies –Y · Yáñez de Ávila, Ignacio Biographies –Z · Zapata, Francisco
Jews Control The Jesuits By Luis Torres
The first Jesuits were crypto‑Jews. Ignatius Loyola himself was a crypto‑Jew of the Occult Cabala. A crypto‑Jew is a Jew who converts to another religion and outwardly embraces the new religion, while secretly maintaining Jewish practices. As John Torell explains: “In 1491 San Ignacio de Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic. On May 20, 1521 Ignatius (as he was now called) was wounded in a battle, and became a semi‑cripple. Unable to succeed in the military and political arena, he started a quest for holiness and eventually ended up in Paris where he studied for the priesthood. In 1539 he had moved to Rome where he founded the “JESUIT ORDER,” which was to become the most vile, bloody and persecuting order in the Roman Catholic Church. In 1540, the current Pope Paul III approved the order. At Loyola’s death in 1556 there were more than 1000 members in the Jesuit order, located in a number of nations.”
Ignatius of Loyola’s secretary, Polanco, was of Jewish descent and was the only person present at Loyola’s deathbed. James Lainez, who succeeded Loyola as the second Jesuit General, was also of Jewish descent. Jews were attracted to the Jesuit order and joined in large numbers. Lacunza was no exception. He was a Jew, which explains why he introduced the eschatological teaching of a return to the Jewish animal sacrifices during the Millennium. (In a book titled The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty published in 1812, 11 years after the death of its author, Jesuit
Emanuel de Lacunza who, wrote under the fictitious pen name of a purportedly converted Jew, Rabbi Juan Josaphat Ben Ezra, in order to conceal his identity and to make his writings more palatable to the Protestant readers. He promoted the writings of sixteenth century Jesuit priest Francisco Ribera, developing a futuristic perspective which restricted the prophetic fulfillments in the book of Revelation to the end of the world). Lacunza also wrote that during a millennium after the tribulation the Jewish animal sacrifices would be reinstated along with the Eucharist (the mass) of the Catholic Church. Lacunza has followed after Jewish fables and replaced the commandments of God with the commandments of men. That doctrine gives the Jews primacy in God’s plan and relegates Christians to a prophetic parenthetical to be supplanted by the Jews during the thousand year earthly reign of Christ.
Anyone who has been involved in “truth seeking” for some time now is sure to have come across the people who will try to convince you that the Jesuit Order (aka Society of Jesus) are really at the top of this worldwide crime network. These people will relentlessly and tirelessly attempt to fill your head with ideas that the Jesuits of Rome really run the show from behind the scenes and that everything else is “disinformation”. This theory seems to have become more popular and far reaching on the internet and you will see more and more people parroting this stuff loud and clear to anyone who will naively listen. I am going to show you that not only is this theory complete bunk nonsense that is popular primarily among crazies, nut jobs, Jews, and Jew defenders, but that the Jesuits are actually crypto-Jews. So even if this ridiculous theory were true, it would still mean that the Jews are and always have been behind this global criminal cabal.
Who Promotes this Theory and Why?
First let us discuss the very people who promote this nonsense and analyze them to see if it gives us any indications of what their motives might be. The biggest and most popular promoter of this stuff is a guy named Eric John Phelps who wrote a pathetic book called Vatican Assassins in which he makes a series of superfluously unsubstantiated claims alleging that the Vatican & the Jesuits run the world and is behind everything from JFK assassination to 9/11. This book is pretty much a 99.99% made up lie.
Lying Scum
Eric Jon Phelps
literally makes things up as he goes along and has no sources to back any of his claims up. Unsurprisingly he was taken to school in a debate vs. Michael Collins Piper, author of the great book Final Judgment. Eric Phelps has a ridiculously palpable connection that clearly illustrates why he promotes this garbage. On his website under the donations section it asks for all money orders to be sent to the address of LOWVEHM Inc., the company he runs. Now if you go to the LOWVEHM website you will quickly see that it is a diamond and jewels company that receives its diamonds wholesale straight from Tel Aviv, Israel! So the guy’s income is dependent on Israeli Blood Diamonds and he blames the Jesuits for everything. Need I say any more? I shouldn’t have to but I will. Not only does this Israeli diamond thing make he look like a total shill for the Jews but he admitted that his wife is a Russian Jew and that he is a Christian Zionist himself. He also smears anyone who doesn’t agree with his nonsense by calling them a “Jesuit Coadjutor” (which is just a pathetic made up fictional term). There is plenty more dirt on the guy that can be found HERE but this is just so over-the-top obvious that I am gobsmacked that anyone actually takes anything this guy says seriously. You have to be incredulously stupid, or a Jew to promote this guy and his conspiracy theories about the Jesuits running the world. We’re done with him, he deserves no more attention, and please, nobody ever bring up this con-artist ever again.
Why is it that Phelps’ paypal account works just fine, when anybody who says anything about Jews on their website gets their paypal immediately shut down? The answer is obvious, the Jesuits don’t run squat. Other than that freak, the people who usually promote the Jesuits stuff are either Jews, Christian Zionists, or just kooks who are bored with blaming the obvious culprits and are looking for a “cool” / “interesting” conspiracy theory to fantasize about in their basements while jerking off to gay porn all day. I’ve chatted with quite a few of these people on YouTube and other places and if you take a look at their profiles they promote pretty much anything that sounds crazy & far-out like the “No Planes” and “Space Beams” on 9/11 theories. Why do a majority of them also promote that stuff as well? Because they are just crazy conspiracy theorists looking for something “interesting” to obsess about when they are not playing World Of Warcraft on their mom’s computers.
The Jesuits are in fact Jewish
One of the most devastating things to the notion that the Jesuits are at the top of this thing is the fact that more than a lot of the Jesuits are in fact Jewish. The Jesuit Order is in reality a Jewish Order masquerading as a Catholic one as a cover, so even if they were at the top it’s still a Jewish conspiracy.
“We Jesuits take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestry.” J. Nadal Morey
“We Jesuits take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestry.” – J. Nadal Morey
An excellent resource documenting all the so called Jesuits who are really Jews turned Catholic, hence “crypto-Jews”, can be found at The Jesuit Order in its founding was very much Jewish. All five of its founding members were Marrano Jews (i.e. Jews masquerading as Christians).
Ignatius Loyola – Founder of the Jesuit Order (JEWISH)
Alfonso Salmeron – Jewish
Diego Lainez – Jewish
Nicolas Bodadilla – Jewish
Simao Rodriguez – Jewish

In his article Synagogue of Satan, John S. Torell states:
“In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati Order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic.”
Marranos are Spanish Jews who outwardly converted to a different religion, often times Roman Catholic, in order to evade persecution and expulsion for their treacherous actions, while secretly maintaining the religion of Judaism as well as practicing the Cabbala (Jewish Mystisism).
Furthermore, Loyola’s secretary, Polanco, was also of Jewish descent and was the only person present at Loyola’s deathbed. James Lainez who succeeded Loyola as the second Jesuit General was also of Jewish descent.(#) Add a (W) after the (E) in Jesuits and what do you get? Jewsuits. A more fitting name.
It’s quite funny how the promoters in the “Jesuits run it all” theories conveniently fail to mention these important facts and attempt to project the Jesuits as purely Roman Catholic. And these skumbags also have the audacity to call us “anti-Semites” while promoting blatantly anti-Catholic conspiracy theories with no facts in hand at all. The Jesuits themselves are crypto-Jews and so are the promoters in the Black Pope theories. The Jews disguise themselves as the religion of their enemies, continue with their treachery under this false guise, and then get everybody to blame their disguise for the world’s problems. Ingenious
The Pope Wears a Yarmulke
Jewish infiltration of the Vatican stems back many hundreds of years, and it would be safe to say that the Jews have a strong vice-grip over that institution, from the inside out. One of the most blatant examples of the Jewishness of the Vatican is the fact that the Pope himself wears a Yarmulke.
Agent of Israel
There are multiple instances where Israel and Jews have attempted to demonize the Vatican when they aren’t co-operative or subservient to their will. One example is the Jewish-controlled mass media going on a massive demoralization campaign against Catholic priests (i.e. Jesuits) with accusations of pedophilia and Satanism. While some of these accusations have proven to be true, many of these claims could easily be embellished or fabricated by the Jewish-controlled mass media when the Vatican does something the Jews don’t like — for instance when the Vatican strongly OPPOSED the Iraq war. Blackmail anyone? And whose to say that these Pedophiles and Satanists in the Catholic Church aren’t just crypto-Jews? To boot, the man who came out with a lot of those accusations was Fr. Malachai Martin who is a ex-Jesuit Zionist who, during the second Vatican Council, drafted the document which exonerated the Jews from culpability in the execution of Jesus Christ. So, the man who writes books claiming the Catholic Church is full of pedophiles and Satanists is a Zionist who exonerates the Jews for murdering Jesus. Go figure.
Another more recent example of Jews trying to demonize the Vatican in the press was this story about how a pamphlet that was being passed out to the IDF troops in Israel claimed that the Vatican was training Hezbollah how to kill Jews.
It is redundantly obvious that the Vatican is infiltrated and blackmailed by Jews which utterly puts to shame any notion that the “Jesuits” control anything let alone Israel and Jews. It’s the other way around.
Who Controls the Vatican Treasure?
The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that…
“A number of Catholics undertook to organize a competitor bank to rival the Rothschild power… sometime about 1820. The Rothschild’s crushed it.”
It says further:
“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.” (#)
So the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty controls the Vatican treasure.
They Cannot Explain Away Bishop Williamson
Truth Hero

