What flirty things can i say to my boyfriend


2016.04.13 22:39 no_turn_unstoned WELCOME TO THE_PACK


2010.01.27 12:37 Bourkster iPad & iPad Pro

For all things iPad & iPad Pro. Information, discussion, news, iPadOS, hardware, and more about the company out of Cupertino and its great tablet.

2010.02.19 17:00 sketchampm Rabbits: the intelligent, loving, and often misunderstood pet

/rabbits is an open community where users can learn, share cute pictures, or ask questions about rabbits. Please note we are a *pet rabbit* community that discourages breeding and encourages rescue.

2024.05.13 16:46 aes2003 He wasn't making an effort so I ended it. Now I feel I should have expressed my feelings rather than cutting it off. Need advice

So I was seeing this guy for about 5 months. We got along great and I felt so comfortable around him. However the last month he was saying he was busy with work, family commitments and couldn't meet up. He also cancelled a quick meet up last minute as a family member arrived so he was spending the day with them. (I will say he did always send me pics when he had other commitments. Not sure if that was to prove to me he wasnt just flaking on me or something) We still kept texting most days and conversation never fell flat but again after this weekend of saying he couldn't meet up as he was spending time with his brother and he won't see him for a month I was so annoyed as it had been 5 weeks since I'd seen him. I understand family comes first but it hurt that he couldnt even give me an hour out of a few of his weekend the past 5 weeks pissed me off. I texted him and called it off saying ..
"Heya looks ive been thinking and it's obvious this has fizzled out so lets just call it. I really enjoyed the time I spent together so thank you for that. take care and have a good weekend"
He replied and the said "i guess they have a bit,things have been insane lately and wont be easing up anytime soon unfortunately and managing over text isnt sustainable either. I enjoyed it too and it was great to get to know you. Take care"
I don't know if it's just the initial healing stage but apart of me feels like a made a mistake not expressing my feelings about his lack of effort and should have done that rather than ending it.
Some of my friends have said no its obvious he was slowly fading away, while others think I should have communicated how i was feeling. Now I don't know if I should text him and ask to talk and see if we can make it work or should i just deal with the pain.
He be around my area in 3 weeks so I don't know if that's an opportunity for us to have some space and maybe then have a talk. So I really need advice as I just feel lost at the moment and I need some unbiased opnions.
submitted by aes2003 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:01 Raxtz1 20m looking for friends around my age :)

Hi! , My name is Kyle! I’m from Florida! (CST Timezone)
I’m looking for some friends!! (Please say something more than just “hi”) (ONLY SFW)
I like Gaming, Fishing, Music, and Hockey!!
Hockey is my big thing! (GO PANTHERS!!!)
I’m always watching Fla Panthers games! If the cats aren’t playing, I’m probably watching a random hockey game that’s on haha
Gaming wise I don’t really play a ton anymore I have Xbox, Pc, PS5 (only really play on my ps5 now)
I really love the FromSoft games! Some of my favorite games are Dark souls 3, Bloodborne, RDR2,Stardew Valley!
Music wise mainly hiphop / rap!
UnoTheActivist is my favorite artist! I listen to stuff like Uno, Carti, Lone, Ken, Yeat, Izaya Tiji a lot!
Fishing wise I love saltwater! But I also do some freshwater stuff sometimes!
I work 7am-4pm Monday - Friday
Keep that in mind when we can maybe VC one day?!?!
I hope you are having an amazing day!
If you want, send a message if you think we could get along! :)
submitted by Raxtz1 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:37 Accurate-Law4559 What’s an appropriate amount of self love?

I’ve always struggled with loving myself, I’m always afraid of becoming a narcissist.
Whenever I try to think about positive traits about myself I always end of feeling like a pompous prick. Even with small stuff like that I’m kind, empathetic and that I have talents. People around me say that I have those qualities and tell me what a great person I am but I struggle to believe they actually mean it.
I think part of it is something my father pounded into me when I was little. “If you have to tell people you are, talented, kind or good looking you aren’t, others will tell you if you are”. Which has led me to solely seek validation from others.
This stuff is really killing my confidence and making me miserable. People tell me to see a therapist but when I go, I end up getting a bunch of new age crap about how wonderful I am just they way I am and I know that’s not true.
I’m also highly aware of my shortcomings and failures and since I don’t have any positives to contrast them with. What can I do to feel better about myself while still being self aware, how do you manage this?
submitted by Accurate-Law4559 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:25 DimensionNext9737 AITAH for blocking and ignoring him?

