Beckman coulter jobs

Donald J. Trump For President

2015.04.18 09:16 LawJusticeOrder Donald J. Trump For President

****Following the news related to Donald Trump during his presidential run.

2024.05.21 20:56 thinkingstranger May 19, 2024

Delivering the commencement address to the graduating seniors at Morehouse College today, President Joe Biden addressed the nation. After thanking the mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, and all the people who helped the graduates get to the chairs in front of the stage, Biden recalled Morehouse’s history. The school was founded in 1867 by civil rights leader Reverend William Jefferson White with the help of two other Baptist ministers, the Reverend Richard C. Coulter and the Reverend Edmund Turney, to educate formerly enslaved men. They believed “education would be the great equalizer from slavery to freedom,” Biden said, and they created an institution that would make the term “Morehouse man” continue to stand as a symbol of excellence 157 years later. Then Biden turned to a speech that centered on faith. Churches talk a lot about Jesus being buried on Friday and rising from the dead on Sunday, he said, “but we don’t talk enough about Saturday, when… his disciples felt all hope was lost. In our lives and the lives of the nation, we have those Saturdays—to bear witness the day before glory, seeing people’s pain and not looking away. But what work is done on Saturday to move pain to purpose? How can faith get a man, get a nation through what was to come?” It’s a truism that anything that happens before we are born is equidistant from our personal experience, mixing the recent past and the ancient past together in a similar vaguely imagined “before” time. Most of today’s college graduates were not born until about 2002 and likely did not pay a great deal of attention to politics until about five years ago. Biden took the opportunity to explain to them what it meant to live through the 1960s. He noted that he was the first in his family to graduate from college, paid for with loans. He fell in love, got a law degree, got married and took a job at a “fancy law firm.” But his world changed when an assassin murdered the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King—a Morehouse man—and the segregated city of Wilmington, Delaware, erupted with fires, looting, fights, and occasional gunfire. For nine months, the National Guard patrolled the city in combat gear, “the longest stretch in any American city since the Civil War,” Biden recalled. “Dr. King’s legacy had a profound impact on me and my generation, whether you’re Black or white,” Biden explained. He left the law firm to become first a public defender and then a county councilman, “working to change our state’s politics to embrace the cause of civil rights.” The Democratic Party had historically championed white supremacy, but that alignment was in the process of changing as Democrats had swung behind civil rights and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Biden and his cohort hoped to turn the Delaware Democratic Party toward the new focus on civil rights, he said. In 1972, Biden ran for the Senate and won…barely, in a state Republican president Richard Nixon won with 60% of the vote. Biden recalled how, newly elected and hiring staff in Washington, D.C., he got the call telling him that his wife and daughter had been killed in a car accident and that his two sons were gravely injured. The pain of that day hit again 43 years later, he said, when his son Beau died of cancer after living for a year next to a burn pit in Iraq. And he talked of meeting First Lady Jill Biden, “who healed the family in all the broken places. Our family became my redemption,” he said. His focus on family and community offered a strong contrast to the Republican emphasis on individualism. “On this walk of come to understand that we don’t know where or what fate will bring you or when,” Biden said. “But we also know we don’t walk alone. When you’ve been a beneficiary of the compassion of your family, your friends, even strangers, you know how much the compassion matters,” he said. “I’ve learned there is no easy optimism, but by faith—by faith, we can find redemption.” For the graduates, Biden noted, four years ago “felt like one of those Saturdays. The pandemic robbed you of so much. Some of you lost loved ones—mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, who…aren’t able to be here to celebrate with you today…. You missed your high school graduation. You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. “It’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you. “What is democracy if Black men are being killed in the street? “What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave[s]…Black communities behind? “What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot? “And most of all, what does it mean, as we’ve heard before, to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?” The crowd applauded. Biden explained that across the Oval Office from his seat behind the Resolute Desk are busts of Dr. King and Senator Robert Kennedy, challenging Biden: “Are we living up to what we say we are as a nation, to end racism and poverty, to deliver jobs and justice, to restore our leadership in the world?” He wears a rosary on his wrist made of Beau’s rosary as a reminder that faith asks us “to hold on to hope, to move heaven and earth to make better days.” “[T]hat’s my commitment to you,” he said. “[T]o show you democracy, democracy, democracy is still the way.” Biden pledged to “call out the poison of white supremacy” and noted that he “stood up…with George Floyd’s family to help create a country where you don’t need to have that talk with your son or grandson as they get pulled over.” The administration is investing in Black communities and reconnecting neighborhoods cut apart by highways decades ago. It has reduced Black child poverty to the lowest rate in history. It is removing lead pipes across the nation to provide clean drinking water to everyone, and investing in high-speed internet to bring all households into the modern era. The administration is creating opportunities, Biden said, bringing “good-paying jobs…; capital to start small businesses and loans to buy homes; health insurance, [prescription] drugs, housing that’s more affordable and accessible.” Biden reminded the audience that he had joined workers on a picket line. To applause, he noted that when the Supreme Court blocked his attempt to relieve student debt, he found two other ways to do it. He noted the administration’s historic investment in historically black colleges and universities. “We’re opening doors so you can walk into a life of generational wealth, to be providers and leaders for your families and communities. Today, record numbers of Black Americans have jobs, health insurance, and more [wealth] than ever.” Then Biden directly addressed the student protests over the Israeli government’s strikes on Gaza. At Morehouse today, one graduate stood with his back to Biden and his fist raised during the president’s speech, and the class valedictorian, DeAngelo Jeremiah Fletcher, who spoke before the president, wore a picture of a Palestinian flag on his mortarboard and called for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, at which Biden applauded. “In a democracy, we debate and dissent about America’s role in the world,” Biden said. “I want to say this very clearly. I support peaceful, nonviolent protest. Your voices should be heard, and I promise you I hear them.” “What’s happening in Gaza…is heartbreaking,” he said, with “[i]nnocent Palestinians caught in the middle” of a fight between Hamas and Israel. He reminded them that he has called “for an immediate ceasefire…to stop the fighting [and] bring the hostages home.” His administration has been working for a deal, as well as to get more aid into Gaza and to rebuild it. Crucially, he added, there is more at stake than “just one ceasefire.” He wants “to build a lasting, durable peace. Because the question is…: What after? What after Hamas? What happens then? What happens in Gaza? What rights do the Palestinian people have?” To applause, he said, “I’m working to make sure we finally get a two-state solution—the only solution—for two people to live in peace, security, and dignity.” “This is one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world,” he said. “I know it angered and frustrates many of you, including my family. But most of all, I know it breaks your heart. It breaks mine as well. Leadership is about fighting through the most intractable problems. It’s about challenging anger, frustration, and heartbreak to find a solution. It’s about doing what you believe is right, even when it’s hard and lonely. You’re all future leaders, every one of you graduating today…. You’ll face complicated, tough moments. In these moments, you’ll listen to others, but you’ll have to decide, guided by knowledge, conviction, principle, and your own moral compass.” Turning back to the United States, Biden urged the graduates to examine “what happens to you and your family when old ghosts in new garments seize power, extremists come for the freedoms you thought belonged to you and everyone.” He noted attacks on equality in America, and that extremist forces were peddling “a fiction, a caricature [of] what being a man is about—tough talk, abusing power, bigotry. Their idea of being a man is toxic.” “But that’s not you,” he continued. “It’s not us. You all know and demonstrate what it really means to be a man. Being a man is about the strength of respect and dignity. It’s about showing up because it’s too late if you have to ask. It’s about giving hate no safe harbor and leaving no one behind and defending freedoms. It’s about standing up to the abuse of power, whether physical, economic, or psychological.” To applause, he added: “It’s about knowing faith without works is dead.” “The strength and wisdom of faith endures,” Biden said. “And I hope—my hope for you is—my challenge to you is that you still keep the faith so long as you can.” “Together, we’re capable of building a democracy worthy of our dreams…a bigger, brighter future that proves the American Dream is big enough for everyone to succeed.” “Class of 2024, four years ago, it felt probably like Saturday,” Biden concluded. “Four years later, you made it to Sunday, to commencement, to the beginning. And with faith and determination, you can push the sun above the horizon once more….” “God bless you all,” he said. “We’re expecting a lot from you.” — Notes:

submitted by thinkingstranger to HeatherCoxRichardson [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:42 Grokmar Chemistry analyzers

I'm on the committee with my healthcare system to replace our Cobas 6000s. We've had presentations from Beckman Coulter, Roche, Abbott , and Siemens. I'm very familiar with Roche and I've worked with Abbott Architects in the past. I was hoping to get some perspectives, especially with the non-Roche equipment. Thanks.
submitted by Grokmar to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:13 Foreign_Fly_1931 Any advice? How do these labs look?