Vol. 2 page 497
Bishop Williamson – Truth Hero
If the Jesuits are so bad and evil than how do you explain Bishop Richard Williamson? Catholic Bishop (Jesuit) Richard Williamson is a great man who has valiantly publicly stated that 9/11 was a fraud, a lie, and that the holocaust was also a lie. Many of these Black Popers will shy away from any reference of Bishop Williamson and nary a mention of one of his excellent sermons exposing 9/11 among other crimes. I have even heard some pathetic cretins say he is “controlled opposition” like stoppering little maggots. These cowards won’t hesitate to defame a person who has more courage in his fingernail than they have in their entire bodies. Bishop Williamson puts his very livelihood and safety on the line when he speaks out about these subjects. Soulless cockroaches who attack him because he puts to shame this “Jesuit Conspiracy” claim are a complete waste of oxygen.
Do Jesuits control the Media, own Hollywood, the Federal Reserve, and constantly inhabit high positions in government? Nope. Have Jesuits been expelled from 109 locations since 250 AD? Nope. Did Jesuits run the African Slave trade, instigate WWI & WWII, invent Communism & Neo-Conservatism, perpetrate the 9/11 attacks, attack the U.S.S. Liberty, assassinate JFK, run the Diamond District, Porn Industry, run the Drug Trade? Nope. Are you called “anti-Catholic” for blaming Jesuits for everything under the sun that they don’t even do? Nope, but we’re called anti-Semitic for blaming the people which ALL of the evidence shows are the ones responsible.
Secret Jewish Plot Unveiled by the Catholic Gazette of England
In the London Catholic Gazette of February 1936 a sensational article was published under the heading: “The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church”. The monthly organ of the Catholic Missionary Society of England was quoting speeches delivered in a series of secret Jewish meetings in Paris. A few weeks later, the Parisian weekly “Le Reveil du Peuple” published a similar account, adding that the statements had been made at a recent convention of the B’nai B’rith (secret Masonic order in which no Gentile is admitted) held in Paris.
The article of the “Catholic Gazette” read as follows:
That there had been and still is a Jewish problem no one can deny. Since the rejection of Israel, 1,900 years ago, the Jews have scattered in every direction, and in spite of the difficulties and even persecution, they have established themselves as a power in nearly every nation of Europe.
In view of this Jewish problem, which affects the Catholic Church in a special way, we publish the following amazing extracts from a number of speeches recently made under the auspices of a Jewish society in Paris. The name of our informant must remain concealed. He is presently known to us, but by reason of his peculiar relations with the Jews at the present time, we have agreed not to disclose his identity nor to give away any further details of the Paris meeting beyond the following extracts which, though sometimes freely translated, nevertheless substantially convey the meaning of the original statements.–Editorial Note glories in the fact that without detriment to their own racial unity and international character, the Jews have been able to spread their doctrines and increase their political, social and economic influence among the nations..
As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come.
“We have already fulfilled part of our work, but we cannot yet claim that the whole of our work is done. We have still a long way to go before we can overthrow our main opponent: the Catholic Church…
“We must always bear in mind that the Catholic Church is the only institution which has stood, and which will, as long as it remains in existence, stand in our way. The Catholic Church, with her methodical work and her edifying and moral teachings, will always keep her children in such a state of mind, as to make them too self-respecting to yield to our domination, and to bow before our future King of Israel…
“That is why we have been striving to discover the best way of shaking the Catholic Church to her very foundations. We have spread the spirit of revolt and false liberalism among the nations of the Gentiles so as to persuade them away from their faith and even to make them ashamed of professing the precepts of their Religion and obeying the Commandments of their Church. We have brought many of them to boast of being atheists, and more than that, to glory in being descendants of the ape! We have given them new theories, impossible of realization, such as Communism, Anarchism, and Socialism, which are now serving our purpose…The stupid Gentiles have accepted them with the greatest enthusiasm, without realizing that those theories are ours, and that they constitute our most powerful instrument against themselves…
“We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies, we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities. We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side… So much so, that we are now witnessing to our greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries… We have turned her clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule, we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd… We have caused the practice of the Catholic religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time..
“And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World…
“We have founded many secret associations, which all work for our purpose, under our orders and our direction. We have made it an honour, a great honour, for the Gentiles to join us in our organizations, which are, thanks to our gold, flourishing now more than ever. Yet it remains our secret that those Gentiles who betray their own and most precious interests, by joining us in our plot should never know that these associations are of our creation and that they serve our purpose...
“One of the many triumphs of our Freemasonry is that those Gentiles who become members of our Lodges, should never suspect that we are using them to build their own jails, upon whose terraces we shall erect the throne of our Universal King of Israel; and should never know that we are commanding them to forge the chains of their own servility to our future King of the world.
“So far, we have considered our strategy in our attacks upon the Catholic Church from the outside. But this is not all. Let us now explain how we have gone further in our work, to hasten the ruin of the Catholic Church, and how we have penetrated into her most intimate circles, and brought even some of her Clergy to become pioneers of our cause.
“Apart altogether from the influence of our philosophy, we have taken other steps to secure a breach in the Catholic Church. Let me explain how this has been done.
“We have induced some of our children to join the Catholic body, with the explicit intimation that they should work in a still more efficient way for the disintegration of the Catholic Church, by creating scandals within her. We have thus followed the advice of our Prince of the Jews, who so wisely said: ‘Let some of your children become canons, so that they may destroy the Church’. Unfortunately, not all among the ‘convert’ Jews have proved faithful to their mission. Many of them have even betrayed us! But, on the other hand, others have kept their promise and honored their word. Thus the counsel of our Elders has proved successful.
“We are the Fathers of all Revolutions – even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation.
“Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success…
“Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught..
We are grateful to Protestants for their loyalty to our wishes – although most of them are, in the sincerity of their faith, unaware of their loyalty to us. We are grateful to them for the wonderful help they are giving us in our fight against the stronghold of Christian Civilization, and in our preparations for the advent of our supremacy over the whole world and over the Kingdoms of the Gentiles.
“So far we have succeeded in overthrowing most of the Thrones of Europe. The rest will follow in the near future. Russia has already worshiped our rule, France, with her Masonic Government, is under our thumb. England, in her dependence upon our finance is under our heel; and in her Protestantism is our hope for the destruction of the Catholic Church. Spain and Mexico are but toys in our hands. And many other countries, including the U.S.A., have already fallen before our scheming.
“But the Catholic Church is still alive..
“We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy. Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of the world against the Catholic Church. Let us intensify our activities in poisoning the morality of the Gentiles. Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people. They must be made to despise Patriotism and the love of their family, to consider their faith as a humbug, their obedience to their Church as a degrading servility, so that they may become deaf to the appeal of the Church and blind to her warnings against us. Let us, above all, make it impossible for Christians outside the Catholic Church to be reunited with that Church, or for non-Christians to join that Church; otherwise the greatest obstruction to our domination will be strengthened and all our work undone. Our plot will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us, in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them will never be realized.
“Let us remember that as long as there still remain active enemies of the Catholic Church, we may hope to become Masters of the World… And let us remember always that the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before the Pope in Rome is dethroned, as well as all the other reigning monarchs of the Gentiles upon earth.”
London Catholic Gazette of February 1936
The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497)

Source Article: Jews Control The Jesuits
Other Jewish Lists:
submitted by Hyper--North to conspiracyundone [link] [comments]

