2 men one hore

Ask Old People

2013.09.09 05:09 Colonel_Rhombus Ask Old People

We are not a personal advice, health, or mental health sub. Please only respond directly to posts if you were born on or before 1980. If you are younger, please restrict your activity to asking questions and responding to existing comments.

2012.04.09 18:08 fairyxxx TrollYChromosome - A subreddit for guys, beer is in the fridge

Quality reddit dudes sharing quality reddit wisdom.

2019.07.03 01:39 Philosophantom16 bropill

Bropill: A subreddit for encouraging positive attitudes, wholesome memes, and what it means to be a bro.

2024.05.15 09:11 SirKairon My issues with the last shadow

So i just finished TLS and I don't know how to feel. On the one hand I'm very emotional that Enderverse has ended and the stories come to an end but definitely not in this way. I'd like to preface by saying definitely not as bad as some comments I've seen but not good either.
Firstly the plot was ass, I'm sorry but the entire descolada stuff and the way it ended was poorly done imo. This kinda extends to Children of the Mind as well (definitely the weakest of the speaker series). Nest was just a whole lot of yapping with the story not going anywhere and seemed to just fill pages but these are just small qualms regarding the finale plot that i expected but did not get it fully and seemed dragged. Thought a planet was the source, find pretty early on its not, talk to birds for half the novel, get their ass whooped by humans who don't want them there, and ahhh the virus is just a bug that happened for us otherwise it's super safe idk how we missed that before which didn't even come from this planet btw and we may never know. Oh and also we have 3 new species btw how do we explain existing colonies to collaborate and share space? We don't that happens automatically just cuz Jane said so
Secondly and more importantly, had too many characters which led to problems. Speaker series and Shadows in flight left us with a lot of characters and then now OSC added 7 more grandchildren. When you have these many characters all you get is vague mentions to some of them and only a couple become main characters. I loved shadows in flight so so much and loved bean's children and their unity at the end. Sergeant being a dick first seemed fine by the end and then again he proceeds to be a dick again reaching adulthood. Character didn't seem consistent. Ender was AWOL like my god bro being damn near the shadows in flight mc and being a god at genetics takes a back seat in a big genetics problem. Then when we are introduced to the kid leguminids and only 2 are given priority and even them 2 seem to do shit on their own not working together with their cousins. Twins getting the most linear character out there. Card forgot about Ender's kids. They're still leguminids and are supposed to be smart as hell. Quara, Ela, Miro getting some lines here and there but apart from research they don't do anything. Peter and Wang-Mu were good I liked.
Lastly the detouring, inside outside bullshit. Like I get it and tolerated it during COTM but cmon it's getting too much. Very conveniently it becomes cheat code hacking and Jane is just god. If not Jane then the hive queen. But also at the same time, Outside can make a new bloody body for Miro, split ender into 3 people, CURE THE BLOODY VIRUS by just thinking about it, but cannot make a cure for Thulium. They didn't even try their very own creative mode. Wants to end detouring with this generation and then teaches it to everyone damn near and eventually they'll learn on their own.
Anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk. Liked some elements of it tho OSC does know his emotion writing but overall I considered Shadows in flight a more apt ending to it all and also to some extent COTM
submitted by SirKairon to ender [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:10 Classic-Job494 Input needed: Credit Cards!

Hey Redditors! What's up?
I'm relatively new here, but better late than never. However, haven't been oblivious to the community support on Reddit.
So, I'm here to ask for a small favour.
I'm currently involved in a critical fintech project at a growth-stage startup, and we're exploring opportunities in the Indian credit card market. The specifics of what, how, and when are still under scrutiny, but for now, we're focused on conducting user research in this domain.
I'm sharing a brief survey (maximum 2 minutes) about credit card usage. Please fill that. I am hoping this community will surprise me with a good response rate. (It is an anonymous survey, no personal information will be collected)
I come bearing gifts for the favour. I've been consolidating a list of credit card hacks as part of my research and I will post the list once it's done.
*I promise not to include false tips but only well-researched, meaningful hacks all in one place.
Link to the survey: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSciVwRGv3IdK3HTI5ktc-J9GtWdQJNqCLIZxRJMDwrkJCn93g/viewform?usp=sf_link
submitted by Classic-Job494 to IndiaFinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:09 Desperate-Skill-1074 Magical Girl Smash Game [DAY11]

Magical Girl Smash Game [DAY11]
Ryuko Matoi has been added!
It is now time for the final character! This is your last chance to suggest a Magical Girl before the roster is completed!


