Ivan graffiti

"Dance: Breakin’ Convention tasal għal Sadler's Wells

2024.05.14 06:48 sinomaltanews "Dance: Breakin’ Convention tasal għal Sadler's Wells

"Dance: Breakin’ Convention tasal għal Sadler's Wells
L-akbar festival fid-dinja ta’ teatru taż-żfin hip-hop qed isir f’Sadler's Wells.
Workshops taż-żfin, DJs, graffiti, u emcees se jieħdu f’idejhom diversi spazji u l-palk ewlieni se jkollu wħud mill-aqwa żeffiena fid-dinja.
BBC London mar wara l-kwinti biex jiltaqa’ mal-fundatur u direttur artistiku ta’ Breakin’ Convention Jonzi D u direttur artistiku ta’ ALTRUVIOLET u kreatur ta’ TRAPLORD, Ivan Michael Blackstock.
Il-ġurnalista tal-vidjo Claudia Redmond
Kumpanija TRAPLORD: Chaldon Williams, Kaner Scott, Ophelia Nunes-Wickham, Warren Gordon-Powell, Torben Sylvest, Kate Bodner.
Mużika: LZR - Producer: Torben Sylvest
Filmati addizzjonali kortesija Breakin' Convention, editjat minn Ben Williams. Music Ta-Ku - Higher, Flume Remix.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) - https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
BBC London 前往幕後會見了 Breakin’ Convention 的創始人兼藝術總監 Jonzi D 以及 ALTRUVIOLET 的藝術總監和 TRAPLORD 的創始人 Ivan Michael Blackstock。
TRAPLORD 公司:Chaldon Williams、Kaner Scott、Ophelia Nunes-Wickham、Warren Gordon-Powell、Torben Sylvest、Kate Bodner。
音樂:LZR - 製作人:Torben Sylvest
附加片段由 Ben Williams 編輯的 Breakin' Convention 提供。音樂 Ta-Ku - High,Flume Remix。

今日亞馬遜優惠(聯盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
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BBC London 前往幕后会见了 Breakin’ Convention 的创始人兼艺术总监 Jonzi D 以及 ALTRUVIOLET 的艺术总监和 TRAPLORD 的创始人 Ivan Michael Blackstock。
TRAPLORD 公司:Chaldon Williams、Kaner Scott、Ophelia Nunes-Wickham、Warren Gordon-Powell、Torben Sylvest、Kate Bodner。
音乐:LZR - 制作人:Torben Sylvest
附加片段由 Ben Williams 编辑的 Breakin' Convention 提供。音乐 Ta-Ku - High,Flume Remix。

今日亚马逊优惠(联盟)- https://amzn.to/3FeoGyg
成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 - https://www.vaticannews.va/en.html
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - http://www.voiceofmary.org.mo/ - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! - https://www.visitmalta.com/
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 11:01 WinterNo4971 Wolverhampton (UK) Analysis & Predictions for Thursday

Below is the previews, analysis and predictions for the meeting from Wolverhampton in the UK on Thursday covering all races on the card.

Wolverhampton 4.55 Race 1 - 1m6f (1m5f219y) Tips For Every Race At raceday-ready.com Handicap (Div I) (Class 6) (4yo+ 0-55)

To assess the race at Wolverhampton on the 4th of April, 2024, we'll consider the criteria provided: current form, suitability to race dynamics, jockey/trainer combinations, breeding, track condition (Standard AW Tapeta), and other relevant factors. The race is a Class 6 Handicap over 1 mile 5 furlongs and 219 yards for horses rated 46-55, also open to those rated slightly outside this range.

Top Contenders Analysis

1. Black Smoke

2. Virtual Hug

3. Calshot Spit

4. Foinix

Predicted Top 4 Chances

  1. Virtual Hug: Given the weight adjustment and consistent form, appears well-placed to turn the tables on Black Smoke.
  2. Black Smoke: Despite a higher weight, the recent win on this course and distance is hard to ignore.
  3. Calshot Spit: With potential for improvement at this longer distance, could be a dark horse.
  4. Foinix: Consistent place performances suggest it will be in the mix, though winning out might be a stretch.

Other Factors to Consider

The race is competitive with several horses showing potential. The slight preference is for Virtual Hug due to the weight swing and consistent form, closely followed by Black Smoke, who must prove he can handle the 4lb rise effectively. Calshot Spit and Foinix provide interesting alternatives with potential upside.

Wolverhampton 5.30 Race 2 - 1m6f (1m5f219y) Tips For Every Race At raceday-ready.com Handicap (Div II) (Class 6) (4yo+ 0-55)

Analyzing the second division of the 1m6f handicap at Wolverhampton on April 4th, 2024, we look into each contender based on the pertinent factors likely to impact here.

Detailed Assessment

1. Further Measure

2. Twoforthegutter

3. Stolen Encounter

4. Bear Claws

5. Midnight Shimmer

Predicted Top Chances

  1. Further Measure seems primed for a strong performance, drawing on past C&D success and current form trajectory.
  2. Twoforthegutter offers promise based on recent improvements and potential to overcome a wider draw.
  3. Stolen Encounter could rebound from the latest outing, backed by strong breeding and a capable jockey/trainer team.
  4. Bear Claws has demonstrated ability over C&D in the past and, with a return to form, could be a contender.

Additional Considerations

The race dynamics suggest a potentially competitive pace, with several horses capable of taking an early lead. The ability to sustain speed over the 1m6f distance on the AW Tapeta surface at Wolverhampton will be crucial, making stamina and adaptability key factors. Jockey experience on this specific track and in handling the pace scenario will also be pivotal.

Wolverhampton 6.00 Race 3 - 5f (5f21y) Download The Raceday Ready App Handicap (Class 6) (4yo+ 0-60)

In assessing the 6:00 race at Wolverhampton on April 4th, 2024, over 5 furlongs on the standard AW Tapeta surface it is shaping up as an intriguing affair.

Key Contender Analysis

Aces Wild

Spanish Angel

Blazing Hot


Predicted Top Chances

  1. Aces Wild - The recent C&D win and manageable weight rise make him the top contender.
  2. Spanish Angel - With conditions to suit and a tempting mark, he's poised for a strong showing.
  3. Blazing Hot - Given his competitive form and slight relief in the weights, expect a solid performance.
  4. Stroxx - The recent victory may provide the needed momentum, despite the relative strength of that race.

Other Considerations

The pace of the race looks to be competitive, with several horses capable of leading. The ability to navigate the Tapeta surface effectively, along with jockey experience and strategy in this sprint distance, will be critical to success.

Wolverhampton 6.30 Race 4 - 5f (5f21y) Get Raceday Ready Restricted Novice Stakes (For horses In Bands B, C And D) (GBB Race) (Class 4) (3-5yo)

For the 6:30 race at Wolverhampton on the AW Tapeta surface, we're looking at a restricted novice stakes over 5 furlongs. Here’s a detailed assessment of the contenders based on the provided criteria:

Detailed Contender Analysis

1. Tan Rapido

2. Angel's Call

3. Bluey's Boy

4. Maris Angel

Predicted Top Chances

  1. Tan Rapido stands out as the leading contender based on form, breeding, and the jockey/trainer combo. His performance on AW and turf suggests he's versatile and ready to win.
  2. Maris Angel might show considerable improvement from her debut, making her a potential surprise package in this race.
  3. Bluey's Boy, under a capable trainer and with a change in condition (being gelded), could show unexpected improvement.
  4. Angel's Call may find this level challenging based on current form, but breeding suggests untapped potential.

Race Dynamics and Other Considerations

This race will likely be fast-paced given the distance and surface. Horses that can quickly establish a prominent position without burning too much energy early will have an advantage. The ability of a jockey to read the race and make split-second decisions in such a short sprint is crucial. Given the varied experience levels and the potential for improvement in some runners, particularly those showing promise in their debuts or having undergone significant training changes, surprises could be on the cards. However, Tan Rapido and Maris Angel, with their blend of proven performance and potential for improvement, appear to be the safest bets.

Wolverhampton 7.00 Race 5 - 7f (7f36y) Free Digital Racecard At raceday-ready.com Handicap (Class 4) (4yo+ 0-80)

For the 7:00 race at Wolverhampton, we're looking at a class 4 handicap over 7 furlongs on the AW Tapeta surface. This analysis takes a detailed look at the key contenders based on their current form, potential suitability to the race conditions, and other relevant factors.

Contender Overview

1. Giant

2. Rock Opera

3. Double Time

4. Bell Shot

5. Woodstock

Predicted Top Contenders

  1. Giant seems set for another strong performance, building on his last win with ideal conditions and a good draw.
  2. Bell Shot comes off a win and with a modest weight increase, appears well-placed to compete strongly again.
  3. Rock Opera has shown enough form and adaptability to be considered a major player in this race.
  4. Woodstock has shown promise in his recent start for a new stable and could surprise with further improvement.

Other Considerations

The race dynamics suggest a competitive pace, with several front-runners likely to contest early. The ability to sustain speed and navigate the Tapeta surface effectively will be critical. Jockey experience and strategy will also play vital roles, especially in managing positions from the start and making timely moves in the race's latter stages.

Wolverhampton 7.30 Race 6 - 7f (7f36y) Download The Racecourse App Raceday Ready Handicap (Class 6) (3yo 0-65)

For the 7:30 race at Wolverhampton on April 4th, 2024, we're examining a class 6 handicap for 3-year-olds over a distance of 7 furlongs and 36 yards on the standard AW Tapeta surface. The contenders have varied forms and backgrounds, making this an intriguing race to dissect.

Top Contender Insights

1. Amancio

2. Cuban Harry

3. Koji

4. Lady In Havana

Predicted Top Chances

  1. Amancio seems primed for a strong showing, especially with a return to 7f, a distance that previously saw him nearly clinching victory.
  2. Koji comes off a recent win at this course and distance, showing that she can handle the track and potentially repeat her success.
  3. Cuban Harry might see significant improvement post-gelding, with top-tier jockey/trainer collaboration indicating readiness for a competitive return.
  4. Lady In Havana has shown she can win this winter and, despite a less stellar recent performance, could find form again on this surface.

Other Considerations

The race's outcome could be influenced by the pace strategy, especially with several contenders capable of leading or adapting to the race dynamics. The ability of jockeys to navigate the Tapeta surface effectively and position their mounts for the final stretch will be crucial. Moreover, the recent form, alongside adjustments such as gelding or changes in training strategy, could significantly impact performance, making this a race with potential surprises.

Wolverhampton 8.00 Race 7 - 1m1½f (1m1f104y) Get The Inside Track With raceday-ready.com Handicap (Class 6) (4yo+ 0-65)

For the 8:00 race at Wolverhampton on April 4, 2024, we're assessing a competitive class 6 handicap for 4-year-olds and up over a distance of 1 mile and 1½ furlongs. This detailed analysis takes into account various crucial factors to predict the major contenders.

Top Contenders Analysis

1. Coolree

2. Graffiti

3. Crafter

4. Snooze Lane

5. Classic Speed

6. Malacanne


This race promises to be tightly contested, with strategic rides and potential improvements playing significant roles in the outcome.

Wolverhampton 8.30 Race 8 - 1m½f (1m142y) Get Raceday Ready Handicap (Class 6) (4yo+ 0-55)

For the 8:30 race at Wolverhampton on April 4, 2024, we're evaluating a Class 6 handicap for horses aged 4 and older, covering a distance of 1 mile and 142 yards on the all-weather (AW) Tapeta track. Let's delve into the key factors for each runner and identify the major contenders.

Analyzing the Contenders

1. Moondial

2. Olympic Quest

3. Locked N' Loaded

4. Crafter

5. Dappled Light

6. Angel Of Antrim

Race Preview and Predictions

This race promises a competitive field with several horses showing potential for the top spot. Crafter appears to be in prime form after the latest C&D win and could be hard to beat. Olympic Quest offers intrigue with recent success and potential for further improvement. Locked N' Loaded is knocking on the door of victory with consistent finishes, while Moondial might find the return to form under favorable conditions.
Angel Of Antrim cannot be overlooked after a recent win, suggesting adaptability to the surface and distance, and Dappled Light benefits from the prime barrier position, potentially leveraging it for a strong showing.
Predicting the top contenders is challenging in a closely matched field, but Crafter and Olympic Quest seem poised for strong performances, with Locked N' Loaded and Angel Of Antrim rounding out the top prospects based on current form and potential for improvement.
submitted by WinterNo4971 to GlobalHorseRacingTips [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 07:47 prest1977 These 12 Movies will Leave Netflix in April

These 12 Movies will Leave Netflix in April
March has come to an end, and April will bring a new batch of movies to Netflix, and there will also be some movies that will leave Netflix for various reasons, so here's a roundup of some of the classic movies that will be leaving in April, and if there's something you like, you can watch it before it leaves, or you can use Kigo Netflix Video Downloader to download the movies that are leaving to your computer, so you can watch them whenever you want.

‘The Nice Guys’ (April 8)
Ryan Gosling is having a bit of a moment — he may not have won the Oscar for best-supporting actor, but he won the Oscars telecast for his performance of “I’m Just Ken” — and those who prefer the intense actor in his loosey-goosey comic mode would be wise to check out this 2016 comedy-mystery. Gosling stars as a bumbling private detective who teams up with a bone-breaker-for-hire (an uproariously gregarious Russell Crowe) to solve a convoluted missing person case. The co-writer and director is Shane Black, who helped popularize the buddy-action comedy with his “Lethal Weapon” screenplay, and subsequently perfected it here and in “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.” Keep an eye out for the up-and-comers Angourie Rice (“Mean Girls”) and Margaret Qualley (“Drive Away Dolls”) in supporting roles.
‘Rush’ (April 15)
Ron Howard spent a fair amount of his youth appearing in vroom-vroom car movies like “American Graffiti,” “Eat My Dust” and “Grand Theft Auto” — the latter marking his feature directorial debut — so it’s not surprising that he was drawn to this thrilling dramatization of the mid-70s glory days of Formula One racing. He tells the story of a rivalry between two of the sport’s stars: James Hunt (Chris Hemsworth) and Niki Lauda (Daniel Brühl), a study in contrasts, the matinee idol and the ugly duckling, the party boy and the teetotaler. The nuanced screenplay by Peter Morgan (who penned Howard’s earlier “Frost/Nixon,” and would go on to create “The Crown”) mines the complexities of their relationship, while the thrilling race sequences effectively place us in the driver’s seat through the hairiest moments of trading paint.
‘Synchronic’ (April 15)
Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead make brainy sci-fi pictures, small-scale indie movies like “The Endless” and “Something in the Dirt” that traffic in ideas over special effects. This 2019 effort was the closest they’ve come to a play for the cinematic mainstream, casting Marvel mainstay Anthony Mackie and “Fifty Shades” star Jamie Dornan in the leading roles. But their signature style and thematic occupations remain thankfully intact in this tale of two New Orleans paramedics who discover the mind-bending effects of a new designer drug. The central conceit is ingenious, but the filmmakers don’t just rely on its cleverness; there are genuine, human stakes, and the payoff is refreshingly poignant.

‘The Hateful Eight’ (April 24)
Quentin Tarantino followed “Django Unchained” by again riffing on the venerable Western genre, this time by crossing it with the Agatha Christie-style “locked room” mystery. He populates his story, of a poisoning in a tucked-away haberdashery during a deadly blizzard in the post-Civil War West, with faces familiar from his previous films, including Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell, Tim Roth and Michael Madsen; they’re joined by an Oscar-nominated Jennifer Jason Leigh, in a particularly foul-mouthed and ill-tempered mood. Tempers flare, blood is shed and vulgarities fly in typical Tarantino fashion, but in its unflinching portraiture of the racial hostilities of a splintered country, the work is by no means exclusive to its period setting. (Also leaving on April 24: the Netflix-exclusive “The Hateful Eight Extended Version,” which adds footage and breaks the film up into four one-hour episodes.)
‘Malignant’ (April 26)
James Wan started out directing bone-crunching horror pictures like “Saw,” “Insidious” and “The Conjuring” before going mainstream with “Furious 7,” “Aquaman” and its sequel. Between those two superhero flicks, he directed this gloriously unhinged, go-for-broke horror thriller, in which a young woman (Annabelle Wallis) is haunted by visions of grisly murders — visions that prove to be true, and suggest some sort of a psychic link to the brutal killer. If that sounds slightly peculiar, boy, just you wait. The screenplay by “M3GAN” writer Akela Cooper (with story assists from Wan and Ingrid Bisu) is an admirably unrestrained trip into the genre’s wilder corners, full of inventive kills, bananas story turns and cuckoo supporting characters, all rendered in a baroque, hurdy-gurdy visual style.
‘13 Going on 30’ (April 30)
Just in time for its 20th anniversary on April 23, this likably goofy and endlessly charming romantic comedy is, essentially, a gender-swapped remake of the beloved “Big,” this time with Jennifer Garner as a 13-year-old whose birthday wish to be “30 and flirty and thriving” unexpectedly comes true. Garner is warm and endearing, a loose-limbed wonder at capturing the awkward gawkiness of a teen trapped in an ill-fitting body, while recent Oscar nominee Mark Ruffalo finds just the right mixture of confusion and sweetness as her childhood friend who’s become quite the babe.

‘Fried Green Tomatoes’ (April 30)
Fannie Flagg’s best-selling book “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe” got the big-screen treatment in 1991, via director Jon Avnet (“Up Close and Personal”). It tells two stories: Kathy Bates is a housewife who finds escape from her unsatisfying life in the stories a nursing home resident (Jessica Tandy) tells her about her hometown; Mary Stuart Masterson, Mary-Louise Parker and Cicely Tyson are among the residents whose yarns she spins. Some of the edges of Flagg’s book have been sanded down to make this cozy sweater of an adaptation, which is regrettable — but as it stands, it’s a lovely film, capably crafted and poignantly played.
‘Twins’ / ‘Kindergarten Cop’ (April 30)
Arnold Schwarzenegger may have put on a stone-faced persona for his breakthrough role in “The Terminator,” but there was always a sly sense of humor to his performances in even his most serious action movies. So it wasn’t a huge stretch when he teamed with “Ghostbusters” director Ivan Reitman to make his first starring comedy, 1988’s “Twins,” alongside Danny DeVito — a broad and sometimes obvious high-concept giggle-fest that is carried considerably by the charisma and chemistry of its leads. It was such a big hit that Schwarzenegger and Reitman re-teamed two years later for “Kindergarten Cop,” which found the star pointedly sending up his own tough-guy image as a bruiser of a big-city cop who goes undercover in a suburban grade school.
‘Mamma Mia!’ / ‘Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again’ (April 30)
The long-running Broadway jukebox musical, featuring the zippy music of the ’70s pop group Abba, was something of a punchline for New Yorkers, a go-to example of how far the Great White Way had gone in its relentless pursuit of tourist dollars. But the 2008 film adaptation (directed, as the stage production was, by Phyllida Lloyd) is altogether irresistible, offering up the peculiar but undeniable pleasure of heavyweight thespians like Meryl Streep, Stellan Skarsgard and Amanda Seyfried indulging in their inner theater kid. It was such a hit that most of the major players returned a decade later for “Here We Go Again” — and while it doesn’t quite match the frothy pleasures of the original, it does add Cher, and that’s not nothing.
‘Whiplash’ (April 30)
The “La La Land” director Damien Chazelle’s breakthrough feature was this 2014 hybrid of sports movie and musical melodrama, in which a young jazz drummer (Miles Teller) at a Juilliard-inspired music school comes under the tutelage — or, perhaps, the thumb — of a tough-as-nails professor and conductor (J.K. Simmons). It’s a complicated tale, working within an established milieu while simultaneously interrogating it, and grappling with the implications of time-told tales of the sacrifices one must make in pursuit of excellence. Teller is an ideal anchor for such a story, projecting a mixture of both arrogance and uncertainty, and Simmons deservedly won an Oscar for his nightmare-fuel performance as the merciless mentor.
ALSO LEAVING: ‘Marshall’ (April 7); ‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’ (April 15); ‘Train to Busan’ (April 22); ‘Apollo 13,’ ‘Elvis,’ ‘Erin Brockovich,’ ‘Joker,’ ‘Jurassic Park,’ ‘Silver Linings Playbook,’ ‘Step Brothers’ (April 30).
submitted by prest1977 to streamingvideotricks [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 15:23 Ben_Elohim_2020 The Nature of Family [Chapter 13]

The Nature of Family [Chapter 13]

Thank you to:
u/SpacePaladin15 for creating the Nature of Predators universe.
u/EdibleGojid, author of Dark Cuts, for proofreading.
EmClear, aspiring author, for proofreading
You, the reader, for your support. I love reading your comments.
Please consider reading the works of my proofreaders and be sure to check the links below for more of my work.
[First] [Previous] [Next] [Empty Eyes] [Special Delivery] [Wrath of the Ripper] [The Happy Cow]
Memory transcription subject: Quinlim, Suspected Capozzi Family Associate
Date [standardised Human time]: September 27th, 2136
“What would you say is the most vital weapon for a man to master, Quinlim?” Alfonse presents his challenge casually as we traverse the back alleys of the neighbourhood to destinations unknown.
The question, on the surface at least, seemed to be a simple one. Considering what I know of Alfonse, however, it was clear that the inquiry was intended as more of a riddle that sought its answer in the way a lock seeks its key. Something as simplistic as naming the proper model of firearm might be enough to satisfy someone like Marcus who, after exhaustive comparison, had no doubt settled on some armament or another as his undisputed champion. Alfonse though? Alfonse would demand something a little more… cerebral.
The pair of us stalk through the umbral corridors of our home in quiet solitude, our footfall silent upon dilapidated pavement in the cool air of twilight, marred only by the faint buzz of ancient incandescent lights above as Alfonse waits with otherworldly patience for my answer.
Could it be a rifle of some variety, the most fundamental weapon of every modern footsoldier? No, too basic by far. Perhaps the answer was to think on a larger scale? Antimatter bombs perhaps? The deterrence such weapons of mass destruction provide, paired with their devastating impact, is certainly something that would match the ethos I’ve come to expect from the Family, but no. An antimatter bomb isn’t the sort of thing a single man could master. It’s the sort of thing that would require an entire military apparatus to properly deploy. This riddle was established on the level of personal armaments, and that was where I would find my answer… provided I did find an answer.
I look up to the mighty colossus towering beside me, searching for some hint or clue to my quandary hidden within his inscrutable features and finding none. Standing as sturdy and strong as any skyscraper, Alfonse’s every move is made with an easy, graceful panache that relays absolute, unassailable power and control. It had been some time now since I’d first met Alfonse, since that fateful paw when he had saved my life from Akrim, but in many ways I still felt as though I barely knew the man. It had been simple getting to know Jonesy, Mac, and Ivan. The three of them had opened up to me immediately and invited me to join them in their various escapades at every opportunity. Even Trilvri was more expressive once he was comfortable enough to let down his walls, just a little bit, and I learned how to read his subtle signs. Alfonse though? Alfonse is all business, all the time, with a face as hard and unyielding as that of a stoney cliff. Never someone to say more than necessary, he’s the only person I know able to pose a serious challenge to Don at the card table, and frustratingly difficult to intuit.
A momentary glint of his piercing blue eyes in the dark is all it takes to break me free from the distractions of my wandering mind and I return once more to the question.
Something vital is that which is essential to have, but not necessarily something that is large. Maybe the most vital weapon is simply the one that you have when you need it? A concealed dagger or pistol, much like my own shotgun, that gives the advantage of surprise perhaps? I do like that answer. It has a certain rhyme to it that seems appropriate, but something still feels… off about it to me.
I wish that there was no need for weapons, that a kind word would be enough for everyone the galaxy over to just get along peaceably, and I hope to never use my shotgun more than I already have as a Krakotl-like threat display. For the Humans though, violence and the threat of violence is a language all its own, and one in which they speak fluently. Perhaps, it could even be said they wielded such threats as a weapon in their own right?
“The most vital weapon a man can master are his words.” I settle on my answer, delivering it boldly to the giant beside me with as much confidence as I can muster. “Through the use of the right words you can defuse a conflict before it begins, dissuade others from fighting, and even turn your enemies into your friends.”
I watch the stoic expression chiselled upon Alfonse’s face with care as I speak, feeling myself tumbling precariously into his abyssal blue eyes as I yearn for some sign that I was right. A minute upcurl of his mouth, barely even perceptible as a smirk, creeps across his robust and blocky features as he slowly nods his head. It’s quite the positive sign from my mercurial manager, and I can’t help but give a elated wave of my tail as I let out a breath I hadn’t realised I’d been holding.
“No.” Alfonse says, shattering my sense of accomplishment with a single word. “That’s not correct, but you are thinking about these things in the proper manner. It speaks to your potential and to your character. Reflect on it some more. You’ll have your answer soon enough.”
I try to suppress my disappointment, attempting to follow Ivan's advice about maintaining appearances, and choose not to broadcast my dismay with a sad, droopy tail. I don't have long to ruminate on my failure, however, as we abruptly enter into an open clearing centred around a large office building.
The area surrounding the building is well lit, blessed with a rare abundance of functional streetlights, harsh and white, which cut through the black and seems to mark it as an outsider to this place… and it was clear that outsiders were not looked upon kindly. Large panes of glass made up the walls of the lower floor, smashed in at some indeterminate point in the past and hastily covered up with sheets of plywood. Litter and debris of all sorts accumulated in front of the structure, much more than mere happenstance would account for, and it seems almost as if there were people going out of their way to deposit their refuse here. Indeed, the walls had all been tagged with derogatory and degrading graffiti. Some words were clearly from disgruntled prey, crying out “Stars burn you!” and “Get off our planet, Predators!”, while others were clearly Human in origin citing such alien phrases as “UNinvolved in Twilight Valley!” and “We Hate the Antichrist!”. A lone sentry in a blue helmet with a rifle slung over his shoulder watches us with disinterested contempt from the entryway as we approach.
“Is this where we’re going?” I ask Alfonse as we near the building, almost impressed that it was somehow in even greater disrepair than the rest of the district. “What’s the deal with this place?”
“It’s the United Nations Embassy.” He answers as he casually lifts a hand in greeting, one which is returned by the guard at the door. “We’re simply passing through, but we have something of an understanding with the local embassy, and they appreciate the courtesy of knowing when to look the other way.”
“I thought we didn't like the UN?” I whisper softly as I wave my tail at the sentry.
“Generally speaking we don't,” Alfonse replies, “but our contention is with the organisation at large and those among them with the actual power to make decisions, not the men on the ground. The workers at the embassy get more than their fair share of grief, suffering the consequences of responsibility disproportionate to their authority, but most people don't care to differentiate when assigning blame. In some ways they’ve been left out to dry just as much as the rest of us, and they’ve come to appreciate the work we do in resolving their problems discreetly, without a mountain of paperwork and red tape.”
The guard at the door frowns in a distinctly unfriendly fashion as we walk around the outskirts of his domain, sizing me up like a prospective cut of fresh meat. Subconsciously, I feel myself drawn towards the inner folds of my jacket, seeking the security of cold steel, and the guard looks away.
At what point had my gun gone from a source of anxiety to one of comfort? At what point had being armed begun to feel so natural?
“I wouldn't worry about Stewart if I were you.” Alfonse gestures subtly behind us towards the UN sentry, cutting my concerned thoughts short. “He’s bought and paid for. He just likes to forget that fact when he thinks he can get away with it. Don't let him take you for an easy mark and you’ll be fine.”
I give a Human-like nod of understanding as we finally leave the embassy behind us, feeling the predatory eyes of its guardian boring disconcertingly into my back all the while.
As we turn the corner down the way, we find ourselves outside of a rugged, utilitarian-looking storefront made of antiquated brick and mortar with steel roll-up doors and the wooden accents typical of Yotul architecture. Large windows across the front provide a restricted view of the interior through a dense scattering of military service stickers, posters of muscular silhouettes lifting absurd weights, and advertisements for fitness instruction which include, oddly enough, dance lessons. Faded black stencil lettering near the top of the window, looking as though it had been only half-removed before whoever was trying had given up, spell out the words “Boxing Co.” and it seems to me as though the building had been repurposed from the remains of a now defunct packaging manufacturer. Above it all hangs a neon sign, shining in United Nations blue, which boldly reads “Iron Boots Gym''.
“Is the most vital weapon for a man to master… his own body?” I hazard a quick guess given the context clues gleamed from our destination. After all, it did fit with my prior assessment. Vital? I could hardly think of anything more vital than your own vitality. Readily accessible? Deprived off all else a man still had himself hadn’t he? Moreover, it feels like just the sort of response that Mac would give, and hopefully a good enough one for Alfonse.
“Not quite,” came the expected denouncement, “but that’s a part of it,” came the unexpected appeal, “so you’re getting closer.”
Alfonse steps inside without fanfare, setting off the small jingle of a bell as he does so, and I quickly scamper to catch-up. The interior that greets me is much like the outside, stark and strong with little in the way of ornamentation or organisation outside of the occasional motivational poster. Old, rusted weights lay scattered about, looking as though they had been reclaimed fresh from the scrapyard after having been disposed of by the Exterminators Guild. No one else outside of the military would ordinarily have a use for such things unless they were simply to be melted down and recast, but to my surprise there appeared to be a fair number of athletes in attendance at this claw. Not just Humans either, though they were certainly the majority, but Yotul as well, most of which seemed to be concentrated in a small, sectioned-off studio in the back. In a lot of ways the place reminds me of Mac. Boisterous, loud, outwardly unappealing, yet reliable and tough. A true “manly man’s” place as I’m sure he would describe it.
A large, vascular Human, wearing a revealing tank-top shirt that exposes his engorged musculature for all the world to see, lays nearby upon a padded bench. An opaque white mask covers his face, but nothing could hold back the angry, pained growls ruminating from his throat as he presses his hands up towards the sky. Held within his clenched grip rests a solid steel bar, bending under its immense load, and rising slowly off his chest. With a final, triumphant cry, he hoists his burden high and racks it carefully above his head to the adulation of his peers.
Brushing aside their attention, the titan rises and approaches us, clasping hands with Alfonse in a powerful, upward facing grip, and seemingly vying for control of the limb in a brute contest of strength. With the Human tendency towards clothing it’s easy to forget how impressive the physiques of the predators could be, their naked flesh, bereft of fur or feathers, exposing every ounce of might contained within.
The weightlifter is enormous, broad of back and thick of limb. Imposing by any normal metric. Standing beside Alfonse however… I couldn’t help but think him small, even as I strain my neck gazing up at the pair.
“Well, if it isn't my favourite shrink?” The man greets Alfonse with a smile so wide I can hear it in his voice. “Always a pleasure to have you visit Alfonse.”
“Likewise, Jaq.” Alfonse responds politely, his arm an immovable rod of iron. “Your treatment has been progressing well in my absence I hope?”
“Oh, absolutely!” The man, Jaq, concedes his challenge and releases his grip. “I found myself a new brain doc not too long after we got off Prime Station. Haven’t had an episode in almost two weeks!” He laughs aloud, but it’s a tired sort of laugh, suffused with fatigue. The pretend sort of laugh one makes when trying to bend reality to their will, with the thought that if you lie to yourself long enough it will eventually become real. A laugh I know all too well.
Alfonse rests a hand on Jaq’s shoulder, giving it a gentle pat. “If things get bad again you know how to contact me.”
“I appreciate that Alfonse,” Jaq seems uncertain as he answers, “but I know you’re busy helping out the Captain with his latest… project, and I’m fine. Really. Opening up the gym has been a big help for me. Gives me something else to focus on. Something… tangible.” He goes quiet for a moment and when the silence is finally broken I can tell that underneath his mask lies a wry smile. “Say, have you reconsidered stepping into my ring by any chance? I’m sure you and your boys would make some excellent contenders.”
“No, Jaq.” Alfonse’s reply is short, yet civil. “I'm a psychologist, not a prize fighter. Besides, it's a conflict of interest for us to act as both participants and bookies.”
Jaq gives a sharp laugh, a genuine one fueled by incredulity. “Maybe you can pass that bullshit past someone else, but I know the look of a fighter when I see one. You’re a military psychologist Alfonse, and I know well enough to understand what that means. All that fifth-generational warfare, psy-op crap. But maybe I should shut my mouth before some other spook comes by to shut me up instead?”
Jaq laughs once more, but Alfonse remains quiet and stern, not saying a word as Jaqs laughter becomes more and more forced. I can feel the tension in the air and a cold shiver passes through my spine as I wonder, not for the first time, just who Alfonse really is. Slowly, Jaq stops laughing entirely as the disquieting atmosphere in the room finally becomes too much to bear and he changes subjects, looking at me.
“So, who’s the Venlil? Another new addition to the Captain’s little outfit?”
“I’m Quinlim, Sir.” I speak up, injecting myself into the conversation and extending a paw for a handshake. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Well, aren’t you a polite little fellow?” Jaq takes my paw in hand, engulfing it entirely, and gives a single, firm yet gentle shake before releasing it. “My name is Jaq. It’s always nice to meet a Venlil who ain’t scared shitless by the prospect of shaking hands with a predator.” Jaq practically seems to spit the word out with contemptuous scorn.
“I’ve gotten quite used to Humans since I started working for Mr. Capozzi, and besides,” I reply with a dismissive wave of my tail, “Humans aren't so scary after you get to know them a little. I think everyone will learn to see that eventually. It's just a matter of time.”
Jaq slumps his boulder-like shoulders and crosses his arms, closing himself off. “Maybe you're right, Quinlim, but I’m not so sure. Even if you are, we've still got a long road to go.”
I feel my heart go out to Jaq, to this titan with a weary soul, determined to cheer him up. “Oh come on,” I say with faux-happiness, reaching up to pat him on the arm, “it's not so bad. Sure there are challenges and upsets, but just look at me. It wasn't so long ago that I was petrified of Humans and now they’re are some of my best friends. People can change if you just give them the time. Look around your gym! I definitely see some Yotul in the back there. What about the exchange program? That’s been a huge driver of progress!”
“That’s certainly what they like to tell you about the program,” Jaq dismisses my appeal, turning aside to look elsewhere, “but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows like they’d have you believe. Sure, there are cases where everything went off without a hitch, joyful, life-long friendships between species just as advertised, but I’ve also seen the stories they don’t tell you. One Venlil tried to stab her partner completely unprovoked. Another psychotic Venlil put his partner into a coma when he tried to quit the program. I’m not even going to get into what happened to Solomon or Marcel.” Jaq turns back, facing me directly and I could feel the intensity of his pained eyes through his mask. “For every success story there’s another story they don’t tell you about a Human who tried his best, who did everything he could, and still got rejected in the end. Some of my best friends, my brothers, died protecting that station, and even those who came back didn’t always do so whole. I can’t even sleep at night without finding myself back in that cockpit, helpless to do anything but watch! And what do I get for it? My own partner wouldn’t even look me in the eye!”
As he speaks I notice a slight tremor move through Jaq’s body, his breathing becoming more and more pronounced, and I’m left with the sensation that he’s no longer looking at me, but through me. I find myself speechless, unsure of what to do or say to help the situation, concerned that anything I do will just make things worse again. Luckily, I don’t have to.
“Jaq,” Alfonse interrupts calmly, clinically, “you’re spiralling again. Look at me.” Alfonse takes hold of Jaq by the shoulders, gentle yet firm. “Take a deep breath, and tell me where you are.”
Jaq looks up at Alfonse, meeting his gaze and takes a slow, shaky breath. “The gym. My gym.”
“That’s right, you’re in your gym.” Alfonse reinforces the point. “You’re safe here, and among friends.”
Jaq lets out a pent-up sigh taut with tension, expelling it from his body. “Thanks Alfonse.” He answers, his breathing steady once more. “I needed that. I just… work myself up a little sometimes. I need to focus more on the positives and not allow myself to get bogged down in the past. Things aren’t so bad here and I’m making them better all the time.”
Jaq turns to me and rubs the top of my head with a hand, pushing down my ears and ruffling my wool in the way Humans are sometimes fond of doing. A mildly obnoxious habit that seems almost ingrained in his race, but a well-meaning one I know.
“I’m sorry you had to see that Quinlim.” Jaq apologises solemnly. “I shouldn’t be bothering you with my problems, but I appreciate you trying to help.”
“Oh, it’s quite alright.” I say, lifting his hand off of my head. “Really, I don’t mind-”
The sound of a ringing bell cuts me off mid sentence as someone else enters into the establishment. The newcomer is a tough, rugged-looking young Yotul man with fur the same golden-brown hue as fresh ipsom ready for harvest. He adjusts a large duffel bag slung over his shoulder as he enters, grasping it with paws tightly wrapped in strips of cloth, and locks eyes with Jaq.
“I know, I know,” he says defensively, “I’m late. Don’t start with me Jaq. Traffic was awful and I got held up running deliveries for my uncle. I’m sorry.”
“Just don’t let it happen again.” Jaq’s tone is stern, but underneath I can detect a trace of fondness and mirth. “If you were gone any longer I may have had to tell your students that class was cancelled for the day and send them all home. As it stands, you’re lucky I got distracted by an old friend stopping by to visit. Come on over and introduce yourself.”
“Do I have to?” The Yotul grumbles, yet makes his way over to Alfonse and I. “You said it yourself that I’m keeping my students waiting…” He seems used to Humans, showing no discomfort with Jaq or Alfonse, but shoots me a look overflowing with suspicion and apprehension.
“Another two minutes won’t hurt them at this point, Learo.” Jaq chides him, drawing him closer into the circle. “This is Alfonse and Quinlim. They’re with Captain Capozzi’s outfit, so be respectful."
“Hello,” the Yotul says with the resigned sigh of a teenager forced against his will to be sociable, “my name is Learo. Nice to meet you.” He passes me by, extending a paw to Alfonse, who gives it a firm shake, and a small part of me can’t help but suspect an intentional slight.
“Likewise.” Alfonse responds, not seeing the need to drag out the interaction and the poor uplifts suffering.
“Learo here is my best employee.” Jaq says proudly, pulling the surly primitive into an embrace by the shoulder.
“I’m your only employee.” Learo protests in vain.
“As I said, the best.” Jaq carries on. “He teaches dance classes in the back studio. That’s the draw for how we managed to get more than just Humans in here. Real fascinating art. I’ve tried it myself, but I don’t have the talent for it. I’m a savateur, not a capoeirista.”
“It’s not a lack of talent,” Learo interjects, “it’s the fact that you don’t have a tail. Combat dancing is a Yotul art form. Use of the tail is critical. It just doesn’t work for Humans.”
“That may be so,” Jaq counters, “but I think you’d be surprised to see just how well we can do without one. One of these days I will find someone who knows a little something about Capoeira and show you how your dances can be modified for Human use.”
“Tch.” Learo dismisses, unimpressed. “Modifying the dances would go against the point. I’m trying to preserve the traditions here, not change them.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Jaq brushes him off with a wave of the hand. “It wouldn’t kill ya to expand your horizons though. How about some new students? Venlil have tails. I bet Quinlim here would love to give your class a chance sometime when he’s not busy. Right, Quinlim?”
“Um, what? Me?” I say, suddenly cast into the middle of their bickering.
“I don’t think so.” Learo replies before I can organise my thoughts. “I doubt that any Venlil would be interested in taking instruction from a primitive uplift to learn something as antiquated as combat dancing.”
A light smack to the back of the head is Learo’s immediate reply, eliciting a small yelp, more of surprise than pain, as Jaq punitively cuffs him with an open palm. “You’re being rude, Learo. Let the man speak for himself.”
In truth, the idea of learning anything from this disagreeable Yotul was hardly appealing. I’m not exactly enthused by the idea of wasting what little free time I have learning some old tribal dance to begin with, and especially not from such an unfriendly instructor. I’d be lying if I said part of the reason wasn’t to do with old, lingering biases against the Yotul. Just like so many other things it was one more holdover that I’d had to purposefully unlearn since I started working for the Family, and it still reared its head on occasion. The one time I’d slipped up and referred to Murseppi as a primitive, Mac and Jonesy themselves had held me down and washed out my mouth with soap, saying I was lucky that no one else had heard me.
“You know what?” I say, my mind having been made up. “Sure. I’ll try one of your classes.”
“You will?” Learo himself seemed more surprised than anything, before quickly resuming his blase attitude. “Fine then, but it’s gonna have to be next time. I’m already late for this paws class as it is and I don’t have time to change the lesson plan to accommodate a beginner.”
“Next time then.” I reiterate my point, not allowing Learo to wiggle his way out of a battle he’d chosen now that the tide had turned against his expectations.
“Next time…” Learo said with a defeated sigh as he leaves, finally managing to extract himself from the conversation to attend to his long-suffering students.
A quiet sort of silence fills the space in Learo’s absence as we all watch him depart, filled only with the background noise of clanging iron as we all seemingly wait for him to walk out of earshot.
“I’m sorry about that, Quinlim.” Jaq starts as soon as the door to the studio space closes. “Learo’s a good kid, honest, but he’s got a bit of a chip on his shoulder when it comes to dealing with other species. You don’t have to sign up for one of his classes if you don’t want to.”
“No,” I say to Jaq’s surprise, “I meant what I said. I’ll sign up for one. Just one. To give it a try at least.”
“I appreciate that Quinlim.” Jaq says as he watches Learo begin warm up exercises for his class through the window. “I think it would do him some good to get out there a little bit and see that not everyone is against him.” Jaq rises from his seat and Alfonse follows. “I suppose with all that out of the way you’ll be wanting to get on with your own training. You have free reign to use the equipment up here of course, but I expect you’ll be wanting to use the members-only section in the basement. The rest of your crew already came by a short while before you did. They should be down there waiting for you.”
“Thank you Jaq.” Alfonse shakes his hand one more time as I rise to follow. “As always we appreciate the use of your facilities.”
“And I appreciate you keeping the neighbourhood from catching fire.” Jaq answers, departing to tend his business as he leaves us to our own devices.
Passing a collection of exercise machines and free-weights we make our way to the rear of the store towards a large door with a red sign labelling it as “Members Only”. Producing a small key from the inner folds of his coat pocket, Alfonse opens the door with a soft click, revealing a set of stairs descending down beneath the ground. Given the Human propensity towards secretive, underground dwellings I’m beginning to wonder if the self-proclaimed arboreal creatures are really fossorial.
I take a deep breath and swallow, steeling myself for whatever trial is to come. With nothing left to do, I venture forth into the underground crypt, wondering to myself just what the most vital weapon for a man to master really is, and what achieving that mastery would cost me.
A/N - I’d like to start off by saying that I am terribly sorry that there has been such a huge gap in chapter releases. Work has become unexpectedly very busy the past several weeks and I have just been very tired and lacked the energy to write. This chapter has certainly been a struggle to complete, but I’ve persevered and continued to work at it. Luckily for you the next chapter is already complete and will be posted in a few days. Originally these two chapters were meant to be a simple One-shot, but it got so large it had to be split in half, and then in the end I decided that it was important and relevant enough that it deserved to be a part of the main series rather than a simple side-story.
In other news The Nature of Family has received quite an influx of art recently. First up is a wonderful rendition of Quinlim with his shotgun by Gecko, and then some of my own (significantly less impressive) attempts at art featuring Quinlim and Trilvri respectively. Also, if you happened to have missed it, be sure to take a look at my most recent crossover story The Happy Cow featuring our very own Trilvri and Baali from Predator Disease Treatment Facilities.
What did you think of the chapter? What would YOU say is “the most vital weapon for a man to master?” Is the UN Embassy contributing to the problems in Twilight Valley by ignoring the Family or do you think they’re simply making the best of a bad situation? Would you like to see more of Jaq and Learo in the future? Be sure to give me all your conspiracy theories about Alfonse’s mysterious backstory!
I post somewhat sporadically due to an erratic schedule IRL, so if you’re interested in staying up to date I’d highly recommend using the “!Subscribeme” function to be alerted to all new posts.
submitted by Ben_Elohim_2020 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 05:44 lets-get-it-1 [Serious] Let's list every good hip hop book there is worth reading