2021.02.23 23:09 jollyspiffing Scout League Report - GW25

The scout league is a league with unlimited free-transfers trying to nail the dream team each week - see the joining details below.
This week in the fantasypl Scout League the Team Of The Week was 'Runningbeards FC' managed by 'Julian Drabner' with a GW score of '102'. In other news I finally fixed the unicode formatting issues!
Top scouts this GW - top 25
rank id team_name manager GW_points GW_transfers
1 5095663 Runningbeards FC Julian Drabner 102 2
2 5688611 MulundChaRaja Sriram Venkitachalam 100 6
3 223801 Draston Killa Dunk McConnell 95 2
4 7684638 ThiagoAbracadabra Shounak Majumdar 94 7
5 55688 Holding on Thom Petty 93 2
6 7444711 Scouts Failure u/ kzxsji 92 12
7 4213322 Can't Catch Me Steve Jim 91 10
8 2637824 RC Radu C 89 2
9 1511134 WABEBE FC Kevin Kuria 88 2
10 2887040 ESCN Varun Prakash 88 2
11 1707491 ooooooo Omar Radwan 87 3
12 7269920 Santiago Rajiv Agrawal 86 16
13 3306893 BEST ELEVEN James Soh 86 6
14 4303057 WILDCARD TEAM Reddit User 85 8
15 7462744 Max twenty CHAR5 Bruno pEnaNDeS 85 10
16 7905162 MIA SAN MIA Kill Bill 85 8
17 4967057 IceIceBaby Vishal Mishra 84 3
18 702 Shut the facup Vishesh Gupta 84 2
19 148768 Salah'd Tossers Joe Lombardi 84 11
20 7616836 Conor Chaplin 10 Jean Ntolla 84 10
21 3113678 Unsteady Knee FC Jesse Gray 84 16
22 117036 VirgilSalah Virgil Salah 82 2
23 4127992 wrfusux sean lee 82 10
24 102653 Look at mooy Peter Varela 82 3
25 4437239 True Florina Champ Κώστας Γεω 81 2
Favourite picks this GW
name selected captained gw_pts
Fernandes 148 25 12
Bamford 122 64 8
Salah 111 12 2
Dallas 82 2 17
Son 71 2 2
Gündogan 70 4 3
Cancelo 67 1 5
Raphinha 67 18 12
Ings 61 11 3
Martínez 51 0 2
Kane 48 6 2
Stones 44 0 6
Dias 43 0 7
Pope 42 0 8
Cresswell 38 0 2
Grealish 34 2 0
Shaw 34 0 2
Calvert-Lewin 33 0 4
Watkins 31 0 2
McCarthy 28 0 3
Sterling 24 6 8
De Bruyne 21 5 3
Vardy 20 3 5
Mee 19 0 5
Maddison 19 0 9
Overall Scout League - top 50 of 173:
rank id team_name manager total_score total_transfers
1 5175345 Windmill FC William Windmill 1679 69
2 3910971 14 HITS Stacy Van Der Bosch 1673 256
3 4967057 IceIceBaby Vishal Mishra 1649 68
4 1510117 2 Goals 1 Cup Tobias Svensson 1621 103
5 4799709 2ManyPlebs Christian Bentley 1614 191
6 1373089 A.Wenger's Endgame Euan Buxton 1598 65
7 5688611 MulundChaRaja Sriram Venkitachalam 1597 79
8 3633033 Kevin De Bruno Harsha Sista 1592 51
9 633606 Avatar of Vengeance Fahad Ahmed 1586 134
10 4127992 wrfusux sean lee 1583 78
11 702 Shut the facup Vishesh Gupta 1572 72
12 5427653 Salah'd FC Shreyas Kulkarni 1568 59
13 117036 VirgilSalah Virgil Salah 1567 121
14 766820 Vettel Hansley Gungabissoon 1566 55
15 4111638 MaraDonnylovesKoke Amrit Vanchinathan 1563 52
16 4437239 True Florina Champ Κώστας Γεω 1563 66
17 581237 Ogboner Liam Goodger 1562 50
18 1566672 Dream Team Tiago Costa 1562 87
19 5592025 ATHAR LIONS ATHAR HUSSAIN Syed 1560 86
20 148768 Salah'd Tossers Joe Lombardi 1555 55
21 5179232 InterYaNan Rohan Motiani 1553 55
22 3937028 Powpow FC Pif Mock 1549 51
23 3865648 Scouting for Goals Scout Master 1549 295
24 3965486 SocialStrio Elliot Zane Nick Bartholomew 1540 59
25 1477540 Napukan_Na_Bqlo Svetlozar Kamishev 1539 68
26 6480214 48AouarPartey Adarsh Kumar 1538 114
27 18493 Guyin Munich Guy Bronze 1535 89
28 4213322 Can't Catch Me Steve Jim 1535 154
29 5095663 Runningbeards FC Julian Drabner 1533 59
30 487727 iheartmanchester Jason Emeka 1533 63
31 3113678 Unsteady Knee FC Jesse Gray 1532 352
32 1511134 WABEBE FC Kevin Kuria 1530 62
33 4432379 oh no Paras Kavdikar 1529 63
34 37720 The Millennium Mbayoo Mungunda 1529 64
35 4303057 WILDCARD TEAM Reddit User 1526 157
36 2623226 No Limit. All In. Taher Weekly Wildcard 1526 223
37 223801 Draston Killa Dunk McConnell 1522 60
38 244506 Harvardsports Blog Harvardsports. 1521 174
39 1638821 Chico Pop FC Chahir Botros 1520 74
40 121613 Klich and Collect James Kinch 1519 67
41 2426148 It’s all down hill James Smith 1518 94
42 980736 Mo Elniesta Ahmed Mansoor Ahad 1514 68
43 3964148 Stronk Potato F.C. Hisham Nouman 1510 57
44 4427398 Too Eze For Mee Shane R 1502 57
45 628275 YNWA23 Shounak Majumdar 1501 69
46 91939 Gunning for 1st Ray Gordon 1498 115
47 3306893 BEST ELEVEN James Soh 1498 223
48 55688 Holding on Thom Petty 1497 153
49 1648528 PeneloPenguins Damien Scott 1496 57
50 201589 Xhaka Laca Boom Akshay Raut 1495 54
Join the scout league: wlk0qm
The aim is to make a secondary FPL team to try and get the most points from your 1st XI each week, with no restrictions on transfers: - Transfers will not count against your "scout league" score (they will still be counted on the official site) - C/VC are counted as normal. - Points are only scored for the first XI each week, subs don't count. - Auto-subs will not be counted. - Chips will not be counted (you can play them if you want)
I'm still confused how does this work? People in this league create a secondary team and try and pick the best XI each week without caring about transfer costs/hits. Scoring is done manually to exclude any transfers costs and also excludes bench players. The score/rank on the official site will usually be terrible because of the many transfers, but that's not what counts for this ML, it's what gets posted in the table above that counts.
submitted by jollyspiffing to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

2020.12.03 18:06 altamiraltd altamira ltd

Altamira offers a broad range of American made mobility ramps solutions such as Stairlifts, Wheelchair Lifts, Patient lifts, Scooter lifts and Wheelchair Ramps that can accommodate any home or business representing only the finest manufacturers of mobility devices.
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Altamira is proud to be a certified and authorized dealer of the safest mobility products made including: Bruno, Harmar, EZ Access, Pride, Prairie View, Invacare, Arjo Huntleigh, and Savaria. Contact us at 800-343-1066 to schedule a free consultation with one of our home accessibility professionals. Financing is available for all products.
submitted by altamiraltd to u/altamiraltd [link] [comments]

