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Sean Kirkpatrick bio and sources via Wikipedia

2024.05.14 09:52 VolarRecords Sean Kirkpatrick bio and sources via Wikipedia

Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick
Director, All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)
Dr. Kirkpatrick was asked by USD(I&S) to stand-up and lead AARO in early 2022. Known as Dr. K to his staff and team, he brings over two decades of experience and a significant depth of expertise in scientific and technical intelligence (S&TI), S&TI and space policy, research and development, acquisitions, and operations, specializing in space/counterspace mission areas.
Dr. Kirkpatrick was born in Columbus, GA to an Army family. He grew up in the Atlanta area, where he attended the University of Georgia as an undergraduate, to study physics. Dr. Kirkpatrick finished his Ph.D. work in nonlinear and nonequilibrium phonon dynamics of rare earth doped fluoride crystals also at the University of Georgia, and is currently an adjunct professor at UGA.
Dr. Kirkpatrick began his career in Defense and Intelligence related science and technology immediately out of graduate school. After receiving his Ph.D. in Physics in 1995, he subsequently took a postdoctoral position at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, investigating laser-induced molecular vibrations of high explosives under an AFOSR program. In 1996, he was offered a National Research Council Fellowship at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C. investigating novel solid-state lasers for the Department of the Navy. In 1997, he was recruited by the Air Force Research Laboratory to build an Ultrafast Laser Physics Lab to investigate nonlinear optics, novel ultrafast spectroscopic methods, and nonlinear micro/nano-fabrication techniques for the Air Force. In 2003 he was offered a program manager position in the National Reconnaissance Office, and converted to CIA in 2005. In 2007, he was assigned as Chief Technology Officer in a joint CIA-DIA program office, where he later became division chief as a DIA officer. In 2010 he was asked to serve as the space control portfolio manager for the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Space and Intelligence, Office of the Secretary ofDefense.
In 2012 he returned to DIA, and served as the Defense Intelligence Officer for Scientific and Technical Intelligence, serving as the Department of Defense’s counterpart to the National Intelligence Manager for Science and Technology until 2016. Towards the end of his tenure as DIO/S&TI, Dr. Kirkpatrick served on special assignment to the Principal Deputy Director National Intelligence leading the Intelligence Community’s support to the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center.
From 2016 to his current assignment, Dr. Kirkpatrick served in a variety of no-fail roles including Deputy Director of Intelligence, US Strategic Command; Director, National Security Strategy, National Security Council; Deputy Director of Intelligence and the DNI Representative for USSPACECOM. The USSPACECOM Intelligence Enterprise was the fifth organization he has been the IC lead for establishment. His most recent assignment was as Chief Scientist at DIA’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center.
Dr. Kirkpatrick is the recipient of several scientific and intelligence awards. These include the National Intelligence Exceptional Achievement Medal, four National Intelligence Collaboration medallions, the NRO Innovation and Achievement Award, the Cleary Award for Scientific Excellence, and the DIA Director’s Award for Excellence. Dr. Kirkpatrick holds 2 open patents and has contributed to several scientific books on nonlinear phenomena as well as written multiple strategies for the National and Defense Intelligence Communities. He was appointed to the Senior Service in 2012.


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2024.05.14 09:52 VolarRecords Sean Kirkpatrick sources via Wikipedia

Dr. Sean M. Kirkpatrick
Director, All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO)
Dr. Kirkpatrick was asked by USD(I&S) to stand-up and lead AARO in early 2022. Known as Dr. K to his staff and team, he brings over two decades of experience and a significant depth of expertise in scientific and technical intelligence (S&TI), S&TI and space policy, research and development, acquisitions, and operations, specializing in space/counterspace mission areas.
Dr. Kirkpatrick was born in Columbus, GA to an Army family. He grew up in the Atlanta area, where he attended the University of Georgia as an undergraduate, to study physics. Dr. Kirkpatrick finished his Ph.D. work in nonlinear and nonequilibrium phonon dynamics of rare earth doped fluoride crystals also at the University of Georgia, and is currently an adjunct professor at UGA.
Dr. Kirkpatrick began his career in Defense and Intelligence related science and technology immediately out of graduate school. After receiving his Ph.D. in Physics in 1995, he subsequently took a postdoctoral position at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, investigating laser-induced molecular vibrations of high explosives under an AFOSR program. In 1996, he was offered a National Research Council Fellowship at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington D.C. investigating novel solid-state lasers for the Department of the Navy. In 1997, he was recruited by the Air Force Research Laboratory to build an Ultrafast Laser Physics Lab to investigate nonlinear optics, novel ultrafast spectroscopic methods, and nonlinear micro/nano-fabrication techniques for the Air Force. In 2003 he was offered a program manager position in the National Reconnaissance Office, and converted to CIA in 2005. In 2007, he was assigned as Chief Technology Officer in a joint CIA-DIA program office, where he later became division chief as a DIA officer. In 2010 he was asked to serve as the space control portfolio manager for the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Space and Intelligence, Office of the Secretary of Defense.
In 2012 he returned to DIA, and served as the Defense Intelligence Officer for Scientific and Technical Intelligence, serving as the Department of Defense’s counterpart to the National Intelligence Manager for Science and Technology until 2016. Towards the end of his tenure as DIO/S&TI, Dr. Kirkpatrick served on special assignment to the Principal Deputy Director National Intelligence leading the Intelligence Community’s support to the Joint Interagency Combined Space Operations Center.
From 2016 to his current assignment, Dr. Kirkpatrick served in a variety of no-fail roles including Deputy Director of Intelligence, US Strategic Command; Director, National Security Strategy, National Security Council; Deputy Director of Intelligence and the DNI Representative for USSPACECOM. The USSPACECOM Intelligence Enterprise was the fifth organization he has been the IC lead for establishment. His most recent assignment was as Chief Scientist at DIA’s Missile and Space Intelligence Center.
Dr. Kirkpatrick is the recipient of several scientific and intelligence awards. These include the National Intelligence Exceptional Achievement Medal, four National Intelligence Collaboration medallions, the NRO Innovation and Achievement Award, the Cleary Award for Scientific Excellence, and the DIA Director’s Award for Excellence. Dr. Kirkpatrick holds 2 open patents and has contributed to several scientific books on nonlinear phenomena as well as written multiple strategies for the National and Defense Intelligence Communities. He was appointed to the Senior Service in 2012.


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2024.05.14 07:51 footballcorners Vom Underdog zur Supermacht: Die epische Geschichte des deutschen Fußballs

