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2024.05.14 21:23 aerovistae Switched from League to Dota after 3 years, felt like writing up a comparison between the two

After playing League for ~3 years I decided to stop and learn a new game and now have been playing Dota for about 8 months. As I've been learning I've been comparing and contrasting them, and I felt like writing up my thoughts.
I'm not a high ranked player; I was emerald in League and I don't really played ranked in dota. It doesn't matter, since this post isn't about tactics/strategy or how to win-- I'm just talking about the differences between the mechanics of the two games and their clients.
Disclaimer, this is all about Soloqueue. Pro play is a different environment and many things are different. I'm just talking about the average player's experience.
In League's favor:
  • Better lore. It's not a contest really. League's champions all have names and stories that are placed front and center, whereas Dota heroes are more like archetypes than individuals with distinct identities. Instead they're known by a description of what they are, while their "real names" are kind of buried in half-assed bio summaries and infrequently referenced. There's a dude called "Anti-Mage." There's a dude on a bat and his name is Batrider. There's nothing in Dota to compare with the hype lore media Riot produces, like the fiddlesticks rework video or the 10 min yone/yasuo video. Champion lore just gets way more money put into it in League.
  • League has WAYYYYY better champion animations and ability visual designs. This is for me where League blows Dota out of the water. There's really just nothing in Dota that feels like Jhin, or Ekko, or Aphelios, or Senna, or so many others. With rare exception, almost all the champions in league have aspects that FEEL amazing - great sound design / animations / feedback delays that are incredibly rewarding. Dota's heros are really fun to play and I'm having a great time, but if you put them side by side with like 90% of League's cast, the animations of their abilities and movements just feel kinda flat by comparison. One of the easiest side-by-sides is Darius vs Dota's hero "Axe" -- he has the same ult as darius, completely identical except for darius ult's interaction with passive. But all Axe does for his ult visually is a little hop and swing of the axe. It's really lame. Compare that to the awesome sound of a Darius ult kill, with the fear, especially on the God-King skin, and it makes Dota look 20 years old.
  • Skillshots! In Dota most abilities are just unit targeted, so they can't miss. There are skillshots too, but they're far fewer. In league skillshots are kind of the norm, and aiming them and dodging them is a big part of the game and it's fun to do so and makes you feel cool when you land them or dodge them. Having nearly everything be unit targeted isn't bad, it's just different, but it is something I enjoy a lot in League.
  • Cooler duels in league, and more of them. Dueling is a big part of league and it doesn't seem to be such a big part of Dota except maybe a bit in mid. Everyone in Dota has teleport (instead of recall), and it only has like a 1 minute cooldown. So whenever a fight starts, people teleport in and it becomes a teamfight. There's only one 1v1 lane (mid), the other two are 2v2 lanes. So there's much less of the 1v1 culture of League where people get to solo each other and take pride in the results. The lack of skillshots in dota plays into this too, since landing or dodging skillshots can definitively contribute to the outcome of a duel. With that mechanic less prominent, statchecking is a bit more common.
  • Very little 1v9 potential in Dota by comparison. Dota has FARRRRRR more CC than league, it's not even close. League feels like it has no CC compared to dota. In dota there is an item anyone can buy that silences a point-and-click target for 5 seconds, and another that polymorphs for 3 seconds, and so on. Many such items. There's a support who can root you for 4 seconds AND polymorph you for 3, and a carry who can silence you for FIFTEEN SECONDS with his ult. In such an environment, no one person can solo carry a game most of the time. You HAVE to work with your team. So if you love 1v9ing, League wins hard on that. But at the same time this can be a negative for league - it means there's more ego and less teamwork. People in dota are by default much more inclined to work together, because in the face of such powerful tools they HAVE to.
  • Recalling isn't a thing in Dota, which means the game is kind of constantly pedal-to-the-metal. It can be kind of nice to take a breather in League for a few seconds and stretch your arms while walking back to lane, given how intense the game can be.
  • In dota, holding tab doesn't show you what items people have built, nor their CS, and it's super frustrating. You have to click champion portraits individually to see their items, and you can't see their CS at all aside from your own. Probably hard-core dota loyalists will say this is part of the skill of the game, but honestly it's just annoying/bad UI design that they sort of got used to and became convinced was "part of the game" imo. It's really stupid and annoying.
  • In League you can buy as many wards as you want, whereas in Dota there's only ever a finite number available in the store which is SHARED among your team and then goes out of stock until it replenishes on a timer. I hate having to share wards with the team in dota, and the store being out of them. I understand it's part of the game and managing that is part of the skill of dota, but I find it tedious and don't really enjoy it as a mechanic. Additionally, wards take up an inventory slot in dota the same way control wards do in league, and it's just annoying.
  • Better champion skins, frankly. Some of League's skins are just amazing, as we all know. I would say there is very little cosmetic content in Dota that can compare to High Noon Senna or God-King Darius or [insert your favorite skin here.] There are cool skins, but it's just not the same. In Dota you can buy individual things, like updating a sword or a hat or a belt or a single ability's effect, all purchaseable separately. They have some full-kit skins, but that's not emphasized as much as in League where it's the standard and the only option, and they're just not as visually impressive.
In Dota's Favor:
  • All heroes are free from the start. It's great for trying them out and learning the game.
  • The game is less punishing to learn than league, for a multitude of reasons. Don't get me wrong, it still has an enormous barrier to entry and a steep learning curve, but it's just less painful. Everyone who ever learned League remembers what it was like in those first couple months being alone in lane against people who have been playing for years - especially in top lane or mid lane - and just getting fucking demolished 1v1 and not even being able to play. That doesn't happen as much in dota. First of all two lanes are ostensibly 2v2 and only one is 1v1, although there's a lot more roaming by the supports. There's also no jungler role, a role in league which often leads to that player being blamed for everything that goes wrong in a game. And then there's WAY more sustain - in Dota you don't recall to buy items, you have couriers ferry them out to you. So you can just kinda constantly have Dota's equivalent of health pots brought out to you, and only TP to fountain rarely when you're super low. This means there's a lot less crying under turret while zoned off CS unable to play.
  • Much better tools for learning. The tutorial is better. You're able to click other heroes to see their abilities in-game. There's a guide system full of user-contributed content where you can pick one in-game and it tells you what to buy and how to use that item on this hero, as well as how to use your abilities by just adding little user-written snippets to the tooltips when you hover them. League does have recommended items and recommended order for ability-levelling, but the fact that you can choose between different guides for different roles in dota is huge, and the text telling you when/why to use specific items for a hero is also majorly helpful. Imagine if you could pick a different guide in game for Senna support vs Senna adc, etc, that recommended specific choices based on the role and neatly fitted those recommendations into the UI.
  • Dota has way, way, way more interesting items. There are so many active items in Dota, and they feel much more impactful. By comparison nearly every item in league is just a statstick that gives one form or another of more damage or more tank. In Dota there are items that silence for 5s, that disarm (teemo blind) for 3s, that root an aoe for 2s, that polymorph for 3s, that reset ALL your cooldowns including ult (this one has a 5 min cooldown, the rest are <20sec.) Dota's version of Thornmail has an active that hugely amplifies the reflected damage for 5second, so the item feels great to use and has more skill expression - you time the active correctly when someone is focusing you and it makes a big difference. Given that most effects last 3-5 seconds, it's not about super-precise timing like in League so much as it is about broader strategic choices of using it early or late in a fight, etc. The only items in league that feel as strong as Dota items are Zhonyas, GA, and Locket, with honorary mention for the perennially overpowered botrk.
  • Dota has a way more beautiful map. It's not even close. Dota's map has so much going on. There are far more jungle camps, there's trees everywhere (which many hero abilities interact with in different ways!), there's high ground and low ground. There's so many different places and different entities and landforms, and it's just beautiful. League's map feels empty and stale by comparison. It's much smaller than dota's map, the jungle camps have fixed contents that never change (dota's camps rotate and change during the game). Not even to mention that Dota's map is divided in half and each team's side looks completely different from the other half. As opposed to league where they're identical but just rotated.
  • Aghanim's shard and scepter. These are the my favorite things in Dota that league doesn't have. What are they? They're two items you can buy that each have a different effect on every single individual hero in the game. On a case by case basis, they either UNLOCK ENTIRE NEW ABILTIES (literally the UI expands to add a new slot when you buy them) or they upgrade one or more of your existing abilities to have entirely new effects. This is just so cool and I was shocked when I learned about them. It's just so fun being able to gain new abilities even late in the game.
  • The talent tree, which is like an ability customization tree you progress through over the game and which is specific to the hero you're playing. In Dota the max level is 30, and every 5 levels in the game from level 10 onwards, you can unlock a "talent", at which point you pick one of two options to upgrade your hero. It might add 1s to your Q's stun. It might decrease the mana cost of your W. It might give you +250 base health, or +50 AD. It might add entirely new effects to your abilities, like making what was previously just a rooting projectile also start silencing. By level 30 you will have gotten to unlock everything in the tree (you don't typically reach level 30 very often in ranked games). Imagine if like at level 25 you could add "Mundo Q grounds for 0.5s" or "Irelia E +200 range". It's stuff like that and it's so fun.
  • Dota is more team-oriented. Due to the prevalence of long-lasting debuffs/cc from both items and hero abilities, no one person can really just solo carry to the same extent as in League. In my experience you only very rarely see someone 1v9 in Dota, and usually it's because the enemy team is just making stupid choices. This makes the game a bit more tolerable on average, although you encounter the same toxicity as in league just the same.
  • Dota has built-in voice chat. This actually does come in handy a lot. Hate not having it in league. It's typically effective and you can mute people in voice just the same as in chat so it's rarely been problematic in my personal experience so far.
  • Dota has "turbo mode." This mode is just great. Wish league had it. It's basically norms, but with aram-level gold income so all players get to full build in like 20-30 min without even powerfarming. It's really fun and great for learning, experimenting, and playing casually with less commitment.
  • In dota you don't recall. This means more time spent out on the map playing. Instead all players have the equivalent of the teleport summoner spell constantly available, which lets you take part in more plays. You also don't back to buy items, instead they get ferried out to you by little minions, which is great. Having items shipped out to you constantly instead of having to spend time retrieving them is awesome.
  • Better demo tool by far. League's practice tool is notoriously shitty. Being able to open the demo tool while you're waiting in queue in Dota is amazing. Can't do that in league.
  • Dota has 3 additional inactive item slots called the backpack. Love being able to hold 3 additional items that you can swap in or out (they're not usable from the backpack and you don't gain their effects, but you have them on your person to swap into from main inventory if you want). Just gives you nice flexibility when holding consumables and building stuff.
  • Neutral items. This just doesn't exist in league and I wish it did because these are really fun and cool. When you kill neutral jungle camps in dota they drop items, and the power level of the items scales over the course of the game, from weak ruby crystal type stuff to things that are as strong as rabadons. And they don't take up a normal inventory slot, so you effectively get an actual 7th item in dota.
  • The system for checking out customization and skins. Dota's system is pretty different, where instead of buying holistic skins that change everything, you can customize individual parts of a heroe's appearance, like their hat or their sword or their belt or gloves. There's WAYYYYY more options than in League, and you can try them all out in the client to see how they look.
  • Cosmetics for things other than the heroes/champions themselves. In League you can only buy champion skins. In Dota you can buy cosmetics for the ancient (nexus), the towers, the creeps, the map, etc. None of that exists in League. We fucking WISH we could buy that kind of stuff. Riot are you listening?
On the whole I'd say there's more things to like about Dota than about League just in sheer quantity of bullet points, but regardless I love both games and think they're both really fun. If Dota improved their lore, their animations, and their tab screen and League improved their cosmetics store and had a more interesting and dynamic map, plus neutral items and agh's shard & scepter, I wouldn't really have any major complaints about either of them.
I think anyone who loves one game could potentially love the other one too and it's totally worth learning whichever one you don't already know, if you have the time. Obviously these games take a ton of time and most people barely have time for one let alone two. But if you're young especially, they're both really fun.
It's pretty hard for me to see eye-to-eye with the people who love one game and ferociously hate on the other - it seems childish and kind of empty. To not find one as fun as the other, sure, that's one thing, but to expend energy hating it and constantly shitting on it, that just confuses me. You can have a favorite while still acknowledging the other as a comparably enjoyable game.
One final note - one of the things I found most interesting about comparing them is seeing which mechanics are normal in one game that would be overpowered in the other game.
In Dota there is a hero named Nature's Prophet whose W is TF ult minus the vision. It has a one minute cooldown, going down to eventually 0 cooldown late game, and he can access it from level one if he chooses to. Nature's prophet would likely have a >90% wr in League.
But then in League we have Zilean and his stupid ult on a one minute cooldown, while in Dota that only exists as a one-time use item (like GA) that you are rewarded with when you defeat their version of Baron, and it is basically the strongest item in the game. Zilean would likely have a >90% wr in dota.
submitted by aerovistae to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:23 Gambit-Accepted Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas

Wehr Battlegroup And DLC Ideas
Continuing this series on Battlegroup ideas, today is Wehr. Here are my DAK Ideas. To reiterate, I wanted to make these ideas thematic, different from existing battlegroups, unique and mostly historically accurate. Here I use the units that are already in the game files and propose how they could be implemented in an interesting way. Relic seem to have developed several bunker types which they intend to use, so when designing my battlegroups, I did it in a way where these bunker types were used but didn’t make the battlegroup Italian Coastal 2.0, rather fed into a larger idea. I introduce and expand a number of mechanics I have discussed in my other threads:
Central Idea: All in prevention, counter attack. Your opponent would have a hard time overwhelming you in one all in push. The left side of the tree consists of mostly callins and quick dispatch units for handling flanks quickly, the right side is more logistics themed with multiple reactionary abilities.
BMW R75: Not a lot to say here, similar to the DAK bike except with an MG 42. It could be made to have no reverse, like the Coh1 bike, that was a fun mechanic.
4-Man Pios: Again, self-explanatory.
Sd. Kfz. 251 Variants: This gives you access to other 251 variants, either by upgrading the 251 directly or by calling them in. I’ve chosen these 2 versions that I feel open up a lot more strategies, Mortar HT and Luft tier would be quite good, that tier lacks indirect. Pakwagen Panzer Gren tier would also be strong, as that tier lacks mobile AT. The ATHT would have the same AT performance as the Marder, but would have less HP and no lockdown ability.
Panzer III H: As a unit to add to Wehr’s roster, this makes a lot of sense on many levels. In terms of performance, this would be closer to the Crusader medium tank. In terms of the timing, it would arrive at the same time as the Stug and the Wirbel, but unlike both of those specialists, this would be a generalist for that timing.
Temporary Armour Assignment: This is exactly like the mechanic I described in my DAK designs. How it works is that this munitions only ability is used and a Stug, P4 pair arrive from off map. Neither unit requires fuel, manpower, upkeep or population. They benefit from all the upgrades that affect the normal version, ie vet and armoured skirts. You have direct control over them but after a set period of time, they will turn to AI control and leave. This makes them really good as a reactionary ability (your opponent is doing an all in) or as your own all-in, especially if you’re already maxed out on population. You’re especially incentivised to make risky plays with them as armour preservation is not so important. The number of use cases for this ability are so numerous that I won’t explain it anymore, it should be obvious how strong this is. I think to balance this out, it needs a heavy munitions cost and a long recharge timer.
AI Temporary Elephant Assignment: One of the questions I’ve been asking myself since Coh3 came out is how do you add heavy tanks to the game in such a way that it’s not frustrating to play against and doesn’t break it. Given that the game is set so much earlier in the war and a number of the factions don’t have ready access to tank destroyers like the SU-85 and the Jackson, you can’t simply throw in the Elephant and hope for the best. To be completely explicit, I don’t see how the US with their current roster are expected to deal with a Coh2 style heavy tank destroyer. However, in Halo Wars 2 Blitz game mode, how it works is that you can call in a Scarab and its an incredibly strong unit but after a certain period of time, it spontaneously explodes and the game returns to normal. Why wouldn’t something similar work for Coh3? The risk reward calculus of using it would be; can you get enough damage done in the period available to justify the expenditure? There are a few ways that this could be implemented, you could, for instance, give the player direct control over the Elephant but I’m in favour of doing this slightly differently. Like the Infantry Assault ability for the US Advanced Infantry Doc, I think this should be AI controlled, should be on attack move and should be targeted on a position. After the timer, the unit would drive off map. This way you get the power fantasy of using a heavy tank without the game breaking potential of a heavy tank camping for the entire game between 2 VPs and zoning out all tanks. The reason I prefer this method of implementation is 2 fold; the first is that counterplay is much simpler, you just avoid the area and wait for it to time out. The second is that it has that appeal of being somewhat like a mini campaign mission within the game, you have to defend the tank with your forces as it advances. Your opponent would be easily able to flank it if its on it’s own, but when you support it yourself its more potent. The one exception to this AI control that perhaps should be considered is allowing the player to control the tageting directly, You wouldn’t want the Elephant to shoot at some random infantry while your opponent moves double Archers into position. In terms of relative strength of the abilty, I think if it was implemented in this fashion, the Elephant ability wouldn’t be that strong. I feel direct control over a P4 and a Stug is much stronger than an AI controlled Elephant. To me this is the best way of getting heavy tanks into the game.
Logistics Field Officer: The right side of the tree very much has a logistics theme to it, starting with the officer. The Resource Priority ability works well with a variety of units, one could see this being handy in a situation where you want to increase the ROF of an MG, Mortar or Pak being extremely useful. Situations where you want to increase the ROF on a tank to help it win the engagement would also be strong. Speeding up the recharge on a Nebelwerfer would also be a common use. Source Replacements I could also see being a heavily used ability, either on the field or in base. Finally, given this battlegroup is munitions intensive, the Supervise Resource Extraction ability will allow you to increase your income like a cache does. You could even have some rush strat builds involving the officer, but unlike caches and trucks, the unit can be repurposed to do other things afterwards.
Panzerschreck Trailer: This is another type of trailer unit. I’ve talked about trailer units a few times in my other posts, but here is the rundown: My thinking with this is that its a brand new unit type, which loosely can be defined as a support weapon. How it works is that infantry squads can crew it, push it around, vehicles can tow it, etc. When in a position, it provides an aura which in this case recharges nearby snares faster. However, the unit shouldn't require pop cap and moreover, you can actually manually decrew it and it will still provide you the benefits. So for example, let's say it spawns in your base and you want to setup a strong point, you can crew it with a squad, wheel it over to a house near the frontline and then decrew it. Units within its vicinity would still be benefiting from the aura. When you want to move it, recrew it again, or tow it, to a new location. The beauty of this dynamic is that your opponents can steal these units from you like an ATG, so while they don't take up popcap and would be relatively cheap (say 100 to 150 manpower), you're still incentivised to protect them. You can also attack move them with AT guns etc, would be interesting to play around it. I think it would make for a fun dynamic, but would need to be coded from scratch. It also indirectly makes tow yet more useful. With this trailer specifically, it’s aura will recharge nearby snares faster, however squads can also collect a Panzerschrek from the trailer for a munitions cost. This Panzerschrek is timed, so after a duration the squad will drop it. This is going to really strong in situations where your opponent is doing an all in dive with light vehicles and/or tanks and you need to bolster your AT immediately to hold on. Picking up these Panzerschreks is not cheap, but it makes it much harder for your opponent to dive you and also allows you to go for low AT builds with this trailer as the backup. The way I see this until being used is wheeling it behind a hedge or building near your cutoff and running over to grab a Panzerschrek if its needed. Let’s say your opponent does a double M8 dive, your 2 Grens and a Panzergren pick up 3 schreks between them and your opponent is basically able to do nothing but wait for them to time out. This could buy you enough time to reach T4 or whatever else you were doing. It’s a tool that adds a lot of flexibility to your composition, but remember if you get forced off, your opponent can just steal it and then its your problem!
Weapon Stores: This gives your pios the ability to build Riegel mines but also Weapon Supply Bunkers. Now, the bunker has a straight forward aura that increases ROF of infantry and their grenade recharge times, but it also has another more expansive mechanic of temporary weapon upgrades. I’ve talked about this mechanic at great length in my Luftwaffe Field Division faction design, where the faction essentially revolves around that mechanic, but here I use a simplified version for a Wehr battlegroup. The TLDR is that infantry squads can pick up weapon packages from the bunker to either augment their current DPS or completely change the role of the squad for a short period. For instance, Jagers can pick up Beretta 38s to transform the squad from a mostly mid range unit, to a short range one. Grens can pick up G43s to improve their mid to long range performance and Pios can pick up an MG34. All the options are avialable to you. However, the upgrades are not timed, but depletable. This means that if the squad is not in combat, the upgrade duration doesn’t tick. You have to be in combat to expend the upgrade. The situations where something like this would come in useful are numerous, but to name a few; giving all your grens weapons at any point in the game, augmenting your jagers with MG34s, giving Stosstruppen Berettas so they become a close range powerhouse, or even double MGs. Relative to normal weapon upgrades, these upgrades are inefficient, but for rush strats they can be strong, as well as augmenting your units in the lategame with the extra munitions you have in the bank.
HE Shell Delivery: Improves the splash and anti infantry power of all your vehicles at the cost of penetration. This could be somewhat tricky to use, as your opponent will become aware of its activation immediately and will come in with their vehicles. But situations where your opponent has dug in with ATGs and AT infantry, this ability will be devastating.
Central Idea: Team weapon play, heavy fire power and artillery. Good for just battering your opponents head on.
SD-2 Line Drop: This is similar to the equivalent ability in Coh1, however the big difference is that you can customise the area where the mines will fall. For instance, you could do a relatively small field on a VP for 50 munitions, or you could do a large line of mines to completely block off a flank with mines. This flexibility allows you to employ the ability in a number of situations and adds some nuance to its employment. It terms of how this would work in game, I feel click and drag would be sufficient, the munitions cost being visible on the cursor. In the context of this battlegroup, it can block off the flanks of your team weapons.
Pre-Sighted Terrain: This feeds into that team weapon focused gameplay, having extra range on your Paks and MGs in an area is going to be really strong. You could even use it with Mortars and Nebels for an extra long range barrage.
7.5cm Flak 264/3(i) AA/AT: The Flak 264/3 is an Italian medium AA piece that fits into what I will refer to as the ‘premium anti tank gun’ category. Similar to how the MG42 and DSKH were premium MGs, this ATG will be better than your standard ATG, at a higher price point. On the scale of ATGs, this will lie between the Pak 40 and the Flak 36 in terms of raw firepower. The damage should be exactly as the Pak 40, however it should also benefit from 10 more range and also the ability to shoot down air. The drawback however is that it should be relatively slow to move, like a Pak 40 in camoflage mode. For small adjustments, this should be fine, but to move it across the map, it would be easier with a tow vehicle. This means there are tradeoffs with this option relative to the Pak 40, the situations where the Flak 264/3 would be better is when you don’t want to invest in a wirbel but still want AA on demand when you need it (2 of these should take down planes pretty quickly), or situations where you’re camping 2 VPs and don’t expect to have to move around much, allowing you to utilise the greater range. Paks are going to be better when you need to move around a lot and expect your opponent to invest in indirect fire.
Flakvierling 38: This gun is exactly as on the Wirbelwind, except it’s a team weapon. Relative to the Flak 30, this would have the advantage of suppression and probably better anti infantry performance. Perhaps starting with the same stats as the DAK Flak halftrack and going from there would be a good place to start.
28cm K5(E) Barrage: Heavy railway barrage, not much to say here.
7.5 cm IG 37: This is essentially work like the LeIG for DAK, it’s a later version of the same concept. Wehr don’t have anything like the Heavy Mortar equivalent and this would be it. This would be handy if you wanted to go Luft tier or tier 4 without having to tech to get Nebels.
Springer Remote Controlled Bombs: Conceptually, this is identical to the Goliath remote controlled bombs, except these bombs are twice the size and are significantly more dangerous as a result. For me, one distinction that could be made would be dialling up their effectiveness against your opponent’s base structures. One thing I feel Coh lacks are tools for crippling your opponent’s tech. Kane’s wrath has a plethora of units and abilities for exactly this purpose and their employment is great to use and even more exciting to watch. So the Spinger should be able to knock out 75% of the health of a base tier structure. So conceivably, you could get a 251, drive it over to or into the base, deploy a Springer and blow it up next to T4, finish it off with Paks or Stugs. This will reinforce that whole dimension of the game, camping on 2 VPs will be much easier to punish.
Sd.Ah. 57 Munitions Trailer: Another style of trailer, as discussed above. Here it would be used directly with team weapons to increase their ROF. It can also be used with indirect, so Rocket artillery would recharge faster. I feel the situations where this would be useful are fairly obvious but one extra way of making it interesting would be if it had an AOE explosion on death. So your opponent would be incentivised to move in with vehicles and target it down. They could also just steal it for themselves.
Wurfrahmen 40 UE (f): Standard rocket artillery. One question I would expect a Wehraboo to ask is ‘why this and not the Panzerwerfer?’. The way I see it, this only has 4 rockets, so its damage per barrage is less. This leaves scope to make the barrage recharge time shorter, meaning you need to micro it more, but also, its less of a wipe machine or do nothing unit. You can also give it a lower price and require less population. Looking at the Walking Stuka in Coh2, that unit either killed everything or missed and was largely a waste of resources and popcap. If you can have the same unit, but with less alpha damage, at a cheaper price and popcap, it should be more consistent over the course of a match. It would also be easier to fit into your composition and would see greater use as a result. This essentially is why I picked this unit. That and because its new and different.
AI Double Wespe Temp. Assignment: Like the Elephant assignment above, this is where double Wespe artillery pieces come onto the field and are controlled by the AI. They attack move to the target, shelling your opponent’s units within range. This ability should be much easier to employ, as they barrage from long range, but also they should be easier to counter (you can just dive them). Since we’re not using new vehicle models, it should be cheaper to develop and its different from the existing off-maps.
Central Idea: Long range engagements.
MGZ34 MG42 Scopes Upgrade: Simple upgrade, improves range and sight of MGs once they upgrade themselves for munitions.
AI Double Sniper Temp. Assignment: This is most similar to the Wespe ability I just described, except with 2 snipers. What this ability would be strong aganst would be team weapon camp and entrenched infantry, as well as guarding VPs in the lategame. What this ability would be pretty bad against would be an opponent with several light vehicles and tanks which can drive up and elminate the snipers in 5 seconds. Its not like the AI will dodge. This ability is augmented by the numerous sight abilities and units in this battlegroup.
Panzerbeobachtungswagen III: This is most similar to the 254 artillery observer for DAK, except where the abilities are largely air based. The unit has an MG, so it can be used to attack troops early on, but its mostly used for the focus sight ability in conjunction with tank destroyers and team weapons. The SD-2 Ground Burst drop I see being more like the M83 Cluster Mine drop from Coh2. The Ju-88 P-4 Heavy AT Strafe, is actually a 50mm cannon, so different from the JU-87 we have now by having more alpha damage.
Fritz X Guided Bomb Strike: This is probably most similar to the Stuka Dive Bomb in Coh2, however, the big difference is that you can manually guide it to the target. The inspiration for this are the Predator missiles from MW2, however in Coh3, the easiest way of implementing this to my mind is that the player has to keep the cursor where they want the bomb to land. However, if they don’t want to do this, as it prevents other micro, you double click and it will go to where it was last targeted. So the situations where you’d want to perform this micro are quite niche, basically when nothing else is happening for 5 seconds. I think a sensible decision should be to cut off direct control from the player 2 seconds before it hits the target, so its still possible to dodge but harder.
Nashorn Tank Destroyer: Not much to say here, its basically the Archer.
Grenadier K98k Scopes Upgrade: Not a lot to say here, range and sight augmentation for grens.
Ranged Bunker Options: Here we use some of the bunkers Relic has already invented. The mortar bunker is simple enough, but the Observation bunker is a bit more interesting. This emplacement should have a long line of sight, but it should be restricted to a narrow arc which can be refaced. This encourages active micro of the emplacement. It would be strong in matches where this is placed behind team weapons and artillery for spotting targets but would not detect flanks. Somewhat reminds me of the child’s game ‘Spotlight’.
Fusiliers: These are another unit that Grens can be swapped out for. Unlike Jagers and Panzergrens, this unit is purely focused on long range DPS. You could use Gebirgsjager here instead, I use Fusiliers as one of my other designs uses Gebirgsjager.
Range Adjustment: This unit ability increases the squad’s accuracy after each model drop to a maximum of 30%, 5% per model. I could imagine in most situations, this would be a simple DPS boost, but there would be situations where fighting low health squads where this would be especially strong. The same kind of logic applies to the ATG and Tank Destroyer ability, where everytime they land a shot while the ability is active, it increases their accuracy and ROF.
Focused Gunnery: A global sight and range buff for vehicles, at the cost of speed. This blends well with the other abilities in the battlegroup.
Central Idea: Area denial.
Grenadier & Pio Field Defences: Gives access to a number of build options. Panzer-Stabmine 43 AT Mines are a variation on normal mines, where the emphasis is placed on the heavy engine critical rather than the damage of the mine. So these mines would be relatively spammable, specialised against vehicles and would cause a heavy engine damage critical. The focus here is leaving your opponet’s vehicle stricken and being able to move in with your own vehicles to take it out. However, unlike say Riegel mines, it doesn’t do that much damage, so your opponent will have a much easier time of quickly repairing off the damage. It’s a variation on mines with its own drawbacks and strengths. However, the main structure you get access to is the Luftwaffe Relay Point. This emplacement can call in strafing runs within its vicinity, the AT strafe would be particularly strong if combined with the Stab mine as it would be far harder to dodge. The relay point though can also call in a variety of crate drops with different infantry buffs. Ammunition crates increase ROF, which is simple enough, but the Explosives Crate doubles the squads grenade ability the next time its used. For instance, Grens would throw 2 stick grenades for the price of 1 with a 0.5 second delay between each throw. Naturally, this is pretty strong and also munitions efficient, at the cost of extra micro. The mechanic could also be made to give squads that don’t normally have a grenade, a grenade. For example, it would be cool if Jagers/Pios got stick grenades after picking up one of these crates. I’m not sure what you would do with Stosstruppen, a bundle grenade assault? Sounds overpowered and incredibly fun. Double frangible sounds fine. Camouflage Crates give your squad moving camo for 60 seconds, so you could conceivably pick up this crate on the way to your opponent’s side of the map and use it to ambush or do all manner of things. One question that would need answering is whether or not is should be possible to stack these crate bonues, I could foresee camoed Panzergrenadiers with double bundle grenades being very very good. Perhaps the best way of soft nerfing this combination is to have a shared cooldown timer of 90 seconds on the crates, this should severely limit the number of times a player can get explosives and camo at the same time.
251/17 Halftrack: Exactly like Coh2.
Cannone Da 105/28 Howitzer Emplacement: A general howitzer emplacement, you could use the LeFH but this emplacement already exists.
Panzerturm IV: A mixed AT and anti infantry emplacement. This emplacement absolutely should take up pop cap but also have prioritise vehicles.
Bf109 WerferGranate 21 Rocket Strike: This would fire 4 rockets in unison, have fairly high alpha damage and flame dot damage. You would most use it against team weapons and infantry, especially in denying point caps, but potentially you could use it against vehicles, particularly if they hit a panzer stab mine, to cause them health damage and prevent them from being repaired.
Sd.kfz. 251/16 Flame Halftrack: Similar to the unit in Coh2, except you can also upgrade it with MGs. As a general comment, I feel this unit and flame weapons more generally should have bonus damage against base tech structures. Sneaking flame tanks into the base and burning down your opponent’s tech is so much fun in Kane’s wrath and I feel Coh3 would do well to capture some of that magic. So being able to burn down a tech structure in 30-45 seconds in would give this unit extra utility, currently it fees like the flame units lack flexibility relative to their autocannon equivalents.
Infantry Gestreckte Ladung: This ability is on infantry and it essentially is a grenade that sits between the Bundle Grenade and a Satchel charge on the spectrum. It would have the same damage as a bundle, but a longer fuse and shorter range. However, the charge would have bonus damage against emplacements, buildings and field defenses. The ideal use case would be against units behind sandbags and wire, as it would destroy them completely. Its much more likely to land than satchels, with its shorter fuse time, but is not as a good as bundle grenades which do the same damage with an even shorter fuse. So the bonus against field defences is the main advantage of the grenade. It goes without saying that this ability benefits from the Explosives crate from the other side of the tree.
Decima Squad Infiltration: This squad is most comparable to Stormtroopers in Coh2. You would largely use the squad to charge cutoffs and plant explosives on points, its going to be strong in VP wars. This squad has no camo out of the box but you can get that from the other side of the tree.
Communication Breakdown: This is activated in a circle zone and no off-maps can be used in it for the duration, nor do any global abilities like Designate Assault Position work there. There are many situations where something like this would be useful, for example, preventing someone from calling an off-map in during your assault, preventing an off-map being called in on a crucial VP in a close match. The main use I could see people using this is with their emplacements on the other side of the tree, preventing say bombing runs, etc.
In Deckung!: This abilly mixes well with a variety of the other abilities in the battlegroup. Getting cheaper grenades will allow you to spam them during the duration of the ability, if you combine that with the Explosives crates, it will be yet more efficient. 15 munitions Panzer Stab mines will be strong. The crucial thing with this ability is timing, as you need to use grenades and mines en masse to justify the initial munitions cost.
Other Unit DLC
As I discussed before, I think it would be a mistake for Relic not to include the substitute units feature. In terms of what units should be substitutable, this is what I feel makes sense:
Finally, as a general change, I feel we need to talk about the Pak 43. The Pak 43 is already in the game files and is presumably lined up for a battlegroup. I feel this unit should just be added to T4 so that stock Wehr has an answer to heavy tank spam (thinking about Matildas and Grants here). Wehr doesn’t have a great answer for dealing with heavy tanks, short of building 3 paks or several marders, neither of which are great from a faction design perspective. They come quite early, relatively, so improving their performance messes with the flow of the game and makes T4 less attractive, why bother going T4 if all the AT you need is in T2/T3? A Pak 43 in T4 has a pleasing symmetry between DAK, Brits and Wehr. If US got he M5 ATG (which they should), all factions would have this common tool. A number of players have been calling out for the Panther to be added to T4, I don’t think that’s the play here, as it would dominate so many other options. The situations where you would build a Pak 43 over a Panther are quite niche (look at Coh2), so having the more attractive unit in stock over the less attractive solution in a battlegroup, to me makes little sense. The Panther would also crowd out Flak 36 Emplacment play. However, the Pak 43 is easier to counter for your opponent, using indirect etc, while also giving you a reason to go for a battlegroup with Panther as the main attraction. Essentially what I’m getting at is that the Panther is too dominant of a unit to be in T4 and the Pak 43 should be there in its place.
submitted by Gambit-Accepted to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:02 CampingWorld Guide to Joshua Tree National Park RV Camping

If you ask other RVers which national park is their favorite, someone is bound to mention Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California. It's a camper's paradise with wide open space and panoramic views.
Most evenings, the landscape glows at golden hour, and the sky turns from red hot at sunset to dark blue and star-filled at night. You can enjoy the remoteness of the park but also its proximity to Palm Springs and the Coachella Valley.
Take the time during your visit to enjoy the endless roads of the desert landscape, play on the rock formations, and, of course, marvel at the Joshua Trees.

Why Visit Joshua Tree National Park?

The first reason to visit Joshua Tree National Park is to see its famous and fascinating Joshua Trees. Since the Mojave desert is the only place in the world where they grow naturally, Joshua Tree National Park is the best place to see them.
These trees range between 15-40 feet tall and can live an impressive 150 years. They’re members of the Yucca family and appear as though they're from a different planet, with limbs unpredictably jetting out like they have their own minds.
Another great reason to visit Joshua Tree National Park is the warm weather and abundance of sunshine. It’s no secret that RVers love to snowbird and the Californian desert is a wonderful place to be during the spring and fall months. You’ll enjoy sunny days and clear nights, perfect for dry camping with solar panels.

When to Visit Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park is open year-round, but the best times to visit are during the spring and fall months. Park elevations range from 536 feet to 5,814 feet above sea level, so expect conditions to vary depending on where you go in the park.
Here’s more information on the seasonal weather in Joshua Tree.


Spring is a very popular time in the park because the temperatures range from the mid-60s in February to the mid-70s in April. Depending on the year, wildflower blooms can be seen in the latter part of spring at the lower elevations within the Pinto Basin.


Due to extreme desert heat (+100℉ days are the norm), the park is pretty quiet during the summer. Late in the summer, monsoon season hits Joshua Tree, which cools down the daytime temperatures but can also lead to flash flooding in valleys and ravines.


Monsoon season continues into the fall, but it soon gives way to one of the best times to visit. Temperatures from August into October fall from the upper 90s into the low 80s, and evening temperatures range from the low 70s to the low 50s, on average.


In the heart of winter, the park's average daily temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit, which is perfectly comfortable, but the nights get cold and often drop to freezing. Overnight temperatures in December and January average in the mid-30s.
Check the park’s website for the latest weather alerts and condition updates.

Where to Stay

Joshua Tree National Park is pretty remote and expansive. You'll want to stay a few days. Unlike other national parks, there are no lodges or resorts for overnight accommodations. There are eight developed campgrounds, however, and camping out under the stars at Joshua Tree is an unforgettable experience.
Here are a few important things to be aware of ahead of time if you plan to camp in Joshua Tree.

Reservation versus First-Come, First-Served

Four of the developed campsites require reservations. They’re larger than the first-come, first-served campgrounds, and some offer water and flush toilets. These campgrounds fill up very quickly. We recommend planning well in advance.

Reservation Required Campgrounds

Black Rock and Cottonwood are the most developed campgrounds (water, toilets, sanitation dump) and are the only campgrounds you can stay in if you have a larger rig.
Black Rock has six sites that can accommodate rigs with a total length (tow vehicle included) of 38-40 feet and seven sites up to 42 feet. Cottonwood has around twenty-five campsites that can accommodate rigs slightly longer than 35 feet.
Indian Cove and Jumbo Rocks both have a few spots for RVs up to 35 feet in total length. If you have a rig larger than 35 feet, site availability may be considerably limited.

First-come, First-served Campgrounds

These campgrounds are great options if you have a smaller rig and the good fortune of securing a site. During the popular season, these campgrounds fill every weekend and often during the week, as well.
These are primitive campgrounds, so you will need to bring (and carry out) everything you’ll need during your stay.

Staying Outside the Park

If you’re unable to find a site in the park or you’re looking for a campground with more amenities, here are a few nearby campgrounds:
Invest in a Good Sam Membership and save 10% on nightly stays at Good Sam Campgrounds.

Tips for Your Camping Stay

How To Get Around

Nestled between I-10 and California SR 62, Joshua Tree is located in Southeastern California and is easy to access. Several towns nearby, including Palm Springs, Indio, and Twentynine Palms, make perfect supply stops before entering the park.
Indio is the last best stop on I-10 if you’re entering the park from the south. The park’s south entrance is located off Exit 168, about 30 minutes east of Indio. The park also offers a west entrance on Quail Springs Road, about 10 minutes southeast of the town of Joshua Tree. And the north entrance is just ten minutes south of Twentynine Palms on Utah Trail.
Several paved roads allow you to traverse the park, but going from site to site can require long drive times. The most frequented sites are located near the northern edge of the park, so if you’re coming from the south along I-10, you’ll be driving through the park for an hour or so before you spot your first Joshua Tree.

Places to Go

There are many places to visit in the park that offer a variety beyond the infamous trees. It’s a unique location that features the intersection of two desert ecosystems.