don't have
  • 6 'N The Morning - Daudi Abe
  • And It Don't Stop The Best American Hip-hop Journalism Of The Last 25 Years - Raquel Cepeda, Nelson George
  • Behind The Hits: Drumma Boy
  • Check The Technique: Volume 2 More Liner Notes For Hip-hop Junkies - Brian Coleman
  • Fashion Killa: How Hip-hop Revolutionized High Fashion - Sowmya Krishnamurthy
  • Hip-hop A Cultural Odyssey By Jordan Sommers
  • How to Hustle and Win A Survival Guide for the Ghetto - Supreme Understanding
  • Ice Cold: A Hip-Hop Jewelry History
  • Jewels Gems And Treasures - Anthony Cruz/AZ
  • LL COOL J Presents The Streets Win: 50 Years of Hip-Hop Greatness
  • Lo Life An American Classic
  • My Opinion - Mac Mall
  • No Sleep: NYC Nightlife Flyers 1988-1999 - DJ Stretch Armstrong
  • Straight From The Source: An Expose From The Former Editor In Chief Of The Source - Kim Osorio
  • Sunfail - Prodigy
  • The Black Book - Cory Mckay/Cormega
  • The Book Of Luke : My Fight For Truth, Justice, And Liberty City - Luther Campbell
  • The Butterfly Effect : How Kendrick Lamar Ignited The Soul Of Black America
  • The Nation Guide To The Nation - Lingeman, Richard R
  • The State Vs. Albert "Prodigy" Johnson
  • Understanding The True Meaning - Cory Mckay/Cormega
  • Vibrate Higher - Talib Kweli
  • Welcome To Death Row: The Uncensored Oral History Of Death Row Records In The Words Of Those Who Were There S. Leigh Savidge, Steve Housden
  • World's Great Men Of Color, Volume II - J.A. Rogers
  • Written! The Lyrics Of Grandmaster Caz
submitted by lets-get-it-1 to Hiphopcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 05:44 lets-get-it-1 [Serious] Let's list every good hip hop book there is worth reading

don't have
  • 6 'N The Morning - Daudi Abe
  • And It Don't Stop The Best American Hip-hop Journalism Of The Last 25 Years - Raquel Cepeda, Nelson George
  • Behind The Hits: Drumma Boy
  • Check The Technique: Volume 2 More Liner Notes For Hip-hop Junkies - Brian Coleman
  • Fashion Killa: How Hip-hop Revolutionized High Fashion - Sowmya Krishnamurthy
  • Hip-hop A Cultural Odyssey By Jordan Sommers
  • How to Hustle and Win A Survival Guide for the Ghetto - Supreme Understanding
  • Ice Cold: A Hip-Hop Jewelry History
  • Jewels Gems And Treasures - Anthony Cruz/AZ
  • LL COOL J Presents The Streets Win: 50 Years of Hip-Hop Greatness
  • Lo Life An American Classic
  • My Opinion - Mac Mall
  • No Sleep: NYC Nightlife Flyers 1988-1999 - DJ Stretch Armstrong
  • Straight From The Source: An Expose From The Former Editor In Chief Of The Source - Kim Osorio
  • Sunfail - Prodigy
  • The Black Book - Cory Mckay/Cormega
  • The Book Of Luke : My Fight For Truth, Justice, And Liberty City - Luther Campbell
  • The Butterfly Effect : How Kendrick Lamar Ignited The Soul Of Black America
  • The Nation Guide To The Nation - Lingeman, Richard R
  • The State Vs. Albert "Prodigy" Johnson
  • Understanding The True Meaning - Cory Mckay/Cormega
  • Vibrate Higher - Talib Kweli
  • Welcome To Death Row: The Uncensored Oral History Of Death Row Records In The Words Of Those Who Were There S. Leigh Savidge, Steve Housden
  • World's Great Men Of Color, Volume II - J.A. Rogers
  • Written! The Lyrics Of Grandmaster Caz
submitted by lets-get-it-1 to hiphop101 [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 19:42 Several_Seat5151 Compiled information on brawlers

I put a lot of work into collecting as much possible information on each brawler. From the game, beta, youtubers, twitter accounts, start park website, maps in game and brawl talks. I am fascinated by the lore of brawl stars and the treasure hunt they have laid out for it. I noticed there was no good place to see lore specifically for a certain brawler. I'd like to discuss theories and possibly add more information I may have overlooked. WE MUST FIGURE OUT THE SECRETS OF STARR PARK.
8-Bit - Old arcade machine described as being very difficult. They were awakened by a gem as shown by a brawl stars cinematic. Destroy senselessly with his lasers just to prove he was still capable despite being such an old machine. It may have also been revenge for one of his missing guns and hating their previous players. Bad players may have included Bull, Bea, Brock, and Surge. Was possibly under the control of someone before the project laser event that occured in game. He is clearly more than just an arcade machine due to Kairostim lies saying he's just a normal arcade machine. His place in Starr Park is the Starrcade.
Amber - Performer at Pocos Band Stand which is like a festival. She is known for subpar fire dancing. Only starting fire spinning and breathing to compete with Poco and El primo as an entertainer. May be Spude affiliated (Rey video)
Angelo - Swamp of Love member. Lives in the tunnels. Manipulative like Willow so they get along. Enjoys gossipping about other brawlers usually to cause a fight. He is a cupid turned mosquito apparently, maybe the effects of the swamp. Could be a swamp due to toxic waste disposal.
Ash - They are a scottish person/creature tired of litter and rats at the Castle Courtyard. Uses a trash can as protective armor due to the sheer amount of trash and rats. May be based on a Brownie. Has blue skin it appears. He gets angry after attacking due to the broom causing so much noise inside the trash can. Secretly eats garbage. The control robots called R.A.T.S which stands for; Rodent Attack Targeting System.
Barley - He is the same series of robot as Darryl and Rico. Their name is Bartlebee. Shown in investor video pouring acid instead of drinks for people. Bartending robot with a short temper. Owns a bar called Barley's. A unicorn horn appears on the starr park website a possible reference to his skin line.
Bea - Entomologist and Rosa's assistant. Obsessed with bees. Shown crying when she stepped on a bee. Works at Starr Park Gardens. Where they create all the plants and creatures_ in Starr park. She captured Eve after she crashed. A woman experimenting with bees in the investor video could be a nod towards her.
Belle - Fugitive and leader of Goldarm Gang. Wife of Sam, mother of Pearl and maybe another mystery child. Based on Belle Starr. They have a gold prosthetic which is where the gang gets its namesake. She robs banks of any town shes in. Unclear if she's only bound to the Wild West area or if she's a performer at all. She is shown in Sam's animation to have some engineering skills. Together with Sam they made Pearl. She appears to just be obsessed with money but actually is after the truth of Starr Park and how to bring it down.
Bibi - She chews Starr Park Gum which is inedible and purple flavor as shown on the starr park website. Inedibility is probably the reason for her ultimate. Bibi is Bull's sister revealed by Kairostime (credible as they source him for most of the lore and mentioned in Retropolis brawl talk). She is a member of a gang alongside Bull and Crow in Retropolis. Hardcore but cute and bit of a nerd. Loves baseball and bubblegum. Bat is called Mr. Bat. Runs a ride in Retropolis called Mr. Bat homerun ride. Apart of Bull's gang.
Bo - They're wearing a Starr Park eagle hat as shown on Starr Park website. Apparently his bow is also from the Starr Park giftshop. Maybe shown in investor video as a hatching eagle. Is listed as Leon's and Nita step-dad unclear if before or after in investor video when they both lost their parents riding the coaster. His home in the park is Rumble Jungle and has survived there for a long time. Eagle hunter shaman, best bowman of tribe.
Brock - Part of arcade trio. Loves arcade games and his rocket launcher. Secretly enjoys dancing. Talks a lot of smack.
Bonnie - The niece of stu and sister of janet. Gets in trouble with her cannon Clyde during stunt shows. She's famous around the park for her stunt of being shot out of Clyde.
Bull - Angry and reckless. Owns a diner in Retropolis. Possibly awakened and enraged by a gem dropped by Dynamike, later stolen by Leon. Part of biker gang with Bibi and Crow. Owns a car that appears on a map. His gun appears on the starr park website captioned saying that it doesn't fire but was shown firing in the background of the investor video.
Buster - Works as projector operator at turbo movie theatre/Starr Park Cinema. Wants to star in their own blockbuster. Their best friend is Fang. There is a sort of projector like toy captioned ?????.rm that could've been a teaser towards them.
Buzz - Dinosaur lifeguard at velocirapids. Likes singing and dancing . Not good at their job part because of his nature and short stature. However he likes bossing people around. Has the x on the back suggesting that Buzz may be a mascot. His hypercharge icon shows that the nostrils are the costume's eye holes. Potentially apart of mascot union strike. May be the B in the BRL - SPU - DE appearing on the picket fence. Further unknown if the SPU-DE is Starr Park Union of Distressed Employees since it's hyphenated. Their whistle and swim trunks appear on the starr park website but curiously enough the whistle sounds like two screams and the swim trunks are very very large. There must be something to the whistle sound.
Byron - Shady, scamming consman that sells potions claiming that they'll heal.
Carl - Robot geologist that enjogs riding in a minecart. Works at the gem mine. His latest obsession is the effects of gems! Potentially is a part of the rejected minecart ride whose schematics appear on the starr park website. Jacky annoys Carl as mentioned in a brawl talk.
Charlie - She is a performer at the Bizarre Circus. She grew up on the streets where she learned tricks before being discovered by the circus. She accepted for the money and soon became the main attraction. She uses her hair to perform her tricks. Often steals money during her shows. They have an obsession with spiders.
Chester - Jester of Candyland. Tries to prank Mandy constantly. He is extremely annoying and extends his pranks to everyone. He will make fun of anyone in his sight. Pranks are Chester's way of showing affection. There's a waiver to sign if you want to know what's in the jack-in-the-box.
Chuck - He was a former conductor of an orchestra before he arrived at Starr Park. Seemed to have given up the orchestra to find the next big thing in music. Now at Starr Park he is the conductor of trains specifically the Ghost Train. He still makes music inspired by the darkness and noises of the Ghost Station. Every once in awhile he performs for Gus.
Colette - Works at the gift shop. Psychopath that documents her obsession of other brawlers especially Spike. Multiple pages in scrapbook dedicated to spike. Weard a spike abd piper pin. She collects memorabilia of brawlers. Interestingly enough there is two Collette's in the investor video. We know that it is Colette because for a small frame before the scene changes their teeth become sharp.
Colt - The star attraction of Starr Park. He is a pretty boy sheriff in wild west. Colt runs a jailhouse in Ranger Ranch alongside Shelly. He may be a model and actor as well. Care about their looks a lot. Secretly does spa treatments for themselves. May have a bit of a crush on Shelly but is definitely her friend, letting her get away with crimes. This is possibly from before she started working with him. Possibly a robot from robot cowboy schematics on Starr Park website. Interestingly enough it's captioned as concerning and the writer not knowing how to feel about it. I think it is likely that Colt is a robot but unaware of it since Kairostim tells a lie that Colt knows exactly who he is, was and will be. He may be more nefarious than good as he opposes the Goldarm Gang. His favorite food is peanut butter sandwiches with the crust cut off.
Cordelius - lives in and protects the enchanted forest. It's unsure if the woods are truly enchanted, toxic or both. Plants poisonous mushrooms all over it as he enjoys gardening. He used to be a normal gardener until the toxicity of the woods drove him mad and trapped him there. His brawl talk hinted that the shadow dimension may be his original home. However, through his name's origin there's a theory that he's being controlled by the mushrooms and as such the mushrooms would be from the shadow dimension.
Crow - Just appeared in Retropolis one day. Used to get picked on but not anymore since he got poison daggers. Apart of Bull's gang. Theory of mine is he was one of the crows that would bring dynamike shiny objects for food and did so with a gem that ended up awakening him.
Darryl - Robot pirate captain made from a barrel. Only became captain to not do work but now forced to defend ship and treasure. He is the same series of robot as Barley and Rico. May have a rivalry with crow as had one of his daggers sticking in his back.
Doug - The most chill dinosaur at velocirapids. Works as hot dog vendor. Reference to recalled dinosaur inflatable eggs shoe on the website. They were recalled due to having a hatching problem. On the envelope you can see that they paid for permit for "beef and veal" products to be imported. Referencing beef hot dogs or just that there were meaty creatures inside the eggs.
Dynamike - Retired miner but still enjoys hanging in the gem mine and blowing things up. Was at one point lost in a mine and thought dead. Has a pet canary. Worked with Jacky. Discovered the purple gems that awakened people. Was killed by Shelly but mysteriously came back to life. Wkbrl affiliated. Seems to believe or is aware that the purple gems spread a sort of infection. Distrusting of Mr. P as penguins have connections to interdimensional birds. I think important part is he knows Mr. P is suspicious. Possibly has prosthetic arms like in beta sketches. Possibly has gone crazier from exposure to the gems and as such couldnt properly explain the situation on the radio. Possibly responsible for Gene. Distrusting of Spike as he is too friendly. May have a secret friendship with Mortis.
Edgar - A rebel emo boy that works at the gift shop with Colette and Griff. He tries to be cool and mysterious but doesn't pull it off. He attacks anyone who gets to close with his animated scarf. The scarf may be a living creature as it's shown to have bones on Edgar's x-ray.
Emz - Uses Z spray hairspray, which is not suitable for hair. Might be the creator of Z hairspray or face of? Shes a social media star. She is supposed to work with her uncle Mortis but barely shows upm Obsessed with Poco who she keeps a photo of on her phone. Name stands for emo mummy zombie.
Eve - Alien flea in a spaceship. Mother of parasites that are ready to infest other brawlers especially Ruff. He is shown as her suitable host. While searching for Ruff her ship crashed maybe causing the gems in the ground to become infected and purple. After crashing she was captured by Bea but has since escaped. On the website a reference to eve is a useless spaceship toy you can buy at starr park.
Fang - Works at Turbo theatre/Starr Park Cinema. Hes a kickboxer and aspiring actor. Usually only landing low budget martial art films. His best friend is Buster. Has a crush on Shelley. Secretly enjoys Princess Diaries.
Frank - Full name is Franklin. Works the Mortuary at day. Well known Dj often performing in the cemetery at night. The former roommate of Mortis (Mortis was too annoying). Destroyed Rico's first love.
Gale - They're the old and slow janitor at the snowtel. He is cranky and overworked. They are shown in the investor's video. Somewhat suspicious due to being mentioned by Kaorostim and being close to Mr. P.
Gene - A magical genie that runs a shop called the lamporium out of Tara's bazaar. He was somehow able to escape his lamp in the past but his powers and brain are trapped still. If we listen to the ranter (dynamike) he says he found Gene's lamp while prospecting and rubbed it. Now Gene is attached to him..
Gray - Silent film actor in Brawlywood. Works alongside Lola and seems to be annoyed by her constant upstaging. Takes method acting too serious. He makes silent, artsy underground movies. Additionally he has mind powers. Tried to be silent but sometimes messes up.
Griff - Greedy head of the gift shop and boss of Edgar and Collette. Hes always grumpy about business being bad. Described as not very clever. He is a human but unclear if he's also a mascot of sorts.
Grom - Buff russian guy. Works as security at the castle in Starr park. Traumatized by kids so he wears a mask to hide his fear. He got this trauma from working at a kindergarten. His best friend is his walkie talkie named Bud. It appears there's someone not Russian talking to him through it. Name translates to thunder. Possibly the reason Starr park sold pins in russian.
Gus - Weird kid in their PJs. Randomly shows up at the Ghost Station. He makes balloon animals for company. Speculated he was killed after following a balloon dog named Spooky and is now bound to the station. Evidence for this is how in his cinematic all the monsters/ghosts ignored him and went for Buster. All this might just be due to the fact that he looks like a ghost and wasn't scared due to be a supernatural enthusiast. Seems to also be obsessed with Spike.
Hank - War survivor shrimp that was being prepared to be eaten until he escaped. He became the fish tank commander supreme in the depths of Starr Park. The tank is a retrofitted fish tank. He seems to be against Otis' spray painting because he likes things clean. He also tries to free sea life fromthe kitchens and markets of Starr Park.
Jacky - Grumpy and foul mouthed. She is a driller. She worked alongside Dynamike. Her loud nature and tools annoys Carl.
Janet - Part of the Stunt Show with her jetpack doing acrobatics. Main attraction as a singer as well. Niece of stu and sister of bonnie.
Jessie - Daughter of Pam. Nani was mad as their nanny. Makes inventions from scraps Pam brings home. Has some part in the radio station WKBRL. Extremely messy. Turret name is scrappy
Kit - Famous for performing at Starr Toon Studios. Though he's famous for playing only cartoon cat roles and is not satisfied with just that. Dreams about one day getting back into acting.
Larry and Lawrie - They are Security at Starr Park. Maintaining order in the park. Larry is the good bot that uses explosives. He sells tickets and loves rules. Lawrie is the older, bad bot that uses a shotgun. He enjoys enforcing rules.
Leon - Lost parents riding rollercoaster at Starr Park. Probably one of the feral children in the jungle before meeting Bo, that Dynamike talks about on WKBRL. Awakened by stealing Bull's gem. Seem to cause trouble around the park with Nita. Stepfather is Bo and sister is Nita. Home is Rumble Jungle. They have ninja abilities which help with their introvertedness.
Lola - Diva and actress at Brawlywood. Part time guide as well. They are the main star doing soap operas and dramas. Obsessed with self and shiny things. Has an evil side. She'll Whatever it takes to be in the spotlight. Her ultimate is just a diamond necklace creating an illusion. Green gems with Australian currency are shown on the Starr park website possibly as reference to Lola.
Lou - Snow cone machine that sells snowcones at the snowtel. They are very friendly. Hasn't made a sale because they give them away.
Maisie - Security and danger prevention/ safety and maintenance at the theatre. She may cause the destruction sometimes though. Wrangles Fang and Buster. She has a love-hate kind of big sister dynamic with them. Her position may extend further than just the theatre as shown from loading screens also the fact that it's been shown that she extinguishes fires and there's no way to do so at starr park besides a single water tower (that may or may not be the surveillance hub.). The fire extinguisher is her prosthetic arm.
Mandy - CEO/Queen of Candyland and menace. Runs Mandy Rainbow Candy. Disguised as a sweet girl in front of cameras but alone she's always cranky. This is often due to Chester or customers. She has a love-hate relationship with Chester. Sells candy with her assistant gummy bear Nita.
Max - speedster super in Super City. She's not quite a superhero yet according to brawl talk. Probably due to not sticking around long enough to actually help. Has their own line of energy drinks (max energy).
Meg - A very smart max energy vending machine repair technician that aspires to be like Max and Surge. Though Max doesn't think Meg is ready yet. However, it seems she does all the heroing while Max and Surge just entertain. Her ultimate is an augmented vending machine repair bot named Rob. They made it because they know they're too weak to be a superhero on her own.
Melodie - A popular Karaoke singer at Starr Park. Enjoys singing K-Pop. She appears to go through mood swings, sometimes acting sweet and other times very harsh.
Mico - Notorious showboater and liar. He works as the boom guy for Brawlywood. Acts as if he is famous by dropping big names. He genuinely thinks he's the biggest directoactor in Brawlywood. He has a very short temper and can't take a joke.
Mr. P - Was possibly much more important previously at Starr park noteworthy of being the overall mascot. We know for a fact they're a mascot due to seeing their skeleton in an animation. Runs and operates the snowtel. Works as bellhop also maybe just to have access to luggage. The original designer of the penguin mascot has gone missing as captioned under penguin sketches on the starr park website. My theory is that Mr. P was the designer. There's a popular theory, based on a caption under a stuffed Mr. p on the website saying the penguin is dirty, that he is an antagonist. His name may possibly be Corbin Peloton which I believe was also the original narrator in the investor video.
Mortis - Grumpy, old and creepy. Runs Mortis Mortuary and prepares bodies. Now that nobody can die at Starr Park though he's been a little disappointed. He is Emz uncle and a vampire. A coffin appears on the starr park website and is captioned as a bed frame. As a vampire it's likely where Mortis sleeps but unclear if he actually does use it as a bedframe. The beach shovel from his skin also appears on the website. Once again showcasing that skins also play apart in the starr park operation maybe when they work in different parts of the theme park.
Nani - Made as a nanny for Jessie by Pam. Though Nani barely keeps up with Jessie. Has a remote control spy cam/explosive named Peep. Was an old security robot until Pam retrofitted her into a nanny cam.
Nita - Lost parents riding the rollercoaster in investor video. Probably one of the feral children in the jungle before meeting Bo, that Dynamike talks about on Wkbrl. Seemed to have been awakened after stealing gem from Bull. Stepfather is Bo and brother is Leon. Home is Rumble Jungle in the park. Potentially raised in shamanism. Bruce the bear. Pet or spirit bear. There's a mechanical defective bear head in the Investor video. A mechanical bear schematic appears on the website. It's unclear if Nita also is the same Nita assistant to Mandy.
Otis - Mysterious creature living in the Underwater Paintball Arena which is in the depths of Starr Park. Hangs out with a starfish pal named Cil. Otis uses her as a stencil for his art. Enjoys making graffiti around the park. Sometimes falls asleep while doing their graffiti.
Pam - Mother of Jessie and creator of Nani. Looks for scraps to make inventions and weapons. Saddened that her work at the Junkyard keeps her from Jessie. May be Spude affiliated (rey) and wkbrl affiliated. I believe appears in the investor video as a woman that moves a board in the background.
Pearl - She is a member of the Goldarm Gang. Sam and Belle created her. It is strange due to Sam's hatred of robots but everyone likes cookies. She is stated as being like a daughter to them. Anyone that messes with Sam and Belle receives her wrath.
Penny - The sidekick of Darryl. Loves coins and blowing things up. Cannon's name is Lenny. Usually followed around by Tick.
Piper - Cheerful baker. Bakes grenades. In love with Rico. May be a prominent figure at Starr Park as they appear on trading cards and in a movie done by Starr Park entertainment called the Umbrella Bandit. Her past is secret and she doesn't talk about it.
Poco - Dead former mariachi member. Unclear if they died due to exposure to gem causing him to burn up. Continues playing their ghostly guitar to try and win fans back from rival band. As shown on starr park website there are Poco animatronics.
Primo - Works at El brunchador. Wrestling themed restaurant. He was a regular man until hit by a meteor. Unclear if its his story or if hes a mascot and this is fake origin. His face is a secret but we know he has black hair and a mustache. The other performers don't get along with him.
Rico - He is a gumball machine robot. A gumball machine can be shown on the Starr Park website and may be the same one used to make Rico. He is the same series of robot as Barley and Darryl. Formerly in love with a vending machine as shown in cinematic. He is in love with Piper. He is known for his trickshot. Used to work ball pit at the arcade.
Rosa - Boxer and Botanist. Survived in jungle by punching plants. Works at Starr Park Gardens. Where they create all the plants and creatures_ in Starr park. Her assistant is Bea. Likes roses. Probably meaningless but there's a coupon on the start park site that expired on their release date. The coupon was for El brunchador maybe symbolizing the end of El primo being the only puncher.
Rt - Supposed to be an information kiosk. Cassette and CCTV awakened by a gem. Possibly combination of Rik the security guard as well. Spies on everyone and knows their secrets. He keeps data on every brawler. The former mentioned water tower is shown in animation as a surveillance headquarters. Home is Starr Park Hub where you can get directions. They report to ?
Ruff - Intelligent strategist and a dog that walks on two legs. Leader of Starr Force. Enemy is Eve due to him being the perfect host for her kids. The enemy of Starr Force is the Worst Bunch.
Sam - Full name Sam Bronson. They're a fugitive and outlaw at starr park. Part of the Goldarm Gang. Hates robots at starr park and has a personal vendetta against them. Possibly due to his old position as a factory hand. Husband of Belle, father of Pearl and maybe another mystery child. Keeps Belle from going too far. May terrorize the Robot Factory in Starr Park.
Sandy - A boy cursed with eternal sleepiness. Somehow also has control over sand. Runs the flying mattress ride at Tara's bazaar. He tries to help his older sister Tara but often falls asleep before he can.
Shelly - Occupies the Wild west. Robs people but gets away with it due to the sheriff's crush or friendship with her. It's unclear if she has become more of a heroine as she's been shown working with Colt at Ranger Ranch. However she may still be more nefarious than good as she opposes the Goldarm Gang. Owns a cat named Kit either named sfter the Starr Toons star or was them before augmenting.
Spike - A cactus imported to the theme park from Ivan's cactus farm, as shown by an ad on the starr park website. The cactus was awakened by a gem. Spike got their holes accidentally from a shootout. He has a lot of trauma. Everyone thinks he's very friendly. Appears to have become sort of a mascot as they were put on socks, have hedges shaped like and have a mask that starr park sold. His home is Ranger Ranch as a sidekick.
Sprout - Created by Bea and Rosa by mixing nature and technology. They possibly plant things around Starr Park as their codename is Wally.
Stu - Robot uncle and caretaker of Bonnie and Janet. Though in RT's animation it shows the three having dinner so maybe he's not supposed to be. Name might be short for stunt or stand for starr park testing unit. He is a crash test bot used to test new attractions at starr park. People liked seeing him crash so he ended up with a stunt show. He is an award winning stunt performer.
Squeak - Alien-being evolved from the cumulative drool on Ruff's toys due to an incident. Incident may have been Eve. He throws toys covered in sticky drool. Seems to enjoy fetch. Loves Ruff a lot.
Surge - Soda fountain robot protector of Super City. Powered by energy drinks, potentially max energy. Doesn't do much heroing usually just parties, and hands out drinks.
Tara - She has her own bazaar. Predicts fortunes of visitors with tarot cards. Often giving them a bad one and trying to sell them good luco charms. Her younger brother is Sandy. Her ultimate may have toes to the shadow dimension..
Tick - Follows Penny arounds. Self destructs his own head when scared.
Willow - She is a swamp creature that guards the Tunnel of Love while also being a gondoliera. She resides in the Swamp of Love. She manipulates people with the things they love and then takes control of their minds. She may be a shaman.
P.S Section:
In case anyone is able to: There a some curious photos on the starr park website I believe should be investigated if not already. One being a picture of a tunnel and there may be a slightly obscured QR code on it.
There is a photo of a spoon and a collection of plates with areas of starr park displayed but you can't really make out clearly.
There is a telegram between TS and Starr Park. It appears TS is a potential investor. There is weird symbols and things I can't make out with it.
Answer why there is so many 10's and 01's appearing as dates for things.
Why the key chain really emphasizes FOR the KEYS.
There has to be hidden secrets to the spaghetti. It was mentioned to much by the ranter. About how things are hidden in the meatballs.
And maybe it's not investigation worthy but I do think there is something to why pictures are labeled stained, Mr. P burn under the flipper, or broken but from my perspective I can't see any stain or crack on such objects.
Trios I think we'll see in the future:
Post Office
Laundry Service
Tour Guides
Inner Body Attraction
Starr Park Gate
Starr Rail
submitted by Several_Seat5151 to BrawlStarslore [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 14:52 Several_Seat5151 The Brawl Stars Lore Collection