  1. Einleitung
Fußball ist mehr als nur ein Sport in Deutschland - es ist eine Leidenschaft, eine Tradition und ein integraler Bestandteil der nationalen Identität. Seit den frühen Tagen des Fußballs hat Deutschland eine bemerkenswerte Reise durchlebt, die es von bescheidenen Anfängen zu einer wahren Supermacht dieses Sports geführt hat.
In diesem Blog wollen wir uns auf eine faszinierende Reise begeben, um zu verstehen, wie Deutschland zu einer der dominantesten Nationen im Fußball wurde. Von den ersten improvisierten Spielen auf staubigen Feldern bis hin zu den glanzvollen Triumphen auf den größten Bühnen des Weltfußballs - wir werden die Entwicklung des deutschen Fußballs durchleuchten und die Schlüsselmomente, Persönlichkeiten und Strategien betrachten, die diesen Aufstieg möglich gemacht haben.
Tauchen Sie mit uns ein in die reiche Geschichte, die Leidenschaft und die unvergleichliche Faszination des deutschen Fußballs und entdecken Sie, was ihn zu einer wahren Supermacht macht.
  1. Die frühen Jahre
Der deutsche Fußball hat seine Wurzeln tief in der Geschichte des Landes. Die Anfänge des Sports lassen sich bis ins 19. Jahrhundert zurückverfolgen, als Fußball von britischen Expatriates nach Deutschland gebracht wurde. Die ersten Spiele wurden oft zwischen Studenten oder Arbeitern auf improvisierten Plätzen ausgetragen, ohne feste Regeln oder Strukturen.
Es dauerte nicht lange, bis sich der Fußball als beliebter Freizeit- und Mannschaftssport etablierte. Vereine wurden gegründet und lokale Wettbewerbe organisiert. In dieser Phase war der Fußball noch weit entfernt von der Professionalität und dem Glamour, den wir heute mit ihm verbinden. Stattdessen war er ein einfacher, aber leidenschaftlicher Sport, der Menschen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten zusammenbrachte.
Die Organisation des Fußballs wurde durch die Schaffung regionaler Ligen und Turniere vorangetrieben. Diese boten den Vereinen die Möglichkeit, sich miteinander zu messen und einen gewissen Rang innerhalb der lokalen Fußballgemeinschaft zu erreichen. Der Fußball wurde schnell zu einem integralen Bestandteil des sozialen und kulturellen Lebens in Deutschland.
Trotz seiner bescheidenen Anfänge entwickelte sich der deutsche Fußball stetig weiter und legte den Grundstein für das, was später zu einer der erfolgreichsten Fußballnationen der Welt werden sollte. In den frühen Jahren war es vor allem die Leidenschaft und Hingabe der Spieler, Trainer und Fans, die den Fußball in Deutschland vorantrieben und ihn zu einem festen Bestandteil der nationalen Identität machten.
  1. Die Ära des Erfolgs
Die 1950er und 1960er Jahre markierten den Beginn einer glorreichen Ära für den deutschen Fußball. Nach den dunklen Jahren des Zweiten Weltkriegs begann Deutschland sich wieder aufzurichten, und der Fußball wurde zu einem Symbol für Wiederaufbau, Einheit und nationalen Stolz.
In dieser Zeit erlebte die deutsche Nationalmannschaft einen bemerkenswerten Aufschwung. Unter der Leitung von Trainerlegende Sepp Herberger gelang es der Mannschaft, sich international zu behaupten und erste Erfolge zu feiern. Der Höhepunkt dieser Ära war zweifellos der Gewinn der FIFA-Weltmeisterschaft im Jahr 1954 in der Schweiz. In einem denkwürdigen Finale besiegte Deutschland das favorisierte ungarische Team und erlangte den Titel des Weltmeisters, was als "Wunder von Bern" in die Geschichtsbücher einging.
Dieser Triumph markierte den Beginn einer langen Periode des Erfolgs für den deutschen Fußball. In den folgenden Jahren etablierte sich die deutsche Nationalmannschaft als eine der führenden Nationen im Weltfußball und gewann weitere Titel und Trophäen. Spieler wie Fritz Walter, Helmut Rahn und Uwe Seeler wurden zu Legenden des deutschen Fußballs und inspirierten eine ganze Generation von Spielern und Fans.
Parallel dazu erlebte auch der Vereinsfußball in Deutschland eine Blütezeit. Traditionelle Vereine wie Bayern München, Borussia Dortmund und der Hamburger SV feierten große Erfolge auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene und trugen dazu bei, den deutschen Fußball auf die Weltkarte zu bringen.
Die Ära des Erfolgs in den 1950er und 1960er Jahren legte den Grundstein für die weitere Entwicklung des deutschen Fußballs und prägte seine Identität als eine Nation, die für ihre Leidenschaft, Entschlossenheit und Erfolgswillen bekannt ist.
  1. Der Bundesliga-Boom
Die Gründung der Fußball-Bundesliga im Jahr 1963 markierte einen Wendepunkt in der Geschichte des deutschen Fußballs. Mit der Einführung einer professionellen Liga wurde der Grundstein für eine neue Ära gelegt, die den Sport im Land revolutionieren sollte.
Die Bundesliga brachte eine Reihe von Veränderungen und Innovationen mit sich, die den deutschen Fußball auf ein neues Niveau hoben. Zum einen schuf sie eine zentrale Plattform für die besten Vereine des Landes, um sich in einem hochkompetitiven Umfeld zu messen. Die Einführung eines Ligasystems mit Auf- und Abstieg sorgte für Spannung und Dramatik bis zum letzten Spieltag und machte die Bundesliga zu einer der aufregendsten Ligen der Welt.
Darüber hinaus trug die Professionalisierung des deutschen Fußballs dazu bei, die Qualität des Spiels zu verbessern und die Attraktivität für Spieler, Trainer und Zuschauer zu steigern. Vereine begannen, in modernere Trainingsanlagen und Infrastrukturen zu investieren, um ihren Wettbewerbsvorteil zu erhöhen. Die Bundesliga wurde auch zu einem Magnet für internationale Talente, die nach Deutschland kamen, um sich auf einer der größten Bühnen des Weltfußballs zu beweisen.
Der Erfolg der Bundesliga spiegelte sich auch in ihrer wachsenden Popularität wider. Die Stadien füllten sich regelmäßig mit begeisterten Fans, die ihre Mannschaften leidenschaftlich unterstützten, und die Fernsehübertragungen zogen Millionen von Zuschauern an. Der Bundesliga-Boom hatte nicht nur Auswirkungen auf den deutschen Fußball, sondern auch auf den gesamten Sport und die Gesellschaft im Land.
In den folgenden Jahrzehnten etablierte sich die Bundesliga als eine der führenden Fußballligen der Welt und trug maßgeblich dazu bei, den deutschen Fußball zu einer globalen Supermacht zu machen. Der Bundesliga-Boom war ein entscheidender Schritt auf diesem Weg und prägte die moderne Identität des deutschen Fußballs nachhaltig.
  1. Erfolge auf internationaler Bühne
Die deutschen Erfolge auf internationaler Ebene haben den deutschen Fußball zu einer wahren Supermacht gemacht und sein Ansehen weltweit gestärkt. Sowohl die Nationalmannschaft als auch die Vereine haben auf den größten Bühnen des Weltfußballs zahlreiche Triumphe gefeiert und beeindruckende Leistungen erbracht.
Die deutsche Nationalmannschaft hat eine beeindruckende Trophäensammlung, die von FIFA-Weltmeisterschaften bis hin zu UEFA-Europameisterschaften reicht. Bereits 1954 gelang der Mannschaft das "Wunder von Bern", als sie bei der Weltmeisterschaft in der Schweiz den Titel holte. Seitdem hat die Nationalelf weitere Weltmeisterschaften gewonnen, darunter 1974, 1990 und 2014, und sich als eine der erfolgreichsten Nationalmannschaften der Geschichte etabliert.
Auch auf europäischer Ebene hat Deutschland große Erfolge gefeiert. Die deutsche Nationalmannschaft gewann die UEFA-Europameisterschaften in den Jahren 1972, 1980 und 1996 und hat sich als eine der dominierenden Kräfte im europäischen Fußball erwiesen. Diese Erfolge spiegeln die hohe Qualität des deutschen Fußballs und die herausragende Leistungsfähigkeit seiner Spieler wider.
Aber nicht nur die Nationalmannschaft, auch deutsche Vereine haben auf internationaler Bühne triumphiert. Traditionelle Clubs wie Bayern München, Borussia Dortmund und der Hamburger SV haben in verschiedenen europäischen Wettbewerben große Erfolge gefeiert und den deutschen Fußball in Europa repräsentiert. Diese Clubs haben zahlreiche Titel in Wettbewerben wie der UEFA Champions League, dem UEFA-Pokal und dem Europapokal der Pokalsieger gewonnen und den deutschen Fußball als eine Kraft im europäischen Clubfußball etabliert.
Die Erfolge auf internationaler Bühne haben den deutschen Fußball zu einer weltweiten Marke gemacht und seinen Ruf als eine der führenden Fußballnationen der Welt gefestigt. Sie sind das Ergebnis harter Arbeit, Leidenschaft und Hingabe sowohl der Spieler als auch der Fans und werden für immer einen festen Platz in der Geschichte des deutschen Fußballs haben.
  1. Die Rolle von Talentförderung und Infrastruktur
Die Erfolge des deutschen Fußballs auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene sind nicht allein auf Glück oder Zufall zurückzuführen, sondern beruhen auf einer gezielten Strategie zur Talentförderung und einer erstklassigen Infrastruktur, die den Spielern optimale Bedingungen bietet, um ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten.
Die Talentförderung hat in Deutschland eine lange Tradition und ist fest in der Fußballkultur des Landes verwurzelt. Bereits in jungen Jahren werden vielversprechende Spieler von talentierten Trainern und Scouts entdeckt und gefördert. Die Jugendakademien der Profivereine spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle, indem sie talentierten Spielern eine erstklassige Ausbildung und individuelle Betreuung bieten. Durch ein systematisches Ausbildungssystem werden die Spieler in allen Aspekten des Spiels geschult, angefangen von technischen Fertigkeiten bis hin zu taktischem Verständnis und mentaler Stärke.
Darüber hinaus hat Deutschland in den letzten Jahren erheblich in die Modernisierung seiner Fußballinfrastruktur investiert. Neue Trainingszentren und Nachwuchsleistungszentren wurden errichtet, um den Spielern optimale Trainingsbedingungen zu bieten. Diese Einrichtungen verfügen über erstklassige Trainingsplätze, hochmoderne Fitness- und Rehabilitationsräume sowie spezialisierte Fachkräfte, die den Spielern bei ihrer Entwicklung unterstützen.
Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt ist die enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen Vereinen, Schulen und lokalen Fußballverbänden. Durch gezielte Kooperationen werden talentierte Spieler frühzeitig identifiziert und in das System der Talentförderung integriert. Dies ermöglicht es den Vereinen, talentierte Spieler langfristig an sich zu binden und ihr Potenzial bestmöglich zu entwickeln.
Die Rolle von Talentförderung und Infrastruktur kann nicht genug betont werden, wenn es darum geht, den Erfolg des deutschen Fußballs zu erklären. Durch eine gezielte Strategie zur Förderung junger Talente und den Ausbau erstklassiger Trainings- und Ausbildungseinrichtungen ist es Deutschland gelungen, eine Generation von erstklassigen Spielern hervorzubringen, die auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene für Furore sorgen.
  1. Die deutschen Fußballkultur
Fußball ist weit mehr als nur ein Sport in Deutschland - er ist eine Leidenschaft, eine Tradition und ein wichtiger Bestandteil der nationalen Identität. Die deutsche Fußballkultur zeichnet sich durch eine einzigartige Mischung aus Tradition, Gemeinschaft und Leidenschaft aus und prägt das gesellschaftliche Leben im Land.
Eine der herausragenden Eigenschaften der deutschen Fußballkultur ist die starke Verbundenheit der Fans mit ihren Vereinen. Fußballvereine sind nicht nur Sportclubs, sondern oft auch eine Art Lebensstil und Identifikationspunkt für die Fans. Die Fans unterstützen ihre Mannschaften mit großer Leidenschaft und Hingabe, egal ob im Stadion oder vor dem Fernseher. Sie singen und jubeln, feuern ihre Mannschaft an und sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Atmosphäre bei jedem Spiel.
Die deutsche Fußballkultur ist auch geprägt von Traditionen und Rivalitäten zwischen den verschiedenen Vereinen. Lokale Derbys und Spiele zwischen Rivalen sind oft emotional aufgeladen und ziehen große Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Fans zeigen ihre Verbundenheit zu ihrem Verein durch Fahnen, Schals und Gesänge und tragen stolz die Farben ihres Clubs zur Schau.
Darüber hinaus spielt auch die Fan-Kultur eine wichtige Rolle im deutschen Fußball. Fans organisieren sich in Fanclubs und Fanvereinigungen, um ihre Leidenschaft für den Sport zu teilen und gemeinsam zu feiern. Sie organisieren Fanmärsche, Choreographien und andere Veranstaltungen, um ihre Mannschaft zu unterstützen und ein positives Umfeld zu schaffen.
Die deutsche Fußballkultur ist ein Spiegelbild der Gesellschaft und ihrer Werte. Sie steht für Fairplay, Respekt und Teamgeist und bringt Menschen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten und Kulturen zusammen. Der Fußball ist eine universelle Sprache, die Menschen verschiedener Herkunft und Identität vereint und eine Atmosphäre der Einheit und Gemeinschaft schafft.
Insgesamt ist die deutsche Fußballkultur ein wichtiger Bestandteil des gesellschaftlichen Lebens im Land und prägt das Zusammenleben der Menschen auf vielfältige Weise. Sie ist ein Ausdruck von Leidenschaft, Tradition und Gemeinschaft und trägt maßgeblich zum Erfolg und zur Faszination des deutschen Fußballs bei.
  1. Herausforderungen und Zukunftsausblick
Obwohl der deutsche Fußball eine beeindruckende Erfolgsgeschichte vorweisen kann, steht er dennoch vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen, die es zu bewältigen gilt, um auch in Zukunft auf dem höchsten Niveau zu bestehen.
Eine der größten Herausforderungen ist die zunehmende Kommerzialisierung und Globalisierung des Fußballs. Die steigenden finanziellen Anforderungen und die Dominanz einiger weniger Großclubs können zu einer Verzerrung des Wettbewerbs führen und kleinere Vereine benachteiligen. Es ist daher wichtig, dass der deutsche Fußball Wege findet, um die Vielfalt und Ausgeglichenheit der Liga zu bewahren und gleichzeitig die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu stärken.
Ein weiteres wichtiges Thema ist die Förderung von Nachwuchstalenten und die Weiterentwicklung der Jugendförderung. Angesichts des immer stärker werdenden internationalen Wettbewerbs ist es entscheidend, dass Deutschland weiterhin talentierte Spieler ausbildet und ihnen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihr volles Potenzial zu entfalten. Dazu gehört auch die Schaffung von besseren Rahmenbedingungen und Trainingsmöglichkeiten für junge Spieler, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die bestmögliche Ausbildung erhalten.
  1. Fazit
Die Geschichte des deutschen Fußballs ist eine faszinierende Reise, die von bescheidenen Anfängen bis hin zu einem globalen Phänomen reicht. Von den ersten improvisierten Spielen auf staubigen Feldern bis hin zu den glanzvollen Triumphen auf den größten Bühnen des Weltfußballs - der deutsche Fußball hat eine beeindruckende Entwicklung durchlaufen und sich als eine der führenden Fußballnationen der Welt etabliert.
Die Erfolge des deutschen Fußballs sind das Ergebnis harter Arbeit, Hingabe und Leidenschaft sowohl der Spieler als auch der Fans. Sie sind auch das Ergebnis einer gezielten Strategie zur Talentförderung, einer erstklassigen Infrastruktur und einer einzigartigen Fußballkultur, die den Sport im Land prägt.
Aber der deutsche Fußball steht auch vor Herausforderungen und muss sich weiterentwickeln, um auch in Zukunft auf dem höchsten Niveau zu bestehen. Die zunehmende Kommerzialisierung, die Förderung von Nachwuchstalenten und die Themen Inklusion und Nachhaltigkeit sind nur einige der Bereiche, in denen Verbesserungen erforderlich sind.
Dennoch bietet die Zukunft des deutschen Fußballs auch viele Chancen und Möglichkeiten. Mit der richtigen Vision und Entschlossenheit kann Deutschland weiterhin eine führende Rolle im Weltfußball spielen und seine Position als eine der Top-Nationen festigen.
Insgesamt ist der deutsche Fußball eine faszinierende Erfolgsgeschichte, die zeigt, dass mit Leidenschaft, Entschlossenheit und harter Arbeit alles möglich ist. Er wird auch weiterhin Menschen auf der ganzen Welt begeistern und eine wichtige Rolle im gesellschaftlichen Leben des Landes spielen.
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2024.05.14 06:45 Adventurous_Blood881 Three Days as a Chaperone?