  1. Must be a Traditional or Horror (or any other genre) Magical Girl and not just a girl with magic.
  2. It must be from an ANIME otherwise it doesn't count.
  3. They usually have a transformation sequence, so if they do have one of those you're clear.
  4. Don't actually type "Sailor" along with your suggestion, type "Magical" Instead.
  5. You don't actually have to post a picture since I don't think you can.
  6. The type of weapon the Magical Girl has doesn't matter.
  7. Zelda is NOT a Magical Girl. Neither is Palutena or Rosalina.

8. The most upvoted Comment will have that Magical Girl get in the roster as long as they follow these rules.

Remember to place "Sailor" along with you're comment if you actually read the rules! :)
submitted by Desperate-Skill-1074 to supersmashbros [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:09 AwesomeKB Question about season 2

In the game there is a 5 year gap between last of us 1 and 2. in season 2 of the show they are showing the events of the 2nd game.
How come they use Bella Ramsay as Ellie, she doesn’t even look one age older in the photos shown for BTS. No one wondering about this?
submitted by AwesomeKB to ThelastofusHBOseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:09 LucarioOfLegends [100 Girlfriends] No, body swapping is not an excuse to bypass consent.

100 Girlfriends is a series that I think is pretty neat, considering its been my hyperfixation for the past couple of years. It's very much a solid riff at the genre of harem romcoms and takes at lot of time to actually break down each member of its cast and really ask how their character quirks really affect them, eventually transforming into world's weirdest group dynamic, where more attention is given towards how each girl interacts with each other as the cast expands ever further. Though that doesn't stop the showcases of sheer love and dedication that Rentarou is willing to convey every time he gets the spotlight. Also its funny as hell.
Hardly means its perfect though, as people have pointed out the many flaws of the story, including its pacing, the questionable nature of its relationships due to the age gaps and familial relations, as well as a general dislike of the whole 100 soulmates plot device. I'd love to discuss and refute these point in a later post (particularly the last one boy do I have counterarguments to certain objections) but this prelude is long enough as is, so let's get talking about the main subject of this rant: Chapter 119 aka Fondle Festival 2.
Momiji Momi is the 15th girlfriend introduced, and she has a naturally contentious main quirk. She is a training masseuse with a fascination for soft things, a fascination that spreads specifically to the body parts of others. This results in a penchant towards groping both the girls and Rentarou alike, usually with no direct ask to do so from Momiji.
This is a questionable trait and runs the natural risk of turning her into a Mineta, but a few different factors keep it decently justifiable. The main point here is she is constantly giving out massages to Rentarou's Family and others, usually before any sort of inappropriate gropage. Hell, her first interaction was Rentarou finding her after massaging the school's entire tennis team, who had literally collapsed from the sheer pleasure and relief of the massage, and in her introduction to the group proper she straight up offers to massage the rest of the cast first and foremost, and only after is the cast willing to offer up their bodies for feeling up. It takes on a sort of transactional exchange, the cast gets free massages from Momiji, and Momiji gets to indulge in her urge to touch where she wants (sans probably the d and the v). And the entire cast seems pretty fine with it, not really reacting after a while most of the time.
Momiji also isn't just focused on the fanservice bits; her penchant for soft things stretches to bouncy house, hot buns, bread dough, and Nami boob mouse pads. Even just looking at the human body she is interested is far from boobs and butts, going to cheeks, stomachs, hands, arms, and backs. While she still is there to highlight the goods when the time comes, Momiji comes off much more than a character exclusively meant to justify fanservice, even if she is debatably the simplest and flattest girl of the main cast so far.
Enter Fondle Festival 2, generally considered one of the series few actual misses chapter wise alongside the obnoxious introductory chapters of Chiyo as well as Beef Tongue, which I could write an entire other rant about so help me god. But Fondle Festival 2 has its status for a reason, as it very much murks up the ideas of consent.
To keep things brief, Momiji ends up swapping bodies with Rentarou through the powers of a convenient drug brewed up by resident ridiculous scenario causer Kusuri, and immediately goes to grope the boobs of every single girl on the rooftop with her new boy hands without the girls realizing its Momiji for a significant amount of time and absolutely without them giving a clear thumbs up.
Consent is a bit of a grey area in 100 Girlfriends more generally, mainly because as a gag series it does have a status quo that it needs to maintain for its cast. Usually most characters are pretty good about their ridiculous demands in terms of directly asking about it, but no matter how many times the characters say no or tell them to stop, such questions and actions will of course continue in the next chapter simply due to wanting to be able to pull out those traits for jokes again. Momiji herself is a perpetrator considering how often her groping is considered a gag in a panel even if it is making the characters uncomfortable, though she is far from the worst offender (looking at you Hahari). For the most part characters are willing to call out stuff that is actively bad and say in pretty uncertain terms that its terrible, but this stuff still does happen due to the nature of the genre and how characters are defined.
In the context of Fondle Festival 2, the girls in question are...mostly okay with it? They acknowledge that this is a weird situation and bunch actually take advantage of said situation to fulfill their less than kosher desires, and by the end its revealed that basically all of them caught onto what had happened and were totally taking advantage of it.
The problems start with only most of the girlfriends being okay with it. Uto completely breaks her chuuni bard persona and is left frozen in shock at such an event, unclear if she was okay with it. Several girls try to get Momiji to stop and get an unwanted grope because of it, and Mimimi straight up slaps Momiji (who Mimimi assumed was Rentarou) and insinuates for them to stop, but Momiji continues undetered. Multiple girls very clearly and explicitly give a sign that they are not okay with this and they need to stop, yet Momiji continues to make them feel uncomfortable.
My largest problem, however, is when you realize that Momiji is using Rentarou's body for this. Rentarou is a bastion of chastity in essentially every regard, going to frankly ridiculous length to prevent any sexual advances from the girls or himself. He straight up does not allow himself to think of the girls in a sexual if he can allow it, as he sees it as demeaning of the girls themselves and that would be a failure on his part. Is it a kind of ridiculous belief? Yes. Is it still his own belief that he holds up to the best of his ability? Also yes, and that needs to be respected.
Fondle Festival 2, in my humble opinion, does not respect that belief in a really frustrating way. I can't say for certain what good body swapping etiquette is, but I don't imagine that going off in someone else body and doing something that stands directly against their characterization, especially since Rentarou was knocked out for most of this, and Momiji even ends up groping Rentarou/her own chest, which makes this even murkier.
Momiji does end up getting some level of comeuppance by the end of the chapter through a taste of her own medicine and she fully apologizes to the girls about the whole incident in the bonus page of the chapter, but I'd argue the damage has been done and it doesn't stop the gross feeling I got when reading the chapter, either the original japanese raws or the translated version.
While I can shrug off a lot about this series, this flagrant ignoring of both the girls and Rentarou in this situation for the sake of a bit did not jive with me. Consent is important y'all.
submitted by LucarioOfLegends to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:09 Sheratain What’s with lifetime NBA professionals not knowing that a 24 second violation is a team turnover?