Cholla Cactus Garden

The Cholla Cactus Garden is its own special area and is unlike any other part of the park. Be sure to enjoy the flat, ¼-mile nature trail to get the best look at the cacti. This patch of cacti is incredible because it mostly consists of Teddybear Cholla, which is the star of the cactus world.
The Cholla Cactus Garden is so impressive, and you’ll love snapping photos of these majestic plants. Their beauty changes throughout the day depending on how the sunlight hits them. A small word of advice, look but don’t touch. Ouch!

Arch Rock

Arch Rock is a very popular rock formation located a half-mile from White Tank Campground. The loop trail is easy to follow and a perfect activity for the whole family. Of course, the Arch Rock itself is the thing people most want to see, but there's lots of space to wander around and explore the other rock formations, too.
It’s also a very popular place for night photography and stargazing. If interested, White Tank Campground is a really convenient place to stay because of its proximity to the trailhead.

Keys View

Keys View is a popular lookout that offers incredible panoramic views of the park and the Coachella Valley. If beautiful scenery is your thing, make sure to visit Keys View. It’s about a 20-minute drive from the main road to the lookout via Keys View Rd.

Ryan Mountain

One of the most popular activities in the park is the hike to Ryan Mountain. This 3-mile round trip trail leads to the summit, where you’ll be treated to sweeping 360-degree views. The hike is listed as challenging by the NPS, so be sure to bring plenty of water and expect changing weather conditions.

Things to Do

The combination of the Mojave Desert and the Colorado Desert makes Joshua Tree a wonderful desert wilderness to explore. Here are some of the most popular activities in the park:


Hiking is a great way to get off the road and experience more of the desert landscape. The National Park Service offers plenty of safety tips for hiking in Joshua Tree, and here are some of the park’s most popular trails:
The Park Service DOES NOT recommend attempting challenging hikes in the heat due to the elevated risk of sun exposure and dehydration.

Mountain Biking

The majority of the park’s paved roads are not suitable for road cycling. However, several backcountry roads are perfect for mountain bikes. There are even three campsites within Ryan Campground dedicated to cyclists.
Be aware that bikes are only allowed on roads open to vehicle traffic but that the main park roads do not offer bike lanes or wide shoulders. Consult the park’s website for safety tips and road recommendations before biking in Joshua Tree.


Photographers love Joshua Tree because of the variety it contains. From sunrise to sunset, photographers can find landscapes, animal inhabitants, and even human visitors to place in frame.
Commercial photography does require a permit, and if you’re interested in expanding your knowledge, the Desert Institute offers field courses in partnership with the Joshua Tree National Park Association.


Stars can be hard to come by in urban areas like San Diego and Los Angeles, but Joshua Tree is a different story. Designated as an International Dark Sky Park, it offers some of the best stargazing in all of Southern California.
After the sun goes down, keep your headlamp in red light mode to preserve your night vision. Your eyes will need less time to adjust when you lie down to see how many shooting stars you can count!

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing, in addition to bouldering and slacklining, is another great activity to enjoy in the park. To date, there are more than 8,000 known climbing routes, over 2,000 bouldering problems, and numerous natural rock gaps that make the perfect spot to set up a slackline.
On a busy weekend, the park may have hundreds of climbers enjoying their slice of this monzogranite mecca. So be sure to follow Leave No Trace Principles and familiarize yourself with the park’s climbing management plan before your visit.

What to Bring and How to Prepare

Brief History of Joshua Tree National Park

Despite its harsh desert environment, humans have inhabited the area that is now Joshua Tree for more than 5,000 years. In the modern era, the biggest threats to this natural environment were land developers and cactus poachers.
In the late 1920s, a Pasadena resident named Minerva Hoyt began voicing her concerns about the unregulated removal of cacti and other desert plants to be used in home gardens throughout Los Angeles.
In a relatively short time, her conservation efforts resulted in the formation of the Joshua Tree National Monument in 1936. The original protected area encompassed roughly 825,000 acres but was reduced by about 265,000 acres in 1950 when the Park Service excluded certain mining parcels in the eastern part of the park.
On Halloween in 1994, the Desert Protection Bill passed and Joshua Tree was elevated to national park status. The bill also added back approximately 234,000 acres of what had been lost in the 50s.
Plan your next trip to the national parks in an RV. Rent an RV, trade-In your RV, or buy a new or used RV and start traveling for less than $5 a day.
Have you been to Joshua Tree National Park? Share your tips and advice in the comments below.
submitted by CampingWorld to campingworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:01 Soggy_Relationship84 Toilet not flushing

Went away Friday night and when we came home Saturday afternoon the toilet was no longer flushing properly. But every other drain in the house is draining fine (filled tub and all sinks) even when everything is being drained at the same time. I even filled my gray water tank in my camping trailer and flushed it all out with no issues.
I've snaked the toilet too many times to count with nothing getting caught up. Cleaned the plumbing vents up on the roof and no blocks at all. Found a free toilet on the side of the road and I'm still having the same issues.
My toilet is the last thing in the line before it heads out to the septic tank. And now I'm at a loss. Any tips or suggestions would be great. It is our only toilet in the house
submitted by Soggy_Relationship84 to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:41 dirtybelt I reached my goal

I reached my goal
This 2011 RAV4 reached my goal of 200000 km. I bought it in 2015 in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. I drove it to Cold Lake, Alberta (half of Canada) the same year and it's been here ever since. Well, except for many short trips to Edmonton, longer ones to Saskatchewan and through the Rocky Mountains countless times to Calgary and Canmore. Took it for a ride to BC and Seattle to watch a baseball game (that was a fun trip where a mechanic had replaced an axle seal a couple weeks previous, forgot (?) to tighten stuff and the wheel bearing wore out, along with a hanging speed sensor 2000 km into the trip). I've only replaced O2 sensors, axle seal twice, front struts, back lateral links and a gear causing a rattle on startup (well known issue for Toyota's 2008-2013?). I've used it for two kayaks up top, tons of camping where I slept in the back and I installed a remote starter on my own. StartX is the brand and it works fantastic...the Alberta winters started getting to me. Now I'm installing wiring and a hitch for a trailer for a small boat in a couple weeks. The transmission is starting to make some sounds but I don't know what to buy next. Probably a RAV4 but certainly a Toyota!
submitted by dirtybelt to rav4club [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:33 MillerDaLite Arena Patch notes 14.10

Patch Note Site

System Changes

You deserve a celebration. Hats off (or on) to you!


Jhin was a bit too good of a sniper, often becoming frustrating to deal with because of how reliable his damage was. In this patch we're reducing his missile speed, and angle of attack to make his shots much easier to dodge, but still something you can take advantage of in combat.

Augments and Prismatic Items

We've made many improvements to the rules behind what augments you are offered. We're not going to go into explicit detail here, but our goal is to reduce the chances you'll get an augment that you literally can't use. And allow certain augments or items to add augments to your pool.
It's fun to make things big. Your clones should be big too.
We've heard your pain when rerolling your prismatic and still not getting something you feel you can build around. So we've increased the odds that you'll get a Prismatic tailored to your champion/class. We still think there is plenty of room to adapt when you get something other than your ideal pick, but we want to reduce the frequency of worst-case scenarios where you spend multiple rerolls and can't find something interesting or playable.

Balance Adjustments


We're making several adjustments to augments this patch now that we've had some time to watch you all creatively push their limits. First, we're increasing the critical strike chance on certain augments to match the item changes while also slightly nerfing them to compensate. Second, mages and fighters are quite strong right now, so we're bringing down their power through various nerfs to their popular augments such as Spellwake and Raid Boss. Lastly, we're buffing and nerfing outlier augments that either need the help or are currently too strong.

Augment Buffs

Orbital Laser
Accelerating Sorcery
Quantum Computing

Augment Adjustments

Tank It Or Leave It
Soul Siphon
Jeweled Gauntlet

Augment Nerfs

Raid Boss
Holy Fire
Rabble Rousing
Thread the Needle
Wooglet's Witchcap


For champion balance, we're helping out some of the worst performing champions in Arena like Aurelion Sol, while nerfing some of the best like Illaoi and Brand. Our buffs are mainly focused on helping these champions function in a way that feels better in the mode without significant increases in damage, such as letting Gnar charge his mega form faster. For nerfs, we're targeting outputs that are quite strong on Arena, such as Swain's power during his ultimate (since it's harder to get away from him) or some of Brand's hard to avoid damage. We're also taking this opportunity to nerf some healing/durability in the mode as it's too high (expect a larger set of changes soon), hence the Illaoi and Swain healing nerfs.

Champion Buffs

Aurelion Sol

Champion Nerfs



Similar to one of our goals for augment balance, we're nerfing many popular mage and fighter items to get them into a more balanced state. We're also giving Decapitator some generic power, increasing Hamstringer's critical strike chance to match the item changes, and adjusting Sanguine Gift so more strength is in its most unique effect. Lastly, we're including a nerf to Guardian's Horn to limit how durable champions can be early game.

Item Buffs


Item Nerfs

Innervating Locket
Reality Fracture
Horizon Focus
Liandry's Torment
Guardian's Shroud
Sundered Sky
Divine Sunderer
Guardian's Blade
Guardian's Horn

Item Adjustments

Sanguine Gift

14.10 SR Item Changes for Arena

Many item changes from Summoner's Rift have been moved to Arena with a few exceptions:

Arena Bugfixes & QoL Changes

QoL Changes


submitted by MillerDaLite to LeagueArena [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:28 lorddrake4444 game announcement "Isekaied into potasteros can I aid in defeating the algorithm"

game announcement
so you probably heard by now i am making a game based on a version of jeannie's potasteros that i've been writing in my spare time for a year or 2 , this is the official announcement and pitch for it , lets dive right it
**the premise**
"Isekaied into potasteros can I aid in defeating the algorithm overlords" *name pending* is a 2d point and click adventure game written and made by yours truely , in which you will take control of a random chatter that woke up in my version of potasteros after having a not so fortunate meeting with a truck *ik ik cliche af*
the story revolves around exploring the new world you find yourself in and helping defeat the evil threat of **THE ALGORITHIM**
what's the algorithm you might ask? well that's for me to know and for you to find out when the game is out :)
during the run time of the game we meet several characters from the potastic mythos and even some chatters which segues us pretty neatly to the next point
**the characters**
cant have a game without some characters can we now , so lets meet some of our main cast *art generated by AI dont think i am that good at drawing*
*the queen herself*
jeannie "red panda queen" lee is the defacto ruler of potasteros and a formidable pyromancer but with a twist instead of being all burn the enemy light everything on fire , she uses her flames mostly to heal things , after all fire can burn but can also bring warmth , can cremate a body , but also cauterize a wound , the origin of jeannie goes something like this , she was the spirit of this land and its protector , she was completely content with it being a forest with no kingdom until she met our next character.....
*the lord*
henry "lord immersion" liang was the ruler of a nearby kingdom that got destroyed by the **THE ALGORITHIM** and after being forced to flee with his people he met our panda in her forest after which they promptly fell in love *cringe* using henry's experience in ruling a kingdom they turned the land of potasteros into a bustling empire with thousands of residents
in combat henry is a stereotypical paladin , he can tank , he can smite the unworthy and he can even do some healing however where henry really shines is in giving buffs to his armies
speaking off what's an army without some generals
*the titan*
zillvr "the titanic crusader" was a nomad living in the mountains of potasteros , when he heard about the new kingdom he went to check it out and boy did he come at an interesting time for the land was being attacked by a dragon , the kingdom had a weapon worthy of killing such beast in a hammer weighing in at over 5 tons but no one to wield it , well guess who just came in and could lift that thing in a single arm , after dispatching the beast , zilly here was not only accepted into the army and given a home in the kingdom , he became the high general of the army
in combat zillvr is a massive armored truck , he will hit you and he will hit you so hard you forget who you even are , he can throw enemies around like toys and shrug off most damage like it aint there
but zilly isnt the only general i have for you today
*the spy mistress*
aizo "the owl spy mistress" is a deeply mysterious figure , not only has no one ever seen her face , but rumor has it shes older than the queen herself , predating even the creation of the land , "before everything , there was aizo" is a popular saying in the kingdom because she seems to know literally everything that happened , might happen , or is happening in the land
in combat aiz is a rapid assassin that thrives in creating chaos for the enemy lines, she will create shadows , cause confusion and deal massive damage to priority targets while getting out as if she was never there to begin with, be careful where you step lest her blade slits your throat
so now that we've met some of our characters lets talk gameplay:
**the gameplay**
the game follows a simple gameplay loop , you can navigate potasteros as you would navigate an other point and click game , just click on things to go places lol , talk to characters and take quests so you and your party can go on adventures , in which you would kill things , get loot and level up , but how do we kill things you might ask....
**the combat**
combat in the game is a grid based , D&D styled , turn based combat with a twist , instead of "action economy" everything is set on a timer, after initiative , every char gets 10 seconds a turn , and every skill costs "time" in addition to any other resource it may cost , manage your time and get the most out of it to defeat your opponents
**some technical stuff and what's to come**
i have at least 8 more characters planned and each of them will be playable on top of the player char putting us to 13 playable chars *jinx* , the story is mostly prepared at least in general form with only the specifics left to be finished , all the art in the game will be AI because i cant draw for shit lol , the game will be made in the godot game engine and released on itch when done , not going to put it on steam cuz that costs money lol , the plan so far is to release a trailer on the next anniversary and the game in the 6th year's but obviously time will tell if any delays happen , i've been thinking of doing this for ages ever since i found out jeannie was fine with people making games of her
**now some cleaning up**
first off i would like to thank jeannie for being such an amazing person and bringing me and everyone else in this community happy times for 4 years now and hopefully several more to come , you're truly a hug to the soul , and 2nd off if anyone doesnt wanna be in the game , tell me , however do not ask me to be included cuz if open that gate the game will never be done lol , and i hope that if anyone is the butt of a joke in the game dont take it too seriously , tis just in good fun , welp thats all i wanted to say bye
submitted by lorddrake4444 to PotasticP [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 MisterSpacemanStuff Next Planet Predictions

During the 'fake ending' of 2.2, we engage in a navigation meeting with the Astral Express Crew to vote which planet to go to next. Of course, given how much time and effort goes into creating a planet, it's unlikely the player will actually be able to choose to next destination. In 2.3, it is likely we'll have the next planet revealed, with no choice of which it will be. Still, we can have a little fun speculating things.

Where are we Going?

During the meeting, we are given 4 options: Lushaka, Patrevia, Melustanin and Edo Star. Depending on the decision you make, the result of the vote will change. However, one opinion seems to appear in every vote: Edo Star.
Option Votes
Lushaka 3 votes for Lushaka, 2 votes for Edo Star
Melustanin 3 votes for Melustanin, 2 votes for Edo Star
Edo Star All votes for Edo Star
Patrevia (I don't have this data)
I can't make up my mind All votes for Edo Star
Unlike the other planets which the Crew is only interested in for their touristic purposes, Edo Star is in mortal peril.
Edo Star has been under attack from the Antimatter Legion for a while now. In the discussion, they mention distress signals from the planet have ceased, and the IPC wants the Express to investigate. Now, this last part might have been false, given we're in the dream at that point. However, the Antimatter Legion part is something we know to be true from the Destruction of the Destroyer text.
It's reasonable to assume the crew will end up pivoting towards this destination in the end.

But then... what can we expect? Well, here's some speculation:

  1. It may be the most treacherous planet we've visited yet, being in an Ion Storm region and being besieged by the Antimatter Legion.
  2. It's possible there will have already been great damage and destruction to the planet's civilisation
  3. While this may be a bit of a Planet of the Hats interpretation, it is likely Edo Star will be heavily inspired by Japanese culture, given the use of the name Edo.
  4. According to Forla, Edo Star has great houses of music where they sing ancient ballads, so we might get some Japanese vocal works.
Notably, Edo would not be the only Japanese inspired world, as Izumo is similarly Japanese. However, Izumo is gone. If we ever explore what Izumo was in a Simulated Universe or similar mode, Edo and Izumo may appear redundant if they don't make sure to have a distinct aesthetic. However, there should be enough to work with to make that distinction.
If we assume for a moment that the planet depicted in Sparkle's Myriad Celestia trailer is in fact Edo Star, that distinction should not be an issue. While both are futuristic, Edo's portrayal is more neon, whilst Izumo is more sober, relying more on abstract shapes and designs.

Part 2: Who will be there?

If we do go to Edo Star, what can we expect from the characters? Let's have a looksie.
First, let's talk about the people we already know:
1. The Astral Express Crew:
Of course, our core members will be along for the ride. As for who stays on board the Express this time: I don't have much of a theory. I'd be inclined to think March, because she's the only one who hasn't stuck behind yet, but there's not much to go on.
2. Black Swan and Boothill?
While it was a nice dream to have them join the ride for a bit, I'm not convinced this will actually happen. Black Swan has her own agendas and travel methods, and Boothill doesn't seem like he'd have business on Edo Star, and he has a hunt to do. Well, 2.3 will likely reveal more. Who knows? Maybe they'll have reasons to come along after all.
3. Sparkle:
As the character most heavily implied to come from a place like Edo Star, Sparkle being a returning character for its plot would make sense. However, as a Masked Fool travelling the cosmos, she could also just be mucking about wherever. If she is from Edo though, we can at least expect some mention of her background there. That said, there's no guarantee the planet we saw even is Edo Star to begin with.
Other Masked Fools like Sampo or Giovanni also always have a good chance of popping up.
4. IPC/Genius Society/Intelligensia Guild characters:
I know, these three factions aren't the same. But I'm mentioning them for the same reasons: All of them could easily have business at Edo Star. Be it to investigate the Ion Storm, or to deal with the Legion situation.
5. Stellaron Hunters:
It would be a bit odd for them to go completely silent, as it appears they need to be pretty hands-on with Trailblazer's trajectory to achieve their goals.
6. Acheron:
While I think she'll probably slink into the background after what happened now in 2.2, I don't think this is the last we've seen of her. While I don't think it would be a good fit for the main Trailblaze Mission, the idea of a side mission that's just Acheron landing on Edo and engaging with the world with both familiarity and alienation could be very interesting to watch.
7. Tingyun:
This one's a bit more of a stretch. We know Tingyun likely got involved with the Legion somewhere on her trips, so it's not impossible we may find traces of her at Edo Star.

But what about the people we don't know?