I’m very young so please bare with me. I’m 12 F and in 7th grade I started school two weeks late so I had no idea how anything worked. Luckily for me in my gym period I saw my friend M and she introduced me to K, J and B one day I saw K talking to Logan(the jerk in question) I became friends with him too and viewed him as an older brother we also had band together so I saw him often. People have tried to ship us but I always dismissed them. By this point 6 months have past and we’ve grown closer but in between those months he’s said and done weird things like one day I was walking home with him and I had like a v neck shirt on and he’s taller than me so he kept looking down my shirt and asked if “they were real” I was grossed out and he kept trying to make me go into the woods with him but I always declined because I’m smart enough to know not too. That day I had 50 missed calls from my friend I didn’t notice it until I looked at my phone when I picked up I remembered I forgot to tell them that I was walking with him all of my friends had told me to be careful around him. The next day I was talking to my friend jojo and all of a suddenly I felt him smack my butt I was very mad and he had a stupid grin across his face I wanted to slap him but stoped myself because it was probably a joke but after the he thought it was ok to do keep touching me even after I said stop I didn’t report him because I still considered him as my friend I’m very aware that was dumb. One day he texted me saying “I heard you like you me “ I was confused because I didn’t he asked if I wanted to date him so I thought if he like me I could like him too again very dumb of me. We dated for two weeks before he broke up with me he said his parents didn’t allow it but I know he’s dated a lot of girls so I knew he was lying. At this point I switched to home school people were getting worried about why I wasn’t coming to school so they blamed it on him and that was the first time he texted me after the break up he said he still liked me and that he wanted to get back together I said maybe in the future. So I said when I’m in 9th and he’s in 10th so we made a deal. A week after that he face timed me and he asked to see my face I said no because I had a face mask on and was taking my hair down. He kept asking about something I don’t like sharing to most people I’ve always been very vague about to he fact that I was SA’d when I was younger he keeps bringing it up. I told him to stop bringing it up and to drop it because it was making me uncomfortable and then he got mad about the fact that I won’t turn on my camera and said “I don’t believe you” and I said “about what” he said about what happed to me when I was younger I was very shocked about why he would say that and he said I can’t see your face so I don’t believe you I was so mad that I hung up on him and started avoiding him he’s currently blocked but I’ve been thinking and I feel kind of bad for avoiding him even though I know im not wrong. Thank you for reading.
submitted by DimensionNext9737 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 12:28 mylifeispotatohaha I’m stuck in dreams loops and can’t wake up…

Hi! So I’ve been lucid dreaming since my teenagehood (I’m 21), and most of the time it felt nice to understand that I was in a dream and could do anything I wanted! But around 16, I started experiencing weird stages of sleep where I would fall asleep but be « stuck » in a sort of transe : it was all dark around me, and I could only move my body very slowly and felt like I could hardly breathe, it was terrifying and gave me horrendous anxiety, but it disappeared after 2 years or so…. After that, I started doing dream loops and what I believe is called « False Awakening », and it started getting really bad lately. So, not only do I dream I « wake up », but I dream I go to college, go through the day, meet my friends etc etc., but then it turns out to be a dream! And I realize it at the end when I’m going sleeping in my bed, and I’m perceiving something is wrong. Whether the environment feels off or I feel a presence around me, and I soon realize « Ok I’m dreaming and I need to wake up ». I often force my eyes to close very tight, and I wake up in another environment, closer to my real bedroom, but something is still off, so I close my eyes tight again, but it’s still not my bed…. And it can go like this for 10 or 15 times. And when finally, I wake up and see my real bedroom, my whole body is still paralyzed and completely exhausted, and I need to make HUGE efforts to not fall asleep again and let myself trapped in this loop. It happened to me this morning. It was so hard to get out of this paralyzed state while being finally awake from the false awakenings, that I fell asleep almost immediatly and got trapped again in a loop… The thing is it’s not about being tired and not wanting to wake up, it really feels like I can’t stay awake after experiencing those loops and emerge from my sleep. When I finally do, I feel exhausted, and my face (especially my eyes) is puffed up. What is more, I sometimes experience these loops while hearing my alarm (that’s ringing IRL because I need to get up), or my neighbour putting on music. It happened to me I couldn’t wake up and missed my first class because of this, because this lasted for an hour or so… I’m starting a new job soon and I wonder if this could be caused by medications or maybe dysfunctions in the brain or something… because I know lucid dreaming is normal but i don’t feel that what i’m experiencing is…
submitted by mylifeispotatohaha to LucidDreaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:30 Lucyfer_66 Old 'primary' account on Outlook (desktop, windows) cannot be logged into anymore, which seems to be blocking reception on other account and causes annoying pop-ups

Last summer I changed universities (as a student), which means I got a new schoolaccount. I didn't know how to delete the old one and it didn't seem like a big deal at the time so I just muted notifications for my old email and have had both accounts in my Outlook. However I think they recently deleted my account data from the old university, which has made Outlook freak out.
It keeps telling me to log into the old account (which I can't do since that password doesn't exist anymore). It keeps giving me pop-ups and notifs. It tries to load the login screen for the old uni whenever I open Outlook. But worst of all, it won't receive emails on my new uni account anymore. The icon in the taskbar just has a big red cross next to it and I can look through old emails on the new account but am not getting new ones. Somehow, on my phone (which I believe also has both accounts but I'm scared to check and set off the same drama) nothing is wrong, this issue is, so far, desktop exclusive.
I looked up how to delete an Outlook account and tried to, but it gives me an error message saying I cannot delete the "primary account" before deleting all others. But upon looking it up, this deletion seems to be permanent, so obviously I can't delete my new uni account first.
Ideally I just want to get rid of the old uni account without losing the new one, but if I could just get the constant pop-ups to stop and receive emails on my new account on desktop again that'd be enough honestly. Can someone help me with what to do?
Sorry if I'm not clear, English isn't my first language
submitted by Lucyfer_66 to Outlook [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:07 lulou18 My Grandads birthday is upcoming? What do people like to do on special days like this to remember those we’ve lost?