At the beginning of the pod tonight Bill and Justin Termine talked briefly about the final minute when KCP took the ball from Jokic so that he would get the turnover for the shot clock violation. What a great moment of team chemistry, etc. But…that’s not the rule? A shot clock violation is a team turnover, not individual, so it doesn’t matter who’s holding it. No one gets a turnover
In Bill’s defense, both Jamal Crawford and Reggie Miller—who have well over 50 years of professional basketball experience as players and broadcasters between them—also got it wrong during the broadcast. As did KCP, a vet with 2 rings, if that’s indeed what he was doing.
So the obvious question is: How do none of these guys know this very simple rule?
submitted by Sheratain to billsimmons [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:08 HighFirePleroma Imagine SW6 focusing only on Hideyoshi and Ieyasu...

So if we are getting new SW6 as rightful successor to SW5 what do you expect from this game? Narrative focus on 2 conquerors? Or some clan side stories as well?
Once again, I don't think all the characters return even for this time period. I would expect the following cast:
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Nene Chacha Kai Fuma Kotaro Sanada Yukimura Sanada Masayuki Sanada Nobuyuki Sarutobi Sasuke Kato Kiyomasa Fukushima Masanori Nakamura Kazuuji Ishida Mitsunari Shima Sakon Todo Takatora Otani Yoshitsugu Tokugawa Ieyasu Honda Tadakatsu Ii Naomasa Hattori Hanzo Yagyu Munenori Ina Kobayakawa Takakage Date Masamune Katakura Kojuro Chosokabe Motochika Shimazu Yoshihiro Shimazu Toyohisa Tachibana Ginchiyo Tachibana Munishige Uesugi Kagetora Naoe Kanetsugu Maeda Toshiie Maeda Keiji Kuroda Kanbei Saika Magoichi Gracia Okuni Musashi Kojiro
Unfortunately characters like Ujiyasu and Naotora who didn't get in SW5 has even less relevance here, not 100% on Koshosho and Kunoichi either
some possible new faces might include: Mori Terumoto Kikkawa Motoharu Tokugawa Hidetada Honda Masanobu Hojo Ujimasa Otomo Sorin Shimazu Yoshihisa Ekei Ankokuji Kobayakawa Hideaki Ukita Hideie Konishi Yukinaga Hosokawa Tadaoki Kuroda Nagamasa Nabeshima Naoshige Yoshihime Mogami Yoshiaki Satake Yoshinobu
Granted the most important one gets playable treatment while some others get semi-unique treatement from SW5, as for new female lead I definitely see Okatsu (Eishoin) in this role, maybe they can add Matsu finally too.
Also expecting both Hideyoshi and Ieyasu to have 2 different age models.
I think the scale of the game could be grand, since they can focus on lesser battles and finally separate Sekigahara on few skirmishes.
And yes, I no longer expect to have unique weapons, I just want 15 weapons from SW5 to return and to have 15 more new options. I have no issue with this system whatsoever, most of the weapons were fun (except Naginata).
submitted by HighFirePleroma to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:08 Mikellev Our tip is in one week so what about ESim or Travelpasses for Subways and more qurstions.