2020.06.13 00:13 DieHermetischeGarage Podcast-PlayList vom Freitag, 12.06.2020

Die gesamte Tages-PlayList
Sendung Titel
BR Kalenderblatt 12.06.1817 Karl Drais stellt sein Laufrad vor (1)
SWR Zeitwort 12.6.1942: Der NS-Film 'Die große Liebe' kommt in die Kinos (2)
SWR Wissen Max Weber - Politik als Beruf (3)
WDR Feature Einsamkeit - Leben mit einem Stigma (4)
WDR Zeitzeichen Helsinki wird gegründet (am 12.6.1550) (5)
Zeit Titel wo min
05:06 USA: Ranghöchster US-Militär entschuldigt für Auftritt neben Trump (Sarre, Claudia) DLF 3:04 ?
05:18 Größtes Maya-Monument in Mexiko entdeckt (Demmer, Anne) DRK 3:41 ?
05:41 Lukaschenkos Machtverlust in Corona-Zeiten (Sabine Adler) DLF 4:28 ?
07:35 Twitter testet neue Funktion: Erst lesen und dann retweeten (Schulte, Martina) DLF 4:39
07:40 Alltag anders: Verschwörungstheorien (Baxmann, Matthias) DRK 3:44 ?
08:08 Parteineugründung - Versagen die Etablierten beim wichtigsten Zukunftsthema? (Ney, Denise) DRK 7:04 ?
08:20 Neue Krimis - 'Altlasten' von Sara Paretsky (Hartl, Sonja) DRK 2:44 ?
08:35 Italien - Wie die Mafia von der Coronakrise profitiert (Hielscher, Diane) DLF 5:59
08:42 Das Wichtigste heute Morgen (Büüsker, Ann-Kathrin) DLF 5:18 ?
10:08 Die USA am Wendepunkt? (Boyle, T.C.) DRK 12:12 ?
10:35 Kontrovers: J.K. Rowlings Essay (Gorgis, Elena) DRK 7:08 ?
11:20 Das muss man gehört haben oder auch nicht (Schwesig, Oliver) DRK 5:22 ?
11:36 Kükentöten beenden - Auch der Handel will baldige Lösungen (Eversberg, Annette) DLF 4:57 ?
11:43 Zurückgespult - Die Woche in der Musik (Reimann, Christoph) DRK 5:35 ?
12:27 Klimafeindliche Wirtschaftspolitik: Protest von Extinction Rebellion (Greffrath, Matthias) DRK 6:10 ?
12:37 Vertrauen in die Medien: Rezo und FAZ (Greffrath, Matthias) DRK 8:31 ?
14:33 Doku-Podcast über den Fall Oury Jalloh - Hörstück der Stunde (Podcast) (Dietrich, Fabian) DRK 8:58 ?
15:09 Jazz meets Americana - Norah Jones veröffentlicht 'Pick Me Up Off The Floor' (Poppendieck, Kerstin) DRK 6:25 ?
15:40 Tonart Live-Session: Jörn Schlüter von Someday Jacob (Böttcher, Martin) DRK 12:57 ?
15:40 Ausruhen - Mäuse haben offenbar eine Art 'Standby-Schalter' (Baumhöfer, Kathrin) DLF 4:02
16:30 Erdzustand, Erosionseinfluss, Innovationsmasken (Sandmeyer, Ann) DLF 5:38
17:13 Zum Tag gegen Kinderarbeit: Hilft das Lieferkettengesetz? (Tesch, Angela) DLF 3:05 ?
17:21 40 Jahre Scheibenwischer - Wieviel davon steckt im deutschen Kabarett (Fitz, Lisa) DRK 5:48 ?
18:05 Ideengeschichte - Der Ursprung vom Rassebegriff (Jahn, Thilo) DLF 5:17
18:33 Brexitgespräche: Aufschub (wohl) endgültig vom Tisch (Ueberbach, Stephan) DLF 2:23 ?
18:40 Energie der Zukunft? Die Wasserstoffstrategie der Bundesregierung (Budde, Alexander;Schmidt-Mattern, Barbara) DLF 18:58 ?
19:30 'Sie haben ihn einfach abgeknallt' US-Intellektuelle über Polizeigewalt (Feature) (Hillebrecht, Michael) DRK 29:33 ?
19:36 AfD - Die Unvereinbarkeitsliste (Jahn, Thilo) DLF 6:13
20:05 Jenseits des Ponyhofs (Klare, Jörn) DLF 54:31 ?
(#) Info
(1) Es ist schon schwer, ein Fahrrad zu zeichnen, zu erfinden war es noch schwerer. Die Geschichte des Fahrrads beginnt jedenfalls am 12. Juni 1817, als Karl Friedrich Freiherr Drais von Sauerbronn sein Laufrad vorstellte.
(2) Bruno Balz hat die Lieder für den Film geschrieben. Auch: "Davon geht die Welt nicht unter". Balz war schwul und wurde für die Premiere aus dem KZ entlassen.
(3) Leidenschaft, Verantwortungsgefühl und Augenmaß sind für den Soziologen Max Weber (1864 - 1920) die wichtigsten Qualitäten eines guten Politikers. Welche Rolle spielt sein Denken heute? Von Matthias Kußmann
(4) Einsamkeit galt lange Zeit als Privatsache. 12 Prozent der Deutschen fühlen sich ständig oder häufig einsam. Überraschenderweise vor allem junge Erwachsenen. Welche Ursachen hat Einsamkeit? Welche Strategien gibt es gegen sie? // Von Egon Koch / WDR 2020 /
(5) Finnlands Hauptstadt Helsinki ist nicht nur Zentrum für Verwaltung, Kultur, Handel und Technologie - die quirlige Metropole am Meer mit Buchten und Felsbuckeln, mit Schären, Yachthäfen und hypermodernen Siedlungen wählen immer mehr Landflüchtige zum Wohnsitz und Arbeitsplatz. Das weiß-blaue Stadtwappen mit Boot und Königskrone weist auf den Ursprung hin. Autorin: Hildburg Heider
submitted by DieHermetischeGarage to DasOhrIstDerWeg [link] [comments]

2020.05.27 14:30 vic1288 I've heared you like investors here...

Greetings, fellow Annoholics
Seeing all beautiful cities on this subreddit, I decided to build one of my own. I decided to go with stockpileing investors, but after creating layout for the city I sat down and started calculating how much goods I actually need to provide them with. When I realized how many factories of each good a proper investor city requires, I went and played along with items to maximize production and minimize workforce needed. Below you can find my layouts for all Investors' basic and luxury needs. The trick with those layouts is that they're based around trade unions (TU), so quite a bit of influence is needed for it, but if you play on easy or normal influence difficulty, you end up with about +400 influence on normal setting and +800 on easy setting, so it's worth the effort at the end of the day. I'm aware that with Bright Harvest coming up, most optimal layouts for farms will change, but the amount of needed farm goods will not (I think), therefore my layout will still apply.
Layouts As everybody probably knows, Investors require 7 Basic Needs of good and 4 Luxury Needs. Therefore, layouts below will be for -Spectacles, Cofffee, Lightbulbs, Champagne, Cigars, Chocolatte, Steam Carriages (BN) -Bicycles, Pocket Watches, Jewelery, Gramophones (LN)
General Notes: For the layouts to work Seat of Power and Sunken Treasures are required! Each of New World goods is produced on seperate island while all Old World goods are produced on one island. It's important that all the main production buildings are in reach of local ministry, which has bonus -50% workforce active. All production buildings on that island also need to be electrified, either by power plant or an item. All specialists (except legendaries) can be bought at Eli Blackworth or Isabel Sarmento, all equipment items can also be bought at NPC's or obtained as reward for World Fair's Exhibition. Legendary Specialists can be obtained by tourist pier with "special visitors" in local ministry and...patience. All legendaries will spawn eventually, but it might take couple of hours. Each layout follows pattern: Good A (layout below supplies A Ivestor Houses) x Raw Material Buidings (each working at y% efficency) x Factories (each at y% effciency)TU applies to all buildings of this type
Spectacles: (592 IH)
5 Sand Mine (100%) 5 Glassmaker (100%) 5 Spectacle FactoryTU1 (290%) <-- 3 Lumberjack (100%) TU1: Gerhard Fuchs, Optometrist Otto, Human IncarN8 Nr. 9
Coffee: (555 IH)
10 Coffee PlantationsTU1 (250%) 10 Coffee RoastersTU2 (250%) TU1: Botanist Hermann, Dr Ali Al-Zahir, Superphospahe Fertalizer TU2: Coffee Sommalier, Marco de la Mocha, Copper Destiller
Light Bulbs: (540 IH)
4 Coal Mine (100%) 14 Filament Factory (100%) 6 Light Bulb FactoryTU1 (225%) <-- 7 Glassmakers (100%) <--7 Sand Mine (100%) TU1: Human IncarN8 Nr. 9, Owens Automatic Blower, Science Whizz
Champagne: (578 IH)
11 Grape FarmTU1 (250%) 3 Champagne 227% <-- 7 Glassmaker (100%) <-- 7 Sand Mine (100%) TU1: Superphosphate Fertilizer, Medal-winning Producer, Patent Steel Seed Drill
Cigars: (567 IH)
10 Tabacco FarmsTU1 (254%) 3 Cigar FactoryTU2 (210%) <-- 3 Timer (105%) <-- 3 Lumberjack (105%) TU1: Patent Steel Seed Drill, Dr Ali Al-Zahir, Superphosphate Fertalizer TU2: Torceador Lucia, Lovelyman Grinding Machine, Cigar Afficionado
Chocolatte: (562,5 IH)
6 Sugar Farm (130%) 6 Sugar Factory (130%) 6 Chocolatte FactoryTU1 (250%) <-- 12 Cocoa FarmTU2 (250%) TU1: Chocoholic Charlotte, Elmer's Electric Oven, Gennaro Gallibardi TU2: Patent Steel Seed Drill, Superphosphate Fertalizer, Balance Plough
Steam Carriages: (780IH)
2 Lumberjack (100%), 3 Rubber FarmTU1 (280%) 3 CoachmakersTU2 (350%) 2 Cab FactoryTU3 (260%) <-- 3 Fliament Factory (100%) <-- 3 Charcoal Klin (100%) TU1: Dr Ali Al-Zahir, Superphosphate Fertalizer, Balance Plough TU2: Harker's Electric Treadle, Seraphim Papadikas TU3: Susanah The Steam Engineer, Bruno Ironbright (not needed, but eliminates need for Heavy Weaponry and Steam Engines), Human IncarN8 Nr. 9
Bicycles: (550 IH)
7 Iron Mine (100%) 5 Bicycle FactoryTU1 (275%) <-- 9 Rubber FarmTU2 (280%) TU1: UltiN8 Power Matrix, Dario MEng, "The Cutting Edge" TU2: Dr Ali Al-Zahir, Superphosphate Fertalizer, Balance Plough
Jewelry: (570 IH)
20 Gold Mine (150%) 3 Jewelry FactoryTU1 (250%) TU1: Human IncarN8 Nr. 9, François Strindberg, Goldsmith Gilbert
Pocket Watches: (544 IH)
5 Zinc Mine (171%), 5 Copper Mine (171%) 3 Brass SmelterTU1 (285%) 5 ClockmakersTU2 (258%) <-- 5 Glassmakers (100%) <-- 5 Sand Mine (100%) TU1: Lord Footprint's Law, Bechamel Converter, Reverberatory Furnace TU2: Human IncarN8 Nr. 9, Feras Alsarami, Chronometrist Chiara
Gramophones: (570 IH)
1 Lumberjack (75%) 1 Timber (75%) 2 Gramophone FactoryTU1 (300%) <-- 1 Brass SmelteryTU2 (300%) <-- 1 Zinc Mine (150%), 1 Copper Mine (150%) TU1: Harker's Electric Treadle, Seraphim Papadikas, Johan the Inventor TU2: Lord Footprint's Law, Bechamel Converter, Reverberatory Furnace
Now, the best part of those layouts is the required workforce for all of them combined, oscilating around 0 people. Seriously. To be exact, if you manage to pack everyting within influence area of local ministry and TU with Nate's robots, you will need about 180 Engineers, 300 Workers and 100 Farmers. All you need to do then is connect your city and production island by commuter piers and viola, there's your workforce.
Layouts above allow to fully suppy up to 540 Investor Houses, but if you are one of those mercyless tyrants/skillful enterpenuers (cross out the one that doesn't apply ;P ) that uses propaganda all the time, you can make 1540 Investor Houses, fully supplied. Number 1540 assumes every propaganda article in the newspaper will be lowered consumption (-60% overall).
While it's not production layout, I also found out that those cultural sets are most useful for city (lower consumption, more doctors, happiness bonus etc.)
Museum: Eagle Empire, Jurassic, Lost Cities, Anno 1701 Music Sheet Zoo: Artic Tundra, Taiga Forest, Eastern Jungle, Luminaries, Anno 1404 Music Sheet Botanic Garden: Marshland, Medicinal, Saragosso Sea, Sacred, Anno 2070 Music Sheet.
I hope those layouts will help you with supplying your cities. If you have any questions regading what I've written above, I'll be happy to help.
At the end, I want to suggest couple of small things that will gameplay much, much better that could be added at small cost with next patch (I hope someone from dev team will notice this). I must say, Anno 1800 overall is a great game and I spent countless hours in it, but it can be frustrating at times, due to several things: -autorotation of engineers/investors houses -> just please add an option do turn in on/off. Will make life and city building so much easier. -finally make paths and gates (decorative buildings) compatible. It's a small visual bug (path does not go upto the gate, leaving a space in between), that personally irritates me a lot. -fix the dissapearing turrents bug. Another small visual bug, probably quite easy to fix (it wasn't a problem before Seat of Power was released). -finally, the one I really, really want to see. Could you please, dear Ubi devs, add a non-expansion pact for all NPC's not only the easy difficulty ones? It drives me nuts that I can either let other NPCs take the whole map like a mold, take all island myself (which eats up horrendus amounts of influence), or get rid of the NPC's, which I really don't want to since I placed them in the game in the first place. I'll be happy even if the mechanic is copy-pasted stright from 2070 (A.K.A. I'll give you 100k$ so you don't settle any island without my permission for next two hours). Lack of this mechanic makes late game not fun at all, because you're either constantly fighting the NPC whenever you need an extra mine slot, or being forced to exterminate them somewhat before for being "too annoying". To be honest, this stopped me from picking any two or three star AI's from continuous games. It would really mean a lot for to if such a mechanic would be added.
P.S. I apologize in advance if anything said above is unclear. It's my first post. ;)
submitted by vic1288 to anno [link] [comments]