It’s my Grandads birthday very soon, first one since he passed last year…thinking of making DIY flying wish paper that i can write a nice message on. Seems the least damaging thing that i can sort of send off in to the air at the place where we spread his ashes. What do other people do to remember those we’ve lost on anniversaries and special days? Just thought it would be nice to share our special ways to remember and also get ideas to celebrate the life of the ones we don’t have with us anymore.
submitted by lulou18 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:57 PerfectOcelot8158 Trust issues

So I’m having trust issues, I’ve been with this girl for 3 years we started dating when she was 16, I was 17. (Now 19&20) Went to school together, started as good friends! We considered each other brother and sister, and at her 16th birthday party her friends and parents jokingly but not jokingly said we should date because we were always laughing rough housing playing around and just enjoying the hell out of eachother, and I was not interested at first, fast forward a bit, they go on vacation every year, well that time of year came around and we were still just friends! I was always at their house so a couple weeks before they left they brought me to the living room and her dad asked if I would like to go on vacation with them, I insisted that it was their family time and I shouldn’t get in the middle of that but her dad said they all really like me and would love for me to go! So I went! We all had a blast and she was expecting me to ask her out at the beach, I didn’t, I was still getting over something in the past so I didn’t want to hurt this girl. She was too much of an angel. We get back home, (back story, I’ve never really had a home, our home was whoever my moms boyfriend was at the time and it made me very uncomfortable) we got back from the trip and they asked if I wanted to live there which is CRAZY to trust me that much! Just a friend of their daughters to live with them. In the same room as her. I had my own bed on the floor. (We slept in the same bed till about 3am and I’d switch) well after weeks of her begging us to get together I gave in. And at the begging of our relationship I was a senior, had a lot of friends was a really good football player so I was friends with everyone! The HS quarterback usually is lol. It made her very jealous. Because I had senior lady friends and I was super friendly. Looking back I should’ve considered her feelings more. Well. The first two years of our relationship were so good. My emotions changed and I wanted to marry this woman! My dream was to always be in the military and so I signed up for the army national guard and did monthly drills until my ship date (aug 1st) it was always upsetting knowing every day that went by was one day closer to me leaving for infantry training which would last 6 months. It tore us up! But brought us so close together! Come the day I was supposed to ship out. I got shuttled to the Meps hotel. And that night I called my recruiter and backed out because I could not stomach the thought of leaving her . That brought us so much closer and we were inseparable. Now this woman hated girls that were my friends so she wouldn’t let me hangout with anyone and she hated my guy friends so it got to the point I would only hangout with her . Rarely with any friends and I think it was because she was more of a loner. I was kinda okay with this because I was in love with her. Fast forward. (She was two grades behind me and when I graduated I started a night shift job 7pm-7am) it’s her senior year. She starts making friends, no biggy. Senior year you always make friends and do senior stuff. She starts prioritizing her friends over us and the distance between us gets bigger. Everything is about her senior year and her friends. Some of these friends being guys which I’ve never had a problem with. But they got closer and closer and closer. And all she ever did was hangout with the seniors. And I have bad FOMO and anxiety as it is so when I wake up in the middle of the day and she’d be gone I’d get anxious (where is she, what’s she doing, who’s she with) well over time of her spending time with these guys and some girls I developed crazy jealousy and I just couldn’t trust her for idk why! I have no idea what past traumas could have caused this. I’ve been cheated on once. And that was about 2 years prior to this relationship. But everytime I would bring something up about the seniors and or ask who’s she with and what she’s doing where she’s going. She’d get real defensive and idk where I’m going with this idk how to talk about this but months go by a year goes by and I couldn’t trust her. I’d accuse her of stuff because I feel like now that she has friends she’s meeting more guys and being more friendly I feel like she’s flirting or being flirted with and being okay with it back. Well it’s made her put up a wall and we resent eachother. Everytime I bring something up she tells me to stop being insecure, a pussy. A big baby. Grow some balls, be a man. And at one point told me that I’m a man I’m supposed to bottle up all my emotions . All that bothers me and makes me feel like she thinks of the guys she hangs out with are better than me. She’s even made some remarks that made me super insecure . We eat dorito dynamite chips a lot and I found a couple flavors I’ve never seen before and mentioned them. And she goes “I don’t like to switch it up. I just like black” and before I could ask wtf black flavor was she goes “diiiiiick” and claims it was just a joke . This girl and her family are religious and she’s only slept with me sexually. But before us she was always flirty with everyone so I feel like I think she’s flirting with everyone now. But it made me go crazy ! I would have to know who she was with and what and where she going and doing. And she’d always have a problem telling me details. So I then definitely couldn’t trust her. In every senior picture she’s next to the same guy she’s bestfriends with a couple of them and they’re always together and it just feels like she wants them more than me. And it’s only when we get into huge arguments and we take a break that tells me she’s only ever wanted me she wants to marry and have kids and get a house and grow together but she never shows that she never proves how much I mean to her until it’s too late. What’s my problem? Am I being super insecure and a crazy boyfriend? What do I do? Is this her getting payback because I was friendly too? I wasn’t as friendly as her. Maybe I’m too insecure. Idk I just need somebody to talk to or someone to give me advice. I’m losing it
submitted by PerfectOcelot8158 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:05 Sweet_dreams___ What to do when a (M20) guy is uninterested or leading me (F18) on?