NEW characters: HSR mentions a lot of names, but there are none so far that have any known relation to Edo. Also worth noting is that 'newcast' characters outnumber the 'variants' from previous game with over 3 to 1. We will definitely see a lot of new faces. In fact, Penacony only had 1 character so far we can assume without question is a variant (Acheron), while the rest were all newcast.
But you can't really speculate based on nothing. So what are the variants we can expect to meet? To be honest, there are way too many characters that could work for Edo Star versions. Yanqing and Kafka have shown us miHoYo does not mind picking some of the more obscure figures. But once you start counting side characters and stigmata, well, the list becomes absurdly long.
So let's stick to some highlight candidates:
1. Yae Sakura/Kasumi/Miko:
Yae is a prime candidate for a new version. A mainstay figure with versions across Guns GirlZ, Honkai Impact 3rd and Genshin Impact. Who has a big life sized statue dedicated to her at miHoYo HQ. Who's one of the most popular characters in the roster, and has her own song. I can't imagine miHoYo not including her.
This also brings good odds of some variants of Yae Rin and Higokumaru/Hellmaru to show up. Yae's little sister and the Bake Kitsune that is often tied into her narrative.
2. Kallen Kaslana
While it's not unheard of, it's uncommon for a Yae not to have a connection to a Kallen. Kallen Kaslana has two major facets of her identity: Her adventures in Europe, and her adventures in Japan. In fact, in one world, she rose to dictatorship trying to resurrect her beloved Yae.
(Yes, this is official art posted by miHoYo)
3. Theresa Apocalypse
Theresa is an odd character. Perhaps with the most flexible identity of the recurring main cast, Theresa has done it all. She's had different names, hair colours, eye colours and even nationalities and ethnicities. Nevertheless, in several of her versions she ends up tied to Yae or Japan in one way or another, making her a decent candidate for appearing in some shape or form on Edo Star.
4. Shigure Kira
Playing roles in both GGZ and HI3, Kira is an often overlooked multigame cast member. Shigure Kira seems like a prime candidate for Edo Star. Not only does she have a Japanese background, but she also fits perfectly with the one thing we do know about Edo: The music houses. Why? Because in HI3 Shigure Kira is an idol who cannot sing. Additionally, she's typically regarded as one of the strongest warriors around, which could allow her to fit both into the cultural landscape of Edo Star and the war with the Legion.
5. Hokushin Mei
Raiden Mei's ancestor Hokushin Mei is mostly prevalent in GGZ. (Mei is the given name. It's not a direct lineage). It could be a way to bring in another Mei while tapping into a different identity.
6. Raiden Mei and Raiden Ryouma
Yes, I know, there's already Acheron. But we also have two Bronyas already! It's not unlikely another Raiden Mei would appear. The only thing that makes me think she won't is that it could be considered a bit soon.
But another avenue they could explore is to instead use her dad. Ryouma. Appearing in both GGZ and HI3, but with a bigger role in GGZ, Ryouma is one of those dudes players would love to see playable, and HSR could be his first opportunity to become it.
7. Murata Himeko and Murata Ryusuke
Another Himeko?! Another Himeko. She is Japanese. It could be a good opportunity to delve into the Express Crew themselves running into variants.
Similar to with Ryouma, they could instead bring in Ryusuke. This could be especially interesting if he runs into Welt, as Earth's Ryuusuke tried to kill him before.
Making deals with eldritch beings to get space powers isn't something that'd be out of place in a plot about a war with the Legion.
8. Any fitting character from GGZ
While it's clear GGZ still influences the identities of the multigame cast (such as Seele's Belobog design taking from her Firemoth version), we have yet to see a character in HSR we can say beyond doubt is based on a GGZ character. GGZ does have a lot of characters tied to its Japan though, and several with Japanese backgrounds too. Perhaps Edo Star could give us the first. Perhaps not. We can't know until it happens.

And if it turns out we don't go to Edo Star after all.... Well, it was fun anyway.

What do you think? Will we be visiting Edo Star next? What do you think the planet will be like? What faces do you expect to see?
submitted by MisterSpacemanStuff to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 Yankfan4life 1/2 aces cracked?

Hey everyone,
Would like to know your thoughts on my play with Aces.
For background info: I think I'm a pretty solid player with an understanding of ranges and position but struggle with bet sizing and knowing when I'm ahead when I don't have the nuts.
Table image of me is a pretty strong player who has won many pots and mixes in check-raises to get opponents off hands. Up about $400 in the session
Hero: (600 effective) BTN: AcAd
Villain ($500 effective) (UTG) opens to $25 (not standard at all but he has shown to be a very loose and splashy player. Calling station)
Villain #2 (utg+1) calls $25
Hero: 3! to $100, UTG tank calls (says out loud he knows what he's up against), utg +1 folds.
Flop: QhJh9s. Villian checks, Hero bets $80, V calls
Turn: 7h. Villain checks, hero checks.
River: 5h. Villain checks, Hero ??
Will update with results later. Could I have played this better prior to the river, what would you have done in this situation?
Thank you for the input.
submitted by Yankfan4life to poker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 Pillcollecter Trying to start a business

My sisters dad owns a lawn care business and I worked for him a few summers an wanted to start one to, what all do I need? I got a push mower, and ride on. I know I need a zero turn, a few weed eaters, a few leaf blowers, and a trailer. who and how to ask people if they need the grass cut? how to pick a price for size of the yard? and biweekly or bimonthly? How much per hour to pay my friends to help? and any tips you can give?
submitted by Pillcollecter to lawncare [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:34 IJustwannaReed Raid Beginnings

A bit ago I started a Whoa run, and while everything is going reasonably well I've been concerned about upcoming raids. I don't have a base (more of an open camp), I haven't acquired any Chips yet, I have the Insect Axe and Hammer and most of the lower garden's molars. I haven't been raided yet, despite fully pissing off both ants and spiders. I've seen a lot of talk about the mechanics behind how raids are triggered, and the power of said raids, but I can't find anything regarding at what point in your progression the raids actually start happening. Is it linked to turning in Chips? Having amenities of a certain level in your base? General base size? Does anyone have any information on this?
submitted by IJustwannaReed to GroundedGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:32 Sylesth Combat Artificer - 67

My car's transmission is on the fritz, so it's in the shop and I'm working from home for at least today. Thank goodness I can even work from home, or things would be a lot more complicated. Anyways, that's just a bit of a vent. I've also decided that I might do little lore-esque prechapter bits for some extra flavor. Hope you guys enjoy them! I find them to be fun little thought experiments on how people might perceive the world I've created from within vs from my own perspective. Enjoy some crafting and some romance!
First Previous Next
We know that the spots that are caused by looking at a source of light are, in fact, damage of some sort to the eye. This is confirmed by the spots rapidly disappearing should someone be healed whilst experiencing them. But why? Is there a divinity within light, beyond what our mortal eyes can withstand? Is there some sort of invisible emanation that comes alongside the light that damages us in some way? The discovery of light damaging the eye has opened more questions for me than it has closed.
-Musings on the Relations of Light and Fire, by Jarwic Leftun
Xander carefully opened the door, finding Gabrelle already asleep, and sat down on a chair. Maybe he could get that adaptive camouflage to work right on bright colors. Surely he had some colorful things in his inventory.
He did in fact have a few colorful things in his inventory, and he whiled the rest of the night away making small adjustments to the runic array that was embroidered into the cloth. He was satisfied before dawn, the cloth now performing as well with light colors as it had with darker colors. Now he just needed to make a cloak out of it. He briefly considered coating his armor with the array, but discarded it. There might be times where he’d want to be seen. Besides, a hooded cloak would better break up the outline of his figure, the ripples of fabric, especially if he were to crouch or lay prone, obscuring his outline even more. In little time at all, he had a long, deep hooded cloak of the color shifting, runed cloth in his hands. He stashed it in his inventory for now, as he had no particular need to sneak up on something right now. The rest of the time before dawn he spent silently sitting in the chair he’d chosen, trying to keep his thoughts to a minimum, just daydreaming. Night dreaming? He couldn’t sleep anymore, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t try to let his mind wander.
As the dawn came and the sun began to shine through the window of the room, Gabrelle slowly awoke, once more finding Xander sitting in a chair rather than in bed.
“Mmf,” She grunted as she stretched. “Morning, Xander. You got back late.”
“Morning, yourself,” Xander said, turning his head to look at Gabrelle. “Yeah... Yeah, I guess I did.”
“What were you doing, anyway?” She asked, curious. “You didn’t mention that you’d be out late, just that you were going to go to see Valteria at her shop.”
“I uh... went on a date.”
“I knew it! ‘Comparing notes’ was a date!” Gabrelle exclaimed triumphantly.
“It was not!” Xander complained. “But we went to a tavern in the evening and it sort of... turned into a date on the way there.”
“Awhh, that’s so cute,” Gabrelle said. “Did it go well? Is she nice? Did you kiss?”
“I think it went well. We talked a lot about different projects and ideas we had. I also got to meet another [Godsmarked] - he owns the tavern we went to. I think she’s nice. Maybe a little shy. I think she’s gotten used to being treated differently by people. I don’t think she really believed that I wanted to go on a date with her, at first. ...And yes. We kissed.”
“Ooooh, look at you! You’re growing up so fast!” Gabrelle teased.
“Oh hush. I’m older than you!” Xander huffed, then returned to seriousness. “But ah, if I’m going to be dating someone... we need to have a conversation, Gabrelle.”
“We need to stop sleeping together?” Gabrelle quickly deduced before Xander could say it himself.
“Yeah... It doesn’t feel right, even though it’s just platonic between us. I don’t think I would appreciate being in Valteria’s situation and knowing that the person I was seeing was sleeping with someone else at night.”
“Well, I figured this would happen eventually,” Gabrelle said. “Either you or I were bound to find someone eventually. Don’t worry, I’m not upset. Don’t get me wrong, the snuggles were nice, but like I told you a while ago, I don’t have nearly as much trouble sleeping when I’m with the team.”
“Thanks for not being upset, Gabrelle.”
“You know this means you have to start paying for your own room, though, right?”
“Ah, shit, you’re right. I forgot.”
Xander left the room to allow Gabrelle some privacy to get dressed and meandered back down the stairs to see if any other members of the team were already up. Looking around, he spied Graffus eating breakfast at at table and moved to sit with the dwarf.
“Mornin’” Graffus greeted Xander through a mouthful of bread.
“Morning,” Xander greeted back.
“Glad to see you made it back, we were wondering if you’d be out all night,” Graffus told him, after swallowing his bread.
“I was out a bit late, I suppose. I let the time get away from me.” Xander said, not really wanted to be teased again about going out on a date. “So what are you planning to do today?”
“Bah, Frazay has roped me into helping her do research for the drakeling. So reading is what’s in store for me.” Graffus tore himself off another piece of bread from his plate and slathered it with jam. “You going to be going back to that [Tinker] you’ve been spending time with lately?”
“Yeah, that’s the plan. I’m supposed to learn more about converting mana types today, and also help her fix the suit of armor that I wrecked.”
“Welp,” Graffus said, now on his last piece of bread, “I hope ya learn something new. Never had much to do with [Tinker]s – not saying I dislike them, just that I haven’t had much experience with them – so it don’t make much sense to me. Using a hammer is about the only overlap in our professions.”
“I think your hammer is significantly larger than the one most [Tinker]s would use,” Xander chuckled. Thinking about what he should be doing before he headed to Valteria’s, he asked Graffus, “Hey, I might need to buy some monster parts or elemental cores, something like that, for practice. You know where I would go to find stuff like that?”
Graffus shrugged. “Dunno. My guess would be an alchemy and reagents shop. That’s generally what we’ve sold monster parts to that didn’t go to a smith or leatherworker.”
“Thanks, Graffus.”
The two of them chatted for a while longer, catching up on what each other had been doing. Graffus excused himself to finish getting ready for the day, saying he needed to tend to his beard, leaving Xander downstairs. Deciding to be productive and proactive, Xander stood as well and headed out of the inn to find an alchemy shop.
It wasn’t long before he found one, a familiar scene of an eclectic collection of powders, liquids, crystals, and strange organic things floating in jars inside the building. The proprietor was a dwarf, seated at a workbench. They were grinding something into a powder as Xander entered. He received a distracted greeting before the dwarf returned to his work.
Xander wandered about the shop for a few minutes, looking at the various materials throughout the shop. He identified what he thought might be an elemental core, a jagged piece of crystal looking material that seemed to have an inner flame. As for the monster parts in jars, Xander had no idea what was what. He finally felt he’d waited long enough and moved closer to the worktable that the dwarf was still sitting at, working away at the mortar and pestle.
“Excuse me,” Xander said, grabbing the shopkeep’s attention.
“Mm?” The dwarf said questioningly. “Can I help you find something?”
“I was wondering if you had any elemental cores. Something small, I just need one to practice with.”
“Aye, I’ve a few of them around the shop. You want something to practice with? So a relatively weak core, then – not all the small ones are weak. Do you need any particular type?” The dwarf stood up and stretched, moving to one of the shelves.
“Uhm no, just whatever is cost effective, I suppose.”
The alchemist rifled through the various bits and bobs on one of the shelves nearby before producing a small chip of what looked to be a semi-translucent stone. It was tinged slightly yellow with streaks of white. “This here is a chip off a lightning attuned core. Pretty weak, but it does still produce mana.”
Xander could see the dwarf’s arm hair standing up as if from static electicity as he held up the stone. “How much?” He asked.
“Twenty gold.”
Xander shrugged. Twenty gold wasn’t an issue for him anymore, and he didn’t feel like haggling. He always hated haggling. “Sure.” He fished out the coin and handed it over to the dwarf.
The dwarf handed over the stone to Xander and the pop of a static electric shock could be heard as a tiny arc passed between the two of them. The dwarf grunted and shook his hand. “Thanks for the business,” he told Xander. “Anything else you find yourself in need of?”
“Not at the moment, but thanks for asking.” Xander waved goodbye to the dwarf and pocketed the tiny elemental core. He continued down the street in the direction of Valteria’s shop, thinking about how he was going to undo the welding job he’d done on Valteria’s armor. He’d need her to guide his repair efforts.
Xander returned to the inn momentarily to grab one of his golems. He settled on Atlas for now, as it was the most basic of the humanoid forms he’d created. No extra arms or weird feet on him, no sir.
Arriving at the building that contained Valteria’s home and shop, Xander knocked before opening the door. “Morning,” he called out.
“Xander! Hello!” Valteria called out. She was at the same work bench she’d been at yesterday. Jarrett didn’t seem to be in the shop at the moment, as Xander wasn’t able to spot the man.
Commanding Atlas to follow him in and closing the door behind him, Xander started walking towards Valteria. “How’s it going?” He asked.
“Good, it’s going good,” Valteria responded as Xander brought a stool over to her workbench. “How about yourself?”
“Not bad. The upside of not sleeping is that I never struggle in the mornings now. I used to hate waking up.” Xander laughed. “I even ran an errand before I came here! Picked up this.” Xander fished around in his pocket until he found the small chip of elemental core and held it up for Valteria to see.
“Core?” She asked distractedly, staring at Atlas. She tore her eyes away and looked closely at the small crystalline stone. “Lightning attuned?”
“That’s what the [Alchemist] at the shop said,” Xander affirmed. “Said it was a very weak one, but that it did still produce mana.”
“Mmm, a good practice piece, then.”
“I thought it would be, too. Not that I know what to do with it, yet.”
“Well, how about this: I teach you to set the stone and make some conduit, and then you can help me fix my armor. All the glue has turned to dust by now, thank the gods.”
“Sounds fair enough. So, how do mana conduits work?”
“Well, the concept is simple enough. It’s a tube which conducts mana,” Valteria began to explain.
“Mmhm.” Xander nodded along.
“What you need is a setting – usually of silver, as it has good mana conductivity – which will be the first step of conduction, taking the mana from the stone. Simply wrapping the core in silver wire can work well enough, drawing in the mana that the core puts out through its surface, but for a more effecient setting, small holes are usually drilled into the core to set the wire into as well, giving more surface area to draw from.”
“So we care about the mana conductivity of the material, then? That makes sense, I just hadn’t thought about it. I actually did a little experiment with my rune work to test which fillings were the most conductive.”
“Oh really?” Valteria said, interested. “What were your results?”
“Well, gold and silver were high up there in conductivity, and probably make the most sense for someone who has to physically manipulate material without use of a skill – both for a core setting and for inlaying a rune – but I did find that sapphires and rubies were even more efficient at transferring mana than gold and silver.”
“Mmm... interesting. I’ve heard of gemstones being used in very high-grade settings, as well as various other exotic materials. I read an account of one [Mechanist] who used tubes of mercury to conduct mana, though the relative effectiveness compared to silver wasn’t mentioned.” Valteria cleared her throat. “Uhm, now, where was I? Right, basic settings. Once you have your core – or monster organ, if you’re going that route – you connect it to the conduit. Usually, this is also silver wiring. I like to braid several smaller wires together, personally. I find it to be sturdier and hold up to flexing better. From there, it needs to be tied into a device. Which is a topic for tomorrow.” Looking around the shop, Valteria seemed to identify something on one of the shelves nearby. “I have a core that you could watch me set, and then you could try setting your own, if you’d like.”
“That sounds good to me,” Xander said. “I always love to see a master as work,” he added, opting for a little flattery.
“Follow me, then.” Valteria said, standing up from her stool and waving for Xander to follow.
Xander followed Valteria as she walked over to the shelf she’d been looking at earlier and took a palm sized, bright green stone from it. “Nature attuned core,” She explained, holding it for Xander to see. “I’m told it was taken from some kind of moving tree.” Valteria then moved to another worktable, on which were several of what looked to be drill bits to Xander. There was also an apparatus that look like it was designed to hold the bits, which was confirmed for him when Valteria slotted one of the small drill heads into the device. “This thing,” Valteria said, waving the drill a little bit, “is a life saver. I used to have to drill holes with a hand cranked one. Worth every single coin I paid for it to get an enchanted one.” She turned a dial on one side of the handheld device, which Xander was coming to think of as a magic dremel tool, and it began to come to life, the drill bit beginning to spin with a quiet whirring sound.
“Neat.” Xander commented. He watched patiently as Valteria drilled a series of shallow holes in the stone, the distinct screeching of metal on stone echoing through the shop floor. “So where’s Jarrett today?” He asked.
“Oh, he has the day off today. He asked for it about a week ago, not sure what for, though,” Valteria said distractedly. Soon she was finished with the holes she was drilling into the core, and moved to another workbench. “Now we create a setting for the core. This is a fairly simple way of doing it, mind you, but it is effective.”
Xander watched as she took sections of pre-braided silver wire and fitted the ends into the holes she had drilled. Once each hole was filled with a section of wire, Valteria began to pull wire from a spool, wrapping the stone until it was completely covered with silver wire and binding the braided sections to the stone in the process. “There,” she said, setting the stone down on the workbench. “A perfectly serviceable setting."
“So, if I understand correctly, you coat the core in a mana conductive material – the more surface area, the better, hence the holes – to create a setting?”
“Mmhmm,” Valteria said, nodding.
“Seems fairly straighforward. And then you connect the silver wiring that’s wrapped around it to more wiring, and attach that to your device? Why the distance? Why not just connect the setting directly to the device?”
“You absolutely can, if space isn’t an issue. Technically, the connection between the mana battery and the device, even if it’s just a single point with no distance, is still referred to as a conduit, though, so it’s considered a three part creation.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Do you want to try making your own, now? I don’t mind lending you a little wire.”
“Sure, but I should be good on material, I can produce it with my skills. Doesn’t last without a source of mana, but I guess the core itself might provide enough. Think this little chip is a bit small to put holes in, though.”
Xander looked at the small piece of crystal in his hand. If he just need as much contact as possible with a mana conductive material, his best bet would be to embed it into a sapphire or ruby. He decided on ruby, for no particular reason. Still holding the chip of core in his hand, he concentrated on his [Creation] ability. Valteria watched, amazed, as a ruby began to take form and grow around the piece of core until it was completely coated in a thin layer of gemstone.
“So, you can just... make things?” Valteria asked, sounding jealous.
“Well, it costs mana, and anything I make that isn’t provided a source of mana that leaves my person disintegrates in a day, but, yes. I can just make things with my skills. But,” he added, cutting off Valteria’s complaint of unfairness, “I have never received a skill that actually lets me improve a material. Sure, I have runes, which generally makes up the difference, but I don’t have any skills that improve the things I make. So, if you made a mana battery, and I made a mana battery the same way with identical materials, yours is going to be better, I assume, because you have skills that passively improve the things that you make, am I right?”
“Okayyy,” Valteria huffed. “I guess that does make it a little less unfair. But ugh! It would be so nice not having to source materials.” She looked at the ruby with a piece of core set inside it that Xander had made. “Well, I guess that about does it for making a setting... I thought it might have taken you longer to make one. I guess we can move on to fixing my armor even sooner! It’ll be nice to have it up and moving again.”
“Sure, sure, we can do that. Where is it, anyway?” Xander asked, looking around the shop again like he somehow would have missed the eight foot tall suit of armor.
“It’s in a shed behind the house,” Valteria explained. “I have it on a hoist so I can work on it.”
“Ah, that would explain why I haven’t seen it around.”
Exiting the shop, stopping for Valteria to put a small ‘closed’ sign on the door, the two of them made their way around the building, where Xander saw the small shed that presumably held Valteria’s armor. It looked like it could just barely hold the armor and one person – two, if they were comfortable with each other – inside it.
“So this is where the magic happens?” Xander asked.
“If by ‘magic’ you mean maintenance and upgrades, then yes,” Valteria agreed. She opened the door of the shed, which comprised most of the front of the tiny little building, revealing her suit of armor, which was currently hanging from several chains attached to pulleys on the ceiling. Plates of armor were laying strewn about the suite, leaving the joints and inner workings more exposed.
Xander whistled, looking at the inner workings of the suit. He could see gears, cogs, and joints, and throughout the entirety of the armor were running filaments of silver wire, which he assumed were mana conduits running to and from elemental cores and the various mana powered aspects of the suit. “This thing really is impressive. Almost as impressive as the woman who made it,” he said.
Valteria giggled, “Stop it! You’re supposed to be fixing this mess, not flirting with me!”
“Awh, can’t I do both?” Xander asked, trying to sound as saccharine as possible.
“Mmm, I suppose that if you are sufficiently skilled at multitasking, I might allow it,” Valteria said in a mockingly thoughtful tone.
“Well, I just so happen to be an expert, so flirt away I shall,” Xander replied. “Now, how about the beauty in front of me shows me exactly where the other beauty in front of me needs some repairs?”
Valteria sighed at Xander’s antics, but he could see the slight flush in her face. “Well, you welded the wrist joints, elbows, and knees. They aren’t welded all the way round, it’s more like you smoothed over a portion of it like it was wet clay. So if you could just... put it back? Shape it back to how it was, that’s should be all that’s needed.”
“Pretty straightforward,” Xander said, standing behind Valteria as she pointed out each joint. He could see the misshapen parts where he’d slapped a weld onto the metal. He leaned over her and put his hands on the elbow joint that they were closest to and began to shape the metal back to its original form.
“You’re... very close,” Valteria murmured to him as he formed the metal.
“Would you like me not to be?” He asked, carefully.
Valteria was silent for a moment before answering, “No...” quietly.
Xander carefully shifted to be a little closer, but still not quite touching, as he moved on to the wrist joint of the same arm. The process itself was simple, but he was enjoying taking his time. As he finished the wrist, he turned to look at Valteria. He found himself looking right into her eyes, as she was staring back at him. Unable to resist the temptation he leaned in a little closer, gauging Valteria’s reaction. When she, too, leaned towards him, he closed the small gap between them, drawing her into another kiss. Valteria pressed herself against him, the shed hiding them from any prying eyes on the street, and let out a small noise as Xander squeezed her tight. She was breathing a little bit harder than before the kiss as they separated again.
Valteria let out a breath. “You’re… a really good kisser.”
“Yeah?” Xander said, pleased with himself. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
“And you’re a tease, looming over me like that in this tiny little shed,” Valteria continued. “Now you’ve got me all flustered, how am I supposed to work now?” She mock complained.
Xander was glad to see that Valteria was comfortable enough with him to joke like that. “Forgive me,” he said formally, making a deep bow, “How ever can I make it up to the lady?”
“Oh stop it, I will tolerate no bowing and scraping, even in jest,” Valteria said, slapping him lightly on the shoulder, as he was still holding the bow. “You can make it up to me by fixing the rest of these joints! And by taking me out to dinner?” She added, hopefully.
“I think that can be arranged,” Xander said. “Is there anywhere you have in mind? I will admit, I haven’t become very familiar with the local restaurant scene, what with my… dietary restrictions.”
“It doesn’t… make you feel bad to go out to a restaurant, does it?” Valteria asked softly, watching his face for a reaction.
“Nah, don’t worry,” Xander said, waving off the question with one hand. “It doesn’t bother me too much. Sure, I miss the taste of a good cut of steak, but I was never that into food. Eating was more of a thing I did because I had to, so I’m not completely devastated by the loss. And I can still get some vicarious enjoyment out of watching someone else enjoy their food. Really the worst part is awkwardly having to refuse ordering anything,” he said with a laugh.
“Alright, if you say so,” Valteria said, letting out a slight breath of relief. “I was just worried that it might be upsetting to you, is all. I know I would miss eating.” She paused for a moment, something clearly on her mind. “What do you miss? If you don’t mind my asking. I just… well, I’m curious what it’s like for you.”
“Mmm, in a lot of ways, life is still the same, and in other ways, I’m technically doing better than I was before. I’m incredibly resistant to damage now, even without my armor. I do miss sleeping, though. I try to give my mind a rest and just sort of daydream and let my thoughts wander or do some meditation during the nights, but it’s just not the same. Also means I’m the one that pulls guard duty through the night,” he grumbled. “Let’s see, what else, what else. Ah, right. I can’t smell anything. Or taste. I haven’t worked out how to recreate those senses, yet. Though no sense of smell can be handy sometimes, I suppose. I don’t know if you’ve done much merc work – you mentioned being surprised that I’m not just moonlighting – but uh… the smells that you encounter on a battlefield are… unpleasant. To say the least. It was weird not having a sense of touch either, but I’ve resolved that. It’s a little bit different than my previous, natural sense of touch, but I’ve become accustomed to it to the point that I don’t much think about the difference anymore. I think I’ve even got the density of receptors down in certain areas compared to others, so I'm more sensitive in some areas than others now, just like I used to be. I’m still immune to being tickled though, so don’t even think about it – that’s a fight you’ll lose.” Growing a bit more somber, Xander continued on. “I think… the biggest thing I miss is just the feeling that I fit in more. Now I always worry about being different, there’s that nagging fear that anyone I get to know well is going to reject me once they find out what I am. Like I’m secretly lying to everyone around me with this façade I have going on.”
Valteria nodded sadly. “I get that. I’ve been… rejected before, too. At least it happens or not right from the beginning for me. I get to know if they look down on me for being different immediately instead of fearing they might later down the road.”
“Yeah,” Xander said. “People can really suck sometimes. But at least I can just, like, not tell people what I am if I so chose. You, my teammates, and the guild, since it’s on my status sheet, are really the only people who know. I keep it pretty private. You can’t do that, so I think you probably have to deal with a lot worse than I do. Not that I’d want you to hide what or who you are,” he added. “I happen to be quite enamored with who you are,” he said, teasing a smile from Valteria’s sad face.
“Sorry to bring up such a dour topic,” Valteria apologized. “I didn’t think much on it before I asked.”
“No worries,” Xander told her. “Honestly, I think it’s good to be able to talk about it with someone. It’s healthy to be able to get you feelings out there. And it helps that I feel like you understand where I’m coming from with it, though from a slightly different perspective.”
“You’re surprisingly thoughtful sometimes,” Valteria said, only half teasing.
“Only sometimes?” Xander asked with a faux expression of hurt on his face. “By the way, you didn’t react much to my comment about moonlighting as a merc. Do you ever go on contracts?”
Valteria shrugged. “I certainly wouldn’t describe myself as a professional mercenary. Moonlighter is an apt descriptor, for me, I think. I have gone on a couple, here and there, mostly on kill contracts that would net me a core or organ that would be useful for my work.”
“Mm, that makes sense. I suppose it could be handy having access to the ability to take contracts that would give you access to specialty materials,” Xander said.
“It’s also good for business,” Valteria explained. “Mercs tend to like to buy from someone who has at least been out on a contract or two before.”
“Ah, that makes sense. What kind of things do you sell to mercenaries, anyways? I saw Jarrett with a crossbow yesterday, but I imagine you make other things, too.”
“Oh all kinds of little things. Portable, flameless heaters for cooking. Water purification sieves. Mm, let’s see… I’ve made a few custom order devices, too. One customer wanted to be able to shoot a jet of flame from their gauntlet, that was a fun one.”
“Ooh, that does sound fun… reminds me of my flamethrower.”
“Your flamethrower?”
“Yeah, it’s basically a big tank with a hose attached to it. At the end of the hose is a pump that causes the flammable liquid – I use dragon’s tar – to shoot out. Add a flame that the tar passes over and bam! You’ve got a giant stream of flame that will coat anything it hits with sticky, flammable tar,” Xander said, excitedly describing the device.
“That’s… impressive. And kind of horrifying,” Valteria responded.
“Mm… I guess you’re right. I mostly use it on giant spiders. Blugh,” Xander shuddered. “But yeah, I suppose it’s not the nicest of ways to go. Very effective for area denial, though. Ah, actually I have an idea for crossbow bolt head that would ignite when it shatters! We should make that sometime and see if it sells.”
“Hmm, I think that would draw some buyers. A flaming bolt head you didn’t have to light first could be desirable to certain buyers.”
“Put that on the list and we’ll get around to it sometime.”
“We have a list?” Valteria said confusedly.
“We should!” Xander said with a laugh. “Now let’s get the rest of these joints done.”
The repair of the other arm and the leg joints that Xander had locked into position during the tournament was a short affair. Looking over the bare metal frame of the armor still hanging from the ceiling, Xander clapped his hands together, mimicking dusting them off. “Good as new!” He exclaimed. Looking over to Valteria he asked concernedly, “It is good as new, right?”
Valteria had been staring at the armor as well, lost in thought about how she was going to improve it next. “Hmm? Oh, yes. It’s right as rain again, ready for use. Thank you, by the way. For fixing it,” She said awkwardly.
“Well I’m the one who broke it, so it’s only fair that I fix it. So what do you want to work on next?” Xander asked. “I could do some rune work for you. Orrr… we could kiss some more?”
Valteria flushed at the question, but didn’t immediately say no.
A few minutes later, she found herself on her tip toes and lightly pressed against the interior wall of the shed, her lips pressed against Xanders.
Once the two of them were done acting like teenagers parked in a secluded parking lot, they made their way back into the shop. Stepping inside and closing the door behind them, Valteria let out a breath. “I think… you are going to have to do a lot of rune work to make up for how much you just kissed me, Xander.”
“What, you didn’t like it?” He said with a raised eyebrow.
“I didn’t say that,” Valteria said with a smirk.
submitted by Sylesth to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:15 apoorv6969 Walstad tank struggling to establish, stunted plant growth, need advice

