Mosquitos bananas

If I fall asleep again, I'm going to die.

2024.06.05 12:47 revelda If I fall asleep again, I'm going to die.

There's nothing I can do. I'm so tired, I don't think I can keep myself up anymore. Before I fall asleep, I want to tell someone what happened- no, I need someone to know the truth. This is my last message, so please- let me tell you my story.
It began two weeks ago. When my coworker, Are, told me that 3 days without sleep was all it took to kill a guy, I scoffed.
"Listen, I'm in college. I stay up practically every night throughout the week. No way someone could die from just three days pulling all-nighters."
"I'm telling you, man. There's been plenty of research, look it up. 3 days and you lose your mind."
I challenged Are to a bet. Whoever breaks their sleepless streak first has to take the early shifts for a month with our least favorite team member, G. When G spoke, it was always in paragraphs, mainly consisting of the words "I", "me", and "myself". Combine that with morning coffee and a voice like television static and you could guarantee a headache during the 5:45 to 11 AM slot.
The first few nights were easy. Truly, just three days was laughable to me. Sure, I was tired and my eyes felt dry and overused as hell, but more in the daytime than at night. Are and I called throughout the night to prove our sleeplessness, and I used my newfound time to finish coursework. I found I had plenty of time after to endlessly scroll on social media or play games, and time sped by me.
When driving to work, the daylight forced me to wear sunglasses because of how sensitive my eyes were to the brightness. Along with that, when I blinked it took me a few seconds to lose the blurriness and focus. However, it was all manageable, and when the third day passed I gloated cheerfully at Are.
"See? Told ya so. No crazy here!"
He grimaced. "I don't know, I can't focus on anything, really. And I keep feeling really uncomfortable, like I'm being watched all the time. Even my clothes feel like they're suffocating me right now."
I shrugged. "Well, the quote being watched over unquote is probably from G, who's glaring at us for spending 5 seconds too long on break. Motherfucker thinks he's a manager or something."
Are looked pretty tired, and kept yawning throughout the day. I reminded him he could quit whenever, with a grin. To be honest, I felt pretty out of it too, but the idea that I could rub this in R's face made me giddy. Looking back, perhaps it was the deprivation making my already asshole self even more manic. I chuckled to myself out loud more than I'd like to admit, even when Are wasn't talking to me.
5 days in, I... lost Are. During our late night call, my scrolling trance was broken by a violent crunch coming from his side. It was a terrible, hair-raising noise, like watermelon being crushed under a truck. I felt the color drain from my face.
"Are... you good?" I called out.
No answer.
I freaked the fuck out, and called out his name louder and louder till I was screaming. I was shaking from dread, but I managed to hang up and call the police. By the time I drove over, he was gone. They didn't bother to put his body in the ambulance, and softly informed me he was dead on arrival.
"W-what the hell happened? A break in?" I sputtered.
The police officer shook her head and looked down. She stated what would soon become their official statement.
"He quietly passed away in his sleep."
They asked me a couple questions. I didn't know his family or other friends. I was his coworker at XXXXX. I showed them my location tracker app, which showed me at home at the time of the incident, as well as the drive over. I told him he stopped responding on call, and I was worried because I knew he lived alone.
They told me they would contact me if need be, possibly after an autopsy and forensics. They also provided me with contact information for support resources. I don't even know how I managed to drive home. I sat on the curb of my driveway for a few hours, silently. Mosquitoes came to feast, but I didn't feel a thing. I remember wishing the curb would just slide me away, down the gutter, into the sewers, until I was washed away into nothing. I sat there, numb, until the sun came up.
I couldn't sleep for two days after that, even if I wanted to. I was given leave from work and school, and I stayed alone at home, missing a couple meals. I didn't tell my family, who lived states away, about R's passing. I didn't return my friends' calls or texts.
I felt like R's death was my fault, and my emotions split between anger and fear. It had to be the sleep deprivation, right? Wasn't I responsible? ... Why didn't I tell the police about that sound I heard that night? ... What was it?
I could barely close my eyes, with these thoughts pounding in my head as though threatening to burst through. As irrational thoughts circled in my mind, I spiraled into despair, curling into a ball on the floor. Blinds closed, I couldn't tell day from night. My body and mind wanted me to rot away, and I listened. Lying there on the cool wood floor, some tears lubricated my aching eyes and I let sleep take over me.
I woke up with a jolt to many strange sensations, all at once. Damp moss under my hands, the sounds of wildlife, and the petrichor from rotting bark filled my senses. The rain was light enough it felt more like a fog misting my face. My eyes adjusted to the sparkling night sky and I found myself in a forest that I was a stranger to.
Before I had time to think, a thunderous thump reverberated through the ground. It was heavy enough for some branches to fall from the trees. Then, another one. Closer.
I scrambled to pull myself up, and was nearly flung back to the ground by another thud. Closer. I gasped, and ran to the side, hoping to get out of the way of whatever that thing was. I hugged the trunk of a tree, stabilizing myself as I tried to discern the direction of the monstrous movements. Suddenly, they stopped. I held my breath, as though that would keep me safe. Gripping the tree for life, I desperately tried to make out anything in the sky above. Only then did it dawn on me that I couldn't see the stars anymore.
Before I had time to react, the trees surrounding me crushed into my body. I screamed, and felt myself lifting up into the air, in a fistful of terrain grabbed by the monstrous being. My legs were caught between two tree trunks, and I felt them crunch along with the branches. It hadn't nabbed me quite in the center of its grip, so my arms and torso were dangling to the side in the air as it pulled me up. Desperate to wiggle myself free, I yelled in pain as I pulled and dragged the rest of my body away from my mangled legs, and I finally began to tilt and fall back towards the ground. I began gaining speed as I dropped, hurtling towards the ground below me when-
I woke up in a cold sweat on my floor. What the fuck was that? It felt so fucking real. I could still remember my legs stretching and tearing off as I pulled myself away from that thing. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and got up.
Well, I tried to get up. To my horror, my legs didn't respond. They looked fine, but as I massaged them with my hands, I couldn't feel a thing. As my mind desperately commanded them to move, they didn't even twitch. It felt like I was trying to move rocks with my mind, and fear filled me as I began to think I'd forgotten the magic command my brain would usually say to move my legs.
I prayed it was sleep paralysis, but the hands on the clock kept moving while my legs did not. It took me a bit to get over my panic, but eventually I dragged myself over to my kitchen, my growling stomach still sending signals to my brain. For once, I was glad my on-campus housing was a small, one floor place. I drank some bottled water from the pack I left under the kitchen island, and hoisted myself up slowly, using the chairs. For once, I was also glad that the chairs were bolted down. I ate some bananas from the fruit bowl.
Once seated, I moved my legs to a visually comfortable position. Seeing them twist and catch on each other as the tops of my feet dragged across the floor had frightened me, one who had lived so long expecting them to carry me forward forever.
I had my phone in my pocket, and pulled it out. How long was I out? I was shocked to see I had been sleeping for a whole day. I contemplated calling the police for help, but I was afraid because I wasn't completely honest about what happened to Are. Unreasonable, I know, but my heart wouldn't stop pounding when I tried to dial those three numbers.
I decided to call my family. I told them I was struggling here and that I had gotten a leg injury that made it difficult to move. They told me they'd take a day off and book a flight over when they could, and I thanked them and hung up. I wish I had told them that I loved them, and not to miss me too much. Now, I'm glad they won't be here in time.
Exhausted from hauling myself up to the countertop and shrunken stomach content with the meal, I closed my eyes as the oversleep drowsiness lulled me to sleep again.
Sharp, overwhelming pain coursed through my body, along with adrenaline and shock. In moments, I knew where I was. Same forest, same night sky. Same trees crushing my legs.
I was still in its grip, legs mostly attached to my body. Unlike last time, I yanked myself apart and dragged my body away early enough to have a survivable fall to the ground below. I could hear the trees continuing to crack and splinter in its grip as it brought it up high, perhaps inspecting it. Now that I knew it could see in the dark, and also due to my low mobility and depleting strength, I rolled into a small recess in the ground and covered myself as best I could with soil, moss, and dead leaves. As I lay deathly still and quiet, a shrill screech echoed through the air, blowing back the trees. Thuds shook the ground, so close that I was bouncing up and down. I sobbed in fear, stifling my mouth with my fist, leaving deep indents on my finger.
A step flattened the trees and foliage to my side, about three feet away from my body.
I squeezed my eyes shut. Please. Please. Please. I prayed for the first time. I begged for safety, feeling my consciousness flutter as I felt the pool of my blood deepen. When I opened my eyes, I saw a figure in the darkness, sitting down with his back on a tree across from my hiding place. My blood ran cold and I didn't feel pain anymore for a moment. It was Are, not in life, but in death. His skull and body were crushed to a gut-drenched, bloody mess. Yet he was looking at me, I could tell. He opened the undistinguishable mash that used to be his mouth and said,
"It's found you."
The giant being grabbed me in its hands, this time dead on. It pulled off an arm in a slow, delicate twist, and tossed it into its mouth. Then the other. Finally, its pearly teeth glinted in the moonlight for a moment before I was engulfed. I was screaming for help- from Are, from anyone- when I woke up.
I called the police using Siri. They brought me to the hospital, where doctors had no clue what to do with me. There was no problem evident- no blood clot, nerve or spinal injury, or stroke. They decided to keep me under watch for a few days, monitoring my condition. I told them not to notify my family. I requested a DNR order.
At night, when the nurses left my hospital bed, I had time to think by myself. The last dream brought me back in time before my leg injury. Could there be a chance to escape this time?
But I knew there wasn't. I had been losing too much blood in the dream world, and would only prolong my life perhaps by minutes or seconds.
I was terrified to fall asleep. So afraid of death to the creature in my dreams. Of seeing Are again. I begged doctors not to use any sedatives or anesthesia. I pretended to sleep at night when nurses came in to check on me.
I kept up my facade for two sleepless nights.
But I was yawning uncontrollably and often, and it took from a couple seconds to a minute for my eyes to be able to focus. My dark circles became evident, and the nurses looked ever more concerned for my health. However, soon enough the doctors lost interest in determining a diagnosis as new patients flooded in. By the third day, only one nurse looked after me.
In the evening, I talked with the nurse after dinner. I learned that she goes to my college, and she was here for her clinicals as a part of the nursing program. I cried, telling her I never thought I'd miss school. So many things I'd taken for granted. She looked at me sadly, and asked,
"What about sleeping? Don't you miss that?"
I shook my head.
"I can't. I get... nightmares."
She reassured me, "Hey, this time will be different, I promise."
The hair stood on the back of my neck as fear crept into my mind.
"What do you mean?"
"I gave you a little melatonin. It'll knock you right into deep sleep and help you relax, don't worry!" She smiled.
My face went white but I held onto a shaky smile. "Hey, thanks. Before you head out, would you mind grabbing my phone for me?"
So here I am. I can feel the sleep coming. I'm using speech-to-text, but I hope you all have been able to understand me. I just needed a place to put my story. I don't know who else will believe it.
To my family, I'm sorry for not telling you everything. I love you, Mom and Dad.
Are… I'm so sorry for dragging you into my stupid bet... I should've listened. It's all my fault. I'll... I'll see... you
submitted by revelda to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:01 ThrowAway7s2 “Strawberry shortcake part of June in ‘good old days’” from the June 9, 1977 Door County Advocate

“Strawberry shortcake part of June in ‘good old days’” from the June 9, 1977 Door County Advocate

Strawberry shortcake part of June in ‘good old days’

All of a sudden it’s June, and things are crowding in on us all at once — weddings, showers, graduations, gardening, vacations, summer sports and barbeques. But when I was growing up family barbeques were unheard of.
Sometimes we’d cook wieners or toast marshmallows over an open fire, but no one had an outdoor grill, at least not until about the thirties. Then, it was likely to be an outdoor fireplace in the back yard. Picnics usually started about Memorial Day and then there would be strawberry socials, ice-cream socials, Sunday School picnics and shortcakes. Shortcakes! How we looked forward to that!
We used to go out to Larkin’s to pick berries. You picked every other day; usually from 7 til 11 a.m., when the patch was all covered. For this job we were allowed to wear overalls since you crawled along between the straw-filled rows. You took the rows in turn, one on each side, but we were happiest when we got to pick on the “fertilizer” rows as they had the biggest berries.
Berries were usually ripened by the end of June — close to 4th of July — and then there was a wait before the cherries were ripe. Once in awhile, if it was very hot, we were permitted to go in swimming, in the afternoon and our modest bathing suits covered us well.
Mama always ordered a crate or two of berries and then it was a family project to sit out on the porch and hull them for canning or eating. No Certo then; the berries were cooked down, with equal amounts of sugar, and tested for jelling in a saucer.
We always hung around for tastes, and loved to watch the jeweled-colored jam being poured into the glasses, then covered with melted parafin. Mama canned some berries for sauce, too, and in our family we liked the sauce on our French toast.
Then, at least two meals a day during the season we had “berry dishes,” sugared, and with pour-cream — thick, yellow, and luscious. We hadn’t heard of cholesterol then, and didn’t worry about the richness. Mama’s shortcake was the baking powder biscuit kind; feather-light, and heaped with berries, and cream over the top. M-m-m-m!
I always thought Mama’s shortcake couldn’t be surpassed; that is, until I was married, and heard from Stanley how they had shortcake at home. And when I saw and tasted my mother-in-law’s shortcake I agreed-it WAS super. Hers was biscuit dough, too, but she made hers in the large sized cake pan, split the layers carefully, buttered them, piled berries and more berries on the first layer, topped that with the second layer turned cut-side up, so the juice would soak in; then more berries, and whipped cream.
Carried in on a huge blue platter, it was a sight to behold, and pure joy to eat. Once, when I entertained my circle out on the farm, Grandpa brought me a case of the huge berries from his patch on Strawberry Lane, and Grandma helped me serve shortcake to the group. Our own strawberry social.
At one time when we were growing up Mama thought it would be nice to raise bees. Papa had a sweet-tooth, and honey was always enjoyed. So she got a hive and learned how to handle the bees when they swarmed, and to get them in another hive. There were some old sayings — whether true or not, I can’t say, but we used to hear these jingles: “A swarm of bees in May is worth a load of hay. A swarm of bees in June is worth a silver spoon. A swarm of bees in July is not worth a fly.”
When the bees swarmed it was up to Mama — or someone — to dress in veiled hat, gloves, sleeves and overall legs tied close, and with a bellows-like gadget to smoke them and quiet the bees. But somehow it seemed that often when the bees swarmed Mama was at church and then Verna would don the bee-keeper’s garb, follow the swarm to tree, or wherever they flew, find the queen bee, and get her and the rest into the new hive. We stood by at a safe distance, wishing we were brave enough to do that.
June was a time for making chains with dandelion stems, or, holding a dandelion bloom under the chin, “to see if you like butter.” Time to lie on the grass and watch the clouds sail by. Then we used to see swarms of “Green Bay flies” everywhere — store windows plastered with them; the streets and sidewalks so covered they’d crunch under the cars or people’s feet. The real name, I guess, was May-flies, but for two or three weeks every summer you’d see folks picking them off the windows or street for fish bait. Mosquitoes had made their unwelcome appearance and we swatted and scratched. Spiders dropped down on us unawares, and we said they were bringing a message.
During the summer months we spent a good share of our mornings in the kitchen watching or helping Mama, as we took turns with upstairs or downstairs chores. One of the things that always fascinated me was her terms of measurement. When she was giving a “receipt” she’d say — a pinch of this, or a smidgeon of that — a scant, or a heaping tablespoon; butter, the size of an egg; a couple of shakes of flour — salt to taste — a pint of clabbered (sour) milk — a quart of flour — a little nutmeg — break two eggs in a cup and fill cup with sweet cream. Then, the tests — bake in an “afternoon” oven — (one that had been allowed to cool down after the heat used to prepare the noon meal.)
Cakes were tested with a broomstraw or toothpick; I used to watch Mama take a pan of yeast biscuits from the oven, separate a row, and with her finger, test to see if the dough would spring back from her finger. Then she’d dip a small piece of cloth in sugar water, brush it over the rolls for a lovely glazed top.
Squeaking was a test, too. Bread should turn out good if the dough squeaked when you kneaded it. Hair squeaked when it was really clean, while shampooing. We were always fascinated when Mama made boiled frosting to see the syrup spin a thread. When we made fudge we tested the candy to soft ball stage in a cup with a little cold water.
Some of the things we learned in Home Ec. we brought home to Mama. Most housewives made cream sauce, or cream gravy by mixing a little flour with water, stirring that into the milk, and adding butter — the size of a walnut. At school we were taught to cook butter and flour together, then add the milk, and stir till smooth. And we were taught the proper way to level off a spoon or cup of flour, and to be exact in measurements. Everything was made from scratch, so meals had to be started early enough.
When the garden was ready we might have peas or beans, or lettuce very day, since no one had freezers to take care of the surplus, and canning vegetables at home wasn’t advised, until about the thirties, when pressure cookers were on the market. But the fresh vegetables tasted so good we didn’t mind having them over and over. A favorite with green beans was what Mama called Slumgullion: beans, new potatoes and little onions cooked with a chunk of ham. We’d be sent down in the cellar to bring up a couple of eggs and a pitcher of milk, and Mama would stir up a cobbler, cottage pudding, or fruit-cup puddings in a hurry. It was almost as much fun to watch as to eat.
We hadn’t heard of vitamins but seemed to get them in our diet somehow. And we were open to the new methods as they came along. Our families discussed the merits of creamery or dairy butter. You bought bananas by the dozen, not the pound; we didn’t have hamburgers, but meat balls. I was so fond of those that Mama said she’d get extra meat so I could eat all I wanted, and it was almost a year before I could eat meat balls again.
And I remember a birthday party I went to when I was eight or nine, all dressed up in my checked linen dress, wearing white stockings and my patent leather slippers. We had homemade ice cream, and what was supposed to be a patriotic birthday cake, only it turned out to be a red, white and green cake. I heard the women discussing it, saying the egg yolk must have turned the blue sugar-coloring green. But it was a delicious, fluffy cake, with piled high frosting, and nine pink candles on top, even though the colors weren’t those of our flag.
When I tried to relate my good time at the party it seemed as if the other girls always broke in with some of their news. Finally, disgusted, I said, “Mama, make them stop butting out” and how they laughed at me. But I can recall debating whether it was “butt in” or “butt out.”
Mama’s forgetmenots and ferns grew thick around the north side of the house, and I’d sit on the outside basement steps and ponder why I always said the wrong thing. Mama didn’t allow any fighting and she always told us, “Never let the sun go down on a quarrel.” One day when I'd been over at Genevieve Jacobs’ all afternoon she wanted me to stay for supper. I was spunky. I said, “You never come and stay with me.” I flounced out of the house and down the street toward home. But I was facing into the sunset and Mama's rule haunted me. So I turned back and how they all laughed at me.
June is the month for Father’s Day. We hadn’t heard of Father’s Day when I was in school. So Papa didn’t get any special notice, but he was always special to us. A quiet, serious man with an unexpected spot of humor, but the precepts he taught us were the rules be lived by; security in the love of family; honest at all times; friendliness to everyone. “You can always be nice to people.”
He never promised us anything for doing a chore, but I can still hear him say, “Well, now, I think a little girl deserves something for doing such a good job on that lawn.” I loved to listen to the stories he made up about “Mamie-go-wan, in the North Woods.” But best of all, he was a FRIEND, and we were proud to call him Papa. And weren’t we lucky?
Courtesy of the Door County Library Newspaper Archive

Articles by Grace Samuelson
Articles relating to summer
submitted by ThrowAway7s2 to DoorCountyALT [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 03:09 PrincipleOfNegation A Touch Of Darkness: the aftermath.

I grocery shop as normal. I peruse the fruits aisle for oranges. I quite like oranges, though they're incredibly out of season now: the white blooms of the trees have died, and they'll only turn into fruit in around September, or October around here. The heat doesn't affect the leaves - though it kills everything else. They're expensive, too. August will come soon, and every produce in the store will look dead with the heat. The air conditioner can't keep up with summer, noon's sun or water shortages. Everything will look dead soon. Dead and expensive.
Dead and expensive. I chuckle, putting a bag of oranges back in its place. To my left, pomegranates - terribly out of season too. My life has been unmistakenly affected by this book, my outlook, my moral code, my very being affected by it. I seem unchanged, outside. Inside, however... Who am I? I barely recognize myself. Who have I become, after reading a rich dom daddy x teensy weensy lil uwu virgin girlboss erotica? How can these people pass by me, not knowing I have been unmade, altered, destroyed and made anew! I am dead, and living is expensive.
I remember that in Touch of Darkness, by Scarlett St. Clair, the goddess Persephone spends the great part of the book unable to access her goddessy-y powers - everything she touches is doomed to die. She considers getting gloves to prevent from this.
Are thus gloves not more worthy of offerings, respect and admiration, for a simple article of clothing can stop such divine prowess?
I go to the milk aisle. It is also expensive. I find myself bored - bored and thinking how in Touch of Darkness, a book so adamantly sincere in its quest to be about female empowerment, both moments are triggered by -
Hold on, let me check my grocery list.
CREAM (lots)
I lose my desire to bake. I move on to the next aisle. I pass through the meat section so you won't have to hear a bottom of the barrel joke about meat and erotica. I pass by the fish section silently so I am not called upon on comparing its stink to the lowkey misogyny in this book.
Cans aisle. I grab beans. What beauty there is in canned foods. Easily made, simple, processed beyond imagination, to the point there's nary a flavor. But cheap, easily acessible. Much like the prose in this book.
I remember that one quote of the book that gave me such a headache I had to go and purchase tylenol. "Persephone took a coffee to go and then headed to the Library of Artemis. There were several beautiful reading rooms named after the Nine Greek Muses. Persephone liked all of them, but she had always been drawn to the Melponeme Room, which she entered now. Persephone wasn't sure why it was named after the Muse of Tragedy, except that a statue of the goddess stood at the center of the oval room."
I put the beans back in the shelf.
I look around. Everyone is buying stuff. Why can't I bring myself to buy too? Am I missing out on the fun? Do I just not get it? Do I need toilet paper? Do I really sh*t that much?
I buy merely one thing before I leave. I ring it up on self checkout. I cannot wait to leave.
The mosquito spray will surely work in killing what's been bugging me. Thus, I end my grocery shopping, and this review. My words are the medicated spray that will keep the Thought BugsTM away from me.
To whom I reccomend this book:
I actually say this with no hate in my heart and genuinely hoping someone might get this book and actually enjoy it, but I reccomend this book to people who are ok with safe and predictable plots, clichés and characters who are very clearly trying to fulfill a fantasy or role. If you don't like thinking about a book very much (and sometimes we need something like that) and are satisfied with Just Ok sex scenes, this might be for you.
(With some hate in my heart, I reccomend this book to people who love hate-reading.)
Personally, 0 out of 10. I am never picking up a work by this author ever again. I have learned my lesson. I have persevered the fires of Hell itself, but I have come out singed. I have, as I intended, been vaccinated against Bad BooksTM, but I have also learned an important lesson: trust your gut feeling and never ever ever EVER leave your comfort zone. Change is scary, but most importantly, it can be boring and dissapointing and even slightly rage inducing.
TL;DR: Booktok erotica book sacrifices everything (prose, story, pacing, style, theme, character development, charisma, uniqueness, nerve, talent) for smut, and even the "spice" scenes are as pleasant and tasteful as water mixed with flour drank whilst one has Covid (or whatever other condition that causes loss of taste, idk).
PS: Do not take my review seriously, I think you can see I am a deeply unserious person. I am a silly and whimsical hater but a passing conglomerate of words in the World Wide Web and shall cease to be of importance in three or so words.
submitted by PrincipleOfNegation to books [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:03 DominoDaddy2 90's Tourism poster of Kennedy Space Center FitS

90's Tourism poster of Kennedy Space Center FitS submitted by DominoDaddy2 to imaginarymaps [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:10 OldskateDad Did a post yesterday and someone asked me to upload my tank so i dod all my aquatic animals. Description has details. I swear everyone came out for a photo today

Did a post yesterday and someone asked me to upload my tank so i dod all my aquatic animals. Description has details. I swear everyone came out for a photo today
Fist is the 24 gallon I keep it between 75-78 because the habbiltal range of the fish i have. It has a twin tail half moon betta, lil jerry A bulldog or rubber lip pleco, ping And 6 medeka. Oh and snails of course. There is also some rams horn red saber spider plants red root floaters and abunch of plant si forgot still need some baby tears for carpet and gonna add some fresh water clams im trying to breed as food in all my tanks. Oh also i move the light through the day so its liek a sun cycle i noticed it makes the plants grow taller and some dont like the direct light too long.
The next one is i jsut threw together with spare material and animals that i want to dreed. Its a 10 gallon and it has some shrimp and mosquito fish. I really love how you cna see their insides. I cuaght these wildly in a canal that was drying up by my house. Oh this is also the only tank i dont let snails in.
The next is my 1.5 gallon snail breading tank i mostly have our local blader snails but i have found a few mystery snails that i think hitch hiked on some of my plants. My blader snails grow twice as big as the ones i sorced them from. I use them as clean up crew and a food sorce for my crawdad with the ander i just get them out when they breed too much and transfer them to where i need them or sometimes i rerelease babies. The blader snails are also local and are currently being out competed by the invasive apple river snail. So when they get too much i go release the extra and try to smash any river snails i see, even though its heart breaking, trying to give them an advantage in the species war.
And finally my 14 gallon crawfish tank hold big tex. Idk why but is water was cloud today but i been raising the level and i think its that gonna give it a while and see. Hes got a banana right now and a bunch of snails.
I also have a 14g isopod enclosure i didnt post because its not an aquarium but i felt like i should metion i think it and my ant farm are in the back of a few of these. Im the guy who was gonna impulse buy the goldfish but decided to dig a pond thats my next project that or id like to get whatever job rob snider had in that movie. Either way i love fish. I love that i can just turn down the human lights and its like a road side seaworld where i look
submitted by OldskateDad to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 22:08 daveishere7 Have any of you noticed with having candida, that bugs gravitate towards you a lot more?

This is something I started noticing years ago before I really broke my problem down to candida. I'd notice back then when my diet wasn't restricted, so I was eating a lot of candida building foods. That bugs would always annoy and attach themselves to me, especially fruit flies or fungus flies.
Like over the years I've of course got better at the diet and being more discipline. But there was a point where I'd be at the store and in wondering why is this fly only coming at me. Or I'll get home and I'd think it's only more flies because it's summertime. But when it was happening in the winter too, I knew something else was up.
Regular house flies in general are attracted to about everything but a lot of foul odors. Fungus flies they are attracted to fruit and fungus. So you might see them appear if you have ripe bananas. But if you see them gathering you more, or even mosquitos it's because the candida odor either in your mouth or body is bringing them in. I noticed for the past year or so I've had things under control and don't rarely see them. But every now and then they still pop up. Just thought I'd bring this unique topic up because I've never seen it talked about before.
submitted by daveishere7 to Candida [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 06:30 EmbarrassedAd575 what is your favorite animal?