So I had recently quit a university club after only 2 weeks of staying and this guy from the same club had texted me in my dms why I quit.
And we just started texting each other even tho we never actually talked in person before. Then he started to ask me out on a date, which I said yes to but he never planned further and he started to text less frequently even tho I could see he was online.
It just felt strange why he would ask me out but then start to ignore my texts. It would go from replying a day late to a whole week. But all of a sudden he started texting me more frequently again. But that didn’t last long, a week later he just completely ghosted me for a week.
But recently, he unsent a text saying “linkup” to my response about how bored I am. Which make it look like he’s ignored my text.
Idk what his deal is and if he’s just completely uninterested in me all of a sudden?? Or if he’s a jerk thinking this whole thing is funny to him?
submitted by Sweet_dreams___ to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:59 tlouthrow My (F25) girlfriend (F28) broke up with me over something I didn't do. What can I do?

I (F25) am/was engaged with my fiance (F27). Early tonight I went to a soccer match by myself for the first time. For all of this to make sense, I have to begin saying I'm a neurodivergent woman (Autism, ADHD and a dash of social anxiety).
Going to such a crowded place by myself is a huge milestone for me, and I was texting my partner about how nervous I felt and that I hoped I garnered enough bravery to talk to someone and hopefully become friends. I don't have any friends besides my fiance as all of them have left the country, so it's been hard to get to know new people.
I finally decided to start talking to the guy next to me about the game, and it turns out he leaves on the same bus as me. (Our team has buses with different routes for fans to get home safely). So we kept on talking and then it was time to leave.
We went outside together to find our bus and kept on talking. He said something odd about "Hey, you came here by yourself.... Aren't you afraid I might be someone crazy who could kidnap you?".
But because of my neurodivergence, I'm used to saying something awkward or weird so I just shrugged it off and told him "No, it's illegal to kidnap fans from the same team."
And that was it, as we located our bus.
I finally take out my phone to tell my partner I found the bus, only to realize my girlfriend had been hearing the conversation as she had called me and my pocket I guess accepted the call. She told me that she wished me luck knowing I wasn't scared to leave with someone who could kidnap me and every message I sent after that was left on read.
I came home to her breaking up with me because I broke the trust when I prioritize my conversation with this guy over letting her know the match had ended and I was looking for my bus. And because I was being flirted with and I didn't stop the situation, in fact, I was flirting back! The thing is I didn't realize he was flirting and of course I wasn't fucking flirting back. That wasn't my intention at all!
I tried to explain and everything turned worse. She started screaming which sent me into a panic attack that she deemed "manipulative" and then she locked herself in a room which made me snap again.
It's 3 am and I can't sleep thinking about the fact that my relationship is just vanishing because assumptions she is making over an (I understand) easily to misinterpret situation. But I didn't do anything and I didn't intend to do anything. I wish she wasn't hurting and thinking I have eyes for anyone but her. I've always been caring and honest and faithful. I feel like I'm being punished for not picking up social cues that simply fly over me as much as a try to grasp them.
It's so hard to navigate the world with the way my mind works and I feel so defeated that just being who I am ends up getting me in trouble when the only thing I've ever tried to do is making my partner feel like the most special and loved woman in the world.
Is this solvable? Can I do something? I'm lost and alone with my thoughts right now. It hurts to lose everything because of this!
TL;DR: Gf broke up our engagement because of a wildly misinterpreted phone call. I can't seem to make her believe me and every explanation seems to make her worse.
submitted by tlouthrow to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:02 UnusualConfection300 39 [F4F] US/PNW/Anywhere - It's warm outside!