Any advice? How do these labs look?
29 y/o male. 8 weeks on TRT. 200 mg/week Test Cypionate pinning 2x per week IM. Also on 500iu of HCG per week subcutaneous (250iu twice/week). How do these labs look? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
submitted by Foreign_Fly_1931 to trt [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 15:15 sash694 Beckman Coulter interview

Hi! I am currently interviewing with Beckman Coulter. I was wondering if anyone have any interview experience with BC. Can you please let me know how long it typically takes to land an offer after the panel interviews with team members? I've been waiting for a while now and kind of got ghosted.. Lol!! My initial interview with HR was 3.5 weeks ago and panel interview was last week. Any insights would be much appreciated 👍 Thanks!!
submitted by sash694 to BMET [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 06:41 Expensive-Junket-909 Anything wrong or worrisome about these results?

Anything wrong or worrisome about these results? submitted by Expensive-Junket-909 to askCardiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 21:12 AdmiralMizufugu Promotional merch isn't reliable for powerscaling

Promotional merch isn't reliable for powerscaling
“The author said” “No, he didn’t” “Yes, he did” “NO, HE DIDN’T” “YES, HE DID
We’ve all read the age-old debate more times than we would honestly like to. That one debate so pervasive, so long-standing that it transcends the borders across series and generations. As long as fictional media exists, it will do so as well
A topic so extensive that no singular dialogue is likely to ever cover every single argument available in either side’s arsenal, dooming the discourse to be started from scratch all over again without a verdict in sight
Are third-party sources reliable for drawing conclusions about the source material?
In a broader sense, nobody on earth has the catch-all answer to that question, as its true answer is variable on a case by case basis. In the particular case of the One Piece manga series, we will attempt to answer that question here and now
If you find reading from Google Docs more comfortable, you can do it here, which would be my recommendation due to formatting and the possibility of future updating, since this format of Reddit posts can’t be edited
In this post we will aim to holistically examine the role of promotional merchandise in One Piece powerscaling, seeking to grasp the big picture of the subject as well as delving into the more technical and detailed points, while also dabbling in various adjacent topics relevant to the main conversation
It would be my preference to give individual credit to every soul who has contributed their stance in this discussion, whichever it may be, but really it was an innumerable number of posts and comments over the years that collectively helped me put together this behemoth of a write-up. So, to everyone who paved the way— thank you
Although there is some continuity and callbacks between sections, this is a long read so I don’t expect anyone to just sit through the whole thing in order. Feel free to see this post as more of an encyclopedia rather than an unbroken prose. Hopefully this or that individual section can be of relevance to you at some point or another
For easier browsing, here’s an index:

1- Reviewing promotional material claims

2- Defining reliability and promotional merchandise

A) Reliability
B) Promotional merchandise

3- Addressing the arguments for merch being reliable

A) Oda has mentioned merch in the SBS
B) Oda supervises Vivre Cards
C) There is an official website that corrects Vivre Cards

4- Is One Piece promotional merch reliable for powerscaling the manga?

A) Is it reliable?
B) Is promotional merch necessarily wrong?
C) Should merch be trusted “with a grain of salt” or “until proven otherwise”?
D) What sources of information are reliable for powerscaling the manga?

5- Greg, the One Piece live-action series official advisor

A) Who is Greg?
B) What can we learn from him?
C) What makes these insights trustworthy?

6- Conclusion

Without further ado, let’s begin!

1- Reviewing promotional material claims

As an appetizer, let’s first go over this post’s slides and take a look at a few claims that would be confirmedly true if promotional merchandise was reliable for powerscaling the One Piece manga
1- Jozu top 1 offense and defense confirmed. Also blocked the confirmed strongest slash in the verse
2- The confirmed strongest slash in the verse couldn’t scratch him, however, somehow Daifuku is totally capable of cutting Jozu’s diamond skin that “repels anything and everything”
3- The “Most Beautiful Woman in the World” with strength that is equal to her beauty
4- Apparently Mihawk > Whitebeard and Whitebeard > Mihawk are simultaneously true, with both men being confirmed to be the strongest man at the same time
5- Tamago kicks > Kizaru kicks confirmed
6- Ben Beckman confirmed to have intimidated Kizaru in four different sources with release dates ranging from 2012 to 2022
7- Don Chinjao, the 500.000 million berry one-shot fodder, is confirmed to have rivaled Gol D. Roger
8- Marco, who has been effectively damaged after running out of stamina is confirmed to be capable of regenerating no matter how many times he’s attacked
9- Sentomaru is confirmed to be an “impregnable” guard
10- Apparently who is stronger between Wano Zoro and Cavendish is a legit question worth asking, and a rivalry between them is something that Oda wants us to seriously consider
11- Whitebeard, who has pronounced his disinterest on more than one occasion, is confirmed to have contended for the title of Pirate King
12- Old Big Mom from Wano confirmed to be stronger than prime Shanks
13- The Egghead Incident and the fate of Luffy and his crew confirmed by the editors to be addressed in Chapter 1099, which ended up being an entirely Kuma-centric flashback chapter
14- Vista is confirmed to be capable of overwhelming and cutting down any opponent no matter who they may be
15- Speed Jiru, a background WB commander with no relevance, no feats and no hype in the manga is confirmed to be faster than YC1 Marco and Yonko Oldbeard
16- Katakuri confirmed to be literally flawless both offensively and defensively and yet lost a fight to someone who is multiple tiers below the strongest characters in the verse
17- Katakuri > Big Mom confirmed
18- Doflamingo confirmed to be the toughest enemy Luffy’s ever met, after having met Magellan, Blackbeard and the Admirals
19- We’ll come back to the last couple slides later on
And we are up to a rocky start. These takes certainly don’t inspire much confidence, if any. This section alone already speaks volumes about how credible third-party products really are, simply by observing the claims made by promotional merch directly from the source and without the need for additional reasoning
Take into consideration— this is only a fraction of the amount of absurd or contradicting statements that can be found in promotional merch. If you take some time to go through the translations of any source of merch, you’ll come to find that these types of claims are par for the course

2- Defining reliability and promotional merchandise


A) Reliability

Before diving deeply into the credibility of databooks and other promotional merch, let’s first establish what does it mean for something to be reliable, and what material can actually be qualified as such
We will use the word “reliable” instead of the word “canon” because the latter is a fan concept that has never been used by the author and thus can lend itself to unnecessary misunderstandings and disagreements, muddling the discussion. The word reliable is, redundant as it sounds, a much more reliable and fitting term for our objectives, and will enable us to all be on the same page moving forward
A.1) What is reliability?
Reliable: “Someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect”
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
Reliable: “Of a person, information, etc.: able to be trusted; in which reliance or confidence may be placed; trustworthy, safe, sure.” Reliable: “Of a product, service, etc.: consistently good in quality or performance; dependable.”
Source: Oxford English Dictionary
As we can see, none of the definitions above are anywhere close to being synonyms of the words “Official” or “Supervised”. A product can be both official and supervised by the author while also not providing reliable information. This is true when it comes to information of any type about any series in general, and it’s also true when it comes to information concerning One Piece powerscaling specifically
Reliable ≠ Official
Reliable ≠ Supervised
Reliable = Trustworthy, Safe, Dependable (for a particular purpose)
First-hand content from Oda directly about the manga — like the SBS — is already a given when it comes to reliability, of course, but what about everything else? Following the definitions we just established, how do we define a product that is “reliable” for accurately powerscaling the One Piece manga?
To that end, it would have to be a product that we can empirically prove “can be trusted because it behaves well” (behaves well for a purpose, in this case powerscaling the manga), or that we can empirically prove is “consistently good in performance” (in this case a good performance means providing accurate powerscaling for the manga)
In other words;
A third-party product is only reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively when it can be empirically proven that the information it provides translates to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga
A.2) How do we apply these concepts?
When evaluating any particular source, an useful approach that allows us to put things into perspective is to just ask three simple questions. Is the source official? Is it approved or supervised by the author? Is it reliable for powerscaling the manga? We’ll see that a positive response to the first two questions does not imply a positive response to the last question
Oda took part in One Piece Film: Strong World, in which pre-timeskip Luffy beats old Shiki 1. Is Strong World official? Yes, it’s not fanmade, this was 100% an official project from Toei and Shueisha 2. Is it supervised by Oda? Yes, he even had a hand in writing the story himself. Nothing made it into the film without his own foreknowledge and compliance 3. Is it reliable for powerscaling the manga? Hell no. Post Thriller Bark Luffy with no training, no Haki, no Gear 4, no awakening is not beating an old legend no matter how you spin it
We didn’t have to dig deep at all to find a suitable example. Information from a perfectly official source with Oda’s very own supervision and shiny stamp of approval can be unreliable for powerscaling the manga. The same can be said for a myriad of other sources with information that had Oda’s supervision or his personal approval
Novels, shows, games, films, magazines— I’m sure there are plenty of examples you can come up with of One Piece products that are official and fully supported by the author while also not being reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively

B) Merchandise

B.1) What is merchandise?
Crudely, merchandise is defined as “goods to be bought and sold”. However, in the distinct context of the anime and manga industry that is relevant to the subject we are discussing, the more appropriate definition would be:
branded products used to promote a film, pop group, etc., or linked to a fictional character; merchandising”
Source for both definitions: Oxford Languages
Going by its definition, merchandise refers to branded products used to promote. The role of merchandise is not to give an accurate depiction of manga characters and events, but to make sales, create hype and get more people invested in the source material and buying other official products. In essence, it exists to promote the brand and cash in on its popularity
The landscape of merchandise includes an incredibly vast assortment of products (and services or experiences) ranging from figurines to keychains to apparel to concerts to theme parks to fanbooks. In this post we will, of course, be dealing specifically with the latter. Currently, all existing arguments vouching for the reliability of a particular medium specifically concern databooks and — especially — Vivre Cards, while there are no notable arguments for magazines and other forms of media being reliable to powerscale the actual manga. Consequently, when mentioning merch from now on we will mostly be referring to databooks and Vivre Cards— which also happen to be the most prominent source for merch scaling by far
B.2) What are Vivre Cards?
For those who may not know, Vivre Cards are official two-page character outlines about One Piece characters— to give a few examples; the Vivre Cards of Blackbeard, Kin'emon and Marco. These cards are sold separately in many different packs/sets and meant to be progressively collected in the “Vivre Card ~One Piece Illustrated Encyclopedia~” databook, which is an initially empty binder book designed to store these collectible cards. Basically, it’s like a One Piece version of those popular World Cup collection albums
In the “Profile” page of a card we can find a profile with miscellaneous information about the character, including completely original details not found in the manga (depending on the character), like their age or bounty. On the “Essence” page of a card we will find character-relevant panels ripped straight from the manga, each accompanied with a paragraph of text describing it, much like you would find in an online wiki page. This text is popularly referred to as “flavor text”, which is roughly a synonym for fluff or filler text. Most of the examples of the images above come from Vivre Card flavor text
Contrary to popular belief, Vivre Cards are not written by Oda, his editors, or even anyone within the Shueisha company or its affiliates, despite Oda’s name being on the cover of card packs (including credit to the author of the source material is standard practice for derivative material, in and outside of the manga and anime industry). While Oda does provide his supervision plus some original character details and sketches, Vivre Cards are, in fact, outsourced to a book production company called Caramel Mama (キャラメル・ママ), which is in charge of the creation and publishing of the card packs
Any information about the specifics of Caramel Mama’s services and work history can be found in close detail on their website. They are specialized in the elaboration of manga and anime promotional merchandise, so you may already be familiar with some of their products from other series
Artur from the Library of Ohara, the most well-known Vivre Card translator in the One Piece community (you’ve likely seen his translations before), has his own explanation about Vivre Cards, which can serve as a compliment to this post for anyone interested. You can also find here his translations of the first batch of Vivre Cards, in which he describes in detail the anatomy of the cards and breaks down the information they contain
B.3) What are databooks?
Databooks (also known as fanbooks) are a number of books which contain a wide array of information about the story, world and characters of One Piece. This group includes the prominent collection of the 5 color-themed databooks as well as other separate individual booklets like Volume Stampede, for example. As of now, no sources claim Oda personally writes or even supervises databooks, although he does provide tidbits of original info and sketches, just as he does with Vivre Cards (we will go over this in-depth later on)
Unlike Vivre Cards, which have very specific and standardized formats and topics, databook content has great variety in format and subject matter, including sections like interviews, games, gag strips, concept art, behind-the-scenes info, etc. Here is an excerpt from databook One Piece Green: Secret Spices, which gives us a peek at what the content of a more typical section of a databook looks like. As we can see, it’s composed of flavor text highlighting characters and recapping manga events, containing no original information
Let’s use the Road to Laugh Tale booklet to check out a couple of very popular claims which serve as opportune examples of how databooks operate. Rocks straight up confirmed to be stronger than Primebeard? An skewed reference to Sengoku stating in the manga that he was perhaps Roger’s greatest foe (Ch. 957). Shanks being too much for the Gorosei to handle? Again, an exaggerated reference to the Gorosei’s comments in the manga (Ch. 233)
When it comes to powerscaling claims, taking manga events and statements and paraphrasing them in a severely embellished manner is the standard methodology of databooks, every bit as much as it is for other sources of flavor text

3- Addressing the arguments for merch being reliable

As of now there are three prevalent arguments vouching for the validity of promotional merch, which we will be thoroughly addressing one by one in this section. As mentioned before, databooks and Vivre Cards are the only formats with arguments to fall back on, so those are the two sources we will be chiefly referring to in regard to merch

A) Oda has mentioned merch in the SBS

One of the two most common arguments cites Oda referencing on more than one occasion exclusive material provided by himself for databooks, as well as describing Vivre Cards as being for “readers who want to know everything”. What do these author comments tell us about the reliability of promotional merch to powerscale the manga? Let’s find out
A.1) Reviewing the SBS statements
First, let’s check out every one of these instances and all additions Oda claims to have provided for merch in his SBS answers: * • SBS 293: Oda shares sketches of a pair of gag characters he mentioned in fanbook One Piece: Blue * • SBS 451: Oda references descriptions he provided of a few devil fruits belonging to marines for fanbook One Piece: Yellow * • SBS 695: Oda brings up a name he provided of a background Whitebeard fleet pirate for fanbook One Piece: Green * • SBS 914: Oda names Galette’s devil fruit and says that SBS and Vivre Cards are for “people who really want to know everything” * ○ Note: the Viz version mistranslated “ONE PIECE図鑑もありますので” as just “bonus materials” instead of “ONE PIECE Illustrated Encyclopedia” (which is specifically the name of the Vivre Card binder book, as mentioned earlier) * • SBS 982: Oda addresses the name of a Roger pirate according to fanbook One Piece: Blue Deep differing from his name in the manga, by urging to call him whatever or just not bother with his name at all * • SBS 997: Oda discloses trivia about Jinbe and mentions that Jinbe’s favorite foods were already revealed in his Vivre Card * • Vol. 108 SBS: More recently, Oda also referenced a name he provided of Roger’s sword for his Vivre Card
Now, what do all of these additions from Oda have in common? 1. They are NOT about powerscaling 2. They are NOT related to flavor text or retellings/summaries of the manga in any way, shape or form 3. They are completely original worldbuilding tidbits (character names, weapon names, fruit names)
Without fail, every single thing Oda comments about is a piece of trivia or original knowledge that he provided for external sources, and not one of his comments even tangentially references the endless paragraphs of hyperbolic flavor text that are published in them
Based on the examples he himself puts forward in his SBS comments, we can see that by “know everything,” Oda is alluding to niche knowledge like design sketches, character names, devil fruit names— all entirely original content that he actually needs to come up with on his own. Unlike flavor text, none of these things are subjective reinterpretations of already published panels that anyone could just see for themselves in the manga volumes
There is no explicit or implicit indication to be found here of Oda writing or supervising merch flavor text, or of any personal participation beyond the names and sketches he provides. The argument “Oda has brought up databooks in the SBS” may sound sensible at first glance, however, when we take the time to actually look into these SBS comments and what they are communicating, we will find that there’s hardly any evidence at all supporting the reliability of flavor text for powerscaling the manga
In short, what Oda himself is personally contributing and sharing with us through databooks and other merch is not the recycled flavor text, but just the previously unheard of tidbits of info that are meant to enrich the worldbuilding and carry no major implications in the manga
A.2) Oda’s philosophy on bonus materials
In order to shine a light on Oda’s personal stance on bonus material and non-manga sources, here are a few insightful quotes from the man himself:
“First and foremost, I am a manga artist. I don’t create anime, and that’s that. But I do help out with character design for original anime stories and movies based on my manga. I don’t really do much. So I have to entrust the world and characters of One Piece, which I created in the manga, to other people”
SBS 194
“Stuff that’s talked about in SBS really doesn’t need to be remembered for the main story. I don’t talk about certain things in the main story because I omitted them on purpose. I think that too much unnecessary information will only confuse the readers. So please enjoy the stuff in SBS strictly as an extra.”
SBS 569
“Not remembering their names won’t affect your ability to understand the story. If I don’t make a character’s name clear enough through the story, it’s not that important of a name to begin with”
SBS 730
“Because the motto of the SBS is “you’re not missing out if you don’t read it”!!”
SBS 846
“You’re right that there’s a lot of Devil Fruit powers here, but it would bog everything down to stop and explain them all, so my idea is, if it’s not central to the story, just breeze through and take it all in stride!”
SBS 914
Oda’s opinion on bonus materials expressed throughout his many comments can’t get much more clear-cut than this, and has remained perfectly consistent for over 20 years. The manga is the manga and everything else comes last. Oda is determined to include any and all even remotely relevant information directly in the manga, and when the series is 1000+ chapters, you know he’s not bluffing. If it’s not in the manga, it wasn’t important to begin with— his words, not mine
Not only has Oda made the claim, but he has also proved through his actions that he has no qualms about taking a hands-off approach on non-manga material and entrusting projects, especially merch, to other people. When he actually does get involved in something, you know that it will be relentlessly promoted and we won’t ever hear the end of it. Case in point: Oda’s involvement in the live-action series
Something that really stands out about these comments is that this is mostly the SBS that Oda is talking about, which actually happens to be a very reliable source written first-hand by the author himself. Even though it’s the most reliable source there is outside of the actual manga pages, Oda still insists on the SBS being an inconsequential source to the point of choosing to repeatedly reiterate how you can dismiss it entirely, as anything of importance will be revealed in the manga
If that’s the author’s take on his very own work that is published on the actual manga volumes themselves, then what does that suggest about third-party products like databooks and Vivre Cards, which aren’t even first-hand sources like the SBS is?
Anybody who has read the SBS corner can testify to how stubbornly unwilling Oda is to reveal anything powerscaling related in his SBS comments. If the man is adamant on not giving away straight answers on his own personally written corner published in the manga, then it firmly stands to reason that he did not — in a completely out of character manner — decide to just casually settle in some external source years ago all the age-old debates and biggest powerscaling enigmas that are still being built up in the manga to this day
Let’s put forth the questions we posed before, concerning this specific argument: * • Is merch official? Yes, it’s supported by Shueisha * • Is merch supervised by Oda? No mention of that whatsoever from these comments * • Is merch trivia reliable? Yes, something like character names or fruit names are open-and-shut cases directly provided by Oda and not up for interpretation * • Is merch flavor text reliable for powerscaling the manga? Nothing in Oda’s SBS comments even begins to suggest that Oda had a hand in the flavor text from merch or that their powerscaling claims conduce to effective estimations of the reality in the manga. On the contrary, we now know for a fact that Oda is actively averse to giving away that kind of information outside of the actual manga pages