When your 16-year-old son asks you to chaperone the music program trip to Disney, you do not say no. And that is how I find myself in this situation.
The itinerary, flights, hotel, etc. situation is of course out of my control – the travel agency the school uses (ETSI) has planned all that out. Important thing is we're going over Memorial Day weekend.
We'll be in Disneyland from approx. 10:30 a.m. (traffic from LAX depending) until midnight Friday, 8:00-midnight Saturday (with the option to park hop to California Adventure after 11:00) & CA first on Sunday, hopping to Disneyland at some point and not leaving until midnight again.
While the chaperones are technically allowed to go back to the hotel (Desert Palms) during the day, it's discouraged & the kids are absolutely prohibited from doing so.
The kids don't have to stay with their chaperone, we just have to make them check in 3-4 times a day, using a special app. My kid will probably want to stick close to me, but let's be real, they're all going to want to be as independent as possible. Which means I'll be mostly on my own from rope drop to park close for nearly three full days.
I haven't been to Disneyland since 1996, the summer I turned 14.
So. If you had the park to yourself for nearly three full days, and wouldn't have magic bands or genie+ because the travel agency did not get you those as part of the package, how would you arrange your days?
submitted by Adventurous_Blood881 to DisneyPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:47 r0llingthund3r Water got into trunk battery compartment; no dash lights on new battery

2010 Camaros have a drain hose that routes through the trunk. Mine came disconnected and my battery compartment was filled with rain water for a while before I discovered it. I attempted to start it and got flickering dash lights. The car was shorting bad enough to shock me a little when I would touch the door handle afterwards.
Now with a new battery I get no indication of power whatsoever. Being in the trunk, the water damage was isolated to just the battery and it's cables.
Can anyone please help me understand what all I need to check for? Are there specific fuses that would cause this behavior? Could the ignition switch be ruined? Thank you for any help
submitted by r0llingthund3r to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:41 Kagros Guide to Infinite Rank with Tribunal Over the Past Four Seasons

Guide to Infinite Rank with Tribunal Over the Past Four Seasons
I've been playing Tribunal for the past few months and I've used it to hit week 1 Infinite every month. It's basically a guaranteed Infinite as long as you know how to identify bots. Because Tribunal always has low power on the earlier turns, the bots will always Snap and you can collect your free 8 cubes. Decklist at the end.
TL;DR: Abuse bots with Tribunal and get easy cubes. Against human players, retreat liberally since you only need a 25% win rate to eventually reach Infinite.
Metas change, but Tribunal is forever. It's kind of like how Shuri Sauron used to be ol' reliable, before the power creep kicked in. To give an idea how just how steady this deck is, I've only changed it once over the past few months, which was when Zabu got nerfed (swapped it out for Sera). The Shang-Chi nerf at the end of last year made classic Tribunal playable, followed by the Omega Red buff in February really put the deck together. If Tribunal stops working due to the numbers not being good enough, I'd be very concerned with the state of the game.
Right now, with the Patriot meta, running Tribunal might be a bit dangerous since Enchantress is back, but that's nothing our Cosmo can't handle. Always use protection.
I see that the Negative version of Tribunal is running around a lot, but I don't find it as strong. It's great to hide the last turn play, but in my opinion is not consistent enough. Negative may have a higher ceiling, but you are just as likely to miss Iron Man and Mystique and zap down Onslaught and TLT. You also lose Iron Lad, which could come in clutch on Turn 7.
As mentioned in the TL;DR, the strength in the deck is winning 8 cubes from bots. Because we don't put out much power turns 1-4, it's very easy to be losing two lanes, which will lead to the bot snapping on turn 5. You can easily snap back if you have the combo and generally, even if you don't have Magik, you can win games just off of a Iron + Tribunal stack without Onslaught.

How To Play + Notes

Standard line is Magik turn 3 or 4, and then Iron Man turn 5, Onslaught turn 6, and Tribunal turn 7 all in the same lane. The three cards in the same lane gives you 22 power across all three lanes if Magik is in another lane, otherwise it's 24 if you have all three in the same lane. As a result, you absolutely need to make sure you have enough turns to play your combo. If you can't, just hit that retreat button. There are ways around it which I give some examples below, but it's all about managing your energy to set up your combo. Without any shenanigans, you usually average around 28-30 power per lane which will win against most decks.
If you fail to draw Iron Man before turn 5, Sera turn 5, Onslaught turn 6 on the same lane can let you play out Iron Man + Tribunal turn 7.
Ravonna on T2 lets you play Jubilee on T3 and sets up a T4 Iron Man, so you can follow up with a T5 Mystique as a substitute for Onslaught in case you don't find Magik so you can T6 Tribunal.
Cosmo, though, is the secret sauce to the deck. We are obviously weak to cards like Enchantress and cards that can zap Limbo out. While Cosmo will lose you a few games because you are locked out of Jubilee or Iron Lad, it will win you more cubes overall because you won't have to worry about a surprise tech card that loses you 8 cubes. You can always Iron Lad or Jubilee Tribunal on the last turn in a separate lane if it's still in your deck too.
Cosmo will also hose some decks too like Destroy or Wong, so you can pick up those free wins with it.
Super-Skrull is important for the mirror and also helps against all of the Ongoing decks. If I'm up against an ongoing deck, the right play is Super-Skrull + Mystique Turn 7 in separate lanes, one of which has Onslaught on it. Super-Skrull however does make you weak to Loki, though if you see Loki, you best bet is the retreat. Same with if you think it's stolen by Cable. However, just remember that if you have Iron-Man + Onslaught out, their Skrull will not double the Iron-Man effect, so it can still be winnable.
Omega Red is an interesting card and might take some practice because timing matters for Omega Red. If you are winning the lane Omega is played in when you drop Tribunal, it becomes much more harder to disrupt because the boost Omega gives you will also be applied to that lane. I usually like to play Omega Red not on my Iron Man + Onslaught stack because the +3 power can be multiplied through that stack while not taking up a spot on that location. You can play Omega on the stack if you'd don't other cards to fill the stack, but I like to think of it as a fifth card on the stack than have it take up space.
As for cards to watch out for, anything that changes locations is bad. Retreat if you are up against Thanos and they have reality stone. Snowguard Hawk and Legion are even more dangerous, because Cosmo will not be able to stop these unless timed precisely.
Enchantress, Rogue, and Red Guardian are all dangerous. Cosmo protects against these though.
Magneto could hose you if it plugs up your Iron Man lane before you play Onslaught.
Locations don't matter too much since we start our game plan after turn 3. I like to spread out my early plays just in case. If you ever see Mojoworld, make sure it's filled. If your opponent doesn't fill it for whatever reason, you win just by playing Tribunal. Locations that give cards additional power should be played on. Magik away any restrictive locations.
As for substitutions, you can always swap out Skrull for another tech card, especially if you are afraid of it being used against you. Everything else I think has a role in the deck.
Overall, I find this deck to be very solid for climbing. Give it a try; it's basically Solitaire imo. Happy to answer any questions on piloting the deck.

(2) Ravonna Renslayer

(3) Mystique

(3) Magik

(3) Cosmo

(4) Jubilee

(4) Super-Skrull

(4) Omega Red

(4) Iron Lad

(5) Iron Man

(5) Sera

(6) Onslaught

(6) The Living Tribunal


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.

submitted by Kagros to marvelsnapcomp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:28 vics09 Question

Does anybody know if they make a shorth throw shifter for the 3.8 v6 99 camaro 5spd? I've only been able to find it for the t56 the v8 version
submitted by vics09 to fbody [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:10 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] COME ON DOWN TO THE ATOMIC WRANGLER!

$100 mystery box. Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Buy any 4 1 oz and get a 1 oz copper for free!
Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and Mailed Cash
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Please ask for photos or if I have multiple of the same item!
Date Proof:
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Aerosmith 1 oz $33
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $50
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $45
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $33
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $40
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $33
Baby yoda 1oz silver $33
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $33
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $33
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $36
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
1991 liberty lobby 1/2 oz round - $14 each 4 available
FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965 silver .8134 asw
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $33
2011 infantry no box $30 sale !
1992 Columbus $1 - $30
D-day $1 bu $30
Wright brothers $1 $30
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $37
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $28 sale
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $32
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $33
1995 Olympic track and field proof $33
1996 national community service proof $29
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $29
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $40
1999 Yellow stone national park $33
2000 Leif Erickson silver proof $1 - $42
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $31
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $30
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $33
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $40
2006 ASE certified $40
1921 Morgan in cap $40
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $26 🔥
Better 1922 peace dollar $26
Nice 1922 peace dollar $26
1925 peace dollar $26
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
1896 O Barber half $60
1895 p barber half $30
1952 Washington/ carver half $25
1877 seated half $45
Booker T Half $25
1964 MS 50c $14
1963 D 50c unc $18
1955 Canada 50c $15 🔥
1992 silver 50c proof $15 🔥
2005 s silver proof $15 🔥
1858 50C $70
Canada silver 5 cents $6
1857 dime $20
1923 mercury dime $3
1937 mercury dime au $12
1936 AU mercury dime $13
1927 mercury dime $4
Barber dime coa $4
Ohio silver quarter $12
1XX3 seated quarter $18
1955 ms quarter $12
1964 ms quarter $9
1904 p 25c $8
1908 O 25c $10
1912 d 10c $9
Metal detector dime $5
1909 p barber dime $19
1903 p 25c $9
1916 p barber $4
1912 D $5
1916 $6
1907 $8
1914 10c $12
1832 half dime $90 📷
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Buy all for $25 . Great deal.
Jewelry 💍
1 gram 10k earrings $25
7 gram. 925 bracelet $7
Take both for $31
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card $1.70
📷 https://imgur.com/a/x4CsSMR
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $42
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $35
Trump wanted $33
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to CoinSales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:08 OrganizationFalse668 [WTS] COME ON DOWN TO THE ATOMIC WRANGLER!