Mine is Aardvark Aardwolf Abyssinian Abyssinian Guinea Pig Acadian Flycatcher Achrioptera Manga Ackie Monitor Addax Adélie Penguin Admiral Butterfly Aesculapian Snake Affenpinscher Afghan Hound African Bullfrog African Bush Elephant African Civet African Clawed Frog African Fish Eagle African Forest Elephant African Golden Cat African Grey Parrot African Jacana African Palm Civet African Penguin African Sugarcane Borer African Tree Toad African Wild Dog Africanized bee (killer bee) Agama Lizard Agkistrodon Contortrix Agouti Aidi Ainu Airedale Terrier Airedoodle Akbash Akita Akita Shepherd Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd) Alaskan Husky Alaskan Klee Kai Alaskan Malamute Alaskan Pollock Alaskan Shepherd Albacore Tuna Albatross Albertonectes Albino (Amelanistic) Corn Snake Aldabra Giant Tortoise Alligator Gar Allosaurus Allosaurus Alpaca Alpine Dachsbracke Alpine Goat Alusky Amano Shrimp Amargasaurus Amazon Parrot Amazon River Dolphin (Pink Dolphin) Amazon Tree Boa Amazonian Royal Flycatcher Amberjack Ambrosia Beetle American Alligator American Alsatian American Bulldog American Bully American Cocker Spaniel American Cockroach American Coonhound American Dog Tick American Eel American Eskimo Dog American Foxhound American Hairless Terrier American Leopard Hound American Paddlefish American Pit Bull Terrier American Pugabull American Pygmy Goat American Robin American Staffordshire Terrier American Toad American Water Spaniel American Wirehair Amethystine Python (Scrub Python) Amphicoelias Fragillimus Amur Leopard Anaconda Anatolian Shepherd Dog Anchovies Andrewsarchus Angelfish Angelshark Angled Sunbeam Caterpillar Anglerfish Angora Ferret Angora Goat Anhinga Anna’s Hummingbird Anole Lizard Anomalocaris Ant Antarctic Scale Worm Anteater Antelope Anteosaurus Antiguan Racer Snake Ape Apennine Wolf Appenzeller Dog Apple Head Chihuahua Apple Moth Arabian Cobra Arabian Wolf Arafura File Snake Arambourgiania Arapaima Archaeoindris Archaeopteryx Archaeotherium Archelon Turtle Archerfish Arctic Char Arctic Fox Arctic Hare Arctic Wolf Arctodus Arctotherium Argentavis Magnificens Argentine Black and White Tegu Argentine Horned Frog Argentinosaurus Arizona Bark Scorpion Arizona Black Rattlesnake Arizona Blonde Tarantula Arizona Coral Snake Armadillo Armadillo Lizard Armenian Gampr Armored Catfish Armyworm Arsinoitherium Arthropleura Aruba Rattlesnake Ashy Mining Bee Asian Arowana Asian Carp Asian Cockroach Asian Elephant Asian Giant Hornet Asian Lady Beetle Asian Longhorn Beetle Asian Palm Civet Asian Vine Snake Asian Water Monitor Asiatic Black Bear Asp Asp Caterpillar Assassin Bug Assassin Snail Atlantic Cod Atlantic Salmon Atlantic Sturgeon Atlas Beetle Atlas Moth Aurochs Aussiedoodle Aussiedor Aussiepom Australian Bulldog Australian Cattle Dog Australian Cockroach Australian Firehawk Australian Flathead Perch Australian Gecko Australian Kelpie Dog Australian Labradoodle Australian Mist Australian Retriever Australian Shepherd Australian Shepherd Mix Australian Terrier Australopithecus Australorp Chicken Avocet Axanthic Ball Python Axolotl Ayam Cemani Aye-aye Azawakh
Babirusa Baboon Bactrian Camel Badger Bagle – Basset Hound Mix Bagworm Moth Bagworm Moth Caterpillar Baird’s Rat Snake Bald Eagle Baleen Whale Balinese Balkan Lynx Ball Python Bamboo Shark Bamboo Worms Banana Ball Python Banana Cinnamon Ball Python Banana Eel Banana Spider Banded Krait Banded Palm Civet Banded Water Snake Bandicoot Banjo Catfish Barb Barbet Barbut’s Cuckoo Bumblebee Barinasuchus Bark Beetle Bark Scorpion Barn Owl Barn Spider Barn Swallow Barnacle Barnevelder Barosaurus Barracuda Barramundi Fish Barred Owl Barreleye Fish (Barrel Eye) Barylambda Basenji Dog Basenji Mix Basilisk Lizard Basilosaurus Basking Shark Bass Bassador Basset Fauve de Bretagne Basset Hound Bassetoodle Bat Bat-Eared Fox Batfish Bavarian Mountain Hound Baya Bea-Tzu Beabull Beagador Beagle Beagle Mix Beagle Shepherd Beaglier Beago Bear Bearded Collie Bearded Dragon Bearded Fireworm Bearded Vulture Beaski Beauceron Beauty rat snake Beaver Bed Bugs Bedlington Terrier Bee Bee-Eater Beefalo Beetle Beewolf wasp Belgian Canary Belgian Laekenois Belgian Malinois Belgian Malinois Mix Belgian Sheepdog Belgian Shepherd Belgian Tervuren Belted Kingfisher Beluga Sturgeon Beluga Sturgeon Bengal Tiger Bergamasco Berger Blanc Suisse Berger Picard Bernedoodle Bernese Mountain Dog Bernese Mountain Dog Mix Bernese Shepherd Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish) Bhutan Takin Bichir Bichon Frise Bichpoo Biewer Terrier Bigfin Reef Squid Bighorn Sheep Bilby Binturong Bird Bird Of Paradise Bird Snake Birman Biscuit Beetle Bismarck Ringed Python Bison Black And Tan Coonhound Black and White Warbler Black Aphids Black Bass Black Crappie Black Dragon Lizard Black German Shepherd Black Mamba Black Marlin Black Mouth Cur Black Pastel Ball Python Black Rat Snake Black Rhinoceros Black Russian Terrier Black Sea Bass Black Swallowtail Black Swallowtail Caterpillar Black Tarantula Black Throat Monitor Black Wasp Black Widow Spider Black Witch Moth Black-Bellied Whistling Duck Black-Capped Chickadee Black-Footed Ferret Black-headed python Black-Tailed Rattlesnake Blackburnian Warbler Blackfin Tuna Blacknose Shark Blackpoll Warbler Blacktip Reef Shark Blacktip Shark Bladefin Basslet Blanket Octopus Blind Snake Blister Beetle Blister Beetle Blobfish Blood Python Bloodhound Blowfly Blue Andalusian Blue Belly Lizard Blue Catfish Blue Death Feigning Beetle Blue Dragon Sea Slug Blue Eyed Pleco Blue German Shepherd Blue Gray Gnatcatcher Blue grosbeak Blue Iguana Blue Jay Blue Lacy Dog Blue Nose Pit Bull Blue Picardy Spaniel Blue Racer Blue Shark Blue Tanager (Blue-Grey Tanager) Blue Tang Blue Tit Blue Whale Blue-Ringed Octopus Bluefin Tuna Bluefish Bluegill Bluetick Coonhound Boas Bobcat Bobolink Boelen’s python Boer Goat Boerboel Boggle Boglen Terrier Boiga Bolivian Anaconda Bolognese Dog Bombardier Beetle Bombay Bonefish Bongo Bonito Fish Bonnethead Shark Bonobo Booby Boomslang Booted Bantam Borador Border Collie Border Collie Mix Border Terrier Bordoodle Borkie Bornean Orangutan Borneo Elephant Boskimo Boston Terrier Bottlenose Dolphin Bouvier Des Flandres Bowfin Bowhead Whale Box Jellyfish Box Tree Moth Box Turtle Box-Headed Blood Bee Boxachi Boxador Boxer Dog Boxer Mix Boxerdoodle Boxfish Boxsky Boxweiler Boykin Spaniel Bracco Italiano Brachiosaurus Brahma Chicken Brahminy Blindsnake Braque du Bourbonnais Braque Francais Brazilian Black Tarantula Brazilian Terrier Brazilian Treehopper Bredl’s Python Briard British Timber Brittany Brontosaurus Bronze Whaler Shark Bronze-winged Jacana Brook Trout Brookesia Micra Brown Bear Brown Dog Tick Brown Headed Cowbird Brown Hyena Brown Snake Brown Tree Snake Brown Water Snake Brown-banded Cockroach Brug Brussels Griffon Budgerigar Buff Orpington Chicken Buffalo Buffalo Fish Bull and Terrier Bull Shark Bull Terrier Bull Trout Bullboxer Bulldog Bulldog Mix Bullfrog Bullmastiff Bullsnake Bumblebee Burmese Burmese Python Burrowing Frog Burrowing Owl Bush Baby Bush Viper Bushmaster Snake Butterfly Butterfly Fish
Cabbage Moth Cactus Moth Cactus Mouse Cactus Wren Caecilian Caiman Caiman Lizard Cairn Terrier California Condor California Kingsnake California Tarantula Camel Camel Cricket Camel Spider Campine Chicken Canaan Dog Canada Lynx Canada Warbler Canadian Eskimo Dog Canadian Horse Cane Corso Cane Rat Cane Spider Cantil Canvasback Cape Lion Capuchin Capybara Caracal Cardinal Caribbean Reef Shark Caribou Carolina Dog Carolina Parakeet Carp Carpenter Ant Carpet Beetle Carpet Python Carpet Viper Carrion Beetle Cascabel Cashmere Goat Cassowary Cat Cat Snake Cat-Eyed Snake Cat-Faced Spider Catahoula Bulldog Catahoula Leopard Catalan Sheepdog Caterpillar Catfish Caucasian Mountain Dog (Shepherd) Caucasian Shepherd Cava Tzu Cavador Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Cavapoo Cave Bear Cave Lion Cecropia Moth Cedar Waxwing Centipede Central Ranges Taipan Cephalaspis Ceratopsian Ceratosaurus Cervalces latifrons (Broad-Fronted Moose) Cesky Fousek Cesky Terrier Chain Pickerel Chameleon Chamois Chartreux Cheagle Checkered Garter Snake Cheetah Chesapeake Bay Retriever Chestnut-Sided Warbler Chi Chi Chickadee Chicken Chicken Snake Chigger Chihuahua Chihuahua Mix Children’s python Chilean Recluse Spider Chilean Rose Tarantula Chilesaurus Chimaera Chimpanzee Chinchilla Chinese Alligator Chinese Cobra Chinese Crested Dog Chinese Geese Chinese Paddlefish Chinese Shar-Pei Chinese Water Deer Chinook Chinook Salmon Chinstrap Penguin Chipit Chipmunk Chipoo Chipping Sparrow Chiton Chiweenie Chorkie Chow Chow Chow Pom Chow Shepherd Christmas Beetle Christmas Island Red Crab Chromodoris Willani Chusky Cicada Cichlid Cinereous Vulture Cinnamon Ball Python Cinnamon Bear Cinnamon Ferret Clark’s Grebe Clearnose Skate Click Beetle Clock Spider Clothes Moth Clouded Leopard Clownfish Clumber Spaniel Coachwhip Snake Coastal Carpet Python Coastal Taipan Coati Cobalt Blue Tarantula Cobia Fish Cobras Cochin Chicken Cockalier Cockapoo Cockatiel Cockatoo Cocker Spaniel Cockle Cockroach Coconut Crab Codfish Codling Moth Coelacanth Collared Peccary Collett’s Snake Collie Collie Mix Colossal Squid Comb Jellyfish Comb-crested Jacana Comet Moth Comfort Retriever Common Buzzard Common Carp Common European Adder Common Frog Common Furniture Beetle Common Goldeneye Common Grackle Common Green Magpie Common House Spider Common Loon Common Raven Common Spotted Cuscus Common Toad Common Yellowthroat Compsognathus Cone Snail Conger Eel Congo Snake Conure Cookiecutter Shark Cooper’s Hawk Copperhead Coral Coral Snake Corella Corgidor Corgipoo Corkie Corman Shepherd Cormorant Corn Earworm Corn Rex Cat (Cornish Rex) Corn Snake Cory Catfish Coryphodon Costa’s Hummingbird Coton de Tulear Cotton-top Tamarin Cottonmouth Coues Deer Cougar Cow Cow Reticulated Python Coyote Crab Crab Spider Crab-Eating Fox Crab-Eating Macaque Crabeater Seal Crane Crappie Fish Crayfish Crested Gecko Crested Penguin Cricket Croatian Sheepdog Crocodile Crocodile Monitor Crocodile Shark Crocodylomorph Cross Fox Cross River Gorilla Crow Crucian Carp Cryolophosaurus Cuban Boa Cuban Cockroach Cubera Snapper Cuckoo Cucumber Beetle Curly Coated Retriever Curly Hair Tarantula Cuttlefish Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
Dachsador Dachshund Dachshund Mix Daeodon Dalmadoodle Dalmador Dalmatian Dalmatian Mix Damselfish Dandie Dinmont Terrier Daniff Danios Danish Swedish Farmdog Dapple Dachshund Dark-Eyed Junco Dark-Eyed Junco Darkling Beetle Darwin’s fox Darwin’s Frog Daug De Brazza’s Monkey De Kay’s Brown Snake Death Adder Death’s Head Cockroach Deathwatch Beetle Decorator Crab Deer Deer Head Chihuahua Deer Mouse Deer Tick Deinocheirus Deinosuchus Desert Ghost Ball Python Desert Kingsnake Desert Locust Desert Rain Frog Desert Tortoise Desert Wolf Desmostylus Deutsche Bracke Devil’s Coach Horse Beetle Devon Rex Dhole Diamond Python Diamondback Moth Dickcissel Dickinsonia Dik-Dik Dilophosaurus Dimetrodon Diminutive Woodrat Dingo Dinocrocuta Dinofelis Dinopithecus Dinosaur Shrimp Dinosaurs Diplodocus Diprotodon Dire Wolf Disco Clam Discus Diving Bell Spider (Water Spider) Diving Duck Doberman Pinscher Dobsonfly Dodo Doedicurus Dog Dog Tick Dogo Argentino Dogue De Bordeaux Dolphin Donkey Dorgi Dorkie Dorking Chicken Dormouse Double Doodle Douc Downy Woodpecker Doxiepoo Doxle Draco Volans Lizard Dragon Eel Dragon Snake (Javan Tubercle Snake, Javan Mudsnake) Dragonfish Dragonfly Dreadnoughtus Drever Dried Fruit Moth Dromornis stirtoni Drum Fish Dubia Cockroach Duck Dugong Dumeril’s Boa Dung Beetle Dungeness Crab Dunker Dunkleosteus Dunnock Dusky Dolphin Dusky Shark Dutch Rabbit Dutch Shepherd Dwarf Boa Dwarf Crocodile Dwarf Gourami Dwarf Hamster
Eagle Eagle Ray Eared Grebe Earless Monitor Lizard Earthworm Earwig East Siberian Laika Eastern Barred Bandicoot Eastern Bluebird Eastern Box Turtle Eastern Brown Snake Eastern Chipmunk Eastern Coral Snake Eastern Cottontail Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Eastern Dobsonfly Eastern Fence Lizard Eastern Glass Lizard Eastern Gorilla Eastern Gray Squirrel Eastern Green Mamba Eastern Hognose Snake Eastern Indigo Snake Eastern Kingbird Eastern Lowland Gorilla Eastern Meadowlark Eastern Phoebe Eastern Racer Eastern Rat Snake Eastern Tiger Snake Eastern Turkey (Wild Turkey) Eastern Woodrat Echidna Eclectus Parrot Edible Frog Eel Eel catfish Eelpout Egret Egyptian Cobra (Egyptian Asp) Egyptian Goose Egyptian Mau Egyptian Tortoise Egyptian Vulture Eider Eland Elasmosaurus Elasmotherium Electric Catfish Electric Eel Elegant Tern Elephant Elephant Beetle Elephant Bird Elephant Fish Elephant Seal Elephant Shrew Elf Owl Elk Ember Tetra Embolotherium Emerald Toucanet Emerald Tree Boa Emerald Tree Monitor Emperor Angelfish Emperor Goose Emperor Penguin Emperor Tamarin Emu Enchi Ball Python English Bulldog English Cocker Spaniel English Cream Golden Retriever English Crested Guinea Pig English Foxhound English Longhorn Cattle English Pointer English Setter English Shepherd English Springer Spaniel English Toy Terrier Entlebucher Mountain Dog Epagneul Pont Audemer Epicyon haydeni Epidexipteryx Equatorial Spitting Cobra Equus giganteus Ermine Eryops Escolar Eskimo Dog Eskipoo Estrela Mountain Dog Euoplocephalus Eurasian Beaver Eurasian Bullfinch Eurasian Collared Dove Eurasian Eagle-owl Eurasian Jay Eurasian Lynx Eurasian Nuthatch Eurasian Sparrowhawk Eurasian Wolf Eurasier European Bee-Eater European Corn Borer European Goldfinch European Polecat European Robin European Starling European Wildcat Eurypterus Evening Bat Evening Grosbeak Executioner Wasp Eyelash Viper
Fainting Goat Fairy-Wren Falcon Fallow deer False Cobra False coral snake False Killer Whale False Water Cobra False Widow Spider Fancy Mouse Fangtooth Feather Star Feist Fennec Fox Fer-de-lance Snake Ferret Ferruginous Hawk Fiddler Crab Field Cuckoo Bumblebee Field Spaniel Fierce Snake Figeater Beetle Fila Brasileiro Fin Whale Finch Finnish Lapphund Finnish Spitz Fire Ball Python Fire Eel Fire Salamander Fire-Bellied Toad Firefly Firefly Ball Python Fish Fisher Fishing Cat Fishing Spiders Flamingo Flat-Coated Retriever Flathead Catfish Flea Flea Beetle Fleckvieh Cattle Florida Gar Florida Mouse Florida Panther Florida Woods Cockroach Flounder Flounder Fish Flour Beetle Flowerhorn Fish Fluke Fish (summer flounder) Fly Flycatcher Flying Fish Flying Lemur Flying Snake Flying Squirrel Football Fish Forest Cobra Forest Cuckoo Bumblebee Formosan Mountain Dog Fossa Fox Fox Snakes Fox Squirrel Fox Terrier Freeway Ball Python French Bulldog French Bulldog Mix French Lop Frenchton Frengle Freshwater Crocodile Freshwater Drum Freshwater Eel Freshwater Jellyfish Freshwater Sunfish Frigatebird Frilled Lizard Frilled Shark Fritillary Butterfly Frizzle Chicken Frog Frogfish Frug Fruit Bat Fruit Fly Fulvous Whistling Duck Fur Seal Furrow Bee
Gaboon Viper Gadwall Galapagos Penguin Galapagos Shark Galapagos Tortoise Gar Garden Eel Garden Spider Gargoyle Gecko Garter Snake Gastornis Gazelle Gecko Genet Gentoo Penguin Geoffroys Tamarin Gerberian Shepsky Gerbil German Cockroach German Longhaired Pointer German Pinscher German Shepherd Guide German Shepherd Mix German Sheppit German Sheprador German Shorthaired Pointer German Spitz German Wirehaired Pointer Gharial Ghost Catfish Ghost Crab Giant African Land Snail Giant Armadillo Giant Beaver Giant Clam Giant Desert Centipede Giant Golden Mole Giant House Spider Giant Isopod Giant Leopard Moth Giant Panda Bear Giant Salamander Giant Schnauzer Giant Schnoodle Giant Siphonophore Giant Trevally Giant Weta Giant Wood Moth Gibbon Gigantopithecus Gila Monster Giraffe Glass Frog Glass Lizard Glechon Glen Of Imaal Terrier Glowworm Gnat Goat Goberian Goblin Shark Goby Fish Goldador Goldcrest Golden Dox Golden Eagle Golden Irish Golden Jackal Golden Lancehead Golden Lion Tamarin Golden Masked Owl Golden Mole Golden Newfie Golden Oriole Golden Pyrenees Golden Retriever Golden Retriever Mix Golden Saint Golden Shepherd Golden Shiner Golden Tortoise Beetle Golden Trout Golden-Crowned Flying Fox Golden-Crowned Kinglet Goldendoodle Goldfish Goliath Beetle Goliath Frog Goliath Grouper Goliath Tigerfish Gollie Gomphotherium Goonch Catfish Goose Gooty Sapphire Tarantula Gopher Gopher Snake Gopher Tortoise Goral Gordon Setter Gorgosaurus Gorilla Goshawk Gouldian Finch Gourami Grapevine Beetle Grass Carp Grass Snake Grass Spider Grasshopper Grasshopper Mouse Gray Catbird Gray Fox Gray Tree Frog Great Blue Heron Great Crested Flycatcher Great Dane Great Dane Mix Great Danoodle Great Egret Great Hammerhead Shark Great Kiskadee Great Plains Rat Snake Great Potoo Bird Great Pyrenees Great Pyrenees Mix Great White Shark Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Grebe Green Anaconda Green Anole Green Aphids Green Bee-Eater Green Bottle Blue Tarantula Green Frog Green Heron Green June Beetle Green Mamba Green Rat Snake Green Snake Green Sunfish Green Tree Frog Green Tree Python Greenland Dog Greenland Shark Grey Heron Grey Mouse Lemur Grey Reef Shark Grey Seal Greyhound Griffon Vulture Griffonshire Grizzly Bear Groenendael Ground Snake Ground Squirrel Groundhog (Woodchuck) Groundhog Tick Grouper Grouse Grunion Guadalupe Bass Guinea Fowl Guinea Pig Gulper Catfish Gulper Eel Guppy Gypsy Cuckoo Bumblebee Gypsy Moth Gypsy Moth Caterpillar
Haast’s Eagle Habu Snake Haddock Hagfish Haikouichthys Hainosaurus Hairy Frogfish Hairy Woodpecker Hairy-footed Flower Bee Halibut Hallucigenia Hamburg Chicken Hammerhead Shark Hammerhead Worm Hammond’s flycatcher Hamster Harbor Porpoise Harbor Seal Hardhead Catfish Hare Harlequin Coral Snake Harlequin Rabbit Harp Seal Harpy Eagle Harrier Harris’s Hawk Hartebeest Hatzegopteryx Havamalt Havanese Havapoo Havashire Havashu Hawaiian Crow Hawaiian Goose (Nene) Hawaiian Monk Seal Hawk Hawk Moth Caterpillar Hedgehog Helicoprion Hellbender Hepatic Tanager (Red Tanager) Hercules Beetle Hercules Moth Hermit Crab Heron Herrerasaurus Herring Herring Gull Highland Cattle Himalayan Hippopotamus Hippopotamus gorgops Hoary Bat Hobo Spider Hogfish Hognose snake Hokkaido Holy Cross Frog Honduran White Bat Honey Badger Honey Bee Honey Buzzard Hooded Oriole Hooded Seal Hook-Nosed Sea Snake Hoopoe Horgi Horn Shark Hornbill Horned Adder Horned Beetle Horned Grebe Horned Lizard Horned Viper Hornet Horse Horse Mackerel Horsefly Horseshoe Crab Houdan Chicken House Finch House Sparrow (English Sparrow) House wren Housefly Hovasaurus Hovawart Howler Monkey Human Humboldt Penguin Humboldt Squid Hummingbird Hummingbird Hawk-Moth Humpback Whale Huntaway Huntsman Spider Huskador Huskita Husky Husky Jack Huskydoodle Hyacinth Macaw Hyaenodon Hyena
Ibex Ibis Ibizan Hound Icadyptes Icelandic Sheepdog Ichthyosaurus Ichthyostega Iguana Iguanodon IMG Boa Constrictor Immortal Jellyfish Impala Imperial Moth Inchworm Indian Cobra Indian Elephant Indian Giant Squirrel Indian Palm Squirrel Indian python Indian Rhinoceros Indian Star Tortoise Indianmeal Moth Indigo Snake Indochinese Tiger Indri Inland Taipan Insect Insects Io Moth Irish Doodle Irish Elk Irish Setter Irish Terrier Irish Water Spaniel Irish WolfHound Irukandji Jellyfish Italian Greyhound Ivory-billed woodpecker Ivy Bee
Jabiru Jacana Jack Crevalle Jack Russells Jack-Chi Jackabee Jackal Jackdaw Jackrabbit Jackson’s Chameleon Jagdterrier Jaguar Jaguarundi Cat Jamaican Boa Jamaican Iguana Japanese Bantam Chicken Japanese Beetle Japanese Chin Japanese Macaque Japanese rat snake Japanese Spitz Japanese Squirrel Japanese Terrier Javan Leopard Javan Rhinoceros Javanese Jellyfish Jerboa Jewel Beetle John Dory Jonah Crab Joro Spider Josephoartigasia monesi Jumping Spider Jungle Carpet Python Junglefowl
Kagu Kai Ken Kakapo Kaluga Sturgeon Kamehameha Butterfly Kangal Shepherd Dog Kangaroo Kangaroo Mouse Kangaroo Rat Katydid Kaua’i ‘Ō‘ō Kea Keagle Keel-Billed Toucan Keelback Keeshond Kelp Greenling Kentucky Warbler Kenyan Sand Boa Kermode Bear (Spirit Bear) Kerry Blue Terrier Kestrel Keta Salmon Key Deer Keyhole Cichlid Khao Manee Khapra Beetle Kiang Kiko Goat Killdeer Killer Clown Ball Python Killer Whale Killifish Kinabalu Giant Red Leech Kinder Goat King Cobra King Crab King Eider King Mackerel King Penguin King Quail King Rat Snake King Salmon King Shepherd King Snake King Vulture Kingfisher Kingklip Kinkajou Kirtland’s Snake Kishu Kissing Bugs Kissing Gourami Kit Fox Kitefin Shark Kiwi Klipspringer Knifefish Knight Anole Koala Kodiak Bear Kodkod Koi Fish Kokanee Salmon Komodo Dragon Komondor Kooikerhondje Koolie Korean Jindo Kori Bustard Kouprey Kowari Krait Krill Kudu Kudzu Bug Kuvasz
Labahoula Labmaraner Labout’s Fairy Wrasse Labrabull Labradane Labradoodle Labrador Retriever Labraheeler Labrottie Lace Bug Lace Monitor Ladybug Ladyfish Lagotto Romagnolo Lake Sturgeon Lake Trout Lakeland Terrier LaMancha Goat Lamprey Lancashire Heeler Lancetfish Landseer Newfoundland Lappet-faced Vulture Lapponian Herder Larder Beetle Large Munsterlander Largemouth Bass Laughing Kookaburra Lavender Albino Ball Python Lawnmower Blenny Lazarus Lizard Leaf-Tailed Gecko Leafcutter Ant Leafcutter Bee Least Flycatcher Leatherback Sea Turtle Leech Leedsichthys Leghorn Chicken Leichhardt’s Grasshopper Lemming Lemon Blast Ball Python Lemon Cuckoo Bumblebee Lemon Shark Lemur Leonberger Leopard Leopard Cat Leopard Frog Leopard Gecko Leopard Lizard Leopard Seal Leopard Shark Leopard Tortoise Leptocephalus Lesser Jacana Lesser Scaup Lhasa Apso Lhasapoo Liger Limpet Lineback Cattle Linnet Lion Lion’s Mane Jellyfish Lionfish Liopleurodon Liopleurodon Lipstick Albino Boa Little Brown Bat Little Penguin Livyatan Lizard Lizardfish Llama Loach Lobster Locust Loggerhead Shrike Lone Star Tick Long-Eared Owl Long-Haired Rottweiler Long-Tailed Tit Long-Winged Kite Spider Longfin Mako Shark Longnose Gar Lorikeet Loris Lowchen Lumpfish Luna Moth Luna Moth Caterpillar Lungfish Lurcher Lykoi Cat Lynx Lyrebird Lystrosaurus
Macaque Macaroni Penguin Macaw MacGillivray’s Warbler Machaeroides Mackenzie Valley Wolf Macrauchenia Madagascar Hissing Cockroach Madagascar Jacana Madagascar Tree Boa Madora Moth Magellanic Penguin Maggot Magnolia Warbler Magpie Magyarosaurus Mahi Mahi (Dolphin Fish) Maiasaura Maine Coon Mal Shi Malayan Civet Malayan Krait Malayan Tiger Malchi Mallard Malteagle Maltese Maltese Mix Maltese Shih Tzu Maltipom Maltipoo Mamba Mamushi Snake Man of War Jellyfish Manatee Manchester Terrier Mandarin Rat Snake Mandrill Maned Wolf Mangrove Snake Mangrove Snapper Manta Ray Mantella Frog Marabou Stork Marans Chicken Marble Fox Maremma Sheepdog Margay Marine Iguana Marine Toad Markhor Marmoset Marmot Marsh Frog Marsican Brown Bear Masiakasaurus Masked Angelfish Masked Palm Civet Mason Bee Massasauga Mastador Mastiff Mastiff Mix Mauzer May Beetle Mayan Cichlid Mayfly Meagle Mealworm Beetle Mealybug Meerkat Megalania Megalochelys Megalodon Megamouth Shark Meganeura Megatherium Meiolania Mekong Giant Catfish Merganser Mexican Alligator Lizard Mexican Black Kingsnake Mexican Eagle (Northern crested caracara) Mexican Fireleg Tarantula Mexican Free-Tailed Bat Mexican Mole Lizard Microraptor Midget Faded Rattlesnake Miki Milk Snake Milkfish Milkweed aphids Millipede Mini Labradoodle Mini Lop Miniature Bull Terrier Miniature Husky Miniature Pinscher Mink Minke Whale Mississippi Kite Moccasin Snake Mockingbird Modern Game Chicken Mojarra Mojave Ball Python Mojave Rattlesnake Mola mola (Ocean Sunfish) Mole Mole Crab (Sand Flea) Mole Cricket Mole Snake Mollusk Molly Monarch Butterfly Mongoose Mongrel Monitor Lizard Monkey Monkfish Monocled Cobra Monte Iberia Eleuth Moon Jellyfish Moonglow Boa Moorhen Moose Moray Eel Morkie Morpho Butterfly Mosasaurus Moscow Watchdog Mosquito Moth Mountain Beaver Mountain Bluebird Mountain Cur Mountain Feist Mountain Gorilla Mountain Lion Mourning Dove Mourning Gecko Mourning Warbler Mouse Mouse Spider Mouse-Deer (Chevrotain) Mozambique Spitting Cobra Mud Snake Mudi Mudpuppy Mudskipper Mule Mule Deer Mulga Snake Mullet Fish Muntjac Muscovy Duck Musk Deer Muskellunge (Muskie) Muskox Muskrat Mussurana Snake Muttaburrasaurus Muttaburrasaurus Myna Bird
Nabarlek Naegleria Naked Mole Rat Narwhal Natterjack Nautilus Neanderthal Neapolitan Mastiff Nebelung Needlefish Nelore Cattle Neon Tetra Neptune Grouper Netherland Dwarf Rabbit New Hampshire Red Chicken Newfoundland Newfypoo Newt Nguni Cattle Nicobar pigeon Nigerian Goat Night Adder Night Heron Night Snake Nightingale Nightjar Nile Crocodile Nile Monitor Nile Perch Nilgai No See Ums Norfolk Terrier Norrbottenspets North American Black Bear Northern Alligator Lizard Northern Bobwhite Northern Cardinal Northern Flicker Northern Fur Seal Northern Harrier Northern Inuit Dog Northern Jacana Northern Parula Northern Pintail Northern Potoo Northern Screamer Northern Water Snake Norway Rat Norwegian Buhund Norwegian Elkhound Norwegian Forest Norwegian Lundehund Norwich Terrier Nose-Horned Viper Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Nubian Goat Nudibranch Numbat Nuralagus Nurse Shark Nut Weevil Nuthatch Nutria Nyala
Oak Toad Oarfish Ocean Perch Ocean Pout Ocean Whitefish Oceanic Whitetip Shark Ocellated Turkey Ocelot Octopus Oenpelli python Oilfish Okapi Old English Sheepdog Old House Borer Oleander Hawk Moth Olingo Olive Baboon Olive python Olive Sea Snake Olm Olympic Marmot Onagadori Chicken Onager Opabinia Opah Opaleye (Rudderfish) Opossum Oranda Goldfish Orange Baboon Tarantula Orange Dream Ball Python Orange Roughy Orange Spider Orange Tanager (Orange-Headed Tanager) Orange-Crowned Warbler Orangutan Orb Weaver Orchard Oriole Orchid Dottyback Oregon Spotted Frog Ori-Pei Oribi Oriental Cockroach Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher Orinoco Crocodile Ornate Bichir Ornate Black-Tailed Rattlesnake Ornate Box Turtle Ornithocheirus Ornithomimus Ortolan Bunting Oscar Fish Osprey Ostracod Ostrich Otter Otterhound Ovenbird Oviraptor Owl Owl Butterfly Owlfly (Ascalaphidae) Ox Oxpecker Oyster Oyster Toadfish Ozark Bass
Pachycephalosaurus Pacific Coast Tick Pacific Sleeper Shark Pacific Spaghetti Eel Paddlefish Pademelon Painted Bunting Painted Turtle Palaeoloxodon namadicus Palaeophis Paleoparadoxia Palm Rat Palo Verde Beetle Panda Pied Ball Python Pangolin Pantaloon Bee Panther Panthera atrox (American Lion) Papillon Papillon Mix Paradise Flying Snake Parakeet Parasaurolophus Parrot Parrot Snake Parrotfish Parrotlet Parson Russell Terrier Parti Schnauzer Partridge Patagonian Mara Patagotitan Patas Monkey Patterdale Terrier Pea Puffer Peacock Peacock Bass Peacock Butterfly Peacock Spider Peagle Peekapoo Pekingese Pelagornis Pelagornithidae Pelican Pelycosaurs Pembroke Welsh Corgi Penguin Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach Peppered Moth Peppermint Angelfish Perch Fish Père David’s Deer Peregrine Falcon Peringuey’s Adder Perro De Presa Canario Persian Peruvian Guinea Pig Peruvian Inca Orchid Pesquet’s Parrot (Dracula Parrot) Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Petite Goldendoodle Pharaoh Hound Pheasant Pheasant-tailed Jacana Philippine Cobra Phoenix Chicken Phorusrhacos Phytosaurs Picardy Spaniel Pictus Catfish Piebald Dachshund Pied Ball Python Pied Tamarin Pied-Billed Grebe Pig Pig-Nosed Turtle Pigeon Pika Pike Fish Pileated Woodpecker Pinacate Beetle Pine Beetle Pine Marten Pine Siskin Pine Snake Pine Snake Pinfish Pink Bollworm Pink Fairy Armadillo Pink Salmon Pink Toed Tarantula Pink-Necked Green Pigeon Pipe Snake Pipefish Piranha Pit Bull Pit Viper Pitador Pitsky Plains Hognose Snake Platinum Arowana Platybelodon Platypus Plesiosaur Pliosaur Plott Hound Mix Plott Hounds Plymouth Rock Chicken Pocket Beagle Pocket Pitbull Podenco Canario Pointer Pointer Mix Poison Dart Frog Polacanthus Polar Bear Polecat Polish Chicken Polish Lowland Sheepdog Polish Tatra Sheepdog Polka Dot Stingray Pollock Fish Polyphemus Moth Pomapoo Pomchi Pomeagle Pomeranian Pomeranian Mix Pompano Fish Pomsky Pond Skater Poochon Poodle Poogle Pool Frog Porbeagle Shark Porcupine Porcupinefish Portuguese Podengo Possum Potato Beetle Potoo Potoroo Powderpost Beetle Prairie Chicken Prairie Dog Prairie Rattlesnake Prawn Praying Mantis Proboscis Monkey Procoptodon Pronghorn Psittacosaurus Psittacosaurus Pteranodon Pterodactyl Pudelpointer Puertasaurus Puff Adder Pufferfish Puffin Pug Pug Mix Pugapoo Puggle Pugshire Puli Puma Pumi Pumpkin Patch Tarantula Purple Emperor Butterfly Purple Finch Purple Gallinule Purple Tarantula Purussaurus Puss Caterpillar Puss Moth Pygmy Hippopotamus Pygmy Marmoset (Finger Monkey) Pygmy python Pygmy Rattlesnake Pygmy Shark Pygora Goat Pyjama Shark Pyrador Pyredoodle Pyrenean Mastiff Pyrenean Shepherd Pyrosome Python
Quagga Quahog Clam Quail Queen Snake Quetzal Quetzalcoatlus northropi Quokka Quoll
Rabbit Raccoon Raccoon Dog Racer Snake Radiated Tortoise Ragamuffin Ragdoll Raggle Rainbow Boa Rainbow Grasshopper (Dactylotum bicolor) Rainbow Kribs (Kribensis) Rainbow Shark Rat Rat Snakes Rat Terrier Rattlesnake Red Ackie Monitor Red Aphids Red Deer Red Diamondback Rattlesnake Red Drum Fish Red Finch Red Fox Red Kite Red Knee Tarantula Red Nose Pit Bull Red Panda Red Paper Wasp Red Racer Snake Red Spitting Cobra Red Squirrel Red Star Chicken Red Tail Boa (common boa) Red Wolf Red-Bellied Black Snake Red-Bellied Woodpecker Red-Billed Quelea Bird Red-Eared Slider Red-Eyed Tree Frog Red-Footed Tortoise Red-handed Tamarin Red-Headed Vulture Red-Lipped Batfish Red-Shouldered Hawk Red-Tailed Cuckoo Bumblebee Red-winged blackbird Redback Spider Redbone Coonhound Redcap Chicken Redear Sunfish Redhump Eartheater Redstart Redtail Catfish Reef Shark Regal Jumping Spider Reindeer Repenomamus Reticulated python Rex Rabbit Rhamphosuchus Rhea Rhesus Macaque Rhino Beetle Rhino Viper Rhinoceros Rhode Island Red Chicken Rhodesian Ridgeback Rhombic Egg-Eater Snake Ribbon Eel Ribbon Snake Rim Rock Crowned Snake Ring-billed Gull Ringed Kingfisher Rinkhals Snake River Otter River Turtle Roadrunner Robber Flies Robin Rock Bass Rock Crab Rock Hyrax Rock Python Rockfish Rockhopper Penguin Rodents Roe Deer Rooster Root Aphids Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Roseate Spoonbill Rosy Boa Rotterman Rottle Rottsky Rottweiler Rottweiler Mix Rough Earth Snake Rough Green Snake Rough-Legged Hawk (Rough-Legged Buzzard) Rove Beetle Royal Penguin Rubber Boa Ruby-Crowned Kinglet Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Ruddy Duck Ruddy Turnstone Rufous Hummingbird Russel’s Viper Russell Terrier Russian Bear Dog Russian Blue Russian Tortoise
Saanen Goat Saarloos Wolfdog Saber-Toothed Tiger Sable Sable Black German Shepherd Sable Ferret Sable German Shepherd Saddleback Caterpillar Saiga Sailfish Saint Berdoodle Saint Bernard Saint Shepherd Salamander Salmon Salmon Shark Saluki Sambar Samoyed San Francisco Garter Snake Sand Cat Sand Crab Sand Dollar Sand Lizard Sand Tiger Shark Sand Viper Sandhill Crane Sandpiper Sandworm Saola Sapsali Sarcosuchus Sardines Sarkastodon Sarplaninac Sarus Crane Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko Saturniidae Moth Sauropoda Sauropoda Savanna Goat Savannah Monitor Savannah Sparrow Savu Python Saw-scaled Viper Sawfish Scale-Crested Pygmy Tyrant Scaleless Ball Python Scallops Scarab Beetle Scarlet Kingsnake Scarlet Macaw Scarlet Tanager Schapendoes Schipperke Schneagle Schnoodle Scimitar-horned Oryx Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Scorpion Scorpion Fish Scotch Collie Scottish Deerhound Scottish Fold Cat Scottish Terrier Scrotum Frog Sculpin Scutosaurus Sea Anemone Sea Bass Sea Dragon Sea Eagle Sea Lion Sea Otter Sea Roach Sea Slug Sea Snake Sea Spider Sea Squirt Sea Trout Sea Turtle Sea Urchin Seagull Seahorse Seal Sealyham Terrier Sedge Warbler Sehuencas Water Frog Sei Whale Senegal Parrot Senepol Cattle Sequined Spider Serval Seymouria Shantungosaurus Shark Sharp-Shinned Hawk Sharp-Tailed Snake Shastasaurus Sheep Sheepadoodle Sheepshead Fish Shepadoodle Shepkita Shepweiler Shetland Sheepdog Shiba Inu Shiba Inu Mix Shichi Shih Poo Shih Tzu Shih Tzu Mix Shikoku Shiloh Shepherd Shiranian Shoebill Stork Shollie Short-Eared Owl Short-Faced Bear Shortfin Mako Shark Shrew Shrimp Siamese Siberian Siberian Husky Siberian Ibex Siberian Retriever Siberian Tiger Siberpoo Sichuan Takin (Tibetan Takin) Sidewinder Sika Deer Silken Windhound Silkie Chicken Silky Shark Silky Terrier Silver Dollar Silver Labrador Simbakubwa Sinosauropteryx Sivatherium Six-Eyed Sand Spiders Sixgill shark Skate Fish Skeleton Tarantula Skink Lizard Skipjack Tuna Skua Skunk Skye Terrier Sleeper Shark Sloth Slovak Cuvac Slow Worm Slug Smallmouth Bass Smilosuchus Smokybrown Cockroach Smooth Earth Snake Smooth Fox Terrier Smooth Green Snake Smooth Hammerhead Shark Smooth Snake Snail Snailfish Snake Snapping Turtle Snook Fish Snorkie Snouted Cobra Snow Bunting Snow Crab Snow Goose Snow Leopard Snowberry Clearwing Moth Snowflake Eel Snowshoe Snowshoe Hare Snowy Owl Sockeye Salmon Soldier Beetle Somali Song Sparrow Song Thrush South China Tiger Southeastern Blueberry Bee Southern Black Racer Southern Flannel Moth Southern Hognose Snake Southern House Spider Southern Pacific Rattlesnake Spadefoot Toad Spanador Spanish Goat Spanish Mackerel Spanish Mastiff Spanish Water Dog Sparrow Sparrowhawk Speckled Kingsnake Speckled Trout Spectacled Bear Sperm Whale Sphynx Spider Spider Ball Python Spider Beetle Spider Monkey Spider Wasp Spider-Tailed Horned Viper Spinner Shark Spinone Italiano Spinosaurus Spiny bush viper Spiny Dogfish Spiny Hill Turtle Spitting Cobra Spixs Macaw Sponge Spongy Moth Spongy Moth Spotted Bass Spotted Gar Spotted Garden Eel Spotted Lanternfly Spotted python Spotted Skunk Springador Springbok Springerdoodle Squash Bee Squash Beetle Squid Squirrel Squirrel Monkey Squirrelfish Sri Lankan Elephant Stabyhoun Staffordshire Bull Terrier Stag Beetle Standard Schnauzer Star-nosed mole Starfish Stargazer Fish Steelhead Salmon Steller’s Sea Cow Stick Insect Stiletto Snake Stingray Stoat Stone Crab Stonechat Stonefish Stoplight Loosejaw Stork Strawberry Hermit Crab Striped Bass Striped Hyena Striped Rocket Frog Stromatolite Stupendemys Sturgeon Styracosaurus Suchomimus Suckerfish Sugar Glider Sulcata Tortoise Sultan Chicken Sumatran Elephant Sumatran Orangutan Sumatran Rhinoceros Sumatran Tiger Summer Tanager Sun Bear Sunbeam Snake Sunset Ball Python Super Pastel Ball Python Supersaurus Superworm Surgeonfish Sussex Chicken Swai Fish Swainson’s Hawk Swallow Swallowtail Butterfly Swallowtail Caterpillar Swan Swedish Elkhound Swedish Lapphund Swedish Vallhund Swordfish Syrian Hamster
Taco Terrier Tailless Whip Scorpion Taimen Fish Taipan Takin Tamarin Tamaskan Tang Tangerine Leopard Gecko Tapanuli Orangutan Tapir Tarantula Tarantula Hawk Tarbosaurus Tarpon Tarsier Tasmanian Devil Tasmanian Tiger Tasmanian Tiger Snake Tawny Frogmouth Tawny Mining Bee Tawny Owl Teacup Chihuahua Teacup Maltese Teacup Miniature Horse Teacup Poodle Teddy Bear Hamster Teddy Guinea Pig Teddy Roosevelt Terrier Telescope Fish Ten-Lined June Beetle Tennessee Walking Horse Tenrec Tent Caterpillar Tentacled Snake Tenterfield Terrier Termite Terrier Terror Bird Tetra Texas Blind Snake Texas Brown Tarantula Texas Coral Snake Texas Garter Snake Texas Heeler Texas Indigo Snake Texas Night Snake Texas Rat Snake Texas Spiny Lizard Thai Ridgeback Thalassomedon Thanatosdrakon Therizinosaurus Theropod Thornback Ray Thorny Devil Thresher Shark Thrush Thylacoleo Thylacoleo carnifex Thylacosmilus Tibetan Fox Tibetan Mastiff Tibetan Spaniel Tibetan Terrier Tick Tiffany Tiger Tiger Beetle Tiger Moth Tiger Muskellunge (Muskie) Tiger Rattlesnake Tiger Salamander Tiger Shark Tiger snake Tiger Swallowtail Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar Tiger Trout Tiktaalik Timber Rattlesnake (Canebrake Rattlesnake) Timor python Tire Track Eel Titan Beetle Titanoboa Titanosaur Toadfish Tokay Gecko Tomato Hornworm Torkie Tornjak Tortoise Tosa Toucan Towhee Toxodon Toy Fox Terrier Toy Poodle Transylvanian Hound Trapdoor spider Tree Cricket Tree Frog Tree Kangaroo Tree Snake Tree swallow Tree Viper (Bamboo Viper) Treecreeper Treehopper Treeing Tennessee Brindle Treeing Walker Coonhound Triggerfish Troodon Tropicbird Trout Tsetse Fly Tuatara Tufted Coquette Tufted Titmouse Tully Monster Tuna Tundra Swan Turaco Turkey Turkey Vulture Turkish Angora Turnspit Turtle Frog Turtles Tusoteuthis Tussock Moth Tussock Moth Caterpillar Twig Snake Tylosaurus Tyrannosaurus Rex
Uakari Uaru Cichlid Uguisu Uinta Ground Squirrel Uintatherium Umbrellabird Unau (Linnaeus’s Two-Toed Sloth) Underwing Moth Upland Sandpiper Ural owl Urechis unicinctus (Penis Fish) Urial Uromastyx (Spiny-Tailed Lizard) Urutu Snake Utonagan
Valley Bulldog Vampire Bat Vampire Crab Vampire Squid Vaquita Veery Vegavis Velociraptor Venus Flytrap Vermilion Flycatcher Vervet Monkey Vestal Cuckoo Bumblebee Vicuña Vine Snake Vinegaroon Viper Viper Boa Viper Shark (dogfish) Viperfish Virgin Islands Dwarf Gecko Vizsla Volcano Snail Vole Volpino Italiano Vulture
Wahoo Fish Waimanu Walking Catfish Wallaby Walleye Fish Walrus Wandering Albatross Warbler Warthog Wasp Water Beetle Water Buffalo Water Bug Water Dragon Water Vole Waterbuck Wattled Jacana Wax Moth Weasel Weaver Bird Weimaraner Weimardoodle Wels Catfish Welsh Black Cattle Welsh Corgi Welsh Springer Spaniel Welsh Terrier West Highland Terrier West Siberian Laika Western Blacklegged Tick Western Blind Snake Western Diamondback Rattlesnake Western Gorilla Western Green Mamba Western Hognose Snake Western Kingbird Western Lowland Gorilla Western Rat Snake Western Rattlesnake (Northern Pacific Rattlesnake) Western Tanager Westiepoo Whale Shark Wheaten Terrier Whimbrel Whinchat Whippet Whiptail Lizard White Bass White Butterfly White Catfish White Crappie White Ferret / Albino Ferrets White German Shepherd White Marlin White Rhinoceros White Shark White Sturgeon White Tiger White-Crowned Sparrow White-Eyed Vireo White-Faced Capuchin White-shouldered House Moth White-tail deer White-Tailed Eagle Whitetail Deer Whiting Whoodle Whooping Crane Wild Boar Wildebeest Willow Flycatcher Willow Warbler Winter Moth Wire Fox Terrier Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Wirehaired Vizsla Wiwaxia Wolf Wolf Eel Wolf Snake Wolf Spider Wolffish Wolverine Woma Python Wombat Wood Bison Wood Duck Wood Frog Wood Tick Wood Turtle Woodlouse Woodlouse Spider Woodpecker Woodrat Wool Carder Bee Woolly Aphids Woolly Bear Caterpillar Woolly Mammoth Woolly Monkey Woolly Rhinoceros Worm Worm Snake Wrasse Writing Spider Wrought Iron Butterflyfish Wryneck Wyandotte Chicken Wyoming Toad
X-Ray Tetra Xeme (Sabine’s Gull) Xenacanthus Xenoceratops Xenoposeidon Xenotarsosaurus Xerus Xiaosaurus Xiaotingia Xingu River Ray Xiongguanlong Xiphactinus Xoloitzcuintli
Yabby Yak Yakutian Laika Yarara Yellow Anaconda Yellow Aphids Yellow Bass Yellow Bellied Sapsucker Yellow Belly Ball Python Yellow Bullhead Catfish Yellow Cobra Yellow Crazy Ant Yellow Perch Yellow Sac Spider Yellow Spotted Lizard Yellow Tanager (Black-and-Yellow Tanager) Yellow Tang Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake Yellow-Eyed Penguin Yellow-faced Bee Yellowfin Tuna Yellowhammer Yellowish Cuckoo Bumblebee (formerly Fernald’s Cuckoo Bumblebee) Yellowjacket (Yellow Jacket) Yellowtail Snapper Yellowthroat Yeti Crab Yokohama Chicken Yoranian Yorkie Bichon Yorkiepoo Yorkshire Terrier
Zebra Zebra Finch Zebra Mussels Zebra Pleco Zebra Shark Zebra Snake Zebra Spitting Cobra Zebra Tarantula Zebrafish (Zebra Fish) Zebu Zokor Zonkey Zorse Zuchon
submitted by EmbarrassedAd575 to insaneramblings [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:12 denastix One Week Post Op