I put a lot of work into collecting as much possible information on each brawler. From the game, beta, youtubers, twitter accounts, start park website, maps in game and brawl talks. I am fascinated by the lore of brawl stars and the treasure hunt they have laid out for it. I noticed there was no good place to see lore specifically for a certain brawler. I'd like to discuss theories and possibly add more information I may have overlooked. WE MUST FIGURE OUT THE SECRETS OF STARR PARK.
8-Bit - Old arcade machine described as being very difficult. They were awakened by a gem as shown by a brawl stars cinematic. Destroy senselessly with his lasers just to prove he was still capable despite being such an old machine. It may have also been revenge for one of his missing guns and hating their previous players. Bad players may have included Bull, Bea, Brock, and Surge. Was possibly under the control of someone before the project laser event that occured in game. He is clearly more than just an arcade machine due to Kairostim lies saying he's just a normal arcade machine. His place in Starr Park is the Starrcade.
Amber - Performer at Pocos Band Stand which is like a festival. She is known for subpar fire dancing. Only starting fire spinning and breathing to compete with Poco and El primo as an entertainer. May be Spude affiliated (Rey video)
Angelo - Swamp of Love member. Lives in the tunnels. Manipulative like Willow so they get along. Enjoys gossipping about other brawlers usually to cause a fight. He is a cupid turned mosquito apparently, maybe the effects of the swamp. Could be a swamp due to toxic waste disposal.
Ash - They are a scottish person/creature tired of litter and rats at the Castle Courtyard. Uses a trash can as protective armor due to the sheer amount of trash and rats. May be based on a Brownie. Has blue skin it appears. He gets angry after attacking due to the broom causing so much noise inside the trash can. Secretly eats garbage. The control robots called R.A.T.S which stands for; Rodent Attack Targeting System.
Barley - He is the same series of robot as Darryl and Rico. Their name is Bartlebee. Shown in investor video pouring acid instead of drinks for people. Bartending robot with a short temper. Owns a bar called Barley's. A unicorn horn appears on the starr park website a possible reference to his skin line.
Bea - Entomologist and Rosa's assistant. Obsessed with bees. Shown crying when she stepped on a bee. Works at Starr Park Gardens. Where they create all the plants and creatures_ in Starr park. She captured Eve after she crashed. A woman experimenting with bees in the investor video could be a nod towards her.
Belle - Fugitive and leader of Goldarm Gang. Wife of Sam, mother of Pearl and maybe another mystery child. Based on Belle Starr. They have a gold prosthetic which is where the gang gets its namesake. She robs banks of any town shes in. Unclear if she's only bound to the Wild West area or if she's a performer at all. She is shown in Sam's animation to have some engineering skills. Together with Sam they made Pearl. She appears to just be obsessed with money but actually is after the truth of Starr Park and how to bring it down.
Bibi - She chews Starr Park Gum which is inedible and purple flavor as shown on the starr park website. Inedibility is probably the reason for her ultimate. Bibi is Bull's sister revealed by Kairostime (credible as they source him for most of the lore and mentioned in Retropolis brawl talk). She is a member of a gang alongside Bull and Crow in Retropolis. Hardcore but cute and bit of a nerd. Loves baseball and bubblegum. Bat is called Mr. Bat. Runs a ride in Retropolis called Mr. Bat homerun ride. Apart of Bull's gang.
Bo - They're wearing a Starr Park eagle hat as shown on Starr Park website. Apparently his bow is also from the Starr Park giftshop. Maybe shown in investor video as a hatching eagle. Is listed as Leon's and Nita step-dad unclear if before or after in investor video when they both lost their parents riding the coaster. His home in the park is Rumble Jungle and has survived there for a long time. Eagle hunter shaman, best bowman of tribe.
Brock - Part of arcade trio. Loves arcade games and his rocket launcher. Secretly enjoys dancing. Talks a lot of smack.
Bonnie - The niece of stu and sister of janet. Gets in trouble with her cannon Clyde during stunt shows. She's famous around the park for her stunt of being shot out of Clyde.
Bull - Angry and reckless. Owns a diner in Retropolis. Possibly awakened and enraged by a gem dropped by Dynamike, later stolen by Leon. Part of biker gang with Bibi and Crow. Owns a car that appears on a map. His gun appears on the starr park website captioned saying that it doesn't fire but was shown firing in the background of the investor video.
Buster - Works as projector operator at turbo movie theatre/Starr Park Cinema. Wants to star in their own blockbuster. Their best friend is Fang. There is a sort of projector like toy captioned ?????.rm that could've been a teaser towards them.
Buzz - Dinosaur lifeguard at velocirapids. Likes singing and dancing . Not good at their job part because of his nature and short stature. However he likes bossing people around. Has the x on the back suggesting that Buzz may be a mascot. His hypercharge icon shows that the nostrils are the costume's eye holes. Potentially apart of mascot union strike. May be the B in the BRL - SPU - DE appearing on the picket fence. Further unknown if the SPU-DE is Starr Park Union of Distressed Employees since it's hyphenated. Their whistle and swim trunks appear on the starr park website but curiously enough the whistle sounds like two screams and the swim trunks are very very large. There must be something to the whistle sound.
Byron - Shady, scamming consman that sells potions claiming that they'll heal.
Carl - Robot geologist that enjogs riding in a minecart. Works at the gem mine. His latest obsession is the effects of gems! Potentially is a part of the rejected minecart ride whose schematics appear on the starr park website. Jacky annoys Carl as mentioned in a brawl talk.
Charlie - She is a performer at the Bizarre Circus. She grew up on the streets where she learned tricks before being discovered by the circus. She accepted for the money and soon became the main attraction. She uses her hair to perform her tricks. Often steals money during her shows. They have an obsession with spiders.
Chester - Jester of Candyland. Tries to prank Mandy constantly. He is extremely annoying and extends his pranks to everyone. He will make fun of anyone in his sight. Pranks are Chester's way of showing affection. There's a waiver to sign if you want to know what's in the jack-in-the-box.
Chuck - He was a former conductor of an orchestra before he arrived at Starr Park. Seemed to have given up the orchestra to find the next big thing in music. Now at Starr Park he is the conductor of trains specifically the Ghost Train. He still makes music inspired by the darkness and noises of the Ghost Station. Every once in awhile he performs for Gus.
Colette - Works at the gift shop. Psychopath that documents her obsession of other brawlers especially Spike. Multiple pages in scrapbook dedicated to spike. Weard a spike abd piper pin. She collects memorabilia of brawlers. Interestingly enough there is two Collette's in the investor video. We know that it is Colette because for a small frame before the scene changes their teeth become sharp.
Colt - The star attraction of Starr Park. He is a pretty boy sheriff in wild west. Colt runs a jailhouse in Ranger Ranch alongside Shelly. He may be a model and actor as well. Care about their looks a lot. Secretly does spa treatments for themselves. May have a bit of a crush on Shelly but is definitely her friend, letting her get away with crimes. This is possibly from before she started working with him. Possibly a robot from robot cowboy schematics on Starr Park website. Interestingly enough it's captioned as concerning and the writer not knowing how to feel about it. I think it is likely that Colt is a robot but unaware of it since Kairostim tells a lie that Colt knows exactly who he is, was and will be. He may be more nefarious than good as he opposes the Goldarm Gang. His favorite food is peanut butter sandwiches with the crust cut off.
Cordelius - lives in and protects the enchanted forest. It's unsure if the woods are truly enchanted, toxic or both. Plants poisonous mushrooms all over it as he enjoys gardening. He used to be a normal gardener until the toxicity of the woods drove him mad and trapped him there. His brawl talk hinted that the shadow dimension may be his original home. However, through his name's origin there's a theory that he's being controlled by the mushrooms and as such the mushrooms would be from the shadow dimension. Crow - Just appeared in Retropolis one day. Used to get picked on but not anymore since he got poison daggers. Apart of Bull's gang. Theory of mine is he was one of the crows that would bring dynamike shiny objects for food and did so with a gem that ended up awakening him.
Darryl - Robot pirate captain made from a barrel. Only became captain to not do work but now forced to defend ship and treasure. He is the same series of robot as Barley and Rico. May have a rivalry with crow as had one of his daggers sticking in his back.
Doug - The most chill dinosaur at velocirapids. Works as hot dog vendor. Reference to recalled dinosaur inflatable eggs shoe on the website. They were recalled due to having a hatching problem. On the envelope you can see that they paid for permit for "beef and veal" products to be imported. Referencing beef hot dogs or just that there were meaty creatures inside the eggs.
Dynamike - Retired miner but still enjoys hanging in the gem mine and blowing things up. Was at one point lost in a mine and thought dead. Has a pet canary. Worked with Jacky. Discovered the purple gems that awakened people. Was killed by Shelly but mysteriously came back to life. Wkbrl affiliated. Seems to believe or is aware that the purple gems spread a sort of infection. Distrusting of Mr. P as penguins have connections to interdimensional birds. I think important part is he knows Mr. P is suspicious. Possibly has prosthetic arms like in beta sketches. Possibly has gone crazier from exposure to the gems and as such couldnt properly explain the situation on the radio. Possibly responsible for Gene. Distrusting of Spike as he is too friendly. May have a secret friendship with Mortis.
Edgar - A rebel emo boy that works at the gift shop with Colette and Griff. He tries to be cool and mysterious but doesn't pull it off. He attacks anyone who gets to close with his animated scarf. The scarf may be a living creature as it's shown to have bones on Edgar's x-ray.
Emz - Uses Z spray hairspray, which is not suitable for hair. Might be the creator of Z hairspray or face of? Shes a social media star. She is supposed to work with her uncle Mortis but barely shows upm Obsessed with Poco who she keeps a photo of on her phone. Name stands for emo mummy zombie.
Eve - Alien flea in a spaceship. Mother of parasites that are ready to infest other brawlers especially Ruff. He is shown as her suitable host. While searching for Ruff her ship crashed maybe causing the gems in the ground to become infected and purple. After crashing she was captured by Bea but has since escaped. On the website a reference to eve is a useless spaceship toy you can buy at starr park.
Fang - Works at Turbo theatre/Starr Park Cinema. Hes a kickboxer and aspiring actor. Usually only landing low budget martial art films. His best friend is Buster. Has a crush on Shelley. Secretly enjoys Princess Diaries.
Frank - Full name is Franklin. Works the Mortuary at day. Well known Dj often performing in the cemetery at night. The former roommate of Mortis (Mortis was too annoying). Destroyed Rico's first love.
Gale - They're the old and slow janitor at the snowtel. He is cranky and overworked. They are shown in the investor's video. Somewhat suspicious due to being mentioned by Kaorostim and being close to Mr. P.
Gene - A magical genie that runs a shop called the lamporium out of Tara's bazaar. He was somehow able to escape his lamp in the past but his powers and brain are trapped still. If we listen to the ranter (dynamike) he says he found Gene's lamp while prospecting and rubbed it. Now Gene is attached to him.
Gray - Silent film actor in Brawlywood. Works alongside Lola and seems to be annoyed by her constant upstaging. Takes method acting too serious. He makes silent, artsy underground movies. Additionally he has mind powers. Tried to be silent but sometimes messes up.
Griff - Greedy head of the gift shop and boss of Edgar and Collette. Hes always grumpy about business being bad. Described as not very clever. He is a human but unclear if he's also a mascot of sorts.
Grom - Buff russian guy. Works as security at the castle in Starr park. Traumatized by kids so he wears a mask to hide his fear. He got this trauma from working at a kindergarten. His best friend is his walkie talkie named Bud. It appears there's someone not Russian talking to him through it. Name translates to thunder. Possibly the reason Starr park sold pins in russian.
Gus - Weird kid in their PJs. Randomly shows up at the Ghost Station. He makes balloon animals for company. Speculated he was killed after following a balloon dog named Spooky and is now bound to the station. Evidence for this is how in his cinematic all the monsters/ghosts ignored him and went for Buster. All this might just be due to the fact that he looks like a ghost and wasn't scared due to be a supernatural enthusiast. Seems to be obsessed with Spike.
Hank - War survivor shrimp that was being prepared to be eaten until he escaped. He became the fish tank commander supreme in the depths of Starr Park. The tank is a retrofitted fish tank. He seems to be against Otis' spray painting because he likes things clean. He also tries to free sea life fromthe kitchens and markets of Starr Park.
Jacky - Grumpy and foul mouthed. She is a driller. She worked alongside Dynamike. Her loud nature and tools annoys Carl.
Janet - Part of the Stunt Show with her jetpack doing acrobatics. Main attraction as a singer as well. Niece of stu and sister of bonnie.
Jessie - Daughter of Pam. Nani was mad as their nanny. Makes inventions from scraps Pam brings home. Has some part in the radio station WKBRL. Extremely messy. Turret name is scrappy
Kit - Famous for performing at Starr Toon Studios. Though he's famous for playing only cartoon cat roles and is not satisfied with just that. Dreams about one day getting back into acting.
Larry and Lawrie - They are Security at Starr Park. Maintaining order in the park. Larry is the good bot that uses explosives. He sells tickets and loves rules. Lawrie is the older, bad bot that uses a shotgun. He enjoys enforcing rules.
Leon - Lost parents riding rollercoaster at Starr Park. Probably one of the feral children in the jungle before meeting Bo, that Dynamike talks about on WKBRL. Awakened by stealing Bull's gem. Seem to cause trouble around the park with Nita. Stepfather is Bo and sister is Nita. Home is Rumble Jungle. They have ninja abilities which help with their introvertedness.
Lola - Diva and actress at Brawlywood. Part time guide as well. They are the main star doing soap operas and dramas. Obsessed with self and shiny things. Has an evil side. She'll Whatever it takes to be in the spotlight. Her ultimate is just a diamond necklace creating an illusion. Green gems with Australian currency are shown on the Starr park website possibly as reference to Lola.
Lou - Snow cone machine that sells snowcones at the snowtel. They are very friendly. Hasn't made a sale because they give them away.
Maisie - Security and danger prevention/ safety and maintenance at the theatre. She may cause the destruction sometimes though. Wrangles Fang and Buster. She has a love-hate kind of big sister dynamic with them. Her position may extend further than just the theatre as shown from loading screens also the fact that it's been shown that she extinguishes fires and there's no way to do so at starr park besides a single water tower (that may or may not be the surveillance hub.). The fire extinguisher is her prosthetic arm.
Mandy - CEO/Queen of Candyland and menace. Runs Mandy Rainbow Candy. Disguised as a sweet girl in front of cameras but alone she's always cranky. This is often due to Chester or customers. She has a love-hate relationship with Chester. Sells candy with her assistant gummy bear Nita.
Max - speedster super in Super City. She's not quite a superhero yet according to brawl talk. Probably due to not sticking around long enough to actually help. Has their own line of energy drinks (max energy).
Meg - A very smart max energy vending machine repair technician that aspires to be like Max and Surge. Though Max doesn't think Meg is ready yet. However, it seems she does all the heroing while Max and Surge just entertain. Her ultimate is an augmented vending machine repair bot named Rob. They made it because they know they're too weak to be a superhero on her own.
Melodie - A popular Karaoke singer at Starr Park. Enjoys singing K-Pop. She appears to go through mood swings, sometimes acting sweet and other times very harsh.
Mico - Notorious showboater and liar. He works as the boom guy for Brawlywood. Acts as if he is famous by dropping big names. He genuinely thinks he's the biggest directoactor in Brawlywood. He has a very short temper and can't take a joke.
Mr. P - Was possibly much more important previously at Starr park noteworthy of being the overall mascot. We know for a fact they're a mascot due to seeing their skeleton in an animation. Runs and operates the snowtel. Works as bellhop also maybe just to have access to luggage. The original designer of the penguin mascot has gone missing as captioned under penguin sketches on the starr park website. My theory is that Mr. P was the designer. There's a popular theory, based on a caption under a stuffed Mr. p on the website saying the penguin is dirty, that he is an antagonist. His name may possibly be Corbin Peloton which I believe was also the original narrator in the investor video.
Mortis - Grumpy, old and creepy. Runs Mortis Mortuary and prepares bodies. Now that nobody can die at Starr Park though he's been a little disappointed. He is Emz uncle and a vampire. A coffin appears on the starr park website and is captioned as a bed frame. As a vampire it's likely where Mortis sleeps but unclear if he actually does use it as a bedframe. The beach shovel from his skin also appears on the website. Once again showcasing that skins also play apart in the starr park operation maybe when they work in different parts of the theme park.
Nani - Made as a nanny for Jessie by Pam. Though Nani barely keeps up with Jessie. Has a remote control spy cam/explosive named Peep. Was an old security robot until Pam retrofitted her into a nanny cam.
Nita - Lost parents riding the rollercoaster in investor video. Probably one of the feral children in the jungle before meeting Bo, that Dynamike talks about on Wkbrl. Seemed to have been awakened after stealing gem from Bull. Stepfather is Bo and brother is Leon. Home is Rumble Jungle in the park. Potentially raised in shamanism. Bruce the bear. Pet or spirit bear. There's a mechanical defective bear head in the Investor video. A mechanical bear schematic appears on the website. It's unclear if Nita also is the same Nita assistant to Mandy.
Otis - Mysterious creature living in the Underwater Paintball Arena which is in the depths of Starr Park. Hangs out with a starfish pal named Cil. Otis uses her as a stencil for his art. Enjoys making graffiti around the park. Sometimes falls asleep while doing their graffiti.
Pam - Mother of Jessie and creator of Nani. Looks for scraps to make inventions and weapons. Saddened that her work at the Junkyard keeps her from Jessie. May be Spude affiliated (rey) and wkbrl affiliated. I believe appears in the investor video as a woman that moves a board in the background.
Pearl - She is a member of the Goldarm Gang. Sam and Belle created her. It is strange due to Sam's hatred of robots but everyone likes cookies. She is stated as being like a daughter to them. Anyone that messes with Sam and Belle receives her wrath.
Penny - The sidekick of Darryl. Loves coins and blowing things up. Cannon's name is Lenny. Usually followed around by Tick.
Piper - Cheerful baker. Bakes grenades. In love with Rico. May be a prominent figure at Starr Park as they appear on trading cards and in a movie done by Starr Park entertainment called the Umbrella Bandit. Her past is secret and she doesn't talk about it.
Poco - Dead former mariachi member. Unclear if they died due to exposure to gem causing him to burn up. Continues playing their ghostly guitar to try and win fans back from rival band. As shown on starr park website there are Poco animatronics.
Primo - Works at El brunchador. Wrestling themed restaurant. He was a regular man until hit by a meteor. Unclear if its his story or if hes a mascot and this is fake origin. His face is a secret but we know he has black hair and a mustache. The other performers don't get along with him.
Rico - He is a gumball machine robot. A gumball machine can be shown on the Starr Park website and may be the same one used to make Rico. He is the same series as Darryl and Barley. Formerly in love with a vending machine as shown in cinematic. He is in love with Piper. He is known for his trickshot. Used to work ball pit at the arcade.
Rosa - Boxer and Botanist. Survived in jungle by punching plants. Works at Starr Park Gardens. Where they create all the plants and creatures_ in Starr park. Her assistant is Bea. Likes roses. Probably meaningless but there's a coupon on the start park site that expired on their release date. The coupon was for El brunchador maybe symbolizing the end of El primo being the only puncher.
Rt - Supposed to be an information kiosk. Cassette and CCTV awakened by a gem. Possibly combination of Rik the security guard as well. Spies on everyone and knows their secrets. He keeps data on every brawler. The former mentioned water tower is shown in animation as a surveillance headquarters. Home is Starr Park Hub where you can get directions. They report to ?
Ruff - Intelligent strategist and a dog that walks on two legs. Leader of Starr Force. Enemy is Eve due to him being the perfect host for her kids. The enemy of Starr Force is the Worst Bunch.
Sam - Full name Sam Bronson. They're a fugitive and outlaw at starr park. Part of the Goldarm Gang. Hates robots at starr park and has a personal vendetta against them. Possibly due to his old position as a factory hand. Husband of Belle, father of Pearl and maybe another mystery child. Keeps Belle from going too far. May terrorize the Robot Factory in Starr Park.
Sandy - A boy cursed with eternal sleepiness. Somehow also has control over sand. Runs the flying mattress ride at Tara's bazaar. He tries to help his older sister Tara but often falls asleep before he can.
Shelly - Occupies the Wild west. Robs people but gets away with it due to the sheriff's crush or friendship with her. It's unclear if she has become more of a heroine as she's been shown working with Colt at Ranger Ranch. However she may still be more nefarious than good as she opposes the Goldarm Gang. Owns a cat named Kit either named after the Starr Toons star or was them before augmenting.
Spike - A cactus imported to the theme park from Ivan's cactus farm, as shown by an ad on the starr park website. The cactus was awakened by a gem. Spike got their holes accidentally from a shootout. He has a lot of trauma. Everyone thinks he's very friendly. Appears to have become sort of a mascot as they were put on socks, have hedges shaped like and have a mask that starr park sold. His home is Ranger Ranch as a sidekick.
Sprout - Created by Bea and Rosa by mixing nature and technology. They possibly plant things around Starr Park as their codename is Wally.
Stu - Robot uncle and caretaker of Bonnie and Janet. Though in RT's animation it shows the three having dinner so maybe he's not supposed to be. Name might be short for stunt or stand for starr park testing unit. He is a crash test bot used to test new attractions at starr park. People liked seeing him crash so he ended up with a stunt show. He is an award winning stunt performer.
Squeak - Alien-being evolved from the cumulative drool on Ruff's toys due to an incident. Incident may have been Eve. He throws toys covered in sticky drool. Seems to enjoy fetch. Loves Ruff a lot.
Surge - Soda fountain robot protector of Super City. Powered by energy drinks, potentially max energy. Doesn't do much heroing usually just parties, and hands out drinks.
Tara - She has her own bazaar. Predicts fortunes of visitors with tarot cards. Often giving them a bad one and trying to sell them good luco charms. Her younger brother is Sandy. Her ultimate may have toes to the shadow dimension.
Tick - Follows Penny arounds. Self destructs his own head when scared.
Willow - She is a swamp creature that guards the Tunnel of Love while also being a gondoliera. She resides in the Swamp of Love. She manipulates people with the things they love and then takes control of their minds. She may be a shaman.
P.S Section:
In case anyone is able to: There a some curious photos on the starr park website I believe should be investigated if not already. One being a picture of a tunnel and there may be a slightly obscured QR code on it.
There is a photo of a spoon and a collection of plates with areas of starr park displayed but you can't really make out clearly.
There is a telegram between TS and Starr Park. It appears TS is a potential investor. There is weird symbols and things I can't make out with it.
Answer why there is so many 10's and 01's appearing as dates for things.
Why the key chain really emphasizes FOR the KEYS.
There has to be hidden secrets to the spaghetti. It was mentioned to much by the ranter. About how things are hidden in the meatballs.
And maybe it's not investigation worthy but I do think there is something to why pictures are labeled stained, Mr. P burn under the flipper, or broken but from my perspective I can't see any stain or crack on such objects.
Trios I think we'll see in the future:
Post Office
Laundry Service
Tour Guides
Inner Body Attraction
Starr Park Gate
Starr Rail
submitted by Several_Seat5151 to u/Several_Seat5151 [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 14:08 Bergasms AN ABSOLUTE BUNCH OF PLODDERS - The Richmond FC 2024 Preview

The members of /RichmondFC would like to acknowledge the traditional users of the subreddit on which we meet. We would like to acknowledge mods past and present and we pay our respects to anyone who loves football, their mates and a bit of banter. You're all welcome to pop on over to our subreddit to talk anything tigers!
Established: 1885 (joined VFL in 1908) Home Grounds: MCG, Punt Road Oval (Training and Admin) Song: Go learn it here, I have of recent years been able to say 'don't worry you'll hear it soon enough' but we're solidly rebuilding so yeah. Premierships: 13 (9 in living memory for people on the internet) (1920, 1921, 1932, 1934, 1943, 1967, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1980, 2017, 2019, 2020) President: John O’Rourke CEO: Brendon Gale (15th season)
Gadget type operators
Head Coach: Adem Yze (1st season) AFLW Coacg: Ryan Ferguson VFL: Steve Morris Line Coaches: Chris Newman - Midfield Ben Rutten - Defensive David Teague - Forwards Jack Ziebell - Midfield development Kane Lambert - Development Ivan Maric - Rucks
Captain: Toby Nankervis (Like Santa, but instead of presents he gives away free kicks). Vice-Captains: Short, Baker and Lynch. Which honestly, if that doesn't sound like an accounting firm then i don't know what does. Seriously. "Welcome to Short, Baker and Lynch"
Changes: It turns out Damien Hardwick is in fact powered by a solar powered battery system, and he ran out of puff so he needed to be placed in the Sun to recharge. However, we replaced him with the Yze'st coach you'll ever see. Hooray for Yze? I get on the Booze for the Yze? yeah. Our recruiter also buggered off to West Coast, clearly he likes fixing problems, and Minni has dipped off after holding the wheel for a spell last year.
Last Year And This Year, thanks to u/Limp-Dentist1416 (I think he is currently banned from here for being naughty)
A deep love of exploiting awkward breakups for ratings potential sees the 2024 MAFS season kick off up on the Gold Coast vs Dimma's new toys.
Seeing our dad is now their dad, this matchup feels awkwardly like being introduced to your new step brothers for the first time.
Expect the AFL's fiercest new rivalry to instantly kick off if those mother fuckers ever lay a finger on our drum kit.
Rumours that Tom Lynch was refusing to take the moon boot off until Essendon won a final are thankfully untrue, and we should see him back out on the ground sometime in the next 7000 days.
Josh Gibcus will also return after missing the entire 2023 season with the only injury in the AFL that scores you a free overseas holiday. Seeing him miss so much footy at such a young age was a real worry. But that's Kids today. Even their hamstring issues are complex.
This year Tiger fans will get to relive some of the magic of 2017, as they endure another 12 months of feverish speculation about Dustin Martin's contract. It's not an easy decision. We just need to be patient and give Kane Cornes all the space he needs to decide where Dusty plays next year.
Where will the Tiges finish on the ladder this year? It all depends on who you talk to. Most of the experts at SEN have them finishing top...of the bottom four.
But SEN throw the word 'expert' around like they're handling baggage at an airport. So I talked to one of the techsperts at Harvey Norman. He was a lot more optimistic and said we should easily win the Superbowl. I suspect he also didn't know what he was talking about and trying to butter me up so I would buy a tv that costs more than the car I drive.
I'm no expert, but if you talk to me, I'd say I've got no fucking idea. Which is the only sensible answer anyone can give.
There's just so many unknown variables.
A new coaching group with a rookie head coach. We've seen that situation provide both tough starts and an instant boost up the ladder.
We've still got a decent number of high quality premiership players on our list. And not even they would know yet if this is the year where time catches up to them.
And a raft of talented kids the club is very excited about. But they're all potential superstars until they're not. And superstars just seem to come out of nowhere sometimes.
Which one of those is Thomson Dow? Brown? Banks? Tresize? Who knows, but this is the year we will find out.
Even if we aren't building a good AFL list, we are putting together a half a decent basketball team. Mate Colina and Oliver Hayes-Brown are absolute fucking units.
Take it Yze like a Sunday morning.
A review of who is on the up and down, thanks to u/Hawtproper whose name always reads in my head as 'hawktrooper' and i wonder why we have a hawks fan in our subreddit who is so wise in the ways of the yellow and black.
Players to Watch
Josh Gibcus- Who needs first round picks when your 6'5, [redacted] kg former pick 9 is back in the fray? After a great rookie season where he was robbed of a rising star nom for every one of his 18 games, Gibcus was missing for the entirety of the 2023 season with a hamstring injury that lingered longer than Gil as CEO. After a conservative approach, Gibcus looks ready to re-establish himself in a team crying out for some top end talent. His inclusion may help support Noah Balta or allow the flexibility to send him forward, as well mitigating the eventual retirement of Dylan Grimes.
Samson Ryan- After his infamous debut in a 62-22 loss to St Kilda where he had a -2 fantasy score, our baby giraffe was able to crack in for 14 games in 2023, splitting time between ruck and forward with Nank and Lynch down with injury early in the year. Coming into 2024, with Riewoldt retired and Soldo maliciously stolen from us, Ryan's biggest competition for a spot is Naismith who's played 30 games in 8 years and Koschitzke who was dropped last year despite being the only key forward in his team. With some more bulk to his frame, Sampa could carve out his niche as a ruck-forward and be a mainstay in the new era of Richmond, which hopefully means more interviews with his mum and BT.
Sam Banks- Much like his graffiti artist namesake we don't know a lot about Banksy yet. Banks was one of our most consistent VFL players in 2023 finally earning a call up and playing 6 games towards the end of the season. He showed some promise as a quick, line breaking half-back, with his best a 18 disposal game in a comeback win against Hawthorn. However, with Marlion Pickett potentially being one of the dumbest men in football and a new coach looking to experiment with new blood, a spot on the wing (his preferred position) could be on the cards for Sam.
Tom Lynch- It's lunch time!! I don't know if it's cheating to put an All Australian calibre player in players to watch but this bloke's season will largely dictate whether Richmond are contending for finals or contending to draft the 7th generational talent of this generation. I know every team complains about injuries (cough Geelong) but losing our 3 goal a game, 2022 BnF for a year devastated Richmond's forward line and no amount of chipped, Riewoldt-shaped pegs could fill the Lynch sized hole in our team. Lynch at his best can tear a team apart and at his worst he's a big galoot that gets in the way of the competitions best defenders and gives the other forwards a chance. Hopefully the only foot injury he has in 2024 is a bit of a bruise from kicking 50+ goals.
Players on Notice
Noah Cumberland- In 2022 you might remember Cummy for his game winning 5 goal performance against Brisbane or more likely his inability to tell time resulting in a draw against Fremantle. In 2023 you might not remember him at all and I can hardly blame you. Cumberland was a shock omission from the round 1 team after averaging 2 goals a game in 2022, with Dimma seeming to like Cumberland only slightly more than he likes Marvel Stadium. Said to have played too similar a role to Dusty (you'd think two Dusty's would be a good thing) Cumberland was in and out of the side due to form and injury, with him often looking lost at times on the field. In his fifth season at the club, if he can't gel with Yze's plan he may surpassed by others, and St Kilda may add a third Richmond small forward to their collection.
Thomson Dow- Since entering the AFL, Thomson is probably best known for being the second best Dow, a title many would rather die than have. Having never played more than 6 games in a season, many supporters were ready to say their goodbyes when Dow had only played one game coming into round 22, a 6 disposal effort against Essendon where he was subbed out. However, after playing the last three games of the season, including a career best against Port, he earned his coveted one year contract. With Cotchin gone, and Dusty spending more time forward, there's a spot up for grabs if Dow can prove to Yze he's got the goods, and there will be no other chances.
Marlion Pickett- This one kind of speaks for itself. If he's guilty he's obviously gone and if he's innocent he's coming into 2024 at 32 with a giant distraction over his head after an average year on the field. Pickett brought his signature intensity to the forward line for large chunks of 2023, and besides a game winning performance against GWS he seemed to fade in and out of games. With Jack Ross taking over his position on the wing and plenty of young tigers trying to break into the team, Pickett's future is hanging in the balance.
Dylan Grimes- Grimes' 2023 season was a familar site for Tiger fans, another premiership star who started to look a touch off pace upon entering his 30's. Having taken on some of the best talls and smalls in comp throughout his career, Grimes started to hand off these jobs to the likes of Broad, Balta, Rioli and even rookie Young in 2023. Despite playing on the opposition's 4th or 5th best forward, Grimes lacked his usual impact on games, and while he's well earnt the right to retire when he sees fit it would be something to be considered if 2024 doesn't turn out as planned. Here's hoping dropping the burden of the captaincy onto Nank's sexy, hefty shoulders will allow Dylan to fully focus on his game and get a resurgence.
'Best' 22 Thanks again to Hawktrooper (hawtproper)
FB N.Vlastuin T.Young N.Broad
HB D.Rioli J.Gibcus J.Short
C K.McIntosh T.Taranto M.Pickett
HF L.Baker N.Balta J.Ross
FF S.Green J.Koschitzke S.Bolton
F S.Naismith J.Hopper D.Martin
I T.Dow D.Grimes S.Ryan D.Prestia
S M.Rioli
If they're adamant on Bolton forward I hope Baker gets more mid time, we looked too slow most of the practice game. Steely looked better to me than Seth despite less game time. Thought Maurice could be a starter to make up for the defensive pressure we lose with Graham, but is it likely if he wasn't in the best 26 for Collingwood. Banks only had calf tightness but does he get in without the game prep of the other wingers
Shaun Atley Memorial Leaderboard. (Milestones possible in 2024)
  • Dustin Martin 11 games to the 300-game milestone.
  • Dylan Grimes 21 games to the 250-game milestone.
  • Nathan Broad 24 games to the 150-game milestone.
  • Noah Balta 15 games to the 100-game milestone.
  • Tom Lynch 15 games to the 100-game milestone at Richmond.
  • Marlion Pickett 22 games to the 100-game milestone.
So the most likely ones this year are Dusty making 300, Balta making 100 and Lynch making 100 at the Tigers (I hope).
Fixture summary for 2024
  • 13 matches at Geelong's home ground.
  • 2 at Marvel Stadium
  • 2 at Optus Stadium
  • 2 at Adelaide Oval.
  • 1 at The Gabba
  • 1 at Norwood Oval.
  • 1 at Heritage Bank Stadium
  • 1 at Geelong's training ground.
With 16 games in Victoria* and 7 games away the RichmondFC fixture receives a MisguidedGames weighted analysis scoring of Shits fucked, VicBias
  • Geelong is sadly counted as part of Victoria for the purposes of this analysis.
2024 Season expectations by Bergasms
I mean, damn, the Dimmasty has truly ended, and we are looking at the new Yze era. We will probably win the flag It's hard to have super high expectations with such an unknown as a new coach, so the most we can really hope for is Geelong and Collingwood to be kicked out is the kids to develop well, Yze to show us he has the coaching skills to at least match it with other decent clubs, not so many injuries, and to not win the spoon. It's really hard to have solid expectations at this point as it has been a long time since we've had a new coach. There are some voids to fill with Jack and Cotch retiring and some other older players struggling to stay on the park, so it will be exciting to see who puts their hands up this year.
*2023 AFLW review, brought to you by Caitlin Greiser's voice *
The 2023 AFLW season was a rough one for the Tigers. Saying we were plagued by injuries doesn't really do it justice. We were pandemic'd by injuries. We were smallpox wiping out millions by injures. It was the Black Death of injuries. At one point some of the train on players who were mostly at the club to get some experience on the training track were instead getting their AFLW debut. We won 3 of our first 4 games but then only won two more for the year at the tail end as players returned. Despite such a tricky run, we had two losses by 7 points to Freo and 1 point to the Suns which had we got up would have meant we'd play finals. A barnstorming finish against the Pies who needed to win to play finals, drubbing them by 52 points at their home ground, gave the side some great momentum. MonCon got the B&F for the comp largely by dint of being one of the few players on our team who wasn't injured for the majority of the season and therefore hogged all the votes (and also just being awesome), and Caitlin nabbed GOTY off of the Ponter bomb with her insane snap from the pocket, I suspect winning it mostly because she was trying to score a goal instead of pass to a teammate. With relatively few list changes (one of the Hosking girls is gone, this may be a good thing as two is too many) and players like Dempsey and Shieren really announcing themselves if we can keep fit and firing we should be back in finals for 2024.
Thanks for reading you nuffies, much love from Berg and all the crew at /RichmondFC.
Link to Last Years