Buy any 4 1 oz and get a 1 oz copper for free!
Shipping and Payment
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
“ Risky “ 1st class 🫧 envelope non-machinable $2 -
I take Zelle , Venmo , Cash App and Mailed Cash
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off its the responsibility of USPS.
Please ask for photos or if I have multiple of the same item!
Date Proof:
1908 D $5 Gold $1300
1927 2.5 gold $800
1914 D 2.5 Gold $700
1901 2.5 Gold $650
Aerosmith 1 oz $33
Homer Simpson 2019 donut $70
Simpson family Christmas $50
1oz silver Superman Samoa 🇼🇸 $5 coin $35
Spider-Man 1oz $45
St. Lucia 2020 1 oz silver lizard 🦎 $33
2021 Wonder Woman 1oz $70
Batman 1oz $70
Scarface 1 oz $40
🥤 Coca-Cola 1 oz silver round 1 oz $33
Baby yoda 1oz silver $33
🇺🇸 Army 1 oz silver bar / round $33
Bar 1
Bar 2 digital camouflage
Street fighter chun lee 1oz 🇯🇵 - $33
Wolverine 1oz 🇨🇦 $50
The Godfather 1oz silver $40
Silver Bart Simpson 1 oz $60 🛹
2023 Homer Simpson carded 1 oz $60 📷
SWAMP THING 1oz colorized- $75 📷
2024 silver shield 1oz silver cannabis round $36
ET 🪐 Niue 1oz 2 dollar movie poster bar $45
1 oz trump wanted rounds $35
Beavis and butthead 🔥 🧻 1 oz silver
Intaglio Mint 1oz “ the 4 seasons “ nude art 🖼️ round $60
Donald Duck $40
1991 liberty lobby 1/2 oz round - $14 each 4 available
FRANCE 🇫🇷 10 franc 1965 silver .8134 asw
1oz Silver Camel Cigarettes Joe Camel 🐪 - $65
Disneys snow White doc 1 oz $70
1 oz proof ablum
Silver $1 commemorative
Capsule only
Baseball $1 proof $29
Lewis and Clark proof $33
2011 infantry no box $30 sale !
1992 Columbus $1 - $30
D-day $1 bu $30
Wright brothers $1 $30
Capsule proof:
In original mint packaging 📷
1993 WW2 2 coin set $1 - $37
1993 WW2 2 coin set proof $33
1994 World Cup 2 coin set $28 sale
1995 civil war battlefield 2 coin proof set $32
1995 Olympic cyclist 🚴 proof $33
1995 Olympic track and field proof $33
1996 national community service proof $29
1996 Smithsonian $1 proof $29
1998 Robert f Kennedy $1 proof - $40
1999 Yellow stone national park $33
2000 Leif Erickson silver proof $1 - $42
2003 wright brothers first flight $1 proof - $31
2006 San Francisco old Mint $1 proof $30
Benjamin Franklin founding father proof $33
2012 Infantry Soldier $1 $40
Comm proof:
Silver Dollars 💵
1883 o $100
2007 ASE certified $40
2006 ASE certified $40
1921 Morgan in cap $40
1926 D peace dollar $33
1887 $1 - $70
1921 Morgan plastic flip $45
1886 $1 $70
1922 peace dollar $26 🔥
Better 1922 peace dollar $26
Nice 1922 peace dollar $26
1925 peace dollar $26
1921 Morgan MS $60
1896 Morgan $65
1885 Morgan $90
1878 CC $1 $170
1897 $1 $85
1890 O $1 $80
1921 MS $60
Glass Panther Art pours and more,
Fallout New Vegas
Lucky 38 1oz silver “ platinum chip “ $45
Vintage 1977 Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar
Nashville TN $70
Norfolk Va $70
Atlanta $70
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver bar $35
Contemporary Coca-Cola 1oz silver round $35
Coca-Cola Christmas 2019 Fiji Santa Clause 1oz - $50 🎅
Fiji 🇫🇯 1oz coca-cola bottle cap $149 📷
10k gold coca-cola pin 📌 $150 📷
7.5 oz 1:1 scale .999 silver derringer - $400 ⭐️
3oz M4 🐆 $223
1oz army man $90
Sunshine 1oz $140
Cyborg 1oz $140
Smurf 1 oz $35
Art cola Proof ;
HALF DOLLARS and more 💵
1822 Bust half dollar $75
1825 bust half dollar $70
1876 seated half $50
1896 O Barber half $60
1895 p barber half $30
1952 Washington/ carver half $25
1877 seated half $45
Booker T Half $25
1964 MS 50c $14
1963 D 50c unc $18
1955 Canada 50c $15 🔥
1992 silver 50c proof $15 🔥
2005 s silver proof $15 🔥
1858 50C $70
Canada silver 5 cents $6
1857 dime $20
1923 mercury dime $3
1937 mercury dime au $12
1936 AU mercury dime $13
1927 mercury dime $4
Barber dime coa $4
Ohio silver quarter $12
1XX3 seated quarter $18
1955 ms quarter $12
1964 ms quarter $9
1904 p 25c $8
1908 O 25c $10
1912 d 10c $9
Metal detector dime $5
1909 p barber dime $19
1903 p 25c $9
1916 p barber $4
1912 D $5
1916 $6
1907 $8
1914 10c $12
1832 half dime $90 📷
SETS 📺 📷
Silver war nickel set $8
Dimes of the 20th century $6
Bill of rights silver 50c young collector set
Buy all for $25 . Great deal.
Jewelry 💍
1 gram 10k earrings $25
7 gram. 925 bracelet $7
Take both for $31
Rarities 🦜 📷
1/4 oz art bar gilded Halloween $35
1/4 oz art bar gilded Pug $35
Copper Cannabis Leaf 🍁 Round $2
2023 year of the Dragon 🐉 copper round $2
Lincoln Wheat Cent 1oz COPPER $2
Copper proof;
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 GOLD 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
0 - 2021 New Hampshire 1 GoldBack $5 each - free ihp with purchase and ground shipping limit 4 ihp
I’m out of these, sell me or trade for cheap.
Bank of America 10k pendant with seed pearls , I think it’s 3.6 grams. $120 📷
Bank of America 10k pin 📌 no pearls, $100
Fractional silver
1 gram silver in card $1.70
📷 https://imgur.com/a/x4CsSMR
Canada 1955 50c $20 📷
Canada $1 1987 proof $20 📷
Superman $20 silver $25
Batman vs Superman Canada $20 silver coin $29
Bugs Bunny $20 silver $35
Star trek 2016 silver $20 coin. $35
2016 Canada $20 silver T-Rex $25
2014 Canada $20 Snowman $22 2014 Canada $20 silver summer swimming coin $22
Canada proof
Bank bag assortment lot that I forgot:
Futurama Shut up and take my money 1oz - $45
From glass panther
vintage coke bar 1oz $65
2014 icg panda $42
St. Lucia 1 oz lizard 🦎 $35
Trump wanted $33
USPS priority box /envelope $10
USPS 1st class $6 up to 7 oz
Risky envelope shipping $2
I take Zelle and Venmo Cash App and Mailed Cash and small gold or 1 goldbacks @3.75
I make excellent packages but after I drop it off it is the responsibility of USPS
submitted by OrganizationFalse668 to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:46 wuweidude Toyota Tacoma catalytic converter issue

Toyota Tacoma catalytic converter issue
Toyota Tacoma catalytic converter code
Hey y’all I have a 1996 toyota Tacoma regular cab, and it’s great the only issue I have is the code P0420 catalyst system efficiency below threshold bank 1, I know it’s not critical I’ve driven with it on for 2-3 years then eventually the catalytic converter corrodes, one time a piece fell off and got lodged in the cat and had to get it towed to repair, I replaced the catalytic earlier next time, now I’m not my fourth catalytic converter over 8 years, would like to solve the problem but my mechanic doesn’t think he can’t solve it, any of y’all ever had issues withthe cat? I’m thinking the engine is running rich and sending exhaust the cat can’t quite process, don’t know how to make the engine run cleaner, nothing major here just wondering if any of y’all had similar issue with catalytic converter, maybe 2-3 years is normal lifespan? Thanks
submitted by wuweidude to ToyotaTacoma [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:07 Few-Amphibian-6875 Permit for bathroom repair, remodel and electric upgrades

I bought a 60 yr old home in fremont. The latest permit on this home was in 1996. I believe water heater was installed without permits, kitchen looks decent and I don't know whether it has permits and same goes for copper plumbing pipes + ducts. I am doing below upgrades and repairs and I am not sure whether I should get permits for all things at once. Because permits will take time , more money and also the inspection could reveal some unidentified violations that will need extra $$ to repair and delay the work.
  1. Remodel the bathrooms with no changes to plumbing, electricity.
  2. Fix the water leakage in stall shower by replacing the subfloor
  3. Replace old power outlets with new one
  4. Add grounding to power outlets
  5. Replace old sub panel with new one with more breakers
  6. Move main electric panel beyond 3 ft from gas meter
  7. Upgrade recessed lights
  8. Replace gas furnace and install new AC
I am planning to get licensed contractor to do electric repairs and get permits and for the rest I will go without permits. What are the downside of doing this?
submitted by Few-Amphibian-6875 to bayarea [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:04 HappyCalculations420 Every Horror Movie I’ve Ever Seen, Ranked, Updated May 2024