with your help, I found the right place to stay for 7 days next week, thnx a lot.
Next thing, what about ESim? Should I get one before or just at the airport? How much is it to receive calls from Europe on my German Number, if friends or family calls? So do I need a local number?
How about subway buses taxi transportation, is there an app for it? or also the Simcard (like in Japan) ?
Is there anything else I should pre-book or get while still in Germany?
How about cash? Do I require it a lot and if so, just use the ATM there or better use a bank to change money?
Talking about Credit cards, we got 2 normal Visa and Maestro, they should work fine. But also we got 2 "Debit" Maestro and Visa Cards, any problems with that? How about our normal bank debit cards (Giro cards called here) will they work in an ATM?
So thank you again for your help, we are getting rly excited to see Seoul soon.
submitted by Mikellev to koreatravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:08 BrutusCz Initial steps on harder difficulty (with more punishing hapiness modifiers)

So I tried it first time and frustrated my families left one by one pretty soon. After 2 more tries I figured some initial needed steps before you start building houses.
So it seems that your "homeless" people only get that one modifier, while houses start complaining about markets not having goods, which is extremly frustrating at the start if you have the goods, but you don't have them in markets. Before you start building homes you must have market with food/leathefirewood already ready. Otherwise you will start to see people leave and then you don't have enough families to use the market and it's downhill from there.
So start is nothing special imo. I built Logging Camp, Granary, Storehouse and other buildings that would would need for start of the game, briefly put families in there so you don't lose resources to the rain. Hunting camp and then use those hides to make leather. Collect some firewood and so on, this is up to you really. Once I collected needed resources, I put 1 family into Granary and 2 into storehouse. They should build one food stall and 1 clothing stall and 1 firewood stall.. Now you should be ready to build houses. Maybe there is better way about this, maybe firewood stall can be used with family collecting firewood, but... the start is so frustrating I wanted to just explaing the beginning, I am sure if you want, you can optimize start youself. I was happy to just having it work and I put new families where they were needed and left those granary/storehouses families there pernamently.
If I am about wrong or I missed some crucial and obvious way to do it, feel free to correct me.
submitted by BrutusCz to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:08 liem-salim Is my Wireless Router Slowing Down my Speeds?

I am currently paying for Gigabit internet with my own Modem (Netgear CM1100) and Router (Netgear R7000). I switched to used my own modem because I was tired of paying the mothy modem fees, so I got the Netgear CM1100. I got he CM1100 because it has 2 LAN ports and I wanted to directly connect my Xbox to the modem and then use the other LAN port for the Wifi router. I SWEAR I have been running this configuration since I got my own modem about +8 months ago and it has been working great My XBOX has been getting +750MB/s downloads and no issues with Wifi +200MB/s downloads, but in the past two weeks only one of the LAN ports work on the modem. It is not a LAN port issue as I have restarted the modem with Computer "A" connected to LAN 1 and computer "B" connected to LAN 2, and only Computer "A" has internet. Then without restarting the router I connect Computer "A" to LAN 2 and Computer "B" to LAN 1 and only Computer "A" has internet. I have tired multiple computers and ethernet cables, but only one LAN port works at a time. With multiple restarts same problem continues.
After talking to Netgear Tech support they said that the my ISP only assigns one IP address and that only one ethernet port is able to work at a time. I have been reading about port aggregation and it seems like that what the 2 LAN ports on the modem are designed for.
When connecting directly to the modem to a computer my downloads are about +850 MB/s, but when the modem is connected to a Wifi router then the computer through one of the LAN ports on the router I get around 250 MB/s with both the 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz Wifi bands off. Even when I run a speed test through 5 Ghz Wifi with all my device connected i get about 220 MB/s.
TLDR: I am currently paying for gigabit internet and get +850 MB/s when connected to the modem, and get only around 250 MB/s when connected through the wireless router with WIFI off and no devices connected. My modem is Netgear CM1100 and by wireless router is Netgear R7000. So to me, it seems like my Netgear R7000 wireless router is bottlenecking my internet speeds. Would you guys agree? Any settings suggestions?
submitted by liem-salim to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 Dumbledoree Which scale reading should I trust?

