

2008.01.25 08:12 conspiracy

This is a forum for free thinking and for discussing issues which have captured your imagination. Please respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind. Our goal is to create a fairer and more transparent world for a better future.

2021.12.16 16:56 RedditCareResources Child sexual abuse material is illegal

Reddit proactively detects, removes, and reports child sexual abuse material, and we review and take action on illegal content reported by redditors.
If you come across content that sexualized minors, you can report it in two ways:
Get confidential help to prevent child abuse at To learn more about how Reddit fights child sexual exploitation, visit our Help Center.
submitted by RedditCareResources to u/RedditCareResources [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 18:32 Imbali98 New testimony about Diana Paxson has come forward (CW: CSA)

This is concerning the CSA surrounding Diana Paxson and her family. Huge trigger warning for that in the rest of this post.
Recently we've had some discussion on the sub concerning Diana Paxson, her family and child sexual abuse, and to a lesser extent the content of her works as an author. The TLDR about her books is that her books are not good sources to read - this post is not about that, so if you want some details about that you can check out this post.
This post is a copy/paste of text from a PDF statement from someone within The Troth. There are links and a few screenshots so I highly suggest you go read the PDF directly. The Troth seem to be trying to sweep this under the rug as they usually do in times of controversy, and I know many members here have been concerned about Paxson lately and choose to no longer support her, and more members who are currently unaware. Don't let this get swept under the rug. Let it be known what Diana Paxson is implicit with, and that The Troth seem to be trying to bury it. From here on out is the PDF text:
CW: discussion of child sexual abuse, victim blaming, and other upsetting topics
Concerns about Diana Paxson and Troth handling of concerns
I have been an active Troth member since approx 2017. I first met Diana Paxson in person in 2019, and she became my Troth clergy program mentor in June 2023. We began to have regular Zoom meetings with the two of us. In February 2024, I watched Netflix’s Last Chance U season 5, episode 4 "Greyhaven," where Diana Paxson is interviewed, and was disturbed to learn more about the history of child sexual abuse among some of her close friends/family over the years. In this episode, regarding convicted child molester Walter Breen and alleged child molesteabuser Marion Zimmer Bradley, Diana is quoted as saying, “If we only had perfect people writing, there would be nobody to write. What we should be doing is honoring what people manage to achieve despite their flaws.” She also says several other things in this episode that did not sit right with me, including her reported “theoretical” awareness of Breen's desire to molest children.
Upon researching more on my own, I learned about Breendoggle ( and the reportedly widespread awareness within sci-fi communities of the time of Breen’s previous criminal conviction and ongoing, active child sexual abuse, including reportedly widely witnessed allegations of sexual abuse of children as young as 3. (Decades later, Breen died in prison after multiple felony convictions related to child sexual abuse.) I learned about recorded court testimony alleging Diana Paxson was asked by a victim’s mother if it was safe for a child to visit Walter Breen and that she allegedly said yes ( I learned of allegations that ADF founder Isaac Bonewits was allegedly living with Diana Paxson when some of his alleged child abuses took place, though Diana denies this. I also learned that even though one of Bonewits’ (and Breen's and MZB's) victims, Moira, was reportedly quoted on Diana Paxson’s website in 2014 ( to reassure the public that Diana reportedly did not know about the alleged abuses, and that this alleged quote remains on Diana's website at the time of this writing (, I learned that contrary to this, in 2015, Moira actually implied/alleged that Diana was an abuse enableapologist, alleged that she (Moira) and others made more recent police reports regarding child sexual abuse allegations about Diana's husband Don Studebaker AKA Jon DeCles (, and alleged that his family had “closed ranks” to protect him. In 2022, Moira repeated this allegation more directly and in more detail, including alleging that Diana was “covering for” him (see attached screenshots). I also found multiple other online allegations of past and current alleged abuse-enabling or apologism linked to Diana, reportedly across decades, from a variety of people claiming familiarity with Berkeley pagan communities.