DISCLAIMER: I am a teenager. It is just my opinion. Obviously if you are an adult, I’m not going to be as experienced in this genre as you so please keep that in mind when you comment. Also, there are some remakes of classic horror films on here. I only put one version of each movie on the list. However, I have most likely seen both versions. Keep this in mind as well. I do want suggestions, so suggest down below. Ask me why I put this movie there, I'll answer.
  1. Promising Young Woman (2020)
  2. Talk To Me (2023)
  3. Fresh (2022)
  4. Don’t Worry Darling (2022)
  5. Death Note (2017)
  6. Saltburn (2023)
  7. Beau Is Afraid (2023)
  8. Hereditary (2018)
  9. I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020)
  10. The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
  11. Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
  12. Pearl (2022)
  13. The Babysitter (2017)
  14. Glass (2019)
  15. Joker (2019)
  16. Late Night With the Devil (2024)
  17. Cheap Thrills (2013)
  18. Vivarium (2019)
  19. Split (2017)
  20. Spree (2020)
  21. The Platform (2019)
  22. IT CHAPTER TWO (2019)
  23. Sorry To Bother You (2018)
  24. White Noise (2022)
  25. Creep 2 (2017)
  26. Creep (2015)
  27. IT (2017)
  28. Circle (2015)
  29. The Black Phone (2021)
  30. The Belko Experiment (2017)
  31. Saw X (2023)
  32. Dream Scenario (2023)
  33. Civil War (2024)
  34. Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
  35. Mom and Dad (2017)
  36. Poor Things (2023)
  37. The Lobster (2016)
  38. The Florida Project (2017)
  39. The Final (2010)
  40. Thanksgiving (2023)
  41. Exam (2009)
  42. Bird Box Barcelona (2023)
  43. Who Invited Them (2022)
  44. Bird Box (2018)
  45. Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
  46. mother! (2017)
  47. The House That Jack Built (2018)
  48. The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
  49. Eighth Grade (2018)
  50. Ma (2019)
  51. First Reformed (2017)
  52. Black Swan (2010)
  53. Ready Or Not (2019)
  54. Would You Rather (2013)
  55. Terrifier (2018)
  56. Saw IV (2007)
  57. Coraline (2009)
  58. Cam (2018)
  59. 9 (2009)
  60. Triangle (2009)
  61. Saw V (2008)
  62. Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
  63. Happy Death Day (2017)
  64. Evil Dead Rise (2023)
  65. Terrifier 2 (2022)
  66. The Loved Ones (2009)
  67. 13 Sins (2014)
  68. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 (2021)
  69. The Forever Purge (2021)
  70. Scream 4 (2011)
  71. The Purge: Election Year (2016)
  72. The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
  73. The Purge (2013)
  74. The Gift (2015)
  75. Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
  76. Scream 6 (2023)
  77. The Truman Show (1998)
  78. Synecdoche, New York (2008)
  79. Scream 2 (1997)
  80. Scream 3 (2000)
  81. Priscilla (2023)
  82. Unfriended (2014)
  83. American Psycho (2000)
  84. Scream (1996)
  85. Infinity Pool (2023)
  86. M3gan (2023)
  87. Truth Or Dare? (2018)
  88. Smile (2022)
  89. Se7en (1995)
  90. Blue Velvet (1986)
  91. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  92. Saw II (2005)
  93. Saw III (2006)
  94. Cube (1997)
  95. Saw (2004)
  96. Doctor Sleep (2019)
  97. The Exorcist: Believer (2023)
  98. Donnie Darko (2001)
  99. Orphan: First Kill (2022)
  100. Orphan (2009)
  101. Girl In the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez (2021)
  102. The Shining (1980)
  103. Arrival (2016)
  104. Barbarian (2022)
  105. Us (2019)
  106. The Exorcist (1973)
  107. Halloween (2018)
  108. Halloween Kills (2021)
  109. It Follows (2015)
  110. Nope (2022)
  111. X (2022)
  112. The Babadook (2014)
  113. Ex Machina (2015)
  114. Five Nights At Freddy’s (2023)
  115. A Haunting In Venice (2023)
  116. Carrie (2013)
  117. Beetlejuice (1988)
  118. Hocus Pocus (1993)
  119. Escape Room (2019)
  120. The Menu (2022)
  121. Scary Movie (2000)
  122. Fear, Inc. (2016)
  123. The Cabin In the Woods (2011)
  124. Malignant (2021)
  125. Blue Ruin (2013)
  126. Boy Kills World (2024)
  127. The Reverent (2015)
  128. Midsommar (2019)
  129. The Night House (2020)
  130. Melancholia (2011)
  131. Imaginary (2024)
  132. Bite (2015)
  133. Cujo (1983)
  134. Get Out (2017)
  135. Scream 5 (2020)
  136. A Dark Song (2016)
  137. Signs (2008)
  138. The Nun II (2023)
  139. The First Purge (2018)
  140. The Village (2004)
  141. Ouija (2014)
  142. Abigail (2024)
  143. Evil Dead (2013)
  144. Night Swim (2024)
  145. Scary Movie 2 (2001)
  146. The Conjuring (2013)
  147. The Nun (2018)
  148. Saw VI (2009)
  149. Saw VII (2010)
  150. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
  151. Sasquatch Sunset (2024)
  152. Monkey Man (2024)
  153. Fear Street Part 2: 1978 (2021)
  154. Tusk (2014)
  155. A Quiet Place (2018)
  156. Scary Movie 3 (2003)
  157. Unbreakable (2000)
  158. Fear Street Part 3: 1666 (2021)
submitted by HappyCalculations420 to horror [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:37 fishin0103 First truck maybe ? 2007 1500 Crew Cab · LS Pickup 4D 5 3/4 ft

First truck maybe ? 2007 1500 Crew Cab · LS Pickup 4D 5 3/4 ft
4.8L V8, 139k on engine and transmission, 249k on body, 342 gears in the rear so 22-24mpg as the owner of 10 years says
I am 16 and am wanting to buy a truck and this trucks mpg kinda latches me to wanting to buy it aside from liking the condition and looks. I am headed to college in September so 1 hour highway driving round trip I know a small car would be gas efficient but this trucks mpg sounds good giving me an alternative. I have 20k saved up and would eventually also like to put off-roading tires and a lift on it.
What do you guys think about it and reliability, should I get it or stay away from it. Id also have to really convince my dad to let me buy it and help me check it out in person to make sure it’s good since he’d just like for me to drive a smaller car for gas efficiency. Also does anyone know how to tell if it’s 4x4 or just by asking the owner? If it’s not 4x4 I probably wouldn’t get it.
submitted by fishin0103 to ChevyTrucks [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:20 fixtheblue [Schedule] Ender's Saga #4 Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card

Calling all Ender fans the saga continues here on bookclub with book 4, Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card. Myself and u/zenzerothyme would like to invite you to join us in June.
Missed the previous book discussions? No problem the links are listed below and discussions never close! - Book 1 - Ender's Game - Book 2 - Speaker for the Dead - Book 3 - Xenocide
The bookblurb
Children of the Mind (1996) is the fourth novel of Orson Scott Card's popular Ender's Game series of science fiction novels that focus on the character Ender Wiggin. This book was originally the second half of Xenocide, before it was split into two novels
At the start of Children of the Mind, Jane, the evolved computer intelligence, is using her newly discovered abilities to take the races of buggers, humans and pequeninos outside the universe and back instantaneously. She uses these powers to move them to distant habitable planets for colonization. She is losing her memory and concentration as the vast computer network connected to the ansible is being shut down. If she is to survive, she must find a way to transfer her aiúa (or soul) to a human body.
Discussion Schedule
  • Jun. 4 - Start through Section 4.
  • Jun. 11 - Section 5 through Section 7
  • Jun. 18 - Section 8 through Section 12
  • Jun. 25 - Section 13 through End ***** Will you be joining us? 📚
submitted by fixtheblue to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:55 Knockdromin Ranking the Prison Break’s


Sona 1 Status; failed. Failed because cloud cover moved in to ensure the tower guard was no longer blinded by the sun. This was a suicidal escape plan. Scale down the wall in broad daylight and run for the fence - the last person who attempted that was gunned down by the tower guards. This plan would have required massive amounts of luck to work.
Rating; 2/10. A shot in the dark but in broad daylight; there were so many reasons this could have not only failed but resulted in death.


Ogygia 2 Status; Successful* Dumb luck, the guards abandoned the prison so they would have escaped anyway. However, points awarded as Michael saved his crew (and Abu Ramahl) from certain death.
Rating; 3/10.


Ogygia 1 Status; failed. Sloppy execution as things got so frantic, they were spotted by the other inmate who tried to get him and his brother included and that slowed things down and they hadn’t moved far enough along by the time the guards realised what was happening. Unlucky rather than poorly planned but not the most difficult technically; up through the vent over the cell which conveniently leads straight to the roof.
Rating; 5/10, one of the easier escapes but foiled by bad luck.


Fox River 2 Status; successful. Very messy but very lucky. Too many members, Westmoreland died, Manche didn’t make it over the wall. Haywire gatecrashed it halfway through. And Tweener - who Michael should’t have trusted - blew the whistle and told Bellick. None of it would have been possible without the direct intervention of Sara.
Rating; 6/10 - it was a solid plan but Michael benefitted from a massive amount of luck. The failed escape was better executed but unlucky. This was sloppy but lucky.


Sona 2; Status; successful. Well executed plan. Tunnel their way out taking full advantage of the fact the guards aren’t present inside the prison. Only for the heavy rainfall it would have probably gone off without a hitch - how long would it have taken for the guards have even realised they were gone? Some luck involved though that none of the four who escaped were spotted under the prison vehicles when they were waiting for their moment to make a break for the fence.
Rating; 7/10 - technically the easiest on account of the lack of prison guards in the prison. But well executed overall.


Fox River escape 1 Status; failed. Solid plan and only for a maintenance worker noticing the corroded pipe through the gate it might have worked. They would have gotten up into the infirmary but would they have been able to get the bars off the infirmary window? They would have been locked in the infirmary room so the fire hose and elevator plan wouldn’t have worked. But maybe Michael’s original plan had a solution to this problem.
Rating; 8/10 - one mark lost for the question of how to get the bars off the window; one for the maintenance man noticing the pipe.


Miami Dade women’s prison. Status; successful. Not only did he break Sara out but he also successfully broke in. Once in it all went to plan. A bit of luck involved that Sara understood what he meant when they spoke (asked her to pray for them a.k.a. go to the chapel). Probably the only escape that went to plan, even including Michael’s masterful manipulation of T-Bag in order to fool him into assisting the escape. Best team effort as well with Mahone, Lincoln, Sucre but they did have the benefit of planning from the outside.
Rating; 10/10. All went to plan, even if it meant Michael had to “die”.
submitted by Knockdromin to PrisonBreak [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:13 awjeezrickyaknow Album of the Year 1997 Lifesaver Round

Here are your eight albums that made it!
  1. Radiohead - OK Computer
  2. Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West
  3. Bjork - Homogenic
  4. Elliott Smith - EitheOr
  5. Portishead - Portishead
  6. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - F♯A♯∞
  7. Deftones - Around the Fur
  8. Ween - The Mollusk
Lifesaver Round time! Click on the link below to vote for up to 4 albums to make it in! You can also check out the results below.