B) Oda supervises Vivre Cards

The most prominent argument out there in favor of merch reliability comes from a statement from One Piece editor Naito in an interview concerning Vivre Cards, in which he states that the cards are supervised by Oda. It’s also mentioned that Oda contributes information, which will be addressed in the next point— for now, let us just focus on the elephant in the room, that being Oda supervising the Vivre Cards. Reading the full interview before proceeding is recommended
Original source of the interview with editor Naito
English translation (images are unavailable)
B.1) Author supervision
Oda allegedly checks out Vivre Cards, which inevitably raises the question: is Oda just giving a routine thumbs up simply as a formality, or is he actively correcting flavor text to make sure every word printed in them is accurate to the reality in the manga?
To begin unraveling this topic, let's follow our methodology once again, but this time in the context of Vivre Cards instead of databooks: 1. Are Vivre Cards official? Absolutely. Although published by Caramel Mama, a simple search will confirm they are supported by Shueisha 2. Are Vivre Cards supervised by Oda? The answer is yes, according to editor Naito 3. Are Vivre Cards reliable for powerscaling the manga? Now this is the part where the editor statement falls short
Let’s remember the definition of reliability and its criteria that we defined earlier
A third-party product is only reliable for powerscaling the manga effectively when it can be empirically proven that the information it provides translates to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga
This editor statement by itself fails to prove that Vivre Card flavor text claims translate to accurate estimations of the real abilities and real scaling of characters in the actual manga. As we’ve seen with many projects approved or supervised by Oda before, author endorsement does not automatically guarantee that the powerscaling involved will translate to actual manga accuracy. When it comes to manga powerscaling, this statement does not give promotional merch a better standing credibility-wise than the live-action series or the films, which also have the benefit of counting with author supervision
To conclusively prove reliability, the merch needs a successful track record and consistency with manga showings, which is a qualification that — as we all know from reading the actual thing with our own eyes — merch spectacularly fails to fulfill. This is all the more so true for Vivre Cards, which are the single biggest culprit out there when it comes to churning out ridiculous claims
On paper there may truthfully be a certain level of supervision in place, but when we look at the claims made by the Vivre Cards, it really is nigh-impossible to argue that there’s actually any back-and-forth between Oda and the third-party writers about flavor text powerscaling with rectifications being produced as a result
B.2) Editors and their role
In order to apply some very relevant perspective to this discussion, it’s useful to keep in mind at all times that Shueisha is a business and its editors are businessmen. Shueisha is a company whose foremost concern is to maximize value for its shareholders by securing sales and earning as much profit as possible through any means available, while its editors’ ultimate priority is none other than to turn the franchise they are in charge of into a money printer
It’s a common misconception that editors are primarily artists, when in reality their job is first and foremost to handle the business side of a franchise. Editors are marketers, supervisors, representatives, publicists, salesmen and managers, and every decision they make reflects those roles. Editors of huge franchises are very, very high up on the corporate ladder, and you simply don’t get that far up in the hierarchy without proving that your motivation and actions align with the interests of the company and the shareholders
This is how you end up with editors issuing blatant false promises like the Straw Hats supposedly showing up in Ch. 1099. They did not choose to publish that preview because it was the statement with the most accuracy — which ISN’T their objective — but rather because it was the statement that would generate the most sales— which actually IS their objective
While Oda himself doesn’t mind being open about his indifference towards bonus material (as we went over in a previous section), you are never ever going to hear an editor in an interview declare that “the author approved this thing but didn’t really look into it that much” or that “he supervised it but didn’t really provide any meaningful feedback”, because author involvement is their biggest selling point and that’s how the entire marketing machine behind it works
Career-wise, every editor is highly incentivized to overpromise and put out the kind of idealized claims and half-truths that we often see from them. The system hinges on them asserting “Oda approves this thing and he wants you to buy it”, and that is why you should never expect to hear otherwise. Author involvement will always be susceptible to be overstated, and in this case it’s an easily verifiable truth for anyone reading the bizarre, contradicting statements that databooks and Vivre Cards are publishing
B.3) Information added by Oda
Now, as determined earlier, it’s time to go back and take a closer look at the interview, regarding Oda “adding missing information” to the Vivre Cards. As it turns out, Oda actively contributing to merch exclusively by providing concept sketches and background details in particular is an assessment that is even supported by the editor himself
Firstly, when the editor elaborates on the information being added by Oda, the accompanying image used to describe it specifically points out the yellow box from the “Profile” page and nothing else, along with the caption “Oda sensei's handwritten additional instructions”. As stated in the second section of this post, this yellow box from the “Profile” page contains an assortment of completely original knowledge that, unlike flavor text, no one could possibly interpret from manga panels, like a character’s exact height or birthday
Does any of this ring a bell? It probably does, because — unsurprisingly, knowing Oda’s MO — this is the exact same situation we went over recently. What we’ve been told about Vivre Cards is perfectly consistent with the information that we already know is the kind that Oda actually prefers to contribute to bonus material, based on his own SBS comments about merch that we just checked out and that exclusively reference trivia
Secondly, this is then even further confirmed by the next question and answer in the interview right after the aforementioned image and, much more importantly, we are told that flavor text is not even supposed to contain new information. Translation provided by ChatGPT:
Katsuhei: Whoa~~~ Oda-sensei is serious. Are there any first-time revelations?
Naito: There's quite a lot, like blood type and birthplace! Also, they've published rough sketches of Oda-san's character designs. It's information disclosure pushing the boundaries, getting pretty close to the edge (laughs).
Editor Naito is directly asked if there’s any brand new content being revealed for the first time in Vivre Cards, to which his answer is that the brand new content is the trivia information like blood types and birthplaces and the sketches from Oda. This cannot be stressed enough. Once again the editor refers specifically to concept drawings and the yellow box trivia from the “Profile” page as the material provided by Oda himself, while the flavor text in the “Essence” page isn’t even part of the equation. He then goes on to add that even just the trivia and sketches is already pushing it in terms of giving away info
What we have here is an explicit clarification straight from the horse’s mouth. The statement from the editor is as blunt, clear and conclusive an answer as there could ever possibly be on the topic. Same as databooks, the only original content Oda provides to Vivre Cards are trivia and sketches. Flavor text, from the very beginning, plain and simply has never been meant to contain original information at all in the first place. Its sole purpose is to serve as filler for the collectible cards based on information that is directly compiled from the manga. Fundamentally, “Essence” pages are no different from the subjectively interpreted character articles you can find in the One Piece Wiki, except in a physical format instead
To sum up: Vivre Card flavor text can agree with the manga, but it can’t add on original information to the manga or clarify any ambiguity in the manga because its one and only source is actually just the manga itself— it is by design not supposed to contain any new information or insights that weren’t unequivocally in the manga already. Any disagreement with the manga or any claim that wasn’t previously explicitly confirmed in the manga is not to be considered a new piece of reliable information, but rather a personal exaggeration or interpretation derived from the writer of that card