2020.05.25 09:31 marybedell3 Stairlift Market 2020 Research Methodology, Business Plans Till 2029 - In-Depth Industry Research Report

The Stairlift market report considers the present scenario of the Stairlift Market and its market dynamics for the period 2019-2025. It covers a detailed overview of various market growth enablers, restraints, and trends. The study includes both the demand and supply sides of the market. It also profiles and analyzes the leading companies and several other prominent companies operating in the Stairlift market.
Key companies profiled in Stairlift Market report are Otolift, HIRO LIFT, Stannah, ACORN, Handicare, ThyenKrupp, Platinum, Bespoke Stairlifts, Harmar, MEDITEK and Bruno and more in term of company basic information, Product Introduction, Application, Specification, Production, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin (2015-2020), etc.
Get a sample copy of the report at -

Use Corporate eMail ID to Get Higher Priority

submitted by marybedell3 to u/marybedell3 [link] [comments]

2020.04.30 14:27 duedalen009 Stairlift Market Analysis 2020 – Global Development Trends to 2025

Stairlift Market Analysis 2020 – Global Development Trends to 2025
The latest trending report Global Stairlift Market 2020 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2025 offered by is an informative study covering the market with detailed analysis. The report will assist reader with better understanding and decision making.
The Stairlift market report provides a detailed analysis of global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive Landscape, sales analysis, impact of domestic and global market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunities analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, area marketplace expanding, and technological innovations.
This report also researches and evaluates the impact of Covid-19 outbreak on the Stairlift industry, involving potential opportunity and challenges, drivers and risks. We present the impact assessment of Covid-19 effects on Stairlift and market growth forecast based on different scenario (optimistic, pessimistic, very optimistic, most likely etc.).
Final Report will cover the impact of COVID-19 on this industry.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @
The major players covered in Stairlift are:

  • ThyssenKrupp
  • Handicare
  • Harmar
  • Stannah
  • Platinum
  • Otolift
  • Bruno
  • Jiujiu Yanyang
  • Fengning
  • Savaria
  • Kumalift
By Type, Stairlift market has been segmented into

  • Straight Stairlift
  • Curved Stairlift
By Application, Stairlift has been segmented into:

  • Residence
  • Medicare Area
  • Public Place
  • Others
The report offers in-depth assessment of the growth and other aspects of the Stairlift market in important countries (regions), including:

  • North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
  • Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
  • Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
  • South America (Brazil, Argentina, etc.)
  • Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Download Free Sample Report of Global Stairlift Market @
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Stairlift product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Stairlift, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Stairlift in 2018 and 2019. Chapter 3, the Stairlift competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Stairlift breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2015 to 2020. Chapter 12, Stairlift market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2020 to 2025. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Stairlift sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.
Purchase the complete Global Stairlift Market Research Report @
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2020.03.12 08:13 mikecro2 How did veterans perform and which players made a difference (GW 29)

This goes with Picks and transfers the veteran managers made this week compared to sample of top 500k
Summary: edged a little advantage on average
Attribute Veterans Sample of Top 500k
Mean GW points 55.9 54.7
Median GW points 55 54
Mean overall rank 328008 263334
Median overall rank 169384 243825
Mean overall rank increase -9898 -12768
Median overall rank increase -2100 -2451
Mean hit points 1.8 1.5
Key player contributions. only shows players with difference of > 0.2 points either way
Player PlayerPts Vet Plyd% Vet Capt% Vet 3xCapt% Vet Pts Contrib Sample Plyd% Sample Capt% Sample 3xCapt% Sample Pts Contrib Contrib Diff
Mohamed Salah 9 95.3 29.5 0.2 11.2 78.3 30.6 0.3 9.8 1.4
Harvey Barnes 19 23.6 0.0 0.0 4.5 9.6 0.0 0.0 1.8 2.7
Alex McCarthy 12 30.7 0.0 0.0 3.7 11.8 0.0 0.0 1.4 2.3
Sadio Mané 13 25.4 1.1 0.1 3.5 23.3 5.7 0.1 3.8 -0.3
Çaglar Söyüncü 6 44.8 0.0 0.0 2.7 29.9 0.0 0.0 1.8 0.9
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang 2 64.1 61.7 2.2 2.6 48.3 41.3 2.0 1.8 0.8
Jamie Vardy 11 20.0 0.4 0.0 2.3 25.9 2.1 0.0 3.1 -0.8
Willy Boly 8 20.6 0.0 0.0 1.6 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.6 1.0
Matt Doherty 6 23.4 0.0 0.0 1.4 13.4 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.6
Bruno Miguel Borges Fernandes 6 24.1 0.0 0.0 1.4 30.1 0.6 0.0 1.8 -0.4
Virgil van Dijk 6 22.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 27.0 0.2 0.0 1.6 -0.3
John Lundstram 12 11.2 0.0 0.0 1.3 35.6 0.0 0.0 4.3 -3.0
Romain Saïss 8 16.7 0.0 0.0 1.3 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.4
Dean Henderson 7 14.9 0.0 0.0 1.0 25.8 0.0 0.0 1.8 -0.8
Mathew Ryan 7 12.5 0.0 0.0 0.9 7.9 0.0 0.0 0.6 0.3
Anthony Martial 8 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.8 16.0 0.1 0.0 1.3 -0.5
Jamaal Lascelles 6 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.7 6.8 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.3
Jack Stephens 2 23.7 0.0 0.0 0.5 10.8 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.3
Ricardo Domingos Barbosa Pereira 6 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 -0.3
George Baldock 6 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.2 12.9 0.0 0.0 0.8 -0.6
Mason Mount 6 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.2 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.5 -0.3
Kasper Schmeichel 6 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.1 9.6 0.0 0.0 0.6 -0.5
Rui Pedro dos Santos Patrício 6 1.8 0.0 0.0 0.1 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.4 -0.3
Hit profile
hits count percent
0 1540 62.9
1 779 31.8
2 116 4.7
3 7 0.3
4 2 0.1
5 1 0
7 1 0
12 2 0.1
26 1 0
submitted by mikecro2 to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