Bracket 1 Results
Bracket 2 Results
PREVIOUS AOTY WINNERS (Click to view full event)
PREVIOUS AOTD WINNERS (Click to view full event)
submitted by awjeezrickyaknow to music_survivor [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:02 nukleabomb Forza Motorsport Update 8.0 Release Notes – May 13, 2024

Today’s update introduces new fixes and experience improvements to Forza Motorsport, including tweaks to how Safety Ratings are calculated in Featured Multiplayer, a gloss-matte slider in the Livery Editor, a new Tire Wear scale option for Free Play and Private Multiplayer, and changes to Drivatar AI braking behavior.
Update 8 is headlined by the Track Toys Tour alongside its Spotlight cars – three of which are either new or returning to Motorsport – that you can race in weekly events across Career, Multiplayer and Rivals. We’ve also added Mobil 1 track signage at Maple Valley, placed a barrier along the pit exit at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, and reset leaderboards for Le Mans layouts following changes made to the track in the previous update.
In addition, starting with Update 8, players with VIP Membership can look forward to an exclusive 15% discount on a car every week in the Showroom, which will now be available alongside the Spotlight cars and the month-long VIP discount car.
Below is a summary of new content and features, as well as items fixed or improved in Update 8:

Game Content, Features and Events [All Platforms]

Career Events
Reward Cars
Spotlight Cars
VIP Discount Cars

Multiplayer Events

Spec Series
Open Series
Spotlight Series
Rivals Events

Bug Fixes and Improvements

Stability [All Platforms]
Gameplay [All Platforms]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
Featured Multiplayer Spec SeriesCar NameChange Summary Forza GT Series2019 Ginetta G55 GT4Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series1997 McLaren F1 GTIncreased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series1997 Porsche 911 GT1 StrassenversionIncreased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series1989 Ferrari F40 CompetizioneIncreased power 10% Weight decreased 2%

Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Tracks [All Platforms]
Cars [All Platforms]
Livery Editor [All Platforms]
Accessibility [All Platforms]
Localization [All Platforms]
submitted by nukleabomb to forza [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:45 justanothergothgal I Finally Have My First Gen 1 ☺️

I Finally Have My First Gen 1 ☺️
I bought a small lot of 3 untested Tamas. One is a Angelgotchi with a stripped screw so i have to get into it to test it. One is a tiny pink one (I will include a picture) who I have ordered batteries for. This one is working perfectly. I think it's a gen one. It says 1996 on the back and is Japanese language.
I think my parents went for a cheaper version back when I was 8, so this guy is my first ever gen one.
submitted by justanothergothgal to tamagotchi [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:19 scauk Daz Ellis (Undercover Agent/Splash) tribute set

Hi all,
As you may or may not know, we lost a legend of our scene on 20th March 2024: Daren (Daz) Ellis, AKA Undercover Agent and Splash. I dedicated my weekly radio show to him a couple of weeks ago, playing only his tunes (including some remixes of his tunes) over a three-hour set, and I wanted to share it with you all: Daz Ellis tribute vinyl set.
Most of his tunes straddle that time when drum n bass was emerging as a distinct sound from original jungle; you can really hear the sound changing from the mashed up jungle beats of 1994 to the more regulated 2-step drum pattern beats of 1996/7 and beyond (the tunes are not in chronological order but you can generally tell which tunes are earlielater). The tunes are probably considered a mix of 'late original jungle' and 'early drum n bass' depending on who you ask so I do believe this adheres to rule #2 "Keep it Jungle". Main point is, they are all badboy tunes and archetypal of the period.
My personal favourite is the Jah Works alternative studio mix around the 1:33 mark. Excellent drum programming, clean and interesting samples and effects, and a nice bouncing bassline. Looking forward to playing this tune out next time I have a set of this era.
This post is not about self promotion, more about sharing the love for this legend and sharing his tunes with everyone. I really enjoyed recording this live show (thankfully most of the mixes are just about passable) and I hope you enjoy listening!
1 M.T.S. – Inspiration ('95 Original Remastered)
2 Undercover Agent – Bass Kick Mix 2 ('96 Exclusive Unreleased Version From DAT)
3 M.T.S. – Baad Boy Sound ('95 VIP From DAT (Unreleased))
4 Undercover Agent – Dangerous ('96 Original Remastered)
5 Splash Collective – Rebels (12") (1998)
6 Undercover Agent – Dub Plate Circles ('96 Original Remastered)
7 Daz Ellis – Identity (Daz VIP Version) (Unreleased) (1995)
8 Undercover Agent & The Kriminal – World Mash Up (Original '95 Studio Master)
9 Undercover Agent – Oh Gosh! (12") (1995)
10 M.T.S. – Assembly Line (Remastered 95 Original Version)
11 Undercover Agent – Rougher Pt.3 ('94 Original Remastered)
12 M.T.S. – Brothers & Sisters ('95 Original Remastered)
13 M.T.S. – Revolution ('96 Original Remastered)
14 M.T.S. – Hard Disk (12") (1996)
15 Undercover Agent – The Instrumental (12") (1995)
16 Splash – Babylon (DJ Trace Remix) (12") (1995 (2008 repress))
17 Undercover Agent – Hypnosis (Remix) (Remastered 97 Original Version)
18 Undercover Agent – Warriors (12") (1997)
19 Undercover Agent – Rougher (X Nation Remix) (2022)
20 Undercover Agent & The Kriminal – Jah Works (Exclusive '95 Alternative Studio Mix (Unreleased))"
21 Splash Collective – Tiger Shark (12") (1998)
22 Undercover Agent – Five Tones (97 Daz VIP Mix (Unreleased))
23 Undercover Agent – Understand (12") (2002)
24 Undercover Agent – Slaughter (Remix) (12") (1999)
25 Splash – Babylon (12") (1995 (2008 repress))
26 Undercover Agent – Barracuda (Original 94 Remaster)
27 Undercover Agent – Oh Gosh! (Daz' 95 Dubplate (Unreleased))
28 Daz Ellis – Liquidizer (Splash 005 Dubplate 1995) (Unreleased)
29 Undercover Agent – Dream (96 Dub Mix) (Previously Unreleased)
30 Undercover Agent – Hypnosis (12") (1997)
31 M.T.S. – International (12") (1996)
32 Undercover Agent – Searchlight (12") (1999)
33 M.T.S. – Hard Disk (DJ Zinc Remix VIP Dubplate (Unreleased)) (1996)
34 Undercover Agent – Oh Gosh! (B-Key Remix) (2022)
submitted by scauk to jungle [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:52 Familiar-Awareness12 2024 Chicago Sky opening roster

Both Chennedy Carter and Kysre Gondrezick are listed.
submitted by Familiar-Awareness12 to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:14 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 124 offenders executed by the state of Oklahoma since the 1970s (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 2, cases 63-124]