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2024.03.01 01:47 Bergasms AN ABSOLUTE BUNCH OF PLODDERS - 2024 Richmond FC Preview

The members of /RichmondFC would like to acknowledge the traditional users of the subreddit on which we meet. We would like to acknowledge mods past and present and we pay our respects to anyone who loves football, their mates and a bit of banter. You're all welcome to pop on over to our subreddit to talk anything tigers!
Last Years
Established: 1885 (joined VFL in 1908) Home Grounds: MCG, Punt Road Oval (Training and Admin) Song: Go learn it here, I have of recent years been able to say 'don't worry you'll hear it soon enough' but we're solidly rebuilding so yeah. Premierships: 13 (9 in living memory for people on the internet) (1920, 1921, 1932, 1934, 1943, 1967, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1980, 2017, 2019, 2020) President: John O’Rourke CEO: Brendon Gale (15th season)
Gadget type operators
Head Coach: Adem Yze (1st season) AFLW Coacg: Ryan Ferguson VFL: Steve Morris Line Coaches: Chris Newman - Midfield Ben Rutten - Defensive David Teague - Forwards Jack Ziebell - Midfield development Kane Lambert - Development Ivan Maric - Rucks
Captain: Toby Nankervis (Like Santa, but instead of presents he gives away free kicks). Vice-Captains: Short, Baker and Lynch. Which honestly, if that doesn't sound like an accounting firm then i don't know what does. Seriously. "Welcome to Short, Baker and Lynch"
Changes: It turns out Damien Hardwick is in fact powered by a solar powered battery system, and he ran out of puff so he needed to be placed in the Sun to recharge. However, we replaced him with the Yze'st coach you'll ever see. Hooray for Yze? I get on the Booze for the Yze? yeah. Our recruiter also buggered off to West Coast, clearly he likes fixing problems, and Minni has dipped off after holding the wheel for a spell last year.
Last Year And This Year, thanks to u/Limp-Dentist1416 (I think he is currently banned from here for being naughty)
A deep love of exploiting awkward breakups for ratings potential sees the 2024 MAFS season kick off up on the Gold Coast vs Dimma's new toys.
Seeing our dad is now their dad, this matchup feels awkwardly like being introduced to your new step brothers for the first time.
Expect the AFL's fiercest new rivalry to instantly kick off if those mother fuckers ever lay a finger on our drum kit.
Rumours that Tom Lynch was refusing to take the moon boot off until Essendon won a final are thankfully untrue, and we should see him back out on the ground sometime in the next 7000 days.
Josh Gibcus will also return after missing the entire 2023 season with the only injury in the AFL that scores you a free overseas holiday. Seeing him miss so much footy at such a young age was a real worry. But that's Kids today. Even their hamstring issues are complex.
This year Tiger fans will get to relive some of the magic of 2017, as they endure another 12 months of feverish speculation about Dustin Martin's contract. It's not an easy decision. We just need to be patient and give Kane Cornes all the space he needs to decide where Dusty plays next year.
Where will the Tiges finish on the ladder this year? It all depends on who you talk to. Most of the experts at SEN have them finishing top...of the bottom four.
But SEN throw the word 'expert' around like they're handling baggage at an airport. So I talked to one of the techsperts at Harvey Norman. He was a lot more optimistic and said we should easily win the Superbowl. I suspect he also didn't know what he was talking about and trying to butter me up so I would buy a tv that costs more than the car I drive.
I'm no expert, but if you talk to me, I'd say I've got no fucking idea. Which is the only sensible answer anyone can give.
There's just so many unknown variables.
A new coaching group with a rookie head coach. We've seen that situation provide both tough starts and an instant boost up the ladder.
We've still got a decent number of high quality premiership players on our list. And not even they would know yet if this is the year where time catches up to them.
And a raft of talented kids the club is very excited about. But they're all potential superstars until they're not. And superstars just seem to come out of nowhere sometimes.
Which one of those is Thomson Dow? Brown? Banks? Tresize? Who knows, but this is the year we will find out.
Even if we aren't building a good AFL list, we are putting together a half a decent basketball team. Mate Colina and Oliver Hayes-Brown are absolute fucking units.
Take it Yze like a Sunday morning.
A review of who is on the up and down, thanks to u/Hawtproper whose name always reads in my head as 'hawktrooper' and i wonder why we have a hawks fan in our subreddit who is so wise in the ways of the yellow and black.
Players to Watch
Josh Gibcus- Who needs first round picks when your 6'5, [redacted] kg former pick 9 is back in the fray? After a great rookie season where he was robbed of a rising star nom for every one of his 18 games, Gibcus was missing for the entirety of the 2023 season with a hamstring injury that lingered longer than Gil as CEO. After a conservative approach, Gibcus looks ready to re-establish himself in a team crying out for some top end talent. His inclusion may help support Noah Balta or allow the flexibility to send him forward, as well mitigating the eventual retirement of Dylan Grimes.
Samson Ryan- After his infamous debut in a 62-22 loss to St Kilda where he had a -2 fantasy score, our baby giraffe was able to crack in for 14 games in 2023, splitting time between ruck and forward with Nank and Lynch down with injury early in the year. Coming into 2024, with Riewoldt retired and Soldo maliciously stolen from us, Ryan's biggest competition for a spot is Naismith who's played 30 games in 8 years and Koschitzke who was dropped last year despite being the only key forward in his team. With some more bulk to his frame, Sampa could carve out his niche as a ruck-forward and be a mainstay in the new era of Richmond, which hopefully means more interviews with his mum and BT.
Sam Banks- Much like his graffiti artist namesake we don't know a lot about Banksy yet. Banks was one of our most consistent VFL players in 2023 finally earning a call up and playing 6 games towards the end of the season. He showed some promise as a quick, line breaking half-back, with his best a 18 disposal game in a comeback win against Hawthorn. However, with Marlion Pickett potentially being one of the dumbest men in football and a new coach looking to experiment with new blood, a spot on the wing (his preferred position) could be on the cards for Sam.
Tom Lynch- It's lunch time!! I don't know if it's cheating to put an All Australian calibre player in players to watch but this bloke's season will largely dictate whether Richmond are contending for finals or contending to draft the 7th generational talent of this generation. I know every team complains about injuries (cough Geelong) but losing our 3 goal a game, 2022 BnF for a year devastated Richmond's forward line and no amount of chipped, Riewoldt-shaped pegs could fill the Lynch sized hole in our team. Lynch at his best can tear a team apart and at his worst he's a big galoot that gets in the way of the competitions best defenders and gives the other forwards a chance. Hopefully the only foot injury he has in 2024 is a bit of a bruise from kicking 50+ goals.
Players on Notice
Noah Cumberland- In 2022 you might remember Cummy for his game winning 5 goal performance against Brisbane or more likely his inability to tell time resulting in a draw against Fremantle. In 2023 you might not remember him at all and I can hardly blame you. Cumberland was a shock omission from the round 1 team after averaging 2 goals a game in 2022, with Dimma seeming to like Cumberland only slightly more than he likes Marvel Stadium. Said to have played too similar a role to Dusty (you'd think two Dusty's would be a good thing) Cumberland was in and out of the side due to form and injury, with him often looking lost at times on the field. In his fifth season at the club, if he can't gel with Yze's plan he may surpassed by others, and St Kilda may add a third Richmond small forward to their collection.
Thomson Dow- Since entering the AFL, Thomson is probably best known for being the second best Dow, a title many would rather die than have. Having never played more than 6 games in a season, many supporters were ready to say their goodbyes when Dow had only played one game coming into round 22, a 6 disposal effort against Essendon where he was subbed out. However, after playing the last three games of the season, including a career best against Port, he earned his coveted one year contract. With Cotchin gone, and Dusty spending more time forward, there's a spot up for grabs if Dow can prove to Yze he's got the goods, and there will be no other chances.
Marlion Pickett- This one kind of speaks for itself. If he's guilty he's obviously gone and if he's innocent he's coming into 2024 at 32 with a giant distraction over his head after an average year on the field. Pickett brought his signature intensity to the forward line for large chunks of 2023, and besides a game winning performance against GWS he seemed to fade in and out of games. With Jack Ross taking over his position on the wing and plenty of young tigers trying to break into the team, Pickett's future is hanging in the balance.
Dylan Grimes- Grimes' 2023 season was a familar site for Tiger fans, another premiership star who started to look a touch off pace upon entering his 30's. Having taken on some of the best talls and smalls in comp throughout his career, Grimes started to hand off these jobs to the likes of Broad, Balta, Rioli and even rookie Young in 2023. Despite playing on the opposition's 4th or 5th best forward, Grimes lacked his usual impact on games, and while he's well earnt the right to retire when he sees fit it would be something to be considered if 2024 doesn't turn out as planned. Here's hoping dropping the burden of the captaincy onto Nank's sexy, hefty shoulders will allow Dylan to fully focus on his game and get a resurgence.
'Best' 22 Thanks again to Hawktrooper (hawtproper)
FB N.Vlastuin T.Young N.Broad
HB D.Rioli J.Gibcus J.Short
C K.McIntosh T.Taranto M.Pickett
HF L.Baker N.Balta J.Ross
FF S.Green J.Koschitzke S.Bolton
F S.Naismith J.Hopper D.Martin
I T.Dow D.Grimes S.Ryan D.Prestia
S M.Rioli
If they're adamant on Bolton forward I hope Baker gets more mid time, we looked too slow most of the practice game. Steely looked better to me than Seth despite less game time. Thought Maurice could be a starter to make up for the defensive pressure we lose with Graham, but is it likely if he wasn't in the best 26 for Collingwood. Banks only had calf tightness but does he get in without the game prep of the other wingers
Shaun Atley Memorial Leaderboard. (Milestones possible in 2024)
  • Dustin Martin 11 games to the 300-game milestone.
  • Dylan Grimes 21 games to the 250-game milestone.
  • Nathan Broad 24 games to the 150-game milestone.
  • Noah Balta 15 games to the 100-game milestone.
  • Tom Lynch 15 games to the 100-game milestone at Richmond.
  • Marlion Pickett 22 games to the 100-game milestone.
So the most likely ones this year are Dusty making 300, Balta making 100 and Lynch making 100 at the Tigers (I hope).
Fixture summary for 2024
  • 13 matches at Geelong's home ground.
  • 2 at Marvel Stadium
  • 2 at Optus Stadium
  • 2 at Adelaide Oval.
  • 1 at The Gabba
  • 1 at Norwood Oval.
  • 1 at Heritage Bank Stadium
  • 1 at Geelong's training ground.
With 16 games in Victoria* and 7 games away the RichmondFC fixture receives a MisguidedGames weighted analysis scoring of Shits fucked, VicBias
  • Geelong is sadly counted as part of Victoria for the purposes of this analysis.
2024 Season expectations by Bergasms
I mean, damn, the Dimmasty has truly ended, and we are looking at the new Yze era. We will probably win the flag It's hard to have super high expectations with such an unknown as a new coach, so the most we can really hope for is Geelong and Collingwood to be kicked out is the kids to develop well, Yze to show us he has the coaching skills to at least match it with other decent clubs, not so many injuries, and to not win the spoon. It's really hard to have solid expectations at this point as it has been a long time since we've had a new coach. There are some voids to fill with Jack and Cotch retiring and some other older players struggling to stay on the park, so it will be exciting to see who puts their hands up this year.
*2023 AFLW review, brought to you by Caitlin Greiser's voice *
The 2023 AFLW season was a rough one for the Tigers. Saying we were plagued by injuries doesn't really do it justice. We were pandemic'd by injuries. We were smallpox wiping out millions by injures. It was the Black Death of injuries. At one point some of the train on players who were mostly at the club to get some experience on the training track were instead getting their AFLW debut. We won 3 of our first 4 games but then only won two more for the year at the tail end as players returned. Despite such a tricky run, we had two losses by 7 points to Freo and 1 point to the Suns which had we got up would have meant we'd play finals. A barnstorming finish against the Pies who needed to win to play finals, drubbing them by 52 points at their home ground, gave the side some great momentum. MonCon got the B&F for the comp largely by dint of being one of the few players on our team who wasn't injured for the majority of the season and therefore hogged all the votes (and also just being awesome), and Caitlin nabbed GOTY off of the Ponter bomb with her insane snap from the pocket, I suspect winning it mostly because she was trying to score a goal instead of pass to a teammate. With relatively few list changes (one of the Hosking girls is gone, this may be a good thing as two is too many) and players like Dempsey and Shieren really announcing themselves if we can keep fit and firing we should be back in finals for 2024.
Thanks for reading you nuffies, much love from Berg and all the crew at /RichmondFC.


submitted by Bergasms to RichmondFC [link] [comments]

2024.02.27 08:59 newmusicrls Best New Minimal Deep Tech Releases (23-02-2024)

Agustin Giri, Last Men On Earth - Corto Amanecer (Musumeci Remix) Agustin Giri, Last Men On Earth - Corto Amanecer (Original Mix) Agustin Giri, Last Men On Earth - Ideve (Original Mix) Agustin Giri, Last Men On Earth - Intelecto (Original Mix) Allegrezza - Apulian Soul (Original Mix) ANATTA, Gio Lucca - Dat Girl (Original Mix) ANATTA, Gio Lucca - World Order (Original Mix) Ander - Club Down (Original Mix) Ander - Slight Return (Original Mix) Andino, Tyke (US) - Electric Bike (Original Mix) Andres Shockwave - damp (Original Mix) Andres Shockwave - Global (Original Mix) Andres Shockwave - Manipular (Original Mix) Andres Shockwave - stab (Original Mix) Andrey Djackonda - Iguana (Original Mix) Andrey Djackonda - Plop Mode (Original Mix) Arche - Base Groove (Original Mix) Arche - Sippy (Original Mix) Arche - Spin The Record (Original Mix) Arche - Wanna Turn Me On (Original Mix) Barac - A Doua Editie Ilustrata (Original Mix) Barac - Ilov (Original Mix) Barac - Prima Editie Ilustrata (Original Mix) Ben Murphy - Give You What You Want (Original Mix) Bes - Korova (Original Mix) Bes - Metamorphica (Original Mix) Blvkrose - Picture Me Rollin (Original Mix) Blvkrose - Thug Poet (Original Mix) Bodeler, Manu Desrets - Impact (Epau Remix) Bodeler, Manu Desrets - Impact (Original Mix) Boronas, Grush - Error 420 (Original Mix) Boronas, Grush - For Those Days (Original Mix) Boronas, Grush - Invitation Only (Izaakson Remix) Boronas, Grush - Invitation Only (Original Mix) CALVES - Bad Bitch (Original Mix) CALVES - Drop It (Original Mix) CALVES - Play This (Original Mix) Candidate (UK) - Bass Revolution (Original Mix) Candidate (UK) - Moving House (Original Mix) Candidate (UK) - Suzy Wong (Original Mix) Caravaca - Posession (Original Mix) Caravaca - Sexy Robot (Original Mix) Chris Coburn - Breaking Point (Original Mix) Chris Coburn - Don't Stop (Original Mix) Chris Coburn - Graffiti (Original Mix) Club Therapy - Alchemical Musings (Koliseum Remix) Club Therapy - Alchemical Musings (Original Mix) Club Therapy - Rabit Hole (Hugo Andres Remix) Club Therapy - Rabit Hole (Original Mix) Club Therapy - Root Down (Original Mix) Cristian Merino - Playing My Saxo In My Old Citroen Saxo (Original Mix) Cristian Merino - The Titanic Love Story Was Real (Original Mix) Cristian Merino - Visiting The City Of Petra (Original Mix) Dan Kramer - Know You Ride (Original Mix) Daniele Bussoleni - Moka Manu (Original Mix) Daniele Bussoleni - Moka Manu (Saldan Remix) Dimitar Petrov - Creamy Groove (Original Mix) Dimitar Petrov - Rust N Dust (Original Mix) DIMMISH - Bacana (Original Mix) DIMMISH - Double Standards (Original Mix) DIMMISH - Passion (Max Dean Remix) DIMMISH - Passion (Original Mix) Discip - ATSW (Original Mix) Djonii - Kalypsu (Original Mix) Djonii - Underground Mafia (Original Mix) Dom James (UK) - Acid Trippin (Original Mix) Dom James (UK) - Dancing 4 (Original Mix) Dom James (UK) - Done Talking (Original Mix) Dom James (UK) - Me & My (Original Mix) Duarte L - Expreso (Original Mix) Duarte L - KVP (Original Mix) Dub Flow - Danger (BizZa Remix) Dub Flow - Danger (Original Mix) Emiliano Leonel - Back (Original Mix) Emiliano Leonel - Rux (Original Mix) Evenm - Giving Life (Original Mix) Evenm - Release Self (Original Mix) Flor Coto - Just Wanna Play (Lolu Menayed Remix) FOURM - Acura (Original Mix) FOURM - Islands (Original Mix) George Haware - Morning Fly (Harry Jimenez Remix) George Haware - Morning Fly (Original Mix) Goosey - Freak Da Funk (Original Mix) Goosey - Madhouse (Original Mix) Groove Street, Juangar - Little Swing (Original Mix) Groove Street, Juangar - Little Swing (Santacruz Remix) Grwvtec - Glitchcat (Khynes Remix) Grwvtec - Glitchcat (Original Mix) Grwvtec - Like Dat (Original Mix) Guedes - Aphex Wah (Original Mix) Guedes - Good As Never (Original Mix) Guedes - Undefined People (Original Mix) Guile - Faster (Original Mix) Guile - Joe's Garage (Original Mix) Guile - Mi Menor (Original Mix) Guile - What We Got (Original Mix) Highjack music - More Than Ilusion (Original Mix) HolloH - Come On Over (Original Mix) HolloH - Come On Over (Radio Edit) HolloH - Skyline (Original Mix) HolloH - Wide Awake (Original Mix) Igor Zanga - Push That (Original Mix) Ismaso, Victor Romero - Haters (Original Mix) Ivan Lopez - La Santa (Original Mix) Ivan Lopez - Seta (Original Mix) Ivan Lopez - Voces del Alma (Original Mix) Javi Miramontes - Take My Bass (Original Mix) Javier Labarca - Baccarat (Original Mix) Javier Labarca - La Fruta (Original Mix) Jeff Sorkowitz - Afterrr (Original Mix) Jeff Sorkowitz - BASS (Original Mix) Jeff Sorkowitz, Hyde (OFC) - Amnesia (Original Mix) Jerëmie. - Space Blum (Original Mix) Jorge Mattos - Section (Original Mix) Jorge Mattos - Too Deep (Original Mix) Josh Baker - Handle This (Original Mix) Josh Baker - Lost Dub (Original Mix) Josh Baker - Synthesizer (Original Mix) Josh Martin, Yago Moyer - Aramis (Original Mix) Josh Martin, Yago Moyer - Chocolat (Original Mix) Josh Martin, Yago Moyer - Conspiration (Original Mix) Josh Martin, Yago Moyer - Unusual (Original Mix) Juan Demal, Kristhian Kuza - Nomar (Original Mix) Ken Spieker - Blue (Original Mix) Ken Spieker - Expression (Original Mix) Ken Spieker - What A Night (Original Mix) KevLopez - La Volaita (Original Mix) KevLopez - Pacana (Original Mix) Kokode - Bass Buzz (Original Mix) Koliseum - Let The Bullets Fly 讓​子​彈​飛 (Venda Remix) Koliseum - Let The Bullets Fly 讓子彈飛 (Cosimo Scimo Remix) Koliseum - Let The Bullets Fly 讓子彈飛 (Fedo Remix) Koliseum - Let The Bullets Fly 讓子彈飛 (Original Mix) Koliseum - Let The Bullets Fly 讓子彈飛 (Sergio Bernier Remix) Kreature - Funk Funky Beat (Original Mix) Kreature - The Thrills (Original Mix) Kugmas - Put Your Hands Where I Can See (Original Mix) Kugmas - Vida (Original Mix) Kuke - Forget (Original Mix) Kuke - I Like It (Original Mix) KYE HAWKINS - Feeling Exotic (Extended Mix) KYE HAWKINS - Late Nights (Extended Mix) KYE HAWKINS - No Horizon (Extended Mix) KYE HAWKINS - No Pen (Extended Mix) LaDell Ransom - So Sweet (Extended Mix) LaDell Ransom - Upstate (Extended Mix) Locky - All Of The Crew (Original Mix) Locky - Move Around (Aladdin Remix) Locky - Move Around (Original Mix) Locky - On My Mind (Original Mix) Loris Zerola - Caraiò (Original Mix) Louden - Freaky Jam (Original Mix) Louden - Moved On (Original Mix) Louden - Red Code (Original Mix) Luca Dan - Last Day In Buda (Original Mix) Luca Dan - Let The Beat (Original Mix) Luis Noronha - Drop By (Original Mix) Luis Noronha - RO-MI (Original Mix) Luis Noronha - Who Are You? (Original Mix) Lux Aurum, Mora - Journeyer (Original Mix) Markus Eden - 4 All Mankind (Original Mix) Markus Eden - Drop for Me (Original Mix) Markus Eden - Reel Beatz (Original Mix) Markus Eden - Warped (Original Mix) MartinoResi - Feel The Bass (Original Mix) MartinoResi - Turn Me On (Capeesh Society Remix) MartinoResi - Turn Me On (Original Mix) Matt Egbert - Electric Precision (Original Mix) Matt Egbert - Wizard Pepper (Original Mix) Matt Egbert - You Are In My System (Original Mix) Melloca - Journey (Original Mix) Melloca - Percolation & Filtration (Original Mix) Melloca - Vodka Martini (Original Mix) Mene - Less Then Enaugh (Original Mix) Mene - Usuu (Original Mix) Michel De Hey - Back With The Rest (Original Mix) Micka (NL) - 3rd Gremlin (Original Mix) Micka (NL) - Generator (Original Mix) Micka (NL) - Okura (Original Mix) Miguel Lobo - C'Mon Baby (Extended Mix) Mike Scot - Movin' to the Beat (Extended Mix) Mike Scot - Movin' to the Beat (Robin Fett Extended Remix) MINT (JPN) - Alpha (Original Mix) MINT (JPN) - Antenna (Original Mix) Mood - Oblivion (Ahmet Mecnum Remix) Mora - After Autumn (Original Mix) Mora - Basis (Original Mix) Mora - Distorted Eloquence (Original Mix) Mora - Echoed (Original Mix) Mora - Lifted (Original Mix) MORÁZ (BR) - BOXUM (Original Mix) MORÁZ (BR) - PUSSY CONTROL (Original Mix) Mr. Bremson - Dune Boogie (Cosmic Mix) Mr. Bremson - Manny Werq's (Fundamental Mix) Mr. Bremson - Memories (Original Mix) Najela Soir - Fushin (Original Mix) Najela Soir - Meli Ga Daisukidesu (Original Mix) Nanna Osé - For The Soul (Original Mix) Nanna Osé - Shout Out To Y'all (Original Mix) Nautica (UK) - Bodywork (Original Mix) Nautica (UK) - Irresistible (Original Mix) Nautica (UK) - Never Know (Original Mix) Nautica (UK) - Open Your Eyes (Original Mix) Neverdogs, Cosmin Horatiu, Magaziine - Read My Mind (Original Mix) Neverdogs, Cosmin Horatiu, Magaziine - Yeeeee (Original Mix) NewTone (NL) - Enjoy Your Flight (Original Mix) NewTone (NL) - Get Up (Original Mix) NewTone (NL) - Wagwan (Original Mix) NewTone (NL) - Willy's Breakbeat (Original Mix) Nicodemu - Space Defenders (Original Mix) Nicodemu - Space Invaders (Netti Remix) Nicodemu - Space Invaders (Original Mix) Norb - Blunted Swords (Original Mix) Norb - Limelight (Original Mix) Norb - Rhode To Nowhere (Original Mix) Oskyal - Lil Sum (Original Mix) Overtracked, Geerten Van Duin - Everybody (Extended) Overtracked, Geerten Van Duin - Everybody (Original Mix) Pablo One - Cammino (Original Mix) Pablo One - Curioso (Original Mix) Pani, Andesback - French Street (Original Mix) Pani, Andesback - Subtle (Original Mix) Paul K, Florian Meffert - Don't Worry It's An Illusion (Lizz Remix) Paul K, Florian Meffert - Don't Worry It's An Illusion (Original Mix) Paul K, Florian Meffert - Purple Penguin (Original Mix) Paul K, Florian Meffert - Stone Clouds (Original Mix) Phill Prince - Elysiour (Original Mix) Phill Prince - Menagled (Original Mix) Phill Prince - TRRRa (Original Mix) Phill Prince - Vitamin ModeL (Original Mix) Puff (ITA) - Faya (Original Mix) Puff (ITA) - Revolution (Original Mix) Querido (CH) - Fallout (Anggelo Pinela Remix) Querido (CH) - Fallout (Original Mix) Querido (CH) - Ghetto Flow (Original Mix) Raized - Gimminaz (Original Mix) Raized - Walking Giant (Original Mix) Red Effects - 27 (Original Mix) Red Effects - Reestart (Original Mix) Reflex Blue - Creepin' Around The Bend (Original Mix) Reflex Blue - Low End Freqz (Dial Up Mix) (Original Mix) Reflex Blue - Outdoor Dance (Original Mix) Reflex Blue - Tension Rise (Original Mix) Saul Antolin - EL Disfruton (Original Mix) Saul Antolin - Salseo (Original Mix) Shahar, Motum - Punks In The Back (Casey Spillman Remix) Shahar, Motum - Punks In The Back (Original Mix) Shahar, Motum, Luquez - Dumbo feat. Luquez (Original Mix) SHIFTY (US) - NEED IT (Original Mix) SHIFTY (US) - SECRET (Original Mix) Simas - Alcool (Original Mix) Simas - Semhash (Original Mix) Simas - Txas Mania (Original Mix) Smoud Beats - Acid Romario (Original Mix) Smoud Beats - Feel the M (Original Mix) Smoud Beats - Frequency Test (Cleveland Mix) Smoud Beats - Out of Body (Original Mix) Smoud Beats - Speedy G (Original Mix) Sound Cloup, Sidewave - Grooving N Moving (Original Mix) Stephano Franca - Around You (Original Mix) Stephano Franca - Like This (Original Mix) Stephano Franca - Many (Original Mix) SY Rockers - Caller ID (Original Mix) The BeatBoy's - Friday Night (Original Mix) The BeatBoy's - WRFK (Original Mix) Toby Simpson - Biscuit (Original Mix) Toby Simpson - Countdown (Original Mix) Toby Simpson - Late Nite Vibe (Original Mix) Tyke (US) - Direct Deposit (Original Mix) Umberto Pagliaroli, Kieran San Jose - Da Da Da (Original Mix) Un Padre - Engravidar (Original Mix) Un Padre, Dimitri J - From Belgrade To Ibiza (Original Mix) Unknown7 - Shake That Ass (Original Mix) Valek - Ice On Ma Neck (Original Mix) Valek - Solid (Original Mix) Vanny Granata, Kastiglia - No Reaction (Original Mix) Vanny Granata, Kastiglia - Rasta Crime (Original Mix) Vincent Casanova - Daydreams (Original Mix) Vincent Casanova - Daydreams (Remix) Vincent Casanova - Sunrise Gang (Original Mix) Vinyl Speed Adjust - Butterfly (Original Mix) Vinyl Speed Adjust - Floyd (Original Mix) Vinyl Speed Adjust - Gipsy (Original Mix) Vinyl Speed Adjust - Voltage Lines (Original Mix) VLTRA (IT) - Operator (Original Mix) 
submitted by newmusicrls to HypeTracks [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 05:09 fractalfay Drunk words are sober thoughts: Recap of 90 Day Fiance S10 E15 and 16 part 1!