Hey everyone,
It's been one week since surgery and I'm sharing my notes on my daily condition/progress here in case it's helpful to anyone. Feel free to ask questions!
Overview: Here's a link to my first post that includes some details about my injury and pre-op experience.
Day 0 - Surgery Day Surgeon said everything went well. Surgery itself was about 2.5 hours - ACL reconstruction with patella autograph and repairs of both menisci. MCL and LCL healed on its own and there was no need for the LET. Leg is locked at 0° extension and I'm NWB for at least 8 weeks. I was told to schedule PT after my 2wk follow up and to do ankle pumps and (attempt) leg raises in the meantime.
Pain levels are 5/10 on average, even with the nerve block. I was prescribed Percocet (pain relief), Diclofenac (NSAID), Cephalexin (antibiotic), and regular strength aspirin (DVT prophylaxis); I'm taking them on a strict schedule with alarms so I don't miss a dose.
I also take fiber gummies in the morning (it was already part of my daily routine) and Sennakot dual at night, along with bananas and apples as snacks/meals with my pills throughout. I bought 5mg THC/10mg CBD/15mg CBN edibles for when I'm done with the Percocet. I'm also elevating and icing as much as possible (cold therapy machine + ice packs)
Day 1: Didn't sleep as well, mostly because I'm sleeping on an air mattress in my living room and it usually takes me a night to get comfortable in a new bed/space (I'm in my living room to be closer to the bathroom and so visitors can have easier access to me.)
Nerve block wore off by the evening and pain seemed like it was at it's peak, reaching as high a 9/10 especially when dealing with the blood rush after standing. Had to take two Percocets instead of my one for a dose to get through it, but pain is still manageable.
Day 2: Slept much better than the previous night, even with having to wake up multiple times to take medication.
Pain has subsided back to a 5-6/10 like Day 0, so just sticking with my medicine schedule. My most comfortable position is laying down with my leg elevated on my wedge pillow, followed by sitting upright with my leg at level.
I had my first bowel movements today. Not only is it earlier than I expected (based on other people's stories in these threads), but it's more frequent and came with some sight cramping. I'm hoping we're back to normal after this.
Day 3: Did not sleep as well as the night before. The "heaviness" of my leg is more noticeable and I think I experienced some swelling (leading to increased pain) due to blood rush throughout my leg. Leg felt more comfortable and less swollen by around 3am. Also had to wake up more often than before; my bathroom schedule did not line up with my medication schedule as I hoped it would, so this caused me to wake up at least 5 times a night to do either.
Knee pain when sitting is a 3/10 and a 6-7/10 when initially standing up. It also starts to flare up 30-60 mins before my next Percocet dose, so I'm currently sticking with my timing and dose and will taper off/switch to edibles in the next few days.
A few hours later, I realized that I was having ambiguous and worrisome symptoms from -- I assumed -- the Percocet (chest discomfort, heart palpitations, and increased anxiety), so I decided to pause on the next dose and switch to my edibles + extra strength acetaminophen. I'm starting to feel a 7/10 knee pain.
Day 4: Worst sleep of my life. Not only did I have to pee so often, the knee pain shot up to a 7-9/10 accompanied by what felt like swelling, even with elevation and icing. I think me getting up so often to use the bathroom also aggravated the pain/swelling. Doesn't help that a mosquito made it's way into my living room and harassed me all night. I feel fewer chest symptoms and anxiety, so I'm still deciding if I should officially stop the Percocet and just use the rest of my prescriptions + OTC pain relief to get through or just cut down my dosage.
I feel like shit overall. I'm also sleep deprived, groggy/still high from the edibles, nauseous, sad, and in so much pain. Definitely the worse than Day 2 - I was dealing with pain but was in a fantastic mood on Day 2 lol
I truly didn't realize how much pain the Percocet was blocking until I stopped using it. The pain was so constant and uncomfortable that I decided to get back on it (after toughing it out through three missed doses) and only take a half pill every six hours. My concerning side effects have diminished and I also have pain relief, so I think I found the balance.
Day 5: I slept MUCH better last night, especially compared to the night before. I also had to use the bathroom way less often in the middle of the night, so I was able to get longer hours of sleep and only wake up to take my medications. I coupled the night dose with my THC/CBD/CBN gummies and I feel like this definitely helped with both pain and sleep.
We're back to an avg 3/10 for pain, which is a relief.
Day 6: Looking forward to not having to wake up in the middle of the night to take medications so that I can have a chance at more interrupted sleep.
Pain is at a minimum, but I'm a little worried about the levels when I run out of the Percocet (tomorrow night). I don't intend on getting a refill, so I really hope my pain has actually decreased and can be managed by Tylenol extra strength + my already prescribed NSAID + edibles.
My bigger annoyance is how heavy the brace feels on my leg and how bulky the ace wrap is on my knee. I've been wearing this brace since my injury, but it's never felt heavier, so I assume it feels this way because of my weakening muscles. I think weight of it is also slightly pulling on my incisions, so that's an unpleasant feeling. I have to keep the wrap on until my 2wk follow up, so I'm desperately counting down to that moment.
I'm now trying to keep myself constructively occupied during the times that I'm alone. The medications and pain made focusing on things like reading a tad challenging, so I've mostly been watching TV and scrolling through social media. I'm hoping to do more with my time now that the pain seems more under control.
submitted by denastix to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:54 CDown01 Eagles Peak Pt.6