C) There is an official website that corrects Vivre Cards

Lastly, the third and least recurring argument is based on an official website geared towards correcting mistakes that were caught in Vivre Cards after their printing. The logic behind the argument being this one: any of the powerscaling claims that haven’t gotten a correction yet are reliable, otherwise they would have already been addressed in the website by now
Original source
English translation
Just like the previous two arguments, this is another case of an idea that can sound really solid on the surface, but utterly crumbles when you actually look at the source for yourself and get the full picture. What this argument fails to mention is the fact that the website covers a very specific set of mistakes, and powerscaling claims in flavor text are simply not part of that group
The entire argument hangs on the assumption of there being a precedent for erroneous flavor text claims being corrected in the website, which would in turn mean that the claims that haven’t been corrected were ultimately considered accurate. Except, no such precedent exists in the first place. There is not one example of an erroneous powerscaling claim being corrected. The website deals with a narrow range of issues and has never dabbled into the subject of flavor text powerscaling, ever
Anyone is free to check the website for themselves and confirm it. You can read every single correction in the page from top to bottom and will find nothing but “fixed typo, fixed year, fixed name”. Even the page’s own description refers to itself as correcting “typographical errors”
So, is someone going to go back and update the list to add “My bad, Sentomaru isn’t actually an impregnable guard”? No, not at all. Nobody is showing up to take back statements that pertain to powerscaling, after hundreds and hundreds of Vivre Cards have already been published and there hasn’t been a single instance of a flavor text powerscaling claim being updated yet
If someone wrote that the Germa Kingdom is from the South Blue instead of the North Blue and corrected it, or wrote that the name of the Cocoyasi Village sheriff is Gen instead of Genzo and corrected it, does that somehow make it true that Katakuri is the strongest paramecia in his family and has flawless offense and defense? No— fixing trivial mistakes like a name or a number is something completely unrelated to flavor text powerscaling claims, and under no possible reasoning whatsoever does it prove their credibility
For the last time we make our questions, in the context of this argument: 1. Are Vivre Cards official? Yes, same as before 2. Are Vivre Cards supervised by Oda? No mention of Oda involvement from this website, but as we know from the editor interview earlier, the answer is still yes 3. Are Vivre Cards reliable for powerscaling the manga? Nothing about this website supports the notion of Vivre Cards being reliable for powerscaling the manga, especially when the particular cases that are handled by the website are completely removed from the area of flavor text powerscaling and doesn’t acknowledge it even once
With that, we reached the Reddit post character limit. You may continue reading through the Google Doc here, or in the comments if you sort by top or controversial, depending on how the post is received
submitted by AdmiralMizufugu to OnePieceScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:35 Spiritual_Drama_6697 For those who use the Beckman Coulter Unicel DxC 800, what’s some common errors that happen and how do you fix them?

So I’m a very new tech and in school, we didn’t really learn much about chemistry analyzers. In the chemistry department at my hospital, we use the Beckman Coulter DxC 800 machines with Access 2 connected to them. I’ve yet to have to troubleshoot the machine myself and one of the techs was showing me how to change a glucose sensor today and I felt so overwhelmed.
She gave me the procedure on how to do it and had me try to figure out where the sensor was on the machine myself and i didn’t even know where to begin. When I look inside the machine, I feel so lost and I’m always so afraid to break something if I ever have to replace something. I tried to read the procedure on what to do but tbh, it all sounded so foreign trying to understand what it was talking about.
In a few weeks, I’ll be starting my shift by myself and I’ll be working mostly chemistry because the coworker I’ll be with doesn’t know how to do chemistry. As far as the basics of chemistry, I’m okay, but as far as troubleshooting and correcting errors, I have no idea what to do or where to begin. I know how to do like basic maintenance like put some cleaning fluid on, change reagents, and things of that nature. But idk what to do if an electrolyte is out of wack or how to change some probe or electrode or all those other things.
So I was wondering what common errors do you guys come across and how do you guys usually fix them? Like is it usually simply changing fluids/reagents and cleaning, or is it like having to change out parts of the machine?
I’ll be working weekends, so service won’t really be available either if I need something fixed.
submitted by Spiritual_Drama_6697 to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:02 Jche98 The name for the Gobblers?

Lyra finds out that Mrs Coulter runs the General Oblation Board and deduces that this organisation is the "Gobblers". This indicates "Gobblers" comes from the initials "G.O.B".
The Gobblers are common knowledge which means that someone must have made up the name "Gobblers" from the "G.O.B" and spread the rumour. Who? It's not like any of the G.O.B employees would want to create a panic around children going missing - it would just make their job harder. And who outside the organisation would know about the initials?
submitted by Jche98 to hisdarkmaterials [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:38 Mikerose94 Season 2 and Beyond

I know they green lit season 2, but I'm all caught up at the moment and I love this show. I'd love some future episodes that delve into Coulter and his siblings past in Greater detail. Or heck Coulters earlier jobs when he first became a Tracker. Hopefully he opens up a bit more next season to his friends and especially Greenie.
submitted by Mikerose94 to TrackerTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:19 GUMGUM404 URGENT/NEED HELP : Beckman Coulter AU480

TLDR : au480 fails to read reagent volume on random position each time i check , with no error declared , just gives the normal "no volume in the bottle"
working in oncology lab for about a year now , 20-50 test a day , au480 works fine except for few picky hiccups
this time for the last 20 days it's been failing to detect reagent levels for random position with no error message , somes times the same position and only read it after i change it , sometimes it reads the level when i run volum check again , so nothing to do with reagent position , i ran thourough cleaning , even changed the R-probe and the R-tube ... i've been told to check the electrical ground situation but i ran it on multiple conditions with a qualified electrician
submitted by GUMGUM404 to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:41 IAmTheCurtis Human Resources (HR) Job! HR Representative II At Beckman Coulter Diagnostics

Are you or someone you know a good fit for this HR job?
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2024.05.14 15:41 IAmTheCurtis New HR Job: HR Representative II At Beckman Coulter Diagnostics

Are you or someone you know a good fit for this Human Resources job?
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#AnywhereWork #Careers #RemoteJobs #HumanResources #HR #HybridJobs #DigitalNomad #Employment #FlexibleWork #Hiring #HiringAlert #HiringNow #HRJobs #HybridWork #JobAlert #JobHunters #JobListing #JobOpening #JobPosting #Jobs #JobSeekers #NoOffice #Recruiting #Remote #RemoteJob #RemoteJobs #RemoteWork #Telecommute #VirtualWork #WFH #WorkingAtHome #Openings #Jobvacancy #WorkFromHome #HybridJobs #RemoteHiring #Teleworking
submitted by IAmTheCurtis to remotejobsinhr [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:08 Bullstang Sunny and Alyssa are the my favorite part of the View right now