Yesterday I weighed 185lbs. I was within my daily calorie intake at around 1500 calories.
This morning I weighed 184.2. I was happy with this result, stepped off, sort of 're set' the scale by resting half of my weight on it, stepped back on fully to be sure, and it still read as 184.2. Satisfied, I put it away to brush my teeth.
I'm super pleased with my progress, it's been a very long journey, and while I was brushing my teeth I wanted to check one last time. I get back on the scale, same spot, naked, not holding my toothbrush, same posture, and boom, 187.2lbs. 187?! I step off, re set the scale, get back on, 187.2lbs.
It's a digital scale, I've never changed the batteries in it and I've had it for years. I've been in a deficit the past two days, and the two days before that I ate just below or at maintenance. I am 5"5.
I ended up logging the lower weight into MFP but it feels like cheating.
submitted by Dumbledoree to loseit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 astroidtardis Weird Mindfuck of a DM experience

Back when I was thirteen I made a post asking people if they thought I was ugly because my step-sister and I thought it would be interesting and funny to see what people would say.
Shortly after making that post I got a DM from a guy on a throwaway account who acted concerned about a post I had made a few months earlier (the post was a vent and nothing short of worrying). I started chatting with him and he asked me a bunch of questions--things like whether or not I had people to confide in, what my home life was like, etc. It was during the pandemic and I didn't really have anyone to talk to so it made me happy to chat with him so our conversations continued.
After some talking, he started pressuring me to send him nudes. I kept trying to tell him I didn't want to but he would tell me that he would stop chatting with me if I didn't send him any. This back and forth went on for a bit before I almost gave in. He then messaged me saying that he was actually doing all this to teach me what grooming was and how to protect myself from it.
After that we chatted a bit more before a day later he did the same song and dance that he did the day before, complete with the stopping just before I broke and pulling the same "I was just pretending to teach you" line. It was confusing and it made me feel sick to my stomach so I blocked him for a bit.
Him being blocked didn't last long because I missed how nice he could be, so I unblocked him a few days later. I told him how it made me feel and he told me that he'd done this "pretending to ask for nudes to teach you to protect yourself from grooming" thing to other people before and that a few of them even view him as father-figure. He told me that if I did truly want it he'd be in a relationship with me, but not if I was only doing it to make him keep talking to me. I found this a bit weird but I brushed it off because, again, he was nice sometimes. We messaged back and forth for a few weeks after that before I just stopped talking with him.
When I look back on it in hindsight, I have a few theories on why this whole thing happened.
  1. The one that I believe the most is that he was an FBI agent. Out of context this sounds unlikely but let me explain. A month earlier, I had been chatting with a grown man on twitter. The exchanges between us were inappropriate and eventually my parents found out and they made me stop using twitter. A bit after my parents found out they told me that apparently the FBI was investigating this guy and asked me if I wanted to testify against him. I chose not to. However, I think that it could be possibly be someone trying to teach me a lesson? (Though I could also be reading too much into it but I think the coincidence of it all is kinda of weird.)
  2. For a bit I wondered if it could be one of my parents--mainly my dad--who was trying to teach me a lesson. But I'm pretty sure that was mostly just me being paranoid because I doubt my dad even knows what the concept of a throwaway account is.
  3. It could just be a really weird guy who was doing this to actually teach me a lesson or doing this for some weird kind of fetish.
None of these I'm completely set on because the whole thing was just really weird and confusing.
Most of the time when I explain this situation to people they make fun of me for not just blocking him permanently. But the thing when this happened I had literally no one who was my friend, no one to confide in. Because it had been during the pandemic I barely texted the friends I had had before the pandemic started and they barely texted me either. My parents aren't great people and my step-siblings hated me and made me hate myself. And it wasn't like I could go out and meet people either. So when someone gave me the slightest bit of attention and didn't hate me for being too talkative, too loud, too energetic, too cringey, too annoying it made me feel like I was on top of the world. He would say the nicest things that anyone had ever said to me. He would tell me things like how if he could meet me in person and I thought I was being too annoying that he would just hug me and tell me that it's okay. And I fell hook line and sinker for it.
submitted by astroidtardis to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 275inthe505 Stay or go?