Previous Part
At some Point Bianca and I both fell back asleep. It was all I could do at this point, getting whisked away back to those mines seemed inevitable so I might as well sleep. The morning did not go well, largely due to Bianca, who threw me off the couch with a scream when she woke up.
“What’re you doing!”
Bianca squeaked, hand darting towards her pants pocket where her dagger would usually be. I woke up very quickly somewhere between the couch and the floor. I was fully awake by the time I was pushing myself back to me feet, raising my hands in a gesture of surrender.
“What’s going on?! You’re fine you just fell asleep on my couch!”
“Why were you… why was I?”
“Hey, calm down alright. We had a few drinks last night and I guess we both fell asleep on the couch together, that’s all that happened.”
I explained, leaving out the part where she pulled me back when I tried to go to my own room earlier.
“Yeah… yeah ok. Ugh my head is killing me.”
Bianca groaned, taking a breath or two then putting her head in her hands. I didn’t have the heart to tell her she was probably hungover so I just went to the kitchen to make something for her.
I decided on toast and some bananas, it was always a go to for me after a long night. In hindsight I probably should’ve seen her reaction coming. Look at what she did in the caves because that guy grabbed her, it can’t be that much better waking up on someones shoulder and not quite remembering it. The whole thing did give me second thoughts though. If she was such a live wire did I really want her stressing out over the trials and whatever that would bring? I suppose it was too late for that though, she’d already moved herself into my house so she could keep watch, for all the good that did seeing as Shaoni waltzed right in last night.
I still had a lot on my mind when the smell of burning toast sobered me up. I swore and ran over to salvage what I could of the blackening toast.
“What’s burning in here?”
Bianca asked a little worry creeping into her voice. She still had her head clasped firmly between her hands as she walked into the kitchen.
I replied flatly, holding my arms out to either side gesturing to the mild chaos I was causing. Bianca gave me an questioning, “thanks” and grabbed the plate I had made for her while I tried to think of what to do next. Like it or not, Shaoni had people coming to pick me up and take me back out to those caves today. I had to come up with some kind of game plan and right now, it seemed letting Frank and Stein know was the best idea.
Bianca stayed back at my place nursing her hangover when I left to visit the mad scientist duo. I had no problem with that, in fact it was probably best because I’m sure she would’ve insisted on going with me if she heard I planed to take Shaoni’s “invitation”. I wasn’t sure if Shaoni would let me take Bianca with me and personally I’d rather not push her buttons and try to negotiate bringing a plus one.
“Have you seen Bianca at all?”
Frank asked hurriedly as I came in. I was afraid of this, She hadn’t told them anything and just disappeared.
“Yeah, she pretty much moved the contents of her room to my couch yesterday. Something about keeping an eye on me, she’s fine though, I wouldn’t worry.”
I answered, a little worried myself that I’d catch hell from them if they knew she was currently working her way through her first hangover on that same couch. Frank seemed to calm down at that and finally got to asking the important questions like why was I back in the house… again.
“So let us get this straight, you just plan to go right to Shaoni?”
Frank and Stein said together in disbelief as the three of us sat at the kitchen table.
“It’s not like I really have a choice in the matter, besides I can’t really fight her if she wants me to go somewhere. If I try a stunt like that things go from bad to worse for me.”
They both shook their heads in solemn agreement, recognizing I was right.
“Anyways, I had a thought on the way over here, Thunderbirds are something from native American legend right? Well, if we’ve found a real one wouldn’t she have ties to a tribe or something in the area? She was sleeping here when they woke her up in the mine, maybe there was a reason for that, maybe she was close to home?”
I explained, hoping g they’d catch on to what I was asking.
“What exactly are you getting at then Keith?”
Frank questioned, furrowing his brow with an intrigued look on his face. Stein just remained silent but I could tell he was thinking, maybe even coming to the same conclusion as I had.
“What I’m thinking, is we check reservations in the area. Maybe they know something about the creature from their legends that just so happened to be sleeping nearby. I know it’s a stretch but maybe we could learn something useful. I’d go myself but I’m not going to have the chance. You guys though, you guys could take Bianca and Rocco with you and ask around.”
I explained, hoping I was onto something. I was pulling at straws but it was the best idea I had at a moments notice. Plus it would get Bianca out of town for a little while when I was figuring out what exactly Shaoni’s trails would mean for me.
“Keith that’s… no that actually makes sense let me check some maps.”
Stein agreed, walking away and into the basement. He came back a few minutes later with a map in his hand.
“There’s a Seneca reservation not to far from here, maybe 30 miles. That’s not the only one but I have a friend there from years ago, someone I helped. There’s a good chance he’d be willing to return the favor.”
“Great, then I’ll count on you. I’ll let Bianca know, I’m sure she won’t be happy about it but I’ll feel better if she’s with all of you.”
I walked out in a rush to get back home, almost stepping on Rocco on my way to the door. He made a frightening chittering hissing sound at me as he leapt out of my path. I briefly wondered where he was going and what he was up to, probably better I didn’t know though. As I got onto the bike and headed back towards home I hoped I’d be able to talk Bianca into going along with this plan. I was sure she’d rather come with me but after this morning I wasn’t sure she was ready for that. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure she wants to help and I know she means well but she’s jumpy and snaps at the littlest things. I didn’t want her to make things worse by accident or get hurt because she froze up again. My mind was made up as I drew nearer to my house but as it turned out I’d never have the chance to talk to Bianca. As soon as I rounded the corner I saw the rusty pick up waiting in front of my house, I’d arrived just in time to meet Shaoni’s “helpers”.
The men looked normal, just like the people in the cave. Come to think of it they could very well be those same people. I waved them over as I came to a stop in-front of the house.
“Can I just go in and grab a few things?”
I asked the three men sheepishly as I walked up.
“No, your late as it is, we’ve got to get going.”
A scruffy looking man with a gruff voice said from the drivers seat. Two men got out from the back of the truck and grabbed my arms, pulling me into the back seat. They weren’t rough with me but they were very firm. Like they wanted to hurt me but were ordered not to so they just made a show of force. After I was loaded into the back I saw the reason for their demeanor. One of the men, the one in the front passenger seat, was wrapped in bandages. The bandages covered his abdomen and snaked up around the back of his neck. It was pretty obvious to me that this was the man Bianca had stabbed. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say these four were probably the same ones we had encountered in the cave. As I turned and looked out the window I saw Bianca’s face peaking out of it. She looked angry and scared, like she knew exactly what was happening but she didn’t move. Bianca just sat there, watching me be taken away and I cursed myself for not being just a little bit faster on the ride back.
We took a way out of town I’d never seen before, turning away from the road leading to the dirt path we had biked down on our expedition into the forest. Instead we drove back through town, past Bianca’s house and the Eagle’s Roost before hanging a right onto a road I’d never been down. Eventually the road made its way into the forest and ended at a wooden sign warning that the road was impassable ahead. The driver stopped the truck and got out as another man emerged from the woods, holding up his hand and opening it to reveal the eagle tattoo I’d become so familiar with. The driver rolled up his sleeve and showed his own similar tattoo. Without a word he got back into the truck and the other man moved the sign off the road. It didn’t fill me with confidence to see the entrance to this place watched in such a way. It would make sense to have it hidden but being so brazenly out in the open meant they didn't really care who saw it. Not that anyone would think anything other than that the road was impassable but still. The truck eventually pulled off the road and into the woods, following a newly made track that lead to the entrance of the old mine that we escaped from just 2 days ago.
“I think you know your way in.”
The driver growled at me, parking the truck and signaling me to step out.
“Your just letting me walk myself in? Couldn’t I just run?”
“You could but do you think you could outrun her?”
He asked threateningly, pointing up at the sky. I knew exactly who he was talking about and no, I didn’t like my chances of running from Shaoni.
“She gave us all orders to leave any runners to her.”
At that moment I decided it may be good idea to be on my best behavior.
“Yeah that’s what I thought.”
The driver barked back at me as I obediently walked towards the entrance.
Walking into the mine I realized it had undergone a huge transformation in a very short time. The walls were now host to several torches that lit the pathway back down to the coliseum. It felt like I was walking into the dark ages as I made my way down into this pit by torchlight. Although I had to admit it was homey in an “evil layer” kind off way. The coliseum was lit up with torchlight as well but its not what drew my attention. Where the awful metal structure met the stone roof of the cave I looked into a brewing storm. Lightning flashed across the roof but there was no sound of thunder. Raindrops shown in the shadows cast by the lightning but I felt none of them on my skin. I had to admit, it was a pretty impressive trick. Paintings adorned the walls, all of them seeming to be tribal in nature. Many seemed to be various depictions of the thunderbird.
“Well at least she doesn’t have an ego”
I chuckled to myself as I walked into the center off the coliseum.
There were four other people waiting in the center of the floor. A clean shaven, well dressed man relaxed against the wall of the arena. He had perfectly trimmed slicked back blonde hair and a chiseled face. His rippling muscles seemed to be for vanity rather than strength. Just by looking at him I could tell I wasn’t going to like him. The only one of the bunch I knew, Robert, stood on the far side of the coliseum, watching me approach. He looked about the same as he had from the brief glance I got at the Eagle’s Roost. Balding white hair and a unkempt beard hung off his sagging face. Despite his age he carried himself with purpose, like he deserved to be there and wanted everyone else to know it. Then there was the blonde bombshell that was making her way towards the chiseled blonde guy. She seemed incredibly confident in herself but none of it was a show. Her confidence came from a place that made her absolutely sure of it. The final person stood in the corner and seemed to be talking to himself. He was a middle aged man of native American descent with a mess of black hair atop his head. He carried a look in his eyes that spoke of wisdom beyond his years.
I walked past all of them and took a seat on the floor, trying my hardest to ignore them. The effort was ultimately wasted as the muscular blonde guy walked over and held out a hand.
“Hey, my names Brooke, you are?”
My blood turned to ice as he said that, it couldn’t be the same Brooke Bianca told me about, could it? I stared dumbly at him for a moment before I responded.
“I’m… uh… Keith. Any idea what we’re doing here?”
“No clue, only know that the thunderbird wanted us here so we came. Hopefully she makes good on her promise, to me at least.”
His voice sounded like the “to cool for you” bully from any 80’s movie, it was almost annoying to listen to him.
“So you’ve met everyone else I take it?”
“Yeah, the weird guy in the corner is John, we don’t know much about him but apparently him and that Robert guy, the old one with the beard, worked for the thunderbird. Katrina, that beauty over there is a wild card, no-one seems to know anything about her but she looks like she’s hot shit and well, just plain hot.”
As Brooke gave me the run down of everyone in the room I quietly wondered to myself if Shaoni had given everyone the same offer as me. The way Brooke had said it, “promise”… that wasn’t how I would’ve phrased it. Maybe Shaoni cut everyone here a unique deal.
“…Anyways, I’m gonna go see if I can’t figure out that bombshell’s deal, I’ll see ya later Keith.”
Apparently Brooke had been talking to me the whole time but I only tuned in for the tail end of it as he walked off toward Katrina. I wondered where exactly Shaoni was, I had expected her to be here already but, as it turned out I wouldn’t have to wait long.
A thunderous boom cracked out above our heads and we all looked up at once, but the sound was coming from outside. I heard the flap of wings as Shaoni came in for a landing somewhere above our heads. It went so silent we could’ve heard a mosquito cough, then Shaoni stepped into the room. Not from either entrance but from a balcony above us I hadn’t seen before. She was wearing the same thing she had been when I ran into her in the cave, once again looking like a hardened, tattooed Pocahontas.
“Welcome everyone! I take it you’ve gotten to know each other?”
She thundered down to us as we all shot to attention.
“I’ve gathered you here to give a gift to one of you, but you must prove yourselves deserving. I’ve told some of you what I intended to do here and others may be hearing it for the first time. So for those of you who are gathering here for the first time pay attention. There will be three trials held here, one to test your morals, one to test your strength, and one to test your judgement.”
At this point Brooke spoke up in the way only a spoiled little shit like him could.
“You made me a promise! You never said anything about trials! I got all the way out here to this shitty little backwater and now your telling me I’ve got to compete to earn what you owe me?! Sorry, but I’m going to need more than that.”
Shaoni looked like she could’ve ended him right there. She was the judge and jury here, if Brooke wasn’t careful she’d become the executioner too.
“What you asked me for is in this town, that’s all I will say on the matter.”
Shaoni responded with less venom than I had expected judging by her expression. She didn’t actually seem to care that she had to tell him something to shut him up. It was the insult of being interrupted that struck a nerve. I was a little concerned by what she said, if he was looking for something that was in town and Bianca was there… could he be looking for her? “…Today though, just enjoy the company of one another. You’re all welcome to stay here at the camp I’ve had prepared for you outside. If you wish to return to town you may but you will be watched. No-one is to leave town until the trials are completed.”
Shaoni finished, I hadn’t really been listening to her welcome speech. She said everything I cared about when she told us what the trials where going to test for, after that I kind of tuned out. Shaoni disappeared in a flash, just like she had back at my house the day before and with that the five of us were alone again. I left, heading back outside to see this camp she mentioned. The others talked with each other but I really had no desire to. That didn’t stop Robert from running to catch up with me, wheezing when he got there.
“Hey you’re the one who ran out of the bar the other night! She’s said a lot about you, I’d almost think she had a favorite.”
Robert huffed out between breaths, punching me in the arm in a friendly but wholly unwelcome way.
“I’ve heard you know nothing about the supernatural, I’d be happy to tell you what I’ve seen working with Shaoni.”
Robert offered, fishing for any reason to hold a conversation with me.
“No, that’s alright really, I’ll manage. What do you guys do anyways, working for her I mean? I get the sense she could really run this whole operation on her own if she wanted.”
“She probably could do this alone. Most of the time we don’t work directly with her, this is a special case for those of us she’s got helping with the trials. There’s maybe 50 of us total and not just here, I mean 50 of us overall. She’s very selective with the followers she keeps so there isn’t many of us. We tend to sit around up-holding her ideals till she asks something of us through dreams, like the ones that brought you here.”
Robert explained, confusing me a little bit. I found it hard to believe a crew of 50 people got everything here done. I guess it wasn’t to outlandish when put in perspective though. If you told me Shaoni got all this done herself I probably would’ve believed you so 50 people organized by her, yeah I could see that.
“Wait, so you guys barley ever actually work with her, and what are her ideals exactly?”
“Have you heard the legends of the thunderbird? A lot of it depicts the thunderbird as a spirit of justice that fights evil spirits from the underworld, that’s really watered down but you get the point. I’ve never seen her do anything like that but she does uphold a certain sense of justice and that’s what she expects of us. Sure, she seems really intimidating but she wants to right wrongs that no one else will, it makes her a little harsh but she has to be. We just do that same thing when we aren’t getting orders right from her. Maybe you think she’s in the wrong here because she pulled you into this but we really want to help, sometimes there’s a price for that.”
Robert lectured, you could tell he really believed in what he was saying though. He may have been older but when he was telling me about the thunderbird and what she stood for he was filled with vigor again. Maybe he’s not as bad as I thought, I wanted all these people working for her to be some kind of weird cult like in Imalone. The more I heard the more I doubted that. They were people who followed her for a reason, not just because she gave them some kind of power. In reality I think what she really gave them was purpose. That sort of thing is more than enough for most people to follow someone.
When I broke away from Robert and got outside I found a huge camp had been set up while we were in the cave. Tepees of various sizes had been constructed all around the entrance to the old mine and one big canvas tent had a huge table running through it filled with food. For 50 people these followers of the thunderbird sure worked fast. I hadn’t decided if I wanted to go back to town yet. I hoped Frank and Stein had convinced Bianca to go with them, at least then they could get some answers while I was stuck here. If they were gone though what reason did I have to go back? As long as I was out here surrounded by people who work with Shaoni maybe I could get some answers of my own. I wasn’t really sure what information about Shaoni would do for us but she was a mystery to me. Everyone was here for a reason, I agreed to take on a burden, Brooke was here because of some promise Shaoni made, and I’m sure the rest had similar stories. Shaoni gained nothing from any of that though, besides this burden I had agreed to take. I’m not sure why, but it felt like figuring out what She stood to gain from this was important. If I could do that maybe I could put the pieces to this puzzle together. Two people had pointed out I knew nothing about the supernatural as well, Shaoni and Robert. That didn’t seem to matter to much to me but if all the others here had some experience in it maybe it should. It seemed like we were all on a level playing field though, Brooke hadn’t heard about the trials and neither had I. Robert and that strange John guy probably had some idea but they worked with Shaoni, I would expect them to know. Katrina, the blonde was probably just as surprised as Brooke, if I had to guess. None of us knew exactly what the trials would test for, so why did everyone keep brining up not knowing about the supernatural like it put me at a disadvantage?
“Why indeed.”
A familiar voice said, sending lightning through my veins and breaking my train of thought. I just about tossed the turkey leg I’d been eating directly at the source of the noise.
“Shaoni, you have got to stop doing that.”
I said, crawling back into my skin after she scared me out of it. Shaoni still looked just as she had when she addressed us earlier, adorned in her animal skins and feathers. It took me a second but it finally clicked that she had said something strange when she sat down next to me.
“Hang on a minute, can you read my mind? Was I thinking out loud or something?”
“No, you just looked lost in thought and I figured I’d chime in.”
“Oh, alright… why?”
I squeaked out, abruptly realizing that this was Shaoni, the thunderbird who was sitting next to me. There was a second there where I wasn’t as intimidated by her as I normally was but it had passed quickly.
“I wanted to know how your doing, I know all this can’t be easy to take in.”
“I’m doing fine, I think I’m adjusting pretty well but I did want to ask you some questions.”
An amused look ran across Shaoni’s face at this. She wasn’t being as commanding as before either, she almost seemed to genuinely care about my well-being.
“Would you walk with me, I’ll answer your questions on the way.”
Shaoni asked, standing and waiting for me to follow her. Not seeing any better options I stood up and left alongside her.
We walked around the perimeter of the camp, out of ear shot of anyone else. I’m sure she did that on purpose, though I wasn’t sure if it was so no-one could hear my screams if I asked a question she didn’t like or if she just wanted privacy.
“Why me Shaoni? Why chose me out of everyone, was it just a coincidence?”
“Straight to the point hmm. Think Keith, when I found you in the position you were in you needed my help. Sure, I planned to dispose of the cultists that were threatening you anyways but I stopped to help you. You saw me descend from the sky, swoop down, and bring them to their knees, I extended an offer to you and you just took it. You didn’t bargain or ask for anything more after I shattered your perception of what does and doesn’t exist, just accepted my offer. Most people would have bargained, tried to look for a better deal for themselves but you saw what the price of my help would be and paid it, no second thoughts. That interested me Keith, you recognized what had to be done and didn’t try to avoid the cost, that’s why I chose you.”
“So I appealed to whatever sense of justice you have? That’s it, that’s the only reason?”
She looked almost hurt as I asked this and she stopped walking. I definitely stepped on a nerve, I expected her to snap but she didn’t, She just asked very quietly,
“Do you think I’m a monster Keith?”
I was stunned by the question. Could I really say she was a monster? What had she done so far? Save me, that’s what, was that really so monstrous? Sure it may have come at a cost but nothing is ever free. Shaoni even came to warn me about the trials ahead of time, just barely ahead of time but it was something.
“No Shaoni, you’re not a monster just… someone with the powers you have… it’s terrifying for a normal person. Can you really say I’m in the wrong for being afraid of you?”
Even as I said it I knew it was a lie, at least partially. I wasn’t just afraid of her, I wanted her to be evil and she just wasn’t, not really. Maybe she was a bit intense but everything she had done to me so far couldn’t be called evil.
“Fear is only natural when you see something like me, but I’m not a monster. The thunderbird has always stood for justice. That’s what I represent, I can’t be everywhere but I make it a point to uphold justice where I am. Those who I’ve chosen to follow me hold my justice in their own town, in their own lives. I can be harsh but I am just.”
She said this with such intensity I had no choice but to believe her. Her conviction to justice was zealous but I still wanted to pry a little bit more.
“So what does justice mean to you then? I don’t mean to be disrespectful but I want to hear it from you,”
I asked, growing a little more confident in talking to Shaoni. For once I didn’t feel like she would kill me on a whim. Give her a reason, and Shaoni would do it without a second thought but I don’t think she cared that much about my questioning.
“Justice is black and white, right and wrong. Normally there’s a pretty good system in place to punish those that deserve it but sometimes things slip through the cracks, that’s where I come in. I take care of the heinous acts people get away with, people that think they’ve gotten away with murder, so to speak.”
“So your a vigilante then? That’s what I’m hearing here.”
“I wouldn’t be so crass but yes, I suppose you could call me a vigilante but I promise you that’s an oversimplification. Suffice it to say my opinion on matters of serving justice is respected.”
Shaoni seemed a little uncomfortable at the word “respect”, I think a better word would’ve been “feared”. I wasn’t going to say it to her but I knew she suspected it. I could see something about that really hurt her. I couldn’t put my finger on it, the reason Shaoni didn’t want to be feared. Despite being the scariest thing I’d seen so far she didn’t want to be known for that.
We talked for a while longer about a whole lot of nothing. Eventually we got back around to the camp and she bid me goodnight despite the fact it was 3 in the afternoon at the time. She was probably right though, I was going to need the rest if I wanted to be ready for the first trial tomorrow. I found my way to a tepee conveniently marked with my name. I didn’t remember it being marked before and I didn’t understand the point of giving us specific tepees, privacy I guess? The fur sleeping bag was a rustic but welcome touch and despite lacking the amenities of a usual home the tepee was quite comfortable. As I settled in for the night I heard a rustling on the far side of the tepee, then a voice, one whose heavy accent I recognized immediately.
“So, turns out they don’t check under the truck. Ya got me here with you now.”
Rocco said, emerging from a blanket in the corner. That revelation didn’t exactly set my mind at ease. Rocco must’ve sensed my apprehension to the fact that he was anywhere near me right now.
“What?! I’m here to help out! I heard you going on about a trial or somethin’ so I figured I’d tag along under that truck when they picked you up, can’t have enough back up ya know.”
He continued, pulling a belt with several tools out from under the blanket as he spoke. I wasn’t pleased to have him here but maybe I could make use of him.
“I was hoping you’d go with Bianca and the other two but honestly, it might be nice to have a friendly face around here. Just… try to stay out of trouble.”
“Trouble? When do I ever get into trouble?”
I hoped he was being sarcastic, you can never tell with him. I bit my tongue as Rocco walked out into the camp, silently praying no-one would see him. With that I settled into my sleeping bag and tried to think of what I could expect from the first trial tomorrow.
submitted by CDown01 to AllureStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:53 ColettWay I seem to be allergic to life and I ran out of doctors. (24f)

cw depression and suicide attempt, but not detailed
Edit: thorough MCas testing and outcome added.
This is going to be long, but I lived it trhough, so...
Earlier medical background:
I have always been an anxious kid, so that might worsened many problems I had. I got Escitalopram three years ago. My anxiety is better now. Sometimes I still take Alprazolam when shit hits the fan or if a symptom could be anxiety induced. I always had a very high intolerance for Alprazolam, so it just takes the edge off.
When I was a kid I had a problem with breathing through my nose, but it was said to be probably because of my adenoid. When I was nine, my adenoid was removed. I was sick a lot and my nose bled a lot. After the surgery, the problems stopped. And never got a fever after that.
I never smoked, because any smoke makes me cough and unable to breathe. Also if someone cooks with some spices. I always got nauseus from alcohol, so I only drank like 2-3 times, then gave up. I use soap bars for everything, so luiqid soap is not the problem. I only have glass food containers. I don't take nicotine in any shape or form. I don't really consume coffein. I started eating cacao, so it might help with the stem cells.
Medical history:
Since I was little, many food felt like it is burning my mouth. Like it’s eating it away. The main problem was pepper because that bothered the adults the most. It hurt when something had haselnuts, walnuts, banana, pineapple, peach, Tomato, capsicum in it and toothpaste. Toothpaste is the worst. Chili is a different kind of pain. I showed allergy to nettle and mosquito bites since I was little. The pain in my mouth and what these allergies caused were very similar.
Around when I was twelve, I got very strong stomach aches from time to time, and eating also became a chore. Digesting hurt. I couldn’t drink carbonated drinks. I mainly drank water from then on, or tea. Didn't matter what I did, my tongue has been white since then and I had a bad breath too. I didn’t develop an ED, I just felt less and less until I either cried or felt nothing. I became very introverted and preferred not to be around people. My memory became worse and studying got difficult. My grades got worse, but I just spent more time studying. I became more and more tired, although I slept more and more. Even if I did many sports, I still had a very bad physique.
Before high school, I got pneumonia. I had a low fever for one day. I felt like I had liquid in my lungs for two weeks, but other than that, I had no problem. ( I got medicine for pneumonia.) I still don’t have a good function of my lungs which make me weak at keeping a normal tone at all times. Singing is impossible. I can’t control the amount of air out of my throat. When I eat ice cream, I cough up mucus afterwards always.
I got to high school, and my memory got worse. I lost months, had no idea why I am no longer friends with some people, and what happened. I was a great note-taker tho and religiously never missed school. My grades got worse as highschool went on. My anxiety was through the roof too. My parents noticed nothing because I had little to no relationship with them. My body hurt, eating hurt, my head hurt. I was either crying or felt nothing. I wanted to die so bad. The only thing that kept me alive was an invisible force tying my hand. At the end of high school, I realized I couldn’t die. I won’t die. In the meantime, my body temperature went from 36 to 35. I changed many thermometer, but it's the same.
At the beginning of university, I got glasses. I had a very low level of astigmatism in one eye. Separately, I can see well. Together not so much. I always have the problem that I can’t see the text, but I can read it. I also realized that I didn’t see in 3D without glasses. Guess that is why I am good at drawing.
I went through university counting every step I took from my bed, to back to my bad after a day. By the third year of university, I got an allergic reaction to something (that looked like Crohn's symptoms, red nodules) and got antihistamine medicine. On antihistamine, I realized that I couldn’t breathe through my nose right until then. We never figured out the problem, but I was on antihistamine for a year. Then I went to the doctor. I got an allergy test and tested positive for tomato, milk protein, egg protein, capsicum, wasp sting, Camille, nettle, and hazelnuts. It wasn’t the shock kind of allergy, just allergy. The doctor said nothing, but to leave those foods. Never saw her again. I stopped these foods, and after leaving milk and eggs, I went through a personality change. I had feelings for the first time in a long time. Until then I just mimicked everyone's emotions, but then I got my own ones. I liked different clothes, different songs, different everything. I became more social, but although I felt like waking up from a ten-year-long coma, my parents didn’t understand what changed. I had bigger problems tho. It felt like I lost ten years of my life. I had to relearn how to cook, how to exist, how to deal with emotional issues. I had lost so many memories from the last ten years that I couldn’t access. When I eat eggs, I revert to the previous mindset and feel like my past self. I have questions prepared for those times and get answers to important questions, like “How do you cook?”. Usually getting better from eggs in two months, so I only eat eggs by accident. It is usually breathing problems and muscle weakness. The antihistamine I took was loratadine, but it became useless and my breathing got difficult again. Milk usually causes rotten feeling in my sotmach and I feel numb emotionally for a few days.
While I got my allergy test, I also tested positive for iron deficiency, and then blood in my stool, although I have never seen blood. I got checked out by a gastroenterologist intimately. I had nothing that would cause my reflux, but he found an inflammation in my intestines. So I got local immunosuppressants (budesonide). That didn’t work. So, I went on steroids and then on immunosuppressants (azathioprine). It caused some problems.
I got my period at 14 and it never got periodical. I missed months, half a years usually but the ob-gyns never found anything. After a year, on azathioprine, my period stopped. I had PCOS and Insulin resistance. I am on a diet for a year now. It didn’t change anything. I felt sick the moment I got on azathioprine, but my doctor made me to be on it for one and half a year. I couldn’t eat and I slept 14 hours on average. Sleeping through days also wasn’t rare. I missed so many deadlines in university. My joints hurt so much, walking with a cane was not rare. My blood pressure got lower (around 105, if I move lot, goes down to 90) and my pulse went from 60 to 75-80. I feel vertigo a lot. At the same time, the food problems never stopped. Food still burned. My tongue was still white unless my stomach issues felt better. My headache never went away, but now it feels like it's burning like my mouth.
I was tested for Mcas, but it was negative. My blood was checked if I have a higher chance for blood clots, it was negative. For MCas, I had a leukocita mediator production and cytokin test and it was negative. Western blotting was also negative. Anemia perniciosa, imunoblot, intrinsic factor, negative. ASCA IgA ELISA higher (norm: <20 value: 24) ASCA IgG ELISA high (norm <20, value: 84) C-KIT D816V mutation negative.
I found antihistamine diet, and I don't have stomach aches, although my doctor says it is probably a placebo. I stopped the immunosuppressant, 3 months ago and I very rarely have stomach problems. I try to buy natural toothpaste and it seems to be working altough it is very difficult. My tongue is rarely white. I started taking diphenhydramine antihistamine. Breathing is way better. The brain burning got better for a while, but it’s worse again. I feel like this antihistamine is loosing its strength too.
I am writing, because although my stomach is better, my joints sometimes feel like there is not enough liquid for them and they hurt. Using the stairs upwards is a big problem. Sometimes I need to use a cane just for walking. When the front changes, I can’t move, because then I would want to cry from the pain. Sometimes random food also causes me to be in bad for a day or two and not being able to move. My brain feels like it’s on fire and I just want to scream and hit it into a wall.
submitted by ColettWay to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 04:00 Enderoth A 200-strong table of minor accursed inconveniences