Aloha! No, I'm not from Hawaii but I'd like to go there sometime soon!
Last year has definitely been a life changer for almost everyone, especially me.
Sad part is I feel like I don't have anyone to talk to about it in an overall way..
So that's why I'm pretty much up late at night on my computer, playing games or browsing junk online and chatting. I love meeting new people and getting to know them, usually in person, but online is great given the situation in the world.
A little about me:
I'm 39, from the west coast (exactly where shouldn't matter as I don't care where you're from - mostly looking for someone to talk online with but if we ever become such good friends that we can meet up in real life once things get back to normal that'd be cool too!)
I think that's enough to put here for now but just to be a little bit of a snooty snoot I'm going to ask that you only message me if you know what the word parsec means (or even refers to) without having to look it up!
Talk to you soon! <3
submitted by UnusualConfection300 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:46 ChocolateSenior3351 My Boyfriend just broke up with me an now I have no sense of direction of where to go from here im heartbroken and hurting.

Hello everyone I created this account because my boyfriend now ex just broke up with me literally hours ago. I met him while studying abroad last fall. I've always wanted to travel the world but i met him and i just wanted to be with him. Im back in my home country now but i went to see him again for the entirety of march. Everyone says long distance relationships never work but i just wanted to prove them wrong and have a happy life with the love of my life, of course its going to be hard but i thought we could make it. We always talked about traveling the world together but now i feel like i have no purpose. I feel lost and have no sense of direction he blocked me so there's no more contact with him which hurts but its for the best. I Guess I'm just in shock of how sudden our ending was. I know we weren't together for a long time but that time we spent together meant everything to me and i believed it would last. But now I'm here crying and reflecting. I'm still currently in school but i am still undecided on what i want to do with my life i was going to be a teacher so i can teach in his country so we could be together and travel to other countries together but now i don't feel the passion anymore of course i still want to taravel but now I'm just lost and scared. i would always spend my time with just with him i don't have many friends and i find it hard to make new ones. Im only 19 so i know its not the end of the world for me and i have the rest of my life to live but i don't know what my next steps are. Im going to keep continuing my studies so i have more options. Its just hard for me to belive its all over he was the one person ive met that could truly understand me and was like me i don't think ill meet anyone else like him out of all the people in this world. I have no desire in meeting anyone else or being with anyone else. Thats all i just need to get this out of my system and tell someone what im feeling. This sucks but im strong and will get through it but i just don't know what my healing process will look like and that's scary to me but as of right now im just wondering around in my own thoughts reflecting, and dwelling on what could've been.
submitted by ChocolateSenior3351 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:08 Fire-Water-Icee How do I tell my parents that I’m suicidal

I’ve been feeling this way for almost two years but it’s so hard. I always screw everything up. Trying to do anything is torture and I don’t sleep well and I’m always so tired physically and mentally. I’ve tried to tell others but that led to nothing. This sucks because so many people are saying “it’s just hormones, you’re being emo, you’re overreacting, no one needs to hear your shit, get over it.” Everything seems pointless and I don’t know what to do. I’ve thought about doing this, how I could do it, over and over again and it’s honestly confusing. I’m only 13 and offing myself would destroy my family. I’ve already screwed my friendships and I don’t want this to be worse. I want to do something about this but I can’t describe exactly how I feel. How do I even manage to begin?
submitted by Fire-Water-Icee to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:51 SharpLocation464 Navigating tattoos with my mom’s side of the family

I (20F) don’t know how to proceed with my upcoming family vacation. I have nine tattoos in various places on my body, the biggest of which being a snow leopard moth on my back and a fox skull on my knee. I am looking for advice because my mom’s side of the family doesn’t like tattoos, piercings, etc. They are from Minnesota and I have grown up in Colorado. I know my mom doesn’t like my tattoos, but she accepts and loves me for who I am. My mom’s family on the other hand, can be very judgmental and mean. They often put her down for mine and my siblings choices in clothing, makeup, job, etc.
Not all my tattoos have a significant meaning and I’m not sure what to say when asked about why I got them. Accept for “I liked it and put it on my body”. I don’t want to make things harder for my mom this trip but I also don’t want to roast in the Minnesota heat. So I’m trying to get advice on whether or not I wear shorts/tanks tops and try to get them to accept me or if I should just wear t-shirts and jeans? Like I said, they can be very mean to my mom even though she doesn’t do anything wrong. But I don’t want to pretend to be someone I’m not. What should I do?
submitted by SharpLocation464 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:21 throwawayemotional69 I don't know if I can stay engaged to him