2020.02.26 03:02 DieHermetischeGarage Podcast-PlayList vom Dienstag, 25.02.2020

Die gesamte Tages-PlayList
Sendung Titel
BR Kalenderblatt 25.02.1994 Christo darf den Reichstag verhüllen (1)
BR Hoerspiel Kosmokoloss. Eine Tragikomödie über das Klima und den Erdball (2)
BR Nachtstudio Männer oder Mäuse - Wie ist der neue Mann? (3)
BR Wissen Wilhelm Busch - Dichter, Zeichner, Kinderschreck (4)
SWR Zeitwort 25.2.1944: Der Regisseur Kurt Gerron kommt im KZ an (5)
WDR Zeitzeichen Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium errichtet (am 25.2.0050) (6)
Zeit Titel wo min
07:15 Berlinale: Bewundert und geschmäht - Hillary Clinton in der Doku 'Hillary' (Brink, Nana) DRK 6:24 ?
07:24 Interview mit Philipp Amthor, CDU, Innenausschuss, zur CDU-Ausrichtung (Heuer, Christine) DLF 11:45 ?
08:07 Union - Wo sind die CDU-Spitzenfrauen? (Haase, Till) DLF 6:03
08:44 Das wichtigste heute Morgen (Heuer, Christine) DLF 4:33 ?
09:05 Filmemacher Alexander Kluge (Bürger, Britta) DRK 35:13 ?
11:55 Schmerzmittel: Wirksam - aber mit Nebenwirkungen (Stiftung Warentest) (Nürnberger, Dieter) DLF 3:54 ?
12:08 Ansage Merz, Absage Spahn: Wer führt bald die CDU? (Polenz, Ruprecht) DRK 14:26 ?
14:20 Kurzfilm 'Schweinchen': Tod, Verwesung, neues Leben (Podcast) (Buttgereit, Jörg & Benecke, Mark) DRK 8:14 ?
15:16 Corsogespräch XL: Serdar Somuncu über sein Bühnenprogramm 'GröHaZ' (Brinkmann, Sören) DLF 14:03 ?
15:40 Tonart Live-Session: Teepee (Böttcher, Martin) DRK 12:14 ?
15:42 Die erste Spiegel-Ausgabe v. 'Lesezeichen' erscheint - Interview m. A. Schneider (Köster, Bettina) DLF 4:28 ?
16:09 Großbritannien will Visumpflicht für Musiker*innen ab 2021 (Rotifer, Robert) DRK 8:18 ?
16:30 Taubenrennen, Sportler-Kritik, Polarstern (Sielker, Kathrin) DLF 5:47
16:40 Ein Album über Kindheitserinnerungen: Douglas Dare und 'Milkteeth' (Brecke, Bettina) DRK 5:56 ?
17:37 Meilenstein für MeToo und gegen Missbrauch - Zum Urteil gegen Harvey Weinstein (Flaßpöhler, Svenja) DLF 4:25 ?
18:40 Sterbehilfe - Der Paragraf 217 wird vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht verhandelt (Gärtner, Jenni) DLF 5:47
19:05 Laschet kann CDU-Identität wahren (Detjen, Stephan) DLF 3:17 ?
19:10 Weinstein-Urteil: Schuldspruch wiegt schwerer als 'Lebenslänglich' (Passenheim, Antje) DLF 2:48 ?
22:03 Ich habe geweint und geschrien (Schütte, Fritz) DRK 54:21 ?
23:14 Interview mit Michael Wehner, Politologe (Zurheide, Jürgen) DLF 8:43
23:24 EU bereitet Verhandlungen mit Großbritannien vor (Klein, Bettina) DLF 3:29
23:31 Coronavirus Italien: Vom Rand der 'roten Zone' (Weiß, Lisa) DLF 3:56
(#) Info
(1) Sieht man etwas wirklich besser, wenn es vermummt wird? Unter Umständen schon! Am 25. Februar 1994 stimmte der Bundestag dafür, dass der Berliner Reichstag verhüllen werden darf.
(2) Die Bewohner der Erde schlafen ruhig, denn sie wissen kaum etwas über den Planeten, auf dem sie sich befinden. Sie begreifen nicht, wie sehr das, was sie für den festen Rahmen ihrer Existenz halten, ins Taumeln geraten ist. Von Bruno Latour. Aus dem Französischen von Margit Rosen // Mit Wolfgang Pregler, Marie Seiser, Kathrin von Steinburg, Steven Scharf, Gabriel Raab und anderen // Komposition: Saam Schlamminger // Regie: Ulrich Lampen // BZKM 2013
(3) Männer sterben früher, sind häufiger straffällig und müssen es ertragen, mit Donald Trump verglichen zu werden. Sie sind das verlorene Geschlecht. Oder müssen sie sich einfach neu erfinden?
(4) Jeder kennt sie: Die Bildergeschichten von Wilhelm Busch: Max und Moritz, die fromme Helene oder Plisch und Plumm. Und viele seiner Reime sind sprichwörtlich geworden, z.B. 'Vater werden ist nicht schwer, Vater sein dagegen sehr'.
(5) Kurt Gerron, einer der Stars der Berliner Kulturszene, wurde im KZ gezwungen einen lustigen Film zu drehen: Theresienstadt als unbeschwerte Ferien-Idylle.
(6) Dass Köln die Metropole werden konnte, die sie heute ist, verdankt sie einer Frau: Agrippina, Ehefrau des römischen Kaisers Claudius, bat ihren Mann im Jahr 50 nach Christus, ihren Heimatort in Germanien zur Militärkolonie zu erheben. Aus einer Siedlung, dem 'Oppidum Ubiorum', wurde die 'Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium', kurz: CCAA. Autorin: Jana Fischer
submitted by DieHermetischeGarage to DasOhrIstDerWeg [link] [comments]

2019.12.17 00:09 DieHermetischeGarage Podcast-PlayList vom Montag, 16.12.2019

Die gesamte Tages-PlayList
Sendung Titel
BR Feuilleton Der Pfarrer (1)
BR Kalenderblatt William Henry Ireland fälscht Shakespeare (2)
SWR Zeitwort 16.12.1938: Adolf Hitler stiftet das Mutterkreuz (3)
SWR Wissen Europas ewige AKW-Baustelle in Finnland (4)
WDR Hoerspiel 'Die Liebe, sie wird’s erreichen!' - Opern-Diven in Beethovens Bann (5)
WDR Zeitzeichen Volksbund Dt. Kriegsgräberfürsorge gegründet (am 16.12.1919) (6)
Zeit Titel wo min
05:20 Wie geht es weiter in Großbritannien nach Johnsons Wahlsieg? (Laack, Stephan) DLF 2:25 ?
05:24 Repräsentantenhaus stimmt Mitte der Woche über Impeachment ab (Landwehr, Arthur) DLF 3:24 ?
05:41 Indien - Gewalt bei Protesten gegen Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz (Musch-Borowska, Bernd) DLF 2:45 ?
08:10 Hongkong - Die Regierungschefin von Hongkong als Spielball Chinas (Haase, Till) DLF 5:28
08:35 UN-Klimakonferenz - 'Das Scheitern lag die ganze Zeit in der Luft' (Haase, Till) DLF 4:56
08:40 Buchkritik: Saul Friedländer, Erzählen, Erklären. Ein Gespräch mit Stéphane Bou (Hueck, Carsten) DRK 5:38 ?
08:41 Das wichtigste heute Morgen (Armbrüster, Tobias) DLF 5:00 ?
10:15 'It's a nerd's world' - Erfinder, Gründer und Pioniere der digitalen Welt (Schrödel, Tobias) DRK 11:05 ?
11:35 Das muss man gehört haben... oder auch nicht: Club (Kühne, Gesine) DRK 5:22 ?
11:44 Jazz-Debüt des Jahres 2019: Keno Harriehausen Quartet (Wegner, Matthias) DRK 5:45 ?
12:18 Regierungskrise Sachsen-Anhalt. Wie reagiert der Partei-Vorstand? (Nassehi, Armin) DRK 4:10 ?
12:40 Türkis-grün im Neuen Jahr - Koalitionsverhandlungen zwischen ÖVP und Grünen (Verenkotte, Clemens) DLF 3:08 ?
12:45 75 Jahre Ardennenoffensive. Schaffen Schauspieler ein angemessenes Gedenken? (Nassehi, Armin) DRK 6:18 ?
14:10 CDU-Politiker mit Hakenkreuz-Tattoo, Interview Sven Schulze, CDU Sachsen-Anhalt (Meyer, Ute) DLF 7:42 ?
15:07 Film der Woche: 'The Farewell' von Lulu Wang (Albrecht, Jörg) DLF 5:10 ?
15:08 Stormzys 'Heavy is the Head' - Neues Album vom Rapper, der die Zukunft prägen wird (Hiersemann, Elissa) DRK 8:03 ?
15:20 Einigung beim Klimapaket - CO2 wird deutlich teurer (Schmidt-Mattern, Barbara) DLF 5:40
15:38 Und täglich grüßt die Empörungsspirale: Greta Thunbergs Zugfahrt (Kid, Mirjam) DLF 7:14 ?
15:40 Tonart-Livessession: Jade Jackson (Perkovic, Vivian) DRK 12:06 ?
15:45 Gemeinnütziger Journalismus - noch immer nicht förderungswürdig (Ophoven, Christopher) DLF 5:23 ?
16:30 ISS-Rekordpläne, Weiße-Weihnacht-Mythos, Ernährungsfalle (Stiegler, Sophie) DLF 5:24
16:37 Soundscout: Stumfol aus Süddeutschland (Poppendieck, Kerstin) DRK 4:21 ?
18:19 Gesetzentwurf gegen Hasskriminalität - Diskussion um Passwort-Herausgabe (Geuther, Gudula) DRK 4:01 ?
18:28 Kenia-Koalition in Sachsen-Anhalt wackelt - Angst vor rechter Unterwanderung (Richter, Christoph) DLF 3:48 ?
18:36 Die Bahn und Greta: Gestörte Kommunikation (Günther, Ralph) DLF 4:58
19:12 Nazi-Streit in Sachsen-Anhalt - CDU ohne Kompass (Richter, Christoph D.) DLF 3:13 ?
19:25 Anastasija Selenkowa - 'Tagebuch eines NKWD-Mitarbeiters' (Kellermann, Florian) DLF 7:34 ?
19:30 Odd Arne Westad - 'Der Kalte Krieg. Eine Weltgeschichte' (Baag, Robert) DLF 7:32 ?
19:37 Jasna Strick zu Wikimannia: Antifeminismus - eigener Content ist die Antwort (Günther, Ralph) DLF 4:02
19:40 Bruno Kern - 'Das Märchen vom grünen Wachstum' (Dohmen, Caspar) DLF 7:04 ?
19:50 Daron Acemoglu und James A. Robinson - 'Gleichgewicht der Macht' (Palzer, Thomas) DLF 7:11 ?
22:03 Fake Metal Jacket - Teil 2 (Podcast) (Recker, Sven) DRK 46:43 ?
23:24 Zu Asche, zu Staub. Weltpremiere der 3. Staffel von 'Babylon Berlin' (Kranz, Oliver) DRK 5:46 ?
23:50 Erdogan droht USA mit Blockade von Militärbasen (Buttkereit, Christian) DLF 2:57
(#) Info
(1) Ganz gleich, ob er nun der Gemeinde die Leviten liest oder seinen Schäfchen ein guter Hirte ist, in Bayern zählt der Pfarrer seit jeher zu den hochwürdigen Instanzen, gehört er doch zu Gottes Bodenpersonal ... und zum öffentlichen Leben wie die Kirche zum Dorf.
(2) Um dem Vater eine Freude zu machen, einfach mal ein paar Shakespeare-Dokumente fälschen, denkt sich der Sohn. Der Vater jedoch ist ein Sammler und denkt: Nur mehr davon bekommen! Also denkt sich der Sohn nichts und greift wieder zur Feder - anstelle des Barden.
(3) Adolf Hitler: 'Als sichtbares Zeichen des Dankes des Deutschen Volkes an kinderreiche Mütter stifte ich das Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter.'
(4) Auch 14 Jahre nach Baubeginn hat das finnische AKW Olkiluoto noch keine einzige Kilowattstunde Strom erzeugt. Dafür sind die Kosten explodiert.
(5) Ludwig van Beethoven hat nur eine Oper geschrieben – und mit der Hauptfigur Leonore eine zentrale Sehnsuchtsrolle vieler großer Diven geschaffen. Warum das so ist, daran verzweifeln die Künstlerinnen selber oft. Große Diven erzählen uns davon. // Von Thomas Voigt / Regie: Thomas Wolfertz / WDR 2019
(6) Bis heute werden die Überreste gefallener deutscher Soldaten geborgen und auf Soldatenfriedhöfe umgebettet. Allein 2018 wurden über 24.000 solcher Umbettungen vorgenommen, die meisten davon in Russland, Polen und Weißrussland. Zuständig ist bis heute ein gemeinnütziger Verein, der kurz nach den Schrecken des Ersten Weltkrieges als 'Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge' gegründet wurde. Autor: Marko Rösseler
submitted by DieHermetischeGarage to DasOhrIstDerWeg [link] [comments]