As far as adversarial sparring partners on the show, you've got Joy vs Elisabeth/Meghan, Rosie vs Elisabeth, Candace vs Raven, etc but Sunny and Alyssa I think deserve a spot near the top. They are often the two that have their finger on the pulse of politics/culture, plus the energy is great when they debate cuz it's almost personal. That's good tv and we all know it. I think Sunny wanted to haze Alyssa a bit before letting her join the table too, and whoopi let sunny drag her like every show for a while there about the Trump stuff. I think Alyssa was good though, and she defends herself quite well
My point is the other ladies need to step it up. Cuz their takes on these issues are getting so basic. I can't clock Joy for much, she is an icon, but for as much as she says she's a 1 issue voter for the environment, she has a really closed mind about RFKjr's candidacy.
Sara calls herself an independent but literally doesn't want anyone to even consider voting for a third party until 2028.
Ana is just downright cynical and repetitive. "These are you two choices. get over it"... girl what? and then in the next breath, she's slobbering about democracy and Joe biden's decency. I don't even want to do an elaborate take down, she's just trying to keep her job as cohost as the reformed republican that argues exclusively for democrats, but that's not really a demographic to appeal to out there.. just a liberal wish. Nikki Haley voters aren't a real constituency to court.
Whoopi... Hell, where do we even start. All over the place lol. Kinda always has been, but you can see how extra it is when Joy mods. Used to be funny actually, but I think the ladies are scared of her, which is why I liked when the real brash conservative women go toe to toe with her. Like Ann Coulter, Judge Jeanine, Meghan Mccain, even Elisabeth. Actually, Lindsay Grainger was great at standing Whoopi down. The ladies are literally scared to cite a poll around her, I just can't. I like my political discussions to be a little more elevated, and Whoopi drags it into the gutter sometimes.
Anyway yea, Sunny and Alyssa. They aren't scared to call Biden old, talk about Gaza war, call out how dumb it is to smear young voters... I hope the political discussions are guided by them this summer, because they get what the debate is about, and where it's headed. It's probably not an arbitrary discussion about "democracy" or whatever that means, but one about the price of eggs, or these crazy war policies abroad (the actual things that decrease our value of life at home)
submitted by Bullstang to ABCsTheView [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:55 NewDreams15 The most liked quote tweet and the replies to it of Vivek defending Ann Coulter saying she wouldn't vote for him because he's Indian even though she agrees with him

The most liked quote tweet and the replies to it of Vivek defending Ann Coulter saying she wouldn't vote for him because he's Indian even though she agrees with him submitted by NewDreams15 to LeopardsAteMyFace [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:44 KMS1011 2 year old bloodwork concerns

2 year old bloodwork concerns
I recieved my child’s bloodwork back, and he has a very high level of Thyroglobulin by IMA°1. I have no idea what this is and his doctor didn’t seem concerned but when I looked it up I keep seeing conflicting responses.
For background, he’s a healthy average 2 year old with no prior medical history. Can anyone help explain why his Thyroglobulin by IMA°1 would be 33 and if this is normal?
His yearly blood work showed his TSH at 7.12 that’s why we even did this extra panel to make sure eveything was fine.
submitted by KMS1011 to endocrinology [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:40 Strong_Tell499 Beckman Coulter Diagnostics is hiring Senior Software Engineer in Test US [C++ C# Java React]

submitted by Strong_Tell499 to USJobLeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 21:14 Content_cacti Help!

Husband is now 5 months post orchiectomy and coming up on a follow up. He got these results today. Could anyone tell me overall if this is good or bad?
submitted by Content_cacti to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:09 Mushy-Mango I don’t know what to do. MLS

I live in an area with minimal job opportunities related to Medical Laboratory Science, basically just two hospitals near me and the rest of the career opportunities are about 50-60 minutes away. I love my career field but hate the people I work with. I went from a fast paced laboratory to a small slow hospital. The less workers, the more petty drama. It gets tiring.
I tried to have the “I come to work and go home” attitude but I don’t want to create a toxic environment. I don’t care about making friendships at work with people who are petty about every little thing. Not sure what other career opportunities I could go for. Maybe remote (Beckman Coulter FSE?), go back to school (for what though), idk at this point lol I’m just ranting. Enjoy your day :)
submitted by Mushy-Mango to medlabprofessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:10 Strong_Tell499 Beckman Coulter is hiring National Informatics Service Support Specialist [New York, NY]

Beckman Coulter is hiring National Informatics Service Support Specialist [New York, NY] submitted by Strong_Tell499 to NYCJobLeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 17:01 samotsar 5 new zero tax jobs in tech in Saudi Arabia - 9 May

A selection of 5 new tech jobs ​
Job Position @ Company Location
Senior Motion Graphics Designer @ Dentsu Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Computer Programmer @ The Coca-Cola Company Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
IT Manager @ Beckman Coulter Diagnostics Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
D&AI (Information Architecture) Partner Technical Specialist @ IBM Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Client Services Director @ NEOM Neom, Saudi Arabia
submitted by samotsar to saudiarabiajobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 10:33 Silent_Contest_2337 Please help me!!

Please help me!! submitted by Silent_Contest_2337 to Anemic [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:01 Alarming_Paper_8357 Season 11, Ep 5 - Recap of "Sronger Together"