TL:DR double standards and red flags?
My fiancé 50/M and I 48/F have been together for almost 4 years, engaged for over a year. We have 5 kids in total, with 2 still being in school/at home. He’s had an on/off issue with social media, claiming he doesn’t like other men having “access” to me, despite the majority of the men being lifelong friends/family members. We both work as first responders, and I’m sure everyone knows the relationship dramas that can come with that. We both have social media accounts, where I clearly, loudly, proudly claim him as mine, in both relationship status and profile photos. He does not follow suite, as his social media is for “networking and business contacts.” I recently made a trip back to my hometown, for a slightly devastating family matter. On my long drive back, he made yet another comment about social media and his usual concerns (this was kicked off by my mother’s significant other following me, but I never saw that notification, only my fiancé did) So I shut off all my accounts - I was already stressed and couldn’t handle anything else. (He stated that was not what he wanted me to do.) Tonight, we attended his middle child’s graduation. His ex-wife snapped lots of photos, including those of him/her and their shared children, it was great. I, however, was not invited to take part in the photos and stood awkwardly off to the side, trying to stay out of the way. It was quite different from my daughter’s graduation last year, when he was included in family photos. (My kids absolutely adore him, FTR.) He did not propose we take any additional photos and I didn’t feel it was my place to ask, but it did hurt to be excluded. Between the social media issues and now this perceived exclusion, I’m starting to wonder why I’m in this? I love him, he’s a great man and an amazing father, but have I reached my breaking point? Am I seeing red flags or just being too sensitive?
submitted by 275inthe505 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 Any_Assumption6721 OT Tokuten - help!!!

I purchased a pair of OT Tokuten on Vinted in UK, Reddit not letting me upload pics..so link to pics here
OT pics
its the beige and green pair. After some looking into this it appears it is a model on the Chinese market only. Is it possible to get legitimate pairs overseas then??
I think the shoes seem decent quality but because the tokuten is less common it's hard to find many pictures to compare to to see if they are legit. The things that I am skeptical about:
Vinted only give me 2 days to dispute a purchase so I really need some reassurance here! I paid £60.
Could someone show me pictures of tokutens they believe to be real so I can compare?!
submitted by Any_Assumption6721 to Onitsuka_tiger [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 ImPretendingToCare I am trying to eliminate 1 of my 2 SSDs from my PC and its the one with the operating system, What is the easiest way to do this?

My PC has 2 SSDs.
(A) has the booting stuff with the operating system in it (B) has everything else. Games, pictures, videos, apps, literally everything else.
Im only trying to get rid of (A) completely.
What is the simplest way to do this? Whatever is on (A) will be going to (B) making (B) the only SSD in this PC.
I dont mind reinstalling Windows or losing anything at all in Drive (A).. I just want the SIMPLEST way of just having everything on (B).
submitted by ImPretendingToCare to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 laplaces_demon42 Daily migraines severity

I’m reading a lot of people mentioning daily migraines and I’m wondering how to ‘interpet’ this. How severe are these migraines? I have weekly migraines where I have pain level 8ish and need to go to bed. During the week I can often ‘doubt’ whether in consider myself having a migraine or if I’m ’just uncomfortable’. This would typically be pain level 2 (but one sided) and some fatigue but otherwise I’m able to function ‘normally’ Are you guys also calling these migraines? I’m I misleading myself and my neurologist by not calling them that?
submitted by laplaces_demon42 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 wtfkryptic New to the PC World and goddamn scrolling to find a good pre built PC is literally giving me a headache

I want to invest my money in something that won’t break down in 3 years. I see comments saying “yea this pre built Pc on this website is good for 2k” then I research that one and I see other comments saying “no that one is actually trash this one is better” then it’s repeated and the same shit all over again in vice versa. I work 5 days a week and I just don’t have time to build my own, I also lack the skills to do so and don’t want to fuck something up. This entire experience is pretty jarring and overwhelming because I want to make a commitment that’ll be worth it, and not end up wasting 2-3 grand that i worked so hard for. From the PC goats anything that’ll run Cyberpunk or Elden Ring without it lagging or crashing every 15 minutes could pretty much run anything within a budget of 3K with semi new hardware that’ll last. I’m growing tired of my PS5 and I just want to experience more
submitted by wtfkryptic to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 Fluid-Singer9639 reading request for passing of loved one, exactly 2 months ago today..

i’m not sure how to do these requests so if i did it incorrectly please let me know.
i’m looking for someone to do a reading, i can donate too. someone i loved deeply passed away 2 months ago today (5/15/24) and i just want to connect with them..
please and thank you.
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2024.05.15 09:07 LilKurwa On a break with my S/O, what should i do?