2019.10.23 17:32 Acquire_Research Stairlift Market 2019 The demand For Market is Growing Worldwide…

Stairlift Market 2019 The demand For Market is Growing Worldwide…
This report Stairlift Market is all about assessing a number of essential elements that will have large impact on Stairlift Market including contemporary trends, leading manufacturers/companies, market changing dynamics. Additionally, this report adds strategic suggestions consulted by industry experts such as turnover, raw materials, manufacturing outlays, demands, sources, market forecasts, and the amount of manufacturing cost structure.
The Stairlift Market Research Separates into Following Sections:
The first section of this report covers product introduction, market descriptions, price analysis, manufacturing process analysis, market analysis, and market value chain analysis.The second part tracks micro and macroeconomic factors that either affect or encourage market growth during the forecast year 2019 to 2024.
Then the market study performs a deep study to provide users with forecast factors, market volume (in $US Mn), by geographical areas and applications.The next part offers crucial information and extensive strategies that will help players stay ahead in the market competition for the next few decades.The remaining sub-sections give a thorough list of market shareholders of the market.
Market Segmentation:
Product Segment Analysis: Straight Stairlift, Curved Stairlift
Application Segment Analysis: Residence, Medicare Area, Public Place, Others
Regional Segment Analysis: USA, Europe, Japan, China, India, South East Asia
The Players mentioned in our report: ACORN, Handicare, ThyenKrupp, Otolift, HIRO LIFT, Platinum, MEDITEK, Bespoke Stairlifts, Bruno, Stannah, Harmar, ,
Global Stairlift Market Report Provides Comprehensive Analysis of: • Stairlift industry diagram• Up and Downstream industry investigation• Economy effect features diagnosis• Channels and speculation plausibility• Market contest by Players• Improvement recommendations examination
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Market segments and sub-segments, progressing trends, updates, market opportunities, challenges, threats, and market forecasting. Major Manufacturers are also analyzed: In this report, the competitive landscape section covers detailed profiles of key players, as well as their capacity, company profiles, product details, price, cost, revenue, and gross consumption, are provided. This portion appraises the market based on top vendors, their organization detailing, volume, areas, supply-demand scheme, and development trends. Geographically, this report is divided into many key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and market share in these regions, from 2019 to 2024 (forecast), covering: North America (United States, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.), Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa).This report provides planned orientations referred by the industry experts. It draws attention to the market regulation policies, rising trends of globalization, and environmental concerns that may affect crucial business decisions. Additionally, high, low and medium penetrating regions are analyzed as a part of the regional analysis.
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In the end, the objective of the market research report is the current status of the market and in accordance classifies it into a few objects. The report takes into consideration the first market players in every area from over the globe.
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2019.10.20 21:05 Ainsoph777 A Jesuit Eusebio Kino S.J. is the founder of modern cattle farming, he now has a statue in Washington!

Just as the Jesuits have herded the "citizens" as cattle by managing the legal fiction law system which is based on Roman/Latin contract law, and how the Jesuits herded the Guayrana Indians as cattle in their reduction camps in Paraguay, which is where the system of modern communism was perfected---Karl Marx, Fidel Castro and Joseph Stalin were all trained by Jesuits---A Jesuit priest Eusebio Kino S.J. is the credited founder of modern day cattle farming.The Catholic New Advent Encyclopedia admits this about the Jesuit reductions in Paraguay
: "The economic basis was a sort of communism, which, however differed materially from the modern system which bears the same name, and was essentially theocratic. "The Jesuits", writes Gelpi y Ferro, "realized in their Christian commonwealth all that is good and nothing that is bad in the plans of modern Socialists and Communists." "

The National Parks Service actually admits Jesuit Eusebio Kino is the founder of modern cattle farming! :
" Padre Kino stood 5'6" tall and was solidly built. He had a broad nose, deep-set eyes and a pronounced brow. He was dark skinned with wavy black hair. He entered the Jesuit college at Trent and went on to the Jesuit college at Hall near Innesbruck, Austria. He joined the Company of Jesus on November 20, 1665 after an illness which nearly claimed his life. He also attended the Universities of Landsberg, Inlolstadt, Innesbruck, Munich and Oehingen. He came to the New World in 1681 and was appointed missionary and royal cosmographer for the California Expedition on October 28, 1682. He arrived in Baja California on April 4, 1683. He was on the second expedition to California on October 6, 1683 at which time he built a mission and established a fort at San Bruno near Loreto. On August 15, 1684 he took his final vows as a Jesuit. He was appointed missionary to the Seri and Guaymas Indians on November 20, 1685. He arrived at Cucurpe in the Pimeria Alta on March 13, 1687 and built his first and home mission just north of there at Nuestra Senora de los Dolores del Cosari. Over the next twenty-four years he established 24 missions and visitas and set up the foundation for modern agriculture and livestock raising...... 13 Mar. 1687 Arrives in Cucurpe and the Pimería Alta, establishing his first mission “Nuestra Señora de los Dolores de Cósari” there. It’s the beginning of his life-time titanic work that lasts 24 years, building 24 missions and “visitas.” The Indians’ living conditions in those days were considerably improved. He sets up the basis for agriculture and cattle-growing. He promotes apprenticeships of artisans and similar trades."

(In 2016 for the 100 year anniversary for the National Park Service, Jesuit Eusebio Kino was honored in a special ceremony. " Mark O'Hare of the Kino Heritage Society handed out Kino wheat to Tumacacori visitors. The grains came from a line of winter wheat the Jesuit brought to the missions. O'Hare, a Tucson native and admirer of Father Kino since boyhood, runs the society's website, He said the group was formed in 2010 to make Father Kino's life and legacy more known to the public and to assist the Diocese of Tucson in promoting his cause for canonization.")