Before I (21M) start, I want to acknowledge that my long distance fiancé (23M) is really struggling. He's stuck on the Canadian welfare system, can't find a job, has no money to go to university, and lives with his emotionally abusive mother. He has BPD and CPTSD, and I don't blame him for either -- his childhood was absolutely terrible and he was basically an emotional punching bag for both of his parents. We've been together for 3.5 years and got engaged last July after the happiest week of our lives. I am genuinely so in love with him.
But I don't know if I can stay engaged to him.
I'm helping him in as many ways as I can -- helping him apply for jobs, reassuring him that his mother is in the wrong, that I love him, helping him find affordable therapy, etc, but so much of it feels like it's going unappreciated. A few months ago, he got called for an interview for an opportunity that would've been great for him, and he answered the phone while half asleep and basically squandered the opportunity. I'm still really bitter about it, and when I brought it up tonight (it was a dumb idea, we were discussing why he emotionally and mentally has a hard time "growing up" after being his parents' therapist), he told me that he refused to keep "groveling" for something that happened months ago. I said, okay, fine, then I don't have to apologize for things that you keep bringing up, like the year we were distant (it was a bad comparison and I acknowledge that).
For context, we were pretty distant in 2022 because I was in a severe depressive episode and recovering from a concussion. I was also still hurt from the previous semester in college; he has a really bad sleep schedule, and to help him fix it, I suggested that we get ready for bed together on the phone. He was ecstatic to do this (long distance and all), and I spent months thinking I was genuinely helping. Only to find out that he had been lying to me and staying up past when we were going to go to bed because he perfeived me as an "authority".
After I mentioned this year, he blew up at me, saying how dare I compare one phone call to a year of broken trust, we still haven't watched any of my movies, I listen to him ramble but we only ever talk about things I like, etc. I had to ask him MULTIPLE times to stop because this wasn't the point of the conversation, and apologized profusely for bringing it up. I also stated, in an effort to maintain boundaries, that I shouldn't need to ask him to stop so many times, to which he responded "Well you shouldn't have broken so many promises, but here we are."
For more context, I am still very depressed and we've been trying to find time to watch some movies he really likes -- I admit that I've dropped the ball and he has every right to be mad here. I've tried to explain myself and make things right but nothing ever feels good enough for him -- even if I magically fix everything and we only talk about what he wants and watch every movie he ever wants to, I feel like he'll still find something to blow up at me about.
He also has a habit of bringing up past grievances when he's hungry, overstimulated, or tired, and even when I indicate I'm leaving the conversation, he keeps messaging me until I'm drawn back in just to shut him up because I, unsurprisingly, don't want to be bombarded with angry messages at 4pm.
With regards to job hunting, it feels like he just wants to be a perpetual victim -- he keeps saying "don't help me apply for any jobs until X&Y is over, I'm so busy right now, etc" (which conveniently isn't an excuse for me when I'm balls deep in finals in my junior year). He won't even apply for volunteer positions or search for temporary opportunities, which could get him some great experience for his resume. I understand how cycles of abuse can become toxically comfortable, but he it feels like he won't even try. He won't even look at some of the low cost therapists I suggest to him, no matter how hard I beg.
I feel it's also important to state that we're polyamorous (in a triad where everyone is dating each other) and he doesn't behave this way towards our other partner -- or, if he does, I've never heard it from them. I feel like this is only because I actually push back against his behaviors; the other one is a massive people pleaser from their own trauma.
I really love this guy but I feel so fucking drained being with him -- he won't help himself, he won't let me help him, and I feel like I'm becoming his punching bag. I don't know if I can stay engaged to him, but I worry that if I leave he'll get even worse.
Tl;dr I don't know if I can stay with my fiancé because he's very emotionally volatile and won't let me help him get better and improve his situation. I also worry that he'll get even worse if I leave him.
submitted by throwawayemotional69 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:19 Great-Paramedic3516 I wish ending the pain was easy.

Hello everyone. This is my first post here and unfortunately not my last, I'm sure. I'll do another post explaining my whole backstory and stuff but rn I need to vent.
School has been kicking my ass so hard. I'm so tired that there's not a single word that can describe how 'tired' I really am.
I don't know what I'm looking for with this post. I think I just want to be comforted. I've always supported and helped my loved ones, but I've never truly gotten the same treatment. Sure, they try, but nobody compares to me. A blessing and a curse so to say.
An emotion that has resurfaced lately is anger. I'm extremely angry at everyone and everything. The whole world has too much bad and depressing shit for me to stay happy or even just content.
Killing myself isn't an option for a few reasons, the main 2 being lack of painless/easy way to do it, and leaving my friends and family in shambles. It's weird, sometimes I wish that nobody cared about me so I could just end it all with no trouble. Other times I feel ungrateful for the love I do get, but it never feels like enough.
I truly wish there was an end to all of this goddamn pain...but there's not. Every moment im conscious is a moment of pain, agony, depression, anger, and suffering.
submitted by Great-Paramedic3516 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:01 sterapalli Should I reach him out