Disturbed, I decided to talk to Diana one-on-one over Zoom and ask her about the topic directly. On Tuesday, February 13, 2024, over a private Zoom call, I expressed respectful concern, expressed that I was disturbed by her words and some of what I had been reading, and engaged Diana in a conversation on some of these issues to get her perspective. Diana alleged that she does not commit crimes. That said, over our approximately two hour conversation, she repeatedly expressed several beliefs that I found and continue to find disturbing, especially coming from someone who is a well-known figure in the Heathen community, a clergy member, and a leader. During our conversation I made several efforts to give her the benefit of the doubt, respectfully debunk opinions I found harmful, keep an open mind, and offer her opportunities to clarify. Despite this, her words in the conversation left me with even greater concern than before, not less. During and immediately after the call, I took notes on her statements to me to aid in my recollection, and after processing my horror and disappointment, on February 26, 2024, I filed a formal complaint to the Troth, detailing my online research and my direct experiences. My impressions of our conversation were what I perceived to be overall themes of ongoing belittling, disbelief of, and disdain for multiple child sexual abuse victims/survivors including legally-proven victims, recurrent victim blaming statements, lack of understandingvabout the harms of grooming, lack of understanding about children's inability to consent, conflation of sexual violence against children with orientation/queer identity, recurrent use of language like “boylove” and other harmless-sounding terms to refer to what is actually violence, repeated dismissal of the need to proactively protect children in questionable situations with known pedophiles, and several more alarming themes, all in response to me expressing real concern about real people who have experienced real harm committed by Breen and allegedly committed by several other people connected to Diana.
Though tone is subjective, I was also personally shocked at what I perceived as a casual, bemused, and at-times cruel demeanor when discussing actual proven victims, and what I perceived as a lack of expressed remorse, concern, anxiety, regret, sadness, or any other empathy-driven emotion regarding people suffering significant harm from sexual abuse.
My current understanding as of May 7, 2024 is that the Troth has concluded their investigation and has quietly asked Diana to train replacement(s) then step down as coordinator of the clergy program and editor-in-chief of the Idunna magazine, but that Diana will still be allowed to retain clergy credentials as an ordained Troth clergyperson, her status as official Elder in the organization, and membership in the organization overall. I feel this is a disservice to all members of the Troth, and particularly to families with children and any members who have experienced sexual violence. I myself cannot knowingly remain in an organization that continues to knowingly honor and welcome an Elder, clergyperson, and member with these expressed viewpoints and these ongoing allegations, and I feel it is my duty as a community member to inform others of my concerns.
Troth Bylaws state several relevant policies:
• “The ethical conduct of all persons who represent The Troth is of vital importance to this organization, because it is through our members and officers that our reputation as an organization is formed, as is our organizational Wyrd.”
• “sexual misconduct is prohibited by this Organization and will never be condoned or tolerated.”
• “Officers and clergy within The Troth may be subject to more scrutiny and greater accountability than the general membership.”
I am in no way accusing Diana of any crimes, because I do not personally have legal evidence of that. I also do not know what her inner experience is like. However, someone can be deemed an inappropriate organizational leader and be unwelcome as a community member due to their expressed beliefs, words, and harm to community trust, even without being convicted of any crimes. Troth members deserve to know what their respected elder is saying–and in the case of Last Chance U, what she’s saying in public. I’m saddened if this statement means the end of my years as a Troth community member–and it will be if the Troth does not take additional action–but some things are more important. Much love and gratitude to the many good, decent people I’ve met over the years in this space. Please spread the word if you can. Remember: All children deserve to learn, grow, and be nurtured free from exploitation. Child sexual abuse is never okay. Victims/survivors, no matter how imperfect, are never to blame for being abused. Break the cycle and speak out, like Havamal 127. May the truth prevail, whatever that may be, and may those who have been harmed find healing and relief.
With love, and as an act of love,
EDIT: As there has been some confusion, I am not Bat. I am a link in the chain. A chain that has since been silenced. The comments are shut down with a passing
However, so long as I have this post up, I think this needs to be said. Why are community leaders in this sub accepting and even defending this behavior from the Troth? They are the face of inclusive heathenry. Is this the face we want to show the rest of the world? Holding those who protect child molesters in esteem? All the Heathen community wants is some basic accountability and leadership from the Troth. The Troth's action reflect on all of us, and it past time that their actions reflected that reality.
submitted by Imbali98 to heathenry [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 02:38 Xx_Dark-Shrek_xX "Certified boylover, certified pedophiles"