Walstad tank struggling to establish, stunted plant growth, need advice
On the left I had set up one Walstad-style tank about 14 days ago which is struggling to establish and on the right same substrate but it's flourishing. Need help with the left-hand side tank.
Details of the tank on the left-Substrate - vermicompost + aqua soil as capping layerSize - 6 gallons Duration of setup - 14 days Light - 13V Duration of light - 7 hours Plants - S. repens , hygrophila corymbosa compact, one stem plant at the back I don't remember the name, dwarf hair grass CO2- NO
The weird part is the jar on the right literally has the same substrate (vermicompost or worm castings for some) and literally the same brand aqua soil capping and even plant S repens as of left but it's so lush green and flourishing with decent ramson snails population. I don't know what's happening with the left tank. Why it is not growing even though the same substrate?
Please provide your valuable input.Most of the plants are not looking healthy in the left tank and hygrophila corymbosa started to lose leaves.
My current plan for the left tank-
Currently confused with 2 options, help me decide which path should i take now-
  1. Wait for one more week to see if there is any growth or not, if not ill escape the tank, remove the substrate, and start afresh with only topsoil absolutely NO vermicompost.
  2. Remove all existing plants from the left tank, clean all algae, then buy tons of stem plants and replant in the same vermicompost substrate. I have hoped because the right tank is flourishing with the same substrate.
Help me out, i want to own a lush forest.
submitted by apoorv6969 to walstad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:00 GonzoGnostalgic What are some "never left the hangar" indie projects you remember (can be games or otherwise—the more obscure, the better)?

Someone in a thread here mentioned Zybourne Clock—that game pitch on the SomethingAwful Forums that was just a bunch of badly-drawn concept art and way-too-ambitious, unconnected plot beats—and it gave me a brain blast thinking about all the little forum start-ups I've seen in my time, posted by excited kids who love drawing their OCs and imagining cool fight scenes, but don't actually know anything about game design or roadmapping a project.
I'm a big fan of the animatostreamer Khonjin, and one of his big, lifelong projects is the realization of a story called "Supermental," first seen in a now-deleted forum thread (I forget the name of the site, was one of those small-batch Jcink forums) where the idea was first pitched as a game that would be enormous in scope, an epic story, and combine "eight genres of gameplay in one game, including rhythm, RPG, fighting game mechanics, platforming, and more." That the thread was so old when I discovered it and everyone in it had likely been kids when it had been made told me that this incarnation of the game would likely never exist in any form, and the sheer scope and size of the game projected with nothing to show for it but pages of character desisgns and a single GIF of a platforming segment made in Game Maker was one of those really incredible high water marks left by the boundless ambition of youth.
At the time, Khonjin's primary work of note, the animated web series Khonjin House had concluded with a severe escalation in stakes and a direct lead-in to a new animated web series called Supermental, along with an accompanying ARG, so everyone who was invested was scrambling for clues across his entire history on the internet. We were also trying to figure out what Supermental was going to be about. Not even the the original game dev thread had any answers as to what the plot actually was. The discovery that the projected main protagonist of that old game idea, Jack, was the prototype for Jack Pent, the main antagonist of Khonjin House, definitely seemed to indicate some kind of relevancy, though.
Khonjin House had been full of little, unexplained names and references that were definitely going to be important to Supermental, and the fan speculation leading up to the little bits of reveal we got in the series proper was some of my personal favorite fandom activity I've ever participated in. Finding out who Smack was—a character who was often mentioned by name in the series but never seen—and then finding out that he and Pent hate each others' guts and have been trying to kill each other, AND THEN finding out Supermental was going to be prequel and that they used to be best friends was an incredible wave to be on.
And then we got the announcement: the Supermental animated series on YouTube was just to get the fans hyped up for the Kickstarter for the Supermental game, revived after all these years!
Unfortunately, it was too good to be true. The Kickstarter had an intriguing animated trailer, but no gameplay. Not even a mention of what gameplay would be like. We did get an update later on, showing it would be a SRB2-like 3D platformer with 2D sprite characters, but by then, the momentum had been lost. I donated to the Kickstarter, as did several fans, but we never reached funding and the project was canned.
All that was left was the ARG, which was still ongoing and was supposed to reveal what Supermental was actually about once it was solved. Unfortunately, the last shot in the foot for the whole thing came when Khonjin lost patience with everyone for taking too long to solve the clues and just lore-dumped the whole thing.
The plot of the game ended up being a super personal extended metaphor for gender dysphoria and transitioning, inspired by the struggles of a close trans friend of Khonjin's who had died. It felt like a story he had really wanted to get out into the world at all costs, for many, many years by then, ultimately resigning to a bitter, 2 a.m. paragraphs-long lore dump in a Discord channel. The mystery was over. I still have no idea how that would have translated to a platformer game, but hey—Super Paper Mario did alright, so who knows.
I still think about that a lot. Supermental for me is the reigning king of that sort of incredibly ambitious creative project you undertake with your friends when you're young, firing off aimlessly in any direction, struggling to be born, picking up more meaning and consuming other ideas as you grow alongside it. It's been a minute since I checked in on the status of anything related to it, and since Khonjin—to my knowledge—has uploaded or said anything pertaining to it, but I would like to see it realized in some form one day.
So, what are some of your favorite stories of stillborn projects? This isn't about Scalebound or shit like that. I want stories of game projects you discovered in forums when you were in high school that had tons character art but no one on the team who knew how to program. Kickstarters you were interested in but knew had no chance in Hell of clearing even a fourth of their funding goal because they didn't have a single screenshot of in-engine visuals on the page. Even other well-known failure stories are welcome here; I'm interested in learning about more infamous failures like Zybourne Clock as well, things y'all might no about, but that escaped my radar. Doesn't have to be games either; movies, animations, 'zines, comics... anything.
submitted by GonzoGnostalgic to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:57 DeadByDaylight_Dev 8.0.0 PTB

8.0.0 PTB
  • Progress & save data information has been copied from the Live game to our PTB servers on May 6th. Please note that players will be able to progress for the duration of the PTB, but none of that progress will make it back to the Live version of the game.
Note: Players will once again receive 6K Auric Cells on the PTB Build to explore Outfits and Characters in the Store. Both Auric Cells and purchases made on the PTB Build will not transfer to the Live Build.


New Survivor - Aestri Yazar

New Survivor Perks

  • Mirrored Illusion This perk activates after completing a total of 50% worth of repair progress on generators. Press the ability button 2 when next to a totem, chest, generator or exit gate to spawn a static illusion that lasts for 100/110/120 seconds. Then, the perk deactivates.
  • Bardic Inspiration Press the ability button 1 while standing and motionless to enter the "performance" interaction that lasts up to 15 seconds and empowers Survivors within 16 meters. Roll a d20. This effect lasts for 60 seconds if the performance is completed. When the ability is cancelled or the performance completes, it goes on cooldown for 90/75/60 seconds. 1 You scream, but nothing happens 2-10 skill checks give +1% progress 11-19 skill checks give +2% progress 20 skill checks give +3% progress
  • Still Sight After standing still for 6/5/4 seconds, this perk activates. Until you start moving, you see the aura of the Killer as well as all generators and chests within 18 meters.

New Killer - The Lich

Killer Power

Bound with the skin and flesh of men, the Book is packed with spells both forbidden and wicked. To select a Spell, hold the Ability Button to open the Spell selection. The Lich has access to 4 different Spells:
  • Mage Hand: Creates a magical hand that lifts a downed pallet or blocks an upright pallet for 4 seconds.
  • Flight of the Damned: Conjures 5 flying spectral entities that can pass through obstacles and injure Survivors.
  • Dispelling Sphere: Casts a moving invisible sphere that reveals Survivors and temporarily disables their Magic Items.
  • Fly: Gain a flying speed for a short period of time, allowing you to travel a long distance quickly and move over vaults and pallets.
Treasure Chests found around the map can contain Magic Items. Each Survivor can equip up to two Magic Items at once: one pair of Boots and one pair of Gauntlets. These Magic Items are each connected to a specific Spell, and activate when The Lich casts that spell.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Interloper: The Survivor sees the aura of pallets affected by Mage Hand and gains Haste for 3 seconds.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Nightwatch: The Survivor can see the auras of the spectral entities conjured by Flight of the Damned.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Archivist: The Survivor can see the Dispelling Sphere.
  • Boots/Gauntlets of the Skyguard: The Survivor can see The Lich's aura during Fly and for a few seconds after.
Rarely, Survivors can instead find the Hand or Eye of Vecna in a Treasure Chest. When picked up and used, Survivors gain a special ability while at full health. Using one of these special abilities costs the Survivor a health state and reveals their location with Killer Instinct for 3 seconds.
  • Hand of Vecna: When doing a Fast Locker Entry, the Survivor is teleported to a further locker.
  • Eye of Vecna: When doing a Fast Locker Exit, the Survivor cannot be seen by The Lich and gains Haste for 12 seconds.

New Killer Perks

  • Weave Attunement When any item becomes depleted for the first time each match, it is dropped. You see the auras of dropped items. Survivors within 8 meters of dropped items have their auras revealed to you. When a Survivor picks up a Survivor item, they suffer the Oblivious status effect for 20/25/30 seconds. Oblivious prevents Survivors from hearing or being affected by the Killer's Terror Radius.
  • Languid Touch When a Survivor within 36 meters of you scares a crow, they gain the Exhausted status effect for 6/8/10 seconds. This perk has a 20-second cooldown. Exhausted prevents Survivors from activating exhausting perks.
  • Dark Arrogance Increases the duration you are blinded and the duration of pallet stuns by 25%. Increases regular vault speed by 16/18/20%.