Hello there so I have a friend who meet from online probably like five years ago she and I like each other at some point, but we decided to be friends until we meet in person. He and I live in different countries(he lives in my hometown) we always talk about meeting each other going out and having fun exploring the city so last year of 2023 October I went to my home country and I went to my home town FYI, not for him not for him. I went to my country with my mother because I haven't been to my country in seven years and I desperately needing to go to my country so bad so I went a few weeks passed, we wanted to meet but due to lot of things I had to do like for instance taking care of my house repair or so bank work etc, I kept on postponing and finally one fine day we meet at the beach I was so exited because I am meeting someone from online for the first time and he is the first friend that I made in a long time, so yeah I was pretty nervous so I took the bus which was 2hrs long and this place is not some random place this is the place that I was born, this is the beach I went since I was kid. So I was in the bus I texted him said "hey! im almost there" no response, so I got scared for a sec I got off the bus and there he is at the bus stop waiting for me, I WAS SOOOO HAPPY we found the spot and sat down and talked and we went to coffe shop ordered 2 cups went upstairs dine with the beautiful view of the beach and we call it a day, for me it was just perfect day.
I was happy, like really happy
but then at my house things go really shitty and I couldn't go anywhere even to get some groceries alone and he he kept on asking us to meet and sadly I had to say no because of my circumstances and I tried to explain my situation and he said he "understand" but later I I realize that he didn't understand he thought that I'm just making excuses to not to meet him and he was mad for some reason and I tried to make it up to him and asked him if there's anyway that I can make up to him that I will do definitely do to forgive me.
Few days later, I kept on asking him to meet and he replies with will see and ill let you know but then he docent say went and I got tired of it and I told him he's not interested to meet just say so, so I wouldn't ask and maske a fool out of my self. A day later he said yeah lets meet, we agreed to meet at the Complex (its were all the busses at) it also closer to him institute.
On Monday I texted him in the morning and 10 mins before I left and he texted back form my house to his institute the bus takes about 2 hours some mins idk while I was 10 min away I texted him and said "im almost there" and he said "ill be right there"
5 min later I texted him but no response
5 min later I got off at the complex still no response so I texted him again saying "im here"
he sait "Ok sorry 10min" and I said"Ok hurry"
I waited at the complex ALONE for 45 minutes and I said(btw still no response) "I’ll give you 5 more minutes"
another 15 minutes passed and I got sick and felt EMBARRASS AND HUMILIATED
WITH HEAVE HEART CRYING INSIDE I texted him "Hey I’m leaving"
On that day I had so much work to do BUT I canceled JUST to MEET HIM but this is what I got from him
after Iwaiting for 1 hour at the complex I said im leaving
and then here he kept on texting "Wait wait"
"Where ru leaving"
"My sir won't allowed me to go out"
I said its ok when im not I compressed my feeling and emotions
and he said "I'm really sorry wait I'm coming" "Where ru exactly". he called me on instagram and snapchat few times but I didn't answer( idk if that was the right thing to do or not) and I went home.
he texted me the next morning and I left him on red and again idk if that was the right choice and he stopped texting. few months later I left the country and came back to USA and still no text from him. im expecting an apology from him why he made me wait? is it because he want to get back at me?
lately I feel lonely cuz I got no one to talk to :(
so you heard my story should I reach him out or no?
I honestly don't know what to do, I would really appreciate if you guys can give me some advice
submitted by sterapalli to socialskills [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:56 immaculata___ I can't get over someone I'm in love with

Before you assume I'm just a dumb kid who doesn't understand what love is, please read the entire post. I know I probably am just a dumb kid who doesn't know what love is, but I'd like to at least hope I'm not.
My aunt has had a really predominant role in my life, ever since I was a kid. I don't have a real mother figure, so she's always kinda served as that for me. My own mother was never married to my dad, and my step-mom hated my guts because I got in the way of her happy little family.
My aunt has a good friend, we'll call her P, who's also been a really huge female role model in my life. I lived with her for 5 months at one point because I would constantly fight with my dad and my step-mom, and he wanted to get me out of the house. P has a daughter my age, named E, who I've known since I was a little kid. I've had a sort-of dumb crush on her for a really long time.
When I lived with them, my feelings for her just got stronger and stronger, to the point where I'm sure I'm in love with her. I love everything about her. Her smile, her laugh, how kind she is, all the little quirks that make her who she is.
The issue is that I have 0 chance with her. Like ever. I'm 100% convinced that she doesn't feel the same way about me.
To make things worse, about 6 months ago I moved thousands of miles away to live with my aunt (who moved 5 years ago) because my dad didn't want me around anymore.
I'm going to be visiting my hometown in a few months, and it'll be the first time I've seen E in nearly a year (I wasn't allowed out of the house very often when I was staying with my dad). I've tried to get over my feelings for her, and talk to other people, and accept that she'll probably never like me the same way I like her, but I just can't.
I've never brought this up to her before. Should I? Should I just ignore it and go about my life like this forever? I'm at a loss at what to do because I just can't lose feelings for her.
submitted by immaculata___ to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:32 VulpesVeritas Adult autists/aspies who made friends irl, how did you do it?