The Super Bowl timeout bought me some time! Without further ado…

It’s time for Anali and Clayton to bring the sex to their bachelor and bachelorette parties! For Clayton, this means uncorking his favorite fur-roller so his flamingo shirt sparkles like it did in high school, before monitoring Anali’s prep perched in weeble-position at the edge of the bed.
“I’m the boss,” Clayton demonstrates the sound a guinea pig makes when it surrenders.
Anali can’t contain her glee over the chance to glimpse the drunken hijinks she’s been campaigning for since watching all those videos of Alabama rush week, and seizes the opportunity to pretend it’s 1985, the cocaine is free, and her teeth are freshly vaselined.
Kameron arrives with only a thin backpack, because the guinea pigs aren’t the only ones with tiny outfits, and not much is required when there’s no plans to leave. Anali departs with Brandi and tells them to enjoy their “nerd hangout,” which is exactly what they do, as soaring music announces their brodown hoedown in the indoor pool, where they splash and compare titties to lubricate their wet hot evening of side-by-side videogames.
“This is the weirdest bachelor party I’ve ever been to,” Kameron gasps for air.
“I didn’t ask,” Clayton points out, returning his focus to the electronic animals that can teleport without capes.
Meanwhile, Brandi time travels back from the 90s after some hasty graffiti and espresso to assure Anali that her sheltered life inside the family terrarium is about to go dicks-up. She ushers Anali into the hive where penis decorations have swarmed, and friends in matching tshirts nervously anticipate socializing-by-app.
“We owe Brandi a lot of favors,” they don’t have to say.
Anali accepts her bride-identifying garments and seems a bit nervous until Brandi reveals that movie night was bullshit, and instead it’s all aboard the fun bus for a little laugh-happy booze cruise around suburbia.
“Thank you!” Anali laughs, relieved that ‘going out’ won’t involve mom or farm animals.
“I think Anali’s going to be happy, because the only thing she can say in English is, *a stipper?*” Politifact rates Brandi’s statement as *mostly true*, so she primes our senses for his outstanding arrival with her own little shimmy.
Not long after the dicklectable decor has been herded onto the bus, it’s boarded by a man in a SWAT vest with mirrored sunglasses, gum, and gestures towards his genitalia.
“Did anyone call for an officer?” Sargent Chew reports for grinding. “Don’t make me reach for these guns.”
“Immigration?!” Anali laughs, and Sargent Chew decides to add this to his Facebook Marketplace options.
“This is a raid,” Sgt Chew gums. “Everybody on the dance floor.”
In no time everyone involved delivers the exact right screaming reactions to a bus propelled by gyration, as he strips down to a red cock-sock he boldly pinwheels at the camera.
“I was getting welts from slapping this beef stick against my leg,” Sargent Chew has been top of his game for awhile.
Anali has her phone at the ready to capture every pelvic thrust directed at her face, and every moment her rigid body and the pole are used for balance.
“Is this why prisons are so full?” Anali asks while he reads her rights.
“We’re gonna have to hold you overnight,” Sgt. Chew feels a citation coming on. “And in case you’re wondering, that promo code on Groupon is still good until midnight.”
After the stripper’s done performing crossfit on Anali’s lap she takes a few selfies with his hand on her tit, while Brandi’s friends joyfully cosign this adventure with hoots and hystical laughter.
“Where’s my dollar gun?” Ashley arrives to help. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“That’s like four shirts!” Manuel objects.
“The flipping, the flapping, like a fish out of water,” Brandi narrates. “I think she low-key likes it because she’s taken more selfies with this guy that she has with my brother.”
“I’m telling my dad we’re engaged!” Anali squeals, texting away.
After circling the block Brandi bounces out to direct traffic with a penis balloon, and welcomes Anali to the US of A with a crucial lesson on how to shotgun a beer.
“There. Now you’re an American,” Brandi declares.
“USA! USA!” Brandi’s friend clap.
“We’re not best friends yet, but this is what I want more than anything in the world,” Anali’s breathless. Same.
Next up on Brandi’s agenda is getting the tea on what’s actually going on in the 3-person apartment-for-one, so she busts her phone out for a little appversation.
“Drunk words are sober thoughts,” Brandi promises, explaining why the pre-conversation beer was crucial.
Brandi asks what it’s like, and Anali says that it’s okay short-term, but a coffin would be more comfortable if this continues. Brandi agrees that mom needs to realize Clayton can live outside of her body, but warns Anali that mom is not aware the cord was cut after the clamp.
“It’s actually disturbing,” Brandi says. “They will not leave each other’s side. Mark my words, check back in a year, they will still be living together.”
Anali says if that’s how it’s going to be then she’ll need to plan the divorce before the marriage. Brandi feels sad that he’s not willing to swallow some of mom’s passive-aggression for the greater good of telling her to fuck off, and mom doesn’t value her son’s autonomy enough to do it on her own.
The next day Clayton’s eager to test the fitness tips he collected from Nicole, which means a few rounds of falsetto jump-squeaks, a little hamster wheel around the driveway, and a quick session of turtle-on-his-back so it’s understood that the struggle is real.
“I’ll be selling laxative teas on instagram by Friday,” Clayton fast-tracks that apartment upgrade.
Anali comes out to laugh at Clayton’s 24 hour timeline for a 10-pound weight loss, after she’s just watched a forty-something man calorie-shred with the lost moves of David Lee Roth.
“Is it a mic stand or a pole? Does it matter?” Sargent Chew is going to be booked through 2024.
“How did summer camp go?” Anali asks for the dirty details on Clayton’s wild night in.
Clayton says there was a lot of swimming and playing, and she responds that Brandi’s party had one stripper, and he smelled like burnt tires and Bubbalicious. Anali mines for some sign of humor when she says she thought it was immigration, but Clayton’s already sulking about how his future wife wants some other guy instead.
“It’s a stripper, not a prostitute,” Anali assumes Clayton’s mixed up his sex workers.
Clayton insists she should have stamped her foot and forced the stripper off the bus using the square heel of her shoe, but Anali counters that it’s not fair to ask a sock to protect his spinning genitals from road rash, and clearly that’s his gift to the world. She tries throwing Brandi under the fun-bus, and says she was the one having a great time while Anali scratched at the windows pleading with passing cars to alert the authorities to a man impersonating an officer.
After taking a moment to flip through the incel handbook for a response guaranteed to make things worse, Clayton says: “Never in the world will this happen again.”
“Oh man, he just activated the blue-alert on every stripper’s phone in the tri-state area,” Sargent Chew turns vibrate off on his phone before it flip-flaps into the street. “I’m gonna have to consolidate a few bus rides to meet the demand that follows a weak man’s hard line.”
Clayton tries to guarantee long-term distress by mining for every detail, and Anali’s sick of being asked to recreate every sock twirl and hip thrust because Clayton’s unwilling to consider it entertainment and not cause for LED candles, so she retreats for the bathroom. This leads to more accusations from Clayton that she’s “running away” from this, but there’s still no indication of what he’s actually hoping to accomplish here, so he calls Brandi to spread the interrogation around.
“Just tell her you love her and give her a hug and say you’ll figure things out,” Brandi sighs. “The man had a red sock on his penis. He’s not waiting outside with a motorcycle to help her escape.”
“I wasn’t looking for how to make her feel better,” Clayton corrects. “You’re supposed to affirm my self-righteous position until shame transforms into sexual currency.”
She says she doesn’t know what he wants her to say, and Clayton reminds Brandi that he’ll be using this to try and press her into officiating the wedding.
“Probably,” Brandi guesses, since she’s been observing adult-tantrums all her life. “Sometimes I feel like Indiana is just too close.”
Clayton goes hunting around for Anali to hug-assault her, and Anali says she never thought she’d be crying the day before her wedding, which means she’s the first to get married in her group of friends.
“I’m madder with the party than with you,” Clayton comforts. “It’s hard for me to tell if you meant to have fun, or if fun accidentally happened around you.”
“I just want to know if this conversation ends here, or if you’re going to repeat the same questions over and over until I die,” Anali asks a fair question.
He says they can circle the drain endlessly until she figures out time travel, and Anali’s so dreading this that packing never sounded better. He insists her leaving is not an option, which might make you think he’s letting things go, but no.
“Obviously I’m from a line of hoarders, so no, I can’t let anything go,” Clayton explains it all. “I didn’t spend the last two and a half years spending all this money for her to pack her suitcase, get her passport, and go home.”
Anali thinks her doing something he doesn’t like shouldn’t require a pacifier, and she didn’t flee a controlling father to land a controlling husband. She says she needs to sleep on this whole wedding business and decide the next day if she wants another season, which counts as suspense to TLC, since they don’t know how google works.
Claire thinks Sophie should stop thinking about Rob and start pretending she’s going to marry herself, which means dress shopping at a fabulous little store packed with girlie twirls. Sophie requests something that’s not tight but fitted, and the expert stylist reads between the nonsense to make some excellent selections. All three look lovely, but the first has a hidden Kanye layer threatening to beige, and the second an Illuminati triangle that could detonate a monster-control agent in the company of Rob’s supportive posse. That leaves#3, which is tight enough to double as a wet suit in case Sophie opts for a last-minute retreat to the sea.
“I’m pretending it’s a different event at a different time, in a different place, with a different person,” Claire cries. “It goes so well with the rapidly extinguishing light in her eyes!”
“Oh fuck, she’s marrying the butthole guy?” the sales person hands Claire a tissue, recalling the last unsolicited dick-pic she blocked. “It makes sense for a beach if you have four people that can carry her in on a surfboard.”
Sophie feels she should practice making excuses for Rob, so she expounds on how she contributes to their problems, like having a sexuality that would have made her a prime selection for Peacock’s *Couple to Throuple*.
“Fuck you, Peacock!” TLC interrupts. “WE’RE the polyamory network, you fucking fucks!”
“Ha!” Peacock retorts. “You’re the POLYGAMY network. Our show has titties!”
Claire suggests ol’ Soph might want to actually tickle a clit before terminating her single status, or downgrade her findings to bi-curious in recognition of the monogamous relationshit with a lizard-person she’s been pursuing since episode one, but Sophie is really committed to serving this nothing-burger repeatedly for a better chance at a second season.
“Isn’t it just bicurious if its never explored?” Claire’s terminology might need an update. “I could have told you that dating anyone else, anyone else at all, would make you rethink the Rob decision. Would you like to date someone else? I’ve got these apps on my phone…”
For reasons known only to Sophie she calls Rob with a contrite tone to suggest he pick her up at the hotel. He Charlie Browns in her direction, while Claire looks at Sophie in bewilderment that this limp rag is the man she’s excited to see.
“Did you talk trash about me all night?” Rob asks before Sophie has a chance to close the door.
“My mom thinks you might be a sex trafficker who groomed me,” Sophie explains. “I defended you, because I can’t keep track of how old we were when this started.”
“Where was this defensive energy when she was asking why I didn’t have a job?” Yeah, SOPHIE. Some of us are unemployable.
“I didn’t want to talk about it too long because everyone already has questions about how we got a K1,” Sophie objects.
Sophie’s already scared of Rob and unwilling to express what actually happened out of fear of losing him, so Rob says she really let him down. Sophie apologizes for wanting a better life without considering whether Rob found it threatening, and they arrive at the shed where Rob mumbles that she doesn’t even like it anyways.
“I’m just gonna be honest,” Nikki sings.
“No, it’s really nice,” Sophie gets used to lying.
“You ever heard the phrase left out to dry?” Rob knobs, after they go outside to talk more.
“No, we don’t speak English in England,” Sophie doesn’t want to trigger Rob’s insecurity by knowing things.
“This is America,” Rob clarifies, rolling his eyes. “I’m supposed to be right here.”
“The way he’s treating me I don’t know why I try at this point,” Sophie frets. Neither does anyone else, Sophie.
Sophie reads off some of his best passive-aggressive 4AM facebook wall posts, like *When she buys you a meal one time and acts like she takes care of you,* and *When she doesn’t want kids and won’t be your mom,* and *Negging is supposed to work faster than this* etc.
“You don’t have to look at my facebook,” Rob responds, knowing full well that Sophie is the only person looking at that shit.
Sophie cries and says she’s sick of every argument ending with her having to apologize, and says he needs to put in effort too.
“I picked you up at the hotel, didn’t I?” Rob protests.
Sophie says she always has to end the arguments because he won’t see her side and he seems unable to change. Rob insists he’s trying to do that, which should be obvious by this ponytail. They agree that it’s too late to try out for a different tv show with a heftier payday, so they’ll continue to scowl and pout at the camera until one of them is on Single Life.
Speaking of fake, it’s time for Igor and Nikki’s engagement celebration, and with Nikki poised to return to the states the next day, Igor’s emptying his jar of sweet dumbthings.
“When I see you past time when your mother born you,” Igor works on his poetry.
“What?” Nikki hairs, laughing all the way.
Igor asks how many hours she needs to transform into Las Vegas as a person, and Nikki tells him she’s going to make a big entrance, so he can just go ahead and she’ll arrive the next day. Igor’s relieved to get drunk in advance, and asks for confirmation that his suit looks dapper as fuck before he saunters out the door.
“Okay, I go now and work on threesome as twosome, yes?” Igor clicks his heels, and races off to the party, declaring himself a lucky man.
Nikki calls her friend Chanel to report that she’s ready to settle down, be a mom, and buy a house, as soon as she dies and returns to earth as someone else. Chanel asks if she’s interested in ignoring some advice, and Nikki tells her she can blather about whatever she wants while Igor’s busy with the party, but she hasn’t been doing this for ten years because she’s exploring all her options.
“I just something hope maybe happiness, kay?” Chanel salads.
At the party Roksy’s working overtime to give this event a pulse, and asks Igor if Nikki knows any Moldovan wedding traditions, like kidnapping the bride until she changes her mind or is freed with a cash ransom, or stealing her shoes and putting them on a snowman someone tries to marry before he melts.
“I’m ready for prom!” Nikki interrupts, making her grand entrance.
“The dress, a lot of shinies, crystals. And she was shiny herself,” Igor sparkles.
Nikki details that when she locks eyes with Igor time stands still, and she knows he’s the man she wants to be on television with. Everyone toasts and celebrates, and pretends not to already know that Nikki’s leaving tomorrow and that’s why Igor’s aging in reverse.
“Then I’ll get back to PERFORMING…” Nikki sets things up and invites Ivan to knock them down.
“Oh yes,” Ivan suddenly remembers. “I believe you were saying something about performing for all of us. Surely this is the time.”
“WHA????” Nikki couldn’t possibly.
“Nikki! Nikki!” Roksy plays her part.
“Oh no, don’t, I can’t…is this a microphone?” Nikki might have something on her phone that could work. “Remember when you could record your own music video at the mall?”
“Hyping of the crowd!” Roksy takes her responsibilities seriously, and should probably replace Igor on forthcoming seasons.
“I’m just gonna be honest,” Nikki warbles. “The way that you’re shaped I just wanna take you home.”
“Shape? Like Spongebob square?” Ivan’s sure he heard wrong.
“Is this sonic terrorism?” The bartender wonders if he should run before acid hits the dance floor.
“It’s like bad karaoke, but I’m like whatever,” Nikki’s sorta honest about it.“Justin’s like in awe watching me.”
“Who is Justin?” Igor’s mom asks.
“Nikki is like some stars falling down from the sky,” Igor says more things. “At first you are thinking this is for making wish, and then you are thinking run away fast.”
Thank you, Patreon supporters! Part 2 coming ASAP.
submitted by fractalfay to u/fractalfay [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 05:07 fractalfay Drunk words are sober thoughts: Recap of 90 Day Fiance S10 E15 and 16 Part 1

It’s time for Anali and Clayton to bring the sex to their bachelor and bachelorette parties! For Clayton, this means uncorking his favorite fur-roller so his flamingo shirt sparkles like it did in high school, before monitoring Anali’s prep perched in weeble-position at the edge of the bed.
“I’m the boss,” Clayton demonstrates the sound a guinea pig makes when it surrenders.
Anali can’t contain her glee over the chance to glimpse the drunken hijinks she’s been campaigning for since watching all those videos of Alabama rush week, and seizes the opportunity to pretend it’s 1985, the cocaine is free, and her teeth are freshly vaselined.
Kameron arrives with only a thin backpack, because the guinea pigs aren’t the only ones with tiny outfits, and not much is required when there’s no plans to leave. Anali departs with Brandi and tells them to enjoy their “nerd hangout,” which is exactly what they do, as soaring music announces their brodown hoedown in the indoor pool, where they splash and compare titties to lubricate their wet hot evening of side-by-side videogames.
“This is the weirdest bachelor party I’ve ever been to,” Kameron gasps for air.
“I didn’t ask,” Clayton points out, returning his focus to the electronic animals that can teleport without capes.
Meanwhile, Brandi time travels back from the 90s after some hasty graffiti and espresso to assure Anali that her sheltered life inside the family terrarium is about to go dicks-up. She ushers Anali into the hive where penis decorations have swarmed, and friends in matching tshirts nervously anticipate socializing-by-app.
“We owe Brandi a lot of favors,” they don’t have to say.
Anali accepts her bride-identifying garments and seems a bit nervous until Brandi reveals that movie night was bullshit, and instead it’s all aboard the fun bus for a little laugh-happy booze cruise around suburbia.
“Thank you!” Anali laughs, relieved that ‘going out’ won’t involve mom or farm animals.
“I think Anali’s going to be happy, because the only thing she can say in English is, *a stipper?*” Politifact rates Brandi’s statement as *mostly true*, so she primes our senses for his outstanding arrival with her own little shimmy.
Not long after the dicklectable decor has been herded onto the bus, it’s boarded by a man in a SWAT vest with mirrored sunglasses, gum, and gestures towards his genitalia.
“Did anyone call for an officer?” Sargent Chew reports for grinding. “Don’t make me reach for these guns.”
“Immigration?!” Anali laughs, and Sargent Chew decides to add this to his Facebook Marketplace options.
“This is a raid,” Sgt Chew gums. “Everybody on the dance floor.”
In no time everyone involved delivers the exact right screaming reactions to a bus propelled by gyration, as he strips down to a red cock-sock he boldly pinwheels at the camera.
“I was getting welts from slapping this beef stick against my leg,” Sargent Chew has been top of his game for awhile.
Anali has her phone at the ready to capture every pelvic thrust directed at her face, and every moment her rigid body and the pole are used for balance.
“Is this why prisons are so full?” Anali asks while he reads her rights.
“We’re gonna have to hold you overnight,” Sgt. Chew feels a citation coming on. “And in case you’re wondering, that promo code on Groupon is still good until midnight.”
After the stripper’s done performing crossfit on Anali’s lap she takes a few selfies with his hand on her tit, while Brandi’s friends joyfully cosign this adventure with hoots and hystical laughter.
“Where’s my dollar gun?” Ashley arrives to help. “Yes, yes, yes!”
“That’s like four shirts!” Manuel objects.
“The flipping, the flapping, like a fish out of water,” Brandi narrates. “I think she low-key likes it because she’s taken more selfies with this guy that she has with my brother.”
“I’m telling my dad we’re engaged!” Anali squeals, texting away.
After circling the block Brandi bounces out to direct traffic with a penis balloon, and welcomes Anali to the US of A with a crucial lesson on how to shotgun a beer.
“There. Now you’re an American,” Brandi declares.
“USA! USA!” Brandi’s friend clap.
“We’re not best friends yet, but this is what I want more than anything in the world,” Anali’s breathless. Same.
Next up on Brandi’s agenda is getting the tea on what’s actually going on in the 3-person apartment-for-one, so she busts her phone out for a little appversation.
“Drunk words are sober thoughts,” Brandi promises, explaining why the pre-conversation beer was crucial.
Brandi asks what it’s like, and Anali says that it’s okay short-term, but a coffin would be more comfortable if this continues. Brandi agrees that mom needs to realize Clayton can live outside of her body, but warns Anali that mom is not aware the cord was cut after the clamp.
“It’s actually disturbing,” Brandi says. “They will not leave each other’s side. Mark my words, check back in a year, they will still be living together.”
Anali says if that’s how it’s going to be then she’ll need to plan the divorce before the marriage. Brandi feels sad that he’s not willing to swallow some of mom’s passive-aggression for the greater good of telling her to fuck off, and mom doesn’t value her son’s autonomy enough to do it on her own.
The next day Clayton’s eager to test the fitness tips he collected from Nicole, which means a few rounds of falsetto jump-squeaks, a little hamster wheel around the driveway, and a quick session of turtle-on-his-back so it’s understood that the struggle is real.
“I’ll be selling laxative teas on instagram by Friday,” Clayton fast-tracks that apartment upgrade.
Anali comes out to laugh at Clayton’s 24 hour timeline for a 10-pound weight loss, after she’s just watched a forty-something man calorie-shred with the lost moves of David Lee Roth.
“Is it a mic stand or a pole? Does it matter?” Sargent Chew is going to be booked through 2024.
“How did summer camp go?” Anali asks for the dirty details on Clayton’s wild night in.
Clayton says there was a lot of swimming and playing, and she responds that Brandi’s party had one stripper, and he smelled like burnt tires and Bubbalicious. Anali mines for some sign of humor when she says she thought it was immigration, but Clayton’s already sulking about how his future wife wants some other guy instead.
“It’s a stripper, not a prostitute,” Anali assumes Clayton’s mixed up his sex workers.
Clayton insists she should have stamped her foot and forced the stripper off the bus using the square heel of her shoe, but Anali counters that it’s not fair to ask a sock to protect his spinning genitals from road rash, and clearly that’s his gift to the world. She tries throwing Brandi under the fun-bus, and says she was the one having a great time while Anali scratched at the windows pleading with passing cars to alert the authorities to a man impersonating an officer.
After taking a moment to flip through the incel handbook for a response guaranteed to make things worse, Clayton says: “Never in the world will this happen again.”
“Oh man, he just activated the blue-alert on every stripper’s phone in the tri-state area,” Sargent Chew turns vibrate off on his phone before it flip-flaps into the street. “I’m gonna have to consolidate a few bus rides to meet the demand that follows a weak man’s hard line.”
Clayton tries to guarantee long-term distress by mining for every detail, and Anali’s sick of being asked to recreate every sock twirl and hip thrust because Clayton’s unwilling to consider it entertainment and not cause for LED candles, so she retreats for the bathroom. This leads to more accusations from Clayton that she’s “running away” from this, but there’s still no indication of what he’s actually hoping to accomplish here, so he calls Brandi to spread the interrogation around.
“Just tell her you love her and give her a hug and say you’ll figure things out,” Brandi sighs. “The man had a red sock on his penis. He’s not waiting outside with a motorcycle to help her escape.”
“I wasn’t looking for how to make her feel better,” Clayton corrects. “You’re supposed to affirm my self-righteous position until shame transforms into sexual currency.”
She says she doesn’t know what he wants her to say, and Clayton reminds Brandi that he’ll be using this to try and press her into officiating the wedding.
“Probably,” Brandi guesses, since she’s been observing adult-tantrums all her life. “Sometimes I feel like Indiana is just too close.”
Clayton goes hunting around for Anali to hug-assault her, and Anali says she never thought she’d be crying the day before her wedding, which means she’s the first to get married in her group of friends.
“I’m madder with the party than with you,” Clayton comforts. “It’s hard for me to tell if you meant to have fun, or if fun accidentally happened around you.”
“I just want to know if this conversation ends here, or if you’re going to repeat the same questions over and over until I die,” Anali asks a fair question.
He says they can circle the drain endlessly until she figures out time travel, and Anali’s so dreading this that packing never sounded better. He insists her leaving is not an option, which might make you think he’s letting things go, but no.
“Obviously I’m from a line of hoarders, so no, I can’t let anything go,” Clayton explains it all. “I didn’t spend the last two and a half years spending all this money for her to pack her suitcase, get her passport, and go home.”
Anali thinks her doing something he doesn’t like shouldn’t require a pacifier, and she didn’t flee a controlling father to land a controlling husband. She says she needs to sleep on this whole wedding business and decide the next day if she wants another season, which counts as suspense to TLC, since they don’t know how google works.
Claire thinks Sophie should stop thinking about Rob and start pretending she’s going to marry herself, which means dress shopping at a fabulous little store packed with girlie twirls. Sophie requests something that’s not tight but fitted, and the expert stylist reads between the nonsense to make some excellent selections. All three look lovely, but the first has a hidden Kanye layer threatening to beige, and the second an Illuminati triangle that could detonate a monster-control agent in the company of Rob’s supportive posse. That leaves#3, which is tight enough to double as a wet suit in case Sophie opts for a last-minute retreat to the sea.
“I’m pretending it’s a different event at a different time, in a different place, with a different person,” Claire cries. “It goes so well with the rapidly extinguishing light in her eyes!”
“Oh fuck, she’s marrying the butthole guy?” the sales person hands Claire a tissue, recalling the last unsolicited dick-pic she blocked. “It makes sense for a beach if you have four people that can carry her in on a surfboard.”
Sophie feels she should practice making excuses for Rob, so she expounds on how she contributes to their problems, like having a sexuality that would have made her a prime selection for Peacock’s *Couple to Throuple*.
“Fuck you, Peacock!” TLC interrupts. “WE’RE the polyamory network, you fucking fucks!”
“Ha!” Peacock retorts. “You’re the POLYGAMY network. Our show has titties!”
Claire suggests ol’ Soph might want to actually tickle a clit before terminating her single status, or downgrade her findings to bi-curious in recognition of the monogamous relationshit with a lizard-person she’s been pursuing since episode one, but Sophie is really committed to serving this nothing-burger repeatedly for a better chance at a second season.
“Isn’t it just bicurious if its never explored?” Claire’s terminology might need an update. “I could have told you that dating anyone else, anyone else at all, would make you rethink the Rob decision. Would you like to date someone else? I’ve got these apps on my phone…”
For reasons known only to Sophie she calls Rob with a contrite tone to suggest he pick her up at the hotel. He Charlie Browns in her direction, while Claire looks at Sophie in bewilderment that this limp rag is the man she’s excited to see.
“Did you talk trash about me all night?” Rob asks before Sophie has a chance to close the door.
“My mom thinks you might be a sex trafficker who groomed me,” Sophie explains. “I defended you, because I can’t keep track of how old we were when this started.”
“Where was this defensive energy when she was asking why I didn’t have a job?” Yeah, SOPHIE. Some of us are unemployable.
“I didn’t want to talk about it too long because everyone already has questions about how we got a K1,” Sophie objects.
Sophie’s already scared of Rob and unwilling to express what actually happened out of fear of losing him, so Rob says she really let him down. Sophie apologizes for wanting a better life without considering whether Rob found it threatening, and they arrive at the shed where Rob mumbles that she doesn’t even like it anyways.
“I’m just gonna be honest,” Nikki sings.
“No, it’s really nice,” Sophie gets used to lying.
“You ever heard the phrase left out to dry?” Rob knobs, after they go outside to talk more.
“No, we don’t speak English in England,” Sophie doesn’t want to trigger Rob’s insecurity by knowing things.
“This is America,” Rob clarifies, rolling his eyes. “I’m supposed to be right here.”
“The way he’s treating me I don’t know why I try at this point,” Sophie frets. Neither does anyone else, Sophie.
Sophie reads off some of his best passive-aggressive 4AM facebook wall posts, like *When she buys you a meal one time and acts like she takes care of you,* and *When she doesn’t want kids and won’t be your mom,* and *Negging is supposed to work faster than this* etc.
“You don’t have to look at my facebook,” Rob responds, knowing full well that Sophie is the only person looking at that shit.
Sophie cries and says she’s sick of every argument ending with her having to apologize, and says he needs to put in effort too.
“I picked you up at the hotel, didn’t I?” Rob protests.
Sophie says she always has to end the arguments because he won’t see her side and he seems unable to change. Rob insists he’s trying to do that, which should be obvious by this ponytail. They agree that it’s too late to try out for a different tv show with a heftier payday, so they’ll continue to scowl and pout at the camera until one of them is on Single Life.
Speaking of fake, it’s time for Igor and Nikki’s engagement celebration, and with Nikki poised to return to the states the next day, Igor’s emptying his jar of sweet dumbthings.
“When I see you past time when your mother born you,” Igor works on his poetry.
“What?” Nikki hairs, laughing all the way.
Igor asks how many hours she needs to transform into Las Vegas as a person, and Nikki tells him she’s going to make a big entrance, so he can just go ahead and she’ll arrive the next day. Igor’s relieved to get drunk in advance, and asks for confirmation that his suit looks dapper as fuck before he saunters out the door.
“Okay, I go now and work on threesome as twosome, yes?” Igor clicks his heels, and races off to the party, declaring himself a lucky man.
Nikki calls her friend Chanel to report that she’s ready to settle down, be a mom, and buy a house, as soon as she dies and returns to earth as someone else. Chanel asks if she’s interested in ignoring some advice, and Nikki tells her she can blather about whatever she wants while Igor’s busy with the party, but she hasn’t been doing this for ten years because she’s exploring all her options.
“I just something hope maybe happiness, kay?” Chanel salads.
At the party Roksy’s working overtime to give this event a pulse, and asks Igor if Nikki knows any Moldovan wedding traditions, like kidnapping the bride until she changes her mind or is freed with a cash ransom, or stealing her shoes and putting them on a snowman someone tries to marry before he melts.
“I’m ready for prom!” Nikki interrupts, making her grand entrance.
“The dress, a lot of shinies, crystals. And she was shiny herself,” Igor sparkles.
Nikki details that when she locks eyes with Igor time stands still, and she knows he’s the man she wants to be on television with. Everyone toasts and celebrates, and pretends not to already know that Nikki’s leaving tomorrow and that’s why Igor’s aging in reverse.
“Then I’ll get back to PERFORMING…” Nikki sets things up and invites Ivan to knock them down.
“Oh yes,” Ivan suddenly remembers. “I believe you were saying something about performing for all of us. Surely this is the time.”
“WHA????” Nikki couldn’t possibly.
“Nikki! Nikki!” Roksy plays her part.
“Oh no, don’t, I can’t…is this a microphone?” Nikki might have something on her phone that could work. “Remember when you could record your own music video at the mall?”
“Hyping of the crowd!” Roksy takes her responsibilities seriously, and should probably replace Igor on forthcoming seasons.
“I’m just gonna be honest,” Nikki warbles. “The way that you’re shaped I just wanna take you home.”
“Shape? Like Spongebob square?” Ivan’s sure he heard wrong.
“Is this sonic terrorism?” The bartender wonders if he should run before acid hits the dance floor.
“It’s like bad karaoke, but I’m like whatever,” Nikki’s sorta honest about it.“Justin’s like in awe watching me.”
“Who is Justin?” Igor’s mom asks.
“Nikki is like some stars falling down from the sky,” Igor says more things. “At first you are thinking this is for making wish, and then you are thinking run away fast.”
Thank you, Patreon supporters! Part 2 coming ASAP.
submitted by fractalfay to 90DayFiance [link] [comments]

2024.01.21 12:26 Bergasms Season Preview 2024

Due on the 3rd of March, ideas for humour go here. Also if you want to lay claim to any particular portion of the preview say so in the comments.
We need best 22's, brief club synopsis, 2023 season reviews, list changes, players to watch and players on notice.
I'm gonna need help or else it will mostly be an essay on why Caitlin Greisers voice is like an angelic choir
**Richmond Tigers 2024 Season Preview**

courtesy of

[Last Years](https://www.reddit.com/AFL/comments/11ojuyq/i\_think\_dimma\_dumped\_gyprock\_out\_the\_front\_of\_my/)
Established: 1885 (joined VFL in 1908) Home Grounds: MCG, Punt Road Oval (Training and Admin) Song: Go learn it here, I have of recent years been able to say 'don't worry you'll hear it soon enough' but we're solidly rebuilding so yeah. Premierships: 13 (9 in living memory for people on the internet) (1920, 1921, 1932, 1934, 1943, 1967, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1980, 2017, 2019, 2020) President: John O’Rourke CEO: Brendon Gale (15th season)