TL;DR As you can guess from the title, me(18F) and my(19M) boyfriend of almost two years went on a break yesterday.
He was the one inniciating it and i honestly saw it coming, we have both been stressed out, distracted and arguing lately. He texted me last night asking us to take a break, but we promised one another that we would get back together after this.. i know i can trust that and that he means it, we still love one another and have no interest in finding new people but its still scary, this being my first REAL break in a relationship. I know im going to get a bunch of «youre still young» comments under this post but i want real advice. How do i cope with this? We were both thinking that this could last for about a month, and even though its not that bad it will feel like forever after spening at least 2 days a week if not more with the same person for 2 years.. we still talk and tell eachother we love one another, but wont be meeting much during this month, can sleep with other people if we wish to and do whatever we need for our own best during this time period. Im seeing him later today to talk more before we part ways for some time.. what should i do?
submitted by LilKurwa to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 changingavariable How do I get my life together?

I am 25F and I have wasted a lot of time. This is mostly a rant, but I really need some advice as well.
I live with my parents. I lived with them when I went to college and never moved out.
I have a BA in English. I graduated right after the pandemic when the job market was pretty weak. I tried to apply for some positions but most of them were very far (my parents live in a village. It takes around 2 hours to get to the city by public transport, 1 hour by car but I didn't have a car back then). And because my country and city are smaller, there weren't many remote options, especially for people who were just starting. So I settled for remote tutoring. I work 20 hours a week and I have a low average monthly income. I often feel tired from even 5 hours a day (one-on-one conversations are exhausting for me) and I'm scared/too lazy to take on more hours. It also means that for the past 4 years that I've been working, I didn't have any PTOs, benefits or any career movements. I'm not sure I can even call it a work experience.
I don't have any irl friends. I lost contact with my school and college friends as soon as I graduated, and as I work remotely and leave my house very rarely, I don't meet new people. If I do go out, it's usually with my mom and little sister. Partly because I really like them and theur company; mostly because I don't have other people to hang out with and I don't want to do it alone. The only friends I have are the ones I met online playing computer games.
I have never had even as much as a kiss. And I'm not unattractive, a few guys back in high school and college were interested. But I always got scared and became distant as soon as I could feel some interest from them. I am in an online relationship now, and at first I entertained the idea of actually meeting with him and maybe even living together, but now after almost a year I realize it's not something he wants to do. He's in a similar position (never dated before, doesn't have many friends offline etc) and when I said this relationship might not be for me, he got so sad. At this point I'm only with him because I don't want to make him sad.
I don't even have much money despite living with my parents and not paying rent. I spend it regularly on games and online shopping and now I have maybe enough to live for about 4 months, if I were to stop working.
And I really just waste a lot of time, by mindlessly scrolling social media. I used to read and watch a lot, and learn new things. I don't do that now.
And looking at everything, I realize that I'm the one who let things get this bad. I have financial support of my parents but I never did anything but be lazy and scared. I have a car now. I'm trying to learn programming but I keep seeing that the situation on the market is pretty bad, and my motivation often disappears for weeks. I'm afraid to act and I'm afraid to change. So how do I get my life together?
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2024.05.15 09:06 StrikingSeat6567 Bright Smiles Ahead: Dental Sealants and Pediatric Dentistry in Sunvalley

Bright Smiles Ahead: Dental Sealants and Pediatric Dentistry in Sunvalley

Safeguard your child's smile with dental sealants at ABC Kids Dental Group. Learn about the benefits of this preventive treatment and ensure your child's oral health