Looking on the interwebs I couldn’t find a really good comprehensive list of curses that suited my game, so I made a list of 200. I’ve pulled some of these from other sources (such as reddit posts, youtube shorts, and so on), but the vast majority were from me going “wouldn’t it be funny if…”
Some of the curses have optional mechanical rules attached because I was asked to rule on them. Your mileage may vary (you’re obviously welcome to leave mechanical effects off altogether at your table). That said, I have a hard time believing the rogue can spot a pressure plate when the floor appears made of molten nacho cheese…
Enjoy! Hope you feel inspired and use some in your campaign or your curse tables.
Dreamfey Curses D100:
1 - All of your teeth fall out, and a tiny hand springs from your gums in each one's place. - If you cast a spell with verbal components, roll a d20. On a 5 or lower, the spell fails and is wasted.
2 - Your hair falls out and begins to rapidly regrow from your ears. - You suffer disadvantage on checks requiring hearing.
3 - You can no longer blink your eyes. - Disadvantage to vision checks.
4 - Your fingers become toes, and your toes become fingers. - Disadvantage on dexterity checks requiring fine motor control.
5 - You lay an egg, and are overwhelmed by the instinct to brood it. - If the egg hatches after 30 days, you gain a familiar. If it dies, you suffer disadvantage on charisma checks due to depression until the curse is removed.
6 - You can only speak in the scat style of song. - You are incomprehensible and cannot cast spells with verbal components.
7 - You laugh uproariously at anything sad or distressing. - Disadvantage on charisma checks in upsetting situations.
8 - You may only ingest things that are yellow. Any other color makes you violently ill. - Food and potions must be carefully considered. Water must be made yellow.
9 - Each time you laugh in real life, your character takes 1d4 damage.
10 - You believe yourself to be a spy working for the enemy, and are very bad at it.
11 - All livestock that see you want to be near you, and do their best to get as close to you as possible.
12 - You crave humanoid bones, and can only be satisfied by eating them.
13 - You cannot turn right. - Disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.
14 - You must loudly shout, "SURPRISE!" when walking through doorways.
15 - You become a pacifist. You can no longer intentionally attempt to deal lethal damage.
16 - Every time you have an even remotely romantic feeling, you become intensely nauseous. - DC 15 CON save or vomit, still look sick on success.
17 - You become intensely magnetic.
18 - You become incredibly beautiful, and must look in any mirror you encounter for at least one minute. - Advantage on seduction-based charisma checks.
19 - Every time you harm someone, even intentionally, you must apologize profusely.
20 - You cannot tell the difference between copper and gold.
21 - You may only speak in questions.
22 - You learn one random useless fact every morning, and can't stop thinking about it until you've told someone. - Automatic failure on concentration checks before disclosing fact.
23 - Your joints pop loudly whenever you move.
24 - Moths are fascinated by you.
25 - Your dreams are visible for others as small illusions above your head.
26 - Whenever anyone doubts you for any reason, you must answer with, "But I know magic!" - Disadvantage on deception checks.
27 - Whenever you hear someone utter a number under 100, you must count up to 100 from that number.
28 - When you walk through a door you forget what you were doing.
29 - Anything you drink takes on the consistency of yogurt. - DC 10 CON save each day to consume drink.
30 - All of your intentional movements are reversed--for example, attempting to move your right hand instead moves your left hand. - You automatically fail all dexterity checks and saves.
31 - You fall hopelessly in love with the next person you see, and actively pursue a long term relationship with them.
32 - You are now unfailingly polite and servile.
33 - You smell strongly of barbeque. - Disadvantage on stealth checks.
34 - You forget how to properly put on your armor, and it has a chance to simply fall off. - When hit by an attack, roll a d20. On a 1, your armor falls off.
35 - Whenever you see someone new who is not hostile, you must introduce yourself and kiss them on both cheeks.
36 - You become terrified of the sun. - Disadvantage on all checks, saves, and attack rolls when in direct sunlight.
37 - You can feel your parasitic twin attempting to assert control over your body at the worst times. - Enemies have advantage on attacks against you.
38 - You have the hiccups. Forever. - Disadvantage on concentration checks.
39 - You must shed your skin like a snake every day. - The time required for your long rest is extended by 2 hours.
40 - If you have a suggestion, you must whisper it conspiratorially to only one person and pretend you said nothing when anyone else asks.
41 - You believe you’re invisible. You're not.
42 - Every day you get bitten by a mosquito in a difficult-to-scratch place. - Disadvantage to charisma checks due to constant itching.
43 - All undead look like beautiful, pleading men and women to you.
44 - Random belongings from nearby people will occasionally fall out of your clothing in front of them.
45 - You think you can talk to animals. None of them seem to like you.
46 - You can only speak in lies, and you love telling lies. - You cannot cast a spell with verbal components.
47 - Whenever you score a critical hit, you must spend your bonus action and movement (if available) doing a victory dance.
48 - You are easily addicted to things. You deny that this is the case. - Automatically fail addiction checks.
49 - Your shadow mocks you.
50 - You feel the constant need to speak in a gravelly voice (like Batman). - Disadvantage on charisma checks.
51 - You cannot abide the sight of the opposite sex, and must avert your eyes in disgust. - You are blind with respect to humanoids of the opposite sex, and suffer disadvantage on attacks against them.
52 - All speech in Common sounds like terrified screaming to you.
53 - You are committed to forming a committed relationship with a troll, and must try to guide the group toward that objective.
54 - Your hair becomes a tangled mass of non-venomous, mostly-harmless snakes. They are not friendly to you.
55 - You believe yourself to be a were-halfling. You are not.
56 - You believe yourself to be an actor, and this campaign is an elaborate play. The audience is invisible and all around you.
57 - Nobody can remember your name, but that doesn't stop them from trying and getting it wrong.
58 - All beasts of CR 1/4 and lower are frightened of you, even your pets and livestock.
59 - You are immune to the effects of potions and poisons.
60 - You compulsively narrate your every action in a whisper.
61 - You compulsively sing, whistle, or hum a theme song that changes from situation to situation.
62 - You must now speak in the style of Randy "Macho Man" Savage.
63 - Every time you hear the word "magic," you react as if struck by the Vicious Mockery cantrip at lowest level.
64 - You become breathtakingly ugly (doesn't impact CHA). Every mirror you pass shatters loudly.
65 - You glow in the dark (dim light, 10 ft radius). You make up a different reason why whenever you’re asked.
66 - If viewed by someone using True Sight, you appear to be a mindflayer to them.
67 - You cannot eat food. Instead, each day, you must make someone cry in order to remain sated.
68 - Lightning is attracted to you, but it's shy.
69 - When crafting something, roll a d20. On a 10 or lower, you accidentally drop the item over and over when attempting to craft it.
70 - The slightest amount of intoxicant of any kind has its full effect on you (such as a thimble of beer causing drunkenness).
71 - You believe yourself to be visibly pregnant. Anyone that you complain about this to must say "Congratulations!"
72 - Your blood turns into coins as it leaves your body. Each hitpoint lost results in one silver coin falling from the wound.
73 - You must spend your first turn of combat in earnest attempting to have a dance-off against your enemy.
74 - You grow a set of vestigial gills. They are not functional. You believe they ARE functional.
75 - Your main weapon, whatever it is, begins to speak with you. It criticizes your form each time you miss an attack.
76 - You must speak like a black-hat cowboy. - Advantage to intimidation checks.
77 - All birdsong stops within 1 mile of you. Birds watch you constantly.
78 - Your sense of touch is extremely sensitive. - Advantage to sleight of hand, disadvantage to concentration checks when taking damage.
79 - You must attempt to make innuendos, or insinuate them where they do not exist. - Disadvantage to persuasion checks against decent people.
80 - A talkative flea lives in your nose. Only you can hear it.
81 - You become blurred, even to your own perception. You don't know which of the blurred images is you. - Enemies have disadvantage to attack you, you have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and checks.
82 - You fart at inappropriate times. Whenever you are sneaking, you must roll an occasional d20 to hold the fart in. - The DC to hold this fart in is a CON save, and begins at 10, increasing by 1 each round until released.
83 - You are overwhelmed by kleptomania. You must attempt to steal something from your companions regularly.
84 - One of your companions slowly begins to find you irresistibly attractive.
85 - You grow a long, wizardly beard. Even if you shave it, it grows back within an hour.
86 - Your eyes and mouth change positions (mouths where your eyes were, an eye where your mouth was).
87 - You think if you just think a happy enough thought, you can fly. On a natural 20, you can (for one turn)!
88 - You have a crippling phobia of magic. This includes the Remove Curse spell that would cure you of this phobia.
89 - Male spiders everywhere begin trying to attract you as a mate. It's cute sometimes.
90 - You have to take ever-increasing risks to satisfy your escalating need for a thrill.
91 - You grow an extremely talkative mole on your nose. You should get that looked at. Hey, who you lookin' at?!
92 - You are compelled to challenge the occasional passerby to duels. This happens at random.
93 - You believe yourself to be actual royalty. Kneel, peasants!
94 - You cannot tell the difference between individual humanoids except temporarily, by taste.
95 - A tiny stormcloud floats two feet above you and drizzles on you constantly. Oddly, it's kind of soothing at night as long as you can block the rain.
96 - You have t-rex vision. You can only detect your enemies if they’ve moved that round or the round before. You also have advantage on attacks against lawyers.
97 - You believe you have the ability to see the future. It all seems so clear… (you don't, and it isn't).
98 - You develop the annoying habit of discussing a specific bit of cuisine any time there is a lull in conversation.
99 - You see your death in the future. All of your deaths. You are frightened of all enemies in combat until making a successful DC20 wisdom saving throw at the end of your turn, at which point you are immune to this effect for one hour.
100 - A contract falls into your lap. It promises one Wish in exchange for a child to be delivered to The Pale, courtesy of the Conclave of the Moon. There are numerous stipulations written in every conceivable language, but it seems pretty straightforward. You may immediately benefit from another Fey Curse and the advantage it conveys.
101 - Your nipples detach and begin to crawl all over your body like caterpillars. They can't be plucked off.
102 - You are terrified of the color blue.
103 - Your head turns into a donkey's head. You're capable of speech.
104 - A colony of gregarious spiders takes up residence on your face, imitating a beard. You can shake them loose whenever you like, but the colony always reappears on your face within half an hour, regardless of how many you kill or displace.
105 - Every time someone makes a joke, pun, or innuendo that you can hear, you suffer the effects of Tasha's Hideous Laughter. (DC15 to save afterward)
106 - Dandelions sprout wherever you walk as long as it's on dirt or grass.
107 - Your skin turns a violent shade of luminescent pink.
108 - You hear the song "Banana Phone" playing over and over in your mind.
109 - You always feel a bit too cold.
110 - Whenever you tell a lie, you fart loudly. - Automatically fail deception checks that involve a lie.
111 - You have drawn the attention of a miniature Genie who grants you whatever you wish for. While he generally means well, he plays a bit too loose with the creative license. Also, he gets angry if you try to stifle his creative freedom and make specific wishes (such as attempting to replicate a spell effect or a guaranteed standard outcome). He loves to try and grant wishes whenever you say, "I wish…" as well.
112 - Drinking alcohol makes you feel like you're invincible.
113 - You must now eat and digest food "in reverse." You know what I mean.
114 - You moan loudly whenever you make physical contact with another creature.
115 - Your eyes glow in the dark, and their color reflects your mood (red for anger, blue for calm, green for fear, pink for love, etc.).
116 - Large, onomatopoeic words appear and float in the air whenever you do something that makes a noise, and last a few seconds.
117 - You must end everything you say with, "Myah, see? Myah!"
118 - You must speak in pig latin.
119 - If you spend a turn yelling loudly and flexing without moving or taking any actions, bonus actions, or reactions, you may make an extra attack on the next turn with advantage. You glow brightly the entire time you're yelling in this situation.
120 - You become exceptionally greedy.
121 - If you take damage, you must use your item interaction to make sure your hair is okay on the following turn.
122 - You prefer the romantic company of bears instead of other humanoids.
123 - You have tinnitus.
124 - You absolutely REFUSE to step on cracks of any kind (mechanically, you must move only using the arrow keys).
125 - Whenever you look at someone for more than three seconds, their face appears to start melting (this is a hallucination).
126 - Any time you say a word without pronouncing the "silent" letters in it, you bite your tongue. It hurts a lot, and draws blood, which most people have no problem seeing.
127 - You speak in haiku.
128 - You can't see clothing or armor anymore. This includes your own. - Double the amount of time required to don armor.
129 - Whenever you accidentally harm an ally with an errant shot or area of effect ability or spell, you feel the power of Ryfe flow through you--you gain temporary HP equal to the damage you inflicted on your friends. This temporary HP stacks.
130 - Your thoughts are literally written on your face. In Dwarvish.
131 - Failing an ability check makes you pee, just a little.
132 - You can't see race (or gender) when looking at humanoids. Everyone looks like a white cismale human.
133 - You tip at least 50% whenever you spend money on something. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to buy!
134 - You think anyone shorter than you is a literal child.
135 - You develop male pattern baldness--full on horseshoe style.
136 - A brownie starts following you and cleaning up after you. If you fail to thank it each day by leaving it a present, it will sabotage you somehow.
137 - Any reptile or amphibian you see you think MUST be a cursed prince. One little kiss could break that curse…
138 - You develop a severe stutter. - Disadvantage on spellcasting ability checks.
139 - You must now regularly whisper, "I like you," in the ears of your companions, especially when they're sleeping and you're not.
140 - Whenever you're talking to someone, you must try to touch them at the same time, preferably their face.
141 - Whenever you see a beggar, you give them at least 5% of the money you have.
142 - Your sense of spice is reversed. Plain white bread is the spiciest thing in the world, and only exotic peppers taste bland to you. Water tastes like hot sauce.
143 - Any time you hear the word, "loot," you have an earthshaking orgasm.
144 - You are terrified of healing. Much like a child afraid of getting shots, you flee from people trying to heal you.
145 - If you swear, a silver coin falls out of your pocket (if you have any).
146 - You have a slow nosebleed. It never stops, except when you're looking straight upward or sleeping.
147 - You see dolls following you. They always seem to disappear around corners or behind objects and vanish right after you notice them.
148 - Reading gives you a vicious headache.
149 - Whenever nobody else is around to see, doors close and lock you in whatever room you're in (if it has doors that lock).
150 - Your bellybutton turns into a little mouth that screams out cheerleading slogans and hype for you at random moments.
151 - Your hands ooze delicious butter substitute. On attacks of natural 1, you fumble your weapon.
152 - Your mouth is permanently dry. Make with the lip-smacking sounds!
153 - Your character must loudly sing a "poop song" whenever you go to the bathroom in real life.
154 - Whenever someone says your name, you have a sneezing fit.
155 - You remain oblivious to clues obtained through sight or sound, and must roll investigation checks using your sense of taste instead. You don't suffer any particular disadvantage for this--enjoy synesthesia!
156 - When you're in crowds or moving through city streets or the like, random and hurtful insults are hurled at you from people you can't see.
157 - There's always a piece of broccoli stuck in your teeth. You can feel it, though you can never quite liberate it from your teeth. Everyone can see it, but you can never spot it in the mirror.
158 - Everything you put in your backpack or bag of holding gets covered in glitter. This doesn't make shopkeeps happy.
159 - If you are feminine, you grow a third breast. If you are masculine, you grow a third butt cheek.
160 - You always suggest peace as the first option to resolve any conflict. Even conflicts you start. This means if you start a fight, you must spend at least 1 action suggesting you all stop and think about just talking it out.
161 - Your finger and toenails grow at a rate of one inch per hour, and your teeth are the only thing that can cut them (or so you believe).
162 - Your feelings are delicate--you're easily offended and prone to loud bouts of crying.
163 - You are colorblind.
164 - Your clothes flutter heroically in a breeze that nobody else can feel or detect. The breeze smells strongly of hot garbage.
165 - You think about 50% of pockets are mimics.
166 - Your ears are now inside your mouth. You are deafened unless your mouth is open.
167 - Your eyebrows are always meaningfully arched.
168 - Your cheeks hang low and flap like a bloodhound's jowls.
169 - You continually emit a loud, high-pitched noise that only children under age 18 can hear.
170 - Any time you are immersed in darkness, you hear childlike laughter around you.
171 - You never wake up where you went to sleep.
172 - You think you're one of the other members of your party, selected by the GM.
173 - Every piece of food you touch turns into peppermint candy.
174 - You don't believe in the fey so hard that you literally cannot perceive them. Any effect caused by a Fey creature you rationalize to protect your disbelief.
175 - You believe you can speak with plants. They flatter you and tell you secrets (which may or may not be true).
176 - Any time you handle paper or books you get a papercut.
177 - The floor looks like molten cheese to you.
178 - You believe your imaginary friend has become real. He is not happy that you've been neglecting him all these years.
179 - You become painfully skinny.
180 - You become morbidly obese.
181 - Your nosehairs grow to be 6 inches long and constantly wiggle. Even trimmed, they regrow at the end of each long rest.
182 - Honestly, you're not sure how you're doing, but you'd love to talk about it.
183 - Whenever you critically miss an attack roll, the attack rebounds and hits you (for the lowest possible damage on the dice if applicable).
184 - A tiny purple worm dwells within your body. It harmlessly erupts from your skin to do things like eat your food, chew holes in your clothing, and scare children.
185 - You have head lice so long as you have the curse. The lice are real, and contagious.
186 - Ants begin to worship you. Each morning you see tiny cults of insects that have brought you gifts, such as crumbs of bread and bits of metal. Behold your almighty power!
187 - Every time someone says your name, you're convinced that they're propositioning you.
188 - A snail begins to chase you from somewhere in Illostere. If it ever manages to touch you, you'll die. You are fully aware of this fact.
189 - The Metacurse. If you ever make a comment that implies that you're metagaming, your gender changes. This effect is permanent. The DM makes the call on if you're metagaming or not.
190 - You are under the permanent effect of Disguise Self, appearing to look like one of your comrades, as determined by the DM.
191 - Whenever you see a rainbow, you are compelled to find the gold at the end of it. This happens every time that it rains.
192 - You believe (loudly, and to anyone who will listen) that you are the incarnation of the god that best suits your alignment and personality.
193 - You have performance anxiety.
194 - You have imposter syndrome.
195 - Every stranger you see looks like they're wearing a Nemo mask.
196 - Every stranger you see looks like Nemo wearing a stranger mask.
197 - Every time you touch a coin, it springs to life (sprouting little arms and legs, as well as eyes and a mouth) and starts singing loudly about having "Money for Nothin" while fleeing from you.
198 - Your bed--whether it be a mattress, bedroll, hammock, or otherwise--has an appetite… FOR YOU! You think your bedding is a mimic trying to eat you. (It's not, but you have trouble being convinced of that or resting).
199 - Pixies, which are normally shy creatures, suddenly find you irresistibly attractive.
200 - A dark metal coin containing one humanoid soul falls into your lap. It whispers in terror and pain at all times. Fiends cherish these coins, and may be willing to trade for them. You are able to immediately benefit from another Fey Curse and the advantage it conveys.
submitted by Enderoth to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 02:06 Specialist_Fee_1117 To defeat the raccoon, the bananas, raccoonists, and the raccoon lackey we must coalitionite with the eagles, tree branches, and third thinkers and achieve the anti-mosquito light

submitted by Specialist_Fee_1117 to SocialUnity [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 21:15 CS2_PostMatchThreads SAW vs Eternal Fire / ESL Pro League Season 19 - Group A 6th-7th Decider Match / Post-Match Discussion

SAW 🇵🇹 2-0 🇹🇷 Eternal Fire

Vertigo: 13-8 Nuke: 13-3 Inferno
Eternal Fire is eliminated.

Map picks:

SAW MAP Eternal Fire
Ancient X
X Mirage
Overpass X
X Anubis

Full Match Stats:

Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇵🇹 SAW
🇵🇹 arrozdoce 34-18 101.6 78.4% 1.69
🇵🇹 story 27-15 68.4 91.9% 1.35
🇵🇹 MUTiRiS 23-16 66.4 81.1% 1.27
🇵🇹 roman 25-25 78.3 75.7% 1.22
🇵🇹 ewjerkz 22-21 73.1 78.4% 1.14
🇹🇷 Eternal Fire
🇹🇷 MAJ3R 20-24 61.4 67.6% 0.91
🇹🇷 woxic 23-28 76.2 62.2% 0.88
🇹🇷 XANTARES 20-26 60.5 67.6% 0.77
🇹🇷 Calyx 17-25 56.1 56.8% 0.75
🇹🇷 Wicadia 15-28 56.9 54.1% 0.65

Individual Map Stats:

Map 1: Vertigo

Team T CT Total
🇵🇹 SAW 9 4 13
🇹🇷 Eternal Fire 3 5 8
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇵🇹 SAW
🇵🇹 arrozdoce 20-11 100.3 81.0% 1.70
🇵🇹 story 17-11 74.8 90.5% 1.40
🇵🇹 ewjerkz 13-14 77.2 81.0% 1.15
🇵🇹 MUTiRiS 9-9 54.9 76.2% 1.04
🇵🇹 roman 12-15 69.8 71.4% 1.03
🇹🇷 Eternal Fire
🇹🇷 woxic 17-14 93.6 66.7% 1.19
🇹🇷 MAJ3R 11-14 63.8 66.7% 0.91
🇹🇷 XANTARES 12-15 66.0 61.9% 0.82
🇹🇷 Wicadia 9-14 56.8 57.1% 0.81
🇹🇷 Calyx 11-14 56.0 57.1% 0.80

Vertigo detailed stats and VOD


Map 2: Nuke

Team T CT Total
🇵🇹 SAW 10 3 13
🇹🇷 Eternal Fire 2 1 3
Team K-D ADR KAST Rating
🇵🇹 SAW
🇵🇹 arrozdoce 14-7 103.2 75.0% 1.69
🇵🇹 MUTiRiS 14-7 81.5 87.5% 1.58
🇵🇹 roman 13-10 89.6 81.2% 1.50
🇵🇹 story 10-4 59.9 93.8% 1.30
🇵🇹 ewjerkz 9-7 67.6 75.0% 1.12
🇹🇷 Eternal Fire
🇹🇷 MAJ3R 9-10 58.4 68.8% 0.90
🇹🇷 XANTARES 8-11 53.3 75.0% 0.72
🇹🇷 Calyx 6-11 56.3 56.2% 0.69
🇹🇷 woxic 6-14 53.4 56.2% 0.50
🇹🇷 Wicadia 6-14 57.2 50.0% 0.44

Nuke detailed stats and VOD



M1 MUTiRiS - 1vs2 clutch - pistol round
M1 story - 1vs2 clutch
M1 woxic - no questions asked AWP ACE to turn a 3vs5 situation in favor of Eternal Fire
M1 arrozdoce sport cars his way into an ACE on the bombsite B offensive
M2 MAJ3R - 4 kills on the bombsite A defense
M2 MAJ3R - 4 kills on the bombsite A defense
M2 Wicadia slams his desk to infinity and beyond after being eliminated first in Vents
M2 MUTiRiS - steaming hot 1vs3 clutch
M2 roman - 4 dominant M4A1-S kills on the bombsite A defense
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team. If you want to share any feedback or have any concerns, please message u/CS2_PostMatchThreads.
submitted by CS2_PostMatchThreads to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 23:16 sarcasticspade Will beneficial nematodes harm my bugs?

I’m having a terrible fungus gnat problem that I’m having trouble controlling with mosquito bits. I’d like to get some beneficial nematodes and add them to my terrariums, but I’m worried about it harming my insects. I have isopods, Cuban banana roaches, and chrome roaches. Springtails are in every tank as well. I found this pack of beneficial nematodes online, would it be okay for me to add to my tanks?
submitted by sarcasticspade to bioactive [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 00:05 keithrh13- Atlas of the British Empire 1935

Atlas of the British Empire 1935 submitted by keithrh13- to MapPorn [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 02:31 Wise-Milk-604 Why I Do Not Shop Loblaws

Why I Do Not Shop Loblaws
Bananas, cream, 2 milk jugs, ambrosia apples, nectarines, sweet onion bag, 3 English cucumbers, bell pepper bag, spinach bag, strawberries, asparagus, carrot bag, green beans, zucchini, pork jerky, brown sugar, guava, mushrooms, dairy pills, bananas, harvest hot dogs, 4.5 k of pasta, tomatoes, two loafs of bread, beef broth, jam, paper towel, two family mega jumbo cereal packs, melona ice cream, pork ribs, and beef blades from Costco for $320.
My overall total was $470, however I purchased a $90 mosquito repellent device cuz my child has terrible reactions to mosquitos, 2 pairs of shorts $15 each, and two 5 gals Jerry cans $30 for both cans. The non food items costed about $150… well I included paper towels into food costs but it’s house hold related. This food can easily last me and my family two weeks. I have some other meat in the freezer. I wouldn’t dare shop at Loblaws. Buying the basics costs an arm and a leg.
submitted by Wise-Milk-604 to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 23:05 No-Procedure250 How to increase shrimp population?