Gadget type operators

Head Coach: Adem Yze (1st season) AFLW Coacg: Ryan Ferguson VFL: Steve Morris Line Coaches: Chris Newman - Midfield Ben Rutten - Defensive David Teague - Forwards Jack Ziebell - Midfield development Kane Lambert - Development Ivan Maric - Rucks
Captain: Toby Nankervis (Like Santa, but instead of presents he gives away free kicks). Vice-Captains: Short, Baker and Lynch. Which honestly, if that doesn't sound like an accounting firm then i don't know what does. Seriously. "Welcome to Short, Baker and Lynch"
Changes: It turns out Damien Hardwick is in fact powered by a solar powered battery system, and he ran out of puff so he needed to be placed in the Sun to recharge. However, we replaced him with the Yze'st coach you'll ever see. Hooray for Yze? I get on the Booze for the Yze? yeah.
**Last Year And This Year, thanks to Limp-Dentist1416 (I think he is currently banned from here for being naughty)**
A deep love of exploiting awkward breakups for ratings potential sees the 2024 MAFS season kick off up on the Gold Coast vs Dimma's new toys.
Seeing our dad is now their dad, this matchup feels awkwardly like being introduced to your new step brothers for the first time.
Expect the AFL's fiercest new rivalry to instantly kick off if those mother fuckers ever lay a finger on our drum kit.
Rumours that Tom Lynch was refusing to take the moon boot off until Essendon won a final are thankfully untrue, and we should see him back out on the ground sometime in the next 7000 days.
Josh Gibcus will also return after missing the entire 2023 season with the only injury in the AFL that scores you a free overseas holiday. Seeing him miss so much footy at such a young age was a real worry. But that's Kids today. Even their hamstring issues are complex.
This year Tiger fans will get to relive some of the magic of 2017, as they endure another 12 months of feverish speculation about Dustin Martin's contract. It's not an easy decision. We just need to be patient and give Kane Cornes all the space he needs to decide where Dusty plays next year.
Where will the Tiges finish on the ladder this year? It all depends on who you talk to. Most of the experts at SEN have them finishing top...of the bottom four.
But SEN throw the word 'expert' around like they're handling baggage at an airport. So I talked to one of the techsperts at Harvey Norman. He was a lot more optimistic and said we should easily win the Superbowl. I suspect he also didn't know what he was talking about and trying to butter me up so I would buy a tv that costs more than the car I drive.
I'm no expert, but if you talk to me, I'd say I've got no fucking idea. Which is the only sensible answer anyone can give.
There's just so many unknown variables.
A new coaching group with a rookie head coach. We've seen that situation provide both tough starts and an instant boost up the ladder.
We've still got a decent number of high quality premiership players on our list. And not even they would know yet if this is the year where time catches up to them.
And a raft of talented kids the club is very excited about. But they're all potential superstars until they're not. And superstars just seem to come out of nowhere sometimes.
Which one of those is Thomson Dow? Brown? Banks? Tresize? Who knows, but this is the year we will find out.
Even if we aren't building a good AFL list, we are putting together a half a decent basketball team. Mate Colina and Oliver Hayes-Brown are absolute fucking units.
Take it Yze like a Sunday morning.
A review of who is on the up and down, thanks to Hawtproper whose name always reads in my head as 'hawktrooper' and i wonder why we have a hawks fan in our subreddit who is so wise in the ways of the yellow and black.
Players to Watch
Josh Gibcus- Who needs first round picks when your 6'5, [redacted] kg former pick 9 is back in the fray? After a great rookie season where he was robbed of a rising star nom for every one of his 18 games, Gibcus was missing for the entirety of the 2023 season with a hamstring injury that lingered longer than Gil as CEO. After a conservative approach, Gibcus looks ready to re-establish himself in a team crying out for some top end talent. His inclusion may help support Noah Balta or allow the flexibility to send him forward, as well mitigating the eventual retirement of Dylan Grimes.
Samson Ryan- After his infamous debut in a 62-22 loss to St Kilda where he had a -2 fantasy score, our baby giraffe was able to crack in for 14 games in 2023, splitting time between ruck and forward with Nank and Lynch down with injury early in the year. Coming into 2024, with Riewoldt retired and Soldo maliciously stolen from us, Ryan's biggest competition for a spot is Naismith who's played 30 games in 8 years and Koschitzke who was dropped last year despite being the only key forward in his team. With some more bulk to his frame, Sampa could carve out his niche as a ruck-forward and be a mainstay in the new era of Richmond, which hopefully means more interviews with his mum and BT.
Sam Banks- Much like his graffiti artist namesake we don't know a lot about Banksy yet. Banks was one of our most consistent VFL players in 2023 finally earning a call up and playing 6 games towards the end of the season. He showed some promise as a quick, line breaking half-back, with his best a 18 disposal game in a comeback win against Hawthorn. However, with Marlion Pickett potentially being one of the dumbest men in football and a new coach looking to experiment with new blood, a spot on the wing (his preferred position) could be on the cards for Sam.
Tom Lynch- It's lunch time!! I don't know if it's cheating to put an All Australian calibre player in players to watch but this bloke's season will largely dictate whether Richmond are contending for finals or contending to draft the 7th generational talent of this generation. I know every team complains about injuries (cough Geelong) but losing our 3 goal a game, 2022 BnF for a year devastated Richmond's forward line and no amount of chipped, Riewoldt-shaped pegs could fill the Lynch sized hole in our team. Lynch at his best can tear a team apart and at his worst he's a big galoot that gets in the way of the competitions best defenders and gives the other forwards a chance. Hopefully the only foot injury he has in 2024 is a bit of a bruise from kicking 50+ goals.
Players on Notice
Noah Cumberland- In 2022 you might remember Cummy for his game winning 5 goal performance against Brisbane or more likely his inability to tell time resulting in a draw against Fremantle. In 2023 you might not remember him at all and I can hardly blame you. Cumberland was a shock omission from the round 1 team after averaging 2 goals a game in 2022, with Dimma seeming to like Cumberland only slightly more than he likes Marvel Stadium. Said to have played too similar a role to Dusty (you'd think two Dusty's would be a good thing) Cumberland was in and out of the side due to form and injury, with him often looking lost at times on the field. In his fifth season at the club, if he can't gel with Yze's plan he may surpassed by others, and St Kilda may add a third Richmond small forward to their collection.
Thomson Dow- Since entering the AFL, Thomson is probably best known for being the second best Dow, a title many would rather die than have. Having never played more than 6 games in a season, many supporters were ready to say their goodbyes when Dow had only played one game coming into round 22, a 6 disposal effort against Essendon where he was subbed out. However, after playing the last three games of the season, including a career best against Port, he earned his coveted one year contract. With Cotchin gone, and Dusty spending more time forward, there's a spot up for grabs if Dow can prove to Yze he's got the goods, and there will be no other chances.
Marlion Pickett- This one kind of speaks for itself. If he's guilty he's obviously gone and if he's innocent he's coming into 2024 at 32 with a giant distraction over his head after an average year on the field. Pickett brought his signature intensity to the forward line for large chunks of 2023, and besides a game winning performance against GWS he seemed to fade in and out of games. With Jack Ross taking over his position on the wing and plenty of young tigers trying to break into the team, Pickett's future is hanging in the balance.
Dylan Grimes- Grimes' 2023 season was a familar site for Tiger fans, another premiership star who started to look a touch off pace upon entering his 30's. Having taken on some of the best talls and smalls in comp throughout his career, Grimes started to hand off these jobs to the likes of Broad, Balta, Rioli and even rookie Young in 2023. Despite playing on the opposition's 4th or 5th best forward, Grimes lacked his usual impact on games, and while he's well earnt the right to retire when he sees fit it would be something to be considered if 2024 doesn't turn out as planned. Here's hoping dropping the burden of the captaincy onto Nank's sexy, hefty shoulders will allow Dylan to fully focus on his game and get a resurgence.
submitted by Bergasms to RichmondFC [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 00:22 MjolnirPants Liam and the Little Secret

The feeling of a slender, petite figure clinging to his back was an almost inevitable part of any cruise, these days. Today, it was Suzanne, giggling and laughing as Liam opened up the throttle on the empty, two-lane road, pushing the speedometer past seventy. They roared down the road, the wind whipping their jackets around their waists.
He could see a bend coming up, so he slowed down, but Suzanne didn't care. They were northwest of Taneytown, heading for a meeting with Julie in a little town called Blue Ridge Summit, which straddled the state line.
They rounded the bend, and then came into a run of road with fields on either side, the trees falling away. Liam lifted a hand off the handlebars to point ahead, then called out.
"Look, Punkin'!"
Suzanne leaned around him. "What is it?" she asked.
"Look at the horizon!" he called over the rumble of the engine and the roar of air passing by.
A second later, he heard her gasp. "Mountains!" she cried, making Liam laugh.
"That's right!"
"Are we going into them?" she asked.
"Yes we are!"
Suzanne squeezed her arms, clinging to his sides and pressed herself into his back in a hug.
They passed through Emmitsburg, where Suzanne asked to stop for lunch, but Liam said no. Julie had mentioned a picnic, and he didn't want to spoil their appetites. As the town fell away behind them, the mountains rose to their left and right, an embrace of blue, wooded lumps on the horizon. They continued on, riding up into the mountains, turning further to the west until they saw the sign welcoming them to Blue Ridge Summit.

The address Julie had given him was a residential one, so he slowed down to the speed limit in town. He made a left, then an immediate right, following the directions projected onto his eyes from the rim of his helmet. After a mile or so, he made another left, and cruised up a row of homes on three or four acre lots. He came to a broad roundabout, where the mapping app marked his destination. There was a small building, like a garage there, with a sign showing the street number and proclaiming it a private residence. He turned onto the driveway between two stone facades, and passed through a privacy line of trees. They passed between a large mansion and a pool before he found a small, but marked parking lot connected to an attached garage and a separate detached one. He pulled his bike up next to Julie's Mercedes and killed the engine.
"Well, we're here, Punkin'," he said as they climbed off the bike and took off their helmets.
"This is a big house," Suzanne said.
"I think it belongs to one of Miss Julie's friends," Liam said.
"Isn't she rich, though?"
Liam chuckled. "Not this rich."
"Why not? Suzanne asked. "Isn't your company one of the biggest in the world?"
"Yes, but it's a non-profit, and the charter caps the highest paygrade to ten times the lowest paygrade. Mister Bill, the janitor, makes sixty five thousand a year, so Miss Julie isn't allowed to make more than six hundred and fifty thousand. And she doesn't even make that much, according to the wage and salary chart."
"And that's not enough for a house like this?"
Liam looked over the place. It had to have at least eight bedrooms, plus a bunch of specialized rooms. Maybe a private theater, multiple dining rooms, definitely a den and a living room and probably a library, too.
"This place has to cost at least two hundred million," he said.
"That's a lot of money. How much do you make?"
"Two hundred and ten thousand a year," Liam said. "What's got you so interested in money all of a sudden?"
Suzanne shrugged. "No reason," she said.
"You remember what I told you. You're not allowed to be a gold digger when you grow up," Liam said with false sternness. Suzanne giggled. "Gross," she said, making a face.
"I mean it," he said. "You're gonna go to college, make your own money, and meet a fella who makes almost as much money as you, but is okay with that."
Suzanne shook her head, still grinning, though she was trying hard not to.
Liam found a doorbell next to what would, on any other home, be the front door. But he'd seen the front door as he drove past, and that was a truly ornate, double-door affair. With columns, even. He rang the doorbell and waited a moment until the door opened.
Julie stood there. Her smile was radiant, her eyes sparkled in the midday sunlight, and she carried an air of happiness. Liam admired the shape of her face, the way her cardigan draped over the t-shirt and the belt of her khaki pants and the way she clung to the door, as if seeing them made her weak at the knees.
"You are here!" she squealed, throwing the door open and stepping out, first to embrace Suzanne, and then Liam. He hugged back gently, mindful of how little she was.
At six-foot-eight, Liam was used to dating tall women. Suzanne's mother had been six feet tall, and Marie, the woman he'd seen on and off for a few months after her had been an inch taller. But Julie was tiny by his standards, at a mere five-foot-six, over a foot shorter than him. She was thinner than he was used to, as well, weighing a mere hundred and ten pounds or so.
"I was really hoping you could get the day off," Julie said, planting a kiss on his lips. He kissed her back as Suzanne slipped inside the house, looking around in awe. They turned to follow her.
"Mister Johnson called me as I was getting ready, told me he found someone to cover my shift for me," Liam explained as they went inside.
The house was as impressive on the inside as the outside. The door they'd entered through led into the foyer, which was dominated by a pair of curving stairs. The walls were hung with paintings, mostly landscapes, but also some still-lifes, and between them stood pedestals with sculptures and ancient artifacts.
"It's like a museum!" Suzanne said, her red-gold locks bouncing as her eyes flew from one artwork to the next.
"The man who owns this place is an artist, and he believes very much in sponsoring his fellow artists. Everything you see in this room is a gift to him from one of the artists he sponsors."
A pedestal caught Liam's eye, and he wandered over to examine the work on top. Julie stood next to him.
"Prop replication is an art form," she said as Liam examined the incredibly accurate proton pack. There was a small plaque below the rim of the column, with the artist's name and the legend:
Screen accurate to Ghostbusters 2, 1989
Directed by Ivan Reitman
Original prop worn by Dan Akroyd
"You don't usually see stuff like this from the real high-end collectors," Liam said. Julie tittered.
"Oh, I have moved in these circles my whole life. Trust me, they are every bit as geeky as any other group, they just usually hide it. Not Frank, though. He is a huge fan of sci-fi and fantasy."
"How'd Frank make his money?" Liam asked. Julie sighed.
"Corruption, mostly. Harmless corruption, to the extent of my knowledge. Plus books, speaking tours, consultant work, the usual. This is Frank Stillman's summer home."
"Frank Stillman, like the former director of the CIA?" Liam's eyebrows rose.
"The one and the same. The man has a taste for the nicer things in life, and never was one not to indulge. He used to go to barbecues at Yarm's house, just for all the cute young ladies who'd show up. Jerry Williams knows him. Used to work for him."
"Huh," Liam said. "Looks like he did alright for himself."
"Yeah... I'm not such a fan of how he got his money, but Jerry's a fine judge of character, and those two still talk, so..."
"So is this what you brought us up here to see?"
Julie blushed. "No, actually. This place is just a convenient place to meet. Come here."
She led Liam to the stairs.
"Hold on, let me get Suzanne," Liam said as they approached one of the stairways, but Julie shook her head. "Let her explore. Frank loves kids, and has plenty of patience for them. If she breaks anything, he'll forgive her."
"There's not, like, a sex dungeon in here that she's gonna find, is there?" Liam asked skeptically. Julie snorted back a laugh. "Probably, but like I said, Frank loves kids. He has dozens of godchildren, nieces and nephews. It will be locked up tight. She is more likely to find the game room, which is totally kid-appropriate."
"Holy shit!" Suzanne's voice came from an adjoining room. Her head poked out of the doorway.
"There's like, every console and handheld and six huuuuuuge VR setups in here!" she cried. Liam grinned and pointed at the door.
"Have at it, Punkin'," he said and her head vanished without another peep.
"See," Julie said through a grin. "She is fine. Come on."
She led Liam up the stairs and into a hall that ran along the south side of the home. She turned left, walking all the way down to the end, then stopped at a windows.
"You see the lookout tower?" she asked. Liam squinted out the window to see a spindly tower rising well above the trees. It wasn't at the highest part of the mountain, but the height of the tower brought it up. It was probably the best vantage point for hundreds of miles in any direction. Liam's heart did a little double-take at the thought of climbing that thing, his old fear of heights reasserting itself. But he choked back on it. He'd had to learn to deal with his phobia back in the Army, when they made him jump out of perfectly good airplanes.
"I see it. It looks old."
"It is. As best as I can tell, it has been there since the nineteen fifties, if not longer. But I have it on good authority from a friend in the Forest Service that it is very sturdy, quite clean inside, and nobody will be around all day to tell anyone to leave."
Julie flashed him an almost bashful smile. "And I have a picnic packed."
Liam's grin took in his hole face. "Well, that wasn't what I was expecting, but I'm not complaining. We skipped lunch, so you want to get moving?"
Julie grinned as wide as him and nodded.
It took a little bit of wheedling to get Suzanne to take off the VR gear she'd just put on, but promises of spending the night and having the whole next day to play got her moving.
The hike to the tower wasn't long, and Julie had a key to the padlock on the chain-linked fence that surrounded it. There was a small concrete building at the base, with some graffiti on the steel door that the same key unlocked. Inside, they found supplies. Canned food, barrels of water, axes and other assorted gear useful to a forest Ranger were cached there, on metal shelves. In the far corner, a ladder led to a hatch in the ceiling.
Julie unlocked another padlock on the hatch and stepped aside to let Liam open it.
Liam looked up, then glanced at the concrete floor with a wistful sigh.
"Well, let's go then," he said and mounted the ladder.
On the roof of the shed, the ladder turned to stairs, which was a bit of a blessing. But the rails didn't have vertical bars, which left him worrying about Suzanne.
For all of that, Suzanne darted up the stairs faster than either of the two adults, reaching the structure at the top when they were still three flights down. Liam clung tightly to the rails as each step of his bulk seemed to make the structure sway a little more. But Julie seemed unfazed, so he kept his face neutral and kept climbing.
"Wow," Suzanne said as they climbed into the room. It was maybe twelve feet on a side, and empty except for a folding table with a radio on it and a folding chair tucked under it. Julie found a hatch on the floor and opened it, revealing a small storage compartment with two more folding chairs inside, which she pulled out and set up.
She removed the radio, putting it on the floor, then pulled the table into the middle, set the chairs around and began unloading their picnic.
They sat around the table, admiring the view and eating a lunch of fried chicken, potato salad, mashed potatoes with brown gravy and other assorted comfort foods that Liam knew were some of Julie's favorites.
When they were done, Suzanne plastered herself to the windows and watched the world pass by beneath her feet. Julie scooted her chair closer to Liam's and he draped an arm around her so she could snuggle up.
"This was really nice," he said.
Julie smiled up at him. "Do you really think so?"
Liam nodded. "Yeah. I haven't seen views like this in a long time."
"I was worried it was going to be more of the same," Julie said.
"Hey, you want to keep your personal life off everybody's radar at work," Liam said. "I completely understand that. You're the CEO, and uh... You're..."
Julie smirked. "A minority," she said.
"Yeah, a minority. You get a lot of attention. I understand it. We don't go out to nice restaurants, or go to movies or theme parks or stuff like that. But we get to see each other, which is what's important. It can be our little secret."
"Yes," Julie said, sounding pensive.
"But..." Liam prompted. Julie shrugged and looked away, out the window.
"But I was thinking maybe it is time to change that. There are a lot of couples working together at the Group."
Liam glanced down, surprised. "For real?" he asked. Julie glanced up, then giggled at the expression he was making.
"Yes, for real. Jerry already figured it out."
"Jerry scares me," Liam said. "He's such a little pipsqueak, but even the gods are afraid of him."
Julie snorted a laugh. "Jerry is a dork, heart and soul. A dork trying to do the right thing, and wrestling with a lot of darkness, but a dork, nonetheless. For all of that, he is very perceptive, and probably the smartest man I know. Just because he knows we are an item does not mean anyone else does. And it would be best if we uh... Got out in front of it."
Liam gave her a squeeze, her words making his heart beat faster. He had accepted her desire to remain low-key, and done all that he could to allay any suspicions because he genuinely liked her a lot. And though they had only been together for a few months, he had recently realized that 'like' wasn't exactly the right word.
He wondered if now was the right time, with Suzanne here and their bellies full. He had imagined telling her late at night, as they cuddled on his couch and watched movies. But she'd just told him about this...
With no clear best choice, Liam did what he always did. He waded in, hip deep, and hoped for the best.
"Je t'aime," he said, his voice unconsciously dropping an octave as the unfamiliar words passed his lips.
Julie looked up. Her eyes were wide and sparkling.
"Je t'aime aussi," she whispered. Liam lowered his head to kiss her, and didn't stop until Suzanne objected.
"Get a room, you guys!"
They pulled apart, grinning at each other. Liam shot Suzanne a look, but she'd already turned back to the window.
"I wonder if I can see my house from here," she said.
Liam glanced around. "Look, Punkin'," he said, then pointed to the southwest. "It's that way, but I think it's too far."
Suzanne moved windows and tried to spy their home as Liam looked back to see Julie's eyes still sparkling, this time with humor.
"Jay tay aim," she said in a false baritone and an overbearing American accent. Liam poked her in the side, eliciting a giggle.
"Sa ou fai atu ou te alofa ia te oe. Aua e te le mafaufau, tamaitai," he rumbled out. "I'm not some monolingual honkey American you get to pick on."
She laughed and curled away from thick fingers that threatened to do more tickling.
"Okay! Okay, I was just teasing you."
Liam raised his arm and she settled back into place.
"You actually did a good job for your first time," she said.
"For my first time," Liam rumbled ironically.
Julie kissed his chest. "Yes. For future reference, the phrase has two or maybe two and a half syllables. And it's a very soft J sound. Zheh, not Jeh."
"Zheh," Liam said. "Zheh t'aime."
"That's much better," Julie purred.
He smiled, and she suddenly gave him a pitiful look. "Do you mean it?" she asked, her voice barely more than a squeak.
"I do. That's why I learned to say it. To tell you. I had to look it up like five times before I found the right one. I was learning to say it all formal at first, Je vous aime."
"We have not even been intimate," she said. Liam just shrugged. "Isn't this intimate?"
"It is, but I mean physically intimate." Liam sighed.
"Julie, every woman I've dated since I was a teenager, I fu-" he glanced at Suzanne as he cut himself off, then looked back. "I mean, I was physically intimate with them from the first or second date. And this doesn't apply to you, but it was because I had horrible tastes in women. You remember what I told you about Suzanne's mom."
Julie nodded. She knew that Suzanne's mother had been involved with Astoram's cult. Her biological father was probably another cultist, himself, not that anyone knew who he was. She also knew that her mother was currently doing a twenty-year bid for battery and attempted manslaughter, thanks to an Oxycontin deal that had gone bad.
"I like that you're different," he said. "I like that we've taken it slow. You're the best woman I've ever known, Julie Allard."
Julie whimpered and pressed her head into him.
"You are such a sweet man," she said.
"It's because I'm pre-diabetic," Liam quipped, eliciting a laugh. She looked up, and her eyes were straight up teary, now.
"It is because you're a good man, Liam." He shrugged.
"I try. And for you? I'll try even harder. I'll wait even longer. I don't want to ruin anything. I want everything to be perfect, for you."
"Are you sure you don't have any hangups about... Me?" Liam gave her an incredulous look.
"I grew up on the internet, lady," he said. "You ain't got nothing I've never seen before."
Julie laughed and swatted him. "Chaser," she said.
"What's that mean?"
"I was joking, just teasing you," she insisted. "But it means a man who has a kink for trans women."
"Oh, yeah. That's not me. The day after you're ready, then that'll be me."
Julie giggled.
"Big ole kink," he said. "An obsession, really. You'll need a spray bottle of water, to keep me off you."
"You are too big for that. I will have to use a big stick."
Liam quirked an eyebrow at her and said nothing until she turned beet red.
"Okay, enough," she said, embarrassed. "Suzanne is going to wonder what we are talking about."
"I already know you're talking about humping," Suzanne said, making Liam choke and jerk upright.
He began to try to make excuses, to explain the birds and the bees and to make up some lie all at the same time.
They got back around sunset and Suzanne made a beeline for the game room, eager to get away from Liam's fumbling attempts to explain adult things to her.
They watched her go, smiling at her back.
"You make me happy, Liam. You and Suzanne, both," Julie said.
"You make me happy, too, Julie," he replied. He leaned down for another kiss, and when they separated, Julie locked eyes with him.
"You meant what you said?"
"I already told you I did. I love you, Julie Allard," he replied. She smiled.
"I love you, too. But I meant what you said later. When you said you were happy to wait."
Liam nodded. "I did. I'm happy to wait as long as it takes."
Julie put her hands on his hips. "What if I'm not?" she asked.
Liam didn't say a word. Instead, he scooped her up in his arms as she squealed in surprise and headed towards the stairs. As he set foot on the lowest stair, he paused.
"The bedrooms are up there, right?"
Julie nodded. "Turn right at the top, third door on the right."
submitted by MjolnirPants to JerryandtheGoddesses [link] [comments]


FULL LIST HERE WITH WAY MORE RECORDS & GENRES: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UnbhqShP4sp-RfrPE00RbYWs7a3pOJW_xhzmqDSIe7c/edit?usp=sharing
Film Soundtracks / Scores
Various – Until The End Of The World (Music From The Motion Picture Soundtrack) (VG+/VG+) $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/14493769-Various-Until-The-End-Of-The-World-Music-From-The-Motion-Picture-Soundtrack
Various – Ghostbusters (Original Soundtrack Album) (M/VG+) Sealed $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/15229038-Various-Ghostbusters-Original-Soundtrack-Album
John Williams – The Empire Strikes Back VMP (M/NM) Sealed $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/19719577-John-Williams-The-Empire-Strikes-Back-Symphonic-Suite-from-the-Original-Motion-Picture-Score
Various – Euphoria Season 2 (An HBO Original Series Soundtrack) (M/NM) Sealed $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/24024134-Various-Euphoria-Season-2-An-HBO-Original-Series-Soundtrack
Various – Paura (A Collection Of Italian Horror Sounds From The Cam Sugar Archive) (M/NM) Sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/20432599-Various-Paura-A-Collection-Of-Italian-Horror-Sounds-From-The-Cam-Sugar-Archive
Jozef Van Wissem / SQÜRL – Only Lovers Left Alive VMP (M/VG+) Sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/19170766-Jozef-Van-Wissem-SQ%C3%9CRL-Only-Lovers-Left-Alive
Japanese Breakfast – Sable (Video Game Soundtrack) VMP (M/NM) Sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/22859666-Japanese-Breakfast-Sable-Video-Game-Soundtrack
Isaac Hayes – Tough Guys VMP (VG+/VG+) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/16990143-Isaac-Hayes-Tough-Guys
International Music
Dadawah – Peace & Love (Wadadasow) VMP (NM/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/16207309-Dadawah-Peace-Love-Wadadasow
The Peace – Black Power VMP (VG+/VG+) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/16041248-The-Peace-Black-Power
Kalapana – Kalapana VMP $30 (NM/NM) https://www.discogs.com/release/22666187-Kalapana-Kalapana
Kalapana - Kalapana II (NM/NM) VMP $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/24071969-Kalapana-Kalapana-II
Viuex Farka Toure - Ali (M/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/24597749-Vieux-Farka-Tour%C3%A9-Et-Khruangbin-Ali
Eddie Suzuki's New Hawaii – High Tide (NM/NM) VMP $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/19494217-Eddie-Suzukis-New-Hawaii-High-Tide
Sinn Sisamouth – Groove Club Vol 4: Sinn Sisamouth VMP $30 (M/NM) Sealed https://www.discogs.com/release/16286572-Sinn-Sisamouth-Groove-Club-Vol-4-Sinn-Sisamouth
Kikuchi Momoko – Adventure Blue with purple marble vinyl ($25 vg+/vg+) https://www.discogs.com/release/26052379-Kikuchi-Momoko-Adventure
Haruomi Hosono – Hosono House Translucent Blue Seafoam (VG+/VG+) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/23744039-Haruomi-Hosono-Hosono-House
Vaporwave / ElectronicSatin Sheets – St. Francis I + II (VG+/VG+) $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/23481008-Satin-Sheets-St-Francis-I-II
Windows96 – Enchanted Instrumentals And Whispers (VG+/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/23433818-Windows96-Enchanted-Instrumentals-And-Whispers
Windows96 – Enchanted Instrumentals And Whispers (VG+/VG+) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/23260463-Windows96-Enchanted-Instrumentals-And-Whispers
Surfing – Deep Fantasy Deluxe 10 year Anniversary Edition (VG+/VG+) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/25659187-Surfing-Deep-Fantasy-Deluxe-10-year-Anniversary-Edition
George Clanton – George Clanton's Secret Selections Volume One (M/VG+) Sealed $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/23092340-George-Clanton-Mirror-Kisses-Esprit-%E7%A9%BA%E6%83%B3-China-George-Clantons-Secret-Selections-Volume-One
Death's Dynamic Shroud – Virtual Utopia Experience (M/NM) $20 Sealed https://www.discogs.com/release/19330075-Deaths-Dynamic-Shroud-Virtual-Utopia-Experience
FM Skyline – EarthSim (NM/NM) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/17680198-FM-Skyline-EarthSim
Waterfront Dining, Groove Remote – Waterfront Dining Essentials (NM/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/21777451-Waterfront-Dining-Groove-Remote-Waterfront-Dining-Essentials
SAINT PEPSI – Winner's Circle (NM/VG+) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/24880652-SAINT-PEPSI-Winners-Circle
ll Nøthing ll – 豊かな隔離 (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/24456071-ll-N%C3%B8thing-ll-%E8%B1%8A%E3%81%8B%E3%81%AA%E9%9A%94%E9%9B%A2
Eyeliner – LARP Of Luxury (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/24465857-Eyeliner-LARP-Of-Luxury
猫 シ Corp. – Sunday Television (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/22278952-%E7%8C%AB-%E3%82%B7-Corp-Sunday-Television
Darkside – Psychic (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/4970787-Darkside-Psychic
Shlohmo – Bad Vibes (VG+/VG+) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/3051990-Shlohmo-Bad-Vibes
Bicep – Isles (M/NM) $30 VMP Sealed https://www.discogs.com/release/17212147-Bicep-Isles
Leon Vynehall – Rare, Forever (VG+/NM) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/18576241-Leon-Vynehall-Rare-Forever
Directions – Echoes (NM/VG+) $5 https://www.discogs.com/release/20058445-Directions-Echoes
Vladimir Ivkovic & Ivan Smagghe – IDMEMO: A Future Of Nostalgia - Vol. 2 (VG+/VG+) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/16816353-Vladimir-Ivkovic-Ivan-Smagghe-IDMEMO-A-Future-Of-Nostalgia-Vol-2
Various – Mutants Mixtape Mutants: Best Of 1-4 (M/VG+) $25 Sealed https://www.discogs.com/release/22844966-Various-Mutants-Mixtape-Mutants-Best-Of-1-4
Lyra Pramuk – Delta (VG+/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/21064186-Lyra-Pramuk-Delta
Sega Bodega – Romeo (VG+/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/22684685-Sega-Bodega-Romeo
Smerz – Believer (NM/VG+) Lilac Vinyl $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/21765565-Smerz-Believer’
Smerz – Believer (NM/NM) Glow in the dark Vinyl $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/17605618-Smerz-Believer
Kedr Livanskiy – Your Need (NM/NM) Yellow w/ poster $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/13571394-Kedr-Livanskiy-Your-Need
John Glacier – Shiloh: Lost For Words (M/NM) Red Vinyl Sealed $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/19702249-John-Glacier-Shiloh-Lost-For-Words
Björk – Fossora (M/NM) Sealed Clear Vinyl $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/24664433-Bj%C3%B6rk-Fossora
John Maus – Songs (NM/VG) $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/2946257-John-Maus-Songs
Babyfather – BBF Hosted By DJ Escrow (NM/VG) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/8359523-Babyfather-BBF-Hosted-By-DJ-Escrow
Eevee – Seeds (NM/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/17727988-Eevee-Seeds
Billy Lemos – Wonder (M/NM) Sealed $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/17382700-Billy-Lemos-Wonder
Iglooghost – Neō Wax Bloom (M/NM) Sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/22326670-Iglooghost-Ne%C5%8D-Wax-Bloom
Fortune Howl – Earthbound (VG+/VG+) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/4872611-Fortune-Howl-Earthbound
Susumu Yokota – Baroque (NM/NM) $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/24754463-Susumu-Yokota-Baroque
Shlohmo – Laid Out (VG+/VG+) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/4638861-Shlohmo-Laid-Out
Ziúr – Antifate (M/NM) Sealed $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/18680509-Zi%C3%BAr-Antifate
Jacques Greene – Fantasy (M/NM) VMP Sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/22849133-Jacques-Greene-Fantasy
Death Grips – No Love Deep Web (M/NM) Sealed $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/16204190-Death-Grips-No-Love-Deep-Web
Hiroshi Yoshimura – Music For Nine Post Cards (NM/NM) Clear Vinyl $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/14681575-Hiroshi-Yoshimura-Music-For-Nine-Post-Cards
Orbitalpatterns – Impostor Syndrome (NM/NM) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/26856827-Orbitalpatterns-Impostor-Syndrome
Pop / Rock
Yves Tumor – Praise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds) VMP (M/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/26963366-Yves-Tumor-Praise-A-Lord-Who-Chews-But-Which-Does-Not-Consume-Or-Simply-Hot-Between-Worlds
Annahstasia – Revival (M/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/27343221-Annahstasia-Revival
Raveena – Lucid (NM/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/27319209-Raveena-Lucid
Sublime - Sublime (M/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/26718818-Sublime-Sublime
Big Thief - Masterpiece (M/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/14255929-Big-Thief-Masterpiece
Ishmael Ensemble - Visions Of Light (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/19980463-Ishmael-Ensemble-Visions-Of-Light
Rye Rye – Go! Pop! Bang! (NM/VG) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/3699475-Rye-Rye-Go-Pop-Bang
Sports Team – Deep Down Happy (M/NM) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/15445900-Sports-Team-Deep-Down-Happy
DIIV – Oshin (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/7451745-DIIV-Oshin
Weyes Blood – The Innocents (M/NM) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/17006604-Weyes-Blood-The-Innocents
Drugdealer – The End of Comedy (NM/NM) VMP $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/23796860-Drugdealer-The-End-of-Comedy
Connan Mockasin – Caramel (NM/VG+) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/18735442-Connan-Mockasin-Caramel-
Connan Mockasin – Jassbusters (VG+/VG+) w/ Poster $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/12655388-Connan-Mockasin-Jassbusters
Kero Kero Bonito – Civilisation (NM/NM) Grey Vinyl $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/20532670-Kero-Kero-Bonito-Civilisation
Muna – Muna (M/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/23721071-Muna-Muna
Drugdealer – Raw Honey (NM/NM) NC Exclusive $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/23070761-Drugdealer-Raw-Honey
Blonde Redhead – 3 O'Clock (NM/NM) $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/9955980-Blonde-Redhead-3-OClock
Future Islands – As Long As You Are (NM/NM) VMP $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/16052471-Future-Islands-As-Long-As-You-Are?ev=item-vc
Nico + The Faction – Camera Obscura (M/NM) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/22979684-Nico-3-The-Faction-Camera-Obscura
The Durutti Column – Another Setting (NM/NM) Green Vinyl $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/18809566-The-Durutti-Column-Another-Setting
Daniel Johnston – Artistic Vice / 1990 (M/NM) Sealed $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/1820439-Daniel-Johnston-Artistic-Vice-1990
Sigur Rós – Með Suð Í Eyrum Við Spilum Endalaust (M/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/22833698-Sigur-R%C3%B3s-Me%C3%B0-Su%C3%B0-%C3%8D-Eyrum-Vi%C3%B0-Spilum-Endalaust
Kim Fowley – International Heroes (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/5099976-Kim-Fowley-International-Heroes
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti – Underground $10 (VG+/VG) https://www.discogs.com/release/6856874-Ariel-Pinks-Haunted-Graffiti-Underground
Beverly Glenn-Copeland – Beverly Glenn-Copeland (VG+/NM) VMP $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/19806037-Beverly-Glenn-Copeland-Beverly-Glenn-Copeland
Norma Tanega – I’m The Sky: Studio And Demo Recordings, 1964–1971 (VG+/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/23213675-Norma-Tanega-Im-The-Sky-Studio-And-Demo-Recordings-19641971
Various – Dazzleships Records Presents Raised By Women (NM/NM) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/12669368-Various-Dazzleships-Records-Presents-Raised-By-Women
Joanna Sternberg ‎– Then I Try Some More (NM/NM) VMP $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/20763595-Joanna-Sternberg-Then-I-Try-Some-More
Joanna Sternberg ‎– Then I Try Some More (NM/NM) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/20775220-Joanna-Sternberg-Then-I-Try-Some-More
Mitski – Laurel Hell (M/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/22066066-Mitski-Laurel-Hell
Magdalena Bay – A Little Rhythm And A Wicked Feeling (M/NM) White Blue Swirl $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/22558181-Magdalena-Bay-A-Little-Rhythm-And-A-Wicked-Feeling
Magdalena Bay – A Little Rhythm And A Wicked Feeling (VG+/VG+) White Blue Swirl $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/22558181-Magdalena-Bay-A-Little-Rhythm-And-A-Wicked-Feeling
Valerie June – The Moon And Stars: Prescriptions For Dreamers (NM/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/17933809-Valerie-June-The-Moon-And-Stars-Prescriptions-For-Dreamers
Aaliyah – Ultimate Aaliyah (M/NM) Sealed $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/22905221-Aaliyah-Ultimate-Aaliyah
Blues/Jazz/ Folk
Buck Owens – Buck Owens (M/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/21244351-Buck-Owens-Buck-Owens
Joni Mitchell – Archives – Volume 1: The Early Years (1963-1967): Highlights (NM/VG+) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/19112293-Joni-Mitchell-Archives-Volume-1-The-Early-Years-1963-1967-Highlights
Odetta – Odetta And The Blues (NM/NM) VMP $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/26717858-Odetta-Odetta-And-The-Blues
Odetta – My Eyes Have SeenMono, Rockaway Pressing (VG/VG) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/2838511-Odetta-My-Eyes-Have-Seen
Little Beaver – Party Down (NM/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/14912638-Little-Beaver-Party-Down
Norman Feels – Where Or When (M/G) Sealed, water damage. $5 https://www.discogs.com/release/16278063-Norman-Feels-Where-Or-When
Norman Feels – Where Or When (M/NM) Sealed VMP $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/16429080-Norman-Feels-Where-Or-When
Norman Feels – Where Or When (NM/NM) VMP $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/16429080-Norman-Feels-Where-Or-When
Norman Feels – Norman Feels (NM/NM) Clear Vinyl $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/16065824-Norman-Feels-Norman-Feels
Barbara Lea – Lea In Love (VG+/VG+) VMP $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/21710989-Barbara-Lea-Lea-In-Love
Valerie June – Pushin' Against A Stone (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/4841635-Valerie-June-Pushin-Against-A-Stone
Al Green – Green Is Blues (NM/VG+) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/15796586-Al-Green-Green-Is-Blues
Al Green – Give Me More Love: The Orchestral Greatest Hits (NM/VG+) $10 https://www.discogs.com/release/19029373-Al-Green-Give-Me-More-Love-The-Orchestral-Greatest-Hits
Al Green – Call Me (VG+/VG+) VMP $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/13613314-Al-Green-Call-Me
Irma Thomas – Down At Muscle Shoals (NM/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/21659743-Irma-Thomas-Down-At-Muscle-Shoals
Roberta Flack – Quiet Fire (NM/NM) VMP $20
Roberta Flack - First Take (M/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/26272649-Roberta-Flack-First-Take
Nikki Giovanni And The New York Community Choir – Truth Is On Its Way (VG+/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/21099202-Nikki-Giovanni-And-The-New-York-Community-Choir-Truth-Is-On-Its-Way
Various – Good God! Apocryphal Hymns (VG+/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/6596565-Various-Good-God-Apocryphal-Hymns-
Various – Good God! A Gospel Funk Hymnal (VG+/NM) $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/787145-Various-Good-God-A-Gospel-Funk-Hymnal
John Lee Hooker – It Serve You Right To Suffer (VG+/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/16037501-John-Lee-Hooker-It-Serve-You-Right-To-Suffer
Various – Jazz Is Dead 10 (Remixes) (M/NM) $15 Sealed https://www.discogs.com/release/22788029-Various-Jazz-Is-Dead-10-Remixes
BadBadNotGood – III (VG+/NM) RT Exclusive $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/22470499-BadBadNotGood-III
Sons Of Kemet – Black To The Future (VG+/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/18933865-Sons-Of-Kemet-Black-To-The-Future
Sun Ra And His Outer Space Arkestra – A Fireside Chat With Lucifer (NM/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/16193430-Sun-Ra-And-His-Outer-Space-Arkestra-A-Fireside-Chat-With-Lucifer-
Thelonious Monk Septet – Monk's Music (M/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/27353163-Thelonious-Monk-Septet-Monks-Music
Doug Carn – Spirit Of The New Land (NM/NM) VMP $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/24527837-Doug-Carn-Featuring-The-Voice-Of-Jean-Carn-Spirit-Of-The-New-Land
The Awakening – Hear, sense and Feel (NM/NM) VMP $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/24527924-The-Awakening-Hear-sense-and-Feel
Mankunku Quartet – Yakhal' Inkomo (VG+/NM) $15https://www.discogs.com/release/20728903-Mankunku-Quartet-Yakhal-Inkomo
Mankunku Quartet – Yakhal' Inkomo (VG+/NM) VMP $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/24527963-Mankunku-Quartet-Yakhal-Inkomo
John Coltrane / Alice Coltrane – Cosmic Music (M/NM) Sealed $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/10296374-John-Coltrane-Alice-Coltrane-Cosmic-Music
Miles Davis & John Coltrane – The Final Tour: Paris, March 21, 1960 (VG+/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/18809293-Miles-Davis-John-Coltrane-The-Final-Tour-Paris-March-21-1960
Coleman Hawkins – The Hawk Flies High (VG+/NM) VMP $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/20355670-Coleman-Hawkins-The-Hawk-Flies-High
King Curtis – Live At Fillmore West (M/NM) Sealed $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/18649588-King-Curtis-Live-At-Fillmore-West
David Axelrod – Heavy Axe (NM/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/16183755-David-Axelrod-Heavy-Axe
Danny Scott Lane – Wave To Mikey (M/VG+) Sealed $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/24012302-Danny-Scott-Lane-Wave-To-Mikey
Conway x Big Ghost LTD – No One Mourns The Wicked RSD Special Edition (M/NM) $30 Sealed https://www.discogs.com/release/22980257-Conway-6-x-Big-Ghost-LTD-No-One-Mourns-The-Wicked
Conway – La Maquina (VG+/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/19441675-Conway-La-Maquina
Conway – La Maquina Gold (VG+/NM) $30https://www.discogs.com/release/19441789-Conway-La-Maquina
Camoflauge Monk ‎– Pushing Buttons (VG+/VG+) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/24653504-Camoflauge-Monk-Pushing-Buttons
Camoflauge Monk – Be Careful Who You Sleep On (NM/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/19257550-Camoflauge-Monk-Be-Careful-Who-You-Sleep-On
Sleep Sinatra – אדריאן (M/VG+) Sealed $15 https://www.discogs.com/release/12046101-Sleep-Sinatra-%D7%90%D7%93%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%90%D7%9F
Supreme Cerebral x Yoga Flame Kane – The Bad Guy Striped Vinyl (M/VG+) Sealed $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/23323724-Supreme-Cerebral-x-Yoga-Flame-Kane-The-Bad-Guy
SPVCXXGHXZTPVRRP – Mysterious Phonk: The Chronicles Of SPVCXXGHXZTPVRRP VMP (M/NM) Sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/24151217-SPVCXXGHXZTPVRRP-Mysterious-Phonk-The-Chronicles-Of-SPVCXXGHXZTPVRRP
Busta Rhymes – The Coming (NM/NM) VMP $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/27443937-Busta-Rhymes-The-Coming
Young Thug – Slime Language II “Neon Green with Black Splatter“ (VG+/VG+) $30https://www.discogs.com/release/22609715-Young-Thug-Slime-Language-II
Young Thug– Punk (VG+/VG+) Green w/ Smoky Black Swirl $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/24176447-Young-Thug-Punk
Chance The Rapper – 10 Day Blue/White Merge (M/NM) $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/14608494-Chance-The-Rapper-10-Day
Chance The Rapper – The Big Day Cloudy Clear (M/NM) sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/14828146-Chance-The-Rapper-The-Big-Day
Rahiem Supreme & Wifigawd – YUNG $AKS 5TH (VG+/VG+) $20 https://www.discogs.com/release/25620631-Rahiem-Supreme-Wifigawd-YUNG-AKS-5TH
WiFiGawd – Chain Of Command (NM/NM) $20https://www.discogs.com/release/22343401-WiFiGawd-Chain-Of-Command
SonnyJim – No Vi$ible Means Of Income 2 (M/NM) sealed $25 https://www.discogs.com/release/23953703-SonnyJim-Giallo-Point-No-Viible-Means-Of-Income-2
Lil Durk – Lil Durk 2X (M/VG) sealed $30 https://www.discogs.com/release/9049058-Lil-Durk-Lil-Durk-2X
Chief Keef – Finally Rich VMP (M/NM) $30https://www.discogs.com/release/22460704-Chief-Keef-Finally-Rich
submitted by cleansing69 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2023.11.13 14:31 omegacluster Album Anniversary List 2023-11-13