Damn that line hits like a truck.
submitted by Xx_Dark-Shrek_xX to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 15:24 Celestial_Daragon [Vietnam] Under The Oak Tree (Dưới Tán Cây Mùa Hè) Official Posters - Premiere on May 17

[Vietnam] Under The Oak Tree (Dưới Tán Cây Mùa Hè) Official Posters - Premiere on May 17 submitted by Celestial_Daragon to boyslove [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:45 asutherlin96 Ban list question

So are they not banning Boylover de Fleur now or what?
submitted by asutherlin96 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 05:12 Great_Ad_777 Just remember when they gaslight you and claim Queer Theory isn't about making child touchers empowered.

Just remember when they gaslight you and claim Queer Theory isn't about making child touchers empowered. submitted by Great_Ad_777 to TimPool [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 21:59 Key_Ad1778 Pride Events are unsafe for me

I (FtM 19) have been repeatedly treated poorly by both online and local lgbt communities (including irl communities is 2 different states now). It’s made me feel completely outcasted and discouraged in my own transition. to the point that I’ve been prescribed T, but can’t even look at the bottle without falling into immense depression let alone use it and make the progress I’ve always wanted. For a little bit of background info I’m a really small guy. 5’4 on a good day and incredibly skinny due to unrelated health issues. That combined with my age makes meeting fellow lgbt people a complete nightmare. I’m tired of the invasive comments and jokes about my assumed twinkish bottomhood. Or worse the claims that I deserve harassment because of the way I look. It’s to the point where I no longer feel safe at any public pride events because I can’t protect myself in any way from the gross sexual advances or comments. No matter how many times I state my boundaries they get brushed aside All because i PHYSICALLY fall into a trans stereotype.
my personal goal has always been a very traditional timeline of hormones and surgeries and clothes that make me look like “just some guy”. I like sports and camping and cars. I leave the house in blue collar attire and bind and pack. Even got so far as to have minor facial hair when I was taking T consistently. But in spite of it all no matter what I do I’m treated horribly by other trans people. It’s making me feel like all my effort has been pointless. While cis people will either respectfully refer to me as male or not clock me as trans to begin with, trans people will openly mock my stereotypically cis interests and attire. I even had someone at a pride event tell me I was dressing FOR cis people and that it made me look “like a trump supporter”.
I’m proud of who I am as a TRANS man . My attire and goals come from both my lifestyle and influence from the butch lesbian community , NOT the approval of cishets . I just don’t know what I’m going to do if there’s no place in the community for me. Do I need to go completely stealth to protect myself from other lgbt people? God knows publicly talking about having a BOYfriend has only increased the harassment. It feels like other trans men my age see my relationship like boylove Yaoi anime. Which both hurts as an overstep of boundaries but also completely discredits the relationship I’ve put so much care and time into. I’m not a walking porno or some satirical joke. I’ve been entirely disowned by all my family and some friends for the choices I’ve made to get on HRT. so where do I find people who will genuinely respect me ? Right now the idea of the lgbt community being “my people” feels like a lie.
I dont care if this post receives advice , encouragement , or even just opens a conversation of how cruel we can be to each other. I just needed to say this somewhere. I hope I feel safe enough to start T again soon
submitted by Key_Ad1778 to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 21:45 Key_Ad1778 Pride Events are unsafe for me

I (FtM 19) have been repeatedly treated poorly by both online and local lgbt communities (including irl communities is 2 different states now). It’s made me feel completely outcasted and discouraged in my own transition. to the point that I’ve been prescribed T, but can’t even look at the bottle without falling into immense depression let alone use it and make the progress I’ve always wanted. For a little bit of background info I’m a really small guy. 5’4 on a good day and incredibly skinny due to unrelated health issues. That combined with my age makes meeting fellow lgbt people a complete nightmare. I’m tired of the invasive comments and jokes about my assumed twinkish bottomhood. Or worse the claims that I deserve harassment because of the way I look. It’s to the point where I no longer feel safe at any public pride events because I can’t protect myself in any way from the gross sexual advances or comments. No matter how many times I state my boundaries they get brushed aside All because i PHYSICALLY fall into a trans stereotype.
my personal goal has always been a very traditional timeline of hormones and surgeries and clothes that make me look like “just some guy”. I like sports and camping and cars. I leave the house in blue collar attire and bind and pack. Even got so far as to have minor facial hair when I was taking T consistently. But in spite of it all no matter what I do I’m treated horribly by other trans people. It’s making me feel like all my effort has been pointless. While cis people will either respectfully refer to me as male or not clock me as trans to begin with, trans people will openly mock my stereotypically cis interests and attire. I even had someone at a pride event tell me I was dressing FOR cis people and that it made me look “like a trump supporter”.
I’m proud of who I am as a TRANS man . My attire and goals come from both my lifestyle and influence from the butch lesbian community , NOT the approval of cishets . I just don’t know what I’m going to do if there’s no place in the community for me. Do I need to go completely stealth to protect myself from other lgbt people? God knows publicly talking about having a BOYfriend has only increased the harassment. It feels like other trans men my age see my relationship like boylove Yaoi anime. Which both hurts as an overstep of boundaries but also completely discredits the relationship I’ve put so much care and time into. I’m not a walking porno or some satirical joke. I’ve been entirely disowned by all my family and some friends for the choices I’ve made to get on HRT. so where do I find people who will genuinely respect me ? Right now the idea of the lgbt community being “my people” feels like a lie.
I dont care if this post receives advice , encouragement , or even just opens a conversation of how cruel we can be to each other. I just needed to say this somewhere. I hope I feel safe enough to start T again soon
submitted by Key_Ad1778 to trans [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 15:05 Secure_Security_7239 It isn’t just fiction..