Really, what's your secret? My (M27) life is painfully dull, and I really want to make new friends that I can hang out with in-person to spice things up. I don't like making friends online because I already have several, and it's just not the same. I want to be able to meet people I can go out and do fun stuff with, not just chat with behind a screen. How did you meet your friends, and how could I make some of my own? I feel like our whole demographic is relegated to online relationships and it's just depressing to me.
submitted by VulpesVeritas to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:25 Chazisstressed I need guidance

Hello my lovely’s I hope this message finds you well. I wrote this out and then it went off and I’ve had to start again, it’s like it doesn’t want me to talk to you. I don’t know. I’m scared 😆
I’m seeking help and not sure the best thing to do..
A long story short I had a little girl that used to visit & pop up behind me in reflections and stuff as a child. She just used to be staring at me, she was around the same age, but never did anything to me. Except she did scare me. Anyway im completely abstinent (from alcohol and cannabis) now and have been for 50 days. I did things to block stuff out as I couldn’t cope with it, started about 15 years old and figured at 29 it’s time to sort my 💩 out. So since I’ve been abstinent weird stuff been happening again. Was in the kitchen the other evening thought my kid or boyfriend was pissing about running past the kitchen door then hiding from me, (saw a shadow, felt the breeze, heard giggling) went to the kitchen door shouted what ya doing, laughing, looked in the direction they ran past, nobody there. Got an eerie feeling. Mentioned to my boyfriend I felt something bad was in the house and was going to come to me when I was asleep so I didn’t want to sleep alone. Anyway, ended up sleeping aloneg because I snore so he slept on the sofa.. then what do you know.. he has his first EVER sleep paralysis that night. A long lanky bald man holding him down screaming “you’re not going anywhere”
Now we are on tonight.. I woke up, wide awake, thought ahh I’ll go down for a cigarette. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I’ve heard my daughter (or so I thought) shouting me, I’ve said sienna? You ok babe? From the bottom of the stairs. Full on shouted her as I deffo heard a calling. No response. I’ve then gone to my front door to have my cig, heard footsteps of someone coming downstairs so I’ve shouted her again thinking it’s her, and no, nobody there. Happen to look at the time it was 3.33.
I’m nervous I don’t know how to deal With what’s happening. I don’t have any mental health problems that I’m aware of and this has only been happening again since I haven’t been blocking it out with the green stuff. Please help. I don’t know who the little girl could be but she isn’t from this life time at least I don’t think. Thank you. Any advice welcome.
Charlotte x
submitted by Chazisstressed to ParanormalActivity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:23 Lieutenant-storm Netflix show that I forgot

So one night me and my dad were watching some random netflix show while hardly being awake. We’ve been trying to find it since but it isn’t in the “continue watching list”
All i’ve got on me is half of the description of the episode so I hope this helps:
An episode starts with people skating, one accidentally breaks through the ice and she finds a dead body underneath the water. It then cuts to two people heading to some party., lets call them guy 1 and 2 Before going in they have to put some hand paint print on their face. They go in and after spending a little bit of time in there, some dudes pull up to guy 2 saying he shouldn’t be there because he killed some chick (allegedly). This causes them to get in a fight and guy 1 quickly helps out and they bolt out of there. Not long after it cuts to this chick in her room, guy 2 goes to her door and lets him in. Both of em talk about this cult thing or whatever and apparently her dad has been doing research. Coincidentally the person she was interviewing was guy 2’s mom who was though to have committed the no no died, but the girl says it was most likely not the case. It doesn’t take long until her room gets a hole blown through the wall and the whole apartment/hotel building is set on fire. When they escape it cuts to this dude in a black cloak, wearing a deer skull as a mask while in the forest
Imma skip a bit to the last part I remember.
Last thing I remember before going to bed shortly after was a scene where the cult is in some cave. The deer skull leader dude has one of his members approach him and beats him over the head to death with a rock
Well that’s all I remember. Giving this description hoping anyone who had watched the episodes of this series and remembers how it went knows what this is. I hope it helps!
submitted by Lieutenant-storm to WhatShow [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:18 Status_Journalist_51 Quick rant/trauma dump

I have no one else to talk about this, so I figured I’d come on here where nobody knows me. Ive never used reddit before, so please bear with me.
Ever since I was maybe five (5) years old, ive been a very big day dreamer. Even when I was a child, the day dreams would be very graphic; people I cared about getting hurt/tortured in every way you could possibly think of. It started with people I knew in real life, and I knew I never wanted any of these things to happen to these people in real life, but seeing them suffer in my head has always been the only thing that I can think of before I fall asleep.
As I got older, this habit started to consume me. I know im going to sound like a horrible person for admitting this, but please note that, again, I do not wish any of these actions on anyone in real life. I eventually stopped daydreaming about IRLs and began to hyper fixate on celebrities/content creators. I would study how these people/characters think, and break them over and over again. I would fixate for hours on these people being tortured, r worded, id capitalize on their vulnerable mental state.
It feels like I am addicted to intrusive thoughts, and I dont know how to stop, or get help. I don’t know what to do. i’m sixteen (16), and these graphic daydreams are causing me to slip up in school, and watching constant distress and destruction constantly play in my head is starting to really take a toll on my mental state. Im struggling to stay productive, it feels impossible to keep these thoughts out of my head.
Im pretty sure this started as a coping mechanism. I used to take advantage of it, and use the fictional suffering to attempt to minimize my own, or allow the characters in my head to carry out my intrusive thoughts so I wouldn’t have to, yet I could still see a visual consequence that I longed for.
I know this is very unorganized, and if anyone is reading this, I apologize for that. If anyone knows anything at all that can help me stop daydreaming, please help me.
submitted by Status_Journalist_51 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