This is the second half of my list for Oklahoma's execution roster. As mentioned in the first part, I broke it in half to comply with reddit's character limitations. For the link to part 1, please click here.
The currently executed 124 offenders, cases 63-124:
63. Robert Knighton (~1960s-2003, lethal injection): In 1973, after being released from a 1968 armed robbery conviction, Knighton went on his first major crime spree. He stabbed and strangled several men and women during many robberies and home invasions. The only victim that was killed, 32 year old Coffier Day, was shot dead while Knighton was arguing with him in his home. Coffier's father, 53 year old Claude, was also injured in the shooting. Knighton's first crime spree ended when he kidnapped a married couple and their 6 year old daughter. They escaped when the wife and mother of the family attacked Knighton with a knife to protect her husband and daughter. The family then notified the police of their abduction. Knighton managed to secure a 30 year manslaughter conviction and a 10 year armed robbery conviction with a plea deal, and was released to a halfway house in 1989. There, he began dating a female addict and befriended a teenage boy. The trio embarked on a nationwide robbery spree together. In Missouri, they shot and killed 59 year old Frank Merrifield and his 40 year old stepson Roy Donahue while robbing their home, and stole guns and money from them. In Oklahoma, the trio fatally shot a couple, 64 year old Virginia and 62 year old Richard Denney, while carjacking them. Their rampage ended when a woman in Texas grow suspicious of them circling a neighborhood. Knighton had a long history of theft convictions dating back to his childhood, and joined the Aryan Brotherhood in prison. Behind bars, he frequently attacked black and Native American inmates out of racial hatred for them.
64. Kenneth Charm (1993-2003, lethal injection): Charm and his teenage cousin lured a family friend, 14 year old Brandy Hill, into their car. They raped Hill and tried strangling her with a towel. When that failed, the cousins bludgeoned her to death with a sledgehammer.
65. Lewis Gilbert II (1994-2003, lethal injection): Gilbert and his teenage accomplice committed at least 4 robbery murders in Missouri, Ohio, and Oklahoma, but he was executed for the killing of 37 year old Roxanne Ruddell. They ambushed and kidnapped Ruddell while she was fishing alone. She was robbed of $3 and her truck, tied to a tree, and shot to death. The pair also fatally shot Ruth Loader, a 79 year old Ohioan woman, while abducting her from her residence, and gunned down a Missouri couple, 86 year old William and 76 year old Flossie Brewer, in their home. Gilbert was also sentenced to death for the Brewer murders by the state of Missouri, but was incarcerated in Oklahoma State Penitentiary’s death row.
66. Robert Duckett (~1980s-2003, lethal injection): After breaking out of prison, Duckett was picked up hitchhiking by John Howard, a 53 year old store owner. Howard agreed to let Duckett stay with him until he could find a job. The pair soon had a failing out, and Duckett was evicted by his host. He retaliated by tying Howard up with wire and then beating him to death with a fireplace poker. Duckett made off with his car after he switched the license plates, and took several bank bags from his store. He had a long violent criminal history, which included several incidents of assault and robbery. One of the incidents involved the beating of an 83 year old man. Allegedly, Duckett was previously gang-raped by other inmates, and suffered from PTSD from the incident. His attorneys claimed that Howard’s sexual advances trigged those memories, and he was killed as a result of Duckett lashing out at them. However, the prosecution shot the argument down, citing that the murder happened after Duckett was evicted from the apartment.
67. Bryan Toles (1993-2003, lethal injection): Toles and his two accomplices forced themselves into the home of the Franceschi family, and shot and killed the family patriarch, 39 year old Juan, in a struggle. Juan's son, 15 year old Lonnie, was also murdered "execution style" out of fear that he could identify Toles and his accomplices. The only survivor of the attack was Norma, Juan's wife and Lonnie's mother, who escaped by hiding in her older daughter's bedroom.
68. Jackie Willingham (1994-2003, lethal injection): Willingham was a door to door salesman selling perfume in an office building. One women, 62 year old Jayne Van Wey, he tried to solicit rejected him despite his repeated offers. Angered by her "rude behavior", Willingham attacked Van Wey when they had a chance encounter near the building's restroom. He dragged Van Wey out of a stall after following her inside, slammed her head against the bathroom wall several times, and kicked her head. Reportedly, Van Wey choked to death on her own blood.
69. Harold McElmurry III (1999-2003, lethal injection): While under the influence of meth, McElmurry and his wife Vicki broke into a home that a WW2 veteran, 80 year old Robert Pendley, shared with his wife, 75 year old Rosa. Robert and Rosa were both quickly subdued and physically restrained by the couple. McElmurry clubbed Robert to death with a pipe in front of Rosa, who was forced to watch by Vicki. Vicki then held Rosa down as McElmurry stabbed her several times with scissors. After killing the Pendleys, the McElmurrys fled with $70 in cash, a pair of guns, and the victims' car. A few days after the murders, they were captured by border agents while trying to cross into Mexico.
70. Tyrone Darks (~1990s-2004, lethal injection): Darks rammed his ex wife, 26 year old Sherry Goodlow, off the road as she was driving with their 2 year old son. After Goodlow crashed, Darks pulled their son out of the wreckage, shot her to death, and then drove away with him. Just before she succumbed to her injuries, Goodlow managed to call and notify the police about her son’s abduction. The police confronted and arrested Darks at his home, and they found the boy unharmed in their search. Darks and Goodlow’s former marriage was marred with violence, and he was arrested on numerous occasions for assaulting her. On death row, Darks was involved in a scheme to defraud a foundation for 9/11 survivors.
71. Norman Cleary (~1980s-2004, lethal injection): While burglarizing an upper class home with an accomplice, Cleary shot and killed a housekeeper, 44 year old Wanda Neafus, and took her purse and a cane that her employers purchased from the Smithsonian Institution. Cleary had a long criminal history and was previously convicted of beating an 87 year old woman in her home.
72. David Brown (~1983-2004, lethal injection): For several years, Brown violently harassed his ex wife and her family. In one incident, Brown abducted his ex wife and 11 of her customers from a beauty saloon she owned, and held them hostage until he surrendered to police. He was able to leave custody on bond and went into hiding. A few years after the hostage crisis incident, Brown broke into his ex wife's family home and gunned down her father, 47 year old Eldon McGuire.
73. Hung Thanh Le (1992-2004, lethal injection): Le crept into the apartment of another Vietnamese refugee, 34 year old Hai Nguyen, and found him watching TV on the couch. He struck Nguyen from behind with a weightlifting bar, and continued stabbing him with a meat cleaver when he screamed his wife for help. Nguyen's wife phoned the police, and Le fled with the couple's safety deposit box that contained $36,000 and their wedding ring.
74. Robert Bryan (1993-2004, lethal injection): Bryan shot and killed his estranged aunt, 69 year old Mildred, dumped her body on his parents' property, and forged a $1,800 check to himself under her name.
75. Windel Workman (~1980s(?)-2004, lethal injection): Workman beat his girlfriend's daughter, 2 year old Amanda Holman, to death while babysitting her in their home. His ex wives reported that he had a history of child abuse and often violently spanked their children during their marriages.
76. Jimmie Slaughter (1991-2005, lethal injection): Fearing that she was going to tell his wife of their affair, Slaughter stabbed and shot his ex girlfriend, 29 year old Melody Wuertz, and their daughter, 1 year old Jessica. According to court documents, Slaughter mutilated both of their bodies, and he carved an "R" on Melody's stomach. He tried pinning the murders on a black man, but the investigators and the courts dismissed his allegations.
77. George Miller Jr. (1994-2005, lethal injection): During the robbery of a hotel, Miller attacked the auditor, 25 year old Kent Dodd, with a hedge shear and paint cans, and took $122 from the register. Dodd was severely beaten, had muriatic acid shoved down his throat, and was left to die. Just before he died of his injuries, Dodd gave a description of his attacker to the police that matched Miller. A massive amount of circumstantial evidence, such as wearing shoes that resembled the bloodstained footprints next to Dodd's body, a microscopic drop of blood found on his shoes that was tentatively linked to Dodd, his wife's testimony of his unaccounted absence from their home during the murder, and what appeared to be Dodd writing Miller's alias that he knew him by in his own blood, convicted him. Miller’s friends also reported that he was broke and begging them for money a day before the murder, and his wife mentioned him giving her the same amount of money that was stolen from the robbery a day after it happened.
78. Michael Pennington (1991-2005, lethal injection): Pennington shot and killed a clerk, 20 year old Bradley Grooms, while trying to rob a 7-eleven grocery store. He left empty handed when the register failed to open.
79. Kenneth Turrentine (1994-2005, lethal injection): Under the belief that they were stealing money from him for drugs, Turrentine shot and killed his sister, 48 year old Avon Stevenson, and his girlfriend, 39 year old Anita Richardson, during confrontations in their homes. He also gunned down Anita's two children, 22 year old Tina Pennington and 13 year old Martise.
80. Richard Thornburg Jr. (1996-2006, lethal injection): A month after he was shot by an unknown assailant, Thornburg and his accomplices sought revenge by abducting 5 men that he thought was responsible from a trailer. Three of the hostages, 51 year old James Poteet, 39 year old Tery Sheppard, and 24 year old Kieth Smith, were gunned down on the spot, and Thornberg forced the fourth to shoot the fifth with the threat of killing him if he didn’t comply. They then burned down the trailer with the wounded fifth victim still trapped inside, but he managed to escape with his life. Despite being forced to put all the blame on himself in exchange for being spared, the fourth hostage still went forward to the police.
81. John Boltz (1984-2006, lethal injection): To spite his estranged wife following an argument, Boltz attacked her son, 23 year old Doug Kirby, with a knife. Kirby was stabbed a total of 11 times, and he received several fatal wounds to his chest, stomach, and neck.
82. Eric Patton (1994-2006, lethal injection): Patton forced his way into the home of 56 year old Charlene Kauer after she refused his pleading for money. After dragging her around the house as he searched for valuables, Patton stabbed Kauer several times with many different blades objects at hand such as scissors, barbecue forks, and kitchen knifes. Although he confessed to the murder, Patton blamed it on alleged demonic possession and his cocaine addiction.
83. James Malicoat (1997-2006, lethal injection): Malicoat slammed Tessa Leadford, his 13 month old daughter, against a dresser. After she died from the beating, he tucked her into bed, and waited until his daughter's mother returned from work to take her to the hospital. The doctors found that Leadford had been dead for several hours at the time of her arrival, and discovered several injuries such as broken ribs, bite marks, abdominal bleeding, and facial bruising on her body. By his own account, he had abused Leadford on a daily basis. For her role in enabling her boyfriend's treatment of their daughter, Leadford's mother was convicted of first degree murder and given a life sentence.
84. Corey Hamilton (1992-2007, lethal injection): During the robbery of a restaurant, Hamilton shot and killed 4 employees, 26 year old Sandy Lara, 24 year old Stephen Williams, 19 year old Ted Kindley, and 17 year old Joseph Gooch, and made off with $2,000.
85. Jimmy Bland (~1975-2007, lethal injection): Bland shot his boss, 62 year old Doyle Rains, in the head over an argument regarding a borrowed car and dumped the body in a creek. He was previously convicted of killing a soldier, Raymond Prentice (age unknown), and abducting the man's wife and son at the age of 19. Bland served a 20 out of 60 year sentence, and murdered Rains a year after he was released.
86. Frank Welch (~1987-2008, lethal injection): In 1987, Welch attacked 28 year old Jo Cooper, who was 4 months pregnant with her second child, in her home. She was tied up with leather straps, raped and violated with plastic toys, and strangled to death. Cooper’s body was found laying near her infant son by her husband. Another woman, 32 year old Debra Stevens, was also bound, raped, and strangled to death in her home in a near identical fashion a few months later. Although both murders went unsolved for several years, Welch abducted and raped a woman in 1994, and he received a 45 year sentence for it. His DNA samples was collected and filed after his abduction conviction, and linked to both Cooper and Stevens’ murders in a 1997 test.
87. Terry Short (1995-2008, lethal injection): In an attempt to kill his ex girlfriend, Short blew up her apartment complex with a firebomb. She and her family managed to escape, but the blast killed Ken Yamamoto, a 22 year old Japanese exchange student. Yamamoto had no connections to the targeted ex girlfriend's family beyond him having the misfortune of residing in the same apartment.
88. Jessie Cummings Jr. (1991-2009, lethal injection): Cummings was a polygamist that had married and lived with two wives. Under his orders, Cummings’ wives shot and killed his estranged half sister, 46 year old Judy Mayo, and kidnapped her daughter, 11 year old Melissa. He bound his niece to his bed with handcuffs to be raped, and stabbed her to death.
89. Darwin Brown (1995-2009, lethal injection): While robbing a grocery store with three accomplices (including Billy Alverson and Michael Wilson), Brown tied up the clerk, 30 year old Richard Yost, with handcuffs, and then bludgeoned him death with a metal baseball bat. The killing was caught by security cameras, and the footage was used by the prosecution to secure the convictions of Brown and his accomplices.