Killer Perk Updates

  • Deadlock Decreased the block duration to 15/20/25 seconds. (was 20/25/30 seconds)
  • Grim Embrace Decreased the block duration before reaching 4 tokens to 6/8/10 seconds. (was 8/10/12 seconds)
  • Pop Goes the Weasel Decreased the amount of progress lost to 20%. (was 30%)
  • Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance Decreased the amount of progress lost to 10/15/20%. (was 15/20/25%)

Survivor Perk Updates

  • Background Player Decreased the movement speed bonus to 150%. (was 200%) Decreased the Exhaustion duration to 30/25/20 seconds. (was 60/50/40 seconds)
  • Buckle Up Both you and the healed Survivor gain Endurance for 6/8/10 seconds. (Removed) The healed Survivor breaks into a sprint at 150% of their normal Running Movement speed for 3/4/5 seconds and leaves no scratch marks during this time. (New functionality)
  • Invocation: Weaving Spiders Decreased the time it takes to complete the Invocation to 60 seconds. (was 120 seconds) Increased the time it takes for an Invocation to completely regress to 90 seconds. (was 6 seconds)
  • Decisive Strike Decreased the stun duration to 4 seconds. (was 5 seconds)

Killer Updates

The Blight - Addons

  • Compound Thirty-Three Increases Rush turn rate by 11%. (was 33%) Increases Rush duration by 11%. (was 33%)
  • Iridescent Blight Tag Increases Rush speed by 10%. (was 20%)

The Cannibal - Basekit

  • Decreased the obstruction collision size while using the Chainsaw to 10 cm. (was 17.5 cm)
  • Decreased the base Tantrum duration to 3 seconds. (was 5 seconds)
  • Increased the base Chainsaw Sweep duration to 2.5 seconds. (was 2 seconds)
  • Increased the base Chainsaw Sweep movement speed to 5.35 m/s. (was 5.29 m/s)

The Cannibal - Addons

  • Award-Winning Chili Increases maximum Chainsaw Sweep duration by 0.2 seconds per charge spent. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Chainsaw File Decreases tantrum duration by 0.25 seconds. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Chili Increases maximum Chainsaw Sweep duration by 0.15 seconds per charge spent. (was 0.25 seconds)
  • Homemade Muffler Decreases tantrum duration by 0.5 seconds. (was 1 second)
  • Knife Scratches Increases Chainsaw Sweep movement speed by 1.5%. (was 2%) Increases time required to charge the Chainsaw by 10%. (was 12%)
  • The Beast's Marks Increases Chainsaw Sweep movement speed by 2%. (was 3%) Increases time required to charge the Chainsaw by 12%. (was 14%)

The Deathslinger - Basekit

  • Decreased the stun duration when a Survivor breaks free to 2.7 seconds. (was 3 seconds)
  • Increased the reel speed to 2.76 m/s. (was 2.6 m/s)
  • Increased movement speed while reloading to 3.08 m/s. (was 2.64 m/s)

The Deathslinger - Addons

  • Bayshore's Cigar Decreases the stun duration when Survivors break free by 0.75 seconds. (was 1 second)
  • Bayshore's Gold Tooth Increases the Speargun's reeling speed by 5%. (was 9%)
  • Chewing Tobacco Decreases the stun duration when Survivors break free by 0.25 seconds. (was 0.5 seconds)
  • Snake Oil Increases the Speargun's reeling speed by 2.5%. (was 5%)

The Mastermind - Basekit

  • Decreased the Hindered penalty when reaching maximum infection to 4%. (was 8%)
  • The Uroboros infection now resets to 1% upon being hooked. (was 50%)

The Good Guy - Basekit

  • Scamper is now only available while performing a Slice & Dice.
  • Hidey-Ho Mode cooldown reduced to 12 seconds. (was 18 seconds)
  • Scamper time reduced to 1.3 seconds. (was 1.4 seconds)
  • Added a 1 second cooldown after cancelling a Slice & Dice charge up.

The Good Guy - Addons

  • Strobing Light Decreases Terror Radius by 8m when Hidey-Ho Mode is in cooldown. (was 4m)
  • Pile of Nails Upon manually exiting Hidey-Ho Mode, Chucky remain Undetectable for 3 seconds. (was 5 seconds)
  • Yardstick Performing a Scamper reveals Survivor auras within 16 m distance for 3 seconds. (was 12m / 5 seconds)
  • Hard Hat Removed "and exits Hidey-Ho Mode." from description.

Toolbox Updates

  • Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 15%. (was 10%)
  • Mechanic's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 25%. (was 10%)
  • Commodious Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Engineer's Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 10%. (was Decreases by 25%)
  • Alex's Toolbox 18 charges. (was 24 charges) Increases sabotage speed by 100%. (was 50%)
  • Festive Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Anniversary Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
  • Masquerade Toolbox Increases sabotage speed by 50%. (New functionality)
Toolbox Addons
  • Cutting Wire Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 20%. (was 15%)
  • Grip Wrench Hooks sabotaged using the Toolbox take an extra 20 seconds to respawn. (was 15 seconds)
  • Hacksaw Increases the Toolbox's sabotage speed by 30%. (was 20%)

Map Updates

New Map - Forgotten Ruins

A new Map comes to the world of Dead by Daylight, found in The Decimated Borgo Realm. A tower standing tall alone, but what is above ground hides a new world underground. A prison area where Vittorio Toscano was thrown in for some time. On the other side of the dungeon, the Alchemist room is found, where a scholar can learn secrets of the world, or the dimensions that surround the universe of the Entity.

Decimated Borgo Realm Update

The red lighting was a big issue in the realm of The Decimated Borgo. The art and lighting team took care to make the realm more accessible to all players and bring a different ambiance to the maps.



  • Started adding search tags for Charms Only "Perks" and "Birds" for the moment.
  • New Item Preview Window Regular and Special Items will now display a short description of their effect inside a Trial by using a new item previewer window.

Bug Fixes


  • Archive challenges requiring killers to complete a Trial with no more than X Survivors living should now correctly update throughout the match as Survivors die off.


  • Fixed an issue that caused some of The Good Guy's voice lines to be cut in the Mori Preview.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare's Jump Rope add-on to fail increasing Survivors grunts volume.


  • The names of the Bots that appear following a player disconnection have been corrected.


  • Fixed an issue that caused The Cannibal's Tantrum animation to sometimes not play after overcharging the chainsaw or hitting a collision.
  • Fixed an issue that caused male Survivors to be dropped closer to Killer than female Survivors when escaping the Killer's grasp by any means.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Twin's Baby Teeth add-on not to inflict the Blindness status effect when attached to a Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor's respawn animation to play on Charlotte before his cooldown finishes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor not to trigger the anti-camp meter when he was close to the hook.
  • Fixed an issue that caused The Blight camera to pan down after breaking a pallet during Lethal Rush.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Charles Lee Ray to be invisible during certain interactions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Cenobite's camera to reset when turning while using his power.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors camera to snap back to the default position when exiting a locker.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Plague to lose Corrupt Purge when being stunned by any means.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare to be able to hide Dream Snares under the floor at the top of Killer Basement staircase in the main building of the Ironworks of Misery map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare to be able to hide Dream Snares under the floor at the top of the staircases in the Midwich Elementary map.
  • Fixed an issue in the Underground Complex where two generators could spawn in the same room.
  • Fixed an issue in the Underground Complex where a chest would spawn in rooms and clip with different elements of the environment.
  • Fixed an issue in Lery's Hospital where an invisible collision was letting players walk over the stairs going down the basement in the Doctor's Office.
  • Fixed multiple issues related to the Nurse blinking out of the Raccoon City Police Station map.
  • Fixed an issue in the Eyrie of Crows map where a collision near the hill would prevent players from navigating.
  • Fixed an issue in the Raccoon City Police Station map where Victor could climb on blockers.
  • Fixed an issue in the Autohaven Wrecker's Realm where an obstacle blocked navigation for the Killer.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Victor to be unable to receive noise notifications from the Call of Brine perk.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Premonition perk to activate while being carried by the Killer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bamboozle perk to trigger when Killers used their power to vault through a window.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Bite the Bullet perk not to activate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Deliverance perk to sometimes not activate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ultimate Weapon perk to sometimes not to activate the screaming animation from Survivor POV.


  • Changing presets in the Loadout Menu will no longer rotate the character due to different charm layouts.


  • Kill-switched items should no longer appear in Bloodwebs.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while in a Trial when gaining Bloodpoints.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur while loading between the Play as Survivor lobby and the pre-Trial lobby.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when a Survivor screams.
  • Spamming the unhook button no longer causes the hooked Survivor's camera to swing around repeatedly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hatch Unlock progress to reset when cancelling the interaction.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to be unable to unhook a teammate if that hooked Survivor had previously unhooked themselves just before reaching the struggle stage.

Known Issues

  • It is possible for The Dredge and a Survivor to get stuck in a locker if another Survivor tries to hide in the same locker before the teleportation.
  • UI feedback is missing for some Perks (Languid Touch, Weave Attunement, Bardic Inspiration).
  • Survivors' Auras are revealed when swapping an item held in hands with an Item inside a Chest with the Weave Attunement Perk.
  • The Survivor screams and animation triggers before the result of the dice appears with the Bardic Inspiration Perk.
  • Rarely there is no lute or dice animations when triggering the Bardic Inspiration Perk.
  • When rolling a 1 with the Bardic Inspiration perk, the lute song will continue to play indefinitely until the perk interaction is attempted again.
  • It is possible to spawn a second illusion when there is already one active with the Mirrored Illusion Perk.
submitted by DeadByDaylight_Dev to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:52 LeadingWash6263 Overclocking PC for 700€?

**What will you be doing with this PC? Be as specific as possible, and include specific games or programs you will be using.**
* Trying overclocking. I quess, I could sometimes play some old games like NWN1 or something like World of Warcraft.
**What is your maximum budget before rebates/shipping/taxes?**
* around 700€
**When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Note: beyond a week or two from today means any build you receive will be out of date when you want to buy.**
* Now. Today.
>**What, exactly, do you need included in the budget? (ToweOS/monitokeyboard/mouse/etc\)**
* I don't need OS, keyboard, mouse. Monitor is (optional).
**Which country (and state/province) will you be purchasing the parts in? If you're in US, do you have access to a Microcenter location?**
* Finland.
**If reusing any parts (including monitor(s)/keyboard/mouse/etc), what parts will you be reusing? Brands and models are appreciated.**
* None.
**Will you be overclocking? If yes, are you interested in overclocking right away, or down the line? CPU and/or GPU?**
*Absolutely. I don't need or want anything super expensive or high end stuff. Edit: I want to try overclock either CPU or GPU. CPU would be better though.
**Are there any specific features or items you want/need in the build? (ex: SSD, large amount of storage or a RAID setup, CUDA or OpenCL support, etc)**
* I quess no? I don't really need storage besides for Windows and for some programs of course. 256gb storage is fine.
**Do you have any specific case preferences (Size like ITX/microATX/mid-towefull-tower, styles, colors, window or not, LED lighting, etc), or a particular color theme preference for the components?**
* I don't care about colors. Absolutely no to any leds if possible. ATX or mATX doesn't makes no difference to me.
**Do you need a copy of Windows included in the budget? If you do need one included, do you have a preference?**
* No, I don't.
**Extra info or particulars:**
* Thank you very much for your time. If possible, I would love to know if someone knows where to buy a watercooling custom loop kit (which includes like blocks, tank, pumps etc). I don't like or care about modern AIO cooling systems.
submitted by LeadingWash6263 to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:46 OperatorDuck502 List of my issues with M24 Superstar mode

  1. Draft logic is near non-existent. When you're picked is based solely on Combine performance and doesn't take into account what picks a team has or what trades they'd have to make. Only a select few teams, it seems, can pick certain positions (like when I remade my CB save 3 times and all 3 times was drafted by the Lions,) and actual team need is basically thrown out of the window, ignoring the picks teams made in real life. (Which feels like something that wouldn't be hard to implement if the devs actually ever updated the game.)
  2. Combine minigames are extremely poorly made. The bench press has stupid control mapping, and while it isn't that difficult, it is really annoying and uncomfortable to do well. The 40 is fine, I guess, but it has 0 nuance outside of the feature where sometimes it doesn't register your inputs (which is really fun and interesting!) The broad jump is impossible, no matter how hard I try, or how I try, or what I try on, I can barely get above an F for some reason. The 20-yard shuttle is the opposite end of the spectrum and is way too easy, and the position-specific drills are unrealistic, boring, annoying with how the controls are set up, and are also paired with somehow the most annoying music in the game.
  3. Training camp minigames are way too difficult for what they should be. The scoring system for the WDB battle minigame on defense sucks, making it near impossible to get gold if you don't have a Superstar over 80 OVR. The Oklahoma drill minigame is just plain boring. The moving barriers in the pass rush minigame are really annoying when paired with how terrible the movement system is. And, finally, the target passing QB minigame just doesn't really make sense. I would love a realistic training camp but I guess asking for realism is too much for Madden devs.
  4. Defensive balancing sucks. The way it seems to me that the difficulty system works is that it only actually affects your offense, because in my experience, changing the difficulty setting does nothing to the difficulty of playing defense in Superstar mode. The opposing offense will have the same skill with different playbook sizes, and your AI teammates will still not pick up receivers in their zones or play the ball with any sense of a brain. Changing the difficulty only influences two things: the nuance of the opponent's playbook, and how good your team's offense is. If you're playing a defensive superstar on a not great team, your offense will struggle greatly while you try your best, meaning even in the best case scenario you won't score enough to win. If you lower the difficulty, you'll score more, but it'll make playing defense less fun and interesting overall.
I may be very wrong about how the game works, but this is what it feels like to me while playing it, which is bad enough. A problem is a problem no matter why it's happening and it would be very very much appreciated if the devs tried maybe anything at all to fix it.
submitted by OperatorDuck502 to Madden [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:29 HikerGal01 1.5 spoiler - after community center, started cataloguing the NPC responses for something not well recorded in the wiki

Spoilers for if you haven't completed the community center / joja upgrades. Spoilers for if you haven't completed the hidden bundle / extra joja upgrade. Sorry for excessive spoiler warnings but this post has been removed for spoilers before.
So I started recording the NPCs responses to each movie, because while the wiki says who likes, loves, or dislikes each film, it doesn't say what each NPC has to say about it. I think the theater reveals a lot about the NPCs, but since you can only go once a week, and each movie only comes back every other year, you can't see all their responses without starting the same day over and over.
I still recommend you go to the movies with your four favorite NPCs, or the NPCs you think would be interesting with the movie, but this can help satisfy your curiosity for the others. I will update as I get to watch more movies.
Elliott, Harvey, Sam, Emily, Leah, Maru, Penny, Caroline, Demetrius, Gus, Jodi, Lewis, Marnie: A movie? Sure. I’ll meet you at the theater.
Sebastian (married if relevant, idk): Oh, you want to go to the movies? Sounds pretty good. I’ll meet you there.
Alex, Shane, Abigail, Haley, Clint: A movie? Yeah, whatever, sounds good. See you at the theater…
Dwarf: A moo-what? Well, I’m sure I’ll like it! I’d be happy to go with you.
Evelyn: Oh my! That’s so kind of you, dear. Why yes… I’d love to go to the movies! You go on ahead, and I’ll meet you at the theater.
George: You wanna see a movie with an old geezer like me? …Well… okay. I’ll meet you there.
Jas, Vincent, Leo: A movie? Yay! Let’s meet up at the theater!
Kent: Erm… okay. Thank you. I’ll meet you there.
Krobus: Oh? I normally hide myself from humans… But I have an idea… I’ll meet you at the theater later.
Linus: Oh… me? I usually wouldn’t, but… okay. It’s nice of you to think about me. I’ll head over there in a little while.
Pam (I am a girl): Ladies night with ol’ Pam, huh? Hah! Sure thing, kid… I’ll see you there.
Pierre: Hey, that’s a great idea… It’ll be nice to get out from behind the counter. I’ll meet you there!
Robin: Ooh… Two tickets for tonight’s show, huh? Sounds good! I’ll meet you there.
Sandy: Ooh.. I’d love to join you. You go on ahead and I’ll meet you there, honey… I have to freshen up!
Willy: Ah… a movie. That’s kind of ye, miss. I’ll just finish me pipe, and head over.
Wizard: Hmm… I suppose I could accompany you… yes. Once you’ve arrived, I shall appear. Farewell.
‘Mysterium.’ A faint silhouette in the dark… The desolate, unknown void of space… where untold horrors await. A variety of disjointed, other-wordly scenes play out… ‘You MUST tell your friends to see MYSTERIUM tonight… Or I will visit you in your sleep!’
(before) I’ve heard this movie is pretty grim. I’m looking forward to it.
(middle) This is some next-level cinematography.
(after) Best movie I’ve seen in a while… I wonder how they did some of those special effects?
(before, in disguise) Psst… Hey, it’s me, Krobus. Could you recognize me? If anyone approaches us, you do the talking, okay?
(after “in your sleep!” but before the end) “Krobus is stewing…” Not all shadow people are like that!
(after) I’m not used to wearing clothes… It’s very uncomfortable!
(before) I sense an arcane power permeating this building tonight…
(after “in the dark”) “There’s a twinkle in Wizard’s eye…” And to think… the layman has no idea that this is all raw, real footage!
(after) For those aware of the esoteric mysteries, that had deep significance…
The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch. It’s the eve of Winter Star, and it’s been snowing for 3 weeks straight. The Coldstar family is stranded… getting to town is impossible. Fortunately, the cows have enough hay to get by. …But the family has run out of food. Still, Papa Coldstar braves the treacherous conditions to cut down the winter star tree… In spite of their hunger, the family decorates the tree, keeping the promise of Winter Star alive. That night, an unusual phenomenon… The next day, Mama Coldstar is astonished to find the tree adorned with cosmic fruit. “We believed in the Winter Star, and so we were remembered!” They all shared the Stardrop fruit. Despite its small size, it was the most filling and delicious meal they'd ever had. The family is saved, and the spirit of hope is alive and well. The promise of Winter Star is kept once again…
(before) Hey, I’m pretty excited to see a movie! I’m gonna need a snack, though…
(after “out of food”) “Alex seems to be having a good time!”
(after) Hey, that was pretty good. Thanks for inviting me to this, Player.
(before) I’ve avoided all information about this film… I like to go in completely ‘blind’!
(after “out of food”) “Elliott seems to be having a good time!”
(after) Very interesting… I’ll be pondering that one for a while.
(before) I read a glowing review of this movie in the Zuzu City Times…
(after “out of food”) It really makes you think, doesn’t it? “Harvey is absolutely enthralled…!”
(after) That was outstanding! I’m really glad you that brought me out for this, Player.
(before) It’s an old movie with lots of talking, right? Hmm…
(after “out of food”) “Sam (bugged text?)” Huh? Oh! Yeah… The movie’s… interesting…
(after) Yeah… Uh… That one character was interesting… And, um… heh…
(before) I hope it’s short…
(after “out of food”) “Sebastian is dozing off…”
(after) It’s probably a fine movie for the target audience, but it’s just not for me.
(before) Ugh… this is going to be painful.
(after “out of food”) “Shane’s slumped over…”
(after) I feel depressed…
(before) From seeing the trailer, this one looks like a real snoozefest…
(after “out of food”) Wake me up if anything interesting happens. “Abigail is dozing off…”
(after) *yawn*... that was pretty boring, wasn’t it?
(before) When I saw the movie poster for this one, I felt a very positive sensation in the top of my head.
(after “out of food”) “Emily is absolutely enthralled!”
(after) That movie felt very spiritual, in a way… don’t you agree? I loved it!
(before) Mmm… It’s nice and warm in here. Winter is my favorite time to go to the movies.
(after “out of food”) “Haley seems to be having a good time!”
(after) I’m glad there was a good ending!
(before) I’m not sure what to expect with this movie, but I’m going to keep an open mind!
(after “out of food”) “Leah seems to be having a good time!”
(after) That was simple, but good… It’s like the comfort food of cinema.
(before) I really like going to the theater, even if the movie’s bad!
(after “out of food”) “Maru seems to be having a good time!”
(after) That was an interesting choice, for the final scene. What do you think they meant by that?
(before) Oh, ‘The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch’! This looks wholesome and fun!
(after “out of food”) “(Penny is smiling)”
(after) I should totally bring the kids to see this sometime!
(before) The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch… I have no idea what this is about! I hope it’s not violent…
(after “out of food”) Caroline seems to be having a good time!
(after) That wasn’t bad! I’ll have to ask Abigail about it when I’m home, I’m sure she’s seen it.
(before, I am playing as a girl if that matters) Oh… A… Are we on a date, then?
(after “out of food”) “Clint is taking sips from an unmarked flask.” *whispers*...If you’re, um… tired… you can put your head on my… my shoulder. Heh… or not!
(after) Hey… that was kind of fun… right?
(before) I read about this one in the paper… didn’t seem like the thing for me. But I’ll give it a shot.
(after “out of food”) “Demetrius is dozing off…”
(after) Nonsense! That was totally unscientific!
(before) Oh wow! A palace constructed for the sole purpose of entertainment!
(after “out of food”) “Dwarf seems to be in a deep trance.”
(after) “I didn’t understand a thing, but the flashing lights were mesmerizing!”
(before) Before this theater came to town, I hadn’t seen a movie in twenty years!
(after “out of food”) “Evelyn is absolutely enthralled!”
(after) I loved it… now you know why ‘The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch’ is considered a classic.
(before) Hmph… Theaters aren’t built like they used to be… But the picture might be good enough.
(after “out of food”) “George seems to be having a good time!”
(after) Heh. Compared to most movies these days, it wasn’t bad.
(before) It doesn’t feel like the holidays until you’ve seen ‘The Miracle At Coldstar Ranch’!
(after “out of food”) “Gus is absolutely enthralled!”
(after) That was heartwarming… and somehow they make that fabled fruit seem so delicious. I’d love to taste it one day.
(before) This is a grown-up movie, right? I’ll be okay!
(after “out of food”) “Jas is nodding and glancing sideways.”
(after) I thought it was good! It had… um.. good ‘die-a-log’! …right?
(before) I hope the seats are plush, I’ve been on my feet all day!
(after “out of food”) “Jodi seems to be having a good time!”
(after) I’m not much of a movie buff… but I had a good time! Thanks, Player.
(before) Thanks for inviting me to the movies, Player. It’s not easy to adjust back into the civilian lifestyle, but you’ve helped me feel really welcome.
(after “out of food”) “Kent has a rare smile on his face.” This is great… it reminds me of simpler times…
(after) That was fun. When you’re engrossed in a movie, all your cares and worries disappear.
(before) *ahem*… Hello! I am very excited to be at the visual entertainment center and to consume the popped corn… Just like you! *whisper* …how am I doing?
(after out of food) Krobus is dozing off…
(after) So, your species enjoys staring at flickering lights for hours on end? Very interesting…
(before) I’m really happy to be here. This is all so interesting!
(after “out of food”) “Leo seems very interested in the movie.”
(after) Wow… it was like magic!
(before) As mayor, I need to know what kind of movies are being shown in our community. We have the tender minds of the next generation to worry about!
(after “out of food”) “Lewis seems to be having a good time!”
(after) Hah! That wasn’t bad at all… I’d sat this one’s ‘Mayor Approved’.
(before) I feel out of place here… I hope I’m not bothering anyone.
(after “out of food’) “Linus is looking at the floor…”
(after) I’m not used to that much stimulation… sorry if I was a disappointing guest, Player. I still appreciate you inviting me!
(before) I know I’m going to love this movie! It was really nice of you to invite me, Player.
(after “out of food”) “Marnie is absolutely enthralled!”
(after) Oh, I’m so glad the family was alright in the end. And the cows, too!
(before) Hey, kid. Thanks for inviting me.
(after “out of food”) “Pam seems to be having a good time!”
(after) Heh, that wasn’t too bad!
(before) I’m usually working all the time, so it’s really nice to do something like this.
(after “out of food”) Pierre seems to be having a good time!
(after) Not bad! I wonder if they have any merchandise I could stock…
(before) I’m not sure what this movie’s about, but I don’t really care! It’s just good to get out of the house.
(after “out of food”) “Robin seems to be having a good time!”
(after) That was a lot of fun, Player. I’m glad we did this.
(before) I’m so happy to have an excuse to come to Pelican Town!
(after “out of food”) “Sandy is absolutely enthralled!”
(after) That was a lot of fun, thanks for inviting me! I’d better head home soon…
(before) B… But… This movie is for grown-ups, isn’t it?
(after “out of food”) “Vincent is fidgeting in his seat.”
(after) That was boring… I didn’t understand anything.
(before) Hehe… I’d never turn down a free movie!
(after “out of food”) “Willy seems to be having a good time!”
(after) Ah, that reminds me of a story me ol’ Pops used to tell…
(before) …
(after out of food) Wizard is dozing off…
(after) You pulled me from my studies for *this*?
submitted by HikerGal01 to StardewValley [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:08 Mophandel Archaeotherium, the King of the White River Badlands