How to increase shrimp population?
The title says it all. Some tank and keeping routine information beforehand.
I use normal treated tapwater with a little amount of limestone and many botanicals like leaves which release tannins and etc. Sadly I don't have a testkit. But the shrimps have no issues whatsoever, molting, life cycle all fine. Only real annoyance are some scutariella worms occasionally, which I keep in check via feeding as they are not spreading wild (though I can do saltbaths and no planaria but I don't want to risk it) and that the snails are more successful and breed way more than the shrimps. I feed the shrimps pellets, random fruits like bananas, stinging nettles, mosquito larvaes, biofilm from other tanks, spirulina and algae which grows in the water containers for waterchange. I do water changes every 3 months and clean the filter like every 6 months. The whole tank is a messy jungle unfortunately with deep substrate. Besides I didn't come for hardscape tips(even though I'd strongly need some).
Well there are not many berried shrimps and I seldom see freshly hatched shrimps(however I see new shrimp babies, but not in mass) and the snails do take somewhat over. I heard of bacterae but does it really work? Any tips for increasing shrimp population so hard that it explodes would be helpful
submitted by No-Procedure250 to shrimptank [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 18:21 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Island Child Friendly

Maldives Island Child Friendly
Maldives Island Child Friendly They say that a family that travels together, stays together. When it comes to planning a vacation that caters to the needs and interests of both parents and children, the Maldives is an unrivaled destination. With its stunning natural beauty and abundance of child-friendly resorts, this tropical paradise offers a perfect getaway for families seeking relaxation, adventure, and quality time together.But what makes the Maldives truly child-friendly? In this discussion, we will explore the best family-friendly resorts, exciting activities for kids, delicious dining options, and much more.So, pack your bags and get ready to embark on a journey that will create lifelong memories for both young and old.Best Family-Friendly Resorts in the MaldivesWhen it comes to the best family-friendly resorts in the Maldives, you'll find a wide range of options that cater to every need and desire. The Maldives offers some of the best family hotels in the world, ensuring that your vacation is filled with unforgettable moments.One of the standout features of these resorts is their exceptional kids clubs. These clubs provide a safe and fun environment for children to enjoy various activities while parents can relax and indulge in some much-needed downtime. From arts and crafts to outdoor adventures, the kids clubs have it all.Notable family-friendly resorts in the Maldives include Villa Nautica, Atmosphere Kanifushi Maldives, and Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives. These resorts offer excellent service and staff, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable stay for the whole family. Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Villa Park, and JA Manafaru are also highly recommended for their family-friendly amenities and attentive staff.For families seeking privacy and luxury, resorts like Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru, and Six Senses Laamu provide private villas and pools. These accommodations offer a tranquil and exclusive experience, perfect for creating lasting memories with your loved ones.In terms of activities and entertainment, the Maldives has plenty to offer. Resorts like Vakkaru Maldives, Sun Siyam Olhuveli, and Kurumba Maldives provide a wide range of activities, from snorkeling and diving to outdoor playgrounds. With pristine beaches and breathtaking views as a backdrop, these resorts create the perfect setting for a memorable family vacation.When it comes to choosing the best family-friendly resort in the Maldives, you can rest assured that you'll find something to suit your needs and create unforgettable moments for the whole family.Kid-Friendly Activities in the MaldivesWith an array of exciting activities and adventures, the Maldives offers an unforgettable experience for families seeking kid-friendly fun. Here are three activities that families can enjoy during their family holiday in the Maldives:Kids Clubs: Many resorts in the Maldives have dedicated kids clubs that offer a wide range of activities designed to keep children entertained and engaged. These clubs are supervised by trained staff members who organize games, crafts, and educational activities, ensuring that children have a memorable and enjoyable time.Outdoor Playgrounds: Resorts in the Maldives understand the importance of outdoor play for children's development. That's why they often have well-equipped outdoor playgrounds where kids can have fun climbing, sliding, and swinging to their heart's content. These playgrounds are a great way for children to burn off energy and make new friends.Daily Activities: Resorts in the Maldives go above and beyond to provide a variety of daily activities for families to enjoy. From yoga classes on the beach to coconut painting workshops and volleyball games, there's something for everyone. These activities not only keep children entertained but also allow them to learn and try new things.Water Sports for Children in the MaldivesChildren visiting the Maldives can dive into a world of aquatic adventures with an array of exciting water sports activities designed just for them. The crystal-clear waters surrounding the Maldives provide the perfect playground for young adventurers to explore and have fun. Many family-friendly resorts, such as those located in the South Ari Atoll, offer specialized water sports activities and facilities for children, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.Check out the table below to get a glimpse of the thrilling water sports options available for children in the Maldives:Water Sports ActivityDescriptionSnorkelingKids can discover the vibrant marine life and colorful coral reefs while snorkeling in the shallow, calm waters.KayakingChildren can paddle their way through the serene lagoons and discover hidden coves and islands.PaddleboardingKids can test their balance and enjoy gliding across the calm waters on a paddleboard.Shallow Water DivingUnder the guidance of trained instructors, children can embark on their first diving experience in safe, shallow waters.Many resorts in the Maldives also offer kids clubs with water sports training and supervised activities, allowing children to explore the underwater wonders in a secure environment. Additionally, some resorts feature dedicated children's pools and water play areas, ensuring that kids can have fun and stay active in the water under the watchful eye of trained staff.With the abundance of water sports options for children, the Maldives is truly a paradise for young adventurers seeking thrilling aquatic experiences.Child-Friendly Dining Options in the MaldivesAfter an exciting day of exploring the vibrant marine life and engaging in thrilling water sports activities, families visiting the Maldives can look forward to indulging in a delightful array of child-friendly dining options.The Maldives is renowned for its luxurious resorts that go above and beyond to cater to the needs of families, ensuring a memorable dining experience for both adults and children.Here are three child-friendly dining options that are highly recommended for families in the Maldives:Soneva Jani: This stunning resort offers a range of dining options that are perfect for families. From casual beachside barbecues to elegant restaurants serving international cuisines, Soneva Jani ensures that there's something to please even the pickiest eaters. The resort also offers a dedicated kids' menu, ensuring that children can enjoy their favorite dishes in a child-friendly setting.Senses Laamu: With its picturesque location and exceptional service, Senses Laamu is an ideal choice for families seeking a child-friendly dining experience. The resort offers a variety of dining options, including a buffet-style restaurant with a wide selection of dishes that cater to all tastes. Children can enjoy their meals in a relaxed and welcoming environment, while parents can savor the flavors of the Maldives.Kuda Huraa: This family-friendly resort in the Maldives is known for its excellent service and attention to detail. Kuda Huraa offers a range of dining options that are perfect for families, including a dedicated kids' menu and a variety of international cuisines. The resort's friendly staff ensures that children are well taken care of, making dining a stress-free and enjoyable experience for the whole family.Family-Friendly Excursions in the MaldivesFamilies visiting the Maldives can embark on a range of exciting and family-friendly excursions, immersing themselves in the natural beauty and cultural experiences that this stunning destination has to offer. With its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, the Maldives is a paradise for families seeking adventure and relaxation.One highly recommended resort for family-friendly excursions in the Maldives is the Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort. This luxurious resort offers a variety of activities for families to enjoy, such as snorkeling, diving, and sunset cruises. The resort also has a kids club, where children can participate in supervised activities while parents indulge in some much-needed relaxation.Another popular option for family-friendly excursions is Six Senses. This eco-friendly resort offers a range of activities that allow families to explore the natural beauty of the Maldives. From guided nature walks to dolphin-watching tours, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The resort also offers educational programs for children, allowing them to learn about the rich marine life and ecosystem of the Maldives.No matter which resort you choose, family-friendly excursions in the Maldives are sure to create lasting memories for you and your loved ones. So pack your bags and get ready to embark on an adventure like no other in this tropical paradise.Tips for Traveling to the Maldives With KidsWhen planning a family trip to the Maldives, it's important to consider a few essential tips to ensure a seamless and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.Here are three tips for traveling to the Maldives with kids:Look for family-friendly resorts with all-inclusive options: When choosing a resort, look for ones that offer all-inclusive packages. This not only simplifies your trip but also allows you to enjoy all the amenities and activities without worrying about additional costs. A family-friendly resort will have a range of activities and facilities specially designed to keep the kids entertained, such as kids' clubs, playgrounds, and water sports.Consider resorts highly recommended for families: Before booking your accommodation, do some research and read reviews to find resorts that come highly recommended for families. These resorts will have a reputation for providing excellent service and staff who are experienced in catering to the needs of families. This ensures that your stay will be comfortable and enjoyable, with staff who are attentive to your family's needs.Opt for resorts with private villas and pools: For added privacy and relaxation during your family vacation, choose resorts that offer private villas and pools. This gives your family a secluded space to unwind and enjoy each other's company. Having a private pool also allows your kids to splash around and have fun without worrying about disturbing other guests.Safety Measures for Children in the MaldivesWhen it comes to ensuring the safety of our children in the Maldives, there are several important measures to keep in mind.First and foremost, it's crucial to choose accommodations that are childproofed, with secure balcony railings and door locks.Additionally, we should look for resorts with lifeguarded beaches to provide an extra layer of safety during water activities.Childproofing AccommodationsTo ensure the safety and well-being of our youngest guests, we take great care in childproofing our accommodations in the Maldives. At our resort in the Maldives, we understand that families with children need peace of mind when it comes to their little ones' safety. That's why we go above and beyond to create a child-friendly environment.Here are three ways we childproof our accommodations:Install childproof locks on cabinets and drawers: We make sure that harmful items are out of reach, giving parents peace of mind while their curious toddlers explore their surroundings.Place corner guards on sharp edges of furniture: Accidental bumps and falls can happen, but we minimize the risk of injuries by adding protective guards to furniture corners.Use plug socket covers: Electrical accidents can be dangerous. By using plug socket covers, we decrease the risk of children inserting objects into outlets, ensuring their safety.When it comes to childproofing accommodations, we strive to be the best for families visiting the Maldives.Lifeguarded BeachesAt our child-friendly Maldives resort, families can rest easy knowing that lifeguarded beaches provide a safe and enjoyable environment for children to play and explore. Situated in the picturesque Senses Baa Atoll, the Seasons Resort Maldives offers a private island getaway with pristine sandy shores and crystal-clear waters.Trained lifeguards are stationed on the beaches, diligently monitoring the activities of young ones and ensuring their safety. With designated swimming areas and clear signage, parents can relax and soak up the sun while their children frolic in the gentle waves. The presence of lifeguards adds an extra layer of reassurance, allowing families to fully enjoy various beach activities and water sports.Whether building sandcastles or snorkeling in the turquoise lagoon, the lifeguarded beaches at the Seasons Resort Maldives provide a worry-free experience for everyone.Kid-friendly ActivitiesWe ensure the safety and enjoyment of children in the Maldives through a range of kid-friendly activities. Here are three ways we make sure kids aged have a memorable and secure experience:Kids Clubs and Cinemas: Our resorts offer dedicated spaces where children can engage in supervised activities and watch age-appropriate movies. These clubs provide a safe environment for kids to socialize and have fun while parents relax.Treasure and Scavenger Hunts: We organize exciting treasure hunts that allow children to explore the resort while ensuring their safety. These interactive games not only keep kids entertained but also encourage them to learn and discover the beauty of the Maldives.Water Slides and Playgrounds: Our resorts feature water slides and playgrounds designed specifically for kids. These areas are equipped with safety measures to ensure children can enjoy themselves while parents watch over them.With these kid-friendly activities, families can create lasting memories in our beach villas while experiencing the fascinating marine life of the Maldives.Childcare Services in the MaldivesWhen it comes to childcare services in the Maldives, families can rest assured that their little ones will be well taken care of.Many family-friendly resorts offer a range of age-appropriate activities and supervised kids clubs, ensuring that children are entertained throughout their stay.With qualified childcare professionals on hand, parents can relax and enjoy their vacation, knowing that their children are in safe and capable hands.Safety Measures for ChildrenTo ensure the safety and well-being of children in the Maldives, our childcare services prioritize the availability of certified and experienced staff who actively supervise and engage children in a secure and nurturing environment. When it comes to the safety measures for children, we leave no stone unturned.Here are three key ways we ensure the safety of young kids in our childcare facilities:Strict Security Protocols: We've implemented gated areas and surveillance systems to prevent unauthorized access and ensure that children are protected within our childcare facilities. Safety is our top priority, and we go above and beyond to create a secure environment.Thorough Background Checks and Training: Our childcare staff undergoes comprehensive background checks and receives extensive training to handle emergency situations effectively. They're equipped to provide first aid if necessary, ensuring that children are in capable hands at all times.Adherence to Safety Regulations: We maintain age-appropriate activities and play areas, following strict safety regulations and childproofing measures. Our facilities are regularly inspected and maintained to meet safety standards, eliminating any hazards that could pose a danger to children.With these safety measures in place, our childcare services in the Maldives are perfect for families, providing peace of mind and a secure environment for young kids.Age-Appropriate ActivitiesMaldives resorts offer a plethora of age-appropriate activities for children, ensuring a fun and memorable experience for the little ones. From the best luxury resorts to family-friendly accommodations, there are plenty of options to keep children entertained during their stay.Resorts like Vakkaru Maldives provide facilities such as a paddling pool and outdoor playground at the Parrot Fish kids club, creating a safe and enjoyable environment. Water-based activities like snorkeling and diving are also available, allowing children to explore the beautiful marine life.For those seeking a unique experience, resorts like Soneva Jani feature the largest kids club in South Asia, known as The Den, offering activities such as Lego, crafts, dressing up, and a kids kitchen.With inclusive options available, families can enjoy these age-appropriate activities without any additional charges, further enhancing their vacation experience.Qualified Childcare ProfessionalsContinuing our exploration of the child-friendly activities in the Maldives, let's now turn our attention to the highly qualified childcare professionals who ensure a safe and nurturing environment for children in the resorts.Here are three reasons why the childcare professionals in the Maldives are the best in the industry:Trained and Certified: These professionals have undergone extensive training and hold certifications in childcare. They're equipped with the knowledge and skills to provide the highest quality care for children.Engaging Activities: Childcare services in the Maldives offer a wide range of engaging activities suitable for different age groups. From arts and crafts to outdoor play and educational games, these professionals ensure that children are entertained and stimulated throughout their stay.Personalized Attention: The childcare professionals in the Maldives understand that each child is unique. They provide personalized attention and care, catering to the individual needs and preferences of every child. Parents can relax and enjoy their vacation, knowing that their little ones are in safe hands.Family-Friendly Amenities in Maldivian ResortsWith an array of family-friendly amenities, Maldivian resorts ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience for children and parents alike. Many resorts in the Maldives offer all-inclusive options, providing convenience and value for families. This means that parents can relax and indulge in the resort's offerings without worrying about additional costs. The family-friendly atmosphere is prevalent in numerous Maldivian resorts, ensuring a welcoming environment for children and parents. These resorts are designed with families in mind, offering activities and facilities that cater to the needs and preferences of all ages. Some resorts even come highly recommended for families, indicating their exceptional suitability for family vacations.When it comes to amenities, Maldivian resorts are known for their excellent service and staff, ensuring a comfortable and memorable stay for families. The staff is friendly and attentive, always ready to assist with any requests or concerns. Additionally, select resorts offer private villas and pools, providing families with a luxurious and exclusive accommodation option. This allows families to have their own private space to relax and enjoy quality time together.From spacious family rooms to kids' clubs and playgrounds, Maldivian resorts go above and beyond to ensure that families have everything they need for a fantastic vacation. The amenities provided are designed to keep children entertained and engaged, allowing parents to unwind and enjoy their vacation as well. With these family-friendly amenities, Maldivian resorts truly live up to their reputation of being child-friendly.Outdoor Adventures for Kids in the MaldivesGet ready for some exciting outdoor adventures that your kids will love in the Maldives! From thrilling water sports like paddleboarding and windsurfing to exploring the lush nature trails and spotting playful dolphins, there's something for everyone.Your little ones will have a blast discovering the vibrant marine life through snorkeling and getting up close with colorful sea creatures.Water Sports ActivitiesFor an action-packed adventure that will have your kids jumping with excitement, the Maldives offers a plethora of water sports activities that will keep them entertained throughout their stay. Here are three thrilling water sports activities that will awaken their senses and create unforgettable memories:Snorkeling: Dive into the crystal clear waters surrounding the Maldives and discover a vibrant underwater world. Your children will be amazed by the colorful coral reefs teeming with tropical fish. Snorkeling is a fantastic activity for kids to observe marine life up close and learn about the importance of conserving our oceans.Jet Skiing: Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping experience as your kids zoom across the crystal clear lagoons on jet skis. They'll feel the wind in their hair and the exhilaration of riding the waves. Jet skiing is a thrilling adventure that combines speed, skill, and a splash of excitement.Banana Boat Rides: Hop on a banana-shaped inflatable boat and hold on tight as it speeds across the water. Your kids will experience the thrill of being pulled by a speedboat, creating waves of laughter and excitement. Banana boat rides are a fun-filled activity that guarantees plenty of splashes and giggles.With its overwater villas, pristine beaches, and an array of water sports activities, the Maldives is the ultimate playground for your little adventurers.Nature ExplorationAs we continue our exploration of the Maldives, let's now turn our attention to the exciting world of nature exploration, where kids can embark on thrilling outdoor adventures that will ignite their curiosity and appreciation for the natural wonders of these magnificent islands.The Maldives offer an abundance of opportunities for kids to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. One such place is the Baa Atoll, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve known for its rich marine life and vibrant coral reefs. Here, children can snorkel and dive in crystal-clear waters, marveling at the colorful fish and fascinating underwater creatures.Another great destination for nature exploration is Maalifushi, where families can enjoy the pristine beaches and serene surroundings, perfect for relaxing, sunbathing, and taking leisurely walks along the shore.With its breathtaking landscapes and diverse wildlife, the Maldives truly offers a paradise for young adventurers to discover and appreciate the wonders of the natural world.Marine Life EncountersEmbark on a thrilling underwater adventure in the Maldives and discover the vibrant marine life that awaits young explorers. The Indian Ocean is teeming with an array of colorful sea creatures, making it the perfect destination for marine life encounters. Here are three exciting ways for kids to experience the underwater world:Snorkeling: Dive into the crystal-clear waters of the Maldives and encounter an array of vibrant and exotic marine species. Snorkeling is a family-friendly activity that allows kids to observe the rich marine ecosystem up close.Diving: For more adventurous explorers, diving is a great option. Kids can participate in guided tours and witness the diverse underwater world of the Maldives. They may even have the chance to swim alongside majestic manta rays.Guided Tours: Enroll your kids in marine biology programs or join guided snorkeling tours. These educational experiences offer interactive encounters where young ones can learn about the unique aquatic species found in the Maldives.Get ready for an unforgettable marine adventure that will leave your kids in awe of the incredible underwater world of the Maldives.Educational Experiences for Children in the MaldivesImmerse your children in a world of wonder and discovery with the educational experiences available for them in the Maldives. This tropical paradise not only offers stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters but also provides opportunities for children to learn and grow.Many family-friendly resorts in the Maldives offer a range of educational experiences tailored for children. Resorts like Soneva Jani and Gili Lankanfushi have expansive kids clubs where children can engage in unique activities such as Lego building, crafts, and even dressing up. These experiences allow children to unleash their creativity and imagination while learning new skills.Furthermore, some resorts in the Maldives, such as Sun Siyam Iru Fushi and Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru, are known for their excellent service and dedicated staff. These resorts provide educational activities and workshops that focus on marine life conservation, giving children the opportunity to learn about the importance of preserving the environment.Additionally, family-friendly resorts like Sun Siyam Olhuveli, Kandima Maldives, JA Manafaru, and LUX* South Ari Atoll offer a welcoming atmosphere and a wide range of activities suitable for children. From nature walks and snorkeling adventures to cultural experiences and cooking classes, these resorts ensure that children have an enjoyable and enriching stay in the Maldives.Family-Friendly Beaches in the MaldivesWhen it comes to family-friendly beaches in the Maldives, you'll find a perfect blend of pristine shores, turquoise waters, and a welcoming atmosphere that will make your vacation unforgettable. Here are three reasons why the Maldives is the ideal destination for families seeking a beach getaway:All-inclusive resorts: The Maldives offers a range of resorts with all-inclusive options, making it easier for families to plan and budget their vacation. These resorts cater to families with diverse needs and preferences, ensuring that everyone can enjoy their time at the beach.Family-friendly atmosphere: Families can expect a warm and friendly atmosphere at various resorts in the Maldives. The staff goes above and beyond to ensure that families have a comfortable and enjoyable stay. From organizing kid-friendly activities to providing babysitting services, these resorts make parenting a breeze.Excellent services and facilities: Some resorts in the Maldives are highly recommended for families, as they provide excellent services and facilities specifically tailored to accommodate them. Families can enjoy private villas and pools, offering privacy and exclusive amenities for a relaxing stay. Parents can unwind while their children have fun in a safe and supervised environment.Packing Essentials for a Family Trip to the MaldivesTo ensure a memorable and hassle-free family trip to the Maldives, it is essential to pack the right essentials for your beach getaway. In the lush tropical paradise of the Maldives, where crystal-clear waters and pristine white sand beaches await, you'll want to be prepared with everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable vacation.Here is a table summarizing the packing essentials for your family trip to the Maldives:EssentialsDescriptionLightweight ClothingPack lightweight and breathable clothing suitable for the tropical climate. Don't forget swimwear, cover-ups, and comfortable outfits for the kids.Sun ProtectionBring sunscreen with high SPF, hats, sunglasses, and UV-protective swimwear to keep your family protected from the strong sun.Water Shoes and Snorkeling GearDon't miss out on beach exploration and snorkeling adventures. Pack water shoes and snorkeling gear to fully enjoy the vibrant marine life in the Maldives.Insect Repellent and First Aid KitStay prepared with insect repellent to ward off mosquitoes and a basic first aid kit for any minor mishaps during your family adventures.| Travel Documents and Electronics | Don't forget to bring your passports, travel insurance, and necessary travel documents. Ensure you have waterproof pouches for your electronics to capture and cherish your family memories.With these essentials packed, you'll be ready to embrace the beauty of the Maldives and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Whether you choose to relax by the private pool of your hotel in the Maldives or explore the underwater wonders, you can rest assured knowing you have everything you need for an incredible family vacation.Frequently Asked QuestionsIs the Maldives Child Friendly?Yes, the Maldives is child-friendly! There are plenty of child-friendly activities and resorts that cater to families. Safety measures are in place to ensure the well-being of children.Some of the best resorts for families offer a range of amenities and services specifically designed for kids, such as kids clubs and specialized children's activities.You can relax knowing that your little ones will have a wonderful time in the Maldives!Is Maldives a Family Vacation?Yes, the Maldives is a fantastic destination for a family vacation. There are plenty of top attractions that cater to families, such as snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters or exploring the vibrant marine life.When traveling with kids, it's important to pack sunscreen, hats, and insect repellent.There are numerous family-friendly resorts in the Maldives that offer comfortable accommodations and exciting activities for children. From swimming pools to kids' clubs, there's something for everyone to enjoy.How Many Days Is Enough for Maldives?We believe that the ideal duration for a Maldives trip is around 5 to 7 days. This allows for ample time to experience the beauty of the pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and underwater adventures that the Maldives has to offer.During this time, you can also explore top attractions like COMO Maalifushi, Niyama Private Island Maldives, and Soneva Jani, which offer family-friendly amenities and services.Additionally, there are budget-friendly options available, ensuring a memorable and affordable Maldives vacation.Which Month Is Best for Maldives?The best time to visit the Maldives is from November to April. During these months, the weather conditions are perfect for enjoying all the tourist activities the islands have to offer.The dry season and lower chances of rain make it ideal for exploring the beautiful beaches, clear waters, and indulging in underwater activities. Whether you're into water sports, beach relaxation, or simply enjoying the stunning scenery, these months provide the best opportunity to make the most of your trip to the Maldives.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Maldives offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure for families. With its stunning beaches and luxurious resorts, parents can unwind while children enjoy a range of activities and water sports.The diverse dining options cater to even the pickiest eaters, and educational experiences provide a chance for kids to learn about the rich marine life and culture of the Maldives.Whether it's exploring the outdoors or simply lounging on the beach, the Maldives is a dream destination for a family vacation. Read More :
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2024.03.26 22:18 CDown01 Eagles Peak Pt.6