I'd put "spoiler" on this, but since the title tells you it's a recap, I'm just going to roll with it. Moderators, let me know if you'd prefer me to make it a spoiler.
This episode felt a little more like they are finding their footing with the new dynamics. I still don't know what Elizabeth sees in Nathan -- he's a nice enough guy, but if he wasn't a Mountie and was, instead, a farmer or a barber, would she be interested?
Allie and Nathan are walking along the road to school, and Allie asks him “what’s going on between you and Mrs. Thornton?” Nathan denies anything is going on, but Allie tells him that it didn’t look like “nothing” when she saw them in the orchard. Nathan shrugs it off, but Allie persists: “She’s amazing, and she’s super-important to me. I just . . . don’t want you to get hurt . . . like before.” He tells her that “that was a long time ago, and things have changed” but Allie is skeptical. He reassures her that there’s nothing to worry about, and shoos her off to school.
On her way to school, Elizabeth is giving Toby a pep-talk about an upcoming test. She spots Lucas across the way, and tells Toby she’ll see him at school, and walks to meet Lucas, who has seen her and is walking towards her. He tells her he owes her an apology. “I’m listening,” she responds, and Lucas proceeds to apologize for Jeannette ambushing her, and most of all, not telling her about his previous relationship. “So, were you engaged?” Elizabeth asks, and Lucas allows as how they had talked about it. . . “well, mostly, she had talked about it . . . but there was never a ring or anything like that.” Elizabeth thanks him for the apology, but tells him that she’s really not bothered by Jeannette. He tells her that he was trying to leave his past behind him, and sympathetically she finishes the sentence, “ . . . but it always seems to catch up with you.” As they are talking, Nathan comes around the corner and sees them in serious conversation, as Elizabeth puts hand on Nathan’s arm and tells him “I’m very glad to hear that – you and I will always be friends.” (Ouch – “friend zone”?) Nathan watches her hand on Lucas’ arm, and swallows.
(So far, we’ve taken care of most the previews in the first 5 minutes . . . )
Lucas finds Henry in the orchard, and tells him that he doesn’t think that growing hazelnuts is going to be enough for him for long. “Henry . . . “ he begins, but Henry cuts him short and tells him that if he’s going to ask him to come work for him again to save his breath. Lucas tells him that he needs Henry’s help with the location of the resort. Henry wonders why it’s so important to Lucas, and Lucas admits that while all his other initiatives are helping other towns, he wants to do some especially for his own home town. Henry shakes his head, and when Lucas starts to beg him to reconsider, Henry cuts him off, and tells him that “I promised myself I was going to take a different road.” (Again with the cryptic life choices. Just marry Abigail, already!)
Elizabeth pops into Nathan’s office with a soup bone that she has saved for Scout. (goodness, she’s getting a lot done before school starts!) Nathan, pretending to be very busy at his desk, tells her that Scout isn’t in right now (weird response, but ok . . . ) but Elizabeth puts the bag on his desk and tells him to give it to him later. She sits down and asks him if everything is alright. (Why shouldn’t it be, Elizabeth?) Nathan doesn’t look up from his desk. “Nathan?” she asks, and Nathan finally looks her in the eye and tells her that he really has to finish up his paperwork. So Elizabeth leaves in a huff, with a snarky “Of course. Don’t let me distract you.” as she leaves. (What did you expect, Lizzy? You busted in on him unannounced and he’s supposed to stop what he’s doing and flirt with you?)
Maisie Hickham presents Lee and Mike with a list of Benson Hill’s requirements to participate in the resort. They unfold the very long list and start frowning. “You want us to build you a new train station? And a railroad extension?” Lee asks incredulously. “And you want us to build you a new dump?” Mike asks. “It’s only fair, Mikey,” responds his sister, citing the increased trash all the tourists will produce. Lee goes on to review the list, his voice rising with each item:: “Benches, a baseball diamond, and a new public transportation system with 10 buses?!” Maisie smiles and declares, “That a must –with all those tourists going back and forth to the resort.” She also adds that the new access road must go through Benson Hills. Mike, with years of frustration in his voice, whines “Why does everything have to be your way?” She declares that if the governor wants this “pipe dream” to go ahead, we want to be in control of it.” Mike and Lee exchange exasperated looks.
At the Canfields, Joseph has just finished repairing the water pump as the children are doing their homework, when Minnie bursts in with mail. “You have a letter!” she announces, and he just gestures for her to leave it on the table. “You’ll want to read this one . . . it’s from Jacob.” Surprised, Joseph slowly opens it as the children watch breathlessly. “What does it say?” asks Minnie, and Joseph, puzzled, reads, “he says it’s been too long and he’s open to a visit.” Minnie and the kids declare “that’s great!” but Joseph is still puzzled, wondering how he got their address. Minnie suggests a relative, but Joseph keeps reading and stops: “He says he got my letter . . . and he’s looking forward to my apology.” He throws the letter on the table angrily. “Has he lost his mind? I never wrote him!” Joseph takes a deep breath and quotes some Bible verses about welcoming all in their home as the kids cower slightly, but he finishes by declaring “and if he thinks he’s going to get an apology from me, he has another thing coming!” and storms out.
Bill and Rosemary come running into Nathan’s office, showing him that the crime report of Nathan’s shooting doesn’t mesh with the testimony. The shooter was supposed to be far away, but the trajectory of the bullet that hit Lucas’ leg is consistent with Lucas struggling with the shooter at close range. “So close, Lucas had to see his face!” Bill observes, but Rosemary finishes with “if only he could remember.”
The children are finishing up a math test. Opal even gets acknowledged: “Thank you, Opal.” She then announces that she has a surprise – it’s Anna, all the way from the teaching college in Capital City. (Can I just mention that I really, really hate the name “Capital City?)" The older girls are excited to see her, and Elizabeth announces that Anna will be doing her practicum (i.e., student teaching) there. “You mean, you’re going to be teaching us?” one of them asks. “I’m going to try, but I’m sure I’m not going to be as good as Mrs. Thatcher!” (Oh, barf . . . ) Elizabeth reassures her.
Mike and Lee review the meeting at the saloon with Mei. Mike admits that when he’s around her, he feels like her little brother. “She even called me Mikey,” he admits glumly, and Lee agrees. Lucas comes over and is intercepted by Bill with news about the shooter. “Can it wait? I have bigger problems,” and invites him to join the pow-wow with Mike, Lee and Mei, who admit the negotiations are stalled. Bill tells Mike to “just stand his ground!” but Mei observes that Mike may not be the best person to be negotiating with Maisie. Lucas suggests Bill take over, but Bill refuses (so much for “let us know how we can help!”), and they ask Lee to step in as mayor. Mike is on board – “you only lost by just a little bit!” – but Lee demurs: “Not like this!” Bill points out that the Governor is there, and then turns to Lucas and asks “Your Eminence? What sayth ye?” Lucas asks Hickam, who gladly resigns on the spot. Lucas then proclaims Lee as mayor pro tem, pending a special election. Everyone congratulates Lee, who looks a little aghast at the turn of events.
As the children play at recess, Elizabeth and Anna chat on the steps of the church. Anna admits that the classes are harder than she expected, but Elizabeth reassures her by telling her that teachers are best made by experience, not just what is taught at teacher’s college. As they stand up to go inside, Elizabeth pauses, watching Nathan ride across town on his horse, dashing in red serge. She pauses so long that Anna asks her “What’s the matter?” and then shakes it off.
An excited Lee bursts into his and Rosemary’s office. He prefaces his announcement by assuring her that this will not affect how much time he spends with Rosemary and Goldie. She frowns: “Oh no – did we buy another saloon?” Lee blurts out that Lucas just made him mayor. “WHAT?!” exclaims Rosemary, but Lee earnestly tells her that he wants a shot at the job, because he thinks he can really make a difference. Rosemary rises, goes to him, and gives him a lingering kiss. “Lee Coulter, you were made to be mayor,” she assures him. “It’s perfect – I’m so proud of you!” Then, suddenly it’s all about her: “I always thought I’d make a wonderful political wife - holding salons, debating issues of the day, driving the conversation towards a better world for all of us!” Lee just shakes his head, smiling. “I can see it now,” he smiles, and receives another kiss.
Anna hands out the math tests – Toby did well – and gets to ring the bell to dismiss class. Toby thanks Elizabeth for her help. The Canfield children are talking to Allie, telling her about the letter Joseph received, and Elizabeth overhears. They wonder if they should tell their dad who wrote the letter. “I think you already know the answer to that,” she tells them, and they nod glumly.
Henry wanders to the cafe and joins Joseph at a table outside. Joseph notices that Henry is troubled and asks what the problem is. Henry says, “I just want peace,” to which Joseph responds, “Why do you think you can’t have it?” (Oooh, nice philosophical question, Joseph!) Henry says that Lucas has asked him to help with the resort, but admits he doesn’t know if he can do it. “Business doesn’t excite you any more?” Joseph asks. “It’s not the business anymore, it’s the person I become when I’m doing the business.” Joseph puts his cup of tea down, and tells Henry that he has grown, changed and is wiser now. Henry gestures to his hair and retorts, “I’m greyer now! I wouldn’t say that I’m any wiser, now.” (And if that isn’t wise, I don’t know what is.) Joseph observes that he’s been called upon to share his wisdom, but it’s up to him to decide if he wants to share it.
Maisie is enjoying a mud facial from Mei, and comments that her shoulder is acting up, as it usually does with stress or family – “in this case, both” Mei offers to try acupressure, and Maisie agrees. While she relaxes, Maisie lets her guard down and tells her that she thinks it’s a bad idea of the governor’s, but the people of Benson Hills are “dazzled” by it. She then relaxes into a snooze just as Mike appears. Mei motions him out, and joins him outside as Maisie snoozes, and tells Mike that the people at Benson Hills are for the project, which delights him.
Elizabeth is walking down the street (with basket!) and sees Nathan chatting to some townspeople. He tips his hat and walks away, stops when he sees Elizabeth, but then keeps walking away. Elizabeth looks confused and slightly hurt. Later, she and Rosemary are talking by her front porch, and Rosemary asks if everything is ok between her and Lucas. Elizabeth says she thinks that both of them just want to be friends, and Rosemary agrees that it’s good to have fabulous friends that endeavor to do great things. Elizabeth goes on to say that “looking back, there was love, but not . . . “ “. . . the love you had with Jack,” Rosemary finishes for her. “Or the love you have with Lee. Is it asking too much to want that kind of love again?” Rosemary reassures her that no, it’s not, and that there’s a love written for her in the stars. Elizabeth, frowning, says, “Sometimes the stars don’t get it right,” and Rosemary asks what’s wrong. “Sometimes, it’s just hard to know what’s going on in other people’s minds – and hearts,” Elizabeth says. Rosemary asks if she’s talking about Nathan, and observes that minds and hearts don’t always agree.