Archaeotherium, the King of the White River Badlands
Art by Bob Nicholls
Nowadays, when we envision the words “prey,” among modern mammalian fauna, few taxa come to mind as quickly as the hoofed mammals, better known as the ungulates. Indeed, for the better part of their entire evolutionary history, the ungulates have become entirely indistinguishable from the term “prey.” Across their two major modern branches, the artiodactyls (the “even-toed ungulates,” such as bovids, pigs, deer, hippos and giraffes) and the perissodactyls (the “odd-toed ungulates,” including horses, rhinos and tapir), the ungulates too have created an empire spanning nearly every continent, establishing themselves as the the dominant herbivores throughout their entire range. However, as a price for such success, their lot as herbivores have forced them into an unenviable position: being the food for the predators. Indeed, throughout the diets of most modern predators, ungulates make up the majority, if not the entirety, of their diet, becoming their counterparts in this evolutionary dance of theirs. They have become the lamb to their wolf, the zebra to their lion, the stag to their tiger. If there is a predator in need of lunch, chances are that there is an ungulate there to provide it. Of course, such a dynamic is not necessarily a recent innovation. For the last 15-20 million years, across much of the world, both new and old, the ungulates have served as prey for these predators through it all. Over the course of whole epochs, these two groups have played into these roles for millions of years, coevolving with each other in an eons-long game of cat-and-mouse. The shoes they fill are not new, but have existed for ages, and within their niches they have cultivated their roles to perfection. Indeed, with such a tenured history, it seems hardly surprising the ungulates are wholly inseparable from the terms “prey,” itself.
However, while this is the case now, as it has been for the last 15-20 million years, go back far enough, and we see that this dynamic is not as set in stone as we would think. Indeed, back during the Eocene and Oligocene, during the very earliest days of age of mammals, things were very different for the ungulates. While today they are considered little more than food for modern predators, during these olden days, the ungulates weren’t quite so benign. In fact, far from being fodder for top predators, the ungulates had turned the tables, instead becoming top predators themselves. Indeed, though nearly unheard of today, throughout much of the Eocene and Oligocene, carnivorous ungulates thrived in abundance, developing specializations for catching large prey and establishing themselves as top predators that competed alongside the more traditional carnivores, and even dominating them in some instances. Given such success, it’s no wonder that multiple such clades had arisen during this time. Such predators included the arctocyonids, a lineage of (ironically) hoof-less ungulates with large jaws and sharp teeth for capturing large prey. There were also the mesonychians, a lineage of dog-like ungulates with massive skulls and jaws that allowed them to reign as the top predator across much of the Eocene.
However, among these various lineages, one stands stands out among the rest, by far. Arising during the Eocene, this lineage, though superficially resembling modern pigs, hailed from one an ancient lineage of artiodactyls far removed from swine or most other ungulates in general, with few close relatives alive today. Through perhaps not the most predatory of the bunch, it was among the most formidable, as their superficially pig-like appearance came with giant predatory jaws and teeth unlike anything from the modern era. And of course, as if all of that wasn’t enough, this lineage also went on to earn arguably one of the most badass nicknames of any lineage of mammals, period. These predators, of course, were the entelodonts, a.k.a the “hell-pigs.” More so than any other predatory ungulate lineage, these formidable ungulates were the ones to turn the current paradigm upside down, becoming some of the largest and most dominant carnivores in their landscape, even with (and often in spite of) the presence of more traditional predators. Through impressive size, fearsome teeth and sheer tenacity, these animals became the top dogs of their time, ruling as behemoth-kings of their Paleogene kingdoms, domineering all comers, and throughout the ranks, one entelodont in particular demonstrated such dominance the best. Though not the largest or most powerful of their kind, it is one of the most iconic, being among the most well-known members of its lineage to date. Moreover, this enteledont also has some of the most complete life histories ever seen out of this clade, with its brutality and predatory prowess being displayed in the fossil record in a way seen in no other member of its kind. More than anything else, however, it was this predator that best turned the notion of “ungulates being prey” on its head, living in an environment that bore some of the largest carnivoran hypercarnivores to date and still reigning as the undisputed top predator of its domain. This fearsome beast was none other than Archaeotherium, icon of the entelodonts, terror of the Oligocene American west and undisputed king of the White River badlands.
The rise of Archaeotherium (and of entelodonts in general) is closely tied to the ascendancy of carnivorous ungulates as a whole, one of the earliest evolutionary success stories of the entire Cenozoic. Having become their own derived clade since the late Cretaceous, the ungulates were remarkably successful during the early Paleogene, as they were among the first mammalian clades to reach large sizes during those early days after the non-avian dinosaurs had gone extinct. As such, it was with incredible swiftness that, as the Paleogene progressed, the ungulates swooped upon the various niches left empty by the K-Pg mass extinction that killed the dinosaurs. This of course included the herbivorous niches we would know them for today, but this also included other, much more carnivore roles. Indeed, early on during the Paleogene, it was the ungulates that first seized the roles of large mammalian predators, becoming some the earliest large mammalian carnivores to ever live, well before even the carnivorans. Such predators included the arctocyonids, a lineage of vaguely dog-like, hoof-less ungulates with robust jaws and sharpened teeth that acted as some of earliest large carnivores of the Paleocene, with genera such as Arctocyon mumak getting up to the size of big cats. Even more prolific were the mesonychids. More so than what pretty much any other lineage of predator, it was the mesonychids that would stand out as the earliest dominant predators of the early Cenozoic. Growing up to the size of bears and with enormous, bone-crushing jaws, the mesonychids were among the most powerful and successful predators on the market at that time, with a near-global range and being capable of subjugating just about any other predator in their environments. Indeed, they, along with other carnivorous ungulates (as well as ungulates in general), were experiencing a golden age during this time, easily being the most prolific predators of the age. Given such prevalence, it should be no surprise that there would be yet another lineage of predatory ungulates would throw their hat into the ring, and by early Eocene, that contender would none other than the entelodonts.
The very first entelodonts had arisen from artiodactyl ancestors during the Eocene epoch, at a time when artiodactyls were far more diverse and bizarre than they are now. Through today known from their modern herbivorous representatives such as bovines, deer, and antelope, during the Paleocene and Eocene, the artiodacyls, as with most ungulates of that time, were stronger and far more predaceous, particularly when it came to one such clade of artiodactyls, the cetacodontamorphs. Only known today from hippos and another group of artiodactyls (one which will become relevant later), the cetacodantomorphs emerged out of Asia around 55 million years ago, at around the same time that artiodactyls themselves had made their debut. These animals included the first truly predatory artiodactyls, with many of them possessing large skulls with powerful jaws and sharp, predatory teeth. Among their ranks included animals as puny as Indohyus, a piscivorous artiodactyl the size of a cat, to as formidable as Andrewsarchus, a giant, bison-sized predator often touted as one of the largest predatory mammals to ever live. Given such a predatory disposition, it wouldn’t be long until this clade produced a lineage of truly diverse, truly successful predators, and by around 40 million years ago, that is exactly what they did, as it was at that time that the entelodonts themselves first emerged. From their Asian homeland, the entelodonts spread across the world, spreading through not only most of Eurasia but also colonizing North America as well, with genera such as Brachyhyops being found across both continents. Here, in this North American frontier, the entelodonts began to diversify further, turning into their most successful and formidable forms yet, and it was around the late Eocene and early Oligocene that Archaeotherium itself had entered the scene.
Just from a passing glance at Archaeotherium, it is clear how exactly it (as well as the other entelodonts) earned the nickname of “hell-pigs.” It was a bruiser for starters; its body bore a robust, pig-like physique, with prominent neural spines and their associated musculature forming a hump around the shoulder region, similar to the hump of a bison. With such a bulky physique came with it impressive size; the average A. mortoni had a head-body length of roughly 1.6-2.0 m (5.3-6.6 ft), a shoulder height of 1.2 m (4 ft) and a body mass of around 180 kg (396 lb) in weight (Boardman & Secord, 2013; Joeckel, 1990). At such sizes, an adult Archaeotherium the size of a large male black bear. However, they had the potential to get even bigger. While most Archaeotherium specimens were around the size described above, a select few specimens, labeled under the synonymous genus “Megachoerus,” are found to be much larger, with skulls getting up to 66% longer than average A. mortoni specimens (Foss, 2001; Joeckel, 1990). At such sizes and using isometric scaling, such massive Archaeotherium specimens would attained body lengths over 2.5 m (8.2 ft) and would have reached weighs well over 500 kg (1100 lb), or as big as a mature male polar bear. Indeed, at such sizes, it is already abundantly evident that Archaeotherium is a force to be recorded with.
However, there was more to these formidable animals than sheer size alone. Behind all that bulk was an astoundingly swift and graceful predator, especially in terms of locomotion. Indeed, the hoofed feet of Archaeotherium, along with other entelodonts, sported several adaptations that gave it incredible locomotive efficiency, essentially turning it into a speed demon of the badlands. Such adaptations include longer distal leg elements (e.g. the radius and tibia) than their proximal counterparts (e.g. the humerus and femur), fusion of the radius and ulna for increased running efficiency, the loss of the clavicle (collar-bone) to allow for greater leg length, the loss of the acromion to enhance leg movement along the fore-and-aft plane, the loss of digits to reduce the mass of the forelimb, the fusion of the ectocuneiform and the mesocuneiform wrist-bones, among many other such traits (Theodore, 1996) . Perhaps most significant of these adaptations is the evolution of the “double-pulley astragalus (ankle-bone),” a specialized modification of the ankle that, while restricting rotation and side-to-side movement at the ankle-joint, allows for greater rotation in the fore-and-aft direction, thus allowing for more more powerful propulsion from the limbs, faster extension and retraction of the limbs and overall greater locomotive efficiency (Foss, 2001). Of course, such a trait was not only found in entelodonts but in artiodactyls as a whole, likely being a response to predatory pressures from incumbent predatory clades arising at the same time as the artiodactyls (Foss, 2001). However, in the case of the entelodonts, such adaptations were not used for merely escaping predators. Rather, they were used to for another, much more lethal effect…
Such notions are further reinforced by the entelodonts most formidable aspect, none either than their fearsome jaws, and in this respect, Archaeotherium excelled. Both for its size and in general, the head of Archaeotherium was massive, measuring 40-50 cm (1.3-1.6 ft) in length among average A. mortoni specimens, to up to 78 cm (~2.6 ft) in the larger “Megachoerus” specimens (Joeckel, 1990). Such massive skulls were supported and supplemented by equally massive neck muscles and ligaments, which attached to massive neural spines on the anterior thoracic vertebrae akin to a bisons hump as well as to the sternum, allowing Archaeotherium to keep its head aloft despite the skulls massive size (Effinger, 1998). Of course, with such a massive skull, it should come as no surprise that such skulls housed exceptionally formidable jaws as well, and indeed, the bite of Archaeotherium was an especially deadly one. Its zygomatic arches (cheek-bones) and its temporal fossa were enlarged and expanded, indicative of massive temporalis muscles that afforded Archaeotherium astoundingly powerful bites (Joeckel, 1990). This is further augmented by Archaeotherium’s massive jugal flanges (bony projections of the cheek), which supported powerful masseter muscles which enhanced chewing and mastication, as well as an enlarged postorbital bar that reinforced the skull against torsional stresses (Foss, 2001). Last but not least, powerful jaws are supplemented by an enlarged gape, facilitated by a low coronoid process and enlarged posterior mandibular tubercles (bony projections originating from the lower jaw), which provided an insertion site for sternum-to-mandible jaw abduction muscles, allowing for a more forceful opening of the jaw (Foss, 2001). All together, such traits suggest a massive and incredibly fearsome bite, perhaps the most formidable of any animal in its environment.
Of course, none of such traits are especially indicative of a predatory lifestyle. Indeed, many modern non-predatory ungulates, like hippos, pigs and peccaries, also possess large, formidable skulls and jaws. However, in peeling back the layers, it is found there was more to the skull of Archaeotherium that lies in store. Indeed, when inspecting the animal closely, a unique mosaic of features is revealed; traits that make it out to be much more lethal than the average artiodactyl. On one hand, Archaeotherium possessed many traits similar to those of herbivores animals, as is expected of ungulates. For instance, its jaw musculature that allowed the lower jaw of Archaeotherium a full side-to-side chewing motion as in herbivores (whereas most carnivores can only move their lower jaw up and down)(Effinger, 1998). On the other hand, Archaeotherium wielded many other traits far more lethal in their morphology, less akin to a herbivore and far more akin to a bonafide predator. For instance, the aforementioned enlarged gape of Archaeotherium is a bizarre trait on a supposed herbivore, as such animals do not need large gapes to eat vegetation and thus have smaller, more restricted gapes. Conversely, many predatory lineages have comparatively large gapes, as larger gapes allow for the the jaws to grab on to more effectively larger objects, namely large prey animals (Joeckel, 1990).
Such a juxtaposition, however, is most evident when discussing the real killing instruments of Archaeotherium — the teeth. More so than any facet of this animal, the teeth of Archaeotherium are the real stars of the show, showing both how alike it was compared to its herbivores counterparts and more importantly, how it couldn’t be more different. For instance, the molars of Archaeotherium were quite similar to modern herbivores ungulates, in that they were robust, bunodont, and were designed for crushing and grinding, similar in form and function to modern ungulates like peccaries (Joeckel, 1990). However, while the molars give the impression that Archaeotherium was a herbivore, the other teeth tell a very different story. The incisors, for example, were enlarged, sharpened, and fully interlocked (as opposed to the flat-topped incisors seen in herbivores ungulates), creating an incisor array that was seemingly ill-suited for cropping vegetation and much more adept at for gripping, puncturing and cutting (Joeckel, 1990). Even more formidable were the canines. Like the modern pigs from which entelodonts derived their nicknames, the canines of Archaeotherium were sharp and enlarged to form prominent tusk-like teeth, but unlike pigs, they were rounded in cross-section (similar to modern carnivores like big cats, indicating more durable canines that can absorb and resist torsional forces, such as those from struggling prey) and were serrated to form a distinct cutting edge (Effinger, 1998; Joeckel, 1990; Ruff & Van Valkenburgh, 1987). These canines, along with the incisors, interlock to stabilize the jaws while biting and dismantling in a carnivore-like fashion. More strikingly, the canines also seem to act as “occlusal guides,” wherein the canines help align the movement and position of the rear teeth as they come together, allowing for a more efficient shearing action by the rear teeth. This function is seen most prevalently modern carnivorous mammals, and is evidenced by the canine tooth-wear, which is also analogous to modern predators like bears and canids (Joeckel, 1990). Indeed, going off such teeth alone, it is clear that Archaeotherium is far more predatory than expected of an ungulate. However, the real stars of the show, the teeth that truly betray the predatory nature of these ungulates, are the premolars. Perhaps the most carnivore-like teeth in the entelodont’s entire tooth row, the premolars of Archaeotherium, particularly the anterior premolars, are laterally compressed, somewhat conical in shape, and are weakly serrated to bear a cutting edge, giving them a somewhat carnivorous form and function of shearing and slicing (Effinger, 1998). Most strikingly of all, the premolars of Archaeotherium bear unique features similar not to modern herbivores, but to durophagous carnivores like hyenas, particularly apical wear patterns, highly thickened enamel, “zigzag-shaped” enamel prism layers (Hunter-Schraeger bands) on the premolars which is also seen in osteophagous animals like hyenas, and an interlocking premolar interface wherein linear objects (such as bones) inserted into jaws from the side would be pinned between the premolars and crushed (Foss, 2001). Taken together, these features do not suggest a diet of grass or vegetation like other ungulates. Rather, they suggest a far more violent diet, one including flesh as well as hard, durable foods, particularly bone. All in all, the evidence is clear. Archaeotherium and other entelodonts, unlike the rest of their artiodactyl kin, were not the passive herbivores as we envision ungulates today. Rather, they were willing, unrepentant meat-eaters that had a taste for flesh as well as foliage.
Of course, even with such lines of evidence, its hard to conclude that Archaeotherium was a true predator. After all, its wide gape and durophagous teeth could have just as easily been used for scavenging or even to eat tough plant matter such as seeds or nuts, as in peccaries and pigs, which themselves share many of the same adaptations as Archaeotherium, include the more carnivorous ones (e.g. the wide gape, using the canines as an occlusal guide, etc.). How exactly do we know that these things were veritable predators and not pretenders to the title. To this end, there is yet one last piece of evidence, one that puts on full display the predatory prowess of Archaeotheriumevidence of a kill itself. Found within oligocene-aged sediment in what is now Wyoming, a collection of various fossil remains was found, each belonging to the ancient sheep-sized camel Poebrotherium, with many of the skeletal remains being disarticulated and even missing whole hindlimbs or even entire rear halves of their body. Tellingly, many of the remains bear extensive bite marks and puncture wounds across their surface. Upon close examination, the spacing and size of the punctures leave only one culprit: Archaeotherium. Of course, such an event could still have been scavenging; the entelodonts were consuming the remains of already dead, decomposed camels, explaining the bite marks. What was far more telling, however, was where the bite marks were found. In addition bite marks being found on the torso and lumbar regions of the camels, various puncture wounds were found on the skull and neck, which were otherwise uneaten. Scavengers rarely feast on the head to begin with; there is very little worthwhile meat on it besides the brain, cheek-muscles and eyes, and even if they did feed on the skull and neck, they would still eat it wholesale, not merely bite it and then leave it otherwise untouched. Indeed, it was clear that this was no mere scavenging event. Rather than merely consuming these camels, Archaeotherium was actively preying upon and killing them, dispatching them via a crushing bite to the skull or neck before dismembering and even bisecting the hapless camels with their powerful jaws to preferentially feast on their hindquarters (likely by swallowing the hindquarters whole, as the pelvis of Poebrotherium was coincidentally the perfect width for Archaeotherium to devour whole), eventually discarding the leftovers in meat caches for later consumption (Sundell, 1999). With this finding, such a feat of brutality leaves no doubt in ones mind as to what the true nature of Archaeotherium was. This was no herbivore, nor was it a simple scavenger. This was an active, rapacious predator, the most powerful in its entire ecosystem.
Indeed, with such brutal evidence of predation frozen in time, combined with various dental, cranial, and post cranial adaptations of this formidable animal, it’s possible to paint a picture of how this formidable creature lived. Though an omnivore by trade, willing and able to feast on plant matter such as grass, roots and tubers, Archaeotherium was also a wanton predator that took just about any prey it wanted. Upon detecting its prey, it approached its vicim from ambush before launching itself at blazing speed. From there, its cursorial, hoofed legs, used by other ungulates for escape predation, were here employed to capture prey, carrying it at great speeds as it caught up to its quarry. Having closed the distance with its target, it was then that the entelodont brought its jaws to bear, grabbing hold of the victim with powerful jaws and gripping teeth to bring it to a screeching halt. If the victim is lucky, Archaeotherium will then kill it quickly with a crushing bite to the skull or neck, puncturing the brain or spinal cord and killing its target instantly. If not, the victim is eaten alive, torn apart while it’s still kicking, as modern boars will do today. In any case, incapacitated prey are subsequently dismantled, with the entelodont using its entire head and heavily-muscled necks to bite into and pull apart its victim in devastating “puncture-and pull’ bites (Foss, 2001). Prey would then finally be consumed starting at the hindquarters, with not even the bones of its prey being spared. Such brutality, though far from clean, drove home a singular truth: that during this time, ungulates were not just prey, that they were not the mere “predator-fodder” we know them as today. rather, they themselves were the predators themselves, dominating as superb hunters within their domain and even suppressing clades we know as predators today, least of all the carnivorans. Indeed, during this point in time, the age of the carnivorous ungulates had hit their stride, and more specifically, the age of entelodonts had begun.
Of course, more so than any other entelodont, Archaeotherium took to this new age with gusto. Archaeotherium lived from 35-28 million years ago during the late Eocene and early Oligocene in a locality known today as the White River Badlands, a fossil locality nestled along the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains. Though a chalky, barren landscape today, during the time of Archaeotherium, the White River Badlands was a swamp-like floodplain crisscrossed with rivers and interspersed with by a mosaic of forests concentrated around waterways, open woodlands and open plains. As with most ecosystems with such a lush disposition, this locale teemed with life, with ancient hornless rhinos, small horse-like hyracodonts and early camels roaming the open habitats while giant brontotheres, small early horses and strange, sheep-like ungulates called merycoidodonts (also known as “oreodonts”) dwelled within the dense forests. Within this locale, Archaeotherium stalked the open woodlands and riparian forests of its domain. Here, it acted as a dominant predator and scavenger across is territory, filling a niche similar to modern grizzly bears but far more predatory. Among its preferred food items would be plant matter such as roots, foliage and nuts, but also meat in the form of carrion or freshly caught prey. In this respect, smaller ungulates such as the fleet-footed camel Poebrotherium, a known prey item of Archaeotherium, would have made a for choice prey, as its small size would make it easy for Archaeotherium to dispatch with its powerful jaws, while the entelodonts swift legs gave it the speed necessary to keep pace with its agile prey.
However, the entelodont didn’t have such a feast all to itself. Just as the badlands teemed with herbivores, so too did it teem with rival predators. Among their ranks included fearsome predators such as Hyaenodon, a powerful, vaguely dog-like predator up to the size of wolves (as in H. horridus) or even lions (as in the Eocene-aged H. megaloides, which was replaced by H. horridus during the Oligocene). Armed with a massive head, fierce jaws and a set of knife-like teeth that could cut down even large prey in seconds, these were some of the most formidable predators on the landscape. There were also the nimravids, cat-like carnivorans that bore saber-teeth to kill large prey in seconds, and included the likes of the lynx-sized Dinictis, the leopard-sized Hoplophoneus and even the jaguar-sized Eusmilus. Furthermore, there were amphicyonids, better known as the bear-dogs. Though known from much larger forms later on in their existence, during the late Eocene and Oligocene, they were much smaller and acted as the “canid-analogues” of the ecosystem, filling a role similar to wolves or coyotes. Last but not least, there were the bathornithid birds, huge cariamiform birds related to modern seriemas but much larger, which filled a niche similar to modern seriemas or secretary birds, albeit on a much larger scale. Given such competition, it would seem that Archaeotherium would have its hands full. However, things are not as they appear. For starters, habitat differences would mitigate high amounts of competition, as both Hyaenodon and the various nimravids occupy more specialized ecological roles (being a plains-specialist and forest-specialist, respectively) than did Archaeotherium, providing a buffer to stave off competition: More importantly, however, none of the aforementioned predators were simply big enough to take Archaeotherium on. During the roughly 7 million years existence of Archaeotherium, the only carnivore that matched it in size was H. megaloides, and even that would have an only applied to average A. mortoni individuals, not to the much larger, bison-sized “Megachoerus” individuals. The next largest predator at that point would be the jaguars-sized Eusmilus (specifically E. adelos) which would have only been a bit more than half the size of even an average A. mortoni. Besides that, virtually every other predator on the landscape was simply outclassed by the much larger entelodont in terms of size and brute strength. As such, within its domain, Archaeotherium had total, unquestioned authority, dominating the other predators in the landscape and likely stealing their kills as well. In fact, just about the only threat Archaeotherium had was other Archaeotherium, as fossil bite marks suggest that this animal regularly and fraglantly engaged in intraspecific combat, usually through face-biting and possibly even jaw-wrestling (Effinger, 1998; Tanke & Currie, 1998). Nevertheless, it was clear that Archaeotherium was the undisputed king of the badlands; in a landscape of hyaenodonts and carnivorans galore, it was a hoofed ungulate that reigned supreme.
However, such a reign would not last. As the Eocene transitioned into the Eocene, the planet underwent an abrupt cooling and drying phase known as Eocene-Oligocene Transition or more simply the Grande Coupure. This change in climate would eliminate the sprawling wetlands and river systems that Archaeotherium had been depending on, gradually replacing it with drier and more open habitats. To its credit, Archaeotherium did manage to hang on, persisting well after the Grand-Coupure had taken place, but in the end the damage had been done; Archaeotherium was a dead-man-walking. Eventually, by around 28 million years ago, Archaeotherium would go extinct, perishing due to this change in global climate (Gillham, 2019). Entelodonts as a whole would persist into the Miocene, producing some of their largest forms ever known in the form of the bison-sized Daeodon (which was itself even more carnivorous than Archaeotherium), however they too would meet the same fate as their earlier cousins. By around 15-20 million years ago, entelodonts as a whole would go extinct. However, while the entelodonts may have perished, this was not the end of carnivorous ungulates as a whole. Recall that the cetacodontamorphs, the lineage of artiodactyls that produced the entelodonts, left behind two living descendants. The first among them were the hippos, themselves fairly frequent herbivores. The second of such lineage, however, was a different story. Emerging out of South Asia, this lineage of piscivorous cetacodontamorphs, in a an attempt to further specialize for the fish-hunting lifestyle, began to delve further and further into the water, becoming more and more aquatic and the millennia passed by. At a certain point, these carnivorous artiodactlys had become something completely unrecognizable from their original hoofed forms. Their skin became hairless and their bodies became streamlined for life in water. Their hoofed limbs grew into giant flippers for steering in the water and their previously tiny tails became massive and sported giant tail flukes for aquatic propulsion. Their noses even moved to the tip of their head, becoming a blowhole that would be signature to this clade as a whole. Indeed, this clade was none other than the modern whales, themselves derived, carnivorous ungulates that had specialized for a life in the water, and in doing so, became the some of the most dominant aquatic predators across the globe for millions of years. Indeed, though long gone, the legacy of the entelodonts and of predatory ungulates as a whole, a legacy Archaeotherium itself had helped foster, lives on in these paragons of predatory prowess, showing that the ungulates are more than just the mere “prey” that they are often made out to be. Moreover, given the success that carnivorous ungulates had enjoyed in the past and given how modern omnivorous ungulates like boar dabble in predation themselves, perhaps, in the distant future, this planet may see the rise of carnivorous ungulates once again, following in the footsteps left behind by Archaeotherium and the other predatory ungulates all those millions of years ago.
submitted by Mophandel to badassanimals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:08 Grand_Moose2024 My Sizzle Season 2024 Predictions