Introduction: At ABC Kids Dental Group, we understand that protecting your child's smile is a top priority. That's why we offer dental sealants as part of our comprehensive pediatric dental care services. Dental sealants are a simple and effective way to safeguard your child's teeth against cavities and decay, providing an extra layer of protection for their precious smiles. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of dental sealants and why they're an essential part of your child's oral health routine.
  1. What Are Dental Sealants? Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings that are applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth, also known as molars and premolars. These teeth have deep grooves and fissures where food particles and bacteria can easily become trapped, increasing the risk of cavities. Sealants act as a barrier, sealing off these vulnerable areas and preventing decay from forming.
  1. The Importance of Sealants for Children: Children are particularly susceptible to cavities and tooth decay, especially in their back teeth, which are harder to reach with a toothbrush and more prone to decay-causing bacteria. Dental sealants provide an extra layer of defense against cavities, helping to keep your child's teeth healthy and strong during their formative years.
  2. The Procedure: The process of applying dental sealants is quick, painless, and non-invasive. First, the teeth are thoroughly cleaned and dried. Then, the sealant material is painted onto the chewing surfaces of the teeth and hardened with a special light. The entire procedure can usually be completed in just one visit to our dental office, making it a convenient option for busy families.
  3. Long-lasting Protection: Once applied, dental sealants can protect against cavities for several years. However, they may need to be checked periodically and reapplied if necessary to ensure continued effectiveness. At ABC Kids Dental Group, we monitor the condition of your child's sealants during their regular check-ups and recommend any necessary maintenance to keep their smiles shining bright.
  4. Peace of Mind for Parents: As a parent, nothing is more important than knowing that your child's smile is healthy and protected. By choosing dental sealants for your child, you can have peace of mind knowing that you're taking proactive steps to prevent cavities and maintain oral health. Plus, with the expert care and guidance of our experienced pediatric dental team, you can feel confident that your child is receiving the best possible dental care.
Conclusion: At ABC Kids Dental Group, we believe that every child deserves a healthy and happy smile. With dental sealants, we can help protect your child's teeth against cavities and decay, giving them the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. If you're interested in learning more about dental sealants or scheduling an appointment for your child, don't hesitate to contact us today. Together, we can keep your child smiling bright!
submitted by StrikingSeat6567 to u/StrikingSeat6567 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:06 pg860 Data Analysts Wednesday: Top 10 Highest-Paying Positions from Last Week

🚨 Data Analysts Wednesday: Top 10 Highest-Paying Positions from Last Week 🚨
Found by: https://jobs-in-data.com/job-hunter
👉 Position: Deputy Director for Surveillance, Data, and Analytics, Population Health Division 0943 Manager VIII Company: cityandcountyofsanfrancisco1 Location: 25 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102, USA Salary Range: $223,444 - $285,116 🔗 https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/CityAndCountyOfSanFrancisco1/3743990004231786-deputy-director-for-surveillance-data-and-analytics-population-health-division-0943-manager-viii-
👉 Position: Director, Data Analysis - Capital One Shopping - Remote - Eligible Company: capitalone Location: McLean, VA Salary Range: $246,900 - $281,800 🔗 https://capitalone.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/capital_one/job/McLean-VA/Director--Data-Analysis---Capital-One-Shopping-----Remote---Eligible-_R187307-1
👉 Position: Staff Data Analyst, Cash App Compliance Company: square Location: San Francisco, CA, United States Salary Range: $163,600 - $245,400 🔗 https://jobs.smartrecruiters.com/Square/743999984182280-staff-data-analyst-cash-app-compliance
👉 Position: Data Analytics Specialist Company: peraton Location: US-VA-McLean Salary Range: $146,000 - $234,000 🔗 https://careers-peraton.icims.com/jobs/146544/data-analytics-specialist/job
👉 Position: Index Data And Analytics Senior Data Specialist Modelling Company: refinitiv Location: New York City, United States Salary Range: $122,000 - $226,600 🔗 https://refinitiv.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/careers/job/New-York-City-United-States/Index-Data-And-Analytics-Senior-Data-Specialist--Modelling-_R0084264-1
👉 Position: Director, Specialty Compliance and Ethics, Data Analytics - AI Company: Walmart Location: Bentonville, AR Salary Range: $110,000 - $220,000 🔗 https://walmart.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/WalmartExternal/job/Bentonville-ADirector--Specialty-Compliance-and-Ethics--Data-Analytics---AI_R-1821027
👉 Position: AVP, Data and Analytics Company: unum Location: Regional Office - Atlanta Salary Range: $203,320 - $213,320 🔗 https://unum.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/external/job/Regional-Office---Atlanta/AVP--Data-and-Analytics_829058
👉 Position: Lead Data Analytics & Metrics Company: Caci International Location: US VA Virginia Beach Salary Range: $95,500 - $210,100 🔗 https://caci.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/External/job/US-VA-Virginia-Beach/Lead-Data-Analytics---Metrics_296016-1
👉 Position: Manager Data Analytics 2 Company: ngc Location: United States-Alabama-Huntsville Salary Range: $119,300 - $207,100 🔗 https://ngc.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/northrop_grumman_external_site/job/United-States-Alabama-Huntsville/Manager-Data-Analytics-2_R10158586
👉 Position: In-House Creative Agency Marketing Data Analyst Company: Citigroup Location: Hybrid Salary Range: $129,840 - $194,760 🔗 https://citi.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/2/job/New-York-New-York-United-States/In-House-Creative-Agency-Marketing-Data-Analyst_24745701
Good luck! 💪 #DataAnalytics #Jobs #Hiring
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