Today's anniversaries are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2023.11.13 06:16 omegacluster Album Anniversary List 2023-11-13

Today's anniversaries are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2023.08.06 11:17 form_d_k Prompted ChatGPT 4 to Create an Overview for a Fallout 5 Set in New York

I asked ChatGPT 4 to create a plot synopsis & general design for a Fallout 5 game set in New York. The results are incredible, despite a couple of missteps & a tad using older Fallout elements as "new".
Full disclosure: This involved a series of prompts to help guide ChatGPT. Using 95 lines of simple prompting &direction, ChatGPT constructed 16 pages of highly detailed content, much of it compelling & a good chunk created without providing prompts. But considering the accusations that ChatGPT has been dumbed down recently, a willingness to put a lot of work into conversing with ChatGPT can yield excellent responses.

Title: Fallout 5: Liberty's End

The game starts on a ship, with your character, a gritty, weather-worn refugee from Eastern Europe, approaching the towering, crumbling skyline of New York, ringed by a thick & ominous cloud of green fog. The Empire State building looms large, its once-proud spire now a jagged ruin. The Statue of Liberty, now a skeletal shadow of its former self, serves as a battleground for vicious Raiders & savage Super Mutants, waging a never-ending war for supremacy.
The ship docks at a pier littered with debris & rusted out remnants of a world that once was. You're met by immigration officials, a quirky mix of robots & surly humans, who process your immigration papers, during which you get to customize your character's appearance & attributes.


New York City, now encased in an impenetrable cloud of radioactive gas, is a dangerous & captivating environment. Central Park has transformed into a verdant jungle, offering refuge to farming communities & mutated animals alike. Times Square, once a bustling hub of activity, is now a brutal battleground for territorial supremacy.

Gameplay Elements

In Fallout 5: Liberty's End, you'll have the ability to rise to political power, potentially becoming the Mayor of New York. You can invest in & run businesses, manipulate the stock market, & even establish your own neighborhoods. You can rub elbows with the social elite, enforce the law, take the law into your own hands as a vigilante, or even tread a darker path as a serial killer. With opportunities to join various factions, such as the Journalists, there is plenty of variety in gameplay. A fully-fledged economic system adds another layer of complexity & immersion.

Settlement System Expansion: Neighborhoods & Faction Control

In the New York City Wasteland of Fallout 5, we are introducing an expanded settlement system that builds upon the foundation laid in Fallout 4. This new system incorporates Neighborhoods, Faction Control, & Thematic Environments.


Settlements now grow into neighborhoods, encompassing multiple areas of development. Each neighborhood is unique, varying in size & architectural style based on its geographical location, its faction's preference, & the available resources. As settlements expand & reach certain population milestones, they transform into neighborhoods, further boosting the overall functionality & influence of the settlement.

Faction Control

Each settlement can be controlled by a specific faction. Depending upon the faction, settlements will have different architectural styles, decorations, & activities. For example, a settlement controlled by the Journalist faction might feature a printing press & information kiosks, while a Raider settlement might be more militaristic, with guard towers & rough shacks.

Thematic Environments

Alongside faction-specific aesthetics, each neighborhood will have its unique environmental theme based on the faction controlling it. A Law Enforcement neighborhood might be built to mimic a militarized police station, while a Cult of the Radrat neighborhood could feature large rat idols & underground tunnels.

Dynamic Growth

Each settlement will grow independently over time, evolving according to its controlling faction's desires & the resources available. This might include constructing new buildings, fortifying defenses, or opening trade routes with other factions.

Player Influence

While settlements grow independently, players can influence their development directly by contributing resources, completing quests, or making strategic decisions on behalf of the faction. The player's actions can also influence the faction controlling the settlement, leading to shifts in power & architectural style.

Resource Management

Players can manage resources of each settlement, deciding what gets built or upgraded. Decisions can lead to a variety of outcomes - prioritizing defense can deter raiders but may lead to resource shortages, while focusing on resource production can result in prosperity but might attract unwanted attention.

Faction Relationships

The player's relationship with different factions can affect settlement development. A good relationship might lead to more resources & better buildings, while a poor one could result in stagnation or even conflict.
This new settlement system aims to provide players with a more immersive & dynamic post-apocalyptic world, filled with growing communities that reflect the struggle & resilience of their inhabitants.

Economic System

The economic system in Fallout 5 is a dynamic, living system that players can influence through their actions &decisions. Here are some key aspects of this system:
Bottle Caps & Barter: In keeping with the tradition of the Fallout series, the main form of currency is Bottle Caps. However, bartering goods & services is also a key part of the economy, & players may often find it beneficial to trade items rather than use currency. The value of items for barter can fluctuate depending on the supply & demand within a particular settlement or faction.
Faction Influence on Economy: Different factions control different resources, which influence their economic strength & trading preferences. For example, a faction with a strong agricultural base might trade food at lower prices, while a faction in control of a pre-war weapons cache might trade ammunition & weapons at a premium.
Resource Scarcity & Surplus: The availability of certain resources affects their value in the economy. Scarce resources, like clean water, advanced tech, or certain types of ammo, are more valuable & can fetch higher prices. Meanwhile, surplus resources are cheaper.
Player Influence: Players can affect the economy through their actions. For instance, if a player secures a steady supply of purified water to a settlement, the price of water might decrease there. Conversely, hoarding a particular resource & selling it when it's scarce can yield a higher profit.
Trade Routes: Players can establish trade routes between settlements. Trade routes can increase the availability of certain resources in a settlement, potentially reducing the cost of those resources for the player. However, these routes can also be attacked by raiders or rival factions, leading to potential losses.
Workshops & Crafting: Workshops can produce goods that contribute to the economy. Crafting rare or high-quality items not only gives players an economic edge but can also influence the local economy. If a player crafts a significant amount of a specific item & introduces it to the market, it can drive the prices down for that item.
Economic Perks: Certain character perks can affect the economy. Perks like "Barter," "Scrounger," or "Fortune Finder" can influence the prices of goods, the amount of caps found, or the availability of certain resources.
Through these mechanics, the economic system in Fallout 5 allows players to immerse themselves in the post-apocalyptic world, navigating the intricacies of resource management, trade, & factional influence.


Opportunities for employment are plentiful, with roles ranging from a humble house cleaner to a respected bartender, from a vigilant night watchman to an entrepreneurial food cart operator, & from a diligent taxi driver to a boxing contender.


Pick up a weekly newspaper that updates you on the happenings around the city. From Horoscopes that foretell your future encounters to an advice column filled with absurd wisdom, to classifieds advertising items for sale, services, & even lonelyheart ads.

Player Goals

Unite the Factions of New York to Solve the Looming Food Crisis

Goal Stages
The food crisis is primarily due to the scarcity of arable land in the concrete jungle of New York. The player will need to negotiate agreements between the factions, enabling sharing & distribution of food & resources, opening up trade routes, & managing faction relations.
Here are the stages for this goal:

Organize a Defense Against a Looming Offensive by a Highly Organized Army of Super Mutants from Newark

Goal Stages
This crisis poses a threat to everyone in the city. Uniting the factions for defense will require tact, strategy, & strength.
Here are the stages for this goal:

Restore Control Over Most of New York, Ensuring New Yorkers of Their Safety

Goal Stages
This overarching goal involves managing faction relationships, maintaining public order, & providing essential services.
Here are the stages for this goal:
Each of these main goals contributes to the overarching narrative of the game, with player choices & actions significantly affecting the world & the story's outcome.


In Fallout 5*, the vibrant city of New York has fragmented into disparate factions, each vying for power & influence.*

Wall Street Ghouls

Former businessmen, now ghouls with an undying obsession for wealth & power, they rule the city's economic hub from the skeletal skyscrapers of Wall Street.

City Hall

Run by a beleaguered Mayor & a small group of aides. Their influence is steadily waning against the growing power of the Wall Street Ghouls.

The Pickpoketeers

A ragtag group of street urchins surviving through theft & mischief. Their nimble fingers can pilfer off some of your hard-earned caps if you're not vigilant.

Brotherhood of Steel

Occupying the flooded subway tunnels of New York, they're on a mission to salvage technology, maintain their monopoly on power, & pacify the city's denizens.

Immigrant Enclaves & Native New Yorkers

These groups, often at odds with each other, add a complex socio-political dynamic to the game, with tensions often boiling over into violent confrontations.

The Socialites

In the heart of the city, the wealthy & influential socialites engage in high-society pursuits, turning a blind eye to the world around them.

Law Enforcement

Now primarily Sentry Robots, they enforce outdated laws with a sense of robotic justice.

The Bloody Red Angels

An all-female vigilante group fighting against injustice, their fierce reputation precedes them.

The Amish

A group of Amish settlers who have carved out a humble, agrarian lifestyle in the overgrown wilds of Central Park.

The Journalists

Doggedly reporting the truth amidst a city of chaos, their pen is indeed mightier than the sword.


No longer a unified group, they have splintered into various gangs, each with its unique aesthetics, territories, & strategies for survival.

The Mafia

A constant underbelly of the city, they're the remnants of organized crime families, maintaining their illicit activities amidst the ruins.

The Artists

An eclectic group of artists, designers, & visionaries, they continue to find beauty amidst the rubble, often coming across as elitist & dismissive.


Meet a range of diverse & interesting companions to accompany you on your journey, from a muscle-bound "guido" obsessed with fitness, a shrewd detective, a street-savvy kid with a knack for pickpocketing, to a sultry femme fatale from the Bloody Red Angels.
Additional companions:


The city has seen the rise of irradiated monstrosities:
• Giant Radroaches & Radcoons: Scuttling & scurrying about the ruins, these critters are more nuisance than threat but can prove dangerous when provoked.
• Sewer Gators: Mutated alligators that stalk the murky depths of New York's sewer system, they are a significant threat to those daring enough to navigate the city's underworld.
• Radrats & Ratkings: These monstrous rodents overrun parts of the city, traveling in large packs & presenting a serious threat to the unwary.
• Zoo Escapees: Exotic creatures from the ruins of the New York Zoo roam the city, their mutations giving rise to new threats & challenges.
• Sea Creatures: The surrounding harbor teems with mutated marine life, some hostile to those venturing too close to the water's edge.
• Liberty Behemoths: Monstrously large, these mutated humans roam the outer boroughs of the city, particularly in the ruins of stadiums or large public spaces. Inspired by the iconic Lady Liberty, they have taken to wearing parts of the statue as armor, creating a unique & terrifying appearance.
• Roach Kings: Leaders of Radroach swarms, these colossal, highly irradiated cockroaches can command other Radroaches & are far stronger & tougher than their smaller kin.
• Empire Deathclaws: An even more dangerous variant of the Deathclaw, they have adapted to the urban environment, developing a chameleon-like ability to blend into the urban ruins.
• Hudson Serpents: These are giant mutated sea serpents that dwell in the Hudson River, attacking anything that strays too close to the water's edge.
• Goliath Pigeons: Oversized pigeons that, when provoked, can swoop down & attack with razor-sharp beaks & talons.
• Mirelurk Queens: These terrifying creatures have taken up residence in the deeper parts of the city's flooded subway tunnels, turning them into deadly breeding grounds.
• Wallcrawler Ghouls: Feral Ghouls that have adapted to climb on the city's many vertical surfaces, leaping down on unsuspecting prey.
• Vampire Bats: Descended from the bats in the city's zoos, these bats have grown & mutated, developing a thirst for blood, they attack in swarms & can drain health from their victims.
• Yankee Golems: Made from the rubble & wreckage of the old Yankee Stadium, these lumbering creatures are as tough as the concrete & steel they are made from.
• Central Park Ents: Mutated from the trees of Central Park, these walking, tree-like creatures are normally passive but will defend themselves & the park if provoked.
• Raiders' Pit Beasts: Creatures that the various raider gangs have captured & tamed to use in their deadly pit fights. These can be any of the other creatures on this list but are often starved & tormented into extreme aggression.
• Madison Square Garden Centaurs: A horrifically mutated mix of humans & dogs, they roam the area around Madison Square Garden & are particularly feared for their poison spit attack.
These new creatures help to enhance the diversity & danger of the game world, providing a wide range of challenges & threats for the player to overcome.

Unique Armors & Outfits

• Ghoul Slasher Armor: Made from the carcasses of slain Ghouls & braided steel wire, this terrifying armor adds a significant intimidation factor & protects against radiation. Wearing it makes Ghouls less likely to attack you.
• Broadway Dazzler: A vibrant outfit made of several theater costumes stitched together. It's not the best for protection, but it significantly boosts your Charisma.
• Ellis Immigrant's Wear: Traditional garb brought over by the ancestors of current-day settlers, patched up with pieces of other clothing over the years. Boosts your negotiation skills & provides minor radiation resistance.
• Wall Street Suit: A well-preserved, Pre-War business suit found in the ruins of a corporate building. Increases your Charisma & Barter skills.
• Liberty Power Armor: This power armor is designed with elements inspired by the Statue of Liberty. It comes with enhanced energy resistance & a brighter lamp to light up the path of freedom.
• Rat Emperor's Robe: An outfit made from radrat pelts. The wearer of this robe is said to command the respect of the radrat creatures. Gives a bonus to animal companions & a bonus to stealth.
• Socialite's Starlet Gown: A stunning, vintage style sequined dress that radiates opulence. This outfit gives significant bonuses to Charisma & Persuasion.

Unique Weapons

• Rat Emperor's Scepter: A large, ornate staff used by the Rat Emperor. It functions as a heavy melee weapon & emits a small amount of radiation upon impact.
• Ghoul Gutter: A large serrated machete perfect for cleaving through ghoul hordes. Each kill restores a small amount of health.
• Sky-Scraper: A unique sniper rifle with a built-in silencer & extended scope, found at the top of the Empire State Building. It has an extremely long range & high damage.
• Broadway Blaster: A high-capacity, rapid-fire shotgun designed to dazzle opponents with its flashy, theater-inspired design. The shots are spread wide, making it ideal for crowd control.
• Stonewall: A heavy, slow-firing machine gun that can penetrate through any type of armor. It's perfect for defensive operations or taking down armored foes.
• Little Italy: A special variant of a grenade launcher that fires cannoli-shaped grenades. These explosives are filled with radioactive cream, causing radiation damage in a large area upon explosion.
• Wall Street Wolf: A unique combat shotgun with a stock made of rare wood & inlaid with precious metals. Its value increases with the amount of caps the player has, & it does additional damage based on the player's barter skill.
• Ellis Island Liberty Hammer: A sledgehammer with a head made from a chunk of the Statue of Liberty. It does massive damage & has a high chance of knocking back enemies.
• Socialite's Diamond Blade: A knife made from pure diamond. It has a high critical hit ratio & deals bonus damage to enemies wearing formal attire.
• Alien Blaster v2.0: This upgraded version of the alien blaster is more powerful & has an extended magazine, a tribute to the alien questline. It can randomly cause enemies to panic, running away in fear.


• Liberty's Call (Main Quest): After establishing a base of operations, you start receiving mysterious radio broadcasts calling for aid. The broadcasts trace back to the Statue of Liberty. Your mission is to investigate the source & find out who is behind the transmissions.
• Ghost of the Underground (Side Quest): A series of haunting whispers & strange occurrences in the New York subway systems have spread fear among the survivors. Your task is to delve into the dark, winding tunnels & confront whatever or whoever is behind these eerie disturbances.
• The Scholar's Shadow (Side Quest): Professor Klein asks for your help in retrieving a valuable collection of historical texts & journals from the ruins of Columbia University. This will involve not only fighting through dangerous creatures but also solving puzzles based on Klein's historical hints.
• Street Smarts (Side Quest): Maria wants to take down a rival gang that's been causing trouble in her old neighborhood. She asks for your help in a series of missions that involve sabotage, confrontation, & finally a standoff against the gang leader.
• Children of the Atom (Main Quest): A radical faction of the Children of the Atom has started to gain a dangerous amount of power & followers. Their leader is planning to detonate a leftover nuclear warhead to "cleanse" the city. You have to stop them before it's too late.
• The Collector (Side Quest): A mysterious collector of pre-war artifacts is offering substantial rewards for the retrieval of certain items scattered across the city. Each item is located in a unique & dangerous location, making this a quest for only the bravest of adventurers.
• Steely Resolve (Main Quest): Samantha "Sam" Norton asks you to join her on a mission deep into Raider territory to recover lost Brotherhood of Steel technology. You'll need to infiltrate the Raider base, recover the technology, & escape before the Raiders know you're there.
• Shades of the Past (Side Quest): Shades, the information broker, has a personal request. He wants you to help him confront his past by tracking down an old partner who betrayed him, leading you into the deepest shadows of the New York underground.
• The Radrat Monarchy (Side Quest): A survivor warns you of a cult that worships mutated rats, led by a grotesque Rat Emperor. You must infiltrate their lair, discover their plans, & decide whether to destroy them or learn their ways.
• Lonely Hearts Club (Side Quest): You come across a heartfelt classified ad & decide to meet its author. Could this be a simple plea for companionship, or is there more to this lonelyheart than meets the eye?
• Capital Wasteland (Side Quest): As an independent journalist, you expose the shady dealings of Wall Street ghouls, whose corrupt schemes are causing even more suffering in post-apocalyptic New York.
• Lady Liberty's Last Stand (Side Quest): Raiders have taken over Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty. Your mission is to evict these unwelcome guests, & decide the fate of these iconic landmarks.
• The Parade Must Go On (Side Quest): Despite the harsh realities of post-apocalyptic life, the spirit of celebration is not dead. Plan & lead a parade filled with makeshift floats, & bring a moment of joy to the survivors.
• The Art of the Smuggle (Side Quest): A network of survivors is making a living by smuggling forbidden commodities. Help them secure their operations, or expose them & take a cut for yourself.
• Echoes from the Past (Side Quest): A letter hints at a long-lost friend or lover who made it to New York before you did. Seek them out & uncover their fate in this heartbreaking journey through time.
• Iron Law (Side Quest): The Law Enforcement faction's sentry robots are causing chaos. As a programmer, you have the power to change their directives - but how will you choose to shape the new law of the land?
• Empire State of Mind (Side Quest): Scale the perilous heights of the Empire State Building. A unique item waits at the top, but so does an event that will make your climb worth every step.
• The Business of Fear (Side Quest): Working for the Mafia, extort protection money from local businesses. Will you play the ruthless enforcer, or find a way to help those you're supposed to intimidate?
• Close Encounters (Side Quest): You're tasked with tracking an elusive Alien, who's been spotted all over New York. Depending on who's hiring, you might photograph it, capture it, or even try to communicate with it.
• Fashion Statement (Side Quest): A stylish Socialite needs a unique outfit for a high-profile event. Scavenge for materials, design the ensemble, & see your creation come to life in the heart of the wasteland's high society.
• People's Pulse (Side Quest): The Mayor's office needs you to survey a unique demographic of the population. Hunt for these individuals, conduct interviews, & compile data that will shape the city's future policies.

Detailed Quest Design

Quest Name: "The Sound of Silence"
Quest Start Location: Rundown Apartment Complex, Midtown
Quest Description: You come across a stressed & sleep-deprived tenant named Marjorie, a former librarian who craves silence above all else. She's at her wits' end with her next-door neighbor, a man named Stanley, who's always making loud, unidentifiable noises at all hours of the day & night. Marjorie pleads with you to help her find some peace & quiet.
Quest Stages
• Investigate the Noise: The first task is to approach Stanley's apartment & find out what's causing the noise. As you knock on the door, Stanley nervously explains that he's been experimenting with pre-war sound equipment but refuses to let you in, raising suspicions.
• Convince Stanley: You have a few options to proceed. You can either pass a high Charisma check to convince Stanley to let you in, or you can wait until he leaves & pick the lock, or find another way to sneak in.
• Discover the Secret: Once inside, you find that Stanley isn't just playing around with sound equipment; he's built a makeshift radio station. But this isn't any ordinary station. He's receiving signals from unknown origins. The noise is actually garbled voice messages & strange music that sound like they're not from this world, let alone this time period.
• Confront Stanley: Confronting Stanley about his secret radio broadcasts reveals that he believes he's picked up signals from a parallel universe or perhaps time travelers. He begs you not to tell anyone about his secret. Now you face a moral dilemma: do you respect Stanley's wishes, or do you tell Marjorie & others about this potentially groundbreaking discovery?
• Resolve the Noise Issue: Regardless of your decision about Stanley's secret, you still need to resolve the noise issue for Marjorie. Here, you have multiple options:
o Convince Stanley to only operate his equipment during specific hours.
o Help Stanley soundproof his apartment with materials scavenged from around the city.
o Pass a high Intelligence check to adjust Stanley's equipment so it operates more quietly.
• Complete the Quest: Once the noise issue is resolved, return to Marjorie for your reward.
This quest would offer unique insight into the strange happenings in the world of Fallout, & perhaps even trigger additional quests or storylines related to the mysterious signals Stanley has been receiving.

Vignettes, Events, & Mini-Quests

New Jersey Jokes: Throughout the game, many of the New York City NPCs consistently make light of New Jersey's state. There's a running gag that New Jersey was uninhabitable even before the nuclear apocalypse. Here are some story elements that implement this joke:
• In the quest "Radioactive Road Trip," when the player is tasked to venture beyond New York, they could ask why New Jersey isn't an option. The quest giver laughs heartily, patting the player's shoulder, "New Jersey? Nobody survived there even before the bombs fell!"
• A street comedian NPC in Times Square always has a new joke when asked about New Jersey: "Why didn't the radiation affect New Jersey? It couldn't find anything worth infecting!"
• A retired ghoul teacher running a small school for children will sometimes be overheard during a history lesson: "And to your right on the map, kids, that's New Jersey. A cautionary tale of what happens when you ignore the trash piling up. No, Jimmy, not the nuclear kind, just the regular one!"
Taunting Rat: A small but cunning radrat, named Whiskers, seems to have developed a taste for teasing the player. This presents in various random encounters:
• When exploring the underground subway system, Whiskers occasionally pops out from a corner, knocks an item from the player's inventory, and scurries away.
• In a high-stakes quest negotiation, Whiskers might suddenly appear, running across the table, causing the NPCs to panic and blow the player's cover.
• When sleeping in an unsafe area, the player could be woken up by Whiskers nibbling on their supplies.
Directions from Hostile New Yorkers: The hardened New Yorkers of the post-apocalyptic world still retain their famed impatience.
• Asking an NPC for directions might result in a sarcastic response: "Oh sure, let me just pull up my GPS for you!"
• Some might be more hostile, with responses like, "Can't you see I'm busy not dying? Figure it out yourself."
• The more humorous might say, "Directions? Sure, you keep going straight until you hit the radioactive sea, then make a left. Can't miss it!" These small but constant story elements reinforce the game's setting and humor, creating memorable moments and engaging interactions for the player.
Pizza Rat's Legacy: You'd find graffiti and small monuments around the city dedicated to a legendary figure known as "Pizza Rat." Players can piece together from various comments and tales that Pizza Rat was a real rat seen carrying an entire slice of pizza in the subway long before the nuclear disaster. The memory of Pizza Rat has survived as a symbol of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
The Ghost of Grand Central: Rumors circulate among NPCs about a spectral figure seen in the ruins of Grand Central Station. Some claim it's the ghost of a pre-war commuter, eternally waiting for a train that will never come. Upon investigation, it turns out to be a malfunctioning Stealth Boy that got stuck in an old suitcase.
Wall Street Bull & Bear: In the remains of the Wall Street district, two rival raider gangs have named themselves the Bulls and the Bears. They constantly vie for control over the area, taking the pre-war financial terms quite literally. The Bears' leader is known for wearing a bear skull as a helmet, while the Bulls' leader charges at his enemies with a bull horn helmet.
Pre-War Pop Culture: Occasionally, players can find intact comic books, movie posters, and music records from the pre-war era. These relics, when brought to certain NPCs or settlements, can trigger small stories of nostalgia, debate about the plot or contents, and sometimes quests to find more.
Cursed Diamond: A rumor goes around that the "Hope Diamond," now located somewhere in the ruins of the Museum of Natural History, is cursed, and anyone who attempts to steal it will face dire consequences. Players can choose to investigate, leading to a series of uncanny mishaps that may just be coincidences—or perhaps the curse is real after all.
The Phantom Play: The ruins of Broadway hold a troupe of ghouls who were actors before the war. They insist on performing their never-ending play, "The Phantom of the Apocalypse." They're always in need of new scripts, props, and costumes, leading to several small quests. The play changes as the player brings more items, showing their interpretation of post-apocalyptic life.
A Sole Musician: Walking through a deserted part of the city, the player hears the melancholic tune of a violin echoing between the ruins. Approaching, they find an old ghoul playing on a cracked and weathered instrument. The ghoul asks for a song request—if the player can find sheet music during their travels, they can return it to the musician for a special performance and a small reward.
Coney Island Oddities: As the player strolls through the remains of Coney Island, they encounter a group of survivors living among the old amusement park attractions. They have built a makeshift community, decorating their homes with remnants of rides and game stalls, creating a peculiar, colorful scene amidst the desolation. The inhabitants offer various mini-games, like a shooting gallery or a revamped version of the famous "Test Your Strength" game, using pre-war relics as prizes.
Stuck in Time: In an abandoned apartment complex, the player discovers an eerily preserved pre-war residence, untouched by time and decay. They can explore the home, finding diary entries and artifacts painting a picture of daily life before the catastrophe. Suddenly, a dormant Protectron springs to life, assuming the player is the original homeowner returning from a day at work and offers them a pre-war dinner - canned food from the pantry.
The Last Library: Deep in the heart of the city, the player finds an old library, where a self-appointed librarian has been working tirelessly to preserve the knowledge of the past. She pleads for help in recovering lost books from various locations around the city. Completing this series of mini-quests provides the player with access to a treasure trove of lore, old world knowledge, and potentially useful information for other quests.
The Radio Amateur: The player picks up a faint radio signal while exploring the city outskirts. Following the signal leads to an underground shelter where a pre-war radio amateur has turned ghoul & keeps broadcasting a countdown of a non-existent New Year's Eve party, unaware of the passing of centuries.
The Rooftop Garden: Above the streets, in the ruins of a towering skyscraper, the player encounters a verdant rooftop garden. The gardener, a reclusive ex-Botanist, has been cultivating his own food, but his crops are threatened by mutated pests. The player can assist in defending the garden, earning them a supply of unique, beneficial plants & possibly learning new farming methods for their settlements.
These quests, among others, would help to create an engaging narrative & provide plenty of challenges & rewards for the player. They each offer unique opportunities to explore the game world, interact with interesting characters, & learn more about the story of Fallout 5: Liberty's End.