It isn’t just fiction.. submitted by Secure_Security_7239 to TrueDetective [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 11:50 BreadfruitDeep1436 sooooo minecraft got tf2 update what now?

sooooo minecraft got tf2 update what now? submitted by BreadfruitDeep1436 to MinecraftMemes [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 13:15 Professional-Cow3034 #WujuBakery Did you guys see this?

#WujuBakery Did you guys see this?
🚨 POSTPONED! #WujuBakery has just had its premiere postponed to the 2ND HALF of this year and will no longer air this month.
The producer mentions that due to an increase in the length of episodes (from 30 to 50 minutes) and extensive CGI work, the postponement was inevitable.
Via boylove hub
submitted by Professional-Cow3034 to ThaiBL [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 12:11 xx_Luca_xx-_- Need some smoking hot movie or series

Hiii, so i want something smoking hot, and i mean it. Something that has drama, kissing, s3x and happy ending this us the most important. I have already saw rwrb, loved it, btw it can be bl i like boylove. Anyone but you was great. Young royals fantastic but not enough hotness. So please help me write down your favourite movie thanks 🥰
submitted by xx_Luca_xx-_- to televisionsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.09 12:00 xx_Luca_xx-_- Help me find some hot movies or series

Hiii, so i want something smoking hot, and i mean it. Something that has drama, kissing, s-3-x and happy ending this us the most important. I have already saw rwrb, loved it, btw it can be bl i like boylove. Anyone-but-you was great. Young-royals fantastic but not enough hotness. If you can help me comment because i would love to watch some good quality movies or series. So please help me write down your favourite movie thanks 🥰
submitted by xx_Luca_xx-_- to MovieSuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 18:45 Longjumping-Ad-6775 BL Resource Compilation Post Revisited

Hi, everyone. As promised here is an updated compilation post of some of the wonderful resources and posts this sub has to provide. I posted this eight months ago and again five months ago adding things as time went on
If this is your first time seeing this post it is a general post that includes some of our users favorite BL resources outside of reddit, deep dive posts on various series, in depth posts on various aspects of BL, spreadsheets/doc/tracking materials for BL, and anything else that is interesting that has popped up in the sub. This is by no means complete and I would love for people to chime in with posts or resources they would like added to this.
Every three months or so I'll repost this so that our new people or those that didn't see it the first time around can get a chance to see it. If you have the post from three months ago saved go ahead and update to this one since it will be the one, I will now keep updated. Also, if your post, resource, site is on here and you don't want it to be let me know and I will remove it.

If you have posts you would like to add PLEASE comment or DM me to add them. I don't always catch interesting posts so everyone's contributions help 🙏

Introduction/Info/In Depth discussions of BL Genre and subjects related to it
Series Specific Guides and In Depth Discussions

Spreadsheet, Documents, Lists on BL entertainment

Notable Posts Not to be Missed
Resources outside of boyslove
MDL Lists on BL
Previous resource posts: 1 2
*Last updated 5-12-24
submitted by Longjumping-Ad-6775 to boyslove [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 16:34 TheForce122 Dear Jensen Huang, can u please change ur logo so it doesn't look like ur a satanic pedo cult

Dear Jensen Huang, can u please change ur logo so it doesn't look like ur a satanic pedo cult submitted by TheForce122 to conspiracy [link] [comments]



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submitted by AizuAiAiReal to Largenves [link] [comments]

2024.02.19 14:03 realidad4 Pedophile´s Code Words and Symbols

submitted by realidad4 to u/realidad4 [link] [comments]

2024.01.29 21:18 PrincessLuluBella Boylove books translation

Hi ! I wanna ask if anyone knows where to read we best love book 2 ? I can’t find it anywhere
submitted by PrincessLuluBella to boyslove [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 16:20 nutritionalzero Learn, Share, Change

Learn, Share, Change submitted by nutritionalzero to TrueDetective [link] [comments]

2024.01.04 20:47 endilluminati These are the codes that pedophiles use to communicate.

These are the codes that pedophiles use to communicate. submitted by endilluminati to u/endilluminati [link] [comments]

2024.01.01 19:28 DiamondMCGT Does this manhua have a novel?

Does this manhua have a novel?
I want to know if there's a novel for this manhua, and where I can read it. Thank you!
submitted by DiamondMCGT to DanmeiNovels [link] [comments]

2023.12.30 06:22 IndigoDingoBells Found in the wild- Justifying the genocide of children because they are "future terrorists"

Found in the wild- Justifying the genocide of children because they are
... with a hefty sprinkle of Islamophobia. How do you even live with yourself to say these kinds of things?
submitted by IndigoDingoBells to Palestine [link] [comments]