Previous Part
At some Point Bianca and I both fell back asleep. It was all I could do at this point, getting whisked away back to those mines seemed inevitable so I might as well sleep. The morning did not go well, largely due to Bianca, who threw me off the couch with a scream when she woke up.
“What’re you doing!”
Bianca squeaked, hand darting towards her pants pocket where her dagger would usually be. I woke up very quickly somewhere between the couch and the floor. I was fully awake by the time I was pushing myself back to me feet, raising my hands in a gesture of surrender.
“What’s going on?! You’re fine you just fell asleep on my couch!”
“Why were you… why was I?”
“Hey, calm down alright. We had a few drinks last night and I guess we both fell asleep on the couch together, that’s all that happened.”
I explained, leaving out the part where she pulled me back when I tried to go to my own room earlier.
“Yeah… yeah ok. Ugh my head is killing me.”
Bianca groaned, taking a breath or two then putting her head in her hands. I didn’t have the heart to tell her she was probably hungover so I just went to the kitchen to make something for her.
I decided on toast and some bananas, it was always a go to for me after a long night. In hindsight I probably should’ve seen her reaction coming. Look at what she did in the caves because that guy grabbed her, it can’t be that much better waking up on someones shoulder and not quite remembering it. The whole thing did give me second thoughts though. If she was such a live wire did I really want her stressing out over the trials and whatever that would bring? I suppose it was too late for that though, she’d already moved herself into my house so she could keep watch, for all the good that did seeing as Shaoni waltzed right in last night.
I still had a lot on my mind when the smell of burning toast sobered me up. I swore and ran over to salvage what I could of the blackening toast.
“What’s burning in here?”
Bianca asked a little worry creeping into her voice. She still had her head clasped firmly between her hands as she walked into the kitchen.
I replied flatly, holding my arms out to either side gesturing to the mild chaos I was causing. Bianca gave me an questioning, “thanks” and grabbed the plate I had made for her while I tried to think of what to do next. Like it or not, Shaoni had people coming to pick me up and take me back out to those caves today. I had to come up with some kind of game plan and right now, it seemed letting Frank and Stein know was the best idea.
Bianca stayed back at my place nursing her hangover when I left to visit the mad scientist duo. I had no problem with that, in fact it was probably best because I’m sure she would’ve insisted on going with me if she heard I planed to take Shaoni’s “invitation”. I wasn’t sure if Shaoni would let me take Bianca with me and personally I’d rather not push her buttons and try to negotiate bringing a plus one.
“Have you seen Bianca at all?”
Frank asked hurriedly as I came in. I was afraid of this, She hadn’t told them anything and just disappeared.
“Yeah, she pretty much moved the contents of her room to my couch yesterday. Something about keeping an eye on me, she’s fine though, I wouldn’t worry.”
I answered, a little worried myself that I’d catch hell from them if they knew she was currently working her way through her first hangover on that same couch. Frank seemed to calm down at that and finally got to asking the important questions like why was I back in the house… again.
“So let us get this straight, you just plan to go right to Shaoni?”
Frank and Stein said together in disbelief as the three of us sat at the kitchen table.
“It’s not like I really have a choice in the matter, besides I can’t really fight her if she wants me to go somewhere. If I try a stunt like that things go from bad to worse for me.”
They both shook their heads in solemn agreement, recognizing I was right.
“Anyways, I had a thought on the way over here, Thunderbirds are something from native American legend right? Well, if we’ve found a real one wouldn’t she have ties to a tribe or something in the area? She was sleeping here when they woke her up in the mine, maybe there was a reason for that, maybe she was close to home?”
I explained, hoping g they’d catch on to what I was asking.
“What exactly are you getting at then Keith?”
Frank questioned, furrowing his brow with an intrigued look on his face. Stein just remained silent but I could tell he was thinking, maybe even coming to the same conclusion as I had.
“What I’m thinking, is we check reservations in the area. Maybe they know something about the creature from their legends that just so happened to be sleeping nearby. I know it’s a stretch but maybe we could learn something useful. I’d go myself but I’m not going to have the chance. You guys though, you guys could take Bianca and Rocco with you and ask around.”
I explained, hoping I was onto something. I was pulling at straws but it was the best idea I had at a moments notice. Plus it would get Bianca out of town for a little while when I was figuring out what exactly Shaoni’s trails would mean for me.
“Keith that’s… no that actually makes sense let me check some maps.”
Stein agreed, walking away and into the basement. He came back a few minutes later with a map in his hand.
“There’s a Seneca reservation not to far from here, maybe 30 miles. That’s not the only one but I have a friend there from years ago, someone I helped. There’s a good chance he’d be willing to return the favor.”
“Great, then I’ll count on you. I’ll let Bianca know, I’m sure she won’t be happy about it but I’ll feel better if she’s with all of you.”
I walked out in a rush to get back home, almost stepping on Rocco on my way to the door. He made a frightening chittering hissing sound at me as he leapt out of my path. I briefly wondered where he was going and what he was up to, probably better I didn’t know though. As I got onto the bike and headed back towards home I hoped I’d be able to talk Bianca into going along with this plan. I was sure she’d rather come with me but after this morning I wasn’t sure she was ready for that. Don’t get me wrong I’m sure she wants to help and I know she means well but she’s jumpy and snaps at the littlest things. I didn’t want her to make things worse by accident or get hurt because she froze up again. My mind was made up as I drew nearer to my house but as it turned out I’d never have the chance to talk to Bianca. As soon as I rounded the corner I saw the rusty pick up waiting in front of my house, I’d arrived just in time to meet Shaoni’s “helpers”.
The men looked normal, just like the people in the cave. Come to think of it they could very well be those same people. I waved them over as I came to a stop in-front of the house.
“Can I just go in and grab a few things?”
I asked the three men sheepishly as I walked up.
“No, your late as it is, we’ve got to get going.”
A scruffy looking man with a gruff voice said from the drivers seat. Two men got out from the back of the truck and grabbed my arms, pulling me into the back seat. They weren’t rough with me but they were very firm. Like they wanted to hurt me but were ordered not to so they just made a show of force. After I was loaded into the back I saw the reason for their demeanor. One of the men, the one in the front passenger seat, was wrapped in bandages. The bandages covered his abdomen and snaked up around the back of his neck. It was pretty obvious to me that this was the man Bianca had stabbed. It wouldn’t be a stretch to say these four were probably the same ones we had encountered in the cave. As I turned and looked out the window I saw Bianca’s face peaking out of it. She looked angry and scared, like she knew exactly what was happening but she didn’t move. Bianca just sat there, watching me be taken away and I cursed myself for not being just a little bit faster on the ride back.
We took a way out of town I’d never seen before, turning away from the road leading to the dirt path we had biked down on our expedition into the forest. Instead we drove back through town, past Bianca’s house and the Eagle’s Roost before hanging a right onto a road I’d never been down. Eventually the road made its way into the forest and ended at a wooden sign warning that the road was impassable ahead. The driver stopped the truck and got out as another man emerged from the woods, holding up his hand and opening it to reveal the eagle tattoo I’d become so familiar with. The driver rolled up his sleeve and showed his own similar tattoo. Without a word he got back into the truck and the other man moved the sign off the road. It didn’t fill me with confidence to see the entrance to this place watched in such a way. It would make sense to have it hidden but being so brazenly out in the open meant they didn't really care who saw it. Not that anyone would think anything other than that the road was impassable but still. The truck eventually pulled off the road and into the woods, following a newly made track that lead to the entrance of the old mine that we escaped from just 2 days ago.
“I think you know your way in.”
The driver growled at me, parking the truck and signaling me to step out.
“Your just letting me walk myself in? Couldn’t I just run?”
“You could but do you think you could outrun her?”
He asked threateningly, pointing up at the sky. I knew exactly who he was talking about and no, I didn’t like my chances of running from Shaoni.
“She gave us all orders to leave any runners to her.”
At that moment I decided it may be good idea to be on my best behavior.
“Yeah that’s what I thought.”
The driver barked back at me as I obediently walked towards the entrance.
Walking into the mine I realized it had undergone a huge transformation in a very short time. The walls were now host to several torches that lit the pathway back down to the coliseum. It felt like I was walking into the dark ages as I made my way down into this pit by torchlight. Although I had to admit it was homey in an “evil layer” kind off way. The coliseum was lit up with torchlight as well but its not what drew my attention. Where the awful metal structure met the stone roof of the cave I looked into a brewing storm. Lightning flashed across the roof but there was no sound of thunder. Raindrops shown in the shadows cast by the lightning but I felt none of them on my skin. I had to admit, it was a pretty impressive trick. Paintings adorned the walls, all of them seeming to be tribal in nature. Many seemed to be various depictions of the thunderbird.
“Well at least she doesn’t have an ego”
I chuckled to myself as I walked into the center off the coliseum.
There were four other people waiting in the center of the floor. A clean shaven, well dressed man relaxed against the wall of the arena. He had perfectly trimmed slicked back blonde hair and a chiseled face. His rippling muscles seemed to be for vanity rather than strength. Just by looking at him I could tell I wasn’t going to like him. The only one of the bunch I knew, Robert, stood on the far side of the coliseum, watching me approach. He looked about the same as he had from the brief glance I got at the Eagle’s Roost. Balding white hair and a unkempt beard hung off his sagging face. Despite his age he carried himself with purpose, like he deserved to be there and wanted everyone else to know it. Then there was the blonde bombshell that was making her way towards the chiseled blonde guy. She seemed incredibly confident in herself but none of it was a show. Her confidence came from a place that made her absolutely sure of it. The final person stood in the corner and seemed to be talking to himself. He was a middle aged man of native American descent with a mess of black hair atop his head. He carried a look in his eyes that spoke of wisdom beyond his years.
I walked past all of them and took a seat on the floor, trying my hardest to ignore them. The effort was ultimately wasted as the muscular blonde guy walked over and held out a hand.
“Hey, my names Brooke, you are?”
My blood turned to ice as he said that, it couldn’t be the same Brooke Bianca told me about, could it? I stared dumbly at him for a moment before I responded.
“I’m… uh… Keith. Any idea what we’re doing here?”
“No clue, only know that the thunderbird wanted us here so we came. Hopefully she makes good on her promise, to me at least.”
His voice sounded like the “to cool for you” bully from any 80’s movie, it was almost annoying to listen to him.
“So you’ve met everyone else I take it?”
“Yeah, the weird guy in the corner is John, we don’t know much about him but apparently him and that Robert guy, the old one with the beard, worked for the thunderbird. Katrina, that beauty over there is a wild card, no-one seems to know anything about her but she looks like she’s hot shit and well, just plain hot.”
As Brooke gave me the run down of everyone in the room I quietly wondered to myself if Shaoni had given everyone the same offer as me. The way Brooke had said it, “promise”… that wasn’t how I would’ve phrased it. Maybe Shaoni cut everyone here a unique deal.
“…Anyways, I’m gonna go see if I can’t figure out that bombshell’s deal, I’ll see ya later Keith.”
Apparently Brooke had been talking to me the whole time but I only tuned in for the tail end of it as he walked off toward Katrina. I wondered where exactly Shaoni was, I had expected her to be here already but, as it turned out I wouldn’t have to wait long.
A thunderous boom cracked out above our heads and we all looked up at once, but the sound was coming from outside. I heard the flap of wings as Shaoni came in for a landing somewhere above our heads. It went so silent we could’ve heard a mosquito cough, then Shaoni stepped into the room. Not from either entrance but from a balcony above us I hadn’t seen before. She was wearing the same thing she had been when I ran into her in the cave, once again looking like a hardened, tattooed Pocahontas.
“Welcome everyone! I take it you’ve gotten to know each other?”
She thundered down to us as we all shot to attention.
“I’ve gathered you here to give a gift to one of you, but you must prove yourselves deserving. I’ve told some of you what I intended to do here and others may be hearing it for the first time. So for those of you who are gathering here for the first time pay attention. There will be three trials held here, one to test your morals, one to test your strength, and one to test your judgement.”
At this point Brooke spoke up in the way only a spoiled little shit like him could.
“You made me a promise! You never said anything about trials! I got all the way out here to this shitty little backwater and now your telling me I’ve got to compete to earn what you owe me?! Sorry, but I’m going to need more than that.”
Shaoni looked like she could’ve ended him right there. She was the judge and jury here, if Brooke wasn’t careful she’d become the executioner too.
“What you asked me for is in this town, that’s all I will say on the matter.”
Shaoni responded with less venom than I had expected judging by her expression. She didn’t actually seem to care that she had to tell him something to shut him up. It was the insult of being interrupted that struck a nerve. I was a little concerned by what she said, if he was looking for something that was in town and Bianca was there… could he be looking for her? “…Today though, just enjoy the company of one another. You’re all welcome to stay here at the camp I’ve had prepared for you outside. If you wish to return to town you may but you will be watched. No-one is to leave town until the trials are completed.”
Shaoni finished, I hadn’t really been listening to her welcome speech. She said everything I cared about when she told us what the trials where going to test for, after that I kind of tuned out. Shaoni disappeared in a flash, just like she had back at my house the day before and with that the five of us were alone again. I left, heading back outside to see this camp she mentioned. The others talked with each other but I really had no desire to. That didn’t stop Robert from running to catch up with me, wheezing when he got there.
“Hey you’re the one who ran out of the bar the other night! She’s said a lot about you, I’d almost think she had a favorite.”
Robert huffed out between breaths, punching me in the arm in a friendly but wholly unwelcome way.
“I’ve heard you know nothing about the supernatural, I’d be happy to tell you what I’ve seen working with Shaoni.”
Robert offered, fishing for any reason to hold a conversation with me.
“No, that’s alright really, I’ll manage. What do you guys do anyways, working for her I mean? I get the sense she could really run this whole operation on her own if she wanted.”
“She probably could do this alone. Most of the time we don’t work directly with her, this is a special case for those of us she’s got helping with the trials. There’s maybe 50 of us total and not just here, I mean 50 of us overall. She’s very selective with the followers she keeps so there isn’t many of us. We tend to sit around up-holding her ideals till she asks something of us through dreams, like the ones that brought you here.”
Robert explained, confusing me a little bit. I found it hard to believe a crew of 50 people got everything here done. I guess it wasn’t to outlandish when put in perspective though. If you told me Shaoni got all this done herself I probably would’ve believed you so 50 people organized by her, yeah I could see that.
“Wait, so you guys barley ever actually work with her, and what are her ideals exactly?”
“Have you heard the legends of the thunderbird? A lot of it depicts the thunderbird as a spirit of justice that fights evil spirits from the underworld, that’s really watered down but you get the point. I’ve never seen her do anything like that but she does uphold a certain sense of justice and that’s what she expects of us. Sure, she seems really intimidating but she wants to right wrongs that no one else will, it makes her a little harsh but she has to be. We just do that same thing when we aren’t getting orders right from her. Maybe you think she’s in the wrong here because she pulled you into this but we really want to help, sometimes there’s a price for that.”
Robert lectured, you could tell he really believed in what he was saying though. He may have been older but when he was telling me about the thunderbird and what she stood for he was filled with vigor again. Maybe he’s not as bad as I thought, I wanted all these people working for her to be some kind of weird cult like in Imalone. The more I heard the more I doubted that. They were people who followed her for a reason, not just because she gave them some kind of power. In reality I think what she really gave them was purpose. That sort of thing is more than enough for most people to follow someone.
When I broke away from Robert and got outside I found a huge camp had been set up while we were in the cave. Tepees of various sizes had been constructed all around the entrance to the old mine and one big canvas tent had a huge table running through it filled with food. For 50 people these followers of the thunderbird sure worked fast. I hadn’t decided if I wanted to go back to town yet. I hoped Frank and Stein had convinced Bianca to go with them, at least then they could get some answers while I was stuck here. If they were gone though what reason did I have to go back? As long as I was out here surrounded by people who work with Shaoni maybe I could get some answers of my own. I wasn’t really sure what information about Shaoni would do for us but she was a mystery to me. Everyone was here for a reason, I agreed to take on a burden, Brooke was here because of some promise Shaoni made, and I’m sure the rest had similar stories. Shaoni gained nothing from any of that though, besides this burden I had agreed to take. I’m not sure why, but it felt like figuring out what She stood to gain from this was important. If I could do that maybe I could put the pieces to this puzzle together. Two people had pointed out I knew nothing about the supernatural as well, Shaoni and Robert. That didn’t seem to matter to much to me but if all the others here had some experience in it maybe it should. It seemed like we were all on a level playing field though, Brooke hadn’t heard about the trials and neither had I. Robert and that strange John guy probably had some idea but they worked with Shaoni, I would expect them to know. Katrina, the blonde was probably just as surprised as Brooke, if I had to guess. None of us knew exactly what the trials would test for, so why did everyone keep brining up not knowing about the supernatural like it put me at a disadvantage?
“Why indeed.”
A familiar voice said, sending lightning through my veins and breaking my train of thought. I just about tossed the turkey leg I’d been eating directly at the source of the noise.
“Shaoni, you have got to stop doing that.”
I said, crawling back into my skin after she scared me out of it. Shaoni still looked just as she had when she addressed us earlier, adorned in her animal skins and feathers. It took me a second but it finally clicked that she had said something strange when she sat down next to me.
“Hang on a minute, can you read my mind? Was I thinking out loud or something?”
“No, you just looked lost in thought and I figured I’d chime in.”
“Oh, alright… why?”
I squeaked out, abruptly realizing that this was Shaoni, the thunderbird who was sitting next to me. There was a second there where I wasn’t as intimidated by her as I normally was but it had passed quickly.
“I wanted to know how your doing, I know all this can’t be easy to take in.”
“I’m doing fine, I think I’m adjusting pretty well but I did want to ask you some questions.”
An amused look ran across Shaoni’s face at this. She wasn’t being as commanding as before either, she almost seemed to genuinely care about my well-being.
“Would you walk with me, I’ll answer your questions on the way.”
Shaoni asked, standing and waiting for me to follow her. Not seeing any better options I stood up and left alongside her.
We walked around the perimeter of the camp, out of ear shot of anyone else. I’m sure she did that on purpose, though I wasn’t sure if it was so no-one could hear my screams if I asked a question she didn’t like or if she just wanted privacy.
“Why me Shaoni? Why chose me out of everyone, was it just a coincidence?”
“Straight to the point hmm. Think Keith, when I found you in the position you were in you needed my help. Sure, I planned to dispose of the cultists that were threatening you anyways but I stopped to help you. You saw me descend from the sky, swoop down, and bring them to their knees, I extended an offer to you and you just took it. You didn’t bargain or ask for anything more after I shattered your perception of what does and doesn’t exist, just accepted my offer. Most people would have bargained, tried to look for a better deal for themselves but you saw what the price of my help would be and paid it, no second thoughts. That interested me Keith, you recognized what had to be done and didn’t try to avoid the cost, that’s why I chose you.”
“So I appealed to whatever sense of justice you have? That’s it, that’s the only reason?”
She looked almost hurt as I asked this and she stopped walking. I definitely stepped on a nerve, I expected her to snap but she didn’t, She just asked very quietly,
“Do you think I’m a monster Keith?”
I was stunned by the question. Could I really say she was a monster? What had she done so far? Save me, that’s what, was that really so monstrous? Sure it may have come at a cost but nothing is ever free. Shaoni even came to warn me about the trials ahead of time, just barely ahead of time but it was something.
“No Shaoni, you’re not a monster just… someone with the powers you have… it’s terrifying for a normal person. Can you really say I’m in the wrong for being afraid of you?”
Even as I said it I knew it was a lie, at least partially. I wasn’t just afraid of her, I wanted her to be evil and she just wasn’t, not really. Maybe she was a bit intense but everything she had done to me so far couldn’t be called evil.
“Fear is only natural when you see something like me, but I’m not a monster. The thunderbird has always stood for justice. That’s what I represent, I can’t be everywhere but I make it a point to uphold justice where I am. Those who I’ve chosen to follow me hold my justice in their own town, in their own lives. I can be harsh but I am just.”
She said this with such intensity I had no choice but to believe her. Her conviction to justice was zealous but I still wanted to pry a little bit more.
“So what does justice mean to you then? I don’t mean to be disrespectful but I want to hear it from you,”
I asked, growing a little more confident in talking to Shaoni. For once I didn’t feel like she would kill me on a whim. Give her a reason, and Shaoni would do it without a second thought but I don’t think she cared that much about my questioning.
“Justice is black and white, right and wrong. Normally there’s a pretty good system in place to punish those that deserve it but sometimes things slip through the cracks, that’s where I come in. I take care of the heinous acts people get away with, people that think they’ve gotten away with murder, so to speak.”
“So your a vigilante then? That’s what I’m hearing here.”
“I wouldn’t be so crass but yes, I suppose you could call me a vigilante but I promise you that’s an oversimplification. Suffice it to say my opinion on matters of serving justice is respected.”
Shaoni seemed a little uncomfortable at the word “respect”, I think a better word would’ve been “feared”. I wasn’t going to say it to her but I knew she suspected it. I could see something about that really hurt her. I couldn’t put my finger on it, the reason Shaoni didn’t want to be feared. Despite being the scariest thing I’d seen so far she didn’t want to be known for that.
We talked for a while longer about a whole lot of nothing. Eventually we got back around to the camp and she bid me goodnight despite the fact it was 3 in the afternoon at the time. She was probably right though, I was going to need the rest if I wanted to be ready for the first trial tomorrow. I found my way to a tepee conveniently marked with my name. I didn’t remember it being marked before and I didn’t understand the point of giving us specific tepees, privacy I guess? The fur sleeping bag was a rustic but welcome touch and despite lacking the amenities of a usual home the tepee was quite comfortable. As I settled in for the night I heard a rustling on the far side of the tepee, then a voice, one whose heavy accent I recognized immediately.
“So, turns out they don’t check under the truck. Ya got me here with you now.”
Rocco said, emerging from a blanket in the corner. That revelation didn’t exactly set my mind at ease. Rocco must’ve sensed my apprehension to the fact that he was anywhere near me right now.
“What?! I’m here to help out! I heard you going on about a trial or somethin’ so I figured I’d tag along under that truck when they picked you up, can’t have enough back up ya know.”
He continued, pulling a belt with several tools out from under the blanket as he spoke. I wasn’t pleased to have him here but maybe I could make use of him.
“I was hoping you’d go with Bianca and the other two but honestly, it might be nice to have a friendly face around here. Just… try to stay out of trouble.”
“Trouble? When do I ever get into trouble?”
I hoped he was being sarcastic, you can never tell with him. I bit my tongue as Rocco walked out into the camp, silently praying no-one would see him. With that I settled into my sleeping bag and tried to think of what I could expect from the first trial tomorrow.
submitted by CDown01 to CreepsMcPasta [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 18:51 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Holidays Lonely Planet

Maldives Holidays Lonely Planet
Maldives Holidays Lonely Planet As we flip through the pages of the Maldives Holidays Lonely Planet guide, we are transported to a world where turquoise waters and pristine white sands beckon us. This comprehensive guide promises to unveil the hidden gems of this tropical paradise, offering insights into the best time to visit, top tourist destinations, and essential travel tips.But does it truly live up to its promises? Are there any surprises waiting for us within its pages?Let's embark on this journey together and discover the secrets that lie within the folds of the Maldives Holidays Lonely Planet guide.Key TakeawaysThe peak tourist season in Maldives is from December to February, offering guaranteed sunshine and pleasant temperatures.The off-peak season from May to November provides more affordable options for travelers.The capital city of Malé offers a blend of traditional culture and modern amenities, making it a must-visit destination.Each island in Maldives has its own unique charm and attractions, offering pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and a range of accommodations from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxurious resorts.Best Time to Visit MaldivesThe best time to visit Maldives is when the weather is ideal and the tourist season is in full swing, offering a range of exciting experiences and events for travelers to enjoy.The Maldives experiences perfect weather conditions throughout the year, making it a great destination to visit at any time. However, if you want to make the most of your trip, it's advisable to plan your visit during the peak tourist season, which is from December to February. During this time, you can expect guaranteed sunshine and pleasant temperatures, perfect for exploring the beautiful islands and indulging in water activities.Not only does the peak season offer amazing weather, but it also coincides with special events and festivals in the Maldives. Celebrations like New Year's Day and Chinese New Year attract a large number of tourists, adding to the vibrant atmosphere of the islands. You can immerse yourself in the local culture and witness unique traditions during these festive periods.If you're looking for more affordable options, the off-peak season from May to November is ideal. During this time, accommodation prices are generally cheaper, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of the Maldives without breaking the bank. Additionally, you can make use of budget-friendly transportation options like public ferries and guesthouses.No matter when you choose to visit, the Maldives promises breathtaking views, pristine beaches, and crystal-clear waters. It's truly a paradise on earth, offering a once-in-a-lifetime experience for every traveler.Best Places to Visit in MaldivesNestled in the azure waters of the Indian Ocean, the Maldives beckons with its enchanting allure and a myriad of breathtaking destinations waiting to be explored. When it comes to planning the best trip to the Maldives, there are several must-visit places that will leave you in awe.One of the top tourist destinations in the Maldives is the capital city of Malé. This bustling city offers a unique blend of traditional Maldivian culture and modern amenities. Explore the vibrant markets, visit the iconic Hukuru Miskiy mosque, and indulge in delicious local cuisine.For those seeking a luxurious island getaway, the Maldives boasts some of the most stunning resorts in the world. From private villas with direct access to the crystal-clear waters to sprawling beachfront properties, these resorts offer unparalleled luxury and relaxation.No trip to the Maldives would be complete without visiting its pristine beaches. With soft white sands and turquoise waters, the beaches here are truly postcard-perfect. Take a leisurely stroll along the shore, soak up the sun, or go for a swim in the crystal-clear waters.The Maldives is also known for its unique underwater experiences. Explore the vibrant coral reefs, go snorkeling or diving, and witness an array of colorful marine life. Don't miss the opportunity to swim with majestic manta rays or spot dolphins frolicking in the waves.In addition to natural beauty, the Maldives also boasts iconic landmarks and attractions. Visit the famous Maldives Victory wreck, a popular diving spot, or take a trip to the Biyadhoo Island, known for its stunning house reef.With its unmatched beauty and captivating attractions, the Maldives truly offers some of the best places to visit in the world. Whether you're seeking relaxation, adventure, or a romantic getaway, this tropical paradise has it all.How to Choose the Perfect Maldives IslandWhen it comes to choosing the perfect Maldives island for your holiday, there are several factors to consider.First, you'll want to look at the island's features, such as its size, amenities, and accommodations.Location is also important, as some islands offer a more secluded and intimate experience, while others are closer to popular tourist attractions.Additionally, you'll want to consider the accessibility of the island, including transportation options and ease of getting around.Island FeaturesWith a plethora of breathtaking islands to choose from, finding the perfect Maldives island for your holiday is an exciting and immersive experience. The Maldives is known for its stunning island features, ranging from pristine white sandy beaches to crystal-clear turquoise waters.One of the popular options for accommodation is the overwater villas, where you can wake up to panoramic views of the ocean. The Maldives offers a range of affordable options, from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxurious resorts.Each island has its own unique charm and attractions, so it's important to research and consider what you're looking for in a holiday. Whether you want to relax on the beach, indulge in water sports, or explore the vibrant marine life, the Maldives has something for everyone.Don't miss the opportunity to experience the island paradise that's the Maldives.Location and AccessibilityChoosing the perfect Maldives island for your holiday requires careful consideration of its location and accessibility.The remote locations in the Maldives can often result in higher prices due to transportation expenses. For example, seaplane transfers can cost anywhere from US$300 to US$900 for a round trip. However, there are affordable options available as well.Some of the best Maldives resorts are conveniently located near Malé's Velana International Airport, allowing for easy access upon arrival. It's important not to overlook the proximity to the airport when choosing a resort.If you're looking for better public transport links to Male and the airport, consider islands like Maafushi, Dhigurah, Fulidhoo, Thulusdhoo, Huraa, Ukulhas, and Rasdhoo. These islands offer a more convenient and accessible experience for your Maldives holiday.Maldives on a Budget: Money-Saving TipsTo make the most of your Maldives holiday while sticking to a budget, consider these money-saving tips:Travel during the low season: By visiting the Maldives during the off-peak months, you can take advantage of lower prices on accommodations and flights. The months of May to November are considered the low season, offering more affordable options for budget travelers.Explore budget-friendly guesthouses: Instead of staying at luxurious resorts, consider booking a stay at one of the many budget-friendly guesthouses available in the Maldives. These accommodations offer comfortable rooms and often provide access to the beautiful beaches at a fraction of the cost.Utilize affordable transportation options: Getting around the Maldives doesn't have to break the bank. Opt for the MTCC ferries, which are a cheap and convenient way to travel between islands. This allows you to explore different parts of the Maldives without spending a fortune on transportation.Top Activities and Excursions in MaldivesWhen visiting the Maldives, prepare to be captivated by a plethora of exciting activities and excursions that will immerse you in the beauty and adventure of this tropical paradise. The Maldives, known for its pristine white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters, offers a wide range of top activities and excursions that cater to every traveler's interests.One of the must-do activities in the Maldives is snorkeling and diving. Dive into the stunning underwater world and witness the vibrant coral reefs teeming with diverse marine life. Swim alongside colorful fish, graceful manta rays, and even majestic whale sharks.For a romantic and picturesque experience, indulge in a sunset cruise around the Maldivian islands. Watch as the sun paints the sky in hues of orange and pink, creating a breathtaking backdrop for a memorable evening.Thrill-seekers can engage in various water sports such as jet-skiing, parasailing, and windsurfing. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you zip across the azure waters, surrounded by the idyllic scenery of the Maldives.To explore the unique culture and beauty of different Maldivian islands, embark on an island hopping tour. Discover local traditions, visit historical sites, and soak in the charm of each island you visit.Lastly, don't miss the opportunity to witness playful dolphins in their natural habitat. Join a dolphin watching excursion and be mesmerized by their acrobatic displays and joyful antics.With such a wide array of activities and excursions available, the Maldives truly offers something for every traveler, making it the perfect destination for an unforgettable holiday.Essential Travel Tips for Maldives HolidaysAs we prepare for our Maldives holidays, there are a few essential travel tips that will enhance our experience.First, we need to pack wisely, considering the tropical climate and beach activities.Next, it's important to familiarize ourselves with the local customs and etiquette to show respect to the Maldivian culture.Lastly, we should make a list of must-visit attractions, such as the stunning beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and iconic landmarks, to make the most of our time in this paradise destination.Packing EssentialsOur packing essentials for Maldives holidays include:Lightweight and breathable clothing: opt for loose-fitting garments made of breathable materials like cotton or linen to stay cool in the tropical weather.Water-resistant sunscreen and sun protection gear: the strong UV rays in the Maldives make sun protection a must, so don't forget to pack water-resistant sunscreen and sun protection gear like hats and sunglasses.Snorkeling and diving equipment: with its stunning coral reefs and diverse marine life, snorkeling and diving are popular activities in the Maldives. Be sure to bring your own equipment or rent it on the islands.Insect repellent and after-bite relief: to protect yourself from mosquitoes and sandflies, pack insect repellent and after-bite relief.Reusable water bottles and eco-friendly travel accessories: finally, don't forget to bring reusable water bottles and eco-friendly travel accessories to support sustainable tourism practices.Local Customs and EtiquetteTo fully immerse yourself in the local culture during your Maldives holidays, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the customs and etiquette of the Maldivian people. Respect for the local Muslim culture is of utmost importance. Dress modestly and avoid public displays of affection.When entering someone's home or a mosque, remember to remove your shoes. In the Maldives, the right hand is considered clean, so use it for eating and greeting others. It's polite to ask for permission before taking photos of locals, especially women.When visiting an inhabited island, be mindful of local customs and seek guidance from the locals if you're unsure. By respecting the customs and etiquette of the Maldives, you'll have a more enriching and respectful experience during your holidays.Must-Visit AttractionsWhen planning your Maldives holidays, make sure to explore the must-visit attractions that will leave you in awe of the natural beauty and unique experiences this destination has to offer. Here are three attractions that should be at the top of your list:Discover the stunning beaches: The Maldives is renowned for its pristine white sandy beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters. From the world-famous Cocoa Island to the secluded paradise of Fulhadhoo Island, these beaches offer the perfect setting for relaxation and rejuvenation.Dive into the underwater world: With its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, the Maldives is a paradise for snorkelers and scuba divers. Explore the underwater wonders at popular dive sites like Banana Reef and Manta Point, where you can encounter colorful coral formations, majestic manta rays, and even gentle whale sharks.Visit the iconic landmarks: Don't miss the chance to visit the iconic landmarks of the Maldives. Take a trip to the historic Malé Friday Mosque, admire the grandeur of the Presidential Palace, or witness the beauty of the Hulhumale Central Park. These landmarks offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Maldives.Sustainable Tourism in the MaldivesSustainable tourism in the Maldives breathes life into a paradise by nurturing its natural wonders and preserving its cultural heritage. In this idyllic destination, the concept of sustainable tourism goes beyond mere buzzwords.The Maldives, known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and abundant marine life, understands the importance of protecting and conserving its fragile ecosystem.The Maldives has implemented various eco-friendly practices and conservation efforts in the tourism industry. From sustainable accommodations that utilize renewable energy and reduce waste, to tour operators that prioritize environmental responsibility, the country is committed to minimizing its ecological footprint. Supporting these sustainable initiatives is crucial for preserving the breathtaking beauty that draws travelers to the Maldives.When engaging in water activities, such as diving or snorkeling, visitors are encouraged to follow responsible guidelines to protect the marine life and coral reefs. These guidelines include not touching or stepping on the coral, avoiding the use of harmful sunscreens, and respecting the natural habitat of the marine creatures. By adhering to these guidelines, visitors can help maintain the delicate balance of the underwater world.Another way to support sustainable tourism in the Maldives is by participating in community-based tourism experiences with local residents. This allows visitors to immerse themselves in the local culture, learn about traditional practices, and contribute to the livelihoods of the community members. By engaging in these experiences, travelers can leave a positive impact and foster a deeper understanding of the Maldivian way of life.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Best Month to Visit the Maldives?The best month to visit the Maldives depends on your preferences. December to February is ideal for guaranteed sunshine and low humidity. If you love heat, March to April is perfect with the hottest temperatures. May to November is great for budget travelers, with warm weather and cheaper resorts.January and February are high season months, offering perfect sunny days and opportunities for snorkeling and diving. Consider local customs and traditions for a truly immersive experience.What Is the Downside of Maldives?The downside of the Maldives isn't to be taken lightly. The environmental impact is significant, with overcrowding issues on popular islands. Non-water enthusiasts may find limited activities to enjoy, while the cost of food and drinks can leave a dent in your wallet.Additionally, accessibility for travelers with mobility limitations can be a challenge. It's important to consider these factors before planning your trip to ensure the best experience possible.How Many Days Is Ideal for Maldives?When planning our trip to the Maldives, we considered various factors to determine the ideal duration.Our goal was to strike a balance between relaxation and exploration.After thorough research, we found that spending at least 7 to 10 days allows for the best activities, top resorts, must-see attractions, and indulging in the local cuisine.Additionally, we discovered that transportation options, such as seaplanes and speedboats, make it convenient to explore different islands during our stay.How Expensive Is a Maldives Holiday?A Maldives holiday can be quite expensive, especially during peak seasons. However, there are budget-friendly options available.We found that staying in a guesthouse instead of a resort can significantly reduce costs. Additionally, traveling during the low season and choosing popular islands among backpackers can also help save money.It's important to consider hidden costs such as transportation and dining, as well as the option of all-inclusive packages. Doing a cost comparison and being mindful of your budget can make your Maldives holiday more affordable.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Maldives Holidays Lonely Planet guide is a must-have resource for anyone planning a trip to the Maldives.With its comprehensive information about the best time to visit, top tourist destinations, and money-saving tips, it's a valuable tool for budget travelers.Despite some discrepancies in the surf spot descriptions, the guidebook offers detailed and helpful content that will enhance your experience in this tropical paradise.So, grab your copy and dive into the beauty of the Maldives with confidence! Read More :
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2024.03.20 08:43 Stage-Piercing727 Best 000 Buckshot Pellets