Lee, Mike and Lucas are meeting to discuss the new information from Mei. Henry is sitting a few feet away, pretending to read a book, but is listening closely. Mike says that he thinks that Maisie is being deliberately difficult because she wants to force Hope Valley to pull the plug because she knows that the people of Benson Hills actually want the resort. Lee realizes that what they have isn’t a negotiation. Lucas looks at Henry and asks him if he’s hearing this. “I am,” Henry replies, nose still in the book. “Well, could you throw us a bone?” Lucas asks. Henry replies, “She’s trying to paint you in a corner – you have to take the paintbrush away from her.” The guys think about this for a moment, and Lee asks “How do we do that?” Henry allows as how he has a thought. Lucas smiles and says, “It sounds like you’re on board, Henry.” “Maybe. Let’s talk more,” Henry replies, as he gets up and walks out. Lucas starts to follow him, but notices Nathan, in off-duty clothes, listlessly playing darts in the corner. He walks over and proposes a wager on a game, and Nathan says he doesn’t trust his luck. Lucas throws a dart, smiles, and says, “It’s not luck, it’s skill.” Nathan laughs and says, “That, too!” and observes that Lucas seems to be in a good mood. “Some things seem to be going in my favor, and I cleared up a small misunderstanding with Elizabeth,” Lucas admits. “You mean, with Jeannette?” Nathan asks. “You were engaged to her?” Lucas observes that you can’t put your socks on in this town without everybody knowing it, and that no, he and Jennette were not engaged, but were together for a while. “As it turns out, Elizabeth hardly batted an eye, so I guess that means she has well and truly moved on.” “You’re ok with that?” Nathan asks skeptically. Lucas looks at Nathan and tells him “I’d rather have her as a friend than not have her in my life at all.” Nathan absorbs what Lucas has just said.
At the Canfields, Angela offers Joseph some pie. As he sits down, he notices they are nervous and asks what’s wrong. Angela admits that they sent Uncle Jacob the letter, but they didn’t mean to cause trouble, but after what he had told them about how important siblings are, and how you shouldn’t take them for granted . . . “ “ . . . we just thought that maybe you were taking it for granted, too.” finishes Cooper. Joseph sighs and says “you may be right,” and tells them it’s ok.
At school, Opal has made a very detailed picture of what she imagines the new resort would be like. Elizabeth suggests that she could be an architect or even an engineer. Opal looks thoughtful and asks Elizabeth to give the picture to Governor Bouchard.
Maisie enters the conference room for the next round of negotiations, but is surprised to find Lucas and Henry also in attendance. Lucas tells her they have an idea that might be fair to both parties, and Henry explains that they accept all of her demands. “You do?” she says, nervously. Henry goes on to add that they have an idea to help both towns. “What’s the idea?” Maisie demands. Lucas replies simply: “We merge the towns.” Maisie explodes, accusing them of trying to push her out of office, but Lucas explains that there will be co-mayors, until the next election. She looks speculatively at Mike, then smiles. “Co-mayors, you say?” Mike tries to interrupt her (to explain about Lee being the current mayor), but Maisie brushes him off with a condescending sweep of her finger and tells him “Mikey, I’m speaking with the governor.” Mike sits back with a “well, I tried” look on his face and a small smile. She asks Lucas, “And if either of these co-mayors persuades the other to oppose the resort?” Lucas smiles charmingly and tells her that ‘that would be most unfortunate, but I can’t see moving forward unless we have the full support of at least one mayor.” “Then I agree!” she says, standing and preparing to leave. “Thank you, Madame Mayor” Lucas tells her, and then administers the coup de grace: “Oh, by the way, Mike isn’t mayor anymore, Mr. Coulter is.” Maisie turns in disbelief, as Lee puts out his hand, smiles, and says, “And I look forward to our collaboration!’ he tells her, with a little laugh. She glares accusingly at Mike, who shrugs and says apologetically “I’m sorry Maisie – I tried to tell you.” She storms out of the conference room, leaving behind a room of smiling men.
Nathan (in uniform) sees Elizabeth on the street and asks to speak with her. He guides her over to an alcove and apologizes for his curt behavior the day before. “It obviously was just bad timing,” Elizabeth offers, but Nathan denies it and says, awkwardly, “I thought you and Lucas were . . . still . . . “ Elizabeth denies it, and assures him that she and Lucas are just friends. “I know,” says Nathan, “but what am I to you?” he asks earnestly. “I mean – are we just friends?” Elizabeth stares at him, mouth open, but is then interrupted by Henry, who tells Elizabeth there is an emergency meeting of the town council, and tells Nathan he might want to attend, too.
(Interesting to see who is on the town council. Where is Molly? Or Faith?) Florence and Ned Yost, Mike, Mei, Lee and Rosemary, Bill, Joseph and Henry. Apparently Elizabeth is, too. As they enter, everyone is already gathered, with Lucas standing in front of them. Bill is incredulous: “You want to merge the towns?” Ned Yost asks, “We won’t be Hope Valley any more?” Lucas reminds them that Maisie will also have a say, but tells them the vote must be unanimous, or else the project goes to Jamison or Buxton. Lucas also reminds them that if they merge, their school would come under the jurisdiction of the Valley School District and they would lose their independence. Elizabeth goes wide-eyed, and then looks down in thought as Rosemary looks at her worriedly and says “I don’t like the sound of that.” Florence agrees, remembering “the last time the school board came knocking.” Ned says that if it affects Elizabeth’s school, he votes no. Everyone looks at Elizabeth, who slowly says that while they have had their issues with the school board before, they have always overcome them, and this might mean more benefits. Lee agrees, saying there may be more resources and more opportunities for their kids. Ned asks Elizabeth if she agrees, and she hesitates, gazing at Lucas. “Do you really believe in this?” she asks him. He holds her gaze and says, “I do. Economically, it means a better future for the whole valley and everyone in it.” “She thinks for a moment: “Then I say ‘yes’.” She turns and glances at Nathan, who gives her a small smile – which is observed by Lucas.
Maisie is meeting with Henry, Lucas, Mike and Lee, and declares that the towns aren’t merged. “We thought you were in agreement?” responds Henry, and Maisie blusters, “Well, THAT was before . . . “ and Lee smiles and finishes her sentence for her: “Before you found out that I was going to be your co-mayor instead of Mike?” Mike throws his two cents in gleefully: “You aren’t pushing Lee around!” Maisie shrugs, and Lucas tells her that they want to work with her, and promise to deal with her demands in good faith, but “yes, it is a fait accompli.” Maisie is still against the idea of the resort, and states that it will bring endless trouble to the valley. Lucas promises her that won’t happen, but Maisie shoots back, “Just like your predecessor promised the water would be safe? I may be a lone voice, but I will continue to fight this monstrosity. And maybe the voters will turn against me in the next election – but at least I will be able to sleep at night. Can you say the same?” Mike tries to reason with her: “Your own council agrees!” She dismisses his argument, telling him that he is being fooled. Mike stands firm, though, and tells her “Maisie, you’re wrong. I know you aren’t used to being told this, but you’re wrong.” She glares at Mike, and then tells them all that “this isn’t over” as she flounces out. Mike apologizes to Lucas, who says that he’s sorry, too, for causing a family rift. Mike brushes that prospect off with a short laugh: “As Hickam rifts go, this is mild!” Lee congratulates Lucas and leaves, leaving Lucas and Henry. Lucas turns to Henry and tells him, “Well played – I knew we needed you on the team. Welcome aboard!” Henry nods, but looks less than thrilled.
Elizabeth (carrying the basket) knocks on Lucas’ office door and asks if he’s busy. He invites her in, and apologizes for blindsiding her at the council meeting, but she admits that it was inevitable that they would end up joining the school board. He assures her that he will do everything in his power to maintain independence, and she thanks him. She reaches into her basket and pulls out Opal’s sketch, and tells him that Opal really wanted him to have it, because she had been inspired on the hike. Lucas studies it and says “this is even better than I had imagined it!” Elizabeth tells him that “she really believes in the Bouchard GV!” “GV?” “Grand Vision” she explains, smiling. “And I believe in it, too.” Lucas tells her that that means a great deal to him. As she turns to leave, he tells her that he really meant what he said to her, and asks her to promise him that if she ever does have a chance at happiness, that she will jump in with both feet. You deserve that.” Touched, she tells him “Thank you. I will.”
Minnie joins Joseph, who is deep in thought, on the porch of the cafe. They talk about Jacob, and how Minnie remembers them being inseparable when they first met. Joseph agrees, but then says that after the argument that his brother was “Impossible! And difficult! And stubborn!” Minnie observes that “I guess it runs in the family,” and reminds him that it’s been a long time, and that he should remember what he told the kid, that there is nothing more precious than family. Joseph shakes his head slightly, but Minnie persists: “You have nothing to lose . . . and everything to gain.”
Bill and Rosemary are explaining the shooter theory to Lucas, who still doesn’t remember the shooting. He points out that Clayton Pike confessed, but Bill presses on, and reminds Lucas that Pike may not have been acting alone – or even was there. Rosemary chimes in, saying that if that’s the case, the real shooter is still out there, and Lucas is still in danger. Lucas tries to brush it off, reminding them that it’s been five months, and the other person has had plenty of time to finish the job if he was still in danger. Rosemary reminds him that they just want him to be safe, and he thanks them. Bill picks up the file as he and Rosemary begin to leave, and a photo of the crime scene falls out. Lucas picks it up to hand to Bill, but as he glances at it, he has a short flashback. “I do remember . . . something I grabbed the gun.” Bill asks eagerly if he remembers the face, any detail that might help, but that’s all Lucas can recall for now, and he promises to tell them if something else comes to mind. He looks distracted. “Right now, I’m just tired – it’s been a long day.” Bill and Rosemary nod understandingly and leave. Lucas stands in the middle of the room, as flashbacks flit through his mind: The headlight of a car. A man with a hat with his back turned towards him. A struggle. A gun. And lastly, an umbrella lying on the ground in the rain.
Nathan is enjoying a drink on the front porch of his house as Allies comes out, declaring the dishes have been done. He thanks her, and she apologizes for "sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong” the day before. He reassures her it’s ok, but she asks what he’s going to do. “I thought I’d walk Scout and walk off some of that dinner,” he teases, and she says, “No! About Mrs. Thornton!” Nathans tells her it’s complicated, but Allie looks over his shoulder and interrupts him by springing up and telling him, “Oh, I have homework!” and dashes inside. He turns and, surprised, sees Elizabeth walking up to him. “I didn’t get a chance to answer your question,” she tells him. He tries to be nonchalant about it, but she persists. “Nathan. Friends don’t look at friends . . . this way.” She tears her gaze from his and walks away, leaving him smiling.
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