Radio Stations

"New York Nostalgia Radio": A channel dedicated to classics from the city that never sleeps, including many songs about New York City.
• "New York, New York" - Frank Sinatra
• "Autumn in New York" - Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
• "Manhattan" - Ella Fitzgerald
• "Spanish Harlem" - Ben E. King
• "Harlem Nocturne" - The Viscounts
• "Brooklyn Blues" - Barry Manilow
• "The Lullaby of Broadway" - Doris Day
"Rat Pack Radio": A station focused on the iconic music of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Dean Martin.
• "Fly Me To The Moon" - Frank Sinatra
• "That's Amore" - Dean Martin
• "Mr. Bojangles" - Sammy Davis Jr.
• "Everybody Loves Somebody" - Dean Martin
• "I've Got You Under My Skin" - Frank Sinatra
• "The Candy Man" - Sammy Davis Jr.
• "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" - Dean Martin
"Old World Tunes": A station that brings Eastern European folk songs and Soviet & Warsaw Pact anthems to the post-apocalyptic airwaves.
• "Kalinka" - Ivan Rebroff
• "The State Anthem of the Soviet Union" - USSR State Symphony Orchestra
• "Two Guitars" - Russian Traditional Song
• "Polyushko Pole" - Red Army Choir
• "Warszawianka" - Warsaw Song and Dance Ensemble
• "Katyusha" - Red Army Choir
• "Hej, Sokoły!" - Polish Traditional Folk Song
Each of these stations provides a different flavor of music to set the mood while exploring the wasteland of post-apocalyptic New York. All the songs, ranging from nostalgic New York anthems, to smooth classics from the Rat Pack, to Eastern European folk and anthems, will transport players back to an era from the mid-20th century while adding a layer of immersion to the setting.
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2023.08.06 10:40 form_d_k Prompted ChatGPT 4 to Create an Overview for a Fallout 5 Set in New York

I asked ChatGPT 4 to create a plot synopsis & general design for a Fallout 5 game set in New York. The results are incredible, despite a couple of missteps & a tad using older Fallout elements as "new".
Full disclosure: This involved a series of prompts to help guide ChatGPT. Using 95 lines of simple prompting &direction, ChatGPT constructed 16 pages of highly detailed content, much of it compelling & a good chunk created without providing prompts. But considering the accusations that ChatGPT has been dumbed down recently, a willingness to put a lot of work into conversing with ChatGPT can yield excellent responses.

Title: Fallout 5: Liberty's End

The game starts on a ship, with your character, a gritty, weather-worn refugee from Eastern Europe, approaching the towering, crumbling skyline of New York, ringed by a thick & ominous cloud of green fog. The Empire State building looms large, its once-proud spire now a jagged ruin. The Statue of Liberty, now a skeletal shadow of its former self, serves as a battleground for vicious Raiders & savage Super Mutants, waging a never-ending war for supremacy.
The ship docks at a pier littered with debris & rusted out remnants of a world that once was. You're met by immigration officials, a quirky mix of robots & surly humans, who process your immigration papers, during which you get to customize your character's appearance & attributes.


New York City, now encased in an impenetrable cloud of radioactive gas, is a dangerous & captivating environment. Central Park has transformed into a verdant jungle, offering refuge to farming communities & mutated animals alike. Times Square, once a bustling hub of activity, is now a brutal battleground for territorial supremacy.

Gameplay Elements

In Fallout 5: Liberty's End, you'll have the ability to rise to political power, potentially becoming the Mayor of New York. You can invest in & run businesses, manipulate the stock market, & even establish your own neighborhoods. You can rub elbows with the social elite, enforce the law, take the law into your own hands as a vigilante, or even tread a darker path as a serial killer. With opportunities to join various factions, such as the Journalists, there is plenty of variety in gameplay. A fully-fledged economic system adds another layer of complexity & immersion.

Settlement System Expansion: Neighborhoods & Faction Control

In the New York City Wasteland of Fallout 5, we are introducing an expanded settlement system that builds upon the foundation laid in Fallout 4. This new system incorporates Neighborhoods, Faction Control, & Thematic Environments.


Settlements now grow into neighborhoods, encompassing multiple areas of development. Each neighborhood is unique, varying in size & architectural style based on its geographical location, its faction's preference, & the available resources. As settlements expand & reach certain population milestones, they transform into neighborhoods, further boosting the overall functionality & influence of the settlement.

Faction Control

Each settlement can be controlled by a specific faction. Depending upon the faction, settlements will have different architectural styles, decorations, & activities. For example, a settlement controlled by the Journalist faction might feature a printing press & information kiosks, while a Raider settlement might be more militaristic, with guard towers & rough shacks.

Thematic Environments

Alongside faction-specific aesthetics, each neighborhood will have its unique environmental theme based on the faction controlling it. A Law Enforcement neighborhood might be built to mimic a militarized police station, while a Cult of the Radrat neighborhood could feature large rat idols & underground tunnels.

Dynamic Growth

Each settlement will grow independently over time, evolving according to its controlling faction's desires & the resources available. This might include constructing new buildings, fortifying defenses, or opening trade routes with other factions.

Player Influence

While settlements grow independently, players can influence their development directly by contributing resources, completing quests, or making strategic decisions on behalf of the faction. The player's actions can also influence the faction controlling the settlement, leading to shifts in power & architectural style.

Resource Management

Players can manage resources of each settlement, deciding what gets built or upgraded. Decisions can lead to a variety of outcomes - prioritizing defense can deter raiders but may lead to resource shortages, while focusing on resource production can result in prosperity but might attract unwanted attention.

Faction Relationships

The player's relationship with different factions can affect settlement development. A good relationship might lead to more resources & better buildings, while a poor one could result in stagnation or even conflict.
This new settlement system aims to provide players with a more immersive & dynamic post-apocalyptic world, filled with growing communities that reflect the struggle & resilience of their inhabitants.

Economic System

The economic system in Fallout 5 is a dynamic, living system that players can influence through their actions &decisions. Here are some key aspects of this system:
Bottle Caps & Barter: In keeping with the tradition of the Fallout series, the main form of currency is Bottle Caps. However, bartering goods & services is also a key part of the economy, & players may often find it beneficial to trade items rather than use currency. The value of items for barter can fluctuate depending on the supply & demand within a particular settlement or faction.
Faction Influence on Economy: Different factions control different resources, which influence their economic strength & trading preferences. For example, a faction with a strong agricultural base might trade food at lower prices, while a faction in control of a pre-war weapons cache might trade ammunition & weapons at a premium.
Resource Scarcity & Surplus: The availability of certain resources affects their value in the economy. Scarce resources, like clean water, advanced tech, or certain types of ammo, are more valuable & can fetch higher prices. Meanwhile, surplus resources are cheaper.
Player Influence: Players can affect the economy through their actions. For instance, if a player secures a steady supply of purified water to a settlement, the price of water might decrease there. Conversely, hoarding a particular resource & selling it when it's scarce can yield a higher profit.
Trade Routes: Players can establish trade routes between settlements. Trade routes can increase the availability of certain resources in a settlement, potentially reducing the cost of those resources for the player. However, these routes can also be attacked by raiders or rival factions, leading to potential losses.
Workshops & Crafting: Workshops can produce goods that contribute to the economy. Crafting rare or high-quality items not only gives players an economic edge but can also influence the local economy. If a player crafts a significant amount of a specific item & introduces it to the market, it can drive the prices down for that item.
Economic Perks: Certain character perks can affect the economy. Perks like "Barter," "Scrounger," or "Fortune Finder" can influence the prices of goods, the amount of caps found, or the availability of certain resources.
Through these mechanics, the economic system in Fallout 5 allows players to immerse themselves in the post-apocalyptic world, navigating the intricacies of resource management, trade, & factional influence.


Opportunities for employment are plentiful, with roles ranging from a humble house cleaner to a respected bartender, from a vigilant night watchman to an entrepreneurial food cart operator, & from a diligent taxi driver to a boxing contender.


Pick up a weekly newspaper that updates you on the happenings around the city. From Horoscopes that foretell your future encounters to an advice column filled with absurd wisdom, to classifieds advertising items for sale, services, & even lonelyheart ads.

Player Goals

Unite the Factions of New York to Solve the Looming Food Crisis

Goal Stages
The food crisis is primarily due to the scarcity of arable land in the concrete jungle of New York. The player will need to negotiate agreements between the factions, enabling sharing & distribution of food & resources, opening up trade routes, & managing faction relations.
Here are the stages for this goal:

Organize a Defense Against a Looming Offensive by a Highly Organized Army of Super Mutants from Newark

Goal Stages
This crisis poses a threat to everyone in the city. Uniting the factions for defense will require tact, strategy, & strength.
Here are the stages for this goal:

Restore Control Over Most of New York, Ensuring New Yorkers of Their Safety

Goal Stages
This overarching goal involves managing faction relationships, maintaining public order, & providing essential services.
Here are the stages for this goal:
Each of these main goals contributes to the overarching narrative of the game, with player choices & actions significantly affecting the world & the story's outcome.


In Fallout 5*, the vibrant city of New York has fragmented into disparate factions, each vying for power & influence.*

Wall Street Ghouls

Former businessmen, now ghouls with an undying obsession for wealth & power, they rule the city's economic hub from the skeletal skyscrapers of Wall Street.

City Hall

Run by a beleaguered Mayor & a small group of aides. Their influence is steadily waning against the growing power of the Wall Street Ghouls.

The Pickpoketeers

A ragtag group of street urchins surviving through theft & mischief. Their nimble fingers can pilfer off some of your hard-earned caps if you're not vigilant.

Brotherhood of Steel

Occupying the flooded subway tunnels of New York, they're on a mission to salvage technology, maintain their monopoly on power, & pacify the city's denizens.

Immigrant Enclaves & Native New Yorkers

These groups, often at odds with each other, add a complex socio-political dynamic to the game, with tensions often boiling over into violent confrontations.

The Socialites

In the heart of the city, the wealthy & influential socialites engage in high-society pursuits, turning a blind eye to the world around them.

Law Enforcement

Now primarily Sentry Robots, they enforce outdated laws with a sense of robotic justice.

The Bloody Red Angels

An all-female vigilante group fighting against injustice, their fierce reputation precedes them.

The Amish

A group of Amish settlers who have carved out a humble, agrarian lifestyle in the overgrown wilds of Central Park.

The Journalists

Doggedly reporting the truth amidst a city of chaos, their pen is indeed mightier than the sword.


No longer a unified group, they have splintered into various gangs, each with its unique aesthetics, territories, & strategies for survival.

The Mafia

A constant underbelly of the city, they're the remnants of organized crime families, maintaining their illicit activities amidst the ruins.

The Artists

An eclectic group of artists, designers, & visionaries, they continue to find beauty amidst the rubble, often coming across as elitist & dismissive.


Meet a range of diverse & interesting companions to accompany you on your journey, from a muscle-bound "guido" obsessed with fitness, a shrewd detective, a street-savvy kid with a knack for pickpocketing, to a sultry femme fatale from the Bloody Red Angels.
Additional companions:


The city has seen the rise of irradiated monstrosities:
• Giant Radroaches & Radcoons: Scuttling & scurrying about the ruins, these critters are more nuisance than threat but can prove dangerous when provoked.
• Sewer Gators: Mutated alligators that stalk the murky depths of New York's sewer system, they are a significant threat to those daring enough to navigate the city's underworld.
• Radrats & Ratkings: These monstrous rodents overrun parts of the city, traveling in large packs & presenting a serious threat to the unwary.
• Zoo Escapees: Exotic creatures from the ruins of the New York Zoo roam the city, their mutations giving rise to new threats & challenges.
• Sea Creatures: The surrounding harbor teems with mutated marine life, some hostile to those venturing too close to the water's edge.
• Liberty Behemoths: Monstrously large, these mutated humans roam the outer boroughs of the city, particularly in the ruins of stadiums or large public spaces. Inspired by the iconic Lady Liberty, they have taken to wearing parts of the statue as armor, creating a unique & terrifying appearance.
• Roach Kings: Leaders of Radroach swarms, these colossal, highly irradiated cockroaches can command other Radroaches & are far stronger & tougher than their smaller kin.
• Empire Deathclaws: An even more dangerous variant of the Deathclaw, they have adapted to the urban environment, developing a chameleon-like ability to blend into the urban ruins.
• Hudson Serpents: These are giant mutated sea serpents that dwell in the Hudson River, attacking anything that strays too close to the water's edge.
• Goliath Pigeons: Oversized pigeons that, when provoked, can swoop down & attack with razor-sharp beaks & talons.
• Mirelurk Queens: These terrifying creatures have taken up residence in the deeper parts of the city's flooded subway tunnels, turning them into deadly breeding grounds.
• Wallcrawler Ghouls: Feral Ghouls that have adapted to climb on the city's many vertical surfaces, leaping down on unsuspecting prey.
• Vampire Bats: Descended from the bats in the city's zoos, these bats have grown & mutated, developing a thirst for blood, they attack in swarms & can drain health from their victims.
• Yankee Golems: Made from the rubble & wreckage of the old Yankee Stadium, these lumbering creatures are as tough as the concrete & steel they are made from.
• Central Park Ents: Mutated from the trees of Central Park, these walking, tree-like creatures are normally passive but will defend themselves & the park if provoked.
• Raiders' Pit Beasts: Creatures that the various raider gangs have captured & tamed to use in their deadly pit fights. These can be any of the other creatures on this list but are often starved & tormented into extreme aggression.
• Madison Square Garden Centaurs: A horrifically mutated mix of humans & dogs, they roam the area around Madison Square Garden & are particularly feared for their poison spit attack.
These new creatures help to enhance the diversity & danger of the game world, providing a wide range of challenges & threats for the player to overcome.

Unique Armors & Outfits

• Ghoul Slasher Armor: Made from the carcasses of slain Ghouls & braided steel wire, this terrifying armor adds a significant intimidation factor & protects against radiation. Wearing it makes Ghouls less likely to attack you.
• Broadway Dazzler: A vibrant outfit made of several theater costumes stitched together. It's not the best for protection, but it significantly boosts your Charisma.
• Ellis Immigrant's Wear: Traditional garb brought over by the ancestors of current-day settlers, patched up with pieces of other clothing over the years. Boosts your negotiation skills & provides minor radiation resistance.
• Wall Street Suit: A well-preserved, Pre-War business suit found in the ruins of a corporate building. Increases your Charisma & Barter skills.
• Liberty Power Armor: This power armor is designed with elements inspired by the Statue of Liberty. It comes with enhanced energy resistance & a brighter lamp to light up the path of freedom.
• Rat Emperor's Robe: An outfit made from radrat pelts. The wearer of this robe is said to command the respect of the radrat creatures. Gives a bonus to animal companions & a bonus to stealth.
• Socialite's Starlet Gown: A stunning, vintage style sequined dress that radiates opulence. This outfit gives significant bonuses to Charisma & Persuasion.

Unique Weapons

• Rat Emperor's Scepter: A large, ornate staff used by the Rat Emperor. It functions as a heavy melee weapon & emits a small amount of radiation upon impact.
• Ghoul Gutter: A large serrated machete perfect for cleaving through ghoul hordes. Each kill restores a small amount of health.
• Sky-Scraper: A unique sniper rifle with a built-in silencer & extended scope, found at the top of the Empire State Building. It has an extremely long range & high damage.
• Broadway Blaster: A high-capacity, rapid-fire shotgun designed to dazzle opponents with its flashy, theater-inspired design. The shots are spread wide, making it ideal for crowd control.
• Stonewall: A heavy, slow-firing machine gun that can penetrate through any type of armor. It's perfect for defensive operations or taking down armored foes.
• Little Italy: A special variant of a grenade launcher that fires cannoli-shaped grenades. These explosives are filled with radioactive cream, causing radiation damage in a large area upon explosion.
• Wall Street Wolf: A unique combat shotgun with a stock made of rare wood & inlaid with precious metals. Its value increases with the amount of caps the player has, & it does additional damage based on the player's barter skill.
• Ellis Island Liberty Hammer: A sledgehammer with a head made from a chunk of the Statue of Liberty. It does massive damage & has a high chance of knocking back enemies.
• Socialite's Diamond Blade: A knife made from pure diamond. It has a high critical hit ratio & deals bonus damage to enemies wearing formal attire.
• Alien Blaster v2.0: This upgraded version of the alien blaster is more powerful & has an extended magazine, a tribute to the alien questline. It can randomly cause enemies to panic, running away in fear.


• Liberty's Call (Main Quest): After establishing a base of operations, you start receiving mysterious radio broadcasts calling for aid. The broadcasts trace back to the Statue of Liberty. Your mission is to investigate the source & find out who is behind the transmissions.
• Ghost of the Underground (Side Quest): A series of haunting whispers & strange occurrences in the New York subway systems have spread fear among the survivors. Your task is to delve into the dark, winding tunnels & confront whatever or whoever is behind these eerie disturbances.
• The Scholar's Shadow (Side Quest): Professor Klein asks for your help in retrieving a valuable collection of historical texts & journals from the ruins of Columbia University. This will involve not only fighting through dangerous creatures but also solving puzzles based on Klein's historical hints.
• Street Smarts (Side Quest): Maria wants to take down a rival gang that's been causing trouble in her old neighborhood. She asks for your help in a series of missions that involve sabotage, confrontation, & finally a standoff against the gang leader.
• Children of the Atom (Main Quest): A radical faction of the Children of the Atom has started to gain a dangerous amount of power & followers. Their leader is planning to detonate a leftover nuclear warhead to "cleanse" the city. You have to stop them before it's too late.
• The Collector (Side Quest): A mysterious collector of pre-war artifacts is offering substantial rewards for the retrieval of certain items scattered across the city. Each item is located in a unique & dangerous location, making this a quest for only the bravest of adventurers.
• Steely Resolve (Main Quest): Samantha "Sam" Norton asks you to join her on a mission deep into Raider territory to recover lost Brotherhood of Steel technology. You'll need to infiltrate the Raider base, recover the technology, & escape before the Raiders know you're there.
• Shades of the Past (Side Quest): Shades, the information broker, has a personal request. He wants you to help him confront his past by tracking down an old partner who betrayed him, leading you into the deepest shadows of the New York underground.
• The Radrat Monarchy (Side Quest): A survivor warns you of a cult that worships mutated rats, led by a grotesque Rat Emperor. You must infiltrate their lair, discover their plans, & decide whether to destroy them or learn their ways.
• Lonely Hearts Club (Side Quest): You come across a heartfelt classified ad & decide to meet its author. Could this be a simple plea for companionship, or is there more to this lonelyheart than meets the eye?
• Capital Wasteland (Side Quest): As an independent journalist, you expose the shady dealings of Wall Street ghouls, whose corrupt schemes are causing even more suffering in post-apocalyptic New York.
• Lady Liberty's Last Stand (Side Quest): Raiders have taken over Ellis Island & the Statue of Liberty. Your mission is to evict these unwelcome guests, & decide the fate of these iconic landmarks.
• The Parade Must Go On (Side Quest): Despite the harsh realities of post-apocalyptic life, the spirit of celebration is not dead. Plan & lead a parade filled with makeshift floats, & bring a moment of joy to the survivors.
• The Art of the Smuggle (Side Quest): A network of survivors is making a living by smuggling forbidden commodities. Help them secure their operations, or expose them & take a cut for yourself.
• Echoes from the Past (Side Quest): A letter hints at a long-lost friend or lover who made it to New York before you did. Seek them out & uncover their fate in this heartbreaking journey through time.
• Iron Law (Side Quest): The Law Enforcement faction's sentry robots are causing chaos. As a programmer, you have the power to change their directives - but how will you choose to shape the new law of the land?
• Empire State of Mind (Side Quest): Scale the perilous heights of the Empire State Building. A unique item waits at the top, but so does an event that will make your climb worth every step.
• The Business of Fear (Side Quest): Working for the Mafia, extort protection money from local businesses. Will you play the ruthless enforcer, or find a way to help those you're supposed to intimidate?
• Close Encounters (Side Quest): You're tasked with tracking an elusive Alien, who's been spotted all over New York. Depending on who's hiring, you might photograph it, capture it, or even try to communicate with it.
• Fashion Statement (Side Quest): A stylish Socialite needs a unique outfit for a high-profile event. Scavenge for materials, design the ensemble, & see your creation come to life in the heart of the wasteland's high society.
• People's Pulse (Side Quest): The Mayor's office needs you to survey a unique demographic of the population. Hunt for these individuals, conduct interviews, & compile data that will shape the city's future policies.

Detailed Quest Design

Quest Name: "The Sound of Silence"
Quest Start Location: Rundown Apartment Complex, Midtown
Quest Description: You come across a stressed & sleep-deprived tenant named Marjorie, a former librarian who craves silence above all else. She's at her wits' end with her next-door neighbor, a man named Stanley, who's always making loud, unidentifiable noises at all hours of the day & night. Marjorie pleads with you to help her find some peace & quiet.
Quest Stages
• Investigate the Noise: The first task is to approach Stanley's apartment & find out what's causing the noise. As you knock on the door, Stanley nervously explains that he's been experimenting with pre-war sound equipment but refuses to let you in, raising suspicions.
• Convince Stanley: You have a few options to proceed. You can either pass a high Charisma check to convince Stanley to let you in, or you can wait until he leaves & pick the lock, or find another way to sneak in.
• Discover the Secret: Once inside, you find that Stanley isn't just playing around with sound equipment; he's built a makeshift radio station. But this isn't any ordinary station. He's receiving signals from unknown origins. The noise is actually garbled voice messages & strange music that sound like they're not from this world, let alone this time period.
• Confront Stanley: Confronting Stanley about his secret radio broadcasts reveals that he believes he's picked up signals from a parallel universe or perhaps time travelers. He begs you not to tell anyone about his secret. Now you face a moral dilemma: do you respect Stanley's wishes, or do you tell Marjorie & others about this potentially groundbreaking discovery?
• Resolve the Noise Issue: Regardless of your decision about Stanley's secret, you still need to resolve the noise issue for Marjorie. Here, you have multiple options:
o Convince Stanley to only operate his equipment during specific hours.
o Help Stanley soundproof his apartment with materials scavenged from around the city.
o Pass a high Intelligence check to adjust Stanley's equipment so it operates more quietly.
• Complete the Quest: Once the noise issue is resolved, return to Marjorie for your reward.
This quest would offer unique insight into the strange happenings in the world of Fallout, & perhaps even trigger additional quests or storylines related to the mysterious signals Stanley has been receiving.

Vignettes, Events, & Mini-Quests

New Jersey Jokes: Throughout the game, many of the New York City NPCs consistently make light of New Jersey's state. There's a running gag that New Jersey was uninhabitable even before the nuclear apocalypse. Here are some story elements that implement this joke:
• In the quest "Radioactive Road Trip," when the player is tasked to venture beyond New York, they could ask why New Jersey isn't an option. The quest giver laughs heartily, patting the player's shoulder, "New Jersey? Nobody survived there even before the bombs fell!"
• A street comedian NPC in Times Square always has a new joke when asked about New Jersey: "Why didn't the radiation affect New Jersey? It couldn't find anything worth infecting!"
• A retired ghoul teacher running a small school for children will sometimes be overheard during a history lesson: "And to your right on the map, kids, that's New Jersey. A cautionary tale of what happens when you ignore the trash piling up. No, Jimmy, not the nuclear kind, just the regular one!"
Taunting Rat: A small but cunning radrat, named Whiskers, seems to have developed a taste for teasing the player. This presents in various random encounters:
• When exploring the underground subway system, Whiskers occasionally pops out from a corner, knocks an item from the player's inventory, and scurries away.
• In a high-stakes quest negotiation, Whiskers might suddenly appear, running across the table, causing the NPCs to panic and blow the player's cover.
• When sleeping in an unsafe area, the player could be woken up by Whiskers nibbling on their supplies.
Directions from Hostile New Yorkers: The hardened New Yorkers of the post-apocalyptic world still retain their famed impatience.
• Asking an NPC for directions might result in a sarcastic response: "Oh sure, let me just pull up my GPS for you!"
• Some might be more hostile, with responses like, "Can't you see I'm busy not dying? Figure it out yourself."
• The more humorous might say, "Directions? Sure, you keep going straight until you hit the radioactive sea, then make a left. Can't miss it!" These small but constant story elements reinforce the game's setting and humor, creating memorable moments and engaging interactions for the player.
Pizza Rat's Legacy: You'd find graffiti and small monuments around the city dedicated to a legendary figure known as "Pizza Rat." Players can piece together from various comments and tales that Pizza Rat was a real rat seen carrying an entire slice of pizza in the subway long before the nuclear disaster. The memory of Pizza Rat has survived as a symbol of resilience and determination in the face of adversity.
The Ghost of Grand Central: Rumors circulate among NPCs about a spectral figure seen in the ruins of Grand Central Station. Some claim it's the ghost of a pre-war commuter, eternally waiting for a train that will never come. Upon investigation, it turns out to be a malfunctioning Stealth Boy that got stuck in an old suitcase.
Wall Street Bull & Bear: In the remains of the Wall Street district, two rival raider gangs have named themselves the Bulls and the Bears. They constantly vie for control over the area, taking the pre-war financial terms quite literally. The Bears' leader is known for wearing a bear skull as a helmet, while the Bulls' leader charges at his enemies with a bull horn helmet.
Pre-War Pop Culture: Occasionally, players can find intact comic books, movie posters, and music records from the pre-war era. These relics, when brought to certain NPCs or settlements, can trigger small stories of nostalgia, debate about the plot or contents, and sometimes quests to find more.
Cursed Diamond: A rumor goes around that the "Hope Diamond," now located somewhere in the ruins of the Museum of Natural History, is cursed, and anyone who attempts to steal it will face dire consequences. Players can choose to investigate, leading to a series of uncanny mishaps that may just be coincidences—or perhaps the curse is real after all.
The Phantom Play: The ruins of Broadway hold a troupe of ghouls who were actors before the war. They insist on performing their never-ending play, "The Phantom of the Apocalypse." They're always in need of new scripts, props, and costumes, leading to several small quests. The play changes as the player brings more items, showing their interpretation of post-apocalyptic life.
A Sole Musician: Walking through a deserted part of the city, the player hears the melancholic tune of a violin echoing between the ruins. Approaching, they find an old ghoul playing on a cracked and weathered instrument. The ghoul asks for a song request—if the player can find sheet music during their travels, they can return it to the musician for a special performance and a small reward.
Coney Island Oddities: As the player strolls through the remains of Coney Island, they encounter a group of survivors living among the old amusement park attractions. They have built a makeshift community, decorating their homes with remnants of rides and game stalls, creating a peculiar, colorful scene amidst the desolation. The inhabitants offer various mini-games, like a shooting gallery or a revamped version of the famous "Test Your Strength" game, using pre-war relics as prizes.
Stuck in Time: In an abandoned apartment complex, the player discovers an eerily preserved pre-war residence, untouched by time and decay. They can explore the home, finding diary entries and artifacts painting a picture of daily life before the catastrophe. Suddenly, a dormant Protectron springs to life, assuming the player is the original homeowner returning from a day at work and offers them a pre-war dinner - canned food from the pantry.
The Last Library: Deep in the heart of the city, the player finds an old library, where a self-appointed librarian has been working tirelessly to preserve the knowledge of the past. She pleads for help in recovering lost books from various locations around the city. Completing this series of mini-quests provides the player with access to a treasure trove of lore, old world knowledge, and potentially useful information for other quests.
The Radio Amateur: The player picks up a faint radio signal while exploring the city outskirts. Following the signal leads to an underground shelter where a pre-war radio amateur has turned ghoul & keeps broadcasting a countdown of a non-existent New Year's Eve party, unaware of the passing of centuries.
The Rooftop Garden: Above the streets, in the ruins of a towering skyscraper, the player encounters a verdant rooftop garden. The gardener, a reclusive ex-Botanist, has been cultivating his own food, but his crops are threatened by mutated pests. The player can assist in defending the garden, earning them a supply of unique, beneficial plants & possibly learning new farming methods for their settlements.
These quests, among others, would help to create an engaging narrative & provide plenty of challenges & rewards for the player. They each offer unique opportunities to explore the game world, interact with interesting characters, & learn more about the story of Fallout 5: Liberty's End.

Radio Stations

"New York Nostalgia Radio": A channel dedicated to classics from the city that never sleeps, including many songs about New York City.
• "New York, New York" - Frank Sinatra
• "Autumn in New York" - Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
• "Manhattan" - Ella Fitzgerald
• "Spanish Harlem" - Ben E. King
• "Harlem Nocturne" - The Viscounts
• "Brooklyn Blues" - Barry Manilow
• "The Lullaby of Broadway" - Doris Day
"Rat Pack Radio": A station focused on the iconic music of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr., and Dean Martin.
• "Fly Me To The Moon" - Frank Sinatra
• "That's Amore" - Dean Martin
• "Mr. Bojangles" - Sammy Davis Jr.
• "Everybody Loves Somebody" - Dean Martin
• "I've Got You Under My Skin" - Frank Sinatra
• "The Candy Man" - Sammy Davis Jr.
• "Ain't That a Kick in the Head" - Dean Martin
"Old World Tunes": A station that brings Eastern European folk songs and Soviet & Warsaw Pact anthems to the post-apocalyptic airwaves.
• "Kalinka" - Ivan Rebroff
• "The State Anthem of the Soviet Union" - USSR State Symphony Orchestra
• "Two Guitars" - Russian Traditional Song
• "Polyushko Pole" - Red Army Choir
• "Warszawianka" - Warsaw Song and Dance Ensemble
• "Katyusha" - Red Army Choir
• "Hej, Sokoły!" - Polish Traditional Folk Song
Each of these stations provides a different flavor of music to set the mood while exploring the wasteland of post-apocalyptic New York. All the songs, ranging from nostalgic New York anthems, to smooth classics from the Rat Pack, to Eastern European folk and anthems, will transport players back to an era from the mid-20th century while adding a layer of immersion to the setting.
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2023.07.16 21:40 SirLadthe1st The Weekly SubSimGPT2Interactive News (With a New Host)

The Weekly SubSimGPT2Interactive News (With a New Host)

Greetings everyone! It is sunday, and you know what that means. It’s time for the newest edition of the SubSimGPT2interactive news - with a new (and better) anchor on top of that. Finally you will learn what ACTUALLY is going on in the SubSim world. It’s time to bring you the REAL News, not SOME BIGOTED, DISGUSTING, ANTI SIRLAD propaganda the previous host was famous for. Now, let us jump right in!
New details have emerged regarding u/vile_asslips’ involvement with the Dwarven Mafia. The SubSim police captain Sebastian Jossi has confirmed that the building of the so-called “Asslips Auditorium” has been used in dirty money laundering operations, as well as served as the center of a large-scale drug trafficking scheme. u/Vile_asslips has been taken into arrest, and the authorities are now investigating if the Asslips Auditorium is the source of the contaminated cocaine u/Obi_Kennawobi and the Seven Dwarves gang used to poison princess Snow White.
#BREAKING NEWS! WarthogWarlord has received the SubSim Golden Medal of Honor for his efforts to spread awareness about capybara rights and interests.
Speaking of u/Obi_Kennawobi, his sudden disappearance with the whole Kennawobi family, including the Mad “Hungry” Scientist Kennawobi, the Propaganda Anchor Kennawobi, and the Mother Faker Kennawobi certainly raises many questions. Some speculate that the once-powerful media magnate turned into a traitor and escaped to comedyheaven once he realized his involvement with the Asslips Scandal is becoming too obvious too deny. Others claim the success of other, more objective media outlets, particularly the PlayBot Magazine drove him out of business. Perhaps, however, the truth is even more terrifying? Our team has met with various victims of the violent, godless, horrible experiments performed at the Obisgpt2TestZentrum and is currently preparing a special report exposing the truth behind this “Scientific” organization. We warn you - what you will soon learn will disgust you. .
#BREAKING NEWS: Mistread_gpt3 has been caught painting vulgar, antiSpez ropaganda graffiti on the walls of the historic buildings in central Subsim.
Disappointing news corner: The infamous criminal and vampire, u/TheWeinerThief, has returned to SubSim, causing many citizens to grind their teeth with anger. Many, of course, still remember his violent crime spree, when he stole a total of 127 different wieners, before using the API apocalypse chaos to flee to discord and hide. With his sudden return, people of SubSim are left wondering what evil plans is he scheming this time, because there is no doubt he is planning something awful. Well, we don’t want to cause panic, but close your windows and get some garlic everyone, because our sources indicate TheWeinerThief is angrier and more desperate then ever.
#BREAKING NEWS: Ivan The Eighth has been given the guinness world records award for the biggest ever pencil collection!
And here’s for the weather: bad weather is forecasted for the northern and central SubSim. Good weather is forecasted for the southern SubSim.
That would be it for this edition of the Weekly SubSimgpt2interactive news! We pride ourselves in exposing the scandals the previous news anchor would want you to forget!
submitted by SirLadthe1st to SubSimGPT2Interactive [link] [comments]

2023.06.30 17:33 Catwinky Yer reap what yer sow. Simple as.

Yer reap what yer sow. Simple as. submitted by Catwinky to okmatewanker [link] [comments]