Best 000 Buckshot Pellets

000 Buckshot Pellets
Gear up for an exciting adventure with our comprehensive review of the 000 Buckshot Pellets. In this article, we'll take you through the ins and outs of these versatile pellets, highlighting their features, benefits, and how they can enhance your shooting experience. So, grab your favorite firearm, and let's dive into the world of buckshot pellets together.

The Top 18 Best 000 Buckshot Pellets

  1. Classic Pit Boss Pellet Blend - Delicious 40 lb Hardwood BBQ Mix - Savor mouth-watering flavors with Pit Boss Classic Hardwood Pellets, featuring a balanced mix of pecan, hickory, and mesquite wood for delicious results with chicken, pork, seafood, and vegetables.
  2. All-Natural Buck Secrets Deer Feed for Superior Health and Antler Growth - Buck Secrets: Natural Attractant for Deer Hunters, Enhancing Deer Health and Antler Growth with a Proprietary Blend of Minerals, Vitamins, and Attractants.
  3. Premium Natural Horse Pain Relief Pellets - Absorbine Bute Less Pellets: The natural, powerful alfalfa-based pain relief formula with Devils Claw, Vitamin V-12, and Yucca for your horse, gentle on the stomach, and effective within a week.
  4. Classic Mesquite Wood Grilling Pellets - Experience the bold taste of Louisiana Grills 55408 Texas Mesquite Pellets, crafted from high-quality, North American hardwood, and enjoy a clean, all-natural fuel source for your pellet grill or smoker.
  5. Premium 74lb All-Natural Pellet Variety Bundle for Unbeatable Smoky Flavor - Experience the perfect blend of all-natural, high-intensity smoke flavors with our Pellet Bundle, featuring 74 pounds of premium pellets, including Ultimate Blend, Mesquite, Apple, and Cherry, for an unforgettable smoked meal taste.
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  7. Nutrient-Rich Cichlid Medium Pellets for Clear Water - API Cichlid Medium Pellets: Provide optimal nutrition and maintain clean water with their nutrient-rich blend, while releasing less ammonia for a healthier aquatic environment.
  8. High-Quality Soft Wood Fuel Pellets: Clean-Burning Energy Source - Varies Soft Wood Fuel Pellets offer a high-quality, renewable energy source for your pellet stove, providing long-lasting, clean-burning heat with a pleasant scent.
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  10. Organic Horse Supplement for Sensitive Horses: Nutrition and Health - Modesto Milling Organic Horse Supplement Pellets provide optimal nutrition for sensitive horses with low feeding rate, fortified with biotin, omega 3's, and a blend of prebiotics, probiotics, and toxin binders for digestive and immune health.
  11. Affordable Peat Pellets for Easy Seed Starting - Elevate your garden game with Wilmer Worm's Seed Starting Pellets - the easy, mess-free way to grow healthy plants right from the start!
  12. Powerful Pellet-Based Rodenticide for Effective Pest Control - Final Place Pellets: Powerful Brodifacoum bait for effective rodent control in challenging infestations with resistance concerns.
  13. Premium 100% Oak Wood Pellets for Outdoor Grilling - Experience the authentic taste of oak with Pitts & Spitts 100% Oak Wood Pellets, proudly made in the USA and perfect for all outdoor pellet grills.
  14. Flavorful Cumin and Chili Wood Pellets for Grilling - Experience bold, smoky flavors with Kingsford Signature Flavors Wood Pellets, expertly blended with 100% real spices for an elevated grilling experience.
  15. Smokehouse Mesquite Wood BBQ Pellets: All-Natural 5 lb Bag - Experience the rich, smoke-filled flavors of premium Hickory and Mesquite BBQ pellets from Smokehouse, perfect for elevating your outdoor grilling experience!
  16. 44lb Bag of Natural Unfilled Jowat Pellets for Edgebanders - Enhance your edgebanding efficiency with the Jowat 44lb Bag Pellets - a cleaner, transparent, and versatile choice for automatic edgebanders.
  17. High-Protein, Premium Wild Berry-Flavored Hunting Attractant - Boost trapping and hunting success with Boss Hawg Attractant's irresistible aromas, encouraging hog movement and promoting antler development.
  18. Apple-Infused BBQ Wood Pellets for Flavorful Grilling and Smoking Sessions - Elevate your grilling game with Cabela's BBQ Wood Pellets, offering versatile flavors for meat lovers, perfect for enhancing taste and aroma in charcoal, electric, or propane smokers and grills.
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🔗Classic Pit Boss Pellet Blend - Delicious 40 lb Hardwood BBQ Mix
I recently decided to try out the Pit Boss Classic Hardwood Pellets, and I must say, I was pleasantly surprised! The blend of pecan, hickory, and mesquite wood gives a robust and well-rounded flavor that elevates any meal whether it's chicken, pork, seafood, or vegetables.
What stood out to me was the reliable burn rate that these pellets provide. It made it easy to maintain a consistent temperature while cooking, leading to evenly cooked and flavorful food. However, I did notice that the pellets tend to produce a bit more ash than other brands, so it's essential to clean out the grill or smoker after use.
One of the things I liked about these pellets is that they don't produce a ton of smoke flavor, even when I tried adding a few more pellets to a smoke tube. While this could be due to user error, I'm planning to experiment with different techniques to see if I can enhance the smoke flavor.
Overall, the Pit Boss Classic Hardwood Pellets are a great value for the money, and I would definitely recommend them for anyone looking to add that perfect smoky flavor to their grilling and smoking adventures.

🔗All-Natural Buck Secrets Deer Feed for Superior Health and Antler Growth
As a deer hunter, I've been looking for the perfect attractant to bring the big bucks to my property without attracting unwanted pests. Buck Secrets has become my go-to solution, thanks to its natural blend of minerals, vitamins, and attractants that enhance deer health and antler growth.
Using this product has been a game-changer in my hunting experience. It has helped me hold bigger bucks on my property while also minimizing the presence of flies and mosquitos. The 22.5-lb bag is convenient, and I've noticed a significant improvement in my deer's overall health and well-being.
However, I have come across a minor disadvantage while using Buck Secrets. The product's strong scent might sometimes attract unexpected visitors, such as raccoons and bears. Despite this, I still highly recommend this product for any deer hunter looking for a natural and effective attractant.

🔗Premium Natural Horse Pain Relief Pellets
As someone who's spent many hours researching natural health remedies for horses, I was particularly excited to try this pellet formula. Based on the highlights, which included powerful, natural ingredients like devil's claw, vitamin V-12, and yucca, I expected this product to work wonders.
In my experience, the pellets were a breeze to incorporate into my horse's feed. He didn't bat an eyelash at the change and seemed to enjoy the taste. It was comforting to see him eagerly eat the food that was supposed to help him recover from arthritis issues.
After a few weeks, I started to notice subtle improvements in his movement. The once painful steps became smoother and more balanced. He seemed less stiff and his overall posture looked more confident. While the results were not dramatic, they were definitely a positive change.
However, there were some downsides to using this product. Despite the claims of gentle stomach support, I did notice that the horse's digestion was affected. His gut was noticeably upset after starting the pellets, with diarrhea and a clear drop in energy levels. While the situation improved over time, it was a concern that the product was causing discomfort.
Another issue was the product's limitations. As a pellet, it required precise measuring to ensure the horse was getting the right amount. This was frustrating, especially in combination with the diarrhea, as I was afraid of overdosing my horse. To achieve the optimal balance, I had to constantly adjust the feeding schedule and monitor the horse's health very carefully.
Despite the challenges, I am glad that I tried this product. Its natural ingredients provided some relief to my horse's arthritis, and while I would have appreciated more detailed instructions with regards to dosage and side effects, it was an interesting, if not completely successful, experience. I would recommend horse owners with similar concerns and a willingness to experiment try this product for themselves, while also keeping a close eye on their horses' health.

🔗Classic Mesquite Wood Grilling Pellets
Over the past few weeks, I've been using the Louisiana Grills 55408 Texas Mesquite Pellets for my weekend barbecues. The first thing I noticed was the ease of use - these pellets are perfect for pellet grills and provide a consistent, flavorful cooking experience.
The Mesquite Blend stood out for me, offering a bold, full-bodied flavor that perfectly complemented my grilled steaks. The robust earthy kick was noticeable, adding a tangy, smoky taste to the meat. The only downside I encountered was a slight ash build-up, but considering the 40-pound bag only produces a half cup of ash, it's a small price to pay for the flavor it brings to the table.
Overall, these Texas Mesquite Pellets are a great addition to my outdoor cooking arsenal. It's clear that the Louisiana Grills brand prioritizes quality and natural ingredients, making these pellets a reliable choice for both experienced grillers and casual cooks alike.

🔗Premium 74lb All-Natural Pellet Variety Bundle for Unbeatable Smoky Flavor
With 74lbs of pellets at your fingertips, you'll be ready to create your own personalized blend or test each unique flavor individually. The Pellet Bundle comes equipped with a 20lb bag of the Ultimate Blend Pellets, alongside 18lb bags of Mesquite, Apple, and Cherry. The blend of these premium quality pellets ensures that you'll be able to impress both friends and family with a smoky, all-natural flavor profile.
One of the standout features that truly impressed me was the clean-burning fuel. With less than 1% ash production, you can say goodbye to the hassle of constantly cleaning up after use. Along with this, the high BTU average of 8500 ensures that you'll be able to achieve the desired heat when you need it.
However, the shipping experience was not up to par. My package arrived incomplete, and the replacement process was a bit of a struggle. The damaged boxes also added to the concern, as it affected the quality of the pellets. I've noticed that the pricing of these premium pellets can be on the higher side, which might be a drawback for some.
Despite the few drawbacks, I overall found the Pellet Bundle to be a great investment. The ease of use, combined with the wide variety of flavors, makes it a versatile option for all your grilling and smoking needs.

🔗Pit Boss Competition Blend 40-lb Wood Pellets: Perfect Flavor, Easy Cleanup, and Versatile for Any Meal
I recently tried the Pit Boss Competition Blend 40-lb Wood Pellets to enhance my backyard BBQ sessions, and it didn't disappoint. The blend of sweet, savory, and tart flavors made it perfect for a variety of meats and dishes, and it was even used by many professional pitmasters. What stood out to me was the versatility of these pellets, as they can be used with just about anything.
I was impressed by their commitment to using all-natural hardwood and avoiding any artificial flavors, sprays, glues, or chemicals. It was clear that these pellets were made with high-quality raw wood sourced across North America. The natural hardwood pellets were dried, ground into saw dust, and then pressedurized at extreme heat to create compact pellets coated with the wood's natural lignin. I appreciated the ease of using these pellets, as they produced very little ash, making cleanup a breeze.
One downside I faced was the inconsistent experience with these pellets. The first batch I ordered produced great results, while the second batch clogged the auger and had issues with constant temperature swings. I've noticed that the quality of these pellets has changed over the years, and I hope Pit Boss can address these issues to ensure a consistent product.
Despite the occasional inconsistencies, the Pit Boss Competition Blend Hardwood Pellets delivered the smoking experience I was looking for. They're perfect for enhancing the flavors of various meats and dishes, making them an excellent choice for backyard BBQ enthusiasts and professionals alike.

🔗Nutrient-Rich Cichlid Medium Pellets for Clear Water
I recently tried the API Cichlid Medium Pellets 4.2 oz, and let me tell you, it made a difference in my fish-keeping experience. The unique nutrients in this food, like squid and menhaden, provide essential amino acids that my fish seem to crave. But it's not just the flavor that stands out; the size of the pellets is perfect for my growing cichlids.
One of the best things about this food is that it helps keep the water in my tank clean and clear. The pellets release up to 30% less ammonia compared to other foods, which makes a noticeable difference in reducing cloudiness. And the nutrient-rich blend of plant proteins, spirulina, banana, and pea ensures that my fish are getting a well-balanced diet.
However, there were a few downsides to using this product. The smaller size of the pellets made them hard to see for some of my fish, causing them to miss out on their meal. Additionally, it felt a bit disappointing that a portion of the jar was set to expire so soon. It would be great if the expiration date could've been a bit longer.
Overall, the API Cichlid Medium Pellets 4.2 oz has been a positive change in my fish-keeping routine. The combination of essential amino acids and the smaller pellet size provides an easy and effective way to keep my fish healthy and the water in my tank clean.

🔗High-Quality Soft Wood Fuel Pellets: Clean-Burning Energy Source
As someone who's tried the Lignetics Premium Plus Soft Wood Fuel Pellets, I found them to be a bit of a let-down, despite the high rating. I wanted to give an honest account of my experience with this product.
The thing that stood out the most was the clean burn that was advertised. I was expecting a nice clean burn, but my stove turned into a mess with the amount of ash it produced. I found myself needing to clean it more often than with other pellets I've used in the past.
The long burn time that was mentioned as another highlight was another point of contention for me. The pellets didn't last as long as I hoped they would. I often found myself running low and needing to add more pellets before I'd really depleted my current batch.
Despite the disappointments, there was one positive surprise. The scent that was advertised did come through. The woody scent added a nice touch to the room, making my environment feel fresh and inviting.
On the negative side, the price tag was a significant drawback. I appreciated that I was using a renewable energy source, but the cost was quite high for such a small amount. I believe there are more economic options out there for pellet stoves.
In conclusion, while the Lignetics Premium Plus Soft Wood Fuel Pellets did manage to produce a lovely scent, I'd say they were not worth the price. The constant need to clean the stove and the short burn time are major drawbacks. I would suggest considering other brands for a more sustainable and cost-effective pellet fuel alternative.

🔗Buck Bomb Synthetic Ambush Scent Wafer for Hunting
The Buck Bomb Scent Wafer Ambush has been a game-changer for me this season. I've been hunting in Canada, where using natural urines is prohibited, and these wafers have been a lifesaver.
The scent, while not overpowering, has been enough to pull in both bucks and does without causing any distress. It's perfect for my MOCK scrapes, providing a curiosity scent that encourages them to get closer. I particularly love the elastic hang cord – it makes hanging these wafers from tree limbs quick and easy, ensuring they stay in place throughout the season.
The buck scent works well as a cover scent all season long, which was a pleasant surprise. While these wafers are one-time use and I would have preferred reusable wafers, the overall performance of the Buck Bomb Scent Wafer Ambush has been impressive, and I'll definitely be using them again next season.

Buyer's Guide

000 Buckshot Pellets are a popular choice for hunters and sport shooters due to their versatility and effectiveness. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the essential features, considerations, and general advice for selecting the right 000 Buckshot Pellets to suit your needs.

Pellet Types and Shotgun Gauge
The first consideration when selecting 000 Buckshot Pellets is the type of pellets and the shotgun gauge. These pellets come in different types, such as lead, steel, or copper-plated, and vary in size and hardness. Choose a pellet type that suits your shooting preferences and target. Also, make sure your shotgun is compatible with the chosen pellet gauge.

Load and Velocity

The load and velocity of the 000 Buckshot Pellets play a significant role in their performance. A higher load can result in more penetration, while a higher velocity can provide better stopping power. Consider your intended use and the target animal's size when selecting the appropriate load and velocity.

Pellet Pattern

The pellet pattern is another crucial factor when choosing 000 Buckshot Pellets. A tight pattern is ideal for close-range shooting, while a wider pattern may be more suitable for longer distances. The ideal pattern depends on your shooting style and the target, so consider these factors when making your selection.

Non-Toxic Options

If you're looking for non-toxic options, consider copper or tin-coated pellets. These alternatives are safer for the environment and are ideal for hunters who want to minimize their impact on the ecosystem.

Price and Quantity

Price and quantity are essential factors when purchasing 000 Buckshot Pellets. Consider the number of pellets you need for your shooting sessions and budget. Higher quantities may be more cost-effective, but it's essential to ensure they remain in optimal condition.

Brand Reputation and Warranty
Choose a reputable brand with a history of producing high-quality 000 Buckshot Pellets. A brand's reputation can ensure the pellets meet the required standards and perform consistently. Additionally, look for a warranty that covers any defects or issues with the product.
Selecting the right 000 Buckshot Pellets requires careful consideration of various factors. By considering the pellet types, load and velocity, pellet pattern, non-toxic options, price and quantity, brand reputation, and warranty, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision.


What are 000 buckshot pellets?

000 buckshot pellets are a type of shotgun shell designed for hunting and self-defense purposes. They contain four large lead pellets arranged in a tight pattern, providing a high probability of hitting the target.

How effective are 000 buckshot pellets?

The effectiveness of 000 buckshot pellets depends on various factors, such as distance, angle, and the type of animal being hunted. In general, they are highly effective at close to medium ranges, providing a large wound channel and often incapacitating the target. However, their effectiveness decreases at longer distances, as the spread of the pellets becomes too wide to be accurate.

What are the differences between 000 buckshot pellets and other buckshot sizes?

  • 000 buckshot pellets are generally larger and more powerful than 00 buckshot pellets.
  • 00 buckshot pellets have a tighter pattern than 000 buckshot pellets.
  • 0 gauge buckshot pellets are even larger and more powerful than 000 buckshot pellets, but they are less common and only used in specific hunting applications.

What are some common applications for 000 buckshot pellets?
000 buckshot pellets are commonly used for hunting large game animals, such as deer, elk, and bears, as well as for self-defense purposes due to their powerful nature and ability to penetrate barriers.

Are 000 buckshot pellets legal to use for hunting?

The legality of using 000 buckshot pellets for hunting depends on the specific laws and regulations of the state or country in question. Be sure to check with local game authorities to ensure compliance with all hunting rules and regulations.

Can 000 buckshot pellets be used for sporting clays or other competitive shooting events?

While 000 buckshot pellets are not typically used for sporting clays or other competitive shooting events, it is not entirely impossible. Some shooters may use them for specific targets or for practice under extreme weather or lighting conditions, where accuracy may be less critical.

How do I safely store 000 buckshot pellets?

Store 000 buckshot pellets in a secure location away from children and unauthorized individuals. Keep them in original packaging, if available, and ensure that the shells are not exposed to extreme temperatures or humidity, which can cause damage to the pellets.
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submitted by Stage-Piercing727 to u/Stage-Piercing727 [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 03:03 Visual-Gur-2851 Thanks to this sub!

Our family of 5 just got back from a great spring break trip and we couldn’t have planned it without this sub. We rock climbed and snorkeled near Ciales for a few days, spent a night on vieques, and then relaxed at Fairmont el San Juan. Most of us are gluten free. Sharing our detailed itinerary for anyone looking for something similar.
Landed at 6pm and stayed near old San Juan in dreams Miramar. - safe to walk around at night and get food. - hotel easily fit a family of 5 and had free parking that fit our midsize SUV.
Day 1: woke up early and got good parking in the garage in OSJ. Explored Castillo San Felipe Del Morro and the city. The cats and iguanas were a highlight.
Left before lunch for Ciales. Grabbed food at the super max on Ave. Jose Efron in Dorado. (The grocery store with the best selection of our whole trip). Snorkeled in Cerro Gordo - $4 cash to park. We saw neat fish, but also lots of sea urchins and a stone fish - wear protective footwear!
Day 2-4: We stayed at the owners airBnB ( and climbed at the flying coconut in Ciales for 4 days. Ciales is a quaint town with not too much going on. The rock climbing is amazing and super family friendly. Short approach hike through an organic farm with cocoa plants, ceiba trees, and so many lizards. The hosts have lots of great ideas for excursions and travel tips.
In the afternoons we went snorkeling at mar chiquita and swam at playas los tubos. We saw the whole cast of Nemo in Mar Chiquita. We ate tacos at los poco locos and didn’t get sick.
Day 5-6: we stopped for breakfast on the way to the ferry at brunchy’s in Fajardo. Easily the cheapest food of our trip and everything was amazing. The owner seemed to get gluten free decently well and we didn’t get sick.
We had Natasha get our ferry tickets a couple weeks before the trip and it was seamless.
Our rental car company in vieques was closed when we got there and had overbooked. We took a taxi to Avis and got the last jeep they had.
We stayed at la casa de tortugas in Esperanza. It was a very touristy vibe but nice. We snorkeled by the old pier and saw a manta ray. Ate dinner at bananas - GF mofungo was amazing!
We used Taino adventures for the bio bay tour. It was a great tour and we would recommend going with them. We thought it was going to be a tourist trap but it ended up being a memorable experience for everyone.
We woke up early and snorkeled near mosquito pier. We saw the brightest coral, but the water quickly got deep and you couldn’t see very far so the kids freaked out. We walked the pier instead and saw grouper, needle fish, and a turtle swimming around.
Day 7-9: Left vieques for San Juan and stopped at the luquillo kioskos - which was the only regret of our trip. All the restaurants were sit down, and they looked dirty. Parking was a mess. The beach behind it looked nice but smelled like trash from the restaurant dumpsters. We bought some stuff but I wish we had spent that time differently.
Last stop was fairmont El San Juan. Definitely a pricey hotel but it felt good to be pampered at the end of the trip. The beach is swimmable and doesn’t have rocks. And the resort is very close to the airport. It was the only place we stayed that roosters weren’t crowing from midnight- 6am. There also weren’t any lizards which seemed weird. Kind of felt like we’d left PR already but food and the pools were nice.
Only stressful part of vacation was driving. We got used to the narrow roads after awhile but Google definitely took us to some strange places that required some serious back up skills.
Thanks a million to this sub! We can’t wait to go back and explore more of the island.
submitted by Visual-Gur-2851 to PuertoRicoTravel [link] [comments]