I'm sure you all are probably already aware, but Sizzle Season 2024 is coming really soon for Splatoon 3. And since we're really likely to get a trailer for it this week, I figured I'd go ahead and share my predictions for things like the new kits and stages that will be released in it. I'm not sure how accurate all of these are, but let's have a look at them anyways. To start, here's what I've got for the weapons:
Second Kits:
These kit predictions were made based on qualities like what they consisted of it previous titles, as well as what sub and special weapons other kits in their respective weapon classes have not yet received. As for the Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau, my prediction for its Nouveau branding is based on the fact that Nouveau is the creator of the vanilla Heavy Edit Splatling. My Splattercolor Screen special prediction is also based on that, as both it and vanilla Heavy Edit were made by Nouveau, and the Splattercolor Screen has yet to be included as part of a Nouveau weapon kit. A lot of people have been saying that the Recycled Brella 24 Mk I and the Douser Dualies FF will be getting second kits this coming season, but me, well, I'm not so sure about that. I can understand why they'd think that, considering the rumors that Sizzle Season 2024 will be the final major update for Splatoon 3, but the idea of two recently introduced weapons getting second kits the season right after the one they were released in just sounds kind of strange to me. But, of course, I could be wrong. We'll just have to wait and see once the season is revealed. Anyways, with that out of the way, let's move on to the possible new kits for the game.
One of the most common rumors for Sizzle Season 2024 is that a new Stringer and Splatana will be introduced in the season. Considering that they haven't received any new models since the start of the game, I guess I can see something like that. However, as far as included subs, specials, or even general themes or gimmicks go for these potential new weapons, I can't think of any possibilities, probably because I don't really use those types of weapons much in the game. Once again, we'll just have to wait and see once the trailer comes out. Anyways, I think that's enough talk about weapons. Let's move on to possible stages.
Returning Stages:
Please note that I'm only making a list of possible returning stages because I can't think of any good ideas for possible new stages and, well, if I'm being honest, I feel like Splatoon 3 has enough of those already. I'm sure a lot of you have a good idea for why Saltspray Rig is on the list. That's right, Splatoon 1's server shutdown. You'll also probably notice that Urchin Underpass, another classic Splatoon stage that's now unplayable because of the server shutdown, is not one of my stage predictions. The reason Saltspray Rig is on the list and not Urchin Underpass is because unlike the latter stage, which was included in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as a battle course, the former stage hasn't had any acknowledgement since the first game. So, between those two stages, I'd say that Saltspray Rig is the more likely to return in Splatoon 3. As for Shellendorf Institute and Skipper Pavilion, those two stage predictions were made based on how locker decorations based on items found in both those stages were introduced in Drizzle Season 2023, specifically the cephalo cipher stone, orca fossil, and Great Zapfish (as well as a Shellendorf Institute-themed skateboard) for Shellendorf Institute, and the closed-mouth mudskipper and open-mouth mudskipper for Skipper Pavilion. Considering that we got locker decorations that were inspired by those two stages, it would make sense for either one of them to return in Splatoon 3. Also, something else to note is that there's no telling what the new stage distribution will be like this season for the most part, Splatoon 3 followed a pretty basic pattern for stages introduced in new seasons: one new one and one from a previous game. However, that hasn't always been the case, as in Drizzle Season 2024, both stages introduced were new ones (Crableg Capital and Shipshape Cargo Co.), and in the current Fresh Season, we only got one stage: Marlin Airport. For all we know, both stages introduced in Sizzle Season 2024 could be returning ones, or we might only get one returning one. Heck, we could even possibly get more than two stages next season. But for now, we'll just have to wait and see what the trailer has in store for us. Anywho, I think I've said enough about stages. Let's move on to my final prediction for the next season: its Big Run.
For the Big Run in Sizzle Season 2024, I'd say that the most likely stage for it to take place on would have to be Sturgeon Shipyard. I mean, for one, the stage is set in a shipyard, which seems to me like a good location for the Salmonoids to try and invade. Another reason I think this stage is likely is because of its size and different locations, which could lead to all kinds of different battle scenarios against the Salmonoids. There are other stages that could potentially host the season's Big Run, like Mahi-Mahi Resort or Shipshape Cargo Co. but out of all those possible stages, I think Sturgeon Shipyard is the most likely site for it. And that's pretty much all I have to say for this category.
And there you go. Those are all my Sizzle Season 2024 predictions. Feel free to share your thoughts on them in the comments, and you can even share your own predictions too if you want. Hopefully some time this week, we'll find out just how accurate these are.
submitted by Grand_Moose2024 to splatoon [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:52 a_lunaticnightmare07 How's everyone enjoying (suffering) in the new Windtrace?

There has been mixed opinions on the new WIndtrace event. For you, is it fun to play? Which Windtrace mode do you prefer, the old one or the current one?
In my opinion, the new Windtrace is definitely fun. Incorporating elements such as second lives for rebels is obviously a welcome, and I like that six machines were added instead of four to stop people from "camping" (staying close to the last machine to stop rebels from fixing it and win). However, there are a few key limitations, which makes this experience far from satisfactory. These disadvantages are:
-the map being too small
-the time for hunters to get from one machine to another is too short
-the location of machines being shown to both rebels and hunters
The above hinders the new gamemode to function well. Since the map's size is too small, this gives hunters a huge advantage - the ability to make their way across all machines in a short amount of time. The location of machines being shown to hunters can let them form a routine and patrol around the machines, which increases the difficulty of the game (for some players).
Last but not least, what is the original purpose of Windtrace? Is it a Dead by Daylight simulator or a prop hunt game? While fleeing from hunters, how many of us have used the prop button? Windtrace used to be Hide and Seek, but if everything is already displayed on the map clearly, what is there to "seek" if the hunters can already guess where everyone is by looking at the map? How is it Hide and Seek if the objective now is fixing four machines instead of surviving as a object?
Don't get me wrong, the new event is enjoyable. Yet, I believe that it needs a few improvements, and that the old gamemode suits the theme of "hide and seek" better.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this~
submitted by a_lunaticnightmare07 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:52 STEIN197 Whan can a libertarian society/country/state do against an external aggressor?

Hello! Can you please explain me, what a libertarian society can do against an external aggressor? I try to find an answer but can't find it and here is why (actually I can find but they are not the pretty ones).
I often hear that the conscription should be voluntary regardless whether it's a war time or a peace time. The problem arises when an aggressor (who is a dictatorship or a totalitarian state) invades the libertarian country. Let's suppose two states (the libertarian one and the aggressor) are +/- equal in population, area size, economics and so on.
What happens inside the libertarian state:
Before the war. If the conscription is voluntary, then there will be some amount of people that don't want to associate themselves with an army. There is also no any government propaganda about "patriotism" (or it's reduced as much as possible, allowing to make a counter-propaganda), which leads to even less people associated with the army.
In the ongoing war. Since everyone has the right to participate or not to participate in the war directly, there will be even less people who would like to fight, because "if I can avoid war and death, I will", then they can just flee the country or just don't participate in it. There will be only a few thousands volunteers who would want to fight against the aggressor. So there will be only one category of people in the war - those who want it.
What happens inside the aggressor state (I'm myself from one):
Before the war. If the conscription is not voluntary, then everyone will be associated with an army (with a few exceptions). Since the state is preparing for the war, there is also a strong government propaganda, years before the war, which leads to many brainwashed people who could believe that, which leads to the desire "I want to be in the army because I strongly believe in XYZ" -> more people that would want to be associated with the army (the desire, not the compulsion).
In the ongoing war. Since no one has the right to avoid the forced conscription, as much people as possible will be fighting in the army - "if I try to avoid the war, I will be punished 100%, then I will fight, may be I will get out safe and sound and earn some money and reputation". The borders could also be closed. There will be three categories of people in the war - those who want it, those who think that want it (i.e. brainwashed), those who don't want it but have no choice.
The result
The libertarian state will be just outnumbered by the aggressor, which could lead to the loss of the libertarian state which we try to build, since the aggressor could do anything to it
I see only two solutions:
What to do in such a case?
What to do if the agressor is greater in terms of population and war machine?
How to reduce chances of this happening?
Important note
For those who will say that in modern time the number of soldiers doesn't matter. I totally disagree with that, two easiest examples I could think of:
  1. The losses of the WWII for the USSR were enermous not only because of the genocide, but because the state of USSR had no such an idea as "unacceptable losses". I've read a handful of books and articles (including the POV) and there are many evidences that the USSR just sent hundreds and thousands of almost naked soldiers on guns and tanks. One of the reason why Germany couldn't handle it
  2. The ongoing war in Ukraine. Again, Russia has an enermous potential to "win" the war by occupying and destroying more of the state AND Ukrainian society, since Russia just have much more people to kill
UPD: Whan can make the citizens of a libertarian state to fight for it, for their home and land? In other countries it can be done via aggressive propaganda
submitted by STEIN197 to Libertarian [link] [comments]