90. Donald Gilson (1995-2009, lethal injection): Gilson routinely physically abused his live in girlfriend's 5 children (who were all between the ages of 8 and 12 years old). The youngest, 8 year old Shane Coffman, was beaten to death with a board for defecating on the living room carpet. He and his girlfriend then hid the body by stuffing it in a freezer. The body was kept inside it for 6 months until it was discovered by a sheriff's deputy investigating the family's abuse allegations. Gilson's girlfriend was spared the death penalty with a plea deal, and given a life sentence without the possibility of parole for her part in her son's abuse and murder.
91. Michael DeLozier (1995-2009, lethal injection): While camping with his friends, DeLozier ambushed another pair of campers, 60 year old Orville Bullard and 54 year old Paul Morgan, and shot them to death. They stole Morgan and Bullard's generator, pick up truck, and other camping gear. To cover up their tracks, DeLozier and his friends set their victims' campsite on fire, and severely burned the bodies.
92. Julius Young (1993-2010, lethal injection): For breaking off their relationship, Young beat his ex girlfriend, 20 year old Joyland Morgan and her 6 year old son Kewan, to death with a baseball bat in their apartment.
93. Donald Wackerly II (1996-2010, lethal injection): Wackerly and his wife ambushed and gunned down Pan Sayakhoummane, a 51 year old Laotian immigrant, while he was fishing in the Arkansas River. After he placed Sayakhoummane's body in the man’s own truck, he pushed into a river, and stole his fishing gear. A few months after the murder, Wackerly’s wife turned him in to the police.
94. John Duty (~1970s-2010, lethal injection): Duty was given a life sentence for abducting, raping, and non fatally shooting a female store clerk during a robbery. While incarcerated, he tricked a fellow inmate, 22 year old Curtis Wise Jr. into allowing himself to be tied up as a part of a hostage ruse, and then strangled him to death with shoelaces. At the time of his murder, Wise was serving a conviction for burglary and contributing to the delinquency of minors. Duty's execution caused some controversy for the use of pentobarbital, a drug more commonly utilized by veterinarians to euthanize pets.
95. Billy Alverson (1995-2011, lethal injection): Alverson assisted the above mentioned Darwin Brown and Micheal Wilson in the beating death of Richard Yost while robbing a convenience store.
96. Jeffrey Matthews (1994-2011, lethal injection): Matthews and his accomplice shot and killed his great uncle, 77 year old Otis Short, while robbing the man's home. In the robbery, they stole Short's truck, his .32 calibre pistol, and $500. The pair also slit the throat of Short's wife, but she survived her injuries.
97. Gary Welch (~1993-2011, lethal injection): During a fight over a drug shipment, Welch and his partner stabbed another dealer, 32 year old Robert Hardcastle, to death with broken glass bottles. He was previously convicted of battery with a deadly weapon, and was off on probation at the time of Hardcastle's murder.
98. Timothy Stemple (1996-2012, lethal injection): Stemple conspired with his girlfriend to murder his wife, 30 year old Trisha, for her life insurance policy. With the help of his girlfriend's 16 year old nephew or cousin [sources vary], Stemple beat Trisha with a baseball bat, and rammed her to death with his truck.
99. Michael Selsor (~1975-2012, lethal injection): Selsor and his accomplice went on a crime spree and robbed several convenience stores. During their robberies, the pair shot and killed two clerks, 55 year old Clayton Chandler and 20 year old Ina Morris, and injured two others in shooting and stabbing attacks.
100. Michael Hooper (~1992-2012, lethal injection): Hooper kidnapped his ex girlfriend, 23 year old Cynthia Jarman, and her children, 5 year old Timothy and 3 year old Tonya, from her boyfriend's residence. He shot all three of them dead, and buried the bodies in a rancher's field. According to court documents, Hooper was hyper-violent towards Cynthia in their year long relationship.
101. Garry Allen (1986-2012, lethal injection): Allen shot and killed his fiancee, 24 year old Lawanna Titsworth, during an argument at a day care she worked at. He fought with the responding officers trying to arrest him in an attempt to provoke a "suicide by cop" outcome. Despite the officers' best efforts to avoid harming him, Allen lost his eye from an accidental discharge. Due to claims of him having schizophrenia, Allen's execution was a source of controversy.
102. George Ochoa (~1993-2012, lethal injection): A Southside Locos gang member, Ochoa and another hoodlum shot and killed a couple, 38 year old Francisco Morales and 35 year old Maria Yanez, while burglarizing their home. The murders were witnessed by the couple's 14 year old and 10 year old children and stepchildren, who then phoned the police after the shooters' departure.
103. Steven Thacker (~1980s-2012, lethal injection): Thacker kidnapped 25 year old Laci Hill during a botched robbery of her home, and took her to a remote cabin to be raped. She was then strangled and stabbed to death. He fled to Missouri, fatally stabbed 24 year old Forrest Boyd while carjacking him, and used his car to hide out in Tennessee. After the stolen car broke down, Thacker called a tow truck to pick him up. When the driver, 52 year old Ray Patterson, found that he was using a stolen credit card, Thacker stabbed him to death as well. As a teenager, Thacker committed several acts of auto thefts and burglaries. He also engaged in inappropriate relationships with underaged girls, and was released from a Florida prison after serving time for a bad check conviction months before his murders.
104. James DeRosa (2000-2013, lethal injection): DeRosa and his accomplice tricked a couple, 73 year old Curtis and 70 year old Gloria Plummer, that he worked for on their ranch, into letting them inside their house. After they stabbed the Plummers and slit their throats, DeRosa and his accomplice stole $73 and drove away with their truck.
105. Brian Davis (2001-2013, lethal injection): Davis went searching for his girlfriend and their daughter when he found them missing from their home, and called his girlfriend's mother, 56 year old Josephine Sanford, about their whereabouts. Sanford dropped by the couple's residence after failing to find her daughter and granddaughter. At her arrival, she was raped, beaten, and stabbed to death by Davis. He then left the body in the house, drove off with Sanford’s van, and injured himself in a car accident. As Davis was high while driving, he was arrested for being under the influence. The detaining officers weren’t aware of the murder until Davis’ girlfriend returned to the home later that night, and called 911 after finding her mother’s corpse.
106. Anthony Banks (~1978-2013, lethal injection): In 1978, while robbing a grocery store, Banks shot and killed a clerk, 22 year old David Fremin. A year later, he abducted Sun Travis, a 24 year old South Korean immigrant, from a parking lot. He then sexually assaulted Travis in his car and shot her in the head. Although he was captured and convicted for Fremin's murder, Travis' killing went unsolved until a 1997 DNA test. Banks was originally sentenced to death for Fremin's murder, but it was lifted in favor of a life sentence. He was condemned for a second time after his conviction for Travis' murder.
107. Ronald Lott (~1980s-2013, lethal injection): A sexual predator of elderly women, Lott broke into the homes of 93 year old Zelma Cutler and 83 year old Anna Fowler after cutting off their power. They were tied up with cloth, anally penetrated, beaten, and suffocated to death with pillowcases. The case attracted controversy when another man was erroneously condemned for the murders, and he spent 11 years on death row until a 1997 DNA test linked the murders to Lott. At the time of the discovery, Lott was serving time for two rape convictions.
108. Johnny Black (~1984-2013, lethal injection): Black, two of his brothers, and two other men went looking for a man they feuded with for a fight. While they were crusing on the road, the group encountered a rancher, 54 year old Bill Pogue, and mistook him for their target due to them driving similar vehicles. They forced Poque off the road, pulled him out of his car, and stabbed him a total of 10 times. Pogue's son in law was also dragged out and attacked, but he managed to escape with his life. Black was previously convicted of manslaughter for shooting 49 year old Cecil Martin dead in an argument.
109. Michael Wilson (1995-2014, lethal injection): Wilson was the third participant in the above mentioned beating death of Richard Yost to be executed.
110. Kenneth Hogan (1988-2014, lethal injection): Hogan stabbed 21 year old Lisa Stanley to death while she was babysitting his children. According to autopsy reports, she was stabbed at least 25 times. Stanley had previously accused him of sexual misconduct, and prosecutors believed that she was killed during an argument over the allegations.
111. Clayton Lockett (~1992-2014, lethal injection): Lockett, his cousin, and another accomplice kidnapped 23 year old Bobby Bornt, 18 year old Summer Hair, and Bornt's 9 month son after burglarizing a home. After tying them up with duct tape, they forced their captives to lure a friend, 19 year old Stephanie Neiman, with a phone call. Neiman was also bound and initially survived getting shot multiple times. Out of frustration, Lockett buried her alive, and she succumbed to a combination of suffocation and her injuries. Lockett and his accomplices also gang-raped Hair and beat Bornt, but spared them on the forced condition of their silence. His execution was controversial, as Lockett convulsed for 45 minutes after being injected, and then died from a heart attack. He also had a long criminal history, and was first arrested for burglary as a teenager.
112. Charles Warner (1997-2015, lethal injection): Warner raped his girlfriend's daughter, 11 month old Adriana Waller, and shook her to death. His execution sparked outcry, as the wrong fatal drug was administered by mistake, and Warner complained of "burning pain" as he was being injected. With the botched executions of Lockett and Warner back to back, the state of Oklahoma delayed further executions until 2021.
113. John Grant (~1970s-2021, lethal injection): While serving a 130 year sentence for armed robbery, Grant stabbed a prison cafeteria worker, 58 year old Gay Carter, to death. He had a long criminal history dating back to the ag e of 11, had several previous convictions of theft and armed robbery, and frequently fought with and assaulted other inmates behind bars. Due to reports of "adverse reactions" to the lethal drugs, Grant's execution was scrutinized by a number of national media outlets.
114. Bigler Stouffer II (1985-2021, lethal injection): Stouffer shot and killed his ex girlfriend, 35 year old Linda Reaves, in her boyfriend's home for breaking up with him. Reaves' boyfriend was also seriously injured in the shooting.
115. Donald Grant (2001-2022, lethal injection): During a robbery of a hotel, Grant fatally shot, stabbed, and bludgeoned two employees, 43 year old Felicia Smith and 29 year old Brenda McElyea, and ran off with $1,500. He spent $200 of the stolen on paying for his girlfriend's bail.
116. Gilbert Postelle (~1998-2022, lethal injection): Postelle’s father was badly injured in a motorcycle accident, and they suspected that 57 year old James Anderson, 56 year old Terry Smith, 49 year old Donnie Swindler, and 26 year old Amy Wright were deliberately involved. Out a desire for vengeance, he recruited Postelle, his other son, and another man to kill them. All four victims were fatally gunned down in what was described as a “blitz attack” on their trailer. He was an addict and had several arrests for drug possession and manufacturing dating back to the age of 12.
117. James Coddington (1997-2022, lethal injection): After robbing a grocery store, Coddington went to the home of a friend and co worker, 73 year old Albert Hale, to ask for money. When Hale turned him down, Coddington retaliated by beating him with a claw hammer. Coddington stole $525 and went on to rob 5 more grocery stores. Hale was left alone with his injures for nearly an entire day until he was discovered by his son, and died in the hospital a day later.
118. Benjamin Cole Sr. (2002-2022, lethal injection): Out of anger that her crying interrupted his Nintendo game, Cole beat his daughter from his second wife, 9 month old Brianna, to death. He was previously convicted of abusing his son from a different marriage in California.
119. Richard Fairchild (1996-2023, lethal injection): Fairchild got into a fight with his girlfriend’s 17 year old daughter after making drunken sexual passes at her, and was enraged that she left with a cab driver. He took his anger out on the girl’s younger brother, 3 year old Adam Broomhall, and scalded him with a wall heater. He then repeatedly hit the boy, threw him against a table, and fatally hemorrhaged his head. Bromhall received over 26 blows during the beating.
120. Scott Eizember (2003-2023, lethal injection): Eizember snuck into his ex girlfriend's house to lie in wait for her. However, her roommates, 76 year old A.J. Cantrell and his 70 year old wife Patsy, arrived home earlier then she did. He shot and beat them both to death and then fled the scene.
121. Jemaine Cannon (1995-2023, lethal injection): Cannon was put in prison for assaulting an unidentified woman. He managed to escape and stabbed his girlfriend, 20 year old Sharonda Clark, to death in her apartment.
122. Anthony Sanchez (1996-2023, lethal injection): Sanchez kidnapped 21 year old Jewell Busken from her apartment complex, and then raped and shot her to death. He amassed a following from the anti death penalty movement for claiming that his father was responsible, but such notions were debunked following a 2023 DNA test that concluded Sanchez’s guilt.
123. Phillip Hancock (~1982-2023, lethal injection): In 1982, Hancock shot a drug dealer, 27 year old Charles Warren, dead in a dispute over stolen jewelry and was given a manslaughter conviction for it. He was released after serving a 2 year term. About 17 years later, he shot and killed 58 year old James Lynch III and 37 year old Robert Jett Jr. in a drug house. Despite an eyewitness account describing Lynch and Jett begging for their lives, the case attracted scrutiny when Hancock's attorneys claimed that the shootings were done in self defense.
124. Michael Smith (~2002-2024, lethal injection): A member of the Oak Grove Posse gang, Smith was responsible for two separate fatal shootings on the same day. In one of his murders, he killed Sharath Pulluru, a 24 year old Indian immigrant that worked as a clerk, while robbing a gas station. The other murder occurred when he tried to confront a gang member that he thought was a police informant in his apartment, and gunned down the target’s mother, 40 year old Janet Miller-Moore, when she refused to give away her son’s location. Smith was also given a life sentence for delivering a gun to a shooter that carried out another gang killing.
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