Quoting from History of the Cattle Industry in the Southwest Clara M. Love, The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Apr., 1916), pp. 370-399 ,Texas State Historical Association :
"Cattle are not native to the United States. They were brought into what is now the southwestern portion of the United States by the Spaniards as early as the Coronado expedition in 1540. The first Spanish settlement in the Southwest was in New Mexico. Sheep were introduced and cattle were raised by the inhabitants of the colony before the revolt of the Indians in 1680. The cattle ran at will and wandered over large areas. Owing to the higher state of civilization of the Indians, the missions never attained the importance as industrial training schools here that they reached in other colonies. The industries were carried on by the settlers and the Indians who engaged chiefly in agriculture, stock-raising, and barter. In the later seventeenth century the energetic Jesuit missionary, Father Kino, introduced stock-raising into Arizona. In connection with missionary work he established ranches in the valleys of the Magdalena, the Altar, the San Pedro and the Santa Cruz Rivers. The labor was always performed by the Indians. In 1695 they revolted and drove off the cattle, but the work was re-established and throve until Kino's death, in 1711, after which little progress was made before 1731. In 1767 the Jesuits were expelled, and the work was taken up the following year by the Franciscans. From 1790 to 1820 was a period of prosperity in Arizona. The Apaches were peaceful, the missions improved their industries, and ranches and haciendas were built in the region extending southeast and southwest from Tucson. Under the Mexican rule, the friars remained loyal to Spain and were expelled in 1827. Indians now raided the stock thus deserted. When the forty-niners passed through Arizona they found the Pima Indians raising cattle and using oxen for farm work'."

" Salvatierra( Juan María de Salvatierra S.J.) must have been delighted with what he saw, for Bolton tells us: "The work which Father Kino did as a ranchman or stockman would alone stamp him as an unusual business man and make him worthy of remembrance. He was easily the cattle king of his day and region. The stock raising industry of nearly 20 places on the modern map owes its beginnings to this indefatigable man. And it must not be supposed that he did this for private gain for he did not own a single animal. It was to furnish a food supply for the Indians of the missions established and to be established and to give these missions a basis of economic prosperity and independence. Thus we find Saeta thanking him for the gift of 115 head of cattle, and as many sheep to begin a ranch at Caborca. In 1700, when San Xavier was founded Kino rounded up 1400 head of cattle on the ranch of his own mission at Dolores, and dividing them into two droves, sent one of them under his Indian overseer, to San Xavier. In the same year he took 700 cattle from his own ranch, and sent them Salvatierra, across the Gulf at Loreto--a transaction which was several times repeated "---- Eusebio Kino 1644-1711, Thomas J. Campbell, The Catholic Historical Review Vol. 5, No. 4 (Jan., 1920), pp. 353-376 :

F. Tupper Saussy had this to say about Eusebio Kino in his book Rulers of Evil(2001), pg. 93 : " The American cinema’s earliest subject matter to capture the popular imagination – the “cowboy” – was a Jesuit contribution as well. Eusebio Kino , whose statue is one of two representing Arizona in the U.S . Capitol building, was a Jesuit professor from Ingolstadt College in Bavaria. Between 1687 and 1711 Kino introduced cattle and their management to southern Arizona. For this he is gratefully remembered as “Father of the Cattle Business.” Pondering the works of Kircher and Kino , we come to a rather astonishing awareness: Kino’s cowboys , as projected through Kircher’s( Athanasius Kircher S.J.) magic lantern, indoctrinated America’ s earliest movie audiences with the underlying message of Jesuit theatre and Roman Catholic theology – that knowing and obeying Scripture is not necessary in comprehending the ways of good and evil, or in doing justice under natural law."

Quoting from a government website with a photo of the statue of Jesuit Eusebio Kino S.J., the statue went up in 1965.(Not coincidentally, 1965 was the same year Jesuit trained President Lyndon Johnson passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act which infused Billions of federal tax dollars into Catholic schools! ) :
" A man of many talents, Eusebio Kino was born on August 10, 1645, in Segno, Italy, a small town in the Tyrolese Alps. After recuperating from a serious illness, Kino joined the Society of Jesus in 1665. Although he wanted to go to the Orient, his orders gave him the choice of Spain or Mexico. After drawing his lot, Father Kino set out for Mexico in 1678. Four years later, as the head of a Jesuit mission, he led the Atondo expedition to lower California. After a drought in 1685, Kino was forced back to Mexico City.
In 1687, he journeyed to southern Arizona to work with the Pimas. Especially adept in mathematics and geography, he was one of the first scientific explorers, cartographers, astronomers, historians, builders, and ranchmen of the Pimera Alta. Due to his efforts, missions and stockyards were developed. Roads were built to connect previously inaccessible areas. His many expeditions on horseback covered over 50,000 square miles, during which he mapped an area 200 miles long and 250 miles wide, and deduced that California was a peninsula.
He built missions extending from the interior of Sonora 150 miles northeast to San Xavier del Bac. He constructed 19 rancheras, which supplied cattle to new settlements. He was also instrumental in the return of the Jesuits to California in 1697. Father Kino remained in southern Arizona until his death in 1711."

Quoting from the Library of Congress website : "Father Eusebio Francisco Kino (1645-1711), an Italian-born Jesuit priest and former royal cosmographer in the service of Spain, explored Pimería Alta in present-day southern Arizona and northern Mexico in the 1680s and 1690s. Because Kino was a skilled cartographer, his maps and writings added greatly to the knowledge of the Southwest. For example, on an earlier mission to Baja California in 1683-85, he determined that California was not an island.
Father Kino founded numerous missions and won many converts among the natives, whose customs he respected. He founded the mission of San Xavier del Bac in 1700 on the Santa Cruz River, near present-day Tucson, part of a chain of missions extending from Sonora and Baja California into Arizona. Kino introduced horses, cattle, and new crops such as wheat to the native peoples of the Pima region."

Quoting from : " Kino was also a skilled businessman. He is credited with introducing ranching as a viable economic enterprise in Primería Alta. The older missions had supplied him with a few animals, but he went on to establish cattle ranches in at least six river valleys in northern Mexico. The missions bred cattle, horses, mules, and sheep. The animals not only fed Native Americans but also enabled the missions to be financially self-sufficient. This was an important factor because it meant that the missions could survive regardless of what was happening politically and economically in Spain. In addition, it allowed Kino to develop new missions without relying on help from anybody else. For example, when creating San Xavier del Bac he was able to send along seven hundred animals—a large herd for the time. He also originated the idea of building a road around the head of the Gulf of Mexico in order to shorten the water route for shipping livestock. One historian has credited Kino with establishing the cattle industry in at least twenty places where it still exists today, including Tucson."
submitted by Ainsoph777 to Jesuitworldorder [link] [comments]

2019.08.20 12:57 trendsmarketresearc Stair Lift Market Will Reflect Significant Growth Prospects during 2018-2025

A stair lift market is used for transporting people over stairway who are unable or have problem with climbing the stairs. Such lifts are normally used by elderly people or patients. The stairlifts are installed on rails which are either straight or curved. A stairlift is typically an assembly of rail, seat and motor (A.C.or D.C). In terms of application, straight stair lift is used for single floor or multi floor buildings. Whilst, curved stairlift is mainly used for multistory building or house. Straight stairlifts are mainly made from extruded aluminum and curved stairs. Stairlifts are anticipated to capture the eyes of geriatric population owing to its outstanding features such as they can be folded while not in use. Curved rails are made from materials such as steel or aluminum and can come in various cross-sectional shapes as per the design and customization required. in terms of price, curved stairlifts are costlier when compared with straight stairlifts owing to more length of rail and high power of motor is required. The stairlifts are manufactured in parts and are installed as per the client’s requirements. The manufacturers take the whole responsibility of shipping the parts and stairlift installations. Apart from homes, stairlifts foresee a bright future in case of hill climbing. In the future instance, the global stairlift market is projected to grow with double digit CAGR during the forecast period.
Get More Information aboutStair Lift Market :
Stair Lift Market: Dynamics
Geriatric population or 65+ aged people having a problem with taking stairs and increasing the home aesthetics in some cases are the driving factors for the global market during the forecast period. Furthermore, increasing single family houses particularly in hilly area is projected to drive the market. In Europe, hip replacement cases are increasing day by day owing to increase the demand for stairlifts in near future.
Modern stair lifts can be found with a wide variety of features such as adjustable seat height, battery isolation switches, call stations, ‘flip-up’ rail, key switch, folding step, speed governor, seatbelt, soft start and soft stop. Introduction of IoT has also been a trending factor for the market.
Stair Lift Market Segmentation:
The global Stairlift market can be segmented on the basis of Rail Type:
The global stair lift market can be segment on the basis of Application:
The global stair lift market can be segment on the basis of Power Source:
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Stair Lift Market: Regional Outlook
North America is projected to dominate the global stairlift market owing to increasing demand from U.S. Europe is anticipated to second largest market for the global stair lift market. Furthermore, APAC is projected to grow with significant CAGR over the forecast period. Middle East and Africa in anticipated to grow with sluggish CAGR and China is anticipated to gain superior traction in the global market between the historical and forecast period.
Stair Lift Market: Key Players
Report Description:
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